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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3277.789794921875, 1399.5654296875, 4621.22607421875, 2656.858642578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3026.00717578125, 2934.74252734375, 3848.5531269531252, 5351.525050781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "means that monkeys must be\nflown to the United States\nfrom abroad at great expense.\nIt is obviously undesirable to\nhave our vaccine supply de-\npendent on shipments of\nthese animals.\n\nOur situation would be\nmuch better if we had a\nnormal animal cell which\ncould be grown continuously\nin laboratories here, and\nwhich would in turn support\nthe growth of polio virus. A\nfew strains of such cells have\nbeen grown for as long as 16\nmonths, but none has been\nfound which will multiply\nrapidly enough to meet the\nenormous requirements of\nvaccine production.\n\nResearch to find the sort of\nnormal cell we need—and we\nbelieve that eventually we\nwill find it—is going on in\nlaboratories in Boston, Balti-\nmore, Philadelphia, Cleveland,\nMinneapolis, and Berkeley.\n\nFinally, we still have para-\nlytic polio. March of Dimes\naid must be given to the\nthousands of men, women\nand children already stricker\nwho depend on us for help\nWe must be ready to assis’\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2098.29248046875, 96.00401306152344, 3614.882080078125, 1321.5684814453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3870.468845703125, 2951.6658671875, 4694.611476562501, 5336.248195312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "those who Wlii contract purr\nbefore we have sufficient vac-\ncine supplies for all who wish\nto be vaccinated.\n\nIn the last half-dozen years.\nwe have progressed from a\npoint where polio research\nstill seemed to be far from\nproviding successful preven-\ntion of the paralytic disease to\na situation in which millions\nof youngsters already have\nbeen vaccinated and more\nmillions will be in the months\nahead. The achievement has\nbeen without parallel in the\nlong history of medicine.\n\nWhat makes the ceaseless\n\nfight against polio unique, of\ncourse, is that it has been 4\nfight in which you and the\nother millions of American\npeople, through the March of\nDimes, have been part of 4\npartnership with scientists. I!\nshould make you as a con-\ntributor proud of what your\ndimes have accomplished. !'\nshould make us all realize\nwhat tremendous strength w«\nhave to accomplish a majo!\nundertaking, no matter how\ndifficult it may be, once Ww\nset our sights and get to wor!\nvoluntarily.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3670.24448046875, 595.6033061523437, 4460.747707031251, 1315.283107421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The new polio vaccine is be-\ning produced commercially\nby the nation’s leading phar-\nmaceutical houses under rig-\nid scientific standards. Safety\ntests are performed at each\nstep in the process, and any\nbatch of vaccine showing the\npresence of a live virus is\n\ndestroyed in the laboratory.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2164.937107421875, 2931.442966796875, 3008.0296894531252, 5364.028957031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "but a few that show promise\nof effectiveness are being\nthoroughly investigated.\n\nThe delicate testing meth-\nods used in the vaccine field\ntrial have resulted in finding\nscores of hitherto unidentified\nviruses. We call these tiny\nparticles “orphan” viruses. It\nis possible that some may\ncause paralysis. Work must\ngo on toward learning more\nabout them, and toward com-\nbating any that may cause\npolio-like symptoms.\n\nA simple test is still seeded\nAlthough we have made\n\nprevention of paralytic polio,\n\nwe still do not have a simple,\n\naccurate, and rapid diagnostic\ntest for the disease. Such tests\nas are available are extremely\ncomplicated and are per-\nformed only in research lab-\noratories. For that reason,\ninvestigators in many parts of\nthe country are working to\nfind a quick, inexpensive di-\nagnostic test.\n\nThe polio vaccine now be-\ning used in this country is\nmade from virus grown on\ncells of monkey kidney. This\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 199.9613494873047, 2370.572509765625, 1963.3873291015625, 3510.583984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2336.233154296875, 1479.5499267578125, 3110.12939453125, 2451.419189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 352.1526530761719, 3900.601658203125, 1905.4099384765625, 4147.129054687501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The reason is the bias-cut elastic side panels that self-adjust\nto your every motion to give you complete comfort at all\ntimes... no matter how active you are, no matter what size!\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 150.22865295410156, 1047.85791015625, 1916.212646484375, 2013.1170654296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 344.403564453125, 3558.3564453125, 1893.52197265625, 3885.65771484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Won't shift, ride or slide ever!\nPlaytex is the only bra that’s glorious for sports\n_..and glorifies your fashions, too!\n" }, "11": null, "12": null, "13": null, "14": { "bbox": [ 2160.897705078125, 2806.675537109375, 3450.78125, 2896.903076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SPaQpELEG ESPEeSs> (Continued)\n" }, "15": null, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 1436.15625, 4182.17578125, 2030.7357177734375, 5181.109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1867.563712890625, 951.6573408203125, 3211.5405351562504, 3950.958259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "And so, Christmas comes again. With it come\nthe days of music. The beloved carols have |\nblended harmoniously with the wreaths and\nholly in our town squares. Church and home,\nthe country over, were sweetened with melody.\n\nFor, more than any other period in the year,\nChristmas is the time of music.\n\n“O Little Town of Bethlehem” ... “Come\nAll Ye Faithful” ... “Silent Night.” They’re all\npart of this annual emotional experience when\n‘most of us again savor for brief moments the\nclean, clear joyfulness of youth.\n\nThere is another great symphony which re-\nsounds through the Yuletide. There is the con-\ncord of sweetness and strength of a set of famil-\niar words—the story of the Christ Child’s birth\nas told in the Bible. :\n\nThe words are so few, just over 500. It is\nalmost shocking to find the few short para-\n_graphs—not pages—in St. Luke and St. Matthew\nwhich record an event that has forged the shape\nof history.\n| “And there were in the same country, shep-\nherds abiding in the field keeping watch over\n‘their flock by night.\n\n| “And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon\nthem, and the glory of the Lord shone ‘round\n| about them and they were sore afraid.\n\n| “And the angel said unto them, ‘Fear not: for,\n| behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,\n‘which shall be to all people.\n\n“For unto you is born this day in the city of\n|David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”\n\nThe chords swell and diminish. They tinkle\nlike tiny bells of cut glass. They engulf like warm\n\n‘rolling seas of organ music. The chorus carries\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 56.482666015625, 203.694580078125, 900.547119140625, 486.8981018066406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Korean Crown {s\nFound Near Pusan\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5438.0644453125, 580.8640668945312, 6323.8784257812495, 2174.565193359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "‘ng? ' all the crowd of packagc-\nJaden “returress” you'll see only\nap occasional man.\n\n| Also, there are plenty of hu.-\nbands who have learned from\nsad experience that they can’t\nplease the little woman with a\ngift thev choose themselves and\n‘so have resorted to giving her\nmoney and telling her to buy\n, what she wants. You don't know\n‘of any women who have been\npushed into that kind of gift-\n| gi ving, do you?\n\n| No, a woman has no fear of\nbuying her husband something\nhe won’t want because he always\nis enough of a gentleman to act\nas though what she bought him is\njust what he wanted.\n\nMaybe women are harder to\nplease and more calculating\nabout Christmas gifts because\nthey never give up the childish\nhabit of asking each other, “What\ndid you get for Christmas?” and\nshowing off their Christmas loot\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5520.25634765625, 2303.162109375, 7222.2001953125, 4397.5634765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nFROM EACH AND /* f EVERY ONE AT\n\nINDUSTRIAL\n\nPLUMBING & HEATING CO.\n606 Avenue G\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4574.25439453125, 957.8280639648438, 4970.34130859375, 1559.81787109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 151.91249084472656, 3140.571044921875, 1840.3447265625, 5342.3984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\n \n\noy ay the season\nbring life’s brightest\n\nornaments—the Joy of\n\nLoving, the Fun of Giving. j\n\n \n\nFROM ALL THE EMPLOYEES\n\n5. $. KRESGE CO.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5529.90185546875, 4560.95654296875, 7199.818359375, 6751.95166015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\nSLIM'S gg! SERVICE\n2\\lst & Avenue L\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1928.492431640625, 4013.235107421875, 3650.81640625, 5331.3603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nPainters Texaco Service\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 129.2181854248047, 1269.1043701171875, 1808.0799560546875, 2997.239013671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\n” een +\n\nSessa\nGREETINGS ay\n\nx #f\na” ee\n\n \n\nEast End Florists\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 74.11908703613281, 540.292228515625, 959.7302324218749, 1155.1289140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "SEOUL, Korea (AP)—-A gold\ncrown adorned with thousands\nof gems and other articles from a\nmonarchy which began before the\ndawn of the Christian era have\nbeen unearthed near the south-\neast port of Pusan,\n\nOfficials og the National Mus-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1949.2984619140625, 7849.83349609375, 3713.602783203125, 10031.6796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nTO OUR VALUED\nCUSTOMERS AND\nMANY FRIENDS\n\nWe hope te continue fo serve you with\nfriendliness and courtesy ‘til\n\nChristmas rolls ‘round once more.\n\nwat KARL'S CAFE\n. Del, Jim, Bertha,\n\nhy\n\n\\S< Mary, Thelma and\nNe Gloria\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3801.056884765625, 6970.15966796875, 7290.18896484375, 9921.94921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nTROY\n\n“PICK-UP AS USUAL MONDAY”\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6324.26219921875, 799.5410688476562, 7222.5708085937495, 1169.7576982421874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "| ALEDO, Nl. (AP)—-Mrs. Bes-\nsie V. Lockhart, 28, of West Lib-\nerty, lowa, will killed Thurs-\nday night in a car accident while\nenroute to spend the Christmas\nholidays with Illincis relatives.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3225.683341796875, 1846.9573896484376, 4570.36768359375, 3950.24121875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nthe reedy resortance of Oriental! pipes, the “|\nverberation of struck gongs. And sometimes a\n\nreaches the tingling crescendo of a _ choir of |\n\ntrumpets. |\n\n“And suddenly there was with the angel a\nmultitude of the heavenly host praising God ~\nsaying. |\n\n“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth\npeace, good will toward men.”\n\ncomposers of al] ages have heard the music\nof the words and tried to capture it in their own\ncascades of notes, From music came music.\n\n“And when they were c ™ into the house,\nthey saw the young child w..n Mary his mother\nand fell down, and worshipped him.”\n\nThose who love Christmas will miss its\ngreatest music if they fail to reacquaint them-\nselves today with the swelling cadence found in\nthese words.\n\nAnd there is an obbligato of hope and promise\nin them, unmistakable, Does not man, who has\n_learned to speak one to the other with melodi-\nous words like these, have a greater destiny’\n' He must truly grow upward toward the stars in\npeace and justice and not—as the cynics fear—\ncrash into a beastly and abysmal final discord.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3709.033447265625, 3992.660888671875, 4574.4287109375, 4437.158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Looking\nBackward\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1973.1324462890625, 5493.6748046875, 3612.0380859375, 7576.0615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nOUR CHRISTMAS\nGREETINGS TO\nALL OF YOU\nWHOM WE HAVE\nSO ENJOYED\nSERVING... fg\n\n \n \n \n \n\nDi phe Sit\n\nClem & Welch\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 163.5167236328125, 5491.74462890625, 1859.208984375, 7658.9228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nAs another Season approaches, we would like to\n\ntake this opportunity to wish our many friends\n\na wonderful Christmas!\n\nMadison Coaxial Antenna Inc.\n616 - 18th Street\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3207.37059765625, 805.0482709960937, 4553.1836015625, 1790.02393359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "And suddenly there was with the ange! a|\nmultitude of the heavenly host praising God, ond |\nsaying, Glory to God in the highest, and me\nearth peace, good will toward men. And it came\nto pass, as the angels were gone away from\nthem into heaven, the shepherds said one to\nanother, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,\nand see this thing which is come to pass, which\nthe Lord hath made known unto us. And they\ncame with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph,\nand the babe lying in a manger. —Luke 2:13-16.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 155.04380798339844, 7797.09228515625, 1876.1453857421875, 10024.8974609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nOF OUR MANY FRIENDS!\n\nLARKIN STANDARD SERVICE\n10th Street and Avenue\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 964.7581098632812, 215.7198408203125, 1848.6583330078124, 1165.74170703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "jeum said the articles came fom\nthe ancient Sulla dynasty, which\nlasted for 1,000 years. They were\nfound near Kyongju,’ capital of\nthe Sylla dynasty,\n\nRoad builders came across\nthem in a burial mound. They\nalso found two pairs of gold ear\nrings, a gold bracelet, a gold\n\nnecklace, a silver bracelet, an\niron pot, bronze ware, an iron\nsword and several pieces of ear-\ntnenware.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4995.1855390625, 916.04930859375, 5429.1796953124995, 1624.188484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Don’t get huf-\nfy about that\nstatement until\nyou test it out\na bit.\n\nYou've heard\n“lenty of wives\ncompiain the\nnnimaginative of\nin a p propriate\ngifts they get\nfeam their hiic-\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 6324.16747265625, 422.5948408203125, 7226.5483476562495, 673.4016801757813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "‘to each other. Whereas, men open\ntheir gifis, act surprised and\n\npleased, and for them that ends\nthe whole business.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3238.288818359375, 539.7127685546875, 4495.30078125, 723.6646118164062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "DailyBibleThought\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4545.3710859375, 672.54930859375, 5417.6396562499995, 927.0426713867187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "| When it come to Christmas\ngifts the average husband is\nmore of a gentleman than his\nwife is a lady.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3723.03758984375, 6303.8163984375, 4589.99268359375, 6811.3559648437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "CLEVELAND (AP) — Mrs.\nLoretta Giarrizzo, 70, filed a\n$25,000 damage suit against\nhouse painter Stanley Gonsior,\n53, Tuesday charging that he\npainted her arms green when\nshe criticized hig work on her\ngarage.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1898.326904296875, 548.15283203125, 3164.131103515625, 719.994873046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "The Democrat Says\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 4557.51024609375, 1636.001212890625, 5440.2949296874995, 2678.3144609375004 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "‘bands, havent ) ou?\n\n| But husbands who each year\nare surfeited with shirts, socks,\npajamas, neckties and the kind\nof gadgets that look clever but\nrarely work don’t do any com-\nplaining.\n\nThey even manage to look sur-\niprised and pleased, though they\ncouldn’t posibly be surprised and\nlikely are only pleased that the\njatest crop of Christmas ties is\njnot quite so bed as last year's.\n\nWHO ARE THE “RETURNEES”?\n\nAnd who jams the department\nstores the day after Christmas\npaarsine gifts for credit or for\n\ni tte mitten w al thate aseen - sna\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4618.20751953125, 2870.60498046875, 5439.384765625, 6843.02490234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Be At\nMertens\n\nEarly Tuesday\nmorning for\n\nTheir After Xmas\nClearance\n\nSale\n\n— Coats\nSuits\nDresses\nSkirts\nBlouses\nGowns\nSlips\n\nPajamas\nRobes\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 6479.21240234375, 734.5454711914062, 7058.529296875, 796.00732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "ACCIDENT VICTIM\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3822.4228515625, 6175.2900390625, 4469.61474609375, 6289.60107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Paints Customer\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6382.9013671875, 1278.8563232421875, 7196.384765625, 2149.321533203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "How's\nYour Driving?\nCourtesy\n\nEagles Safety\nCommittee\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3714.18016796875, 4507.36571484375, 4595.02881640625, 6089.3183671874995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "aVv AVGES ©2650\n\nFire damaged the interior of\nthe home of Frank J. Hellige,\n1528 Avenue C.\n\n20 Years Ago\n\n“Fingerprints of Conscience,”\na one-act play dealing with po-\nlice solution of a murder prob-\nlem, was presented by a case of\nLegionnaires to members of the\nFort Madison Post No. 82 at the\nclose of the business session at\nthe post last night. Members of\nthe cast were C. C. Buffum,\nLeon Zern, John Chott, W. L.\nRichardson and Arthur Hutchin-\nson. The play was written by\n‘Bruce Cole.\n: 3@ Years Ago\n- The new boulevard stop signs,\nwhich were ordered by the city\nunder the new traffic ordinance,\nhave arrived and are being in-\nstalled on those streets that\nhave been designated as boule-\nvards and motorists are re-\nquired to stop before crossing or\n\nantaring\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 1867.721923828125, 254.86741638183594, 4532.8935546875, 506.6432189941406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "EDITORIAL COMMENT\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4680.25927734375, 580.426513671875, 5298.55029296875, 660.340576171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "BY RUTH MILLETT\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3943.22119140625, 4470.1474609375, 4343.88623046875, 4523.884765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "10 Vearse Avon\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2109.745849609375, 805.36376953125, 2897.10595703125, 930.3202514648438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Music of the Spheres\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 2095.190185546875, 816.7106323242188, 2921.2177734375, 917.7328491210938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Music of the Soheres\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6352.6650390625, 263.3961181640625, 7214.205078125, 382.501220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "FT. VADISON, 14.. DEMOCRAT\n7 Saturday, Dec, 21, 1955\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 22 ], [ 8, 5 ], [ 8, 23 ], [ 5, 23 ], [ 25, 29 ], [ 33, 30 ] ]
[ 7227.17822265625, 9854.080078125 ]
[ [ 3, 22 ], [ 5, 8 ], [ 8, 23 ], [ 29, 25 ], [ 30, 33 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2822.205330078125, 796.2218706054688, 3698.22020703125, 3000.066154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (P -—— President\nEisenhower said today he is fasci-\nnated by the work of the presi-\ndency. But he gave no clear in-\ndication whether he intends to run\nagain,\n| A reporter at the President's\nnews conference reminded him\n‘that it will be three years tomor-\n‘row since Eisenhower returned\nhin Europe to begin the cam.\n/paign which gave him the Repub.\nlican presidential nomination and\n‘ended with his election in No\nvember 1952.\n| In the light of that fact the re\nporter asked the President how he\nlikes politics.\n| Eisenhower said the term poli\nitics has many meanings but s¢\noften it is used in a derogatory\n‘sense. In that general sense, he\n‘said, he does not like politics.\nBut he said any man possessing\nithe authority of the presidency anc\nithe influence that it carries it\n/working toward a peaceful worl\n.and minimizing the danger of wa\nfinds it fascinating.\n| In advance of the news confer\n,ence discussion of politics Sen\n' Inves (R-NY) said that if Repub\nlicans in Congress want Eisenhow\n‘er to run again next year they ha\nbetter give more support to hi\nlegislative program,\n\n‘| “If he doesn’t get Republica:\n‘support in Congress, that fac\n» alone might have quite an inflv\n\"lence on his decision,’’ Ives sai\n\n» in an interview.\n+\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 284.57305908203125, 6850.134765625, 1104.7315673828125, 9734.0986328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nSCoMIO\nSERVICE\nFor\n\nEXPERT REPAIR\n\nSERVICE\nON ALL\n\n® TV and RADIOS\n\n@ ELECTRONIC\nEQUIPMENT\n\n@ ELECTRIC\nAPPLIANCES\n\nPhone 108\n\nWi ARE AS NEAR AS\nJOUR TELEVHONE!\n\nFREE\n\nPick-Up and Delivery\nQuick Service and\nGuaranteed Work\n\nHOME\nAPPLIANCE CO.\n\n104 Fast Main\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1959.1300126953124, 912.33936328125, 2824.10008984375, 3325.504630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (P--President Ei-\nsenhower said today antipolio vac-\ncination of first and second grade\nstudents should be completed in\n60 days.\n\nEisenhower told his news con-\nference that enough Salk vaccine\nto complete that campaign Will be\nmanufactured in the next 30 days.\n\nHis discussion of the vaccination\ndifficulties came as a Senate com-\nmittee considered proposals to\ngive the government reserve au-\nthority to control the distribution\nand use of the material. The ad-\nministration opposes the plan and\n‘Eisenhower today renewed his\nstated view that it is not needed.\n\nEisenhower said some of the\ndifficulties and inescapable snarls\nof manufacturing and distributing\nthe vaccine now are being sur:\nmounted,\n\nHe said the program of the Na.-\ntional Foundation for Infantile\nParalysis for the inoculation of\nfirst and second grade students\n_ find on the shelves within\nbes days all the necessary vaccine.\n\n| He added that within 60 days\nvaccination of the first and seconc\n‘graders could be completed,\n\nThe program then will be di\n‘rected toward completing the vac\nicination of all children from 5 t\n\\9 years old, he said. In this pro\njgram, the President continued, the\nfederal government will assume\nthe respensibility for the primar\nallocation of the vaccine to thi\nStates,\n\nThe states will be responsible fo\nadministering the vaccine after th\nallocation is made, he added.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 211.99062365722656, 4788.7714921875, 1106.64989453125, 6738.5634687500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (®—-The Supreme\nCourt today directed that public\nschool segregation of white and Ne-\ngro pupils be ended as soon as\nfeasible, taking local conditions\ninto account,\n\nChief Justice Warren, announc-\ning the court’s decision, said lower\ncourts could decide whether a\nprompt and reasonable start to-\nward full compliance was being\nmade by local school authorities.\n\nWarren said the high tribunal\nexpeets full compliance to be car-\nried out as early as practicable.\n\nHe added that lower courts, sit-\nting as courts of equity, ‘‘may\nproperly take into account local\nproblems.”\n\nWarren said the ‘‘validity’ of\nthe Supreme Court’s decisions in\nthe segregation cases cannot be\nyielded because of disagreement\nwith them.\n\nThe high tribunal on May 17,\n1954, had declared unanimously\nthat racial segregation in the\nschools was unconstitutional. In\nits opinion then the court said it\nrealized that ‘‘problems of consid.\nerable complexity’’ were involved.\n\nIt heard arguments for four aft-\nernoons last April on how to geo\nabout ending segregation\n\nDuring the arguments, attorneys\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1152.115478515625, 6212.2177734375, 2840.762939453125, 9756.5556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nMACSHORE CLASSICS\n\nPLAYING IT COOL\n\nThe Sleeveless Blouse\n\n$398\n\nWide Selection of High Necks and Low.\n\nReady { a idden date anytime this horseshoe\ncollar biouse by MACSHORE in Superfine broadcloth\nButton front, and, of course sleeveless, like any good\n\nhot weather fashion should be. White, navy, black, brown,\nred, lilac, beige. Sizes 30 to 38.\n\nELAINE’S ‘esc\n\n118 &. Main Phone 44\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3695.423591796875, 645.1759721679688, 4564.45946484375, 942.4295576171876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (Ph —\nProf. Arthur Mauch of Michigar\nState College says scientific re\nsearch in agriculture has changec\nfarming from a ‘‘way of life to ¢\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3691.974853515625, 442.9342956542969, 4496.6982421875, 635.8142700195312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Farmer’s Life Changed\nBy Scientific Research\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2802.3515625, 450.9135437011719, 3559.40869140625, 754.6370849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Presidency\nIs Fascinating\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4587.2998125, 440.28098315429685, 5442.3559492187505, 945.9813154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "way of making a living.”\n\nThe city limits sign today ii\nmerely a tax boundary, the pro\nfessor says. “It is no longer &\ncultural boundary, a recreational\neducational, social or economi\nboundary. The same kind of peo\nple live on one side as on thi\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1145.2855224609375, 4369.892578125, 2832.849853515625, 6078.82861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nMorning* and afternoon flights\ndaily to\n\nST. LOUIS\n\n-38 a.m.* e 12:53 p.m.\nnae time only 2 hours 27 minutes!\n\nExcellent connections at St. Louis for\n\nNEW YORK - CHICAGO\nOTHER EASTERN CITIES\nPhone Ozark \"Ob\n\nRy, Ozark\n\nM 4\nN's AIRLINE\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2896.143310546875, 5597.57763671875, 7206.9228515625, 9854.080078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Nearest thing to\n... FLYING SORCERY\n\n2 ye\naod &\n\n \n \n \n\na as habs “ b\nks The Hardtap with Fou\n+ Doors!\nHere i\noes - new hit in hardtops thet’s tak ng the country b\nVICKS Pioneering and pace-seti ng 4-Door Riv ¢\nconvertible’ look, with NO center posts — we\n“ti tor rear-seat Passengers. Shown her\n>PECIAL model — also Gvailable in the k\nSeries. Both now in volume\n\nELE LBL PL AMBBOW LABIAL AE\n\n(Mau! what Uiriable Pith Propellers\ndo foe Dypniaflow Drive!)\n\n] N A land vehicle, there’s never been any- whirling in oil inside your Dynaflow unit... robustly bolstered by walloping new horse-\n\nthing like the magic a pilot gets with his powers raised to record might.\nvariable pitch propellers.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n, The\nbut with seporate\n© in the low-price\nigh-powered Crntury\nProduction to insure Prompt deliveries\n\nBecause you can switch the pitch of those pro-\n\npeller blades from high-economy angle that It's something you definitely ought to try—\nIle can angle the blades of his propellers gives you top gas mileage in cruising —to high- just to know what’s really new in auto-\nfor performance as he heads his plane down performance angle that gives you action plus... mobiles—and to see for yourself why Buick\na runway -—to get quick take-off and climb. sales are zooming to an all-time beste\n\nAnd because, when you call for that action by\n\nseller high.\npressing the gas pedal way down—you get it\n\nlle can switch the angle of those propellers\n\nfor economy aloft—to get more mileage from split-second quick and silky smooth ~an instan- Drop in today or tomorrow and we'll gladly\nthe fuel in his tanks. faneous power response for felaway, or for a arrange matters — show you, too, the prices\nAs we said—there’s never been anything sudden safety-surge of acceleration when needed. re a\" Reeping Buick in the tight circle of\n| . s America’s top sellers.\n\nlike thatin a land vehicle. But there is now. Fite « solid, soaring, pulse-quickening thrill ‘Tesaiew Dries cinaierd on Readuesder. eeitened as\nIt's in a Buick with Variable Pitch Dynaflow ~unlike anything you ever felt before —and extra cost om other Series\n\nmand you can take the word of thousands *\n\nof excited owners of new Buicks that it's\nthe closest thing to wheeled flight...\n\nBecause you have twenty propeller-like blades Thrill orf the yoar is Buick if\n\n \n\nGPPCAN YOU SEE * STEER * STOP SAFELY? CHECK YOUR CAR ~ CHECK ACCIDENTS WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM\n\nEnjoy cooled, filtered air\n\nfor less than you think , 4\nrad itche otor Co.\n\nAIRCONDITIONER 120 East Oak Phone 1089 Chanute, Kansas\n\nIt's a genuine Frigidaire\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1929.34326171875, 465.1185302734375, 2748.14599609375, 886.0536499023438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "60-Day Target\nIn Vaccine Plan\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 202.2287139892578, 4308.72705078125, 1078.05810546875, 4755.8359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Soon as Feasible\nFor Segregation\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2897.929443359375, 4471.41455078125, 3733.538330078125, 5468.390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nEmergency funds to\ndo anything that is\n\nwena, of be\n“s repeid from income\nAsk for tull detazls\n\nChanute Discount Co.\n\n17 8S. Evergreer Phone 1000\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3776.507568359375, 1045.7960205078125, 7211.3681640625, 5516.1650390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "HARRISON'S SHOES\nSPRING CLEARANCE!\n\nMANY $$$ 5%\nIN SAVINGS FOR YOU\n\nALL FAMOUS BRAND NAME\nSHOES WILL BE ON SALE AT\n\nPRICES TOO HOT 100\nQUOTE!\n\nSALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE Ist, 9 A. M.\n\nWe Invite You to Come in for the Greatest\nShoe Buys Yet!\n\nHarrison’ s Shoes\n\n“PERFECT FIT EVERY TIME\"\nPhone 588\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1093.8839111328125, 3204.232177734375, 1881.47314453125, 3315.63525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Weather Observations\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2953.4375, 3062.964599609375, 3651.637939453125, 3322.861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "YES! PAIN RELIEF FOR\nARTHRITIS — RHEUMATISM\nSUFFERERS\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 171.0966112060547, 761.778572265625, 1074.2120283203126, 4234.4653242187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nCottage Grove Ladies Aid will\nmeet Thursday afternoon with\nMyrtle Johnson.\n\nRural Grange will meet at &\np.m. Thursday at the school. Cup-\ncakes and coffee will be served.\n\nMr. and Mrs. John Peters, R. 3,\nattended the graduation of thei!\nson, Ben, from Friends University\nat Wichita Monday morning. They\nwere weekend guests of their son\nand wife and infant son, Benjamin\nChristopher, born May 21.\n\nMrs. L. E. Taylor, 724 S. Grant,\nreturned Saturday from a week’s\nvisit with her brother, Otto Olds,\nat Chicago, She was accompanied\nby her sister, Zoa Olds, Neodesha,\nwho remained for a longer visit.\n\nMrs. S. E. Barnes and Mrs. E.\nE. Hutson attended the graduation\nof the former's sister, Mrs. Bertha\nEisenbrandt, who received a\nBachelor of Arts degree Sunday\neveying at the University of Wichi-\nta. Mrs. Eisenbrandt is a teacher\nin Classen Grade Schoo] at Wichita.\n\nJerry Mitchell and Jimmy Fin-\nley, of Walnut, were first place\nwinners in the monthly talent con-\ntest sponsored by KOAM-TV, it\nwas reported today by their music\nteacher, Mrs. Edyth Young. The\nboys, both students at Walnut\npublic school, played a trumpet\nduet, accompanied by Mrs. Young.\n\n \n\nMr. and Mrs. Clare J. Anderson\nand sons, John and Lee Mack\nGardner, left today for their new\nhome in Wentzville, Mo. John will\ngo to Kansas City tomorrow t\ntake his physical examination foi\nthe Air Corps. Mr. Anderson i\nemployed in the internal auditing\ndepartment of an atomic energ)\nconstruction company, Fruin-Colon\nUtah. The home at 1705 8. Central\nis rented to Mrs. William Wells\n\nMr. and Mrs. Frank Sears, 110\nS. Washington, attended the funer\nal of Claude Marvin O’Dor, 42\nTuesday at Liberty, Mo. O’Dor\nchemist for Industrial Product\nMfg. Co., North Kansas City, die\nunexpectedly. \"He leaves his wife\nMrs. Opal Sears O'Dor, and a son\nSpn.aeliA Want at Taherty.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5698.17237109375, 7479.89795703125, 6972.7905195312505, 7807.9897382812505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Here's the new hit in hardtops\n\nthet's taking the country by\nstorm — Buick’s Pioneering ond\n\nPace-setting 4-Door Rivierg. The\nconvertible” look, with no center posts — but with seporate\n\ndoors for rear-seat Passengers. Shown here in the low-price\nSPECIAL model — also Ovailable in the high-powered Cintury\nSeries. Both now in volume production to insure promot deliveria:\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 172.78057861328125, 471.7322998046875, 907.5748291015625, 638.0185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "News Briefs\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 2882.86573046875, 3337.711189453125, 3719.9453046875, 4401.2470625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Stop worrying about whether you'll ever\nfeel good again! Ease most arthritis pains\n--QUICKLY—SURELY with amazing new\nAR-PAN-EX. It soothes aching muscles\nand throbbing joints due to sciatica, neu-\nritis, lumbago, neuralgia—it does so SURE-\nLY, POSITIVELY ...or YOUR MONEY\nBACK! This is the TRUTH. AR-PAN-EX\nreally allays most pain—it worked for those\nwho TRIED EVERYTHING and GAVE\nUP—until AR-PAN-EX came with 7 scien-\ntific ingredients to bring relief and joy.\nWhy waste time’? Don’t suffer another\nminute. Let this TRUTH sink in... ac-\ncept AR-PAN-EX ... ease pain... lead\na normal life again. Have FAITH—BE-\nLIEVE the TRUTH — ACT now and be\nFREE from acute PAIN with AR-PAN-EX,\n\nMcCUNE DRUG STORE\n105 W. Main Chanute, Kan\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1071.1307451171874, 931.2703325195313, 1954.79637890625, 3071.907951171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "(vee Vee Fh WHR aE ewe eI\nlact of Mareh 3, 1578.\nDa aiete calc iesansichangguaileiinsintieiliaesiiiniiadiieediananaale 1\nj\n‘Member Audit Burean of Cireulations\n|MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS:\n| The Associated Press is entitied ex~\nletusively to the use for republication of\njall the jocai news printed in this news\npaper as well as ali AP netvs dispatches.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n_- Subseription Rates tn.Nensho, Allen\nWilson and Woodson Counties\n\n®y Mail, one month . «..cccecce. ie. 8.\nBy Mail. three months . ... ce... . 082.00\n‘By Mail, six months « ...0..-c. 000, $37%\nBy Mail. on@ year « «.vecie. cece: $7.00\nSubscription Rates Ontside of Above Four\n: Counties\n\nBy Mail, one month Pe ere roe ye\nBy Mail, three months «2 53.0\nSy Mail. six months . «..c.c8..+..$6.00\n\n—— a\n\n \n\neaaenarmnensneinaseanieenen= re\n\n \n\n \n\nfor Southern states contended the\nhigh court should fix no deadline\nfor integration, should not issue\nspecific orders on how it should\nbe done, and should leave details\ntu. the states and their school\npoards, under supervision of local\nU. §. District Courts.\n- Counsel for Negro parents urged\n‘the tribunal to order segregation\nended by next September, or by\nSeptember 1956 at the latest.\nThe Eisenhower administration,\nthrough Solicitor General Sobeloff,\nsuggested the Supreme Court fol-\nJow a policy of ‘‘moderation with\na degree of firmness.\"’\n\nSobeloff suggested the lower\ncourts be told to grant 90 days for\nsubmission of plans for integration\nas soon as feasible. He said school\n‘boards could be given more than\n190 days if they made a prope\n\nchaurina that that timo wae 11nras.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5441.15674609375, 457.8983232421875, 6327.7729414062505, 692.7540815429687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "other.\n31 “The country ‘hick’ of a genera-\n-ition or two ago has almost disap:\n1/peared from the American scene.’\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5864.399421875, 7894.911140625, 7118.0346601562505, 8895.2187421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "robustly bolstered by walloping new horse-\npowers raised to record might.\n\nIt's something you definitely ought to try—\njust to know what’s really new in auto-\nmobiles—and to see for yourself why Buick\nsales are zooming to an all-time best-\nseller high.\n\nDrop in today or tomorrow and we'll gladly\narrange matters~—show you, too, the prices\nthat are keeping Buick in the tight circle of\nAmerica’s top sellers.\n\n*Dynaflow Drive is standard om Roadmaster, opronal at\nextra cost om other Series\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 6337.07569140625, 472.72007006835935, 7220.2763593750005, 908.0604780273437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "yee ee eae Se ee a” =\n\nTuesday, May 31, 1955\n\n \n\nmen etn st\n\nlieaders of Russia—Communist par-\nty chief Nikita Khrushchev, Pre-\nmier Nikolai Bulganin and Deputy\nPremier A. I, Mikoyan—began a\n‘two-day tour of northern Yugo-\n\\slavia today,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5485.76806640625, 735.0306396484375, 6179.27001953125, 834.761962890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Tour of Yugoslavia\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1992.8443603515625, 3403.387451171875, 2855.4365234375, 4279.8603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "NOTICE\n\nCedar Lodge No.\n103, A.F. & A.M.,\nwill meet in Stat-\ned Communica-\ntion Wed., June\n1, 7:30 p.m. Bus-\niness at 8 p.m.\nThere will be\nwork in THIRD DEGREE. Re-\nfreshments. Visiting Brethren wel-\ncome.\n\nCECIL CAGE, W.M.\n\nJAY KLINGINSMITH, Sec'y.\njadw 49.317)\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 245.08616638183594, 692.6976318359375, 1003.845947265625, 766.9232788085938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "See EKLUND for Insurance.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5515.88623828125, 856.9414750976563, 6308.6606367187505, 934.7063520507813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "POSTOJNA, Yugoslavia (Th\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2399.72803515625, 3538.0898515625, 2848.499259765625, 3957.807853515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Cedar Lodge No.\n103, A.F. & A.M.,\nwill meet in Stat-\nped Communica-\ntion Wed., June\n1, 7:30 p.m. Bus-\nyiness at 8 p.m.\nThara aanill he\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 5726.89208984375, 7345.9345703125, 6947.6923828125, 7480.8603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "4s The Hardtop with Kour Qoore/\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1987.977791015625, 3945.213875, 2846.115958984375, 4295.8769453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "LAUOLTeS Wadd Ve\nwork in THIRD DEGREE. Re\nfreshments. Visiting Brethren wel.\ncome.\n\nCECIL CAGE, W.M.\nJAY KLINGINSMITH, Sec'y.\n(adv. 42-11)\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1513.624267578125, 6169.33447265625, 2477.515380859375, 6230.86279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "As Seen in Charm and Mademoiselle\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 0, 28 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 3, 28 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 28, 6 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 2 ], [ 9, 2 ], [ 4, 38 ], [ 4, 16 ], [ 4, 29 ], [ 4, 30 ], [ 38, 16 ], [ 38, 29 ], [ 38, 30 ], [ 16, 29 ], [ 16, 30 ], [ 29, 30 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 11, 39 ], [ 18, 15 ], [ 25, 27 ] ]
[ 7268.5600859375, 10303.16653125 ]
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 3, 28 ], [ 4, 16 ], [ 6, 0 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 11, 39 ], [ 12, 7 ], [ 15, 18 ], [ 16, 29 ], [ 25, 27 ], [ 30, 38 ], [ 38, 4 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2615.654513671875, 7681.52731640625, 3513.402126953125, 8487.1948515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Various drugs are capable of\ndilating these arteries so that suffi-\ncient blood flows through and the\nindividual remains comfortable.\nBut he is seriously incapacitated if\nthe dilators fail to produce this\neffect or if the obstruction is mark-\ned.\nEven when this stage is reached,\nthe condition is not necessarily\nhopeless. Now and then disturb-\nances in nearby areas, such as\ngall bladder infection, peptic ulcer,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 192.01245434570313, 1605.4593232421876, 1677.3153349609377, 3628.60451953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Postmaster General Summerfield has again asked\nCongress for higher postal rates. The Post Office\noperates at a deficit of between $300,000,000 and\n$400,000,000 a year, as the postmaster general pointed\nout, despite “recent economies and greater effici-\nency.” And despite greatly increased parcel post\nrates.\n\nIt is obvious that one main reason for this sad\nstate of affairs is that expenses of the postal system\nhave risen faster than its income. But Congress may\nbalk at raising the rate for sending a letter from three\ncents to four cents. It has rejected several similar\nrequests.\n\nCongressmen do not like to boost taxes, and they\nregard an increase in the postal rates in the same\nlight. Practically everybody has occasion to mail a\nletter now and then, and Congress is not convinced\nthat it should boost the cost one-third. There is a\nsizable school of thought which holds that the postal\nservice was set up to serve the people, not to make\nmoney or to break even.\n\nThe Post Office, in seeking higher rates, has\nmade public certain information on its operations.\nThus it says that in the fiscal year 1954 first class\nmail accounted for 52 per cent of all mail pieces\nhandled. To handle one first class letter cost 3.12\ncents, compared to 1.89 cents in 1932,\n\nWhether it would be more painful to the average\ncitizen to pay four cents to mail letters than to pay\ntaxes to meet the annual Post Office deficit is for\nCongress to say. In the past its answer has been in\nthe affirmative.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4491.37497265625, 786.686251953125, 5397.7710234375, 3548.91408984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON— Here are some\nof the behind-the-scenes develop-\nments in the fast-moving Far East-\nern crisis.\n\nSome of the developments point\nto wry senators are worried over\ngiving too much authority to an\nambitious admiral who has wanted\na preventive war.\n\nThey also point to the fact that\nPresident Eisenhower is being ex-\ntremely careful so far to keep\nmilitary control in his own hands.\n\nFinally, they point to the fact\nthat the President, though a sin-\ncere believer in peace, can be an\nextremely bad picker of men and\nshould have thought twice before\nhe let Adm. Arthur Radford, dur-\ning a 50-minute refueling stop at\nIwo Jima, sweet-talk him into be-\nlieving Chiang Kai-shek could re-\ntake the Chinese mainland.\n\nMarine Landing? —Admiral Rad-\nford was so dead set upon aggres-\nsive action in the Far East that he\nasked the Marine Corps command-\nant for the exact breakdown of\nMarine units and landing craft\navailable for that area. Marine\nlanding craft, of course, are used\nonly to put invading or reinforc-\nint troops ashore; so Radford had\nin mind some kind of troop-land-\ning operation. When Eisenhower\nheard about this he exploded.\n\nIt should be stated that Rad-\nford believes the showdown with\nChina should be peaceful. However,\nhe believes there should be a defin-\nite showdown, and if it can't be\npeaceful, he is not opposed to\nrisking war.\n\nU. S. Observers — One dangerous\nFar Eastern complication is the\npresence of American ‘‘observers”\non about 80 of the off-shore islands.\nIf any of them should be killed\nin Red bombing raids, War tension\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3532.445041015625, 7671.15719921875, 4443.08059375, 10303.16653125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "or hiatus hernia will interfere with\nthe coronary flow. Anginal pain\noften subsides when these dis-\norders are corrected.\n\nBut if adjacent structures are\nnormal, and the coronary flow is\ngreatly decreased, cardiac surgery\nmay be considered. Various at-\ntempts have been made in the last\n10 years to supply the heart wall\nwith a new blood supply.\n\nThe procedures usually follow\none of two patterns. In one, the\nchest wall is opened and small\nabrasions are made on the outside\nof the heart. The surface is then\ndusted with an irritating substance\nsuch as talcum or asbestos powder,\nor powdered beef bone.\n\nThe ensuing irritation causes the\nthin sac surrounding the heart to\nadhere to the wall of the old ticker.\nThis scar tissue connection con-\ntains new blood vessels that serve\nas supplementary pathways to the\nailing heart muscle. Even though\nonly a small amount of Ddlood is\nfurnished in this way, it helps the\nheart muscle to run more efficient-\nly, ‘\n\nThe other operation consists of\nconnecting the veins of the heart\nwith nearby blood vessels in the\nchest, This procedure is more dif-\nficult than the first but has greater\npotential value because more blood\nis brought to the heart muscle.\nAbout 80 per cent of all operated\npatients are able to go back to\nwork.\n\nNot all coronary victims are suit-\nable candidates for heart surgery.\nIn addition, the person with ad-\nvanced coronary disease is not as\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2639.8051484375, 4005.02829296875, 3534.856716796875, 4956.289578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "only three votes against the joint\nresolution. It is to be hoped that\nnobody on the “left wing’ side,\nwhich is usually so ready to fling\nepithets of “isolationism” or ‘‘right\nwingism”’ against any senator who\ndoesn't go along with his party or\nwith the President, will condemn\nthe three senators for the exercise\nof their independent judgment\nthough, to be sure, one wonders\nwhat could have been said, per-\nhaps by those same three senators,\nif a certain senator from Wiscon-\nsin had been in the minority on the\nfinal vote.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 187.304171875, 3830.869845703125, 1674.6783720703127, 5037.00393359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "One of Cumberland’s widest known residents\npassed away Sunday in Baltimore when Harry “Big\nChick” Little succumbed in St. Joseph’s Hospital\nwhere he had been a patient since January 9.\n\nWhile he was well known and popular throughout\na wide area, there was one facet of Mr. Little’s life\nthat few people knew about and that was his desire\nto help the other fellow who had been less fortunate.\n\nMr. Little gave generously to the usual fund\ncampaigns for charitable purposes but his charity did\nnot end with that. Possibly no one will ever know\nhow many times Mr. Little anonymously sent food\nand clothing or money to people in pretty dire\ncircumstances.\n\nSo far as we know, this phase of Mr. Little's life\nhas been pretty much obscured through his own\ndesire but at this time we cannot permit it to pass\nunmentioned. Many people of this community have\nlost a good friend.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1693.3799775390626, 7538.05173046875, 2592.47121875, 8469.1714140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "The coronary arteries represent\nthe Achilles’ heel of the body. Our\nlife and comfort depend upon the\nability of these blood vessels to\nremain open so that blood can flow\nto the heart muscle.\n\nIf they become too narrow to\ndeliver an adequate quota of blood\nto the walls of the auricles and\nventricles, chest pain ( angina pec-\ntoris) ensues on exercising or after\neating or excitement. If the ves-\nsels become completely obstructed\n(coronary thrombosis), pain is\ngreater and the sufferer goes into\nshock,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 6355.20114453125, 9492.743625, 7234.41653125, 10292.480007812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The lamprey is a slick looking\ncharacter, slippery and sly with\ntiny beady eyes. In other words—\nan eel,\n\nThe lamprey tears a hole in the\nside of a fish and then goes to work\non its innards. A Fifth —\nif we ever heard of one!\n\nSea lampreys, we read, are cot\nsidered a delicacy in Europe but\nare hard to digest—which is easily\nunderstandable,\n\n>\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5421.5492890625, 918.3401826171875, 6322.48342578125, 4601.33791796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "would mount. Incidentally, Com-\nmunist fire has been accurate and\nobviously comes from well-train-\ned troops. The occupation of Yiki-\nang Island was executed in heavy\nseas and with deadly artillery fire\nThere's no question but that the\nReds are skilled in modern war-\nfare.\n\nCease-Fire Possibility — Presi-\ndent Eisenhower welcomes the\nNew Zealand overture to arrange\na cease-fire. But if a cease-fire pro-\nposal backfires, the President\nwants to invite other United Na-\ntions members to join us in patrol-\nling the Formosan Straits. He re-\nfers to this privately as a ‘‘police\naction,”” a term which a certain\nDemocratic president was criticiz-\ned for using in regard to Korea.\n\n‘ailed Airmen — The idea of Jet-\nting relatives visit the jailed Amer-\nican airmen actually originated\nwith Dag Hammarskjold, not Chou\nEn-Lai. The U.N. secretary is real-\nly sore at John Foster Dulles for\nvetoing it. Chou went along with\nthe idea when it was proposed by\nHammarskjold and even appeared\nwilling to release each prisoner as\nhis wife or mother came to visit\nhim in Peiping. Now that the State\nDepartment is denying visas to the\nrelatives, Hammarskjold is threat-\nening to give U.N. visas to any\nrelatives who want to go to Red\nChina.\n\nHammarskjold Mission — Orig-\ninally the State Department was so\ncertain the U.N. secretary general\nwould succeed in his mission to\nPeiping that it sent a special group\nof diplomats to the Far East in\norder to be all set to proceed with\nthe prisoner-release negotiations af-\nter Hammarskjold cleared the way.\nWhen the U.N. secretary returned\nwithout tangible accomplishments,\nSecretary Dulles gave him a pri-\nvate going-over. ”\n\nOther Mediators — Prime Minis-\nister Nehru of India has been en-\ncouraging direct negotiations be-\ntween the United States and Red\nChina. He wants the United States\nto withdraw from the smaller off-\nshore islands and put Formosa un-\nder a U.N. trusteeship. Meanwhile,\nthe prime minister of Burma is fit\nto be tied over the fact that he's\nnot been invited to Washington.\nAfter visiting Chou En-lai in China,\nthe Burmese premier announced\nhe was going to Washington to use\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 6349.87399609375, 781.6380341796875, 7261.07619921875, 4587.58987109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "his influence for better relations,\nSo far, the State Department has\nrefused to invite him. Result: he's\nlost face and is furious,\n\nHelp For Radford — One of the\nbest backstage supporters for Ad-\nmiral Radford is able Walter Robe\nertson, assistant secretary of state\nfor the Far East. He has been say-\ning privately that Chou En-lai’s\nthreats against Formosa constitute\nan act of war and that any build-\nup of troops to back up the threat\nwould be a legitimate target for\nU. S. bombers. In other words,\nRobertson indicates we already\nhave all the provocation we need\nto attack the Chinese mainland une\nder the terms of the resolution,\nWhile Robertsor says this is hig\nown view, not the administration's,\nhis chief, Secretary Dulles, also\nagreed during the Senate hearings\nthat the United States would have\nthe right to bomb Chinese troop\nconcentrations on the mainland.\n\nBlockade Of China — Earlier in\nthe Formosan crisis, Admiral Rade\nford called for a blockade of the\nChina coast. Significantly, he\nclaimed it would be impossible to\ndefend Formosa if the off-shore\nislands such as Quemoy and the\nTachens were lost. This was why\nhe also demanded the right to\nbomb concentrations of Chinese\ntroops on the mainland even bee\nfore an attack was made. (Such\nright is now in the joint resolue\ntion.)\n\nHowever, Eisenhower vigorously\ndisagreed about the defense of Fore\nmosa, claimed Red China had no\nintention of attacking Formosa proe\nper. He believed Foreign Minister\nChou En-lai would agree to a\ncease-fire and the re'ease of the\nAmerican airmen to strengthen his\nbargaining position for a seat in\nthe United Nations.\n\nEvacuation Of Tachen — Ade\nmiral Radford was bitter about the\nevacuation of Tachen. He objected\nto what he called ‘‘using the U. S,\nfleet as ferryboats.’’ American\nwarships, he felt, should be *used\nto fight, not ferry out civilians. He\nwas overruled, and the evacuation\nis now under way. The Navy has\nstrict orders not to engage the ene-\nmy. Navy planes are also ordered\nto keep clear of certain islands\nwhere they're most likely to clash\nwith Red fighters. Orders to Amer-\nican pilots are to fire only when\nfired upon,\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nTing Bali\n\nRe SRendAirate ne }\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4507.498046875, 233.78919982910156, 7161.36328125, 744.0042724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Developments Behind Scenes Explain\nEisenhowers Far Eastern Message\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1696.8331025390626, 8927.774875, 2588.42434375, 10301.278835937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Creations of the inimitable Fred\nAllen who reappear in his nostalgic\nbook, “Treadmill to Oblivion,”’ in-\nclude the only armless sculptor in\nthe world (he put the chisel in his\nmouth and his wife hit Him on the\nback of the head with a mallet);\nProfessor Gulpo, who swallowed\numbrellas ‘he was putting some-\nthing away for a rainy day); and\nan uncle who brought his goldfish\nto the aquarium every year for a\ntwo-week romp. One day, how-\never, Uncle fell into the tank him-\nself and they couldn't tell him from\nthe other fish.\n\nFinally, they threw a picture of\nAllen's aunt into the water—and\nwhen one of the fish recognized it\nand tried to escape from the tank\nthey grabbed him.\n\nFor 20 years, claims Fred, his\nmother in Boston kept a light burn-\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5410.1840546875, 9473.3071015625, 6311.8511015625, 10279.752468749999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "War threatens to break out along\nthe U.S.-Canadian border and ev-\nerybody’s for it! The war is a\nplanned two-nation campaign\nagainst the sea lamprey, a true\ndictator of the deep.\n\nThe U. S. Senate is soon to de-\nbate joint action with the Cana-\ndian government to combat that\nfood fish-killing piscatorial pirate.\nFor once, we're heartily in favor\nof all our congressmen going fish-\ning!\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 201.5224151611328, 3653.89208984375, 1309.021728515625, 3816.9306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "A Charitable Man\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 162.55267333984375, 1166.7276611328125, 1458.78955078125, 1588.32177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Tuesday Morning, February 1, 1955\n» Higher Postal Rates\nAre Proposed Again\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2626.152072265625, 5390.2719453125, 3537.58498828125, 7215.27932421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "You grab time by the forelock\nbecause he is bald behind.\n\nThe national campaign commit-\ntees are doing better than that.\nThey've reached out and grabbed\n1956 by the large red ears.\n\nTom Dewey sounded the biased\ntocsin at a partisan dinner when he\nsaid, “Waterloo was won on the\nbattlefields of eatin’.””\n\nNo truer word was ever said in\naspic. Ike will again carry the\nbanner with the strange device\nthat says everythiug is wrapped\nin excelsior,\n\nAnd guess who will be on the\nother side winking through the\nknothoje in the«spite fence? None\nother than that sterling citizen and\npart-time humanitarian Adlai\nStevenson,\n\nHe didn’t get the brass ring in\n1952. But he owns the donkey on\nthe merry-go-round.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3569.338107421875, 4044.06833203125, 4456.4136015625, 4978.71340625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Crisis Not Over\nThe crisis is by no means over,\n\nof course, and there are lots of\npitfalls ahead including the pos-\nsible consequences of a tragic mis-\nunderstanding of American pur-\npose which seems to be chronic in\nsome European circles. Instead of\nseeing the over-all picture of an\nAmerican stand against aggression\nin Asia and the favorable effects\nwhich this must necessarily have\non the prestige of the free nations\nin the minds of the Asian peoples,\nthere is a tendency in some quar-\nters in London to see the action\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5424.15478515625, 9084.5458984375, 6811.4677734375, 9338.83203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "You re Telling Me!\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3541.4076875, 5378.94333203125, 4458.8530546875, 7215.4995390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "So it’s Ike against Adlai in 1956\nand may the victory dinners be\non the side with the most plates.\n\nThe 1956 campaign is not starting\nearly. The 1952 campaign is last-\ning longer than usual,\n\nThe campaigneers can brush up\nthe same old wrong-way fur, view\nwith endorsed alarm and point with\nmanipulated pride. Nixon can play\nback some of his speeches when\nIke’s running-mate forgot he was\nhitched tandem,\n\nThe Democrats claim Nixon\ncalled ‘em some words that are\nspelled out in front of children.\nAnd then discovered the kids could\nspell ‘em backward,\n\nIke stood by Nixon who apolo-\ngized neatly. If he said anything\nhe’s sorry for he’s glad of it.\n\nNo reason why either Ike or\nAdlai should bother about their\nghost writers. This time they can\ndo it with rubber stamps.\n\n(Distributed By INS)\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5452.46044921875, 4643.42041015625, 6792.025390625, 4887.92333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Too Bad, Too Bad\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1698.0950927734375, 8515.8291015625, 3076.897216796875, 8780.0390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Try And Stop Me!\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1698.9241943359375, 7247.5986328125, 5402.28466796875, 7502.21923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Not All Coronary Victims Suitable For Heart Surgery\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2626.2392578125, 5018.703125, 4477.26171875, 5257.13525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Baering Down On The News\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1675.540283203125, 3569.18212890625, 5401.6103515625, 3822.605712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Policy In Asia Inspires Hope For Avoidance Of War\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1852.2237548828125, 344.92218017578125, 4358.365234375, 3465.7001953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "oe Ser wrers ws Ss ese “Sree we SS WEES FR arr Ee\n\na ee | 17\n\nSSN NOW YOU Jer\nLea “Sealy 4 STAY RIGHT\nae\n\n+9! Hines < : WHERE YOU ARE\neee\n\n \n \n\n \n\ndy\n\nPa\n{\n———\n\noo vik J Bil -- AND HERES |\nGo AROUND BRASS RING\n\n‘\ntg\n\n \n\n~*~\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nf\nPr) sna\n\\\\\\VY,\na\ni, , a”\n\na, RE © 9 eli\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5427.19675, 5086.61716015625, 6337.05666796875, 9049.4516875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "VERA AS, ZU Tia\n\nFor any citizen of the free world\nwith a spark of political sympathy,\nthere is something w\nmoving and pleasing ‘about a visit\nto this small, determined, hopeful\ncountry.\n\nThe enchantment is not on the\nsurface of life, to be sure. Rangoon\nhas not a trace of its old clean,\nstuffy prettiness, which this report-\ner remembers from the time when\nhe was here with Gen. Chennault,\nin the bad old imperialist days\nbefore Pearl Harbor. The city is\nstil war scarred, and street sweep-\ning does not stir the same enthu-\nsiasm in Free Burma as in the\nformer British Raj.\n\nWhat is enchanting, rather, is the\nspirit. It is the gleam of grim\npride in the eye of the tough young\nBurmese colonel reciting statistics\nto show that the Communists and\nother insurgents are now on the\nrun. It is the simple pleasure of\nthe man at the airline counter,\nexplaining how Burma has built up\nher own efficient national airline.\n\nIt is the intelligent enthusiasm\nof the able young official ‘in the\nBurmese government you are ven-\nerable at 40) who explains the\ngovernment's brilliantly original,\nyet simple, practical and success-\nful measures to bring a better life\nto the farmers in their rice fields.\nMerits Renewed Investment\n\nAnd in it the sardonic delight\nof the cabinet officer who announ-\nces that the great Bombay Burmah\ncompany, starters of the third\nBurmese war, first grand exploit-\ners of this country and stuffiest of\nall colonial enterprises, has at last\ndecided that Free Burma merits\nrenewed investment on the govern-\nment’s special joint plan for for-\neign capital.\n\nThese things, plus the quality of\nthe Burmese government itself\nwith its three remarkable leaders,\nU Nu, U Kyaw Nein and U Ba\nSwe, justify the most hopeful fore-\ncast. One of the wisest men in\nthis city, a brilliant Indo-Burman\nphysician, put the thing in a nut-\nshell. “I really begin to believe,”\nhe said, “that we have a great\nfuture here in Burma if the rest\nof the world will just let us alone.”’\n\nHis “if,” his careful proviso,\nsums up the potential tragedy of\nBurma, and indeed of the free\nworld. It also implies something\nvery important to Americans —\nthat there are other things to worry\nabout in Asia besides the future\nof Formosa.\n\nIn the long run the greatest\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 166.5146668701172, 5704.5981171875, 1664.1953398437502, 10295.38528125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SS SOSA METS MN NE, 8 UE MNES FARR 60ST te\nBefore I went to the Russian Revolution in 1917, I was a\nskinny fellow, but once I reached China, I began to put\non weight. After not eating in Russia, eating became the\ngreatest of joys and, in China, I enjoyed myself.\n\nSo I upped the usual three meals a day to five. As\nbreakfast is the most important meal, according to the\ndietitians, I dutifully did my duty. Breakfast became a\nritualistic meal; the courses stretched out to take enough\ntime to read all the newspapers available. My cook was\na splendid artist who revelled at his master’s enjoyment\nof delicacies at breakfast. The Number One Boy enjoyed\nit too. Soon the Master would look like the Laughing\nBuddha which would surely bring the household good luck.\nBesides, they got 10 per cent of everything that we spent.\n\nLunch was supposed to be a smaller meal but\nsomehow, as prosperity came, it became the impertant\ntime of day to hold business conferences, to meet im-\nportant personalities. Whe could diet or skimp on such\nan occasion; it might annoy the guest or the host\nwhichever it might be?\n\nThen came tea. We lived in those days in a British\natmosphere and tea was very important. There are, of\ncourse, no calories in tea, but there are little sandwiches\nand crumpets and hot butter and muffins and cakes and\npate de fois gras and all the goodies that dre called snacks.\nNo one wants to offend a hostess by ignoring what she so\ncarefully prepared.\n\nOften I would visit an old Chinese friend, Tong Shao-yi,\nabout tea-time. Tong had studied at Columbia University\nin the 1870s and had become a great figure in both im-\nperial and republican China. Tea-time was when he took\nhis coffee. He said that his coffee came from Hawaii,\nand he made it carefully, fixing each cup with his delicate,\nartistic fingers. First, he put some stgar in the cup; then\nsome cream; then he poured half hot milk and half hot\ncoffee. It was a filling experience.\n\nIn China, it is an-offense not to accept an invitation.\nSometimes I would go to two or three or even more a\nnight, and sample such cuisine as is unimaginable to\nAmerican steak-eaters.\n\nI would always say that really I had had hardly\nanything to eat or drink but that was because I never\ndid learn how to multiply. Therefore late at night,\nafter copy was written and in, I would meet my wife\nsomewhere to dance, she having spent the evening on\nher own because most of my engagements were with\nmen only, sing-song girls not being counted as guests.\nHow is it possible to dance without eating something\nto pay for a seat at a table?\n\nSince then it has been a battle with obesity. Each\ndoctor has his own diet list—designed to discourage eating\nat all.\n\nThe doctors all gave me the wrong advice. Instead,\nI got a dog. My old dog, Brownie, who died was a gentle\nsoul who adjusted herself to me. I took her out when I\nchose or got someone else to do it. Presently, I have a\nDutchman who real name is Walsdaag but we call him\nJoe. Joe brooks no nonsense. Either he is taken out at\nthe right time or he produces clear evidence of his desires\nand needs. It is a question of saving the carpets.\n\nJoe has learned that as soon as he has performed, I\ntake him home, so he delays performance, particularly\nwhen it rains or snows, Joe loving water and cold weather.\nHe adores me; so he wakes me early each morning, at\ndaybreak, to take him out.\n\nSo here is the way to end obesity. Get a dog!\nEspecially if you live in a city apartment house where\nthere are no yards for dogs. Walk the sidewalk, go\ninto the windy parks, meet other dogs, have a\nwrestling match. Do it several times a day. Get a\nhigh-spirited dog, preferably a male because males\nlove to ruin things, particularly carpets, and that\nmakes you run faster to get out of the house before”\nit happens.\n\nBesides, the anxiety helps. Who wanted the dog, any-\nhow? When the wife says that, you lose six pounds\nstanding still.\n\n(Copyright, 1955, King Features Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 6355.5326875, 5021.151828125, 7268.5600859375, 9015.613796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "danger in Asia is the political chain\nreaction that has started in Indo-\nchina. It is spreading, at this\nmoment, to South Viet Nam. If it\nis not halted at the border, Came\nbodia and Laos will come next,\nThen Thailand will fall. And after\nthe fall of Thailand, the rest of\nSouth Asia will be instantly ine\nvolved.\n\nInstruments Of Pressure '\n\nDespite Chou En-lai’s smooth\nprofessions to the Burmese gove\nernment, the Communists have ak\nready prepared their instruments\nof pressure for future use here,\nThey have their “autonomous fed-\nerations” to stir up the Kachin and\nThai peoples on the frontiers; their\n“progressive” front organizations\nthe Chinese are financing in Rane\ngoon; and of course their remain\ning insurgents. These things do not\nmatter much now. But let Thailand\nfall. Let the Communists stand on\nthree quarters of Burma's borders,\nLet all the timid and the doubtful\nbe swayed by enormous new Come\nmunist triumphs.\n\nAnd then the situation will arise\nof which Burma's U Nu has ak\nready warned India’s Jawaharlal\nNehru. According to authentic ree\nport, U Nu has frankly told Nehru\nthat the fall of Thailand will render\nBurma's polition “untenable,” even\nif there is no armed aggression to\nfear.\n\nTo make this potential tragedy\nstill more tragic, there is the\nfurther fact that neither the Asian\nnor the Western leaders are really\ndoing much to avert it. Both\nIndia’s and Burma’s future are ime\nmediately at stake. Yet the Indians\nand Burmese are reluctant to come\nmit themselves, by throwing their\nwhole political and moral weight\ninto the effort to halt the chain\nreaction where it can best be halt-\ned, in Lacs and Cambodia.\nReverse Of Enthusiasm\n\nMeanwhile, the American leaders\nare utterly preoccupied with For-\nmosa, which evokes the reverse of\nenthusiasm here. And by the same\ntoken, the American leaders ap»\npear to be utterly foregetful of the\nvast anc pressing danger of a come\nplete upset of ‘he world balance\nof power by the loss of South Asia,\n\nAll of which calls to mind what\nmad o'd Mossadegh said when a\nhigh American official warned him\nthe Communists were trying to\ntake over Persia. “Too Bad, toe\nbad,” he cried, giggling the while,\n“Too bad for us and too bad for\nyou!”\n\n(Copyright, 1955.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4480.686984375, 7522.1567109375, 5369.22170703125, 8313.1186796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "good a risk for cardiac surgery as\nare blue babies and young people\nwith heart leakage. But in my\nopinion there is a tremendous fu-\nture for this type of surgery.\n\nA group of New Jersey patients\nwere so pleased with the outcome\nof the operations they formed the\nCardiac Surgery Club. Their aims\nare to publicize this new field and\ngive financial assistance to worthy\nindividuals in need of the opera-\ntion.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4495.194796875, 4185.22458203125, 5397.72170703125, 7208.85549609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "the Formosa question in its im-\npact on world opinion. It is the\nnearest thing to a showdown which\nhas come from any nation in the\nfree world since the Korean War\nended in a stalemate and Indo-\nchina saw defeat. At last the\nUnited States — forced by circum-\nstances to stand alone—has given\nan example of firmness and reso-\nluteness which somehow the Unit-\ned Nations as an alliance thus far\nhas failed to give from the day\nit authorized the intervention in\nKorea.\n\nStill Some Misgivings\n\nThere are misgivings of various\nkinds, to be sure, among many\nmembers of Congress who voted\nfor the resolution. Some of these\nfears are that sooner or later the\ninsidious influence of the appeaser\nelements in world chancelleries\nwill be felt in ‘Vashington as ef-\nforts are made to create ‘two\nChina's” and finally to reward\nthe Chinese aggressor with a seat\nin the United Nations despite the\nfact that there is as yet no evidence\nof repentance for aggression com-\nmitted.\n\nThe American prisoners, more-\nover, have not yet been released\nby Communist China. There is a\npossibility too of more skirmishing\nin and around the islands just off\nthe coast of China. All this can\nproduce clouds on the horizon. But\nin the main there is reason for\nconfidence and for assurance be-\ncause the government of the United\nState is keeping faith with the\nyoung men who died in Korea to\nuphold the principle of collective\nsecurity. For while the joint resolu-\ntion passed by Congress was the\nact of one government to defend its\nown vital interests, it was also a\nstep taken for the collective pro-\ntection of Korea, Japan, the Phil-\nippines, and Southeast Asia,\n\n(Copyright, 1955,\nNew York Herald Tribune, Inc)\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1702.3362763671876, 3889.413302734375, 2605.66701953125, 6419.80276171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "WAOTMINULUN —— ihere if BOOd\ncause for enthusiasm about the\nstate of the Government of the\nUnited States in the world today.\nFor the virtually unanimous action\nof both houses of Congress which\npledged both parties to support the\nleadership of the President in pro-\ntecting the far Pacific frontiers of\nthe free world is the most signifi-\ncant event that has happened since\nthe “cold war’’ began. It inspires\na real hope for the avoidance of\nlarge-scale war in Asia, Resist-\nance to aggression in Korea was\nintended to achieve that objective\nbut a lack of resoluteness crept in\nfrom Allied sources and conceded\nto the enemy a “privileged sanc-\ntuary” for its planes of their Man-\nchurian bases. This was miscon-\nstrued as a weakness and led to\nrenewed aggression in Indochina\nby the Communists.\n\nThe statesmanship in the new\nmove by the President and Con-\ngress is that the United States has\nwarned the Communist enemy\nthere will be no “‘privileged sanc-\ntuary’’ this time and that any at-\ntack on American troops or ships\nor planes from any bases close to\nthe mainland — or even from the\nmainland itself — will be met with\nmilitary force unrestricted § in\nweapons.\n\nBest War Prevention\n\nThere are always the timid who\ncry out “this may mean war.”\nDefeatism in the non-ag-\ngres¢or can be the biggest single\ncause of miscajculation by the ag-\ngressor as two worlc wars have\ntragically proved. Hence the reso-\nluteness of the policy of the United\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2318.97265625, 8795.6484375, 2905.83154296875, 8895.9267578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By Bennett Cerf\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2669.530517578125, 8913.0673828125, 3490.3974609375, 9893.49609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "~~\nve\nWoAGILG .\n7 hw\n\\\\\n\nFred |/\\/4len\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6058.8544921875, 4911.02978515625, 6681.28857421875, 5001.892578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "By Joseph Alsop\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6045.50146484375, 9365.044921875, 6613.31494140625, 9465.8408203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By William Ritt\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4468.12985546875, 8545.581515625, 5370.09670703125, 9348.714382812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "nh. 1. writes: How does a person\nget a fungus in the ear? I never\ng0 swimming but am _ bothered\nwith this infection,\nREPLY\n\nThe organism usually floats in\nvia the air. The reason the condi-\ntion often is associated with swim-\nming is becayse dampness macer-\nates the skin. But when the ears\nare not dried carefully after wash-\ning them, moisture can accumulate\nin the same way and encourage the\nfungus to thrive.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 153.1810302734375, 5080.1689453125, 1114.5662841796875, 5329.45166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "These Days\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2973.05126953125, 7535.8359375, 4071.89453125, 7634.1513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By Dr. Theodore R. Van Dellen\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1695.8257783203126, 5742.12594921875, 2599.395046875, 7204.9878203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "pee eee eee Te Re eT ee 2 ee ee de FT\nmilitary force unrestricted in\nweapons.\n\nBest War Prevention\n\nThere are always the timid who\ncry out “‘this may mean war.”\nDefeatism in the non-ag-\ngres¢or can be the biggest single\ncause of miscajculation by the ag-\ngressor as two worlc wars have\ntragically proved. Hence the reso-\nluteness of the policy of the United\nStates today can be hailed as the\nbest preventive of war that could\nbe devised in dealing with enemies\nwho respect the forceful but have\nonly contempt .or the weak-kneed.\n\nIt is the fact that unrestricted\npower has been given to the U. S.\ncommander-in- chief by the Con-\ngress which is most encouraging.\nFor, despite the efforts of a mi-\nnority in the Serate to restrict\nthe scope of presidential authority\nat a time when jets fly 600 miles\nan hour. the final roll call showed\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2611.484103515625, 9908.1801484375, 3519.18215625, 10289.926296874999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ing in the window for him. When\nhe came home she gave him a\nroyal we'come and a gas bill for\n$729.\n\nCopyr cht, 1955, by Bennett Cerf.\nDistributed by King Features Syndicate\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4481.16064453125, 9372.0029296875, 4995.5556640625, 9433.3740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "VIRAL HEPATITIS\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3101.38623046875, 5282.14453125, 3919.22216796875, 5371.2314453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "By Arthur “Bugs” Baer\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5559.9033203125, 777.0327758789062, 6215.23095703125, 888.3247680664062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By Drew Pearson\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2364.1396484375, 247.3420867919922, 3872.681640625, 380.9775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Another Firm Offer From Russia\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 4469.4106171875, 9447.228, 5369.15530078125, 9989.070828124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "L. P. writes: Is infectious hepa-\ntitis contagious?\nREPLY\n\nYes. The causative virus reaches\nthe intestinal tract, through con-\ntaminated hands, water, milk, or\nfood. But the disease is not as\ncontagious as are measles, mumps,\nand the common cold.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 194.6942596435547, 5495.87744140625, 765.5739135742188, 5631.52978515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Get A Dog!\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 507.7210388183594, 5365.21435546875, 1311.1640625, 5458.77392578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "By George E. Sokolsky\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4460.478, 9993.8598359375, 5355.08791796875, 10283.974148437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "To the iimit of space, questions pertain-\ning to the prevention of disease wil) be\nanswered Persona! replies wil! be made\nwhen return stamped envelope is inclosed.\nTelephone inquiries not accepted. Dr. Van\nDellen will not make diagnoses or pre-\nscribe for individual diseases.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3209.581787109375, 3875.073974609375, 3881.594970703125, 3970.5693359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "By David Lawrence\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 3203.29833984375, 3867.17529296875, 3890.560546875, 3966.1328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "By David Lawrence\n" }, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 25, 5 ], [ 25, 21 ], [ 5, 21 ], [ 26, 20 ], [ 51, 36 ] ]
[ 7363.1135703125, 9204.852828125 ]
[ [ 2, 0 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 5, 25 ], [ 6, 1 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 25, 21 ], [ 51, 36 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 6403.213578125, 562.9190834960938, 7306.74003515625, 1499.937056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "be performed by the tenth grade.\nForwards and backwards, a bal\nlon relay, and a suitcase relay will\nmake up this group.\n\nLst on the program wili be the\nhighlight of the evening: the tra-\nditional finale done by the seniors.\nNot to be our-done by the bunny-\nhoppers of last year, this year’s\nseniors will present the Carrausel\nWaltz, done to ‘‘Melody of Love.”’.\n\nThe complete plans and prepara-\ntions for the exhibition have be\nunder the direction of Janis Holm-\nes, sical education ifistructor\nof junior and senior high girls.\n‘Miss Holmes also has classes from\nCentral grades. 8. 4.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 6414.51680078125, 2637.7965859375, 7312.5706015625, 4828.817671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Larry Diebold, as a cheerleader,\nhad the main role in one of the fun-\nniest parts of the play. He made\nhis entrance in a bearskin coat to\nget Anne, his date for the even-\ning. His loud voice, cheerleading,\nand noisy car didn’t make a very\ngood impression of Anne’s father.\n\nThe family council, organized for\ndemocracy and headed by Father,\ntook a big part in the play. Only\nthings of “general interest” were\ndiscussed and” these topics were\n\nalmost always* chosen by father.\nBut the question of boys, silk stock-\nings, and “painting’’ - (make-up)\ndid comie up in a meeting. Anné,\nNorma Morehead, was the cause\nfer this when she became interest-\ned in Larry, played by Dick Har-\nrington, Anne, the oldest of the\ntwelve, was also ““Miss I. Q. of\nMontclair High School.” »\n| Bette Bartl did a good job of get-\nting Anne in trouble several differ-\nent times, and also Gid a’ good job\nof acting. She and Ernestine, Elea-\nnor Hammer were the most inter-\nested in the romance between Anne\nand ‘Larry.\n\nOthers in the play, who also play-\ned their’parts well, were Carol Nel-\nson, Diane Desmond, Bill LaCrosse\nBob Decker, Flora’ Bingham, and\nEugene Crandall.\n\nThe scenery was very appro-\npriate, actually making the stage\nlook like a living room in the 1920's.\n\nThe play was presented both\nMarch 9 and 11 in the Central aud-\nitorum. Miss Joan Hoffman was\ndirector.\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5507.3415078125, 571.9615639648438, 6390.4202109375, 1488.601119140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "tinue with folk ball. “Lets Get Ac-\nquainted” and the “Virgnia Reel”\nwill catch the eye of square dance\nfans as the eighth graders keep in\nstep with the music.\n\nCompetition will arise as the\neleventh graders display their abil-\nity at volley ball. Following this\n\nJaekie Johnson, Alice Selles, Eve-\nlyn Brazelton, and Kathy Covey.\nThe boys aren't the only ones\nthat can play basketball. This will\nbe shown by teams of tenth, elev-\nenth.and twelfth grade girls.\nTeams will once more take the\nfloor asx a variety of relays will\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4605.83027734375, 569.5133828125, 5496.40507421875, 1507.770552734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The annual Girls’ Gym Exhibi-\ntion, torbe given March 18 at 8-00,\nwill consist of a variety of activ-\nities and wil) be highlighted by the\nsenior girls’ grand finale.\n\n‘Fo begin ‘(program will be peter\nvariety of marches and exercises\nperformed by the seventh th graders.\nFollowing this will be Chinese :\ncer, which will be ~played by the\nninth grade girls.\n\nSeveral specials will be done dur-\nhg ihe exhibition. The first will be\nan acrobatic dance, ‘Tweedie\nDee,”” by Jackie Willabee, Lola\nDiebold, Pasty Axsom, and Marcia\nCorey. The eighth grade will con-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4606.1305703125, 2764.136673828125, 5502.3245078125, 5872.0803671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Baseball gloves in classes, base-\nball ever-present in conversation,\na hurried rush at 3:00 and 4.00\np.m., what does this mean? It\ncan mean only one thing: baseball\nseason is here.\n\nThe Rams officially had their\nfirst baseball meeting on Friday,\nMarch 4, and have been meeting\nregularly since in the gym. As soon\nas the weather permits, ‘they will\nbe practicing outside at Ratcliffe\nField.\n\nThe varsity .returnees. on the\nsquad include Jim Dunn, Alden\nKnapp, Jack McCloughan, Al Pay-\nson and Art Roderick.\n\nThe first game for the Rams will\nbe on Friday, April 22, wi Por\ntage. The following Tuesday’ the\nsquad will journey to Otsego; This\nwill be followed by a game with\nVicksburg on the next Friday.\n\nState High will host the Rams on\nMay 3; and on May 6 our boys will\nencounter Plainwell here, followed\nin the next week by a home’ day-\nnight double header with Allegan.\n\nOf the five remaining games the\n| Rams will travel to Portage on\nMay 17, to Vicksburg on May 24,\nfe to Plainwell for thé* final play\n| on May 31,\n\nThe last two home games will be\n| en Friday 27, when the Rams are\nhost to State High, last year’s\nchamps, at Ratcliffe Field.\n\nState High won last year’s Wol-\nverine Conference crown, followed\nrespectively by Allegan and Por-\ntage. South Haven finished fourth,\nwhile Plainwell and Otsego ended\nthe season in fifth and sixth places.\nCompetition for positions in the\nleague last year was very keen.\n\n‘This year’s captain is Al Payson.\nThe success of the squad depends\nto some extent on the ability ol\nleadership shown by him.\n\nAt the recent meeting it was\nevident that the majority of the\ composed of seventh anc\neight: graders. They will make uf\nthe fotute teams and receive val\nuable assistance from observing\n‘and participating in the practice\nsessions of the squad. However, ¢\nshortage of Senior “/ Materia\nwas shown,\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1926.89961328125, 6382.947953125, 2816.38847265625, 9204.852828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "DEAR MARY HAWORTH: I am\nin my early 30s. divorced nine\nyears, self-supporting, with a good\nposition, 1 find myself becoming\nincreasingly bitter. Lately I have\nbeen restless, thinking of children\nand a normal home life. But I\ndon’t. know how to set about getting\nthese things.\n\nI have onal ‘involved in an af-\nfair for over five years. I see this\none man; he too is divorced. He is\ncharming and _ intelligent but\ndoesn’t want to get married. He\ngives as his reason that I am too\nselfish, not mature enough. I cook\nand clean for him nearly\nevery evening after business hours,\nstill he claims this doesn't signify\nI would make a good wife,\n\n1 realize that | am entirely to\nblame for my present lot. I am\nweak, easily swayed by Tom's ver-\nsion of how to love. I have a¢cept-\ned money and gifts from him, We\nhave traveled extensively together.\n\nI don’t have a very good opinion\nof myself; and I feel myself floun-\ndering, trying to find a way out. I\ncan't turn to religion, as I've\nnever known religion. (Tom and I\nare of different faiths.) I know\nan outsider can think of me only\nas the poorest example of woman-\nhood. Amd I really don't know\nwhat you can tell me that I haven't\ntold. myself, time and again,\n\nPerhaps I just want to see my\nsituation in print, to study it ob-\njectively, as if it were another\nperson's problem. Or perhap I am\nturning to you as I might to my\nmother, who has been dead since\nshortly after my divorce. 1 have\nnobody else with whom to talk\n‘things over; so please don't put this\nletter aside unanswered: I think |\nam ready to don any: hairshirt you\ney iy K.Y.\n\n: “Man's ‘Malice ea\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5505.6579140625, 2674.59883203125, 6404.42265234375, 4565.37089453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "MY FSIS § Sree\n“Gosh, that was good,” “| just\nloved it,\" ‘They sure did a good\njob, didn't they?\"’ were some of\nthe remarks heard as the students\nleft the senior play, “Cheaper by\n: the Dozen.\"\n| It did turn out to be a smash hit.\nThe audience laughed through most\nof the play, but the story also had\na serious side.\n\nGene Wank as father of the Gil-\nbreth family did an excellent job.\n‘He wanted all his children to be\nextra smart and even skip grades\nevery once in a.while. He stressed\neducation all through the play: A\nteacher, Joan Haynes, came to the\nhouse to study his methods of home\neducation and give the children\nexams, which they all passed with\nflying colors.\n\nThe costumes worn by Rita\nHeald fit the 20’s exactly. Rita her-\nself fit her part and did an excel-\nlent job.\n\nEleanor Hammer and Al Tress-\nler, two of the older children, in-\ntroduced all three acts in front of\nthe curtain in a spotlight. From\n\n‘here the play was presented in\n| flashbacks.\n\nWayne Erny as Bill had a sense\nof timing that seemed to bring him\nin the room at all the wrong times\nto the en of his sis-\nter, Ann.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4631.2585, 6177.29609765625, 5525.661421875, 7231.5061484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Van Buren County Teacher's In-\nstitute will be held Wednesday,\n“March. 16 -in~ the Central High\nSchool. The program will be in the\nafternoon when various topics will\n| be discussed.\n_ ‘The South Haven High School\n‘band will play some selections to\n“begin the meeting. “I like bad\n-boys\"’ is the topic of the after-\nnoon *peaker, Judge J. M. Braude,\n‘from Chicago. Discussions of dif-\nferent claSses and grades for all\nteachers will follow.\n| A dinner will be ‘served in the\nl/évening for all teachers in the\ngirls’ gym. The. guest speaker for\nthe evening will be Dr. Carl Win-\nters orating on *:What's Right with\n| Educators.”’\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 202.21823120117188, 7115.66943359375, 1845.3309326171875, 9163.599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ee Se ee\n\nreVigor! Less Figger!\nMinnie the Mermaid Says: .\n\nFer Tastier Lenten Menus, |\n- Serve Your Favorite Fish\n\n \n \n \n\neee\ni Dp :\n\n_ © ‘\n\n2 BE-MO\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 6442.900390625, 5778.98779296875, 7288.6318359375, 6212.52490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Inner-School Boys\nContinue to Battle\nFor Top Positions\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4635.21533203125, 5888.751953125, 5429.2529296875, 6168.16552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Teachers to Hold\nCountv institute\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4656.623734375, 7497.71797265625, 5555.632125, 9132.8030234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "CURRENT BIOGRAPHY 19M, is\nnow available to students of South\nHaven High School. Its addition to\nthe School library was announced\nby Miss Cora Thomassen, the lib-\nrarian.\n\nThis biography consists of. stor-\njes and pictures of 345 celebrities\nwho made.the headlines in 1954.\nIn the political picture such men\nas General William F. Dean, the\nfamous war prisoner, and Pierre\n-Mendes-France, the ‘‘almost-strong\nman” of France, are included.\nSports fans will be interested in\n‘the statistics which can be secured\n‘about Ralph Kinen, Al Rosen, Wal-\nter Aiston, and many others. |\n- Also, movie fans will be glad to\n‘find that biographies of stars such\nas Leslie Carson, Montgomery\nClift, Cyd Charisse, and Doris Day.\n“Oscar’ winners, Audery Hepburn\nand William Holden, are included.\n| The most ‘successful men and\n‘women of 1954, inside as well as\noutside the United States, are found\non ‘the pages of this book. Occupa-\ntions come from the field of ‘bus-\n‘total-of thirty-four- incor\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1908.8720703125, 5803.998046875, 3108.708984375, 6370.8310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Mary Haworth\nDivorcee Involved in\n‘Affaire Desires Advice\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4618.41748046875, 2385.440185546875, 5463.06103515625, 2747.660400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Rams Await First\nBaseball Contest\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3260.672607421875, 5816.60986328125, 3668.466796875, 6369.94189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5481.302734375, 2390.63134765625, 7289.3974609375, 2607.3427734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "“Cheaper by Dozen’ Hit!\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1864.421875, 392.2578125, 3142.6533203125, 819.66943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Synthetic Rubber Sale\nWould Create Monopoly\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4652.26904296875, 7267.11669921875, 5409.54052734375, 7479.48193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Library Receives\nRook on Stars\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3723.236572265625, 183.73643493652344, 4533.345703125, 630.42041015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Radio, TV\nNetworks\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 108.1840142211914, 5287.43769921875, 994.0384360351562, 5763.7131796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "DES MOINES, lowa (UP)—The\nTowa has voted in fa\nvor of a bill allowing young cow-\nboy aad Thdians to pack cap pis-\n\nar Frank Thompson said any\nsuch a pistol is ‘‘just\na blood and thunder\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1871.9907998046874, 846.3163002929688, 2773.805708984375, 5767.895796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON—Democrats took\na long step toward throwing away\ntwo of their chief campaign issues\n—‘‘giveaways\" and helping small\nbusiness—when a top Democrat,\nCong. Carl Vinson of Georgia, buck\ned and bristled over giving a hear-\ning to the Small Business Com-\nmittee regarding the sale of Tl\ngovernment owned synthetic rub-\nber factories.\n\nVinson was all set to join with\nthe Ikeites in handing the syn-\nthetic rubber factories over to the\nbig tire and oil companies when\nhis fellow Democrat, Wright Pat-\nman of Texas, blew the whistle.\n\n' Patman, as chairman of the\nHouse Small Business Committee,\nhad..prepare resolution with his\ncolleague; 5S Yates of IMlinois,\npointing to the unfairness of the\nsynthetic rubber giveaway. But\nChairman Vinson of the Armed\nServices Committee didn't want to\nlisten. He even challenged Pat-\nman's veracity, which to a Texan\nof integrity is tantamount to high\ntreason.\n\n‘Mr. Patman, we are delighted\nto have you here this morning,”’\nthe Georgian gushed as the hear-\nings opened.\n\n“Thank you, Mr. Chairman,”\nreplied Patman, ‘I shall make—”\n\n‘Wait a minute,’’ cut in Vinson.\n‘Before you start, for. the record.\nI want to find out—are you speak-\ning in behalf of the Small Busi-\nness Committee, and by direction\nof that committee, or are you\nspeaking in your individual ca-\npacity as a member of Congress?”\n\n“My committee has had no time\nto call a meeting,”’ replied Pat-\nman. “But | was assured by a\nmajority of members of my com\n‘mittee that I could speak for them.\nIn addition, I. conferred _with the\nranking Republican member of my\ncommittee.”\n\n— Insulting a Texan—\n\n‘| suggest thet the names of\nthe members who~have authorized\nMr. Patman to speak for them be\ninserted in the record,\"’ broke in\nof Massachusetts.\n\n“Don't you think that is going\nvery far, Mr. Chairman?’’ inquired\nPatman, angrily.\n\nThe meeting almost blew up at\nthis point as several members, in-\ncluding Democrats Paul Kilday of\n‘Texas. and Mel Price of Illinois,\ntried to be recognized by the chair.\n\n“We will get along very well if\neverybody will be quiet,’’ thunder,\ned Vinson.\n\n“Do I understand that you are\ngoing to question the right of Mr.\nPatman to appear before this com.\nmittee?\"’ demanded Kilday. ©\n\n“No, sit,’’ sputtered Vinson\n‘Not at all. That wasn't even in\ntimated by any question of mine.’\n\n“Il am not too sure that i\nwasn't,\"” fejoined Kilday of Texas\n“What was the purpose of you\nquestion about his appearing fo\na majority of the Small Busines:\nCommittee?” -\n\n‘I just wanted the record te\n\n_. show that-he is, not. appearing b;\ndirection of the committee, bu\n\nrather in behalf of a majority o\n\n~ the committee,’’ explained Vinson\n\n® ‘Are you going to require hin\n® to corroborate himself by placin;\n\n- in the record the names of Smal\n\n' Business Committee members h\nis speaking for?'' insisted Kilday\n\n‘‘No,”’ back-tracked Vinson.\n\nC —Gas Station Monopolies-\n\n_ Patman then explained how hi\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3741.754837890625, 7884.82930078125, 4643.895796875, 8613.382125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nOLE\n\nupward course, read “Power\nThrough Constructive Thinking”\n(Harpers) by Emmet Fox. At pres-\nent you are hemmed in by doubts,\nfears, resentment and self-condem-\nnation; these are ‘the basic ene-\nmies of moral regeneration. Learn\nto master them, and your life will\n‘be transformed, 1 promise. M.H.\n\nMary Haworth counsels through\nher column, not by mail or per-\nsonal interview. Write to her in\ncare of this newspaper.\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 193.39283752441406, 5810.24365234375, 1890.4906005859375, 7013.04541015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nBeautiful\nSparkling Hair\n\nwhen you shampoo with\n\nPOMONA\nAdded lanolin gives lus\ntrous high - lights and\ngel waves lovely long\ner.\n\n| att Try “Glamour”\n\nee a: Hand and Skin Cream\n\nGent) vi sate added lanolin, it gives your hands\nee care during stormy weather.\n\nKitchen,\nue hypmee == oyapmt\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4561.6591796875, 210.42420959472656, 7270.7666015625, 533.1512451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Exhibit To Display Talents\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3235.782958984375, 239.22772216796875, 3635.18310546875, 820.134521484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2825.756546875, 6410.77949609375, 3735.35331640625, 9187.036421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "takes malicious advantage of your\nsocial isolation to trample your\nself-esteem such as you have. This\nhas a cumulatively damaging ef-\nfect on your rational faculties and\nmorally recuperative powers.\n\nHere is a typical illustration of\nSatan at work, sabotaging a soul\n(with a_victim's help)—the kind of\nskullduggery hatched in hell, de-\nscribed with such brilliant wit by\nC.S.Lewis in “The Screwtape Let-\nters’’ (Macmillan). The book con-\nsists of a series of letters written\nby Screwtape, ap important offi-\ncial in Hades, to his nephew Worm-\nwood, a junior devil on earth. The\nletters are instructions in how to\nmislead a certain young man and\nget him on the skids to hell. —\n\nAs Mr. Lewis makes clear, in\nthis and other lively books——for ex-\nample ‘Christian Behavior\" and\n‘The Great Divorce’ (Macmillan)\n—the irony of evil-doing is that it\ncolossally cheats the suckers who\nembrace it. It never pays off in\nthe coin of pleasure they looked to\nfind on the primrose path. Rather,\nfutility and frustration and bitter.\nheart-hunger..for the good life are\ninevitahle one of going as-\ntray.\n\nBasic Enemies\nOf Regeneration\n\nThe well known parable of he\nProdigal Son is a case in point.\nThis Scriptural story indicates the\ndivinely ordained correction of your\nkind of mistake. The answer is to\npull out of the company of swine\n(‘who turn and rend you\"’) and dis-\ncover true satisfaction in righteous\nliving, under the Father's tare. The\nfather in this parable is symbolic\nof God's love, of course—which be-\ncomes manifest to those who be-\nlieve that, He is (as the Bible tells\nus).\n\nym aes beg you should do;\n\nve lem is feel\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2772.126908203125, 863.0200356445313, 3679.77616796875, 5800.2493125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "resolution, prepared by the Small\nBusiness Committee, would stop\nthe sale of the rubber factories on\nMarch 26 as now scheduled by\nEisenhower. Supporting him, Con-\ngressman Yates présented a mas-\nterful report which impressed even\nhostile committee members.\n\nYates showed that under the Eis-\nenhower rubber sale, 87-‘2 per cent\nof all rubber production would be\nin the hands of the big four tire\ncompanies, who worked together\nto control the sale of tires. ~\n\nShell Oil, for instance, which\ntakes over the government frub-\nber factory in Los Angeles, has a\ncontract with Goodyear and Fire-\nstone to sell them rubber; then\nGoodyear and Firestone’ turn\nround and sell Shell tires. These\ntires are distributed'to the publit\nthrough Shell gasoline stations.\n\nAnd Congressman Yates showed\nhow any Shell dealer who tries to\nstock ahy other tire competing\nwith Goodyear or Firestone loses\nhis Shell franchise.\n\nThe Standard Oil companies also\nhave a deal with U.S. Rubber to\nmake Atlas tires, sold exclusively\nthrough Standard Oi! filling sta-\ntions. No other tire can be sold by\nStandard Oil stations except Atlas.\n\nThus the Eisenhower rubber sale\nplan, Congressman Yates said,\nwould tighten this monopoly. by\nputting all.the government rubber\nfactories in the hands of Shell,\nGoodyear, U.S. Rubber, Goodrich,\nFirestone, Phillips Petroleum, Tex-\nas Oil, Sears Roebuck, Anaconda\nCopper, Endicott Johnson, and\nDunlop Tires of England:\n\n—Credit for Argentina—\n\nPatman suggested that the\nHouse Armed Services Commmit-\ntee and the Senate Banking Com-\nmittee get together and negotiate\n\n‘ for the disposal of the synthetic\nplants—‘‘so the little fellow won't\nbe crowded out.”’\n\n‘It takes a pretty good-sized cor-\nporation to run one ofthese plants,\ninterjected Vinson. ‘‘As I visual.\nize it, it is not in the sphere of\nsmall business. This is big busi-\nness.’\n\n| When Patman explained that\n\nsmall business had no way of get-\n- ting ‘“‘bank credit’’ to buy the\n_esynthetic plants, without some\nhelp from the government, Vinson\nyawned: “Oh, well.”’\n\n“We find an agency of-this gov-\n\n' ernment (Export-Import Bank)\n. with $1,000,000,000 of capital- stock\nprovided by the taxpayers,’ con-\n. tinued Patman, ‘‘that is making a\ for a steel mill in Argentina\n. of $60,000,000, plus other advances\nfor*equipment that will. bring the\n. taxpayers’ outlay up to close t\n- $100,000,000 for that one plant ir\n’ Argentina.\nt “If we are able to spend sc\n. much money to help other coun\n* tries like Argentina build a stee\n* mill, why shouldn’t we be able te\n; help our own small business te\nbuy some of these synthetic rub\n> ber plants in order to have a com\ny petitive rubber market in the Unit\nt ed States?”’ :\nf Georgia's Vinson came bacl\n. with the stock query: ‘‘Why, then\n1 shouldn't we do that in every othe!\nz enterprise?’\n1 “The difference is,’’ replied Pat\ne man, ‘‘that in this case you are de\n. livering lock, stock and barrel t\nthe rubber industry, facilities tha\n- will be used against the taxpayer\n8 as a monopoly. \"\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3743.794388671875, 8699.2663125, 4650.493453125, 9169.028609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "*MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) — A\nMemphis Episcopal church is pay-\ning Mrs. Florence Greenwood's ex-\npenses to accompany her minister\nhusband to an Episcopal conven-\ntion in Hawaii because, it was de-\ncided, *‘Husbands can't be allowed\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1004.102982421875, 5277.399125, 1902.9178916015626, 5751.43827734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UP) —\nCustomers of a rural cooperative\ntelephone company have asked the\nIndiana Public Service Commis-\nsion to allow them to pay higher\nrates.\n\nThey said increased charges of\n\\up to $1 a month would improve\nservice.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 102.50021362304688, 2380.65087890625, 1834.134521484375, 5154.5341796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nABERIAIF IT\n\nDAILY CROSSWORD i qaas 2\n\n \n \n\nACROSS 19. Indi- a\n1. Coins 1. herished spens- Nii |\n(Turk. ) animals able At\n6. Portion 2. Mine 20. Twilled\n12 lg of (Latvia) \"make\nLeneest wabe 23. ie\n13. A wild 5. Napkin ing\npiven a oe. © pronoun. 0 Veoterday'e Answer\n38, ond frora . dial.) 24. Before 37. Genitive of\na. a\nfe (Hawall) 9. —, 31. Marshy ° _—\n: : keeper S90. Things 35. repeeccl | floor (1h4.)\n_ 31. Pound to eat grove: . 41. Girl's name\nuae, “Get. ee oa\ncard note India) mound\n25. Comfort.\n_. able\n$ 27. Unit of\n_ weight in\n“ae t stones\nol eZ a\new) ane\n3 Sharp onde WA | lA\noe Frege\n: 7\n\n \n\nell DZ gh\n\nae 7Z\nool Hl al ZZ i\n( @Otsiw, Atom\nTTA\net 1b a tt\n\n5 t.l@\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5624.84423828125, 4645.701171875, 6318.59814453125, 4786.0185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "HONOR ROLL\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6462.8864296875, 4903.07148828125, 7289.81034765625, 5739.02519140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Several members of _ the\nSouth Haven faculty attended\nthe Southwestern Michigan\nGuidance Conference at West-\nern Michigan College in Kala-\nmazoo Saturday, March 12.\n\nThe program included panel\ndiscussions in the morning and\n\na keynote address in the after-\n- hoon.\n\n| The main speaker was Dr.:\nCarl Williamson of the Univer-\nsity of Minnesota, nationally\nrecognized authority on guid-\nance activities. B. T.\n\n|\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3851.78173828125, 3103.33544921875, 4475.2509765625, 3175.335693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "TELEVISION PROGRAMS\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3727.39521875, 3242.694291015625, 4555.981734375, 6110.74198828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "7:00-—Kuk Alli ;\nCapt. Video—DuMont\nNorby—nbe\n7:16—John Daly—abeo aie\nMorgan Beatty—DuMont\n7:30— ate Fisher—nbe\nNe Broadcast—cbs\nDiseeytand Film Hr.—abe\n7:45-— News Caravan—nbo\nPerry Como—cbs\n\n8:00—Joan Davis Film—nbo |\nGodfrey Hour—cbsa\n8:30— Little Margie Film—nbe\nStu Erwin Film—abo\n9:00—TV Theater—nbc\nThe Millionatre—cba\nprapquerede Party~abe\nhicago Symphony—DuMont\n9:30—I' ve Got a Secret—cbse\nWho Said That?—abo\n10:00. This is Your Life—nbe\nBoxing—cbs\nWhat's the Story—DuMont\n10:30-——- Big Town Film—nbo\n\n11:30-—Steve Allen—nbo\nTHURSDAY, MAR. 17\n\nEvening\n6:00—News for.15 Min.—cbs\nVariety Hr. (rpt.)—mbs- west\n6:30—Sports & News—abc-east\n6:45—Newacast by Three—nbe\nNews & Comment—cbs\nSporte—abe |\n7:00—Newa & sommentary —nbe\nTennessee Ernie—cbs /\nNews ommentary—abc -\nNews mmentary—mbs\nTb—Delly C Commentary—abe\nDinner Date—mbs\n7:30—News Broadcast—nbo\nThe Choraliers—cbs\nSilver ;\nNews mment—mbs\n7:45—One Man's nase era\nNews Broadcast:\nBadie Fisher Show—mbs\n8:00—Roy Rogers—nbeo\nThe i bs\n\nJack Greene) ewsa—abo\n‘Detective\n——— H\nSY Wako oee\n\noe me Fighters—mbs\n\n9:00—News & Quiz—nbc\nRosemary pn i AO\n\nSerenade; News—abo\nNews & Story—mbe\n\noe Pate\n\n9:30— Where {£94 Beon—nbe * .\n\nmer. And e 60e Neue-aie\n\naie aed & ane\nDance Orchestra—c\nNews & Comment—a\nMusica! van—mbs\n10:16—Great Giidersieeve—nbo\n10:30-—June Pickens—nbo\nhestra Show—cbs\nFront & Center—abe\nnee Orchestra—mbe\n£4000. News & Varieties—ali nets\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6467.12226953125, 8760.5836953125, 7361.53300390625, 8953.5842734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Thirty years ago, there were\net ae Sees fom\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3880.843017578125, 6166.91357421875, 4498.31689453125, 6241.625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "TELEVISION PROGRAMS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5526.4801796875, 4884.908890625, 6421.6819296875, 9146.2131796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "period Nas deen released, itis com-\nposed of the students who received\nB. grades or bettr.\n\nSeventh Grade\n\nSandra Ashley, Betty Bauschke,\nLinda Bingham,..Shirley Boshell,\nCharles Christensen, Bonnie Covey,\nJudy Fowler, Carol Fritz, Bobbie\nGlover, Charles Goodnian, Neil\nGoodrich, Roger Griebe, Danny\nHall, Paul Hammer, Robert Hart-\nman, David Keithly, Waverly Kel-\nlogg, Arlene Levin, Ted Lilien-\nsteins, Susanna Makaryk, Alan\nMinert, Cynthia Monroe, Margaret\nNichols, Judith Olsen, Sally Patter-\nson, Michael Phelps, Elaine Ret-\nberg, Myra Reznik, Linda Sand-\nstrom, Janice Sieveds, Eileen\nSpratt, Julie Stein, Barbara Urist,\nMadelene Vincent Leta Williams.\n\nEighth Grade\n\nPatricia Axsom, Arthur Barnett,\nKaren Barth, Cheryl Brenner, Lola\nDiebold, Ann Fleming, Julie Hov-\ner, Janet MacKenzie, Elaine. Marrs,\n| Phil Niffenegger, Marian Nixon,\n| Francine Okun, Daniel Pacyna,\nBonnie Reeder, Arthur Retberg,\n| Roper, David Ross, Daniel Steb-\n| bins, Janet Steel.\n\nNinth Grade\n\nFrances Bingham, Barbara Bra-\nschler, Steve Brinks, Richard Brod-\nhagen, Sandra Carter, George\nFleming, Adelaide Fritz, Arthw\nHartman, Renald Kilgren, William\n\n| Knapp, Robert Kohlhoff, Kay Lad\n\n‘}enburger, Millicent Lahndorf\n\n‘|Mary Lee ‘Listiak, Paul Minert\n\n‘| Judith Myers, James Norden, Jo\nAnn Peck Sandra Reinhardt, Caro\nlyn Ringenoldus, Frank Steinmitz\nPat Tamandl, Orley Vaughan.\n\nTenth Grade\n\nBruce Appenzeller, David Apple\n‘i yard, Dennis Appleyard, -Davic\n‘| Barnett, Jack Brodhagen, Joyc\n>; Chitty, Fred Faux, James Force\n'| Zane Johnston, Anita Kuhn, Es\n\"| ther Lamb, Francis Lilly, Gilber\n“Okun, Charlotte Olson, Gary Smith\n-| Carolyn Sullivan, Brenda Tait, A)\n‘lice Tenhopen, Roberta Williams\n| Eleventh Grade\n,| Carol Buckborough, Carol Cobb\n;| Marilyn Covey, Richard Davis, Al\n| ten Dickerson, Joyce ne 209 ye\n|| ver, Mandolph Monroe, Twila Nc\n.| Vak, Carolyn Olson, Harold Rosen\nson, Arlene Snyder, Shirley Szy\n,| magski, Carol Thomas, James Tur\n, ner, Jean Winzenz* Joyce Latchaw\n\n: Twelfth Grade\na |\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3713.7340859375, 650.521927734375, 4581.7834921875, 3061.86112890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "9, Chicago .\nWEDNESDAY, MAR. ‘16\n\nfvening\n6 News tor 15 Min.—cbe\nariety Hr. (rpt,)—mbs- west\n6:30-—Sportsa & News—abc- east\n6:45—Newscast by Three—nbe\nNews & Comment—cbe\n\n7:00—News & mentary—nbe\nppanearee — i\news mentary\nNews é Realebiarb inte\n7:16—Dally Commentary—abe\nDinner Date—mbs\n7:20—News Browicast—nge\n_ The Choraliers—cbs “\"\"'\n\nRanger: News—-abe\nNews Comment—mbs\n7:45—One Man's Family—nbde\nNews Broadcast—c\nin the Mood—mbs\n. §:00—Dinah Shore-—-nbe\nFBI Drama; News—cbds\noo og pt News—abe\nad Room—mba\n: yipPrane Sinatra—nbe_\n:30—News, Adventure—nbe\ninct—-¢be\n\n— Precine\nsand Deamnwue\noa “Gteaibenake\nee ng weno Marx—nbe ,\nComo—cbs\n\nPerry\n\nSerenade; News—aboa\n\nNews & Story—mbs\n9:15—Bing Crosby—cbe\n9:30—Big Story —nbe\n\nAmos-Andy; News—cbs\n\nRecord Room; News—abe\n10:00—Fibber & Molly—nbeo\n\nDance Orchestra—cbs\n\nNews & Comment—abe\n\nLondon Melodies—mbs\n40'15—Qreat Gildersiceve—nbo\n10:30-—Keys to Capital—nbe\n\nDance Orchestra—cbs\n\nNews & Comment—abe\n\nJazz Quartet—mbs\n1100-—News & Varieties—all nets\n\ni\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1026.6168212890625, 5189.7001953125, 1686.81884765625, 5261.748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "WORTH THE PRICE\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 6441.72383203125, 6259.83906640625, 7354.33378515625, 8531.1799765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Upset mars Williams s siate\n\n‘A spirited bunch of cagers fought\noff the league leaders last Tuesday\nto raise Jensen's team to the undis-\nputed fourth place slot.\n\nLed by Don Zacker with ten\npoints, Jensen’s quintet knocked\nWilliams’s team into a first place\ntie with Stein’s men. Ken Holland\nand Jim Driver each tallied four to\nplace top on William's group.\nTom Hill amassed 28 points in a\nblasting of Lamb's team.\na close. first half Diebold’s\ngroup started to roll and really kept\nthe nets, busy in piling up a 62-33\nwin, Diebold and Curran dropped\nin 12 markers . apiece for the -vic-\ntors. Bob ‘DeHaven with ten amd\nDave Miller and Bob Overhuel,\neach with six, led Lamb’s team.\n\nStein’s slip by Knapp’s\n\nChuck Stein's team moved into\nfirst place by edging Knapp’s\nsquad 30 to 27. Knapp’s quintet, led\nby Mosier and Servatius with eight\nand seven points respectively,\ncame back in a hard fought second\nhalf but fell short by three tallies.\nBrazelton bucketed twelve for\nStein's cage team.\n\nNotes\n\nWilliam's loss put Stein’s and\n| Williams's teams into a first place\n| de with nine and two records .\n\nTom Hill dropped in thirteen field\n|} goals for an amazing 61 per cent\n‘|from the floor . .Knapp’s team\n'| played good clean ball by drawing\n‘| only three fouls in the third. match.\n} x. 7.\n\ns i\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 6478.9626015625, 8559.7497109375, 7352.8928671875, 8745.454390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "There are approximaetely 350\nchildren enrolled in the het lunch\nprogram this year.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3767.76611328125, 8639.2236328125, 4209.70849609375, 8699.8271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "TOO RISK Y ?\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 6539.521484375, 6236.38916015625, 7246.5498046875, 6299.12646484375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Upset mars Williams's slate\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 6458.73555078125, 8971.5368203125, 7363.1135703125, 9144.2600546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "In 1981 for the first time in Sev.\nevel yesre «Debate Beam ware\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 136.3508758544922, 484.4236145019531, 1775.17333984375, 2322.472900390625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "o Svs 9, 0% ze0 ce\né @% 'e 2\n\nneither?\n\nrot 2\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3783.01220703125, 7374.494140625, 4616.68701171875, 7842.048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "MOTOROLA\nTELEVISION\n\nYe block se. of Phoenix on US-31\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 3758.52949609375, 6268.68281640625, 4572.49003515625, 7316.19999609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": " \n\n7:00— Kukia, Ullle—abdeo\nCapt V pl\n7116—Jonn Valy—a\nMorgan Beatty DuMont\n7130— LD? Shore—nbe\newe Mponaaans--abe\nLone Ranger Film—abe\nre Naee Caray be\nJane Froman—c\n\nho Marx Fium—nbé\nRay tay Milland Flm—ebe\n\nMeg eee Drama—nbdo\nax-—cbs\nreaeure Men—abde «,\n9:00-—Lragryet Plims—nide”\nVUrama ow—abe\n0:30—F iim Theater— ndo\nFour Star Film—cba\nVv Tener\nMinute. ce— DuMont\n\n10100— Video Theater—nbe\nPublic Defender Film—cbde\n\n10:30—Name That Tune—cebds\n41:40—Steve Allen—nbo\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 131.19044494628906, 5197.9892578125, 903.9317016601562, 5266.71142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "21 O0D AND THUNDER\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 150.54771423339844, 478.4472351074219, 1767.5594482421875, 2368.741455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "eco ocege, fos\"\n\n%e @\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 5704.09033203125, 2645.657958984375, 6190.744140625, 2693.44091796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "hy Alice Tenhooen\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 5531.20723046875, 4810.748734375, 6420.09452734375, 5040.75077734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "The honor for the fourth marking\nperiod has been released. It is com-\nposed of the students who received\nB grades or bettr.\n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 9, 16 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 24 ], [ 9, 26 ], [ 16, 20 ], [ 16, 24 ], [ 16, 26 ], [ 20, 24 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 24, 26 ] ]
[ 2827.3844589843748, 4158.07177734375 ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 9, 16 ], [ 16, 20 ], [ 20, 26 ], [ 24, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1067.730775390625, 1382.7877822265625, 1417.9304794921875, 2599.0272812499998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| Mr. and Mrs, Billy Yocum\njSpent the weekend with Mr. and\nMrs. Herman Yocum and fami.\nly. The former couple lives in\nChambersburg.\n\nClyde Hockenberry nf MeVey-\nfawn was a visitor of Mr. and\nMrs. Henry Goshorn Friday eve-\nning.\n\nMrs. Anuie Gushorn and Mrs.\nClara Coons drove fo New\nBloomfield one recent afternoon,\n\nLouise Peck spent Saturday in\n[Blairs Mills.\n\nMr. and Mrs. George McClure\nof York spent sume time over\n|the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.\nWilliam McClure.\n\nThe Blairs Mills Lions Club\nmembers were enteriained in\nthe community this week.\n\nThose who attended the YRE\nannual meeting at Huntingdon\non Saturday from this area were\nCharles Parson and Violet Yohn,\nMrs. Malie Erb, Mr. and Mrs.\nMelvin Goshorn and niece, Mr.\nand Mrs. Herman Yocum and\nfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Yo-\ncum and family, Mr. and Mrs.\nLawrence Chilcote and Mr. and\nMrs, Edd Goshorn..\n\nThose atlending the party held\nlat the social hall iast Friday\njevening were Mrs. Nellie Hock-\nenberry of MecVeytown, Mrs.\nHelen Rice, Mrs. Dorothy Sny-\n\n'der, Mrs. Arlene Burdge, Mr.\n‘Anna Hunsinger, Mrs. Beck\n|Love, Mrs. Estella Clayton, Mrs.\n‘Louise Yoho, Mrs. Lena Shear-\n‘er, Mrs. Sara Shearer, Violet\nHeater and Betty Clayton.\n| Lekman Book of Shade Vahey\nis a patient in the Lewistown\n\nUnentienl\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1424.5597548828125, 1524.2186904296875, 1773.101744140625, 2398.6620468749998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The Philadelphia Piano Trio\ncomprised of pianist Lambert\nOrkis, violinist Paul Windt and\nDavid Kadarauch, celloist will\nperform Wednesday, March 27\nat 4:50 p.m. in Oller Auditorium\non the Juniata College cam-\n‘pus.\n| A student at Philadelphia's\nCurtis Instilute’ and the Chicago\nMusic Academy, David Kad-\narauch is presently playing first\ncello with the Philadelphia Lyr-\nic Qpera Company and with\n‘46 Concerfo Soloists’. He has\nstudied under numerous promi-\nnent musicians including Or-\nJando Cole, Oscar Shumsky, and\nJascha Brodsky and has ap-\npeared at the International\nHouse and the Ethical Society\nin Philadelphia.\n\nLambert Orkis, pianist, began\nformal lessons when he was\nfive. Winner of numerous youth\ncompetitions, he «performed\nwith {he Frankford and Phila-\ndelphia Orchestras when he was\neleven. Two years later he was\nawarded a scholarship to the\nCurtis Institute where he stu-\ndied under Mrs. Eleanor Soko-\nloft.\n\n| Presently serving a8 a gradu-\n\nmis REERESAL SAA HaiGiT of intbn.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1774.5241103515625, 1534.2428603515625, 2125.5824570312498, 2383.4762558593748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "national pianist, Maryan Filar,\n‘at Temple University, Mr. Orkis\n‘counts Balakirev's “Fantaisie\n‘Orientale, Islaney”, one of the\nimost difficult piano works writ-\n-ten, among his reperfoire.\nViolinist Paul Windt received\nhis early musical training from\n(Mihail Slolarevsky and made\n;his formal debut in the Y.M.\nand W.H.A. recital series in\n‘Philadelphia. He has played pri-\nate auditions for Eugene Or-\nrmandy and Isaac Stern and has\nstudied four years with Efrem\n‘Zimbalist at the Curtis Insti-\ntute. A 1966 fellowship winner to\niTanglewood, Mr. Wind! has pet-\nformed as guest artist with the\n‘Carnegie, Altoona, Pittsburgh,\n(McKeesport and Buller Sym-\nphony Orchestras,\n| The program for Wednesday\nt night's concert includes: Trio\nSonata in b minor by J, B.\nLoeillel, Trice in Eb, Op. 1, No. J\n‘by Beethoven and Schubert’s\nTrio in Bb, Op. 99.\nj Third in a series of four con-\n:cerls sponsored by the Depart.\n{ment of Music at Juniata Col-\nlege and a foundation grant, the\n\n‘event [s offered free to the pub-\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2117.55035546875, 200.6627059326172, 2466.8646835937498, 851.6936630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mr. ard Mrs. Herman Hess\nspent Sunday with Mrs. Dorothy\nEsitrekin in Entriken.\n\nMrs. Elmer Smith and. Mrs.\nGrace Keifman visiled their\nfather, David Ford, a patient at\nthe Pennwood guest home on\nSunday.\n\nMr..and Mrs, Terry Hamm\nand daughter of Farrell visited\nMr. and Mrs, Raymond Hamm\nduring the weekend.\n\nMrs. J. A. Shuck visited on\nFriday Mrs. Betty Heck in Loys-\nburg.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Lewis Camerer\nof Roaring Spring and Mr. and\nMrs. Robert Dively of Sprowl\nvisited Mrs. Dollie Whysong on\nSunday evening,\n\nDennis Troutman, a student at\nShippensburg State College\nspent the weekend at home.\n\nMrs, Reba Cook and Mr. and\nMis, Zane Biack of Bedford yis-\nLited on Sunday in the Frank\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1424.402099609375, 1328.1134033203125, 2078.0927734375, 1508.9635009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Piano Trio To Present\n\nConcert In Oller Hall\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2469.132142578125, 147.87231591796876, 2827.3844589843748, 733.2606186523437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Guyton and John Cook homes,\nMr, and Mrs. Ottis Wigfield of\nEverett and Mrs. Mildred Lead-\ner of Everett visited Mrs, Ruth\nReplogle on Sunday. :\nRhonda Kay Barnes of Cham-\nibersburg is spending several\ndays with her grandparents, Mr.\nand Mrs. John Wenglik.\n~ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barnes\nand children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawe\nrence Mellott and children and\nMr, and Mrs. John Wenglik at-\ntended the wedding of Merfill\nBarnett and Miss Carol Brown\nin the Church of God at Saxion\non Saturday afternoon,\n\nThe Rey. Sheldon Snyder and\nsome of his parishioners from\n'the Grace Byelhren Church held\nservices for the guests at the\nChadwick rest home on Sunday\n| afternoon.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 739.60546875, 2691.38525390625, 1404.4271240234375, 4158.07177734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Posers\n\nYOUTH CENTER\n| is\nready\nfor\n\nSpring & Easter\n\nIs Your\nChild?\n\nSHOP FRIDAY & MONDAY TILL # P.M.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1430.16552734375, 2427.333251953125, 2823.76513671875, 4145.7783203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nThe best selection in many a year...\n\nSPRING COATS\nand DRESS ENSEMBLES\n\nSee the latest in fashion fer Spring ‘6B\n«... Coat Ensembles (wool coat with\nmaiching shift) and Dress Ensembles\n(smart dress with light weight topper)\ni + +e they're besutifult\n\n*15” to ‘70°\nBig assoriment ef new\n\nSPRING DRESSES\n\nif Choose from complete size ranges s ¢ 9\n5-15, 10-20 and 14% te 2444.\n\nAe.\n\n§go0 $ o0\n(Ff 9” to ‘25\n* NOTE\nWe nearly sold out af sur eriginal shipment\nef NEW CAPES. However, we have re-srs\n\ndered more separate capes amd cape an:\nsembles and they ara expected te ative\n\n \n\nvery soon,\n\n** NOTL\n\nWe have jus! added # mew Jine of fashions\nwhich we know you'll like—Dresses in half-\naizes and misses sizes—.\"Forever Young” by\nPuritan.\n\n’ .\naden A Gentle Fall of attomen-stitch texturized\nacetate double knit frem the fightly\n\nthered yoke. Th holent AH\nLADIES’ STOKE gotheres yous ® nonchalant neckline\n\nis searfed with fresh pelke dots and pre«\n\nSHOP FRIDAY £ MONDAY TUL 9 wine peckere aecent the skirt, Sixes 10-20, ,\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 739.40087890625, 2362.384521484375, 1047.406982421875, 2592.095947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "SPECIAL\n61 Chevrolet Impaia\n2-Dr. Hardtop\n$395\n\nRAMSEY\nAUTO SALES & SERVICE\nRt. 22, Maunt Union\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 8.526916061401367, 448.67746118164064, 360.00927587890624, 1220.2969345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "DISS RAGA TATA UE itldaily persons\nregarding Jesus Christ runs\nsomething like this: Jesus wa:\na great and wise teacher. Time\nhas been dated from his birth\nHe was undoubtedly the mos’\ninfluential person that has eve:\ninhabited the planet.\n\nBut here they siop. Not so the\nNew Testament. in ihat collec.\ntion of twenty-seven books we\nget a picture of Jesus Christ\navhich is far different from tha!\nusually sketched by persons whe\ndo not have any deep convic.\ntions regarding what is referred\nto as Christian doctrine. Jesus\nwas a great man—bul beyond\nthal, nothing.\n\nGod Made Manifest\n\nThe Scriptures indeed teach\nus thaf Jesus was a man who\n\nThe Sunday School lesson\nfor March 24 is entitled,\n“Abiding in Christ.” John\n1521-12,\n\nhungered and lhirsted as we\nhunger and thirst, and died\nwhen subjected to a cruel form\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 21.64544105529785, 1234.16455078125, 351.3531799316406, 2194.74560546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\nPYRAMID $575\nALSO $300 To 1975\n\nREGISTERED\necepsake?\n\nBlaMOND AIKGS.\n\nFamous for quality\n\nAte warid over,\n\nKeepsake is\n\nAmerica’s most neve\nwanted ee\ndiamond —_ 2SeodBessstesring\nting.\n\n \n\nJaymes\nJewelers\nMount Union\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2142.001953125, 844.8511962890625, 2815.603759765625, 2383.852294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nNo doubt your home hes # ream\n\n \n \n\nyou consider a trouble spet . 2 4\nene that needs mare utilty space,\nmore space fer recreation . . . ar\n“just plain “dressing up.” That's\nwhere we cen help... with the\nmaterials, the crefimanship and the\ntraining and exparience fer remodel-\nIng. For a gasd Icaking ream, eall\n‘on us. We'll be glad to talk ever\nyour needs at @ time that suits yeu\nbest.\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2159.31787109375, 140.46884155273438, 2420.55078125, 189.6721954345703 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Riddleshure\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1113.2808837890625, 1324.4888916015625, 1372.7022705078125, 1375.0677490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Blairs Mills\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2467.9658828125, 745.8969130859375, 2820.1517929687498, 851.5687241210937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The Harriman Memorial\nAward is given to stimulate con-\n|servation of human tife on rail.\nyouds_\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1093.3192138671875, 88.46944427490234, 2089.750244140625, 1059.26953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 360.93530419921876, 449.42941430664064, 715.2138046875, 2214.7374863281248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "OF ExXechhion. But we believe\n‘more about him than that. Be-\nfond his greainess as a man.\niwe see his uniqueness as the\nSon of God. We believe that he\njis of the nature of God Him.\njSelf. We express this by saying\nthat he is the incarnation ot\n\\God, or the coming of God into\nhuman flesh in a way that has\nimever happened before and that\n;We believe will never happen\n‘again.\n\nOne of the outstanding as-\n‘pects of our faith in Christ is\nour conviction that after his\nivesurrection and sojourn of far-\nity days with his disciples te\nwas received up inlo heaven\nand there holds a place of hon-\ny at the right hand of God.\n‘Even more comforting and\nthrilling is the realization that\nalthcugh he has left the earth\nhe is spiritually stil here in the\nmidst of his people and in the\nhearts of believers. We believe\nthat through faith we ean turn\n‘to him, and the very essence of\nhis being will enter our hearts,\nigiving us guidance, slrengthen-\nng us int lime of temptation,\nilifting us up from our defeats\nand sorrows.\n\nBasic Dilferences\n\nOf no one else that has ever\nllived do we say that we are one\n;with him and he one with us.\nfioses was a great man, and\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nj Xing David, and many of the\nprophets, and the ~ Christian\n| apostles. But we never speak of\n\n \n\ning one with Moses or one\nwith the Apastle Paul, much as\nwe honor these men and regard\nitheir achievements with Erati-\ntude. Bui we do speak of being\n‘one with Christ. The living\n;Christ himself enters into the\njhuman heart and we in turn\nenter into the life of Christ. We\nare in him, and he is in us. And\nthis relationship is a source of\nspiritual power whch causes\nihe fe of a Christian to be jull\niof expectation, confidence, com-\nfort and perseverance.\n\nThe Sunday School lesson For\n‘March 24 is entitled, “Abiding\nin Chrit\" and it deals with\nthis aspect of oneness which we\nmay have with the Saviour him-\nself. Here Jesus likens himse!\nto ihe vine, and his followers to\nthe branches. “He that abides\nin me, and I in him, he it is\nthai bears much iruil, for apart\nfrom me you can do nothing”\n\n(dobn 15:5),\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 28.054542541503906, 2328.532958984375, 709.102783203125, 4142.419921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nSAM HAYES, JR.\n\nRepublican Candidate\nGeneral Assembly\n\nAsa ‘Republican Candidate for Representa-\ntive to the General Assembly I would like to\noutline again one of the very critical issues\nfacing us.\n\n@ We in this district are in the Susquehanna Riyer Basin.\n\n@ The Susquehanna River Basia compact is to be an agree-\nmeni between Penosylvania, Maryland, New York and ;\nthe Federal Government.\n\n@ Four men are (o have the power to plan. Manage and\ncontrol our water and water resources (land, forests.\netc.}.\n\n@ Peansylvania has only one vote on the commission even\nthough we will contribute 7662 of the land and $1% ef\nthe population.\n\n@ Representative Snare has heen one of the persons plan-\nSing such a future for your wafer, water resources and\ntax dollars. He is sponsoring the Compact.\n\n@ Is this what you want? Is this proper representation?\n\nThis is where SAM HAYES, JR. stands:\n\n® Cerfainly we are for conservation. However, let us not\nthreaten our private rights and state economy all in\nthe -rame of conservation. We must also protect our\nProperty, communities and tay dollars.\n\n@ Your water, land and forests belong to you. A four man\ncommission should not have the power to plan, manage\nand contral these resources.\n\n@ Who is going to pay for all the projects the four man\ncommission is going (a dream-up? You, the taxpayer.\n\n@ Share has failed you and no longer represents your in-\nterests.\n\nVOTE HAYES APRIL 23\n\nRepublican Candidate\nGeueral Assembly\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 26.33353614807129, 55.22649383544922, 705.6412963867188, 243.6076202392578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "LESSON FOR MARCH 24, 1968\n\nTrue Nature Of The Master\nBasic In Christian Faith\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 718.8048720703125, 54.86868432617187, 1072.7139267578125, 1581.99554296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Vineyards played a large part\nin the life of the people to wham\nJesus spoke. Jesus likened him.\nself to the stock from which the\nbranches go out to bear fruit:\nGod the Father is the husband:\nman (the one who fends the\nvineyard), and He coristantly\nfakes away the branches that\nare dead, prunes back the vine\nso that it will bring forth more\nfruit-bearing branches. “If a\nman abjde not in me,\" said Je-\nsus, “he is cast forth as a\nbranch, and is withered; .., If\nye abide in me, and my words\nabide in you, ye shall ask what\nye Will, and it shall be done unia\nyou. Herein is my Father glori.\nfied, that ye bear much fruit; so\nshall ye be my disciples.\"\n\nSource Of Power\n\nGod will grant our petitions if\nwe meet his moval require\nments, namely, if we keep his\ncommandments. Jesus is the\nsource of life, in whom our life\nmay abide, and when our life\nabides in him and his life abides\nin us, the very power, presence\nand illumination of Christ comes\nin to endue and guide our lives.\nChr “an life, therefore, is a\nEfe lived in Christ. This may—\nand generally does — involve\nmembership in his Church. It\ninvolves the use of eveeds to the\nextent that they can be helpful,\nalthough all creeds, because\nthey are man's formulation of\ntruth, are but an incomplete:\nStatement of t “th. But the “ves.\nence of Christ the heare\nsomething different. The hus-\nbandman gets rid of the dead\nbranches—these aspects of our\nfives that are definitely infertile\nand keep us from producing’\nfruit. The husbandman makes\nit possible for us to abide in the\nSource of Infinite Power and\nthus indeed to live.\n\nSEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS!\n\nOne of the greatest Biblical\npromises is that of daily renew-\nal.\n\n \n\nLove is naver lost, for if it is\nnot reciprocaled it flows Dack\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 41.69782257080078, 250.9784393310547, 690.0109252929688, 402.6283264160156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Belief Of Christians Centers In A Divine Being -\nGospel Picture One Of Glory And Fellowship\nAncient Scenes Full Of Appeal To\nModern Man\n\n-— wer we sgenaurerae ces:\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 29.58786538696289, 248.45533898925783, 697.1789536132812, 402.04528662109374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Belief Of Christians Centers In A Divine Being —\nGospel Picture One Of Glory And Fellowship\nAncient Scenes Full Of Appeal To\nModern Man\n\n-— wer we sgenaurerae ces:\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 212.04188537597656, 385.5043640136719, 534.69287109375, 417.3459167480469 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By FARL L. DOUGLASS\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 715.7445693359375, 2235.447328125, 1072.4258408203125, 2336.6395859374998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\n: Impossible is a word only to\njbe found in the dictionary of the!\n| unwise. |\n\na. + en Pe\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3959.933408203125, 718.113583984375, 4708.2094140625, 1730.5462060546874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Brass, but the oldtime, Dixie\nJand band in New. Orleans’\nPresérvtion Hall. Thete is a\ndifference between a sound and\n'& boul. But let no one overlook\nthe fact that Alpert sat in for a\nfine solo with the band in ‘Bit\nBailey.” ’\n\n‘The Tijuana Brass are young,\nrich, healthy, amiable - looking\nand play happy music. So how\n\nheart of America ‘is still a tot\nbigger than anyone suspects.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3166.160888671875, 296.1080322265625, 4520.8251953125, 682.502685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Production, Photography\nBrighten Brass Special\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3198.5132421875, 747.46587890625, 3951.27923828125, 2839.9633203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "wem,\nCuriously, theugh, the part of\nhe hour £ found fost\ninteresting and attractive was\nthe work of Producer Difector\nJack Haley Jr., and photogra\npher Vilis Lapenieks, both of\nthem talents on the move.--\nThe reason I appreciated\ntheir work is that, although 1\nlike the Tijuana Brass and have\nsome of their albums, I find\nMore and nfore than a little bit\nof their music goes a long way.\nAnd so,i enjoyed the thematic\ndiversion..of the location” shots\naround the nation, with their\ngood-natured humor, and ofte\nlovely photography as well.\nHaley, who also guided the\nfine NBC-TV Special “Movin’\n‘With Nancy,” has a feel for the\ntimes, an eye for engaging gim-\nmickry and a good—sense-for\nmaking his better television ‘ef-\nforts seem of a piece. He is, by\nthe way, the son of the oldtime\nmovie star, Jack Haley, who,\namong other things played the\nTin Man in “hTe Wizard of Oz.”\nBy far the best sequence of\nthe hour was the section in New\nOrleans at Mardi Gras _ time.\nAhd here it was, ironically, that\nthe guttiest music of the show\nwas playéd—not by the Tijuana\n\n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1672.4030126953126, 1427.62603515625, 2428.4535546875, 3504.280458984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY, APRIL\n4:30 p.m. (Ch. 10)—April a\n (C)—Pat Boone, wet yones\n9 p.m, (Ch. 4)\n-—Prowse, Stanley we |\n11:90 p.m. (Ch. 10)—Call of the\nWild—Clark Gable,. Jackie\nOakie,\nWEDNESDAY, APRIL 2\n10 a.m. (Ch. 10)——For | the Love\nof Mary—Deanna Durbin, Ed-\n_ mond O’Brien.\n4:30 p.m. (Ch.—10)—Mr- Moto\nTakes a Chance—Peter Lorre\nRochelle Hudson. ~ .\n9 aonb pat 6)—I Aim at the\nrt Jergens. ‘»\n1:90. pm. (Ch. 10)—Knock ‘on\nAny Door Hemphrey ‘Bogart,\nJohn Derék,\n\nTHURSDAY, APRIL. ) -\n10 a.m. (Ch 10)—PFor the Love of\nMary—Part 2. 1\n\n4:0 p.m. (Ch. 10)—The Indian\n\nFighter = (C) — Kirk Douglas,\n\nElsa Martinelli: ;\n\n9 p.m, (Ch. 10)—-Abandon Ship\n_. ~iTyrone Power, Mai Zetter-\nling,\n\n11:38 p.m. (Ch. tb) Force of\n—Impulse—Robert ANG, J Car.\n\n- FRIDAY, APRIL 26\n\n4: 30 p.m, (Ch. 1¢)—Destination\nMoon — (C) — John caine’\nWarner Anderson... -\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 179.4919561767578, 815.2540258789063, 912.988466796875, 1284.514345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "THE KNOWLEDGE about\narthritis is rapidly accumulat-\ning and the secrets about this\nchronic disablifig disease point\nto the possibility of prevention\nand more rapid cure, Research\nin hospitals and laboratories all\nover América continues uhdér\ndirection of the American RHetu-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2426.65826171875, 719.573544921875, 3193.544375, 1197.7738671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "their leader, Herb Alpert, now\nhave become institutional idols.\n—something along the lines of\nBing Crosby, Pat Boone and\nAndy Williams—and the Mon\nday show treated them as such,\ntry, recording the adoration for\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 151.96261352539062, 1872.7846044921876, 903.7418237304687, 4077.98431640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "tion, hélps to distribute hopeful\n‘news about tis to the\n‘many. millions who: suffer from\nits pains and disabilities, <-\nDespite all intensive educa-\njc truths of arthritis and the\nlegitimate forms of treatment,\nuntold millions of dollars are\ntransferred from the meager\n—funds—of-the sufferers to the\nbanks of the quacks who ) exploit\nthe ‘trthritic.\n\nEvery “eonceivabhe. type: ot\ngadget, and “electronic” ma-\n_chine, “atomic_energy”—instru-\nments, copper wristbands, gold\nneedle acupuncture, and highly\nexpensive mineral and food sup-\nplements are purchased by the\nthousands. Perhaps if: we can\nclarify what arthritis is and\nwhat can be done about it we\ncan keep millions of our read-\ners from falling into the expen-\nsive trap-tlaid forthem-—by-un-\nconscionable- exploiters of the\nsick.\n\nArthritis is the general term\nfor inflammation and changes\nin one or more joints of the\nbody. There are many subdivi-\nsions. Rheumatism is a rather\nvague term which cannot be\nused interchangeably with arth-\nritis.\n\nRheumatism should obe used |\nto describe the pains, aches,\nsoreness and stiffness in mus-\ncles and joihts.\n\nThere are two major forms\n\n2 (© 9988, King Featu\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 221.31344604492188, 1298.26220703125, 518.4215087890625, 1754.64990234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1811.7828369140625, 1234.625, 3090.773193359375, 1397.1617431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "+ Movies on TV +\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4791.19384765625, 543.9834594726562, 6167.2470703125, 1515.7342529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 271.0287780761719, 650.620361328125, 1563.2158203125, 793.9208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Confusion About Avtbritis\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3202.773740234375, 2976.031552734375, 3970.918154296875, 3509.226748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n~ MOSCOW (UPI) — Premier\nAlexei. N. on bea was back in\nolowing a_trip\nto-Pakisath—and—India—Official\ncommuniques said he stressed\nVietnam, the Mideast crisis and\nIndian-Pakistani relations dur-\ning four days of talks with\nIndian and Pakistani leaders.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 531.306455078125, 1282.79888671875, 911.7037988281251, 1857.569033203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "matism Associa\nation whose\npu is to\navoid.duplica-\ntion and. classi-\nfy. advances as\ngoon as | they\ncome out. A\nbranch. of this\nscientific organ-\nization, the Ar\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 206.6739959716797, 311.0445556640625, 1626.956298828125, 556.8125610351562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Speaking of YOUR HEALTH...\n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 1681.751279296875, 714.9457983398438, 2419.466494140625, 1199.477236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (UPI)—The Ti-\njuana Brass turned up for\nanother hour special on CBS-TV\nMonday night, and the format\nwas precisely in keeping with\ntheir happy-happy Anatitationdl\nsound,\n\nThat is to say, the brass pal\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 913.7506689453126, 831.2452368164063, 1663.47455078125, 4040.01556640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "of arthritis. The first, rhéuma-\ntold arthritis, is a chrenic in-\nflammatory process that in-\nNo Me the joints, ‘the muscles,\ntissues around them.\nih Sorder is seen more fre-\nee in “hh the “and may be~\nin eréré. thie abe of. thirty-\nfive. The @Xact cause ip still un-\nknown but suspicioh still rests\nheavily that there might be an\ninfected eae somewhere else\nie the body.\n\nThe becond Amportant classi-\n‘tieation is osteoarthritis which\nis a chronic condition that dib-\nturbs the joints and the bones,\néspecially the weight-bearing\nones like the ankles, knees, hips\nand back, Hard knobby enlarge-\nments of the joints of the spine,\nshoulders, wrists and hands\nmake movement difficult and\npaltiful.\n\nThe distinction can only be\nmade by the doctor after X-ray\nexamination and study of the\nblood. Then under his direction,\ntreatment can be started early\nto relieve the pain, and to avoid\n\n \n\nlies, as it does in #0 many oth-\ners, in early’ 1 n tion and\nintensive treatment. -\n\nCortisone and ACTH bis, of\ncourse, been the greatest step\nforward in the understanding\nand-tmeatmefit of all forms of\narthritis. Massage and ultra-\nsonic’ vibrations and water\ntherapy should be used only un-\nder the direct supervision of a\ndoctor, Thé horizons are widen-\nIng for the total prevention and\n: cure of this disease.\n\n* * *& r ;\nSS PRARING OF YOUR\nHEALTH-—Peanuts do not have\nenough nourishment to compen-\nsate for the potential dangers\nof feeding them to infants and\nyoung children.\n\nThese columns are designed\nto relieie your fears about\nhealth through a better under-—\nstanding of your mind and body.\nAll the hopeful new advances\nin medicine reported here are\nknown to doctors everywhere.\n\nYour individual medical prob-\nlems should be handled by your\nown dooter, He knows you best.\n—— Renticats Ine >\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 904.6962255859376, 4358.63921875, 1664.1526513671874, 7911.1522851562495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "~Stop-sign- ‘violation—Harold. L.\nWalk, Marysville Rt. 4, $15 bond\nforfeit\n_ Defective _ exhaust—John - D.\n\n \n \n\nTraffic ‘sign ti oo i\nM. Mowery, Jr.,- Marion, fined\n$10 and $5 costs. .\nCases\n\nMarysville |\n\n_ Failure 4o-yield-the_right of\nway — Arthur C. Edelbhute,\nOstrander, $20 bond forfeit,\n\nFailute to file registration —\nJames M. Fox, Marysville Rt. 2,\n$20 beats forfeit; Robert M.\n‘Brundage, Columbus, $25 bond\nforfeit\n\n_. Tegal ecnek Aiea J. Blum\nenschein, Marysville Rt. 4, $15\nbond forfeit.\nStop sign - ‘violation—-William\nA. Simpson, Jr, Delaware. Simp\n$0n forfeited two $20 bonds for\ndriving illegally through two: td\nLS |... eee See\n\nFailed to iitliy *Keetas\nplates — James E, Geho, Rich\nwood, fined $10 and $5 costs.\nTraffic\n\nsign violation—Orville\nA. Pratt, ‘Nashville, ‘Tenn., $20\nbond ‘forfeit,\n\n‘Speeding — Keith 0, Webb,\nM2% S. Court St., $20 bond for-\nfeit. Jerry G, Kilgore, Lima, $15\nbond. forféit: Ross L. Arnold,\nStory’s Trailer Ct., $20 bond for-\nfeit; Gary L. Carty, Bacramen-\nto, $20 bond forfeit,\n\n‘ight violation — Nera\nt Boers, “108 Grand Ave., $20\n\nvans to yiéld the right of\nway—Grace H. Biamonte, 264\nW, Fifth St., $20 bond forfeit.\n‘sCase\nStep- sign violation—John M.\nHall, Worthington, $20 bond for-\nft. . ’\n\n~ * Regular State C@ses _\n\nInsufficient funds—R. Fogel,\nMarysville Rt. 3, fined $50 and\n$5 costs for writing a $20.20\ncheck to Shields Drug Store,\nFeb. 22, $25 Of the fine was sus-\npended. A $50 fine was suspend-\ned for writing a $20 check to\nScotties on. Feb, 9.\n\na ea a oe aa any\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 902.0073828125, 7990.6108984375, 1636.9771142578124, 8699.1566796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "John W. Groome, 26, of Co-\njumibus, ¢ustomer service, son\n\nof Carl W. Groome to Nancy C.\nVolicath 22, of Marysville, sec-\nretary, daughter of Clarence\nVollrath,\n\n‘Ronald A. Kissting, 27, ot Ken.\nton, factory - worker,\nRalph W. agen * to Sharon °.\n\nEastman, 24 est Mansfield\ne. RS daughter ot David D East.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3210.356201171875, 2876.661376953125, 3722.437744140625, 2950.4951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "KOSYGIN RETURNS\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4008.75048828125, 1898.359130859375, 6183.17236328125, 3518.919677734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\nBaircen opens His store, |_| Ten Tue euy uP THe BLOCK GETS\nSWEEPS THE SIDEWALK, AND'HOSES | | His HOSE OUT AMO FLOATS ALL HIG\n_THE GUTTER NICE AND CLEAN--» 4 - BALLPEEN'S WAY!\"\n\nPT I -i7ie\n\n \n \n\n4 Pe\n*\n\nms\n\n- vals\nf Keng Feature Syndiwate, inc. (568. World rights ioeerved. S22 yy 4\n\n7\n*ea pee\n\n+)\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2453.205380859375, 1399.195615234375, 3187.878603515625, 2384.245546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "1:30 p.m, (Ch. 6)—Tall Story—\nJane Fonda, Anthony Perkins.\n\n9 p.m. (Ch. 10)—The Defiant\nOnes —- Sidney. Poiter, Tony\nCurtis\n\n11:30 p.m, (Ch, 10)—Invasion of\nthe Saucer Men—Steve Terrell\nGloria Castello — Also — The\nInvisible Man—Claude Rains,\n\n_ Henry Travers. :\n\n1 a.m. (Ch. 6)—The Parson and\n\n, the Outlaw—Marie Windsor,\n\nBuddy Rogers.\n1 a.m. (Ch. 4)—Experiment Per-\nflous—Hedy Lamarr, George\n_ Brent. :\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4512.13330078125, 1764.7841796875, 5715.94580078125, 1851.6409912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\nHatlo’s They'll Do It Every Time\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5197.97705078125, 7824.12451171875, 6155.2919921875, 8690.5478515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2445.36041015625, 2446.89166015625, 3189.694521484375, 3514.491640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "7:30 a.m. (Ch. 4) — Slaughter\nTrail—Brian Donlevy, Virgin-\nia Gray.\n\n9 a.m, (Ch. 10)\\—Ma and Pa Ket-\ntle on Vacation — Marjorie\nMain, Percy Kilbride. -\n\n5 p.m. (Ch. 10)—Hell and High\nWater—(C) — Richard Wil-\nmark, Cameron Mitchell\n\n9 pm. (Ch. 4)—Fun in Acapulco\n—(C) — Elvis Presley, Ursula\nAndress. —\n\n11:30-p.n_(Ch_16)- + Mystery\nStreet — Ricardo Montalban,\nSally Forrest,\n\n11:30 p.m, (Ch. 4)—Raw Wind\nin Eden—Jeff Williams, Es-\nther Williams. —\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 123.21410888671875, 4491.2144140625, 895.2183862304687, 8736.351015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "The estate of Martha A.. Rob-\ninson, a resident of Plain City\nRt. 1 who died Jan. 3, has been\nentered into probate court. Todd\nHoopes was appointed executor.\nThe inventory of the estate was\nlisted at $53,925. Appraisers\n~ were Robert Mitchell, Andrew\nCary atid Clarence Durban. The\nestate was bequtathed to Miss\nRobinson's mother, Mrs, Eliza-\nbeth L, ‘Rébinson.\n\nCaudill Estate\n\nCarrol. J. Caudill has been ap-\npointed administrator. of the es-\ntate of John A. Caudill, a Marys\nville Rt. 3 resident who died\nJan. 1 Appraisers were Fred E.\nJones, E. L. Disbennett Jr. and\nJohn A. Caudill.\n\nEllinwood Est®te\n~The estate of Truman G_ EI-\nlinwood, a resident of Richwood\nRt. 3 who died Dec,. 24, 1967 has\nbeen entered into — Probate\n_Court,_David_E._Reed-was-ap-\npointed executor. The inventory\nof the estate was listed at $2,600,\nThe deceased man’s wife was\nbequeathed the entire estate,\n‘Appraisers were Richard Gril-\nfith, Berkeley Smith ‘and, Dr.\nEdward Cowgill. . ee\nManley Estate ©\n“Hazel J. Delay has been ap-\npointed administratrix of the es-\ntate of Glendola Manley, a Jer-\nome Township resident who died\nDec, 27, 1967. Appraisers were\nRobert Maclvor, Ralph Beck\nand Everett Lorenz The invén-\ntory of the estate was listed at\n\n$12,755.\nThompson Estate\nThe estate of Millard Thomp-\nson, a resident of Unionville Cen\nter who died Jan, 7, has been\nentered, into probate court: A\ngrandson, Freddy, Thompson,\n“was appointed executor. The in-\nventory of the estate was listed\nat $3,500. Appraisers were Ed-\nwin Buck, Ralph Beck and Joe\nHenderson. -The entire estate\nwas bequeathed to the widow,\nMary Lee.\nJUVENILE TRAFFIC COURT\nParking on roadway--Steven\nK. Watson, 17, son of Mr. and\nMrs. David Watson, Marysville\nRt. 1, fined $15, $7.96 court costs\nand ordered to attend traffic\n§chool at 7:30 p.m, June 7\nMUNICIPAL COURT\nState Patrol Cases a\n\nSpeéeding—Richard Need,\nlumbus, $20 bond forfeit; Mabel\nM. Williams, DeGraff,\nforfeit; James W. Wagner, Rich\nArdyth 2d; Bennett, Newark, $20.\nbond forfeit; Garold F. Howell,\nWaynesfield, $20-bond forfeit.\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 1857.9093017578125, 3602.604248046875, 3016.34521484375, 3841.0830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "a’ PROGRAMS\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3198.862548828125, 3698.10546875, 6202.0361328125, 4547.15087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "AND YOUR \\TSK.TsK!\nWIDE= CARELESS] ©\nOPEN! OF me!\n\n \n\nit Sa bn\neductlire E\n\n \n\nWah Dhaney Pr there\nWorld Rights Reserved\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 4788.3173828125, 423.2787170410156, 5463.568359375, 526.9541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "THE BETTER HALE\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 3194.340087890625, 6785.56298828125, 6170.64453125, 7647.265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1031.450439453125, 7885.306640625, 1503.2293701171875, 7975.25537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "PROBATE COURT\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 1671.2811279296875, 3899.862548828125, 3194.803466796875, 8642.9443359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n3:00 a.m\n6:00 p.m, ‘| 4—News 10—Eadge of Nite (C)\n4—News 10—Cap, Kangaroo C| 4:00 p.\ngee ay Griffin (C) | “¢—J. Leanne (C) | 4—Match Game (C)\nae 9:00 a.m, 1\n10—Weather {C) 4—Paul Dixon (C) | 4:25 p.m.\n:30 p.m, Dialing for e sarge\n4—-News (6) 10—Luci Toyshop | 4:30 p.m,\n10--Cronkite (C)_- -\"|-19:¢b ge.) 4—Gilligan's Isle (C\nth oe) “4-Judgmtient (C) * | “10Movie “*~\n4—Twilight 6—D 5:00 p.m,\n10—News «Long (Ci | 19-Movie ~&-Perry Mason\n7:30 p-m. Bee RE a 10:30 . = £ . E Ed\n< 4—Clooney (C) 5:30 p.m,\n6—Garrison (R)\n10—Daktari (R) Rata Cavett (C) en igo Navy\noo de-tbve'eb-Life (C)\n\n4-Where Girls Are | 2% ve 10—The —\n\nBES E .§eeetod-Bq. {C)\n‘ to-Dick VanDyke, = mrating\n\n7300 x\nt-Winrs Cirle (©\n0—News (\n\n \n\né—Dream House (Cc\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nk 4—Run For Life (C)\n5:00 a.m. 6—Divorce Ct, (C) 10—Jon, Winters (C)\n4—Sun. Seminer 10—House Party (C) | 11:00 p.m,\n6:30 a.m 3:00 p.m, 4—News, DeMoss\n4—Forecast _ 4—Another World C| 6—News\n7:00 a.m, - 6~Gen, Hospital (C| 10—News, Pepper\n4—Today (C) 10—-Tell (c) | * P-™. os\nfas ee aga ie gral ~wd ‘© (Cc)\n6—Rocky 3:30 p.m, 10—Movie (C)\n; SaaS 1 Outer The |\n:\n_ CROSSWORD te, Set\nEAE haere a,\nACROSS ‘DOWN sb —deggent 3 Fairy\n1. Algonquian - 1. Trench 22. Compass 46. Female animal\nge Fo te ar\nSO os i ai: Fee\nte Meta, threads Scaneod 30 Add tional\n14, Haw, guitar (ab,)\n15. Hairdo\n17. Exigu-us\ntaal TURGone Gee\na ressiatoy =—--— SN\" NSN\" TT ISS\nFish BECP RECEP\n3 Ne Hard-grained -\nw. eral resort\n35. For example (ab,)\n3 Bi Ga a\nce\ntf Ibsen cnaract SS SS TTAS\nee PPCNPIPPCooee\n52. Omitm Fie ea a oe Oe a\n~~ ~~\nree ECON . ad be ad\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 3264.9443359375, 5755.98388671875, 6113.869140625, 6638.93505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "“( THE PRINGPAL WHAT?S\n\n \n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 3214.623779296875, 4683.24658203125, 6169.9267578125, 5601.46044921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "IREALY |}. TRY To Keep\nDREAD THis.’ HIM QUIET =\nHE PUTS UP FIND His\nSUCH A SOCKS FOR HIM\nSTRUGGLE! --AND PUSH\n; HIM TO THE\nMESS HALL\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3237.942138671875, 2901.461669921875, 6184.66748046875, 8793.4091796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "OSYGIN RETURNS\n\nMOSCOW (UPI) — Premier\n\\lexei N. Hof ee was back in; Lo\nMoscow today following a_trip| -—___—\no-Pakisatn— and India—Officiali- tre\nommuniques said he stressed\n‘ietnam, the Mideast crisis and\nndian-Pakistani relations dur-\nng four days of talks with\nndian and Pakistani leaders.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n\"sist\n\nWELL, HE FINALLY 2 -\nLOST HIS coo. f J\n— .\n\n‘ =\n\nWah Dianey Productiars of\nWorld Rights Rewerved\n\nTRY To Keep\nHIM QUIET --\n\nBUT WE'RE — ¢ AROUND? TO DIGGING ME UP. YEAH,\nNOT AT OUR \\yiseiae e-,> I KNOW YOUR BOY BOLTS GOING\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4318.740234375, 7848.29541015625, 5133.47998046875, 8689.072265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "AROUND TO DIGGING ME UP. YEAH,\nI KNOW YOUR BOY BOLTS GOING\n__ LA? AGAINGT _OUPMOUTH;—4\n\n \n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 455.880126953125, 570.0014038085938, 1358.736083984375, 622.9925537109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "—- By LESTER £. OOLRSANW. BD. —\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2542.286865234375, 2392.175537109375, 3082.2578125, 2453.440673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "SATURDAY. APRIT, 97\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 3223.425048828125, 7808.037109375, 4252.57763671875, 8674.8505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "BUT WE'RE\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1786.901611328125, 1415.2679443359375, 2326.04052734375, 1466.6658935546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "TUESDAY APRIT, 99\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 3250.919677734375, 3541.79541015625, 3892.54150390625, 3627.7001953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "18\n\n41 Hilicw\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 3254.50732421875, 3542.19482421875, 3903.173095703125, 3631.95068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "DONALD DUCK\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 5643.8330078125, 448.0314636230469, 6155.2421875, 552.0150756835938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "By Bob Barnes\n" }, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 10, 4 ], [ 9, 2 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 9, 15 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 15 ], [ 6, 15 ], [ 3, 5 ] ]
[ 7083.2691875, 9797.7734375 ]
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 4, 1 ], [ 5, 3 ], [ 9, 15 ], [ 15, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3652.33481640625, 961.097267578125, 4502.3004375, 3938.504783203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — The\nbountiful “River of Grass”\nflows once again down the flat\nface of South Florida, and Eyv-\nerglades National Park—a vast\nprimitive wilderness that just a\nyear ago was dying of- thirst—\nhas won a new lease on life,\n\nIn the spring of 1967, robbed\nof water by years of drought\nand man’s greed for water,\nwildlife in the park fought a\ndesperate battle against extine-\ntion\n\nStarving alligators thrashed\nthe waters of fast-vanishing\nponds, fighting over the last of\nthe garfish. Rookeries which\nonce teemed with hundreds of\nthousands of birds were aban-\ndoned. Marshes browned by the\nblazing sun were scourged by\nfire. Masses of dead fish floated\non oxygen-denleted pools, cast\ning a heavy stench of death over\nAmerica’s only great subtropic\nwater park.\n\nToday the picture is bright\nand hopes are high that the\npark never again will be forced\nto the brink of destruction.\n\nThe wide, shallow river that\nfor centuries poured over the\nsouth rim of Lake Okeechobee\nand drifted slowly down through\nthe sawgrass to the sea runs as\nit did before. It nourishes thou-\nsands of ponds, swales and\nsloughs filled with fish and crus-\ntaceans. On this rich food sup.\nply, birds, animals and reptiles\nthrive.\n\n“There is plenty of food now\nfor everything out there,’”’ says\nFrancis Nix, the park’s hydrau\nlic engineer,\n\nThe resurrection of the nark\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 5381.8216328125, 421.6733173828125, 6210.00209765625, 1252.73842578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "storage and distribution facili-\nties of the flood control district.\nIt promises the park a_ mini-\nmum of 315,000-acre-feet of wa-\nter a year through the flood-\ngates. In this wet year, the park\nalready has received 700,000\nacre-feet.\n\nNix knows that human de-\nmands of the future could re\nvive again the cries, ‘‘Water for\nalligators or people?’ and\n“Birds can’t vote.” These were\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1904.9740986328125, 646.4326557617187, 2757.1666484375, 1696.7895732421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "marched back to Virginia with-\nout attending the talks.\n\nDunmore later returned to\nEngland and the British ceded\nthe entire Northwest Territory\nto Virginia for her victory at\nPoint Pleasant.\n\nThe people of Lexington were\nunaware of the earlier Battle of\nPoint Pleasant when they duti-\nfully recorded ‘‘the shot heard\nround the world’’—so reason the\npeople of Point Pleasant.\n\nIn 1908 Congress’ granted\nfunds to erect a monument to\nthe men who died at Point\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2794.954201171875, 1742.1305927734375, 3650.281638671875, 3944.388572265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "social reformer, was leader of\nthe group which remained in\nNew Harmony from 1824 to 1826\nbefore breaking up.\n\nThe building became a tena-\nment house until 1857 when tak-\nen over by the Goldens, a travel-\ning theatrical group. It became\na garage in 1914 and remained\nthat until purchased by the state\nin 1964 for $9,599.\n\nAided by a $40,090 Indiana D>-\nvelopment of Natura] Reso rces\nerent, the restoration i-cludes\nthe original balcony with its\nmellowed gum wood, orchestra\npit, stage, two fireplaces, cur-\ntains and other ornate hangings.\n\nWorkmen have added air con-\nballroom. Robert Owen, a Welsh\nditioning and electric lights.\n\n“Plans are to let the Opera\nhouse be used for the same\nthing it was used for years ago\n—everything from church ba-\nzaars to political rallies,’ said\nDon Blair, New Harmony histo-\nrian. ‘“‘But its main purpose will\nbe as a theater. It won’t rival\nthe Roxy in New York, but a\ngood director will have a defi-\nnite opportunity here because of\nthe intimacy that can be estab-\nlished between the players and\nthe audience.’’\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4519.756203125, 414.6366962890625, 5362.79897265625, 3036.42104296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "was brought about by two\nmonths of record-breaking\nrains, and a discovery that Flor-\nida has water enough, if proper-\nly controlled, for both man and\nbeast,\n\nIn May and June, double the\nnormal amount of rain deluged\nthe Everglades, And since June,\ngates from the reservoirs of the\nCentral and South Florida Flood\nControl District have been wide\nopen, pouring excess water\nsouthward into the park.\n\nNo one can be sure how much\npermanent damage the park\nhas suffered from drought and\nman’s interference with the bal-\nances of nature. When there 1s\nplenty of water, wildlife is scat-\ntered over the park’s 1.5 million\nacres, :\n\nRare birds like the roseate\nspoonbill, egret and white he-\nron, which once inhabited the\npark in large numbers, are\nmaking a comeback. It is esti-\nmated that 50,000 birds now oc-\ncuny the mainland area. And,\n\nwith plenty of food, a good nest-\ning season is in prospect this\nwinter.\n\nThe alligator, one of the\npark’s most prized denizens,\nhas been badly hurt, but more\n\nby poachers than by dro: ght.\nThe population has been slashed\n95 ner cent since the 1930s.\n\nPressure on Congress led te\nrecent approval of a construe.\ntion program that will improve\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1917.402443359375, 2195.01841015625, 2764.9127421875, 3958.6783671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW HARMONY, Ind. (AP)\n— The New Harmony Opera\nHouse, silent more than 50 years\nafter serving two 19th century\nexperiments in communal liv\ning, will ring once again with\napplause.\n\nThe state has restored the 145-\nyear-old opera house and Gov.\nRoger D. Branigin will lead his-\ntorians and patrons in a dedica-\ntion Nov. 19.\n\nIt was once the second largest\ntheater in Indiana with room for\n700 persons. Seating capacity\nnow is 400.\n\nThe opera house was built in\n1823 as a dormitory for unmar-\nried Rappite males. The sect,\nwhich emigrated from Ger-\nmany, experimented with com-\nmunal living here from 1814 to\n1824, then moved to Pennsyi-\nvania. :\n\nA group of intellectuals, scien-\ntists and educators purchased\nthe building and used it as a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2778.982033203125, 646.3578266601562, 3617.669578125, 1703.3669658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Pleasant, although they re-\nfrained from taking the title of\n“First Battle of the Revolution”\nfrom Lexington,\n\nTo further their claim, the\nfolks around here point to ac-\nceptance of descendants of that\nbattle into the Sons and Daugh-\nters of the American Revolu-\ntion.\n\nAnd like the controversy of\nwho really discovered America,\nwho fired the first shot of Amer-\nican freedom will be debated\nwith equal fervor, at’ least in\nWest Virginia.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3654.273193359375, 392.1996154785156, 4245.58544921875, 853.4273681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Water, Life\nRestored To\nKverolades\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1914.9774169921875, 1744.24365234375, 2600.31103515625, 2180.793212890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "New Harmony\nOpera House\n\nIs Restored\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 159.2984089355469, 798.6584858398437, 1004.9909282226563, 5379.48744921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "POINT PLEASANT, W.Va.\n(AP)—If you think the Ameri-\ncan Revolution actually began\n\non those hallowed battlefields at\nLexington, Concord and Bunker\nHill, you're wrong.\n\nThe initial skirmish actually\ntook place on an all-but-forgot-\nten plain near this small Ohio\nRiver barge town and was\nfought between the forces of\nGen. Anthony Lewis of the Vir-\nginia Militia and Chief Corn-\nStalk, ‘Sachem of the Shawnees\nand King of the Northwestern\nConfederation.”\n\nAt least that’s what many\nWest Virginians would have you\nbelieve. They point to several,\nlittle-known turns of history to\nargue their point.\n\nTheir reasoning centers\naround the Battle of Point\nPleasant as (1) the first conflict\nwaged by colonists in defense of\ntheir homelands against the\nBritish allies and (2) the first\ninstance when an American offi-\ncer deliberately disobeyed an\norder of a superior British offi-\ncer,\n\nThe battle took place on Oct.\n10, 1774—six months before the\nMinutemen of Lexington fired\nthe famous “‘shot heard round\nthe world’ at the British red-\ncoats on April 18, 1775. Howev-\ner, the official reports of the\nWest Virginia battle were never\nfiled and generally have been\noverlooked.\n\nBraves of Chief Cornstalk’s\nconfederation had been harass-\ning colonists along the Ohio Riv-\ner for years, their attacks grow-\ning in furor and their numbers\nincreasing.\n\nIt was widely rumored that\nVirginia’s Tory governor at the\ntime, Lord Dunmore, actively\nsupported the Indian nation as a\nmeans of keeping the Ameri-\ncans from attempting the talked\nabout revolution.\n\nFinally, public outcries\nproved too much and in Septem.\nber of 1774, Dunmore with some\n2,000 soldiers, and his American\nmilitary commander, Lewis.\nwith about 1,100 backwoods\nkinsmen and friends, marched\nalong separate routes—agreeing\nto meet at Point Pleasant and\nattack tribal encampments a:\none force.\n\n“Their mission was to dictate 2\nlasting peace with the Indians\nAt least this was Dunmore’:\npublicly announced purpose.\n\nIf Dunmore had succeeded ir\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 6248.8333515625, 411.08683056640626, 7083.2691875, 1242.96303515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "heard in 1966 when the National\nAudubon Society and other con-\nservation groups—fighting to\nstave off a monumental tragedy\nin the park—argued that enough\nwater could be spared from the\nreservoirs to save the wildlife,\n\nThe National Park Service re-\n\ncently made the Woolworth\nBuilding a national historic\nlandmark. |\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 158.7257843017578, 407.3055114746094, 2953.689208984375, 611.7830810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "West Virginia Claims First Battle Of Revolution\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5452.1767578125, 1331.7294921875, 7070.50244140625, 3928.1904296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\n24-HOUR\nON-THE-FARM AND\nROAD SERVICE!\n\nhays JZ\nz ‘ ip tg\n\n \n\nne\nhilt 4 \"te\n\nNEW EQUIPMENT — EXPERIENCED MEN\n\nEd Baldwin and Glen Sweet, Specialists\n\nee ee ca a oem ae nt\n\nDIAL 932-2163\n\nAFTER 5:30 P.M. — 932-3649\nIF NO ANSWER\nDIAL 932-2747 OR 932-253\n\n \n\n \n\nOpen Daily 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M, —Friday ’Til 8 P.M.\n\nGOODFYEAR\nSERVICE STORE\n\n2nd at Morgan Phone 932-2163\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1097.611572265625, 4037.031005859375, 1863.3831787109375, 5338.5048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "DANCE\n\nRushville Community\nBuilding\n\nfeaturing\n\nThe Chalets\n\nSaturday\nNovember 16, 1968\n8 to 11 p.m.\n\nAdmission $1\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4608.99365234375, 3088.17041015625, 5363.5166015625, 3934.856689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "MOOSE\nDance\n\nSaturday Night\n\n9:00 - 1:00\nMusic By\nBROWN BROTHERS and\nTHE COUNTRY DRIFTERS\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1022.3969501953125, 699.8705219726562, 1877.3933330078125, 3989.91908984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "His TUMOLCa Plath WO Have tie Abin\ndians annihilate Lewis and his\nmen, Virginia would have been\ntoo occupied protecting its west-\nern border. to join the revolu-\ntion.\n\nTold To Cross River\n\nAs it happened, Lewis and his\nforces arrived at the rendezvous\non Sept. 9. He later received or-\nders to meet Dunmore on the\nother side of the river—deep in\nhostile territory.\n\nThe next morning, before sun-\nrise, two hunters from Lewis’s\nparty came across a large In-\ndian encampment nearby. Al-\nthough one was killed, the other\nmanaged to warn the soldiers.\n\nLewis, thinking he had a\nsmall scouting party to contend\nwith, dispatched only 150 men.\nWhen the musket volleys in-\ncreased with more frequency\nthan he anticipated he mustered\nanother 200 men to sustain the\nnow sagging defense lines.\n\nHe finally threw his entire di-\nvision against what turned out\nto be an almost equal] number of\nIndians and found himself in the\nmidst of a furious battle.\n\nThe fight raged until near\nsundown when the _ Indians,\nfalsely believing themselves on\nthe verge of being outflanked,\nmanaged a skillful retreat with\nminimal losses.\n\nRealized Betrayals\n\nLewis was furious at what he\nnow realized was a betrayal by\nDunmore. He had reports of one\nof Cornstalk’s chief lieutenants\nmeeting with Dunmore both be-\nfore and after the battle.\n\nHe also heard of peace talks\ngoing on right that moment be-\ntween Dunmore and Cornstalk\nand, after twice refusing to obey\norders to turn back, he finally\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 234.53411865234375, 5389.5615234375, 1869.0701904296875, 9797.7734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nYou can rent\nthis new\nautomatic\nfor less than\nold-fashioned\ntank-exchange\nwater softeners\n\n \n\nMany people are renting tank-exchange water soften-\ners simply because they once owned an old-style\n“manual” or “semi-automatic” softener and got tired\nof the fuss and muss.\n\nSo they'd rather put up with the inconvenience of\ntank delivery... even the problem of running out of\nsoft water before tank change day...than mess\naround with all the valve turning and flushing old-style\nsofteners required.\n\nToday, there’s a modern, trouble-free way to\nhave soft water in your home. The 1969 Lindsay\n\nwater softener is a fully automatic unit that\ngives you all the soft water you want, 365 days\na year.\n\n \n\nAnd Lindsay automatic means you never turn a valve,\nyou never change a tank and there’s never any fuss\nor muss.\n\nThe cost? You can usually rent or buy a beautiful\nLindsay automatic water conditioner for less than\nold-fashioned tank-exchange rental costs.\n\nWant proof? Just write or phone. Let us show you\nhow trouble-free, how inexpensive a modern, auto-\nmatic Lindsay water softener is. There's absolutely\nno obligation.’\n\nCALL 932-3148\n\nOVERLEESE\n\nWATER SERVICE\n\nLINDSAY 3rd Generation Serving Rush County\nR. R. 1, Rushville — Phone 932-3148\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2337.68359375, 4019.45703125, 6808.28466796875, 9789.865234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nDOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES—EVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES—EVERY DAY IS DOLLA\n\nDOLLAR GENERAL STORES\n\nTWO BIG STORES: N. SIDE SQUARE DOWNTOWN and 1535 N. MAIN\n\nPi RSES | PERMA PRESS LADIES’\nH : FTS and *You'll enjoy the easy stretch control.\n\n*60% Nylon, 26% Acetate and 14% Lycra*\n\nDRESSES spandex. *Panty and $6 °S, M, L. 8\n;, *In a blend of\nFortrel® Polyester\n; and avril, with Stay '\nbe ; Fresh finish.\n) 4 4 *Wide choice of aloes and\nKi\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n@Our selection of hand-\nbags offers you many\nsizes and shapes —\n\n@Accented by a bright\n\nmetal snap and frame.\n$3.49 Value\n\nINFANTS GOWNS\n\n* Soft 100% combed cotton knit\n® Easy open gripper neck fastenings\n\n® Ribbon draw strings for hands or mitten\ncuffs\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nprints, stripes and ——\ncolors in the group.\n*Styles include\nbutton down shirt\nshifts, bermuda col\nlared sheaths, classic\nbutton front shirt\nwaist and low-belted\nwaistlines in Junior\nPetite and Misses\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\npenne 3.553\n\nNYLONS\n\n*1ist Quality Seamless Stretch 4\n\"| *Reinforced Heel and Toe\n‘| ¢Colors- Cinnamon and\nTaupetone\n— A (844-9)\n\nB (92-10)\nC (10%-11) $\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n® White or a print\npattern\n\n.\n. \\e 4\n¥\n=\nos\né<\nte E\ne\n©. %\n® na\n\nMEN’S SPORT AND DRESS\n\nSHIRTS :\n\n@First quality and American made, for long }\n\n \n \n\nOriginally\ngto $7.98\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n| PADDED BRAS |\n\n*Gently foam shaped to uplift and accent\nFor the man who wants to @ eatural curves [\n\nJ *\n\n \n \n\n \n\nlasting good looks, it | 19, .\n\n: i DD : 2 fe\n& @Otiered in a brilliant choice HM Roy ee look his best and feel his best.’ wily ed\n> of solids, plaids, and stripes. “ek *Sizes\n\n@ Men's casual pants in Ivy League\nand Continental styles.\nS43 @Sizes 28-42\n\n@All S\nAmerican\nMade\n\nCASUAL DRESS AND a\n\n2 to 38 A & B's\n34 to 44 C’s §\n\n \n\n@Sizes,\nS, M, L\n\n0\nR\n\n \n\n \n\nLADIES’\n\nManagers Needed] KNIT SHIRTS=\n\nIn Our Fast-Growing Chain of Stores. \\ and raglan sleeves\n\nAmerican made opis i\nfor sale at much { /\\* Fleeced knits or all nylon\nExcellent Advancement Opportunities HBhigher prices. aw | $s f\\ bn apad ¢ sae\n\n4 hack\n@Value $3.98\nS$? 98 and\n$3.98 Values\n\nFor Information Write: PERMA-PRESS DRESS AND WORK\nBox 427 @Values to\nEVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES-EVERY DAY IS DOLLAR DAY AT DOLLAR GENERAL STORES - EVERY\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nPersonnel Department @Sizes 28.42 @ §\n59\nScottsville, Ky. 42164 i R\n\n \n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 273.4142150878906, 658.25, 884.6978759765625, 783.6091918945312 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "by NILES JACKSON\nAssociated Presse Writer\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3935.374755859375, 7330.01513671875, 5262.75146484375, 9691.6015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "MEN'S PANTS\n\n|-y, For the man who wants to\nIS\" look his best and feel his best.\n\n@ Men's casual pants in Ivy oe\nand Continental styles.\n@Sizes 28-42\n\n@ All $\nAmerican\nMade\n\nCASUAL DRESS AND WORK\n\nValue $3.98 o! R\n\nERMA-PRESS DRESS AND WORK\n\naa |\n\n \n\nmerican made\nrr sale at much\nigher prices.\n\n \n\n \n\nSizes 28-42\nValues to\n$5.98\n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3772.39306640625, 885.1065063476562, 4375.36083984375, 941.488525390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Associated Prece Writer\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3885.153564453125, 4917.91259765625, 5269.70751953125, 7262.16015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "PERMA PRESS\n\nSHIFTS and\nDRESSES\n\n*In a blend of\nFortrel® Polyester\nand avril, with Stay\nFresh finish.\n\n*Wide choice of\nprints, stripes and\ncolors in the group,\n\n*Styles include\nbutton down shirt\nshifts, bermuda col\nlared sheaths, classic\nbutton front shirt\nwaist and low-belted\nwaistlines in Junior\nPetite and Misses\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nj\nValues\nOriginally\nTo $7.98\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 5323.517578125, 7149.22998046875, 6701.62060546875, 9660.123046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "a 5 en\n\na\nPADDED BRAS\n\n~*Gently foam shaped to uplift and accent\n- gatural curves\n\n*Downy white\ncotton broadcloth.\n*Sizes\n\n322 to 38 A & Bs\n34 to 44 C's §\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nLADIES’\n\nKNIT SHIRTS\n\n* Terry Velours with crew neck\nand raglan sleeves |\n* Fleeced knits or all nylon\nwith turtle neck and zipper |\n\nback\nS$? 98 and\n$3.98 Values\n" }, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4238.8904921875, 548.2668349609374, 4816.06214453125, 1743.29749609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "“graduations” from the foster\n‘grandparent project creates a\nstaffing problem for the hospital\neveryone, including the hospital\nadministration, is happy about\nit.\n\nRe-evaluate Age Standards\n\nMrs. Elizabeth Finnigan, pro-\nject director as Green Memor-\nial, says, ‘When these oppor-\ntunities for permanent employ-\nment are presented we are\nhappy to recommend our foster\ngrandparents for them.”\n\nAs a matter of fact, she add-\ned, the success of the foster\ngrandparent project has caused\nthe hospital to reevaluate its\nage-employment standards.\n\nThe success of the foster\ngrandparents, and the eager-\nness with which other institu-\n..ions hire them, indicated that\nage is no barrier to this type\nof work, |\n\nOne-third of the people in the\nGreen Memorial foster grand-\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1882.621337890625, 1652.47998046875, 3540.972900390625, 2054.525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Lock Haven YMCA\nWrestlers Win\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 113.97881768798828, 1724.36949609375, 713.1166489257812, 3670.904185546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "PITTSBURGH — Star swim-\nmer Bob Hults set a new Lock\nHaven State record of 2:14.3 in\nthe 200-yard individual medley\nand finished fourth in that event\nSaturday in the Penn-Ohio meet\nin the Pitt pool. It was that kind\nof meet.\n\n“The times were tremend-\nous,” said LHSC Coach Harold\nHacker. ‘‘There were 10 new\nmeet records in 11 swimming\nevents. The competition was\njust fantastic.\n\n“Hults really swam his guts\nout. He was ahead by about a\nhead after 175 yards, but on\nthe final turn, three guys were\nright with him, and they really\nsprinted the last lap. But Hults\nreally did a job.”\n\nHults, a sophomore, also took\na fourth in the 200 butterfuly in\n2:16.8 and a sixth in the 200\nbreastroks in 2:35.6. 7\n\nDick Guyer was fifth in the\n100-yard freestyle, turning in a\n53.1 clocking and placed sixth\nin the 200 freestyle in 2:02.4.\nThe senior didn’t place in the\n500 freestyle.\n\nGlen Oeler swam his best, a\n2:30.4, in the individual medlay,\nbut didn’t place, and also failed\nto place in the 200 breaststroke.\n\nThe Bald Eagles finished sev-\nenth in the nine-team meet, won\nby Grove City with 94 points. In\norder behind the champions\nwere Youngstown, 81, Ashland,\n56, Slippery Rock, 25, Cleve-\n\nland State, 18, Carnegie-Mellon,\n11, Lock Haven, 10, Indiana U.\nof Pa., 7, and Westminister, 6. .\n\nTha winnorec:: >\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3059.49156640625, 2064.4735, 3639.193248046875, 4122.4708359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ion to Hank Raines of Allentown\nin the finals. Previously, Adams\nedged Charles Stough of York,\n5-4. Stough beat Curt Alexander\nof Baltimore, 7-6, in the consola-\ntion for third.\n\nSheddy took third at 167, top-\nping George DeLong of Lan-\ncaster-Quarryville, 7-4. Sheddy\nbeat Lowell Thompson of Balti-\nmore, 5-2, and Donley of York,\nunattached, 14-2, before losing,\n1-0, to Bob Raines of Allentown.\n\nFares Washington of York de-\ncisioned Raines, 7-3, for the\nchampionship.\n\nReuben Washington of York\nwon at 177, defeating Jim\nBrouse of Milton, 11-4. In the\nconsolation, Jere Kenderdine. of\nLancaster - Manheim downed\nSmith, 5-1. Smith was pinned by\nBrouse at 1:20 of the third per-\niod.\n\nPhillips pinned Dennis Shiff-\nlit of Baltimore at 1:33 of the\nthird period for the 191-pound\nchampionship. Elmer downed\nEllery Seitz of Bellefonte, 5-1,\n‘and pinned Don Shaner of Mil-\nton, in 1:39 of the second period.\n\nSeitz took third with a forfeit\n\nover George Schmauck of Al-\nlentown.\n. Gerald Bickel of Bellefonte\nnipped Frank Knipe of Balti-\nmore, 4-3, for heavyweight hon-\nors, while Don Sayenga of Al-\nlentown beat Larry Ken@ig of\nLancaster-Manheim, 6-2, for\nthird.\n\nLock Haven’s John Peters lost\n\n8-1 to Knipe.\n\n_ The Lock Haven Y team will\nconclude its season Saturday,\nMarch 16 in the state YMCA\ntournament at the Bellefonte Y.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 120.7005386352539, 1408.1033935546875, 1085.8648681640625, 1708.601806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Hults, Guyer\nPlace in Swim\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3065.603626953125, 567.4415786132812, 3648.466685546875, 1611.9150498046874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "THE WHOLE STORY — The\nPhiladelphia Eagles are brag-\nging that season ticket sales\nare 3,000 ahead of last year at\nthe same time. What Joe Ku-\nharich, self-styled ticket sales-\nman doesn’t say, is the sale be-\ngan more than a month early\nthis year to fill the bare finan-\ncial cupboard. ... Harry Walk-\ner, fired last season as mana-\nger of the Pittsburgh Pirates,\nturned down managing offers\nwith the Oakland Athletics and\nNew York Mets to remain a\ncoach at Houston, reports AP\nsports staffer Ira Miller from\nPittsburgh. ... Pitt’s baseball\nteam will make a trip to the\n‘West Coast in March to com-\nplete an eight team round rob-\nbin at the University of Califor-\nnia. That’s fine, but to pay for\nthe trip, the Panthers are raf-\nfling off a television set.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2469.445423828125, 2095.20348046875, 3047.48304296875, 5054.6515 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": ";UMOre FF, oF, sAVALILOUL 2, addy ual\n\ncaster-Manheim Y, 22, and Lan\ncaster-Quarryville Y, 7.\n\nAt 115, Mike Schenek of York\nwon the title and was voted the\noutstanding wrestler in the tour\n\nJnament. Schenek downed Bil\n\nBollinger of Milton, 9-1, in the\nchampionship bout.\n\nBowman pinned Curt Hernie\nson of Lancaster-Manheim at\n1:25 of the second period in the\nconsolation match for thire\nplace. Previously, Bowmar\npinned Jack Thompson of Lan\n\n] caster-Quarryville in 1:00 of the\n\nfirst period and lost to Bolling:\ner, 11-10.\n\nPaul Schaffer of York won the\n123-pound class, pinning And}\nThal of Bellefonte at 2:47 of the\nsecond period. Fred Bankert\nunattached from York, beat Phi\nBowman, also unattached tron\nYork, 7-4, for third place.\n\nLock Haven didn’t enter =\nwrestler at 123, while at 130\nRick Peters lost to Bruce\nQuickel of York, 7-1, in the\nquarterfinals. Don Houser, en:\ntered unattached, but also los!\nhis opening match. _\n\nRandy Watts of Milton edged\nQuickel, 5-4, for the title at 130.\nIn the consolation, Tom Fite-\n\n|patrick -of;:Allentown downed\n\nAllen Weiksel. of Lancaster-\nQuarryville, 4-2. ° :\n\nAt 137, Shearer decisioned\nBob Walters of. Lancaster-Man-\nheim, 9-1, in the finals. He also\npinned. Guy. Nace of York, un-\nattached, in-1:45 and ousted\nGoldsmith ‘of Baltimore, 6-2.\nPhil Druck of York pinned Nace\nin 1:25 of the third period ior\nthird.\n\nFye pinned Myers at 2:50 of\n\nthe second peviod in the final at\n145. Fye downed Larry Teaman\nof Bellefonte, 6-0, and sneaked\nby Paul Youwakia of Allentown,\n2-1, in overtime. Myers beat\nFrank Vasquez, Lancaster-Man-\nheim, 6-4, and Bob Keeney oi\nYork, 4-2. Teaman nipped Vas-\nquez, 5-3 for third.\n. Scorese, second in the voting\nfor ‘outstanding wrestler, beat\nBob Pac of Baltimore, 8-7, for\nthe title at 152 in one of the\ntournament’s best bouts.\n\nScorese beat Greg Breuneman\nof York, 6-1, and Rinker of Al-\nlentown, 9-3, on his way to the\nfinals. Robert Packer of Belle.\nfonte won by forfeit over Brenn-\naman for third. ;\n\nAt 160, Adams lost a 4-3 decis-\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1885.029408203125, 2077.644642578125, 2469.11976171875, 2961.6515 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The Lock Haven YMCA won\nfour individual. titles — Jack\nShearer, 137, Jim Fye, 145, Dick\nSeorese, 152, and Elmer Phil-\nlips, 191 — and edgéd the York\nY by two points, 75-73, for team\nhonors Saturday in the York\nY’s Invitational wrestling tour-\nnament.\n\nAlso placing for Lock Haven\n\nwere Carl Adams, second at 160,\nRon Bowman, third at 115, Dick\nSheddy, third at 167, and Ralph\nSmith, fourth at 177. Bob Myers,\nwrestling unattached from Lock\nHaven, was second to Fye at\n\nThe team scores were Lock\nHaven, 75, York, 73, Bellefonte\nY, 39, Allentown Y, 35, Balti-\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 718.5417373046874, 1729.8826796875, 1293.712046875, 3230.97034765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "400-yard medley relay —\nGrove City, 3:51.9, meet record.\n\n1,000-yard freestyle — Tom\nErdos, Slippery Rock, 11:25.7,\nmeet record. :\n\n200-yard freestyle— Arbuckle,\nGrove City, 1:50.1, meet record.\n\n50-yard freestyle — Ashe,\nYoungstown, 22.2 meet record.\n\n200-yard individual medley —\nMcCollum, Grove City, 2:11.5.\n\nDive — Welk, Youngstown,\n296.95.\n\n200-yard butterfly -— Tom\nErdos, Slippery Rock, 2:06.3,\nmeet record,\n\n100-yard freestyle — Mont-\ngomery, Ashland, 49.0, meet\nrecord.\n\n200-yard backstroke — Reid,\nGrove City, 2:08.0, meet record.\n_ 500-yard freestyle — McCol-\nlum, Grove City, 5:24.5, meet\nrecord.\n\n200-yard breastroke — Gris-\n‘wold, Grove City, 2:22.9, meet\nrecord.\n\n400-yard freestyle relay —\nYoungstown, 3:24.3, meet rec-\nord.\n\nHults and Guyer will complete\nLHSC’s season Saturday, when\nthey swim in the State Colleges\nConference meet at Bast\nStroudsburg.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 707.3555908203125, 4502.7099609375, 1203.528076171875, 4792.04248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "US Gymnasts\nDominate\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4826.8397109375, 528.3170668945312, 5414.24280859375, 1743.955455078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "parents program’ are not only\npast 65; they are over 70 years\nof age.\n\nSo successful have been the\nfoster grandparents programs\nthat some states and private\norganizations plan to take over\nfull operation of the projects\n— without federal aid.\n\nMore important than any spe.\ncific project changed from fed-\neral funding to permanent local\nsupport is the push these dem-\nonstrations give to changing at-\ntitudes toward the elderly —\n\nand to the spirits ¢ of the elderly\nhemselves.\n\nOlder persons are resisting\nbeing put out to pasture. They\nare awakening to the fact that\nthere are a million children who\nneed care, a million jobs that\nneed doing. They are showing\ntheir communities that age,\nmany times, can be more of\na help than a hindrance.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2473.45152734375, 5262.987171875, 3052.536998046875, 6815.172984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "HOW TO SCORE: Based on\n100 questions (10 days) with a\ndaily average as follows: 9 or\n10 correct answers rates you\nas a Memory Genius; 7 or 8,\nVery Superior; 5 or 6, Excek\nent; 4, Good. The correct an-\nswers are printed elsewhere\non this page.\n\n1, With what subject was the\nFederal Wagner Act concerned?\n\n2. During the Revolutionary\nWar at what city in Virginia did\nLord Cornwallis surrender?\n\n3. In “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”\nwhat river did Eliza cross on\nthe ice?’\n\n4. Does the window sash hold\nthe window jamb, the window\nsill or the glass in the window?\n\n5. Do. you connect the name\nof Bessemer with automobiles\nSteel or oil? ©. |\n6. Correct the following:\nKither Joe or Jim is going to\n\ngo.\n7. Is the Venus de Milo Greek,\nRoman or Byzantine sculpture?\n8. Who was the first President\nof the U.S. to be inaugurated in\nJanuary? . |\n9. There are no fish in the\nDead Sea; true or false?\n10. A sentence combining two\nlosely related ideas is called a\n~————-gentence ?\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 141.0564727783203, 5058.94384765625, 669.6870727539062, 6742.859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "metro-goldwyn-mayer presents a shaftel-stewart production\n\nrobert wagner\nraquel welch\ngodfrey cambridge\n\nAdults $1.00\nStudents Te\n\n \n \n \n\nGARDEN\nTonight Thru Tues.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4238.12255859375, 3482.75732421875, 5395.12939453125, 5028.90869140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "#, MONEY\n\nFOR SPRING\nEXPENSES: ,\n\n \n\nBuy | Repair Meet\nWhat You Your Home Emergency\nNeed. or Car Expenses\n\n$25 $3500\n\nyxWe Invite You to Call Us Without Delay!\nywTake 24 or 48 Months to Pay!\n\nCLINTON COUNTY\n\nFinance Corp. Consumer Disc. Ca.\nUp to 5600 $601—53,500.\n\n8 Bellefonte Ave. Open Friday ’til 8 p.m.\nReid S. Walter, Mgr. . Phone LH. 748-4095\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 713.0298461914062, 3271.91845703125, 1174.8839111328125, 3569.099853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Three Mansfield\nMatmen, Coach\nin Car Crash\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3646.572509765625, 195.25180053710938, 5350.09619140625, 530.2474365234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Foster Grandparents’ Find\nPlan Leads to Better Jobs\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4243.21630859375, 5101.7197265625, 5392.66650390625, 6777.55908203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nAre You “COLD”?\nGet “HOT” QUICK! !\nGet\n\n‘200\n+300\n\nAND UP TO\n\n‘600 OF F\n\nDepending on model and equipment\n\nON NEW 1968 CHEVROLETS\nee (CARS or TRUCKS) 7\n\nCASSELBERRY |\n\n; MOTOR co. Your only local Chervalat dealer\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2483.08726953125, 711.818958984375, 3059.5216171875, 1621.4787705078124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "SHORT RETIREMENT —\nJohnny Stevens, who retired as\nan American League umpire\nafter 20-years last fall, is unre-\ntired. The Philadelphian has ac-\ncepted an offer to become the\nleague’s first and only ‘‘swing-\ner.” He'll fill in for umpires\nwho need a rest, take a vaca-\ntion, are sick or injured, or\nwork with less experienced\ncrews. ... Penn State opens\nspring football practice April\n13, Bucknell on March 26, ...\nEdward M. Czekaj, associate\nathletic director at Penn State,\nig newly elected vice president\nof the United States Intercolle-\ngiate Lacrosse Association. ...\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 703.925892578125, 3579.850453125, 1291.589244140625, 4471.44202734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "_ SCRANTON — Three Mans-\nfield wrestlers assistant\ncoach, en route to the State Col-\nlege Conference tournament at\nEast Stroudsburg, were injured\nThursday night, when their car\nskidded on a snowy highway\nand hit a guard Fail near Mos-\ncow. : be :\nJohn Cowley, 20, of Pine City;\nN.Y., suffered two broken ank-\nles, and Paul Rhoads, 18, of\nOwego, N.Y., suffered cuts.\nTwo others, assistant coach\nRobert McDougal, 23, identified\nby police as the driver, and’Die-\nter Schwarzbauer, 22, both of\nMansfield, were treated for mi-\nnor injuries and released: Sch-\nwarzbauer wrestled in. the tour-\n|nament and placed fourth at 177.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 699.3226821289062, 4810.77428125, 1283.2590439453124, 5427.43665625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "| VANCOUVER, B.C. (AP) —\nThe United States dominated\n| the three-day North American\ngymnastics Championships\nwhich ended Saturday by win-\nteam titles and all but two of\nthe 14 gold medals.\n\nLinda Methenny’ of Tuscola,\nTll., won three golds medals in-\ncluding the women’s all-around\ntitle. Richard Lloyd of Louisia-\nna was the men's standout, win-\nning the all-around title, another\ngold and two silvers.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1327.843994140625, 156.41650390625, 3623.389892578125, 549.8331909179688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Rumor Says Penn State\nDoesnt Want Cage Power\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 696.5416870117188, 5445.50146484375, 1229.4283447265625, 5642.80517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Harvard’s Nayar\nWins Squash\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 703.1598403320312, 5657.89879296875, 1283.307505859375, 6193.7686875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) —\nAnil Nayar, a 21-year-old Har-\nvard junior from Bombay, In-\ndia, is the national intercollegi-\nate squash champion for a sec-\nond straight year.\n\nNayar retained the title by de-\nfeating Harvard sophomore\nLarry Terrell of Philadelphia\n15-5, 15-5, 15-5 Sunday in the\nwindup of the 35th annual tour-\nnament at MIT. ;\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 698.7938842773438, 6224.80615234375, 1184.988037109375, 6377.89404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "German Woman\nSets. Skating Mark\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 688.782337890625, 6385.63023828125, 1279.31995703125, 6792.08167578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "INZELL, Germany (AP) —\nStien Kaiser set a world record\nof one minute, 31 second in the\nwomen’s 1,000-meter race Sun-\nday at an international speed\nskating meet. She broke the old\nrecord held by Russia’s Lydia\nSkoblikova by eight-tenths of\nsecond. .\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1885.7634169921876, 3241.13414453125, 2468.703501953125, 6819.75648046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Collegiate\n\nPrinceton 68, Columbia 7\nCornell 75, Penn 69\nBrown 75, * Dartmouth 70\n\n| Harvard $6, Yale 99\n\nPa Island U. 68, Duquesne\n\nSyracuse 85, Colgate 72.\n|. Army 7, Rochester 55... -\n: Rutgers 97, Penn State 83.\ngee 72, Boston U.\n\nwom College 90, Holy. Cross\n\nVillanova 58, Providence 42\nConnecticut 62, Rhode Island\n\n58\n\n: Brandeis 102, Coast Guard 89\n\nSpringfield, . ’Mass., 99, Ver.\n\n‘mont 85\n\n| Bowdoin 94, Maine 69 | .\n\n- Kentucky 85, Vanderbilt 60\n\n| Duke 87, North Carolina 86,\n\n(three overtimes)\n\n- Georgia 97, Florida 83\n\nNorth Carolina State 55, South\n\n‘Carolina 54\n\n_ Kentucky Wesleyan .97, Ten-\n\nnesseé Martin 86\n\nTulane 88, Georgia Tech 77\nsion State 88, Mississip-\n\nPl Western Kentucky 94, Bidae\nTennessee 71:\nAuburn 78, Albama 69\nTennessee 74, Louisiana State\n71\n.Bradley 100, St. Louis 99, (two\novertimes)\n“Wisconsin 104, Purdue 84:\nWestern Michigan 73, Mar-\nquette 66\nNotre Dame 73, Creighton 68\nDePauw 84, Evansville 8\nChicago Loyola 117, Washing-\nton, Mo. 75\n_ Michigan 83, Northwéstern’ 79\nCincinnati 72, Memphis State\n\n63\nOhio U, 74, Toledo 72\nMinnesota 75, Michigan State\n68\n\nKansas State 67, Colorado 56\nIllinois State 106, Wayne,\nMich., State 74\nOhio State 107, Indiana 93\nTowa 61, Tlinois 56\nOklahoma 76, Missouri 72\nKansas 70, Oklahoma State 58\nNorth Dakota 82, Augustana,\nS.D., 75\nSouth Dakota 86, South Dakota\nState 75\nHouston 120, Virginia Tech 79\n' Eastern New Mexico 75, Albu-\nquerque 62\nRice 84, Texas Tech 80\nHardinSimmons 91, New Mex-\nico State 89 (two overtimes) .\nTexas-E] Paso 79, Colorado\nState U, 67.\nTexas Christian 72, Baylor 65\nArkansas 74, Texas 73\nUCLA 115, California 71\n‘ Arizona 96, Brigham Young 85\nOregon 8, Washington 83. -\nSeattle 69, Utah State 67\nWyoming 114, Air Force 83\nDenver 70, New Mexico 68\nArizona State 83, Utah 82\nSouthern California 72, Stan-\nford 60\nGonzaga 94, Idaho 75\nWashington State 81, Oregon\nState 76, (overtime) -\n\n \n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3646.699818359375, 1044.024525390625, 4229.8145859375, 4073.5450546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "On sACLUTCMICE\n\nThe Foster Grandparent Pro-\ngram set up to give part-time\nemployment to low-income men\nand women over 60 years of\nage wasn’t intended as an em-\nployment agency or as a step-\npingstone to better jobs. But\nthat's what is happening in San\nAntonio, Tex.\n\nThe Robert B. Green Memor-\nial Hospital employes 38 foster\ngrandparents. They work four\nhours a day, five days a week,\nat the going minimum wage\n(now 1.60 an hour.) They pro-\n‘vide personal care and atten-\ntion — spiced with love — for\nchild patients to whom over-\nworked regular hospital staff\ncan give only required care.\n\nThis foster grandparent pro-\ngram, like all others, is sup-\nported by a grant from the Of-\nfice of Economic Opportunity\n(OEO).\n\nThe very successful Green\nMemorial Hospital foster grand-\nparents program has one major\nproblem. It seems to lose foster\ngrandparents almost as fast as\nthey can be trained. Other in-\nstitutions and agencies are find-\ning that foster grandparents are\na great addition to regular staff\neven in the institution has to\npay for hem out of its own\nfunds.\n\nGrandparents Snapped Up By\nCompetitors\n\nOne 63-year-old foster grand-\nparent learned enough about\nhospital routine and administra-\ntion and was so well thought\nof by the hospital, that she was\nhired by a neighboring hospital.\nShe went from $1.40 an hour\n\n(before Feb. 1) at Green Mem-\norial to $285 a month as house-\nmother in the nurses’ dormi-\ntory. After three months as\ntemporary housemother, she\nnow has a job on a perman-\nent basis.\n\n_ Another Green Memorial fos-\nter. grandmother, age 67, got\nan even better offer — $300\na month — from a local girls’\ncollege. She, too is a dormitory\nhousemother.:\n\nPerhaps the most natura! step\nupward — if only in money\n— was taken by four of the\n‘foster grandmothers who are\nnow regular nurse’s aides in\nGréen Memorial Hospital. Sev-\néral other foster grandparents\nare working as all-day baby-\nsitters for working mothers. |\n\nWhile this steady stream of |\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3057.588134765625, 4146.7568359375, 3539.433837890625, 4300.14453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Officers Give up\nDise Jockey Chore\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4374.8408203125, 2484.472900390625, 5234.02880859375, 3382.82568359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "KEYSTONE MOTEL\nCOCKTAIL LOUNGE\nand\nRESTAURANT\nHas Been\nNEWLY RENOVATED\nand Will\nRE-OPEN TONIGHT\nOpen 6 Nights Weekly\nDINNERS SERVED FROM 6 P.M.\nPhone 748-8017\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3051.676380859375, 4305.15367578125, 3630.03284765625, 4788.8614609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) —\n\n| Through the cold, clear nights\n\nof February, skaters at Kenne.\n\ndy Park glided along to the\n\nstrains of recorded music. But\nnot more.\n\nPolice officers who had beer\nPlaying the records quit. .““We\nweren't hired to be disc jock-\nevs,\" one disgruntled policeman\nsai\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1893.898060546875, 598.4285170898437, 2474.42933203125, 1623.071666015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Neb myeeh FRG Ah AUT, TEI OA\n\nletters as a football and base-\nball player at Michigan State.\n\nTHERE’S NO PLACE LIKE\nHOME—Bobby Bragan, former\nPittsburgh Pirates’ manager,\n‘among other teams, is bidding\nfor the skipper’s post with the\nFort Worth, Tex., team if it gets\n‘a Major league franchise. Bra-\ngan, who lives in Fort Worth,\nexplained, “I’H just be about 15\nminutes from home when i get\nfired. .. .’’ Chuck Hansen, who\nused to teach the bunny hop and\nother dance steps for Arthur\nMurray, will drive a harness\nhorse named Rabbit at Liberty\nBell Park during the current\nmeeting. ... Joseph D. Lewis,\ngolf pro at Rydall Country Club,\nnear Philadelphia the past two\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3053.049427734375, 4909.770375, 3634.137095703125, 5184.38538671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "MONTREAL (AP) -- A. Sid-\nney Dawes, founder and. first\npresident of the 20-year-old Ca-\nnadian Olympic Association,\ndied Sunday at his home follow-\ning a lengthy illnéss. He was 79.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4269.419921875, 1804.2744140625, 5326.337890625, 2402.404296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "THE OFFICE OF...\nDr. Victor L. Williams\n\nWill Be\n\nCLOSED UNTIL\nMONDAY, APRIL 1\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 120.98851013183594, 3724.297119140625, 685.61474609375, 5020.26025390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "BESS eee\n' Last 2\nR 0 X Y Days\nLock Haven 7-9 P.M.\n\nWalt Disneys\n\nme fapPlest\n\n \n\nMillionaire |\n\nELIZABETH TAYLOR\nMARLON BRANDO\n\nINTHE UCHR HUSION-RAY STARK PRODUCTION\n\nREFLECTIONS\nIN AGOLDEN EYE\na\n\nWATCH FOR\n“CARMEN BABY”\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2493.197021484375, 5111.060546875, 3025.704833984375, 5221.5087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "~How’s Your 1.0.2\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3062.107177734375, 4825.24462890625, 3453.374267578125, 4891.12548828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Canadian Dies\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1917.80810546875, 3032.402099609375, 2456.3193359375, 3145.60546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Basketball Results\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3677.4969375, 558.009388671875, 4231.7266953125, 896.4092514648437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "In Martia Segal’s February\n26 article about retirement\nbreaks for the elderly, there\nwas an erroneous statement\nthat military retirement pay\nis not taxable. Actually, such\npay, if based on age or length\nof service, is taxable.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3728.81689453125, 4161.421875, 4135.068359375, 4262.14501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "1.0. Answers\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1365.4429931640625, 565.6150512695312, 1841.97607421875, 656.1029663085938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By RALPH BERNSTEIN\nAP State Sports Editor\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1303.6083876953126, 6079.14391015625, 1874.3549912109374, 6802.52405859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "‘Saturday’s. Results\n- Indiana. 124, Anaheim 119\nNew Jersey 117, Kentucky 100\n’ > Sunday’s Results\n‘New Orleans 108, Houston 89\nPittsburgh: 110, Kentucky 99\nMinnesota 123, New Jersey 115\nDallas 126, Anaheim 114\nDenver 115, Oakland 95\nToday’s Games\nDallas at Denver\nOakland at Houston\nTuesday’s Games\nPittsburgh at Anaheim\nOakland at Dallas\nIndiana at New Jersey\nNew Orleans at Kentucky\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3639.739125, 4862.57359765625, 4219.7794296875, 5174.8848984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "TMAKOMAI, Japan (AP) —\nOlympic gold medalist Erhard\nKeller of West Germany won\nthe 500-meter race in 40.2 sec-\nonds ‘and the 1,500 meters in\n2:15.4 Monday at a speed skat-\ning meet,\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 1304.5671279296876, 626.8764541015624, 1890.5900986328124, 3552.633189453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "State sports Editor\n\nPHILADELPHIA (AP)—The\nrumor mill has it Bob Knight,\nArmy’s-basketball coach,\nsought the Penn State job which\nwent to John Bach. The grape-\nvine story is Knight was told\nPenn State didn’t want to de-\nvelop powerhouse basketball be-\ncause the university can’t af-\nford to bring big name oppo-\nnents to University Park, Seats\nfor Nittany Lions’ basketball.\ngames are reserved for stu-\ndents, who get in as part of\ntheir tuition ... Carl DePas-\nqua’s move from Waynesburg\nto an assistant with the Pitts-\nburgh Steelers is viewed in\nsome areas as getting closer to\nthe job Carl really wants—the\nNo. 1 football job at his alma\nmater, Pitt, where Dave Hart\nis in the last year of. a three-\nyear contract, ...\n\nOOPS WRONG BASKET —\nPanther Valley defeated North\n‘Schuylkill 70-69 recently on a\nfield goal contributed by the\nlosing team. Rich Wetzel de-\nposited the ball in the wrong!\nhoop. Same thing happened in\nthe Schuylkill Haven-Minersville\ngame won by. Schuylkill Haven\nwhen a Minersville player\nscored in the wrong basket. .. .\nSpeaking of baskbetbail oddities,\nfor the past two seasons Muhl-\nenberg and Lehigh have pblayed\na game of coincidence. Last\nseason Lehigh won twice by\nidentical 13 point spreads. This\nseason, Lehigh again swept a\npair, not only by an identical\npoint spread, but by the samé\nscore—73-63. ...\n\nLET ME AT HIM-—I THINK\n—Big Wilt Chamberlain of the\nPhiladelphia 76ers is regarded\nas one of the strongest men. in\nprofessional basketball. During\na recent National Basketball\nAssociation game, the 7-foot-1,\n275-pound Chamberlain got into\na fight with Bob Ferry of Balti-\n‘more. Ferry recalls, “I threw a\nleft hook, but I was packpedal.\ning so fast it never got there.\n....” Joe Paterno, Penn State\nhead football coach, will serve\nas assistant coach to Indiana’s\nJohn Pont in the annual Ameri-\ncan Football Coaches’ All-Am-\nerica game’ at Atlanta June\n2%... . George Azar, who coach-\ned Lafayette’s wrestling team\nto its first winning season in\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1307.6530654296876, 4455.60484765625, 1876.804576171875, 5412.4024765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "n Diego ... lo 8 .ah Jo\n. | Saturday’s Results\n\nNew York -133,: Detroit 107\n\nLos Angeles. 127, Seattle. 107\n\nSan: ‘Francisco 117, Baltimore\n109\n\nSuriday’s Results\n\nDetroit 134, Chicago 123\n\nSt. Louis 106, San Diego 104.\n\nCincinnati 138, Seattle 128\n\nPhiladelphia 133, Boston 127\n\nLos Angeles. 121, Baltimore\n\n114\n\n- ‘Today’s Games\n\nNo games scheduled\n\n. \"Tuesday’s Games\n\nBoston at New York\n\nSan Diego at Philadelphia\n\nBaltimore at Seattle\n\nSt. Louis vs. San Francisco at\nOakland\n\nDetroit at Chicago\n\n \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1333.5435791015625, 3595.827880859375, 1844.283203125, 3693.32568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Pro Baskethall\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 3644.801025390625, 4773.515625, 4054.364990234375, 4850.92578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Olympian Wins\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2480.411, 568.5497939453124, 3066.09046484375, 713.5822250976562 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "years, has accepted - a similar\njob at the Williamsport Country\nClub. ... |\n" }, "48": null, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 3693.171142578125, 933.8509521484375, 4196.93994140625, 1034.298828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "By MARTIN E. SEGAL\nNationally Known Authority\n" }, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 26, 7 ], [ 8, 14 ], [ 24, 19 ] ]
[ 4959.2763671875, 6768.63037109375 ]
[ [ 7, 26 ], [ 8, 14 ], [ 24, 19 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1328.408935546875, 4686.90771484375, 2464.07470703125, 6767.951171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "= ov\n\na. a eee 2 ee 8 a 2 5-8-2E 5-8-5\n\nFor The Graduate\n‘GiveA Tape Recorder\n\n—s\n\n \n\nMODEL YJS13 MODEL YJS17\nLow In price but big in perform. vides exe battery model pro-\n\nance, this RCA Victor 3” reel port- es ercalient recording and\n_ able Sparaies goynhein on four playba yback on alae is up p to 6\" » Oper.\neu éries. Can also-play-on -ates-on-six- es. fs\nhouse currant with optional 110- on housecurrent mits 110-volt AC\nvolt AC “battery saver’ adapter. “battery saver\" adapter (optional,\nRaggee Alabaster plastic case. extra). Alabaster plastic case\n—3%\", W-9%4\", D—114\". H-4°, W—12\", D114\".\n\n$9095 $pQ95\n“| 33 - ALSO - — 6\n: Albums - Record’ Players - Clock\n\nRadios - Transistot Radios\nPortable TV's - House Radios\n\n \n \n \n\n“CAROL _SCHWAB-A.L, Schwab\n\n— Huntley: ‘High School\nHair Red = = Eyes:—Blue-\n\n| - LIPPE RADIO-and TV.\n\n“ 6 N. ee Sk \"943-4322 Harvard\n\nve\n\n \n\n \n\n“oeeuuy\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3089.717529296875, 86.07328796386719, 3676.838623046875, 382.6660461425781 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Marian Central\nSets Budget\nFor 68-69\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 62.91754150390625, 194.85696411132812, 1845.0838623046875, 1422.0396728515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\noe rnc\nRy Bien SP\n: a waa td\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3780.546142578125, 4034.703857421875, 4959.2763671875, 6748.67626953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "THE OVEN IN THIS\nFRIGIDAIRE 30” RANGE\nCLEANS ITSELF\nAUTOMATICALLY!\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n© Cook-Master automatic oven control\n© Automatic Appliance Outlet.\n\n© Self-cleaning surface units tit up for\neasy ceroval of drip bowls!\n\n5-YEAR NATIONWIDE WARRANTY backed.\nhy General Motors! 1-year Warranty on\nentire Range tor repair of any defect\nwithout charge. plus 4-year Protection\nPian (parts onty) for furnishing replace-\nment for any defective Surface Heating”\nBnit, Syntace Unit Switch. or Oven Heat:\ning Uni\n\nJ. C. BURKART & SON\n\nGMC OLDSMOBILE JEEP\nFRIGIDAIRE\nSales And Service\n\n7 No. Ayer Harvard 943-6171\n\n \n\nSARE OF EXCELLENCE\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2549.383544921875, 4654.35107421875, 3736.776123046875, 6722.4521484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\nIdeal For Graduation, |\nFathers Day & Weddings\n\n \n\nKODACOLOR PRINTS\n\nYou get 2 sets of:\nCOLOR PRINTS\nfor the PRICE of ONE\n\nFrom Kodacolor seg STANDARD\nrolls only... KING SIZE PRINTS\nLIMITED TIME ONLY!\n\n' . Queen Clue:\nBONNIE BARRETT - .\nHarvard High » |\nDon Barrett :\n—-. _ Hair-Brown -Eyes-Blue _.\n\npres\n—_\n\nWHIPPLE WALGREEN AGENC\\\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1892.540392578125, 2059.83946484375, 2491.843884765625, 4054.6395390625003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Tuesday evening, May 14, the\nHarrison School P.T.A. in Won-\nder Lake paid tribute toa teach-\ner who is retiring after 48 years\nof service.\n\nApproximately three hundred\nWonder Lake residents filled\nthe gymnasium of the school to\nbid Gertrude Brickley of rural\nHarvard a fond farewell.\n\nMiss ‘Brickley’ 8 teaching ca-\nreer started at the Shield’s\nschool, north of Harvard, where\nfor thirty years she presided\nover a one room school that en-\ncompassed eight grades.\n\nFrom Shield’s school she\nmoved to District 17, a consol-\nidated school, where she\nremained for five years.\n\nThirteen years ago the late\nMerle Thomas, superintendént\nof schools in Wonder Lake,\noffered Miss Brickley a job\nteaching first grade at Harrj-\nson school and she has been a\nmember of the faculty since that\ntime.\n\nMiss Brickley was honoredin\nWorider Lake not only for her\n\nrfadicated, sexvice to her pupils\n\nut also for her gh SEs to the\n. Harrison. schoo we os\nident, Mrs, Edward enh tea\nsaid in her remarks, ‘“‘Ger-\ntrude Brickley has always been\nthe strongest link in the chain\nthat binds the P.T.A, to the\nschool, Ag a “‘Life.Member’’\nof the P.T.A. she will always\nbe an important member of our\norganization’’.\n\nGuests from Harvard who\nattended the meeting included\nMayor Ronald Morris; Miss\nBrickley’s brother, Henry\nBrickley; her sister, Mrs. Ed-\nwin O’Brien; and nieces Mrs.\nFrank King and Mrs. Donald\nHonketadt.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1921.6309814453125, 185.15321350097656, 3046.301025390625, 1526.1337890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1927.88048046875, 4271.9190546875, 2499.898083984375, 4645.284070312499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Unfortunately the ic\nSpectacular was cancelled. The\ndate now chosen for the event is\nMay 26, this Sunday.\n\nFriday, May 17, all the stud-\nents w dressed their best\nfor it. was dress-up day. How-\never, there was a catch, anda\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3730.07091015625, 1764.9575068359375, 4322.02283984375, 2364.719861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The mobile chest xray unit\nwill be in Woodstock, Friday,\nMay 24, operating from 12:30\nto 5 and 6 to 8:30 p.m.\n\nThe sponsors of this Christ-\nmas Seal program, the McHenry\nCounty Tuberculosis Associa-\ntion, announces that the unit\nwill be located on the South side\nof the Court House during the\nstated hours.\n\nThe members of the barber-\ning profession, who need an\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1895.574462890625, 1751.2943115234375, 2367.16845703125, 2033.5528564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Wonder Lake\nHonors Miss\nBrickley\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1281.9103876953125, 3645.509630859375, 1887.0953496093748, 4654.29237109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "The Alden-Hebron schools\nwill not be in session Memorial\nDay nor will there be school\nFriday, May 31.\n\nThe high school Awards Day\nwill be Tuesday, May 28 at\n12:50. Yearbooks will be dis-\ntributed after the awards.\n\nThe project exhibit open\nhouse for this year will be held\nTuesday evening, June 4. The\npublie¢ is invited.\n\nThe Alden School picnic will\nbe held Sunday, June 9 at the\nAlden school.\n\nThe Alden Grade School was\nsold at public auction last Sat-\nurday to He Ferris of Har-\nvard. The Hebron Grade School\nwas not sold because of lack of\na suitable bid. The\nEducation will decide at the reg-\nular Board meeting in June\nabout how to dispose of the\nHebron property.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3726.927490234375, 1457.0849609375, 4229.5068359375, 1739.34912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Mobile Chest\nX-Ray Unit\nIn Woodstock\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3760.352783203125, 259.4092712402344, 4916.69482421875, 1204.105224609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3764.338134765625, 2427.81103515625, 4950.7109375, 3940.845703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nEnd Of School Specials\n\nLITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL SHOES $ 495 pr\nBASEBALL BATS AS LOW AS §$ 1 80\n\n7 Pc, GOLF SET 5 IRONS 2 W Ss.\nA $49.95 VALUE while they last $29\"\n\nGOLF ‘BALLS “from $495\nHOMKO LAWN MOWERS $6975\n(Featuring flexorblade) up\nMAYTAG PORT-A-DRYER $1999°\nP (white or color) em ee erence Ae\n\nMAYTAG new portoble dish washer i $9 §995\n(white or color) ;\n\nre PS SY\n\nSEE US FOR YOUR FISHING NEEDS\n\nDiscount prices on rods and reels at all time\n\nCARLSON'S 72%.\n\n25 North Ayer Harvard, Illinois\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4353.0713984375, 1459.49815625, 4945.648816406249, 1952.180310546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "xray before July 1, are urged\nto obtain one at this time. All\nchildren with positive reactions\nto the skin test and adults over\n18 years of age may havea free.\nxray. Students not yet 18 who\nneed a chest xray for college\nentrance, may also obtain one.\n\nThe mobile unit will be at\nthe Borden plant, Woodstock,\nin the A.M. to xray the Borden\nemployees.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 66.5237808227539, 4858.11328125, 1253.892578125, 6768.63037109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "_EARNINGS\nAVAILABILITY\n\nThree reasons why a\nsavings account pro-\n“vides family security\nfor wioreArnerleans~ = °\n\nthan any other type of\ninvestment.\n\nWhy settle for less?\n\n- HARVARD, FEDERAL ‘SAVINGS > —\nicone ~ -=@ SN. - a\n\n158. LN, ‘Ayer S St. Harvard, Utingte\nSavings Insured upto $1800 000 by FoSiL: Ci\n\n \n" }, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 3124.368517578125, 2790.527208984375, 3723.4481328125003, 4644.67518359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Buring the ‘past year the\nCouncil approved a special ex-~ »\npenditure of $52,318.20 to im-\nprove the parking lot, provide\nfor painting and maintenance of\nbuilding, install equipment so as\nto update completely the fire\nalarm system, and purchase of\nnew equipment such as the\nvideo-tape recorder and caf-\neteria chairs and equipment.\n\n:.The Building and Grotnds\nCommnittee, headed by. Mr, Jos-\neph Gausen of McHeriry has pro~\nPosed a new canopy for the en-\ntrance at the parking Jot side\nof the building and 4 contin-\nuance of the painting and re-\npair of buildings‘and equipment.\nSome ofthe fine features of\nMarian’s program this year\nhave been the developmental-\nedial reading improvement\nprogram under the leadership\nof the English Department and\nthe initiation of a Fine Arts\nProgram.\n\nMarian is a comprehensive\nhigh school with a strong pro-\ngram for the term\nschool student as well as those\npreparing to go on to further\nstudy. It is planned to broad-\nen the program again nextyear.\nConsiderable equipment will be\nadded to the Business Educa-\ntion and Industrial Arts De-\npartments before the opening of\nschool in September.\n\nThrough the cooperation of\nthe various Public School Dis-\ntricts a Driver Education pro-\ngram will be offered to all in-\nterested students.\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 4351.8311640625, 1983.2692744140625, 4950.324597656249, 2345.91444140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "President Franklin D. Roose-\nvelt signed the lend-lease bill\nto aid the Allies in World War\nTT on March 11, 1941.\n\nWhen Emperor Napoleon was\nmarried to Archducheas Marie\nLouise of Austria in 1810 the\nmarriage was by proxy.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3733.55126953125, 145.70330810546875, 4902.86767578125, 237.22837829589844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Post Prom Committee Decorates\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 544.2501220703125, 1658.36767578125, 1360.1695556640625, 1738.5416259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "A Book You Can Eat\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3089.744494140625, 413.8816401367188, 3702.0199101562503, 3026.2376835937503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "A budget of $293,300 for the\n1968-69 school year has been\naccepted by the Council of Ad.\nministration it was announced\nthis week by the Finance Com-\nmittee of the Council. The Coun-\ncil of Administration, made up\nof the pastor anda layman from\neach of the fourteen Catholic\nparishes of McHenry Connty,\nvoted to accept the budget pro-\nposed by the Finance Commit-\ntee.\n\nTuition at Marian will remain\nthe same as lastyearat$250.00\nfor the first student with a 25%\ndiscount for the other members\nfrom the same family. It is an-\nticipated there will be 650 stud-\nents enrolled next fall.\n\nThe operational budget rep-\nresents a cash outlay of\n$293,300. This, along with the\npro-rated donated services of\nthe religious sisters and priests\n($101,000) and interest on build-\ning cost and depreciation $60, -\n000) brings the per capita cost\nfor each student to $700.00.\nThe difference between the per\ncapita cost and tuition receiv-\ned is made up by assessments\nto the fourteen parishes of Mc-\nHenry County.\n\nIn response to the questions\nof parents, parish groups and\nother interested citizens the\nCouncil is publishing the bud-\nget figures:\n\nINCOME\nTuition and Fees $166,625\nParish Assessments 125,500\n\nMiscellaneous 1,175\nTOTALS $293,300\nEXPENDITURES\nAdministration 11,750\nInstruction 200,000\nTransportation 2,500\nPlant Operation 52,000\nInsurance and Taxes 10,500\nCapital outlay and\nDebt Reduction 16,650\n|,\nTOTAL $293,300\n\nBuring the ‘past year the\nCouncil approved a special ex-\npenditure of $52,318.20 to im-\nprove the parking lot, provide\nfor painting and maintenance of\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 63.96927261352539, 1762.8121337890625, 1848.7161865234375, 2857.953369140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n. Pee SiG,\n\nBEN cali\nPeace Bate “og\n\nae. ye\nSN\nSat : ah\n=) aa. bt i eee a ee Ae Hone) Ee AY,\n> ce Gon, ae ce a aes we\nee We iz Sipe Be POPES AN i age ree oe ee ee ¥ iN\neC Ne RCL KS ARGS PREKiS ANZ: :\nten oe WBE R ee cree (eee a RAS AV AY Sore\nPage THER. ERE see ieee ea ee oo.\nae ue bios ae ao ie\n\n \n \n\n \n\noo\n\npies ase As\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nBek a\na Soe eae Ae\n\n,\nRoe Pe BOE\n2 ee\nea Ae ed series eee et Bae so\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nz Ss Sie\n: 4 <\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nwent ih Seven Rome — ex Pes\n\nSome Serre Rue fen ae ie pikes bee\n\noc Re ig ETON Wea e Ne e a nes ae ae\nPetes Ratans Na CUB ACLS Roe AP a buebe Yor natn aes RES ee a meet ‘s\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2503.18175, 1751.107287109375, 3097.2794316406253, 4100.581677734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "very good one at that. Anyone\nwho didnot participate in dress~-\n“up day will not be able to par-\nticipate in the up-coming slop-\nday,; this Friday.\n\nThe Vocational Building\nTrade Class presented House\nProject No. 2 for open house\nlast Saturday and Sunday, May\n18 and19. The house project was\npurchased by the St. Paul’s\nLutheran Church, to be used as\na residence for their new pas-\ntor.\n\nThe Modern Music Masters\nelected new officers of Modern\nMusic Masters last week. The\npersons elected are: Randy\nKosman, John Jones, Paula\nBehrens, Roger Davidson, and\nChris Wittmus.\n\nLast Friday morning, Alicia\n\nShirakawa presented a, speech\n—to the entire student ody and\n\nfaculty members. Shetold Yoon\nsuch things as her country,\nschool, family, enjoyments, and\nhow she enjoyed our school. Af-\nter her speech she presented\nMr. Iftner, the principle, a\ntoy llama for the ahoweese.\n\nSPORTS\n\nLast Friday, a new school\n#record was set and an old one\n‘broken. At a track meet in Del-\n, avan, Danny O’Neil took third\n’ place in the mile run. He ran it\n\nn-'$ minutes, 40 and 2/10 sec-\n\nnds. The old record was ‘\n‘aninutes and 50 seconds made\n“In 1942, made by G. Apt!\n\nMeanwhile, last Thursday,\nthe Harvard track team made 20\npoints in the Shark Conference.\nMarengo took first place with\n75 points. The HCHS Frosh-\nSoph 440 relay team composed\nof Steve Bell, John McConnell,\nRick Lester, and Pat McCarthy,\ntook 2nd place while br.\nthe school’s record.\n\nAlso last Thufsday, Har-\nvard’s base téam lost to\nNorth Boone‘in 11 innings.\n\nor\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2183.007080078125, 84.21430206298828, 2775.776611328125, 164.8850860595703 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "A Warm Tribute\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 459.05389404296875, 78.07267761230469, 1378.1092529296875, 173.62171936035156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Greetings From Harvard\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1948.093505859375, 4100.38720703125, 2469.7177734375, 4218.77392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Hornets Nest\n\nait ReEReeIN SCE\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2511.935412109375, 4395.42247265625, 3098.4557011718753, 4637.068249999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Of the developing countries’\n800 million children, half do\nnot receive any formal educa-\ntion. UNICEF helps to train\nteachers and to produce\nteaching materials.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2514.324328125, 4136.90782421875, 3089.6280644531253, 4371.354382812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "ot 60 per cent of all pre-\nchool age children suffer from\nmalnutrition. UNICEF assists\nnutrition programs in Asia, Af-\nrica, Latin America, the Middle\n\nRTaot\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1279.10606640625, 2991.6505, 1882.5871708984373, 3426.5496953125003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Hamburger on buttered bun\nCatsup, mustard amt pickles\nButtered corn\n\nAssorted fruit .\nTHURSDAY, May 30\n\nNo School\n\nE Feet? tga. ve\n:, ie NICE VAONTION\n\nMen ray hte EAT,\n\n \n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1309.5135498046875, 3474.3857421875, 1854.3193359375, 3633.540771484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Alden-Hebron\nSchool News\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 22.50586700439453, 2801.414794921875, 1628.3521728515625, 4822.19921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n\nPESTA SHE Bee RU OUMELL u eat e dence\nsay\n\nPee\n\n \n\nA eke tn the form of a book was dastgna presented her with gifts that in\nevery for Miss Brickley. The P.T.A, also life membership charm.\n\n \n\n~“\nWEDNESDAY, May 29 Hamburger on but\nBarbeque on bun Catsup, mustard\nButtered corn Buttered corn\nAssorted fruit Assorted fruit\nMilk THURSDAY, May\nwastinaton SCHOOL MENU No School\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nMONDAY, May 27 :\nenens: on: d buns\nButtered corn -- MonDs =\nAssdeted fruit -** °* ; Ravioli > - 3\nChe : H slices Eesha ,\naké*& juice\nEx-bread & butter Fruit Alden- H\nBread and butter Sch ool |\nTUESDAY, May 28 :\nGoulash TUESDAY, May 28 The Alden-He\nButtered Spinach Roast Beef and gravy will not be in ses:\nJello with fruit Mashed potatoes Day nor will th\nCookles & juice Jello Friday, May 31.\nPeanut Butter sandwiches Frosted Creams The high schoc\nBread and butter will be Tuesday\nWEDNESDAY, May 29 . 12:50. Yearbook\nTuna Fish sandwiches WEDNESDAY, May 29 tributed after the\nBaked beans Tuna and egg salad sandwiches The project\nCarrot sticks Celery and carrot sticks house for this ye:\nPotato chips Potato chips Tuesday evening\nCookies & juice Cookies public is invited.\n. NY Se -_- Fruit _ The Alden Sch\n. be held Sunday,\nHARVARD COMMUNITY HIGH JEFFERSON SCHOOL MENU Alden school.\nOrange Juice with all meals The Alden Gra\nMONDAY, May 27 sold at public au\nMONDAY, May 27 Wiener Winks urday to Henry !\nSpaghetti w/ground beef Buttered spinach vard. The Hebror\nTossed salad Celery and carrots was not sold\nAssurted fruit - Peaches a malas bid.\nducation will de:\nBread-butter-milk TUESDAY, May 28 ular Board m\nHam and scalloped potatoes about how to d\nTUESDAY, May 28 Buttered green beans Hebron property.\n\nOven brown potatoes Apple sauce ates\n@ Cris\nMike WEDNESDAY, May 29 cr,\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 2023.8291015625, 4193.31494140625, 2380.94091796875, 4241.66064453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "BY DENNIS LYLE\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 5377.9665625, 6925.58521484375 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2953.778798828125, 747.3383081054687, 3560.1501562500002, 2159.496591796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "for research and development,\n\nThe Litton Systems got\n$6,502,000, on top of which Lit-\nton Industries got $2,068,000 and\nLitton Precision Products got\n$479,000.\n\nBausch and Lomb, a company\nwhich got into serious trouble\nprior to Pearl Harbor when it\nwas exposed by Harry Tru-\nman’s old Senate committee as\nswapping American military in-\nvention secrets with Nazi firms,\ngot $437,000 from Uncle Sam.\n\nTexaco got $3,031,000; Bulova\nWatch, $2,346,000; International\nHarvester, $1,845,000; . Allis-\nChalmers, $686,000; Carborun-\ndum of Niagara Falls, $595,000;\nBendix, $28,097,000.\n\nThe Du Pont Company, one\nof the wealthiest in the nation\nand whose executives are\namong the biggest contributors\nto the Republican party, re-\nceived $1,922,000 from the De-\nfense Department; on top of\nwhich, the Hercules Powder\nCompany, a subsidiary of Du\nPont, received a cool $5,728,000,\n\nSee MGR\n‘Continued on Comic Page)\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 103.6688134765625, 631.3980615234375, 1082.8663427734375, 3502.062021484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The financial problem which resulted in\neliminating the “community center” build-\ning from the plans for the new housing proj-\n\n‘ect for the elderly in Lock Haven is not un-\nusual in any building project. Private fami-\nlies building a new house are familiar with\nthe need to eliminate some of what they want\n\n_ in. order to get what they can pay for.\n\nIt is the same with government projects,\nexcept that government procedures, often\ncomplicated by time-consuming red tape,\noften seem to reduce the value of the project\n\n_ without corresponding economies. Sometimes\nthe delays and arbitrary methods that go\nwith government operations result in elimi-\nnating necessary facilities in order to make\nso-called savings that actually cause costly\nlong-term disadvantages.\n\nThis kind of outcome is all too likely, we\nbelieve, in the financial compromise made\non the new housing facilities for the aging.\nWe can probably get along very well without\nthe office and maintenance building elimi-\nnated from the new low-cost housing project,\nbut the elderly tenants in the other project\nreally will need a community center.\n\nA hard choice was involved in the de-\ncision to drop the community building, in\norder to help get the cost down to the alloca-\ntion for the new housing facilities. If some of\nthe housing units were eliminated, the cost\nper unit might go higher than it should; yet,\nelimination of the community building will\ndeprive these elderly tenants of their only\nsocial gathering piace, and the only facility\navailable to them for the kind of quiet rec-\nreational enjoyment that older people need.\n\n‘Their apartments are too small for social\ngatherings, but the need for facilities where\nthey can meet and help each other with such\n\nchores as the laundry, exchange conversa-\ntion, and enjoy games or hold meetings, is\nwell established. Otherwise it would not be\nan integral part of the plans for most hous-\ning centers for the elderly.\n\nSuch a center is so necessary that we\nbelieve its merits should be reconsidered.\nThe federal government should be asked for\na supplementary grant to restore it to the\nplans before the project is completed.\n\n*\n\nIt’s far harder to die a gentleman than\nto be born one.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1687.621572265625, 4520.80345703125, 2278.650888671875, 5260.58619140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — The\nNorth Vietnamese and the Viet\nCong have good reason to kick\nthemselves for dawdling. At the\nsame time Ho Chi Minh, the.\nchief dawdler, may have done\ncommunism one of its greatest\nfavors, -\n\nThe dawdling was in failing to\ntry to take over South Vietnam\nfaster. The favor was in making\nAmericans, after their experi-\nence in this war, perhaps a lit-\ntle more reluctant to get into\nanother one like it..\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1066.4498193359375, 3521.343984375, 1673.26001953125, 5260.56470703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The Defense Department puts\nout an annual list of companies\nwhich get this bonanza, and it\nmakes interesting reading.\n\nFor instance, General Elec-\ntric, a company which has been\nconvicted of wanton criminal\nviolation ‘of the Antitrust Act,\nand fined over a million dollars,\nwith three of its executives sent.\nto prison, nevertheless received\n$356,079,000 for -alleged re-\nsearch and development in the\nlast year figures were avail-\nable, namely, 1966.\n\nWestern Electric Company,\nwhich has also been the subject\nof various antitrust suits, to-\ngether with its affiliate Amer-\nican Tel & Tel, was the recipi-:\nent of the third biggest research\nbonanza, namely $393,842,000.\n\nGeneral Motors, which only\nlast month had a hot argument\nwith the White House over -in-\ncreasing the price of cars, ye-\nceived a nice little package of\nresearch money from Uncle\nSam to the tune of $53,166,000.\n\nThe Charles Pfizer Drug\nCompany, which only recently\nwas convicted in New York of\nconspiracy to fix drug prices,\nreceived a neat package of\n$711,000 from the Defense De-\npartment — for what, nobody\nexactly knows.\n\nHarvey Aluminum, a com-\npany which last year received\na tax forgiveness bonanza of\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2297.562490234375, 4435.36302734375, 2907.5888769531252, 6925.58521484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "It’s impossible at this time to\ndraw a sharp distinction, if any,\nbetween the Viet Cong and Com-\nmunist North Vietnam. It can\nbe assumed, until history proves\notherwise, that Ho Chi Minh’s\nNorth Vietnamese were the di-\nrecting force ‘and chief helper in\nmen and supplies for the Viet\nCong.\n\nWhen the Viet Cong, in the\nlate 1950s, began their guerrilla\nwar fo overthrow President Ngo\nDinh Diem’s government of\nSouth Vietnam, they operated\non a small scale compared with\nthe forces in the field now.\n\nThe shadow of the United\nStates, which had been backing\nDiem since 1954, lay across the\ncountry. But it was hardly a\nfrightening shadow then. Jt had\nbeen helping Diem but there\nwas no certainty this country\nwould get into war for him.\n\nEven by 1960 the United\nStates had only 785 men there,\nnot as a fighting force but as as-\nsistants, consultants and train-\ners. The Viet Cong increased in\nnumbers and success as the\nyears passed.\n\nBy the end of 1964 this country\nhad 18,000 men in Vietnam but\nby then the Saigon government\nwas in danger. Diem. had\nproved no match by himself for —\nthe Viet Cong which had the\ncountry throttled.\n\nYet, although in all the years\nsince 1954 the United States had\nstayed out of the fighting, it was\nsomething the Viet Cong and\nNorth Vietnam had to think\nabout. What would the Ameri-\ncans do if the Viet Cong were on\nthe verge of taking over ithe\ncountry?\n\nRecent history was not a per-\nfect guide. In the years after\nWorld War II the United States\nhad helped Chiang Kai-shek and\nhis nationalists on mainland\nChina but stood aside when the\n\nChinese Communists: crushed\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1097.3235986328125, 750.62083984375, 1703.64576171875, 3386.169931640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — If the next\nsession of Congress really\nwants to get serious ‘about cut-\nting the budget, the biggest\nSlice of fat that could be elim-\ninated is part of the $5,323,000,-\n000 subsidy to private business\nwhich the public knows little\nabout but which is listed as\n“RDT&E”’—this stands for ‘‘re-\nsearch, development, test and\nevaluation.”\n\nDuring fiscal year 1966, the\nlast year for which figures are\navailable, a total of 2,001 de-\nfense contractors sliced up a\ntotal of $5,323,000,000, Of this,\nhowever, by far the largest\nhunk—$5,210,000,000 or 97.9 per\ncent—went to 500 of the largest\ncorporations in the nation. Half\na billion dollars, for instance,\nwent to Lockheed Aircraft for\nalleged “research and develop-\nment,” and another approxi-\nmate half billion to General\nDynamics.\n\nWhile some of this may be\nnecessary expenditure, the real\nfact is that almost nothing is\ndone to check on the efficiency\nof the alleged research. Fur-\nthermore, so many retired ad-\nmirals and generals are hired\nby the big defense contractors\n~—and there is such a chummy\nrelationship ‘between the de-\nfense contractors and the Pen.\ntagon—that it would be almost\nimpossible for an accurate esti-\nmate or accounting to be made\nof the value of the so-called\n“research, development and\nevaluation.”\n\nThis is what President Bisen-\nhower had in mind when, in\nhis last message to the Amer-\nican people, he warned that the\ngreatest danger facing the na-\ntion was the alliance between\na big peacetime military estab.\nlishment and the defense indus-\ntries.\n\nFinally, Congress has voted\nthat any patents derived from\nthis research, even though paid\nfor by the taxpayers’ money,\nrevert to the private companies\nnot to the government. Yet the\ngovernment puts up the money\nor all of the experimentation.\n\nx oe om\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2920.914541015625, 4448.5930078125, 3526.3637792968752, 6922.1198828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "him finally and took over the\nmainland.\n\nBut the United States had\ndone exactly the opposite when,\nafter withdrawing from South\nKorea, the North Korean Reds\ninvaded it in 1950. Immediately\nthe United States plunged back\njn and was involved for years in\na war that drove the North Ko-\nreans back to where they had\nstarted,\n\nSo the Viet Cong and North\nVietnam would only guess what\nthis country might do if South\n\n- Vietnam were near total seizure\nby the Reds. Apparently they\nassumed the United States\nwould not get involved. It was a\nwrong guess.\n\nThey proceeded slowly in-\nStead of using their utmost ef-\nfort to take over South Vietnam\nfast before the United States,\nwhich had been building up its\nforces on a tiny scale, could\nmake up its mind about inter-\nvening.\n\nOnce the Communists had\ntaken control, this country\nmight very well have decided it\nwas too late to move in.\n\nAlthough this country now\nseems determined to see the\nwar to an end, it has been a\ncostly, bloody, drawn-out strug-\ngle, thanks to the dogged deter-\nmination of Ho Chi Minh, and\nthe end is not in sight.\n\nThis country, split over the\nwar, has been forced into bitter\nsoul-searching. President John-\nson has not only lost some politi-\ncal power but has been abused\nmore intensely than any presi-\ndent in this century.\n\nThis experience—the cost of\nthe war in lives and money, the\ndivision of thinking and unhap-\npiness at home—may make the\nUnited States a lot more reluc-\ntant to get involved in the future\nfor the sake of a small nation in\nAsia or elsewhere threatened by\nCommunist seizure.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1723.7180078125, 751.8731591796875, 2324.81666015625, 2150.228525390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "$2 million, thanks to a last-\nminute amendment hung on the\nso-called Christmas Tree bill,\nby Sen Vance Hartke, D-Ind.,\ngot a nice present from Uncle\nSam to the tune of $1,138,000\nfor alleged research and de-\nvelopment. This. is a company\nwithout many technical skills\nexcept when it comes to lobby-\ning and polities, Carmen War-\nschaw, the sister of its top part-\nner, has long been Democratic\nchairman of Southern Califor-\nnia,\n\nThe Olin Mathieson Chemical\nCorp., whose executives are the\nlargest official money-raisers\nfor the Republican National\nCommittee, received $1,085,000\nfor research at their New Ha-\nven plant and their plant in\nGulfport, Miss.\n\nThe Defense Department was\nquite impartial politically. En-\ngelhard Industries of New Jer-\nsey, whose head, Charlie Engel-\nhard, a good loyal Democrat,\naccompanied President Johnson\non his trip around the world,\nwas awarded a research and\ndevelopment grant of $415,000—\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3591.413818359375, 237.86981201171875, 4114.224609375, 629.9955444335938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Here and There...\nFirst Spaceman\nGlenn Traces\n\nStanley’s Route\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 66.89579772949219, 5484.71484375, 2226.9306640625, 6717.22802734375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 80.26489807128907, 3652.66966796875, 1047.1452734375, 5264.3444921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "The value of such institutions as the\nShriners burn centers has been dramatically\nshown here this week, as little Lisa Munro\n~ has been whisked off to receive the best pos-\nsible specialized treatment for what is a\ntragic injury, but would be much more so if\nsuch help were not available.\n\nBurns are difficult injuries to deal with.\nOften, people burned as badly as she was are\nbeyond medical help. When such severe\nburns cover so much body surface, the pros-\npects of recovery are sadly reduced. When,\nhowever, the potential is there, the factors\nthat can make all the difference are prompt\nand effective treatment, and fighting off in-\nfection.\n\nA specialized burn treatment center,\nsuch as the three set up by the Shrine in\nthree sections of the country, can do what\nno other institution can do, in improving the\nprospects for a complete recovery for a child\nlike Lisa.\n\nThe whole community hopes for the suc-\ncess of her stay there and joins in apprecia-\ntion for the fact that such a facility is avail-\nable, .\n& ® *\n\nPractice seldom makes perfect, unless\nyou practice perfection.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 134.5881805419922, 517.2384643554688, 867.4943237304688, 625.119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Serious Omission\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3598.789306640625, 5656.8154296875, 5274.32763671875, 6904.2041015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nIF MOM'S BUTCHER\nIS SO GOOD, HOW\nCOME HE LOOKS EVEN\n\nON WHAT ON\nBROTHER MAKES,\nIT'S A WONDE!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nI PRAISED \\ PORK AND BEANS\n\nANY)\n\n \n\nCOOKING AND\n\n \n \n \n\nGOING TO FOR FIVE\nYEARS I ALWAYS\nGET THE BEST CUTS\n\nya\nYY\n\nuti,\n\nnA v2\n\ny (a=\nG INE\neu cA ney\nA Ab SAT red XY\nKe >| SvMPATHIZING WITH THE NEW IN=\nWS /29/ LAW AS THE GROOMS MOTHER\n\ni GETS INHER DiGs--. @\nTata MOONE POLE OUR KER TO OTs:\n\nTALK KNIGHT, 3366 PIERCE ¢T.\nSAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n| | by” La\n» 1968, World rights reserved.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1094.6881103515625, 292.8144226074219, 3395.2431640625, 634.9412841796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Big Research Grants Rich Bonanza\nfor Contractors, Who Keep Patents\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3574.37328125, 704.8053491210937, 4187.9069921875, 4809.45142578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP) — “I\nreached a low point in my life,\nbut I’ve come back from it,”\nsaid Col. John H. Glenn Jr.\n\nGlenn, the first American as-\ntronaut to orbit the earth,\nmakes his debut as a television\nstar tonight in “Great Explora-\ntions,”’ a new series on NBC-TV.\n\nOn the program Glenn will\nfollow the route taken by jour-\nnalist Henry Morton Stanley in\nhis historic search for mission-\nary David Livingston in Africa\nlate in the last century.\n\nRecalling his own historie or-\n~ bital flight over the same terri-\n\ntory in 1962, the colonel re-\n\nmarked:\n\n“It took me 3 minutes and 20\nseconds to cover the route it\ntook Stanley 844 months. I was\ntraveling five miles a second. A\nlot of days Stanley didn’t make\nthat much a day.”\n\nNo American of his genera-\ntion ever received greater acco-\nlade than greeted Glenn after he\npiloted the Mercury Friendship\n7 spacecraft on its successful\nthree-orbit mission around the\nearth on Feb. 20, 1962. Honors\nwere showered on him from all\nparts of the country. He re-\nceived a hero’s welcome wher-\never he went,\n\nBut personal diasaster struck\nin 1964 when, after resigning\nfrom the Marine Corps, he an-\nnounced plans to enter politics\nand seek election as U.S, sena-\ntor from Ohio. A bathroomi fall\nleft him with an ear injury that\nforced him to abandon his politi-\ncal campaign,\n\n“That certainly wasn’t a vin-\ntage year for me,’”’ Glenn said\nduring a recent luncheon inter-\nview. “I was out of everything\nfor almost a year, and I guess I\nwas lucky just to be among the\nliving.”\n\nAdded to worry over his low-\nphysical recuperation were the\nbiggest financial troubles of his\nlifetime. The cancellation of his\nsenatorial campaign feft him\nand his backers facing thou-\nsands of dollars in unpaid bills.\nHe could have ducked them but,\ncharacteristically, decided to\nshoulder them all himself.\n\nfi Was cliteed cay to pay off\nall my itical ts, an\ndid,” he said. “It took me a\nyear and a half to do it, and 23%\nyéars of my Marine Corps sav-\nings went down the drain. It\nwasn’t a huge sum, but it\nseemed a big amount to-me.”\n\nToday he is completely recov-\nered, both physically and finan-\ncially. He serves as a consultant\non space matters for the Nation-\nal Aeronautics and Space Ad-\nministration and is president of\nRoyal Crown Cola International,\nLid. He has traveled in 33 coun-\ntries in the last two yéars,\n\nStill boyish looking at 46,\nGlenn weighs 178 pounds, only\nfive more than he did when he\nmade his orbital flights. Now as\nthen, he runs at least two miles\nevery day when he is at home.\n\n“T like to keep in shape,” he\nsaid. “If I don’t take exercise, I\nfeel dull and logy.\n\n“Life is good again for me\nnow—after that low point. I en-\njoy ev! ng.\n“All our debts are paid, my\nwife Annie’s health is good, and\nour two kids are in school. The\nwhole family is fine,.”’\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2337.420400390625, 1105.3404443359375, 2932.6801855468752, 2150.49634765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The oi] companies seemed to\nfare pretty well, Esso Research\nof Linden, N..J, got $1,519,000,\nwhile the Ethy] Corporation, al-\nso a subsidiary of Standard Oil,\ngot $823,000.\n\nShell Oil although a British-\nDutch company got $846,000.\n\nThe autmobile companies did\nall right, too. In addition to\nthe grant to General Motors,\nFord got $5,099,000 while Chrys-\nler got $2,989,000.\n\nIt would surprise many tax-\npayers to know that they had\nhelped to subsidize the Admiral\nCompany, big makers of TV\nsets, refrigerators and other ap-\npliances, to the tune of $656,000\nfor research and development;\nand that even the Columbia\nBroadcasting System got a\npleasant little gift from Uncle\nSam to the tune of $5,153,000\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4207.144765625, 562.9819848632812, 5377.9665625, 5522.52466796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nCaves in our part of the country are not only in-\nteresting in themselves but also have interesting stories\ntold about them. The Veiled Lady Cave in Brush Val]-\nley east of Centre Hall is one of these.\n\n“Just inside the entrance high on the left is a white\nformation resembling a woman seated on a ledge. This\nfigure is the veiled lady for which the cave is named,”\nsays Ralph W. Stone.\n\n“The story of the veiled lady was told to J. H.\nChatham, the Poet of the West Branch Valley, who\nspent the Jater years of his life at McElhattan. While\nteaching school in Brush Valley in 1867 he explored the\ncave with some of his pupils and heard the tale from\nGrandmother Grenoble...\n\nWw Ww wr\n\n“Tt seems that the McCochrans were the proudest\nfamily in Brush Valley. It was the boast of old Michael\nQ. McCochran that for twenty generations neither side\nof his family had contracted a lowly marriage.\n\n“‘At an assembly of Indian chiefs with the Swedes,\nHuguenots, Scots and Irish to sign papers specifying\nproperty rights, Patricia McCcchran, the lovely daugh-\nter of old Michael Q. became suddenly enamored with\na young and stalwart Seneca warrior named Strong-\nheart. It was a case of love at first sight, and Strong-\nheart’s proposal that she flee with him to his lodge in\nCanada was accepted. They planned to meet that night\nat the mouth of the cave.”\n\n‘Here we had better tell you that the book from\nwhich this was taken is Pennsylvania Caves, published\nin 1930 by the Department of Internal Affairs of the\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania. Stone had the right\nname for a writer about holes in the rocks.\n\n“Patricia eluded her parents and went to the ren-\ndevous as appointed, seating herself on a ledge to await\nthe coming of her lover with his ponies,” he coxitinues.\n“It was bitter cold and Patricia drew her heavy veil\nand cloak about her with some impatience, for this\naristocrat never willingly waited for anyone.\n\n-“But because of her great love and desire, she re-\nstrained her impulses and waited. A biting wind chilled\nher and drifting snow caught on her veil. Her body and\nthen her mind became numb, and her heart turned to\nstone within her.\n\n“According to the legend, Strongheart had ap-\nproached the rendezvous early, tied the ponies, and\nproceeded down the slippery path on.foot. He stepped\nona caltrop, or poisoned barb, set there by some white\nman who hated all Indians, and with a groan of.agony\nset the other foot down, only te have the soft ‘moccasin\npierced by another poisoned caltrop.\n\n4 vy\n\n“Knowing instantly that his death was near, he\ncrawled on hands and knees to the entrance of the\ncave, hoping to live until Patricia arrived, and that he\nmight die in her arms. _\n\n“But it was early March, Grenoble Run was:swol-\nlen and pouring into the mouth of the cavern, and the\nrocks were covered with ice. Strongheart slipped,\nroiled into the stream, and his body was carried: into\nthe cavern, hurled through the tortuous passage and\ndisappeared far underground in the hidden lake.\n\n“His last cry of dispair and anguish can still be\nheard in the depths of the cavern, and Lady Patricia,\nhis promised bride, heavily veiled, still sits at the\ncavern’s mouth, shrouded in white cave formation.”\n\nThe hidden lake is also sort of spectral.\n\n“About halfway between Penn’s Cave and Madi-\nsonburg, near a schoolhouse and a giant oak, a lane\neading toward the mountain brings one within 200\nyards to a depression close to some farm buildings.\ndere two rills unite and disappear in a hole beneath a\nS-foot limestone cliff, the entrance to Veiled Lady\npave.\n\nw\n\n“It is claimed that men have penetrated nearly to\nhe schoolhouse, which is about one-fourth mile from\nhe cave mouth, and that there is a lake far under-\nround. It seems appropriate to call it Hidden Lake,\ner there is some doubt as to its existence and search-\nrs have failed to find it.” -\n\nThere is a cave on Pine Creek known as the Wood-\nvard Cave, but it is the Pine Creek, in Centre County.\n\n“This cave was frequented by the Indians before\nhe coming of the white man and is reported to have\nheltered a band of robbers a century or more ago.\nthe entrance is large enough to give ready access to\n\nnen and horses, and highwaymen may well have found\nhelter in it.” mo\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 92.71669006347656, 3540.6142578125, 665.3193359375, 3646.2529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Help for Lisa\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3570.332998046875, 4848.25267578125, 4151.88306640625, 5499.46021484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "RETAILERS invest more\nthan three times as much\nmoney in newspapers as\nin all other media com-\nbined. A solid advertising\nProgram in this news-\npaper ‘builds solid busi-\nness. Let our advertising\nsalesman help you with\nyour advertising program.\n" }, "19": null, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 1078.9537353515625, 3389.23095703125, 1404.0706787109375, 3509.63134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "What Price\n\nResearch?\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1879.80224609375, 2199.2705078125, 3422.658447265625, 2292.97705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "PUZZLE: WHO LIKES LBJ’s TRAVEL EDICT?\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3977.4052734375, 5575.884765625, 4931.47021484375, 5639.0224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Hatlo’s: Theyll Do It Everv Time\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4362.0029296875, 281.3011779785156, 5217.091796875, 449.5118713378906 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Shore Lines\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1777.94873046875, 4417.2509765625, 2195.7939453125, 4509.47314453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "By JAMES MARLOW\n~ AP News Analvst\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1779.383544921875, 2305.718505859375, 3499.71826171875, 4125.25048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1699.2313232421875, 4202.3603515625, 3507.831787109375, 4420.115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Cost, and Reward. of Delay\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3711.88916015625, 633.402587890625, 4057.00537109375, 682.5731201171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "-By HAL BOYLE\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 126.83620239257813, 150.43062377929687, 1046.56861328125, 478.86625122070313 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Thursday, January 11, 1968\n\n‘If God so clothe the grass of the\nfields, which today is, and tomorrow is\ncast into the oven, shall he not much\nmore clothe you?’’ Matthew 6:30\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2338.71751953125, 711.450673828125, 2935.7868750000002, 1001.946787109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "1@ Hell oyndicate, inc.\n\nsomewhat less, of course, than\nOlin Mathieson.\n\nDow Chemical, which manu-\nfactures napalm for use in Viet-\n\nnam, got a research grant of\n@1 000 hh\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4526.423828125, 456.541259765625, 5060.4921875, 530.8606567382812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By Joseph Cox\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1818.4791259765625, 641.396484375, 2855.849365234375, 713.8533935546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "By DREW PEARSON and JACK ANDERSON\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2356.3505859375, 1050.1600341796875, 2703.073974609375, 1115.3165283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "More Moola\n" }, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 16 ], [ 0, 18 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 16, 18 ], [ 16, 4 ], [ 18, 4 ], [ 40, 1 ], [ 40, 6 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 9, 19 ], [ 9, 5 ], [ 19, 5 ], [ 10, 35 ], [ 34, 11 ], [ 22, 30 ], [ 48, 41 ], [ 48, 50 ], [ 41, 50 ], [ 59, 62 ], [ 59, 63 ], [ 62, 63 ] ]
[ 6636.82763671875, 9902.756640624999 ]
[ [ 0, 16 ], [ 1, 40 ], [ 4, 18 ], [ 5, 19 ], [ 6, 1 ], [ 9, 5 ], [ 16, 4 ], [ 22, 30 ], [ 34, 11 ], [ 35, 10 ], [ 41, 48 ], [ 48, 50 ], [ 62, 59 ], [ 63, 62 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3407.10224609375, 704.416455078125, 4209.924609375, 2934.326220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI) — The\n\nThe plan provides specifically\nfor expansion of the Fed’s\n“discount window,” used to\n\nmaintain reserve deposits at the\nrequired levels.\n\nIf adopted, the plan would\nmake the window more accessi-\nble to the 12 Federal Reserve\nbanks and open it for the first\n‘time to other financial institu-\ntions, including savings and loan\nassociations and maybe even\ninsurance companies.\n\nThe eight-man committee of\nFederal Reserve Board gover-\nnors and bank presidents that\nprepared the plan said it would\nnot be an immediate remedy\nfor monetary ills but that it\nwould eventually smooth out\nups and downs in the money\nsupply.\n\nThe proposed plan would\nmake Fed credits more availa-\nble for general shortages,\nlonger - term difficulties and\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1798.0706298828125, 6559.122265625, 2577.48662109375, 7260.32451171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": ". One witness said he was on\n‘the other side of the hilly gun\n‘range just east of this south\ncentral Michigan community\nwhen he heard a dull thump\n“and I saw smoke coming up\nover the hill.”\n\n“I started running toward the\nsmoke and then there was a\nsecond explosion,” said Bill\nRobbins, 34, of Holly Mich., a.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 230.80831604003907, 947.18671875, 1030.3051635742188, 2573.11552734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "“LONDON (UPI) — = eet,\nnam War demonstrators\n\nin chic Grosvenor Square\nSunday. Their march on the\nU.S. Embassy was thwarted by\nhuman walls of more than 500\npolicemen.\n\nPolice arrested 41 persons\nduring the three-hour demon-\nstration “to protest the Ameri-\ncan imperialist in his lair.” An.\n\nofficial police count put the\nnumber of marchers at 2,500,\nSome estimates suggested up to\n5,000 but none the\n10,000 expected by protest\norganizers.\n\nA handful of anarchists\nstarted at least two clashes\nwith police, who in shoulder-to-\nshoulder ranks kept the march-\ners well away from the modern\nembassy building fronting on\nthe square.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 180.1172607421875, 8225.4416015625, 975.5846435546875, 9873.503710937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "A Clearwater woman was\ncharged with failure to yield\nthe right of way following a\ntwo-car accident in Bradenton\nFriday afternoon, according to\n\npolice. :\n\nSarah Ann Sims Cote, 27, was\ncited after her car was reported\nto have run through a red light\nat the intersection of Manatee\nAve. W., and I4th Street W.\n\nThe other driver was identi-\nfied as Jan Leslie Skipperer, 17,\n4ll 42nd Street, W., Bradenton.\n\nPassengers in both cars were\nsaid to have been treated in the\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5029.86982421875, 703.5730102539062, 5809.8591796875, 1619.7552978515623 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Since no members of the\nbanking industry were included\non the panel, its author said\n“several ‘months’ would be\nspent getting comments and\nsuggestions from the public and\nfrom leaders of the financial\ncommunity.\n\nA revised plan will be\npublished after the comments\nare studied and 30 days later\nthe final plan will go into effect.\n\nThe committee plan og\nfive basic alterations to\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5013.315625, 2181.1828125, 5788.3171875, 3138.9253417968753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "ly petition for political asylum\nMonday, but that his brother\nJaime wants to return to Bolivia\nnow that Antonio is safe in\nChile.\n\nKrausg, said he has been told\ninformally that Bolivia will ask\n\nBolivia have no formal diplo-\nmatic ties.\n\nKrauss said Arguedas gave an\n“infantile explanation” for pro-\nviding it to the Cubans.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1003.2903564453125, 6545.2150390625, 1782.7875244140623, 7257.658984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "SOMERSET, Mich. (UPI) —\nA Civil War cannon shooting\nexhibition flamed into disaster\nnear here Sunday when the\nwadding from a mortar shell\nexploded a powder keg.\n\nSeven persons of the 23\ninjured rushed to hospitals were\n‘critically burned, police said.\nAnother 16 persons were treated\nat the scene.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 209.54148559570314, 4543.75751953125, 1008.5109741210938, 6189.708300781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Damage in excess of $500 was\nreported to. two cars involved in\nan accident at 6:35 p.m. Sunday\non U.S. 41 at Siesta Drive, Sar-\nasota city. police report.\n\nA car driven by Max Edward\nGaspard, 53, of 4119 Roberts\nPoint Circle, Sarasota, collided\nwith a car driven by Eleanor S.\nSzlosec, 40, of 201 Wolverine St.,\nVenice, after she told police her\nfoot accidently hit the accelera-\ntor when she.had a leg cramp.\n\nPolice reported Mrs. Szlosec\nsaid she stepped on the gas af-\nterwards, thinking she could\nmake it across the road before\nbeing struck by Gaspard’s car.\n\nPatrolman C. R. Gwatney es-\ntimated damage at $250 to Gas-\npard’s car, and $350 to Mrs.\nSzlosec’ car. Two passengers in\nher car, who also escaped in-\njury, are Linda Pacidrski, 15,\nDudley, Mass., and Cathy Pe-\nterson, 15, Holland, Mass.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4993.07978515625, 4644.01728515625, 5780.397265625, 6305.275683593751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Sarasota city police Sunday\nwere investigating the report of\na breaking and entering in a\ncar parked at the Sarasota Ken-\n‘nel Club during which a bowling\nbal] and bag were stolen.\nOwen E. Smith of 2027 Gar-\nden Parkway, Bradenton, call-\ned police about 11 p.m. Satur-\nday night to report his car had\nbeen entered while he was\nwatching the races.\n\nPolice investigated and found\na window in the car had been\nbroken to gain entry. Officer\nGerald Zella reported the en-\ntry occurred between 7:40 and\n11 p.m. when Smith returned\nto his car.\n\nThe bowling ball, which bore\nthe initials “OES”, was valued\nat $25; the bowling bag at $100\nand a pairs of bowling shoes at\n$10. The car had been parked\nclose to the main entrance, po\nlice reported.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4205.591015625, 2178.927685546875, 4992.17900390625, 4622.056445312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "| SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) —\nGovernment s said\nSunday that former Bolivian\ngovernment minister Antonio\nArguedas has acknowledged\npassing on a copy of the diary of\nErnesto Che Guevara, the late\nguerrilla leader, to Cuban\nagents in Bolivia. .\n\ndent Rene Barrientos over the\nmatter broke out in La Paz Sat-\n\ntors were arrested and 30 other\npersons held.\n\n! and his brother\nJaime, a customs official, ar-\nrived by plane in Santiago Sun-\n\nties and slipping into northern\nChile Friday.\n\n“I am very happy to be in\nChile,” Arguedas told newsmen\nat the airport. He left behind\nhim in La Paz his wife and\nthree children.\n\nEnrique Krauss, an under sec-\nretary of the interior, quoted\nAntonio Arguedas as saying “I\nleft Bolivia because I was\nthreatened with death’ from\nseveral different groups.\n\nHe said Arguedas wil] formal-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1785.99775390625, 7840.6349609375, 2563.873583984375, 9861.0583984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "guilty, not guilty by reason of\ninsanity, or refuse to contest\nthe Tennessee first-degree mur-\nder charge.\n\nHe declined comment when\nasked if he was trying to reach\na deal with prosecutor Phil\nCanale for a sentence of life in\nprison in exchange for a guilty\nplea. State officials also refused\ncomment.\n\nHanes spent two hours and 15\nminutes alone with Ray in his\nheavily-guarded Shelby County\njail cell. He said Ray was in\n“good shape.”\n\nIt was the attorney’s second\nprivate visit with Ray, his first\ntaking about two hours on\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5798.583203125, 3712.13056640625, 6600.07451171875, 6296.266894531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "who went to Hanoi to accompa: |\nny the captured pilots home. |\n\n“Our departure delayed a\nweek,” the brief message said, :\n“More later. All well.\"’ :\n\nNorth Vietnamese have said\nthey will release Maj. James\nFrederick Low, 42, Korean War\nace from Sausalito, Calif., Maj.\nFred Neal Thompson, 32, of\nTaylors, S.C., and Capt. Joe.\nVictor Carpenter, 37, of Victor- |\nville, Calif.\n\nThe three were shot down and\ncaptured during raids over\nNorth Vietnam.\n\nSpeculation about the where-\nabouts of the pilots arose when\nthey failed to arrive Friday at\nVientiane, Laos, on the once-a-\nweek flight from Hanoi to the\nLaotian\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4210.33935546875, 1656.2906494140625, 6530.1650390625, 2141.801513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Guevara’s Diary Touches Off\n\nGunfire, Unrest In Bolivia\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4998.97119140625, 6346.64208984375, 6575.49609375, 6814.060546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Governor ‘Coalition’\nProposal Collapses\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4180.55, 5285.38203125, 4976.9470703125, 8382.6423828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SANTIAGO, Chile (UPI)—\nAntonio Arguedas, the former\nBolivian Interior Minister who\nfled the country Friday night.\nrequested political asylum in\nChile Sunday. He admitted he\nallowed the battle diary |\nrevolutionist Ernest Che Gueva-\nra to reach Cuba.\n\nArguedas was in Santiago\nunder technical arrest for\nillegally entering Chile from\nBolivia.\n\nInformed government sources\nsaid Chile would likely want\nArguedas only temporary asy\nlum and try to hurry him out of\nthe country in order not to\nfurther aggravate already\nstrained relations with Bolivia.\n\nArguedas. and his brother,\nJaime, fled Bolivia to Chile\nFriday night and asked -fer\npolitical asylum. They were\nbrought from a border outpost\nto Iquique Saturday and to the\ncapital Sunday.\n\nAlthough Chile and Bolivia do\nnot have diplomatic relations\n\nhustle the Arguedas brothers to\n\ntroops along the Bolivian border\non state alert lest any attempt\n\nbe made against the Arguedas\nbrothers.\nAntonio Arguedas was ac-\n\nra was killed last year in the\nee eee\nguerrilla revo ry\nand his diary confiscated.\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3377.10517578125, 7138.45576171875, 4166.1384765625, 8346.3181640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "A 2-year-old South Venice\nman was arrested at his home\nSunday by Sarasota County\nsheriff's deputies and charged\nwith assault with intent to rape\na 15-year-old girl.\n\narrested Ray Leroy\nKuith of 1260 Poinciana Road\nabout 5 p.m. Deputy Harry\nCashatt made the arrest after\na complaint was signed.\n\nAccording to the summons, the\ngirl from Venice charged Kuith\nwith assault with intent to com-\nmit rape earlier Sunday on Tar-\npon Road in South Venice, Jus-\ntice of the Peace E. L. Raymond\nsigned the warrant. Bond for\nKuith was set at $3,000.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4222.96748046875, 712.9654052734375, 5000.63896484375, 1614.3831054687498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "seasonal and emergency fluc-\ntuations in a bank’s money\nsupply, Non-banking institutions\nwhich have significant impact\non the nation’s money supply\nwould also be able to get credit\neT first\n\n= Shs taeee ‘behded the bibnte-\ntions is to provide more aid for\n\nnationwide supply of capital\nmay be relatively stable.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 216.33644104003906, 6249.09033203125, 923.5623779296875, 6492.560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Sarasota Crash\nBrings Charge\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5820.73603515625, 687.0557983398437, 6619.75908203125, 1610.9727050781248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "“discount window” and the way\nthe Fed conduct is discount rate\n\ncharge member banks for short-\nterm credits.\n\nMember banks usually borrow\nthese credits to meet Federal\nReserve requirements govern-\ning the amount of Bhat a\nbank holds in reserve instead of\nlending out or investing.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5813.096875, 2164.798779296875, 6598.95146484375, 3134.9910156250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "“Other details from Arguedas\non the diary are confused,”\nKrauss said.\n\nInterior ministry officials\nhave indicated they will not\ngrant political asylum to Argue-\ndas, but will allow him tempo\nrary residence here.\n\nThe diary was taken from\nGuevara after his rebel band\nwas crushed by Bolivian troops\nin the interior last fall and Cuba\npublished the book before Boliv-\nia could sell it on the interna-\ntional market.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1044.8857421875, 6035.80322265625, 3356.298583984375, 6535.64892578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Civil War Cannon Exhibition\nFlames Into Michigan Disaster\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 201.1694305419922, 6518.50751953125, 986.2576782226563, 7897.192675781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "A driver was ticketed by Sar.\n\nasota city police Sunday after\na two-car collision at 4:55 p.m.\non U.S. 301 at Main Street in\nwhich no one was reported in-\njured.\nPolice said a car driven by\nHarry Robinson, 63, of 2957 Leon\nAve., Sarasota, collided with a\ncar driven by Robert A. Clark,\n21, of 3321 16th St., St. Peters-\nburg. Robinson was ticketed for\nchanging lanes without due\ncaution.\n\nPolice said hoth cars were\nnorthbound on U.S. 301, when\nRobinson attempted to turn\nfrom an inside lane to an out-\nside lane to turn off, and his\near struck the Clark car in the\noutside lane. Damage was said\nto be slight.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3367.724072265625, 8868.165234375, 4144.7029296875, 9891.833789062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "- PHILADELPHIA (UPI) —Sid\nLuft, personal manager and\nformer husband of singer Judy\nGarland, was arrested here\nSaturday night on a bad check\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3388.020947265625, 5139.15205078125, 4166.9763671875, 6791.926074218751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "lost control of his car on a\ntraffic circle and struck a mail\nbox.\n\nPolice said Michael L. Ketch-\num, 3520 Brookline Drive, was\nticketed for careless driving.\nThe one-car accident occurred\nat 1 a.m. at the circle where\nCamino Real and Fortuna\nStreet come together.\n\nPatrolman T. L. Ogien report-\ned Ketchum was traveling south\non Camino Real, when he enter-\ned the circle. He lost control,\njumped the curb and struck the\nmail box before coming to a\nhalt. Police estimated damage\nto the 1966 car at $300.\n\nBoth the driver and a pas\nsenger escaped injury. The pas-\nsenger was Gary W. Bullock,\n19, 1600 Kennelworth St., Sara-\nsota.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 221.93707275390625, 4240.42919921875, 939.218505859375, 4513.2021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Crash Damage\nSaid Over $500\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 5048.06298828125, 3183.291259765625, 6606.78662109375, 3677.100341796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Departure Delayed\nFor Freed Pilots |\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1038.358642578125, 7307.61669921875, 2547.49560546875, 7815.3095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Flophouse Visited\nBy Ray’s Lawyer\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5771.31513671875, 8336.50703125, 6579.93486328125, 9902.756640624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "The following dispositions were\nmade during the past week in\nDistrict 1 Justice of the Peace\nCourt, Judge George §. Fosler\npresiding:\n\nJ. W. Graham, leayv the scene\nof f as gy oe r rodngy igen, die\n\nWillie Foreman, 23, 2649 2th St.\nassauit and battery, dismissed.\nStoner Allen Griffith, 23, 985 O\n\nburn Drive, causing the Se om y\nof a ~ minor, bou to Counte\nCourt.\n\nGienn R Miller, 20, 1914 i\nrington St. *4 assault and battery, die\n\nmissed.\nFranklin Smith, 27, 4486 Fiat\n—— wervent, dismi\n\nAve\nwien pees 34, 1981 19th st\narrant, ‘dismissed on |\npre\nartha Ellen Litzell, 18, 4217 joi\nDrive, assault and battery, “\n: Marehen Haynes, 29, 2100\nassault and battery,\n\nJames €verritt Kelley,\nSy ee\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 221.7388916015625, 2625.2099609375, 986.746826171875, 3281.97998046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Liz Taylor\nUndergoes\nOperation\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4165.47626953125, 8869.8703125, 4951.2869140625, 9886.117968749999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Calif, was appearing with\n‘Count Basie and his orchestra\nat the Music\nFestival and was not aware of\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3367.86328125, 8389.68359375, 4919.22021484375, 8826.9052734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Singer’s Manager Cited\nOn Bad Check Charge\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3408.250244140625, 2951.005615234375, 4127.37109375, 3501.577880859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Each Nation\nMust Select,\nCzechs Say\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 219.28164672851562, 7938.25244140625, 956.1072998046875, 8194.98046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Failure To Yield\nTicket Issued\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5010.3869140625, 3709.02216796875, 5778.77421875, 4314.23955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA (UPI)—An\nAmerican Friends Service Com-\nmittee worker reported from\nHanoi Sunday departure had\nbeen delayed for one week for\nthree American pilots the North\nVietnamese have said they will\nfree\n\nStephen Cary, associate exe-\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 994.0511596679687, 7840.81416015625, 1777.3475830078123, 9864.920703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI)—\nArthur Hanes, attorney for\naccused assassin James Earl\nRay, poked through the flop-\nhouse Sunday where authorities\nclaim Ray fired the shot that\n~~ Dr. Martin Luther King\nP,\n\nThe former Birmingham may-\nor, his son and a police\nbodyguard went to the scene of\nthe April 4 assassination for\nHanes’ first look at the\n= and the parreine\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3375.035400390625, 6833.1611328125, 4029.02685546875, 7109.55224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Man Charged\nWith Assault\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 228.1123046875, 373.0935974121094, 1000.1018676757812, 927.3278198242188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "U.S. Target\nOf British\n\nProtesters\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3419.244384765625, 4897.6689453125, 4169.73046875, 5121.23681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Careless Driving\n\nTicket Issued\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 223.01124267578126, 3318.7326171875, 1006.025439453125, 4204.31767578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "LONDON (UPI)—Actress Eli-\nzabeth Taylor Sunday under-\nwent a second ‘‘woman’s\noperation” at a London nursing\nhome and a an said she\nwas in “satisfactory condition.”\n\nIt was Miss Taylors second\noperation. in five days at the\nFitzroy Nursing Home. The\ndeputy matron at the home\ndeclined to give the exact\nnature of the operation but\ndescribed it as “a woman's\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2576.61591796875, 6523.0783203125, 3356.1846191406253, 9898.4265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "rifleman who had been at the\nday-long shooting match and\nCivil War celebration.\n\n“There were several men\nlying on the ground, very badly\nburned. I couldn’t tell if they\nwere my friends or not,” he\nThe critically burned included\nCarl Lapham, 25, Gary Deffen-\ndorf, 23, both of Clarkston;\nWalter Simons, 37, James\nBroegman, 19, both of Davis-\nburg, and Jack Niles, 16, of\nWalled Lake. All were taken to\nthe University of Michigan Burn\nCenter in Ann Arbor, Mich.\n\nAmong the injured was\n‘Detroit television newsman\nJack McCarthy. He suffered a\nhead gash and was taken to\nnearby Jackson for treatment, a\nspokesman said.\n\nThe Heritage Gun Loaders\nAssociation had sponsored the\nevent, and 5,000 persons from\nvarious rifle clubs had come for\nshooting matches and cannon\ndemonstrations,” Robbins said.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1043.18232421875, 3486.265087890625, 1788.5542480468748, 4406.43828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "More showers are expected\ntoday in the Sarasota area,\nafter Sunday’s brief down-\npours, the weatherman said.\n\nThere will be scattered aft-\nernoon and evening thunder-\nshowers, he said. Partly\n\nThe high temperature today\nwill be near 90 degrees, while\nthe low is expected to be in\nthe mid-70s.\n\n_ The winds will be from five\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1068.154296875, 3318.908203125, 3358.938232421875, 3448.76123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "YOU GUESSED IT; MORE SHOWERS EXPECTED\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3396.926220703125, 3532.107861328125, 4186.28740234375, 4861.594042968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "(Continued From Page 1)\noverthrow the Communist re\n\nSvoboda, installed by the\nliberal Communists in March\nafter the ouster of Stalinist\nAntonin Novotny, defended Cze-\nchoslovakia’s right to develop\nits own brand of communism in\na speech at a Cuzech-Slovak\nfriendship rally held at Javorina\nannually for more than a\ncentury.\n\nMust Learn\n\n“The Russians must learn to\ntolerate those who do not toe\nthe Moscow line,’’ Svoboda told\nhis audience at the mountain\nvillage near the border between\nthe Moravian and Slovakian\nprovinces.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4288.48291015625, 4717.40673828125, 4875.1279296875, 5262.169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Arguedas\nRequests\nAsylum\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4983.6974609375, 6872.70380859375, 5757.4060546875, 9870.1931640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "| ees Bem sag\npresident and that he wend be\n‘Dominated on an early ballot.\n\nGov. John A. Volpe ol\n‘Massachusetts predicted flatly\nNixon would make it on the\nfirst ballot.\n\nShafer Denial\n\nHowever, Gov. Raymond P.\nShafer of Pennsylvania denied\nthat Nixon had the power to win\na first ballot yictory. Shafer\nsaid he would not be wasting his\ntime enlisting support for Gov.\nNelson A. Rockefeller at the\ngovernors’ conference if it were\na lost cause.\n\nShafer, who abandoned his\nfavorite son status to announce\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 5810.6630859375, 8158.3759765625, 6528.58447265625, 8301.986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Peace Court\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 3428.44775390625, 143.18177795410156, 6636.82763671875, 682.687255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "TO AID FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS\n\nFRB Proposes 95-Part Plan\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1838.2598388671875, 3475.3234375, 2584.21220703125, 3971.4370605468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "to 12 miles per hour and most-\nly from the east. Gusty winds\nare predicted in the shower\n\nareas.\n\nThe probability of shower\nactivity is 50 per cent, the\nweatherman reports.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 5006.06689453125, 4336.41552734375, 5764.8974609375, 4617.0244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Theft Reported\n\nFrom Automobile\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 2624.490673828125, 3476.367138671875, 3367.4341308593753, 3922.0051757812503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Nationwide, mostly sunny\nskies ate forecast with warm\ntemperatures. Some shower\nactivity is forecast in the Mid-\nwest and Far West. Shower\nactivity is also forecast along\nthe Gulf coast states.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1081.0401611328125, 4402.10888671875, 1743.698974609375, 4508.259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Local Weather\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1105.4940185546875, 1748.73388671875, 3324.893798828125, 3232.428466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nEL TS MONT RR NO OS NTE ST A CR SO NER EI Seren AOR I ARI a TRY A <A TT TTS IT\n\nRo Cal iay ~ 188A\n\n=\na); % i Ns , y \"\n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2682.74072265625, 4556.4970703125, 3284.021240234375, 4680.85546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "U.S. Weather\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 1098.3780517578125, 262.89141845703125, 3319.81787109375, 1746.223876953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "ee aoa —\n\n \n\n1 P.M. Sunday\n(above) a\n\nFORECAST FOR ‘TODAY (below) | &~. %\n\nEE ae ee ee fe Senne\n\n \n\n \n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 2600.2765625, 4101.12763671875, 3361.8994628906253, 4525.06572265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Low—pius 8 min.\n\nPiacida (N 26-50, S 82-16)\nHigh—minus 11 min.\nLow—minus, .01 min.\n\nBoca Grande, Charlotte Harwor (fh\n26-43, W 82-15):\n\nHigh—plus 26 min.\nLow—minus 58 min.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 2163.22021484375, 3951.476806640625, 3053.860595703125, 4064.201416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Sarasota Bay Tides\n" }, "57": null, "58": { "bbox": [ 2595.876416015625, 4733.8400390625, 3386.3025390625003, 4891.57353515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "Weather to 8 p.m, EDT. High tempera-\ntures last 12 hours, low temperatures last\n18 hours:\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 1824.0279052734375, 4834.83662109375, 2589.176318359375, 5990.788867187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "at soundings on charts of the local-\nity which is mean low tide.\n\nThese tide correction tables show\nlocation of tides in degrees and min-\nutes. The plus and minus differences\ncreme be used with the Sarasota\n\nng.\nAnna Maria (N 27-32, W 82-44):\n\nCane eg\" min,\n\nus 1 hr. 33\nEgmont ginont “Key” _ 27-36, c 'BS-46):\nigh—minus min.\n\nLow—minus r yh 26 m\nat x Vi udcenen ON 27-30,\n\nHigh—plus a Be gy\n\nLow—plus\nCortez (N 27- Re W 82-41):\nHigh—minus 44 —\nLow—minus 27\nEl Pry vekhs” i. (N 26-58,\n\nHigh—pius 3 hours, 16 min,\nLow—plus 3 hours. 34 min.\nCegeveed. Lemon Bay (N 26-56,\n\nVenice Inlet (N 27- Oy, W 82-28):\nHigh—plus 41 min,\n" }, "60": null, "61": null, "62": { "bbox": [ 1013.6239135742187, 4532.05439453125, 1824.7434570312498, 5983.066210937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "For the 24-hour period ending at\n4:30 p.m. Sunday:\n.Month’'s\n\n-H L Rain Total\n\nBradenton .. 90 71 T 11.50 in.\n\nSarasota ....90 78 T 10.66 In.\n\nVenice ...... 90 76 T 10.93 In.\n4:30 p.m. Sunday Sarasota:\n\nTemperature ......6ccseees seas ae\nHumidity ....... Peeesececes sees SZ\nDOTORIGUOT — hike vd sce cceseesssss 30.15\n\nSUNRISE AND SUNSET\n\nMonday: Sunrise at 6:47 a.m. Sun-\nset at 8:26 p.m. —~\nEwe ge Sunrise at 6:47 a.m.\nSunset at 8:25 p.m.\nMOONRISE AND MOONSET\n\nMonday: Moonrise. at 3:51 a.m.\nMoonset at 6:35 p.m.\n\nTuesday: Moonrise at 4:46 a.m.\nMoonset at 7:25 p.m.\n\nMOON PHASES\n» New Moon — July 25; First Quar-\nter—Aug. 1; Full Moon — Aug. 8;\nLast Quarter—Aug. 15.\nMARINE FORECAST\n\nCape Sable te Tarpon Springs:\nVariable winds five to 12 knots\nthrough Tuesday. Gusty winds near\nscattered mainly afternoon and even-\ning thundershowers.\n\nTarpon Springs to Apalachicola:\nVariable winds five to 12: knots\nthrough Tuesday. rae ae near\nwidely scattered thundershowers.\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1022.0454833984375, 4538.419140625, 1806.0897705078123, 4647.11357421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "For the 24-hour period ending at\n4:30 p.m. Sunday:\n" }, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 27, 6 ], [ 10, 7 ], [ 8, 33 ], [ 13, 15 ], [ 23, 31 ] ]
[ 6803.0798125, 9957.1513671875 ]
[ [ 8, 33 ], [ 10, 7 ], [ 13, 15 ], [ 23, 31 ], [ 27, 6 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4344.85622265625, 617.0271821289062, 5155.96604296875, 3211.6662382812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "ADMISSIONS\nCharles Rhodes, Greenfield,\nsurgical,\n\nNoel Wright, Atlanta, medical.\n\nDavid Dunlap, Rt. 1, Mount\nSterling.\n\nMrs. Glenn Wilson, 405\nVanDeman St., medical.\n\nMrs. Robert Ellis, Rt. 4, Wil-\nmington, surgical.\n\nMrs. Wilson Webb, Rt. 4, sur-\n‘gical.\n\nPhilip Morton, Leescreek, sur-\ngical,\n\nLowell F. McCoy, 524 S. Main\nSt., medical.\n\nHoward Wilson, Rt. 2, Lees-\nburg, medical.\n\nDISMISSALS\n\n- Mrs. William Slavens, 1150 E.\nTemple St., surgical.\n\nMrs. William Van Dyke, and\nson, William Bryan, Greenfield.\n\nKirk Neff, Mount Sterling,\n‘medical.\n\nThomas Hicks, Sr., Rt. 3,\nGreenfield, medical.\n\nValentine Fulwiler, Rt. 3, sur-\ngical.\n\nMrs. Elsie Selig, 683 Comfort\nLane, medical.\n\nWilliam Davis, 820 Dayton\nAve., medical.\n\n:\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2689.168234375, 2739.898458984375, 3503.902078125, 5072.9186796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "One of a series of checks\nstolen from a Lancaster firm\nwas cashed at a Washington\nC. H. drug store last month,\ncity police learned Wednesday.\n\nPaul Crosby, manager of the\n\nDowntown Drug Store, 211 E.\nCourt St., reported to officers\nthat a check for $87.63 was\nreturned as a forgery\nWednesday.\n- The payroll check was written\non the account of the Kitzmiller\nCo., Lancaster, and drawn on\nthe Hocking Valley National\nBank. It was endorsed by a\n“‘Boyd Browning,” who gave Rt.\n1, Washington C. H., as his\naddress.\n\nCity police said the check adds\nto a total amount of more than\n$4,500 reported written in checks\nstolen from the firm. Other\ncities across Ohio are still in\nsearch of the forger. |\n\nSheriff’s deputies said Friday\nmorning that a purse containing\n$171 reported missing from\neither the Roller Haven or\nBowland on CCC Highway-W\nTuesday night, has been found.\nThe purse, owned by Ruth\nThornberry, of Jeffersonvilie,\nwas found in the parking lot\nat Bowland and was turned into\nthe office there. All of the\nmoney and credit cards __it\nsontained were recovered\nofficers reported.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2687.286376953125, 247.63095092773438, 4223.62939453125, 621.5072021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Merchants’ Committee\n‘Reviews Christmas Parade\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5156.4189453125, 2357.173828125, 6678.37646484375, 2729.491943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Protest Leader Says Police\nAgents Promoted Violence\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 236.05702209472656, 442.2673034667969, 1653.5030517578125, 804.1122436523438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Jury Returns Indictments\nIn Pickaway Jail Rioting\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2655.2578125, 8700.3974609375, 4247.05908203125, 9953.5908203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "MOTHERS . .. WORKING OR SHOPPING:\n\nLEAVE YOUR CHILDREN WITH US!\n\nWeekly Daily Hourly\n12.50 Ist child 3.00 Ist child 90 Ist child\n9.00 2nd child 1.50 2nd child .25 2nd child\n5.00 3rd child 30 3rd child .25 3rd child\n\nMaximum charge Maximum charge\n\n$5.00 per family $1.00 per family\n\nper day per hour\n\nCandy Cane Nursery\n\n628 Elm St.\n335-7216 Evenings, 335-0944 or 437-7531\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1057.914328125, 825.77907421875, 1862.6357207031251, 1863.7602324218751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "partment was beefed up by\nanother fulltime jailer, said\nsecurity measures in his jail\nhave been tightened, added\nsecurity equipment is to be\ninstalled, and plans call for\nmore men to add to the staff.\n\nHe estimated damage to the\njail and equipment of $1,000 in\nthe melee which broke out at\nabout 3 p.m. Nov. 22. Officers\nfrom Fayette County and Ross\nCounty aided Sheriff Radcliff’s\nmen and officers from the\nCircleville Police Department in\nquelling the riot. Tear gas was\nused at its height.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3483.3508515625, 6742.7951875, 4296.222390625, 8617.8971953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "support the national ticket,”\nEvans said. “‘I have a great ad-\nmiration for his abilities and I\nhope that he is not going to be\nreplaced.”\n\nMcCall said in a separate in-\nterview that he and Bliss\nworked closely during the cam-\npaign and he was surprised at\nremoval talk.\n\n“TI don’t quite understand how\na man who has been successful\nin electing a president should be\nthrown out on his ear,” McCall\nsaid.\n\nReagan told a news confer-\nence he thinks Bliss did a “‘won-\nderful job.” But the California\ngovernor, like others of his col-\nleagues, made it clear that if\nNixon wants a replacement, he\nwill get no real argument out of\nthe governors.\n\nWestern Republican gover-\nnors were saying, without ex-\nception, that Nixon must name\na Westerner for secretary of in-\nterior. Publicly they were plug-\nging Gov. Tim Babcock of Mon-\ntana, defeated in the November\nelection. Few privately expect-\ned Nixon to pick Babcock.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5152.43971875, 2773.974630859375, 5968.24241015625, 5282.6335234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — A\nleader of the antiwar demon-\nstrators who fought with author-\nities in the streets of Chicago\nduring the Democratic National\nConvention says police under-\ncover agents tried to spur the\nprotestors to violence.\n\nDavid Dellinger, chairman of\nthe National Mobilization Com-\nmittee to End the War in Viet-\nnam, told a House panel investi-\ngating the Chicago disorders\nWednesday that the police\nagents tried to blur the purpose\nof the demonstrators by urging\nthem to use force.\n\nDellinger, who was called for\na second day of testimony today\nbefore a subcommittee of the\nHouse Committee on Un-Ameri-\ncan Activities, also said he had\nappealed to the protestors not to\nfight even ‘“‘when police brutally\nattacked us.”\n\n“My position has always been\nto avoid violence and to avoid\nprovocation,” Dellinger said.\n\nThere was a brief flurry be-\nfore the hearing actually started\nWednesday when Yippie leader\nJerry Rubin appeared outside\nthe room dressed in a Santa\nClaus suit and carrying a toy\ngun. He was ordered kept out by\nChairman Richard Ichord, D-\nMo.\n\nRubin, who showed up at\nhearings last October wearing a\nbandoleer and war paint, told\nreporters his latest costume was\ntypical of the committee, which\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1874.5609130859375, 255.07615661621094, 2638.882568359375, 918.5348510742188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Circleville’s\nCouncil OKs\nTax On Income\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2661.879416015625, 6758.3176484375, 3476.914041015625, 8610.2292265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP)\n— Strong support for the reten-\ntion of Ray Bliss as GOP nation-\nal chairman is surfacing among\nRepublican governors in discus-\nsions on the incoming adminis-\ntration’s relations with the\n‘States.\n\nRecent reports that Presi-\ndent-elect Richard M. Nixon is\nthinking of replacing Bliss with\na more dramatic figure as head\nof the party organization ma-\nchinery, caught most governors\nby surprise.\n\nThree early arrivals at the\nconference, Govs. Ronald Rea-\ngan of California, Daniel J.\nEvans of Washington and Tom\nMcCall of Oregon, had words of\npraise for the grass roots job\nBliss did before Nixon’s own\nmen took over management of\nthe successful presidential cam-\npaign.\n\nEvans, keynoter at the Miami\nBeach, Fla., convention, said he\nthought Bliss had done a “‘splen-\ndid job” during the campaign.\n\n“He minimized the differ-\nences between Republicans and\nmaximized the local efforts to\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4323.86376953125, 6285.58544921875, 6711.150390625, 9957.1513671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "TRIM - A-TREE - SALE\n\nSPECIALS GOOD THURS.-FRI.-SAT.-SUN. ONLY\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nReg. 25c ALL G.E. CHRISTMAS\n\n \n\na... 3 tor 25C mone\nol oe peers 3 ror 29 Indoor 9506 OH\nTREE STANDS... Now SOC\n\nSHINY BRIGHT\n\nTREE. STANDS\n\nPics paueas Now $2.98 TREE\n98¢ TINSEL ORNAMENTS\nee 69¢ |e ct $198 gg.\n\n \n \n\n \n\nGARLAND. i‘i‘( ( (‘itt te 12. Now 98C\nReg. 98c Tree Tops ................... Now Only 79c\nReg. $14.95 Outdoor Santa............... Now $11.95\nReg. $14.95 Outdoor Snowman ........... Now $11.95\nReg. $4.98 Outdoor Candles ............... Now $3.98\nMe s > 1 008 i ae heal\nAIST H oS hide\n'@s PHARMACY Ouldoor ------ §\n\n \n\n$3.98 |\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2694.865234375, 2371.237548828125, 3498.708740234375, 2700.138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Stolen Check Cashec\nHere, Officers Learn\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5170.61891796875, 664.851828125, 5973.484109375, 2316.9030546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — A\nspokesman for auto dealers said\n\ntoday they are inadequately\ncompensated by the big car\nmakers for warranty repair\nwork and have to try and make\nup the difference on other parts\nof their business.\n\nWarren J. McEleney, spexk-\ning for the National Automobile\nAssociation, said in a prepared\nStatement that the extended\nwarranty introduced in 1962 has\nforced car sellers to do repair\nwork at a loss.\n\nMcEleney, a Clinton, Iowa car\ndealer, said that the car manu-\nfacturers don’t repay their fran-\nchises enough on the warranty\nrepairs and sales profits aren’t\nlarge enough to make up the\ndifference.\n\nHe told a Senate antitrust sub-\ncommittee that if a business-\nman feels he must take a loss,\nhe will make every effort to\nminimize the deficit and to com-\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 244.2466278076172, 6684.25537109375, 1784.61474609375, 9941.8642578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "DOORS OPEN NOON\n\n. ene .@ Matinee at 1 P.M.\n\nz+ , + PHONE 235-0230\n'\n\n \n\nChildren 75c, Adults $1.50\n\nSATURDAY AND a ll\n\ny 9% 00 THE a> RETURN? Do ou Bev m GHOSTS?\n(\nTD oom SEE nett\n\nreern ae\n\nay\n\nAKON) alt\n‘e J RE oe FRANKS\n\noun PLUS ... 2 TALES OF HORROR!\nWith Boris Karloff—Peter Lorre—Vincent Price\n(1) MORELLA (2) THE BLACK CAT\n) PIT & PENDULUM (4). THE RAVEN\n\nAz a oop\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5987.06325390625, 652.7765717773437, 6803.0798125, 2308.4968046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "pensate tor it by gaining addi-\ntional revenue from other\nsources. :\n\n‘How a dealer will attempt to\nrecoup his warranty losses after\nabsorbing as much as he can af-\nford is difficult to determine,”\nMcEleney said. “Such an effort\ncould be reflected in his new or\nused car sales or in his retail\nservice department.”\n\nThe subcommittee has been\ninvestigating the. cost of auto re-\n‘pairs.\n\nIn other prepared testimony\nWilliam W. Winpisinger, gener-\nal vice president of the Interna-\ntional Association of Machinists\nand Aerospace Workers, said\nthe warranty system hurts me-\nchanics as well as dealers.\n\nHe said that because the fac-\ntory pays the dealer less for\nwarranty work than the dealer\ncould normally charge the pub-\nlic, the dealer ‘‘naturally wants\nto pay the mechanic less for this\ntvpe of work.”’\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2673.725830078125, 6351.9033203125, 4276.2265625, 6717.6123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Republican Governors Want\nRay Bliss Kept On The Job\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1065.8477783203125, 1912.1646728515625, 1746.8953857421875, 2286.7177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Fayette County\nShares In Auto\nTag Allocation\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3501.2421875, 4142.60400390625, 4243.33984375, 4495.73876953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Property Damage\nCrashes Reported\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2658.86159375, 5363.9406953125, 3468.2800078125, 6316.95823046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "CINCINNATI (AP)—All Cin-\n\ncinnati riverfront stadium work-\ners were to report to their jobs\ntoday as about 75 members of\nLaborers Union Local 265\nagreed Wednesday to end a\nthree-day strike.\n- The laborers walked off Mon-\nday after a hod carrier and a\ncement mason union member\nbecame involved in a job juris-\ndiction dispute.\n\nOther workers left the job\nWednesday because they claim-\ned they could not work without\nthe laborers.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3494.80837109375, 4522.789328125, 4306.55588671875, 6231.1296171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Damage was estimated at $750\nto three vehicles involved in\ntwo traffic accidents\ninvestigated in the city-county\narea Wednesday. No one was\ninjured. No citations were\nissued.\n\nA 1968 model car driven by\nPaul G. Eddy, 41, Columbus,\nand a 1967 model truck operated\nby John E. Gentry, 52, of 617\nFlorence St., collided at 10:37\na. m. Wednesday at the Dayton-\nOakland Avenue intersection.\n\nOfficers estimated damage at\n$250 to the car and $100 to\nGentry’s truck.\n\nDavid C. Cook, 16, Rt. 2, New\nHolland, driving southbound on\nPrairie Road at 3 p.m.\nWednesday, lost control of his\n1962 model car and it overturned\non its top in a ditch.\n\nSheriff's deputies, who\nestimated damage at $400, said\nthe mishap occurred 1.8 miles\nnorth of Washington C. H. Cook\nescaped unhurt.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5164.99267578125, 253.67068481445312, 6763.81689453125, 632.8338623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "— Inadequate Warranty\n‘Payments Hike Repair Cost\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1048.4105439453126, 2313.62966015625, 1854.3384794921876, 3926.35080859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Fayette County and its 10\n\ntownships shared $8,246.77 in the\ncurrent distribution of 1968 road\nmileage money, paid by the\nstate from motor vehicle\nlicense receipts.\n_ Counties and townships receive\na base figure, plus an additional\n‘amount based upon the ratio\nof county and township road\n‘Miles to the total county-\ntownship road mileage\nstatewide.\n\nThe latests payment brings\nthe total 1968 distribution\nstatewide to $95.6 million, an\nincrease of more than $2 million\nover last year’s figure.\n\nFinal payment of 1968 road\nmileage money will come later\nthis month.\n\nCurrent payments to surround-\ning counties were:\n\nClinton, $7,447.89; Greene,\n$10,214.02; Highland, $10,639;\nMadison, $9,672.23; Pickaway,\n$6,165.75; and Ross, $10,473.32.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2699.61305859375, 644.28298046875, 3509.53049609375, 2332.803201171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The Christmas Parade to\nwelcome Santa Claus last\nSaturday was reviewed by the\nparade committee of the Retail\nMerchants Council, Washington\nCc. dH. Area Chamber of\n‘Commerce, at a_ breakfast\nmeeting Thursday in\nWashington Inn. .\n\nThe purpose of the meeting\nwas basically twofold: (1) To\ndetermine ways to have a better\ncelebration next year and (2)\nto get a preliminary financial\nreport.\n\nIn the informal discussion, the\ngood features of the parade\nwere noted along with those not\nso good, with a view to\nimproving the good ones and\neither bolstering or dropping\nthose that did not measure up\nand including new features next\nyear. No specific decisions were\nreached; they will come later\nas plans for the 1969 celebration\nprogress.\n\nThe financial report, which\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1023.330587890625, 4136.2571015625, 1835.9553007812501, 4799.27854296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "With no official business on\nthe agenda, the City Planning\nCommission adjourned after a\nbrief discussion of routine\nmatters Wednesday evening.\n\nPresent were Harold McClory,\nassociated with the city’s\nconsulting engineering firm, and\nPlanning Commission members\nClarence Christman, Mrs. Lois\nAdams and Lawrence DaRif.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2673.977294921875, 5088.41259765625, 3446.06298828125, 5338.42138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Stadium Workers\nBack On The Job\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5974.75075390625, 3431.29567578125, 6787.5436796875, 4788.9264921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SABINA — Blank cashier’s\nchecks in the amount of $241\nwere stolen from the First\nNational Bank here sometime\n\nlast weekend and law\nenforcement officers are asking\nall persons in the area to watch\nfor them.\n\nPolice Chief Robert A. Morris\nissued the warning, stating the\nchecks are numbered starting\nat 12561 and run up to and\nincluding 12800. Identification\nnumber at the bottom of each\ncheck is 04220690.\n\nThe theft is being investigated\nby Sabina police and the Clinton\nCounty Sheriff’s Department,\nMorris said. The theft occurred\nsometime between Saturday\nnoon and Monday noon.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 209.09122326660156, 820.9811616210937, 1038.3108916015626, 4770.53830859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "- Three men being held in the\nFayette County jail following a\nriot in the Pickaway County\njail Nov. 22, were among those\ndicted by the Pickaway County\ngrand jury Wednesday, two of\nthem for their part in the jail\ndisorder.\n> Pickaway County _ Sherif\nDwight Radcliff late Wednesday\nserved the trio with their\nindiciments. They took the news\n¢almly,\n: Ernest E, Evans, 21, of Cir-\ncleville, who was being held in\nthe Pickaway County jail for\nresisting arrest and assault on\na Circleville police officer in\naddition te desertion from the\nservice, was indicted for\nunlawfully rendering less secure\nthe Pickaway County jail and\nresisting the lawful authority of\nthe sheriff.\n\nAlso indicted under the same\nlaw owas Thomas Eugene\nWillard, 18, of Rt. 2, Laurelville.\nThe grand jury also returned\nindictments against him for the\nburglary of two vending\nmachines and the burlgary of\na service station.\n\nEarl George Brown, Jr., 19,\nof Columbus, was served with\nan indictment charging him with\na July 13 burglary of a\nCircleville men’s shop. He was\nnot indicted for rendering the\njail less secure in connection\nwith the riot.\n\nDavid F. Montgomery, 26, of\nNarrows, Va., described by\nSheriff Radcliff as the\nringleader of the attempted jail\nbreak, was indicted for his part\nin the jail disorder and the\narmed robbery of the Kroger’s\nMarket in Circleville. He was\ntransferred earlier from the\nFayette County jail to Lima\nState Hospital for a mental\nexamination.\n\ns 8s @\n\nTHE GRAND JURY also re-\nturned indictments against two\nof Montgomery’s companions\nfor their part in the Kroger\nrobbery.\n\nThe three Pickaway County\nprisoners will be held in the\nFayette County jail until Dec.\n14, when they are scheduled for\narraignment in Pickaway\nCounty Common Pleas Court.\n\nSheriff Radcliff whos de.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5980.3486328125, 3169.887939453125, 6765.978515625, 3421.118896484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Cashier's Checks\nStolen From Bank\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1044.8341064453125, 3964.765869140625, 1766.235107421875, 4126.7041015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "City Planning Board\nIn Routine Session\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4336.42067578125, 3432.70583203125, 5141.95871875, 4316.2507109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth\nEverhart, 327 N. Main St., a\ndaughter, 6 pounds, 11% ounces,\nat 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Memorial\nHospital.\n\nTo Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Farris,\n423 Second St., a daughter, 8\npounds, 10% ounces, at 1:45 p.m.\nWednesday, Memorial Hospital.\n\nTo Mr. and Mrs. Richard\nHouser, Mount Sterling, a\ndaughter, 5 pounds, 14% ounces,\nat 3:04 p.m. Wednesday,\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3513.173849609375, 642.1615205078125, 4328.63303515625, 4088.8110136718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": ",included many estimates, was\nmade by George Montgomery,\nmanager of the Chamber of\nCommerce. It included such\nfixed expenses as $50 each for\neight bands; $25 each for the\nWHS and MTHS cadet (junior)\nbands; prize winning floats, $25,\n$15 and $10, plus plaques; Flippc\nthe Clown, from Columbus, $125;\nand $15 each for.15 other floats.\nIt also was noted that several\ncommercial floats were rented\nfor an average of $50 each by\nithe firms they represented.\n\nj * * &\n\nTHE PARADE and overall\ncelebration, with such items as\n2,000 bags of candy for the\nyoungsters, was estimated to\nhave cost around $1,800.\n\nMontgomery reported that the\npromised contributions, mostly\nby business establishments, are\ncoming in and. added that\npayment of the others as soon\nas possible would be a help\nin closing the books.\n\nHow much will come from\nthe Retail Merchants Council\nand the Chamber of Commerce\nhas not yet been determined,\nMontgomery said.\n\nWhile the committeemen were\npleased by the size of the crowd\nthat lined the parade route (it\nwas bigger than most had\nexpected), they did express\n'dissapointment over the meager\napplause and failure of many to\nrecognize the passing of the\nflags carried by the color\nguards.\n\n| They said they feel that bands,\n‘marching units, high school\nqueens and their courts and the\nelaborate floats deserved more\nenthusiastic recognition and that\nit would not have been amiss\nfor men in he crowd to doff\ntheir hats and come to attention\nwhen the flag passed.\n\nThe committee inserted in the\nminutes an expression of\nappreciation to Eddie Kirk, the\ngeneral chairman, for the\nsuccess of the event. |\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 243.852783203125, 5166.6640625, 1798.0369873046875, 6548.6474609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nInuew sren splendor. The most magnificent pare oe?\n\n| CCARKGABLE.\n| VIVIENLEIGH “=\n\nLeslie Howard\nOliva de ee\n\n \n \n\nNOW PLAYING\n\nShowing Tonight At 7:45\n\nNow At Regular Prices!\nAdults $1.50 @ Children 75c\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5977.406515625, 2741.743185546875, 6797.54026171875, 3125.2116484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "he described as “a total cir-\ncus.” :\n\nRubin said he would refuse to\nappear as ordered at a closed\nsession Friday and would insist\non a public hearing.\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5957.5422578125, 4937.73659375, 6789.67600390625, 5288.31076953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — The\nDefense Department announced\nWednesday that Army Pfc. Mel-\nvin R. Green, son of Pauline\nHelms, New Paris, Ohio, has\nbeen killed in action in Vietnam.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4319.6701875, 4605.48219921875, 5124.0300078125, 5096.9889921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "WEDNESDAY — John L.\nBurgett, 28, Milledgeville, on a\nnonsupport warrant issued by\nFayette County Juvenile Court.\n\nRobert Beckett Jr., 22,\nParkersburg, W. Va., speeding.\n\nThomas Wheeler, 25, Milledge-\nville, fighting.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4383.74462890625, 317.381103515625, 5134.74658203125, 567.1776123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Fayette Memoria!\nHospital News\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1811.8355712890625, 9070.9150390625, 2609.1943359375, 9955.806640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n0\nCUT RATE DRUGS\n\n“We Sekee for Le AAT E\n\nPHONE 335-4440\n\nPRESCRIPTIONS\nCOST NO MORE\n\nBring. Us Your Prescripticns Or\nASK “FOUR DOCTOR TO PHONE US\nFREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY\n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4394.2578125, 3255.6865234375, 5075.12890625, 3388.26611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Blessed Events\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 4480.486328125, 4380.47216796875, 4966.466796875, 4545.189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Arrests\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1825.7457490234376, 5240.1360078125, 2639.773416015625, 8846.581765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS\n\nRichard Lee Coates, 22, Rt.\n3, laborer, and Carol Jean\nSmith, 19, Rt. 1, Jeffersonville,\nbabysitter.\n\nSamuel Everett Grooms, 27,\nof 110 E. Market St., NCR office\nemploye, and Shirley Kay\nOesterle, 22, of 716% Yeoman\nSt., factory worker.\n\nDIVORCE GRANTED\n\nCynthia Ann Rand, 623 S. Elm\nSt., has been granted an\nuncontested divorce in Common\nPleas Court from Gregory Eldon\nRand, on grounds of neglect and\ncruelty. She was awarded\ncustody of the parties’ one child,\nsubject to visitation rights of\nthe defendant.\n\nThe decree holds the plaintif:\nfree from marital debts and\nrequires the defendant to pay\noff the balance due on _ the\nplaintiff's automobile, pay z\nweekly sum for the child’s\nsupport and assume her legal\nexpenses.\n\nSUIT DISMISSED\n\nA divorce action brought by\nDella F. Hayes, Rt. 2, against\nClarence G. Hayes, has been\ndismissed from Common Pleas\nCourt on motion of the plaintiff.\n\nFILES FOR DIVORCE\n\nHomer Hart, 1230 Nelson P1.,\ncharges neglect and cruelty in\na divorce action brought in\nCommon Pleas Court against\nPatricia Hart.\n\nHis petition states the parties\nwere married on Nov. 23, 1963,\nand are the parents of one child.\n\nREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS\n\nIvah Dill, deceased, to Herbert\nJ. Heekin, 226.13 acres, Union\nTownship; executor’s deed.\n\nNellie Marie Sever, deceased,\nto Danny A. Stratton et al.,\ntract on Oakland Avenue,\nWashington C,\nadministrator’s deed. |\n\nLora H. Smith, deceased, to\nBurney C. Joslin et al., inlot\n50, Jeffersonville; executor’s\ndeed.\n\n \n\nA gale is a wind with a val.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2045.5699462890625, 5045.23095703125, 2470.73876953125, 5186.5 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Courts\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1867.5538544921876, 942.310080078125, 2687.148171875, 5063.687234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "CIRCLEVILLE — An _ ordi-\nnance providing for a_ city\nincome tax of one-half of one\nper cent has been passed by\nCity Council by a vote of 6\nto 1. It will become effective,\nstarting Jan.1 , for 1969 incomes.\nThe first collection is scheduled\nfor April 30 for the first four\nmonths.\n\nThe ordinance was approved\nafter two amendments had been\nmade. The first cut the tax\nfrom one to one-half of one\n‘per cent and the second,\nproposed by Mayor Richard\n|Gerhardt, establishes a “priority\nlist” for funds to be spent for\ncapital improvements.\n| The mayor’s amendment ear-\nmarked 80 per cent of the tax\nrevenue for capital\nimprovements and equipment\nand 20 per cent for salaries\nand supplies. First on the list\nwas major street construction\nfor which $65,000 of the tax\nrevenue was tentatively\nearmarked.\n\nThe mayor emphasized that\nCouncil should move slowly in\nenacting legislation to increase\npay and department personnel,\nat least until after the income\ntax had survived a possible\nreferendum.\n| s 8s @\n\nIN ADDITION to the tax of\none-half of one per cent on the\ngross income of individuals, the\nordinance provides for a like\ntax on the net income of\ncorporations doing business in\nthe city.\n\nA threat of a referendum was\nmade by Shelton Winner who\nsaid: “I already have been\nasked to get up another\nreferendum petition if this (the\nincome tax ordinance) passes,\nbut I don’t want to.” Winner\nis now backing a referendum\nto stop Council from vacating\nan alley at the rear of the\nCircleville Herald building.\n\nAlthough the Council chamber\nwas crowded for the meeting\nonly five persons asked\nquestions or offered objections\n\nthe tax. Councilmen had\nanticipated a much more heated\nsession. |\n\nThe one vote against the tax .\nwas cast by Councilman Boyd\nHorn, who said he feels any |.\nhew tax should be voted by\nhe people, not by Council.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5987.49365234375, 4840.67822265625, 6565.8828125, 4920.107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Soldier Is Killed\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4330.921875, 5147.79736328125, 5007.6796875, 5229.20703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Forfeits $100 Bond\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 5148.45263671875, 5333.26025390625, 6785.14501953125, 6151.24560546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n\nPRIME Ril\n\nWhen you want the finest—\n\nWashington Inn invites you\n\nPrime rib served 11 AM-10PM\n\nWashington Inn guest rooms compare with big cities\n\n \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 4316.1828828125, 5230.277609375, 5120.22190234375, 6209.6061796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "David Charles Seymour, 25, of\n204 E. Market St., forfeited $100\nbond in Municipal Court\nWednesday when he failed to\nappear to answer a disorderly\nconduct charge filed by Trudy\nSeymour, New Holland. The\naffidavit charged him with\nthreatening violence and\nquarreling.\n\n \n\nLaodogant was king Arthur’s\nfather-in-law.\n\n \n\nRanger IX transmitted 5,814\npictures from the moon.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 359.2166442871094, 4882.7841796875, 1679.8033447265625, 5050.34228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Held Over For 3rd Big Week!\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1808.484640625, 8776.957296875, 2631.01389453125, 8978.386453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "A gale is a wind with a vel-\nocity of between 30 and 65 miles-\nper-hour.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 4317.7981171875, 6052.62770703125, 5134.60569140625, 6210.04514453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Ranger IX transmitted 5,814\npictures from the moon.\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 11 ], [ 1, 13 ], [ 1, 14 ], [ 1, 29 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 11, 14 ], [ 11, 29 ], [ 13, 14 ], [ 13, 29 ], [ 14, 29 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 5, 17 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 5, 25 ], [ 6, 17 ], [ 6, 22 ], [ 6, 25 ], [ 17, 22 ], [ 17, 25 ], [ 22, 25 ], [ 27, 7 ], [ 8, 18 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 34, 35 ], [ 34, 21 ], [ 35, 21 ] ]
[ 3094.406216796875, 4055.960904296875 ]
[ [ 1, 14 ], [ 4, 3 ], [ 5, 25 ], [ 11, 1 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 13, 11 ], [ 14, 29 ], [ 17, 6 ], [ 18, 8 ], [ 21, 34 ], [ 22, 17 ], [ 25, 22 ], [ 27, 7 ], [ 34, 35 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2072.958041015625, 2743.339876953125, 2406.73019140625, 3419.532681640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Another. move’. towards\ntraffic’ safety at the '5 -Points\nintersection in Casa Grande: has\nbeén --accomplished via. city\ncouncil”/action Monday ‘night:\n* Council approved arequeést\nfront “the. Arizona. Highway\nDepartment. requesting 2\nresolution. ‘by “the: -city to\nincorporate” Maricopa. Street\ninto -Highway System.184.. °°\n\nIt’s part-of the.state’s plans\nto revamp:5 Points,,\n\nUnder: the ‘plan, motorists\n‘traveling. ‘west: on . Florence\nBoulevard. towards Gila “Bend\nwill *:have.:to. turn left. at\nMaricopa- Street, ..and. then\n\n“proceed: -west, © which. ; will\neliminate: the. congestion af- 5\nPoints. 0.00 2° ses\nCity ‘Streets. Supt. Harold\nJones ..said the.” expense. of\nimproving”: the -.area.-will be\nborne “by -the State -Highway\nDepartment.) 0\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2077.7243984375, 1750.41336328125, 2411.007291015625, 2448.3908359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "“(budget-wise) by Aug 19.\" °°\n“Ane addition; “it has’ forced\nthé delay of vacation. plans. for\nCity Streets. “Supt. Harold\nJones. He: had. planned to ‘meet\nhis daughter-in Utah next week\nbefore. the cold:season hits; but\nHarper is “reftictant . to enter\n“court. without. Jones. and Fire\nChief: Naté.-Coxon, who’ also:\n‘serves “as the -aity building\ningpector. --\n\nHarper. said, “oy don't want\nto -béin--court. without either\none.of them: Pit need: them. to\nhandle the rebuttals.”\n\nAlthough “he: believes ° the\n‘city has a strong case prepared,\nhe -said“ have all the\nfacts available: ..\n\nMayor Jimmie Kerr had\naiadé..a : personal ‘appeal “io\nJones, asking him if he could\nforego His. vacation, untit the\ncase was -heard. Jones nodded\napproval.\n\nThe suit alleges the annex\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1441.7965087890625, 1289.5482177734375, 3003.991943359375, 1711.920654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nCourt Delay Ires\nCG City Officials\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 373.51892358398436, 2265.17459375, 710.495572265625, 2885.560513671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "State. Sen. | Dan Halacy of\nPhoenix, ©\n_ Gov, Williams. aésured the\ndelegates they were not’ bound\n“to vote: as-a unit, but. it was\nobvious dhe ‘pressure. was ‘still\n-on- to. keep the vote unanimous\ntor Nixon at feast ibroush ihe\nfist ballot.:\n\nWilligas ‘eid: any fucther\ndecisions could be: made. in\nfic caucuses,\n\nState GOP > chaieniin\nHarry Rosenzweig said if\nan couldn't (wrap. uf the\nination .in’early- voting, ;\nree portion of the Arizona\nblock would: shift “to Reagan.\n\nGoldwater “held a parley:\nwith Reagan, but the California\n‘Gavernor, told fim = he,\nenmphatically would not aveept\nthe Nal 2 spot.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 40.11616784667969, 2271.635775390625, 369.73104589843746, 2887.6134921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "MESSE CARL SP -Cplifcaiia\nGere Raval cf Ni vectuses.\nthe Nal 2-4pa., Anizong Gov\nfacke, Wilietie Sail he wold\npesoaaly tavet Marvland\nSpare Aguow:02-Mi ‘higan’\njesarpe Renniney.\n\nThus fist Woe ge pert wy,\naf be Rage Carrolke aews\nshanot rahe stiction KVOY\nVora. awh: liad beert\nfou ro Gay, Wihianas on\nFoor aredne\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nSME\n\n \n\nAssciated\nArizana\n“defecation iepiesi gon clesed\nyest cae nctes tardy Hee\nacpi intedhy slated the seseuin ti\nswt shath ! be dist amg\n\n \n \n\nforthe nenunation..\nVie. caucus had heen valled\n$04 Gin Afspaéh ol Vilmaand\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1400.7052333984375, 376.9656398925781, 1736.526578125, 741.5559360351563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "* What might ‘well have been\nthe:.worst'wind, electrical. and\n- fain’stormn to: hit Casa Grande\nin, four. years: and “the “third.\n“worst’ since’ August--of 1936\nDanketed the ea with 4.28\n\n \n\niB\nCity ss Ed Pedéizon,\nsake ‘has-been’ a. sesiderit ‘for\n_ MGre' than. 25:years, said it was.\nhe second worst stormhe had.\nseen in four’ years (when: four\ninches of rain covered the city\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2762.99051171875, 371.75525170898436, 3094.406216796875, 737.7355625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "The county farm, advisor’s-\noffice ‘said the farmers. werent\nhumting...since . the water. Was\ndraining, off. the fields.slowly,\nbut. sorely. | However, reports\nindicated: that; Wet hay would\naecount-for some losses.”\n\nGury. Bakes, manager of the\nGeneral }- Ady stent. Bureatr,\ had “received\n\nit .50 claims: as of noon, It\nincluded: claims. of trees falling.\n“on ears, lightning knocking out\nContinued an page 5\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 376.4869716796875, 3103.22586328125, 706.3184482421875, 3494.01827734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nthat 20 per centof the city's\nordinances are covered by state\nstatutes: anti’\n\nac dle> said at's an historical\n‘event for -Casa Granda, because\n“its the tirst time in: history\nthat- our ‘laws. : have’ been\nraped\n‘The bulk of the research\nanid work is ‘being -conducted\nshy Pennis Jensen. whose father.\nfornierly served\" as. shayur sof\nCoohdge. - Jensen, ‘as: college\n“student. is\" also heading for a\nfulure bat exant:\n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2753.873080078125, 2386.791048828125, 3083.86593359375, 2853.190884765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "health. program =BY, the ine\n\n \n\nDavis’ sufty:\navailable ta the-city.\n“Under: the. -alechalisrr\nsection, _ construction grants\n“could. be-made-only to public\nor. nonprofit: Vagenci¢s -. cr\nQrganizativas Bpon\napplications: .which. -show.\namong Gther things that.4 need\nexists and Balsa approval\nhas been gi : E\nSpeaking “Of csledholies,\nMike Gormariof the. Nationa!\n-Counéi of Akegholism- told\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nContinued on page &\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1056.2911708984375, 2560.744173828125, 1390.707974609375, 3183.397427734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Two. Elementary”. School\nBoard . appointments --were\nannounced. today ‘in’ the\nEloy-Casa.Grande area: by’Mr;\n‘Mary 2-Cy (O’Brien, Count\n\nSchool Superintendent...\n\nMrs. Keith. Carlton :'was\nappointed’ ta’ filk the vacancy\non the Casa -Grande\n\n: Elementary School Board,\nrecently vacated: by Jack Little.\nLittle “has accepted..a position\nin Ontario, Calif:\n\n“Mrs. Carlton's ‘seat on ‘the\nBoard will ruin until December\n3F, 1969. ~\n\nThe» second: appointmen ;\nwent to Jim’ Willsey “who will:\nserve oi the Eloy Elementary\nSchool: Board for a short.tefm,\nto ‘expire December. 31,1968:\n\nHe \" is’: replacing” William\nStanfield, who has moved from\nEloy. to Casa Grande:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1415.78396875, 2674.442904296875, 2049.055875, 3145.02901953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "': The Optimist Chib of Casa Grandé won ‘council\napproval Monday night’ to. stage its annual circus\n“Sept. 21 ‘ona vacant-lot-at 10th Street and Pinal:\n. Aventie,. but: not’ before Couneilman ‘Al Willard\nribbed Optimist President Paul: Larkin. -\noo Sfter Larkin explained: that it would feature\n“the DeWayne Bros.-circus, presenting two-shows, at’\n4: 30 and 8 p:m. -and-serve .as.a good fund-raising’\nactivity. for the club, Willard popped | the gecriant\n: question. “\n“Are'you going to put on your: ‘bicycle program .\n‘again this. year,”” the councilman kidded. -\nLarkin: snapped.““Yes sit.” o4\nWillard happily- ‘Fesponded, ” Okay. then; ri\nVote for the circus.” De eS ’\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1737.37918359375, 1748.532748046875, 2070.53878515625, 2449.60909765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "fiscal. budget plaris. Council is\nexpected to’ adopt- the ‘new.\n-budget during-a. public hearing:\nMonday ‘night in: council\nchambers. It. also: plans to. set\nthe tax levy. Aug: 19.\n\nValuation “would. be\n\napproximately $8 million if the\n\nannexation: passes. the court\ntest, but, only $7. million-if it.\n“fails: :\n\nIt‘ meanis.: ‘that couacil® will\nnow ‘have. to\" use ‘the old ‘tax\nvaluation inthe area -\" of\ncontroversy. While” the casé is\npending. Manager Ed Pederson\nsdid, “Hf. the money ‘comes. in\nwe don’t have’ to. use: it: until\n\nnext’ year.” The ‘distressing\n\nthing, however, he said,‘'’... is\n‘that’.in the: meantime we still\nhave to provide imunierpal\nservices,”\n\n‘Even if the: city. won the\ncése Aug.-15, Harper said, “Hf.\n“they -appeal: it. like they’ say\nthey: will, we'll never make: it.\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1048.629916015625, 3408.0310390625, 1386.09542578125, 4048.67696875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "With no. protests voiced\n\nMonday night -over.the City: of.\n'€asa Grande’s: close\nseveral streets, councilmen will\n“now take:it one step-further.\n\na! The city -plans, ‘to’ close\nElliot Street to Ist:aid Toltec.\nstreets.:'\\ Main. ‘to: 2nd: and\nPicacho ‘stréets and. from Main\nto 2nd ‘Street. In: accordance\n“with “the. law, all -streets have\nbeen’ posted ‘for: the past 30\ndays, “according : -to Harold\n‘Fones, city: streets\n‘superintendent. :\n\n. Mayor.” Jimmie “Kerr ~said.\nthe city’s :consultant: engineers\nhad. .recommended~“seven ‘to\neight’. years. ago “that. these\nstreets. be closed.\"\" :\n\n“Jones told council that he.\nhad: -contacted --all,- but > one\nproperty. owner, “who is,\ncurrently... in “California, and\n“found no” disagreements. or\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1398.240267578125, 1753.0096767578125, 1731.3123447265625, 2451.7463046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The’. Jong-delayéd? - court\ntial. ‘over the: City of | Casa\nGrande’s. annexation: of 4,400\nacres hias finally. caught -the'ire\nof city Sfficidls.\n\nDue some ‘unexplained\n‘judicial. mixup, , Tuesday's:\nSuperior Court: ‘trial has-been\npostponed “ until’. 9:30--a.m.\nThursday, Aug 152006 U0\"\n\nCity , Attorney ° J. Lavell\n‘Hat per. Tuesdav ©: told” The\nDispatch: that..there “has: ba\nsome’: difficulty “trying > to.\nobtain. aa . “outside” jurist e\nconduct ‘the: trailj--but he. was\n“informed that-a Phoenix judge\nhas: confirmed appearance\nfor Aug. 15 in Florence. ©\noo yNine< property: .. owners,\n‘yepresénted ‘by: Harty: Bagnall,\n‘Coolidge attomey:: have alleged\n“in: a suit, filed: last spring ‘that\nthe. city’s annexation is.invalid.\n\nAside. from: the. frustration\n“over the: court ‘delays, the suit\n‘has put-a crimp in the 1968-69\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2416.966341796875, 1751.7450283203125, 2750.40401953125, 2174.510708984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "is invalid because: --\nPetitions are. not signed\nby: ‘pefsons: controlling “more.\nthan: one halfrof the assessed\n‘valuation of the — taxable\nproperty in the-area taken in\nby the ordinance.\n=Petitio donot haves an\naccurate. map: attached.\n-Petitians do. not\ncontain an accurate description\nof the exterior houndary of the\narea included:-\n= The first reading of\nthe. ordinance: -was.not\naccontplished at a legally called\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1388.0997646484375, 3419.096224609375, 1724.8055087890625, 4046.215298828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "SbyecuoNns. ra eg <\n“However, Jones-. said: the\ncity needed to: retain-an alley.\n“in: the ‘northern half of-Picacho:\nbetween 1st and ‘2nd. streets,\nHe'--noted “that -this: would\n‘ satisfy the traffic needs of an\nautomotive supply: business in\nthe: area and’ facilitate possible\nfutute work-on a sewer ling,\n\n; Council’ approved ‘both the\ntreet closing and _elmning an\nMey.\n\nThe. next step is fetorning\nthe streets ‘to-adjacent property.\nowners, but-this will require 60:\ndays of posting, then. property.\n\n“owners mist submit’ a letter of\n“acceptance: to. council;\n\nothetwise. > “outside - parties”\ncould bid “on it, and, possibly:\nobtain . it; the. city.“attorney\nexplained, ‘adding, “It's cbt\nautomatic” {0030S\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 41.034881591796875, 2078.510986328125, 691.7701416015625, 2259.175537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Reagan Favored\nIf Nixon Slips _\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2422.811068359375, 371.30444604492186, 2755.706021484375, 731.7416049804688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "approximately. $2,060\" for\nre pairs. : : obs\n! Felled tree > lingbs\nheavily frnn- 2nd te-4th Sis.\nOne “Sotiree; estimated: the\neatly wind velocity at: vup te\n50. miles “per hours” This,\n‘preceded thie electrical and rain,\nstarm.\n© City Streets: Supt, Harotd\n\nJoties said-a aupiber of streets\nwere flooded : last “night; -bat\nwere: “pretty. swell Cleared up\nby morning.”\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2415.975375, 2390.097689453125, 2746.64718359375, 2855.62960546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "City, Manager Ed Pederson\nhas -been ‘instructed by Casa.\nGrande . City .. Councilmen: to\nresearch the. possibility ‘of\nobtaining “federal . funds: to\nconstruct’. an “alcoholic\nreliabilitation center.\n\nIt. was. sparked: by ‘Toeal\n-Court.t Magistrate Walter Davis,\nwho has-been ‘extremely active\non-:alcoholic. treatment. pro-\ngrams during the: past: year.\n\n-. Davis-told council, “Prior\n“te, now F couldn't. see how. it\ncould *.be <dones: -Thén:- he.\nproduced-an informative. news\nclipping” which “related the\npassage. of ‘a $21]. million\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 152.42214965820312, 1402.35400390625, 918.283935546875, 1766.33642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Senior Citizen —\nPrograms Might\nGet Fund Boost\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1058.6286953125, 1690.2076748046875, 1393.6792880859375, 2229.291958984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "COGLIDGE.. With: no\n‘taxpayers showing up to voice:\nany protests, city councilmen,\nMonday ~ night “needed hardy.\neight minutes io. grant. final\napproval. to the, 1968-69 fiscal\n‘budgets. °\nThe’ budget ‘adopted totils\n$249,300. which ig ° almést\n$23,000: “above. last: year’s\nbudget of $226,792, .\n\n~Tax tate will be-established\nby council: Monday night, Aug.\nA2e\n\nThe total: to be Faised. by~\n‘direct property tax levy will be\n$64.415,-and broken’ down -as\nfollows: general fund. “levy,\n$46,479° public works reserve\nfund-levy,.$12,860 and jibrary\nfund levy, $51 076.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 46.43926889038086, 1787.0082119140625, 372.1142551269531, 2071.84542578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "wd\naad.\nfuatie.s\n\n \n\nas. ta capand: facilities\nroprams Tyg Casa\nsenior ciizens: under\naarad pri 4 the\ndale leyel wil be submitted 40\niy ceowncil, “Monday night,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nning: to Robert\nof “dian of the\ncAviazuiva .,Siate\nAidt Public Welfate,\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2086.57449609375, 385.6766689453125, 2419.72726171875, 739.5912143554688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "streets. :\n* Prompted “the Hexedl\n“plant to stat down operations\nuntil }.a.m. :\n\n‘Knocked out a inariber\nof. television antennas across\ntown:\n\n \n\n{ Datiagedal Stacks ot hay\n‘in some areas... °:\n\n: ! Severely -- damaged,\nsome irrigation punips where.\n‘the Minimum. damage per. case\nWas: estimated svat\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1069.1063232421875, 1396.241943359375, 1383.88525390625, 1669.46728515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Coolidge\nBudget\nApproved\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1729.6695888671875, 3498.584017578125, 2063.33273046875, 4042.02413671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "PRHOENTX~0 fficer\ncandidates from. the ‘Arizona.\n‘Army’ National. Guard's\n\nmilitary academy will\nparticipate. in ‘two. ‘weeks\nintensive summer’. training\n- beginning. “Aug. ‘10, at’ Fort\n‘Huachuca. :°\n\nAcademy. Corimandant Lt\n\nCol: Richard “A. Colson of\nPhoenix said the: 14 senior and\n28 : junior. cadets. ‘will: depart\n-Phoenix by bus, arriving at the\nsouthern” Arizona., post’. the\n‘same. ‘day in “time ‘to ‘arrange\nbarracks’ ‘and prepare... for\ntrainings\n\n: ‘Senior’ cadets ‘iecesstily\ncompleting: “the -‘summer\ntraining: will “receive: : their\ncommissions at. 8 p.m. Aug. 24.\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1750.2770107421875, 382.298861328125, 2077.01339453125, 739.07101171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "in one-hour. And this one was\nofly ‘topped by another storm\nin: 1936); which: ‘“flooded\neverything - ands: completely\nfilled-the underpass.” °:.\n: oLast, night's -storm, which\nstruck about 5:30 p.m, caused\nthe following: .\n> ge Ripped up a-number of\ntrees “in city’ parks. and. the\nLaGrande Pool aréa.:.-..°\nForced: some motorists.\nto’ ‘abandon.’ their’ “stalled.\nvehicles jn the downtown area:\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 80.27432250976562, 2899.60888671875, 646.7514038085938, 3090.59521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "City’s Law Books\nWill be Trimmed\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 33.855173889160156, 3110.293978515625, 368.25033300781246, 3501.860806640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Hig taty ab Cana Cranes\n\nh\n\n \n\n“ack,\n\n \n\nBhp oy\n\n \n \n \n\n: 6 tlas\nAdbaoney oT\nMaisias\n\n \n\nsary City\nHarper.\ncaeht Utd.\nsaith ND pres\niy alten, wengel\n\n \n\n \n\ndan iescendi iy ing\nwrth age. andy?\nPiya bee fed tek\nshanges | ab ordinar\nwho are alpedds” conesed By\nstale. SUIT Te. estimeted\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2115.775634765625, 2478.091796875, 2340.90673828125, 2725.62744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Safety\nAt\nPoints\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2753.35183984375, 1754.2644375, 3087.005337890625, 2170.85226171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "meeting. *\nNoo copy fof. the\n_ordimance . ner: any accurate\nmap..has been filed with, the:\ncourty-recorder.\n: Plaintiffs: ite the: matter are\nRalph: Allison: Henry Evans,\nDenver “Dayis,” HE. ‘Fletcher,\n“Robert. Poindexter, Raymond\nKottmeyer. Ed Alston, Ray -d.\nBreivenbach.~ and |. Morris =\nRichards : :\n\nFhe. bik ‘of. the proposed\nannex: lies between | Pinal\nAvenue » and” Trekell ~ Road\nnorth of Cottonwood! Lane:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 67.52059173583984, 263.3294982910156, 1380.98291015625, 1266.5179443359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1070.203125, 3197.525146484375, 1698.8966064453125, 3399.0751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "No Protests Voiced\nIn Closing Streets\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 2477.211181640625, 2185.4375, 3036.1826171875, 2373.81689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Center Sought\nFor Alcoholics\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 383.5758693847656, 1781.321322265625, 710.0043002929688, 2073.392056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nMunday night, Ssquneil asked\nthe-- City =. Parks” “Sgard: tn\nprepare, . applicatthn for\nfunds and Tetum: it‘to hounst\n{or consideration. ;\n\nJ nfames said it was) a\nAliree-year™ picgram. It would\ncaver 74 per-cent of the dity’s\nprogram ‘the first year, 60 per\nSent. the second’ year and 50\nper-cent the third year.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 719.5345180664062, 1785.129916015625, 1049.901822265625, 4055.960904296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "After that it’s the Hope. of\nthe state. thatthe sponsorship\nsould then be assumed: by ‘the\nity.. entirely,\n\n \n\nJames ¢x plained.\n\nAlthough City. Manager Ed\nPederson: said he had $4,075\nearmarked. for senior: citizen\nprograms, he slated.“ 6.0 Jin\nmy, opinion,” its “not\nsafficient.™ ee\n\nA spokesinan for- the: Casa\nGrande senior citizens’ said the\n\n“federal funds could be utilized\nfor’ needed -cquipment: like a\nmovie, projector, craft, supplies\nand other assorted items.\n\n> Mayor Jinimie’Kerr said -he\nhad ‘invited’ James to-appear\nbefore council because ‘we're\ntrying to expand, We're Setting\nmore ‘people vall the time'-and\nthe facililics are packed:\n\nUnder “the. -.funding\nprogram, James said the’ city\n\na have’ to. Jpresent 2a\nqhat .went- beyond\nrecreation, such as providing a\ncounselling” service,\nhomemaking “petivities;\nre-tfaining -courses and other\nupportyble programs. +\n+ James said” his department\nhad.-$200.000--in ’ funds\nlable: this -. vear, adding,\nPhere: vis “some: for*. Casa\nGrande. it: it, wants to enter the\nprogram...\n\nHe ‘said the -building--the\ncity.. is. “utilizing’ for senior.\ncilizen activities cold’ serve:as\n\n25 “percent towards matching\nfunds. :\nDAS. you. can see; it’s a\nprogram te get the community\n26) start . supporting senior\ncitizen Programs, ° James\nstated. .\n\nOne favorable aspect of: the\nprogram, he 1\nthe equipment’ stays” ifthe:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n3 thiee-year “course. At notit il\nhe returned.\n\nOne .cauhcilman “asked:\nJanis where the age limit was\nHAWN O35) Senior-citizens.: :\n\n“There's no, basi¢ age”? he\nsaid. “some say. 50. “but. it’s\nprety ouch, up, te the organi-\nation, E\n\nCouncilman AP Willard |\ned the eity manager ‘if the\ncity’s “budgeted prograit) was\ndesigned: 10, “meet the. state's\nrogram,\nPederson responded i in“ the:\nirmiative: z\n“Asked -if council had to act\nimmediately. Jaines explained:\nthat “applications ..must first\npass: “throtish his office for\ntechnical review:.-befure\nadvancing: to’... fivesan °\ncitizeiis . panel. * Approval: -is\nbased un'merits Gf the.program\nitself, he added. The panel only,\nIneets thre times”. year and\nthe next meeting is set Oct: 6:\nHerice. council decided: it\nwas. anxious “fo” consider “an\napplication Vbefore\nnid-Septemiber in order. to\nhave it delivered:to the Pinel at’\nits next séssion.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1755.6688232421875, 3185.60546875, 2028.95263671875, 3473.377685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Officer.\nTraining\nSlated\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1078.1383056640625, 2263.14208984375, 1352.2037353515625, 2553.643310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "School\nTrustees\nNamed.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1430.7645263671875, 2496.069580078125, 2033.911376953125, 2659.558349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Hey, What About -\nThe Bike Program?\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2073.895541015625, 3882.897982421875, 2406.621060546875, 4038.665494140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "AGT an. today’ “were\n$56,746: ‘acre-feet. available.\nwater storage behind Coolidge\nDam. This. represents: a\n‘decrease. of” 1, 578 _ from\nMondav’s total.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 40.827171325683594, 3515.348388671875, 701.2389526367188, 3585.26416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "INSIDE THE DISPATCH\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2102.7138671875, 3815.39990234375, 2384.5703125, 3874.509521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "‘Water Report\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2441.20556640625, 2888.709228515625, 3055.45361328125, 3881.303466796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 2080.234619140625, 3449.447509765625, 2395.614501953125, 3516.153076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Weather Report\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 135.28765869140625, 139.23167419433594, 3015.552490234375, 347.7514343261719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "orm in Four Year:\n\n \n\nCity Hit by Worst St\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1424.375732421875, 1182.45947265625, 2876.10791015625, 1282.9783935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "ANNEX HEARING NOW SET AUG. 15\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2099.264404296875, 3524.051513671875, 2372.041259765625, 3674.639404296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 16, 1 ], [ 50, 45 ], [ 50, 7 ], [ 45, 7 ], [ 10, 23 ] ]
[ 9950.470703125, 15929.9599609375 ]
[ [ 16, 1 ], [ 23, 10 ], [ 45, 50 ], [ 50, 7 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 5166.924921875, 1797.640009765625, 6344.95251953125, 5729.610234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "BOULDER, Col. (AP) — Two\nUniversity of Wyoming students,\nmissing in the Rocky Mountains\nwest of here; were found safe\nbut .: badly frostbitten” .Tues-\nday; ‘the Boulder County Sher:\niff’s office reported.\n\n‘A rescue party’ “headed up Co-\nrona. Pasé,. on. the west side of\nthe continental divide,, near. Win-\nter Park, Col.; _where’ a third\nstudent Was reported injured.\n\nAlthough. the’ ‘three’ had -been\nidentified, it: was ‘not knowin\n\nThe. students, ‘all 17\" were\nidentified as “Albert a. Hendricks\nof Valhalla, N.Y.: Jolin Drury of\nPhelps, N.Y., and Dennis Alf of\nBerlin, Wis.\n\n‘Their. small red. foreign ¢ car\nwas foun parked at the / east\nend of the Moffat Railroad tun-\nnel through the continental di-\nvide. It was helieved that the\nstudents planned to climb over\nthe snow-covered rockies-to the\nski resort of Winter Park on the\nwest side and then ride a train\nback through the tunnel. |\n\nThey left the University in\nLarammie, Wyo., Friday for\nBoulder. They had been sched-\nuled to pick up a passenger in\nBoulder for the return trip to\nLaramie on Sunday. .\n\nThe Boulder County Sheriff's\nOffice organized a snow vehicle\nsearch party.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 8729.463984375, 1370.4267529296876, 9865.081914062499, 3569.929326171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "by Fulton TV Sales & Service,\n\nHe is: survived by his wife,\nMrs. Carol Patrick Fredette;\ntwo sons, Michael and David\nFredette; his mother, Mrs.\n\nThelma ‘Thomas of Oswego;\nthree . sisters, Mrs: ‘Diane\nMcEwen of: Fulton, Mrs, Shir-\nley LaClaire of Fulton ‘and\nMrs. Mary Rose Meeks of -os-\nwego;: five brothers, Thomas\nFredette ‘of 'Warners, Bruce of\nFulton, Jerry, “Edward and\nLarid Fredettsof Oswego. |\n\nServices. will. be: at p.m.\nThursday at Gardner. Funeral\nHome, 208 Worth'.St. -Burial\nwill be in Mount Adnah Ceme-\ntery. . |\nCalling ‘hours will be 2 to 4\nand 7 to 9'p.m. Wednesday at\nthe funeral. home. |\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5136.6407421875, 6394.57775390625, 6315.97009765625, 8119.9627734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "| PULASKI — Lenten fellow-\niship suppers sponsored by the\n{Commission on Christian Social\nConcerns of the Park Methodis!\nChurch, Pulaski, will continue\nwith a supper at 6:30 p.m.\nWednesday.\n\nThe program, which is enti-\ntled ‘‘By the Side of the Road’\nby the WSCS and youth group\nbegins at 7:30 p.m.\n\nPersons attending are asked\nto bring a dish to pass, their\nown table service and any spe-\ncial beverage desired. Coffee\nand tea will be furnished. Mem-\nbers of the community are invit-\ned to attend.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2798.0196484375, 5474.9141796875, 3968.5819140625, 9529.672734374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "| OSWEGO — Spring activity is\n\n[swinging into full speed aheac\nfor Coast Guardsmen at the lo-\ncal lifeboat station as work is\n‘under way on making the iight\non the west pier head automatic\nthis season. This will relieve\nthree crewmen for more vilal\nduty ashore.\n\n| A detail was scheduled Tues-\nday io the lighthouse in prepara-\ntion for the opening of Lake On-\ntario navigation. The boat party\nalso was to test ice jamming the\nharbor entrance to determine\nhow thick it is. All the main\nchannels at the eastern end of\nthe lake are packed solid with\nice, a local Coast Guard: spokes-\nman said. |\n\n‘From Ogdensburg comes word\nthat the Coast Guard buoy tend-\ner, Maple, is scheduled to at-\ntempt-to leave early in April its\nLake Ontario positions. Frank\nChristoph is skipper of the fa-\nmiliar Maple.\n\nAt the lifeboat station this\nweek a four-day refresher train-\ning course for law enforcement\nOfficers is being conducted by\nChief Gedlick from the Buffalo\ndisirict headquarters. Seventeen\nmake up the 1968 class from the\nSylvan Beach substation, con-\nservation department game\nwardens and coast guardsmen.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3979.9258984375, 5091.71203125, 5138.121953125, 7456.8260546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "OSWEGO ~— Bids for'a year’s\nsupply of hydrofluosilicic acic\nwere opened Monday morning ir\nthe city clerk’s office. Two bids\nwere received from Jone:\n(Chemical Co. of Caledonia, $6\ner ton, and Commercial Chemi.\ncal Co., $61.90 per ton.\n\naie Chemical was the only\n\nwot ot on he ey ae.\n\n \n\nal .0578 per pound.\n\nBoth these items are for use\nby the City Water Department.\n\nBids on cleaning out the Eas!\nSide Reservoir were received\nfrom Walter Lazarek, Oswego,\n$6500 and Virgo Enterprises, Os-\nwego, $3,900.\n\nCity Purchasing Agent Burt\nMcGann said the bids would be\nreviewed by the city attorney,\nthe city engineer and the super-\nintendent of the Water Depart-\nment and will be awarded with-\nin 10 days.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1727.9234619140625, 800.5473022460938, 5113.60205078125, 4089.178466796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "a Sa RRR hoes a. RS\nas\n\nSr re, ahh SA\n7\" ates aw i\nRenee cance\nws Bs\n\nPBs\nSSS\n” - “y\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 6369.43078125, 1529.51525390625, 7498.817265625, 6399.536015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "OSWEGO — Charles J. Re-\ngan, 61, W. Fifth Street Road,\ndied early Tuesday morning\nat Oswego Hospital. He was\nborn in county cork, Ireland,\n\nMr. Regan came to this\ncountry about 36. years ago\nand for 34 years operated the\nCrystal ‘Lake Dairy ‘on W.\nFifth Street Road; and Maple\nAvenue, Oswego Town.\n\nHe was a communicant of\n\nSt. Mary’s ‘Catholic Church\nand a member of its Holy\nName Society. He was a mem-\nber of the Deam Barry. Divi-\nsion, Ancient order. of hiber-\nnians, and a member. of Oswe-\n‘go Council, Knights of. Colum-\n‘bus. He: was a former trustee\nof the Town of Oswego. School\nDistrict.\n' Surviving are his’ wife, Mrs.\nNora Donovan -Regan; four\nsons, Charles, James and Den-\nnis Regan, all of Oswego\nTown, and John Regan of\nKirkville: five daughters,\nMrs. Mary Mahoney, Oswego\nTown, Mrs. Noreen Charleton,\nOswego, Mrs. Ann Familo, Os-\nwego town, Joan and Kathleen\nRegan, both at home; 24\ngrandchildren; -two brothers,\nJohn Regan of Ireland and\nDennis Regan in England; two\nsisters, Mrs. Ellen Sugrue and\nMrs, John Mullany, both in\nEngland...\n\nServices will be at 8:30 A.M.\nFriday at the P.J. Cullinan’s\nSons Funeral Home and at 9\na.m. in St. Mary’s Church.\nBurial will be in St. Peter’s\nCemetery. ,\n\nCalling hours will be from 2\nto 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednes-\nday and Thursday at the fu-\nneral home.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 7457.5059765625, 11364.1856640625, 9129.5369921875, 14630.463749999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "gram the person acknowledging\nreceipt.\n\n‘Transmit facts, price lists, ete, 4\nvia the trained accuracy of West.\nern Union operators.\n\nCongr atulate friends: or asgoci-\nates hours after their promotion.\n18 announced i in ‘the press. A telee\ngram is an impressive gesture, _\n_ Telegyam-press releases to mul-\ntipledestinations, simultaneously;\nwith Book Messages, Know they\nwill get attention.\n\nMake or accept: competitive\nbids: by-telegram. Telegrams are\nlegal:documents.\n\nHave. travel itineraries docu:\nmentably confirmed... -\n\n‘Notify accounts‘of. price :\nchanges or inventory status. _\n\nMotivate salesmen in the field,\nShow home-office interest in their\nneeds and successes,\n\n‘Check. references, birth, certifi\ncates, ete., quickly and accurately,\nby telegram.\n\n_ Give any situation importance\nand immediacy by telegramming,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3961.350830078125, 12541.61328125, 5040.75, 15627.4189453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "K REGISTERED ke\n\nDIAMOND RINGS\n\n \n\n \n\nFach Keepsake Engagement\ndiamond is a precisely cut gem\nPolished to'a sparkling finish.\nNothing ‘to. shade-the beauty\nor impair the value of your\nselection.\n\nOTHERS $100.00\n\nTC $5,000.00\n\n' — BASY CREDIT TERMS\nNO INTEREST CHARGES\n\natone, of Repaired Knpeahs Dianaal\n\n221. SALINA ST.\nCOO E€& EAVETTE\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2774.5615234375, 12944.7041015625, 3846.5810546875, 15587.06640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "ae ae,\n\nEa\n_ esi M.\n\n“Sha: That out a. lown,-visit- *.\n. ors: da. likewise.. Reserve ;\n“Randolph. Housé.rooms ‘for.\n~thein. sal or just ‘slip; them.\nthe good: word- about: this\naffordable luxury. “‘Afford-\nable”: really :is the good\nword: from $12. single, —\n$17 double. And such styl.\nish touches as Regency\nRoom dining, and a year-\nround indoor pool.-Jf you\nwere a stranger in town,\n-wouldn’t you want ‘some-\nbody to’ recommend the’\nvery best place to stay?\n\nElectronics Parkway : at.\nTheawny Ex 37\n\n- ' Call gfandolph\n457-1122 ©y House\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 7547.4786328125, 1383.1367138671876, 8687.899296875, 3743.15173828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Mrs. ‘Marie Devine of Elmira,\nMrs. Doris Beacon of Central\nSquare, Mrs: Judy Redhead of\nBrewerton and Miss Kathy Jo\nMcConnell, at home; four\nvid and William McConnell;\nseven’ “sisters, Mrs. Della\nBurns, Mrs. Lucey Yager, .\nMrs. Ann Burns, Mrs: Evelyn’\nSheehan, Mrs. Julia O'Hara,\nMrs. Bessie Waugh and: Mrs.\nIemma - Bender: eight grand-\nchildren. -\n\n_ Services will be at 8: 30 a.m.\nFriday at: ‘the’ ‘Traub Funeral\nHome,. Centfal Square, ‘and at\nE) a.m.: in .. St. Michael’s\n\n: “Church. ‘Burial will be in Hill-\n‘side cemetery. The Rosary\nwill be: recited’.at 8:45° p.m.\n\nWednesiday. Friends may call\n7-to 9 p.m.. Wednesday and 2\n-to 4:and- 7 to'9 p.m. Thursday\natthe Traub Funeral Home.\n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 7558.06103515625, 4928.85791015625, 9854.7119140625, 7959.65966796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "THE COMPLETE EVENING OF ENJOYMENT: .\n\n_. Easy Parking,\nSuperb Food and Theatre\n\nHore Syracuse ‘and Syracuse Repertory Theatre arrange\nto offer you a treat, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March\n28, 29, 30: Park at Mony Plaza Garage, use the passageway\nto the HOTEL, enjoy a fine dipner if you like, and take our\nspecial bus to the Regent Theatre, which gets you there by\ncurtain lime. After the play, bus back to your car. Bus |\ntickets are available from the lobby cashier at the HOTEL.\n\n_ ‘You get or use your own theatre tickets. Hote. SYRACUSE,\nfamous for dining, and Syracuse Repertory Theatre, the\nprofessional theatre—what a combination!\n\n \n \n\nHOTEL |\n422-5121\nhoret The theatre bus will leave 8 p.m. from\n\nthe Warren Street side of Hote! Syracuse,\nSee the opening of The Hostage and the.\nClosing of Hamiet. Reserve your tickets\niow: University Regent Theatre, 476-4536\n\n \n \n\nPEE\n\n= |\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5190.70458984375, 5859.63525390625, 6256.78076171875, 6324.79541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Lent Series\nTo Continue\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2768.99376953125, 9741.9102734375, 3955.37732421875, 11366.294804687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "| SAVANNAH — The Class of\n1968 will present “The Perfect\nIdio”’ at 8 p.m. Saturday at the\nSavannah High School gymna-\nsium. The three-act comedy will\nbe directed by Miss Marie Funi-\ncello. The cast includes Margar-\net Tennyson (Teresa Lawson) as\nthe mother of the household:\nJackie (Lewis Williams), her\nyounger son; Rhodora (Rita\nJones), the maid who rules the\nroost) Roger Tennyson (Richard\nLeonard), the child-psychologist\nfather of the house, and Daniel\nTennyson (Tyrell Furman), the\nboy genius.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 476.8809765625, 7078.3575390625, 1626.387822265625, 7905.10486328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "(7 oe Ver Bea et eee\n\nLeo R. MeCarthy. of 368 Lakeside Rd.,\nLakeside. March 19, 1968. Surviving are\nhis wife. Mrs. Ann Givens MicCarthv:\nthree sons. Leo R. Jr.: John C. and Ed-\nward J. McCarthy: a brother, Walter\nF. McCarthy: five grandchildren. Serv-\nices from the John C. Tindall Funer-\nal Home Inc., 1921 W. Genesee St.. Fri-\nday 8:15 a.m. and 9 a.m. in Our Lady\nof Peace Church Burial St. Mary's\nCemetery, Baldwinsville, Friends may\ncall at the funeral home Wednesday and\nThursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.\nJOHN C. TINDALL\nTMNGRAT Hoe mitt\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 7544.01818359375, 3937.620234375, 8682.0213671875, 4820.36609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "FULTON — Michael.C. Fre-\ndette, 26, of 475 -W. First st. S.,\nwas pronounced dead Monday\non arrival at Lee ‘Memorial\nHospital after being stricken\nat his home.\n\nBorn in Syracuse he had re-\nsided in the Fulton area most\nof his life. He was employed\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2857.9873046875, 4722.18896484375, 3948.02197265625, 5442.13134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Coast Guard\nPrepares for\nIce Break-up\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3978.789423828125, 8958.9532421875, 5130.5965625, 9573.853398437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "To overcome dtscomfort when\ndentures silp. slide or loosen, just\néprinkle a little FASTEETH on your\nPlates. FASTEETH holds dentures\nfirmer. You eat better, feel more\ncomfortable. FASTEETH fs alkaline\n—won't sour. Helps check plate odor,\nDentures that. fit are essential to\nhealth, See your dentist regularly,\nGet FASTEETH at all drug counters,\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 8699.858515625, 3777.92443359375, 9884.253789062499, 4829.20935546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "AUBURN —Mrs. Mary Rita\nGreenwood, daughter of Dr. and\nMrs. Stanley J. Cooke, 121 §. Se-\nward Ave., Auburn, has been\nnamed a graduate fellow. at\nRockefeller - University, New\nYork City. A graduate of Au-\nburn High School, Mrs. Green-\nwood is a senior biology major\nat Vassar College, _ Poughkeep-\nsie.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 474.58138549804687, 6188.799921875, 1629.129765625, 6941.14490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Catherine D. Grooms. 80. of 426\nW, Colvin St.. March 19, 1968. She is\nsurvived by a son. John T. Grooms,\nand a daughter, sus. Jusepn W. Subli-\nvan: five grandchildren and two\ncreat-grandchildren; several nieces and\n. nephews. Funeral services will be con-\nducted Thursday at 9:15 a.m. at the\nJohn G. Butler Funeral Home, 21044 §..\nSalina St., St. Anthony of Padua Church\n10 a.m, Interment Si, Agnes Cemetery.\nFrjends may call at the funeral home\n\nWednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to § p.m.\nnweYe c La rr\n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1653.64123046875, 4816.4571484375, 2804.086796875, 6377.4549609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "FAIR HAVEN — Three -bur-\nglaries and one attempted entry\ninto summer camps on West\nBay Road, are being investigat-\ned by sheriff’s deputies.\n\nDeputy John Snyder reports\nsometime in the past two weeks\ncamps owned by Rochester resi-\ndents and one owned by the\nState University College at Os-\nwego, known as Shore ‘Acres\nPark, were entered and doors\nand w ndows damaged. The\ncamps were ransacked, but\nnothing was reported missing.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4017.554931640625, 9681.3271484375, 5071.22412109375, 10983.7099609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "| INSULATE\n\n, Call for FREE Estimates\n\n{WOME\n: IMPROVEMENTS\n\n; Phone GR 8-3104\n; “Our 52nd Year”\n. 441 N. Franklin.\n\nee SE SS\nas S a pee Se FO aD Se aergs ll ay\nec a as igi rk\n\n \n\noe Siete reeks =\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 6352.05041015625, 6571.17736328125, 7483.74841796875, 8123.0877734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "CENTRAL SQUARE — Phi-\nlip E. McConnell, 53, of Cen-\ntral Square, died Tuesday at\nSt. Joseph's Hospital, Syra-\ncuse.\n\nBorn in Patton, Pa., he had\nlived in Brewerton and Cen-\ntral Square area 15 years.\n\nHe was employed at Carrier\nCorporation and was a World\nWar IIT veteran.\n\nSurviving are his wife, Mrs.\nBertha McConnell; three sons,\nJames and Jack of Syracuse\nand Wayne McConnell of:\nBrewerton; four . daughters,\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4040.553466796875, 4710.794921875, 5131.90185546875, 5054.1708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Oswego Receives\n3 Chemical Bids\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 478.6631164550781, 14387.55859375, 2647.421630859375, 15690.505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "THE\nMCKESSON LIQUOR: COMPANY\n\n114 Monarch’ Drive, Liverpool\n\n7 ‘ WILL BE CLOSED\nTHURSDAY, MARCH 21\n\nDue to the. Decth. of\n\nMR. RICHARD NELSON\n\nDIVISION MANAGER\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 522.7336376953125, 1921.952998046875, 1672.7841845703124, 2610.338994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "- Harold J, Coon, 201 Twin Hills Dr.\nMarch 18, 1968. Survived by kis wife,\nJeannette Muir Coon; a stepdaughter,\nMrs. rg §. Patchett; a nephew,\nDouglas H. Coon. Private services at\nthe Greenleaf Funeral Home, Thursday\n2, Rey. Walter E. Mulr and Rev.\nHarold Hutton, officiating. Interment in\n= Morningside ‘Cémetery. Friend s:may\nTeall at’ 503 .W. A ail St. Wednesday\n.2 to 4'and 7 to\n\nGREENLEAF FUNERAL HOME, INC.’\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 547.9479931640625, 918.1094921875, 1701.215947265625, 1767.604619140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Ne NS ee ee ee\n\n-Harry .C. Bunnell, 143 Thurlow Dr,\nMarch 18, 1968. Survived by two daugh-\nters, Mrs, Stuart Robinson and Miss\n\n- Arlene H. Bunnel!; a brother, Earl Bun-\nnell; a sister, Mrs: Charles pi\nthree grandchildren; six great:\ngrandchildren. Services Wednesday - 11\nain, at the, Greenleaf Funeral Home;\nRev. A. Allison Childs officiating, Inter-\nment Morningside Cemetery. Friends\nmay call'at the funeral home, Tuesday\n2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Contributlons\nmay be made to the Bellevue Helghts\n\noe Church Memorial Fund\n\nhd. '\nEENLEAF FUNERAL HOWE INC,\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 489.26522338867187, 3674.84533203125, 1669.6854296875, 4352.5194140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Lucilie E. DuPont, Shonnard St..\nMarch 18, 1968. Survived by. two broth-\ners, .Willlam and Arthur Kriese; fou\n\nsisters, Mrs. John Plants, Mrs. Alle\n\nWitson,. Mrs. John Klein, Mrs. Ruth\nThompson. Services at the Greenleaf Fu-\nneral Home, Thursday. 8:30 a.m..and 9\[email protected]. St. Lucy's Church. Interment St,\nMary's Cemetery. Friends may call at\n503 W. Onondaga St., Wednesday 2 to 4\nand 7 to 9p\n\nGREENLEAF FUNERAL HOME, INC,\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4006.211181640625, 11083.044921875, 5057.60400390625, 12452.4931640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\nCERAMIC\nHOBBY SHOP\n\n1207 S. Geddes St. «476-6949\nCeramics - Ceramic Supplies\n\n® Classes ® Instruction\n®Greenware ® Glazes\n@ Stains and Firing\n\n. Order Your Paragon Kiin\n—Kiln Furniture—Now\n\nHOURS: Mon., Tnes., Wed. Fri.\n10 A MM. - 3 P.M\nMon., Thurs., Fri. Nights 7-10\n\nFihished Ceramics for Sale\nfor: Every Gift Occasion\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 508.10845458984375, 2741.44689453125, 1663.9467822265624, 3531.59802734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "’ Mrs, Sophie Diugozima of 222 Croly St.\n_ died .March 19, 1968, Survived by her\n> husband, Stanley’ A.; a son, Stanley A.\nJr.; @& daughter, Mrs. Dolores Burgess;\ntwo sisters, Mrs. Alex Dlugozima and\nMrs. Bernard: Redden:.a brother, . Ed-\nward Pikulinski: five grandchildren;\n\n. $everal nieces and nephews. Funeral\n. services Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the\n, John: Wysocki Funtral Home, 1066 W.\n. Genesee St, and 9 Transfigura-\n“tion Church. Burial in Sacred Heart\nCemetery, Calling hours Wednesday 2 to\n\n‘'4 and 7 to 9 p.m..\n. TOMA WPSOCKr\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3953.878291015625, 7626.21740234375, 5135.5975390625, 8310.6590625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "VICTORY — The public is in-\nviled to a baked ham supper\n!Thursday in the Friendship\nRoom of the Victory Presbyte-\nrian Church. It will be spon-\nsored by the Ladies Aid Society.\n{Serving will begin at 5 p.m.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 485.71395385742187, 5277.18322265625, 1628.77869140625, 6048.9315234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Rev. Robert F, Fenske, 50. Marck 17,\n1968. Survived by a brother, Lawrence R.\nFenske of Middlebury. Conn.: a sister.\nMrs. Daniel M. Coughlin: three nieces.\nMiss Anne and Miss Ellen Coughlin, Sis-\ner Maria Daniel I.H.M.. Scranton, Pa.;\niwo nephews, Dantel M. and Mark R.\nCourhlin. Remains will be taken im Our\nLady of Good Council Church. Warners.\nN.Y, at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Requiem ‘ow\nMass at 7:30 p.m. Solemn Pontifical\nMass ‘Wednesday 10:30 a.m. in Most\nHoly Rosary Church, Interment aN\ntion Cemetery. °\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6444.7529296875, 931.031494140625, 9788.4990234375, 1262.2568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Area Breaths aw Funerals\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 460.6786145019531, 8053.1231640625, 1599.1306201171874, 9147.598515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Philip E. McConnell, 53. Central Square.\nMarch t% 1968. Surviving are his wife.\nBertha: three sons. James, Jack, Wayne\nMcConnell: four daughters, Mrs. Marie\nDevine, Mrs. Doris Deacons, Mrs. Judy\n_ Redhead and Miss Kathy Jo McConnell:\nfour brothers, Albert. Charles, Davic\nand William McConnell: seven Sisters,\nMrs. Delia Burns. Mrs. Lucey Yager,\nMrs. Ann Burns. Mrs. Evelyn Sheehan,\nMrs. Julia O'Hara, Mrs. Bessie Waugh,\nand Mrs. Emma Bender: and eight\ngrandchildren. Funeral services Friday\n8:30 a.m. Traub Funeral Home. Central\nSquare and $3 a.m. in Si. Michael's\nChurch. Interment Hillside Cemetery.\nRosary servites—8:45- p.m, Wednesday.\nFriends may cal] Wednesday 7 to 9 and\nThursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.\nTRAUB FUNERAL HOME INC.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1634.7471875, 6584.54259765625, 2786.54236328125, 7315.77283203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "ae a ee ee er\n\nJoseph J. Saloski. 57, of 912 N. State\nSt.. March 18. 1968. Survived by three\nsisters. Mrs. Florence Clute. Mrs. Jo-\nseph Kurtyka, Mrs. Walter Koziol;\nthree brothers, Francis. John and Rob-\nert Saloski: several nieces and nephews.\nservices al the Goddard & Crandall Fu-\nneral Home, 311] James St., Thursday\n8:15 a.m. and in Assumption Church, 9\na.m. Interment Assumption Cemetery.\neae e may call Wednesday 2 to 4 and\n0\nDe vanity £ CRANDALL\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2816.339599609375, 11535.224609375, 3871.770263671875, 12826.7197265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Sacred Choir Service\nand Organ Recital\n\nHERMAN “BERENS\nDirected and Played\nby the ae\n\nTemple Society Concord\n\nUniversity Are. ™ ‘Madison St.\n\nFRIDAY, APRIL 5, 68\nAT 7:40. P.M.\nYou Are Cordially Invited\nto Attend!\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 417.2094982910156, 9265.89953125, 1618.41150390625, 9920.628789062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "ea, 3ame@en F&F Bes To\n\nMrs. Kathleen H. Mertens of Maddanna\nHall. Cleveland. Ohio, formerly of Syra-\ncuse, Mareh 16, 1968. Surviving are a\nnephew. David A. Rampe. Services from\nJohn C. Tindall Funeral Home, Inc..\n1921 W. Genesee St. Thursday 8:30\nHin. 9 a.m. in St. Cecilia’s Church.\nBurial St. Agnes Cemetery. Friends\n\n- may call at the funeral home, Wednes-\nday 7 to 9 p.m.\n\nJOHN CC, TENDALL\nTTiwEep aT TOME omar\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 425.1723583984375, 10059.8409375, 1582.1112109375, 10888.336796874999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "ava fF es\n\nMrs. Ethel B Moth. 76, of Kirkville RD\n1, March, 18. 1968. Surviving are her\nhusband. Herman Moth: one daughter,\nMrs. Merle Costello: one brother, Alvin\nSternberg; one grandchild, Bernard\n_ Costello. and four great - grandchildren,\n_ the Misses Theresa, Christine and Judith\nand Paul, several. niecés and nephews.\nFuneral services af Vandermill-Traub\nFuneral Home, Bridgeport. Thursday 2\np.m. Interment Pine Pleins Cemetery,\nNorth ‘Manlius. Friends may cali Tues-\nday 7 to 9 and Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7\n\nto 9.\n- TANDERMILL-TRAUB\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 471.07235229492187, 4467.15294921875, 1654.15271484375, 5160.11462890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "mao. ee ee\n\nMrs. Eva Standard Eager, 79, of Coye\nRoad. Jamesvilie, March 18, 1968. Sur-\n- vVived by one son, George W. Eagar,\nJamesville; a sister, Mrs. Frank Fish-\ner. West Monroe and several! nieces and\nnephews. Funeral services Wednesday 2\np.m.. Hall Funeral Home, 6033 Cherry\nValley Road, La Fayette. Burial James-\nville .Cemetery, Friends invited to call\nthis afternooon and evening, 2 to 4 and 7\nto9 p.m .\nHALL FUNERAL HOME\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3969.891845703125, 8493.015625, 5124.17236328125, 8911.37890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Now Many Wear\n\nFALSE TEETH\n\nAFIS bd nee famtaré\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 417.340693359375, 11023.6231640625, 1583.5319873046874, 11871.701054687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "BRB. aa SS = = *\n\nRichard F. Nelson ‘of 6 Smallwood St.,\nBaldwinsville, March 17, 1968. surviving\nare his wife. Mrs. Lins Gomon Ne:son:\na son. Michael Nelson: two dauhters.\n. Miss .Pamela Nelson and Miss: Cynthia\nNelson; a brother. Robert Neilson and\nan aunt. Mrs. Leon Crandall. .Services\nal 8:30 a.m, Thursday at the Gates Fu-\nners! Home. 29 W. Genesee St., Bald-\nwinsville. and at 9 a.m. m St. Mary’s.\nChurch, Baldwinsville. Burial St. Mary's\nCemetery, Fulton. Friends may tall 3 to\n5 and 7 to § p.m. Tuesday and Wednes-\n\nday at the funtral hore.\nGATES FUNERAL HOME\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 8853.3701171875, 3641.262939453125, 9682.1533203125, 3746.591552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "WINS FELLOWSHIP.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 401.4952697753906, 10931.0224609375, 800.5269775390625, 11036.673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "NELSON\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 5690.47765625, 11243.628046875, 7369.34900390625, 13744.838749999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": ".. Ifyou’reshipping something\nimportant (say toa new account),\ntelegram them the shipping num-\nber, carrier name, and bill of\nlading. |\nOnce they receive the telegram,\n‘they'll. be confident of receiving\nthe shipment. a _\n‘And, in-casethe shipment\nshould be misplaced along the\nway,. your customer doesn’t have\nto track you down to get a tracer\nnumber. He already has it.\n_ What neither‘of you have is\nneedless aggravation. :\nTelegrams can make every-\nbody’s life a lot easier: And-every-\nbody's business a lot more profit-\nable, on\nWhich, after all, is the-whole\n\nnonint\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 468.7317199707031, 4385.51953125, 809.6932373046875, 4490.513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "EAGER\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2972.01953125, 9608.2265625, 3748.70849609375, 9719.6611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "SCHEDULE PLAY\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 383.4650830078125, 12594.7442578125, 1559.40369140625, 13273.085820312499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "inh\nMiss Marjorie M, Reed, formerly of\nManlius, March 18, 1968, Survived py two\nsisters, Mrs. Catherine Emm, Mrs. Ger-\ntrude McClellan; one brother. Edward\nJ. Reed; several nieces, nephews and\ncousins. Services Thursday 1 p.m. at‘the\nBaton-Tubbs Funeral Home, Fayette-\nville, Rev. Robert L. Homer officiating.\nInterment Pine Plains Cemetery, N.\nManlius. Friends may call Wednesday, 2\nto 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.\nFATON-TUBRRBS\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 384.326044921875, 11963.2110546875, 1565.47302734375, 12466.721562499999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "st Td :\nMrs. Amelia K. rand, Rochester, N.Y..\nMarch 17, 1968. Survived by a sister,\n\n‘Mrs. Emery Jacobs: several nieces and\nnephews. Funeral services Fraslér Fu-\nneral- Home, 1217 N. Salina St.. Wednes-\nday 2:30 p.m., Rev. Alfred Schroder of-\nficiating, Interment Myrtle Hill. Ceme-\ntery. There will be no calling hours.\n\nOPE CISA ein sr rari rar!\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 5684.18029296875, 13996.5040234375, 7342.586796875, 14619.339726562499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Inactive account files mean\nsleeping money. Telegram remind-\ners wake them u .\n\nPut coupons. in your advertis-\ning. When.a. lead comes in, tele-\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 458.1440124511719, 5179.02392578125, 838.0139770507812, 5287.46142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n\nFENSKE\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 459.36712646484375, 6091.61572265625, 887.71484375, 6189.3310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "GROOMS\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 1601.6085205078125, 8712.2890625, 2770.956298828125, 14154.6708984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "2 anid ¢\nLEITTEN . FUN ERAL HOME\n\nMONUMENTS\n\n~~ SWEET-WOODS MEMORIAL CO.\n695-3376. Open 7 Days, Eves. de aie\n1361 MAIN ST. PHO\n\nFUNERAL DIRECTORS\nBALLWEG & LUNSFORD\n\nFUNERAL HOME, INC.\n4612 5, SALTNA ST. 09-254\nJ, P. BURNS & SON, Inc.\n\n652 WEST GNONDAGA ST.\nPhone 475-8626\n\nJOHN G. BUTLER\nFONERAL HOME :\n2104 South Salina St. GR&-3189:\n\nCallahan-Hanley-Mooney\n\nFUNERAL HOME\n101 _Milton Ave. HU8-6113\n\n“Carter Funeral Home, Inc.\n160 Grant Blvd. GR4-1427\n\n“CHASE FUNERAL HOME |\n\n1520 South Ave., 476-0157, 422-1167\n\nFAIRCHILD & MEECH |\n\nFONERAL CHAPEL\n506 W. ONONDAGA ST. GR5-5101\nFarone & Son, Inc.\n723 James. St. . 475-6627\n\nFrasier Funeral Home, Inc.,\n\nROBERT S. FRASIER, LIC. MGR.\n1217 N. Salina ae R1-2349\n\nMEMORIAL SHAPE,\n\n1o4 Fordham Ra. 03-6161/\nGarfield Funeral Home, [nc.\nRICHARD M. GARFIELD\n515 Westcott St. GR4.5541\nGODDARD & CRANDALL\n\nFuneral] Home, 3111 James St.. HO3-4324\n\nGreenleaf Funeral Home, !nc.!\n3 W. ONONDAGA ST.\nHH. GREEW mare fe he. MGR,\nDONALD W. KNIGHT\n\n408 Court St, HA2-2534\n\n“Maurer Funeral Home |\n57-0770 300 Second St., L’pool 422:1167!\n\nNORRIS FUNERAL HOME |\n\n33 NORTH ST.\nMARCELEOS |. OR$-2013\n\n“PIRRO & SONS, Inc.\n\n514 Turtle 8t. BH A2-2417.\n\nschumacher- Whelan Bros. |!-\n\nFUNERAL HOME\n\n68 Ww. Onondava St. | ' GR5-1787!\nJOHN C. TINDALL - |\n\nFUNERAL HOME, nC. :\n921 W. Genesee St. FO8-5521\n\nWelter. Funeral Home, Inc.\n; ' 2649 a aad\n\n \n \n\nOFFICE TRAILERS\n\nSALE OR RENT\n\nCARPENTER -\n\nAVA OFA\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 943.7171630859375, 670.0376586914062, 1294.343017578125, 783.8131103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "DEATHS\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 394.523310546875, 13389.3878125, 1551.19177734375, 14265.369999999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Mrs, FE:va M.. Reynolds, 1247 Tulip St.,\nLiverpool,.March 18, 1968, Survived by\nher. husband, Walter W. Reynolds; a\nson, Ernest .L. LaPierre; « daughter,\nMrs. Leona Beard; four sisters, Mrs.\nNellie Dyson, Mrs. Delina Barber, Mrs,\nDella La P:etre, Mrs, Rose - Aubin; two\nbrothers, John and Charles Cartier: five\ngrandchildren; two great-grandchildren;\nseveral nieces and nephews. Services\nThursday $ a.m. Maurer Funeral Home,\nLiverpool, 9:3). a.m. St. Joseph's\nChurch, Liverpool, Interment St, Mary's\nCemetery, DeWitt. Friends may call\nWednesday 2 to 4 and 7 ta 9 Raut\nACATIP ER ETINGUR AT. HOME\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 417.81451416015625, 9172.7919921875, 891.513427734375, 9276.6025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "MERTENS\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 376.8076171875, 11896.87890625, 707.0276489257812, 11990.7978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "PANB\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 502.67626953125, 1806.166015625, 827.6206665039062, 1908.1075439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "COON\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 1627.0570068359375, 7327.44140625, 2305.1103515625, 7435.31103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "STALLKNECHT\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 438.378173828125, 7963.060546875, 1028.554443359375, 8052.755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "M-CONNELL\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 496.38006591796875, 2629.083251953125, 1120.974609375, 2727.739501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "DLUGOTZIMA\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 1623.3497265625, 7437.8253125, 2778.6434375, 8197.56140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "| Glenn L. Stallknecht, 68, of 215 Ferger-\nson Ave,, North Syracuse. died March\n\n| 39. 1968. Surviving are his wile. Vern\nHarris Stallknecht: two sons, G. Bruce\nand Carl N. Stallknécht: one = sister,\nMrs. Erma Blankman: none grandchil.\ndren and two nephews. Services at 10\na.m. Thursday at the Sears-Middleton\nFuneral Home, 209 N. Main St., North\nSyracuse, the Rey, Robert Smallman of-\nficlating. Burial in White Chapel Memo-\nry Gardens. Friends may call Wednes-\nday 2 to 4 and 7 to $ p.m.\nSEARS-MIDDLETON FUNERAL HOME\n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 387.7184753417969, 13306.2578125, 885.1672973632812, 13391.787109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "BEYNIOL DS\n" }, "66": { "bbox": [ 4192.876953125, 7517.14306640625, 4873.82958984375, 7609.029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 66, "ocr_text": "PLAN SITIPPER\n" }, "67": { "bbox": [ 450.8294982910156, 3586.553955078125, 946.1508178710938, 3682.586669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "‘DU PONT\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 439.48046875, 7001.0205078125, 1000.380859375, 7087.8837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "MeCARTHY\n" }, "69": { "bbox": [ 6859.0126953125, 14910.19921875, 7853.29541015625, 15314.3642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": " \n\nwestern union\n" }, "70": { "bbox": [ 1615.8848828125, 8285.6055859375, 2773.6893359375, 8801.454960937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "a -_ FF FF Tere eee!\n\nMrs. ‘Sara: L. Townsend of Hollvrood\nPark, Liverpool, March 17, 1968. Serv-\nices at 9 a.m, Thitrsday at the Leilten\nFuneral Home. 2305 Brewerton Rd..\n- Mattydale and af 9:30 a.m. in St. Mar-\ngaret’s Church. Burial Assumption Cem-\netery. Friends amy call Wednesday 2 to\n4and-7 tn 9D\nLEITTEN . FUNERAL HOME\n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 540.8011474609375, 819.8014526367188, 985.6087646484375, 924.479248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "BUNNELL\n" }, "72": { "bbox": [ 390.73199462890625, 9975.8681640625, 735.8973999023438, 10078.3681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 72, "ocr_text": "MOTH\n" }, "73": { "bbox": [ 5951.62109375, 13774.7783203125, 7075.91845703125, 13995.8271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "Other business uses\nof the telegram.\n" }, "74": { "bbox": [ 7609.6953125, 3829.396484375, 8561.755859375, 3935.278564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 74, "ocr_text": "MICHAEL C. FREDETTE\n" }, "75": { "bbox": [ 1650.7393798828125, 6504.55224609375, 2016.9578857421875, 6606.443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "SALOSKI\n" }, "76": { "bbox": [ 1844.3504638671875, 4685.17724609375, 2600.046875, 4792.8349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 76, "ocr_text": "CAMPS ENTERED\n" }, "77": { "bbox": [ 2018.022216796875, 6386.2177734375, 2392.67578125, 6477.95361328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 77, "ocr_text": "DEATHS\n" }, "78": { "bbox": [ 6483.8857421875, 6467.2666015625, 7320.92529296875, 6558.67333984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 78, "ocr_text": "PHILIP MCCONNELL\n" }, "79": { "bbox": [ 1636.1397705078125, 8209.76171875, 2183.54150390625, 8295.3720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 79, "ocr_text": "TOWNCEND.\n" }, "80": null, "81": { "bbox": [ 6523.96826171875, 1381.9796142578125, 7346.65771484375, 1496.842041015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 81, "ocr_text": "CHARLES J. REGAN\n" }, "82": { "bbox": [ 1900.8668212890625, 8805.521484375, 2471.8818359375, 8891.994140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 82, "ocr_text": "MONUMENTS\n" }, "83": { "bbox": [ 5218.37158203125, 8151.70947265625, 9950.470703125, 15929.9599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 83, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n.. Ifyou’reshippingsomething gram the person acknowledging\nimportant (saytoanewaccount), receipt. _ |\n\ntelegram them the shipping num- Transmit facts, priee lists, etc.,\n-ber, carrier name, and bill of | via the trained accuracy of -West-\n\nlading. | ern Union operators, !\nOnce they receive the telegram, Congratulate friends:or asgocis ss >\n‘they'll. be confident of receiving ates-hours after their promotion\nthe shipment. _° Is announced in the press. A telee ‘\n‘And,incasetheshipment gramis animpressive gesture, —\nshould be misplaced along the © Telegi‘am:press'releases to mul-\n\nway,.your customer doesn’t have _tipledestinations, simultaneously,\nto track you down to get a tracer © with Book Messages. Know they\n\nnumber. He already has it. will get attention. - | fo\n_ What neither‘of you have is © Make or accept-competitive \"\nneedless aggravation. —— bids: by.telegram. Telegrams are\nTelegrams can makeevery- legal:documents. oo\nbody’s life a lot easier: And-every= Have travel itineraries docue ©\nbody’s business a lot more profit- - mentablyconfirmed.. - -\nable. -+ “Notify accounts of price -\nWhich, after all, is the-whole . changes orinventory status. 689 ©. =:\npoint. — 7. 3. «Motivate salesmen in the field, .°..\nOther businessuses §=83 Show home-office interestin their -\n. Ofthetelegram. |.‘ needsandsuccesses, . =. |.\nInactive account filesmean - -Check references, ‘birth. certifi-’.\n\nsleeping money. Telegramremind- _ cates, etc., quickly and accurately,\ners wake them up. '- by telegram. : :\n\n_ Put your advertise Give any situation importance\ning. When.a lead comes in, tele- - “and immediacy by telegramming,\n\n.\n\n \n\n= .\n- . ; .\nPr] ‘os _ r a\n+ = 3 4 - . . AY <r . i - ; .\nyore ty . ‘\n1\na pf on\n! ‘ 1 i *\n. 1 Lo a ot i\n‘ 1 . Na *\n. \" % ‘ ' . 4\n\" 7\na\n\ni\na\n\nLo _ | y\n" }, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 17, 10 ], [ 17, 4 ], [ 17, 15 ], [ 10, 4 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 4, 15 ], [ 11, 5 ], [ 11, 22 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 6, 12 ], [ 6, 13 ], [ 6, 19 ], [ 6, 20 ], [ 9, 12 ], [ 9, 13 ], [ 9, 19 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 12, 13 ], [ 12, 19 ], [ 12, 20 ], [ 13, 19 ], [ 13, 20 ], [ 19, 20 ], [ 32, 7 ], [ 35, 44 ], [ 35, 21 ], [ 44, 21 ] ]
[ 4718.82080078125, 6795.479144531249 ]
[ [ 4, 15 ], [ 5, 11 ], [ 6, 12 ], [ 9, 13 ], [ 10, 17 ], [ 12, 9 ], [ 13, 20 ], [ 17, 4 ], [ 19, 6 ], [ 21, 35 ], [ 22, 5 ], [ 32, 7 ], [ 44, 21 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 672.0295834960938, 4017.830181640625, 1231.5727724609374, 5047.51820703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Sheriff L. C. “Cal” Boies. and\nthe Maricopa County~’Sheriff’s\nMounted Posse will ‘sponsor a\npicnic Saturday at the Scotts-\ndale. Pool at Second-.St.- and\nHinton for 800 to ‘1,000, schoo!\nsafety patrol members. -\n\nThe safety patrol members\nrepresent over 30 schools in the\n‘county’ including sevéral Scotts-\ndale’ elementary schools. .The\nsafety patrol members are re-\n‘sponsible for various” areas “of\nsafety. on and near’. -School\ngrounds including stteet. cross-\nings, hallways; playgrounds. and\nwater fountains, according ‘to\nSheriff's s Deputy: Bob Clark.\n\n_ Clark said that - the patie\nmembers will be treated to all\n-the ‘hot dogs, soda, ice cream\nand. swi ing ‘they. can. stand\n‘beginning at-10 a.méand last-\ning until” ‘Tate* afternoon, wes\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1832.1080322265625, 1108.5958251953125, 4082.4013671875, 2973.27587890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "thu\n; Hl ae\n\nsat silt, “mn 'n\na h\nwien\nia ‘vgs\nNth. a\na\net\n.\nci\nHight\nty\n‘hy thy\nA,\n\nMey\nst Mat a\n\ngutta\n\ni &\n\nve th Pr le e a ., 4 nl u 4\nne rm A —\nTU\n\nanh all! oy an\n\nie\n\n” i\noe vo er.\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1243.0187802734374, 3294.83237890625, 1807.2614931640624, 4533.40101953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI) — Roy\nElson, administrative ‘assistant\nto ‘Sen, ‘Carl Hayden;’ ‘D-Ariz.,\nThursday- urged. the Senate sub-\ncommittee on constitutional\namendments to ‘act favorably on\na proposal to lower the voting\nage’ to 18.\n\n---Elsonsaid Lovie” the voting\n\nage would affect about 80,000\nyoung people in—Arizona, and\nsaid such action had proved to\nbe: successful in Georgia; Ken-\ntucky, Alaska’ and Hawaii.:\n\n- “Experience in’..those four\nstates: demonstrates, I believe:\nthat young people today, in part\nbecause of the rising level of\n‘education, are equipped. with\nthe information and knowledge\nhecessary--to intelligently exer-\ncise- the” suffrage right, \" Elson\n‘said. Z\n\n--Elson- told- the’ Subeoitnittas\nHayden supported . legislation to\n\nats\n\nlower the voting age.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3002.615966796875, 4297.318359375, 4676.0390625, 5694.19921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2977.538189453125, 3333.390728515625, 3538.8372988281253, 4214.418109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "President Johnson for “all\npossible” help for the northern\nIowa communities. Hughes said\nthey were.a disastér“area. He\nestimated damage at $35 million\n‘to private property and | $5\nmillion to public facilities;\n\n' ‘Three hundred homes Were\ndestroyed at Jonesboro, Walls\nof houses were used by ‘the\nWinds to destroy automobiles.\nAutomobiles were used to ER\ndown, walls.\n\n. In “Illinois, 500 — were\ndestroyed, ‘120° ‘of.. them ‘at\nWapella, ‘where: four. _persons\ndied. Freéburg,: IIL, “had “four\n-dead--and-Urbana; Il; ~had-one.\nTwenty homes.were ‘destré yed\nat. Hazelwood. Ind. and i\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 671.15073828125, 1513.54331640625, 1234.3648867187499, 2691.875384765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "10.000 gendarmhe © ‘reser'visis—~\nFrench equivalent’ “of — the\nNational Guard. ;\n\nSo far striking workers “have\noccupied the Renault plant, Sud-\nAviation -Aireraft plants” and\nhalf a dozen other factories\nthroughout. the country, but_the\n‘strikes have beem peaceful. -.\n| The.CGT decision to rebuff\nthe students emphasized the\nCommunist Party’s careful\n‘handling of the great student\nand labor crisis shaking F¥Ance.\n‘It was the first break of\nsolidarity between students and\nworkers since student . protest\n-rallies-against- obsolete-teaching\nmethods scived\"as the fuse for\n| a~ massive explosion of pentup\n\n. “ah maégsive Renault” plant\n‘straddling .the “Seine River in\n‘suburbap, Billanéourt is consi-\n\nlabor\npeace. e strike .at: the nationa-\nlized wofks -usually spreads\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 798.857037109375, 446.7501645507813, 1379.4072451171874, 1074.6465029296874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Official Czech sources..said only\n\nhe. came-here--to-*get--acquain*\n‘ted with the new léadership’’\nand to “discuss problems of\nmutual interest.”\n\nAs Grechko: arrived, Créch\n“newspapers were continuing\ntheir ‘ cold war against =the-\n_Soviet:-pressand_its. comments.\non first Czech Presidént -Tho-\nmas Masaryk whom. it . has\n-criticized: as an ‘anti-Soviet\n“¢@riminal.\"”\n\n_ “History Is. ® science ‘and\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1812.7416806640624, 4844.6902890625, 2393.372455078125, 5642.688617187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "he had resided for 10 years. He\nhas been’ a civil - -engineer , for\nTanner “Brothers. ’ Construction\nCo.” and ‘a: part time. salesman\nfor the Dana’ Nichols: Real Es:\ntate Cos He was a- veteran. of\nWorld War -II anda graduate\nof the’ ‘Rose’ Polytechnic Insti:\ntute. :-\n\nHe’ is “survived,.by, his: wife;\nGarnett; “and: a ‘sister. cand a\nbrother..out, of state.”\n\n“Services for. Mr. Pound will\nbe. _ Saturday’ at. 10 a.m. ‘in Mer-\ncer Mortuary, : “1541. E, ‘Thomas.\nBurial: will follow in _Sreeny\nwood . ‘Cemetery\n_ Friends. may- eal at the. mort,\nuary today.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1244.2228818359374, 4825.82066015625, 1813.6671328124999, 6261.984027343749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": ". Fred H. Bitner,...-77,2 of --112\nReddell, owner ‘of - the. Bitner\nShop on Fifth Ave. until his re-\ntirement in . 1962, died this\nmorning- at Scottsdale * Baptist\nHospital. a\nMr. Bitner was born in Mar-\nion, Kans. and ,game .to Scotts-\ndale in 1950 from’ Santa Moni-.\nca, Calif. He was’ a_ charter\nmember of the Valley Presby-\nterian Church, the Scottsdale\nMasonic Lodge No. 43, “the “Hi-\nram.Club and the Fifth Ave.\nMerchants Association... He_was\nalso a member of the El Zari-\nbah Shrine;the Arizona Hopi\nIndian Tribe by adoption and\nthe Orderof the Eastern’ Star.\n- He is survived by a son, Bar-\nclay of Phoenix; two daughters,\nMrs, Marjorie Bitner-Caporgno\nof -Cambria, Calif. and Mrs.\nGeorgia A, McClaren of Phoe-\nnix;-.six grandchildren; —and-\nHVE great. - grandchildren. -\n‘Services and, burial will be\nannounced later, © =,\nFriends. may call at Messing-\ner Mortuary. after 2.p.m. Sun-\nday. The family suggests mem-\norials to the American Cancer\nSociety ,afid thé Eastern’ Star\nHome, =... ie\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2120.692486328125, 447.6193662109375, 2697.9080996093753, 1078.9819521484374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "fense Secretary--.Clark ~ .M..\n“Clifford “said “todaythe--recent.\nmoves-in-Communist Czechoslo-\nvakia toward ‘more. indepen-\n“dence -fromt the Soviet ‘ bloe\nreinforced: the need for conti-\nnued.U'S. aid to free nations of\nEurope.” “ |\n——— ‘FT the” “ations-of- Hastert\nEurope are ‘beginning to feel-a\ndesire to exert greater freedom\nuthen I believe we :would’ do\nwell not to rock our boat in this\npart of the world,” Cliffard told.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1815.566021484375, 3329.10679296875, 2392.6075625, 4539.36683984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "\"By United Press International\nOne of history’s most destruc-\n‘tive: series... of tornadoes’ —67\nfunnel clouds in- ‘AL, ‘states —\ntoday -left in its wake-. §ntalll.\nmountains of rubble “where\nwhole: neighborhoods had stood.\nAt least 72 were killed and the\n‘injuries numbered_. _in- the\nthouSands. |\n- Fhe twisters.drilled into earth\narid ‘sawed through communities\nWednesday . night :in’ Arkansas,\nTowa Illinois, Indiana, Miifiéso- |\nta, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Mis-\nsouri, : Offio,. _ Feinessee_ and\nMississippi... , . ce\n--Worst- Ahit-was<Arkansas- -with\n44 deaths, 34 at Jonesboro alone\n—a third of them children under\n10. .\n‘Seventeen | persons died in:\nTowa, nine in” Tllinois, two in\nIndiana and’ ‘Nebraska.\n‘Two. others ‘died - of heart\nattacks at Oelwein, Iowa alter\nbeing injured. ~ 2\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1241.7397275390624, 1511.9455380859374, 1814.8570742187499, 2698.507220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "rapidly. : into” other ‘industrial\nsectors. ° Pan\n‘Other militant. works. struck\ntwo. factories in- Lyon, struck\nParis newspapers and_ virtually\nclosed the nation’s targest\nairport in Paris .-in- sympathy\nwith ‘agitating students. who\nhave struck ‘and occupied\nuniversities ‘throughout. France.\nThe protest: movement spread\nto the ~ state-owned. ~ radio-\ntelevision . network. Television\n“programs abruptly caased early\ntoday: Radio‘televisiop workers\nscheduled: a -meeting “for, late\n-today~to--vote--ona- ~proposed\nunlimited strike. - —xcesijr-.\nStudents and workers dehied a\ngrave warning. by.--Premier\nGéorge Pompidou Thursday\nnight that the ‘agitators...aimed\nat “destroying the nation” and\nthatthe — government_would.\n‘erush ‘any. attempt to FEE\n\"anarchy in France.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1457.2905087890624, 443.66431860351565, 2050.2072939453124, 1086.2169374999999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "must - not - be: confused: “with\n“hysteria,’” the Czech Cominiunist:\nnewspaper... Rude, . Pravo . said.\noday.\n. “Masaryk must be seen as a\ncomplex and contradictory’ per-\nson,” the paper said. ‘The\nmisuse’ of his name, in the same\n-way~as~ that -of Vo-I- Lenin; to”\nboost nationalistic moods is not\nin keeping with their interna-,\ntional : importance and lowers\nthe. significance oftheir work.”\nMeanwhile, in, Washington, De-\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2781.97398046875, 448.33436254882815, 3365.6353945312503, 1070.7929873046874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "the ‘Senate Foreign : ‘Relations\nCommittee. . “\n\n~ “He said if would be wise. and:\nadvisable” that “the United\nStates ‘maintain ‘a’ continuing\nand close relationship with, such,\n“aid. recipients °.as. Greece,\nTurkey .and Iran, The Defensé.\nSecretary~added -that-a-United:\n“allied front. would give other\n-satellite governments ‘‘a great-\ner incentive. to. free . them-\nselves,”\n\nClifford and members of the\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 85.55758337402344, 4308.7098203125, 662.2843203125, 5060.350238281249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "_A 2% +. year - “old Phoenix\nwoman was hurt in a‘two - ear\n-actident Thursday~at ~6811~ E:\nThomas --Rd., Scottsdale pollag\nreported.\n\n- She is Judy Nichols, 29, of\n3022 N. 32nd St. She was treat-\n‘ed’ and released from Scottsdale\n‘Baptist Hospital. -\n\nHer ‘car, stopped’ at E. Thom.\n.a8 about 6:20 p. m. was‘hit from\nthe rear by a car driven by Lee\nWilcox, 35, of 8526 E. McDon-\nald, police: said. “Wilcox _appar-\nently was not hurt and was cit-\ned: for. falls to control a ve-\nhide, 2 -\n\neee abiKie es Co me ee\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3546.186138671875, 3338.565044921875, 4115.07191796875, 4221.14613671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Mooresville; Ind: Indiana’ had\none ‘dead. at. Mabash\n‘Flora,.~ ~~\n‘Two. hundred homes were\n‘destroyed. or damaged . beyond\nrepair at: Oelwein, where one\nperson was Killed and. two\ninjured died. Maynard “just\nnorth . of Oelwein, had. three\ndeaths... pear ~\nNational guardsmen stood by\nin Iowa and Arkansas, where\nsome looting, broke. out. Saint\nfrom: ‘piles. of. brick and aa\n-atid_glass. °°.\n“The U.S. “Weather \"Bids\ncalled-- ‘the tornado “outbreaks\n“one of the heaviest, if not the\n‘heaviest recorded,” _\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 131.97674560546875, 1120.1611328125, 1747.3992919921875, 1491.0323486328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "French workers | seize\nplant reject. students\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2401.211529296875, 3321.9090390625, 2961.5897402343753, 3771.5999941406253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "There Was- no sure way of\nestimating the-homeless.. .\n\n-Charlés -City,—Iowa,- where 12\ndied, is a -small.--industrial\ncommunity ‘of 10, 000. Half. its\npopulation was homeless today.\nOfficials said’ 372 homes were\ndestroyed-: and 188 received\nmajor damage at Charles City.\n\nGov. Harold Hughes” asked\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1819.463482421875, 5741.75571875, 2408.16664453125, 6736.178363281249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "“Donald Az ~piliottY* “BQ: of 8221\nE, Garfield, a resident ofthe\nValley since. -1955,--died—Thurs-\nday in. St. Joseph’s ‘Hospital:\n_ Mt. Elliott-was born, in Cleve-.\nland cand came e here: from.\nthere. He was an. advertising\nexecutive for-22-years in Cleve:\nland and was an -advertising,\nsalesman - for: the “ Panoramic\nPress ‘in Phoenix for the: (Dae\nyear, a,\n\n‘He, is’ -sunvived. by. his’ wife,\nEthel; a son, Bryah ‘of. Scotts-\ndale;: tg sister, Mrs; : Beatrice:\nRutzén' of Phoenix d\n‘grandchildren...\n\n~ Servieds-’ ‘for:\nbe Saturday at 2. P: m.' in: Geen:\nAcres Mortuary: Burial will ite\nin Green Acres Cemetery. *.\n\n- Friends ‘may: call. at ‘the ‘ mot\ntuary after 2 p.m. today, .\n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 150.50988439941406, 446.55762915039065, 728.0998720703125, 1080.4002871093749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "PRAGUE (UPI)—Soviet De-\nfense Minister’ Andrei___A..\nGrechko' flew here: today from\nMoscow to see: whether. Czecho-\n‘slovakia has any intention of\npulling out of the Warsaw Pact).\ncornerstone of the East, Eu-\nropean: defense’ system. ,\n—~There—was--no—indication._the\nnewly. liberalized Czech regime\nplanned to do. so, but Grechko\nwas the fourth top ranking\nSoviet military official to arrive\nin Prague in recent weeks,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3441.97886328125, 447.70313696289065, 4029.0819277343753, 1078.8287539062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "commiiitee cautiously - avoided.\n‘discussion“of the-Paris talks on:\nVietnam between; UL S. and.\nSen, Albert Gore, D-Tenns told\nClifford he.did not want to “ask\n‘questions that’ would adversely:\naffect’ negotlations.” -\n“hwo other sow wtors, Tir\nspeeches prepared for southern\naudiences, said indications fror\nthe first. two rounds~of «Paris\ntalks ‘indicated the discussions.\nwould be long and difficult,\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 83.86058477783203, 3163.980083984375, 662.23891015625, 4066.3495058593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "OM arch. on Washington said\ntoday they will have~-to. halt\nconstruction - of housing units in\nResurrection City... USA unless\nthere is an ‘immediate. upsurge\nin_financial contributions,\n\nIf a shortage of money\nactually forces campaign lead-\ners to: stop.. buying... lumber,\nplastic’ and other materials\nneeded to build hundreds of new\nA-frame, huts- ‘and *lean-tos,\nmany~ ‘of the 2,900 marchers\nexpected .in Washington” - by\nSunday could ‘find. themselves\nwith no place to stay:.,. >\n\nMarch directors were’ unwill-\n‘ing -to. say: precisely how. much\n‘money they.. would need. té\ncontinue building the ~micro-\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 92.05302862548828, 1510.8515439453124, 674.5457338867187, 2661.37074609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "PARIS” (UPI): = Forty-thou-'\n-$and . Communist-led workers’\n-today © struck - and. seized the :\nhuge state-owned Renault auto-'\nmobile factory in the! Paris,\nsuburbs. But they ‘rejected\nefforts — bY, rebellious. Paris:\nstudents — ‘link their own\n\n“cultural revolution” with shat:\nof the workers. ‘\n. The. students had wanted to\nmove _ their revolt of the\nuniversities into a joint effort\nwith workers in ~the factories\ncand they appeared stunned by.\nthe ‘unions’ ‘cautious attitude.\n_ The- students. began debating\n—whethor-té-eaneel—their—mam--\n_moth, “solidarity” march” called\n“for jatar today.\n\n._ The , Communist-led General\n‘Labor Confederation appeared\nfearful that student. entry into\nthe sprawling plant. would Féesilt\n—in_policé :\n\nThe., government. called up\n\nGan cas nt anling “badag aaa\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 82.59464263916016, 4095.5869140625, 633.483642578125, 4284.50830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "‘Woman slightly\n-hurt in crash\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 685.573486328125, 3551.961669921875, 1144.14111328125, 3983.584228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Safety...\npatrols\nhonored\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 108.34929656982422, 2734.093505859375, 1213.9678955078125, 3033.137939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\n“Poor city builders _\n\nSeteetantg tans ext caf eee\n\n‘tin short of money.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2398.916015625, 3785.2138671875, 2957.171875, 3930.461181640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Hell’s threat used —\nin Sudan campdidn\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2399.1434140625, 3944.096783203125, 2967.2491640625003, 4317.77113671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "KHARTODM — (UPI) —. The\nleader .of. Sudan’s opposition\npolitical: party, Saddik Elmahdi;\nThursday complained that he\nlost a recent. election because\nthe. victorious ‘party’s leaders\ntold deeply: religious. Sudanese\nthey would go to hell if they\nvoted for Elmahdi.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2397.475201171875, 4445.2840390625, 2977.9242128906253, 5758.317523437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "VLV EOIN UE SU MUS ASLING:\n60 WEST INDIAN SCHOOL ROAD\nSCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85251.\n\nBID. CALL #68-127 Y 2\n\n \n\n; _ May:13,1968 ;\nFOUR-WHEEL STREET SWEEPER,\nThe City of Scottsdale, Arizona in-\n\nvites sealed bids for one (1) each, Fur-\n\n‘Wheel ‘self propelled. Street Sweeper.\n\nBid. forms and specifications may ‘be\n‘obtained | “fom” the\" Di “Purchas:\n‘ing, 60 ‘West ‘Indian. School Road,\nScottsdale, Arizona... Sealed bids will\nbe received—in. the office of the—City\nlerk until 11:00 A.M. Mountain\nStandard time, May 28, 1968, at. which\nplace and. time bids will be ‘opened and\nread as. a .matter of public information.\nBids received afler opening. date, and\nhur will be returned unopened.\n\nz: All bids, must be in conformance with\nthe tity of Scoltsdale’s Standard Bid\nand Contract terms and conditions as\nadopted by. . Resolution #801, dated\nDecember 16,. 1963. Bid and. Perform-\nance. Bond equal toxfive. percent A5%)\nof. the total cost’ is” required,\n\nThe ‘City’ reserves’ the right to re-\nject: any , oneor_sll_bids_received.- Tha\nCity “Council will award the bid and\ntheir decision willbe final. Bids should\n“be addressed: -to- the: office of the . City\n-Glerky—60--West- Indian_. School. Road,\nScottsdale, Arizona. Bid envelopes will\nbe sealed and boldly ‘marked in ‘the\nJower: left corner, “Bid Ber elcent\n\nty a bps\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n” Respectfully,\n~ John HL Armatrong\nPurchasing , | aie\n\n°\n\nJHA/lem’ !\nSee icc: WWoMORE\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2444.262939453125, 5814.4228515625, 2962.927734375, 6707.8359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n\neur\n\nte tir : Thurs, 1) |\n\n \n\n“eo Bris. at. A 2. °\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1852.4036865234375, 3144.9638671875, 4110.8056640625, 3303.7861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nTornadoes kill’ 72 in 11 states\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1258.2584228515625, 4561.20703125, 2117.806884765625, 4791.33544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Obituari Obituaries\n\n~ Fred H. Bier\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1246.8627744140624, 6366.36948828125, 1809.8043398437499, 6716.679339843749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "- Edgar’ Pound;’ 60, of 10225 N.\n108th St.,-a resident of Scotts.\ndale’ for i years, ‘died. Wednes-\nwo in ‘Dectors Hospital, Phoe-\nnix,\n\nMr, Pound was, born, in Merre\nHaute, . Ind., and: ‘cameé. to\n‘Seottadale fram, Phaasix where\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 178.16473388671875, 5083.33935546875, 1127.7562255859375, 5174.60595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "‘NATION'S TEMPERATURES\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1256.493408203125, 2752.398193359375, 1789.5999755859375, 3077.249755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Lo wer\nvote age\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 676.289166015625, 3158.241802734375, 1227.4985537109374, 3516.1143984375003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Leadership Conference (SCLC,\nofficial said: ty\n\n“We: are in a very critical\nposition .. vat - this: point. I\nconirbutidns continue at the\n\ncurrent rate,. construction- will\nhave ‘to be halted soon.” ae\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1848.377197265625, 5649.28759765625, 2364.074951171875, 5728.1376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Donald A. Elliott\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 69.18232727050781, 187.17401123046875, 4110.95654296875, 415.9724426269531 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nwoe EP ¢ ce : wacaaliaie taaag © cr ra a 4 ae ae ew ‘ . fg ne 7 ee noe é ee . : rs ee ne\noe . So ; get —— so erence ye ee opens . ot, i en a ree \\ ce sr ee i ey\nse - 1 ce oo eter ee £0 ee a a a a — ~ : : peas —— = 3 = 6. oe : i te, a Sue Le\n: a - : a WW P : > . 3 “ ; 7. an , | a » i i” i ! ’ pas\nne u SS._.O _* 1c1d. _¢ i ec S| »- healt\" = Pe a SS ow ST am am |\n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3374.509869140625, 5963.14634375, 4270.78725, 6467.398578124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "‘And he'll wash | them agaih ‘before Mother tains ~ —\nhim loose.on diriner. After. spending all those. * e :\n“COPPER DOLLARS On the week's groceries,”\n‘she’s going ta make suré they're treated right. Dad\nwill do Kis-share. He’s a Scéttsdale wholesaler.\n‘Liké so-many Afizonans,.his'income — though he's\n-not a-miher himself — “depends in great-part-on the\nmines. Two of them,in fact, are among his best, *s\n_custoniers for.certain. essential supplies. Soap and.\n“‘towels.. Maybe somedaysome of it will rub off on\nJupior. The mines | mean i a lot to all Arizonans. ”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1324.8890380859375, 6280.61572265625, 1735.493408203125, 6346.54296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Edaar Pound\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 3355.19775390625, 5767.25244140625, 3951.29833984375, 5947.83984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "But.ldid*\n“wash my: ands\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 101.77303747558594, 3042.178814453125, 1238.7263369140624, 3149.3360781250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "* WASHINGTON (UPI) —Offi-} homes neat the Lincoln: Memor-\n‘cials-—of” “the \"Poar peogle’s ial” But on ern Christan\n\n \n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 1257.6431884765625, 3132.66748046875, 1751.8099365234375, 3252.576904296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "pushed\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4171.85302734375, 131.7870330810547, 4617.80419921875, 370.17431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "STOCK .\n“MARKET\n\n \n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 2488.806640625, 4328.1357421875, 2882.3134765625, 4377.13671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n\nLEGAL NOTICE\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 94.98599676513672, 5221.07163671875, 651.094623046875, 5422.632953124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n\nBy United. Press International\nTemperatures and _precipita\n\n‘tion for the\"24:hour period ‘end\n\nAing-at 4am... : ;\n" }, "53": null, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 4176.27197265625, 977.3170166015625, 4626.2939453125, 1148.2105712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Noon New: York Stocks\n: Courtesy of Francis\n~T. duPont ‘% Co,\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 19 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 4, 20 ] ]
[ 5081.87255859375, 7052.76201953125 ]
[ [ 4, 20 ], [ 7, 1 ], [ 19, 0 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3267.207951171875, 570.1201826171875, 3837.9136308593747, 1341.0348466796877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "New Delhi. Four large Or-\nthodox bodies entered the\nWorld Council at New Delhi\nas did two young Pentecost-\nal churches in South America,\nThe World Council now has\nmember churches in more\nthan 80 countries, represent-\ning roughly 300,000,000\nChristians; churches admitted\nto membership last year\nranged from the 175,000-\nmember Evangelical Christ-\nian Church in West Irtan to\nthe 50,000-member Malagasy\nFriends Church = and_ the\n36,000-member Old Catholic\nChurch in Austria,\n\n-=The National Observer\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4475.4816328125, 558.54071484375, 5052.05108203125, 3343.412166015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Church were most consider-\nate, and I didn’t go hungry\nfor home-cooked food. In\nfact, things would have been\nmuch worse without thelr very\nfine Texas hospitality. Yet,\nwhen you have had a wife and\nfive children living inthe same\nhouse with you for several\n(more than I'll admit) years,\nthe quiet that fallson the place\nwhen they leave is deafening.\nThat’s why I had a spell of\nloneliness, It’s not that I\nwasn’t busy, I still had the\nfish to feed, the dogs to care\nfor, and the parakeet to worry\nabout, but the absence of those\nI love really pressed in upon\nme,\n\nThis experience set me to\nthinking. In my work, I come\nacross many people who live\nalone all the time. Most of\nthem had had families in the\npast. The children are gone,\nand the husband of the house\nhad gone on to be with our\nHeavenly Father, or maybe it\nis the wife. So, the one re-\nmatning is alone -- really\nalone, What can this mean to\nsomeone who has given his or\nher life to the care of others\nonly to find that there is no\none left to care for? Do\ntheir hours drag by waiting\nfor someone tocall? And, what\nof the nights? That was the\nworst part for me, I usually\nfall into my bed exhausted with\nthe day’s work, anyway, but\nthose few moments before\nsleep so mercifully comes can\nseem like an eternity, How\nnice it would be to have some=\none to talk to: But, no one\nwas there,\n\nYes, 1 began to think about\nthose who live alone all the\ntime, and then I wondered if\nthose of us who are so busy\never stop to think of them,\nMost of us complain about be-\ning so caught up in the busy-\nness of life that we must make\na conscieus effort to find some\ntime alone. But when lonell-\nness is forced upon us--what\nthen?\n\nFrom now on I hope to be\nmore considerate of those whc\nlive alone, You might ash\nyourself, ‘‘When was the las\ntime I visited such a perso!\nwith no partner?’’ Think abou!\nit, and maybe you will be\nmore thoughtful, as I hope t\nbe.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3886.6144453125, 1241.5022626953125, 4453.84014453125, 2476.244685546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "the subject of the Lesson-\nSermon in Christian Science\nchurches this week is ‘‘Life,’’\n\nA verse from Revelation\nserves as the Golden Text:\n“Tam Alpha and Omega, the\nbeginning and the end, I will\ngive unto him that is athirst\nof the fountain of the water\nof life freely.”\n\nThe Lesson-Sermon also\nincludes references from the\nChristian Selence textbook,\n“Selence and Health with Key\nto the Scriptures’? by Mary\nBaker Eddy, One quotation\nis the following: ‘‘Time-\ntables of birth and death are\nso many conspiracies against\nmanhood and womanhood, Ex-\ncept for the error of measur-\ning and limiting all that is good\nand beautiful, man would enjoy\nmore than threescore years\nand ten and still maintain his\nvigor, freshness, and pro-\nmise,””\n\nServices at First Church\nChrist Science, 2955 Louisi-\nana, Beaumont, begin at 1t1\na.m. All are welcome.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3289.3195234375, 2988.1408125, 3868.2949785156247, 4584.96026171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Three technical employees\nof Texaco’s Port Arthur Re-~\nsearch Laboratories have re-\ncently been promoted to senior\nproject engineers,\n\nThey are Gregory I. Cot-\ntington, Ralph M, Lewis and\nOdes B, Robertson. All are\ncurrently employed in fuels\nresearch,\n\nCottington is a graduate of\nIowa State University where\nhe received a BS degree in\nchemical engineering in 1956,\nHe holds two patents in pet-\nroleum technology and is a\nmember of the American In-\nstitute of Chemical Engineers,\nHe and his family reside at\n5120 Lawndale in Groves,\n\nLewis, a native of Alabama,\nis a graduate of the Univer-\nsity of Alabama, having re-\nceived a BS degree in chem-\nical engineering in 1956. He\nis a member of the American\nInstitute of Chemical Engin-\neers, Lewis and his family\nreside at 3304 Ave, L in\nNederland,\n\nRobertson received his de-\ngree in chemical engineering\nfrom the University of Ar-\nkansas, A native of Arkan-\nsas, he is a member of the\nAIC h E and is active in\nBoy Scouts and Camp Fire\nGirl activities, He and his\nfamily live at 5030 Bay St,\n\nin Groves.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3296.1613203125, 4823.8605390625, 3870.1270097656247, 5065.107234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Leo Sonnier, Grand Knight\nof Groves Council 3491 an-\nnounced Committee Chairmen\nat the July 3rd, 1968 meet-\ning,\n\nDhiltie. TIT rnraanl wne annninté _\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2679.3037109375, 237.96493530273438, 3792.523681640625, 557.3833618164062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Protestants in Conclave\n\nCONTEMPORARY, DISSONANT,\nECUMENICAL\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3286.80712890625, 2723.310302734375, 3809.923095703125, 2958.87255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Three at Texaco\nLah Promoted\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3881.159611328125, 557.4173017578125, 4453.3015703125, 930.9095415039062 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Recently I had a spell of\nloneliness, Before you jump\nto conclusions, let me tell\nyou what it was all about,\nYou see, my family had gone\noff for a reunion of my wife’s\npeople in Alabama, and I was\nleft here, Now, let me hasten\nto add that the folks in Trinity\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3277.711857421875, 1626.5632978515625, 3856.0149492187497, 2688.397517578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The Tex-La Neches-Valley\nSinging Convention will be held\nin the air conditioned Labor\nTemple in Port Arthur begin-\nning July 20 and will continue\nthrough the 2lst, according to\n‘““Woody’? Woodrome, a mem-\nber ofthe Arrangements Com-\nmittee, from midcounty.\n\nSinging starts at 1 p.m.\non Saturday and 9 a.m, on\nSunday, Many of the nation’s\nleading Gospel Music compos-\ners, music teachers and song\ndirectors will attend, also a\ngood quartet and = spectal\nZroups are expected,\n\nA Young Peoples’ singing\nfrom | till 4 p.m. will be held\non Saturday afternoon,\n\nThere will be no admise-\nsion charge and it was noted\nthat the main sessions of the\nconvention will start at 6:30\npom. on Saturday night and\n9 a.m. on Sunday,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3925.6875, 4221.54296875, 4994.88427734375, 5029.78466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "“THE RIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU\"\n\n \n\nK LVI - 560 ki\nSunday, July 21, 1968, 9:30 A.M.\n“WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE INVOLVED!’\n\nYou are cordially invited to visit our Reading Room\nwhich is located in Church Edifice, 2955 Louisiana,\nOpen Daily 9:06 a.m, to 4:30 p.m, except Sunday and\nholidays, for quiet study or you may borrow or pure\nchase authorized Christian Science literature,\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3276.094482421875, 1374.797607421875, 3825.39892578125, 1592.5152587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Singing Meet\nSet 2 Days\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3887.62353515625, 963.1198120117188, 4424.10546875, 1201.9454345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Christian Science\nServices Listed\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3894.67626953125, 2508.703369140625, 4379.734375, 2737.291748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Timmy Cormier\nPianist For\nLocal Churches\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3291.833740234375, 4620.81640625, 3820.064453125, 4801.73583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Sonnier Appoints\n\nKC Chairmen\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3901.08758984375, 2742.631291015625, 4470.78643359375, 3421.3738359374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Timmy Cormier, a senior\nat Port Neches-Groves High\nSchool and a member of the\nschool band, is adding much\nto the worship services of\nPort Neches this summer.\n\nTimmy, an accomplished\npianist, is a member of St.\’s Catholic Church\nwhere he attends early ser-\nvice every Sunday morning,\nthen goes to the Presbyterian\nChurch where he is pianist\nfor the morning service and\nplays for the Youth Choir at\nthe First Methodist Church\non Sunday nights,\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 254.05535888671875, 233.25547790527344, 2625.98583984375, 4366.4013671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCOMPLETE LINE OF\n\nOFFICE SUPPLIES\n\nPencil Sharpeners\n\nGlue\nDictionary\n\nTyping Paper\n\nMemo Pads\n\nErasers\n@ Thumb Tacks\n@ Paper Clips\n@ Typewriter Ribbons\n\n@ Adding Machine Ribbons\n\n@ Notebook Binders\n\n@ Shears\n\n@ Folders - All Types\n\n@ File Cabinets\n\n@ Rules\n\n@ Clipboards\n\n@ Markers\n\n@ Scotch Tape & Dispensers\n@ Flo Master and Speedball Sets\n@ Staple Removers\n\n@ Staplers & Staples\n\n@ Tempera Color Sets\n\n@ Masking Tape\n\n@ Chalk\n\n@ Colored Pencils\n\n@ Engineer and Architect Scales\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWe Can Completely Outfit your office with the latest designs in\n\nOffice Furniture\n\nTHE CHRONICLE\n\n1317 Port Neches Ave. Phone RA 2-0479\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3312.5185546875, 5105.25146484375, 5081.87255859375, 6997.29833984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Wh Mt\n4 ny! { ‘\n~ ROE in 4\n\"¥ Ke\n\nOe\n\nee en\n\n \n\na 8 :\nSPONSORED BY THESE FIRMS WHO DESIRE TO SEE\nOUR COMMUNITY GROW SPIRITUALLY\n}\n\nShep’s Dairy Mart Baker-Williford Scott’s Auto Parts\n\n* Port Neches Pharmacy * Port Neches\n* Nederland\n\nGulf States Port Neches\nUtilities L & A Grocery Building Material\n* Port Neches * Port Neches * Port Neches\n\nFirst National Bank Nederland State Smith Drug Co.\n\nBank\n* Port Neches\n\n* vort Neches * Memper FDIC\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3944.732177734375, 268.304443359375, 4968.52880859375, 408.5584716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "“Thought Break”\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 308.1302795410156, 4400.3173828125, 2660.649169921875, 7006.19580078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nWHERE THE\n\nAelien\n\nA DAY IN OUR BUSINESS is 24 hours — and\nwe're “in action” every minute of it, with one\npurpose in mind-—to get your goods to destina-\ntion quickly, in good order, for the least cost!\n\nBy rail and highway . . . by carload, “piggy-\nback” or container...we're equipped to re-\nceive or deliver at your plant.\n\nWe participate in the interchange of ship-\nments not only with other railroads, but with\nhighway carriers as well.\n\nSo, regardless of the type of freight you\nhave... or where it originates or is to go... we\ncan handle it.\n\nWe'll be expecting your call!\n\nJ.W. SCOTT\nVice President — Traffic\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nKAN.\n\nPITESBUR. gy\n\nBE AUMUnTY\nPORT ARI MURR\n\n \n \n\nGourHERN\n\nnL HEL\n\nAGENT, BEAUMONT\nPHONE TE 3-2061\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2681.08270703125, 560.9668623046875, 3249.4653886718747, 7052.76201953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Beneath an orange-and-red\nCanopy, past a statue of St.\nErik, and on into the 700-\nyear-old Uppsala Cathedral of\nthe Church of Sweden marched\nthe delegates to the Fourth\nAssembly of the World Coun-\ncil of Churches. They entered\nto an ear-~shattering, 19-min-\nute processional composed for\nthe assembly by Per Norgard\nof Sweden for brasses and\noboes.\n\nLike the music that opened\nthe assembly, the words and\nactions here of these digni-\ntaries of the Protestant and\nOrthodox world promise to\nbe thoroughly contemporary--\nand thoroughly dissonant. For\nChristians face not just choi-\nces ‘“‘between right and\nWrong,’’ declared the Rev.\nD. T, Niles of Ceylon in his\nsermon at the opening wor-\nship: They must also res-\npond imaginatively ‘‘to the\nnew which God is constantly\neffecting in our midst.’’\n\nOffensive Against Poverty:\n\nThis awareness of ‘‘the\nnew’? should result ina ‘‘Pan-\nChristian offensive’’ with the\nRoman Catholic Church a-\ngainst world poverty, said the\nformer U, S. Presbyterian\nleader who is general secre-\ntary of the World Council.\nIt should result, too, he said,\nin a study program that cen-\nters on man--his ‘‘values,\naims, meaning, and purpose’”’\n--and produces ‘‘new insights\ninto the worship of God and\n‘the new style of Christian\nliving.’ ’? Pope Paul VI sent\ngreetings--the first by a pon-\ntiff since the World Council’s\nfounding.\n\nUppsala has produced giants\nof the Christian world. Here\nNathan Soderblom, a pioneer\nof the church-unity movement\n\nearly this century, served as\narchbishop in the1920’s, Here\nin the same decade Dag Ham-\nmarskjold, in public acontro-\nversial government servant\nbut in private a deeply sen-\nSitive Christian mystic,\nwalked beneath the trees of\nUppsala University as an un-\ndergraduate.\n\nBut Uppsala for centuries\nhoused a Nordic pagan temple\nfamous for its beauty and its\nhuman sacrifices, and there\nare those today who believe\nthat Sweden is a prototype\nof a new wave of paganism\nthreatening the world. Does\nnot Sweden have one of the\nlowest rates of church atten-\ndance of any Western nation?\nDoes not an advanced state of\natrophy afflict the church\nhere? It was a Swedish pas-\n\n_ tor, remember, whose loss\nof faith Ingmar Bergman por-\ntrayed in his film Winter\nLight, ‘‘What I can’t under-\nstand,’’ cried the pastor’s ag-\nnostic lover, ‘‘is your extra-\nordinary indifference to your\nJesus Christ.”\n\nAnd so it’s appropriate, in\na way, that the World Coun-\ncil of Churches chose Upp-\nsala as the well at which to\npause in its ecumenical jour-\nney. The Christian Church\ntoday encounters not opposi-\ntion so much as indifference\n|from the world--what a his-\ntorian of the Renaissance era\ncalled ‘laughing disbelief’? of\nits teachings,\n\nEcumenical Background\n\nNevertheless, the deliber-\nations of the World Counci\nof Churches carry consider-\nable influence throughout the\nChristian world, The origins\nof the World Council trace\nback to 1910, half a century)\nbefore Pope John XIII issuec\nhis call for an aggiornamente\n(bringing-up-to-date) of the\nRoman Catholic Church an\nfor improved co-operatio!\nwith non-Catholic Christians\n\nThe charge that detonate\nthe ecumenical movement was\nmissionary in character. lh\nthe Nineteenth Century\n\nChristian missionaries hic\n\nswept across the globe fron\n\nHawali and the Congo to siam\n\nreaching every part of th\n\ninhabited world (the oikoume:\n\nne, in Greek), But the di.\n\nvisions of the church, in th\n\nopinion of many, betraye\n\nChrist’s admonition ‘‘that al\n\nmay be one,’’weakening th\n\nchurch’s witness and service\n\nIn 1910, a World Missionar)\n\nConference convened in din.\n\nburgh, Scotland, Out of th\n\nconference Sprang — thre\n«movements: the Internationa\n\nMissionary Council, formed t\n\nco-ordinate missionary Work\n\nLife and Work, organized t\n\nstimulate Christian action 1\n\nsociety after World War\n\nhad sobered the prevailin\noptimism; and Faith and Or\nder, which sought to explor\nthe theological and practica\ndifferences between the hun\ndreds of Christian churches\n\nA Movement's Growth\nThe World Council was t\n\nhave been forined in 194], bu\nWorld War Ilintervened, Fin.\nally, in 1948, the Life and Wor\nmovement united with th\nFaith and Order moveimen\nto create the world body, Rep\nresentatives of some 147 chur\nches gathered in Amsterdar\nto declare their intention t\n‘«stay together.’’\n\nAsecond World Council as\nsembly met in 1954 in Evans\nton, 1,, and in 1961 the Inter\nnational Missionary Counc!\nmerged with the World Coun\ncll at the third assembly i\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3910.62128125, 3451.86493359375, 4475.220515625, 4075.0642656249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ed General Program Chair-\nman, The Six Point Chair-\nmen are, Council Activity,\nClarence ‘‘Sleepy’’ Richard,\nPGK; Lecturer, C.Q, Qans-\nsens; Fraternal, Ervin E, Pe-\ntry; Catholic, Edward Badon;\nYouth, Kenneth Walker; Bul-\nletin, Homer J, Comeaux;\nPublicity, Curley Duhon and\nmembership-insurance, Le-\nroy Falcon, according to Cur-\nley Duhon, Financial Secre-\ntary,\n\n \n\nThe boss has heir-condte\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4501.20263671875, 3368.4853515625, 5068.25732421875, 4171.03271484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "MORRISON'S\nFURNITURE\n1928 9th Ave\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4104.1943359375, 439.2989196777344, 4796.56201171875, 533.9680786132812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "By Rev, Owen McGarity\nPastor Trinity Presbyterian Church\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 3907.44159375, 4027.8751875, 4485.27666796875, 4196.32354296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The boss has heir-condt-\ntioned the office--his son\ngraduated from college this\nye rr.\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 15 ], [ 3, 15 ], [ 16, 18 ] ]
[ 1378.3353271484375, 2140.399169921875 ]
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 15, 1 ], [ 16, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 856.2382202148438, 191.38284301757812, 1317.273681640625, 292.9663391113281 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "seat Beets Proving\nProfitable In N. y. State\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 857.4483486328126, 368.4825283203125, 1096.2564853515626, 1192.783462890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nment ¢f Agriculture ad Cornell\nUniverpity| conducted, 3 program\nin 1968 tol:determine the feasi-\n\n‘bf growing sugar beets in\n\nny| 6a to an acerage al-\n\nevent\nlocatidin for upstate New York\nfrom the USDA.\n\nu | farmers, Giles is\n\nmscioys and used ‘‘elec~\nping”. A program\nestablished by Cornell University\np New |York State Depart-\n\nAgriculture Economics\nfe Extension Service,\nfrm) Business Management\nElectijonic Accounting Program,\niles ia strict, accurate\nrecors of every expense incurred\nproduction of his 1968\n|| beet crop. Full,’ total seg~\nregation /of| sugar beet costs\n\nto the refinery.\n@ total of $13,-\ni § his 60 acres, His total\n| cost came to $232.33,\nGiles delivered 1,505\ngar beets to New York\ntries Inc. His con~\ned him @ minimum\n\nA. per ton for a total\ne of $21,070.00. Addad to\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 607.1069946289062, 195.58078002929688, 843.3786010742188, 269.9226989746094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Seasonal spn\nAt Antique’ Show\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1112.381087890625, 376.4986721191406, 1351.7479404296873, 1181.8067783203126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nputting in oats, although this\n‘we put in our cats just ab\nthe beets, dnd the beets in |;\nahead of the corn.” Gtles stal\nhis opinion’ that beets shoul\nplanted before the first cf\nHe said his 1968 planting\nfinished by mid-April,\nGiles conceded that his 26\nmore tons of clean beets per:\n\nproducers in the area. Con\ning the profit picture on of\ncrops, it’s: not surprising\nHarold Giles summed up by:\ning: ‘fI’m sold sugar be\nprovided lyou've got the land knd\n\n \n\n1d Mr. Giles, “\ngood trop. The PH or lime cp\ntent Of {he soll has to be ¥\n{f yok want a bumper crd\n\nGiles wrapped up his obse:\ntons jvitha smiling caution, “Abd\nyou can’t|let the weeds got\nof you.\" |\n\nWith the 1969 growing sei\nbeing] » the obvjous\nsuccess Lae Harold Giles and =\nmers] lke him is expected to\nbring! about a wide\nincrepse| in sugar beet\nina 16 Upstate New York\narea and the ontry of many\nsylvania farmers into beetigrow-\ning 18 edpected. But, no matter\nhow {he 'mambers Increasd, Har-\nold Giles will probably sigr the\nfirst | beet| growers contract) for\n1969,| too.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 603.3280029296875, 957.0426635742188, 840.2251586914062, 1026.40576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "peary Promofes\nCerhart Aide\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 602.4354091796876, 283.8363796386719, 839.8729404296876, 951.7299350585938 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\nje traditional greens at\njon, will ee the\ntheme ot|the Fairport Congrega-\ntional Antique Show & Sale in the\nchurch parish hall, mber\na6. |\n\nAntique fanciers {and bargain\nhunters may bi among the\ntreasures of yesteryear offered\nby 17 |area dealets tine\nfurniture, old Jewelzy andstlyer,\nglassware, china, | old |prints,\nnovelties and bric-a-brac. Door\nprizes donated by tht dealers will\nbe given both days) of the sale\nwhich will begin 11alm. and close\n10. p.m,| Thursday fand9 ‘p.m,\nFriday.\n\n‘Thel church womepwill provide\nand serve home-matte food -~ for\ndinnet, |for lunch, forthe baked\nfood booth. Again this year, the\nmen Of | the churchill join ° the\n\nwore} the committ¥es, jvith\nee work ¢ dn &\nme rh. ‘The men(iwill do\neal duty the dy bdfore. the\n\n \n\n \n\nshow] |atding the] ddcorating\ncomi a fee and the dealers|who\nwill s4¢/\"*setting upf thefr\n\nthey Wu} help to rest!\nhall to ‘fnormal”\ncloses Friday night}\nsale, tHe men will\nin the free parking! lot adjoining\nthe chuch,\n\nPublic Is invited tobrowse,\naha’ and enjoy the fellowship\nand holiday spirit qf the two-day\nshow, the church's|one-and-only\nchurch wide finandial e1\nof the\n\n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 349.11505126953125, 1494.8367919921875, 548.491943359375, 1579.00537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "|\nProtest Pobr\n\nMiail Service\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 600.5196533203125, 1271.5350341796875, 796.5062255859375, 1349.6368408203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Chief. Urges:\nDriving Care\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 603.5644375, 1033.9200283203124, 843.6287998046876, 1266.9930576171873 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "of ae Photo, Inc. une\nes id B, Ebntinn of 30\nSoulhctoss Trai, Fairport, has\nbeen ndmed secretary of Carhart\nPhoto, | Inc. The appointment was\n\nyunced after arecent meeting\nof the fompany’s Yoard, of direc~\ntors.\n\nEh Jotned the tinm in 1967\nand willl continu to serve as {\ncontroller. A gradhate afSt| John\nFisher, College, previously\nwas assistant treasurer of J,\nHungerford Smith.\n\nDi | cere ie , president\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 86.24227868652343, 1387.981185546875, 329.6013034667969, 2137.41066015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "New SO5K, E00\n‘ November 19, 1968\nDear Editor,\n\nIn my first letter to your paper,\n,Tsam taking on the role of a\n*mini-Zampini” (yes, [ reall:\n\\\\st, doesn’t rhyme) by report\njon a sertous traffic hazard in\n\\Fatrport.\n\n‘This problem has beencreated\nlby ‘the {ever-increasing tlow of\nragtorstraller trucks into the\nnew sipping docks of the Ameri-\ncan Can Company on Parce\n|Avenue. ‘The entrance to these\n}docks 1s found ‘at the end of\n| Pagce Avenve at Barnum Street.\n\\\\’ Trucks travelling west dn\nParce Avenue attain 2 speed\nthat I have seen vary from the\n‘egal Umit to approximately 15\nmiles per hour over it. When\n‘they reach the intersection of\nBarnum & Parce, thetr speed\n{either remains the same or in-\n\"greases until they are within the\ngates of the new docks.\n\nThis creates a dangerous\n(gttuation for anyone turing onto\n\\|Barce Avenue from Barnum\ni - I was not aware of this\nfeet my parents warned me of\n‘i. Soon after that warning, I\n\nnearly hit turning there, It\n\nn't take much Imagination to\npicture the results of a tractdr-\ntrailer colliding broadside witha\n‘passenger car. Even at 30 mph,\n\\g truck of that size would cer-\ntainly destroy a car instantly.\nT strongly urge the village to\n{immediately place 2 stop sign\nlat the end of Barnum Street jat\n‘Parce Avenue before someone| is\nSeriously injared or Killed,\n‘until this {s done, 3\nplease, use caution at that inter\nsection.\niy ‘Thank you,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 599.5038295898438, 1359.51121484375, 836.4223178710938, 2034.1233066406248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "po it ‘Thanksgiving Season 15\nbeth predilae th a redict-\n\ncording td Chisf of Pol-\nIce Fahicher. | i\n\npredictable part,\"”heex-\nPl today, ‘“tsithe upswing in\n\ntraffic] on Perinton’s bighways,\n‘The unpredictable|is thd weather.\nux department ¢an halp keep\ntraftid owing smoothly. Only\nrs themselves can keep\n\nce joving If\nstofm| hits this yepr.””\ngr Faucher reminded\nmotorists tat ad early winter\nrad catahes (op many drivers\n\n \n\npedal |\nWh hoe or ne savte able to\nmove when roads are glazed over\ndepeniis on your tires dnd tract\nton dquipment, he commented.\nAnd fs the time to give them\n‘Special attention, |\nAny] tires used in winter Should\nhave good treads; but the offic-\ntal albo remit motorists that\nthe national |Association of\nChief$ of Police offers other rec-\nommendations tol avold tHeups,\n‘on test reports; pleased by\nNational Safety Council.\nnow tires x than\nordindry tires, {particularly in\npulling through deep, loose snow.\nStugded snow Hires are Still\npelted, These new tires provide\nedpsiterably grepter pulling ab-\nr fee,\nforced jchainsare “‘the\nold rpliables’” fer ‘severe snow\nand i¢e, the chief toncluded. They\nB the best available pulling\nBawah, Fircuth cep gee st 8\nglared ice.\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 346.8225856933594, 1588.3897548828124, 586.9877475585938, 2134.7705234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ETE RPAD, FERNS ihe ENGELOR\nHouse bf Representatives\nWashitgton, D.C. 20515\nDear Congressman Horton,\n‘ayid er is t0 vag eaten of\n| telephone conversation of\nFriday, November 22/1968, con-\ncerning the very pour service\ngiven Uy the Fairport|| New York\nPost Office.\nmost businesses|| the build-\nof the days wotk depends\nthe early delivery of mail,\nIt | 12:45 pam. and nojbus-\nae jn Main Streit have re~\ncel a'mail delivery téday.\n1g mos! cases, Mosiay’s [mail\ncobsists’ of 3 days, so/thts sane\nthat thfs afternoon will be\nprpcessing today's auliverfs it,\nwhen'st arrives. | :\nSeverall of the buSiness/men\n\ntek a d the Post Cifice many\n\n \n\n \n\niplaining abdut the;poor\n\nseg. dod each time they re-\ncee Ply,\nan ean] help I tt, = no\n\nnt to Congressman Horton\ncopy for publitation| sent\n(Names are on file),\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 90.33310662841797, 337.40129052734375, 588.8877109375001, 503.62422216796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ee ae ae Vane Cataes Uh toe: Gpid tees pear atoad here\nict in a five year period af time, This past year alor\n\nwas a 685 pupil increase. In the next a period profetions\n\nshow 2.500 pupll per year increase.\n\neagle The current elementary enrollment, pe K-6, 1s mot thin\nGopble the total enrollment in 1955. i\n\n«42. The elementary enrollment, 3828, is almost equal to total\ndidtrict enrollment, 3852, just three years.ago. i\n-di.The West Avenue School wold not be aljle' to accomm the\nKBidergarten puplls In the district; the schopl\\capacity 15 525, apd\n\nek btndatwartan enratimen is 650; | en 3\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 90.6166000366211, 193.00303649902344, 578.9432983398438, 331.7242736816406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nhy We Need School|Rooms\n\nere Are Facts On School\nGrowth In Past 15: Years’\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 104.4435043334961, 511.5493469238281, 577.2880859375, 1208.082763671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nf i\n“IM TiRED OF, BEING errren/ hig DECIDED\nGHT FIRE wa\n\n|\notter To The Editor | i\n\nCorps Grateful |\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 881.819076171875, 299.59391748046875, 1346.8983310546876, 371.28974951171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n\\(Springport, New York) With a profit’ of! $166.00 anjacre\ner] Haroid Giles 1s content with his deciston‘early [his year]\n\n1 to his-s! the first 1968 sugar beet growers contract.\n\na2 ho farmer who operate: a farm with 450 fillable pct\n\nei.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 91.69228326416015, 1243.3939052734374, 325.47700537109375, 1300.1749423828123 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "‘The Perinton Ambulance Corps\nwishes to thank all the residents\nof “Perinton who so generously\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 855.1325073242188, 1212.4345703125, 1368.1253662109375, 2140.399169921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\nAIRPORT HER! LD. MAIL\n\nPIRE STATE WEEKLIES, INC. i\n\n| Curt Gerling, President re\n\nIDATED IN 1925 AND PUBLISHED | j q\n\n\\ | EVERY WEDNE: Y\n\n| | Otfleldt Newspaper For The Village Of ° {\nieee? And Town Of Perinton\n\n: CURT GERLING, Editor\n\nAdve:\niam Office, Fairport,\nPer Year\nwort VO vy raltporte, N.Y. 14460\n\nCONS\n\n \n \n\nManager | |\n.¥. as 2nd Clana Mater ‘\n\\dvance\nBrrnts7; 071-16\n+\n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 350.31010400390625, 1216.1107021484374, 587.9349521484376, 1479.7249912109373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "donated; tn, our last funddrive and\nto those outside of Perinton who\ndonated,: |\nThe Corps also wists to thank\nthe members of the Junior\n\n \n \n \n \n\nChamber of Commerce whd did\ndoor to'gopr solicitati Ip] the\nVillage } to members af the\nLions Club who also helped in our\nfund drive. |\nThe ambulance is le sechice\nfrom! 6\\p.m. Wednesddy through\n\n6 a.m. Tiesdays and6 p.m. Tues-\nday thra 6\\a.m, Wednestiay. More\nvolubtesrsare heeded fr daytime\nwork, Please call 071-5190 for\nmote Information.\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 95.07344055175781, 1310.5379638671875, 319.5605773925781, 1342.5850830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Traffic Hazard\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 611.0518188476562, 2064.155517578125, 821.4385375976562, 2136.6875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "iE A ‘BY\ni BLOOD |\nDONOR |B\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 95.06521606445312, 1214.73486328125, 186.644775390625, 1233.3819580078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Dear Editor:\n" }, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 6, 7 ] ]
[ 1231.5709228515625, 1770.1759892578125 ]
[ [ 7, 6 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 513.3525751953125, 403.25510205078126, 847.1455327148437, 1389.1444951171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Feb. 22-24 (Thurs.-Sat.): By\nSpecial. Request: two by Sergei\nM. Eisenstein. “Potemkin” (1925),\none of the greatest’ films of all\ntime: and-his “Alexander Nevsky\"\n(1989), starritig the great Nikolai\nCherkassov. Music by Prokofiev.\n\nFeb; ,27 (Sun.-Tues.): Two with\nBogie, Michael Curtiz’’ “Casa-\nblanca” (1042), with Bogart and\nIngrid Bergman. “Of all the gin\njoints in‘all the towns in ail the\nworld, she walks into mine.” And:\n“The Maltese Falcon” (1941), with\nPeter Loore, Sidney Greenstreet,\n& Bogart as Sam Spade, John ,\nHuston’s first and .best. .\n\nFeb,-28 (Wed.): Films from the\nUnderground. Ed Emshwiller's\n“Relativity” | (1966); Ron Rice's\n“Chumluin” (1964), ‘with’ Jack\nSmith, Beverly. Grant; . Mario\nMontez, Gerard Malanga; ‘Bruce:\nBaillie's ‘yrass” (1963-64); and_\nRobert Frank’s “The Sin of\nJesus,” with Julle Bovasso, Rob-\nerts Blossom, St. George, Brian,\n\nFeb, 29-Maxch 2 (Thurs.-Sat.}:\nRepeated ' by “Request: Jacques\nDemy’s ‘The Umbrellas of Cher-\nbourg” (1964), with Catherine: ’\nDeneuve; music by Michel-Le-\nGrand. And: Andtol Litvak’s\n“Mayerling\" (1937), wilh 4 ‘arles\n\nBoyer and Danielle Darrieux, *\nMy 3-5 (Sun.-Tues,)\nChukrai’s powerful “Ballad o:\nSajdiant (1960);, and papier,\nWicki's 'The Bridge” (1982). Tw\n\nBungrb anti-war films.\n\n \n\n5,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 537.1721801757812, 332.4183349609375, 818.4765625, 388.24908447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "‘Bleecker St, Cinema\nFilm Festival.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 162.26114453125, 214.8566950683594, 492.7039738769531, 1758.3537236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nWednesday, February 24\n\nLecture: Alexander ‘the Great\n‘and the! Hellenistic Monarchs.\nClaude’ Marks. Grace. Rainey\nRogers’ Auditorium. Admission:\n$3. “Metropolitan Museum of Art,\niam.\n\nAdvanced . Hebrew ‘Club, “ail\nBarnard. 12 noon-1 p.m.. .\n\nUnitarian -!Universalist ‘Group\npresents “African. Development,”\nlecture with Dr, Claude.Ake of\nthe, Department. of. Government.\nColumbia University, Dodge Rm.,\nEarl-Hall, 12-1 p.m.\n\nCollege Peat James ‘Room. ‘4 5\npm,\n\n“Were Ni,” seminar and film,\nwith commientary by Dr. Alex-\nander’ Alland, ‘Jr, Anthropology\nDept. Room D, Law. 4:10 pam;\n\nKenny . Burrell, jazz- guitarist.\nWollmamd Auditorium, Ferris\nBooth Hull, 8 p.m.\n\nYoung Socialists: for: Halstead’\nand. Boutdlle, Judy White, former\nsocialist eandidate for governor\nwill speak. 409 Barnard, 8-10: 30.\npm.\n\n\"Bach Axia Group Association.\nTown Hall, 123 West apr Street.\n8:30 pm. §\n\n“Creativity in 4 Science; lecture\nby- Ernest Nagel, ‘Professor “of\nPhilosophy, Columbia University.\nGreat .Hall of the Cooper Union.\nath Etreet at 4th Ave. Astor Place.\n8:30 p.m.\n\n“Thutsday, February we\n\n+ Washington's Birthdby. Ne Bars\nnard Classes,\n\nGeoph¥siecs Leeture:* “Contin-\nental Margin,. Island Arcs and-\nMid-Ozeanic Ridges,” ‘by -Dr,\nCharles. L, Drake, Chairman,\nDept. of Geology; Henry Krumb\nSghool of - Mines, 1127 ‘Mudd.\n8:00 p.m.\n\nCarnegie Hall: WNYC Arinual\nAmerican Music Festival, featur-\ning the U.S. Army Band. 2:30 pm,\n\nStudent Poeiry Reading, Schiff\nRoom, Ferris Booth Hall. 4 p.m\n\nBalkan Folk Dance: with in-\nstruction by Martin Koenig. Ad-\nmistion: 750, 50¢ & C.U.LD. Dept.\nof Physical Education. Barnard\nHall, James Room. 7:30 p.m.\n\nClassical Guitar Concert. Schiff\nRoom. Ferris Booth Hall. 8 p.m.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 961.3056030273438, 144.92860412597656, 1170.27099609375, 284.39178466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Feb. 21\nFeh. -28\n" }, "4": null, "5": null, "6": { "bbox": [ 863.9603022460938, 276.93866528320314, 1214.780115234375, 1744.9792119140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "house, Admission: $u. 50, $1 with\nC.U.LD. 8:00 p.m, :\n\nConcert: ‘Prague Quartet, Met-\nropolitan Museum of Art. Grace\nRainey Rogers . Auditorium:\nStanding Room only, admission -\n$3.8:30 p.m. .\n\nDrama: \"The Strongbox,\" com-\nedy -by Carl. Sternheim., Great\nHall of the Cooper Unior, 8th St.\nat 4th Ave, Astor Place, 8:30 -p.m,\n\nSquare and Folk Dance: with\nProf, Dick Kraus instructor. Be-\nginners class in dance fundament-\nals from 8:00 to 8:30 Bm, at no\ncharge, Come with or Without\npartner.’ Admission: ‘$1. Thomp-\nson Gymnasium, Teacher's Col .\nlege. 8:30 p.m.\n\n. Turkish Cabaret. Earl Hall Au-\"\nditorium, 10:00 pan. |\n\nSaturday, February 24\nInternational Dance,. American ©\nStudents welcome, Morningside .\nThternational .Students , Assacta-\ntion, wart Hall, 8:30°.p.m.\n*Setaeone ‘Borrowed, Someone\n_ Blue,” -a- a musical comedy, Woll-\nman Auditorium, 8:30-p.m.\n\nSunday, February 25\n\n“Turkish * Rugs and Textiles\".\nlectute by Maurice S. Dimand,\nGrace Rainey Rogers -Auditorjum,\nMet Museum, 3 p.m.\n+ Graduate Student Folk Dance\nCircle, Tarl Hall ‘AuduORI AI.\n7-H p.m.\n\nManday, February 26\nNginera. Columbia’ Shargs. 8: a0-\nSaepm. i ;\n& \"Love Hoymanitiy,” ‘Beatrice\nFairchild; Biophysicist, Colupbia*\nUniversity College of Physicians *\n& Surgeans, Johnson E. Fajrchild,\nGeographer; Cooper’ Union ie .\num Great Hall, 8:30 p.m. i\n\n‘Tu ct February 27\n\n \n\nFocus Meétibg, 40g Barnard,_.\n12-2 p.m.\n\nCurric Committee, vidi\n12-1 pom.\n\n\"Seventeenth Century Buick”\nPainting,” gallery talk by Angela |\nB. Watson, Met Museum, 2 p.m.\n\n\"Islamic Art in Turley,” gal-\nlery talk by Marilyn Jenkiks, Me\n~Myscum, 2:30 p.m. *\n\nMusic for an Hour, James -\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 510.35556591796876, 1451.1816767578125, 841.6344853515625, 1770.1759892578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Lecture: 19th CenturyeFrench’\nPainters, by Linda J. Lovell.\nGrace Rainey Rogers Aud., Met-\nropolitan Museum of Art, Free.\n2:30 p.m}\n\nDormitory Tea. Brooks Living\nRoom. 4:00-5:00 pit i\n\nPiano Recital. by, Bennet Lern-\ner. Wollman Auditorium. 8 p.m.\n\nDance’ Concert: “Dance Up-\n‘town.” New warks hy six out-\nslanding ‘ choreographers will\nbe dancedtMihor Latham Play-\n" }, "8": null, "9": null, "10": null, "11": null, "12": null, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 6, 27 ] ]
[ 3415.310546875, 4777.3828125 ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 6, 27 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 895.993224609375, 2420.008361328125, 1302.6860966796876, 3744.274109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "KINGSTON, N.Y. (UPD —\nJoseph P. Torraca, Ulster Coun-\nty district attorney, has said he\nwill take no action against a\nBronx teen-ager who shot to\ndeath a suspected sex offender.\n\nCarmine DiBiase, 33, of Man-\nhattan, identified as a White\nPlains printer, was killed with\na .22 caliber rifle in a cabin\nnear Clintondale Saturday by a\n14-year-old boy, one of five\nteen-agers who had been held\ncaptive, state police said.\n\nDiBiase - who lured the five\nyoungsters to Ulster County\nfrom a Bronx park —- had been\nidentified through an earlier\ncomplaint as leader of Boy\nScout Troop 45 in New York\nCity, state police said.\n\nTwo l4year - old boys and\nthree 13-year - olds had been\npicked up in New York. They\nsaid DiBiase told them he was\na scout leader and needed their\nhelp in driving to the upstate\narea to get some camping equip-\nment.\n\nThe other four were tied up\nwhen the shooting occurred. The\n14-year - old told police that he\npicked up the rifle and warned\nthe man not to come closer and\nto let the other boys go. He said\nwhen the man came at him he\nfired,\n\nThe youngster then ran to a\nnearby house and told the resi-\ndents he had just shot a man.\nThey called troopers at Kings-\nton substation.\n\nPolice reported that DiBiase\nwas wanted in Glens Falls on\nfirst and second degree sodomy\ncharges.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1308.5626826171874, 1450.5953974609374, 1719.6686406249999, 2761.698181640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "BUFFALO, — Dr. Robert J.\nGeneo, assistant professor of\noral biology and periodontics\nin the School of Dentistry at\nthe State University of New\nYork at Buffalo, has received\na three-year research grant of\n$89,249 from the U. S. Public\nHealth Service, through the\nNational Institute of Dental\nResearch.\n\nThe grant is for a special\nresearch project ‘‘Antibodies\nof Saliva and Other Secretions.”\nWorking with Dr. Genco will\nbe Dr. Martin Taubman, who\nis a dentist studying for his\nPh.D. degree.\n\nThe long range aim is to\nstudy the biology and chemis-\ntry of the antibodies found in\nsaliva. These are of signifi-\ncance in two respects. First,\nthey are examples of a unique\ntype of antibody which is found\nin many glandular secretions.\nSecond, they may have prop-\nerties which enable them to\nwork particularly efficiently in\nthe oral cavity. ‘\n\nDr. Genco pointed out that\nthe usual vaccination proced-\nure of injecting under the skin\ndoes not cause antibodies to\nappear in secretions, How-\never, he and Dr. Taubman\nhave shown that by vaccinat-\ning directly into glands, anti-\nbodies can be made to appear\nin the secretions of these\nglands.\n\n“This finding may mean that\nvaccines designed to induce\nantibodies in saliva which are\nmeant to prevent dental car\nries or periodontal (gum). dis-\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1732.566955078125, 1465.8117060546874, 2146.51580859375, 2740.695740234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "det aay WO NESE GMS lel\ned locally in the oral cavity.\nExperiments will be done to\ntest the efficiency of locally\napplied dental vaccines in the\nprevention of dental carries:\nand periodontal diseases.”\n\nAccording to Dr. Genco,\n“This finding provides a clue\nto the understanding of the\nenhanced immunity to upper\nrespiratory disease developed\nby individuals who are vac-\ncinated by inhalation or nasal\nspray methods, as compared to\nthose vaccinated by the other\nmethods.”\n\nDr. Genco was graduated\nfrom the Silver Creek High\nschool in 1956, and attended\nCanisius college before enter-\ning the State University of New\nYork at Buffalo School of.\nDentistry. He received his\nD.D.S. cum laude from the\nSchool of Dentistry in 1963. He\nthen attended the University\nof Pennsylvania where he was\nsawarded a Ph.D, in microbi-\nology and a certificate in peri-\nodontics in 1967.\n\nIn addition to his laboratory\nstudies, Dr. Genco also main-\ntains a close contact with\nproblems in treating disease.\nHe does this both by maintain-\ning a private practice limited\nto persons with periodontal\ndiseases and by acting as the\ndirector of graduate periodon-\ntics in the School of Dentistry.\n\nDr. Genco is married to. the\nformer Sandra Clarke of Silver\nCreek, and they have three\n\nsaggy\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1309.3914794921875, 1296.722900390625, 2137.076904296875, 1443.458740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "SCCS Grad Receives Grant\nOf $89,249 For Dental Research\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 464.25295971679685, 1223.2736201171874, 868.9016728515625, 2143.38934375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "MAYVILLE—A Westfield man\nwill appear before Town of\nChautauqua Peace Justice Ed-\nwin Seaton because the car he\nwas driving was involved in a\nchain-reaction collision in Rt. 17-\nJ Saturday night.\n\nJames F’. Swan, 21, of RD 3,\nWestfield, was issued a traffic\nsummons for following too close-\nly after the accident in the\nTown of Chautauqua Saturday.\n\nMr. Swan received a bloody\nnose in the accident and said he,\nwould see his personal physi-\ncian.\n\nThe Swan vehicle was one of\nthree cars going south in Rt. 17-\nJ when the lead driver, Michael\nA, Dempsey, 23, of 33 North\nErie street, Mayville, stopped\nand signaled a left turn.\n\nThe second car, driven by\nRichard A. Lewis, 19, of 145\nGale street, Westfield, also\nstopped but was struck in the\nrear by Swan’s car. The colli-\nsion pushed the Lewis car into\nthe rear of the Dempsey car.\n\nSheriff's Deputies Rodger\nEinink and Donald Szwejbka in-\nvestigated.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2577.2678828125, 1291.2767939453124, 2986.26580859375, 2165.9137578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WESTFIELD, — Wilson H.\nLeach, of 9 Oak street, died\nin Westfield Memorial hospital\nthis morning after an extend-\ned illness.\n\nFifty-four years old, he was\nborn July 14, 1913 in Portland\nand had lived in Westfield. for\nthe past nine years. He for-\nmerly was a Mayville resident.\nBefore his retirement, he had\nworked for Welch Grape Juice\ncompany as a maintenance\nman and had been a farmer\nat one time. He was a member\nof the Westfield Moose club.\n\nHe is survived by his wife,\nMrs. Violet H. Leach; four\ndaughters all of Westfield,\nMrs. Shirley Sanderson, Mrs.\nSharon Scharf, Miss Sandra\nLeach, and Miss Lynnell Leach,\nthe latter two at home; two\nsons, Wilson Leach and Steven\nLeach, both at home; a broth-\ner, Otto Leach, of Minneapolis,\nMinn.; a sister, Mrs. Herbert\nParker of Brocton. Five grand-\nchildren and several nieces\nand nephews also survive.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1325.09942578125, 2936.441466796875, 1730.3569951171874, 4035.85272265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "United ress infterngonal\n\nJames L. Buckley, the Con-\nservative party candidate for\nthe U.S. Senate, has given in-\ndication he will campaign with\nthe same touch of wit his\nyounger brother brought to the\n1965 New York mayoralty race.\n\nBuckley said that of his two\nopponents in the senatorial der-\nby, he would prefer Democrat\nPaul O’Dwyer over incumbent\nSen. Jacob K. Javits, the Re-\npublican-Liberal nominee.\n\n“Mr. Javits,” Buckley said\nSunday, “with 12 years more\nseniority, can do more damage\nin the Senate than Mr. O’Dwy-\ner.”\n\nBuckley is the brother of col-\numnist and publisher William F.\nBuckley, who ran as a Conserv-\native and lost to Mayor John\nV. Lindsay.\n\nThe older Buckley, in a tele-\nvision interview, said election of\nO'Dwyer would “help restore\nsome sense to the political dia-\nlogue” in New York. He said\nhe saw little difference in the\nviews of O'Dwyer, Javits or\nSen, Eugene J. McCarthy — but\npreferred O'Dwyer because as\na freshman senator, he would\nbe less able to push liberalism\neffectively.\n\nIn a separate television inter-\nview, O’Dwyer asserted that\nthere were differences betweer\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 472.3798518066406, 2321.47442578125, 877.8566899414062, 2778.435974609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "JAMESTOWN, — One driver\nwas injured and another arrest-\ned following an accident at 9\np.m, Sunday at the intersection\nof Rt. 62 and Mud Creek road\nin the Town of Poland.\n\nTreated and released at\nWCA hospital in Jamestown\nwas Thomas Peterson, RD 2,\nKennedy.\n\nFaleoner based state police\nsaid a car driven by Earl Jen-\nkins of North East, Pa. failed\nto yield the right of way at the\nintersection and the two cars\ncollided. Jenkins was arrested.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 463.9395446777344, 2159.837158203125, 769.46240234375, 2309.8974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "One Injured,\nOne Charged\nAfter Accident\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 876.3878779296875, 400.4285883789062, 1286.5547490234376, 2154.056580078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "CLEVELAND (UPI)—A steel-\nworkers’ strike this summer\nwould be pretty painless to the\nnation’s steel users, Steel Maga-\nzine said today.\n\nSteel said users have had\nample time to build inventories\nand imported steel is . more\nreadily available this year than\nin any other strike threat per-\niod. Decreased consumption be-\ncause of summer vacations and\nmodel changeovers in the auto-\nmotive industry will also cut\ndown on the need for steel, the\nmetalworking weekly added.\n\nEven if a strike does come,\nabout 20 per cent of the na-\ntion’s steel mills would continue\nto operate.\n\nSteel said the above condi-\ntions place the steelworkers in\na poor strike position. They\nwould have to count on a long\nstrike to pinch consumers into\nclamoring for a_ settlement.\nSteel said it was also doubtful\nthe government would permit a\nlong strike while the U.S. is\nengaged in the Vietnam War.\n\nStocks Good For 30-90 Days\n\nStrike-hedge stockpiles will\nlast from as long as 30 to 90\ndays, Steel said and they could\neven last longer since in past\nstrikes, stockpiles held out long-\ner than builders thought they\nwould.\n\nSome steel users are doing\nbusiness with no thought being\ngiven to a likelihood of a\nstrike. Orders are being re\nceiyed by big tonnage users\nsuch as the auto industry.\n\nStee] said the orders could be\na form of strike-hedge buying,\nsince if there is a strike, they\nwould be the first to be filled\nwhen production is resumed.\n\nDespite the developments,\nprospects of light demand for\nsteel over the last five months\nof the year still stand. Larger\nproducers expect to complete\nabout two-thirds of their 1968\nbusiness by July 31, the date\nthe basis steel contract expires.\n\nRolling of steel will continue\nunabated of this month\nas mills strive to complete de-\nlivery of strikehedge orders,\nSteel believes.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 896.6594848632812, 2179.112548828125, 1249.1357421875, 2406.734130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Sex Offender\nIs Killed By\nYoung Scout\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 484.243224609375, 2903.657775390625, 885.2720952148437, 3702.008240234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Information about employ-\nment will be obtained in a sur-\nvey of households here the\nweek of July 15. Director\nJames W. Turbitt of the Census\nBureau's regional office in\nBoston announced.\n\nThe information will be used\nby the U. 5. Department of La-\nbor’s Bureau of Labor Statis-\ntics in determining national\nemployment and unemploy-\nment figures, Last month’s sur-\nvey showed that the unem-\nployment rate remained at 3.5\nper cent for the second consecu-\ntive month.\n\nThe identity of households\nthroughout the U. 8. partici-\npating in the survey is confiden-\ntial, and the information ob\ntained will be used only for\nstatistical purposes.\n\nCensus Bureau interviewer\nwho will visit households in\nthis area between July 15 and\n20 is Mrs. Isabelle Richard,\nJamestown.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 909.1539301757813, 3885.766173828125, 1320.4246220703126, 4707.40155078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "SAIGON (UPI)—A U.S. Army\nmajor was captured and mur-\ndered by the Viet Cong\nSaturday on a road 145 miles\nnortheast of Saigon, a military\nspokesman said today.\n\nThe name of the major, a\nsenior U.S. Army adviser to the\nSouth Vietnamese forces in the\nprovince of Binh Thuan, was\nwithheld until relatives have.\nbeen notified.\n\nThe spokesman said the\nmajor and his interpreter were\ndriving along route 2 on their\nway to the scene of a battle\nwhen their jeep was ambushed\nabout 10:30 a.m. Saturday.\n\nThe interpreter was wounded,\nescaped and returned to the\nnearest village where a search\nteam of Vietnamese and Ameri-\ncan troops was sent‘ to the\nscene of the ambush.\n\nThe search team found the\nmajor’s body. He had been shot\nin the back of the head. ,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 480.8320007324219, 2799.55810546875, 875.1956787109375, 2902.443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Census Taker Seeks\nEmployment Data\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1325.4661865234375, 2776.545654296875, 2126.614501953125, 2911.593017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Conservative Party Candidate\nTo Inject Humor Into Campaign\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2580.325927734375, 1167.7874755859375, 2919.22607421875, 1278.0635986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Wilson H. Leach,\nWestfield, Died\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 459.72344970703125, 1054.813232421875, 794.2997436523438, 1213.2596435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Toil-Gating\nCharged After\nThree-Car Crash\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2157.607482421875, 1237.519591796875, 2561.932556640625, 1727.1458134765624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "NORTH CLYMER, — No one\nwas injured in a two-car acci-\ndent at 1 p.m. Saturday at the\nintersection of Rt. 74 and County\nRoad 321 in the Town of Clymer.\n\nChautauqua County Sheriff's\ndepartment said a car driven\nby Richard J. Barrow, RD 1,\nCorry, Pa., stopped at the inter-\nsection of Rt. 74 and County\nRoad: 321. He didn’t see a car\ndriven by James W. Forrest\nof Chesterland, Ohio, and pulled\nin front of the Forrest vehicle.\nThe Forrest car was traveling\nwest in Rt. 74.\n\nNeither driver was injured.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1748.7045283203124, 3381.413634765625, 2165.996033203125, 4457.8453984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (UPI) — Fire\nCommissioner Robert 0. Lowe-\nry has warned that if attacks\non firemen in ghetto neighbor-\nhoods continue, it might mean\nreduced fire protection in those\nneighborhoods.\n\n“You can’t expect a man to\npull hose and go into flaming\nbuildings and try to rescue peo-\nple and at the same time dodge\nbottles and bricks,” Lowery\nsaid Sunday.\n\nLowery, a Negro, attributed\nthe “estrangement” between\nfiremen and minority groups to\nthe fact that 96 per cent of the\nforce is white.\n\nLowery said he is working to\nrecruit more black and Puerto\nRican firemen “to make our de-\npartment more reflective of the\npopulation composition of the\ncity.”\n\n“It’s a distinct possibility\nthat if we can’t get better coop-\neration from the citizenry, the\nfire service and the protection\nthere will diminish,” he said.\n“The people in the area will\nsuffer, there’s no doubt about\nit.”’\n\nLowery, speaking in a CBS\nradio interview, listed the South\nBronx and the Brownsville sec-\ntion of Brooklyn as neighbor-\nhoods particularly hostile to the\nfiremen.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1327.4317626953125, 94.2319564819336, 2111.75634765625, 1151.38037109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 94.53235626220703, 3727.093994140625, 882.2302856445312, 4669.59033203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "YOUNGER DRIVERS\nTired of being pushed around?\n\nWe WANT Your Business!\nIMMEDIATE FS-1 if:\n® you have been licensed 2 yrs.\n® you havea clean record\n® you live at home or in college\nCOLLISION at REGULAR RATES!\nEasy Payments!\n\nW.L. PUTNAM\n\nAGENCY, Ine.\nCor, E. 4th & Deer St. 366-2744\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2141.505919921875, 248.73554943847657, 2551.97528125, 1107.5291142578126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "The Grape Festival commit-\ntees will meet in the Revere\ninn, upstairs, at 8 p.m.\n\nThe Utopia club will meet at\nthe home of Mr. and Mrs.\nFrank Taylor, Hanford road, at\n7 p.m.\n\nThe annual budget hearing\nof the Silver Creek Central\nschoo! district will be held in\nthe junior-senior high schoo! at\n7:30 p.m.\n\nThe Learn and Grow Garden\nclub will hold a tureen dinner\nat the home of Mr. and Mrs.\nHenry Miller, Andrus road,\nstarting at 10 am. Members\nare to bring a dish of food to\npass and their own table serv-\nice, as well ag an item to do-\nnate to the “Hi Neighbor’”’ Day\nbeing sponsored by the Lake\nShore Inter-Community hospi-\n\nal.\n\nThe board of directors of\nthe Greater Silver Creek Area\nChamber of Commerce will\nhave a dinner meeting at Foit’s\nrestaurant at 6:30 p.m. with the\nmeeting to start at 7:30 p.m.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2996.57080078125, 76.70423126220703, 3352.414306640625, 175.04417419433594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "17 From Area\nAmona JBC Grads\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2596.835205078125, 92.01467895507812, 2965.178955078125, 729.156982421875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2150.619384765625, 1125.897705078125, 2435.330078125, 1224.49560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "None Hurt In\nClymer Crash\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 55.28063534545898, 1580.1830439453124, 452.3875432128906, 2407.5368046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "LEONE, Frank S.: July 7, 1968,\n123 East Main St., Fredonia,\nN.Y., beloved husband of the\nlate Bertha (nee Latona);\nfather of Dr. Russell S. Leone\nof Arlington, Va., Anthony F.\nLeone, Mrs. Albert (Marie)\nMolino, Mrs. J. Don (Josephine)\nSpringman, Mrs. Samuel\n(Helen) Lazarony of Fredonia,\nMrs. Joseph (Cecilia) Alessi\nof, Dunkirk and the late Sally\nBarone. He was preceded in\ndeath by three brothers and\nfive sisters; also survived by\n13 grandchildren, 12 great-\ngrandchildren and several\nnieces and nephews. Funeral\nservices will be held Wednes-\nday morning at 9 o’clock from\nthe Millonzi Funeral Home,\nand 10 o’clock in St. Anthony’s\nChurch. Interment will be in\nSt. Anthony’s Cemetery. The\nholy rosary will be recited\nTuesday evening at 8 o’clock.\nThe family will receive friends\nat Millonzi’s from 2 to 5 and\n7 to 10 today and Tuesday.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 870.55029296875, 138.5785675048828, 1289.5908203125, 379.5620422363281 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "TO USERS—\n\nSteel Strike\nWould Be\nRather Painless\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1748.9788203125, 2920.815001953125, 2157.740173828125, 3178.84783984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "his views and those of Javits,\nespecially on Vietnam.\n\nHe said he would concentrate\nhis campaign on the two-time\nsenator’s supposed support of\nthe administration on Vietnam\npolicy.\n\nO'Dwyer said Javits was\n“lace than dnvish.”’\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 905.2780151367188, 3754.71044921875, 1267.81591796875, 3868.3466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "U. S. Major Taken\nPrisoner, Slain\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2984.507873046875, 184.42810009765626, 3394.77166796875, 2087.4528203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "JAMESTOWN, — The 82nd\nannual commencement exer-\ncises of Jamestown Business\ncollege featured an address by\nthe Honorable Jess J. Present,\nNew York State Assemblyman.\n\nThis year’s graduating class,\nnumbering 109, were awarded\ndiplomas by Ernest Roblee,\npresident. Approximately 400\nparents, friends, and relatives\nof the graduates attended the\nceremony.\n\nAmong the graduates from\nthe Dunkirk area were:\n\nDiane Bebak, daughter of Mr.\nand Mrs. Frank J. Bebak of 24\nGenet street, Dunkirk.\n\nIva Bull, daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Earl W. Bull of Osborne\nroad, Fredonia. 4\n\nRosemary Civilette, daughter\nof Mr. and Mrs, Horace Civi-\nlette, 31 Eagle street, Fredonia.\n\nSuzanne Everson, daughter\nof Mr. and Mrs. Bretsell Ever-\nson, Hanover road, Silver Creek.\n\nAnne Fote, daughter of Mr.\nand Mrs. Joseph D. Fote, .854\nJefferson street, Dunkirk. <<\n\nMary Ellen Ganey, daughter\nof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ganey\nSr., 225 King street, Dunkirk. - :\n\nSheldon Grant, son of Mr. and\nMrs. George A. Grant, Be\nroad, Fredonia, :\n\nMary Ann Halas, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs. Joseph Halas, 6¢\n\nEast Courtney street, Dunkirk.\n\nJane Hunter, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs, Glenn L. Hunter,\n204 Temple street, Fredonia.\n\nMary Lefferts, daughter: o!\nMr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lef\nferts, Stockton road, Fredonia.\n\nDavid Mackowiak, son of Mr\nand Mrs. Frank Mackowiak, 43!\nBucknor street, Dunkirk. — -\n\nLinda Mason, daughter: o!\nMrs. Jean Maus, East Mail\nroad, Dunkirk. .\n\nRonald Millonzi, son of Mr\nand Mrs. Philip Millonzi,. 9\nSeymour street, Fredonia. ;\n\nLucille Petrella, daughter\nMr. and Mrs. Michael Petrella\nCenter road, Dunkirk. .\n\nRobert Sisson, son of Mr. an\nMrs. Robert Sisson, 96 Chautau\nqua road, Fredonia. *\n\nSharon Wallace, daughter ¢\nMr. and Mrs. Ray C. Wallace\n204 Berry road, Fredonia.\n\nStephen Zatorski, son of M1\nand Mrs. Edmund R. Zatorsk\n\n800 Monroe street, Dunkirk.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1727.8211669921875, 3200.966796875, 2170.982666015625, 3363.151123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Firemen Don’t Like\nDodging Bricks; People\nMav Sutfer—cChief\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1339.5692744140624, 4238.89971875, 1742.7366337890624, 4711.66912890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "The swimming program will\nbe held Tuesdays and Fridays\nstarting July 9. Buses will stop\nat Jarvis’, the Corner Snack\nbar, Luce’s dairy, West Sher-\nidan plaza and Reiter’s motel\nat 5 p.m. Swimming will be\nheld at the Dunkirk Conference\nGrounds from 5:30 to 7:30.\n\nBuses will make the same\nstop on the return trip.\n\nPlayground activities begin\ntoday and will be held Mon-\nday. Wednesday and Thursday\nfrom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the\nSheridan Memarial Field.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 462.4494318847656, 486.2939448242187, 863.8757329101562, 813.9592900390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "We would like to thank all\nthose who helped with the First\nMethodist Church auction.\nMembers and friends who donat-\ned articles and especially Floyd\nBarris who donated the use of\nhis farm and Marvin Smith,\nauctioneer, who donated his\nservices.\n\nMrs. MABEL BARRESI\nAuction Committee Chairman\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 76.05909729003906, 153.73387145996094, 410.66082763671875, 292.7091369628906 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Bible Thought\nTy TV dau\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2161.3245234375, 1789.3363642578124, 2564.957458984375, 2184.66424609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "WERoLPinL), — lwo west-\nfield men who had become ill\nwere taken to Westfield Me-\nmorial hospital by the West-\nfield Emergency squad under\nthe direction of Lt. Robert Claw-\nson.\n\nOn Friday morning Wilson\nLeach, 54, of 9 Oak street, was\ntaken to the hospital. He died\nMonday morning. Saturday\nmorning John L. Miller, 85, of\nForest Park suffered an attack\nand is a patient at the hospital.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 68.21585797119141, 2768.349669921875, 464.15383959960934, 3283.975037109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "PAPIERSKI, Walter J.: July 5,\nof 334 Nevins St., Dunkirk.\nBeloved husband of Veronica\nPapierski, father of Stanley of\nDunkirk and Arthur of Fredon-\nia, brother of John and 3 sis-\nters, all of Poland. Five grand-\nchildren also survive. Funeral\nservices will be held at 9 o’clock\nTuesday morning from the\nFelix T. Mackowiak Funeral\nHome, 56 E. Doughty street\nand at 9:30 in St. Mary's\nChurch. Interment will follow\nin Willowbrook Park Ceme-\ntery. Friends may call at the\nfuneral home from 2 to 5 and\n7 to 10 today.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 62.71545361328125, 2423.152404296875, 462.85589648437497, 2739.28924609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "LUNGHI, (Long), Caroline:\nFuneral services will be held\nWednesday morning at 8:30\nin the home of the Orcutt Fun-\neral Service, and at 9 o’clock\nin Holy Trinity Church. Inter-\nment will be in Holy Trinity\ncemetery. Friends will be re-\nceived at the funeral home\nfrom 7 to 9 this evening, and\nfrom 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 Tuesday.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 37.08019589233398, 314.3593745117187, 443.25296069335934, 527.6268315429687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Now there stood by the cross\nof Jesus his mother, . . . and\nthe disciple standing by, whom\nhe loved.—John 19:25 and 26.\n\nFamily and friends are any\nman's greatest asset in joy\nor in sorrow.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1757.84258984375, 4486.5755, 2170.154724609375, 4705.93475390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Lawrence of London wants you\nto brave the elements in a new\nrain design—jaguar printed\ncotton poplin with a diagonal\nzipper closing. It’s worn with a\nmatching safari hat that has a\ndetachable ‘‘curtain.””\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 469.28680419921875, 405.454833984375, 844.9514770507812, 467.24542236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "CARD OF THANKS\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2154.470947265625, 108.7232437133789, 2520.518798828125, 216.51820373535156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "What's Going On\n\nIn Silver Creek\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 48.081729400634764, 616.6202387695313, 439.02407885742184, 937.9854130859376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "BAKER, C. Dorothy: Funeral\nservices will be held at 1:30\nTuesday afternoon from the\nFirst Methodist Church. Dr.\nArthur M. Crawford will offi-\nciate. Interment will be in\nForest Hill cemetery. Friends\nwill be received by the\nfamily at the Gardinier Fun-\neral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to\n9 today.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 55.27355908203125, 1237.833556640625, 443.20990039062497, 1552.5317998046874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "LEACH, Wilson H.: Funeral\nservices will be held at 1:30\nWednesday afternoon from the\nMorse Funeral Home, Brocton,\nwith the Rev. Allan Ames offi-\nciating. Burial will be in Port-\nland Evergreen cemetery.\nFriends will be received at the\nfuneral home from 7 to 9 today\nand from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Tues-\ndav.\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 50.50338314819336, 954.4342646484375, 442.30145312499997, 1214.7556767578126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "BAUMUNK, Robert: Funeral\nservices will be held at 2 o’clock\nTuesday afternoon from the\nGrove Funeral Home, Waynes-\nboro, Pa. The Rev. Herbert\nBoyles will officiate. Graveside\nservices will be held Wednes-\nday morning at 10:30 in Forest\nHill cemetery.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 72.89023541259766, 3304.19415234375, 468.09878588867184, 3596.141052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "RKOSSOTTO, Cpl. Vincent J.:\nFuneral services will be held\nat 8:30 Thursday morning from\nthe Gardinier Funeral Home\nand at 9 o’clock in Holy Trinity\nChurch. Interment will be in\nSt. Joseph’s cemetery. Friends\nwill be received by the family\nat the funeral heme after 7\no'clock this evening.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2191.5615234375, 2342.511474609375, 3415.310546875, 4777.3828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Maitre VMaVviagg Uree»n says.\n\n“ Gas infra-red outdoor broiling found best for\ncharcoal flavor in most popular ‘meat-out’ recipes”\n\n \n\nDiscover the joy of Gas Broiling with infra-\nred, Gasprills duplicate the ages-old, always-\nloved charcoal flavor of broiling at its best\n... through the wave length of infra-red.\n\nGas infra-red broiling is in — all other\nmethods are out. With a new Gasprill it’s all\nover but the shouting about charcoal flavor.\n\nOld-fashioned flavor is delivered from a Gas-\ngrill with new-fangled ease.\n\n \n\nNOW ENJOY Char-Broiled Flavor Indoors, too!\n‘Infra-red’ brings the great outdoors char-broiled\nflavor indoors for great year ‘round cooking. See these\nhandsome ranges at your Gas Company. Inquire about\nthe new Infra-Red Char-Broilers.\n\n \n\nWrite for FREE Recipes today.\nNew Gas ideas make the big difference in living.\nLive a lot better with Gas. Have a Great Day!\n\n \n\nNOTICE!\nNo Home Service\n\nIROQUOIS GAS\nDemonstration\n\nMEMBER INVESTOR-OWNED NATIONAL FUEL GAS SYSTEM July 178% Aug. 8\n419 Central Ave., Dunkirk; 84 W. Main St.. Fredonia 4\n\n \n\n \n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 46.6019401550293, 539.3416137695312, 420.94476318359375, 603.125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "FUNERAL NOTICES\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 461.78594921875, 882.7133173828125, 859.1560063476562, 1035.306091796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "TRAP eads 2. PUP\nwish to thank all their friends,\nrelatives and neighbors for the\nkindness and sympathy shown\nthem in their recent bereave-\nment.\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2193.451904296875, 2532.400146484375, 3408.913330078125, 3765.40869140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1388.756103515625, 4064.860107421875, 1680.9234619140625, 4151.54736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Sheridan\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 452.6827998046875, 200.86115979003907, 862.0740361328125, 381.17169238281247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": " \n\nory of my dear friend,\nDOROTHY J., who passed away\nduly 8, 1967.\nImiss you\n“BETTY DUFF\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 2170.5556640625, 1744.273193359375, 2455.01708984375, 1779.938720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "EMERGENCY CALLS\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 72.17182873535157, 3606.208556640625, 466.5036320800781, 3704.256287109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe effective striking range\nof a prairie rattlesnake is about\ntwo-thirds of its body length.\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2218.4521484375, 229.06625366210938, 2474.31298828125, 250.70030212402344 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "TUEBCHAY BVENTS\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 3012.264708984375, 2092.261046875, 3402.934265625, 2172.38104296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "—Read all. the display ads\ndaily.\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": { "bbox": [ 492.13916015625, 131.51185607910156, 832.1121826171875, 191.3777618408203 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "IN MEMORIAM\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 525.5082397460938, 836.3274536132812, 811.5213012695312, 892.5112915039062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "The family of the late\nHWAROLDT. ROONEY\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 1358.459228515625, 4164.88720703125, 1722.83642578125, 4210.12451171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "By MRS. JAMES GOLDHERG\nPhone 79.9745\n" }, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 8, 11 ], [ 8, 15 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 11, 15 ], [ 11, 16 ], [ 11, 19 ], [ 15, 16 ], [ 15, 19 ], [ 16, 19 ] ]
[ 6937.044535156249, 8424.69140625 ]
[ [ 8, 19 ], [ 11, 15 ], [ 16, 11 ], [ 19, 16 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4416.94862890625, 898.0482993164062, 5256.158792968749, 3466.1363320312503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "SATURDAY—9:30 a.m.—Girl\nScout uniforms exchange at\nCommunity Center.\n\nSATURDAY—7:30 p.m.—Ellis\nCounty 4-H Achievement Ban-\nquet will be held at the Nation-\nal Guard Armory, 118 N. Grand,\nWaxahachie.\n\nDaily for eight days, SUNDAY\nOct. 27 through SUN. Nev. 3—\n2 p.m. to 10 p.m.—Ellis County\nMuseum and Art Gallery, -\nopen house at the\n\nhome on W. Mai St.,\nWaxahachie, with\ntives of women’s clubs of “a\n\nis sponsoring a downtown exhib-\nit of antiques and art work by\nElis Countians,inthe JOOF\nBidg., 208 S. St.\n\nMONDAY—7:30 p.m.—E11is\n‘County Unit ,TSTA, will meet\nat Sam Houston\n\nTUESDAY—9:30 a.m. 12\nmoon and 12:30 to 2 peo eird\nGarden Club will meet at the\nCommunity Center for an ar-\nrangements workshop to be con-\nducted by Mrs. Vincent Bova,\nboard member of Dallas Council\nof ‘Nationally Accredited Flower\nShow judges. Members to bring\nmaterials to work with sack\nlunch. Coffee will be served by\nthe hostesses. (Horticulture re-\nport due at meeting or not later\nthan November 1).\n\nTUESDAY—5 p.m. ws om.\n—Open ‘house will be beld. by\nthe TP&L Company sew office\nand 9ervice center, 300 W.\nCrockett St., opposite the Com-\n\nmimityu FPG,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2007.608154296875, 194.79373168945312, 3514.58203125, 1328.071533203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3583.26698828125, 660.928609375, 4413.2754921875, 2724.0499062500003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "- Hearty best wishes for vic-\ntory, Ennis Lions, as you invade\nFiano tonight. Congratulafions\nms not ‘having lost a game thus\nar.\n\nMRS. FLOYD BRATCHER\nand pretty little granddaughter,\nGAYLA ANN BRATCHER, 2%,\nwere in the office this a.m. to\nturn in Gayla Ann’s little sister's\nbirth announcement, elsewhere\ntoday.\n\nGayla Ann is a i1eal glamor\ngirl, wich long plunde hair and\nblue eyes. She was the Bratch-\ners first grandchild and first\ngir! to be born in the family in\n27 years, Mrs. Bratcher said.\n\nOct. 26 birthday orchids to\nLEON WALKER, MRS. RAY-\n‘MOND KRUTILEK, BRENT\nJONES, NANCY BRACKIN,\nFREDDIE HILGERS, FREDDIE\nBOURLAND, MRS. FRANK NO-\nVOIrNY, MRS. E. R. KELLY,\nMRS. J. W. SODDERS, . BAR-\nBARA HOUSLEY, TOMMY\nWHITLOCK, JACK RHEA, NAN-\nCL CALHOUN, STEPHEN PRA-\nCHYL (1960), TROY DALE PA-\nTAK (1966).\n\nOct. 26 wedding anniversary\norchids to MR. and MRS. HOM.-\nER DOHERTY, MR. and MRS.\nCARL HORAN (1921).\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 250.385009765625, 141.27066040039062, 1904.5164794921875, 363.7347717285156 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Pendleton of Corsi. Explains Equal\nLegal Rights Amendment Ta Ennic RAPW\n" }, "4": null, "5": { "bbox": [ 1107.6607666015625, 7634.9619140625, 2696.164794921875, 8400.306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": ". Yeu may qualify for A.S.C. assistance fer fertilizer\n\non fall pasture. Check with A.S.C. offies. ord\n\n’ Monsante Agriculture Center.\n\n:\n-\n\n+ 876-5861\n\n \n \n\nDon Angell, Mgr. § Monsanto 1003'S. Kaufman |\nEnnis, Texas\n" }, "6": null, "7": { "bbox": [ 2849.7177734375, 5714.537109375, 4270.9169921875, 8326.005859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Humiditier off ve tenaneenden bi\nand dose hot incuts bomen\n\n \n \n\n2 i ‘ we\nbie ‘\n\nRelieve nose and throat\n\ncaused by dry winter air!\n\n; . Calinow for a free survey.\nNe money down, up to 5 years to pay.\n\nCAWILSONCo.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 217.89754248046876, 378.8415427246094, 1060.1830849609375, 5271.547953124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "MTS. verry Pendleton, mem-\nber of the Corsicana Busi-\nness and Professional Women’s\nClub, as speaker Tuesday night\nfor the Ennis B&PW Club meet.\ning on “Legislation,” gave the\nB&PW study on the Equal Lega!\nRights Amendment to the Texas\nConstitution.\n\nShe was introduced by Mrs.\nJoe Sodders. Mrs. Pendleton al-\nso urged all Ennis members to\nattend the District 5 Seminar in\nCorsicana Saturday, October 26,\nat which time the talk on the A-\nmendment will be continued, a-\nmong other items of business.\nShe urged also that all be in-\nformed voters in the November\nd election .\n\nMrs. B. V. King, club presi-\ndent, opened the meeting, held\nin the Coffee Shop at Ye Olde\nInn. Mrs. J. H. Mauldin gave the\ninvocation.\n\nMrs. King announced that\nMiss Grace Yoder of Weslaco\nvas selected as tcp B & PW\nmember of the state on B&PW\nDay at the State Fair and thus\nis the reigning “Miss B&PW of\nTexas.” She said that Mrs. Estel-\nle Partee of El Paso, state\nB&PW Clubs president, was al-\nso present for the B&PW event\nat the Fair and that Miss Eliza-\nbeth Todyv of Fort Worth was\nthe speaker for that event, with\nMiss Jeanette Woodard of Dal-\njas as chairman for the day.\n\nMinutes and correspondence\nwere read by Mrs. Vera Everts,\nsecretary, and Mrs. T. O. Hall,\ntreasurer, reported all outstand-\ning bills paid except the drinks\nfor the Girl Scout Camp that\nwill come in later, and the\nclub's contribution to the legi-\nslative fund. Mrs. Vera Tolar re-\nminded all to vote Nov. 5. Sev-\neral items were sent to the ques-\ntion and answer box on how to\nimprove the club and M T's.\nKing read these, commenting\nbriefly. Reported it were Mrs.\nFioyd Casebolt, Mrs. Glynn Vy-\ners and Mrs. Walter Jones. Mis.\nJohn Pool's name was drawn\nfrom the “Ha Ha Box” for the\nfree meal. As Mrs. Pool, first\nvice president, has moved — to\nDallas, the executive committee\nwas asked ‘to find some one to\nfill the vacancy thus created.\n\nThose introduced, besides the\nspeaker, were Mrs. Lacile Boyd\nof Corsicana, District 5 director,\nguest of the club; Mrs. L. M.\nPenrod, guest of Mrs. R. E.\nBuie; Mrs. Garth Simmons,\nguest of Mrs. Willie Kadiubar,\nand Mrs. Maurine Riley, a new\nmember.\n\nIn her talk, Mrs. Pendleton\nexplained what the Equal Legal\nrights Amendment is, why: it is\nnecessary, the opposition to the\namendment, the effect of the\namendment on present laws and\nwhat B&PW members can do ‘to\nhelp secure its passage, ©\nTexas women already have the\n‘same legal duties as men—-the\nduty to pay the same taxes, the\nduty. to vote, the duty to serve\n‘on juries, the duty to suppo\n\nBese\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3588.950337890625, 2902.26308203125, 4407.92246484375, 3711.8694863281253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "‘Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Sykora,\n712 Mosley Dr., Waco, have an-\nnounced the arrival of a baby\nson, Dale Gene, October 22, at\n6:29 a.m. at Hillcrest Baptist\nHospital, Waco, weighing 38\npounds 2 ounces. Grandparents\nare Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Slo-\nvak, Ennis, and Mr. and Mrs.\nHenry Sykora of West. Great-\ngrandparents are Mrs. Joe J.\nVrana and Mrs. Annie E. S 1 0\nvak. Mrs. Sykora is the former\nDolores Slovak of Ennis.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3654.49365234375, 222.66175842285156, 4333.15283203125, 528.3318481445312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Gn the\n\nAvenue\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2747.042134765625, 1435.3388876953125, 3575.1512246093753, 5549.230082031249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "of you—and only you will be\nresponsible fur the success or\nfailure of this attempt to secure\njustice for all citizens of Texas\nbecause what you do individually\nto obtain the support of your\nrepresentative and senator will\nmake the difference between the\nsuccess or failure of our effort,”\nMrs. Pendleton toil the women.\n\nShe admonished all members\nto “study and digest information\ngiven from the set of studies pro-\nvided by Mrs. Tobolowsky, to\ncontact their representatives by\nmail or personally getting them\nto’ commit themselves to active\nsupport of the Amendment; Af.-\nter the Legislature convenes in\nJanuary and the Amendment is\nintroduced to write or mail your\ndegislator again, see to it that\nyour relatives and friends write\n‘and be very vocal about our\n‘Amendment; after it is introduc-\n‘ed public hearings will’ be held\non:the Amendment and we\n‘should ask our Legislators to\n‘notify us when the hearings are\n‘set and try to see that at least\ntwo ef our club members arz\n‘piesent in Austin for these\nhearings. Our presence will have\na Beneficial effect on the com-\nThittee and if no one attends they\n‘tous presume no one is too in-\n‘ferested in the Amendment and\n‘thereafter you shovld keep in\n<ohtact with your leg's'ators by\nfrequent reminders of our in-\nterest in the Amendment.\n\n“Phe . Legislative Committee\nwill watch the progress of the\n“Amendment as reported in the\nJournals of the House and Sen-\nate and report to the club\nmonthly. Every vote will be re-\ncorded and we can keep an ac-\n‘curate check on our legislator’s\n-yote, said Mrs. Pendleton.\n\nty le SAacddid job well, the\nEqual ‘Legal Rigths Amendment\nduring the next session of the\nLegislature wil! be pass:d. But\nonce: the Legal Rights Amend-\nprent passes, our job thas really\njust begun, for we will have to\n-educate every voter in the State\n-of Texas as to the vital necessity\nunder present day conditions for\n. Texas women to have the\nsame legal rights as every\nother citizen of our State.\nfor every constitutiona!\n\n“amendment must be submitted\nto the voters of fexas and must\n-be approved by them before it\nbecomes a mart of our basic law.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5247.43691015625, 999.8197836914062, 6084.656839843749, 1391.9673867187498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ccie honte in Whediencube tae tho\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 278.27789306640625, 5294.7109375, 1007.0664672851562, 6745.57568359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "On COMPANY\nWholesale - Retell\nAll Brands of OU\nPlugs & Filters\n: for :\nee\n. Tractors”\nCUSTOM PLOWING\nSPRAYING\nFertilizers ana Insecticides\n\nBada! Oi! .\nace te Oe ee a\n\"We have evefything that @\nfarmer needs but money”\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 6134.08203125, 3063.7451171875, 6901.7939453125, 4248.44580078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3599.176412109375, 4833.46913671875, 4422.31406640625, 5550.066019531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Thus we have two big tests tv\nmeet—one before the Texas\nLegislature and the other before\nthe people of Texas.\n\n‘Won't vou join the crusade.\nto create an irresistable demand.\nfor the Equal Rights Amendment\nso that women of Texas may. joy-\nfully perform the duties of cit-\nizenship, knowing full wel! that\nthey also enjoy its privileges,”\nMrs. Pendleton asked.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1914.4588828125, 1435.8923544921875, 2741.2071328125, 7567.784769531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "some of the court-made discri-\nminations, but by no means ex-\nhaust the list of court-made dis-\ncriminations. Another important\nreason given for passing the\nEqual Legal Rights Amendment\nis that its passeage will prevent\nenactment of additional discri-\nminatory Jaws in the. future.\n\nDuring the 1965 session of the\nLegislature, ten discriminatory\nbills were introduced. ‘Modell\nScrugs and Hermine Tuboloweky\nwere the only persons who ap-\npeared before the various legis-\nlative committees: in opposition\nto these bills, ‘acting in -behalf\nof the Texas Federation of B& PW\nClubs. If these two women had\nnot gone to Austin to oppose\nthose bills, we are conyvinved\nthat many of them would have\npassed and as it was one such\nbill did pass. That bill should\ncause serious concern to every\nparent in the State of Texes. It\nwas introduced for the purpose\nof making it easier for underage:\nchildren to get married, ‘accurd-\ning to statements made by. the\nwepislator who introduced it and.\nit passed with a provision that’\nthe father alone can give. con-\nsent to the marriage of uid “,\nchildren. It difference\nif the mother protests. his.action-\nso long as the parents fave not\nfiled for divorce. Thi3 bill went\ninto effect: Aug. 1, 1965, and\nsince that time we’ understand\nthat several district ‘attorneys\nwho are responsible for the en-\nfercement of child suppert pay-\nments have had the experience\nwherein fathers who were .con-\ntemplating divorce actually en-\ncouraged their underage chil-\ndren to get married and signed\nthe consent to marriage over the\nprotest .* the mothers so that\nwhen they. did -file for-<divorce\nthey would net-have te pay-child\nsupport of a married child. -\n\n“Texas women could not be\nfaced with the: constant job: of\nfighting the enactment of addi-\ntional discriminatory, laws if the\nTexas Constitution: contained the\nEqual Legal Rights 4 Hidhient.\nFew legislatots. would introduce\nsuch laws end, even sit they did,\nother. legislators: woultt. hot. en-\nact them, knowl tia, they,\nwould be inv 6 BE the\ncourts. :\n\n“Another - ‘idnoebaai iain\nthe Texas. Legislature should\npass the Equal Legal Right<\nAmendment is the imniinent pos-\nsibility that present discrimina-\ntory laws will be tested ‘n the\nSupreme Court of the United\nStates and that .the Supreme\nCourt will rightly hold that they\nare invalid because they violate\nthe due process and. equa! pro-\ntection clauses . the 14th\nAmendment to. the U. S. Con-\nstitution is invalid. If this should\nhappen, it could create chaos in:\nTexas Law if the Texas Legis-\nlature hasn't taken actico to cor-\nrecent confusion over redistrict-\ning in Texas is an exemple of\nwhat can happen when the Fed.\neral Courts set te correct State\nLaws when the Leislature refus-\nes to do so. Hermine Tobviowsky\nhas filed a brief in .a case which\nis now pending in the 5th Circuit\nCourt of Appeals contending\nthat discriminatory Texas laws\nviolate the U. S. Constitution\nand many more such cases will\nreach the courts in the future.\n\n‘When the Texas Leislature\nmeets again, an amendment to\nArticle I, Section 3, of the Tex-\nas Constitution, . providing that\nEquality Under the Law sbali not\nbe Abridged because of Sex will\nbe introduced. ‘We. wilt lisve\nsome dedicated Logislato ‘Work-\ning to pass this Ar pnt, but\nin the last analysis, you—each\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 275.84588623046875, 6901.60595703125, 1000.43408203125, 8424.69140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\nYour Are Cordialty\nInvited Te A\nCOLLECTION OF\nFASHIONS\nPresented To You By\nYour Hosteases Ate\nCynthia Ramsey -\nAnd Billie Horton\n\nCommunity\nOCTY 28, 1968\n7 TILL 9 saat\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3815.5087890625, 2785.49658203125, 4181.1552734375, 2899.9853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "BIRTHS\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1077.719380859375, 431.4213767089844, 1899.2040810546873, 7677.787210937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "military service on a compulsory\nbasis as in 1057 the Texas Legis-\nlature passed a bill to draft wo-\nmen into the militia in time of\nwar. Now, said Mrs. Penaleton\nit is time that we secure some\nof the obvious privileges of cit-\nizenship, such as equal rights\nwith the men of this state.\n\nMrs. Pendleton quoted former\nCongresswoman Gladys _ St.\nGeorge who once said thai wo-\nmen are an “oppressed major-\nity.”\n\nThe speaker said ‘With\nknowledge and determination we\ncan change that. And we can\ncreate a better State for aii its\ncitizens through our dedication\nto liberty and justice. This\namendment can bring this about.\nemphasized Mrs. Pendleton.\nIt is an amendment to Artlicle\n1, Section 3 of the Texas Con-\nstitution, and its main provi-\nsion states that “Equality under\nthe law shall not be cenied or\nabridged because of sex.” It\nwould offer the same guarantee\nof legal equality between the\nsexes that the Constitution now\nguarantces for free speech,\nfreedom of religion, etc. regard-\nless of race, color, creed, nation-\nal origin, etc.—but not one word\nnor anywhere does it say regard-\nless of s¢ex—and yet you see se>\nevery place else in the world\nexcept here where the Constitu-\ntion refers to rights of people\n\nSince 1913 various attempts\nhave been made to repeal or\namend many of these discrimina-\ntory laws, but attempts have\nmet with. little success. Mean-\nwhile many ‘Fexas resident: are\n‘daily experiencing inconvenienc-\nes, hardship,. heartache and fin-\nancial loss because of these laws.\n\n‘Despite the fact that the Tex-\nas Federation of Business and\nProfessional Women's Clubs.\nInc., and other women’s groups\nhave conducted vigorous cam-\npaigns to change these laws, to\ndate we can report very iittle\nprogress. but 1968-1969 scems\nto be the time we will succeed,”\nsaid Mrs, Pendleton. The passage\nof this amendment will serve as\na mandate from the people of\nTexas. which will require the\nLegislature to repeal or amend\nthe discriminatory laws. And\nwhile it is inconceivable tha‘ the\nthe Legislature would refuse to\nact .after. the passage of tie\nAmendment. should it fail to do\n‘so, it would give citizens ai\nopening wedge to challenge the\ndiscriminatory laws in the Texas\nCourts. She said she was sure\nthat the members are aware that\n\nany Texas Courts decisions\nhave expanded the discrimina-\ntions, j against women beyond the\nletter: of the statutory law and\nthat Courts are reluctant to over-\n‘turn. their own prececnts unless\nfareed to do so by statutory or\nConstitutional changes. So the\n“Amendinent is necessary to ab-\nte:the discriminatory court-\naade laws which have ihe same\nforce and effect as laws passed\nby the Texas Legislature.\n\nThe speaker gave the follow-\ning examples of court-made laws\nwhich discriminate against wo-\nmen:\n\n‘ 4) One permits the husband to\nsell or give away community\nproperty, including his wife's\nhalf; without her consent and\neventhough she objects; 2) A\nhusband can abandon the home-\nstead and ther sell it vithout\nhis. wife’s consent; 3) Another\npermits only the husband to sue\nto recover community property\nand if he refuses to do so, the\nwife cannot sue to protect her\ninterest therein and she cannot\neven sue for damages for her\nOwn personal injuries, as such\ndamages are community; 4) Mar-\nriage dissolves any business\npartnership in which a woman is\nerigeged prior to her marriage 5)\nA married woman cannot be-\ncome a partner in a business af-\nter her marriage. If she at-\ntempts to do so, legally she is\nenly a creditor of the attempted\npartnership and if a dispute de-\nvelops between the married\nwoman and her partner, she is\nnot, entitled to claim any of the\nbenelits, of the partnership.\n\nThe above illustrations Mrs.\n\nPendleton stated illustrated only\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5308.3828125, 3478.29248046875, 6059.63720703125, 4257.26708984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5287.5830078125, 4318.62158203125, 6837.96533203125, 4822.421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4392.98681640625, 4855.3408203125, 6804.291015625, 8419.828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\n9\n\n \n\n \n \n\nsented in the Yellow Pages 7\néasy for buyers to find YOU w\n\nsti ter\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4442.10107421875, 3542.717041015625, 5242.76904296875, 4802.923828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\n107 W. Avenue Ennis, Tetes\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 5263.10097265625, 3079.145650390625, 6074.479105468749, 3424.8904824218753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Edsel Patien who had been\n\n \n\nng: .\n" }, "26": null, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 3739.946533203125, 599.7899780273438, 4286.57177734375, 656.6914672851562 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Ry FAV CASEROILT\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4511.39697265625, 795.88232421875, 5180.8994140625, 887.0454711914062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Social Calendar\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 3637.241943359375, 3866.558837890625, 4385.99072265625, 4782.27783203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "DSS Te\n\nBy PHIL PASTORET\n\nKeep your eye on the goal\nand they wou't ekate the puck\nyour way all evening.\n\nee 8 8\nWe’re\ncomers cae betes boasts of 4\nCc playing\ne Peer dy\noot oar wnéle, who's\nfiddles with his —\n\nIt takes maztnerve toe\nwear some of the ‘tala.\n\n(Newspaper Enterprise Asen.)\n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 7 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 3, 8 ], [ 7, 8 ] ]
[ 3399.2333984375, 4843.75 ]
[ [ 3, 8 ], [ 7, 2 ], [ 8, 7 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 453.0046691894531, 2111.346435546875, 861.2155151367188, 2319.575927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Status of Camp\nMcCoy Studied\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 36.70618438720703, 65.58377838134766, 855.8383178710938, 277.08892822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Truman Logical Man to\nCampaian for President\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 452.5504348144531, 293.7863967285156, 879.3187363281249, 2107.89124609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "the only mistakes which Tru-\n‘/manism will have to answer\ndfor in the next campaign ir-\n{respective of whether the for-\njmer president is the\nJnominee or has a hand in\npicking the party candidate.\n|There is still the matter of\nrieglect of duty with respect\nto the late Harry Dexter\nWhite. Mr, Truman has never\nexplained it. He has applied\nthe fifth amendment sort of\nphilosophy by refusing to ap-\n{pear before a house commit-\n‘tee which subpoenadd him to\nexplain the circumstances of\nthe White case.\n\nWhile presidents have never\nbeen required fo answer a\nigubpoena, ex-presidents have\nno such legal right to refuse\nto testify and somé of them’\nactually have testified be-\nfore congressional committées\nwhen invited. Mr. Truman, if\ninclined to be formal about it,\nmight have refused to accept\na subpoena but could never-\ntheless have responded volun-\ntarily to an invitation.\n\nAs it is, the country does\nnot know. even today why, in\nthe face of testimony by for-\n/mer Secretary of State James\n‘F, Byrnes that J. Edgar Hoo-\n‘ver of the FBI had warned\nMr. Truman about White,\nthere were sent nevertheless\nwithin the next thirteen\nmonths two Jetters of- com-\nmendation to White signed by\nMr. Truman. The Democratic\nparty has never seemed to\ncare to clear up this mystery.\nBut in the. 1956 campaign,\nwhich the former president\nevidently believes should be:\nof the “give ’ern hell” variety,\nit is not unlikely that some of\nthe Republicans will ask for\nthe answers, They will-ask for\nspecific assurances that, if the\nDemocratic party comes back\nto power, it will not again be\nas soft in handlifig Commu-\nnists as it was during the 20\nyears it occupied the execu-\ntive branch of the govern-\n\nment.\n(Copyright, 1955, New York\nHerald Tribune Inc.)\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 36.14622186279297, 325.49589990234375, 455.87995458984375, 650.0706284179687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Doren, dammit 7\n\nWASHINGTON -— Former\nPresident Harry Truman not\nonly is eligible under the Con-\nstitution to run again for the\npresidency but in many re-\nspects he is the logical person\nfor the Democratic party to\nnominate in 1956.\n\nTt. is the Truman record\nwhich the Democrats are still\nboasting about as having been\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 455.4003493652344, 2328.455677734375, 884.6881210937499, 4064.469859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "CAMP McCOY (#i--The mil-\nitary affairs committee of the\nWisconsin legislature met\nhere Tuesday with ‘the fifth\narmy. community relations\ncommittee and discussed the\norder which turned the 61,000\nacre installation into a sum-\nmer training camp only. /\n\nCol. Oscar Moldenhauer,\nTomah hotel keeper and a\nregimental cammahder in the,\n32nd national guard infantry\ndivision, asked why the camp\nwas closed when high military\nJeaders conceded the camp\nwas oné of the superior train-\n‘ing centers in the nation. He\nthen pointed out that perma-\n‘nent camps chosen for the re-\n‘serve training program were\n‘in Mississippi, Texas, Florida,\nAlabama, Maryland and Cal-\n‘fornia, ‘“‘mostly Democratic\nstates.’ Camp McCoy oper-\nates under the present sched-\nule from February until the\nend of November. The camp\nwas removed from full time\nstatis in 1952.\n| These U. 5. representatives ;\n‘attended the meeting: Gard-\nner Withrow (R-La Crosse),'\nHenry Reuss (D-Milwaukee),\nand William Van Pelt (R-Fond;\ndu Lac).\n\nLegislature members at-,\nfending were Sens. Leverich\n(R-Sparta) and Draheim (R-\nNeenah), and Assemblymen\nHall (Tomah), Romell\n(Adams) and Jamés Peterson\n(La Crosse). a\n\nThe committee heard an in-\n‘formal réport from Major,\nIGen. P. D, Ginder,. fifth army|\n‘commander from Chicago,\nand Col. James MacDougall,\n‘Camp McCoy comnidnder.\n\nAlso present were members,\nof the 11 man community re-\nlations committee headed by,\nI. B. Bell, Tomah,\n\nThé committeé said it hoped\nthe recently approved armed\nforces act would incréase the\nneed for the camp’s facilities.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe United Nations, its agen- |\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 47.56136703491211, 660.9659423828125, 241.78660583496094, 989.41455078125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 64.65009307861328, 4179.82958984375, 862.3494262695312, 4841.5390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "NOTICE\n\nApplication blanks for the position of\nPatrolman on the Waukesha Police Force\nwill be available at the Waukesha Police\nStation until Sept. 17, 1955. Contact Police\nChief Hannon, ,\n\nFire and Police Commission\nCarl Weber, Sect’y.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 15.3354384765625, 1031.54918359375, 451.0201828613281, 4157.438609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Te Jvde alli\npaign Adlai Stevenson didn’t\ndare to repudiate Trumanism,\nso .in 1956- the Democratic\nnominee will likewise have to\ncampaign in defense of the\nsame doctrines or else risk\nthe loss of the former pres-\ndent’s ‘give ’em hell’? tech-\nnique in the campaign. Thus,\nit is more Jogical that Harry\nTruman make the race him-\nself.\n\nOnce before in history a\nDemocratic. president—Grov-\ner Cleveland—atfier a lapse of\nfour years was elected again.\nThe congress specifically ex-\nempted Harry Truman from\nthe constitutional ban against\nany service in the presidency\nbeyond two terms. Some will\nargue that Mr. Truman’s age,\n71, is a deterring factor but\nhis coniemporary, Senator\nBarkley of Kentucky, is still\nin public life at 77.\n\nMention of Mr. Barkley re-\ncalls a point that maybe Mr.\nTruman would like to forget.\n¥or it was big unionism which\nblacklisted the Kentuckian!\nwhen it came to selecting a\npresidential nominee in 1952.\nMr. Truman now says that\nthe Republican administration\nis a captive of big business,\nbut the country will remem-\nber that big unionism domi-\nnated the Truman administra-\ntion. Nothing that Mr. Tru-\nman can suggest by way of al-\nleged harm done by the pres-\nent administration in protect-\ning the free-entetprise sys-\ntem from sabotage can possib-\njy compare with the injury to\nconstitutional practice record-\ned when Mr. Truman violated\nthe constitution. in seizing the\nsteel industry. This was done\nbecause, as the late Phil Mur-\nray intimated in one:. of his\nspeeches prior to the seizure,\nMr. Truman had pledged him-\nself in a private deal not to\nuse the Taft-Hartley act.\n\nNo president of the United\nStates in all history ever\nseized an entire industry and,\nwhen Mr. Truman did so, he\nwas promptly rebuked by the\nsupreme court of the United\nStates.\n\nCurieusly cnough, none of\nhe “left wingers,’? with their\nstooge organizations, came\nout to defend the rights of\nbusiness men as free men un-\nder the bill of rights of the\nconstitution. There was no\nsuch solicitude about legal\nprocedures and “due process”\nexhibited then as there is now\nwhen a person who is merely\nasked whether he has ever\nbeen a Communist pleads the\nfifth amendment, .\n\nWhatever the alleged\ndamage of “McCarthyism”\nabroad, nothing hurt the pres-\ntige of the United States more\nin foreign countries—particu-\nJarly in Asia—than the sum-\ntary dismissal of General\nMacArthur by President Tru-\nman. without so much as 4\nhearing. The supreme com-\nmander of our Far Eastern\nforces, who had admittedly\ndone stich a wonderful job in\npostwar Japan, not only\nwasn’t given a hearing—which\nit is so often claimed every\ngovernment employe is enti-\nfled to get—but he wasn’t\néven given the courtesy of be-\ning notified ahead of the pub-\nJic announcement that he was\nfired. He got the first news on\nthe radio.\n\nThe disregard of the consti-\ntution, however, in seizing the\nentire steel industry and in\ndismissing General MacdAr-\nthur without a hearing are not\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 248.86162255859375, 648.2555434570312, 452.2240402832031, 1031.2707626953124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "so much bet-\nter than the\nE is enhower\nrecord, and it\nis a return\nto Trumanism\n\nwhich the\ncountry may\nexpect if it\n\nelects a Dem-\nocrat to the\nWhite House.\nFor, “Just as in\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 994.9196166992188, 1861.2451171875, 3399.2333984375, 4843.75 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "rmel’s\n\nANNED PICNICS fin” Dad oa.\nKingan's Circle K Chopped Beef or K. P. Luncheon Meat\n\non. fe | | $86 I L__ sn eeosnarceensue |\nRICH IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH SAVORY PORK — KROGER’S .\n16 oz.\n| Madison Brand Hellman‘’s — Rich with Egg\nSWEET PICKLES .............. 2; 43c MAYONNAISE ‘Sar 490 -\nPIVE BiTTER FOR vces 12 02.\n— , can\n| Read's German Dusseldorf, Horseradish or Salad\nPOTATO SALAD \"2.:* 29¢ Kraft MUSTARD °.:° 10c\nFine Granulated Kroger’s Fresh Baked Sand’ch Buns or\nSUGAR. . ‘oo 976 WIENER ROLLS . .... 23¢\nRed Dot’ . Kroger’s Golden Snow\nMadison Brand. , Hawaiian\n\nPOTATO CHIPS. 58 LAVER CAKE. va\" 58\nDILL PICKLES ....%: 25¢ PUNCH ..:... \"2° 38¢\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n| | Pasteurized\nProcess\nCheesespread\n\nWINDSOR CLUB\n| 2 Ib. c\n“A Picnic must for Loaf 59\n\ndelicious sandwiches”\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nMichigan Elberta\n\nPEACHES 379\n\nBANANAS\n\nFirm, Golden Ripe Fruit -\n\n \n\nPicnic Supplies\nondware Colored\n\naper Plates >\n\nLO CUPS te 10c DRY ICE... \"er 39\nPER PLATES .....' 45¢ ALUMINUM FOIL... *.° 27¢\n\ndware Pl\n\nRKS or SPOONS tm 290 WAX PAPER... 2 mu 490\n\nCECE ee Oe ee ee mrs On Swen Big OMe\n\n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 961.1751098632812, 71.51007843017578, 3374.8447265625, 203.46726989746094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Have A Happy Holiday — Buy for the Long 9 Meal Weekend Ahead!\n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 1691.03355859375, 225.75404809570313, 2599.50941015625, 362.8724167480469 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Here's the modern way to gat more delicious ham fer your money at Kroger, It’s\nall heart of ham —= sugar cured, hickory smoked, melt-in-your-mouth tender —\nthe meatiest ham you ever ate. And your best ham value too, all the throw away\nparts are removed before you buy. Try your faverite cut of this tender, julcy\nham teday —.at this attractive Kromer prise: we >» 2\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 463.2389724121094, 4021.006458984375, 878.4754135742187, 4152.77259375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The United Nations, its agen-\ncies and programs cost the\nUnited States about 55 cents\na year for each American.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 96.27345275878906, 298.71868896484375, 428.528564453125, 327.9711608886719 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "se DAVIN LAWRENCE\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 900.586181640625, 250.33407592773438, 3395.27734375, 2317.032958984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": ". Land O'Frost\n\n. ao gli iil it ail ug ig lata A ale Ie cara I aa ial itm ich har te gad ae. Se\nj all heart of ham —— sugar cured, hickory smoked, melet-in-your-mouth tender ——\n\nPandan ted beter ye here yur tvore co fs tena, ule Skinless and Shankless\n~~ ‘eo a an ham today — at this arpectioe Kroger price, 16 tc 20 Ib. A\n| ° vg.\n\n“s > _ Sg\n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n7 ‘Round or\nButt Potion\n\nNe Pound...\nNO EXCESS FAT\n‘Sines? Whole or Half Hams. 59%, Center Slices. 89:\n\nLEAN GROUND BEEF. ... 39c\nCHIPPED BEEF .......‘.c% 29c By the Piece!\nCANNED HAMS...\n\nEine\n\n- CANNED PICNICS ‘° $259.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nFresh Frying Chicken —\n\nSPECIAL PICNIC OFFER! |\n\n‘The Se Hot Dog Is Back’\n\nPackage of 8 Plankinton Both s\nGlobe Wieners and Pack- . C\nage of $ Kroger Wiener. Only\n\nCut up Ready for the Pan\n\n\"ib. He LEGS & THIGHS Ib 79c BREASTS ... Ib. 93c\n\nsarees ID, S7E OAWAD - 4 oe:\n\n \n \n\ni| WINGS Ib. 19¢\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRICH IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH SAVORY PORK — KROGER’S <\n\nDAD Wy a PEAHC =\n\n \n" }, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ [ 9, 38 ], [ 15, 8 ], [ 18, 12 ], [ 38, 53 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2240.005623046875, 2798.817390625, 2924.362296875, 3897.3532636718746 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Gatesville’s newly-organized Girl\nScouts will become recruiters for\nthe Red Cross regional blood cen-\n‘ter next week. Beginning Thurs-\n-day, the girls will make the rounds\n‘of Gatesville residences leaving\ndonor ecards for the March 22-23\n‘Gatesville visit by the blood col-\nlecting unit.\n\nThis new plan to enlist new do-\ninors in the program calls for the\n‘girls to leave the cards at each\nihome, then return later and pick\n‘them up. Red Cross leaders are\njasking that each person contact-\ned give the request to become a\n\nfood donor full consideration, and\nhold his card until the Girl Scouts\nmake their return calls.\n\nThe girls are basing their blood\n‘donor campaign on the plea that\nwhole blood is needed for the\nmanufacture of gamma globulin—\nthe serum that combats the crip-\npling effects of polio.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2982.93212890625, 983.943603515625, 4967.48291015625, 2193.039306640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2966.303466796875, 2431.28955078125, 4960.5791015625, 3460.44921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 171.7672960205078, 1399.5855791015624, 862.8149946289063, 2347.335197265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The Federal Housing Authority\nthis week granted final approval\nfor construction of 15 more resi-\ndenees in Gatesville’s Eastwood\nPark Addition and the builders,\nMorris and Little Inc., started con-\nstruction work on the project\nThursday.\n\nOllie Little, who is teamed with\nF. A. Morris Jr. in housing ven-\ntures in Copperas Cove, McGregor\nand Killeen as well as in Gatesville,\nsaid plans are to complete all 15\nresidences within 60 days. They\nwill all be three-bedroom homes\nwith attached garages—homes of\nthe $10,000-$10,500 class. They will\nbe frame with brick trim, and\neach one will be equipped with a\ncentral heating unit.\n\nNearly all these residences will\nbe leeated on North 28th Street.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 164.567634765625, 2678.234138671875, 851.9157026367188, 3554.135734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Gatesville school authorities still\nweren't ready to name a new foot.\nball coach this week, after promis.\ning negotiations with a highly-rat-\ned young Class AAA - assistant\ncoach fell through.\n\nThey have now turned to othér\nleading candidates in the field of\n40. studying their qualifications\nand backgrounds with the hope of\nnaming Lloyd Mitchell's successor\nwithin the next few weeks.\n\nA school board spokesman ad-\nmitted Thursday that prospects for\nchoosing a new coach by March 1\nwere “mighty slim” but added\nthat the trustees felt certain the\nman for the job would be signed\nsometime next month.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4302.786140625, 4537.52491015625, 4999.4038007812505, 6360.2656171875005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Roger H. Miller, Gatesville’s\nmayor, this week issued the fol-\nlowing official memorandum offi-\n‘cially setting March 7-12 as Public\nSchools Week here:\n\n“WHEREAS the Governor of\nTexas has officially designated the\nfirst week in March as Public\nSchools Week in Texas and asks\nthat citizens throughout the state\nvisit their public schools, learr\nmore about their organization and\noperation, and get better acquaint-\ned with their school administrators\nand teachers, and\n\n“WHEREAS it has been demon-\nstrated conclusively that the main-\ntenance of high educational levels\nis essential to the welfare of this\nnation from every standpoint—\neconomic, social, governmental, and\nreligious—and it behooves all citi-\nzens to seek a positive conscious-\nness of what our schools are doing\nand what standards they are en-\ndeavoring to serve;\n\n“THEREFORE, I. R. H. Miller,\nmayor of Gatesville, do hereby\ndesignate the period March 7-12,\n1955, as Public Schools Week in\nGatesville and urge all Gatesville\nresidents to visit our schools dur-\ning this period in order to become\npersonally acquainted with the\nphysical plants of our public school\nsystem and with the progress and\naccomplishments of our public ed-\nucational program.\n\n“In official recognition whereof,\nI hereby affix my signature this\n24th day of February, 1956.\n\n“R. H. Miller,\n“Mayor of Gatesville. Tex.”\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2246.698494140625, 1411.325935546875, 2935.348380859375, 2469.6166914062496 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| The last twisted strands in a\n‘maze of red tape are now being\ncleared away, and contractors may\nbe asked to open bidding on the\nconstruction of the initial part of\n: Gatesville's new high school build-\ning by March 10.\n\nThat was the summation of the\nij building picture given Thursday\n: by Supt. L. C. McKamie.\n| Representatives of the Wilson\n& Patterson architectural firm were\n, here Wednesday checking plans for\nthe homemaking-vocational center\nwith Supt. McKamie and also go-\ning over the building site in East\nGatesville.\n\nThis first section of a complete\nnew high school plant will be paid\nfor with $102,877 granted this dis-\ntrict by the federal government.\nStill hanging fire in Washington is\nGatesville’s bid for additional\nfunds to complete the project.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 851.1852495117188, 4436.6152421875, 1539.835685546875, 6846.4946210937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "A man who staunchly champion-\ned the cause of Corvell’s farmers\nand ranchers for two decades is\ndead.\n\nNathaniel (Mud) Foote, co-own-\ncr and manager of one of the\ncounty’s largest farms and ranch-\n‘es and a longtime local leader in\ngovernment agricultural programs,\ndied Saturday morning while be-\ning rushed to a Clifton hospital\nafter suddenly being stricken U1.\nHe was 53, and had been in fail-\ning health for several years.\n\nFor 17 years Mr. Foote served\nhis fellow farmers and ranchers\nwith distinction as a member of\n‘the AAA and later the PMA\ncounty committee. For 15 of those\n'17 years he was chairman of the\ncounty committee and played a\nmajor role in the administration,\n‘on the local level, of the federal\ngovernment’s farm programs. His\nwork in this field helped gain\nCoryell County an “A” award for\nagricultural achievement and = ac-\ncomplishments during World War\nIf. This award was similar to the\n“E” banner given industries for\noutstanding production in wartime.\n\nWhen Mr. Foote retired from\nthis work in 1952 in the interests\nof his health, B. F. Vance, then\nstate PMA chairman, wrote the\nCoryell leader that “ ... I have\nalways felt that in you the farm-\ners and ranchers of Texas had a\nfriend. We who have been on the\nstate committee and in the state\noffice have held your judgment in\nthe highest respect and we have\nknown that you were one of the\noutstanding committeemen upon\nwhom we could rely to give us\nthe unvarnished truth about how\nthe programs were being opera-\nted and their effect upon farm\npeople.”\n\nBorn and reared near Turners-\nville, Mr. Foote was the son of the\nlate Fred Foote Sr., who came to\nTexas from New York and settled:\nin Coryell County in 1879, build-\ning up a massive ranching enter-\nprise that spread over more than\n\nSee N. FOOTE, Page 4\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1548.8902666015624, 2469.7617265625, 2236.914298828125, 3477.00438671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "3-AA carnival at College Station.\nSpring Branch is that team that\nbounced the ‘54 Gatesville five\nout of the running in the regional\nfinals last year.\n\nThe winner of the Hernet-Spring\nBranch duel will meet the Teague-\nSan Marcos victor in the tourney\nfinals at 8 p. m. Saturday.\n\nJonesboro will make its bow in\nthe Class B tourney at Brownwood\nagainst Mosheim at 7 p. m. to-\nnight. The Fagles’ ace forward,\nRay Don Williams, will be gunning\nfor his 600th point. He has already\ncounted 598 in leading his club\nto a bi-district pennant.\n\nEvant, a veteran crew which fi-\nnished third in the state Class B\nrace last year, has drawn Aquilla\nas a first-round foe at Brownwood.\nThese two teams will clash at 8:30\ntonight.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2927.002205078125, 3870.287849609375, 3605.557853515625, 5159.0136640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "To continue the vital aid and\nservice of the Red Cross program,\n‘both locally and over the world,\nthe Coryell ARC Chapter announc-\ned this week it will seek $7,000\nand 2,000 members in its March\ncampaign.\n\nLeaders pointed out that in ad-\ndition to its vast health and safe\nty education programs, and_ its\nnation-wide network of daily e\nmergeney services, the Red Cross\nmust keep itself in readiness to\nmeet great national emergencies\nsuch as might result from enemy\nattack.\n\nMrs. Pat Holt will be overall\nchairman of the annual money-\nraising push, with Joe Hanna serv-\ning as assistant chairman and head\nof the campaign in the rural areas.\nLon Smith ts chairman of the ad-\nvance gifts committee, Louis\nThomson the co-chairman.\n\nCampaign strategy calls for\n$2,000 to be raised in Gatesville's\nbusiness district and $800 in its\nresidential section. The member-\nship goal for the city is 300.\n\nSmith and Thomson have ap-\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2247.889412109375, 4101.77198046875, 2919.3095625, 4606.3559492187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Coryell's biggest land deal of\n1955 went on the books in the coun-\nty clerk's office here this week.\nRecorded was a warranty deed\ntransferring 940 aeres of land from\nJ. F. Blue to Vernon E. Eakin for\n$57,060. The land is located in the\nJames H. Callison, Benjah Thomp-\nson and Moses Allen surveys in\nthe southwestern part of the coun-\nty.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3606.954109375, 5499.50147265625, 4288.95848828125, 5975.6142500000005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "In condemnation proceedings\ncompleted this week, the Copperas\nCove schools purchased eight city\nblocks joining the present campus\non the south for $3,200. The pro-\nperty was obtained from the Hiram\nand Mary Sharp Estate.\n\nIt is reported the Cove’s school\nboard is considering building a new\n‘football stadium on the newly-ac\nquired property.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1567.696296875, 1440.323982421875, 2239.63133984375, 2168.995841796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "now rounding out their freshman\nterms on (Gatesville’s governing\nboard. There has as yet been no\nindication among the downtown\npoliticos that the pair will be op\nposed in the re-election bid.\n\nMayor Roger Miller and Alder.\nmen Charles M. Trewitt and Char-\nles Powell are in the middle of two-\nyear terms and won't be affected\nby the ’55 balloting.\n\nIn its official election suder, the\nCouncil designated the City Hall\nas the polling place for Ward 1,\nthe county courthouse for Ward\n2. E. Taylor and James Yeilding\nwill be election judges.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 156.8792802734375, 4520.1484453125, 846.2230756835938, 5006.5034101562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "More than $2,000 in damage was\ncaused by a fire which hulled the\nMurray Food Market warehouse\nhere early Friday morning. The\nblaze was well underway before\nbeing discovered at 4:30 a. m. by\nAndy Davidson while making his\nmilk delivery route.\n\nOrigin of the fire is unknown.\nOwner Floyd Murray said $850 of\nthe loss was covered by insurance.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2241.932625, 4810.4843828125, 2916.334953125, 5149.6928632812505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Rev. J. T. Ayers, local Baptist\npastor, was one of 21 preachers\nselected by the denomination’s\nState Home Mission Board to con-\nduct an evangelistic crusade in\nAlaska April 17-May 1. The evan-\ngelists will make the trip to Alas-\nka he niana.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 873.4505083007813, 2472.145271484375, 1543.7381513671876, 3081.04442578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Coryell County, center of basket.\nball champions, sends three bi-dis-\ntrict titleholders into action in re-\ngional tournaments this week end\n—the Gatesville Hornets to College\nStation Saturday and the Evant\n\nElks and the Jonesboro Eagles to\nBrownwood tonight.\n\nThe Hornets, who clipped George-\ntown in a bi-district go Tuesday\nnight with clever ball-control tac-\ntics, will meet Spring Branch at\n1:15 p. m. Saturday in the Region\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 883.0643920898438, 2201.65283203125, 2188.62109375, 2448.631103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Three Coryell Basketball Fives\nCompete in Regional Meets\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3614.125740234375, 4555.52198046875, 4296.61180859375, 5321.1650312500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Jan Clawson, Gatesville attorney,\n-was one of four. state Junior\nChamber of Commerce vice presi-\ndents elected at Temple Sunday in\n‘the closing session of a tri-region-\nal convention.\n\nGiven strong backing by a major-\nity of Central Texas’ Jaycee units,\nClawson was chosen to head an\nenlarged Region 16. Six members\nof the local Jaycee organization\nspearheaded the campaign for\nClawson'’s election. He is a past\npresident of the Gatesville group.\n\nOne of the highlights of the con-\nvention was a luncheon address on\nJayceeism in Texas by Rocky Ford,\nstate J-C president.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 871.84424609375, 1445.0826494140624, 1557.9918134765626, 2167.090568359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Incumbent Aldermen Johnny\nWashburn of Ward 1 and C. C.\nShepherd of Ward 2 announced\nThursday that they would seek\nsecond terms on the City Council\nas Gatesville’s annual municipal\nelection was booked for April 5.\n\nAlso on the ticket for re-elec-\ntion is Dawson Cooper, city treas-\n‘urer. Cooper is rounding out his\n\n‘ninth consecutive term in that of-\nfice.\n\nWashburn, garage owner, and\nShepherd, an automobile dealer,\nare both relative newcomers on\nthe town's political scene and are\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1559.7117919921875, 5173.322265625, 3576.111328125, 6625.79638671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3605.553474609375, 6163.932625, 4289.3964765625, 6859.0214765625005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "A trial starts in U. S. District\nCourt in Waco Monday to deter-\nmine whether the Flat school dis-\ntrict or the Cold Springs commun-\nity center should receive $3,645\nthe government has paid for taking\nthe old Longview school property\ninto the Fort Hood reservation\nlast year. The money is now on\ndeposit with that court.\n\nBoth factions claim they are le\ngal benefactors of the sale. The\nease was first filed in 52nd District\nCourt here, but Judge R. B. Cross\nruled in January that his court had\nno jurisdiction in the matter.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3606.88818359375, 6003.4638671875, 4236.14208984375, 6146.65576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Money Dispute Due\nUz S. Court Hearing\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 168.23739624023438, 3586.7099609375, 808.2949829101562, 3725.72119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "New Seal Coat Jobs\nSlated for Highways\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 865.5150756835938, 3126.457275390625, 1525.4654541015625, 4006.947509765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 167.71498889160156, 3741.65381640625, 849.3596723632813, 4346.39110546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "New seal coats for three stretches\nof Coryell County highways were\napproved last week by the State\nHighway Commission, and Resident\nEngineer Paul Hensler said the\nwork will probably be done some-\ntime this summer.\n\nTagged for new tops are: Hwy.\n84 from Gatesville to McLennan\nCounty Line, 13.9 miles; Hwy. 190\nfrom Lampasas County line to Bell\nCounty line, 7.8 miles; and Hwy.\n281 from Lampasas County line\nto Hamilton County line, 2.4 miles.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 167.32297534179688, 5120.9668046875, 847.6994550781251, 5638.3583906250005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Charges of passing at an inter-\nsection were filed in justice court\nhere Wednesday against a 54-year-\nold Gatesville man after his auto\nran into the side of a Gatesville\nschool bus. The accident occurred\nat 5:10 p. m. Wednesday at a\nFM Hwy. 116-rural road intersec-\ntion eight miles southwest of Gates-\nville. Edwin Reuter was the driver\nof the bus which was carrying no\npupils at the time of the mishap.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 878.3900756835938, 973.0300903320312, 2202.646728515625, 1415.596435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "In City Voting Apr 1s\nWashburn, Shepherd\nWill Seek Re-election\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 168.37484741210938, 2381.7626953125, 758.179931640625, 2657.604736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "GHS Coach Job\nStill Wide Open\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1550.8724443359374, 3815.41065234375, 2228.87938671875, 4441.2480390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Lynn Davis, the only Coryell\nCounty 4-H club member to exhi-\n‘bit livestock at the San Antonio\nFat Stock Show, placed his 1,220-\npound steer second in the heavy-\nweight Shorthorn class. The steer\nwas from an Oklahoma herd and\nwas brought to Texas by Carlie\nBaker. Davis won the grand cham-\npionship of the Coryell show with\nit.\n\nThe animal is due to be auction-\ned off with other prize-winning\nsteers at San Antonio today.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2245.201171875, 2492.12939453125, 2913.99462890625, 2771.404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Girl Scouts Seek\n\nBlood Donors Here\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 181.46701049804688, 975.001220703125, 853.1692504882812, 1380.3372802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "15 Additional\nHouses Approved\nFor Eastwood Park\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1549.77491015625, 4555.73194140625, 2223.593498046875, 5156.1586835937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Price Bauman, Roy Pennington\nand Andrew Kendrick represent-\ned Gatesville at a meeting of the\nPrector Reservoir Association held\nin Comanche recently. The Asso-\nclation was formed to push the\nProctor Dam project, which is\nscheduled to be considered by Con-\ngress at this session. The dam\nwould be located on the Leon\nRiver between Dublin and Coman-\nche and is designed to afford flood\nprotection for Coryell County bot-\ntomlands.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4299.051765625, 6455.34278125, 4988.8940351562505, 6859.7016523437505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Two colored inmates broke into\nthe warehouse at the State School\nfor Boys Monday night and stole\nfour new auto tires. Officers inves.\ntigated and said they found the\nboys gave the tues to a colored em-\nployee at the school to sell for\nthem. The worker was jailed on a\ncharge of theft over $50.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 169.30563354492188, 4368.14111328125, 793.4874877929688, 4510.53662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "$2,000 Fire Ravages\n\nMurray Warehouse\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2263.643798828125, 970.5636596679688, 2907.60205078125, 1391.3074951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Bidding May Start\nMarch 10 on High\nSchool Project\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 859.26171875, 4119.87548828125, 1511.9263916015625, 4402.85595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "N. Foote, Coryell\nFarm Leader, Dies\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2946.75927734375, 3648.680419921875, 4949.40234375, 3825.719482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Red Cross Drive Goal Is $7,000\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1554.2427978515625, 3515.590576171875, 2118.4619140625, 3796.207275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Davis Calf 2nd\nAt San Antonio\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3618.619880859375, 3855.65381640625, 4305.5703046875, 4207.14012890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "‘pointed advance gift canvassing\n‘teams to contact downtown firms\nbefore the drive officially opens\nMarch 1. This phase of the cam-\npaign had netted $512 as of Thurs-\nday morning.\n\nCommunity chairmen and quo-\ntas are: Copperas Cove, L. L. Led-\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 164.01525134277344, 5753.39405078125, 843.3810346679688, 6189.8286054687505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "A 19-year-old Houston youth\nwanted in Gatesville on three\ncounts of forgery was arrested\nthis week in Jay, Okla., Sheriff\nWinfred Cummings reported. The\nHoustonian also faces a series of\nforgery complaints in Oklahoma.\n\nCummings was in Copperas Cove\nTuesday investigating the ransack-\ning of a soldier’s home there.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4306.4287109375, 4240.41455078125, 4984.12158203125, 4520.58935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Mayor Proclaims\n\nSchools Week Here\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3614.7666015625, 5348.58740234375, 4158.51513671875, 5482.43115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "School Campus Is\nEnlarged at Cove\n" }, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2238.593994140625, 4646.8984375, 2828.271484375, 4795.30126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Ayers Will Preach\nIn Alaskan Crusade\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2247.7177734375, 3937.216064453125, 2832.306640625, 4088.31591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "$57,000 Land Deal\nIs Completed Here\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3627.50537109375, 4232.197265625, 4277.47607421875, 4524.01513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Clawson Will Heat\n\nRegion's Jaycees\n" }, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 235.66026306152344, 6251.69482421875, 744.8636474609375, 6498.0654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Gatesville\nWelcomes--\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 166.78079223632812, 5660.41015625, 776.09716796875, 5746.00830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": " \n\nNabbed for Forgery\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1556.1475830078125, 4462.93212890625, 2192.951171875, 4544.9638671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Prector Dam Pushed\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 163.8879014892578, 6552.54639453125, 843.4098432617188, 6843.9487226562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Set. and Mrs. Victor Meredith\nand daughter, 502 South 6th St.\n\nPfe. and Mrs. Walter Lantz Jr.\nand family, 706 Andrews St.\n\nPfe. and Mrs. Darrell L. Long,\nState School Road.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 167.6169891357422, 5026.359375, 717.6410522460938, 5106.13671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Auto, Bus Collide\n" }, "52": null, "53": { "bbox": [ 4303.97315234375, 3851.590828125, 5003.5996015625005, 4194.4980390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "ger—200 members and $500; E-\nvant, D. H. Carter—100 members\nand $205; Oglesby, Victor Hmrper\n—100 members and $205; State\nSchool, C. A. Reeve—40 members\nand $125; Gatesville schools, Sid-\nney Pruitt, W. F. Stiles and O. D.\n\nSee RED CROSS, Page 4\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 4306.150390625, 6386.69677734375, 4828.595703125, 6442.78857421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "TIRES SWIPED AT SSB\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 3, 21 ], [ 29, 31 ] ]
[ 2672.62109375, 3464.8461230468747 ]
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 21, 3 ], [ 31, 29 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1670.87384765625, 2398.114814453125, 1984.6636279296877, 2681.3441699218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\nwe 22S Was (ne situ.\nation regarding train service in\nand out af Boston lada\n\nExpress trains in and out of\nBoston will leave the Lowell sta.\nlion on sehediie, proceed along\nthe Lowell junction to the Law.\nrence-Boston line and on inte\nBoston.\n\nLocal trains, with scheduled\nstops at North Billerica, East\nBillerica ar Silver Lake, will not\nrun from Lowell, but from Wik\nmington. Passengers intending\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1340.008369140625, 2977.012763671875, 1661.4304736328127, 3464.8461230468747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "LOWELL, - This area ioday\nover the hump, Mood-wise.\nhe surging Concord, inching\nup for four days, reached a level\nyesterlay, and started downward\nslightly today, In Lowell, where\na major threat pesed ta in-\ndustries alung the Laovwell-found\nstretch of Ike Caneord, the flood\nveached a peak of 894 inches\nabove the datum mark, Jeveling\nthere for some £0 to 12 hour:\nand then started down.\n\n‘The decrease is, of course,\nnegligible .et and the high plane\nof the water will remain for the\nnext few days. However, ex-\ncluding some wunfereseen tumult\nof nature. the river will now\ngradually subsite,\n\nRealization that the crest had)\nheen reached and passed, re.\n\nWH\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nee a ee\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 84.22203826904297, 959.37255859375, 2350.125732421875, 2113.75 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2315.2200390625, 948.9902416992187, 2645.9169238281247, 2460.4147265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The near-tragic wreck took\nplace at 11:50 p. m. when the\ncrack Boston to Montyenl ex-\npress of the B. and M. rail-\nroad traveling al a mile-a-\n|minute clip plowed into a\nloaded tank car of a freight\ndrain which bhacl jumped the\n| parallel track into its path,\nThe aceident occurred at a\npoint about a mile south from\nthe Middle: street depot,\nand just as [he speeding pas-\nsenger train was aboul te\ncrass the bridge headed for\nLowell.\n\nJlurted Inte Iyer\n\nThe terrific impact when the\nDiesel locomotive vf the Red\nWing express plowed into the\ntans r loaded with 60,060 gal-\nJutis ol fuel gil was so great that\nthe tank was knocker! across the\nbridge approach and into the riv-\nsof the 13-\nrailed ina\ncgey see-saw pudlern alung the\nvight of way and hanging peril\nonsly over the side of the bridge.\nThe sound of the erash whieh\nfrightened the residents of near.\nby South Lowell Nom thelr beds\nsimultaneously set off one of\nthe best mass rescue operations\nin the wily fox several\nThe frst news of the\nallhough greally exag-\nas to the bolt of liv\nsaw police, femen, ambulance\naitendants, iluctors, nurses and\nhospital officials responding in\na concerted effort which was\nereally vesponsible for prevent:\nJag ihe outbreak of any panie\namong the 70 passengers aboard\nthe express,\nYaken To Jospltat\n\nRushed to St, John’s hospital\nand held with bis mame on the\ndanger list is ihe most scrlousty\ninjured victim, Kenneth Aran.\nnock, 45, of J Badger street, Con-\ncord, AL OIL, brakeman on the\nRee Wing. Brannoeck is suffering\nfram a posslale fractured splae\nand neek, and his Hfe was pos-\nbly spared beeause of (he ex-\npert Ureatinent be reeeived fom\na volunteer doctor whe picked\nhim ep near the wreck seene.\nList of Injured\n\nOthers treated at Sh John's\nhospilal and later released were\nthu fallowlig tratamens\n\nPHMIp Lessard, 37 of 104\nCabot street, Lowell sfitehes\nfor loft shouliler quits.\n\nfom Robinson, 48, of Willis\nDetve, Narth (Cheimsford—eight\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 57.03874969482422, 2795.638916015625, 371.58721923828125, 3457.419189453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe end of summer vacation\nmarks the beginning of a\nnew schoo! term—with new\nclothes, shoes, books ond\nsupplies, To help you in plane\nning for the complete equip-\nping of scholars — big ond\nlittle — follow each edition\nof The SUN, daily and\nSunday,\n\nWednesday, Sept. 7,\nScheal Opens\nRe era\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1668.6260986328125, 2695.765869140625, 1978.515869140625, 2890.0205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Police Head\nLauds Workers\nat Wreck Scene\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1356.2974853515625, 2224.392333984375, 1655.4083251953125, 2746.679443359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\nTiss “YBa 1 OS Fhcbon:\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2002.57421875, 2484.633544921875, 2619.69873046875, 3444.02294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Tomorrow's THE Night!\n\n \n\nLowell Stadium\n\nPROGRAM\nSTARTING AT 8 P.M.\n* Running, Passing, Punting, Kick-off Contests.\n* Boliing Air Force Drill Team\n* Kick-off at 8:45.\nVall-Time\n* 18th U.S. Army Band.\n® The Sun Charities Starlets.\n® The All-Starette * owen Contest,\n“TICKETS, SUN ANNEX {\ni 75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 !\n\n5\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 56.39224594116211, 2439.31525390625, 377.8765185546875, 2774.4728320312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "STATE ILGUSE, Au | -— In\ndustrial expansion in the\nGrealer-Laweti area. already\nhelped considerably by tie can\nstruction of the new Honte ¢\nwill receive another boost if the\nIgislature approves lie S125,\n6n0,cda — highw hoad — ixsue\nsought hy Gov. Herter, Com:\nmissioner af Commerce Richard\nPreston tulad \"Tue Sun todas.\n\n“Yam very definiiciv in favor\naf the new beat issue because\nTam very definitely In favor of\nnew Riginw: Cominissioner\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nee eae tidunquacdinc ewan:\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 53.39226150512695, 2216.04736328125, 692.0060424804688, 2323.40283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "$125,000,000 Highway Bond Issue\nWould Boost Industrial Expansion Here\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1995.1706005859376, 2391.322822265625, 2304.471123046875, 2466.7745898437497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "to use sstch trains into Bostan\nwill be picked up by bus at the\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1675.140869140625, 2217.208251953125, 2269.04638671875, 2353.603759765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "B. & M. Revises Service\n\nBetween Lowell And Boston\nBail Teattis Ree oredr. Reesiies ot\n" }, "12": null, "13": { "bbox": [ 1033.0885693359376, 2604.4221875, 1332.7515185546877, 2769.5380175781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "LOWELL—Cily 9 Manager\nFrank Barrett torlay sep.\nported an emergency appeal\nto all husinesses ancl inds-\ntries in Lowell to contnbute\nimimediately to the Redd\nCross relief! fund for flood\ndisaster victims,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1026.916083984375, 3055.318671875, 1325.5065234375002, 3451.3551562499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "LOWELL -- Congressman\nith Nourse Rogers re.\necived the following Lele\ngram lady relative to flood\nrelief funds:\n\n\"Since all of Massachu.\nselis is designated as tlisas-\nier area by the presictent,\nMiddlesex county and alk seu\ntions of your districl silt\n.Pardcipate in disaster re-\nHef.\"\n\n \n\n \n\n“COLONEL JGHN JT.\n\nMAGINNIS,\n\nDirector Massachusetls\n\nCivil Defense Agency\n\nThis message was in re-\n\nSpanse to Cangressman Rog-\nrequest yesterday.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1661.8385693359376, 2996.3235546875, 1981.0828173828127, 3421.7567675781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\ned a crew of 35 palicemen,\ncluding severa, superios sfti\nwho performed “heyand the. ¢:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\nof duly\" in rescuing and admin\nistering to the helpless passen\ngers and crewmen. victims of the\n\n \n\ndisastrous drain wreck an the\nSix Arch bridge, late last night,\nThe acting police head also\nwas high in bis praises af local\ndoctors. Fire Chief Francis I.\nKelleher and memhers of the\nfire department, who also ea\ndangered their safely by cal\ning through the wrecked cars in\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nContinued au Tage Toentetiie\n\n \n\nSURRY\nre\n\nUS, TR\nWASHIN.\n\n \n\n \n\na PN,\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1027.7525634765625, 2792.737548828125, 1598.2630615234375, 2914.349853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Concord River Begins To\nRecede Slowly In Towns\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 394.31414794921875, 2487.02587890625, 1009.8140258789062, 3238.084716796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 711.4554443359375, 2216.93310546875, 1223.815673828125, 2397.345947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "State DPW Officials To\n\nExplain Highway Plan\nWill Outline Cuts in Road Work\nBecause of Slash in Bond Issue\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1680.857177734375, 2901.132080078125, 1979.4630126953125, 2985.591064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Acting Supt. Murray\nPraises Police, Firemen,\nDaetere. Valineaare\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 1677.665107421875, 855.8519970703124, 2649.136650390625, 958.7344897460937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "LOWELL—Railroad, state and federal officials today opened a probe to set re-\nsponsibitity for the train wreck al the Six Arch bridge in South Lowell just before mid-\nnight in which seven trainmen were injured, one critically, and TO passengers had an\nalmost miraculous eseape from death in the fleod-swallen Concord river.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1672.197265625, 569.2337036132812, 2636.078857421875, 721.2713012695312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "(Montreal Express Rams\nFreioht Train in So. Lowell\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 77.71469116210938, 2394.87646484375, 356.5592041015625, 2434.9482421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nBy ‘Thomas C. Gallagher\n\n{fies Bade Sheena\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1023.0113525390625, 2538.6982421875, 1253.6929931640625, 2594.230712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Urges Support of\nRaw. Chace Pe.\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 100.90462493896484, 2327.962646484375, 667.2927856445312, 2388.503173828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "State Dept. of Commerce Says New Route\nMeans Growth of Greater-Lowell Industries\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 53.93305969238281, 19.2983455657959, 2672.62109375, 532.36767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\nNJURED, 70 ESCAPE\nNR. R.\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 391.4942321777344, 2411.474365234375, 679.371337890625, 2440.830322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\nSTOCK MARKET—PAGE 21.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1022.0805126953124, 2393.45734375, 1341.58806640625, 2491.3231738281247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "house ways and means commit\ntee Manday tg explain what high.\nway project witl be eliminated\nJas a result of the reductlon of\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1022.0051879882812, 2993.939697265625, 1260.4053955078125, 3058.62451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Middlesex County\nDisaster Area\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 700.2404858398437, 2394.803291015625, 1028.4605029296874, 2465.3204882812497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n\nPATE HOUSE, Aug. 24—Offi-\ncials of the department of public\nworks will be called before the\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1066.90771484375, 2910.316650390625, 1619.337646484375, 2968.762451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "aight Drop Noted in Concord, Acton\nand Billerica; Some Roads Remain Closed\n" }, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3424.089095703125, 4975.83933984375, 4234.81495703125, 6935.93507421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "the gates of opportunity to students\nfor the really great things.\n\nI repeat what I have said be-\nfore: Life depends almost as much\non elimination as upon assimila-\ntion.\n\nBut having said so much, I must\nnow insist that the negative is only\na means to an end— the positive.\nWe let go to take; we eliminate to\nassimilate.\n\nThe Christian is the most affirm-\native person on our planet. He be-\nlieves in life, so much so that he\nhas to spell it Life. Someone has\ndefined Christianity as ‘“‘life at its\nbest.” It is life at His best and,\nthis Life is so wonderful in quality\nand duration that it has to be called\nEternal Life. All the powers, all the\nfaculties, all the relationships are\naffirmed unto eternity, and be-\nyond. Cynical, negative attitudes\nare as alien to the Christian as a\nthorn is to the flesh.\n\nAt the Ashram the one waiting\non the table asked someone if he\nwanted some tea, and he replied,\n“Yes,” but his cup remained turned\ndown. That’s the negative Chris-\ntian—he has his cup turned down!\n\nO God, Thou art waiting to pour\neverything into our lives, and we\nhave turned them down. Forgive\nus. Amen.\n\nAffirmation for the day: My cup\nturned up today for everything God\nhas to give me—evervthing.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 182.05639611816406, 2109.28074609375, 1368.8134921874998, 4187.461441406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "For nearly 70 years, transportation rates\nin this country have been under strict con-\ntrols as a result of legislation embodied\nin the original Interstate Commerce Com-\nmission act and subsequent laws. At the\npresent time, however, there is a consid-\nerable body of informed opinion which holds\nthat the time is ripe for a complete\nchange in approach.\n\nWhen the I.C.C. was set up, railroads\nhad what amounted to a monopoly of trans-\nportation, and it appeared essential that\nrates be regulated in order to protect the\npublic interest. But it is obvious that the\nmonopoly has long since ceased to exist:\nTrucks, buses, airplanes, autos and pipe-\nlines give the railroads the most vigorous\nsort of competition.\n\nThis is the basic situation with which\nthe administration’s report on transport\npolicy, made public a few days ago, at-\ntempts to deal. The report is highly con-\ntroversial, of course, especially in its pro-\nposals to remove much of the I.C.C.’s pow-\ner to fix rail rates and to permit the rail-\nroads té operate trucks and buses. But it\nis difficult to argue with the facts in the\ncase.\n\nThe report calls present transport policy\n“paternalistic’’—designed to substitute the\ncommission’s judgment for that of man-\nagement and the market. It says:\n\n“If the market is to determine the ap-\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 167.93212854003906, 4332.964828125, 1370.7946933593748, 6748.811539062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "- Recent studies of energy sources which\nmankind may use increasingly in the fut-\nure always emphasize, eventually, the pos-\nsibilities of solar energy. The reasons are\nnot difficult to find.\n\nThe sun showers the earth with\nthousands of times more energy than man\nnow uses in any form. The roof of an\naverage house in the United States, for\nexample, intercepts about 500 times more\nenergy than the electricity used in that\nsame home.\n\nThis energy is free for the taking; but\nthe taking is extremely difficult.\n\nAlthough ancient man used the heat of\nthe sun to dry ponds of sea water to obtain\nsalt, to open temple doors, and to make\nstatues turn, little real progress in applica-\ntion has been made since, despite today’s\nadvanced technology in most fields.\n\nNeeds for energy, however, are increas-\ning at such an unprecedented rate that the\n\nrnessing of solar energy can no longer\nbe dismissed as just a difficult and interest-\ning problem. The luxuries and necessities\nthat make up present living standards are\nextremely costly in terms of fossil-fuels\nsuch as coal, oil or natural gas. And al-\nthough estimates of the lifetimes of various\nfuel supplies vary substantially, the differ-\nences of amounts remaining can be meas-\nured in terms of decades, not hundreds or\nthousands of years.\n\nSo it is that although man is just be-\nginning to tap the potentialities of the\nuranium atom, scientists with far-ranging\nvision are already beginning to move ahead\ninto the first really basic studies of solar\nenereov.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 192.14274560546875, 1065.081771484375, 1370.0993808593748, 1947.3150791015623 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Once again we have arrived at the\nEaster season, one of the high spots in\nthe year for all Christians. Besides the\nfactual triumph which the day commem-\norates, there is a strong and vital signifi-\ncance for all people in the lesson it carries\nin behalf of faith.\n\nThere are both literal and figurative\naspects of resurrection and because of the\nfact that a Man with a purpose died for\nman and was brought back to life through\nfaith, all mankind today can be optimistic\nover the opportunities for rebirth, in spirit,\nin mind and in soul.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1393.13719140625, 2133.874740234375, 2575.752212890625, 4173.5244296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "propriate use of each form of transporta-\ntion in accord with shippers’ judgments of\nthe utility to them in terms of cost and\nservice, rates must be allowed to reflect\ncost advantages whenever they exist and\nto their full extent.\n\n‘“‘Present regulatory policy defeats this\nprospect in large part since carriers, not-\nwithstanding demonstrated costs, are per-\nmitted to do no more than to meet the\ncompetition facing them, which, with some\nexceptions, means fo name the same rate\nregardless of cost relationships.”\n\nAll of this is fairly technical language of\nthe economist, but its meaning is simple.\nThe principle of a free market does not\noperate in the field of transportation, where\nrates are set by arbitrary decisions of a\nsmall group of men deciding the fate of\ncountless business activities. Such a situa-\ntion was essential when a monopoly exist-\ned, but revolutionary changes in recent dec-\nades have removed the premise on which\nthe rules were written.\n\nBecause there is a great deal of emo-\ntion which surrounds the issue after seven\ndecades of regulation, it is by no means\ncertain that the recommendations will be\nacted upon. But it seems to us that there\nis no longer any more argument for regu-\nlating transportation rates than there is\nfor regulating the price of automobiles or\nnylon stockings.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4234.16258203125, 2162.479720703125, 5051.8193515625, 5052.564957031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "One of the greatest tributes to\nwomanhood is the fact, noted in\neach of the Gospels by the four\nEvangelists, that Mary Magdalen\nand the other holy women were\nthe first to return to the tomb\nafter the burial of the Crucified\nChrist.\n\nThe apostles and disciples of\nJesus were not as alert and bold\nas these women. Still stunned by\nthe terrible ordeal of Calvary, they\nwere apparently not ready for the\nliteral fulfillment of Christ’s pro-\nmise to rise from the dead.\n\nOne can see these daring, loyal\nwomen hurrying along the road to\nthe tomb just after the break of\ndawn on that first Easter morn,\nAnd it was Mary Magdalen, out of\nwhom Christ cast seven devils, who\nled the way. Sparked by the faith,\nhope and charity that a loving Sav-\niour had generously shown her, she\nseemed to sense that this was the\none great occasion on which she\ncould prove her complete confi-\ndence in Him.\n\nWhat an extraordinary reward\nwas to be hers. The very first per-\nson to whom Jesus Christ appeared\nafter His resurrection from the\ndead was Mary Magdalen. In addi-\ntion, she was given the first com-\nmission to “go” in Christ’s name.\nHe bade her tell the glad tidings\nto His disciples.\n\n- How filled with joy must have\nbeen her heart and those of the\nother women as they went swiftly\nto tell the great news to the dis-\nciples. But how shocked they must\nhave been at the cool reception\nthey received from the Apostles\nas St. Luke records it: ‘‘And these\nwords seemed to them as idle tales\nand they did not believe them.”\n\nIn doing the work of Christ, ex-\npect skepticism from those who\nshould give you the most encour-\nagement,\n\n“As the Father hath sent me, I\nalso send you.” (John 20:21)\n\nGrant me the privilege, O Lord,\nof being Thy messenger.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5033.24853515625, 246.0177764892578, 6698.50732421875, 719.2974853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "TWICE TOLD IN WALLA WALLA\n‘Assorted Domestic Animal\n‘Cateh Unnerves Trapper\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2600.723373046875, 5016.90476953125, 3424.1101230468753, 6751.70265234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "————_——— EE eT lh OO SSS Sw ee ee ae\n\nAfter having studied Jesus as\nStimulator, we now turn to growth\nin the positive as a natural se-\nquence. Many are not growing as\nspiritual beings because they are\nnegative in their attitudes. And you\ncan’t grow on a No; you must\ngrow on a Yes.\n\nWe have seen that you do have\nto be negative to certain things in\norder to be positive to others. ‘“‘Shut\nyour mind,” said Paul (I Tim. 4:7,\nMoffatt)—shut it to some things\nwhich are noncontributing, in order\nto open it to the creative and con-\ntributing. There is a place for the\nnegative. Gayelord Hauser says:\n“Examination of men and women\nover one hundred years of age at\nsome of our famous clinics re-\nvealed that they had four outstand-\ning qualities: (1) Strong digestive\njuices. (2) A slow rhythmic heart\nbeat. (3) Good elimination. (4) Hap-\npy dispositions.’’ Note that physic-\nally and «spiritually life depends\nupon “elimination.”” Someone asked\na college president what was the\nfirst qualification of a college presi-\ndent, and he answered: “‘The capa-\ncity to inflict pain.’”’ If he wasn’t\nable to deny students this, that,\nand the other, he couldn’t open\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1396.4361416015624, 1048.3926845703124, 2583.27687109375, 1962.3744052734373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "As the tempo of this world has been\nstepped up and man’s problems have multi-\nplied, the place of faith and the need for\nsome manifestation of rebirth have like-\nwise become intensified. Many millions,\nlike the Savior, have faced dark days, as\nhe did on Good Friday, and, through faith,\nhave figuratively seen the stone rolled\naway subsequently to reveal that faith will\ntriumph over the forces of evil. We have\nlong rejoiced because of the message of\nthe Easter season and, with good reason.\nIn a Teal sense it shows us how today the\nforces of evil may also be overcome.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5880.6552578125, 747.0991665039063, 6681.25978125, 1726.1773837890626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "activities in this part of the coun\ntry, they countered with the re-\nmark that they were here—and\nthat meant quite a bit.\n\nOne of them, Dr. Robert Wal-\nlace, economics, said that he had\nhunted and fished over a good\npart of the country but never\nhad found a region offering the\nwide excellence of the Northwest.\nOther areas might offer better\ndeer hunting, better pheasant\nhunting or better fishing for cer-\ntain species at certain times of\nthe year. Nowhere in the nation,\nhe said, could be found an area\nwhich could top this one in va-\nriety and consistency.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4240.11570703125, 5237.89012109375, 5050.87159765625, 6197.96827734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "PITTSBURGH, Pa. (? — Andre\nKostelanetz, here to direct the\nPittsburgh Symphony orchestra,\nentertained friends with a private\nplaying of recordings he made\nwhile visiting the Orient. The rec-\nords included such sounds as:\n\nA Chok Chok lizard greeting the\nsunrise in Bangkok; belled ele-\nphants moving through the streets\nduring a Buddhist festival; chants\nof beggars in bazaars and Bang-\nkok temple bells swaying in the\nevening breeze.\n\nKostelanetz says he plans to re-\nlease the records commercially in\nan album of “unusual sounds of\nthe world.”\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4238.078109375, 454.7926174316406, 5050.128921875, 1796.3372958984373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "In 1904—In one of earliest auto\naccidents on Wickersham grade two\nWalla Wallans have narrow\nescape.\n\nIn 1907—Four are killed when\nO.W.R. and N. train, La Grande to\nPendleton, plunges into Umatilla\nnear Cayuse.\n\nIn 1923—Blue Mountain council\nof Boy Scouts organized here with\nPaul Weyrauch, president and a\nDan Dayton, executive.\n\nIn 1926 — Earthquake shock felt\nhere.\n\nIn 1943 — Whitman to take on\nnavy training program.\n\nIn 1949—Title to former Walla\nWalla army air field valued at\n$12,000,000 received. Field is used\nas city-county airport.\n\nIn 1953—Some parts of valley get\nfrost with mercury at 28. Fruit be-\nlieved to have escaped damage.\n\nIn 1954—Bids called on second\nfire station for rural Fire District\n4, on Wallula Ave.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5866.0380703125, 3658.897201171875, 6697.10890234375, 3901.6491855468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Q—How far north do coral is-\nlands extend?\n\nA—The Bermuda Islands are the\nmost northerly coral islands.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1391.0994716796874, 4366.48191796875, 2576.213150390625, 6391.6865390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "some applications of known principles\nare already being utilized on a limited\nscale. A simple solar stove, using mirror-\ntype heat collectors, is being manufactured\nfor sale in fuel-poor, sun-rich India. A few\nhomes have been built in the U.S. and\nelsewhere using the flat-plate collector sys-\ntem that is common in a greenhouse. But\nboth types are extremely inefficient, using\nonly a tiny fraction of the available energy.\n\nMore recently interest has been stirred\nby developments in the field of photo-elec-\ntric power sources. Bell Telephone Labora-\ntories have produced a small silicon solar\nbattery which creates electric currents.\nThis battery has an efficiency of about\neight percent, a figure that may be\ndoubled by further refinements, although\nresearchers believe that possibly the best\nopportunities along this line may come from\nother materials less costly than silicon and\nmore efficient as solar-electric converters.\n\nObviously the sun is the ultimate and\nbest source of energy, being to all intents\ninexhaustible as well as having far greater\npotential than all other sources combined.\nIt may take generations to solve the prob-\nlems, but the attack on solar energy utiliza-\ntion is gaining momentum. Even the\ndramatic impact of nuclear fission will be\ndwarfed when the sun is finally harnessed\nto do man’s work.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5072.27099609375, 4778.2275390625, 6710.61669921875, 6910.22314453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nEaster\n\n \n\nThe Easter story is a beauti-\nful and inspiring one, whether\nyou hear it from Scripture, ser-\nmon, or song. But far more im-\nportant than the beauty of the\nwords and music is the mean-\ning of the Easter story itself.\nWe urge you to attend your\nchurch this Easter and re-hear\nthis vital message.\n\nMARSHALL\n\nFuneral Home\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5870.63475, 1975.9625087890624, 6699.0576328125, 3499.79640234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The Walla Walla Union-Bulletin\nextends congratulations and best\nwishes on this, the birthday anni-\nversary of:\n\nFrank Russell, born in Walla\nWalla.\n\nJames W. Bean, born in Walla\nWalla.\n\nMrs. Fred T. Schlitt, born in\nWalla Walla.\n\nMrs. C. A. Kilbourne, born in\nCrundy county, Iowa.\n\nRobert D. Wardrip of Waitsburg,\nborn in Dayton.\n\nDelbert M. Robson, born in\nWalla Walla.\n\nMary Lou McKillip, born in Ne-\nbraska.\n\nMrs. A. W. (Gloria Dean)\nSmires, born in Wallowa.\n\nVirgil Valaer, born in Walla\nWalla.\n\nOrin Page, born in Boise.\n_ Roy Hurlbert, interior decorator,\nborn in Corry, Penn.\n\nOtto Steufen, born at Lake Ben-\nton, Minn.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 749.802001953125, 1974.6844482421875, 2062.27880859375, 2097.344970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Conditions Have Changed\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 953.4627075195312, 931.4598999023438, 1810.2093505859375, 1048.5439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "The Joy of Easter\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5891.2900390625, 3932.84423828125, 6610.701171875, 4725.43310546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Stove & Furnace Oils\nFURNACE CLEANING\n\nSTOKERMATIC\nSTOKERS—FURNACES\nBURNERS\n\nMAHAN FUEL CO.\n402 N. Park Call 4037\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2584.589599609375, 253.70330810546875, 4013.357177734375, 515.5263061523438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "RAY TUCKER\n\n‘German Unity Is Obstacle\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2599.368880859375, 603.1990810546876, 3429.8801425781253, 4528.82276953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "sult of the major allied power’s ap-\nproval of the pacts for that coun-\ntry’s participation in a Western\nEuropean Defense force. While the\nWhite House seeks to pectin\nit lest current favorable\n\nvanish, the Kremlin aims at y ora\nSeveral advantages rest with the\nReds.\n\nPentagon experts now realize\nthat their earlier optimism may\nhave been premature. Before rati-\nfication of the principle of German\nrearmament, they had predicted\nthat an Army, Navy and Air Force\ncould be built in three or four\nyears.\n\nNow, as they and their opposites\nat Bonn approach practical and\ndetailed problems, it appears that\nthe lag may be five or six years—\n1960 at the earliest. It is the hope\n—and the objective—of our cold\nwar enemy that insuperable ob-\nstacles can be thrown up in the\nmeantime.\n\nReasons For U. S. Concern\n\nThe reasons for American disap-\n|pointment are political and mili-\ntary. On the diplomatic side, Rus-\n\\Sia will undoubtedly dangle anti-\n‘rearmament offers for the Ger-\nmans at forthcoming conferences of\nithe Four Big Powers. Now that\n‘Paris and Bonn have ratified the\ntreaties, British, French and Ger-\nmar opinion demand a series of\ntop-level talks on general European\npeace.\n| The three Western nations, of |\ncourse, are committed to German\nunity, which the people and politi-\ncians of that country prefer before\nrearmament. Neither France nor\nRussia want another powerful and\nreunited country on their borders.\nBut if the Germans so desire re-\nunion of East and West zones that\nthey may put off rearming as long\nas there is a chance of unification.\nA rearmed Germany, they figure,\nwould result from a reunited Ger-\nmany, sooner or later. Hitler did\nit under the eyes and guns of the\nWestern allies.\n\nIndeed, both France and Russia\nmight agree to such a solution.\nParis and Moscow, for instance,\nmight withdraw present objections\nto unity of Germany, if the Ger-\nmans dawdle on rearming. Thus,\nthere will be plenty of room for\ndiplomatic intrigue at future meet-|\nings of the powers.\n\nImpressive Causes of Delay\n\nThe purely military factors mak-\ning for delay are impressive. De-\nfense Commissioner Theodor Blank\nof West Germany estimates that!\nat least four months will be re-/\nquired for enactment of legislation)\nauthorizing and financing a mili-)\ntary establishment, whereas others|\nput it at nine months. These bills|\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4238.73828125, 5100.6875, 4940.13427734375, 5235.6298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Famed Director Has\n‘Reeord af Odd Sannde\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3427.92820703125, 670.359359375, 4235.97804296875, 4518.58155859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "status of conscientious objectors,\nand guarantees against the return\nof “Prussian militarism.”\n\nThe Germans, bred in the tra-\nditions of Frederick the Great,\nBismarck, the Kaiser and Hitler,\nare quite inexperienced in the con-\nstruction of a so-called ‘‘democra-\ntic army.” They are now studying\nthe British and American systems,\nwith special missions visiting Lon-\ndon and Washington. They seem\nto favor the American way, especi-\nally as they will obtain weapons\nfrom us.\n\nThe formation of a volunteer and\nregular force for training purposes\nwill consume at least 18 months,\nLapengee: two years. These 150,000\nmen will be the hard core of the\neventual force of 500,000 ground\ntroops. They will need intesive\ncourses, for the strategy, tactics\nand weapons of war have changed\nconsiderably since 1939-45. They\nare far more complicated.\n\nFunds For Rearming\n\nThe recruitment of the remain-\ning 350,000 soldiers will be spread\nover at least 18 months after the\nfirst 150,000 have been trained as\nofficers ‘and noncoms. As in this\ncountry, only a small number can\nbe drafted each month without dis-\nturbing the economy of a country\nwhere there is almost full employ-\nment. In this connection, there is\nconcern over Germany’s ‘ability es\nraise the money for remilitariza-\ntion. Her economic advance drives\nfrom her lack of such a heavy\nfinancial or taxation burden.\n\nThere is serious disagreement\nover major strategy, once a Ger-\nman Army, Navy and Air Force\nare organized. Anglo-American ex-\nperts advise development of small,\nmobile units to.cope with an atomic\nattack. But German nationalists\nfear that this might mean evacua-\ntion and loss of Western Germany\nfor an allied defense behind the\nRhine. They propose a heavy-wea-\npons line, supported by air and\natomic power, on the border be-\ntween Germany and Russia.\n\nFinally, there is no frantic rush\nto enlist. Only about 120,000 have\nso far volunteered to serve, and\nmore than 40 per cent have been\nrejected for reasons of health, age\nor political liabilities. Defense Com-\nmissioner Blank still needs 80,000\neligible volunteers before he can\napproach the first stage of re-\narming.\n\nThis delay, which could be tra-\ngic, constitutes a memoria} to Yal-\nta advisers who argued for the\ndismemberment, the pasteuriza-\ntion and deindustrialization of the\nonly two postwar, anti-Russian buf-\nfers—Germany and Japan.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4248.2529140625, 6383.398421875, 5060.82081640625, 6633.0341953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Coming Again\n\n“And he spake also unto the men\nof Penuel, saying, ‘When I come\nagain in peace I will break down\nthis tower.’ ” Judges 8:9\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4244.12841796875, 1822.254150390625, 5008.5146484375, 2047.1173095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "e Three Minutes\n. A Day\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5884.4375, 1761.8016357421875, 6668.0390625, 1877.305419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "@ Happy Birthday\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5890.142578125, 3529.55419921875, 6583.45751953125, 3636.951416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "e It Savs Here\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 958.2547607421875, 4209.70751953125, 1771.240234375, 4325.89013671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Look to the Sun\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4245.49656640625, 6763.546859375, 5059.078140625, 6935.8574375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "To receive honestly is the best\nthanks for a good thing.—George\nMacDonald.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4257.21875, 254.0244903564453, 4999.4951171875, 383.38043212890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "@ On This Date\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4263.890625, 6222.9482421875, 5005.98583984375, 6329.70751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "e@ Bible Thought\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2619.119873046875, 6773.81396484375, 3308.76171875, 6891.55322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "@ Sen. Soaper\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 165.8493194580078, 6859.103515625, 2562.16357421875, 9498.224609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Haster iflumpn\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2743.3935546875, 4587.11279296875, 4041.187744140625, 4776.47900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Growing Spiritually\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4271.701171875, 6655.45654296875, 5021.29150390625, 6746.48876953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "® Daily Thought\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2599.956283203125, 4840.58055078125, 4231.753921875, 4947.23194921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "| (From the book “Growing Spiritually’ published by Abingdon-Cokesbury\n\nPress of New York and Nashville. Copy right. Released by NEA Service).\n\n \n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5060.749984375, 836.2118374023438, 5865.334, 3933.8554843750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "ihe experience of a young\n\nwho many years ago was hired to\ntrap predatory animals was pass-\ned along by Virgil Bennington.\n\nThe young fellow got the job\nand set out his line of traps well\naway from farmsteads in the coun-\nty. Several days later, he came\nto Bennington’s home and, in an\nagitated manner, asked his help.\n\nWhen Bennington asked him\nwhat was wrong, the man said he\nhad visited his first three traps\nand was afraid to look at any\nmore of them. At his first three\nsets, he had captured a rabbit,\na dog, and a small pig. He was\nready to quit the whole thing then\nand there.\n\nWith the moral support offered\nby Bennington, the man finally\nnerved himself to go along on a\ntour of the remaining traps. No\nmore domestic animals were\nfound, and Bennington said one\ntrap even contained what they had\nall been intended for—a coyote.\n\nThe young man had been so flus-\ntered at finding the dog and pig\nthat he hadn’t even taken time to\nrelease the latter, which was still\nalive. When turned loose, the ani-\nmal left the vicinity at great speed,\nBennington remarked.\n\nThe trapper was so heartened\nat catching no more wandering\npigs or dogs that he decided\nhe’d continue, after moving his\ntrapline still further away from\nany houses.\n\n* * =\n\nHere’s a small addition to one’s\nstore of useful information. It\ndoesn’t frustrate dogs to run and\nget nowhere.\n\nA dog exerciser was built at the\nresearch farm of one of the big\nfeed manufacturing firms. It fea-\ntured a moving belt powered by\nan electric motor and moving about\nfive or six miles an hour.\n\nFor a while, dogs can take only\nshort periods of running on the\n“treadmill” but after they get in\nshape, they sometimes gallop for\n\nae inne me. Seeen these 2) « Shee\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 5144.62890625, 743.0034790039062, 5771.2763671875, 798.534423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Rw DOUG RELESSINGER\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1394.280501953125, 6447.0126796875, 2566.179703125, 6769.4560703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Everybody can remember those long,\nyouthful bull sessions when the topic was,\n“What do you really want most out of life?’’\nBut fortunately, hardly anybody can recall\nwhat his answer was. .\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2597.34812890625, 8778.34178125, 3425.5039218750003, 9141.140640624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "| The fellow at the next desk, back\nat work after a brief absence, says\nall he could find out from the doc-\ntor is that he had something that’s\ngoing around these days and it was\ncured by something that they’ve\nbeen having pretty good luck with.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2600.317611328125, 7988.7255703125, 3427.7551425781253, 8303.5947421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Without the bills for either at\nhand, you can’t help wondering\nidly how the cost of fixing up Ike’s\nGettysburg farmhouse compared\nwith the cost of the battle of the\nsame name.\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 2594.70457421875, 8351.9423671875, 3422.1323398437503, 8734.150406249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Despite what the managers say,\nit is pointed out that only one\nbaseball team can win in each\nleague. But why should this be,\nwhen, in another professional\nsport, wrestling, everybody is a\nchampion somewhere?\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2607.003158203125, 7278.8036953125, 3416.1147617187503, 7600.84571875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Gracious living brings other love-\nlies out of doors t@ relax on foam-\nrubber lounge chairs, but every-\nbody’s favorite girl, Miss Peace,\nremains perched on the same old\nhard, uncomfortable powder keg.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2592.154037109375, 9175.0263515625, 3421.4423984375003, 9529.215835937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Generals and admirals are more\nand more in the public eye, in con-\ntrast with the days when\nknew the names of any army of-\nficers unless they were John J.\nPershing or somebody they had\ngone to school with. |\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 3634.04345703125, 7152.7607421875, 6364.32666015625, 9453.529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n\n~/letropolitan\n\n“THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES”\n\nGENERAL OFFICE: BOX 555, PENDLETON, OF\n\nAddress Reply to:\n\nRadio Station KUJ\n55 East Main St.\nWalla Walla, Wash.\n\nDear Sirs\n\nI thought you would be interested to know that in our\nopinion... . KUJ has more potential for promotion than\nany other media in Walla Walla's trade area!\n\nReaction to every event we have featured on KUJ has\nbeen astounding both in dollar volume of business and\nexpanse of area from which the customers came.\n\nYour service has been excellent, your cost per dollar\nrealized in sales, exceptionally low. Thank you!\n\nYours very truly,\n\nfoe Glonled/\n\nss Blanchard\nJB/st\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2597.98973046875, 7630.66453515625, 3420.0598300781253, 7942.3506015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Somebody goofs on Georgia li-\ncense plates and uses an upside-\ndown M instead of a W. Since the\nplates were prison-made, however,\nit seems unlikely that the boy will\nbe fired.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 5052.23094140625, 4329.18016015625, 5863.76417578125, 4758.68116796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "A few weeks ago at a sports-\nmen’s meeting in Pomeroy I heard\ntwo professors from Washington\nState College pass judgment on the\nInland Empire’s hunting and fish-\ning merits.\n\nOn being asked the loaded ques-\n‘tion of what thev thought of such\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 955.7977294921875, 6815.625, 1672.9884033203125, 6913.7216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Easter Triumph\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3745.668197265625, 7729.0175625, 6253.840347656251, 9171.4521640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "A\\QQMeaw wb evawss DAVY\n\n55 East Main St.\nWalla Walla, Wash.\n\nDear Sirs\n\nI thought you would be interested to know that in our\nopinion... . KUJ has more potential for promotion than\nany other media in Walla Walla's trade area!\n\nReaction to every event we have featured on KUJ has\nbeen astounding both in dollar volume of business and\nexpanse of area from which the customers came.\n\nYour service has been excellent, your cost per dollar\nrealized in sales, exceptionally low. Thank you!\n\nYours very truly,\n\npo\" 2:\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 6165.58740234375, 1910.4019775390625, 6387.40625, 1965.679443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "April 10\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2990.946533203125, 4747.294921875, 3855.883056640625, 4817.2099609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "By EL. Stanley Jones\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 4325.470703125, 2082.073486328125, 4968.36376953125, 2139.95751953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "WOMEN AT THE TOMB\n" }, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 38 ], [ 32, 21 ], [ 26, 27 ], [ 26, 30 ], [ 27, 30 ], [ 34, 31 ] ]
[ 7174.92431640625, 9918.9334375 ]
[ [ 27, 26 ], [ 30, 27 ], [ 31, 34 ], [ 32, 21 ], [ 38, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 183.0175018310547, 917.2045288085938, 2709.96533203125, 3492.734619140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3653.43701171875, 1818.6195068359375, 6160.50146484375, 3955.391845703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "\\ SRO amg\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5352.52798828125, 4889.19888671875, 6204.36947265625, 5860.2976953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Diane that slammed into the Car-\noline coast hasn't been computed\nyet, Floed damage alone has run\ninto billions, and hundreds of\nlives were lost.\n\nJust six days before Diane hit,\nhurricane Connie plowed into\nMorehead City, N.C., at a cost of\n41 lives and an estimated $15\n\nmillion in damage,\n\nThe year's first full-blown hur-\nirieane, Alice, was born on Jan, 3\n\nbut blew itself out in a short time\n‘and without damage to land.\nBrenda, which never reached hur-\nricane strength, battered the\nLouisiana coast July 31, causing\nseven deaths and some $250,000\n“damage.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 995.8898046875, 6962.22916015625, 1859.17318359375, 8778.0476953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "PORT LAVACA, Aug. 24— In-\njuries trapped a Corpus Christi\nman in his demolished pick-up\ntruck for several hours Wednesday\n| morning after the vehicle took a\n15-foot drop off Highway 35 into\n‘Hog Bayou. ~\nOscar Cavallin, Calhoun County\n‘chief deputy sheriff, said Edward\nL. Story apparently went to sieep\nwhile driving about 12 miles\n| southwest of Port Lavaca.\n| “He dislocated his hip when the\nvehicle hit the two-foot deep water\nshortly before daylight,\"” Cavallin\nsaid.\n\n“Unable to move out of the\n‘truck, he tossed car tools upwards\nonto the bridge.\n\n“It was sometime after daylight\n‘before the tools were noticed.\n\nWhen a car stopped to check them,\nStory yelled from below and the\nrescue was made.”\n\nStory was admitted to Calhoun\nCounty Memorial Hospital for ob-\n| servation.\n\nCavallin said Story apparently\nwent to sleep as he approached a\nnarrow bridge, the truck drifting\noff the right side of the road.\n\n“The vehicle was thrown com-\npletely out of control when it\ncrashed into a sign labled: ‘Warn-\ning, Narrow Bridge Ahead.’\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3619.770263671875, 6091.08251953125, 4303.7802734375, 6532.66650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Three Area\nPolio Cases\nReported\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1010.7426147460938, 8825.7822265625, 1706.710693359375, 9003.388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Ex-Con Is Wounded\nIn Dallas Shooting\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5348.78580078125, 6220.19546875, 6198.8133203125, 7414.22982421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Victoria will get a new telephone\n‘book Sept, 1, Hugh L. Haynes,\n‘local manager ef Southwestern\nBell, announced Wednesday,\n\nThe 272-page book, in green with\na sketch of Vietoria’s County\nCourthouse on the cover, will be\ndistributed through the mail to 12,-\n138 customers who were receiving\nservice July 30.\n| There were 4,296 business and\n7842 residential phones in serv-\nice July 30, Haynes said.\nLocal phone calls averaged 74,-\n465 daily during the first six\nmonths of the year, Haynes said,\nwhile long distance calls averaged\n| The new book will be fatter\nthan the last vear model. Listing\npages have increased from. to\n64 while the “yellow pages’ have\nincreased from 184 t) 208.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4491.4873046875, 7445.8251953125, 7040.1826171875, 7942.6611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Klood Areas Deluged Again\n\nAs Vione and Gifts Pour In\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3628.1640625, 4344.48193359375, 4284.21142578125, 4889.1806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "DeMolavs\nLeave for\nState Meet\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5358.970703125, 5898.35595703125, 6175.69287109375, 6192.88525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "katter Phone\n\nBook Due City\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3621.682041015625, 4916.03384765625, 4469.7928125, 6055.53890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Victoria DeMolays-—20 strong —\n\nheaded for Brownsville Wednesday\nafternoon to attend the annual\nstate DeMolay conclave.\nAnd accompanying the Victoria\ngroup was Miss Sandra Bearden,\nDeMolay Sweetheart, who will\ncompete for the title of “State\nSweetheart.’*\n\nA. Jd. Alkek Jr., master counsel-\nor, and A. J. Herren, chapter dad,\nare heading the delegation on the\nsouthern invasion.\n\nAll expenses of the delegates\nare being cared for by the local\norganization through proceeds de-\nrived from money-making projects\nthroughout the year.\n\nThe local DeMolays seek to add\nfurther honors to the trophies won\n\nat the recent district conclave\nat Beaumont.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1871.1484375, 7072.69140625, 3540.28369140625, 7672.67138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "SLPERSONICS [BER\nJet Zooms to Nev\nSpeed-800 MPH\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 113.91646575927734, 3820.754150390625, 858.594970703125, 4351.88671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Faure Sets\nTalks With\n\nMoroceans\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4494.7919921875, 4372.75732421875, 6186.42529296875, 4870.88818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Spotters See Edith\n\nllowling in Atlantic\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2726.51953125, 880.2830810546875, 7067.74462890625, 1733.6199951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Ike Vows No U.S. Trade\nOf Man’s Rights for Peace\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1001.7554052734375, 9008.1290625, 1856.2006494140626, 9527.2146875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "DALLAS, Aug. 24 (®—Johnny\nPatterson. 37, ex-convict, was in\ncritical condition after being shot\ntwice in the chest with a .45 caliber\npistol today.\n\nJoe Russell Wyatt, 39. Dallas\npolice character, surrendered to\nsheriff's deputies after the shoot-\n- at a Northwest Highway drive-\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1028.9444580078125, 3796.79736328125, 2531.137451171875, 4405.921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "FOR EIRE VICTIMS\nClothing. Fund\nDrive Initiated\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3629.4659765625, 8433.7433203125, 4480.5867578125, 9513.638515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Clear to partly cloudy Thursday.\nMostly southeast winds 815 mph.\n\nSouth Central Texas: Partly\ncloudy and warm Thursdey and\nFriday with a few isolated after-\nneon thundershowers, mostly in\nthe south and central portions.\nGentle to moderate variable winds\non the coast, mostly southeast.\n\nLow Wednesday. 75. High\nWednesday. 94. Low expected\nThursday, 74.\n\nPrecipitation Wednesday, None.\n\nTides (Port O’Connor-Port La-\nvaca area): Thursday: Low 4:25\np.m. Friday: High 2:30 a.m.\n\nSunset, Thursday, 6:58 p.m. Sun-\nrise Friday, 6:02 a.m. a\n\nHigh\n(This Po isineti pon on data from\nthe U. & Weather Bureau, Victoria\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 6212.99169921875, 1816.0904541015625, 7002.58251953125, 2356.99560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Blunt Stand\nKnocks Red\n‘Injustices’\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3618.839755859375, 6541.9386328125, 4473.53255859375, 8251.040859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Three cases of polio in the Vic-\ntoria vicinity were reported\nWednesday by Dr. Roy Reed,\nVictoria County Health Unit di-\nrector.\n\nAll three cases were of the non-\nparalytic type.\n\nLinda Mae Harvey, 6, 907 Lazar\nAlley, was hospitalized Aug. 14\nand remained under treatment and\noo until dismissed Aug.\n18.\n\nJuan Rios, Box 406A Rt. 1, was\nhospitalized in Corpus Christi Aug,\n12.\n\nThomas Franz, 40, of Inez suf-\nfered an attack Aug. 20 which was\ndiagnosed as polio. He was hos-\npitalized in Jeff Davis Hospital\nin Houston the following day.\n\nDr. Reed pointed out the eoin-\ncidence that for the same compar-\nable period, 1955 and 1954 each\nhad 10 polio cases. However, he\nsaid the degree of severity has\nbeen ‘‘miid” for 1955 whereas iast\nyear there was one fatality,\n\nForty-one second-round shots of\nSalk vaccine were administered\nat the County Health Unit Wednes-\nday. bringing the total of 1,100,\nMakeup shots for children due\nsecond vaccines will he made at\nthe unit next Weenesday.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1010.6438598632812, 6389.8642578125, 1826.2750244140625, 6929.39990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Inj ured Van\nRescued\nKrom Truck\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2743.74869140625, 7712.07291015625, 3610.8294335937503, 9513.997890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "The present speed record is 755.\nimiles an hour, set by Lt. Col. F...\n(Pew) Everest. in a YFI1O0A over\nthe same Southern California des-\nfert course in October 1943. This\nmark was just under the speed of\nsound.\n} 35,000 Feet\n| Senic speed varies from 769\n‘miles an hour at sea level to 663\nmiles an hour at 55,000 feet and\nabove. The recordbreaking fight\n| reportedly was made at around\n35,000 feet.\n| Charles Logsdon, chief timer for\n‘the NAA, told a reporter the new\nrecord was made possible by the\ndevelopment, by North American\nAviation, Inc., of a new optical\nsystem of timing.\n| Logdson declined to comment on\n‘the flight itself, and was reluctant\neven to discuss the arrangements\nthat had been made, The Air Force\nhad hoped to make a surprise an-\nnouncement of the feat at the\nPhiladelphia show.\n| Newly established rules for su-\n-personic flight record attempts\nlimit the pilot to a dive of not\nmore than 328 feet pol the length\nHod the course, on either ey foe\no speed runs required, a\nhibit him from climbing more than\n2,400 feet after leveling off to make\n\nhis pass.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2755.2060546875, 1860.7984619140625, 3592.387451171875, 2408.3515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "U.S. Airman\nShot Alter\nKilling Spree\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 121.30342468261719, 8444.4620703125, 989.6147119140626, 9913.2937890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Bill Fly getting in the mood to\ncheck his hard straw hat for the\nwinter ... Mrs. Erin Chambers\nheading straight for some air-con-\nditioning .. . Fred Stedman hard\nat work on a bigger edition of The\nSeadrifter on Sept. 1, marking the\nfirst anniversary of Carbide plant\nproduction . , Ardie Harrison\n‘wondering if that golf. club ad-\njusting for any kind of shot really\nworks .., Perry Larsen wonder-\ning if he can really wait for the\nepening of deer season and if\nMrs. Larsen and Billy will outshoot\nhim ... Mr. and Mrs. Dorman\nWright and Miss Joann Mogford\nof Fredericksburg down for one\nof those cool Victoria vacations\n- « « Maj. and Mrs. Larkin Smith\nwriting to friends here about their\ntrip by car and boat to Newfound-\nland and his new Air Force sta-\ntion . . . Rosebud Pitcher Dick\nMulligan telling folks his right arm\nfelt good after Tuesday night's\ngame with the Lone Star Athletics\n(he’s a lefty.\n" }, "24": null, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 6219.845859375, 7987.52701171875, 7108.8699609375, 9918.9334375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Conn., for the heip it gave in a\nflood 28 years ago\nThe evacuation of thousands of\n‘children from summer camps in\nflood areas got underway with the\narrival of 35 youngsters in New\nYork City from East Stroudsburg,\nPa. Plans were completed to re-\n‘move 10,000 beyvs and girls from\neastern Pennsylvania camps and\n‘thousands more from camps in\n| Conne cticut and Massachusetts,\nSeek More Bodies\n\nRescue crews kept on digging\n‘through the heaps of muck and\nrubble for persons stiil missing in\n‘the nation’s worst flood in nearly\n(20 years. The number of dead\n_ counted so far included: Pennsyl-\n/vania, 115: Connecticut, 30: Massa-\n'chusetts, 23, New Jersey, 6: New\n| York. 4: Virginia, 2; Rhode Island,\n'2. and Delaware 1.\n| Curfews were put into effect in\n“some areas to halt looting and pre-\ni vent persons from being injured\n| while prowling through damaged\nbuildings at night. Sightseers were\n| asked to stay out of the flood re-\nigions, but in some areas officials\nif to set up roadblocks to keep\n\n \n\nthem out.\n\n| Every able-bodied person avail-\n| able in the disaster-struck commu-\nHood Poon po oe og on\nof industry 1 iT\n\n \n \n\nagain,\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5350.55337890625, 7962.3331640625, 6223.0789453125, 9532.300625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "bute “spontaneously ’ {fo the Red\nCross flood fund. |\n\n“We should seize the opportunity\nto give t them, to force upon\ntiem...more than they need,” cas\nsaid. |\n| As the President spoke, E. Ro-\nland Harriman, national Red Cross\n chairtaae. raised the quota of the\n‘Red Cross disaster drive from $5\n‘million to $8 million.\n_ Needs continue to grow in ae\n| disaster-affected areas,’ Harriman\n| said. |\n| Pope Pius XII and Britain’s\n‘Queen Elizabeth sent messages of\n‘sympathy to flood victims. Lon-\n| dons News ~ Chronicie, a liberal\npaladins ead extended its “sincere\n| Sympathy. “a\nGet Money, Bibles\n. The American Bible Society sent\n25,000 Bibles to comfort flood vic-\n| tims as they set about their heart-\nbreaking battle to rebuild their\nhomes.\n\nThe little village of Waterbury,\n1a = raising a ‘‘thank you\n‘fund to pay back Waterbury,\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3727.85400390625, 8284.703125, 4353.4072265625, 8388.1298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "The Weather\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 4482.8009375, 8036.85416015625, 5344.9207421875, 9489.419765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "The fiood-stricken northeastern\ni states were swept by a new kind of\n\\inundation Wednesday—a deluge: of\nmoney and offers of beip from the\nrest of the nation.\n\nIndividuals, labor unions, organi-\nzations, businesses and one whole\ntown opened their hearts and their\npocketbooks to the victims of the\nflash floods that swept through sec-~\ntions of eight states, killing an es-\ntimated 203 persons and leaving at\nleast $3 billion in damage.\n\n| Money poured into the American\n| Red Cross fleod fund-raising head-\n| quarters in New York City. Offers\nhot trailer - homes, prefabricated\ni houses, factory space, DDT, aspirin\n‘and even soap were made to the\n100,000 homeless in the six hard-\nest-hit states — Pennsylvania, New\n| Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island,\n| Massachusetts and New York.\n\nRaise Fund Quota\n\nPresident Eisenhower departed\nfrom his prepared text in a Phila-\ndeiphia speech to renew his appeal\n\nyeaa | TRA -\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 996.2529638671875, 4413.5499609375, 1856.5282861328126, 6350.6141015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "uy\n| While a Victoria mother fought\nfor her life against critica] burns\n| Wednesday, a movement began to\ncollect clothing and funds for her\nhusband and six children who were\nburned out of their home Tuesday\nmorning.\n\nStill in a serious condition at\nVictoria Hospital is Mrs. Trine\nGarcia of 1101 South East St. She\nsuffered third degree burns on 80\nper cent of her bory when kero-\nsene exploded near a wood stove\nshe was lighting,\n\nA physician said Mrs. Garcia\nwas doing poorly Wednesday. He\nsaid she would probably be trans-\nferred to John Sealy Hospital in\n| Galveston.\n\nHusband Also Burned\n\nHer husband, Henry Samora\nGarcia, suffered second degree\nburns on his hands trying to ex-\ntinguish the flames on his wife's\nbody.\n Gareia is an employe of the\ncity, which has already started a\ncollection of funds to aid Garcia\nduring his family crisis.\n\n- Meanwhile, both Victoria banks\nagreed to accept cash contribu-\ntions from anyone who would like\nto aid the family.\n\nDuring the past few months, the\nfamily had been picking cotton in\norder to obtain money to purchase\nclothes and other supplies for the\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1867.647861328125, 7708.98990234375, 2735.241787109375, 9499.810390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON. Aug. 24 ~The\n| National Aeronautic Assn. con-\nifirmed today that an Air Force\n| Jet fighter has set the world's first\n|official speed record for an air-\n| plane flving faster than seund.\n\nCo}. Horace A. Hanes, director of\niflight test at Edwards Air Force\n| Base, Calif.. few a North Ameri-\nican F100C Super Sabre at a speed\nof more than 800 miles an hour\nover Southern California last Sat-\nurday. The flight was first reported\niby the Los Angeles Times Satur-\n\n$e\n\nMany jet pianes have exceeded\nthe speed of sound, and rocket\neraft have flown at more than\ntwice the speed of sound. But here-\ntofore there has been no way oi\ntiming the flights accurately. —\nSpecia}! Equipment\n| Specially designed cameras and\nclocking equipment used for the\nfirst time recorded Hanes’ flight.\n| The exact speed reached, the al-\n‘titude and other facts will be an-\nnounced by the Air Force at the\nNational Aircraft Show in Phila-\nde'phia Sept. 5. |\n\nHanes is scheduled to receive the\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6195.0558203125, 2605.49283203125, 7086.73373046875, 7355.82748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "PPA PE, AAU. ek\n(}—From historic Independ-\nence Hall, President Eisen-\n-hower warned Russia today\nthat America never will buy\npeace at a price of accepting\n|\\Boviet “violations of the ‘rights\nof men and of nations.”\nEisenhower took a solid no-\nappeasement stand against\n‘what he called the “wrongs” of a\n| divided Germany, the domination\n| of captive satellites, and “subver-\n| sion organized on a worldwide\n| seale.”\n| America, he said, is on a “crus\n‘§ade\"’ for a just and secure peace\nito fulfill “a deep-seated hunger of\n| wnanhind.”* And he said, “1 think\niwe can” achieve it.\n| o “False Peace”\n| Hut to let an eargerness to avoid\niwar lead to “a false peace,” the\n‘President said, would perpetuate\ninjustices and wrongs of the pres-\nent and “assure future conflict.”\n\nHe said a cormbinetion of «is\npicions and fear probably explains,\nbut cannot excuse, Russia’s posi-\ntion on Germany, satellite coun-\n‘tries and international subversion.\n\n“In justice to others,” the chief\nexecitive declared, “we can never\naccept those wrongs as a part of\nthe peace that we destre and seek.’\n\nThe President spoke from a\nbunting-bedecked platform a few\nfeet from the Liberty Bell and the\nhall that eradied American free\ndom.\n\nThe occasion was a eombined\nceremony sponsored by the Ameri-\nean Bar Assn. in 78th annual con\nvention here, and a federal com-\nmission commemorating the 200th\nanniversary of the birth of John\nMarshall, the fourth chief justice\nof the United States. The present\nchief justice, Earl Warren, spoke,\ntou,\n\nj Ocassional Applause\n\n| Thousands of people clustered in\ni Independence Square under fuzzy\nsun and broke in on the presidential\nDeco with oceasional applause.\nOthers peered down from nearby\noffice buildings.\n\nFisenhower flew up from Wash-\n| ington this morning. He headed\njback for the eapital after his\niaddress to wrestle with problems\nof flood disaster.\n| At the outset of hie speech he\ninjected an appeal to the nation\nto force on the Red Cross more\nfunds for relief that it can use.\n\nThis Philadeiphia © appearance\n‘had seme of the trappings of a\n| political campaign-— the crowds\niticker tape and confetti spewing\n‘out of windoes, Eisenhower stand-\ning up in the back seat of his\n-limougine, showing his ear-toear\ngrin and waving two-handed sa-\n\n‘lutes to the onlookers,\n100,000 Crowd\n\nPolice Commissioner Thomas\n. Gibbons estimated that 100,000 per-\nsons turned out to see the Presi-\n‘dent,\n| Ata downtown hotel, Eisenhower\neven got in a brief session with\nW. Thacher Longstreth, Republican\n| candidate for mayo® of Philadel-\niphia, and other local political\nleaders.\n\nPossibly in defense of a nomina-\nition that failed, the President gave\n| one political tinge to his address.\n\nTo the accompaniment of a burst\n| of applause, Eisenhower said he\npullin would name ta the federal\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1866.3474462890624, 4395.50162109375, 2731.195400390625, 7016.70345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "coming school term. These were\nall lost when the flames gutted\nthe family residence.\n\nIt was suggested that all clothing\ncontributions for the children be\nhandled through tthe Victoria\nCouncil of Church Women's Tree\nHouse, which serves as a perma-\nnent outlet for providing clothes\nfor the needy.\n\nDonation Accepted\n\nMavor Cliff Berkman announced\nthe city’s three fire stations would\nserve as collection stations for\nanyone wishing to donate clothing.\n\nThe clothing would then be\ntransferred to the Council Tree\nHouse, where the children could\nbe outfitted.\n\nAny extra clothing or wrong-\nsize clothing would then be avail-\nable for regular distribution by\nthe church women to gther needy\nfamilies.\n\nThe Council] Tree House has been\nin operation since last year, pro-\nviding material without charge to\nneedy persons who have slips\nfrom Welfare agencies.\n\nTree House Hours\n\nThe clothing is dispensed each\n| Wednesday from 9:30 to 11 a.m.\nand from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Donations\nof used clothing, baby equipment\nand old bedding are alsa received\nat this time.\n\nMrs. B. D. Reynolds, chairman\nof the Council Tree House, said\nthe Counci] Tree House was a\ncity-wide program, available for\nuse by all welfare agencies.\n\n“We are in particular need of\n_ children's clothing.\"’ she said,\n\nThe Garcia children range in\nage from 1 to 13 years. They are\nLola, 13; Henry, 9: Ray, 7; Able,\n6; Bennie, 5, and Rudolph, 1.\n\nThey are presently being cared\nfor by Mrs. F. E. Hoelter, their\naunt.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4659.8251953125, 7966.99658203125, 5172.13330078125, 8033.24951171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Ky UNTTEn PRESS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 117.75616821289063, 4434.681796875, 986.0093041992188, 8031.1678125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "EA ee ae a ee ae ee ee es Se\n24 (®—Premier Edgar Faure—de-\nfying right-wing critics of his\nNorth African policy—flew back\nhere from Paris tonight for face-\ntu-face talks with Moroccan na-\ntionalists.\n\nIn Paris, he had met with Presi-\ndent Rene Coty and others en the\nmounting objections to dealing\nwith nationalists held responsible\nfor last weekend's bloody uprisings\nin Morocco and Algeria.\n\nThe Premier said he does not\nbelieve the Moroceans with whom\nhe is holding talks here played\nany role in the recent violence.\n\nMost Unvielding\n\nFaure and his Cabinet ministers\nwill meet tomorrow with the high\ncommand of the Istiqlal (independ-\nence! party, Moroceo's most un-\nyielding nationalist organization.\n\nMost observers agreed that by\nconsenting to talk with the Istiqlal\nleaders, who arrived by plane\nearlier today from Rabat, the gov-\nernment i: recognizing them as\nlegitimate spokesmen for Moroec-\ncan aspirations.\n\nWhile French leaders continued\ntheir talks with Moroccan efficials\nand spokesmen, the Paris govern-\nment recalled 60,000 young re-\nservists to the colors to strengthen\nforces trying to maintain order in\nNorth Africa. French military re-\nsources were heavily taxed by\nNorth African nationalist out-\nbreaks over the weekend, which\ntook a death toll new estimated\nat 2,000.\n\nSpecialists Called\n\nThe Defense Ministry in Paris\nsaid most of the reservists to be\ncalled up are 23 to 24 years old.\nThe first to put on uniforms will\nbe specialists such as signal corps-\nmen and engineers. The French\nnow have 125,000 troops in Algeria\nand more than that in Morocco.\n\nThe French pressed mop-up\noperations today in North Africa,\nwhere relative quiet prevailed.\nThese were the today's latest re-\nported actions:\n\nMorocco-Foreign Legion veter-\nans pushed their reprisal offensive\nagainst an Atlas Mountains tribe\nthat massacred 80 French men,\nwomen, and children at Oued Zem\nSaturday. Other French forces us-\ning military vehicles and two air-\nplanes kept a sharp watch on the\nArab quarter of Marrakech, where\nan Arab holiday is being observed.\n\nAlgeria — The French arrested\n110 Algerians in the Sidi Mabouk,\nnear Constantine, a center of the\nweekend outbreaks.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2746.599765625, 2641.0558203125, 3604.8267480468753, 7035.232265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "MANSTON, England, Aug.\n24 \\P—A crazed 21-year-old\nAmerican airman killed three\nother airmen today = and\nwounded seven persons. Then\nhe died in a blaze of bullets\nafter a gun fight with police\non a channel beach,\n\nThe U.S, Air Force identi-\nfied the killer officially as\nNapoleon Green of Chicago, He\nhad a brief* police record in Chi-\ncago for larceny. Officials said\nGreen was to have gone before\na court-martial this morning to\nface a money stealing charge.\n| An American master sergeant,\nanother U. S. serviceman and a\nRoyal Air Force airman were the\nmen who died before Greens two\nblazing guns on the joint British-\nAmerican fighter bese near this\nsouth England town.\n| 2 Americans Killed\n- Three other American airmen\nand two British girl secretaries\nwere among the wounded.\n\nThe two Americans were killed\nwhen they tried to disarm Green,\na Negro, shortly after he came out\nof the base arms store waving his\nweapons. They were M. Sgt. Law-\nrence Velasquez, 34, of Antonito,\n‘Colo., and Airman 2. C. Nelson\nGresham of Philadelphia.\n\nHe shot them dead.\n\nThen he rushed through the\ncamp firing wildly. A Royal Air\nForce corporal, Raymond Peter\nGrayer, fell dead from a bicycle~\nshot through the back.\n\nShot In Stomach\n\nA 21-year-old American, Airman\n1. C, Lester Hunt ef Rantoul, Ii,.\nrolled over critically wounded-—\nshot in the stomach,\n\nMore bullets spraved thpugh an\nautomobile, Inside were lan Yeo-\nman and Miss Anne Cockburn,\nBritish employes of the American\nExpress Co. Both were wounded.\n\nAnother car stood nearby, In it\n'was M. Sgt. R. J. McDaniel, 36,\nof St. Paul, Minn.\n\nThe gun-wielding Green jumped\ninto the back seat yelling, ‘Drive,\n‘mister, drive.”\n| ‘TH Be Dead\n“Tl drove,’ McDaniel said after-\nward,\n\n- After 15 minutes, MeDaniel «aid\nhe talked Green into taking over\nthe car. He said the gunman made\nonly one reference to the killings—\n“Tell Capt. Ader ‘base provost\nmarshal) that when they get me\nTl be dead,”\n\n| MeDaniel went to a butcher shop\nand got a lift to Margate where\nhe told police what happened,\n\n| They sent patrol cars rushing\nthrough three seaside towns—Mar-\ngate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate—\ntelling people to get off the beach-\nres and take cover.\n\n| At 10:50 a.m., about 50 minutes\nafter his shooting spre¢ began,\nGreen drew up at the Broadstairs\nPleasure Pier, Fred Beecham. a\ncar park attendant, went up to tell\n‘tell the driver be couldn't park at\n‘that spot.\n\n“The man leaped out brandish-\n\n(See AIRMAN, Page 16)\n\n \n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4483.97720703125, 4894.81412109375, 5341.0271875, 7413.4012109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "MIAMI, Aug. 24 ~—UP-—— The\nthird hurricane of the year, pack-\ning 80 mile an bour winds, boiled\nup suddenly in the South Atlantic\nWednesday, some 750 miles east\nnortheast of San Juan, Puerto\nRieo,\nAn Air Force reconnaissance\n| plane based in Bermuda loeated\nthe small howler far out at sea,\nthe Miami weather bureaw report-\ned ip a special advisory.\nThe new hurricane, which biew\nup a week after the second howler\nhit the coast, was nicknamed Edith\n— the weather bureau's prac-\ntice of giving girls’ names to the\ntropic blows, It is the fifth tropical\nistorm of the year but only the\nthird to reach full hurricane\n streneth with winds of 75 miles\nper hour or more.\n| Mw MPH\n| he advisory said Edith had\nwinds of 8) miles an hour “over\n@ small area near the center”\nWhile gales “extended 150 miles to\n“north and east and 5) miles to\nsouth and west.”\n| Edith was moving on a west\n| northwest to northwest course at\n| 12 to 14 miles per hour and ‘‘indi-\ncations are for continued west\nnorthwest to northwest movemeg.\nat the same speed during the next\n24 hours with gradual increase in\nsize and intensity ~\n\nAll shipping in the path of the\n hurrieane was advised to exercise\n\ncauhon.\nOnly Ships\nEdith menaced only ships at\nita, so far, but it was born while\nnine Atlantic Coast states still\nwere mopping up from devastating\nDiane dumped by its predecessor,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDiane\nThe staggering toll of hurricane\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2815.910888671875, 2421.0185546875, 3485.136474609375, 2599.729736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "3 Die. 7 Wounded\nAt England Base\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 983.7433471679688, 9560.9931640625, 6283.36669921875, 9906.1416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n\nTonight Is Family Night--Stores Will Be Open\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 170.7108612060547, 8085.6259765625, 943.1720581054688, 8431.9189453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 6288.15283203125, 2393.40771484375, 6912.07958984375, 2553.653564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "President Praises\nSpirit of Geneva\n" }, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 7397.0712890625, 9900.422234375 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4726.89075390625, 3724.236701171875, 5607.336785156251, 5952.735710937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Democratic candidateg appeared as)\nguests, actually consfituted a con-\ntribution to their campaigns fall-\ning within the Taft-Hartley ban.\n\n- The position has logic. It would\nseem that for somebody to buy ra-\ndio and TV time and then allow a\npolitical candidate to use that time,\nwould aid his campaign just as\nmuch as contributing the same\namount of money directly to the\ncandidate’s campaign fund.\n\nThe UAW says it “welcomes a\ntest on the constitutional right of\na labor union to express its point\nof view on political issues and oth-\ner matters of broad public policy\nthrough the purchase and use of\nradio and television time.”’\n\nBut suppose the Supreme Court\nupholds the union’s contention that\nit has a constitutional right to ex-\n|press its views over purchased air\ntime; would not a corporation sr a\n_ bank then have the same right to\njuse its regular, highly-rated pro-\n\\grams to promote specific candi-\n‘|dates it favors? What's fair for\n‘one must be fair for the other.\n| The law was before the Supreme\n|Court once before, in a case grow-\ning out of the 1948 campaign, but\n|| the tribunal specifically refused tc\n|pass on its general validity; rath-\n‘er, its ruling was confined to up-\n‘/holding a union’s right to express\n‘its opiniones in union-published\n\" newspapers.\n\nThis one could either knock the\n‘icontributions-ban out completely\njor enable the Justice Department\n‘\\to enforce it from here out.\n.|(Copyright, 1955, King Features\n1 Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 264.20684814453125, 1501.5294189453125, 1451.1771240234375, 1782.423095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Bureaucrats Exceed\n\nTerms Of Contract\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2993.937140625, 6875.99622265625, 3873.1043632812502, 9900.422234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Old Government agencies never\n\ndie—-they don’t even fade away,\nTwo glaring examples of that fact\nhave been witnessed recently. |\n\nOne is the giant Foreign Oopera-\ntions Administration, with 6,500 em-\nployees and a $3.5 billion budget.\nOn June 30th, at midnight, this\nagency was absorbed by the State\nDepartment, retaining all its act-\nivities and its employees.\n\nPrior to being called the Foreign\nOperations Administration, this\nagency was called the Mutual Sec-\nurity Agency. Prior to that, it was\nknown as the Economic Coopera-\ntion Administration. Some knew it\nmore familiarly as the Marshall\nPlan, which was qa legitimate--or\nillegitimate — descendent of Lend\nLease. It has had many aliases.\n\nThe most disturbing aspect of\nthis last move of this agency is\nthat the President, in ordering the\nchange, said that putting foreign\naid into a permanent agency in-\nstead of the temporary type de-\npartment would provide ‘‘a long\nrange basis for this kind of inter-\nnational cooperation.\"’\n\nEvidently it is not within the\nken of our present political leader-\nship that this load will ever be re-\nmoved from the backs of the\nAmerican taxpayers They have\ngiven up all pretense that this is\ntemporary aid. They do no!\nseem to realize that ‘‘this kind o!\ninternational cooperation” is a one\nway street.\n\nAnother example is the Smal\nBusiness Administration, whict\n\\was the successor to the scandal\nracked Reconstruction Finance\n‘Corporation — which was startes\njback in 1932 as a ‘temporary’\nagency to provide limited aid i\nthe depression emergency.\n\nThe Small Business Administra\ntion was also scheduled to expir\non June 30th at midnight. But in\nstead of expi , the Congres\nvoted to extend its life--and on |\nless ‘‘small’’ scale. It now has |\ngreater total lending authority an\ncan make larger individual loans\n\nThere can no excuse for |\nGovernment agency of this sort i\n\\a free capitalistic system such a\nours except the urge of bureaucra\n\ncy to perpetuate itself. lf the loan\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3838.928595703125, 3716.521369140625, 4723.004753906251, 5974.853875000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "although enacted as \"part of the\nTaft-Hartley Law, actually is an\namendment to the Corrupt Prac-\n‘ices Act which prohibits campaign\ncontributions by corporations or\nbanks. It was intended to put labor\nunions on the same disadvanta-\ngeous political level as corpora-\ntions and banks have been for\nmany years.\n\nUnions, however, have been high-\nly successful in finding means to\ncircumvent the proscription. True,\nthey have abstained from direct\ncontributions to campaign funds;\nbut other means have been found\nto accomplish the same objective,\nsuch as the AFL’s creation of ite\nso-called Labor’s League for Poli-\nitical Education, financed by theo-\njretically-voluntary ‘‘contributions,”’\nwhich in most cases amount to thin-\njly veiled assessments on union\n| members.\n| Furthermore, in recent years\nboth the AFL and the CIO, as wel\n.jas some of their larger affiliate\njjunions, have sponsored radio com\n.;mentators who can be counted or\n;;to espouse “‘liberal’’ candidates—\n_|those supported by the sponsoring\n_unions—with vigor and ardor ir\n_|all election campaigns.\n\nAlthough the indictment men\ns tions no individual by name, ths\n» present case arose from such ad\n..vocacy by a Detroit commentato:\n. named Guy Nunn. long sponsorec\n_| by the UAW and a constant and ar\n. dent “‘liberal.\"’\n\n| The Justice Department's view\nin prosecuting the case is that the\n, UAW programs, on which severa\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 6438.94837109375, 1038.4499580078125, 7325.063835937501, 4371.85778125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘an Italian and an American at the\nsame time, although some try to\n‘do that professionally. It is just\n‘like those people who call themsel.\n‘ves Poles or Hungarians when\n‘they should call themselves Ameri.\n‘cans. After all, what difference\n‘does it really make where they\n‘came from as long as they are\n‘here now? But it is hard to get that\n‘into the minds of those who earn\na living keeping alive distinctions\n‘that ought to have died generations\n\nago.\ne30 that is why so many of our\n\\statesmen, when they have nothing\nito do, go to Ireland, Rome and Is.\nlrael. There aré atill votes to be had\nout of association with those places,\n/particularly if you can get yourself\n‘some kind of a round-about en.\n'dorsement. I heard that a certain\nigentile politician has become one\nof the most active and effective\nsalesmen for Israeli Bonds and tra.\nivels all over the United States mak.\nling speeches in this good cause.\n| He ought to tie up with Lord Ha.\n‘milton who is selling bonds for the\nrejuvenation of Scotland; if Lord\n| Hamilton’s worthy cause were ade.\nquately popularized, perhaps he\njcould get some Senators or Gover-\njnors whose ancestors bled at Ban-\nnockburn to labor for him. There\njmust be some Scotch votes left in\nithe United States and the Scots are\njsurely a minority and therefore\n‘\\entitled to extraordinary consider-\n,jation. as any minority is. In fact,\n};nobody counts anymore unless he\nbelongs to a minority, no matter\n{of what size.\n| Paul Robeson, who represents a\nf;}most narrow minority, consisting\n|of only Paul Robeson, asks for a\n||Passport because he is a Negro\nand has been refused one because\nhe is an American. Robeson does\n-;not realize that being an Ameri.\nyj can forces one to assume responsi.\n{bilities and liabilities and duties\n.|and obligations. An American ma,\n;;not legally and should not morall:\n+|be part of the apparatus of a for\n4,eign country without self-admission\n,|But maybe one day, he will learn\n: like the Turncoats who discovere:\nthat China isn’t all that it is crack\n.\\ed up to be. That country mus\n.|have changed a lot since my day. |\n¢ liked to live there always, but no\ne as a Sino-American.\ny| (Copyright, 1955, King Features\nf Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2942.816779296875, 3733.17346875, 3842.4329765625002, 5967.371941406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nWASHINGTON-—A full-dress Su-\npreme Court ruling on constitution-\nality of the Taft-Hartley Law’s\nprohibition against union contribu-\ntions to political campaigns finally\nappears to be in the offing.\n\nIf the Court upholds the statute\nin sufficiently broad language, the\ndecision could open the road to\nthe kind of enforcement Congress\ncontemplated when it passed the\nlaw over President Truman’s veto\nin 1947, |\n\nOn the other hand, if the Court\nknocks down the present enforce-\nment effort as a violation of the\nright of free speech and expression\nof thought. it might open up a\nflood-gate for use for political\ncampaign purposes of radio and\ntelevision time paid for by corpor-\nations and banks.\n\nThe high tribunal action is anti-\ncipated in a new case in which a\nFederal grand jury in Detroit has\nindicted the CIO’s United Automo-\nbile Workers on charges of violat\ning the law by paying for radio anc\nTV programs which promoted spe\ncific candidacies during last year’s\nCongressional election campaign\n\nThe four-count indictment speci\nfically charges that the UAW “‘il\nlegally’? spent $5,985 from its gen-\neral funds for a series of program:\nwhich in effect were designed t\naid the primary and general elec\ntion campaigns of certain Demo\ncrats. One of them was now-Sen\nPatrick McNamara, who won a sur\nprise victory over former GOP Sen\nHomer Ferguson.\n\nThe legal interdiction at issue\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5557.27503125, 1098.7956611328125, 6441.667351562501, 4360.822625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| ae ee - Se ee SR. er es\n\n| Always there are new patterns\n[for political greatness. This year\nwhat is required is that the candi-\ndate for greatness should visit Ire-\nland. Rome and Israel and to be\ni duly photographed in each place.\n| That is all that is required to prove\nthat one is really and truly a Lib-\neral, a lover of mankind, a suit-\nable candidate for any public of-\nfice. It establishes the goodness of\none’s heart, his tolerance and his\nsocial consciousness. In Rome, he\nmust have a private audience with\nthe Pope; in Israel, he must plant\n\na tree. I have never known what\n\nthey do in Ireland.\n\nMaybe next year, if the era of\ngoodwill continues that long, it\nmight be wise to add Moscow to\nthe list of cities to be visited. At\nthis moment, that is a somewhat\npopular town for newspapermen,\nfarmers, and clergymen, but may-\nibe by next year it will be like\nRome, a place to demonstrate that\none is broad-minded and without\nprejudice of any kind, except in\nprivate,\n\nPoliticiaris always have a very\ndifficult time proving that they\nare what they pretend to be. Were\nthey to pretend less, they would\nhave less to prove. For instance.\nhere in New York State, Oswald\nHeck, who wants to run for Gov:\n\nlernor, is trying to establish that\n‘he is as Liberal as Averell Harri.\nman who took on that facade ir\n1933 and is now well-versed in tha!\n, kind of lingo. In fact, Harrimar\nhas a nobler Liberal ancestry than\n| Adlai Stevenson, as he was recog.\n|nized as such by Rposevelt himsel!\n,and was converted by Harry Hop:\n‘kins. Als@ he has established a\nLiberal record which Heck canno’\n\\do fast enough. On the other hand\n| Jacov Javits, who wants to run fo:\n|United States Senator, is trying\nto establish himself as a Republi\ns|can—and no less than the Republi\n-jcan leader of the state. That i:\n| Very difficult, because it does no\njring true, Javits having dividec\nq@his Republicanism with Dubinsk;\n,-| Liberalism which can be anythin;\na|you want it to be.\n\n,| It is just like Senator John Ken\nis;nedy of Massachusetts who has re\ne|cently discovered the ex-Italians o\ne/ his state. I assume that they ar\n\nex-Italians because they are nov\n\n-| Americans. It is impossible to b\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1250.835333984375, 8197.3521796875, 2133.062126953125, 9869.833367187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "to human beings. |\n\nFew poisonous snakes appear in\n‘Canada. Pit vipers including the\ntrue rattlesnake, the pigmy rattler,\nithe copperhead, the cottonmouth\nand the venomous coral snake ap-\n,pear in the United States. |\n| The cottonmouth, (or water moc-\n\\casin), the prairie rattler and dia-\n‘mondback rattler are responsible\nfor nearly all of the deaths from\nsnake bite in the United States.\n\nOn the average, 56 deaths occur\neach year in the United States\nfrom vengmous animals, but this\n\nincludes jnsects and other poison-\nous wildlife.\n\nThe highest mortality rate from\n‘spake bite appears to be in Burma\nWhere there are over 2000 deaths\n|per year from this cause. In India\njand Pakistan there are said to be\n\nabout 15,000 deaths a year\n\n‘this is a lower rate than that in\n| Burma.\n\n| Altogether there are estimated\n-to be around 30 or 40 thousand\ndeaths from snake bite annually\n| throughout the world.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 359.70343701171873, 8250.4986640625, 1252.127068359375, 9880.834343749999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Although the danger of being bit-\nten by a poisonous snake is slight\nin many parts of the world, the\ntaking of ‘‘snake bite medicine’’ is\ncommon enough.\n\nThere are many strange things\nabout snakes. Some time ago the\nquestion was raised as to whether\na snake bite increased the intel-\nligence. The point was raised 1!\nthink, by someone in a circus who\npurposely allowed himself to be\nbitten several] times.\n\nThis would seem to offer pretty\ngood evidence that the inte'ligence\nwas not greatly improved by snake\nbite.\n\nAll joking aside, there are some\nrather important things to know\nabout snakes.\n\nOur knowledge of this field so\nfar as snake bite is concerned has\nbeen greatiy increased by the pub.\nlication in 1954 of s monumental!\nstudy under the auspices of the\nWorld Health Organization.\n\nAmong other things this report\npointed out that some 2500 varie.\nties of snakes are recognized but\nthat fewer than 200 are dangerous\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5618.64990234375, 369.277587890625, 6025.5390625, 981.4768676757812 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3869.861701171875, 6733.433234375, 4751.878289062501, 8047.002312500001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "made by the Small Business Ad-\nministration are good, they could)\n‘be made by private banks; if they\nare not good, they should not be\nmade at all.\n\nBut so it goes with bureaucracy.\n‘There is no end to the excuses the\n‘bureaucrats can advance for per-\npetutating their agencies 80 long\nlas the taxpayers are willing to\n‘foot the bill. Neither do they care\niwhich party is in power so long\njas they are not disturbed in the\niweb of their bureaucracy.\n\n| Apparently the only thing that\nwill stop this strangulation by bu-\n‘reaucracy is a revolt by the tax-\npavers From all apperances now,\njJhowever, the question with us in\nthis country is whether the tax-\npayers have within themselves any\nmore the capacity to get angry\nenough to revolt. They seem more\n| inclined to apathetically bear what.\njever burden is thrust upon them--\n\\ipyv either party.\n\n7\n\n;\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4795.1236640625, 7628.085578125, 5626.906609375001, 8939.7181328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Waiters of course, are not in a\nposition to smap back at ill-bred\nguests; but one English head wai.\nter once made the perfect retort to\nan_uncouth customer:\n\nEnglish head waiter ~~ My posi-\ntion, sir, does not allow me to ar-\ngue with you; but if it ever came\nto a choice of weapons, I would\nchoose grammar.\n\nPublic Relations is the art of not\ntreating the public like relations.\n\nThe doctor warned his patient\nthat he should have regular habits.\nPatient — But | am a man of\nregular habits.\n‘tor — Then how does it ere a\nm that I saw you with a beautiful\nnaonae at four o'clock in the morn-\nn\n\natient —- That is one of my\nregular habits.\n\nThe man in lower six was snor-\ning lustily. The lady in the next\nberth tapped on the partition, but\nhe didn’t hear her. Finally she\nbanged so loudly that she almost\ntore it down altogether. Awake at\nlast, the man rubbed his eyes and\n\numbiled surlily, ‘Nothing doing,\nfaay. I seen you get on.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4748.67395703125, 6718.35071484375, 5623.836785156251, 7488.402703125001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "its income; it has borrowed money\nto pay its bills, it has printed mon-\ney to take care of its debts.\n\nSo long as this continues — and\nthere is no prospect now that it\nwill be stopped in the immediate\nfuture — just so long will inflation\nshang around.\n| The boom in the stock market\n,cannot be fully explained without\n‘including as one of the reasons the\nfear of inflation. It undoubtedly re-\n'presents—-not altogether but to\n‘some extent—a ‘flight from the\n‘dollar.’’\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4860.111328125, 7532.19482421875, 5519.96728515625, 7623.1328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Bids For A Smile\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5659.64306640625, 4395.8173828125, 7221.71875, 4572.26806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Test Your Horse Sense\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 408.57452392578125, 7539.58154296875, 804.523681640625, 8135.2685546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5060.443359375, 6025.2734375, 5487.87060546875, 6646.2265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3039.592529296875, 558.3533325195312, 5415.79052734375, 2918.844970703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3885.937384765625, 8149.94544140625, 4756.086296875001, 8996.3919609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "- Those whe think inflation has\n‘been stopped are simply ‘‘whistling\nthrough the graveyard.”” We may\nhave creeping inflation or we may\nhave galloping inflation—but there\nis one thing sure: we shall always\nhave inflation so long as certain\nconditions prevail.\n\n| These conditions have been with\n‘us for twenty-five vears—-and from\njall appearances are jikely to re\nimain with 1.5.\n\nChief among them, of course, is\ndeficit financing by ‘he Federal\n\\Government. For twenty-three of\njthe last twenty-six years, the Fed:\neral Government has lived beyond\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2987.907470703125, 3048.77734375, 3416.866455078125, 3655.6796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5662.642578125, 7254.21826171875, 7397.0712890625, 9861.9287109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ACBOSS 8 Legal point\n1 Radio actress, .. as (Fr.)\na\n\n4 ANSwer tO Previous Purzie\nRadio Actress : Te) fern\n=e} [B/Ol[O|ML JolciLla\nRIATT JOM [sist joints] |\nSRie Vie ielele\n\n \n\noe oe 1 Solar disk Oe - S\nIT iCleV{rieiniaicia\nse 12 Soap dish ERIE Pola Ish ZAA IN Tele)\n19 Measure of\n13Teeth pis SrTelAl-ragtelet- fare\nincrustation 21 Perfumes PIEIRIC OIUIATIGS TAIVIA\n14 Distant 22 Make dee SiiSiel [AIT ein)\n15 Handled 93 Continu “a :\nae ae 31 Weights of 45 Ulcerated\nroup (ab,) 24 Exhausts India chilblain\n18 apn . ' 25 Fish 37 Ducks 46 Unoccupied\n20 Abstract bein 26 Singing voice 38 Uncle 47 Act\n21 Speech #27 Hi es ndu 40 Six (Roman) 49Girl'sname\n\nrment 41 Pewter coins 50 Low haunt\n= ~ fo ng 29 Soor stake of Thailand 52 Compass point\n32 Winged 30 One who 42 Dreadful 53 Short-napped\n33 French income (suffix) 43 Mouthward fabric\n\n34 Leather th\noe BRAREEORABAY\nSBR DS\n\nbi pet\n\n\"Lig\nPET Te m2 sane\n\nrr — possible TT TTT yr\n\nDOWN JGnne? 7 7Aanee\n_ 1 Pierce witha oe Ane ine oe\nPeet tot\n\n \n \n\n39 Snuffles\n\n4) Bustle\n\n44 Noise\n\n45 Young goat\n48 Screed\n\n51 Ridicule\n\n54 Dealer\n\n \n\nknife\n2 Browns from\n\n4 Indonesian of\nMindanao\n\n5 Rodent\n\n6 Tendencies\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2068.233154296875, 324.7330322265625, 2859.384765625, 503.7588195800781 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Better Jobs\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 261.6758186035156, 1892.5708076171875, 2075.629998046875, 7494.88756640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "18 VArLiOUs PASTS VA 1ieU Views yee ew ee ae\nwith contracts. Most people would hesitate a long time\nbefore entering into an agreement with a builder, for ex-\nample, in which a clause existed which said: ‘The builder\nis to complete construction on the basis of what the builder\nfeels to be the proper requirements for the purchaser. Cost\nof the construction is to be left to the discretion of the\nbuilder.” Any potential home owner who signed a “blank\ncheck” agreement of this order would be considered fool-\nish, and rightly so.\n\nWhat is odd is that most businessmen and women\nwatch their business contracts with an eagle eye, yet\nwhen they come to set up a government, whether it be\nlocal or national, they leave all kinds of loop-holes just as\nfoolish as the hypothetical one cited above.\n\nIf as Jefferson claimed, governments are instituted\namong men deriving their power from the consent of the\ngoverned then how much more important is a government\nconstitution or charter than a contract for plumbing. The\ntrouble with all governments—and in this instance our own\nis no exception—is that there are always great loose\nclauses which grant power to the government in a vague,\nand general way-\n\nYet experience has provided that governmental pow-\ner ought to be strictly limited, described and confined.\nThere should be no possibility of misunderstanding. There\nshould be no possibility that the government would begin\nproviding services for the people which were not covered\n\nin the original contract.\n\n- Fr\n\n|F A GROUP OF people setting up a government agreed,\n\nthat the government should have jurisdiction in mat-\nters relating to national defense and domestic tranquility\nONLY, then it would be right and proper for those per-\nsons who so agreed and entered into that type of contract\nto pay for the services enumerated. But if that govern-\nment, in addition to providing these services, decided to\nenter into the business of educating children, then that\ngovernment would be in violation of its contract, and the\ncitizens who had agreed to be bound by the original con-\nditions of the contract could not, in justice, be compelled\nto comply with the new conditions.\n\nThe tyranny of all government begins at that point\nwhere the men in government try to do something MORE\nthan their original contract specifies. This is especially\ntrue in America today.\n\nThere is no provision in the original Constitution, the\noriginal contract entered into by our forefathers, that we\nwould have a goverment of bureaus, headed by men who\nwere appointed rather than elected. But the truth is that\nwe do. This is a violation of our contract. In truth anc\nin justice, we should not have to pay for these added anc\nunconstitutional services.\n\nWww Ye\nTHERE IS NO provision in the Constitution that we Am\n| ericans can be compelled to furnish our labor, as ir\nthe military at the demand of some president. Yet this i:\ndone constantly.\n\nThere is no provision in the Constitution that the gov.\nernment can enter into various business, technical and in\ndustrial pursuits. There is nothing that authorizes a med\ndlig with the economy, a subsidizing of one group of peo.\nple at the expense of other groups of people, nor a taxing\nof American citizens to support foreign potentates in lux.\nury and political chicanery- Yet these things are done\nflagrantly and flauntingly, in violation of the origina\ncontract whereby we became these United States.\n\nRight now, the federal government knows no powe!\nthat can stop it. It is striding forward in seven league\nboots, deciding for itself what we, the taxpayers, the own\ners of the government, need and want, and then sendin;\nus the full bill. Sometimes we haven’t anything but th\nvaguest idea as to what the money is used for, and muc}\nof the time we are in opposition to those uses when w\nfind out about them. It is as tho the builder whom w\nhired to construct a home for us decided, without con\nsulting us, that we should have a house nine stories tal\ncontaining 80 rooms, and an endless array of fixtures an:\ngadgets, the functions of which we don’t even compre\nhend. Yet, the bill for all this fancy building is compute:\nrang 4 7 the builder and we are compelled to pay it or g\n\n0 jail.\n\nAny government, however it is called, which persist\nin this type of profligate taxing and spending, is immo}\nal. And this is true whether everyone gets to vote or n\none gets to vote. All governments exist as a contract be\ntween the governor and the governed. If the governo\nviolates the contract, by all the rules of justice and mora\nity, the governed are no longer hound.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3725.020263671875, 279.85906982421875, 4665.33349609375, 420.49432373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The Cheer Leaders\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2062.5689765625, 606.1328803710937, 2911.2825859375002, 9684.754265624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Right Of Self-Defense\n\nA reader takes me to task for\nsaying: ‘‘Some people want to de-\nfend their own life and property,\ner they think they need no de-\nfense, and thus do not want to be\nforced to pay for defense that\nthey do not believe they need.”\n\nHe writes:\n\n“Do you mean each person has\na right to interpret the law as he\nor she sees fit, take the law in\n\nhis or her own hands, and shoot\nor kill anyone he or she thinks\nis doing him or her wrong? If\nit operated that way, then it would\nbe the ‘might is right’ way of\nlife, and I don’t believe either you\nor I would like that.”’\n\nMy statement simply meant that\na man has a right to use defen-\nsive force to protect his life and\nproperty, but never has a right\nto use aggressive force. Defending\none’s own life is not taking nat-\nural law into your own hands. Even\nJesus advised his disciples if\nthey did not have a sword to sell\n\ntheir garments and buy a sword.\nHe evidently believed in self-de-\nfense.\n\nThen the reader goes on to say:\n“And how about a person who\nis very poor, not on account of\nhis own fault, but on account of\nsickness, or through no fault of\nhis own, and he couldn’t afford\nto pay the government to pro-\ntect his life or his rights. Should\nthe government deny him the right\nto protection just beaguse he could\nnot afford the prie@ charged by\nthe government for protection?\nShall the government charge to\nsome and not to others?”\n\nThe government cannot give any-\none protection or anything else\nwithout first violating God’s laws\nby confiscating the property of\nothers. Men should so live that\nsomeone or some group wants to\nvoluntarily help defend them. I\nbelieve it was David who said:\n“T have been young, and now\n\nam old; yet have I not seen the\nrighteous forsaken, nor his seed\nbegging bread.”’\n\nThen the reader continues:\n\n“Or shall the poor be at the\nmercy of the wealthy who can\nbuy better protection? And de-\npend on whether government of.-\n\n| ficials shall render protection serv-\n| ices free of charge if there is no\n| wealthy kind-hearted person whe\n‘| would pay the fee for him?”\n\nThere would not be much of a\n\nmotive for a plunderer to moles!\n-| @ man with no property. As statec\n‘| above, let him so live that some\n‘| one wants to voluntarily defenc\n\nhim.\n__Then the critic quotes an oft\n, repeated statement accredited tc\n*! St. Paul in Romans 13:1-7, whict\n\nstarts out by saying:\n\n“Let every soul be subjec\n\n1) unto the higher powers. For ther\n1; is no power but of God: the pow\ners that be are ordained of God.’\n\nIt St. Paul meant that statemen\nas a general rule, he certain;\n\n-| contradicted what he admonishe\n1; other times. If that were to be |\ngeneral rule, then the Foundin\n\nFathers who signed the Declara\n\n| tion of Independence were wicke\n“| men. I do not believe they were\n~| Here is the way Thomas Jeffer\n-| son regarded St. Paul:\ni “Among the sayings and dis\ny courses imputed to Him (‘Jesus\nby his biographers, I find man\npassages of fine imagination, co.\n’\\ yect morality, and of the mo:\nJ lovely benevolence; and other:\nagain, of so much ignorance,\nr| much absurdity, so much untrut\ne| charlatanism and imposture, as '\npronounce it impossible that suc\ncontradictions should have pr\n8} ceeded from the same being.\n©! separate, therefore, the gold fro’\nh| the dross; restore to Him ti\ne| former, and leave the latter —\ne| the stupidity of some, and rogue:\nof others of His disciples, Of th\nl band of dupes and imposture\n| Paul was the great Coryphaeu\nand first corruptor of the do\n-“| trines of Jesus.\"’ Jefferson evider\nd! ly did not have much confiden\noO} in Paul.\nIf, on the other hand, one do\n| not believe that Jefferson was cc\n| rect in his appraisal of St. Pa\nr-| then it would seem rational\n10} conclude that when St. Paul ma\n€-| these statements, he was ref\nyr, ring to an individual, specific ge\n]-| ernment at that time and pla\n| and had no thought of making\n—| & general rule that would ap;\nto all governments at all tim\n\nA rational person is obliged\n\ndraw this conclusion because\n\nPaul quotes St. Peter and the ¢\n| ciples as saying, according\n\n: Acts 5:29, that “I perceive ti\nyou should obey God rather tk\nman.”’\n\nSt. Paul evidently believed\nliberty because he is quoted\nsaving in 2? Cor. 3:17: ‘‘Where »\nspirit of the Lord is, there is lib\nty.” And for St. Paul to conte\nthat governments that ensls\nmankind are the will of God see\nhe; certainly irrational when one c\ner,; siders the other ideologies prea\nith} ed by Paul.\n\n.p- If one takes every passage\n| the Bible literally, one can “pros\n\n| most anything to be true, A\n%-| those people who like to exp\nia-| others by way of the governm\nDie! like to quote St. Paul in Rom:\n»m) 131-7 as defense of governm\n\n'ranny. They do not quote\n\n-\n’\n\nin|\n\nur;\nes| Other statements that contra\nnis | this statement.\non: | To attempt to interpret all\n, Statements in the Bible as lit:\nom| rather than figurative leads\nma| reat confusion. How would\nths; ™aAn quoted above, who wants\ndia| Prove everything by the Bible,\nbe] terpret Exod. 22:18 “Thou sg!\nigh} not suffer a witch to live?”\nin| member John Wesley, the foun\nof Methodism, said if you h\n\nWey a ee eee me Sige\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3449.787841796875, 3077.4267578125, 5342.75439453125, 3312.938232421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Washinzton Report\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5623.0748359375, 4659.710578125, 7386.227410156251, 7111.273308593751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Score one point for a correct solution of each of the firat five\nproblems. The last problem counts five points.\n\n1. Which one of these usually escorts an ocean liner into port?\nScow Raft Barge Tug\n\n2. Which one of the following terms is most suggestive of a baker?\nSeam Layer Vein Stratum\n\n3. The word ‘‘sanforized’’ is usually most suggestive of which fabric?\nNylon Cotton Silk Wool\n\n4. Stable mates are controlled by which one of the following?\nBell Gun Whip Flag\n\n5. A prelude should make one think primarily of which famous man?\nPasteur Mozart Raphael Goethe\n\n6. The continual popularity of the Bible shows tuat spiritual hungers\nare as significant as gastric appetite for meat or potatoes, so tutor\nyour children in the great moral truths and helpful stories of the\nBible, among which are those pertaining to the men shown at the\nleft below. You deserve one point for each correct matching of these\nmen with the episodes pertaining to them.\n\n(a) Moses (v) God gave him an extra 15 years of life because\nhe had been faithful.\n\n(b) Haman (w) Generalissimo of Syria who was cured of leprosy\nby advice of a Hebrew prophet.\n\n(c) Nabal (x) Was hanged on the scaffold he had built for his\nenemy.\n\n| (d) Hezekiah (y) Hot headed introvert who killed an Egyptian for\n| He attacking one of his Hebrew countrymen.\n| (e) Naaman (z) A stupid rich man whose clever wife saved his\nneck from David's soldiers.\n| Score yourself as follows: 0-2, poor; 3-6, averagé: 7-8, superior;\n9-10, very superior.\n\nANSWERS:\n\n‘(G ‘UD ‘s3ury TI) (4) Asoadey jo paino\n-UBWUBEN (0) :(08 “UD ‘SBuly IT) (A) @aB3 pon-yeryezeH (p) ‘(sz\n“uD ‘lenueg 1) (2) pidmg-Teqey (9) ‘(2 ‘uD ‘aeyysq) (x) peSueg se\n“UBwBH (4) -(% ‘UD ‘snpoxg) (A) pepwey jox-sesoyy (e)—~g “(uBtoIe\n\ni\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3951.74755859375, 8041.10546875, 4684.7412109375, 8143.37744140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "INFLATION STILL HERE\nANT WILT, LIKELY STAY\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4245.123046875, 3451.633544921875, 5009.4541015625, 3543.641357421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "By FULTON LEWIS, Jr.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4766.81298828125, 9029.9853515625, 5548.5107421875, 9806.595703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3239.023681640625, 6089.05029296875, 4954.57080078125, 6360.5537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Sensing the News\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 6063.0849609375, 380.3418884277344, 7260.95263671875, 826.8428344726562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "These Days\n\nBy GEORGE E. SOKOLSK Y\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 837.7084350585938, 7657.7001953125, 2092.398681640625, 7884.8701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "The Doctor Says\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3978.488037109375, 9033.865234375, 4754.34619140625, 9792.34375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "ER epee,\n\nCHIP KEEP Busy 7\n\nE: DOES\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nMOR bt Lf DA\nTHAN WoRIK /\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 3107.028564453125, 6738.93017578125, 3757.51220703125, 6868.31201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "OLD GOVERNMENT\nAGENCIES NEVER DIE\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 6090.8876953125, 4586.13134765625, 6886.87158203125, 4652.1552734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3623.860107421875, 6454.318359375, 4705.01953125, 6597.69189453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "By Thurman Sensing\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2209.931640625, 512.991455078125, 2715.05078125, 595.7817993164062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By R. ©. HOILES\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 906.593017578125, 7948.90234375, 1836.6884765625, 8054.4228515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "By DR. EDWIN P. JORDAN\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 491.0326843261719, 8190.95703125, 1127.00634765625, 8249.2392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Written for NEA Sermice\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5618.72802734375, 1037.249755859375, 6383.1962890625, 1099.3846435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "waw TO RE A GREAT MAN\n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 6167.90625, 707.7550048828125, 7087.35791015625, 789.4882202148438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By GEORGE E. SOKOLSK Y\n" }, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 42 ], [ 2, 7 ], [ 3, 42 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 42, 7 ], [ 13, 6 ], [ 13, 30 ], [ 6, 30 ], [ 8, 24 ], [ 8, 28 ], [ 8, 29 ], [ 24, 28 ], [ 24, 29 ], [ 28, 29 ], [ 10, 27 ], [ 11, 15 ] ]
[ 7232.66123828125, 9161.957625 ]
[ [ 3, 7 ], [ 7, 2 ], [ 8, 29 ], [ 13, 30 ], [ 15, 11 ], [ 27, 10 ], [ 28, 24 ], [ 29, 28 ], [ 30, 6 ], [ 42, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3937.34033203125, 384.2344055175781, 5309.6298828125, 788.7657470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY\n\nShigemitsu’s Visit Here\nDid Much for Japanese\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 101.4338316040039, 2146.06044140625, 1389.905134765625, 5192.8375078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Today marks the 168th anniversary of the\nU. S. Constitution, one of the greatest docu-\nments ever penned. It was on September\n17, 1787 that the Constitution in its origi-\nnal form, with a preamble and seven articles,\nwas adopted by the Constitutional Conven-\ntion which had been in session since May\n12th, of that year, in Philadelphia.\n\nAnd on Sept. 25, 1789, the First Congress\nmet in New York and adopted ten amend-\nments to the Constitution. These amend-\nments have been known as the Bill of Rights.\n\nThe preamble of the Constitution was and\nis as follows: “We, the people of the United\nStates, in order to form a more perfect\nUnion, establish justice, insure domestic\ntransquility, provide for the common de-\nfense, promote the general welfare, and se-\neure the blessings of liberty to ourselves\nand our posterity, do ordain and establish\nthis CONSTITUTION for the United States\nof America.”\n\nThe Bil! of Rights, best known part and\naddition to the Constitution, guaranteed in\nArticle I: “Congress shal] make no law re-\ngpecting an establishment of religion, or\nprohibiting the free exercise thereof; or\nabridging the freedom of speech, or of the\npress or the right of the people peaceably\nto assemble and to petition the Government\nfor a redress of grievances.”\n\nThe greatness of the United States with\nits liberty loving people who enjoy greater\nbenefits than any other people on the earth\nhas been made possible by the Constitution,\nKt is the responsibility of the citizenry that\nthe Constitution is defended and maintained\nthat other generaitons, too, may enjoy its\nbenefits.\n\nConstitution Day is therefore a day to\nreaffirm our loyalty to our nation and a\nday to vow that the day will be observed\nannually and its tenets shal! be obeyed and\nrespected daily.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4741.54872265625, 5269.681046875, 5581.8023515625, 9144.0562578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "He lifted his eyes and saw the\nruby in Caroline's lap. Suddeniy\nthere was an automatic in his\nhand. “Mrs. Larch, mey I troubie\nyou for that jewel? Bring it to me\nwhile the others stand perfectly\nstill.”\n\nCaroline looked steadily into his\neyes. “Why do you want it, Dr.\nSallust? You can’t sel) it.”\n\nSara couldn't bear the sight of\nthe gun ievelied at Caroline. “She\ncan't walk. Have you forgotten?\nI'll get it for you.”\n\nSallust’s gun wavered toward\nher, away from the others for a\nfraction of a second-——just long\nenough for Clifford to break the\nwrist with one blow and send the\ngun slithering across the slippery\nfloor.\n\n“Movie training?” asked Sare\nunpleasantly.\n\n“Hardly.” His voice was mild as\nhe picked up the gun and held it\non Sallust. “I wasn't in Hollywood\nduring the war. Moxon once saved\nmy life with a biow like that.”\n\nCaroline took Sara's hand and\ndrew her down beside the wheel\nchair, “Don't carry righteous in-\ndignation too far,” she whispered.\n\n| “That's one road to a tonely oid\njage. Thic man its worth a hundred\n|Gerry Hones. One case where the\n‘jimitation is more vaiuable than\nthe real Uning.”\n“We'll nave to call the police\n/| now,” said the rajah.\n, “Of course,” Caroline's voice had\n‘|mever been more crisp. “Edna,\n.|show his highness the way to the\ntelephone. Mr. Clifford, give that\n‘|gun to Dick and take a look in\n|| Dr, Sallust’s pockets, I'd like to\n} know what he meant to do with\n-ithat ruby. You may find an indi-\n' | cation.\n\nClive took the gun awkwardly.\nij “Il prefer to be searched by the\n'| police,” said Sallust, coldly.\n\n; “You do?” Clifford moved to-\n‘| ward him.\n\n“I shall have a great many in-\ni}; teresting things to tell the police.”\ni;}The venom in Sallust’s voice held\n.| Clifford's attention. “For one\n[| thing—” As he spoke he lunged at\n{| the gun in Clive’s hand.\n> The shot took them all un-\n+} awarea. Caroline's hand tightened\n\"jon Sara's. “Dead?”\ns| Clifford had knelt by the body.\n>| He rose and looked at Clive. “You\n»} Shot him through the heart.”\n\n“He came at me so fast.” Clive\nt | dropped the gun as if it had burned\n~jhis fingers. Sara had never seen\na4jhim look so old and shrunken and\nyi fragile. “I don’t know just how it\n\nuj; The rajah shrugged. “I don’t\nsuppose it greatly matters how he\n\n|, | died.” Something in his tone re-\n\n1} minded Sara of his philosophic tol-\n\nYjerance of Siva, so unusual in @\n\n.|man of Mohammedan birth. .. .\n\n(To Be Continued)\nwith Renéom Boum, Inc.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3106.324357421875, 5260.220109375, 3926.400251953125, 9127.307234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE\n\nCLIVE cut in sharply on Clif-\nford's story. “Just what do you\nwant with the ruby?”\n\nClifford’s face sobered. “Before\nthe war, Moxon married my sister.\nHis sons are my nephews. He and\n1 were in the war together.”\n\n“My sister found out about the\nruby a few months ago. She told\nme. He wouldn't give it up and I\ncouldn't turn him over to the police\nbecause she had already had all\nashe could take when he was ar-\nrested for embezzling. When he\njumped his paroie, i knew the po-\nlice would catch up with him soon-\ner or later and he'd be in real\ntrouble if they found the ruby on\nhim. It wasn't just theft. His co-\npilot was killed when he took off\nfrom Mogur with that ruby and\nhomicide in the commission of a\nfelony is murder.”\n\nHe looked at the ruby. “Fire of\nIndia. ... Fire of hell... . Janet—\nmy sister—had Moxon’s address in\nNew York. | cancelled all my ap-\npointments and came here with my\nsister to make one last appeal to\nhim. | wanted him to send the\nruby back to Mogur anonymously\nand give himself up to the proba-\ntion officers in California, but he\nwouldn't do it.\n\n“After that | watched him hop-\ning | could be on .he spot when he\ntried to dispose of the ruby, for |\nwas sure that was his purpose in\ncoming to New York. I had a wild\nidea that I could step forward and\nSeize the ruby just as Moxon was\nhanding it over. The other man,\nwhoever he was, would probably\ncall the whole thing off when he\nrealized that I could identify him\nafterward. Then Moxon would lis-\nten to reason,\n\n“TH never forget Moxon's face\nwhen he recognized me in the 10-\ncent store.\n\n“He turned and bolted for the\nFifth Ave. door. 1 didn’t follow\nhim and | wasn’t there when he\ndied, because I had seen him hide\nthe ruby on the trinket counter.\nIf 1 could get it and send it back\nto Mogur anonymously, he would\nnever be charged with theft or\nhomicide. There was no other evi\ndence against him except that one\ndamning thing-—-his possession of\nthe ruby.\n\n“But Miss Dacre picked up the\nruby. | was giving up all hope\nwhen I heard her voice, ‘Why, Ger.\nry, what are you doing here?’ Anc\nremembered that my old stand-in\nGerry Hone, was now a radio pro.\nducer at WXYZ in New York. . .\n\n“Last night, when | failed t\nrecover the ruby, I went back t\nthe hotel where I was staying with\nmy sister, | told her she mus\nleave for California immediately\nand use a false name on the trip\nIt would be better if no one knew\nghe had been in New York wher\n\nGQnevright. 1964 te Bie\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1408.601806640625, 828.7781372070312, 2052.02734375, 1236.8970947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Stuttering\nOften Fault\nOf Parents\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 106.00556317138671, 5382.40907421875, 1406.039412109375, 9122.869734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Recent reports from Japan give a picture\nof a growing population on a limited land\narea, which now faces many of the expan-\nsionist problems which have confronted the\nJapanese for many decades.\n\nDespite the fact that the Japanese main-\nland is crowded with &8,000,000 people to-\nday, these citizens have rebuilt their coun-\ntry industriously from the ruins of 1945 and\ntoday there is hardly a trace of the ruinous\nwar which culminated in Japan's surrender\nin 1945,\n\nMoreover, the 144 cities which had been\nalmost completely devastated by bombs\nhave been largely rebuilt. The Japanese\npeople have brought themselves up to a\nstandard of living higher than any other\npeople in Asia, and once again the nation’s\narmy, navy and air force is being rebuilt,\nin accordance with the terms of the Japa\nnese Constitution by being termed defense\nforces,\n\nBut the long-term number one problem\nfaced by the Japanese people is clearly the\n\nproblem of its growing population and limit-\ned land area. With the United States oc-\ncupying Okinawa, and with the Russians oc-\ncupying islands in the northern chain of\nJapanse islands, the Japanese are more\nlimited today than they have been for\ndecades,\n\nIn addition, they do not contro! Korea,\nwhich was a Japanese protectorate perior to\nWorld War Il. The answer to the problem of\nJapanese expansionism is not to be offered\nin this editorial. Nevertheless, it seems ob-\nvious that pressure for expansion in Japan\nwill eventually become considerable.\n\nThe question is, in which direction will the\nJapanese expand, or will they be able to\nexpand, The United States may eventually\ngive up Okinawa, although this is doubtful.\nThe Russians may eventually give up their\nislands they hold to the north, although this\nis also doubtful.\n\nHerein lies the possibility of a severe\neconomic problem for the Japanese people.\n\nIf the Japanese Government cannot main-\ntain a state of relative prosperity in Japan\nin coming years, the Communists may be\n_ given an opportunity to make considerable\n_ gains. This explains United States’ concern\nover Japan's economic status and programs\nto bulwark the Japanese economy.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 6452.16102734375, 7143.067765625, 7232.66123828125, 9116.8492265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "final action on his own responsi-\nbility,\n\nProof that this method is some-\nwhat short of ideal is supplied\nby the fact that with the bidding\ngoing as noted, West was told\nhow to beat the six-spade con-\ntract’ Knowing that North had\nthe ace of clubs, West was not\ntempted to lead that suit—he\nselected a heart, and in effect\nthat settled the matter. As a mat-\nter of fact the lead brought an\nextra dividend to East-West when\ndeclarer, making a desperate ef-\nfort to bring home the slam, tried\nthe finesse in clubs, to his own\njack, in order to set up a dis-\ncarding opportunity for his sec-\nond heart,\n\nIf West had not been given\nsuch accurate information by the\nenemy, he would have had a 50-\n50 opening-lead guess between\nhearts and clubs, Note the differ-\nence if the ace-showing conven.\ntion is not used, North responds\nto the two-diamond opening with\ntwo spades, and South jumps to\nfour notrump, Blackwood. North\nannounces one ace by bidding\nfive diamonds, and denies any\n\nking by bidding six clubs over the\n\nfollowing five notrump. South\nthen bids six spades—-and it is\n\nEast's turn to guess the only\n\nlead, a heart, that will defeat the\n\ncontract.\nFeatures Syndicate\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3931.545548828125, 5247.71864453125, 4741.9449296875, 9161.957625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Moxon died. 1 was going wilh her\nwhen suddenly—just as we finished\npacking—1 realized that Miss\nDacre might have taken the ruby\nout of the box herself. If she still\nbelieved it was a 2()-cent trinket,\nshe might wear it. If she was be-\ning watched by someone who had\nkilled Moxon to get the ruby, she\nwould be in grave danger. And if\n1 could see her again, | might be\nable to recover the ruby after all\nand preserve Moxon’s good name\nby sending it back to Mogur with-\nout publicity er anything on an\nofficial record. The good name of\na father means rather a ict to a\nmother end sona.\n\n“But when 1 saw Miss Dacre\nagain | gathered—from what she\nsaid—that she had given the ruby\nto Mr. Clive to turn over to the\npolice tomorrow. If 1 wanted to\nsave Moxon’s tattered reputation\n1 must see Mr. Clive tonight. I\ncouldn't find a taxi on Madison. I\nstarted down a cross street toward\nFifth, The street was dark and\nempty. Half way down, | was most\nneatly and efficiently sapped from\nbehind.”\n\n“I found him unconscious in the\ndoorway of an empty house,” added\nthe rajah. “When he came to, he\n| recognized me as an Indian and\nwe soon discovered we had an\nidentical interest in the ruby—we\nboth wanted it returned to Mogur.\nFor the first time I learned through\nClifford that it was at Mrs. Larch's\nhome the ruby had disappeared.\nWhen we tound that Mr. Clive was\nnot at his home this evening, |\nsuggested we visit Mra, Larch to-\ngether. From all I had heard of\nher friendship with Mr. Clive, |\nthought she might find him for wu\n'and induce him to surrender the\nruby without troubling the potice\nabout it.”\n\n“You must have found Ciiffor<\nonly a few blocks from Miss\nPacre’s apartment,” g#aid Clive\n“What were you doing im het\nneighborhood just then’”\n\n“Watching Dr. Sailust. Mis:\nDacre had misia@ me. She had tolc\nme the ruby was lost at hia house\n|1 thought I might recover it if |\n| kept an eye on him. I lost sight o:\nhim briefly and then came on Clif\n‘|}ford in the doorway, unconscious\n| Im sure it was Dr. Sallust who-—’\n\nThe rajah stopped. Stevens wa:\n| standing in the doorway. He spok\n-|in his most conventional tone, “Dr\n| Sallust.”\n\nThe thin bps were smiling as hi\n| started across the bare floor to\n-|}ward Caroline. Once again Sar\n|heard that quick, light, haltin,\n)istep—dot and carry one.\n\n}| She looked at him, “It was yo\n|| who locked me in the elevator,”\n\n‘| The smile died. He stood stil\n| looking down at the bare floor. “\n|see, You've trapped me by m.\nlump, @ souvenir of World War |\n|} It only occurs in damp weather.”\n\nan McCloy. Reprinted by erepngement\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3911.514298828125, 814.33680859375, 4734.5543046875, 2658.374373046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The relations between Japan and\nthe United States are historically\nunusual, The United States con-\nquered Japan in World War Hi and\ncould have turned it into a colony.\nThe Japanese, in 1945, were in no\nposition to resist any conditions\nimposed upon them by the con-\nqueror, They had dreamed dreams\nwhich had turned into a nightmare.\n\nMamoru Shigemitsu was chosen\nto stand on the U. S. S. “Missour”\nto surrender to General Douglas\nMacArthur. Shigemitsu was sym-\nbolic of Japan's tragedy. One who\nhad recognized the errors of Jap-\nanese militarism, who feared the\nconsequences of their wild espira-\ntions in the early 1930's, Shigemitsu\nhad stood loyally by his country\nthroughout all the mistakes of pol-\nicy and activity, had his legs shot\nout from under him, crippled for\nlife; nevertheless proud, hopeful,\neven gay.\n\nIt was a moment for me to see\nhim again for we had started our\ncareers in the Far East about the\nsame time, 37 vears ago, and have\nknown each other during all of\nthe vears. T have seen him in con-\nference with Chinese and Ameri-\neans and I have seen him fight for\nhis country, but, even more, fight\nfor sanity in Asia where, in those\nyears, there was litle sanity be-\ncause a fierce nationalism was ob-\nsecuring the perspective not only of\nthe masses but of the leaders of\nboth China nd Japan.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5664.58251953125, 419.7027893066406, 7195.70654296875, 2232.076416015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3085.81044140625, 2688.700578125, 3906.643416015625, 4884.7086015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "able subject. Our President started\n“trusting” the Russianw. The final\nall-important communique made\nfo mention of liberation as a sub-\nject of discussion at the next\nGeneva Conference.\n\nWhat Was Achieved?\n\nObviously, the United States was\nTeady t) talk peace with the\nU. S. &. R. without getting libera-\ntion—or much of anything else ex-\ncept a Republican victory at the\n1956 election’\n\nThis was the worst blow the\ncaptive peopies and the refugees\nhad ever had. It prepared the exiled\nleaders for the first time to be\nreceptive to the Communist emis-\nsaries inviting them to come home.\nPolish Premier Hugon Hanke was\nthe first important exile to take\nadvantage of the offer. He will not\n—I repeat—be the last.\n\nSmall wonder that many of our\nclosest European friends consider\nthe Geneva Conference to have\nbeen a victory for the Russians\n“who gave nothing concrete”\n\nDoes it matter? Isn't peace worth\nmore than ending the suffering of\nthe East European peoples? Hasn't\nour President removed the risk of\nanother world war?\n\nIf you believe that the Russians\nhave really changed, perhaps he\nhas. If, on the other hand, you\nbelieve that this is a Russian\nmaneuver undertaken to gain time,\nsplit the allies, drive the United\nStates out of Europe, industralize\nRed China—before renewing their\naggressions, letting down even one\nimportant refugee in exchange for\nempty Soviet gestures was a sad\n\nmistake.\n(Copyright 1955.\nGeneral Features Corp.)\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1405.236955078125, 4065.715470703125, 2222.385115234375, 7826.86826953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "just remedy their own tense per-\nsonalities and leave Danny alone,\nhe will get over this normal stage\nof stuttering in a year or two.\n\nPor then his “speaking” vocabu-\nlary will overtake his “under-\nSianding” vocabulary.\n\nIf, however. they make an issue\nof his perfectly normal toddler\nstuttering and get him self-con-\nscious and fearful, then they can\nactually “set” that stuttering as a\nSo handicap to his person-\n\nty\n\nA cardinal rule of child psy-\n\ning\nit or “baw! out” the child.\nStutter Stoppers\n\nBut suppose you encounter a\nStutterer who is in the teens or\na mature adult. What then”?\n\nWell, they can be reassured by\nrealizing that let of distinguished\npeople have been in the same boat\nwith them. including Moses and\nDemosthenes, as well as Churchill\nand the former King of England.\n\nStuttering is simply a nuisance\nhabit that sttaches to (1) the act of\nspeaking your native tongue, (2)\nto other human beings and (3) in\nyour usual conversational tones.\nDraw a triangle and place one of\nthose numbered items on each\ncorner. That's the typical picture\nof chronic stuttering in an adult.\n\nThe cure consists in altering any\none of those three items. For ex-\nemple, if the stutterer speaks in a\nforeign language, he may be en-\ntirely free from stuttering. Or if\nhe reads aloud or sings, he is OK.\n\nSecond, let him talk to the dogs\n\nor horses or other non-human\ncreatures, and he can enunciate\nsmoothly.\n' Third, let him pitch his voice\nhigher or lower than normally so\nhe alters the norma! conversation-\nal tones, and he can generally get\naieng very well\n\nOne of the best and quickest\nremedies is for the stutterer to\nalter his nermal conversational\npattern at (3) above, as by biting\nhis tongue between Ais moier\nteeth\n\nThen keep the tongue imprison-\ned between those teeth and try to\neerry on conversation. This simple\ntrck can werk wonders in helpime\nfree a confirmed «tutterer from his\nmulsance habit of stuttering\n\nBut never entrench ordinary\nchildish stuttering by making apr\nissue Of it. as Danny's mother has\nbeen doing.\n\nBend fer my bulletin on “Stutter-\nine”, enclosing a stamped returr\nenvelope. plus a dime.\n\n(Alwave write to Dr. Crane iz\ntare of this newspaper. enclosing\na long a¢ Stamped. addressed en-\nvelope and a dime te cover typing\nana prinung costs when you sence\n_ ome of Ais peychologica\n\narts.)\n\nCopyright by the Hopkins Syn:\ndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2258.79248046875, 2259.017822265625, 3811.380859375, 2654.41650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "EDGAR A. MOWRER\n\nReds Post Initial Victory\nAs Result of Summit Talk\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5643.25868359375, 7142.99989453125, 6430.05479296875, 7549.8902421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "DO YOU, like many players\n@but very few top-ranking ones)\nWse “ace-showing in response to\nQwo-bids\" ? Then consider the fol-\nflowing case—and you may change\nyour method.\n\nSouth dealer,\n\nRath sidas vuilnerahia\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5643.146484375, 2668.336181640625, 7197.74072265625, 5137.36572265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "ACROSS pOWnM is Ci\n\n \n\n1D 1 Fuss\nwith heat 2. in disfavor i\n6. Preen In tee\n1. O)ne io saat ;\nwh ‘ | en\na t a il\n\" 20 °\nila ; a ¢ 4\nic. Thread 5B. = j\nmade {rom Ta 71. A\nflax iry . ; Veeterday's Anewer\n13, EB eg 6 Con yn organ ol Goddess of\n14. Plant ‘ 29 Scottish. the hunt\nvielding 7. Cleanse Cai 53. Disguise\naniseed of ay 25. Greek letter 34. River\na7 4 af | & Of the onion 26. 1ialan iEng)\n16. Having 4. bird's home seaport 35. Swat\na handie 10, Leg joint 20 Prefix mean icollog.)\n17. Blue grass 16 Indiana ing “not’ 7. Wine\n18. Russian town 30. Arrange receptache\nworker § 17. Man's name ini a line 58. Arid\nEY ae\n\n \n\n19. European\ncountry\n\n21. Persona!\npronoun\n\n23. Theater\nattendant\n\n24. Bury\n\n27. The ( Fr.)\n\n25. Piants living\n\nhit sone\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nCr TTT\n\nF’ason 27° y/, V7 ai\n\n30. Farewell\n\n=r ao a@\n“f 45\n2 Spawn BCC EC\n\nof fish —\n\n33. To speak A 7 al ES Se\nevil of\n\n25, Unhappy Ee a\n\n \n\n36. Of the birds\n37. Bearded\niBot.}\n39. Soon ( Obs.)\n40. Gasoline\nengine\n4). Work dough\n2 — of\nital ene rgy\n\n“| +\n\nkl a\n’, he GS ws\n\nY\neee wBaee\neee ee> ate oe\n(7\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1415.3166669921875, 1274.372697265625, 2204.68076953125, 3498.535994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Danny's parents will cause\nhim W pecome a confirmed\nstutterer if they don't stop\nmaking an issue of his speech\ndifficulty. “Toddler stuttering”\ndisappears spontaneousiy if\nneurotic parents will leave the\nchild alone. And for advice re-\ngarding adult stuttering, study\nthe triangular pattern describ-\ned below.\n\nBy. Dr. George W. Crane\nCase P-342; Danny R. aged 3. is\n\na bright little boy.\n\n“But, Dr. Crane, we are so wore\nfied about him.” his mother ex-\nclaimed\n\n“For Danny is beginning to stut-\nter horribly. Everybody notices it,\nand we are so afraid it might be-\ncome permanent.\n\n“Ive tried to correct him and so\nhas hie Daddy, but that seems to\nmake it worse\n\n“We are at the end of our wits\nWhat do you psychologists advise\nin such a case for we don't want\nhim handicapped by stuttering all\nhie life?”\n\nWhy Children Stutter\n\nStuttering is a normal and natur-\nal stage in the development of\nchildren of pre-school age.\n\nFor when bright youngsters like\nDanny get excited and wish to ex-\npress themselves, they have a\nmuch larger “understanding” vo-\ncabulary than their “speaking” vo-\neabulary\n\nAnd that is the natural result in\nlearning any new language. If you\nacult ever studied Spanish or\nGerman or French in high school.\nyou may recall that you could\nunderstand the written and spoken\nlanguage better than you could\nspeak it yourself.\n\nif Dannys neurotic parents will\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5691.1083984375, 5282.46875, 7185.1025390625, 6696.64794921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "AND BEING DEXTER'S WELL, IF HE RUNS TRUE TO\nCOUSIN, I CANT ABRUPTLY FORM AS A PUFFLE, T KNOW\nTELL HIM HE IS OVERSTAYING A WAY TO MAKE HIM RUSH AND\nHIS VISIT ..BUT IF T DONT STUFF HIS SATCHEL _ FRIGHTEN\nTOSS HIM SOME KIND OF HIM OFF WITH THE SPECTER\nHINT, HE'LL ANCHOR HERE OF WORK! ASK HIM TO HEL?\nUNTIL AFTER THE YULE A\\ YOU CLEAN UP THE BASEMENT\noa HOLIDAYS ! OR ATTIC!\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2313.723283203125, 8307.7220625, 3071.315046875, 9142.692000000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "RIGHTEOUS LIVING*\n\n“Why then are we faithless\none to another?” Mat. 2:10,\n\nThis week our lesson texts ree\nfe: , . . To Malechi, God's\n“Messenger” .. . Wherein he\ncalls for righteous living...\nAvd claims Jehovah is forgive\ning... If Judah and Jerusa-\nlem... Repent as he now\nurges them ... And ecume\nbace to their ancient way ..\nAnd worship Him and lews\nobey ... For problems that te-\noay we face... We well might\nGod's fixed rules embrace.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 211.49022045898437, 1086.1156171875, 1292.1415849609375, 1969.4196611328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Like a flashing fire opal\n\nfluttering suddeniy from nowhere at all\n\nthis shimmering bi of iridescence,\n\nfragile as blown Venetian glass\n\npropellers whirring at incandescent speed\n\nand balanced on invisible trapeze bars Gi air\n\npauses and poises before the enormous cones.\n\nthe coral-red caverns of gladiaii:\n\npauses, inspecting, deciding, deciding, deciding.\n\nthen dives for the nectared target.\n\ndives and retreats, into the glittering sun again.\n\nhow ius delicately he dines:\n\nmaking of eating well indeed an art\n\nat of half banquet, half ballet.\n\nand having dived and dined serially\n\nhe whire into the spotlight eun again.\n\nback to a nowhere on his shining way.\nFREDERICK EBRIGHT\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1511.8525390625, 3489.693115234375, 2131.54638671875, 4054.9140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5801.56494140625, 6794.7939453125, 7009.14306640625, 6976.5380859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "CONTRACT BRIDGE\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3343.685302734375, 4939.10888671875, 4775.64990234375, 5096.337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "UNFINISHED CRIME\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 307.1233215332031, 5287.16748046875, 1161.3924560546875, 5373.3837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "JAPAN AND EXPANSION\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2416.77294921875, 8181.185546875, 3017.8115234375, 8265.0791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "THE SHEPHERD\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4754.558, 2529.464494140625, 5578.48936328125, 4899.9878984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Lost 40 Years\n\nSo Japan lost not only a war\nbut perhaps 60 years of history. At\nthe Washington conference (1921),\ndapan Was the third nation on\nearth: today. Japan is not even a\nmember of the United Nations.\n\nShigemitsus task in the United\nStates was so stupendous that it\nwas hardly understood in either\neountry. He had to overcome in «\nsplit second the memory of Pearl\nHarbor, the fact that he had him-\nself been imprisoned as a war\n¢riminal upon Russian imsistence\nthat he be tried. the fact that there\nis a suspicoin that at this moment\nJapan is developing an ingratitude\ntowurd the United States\n\nHis success was unbdelievabie.\nThe press was wholly favorable te\nthe man. His personal dignity, tne\nunbelievable beauty and refine«\nment of his daughter who accom-\npanied him, his personal courage\nmace e profound impression upon\nAmericans — even upon sich\nAmericans who bad never been\nfriendly to Japan,\n\nThe high point was his dramatic\nmeeting with General Douglas\nMacArthur. MacArthur always cre-\nates an atmosphere and the fact\nthat Shigemitsu at last learned\nfrom MacArthur why he had been\nheld as a war criminal added to\nthe drama, if not the pathos, of the\nsituation,\n\nShigernitsu did well by Japan on\nthis visit, better than the Japaa-\nese will ever believe. And one\nthing wws missing from it which\nmaxes it notable: there was no\nsynthetic ticker-tape parade in\nNew York from city hall to the\nWaidorf - Astoria. That would have\nbeen an emotional sham, as most\nsuch parades are.\n\niCopyright, 1935.\nKing Features Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 401.869873046875, 2059.80859375, 1090.7760009765625, 2138.54150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "CONSTITUTION DAY\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2244.560197265625, 2727.990861328125, 3074.081404296875, 8149.36924609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Watsaw of the former Polish Pre-\nmier in exile. Hugon Hanke, repre-\nsente the initial victory for the\nfnew Soviet propaganda line. It\nalso represents the partial victery\nof Premier Buleanic over Presi-\n\ndent Eisenhower at the recent\nGeneva Conference “at the sum-\n\nlt will, uniortonately. not be the\nlast\n\nWhat has happened’? Just this\n~—as I learned authoritatively dur-\ning my recerit trip through Central\nand West Europe:\n\nSome months ago, as part of the\nSoviet “new took.’ the Kremlin\ndespots decided that nothing would\nhelp restore their popularity so\nmuch as inducing important leaders\nwho had sought refuge from Come\nmunist tyranny abroad, to return\nveluntarily to their native coun-\ntries.\n\nTherefore. the order went forth:\ninatead of being damned as traitors,\ng@uch leaders were to be not only\namnestied, but actually induced to\nreturn home, where a better living\nwould be provided for them than\nthev had been given abroad in\n\nexile.\nThe Pian\n\nAccordingly. in each East Euro-\npean Communist country, a list\nof possible “returners” was drawn\nup. Then personal acquaintances of\neach leader were sought among\nCommunists or Communist sympa-\nthizers. One such was chosen as\nan emissary and sent, at the ex-\npense of the respective government,\nto the exile wherever he happened\nte be--London, Paris, New York,\nStrasbourg, Germany.\n\nThere the emissary would visit\nthe wlif-exiled leader and speak\napproximately like this:\n\n“You do not Uke the People’s\nRepublic of Poland” (or Hungary,\nor Czechoslovakia, etc.). “But what\nare you accomplishing abroad? You\nlive in poverty. The people among\nwhom you live do not want you,\nThe Americans pass McCarran-\nWalter Acts to keep you out. You\nhave not seen your old mother (or\nsisters, or wife and children) for\nmany years.\n\n“We offer you a chance to come\nback end live in your own coun-\ntry. You do not have to become\na Communist or approve of our\nform of democracy. You can live\nby your profession and make a\ndecent living as millions of other\nron-Communists are doing. We\npromise to forget the past if you\nwill return.\n\n“You do not believe me? You\nthink this is a trap to lure you\nback and punish you? Why not\ncome home and see for yourself?\n\nHew About H?\n\n\"We promise you a two-way safe«\nconduct. If yeu visit Warsaw (or\nPrague. etc’ and decide you do\nnot wish to stay, you will be free\nto leave. We would not be stupid\nenough to break our promise, since\nwe wart not merely you, but all\nother refugees. to return home\nwhere they belong. To break a\npromise would mean the end of\neur campaign. Se hew about it?*\n\nSometimes, where the leader has\nbeen literally rotting for years in\na so-called refugee camp in Ger-\nmany (blots on the democratic\nworld), the emissary haa been able\nto point to the “indifference” of\nthe democracies towards Commu-\nnist victims as another argument.\n\nThis campaign—as | said—started\nseveral months ago. It was not\nmaking much headway. although a\nfew minor victims of refugee\ncamps were deciding to go back.\n\nit took President Eisenhower at\nGeneva to make the campaign suc-\ncessiul, For so long as the refugee\nleaders could believe in an Amerie\ncan intention of “liberating” them\nin the not too distant future, they\npreferred to Wait and guffer abroad.\nJust before the summit conference\nat Geneva, President Eisenhower's\nspeech at San Francisco listing\n\nliberation as an American condi-\ntion of real peace, raised refugee\nhopes to a new high.\n\nAnd then what happened at\nGeneva, After a feeble mention of\nliberation by Secretary of State\nDulles at a morning session, the\nAmericans dropped the disagree-\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4755.76063671875, 799.8871015625, 5566.174421875, 2485.04405078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Japan's weaknesses are of the\nSoil and geography, of politics or\npolicy. Fundamentally, the trouble\nstarted seon after the Meiji Revo-\nlution (1868) when the Japenese\ndetermined, as a result of theope\nening of the country by Commo-\ndore Perry (1853), to become @\nmodern ation. Unquestionably,\nPrince Ito and his associates were\ninfluenced by the history of Great\nBritain. eHre too is an isiand kings\ndom, small in area but large in\npopulation. homogeneous and = in«\ntensely patriotic, capable of tree\nmendous energy but lacking in\nfoodstuffs and raw materials, lying\noff a contifient which it had to\nmaster and from which, for more\nthan 300 years, it gained political\nan deconomic strength. What Eng-\nland was to Europe, Japan would\nbe to Asiu.\n\nBut Japan was late. Tt was not\npossible to do in the reign of\nHirohito what the British did un-\nder Elizabeth I and the Stuarts and\nwhich was crowned with the dia-\ndem of Indian in the reign of Viee\ntoria, Japan entered upon a careef\nof imperialism when imperialism\nwas dying im its classical forms\nand was to be revived, some de-\ncades later, by an altogether new\nmetnod, one that Japan could not\nemploy. by Soviet Russia.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3923.907853515625, 2743.131486328125, 4728.192, 3329.61045703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Instead of becoming. an American\ncolony, Japan was rebuilt by Gen-\neral Douglas MacArthur into a\nsovereign state, dependent upon\nthe United States economically and\ndefensively but sovereign none-\ntheless, Witever criticism there\nmay be now of the MacArthur re-\ngine in Japan or in the United\nStates. it remaine one of the out.\nstanding expressions of moral con-\nduct in history.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5654.5042890625, 8476.431046875, 6427.47862109375, 9111.984968750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "North and South were using\nace-showing responses, and so the\nthree-club response to two dia-\nmonds was automatic,\n\nAnother tenet of the ace-show-\ning method is that the opener\nhimself remains the supreme ar-\nbiter of the final contract. Re-\nsponder is in a sort of strait-\njacket throughout the auction—\nbe must answer all “questions”\npet to him, but he must not take\n\nDisiribuied by Bin\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4055.831298828125, 2694.203125, 4584.92041015625, 2742.992919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Rehnilt he Mar Arthur.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3964.174943359375, 3500.352921875, 4711.30381640625, 4834.89561328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "If to do were as easy as to\nknow what were good to do,\nchapels had been churches and\npoor men’s cottages princes’\npalaces. It is a good divine that\nfollows his own instructions: I\nean easier teach twenty what\nwere good to be done, than be\none of the twenty to follow\nmine own teaching.\n\n— (Shakespeare)\n\n \n\nI consider it the best part of\nan education to have been born\nand brought up in the country.\n\n~~ (Alcott)\n\n \n\nThe confidence which we\nhave in ourselves gives birth to\nmuch of that which we have in\nothers. —(La Rochefoucauld)\n\n \n\nFor every minute you are an-\ngry you lose sixty seconds of\nhappiness.\n\n—/(Ralph Waldo Emerson)\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5658.17578125, 2524.210693359375, 6403.599609375, 2636.59375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "DAILY CROSSWORD\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 545.2429809570312, 1009.7395629882812, 932.1792602539062, 1078.3438720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Ht MMINGBRIRG\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 4025.983642578125, 3428.435302734375, 4624.66552734375, 3500.56005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Words of the Wise\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5981.49462890625, 7002.60302734375, 6830.3740234375, 7100.439453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "By Josephine Culbertson\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 2308.3896484375, 441.3934631347656, 3840.413330078125, 2203.576904296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4997.56005859375, 2522.837890625, 5345.69091796875, 2564.41455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "ast @A4A Weave\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3121.7152265625, 5129.50770703125, 5596.79502734375, 5249.332625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Copyright, 1954, by Helen McCloy. Distributed by King Features Syndicate,\nReprinted by arrangement with Random House, Inc.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 1485.5622724609375, 7889.792375, 2272.6421953125, 9121.1753984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Cor Dauy Gate City\n\nand Constitution-Democrat\nPublighed By\nTHr fave cIry > ane\n\north Six\n\nPubbished every gd cue.\nEntered at the Vestalites at Keo\nlows. af serond~<lase matter\n\nue ecie! Representatives tows\n\n4 Division of lowa Daliv Press\n\npene Ra © Shoo Building, Des\nMoines lows\n\nMemier Audit Bureau of\nCire ulations.\n\nSURSCRIPTION\nYear ay om Rural\nke: wi oO Mi. Radius\nom Keo a gy bad oki a sto\nPinay \"Matt Ksewnere\nan oot and Mugourl $13.¢9\non ; wy (Fulwide lowe, Ddinels\nand woe $18 @\nYeer Throwet!\n~ =. 4 wiroptaht bvdokess 120\nin T Surrou\nEe mp a\n° va, (Same\nPub ttened) ue@\nBy Carrier m City Per Ween... 200\n\n‘i\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2314.7900390625, 436.63763427734375, 3844.36669921875, 2189.14990234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4792.80224609375, 4964.6845703125, 5333.55908203125, 5092.58447265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "By\nHELEN McCLOY\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 4, 14 ], [ 37, 29 ], [ 37, 6 ], [ 29, 6 ], [ 9, 10 ], [ 16, 39 ], [ 27, 38 ] ]
[ 6505.14306640625, 8014.2595234375 ]
[ [ 4, 14 ], [ 6, 29 ], [ 9, 10 ], [ 16, 39 ], [ 27, 38 ], [ 29, 37 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 876.8948344726563, 6071.90307421875, 1656.9517841796874, 7986.770265624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Robert KB. frkner of tne inter:\nnal’ Revénue Service, Galveston:\n‘Texas announced today that\ncriminal charges were recently\nfiled against two taxpayers for\n-allegedly claiming false exemp.\n‘tions (dependents) on withhold.\ning exemption certificates (W-\n4's) filed with their employers.\n\nNamed in the charges filed on\nOctober 12, 1955 at Beaumont\nwere Joseph G. Bodin, 912 Sixth\nStreet, Port, Arthur and Henry\nField,. 332 West 15th Street, Port\n\nArthur, Texas.\n\n“Both charges grew out of the\n\nfailure on the part of the tax\npayers to supply information to\ntheir employer, the Gulf Oil Cor-\nporation, which would have re:\nquired increases in the amounts\nof tax: withheld from their sal.\naries. Persons convicted for such\nacts are subject to a fine of $1,\n000 or imprisonment fOr one\nyear or both.\n_ Eikner pointed out that the\ncharges were filed as a result of\nthe ‘district’s enforcement pro.\ngram to ferret out wage earners\nwho deliberately file false ex\niemption certificates with their\nemployers to reduce the amount\nof taxes. withheld from their\nincome tax returns,\n\nee tt nam\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1664.664060546875, 5174.1506328125, 2448.312013671875, 7982.3962421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Going into the eighth season\nof activity, the Galveston Coun-\nty Symphony Society will start\nit’s membership drive on. Mon-\nday October 24. |\n\n_An important feature in the\nactivity of the society is the\narrangement for three afternoon\nconcerts for school children, that\nhas been in effect for four years\nSince these coricerts’ have bea:\nprovided, the attendance has\nnearly doubled and amounted to\nabout 400 individual admissions\nlast year:\n\nBoth the PTA. organization\nand the La Marque Lion’s Club\nhave co-operated to make -the\n‘student attendance possible by\nproviding bus trauspartatian to\nGalveston.\n\nBig names are prominent in\nthe schedule for this season\nwith the San Antonio Sym-\nphony, under direction of Vic-\ntor Allesandro as the season\nopens on November ‘14.\n\n‘In January, Leopold Stokow-\nski will present the Houston\nSymphony performance, Milton\nKatims will be the guest con:\nductor.\n\n_AsS reasons — for becoming a\nmember, officers of the society\nhave pointed out that. the sym\nphony orchestras of Texas have\nachieved . national -recognitior\nand deserve the public audience\nThe Society provides low cost\nconcerts for school children. The\npublic ‘acceptance’ of the local\nofferings has heen noted by\nleading music educators all over\nthe country.\n\nTo be a sponsor, the charge is\n$25 which includes two season\ntickets to be a member costs: $6.\nwhich covers one season ticket.\n\nYour sponsorship or member\n\n(Continued on Classified Page)\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3326.020751953125, 6078.68359375, 5573.49560546875, 7685.845703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5618.4201640625, 6832.66869921875, 6420.186769531249, 8004.860597656249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Ia Marque City Councilmen\nwere urged at their Tuseday\nnight meeting, to pass an ordi-\nRance requiring the removal of\nTatehes from the doors of old\nrefrigerators stored out of doors,\n‘bv Leslie Clostio of Texas City,\nlyepr esenting the Refrigeration\niService Engineer’s Society.\n\n: In presenting the suggestion\n‘to the council, Mr. Clostio said\n‘that his emplovers, the Climatic\nEngineering Company, would\nsupon request, remove the latch\nfrom any old refrigerator or ice\n| box ‘without charge. -\n\n| ‘The council instructed City\n‘Attot Fley Allan Lerner ‘to: draw\nup ‘an “ordinance for’ éonsidera-\ntion at the next” ‘indeting ¢ of the\"\nFouncil, i as\n\nEO\" PETE lly © yg, Bs la\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4047.839841796875, 4745.7014140625, 4830.5329609375, 6041.121828124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "A Halloween party of fun and\nentertainment for the elemen-\ntary school children of La\nMarque, sponsored by the La\nMarque Lions and friends, will\nbe held at the Lamar elementary\nschool. gymnasium, Oct. 8h frpma.\n6 p.m. until 9 p. m. | :\n\nMr. and Mrs. Bud Fisher‘ will\n\nhead a committee to greet the\nchildren as they arrive, and:pre-\nsent each ‘child with a faver\nand a colored tag for identity\nby team and number.\n_ Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser\nare chairmen of the hot dog\nstand and will sell their culinary\nmasterpieces for 10. cent each,\nHL A. Sutton is chairman of the\nFeold) drinks booth and drinks\nWill be 5 cents. The Ro. Vo Jones\nand ‘Tillman Javs will operate\nthe fish pond.\n\nNIro and Mere Boh Rooke will\n\n \n" }, "5": null, "6": { "bbox": [ 1666.3126201171874, 4003.32494921875, 2442.776369140625, 4706.801515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| Rev. Faries “J. McDaniel - will\nbe honored . Sunday afternoon\nOct: 23, with . a community-wide\nreception at. the‘La Marque Pres.\nbyterian church;. from 3 until €\np. m.\n\nRiek. McDaniel will leave Nov.\n1 for Dallas, whére. he will take\nover the position of Associate\nDirector of ‘Christian Education\nfor the Synod of Texas, Presby-\nterian Church, U. 8. “AL\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3255.0295390625, 2074.43627734375, 4033.4284687500003, 5178.09887890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "_-Mrs.:Leroy Dampman, presi-\ndent of the Galveston County\n‘Mental Health Society, an-\n‘mounced the organization’s an-\nnual membership drive is under\n“way, « and stated that member-\nship in. the ‘society is open to\nayone interested in supporting\nthe edueational program plan.\nned for this season.\n\n-Program planned for this year\nby the society, whose emphasis\nis on preventing as well as treat-\ning emotional and mental diffi-\n‘culties include the following:\n\nA talk to be presented by a\n\nstaff member of the M. D. Ander-\ngen. Cancer. Research Hospital\nFfouston, Thursday, November\n17. Subject of the talk will be\n“Mental Health and Cancer.”\n\nA panel, discussion is schecl-\nued for January 19, when pro-\nfessional people from each of\nthe mental. health professions\nwill present. the public with\nsome: idea of their roles in the\nmental health work of .the\ncounty.\n\nIn March a’ series of four\ngroup” discussion, meetings will\nbe held coneerding: The 3 Prob\nlems of. Children.” The opening\nmeeting - wil]: be held on the\nmainland,. the third Thursday in\nMarch. na\n\n \n\nA op ibiladnist from John\nSealey Hospital will speak at\nthe May meeting, telling of the\n‘Texas State Hospital system\nand the proposed jury trial\namendment to the state consti.\ntution. *\n\nLetters have bee nsent to 35(\nprospective. members of the\nMental Health Society by Mrs.\nDampman, who is assisted on\nthe mainland by Mrs. Dave Wil.\nliamson and Mrs. Harry Gooli.\nshian, both of La Marque. Adults\nand students interested in be.\ncoming members of the society\nare asked: to contact Mrs. Wil-\nliamson or Mrs. Goolishian.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5612.56640625, 6435.9697265625, 6360.19384765625, 6824.72265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Council Urged To\n‘Act On Ice Box\n‘Door Menace\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4045.901609375, 2744.95483203125, 4832.0388203125, 4306.21899609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Friday evening the home town\nTigers will entert\\in the neigh-\nbors from the Clear Creek\nschool system in Tiger stadium,\nin the second district encounter\nfor the favored Tigers.\n\nAccording to all comparitive\n‘data the Tigers should take this\none going away. Some of the\nWebster boys do not read the\nneighboring papers and expect\ntheir 185 pound average line to\nistand up to the La Marque wall.\nOn a total poundage basis the\nvisitors will match the local\nboys. Their weight is more even-\nly Vistributed in the line. If their\ninjured fullback is back in har-\n‘ness this Friday the visiting\nrear cordon pte outweigh the\n‘Tiger’ packsi *. afer bP Sy,\n *TE the” Tigers berate accord-\ning to the pattern that has deve-\nloped during the last “three\ngames the ground attack of fhe\nvisitors will be completely\npulsed. Against Lamar, Baw Cite\nand Alvin the Tiger line has:\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4834.44506640625, 2738.037107421875, 5617.809816406249, 4313.008546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "dominated both the offense and\ndefense.\n\nJerry Lowder, H. G. Ander-\ngon, Ernest DeRulle, Billy\nChamberlain, and Charles Bat-\nton have applied more pressure\n‘on the opponents front line than\na hav haler on green sorghum.\n-About the middle of the second\nquarter the superior condition-\n‘ing and aggressiveness of Coach\nSegs rs charges can be noticed as\n‘the oppositions’ front echelon\nbegins to wilt and weaken.\n| Jimmy Ballard has been very\nsuccessful in picking the soft\nyots and directing his ball ear-\nriers into those places where the\ngoing is best. That spot is quite\noften between the defensive men\nKnocked’ over -by-,Batton. and\n(Ramberlain on one side. or. be-\ntween Lowder and Anderson on,\nthe ather. side. DeRulle helps\nkeep the. honest by\nhulling into a guard or line back-\ner hard enough to get a runiier\n(Continged. anGlassified, Page)...\n\n \n\n|\n|\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2481.494384765625, 4397.88720703125, 3229.542236328125, 5650.197265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3273.485595703125, 5214.6962890625, 4002.608642578125, 5424.42431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nners an den ee\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5623.39404296875, 5129.81884765625, 6380.04345703125, 5380.05224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Two Vandalism\nCases Are Solved\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4836.81811328125, 4733.02905078125, 5612.945558593749, 6059.842531249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "operate a novelty stand to sell\nHalloween novelties such as\nnoisomakers, maxks and stream-\ners.\n— Mrs. Roy L. Nash is chairman\nof a committee to select and\nsaavard cos*ume prizes in four\nzreups:: girls, six . years and\nvounger; beys,..six years ,and\nvounger; elementary girls, sev-\nom wears and older; and elemen-\ntary boys, seven vears and older.\nMrs. J.-B. Schrader is chair:\nena of a.ghost story telling con-\nfest and two prizes will be\nawarded...\n\nGees, Tnecorporated, will in-\nolde Samba Griffith and Al\nacrdt as head goblins. who\nwh oa stoun of essistants will\nkeep activiries on the move.\n\nA progran, will be presented\nePntitted. ©The Ghostavision\n(Continued on Classified Page)\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4038.49584765625, 1721.56518359375, 4822.588625, 2298.483888671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "_ Members of the executive\nboard of Floral Arts Garden\n‘Club of La Marque, will meet\nWednesday, Oct. 26, at the\nhome of Mrs. A. I. Anderson Jr.,\n2320 Meadow Lane at 9:30 a. m.\n\nOfficers and committee chair-\nmen are asked to be present, ac-\ncording to Mrs. Jack Waring,\nchairman of publicity.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 885.0568217773438, 3323.649900390625, 1657.3515644531249, 4169.63012890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "| First’ Nighters, students _ of\nspeech and’ drama at the La\nMarque High School, will pre:\nsent | “The Moon Ridés ‘ High,’\n‘a-gay, and romantic comedy in\nthree acts, at the high school au-\nowns SAA, evening at 8\n. Oars “Opal “tHavnon’ ‘is \"the ‘di.\nréctor. and thé .romatic. leads in-\nchaise: Johnny” ‘Sntigh and Lebba\nMikkelgon. ° “\n\n\"Phe Ynusi¢al background . ‘for\ntgs’. play includes the ~ Strauss\nWaltzes: and. one ‘scene features\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 946.0106201171875, 1015.437255859375, 3208.39990234375, 2503.17822265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 873.554685546875, 4567.96948046875, 1647.8132343749999, 5594.711183593749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Joan. Hester and Shirley Jor.\ndan ‘of-La Marque have. recently\nbeen vannounced as. officers of\n‘the-C. B’s at Sam- Houston State\nTeachers College” in Huntsville.\n. The C. B.’s are ong one of the\nfive ‘women’ S social clubs of\nthe campus. Joan ‘has: been’ elect:\ned. president, ahd Shirley has\nbeen’ elected vice president.\n\n“Both girls are junior students\n‘and. are. elementary education\nmajors. *\n\nJoan ‘is the daughter of Mr.\nand Mrs. Bob Hester of 422 Pear\nStreet. Shirley is the daughter of\nMr. and Mrs. W. G. Jordan of\n626 Highway 348.\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5617.0432109375, 5400.93725390625, 6414.444093749999, 6413.903078124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Confessions have been re:\nceived from those involved > iw\n‘the recent vandalism at the La\nMarque High School and the\n‘cases are under study of school\natithorities and police. +\n| Three boys were directly in>\nivolved and their identities were\nestablished through co-operation\nof the student council and po-\n| liee.\n\nThe other case of vandalism is\na vaeant house early this week\nhwas also cleared up with the\napprehension of two boys, one\n14 afd one 16. Dispositioy of\nthis case is also under study of\nthe school authorities and police,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2458.93090625, 3096.548826171875, 3242.5944843750003, 3565.5097675781253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "A“C. Pruitt, 1014 Main; had a\nheart: attack at 3 a. m. Wednes-\nday ‘at his ‘place of employment,\nBowen- McLaughiin, ‘at Pearland.\n\nHe is resting at his. home and\n‘must remain in .bed for several\ndays. the Doctor said.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3256.978759765625, 1501.4501953125, 3927.17041015625, 2040.4810791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "County Mental\nHealth Society\nOpens Drive\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 878.3614501953125, 5656.51123046875, 1647.430908203125, 6042.68408203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Two Port Arthur.\nMen Charged With\nFalse. Tax. Claims\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 882.52392578125, 4227.9404296875, 1594.9111328125, 4550.37353515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Local Girls Named As\nOfficers Of C.B.’s\n‘At Sam Houston _\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4062.07421875, 4342.38720703125, 5476.7666015625, 4723.62841796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Lions To Sponsor Halloween\nParty For LM School Children\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3274.95287890625, 5435.53198046875, 4034.1887226562503, 6047.186769531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Members of Galco are plan-\nning their annual informa!\ndance at Galeo Country Club,\nOct. 29, when Frank Incapera\nand the Gaynotes will play from\nJ p.m. to 1 p. m., according to\nMrs. Carl Ryberg, publicity\nchairman.\n\nFurther details will be an-\nnounced but don’t forget the\ndate Oet.-29. Mrs. Ryberg. said.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1676.7552490234375, 4775.72021484375, 2440.320556640625, 5160.43701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "County Symphony\nSociety To Start\nMembership Drive\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4838.45678515625, 1860.090330078125, 6446.190675781249, 2285.51782421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "A real concrete step toward an increase in City street work |\n\nwas taken at the Tuesday night meeting of the City Council, when\n\nthe council voted to accept a bid of about $14,760 from the Mus-\n\ntang Tractor and Equipment Company of Houston, for a Caterpillar\n\nmotor grader. if\nThe accepted bid was about $900 higher than the lowest bid,\n\nbut after a lengthy deliberation the council decided that the Cater-\n“oilar machine would best fit the neads of the City af la Marana.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4833.185546875, 1461.71435546875, 6423.54541015625, 1831.35107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "New $14,000 Machine Bought\nTo Help Speed Up Road Work |\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2468.140134765625, 3999.679685546875, 3246.9018574218753, 4363.10815625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "All friends and. associates in\nthis’ and neighboring communi-\nties are invited to..attend and\ninvitations are ‘being — issued\nthrough the Press only.\n\nA nursery will. be provided\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2479.23193359375, 2888.309814453125, 3126.800537109375, 3087.07373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "A.C. Pruitt Has\nHeart Attack.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4039.49169921875, 1488.4825439453125, 4766.3310546875, 1702.2008056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "LM Floral Arts Garden\nClub To Hold Meetina\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 890.4132080078125, 2916.217529296875, 2437.936279296875, 3301.8056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "\"Moon Rides High” Romantic Play\nTo Show At High School Saturday\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 4047.362548828125, 2329.7392578125, 5576.08154296875, 2723.843505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Tigers To Meet Clear Creek Boys\nIn Second District Go-Around\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1689.026123046875, 3607.9189453125, 3226.74462890625, 3993.084716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Reverend Faries McDaniel To\nBe Honored. At Reception: Su da fa)\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 2457.48998828125, 5744.4816875, 3249.7578144531253, 7153.348390624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "for those with small children.\n\nArrangements for the recep.\ntien are being made by Mrs.\nL. C. Lindsay, chairman; Mrs.\nR. W. Alexander and Mrs, H.C.\nJarvis,\n\nThe receiving line will include\nRev. McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs.\nC. B. McDaniel, parénts; Mr.\nand Mrs. C. M. Boyd, sister and\nbrother-in-law; officers of the\nchurch: .Dr..W. W. Hander, H. C.\nJarvis, W. W. McLean, J. K.\nSheppard, J. R. Walls, J. W.\nWilkinson, and Mrs. J. R. Walls,\npresident of the Women of the\nchurch.\n\nMembers of the executive\nboard of the Women of the\nChurch who will assist in serv-\ning are: Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson.\nMrs. C. C. Georgian, Mrs. J. M.\nBrooks, Mrs. L. S. Chandler\nMrs. G. W. Davis, Mrs. FE. P.\n\n(Continued From Page One)\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5621.7053203125, 2287.83764453125, 6432.918214843749, 5103.8396015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "i 2 a were ERIE RENEE TE SSBREESR SS SPeRIAE\n\nMaintenance Considered\n\nSeveral factors entered’. inte\nthe decision to use the higher\npriced machine, such as the\nheavier blade which might be a\ndefinite advantage in the type.\nof work that will be done here\nand the fact that servicing the\nCaterpillar machine might be\n|easier with the limited mainten- ©\niance facilities the city now has.\n\nThe grader will have a diesel\nengine and four wheel tandem\ndrive on the rear, with tilting\nwheel axles on the front. There\nis a full power control system\nifor handling the blade and 2\nhydraulic steering booster.\n\nThe bid price is subject to a\ncash discount of two percent\n‘and after examination of the\nCity’s financial status, it was de-\ncided by the council that it\nwould .be most practical to\n‘handle the purchase in this\nmanner, i tae’\n\nTo Make Audit _\n\n“Other business. handled by the”\ncountil, Was' the emnploymétt OF\nJohn ‘Friday as an auditér. ta\"\nmake an audit of the city ac\"\n‘counts’ for the past 18 months\"\nof bus iness at a rate of about © a\n$40. per day and action to. “ade\nvertise * for bids on supplying\n53000 “yards of mudshelf ”\nA gift of land was offered to\"\nthe city for a right of way: iff\n‘the eastern part of the city,\nsubject to the condition that the\ncity survey the boundaries in-\nvolved. A motion by Alderman\nRobert Dillon that the survey be\nauthorized was carried.\n| Another motion by Dillon that\n‘lockers be provided in the new\npolice office in the city hall ad-\ndition, for storage of records\nand confiscated materials, also\ncarried.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1684.6545390625, 3336.093748046875, 2465.5017109375, 3574.1137714843753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "the\" ‘boys: in dinner ‘jackets and\n\nthe ‘girls’ in formal attire.\nAdmission . for, adults is 50\n\ncents and-for students 25 cents.\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 2483.669919921875, 7612.45190234375, 3239.0629902343753, 7984.879640624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "“For all flesh is as grass,\nand all the glory of man as\nthe flower of grass ; ; ; the\nflower ; ; fadeth away. But\nthe WORD of the Lord en-\ndureth forever.” 1 Peter 1: 24-25\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 96.32033343505859, 890.763181640625, 890.7022724609375, 3413.9963398437503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Siam SAVAGE. says. inconveni-\nby never. come. af. a. conveni-\n_@tt Hin. He has been:in' bed\n\nfor’ hea past. week: taking . pills\n\nand: ‘shots. ‘for an. invading case’\na8 pnéymonia. | Béing-sick and in\nbed ‘isn’t sé unusual but Sam got\nhis instructions. from’ ‘the doctor\ndirectly after the kickoff break-\nfast for ‘the La Marque United\n\nFuitd Brive. Sam jis La Marque\n\nchairman for the event.\n\nom As usual Sam had some good\n\nmen lined’ up to do fhe cannon-\n\nating. and. John Barber took\ndver the.steering: wheel and the\n\n~mpaign is. now ‘folling along\nant, Lou: ‘Liekliter,. got’ the job\n\n \n \n\nin good shape .Another. lieuten--\nof ‘keeping Sam's grocery store:\nwhite the boss was.\n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nin. epee bn\nts He, ap\n\nty also did'a\nif and out\n\niEVi@::: as - ie |\nhérs once held for.\n‘their managers in Oklahoma.\nme Oe. time, thé. Griffith Broth-\nér3 ‘Were the largest theatre\nchain opéraors in. the United\nStates. They had movie houses:\nall. over the Southwest. They of-\nfared a prize to their managers\nfor, the best answer to the ques-\ntion ‘of how fo. successfully op-\nGrate a theatre. Paul Shipley of\nGushing.. Oklahoma won the\naward. He simply said, “The se\ntret of success, in the movie busi-\nde Get Temein; ‘et ‘em out\ndnd get ‘em back.\"\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 115.85614776611328, 134.47555541992188, 871.7539672851562, 828.4094848632812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2488.569580078125, 7169.54345703125, 3210.385009765625, 7581.2861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 80.09258837890624, 3084.1564921875, 872.2778950195312, 8014.2595234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "érate a theatre. Paul Shipley of\nGushing.. Oklahoma won the\naward. He simply said, “The se-\ntret of success in the movie busi-\n\ndh Get emeiny get ‘em out\nand get‘ em back.” mt\n\n: fa - ‘soe .\nene WHO: a ‘éctive and\n\non things” is: bound to get a\nuNUNt oO ism. it is\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nScum\norgani itions.... ake the R\n\nGross tor is stance: \"Rurtors, like\not gi Say rapicy. Denn and\nafter, the érid war, the\n\n \n\n“Fast i\n\nRed ‘Cross: got a: mr ‘of -undeserv-\n\ncahhed Possibly some was\n\néd. That factor has been\n\np ‘stumbling block in subsequent\n\nfurid: tarhpaigns for, that. organi:\nzation... a\n\n“Hewever the directors of the\nMainland Red Cross are now of\nthe opinion that most cf that un-\nfavorable attitude has vanished.\nThe wonderful: work of: the or-\nganization in the Ceritralia, IHli-\nnois’ coal’ mine disaster, the\nWoodward, Oklahoma. .tornado\ncatastrophe, the Texas’ City. ex-\nplosion, and. the: covhtless hur-\nricaries which have. lashed. our\ncoasts, have gone along way to\nendéaring the ‘Red Cross to the\nheart of Americans. . ‘ |\n\nsee\n\nE csr, on ONE BINGO set. Kindly\nreturn’ to Galco Country Club.\nChili Houlgrave, Ken Fleming\nand George Kehoe are all. fran-\ntically. searching for the bingo\nset which: belongs to the club.\nAnd with: next Tyésday being\nbingo. night,. the committee\nmembers are extra anxious to lo-\ncaté the. gadget. “We can't fig-\nure it: out,” said Chili. “No one\nremembers loaning the set so\npossibly it was borrowed with-\ndut “us knowing ‘it. If the one\nwho borrowed. it. will. please re-\nturn same before Tuesday it will.\nbe greatly appreciated.”\n\nS PIKE RUCKER, a life-long ex-\npert with a frying pan, was re-\ncalling the food situation in Gal-\nveston’ county during the dark\ndepression years -in the 1930s.\n“Spike spent most of that time in\nGalveston both. as a chef in ho-\ntels and operating restaurants\non his own. In those days when\nmany men were-.out of work,\nyou could buy a plate lunch for\n20 cents. A full dinner with des-\nsert came a iil higher, a quar-\nter.\n\n“There was one place where\nwe served two eggs, potatoes,\ntoast and coffée for 10 cents,”\nSpike said. “Now the coffee\ncosts that much, At the National\nLunch Room we served ham,\nbeef, cheese and other sand-\nwiches .for 10 cents. The big\npoorboy sandwiches were 20\ncerits. They had several differ-\nent kinds of meats, pickles, may-\nonnaise, mustard, etc. A place\non the seawall served a seafood\ndinner for a quarter, Ah, those\n‘were the. days—we don't want\n: ain,”\n\n \n \n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1572.7936123046875, 2176.924837890625, 1872.54562109375, 2436.927701171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "teaching loth sexes a tot about\ncapturing each other, Gur news\nical heoklet, “Hew Th Persuade\n| Peapte,” is capital, the first\n‘use’ of perspasion in Jove.\n‘making. Booklet namprofil, 20¢\n(cany only) and statuyed, self-ad-\ndvesstl euyelope,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n| 2. VP 1S just as likely to mean\n‘they agvee ana scheme tn hiae\nae\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1277.7868984375, 2218.271517578125, 1572.082974609375, 2435.157681640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "1. NO. Stmost all waren da ase\ntheir wiles to eaplure us poor,\nfoolish men; but they wee them\nat the wrong time or on the\nwrong mien art only ealel a hus:\nhand because ke wants it that\nway, Seriously, mon and women\nknow very Hithe abuut capturby\nreach ather. [In eovyses given in\nae CONeLOe javelneesie He\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2172.70340234375, 2593.1970546875, 2480.323208984375, 3196.4904453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "food and clothing to pay this “debt\nof honar.’”?\n\nGetting Aloug With People, Dr,\nWiggan’s nonprofit booklet showa.\nhaw ymir personality type and\nseven basic emotlons affect this\nvilal faculty, Sond Ie (coin only)\naad self-addressed, stamped en\nvelape Guan city and s\ningam, 26 W,\nson 8t., Chicage 6, Mi\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n4. MOST people probably can’t\n~only rare minds ever do anys\nthing origital, What seems ta saa\noriginal may he carrying nut\njsome urge sel going in childhonl\nthy “a parent, teacher, or play\nmate. I can't think of a thing T\n\n \n\n \n\never did that seems naw io have\n\n \n \n\nwas mat\nfar all I knew, she thought of It\nfirst and put the bug in my ear,\nYou know, nen, women do that-=\n‘bet you can’t catch them at it, s0\nwhy wurry?\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1869.924072265625, 190.52928161621094, 2430.202880859375, 882.8532104492188 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\n“He thinks you're\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1875.313265625, 2593.19266015625, 2171.182583984375, 2862.084927734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "bouad by “geutlemen's agree-\nments.\" It means that iar this\nparticular {ransuction — whether\nit he murder, racketeering, or\nkidnaping -~ they are going to\nkeep faith with each other as gen.\nflemen wauld, since his is the\nHlghest thing they know of. Gam\nbling debts are merely “‘gentle-\nmen’s agreements,” and mar:\nrum will sactifice his fami\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1885.269287109375, 2114.8125, 2464.8232421875, 2577.220947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n\n\\ Me 5 i\nPrec” 2. DOES A* GENTLEMEN'S\nc AGREEMENT” Always,\n\nHAE AN) GOMETHING A\nGENTLEMAN WOULD BE\nPROUD OF? Your.\nsf 2, OPMION\n\nFy ty\n4.po Most WOMEN ‘\n\n. Z.CavLo You TELL THE\nREALLY KNOW How MOST ORIGINAL Tuite\nCATCH A HUSBAND? YOU EVER DID?\n\nYesO) Nol] 9-23 Your Opinio —_\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1319.5797119140625, 2092.876220703125, 1823.0457763671875, 2148.9697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Let’s Explore Your Mind\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1890.76904296875, 2882.89794921875, 2155.110595703125, 3425.923583984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "PlaySafe\n\non the highway\nthis week-end -\n\nKeep alert while\nyou driva~chew gum!\n\nAlert drivers are safe\ndrivers. Avoid drowsi-\nness and driving jitters.\nChew gum while you're\nbehind the wheel, Chew-\ning helps relieve strain\nand tension—helps keep\nyou fresh and alert.\n\nChew any brand you\ngies\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2155.584994140625, 3229.88016015625, 2443.227994140625, 3406.31222265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "like, but chew while you\ndrive. Naturally we recom-\nmend refreshing, delicious\nWrigley’s Spearmint Gum—\nfor lively, full-bodied flavor\nand real, smooth chewing\nenjoyment!\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2063.167236328125, 927.67138671875, 2439.36474609375, 1268.1378173828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\nIF YOUR ..UH,\n\nGUESTS THE io\nBOY, you'O BeTIER TAKE\n\nIA HOME THIS: AFTER\n\n \n\ni you\n\nIAND! CAPTAIN, 1D\nLIKE FO RUN OVER\nTO STEEL CITY -~\nAND TALK WITH\nHIS PARENTS!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1285.8433837890625, 2471.7001953125, 1860.1241455078125, 3402.0107421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAGROSS —-34, Now Guinea\n4, Windmills lown RIVA He EVEL LS\nantl si.Lost to'view [AILIPIBLIETS| SRAEINIY\n5.Edlhie weed 36. Parl P/AIRICIEILTIAININIETR\n8. Fly high 48, Expunges CITIE{A BRAT TIEN BB OISIE\nAB Deal out 49. Recovered SIULTIRIA Piri!\n13, Engle the inside EILIAl fy\nWA, W. Indian = 4}, Agreeabia RIAITIOIRI IO i\nsorcery: Var. 44. [oat + le\n15. Puppet 43.Gain by E ee AICINIE,\ni mare lahor LIBISRAE! RRLIEIAID\niM 49. Soul's\nAe cel t grandfather Solullon af Yasterday’s Puzzle\n; ct BO. Midda\n28, More orderly Sale Gear 3 Touse 8. Girl's name\n27, Gaelic a2. Ruler of aldivian 9, Japanese\n28.French river qunta 4, Stingy aaa\n38. Zallow bugle 3, Secures Rt nee\non | é. Form\n$1. Jewel DOWN T Word of te\n32. Ray 3, Put with opposite ora eEO\n32. Wetora | 2 Court meaning t1 Secweeds\nTz ]3 {4 aa ae\n21, Australian\na LP cackatoo\nria 22, Gone up\n24. Rowa\nLopes 25. Shirk\nphy? \\? GGA 28. Bronch\n2a }2 [ee Eee fad [es [es ae fmeticay\nBF 2 aL, Wreath\n32, Trimming\n31, Dregs\n2 35, Bofore:\nFi prafx\n3 27, Conceda\nse 48, Ingross\n40, ATrow\npolson\nUe HELIEGEA 41. Animation\ned Fae | AT Cia 45 [76 197 4p Wurmese\nribo\nae AFP YAO 43. Sea bird\n: ey L ‘ 45.\"Joln\nBa vu yy ENy 48. Fortino\n\n47, Being\nA? Heweloatvian 23\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 87.94000244140625, 114.40289306640625, 659.5166625976562, 775.95068359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 461.9000244140625, 1313.6358642578125, 878.1283569335938, 1644.7535400390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1285.026123046875, 921.37451171875, 1704.6781005859375, 1263.3153076171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nHERE'S THE STORY\niM THE {STEEL CITY\nGAZETTE! CAPTAIN! T\nJUST CHECKED IT CUT\nWITH THE CHIEF OF\n\nPOLICE THERE?\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1731.7579345703125, 920.88623046875, 2043.340087890625, 1266.484619140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 887.2674560546875, 1314.0211181640625, 1248.366943359375, 1644.634765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 94.17575073242188, 1326.69140625, 442.4849853515625, 1648.7843017578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 95.312255859375, 927.87939453125, 1238.393798828125, 1278.481689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "‘ —— VERY WELLAEL YOULL GET\n‘YOU HINT THAT.UNLESS 7 GVEITANY MAMET | PAY IT! BUTT WANT \\ f ITS = CO:\nFAY YOUR PREPOSTEROLS Ft YOU CHOOSE, MR, | | SOME SPECIAL THE Se\nYOULL TELL MY STOCK EXCHANGE } MARGIN! “THE | | ASSURANCE THAT\nASSOCIATES OF THESE -“ LH BITE WILL BE NO TRICKERY IS\nVIESTS 2 THAT'S BLACKMAIL, INVOLVED\nNv\n\nRB. CRANFORD!\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1289.493896484375, 1698.494384765625, 1724.6982421875, 2058.3359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nte:\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nWE RE OUTLAWS seve\nEACH WITH A PRICE\nON OLR HEAD, WERE\nNOT TAKIN’ ANY\nCHANGES,\n\nLAREDA WiLL BESO\nWORRIED ABOUT ME.\nCAN'T You ATLEAST\nSEND WORD To HIM\nTHAT IM SAFE?\n\n \n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 677.6820678710938, 492.5074157714844, 1846.944091796875, 862.3107299804688 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "MARY WORTH Be _\n\nBEES 2 SOMEHOW, MARY, TIMGOING ) | (MEANWHILE INA BOPNTOWIN BANK:\na u a YOStOP HER!-. «BEFORE pa\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nFi THE BEST WE CAN DQON\n\n \n \n\nHERE THs. MARY! (15 RATHER PATHET! TS TOO LATEL Shy HE STOCK AND FINTORES 15\nGOOD A KID AS YOU COULD FI HE2 MOTHER. a 1 @ £1500 LOAN AIRS. DARRIN\nIANTWHERE.-BUTAGREAT SINGER AreyinG FOCROWD Se HOWE YOURE SURE THIS\n\nHELL REVER BE,IF SKE UVES THE CHILDS LIFE INTO\n[TWICE (4 92 YEARS! TS THE MOtD OF REBORN\n\n2 | GIRLOOD DREAMY\n!\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1860.9339599609375, 154.1155548095703, 2081.891357421875, 178.28921508789062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "DENNIS THE MENACE\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1285.2200927734375, 1316.416259765625, 2420.52392578125, 1629.8638916015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nMW POOR CE: AR FORNILLE TO THE AIRDORT, CRINER, SuRE, LOOv.H OT CONT\nAND FLEASE ¢ PLL” Buy CARE HO\n\nHURRY 2} ye DALCH\n\nB AND as COSTS lt.\n\nET MMe\n\n \n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 495.33892822265625, 2036.846923828125, 880.3679809570312, 2363.656005859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "G Sy? . .\nTAKE IT EASY BOW, PHL!) THAT'S EXACTLY\nIF YOU HIT THls ONE GOOD 4, WHAT I’M\nYOU'LL BE ON THE GREEN GOING T0 00,\nEASILY WITH YOUR NEXTONEL, GOVERNOR!\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 617.4973754882812, 2428.10595703125, 967.3192749023438, 2697.931640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1269.63525390625, 892.364013671875, 1417.3922119140625, 915.8594970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "YVenhny Hoare\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 90.45661926269531, 1663.9052734375, 153.6087646484375, 1685.204345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "fNOaO\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 105.72474670410156, 1576.9122314453125, 1260.1640625, 3407.234619140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "WE BEEN TRYIN’\n\nai \\ Ue\nNON \\ 20,\n\nPosi Teneo\n\n \n\ny ne : TP\nTAKE IT EASY BOW, PHL!) THAT'S EXACTLY PLL say ie piot\nIF YOU HIT THls ONE GOOD 4, WHAT I’M HE'S WAY OVER\nTHAT WIRE HE RECEIVED T YEANT HE LOOKED | YOU'LL BEON THE GREEN GOING 1000, \\! ! ON THE FIRST\nSURE HAS OPSET HIME (LIKE ADIFFERENT JA | EASILY WITH YOUR NEXT ONE! - _ FAIRWAY\nHAUS MISSED THE ) GUY~SWINGING JPY Raia, : $ BD) hae\n\nY sf\n\ny i a]\n*AY GOSH, SUSIE | +. OFCOURSE -\nWHAT HAPPENED * E THAT'S Wey ©\n\nTHAT. rack 7 ASKED OF\nGAVE YOU, 7v .\nMONDAY //\n\n“fe\n\n(uate\n\n \n\nPENNY\n\nHO BUTS, WE'LL FAVE OH, HELLO. MR. ELLUS... FATHERS]\nHOTHIKKS BUT THE WHOLE | (BOWLING CLUB?-- TONIGHT ?.-\nTGUERS HE Fi = ES,\nMEG HE@E--WELL, RIGHT\nHOW HES\nWASHING THE\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 86.63304138183594, 899.6635131835938, 226.65420532226562, 927.5521240234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "STEVE ROPER\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 908.7131958007812, 2032.084716796875, 1246.4093017578125, 2358.119873046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "PLL say ie piot\nHE'S WAY OVER\n\nON THE FIRST\nFAIRWAY !\n\n \n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 176.28611755371094, 1686.9959716796875, 1236.96240234375, 2005.79248046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "IN giBtiior\n| BSHIE,, )\n4\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 95.49989318847656, 2397.0810546875, 162.4513397216797, 2420.515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "LOUIE\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1329.5997314453125, 2176.92822265625, 1511.4820556640625, 2209.337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "The Answers\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 983.9758911132812, 2429.218505859375, 1255.738525390625, 2704.42431640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1268.8612060546875, 1288.642578125, 1401.587158203125, 1311.515869140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "MARK TRAIL\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 91.86598205566406, 2042.1905517578125, 478.43719482421875, 2374.13623046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "EAN HE LOOK!\nSURE HAS OPSET HIME (LIKE ADIFFERENT\n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1746.673828125, 1695.376953125, 2330.479736328125, 2060.584228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "YOU'RE STAYIN’ RIGHT HERE WITH US | | YEAH, KiDsr. YOL\nUNTIL WERE THROUGH WITH THIS WELL GET USED\n| HIDEOUT «14. AN’ THAT MAY BE QUITE COMPANY!\nA SPELL AFTER YOUR LEG IS HEALE!\n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1271.0308837890625, 1652.879150390625, 1473.755126953125, 1681.7564697265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "LAREDO CROCKETT\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 99.50025177001953, 2741.2998046875, 1237.864990234375, 3096.498046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n \n\naS ie ihre esi\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\norcourse!\nTHAT'S WHY L\nASKED EOR\n\nWoy\n\nHAVEN'T ¥OU GOT\nTHE SLIGHTEST\n\nAY GOSH, Susie !\nWHAT HAPPENED\nTHAT. oa\n\n \n\nDrain\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1493.30712890625, 160.82801818847656, 1831.157470703125, 492.7005310058594 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "tATER IN DR. BEYNETTS OFFiCe.\n\n \n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1156.0667724609375, 153.2274932861328, 1469.85546875, 486.41070556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 667.2964477539062, 104.13633728027344, 876.8973388671875, 131.929931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Ing Guy SENNETT..\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 37 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 6, 15 ], [ 6, 40 ], [ 6, 57 ], [ 15, 40 ], [ 15, 57 ], [ 40, 57 ] ]
[ 7829.08544921875, 10797.7421875 ]
[ [ 2, 37 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 15, 6 ], [ 40, 15 ], [ 57, 40 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4965.2009375, 4647.19849609375, 5906.07982421875, 5623.41869140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Sixteen members were present\nwhen the Sweetland Sunshine\nFour-H club met with Mae Ann\nBaer. Roll call was answered with\n\n“Types of Dresses I Need in My\nWardrobe.”\n\nJane Shepard and Mary Ann\nHalling were in charge of posters\nfor Dorothy McClure’s campaign\nfor county office at rally day.\n\nIt was decided that the club\nwill pay half of the expenses of\nCatherine Kemper when § she\nserves as the club’s delegate\nto the state Four-H convention.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 189.28324340820313, 6954.57642578125, 1611.0943505859375, 7380.24388671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "SO OE STS Oa ST a Te eee eee\n\nGeneral Motors share owners passed the 500,-\n000 mark recently. Of these more than 90 per cent\nare individuals. But no one individual owns as\nmuch as one and a half per cent of the common\nshares. That’s the answer to the Communist-inspir-\ned charge that there are no little people in Big\nBusiness.—Kewanee Star Courier.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3051.526865234375, 5356.6696875, 4002.1594140624998, 5912.2297265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Muscatine has not one case of\ncontagious disease within its\nlimits according to the report of\ncity health physician, J. D. Ful-\nliam, submitted at a meeting of\nthe board of health. An ordinance\nto prevent the habit of expector-\nating on the sidewalks was called\nfor by Mayor R. S. McNutt and\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4016.958505859375, 5362.12037109375, 4956.69701171875, 5912.98705078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Purchases of Series E War bonds\nin Muscatine county still trail the\nrate established in the state of\nIowa and the nation as a whole,\nfigures from the local headquar-\nters emphasize. The county thus\nfar had purchased but 51 per cent\nof the $1,155,000 quota assigned it\nin the current dive and had $562,-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4054.174072265625, 1049.22802734375, 4935.0673828125, 2313.821533203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 165.10053466796876, 838.1720068359375, 1627.968740234375, 4884.1740625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "This was the year, the forecasters said, when\nCongress would surely bar the door to any more\nforeign economic aid. But in the Senate at least,\nit didn’t happen. And the outcome spells a victory\nfor President Eisenhower.\n\nIn voting tc approve the full administration\nforeign aid program of $3,530,000,000, the Senate\ndid not knock out the economic assistance features\nnor even modify them. Some Republicans tried to\nrestrict the program but failed.\n\nOn final passage, the President’s request had\nthe support of 31 Democrats and 28 Republicans,\nwith 11 Republicans and seven Democrats opposed.\n\nBut the rea! test came earlier on two propo-\nsals to alter the character of some foreign econ-\nomic aid from outright grants to loans. The first\nasked that 75 per cent of a 165 million dollar aid\nfund be in loans. The second reduced the percent-\nage to 50.\n\nThe 75 per cent plan, lost 52 to 29, with 20\nRepublicans supporting it. The second was defeat-\ned, 50 to 33, with 22 Republicans in support.\n\nThe second plan actually was sponsored by\nSenator Knowland of California, officially listed\nas GOP minority leader in the Senate. Two other\nRepublican leaders, Senators Bridges and Millikin,\njoined Knowland in opposing the President's wish-\n\nKnowland and Millikin also supported the 75\nper cent loan plan, though Bridges was absent on\nthat vote.\n\nOf the top GOP Senate command, only Sen-\nator Saltonstall of Massachusetts backed the ad-—\nministration on these votes, the crucial measure\nof support for Mr. Eisenhower.\n\nAs so often this year, the President can thank\nSenator George, Democratic chairman of the Sen-\nate Foreign Relations Committee, for bringing the\nbill through unscathed. He declared that countries\nneeding help the most would be unable to pay back\neconomic loans.\n\nAs it now stands, the aid bill is reasonably\nstrong on the economic side. Besides the 165 mil-—\nlion dollar fund, the measure contains a special\nPresident's fund of 200 million dollars for Asian\neconomic development. And it authorizes more\nthan $1 billion for defense support—economic aid\ndesigned to strengthen military potentials in\nfriendly lands.\n\nWith the Senate thus showing the way, pros-\npects ought to be fairly bright in the House for\nmaintaining both the economic and the military\nsubstance of the new foreign aid program. For in.\nthe House Mr. Eisenhower has leaders who believe.\nthat Republican success may be related to his\nsuccess in putting over a solid series of legislative\nproposals.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4959.35669921875, 967.76197265625, 5921.99095703125, 3804.400869140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "staid and conservative as their\nBritish cousins. ey want and\nexpect a circus at time,\nor the poiiticians seem to think\nthat they do. However, the usvc\naf television in recent campaigns\nhas cut down excitement and\ncrowds and it may yet result in\na more civilized performance. ;\n.\n\nELECTIONS IN U. S.. It must\nalso be kept in mind that the\ngreat distances jin this country,\nas well as the population total\nin states and districts, require\nmore motion, expenditure, adver-\ntising, etc. A candidate for Par-\nliament can cover his whole con-\nstituency in a day or two. He\ncan get his message over, if any,\nby word of mouth, for the British\nare great gossipers.\n\nPerhaps every member of Con-\ngress would prefer the British\nsystem, but none dares to in-\naugurate the reform. ;\n\n“— 2 oe” oes Cy Ue\nSpringfield, Mass., “that Sen. Lev-\nerett Saltonstall of my state is\nbeing mentioned as a_ possible\nvice-presidentia! nominee, or as a\nsuccessor to Minority Leader\nKnowland?”\n\nAnswer: Several well-informed\ncorrespondents for Massachusetts\n‘newspapers have written that\nPresident Eisenhower would wel-\ncome Senator Saltonstall’s selec-\nition as Senate Republican boss,\n‘if the Californian quits. 1 doubt\n‘if he will receive mvth consider-\nation for the V-P nomination.\nI think that Ike will favor “Dick”\nNixon.\n\nIn “Salty’s” favor, it can be}\nsaid that he is one of the admin-|\nistration’s most loyal supporters\nin the Upper Chamber, especially\non foreign affairs.\n\n(Released by McClure Newspaper\nSyndicate)\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 170.96019958496095, 4998.7194921875, 1608.17064453125, 6617.8273828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Not long ago Senator Kefuaver of Tennessee\nsaid fiatly he wasn’t a candidate for the .1956\nDemocratic presidential nomination. Now he’s not\nso sure.\n\n“Il may change my mind,” he says today,\n“Anyone who says he wouldn’t like to be president\nof this great country is just kidding.”\n\nWe don’t know just what factors are churn-\ning around in the senator's mind. Maybe he’s wait-\ning to see just how long the Davy Crockett boom\nwill last.\n\nKefauver did pretty well in a coonskin cap in\n1952. But this particular kind of fur headpiece has\ntaken on a whole new meaning since the box-top,\nsandpile set got interested in Davy.\n\nSince TV came into its own, the kids and\ntheir likes and dislikes seem to throw more weight\nthan ever in the family circle. That coon cap might\nbe a gold mine of votes.\n\nYou can’t easily make the White House on\nanybody else’s coattails. Possibly you can ride in\non the tail of a raccoon.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1626.0360107421875, 468.9080505371094, 2842.312744140625, 747.512939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "\\Lack of Wage Boost Is\n‘Surprise in Ford Pact\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3148.787353515625, 6124.3818359375, 4887.01708984375, 8302.0908203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4964.24365234375, 4370.56591796875, 5772.7685546875, 4632.853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "16 at Meeting of\nSweetland Club\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3056.597177734375, 4202.9128515625, 4001.0300195312498, 5158.55443359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Salaries for teachers in the city\nschools will remain the same as\n\nlast year except as affected by the\nsliding scale adopted some years\nago, which gives a teacher $50\nmore the second year than the\nfirst. The principal of the high\nschool receives $1,200 and his two\nassistants $550 each. The principa!\nof the First and Third ward\nschools receive $900 each and the\nassistants get $450 each. All other\nteachers who have been in service\nmore than a year receive $400 and\n—— under that time $300 to\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5005.32568359375, 6230.892578125, 7690.470703125, 8295.3544921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "we ty “y, . “Y,\nA wes tHE CV WERE CALLING / THEY'LL TALK LUSHWELL'S GOT NOTHING Y\nVERY IMAGE _Y? HIM AFTER 4 THEMSELVES |// rie ony tore eagioe ia = VY\nnee SESE A RDO TE. Jy BETWEEN OLD ( tie GUST WANDERED IN-\nEYES~- YOUR SNORKLE--/ 7\\ OVERDO IT / ? Ci tence ap \\HES\nNOSE~THE [F— “Teen E\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nIF YOU ASK :\n\nSHAPE OF ME. THE KID THE BABY IS -F7 Tue ID HAS FOUR OR\n\nREALLY »\\ |LOOKS LIKE FIVE NAMES ALREADY-~\nAFTER ANYONE IN\n\nTHINK HE UNCLE IN YT\nRESEMBLES } \\LUSHWELL! L THE FAMILY WHO'S _/i1{j)|\n\n \n\nTHE HEAD~\n\n \n\nPARENTS BUTTER UP\nTHE RICH RELATIVES\n\nWILL- WRITING ARM\n\n™ THANX AND A HATLE LAT\nJ TP DM CHARLEY Coes,\n\na : o (cjam lie EAST Z5™ STREET,\n|e . o- BALTIMORE 18, MD.\n\nB ; ~\n\\? 'CopR .988 KING FEATURES SYNDICATE te. @0OcP eieeee erereven Doe “\n\n“i\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4944.25708984375, 3849.077890625, 5908.722890625, 4314.5891015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "1671 in bonds to purchase yet if to\n\nreach the quota. In comparison to\nthe state average of 74.2 per cent\nof E bonds bought thus far, Mus-\ncatine county’s record is substan-\ntially behind schedule. The yna-\ntional average is 63.7 per cent of\nthe quota.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1614.234873046875, 7119.818125, 3034.31322265625, 7386.06810546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Mathematics, an innocent subject as taught to\nchildren, is responsible for a lot of mankind’s woes,\nsuch as the 8-to-1 martini, the atom bomb, and\nincome-tax prosecution—Chicago Daily News.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4000.417734375, 2558.67310546875, 4950.390859375, 3807.4709374999998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Feea~n eh SWART OS a > (78 Bet Be\nIn addition, credits totaling about\n$16 billion were extended, and\nthe sum of $6 billion has been re-\npaid, including interest.\n\nWhat is not generally realized\nis that, counting the current bill,\nalmost $16 billion of this vast\nsum has not yet been spent, al-\n\nmost of it is committed in\norders placed but not yet deliv-\nered.\n\n“T read that many members of\nCongress showed great interest\nand liking for Great Britain's\n‘kind and quiet and inexpensive\nlelections,” writes T. H. of Con-\ncord, N. H. “If so, why don’t they\ndo something to spare us al] the\ntime and emotion and money that\nwe spend on these affairs?”\n\nAnswer: The answer is simple.\nThe American people are not so\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 227.3333740234375, 6681.73388671875, 1538.1373291015625, 6874.56640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Comment & Opinion\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4010.95728515625, 4268.820078125, 4944.82640625, 5169.22240234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "West Liberty— For the first\ntime in the history of West Li-\n\nberty, a train load of aliens, en-\nroute to New York from Californ-\nia, passed through here about 6:30\nPp. m. Details are unknown here.\nbut this train consisted of the\ntourist coaches, one dining coach\nand one baggage coach. Kt is\nthought all the coaches were\nlocked. For some reason, they had\nbeen ordered out of the United\nStates. At the time they passed\nthrough here, the dining car was\nfilled. All were men,\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 203.31297302246094, 7663.91064453125, 2046.992431640625, 10784.7119140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "ACROSS DOWN\n\n'——-Sawyer_ ! Flaps\nand Becky 2 Wind\nThatcher instrument\n@—- andEve °% Emissary\n8 What boy 4 Once more\nsometimes 5 Aeneas and\nmakes at girl Queen ——\n#2——Lincoin & Thoroughfare [el lejeieis. Ree Telatr\n\n7—— and\n7 Mary women 24 Cereal husk 41 Baking\n\n’ 8 Snoops 25 Air (prefix) chambers\n\n#8 Donate 9Rhadames _—.26 Attack in stoves\n\nB4DickHaymes = ang —_ 27 Italian boy’s 42 Bridge\nand —— 40 Musical girlfriend § 43 Goddess of\nHayworth directions 28 Anatomie youth\n\n%SCow genus 4} —— and network 44 Burden\n\n#6 Mouth- pepper 29 Arabian gulf 46 Passage in\nbreathing 7 Ester of oleic 31 Most recent the brain\n\n#6 Assembly acid 33 Declaim 47 Prosecutes\n\n20 Smallest 19 Closed car 38 Staid 48 Pieces out\n\n21 Even (poet.) 23 Knifes 40 Boy —— girl 50 College cheer\n\n22 Employs\n\n24 Musical group\n\n26 Greek letter\n\n27 War god\n\n30 Entertain\n\n32 Made amends\n\n34 Amphithe-\naters\n\n$5 Upbraid\n\n36 Correlative\n\nAnswer to Previous Puzzle\nBoy Meets Girl FIA clo] [omit T>\nAlSIAl+ els!\nAT Leleln\nIAIN\nElle\n\n \n\n \n\nof neither Gr\n37 —— and Alec 4 |S\nD'Urberville F\n39 So be it!\n40 Allot\n41 Ear (prefix)\n42 Feet\ncoverings\n45 Varied\n49 Enter\n51 Diving bird\n52 Border\n$3 Solar disk\n$4 Golf mound\n55 Cape\n56 Hisand—— £§\n57 Donkey\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5537.9501953125, 8690.5712890625, 7712.408203125, 10797.7421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nNO, NO--I'M NOT \\/ I KNOW, BUT\nHITTIN’ TH’ BUMPS | I SEE TROO\nHARD ON PURPOSE } YOUR TRICK--\n--I'M TOO AFRAID YOUSE IS\nTHAT GUN WILL BOUNCIN’\n\nCLOUT HIM,\n4 MIKE! DON’T\nSHOOT--WE\nCAN'T RUN\nDiS FING!\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n- GO OFF/ WE US UP SO\nSe DON'T HAVE PEOPLE KIN\n7 - Heal vr\n—— al ™\n\n \n\nBORN THIRTY YEARS TOO SOON). i meusrncr\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3104.3515625, 3887.69482421875, 3942.339599609375, 4042.991455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Our Yesterday\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3117.24951171875, 8706.623046875, 5340.017578125, 10791.7412109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "YYW K KAFE IF THANKG A\n\nQ> ZILLION, PIKE, BuT I'm NO\nL OUGHTA PART YOUR HAIRY “ovo taSGeT san iF J\n\nWITH A TOMAHAWK, MATOR ZF\n~— BUT SOME BEER PEOPLE t Bevery Bn Barge Mba\nSAW YOUR PIE- PASTING AcT /Z GAIN IT WILL BE IN \\\nAND MADE.ME A 600D Z| SOME ROLE COMPAR= ) 2\nOFFER / au WANTA COME ABLE TO KING LEAR:\n\n— NOW OFF WITH\n\nYouR ™ P\nhong 6 eerS] (ON AN INTELLECTUAL\n\n \n\n©\nGo. YOUR\nPIES\n\nBry <= '\nwe - «~i3 ag” *OR8 ty NEA Serer me. tT * Re 0 & Per OF\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6001.5107421875, 611.3825073242188, 7793.427734375, 2843.36376953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Gt aa\n\nT. M. Reg. U. S. Pat OFF.\nCopr. 1955 by NEA Service, inc.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4956.43091796875, 5670.69703125, 5902.40990234375, 5947.74876953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "| George Westinghouse is credited\nwith obtaining patents for an av-\nerage of one new invention every\n‘six weeks for 48 years.\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5992.4599609375, 3383.1123046875, 7773.763671875, 5706.79443359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\n4-/3\nT. M. Reg. U.S. Pat OFF.\nCopr. 1955 by NEA Service, Inc.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3265.556884765625, 5253.29248046875, 3792.803466796875, 5333.07568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "50 YEARS AGO\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4223.810546875, 5257.45458984375, 4739.72705078125, 5345.16796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "10 YEARS AGO\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 202.20729064941406, 4914.3876953125, 1141.9874267578125, 5003.671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "WILL HE HUNT THE B’/AR?\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2119.340576171875, 7492.3642578125, 3025.992919921875, 8686.9599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\nTHE MUSCATINE JOURNAL\nand News-Tribune\nBy JOURNAL PRINTING CO,\n\n€. LLOYD BUNKER\nPublisher\n\nWALTER RUSSELL\nManaging Editor\n\n \n\nThe Journal established in 1840.\n\nThe Tribune established tn 1842.\n\nThe News established in 1880.\n\nNews and Tribune merged in 1897.\nJournal and News-Tribune eonsolidated\nept. 3, 1918.\n\neee eel\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 1639.4390966796875, 972.1360571289063, 3064.423818359375, 7003.87865234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "ae EY 2 a _——_ oa oe\n\nsurprises in the new Ford Motor Co.-United “Auto\nWorkers agreement is that it contains no provision\nfor an increase in the basic hourly wage.\n\nThe whole Ford package which the union ac-\ncepted is made up of fringe benefits.\n\n| The only clause directly affecting pay checks\nprovide for an increased annual improvement fac-\ntor, triple pay for holidays and a raise for certain\nskilled workers.\n\nEverything else is in liberalized pensions,\nmore insurance, more vacations and increased un-\nemployment insurance.\n\n) The argument may go on interminably as to\nwhether Walter Reuther won a guaranteed annual\nWage, or just two-thirds of a guaranteed semi-\nannual wage. But at least he got his foot in the\ndoor to establish a principle. He can ask for\nmore of a guaranteed annual wage in future bar-\ngaining.\n\n| The importance of fringe benefits—in pref-\nerence to any straight hourly wage increase—aiso\nwas noticeable in the new agreement just made\nby the Louisville & Nashville Railway with its\n25,000 nonoperating employes.\n\nUnder this contract the company will pay\nthe full cost of all hospital, surgical and medica’\nexpenses.\n\nThis is a first step in a drive to get the na-\ntion’s railroads to pay the full cost of all health\nand welfare benefits. It would replace present\nplans whereby employes pay a part of these costs.\nEYE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY\n\nThis trend in 1955 labor negotiations calls for\na fresh look at the social resonsibility of man-\nagement to its employes.\n\nSome employers feel that management has no\nsuch responsibility.\n\n“The first responsibility of management is to\nprovide goods and services,” says Frank Rising,\ngeneral manager of the Automotive Parts Manu-\nfacturers Association. Members of his organiza-\ntion must soon begin bargaining with the Auto\nWorkers on new contracts for which the Ford\nagreement is expected to set a pattern.\n\nRising admits that it is to the employers’ ad-\nvantage to have stable employment. But he con-\nsiders stable employment a secondary function of\nmanagement, “because consumers offer no guar-\nantee of stability for the employers.”\n\nWilliam B. Given Jr. Chairman of the Amer-\nican Brake Shce Co., declared in the Bernays\nFoundation lectures on the social responsibility\nof management, at New York University:\n\n“Old school business managers felt that ev+\neryone who worked for them was in their debt.\nSome even felt that the pay check was—at least\nin part—charity.\n\nVIEWS CHANGED\n\n“Now,” said Given, “we know that the opposite\nis true. Every company has a long-term debt to\nthose who contribute to its success. Managers\nwho are not realistic about this do not belong in\ntoday’s management.”\n\nGiven lists these things which management\nmust provide to contribute toward improvemen)\nin the American standard of living. Security of\nemployment. Security in retirement. Security\nagainst misfortune. Healthful working conditions.\nOpportunity for advancement. Recognition and\nself- -respect. ”\n\nIt is noteworthy that there is something in\nevery one of these classifications in the new Ford-|\nUAW contract.\n\nThomas B. McCabe, president of Scott Paper\nCo. and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve\nBoard, declared in accepting the Philadelphia\nChamber of Commerce Award in April:\n\n‘We have made great strides in research in\nthe physical sciences, but we have failed to turn)\nthe same revealing light on the basic components |\nof human behavior.”\n\nNEED MUTUAL CONFIDENCE\n\nThe primary social requirement for this, says\nMcCabe, is for development of mutual confidence)\nbetween labor and management.\n\n“Economic statesmanship of the highest order |\nwill be necessary,” he says. “We will no longer\nbe able to indulge either in the recalcitrant man-\nager or the demagogic labor leader.”\n\nThat puts another angle on this question.\nWhile both sides have been inereasingly aware of\ntheir social responsibilities, there is still much\nroom for improvement.\n\nThe five million dollar property destruction\nphone Co. negotiations with the United Commun-\nby srtikers during the recent Southern Bell Tele-\nications Workers of America, CIO, reflects no\ncredit on the American labor movement.\n\nIf the future trend is towards an increasing\nsocial responsibility by management for its em-\nployes, it should of course be accompanied by in-\ncreasing responsibility on the part of labor unions\nin protecting the property which they insist must\nprovide them with a stabilized income.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 206.3212432861328, 507.9476013183594, 1500.7506103515625, 722.5084228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "EDITORIALS\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3466.626220703125, 5979.873046875, 4518.3828125, 6086.83203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Dennis the Menace\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1628.4910888671875, 7056.869140625, 2361.4990234375, 7130.236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "MATHEMATICAY WOFS\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 3276.7236328125, 970.045166015625, 3816.359375, 1038.0548095703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Rw RAY TICKER\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 4013.20142578125, 3849.0417578125, 4935.88451171875, 4090.6686914062498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "the city attorney instructed t\ndraft one to be submitted to th\ncity council,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4272.86376953125, 8493.9501953125, 4454.798828125, 8572.0009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "With\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5939.8212890625, 3157.953125, 6560.763671875, 3298.953369140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "CARNIVAL\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3060.606455078125, 1171.3226416015625, 4018.7504785156248, 3774.703115234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "to him at 7008 Hillcrest Place,\nChevy Chase, Md.\n\nWASHINGTON. Now that Con-\ngress appears certain to pass the\nnew foreign aid bill,” inquires\nG. F. of Richmond, V. A., “just\nhow much money have we poured\nout during and since World War\nII for nations overseas?” ;\n\nAnswer: The current foreign\naid measure, which provides about\n$3.5 billion, brings our total con-\ntribution above $100 billion for\nthe first time. From July 1, 1940,\nthrough December 31, 1954, it was\nabout $98.2 billion. This amount\nincludes all sums for military,\neconomic and technical assistance.\n\ns * «\n\nFIGURES FROM LIBRARY\nof Congress. The figures were pre-\npared for Rep. Lawrence H.\nSmith of Wisconsin by the Legis-\nlative Reference Service of the\nLibrary of Congress, which is)\nCapital Hills special research ak\neau, and they are authentic.\n\nOf that total, the sum of $49.2!\nbillions was expended between\nJuly 1, 1940, and June 30, 1945,\nand it will be about $52.2 billion\nfor the period from July 1, 1945!\nthrough the next fiscal year, |\nwhich ends June 30, 1956. )\n\nThese figures do not take into!\naccount this country’s capital in-'\nvestment of $2.7 billion in the!\nInternational Monetary Fund, or'|\nof $635,000,000 in the Interna-\ntional Bank. Loans from these)\nagencies, which are supposed to|\n\nbe repaid, contributed to the for-|\n@ign kitty. |\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2052.505615234375, 754.3472290039062, 2650.200927734375, 811.076171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "BY PETER FDSON\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5942.05517578125, 403.0720520019531, 6778.88037109375, 550.4029541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "SIDE GLANCES\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 7169.43603515625, 8486.755859375, 7790.19140625, 8576.7822265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "By J.R. WILLIAM\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 5465.814453125, 8475.783203125, 6009.06591796875, 8574.4267578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "OUT OUR WAY\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 6973.00537109375, 3156.43701171875, 7810.15283203125, 3299.875732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "By Dick Turner\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4972.9326171875, 6031.68212890625, 5937.13525390625, 6131.98779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "THEY’LL DO IT EVERYTIME\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2087.5105078125, 9081.5769140625, 3034.2407128906248, 9524.1125390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Terms to Subscribers\n\nThe Daily Journa) ts issued every eve-\nning in the week except Sunday.\nDaily delivered in the city by carrier and\ncollected for weekly, tMirty cents a week.\n) Daily ome year by mail inside first and\nsecond zones, $9.00.\n\nDaily one year by mail outside first and\nsecond zones, $15.00.\n- All mail subscriptions in advance.\n\n:\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 3284.45556640625, 4110.29833984375, 3787.75, 4197.66064453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "75 YEARS AGO\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4231.306640625, 4185.1865234375, 4738.75439453125, 4251.29541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "25 YEARS AGO\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 2074.7351171875, 9582.04078125, 3031.6093652343748, 9804.11546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.\n\nSpecial delivery service for papers whieh\nare “missed” is maintained until 6:30 p. m\nDial AM 3-2331.\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 3055.512939453125, 8490.6796875, 3910.3203125, 8579.5771484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "OUR BOARDING HOUSE\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 207.192138671875, 735.5786743164062, 1250.34716796875, 827.3836669921875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "VICTORY FOR EISENHOWER\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 2113.16162109375, 8760.0244140625, 2996.425048828125, 9008.23046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Advertising Represtntatives\nJann and Kelly, Inc.\nChicago, New York, Detroit, Atlanta,\nLos Angeles, San Francisco.\n\n \n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 4789.78125, 8487.0537109375, 5387.19384765625, 8570.8330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "MAJOR HOOPLE\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 3060.416513671875, 1056.855966796875, 4010.7177636718748, 1464.4348046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Every week, Mr. Tucker ans-\nwers readers’ questions of gen-\neral interest on national and in-\nternational policies and person-\nalities. Questions may be sent\nto him at 7008 Hillcrest Place,\nChevy Chase, Md.\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 7113.55908203125, 403.03070068359375, 7829.08544921875, 555.4735717773438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "By Galbraith\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 7145.76318359375, 6048.498046875, 7800.71240234375, 6144.580078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "By JIMMIE HATLO\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 7146.8447265625, 6039.88525390625, 7802.39794921875, 6142.22265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "By JIMMIE HATLO\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 1954.129150390625, 815.7673950195312, 2754.690673828125, 892.7785034179688 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "(Washington Correspondent)\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 3085.43017578125, 2437.94091796875, 3990.0703125, 2504.0322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "FIGURES FROM TLIRRARY\n" }, "63": null, "64": { "bbox": [ 194.18923950195312, 6904.0322265625, 1058.36865234375, 6965.3681640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": "A RED CHARGE ANSWERED\n" }, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 19 ], [ 2, 27 ], [ 7, 31 ], [ 17, 11 ], [ 17, 21 ], [ 17, 15 ], [ 11, 21 ], [ 11, 15 ], [ 21, 15 ], [ 28, 29 ], [ 28, 38 ], [ 29, 38 ], [ 42, 37 ] ]
[ 7228.498472656251, 10174.560484374999 ]
[ [ 1, 19 ], [ 7, 31 ], [ 11, 17 ], [ 17, 21 ], [ 21, 15 ], [ 27, 2 ], [ 28, 29 ], [ 29, 38 ], [ 42, 37 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3748.4697890625, 5158.5674453125, 4621.3915390625, 7192.031675781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "ihe Austin community owes it\nto itself to elect Bernard Mce-\nDevitt to the City council on\nApril 5. It is none too often that\nsuch an opportunity presents it-\nself to the residents of Austin to\nbe represented by an individual\nof such outstanding caliber and\nintegrity.\n\nIn behalf of the many attor-\nneys of both Austin and the city\nof Chicago who have intimately\nknown and have had contact\nwith him for many years as both\nan educator and lawyer we\nproudly endorse him as a person\nof high ideals, with a deep sin-\ncerity of purpose and a fervent\nzeal to promote the welfare of\nall of us in this community.\n\nUnder his leadership, we can\nrest assured that Austin will be\nin the van of the family of up-\nright and outstanding commu.-\nnities. He will make certain that\nour children can here be reared\nwith respect and dignity.\n\nWe are confident that Bernard\nMcDevitt will be no mere “rub-\nber stamp” but will forcefully\npromote those wholesome inter-\nests so close to the hearts of all\nof us.\n\nSAUL J. MOSS\n\nT C\\TTVTOC* werrTy ryan\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3782.37896875, 8627.88678125, 4652.73821875, 10174.560484374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Something of profound signifi-\ncance happened in Chicago be-\ntween Oct. 7, 1954, and Feb. 22,\n1955. A statesman, mature, in-\nformed, courageous, skilled, elo-\nquent and tenacious emerged\nupon the political scene. He is a\nmaster in the utilization of our\nmodern means of communica-\ntion, radio and television.\n\nHis proved integrity in gov-\nernment is known to all. Call\nhim another Lincoln though he\nis a product of that great melt-\ning pot known as the city—call\nhim another Daniel Webster as\none legislator so aptly did some\nyears ago, but whether he is rec:\nognized today, in the immediate\nfuture or in years to come, his\nstar is rising—mark you—and\nits brilliance cannot be hidden\nby the blindness of petty poli.\nticians or of citizens who fail in\ntheir duty to support and en.\ncourage the leaders who must\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3744.5068984375, 3745.237611328125, 4600.13909765625, 4980.9110703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "of the truth and falsity in the\ncampaign must be supplied by\nthe community newspapers—\nwhich is another sad commen-\ntary on the virtues of the met-\nropolitan press.\n\nSo the greatest political para-\ndox of the ages shapes up in the\nRepublican party with nothing\noffering a nothing candidate to\nguide its political destinies, and\nthose of Chicago. Since two noth-\ntings still remain nothing, it\nshould not be hard for the voters\nto figure out this greatest hoax\never presented to intelligent peo-\nple, and take the rightful posi-\nion for strong party organization\nand vote Dick Daley in as an.\nother great mayor for Chicago.\n\nJ. FRANK LINDSEY\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 292.58844140625, 8703.0322890625, 2044.3684677734375, 10147.201109374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Four bond issues will appear on the ballot next Tuesday.\nThe most important involves issuance of $50,000,000 for\nnew school buildings and major rehabilitations. Three city\nbond issues include $30,000,000 for sewers, $15,000,000\nfor street lights, and $750,000 for a sign shop and storage |\nyard.\n\nThe Civic Federation has urged approval of all bond\nissues except the sign shop and storage yard. In this we\nconcur. The Federation believes that money could be saved\nby putting the sign shop on land already owned by Chicago,\nand that the construction estimates are too high for this\ntype of project.\n\nWe should also add that after voting for the schoo! bonds\nWest Siders take action to see that some of our dilapidated\nbuildings — such as Austin High school’s East building —\nare given prompt attention. We are not in the area where\nnew buildings are required; but we’re entitled to have our\nold buildings kept in good shape.\n\n \n\n|\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3770.372376953125, 7416.587953125, 4639.72015234375, 8430.6005234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The 37th ward is indeed fortu-\nnate to have two good candidates\nto choose from in the aldermanic\nrun-off election next Tuesday.\n\nBoth men have lived in the\nward for many years, are well\nknown and highly respected by\ntheir hundreds of friends.\n\nI feel that I know Paul Cor-\ncoran better, and I am sure that\nhe is capable of giving the ward\nable represenation in the City\ncouncil and efficient service in\nward matters, such as seeing\nthat streets and alleys are kept\nclean, zoning laws observed, ete.\n\ntc A.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5938.4306640625, 1298.5576171875, 6329.03125, 2023.9197998046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2063.656982421875, 8365.2724609375, 2845.78271484375, 8683.3466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "f rom |\n\nThe Files...\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4621.416078125, 4596.74225, 5490.947691406251, 5980.611265625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "We of Marian club 1 want to\ntake this opportunity to thank\nyou for the news story for cloth-\ning for the needy of Marillac\nhouse.\n\nWe received 35 calls and Nick\nBender and myself called for\nthem and delivered some to\nMarillac house.\n\nOur car was filled to capacity\nwith seven loads of excellent\nclothing dolls, Easter bunnies,\netc. Two little children brought\nclothing and dolls last Saturday\nin their little red wagon. Their\nfaces were those of little angels.\nThey knew they were contribut-\ning to someone less fortunate\nand I personally wish to thank\neveryone who donated with\nwarm hearts for the needy at\nMarillac house.\n\nAlso cash donations were sent\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2000.9193115234375, 3630.459716796875, 2431.796630859375, 4463.36328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 520.2511596679688, 8542.66796875, 1813.5377197265625, 8680.1279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Approve 3 Bond Issues\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3789.961669921875, 8480.033203125, 4487.49072265625, 8613.4228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ADAMOWSKI DEFFAT\nONLY TEMPORARY\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5484.50738671875, 856.7263198242188, 6331.893492187501, 1257.3164658203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "BABSON PARK, Mass. --\nWhile following the Fulbright\nCommittee I wonder why it con-\nfines its investigation to the\nstock market.\n\nThe real bull market of the\npast two years has been in hous-\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3766.970947265625, 7261.47216796875, 4469.97607421875, 7403.97509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "BOTH CANDIDATES IN\nSTITH WARD GOOD\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5467.20947265625, 252.13877868652344, 7174.36474609375, 734.17578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Babson Says: ‘\n\nBabson Tells Fulbright ‘To\nStudy Housing, Not Stock:\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 215.253236328125, 2037.616517578125, 1963.84319921875, 8494.554625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "‘Lne Warielaian aNd AUSUT ANOWsS dtd Che Vast Mave sem\nfrained from making endorsements in political campaigns.\nWe have given freely of our space to enable both sides to\ntell their story to the voters. We have followed this course\non the theory that a neighborhood paper — close to its\nreaders — could best serve its community by opening its\ncolumns to all legitimate groups and withholding personal\nopinion, even on the editorial page.\n\nBecause of the nature and importance of the current\ncampaign for mayor, however, we are departing from our\ncustom of not making endorsements today and urging our\nreaders to vote for Richard J. Daley. We say this without\nany malice toward Mr. Merriam, his opponent, whose ideas\nand proposals for community conservation we have com-\nmended on gccasion in the past.\n\nWe cannot condone the type of campaign that Mr. Mer-\nriam and his cohorts are waging against Mr. Daley, how-\never, and we cannot compare the records of the two men\nin public life without concluding that Mr. Daley is far bet-\nter equipped — both in experience and temperament — to\ngive the nation’s second largest city an efficient and pro-\ngressive administration.\n\nWe cannot recall a campaign in which the opposition\nhas gone to such lengths to crucify a candidate because of\nunproven charges involving a so-called “‘evil influence.” We\nthink the Republicans have played up this issue out of all\nproportion to its importance.\n\nIf Mr. Daley were running for office for the first time it\nwould be proper to give considerable attention to the men\naround him. But Mr, Daley has been serving in various\npublic offices with dignity for more than 20 years. He has\na right to be judged on this record. It seems to us that if he\nwere subject to pressure or one whose honesty could be\ncompromised sometime in that long period he would have\ntaken that fatal step and grasped for the easy money. The\nbest evidence that he resisted any such temptation is sup-\nplied by the opposition, who have been unable to cast the\nslightest reflection upon his personal honesty or integrity.\n\nVe can find no sound reason to assume he would act\n\nothe: wise as mayor. When a man whose character is re-\nspected by friend and foe alike gives a promise we are\ninclined to believe it. Mr. Daley has promised that “‘no indi.\nvidual, no group of persons, no organization or political\nparty will interfere with the official execution of my duties\nas mayor.” We believe him. He has proven himself a leader\nin the field of good government and will give neighbor.\nhood problems the priority consideration they deserve.\n\nThe reason for the Republican smear campaign becomes\n\nobvious when you look at the records of the two men. For\nin this department we believe even the most biased person\nwould have to admit that Daley has proven his ability as\nan administrator and a leader. As an administrator he has\nserved as county controller, state director of revenue, anc\npresently as County clerk. In all of these offices he has\nbrought increased efficiency with resultant savings in tax.\npayers’ money. In 10 years in the state legislature as both\na representative and senator he was leader of his party ir\nthe senate for six of those years. A study of his record dur:\ning this period confirms his ability as a leader who can gair\nthe cooperation of his fellow men for the common good.\n\nIt is in this latter department that we have our mos!\nserious doubts about Mr. Merriam. We can find no evidence\nin his background of any position he has held involving\nhigh public responsibility. His most important work seem:\nto have been as an alderman for the past eight years. Her\nhe has served as a sort of gadfly, creating considerabl\npublicity but accomplishing very little in a constructiv\nWay.\n\nHe has created so much animosity against the me!\nserving in the council with him — most of whom will stil\nbe there no matter who is elected mayor — that it is diffi\ncult to see how he could gain any degree of cooperatio\nfrom them should he be elected. He has taken note of thi\ncriticism during his campaign and replied in effect that i\nthey don’t cooperate he will take his plea to the people an\nassumedly expose the entire council as corrupt. This strike\nus as a rather immature, rash statement, more appropriat\nto the Huey Long type character than the solid citizen w\nshould all like to see as our mayor.\n\nIn short, we believe Merriam’s charges are largely polit\ncally motivated. Judging the two men on their recor¢\nalone, we much prefer Daley.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6349.54303125, 790.6932998046875, 7228.498472656251, 5965.624449218751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "case of war, When materials and\nmanpower must be saved, is a\nwise procedure. To do so in\ntimes of peace, and when the\ncountry is facing unemploy-\nment, is foolhardy. Unless we\nare to get into a critical shoot-\ning war with China, there is no\nneed for 100% margins.\n\nWe already have top-heavy\nstockpiles of both materials and\nfoods. Therefore, I suggest that\npeople again be encouraged to\n“Buy American Industry” in or-\nder to help employment and hold\nyp prosperity,\n\nLet us assume there Is\nenough “steam in the boiler”\nto extend prosperity through-\nout 1956 and safely re-elect\nEisenhower if he chooses to\nrun again, But do not forget\nthat there will be a day of\nreckoning sometime. Notwith-\nstanding the Administration's\nsuccess in “nipping in the bud”\nthe 1954 decline, it is very\nskeptical of any large-scale\nattempts to hold employment\nand prices up artificially. Cer-\ntainly Roosevelt tried every-\nthing from “revaluating the\ndollar” to “raking leaves,” and\nnone of those medicines\nworked,\n\nOnly World War IT turned the\nscales and brought back full em-\nployment with price recoveries.\nPerhaps even World War IIL\nwould not accomplish this again,\nwith fixed prices, heavy taxes on\nprofits, and other controls, Per-\nhaps the Russians would rather\navoid war and throw us into a\ndepression. No one now knows.\nIt is, however, certain that some\nday if we all “go through the\nwringer,” there could be a bad\nmess for a while.\n\nI hope the Fulbright Commit-\ntee will discuss some construc-\ntive phase of the business and\nemployment outlook in its finat\nreport. Both Senator Fulbright\nand his much-advertised investi.\ngation will soon be forgotten, as\nfar as the stock market is con.\ncerned.\n\nThe entire investigation has\nsmelled of pdlitics from the first.\nBoth parties are surprised at the\naction of the stock market. The\nRepublicans are blaming it al\non the Democrats, claiming that\nit shows what would happen t¢\nbusiness if the Democrats were\nin control.\n\nThe Democrats claim that\nthe Republicans have been\npushing the market down in\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n»| order to bring an end to the\n,| investigation. | understand\n3| that other prominent Demo-\nt| crats blame the market slump\n\non Dulles’ speech, which sug-\ngested an ultimatum to China.\nThis does not seem reasonable\nto me in view of the action of\nthe airplane stocks and the\nrails, which should prosper\nfrom further China troubles.\nMy advice to readers is: (1\nDon't sell in a panicky market\n(2) don’t buy more now, at pres\nent high prices; (3) work harde\nat your own regular busines:\nand trust President Eisenhowe\nto run the ITfinited Statec\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5495.9385390625, 5602.03521875, 6382.750425781251, 5977.715269531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ER ae\n\n~The members of the Church\nof Christ at Crystal and Long\nwish to thank all who assisted\nin putting out the fire in the\nchurch building last March 21.\nERNEST L. FINNEY\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5485.107484375, 1263.1830458984375, 5917.348570312501, 2107.5045761718748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "ing. In 1929 the\npublic could\nbuy stocks ona\nten per cent\nmargin; but to\nbuy a house re-\nquired a thirty\nper cent mar-\ngin. Now the\nreverse is true.\nThe publie\nmust put up a\nsixty per cent\nmargin to buy\n\netanbos khitt Aan\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2847.094970703125, 3181.031982421875, 5452.115234375, 3695.365478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "ECTLCrPS £0 FEO ERO\n\nSees Mayor Election As Choice\n‘Between ‘Decency’ Or ‘Dishonor\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4621.16168359375, 3719.0908828125, 5485.192808593751, 4461.14446875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "have recognition to survive.\nBenjamin S. Adamowski who\nwent down to temporary defeat\nas a candidate for the Demo-\ncratic nomination for Mayor of\nChicago is and will be for years\nto come a man to be reckoned\nwith, a man to observe closely\nin the light of what he has done\nand what he can and will do for\nhis native Chicago and for Amer-\nica. J.ES.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3746.41845703125, 5003.6181640625, 4337.7421875, 5130.12255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "SAY McDEVITT NO\nRUBBER STAMP\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5493.8506484375, 2101.309876953125, 6346.727476562501, 4254.419859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "HLVEMD, WML LOL VU YY Ch PANAMA WEE\na five per cent margin, or less.\nFurthermore, while the Gov-\nernment is discouraging invest-\nment in American industries, it\nis offering all kinds of induce-\nments to get people to borrow in\norder to buy houses, The pro-\ngram does not make sense.\n\nIt smells badly of cheap\npolitics. As a result, the next\nfinancial panic will be a hous-\ning collapse—not a stock mar-\nket collapse. With it there will\nbe uncovered scandals, cor-\nruption, and untold losses;\nwhile Wall Street will come\nthrough with a clean slate.\n\nI feel that the suggestion of\nProfessor John Kenenth Gal-\n\nbraith of Harvard College for\n100% margins indicates igno-\nrance of business customs and\nethics. Today probably 85°o of\nall those employed in industry\nare working for companies\nwhose securities must be sold\nthrough the New York Stock\nExchange.\n\nThis means that, to issue new\nstock to carry out extension ot\nimprovement programs, pur.\nchasers of these stocks must be\nable to borrow thereon both\nfrom Stock Exchange firms anc\nfrom banks.\n\nRequiring a 100° margin Ir\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5508.28277734375, 4843.1875625, 6367.739195312501, 5468.438902343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Our thanks to the Austin\nNews and “Willing Willie’ for\nhis prompt service in having\nthe manhole cover fixed at 4913\nIowa within 24 hours, and What\na relief.\n\nIt would have taken a poli-\ntician about 30 days for the\nsame job.\n\nMR. AND MRS. G. WHITNEY\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3324.228271484375, 264.65936279296875, 5032.8125, 398.078369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "PALM SUNDAY IN SIBERIA\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 700.8798828125, 1857.571044921875, 1577.558349609375, 1983.20654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Vote For Daley\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2044.1729140625, 8830.791078125, 2890.2206406249998, 10167.208921874999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "The 1931 graduating class of\nResurrection Grammar school\nheld a reunion dinner at Hotel\nChicago. General chairman was\nCharles D. Shanahan, 5310 Jack-\nson,\n\nA crowd of 3,000 attended an\nInter-Faith meeting at Marshall\nHigh school auditorium.\n\nThe Italian vice consul attend.\ned the annual spring banquet\nand dance of Legione Guiseppi\nGaribaldi at the Midwest hotel.\n\nMarch 29, 1945\n\nThe 13th annual Easter Sun.\nrise service was held at Soldiers\nField, '\n\nJunior cadet nurses at St\nAnne's school of nursing pre\nsented a three act play “Mystery\nat Midnight” at Our Lady Hely\nof Christians church.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5510.4130859375, 4732.771484375, 6047.50244140625, 4853.76416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "WILLING WILLIE\nACTS FAST\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2853.157533203125, 3730.328431640625, 3740.1701035156248, 10155.78509375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nThe upcoming mayoralty elec-\ntion presents good citizens of\nChicago with the necessity of de-\nciding between political decency\nor just plain political dishonor.\nThe two major political parties\nhave existed in Chicago for\nmany generations. The Demo-\ncratic party serving the inter-\nests of the common citizens and\nthe Republican party dedicated\nto promoting the interests of the\nwell to do and vested wealth.\nRegardless of what may be said\nby the cynics the party that has\nlooked after the welfare of the\ncommon citizens has been the\none that has prospered political-\nly.\n\nSuch a political party has\nnever had to be concerned about\nsecuring good candidates to car-\nry its political banners, because\nalways within its own ranks\nwere to be found worthy candi-\ndates made so through years of\nservice in the ranks of the party.\n\nThe Republican party has\nexisted beside the Democratic\nparty in Chicago, with a vary-\ning degree of success depend-\ning upon its service to the\naverage citizen. But it could\nnot develop a candidate for\nmayor from its own ranks for\nthe valid reason that none\nexisted who could carry out\nthe best interests of Mr. Aver-\nage Citizen,\n\nIn desperation to preserve\nsome kind of a front under most\nadverse conditions, it accepted as\nits banner carrier a_ political\nJudas to every ideal ever enun-\nciated by the Democratic party,\nthat had made him. Once a poli-\ntical ingrate always a political\ningrate, and the party label\nmakes no difference to such\nsupermen. This superman chose\nto bite the political hand that\nhad fed him, in a spirit of spite-\n|ful retaliation for party disci-\npline handed out for his political\n\nstupidity and inexperience.\n\n‘| He thought he knew more\n'|about the political needs of Chi-\n_|eago and how to achieve them,\n-|than all the Democratic leaders\n_| combined.\n\nThus, the campaign based\nupon the greatest political\nparadox of the age was born.\nThe campaign of deceit and\nmisrepresentation got under\nway with the support of three\nmembers of the metropolitan\npress waving the banners of\nloyalty to deception,\n\nOne of these members thought\nup the novel idea of attacking\nSheriff Lohman, because he was\na blue ribbon choice of the Dem\nocrats, and who blew the living\nlights out of his Republican op\nponent in the election, This the)\ndid to cast discredit on the Dem\nocratic organization's selectior\nof him as its candidate, and thu:\nprick the blue ribbon idea, o\nthe Democrats who in turn chos\nDaley as candidate for mayor\nClever, wouldn’t you say.\n\nAnother lily white membe\nchose to support big busines\nand Merriam, by leveling its de\nceitful guns against the charac\nter and integrity of the Demc\ncratic organization, which it ha\nsupported many times before\neither because it was worth suy\nporting or because that new:\npaper was deceiving its reader:\nBut this lily white turncoat de\ncided it was time to destroy th\nDemocratic organization, b\ncause its insatiable greed to co!\ntrol that party was not fort!\ncoming.\n\nAnother great newspaper the\nhas always been dedicated to th\nn-| best interests of the citizens «\nrs| Chicago, laid its ideals on th\n\nline by supporting Daley fc\n‘t.; mayor, and thus slightly coi\ne-| found the political brainwashe1\nry |situated in the editorial san\nlp | tums of its competitors.\nIncidentally, the revelatio:\n\nd-\not\nDi\n‘}.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1981.03766015625, 2964.64019921875, 2837.2328476562498, 3600.4865097656248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "re Fae Fe vy wee ere ewe\n\nWe fit present trends and as-\npects into past performances in\nour final observations as to next\nTuesday’s vote.\n\nOur conclusion:\n\nThe 1955 outcome will be in\nthe pattern of the Kelly-Green\nrace in 1939,\n\nThose contests are compar-\nable. In fact history is repeating\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2443.13726953125, 3614.407044921875, 2837.0512070312498, 4513.07464453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "significance.\nIn 1939, as\nthis year, the\nDemocrats\nhad a bitter\nprimary con-\ntest. Courtney\nversus Kelly.\nThe Republi-\ncans, as now,\nmade the\n“bosses” of\nthe Hotel Mor-\nrison their\nehief tareat.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5147.78570703125, 6649.05719140625, 5918.998472656251, 7331.257261718751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Haphazard buying ends in dis-\nappointment. Buy things you\nneed. The “bargains” that you\ndon't actually need are expen-\nsive purchases, Timing your\npurchases can also save you\nmoney. For example, re-stock-\ning items of winter apparel at\nend-of-the+season sales can\nmean dollars in your pocket.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5494.914125, 4309.27008203125, 6373.364195312501, 4685.906675781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "to these good sisters of charity\nto further their work and make\nall feel they too are taking part\nin the Easter parade.\nRUTH BENDER\nPresident, Marian Club\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2005.7130751953125, 6852.41363671875, 2872.8307480468748, 8269.023375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "1 have never seen so many\nwomen at a similar gathering as\ncrowded into the Casino-Terrace,\nHotel Morrison, to a Spring Tea\nfor Dick Daley. Mr. Daley said:\n“T have a great love for my fam-\nily, three young ladies and four\nsons growing up, and when rep-\nresented as a man who will un-\nleash the forces of evil in Chi-\ncago—I say it’s a lie! I have rep-\nresented all that’s good for 26\nyears, without one word against\nme—why be afraid of what I\nwill do in the future? T’ll make\nyou proud to live in Chicago.”\n... March, in income tax times,\nwent out like a shorn lamb—\nnow it’s different... . This from\nthe essay of a schoolboy: “Wins-\nton Churchill is a remarkable\nman, Although he is 80 years\nold, he does the work of a man\ntwice his age.”\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4626.12109375, 4465.8310546875, 5193.2158203125, 4594.21630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "CLOTHING DRIVE\nA SUCCESS\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 6005.50738671875, 6891.78277734375, 6772.332457031251, 7614.371519531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "“Household Equipment Loans”\nare loans we make to finance\nthe purchase of washing ma-\nchines, refrigerators, stoves,\nand many other kinds of equip-\nment to lighten household\nchores. If you can use new\nequipment, a low-cost loan\nfrom us can help you to get it\nnow, and pay for it, conven-\niently, later.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5517.50048828125, 5484.34912109375, 6223.02587890625, 5605.39306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "THANK PERSONS WHO\nOURELIED FIRE\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5545.9208984375, 781.8795776367188, 6271.18310546875, 848.9130859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "BY ROGER W. BABSON\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 5981.21832421875, 6599.2061171875, 6786.261656250001, 6760.798765625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "your checking account provides:\nMake full and proper use of it,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1989.9169326171875, 4522.4678359375, 2853.2311386718748, 5639.617613281251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "The tactics of this campaign are\nalmost identical with those of\n1939. The Republican refrain\nwas “Smash Nash-Kelly Ma-\nchine!” It echoed and re-echoed\nand rose to a roar that shook the\ncity. This issue of bosses—elect-\ned under the direct primary law\n—Wwas old then; of course, much\nolder now. There are bosses on\nboth sides, in all lines. The 1939\nresult:\n\nMayor Kelly defeated young,\npopular Dwight H. Green by\n184,401 votes, receiving 56.12 per\ncent of the 1,465,444 votes cast\nfor mayor. I look for results\nnext Tuesday in much the same\nnattern.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5151.71044921875, 6269.93798828125, 6739.580078125, 6460.91162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": " \n\nMONEY AND BANKING\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1976.506166015625, 378.8971267089844, 2850.2150253906248, 2940.4494003906248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "meard & seen\n\n@ Democratic Majorities\n@ As Kelly Won In 1939\n@ Daley By 200,000\n@ Mary's Mite\n~BY WILLIAM H, STUART—\n\nPolitical Philosophy\nSuccess is a journey —not a\ndestination.\n‘Democratic Majorities\n| Following are the vote results\nin the 24 successive years the\nDemocrats have won in City\nelections in this Democratic city:\nYear Candidate Vote\n1931 Cermak, Dem. 671,189\nThompson, Rep. 476,922\n| Cermak’s Majority 194,267\n\n \n\n) 1935 Kelly, Dem, 799,057\nWetten, Rep. 167,112\nJenkins, Ind. 88,014\n| Kelly’s Plurality 631,945\n1939 Kelly, Dem. 822,469\n\nGreen, Rep. 638,068\nReilly, Ind. 4,907\n| Kelly's Plurality 184,401\n\n1943 Kelly, Dem. 685,567\nMcKibben, Rep. 571,547\n\nKelly’s Majority 114,020\n\n1947 Kennelly, Dem. 919,593\nRoot, Rep. 616,239\n| Kennelly’s Majority 273,254\n\n1951 Kennelly, Dem. 701,454\nHunter, Rep. 549,648\nKennelly’s Majority 151,806\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2004.911865234375, 6763.875, 2372.823974609375, 6841.85693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Mary’s Mite\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5146.820375, 7469.435609375, 5931.305113281251, 8245.7811875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "WRENN MEPVOLTING a check,\nuse a restrictive endorsement:\nWrite the words “for deposit\nonly,\"’ followed by your reg-\nular banking signature (the\nsame signature as that on file\nat our bank). Such endorsement\nprevents further transfer of\ntitle to the check; is particu-\nlarly valuable in protecting the\nchecks you deposit by mail.\nEnjoy all the safeguards that\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 313.50558618164064, 1108.7384658203125, 1911.6585068359375, 1792.74847265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "QSrPGa/vaGe 24 B4A BR BSB WSS RB ADP SS CAS ee\n\nEliminate the North-Central jog.\n\nModernize and improve public transportation.\n\nEnforce zoning restrictions.\n\nKeep Austin a community of homes,\n\nComplete installation of the Kostner Ave, sewer system.\nReapportion senatorial! districts.\n\nInstall additional street lighting in South Austin.\n\nErect a West Side federal building.\n\nProvide more neichborhood playlots.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 2914.28955078125, 417.8570861816406, 5425.36474609375, 3029.269287109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n-”\ney\n-\nr “\n77 Lee\n. - ~\neo - ‘\n~\n’ oF\n° °\n- nee «\n2 ere “if\n° -<\n/\n’\nrst\n2 - x\ni ad - ‘ ad\neae th 3 me ® > -\nofre lg, ~ te deme “a\n. & all we .\nt> a * AS) ‘ ere : .\nis Pe Fa - _ « See\n* s °\nshams +6 - fof\nAd sé ae e ‘\n— - - a4 P\n<I WON BSS isa , . ar ,\n<4, OF BAZ ge =- as\nel 2 he ‘mats a, ye\nite aay :\n~=/Mbe a) 7 ba\n=A: ’\n_- , ; 2\nen\" ‘£4 os ¢ ; .\now a > « dv, ‘ae pe .\n2 Cm weer ; Ags 4's * ad\n\n \n\nCAVE dd\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2018.6525283203125, 5777.41461328125, 2830.6425156249998, 6748.276792968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "I think the vote will run a\nlittle over 1,400,000 out of a\npresent total registration of\n1,935,000. Such a big vote, 80\nper cent of the registration,\ndidn’t save Green in 1939. At\nthis writing, a week before\nelection, L predict Daley will\ndefeat Merriam by a bigger\nmajority than Kelly scored\nagainst Green, if for no other\nreason than this: Green is,\nand was, much stronger than\nMerriam. I look for Richard J.\nDaley to win by a majority of\napproximately 200,000.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1988.42041015625, 2906.917724609375, 2676.62646484375, 2980.8681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "As Kelly Won In 1939\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1996.3450927734375, 5700.26611328125, 2545.1669921875, 5776.6298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Daley By 200,000\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2901.07568359375, 398.273681640625, 5431.87646484375, 3093.19921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n“ -\ney\n-\n‘ : °F Lie\neo —- a\n‘ or\n. cd\n¥ ” - ,e\nded a a\n° . i y\nrst ;\nvw. - _ 5\n« .*\na Ss -\n/5 40. 4h =. wid\nre, - _-\nofre lg, _\n= we? .\n\") bad\n“¢ ” _ 4 .\nFs -: ,\n.\n- . -\n~ -- # hl\noD s fss\n\" te a a ed\n-@ , ae 2 ; oe\neen) oe . aes Cae\nry ae\nan vm wr vgs 0°\n: eer eT a\n/ “s*Beo sags, 37 -\non .\n\n \n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 6006.25732421875, 6821.73876953125, 6776.96484375, 6890.65673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "BANKING TERMS PEFINER\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 5992.8799453125, 7736.20758203125, 6785.021421875001, 8259.165953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "WEPrAT FVU RENT fortne\nuse of the money deposited in\nyour savings account with us—\nin the form of compound inter-\nest. Your balance draws inter-\nest even on the interest which\nyour dollars earn for you—and\nthat helps build your savings!\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 5071.84228515625, 8385.9794921875, 7194.0361328125, 10098.884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": " \n\nNATIONAL BANK of COMMERCE\n\nOF CHICAGO\n4010 MADISON STREET 4 r_AT CRAWFORD AVENUE\n\n \n\nFO\n9:00 a.m. te 8:00 p.m.\n\nTuesday through Friday..........9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, J |\nWhen holiday fells on Monday, Bank will be open Tuesday—\n\nMonday — centinuously. ...\n\ncontinuously — 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.\n\nPark Sate Deposit Company Hours:\nMonday — ¢ontinuously......... 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.\nTuesday through’Friday.......... 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.\nWhen holiday fells on Monday. voult will be open Tuesdoy—\n\ncontinuously — 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.\nCustomer Auto Parking Facilities\n3945 West End Avenue, one block north of Washington Boulevard\n\nand\n\n \n\nserve\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 5176.833984375, 7434.373046875, 5792.837890625, 7497.87109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "WHEN DEPOSITING oa -\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2021.4775390625, 321.64385986328125, 2820.72021484375, 897.5088500976562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "Heard & Seen\n\n@ Democratic Majorities\n\n@ As Kelly Won In 1939\n\n@ Daley By 200,000\n\n@ Mary’s Mite\n\n~BY WILLIAM H, STUART-\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 5169.88330078125, 6588.31201171875, 5900.662109375, 6653.9111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "CLOTHES.BUYING WINTS:\n" }, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 11 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 12 ], [ 5, 12 ] ]
[ 2826.8319492187497, 4166.89933203125 ]
[ [ 4, 12 ], [ 5, 4 ], [ 11, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2387.85115625, 369.21977807617185, 2826.8319492187497, 1488.452798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Location: Town Hall.\n\nHours: 2 to 6 Saturday after-\nnoons,\n\nBooks available by loan for sev-\neral wecks:\n\nWheel on the School, De Jong,\nNewberry award 1954, middle\ngrades.\n\nHow the storks were brought\nback to a Dutch village.\n\nAdult\n\nOur Summer with the Eskimos,\nHelmericks.\n\n*Tho Little Aak, De Hartog, the\nthrilling days in 1953 when the sea\nran wild over Holland and England.\n\n*Song of Ruth, Slaughter, Story\nof Ruth, Naomi and Boaz, one of\nthe world’s most inspiring love\nstories.\n\nRoad to Bithynia, Slaughter, a\nnovel of Luke, jthe beloved physi-\ncian, Paul, and of beautiful Thecla,\none of Paul's followers.\n\nCaravan to Xanadu, Edison Mar-\nshall, the travels of Marco Polo\nto the fabulous Kublai Khan lands\nand his romance with a_ lovely\nslave girl,\n\n*Golden Admiral, Van Wyck Ma-\nson, Biographical romance of Sir\nFrancis Drake and the defeat of\nthe Spanish Armada,\n\nMiss Willie, Giles, Miss Willie’s\nproblems when she went to teach\nat backward Piney Ridge, and her\ndiscovery that it is never too late\nfor romance.\n\n(*Listed on Farm Bureau and\nor Woman's Club reading lists.)\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1939.3424892578125, 582.97859765625, 2371.67228125, 1778.9988193359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "AEE SEISOTE WAS DRCTY INJUPCE\n\nin an auto crash at the Robbins\nAvenue and State read corner\nWednesday cvening about five\ne'clock when the machine he was\ndriving crashed with the Oscar\nCraven Chevrolet, driven by Thom-\naa Craven, Merville suffered a\nbroken collar bone, a fractured\nhasc, several scalp wounds and\ntwo slight fractures of the skull,\n\nU K. Venema, 45° years of age,\na brother-in-law of Peter Andrea\nof cast of Graettinger, was killed\nFriday morning when the machine\nin which he was driving was struck\n‘by an M. & St. L. gas-electric train\nat the Bendizen corner near Ter-\nril,\n\nT. J. Conway was up from Mal-\nlard Monday looking after business\nmatters in this city and visiting\nhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.\nConway.\n\nJorgen Andersen and Martin\nMyhre motored to Minneapolis\nWednesday morning to attend the\ncanvention of the Norwegian Lu-\ntheran church which Is in Progress\nat that place this weck.\n\nWe had quite a heavy_frost a\nfew mornings ago. Garden truck\nwas damaged stightly. Potatoes\nthat were above ground, suffered\nquite a set back,\n\nEdward Stewart passed away at\nthe home of his brother Martin\nof northeast of Gracttinger Thurs-\nday night.\n\nT. A. Hersleff of Wallingford\nwas very badly injured Tuesday\nafternoon while repairing an am-\nmonla pump. The pump exploded\nand Mr. Hersleff was struck by\nthe hot flying metat.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1042.2597255859375, 251.6788387451172, 1470.912271484375, 1085.2244052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "to shake off stecpiness. But what\nhappens If you are too sleepy to\nremember to twiddle?\n\n—O--\n\nMore fishing notes: Anglers Ed\nHerke, Al Speck, Arnie Masters\nand Mr. and Mrs, Eart Long took\ntheir limit of pood-slzed northerns\nfrom a small lake near Dalton,\nMinn. on a one-day trip last week-\nend, And the Stlliians repeated\ntheir opening day fcat of Jimit\ncatches of northerns at the sam\nplace at Trumbull lake this Sunday.\n\n—o--\n\nWhen we saw Dr, Green appar-\nently chasing a youngster down\nthe street the other day we thought\n‘syell, times must be bad, alright,\nDr. Green seems to be chasing i\npatient down the street.” Upon\ninvestigating that is exactly whut\nwe saw happen, only it was his\newn boy, Kirk, who was running\naway from dad, hollering, “I don't\nwant a snot, I don't Hke shots,\netc.” It seems as soon as litti«\nKirk heard his father mention\nshots he dashed out of the office\nund down the street.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1732.95556640625, 916.3314208984375, 1898.352294921875, 1178.818115234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1501.8568935546875, 908.753744140625, 1727.1064853515625, 1212.7602939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "have was that by\nshifting course and\nspeeding again\nand again, they\nmight be able to\nput off the inevit-\nable end. Finally\nin mid-afternoon,\njust when drown:\ning seemed closer\nthanever, for\nsome reason the\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1506.9345302734375, 730.539876953125, 1913.957193359375, 909.8274936523437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "CRIPPLED American carrier\n\nafter the battle of Leyte was\nzig-zagging its way to what looked\nlike certain death. Faster Japa-\nnese craft were after it, their\nshots. were coming closer. The\nonly hope any one on board could\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1030.8677578125, 1177.1978359375, 1459.7230625, 1755.6024570312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Sealed bids will be recelved at\nthe office of the Graettinger Town\nClerk until 12 o'clock, noon, on\nJune 6, 1955 for the cleaning anu\npainting of the water tank and\ntower at Graettinger, Iowa.\n\nSpecifications include the clean-\ning and flushing of the interior of\nthe tank and the painting of the\nexterior of the tank and tower.\n\nComplete specifications are on\nfile and may be obtained at the\noffice of the clerk,\n\nThe Graettinger town council! re-\nserves the right to reject any or\nall bids.\n\nROBERT MURRAY,\nTown Clerk,\n5-1-2\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2410.55078125, 1507.4073486328125, 2771.003173828125, 1949.490478515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\nSATURDAY, MAY 28\nIS POPPY DAY\nIN GRAETTINGER\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1951.9267578125, 1983.3258056640625, 2811.696533203125, 3452.529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n \n\n) IN A GOOD STATE\n\nEDUCATION HELPS SUCCESS!\n\n‘ $ . .. And, college educatiots take\n- money. Help your children to\n$ reach their goal by preparing\n\nNOW for thelr higher education\nthrough systematic SAVINGS...\n4S at this bank,\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 91.63189697265625, 2274.04833984375, 1463.7418212890625, 4110.83349609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "w® UGraettinger Dusiness Gi Frotessional Directory +\n\nA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THAT WILL SERVE AS A GUIDE TO THE\nPEOPLE OF GRAETTINGER, PALO ALTO AND EMMET COUNTY, CONSULT IT WHEN BUSINESS OR\nPROFESSIONAL SERVICE IS NEEDED.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nDR. EDWARD DULING . __. ARTHUR ANDERSON CO.\nOptometrist DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS , Abstracts of Titles\nEMMETSBURG, IOWA \"\ncure’) to 5:80—Saturdays Cl 8 = TOWN 1% TURKEROINGEE TOBIN BLDG\nHi 1 3 to 5:8 aturda: *\nEvenings by Apwolutment EMMETSBURG, IOWA\nMayor ......... Thomas Thomsen ; ‘ RLGRG\nDR. DON C. GREEN Treasurer ........... Leo Hughes WECE DEIN NG\nPhysician and Surgeon _ WATER SaEEA\nGRAETTINGER, IOWA Seuellmen Craven Sales, Service & Installation\nPhones John DeVri All New Work Guaranteed\nOFFICE 70 RES, 191 ‘Alan Heraleft W. M. RODE\nOffice Hours 10-22 a. m. : Phone 2F94 Graettinger\n15:30 p,m, Daily Jena Kirkegaard iB\n<5: . T, renee\nExcept Closed Thursday Afternoons - Virgil Olesen DR. A. A. HOBSON\n, Police—Streeta Dept.— 909 Broadway\nDR. C. R. KITCHEN Albert Jensen Optometrist\nr OPTOMETRIST City Clerk .......... Robert Murray Phone 689 Emmetaburg\n. 123 North 6th at. Fire Chief ..... seenes Joe Grady 9 ————\nPhone 152 ESTHERVILLE DR. R, FE. Dappen\nHil DR. G. H. FRYE\nr R. A. IL Veterinarians\n, D ret EY . DIRECTORY OF COUNTY Telephone No, 69\n“ fiver Yawalry St OFFICIALS ‘Graettinger 2. |. flows\n‘Office Over Jewelry Store : ,\nTelephone No. 180 Auditoe Marin Thempean SS\n‘House 117. ..+ « Graettinger - Sheriff . Richard Miller Dr. Terry I. Anderson\nRecorder Mrs, Alica Yoch\nOPTOMETRIST\nEngineer -« Dick Love q . BI 1\nDR. K. L. JOHNSON Treasurer .. Tereer Richter EME oo ANS aia\n¢ Altorney .. Jay Duhigg Estherville, lows\n: OPTOMETRIST 4 ”\nVISION SPECIALIST wr : - Dr J. FR YI ii ieee\n' Office In Gardston Hotel Bidg. Upervisors— BEE-LINE\nIst District .... W, H, Bargman\noie Phone 72 ESTHERYICNR ; 2nd District .,....... Joe Joyce Wheel Alignment\nSrd District ... William Fogarty\n* J, EMMETT MARTIN 4th Diatrict .... Wm, MeConnell DONAHUE TIRE\nFuneral Service Sth District ..... A. P. Ricklefe _Phone 180 Emmetaburm\n‘ ‘Furniture and Floor Coverings Supt. Co, Home ...... Matt Brown GET YOUR ABSTRACTING\n‘Phone 77 GRAETTINGER County Superintendent DONE BY\n= Si Schools «....... J. E. Smith CASPER (CAP) NELSON\n(Ititl Palo Alto County Abstract Co.\nOLENE JACOBSON, D. JY. M. EMMETSBURG, IOWA\nVeterinarian GRAETTINGER CHURCHES\nTelephone No. 100 TED KNUDTSON’S\n: Immaculate Conception CABINET SHOP\nGRAETTINGER, IOWA Father E. S, Maynard eR\n, Methodist Church ‘ABINET REPAIR WORK .\nDIRECTORY OF ae) . Rodgkin SCREEN — GLASS\nGRAETTINGER ORGANIZATIONS soit . , . .\n. , Our Savior’s Lutheran ‘ LIONS CLUB\nCOMMUNITY CLUB : Rev. Panl G, Tole Pres. ... + Francis Heldecker\nPremldenit —rcccrnecnnie Bar Watson St. Paul's Lutheran Be ceeineen ays\n~ and South Walnut Chearch AMERICAN LEGION |\nWOMAN'S CLUB Rev. ean i ‘Comm. vieeiecccnsess George Drews\nPree. seeeee anne Tees Hamilton Watling\n. eel ihr BOY. i i TROOP NO. 155\nras LEGION AURULLARY P gr: eel Lard . Seoutmaster ......., C.g¥. Carter\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1100.6611328125, 1130.7618408203125, 1393.06103515625, 1167.539794921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "NOTICE TO BULDDERS\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 581.6253872070313, 264.7081203613281, 1021.3978671875, 2199.4298496093747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "pay for making me,\n\nSecond, the American Leglon\n‘Auxiliary then buys me and dis-\ntributes me te the public and from\nthe proceeds they reecived they\nhelp the more unfortunate onca.\n\nThey call this, Child Welfare\nand this helps all Veternns and\ntheir familica. This also can be\nused for assigned children In\nmany ways.\n\nSo when I come in full bloom on\nMay 28 and the American Legion\nAuxiliary meets you on the street\nand says, “Woukl you iike a\nPoppy?” buy me and wear me\nproudly, .\n\nMrs. Leland McIntire,\n\nPocahontas County President,\n\nAmerican Legion Auxillary\n—o—\n\nPor the first time in three years\nwe took a jaunt up north to try\nour luck at fishing for the big\nones, Well, we didn't catch any\nof the big ones but we did catch\na lot of fish and a flne variety of\nfish too, We suppose we could\nprovide yeveru) choice sidellghts on\nantics of the fishing schoolmen\nthiut we accompanied on the trip\nto Winni but we'll just mentlon\na few well-earned temporary trip\nnicknames and for more details\nwe refer you to the parties them-\nselves. For instance there was\nCut-Foot Weber, Speed Bloss,\nAlarm-Clock Carter, Walleye De-\nVolder, Line-Tangler Cody, and last\nbut surely not least, Spinning-Recl\nManchester,\n\n—o~\n\nOur apologies to the local anglers\nWho did bag their limits of north-\nerns at the Trumbull lake creek on\nopening day when we mentioned in\nfast week's issue that few north-\nerns were caught there opening\nday of the season, Included among\nthe local anglers who took their\nHmit of nice northerns were those\nveteran anglers, Mr. and Mrs.\nMerle Stillian,\n\n~o—\n\nDuring the past year or two\nwe've heard of and seen both blue-\nribboned and red-ribboned bull-\nheads but now comes a_blue-rib-\nboned perch, found hanging on a\ndoor at the Pete Hersleff home the\nother morning. In our estimation\nthat forms a much better color\ncombination than a blue ribboned\nbulhead,\n\n—o--\n\nFrom the Clear Lake Mirror-Re-\nporter comes information that\nmight be of help lf you have trou-\nbies getting up In'the morning, A\nphysiclan recommends twiddling\ntHe tocs after the alarm groes off.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1490.9331875, 1233.6752529296875, 1910.909830078125, 4166.89933203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "enemy ships gave up the chase\nand pulled away, The chaplain\ngathered the men on deck and”\nthere read the 124th Psalm (our\ndevotional reading for the week)\nas if it had been written for the\noccasion: “If it had not been the\nLord who was on our side, when\nmen rose up against us, then they\nwould have swallowed us up quick\n- +. then the waters had over-\nwhelmed us.\"\n\nThe Resources of God\n\nGod (said Napoleon) is on the\nSide with the largest battalions.\nNapoleon was not acquainted with\nGod or he would hardly have said\nthat. There have been to many oc-\ncasions when the biggest battal-\nions, the best military material\n(sie), the ablest generalship, did\nnot turn the trick. God has some-\ntimes appeared to be on the side\nof very small battalions. Some-\ntimes it's a kind of mystery how\nit's done. But history carries the\nrecord, There was the time when\nthe Hebrew slaves left Egypt in\nSpite of the best army in the world.\nThere was the time described in\nthe Bible reading this week, when\nthe God-fearing King Hezekiah\nand his people,—a much smaller\nlittle country than many another\n_ that had fallen to defeat by mighty\nAssyria,—was saved by a mir-\nacle. There was the time later in\n\nHebrew history (between the Old\nand the New Testaments) when\nthe little army of the Maccabees\nstood off the great armies of the\nSeleucid kings; the astonishing\nday when the. “invincible” Arma-\nda, the enormous naval expedi-\ntion of Spain, which could never\nhave been beaten by English arms\nat that time, was smashed by a\nhurricane on the rocky coasts of\nthe islands the Spaniard intended\nto enslave. Say what you please,\nsome victories cannot be explained\nunless you can see “God within\nthe shadows, keeping watch above\nhis own.\"\n\nVictories of the Spirit\nThere have been victories of\nthe spirit, too, which can hardly\nbe explained unless you can sce\nGod in the picture. When John\nWoolman was born, slavery was\ntaken for granted everywhere in\n‘ the civilized world, You would not\nhave thought Mr. Woolman could\nmake a dent in so well-established\na custom, He had no money, no\nPrestige, not much education. But\nthe Lord laid on his soul a bur-\nden, and he went from one Quak-\ner meeting to another, sharing his\nburden of concern for slaves; and\nout of his one-man crusade came\nthe Quaker opposition to slavery\nand the gradual awakening of the\nChristian conscience everywhere,\nSo, nearer our times, when Walter\nRauschenbusch wag a boy, relig-\njon was generally supposed to\nhave to do only with a man’s soul,\nnot with his business or his poli-\nties or anything outside his church\nand home. Rauschenbusch became\na new gort of prophet—attacked,\nof course, as prophets are; but\nwhat seemed to be heresy in his\nday is preached today in all\n‘churches, that the Christian re-\nligion is concerned! with every\nside and every interest and re-\nlationship of life, public and pri-\nvate too, :\n\nNot the Lozy\nIt is a serious mistake to sup-\npose that God always rewards the\nweak, or that he will do for us\nwhat we are expected to do our-\nselves. The story of Hezekiah\nbrings this ot. He felt, and the\nwhole country felt, that God had\nsaved them in thelr time of need;\nand this was true. But it should\nbe noted that Hezekiah, faced with\ninvasion, took intelligent (and ex-\npensive, measures for defense. He\nsecured a reliable water supply\nfor use in case of siege, he di-\nverted water away from the places\nwhere the besieging army was\nwure to be. He built up the army,\nhe manufactured new equipment.\nit he had radar screens he would\n-have. used them.\nopilinen ¢ eid ie\nab of the Oni oar\n\n&. Betvased by Community\nlee.) :\n\n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 111.39185333251953, 1212.280517578125, 564.8492431640625, 2005.927490234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nSy Pectectaetectcctestectactsctoston’\nMgt OO rt ee +0: 70,0 0,0 0608\n\nAt Times...\n\n9, o%e oMcatsctcctestactoctactoet\nOF O,0 0 MEM EX DD : 1 O,0 20 Oe\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nTHE MEMORIAL POPPY\nIam just a jittle red poppy, but,\nmy I do a lot of good for the\nVeteran who makes me.\nFirst I give him assurance that\nhe can help his family while he\nis away from them for he received\n\n \n\net nr ne\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 143.65768432617188, 2002.442138671875, 531.2254638671875, 2194.119140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "ALBERT SUSS’\nCABINET SHOP\n\nGLASS — PAINT\n\nBRUSHES — SUNDRIES\nPHONE 244 _\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1518.0751953125, 247.8922882080078, 1913.634033203125, 594.3463134765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "==\n\nBY DR. MENNETH 4 oie\n\n \n\nPr ice i te Scripture: II Chronicles\nDevotional Reading: Psalm 124,\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1972.19384765625, 3465.09423828125, 2822.343994140625, 4127.89990234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n+, .& 900% etn cts o%,.2®, Me e%ectacd Ss oo\nHyreroesocsoeteczoetecsoctocten: S008 So efoasoegoeoeteny So eSoed shes aoeione\n\nKi z\noe *\n+ AUCTION SALES = =:\n\" °\n% | | *\n~ — List Your Sale With +\n: ? GRODLAND, BORTVIT & BROWN +.\nx Auctioneers rs\n% GRAETTINGER, 1OWA +:\n‘ ee\n\n:@\neo © © 6 @\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1945.8727626953125, 1812.244466796875, 2362.357095703125, 1948.299966796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "NEED LETTERHEADS, ENVEL-\nOPES OR OTHER PRINTING?\nJUST PHONE THE TIMES, 154!\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 2448.3427734375, 259.28057861328125, 2777.2900390625, 324.69476318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "DOWN LIBRARY LANE\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1544.423095703125, 603.53857421875, 1884.2864990234375, 685.33544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Lesson for May 29, 1955\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 1043.3044033203125, 1835.989095703125, 1436.2494296875, 2192.29874609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nNEW SCHEDULE FOR\nDRIVERS’ LICENSE EXAMS\n\nMondays at Estherville and\nOrange City.\n\nTuesdays at Emmetsburg.\nWednesdays at Spencer,\nThursday at Rock Rapids,\nFridays at Spirit Lake,\n\nSaturdays at Sibley, mornings\nonly.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 181.73788452148438, 907.7579956054688, 538.667236328125, 943.1635131835938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "SIJBSCRIPTION RATES\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2016.2799072265625, 522.9522094726562, 2306.030029296875, 555.8150024414062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Thursday, May 22. 1980\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2489.8076171875, 326.27081298828125, 2720.0693359375, 356.58978271484375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By City Librarian\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 164.88018798828125, 250.01148986816406, 574.9976806640625, 559.9760131835938 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\nNATIONAL EDITORIAL\n\njassoclarian\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 153.95262719726563, 788.4151821289063, 570.5882358398437, 878.9184970703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Bntered at the post office, Graet-\ntinger, Ia. as second class mail\nmatter,\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 931.511474609375, 3633.764892578125, 2202.585205078125, 4351.0244140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2662.588962890625, 3763.72787890625, 3094.5951191406252, 4134.009425781251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "executive officer, the second in\ncommand, is Lieut. Col. Freder-\nick Kay of 19 Delwood road,\nChelmsford.\n| Officers said that the organi-\nzation, by training at nearby\nFort Devens, wil] save three days\ntime which was lost in past years\nby traveling to Camp Drum,.N. Y.\nThe Guardsmen wilt attend\nclasses in military subjects and\ntake part in maneuvers and prac-\ntical work during the encamp-\n‘ment at Fort Devens.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2221.1561015625, 3767.56479296875, 2658.6922871093752, 4557.449367187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "LOWELL—About 225 Greater-\nLowell National Guardsmen,\nmembers of the 182nd Infantry,\nRegimental Combat Team. will\nleave the Westford street armory\nin trucks early tomorrow morn-\ning tor two weeks of summer\ntraining in Fort Devens.\n\nThe local Guardsmen will join\nmore than 2,000 mien of the 182nd\nwho wili leave home-towns in\neastern Massachusetts tomorrow\nfor the annual encampment.\n\nIt will be the first time in\n21 years that the unit has held\nits summer training at Fort Dev-\nens, The outfit formerly traveled\nto Camp Drum, N. ¥., 50 miles\nfrom the Canadian border, for\nsymmer maneuvers.\n\nLeaving here tomorrow morn-\ning will be the headquarters of\nthe First Battalion of the 182nd\nInfantry and Headquarters Com.\npany, “C” Company, and “D”\ncompany, all of the First Bat.\ntalion,\n\nIn command will be Lieut. Cal.\nJohn J. Mullin of Wakefield, THis\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2648.2478984375, 3103.26596484375, 3086.0885273437502, 3609.2169453125002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "man, conferred with Manager\nBarrett this morning before the\nannouncement to sell the land\nwas made.\n\nThe call for bids will be adver-\ntised next week, the manager\npointed out, and bids will be re-\nceived until 12 o'clock noon on\nAug 15 in the office of the state\nhousing board, 90 Tremont street.\nBoston.\n\nAnyone interested in a descrip-\ntion of the land, or any other de.\ntails. may receive further infor:\nmation by contacting the state\n\nihousing office at the Boston ad\ndress, the manager said.\n\nManager Barrett some time\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2232.046875, 3625.947998046875, 3057.192626953125, 3754.2421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nLowell MNG Units Leave Tomorrow for\nSummer Encampment at Fort Devens\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2215.505955078125, 3113.4549296875, 2647.5665546875002, 3614.4078632812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| LOWER -rhe stale Of midssa-\nchusetts has announced that it\nwill selj the tract of land in Cen-\ntralville. Known as the Home-\nsteads site, to the highest bidder\nfor private development. City\nManager Frank Barrett said to-\ndav.\n\nOwned by the commonwealth,\nithe Jand. over four-and-a-half\n‘acres In area, was first developed\nby the state as a housing project\nin 1917.\n\nOver the years most of the\noriginal site and the homes built\nthereon were sold to private in\nI dividuals.\n\nRepresentatives of Daniel Ty\nler, state housing board chair\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1772.4584697265625, 2358.11752734375, 2212.624171875, 2598.1070820312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "THOMPSON, Conn. July $\n{UP}—A shy 14-year-old girl who\nran away from a summer camp\ninto a densely wooden area was:\nfound today, a haifmnUe away. |\n| State police, who had hunted |\nmost of the mght with two blood-\n(hounds, said Vida Stanehs of:\nlrorcester. Mass.. was “all right.”\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2636.67709765625, 1074.35776171875, 3072.8055683593752, 2213.52309765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "With this in mind, the man-\nager said that he is sending a\ncommunication to Lloyd J. Kier-\nnan, executive vice president af\nthe Boston and Maine railroad.\nfor the purpose of arranging a\nconference to discuss the matter.\n\nIt has been hoped fur several\ndecades that the present out-\nmoded station on Middlesex\nstreet would be replaced by a\nmodern railroad depot, the man-\nlager said, as he pointed out that\nwork on the grade crossing\nwould begin next spring.\nOpportune Time\n\n“Since the elimination project\nwill change the whole aspect af\nthe Middlesex street area, b\nleause of planned over-passes an\nlthe like.” the manager said,\n[now seems the most opportune\nitime to really get something\nidone about the antiquaied depot\nwhich has been serving Lowell\nfor over a half century.”\n\nThe present structure was\nbuilt in 1893-94, according to a\nplaque on the depot building.\nPossible Site\n| One of the sites recommended\n‘for a new depot, because of the\nichanges necessitated by the\niwrade crossing eliminetion, is in\nthe area of the present Bleachery\nrailroad stop on Gorham street\ninear Maple street.\n\nCity Planner Charles M. Zet\n‘tek. who is working in close co\nJoperation with surveyors hirec\npy the state to make recommen\n\n— es\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1340.3202861328125, 2960.068943359375, 1776.30825390625, 3179.2750507812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "ist who fails to keep up with his\n[prescribed training schedule may\nIbe recalled for 45 days of active\n‘duty. This provision is intended\nto enforce reserve obligations.\nUnder present law. a service\nman is supposed to serve a total\n\n \n\nORR Te eee ee ere, eee’\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1323.9440654296875, 1394.4433330078125, 1758.11880078125, 2612.2521015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "LAWRENCE — Mayor John\nJ. Buckley of Lawrence today\naccused the Harvard Center of\nField Studies “of complete lack\nof judgment and common cour-\ntesy in releasing to the Boston\npr the report of i's study of\nthe city of Lawrence hefore that\nteport was submitted +o the Law:\nrence school committee.”\n\n(In its release to the press.\nthe Harvard group warned that\nLawrence was standing on the\nbrink of finan@al disaster and\nits people were urged to “anak:\nen very quickly to their condi-\ntion and take envrgetic and ade-\nquate action.”)\n\n(See story on Back page.)\nVoices Complatut\n\nJohn Burke, secretary tc\nMayor Buckley. said that the\nmayor had voiced his) indigna\ntion In a telephone conversation\nwith Ciiver Gibson of the Harv\nata Center for Fiehl Studies\nitodas\n| Maror Buckley, Burke said in\niformed Mr, Gibson that he wil\n| publi ly question the ethics anc\njudgment of the study committe\nin this press release matter anc\nalso will question the competenc:\n‘jof the committee in the fields 0\n‘imunicpal finance, planning an\nurban redevelopment and indus\n‘I trial development.\n\n‘| The mayor said the study wa\nto have been restricted to th\nfield of surveying the school sy:\ntem of Lawrence, but instea\n\nbranched out into other municipa\nfields.\n\n-| Mfayor Buckley. his secretar\nsaid. was “particularly upse\n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 27.16046366882324, 3216.443943359375, 464.5407062988281, 3680.8800312500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "LOWELL—A new panel-boay\ntruck has been received by the\npolice department for use in traf.\nfic division work.\n\nThe new vehicle, which re.\nplaces an antiquated. 1936 open.\nbody truck, will be used for\ntransportation of traffic signs,\nparking meters and other mater:\njal used by the traffic division.\n\nIt also will serve as an auxil\njary to the accident preventior\nbureau beach wagon used for al\ntypes of emergencies.\n\nAlso, the first of six new policc\ncruisers has been delivered. 1\nnow is in the process of being\nreadied for service.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3097.61459765625, 3615.717380859375, 3538.0572773437502, 4135.301906250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "BOSTON, July 8 (AP) — Sen.\nKennedy (D-Mass.), who was\noperated on twice for World War\nII injuries. is*in New England\nBuptist hospital for X-rays and a\ncheck-up.\n\nThe 38-year-old senator entered\nthe hospital last Sunday and said\nhe hopes to be back in Wash-\nington by Monday.\n\nTwo operations kept Kennedy\nfrom active congressional duties\nfor severa’ months of the cur-\nrent session.\n\nHe was injured when a PT\nboat he commanded in the Pa-\nficie was struck by shells from\na Japanese destroyer during the\nwar.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3088.659275390625, 2579.17709765625, 3529.4059101562502, 3439.5868183593752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WASHEINU EUS, “vulyy & LAr?\n—-The government announced to-\noy a broad new research pro-\n\ngram is being set up aimed at\nmpradé the Salk polio vaccine\nand the production and testing\nmethods now employed.\n\nSimultaneously, it wave a boast\nto the present dribbling vaccina-\n\nition program by Teleasing ap-\nproximately 300,000 shots of vac-\ncine tested under new standards\nladopted seven weeks ago. It was\nthe first vaccine to be released\nifor use since June 6.\n\nSurgeon General Leonard\nScheele said the planned = re-\nearch program will be a co-opera-\ntive one among the government,\nuniversities and industry. He pre-\nidicted:\n\n‘Whil largely developmental\nin character, with short term ob-\njectives, if will undoubtedly\nuncover new scientific informa-\njtion that will aid in the long-\nirange development of all viral\nvaccine.”\n\nThe health service said the al-\nlocation of the 300.000 shats of\nvaccine released today will be\nup to the national foundation for\ninfantile paralysis.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 888.7513774414062, 1630.4162333984375, 1321.987697265625, 2461.339259765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGION, Jiy o& turt\n—President Eisenhower, accom-\npanied by Mrs. Eisenhower, will\nleave for the Big Four mecting\nin Geneva next Friday.\n\nThey will arrive in Geneva at\n4 p.m. Saturday after a refuel-\ning stop in Iceland, the White\nHouse announce today.\n\nThe president, according to\ntentative plans, will leave here\n‘next Friday at 10.30 p. ra. EDT.\n'Tn the Columbine TI, the White\nHouse Super Constellation.\n\nJie also will be accompanied b)\n‘a press and secret service plane,\nThe chief executive plans to lanc\nithe next day, July 16, at about &\nDT, at the U. 8. Air Farce\nhase in Beflavik, Iceland. where\nhe will remain for about twe\nhours.\n\nHe is expected to tand ir\nGeneva about 4+ p. m. EDT. thai\nafternoon and establish quarters\nin a villa outside the city.\n\nMrs, Eisenhower has been a\ntheir Gettysburg, Pa., farm since\nJune 10,\n\n \n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2203.37744140625, 640.623291015625, 2969.474609375, 816.5576782226562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Manager Says Now Is Time\nTo Replace Old Station\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2218.18393359375, 2467.051609375, 2642.7823750000002, 2873.6632343750002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "RASS Bedade oom Lik aidiiagntl\nFrank Barrett said today that\nhe will send in a council order\nfor $50,000 to provide for the\ntaking of Boott Mills property in\nthe planned off-street parking\narea of the French-Paige-Brook:\nings-John streets sector.\n\nThe manager expressed ex\ntreme pleasure that the prelim.\ninary negotiations on the taking\nof the mill property have gone\nalong so smoothly and ‘with\nsuch co-operation.”\n\nThe mill property in the area\nwhich will be converted into a\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1774.9946025390625, 2868.1150859375, 2213.91469921875, 3606.4718281250002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "FKEDFORD—In a desperate ef-\nfort to halt a strike of 63 guards\nat the top-secret Lincoln Jab-\n[oratory defense project, state\nand federal conciliators today\nstepped into the labor dispute\nIscene here.\n\nMediators were to meet with\nrepresentatives of three unions\nand Massachusetts Institute of\nTechnology which operates the\nproject under an Air Force con-\ntract.\n\nFrank Ryan, international pres-\nident of the independent union\nof Plant Protection Employees,\nannounced last night that three\nlabor groups had drawn up a\nplan for “concerted action” at\ntoday’s state house conciliation\nconference.\n\n“A plan was evolved that\nwould allow a continued move-\nment on both sides on a com-\npromise position to end the\nstrike,” Ryan said. He said suc-\n\n \n \n\nDeasce Theresa\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1761.542087890625, 1363.96371875, 2198.3692890625, 2197.83755078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "over statements in the report ta\nthe effect that Lawrence was\nfaced with the possibihty of\nmunicipal bankruptcy.”\n\nFar Afleld\n\n~The survey went far afield of\nits original purpose of studying\nithe Lawrence school system,” the\nmayor said.\n\nMayor Buckley said that he\n“seriously questioned whether\nthe personnel of the Harvard\niCenter for Field Studies had suf-\nficient know-how in) municipal\nfinances, industrial development\njand urban redevelopment. to\ndraw oan accurate concjusion\njfrom any information which\nthey may have gathered in these\nmatters.”\n| Refuting the charges thit\nLawrence was on the “brink of\nfinancial disaster.” Mayor Buck-\nley said “the city of Lawrence is\nin a sound financial condition”\n\n“The efforts of the mdustrial\ndevelapemnt program are now\ntearing fruits throuvn the co:\noperation of the eily puvern\nment and individual citizens,”\ntMayor Buckles said.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2649.227634765625, 2454.589939453125, 3078.3736835937502, 2871.9781757812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "‘downtown off-street parking lot\n‘includes a garage and a potatc\nchip factory, the manager said.\n| he negotiations between the\ncity and the mill have been con\n‘ducted by City Solicitor James Dd\n\\O'Hearn and representatives of\nthe Boott Mills, the manage!\npointed out.\n\nHe said that the property is\nassessed for $37,000.\n\nManager Barrett said the policy\nof the city in further negotia\n‘tions for all the property in the\narea will be one of “reasonable\nland peaceful negotiations.”\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 904.0975078125, 3012.7947734375, 1335.160060546875, 3618.4100605468752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "WASTTINGTON, July 5 CAP)\n— Sen. Russell (D-Ga) moved\nloday to prevent compulsdry re-\nserve training for veterans.\n| Russell, chairman of the sen-\nlate armed services committee,\nproposed instead a $400 “bonus”\nfor any veteran who volunteers\nfor three years of active reserve\n‘training with “combat units of\nthe Army or Marine Corps.”\nDrastic Change\n\nRussell thus proposed a dras-\ntie change in President Eisen.\nhower’s program for strengthen\ning the nation’s military re\n\nserves. The program is aimed at\njouiding the present 70,000-man\nlreserve to a force of 2,900,000 by\n1960.\n\nAs passed by the house. the bil\nwould provide that any reserv\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3087.6845703125, 2171.48779296875, 3468.587890625, 2441.65673828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "300,000 More\nPolio Shots\nReleased\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 469.20938525390625, 3050.300876953125, 903.4226337890625, 3608.1068378906252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "| BAST CAMBRIDGE, July 8—\n\nThe late Howard C. Bean of 70\n‘Methuen street. Lowell, who\ndied June 8 at Waterville, N. H.,\nat the age of 73, leit an estate\nwith an estimated value of\n$155,000, according to a will\nfiled in prebate court here.\n\nThe estate was estimated at\n$150.000 in personal property\nand $5000 in rea] estate.\n\nWamed executors were a2\nbrother, Ralph M. Bean, of 204\nClark road, Lowell, and a\nnephew, Ralph H. Bean of\nWaterville. N. H.\n\nThey, together with another\nbrother, Harvey A. Bean of 15\nEighth avenue, Lowell, share in\nithe estate.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 26.558069229125977, 3068.581787109375, 449.98577880859375, 3204.089111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Police Dept. Gets\nNew Truck. Cruiset\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3077.509861328125, 1665.44760546875, 3520.6192890625002, 2154.003322265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "(SALA — ve Acer CORSUITL ps.\ntion in the city is running slight-\ny below the total pumped, mean-\nng that, in spite of the current\nthot spell, there is no danger of\n[a water shortage at present.\n\n| Edward D. Barton, deputy\ncommissioner in charge of water,\n‘today said the reservoirs are\nreasonably full for this time of\nyear. The pumping - stations,\n(operating at capacity, are keep-\n‘ing slightly anead of the con-\nsumption rate, he said.\n\n| He termed the water situation\nlas “very fortunate” for this\ntime of year, saying that there\n‘was no danger at this moment\n‘of a water shortage.\n\n \n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2198.1111796875, 1591.8337138671875, 2632.9176289062502, 2225.964015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "‘LOWELL—It will be another\n‘tomd week-end, according to the\n'weatherman’s prediction, with\n|femperatures expected to flutter\n‘in the 90's today, tomorrow and\n‘Sunday.\n; Showers are likely tomorrow,\n,but temperature readings will av-\n‘erage three jo elght degrees\njabove the seasonal normal during\n‘the next five days from tomor\n‘row through Wednesday\n\nLocks and Canals reported yes.\njrerday” s high in Lowell was 88\niwith the overnight low recorded\n‘as 6z.\n: Precipitation during the nex!\nfive days will be about average\n|From une to six-tentns of an inch\njuccurring as scattered shower:\nland thunderstorms over the\nweek-end and again by the mid\n\"Sle of next week. is predicted.\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 15.478391647338867, 2151.530517578125, 396.07177734375, 2409.627685546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nAbout 150 |\nLowell Truck\nDrivers Idle\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1358.4054912109375, 3300.496921875, 1755.28579296875, 3593.6957050781252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "LOWECLL-~ Police Ofticer\nLouis Costas, appointed as a\nregular patrolman, last week,\nwas today granted a three-\nmonth leave of absence, ef-\nfective Sunday, according to\nActing Supt. John J. Murray’.\n\nThe leave was granted tu\nallow Officer Costas to com-\nplete private business in New\nYork.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 33.245460510253906, 3704.32421875, 330.373291015625, 3835.525634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "GE Workers\nOn Vacation\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3081.1005859375, 1276.6151123046875, 3486.95068359375, 1527.9927978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "No Danger of\nof Water\nShortaae Here\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3087.995849609375, 3461.731689453125, 3521.995361328125, 3597.478271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Kennedy in Boston\nHospital for Check\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 20.261661865234373, 2525.896091796875, 458.4896809082031, 3047.5216328125002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "LOWELL — About 150 local\ntruck drivers. out of work due\nto the five-week AFL Teamsters\nUnion strike in the southern\nNew England area, were hope\nful that today’s resumed meet-\njing of federal and state con.\nciliators with representatives of\nmanagement and labor in Bos.\nton, will end the work stoppage.\nNot On Strike\n\nAlthough local drivers are not\non strike, trucks from Lowell\nare not permitted to pick up\nor deliver, shipments in the\nstruck areas of southern Massa\nchusetts, Rhode Island and Con\nnecticut, causing local concerns\n\n \n\n \n\nee\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1771.0616455078125, 2217.058349609375, 2191.904296875, 2349.50634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Missing Worcester\nchild Found Safe\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 470.088623046875, 2632.447021484375, 882.753173828125, 2886.3076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\nHoward C. Bear\nLeaves Estate\nof $155,000\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 901.8257446289062, 2779.888916015625, 1692.537109375, 2950.745849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Sen. Russell Offers New\nPlan for Reserves Proaram\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 476.8831828613281, 2256.331150390625, 876.4829975585938, 2599.3231464843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "(opeclai To ine sun?\nSTATE HOUSE, July 8—\nThe Governors council\nyesterday approved the\naward of $4609.92 to a Low-\nell couple for land taken by\nthe state department of pub-\nlic works in connection with\nthe construction of the\nHunt's Falls bridge.\nThe land was in the name\nof Dana K. and Charlotte\nHart.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 452.9643291015625, 1408.17807421875, 885.1765400390625, 2134.261623046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "| noon.\n\n| Mayor Josephat T. Benoit said\nthe money wil) be paid to anyone\nwho offers “definite clues.”\n\nThe reward was announced as\nthousands of searchers finished\na block-by-block check of New\nHampshite's largest city without\nsuccess.\n\nPolice discounted any theary of\nfoul play after they interviewed\ndozens of neighbors, none of\nwhom had seen any strange per-\nsons or vehicles in the vicinity\nfrom which the child dropped\nfrom sight.\n\nAs goon as daylight broke to-\nday, police and hundreds of vol-\nunteers toox up the search with\nintensity and—as one official put\nit—“with prayers on our lips and\nin wur hearts.”\n\nLitlle Hope\n\nThe police official said sadly\nthat chances of finding the pret\n\\ty, blorde, blue-eyed youngster\n\n \n\n’ Continued on Page ‘Three\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 484.823486328125, 3621.0419921875, 869.3270263671875, 3760.427001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n\nLATE NEWS\nBULLETINS\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2215.0732421875, 2236.698486328125, 3061.298583984375, 2382.347412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Barrett Asks $50,000 to Pay\nBoott Mills for Property\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 924.1049194335938, 2613.67431640625, 2135.678955078125, 2749.67236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": " \n\nSTATE AND FEDERAL CONCILIATORS\nS“TRIVE TO END BEDFORD STRIKE\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2205.831638671875, 885.7447856445312, 3057.2372089843752, 1082.2351337890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "PEER REE: SEE MEN E RAS SER as an ee, | Nene a Stree:\n\nLOWELL — Acting in conjunction with plans to elimi\nnate the railroad crossing on Middlesex street, City Man\nager Frank Barrett today announced that he is now taking\nsteps to see if an agreement cannot be reached with the Bos\nton and Maine to abandon the present depot and build a nev\nrailroad station in another location,\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 461.6024169921875, 2162.798095703125, 844.0964965820312, 2242.54541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Lowell Couple Gets\n¢4609 for Land Taking\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 19.27955436706543, 1451.163818359375, 440.35980224609375, 2030.7001953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2205.315185546875, 2886.502685546875, 3030.2490234375, 3018.470947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n\nState to Sell Tract of\n‘Land in Centralville Section\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 36.38658557128906, 3845.861423828125, 473.4237629394531, 4139.421535156251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "LOWELIL—After a two-week\nvacation, normal operations will\nyestime on Monday, July 18, at\nihe General Electric Co. plant\nat 117 Marginal street.\n\nAs part of the nation-wide\nsummertime vacation policy of\nihe company, employees have\nbeen on vacation since the be-\nginning of the Fourth of July\nwoek-end.\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 1347.3018798828125, 3207.5166015625, 1681.5, 3295.90869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "New Cop Granted\n\nLeave of Absence\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 892.1348266601562, 1227.986083984375, 1307.523193359375, 1502.2635498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": " \n\nEisenhower\nLeaves July 15\nFor Geneva\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1335.9935302734375, 1151.5499267578125, 2169.645263671875, 1289.2703857421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n\nHarvard Group Blasted by\nMavor Buckley of Lawrence\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 43.75073275756836, 4153.0037578125, 479.3061481933594, 4554.910792968751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "This Sunday get the only\nSunday newspaper which\nreceives and prints the\nnews of the three major\nwire services, Associated\nPress, United Press, and\nInternational News Serv-\nice. This Sunday get the\nLowell Sunday Sun — —\n15 cents.\n\n \n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 493.6124267578125, 2900.56787109375, 884.4457397460938, 3013.03369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Two Brothers, Nephew\nShare in Will of\n\nTaweall Businessman\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 2678.277587890625, 4173.42724609375, 3525.880615234375, 4531.32421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Make This Resolve\nNOW!\n\nThis Sunday I'll buy the late Soturday night and\neorly Sunday morning paper . the Lowell Sunday Sun.\nIt’s the paper that's PRINTED on Sunday — not\njust DATED Sunday — and get it for 15¢ -— not 20c.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 15.079514503479004, 1124.5098876953125, 864.9198608398438, 1299.6090087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "/ith Year - No. toy Lowell\n$500 Reward for Clues to\nWhereabouts of Missing Girl\n\n \n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 477.0481608886719, 3780.646580078125, 923.2032124023438, 4552.172511718751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, July 8 (INS)\n—President Eisenhower wants\nformal assurance from the city\nof Memphis that it “assumes\nsole responsibility” for provid-\ning its own power before he can-\ncels the Dixon-Yates contract.\n\n \n\nBOSTON, July 8 (INS)—-Polio\nclaimed the life of a 32-year old\nmother of two today as the num.\nber of new cases in Boston in\nthe past two days mounted to 15.\nMrs. Gertrude Smallcomb suc-\ncumbed at City hospital.\n\nNEW YORK, July 8 (AP) —\nThe Coast Guard called off a\nsearch today for a ship which\nwas reported sinking yesterday.\nThe alarm was “undoubtedly a\nhoax,” the service said.\n\nWASHINGTON, July 8 (UP)\n—The Whiie House said today\nthat Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby has\nnot submittéd a resignation as\nsecretary of health, education\nand welfare. But it declined to\nenvy whether one is imminent.\n\n \n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 0, 50.59651565551758, 3508.2470703125, 611.6026611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "BARRETT SEEKING NEW B&M\nRAILROAD DEPOT FOR LOWELL\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 3103.7509765625, 1539.5074462890625, 3423.57080078125, 1655.5120849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Pumping Stations\nKeeping Ahead\nof Consumption\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 2208.23974609375, 1091.857421875, 2618.7509765625, 1226.6005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "Hot Week-Enc\n\nIs Forecast\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 51.579505920410156, 2420.25, 398.63824462890625, 2525.775146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Closely Watch\nNegotiations Being\n\nty nj t. Raetan\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 3118.229248046875, 2443.53857421875, 3374.53369140625, 2562.506103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "New Research\nProgram\nDeveloped\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 894.1811259765625, 2490.45248828125, 1323.61684765625, 2618.2887226562502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "\\U, S. TREASURY\n\nWASHINGTON, July 8 INS:\n—tTreasury balance July S—\n$5,704,508.904,\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 891.3841552734375, 1168.117431640625, 1296.058349609375, 1205.6741943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "STOCK MARKET—PAGE 10\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1810.1627197265625, 2749.202880859375, 2117.7177734375, 2861.168701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "Move In to Halt\nLabor Dispute at\nTan.Secret Plant\n" }, "64": { "bbox": [ 3082.80859375, 643.3263549804688, 3503.046875, 1252.4627685546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 64, "ocr_text": " \n\nSD\n\nThe daily average net\npaid circulation of The\nLowell Sun for June\nwas:\n\n42,024.\n\nThe weekly average net\npaid circulation of the\nLowell Sunday Sun for\nJune was:\n\n29,074\n" }, "65": { "bbox": [ 937.4652709960938, 2963.92919921875, 1303.9171142578125, 2998.741455078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 65, "ocr_text": "By Edvin B. Haakinson\n" }, "66": null, "67": { "bbox": [ 913.28955078125, 1501.8135986328125, 1177.369140625, 1617.3387451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 67, "ocr_text": "Wife Will Go\nWith Him to\nSummit Talks\n" }, "68": { "bbox": [ 2249.5693359375, 2374.34326171875, 3064.691650390625, 2452.26123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 68, "ocr_text": "Manager Cites Extremely Pleasant Negotiation\nWith Reaard Downtown Parking Project\n" }, "69": { "bbox": [ 2212.46240234375, 1236.4969482421875, 2584.605224609375, 1332.7103271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 69, "ocr_text": "Temperatures in 90s\n\nExpected to Start Today\nrE VEPERATURES TODAY\n" }, "70": { "bbox": [ 2264.307373046875, 3026.28076171875, 2987.810791015625, 3098.960693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 70, "ocr_text": "Portion of Original Homesteads 2ite to\nBe Sold to Private Individuals\n" }, "71": { "bbox": [ 1385.5628662109375, 1294.3863525390625, 2122.91650390625, 1359.788330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 71, "ocr_text": "Latter Questions Ethics and suagment of\nThem VASbR Cave Hie City Black Eve\n" }, "72": { "bbox": [ 2265.596923828125, 819.2855834960938, 2967.38330078125, 890.2535400390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 72, "ocr_text": "Points Out Project Could Be Linked to\n\nGrade Craceina Elimination Undertaking\n" }, "73": { "bbox": [ 2269.307861328125, 820.7396850585938, 2974.37939453125, 892.3348999023438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 73, "ocr_text": "Points Out Project Could Be Linked to\nGrade Croceina Elimination Undertakina\n" }, "74": { "bbox": [ 26.055193283081053, 1378.254490234375, 508.4767109375, 1435.1269794921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 74, "ocr_text": "MANCHESTER, N. IL, July 8)disz\n(AP)—The city of Manchester] noo\n" }, "75": { "bbox": [ 537.1847534179688, 3024.800048828125, 823.3081665039062, 3047.787841796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 75, "ocr_text": "{Special to The Sun}\n" }, "76": { "bbox": [ 76.77782440185547, 1304.931884765625, 777.5216674804688, 1374.5421142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 76, "ocr_text": "Manchester Mayor Says Money Will Be\nDate buy City for \"Definite Leads\"\n" }, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 4, 15 ], [ 11, 28 ] ]
[ 6187.11376953125, 8788.5236015625 ]
[ [ 4, 15 ], [ 28, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2447.75618359375, 5286.21712109375, 3186.17545703125, 7713.0187187500005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "The annual “Little Sister’ con-\ntest, a feature of the Lubbock\n| Boy's Club for several years, will\n| be held at the club’s three branch-\nles next Tuesday night.\n\nAny member of the bovs club\nwill be eligible to enter his little\nsister in the contest provided she\nis younger than he is. Boys with-\n[out sisters can ‘‘adopt”’ one for the\noccasion.\n\nCash Awards Planned\n\nCash prizes will be awarded the\nboy whose sister wins first three\njplaces in each of four contests at\njeach club, The winning little sister\njwill win a personalized necklace.\n\nAt the ABC and Optimist branch-\nes girls will enter four categor-\nlies; bluest eyes, curliest hair,\n‘mos. talented and Miss Boy's\n“ABC or Optimist. The South\n‘Plains Lions Branch plans these\ncategories: most talented, most\n‘Outstanding personality, cutest\n‘dressed and Miss SPL Club.\n| Winners in the Miss Boys Club\ndivision will receive an engraved\nloving cup. |\n\n\" Directors Are Named :\n\nVernon Jackson, unit director of |\nthe ABC branch, will direct active\nities at his group's contest and\nwill be assisted by the ABC\nDames auxiliary. Unit Director\nJay Young at the Optimist branch\nwill be assisted by wives of Opti-\nmist Club members. Charles King\nand Fred Hamrick will furnish\nmusic, |\n\nActivities at the South Plains\nLion branch will be under direc-\ntion of Lawrence Guyton, assisted\nby Mrs. Mae Phea and Mrs. R. A.\nPillow. |\n\nThis year’s contest marks the .\n10th at the ABC branch, the third |\nat the Optimist Branch and the\nsecond at the South Plains Lions\nBranch. i\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3969.480712890625, 5056.74072265625, 4624.8095703125, 6994.46142578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "FAST REPAIRS\n\nTV SETS\nPORTABLES, CLOCK\nAND TABLE RADIOS\n\n \n \n\nRADIC LAB\n\nPO5-8391 PO3-5442\nALL WORK GUARANTEED\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 244.10520935058594, 500.3334655761719, 1755.44482421875, 878.6704711914062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Solons Feel. Fees Were Exorbitant\n\n~ New Deputy Postmaster General Faces\nProbe Over Fees Paid To His Company\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2421.44466015625, 8002.065265625, 3162.362224609375, 8788.5236015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "PLAINVIEW, Nov. 11 (Special)\n—Last rites for John H. Hender-\nson, 96, of Olton, who died in Am-\njherst Hospital Thursday night,\niare scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Sat-\nurday in the Hart Bartist Church,\nwith the Rev. Dale West, pastor,\nofficiating.\n\nHenderson, a longtime farmer-\nstockman, suffered > heart attack\nat the home of a daughter, Mrs.\nLucy Worrell of Springlake and\ndied at the hospital about 11 p.m.\n\nBurial will be beside the grave\niof Mrs. Henderson in the Olton\n|Cemetery.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 255.44972607421874, 914.0126533203126, 1020.7751884765626, 2782.948650390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘(By Congressional QUarteris )\n\nWASHINGTON, Nov. 11 — The\nrecently-appointed deputy post-\nmaster general faces a Senate\ninvestigation over $295,000 paid\nhis firm by the Post Office De-\npartment before he took office.\n\nMaurice H. Stans will be call-\ned by the Senate Post Office and\nCivil Service Committee to justify\nthe expenditure before the com-\nmitte wil] send his name to the\nSenate for confirmation, Congres-\nsional Quarterly learned. |\n\nThe Democratic - controlled\ncommittee most likely will at-\ntempt to use Stans as an example\nof “‘big business’’ domination of\nthe Republican administration.\n\nJob Sale Charge\n\nPublic hearings on Stans will\nbe coupled with a previously an-\nnounced committee investigation\ninto charges by Chairman Olin D.\nJohnston (D-SC) that the Repub-\nlican administration is selling\npostmaster jobs to the highest\nbidder. |\n\nJohnston said the hearings\nwould start before January; they:\nmay kick off the 1956 Democratic;\neffort to wrest contro] of the:\nPresidency from the GCP and)\nstrengthen Democratic control of\nCongress.\n\nStans, a 47-year-old Chicagoan, |\nwas given a recess appointment |\nby President Eisenhower Sept, 9.\nHe took over the $17,500 a year,\nnost Oct. 1. He was an executive ;\nsariner of Chicago’s Alexander)\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3264.7421875, 547.754150390625, 5421.5146484375, 2058.528076171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3210.948078125, 3165.768390625, 3956.557537109375, 5812.2423515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Miss Virginia H. Holum of Lub-\n‘bock has qualified for membership\n‘in Alpha Chi, national honor soci-\n,ety at Texas Christian University.\n‘To be eligible for membership, stu-\ndents must have a 2:5 gradc-point\naverage. (3.0 is perfect.) Miss\n'Holum, a junior, majors in sec-\nlretarial science. She is a member\nof the Horned Frog band and the\nFallis Players, an organization of\ndrama students. A graduate of\nPaschal High School in Fort Worth.\nishe is the daughter of Mr. and\niMrs. Steve Holum, 2407 39th St. :\n\nDr. and Mrs. J. T. Krueger, 2703\n19th St., have returned to Lubbock\nfrom a trip to Chicago and\n‘Rochester, Minn. Dr. Krueger at-\n‘tended the American College of\n‘Surgeons meeting in Chicago. At\n‘Mayo Bros. Clinic in Rochester,\nhe spent a week doing a post-grad-\n‘uate study.\n\n| Billy R. Gideon, husband of Mrs.\nJoan Gideon, Lubbock Rt. 7, has\nrecently been assigned to the 187th.\nAirborne Regimental Combat:\n‘Team, Fort Bragg. N.C., for ad-,\nvanced military training. \"A form-:\ner student at New Deal High\nSchool, he has volunteered for,\nparatrooper training.\n\nDr. Donald Tate, president of\nthe Lubbock Council for United\nNations, presided over a luncheon’\nmeeting of committee represent-.\natives when reports on a United!\nNations Weck observance here\nwere presented. Eight persons\nwere present for the meeting, held\nat noon Friday in the Student\nUnion Building at Texas Tech.\nUnited Nations Week was observ-\ned Oct. 17-24.\n\nFuneral services for Svivia\nPuga, 7-month-old daughter of\nMr, and Mrs. Gerardo Puga, 3206\nE. Broadway, are scheduled for\n{4 p.m. today at St. Joseph's Cath-\nolic Church with Burial in the\nMexican Catholic Cemetery. The\ninfant died at 2:15 a.m. Friday in\nSt. Mary's Hospital.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 255.342365234375, 3077.073810546875, 1001.7428398437501, 4556.71451953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "SEMINOLE, Nov. 11 (Special)—\nFuneral services for Jackie Wayne\nSims, 17, who died of leukemia at\n10 p.m. Thursday in Gaines Hos-\npital here, will be held at 3 p.m.\nSaturday in the First Baptist\nChurch.\n\nYoung Sims, who came here\nwith his parents nine years ago\nfrom Fisher County, had been ill\nfor about two years.\n\nSurvivors include his parents,\nMr. and Mrs. W. E. Sims, a\nsister, Sharon Ann Sims, two\nbrothers, Hollis and Lee Sims, all\nof the home: his maternal grand-\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.\nMoore, Longworth; his paternal\ngrandfather, C. W. Sims, El Paso,\nand a great grandfather, E. A.\nSims, Wilson: |\n\nThe Rev. H. D. Christian, pas-\ntor of the First Baptist Church\nhere, will officiate; burial will be\nin Seminole Cemetery under the\npirecion of Singleton Funeral\nTome.\n\nPallbearers, all classmates, will)\nbe Gerald Stewart, Mac Beavers, |\nGary Chancellor, Leland Caffey,|\n\nLewis Reddell, Virgil Luttrell, Mal-,\necolm Martin and Tommy Moore. |\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 258.890869140625, 2815.603271484375, 981.03125, 3057.342529296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Seminole Rites Set\nFar Jackie Sims\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2460.390380859375, 4982.8076171875, 3166.723388671875, 5276.3134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Boys Clubs In City\nSet ‘Little Sister’\n\nContests Tuesday\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2425.470703125, 7741.115234375, 3144.6435546875, 7994.9130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "John H. Henderson\nRites Set Saturday\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3957.293537109375, 2827.05891796875, 4693.31217578125, 4581.84049609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "‘day, pinning upon it the responsi-\nbility for shortcomings in Russian\ntbuildin’:,\n\ni\n\nThe Communist party newspaper\nechoed = previous denunciations of\ninationally known architects and\nawapnad thet the fies’. jook jn\n\"Russian aS must go. Re-\nispan. eet yar gent Joa ap Jeasi\nso far as this capital is concerned,\nas becn hune unen tre mexor of\nMoscow, M. A, Yasnov. and his,\ncopuas, Amore the aresitcets on\nthe pan is the chief of the Soviet.\nFenderoy 9° Are'stsetore whe Jett:\nNew York for Moseow Thursday.\ntao wa Votan pas United staics..\nThe visit of the Russian housing\ndelegating ta the ced State-\napparenily nove must bear fruit.\nSufters From Shortage\nThe groct t.ocr sect suffers\nfrom an acute shortage of housing.\nAdditional detads ei faults in the,\nnation’s building proegram were\nbroadcast Thursday nizht by Mos-,\ncow radio, which said Yasnov and!\nDeputy Mayor Kulakov were in-|\nformed there had been an unsatis-|\nfactory use of designs. It said they |\nwere warned of their personal re-}\nsponsibility.\nThursday night's broadcast said!\nthe several architects were either!\nfired, recommended for dismissal\nor had lost their Stalin prizes.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4692.58626171875, 2495.63216015625, 5420.5182304687505, 3047.47330859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "TOKYO, Friday (#—The Peiping\n‘Communist Radio said Friday a\nnew highway had been opened be-\n‘tween Chanetu, capital of Szechwan\nProvince, and Apa, in Communist-\nloce mupied Tibet. Aba. tho bigzest\n|trading center in the area, mar-\n‘vets Jivesiock. The Red Radin said\nthe new road will link about 500,000\n“‘peonle with the main center Szech-\n\nweonm\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3209.773681640625, 2442.673583984375, 4684.52001953125, 2804.430908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Says ‘Flashy Look’ Has Got To Go -\nArchitectural Shortcomings\nIn Russia Scored By Pravda\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5494.9375, 1286.9405517578125, 6145.76708984375, 2088.0078125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1008.6468696289063, 898.2287788085938, 1751.1985283203126, 5200.3204765625005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Grant and Co., a major account.\ning firm with offices in 10 cities.\nStans told CQ his firm handled\n1$295,000 worth of work for the\n|Post Office Department between\nMay, 1953, and Sept. 30, 1955,\niat the request of ais current boss,\n| ESSE Genera] Arthur E.\n\nSummerfield.\n\nTo Examine Bills\nCommittee Counsel H. W. Braw-\nley said the committee will ex-\n‘amine closely the money paid\n| Stans’ firm. ‘‘That’s a lot of\n|money for two years and four\n;months work,” Brawley — said.\n1 Johnston said his committee “will\n{investigate everything that needs\ninvestigating,’ adding the hear-\nlings ‘‘may last all year.”\n\nStans, who stalks African lions\n\\for a hobby, said he was unafraid\n\nof facing Johnston’s committee\n) and explaining the $295,000 pay-\n‘ment. He estimated the account-\nling system recommended by his\n‘firm for the department already\nihas saved the government several\n\nmillions of dollars, eliminated 5,-\n,900 postal jobs.\n| There isn’t any conflict of in-\niterest between his private work\n‘and his government post, Stans\nsaid, because he severed all pri-\nivate business connections the\nday before he took office. In\n_addition, he continued, he cancel-\nled the contract between his com-\npany and the government even\n‘thought it was not a prerequisite\nfor becoming deputy postmaster\ngeneral. |\n\nCould Boomerang :\n\nStans’ explanation of the work\n| done by his company for the\ngovernment could prove a_poli-\ntical boomerang for the Demo-\ncrats. Stans said he fourd such\nj|antiquated fiscal methods as put-\niting post office funds in labeled\n‘cigar boxes instead of recording\n‘amounts in ledgers. |\n\nHe took the deputy postmas-:\niter general's post, Stans continu-|\n‘ed, so he could finish the work\nlof putting the department on a)\npaying basis.\n| Johnston isn’t likely to query\n‘Stans about alleged buying and\nselling of postmaster jobs. These\n‘hearings revolve around John-\nston’s charge that ‘‘the jobs of\npostmasters and postal employees\n. . » have been sold to the high-\nest bidder.’’ The senator also;\naccuses the administration of:\n‘the sale of rural mail carrier;\njobs in many areas .,. aS a\ndevice to replenish the coffers\nof the local Republican commit-\ntees.”\n\nBrawley said the committee’s\nsix investigators have uncover-\ned “lots” of wrong doing so far.\nAn increased postal inspector\nforce, he said. has been used by\nthe GOP to scare postmasters in\nresigning, thus enabling the Re-\npublicans to fill between 11,000\nand' 15,000 of the 38.000 postmas-\ngs since they took office in\n\nD3.\n\nBrawley's figures ‘‘sound ridi-\nculous,’’ George Stafford, admin-\nistrative assistant to Sen. Frank\nCarlson (R-Kan), said. Carlson,\nranking Republican member of\nthe committee and its chairman\nin the 83rd Congress, said the\nGOP would welcome an inquiry\ninto the Post Office Department.\nAdded Stafford: ‘‘If there is any\nwrongdoing, We are as anxious |\nas anvone else to correct it.” |\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 308.6688537597656, 5286.34228515625, 1675.7640380859375, 6765.09521484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "TONIGHT\n8:30 P.M.\n\n \n\n. a\n~ “a q 2, he re eas\nhy - 8 ] «oe oe\n=», = mi ee a ts\na “TT 7° ie\npi Bae ee\n” —\n\nCnssma\n\nKCBD-TV CHANNEL 11\n\nA distinguished new dramatic series based on true\nexperiences of American Clergy\n\nbrought to you by\n\nYOUR CHEVROLET DEALER Picwevnowet |\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3202.245361328125, 7058.4326171875, 4633.41064453125, 7776.2265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "WE GIVE YOU MORE!\n\nBIGGEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE\nON NEW 1956\nPackard Bell...7 .h... Spartens\n\n10” Puts A New TV In Your Fume!\nTV & APPLIANCE CENTER\n\n| 2217 19th Open Evenings Phone POS_8765\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 259.89703369140625, 6817.466796875, 1667.87890625, 8728.595703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nIF...\n\nYou're\nMOVING!\n\n \n\nDial PO5-5715\n\n... for a free estimate ... and make the next move\nthe best move... of your life! «\n\nLUTHER\n\nTRANSFER & STORAGE\n\n23rd AND AVENUE E\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3222.034912109375, 7832.3330078125, 4608.7099609375, 8766.1904296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "FACTORY. AUTHORIZED\nTV SERVICE (Day & Nite)\n\n \n \n \n \n\n@ ADMIRAL | © HALLICRAFTERS - @ RCA\n\n@ CAPEHART © MOTOROLA ® PHILCO\n\n@ DUMONT = @ _ STROMBERG-CARLSON © RAYTHEON\n\n© EMERSON - ee 87117)\n\n@ FIRESTONE Se a “ @ TELEKING ©\n\n© GE, “+, “| @ WESTINGHOUSE\n© HOFFMAN oo. . @ ZENITH\n\nPLU j if TONBLT\n\n909 13th ee NY ee LEY]\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5470.58642578125, 2794.91748046875, 6150.3359375, 4659.40966796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\nMerry morning variety,\nYour friendly host —the\n\nCARE 22 ARIIS DI na\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3962.5576171875, 4605.658203125, 4668.3232421875, 4969.99560546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n= How” Christion, Scig cer in\n\n\"FREEDOM FROM\nCHRONIC ILLNESS”\n\nBSEL (950 Khe? Sundas 8:30 a.m\n\n \n \n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 5414.38671875, 7868.1240234375, 6095.56103515625, 8768.1611328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\n1:45 P.M.\nTOM S. LUBBOCK\nWESTERNERS\nVS.\nABILENE EAGLES\n\nKFYO\n\nCBS Zadéa\n\nAVALANCHE: JOURKAL STATION\n\nae ee ae\n\n \n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 1673.5670966796874, 8530.0818671875, 2422.668376953125, 8782.9552421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "“I now use percussion as spar-\n‘ingly as I should use a potent\nsauce in cooking,” said Sir Ar-\n:thur Bliss, “Master of the Queen's\ni Musick”, in London,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 241.57281872558593, 4646.4803046875, 983.8124199218751, 4937.7633476562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK i—Cities Service\nCo. reported today net income of\n$32,517,636 for nine months against\n$26,646,376 last year. Gross oper-\nating income was $666.410,304 com-\npared with $589,352,897,\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5563.52294921875, 2691.716796875, 6035.4794921875, 2769.7939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "9:05-10:00 A.M.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3232.155109375, 2812.0603828125, 3956.68326953125, 2929.559490234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "MOSCOW (® — Pravda blasted\nthe Union of Soviet architects to-\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2469.67919921875, 4135.9560546875, 3193.497802734375, 4211.28271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "‘KDUB—1340 ON THE DIAL\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1704.604328125, 6806.82454296875, 2426.3868828125, 8533.493328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "KGNC-TV Channel 4\n\nSATURDAY, NOVEMBEE 18, 1008\n\n| §:30—Industry On Parade\n\n| §:45—Christian Science Program\n\n| 9:00—Ramar of The Jungie\n\n| 9:30-—Honest Jess 6 Gun Theater\n\n| =-30:30—Mr, Wizard\n\n- 11:00—Hopalong Cassidy\n11:30—Steve Donovan, Western Marsha!\n12:00-—-Roy Rogers\n12:30—Saturday Shindig\n1:00—Meet The Wrestlers\n1:30—Gridiron Cavalcade\n1:45—SMU vs Arkansas\n4:30—Panhandie Barn Dance\n5:00—Buffalo Bill Jr.\n5:30—Annie Oakley\n8:00—Cotton John\n\n8:00—People Are Funny\n8:30—Jimmy Durante\n9:00-—-George Gobel\n$:30—Hit Parade\n10:00—Pro Highlights\n10:30—News, Weather\n10:45—Abundant Life\n10:55—Armchair Theater\n12:00—Sign Off\n\nKFDA-TV Channel 1¢\nSATURDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1908\n9:30—Winky Dink and You\n\n10:00—Friendly Freddie\n11:00—Big Top\n\n12:00—Stage Coach to Adventure\n1:00—Sports Review\n1:30—Mat Time\n2:30—Afternoon Matinee\n4:00—Twin Theatre\n6:00—Dollar a Secona\n6:30—Beat the Clock\n7:00—Stage Show\n\n7:30—The Honeymooners\n8:00—Two for the Money\n8:30—It's Always Jan\n$:00—Gunsmoke\n\n9:30—Damon Runyon Theater\n10:(—The Vise\n\n10:30—News, Weather. Sports\n11:%—Late Shaw\n12:00—Sign Off\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2454.747314453125, 4523.19091796875, 3193.548095703125, 4581.728515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "iIKLLL—1460 ON THE DIAL\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 293.2479553222656, 4596.07177734375, 945.887939453125, 4645.5537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "CITIFS SERVICE INCOME UP\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 230.10760876464843, 4953.467609375, 989.3114433593751, 5193.7291679687505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Lebanon is financing its $40,-\n000,000 Litani River power and\nirrigation project, the largest of\nits undeveloped water resources,\nReirut reporte. .\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1756.588623046875, 531.036376953125, 3232.28173828125, 3759.1845703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "-ublvock Kadio Pron rams\n\n \n\nKFYO KSEL KCBD\n790 CBS 950 ABC 1890 NBC\nne\nSATURDAY\nMorning\n$:30 Prugrama Christiano\n5:4 Programa Christiano ;\n6:00 ¢arm & Ranch Hour News: tarm Fair Farm Bureau Kuundup\n6:15 Farm & Ranch Hour Weatern Music Munitor\n6:30 Farm & Ranch Hour Farm Fair aiviiiut. Weather\n6:45 Farm & Ranch Hour Farm Fair Mututor\n7:00 News Roundup New> Munitor\n7:15 News harm bureau Monitor\n7.30 County Agent Martin Agronsky News\n| 7:45 Scoreboard & Weather News weitne Howell\n| d:0U News of America Ne Scnuw luday Monitor\n| 8.15 Farm News Ne Schuul Iuday ews, Monitor\n8:30 Hupe Griffith Show Nu Schou! Tuday Munitur\n8:45 Garden Gate No Schuul Tuaay Munitor\n| 9:00 News & Galen Drake Nu Schuu! Today Munitor\n| 9:15 Galen Drake Nu Schuol Today News\n| 9:30 News For You Munitot\n, 9:45 Galen Drake & News For You: News Munitor\n10.00 Rubert Q Lewis News ews. Monitor\n10:15 Rubert Q Lewis Home Vemunstration Monitor\n10:30 Rubert Q Lewis Far You News\n10:45 Rubert Q Lewis For You Monitor\n11:00 Schvuol of the Air News; For You Monitor\n11:15 Home Demo Agent Fer You: News Munitor\n11:30 Gunsmoke News, Western Musie Monitor\n11:45 Gunsmoke Western Music Monitoa\n| Afternoon\nae ec a etme eA Ae AO Ef Arm SS SS SC a ern,\n‘12:00 Texas Tech On Parade Music Room Nat’l Farm & Home Hour\n112:15 Texas Tech On Parade News Navi Farm & Home Hour\n12:30 News Music Room; Warmup News\n12:45 Football Ruundup Music Room Noun Time Melodies\n1:00 News & Football Roundup Western Hit Parade Monitor\n1:15 Footbail Roundup Western Hit Parade Monitor\n1:30 Scorecard & Warmup Western Hit Parade Monitor ;\n1:45 Westerner Warmup Warmup—Football bre-Lame Warm Up\n2:00 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference Rice vs Texas AEM\n2:15 Westerners vs Abilene §. W. Conference Rice vs Texas A&M\n2:30 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference Rice vs Texas ASM\n2:45 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference Rice vs Texas A&M\n8:00 Westerners vs Abilene S. W Conference Rice vs Texas A&M\n- 3:15 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference Rice vs Texas A&M\n3:30 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference Rice vs Texas AZM\n3:45 Westerners vs Abilene S. W. Conference R:ce vs Texas ASM\n4:00 Westerners vs Abilene Saturday Session n.ce vs Texas A&it\n4:15 Westerners vs Abilene Saturday Session Rice vs Texas A&M\n4:30 Westerners vs Abilene Saturday Session Rice vs Texas A&M\n4:43 Scoreboard Saturday Session Monitor\n5:00 Tex Beneke Saturday Session Monnor\n5:15 Sports Parade Saturday Session Munitor\n5:30 Sports Final Saturday Session Moniur: News\n5:45 News & Analysis US Navy Band Monitor\nEvéning\nreer et te sree eas st SS Tr\n6:00 News & Jukebox Jury Sports Review Monitor\n6:15 Jukebox Jury News Monitor\n6:30 Jukebux Jury Here's tu Veterans Munitor: News\n6:45 Jukebox Jury This Week In Washington Monitor\n7:00 News & Country Style News: Dancing Party Munitor\n7:15 Country Style Dancing Party Monitor\n7:30 Country Style Dancing Party Monitor: News\n7:45 Country Style & Sports Dancing Party Monitor\n8:00 News & Phila. Orch. Dancing Party Monitor\n8:15 Philadelphia Orchestra Dancing Party Monitor\n8:30 Philadelphia Orchestra Dancing Party Grand Old Opry\n8:45 Philadelphia Orchestra. Dancing Party Grand Old Opry\n9:00 News & Basin St. Jazz © Hotel Edigon Monitor\n9:15 Basin Street Jazz Hotei Edison MONE caw\n9:30 Guy Lombardo Guest Star Monitor: News\n9:45 Guy Lombardo News Pi\n10:00 News Silver Melodies RpOnHLOE\n10:15 Hal’s Hall of Fame Silver Melodies Monitor\n10:30 Hal's Hall of Fame Silver Melodies Monitor !\n10:45 Hal’s Hall of Fame Silver Melodies Monitor\n11:00 Hal's Hall of Fame Silver Melodies Monitor: News :\n11:15 Hal’s Hall of tame Silver Melodies Monitor ‘\n11:30 Hal's Hall of Fame Silver Melodies Momtor ‘\n11:45 Hal's Hall of Fame Silver Melodies; News Monitor\n12:00 Sign Off Sign Ott Sign Oft\n\nNOTE TU KEADEKS: The Avalanche-Jvemnal cannot be responsthie for the\naccuracy of radiv orogram listings due t the oractice of stations in making |\nlast minute. unannounced changes. Programe listed above are an made ap &9 |\ndividual stations. bet are sahleet to errer. due to changes onde hy tations\n\nand/or networks.\nKDAV—S86 ON THE DIAL!\n\nSATURDAY\n\nTelevician §:30—Country Junction\n\n \n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3189.732177734375, 5833.80859375, 3915.882568359375, 6348.2890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4703.93017578125, 2975.564208984375, 5413.931640625, 8351.4912109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "peonie with the main center Szech.\nwan.\n\nTONIGHT 0 conn: 13\n\n{Sign-On 1:55 P.M.)\n\n \n\nBeat The Clock\n6:30 With Bud Collier\n\n \n\nI:3 starring Jackie\nGleason |\n\n \n\nTwo for the Money|\n3:00 starring Herb\nShriner\n\nF\nq\n\n \n\nIi\nIt's Always Jan sg\n330 starring Janis Paige «\n\n \n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 3209.625244140625, 6276.041015625, 3559.959228515625, 6701.43017578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 1757.60693359375, 3681.277099609375, 2143.872314453125, 3773.93896484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Television\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 5496.15087890625, 527.7642211914062, 6187.11376953125, 1275.86767578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n\ni Ox sce\nKEY OZ ZEaKs\n\nCIR\n\n \n\n9:00 A.M.\n\nALLAN JACKSON\nAND THE NEWS\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 331.4565734863281, 899.0148315429688, 984.8515625, 938.0044555664062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "(Rw Canereceional Quarterly)\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1733.7538642578124, 3875.738361328125, 2441.456951171875, 6746.50065234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "‘KDUB-TV Channel 13\n; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1955\n2:00-—Guided Tour\n2:15—Indusiry On Parade\n2:30—Big Picture\n3:00—Championship Bowling\n4:00—Sagebrush Cinema\n5:00—Buffalo Bill\n5:30—Andy's Gang\n6:10—City Detective\n6:30—Beat the Clock\n7:00--Stage Show\n7:30—The Honeymooners\n§:00—Two for the Money\n§:30—It's Alwaya Jan\n9:00—Gunsmoke\n§:30—Stories of the Century\n10:00—Guy Lombardo\n10:30—Florian Zabach\n11:00.Wrestiing\n32:00—Sign Gif\n\nSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1958\n10:30—Program Previews\n10:40—First. Methodist Church\n12:00—Big Picture\n12:30—The Christophers\n1:00--This Is the Life\n1:30—Report Card\n2:00—KUR Party\n3:00—Eddy Arnold\n3:3%—Let's Take a Trip\n4:00—Plains Talk\n4:30—Winky Dink\n5:00—-Wild Bil Hickok\n$:30—-You Are There\n6:00—Huntin’ and Fishin’ Club\n6:30—Privaie Secretary\n7:0—Ed Suilivan Show\n§:00—G, E. Theater\n8:30—Alfred Hitchcock\n9:00—~Appointment With Adventure\n9:30—Annie Oakley\n10:00—Confidential File\n10:30—News\n10:45—Birthday Party\n11:15—Affairs of Geraldine\n11:45--Sign Off\n\nKCBD-TV Channel 11\nSATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1958\n12:30~—The Wizard\n1:00—~Roy Rogers\n1:30—Press Box Preview\n1:45--SMU-Arkansas\n4:30—Foothall Scoreboard\n4:45—Plastime\n§:15—Feature\n6:00—News, Weather, Sports\n6:15—Drew Pearson\n6:30-—George Gohel\n7:00--Lone Ranger\n7:30-—-Cisco Kid\n§:00—Star Stage\n8:30—Crossroads\n$:00-~-I Led 3 Lives\n9:30—Your Hit Parade\n10:00—Ted Mack's Amateur Hour\n10:30—News, Weather. Sports\n11:00--Theater\n\nSUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 18658\n1:18—-Norman Vincent Peale\n1:30—Family Bible Quiz\n2:00—Lawrence Welk Show\n3:08—Wide, Wide World\n4:30—Faith for Living\n5:9—His Honor Homer Bell\n5:30—Hopalong Cassidy\n6:00—It's a Great Life\n6:30—F rontier\n7:00—Variety Hour\n§:00—Highway Patrol\n8:380—District Attorney\n$:00—Loretta Young\n9:30-—-Pride of the Family\n19:00—Cavaicade Theater\n10:30—News. Weather, Sports\n11:00—TV Theater\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4742.1875, 2441.877197265625, 5387.90966796875, 2501.563720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "CHINA HIGHWAY OPENED\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 5432.09114453125, 2106.86751171875, 6179.2184257812505, 2643.92838671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Week-end news every hour on the\nhour provides listeners with world\n‘news coverage by well-known reporte\njing names, on an hourly basis every\nSaturday and Sunday. In addition te\n‘Allan Jackson and Robert Trout, whe\nhave been heard for some time, the\nroster will include Griffing Bancroft,\nNed Calmer, Wells Church, Lou\nCioffi, Ron Cochran, Charles Col-\nlingwoed, Walter Cronkite, George\nHerman and Dallas Townsend.\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 43, 44 ], [ 45, 46 ] ]
[ 6762.57148828125, 10080.0166015625 ]
[ [ 43, 44 ], [ 46, 45 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 71.03511724853516, 3580.74980078125, 911.0927895507813, 5264.135453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WEST UNION, Ia. — Two Fay-\nette County farm operators were\ncited last week for their efforts on\nbehalf of soil conservation. One is\nan owner-operator operation and\nthe other an owner-tenant partner-\nship. Both farms have also been\ncited at the annual Farm-Town din-\nner held each year by the West\nUnion Chamber of Commerce.\n\nHarold Strong of Elgin, a former\nchairman of the Fayette Soil Con-\nservation district, was the owner-\noperator cited by the lowa Assn.\nof Soil Conservation districts. The\nlandlord-tenant partnership cited\nwas that of Linus Putz of West\nUnion, and Kenneth Anderson of\nElgin.\n\nBoth of these farms are in the\nwindblown loess area of the coun-\nty, where hills and extreme erosion\nconditions prevail.\n\nThese two operations will com-\npete in their respective divisions\nfor top honors on a district basis.\nShould they be selected to repre-\nsent the district, they would then\ncompete for top honors in the\ngtate.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 925.2457885742188, 357.8357849121094, 2517.730712890625, 2602.440673828125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "*%\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3399.065962890625, 670.6053916015625, 4226.71553125, 3353.466751953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "- PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. —\nA driver accused of recklessness\nand leaving the scene of an acci-\ndent is being held in the Crawford\nCounty jail here. He is Ervan Ol-\n\nson, 23, of Beloit.\n\nHe was arrested at 9:30 p.m.\nSunday by Sheriff Bruce Hutchins\nof Crawford County after a search\nthrough back roads of northern\nCrawford and southern Vernon\ncounties,\n\nOlson is accused of hitting the\nback end of a car driven by Ear!\nJohnson of Bagley on Highway 35\nthree miles north of Ferryville\nabout 5:30 p.m. Sunday. The\nJohnson car was forced over a 40.\nfoot embankment and was demol.\nished.\n\nJohnson's parents, from Bagley.\nwho were with him were both in-\njured, His mother, 73, received 3\nbroken thigh bone and bruises anc\nwas classed as critical Monday by\ndoctors at Beaumont Hospita\nhere. His father, August, 75, has z\n‘broken arm and face cuts. John\nson received cuts.\n\nA description of the hit-and-rur\n\n \n \n\nby Jack Doudna of DeSoto who wa:\n‘driving the other direction wher\nthe accident happened.\n| The search in two counties wa:\njconducted by Hutchins, Traffi:\nOfficer William Banta of Craw\n‘ford County and three Verno:\n‘County officials. Five cars. wer\n‘jused.\nOlson’s car was spotted about |\nip.m. near West Prairie in Verno!\nCounty. Olson returned to the ca\n\\j}about 9:30 p.m. and was arreste:\ny}and charged with reckless drivin\nyj}and leaving the scene of an acc\nj | dent.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5076.96562109375, 1495.4105673828126, 5904.0446328125, 2279.7653359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "MAQUOKETA, la. — Annual\nJackson County Farm Bureau\npicnic will be held Sunday at the\nJackson county fairgrounds, with\npotluck dinner scheduled at 1 p.m.\n\nCommittee in charge of ar-\nrangements and entertainment in-\ncludes Melvin Bentley, Vincent\nHeim, Max Heneke, E. J. Hartviz-\nsen, Lynn Battles, Max Campbell,\n| George Hoffmann, Elmer Scher-\n‘rer, Lester Grimm, John Hender-\n‘son, Clarence Manderscheid and\n‘Gilbert Cornelius.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 42.98705587768555, 686.6097861328125, 889.0846108398438, 3144.73457421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "WAUKON, Ia. ~ Plans have\nbeen completed for polio clinics\nin Allamakee County, according to\nDr. D. W. Dohnalek of Waukon,\nsecretary of the county Medical\nSociety,\n\nAll children who received their\nfirst anti-polio inoculations at the\nclinics in May are eligible to re-\nceive their second shots at the\nclinics scheduled this week and\nnext. Each child is requested to\ngo to the same clinic center he\nattended before.\n\nThe youngsters will be taken in\na group from each town school to\nthe clinic center. Parents of rural\nschool children will make their\nown arrangements to get the\nyoungsters to the clinics, Dr, Coh-\nnalek said.\n\nIf a child who was in the first\nor second grade during the 1954-55\nschool year did not receive the\nfirst inoculation in May, he may\nhave the first shot at the Septem-\nber clinic. Parents are asked to\ncall the public health nursing of.\nfice if they wish their child to\nhave the first of the series at\nthis time. eu\n\nThe vaccine to be used in Alla.\nmakee County was made by Parke-\nDavis drug company and has beer\nreleased for use by the U.S. pub.\nlic health service after testing.\n\nSchedule of clinics is as follows:\nLansing City Hall, Friday, Sept.\n9, 9 to 10 a.m.; Waukon Veterans\nMemorial Hospital, Tuesday, Sept.\n13, 9 to 10:30 a.m.; Postville, Dr.\nM. C. Kiesau’s office, Wednesday.\nSept. 14, 9 to 10 a.m,\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5061.5373984375, 475.5742941894531, 5893.592484375, 1258.8245400390624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "MAQUOKETA, Ia. — Theodore\nMootz, 52, of Bellevue, paid a fine\n‘of $500 Saturday when he pleaded\n‘guilty in district court to a charge\n\\of operating a motor vehicle while\nintoxicated, second offense. Judge\nArthur F. Janssen suspended his\ndriver's license for 60 days.\n\nMootz was arrested in Bellevue\njJune 20, and entered a plea of\ninnocent when arraigned in court\nJuly 23. His first O.M.V.I. con-\n|vietion occurred 22 years ago, in\n1933.\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5096.9729453125, 2498.93534765625, 5908.565140625, 3061.26240625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "POTOSI, Wis. — The Rev. How-\nard Dukelow has resigned as clerk\nof the Potosi school district, effec-\ntive later in the fall. The remain-\ning members of the board have\nchosen William Reinecke to re.\nplace him.\n\nReinecke was admitted to the\nbar in June and will practice law a!\nPotosi.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2570.5432578125, 2142.076216796875, 3411.607376953125, 4958.57490625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "PLATTEVILLE, Wis. — The pub-\nlie is urged to attend and partici-\npate in the Southwest Wisconsin\nRegional Conference on Education\n\n \n \n\nPlatteville, according to Dr. Milton\nLonghorn, of Platteville, executive\nsecretary for the conference.\n\nNo accurate prediction can be\nmade as to the number expected\nto attend the conference, Dr. Long-\nhorn said, since the affair is com-\npletely open to all interested citi-\nzens who wish to participate. Ar-\nrangements have been made, how-\never, to take care of at least 200\nor 300 people.\n\nAfter the opening general session\nthe conference will be broken into\npublic discussion groups. As people\nregister for the conference, they\nwill be given an opportunity to\nchoose the particular discussion\ngroup in which they wish to par-\nticipate. The four major problems\nto be discussed by these groups\nare finance, curriculum, buildings\nand equipment, and teacher supply.\n\nThere will be two discussion\n‘groups exploring the problem of\n\\eurriculum, one of which will be\n| presided over by Elmer L. Wilkins\njof Platteville, and the other by\n| James C. Porter, Boscobel attorn-\n\ney.\n| The other curriculum discussion\n‘leaders, announced this week, are\n|| Effie M. Fieldhouse of Dodgeville.\n\\ja member of the county schoo\nficommittee; the Rev. Joseph De\n}| Stefano of Platteville; Cecil Wan\nli\\less, superintendent of schools o\n-|Richland County; Howard Teas\nlidale of Darlington, county super\n-| intendent of schools; Walter Ploetz\n-| superintendent of Plattevill\n-|schools, and the Rev. James 3\n-Corrigan, president of the Can\n\nipion Jesuit School at Prairie d\no Chien,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3431.06523046875, 3583.560591796875, 4256.63740625, 4477.26191796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "MAQUOKETA, Ia. — Plans to\nfinance the maintenance costs at\nthe Buckhorn Church were dis-\ncussed at the monthly meeting of\nthe Buckhorn Community Assn.\nThursday evening.\n\nFirst project will be a pancake\n‘supper at the church Sept. 20. The\ncommittee includes Mrs. Arthur\n‘Roe, association president, Mrs.\n‘John Crane, Mrs, Oskar Skott,\nMrs, Frank Miller, Mrs. Glen Lus-.\nkey and Mrs, Walter Pross.\n\nThe building is no longer used\nfor church services but is a com:\nmunity center.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5919.59452734375, 2336.198287109375, 6762.57148828125, 3048.084671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "What does Chicago have that Fort\nMadison, Iowa, doesn’t? Nothing a\nfamily could wish for—except bad\nair, death-defying traffic and the\npace that kills—says William B. L,\n‘Bunn, Find out why he moved and\nway he's so glad he did. Read his\n“I Never Mise Chicago”, in The\n\nSaturday Evening Post, out today!\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2560.50468359375, 568.8052817382812, 3387.0680703125, 1717.805619140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "STOCKTON, Ill. — Plans for the\nnew Stockton High School to be\nerected at Rush street and High-\nway 20 are reported to be ready\nfor inspection by contractors after\nSept. 15, according to the board of\neducation. Contracts for the build-\ning will be let at 8 p.m. Oct. 15.\n\nAction was taken by the board\nto increase the limits of liability\non the Stockton school busses and\nto increase medical payment cov-\nerages on passengers for the com-\ning year.\n\nThe resignation of a member of\nthe board, H.W. Bryant, was ac.\ncepted at the Friday meeting, and\nW.L. Sanderson was appointed tc\nfill his unexpired term. Bryant\nwill move to Wheaton, Ill,\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5098.40234375, 2322.795654296875, 5787.509765625, 2485.91357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Potosi School District\nClerk Resians Post\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 109.11330328369141, 6735.61405859375, 935.0098427734375, 7751.8063515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WEST UNION, Ia. — Enroll-\nment at the West Union public\nschool totals 654, according to\nSupt. Eldon Archambault.\n\nOf this total, 414 are in the grades\nand junior high, and 240 are in high\nschool. Largest enrollment in the\ngrades is in kindergarten with 56,\nFirst grade has 50; second grade,\n54; third grade, 46; fourth grade,\no“ fifth grade, 30; sixth grade,\n\n43; pret age 39 and eighth\ngrade, 39. All, with the exception\nof the fifth grade, have been split\ninto two classes.\n\nEnrollment in high school class:\nes includes 57 seniors, 53 juniors,\n61 sophomores and 69 freshmen.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5909.20878515625, 673.4557944335937, 6754.35469140625, 1735.62812890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "MAQUOKETA, Ia. — Gale re\nceipts at the Jackson County Fair\nlast month totaled $18,211, accord-\ning to L. S. Lein, secretary of the\nfair association directors. Last\nyear’s gross was approximately\n$19,000.\n\nLargest income was Sunday,\n\n$6,776 when attendance was e®\n\ntimated at 10,000, largest in the\nhistory of the present fair associa-\n‘tion. Despite intermittent rain\n‘Friday, ticket sales that day\n-amouted to $3,486, with $2,952 on\nSaturday and $1,780 Thursday.\n\n| Season tickets brought in $2,378,\nand exhibitors’ tickets, $848.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4230.0002890625, 566.3029624023437, 5064.654984375, 1882.6468056640624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "CRESCO, la. — Old age assist-\nance in Howard County for Aug-\nust totaled $15,940 and was grant-\ned to 270 individuals at an average\nof $59.04 each.\n\nAid to needy blind grants for\nAugust totaled $289 and were\ngranted to 5 individuals at an av-\nerage of $57.90 each.\n\nFor the same period, aid to de-\npendent children in the county tot-\naled $3,150 and was granted to 30\nfamilies consisting of 115 people,\naccording to social welfare direc-\ntor, Baird Lomas of Cresco.\n\nThere was 1 more aid to de-\npendent children case for August\nthan in July, and 6 more receipi.\nents for August than in July.\n| The total aid for August wa:\n/$19,380 or $289 less than the $19..\n669 total for the month of July,\n‘according to Lomas’ report.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3447.55839453125, 4726.554, 4279.92891015625, 5578.41475 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "- POTOSI, Wis.—Silo filling is the\nuniversal work in this part of the\ncountry, which has been the hard-\nest hit by the drought.\n\nReports are that there is a bare\n20 per cent corn crop, and that\nmuch the largest percentage is\nbeing chopped up for silage. Many\nfarmers are already feeding their\nlivestock, for pastures are at a\n‘new low and the over-all picture\nof the farm lands resemble the\ndry farms of the western states.\n\nA gentle soaking rain could still\nrestore pastures.\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2564.63330078125, 1753.1549072265625, 3268.19482421875, 2112.557861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Prepare for 300\nAt Platteville\nEducation Meet\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 93.49853515625, 5321.27490234375, 787.4817504882812, 5514.96533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "3 Maquoketa Clubs\nTo Sell Grid Tickets\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 29.271562576293945, 164.88172912597656, 849.33154296875, 642.2467651367188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Allamakee Sets\nClinics for\n2nd Polio Shots\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4250.2483359375, 2106.3811484375, 5074.6129921875, 2938.11933984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "CLERMONT, Ia. — A total of\n675 children are enrolled in all\ngrades of the Clermont-Elgin Con-\nsolidated Schools, Elgin has 373\nwhile 302 are in the Clermont\n\n| _high schools have\n86 students in each town. Elgin\nhas 28 in the first eight grades\n\ncompared to 216 in Clermont.\nHot school lunches will be serv-\ned in the schools commencing\n‘Tuesday September 6. Mrs. Her.\nbert Martin and Mrs. Mary Olsor\nhave again been hired as cooks\nfor the Clermont schools.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1753.7894736328126, 3595.899947265625, 2585.98115625, 5466.78437890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "ELIZABETH, Ill. — Prompt ac-\ntion by the Elizabeth firemen who\nhad received first aid courses, and\nthe use of the local fire depart-\nment equipment are credited with\n‘saving the life of a child passing\nthrough Elizabeth with its parents\nMr. and Mrs. Randolph Harrison\nof Chicago last week.\n\nRandolph Harrison, two and a\nhalf, was reported to have had a\nconvulsion when about three miles\nwest of Elizabeth. Pulling into a\n‘service station on the west end of\nthe business district, the parents\nexplained the situation. Clifford\nJones, operator of one of the sta-\ntions and a fireman, recognized\nthe seriousness of the case and ap-\nplied the inhalator of the fire de-\npartment because the local phy-\nisician was then at a Freeport hos-\npital.\n\nThe child, who had appeared tc\nhave stopped breathing, gave sigas\nof life by crying. Jones then made\nthe run from Elizabeth to Free\nport, 32 miles, in the next 23 min-\nutes with the use of his firemen’s\nemergency light and the assis.\n\njtance of a motorcycle officer from\nLena crossroads. The child soor\n‘recovered completely.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 6096.916015625, 1792.0289306640625, 6574.10546875, 2276.639892578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "lOWA\n\ntown tops\nChicago!\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 93.63685522460938, 5528.132125, 922.5538491210938, 6491.6344765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "MAQUOKETA, Ia. — Commit-\ntees representing three civic or-\nganizations will hold a 7 a.m.\nbreakfast meeting Wednesday atft-\ner which they will launch the sea-\nson ticket sales for the Maquoketa\nHigh School football team.\n\nMembers of Junior Chamber of\nCommerce, Lions and Rotary\nclubs will participate, according\nto Henry Koob, school athletic di-\nrector. The breakfast will be al\nHotel Decker.\n\nPersons purchasing season tick.\nets will be entitled to reserved\nseats for the four home football\ngames.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 100.8447494506836, 6530.47216796875, 818.557373046875, 6718.01513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "West Union School\nReports 654 Enrolled\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2615.770064453125, 5332.37480078125, 3456.6657265625, 6683.0309609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "WAUKON, Ia. — Group No. 3 of\nthe Big Four Dairy Herd Improve-\nment Cooperative (owner - sam-\npler), has 16 herds on test during\nthe month of August with 281 cows\nmilking and 74 dry. Production av-\neraged 695 pounds of milk and 26.4\npounds of butterfat.\n\nTen cows were sold and two were\nadded to the herds.\n\nThere were nine cows from eight\nherds which met the production re-\nquirements, according to Lloyd A.\n\nMatthews, supervisor,\n\nOwners were John Doerring of\nLuana, Holstein; LaVern Garms\nof Monona, Holstein; LeRoy Hoth\n‘of Monona, Guernsey; William\nMoses Jr. of Monona, Holstein; El-\nmer Radlof: of Monona, Holstein;\nEldo Sander of Postville, 2 Hol-\nsteins; Clinton Smith of Postville,\nGuernsey, and Kenneth Sudden-\ndorf of Monona, Brown Swiss.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2597.437255859375, 4983.87255859375, 3412.986328125, 5321.66064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "26.4 Pounds of Fai\nAverage for Big 4\nDairy Test Group\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1772.117431640625, 5518.40771484375, 2517.965576171875, 5682.40869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Potosi Widens Street\nWith Narrower Wolke\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4238.44970703125, 1920.280517578125, 4993.64990234375, 2086.964599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Clermont-Elgin Schools\nReport 675 Enrolled\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3415.305908203125, 3362.6279296875, 4183.96923828125, 3565.76318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Plans Made to Finance\nCommunity Center\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 69.21204376220703, 3181.294189453125, 878.7178955078125, 3556.214111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "2 Fayette Farm\nOperators Cited fo:\nSoil Conservation\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3445.0146484375, 4511.70947265625, 4191.62841796875, 4704.80419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Silo Filling Proceeds\nIn Western Grant Co.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2550.70068359375, 179.1641845703125, 3356.224853515625, 554.5803833007812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Contracts for New\nSchool at Stockton\nTo Be Let Oct. 15\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 5895.39990234375, 289.18353271484375, 6576.3408203125, 651.7838745117188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "‘Gate Receipts\nAt Jackson Fair\nTotal $18,211\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4263.091796875, 2974.679931640625, 4978.1337890625, 3130.2109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Girl Released After\nAdmittina FEatal Shat\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1748.4344482421875, 3197.5380859375, 2568.06103515625, 3567.3740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Elizabeth Fireman’s\nTraining Saves Life\nOf 2-year-old Child\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4255.122359375, 3153.76933203125, 5088.17988671875, 3944.76191796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "PHILLIPS, Wis. (UP) — Price\nCounty officials have released a\n15-year-old girl to the custody of\na relative after she admitted the\nfatal shooting of her father Satur-\nday night.\n\nHarriet Kallander told Sheriff\n‘Andrew Pilch she shot Carl A.\nKalander, 49, because he had been\n‘drinking and had knocked her\n| mother down. After shooting him\n|with a shotgun, the girl telephoned\nauthorities from a neighboring\n‘farm home.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4229.81982421875, 169.0845947265625, 5051.8701171875, 555.4366455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Howard Co. Spends\n$10,380 for Aid\nTo Needy in August\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2621.042724609375, 6722.8251953125, 3413.179931640625, 6891.6650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Jones Co. Fair Labeled\n‘Mest Successful Ever’\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5138.33203125, 3125.19873046875, 6716.27392578125, 4155.8564453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "[TG\n\nFACTORY WORKERS\n\nCome in for a low-cost loan to solve your\nurgent financial problems,\n\n \n\nLocal Finance Service\n\nA Dubuque Company Owned and\nOperated by Dubuque People\n\n957 MAIN STREET DIAL 2-0559\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5079.6630859375, 291.1725769042969, 5789.96533203125, 452.7708435058594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Bellevue Driver Pays\n$500 Fine for OMVI\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2622.652388671875, 6890.31132421875, 3464.193314453125, 7343.36933984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "ANAMOSA, Ia. — The 102nd\nJones County Fair held last month\nat Monticello was the most suc-\ncessful ever, accroding to Claude\nAppleby, secretary.\n\nThe last day of the fair was at-\ntended by 27,000 people, and total\nattendance was 84,500.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3398.51513671875, 169.57505798339844, 4194.79736328125, 641.436767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Driver Jailed\nAfter Crawford\nHit-run Wreck\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5074.28271484375, 1311.7347412109375, 5807.51171875, 1485.8016357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Jackson Farm Bureau\nPicnic to Be Sunday\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 920.9212485351562, 3374.913375, 1744.6131142578124, 7737.4069375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "BOSCOBEL, Wis. — Mr. and\nMrs. George Wilkinson of Mount\nHope, a girl, Aug. 27. Mr. and\nMrs. Charles Coleman of Gays\nMills, a girl, Aug. 27. Mr. and Mrs.\nRobert Wepking, a girl, Aug. 27.\nMr. and Mrs. Shelby Groom of\nWauzeka, a boy, Aug. 26. Mr. and\nMrs. Lester McClimans of Blue\nRiver, a girl, Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs.\nDonald Johnsrud of Fennimore, a\nboy, Aug. 24.\n\nELIZABETH, Tl — Mr. and\nMrs. Lloyd D. McLean, a boy, Sept.\n1\n\nGLEN HAVEN, Wis. — Mr. and\nMrs. Lawrence Blum, twin, boys,\nSept. 1.\nGRATIOT, Wis. — Mr. and Mrs.\nRalph Seffrood, a girl, Aug. 27. Mr.\n‘and Mrs. Edward Stietz, a girl,\nAug. 26.\n\nHANOVER, Ill. — Mr. and Mrs.\nHerbert Wilson Jr., a boy, Aug. 30.\n\nMONTICELLO, Ia. — Mr. anc\n‘Mrs. William Graham of Ber.\nnard, a boy, Aug. 29.\n\nNEW HAMPTON, Ia. — Mr. anc\n\\Mrs. Claude Babeock Jr., a girl\nAug. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kel\nleher, a boy, Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs\nRichard Kerns, a boy, Aug. 24, Mr.\nand Mrs. Earl Melver of Freder\nicksburg, a girl, Aug. 26. Mr. anc\nMrs. Warren Means of Fredericks\nburg, a girl, Aug..24. Mr. and Mrs\nCarl Rosauer of Lawler, a boy\nAug. 23.\n\n| OSSIAN, Ia. — Mr. and Mrs. Ra:\n| Hemesath, a boy, Aug. 30. Mr. anc\nMrs. Joe Jemesath, a boy, Aug. 28\n|Mr. and Mrs. Don Wessels, a boy\n| Sept. 1.\nPLATTEVILLE, Wis. — Mr. an\nMrs. Wayne Sand, a boy, Aug. 26\nMr. and Mrs. Augustus Wharton\n‘a girl, Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Ed\njward Egan, a girl, Aug. 25. Mr\njand Mrs. Melvin Weigel, a gir\n| Aug. 25.\n\nPRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. -\n‘Mr, and Mrs. Burdette Wayne, .\n|jboy, Aug. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Ne\n|| McCormick of Harpers Ferry, la\n\na girl, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Jame\nWalker of Harpers Ferry, Ia.,\ngirl, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Frec\nerick Morris, a girl, Aug. 30. M:\nand Mrs. Dan Kelly of Bagley,\ngirl, Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ca:\n*'men Valdovinos of Bloomington,\n-\\boy, Aug. 29. Mr.. and Mrs, Roge\n‘Eck of Lancaster, a girl, Aug. 2\nMr. and Mrs. Paul Prew, twins,\ni} boy and a girl, Aug. 29. Mr. an\n1/ Mrs. Martin Betzle, a boy, Aug. 2\n> Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrity,\n‘| girl, Aug. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Charle\n+ Speck, a boy, Aug. 27. Mr. and Mr\n*|Eldon Rogers of Gays Mills, a gir\n*|Aug. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Elgi\n1! Sprague of Mount Hope, a gir\nMi Aug. “7, Mr. and Mrs. Donal\ntiHeiar of Ferryville, a boy, Au;\n26. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brow\n“lof Wauzeka, a boy, Aug. 26. M\n*!and Mrs. Kilburn Johnson, a bo’\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1775.4371787109376, 6407.333296875, 2612.706498046875, 7710.57148828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "“Aug. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bailey\nof Clayton, Ia., a boy, Aug. 24.\n\nSPILLVILLE, Ia. — Mr. and\nMrs. Louis Novak, a boy, Aug. 28.\n‘Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreiner, a\ngirl, Aug. 28.\n\nWAUKON, Ia. — Mr. and Mrs.\nRalph Martin, a girl, Aug. 30. Mr.\nand Mrs. Othello Olson of Harp-\ners Ferry, a boy, Aug. 29. Mr. and\nMrs. Duane Wedo, a boy, Aug. 28.\nbog and Mrs. Donald Van Horn,\n‘a girl, Aug. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Cy-\n‘ril Troendle of Lansing, a girl,\n| Aug. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Charles\nDohrer, a girl, Aug. 24. Mr. and\nMrs. Cletus Troendle of Lansing, a\nboy, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. James\nMoe, a boy, Aug. 23.\n\nWADENA, Ia. — Mr. and Mrs.\nRichard Scheidel, a girl, Aug. 31.\n\nWAUCOMA, Ia. — Mr. and Mrs.\nM. J. Blong, a girl, Sept. 2.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 5538.92558203125, 4893.5901328125, 6483.83027734375, 5283.51875390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "good party-line telephone service:\nspace out your calls, give up the line\nfor emergency calls, replace the re-\nceiver carefully. Remember, party-\nline courtesy is catching. North-\nwestern Bell Telephone Company.\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 4568.59648046875, 4883.2971640625, 5496.7350625, 5269.701859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Everybody's susceptible to cour-\ntesy and kindness. If you share tele-\nphone service with others, hang up\nquickly and quietly when you find\nthe line in use. You'll soon see they'll\ndo the same for you. Other tips for\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 896.8675537109375, 181.27236938476562, 2509.097900390625, 314.5841979980469 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Maquoketa Woman Receives Award\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 3495.985595703125, 5767.29345703125, 6754.14794921875, 9325.0849609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Now, during September...\n\nGET THE BIGGEST TRADE\nYOU'VE EVER MADE!\n\n \n\nAnnee NRE Ca © le le et tA Blatt in gain! Nie\n\nee eee ae\nTne eee a tie ll hele a . ws\n\nYour car's worth more than\never before...come in and\nget our”’Big Deal\"today!\n\n \n \n \n \n\nA “ROCKET”\nFOR EVERY POCKET!\n\nAnd you'll find one priced just right for you!\nChoose from thirteen gorgeous models in\nOldsmobile's three thrilling series . . .\nluxurious Ninety-Eight, the brilliant Super\n\"88\" and the budget-priced \"38\"! Olds-\nmobile \"88\" 2-Door Sedan illustrated.\n\nYou've waited long enough—now it’s time to go Oldsmobile?\nFor we've never made it easier than it is this month for\nyou to own a flashing “Rocket” Engine car! Now you can\nthrill to the glamor and actien of “go-ahead” styling and\n“Roeket” Engine power! And the surprisingly low price\n;., Our generous appraisal... plus top resale value... are\nsolid reasons for action! Make up for what you've been\nmissing .;. make up your mind to own an Olds—today!\n\ni=, 8 ee eeeE,elCUCelC MlCOr,lC EE lUCsiCti‘éi‘C‘i“ pees\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 174.2339630126953, 7811.14990234375, 3486.25732421875, 10080.0166015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Farmers! Builders! Remodelers! Get the Materials You Need\nat Reasonab!e Prices at Blum Co.\n\nBLUM CO. =: ie\n\n \n\n@ Stee! Sheets @ Stes! Hog Troughs ® Roofing and Siding—complete as- #\n@ Aluminum Sheets ® Woven Wire sortment\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n@ Columns ? Lawn Fence ® Clothes Line Standords—T and U\naie @ Chicken Mesh shapes\nwee @ Poultry Netting ®@ Tanks, Crossings, Incinerators—\n@ Beams @ Lown and Farm Gates built to specifications\nChannels © Electric Welded Mesh @ Aluminum Combination Windows\n\nStock Tanks and Doors\n\nSeptic Tanks @ Black and Galvanized Pipe Fittings\nFuel Oil Tanks @ Soil Pipe and Fittings\n\nCulverts @ Plumbing Supplies and Fixtures\nCattle Crossings ® Reinforcing Rods and Mesh\n\nBraces @ Floor Jacks\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 2620.868453125, 7438.14921484375, 3459.71894921875, 7729.9850625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "LANSING, la. — Robert Mu:\nholland, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs.\nClifford Mulholland left Wednes-\nfor East Troy, Wis., to study for\nthe priesthood.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 4264.09550390625, 3969.99198828125, 5102.07637109375, 4216.3610390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "A huge telescope in England de-\nsigned to recored radio signals\n‘rather than light from stars\nistands i8 stories high.\n" }, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": { "bbox": [ 1769.0035849609376, 5688.3127890625, 2602.417435546875, 6364.768265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "POTOSI, Wis. — The new side-\nwalks being installed on the one\nside of the business district of Po-\ntosi village replace the wider\nwalks laid down many years ago.\nThe new walks are so arranged\n| that they allow approximately a\ntwo foot wider street through the\nmain thoroughfare for safer driv-\ning.\n\nEdge Brothers of Fennimore is\n‘in charge of the proiect.\n\n \n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 2768.423828125, 7385.09716796875, 3332.8544921875, 7436.94677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "T,. €Chidyu far Priacthasd\n" }, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 35, 5 ], [ 28, 6 ], [ 14, 7 ], [ 22, 23 ] ]
[ 3338.892287109375, 4555.65278515625 ]
[ [ 6, 28 ], [ 14, 7 ], [ 22, 23 ], [ 35, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1690.393357421875, 3547.7744609375, 2093.831984375, 4352.26801953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "; WASHINGTON, May 26 — (INS!\n\n— Russia accepted today the West:\n‘ern invitation, to a Big Four meet-\ning and the ‘U. §. expressed its\nsatisfaction with the Soviet action.\n| While formally agreeing to the\nhicfs of State meeting, the So-\n:Viets unleashed a propaganda\njblast accusing the U. 8. of a two-\nifaced effort to scuttle the talks,\n\nTn reaction, the Slate Depart-\nment said the U. S. “will con-\nstructively explore all opportuni.\nties which the conference may\nafford to promote peace, free-\ndom and jusilce.”\n\nThis switch from the comman-\nly used phrase of “easing of\nworld tensions” was interpreted\nas an Indirect answer to the\nRussian charge that the U. 5S.\nwas foredooming the talks by\ninsisting on a discussion of the\nstatus of Red satellites.\n\nThe Russian note of acceptance;\njhanded -ta American, French and\n\\British diplomats in Moscow, par-\njUcwlarly attacked the stalements\n‘Secretary of State John Foster\n‘Dulles has made about the Ameri-\ncan desire to win freedom for the\npeople in the Satellites,\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2131.12890625, 2358.5439453125, 2891.863525390625, 3375.4189453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1699.1144267578125, 2126.81791796875, 2107.8681171875, 3322.307814453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, May 26—\n(INS)—Industry opposition\nto more rigid Government\nsafeguards on polio vaccine\ncollapsed today and Pr\nJonas Salk duclared “the fog\nis lifting.”\n\nAfter tive or six vaccine-pro-\nducing firms endorsed the new\nFederal requirements, Salk. who\ndeveloped the anti-polio werpon.\ntold newsmen the “picture ts most\nhopeful” for release of additional\nshots,\n| He added that he {is \"very\npleased with the way things are\n‘moving.’ and predicted that the\nmass inoculation program should\nsoon be “back on the track.”\n\n. Salk made the statement at\nan impromptu news conference |\nat the Natlonal Institutes of |\nHealth where he and other top\nPolfo fighters spent the day re-\nviewing the new requirements\nwith officlaln of each of the\nmanufacturing firms.\n\nThe developer of the vaccine\nsaid the same general standards\nwHl continue but “we are plug-\nging all the loopholes which might\nconceivably be present.”\n\nSpakesmen for Parke, Davis, Eli\nLilly, Wyeth Laboratories, Sharpe\nand Dohme and Cutter Labora-\ntories readily announced thelr\nugreement with the Government's}\nnew regulations to control the:\nmanufacture of the vaccine. Pit-|\nman-Moore Company did not an-\npounce its acceptance.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2128.9990234375, 918.171875, 2887.141357421875, 2217.681640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2924.236083984375, 904.1813354492188, 3312.008056640625, 1195.7674560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Southern Belt\nStill Reeling\nUnder Impact\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2503.3535625, 3952.898484375, 2903.5263203125, 4552.53852734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "to racing interests under Erwards'\nsignature said he had been au-\nthorized to ‘“‘assume all duties,\npowers and responsibilities former:\nly vested in the chairman.\"\nState Senator Clarence Mar-\ntin Jr. of Martinsburg, a mem-\nber of the Senate during the reg\nular legistative session when the\nSenate refused to confirm Ed-\nwards as chalrman, sejd the\ncommission had “illegally dele-\ngated Ils powers and authority\nto Edwards, and he has no right\nto exercise them.”\nBut Gov. Marland saw nothing\nunusual in Edwards’ position.\n| “He is merely an employe of\nthe commission, sald Marland.\n“He just does what the commis-\nsion tells him to, His job is to\ncarry out the policies of the. com-\nmission,’\n\n(Please Turn to Page 10 Col. 1)\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1297.4132548828125, 1456.6957255859375, 2102.98628125, 1734.136916015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "“LONDON, May 27—(Friday)—(INS)—Britain early\ntoday gave Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden’s Conserv\ntive Party what appeared to be a thumping election vic.\ntory that will boost its majority in the new House of\nCommons 60-100 seats.\n\nFormer Prime Minister Clement Attlee’s Labor Party\nthrew in the Lowel with but little more than half the final\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 876.246140625, 4023.422654296875, 1282.1602314453125, 4555.65278515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "‘leg of an 8,000-mile journey from\nher first home. She also came\nthrough an equal length of red tape\nduring the 16 months of getting a\nvisa for her.\n\nApparently accustomed to trav-\nel, the brown-cyed lass, whose\nthird birthday Is next Tuesday,\ndid not cry during her journey\nfrom New York, She was brought\nhere by Gean Scroban, who left\nCharleston at 2:40 p. m. yester-\nday and returned by 8:10 p, m.\n\nMiss Scroban is a reservation\nagent for Capital, She volunteered\nto get the child in New York to\nsave Miss King the expensive trip.\n\nCuddling Emiko in her arms,\n‘Miss King’s shining eyes visibly\nexpressed her appreciation to the\n\n(Please Turn to Page 10 Col. 6)\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 506.6370849609375, 1172.650146484375, 1285.833984375, 2414.88037109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2106.2626953125, 3657.254150390625, 2876.65966796875, 3933.23974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Through Rejection, More Power\n\nPanelist Vetoed by Senate\nMade ‘Dictator’ of Racing\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1704.575927734375, 1761.587158203125, 2088.892822265625, 2065.798583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Salk Expects\nPolio Serum’s\n\nEarly Release\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 63.46595874023438, 3255.879197265625, 473.95341381835937, 3973.5399921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "DETROIT, May 26 —The Ford\nMator Co, today offered its 140,000\nunion employes an opportunity: to\nbuy company stock controlled by\nthe Ford family for half a century.\nBut the CIO United Auto Workers,\ndemanding a guaranteed annual\nwage, promptly rejected the offer.\n\nTHE UNION called the Ford\ncounterproposal “unfair, unjust and\nunacceptable” and said it fails to\nprovide workers protection against\nthe insecurity of unemployment.\n\nFord also offered a number of\nother benefits, all tied to union\nacceptance of another five-year\ncontract.\n\nSaid the union:\n\n“It is a phony plan which by\nthe Ford Motor Co.’s own admis-\nsion Is a resurrection of an inade-\nquate and antiquated plan which\nGeneral Motors had in effect In\n1939 and had to scrap because it\nwas unworkable and impractic-\nable.” a\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 75.20133209228516, 1133.6259765625, 478.0822448730469, 1434.02490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Texas Rubber\nFactory Sold\nFor $7 Million\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 485.59918212890625, 2640.49365234375, 864.156005859375, 2827.9296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Panel Favors\n\nAid Bill, 13-2\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 466.7718669433594, 4075.3096171875, 868.61860546875, 4552.11665234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nme hee\n\nPerforming the service ustalls\n\n.jdone by the stork, a Capital Air\nlines DC-4 gently touched = it:\nwheels on the Kanawha Airpor\nrunway last night, and a few min\njutes later delivered a sleepy three\njyear-ald child to a Charlestor\n[teacher\n\n| The youngster was Emiko Al\nthea Mae King, Japanese baby\nJadopted by Miss Muriel King wher\n|she was there in 19533, Miss King\n|now is a mathematics instructor\nJat West yaaa © State High Schoo!\njat Institute.\nFOR EMIKO, her trip from New\nYork to Charleston was the last\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 877.9720927734375, 2938.839158203125, 1288.85981640625, 3721.398390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "“Subj; Orders\n\n“Ref: OinC RS S Chastn WVa\njverbal inst of 25 May 1955\n\n“1, Having volunteered for de-\nJdattening exercises, you will pro-\njceed as routed below to Hunting-\nton, W. Va...\n\n“Itinerary of travel: Ly\nCharleston WVa 1600 26 May 1955.\n... Ar: Huntington WVa 0530 27\nMay 1935.\n\n“2, You are advised that devia-\ntion from this schedule _consti-\ntutes disobedience of orders, a\nserious military offense. Should\nryou not maintain the schedule be-\ncause of blisters, laziness or un-\n[dernourishment, you will advise\nithe Officer in Charge by runner.\n\n \n\n \n\nCarrying these orders, five Ma-\nrine reeruiters from South\nCharleston sect oul yesterday after-\nnoon for a 50-mile march to Hun-\njtington,\n\n* @¢ 8 !\n\n| THE GENERAL idea is to betler,\n\nithe 191:-hour marching limq sect\n\nthis week by three Marshall Col-\n(Please Turn to Page 42 Col. 4}\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 887.624267578125, 2640.174560546875, 1268.495361328125, 2919.775634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Gyrenes Hot\nOn ‘Trek’\nOf Students\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1305.9222412109375, 1185.24853515625, 2100.180908203125, 1440.596923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Conservatives Win\n\nGreater Majority\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 68.42047882080078, 3043.052978515625, 468.6130065917969, 3241.00244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "CIO Raps Ford\n\nCounter-Plan\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1692.8214111328125, 3335.666748046875, 2068.955322265625, 3530.974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Reds Accept\nBig Four Bid\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 494.30712890625, 3741.004150390625, 1272.8106689453125, 4004.20751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "i DC-4 Was Her ‘Storie’\nJapanese Tot ‘Comes Home’\nTo Unmarried Foster Mom\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2920.963669921875, 1207.9541484375, 3338.892287109375, 2273.51020703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "UDALL, Kan., May 26 —\n(AP) — Tornadoes that\nlashed and swirled acroas\nfive states have killed at\nleast 103 persons in lwo days\nand tonight the vagrant\ntwisters still were poised\nover the Midwest.\n| In addition to the dead, more\nthan 700 were injured and millions\nof dollars werth of property was\ndestroyed,\n\n7 . a\n\nTHE FOCAL point of the far-\nflung storm was this lite town\nuf 500, devastated by the fury of\nan early-norming funnel that killed\npersons, many of whom were\nleeping when the tornado struck\nyithout warning, More than 200\n‘others were injured and taken to\nhospitals and relief centers,\n\nElghly miles soulh of here a\ntornado demolished 2 36-square-\nblock residential and factory area\nin Blackwell, Okla., killing 18\npersons and injuring more than\n500,\n\nThe twisting winds brought death\nto 67 in Kansas, 20 in Oklahoma,\n5 in Texas and 2 in Missouri,\nrnadoes struck Jessieville, Ark.,\n‘and Wathena, Kan., tonight but no\n‘one was killed,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n. 8 @\n\nIN ‘THIS litde town only four\nbruildines were left ctanding and\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2914.43998828125, 2369.8760234375, 3337.209181640625, 4382.82173046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "s-?.—ReerKKFr<eeo\nrescue workers still were looking\nifor casualties, 4 report In Wichita\n‘said eight more bodies had been\nfound here but this could nat ba\niverified. s\n\nMortalides Ja Winfield and Wich-\nHa had recelved 62 bodies and\nonly 41 had been identified. Some\nresidents still searched mortu-\naries and hospitals for thelr loved\nones.\n\nOne father, Jimmy Costlow, was\nelated to find his son alive in a\nWichita hospital but later found\nthe hody of his wife In a Winfield\nmortuary.\n\nOthers wearily called at Informa-\ntion centers, trying to locate rela-\ntives and friends. National Guards-\nmen stood guard over the debris\nof the town that practically disap-\npeared in a matter of minutes.\n\nThreat of further twisters hung\nover the area, The Kansas City\nWeather Bureau said tornadie con-\nditions would continue until mid: ,\nnight over much of castern\nKansas, Missouri and adjoining\nareas, Black funnels were reported\ntonight over Fort Scolt, Kan., and\nChillicothe, Mo., moving northe -\neast. Neither touched the ground.\n\nMost of the damage was done\nlast night. Early today the twisters\nbegan popping again and Missouri\ncounted its first fatality when a\nfarmer was crushed to death in\nhis barn near Paris in the north-\neast section of the stale. Other\n‘Missouri areas reporting tornado\ndamage but no casualties were Sal-\nisbury, Tipton ‘and Gilman Cily.\n\nThis little south-central Kansas\nceommunily of 750 was virtually\ndestroyed. Al least 56 dead or\ndying vicllms were found scat\ntered in debris thal included the\n| Wreckage of iliree homes for the\n| aged. Mare than 200 other casual-\nties were in hispitals and rescue\ncenters,\n\nBlackwell, a north central Okla-\nhama city just 80 miles south of\nUdall, counted 17 dead and more\nthan 500 injured.\n\nFive members of one family\nwere killed by a small twister that\nstruck the little community of Ox-\nford, Kan., 10 miles south of Udall.\nFive others in the family were in-\njured.\n\n \n\nTWO PERSONS were killed and\none critically injured by a tornado\nthat struck Sweetwater, Okla., 140\nmiles west of Oklahoma City.\n\nThe vicious winds whipped down\non the Mississippi River near St.\nLouls and capsized a_ tugboat\ntowing a barge on which 60 school\nchildren and 47 parents and teach-\ners from Ladue, Mo., had em-\nbarked for an cxcursion.\n\nTwo motorboats rushed to the\nhelpless barge and took off the\npassengers safely. :\n\nFifteen airmen died in the flam-\ning crash of a B36 bomber in\nrugged territory 60 miles from San\n\n(Please Turn to Page 10 Col. 1)\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 469.95628466796876, 2855.263962890625, 876.877638671875, 3711.49555859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON, May 26 — (INS)\n| The Senate Foreign Relations\n-|Committee approved tonight ar\njadministration bill authorizing\nyithree billion 408 million dollars te\nbolster the economy and defenses\nof the free world.\n\n; A vote of 13 to 2 sent the foreign\naid measure to the Senate floor\nwithout any actual cut in the funds\nrequested by President Eisen-\nhower,\n\nOriginally, the foreign aid re-\nquest was put at three billion\n530 million dollars. Senate For-\neign Relations Chairman Waller\nF. George (D-Ga.), sald his com-\nmittee found that, through error,\n\n| this included a duplication of 122\nmillion dollars.\n\nWith the duplication out of the\nbill, he sald, the new moncy au-\nthorized exactly meets the Ad-\nministration’s request.\n\n \n\n1 a * *\n\ni\n\n| VOTING AGAINST the measure\n\n:were Sens. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.)\n\nland William Langer (R-N. D.t\nGeorge said that Morse objected\n\njon the ground that there was too\n\njmuch discretion allowed President\n\n1Eisenhower in using of the money.\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 2908.29741015625, 4438.6924296875, 3314.124220703125, 4551.9506367187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Little girl in restaurant make\ning siphon of her soda straw,\ngleefully watching as soft drink\ndrip-drips into her lap,\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 1289.398240234375, 1728.949021484375, 1696.6040791015625, 3264.82075390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\nesults tabulated.\nHour by hour the signs mounted\n‘that it will he Eden and his sup:\ntporters who will pick the British\njteam fo go to the projected Big\n‘Four conference and guide the na-\ntion's quest for peace and prosper-\nity in Atomic Age negotiations just\nabead .\n\nFinally, as Conservatives made\nmerry in drizzly London and gloom\n\ndescended on Transport House.\nLabor Party Seeretary-General\nMorgan Phillips announced:\n\n“It is now clear we shall not\nreach the 34 million poll (popular\nvote’ I regard as essential to our\nvictory.\"\n\ns 4 8\n\nTHE FULL G3u-eat Commons\nmembership was at stake in the\nThursday election, But unly 357\nseats were distributed in the first\nphase of the vole counting which\nwas suspended carly today. It will\n‘be restimed later Friday, The three\nfinal results will be announced\n‘Saturday.\n\nThe standings In seats wan and\n| votes received:\n| Labor — 179 seats: 7,307,800\nvotes, or 47.4 per cent.\n\nConservatives — 176 seats: T+\n' 620,110 votes, or 49.6% per cent,\n| Liberals — 2 seats: 303,993\nvotes, or 2,11 per cent,\n\nOthers, including the Commu-\n\nnists — no seats: 99,631 voles or\n45 per cent,\nThe results reflected a gain of\n113 seats and loss of 3 for the Con-\nservatives. The Laborites gained\n3 and lost 12,\n\nThe swing to the Conservatives\nin 1955, compared with results of\n‘the last election in 1951, was better\nthan 1.8 per cent.\n\nAn estimated 26 million men and\nwomen over the age of 21 cast\nballots in this, the dullest British\nelection of the century. This repre-\nsented about 76 per cent of the\neligibles. j\n\ns # © |\n\nTHE CONSERVATIVES, favored\nto win by the pollsters and pun-\ndits, made 2 slow start but put\n‘on Steam as the vote count moved\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 80.02770233154297, 4002.978271484375, 456.19195556640625, 4070.231201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Inside Today\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1304.9799052734375, 3468.194626953125, 1677.0342548828125, 3652.73383984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "These hands, liter-\nally ‘'putting the mu-\nsic'' into a violin,\nare those of a Carbide\npipefitter who can’t\nplay a note.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1689.7433330078125, 4448.40776171875, 2086.8173359375, 4554.2211445312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "| ——\nThe period before he takes her\n\noff a pedestal and puts her on\n(a budget,\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 1697.0523681640625, 4374.8251953125, 2061.354248046875, 4421.61328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Today's Definition\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 88.95926666259766, 932.6307983398438, 2115.010009765625, 1119.5396728515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "(«tiny wa! - - - . oo\nUnited Carbon Buys New Plant\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2094.8311015625, 3982.53959765625, 2501.258986328125, 4549.367140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "(The Gazette Political Editor)\n\nJumes F. Edwards, rejected by\nthe State Senate as chairman of\nthe West Virginia Racing Com-\nmission, has now been established\nas virtual dictator of horse racing\nin the state, The Gazette learned\n\\yeslerday,\n\nThe action, shrouded in mystery\nand the cause of concern among\nthe state’s race track interests\nin the Northern and Eastern Pan-\nhandles, was taken this week at\na commission meeting reportedly\nzalled at the instance of Gov,\nMarland,\n\na 2 €\n\nA MEMBER of the Commission,\nRoy V. Graham of Huntington,\nconceded that Edwards had been\nassigned “dutics similar to those\nof the chairman,”* but letters sent\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2907.15869140625, 4391.75537109375, 3130.3427734375, 4435.7421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "City Scene\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 74.0085689086914, 1455.7194072265625, 484.22794995117187, 3044.386671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By Wallace E. Knight\n(The Gazette Business Editor)\n\nThe United Carbon Co.,\nwhich has its principal of-\nfices in Charleston, has\nsigned a $7,153,000 contract\nfor the purchase of a govern-\nment-owned synthetic rub-\nber plant at Baytown, Tex.\n\nAnnouncement of the signiiz\nof the contract with the United\nStates Rubber Producing Fa-\ncillties Disposal Commission was\nmade yesterday by Oscar Nel- |\nron Jr., executive vice presi-\ndent of the company.\n\nBidding was hotly contested on\nthe Baytown plant, it was re-\nvealed.\n\nIt is one of three plants in the\ncountry currently engaged in the\nmixing of carbon black in the\nfinished synthetic latex it manu-\nfactures as well as producing rub-\nber from butadiene and styrene.\n\nTHUS THE PLANT pravides the\nrubber Industry with “master,\nbatches\" of the combined prod-\nucts, it was explained,\n\nOrdinarily .carbon . black. and\nrubber are shipped separately to\nrubber and tire manufacturers\nwho do their own mixing.\n\nThe contract, signed Wednes-\nday, is subject to approval of the\nUnited States attorney general and\nCongress, Nelson pointed out.\n\nSale of the facllity is « part\nof the government program [or\ndisposing of ownership of 78\nsynthetic rubber plants, most of\nwhich were bullt during World\nWar I.\n\nMost of the plants are located\nin the southwest, but Eastern In-\nstallations Include the large unit\nat Institute—as yet unsoid—and\nothers at Louisville, Ky., and\nKobuta, Pa.\n\nThe purchase represents a new\nfield of endeavor for United Car-\nbon. The company’s interests are\nprimarily in natural gas and crude\noi! production, and manufactur-\n§ng of carbon black and printing\ninks,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 59.68659591674805, 612.4944458007812, 3329.1982421875, 873.6849365234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Tornado Wave Leaves 103 Dead\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 1753.544677734375, 2081.523193359375, 2043.97509765625, 2117.255126953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "By Arthur Kranish\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1314.9405517578125, 3671.029296875, 1654.4990234375, 4275.65087890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 498.5416564941406, 4021.526611328125, 853.4622802734375, 4074.969970703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By Richard A. Reinhart\ntalk Welter far Phe Cr<nttal\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 55.19097900390625, 525.477783203125, 2499.6357421875, 620.72265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "700 Injured, Town Destroyed. Threat Continues\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 2124.06005859375, 3952.292724609375, 2476.647705078125, 4002.00634765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "By Harry G, Hoffmann\nfThs Creatte Dalithen! Belitar}\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1307.8565673828125, 3592.991455078125, 1664.52392578125, 4462.48974609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "pipefitter who can’t\nplay a note.\n\nae\n\n \n\nFor the full de-\ntails, see the story\nby Charles Loudermilk\nSunday in the, State\nMagazine Section of\n\nTL. Charloctan {arvatic\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 22 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 22, 7 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 12, 6 ] ]
[ 4940.66552734375, 7533 ]
[ [ 1, 22 ], [ 6, 12 ], [ 7, 1 ], [ 10, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4371.50732421875, 425.64166259765625, 4894.5625, 1293.222900390625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1330.2540185546875, 2311.202626953125, 1933.0880224609375, 4053.9257910156252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "_ These organizations were in-\nstrumental in setting up the ac-\ntivities at which invited mem-\nbers of the Senate and House\nattended. Most of the luncheon\nmeeting was taken up with\nquestions and answers about\na compulsory attendance law.\nPro and con views were ex-\npressed, The principal objection\nvoiced was the cost of enforc-\ning such a law. Senator White\nof Meridian (a woman; said the\nmembers of the two organiza-\ntions would have to sell the\nidea to the voters at. the county\nlevel who would probably ob-\nject to the raising of taxes to\nSupport additional teachers and\ncounselors needed, The answer\nto this seems to be that people\nwil] pay increased costs for ju-\nvenile delinquency and welfare\nif there is not a compulsory\nattendance law that will keep\nchildren in school so they can\nbe trained to work and at the\nsame time take them off the\nstreets.\n\nIn her remarks at the\nluncheon, Mrs. Geddings em-\nphasized that the Mississippi\nDivision of AAUW has gone on\nrecord as backing the MEA’s\nprogram for improvement of\nthe public schools; is asking for\nreassessment of ALL property\nfor the equalization of taxes,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2531.408193359375, 579.5645654296875, 3127.7431738281252, 2008.0067236328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "‘Indian-Americans, rural pastors,\nvacation bible schools, and oth-\n-er Christian programs,\n\nWorld Day of Prayer observ-\nance in hundreds of communi-\nties are planned by the 2,300 lo-\ncal groups of Church Women\nunited across the United States.\n\nWhen, the World Day of Pray-\ner dawns far out over the Paci-\nfic Ocean Friday, the first of\nmillions of Christians will be-\ngin to gather — Christian who\nwill come together to worship on\nevery continent. All over the\nworld worshippers will follow a\n-prayer service written by the\nchairman of the Asian Church\nWomen’s Conference, Mrs.\nRathie Selvaratnum of Ceylon.\n\nIn the preparation o fthis ser-\nvice, she drew on resources\ncommon to the Christian church\nin many parts of the world, but\nparticularly those from her na-\ntive Asia, A fellow Ceylonese,\nD. T. Niles executive of the\nEast Asia Conference of\nChurches, put words to a Thai-\nland melody which forms one\nof the hymns in the service.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 173.1917266845703, 321.7263488769531, 1873.390869140625, 1577.8309326171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3155.699951171875, 316.69110107421875, 3715.06494140625, 1251.3271484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1961.4273681640625, 267.7355041503906, 3089.73095703125, 546.983642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "World Day of Prayer Frida\n‘at Church of Ascension\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 113.04181457519532, 2518.41185546875, 719.2747900390625, 3592.0595800781252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "COLUMBIA — Officers were\nelected at a recent meeting of\nthe Columbia Junior Auxiliary.\n\nThose elected for 1968-69 are:\nMrs, Gerald Entrekin, presi-\ndent; Mrs. M. B. Moore, Jr.,\nvice-president; Mrs. Frank For-\ntenberry, recording secretary;\nMrs. Bobby J. Oswalt, corres-\nponding secretary; Mrs. Emer-\nson Stringer, treasurer; Mr s.\nJohn Wooten, finance chairman;\nMrs. Arthur Whatley, projects\nchairman; and Mrs. J, Benny\nConerly, immediate past presi-\ndent.\n\nMrs. Wayne Sturdivant, pro-\nject chairman reported that the\nGreenwood Chapter of the or-\nganization had sent $25 for East\nColumbia High School Scholar-\nship fund and asked that plans\nbe completed for dental work\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 729.41087890625, 2317.48802734375, 1326.8737890625, 3371.3615820312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Four members of the AAUW,\nwho attended the activities of\nLegislative Day, 1968, at Jack-\nson last week, pronounced it a\ngreat success, according to\n‘Clarice M. Robinson, local\n‘branch publicity chairman.\n\nAttending from . Hattiesburg\nwere Misses Allie and Loyette\nWebb, Mrs, Jones Wasson, pres-\nident, and Dr. Virginia Felder,\nstate legislative chairman of\nthe association.\n\nFollowing an observation of\nthe Senate in action, members\nattended a noon luncheon at\nthe Sun 'n Sand Motel, when\naddresses were given by Mrs.\nW. W. Geddings, Vicksburg,\npresident of the state division\nof AAUW, and by Dr, Kath-\nerine Rea, Oxford, for the\nLeague of Women Voters.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 774.3562622070312, 4075.624267578125, 2509.16650390625, 7302.466796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nN “EXTRA” DAY —EXTRA SAVINGS! Gi,\n\n— fais we\n\ncabot Diamonde | Rc 3 Days Only!\n\nores . SBE\nBIG SAVINGS! f \\ Pa. uf lovely Var\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nN Venetian .\nES) Oe reproduction\n\nREG. Se Hurricane (J\n$319\n\nsary\n\n \n \n \n\nENGAGEMENT\nRING\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nREG. 150.00\n\n \n\nby STARFIRE\n\nWear the big, bright, beautiful\ndiamond of your dreams. Our\nJow, low prices and liberal\ncredit terms make it easy. For SY,\n\nyour assurance, each Encore ; Extremely\ndiamond is protected against\nloss from its setting for a full\n\ndecorative\nyear. _ Rings gslanred to show deta\n\nREG. $379.00\n\n$289.95\n\n14K Gold Earrings\n\n \n\nSPECIAL!\n\n1\n\nSome with culture\n\ned pearls, genuine\n\nY jade, onyx, opals a~d\n. sparkling crystal, Sc\n\n‘” our complete selection.\n\n \n\n1 Group Ladies’\n21 JEWEL\nNAME BRAND\n\nWATCHES\n\nValues\neo $3 9*\n75.00\n\n© Gift Boxed\nROG © Free, Gift Wrapping\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 760.975341796875, 2027.3519287109375, 1884.1204833984375, 2300.150634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "AAUW members attend\nLegislative Day in Jackson\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1928.465322265625, 573.0064599609375, 2527.414072265625, 3230.346201171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "_ World Day of Prayer will take\n\nplace at the Episcopal ‘Church\n‘of the Ascension at 7:30 p. m.\nFriday, Participating in the ob-\nservance wil] be Mrs, Geoffrey\nFish, Mrs. Eloise T, Hopson,\nMiss Mary Elizabeth Moore,\nMrs. Arthell Kelly, Mrs, John\nHenderson and Miss Ann Allen\norganist. The meditation will be\ngiven by the Rev. James §.\nConner, pastor of the Broad\nStreet Methodist Church and\npresident of the Hattiesburg\nMinisterial Assn.\n\nDuring the 80 years since its\nbeginning, the world Day of\nPrayer has had its main pur-\npose prayer and giving for the\nworldwide mission of the\nchurch, Men and women join\ntogether across denomination-\nal, racial, national and cultural\nboundaries to pray for the needs\nof the world and to make an\noffering for the church’s mis-\nsion around the globe,\n\nThe very first service opens\nat dawn in the tropical South\nSea Island of Tonga near the In-\nternational Date Line. Hour by\nhour petition succeeds petition\nforming a globa] prayer chain\nas the sun appears in other\nlands, until it finally sinks at\nthe end of the day behind an\nice-bound island in the Bering\nSea,\n\nOfferings on this World Day\nof Prayer will go to many wor-\nthy projects in America, as well\nas in other lands, Included will\nbe scholarships for training\nwomen for Christian broadcast-\ning in Africa, support for 13 col-\nleges in Camaroun, India, Pak-\nistan, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong,\nTaiwan and Guatemala.\n\nThe International Student Ser-\nvice also will be aided, as well\nas the literacy work in 18 coun-\ntries carried out by the Com-\nmittee on World Literacy and\nChristian Literature of the Na-\ntional Council of Churches,\n\nIn America, agricultural mig-\nrants will be helped, as well as\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 99.43171478271485, 3755.56029296875, 715.8427221679688, 7366.4499609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Records at Forrest General\nHospital list these births:\n\nMr, and Mrs, Joe Charles\nCarr of Lumberton their first\nchild, an &-pound, 2-ounce boy\nborn Feb, 21. The baby has\nbeen named Stephen Craig.\nGrandparents are Mr. and Mrs.\nEdgar L. Carr and Mr. and\nMrs. Lamar Hargrove, all of\nLumberton,\n\nMr. and Mrs, Ronald Phil-\nUps, 406 North 19th Ave., their\nfirst child, a 6-pound, 10-ounce\ngirl born Feb, 22, The baby has\nbeen named Jacqueline Leigh\nGrandparents are Mr. and Mrs.\ndg. N, Walker and Mr, and Mrs,\n8. H, Phillips, all of Hatties-\nurg.\n\nMr. and Mrs, Tony Davis of\nPoplarville their second daugh-\nter born Feb, 23. The baby\nweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and\nhas been named Julie Christie.\nGrandparents are Mr, and Mrs.\nEarl Davis of Poplarville and\nHersche] Ligon and the late\nMrs. Ligon of Nashville, Tenn.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Carlos W. Her-\nring, Beaumont, their second\nchild and first son born Feb.\n23. The baby weighed 7 pounds,\n8 ounces and has been named\nTimothy Bernard. Grandpar-\nents are Mrs, Jessie W. Scar-\nbrough and the late Mr. Scar-\nbrough of Richton and Mr. and\nMrs. W. W. Herring of Beau-\nmont,\n\nMr. and Mrs, Rembert Sau-\ncier of Rt. 1, Purvis, their fifth\nchild and third daughter born\nFeb, 21, The baby weighed 7\npounds, 3 ounces and has been\nnamed Patsy Anita. Grandpar-\nents are Mr.. and Mrs. T. S.\nSaucier and Mr. and Mrs, Ed-\ndie Entrekin, all of Purvis,\n\nMr, and Mrs, Boyd Smith, 914\nwest Sixth St., their second\nchild and first son born Feb.\n22, The baby weighed 7 pounds,\n4 ounces and has been named\nDavid Boyd. Grandparents are\nMr. and Mrs, N. E. Holder of\nUnion and Mr, and Mrs, Arthur\nB. Smith of Rt. 1, Richton.\n\nElder and Mrs. Lennell\nJohnson, Rt. 1, Wiggins, their\nSecond child and first son born\nFeb. 20. The baby weighed 9\npounds, 10 ounces and has been\nnamed Stacy Artlon, Grandpar-\nents are Mr. and Mrs, Arthur\nJohnson of Rt. 1, Wiggins, and\nMr. and Mrs. Batson Hillman\nof Leakesville.\n\nMr. and Mrs. William J, Gar-\nroway, McLaurin, their second\ndaughter born Feb. 20. The\nbaby weighed 5 pounds, 13\nDunces and has been named\nSharon Lynn, Grandparents are\nMr. and Mrs. George K. Gar-\nroway of McLaurin and Mr. and\nMrs. H. E. Breland of Oak\nGrove,\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 730.13744140625, 3421.259267578125, 1321.55005859375, 4044.0097753906252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "to be done for the students in\nMarch.\n\nIncluded in various reports\nmade py officers was the Nocolo\nShow to be held in the Crystalle\nFord auditorium March 18.\n\nFollowing the adjournment a\nluncheon was served by the\nluncheon chairman, Mrs. Tin-\nsley Thrower and committee.\nMrs. Herbert Ball, Jr., Mrs.\nMark B, Weston, Jr., and Mrs.\nJohn Wooten.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 132.76866149902344, 2026.5186767578125, 618.8389892578125, 2480.836181640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Junior Auxiliary\nElects new\nofficers at\nColumbia\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2560.626953125, 1957.041015625, 4904.4697265625, 7533 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "9f the hymns in the service.’ the public to attend. Convention, Dy Jesse WiiOrd meno ill love,\n\n \n\n \n\n‘AW IN “EXTRA DAY ~ EXTRA SA VINGS! SI\n\n/toN\\ SHOP\nNtaue: STANDARD'S\n\nN27] 2GTH DAY\nDRUG STORE 619 Main mn SAVINGS\n= Ter 2Q¢ | Mrsste! Be 29\"\n\nLIMIT 2 | ‘REG. 16c ROLL LIMIT 3\nB LADIES FULL FASHION ? % SO PHISTIC ATE (\nTHOSE 9-422 | HAIR SPRAY 29\nPkg of 2 Pair” LARGE CAN LIMIT 1\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nJERGENS 29° AYDS 9929\nLOTION CANDY 2\n43c Size LIMIT 1 REG. $3.25 LIMIT 1\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nMYLANTA RIGHT GUARD SCARVES\n39\nLIQUID \" eee |” PULL SEE 29¢ 4 oz. POWDER 29c\nFULL SIZE AC-DC RADIO LADIES HOSE LOVING CARE\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nSUPPORT. HOSE PHONOGRAPH so | AEMAD sy sys\nREG. 4.88 SORTABLE 29 REG. $1.75\nNOTEBOOK Ati RADIO True IIGMRGETdR\nCREMALIN MEN’S UMBRELLA\n_ PAPER $4 éTRAISISTER — $4291 COMPARE $327\naac seuter 29C | 200L9uID E Seen | AT 4.98\nCORICIDIN JERGENS JERGENS\nsie scr ero 2 4 TABLETS $7 19 | ALL PURPOSE $427 DEODORANT\n= 7 DISCOUNT aUITARS 29 BABY OIL NOW AT\nON PHOTO FINISH run sae 10\" sec size «= 29 | STANDARD DRUG\nALL (0c 1.39 MILK OF NERVINE\nCANDY BARS MAGNESIA sour score TABLETS\nror 29C $1” | sce size 296 $7”\n\n \n\n4\n\n \n\n \n\nTYSON WU MB 0 Famous “Spartus\"\n\nTRAVEL | iumeO [RING ALARM\nBATH SCALE SYRINGE | BASKET —\nvi nk 379! ihe. 22 4c 127 movement 2\n\n$3.98 Value\n\n \n \n \n\nColors,\n\nPRESCRIPTIONS =.\n\nPRICED RIGHT Delivery\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3741.945546875, 1427.2093408203125, 4342.17896484375, 2003.9227392578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The 28th annual spring ses-\nsion of the Tri-State Singing\nConvention will be held Satur-\nday night and Sunday at the Bo-\ngalusa High School auditorium.\nThe Saturday session begins at.\n8 p, m. and is quartet night.\nThe Sunday session will be from\n10 a. m, to 3:30 p. m, and is un-\n‘der the direction of\nfounder and president of the\nConv2ntion,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3737.459462890625, 531.8759057617187, 4333.6550390625, 927.609384765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Sammie Daniel of 614\nWoodland Hills Dr., has quali-\nfied to compete in the 1968\nAngel Derby (All Women’s In-\nternational Air Race) to be held\nin April between Managua, Ni-\ngare, and Panama City,\nFla\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3738.08568359375, 991.5842797851562, 4332.7273046875, 1388.476572265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Eva Carol Aultman of Col-\numbia is a soloist with the 43\nvoice Mississippi College Con-\ncert Choir which will give con-\ncerts in six southern states\nMarch 24-31. Susan Cameron of\nPurvis is assistant accompanist\nfor the choir.\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 3766.303955078125, 396.1305847167969, 4325.75048828125, 486.26837158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Seen and heard\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 147.55508422851562, 3622.987548828125, 399.8690490722656, 3718.631103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Births\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 1946.635, 3231.70384765625, 2531.22828125, 4057.9375097656252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "giving more local support for\nschools; and strongly endorses\nthe enactment of a compulsory\nschool law with adequate means\nfor its implementation, at least\nthrough the eighth grade or\nuntil the student is 16 years of\nage. Mississippi is the only\nstate in the United States that\nhas no compulsory attendance\nlaw, In speaking for the League\nof Women Voters, Dr. Rea em-\nphasized the same general aims\nregarding education,\n\nMany of the 200 visiting wom-\nen attended the afternoon ses-\nsion of the House of Represen-\ntatives.\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 4349.68041015625, 1866.866689453125, 4937.97681640625, 1999.3558447265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The Escalator was invented\nby Jesse Wilford Reno in 1892,\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3167.831533203125, 1276.2217919921875, 3709.2885839843752, 2003.4837744140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "REVIVAL SPEAKER—Rev.\nVv. S. Pope of Atlanta is\nconducting the revival in\nprogress at the First United\nPentecostal Church, 1634\nWest Seventh St., according\nto Rev. F. Schexnayder, pas-\ntor. The revival began Feb.\n21 and will continue into\nnext week. Mrs. Pope is\nhere with her husband and\nis assisting him. Services\nare at 7:30 nightly. Gospel\nsinging is featured each\nnight. The pastor invites\nthe public to attend.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3170.683837890625, 5856.15869140625, 3738.2255859375, 6888.79052734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\nTYSON\n\nTRAVEL\nSYRINGE\n\ncee with 2”\n" }, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 25, 2 ], [ 13, 4 ], [ 13, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 9, 7 ], [ 14, 22 ] ]
[ 5258.44580078125, 7138.31005859375 ]
[ [ 2, 25 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 9, 7 ], [ 13, 4 ], [ 14, 22 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 143.29168701171875, 369.5490417480469, 2643.406982421875, 2337.837890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 133.7366680908203, 3103.421650390625, 782.2476611328125, 5653.920390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Ukiahans opened their hearts.\nthis ‘past weekend te-i2_weund-\ned sailors'and Marines from site\nQak Krell Naval Hospital:\n\nOakland: whese trip to Avenir\nzecino- County was arranged by\n“Toby O'Bayley.. veterans serv-.\nice officer. .\n\nThe 12 young men, several_of\nwhom had lest arms of legs in\n\n“the sérvice of—their—country.\n“were. wined, dined, taken fish-\n“ing .and entertained’ Saturday\n‘night with*a-dance at the vet-\nserans building. ,\n\nOn their arrival here Friday,\n:the veterans were met by\n/O'Bayley, members of the\nAmerican Legion, and James E.\n“Johnson, director of veterans\n“affairs for California.\n\nFriday noon the. young men\nhad lunch, courtesy of the Ron-\n-De-Voo and following: tours of\n-the-area;—taid dinner at the\nSmerg-ette cs -guesis. of the\n‘Ukiah | Optimist Club. Saturday\n~-marning-—they~ —were-provided\n-bredkfast by The. Chef after\nwhich most of the veterans went\nsteelhead fishing with box lunch-\nes ‘provided by the Club Calpel-\n‘dane.\n\nSdturday evening they: “were\nagain hosted at the Smerg-ette.\n\nMctel “aceommedations ,were\nprovided free by the manage\nument of Holiday Lodge.\n\n‘Each of the servicemen was\n| given an opportunity to call his\n‘home, courtesy of Ed Bean\n_Mahager ef--Paecifie-Telephone.\n' More than 100 local organiza\n‘tions and individuals donated to\n\nward.expenses of the trip ‘anc\nto ‘Quy gifts. In charge of coord\n-insting— gilts and donations wa:\n\nBillie . Burns.\n=. Tyansporation to f ishing point\nwas provided: by the Sheriff’s.4\nWheel Drive Jeep Patrol.\n\n“The vétérans were grected._b:\n~ members . of the: Ukiah _ hig!\n\n-. school band on their arrival an\nphotographs of the group wer\n\n+ takén by Crawford Studio and |\n\nglossy print ‘furnished each o\n\n‘the- guests, free of charge.\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 176.3001904296875, 5827.60548828125, 810.6879077148437, 6811.4711718749995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Officers Mike Kostanecki and\n-Tom Norman’ of the California\nHighway ‘Patrol made a ‘‘rou-\n«tine’’ stop.of a northbound ve-\nhicle-seven-miles ‘north of Willits\nFriday at 11 p.m. on Highway\n10%; and as a result a Long\nBeach. couple today are being\nheld’ by Cloverdale Police on\n_ suspicion: of stealing a TV set\nand blanket from the Le Grande\nMotel,’ Cloverdale.\n\n_ Stopped: for, a minor traffic\nviolation was Clyde McDonald,\n‘ 21,\"Long Beach, who was driv-\ning“ north_-accompanied by Pa-\ntricia L. Drazkowski, 18, Long\n- Beach, - ”\n. *\"Patrolmen found the TV set\n‘and’ blanket in the car and in:\n‘ vestigation revealed they hac\n‘ beén_ stolen from, the motel al\n- Gloverdale. Highway Patrolmer\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 136.7593994140625, 2744.062744140625, 622.1499633789062, 3073.328369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Wounded\nVeterans\n\nHosted\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3298.5005078125, 1141.389912109375, 3932.988505859375, 3718.795146484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ATM PPesIQert PUPA TNE Se Ot |\n—for the time ‘being, He ‘adopt: |\ned as the primary © American\nchjective the return of the men |\nand the ship. Bombing the ship |\nwould kill any men who —_\nstill be quartered on it.\n\nHis .corollary objective was\nnot to inflame the passions of\nthe American people. The pub-\nlic, Johnson knew, was alrcady\nangry. He. didn't want to get it\n\nin-an uproar. —\n\n \n \n\n} same ke-as“ we do: nig the\nsafety “Of eu VERATOPPINnE “Ships;\nrArnbassador-“Lrew elhyn:=Ehom pz\n\n|son was instructed to call on\n| Deputy Foreign: Minister _ Vasil\n| Kuznetzov., a qe:\n\ns Kuznetzov studicd at Car negic\nTech in Pittsburgh,. is. generally\n4. friendly to the USA, This time,\nT however, he was cold, He was\n\nlyestrained, but negative. The\nRussians, who always hate be.\ning put in the position of dictat.\ning to the communist world\n|| were ,not , ready to_ oblige. the\n: United. States.\n;| “However; it was learned tha’\nPremier. Kosygin, a moderate\n1! was out-of ‘town,\n‘| .Thompson’ was instructed t\n-|eall on Kuznetzov a seconc\n5! time, He reminded the Russia\n-| that the Soviet might have prob\n>! lems - protecting its eavesdrop\n* ping ships. from irresponsibl\n“| eountries. The implication wa\nthat the United States also ha‘\nt satellites “which might do to |\nA Russian-trawler what the Nort\nt'lioreans did ‘to the Pueblo, -\nPl LBS and’ Goldberg—\n>| ‘After a Security, Council mee\nN|ing at which the “President ash\n| ed more questions, he breakfas\nN'\\ed the next morning with An\n* |-bassador Arthur Goldberg. The\n- | probed how far they could +\n: | through the U.N.\n€:1.--Goldberg_1 reported that 1\n_-|Korean problem ha een tl\nIt jong-standing concern of the |\n- |N. that nations outside the cor\n, rnunist bloc were anxious.\nJ syvert trouble. He might be ab\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3916.305439453125, 346.64766357421877, 4546.1928515625, 1318.575908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "to gét a¢tion—if the Russians\n‘did not veto discussion. _ °-\nThe President decided to take\nthis course, 9 6 \"\"™\"™,\n. He: also. decided that he must\nbe ready ‘for eventualities, : The\nNorth Korean air: force is ‘tough\nand well- trained.. ~The’ North Ko-\nrean goverriment ‘had followed a\npattern of harassment. Its ’pre-\nmier had urged. diversionary\ntactics against . the’ “United\nStates. What, did this mean?’\nTo be prepared for eventuali-\nties the President. ordered a\nlimited call-up. of Air Force re-\nserves. Having “done this, he\ncok -time off to host a formal\ndinner scheduléd one, month\nVearlier: for ‘thé Vice’ President.\nSpeaker MeCormac k and’ Chie!\n‘Justice Warren.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 177.72821044921875, 5659.2802734375, 775.3558349609375, 5820.00439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Motel Looters\nNiahbed bv CHP\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2053.924091796875, 3396.208515625, 2682.51560546875, 5602.28513671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "an innovator. Don’t be satisfied\nwith status quo. Respect your\nown abilities — others will fol-\nlow. your example.\n\nSCORPIO (Oct, 23°= “Nov: 21):\nYou may find yourself in -situa.\ntion: which appears to lack solid\nbase. Spread sphere of activity.\nBattle tendency to be -restrict-\ned. You have much to offer —\nothers knaw it. ;\n~ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec.\nty: Stress’ originality of\n| thought, action. Take the’ Tead\n\nObtain hint from: LIBRA mes.\ni sage, Accent -teday on ideas.\n| jotrneys. Follow throughf — tie\n\n| loose ends. Get program under\nlw way.\n\nCAPRICORN (Dec. 2 - Jan.\n\nyah -‘Highlight-imagination.- You\ngain, in material way if-alert tc\n; opportunity. Accent on income\ni potential. Many may. make\ni promises. But few’ are in .pesi.\ntion to fulfill them. |\n\n_ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb\n1118): Cycle high. Charee ‘for’ ad\n‘1'yvancement jis clearly present\n.|Key is to utilize alternative me\n-|thods. Don't feel tied down. tc\n\nlosing proposition. Permit. logi\n-/eal actions to dominate.\n| PISCES (Feb. 19 = Mar. 20)\n»i Excellent for dining out, parti\n| cipating in group activity. Buil\n-lon solid. base by- checking rou\n-jtine procedures. Study VIRG(\n- message. Set example of persis\n\ntence, determination.\n> LIK. TODAY IS YOUR... _BIRTH\n-| DAY you have remarkable: abil\nllity fo react during crisis. You\n1| sense~of humor attracts, friend\n\n-|tacts and could. succeed ‘in pic\n' | neering—-project.—_--. .\n\nHiIGENERAL: TENDENCIES\n-| Cycle high for AQUARIUS, PI\ne|CES, ARIES. Special word t\n‘| LIBRA: young person could pri\n, {vide key to greater opportunity\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 780.6631469726562, 2789.127685546875, 1390.6573486328125, 3025.281982421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "LETTERS TO\nTHE EDITOR\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1424.459736328125, 3416.010029296875, 2058.71189453125, 5518.27927734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "For January v0 -\n\n““The-wise nian controls his\n\ndestiny.’ .Astrology | paints the\nway.)\n\nARTES _(Mar.. ‘Ot - Aa 19):\nFriends“who report “on financial\naffairs. may .be, victims of ‘self-\ndeception. Realize this. and play\nwaiting game. Means don't rush\nin where wise men fear to\ntread. ,Hold tight to_cash.\n\n. TAURUS Bas 2008. May mon\n\n \n\nappears as opposition ‘lacks veal\n\n-substance. Be, realistic. Reatize\nthose who have real authority\nare in your corner. Act accord-\ningly.\n\n‘GEMINI (May 21 - June 20):\nStrengthen, communication lines\nwith associates, co-workers. Once\nwho performs service for you\ndeserves extra _ consideration.\nGive it. Show others you are ap-\n“preciative.\n\nCANCER (June?21 - July 22):\nDay features opportunity for\n‘change, travel. Much mental\nstimulation indicated. Be sure\nof yourself ‘where romance en-\nters picture, Desire could con-\nflict with reality. ;\n\nLEO (July, 23 - Aug. 22):\n-The. more .anxious you: appear.\nthe less you are likely to\nachieve. Means relaxed attitude\nattracts success.. Message be-\ncomes clear before day. is fin\nished. Legal affairs require at\ntention.\n\nVIRGO | (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22).\n|Emportant-to_be perceptive. An.\n| alyze-—draw -conclusions _ pasec\n‘Fon facts. Element of deceptior\n\nexists. Know this. and be or\nYguard. Take. nothing for. eran!\ned. Double check.\n\nLIBRA. . (Sept. 23 = ‘Oct. 22)\n| Good lunar aspect today coin\n\n‘cides, with creative interests. Be\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4551.634765625, 338.32916259765625, 5048.46142578125, 487.1516418457031 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Spock Arraigned\nFor Conspiracy ®\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2148.777099609375, 5896.55029296875, 3315.29638671875, 7119.77880859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "-do you ‘have ukioh’ Ss\n\n‘sound habit?\n\nckuk 1400 ke ek\n\nfe tt cae Has motes wi) pte of aoe\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2723.731689453125, 910.6589965820312, 3867.031982421875, 1097.716552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "-U. S. Lost Important Secrets.\nWhen Koreans Hijacked Pueblo |\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2665.9966015625, 1115.3891796875, 3291.028056640625, 5720.10251953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "| WASHINGTON Here are the\n‘events which °took. place inside\nthe: White House immediately\nafter the! seizure of the USS\nPueblo cff the coast “of North\nKorea.\n\n’ At’ approximately 2: 30 A.M.\nJan. 24, the ‘‘Situation Room,’\nwhere all ‘‘hot’’ information is\nreceived, notified the President\nthat the Pueblo had been stop-\nped and overrun by a North\nKorean boarding crew. --———.\n\nHe—immediately telephoned\nSecretary” 6f State . Rusk._and\nSecretary. of Defense McNa-\n\n|mara~and--gave instructions to\n-‘Walt—Rostew;-national--security\nfadviser; ntelli-\ngence report. Rostow arrived at\nthe White House at 5:30 A.M.\npane hada campréhensive report\n\n‘the President's breakfas'\nery at 7.\n\nIntelligence showed that’ the\nPueblo seizure’ was not amr iso\n‘lated incident, North Korea hac\nstaged more- than 575° borde:\nraids, bombings—arid terroris\nincidents during 1967 “as com\n\n| pared with only 50 the year be\n|fore, Three hundred people hat\nbeen killed. The most daring in\ncident, was the raid, ‘two day\nbefore, on. the “Blue House,’\nthe residence of South Korea\nPresident Park in Seoul:\n\n‘| The Pueblo had been harass\n|ed-before, but this: time it wa\ntaken in as .part of some de\n\n‘| finite” plan. Presumably th\n\n: scheduled dispatch of - mcr\n\n_ | South Korean. troops to Vie\n\n| nam, fe\n\n| Intelligence’ tse showed, the\n\nPremier Kim 1 Surig of Nort\n\n»| Korea was one of the -toughe:\n\n‘communists in Asia. Fleeing th\niJ apanese—before® World’ War I\n\n: he. hhad....joined the’. Russia\n\n. army, served 35 a. captain, la\n\ni er became. a field . ‘marshal ;\n‘the Korean army. :\n\n“On 'December.16 he had e\n-i. treated. the. communist world te\n~sgdrhir hie broadest possib\n| anti-American united front.\n\n. | administer collective blows to\n\n= in all regions and: on all front:\n\nd —Bomb _Now—Talk Later—\n\n; - President Johnson: also hi\n\n‘ ' relayed to ‘his desk _varic'\n, ‘shoot-from- the-hip’’ statemen\n\n~i from the’ hawks on Capitol Hi\ni'Fhey demanded’ action. __\n\n\"A series ‘of conferences wi\nmilitary and civilian euveL\n* } followed.\n\n; The President asked probit\n\ni questions, listened. intently. ©\ndinarily he is the. one’ who do\nthe talking. This time he did tl\nlistening. He asked such que\ntions as: ‘‘Where was the ship’\n+‘‘Was it outside territcrial w\n\ne|ters?’”’ ‘What were the orde\n\ne|to the ship?” ‘‘Why didn't tl\ncommander ‘shoot back?” ‘‘W1]\ndidn’t our forces in South Ker\nor Japan retaliate?’’ How mu\n\n_| seeret electronic. equipment Ww\n\nt, | aboard?”\n\n| The answers included the fa\n\n(that highly “secret equipme\n\n_| wag on the Pueblo. The Unit\nStates has listening devices\n\n). | sensitive- that we can pick 1\n\nfe messages \"from Soviet .subm\n\nqi tines halfway. around the worl\n\n,.| can listefiin-on a Russian pilo\n\na conversations with the tower t\n| low him anyplace in the fé\n\n“| flung Soviet Union. Presumat\n\nq- | the commander of the Puet\n\n- | chad time only: to push—one\n\nir | two. “self-destruct’’ » buttor\n\n1s Probably most of. this electro:\nnc} equipment was captured.\n\no-| Proposals began- to pour~o1\n\nthe President's - desk for actic\n\n¢. One was from the Pentagon—\n\ns.i bomb the “Pueblo; as_ it lay\n\nto: Wanson Harbor. The bombi\n\nO- | : would at least | destroy the\n\ny.| mainder of any secret equ\n\n, ment. Another was to seize\n\n‘al Russian electronic ‘‘trawler’’\n\n7S} | the United States coast wh\n\nyg ge lg Y er a\n\ni\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 784.9652294921875, 3092.37404296875, 1417.3467822265625, 6757.22166015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Ukiah, ‘Cahif..\nos aa Jan- -28;-1968 -\n~The following” is an. open “Tet-\nter to Ernest Redemyer, |\nDear Mr. Redemeyer:\n_ For many years now, we citi-\nzeng of Ukiah.haye shaken our\n“TiGads as we ‘passed the corner\n‘of Jones and Dora. We have\nsadly watched as your fine old\n‘house has. fallen further , and\n‘further: into’ disrepair; We knew,\nof course, what was happening.\nJt: was being -outrageously de-,\n, stroyed by vandals of our own\n‘community while’ we closed our\n“eyes.\n\nTypically, Fn discussing. it\nwith our friendg and neighbors\nwe have . tried -to place — the\n_ blame on you instead of admit-\n“ting that it was a community\nresponsibility. If the community\n\nwants a beautiful thing, it is a\n‘community obligation to pre-\n.serve and protectvit. Instead,\nmiiny. of us, through’ lack’ of\n‘understanding, have grumbled\n.that you ‘should have . done\n‘ something.\n, Now, when the torch is about\n‘to be lighted, we have finally\n‘sought to do something toward\n_ preserving this lovely ald build-\n‘ing for the community. Whether\nwe can or. not, only time. will\n‘tell, but your kindness in giving\n| the old house a ‘reprieve should\n‘not go unnoticed, On behalf of\nithe entire conimunity Iwant to\n, apoligize-“for our wanton de-\nistruction and for our lagk of\n\"; gonsideration toward: yohe posh\n_| tion. :\n\nI hope that - by — with\n|| you now that we can attempt to\n-linitiate the. necessary com-\n;}munity cooperation to raise\n\nfunds to purchase’ the property\n\n}and~bring? it--up-to standards.\n\n-| with the view in mind of ‘ar\nVeventual—Cultural- Center, mus\n7 Leum and gallery- Pat Irish\n\n \n\ntp Ukiah, Calif\n| Jan, 28,. 196\nA Editor, Ukiah Daily Journal: .\n“Thank goodness that Mr. Dot\ning, Al Becntol, Dr. Curtis\nKUKI, and Mr. Redeymer mad\nus recognize the opportunity . t\nrealize the possibility of restor\ning this architecturally histori\ncal building. A place we hav\nall admired, and wanted “some\none” to do something about.\n- Hardly any one of us stoppe\nto_think of ~ the--pressures.-th\nowner, Ernest Redemeyer, ‘ha\nhad to’ endure, Who of us pay\nEltaxes on an empty house fo\n= years? When you realize hot\n« few houses are available to rer\nyou may ‘suddenly ‘recogniz\nthat it is too costly to- repai\nthe damages of renters, who’ tc\noften consider thé landlord\n“rich old goat, ” instead of ‘th\nperson who finances the school:\nig civic government. and man\n| many othé}\"financial respons\not | bilities that every one takes fc\nris granted as‘their ‘‘just dues’’. “fe\nid} —_ 7 aad\nat turned the-suspects over to Clo\n\nic\ni,\nJ=\nAH\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1498.0860595703125, 6516.23046875, 2065.881103515625, 7127.13330078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "ihren\n\nWells Drilled\n\n“Steet or. ‘Concrete casing\nGrave! ‘packed and standard wells\n\n* Hole size up to 72\", Depth to:\n\n2,000 foet. Footing test holes\n\nServing ‘Northern, Califomio: -\na ied ESTIMATES —\n\nUKIAH. “DIAL 485-8150\n' WEEKS, DRILLING, co.\n\n”\nph FAR,\n\n \n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4022.041259765625, 3072.913330078125, 5128.81201171875, 3699.89892578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "[LS BR SARS Rees | Theat Re,\n\n_UKIAFT OPTICAL. co. |\n2 - DISPENSING | ‘OPTICIANS _\n; ‘e A World of \"Frames to > Choose. From .\n_s Personalized Styling To Suit You\n‘© Prascriptions:Filled ° © Lenses Duplicated: —\n‘@ Sunglasses © Courtesy Adjustments: | =\n© REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT. |\n1379 So-Dora St. ~~ Phone-462-1046\n\ni ce ce ee ee, i, ee, eile. ain <a\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3537.9560546875, 4035.909912109375, 5046.18896484375, 5250.73486328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 242.48695373535156, 6851.275390625, 1416.7508544921875, 7138.31005859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "rere ene a ae\nWAREHOUSE SALE, PIANOS and ™\n\"ORGANS = SEE IN TODAY'S\n\n~ @LASSIFIED UNDER. \"HEADING . 24\" .\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 4549.73634765625, 501.8491101074219, 5189.2499804687495, 1192.2664599609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "| BOSTON (UPI)'— Dr. Benja-\n'min Spock, whose book on child\nIcare has been gospel to a- gen-,\n} eration of mothers, was: being\n| arraigned today in U.S. District.\nCourt with ' four others . on\n' charges, of éonspiracy: to ah\n| draft resistance. .’,\n\nThe 64-year-old pediatyicidn\nInia Sunday ‘night he and his\n, codefendants would plead inn}-\ncent.\n\nAntiwar’ demonstrators were\n‘expected to: picket, the. federal\nbuilding during the arrajgn-\n\nments, —\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3420.612060546875, 3754.447021484375, 5187.52001953125, 7130.13037109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nTIME TO. HAVE BLUE cRoss!-\n\nPreeaenaies usually. strike fast — - --own-doctor: But most impartant:~\n. without warning: And that’s when | Blue, Cross pays the hospital.... -\n* you need help fast — without red directly, quickly and confidentially. -\ntape. You get it with Blue Cross. No need to make advance hospital |\n\nBlue Cross cards are recognizéd payments. Not when you have Blue\n—immediately—by more than 7,000 Cross protection. Be sure you have\nhospitals throughout America. And it. Complete and mail the coupon\nwith Blue Cross you-can select your below. Do it today!\n\ndoes the most\n-. © when you need it most\n\nSte cROSS\n\n \n\n; So o. 1ja9/ae\nTO: BLUE CROSS ae i 8\n\n11919 WEBSTER STREET, SSREADE, CALIFORNIA 94612 oo ar:\nae?\n\nOo Please send information. ationtt BLUE CROSS. PERSONAL PROTECTION — for |\nthose who do not have BLUE CROSS GROUP PROTECTION: where they work.\nI understand no salesman will call. . /\n\nPlease indicate age:.\noO Please send information dhout BLUE CROSS GROUP PROTECTION. )\n\nNumber of employees::\n\n1\ni\n\n \n\ne\n\n_ Name\n\n \n\n| Addon\nPe Please De Wet Wie Below.\n\n \n\n1 City,\n\n| If already & a ‘a Blue Cross member; bk\n| please indicate Identification a bert. = : 3 a\n7 Psat Cate ee ne et ~~\n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1442.87794921875, 5570.8501171875, 2084.884990234375, 6464.3725390624995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "ne en a\n\nSo I want to emphasize the\nimportance of the fact that the\nowner has sweated out several\nyears of vandalism, alone. Per-\nhaps he waited just long enough\nfor us to realize that ‘progress\nis not erection of a‘ new build-\ning, and. we matured meanwhile\nenough to be willing to ‘exercise\n\nour own sel¥es toward preserv-\ning the beauty of ‘the older\narchitecture ‘in our midst. There\nhave been: too-many ‘in thé past\n20:-years gone’ replaced; . for -in-\n|stance, by enormous’ halls. with\nlittle useable room.\n\nBecause\" of the | civic. “pride\n| displayed, . ‘by the response _to\nthis opportunity we can. manage\nfo do tis, ourselves. _\n\ncae . gosie Massengill\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3654.54150390625, 3847.754638671875, 4896.01171875, 3986.566650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "NO TIME FOR RED TAPE!\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2684.656982421875, 358.7745361328125, 3877.55322265625, 829.4114379882812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n \n\naa ae |\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 825.9862255859375, 6687.65236328125, 1449.1082568359375, 6801.8906054687495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "dinned the- suspects’ over: to. Glovs\nerddle. police. -\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1503.1605224609375, 2773.258056640625, 2617.734130859375, 3218.1650390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "your today &\n\nt\n\nour tomorrow\ny\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2084.995380859375, 5612.9887890625, 2711.459697265625, 5799.2499804687495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Letterman General Hospital\nin San Francisco is the Army’s\nlargest hospital west of the Mis-\n-sissippi,\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1622.9891357421875, 3220.426513671875, 2452.298828125, 3314.129150390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "SYDNEY OMARR\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 3220.872314453125, 795.635498046875, 3845.588623046875, 900.1400756835938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "By Drew Pearson\n" }, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 8, 3 ], [ 9, 14 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 27 ], [ 25, 30 ], [ 25, 32 ], [ 25, 34 ], [ 26, 27 ], [ 26, 30 ], [ 26, 32 ], [ 26, 34 ], [ 27, 30 ], [ 27, 32 ], [ 27, 34 ], [ 30, 32 ], [ 30, 34 ], [ 32, 34 ] ]
[ 2183.212158203125, 3666.091796875 ]
[ [ 2, 0 ], [ 8, 3 ], [ 9, 14 ], [ 25, 27 ], [ 27, 32 ], [ 30, 34 ], [ 32, 26 ], [ 34, 25 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1627.7647275390625, 249.8815946044922, 1892.7360048828125, 577.5020571289062 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "to 15th Street and Avenue D\nla home owned by Rachel Lex\nand occupied by Jacob Bush. A\nkerosene cook stove had fleoder\nland caught fire, it was reported\nwith loss estimated at $100 to the\nbuilding and $25 ta the contents\n\nAnd at 9:11 p.m, firemen wen\nita the home of Rachel Padget\n2104 Golfview Court, where a\napparent short circuit in a heat\nler was investigated. Damage\nestimated at $15, was confines\nto the heater.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1895.36376953125, 145.3773193359375, 2155.736083984375, 266.9117126464844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Ambulance\nSquad Answered\n113 Calls\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1360.0208310546875, 250.435259765625, 1627.3022890625, 874.1618471679687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Fort Pierce firemen were\nbusy Sunday, with galls involy-\ning a cook stove, @ heater, and\nla paint house and tool shop\nWwhere yo young dogs apparent:\nly were burned to death,\n\n‘The later call, at 9:46 p.m,\nwas {0 3700 South U.S, 1 where\nla palnt house and tool shop was\ndestroyed by fire, Firemen\n‘found two Labrador pups Inside\nihe: building, apparent vtetlms\nat the fire,\n\nEstimated loss to the building\nvas $500. The puppies were\nworth about $30 apiece, firemen\nsald, Cause of the fire and own-\nJership of the building is still un-\nder investigation.\n\nAt 10:01 a.m. Sunday a house\nfire at $11 Fernandina Ave,,\nSouth Beach, was reported. It\nfurned out fo he a defeetlyn\npump moter, wiih Joss cstima-\n) fed at $50, Vt wos at the home\nof A. R. Crow,\n\nAt 6:04 p.m. the trucks rolled\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 284.97682470703126, 122.9623822631836, 551.3022890625, 378.71128564453124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "acl Keshka, nssistant secretary.\nSaul Goldstone was the instalt\ning oificer. Outgoing officers\nwere presented gifts.\n\nGoldstone recognized those\nwho had worked diligently in the\noperation of the community\nswimming pao! last summer ant\nannounced that plans are under\nway for reopening the pool ir\nWhe snoring.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1895.1985654296875, 278.2864255371094, 2169.7288027343748, 846.2516909179687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "VERO BEACH — The Volune\nteer Ambulance Squad answers\ned 113 calls during the month\nlof Decernber, according to Bob\nolilus, publictty chairman for\nthe squad,\n\nOf the 113 runs, 64 were city\nruns, 42 counly runs, and seven,\nout at the county, Tae majority\nof the cails were made on Mon-\nday and Saturday.\n\n‘The largest amount of calls\nwere fo automobile accidents,\nRollins snid.\n\nThe squad answered 14 auto\nmobile accident calls, four eycle,\ntwo industrlal, nine home ace\nJeldents, 13 heart attacks, four\n{asthma or emphysema, three\ndiabetic, (wo hemorrhaging, two\n|violence ({shooling, stabbing,\nJete.), one fire, two childbirths,\n'4) miscellancous, two Uneanscl-\nJousness, fwa snakeblie and one\nIDO.A. according to Rollins,\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1090.6009091796875, 167.29976171875, 1358.9401064453125, 682.5050478515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "STUART — ‘The first aceldent\nat the new grade crossing on W.\nFirst Street was recorded a!\n10:40 a.m, Sunday.\n\nA car driven by Margaret 2.\nKohler, 28, of Federal Highway,\naveling north on ATA, falled\nto stop at the new stap sign,\nran info a car driven by Mil.\ndred ¥. Mackey, 27, of Jensen\nBeach,\n\nDamage to the Kohler car was\n‘estimated at $25 by city police:\nfo the Mackey tar, $500,\n\n( Mrs, Kohler was charged with\njfailure to yield the right-atavay.\n\nThe new stop sign, whicl\n{switches the stop at the inter:\nsecilon to AlA Instead of W.\nFirst, where it was for years, is\nat the point whern the new Flor.\nyida East Coast railway crossing\nwas built,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1630.4651669921875, 647.341998046875, 1895.2928896484375, 873.0623598632812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "JENSEN BEACH — Mrs, He:\n\nlen Overbey, 517 N, Indian River\nDr,, was cooking steak at about\ni340 pam. Saturday,\nTwo trucks and 11 men re\nsponded to o fire call when the\nsteak sputtered over the pat\nland set the stove afire, accord\ning to Fire Chlet Randojph Spin\nney, Damage was slight.\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1901.895708984375, 980.4442319335938, 2175.1787539062498, 1656.0299501953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "STUART — Josephine Stone,\nHobe Sound, was stopped by tro\nmien as she reached the door of\nthe First National Bank of Stu»\nart Saturday. Soe had intended,\nshe told authoritles later, to des\nposit $61.\n\nInstead, Bhe gave the cash ta\nthe two men, for a share of the\n$10,000 they told her they had\nfound.\n\n‘They told ma L could have w\nthird share of the $10,000 1 1 put\nlag my money to show my good\nfaith,” she told Deputy Sheriff\nRay Heistey.\n\n‘The men went Into the build\ning and out again, left her stand.\ning in front of the building, hope«\nfully:\n\nHelsley said it happens at\nleast once a year,\n\nThe men were described as\none of 60 years, wearing blue\nsbiped shirt, gray + blue troase\ners, about five fect, four inches\n\nand 160 pounds.\n35 to 38 years, five\nfeet, five inches, 165 pounds,\nos Naanttene wapkat..\n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 16.17454618835449, 123.39419073486329, 283.4397707519531, 384.06419091796874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Newly + elected officers of the\nHarmony Heights Taxpayers As-\nacclation were inslalled at a\nmeeting held al the club house\non Evergreen Avenue,\n\nInstalled were: Frank D.\nHoffer, president; George Camp.\nhell, vice president; Seymour\nBloom, treasurer and alternate\nsergeant - at + arms; Peggy Hof-\nfer, secreta ind Mrs. Mich.\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 556.389849609375, 252.07928747558594, 822.0608950195312, 563.7513857421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Be as ant eee\n\nA kickoff breakfast at. the\nRio Civic Cluh was held on Mfon-\nday, with representatives of the\norganizations reeriving money\nfrom this drive, and the work-\ners attending. Speaking fa the\nvorkers were Mrs. Jacqueline\nHall, Al Palmer, Willard Row-\nman, and County Commission-\ner Frank Wacha. Honored with\na moment of prayer were the\nNate Zola Swarthout and Martin\nWahl, both of whom warked s¢\n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1093.8155087890625, 704.5096005859375, 1362.822552734375, 866.8857241210937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "A man in Oregon complained\nabout funny noises in his elec:\n[Ine organ, It turned out that\n\nmusical instrument was\npleking up short-wave messages\nit broadcasting them into his\nliving room,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 558.2986630859375, 618.7969541015625, 825.6822939453125, 868.1749697265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "STUART — Charles Wyrick,\n33 Lime Ave., Rockledge, ro-\nported Saturday night that he\nhad lost a $400 guitar from his\near.\n\nThe car was parked at the\nend of Evans Crary Bridge ovet\nthe St. Lucle River while Wyrich\ndished, He reported that somcont\nbroke a glass in the car to galr\nentry. He offered a $50 reward\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1898.1871337890625, 872.1845092773438, 2123.12744140625, 973.54638671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "She Loses S61\nTn Swindle\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1364.146484375, 79.40098571777344, 1805.9049072265625, 233.18392944335938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Puppies Die in\n\nFort Pierce Fire\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 822.9900083007813, 179.55746740722657, 1088.8400087890625, 721.08695703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "diilgently at the United Fund\nfor years.\n\nThe Rip Civie Club donated\ntke catfee and rolls for the\nbreakfust, and orange fuice\ntame from Harry Lentz, The\nworkers started right out ot\nthelr rounds folowing the break\nfast, aud first reports are thal\n“ail 1s going well.”\nBARRACKS 85!\n\nThe Barracks of WWE, and it\nAusiliay pet off fo a geed s -\ndn this new year with new mem\nbers, Obligated into the barrack:\n\njweere Roy York and Walter F\nHewitt: and Into the Auxiliary\nwere Elolse Ward and Math:\nYork, Mrs, Gsear Deiss Is the\n\nJnew president of the Ausiiary\nand her hushand Oscar is th\n\n'}new commander for the Bay\n\nacks,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 46.988258361816406, 407.4942626953125, 543.36962890625, 848.4511108398438 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "big families...\n\nAGAR as\nvue\nRADE WINDS\nTRUM TIES\n\nSpeclal seats—and a spectal welcome—for childrent\n\n \n\nraALco CAPE CANAVERAL MELOURNE\nPakeee Pia Hay, ALS $2 Eabeetk\nnocxioGe TORT PEACE\n\n \n\nau v\nSrvseie Fare Seas Tow US, 18, Sun Toa U5. 18,\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1933.9638671875, 2912.639892578125, 2183.212158203125, 3599.623291015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nLOUIS t.\nHAYNES\n\nabout thls\n\nqueastion:\n\n“The tailgate of our truck\nbroke open and our lead of\noranges spilled onto the\nHighway. With auto traffic\nsquishing thru thom we had\na mammoth mess of mar-\ntioliule. Does the Haynes &\nMaynes Agency have Insur-\nance that would cover such\na loss for a grower?\"\n\nFor intermation about Insur-\nance consult the Haynes and\nHaynes Insurance Co., 202 §.\nInd St., 461-6040, Et Pier.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 8.94069766998291, 78.22086334228516, 526.1473999023438, 117.07254791259766 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Harmony HeichitsAssoc’n Installs\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1092.344482421875, 85.9354019165039, 1321.4560546875, 159.67672729492188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "‘Firs. urash at\n‘New Crossing\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 830.3548764648438, 744.67866796875, 1094.4077578125, 864.6872377929687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "“Colprado\" {s a Spanisii word\nmeaning “rndéy.” The name\ncomes from the Colorarlo River\nwhich runs red during the\nehring floods.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1916.5260009765625, 1690.023681640625, 2173.66259765625, 2902.80419921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "[Ss SUnRise |\n\n \n\nDON'T MISS IT!\nmurs: Last 2\n1:00-3:08—5:12\n\nDays!\n\n1:09\n\n \n\nPAUL NEWMAN\naS COOLHAND\n\nrma WORSE TLR PB\nES\n\nFeriPiernely\n\nA “DINO DOUBLE”\n#1 at 7:0510:58\n\n \n \n \n\nPLAC ee\n\nDERN\n\nHARTY\nasMattHelmix\n\n \n\n| THE\nStLENCERS\n\n—PLUS—AT 9:10\n\nautre yeas 2 Pace ta\n\nDEAN” ANAS\nMARTIN -MARGRET\nHmT#Qa KARL MALDER\nROURDERERN\nROW\n\n \n \n \n \n\n{\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 43.52009201049805, 812.548583984375, 1925.7900390625, 3666.091796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "pears ac ahaa Ran carnal ber shies Sas ata ns otal he cia ae et\nwhich runs red during the\n\nspring floods,\n\n \n \n\n \n\nAnd sct tke SloVe aire, accora-)\\™\ning to Fire Chlef Randolph Spin-|D'\nney, Damage was slight.\n\nBuy the unchanged Mercedes-Benz 230S |\n\nee eee en a Se git] Pia it eee\nbroadcasting them into Me, of A. R. Crow,\nliving room, At 6: 04 p.m. fhe trucks rolled|\n\nbroke a glass in the car to galn\nentry. He offered a $50 reward.\n\nEarn Tren US. t\n\n \n\nWHUBVLLE 7 .\na\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nmi\nan cep anead Of a :\nar\nsh\n4a Lia 4 r\nthose advanced new 68 cars :\ne gt\nfo\nth\nog\n\nfa\n“ . . Ri\n\nTrue, most of those “advanced” new _— feelings is to know you have more — towonder if it will ever rattle. When it’s painted, your 2308 is [\n‘68 cars offer you tomorrow’s styling. | braking power than you need. In this age of automation and taw- _ painted three times. The two top coats .\n\ntat a anshin, if) _ . in\nBut strangely enough, it's oftena No squeaks, clanks or groans ry workmanship, it S good to know are enamel—and they're both sprayed fu\ncase of yesterday's engineering when that your 230S was built with loving by hand. %\nyou check beneath the gleaming Unlikemostofitsrivals,the230S was care and attention to detail. + .\n\nchrome. designed and built to give faithful For example, vital body seams are From 825,582\" to 4,179 3\nThe beauty of the Mercedes-Benz _ service, year after year, hand-ground, packed with pewter, | Youmay beable to afford a Mercedes- i\n230S is that it gives you advanced For example, you're cradled ina ground downagainandthenpolished. Benz without knowing it. Below are 7\nbasic engineering—and ignores the suggested retail prices* for 7 of the te\nwhims of fashion, 13 Mercedes-Benz models: ‘\nBuy the 2308 and you get no fast- 600 Grand Mercedes .......§25,582 A\n\n250SE Coupe ..cccceseeees 9,099\n250SL Roadster ........... 6,485\n250S Sedan ....ceeeevevens 5,397 i\n230 Sedan ve. .cceev eee eeee 4,405\n200 Diesel Sedan « 4,380\n\n200 Sedan .........ceeeeee 4,179\n*East and Gulf Coast parts of entry, exclusive\nof transportation charges, options, state and\nlocal taxes if any.\n\nback roof line, No disappearing head-\nlights. No dummy air scoops. But you\navill get one of the most efficient ma-\nchines on wheels. A sane way to spend\nyour $5035.\n\n \n\n \n\nSponge-free suspension\n\nYou feel this efficiency in the way\nyour 2305 rides and handles. Gone is\nthe queasy sponginess of most $5000\ncars; you can actually hurtle this\n2,976-pound sedan through curves\nlike a sports ca”\n\nThat's because the 2305 rests ona\nfully independent suspension system\nwitha design borrowed from a world-\nchampionship Mercedes-Benz racing\ncar. Like a racing machine, it slicks to\ntheroad—evenwhen theroad is rough\nor slick with rain.\n\n(it'silluminat-\n\nNot an inch wasted\n\nWith the 230S, you don’t have to man-\nhandle a fot of needless bulk through\ncity traffic or into tight parking spots.\nIt's so shrewdly designed that there |\nare iwe feet less in overall length— '\nyet the 230S matches its $5000 rivals\nfor interior space.\nAnd those seats were designed with\nthe assistance of ortho-\npedic physicians\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\ning tonote that “E foil et\nother $5000 se- aa ae\ndans still use all day; you\na solid rear- emerge [rom\naxle suspen- your 2308\nsion. That’s feeling fresh\nand relaxed,.\n\nthe design\nMercedes-Benz threw\naway more than a dee-\nade ago.)\n\nYour 2308 as also fitted with heavy-\n‘duty springs and shacks, anti-sway\nbar, an automatic load-leveler, and\ntires proved safe in continuous run-\nning at 100-mph-plus speeds with\nfull passenger and trunk loads.\n\nYou needn't be a racing driver to\nappreciate that.\n\nClip coupon for brochure\n\nA28-page color brochure tells more |\nabout the 230S and 5 other Mercedes- f\nBenz models. Get your free copy by\nclipping and sending the coupon\nbelow.\n\nBetter yet, see your Mercedes-Benz.\ndealer for a test drive. Discover how\nthe 2308 keeps ahead of those “ad-\nvanced” new '68 cars,\n\nUMC naP cere acatvonsonrnsenresune\n\nStops without panic\n\n \n \n\nMercedes-Benz engincers insist that\nsuperb stopping power should not be\noptional on a car.\n\nSo your 230S comes filted with 9,9-\n\n \n\n+ Please send me the free 28-page brochur:\n* on & Mercedes-Benz models.\n\n \n\n \n\n: * Name\ninch front disc brakes as standard :\nequipment. Powerassistanceisstand- \"unit\" bodyshell that has beenwelded Every 2308 engine is built from Aine\nard, too. in 10,000 places. Thisbodyisstronger, hand-matched components, ma- s City\nEven repeated panic stops cause more twist-resistant than separate chined to tolerances far finer thana =} gg;\n\nno panic. You’re snubbed down to body-and-frame types that must be — human hair. And after assembly = ¢\nsmooth, straight-line stops, free of bolted together. Your 2308 will not — comes a 60-minute bench test—with 1 7”\n\n \n\nshudder and sudden “Tade.’\" age lo the Luneof squeaks,groansand —_ ail replenished 62 times to flush away * Sresenenneceestrs\nOne of driving’s most reassuring rattles. At 50,000 milesyoumay begin —_ the smallest speck of dirt or dust. ot Nori neres Wed\n\n \n\n \n\nPerri Autos, Inc., 421 N. Fourth Street, Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 Phone: (305) 461-1360\né ¢\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 559.486083984375, 577.9061279296875, 783.6387939453125, 612.06640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Gnitar Stolen\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 579.785888671875, 92.00450134277344, 1067.4273681640625, 155.01626586914062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nDOWN JENSEN WAY\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1634.811279296875, 604.041748046875, 1839.568115234375, 644.8694458007812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Steak Flares\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 97.49676794433594, 3031.584673828125, 520.0081606445312, 3443.4526796874998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Mercedes-Benz engincers insist that\nsuperb stopping power should not be\noptional on a car.\n\nSo your 230S comes filted with 9,9-\ninch front disc brakes as standard\nequipment. Power assistanceis stand-\nard, too.\n\nEven repeated panic stops cause\nno panic, You're snubbed down to\nsmooth, straight-line stops, free of\nshudder and sudden “Sade,\"\"\n\nOne of driving’s most reassuring\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 980.38374609375, 1333.0493955078125, 1406.7853212890625, 1616.9818544921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "towonder ifit will ever rattle.\n\nIn this age of automation and taw-\ndry workmanship, it’s good to know\nthat your 2308 was built with loving\ncare and attention to detail,\n\nFor example, vital body seams are\nhand-ground, packed with pewter,\nground down again and then polished.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 528.294146484375, 1355.0728330078125, 956.3635073242187, 1611.9370546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Teenngs 18 TO KMOW you Nave more\nbraking power than you need.\n\nNo squeaks, clanks or groans\n\nUnlike most of its rivals, the 230S was\ndesigned and built to give faithful\nservice, year after year.\n\nFor example, you're cradled in a\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 96.12091064453125, 885.2689208984375, 1816.7261962890625, 1241.615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Buy the unchanged Mercedes-Benz 230S\nand keep ahead of all\nthose advanced new 68 cars.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 587.2031860351562, 184.1222381591797, 784.2275390625, 236.7255859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "By RAY WINDERS\nBy DOLOTNY KALB\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 75.6977109375, 1337.691607421875, 505.8042421875, 1886.4088564453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "True, most of those “advanced” new\n‘68 cars offer you tomorrow's styling.\nBut strangely enough, it’s often a\ncase of yesterday's engineering when\nyou check beneath the gleaming\nchrome.\n\nThe beauty of the Mercedes-Benz\n230S is that it gives you advanced\nbasic engineering—and ignores the\nwhims of fashion,\n\nBuy the 2308 and you get no fast-\nback roof line, No disappearing head-\nlights. No dummy air scoops. But you\navill get one of the most efficient ma-\nchines on wheels. A sane way to spend\nyour $5035.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 141.8859100341797, 1886.932861328125, 450.3734436035156, 1918.1278076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Sponge-free suspension\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 547.3537778320313, 3196.2074765625, 965.738568359375, 3446.2573671874998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "\"anit\" body shell thathas beenwelded\nin 10,000 places. This body isstronger,\nmore twist-resistant than separate\nbody-and-frame types that must be\nbolted together. Your 230S will not\nage Lo the Luncof squeaks, groansand\nrattles. At 50,000 miles you may begin\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 85.09316534423829, 1931.38862890625, 503.51539331054687, 2353.6880312499998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "You feel this efficiency in the way\nyour 2305 rides and handles. Gone is\nthe queasy sponginess of most $5000\ncars; you can actually hurtle this\n2,976-pound sedan through curves\nlike a sports ca”\n\nThat's because the 2305 rests ona\nfully independent suspension system\nwitha design borrewed from a world.\nchampionship Mercedes-Benz racing\ncar. Like a racing machine, it slicks to\ntheroad—evenwhen the road is rough\nor slick with rain. @ oe\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 2, 35 ], [ 2, 15 ], [ 2, 20 ], [ 2, 31 ], [ 35, 15 ], [ 35, 20 ], [ 35, 31 ], [ 15, 20 ], [ 15, 31 ], [ 20, 31 ], [ 3, 11 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 11, 4 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 8, 6 ] ]
[ 5008.2379843749995, 7309.8864218749995 ]
[ [ 2, 20 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 4, 11 ], [ 7, 5 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 9, 0 ], [ 15, 2 ], [ 20, 35 ], [ 35, 31 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 687.7892983398438, 5364.363578125, 1267.0484091796875, 6040.9567343749995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "his high-powered New York\nheadquarters announced the\nother day that they would\nspend a paltry $500 in tiny\nclassified ads in an effort to\ncounter Rockefeller’s million\ndollar advertising campaign.\n\nThat would make the choice\nbetween apple pie and crepe\nsuzettes except that. there is\na big difference between poor\nand poor mouth even if there\nis less between the old Nix-\n‘on and the new.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 56.07974938964844, 1118.54277734375, 1275.8404013671875, 2135.636666015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The departure of Capt. E. B. Jarman, former commander\nof the Naval Weapons Center, to Columbus, Ohio, where he will\nhead the guidance and contro! group in the North American\nAviation missile plant there, should be greeted in Corona with\nmixed emotions.\n\nEverybody will be glad he has received what eppears to\nbe a fine position, although many will miss him and his wife,\nMarian (commonly know as Butch) and their four children.\n\nSome of his golfing cronies will miss him also, feeling he\nhas been a generally gracious financial contributor from time\nto time.\n\nJarman was an unusual commander at the laboratory in\nthat he not only had a broad background in naval combat as\nwell as planning duty, but was a top physicist as well. One\ncivilian head of a department there commented a couple of\nyears ago that Jarman “is the first commander we've had\nthat the scientists can’t fool.”\n\nMrs. Jarman, of course, will be remembered as the skip-\nper’s wife who hadn’t even unpacked before plunging headlong\ninto Girl Scout work here. We wish the Jarman family every\nsuccess in whatever the future holds in store.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3797.705375, 514.9513466796875, 4388.85175390625, 1303.835884765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "machine to imprint It with.”\n\nI said: ‘I, want to ride\naround the Black Forest.\nCouldn’t you write the num-\nber instead of printing it with\nthe machine? Couldn’t you\nborrow the blanks?”\n\nHe said: “‘I have just start-\ned to work for this rental\nman. I put in the American\nExpress cards. But for now\nit is only to establish your\ncredit. Don’t you have any\nGerman money?”\n\n* ¢\n\nT said: “Yes, but I want to\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1298.15117578125, 2845.327201171875, 1895.229927734375, 4798.7135703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Fivé years AZo Loday\n\nChildren with firecrackers\n\ntouched off a seven-acre blaze\nnext to the Mountain View\nCountry Club and five fire\nunits were needed to stop the\nburning dry brush.\nRichard Daniels, a prominent\nCorona citrus figure, was\nnamed assistant manager of\nthe Agricultyral Producers\nLabor Committee.\n\nCharles and Irene McCorm-\nick were installed as presi-\ndents of Norco Fleet Reserve\nAssn. Branch and Auxiliary\nwhen they were first formed\nand were installing officers\nwhen Alvin and Emeline\nRider of Ontario were seated\nin the same capacity.\n\nThe president of Corona Op-\ntimists, Sid Riches, was elec-\nted president of the Optimist\nBoys Ranch, Devore.\n\nCorona welcomed a new\nfamily, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rod-\nriquez and two children from\nCuba by way of Miami, Fla.\n\nTen Years Ago Today\n\nMrs. Marguerite Lillibridge\nwrote fram the Orient where\nshe was enjoying an extended\ntour, ‘‘I am having a wonder-\nful trip. Have visited Hono-\nlulu, Manila and Hong Kong\nand had a tour from Yoka-\nhama to see Diabutsu, the big\nBuddha, and will see a world\nfamous play ‘in Takarazuka\ntoday. In Tokyo I will stay at\na Japanese inn. There is no\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1926.709037109375, 2819.214896484375, 2514.0983359375, 3581.62128515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "place in the world more beau-\ntiful or more interesting than\nHong Kong.”\n\nFifteen Years Ago Today\n\nConsumption of water in\nCorona averaged 4,430,000 gal-\nlons a day on hot days. Water\nCompany Manager Marvin\nBrewer said that the figures\nwere for the city system and\nincluded domestic and indus-\ntrial users but not irrigation\nin the groves.\n\nEmil Guitard of W. Olive St.\nwas entertaining his niece,\nMrs. Perkins, and her hus-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 681.3769448242188, 2601.797171875, 1275.906685546875, 4982.8737265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "County Conservation League,\nas “a whole basin project.”\n\nThis is the last remaining\nriver bottom in this area, and\nits development must be\nalong the lines of a regional\npark in the public interest\nprior to the eventual and in-\nevitable urbanization of the\narea, or the area being used\nss another freeway route.\n\nThe joint powers agreement\nis a device through which all\nof the public and private\nagencies concerned with the\nSanta Ana River can work to-\ngether toward a common goal.\nSome of these are interested\nin park development, some\nare interested in sewage dis-\nposal, others are interested\nin water conservation or flood\ncontrol.\n\nThe supervisors on May 13\nplaced the entire responsibil-\nity for following up on the re-\nport in the hands of Edward\nH. Walker, Riverside County’s\ndirector of parks, who yester-\nday was conferring with\nOrange County officials about\nthe report and who will soon\nbe meeting with officials from\nSan Bernardino County.\n\nCorona and Norco, as well\nas other immediate surround-\nings, have a great stake ‘in\nwhat is eventually done about\nwhat mav well turn into a 25-\nyear project costing millions\nof dollars. Norco especially\nhas been deeply involved in\nthis through the formation of\nthe Tri-County Conservation\nLeague, which was born at a\nmeeting sponsored by the\nNorco Chamber of Commerce.\nDavid Butler, then a Norco\nresident, became the TCCL’s\nfirst president.\n\nMore about this tomorrow—\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 678.6835244140625, 6462.863578125, 1264.6690146484375, 7296.3107382812495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "seems to be exclusively a Co-\nrona-Norco project. It is spon-\nsored by the Corona Elks\nLadies and involves the mail-\ning of standard parckages to\nground and air forces and\nsubscriptions to this news-\npaper for naval forces. Pack-\nages (about 80 so far) are\npaid for by various sponsors,\nwho also pay for the subscrip-\ntions at half price. The writer\nof the above letter is the son\nof Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Berry.\nMrs. Benry is the prime\nmover in the SAM project\nEd.)\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 62.763114257812504, 2599.379203125, 654.8567587890625, 4983.312203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Last May a Santa Ana Riv-\ner study was presented to the\nRiverside County Board of\nSupervisors by the firm of\nAustin, Dean, Eckbo and\nWilliams which among other\nthings recommended that Riv-\nerside, San Bernardino and\nOrange Counties form a Tri-\nCounty Joint Powers Agree-\nment to:\n\n1. Establish goals and poli-\ncies for the development of\nthe entire basin;\n\n2. Set up a planning section\nto investigate proposals on a\nwhole-basin basis;\n\n3. Diligently pursue various\nfederal assistance programs\non the basis of ‘‘a bold, whole\nprogram;”\n\n4. Develop a plan based on\nan Open Space concept and\nwhich should includé an eco-\nfomic water management\nprogram through reclamation\ncenters or plants, and a trans-\nportation layout in harmony\nwith the needs of a regional\npark, and that\n\n5. Riverside County should\ncall a working conference on\nthe Santa Ana River basin\nvery shortly through the\nSouthern California Associ-\n_ation of Governments (SCAG)\nas the coordinating agency.\nThe purpose would be to de-\ntermine how all the political\nbodies as well as private in-\nterests might take responsi-\nbility as to the future of the\nriver.\n\nWithout getting into all the\ndetails of the report and the\nneed for some sort of regional\nplanning coordination, it is ob-\nvious that the way to go is the\nway of developing the area\nfrom ‘‘the crest to the coast,”\nin the language of the Tri-\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 54.93886499023438, 6446.98808984375, 657.9463583984375, 7302.8986289062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Some guys over here (pro-\nbably in Japan) on Relief and\nRehabilitation were talking a-\nbout Operation SAM. I listen-\ned for a while, then asked\nthem where they were from.\nNo one was from California,\nbut they have two friends who\nare from Corona.\n\nThey said all the other guys\nthink SAM is great.\n\nJames R. Berry,\nCommander,\n\nLanding Ship Squadron 9\nAPO San Francisco 96601\n\n(Operation SAM (Support\nand Moral Feom Home)\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 69.8198998413086, 5365.71465234375, 656.1878134765625, 6041.5831992187495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Everybody knows that the\nnew Richard Nixon lives in\nthe same swank New York\n\ncity apartment house as Nel-\n\nson Rockefeller. Everybody,\nthat is, with the possible ex-\nception of Mr. Nixon.\n\nWe all remember how the\noki Nixon had to sell his\nMom’s apple pies to make\nends meet during the Depres-\nsion. We remember because\nhe told us all about it. And now\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3226.065185546875, 3302.64208984375, 4930.10986328125, 7200.3525390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "y BIG\nTHURSDAY\n\nFRIDAY-SATURDAY\nJULY 18-19-20\n\nEVERYTHING IN THE STORE\n\nON SALE!\n3 BIG DAYS\n\nLadies’ & Girls’\nDARLENE and DEVON\n\nSPORTSWEAR \\\n\nBoucle Knits\n\n40¢\nOFF\n\nLittle Boys’ and Girls’\nBOXER SHORTS\n\nSizes 3 to 8\nHeavy f C\nChambray\n\nong Prints R\n\nuP TO\n°, Off\n5070 0\nON SOME MERCHAND out\nyou Are invited Santer Charge\n\nines Chargé ~~\nGarpankAmericard-\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2545.597708984375, 2823.28496484375, 3139.604927734375, 3578.35321875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "band and daughter, Judy,\n» who are here from Ohio.\n\nTwenty Years Ago Today\n\nMr. and Mrs. Miles Arnold\nand daughter, accompanied\nby Carol Carlson of Decorah,\nIowa, were callers at the J.\nC. Hammond home. Mr. Ar-\nnold was managing partner\nat Ricart’s restaurant in\nNorth Long Beach.\n\nForrest Black of Corona was’\nnamed treasurer of the Riv-\nerside County Democrats at a\nmeeting at the County Court\nHouse.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1407.94189453125, 2555.52880859375, 2999.615234375, 2767.376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Down Memory Lane\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1963.8109130859375, 5273.4140625, 3112.2314453125, 7276.18115234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "a\nEXCELLENT DINING\n\nina\nRelaxed Atmosphere\n\n \n\nFEATURING\nFRITTERS\n{\n\nH\nCOMPLETE DINNER MENU\n$499\n\nrom\n\nAnd we also have @ varied selection\nof special salads. and sanawiches ©\nyempt Your | .\nCorona Bowl\n\n9431-1222\n\n1406 w. 6th\n\n'S)\n\nCOME TO OUR\n\nNEW\n\nYEAR’\n\nTH sf ,\n\n| banana CARTY\nR SKILLET RESTAURANT\n\nmoderately priced $\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1302.9071572265625, 5043.5989296875, 1893.429634765625, 5885.3649374999995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Packing the Supreme Court\ncan’t be done, because I’ve\ntried it and it won’t work...\nWhenever you put a man on\nthe Supreme Court he ceases\nto be your friend — President\nHarry S. Truman.\n\n; ee\n\nAbout 75 years ago I learned\nI was not God. And so, when\nthe people (through legisla-\ntion) want to do something I\ncan’t find anything in the Con-\nstitution forbidding them to\ndo, Y say, whether 1 like it\nor not, “Godamit, let ’°em do\nit.” — Justice Oliver Wendell\nHolmes.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3163.762748046875, 503.50273828125, 3754.365181640625, 3217.89276953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "POSTCARD FROM TRI-\nBURG — The tourist bureau\nman'‘in Freiburg sighed and\nsaid: ‘‘Oh, yes, we get mary\nAmerican tourists here.\n\n“They are mostly ladies.\nThey arrive in a big tour bus,\nand they ask me, ‘Can you\ndrink the water here? Where\ncan ] buy some postcards?’\nThey write the postcards all\nday.\n\n“I say to them, ‘Wouldn't\nyou like to see the Cathedral?’\nThey say, ‘No, f already have\na postcard of it.’ Next day,\nthey get up and have coffee\nand get back on the tour bus\nto Switzerland.\n\n“They say: ‘Well, now\nwe’ve done Freiburg.’ ”’\n\n* * ©\n\nIt’s a warm German sum-\nmer now on the edge of the\nRhine and the Black Forest.\nThe language barrier is fierce..\n\nI order breakfast for the\nhousehold wren and two chil-\ndren. (She is convinced if she\nspeaks Spanish to them, they\ncan understand. “It’s a for-\neign language, isn’t it?’’ she\nsaid. “Well, then.”)\n\n“T want bread and honey,”\nsaid the youngest child.\n\nT said: “Blasi it! 1 cannot\nsay bread and honey. I ean\nsay eggs. Have some eggs.”\n\n“TI don’t want eggs,” he said\nsullenly. ‘‘Can you say\ntoast?”\n\n“Yes, | can say toast.”\n\n“T want hacon,” he said.\nYe gods!\n\ns & 6%\n\n‘Yes,”’ said the man at the\ncar rental place. “We will\nrent you a car on your Amer-\nican Express card.” (Big\nMama away from home!)\n\nHe brought the car over —\na cream Volkswagen. He\nsaid: ‘‘There is a problem.\nWe have just started taking\nAmerican Express cards.\nOnly we have no blanks to\nimprint your card. And no\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1332.1923828125, 380.5340270996094, 3107.97021484375, 2445.885009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nINDEPENOENT, PREES-TELEGRAM\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1955.221923828125, 3703.458740234375, 3112.3388671875, 5087.69287109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n© King Features Syndicate, tne, P968.\nWorld rights reserved.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1289.9576943359375, 5999.049125, 1903.8926474609375, 7309.8864218749995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "EE\nWhere there is no vision the\n\neeople perish Proverbs 29:18.\n\n823 S. Main St.\nCorona, California, 91720\n\n_ Vol. 55, July 17, 1968, No. 228\n\n| Daily Independert rncorporated\nDial 737-1234\nHarry Sothcott\n\ntive Business Manager\noe s\n\n. ‘ Robert Kirkpatrick\n«, we Circulation Manager\n“ 2 Mrs. Frankte Dorgan\n\nLa . Advertising Mer.\nwent Earl Cullins\nMechanical Supt.\n\nPublished Mondays through Fri-\ndays, Member of Audit Bureau of\nClreulations.\n\nSubscription Rates\n\nPer month by carriter-salesmen\nand motor route in the Corona area\n$1.25.\n\nSubscription by Mall pavable in\nadvance, Riverside, Imperial, Sar\nDiego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles\nand Orange Countles, 1 year $15.00:\n6 months $7.75; 8 months $4.00;\n1 month $1.50.\nAll other zones, payable in ad-\n/vance; 1 year $18.00: 6 months\n$9.25; 3 months $4.75; 1 month $1.75\n\nPer Copy 10¢\nSecond Class Postage paid at\nCorona, California\n\nNational Advertising representatlv- |\nWestern Dailies (office in Los An-\nBeles, San Francisco, New York,\nKansas City, Denver, Detroit, Chi-\nane St. Louls, Memphis, Mexico\n\nty).\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1351.3905029296875, 4871.48046875, 1828.0609130859375, 4983.15478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Quotations\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3785.354544921875, 2082.799857421875, 4381.6647421875, 3062.5338828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "charge this. |-am running out\nof money.” |\n\nHe made a phone cal] — in\nGerman. He said: ‘‘The boss\nhas decided to abolish the\nAmerican Express system. lt\nmust be all cash.’\n\n“Ok,” I said. “Il pay you\nwhen I return the car.”\n\nHe said: “I am sorry. The\nboss now says he must have\ncash in advance.” He explain-\ned: ‘‘'The boss is a self-made\nman. He believes in cash.”\n\n“He’s pot it made,” } ad-\nmitted.\n\nss ee &\n\nIt is deep summer now in\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 242.52835083007812, 5101.27978515625, 1084.388671875, 5249.7978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Morning Report\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3857.74560546875, 1325.286865234375, 4362.40869140625, 2060.527099609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 457.87322998046875, 2528.044677734375, 887.7383422851562, 2582.095458984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "By Fred L. Eldridae\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1626.137939453125, 150.24859619140625, 2885.516357421875, 259.9497985839844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "I THOUGHT HE.WAS A FLYWEIGHT.. “\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 378.4686279296875, 6168.59765625, 919.7706298828125, 6295.076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Letters\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 87.85310363769531, 2205.42431640625, 1268.1383056640625, 2502.71630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "20-20 Hindsight\n\nSanta Ana planning\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 426.2160339355469, 5246.6787109375, 898.8208618164062, 5297.71630859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "By ABE MELLINKOFF\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3883.50732421875, 442.94989013671875, 4302.826171875, 508.4112243652344 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "By Stan Delaplane\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3184.79541015625, 111.59830474853516, 5001.6142578125, 433.3667907714844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Delaplane's Postcard\n\nVenison and strawberries, yes?\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 58.66689682006836, 957.5112915039062, 1279.225341796875, 1098.56201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "The Jarman departure\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4410.86016015625, 441.34639672851563, 5008.2379843749995, 3188.601509765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Jeather shorts — Lederhosen\n— held up by leather suspen-\nders with a carved bone orna-\nment on the cross strap.\n\nThey carried rucksacks full\nof sausages and bottles of\nBreisgau wine and flasks of\nkirsch made from Black For-\nest cherries.\n\nThey walked determinedly,\nstopping to listen while the\nguide pointed out views of\nneedle church spires in dis-\ntant villages.\n\n* *¢ «©\n\nThe main roads were full! of\nCars, going at high speed and\nbarely missing collisions.\n(Germans kill twice as many\npeople per passenger mile as\nthe U. S.)\n\nIt was sunny, blue sky\nweather. The cream (paid-in-\nadvance) Volkswagen ran\nhandily downhill. Not so hand-\nily uphill. It had no passing\npower at all. After a couple\nof heart-thumping near miss-\nes, IT slid off the main road\nonto the back byways.\n\n¢ « &\n\nAt noon we came to the\nvillage of Triburg where we\nstopped for lunch. I went to\nwash, and when IT returned,\nshe said: “I've ordered veni-\nson and strawberries. I told\nyou they understand Span-\nish.’’\n\n1 sald: “How on earth —?\"\n\nShe said: “I just. sald,\n‘Tiene Usted venison? Tiene\nUsted strawberries?’ “\n\nIT went out to the kitchen,\nthumbling tthe phrase book.\n“Ist das nicht etc.” “Your\nwife has already ordered,”\nsaid the waiter in perfect Eng-\nlish.\n\n“I didn’t understand all! of\nit.”” he said. ‘“‘But | think she\nwants venison and strawber-\nries. Right?’ ‘Right, mein\nHerr.’ 7 eaid.\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 89.7187271118164, 781.0950317382812, 1141.2568359375, 886.26708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Daily Independent Editorial\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 416.63531494140625, 6368.92138671875, 905.9456787109375, 6435.298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "SAM appreciated\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3793.398978515625, 2997.40117578125, 4375.93183203125, 3199.754341796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "It is deep summer now in\nSouthern Germany. The pine\ntree hills of the Black Forest\nwere full of hikers. They wore\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1354.401123046875, 5919.97802734375, 1879.568359375, 5999.20849609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Gomorte ipa rzsr\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2632.57568359375, 3628.8984375, 3118.510498046875, 3702.847900390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By Phil Interlandi\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 1370.77587890625, 2825.87744140625, 1818.30810546875, 2875.8642578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Five Years Ago Today\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1989.8509521484375, 5125.19091796875, 3082.206787109375, 5233.876953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "“Mr. Ryan won't be in today. He took me out\ndancing last night,”\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1969.4415283203125, 3627.390625, 2237.93896484375, 3708.090576171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "QUEENIE\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 11, 17 ], [ 11, 22 ], [ 11, 26 ], [ 11, 27 ], [ 11, 29 ], [ 17, 22 ], [ 17, 26 ], [ 17, 27 ], [ 17, 29 ], [ 22, 26 ], [ 22, 27 ], [ 22, 29 ], [ 26, 27 ], [ 26, 29 ], [ 27, 29 ], [ 32, 12 ], [ 19, 35 ], [ 24, 28 ], [ 40, 34 ], [ 40, 30 ], [ 34, 30 ] ]
[ 6079.3965625, 9019.0166796875 ]
[ [ 17, 26 ], [ 19, 35 ], [ 22, 17 ], [ 24, 28 ], [ 26, 27 ], [ 27, 29 ], [ 29, 11 ], [ 32, 12 ], [ 34, 30 ], [ 40, 34 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2403.97412109375, 965.518310546875, 6064.9765625, 1726.13525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Reds Strike Khe Sanh:\nAll-Out Push Starting?\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2440.237060546875, 1773.4779052734375, 4557.56884765625, 3241.50244140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 961.0963134765625, 7338.25341796875, 5286.796875, 7638.10595703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Not Generator Trouble but Red Tanks!\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 923.1787109375, 4946.62255859375, 2341.010498046875, 5370.30078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "‘Will Run To Win,’\n\nWallace Declares\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5311.81486328125, 3535.396650390625, 6058.2276171875, 6077.75154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Eee Rr nlelacealanty Ingen Wisdeyt A A ett ap USING) oc aril\nate Democratic Leader Mike\n‘Mansfield calls North Korea’s\n‘identification of the USS Pueb-\n‘lo’s dead and wounded an en\nuraging sign the crew may be\nleased. But the State Depi\n‘ment cautions against expect\n‘a quick follow-up.\n\n_ Mansfield said in an inieriee\n‘he is optimistic because Pan-\nmunjom negotiations with va\nCommunists are “being carried\nout on a reasonable level with-\n‘out the usual vituperation from\nthe other side.”\n\n\"I think that the North Ko-\n‘reans’ release of the names of\n‘the dead and wounded is an en-\ncouraging sign that we may get\nthe crew members back, he\n‘said.\n\nMansfield, being briefed daily\nby the Johnson administration\nsaid he regards as significant\nthe U.S. removal of the aireralt\ncarrier Enterprise from the sea\nof Japan, where it was stationed\nafter the North Kereans cap-\ntured the intelligence-gathering\n‘Pueblo and her 83-man crew.\n| Sources at the United Nations\nsaid removal of the Nantisil bos'\n‘was suggested to the United\nStates last week by Hungary's\nU.N. Ambassador Karoly Csa-\ntorday, who said it would be a\nconciliatory gesture. :\n- Still sailing in the Sea of Ja\n‘pan are two other American’\nearriers, plus destrovers and\nsupport ships, with about 20 ves-\n‘sels making up the foree.\n\nMeanwhile, the Soviets have\n\nSee PUEBLO on page 3.\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3119.38810546875, 6437.92130859375, 3837.81208984375, 7329.46052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Continued fair skies and rela-\ntively warm daytime tempera.\ntures were forecast for Oklaho-\nma through Friday.\n\nLow mercury readings tonight\nwill be 25-35, highs Friday in\nthe high 50s and lower 60s com-\npared with today's 52-63. Over-\nnight minimums were from 16\nat Ponca City to 30 at Altus Air\nForce Base.\n\nMiami's low this morning was\n19, coldest since Jan. 15. The\nnoon temperature was 3%\nWednesday's high here was 43.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 175.34133728027345, 7960.52970703125, 913.3746508789063, 9005.9424609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Prime\nMinister Harold Wilson of Brit-\ndin met with President Johnsen\nat the White House today to dis-\ncuss wide ranging international\nproblems,\n\nAn honor guard flanked the\nWhite House driveway as Wil-\nson drove up to the White House\nentrance. There Johnson greet-\ned his visitor with a smile and\na handshake, and they posed\nbriefly for photographers before\nentering the executive mansion.\n\nTheir talks are expected to\ncenter on Vietnam and planned\nBritish troop withdrawals from\n\nphe Middle East and Asia.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4608.13720703125, 1785.3939208984375, 6033.9111328125, 2203.33251953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "North Viets Driven\nFrom Hill Outpost\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3120.731201171875, 3437.95166015625, 4531.33642578125, 3966.707275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "River Yields\nMans Body\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1662.0829296875, 1761.9575634765624, 2402.85994140625, 4918.082109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "_ WASHINGTON ( AP) — Presi-\ndent Johnson asked Congress to-\nday for $3 billion in foreign aid,\n‘including a special $100 million\nin immediate military assist-\nance for South Korea,\n\n_ Saying threats against South\nKorea from the North call for\n‘strengthened defenses of “this\nsteadfast ally,” Johnson said\n‘the $100 million would be used\nfor planes, antiaircraft equip-\n‘ment, naval radar, patrol craft,\nammunition and other supplies.\n- Seoul has asked the United\nStates for added American help\n‘since recent Communist incur-\n‘sions across her border.\n\nIn his message to Congress to-\nday, Johnson did not mention\nNorth Korea's seizure of the\nUS. intelligence ship Pueblo\nand its 83man crew.\n\nThe presidential request for\nforeign aid in the fiscal year\nstarting next July 1 came to $2.9\nbillion—-$2.5 billion in economic\nassistance and $420 million tor\nmilitary aid,\n\nAnother $120 million in arms\naid will be sought through sep-\narate legislation.\n\n“The programs I propose to-\nday are as important and as es-\nsential to the security of this na-\ntion as our military defenses,”\nJohnson said.\n\nBut there were advance indi-\neations of more trouble for the\nbig aid bill on Capitol Hill.\n\nCongress chopped nearly $1\nbillion from the $3.2 billion\narms-economic assistance John-\ngon sought for the current fis-\ncal year.\n\nHis new request is about $750\nmillion more than what the law-\nmakers were willing to hand\nhim last vear for the overseas\n\nprogram sa i\n\nJoanson Liyended the bilfivns\n\nfor helping lexs developed covn-\n\ntries around the world are need-\n\ned because “peace will never be\nSee AID on page 3.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5335.166015625, 6121.06689453125, 6001.57177734375, 6553.20751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Garbage Crews\nDefy Order; N.Y.\nCrisis Worsens\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4576.25529296875, 7655.87248046875, 5305.7471484375, 8997.0371875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Earlier reports said there were\nnine tanks and five were\nknocked out.\n\nS. Sgt. Peter Tiroch, 25, of In-\ndianapolis, Ind., said the tanks\nhad spotlights that swept the\ncamp in search of targets and\nwere armed with .30-caliber ma-\nchine guns.\n\nU.S. light antitank rockets\nseemed to have no effect on the\narmored vehicles. Tiroch said,\nbut a Green Beret crew stopped\ntwo outside the camp with\nblasts from a 106mm recoilless\nrifle, |\n\nInside the camp, one tank:\npaused beside a flaring fuel\ndock and Tiroch raked it with a\n50-caliber machine gun, firing\nspecial antitank ammunition.\n\n“T was firing pointblank but it\nSee TANKS on page 3.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3117.64494140625, 4299.9403515625, 3854.99080078125, 6112.1299609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "_ Sheriff Bill Schuelein said the\n‘body of Charles Montgomery\nMitehell, 45, was discovered by\nWoodrow Webber, a Miamian\n“fishing in brush piles for crap-\npie Webber, fishing from a boat.\nhooked the body, which was\n‘floating un its back. and towed\nit across the river te Pooler’s\n‘Bluff and then notified the\nsheriff's office about 11:50 a.m\nSchuelein and Deputy Bill Brod-\nrick imvestigated.\n\nFrom the condition of the\nbody. Schuelein speculated that\nMitchell may have been killed\n‘instantly when his car crashed\nthrough the bridge railing and\n‘plunged into the river.\n\nA search for Mitchell's body\nbegan Dec. 4 when Turnpike\nPatrolman Alton R. Bogle and\na Florissant, Mo., truckdriver\nsaw Mitchell's 1961 Oldsmobile\nskid some 600 feet on ice-slick\npavement and crash through the\nrail on the tuftpike bridge, a\nmile south of Miami.\n\n_ The bedy was received by the\nJim Thomas funeral home of\nMiami.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 210.67855834960938, 7767.63720703125, 777.567626953125, 7924.07666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Wilson, President\nConfer in Capital\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3144.398681640625, 6182.04638671875, 3736.20947265625, 6363.21044921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Pleasant Weather\nPromised Sooners\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5311.89005859375, 6577.6258984375, 6050.441484375, 8966.7803515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (‘APi — New\nYork City's 10,000 striking sani-\ntation men defied an order to\nreturn to work today and Mavor\nJohn V. Lindsay asked Gov.\nNelson A. Rockefeller for state\nassistance to cope whh growing\nfive-foot garbage piles.\n\nThe state assistance included\npossible use of the National\nGuard.\n\nRockefeller eanceied an early\nmorning appointment and was\nin the city.\n\nLi ndsay also issued an execu-\ntive order authorizing the tem-\nporary transfer of 3.000 city em-\nployes, chiefly laborers and\nruck drivers. to emergency\nsanitation duty. oe\n\nThe mayor, vowing to “fight\nlawlessness with every lawful\nresource,\" had ordered the\nstriking saoration, men to re\nturn to work by 7 a.m. today. A’\nspokesman for hy Departinent\nof Sanitation said tersely. “The\nmen did not report for work.”\n\nAt the recommendation of the\nBoard of Health and the city’s:\nEmergency Control Board,\nLindsay declared that “a health\nemergency’ existed in the city\n\nMore than 50,000 tons of uncol\nlected: a, has accniaie\n“agg oo week-long stri\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nwinds “swept p papers: and.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2385.741865234375, 4040.64591796875, 3116.64265625, 7313.966875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (AP) ~- In a major\nnew chailenge to President\n‘Johnson's Vietnam _ policies.\nSen. Robert F. Kennedy, D.\nN.Y., charged today they were\n‘based on illusions.\n\n“It is time for the truth,”\n_ “We must be willing to fore\n‘see a settlement which wil it\nithe View Csnir a Cant\n\n\\tieipate in ihe polite? \"1\nthe coumtry,” he said, adding i!\n‘was an “illusion that stil! denies\nthis basic necessity.”\nHe directly disputed Joho-\n‘son's statement that the Viet\nCong offensive in South Vietnam\nwas a military failure.\n\nAnd Kennedy held that enemy\nlosses could not have been as\ndevastating as Pentagon reports\nindicated.\n\n- He commented in a speech\nprepared for delivery to a Book\nand Author luncheon.\n\n_ Johnson told a news confer-\nence Friday that “the biggest\nfact is that the stated purposes\nof the general uprising have\nfailed. Communist leaders\n‘counted on popular support in\nithe cities for their effort. They\nfound little or none.”\n\n| Kennedy, without mentioning\nJohnson by name, said today:\n\n| “We must, first of all, rid our-\n‘selves of the illusion that the\nevents of the past two weeks\nrepresent some sort of victory\nThat is not so.\n\n“Tt is claimed that the Com-\nmunists expected a large-scale\nuprising which did not occur.\nHow ironic it is that we should\nclaim a victory because a peo-\nple whom we have given 16,000\nlives, billions of dollars and al-\nmost a decade to defend did not\nrise in arms against us.\n\n“More disillusioning and pain-\nful is the fact that the popula-\ntion did not rise to defend its\nfreedom against the Viet Cong.\n\n“Our intelligence chief tells us\nthat, of 60,000 men thrown into\n\nSee RFK on page 3.\n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1651.7173291015624, 7657.0575390625, 2372.82478515625, 8984.253984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Before the onslaught against\nthe camp three miles west of\nthe U.S. Marine combat base at\nKhe Sanh, the North Viet-\nnamese pounded it with a fu\nrious artillery and mortar bar-\nrage\n\n“How much did they fire? The\nLord only knows,” Spec. 4\nFranklin Dooms, 23, of Waynes-\nboro, Va.. said\n\nThe tanks smashed through\nthe camp’s outer defenses with\nease, A wounded American sur-\nvivor commented: “That\nbarbed wire just doesn't slow\ntanks down at ail.”\n\nThe defenders fought the\ntanks with recoilless rifles and\ngrenades. Men clambered atop\nthe tanks, which were firing\n76mm rounds into the camp’s\nbunkers, and tried to toss gre-\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 160.8515167236328, 943.94384765625, 1631.110107421875, 1757.7310791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Logic’ Plea\nBy Governor\n‘To Teachers\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4567.79240234375, 2232.2919140625, 6079.3965625, 2640.915361328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "SAIGON (AP) — The long-expected Communist of-\nfensive to drive U.S. forces from the two northernmost\nprovinces of South Vietnam may have started.\n\nNorth Vietnamese troops made a heavy artillery and\nground attack on the U.S. Marine combat base at Khe\nSanh today after taking the Lang Vei Special Forces\ncamp nearby in the northwest cerner of the country.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1703.5767822265625, 966.2755126953125, 2371.10009765625, 1590.4970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Urgent Aid for\nSouth Koreans\nAsked by LBJ\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 918.8147412109375, 7639.6532421875, 1639.9289111328126, 9006.654375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "KHE SANH, Vietnam (AP)\nWhen North Vietnamese tanks\nrumbled out of Laos Wednesday\nto attack the Lang Vei Special\nForces camp, the U.S. Green\nBere’ troopers inside decided\nthe strange sound came from\nthe camp’s erratic generator,\n\nMinutes later the Americans,\nSouth Vietnamese and Montag-\nnard tribesmen were battling\ndesperately to keep the iron\ngiants from overwhelming\nthem.\n\nThey lost the fight but de\nstroyed seven of the 10 tanks\nwhich the North Vietnamese\nused for the first time in the\nwar,\n\nThe attack began shortly after\nmidnight with tanks hitting the\ncamp on two sides and an inian-\ntry assault up the middle.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3890.99853515625, 4317.5537109375, 4507.77490234375, 4795.29345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Tol! to Sixin\nChicago Blast\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 222.7801190185547, 1779.145185546875, 1672.6718310546873, 2322.7744921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Gov. Dewev Bartlett, de-\nclaring he is firm in his stand against any tax increase,\nurged Oklahoma school teachers to use “logic and rea-\nson rather than threats and ultimatums” in their drive\nfor an improved educational program.\n\nThe Oklahoma Education Association Board of Di-\nrectors voted Wednesday to blacklist state schools and\ninvoke national sanctions against the state if demands\nfor more monev are not met by March 16.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5352.94482421875, 2681.515625, 5973.59033203125, 3318.308837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Senator Sees\nIdentification\nAs Good Sign\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2388.561201171875, 7674.3348828125, 3116.748857421875, 8999.7823046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "NaGes GOWN Me venicies Nalen-\nes\n\nThe battle ended quickly. A\nSpecial Forces radio operator\ncalled Khe Sanh: “I’ve got two\ntanks sitting on top of mv com\nmand bunker.” Then the radio\nwert dead. It was feared that\nthe entire camp was wiped out.\n\nBut a strange siege was under\nway. The headquarters bunker\nwas under three feet of rein-\nforced concrete and two feet of\nsteel, The tanks tried to break\nthis down, They couldn't\n\nS. Sgt. Emanuel Phillips, 32,\nof Portland, Ore., said North\nVietnamese demolition men be-\ngan shoving satchel charges\ndown the bunker’s ventilating\n\n“They entertained themselves\nfor several hours this way.”\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3121.734541015625, 7651.455, 3830.10896484375, 9004.293046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "said Phillips. “They were vers\nindustrious but not very smart.’\n\nThe sergeant said had the\nCommunists used larger sapper\ncharges instead of satchel\ncharges they would have de-\nstroved the bunker\n\nTear gas and incendiary gre-\nnades followed the satchel\ncharges. The Special Forces\nmen donned gas masks and put\nout the fires set by the gre-\nnades. Phillips said the eight\nmen in the bunker played dead\nfor several hours hoping the\nNorth Vietnamese would ge\nawey, Then two large charges\ncame down the air shaft and de-\nstoyed part of the bunker.\nSix of the eight Americans\nwere wounded and some were in\nAll the while heavy U.S\n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 943.0347729492188, 2293.391279296875, 1663.454423828125, 4909.8184375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "ww FY AVACAE REE 20,\n\n“This sanctions alert should\nbe well understood by all of\nus.”’ Bartlett said. “We are do-\ning everything we can for teach-\ners, Our proposals would raise\nteachers salaries by an average\nof $1,370 over a four-year pe-\nriod — that is $499 more than\nany previous governor has pro-\nvided in his administration.\n\n“I fee] sanetions can and will\nbe averted,’ he declared, “but\nthat’s not entirely in my hands.\nI hope they will reconsider their\nthreat of sanctions,”\n\nAlthough Bartlett declined to\nattack the OEA, which acts as\nspokesman for some 27,000\nteachers, he did say teachers\nhave been misled about his pro-\nposals,\n\n“In speaking around the\nstate,” he said, “I have found\nthat a lot of teachers have not\nrealized the full extent of our\nproposals. We are proposing\nwell over a 50 per cent larger\nincrease over any previous ad-\nniinistration,”’\n\nBartlett said he proposed to\naccomplish this “without a tax\nincrease.”\n\n“Tt has been rumored I have\nmade an agreement to Sign a\ntax bill, or tax bilis. This is not\ntrue, Our program is the same\nas it was dan, 2 when I pre-\nsented it to the legislature.”\n\n“However, he said he remains\n‘open-minded and the tevida-'\nlure is opertnimded ...d_in thy\ndealings with the teachers, I\nhave found them jt be open\nminded”\n\nSoe TH ACHE RA an nace 2\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3825.0184765625, 7659.26017578125, 4567.261796875, 9019.0166796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "strikes pounded the camp as a\nrelief force led by other Green\nBerets tried to reach the belea-\n-guered defenders, It failed and\n| took heavy casualties.\n\nTwelves hours after the al-\ntack had begun, Phillips and his\ncomrades decided they had to\n_get oul. The camp commander\nradioed for all the air cover he\ncould get. As the planes made\ndummy runs without dropping\n‘bombs, the men who could walk\n| lifted the seriously wounded and\n‘ran from the bunker, One of the\n) eight men did not make it to the\n; yelicopters and is listed as miss-\n- ing.\n\n_ Phillips said that when the\n; surviving Gree: Berets got to-\n| gether later they agreed that 10\n‘Communist tanks had attacked\n‘and seven had been destroyed.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1662.0037060546874, 5647.570234375, 2384.821123046875, 7275.0967578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "from either of the parties which\nwould show the American peo-\nple that they are heeding the\ngrowing disillusionment — with\nwhat amounts to a one-party\nsystem in the United States,”’ he\nsaid,\n\nHe said, “The American peo-\nple are hungry for a change in\nthe direction of our national\ngovernment, They are con-\ncerned and disturbed about the\ntrends being followed by our na-\ntional leadership.”\n\nHe called for an end to\n“crime running rampant in ev-\nery city of our nation,” for pun-\nishment of what he termed\n“treasonable acts’’ aiding the\nnation’s enemies, for what he\ncalled a return to constitutional\ngovernment and “a _ nation\nwherein our states are able to\nrun their affairs, their schools,\nhospitals and other domestie in-\nstitutions without receiving di-\nrections from Washington,\n\nT ft ee\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2425.379150390625, 3433.20947265625, 2994.287109375, 3943.4375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "RFK Assails\nViet Policies\n\n‘Time for Truth,’\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3102.92814453125, 3996.70939453125, 4578.25642578125, 4310.56697265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "_ The body of a Huntington Park, Calif.. man, missing\n\"since his car plunged into the Neosho river south of\n‘Miami in early December, was found this morning near\n’ Pooler's Bluff, about two miles downstream from the\n“bridge where the accident occurred.\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 927.2151928710938, 5505.2958203125, 1649.75203125, 7298.74861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Se ee ae a | ae\ning that neither major part\nthe American people” and |\n\nThe former Alabama gover-\nnor, who withdrew from a simi-\nlar third-party campaign bid\nfour vears ago, told a news\nconference: “I am in the race\nirrevocably.”\n\nWallace said he hopes his\nname will be on the ballot on all\n50 states and that he will be\nable to finance such an effort.\n\n“T believe the American peo\nple will finance any effort to\ngive themselves a voice in the\naffairs of our country,”’ he said.\n\nWhen he withdrew in 1964, aft-\ner the Republicans nominated\nBarry Goldwater for president,\nhe said this showed his message\nlor states rights had been heed-\n\ned,\n\nToday, Wallace noted he has\nrepeatedly stated that unless\nthe Republicans or Democrats\noffer the American people what\nhe termed “a real choice in\n1968\" that he “would lead a po-\nlitical effort which would in fact\noffer this choice.” |\n\n“There has been no response\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4581.04533203125, 2639.900068359375, 5314.703203125, 7310.17244140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "AP correspondent John 7\nWheeler reported from Khe\nSanh that the Red gunners fired\nmore than 300 artillerv, rocket\nand mortar rounds into Marine\npositions there, and North Viet-\nnamese troops drove the Ma:-\nrines from part of a hilltop out-\npost a mile from the perimeter\nof the Khe Sanh base,\n\nThe Leathernecks counterat-\ntacked and. with heavy artillery\nand air support, drove the North\nVietnamese down the hill.\n\n_ During the attack on Lang Vet\n|Wednesday, the enemy troops\n‘ringing Khe Sanh moved in clos-\ner to the American lines. yok\nrine officers at the base be-\n‘lieved a major assault was im-\nndnent on the Marine base and\nthe air strip which is its chief\navenue of supply and reintorce-\nment\n\nOfficers at Khe Sanh said the\n‘Communists appear bent on a\ndrive to the South China Sea\nalong east-west Route 9, the\nwestern end of which Khe Sanh\nguards.\n\nThe last American, South\nVietnamese and Montagnard\nforces were driven from the\nLang bay camp three miles west\n‘or Khe Sanh after an 1éhour\nsiege in which the defenders\nsuffered heavy casualties.\n\nFourteen of the 24 Americans\nescaped, and eight of them were\nwounded, some critically. The\nother 10 were dead, captured or\ntrying to make it to Khe Sann\n\nOf about 400 South Viet-\nnamese and Montagnard irregu-\nJars m the camp, some 2\nwounded were lifted to safety by\n‘US. helicopters along with tne\nU.S. troops. Nearly 150 more ir-\nregulars made it to the Khe\n‘Sanh base during the night or to-\nday, leaving about 225 dead or\n‘missing.\n\nSurvivors reported that after\na heavy artillery bombardment\nTuesday night, the camp was\nhit on two sides by North Viet-\nnumese tanks being used in the\nwar for the first time, while foot\ntroops came in between them\nThe battle ended quickly, but\neight of the Americans retreat-\néd into the headquarters bunker\nunder three feet of reinforced\nconerete and two feet of steel,\nThe North Vietnamese buried\nsmall explosive satche! charges\nand tear gas and incendiary\ngrenades down the air shafts.\nThe satchel charges did little\ndamage, aid the Americans\ndonned their gas masks and put\nout the fire. Meanwhile, they\ncalled in air strike after air\nstrike on the North Vietnamese\nabove.\n\nAfter 18 hours of siege, six of:\nthe eight Americans were\nwounded and the group decided\nto break for freedom. While\nUS. planes roared down in\ndummy runs, those who could\n\nSee VIETNAM on pace 3.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 207.99041748046875, 2347.718994140625, 856.3277587890625, 2962.71533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Pronr\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3845.27775390625, 4968.5048046875, 4571.22078125, 7330.84626953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "ViVAGY (AF)-—fire and a\nseries of explosions ripped a\nsausage factory Wednesday kill-\ning six persons and injuring 78\n\nThe body of the president of\n\nthe firm, Roy R. Laidly, 61, was\nfound in the rubble hours after\n‘the fire was extinguished. One\nperson was missing and feared\nburied under fallen timbers and\nbricks.\n\nThree of the dead and 18 of\nthe injured were firemen who\nwere fighting the blaze when the\nmain explosion shattered the\nbuilding. A policeman said the\nblast hurled bodies of firemen\nand workers across a\nstreet”\n\n“People were running, falling,\nscreaming everywhere,’ said\nFrank Shear, 52, general man-\nager of a nearby plant, who\nwitnessed the explosion. “You\ncould see bodies going up in the\nair.”\n\nA bystander, Charles Pep-\npers, 23, said he saw a boy,\nabout 10, with a badly cut face\nrun out of a damaged house\nacross the street from the facto-\n‘Ty. | :\n“*Help me, mister, help me!”\nthe kid was screaming,” Pep-\npers said. “I lifted him over a\nfence but he ran away and I\ncouldn't catch him.”\n\n- Windows were shattered in\nbuildings and cars a block from\nthe Mickleberry Sausage Co., lo-\n_. See BLAST on page 3.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1734.5062255859375, 1593.301513671875, 2271.465087890625, 1750.3900146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Foreign Request\nTotals $3 Billion\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5375.1591796875, 3312.315185546875, 5916.37548828125, 3479.288330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Crew of Pueblo\nTo Be Released?\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 930.856611328125, 5398.57560546875, 2377.08015625, 5659.37654296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — George C. Wallace announced\ntoday as a third party candidate for president, declar-\ning that neither major party is heeding the “wishes of\nthe American people” and pledging “T will run to win.”\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 211.98579223632814, 2901.8876171875, 925.4712695312501, 7564.99470703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "blast ail\n\n \n\ni sell\n\nMiami's March of Dimes\ncampaign gets underway to-\nnight with a teen-age dance\nand will continue Sunday with\na bread sale,\n\nThe dance, sponsored by the\nMiami high school Student\nCouncil, will begin at 7:30 in\nthe MHS gymnasium. Admis-\nsion will cost 75 cents, and mu-\nsic will be provided by the\n“Bubble Gum Pie” band. Danc-\ners will use the east entrance.\n\nMiami Boy Scouts and Ex-\nplorers will set out at 1:30 p.m.\nSunday on a door-to-door bread\nsale to raise fund for the March\nof Dimes.\n\nHats off (and purses out,\nplease? to the voung people of\nour community for their fine\nspirit,\n\nThe nationwide drive this\nyear is primarily to raise funds\nfor birth defecis research and\ntreatment,\n\nee ee\nWhat's the source of: ‘For if\nVOU Tih Putty ot ates your\n\nountry, she will die: a thou-\nsand thousand legions shall not\nsave her.”’?\n\nVelma Noieberding wants to\nknow. A Roman genera! per-\nraps, but shes far from cer-\n‘ain\n\nAny helpers?\n\n+s eo\n\nFor the second time this\nvear, Miami is host to a “big-\nzest” sporting event. Oklaho-\nma’s largest amateur boxing\nwrogram, the Jayeee Golden\nloves tournament, opens to-\nright and continues through\nSaturday, Last month the na-\njon’s largest basketball tourna-\nment was conducted here by\nNortheastern A&M\n\n*+*t\n\nEmpl./es at Newman Indus-\nries may be among the fast-\nst fire extinguishers in the\nWest.\n\nA small fire breke out at the\nNorth Miamj beat factory at\nibout 4:40 p.m. Wednesday in\nhe area where workers clean\nwushes, In practically no time\nworkers had doused the blaze.\nFire is a dirty word at New-\nnan, The factory was hit by a\n200.000 fire on March 31, 1966,\n‘ight at the start of what would\nwave been the plant’s biggest\nwoduction season.\n\nThe factory is back on its\neet now as one of the nation’s\neaders in the production of\nwats, amd folks there don’t\nelish the idea of another ma-\nor blaze.\n\n* * t\n\nWe're not the least bit wor-\nied about traveling to Europe\next summer. What bugs us al-\neady is the cost of a few tanks\n# gas for a trip to visit rela-\nives.\n\n* *« +\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3923.656005859375, 4765.2451171875, 4424.66796875, 4917.0205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "78 at Sausage\nFactory Injured\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 3172.218994140625, 6388.75341796875, 3767.48095703125, 6445.40283203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Grand Lake level: 745.43.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 171.01960571289064, 7166.6258984375, 908.5775317382813, 7491.45759765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "We're not the least bit wor-\nried about traveling to Europe\nnext summer. What bugs us al-\nready is the cost of a few tanks\nof gas for a trip to visit rela-\n\n$iexcecs\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2467.55322265625, 3853.916748046875, 2974.578857421875, 4010.00830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "‘Time for Truth,\nSenator Asserts\n" }, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 16, 3 ], [ 11, 20 ], [ 33, 18 ] ]
[ 6793.2109375, 10142.3095703125 ]
[ [ 3, 16 ], [ 20, 11 ], [ 33, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3475.037828125, 666.2302719726563, 4274.94215234375, 1657.691908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "It’s unlikely the results of\nNebraska’s May 14 primary\nelection will be officially\ntabulated and certified by the\nboard of state canvassers\nbefore June 10, Secretary of\nState Frank Marsh says.\n\nThe five-member board\nmet its statutory require-\nment of convening Monday.\nBut an indefinite recess had\nto be called because the\nStatewide tabulation was\nnowhere near finished.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3505.0341796875, 262.0401916503906, 4245.64013671875, 644.5821533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "May Primary\nTabulation Not\nCompleted Yet\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2689.87060546875, 2998.366455078125, 3423.35400390625, 3250.932373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Appointments\nTold by Bishop\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4299.0329453125, 689.4376083984375, 5103.4167617187495, 4018.233900390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "BELLINGER — Alvin F., 43, 6824\nX St., died Wednesday. Born\nHaddam, Kan.; worked for\nBoeing Aircraft, Wichita five\nyears; resident Hugoton, Kan.,\none year; worked as engineering\ntechnician for eight years with\nSoil Mechanics Laboratory, Lin-\ncoln; retired past six months\nbecause of disability. Served in\nWorld War II as a member of\nthe Merchant Marines. Member,\nSt. Mark’s Methodist. Survivors:\nwife, Nila; sons, Danny,\nDouglas; daughter, Vicki Lynn;\nmother, Mrs. Laura Bellinger,\nHaddam Kan., brother Charles,\nSyracuse, Kan.\n\nServices: 1 p.m. Saturday, Um-\nberger’s, 48th & Vine. The Rev.\nWarren C. Schwartz. Lincoln Me-\nmorial Park. Memorials: St.\nMark’s Methodist.\n\nFIRESTONE — Peter H., 78, 908\nNo. 8th, died Tuesday. Lincoln\nresident 66 years, retired rail-\nroad clerk, CNW Railroad, mem-\nber Immanuel Reformed, Wel-\nfare Society, Brotherhood of Rail-\nway and Steamship Clerks. Sur-\nvivors: wife, Christina; sons, Al-\nbert, Edward, both Lincoln;\ndaughters, Mrs. John (Helen)\nWalters, Mrs. Don (Pauline)\nKaiser, Mrs. John (Florence)\nKaufman, all Lincoln, Mrs. Irene\nSchwartz, Bayonne, N.J.; 11\ngrandchildren, seven great-grand-\nchildren.\n\nServices: 11 a.m. Friday Hodg-\nman-Splain-Roberts’, 4040 A. Bur-\njal Wyuka.. The Rev. J. H.\nWacker. Pallbearers: grandsons.\n\nKINSEY—Chauncey Walter Duke,\n69, 1655 Dakota Circle, died\nWednesday. Born Hopedale, IIl.,\nmember for 10 years City Coun-\ncil, American Legion, 40 et 8.\nAF&AM, Scottish Rite, Shrine,\nJesters, Green Fez, Elks, Lincoln\nChamber of Commerce, Lincoln\nCountry Club, graduate Uni-\nversity of Nebraska law school\n1923, member Phi Delta Theta,\nPhi Delta Phi, City-County Build.\ning Authority, 1963 member of\nCity Power Advisory Board.\nchairman of Air Base Reactiva:\ntion Committee, member West:\nminster Presbyterian, veteran\nWorld Wars I and II. 1927-47 aute\ndealer, 1947-60 president Kinsey\nImplement Co., past commander\nLineoln American Legion post.\nmember City Council’s legisla.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1844.595201171875, 8586.7751328125, 2652.38453515625, 10038.873304687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "A request by a. Marine\nstationed in Vietnam for\ntoothpaste has initiated a\n\noj for the Lincoln\nReni Reserves.\n\nMarine Second Lt. Steven\nDeLair of Lincoln has started\na hygiene clinic for Viet-\nnamese children. He has ob-\ntained 1,000 toothbrushes,\nbut expressed a need for\ntoothpaste in a recent letter\nto his wife, Cheryle, of Lin-\ncoln.\n\nThe Lincoln Marine\nReserves have volunteered to\npack and send donations of\ntoothpaste to DeLair’s clinic\nnear Da Nang.\n\nAnyone wishing to donate\ntoothpaste ‘or funds, should\ncontact the Marine\nReserve + a Cen és er,\n1625 No. 10th\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 154.0421600341797, 8680.8037109375, 1811.265869140625, 10041.458984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "\"Ss a ee |\nBIRTHDAY\n\nFriday ...come in and help us\n\nCELEBRATE\n\nTreats, Special Prices\n- Sing a-long-entertainment\nFriday & Saturday\nJOHNNY'S GERMAN POLKA BAND\n\n \n\n \n\nbr Hoa md Sein\n\n1228 “Pp”\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1857.96044921875, 8202.5625, 2579.725830078125, 8577.3994140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Reserve Unit\nHelping Viet\nHygiene Clinic\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1836.7669677734375, 229.0720672607422, 3404.435791015625, 624.4685668945312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "1968-69. Appointments\nListed by Methodists\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2656.8249375, 3283.028306640625, 3453.9094375, 4006.35475 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "New appointments announced\nby EUB Bishop Paul W. Milhouse\nof Kansas City, were (Methodist\nchurches are designated — M):\nCheney-Palmyra (M), Robert\nNeben; Du Bois, Claude McMinn;\nIthaca-Ceresco (M), John Foley:\nNorfolk, “Frank Schroeder: Aur-\nora, Duane W. Lenz; Elba, Cotes-\nfield and Scotia, R. A. Pfeifer;\nHastings, Donald J. Nunnally:\nKearney, Wendell Davis; and\nMira Valley-Arcadia (M), Earl\nHiggins.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5165.55394140625, 7025.02269140625, 5976.9240859374995, 10098.672132812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "(Edna), 79, Fairmont, died\nTuesday. Survivors: husband;\nson, Fred, Fairmont; daughters,\nMiss Ruth of Lincoln, Mrs, Harry\n(Lillie Belle) Cool, Ukiah, Calif’\nMrs. Don (Marie) Green, McCool\nJunction, Mrs. Verne (Margaret)\nOlson, York; brother, Edgar\nSommers, Boone, lowa; sister,\nMrs. Bessie Dillon, Boone; eight\ngrandchildren; 13 great-grand-\nchildren; great-great-grandchild.\nServices: 2 p.m. Friday, Meth-\nodist Church, Fairmont. Burial\nGrafton, Kritner-Farmer, Fair-\nmont,\n\nPHILPOT — Maude L., 282,\nCanoga Park, Calif., died Mon-\nday. Formerly of Nehwaka.\nSurvivors: son, Orville,\nVale, Ore.; daughters, Mrs, Guy\nMurdoch, Nehawka, Mrs, Jim\nSparker, Topanga, Calif., Mrs.\nBeulah Petersen, Chatsworth,\nCalif.; sisters, Mrs. Harry\nLunych, Hastings; 12\ngrandchildren; 34 great-grand-\nchildren,\n\nServices: 2 p.m. Friday, Con-\ngregational Church, Wee ping\nWater. Burial Oakwood cem-\netery, Weeping Water, Hobson-\nDorr’s, Weeping Water. :\n\nRAILSBACK -— Mrs. Grover\n(Mussetta), 73, Alhambra, Calif.,\ndied Monday. Former Peru resi-\ndent. Survivors: sons, John,\nHuntington Park, Calif., Bill,\nRiverside, Calif., and Grover,\nSyracuse; daughters, Mrs. Jim\nCotton, Peru, Mrs, Robert Chap-\nman, Mrs. Ross Shirley, both\nAlhambra, Calif.; sister, Mrs,\nNellie Hiner, Boise, Idaho;\nbrothers, Emmett Sharp,\nGrayson, Calif., Walter Sharp,\nNebraska City.\n\nServices: 10 a.m. Saturday, Peru\nChristian, Peru, Burial Peru.\n\nWIESE—Albert Henry, 65, Deer-\nwood, Minn., died in Minneapolis\nTuesday, Survivors: wife, Laura;\nson, Ronald, Bethesda, Md.;\n\ndaughter, Miss Diane Wiese,\npimnoonelis; sister, Mrs, Edward\n\n‘ Denver.\n\nee 10 am. Saturday,\nWood Bros.’, Seward. The Rev.\nL. W. Heidemann. Bprial Seward.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3472.278794921875, 1923.2442490234375, 4272.5725234375, 4021.82691796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "AVALS4VVLAL UUVENVIISOLUN\n\nUnion Pacific RR, authorized to\nclose Lodgepole station.\n\nBurlington RR, authorized to\ndualize stations at Hickman and\nFirth; authorized to increase\nfamily excursion passenger\nfares; hearing June 24, 1:30 p.m.,\nLincoln, motion for a rehearing\non application to establish mobile\nagency for stations at Milligan,\nOhiowa, Western, Daykin and\nTobias.\n\nUnited Air Lines. of Chicago,\nauthorized to reestablish Sunday\nmornings as travel periods at\nDiscover America rates.\n\nNEW CORPORATIONS\n\nFoxley Packing Co., Omaha;\n$250,000; James J. Fitzgerald\nJr., and William T. Caniglia, both\nOmaha.\n\nWheeler Auto Part, Omaha;\n$100,000; Michael F. Wheeler,\nOmaha.\n\nPersonal Protection, Omaha:\n$25,000; Thomas F. Carl, Omaha.\n\nJames R. Ravenscroft Co.\nKennedy (Farm Real Estate);\n$9,990; James R. Ravenscroft.\nKennedy.\n\nThree Bar Cattle Co., Nenzel;\n$9,990; Willis H. Ravenscroft,\nNenzel.\n\nNew England Congregational\nChurch, Stanton; non-profit; El\nlis E,. Lewton, Ronald Schell\npeper, Hazel Schellpeper, al\nStanton.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2647.93773046875, 1479.9173447265625, 3456.407484375, 2978.20777734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Wayne Charge (Wayne, Carroll,\nWinside) Robert L. Swanson\n(associate).\nNorthwest District\nAlliance-Lakeside, Robert D.\nWigert and William A. Cotant;\nBayard, Luvern C. Hicks; Big\nSprings, Willis T. Harder; Cody-\nMerriman-Kilgore, Russell\nDeWitt; Gering First Church,\nAlden B. Sears; Hemingford,\nJoe M. Baer; Mitchell-Hull, EF.\nAlan Magill; Oshkosh-Kowanda-\nLewellen, David Tarver; Paxton,\nWilliam M. Halstead; Potter,\nLeon A. _ Foster; Scottsbluff,\nLloyd J. Bliss; Valentine-\nCrookston, Cecil B. Green.\nOmaha District\n\nCraig-Alder Grove, Theo. J.\nmrey; Fremont, William C.\nSimmer; Lyons, Quincy A.\nMurphree; Omaha Ames Avenue-\nWesley Community, Clarence M.\nMcConkey; Omaha Pearl Me-\nmorial, Donald E. Littrell; Oma-\nha St. Paul, Herman J. Heise\n(associate); Springfield-Gretna,-\nJ. L. Hill.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4364.37353515625, 403.815673828125, 5724.79638671875, 564.474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Beaths and Hunerals\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 146.55957189941407, 7463.07835546875, 961.2214492187501, 8640.685804687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "For the hard of hearing, expert\nhelp and technical assistance are\navailable almost everywhere. Mod-\nern MAICO audiometers provide\na means of exact measurement and\nunderstanding of each individual\nhearing problem which the world’s\ngreatest hearing scientists gould\nnot have achieved thirty-five years\nago.\n\nThe benefits of acoustic and elec-\ntronic progress are available to\nevery individual, from birth to\ndeath with impaired hearing, as\nare the training and experience of\nexperts’°who have spent years in\nauditory rehabilitation work.\n\nCall me for an appointment to\ndiscuss your hearing problem —\nPhone 432-1967 at our MAICO-\nOtten office at 713 Sharp Building,\nLincoln\n\nJ\n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 998.1736313476563, 6902.45628515625, 1810.2108291015625, 7260.9275039062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The Nebraska Power\nReview Board will hold its\nnext meeting Wednesday at\n3 p.m. in the board’s office\nin in the Farmers Mutual Bidg.\n\namt RMSE\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5121.7829453125, 601.3563095703125, 5937.0451796874995, 6867.9221328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "tive committee, former council\nvice president and vice chair-\nman. Survivors: wife, Allegra;\nson, Robert, Baltimore, Md.;\ndaughters, Mrs. James W. (Jo-\nAnn) Kelso, Pacific Palisades,\nCalif.. Mrs. Gerald (Kay) Hall,\nOmaha, nine grandchildren.\nServices: 11 a.m. Friday, West-\nminster Presbyterian, 2110 Sher-\nidan. The Rev. Robert Palmer.\nBurial Lincoln Memorial. Hodg-\nman-Splain-Roberts’, 4040 A. Pall-\nbearers: Richard Moulton, Bur-\nton Folsom, Gerald Hall, Roy\nWythers, Charles White, Jack\nAndrews. |\n\nKRABILL — Gertrude E., 85, for-\nmerly of Memphis, Tenn., died\nWednesday. Survivors: half\nbrother, Reaford J. Lanson, Lin-\ncoln; half sister, Mrs, F. D. Law-\nson, Fairplay, Colo. Hodgman-\nSplain-Roberts’, 4040 A.\n\nMcGOWEN — Margaret Lea, 6,\n2700 No. 27th, Schmall’s Trailer\nCourt No. 34, died Wednesday.\nBorn in Lincoln, lived in Ogallala\nfor three years. Survivors: father,\nClarence L.; brothers, Bradley\nJay, Clarence L. Jr.;_ sisters,\nMrs. Albert (Viola) Waldridge,\nLincoln, Mrs. Albert (Betty Lou)\nKline, Ogallala, Mrs. Archie\n‘(Clarce) Edwards, Jackson,\nMich., Mrs. Carolee See, Lincoln.\nServices: 10 a.m. Saturday,\nUmbergers’ 48th & Vine. The\nRev. H. E. Garland. Burial\nWyuxa..\n\nMcKNIGHT—Thomas Edwin, 20,\n2817 Holdrege, Lance Cpl. Ma-\nrine Corps, killed May 20, in\nVietnam. Roper & Sons’, 4300 O.\n\nNELSON — Minnie C., 94, 4307\nPrescott, died Wednesday. Born\nIllinois, Lincoln resident 31 years,\nmember College View Seventh-\nday Adventist. Survivors: daugh-\nters, Mrs. Charlotte Bedford,\nMrs. Ruthe Multer, both Lincoln.\nMrs. Alice Gean Halladay. Hins.\ndale, Ill.; brother, Carl Ander:\nson, Plainview; sister, Mrs. Sadie\nShriner, Lincoln; six grandchil.\ndren; eight great-grandchildren.\nMemorials: College View Seventh:\nday Adventist.\n\nServices: 1 p.m, Friday, grave-\nside, Plainview. Roper & Sons’,\n4300 O.\n\nSTEHR — Mrs. Marie, 62, 3126 E,\ndied Monday. In charge lunch-\nroom management Lincoln Public\nSchools, member Calvary EUB.\nSurvivors: sons, David, Waukee.\nIowa, Robert, LaMirada, Calif.:\nbrothers, Daniel, Clarence\nFahrenbruch, hoth Lincoln, Johr\nFahrenbruch, Anselmo, Calif.;\nsisters, Mrs. Ted Rohrig, Gree\nley, Colo., Mrs. Don Becker\nPhoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Virgil Drees\nzen, Lincoln; three grandchil\ndren,\n\nMemorial services: 1:30 p.m. Fri\nday, Hodgman-Splain-Roberts’\n4040 A. The Rev. Vernon P\nSchroeder, Memorials: Cance1\nFund,\n\nTRAUDT — Gaylord Robert, 24\n5019 Judson, died Tuesday.\nServices: 3 p.m. Friday, Um\nberger’s, 48th & Vine. The Rev\nA. W. Lapthorne. Wyuka. Mili\ntary graveside services: Nava\nReserve Training Center. Memo\nrial to Naval Relief Society, 162:\nNo. 10th. Pallbearérs: YN 2 D. C\nMcGowan, HM 2 H. K. Daven\nport, HM 3 R. L. Ahl, SN D. K\nTitterington, SN A. L. Kirtley\nSA D. R. Rogh. Honorary pall\nbearers: Co-workers from AD)\nCo., Charles T. Rivett, Wayne\nOrville Anderson, Theodor\nBurns, Steven Lamborn, M. D\nForsberg, Albert F. Reid, Cal\nvin Denton.\n\nVAGGALIS—George T., 55, 641’\nBurlington Ave., died Wednesday\nLincoln resident 20 years. Re\ntired. Born East Moline, III\nMember Greek Orthodox Church\nServed in World War II in th\nPacific, also Korean War. Sur\nvivors: brothers, Bill, Nicholas\nboth Lincoln, Michael, Denver\nAngel, St. Paul; four nieces\nfour nephews.\n\nServices: 7:30 p.m. Friday\nRoper & Sons’, 4300 O. 2 p.m\nSaturday, Greek Orthodox, 18t!\n& M. The Rev. Spyros Diavatis\nBurial Wyuka,. Military rites a\ngraveside by VFW 131. Pal\nbearers: Richard Weborg, A\nfanso Damian, Gus Klutras, Chri\nChristopulos, Nick Peterson, Wi\nliam Stabion.\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 4318.14573828125, 4394.86448828125, 5135.7951796874995, 10093.740492187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "MY, Part, AVVCAICU, PIVY DOG,\n\nStrange, David A., 28, 5403\nWalker, 2 counts; Count 1, $60;\nCount 2, dismissed by city atty.;\nCount 3, leaving accident scene,\ndismissed by city atty.\n\nThomas, Robert W., 17, 3245\nAdams, $25.\n\nTimm, Brad C., 19, 1213 So.\n26th, $10.\n\nWeisser, Jerry E., 38, 2128 So,\n36th, $10.\n_ Zlebarth, Dean W., 31, Garland,\n\nSpeeding\n15 m.p.h. or more over limits\nGeery, Mark E., 18, 4901 No.\nllth, (60/45), $34; Rader, Warren\nE., 19, 5207 McGuire, (50/35),\n$14; Roberts, Harvey D., 21, 4020\nSt. Paul (72/35), $34.\n\nINJURY ACCIDENTS\nFiled at Lincetn Police Dept.\n\nTuesday\n9th-10th-O St., (rear\nend), Sharon R. Stafford, 9, 2435\nSo. 54th, injured; Connie Stafford,\n25, 2435 So. 54th; Georgia A.\nAtkinson, 32, 421 NW 18th.\nWednesday\nClaire, 47th-48th, (car passen-\nger), David L. Peters, 19, 1144\nStillwater; Benjamin R. Hitch, 17,\n6231 Gladstone, injured.\n\nFIRE RUNS\nLast word indicates damage\n\n9:13 a.m., 3811 No. 14th, burn-\ning complaint.\n\n10:37 a.m., 19th & O, grease\nfire, none.\n\n11:13 a.m., 1140 Nance, burning\ncomplaint.\n\n2:50 p.m., 1140 Nance, burning\ncomplaint.\n\n3:20 p.m., 1000 No. 30th, pole\nfire, none.\n\n4:07 p.m., 10th & P, car fire,\nnone,\n\nWednesday\n9:06 a.m., 2729 a spark\nfrom incinerator, none.\n11:46 a.m., 50th and L, car fire,\nminor,\n1:24 p.m., 2311 Vine, smoke,\nnone,\n\nREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS\nAll houses over $20,000 unless indicated.\n\nMocketts, Philip I. toWeavers,\nArthur L., Parts Lil & 12, B5,\nWoodsshire Add., $39,000.\n\nCheevers, Clifford C. to Sells,\nNorman D., 3511 Fiene Circle,\n\n$33,500.\n\nAllens, Chester S&S. to\nWalkinshaws, Dale R., Part $20,\nTIN, RSE, $29,000.\n\nJohnsons, Robert R., to\nBiggses, Arthur F., 3911 Spruce,\n$26,500.\n\nBorlands, Jack L. to Millers,\nVaden T., L16, B3, Eastborough\nFourth Add., $21,500,\n\nLeisher, Richard D. to Skid-\n— F. Gerald, 8025 E. Avon,\n\n1\n\nSkidmores, F. Gerald to Les,\nCharles H., 8025 E. Avon, eae F\n\nWalkinshaws, Gerald H.,\nDale R. to Allens, Chester 8\nParts L7, 8 9, 10, 11, & 12,\nB3, and all B4, Malcolm, $20,000.\n\nDarling Transfer Co. to\nRoseland, John R. and Novak,\nThomas J., L8, 9, 10, 11, 12 &\n13, Bio, Woods Bros, Country\nClub Park, $20,000\n\nHoyts, John E. to Smiths,\nRobert D., 2940 Jackson, $30,000.\n\nHadsells, Glen C. and Morgans,\nAlpha O. to Nebraska Wesleyan\nUniversity, 2619 Baldwin and 2603\nNo. 50th, $30,000\n\nGeorges, Lloyd E, to Weiden-\nhafts, Lonnie A., 7741 Vine,\n\n$23,500.\n\nCrawfords, Richard D. to\nPalmers, John M. Jr., L10, B7,\nMeadow Lane Sxith Add., $21,500.\n\nSchewes, Donald B. to Mur-\nrays, Russell J., 8131 Sandalwood,\n$21\n\n000.\n\nHeins, Lester L. to Beechams,\nJohn D., Li, Bi, enn\nManor First Add., $28,000\n\nHalls, Hubert H. to\nDuane W., L16, B7, Valley View\nAdd., $27,500.\n\n, Violet M t\nStaudingers, Wilbur L., 2616 No,\n56th, $25,009,\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 1817.293931640625, 609.3147446289063, 2627.607923828125, 8362.2678359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "oe\n\nMinisterial appointments\nfor the 1968-1969 conference\nyear were announced by\nBishop Kenneth W. Copeland\nat the closing session of the\n1967 former Methodist\nNebraska Annual Conferenc\nin Lincoln Wednesday.\n\nThere are two newcomers\nto the Nebraska Conference.\nOne is the Rev. Hughes B.\nMorris Sr., from a_ parish\nnear Chicago to serve the\nNorth Platte-Tryon churches\nalong with the Rey. Warren\nSpellman, formerly at\nValentine. Morris has a son,\nthe Rev. Hughes B. Morris\nJr., who is pastor at Shelton.\n\nThe other newcomer is the\nRev. Oscar Scott, from Gun-\nnison, Miss., to join the staff\nat Lincoln’s First. Church.\nAnother new Lincoln pastor\nwill be the Rev. Francis R.\nSchmidt, who has been serv-\ning Sprague-Martell. He\nmoves to Epworth Church.\n\nThe only district\nsuperintendent to leave that\nposition is the Rev. Robert\nTownsend, assigned to the\nHastings-Juniata-Prosser\nstaff. Townsend has served\nsix years as Kearney District\nsuperintendent, the max-\nimum period permitted in the\noffice. He is to be succeeded\nas superintendent, by the\nRev. Kenneth Hicks, who\nleaves the Norfolk church.\n\nThe Rev. A. O. Ernst, who\nhas been pastor of Warren\nChurch in Lincoln, moves to\nthe Jefferson County Parish\n(Fairbury, Endicott and\nReynolds.) The Rev. William\nL: McCord comes from\nOmaha’s Maplewood to Lin-\ncoln’s Warren Church.\n\nLeaving Lincoln is the Rev.\nNorman L. Kauble who has\nbeen on the conference\nheadquarters staff. He\nbecomes Maplewood pastor.\n\nOther pastors receiving\nnew assignments are:\nColumbus District\nFullerton, Lisle E. Mewmaw:\nGenoa, Swie G. Oei; Newman\nGrove-Looking Glass, Woodrow\nW. Elliott; Norfolk, J. Graydon\nWilson; Schuyler-Rogers, Ronald\nBoswell; Utica, Kenneth M.\nGarrison,\nGeneva District\nAurora, Richard D. Turner;\nCrete, Merton D. Wyatt;\nDoniphan- Rosedale (EUB),\nDonald H. Rollstin: Fairmont-\nGeneva (EUB), Paul W. Walker:\nHebron-Belvidere United Church\nof Christ, Jay E. Schmidt; Jef-\nferson County Parish (Fairbury,\nEndicott, Reynolds), A. O. Ernst\nand Donald G. Williams:\nKenesaw-Heartwell, John\nZemanek.\nKearney District\nBranburg Parish (Gothenburg,\nBanner, Brady, Marvin E.\nMcDougle, Sr., associate; Gibbon-\nShelton Bethel (EUB), Roger\nJacobs; Grand Island Capital\nHeights, Doyle Hays (EUB),\nKearney Parish (Kearney, Haven\nChapel, Newark, Riverdale),\nMichael W. McMurtry, associate;\nLoup City-Litchfield, Earl H.\nReed; Mira Valley (EUB).\nArcadia, Earl E. Higgins (EUB);\nSt. Paul-Fairdale, John O. Craig\nJr.; Sargent-Comstock, Robert\nE. Frescoln.\nLincoln District\nBurchard-Lewiston, Ramon\nOlson; Cedar Hill-Greenwood,\nLeslie E. Lewis; Cheney (EUB)-\nPalmyra, Robert Neben (EUB):\nEagle, Ernest B. Stewart; Hope-\nwell-Crab Orchard, Clifford Reyn-\nolds; Ithaca (EUB)-Ceresco; John\nFoley (EUB) Lincoln First, Mar-\ntell-Sprague, James W. McChes-\nney; Pleasant Dale-Emerald. J.\nOliver Davidson (EUB); Prairie\nHome, Fay C. Mills; Sterling.\nCook, Willis C. Patten; Table\nRock-Elk Creek, Floyd E. Green,\nJr.; Wymore-Odell, A. D. Lewis.\nMcCook District\nAtlanta-Mascot (EUB), James\nKumpost; Beaver City-Hendley,\nJohn W. Grant, Jr.; Cambridge\nParish (Cambridge, Bartley, In\ndianola, Wilsonville, Cambridge\n(EUB), and Orafino (EUB).\nassociates, Marvin Koelling\n(EUB) and Dale A. Sanders:\nCurtis-Garden Prairie, Trumar\nBachenburg; Elsie-Madrid, Bil\nR. Crowley; Oxford-Hollinge:\n(EUB), Melvin Zerger.\nNortheast District\n- Ainsworth-Johnston, L. Robert\nHolbrook; Allen-Ponca-Maskell-\nWynot, Dwight W. Kemling; Boyd\nCounty Charge (Spencer, Bristow,\nLynch), Edward R. Jackson and\nMrs. Betty L. Jackson; Dakota\nCity-Homer, Fred A. Roberts;\nNeligh-Clearwater, Dillon E,\nHess; Osmond-Crawford Valley,\nR. Hervey Porter; Price-Stark\nValley, G. Wesly Ballard; South\nSioux City, Thomas Rehorn;\nWausa-Magnet, David N. Bones;\n\nReserve Unit\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 343.2723083496094, 5830.513671875, 786.884765625, 5928.4326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "MORNING\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2784.717041015625, 4286.568359375, 3339.130859375, 4352.50634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "ACTIVITY SUMMARY\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 1039.1502685546875, 6791.2509765625, 1731.0052490234375, 6888.48779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Board to Meet\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 6013.00732421875, 5030.86279296875, 6793.2109375, 10142.3095703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "terations, repairing. 10 PF. 432-3441,\n\nI will not be responsible for any\ndebts contracted by anyone other\no myself. Janice Hill, 2340 ™\n\nNew lo location, Anderson Beat Beauty Sho\nformeriy located at 501 Continental\n» speciali in curly perma-\npow: at moderate prices, 5 miles\neast of 84th on Adams. 786-3553. -il\n\nParents: Need ft?\nthe best! lens senenntert\npinion ateel cookware under oe\nRoom & board for a, erly\nntlemen ye avaliable. 80\nigemice, So. 7\nye, A models fessson 14\n\nsence a i\n4469. 3414 Curtis Dr., Lincoln,\n\nVacances ancola.__®\nee eS\nacce _ Haine. 27\nVieates car to Western Fjectrie,\nSam shift, prefer men. 466-9042. -7\n\nWE SIT BETTER INC.\n\ni eer eee aeeremeeeenermee ee\nElementary tuto in math, ane\n“oF reading, 435-3083 mornings.\"\nGuitar lessons, soqnaing ip savane\nmake schedule now. rting\npod ne 3. information, eves.,\n\n|]\nPe GaNen schoo! district, begin\nners-advanced, 488-6476 after pom\n\nPlay “Guitar tor easoyment, Re\n\nni, Reiaxa.\n\ntice lessons. Call\n\n. mmer openings\npay Sines 15th & St. Paul.\ninquire pm. 466-9863.\n\nPi teacher acce students.\nReasonable rales ta Sn 37. *.\n\nBusiness Services\n\nBusiness Services 2\nee\n\n \n\nDigging of all types. Complete septic types. Com\neX Free oe Shmates. eer 1§\n\nAAA Sasomant Bape Repair, walls\nlike new, water; posts.\n\nproofing,\nChimney repair. Experienced.\n_Relerences, 466-5865.\n\ntn lf rilipeienanaiadisia ee\n\nOld repaired, new installed,\n\nwells, dirt LACE 435-6192. -10\n\nD\nc. V. PETERSON, 466-7586, Eves.\n\n3\nRich biack dirt. Jerry Corey, saiee\nBUILDING & BEMODELING\n\nADD\n\nroom. Quality ty Workmanship. Cate\nWipe guaranteed\n\nwf AULEY LUMBER co.\"\n\n435-7913\nieiles remodeling. Additions,\nfaa t cabinets. 466-9688 after\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWV\nProfessional dry wall ing MS plete\nfinishing & x email\nremodel w skilled n,\nReasonable. all ary or\n\nott oct att ae\n\nCarpenter work of all kinds. Call\nafter 3pm. 466-4864, 20\nCEMENT WORK\n\n“Paton, eee ‘ear dows, Och\n\nPerie Rellabte.\n\nAll ment work —\nsidewalk. a V. Peterson, 466-7794,\n466-756 Eves.\n\nAbandon concrete problems, side-\nwalks, patios, driveways. Smal) iobs\nwelcome. 477-3519 3\na | ee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nAll kinds cement work; basement,\ncumeey repair. Free estimates.\n\ngel ot tect\n\n“C423 saying, nt OP Ca\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5964.73388671875, 870.3251953125, 6741.53173828125, 5173.4296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "eee\n\n—10 |23| 90 | 2.96| 4.06) 4.40\n11-15 | 3 | 1.20 | 4.20] 5.67 | 6.30\n16-20 | 4| 1521] 5.44| 7.28| 8.00\n21-25 | 5 | 1.85 | 6.60 | 9.10 | 10.00\n\n16 | 2.16 | 7.68 | 10.50 | 11.40\n31-38 | 7 | 2.45 | 8.68 | 11.76 | 13.90\n\nThese low-cost rates apply to Want\nAds from within the State of Nebraska\nve days\n\nthe ad canceled. Daily\nrate for ads from outside State of\n\"Woe cs velian i Cle\n\nRates on request for weelaay serve\ntoo morning Guy or evening eaip,\n\nTO PLACE ADS\nDial 477-8902 :\n\nFuneral Directors\nHODGMAN- SPLAIN\n& ROBERTS\nsoa MORTUARY\n\n~~ METCALF\n\nFUNERAL is\n27th & Que\n\nROPER & SONS\n\nconnganis\n\nVI TIONS\nCOS? Hantioce ‘ee-tl\n“WADLOW’S MORTUARY\n1225 L. Spacious Parking Lot. 432-6538\n\nUmberger’s\n\nAmbulances or le\n\n48th & VINE, LINCOLN &\n\nHALLAM, WAVERLY and al\nVaiborger’e gervens BROWNS\n\nWADLOW’S MORTUARY.\n1225 L. Spacious Parking Lot. ——\n\n \n\n \n\nca\nlost & Found ?\nFound kitten, 29th & Starr vicinity.\n477-3293. 13\n\nLost men’s glasses, Pawnee Lake\ncamping area. Bob Davis, en\n\nLost -— Several keys, knife, license\nnumber tag 2-A4168, on ring. ar\nseesevesiapetsetintinelailiihbinaitinpeemssnsinnpiianisiauniiiaanatee\nStrayed — 1,000 lb. Holstein springer\nheifer. If seen ehet. call Rodney\nBaade, Bennet, 19\nQE TE\n\nPersonal Interest\n\nPersonals 9\n\nAuto insurance for drivers under 25,\neee payments. See Eno’s for\ninsura Eno Insurance ciency\n501 Aadanesh Bldg. 432-3241, 9604.\n\n \n\nAccident? Expert inweaving, burns\nmoths tears. Mrs. Aldrup, 498-2523,\nCan loan up to $7,000 to qualified\nparties. 432-5332, 2\n\nCan reupholster most 2 piece sets.\n$59.95, material extra. 1207 No. 27.\n477-2407. 423-8324 after 4pm 1\n\nClean carpets ya Blue Lustre for\na “job well melas. Rent\nelectric shampooer. $1. Lawlor’s, 37\n& South: 62 & Havelock. 9c\n\nDEBT PROBLEMS??\nLIN Ni\n\n477-6002 beast -\n\nWeFieid Cleaning~tallor weaving\nMcField Cleaning, al\nterations, pono gg += 1028 P. P atbatt\n\nI will not be responsible for am\ndebts contracted by anvone other\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2655.565185546875, 681.6104736328125, 3393.34033203125, 1279.7537841796875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 998.8810424804688, 7425.24853515625, 1789.2252197265625, 8617.5009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "LOSE UGLY FAT!\n\nTiny, condensed tablet helps you re-\nduce excessive weight. No need to\nhungry. Eat 3 sensibie, satistying meals\n\neveryday!\n\nRemoves Pounds and Inches!\nNew X-ll Tablets and Reducing Pian\nhelps remove pounds and inches of\nugly fat from thighs, neck, legs, waist\n« - - in fact all over! Available witheut\nprescription.\n\nNever Miss a Meal!\nEat and lose weight! You can satisfy\n‘our appetite and peel off extra pounds,\n00, 50und method curbs appetite,\nAutomatically you eat less, wan\n\nae Lose Fat\nounger, feel better, lose ugty fat.\n\nLook you\n\nScientific reducing See to\nlose weight for first pack-\nage of money .\n\nScnetis Reteshg\n\nAT ALL\nORUG STORES\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 618.1886596679688, 6991.556640625, 931.4777221679688, 7426.18017578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1119.94944921875, 4010.7614609375, 1798.94801171875, 6735.99781640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\nNoon Edition\nream House—Game\nNoon Show—Live\n\nWorld Turns\nédding Party — Game\n\né © Houseparty\naby Game—Quiz Show\n\nTo Tell Truth\nneral Hospital\n\nCBS Early News\nou Don’t Say—Quiz\n\no-host: Fernando Lamas\nEarly Movie:\nFri: ‘Kill the Umpire’ Trials\nof umpire, fallen of grace\nwith baseball fans (1950)\nCartoon Corral\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 5381.74609375, 6861.0869140625, 5731.12646484375, 6947.67919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Outstate\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 3483.15843359375, 4314.4645859375, 4304.802015625, 10004.514906249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "address. Wife asks custody four\nchildren, child support, alimony.\nMarried 1951, Lincoln (DC).\n\nMcIntosh, \"Alice A. v Charles\nBarron, no address. No children.\nWife asks alimony, restoration\nformer name Thornton. Married\nAug. 11, 1967, Seattle, Wash.\n(DC).\n\nEdwards, Avalee v Robert E.,\nno address. Wife asks custody\nthree children, child support.\nMarried 1962, Lincoln (DC),\n\nVogt, Cherie J. v Jerry\nMichael, no address. Wife asks\ncustody unborn child, child sup-\nport, restoration maiden name\nHales. Married Sept. 29, 1967,\nMarysville, Kan. (DC).\n\nSmith, Connie K. v Robert D.,\nno address. Wife asks custody\none child, child support, alimony.\nMarried 1967, Lincoln (DC).\n\nDecree—Extreme Cruelty\n\nAger, Harriet Fay v Allan Lee,\n2735 So. 36th. Wife granted\ncustody one minor child, $100 mo.\nchild support, $200 mo. alimony.\nMarried 1936, Lincoln (DC).\n\nDelgado, Eligio v Rose Marie,\nno address. No children. Married\n1963, Omaha (DC).\n\nJensen, Nancy Lou v Larry D.,\nno address. No children. Married\n1965, Bennet (DC).\n\nWizer, Phillip, Gordon Jr. v\nElsie Irene, 4221 So. 36th. Hus-\nband granted custody one child.\nMarried 1956, Lecompton, Kan.\n(DC).\n\nCOURTS\nAll pleaded guilty unless indi-\ncated. All Municipal Court unless\nindicated as County (CC), Dis-\ntrict (DC), or Federal (FC), Age,\naddress listing as shown by court\nrecord, Court costs in addition to\nfine amounts. Municipal Judges\nThomas McManus, Richard\n\nJohnson; Co, Judge Ralph Slo-\ncum; Dist. Judge Elmer M.\nScheele; Federal Judge Robert\nVan Pelt.\n\nContributing, Need Special\nSupervision\n\nSilbersack, gregory, 22, Rt. 1,\n(allegedly of girl, 16), $25, (CC).\nPetit Larceny\n\nMcGrath, Myrtle E., 34, 741\nW. Saunders, (allegedly Jack &\nJill Store), imocent plea, trial\ncontinued to June 19, $100 bond,\n(CC),\n\nInsufficient Fund Check\n\nWhite, John David, no age\nOmaha, (allegedly First National\nBank, no plea, hearing June 21,\n$2,500 bond (CC.\n\nAssault and Battery\n\nKurtzer, Gary Lee, 21, 4535\nPagoda, (allegedly James T.\nBowmar), innocent plea,\ndismissed at county attorney's\nrequest (CC).\n\nWhitemagpie, Jacob Jr., 16,\n1942 R, (allegedly Harry Koch),\ninnocent plea, dismissed at\ncounty attorney’s request (CC).\n\nLagoni, Phillip E., 24, 3930 W,\n(allegedly James T. Bowmar),\ninnocent plea, dismissed at\ncounty attorney's request (CC,\n\nSmalibear, Verdelle L., 18, 1942\nR, (allegedly Harry Koch), inno-\ncent plea, trial continued to June\n12, $500 bond (CC).\n\nTRA¥FFIC COURT\nDrunk Driving, 1st.\nSuspended License 6 mo., $100 fine\nJacobe, Jack W., 48, DLD\nHotel, appealed, $500 bond\nNegligent Driving\nBeldin, Kingsley G., 69, 2209\nSo. 26th, $10.\nBolton, Thomas A., 18, 345 C,\n\n$44.\n\nCollins, Richard A., 18. 42\nLeighton, $10,\n\nDisney, Jack F., 46, 3353\nWoods, $10.\n\nFerguson, William E., 18, 2145\n_ Park, $20.\n\nHail, Robert A., 18, 6408 Mor.\n\nrill, $14,\n\nHatcher, Shirley J., 35, 4525\nPrescott, $14.\n\nLoos, Jacob, %, 735 W.\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 182.64253393554688, 1272.5494248046875, 966.0686782226563, 5614.89820703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "dil\n\n6 CO Néws (All but E)\n\nB-W @ Twilight Zone—Sci.Fi.\n‘Characters, Search Exit’\n\n@ WE Big Picture\n6:30 Daniel Boone—F rontier\naniel bitten by rattle-\nsnake; Israel seeks help\nCimarron Stri\n\nPp\nal - Crown _ tries,\nstop warfare on prairie\nHundred Years\nEdwin, Luke sad. Each\nt other has 6 months\nto live (30m)\n» QE What's New—Child.\n7:00 Flying Nun—-Comedy\nrtrille forced down in\nmidst of mobsters’ meeting\nIE The Dissenters\noe Michael Cobb\n7:30 Ironside—Detective\nIronside probes _possibili-\nty police corruption (60m)\naes cue\nndora suspected, cast-\n~ spell on yh mak-\n~ ing ears grow larger when\nhe fibs (30m)\nME Alcoholics are People |\notential alcoholic and\n‘Secondary prevention’\n8:00 Movie—Drama\nB-W ®‘Portrait of a Mobster’\nStory, Dutch Schultz from\nsmall-time hood to bigtime\ngangster (1961,120m)\n-~@ That Girl—Comedy\n“@Ann faces heartbreak;\nplay gets bad reviews\n(BE Farm, Ranch—Nebr.\n8:30 @) Dragnet—Police Drama\nFriday defends off ~- ac-\ncused of accepting « ye\n@ Peyton Place—\norman,_ Rita learn\nof windfall (30m)\nCelebration, 50th anniver-\nsary Orchestre de la Suis-\nse Romande founded by\nErnest Ansermet\n9:00 G@} Dean Martin—Variety\n@®Tony Bennett, Bob New.\nhart, Florence Henderson.\n@ Hit the Surf—Report\nFocus on surfing — fast\ngrowing fav. among sports\n@E Creative Person\nCeramicist Dik Schwanke\n9:30 Dream House—Game\nBe Personnel Problems\nomen, corp. structures\n0:00 News (All but QE)\nE French Chef—Cooking\napoleon puff pastry\n0:15 Movie: ‘Affair in Trini-\nB-W dad’ Man goes to the\nCaribbean, investigate broth-\ner’s murder. Glenn Ford\n0:30 Johnny Carson—Variety\nB-W 8 Movie: ‘Leave Her to\neaven’ Wife’s obsessive\njealousy begins, destroy\nmarriage (°45)\n@ ME News In Perspective\n0:45 Rawhide—Western\nB-W Woman tries, lure Rowdy\nto her ranch train horse\n1:35 News: Dunbar\n1:45 Movie: ‘Harbor of Miss-\nB-W ing Men’ Fishing boat\ncapt. engages, smuggling\n2:00 GR Late News\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4525.42041015625, 592.1602172851562, 4851.34375, 682.7186889648438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Lincoln\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 228.75045776367188, 1051.2659912109375, 788.852294921875, 1173.8984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "THURSDAY 4\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 162.0486602783203, 6801.3349609375, 930.9468994140625, 7250.0888671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "ty\nBp inire\nBut-\npf ‘\n\n \n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 230.11964416503906, 5641.787109375, 808.4701538085938, 5774.92822265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ya\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 1007.3501586914062, 7308.60302734375, 1792.8665771484375, 7537.95166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Safe, New, Easy Way To\n\nLOSE UGLY FAT!\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 25 ], [ 0, 20 ], [ 25, 20 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 24, 4 ], [ 24, 5 ], [ 24, 22 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 22 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 8, 14 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 8, 17 ], [ 8, 18 ], [ 14, 16 ], [ 14, 17 ], [ 14, 18 ], [ 16, 17 ], [ 16, 18 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 10, 11 ] ]
[ 4437.354875, 6368.66786328125 ]
[ [ 0, 20 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 4, 24 ], [ 5, 22 ], [ 8, 14 ], [ 11, 10 ], [ 14, 16 ], [ 16, 18 ], [ 18, 17 ], [ 20, 25 ], [ 24, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 146.62501391601563, 2929.885603515625, 751.9260419921875, 5100.40565625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "About 1,000 Berkeley stu-\ndents voted in a confused but\nnon-violent atmosphere to boy-\ncott classes today and strike on\nMonday in protest to university\nadministration’s handling of the\nEldridge Cleaver controversy.\n\nThe students appeared uncer-\ntain as to tactics as speaker\nafter speaker in the student un-\nion building listed suggested al-\nternatives to the crowd of 1000.\n\nSeventy-six students arrested\nearly yesterday morning for sit-\nting-in in Moses Hall will be\ncharged with felonious misdea-\nmeanor today at 2 p.m. If con-\nvicted on this charge, the stu-\ndents must serve time in jail.\n\nThe group was arrested at\ndawn yesterday morning, offer-\ning no resistance to the 500 Ala-\nmeda deputies.\n\nEach was held on $1650 bail.\nMoses Hall, which they left be-\nhind, was a chaotic mess of strip-\nped rooms, scattered records,\nand garbage.\n\nToday’s boycott, student lead-\ners said, would mean that stu-\ndents would remain in class but\nwould use class time to discuss\nthe relevant issues. Monday’s ac-\ntion, on the other hand, would\ninclude staying away from class-\nrooms to picket, leaflet, and dis-\ncuss tactics.\n\nChancellor Roger Heyns last\nnight announced all those ar-\nrested at Moses Hall have been\nplaced on interim suspsnsion.\n\nHe said Dean of Students Ar-\nleigh Williams will recommend\nto the committee on Student\nConduct that students arrested\nin Moses Hall be dismissed or\nexpelled. He added those ar-\nrested in a sit-in at Sproul Hall\nTuesday night may face similar\naction.\n\nNonstudents arrested in both\ndemonstrations, he said, are\nbarred from admission or re-\nadmission to the university, 5ub-\nject to hearing.\n\nHeyns also said steps will be\ntaken to extract payment for\ndamages from students arrested\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1988.9772783203125, 4844.6998125, 2579.9007734375, 6367.86317578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "he spent discussing formation of\na human ecology institute with\nthe Czech National Academy of\nSciences.\n\nIn connection with the recent\ninvasion of Czechoslovakia, Dr.\nFriedgood stated, “The signifi-\ncance of recent events in East-\nern Europe lies not in the viola-\ntion of Czechoslovakia by for-\neign troops. It is to be found\nrather in the character of the\nCzechoslovakian people,\n\n“In living by their national\nmotto — Pravda Vitezi, Truth\nPrevails — they have added to\na growing body of evidence\nwhich suggests that a demo-\ncratic way of life has survival\nvalue in the evolutionary scheme\nof things.”\n\nGabriel Almond, a former\npresident of the American Polit-\nical Science Association, sees the\nCzech situation in the same\nlight, stating it proves there are\n“latent, quite powerful plural-\nistic and even democratic im-\npulses in all communist na-\ntions.”\n\nEven after two decades of\nCommunist control, he noted, “Tt\nwas not Communism that trans-\nformed Czechoslovakia, but\ndemocracy that penetrated and\ntook over the Communist\nParty.”\n\nFriedgood and Almond hope\nto raise both moral and material\nsupport for the Czech people at\nthe Sunday program,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2026.678466796875, 2345.41357421875, 3207.85302734375, 3138.955322265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1373.9929033203125, 4837.09385546875, 1967.8200849609375, 6367.6136640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Students, scholars and citi-\nzens will mark the 50th anni-\nversary of the Czechoslovak Re-\npublic this Sunday at 8:30 p.m.\nin Memorial Church.\n\nThe Convocation will be ad-\ndressed by a distinguished panel\nof speakers composed of David\nRiesman, noted Professor of So-\ncial Sciences at Harvard; Profes-\nsors Gabriel Almond and Jan\nTriska of the Stanford Political\nScience Department; Denis\nHayes, Stanford student body\npresident; James Day, general\nmanager of KQED; and B. Davie\nDean of the Chapel.\n\nAccording to Dr. Harry B.\nFriedgood, Consultant at the\nMedical Research Institute and\nchairman of the Convocation,\nthe purpose of the program is\n“to affirm American solidarity\nwith the efforts of Czech citizens\nto evolve a democratic way of\nlife within their present political\nsystem.”\n\nFriedgood emphasizes that\n“this is not a gathering to con-\ndemn an aggressor, The Sunday\nconvocation will be to promote\npositive support for the basic\nfreedom of speech and assembly,\nrather than to condemn those\nwho obstruct these human\nrights,”\n\nFriedgood visited Prague for\na month last year, getting back-\nground for a book he is writing\non education. Most of the month\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1997.4526201171875, 3757.1295, 2586.22596875, 4525.11122265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "“Anyone who joins a Univer-\nsity administration these days is\neither an optimist or a fool. I\nam an_ optimist,’ says side-\nburned Arjay Miller, former\npresident of Ford Motor Com-\npany.\n\nWith that unusual introduc-\ntion, Stanford’s new business\nschool dean introduced himself\nto the press for an hour-long\nnews conference here yesterday\nmorning.\n\nIn an interview with The Daily\nyesterday afternoon, Miller said\nthat current “student concern\nand clamor shows the need to\nchange than society as a whole.\nMany polls and survevs have\ncreate a more responsive sys-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3218.65440234375, 3716.027693359375, 3813.954728515625, 5587.0658125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "cut in on the action,” Miller\nurged.\n\n“Shifting power in society isn’t\neasy, but it can be done,” he\nsaid. He cited the shifting of\npower to students as an ex-\nample.\n\nUrban Concerns\n\nTraining and employing blacks\nhas been one of Miller's great-\nest concerns at Ford recently.\nHe has been spending more than\nhalf his time on the urban prob-\nlem, particularly in Detroit.\n\nHe said that much of the anti-\npoverty effort in Detroit stems\nfrom last years “riot and fires\n\n. Which got people’s atten-\ntion.”\n\nHe said he was encouraged,\nhowever, by the recent forma-\ntion of a predominantly black\ngroup which will form and run\nits own businesses. Miller said\nthat established corporations\nwould help the new group, not\nonly with money, “that’s easy,”\nbut, more importantly, with ad-\nvice and skills gained from op-\neration of the larger corpora-\nporations. “blacks have to do\ntheir own thing, but they need\nhelp,” Miller emphasized.\n\nEmployment of hard-core un-\nemployed blacks has shown\nFord that written tests have al-\nmost an inverse relation to per-\nformance on the job and longev-\nity. Acording to the latest fig-\nures, the inner city employees\nhired have a higher retention\nrate and are more productive\nthan workers hired through the\nnormal process.\n\nMiller said the trend in society\nis that as development continues\n(even in the United States),\nthere is an inherent increase in\nthe government's participation\nin daily affairs.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1399.536376953125, 4532.251953125, 2560.48095703125, 4815.4072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Panel To Salute\nCzech Anniversary\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3212.77647265625, 5753.53819140625, 3800.427384765625, 6332.60048046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Today at 12:15 economics Pro-\nfessor John Gurley will debate\nbusiness professor Lee Bach in\nBishop Auditorium. The topic\nwill be “The U.S. Corporate\nStructure: Its Nature and Impli-\ncations.”\n\nGurley has been highly critical\nof American economic involve-\nment abroad, while Professor\nBach has often served on ad-\nvisory groups for the federal\ngovernment. The Graduate Stu-\ndents Association is sponsoring\nthe debate.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1403.8835283203125, 717.9301591796875, 2001.1308759765625, 1784.4214033203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "To a conservative alumnus in\n\nLos Angeles he is “that cheeky\nradical.” To a SDS member he\nmay be “the administration's\npimp.”\n\nBut in reality, ASSU Presi-\ndent Denis Hayes, with his sen-\nsitive face and gentle smile, is\nthe portrait of a concerned\nyoung man.\n\nBorn in Wisconsin Rapids,\nWisconsin, Hayes attended\nschool in Canada through the\nsecond grade, and has continued\nhis travelling ways since then.\nHis family moved to Camas,\nWashington, from Canada,\nwhere Hayes completed his ele-\nmentary and secondary school\neducation.\n\nAfter his sophomore year at\nStanford, he decided to get mov-\ning again, and travelled in Ja-\npan, Russia, Eastern Europe and\nAfrica. Hayes spent a week on\nthe French Riviera “thawing\nout” after crossing Siberia in\nNovember.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 159.55052185058594, 2443.596923828125, 1984.9425048828125, 2877.351318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Anti-Regent Protesters\nPlan Berkeley Boycott\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 751.2584672851563, 5505.88194140625, 1345.700822265625, 6364.25966015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "grapes are picked by “illegal im-\nmigrants” from Mexico that\nhave not had health examina-\ntions of vaccinations.\n\nThe suit requests a permanent\ninjunction to prevent Safeway\nfrom selling grapes that are\npicked in vineyards without toil-\net facilities or by illegal immi-\ngrants.\n\nThe: “park-in” hopes to pre-\nvent shoppers from patronizing\nthe Safeway store by filling the\nparking lot with cars and thus\nleaving no room for potential\nshoppers.\n\nThe non-violent nature of the\n“park-in” tactic was stressed by\nRader in the face of threats\nfrom the store management.\n\n“This is completely legal as\nlong as we buy something,” he\nadded.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 139.37536486816407, 5539.8296953125, 728.6167768554687, 6362.7913984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The Stanford Grape Boycott\nCommittee will hold its second\n“park-in” this afternoon at 3\np.m. at the Safeway food store\nat El Camino Real and Middle\nAve. in Menlo Park.\n\nA similar “park-in” last Fri-\nday turned away many shoppers\nat the Safeway store in Palo\nAlto and forced the store to re-\nmove its grapes temporarily.\n\nThree Stanford law students,\nAlan Rader, Ronald F. Romines,\nand Martin Eichner, filed suit in\nFederal District Court earlier\nthis week charging that Califor-\nnia table grapes sold in Safeway\nstores may be contaminated be-\ncause there are no toilet facili-\nties in the fields where they are\npicked.\n\nThey also charged that some\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 221.02798461914062, 207.32032775878906, 1357.4315185546875, 1100.9447021484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 284.8980712890625, 5149.6533203125, 1187.823486328125, 5467.27734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Safeway Faces\nSecond Park-In\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2014.13682421875, 657.154890625, 2611.603654296875, 1789.595109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Speaking of the time he has\nspent at Stanford and away\nfrom Stanford, Hayes said in an\ninterview with the Daily, “It\nhasn’t been one long calculated\npath from the beginning of my\nfreshman year to the pinnacle\nof my senior year.”\n\nPresently, Haves is living in\nthe home of a black family in\nEast Palo Alto. He works for\nhis room and partial board in a\nrest home which the family\nruns.\n\nNo Time For Classes\n\nThere are definite conflicts be-\ntween Hayes' life as ASSU Pres-\nident and Hayes’ life as a stu-\ndent. He has attended three\nclasses so far this year. Be-\ncause the bulk of his work is\nin directed readings this quar-\nter, he manages to do much of\nhis work outside the classroom,\non evenings and weekends.\n\nHayes is appling to Stanford\nand Yale Law Schools. He is\nalso applying to Harvard,\nPrinceton and M.I.T. in political\nscience.\n" }, "15": null, "16": { "bbox": [ 2630.345076171875, 674.78623828125, 3221.5218671875, 1786.39051953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The ASSU president realizes\nthe decision making processes\nand value systems of the admin-\nistration and the Board of Trus-\ntees are under intensive exami-\nnation by the faculty and stu-\ndent body. He emphasizes that\nmuch of what happens will de-\npend on the personalities in-\nvolved.\n\n“The personality of Robert\nGlaser is much more important\nin the end than all the brilliant\ntheoretical constructs that could\nbe drawn up for changing the\nuniversity system,” said Hayes.\n\nStanford's Future\n\nIn Hayes’ discussion of the\npower structure of the Univer-\nsity, he isolated the importance\nof the faculty’s role.\n\n“The future of Stanford is\nvery much dependent on how\nthe Faculty Senate shapes up.\nProfessors have become very in-\nvolved in their disciplines. This\ninvolvement is desirable in the\nsense that it is the stuff a uni-\nversity is made of.”\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3847.662947265625, 698.1829057617188, 4437.354875, 3349.59462109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "fects of the Board’s decisions.”\n\nDefining the role of the stu-\ndents in the university system,\nHayes noted, “The definition of\nstudents which labels them as\nrecipients and not as active par-\nticipants in their education is\nchanging.”\n\nCampus Apathy\n\nHayes focused on the age-old\napathy at Stanford. “The Board\nof Trustees is amazed that I\ncan’t impress upon students the\nimportance of the ballot box.\nThey may be ready to give us\nsome power, but when we can’t\nget a sufficient turn-out at the\npolls to approve a constitution,\nwhat are they to think?”\n\n“We are moving from a posi-\ntion of great apathy to one of\nlesser apathy,” Hayes remarked.\n“Students are developing a fun-\ndamental preoccupation with the\nquality of their education—an\narea where they weren't pre-\npared to make in-puts before.”\n\n“One doesn’t have to do any-\nthing so literal as formulating a\npolicy to fight apathy. Instead,\nthe student concern is evident\nin the small flexings that are\ngoing on. Students’ growing\nawareness parallels the growing\nawareness of the faculty.”\n\nHayes referred to the ideal\nrole of the university in society\nas “something for boys and girls\nto mull over while drinking cof-\nfee after an arty movie.”\n\nStudents Uncertain\n\nA large number of students\nat Stanford have little or no\nconception of where Denis\nHaves stands on issues. The\nASSU President is characterized\nas “insipid” by some or as “ef-\nfective” by others.\n\nSome students know Hayes\ninitially had “grave reserva-\ntions” about Pitzer’s appoint-\nment to the Stanford Presiden-\ncy. Others may know he sat in\non part of the last Board of\nTrustees meeting. But when\npressed for an_ opinion’ on\nHaves, several students said, “It\nreally wouldn't be fair for me\nto comment. I don’t know much\nabout him.”\n\nHayes says that “changes are\ncoming” to Stanford. More like-\nly than not, he will be in office\nwhen some of these changes oc-\ncur. Student reaction to Hayes\nmay be expected to be an evalu-\nation of his responses to situa-\ntions which arise during the\nyear.\n\nLike the proverbial admini-\nstrator, Denis Hayes will never\nsatisfy everybody.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3234.5171953125, 683.05528125, 3830.370744140625, 3343.096330078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "“But the faculty has neglected\nits political role in the univer-\nsity. Into this vacuum has\nstepped the administrator. Pro-\nfessors have now begun to eval-\nuate how this class is perform-\ning,”\n\n“As the faculty acquires this\nnew concern for the present sit-\nuation and begins to flex a bit, it\nis becoming aware of the power\nit has to alter the university. In\na certain sense, the university\nis its faculty,”\n\nBoard of Trustees\n\nTurning the discussion to fo-\ncus on another power center in\nthe University, Haves spoke\nabout the Board of Trustees’\nfunction at Stanford.\n\n“A discussion of the Board of\nTrustees is so contingent on the\nmake-up of the Board,” Hayes\nsaid. “Presently, it has many\nattributes of a fraternal organi-\nzation: it is one cohesive whole.”\n\n“There are far too many mem-\nbers from California, and of\nthose members, there are far too\nmany from Northern California.\nThere are far too many whites.\nWe need some blacks, browns\nand yellows on the Board.”\n\n“There are far too many cor-\nporate heads, and of those mem-\nbers, far too many from elec-\ntronics and aero-space. We need\nyounger men on the Board, and\nmore educators.”\n\nAccording to Hayes, the fac-\nulty and students of Stanford\nhave to be able to feel that the\nmembers of the Board are view-\ning issues from a_ perspective\nsimilar to their own. Hayes\ndoubted that there would be\nmembers with anything close to\na radical orientation on the\nBoard in the near future.\n\nGreatest Authority\n\n“In reality, the greatest au-\nthority of the Board is that\neveryone within the university\nsystem is aware of its residual\nauthority. Since many formula-\ntions of University policy have\nto be passed on by the Board,\npropositions are scaled down or\nqualified.”\n\nHayes pointed out that the sit-\nuation is not a one way street.\nThe Board is intensively aware\nof the residual power of other\nareas within the university. It\nmust keep its mind on faculty,\nstudent and presidential respon-\nses to its decisions.\n\n“The Board is becoming more\nand more acutely aware of the\noutside world,” said Haves, “just\nas the outside world is becoming\nmore and more aware of the ef-\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3218.599609375, 5628.05126953125, 3768.695556640625, 5743.76708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Debate Today\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 761.0090776367188, 2968.076033203125, 1364.7451337890625, 5119.68641796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Hall were barricaded with ma-\nterial from nearby construction\nsites before police moved in\nearly Thursday.\n\nDamages to Moses Hall are\nestimated at $2000 including\nclean-up. The Sproul Hall sit-in\nis considered by the University\nas less serious since there were\nno damages.\n\nThe AFT, the teacher’s union,\nwill meet on Monday to agree\nupon a course of action. Stu-\ndents for a Democratic Society\nmembers announced today that\nthey will occupy Sproul Hall—\nscene of the 1964 Free Speech\nsit-ins—from noon to 5 p.m.,\nthough the university adminis-\ntration will probably close the\nhall.\n\nThe current controversy cen-\nters around Black Panther lead-\ner Eldridge Cleaver and univers-\nity Board of Regents who have\nsought to restrict him to one\nguest lecture in a special stu-\ndent-organized course.\n\nDeny Credit\n\nThe sit-ins resulted from a\nuniversity administration deci-\nsion to deny academic credit to\nthe course. On Tuesday the first\ngroup of 121 students sitting-in\nwere arrested.\n\nYesterday they were charged\nwith trespassing, and all were\nfined $125 except for one student\nwho received a 30-day suspended\nsentence and physics professor\nCharles Schwartz who was re-\nleased on $550 bail.\n\nEarlier in the evening Berke-\nley students — stunned by the\nmass police arrests — presented\nthe university administration\nwith four demands aimed at\nending the Cleaver controversy.\n\nDemands\n\nThe demands ask for:\n\n@ amnesty for the 121 ar-\nrested Tuesday.\n\ne full credit for the Social An-\nalysis 139X course.\n\n® university agreement to\ncampus union demands for an\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1994.87646484375, 3395.552978515625, 4291.4267578125, 3695.04345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "‘Optimist? Miller Here\nNew Dean Talks Business\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3831.522810546875, 3727.910505859375, 4435.5726484375, 6368.66786328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "He sald that certain “public\ngoods” exist, particularly in ad-\nvanced countries, that must be\nsafeguarded by government.\nTraffe safety, air and water pol-\nlution, are areas in which gov-\nernment action is necessary,\nautomobile executive said.\n\nAsked how corporate power\ncan be made “responsible and\nresponsive” to society, particu-\nlarly abroad, Milley said that\nAmerican business abroad was\nsubject to more and greater re-\nstrictions than at home. He cited\nprofit and employment restric-\ntions imposed by foreign gov-\nernments as evidence.\n\nHe said that Ford’s objective\nas an international corporation\nwas “to place management in\nthe hands of trained nationals,”\nand stated that Ford overseas “is\ntrying to identify the host coun-\ntry’s aspirations and needs” and\nhelp them progress.\n\nHigh Investment Overseas\n\nHe dismissed criticism of\nAmerican companies’ repatriat-\ning profits, pointing out that,\non the average, much more mon-\ney was invested overseas every\nyear than is returned to the U.S.\nin the form of profits.\n\n“T can't speak for all corpora-\ntions,” Miller said, ‘but I think\nthere’s a hopeful trend.”\n\nAsked if the survival of capi-\ntalism was necessary for eco-\nnomic progress, Miller replied,\n“At least some kind of pluralis-\ntic society is needed,” He as-\nserted that the free enterprise\nsystem has proven itself to be\nthe most successful way of pro-\nmoting development.\n\nIn his press conference yes-\nterday morning, Miller had sev-\neral observations about manage-\nment personnel and other busi-\nnessmen. He said, ‘The people\nplaying golf aren't the manageri-\nal class, they're the ones who\nwork 40 hours a week.” Miller\nsaid he has played four rounds\nof golf in the last 21 months,\neven though “T love it.”\n\nHe also commented that it was\nan “interesting phenomenon”\nthat businessmen have _ been\nshown to be more receptive to\nshown some public resentment\nover the hiring of ex-convicts\nand others in rehabilitation pro-\ngrams when there are “many”\nothers without jobs.\n\n“They're human beings and\nwe've got to help them. You just\ndon't feel right if this kind of\ndeprivation is going on,”\n\n“I'm sort of a Pollyanna.”\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 2605.30772265625, 3686.068220703125, 3190.943986328125, 6368.52137890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "tem. We’re stupid if we don’t\nconsult with students.”\n\nMiller is visiting the Stanford\ncampus for several days and has\nbeen meeting with business\nschool faculty and_ students.\nNamed Dean of the school July\n1, he will take office next July.\n\nBroader Application\n\nHe said business schools today\nserve useful purposes besides\nthe education of management.\n“Methods taught in business\nschools have a broader applica-\ntion than in private business.”\nHe cited a Peace Corps-business\nschool program in Latin Ameri-\nca and the creation of black\ncompanies as examples.\n\nMiller serves as chairman of\nthe board of the Urban Institute,\npredominately government-fi-\nnanced group being formed to\nserve as a “think-tank” in the\nsolution of urban ills. The group\nwas formed less than a year ago\nand is about to start work.\n\n“I wish we had five years to\ncocoon it, but we don’t. The time\nfor talk is gone, what we need\nis action.”\n\nAsked about his role and that\nof the business school in im-\nproving society, Miller replied\nthat his personal role was to\n“provide an environment in\nwhich this community of schol-\nars can act.” Business students\n“aren't automatons being train-\ned to be captains of industry.”\n\nNeed For Change\n\nDiscussing Society as a whole,\nMiller said, ‘Most people today\nrecongnize the need for change.”\nDemocrats, Republicans, ‘Peace\nand Freedom, AIP (American\nIndependent Party), . .. even\ncorporate management” recog-\nnize that need, said Miller.\n\nHe said improvement in soci-\nety can be divided into two\nparts: “the technological part”\nand “the people part.’ There is\na general feeling, Miller said,\nthat the technological problems\ncan be solved.\n\n“Nobody in our society Knows\nwhat to do,” the new dean said.\n“The general feeling is that we\ncan cope with problems like pov-\nerty and urban problems.” The\nend which all agree on, accord-\ning to Miller, is ‘the dignity and\nfulfillment of all, not just those\nat the peak of society.”\n\nPower Shifts\n\n“The ‘people part’ is harder to\nresolve,” Miller said.\n\n“The day is gone when A and\nB can get together and decide\nwhat's better for C—C has to\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1382.7966142578125, 2961.445662109375, 1981.1465009765625, 4504.14051953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "bt Poach se ln\n\nthe faculty and TA level.\n\ne Board of Regent agreement\nto rescind their resolution. of\nSeptember 20, limiting Cleaver\nto one guest lecture.\n\nLast evening the Stanford stu-\ndent legislature passed a mea-\nsure supporting the Berkeley\nstudents “in their efforts to pur-\nsue knowledge and_ preserve\nfreedom and autonomy of the\nuniversity.” Sponsored by ASSU\nPresident Denis Hayes, the res-\nolution deplored ‘‘any kind of ex-\nternal coercion ... which tends\nto stifle the expression of un-\npopular ideas in the university\ncurricula.”\n\nFreedom Violated\n\nThe LASSU statement termed\nthe Regent decision “irresponsi-\nble’ and “is in violation of the\nhistorical right of the faculty\nto supervise curriculum, ... the\nacademic freedom of students,\nand... the By-laws and stand-\ning orders of the Regents them-\nselves.” The vote was 31-6 in\nfavor of the resolution.\n\nLASSU did not pass “any judg-\nment on the means taken by the\nstudents . .. at Berkeley to\nachieve their goals.”\n\nses § 269522\n\nThe Berkeley legislature voted\nto support the students who sat-\nin at Sproul Hall and asked that\nthe students who participated in\nthe Moses Hall demonstration\nnot be suspended.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1511.71533203125, 666.0647583007812, 1891.901123046875, 714.7816772460938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By SUSAN SWARD\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 329.5004411621094, 1280.6179033203125, 1243.5219892578125, 1781.605607421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Today is Friday, Oct. 25, 1968, Saint Crispian’s\nDay. A mere 553 years ago King Henry V of\nEngland demolished the army of the French Dau-\nhin at Agincourt. Not a hppay day for the Dauhin’s\nspiritual descendent Charles de Gaulle.\n\nAnd this is The Stanford Daily, Volume 154,\nNumber 26. Our editorial prone is listed as 321-\n2300, Ext. 4632. Our business side likes its number:\n327-4150. “Once more into the breach, dear\nfriends, once more,” the Dauphine cried gallantly.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 246.78912353515625, 5486.509765625, 635.7263793945312, 5530.4423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Rw TANG ATWOOTN\n" }, "29": null, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 2056.371826171875, 3705.59033203125, 2536.926513671875, 3755.767578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By THOMAS C. DAWSON\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 157.2653350830078, 1817.604248046875, 3070.6259765625, 2317.39404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "the stanford daily\n" }, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2494.306572265625, 2572.403984375, 3235.9685742187503, 4246.4925 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "to make the double play, but he\nhas an excellent batting stroke\nfor Dodger Stadium.\n\n“I’m tremendously impressed\nwith what I’ve seen of him.”\n\nAfter his sixth consecutive shut-\nout victory, Don Drysdale embrac-\ned Popovich, who had made some\nspectacular plays, and told him\nhe couldn’t have done it without\nhim.\n\n“He’s a great guy to have be-\nhind you, believe me,” praised\nBig D. “You've got to rate him\namong the best, and he’s going to\nimprove with experience.”\n\nSwitch hitting has improved\nPopo’s performance, and Alston\nthinks he’s a .250 hitter.\n\nDodger Dope: Claude Osteen\nwon his last three starts, the final\npair with shutouts over the Pi-\nrates and the Phils. His victory\nJune 7 gave the Dodgers five suc-\ncessive complete-game wins for\nthe first time since Walter O’Mal-\nley moved the team west... . Wes\nParker, along with Popovich, call-\ned the most pleasant surprise of\nthe season, ran his hitting string\nto ten games. . . . With Danny\nGoodman as chairman, assisted\nby Jack Miller and Mike Shapiro,\nthe Westwood Shrine Club will\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1720.491142578125, 2632.932548828125, 2458.122626953125, 3764.0967480468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "ally, for a guy his size, he amazes\nyou with his power.’\n\nPopovich works well with\nZoilo Versalles and the Dodgers\nnow have a deadly double play\ncombination. The beefed-up de-\nfense, which had been full of holes,\nis reflected in the low scoring of\nthe opponents.\n\n“Pop is easy to work with, his\nthrows are accurate and we fit\ntogether,”” summed up Versalles.\n\n“TI knew when I saw him this\nspring he would be playing some-\nwhere in our infield. He has the\nbest pair of hands on the club.”\n\nPopovich, 27 and single, is one\nof the real quiet players on the\nteam, but at the same time, one\nof the most popular.\n\n“TY call him ‘Mr. Quiet,’” said\nveteran Ken Boyer. “He not only\nhas great hands and knows how\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3269.899345703125, 2573.035087890625, 4017.9253613281253, 4241.752265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "stage one of its most lavish black\ntie affairs as a tribute to Vin\nScully at the Los Angeles Beverly\nHilton November 24. . . . After\nrepresenting the Dodgers in New\nYork at the free-agent draft, Vice-\nPresident Fresco Thompson re-\nturned to Los Angeles and took\nover as general manager June\n10.\n\nJim Lefebvre started his seventh\n\nweek on the bench after spraininy\nhis wrist. . . . Coach Lefty Phil-\nlips, who scouted and signed Drvs-\ndale, was the only casualty as the\nteam mobbed Big D after his fifth\nsuccessive win. He was spiked on\nthe foot. . . . Boyer continues to\ntop the Dodger hitters with the\nonly average above .300. . . . Bill\nSinger struck out 12 Pirates June\n5 to match his season’s high and\nmaintain his league lead in the\nwhiff department with 87.\nWhen Drysdale made the Pirates\nhis sixth successive shutout vic-\ntims June 4, it was his first com-\nplete game against them since\n1964. In between, there had been\n14 incompletes. . . . Jim Fairey\nand Ted Savage came off the\nbench during the home stand to\nmake winning contributions at the\nplate.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 179.649169921875, 3789.642578125, 1683.92822265625, 4084.591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Cash Plays Money Man\nRole as Tiger Swatter\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1720.6865771484374, 795.2490161132813, 2459.084052734375, 2290.26154296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "sonal 1967 timetable. . . . Mickey\nStanley called it an ‘‘instant bloop”\nwhen he beat the Indians on June\n7 with a two-out, two-strike hit off\nMike Paul. . . . John Warden\nisn’t superstitious, but his first\nbig league defeat was imposed in\nhis 13th pitching appearance.\n\nAsk side-arming Fred Lasher his\nfavorite numbers and he’ll say ‘5\nand 4,” His first four relief vic-\ntories came by 5-4 margins... .\nPat Dobson’s strong shutout in the\nlast visit to Boston gives him\npriority when Smith looks for an-\nother starter. . . . Earl Wilson\nmissed three starts with a foot in-\njury sustained at Oakland. . .\nFreehan and Northrup are .300 hit-\nters on the road with lesser pro-\n\nduction at home. ‘Maybe we\nswing too hard in our own park,”\nsuggested Northrup. . . . Umpire\n\nBill Valentine noted that angry\nDetroit fans threw many items\nonto the field on June 7, among\nthem a gallon thermos jug, cigaret\nlighters and eye glasses. Said\nValentine: ‘The bad thing was\nthat beer and coke cans thrown\nwere full ones.”\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1720.57958984375, 2363.771728515625, 3973.290283203125, 2537.270263671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Popovich, Versalles Form Sharp DP Duc\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1761.7971728515624, 3989.842216796875, 2429.840400390625, 5415.41779296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "LOS ANGELES, Calif.—Paul\nPopovich, the newest surprise\npackage of the Dodgers, not\nonly has the best pair of\nhands on the team, but great\nbody control, which he prob-\nably acquired as a basketball\nplayer.\n\nPopo went to West Virginia\nU. on a basketball scholar-\nship, where, as a sophomore,\nhe played with the great Jerry\nWest, who was a senior.\n\nAlthough he’s been in base-\nball eight years and started\nswitching only three seasons\nago, he had a difficult time\nbreaking in with the Cubs,\nwho came up with three pretty\ngood infielders in Ken Hubbs,\nGlenn Beckert and Jerry Kin-\ndall.\n\nThe year Hubbs was killed,\nPopovich hit .313 in the min-\nors, but then a service hitch\nand Jater a groin injury pre-\nvented him from carving his\nniche until he was traded to\nthe Dodgers.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 177.87023193359374, 4170.93865234375, 1690.8704296874998, 5404.594062499999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "DETROIT, Mich.—Norm Cash has taken many bum raps from the\nfans in his nine seasons at Tiger Stadium, but relations are vastly\nimproved in the approach to the All-Star Game.\n\n“The fans have been good all year,’’ said Norm amiably after\nsmashing two home runs on June 7 to trigger a wild victory over the\nIndians.\n\nOne day earlier, Cash’s three-run drive into the Fenway Park stands\ngave the Tigers a decision over the Red Sox. :\n\nWhen Cash’s name was announced before the Cleveland game, there\nwere a few boos, quickly submerged in cheers.\n\nCash connected for his home runs as the No. 4 hitter, proving that\nManager Mayo Smith is a riverboat gambler. With Al Kaline and Bill\nFreehan out with injuries, Mayo thrust Cash into the cleanup spot\nwhen Norm was hitting a mere .167.\n\nCash responded in the next four games by going 7-for-16, smacking\nhis three home runs in six at-bats.\n\n“Somebody’s got to do it,’’ said Cash, obviously pleased by the\nfavorable fan response.\n\nEvery city has its fall guy and somehow Cash catches most of the\nabuse when the Tigers falter as a team in late-summer campaigns.\n\nLast September, the fans were on him so bad that Ed Mathews\nand Mickey Stanley finished the season at first base.\n\nCash and Ray Oyler delight in needling each other. Even Oyler was\nmoved by the rise in Cash’s popularity.\n\n“I always did say,” remarked Oyler, “‘that cream comes to the top.”\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 171.2158203125, 147.83352661132812, 2449.024658203125, 688.5623779296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Price Is Right as No. 2\nBackstop, Bengals Learn\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1766.0401611328125, 3847.19384765625, 2421.618896484375, 3984.958984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Paul Was a Star Cager,\nPlayed With Jerry West\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2532.675048828125, 4288.314453125, 4008.07470703125, 5311.173828125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2496.284423828125, 148.32745361328125, 3991.749267578125, 2214.678955078125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 167.0337451171875, 798.178154296875, 919.9032055664063, 3807.3435742187503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "DETROIT, Mich.—Jim Price in-\nsists as second-string Detroit\ncatcher that when you’re No. 2,\nyou sometimes try too hard.\n\n“Jim’s a good boy,” said dur-\nable Bill Freehan, who caught 147\ngames for the Tigers last season.\n“Tt’s tough to sit around and stay\nready.”\n\nBut Price has fought off frustra-\ntion since his transfer in April,\n1967, from Pittsburgh and now he\nhas wide acceptance at Tiger Sta-\ndium.\n\nIn the first eight weeks of the\nnew season, Price started behind\nthe plate in nine games and the\nTigers won eight of them.\n\n‘“‘He’s still pressing a little at the\nplate,’’ observed Manager Mayo\nSmith. “But his catching’s so\nmuch better since he took off that\nweight. He really moves around\nand he can block low pitches as\nwell as anybody.”\n\nThe 24-year-old Price, a study in\ndetermination from Hershey, Pa.,\nbestows much credit on Freehan,\nforemost candidate for MVP hon-\nors, if the Tigers keep rolling.\n\n“Bill’s the best I’ve ever seen,”’\nsaid Price. ‘‘We talk a lot about\nthe hitters. I see how a player\nwith his ability pushes himself. I\nfigure I can do it, too.”\n\nA Blast at Brown\n\nPrice’s switch from the Pirates\nproduced a bitter aftermath. For\nthree years, he caught in Triple-A\nfor the Pirates and then he figur-\ned his Florida training perform-\nance would put him in Pittsburgh.\nInstead, he was cut from the squad.\n\nHe had angry things to say to\nGeneral Manager Joe L. Brown\nand, within days, the Pirates sold\nPrice to Detroit for $50,000.\n\n“That’s all behind me,’ said\nPrice with an audible sigh. “I\ndon’t even think about those peo-\nple (Pirates) any more. I said\nwhat I thought. It’s just like in\nbusiness. If somebody gets a pro-\nmotion over you, you're going to\nsay something.”’\n\nIt was here that Price tried too\nhard as Freehan’s backup man.\n\nIn one early start, he was vic-\ntimized for four stolen bases. He\nmade three errors in another\ngame, twice dropping foul flies\nthat went up near the plate.\n" }, "13": null, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 946.344658203125, 810.8498461914063, 1686.75958984375, 3757.2398144531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "“I knew I could do better than\nthat,”’ muttered Price. ‘Catching\nfouls was always the easiest thing\nin the world for me.”\n\nOne year later, the Tigers re-\ngard Price as a top receiver and a\nreasonably dangerous pinch-hitter.\n\n“He had to be a pretty good\ncatcher before we got him,” rea-\nsoned coach Hal Naragon, the\nquiet man who runs the Detroit\nbullpen. ‘Jim has really improved\nhimself.”\n\nEdict From Top\n\nLast September, Manager Smith\ncalled Price aside before Detroit’s\nnear-miss on the pennant.\n\n“Jim, you've got to take off\nsome weight,’’ Mayo said. ‘It’s\nup to you. I want you down to\n190 next spring in Florida.”\n\nLast February, a gaunt figure\nslipped into the Marchant Stadium\nclubhouse at Lakeland, Fla. No-\nbody could believe Price had trim-\nmed back to 183. Now he is hold-\ning himself around 190.\n\nPrice grants an assist to Mike\nMarshall, the scholarly relief pitch-\ner who since has slipped back to\nToledo (International).\n\n‘Mike showed me how to do it,”\nsaid Price. ‘I watched what I ate\nand I turned my bathroom into a\nsteam room,”\n\nFreehan on Sidelines\n\nThe winter determination has\nbeen lifted into the hot months of\nthe pennant race. Usually Price\nreplaces Freehan in the second\ngame of double-headers, or when\nBill moves to first base against\nlefthanded pitching.\n\nRecently, Freehan injured his left\nthumb making the tag on Ken Har-\nrelson in a tough series at Bos-\nton. Price caught the remainder\nof the series and Detroit won all\nthree games.\n\nTiger Tales: Mild Manager\nSmith, who scarcely raised his\nvoice to the umpires last year, was\nchased for the second time in three\nhome games when Jim Honochick\nbounced him on June 7 at Tiger\nStadium. ‘If they keep calling\nplays at the plate like that,” said\nMayo, ‘‘I’ll be ‘gone’ some more.”’\n. . . When Northrup smashed his\neighth home run in early June, he\nwent three months ahead of his per-\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1810.124267578125, 2559.94189453125, 2359.476318359375, 2620.856201171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "(Continued From Page 7)\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 652.962158203125, 4104.38720703125, 1228.8323974609375, 4171.20068359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "By WATSON SPOELSTRA\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1027.1494140625, 717.804931640625, 1592.4210205078125, 788.345458984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "By WATSON SPOELSTRA\n" }, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3644.153857421875, 1670.0204345703125, 4216.8927734375, 3848.15986328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Records of real estate trans. |\nactions recorded in the office |\nof the clerk of the county court,\n\nLillybrook Land Company te\nJ. L. and Dorothy Hargis Lot 42\nat Coal City, Slab Fork District,\n\n‘Robert’ J. ‘Ashworth, -Special\nCommissioner to H. E. and Haz-\nel Snuffer, Lot 24 and 25 of the\nBowling Addition, Town District,\n\n| Frank ‘and Hallie Monroe to\n|Melvin and Anna Garten, Lot 36\nand one-half of lot 37 of Section\none of the Fairview Truck\npars “dition, ‘Town “istrict;\n\nCarl and. ‘Mary Basham «\nJack and Catherine Rizzs, Lot 6 6\nof Gregory Addition, Town Dis-\ntrict, $19,359.\n\nErnest and Glenna ‘Underwood\nto Gary and Shirley Evening,\noto 24 of Bradley Sub- “Division,\n\nRoscoe and Sarah Lowe, Ai-\nleen Carter and Betty. Lowe and\n‘Leslie Moore to Nellie Lowe, Lot\n64 of the aac ity Addition, Town\nDistrict, $1,500.\n_. Earl and Lula Hall to Fred and\nAngela Bolen, Lot. 274,. Glen\nin Addition, Town District,\n3,\n\nMargaret Lares to Albert and\nJesse Lares, property located in\nMarsh Fork: District, approxi-\nmately three-fourths \"mile west\nof Dry Creek on the right-hand:\nside of Marsh Fork Creek,\n$1,391.10. 7\n\nThe Raleigh Company to\nClara Oliver, Lot 23 of the Ba-\nby. Farms Addition, Town Dis-\ntrict, $2,250.\n\nCc. C.: Tackett. Jr. . to Walter\nand Vivian Shrewsbury, Lot 74\nto Lillybrook Land Company at\nat City, Slab Fork District,\n\nJustine -and ‘Oscar Nickels,\nJuanita: and Charles Perkowski,\nElain and Edwin .Tibbets to\nA. D. and Lena Chuckles begin-\nning on Hull Street to 174.4\nfeet from Mason Street to E. A.\nQuesenberry, ” Town . Disteach\n\n000.\"\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4207.764453125, 3361.365771484375, 4793.6349609375, 3840.2196777343747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI) —~ Sen.\nJennings Randolph, D-W. Va.,\nsays Guthrie. Air Force Station\nat Charleston, W. Va., will be\nclosed in July, a a year earlier\nthan expected.\n\nGuthrie is one of five radar\nStations being closed, he said.\n\n‘The closing. was stepped up\nafter other radar stations had.\nreceived technological improve-\nments making Guthrie obsolete,\nhe indicated.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3659.698046875, 617.0895263671875, 4232.07783203125, 1512.9893310546877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Q — What causes spastic coli-\ntis: Does it lead to a. peptic\nnicer? Is there any connection\n\\hetween spastic and mucous\nlcolitis? What is the best treat-\nIment? Is rest necessary?\n\nA—In most victims the cause\nis a high-strung nervous sys-\ntem with emotional instability.\nAlthough high-strung _ persons\noften develop a peptic ulcer,\nthe two diseases are not usual-\nJy seen in the same person.\nOther causes of colitis include\nallergies, chronic amebic dy-\nsentery and other intestinal in-\nfections and persistent use of\nJaxatives,\n\nOther terms used synony-\nmously with spastic colitis in-\nclude mucous. colitis and irrita-\nble bowel syndrome. The treat-\nment is difficult because it is\nhard to correct the underlying\n\n \n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4227.3455078125, 623.3026611328125, 4813.67060546875, 2757.827099609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "cause. in adgaron WW. a@ wiaillu\ndiet, ‘antispasmodic drugs and\n: avoidance of laxatives, a short\nicourse with a tranquilizer may\nbe necessary. Although strenu-\nous exercise may, under some\ncircumstances, aggravate your\ncolitis, moderate exercise is\nencouraged. est is not partic-\nularly helpful. ~\n\nQ@ — I have a bowel move-\nment every time I finish a\nmeal. What causes this?\n\nA — Eating a meal is a natu-\nral stimulus to the entire di-\ngestive tract. In most persons\nthis results in a, bowel move-\nment within an hour after fin-\nishing breakfast. When the stim-\nulus is strong enough to cause\na movement within a few min-\nutes after every meal, the vic-\ntim usually has an irritable col-\non.\n\n.Q — I have four or five loose\nstools a day. My doctor pre-\nscribed pafegoric. which helps\nbut the condition returns when\nI: stop .taking. the’ medicine.\nwis should I do?\n\n~ Paregoric is a very val-\nuse drug for slowing the\nmovements of the digestive\ntract but it is not advised for\nthe treatment of chronic coli-\ntis. You should consult a spe-\ncialist in gastrointestinal dis-\neases. .\n\n-Q — Will diarrhea eventually\nstop by: itself?\n\n‘A — Only if the cause is re-\nmoved, The acute diarrhea of\nfood -poisoning is usually self-\nlimited but the chronic ‘diar-\nrhea of mucous colt, requires.\nexpert treatment .'to bring it\nunder control. \"\n\nQqQ@ — I have had several at-\ntacks of spastic colitis. My doc-\ntor'is giving me Combid. What\nis it for? -\n\nA — This drug is a combina-\ntion of a tranquilizer and an\nantispasmodic..that is widely.\nused in the treatment of di.\ngestive: disorders. | When used.\nweet medical supervision it is\nsafe\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4212.49638671875, 2858.1462890625, 4785.19892578125, 3169.6557128906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Bloodstone. Lodge No. 101 F\nand AAY ‘Masons: will hold a\nspecial meeting March 9 at 2\np.m. at the East Gulf Ma-\nsonic Ha)l.. AJl members are\nasked to be present.\n\nOrlando R. Lewis is worship-\nful master of the lodge.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4214.20556640625, 3193.53515625, 4664.62109375, 3349.229736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Guthrie Air Base\nClosina ‘In July\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3650.283447265625, 3883.8125, 4763.46044921875, 7194.8896484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "CAROLINA\n\n| CRAB ORCHARD — OPEN 9 TO 6.\n\nFRIDAYS OPEN 9 TO 8_\nWHOLE ‘CORN 100 Ibs. $3. 59\nCRACKED CORN 16 Ibs. $3. 69\nDAIRY FEED 1» «. $4.63\nMASH. como = $4.58\nMASH . . Crumbs or pellets 100 0 tbs. $4. 7 3\nbeveeeceee sedesananen TAME 97¢\n\nWe stock repair parts for Rods, Zebco Reels, Garcia, |\n\n \n\nMitchell Reels and Coleman Lanterns and Stoves. ‘Save.\ those small repair jobs yourself.\n\nBUY YOUR FISHING LICENSE\n\n \n\n \n \n\nFly Fishin’\nOUTFIT\n\nShakespeare\nAutomatic Fly Reel .\n\nShakespeare\nFly Wonderod\n\nHere is the famous Shake-\n\nspeare autormne. the 97 :\nree’ at gives\na fly fisherman NOW ... Cc Galfon\nthat ‘‘thira JRRAEGeE eee\n\n \n\nlear Balances : WE FEATURE\n, Pe acct 4 As i THE VERY FINEST\n\n\\ a\nle braggin’ outfit. y/ EBCO\n\nFly Fishing is the real GARCIA\n\nsporty way to fish. Make\nthis the year you try it. AND\n\ncee . $8.79 1 &\n\noe £10.95 | FISHING Tackie |\n\n \n\nREEL\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4224.72265625, 2785.78271484375, 4746.21240234375, 2858.519775390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Lodae Sets: Meeting\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4018.87890625, 280.37420654296875, 4615.51171875, 477.7402648925781 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Moderate Exercise\nHelpful In Colitis -\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3690.58203125, 1555.2353515625, 4198.7919921875, 1661.9678955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Deeds On File\n" }, "10": null, "11": { "bbox": [ 3687.60400390625, 184.5890350341797, 3959.75732421875, 599.2743530273438 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 175.089599609375, 4087.004638671875, 1307.2158203125, 7113.49365234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "silkn satin Bare\n\n‘py Pacouin.\n\nSomething Beautiful\nHappens To You... All Over\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n\na New feeling = Th\n\nof complete loveliness\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n“\"G eTAInLnss\n\npneas the ache is\nBen-Ga Gay. |\neast LICE FON AOS Reg. $1.00\n\nGREASULEGS-STAINLESS B en-Gay.\n\n39c-2-*1\"\n\nNew a.\nHai Karate 9\n\n© AFTER SHAVE\n\n \n\n \n \n\nFOR EXTRA DRY SKIB\n\nFREE\nDISPENSER\n\n10-oz.\n\nRegular $1.00\n\n88c 596 0c. 2 tor $1\n\n= Boraxo Adc\n\nHAND CLEANER\n\nNEW WITH LANOLIN\n\nwer“. Fe oe Fe eee ee\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1337.3753662109375, 471.4076843261719, 2451.918701171875, 6984.048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Care;nree COMNOTL\n\nALLADIN’S AMAZING\n\n“COMFORT-FIT.\nCHAIR\n\n: 7 ha\n2 For $5.00\n\nIe actually changes shape\nto “comfort-fit” each\nsitter in celaxing com-\nfort. Light to handle —~\ndurable enough for\nheavyweights. Virtually\n\n \n \n \n \n\nHUA FINE PRapy indestructible high-\n. in. impact polypropylene mn ¢ ue,\naf ohmaneceD Ca crack or fade, . . was a\n\nean n yoo with soapy water. Rustproof legs.\n\nUse indoors oc out. Mix or\ndecoracor colors.\n\nfor POWERFUL\nmixing ease!\n\n \n\n \n\nwith 3-SPEED '\nSELECTOR SWITCH\n\n“EASYTO= — s\nHOLD Weighs only Sits\nUSE 3-speed switch up top at fingertip’s\nreach. Soft vinyl guard allows mixer to .\nrest on bowl! without chipping or slipping.\n\nCLEAN Justa flick of the ejector lever releases\nbeaters forcleaning. _\n\nSTORE Special keyhole slot for-handy wall’ :\n\nstorage..:\npO sa\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n@ Changes From Steam\nTo Dry Instantly —\n@ Fully Automatic —\nLightweight, 3 ibs.\n@ Built-in Cord Lit\n\n? STEAM my LL |\nand DRY IRON |\n\n \n\nFIRE RED \"HURRICANE\"\nKEROSENE LANTERNS...\nby ASH FLASH\"\n\n© for emergency light, indoors or out\n© for old-time romantic atmosphere\non lawn, patio or porch\n\nBeautifully styled... will burn for hours on\none tank of kerosene. So be prepared, be\nsafe with one or more of these rugged,\ndependable storm lanterns, Use indoors or\nout, Use with citronella or pine scented oil\ntor special effects. Windproof, non-smoking.\nFills and lights easily. Spring top holds\nglobe securely. Completely adjustable wick,\nbail handle and hanger loop,\n\nA special buy...only\nMONEY SAVER SPECIAL on ASHFLASH®\n\nFLASHLIGHT BATTERIE\n\nPower packed for alf your battery uses... A\nlong life, tab tested and approved! Famous\nASHFLASH batterles for every need...\nradios, Janterns, flashlights, toys, hobbies?\nSTOCK UP NOW AT THIS AMAZINGLY LOW,\nLOW PRICE...\n\n \n\n \n\n“py size 3 For\n\n\"C\" sixe 24c\n\nLook for the checkerboard\ndisptay...your assurance of\ntinest quality at reasonable\\n\n \n\nMAJESTIC\n\nWOOD >\nTOILET SEAT\n\nRegular $3.95\n\n$499\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2466.737060546875, 871.209228515625, 3601.460693359375, 7353.20947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nLively! ». Mere sn asin Tian ihm iiy’ aoe eonioe:\n\nifers:everywhere are raving about straighter\n\ndrives, truer putts. Next tip £0 the conten’ tole thong mast\n\nShakespeare Wonder Center golf bells and see what « difference\ninakee @ your game. Shecial, only\n\nReg. $1.25 Each ond, For $4\nTake a, (EE voi. as\n\n‘have the time of your\n$150 a week! Hot meals: anywhere,\nanytime at supermarket prices.\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n- : - Coleman.\nNe Vagabond Tent\n\n \n\n2-3. ee + Caen stoves. Exctu-\neee flainione:, , Stee\" Runners: |\nrai\n\n \n\n_ Aleninum « fold :Mighatend.” Toaster-Griddte-Broiler, Heavy cast”\nHolds * Colema: p Stoves, - . aluminum, Grease catcher. Remov-\nCoolers, table. Tops. : - , able wire grid.\n\nNo. 425\nSTOVE .. ..Reg. 21.95 - USE OUR’ LAY: |\n\n. Pere Y PLAN\nVALUE $190.75 “AWA\n\nALL NEW SUN COUNTRY —\n\nio NEW PUSHBUTTON CH\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\na | AIR: |\nNEW LARGER SIZE) [~=- enesnaiteg\n_ NEW MODERN SCENTS - Son.\n\"@ EVERGREEN © SPRING FLOWER ‘57 c\n®@ FLORAL SACHET © FRENCH MODERN\nNEW LOWER PRICE} |, air\nWHHtCH WOMAN] rake advantage of this\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nTAKES AYDS? | TWIN SPECIAL\n\n=F fl be n meat uses\n\nom ashlight uses as!\n\n2D\" batteries. 2“C\" batteries.\nTwo dependable flashlights.\nOne for the for\nthe road! Rugged black body\nstyle with bright yellow lens\nguard and end cap. Heavy\n\nGe Coleman quality olf the way at\nNo. 810. Vagabond\nBoth eat 3 meals a day, but Ayds\nnakes pe difference. That’s be-\nause this vitamin and mineral\nandy, taken as directed, curbs duty construction. :\n\nour appetite. You eat less be-\nause you want less—and so lose 77¢\n\nveight naturally. No drugs! No tay\neevounees| The Ayds eed has Dee\neen clinically proved. Lose\n\nveight wath your: first box ($3.25)| Have a trouble-free\nr return x to Campana,\n\nsatavia, Illinois, for money back. Coleman af Hol iday\n\nTENT ..... Reg. $136. 95 \" “at LeeDs ONLY. |\nis $2.09 take along spare\n\nNo. 700°\nCAMP OVEN Reg. a! “12.95\n— Silk-Lite\nMANTLES\n\nNo. 425 .\nGRIDDLE .. Reg. 9.95 | 1%\n| No. -499 yes\nTwice the light. ue\n\nSTAND ... Reg. 2.95\nJast up to 4 time\nlonger,\n\n \n\nbes\n2 In poly f bas, 2°\n\n \n\nFUEL\n\nBlended for top\nperformance In\nColeman Lanterns,\n\\ camp stoves,\ncatalytic heaters,\n\nAsh Lantern\nBattery\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBON AMI\n\nPush Button\n\nCleaner\n\n39c\n\n{* B\n\n \n\n \n\n3 i 0)\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4073.647705078125, 486.47674560546875, 4686.0068359375, 581.9385986328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "By DR. WAYNE BRANDSTADT\nFor Newspaper Enterprise Assn.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 237.72695922851562, 481.216552734375, 1344.3538818359375, 4540.3681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\n \n \n\n(LEED'S\n\nAd Prices Effective thru Sat., March 2, 1968\n\nWe Reserve The Right Te Lime Quantities\nOPEN DAILY 9 TO 9\n\nALL MERCHANDISE\nFULLY GUARANTEED\n929 PRINCE ST, BECKLEY\n\nOPEN SUNDAY\nff p. Mm. lo ] p.m,\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSatin\n\nHand and Body\nLotion\n\n~ Reg. $1.00\n\n© New Eiffel Tower /Pla\nDesign\n® Easy To Hold ©\n\n \n\ne SOLVES THE 3 MOST DIFFICULT\nHAND CARE PROBLEMS\n\nFacguin\n\n \n\nsuPER MEDICATED rast\nlag for Chapped Skin taal\nFer Extra Dry $ Wormal Skin\n\n3 -)- at ~\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nBarbasol “|\nCOOLS & SOOTHES RAZOR BURN\n\nMOISTURIZES Reg. 59c\n\nYOUR —\nSKIN %\n\nsilkn satin Bare\n\nwyLacguin.\nSomething Beautiful\n\n©)... -.. ™. ff... artes ._.\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2445.642822265625, 4924.2685546875, 3001.527587890625, 7032.16455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "a ££\n\nBoth eat 3 meals a day, but Ayds\nmakes the difference. That’s be-\ncause this vitamin and mineral\ncandy, taken as directed, curbs\nyour appetite. You eat less be-\ncause you want less—and so lose\nweight naturally. No drugs! No\nnervousness! The Ayds Plan has\nbeen clinically proved. Lose\nweight with your first box ($3.25)\nor return the box to Campana,\nBatavia, Illinois, for money back\n\nis 32.09\n\ntee eee\n\n \n\nBON AMI\n\nPush Button\n\nCleaner\n\n39c\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2542.9384765625, 452.0873718261719, 3598.196533203125, 673.0750732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nWONDER. CENTER GOLF BALL\n\nGLASS FIRER CENTER’\n" }, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 3 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 8, 25 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 25, 6 ], [ 19, 23 ], [ 33, 30 ], [ 35, 37 ] ]
[ 6158.14951953125, 9232.843367187501 ]
[ [ 1, 5 ], [ 3, 0 ], [ 6, 25 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 19, 23 ], [ 33, 30 ], [ 35, 37 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2403.74501171875, 4050.05409375, 3141.444197265625, 4534.885359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "hearted support of him (Walker)\nfor the work he has done in his\ntwo terms as congressman. We\nall like him fine, appreciate his\ngood qualities and hard work.”\n\nThe Independent earlier gave\nits editorial endorsement to\nWalker’s re-election.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 123.58279553222656, 5467.41102734375, 885.487654296875, 8108.3873125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "LOVINGTON -— Spectators\nand contestants are thronging\nLovington this week, as the 1968\nLea County Fair and Rodeo gets\nunderway.\n\nThe exposition, one of the\nleading country fairs and rodeos\nof the nation, featured the\ntraditional parade down Main\nStreet as a curtain raiser\nWednesday afternoon. Six\nvisiting sheriff's posses and\nriding clubs, plus bands and\nfloats were in the parade.\n\nHeadlining the Rodeo as the\nfeature entertainer this vear\nwill be Peter Breck, star of\nABC's “Big Valley’ who will\nlead off the performance each\nof the remaining nights, tonight\nthrough Saturday, at 7:30,\n\nThe performance and rodeo\nwill be in the newly expanded\nand improved Jake McClure\nArena this year, after sell-out\ncrowds all four nights in 1967,\n\nThe Lea County Rodeo’s\nevents—saddle and bareback\nbronc riding, bull riding, calf\nroping, steer wrestling and\nteam tying—will offer cash\nprizes for winners.\n\nCompetition will be conducted\nunder _ nationally-recognized\nrules. Money won here will be\nadded to cowboys’ previous\nwinnings in the race for the\n1968 championships.\n\nRCA contestants who have\nindicated they may compete at\nLovington this year:\n\nRonnie Rossen, Broadus,\nMont., 1961 and ‘66 world bull\nriding champion, runnerup in\n1965, and among the leaders for\nthis year’s championships;\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3256.694580078125, 322.07415771484375, 6098.06982421875, 2539.559814453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1651.621720703125, 4037.609513671875, 2397.942, 5064.56260546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "GALLUP (AP)—Sen. Clinton\nP. Anderson, D-N.M., gave his\nendorsement today to U.S. Rep.\nE. §S. Johnny Walker for the\nsouthern congressional district\nDemocratic nomination.\n\n_ Walker is opposed by State\nSen. Harold Runnels of Loving-\nton, in next Tuesday’s primary\nelection.\n_ Anderson's endorsement came\nin a telephone call yesterday to\nGallup Independent Publisher\nJohn K. Zollinger. |\nAnderson, the state’s senior\nsenator, said, “This is my op-\nportunity to express my whole-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3234.41455078125, 2815.593505859375, 6087.43115234375, 3000.738525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "SWPSC Trainees Given Tour of Service Area\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 893.5402998046875, 5465.82704296875, 1636.203474609375, 7054.25694140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Clyde Vamvoras, Burkburnett,\nTex., 1967 bareback bronc\nriding titlist who is leading in\nthe race for the 1968 crown;\n\nJoe Glenn, Phoenix, Ariz.,\n1948 and ‘67 team _ roping\nchampion who is currently\nranked second for this year’s\ntitle; and Art Arnold, Buckeye,\nAriz., runnerup to Glenn for the\n1967 team roping title and\ncurrently leading the standings.\n\nFor fun, each rodeo per-\nformance will be preceded by\na wild cow milking contest,\nfeaturing local duffers from\nservice clubs of the area who\nwill compete for the best time\nin getting a squirt of hard-to-get\nmilk into that botle. |\n\nTieket prices for the rodeo\nare unchanged from last year\nand include the Breck en-\ntertainment show: §2_ for\nreserved seats, $1.50 for general\nadmission, and $1 for children.\nAdmission to the fair is 25 cents\nat the gate. |\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3896.22157421875, 3043.20008984375, 4637.76768359375, 4061.84434375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| in Texas.\n\n| There were 487 course\ncompletions in 40 courses during\nthe recent term of the\nvocational school and the men\nselected as outstanding, in\naddition to Snelson and Reese,\ninclude Bobby Bartlett of\nLubbock; Homer Bursell and\nStanley Buthker, Amarillo;\n‘Tommy Hyatt, Borger; Jimmy\n‘Millsap and = Keith White,\nPlainview; and Melvin McClure,\n‘Springlake, Texas.\n\n~ Cecil Markham of Carlsbad,\n\nan outstanding trainee in 1966-\n67, who was unable to make\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 138.21469116210938, 5061.76708984375, 1630.6412353515625, 5427.587890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Lea County Fair, Rodeo\nUnderway in Lovington\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3159.952287109375, 3020.464982421875, 3893.760359375, 4310.93174609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Nine Southwestern Public\nService Co. employes, including\ntwo from Roswell, Paul Snelson,\n508 S. Sunset, and Albert Reese,\n29 Morningside Dr., are touring\ntheir company’s service area\nthis week in recognition of their\nachievement as _ outstanding\ntrainees in the 1967-68 term of\nthe electric company’s\nvocational school.\n\nRoswell will be the overnight\nstop Tuesday on the tour and\nwhile here the group will visit\nthe Goddard Rocket Museum\nand their company’s offices and\npower plant.\n\nOther communities to be\nvisited during the tour include\nArtesia, Carlsbad and Hobbs in\nNew Mexico, and Lubbock,\nPlainview, Borger and Amarillo\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1681.3218994140625, 265.2677917480469, 3043.141845703125, 697.5010986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Classes Posted\nFor Adult School\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4677.36376953125, 3307.01513671875, 6076.90234375, 4493.7978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "~ BACK TO SCHOOL\nLOANS\n\neee cei.\nBob Hazelwood\nLoan Manager\nFOUNDATION INVESTMENT CO.\n\n213 West 3rd 622-5720\n\n \n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 248.93992614746094, 412.8912353515625, 610.1444091796875, 963.9630737304688 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 524.4986572265625, 1025.560302734375, 1303.2203369140625, 1139.733642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Thyroid Symptoms\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1104.1202392578125, 7120.509765625, 2148.1376953125, 7407.64208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "HAVE Wou\nWRITTEN A BOOK?\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1675.8712158203125, 3902.483642578125, 3041.58837890625, 4021.590576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Anderson Backs Johnny Walker\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2413.813720703125, 4573.7509765625, 6095.75830078125, 9122.2255859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nSAVE CASH HERE!)\n\n \n\n \n\nPRICES GOOD THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. YOUR BEST MEAT BUYS\nSWIFT'S JEWEL P Sr\nShortening Ag Lees\n\n3Ib.can. STEAK tor aaa em | — AGp\n\nLA FIESTA $469 BACO wiertow —. 98¢\n\nF LOUR 25 LB. OURS varius, ............00e\nPRINT BAG.\n\n-T HAMBURGER = 3.::.°1”\ngens 4 dex. $ 1” ROAST a. BONE, LB. ... 79¢\nEGGS : Small . SAUSAGE oi”... 79¢\nCARTON OF 8 FRANKS 2°\". 79¢\nCOKES > gd noe. 59: CHILE om... sot LB. 72°\n\n \n\n \n\nBEEF TAMALES So\".\n\nPOTTED MEAT \"2\"... 10-'1° POTATOES %. 79:\nPARD DOG FOOD :«............ a a OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY\n\nTASTEWELL PEAS =.\" 6-1\" SS SHAMAS\n\nBELMONT FRUIT MIX\" 3-1\" vs“ Ggugeeperserga\n\nREFRIED BEANS Scosize cin 10-1 BAN ANAS .. 12:\nRe 41° eo\n\nSALAD DRESSING =\" was 29c USE YOUR FOOD STAMPS HERE\n\nTASTEWELL CORN ®:.\" 5-1\"\n\nGREEN BEANS 222... 4° ux: [i <<ciala\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1659.9302978515625, 5113.0888671875, 2339.58837890625, 5338.09716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "MUNICIPAL\nCCURT\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 148.77095166015624, 1188.6058515625, 915.1025224609375, 5067.28184375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "To the limit of space, ques-\ntions pertaining to the preven-\ntion of disease will be an-\nswered. Personal replies will\nbe made when return stamp-\ned envelope is inclosed. Tele-\nphone inquiries not accepted.\nDr. Van Dellen will not make\ndiagnoses or prescribe for in-\ndividual diseases.\n\nTHE thyroid hormones affect\nthe body’s production and\nutilization of energy. When the\ngland becomes over-active\n(hzperthyroidism), the effect\ncan be likened to turning up\nthe thermostat that regulates\nthe human furnace. When\nmetabolism is high the body is\nwarm and the skin hot and\nflushed.\n\nMore food is consumed\nbecause the appetite increases,\nbut weight loss occurs because\nnutrients are converted into\nenergy and not stored as fat.\nThe nervous system is’\nstimulated leading to anxiety,\ninsomnia, nervousness,)\nrestlessness, and overactive\ntendon reflexes. Tremor in the\nhands develops. The pulse\nquickens and _ palpitation\ncoexists.\n\nEye changes also are noted.\nMany appear to be staring\nbecause the eyeballs protrude\nThe thyroid gland enlarges, but\nin some persons it remains the\nsame size. Scalp hair also!\nbecomes finer. Menstruation\noccurs less frequently with an\nirregular and scanty flow. |\n\nSymptoms depend on severity\nof the disease. Nervousness, |\npalpitation, and tremor are the)\nmost consistent complaints. |\nThyroid function tests are!\nneeded, however, because many\ntense, emotional persons have\nthese manifestations after\nsmoking heawly and drinking\nexcessive amounts of coffee.\nThe most widely used tests are\nthe basal metabolism rate (B-\nMR), protein-bound iodine |\n(PBI), and the radioactive\niodine uptake.\n\n|\n\nIn hyperthyroidism __ the,\ngland’s activity must be sup-\npressed. Surgical removal of\nmost of the tissue has been done |\nsince the turn of the century.\nIn 1943, drugs such as,\npropylthiouraci! and\nmethimazole that lessened\nactivity of the gland were in- ||\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1635.49501171875, 5479.94423046875, 2391.665388671875, 7067.38682421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Mark Sidney Patterson, Rt. 1,\n‘charged with reckless driving,\nentered plea of guilty to\ncareless driving, fined $50,\ngiven 15 days suspended.\n\nRichard D. Parker, 1604 D.\nPennsylvania, entered plea of\n“guilty to careless driving, ne\n“$15.\n| Bobby Ray Booth, 1204 Yale,\nentered plea of guilty to\n‘Speeding and careless driving,\n‘fined $35.\n| Oney Lee Parker, 1421 ED\nHendricks, stop sign, $8. |\n_ Louis Ray Gonzales, 311 E.\n| Jefferson, speeding, $8. |\n| POLICE COURT\n| Re-Set Cases\nGerald Hicks Gilbert, San\n‘Diego, Calif., disorderly con-\nduct, $50.\n\nAlmost one million meteoroids |\n—~ most no larger than a grain\nof sand — fall into the earth’s\natmosphere during each 24-hour\nperiod\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 921.1527875976562, 7429.06825390625, 2325.53428515625, 9165.4966875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "A publisher's representative will be in Roswell in\nSeptember. He will be interviewing local authors in a\nquest for finished manuscripts suitable for book publica-\ntion by Carlton Press, Inc., well-known New York pub-\nlishing firm. All subjects will be considered including\nfiction and non-fiction, poetry, drama, religion, phil-\nosophy, etc.\n\nif you have completed a book-length manuscript or\nnearly so) on any subject, and like a professional\nappraisal without cost or obligati8n), please write imme-\ndiately describing your work and stating which part of\nthe day (a.m. or p.m.) you would prefer for an appoint-\nment. You will promptly receive a confirmation for a\ndefinite time and place.\n\nAuthors with completed manuscripts unable to ap-\npear may send them directly to the representative (ad-\ndress below) for a free reading and evaluation. He will\nalso be glad to hear from these whose literary works\nare still in progress. Please address:\n\nALAN F. PATER\nEditorial Representative\n195 South ‘ee Drive\nBeverly Hills, Ca ia 90212\nTel.: (213) 271-5558 a.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1670.5258955078125, 937.3792890625, 3154.385603515625, 3871.8277421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "SEP OITHCIM Wilh WR Ull ORE. 7, CUMERE. JIS tao LUI al\n5, and 6 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. because many servicemen wert\nat the Roswell Adult School, 315 unable to take advantage o!\nNorth Richardson. their GI college benefit because\n__ \\V.A. approval has been given of high school deficiencies.\n\nfor young men coming out of Young men interested ir\nthe service to attend the adult furthering their education under\n‘school to finish their high school this program could contact their\neducation with an allotment local V.A. office or the Roswel\nbenefit. This new assistance is School for more information.\n\nClasses scheduled for this fall include:\nAuto Mechanics 11\nMonday, Thursday 6-7:45 p.m. Goddard Shop\n| Typing 11\n| Monday, Thursday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 104\n| English 10\n| Monday, Thursday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 334\n| English 11\n_ Monday, aes 8-9:45 p.m. Adult School 334\neneral Math 10\nMonday, Thursday 8-9:45 p.m. Adult School 331\n| Geography 10\nMonday, Thursday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 327\nU.S. History 11\n| Monday, Thursday 8-9:45 p.m. Adult Schoo] 327\n| Reading 9-12\nTuesday, Thursday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School\nookkeeping 11\nTuesday, Friday 8-9:45 p.m. Adult School 334\nShorthand 11\nTuesday, Friday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 104\nGeneral Math 9\nTuesday, Friday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 331\nCivies 9\nTuesday, Friday 8-9:45 p.m. Adult School 327\nU.S. Government 12\nTuesday, Friday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School 327\nGeometry 10 |\nWed. 6-7:45 p.m., Sat. 8:15-10:00 a.m. Adult Sch. 331 _\nAlgebra 9 |\nWed. 8-9:45 p.m., Sat. 10:15-12:00 Adult Sch. 331 |\nEnglish 12\nWed. 6-7:45 p.m., Sat. 8:15-10:00 a.m. Adult Sch. 334\nDistributive Education 11\nSaturday 8-12:00 D.E. Building Goddard\nScience 9\nSaturday 1-5:00 p.m. Adult School 105\nReading 9-12\nWednesday 6-9:45 p.m. Adult School\nTyping Refresher (8 weeks) . |\nWednesday 6-7:45 p.m. Adult School |\nDriver Education for Adults To Be Arranged\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 925.627091796875, 1154.417130859375, 1664.51963671875, 1765.9810625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "troduced. Radioactive iodine\n(131) also is a popular remedy.\nThe victim swallows a tasteless\nsolution _ containing — the\nradioactive material that\ninactivates the gland.\nRadioactive iodine works so\nwell that many of the users\nmust take thyroid extract to\nmake up the deficit.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 705.006103515625, 438.2066345214844, 1571.20849609375, 857.8204345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "HOW TO\nReer Wen\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4634.35878125, 3027.57508984375, 6158.14951953125, 3240.568708984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "last year’s tour because of | visor of training for eg\n‘family illness is with the group, western Public Service Co.,\n‘this year. E. W. Love, super-| the tour coordinator.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 187.97242736816406, 8173.79296875, 787.4341430664062, 8390.8330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "OFFICIAL\nRECORDS\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3923.31005859375, 4073.73291015625, 4607.17578125, 4501.6708984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\nITCHING, SWEATY FEET\nHOW TO STOP IT.\n\nCAUSED BY A GERM. KIil the germ,\nyou stop the itching, sweating, Ordi-\nnary antiseptics are no use. Apply\nT-4-L POWERFUL GERM KILLER\nfor itchy, sweaty feet, foot odor. If\n‘not pleased OVERNIGHT, your 48c\nback at any drug counter. TODAY at\nPETE KLING PHARMACY\n407 W. COLLEGE 4622-3880 adv.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3147.6292890625, 4350.3285078125, 3889.11533984375, 4536.3511796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "_ An ounce of gold can be\nstretched into a wire 50 miles\nlong.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1051.3115234375, 2770.720947265625, 1506.2886962890625, 2829.2099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "FYTASHES AT 38\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 918.7813276367187, 2172.31239453125, 1661.406111328125, 2731.3023515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "This is a deterioration of a\nvertebra due to injury,\nosteoporosis, loss of blood\nsupply, or a malignancy. It\ncould mend by itself, and this\nmay be recommended if it is\nnot causing symptoms such as\npressure on the nerves or spinal\ncanal. Now and then surgery\nor a body cast is necessary.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 945.293212890625, 3565.15087890625, 1595.9388427734375, 3629.177490234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "RARY DRY AFTER SLEEP\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 117.05439129638671, 8431.122453125, 880.382185546875, 9232.843367187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "DIVORCES DISMISSED\nAug. 20\n\nMarjorie White vs. Johnnie\nCar] White.\n\nMARRIAGE LICENSES\nIssued Aug. 26\n\nTerry W. Blackburn, 23, and\nMary K. Sherman, 17, both of\nRoswell.\n\nErminio Jose Torres, 22, Ft.\nBliss, Tex. and Dolores P.\nPineda, 21, Dexter.\n\nGrover Steven Wright, 21, and\n\n_ Teresa Lynn Thompson, 20, both\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 923.7712568359375, 1871.3630537109375, 1665.6540361328125, 2094.0972734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "G. P. writes: What is a\ncollapsed vertebra? Does this\n\ndefect mend itself or is surgery\nnereccary”?\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 752.394775390625, 855.9102172851562, 1537.4246826171875, 937.6283569335938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By Theodore R. Van Dellen\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 909.9633955078125, 2851.5238203125, 1661.5464921875, 3196.691267578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "A reader writes: At 38, I am\ngetting hot and cold flashes.\nThese bouts last about 10\nminutes. One day this hot-and-\ncold business occurred every 20\n\nminutes. What is causing this? ©\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 975.6525268554688, 1800.1689453125, 1594.8778076171875, 1863.8045654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "COLLAPSED VERTEBRA\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 901.2785810546875, 3247.441544921875, 1654.780623046875, 3529.381697265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "This is an emotional or a\nglandular reaction involving the\nsympathetic nervous system\n‘that controls the circulation of\nblood to the skin.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1785.859130859375, 5367.6796875, 2237.361572265625, 5471.42626953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "TRAFFIC COURT\ Cucae\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1194.946533203125, 2106.1357421875, 1397.7982177734375, 2166.4208984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "REPLY\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 8, 1 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 1, 9 ], [ 24, 19 ], [ 24, 4 ], [ 19, 4 ], [ 33, 10 ], [ 33, 28 ], [ 10, 28 ], [ 34, 38 ] ]
[ 3729.5292539062502, 5630.5893125 ]
[ [ 1, 9 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 19, 24 ], [ 24, 4 ], [ 28, 33 ], [ 33, 10 ], [ 34, 38 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1015.1124267578125, 2786.8076171875, 1880.501953125, 3776.981689453125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2821.661908203125, 5165.1069765625, 3260.4228085937502, 5546.51753515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The fair officially opens today\nafter all entries are placec\nearly this afternoon, said\nGeorge Born, fair board presi\ndent,\n\nDuring the ‘“Singspiration,’\nIngalls’ Co. amusement workers\nassembled midway rides anc\nbooths, while stock owners un.\nloaded their show entries at the\neast end of the grounds near the\nlivestock barns,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2359.2905703125, 2362.682171875, 2804.9977597656252, 3745.0795468750002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "CASSOPOLIS — The Cass\nCounty Democratic Convention\nwill be held on Friday, Aug. 16,\nat the Cass County Courthouse,\naccording to Burke H. Webb of\nMarcellus, county committee\nchairman.\n\nThe convention will get\nunderway at 8 p.m. in the\ncircuit courtroom.\n\nDelegates to the convention\nare those who will be chosen at\nthe Aug. 6 primary, The conven-\ntion’s principal function, said\nWebb, will be to elect eight\nregular and eight alternate\ndelegates to the Aug. 31 fall\nstate Democratic convention\nwhich will be held at Grand\nRapids.\n\nHowever, Webb points out,\nDemocrats will also be con-\ncerned with county and state\nplatforms ta be adopted as\nparty candidates prepare for\nthe November election.\n\nBurke has also announced the\ncommittee chairmen as follows:\nCredentials committee, Mrs.\nClint Voorhees, Dowagiac;\npermanent organization, rules\nand order of business commit-\ntee, William J. Robinson, Cass-\nopolis; and resolutions, John C.\nRaber, Union.\n\nTellers for the Aug. 16 con-\nvention will be headed by Steve\nToth of Edwardsburg as chair-\nman. Webb has also appointed\nexecutive committee chairman\nJerald Mann as convention\nparliamentarian. Gerald S.\nHand, Democratic candidate for\nsheriff, will serve as sergeant:\nat-arms.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 112.96440887451172, 1681.3153076171875, 510.299072265625, 2365.939208984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1903.662396484375, 2219.671673828125, 2349.6461972656252, 2746.6244687500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "and two nights ago the cat was\nalmost caught, but it escaped\nthe trigger device on the cage\nand ran to the woods.\n\nLast night, it was shot.\n- Hogmire said the animal is\nfrequently a pet in Central and\nSouth America, and theorized it\nhad been brought to this area\nby Mexican migrant workers.\n\nAn examination revealed\nwhat appeared toe be collar\nmarks on the animal, and it had\n‘been de-clawed on all four feet.\nThe cat weighed 16 pounds and\nmeasured 51 inches from nose\nto the top of the tail.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1014.5515747070312, 985.479248046875, 2776.74658203125, 1693.3343505859375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3287.485595703125, 1755.26318359375, 3691.366455078125, 2407.744873046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1024.7576904296875, 4117.06787109375, 1877.447509765625, 5183.404296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "eyAiy, A\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2366.00883203125, 5171.8960390625, 2814.9643125000002, 5550.08589453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "CASSOPOLIS —A_ sizeable\ncrowd filled the grandstand at\nthe Cass county fairgrounds\nSunday afternoon to attend\nworship services at the “Sing-\n| spiration.”\n| The performance, starring the\nGospel Travelers male quartet,\nunofficially opened the 117th\nannual Cess county fair, which\nruns today through Saturday.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3279.652875, 5161.46879296875, 3724.8197812500002, 5546.8852109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "The grandstand performance\ntonight will feature Dan Flee-\nner's Hurricane Hell drivers,\nauto stunt men at 8 p.m. :\n\nThe Tex Ritter show will\nappear at 8 p.m. tomorrow and\nWednesday. ,\n\nTuesday's judging is to in-\nelude swine at 9 a.m., junior\nand senior showmanship at 1\np.m., dairy and sheep at 2 p.m.\nand pony races at 3 p.m.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3269.347943359375, 3111.927533203125, 3724.6645078125002, 4481.76948828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "admitted to being distracted,\nand 2.9 percent said they were\ndisturbed because of family,\nfriends or work.\n\nHere 4s elsewhere, many of\nthe accidents, 19.4 percent,\noccurred on the homeward\nbound leg of a short pleasure\ntrio.\n\nIn 60.8 percent of the ac-\ncidents the driver was in a car\nhe always drivers (compared to\n76 percent statewide), and in\n86.2 percent he was awake and\nin good physical condition, com-\npared to 88 percent statewide.\n\n“Another unusual facet of this\nstudy is our investigation of\nambulance service throughout\nthe Lower Peninsula,” Rehm\nsaid, “We believe this is ‘the\nfirst statewide study of this facet\nof traffic injuries.’\n\nTraffic victims in the Berrjen\nCounty area were worse ‘ off\nthan in many other areas of, the\nstate. The average wait for an\nambulance here was 11.9 min-\nutes. The statewide average was\n8.9 minutes.\n\nThe average for urban areas\nwas 6 minutes; in incorporated\ntownships it was 9.5 minutes\nand in rural areas it was 12\nminutes, ,\n\n“Without the wholehearted\ncooperation of law-enforcement\nofficers in the Berrien County\narea, this study and its findings\nand conclusions would never\nhave been possible,” Rhem\nsaid. ‘We would like to take\nthis opportunity to thank the\nBerrien County Sheriffs De-\npartment pubtily.”\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 118.37435913085938, 3134.475830078125, 523.7161254882812, 3796.302978515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1002.3906860351562, 1901.0172119140625, 2333.853759765625, 2194.190185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Sister Lakes Ocelot\nKilled After Big Hunt\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 93.16107659912109, 4646.16996484375, 538.9181088867188, 5558.28999609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "ALLEGAN — Allegan county\nsheriff's deputies early Sunday\nmorning investigated what they\ntermed a hit and run accident in\nwhich an Indiana youth was\nfatally injured.\n\nDeputies reported that the\nbody of Richard Dodson, 16,\nBeverly Shores, Ind., was dis-\ncovered by a passerby about\n6:10 a.m., in the middle of 11th\nstreet, a half mile north of the\nKalamazoo county line. His\ndeath was the 18th traffic fa-\ntality of 1968 in Allegan county.\n\nTwo miles from the scene.\ndeputies reported, an auto ap-\nparently driven by the youth\nwas found wrecked against a\ntree, The youth, killed on the\nhighway while apparently walk-\ning to Plainwell for help, was\npronounced dead at Pipp hos-\npital, Plainwell.\n\nDodson was the son of Mr.\nand Mrs. Francis Dodson. The\nbody was taken to Carlisle fu-\nneral home, Carlisle, Ind.\nwhere services are to be held\nWednesday,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1907.7115908203125, 5067.11332421875, 2356.8271054687502, 5551.26167578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "‘\n\n;__Dowagiac police arrested Jack\nHardy Rogers, 36, of 302 Maple\nstreet, Dowagiac, at his home,\non a charge of assault with in-\ntent to commit murder, and\nturned him over to Renton Har-\n\nbor police today.\n\n| The charge is in connection\n| with a gunshot wound his wife\nLulu, 34, received on the thumb,\nfollowing an argument that en-\nsued in Benton Harbor. Mrs.\nRogers was treated and releas-\ned from Mercy hospital.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2370.24223046875, 4130.13969140625, 2811.8961972656252, 4750.2699765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Gerald James Perkaus, 25, of\nBox 51, Watervliet, was reported\nin fairly good condition this\nmorning at Watervliet Commu-\nnity hospital, where he was ad-\nmitted Saturday with a gunshot\nto escape arrest by driving off\nwound through his shoulder.\ned seriously when he attempted\n\nPerkhaus was shot and wound-\nin the patrol car of Coloma\n[township Constable Herman\nVollrath,\n| Perkaus was charged with\n‘driving under the influence of\nliquor. The Berrien county pro-\nsecutor’s office is also studying\npossible charges of auto theft\nand resisting arrest.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2362.52197265625, 3782.593017578125, 2763.154296875, 4091.57861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Man Shot\nBy Officer\n\nImproving\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2848.739501953125, 1373.924072265625, 3665.93896484375, 1543.225830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Speed, Driver Error Seen\nAs Major Factors\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1904.2357177734375, 4778.2822265625, 2307.595947265625, 5031.1669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Dowagiac\nMan Held\nIn Shooting\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 992.5057802734375, 2298.473431640625, 1439.181353515625, 2761.0109433593752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "SISTER LAKES — Van Buren\ncounty sheriff’s deputies, who\nhave been trying for the past\ntwo weeks to capture alive an\nocelot in the Sister Lakes area,\nwere foiled last night when a\nlake area resident shot the\nanimal.\n\nSgt. Donald Hogmire said that\nreports had been received that\na catlike animal was seen in\nthe area, that looked like a\n‘small tiger or leopard. The\nanimal appeared not to be much\nafraid of humans, and was seen\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 87.65689849853516, 4403.51220703125, 521.644775390625, 4622.5146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Teen Killed\nIn Allegan\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2378.35791015625, 4786.28173828125, 3707.188232421875, 5123.47705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Curtain Rising Today\nFor Cass County Fair\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 2362.39794921875, 1891.7216796875, 2790.447265625, 2214.61328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Cass Dem\nConvention\n\nSet Aug. 16\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1445.070599609375, 2237.19047265625, 1889.85151953125, 2751.1183652343752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": ";mear severai houses.\n\nOne resident of the lake area\nsnapped a picture of the cat,\nand gave the prints to Hogmire,\nwho identified it as an ocelot.\n\nNO MONSTER SCARE\n\n“We didn't want to say\nanything about it before,”’. said\nHogmire. ‘‘We wanted to cap\nture it alive if at all possible.\nBesides, I have been througt\ntwo monster scares -in Sister\nLakes, and I wasn’t about to\nstart another one.”\n\nFor the past several days,\ntraps have been set in the area,\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1906.3727236328125, 3317.64262109375, 2358.0832089843752, 4746.7836484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "NEW BUFFALO — — - Quick ac-\n‘tion by city patrolman Robert\nLee early this morning prevent-\ned extensive damage from a fire\nbomb thrown through a window\nat a local tavern.\n\nCity police said the bomb _\nbelieved to be made of a bottle\nfilled with gasoline and cooking\noil—was thrown through a side\nwindow at Redamak’s tavern\naround 3:30 a.m. today.\n\nOfficers said patrolman Lee\nnoticed smoke coming from the\nbuilding while on patrol. Judging\nby the limited extent of damage\nLee must have been only a few\nminutes behind the ansonist,\npolice said.\n\nGrabing a garden hose, and\nsquirting through the hole in the\nplate glass window made by the\nbomb, Lee kept the blaze down\nuntil the New Buffalo fire de-\npartment arrived to extinguish\nthe fire.\n\n' Damage to the tavern was\ndescribed as minor by police.\nThe floor, chairs and a hollow\npillar were burned. No cost es-\ntimate of the damage was made.\n\nMOTIVE IS MYSTERY\n\nCity policeman Edward Payne\nsaid owner George Redamak\ncould think of no motive for the\nbombing and could recall no\ngrudge against him.\n\nFragments from a vegetable\noil bottle were found inside the\n{tavern, about 10 feet from the\n‘window through which the bomb\ni was thrown,\n\nCity and state police are still\n\n| investigating. Officers said they\nmay be able to take fingerprints\n‘from the bottle fragments.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 82.85249328613281, 2840.388916015625, 522.5302734375, 3092.012939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Named Chief\nEngineer At\nBendix Plant\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 2818.614544921875, 1569.1210146484375, 3710.5900449218752, 1718.329546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Berrien county police recently received a detailed\nanalysis of local traffic injury accidents which were\npart of a statewide, in-depth study of more than 1,100\n‘nye accidents conducted by Automobile Club of\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 3273.9311953125, 4531.87016015625, 3729.5292539062502, 4734.9906796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "BE QAKS —Mr,. and\nMrs. Jack Meyers and four\nchildren spent the week end: in\nGrand Haven as guests of Mrs.\nIzetta Witherall and while there\nare attending the Coast Guard\nFestival. :\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2811.10693359375, 984.5562744140625, 3622.84765625, 1329.3572998046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Study Made\nBy Auto Club\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1901.4110107421875, 2772.51123046875, 2344.567626953125, 3110.486328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "New Buffalo\nTavern Is\n\nFirebombed\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 2809.28519921875, 1728.163373046875, 3257.0321835937502, 4747.8461484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Michigan:\n\nThe samplings were based on\nan analysis of accidents occur-\nring in July and August 1967\nand over the Memorial Day,\nJuly 4 and Labor Day weekends\nof that same year.\n\nBerrien county police and\nofficers from 39 other Lower\nPeninsula agencies cooperated\nwith Auto Club by filling out\ndetailed research and analysis\nforms at the scene of each\ninjury accident.\n\nThe 24 - page study, entitled\n“Portrait of a Year,” is a\ncompanion to Auto Club’s 1966\nstudy of Michigan traffic fatal-\nities.\n\n“The second study of Michi-\ngan traffic fatalities. -\n\n“The second study is aimed\nat cross-checking what Auto\nClub learned in the first investi-\ngation and isolating some of the\nfactors that spell the difference\nbetween injury and death,” said\nFred Rehm, general manage~\nof the Club and secretary of the\n“Bring ‘Em Back Alive!”’ pro-\n\ngram.\nLOCAL REPORT\n\nThe local report indicates that\n36 drivers fell into accident\npatterns very similar to those\nreported in the rest of the state.\n\nThe study showed that:\n\nDriver error was responsible\nfor 76 per cent of injury\naccidents as compared with 85.5\nacross the state, and nearly 90\npercent state-wide in a parallel\nAuto Club study of _ traffic\ndeaths in 1966.\n\nMore than 80.5 percent oc-\ncurred within 25 miles of home;\nthe state-wide total was 78.4\npercent.\n\nUnder - 21 driver represent\nabout 12 percent of the total\nMichigan driving public, but\nwere involved in 28.1 percent of\nthe injury accidents statewide\nand in 25.8 percent here.\n\n“Alcohol involvement here\nwas below that reported in the\nrest of the state — 5.5 percent\ncompared wih 10.5 percent. But\nin any event it was below the 44\npercent reported in the 1966\nfatality study, indicating one of\nthe key differences between\nfatalities and injuries,’ Rehm\nsaid.\n\n“Drivers and passengers here\napparently were less conscienti.\nous than in other parts of the\nstate about the use of seat belts.\nStatewide; they. were used it\n10.4 percent of injury accidents;\nhere the frequency dropped t\n5.5 percent. This indicates an\nother major difference betweer\ninjury and death accidents,’\nRehm added. In the previou:\nyear’s fatality study they wert\nreported used in fourt-tenths o\none percent of accidents.\n\nThe average driver’s bigges\nmistake here was speed com\npared wih the rest of Michigat\nwhere failure to keep the cai\nunder control and right-of-way;\nviolations were the most com:\nmon offenses. The averag\n\n{driver apparently did not see\n| danger until too late. Eves\nthough he was traveling at al\naverage speed of only 40 mile:\nper hour, he was scarcely 57.\nfeet away when he saw troubl\nahead; he was traveling at 30.\nmiles per hour at the momen\nof impact. .\n| “This almost forces us t\n‘| conclude that inattention wa\n‘| involved — since 81.3 percent 0\nthe drivers said their vision wa:\n| not obstructed at the time of the\n-| accident,” Rhem said. Yet onl:\n8.4 percent of the driver\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 90.86487298583984, 1520.617474609375, 979.9263486328125, 1648.3045224609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "CASSOPOLIS—Four Cass county offices—sheriff,\ntreasurer, register of deeds and drain commissioner—\nwill be contested in the primary election tomorrow.\n" }, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 70.70489501953125, 1011.83642578125, 971.8042602539062, 1317.0472412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Four Cass County\nOffices Contested\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2399.672607421875, 2252.04345703125, 2719.978759765625, 2350.612548828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Will Select\nState Delezates\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 538.7619448242187, 1628.839154296875, 978.7337827148438, 5630.5893125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "SEA FAW VAM EL VEAL EY We\n\nThere also will be two Repub.\nlican_ contests for the county\nboard of supervisors. These are\n‘in Jefferson township and the\nfirst precinct of the City of\n‘Dowagiac. No Democrat con.\ntests have developed in the race\nfor supervisor posts, whict\ninclude a total of 19 Republi\ncans and ten Democrats. The\nnew board will have 21 mem\nbers.\n\nThis is an increase from the\npresent 19-member board. The\nnew beard will include twe\nsupervisors each for Howard\nOntwa and LaGrange town\nships, three supervisors for the\nCity of Dowagiac and one\nsupervisor for each of the\nremaining 12 townships.\n\nIn contests for state legislat.\nure, Cass county is divided intc\nthree districts.\n\nVoters in Dowagiac -and Silver\nCreek township will decide\nbetween Republican Ray Mittar\nand Democrat Ervin Appelget\nfor the 44th District stat\nrepresentative vacancy. They\nalso will vote on' Mittan anc\nArthur C. Betz for the, Repub.\nlican nomination for the full\nterm as state representative.\nAppelget is unopposed for the\nDemocratic full-term nomina.\ntion.\n| HOUSE CONTEST\n\nThe 43rd district, including\nWayne, Pokagon, La Grange\nand Penn townships, finds Don\nR. Pears, incumbent Republi-\ncan, challenged by William\nGnodke. Barry Moon is unop.-\nposed on the Democrat ticket.\n\nIn the 42nd district, Repubti\ncan incumbent DeForres\nStrang is unopposed for reelec\ntion to the house of representa\ntives. Also unopposed is Demo\nerat Don L. Marlin. This district\nincludes Volinia, Marcellus\nNewberg Porter, Calvin Jeffer\nson, Ontwa, Mason, Howard anc\n| Milton townships.\n\nTwo Republicans have filer\nfor sheriff: incumbent Sherif\nRobert Dool, 115 E. State street\nand James Northrop, 121 Sout!\nO’Keefe street, both of Cassop\nolis.\n\nGerald Hand, Democrat, 227\nWarren road, Niles, has file\nfor sheriff.\n\nThree have filed for treasur\ner; Mrs. Helen Butch (R), 70\nNorth Front street, Dowagiac\nand Maurice Hawks - (R)\nRoute 3, Cassopolis.\n\nIncumbent Treasurer Mrs. M\nThelma Huston a Democrat\n2136 Barron Lake road, Niles\n\n; has filed for re-election.\nDEEDS RACE\n\nMrs. Saliy Foust (R), Ed\n|} wardsburg, filed for register o\ndeeds. Mrs. Rosaline Mille\n(D), Cassopolis, and incumben\nMrs. Marian Hildebrand (D)\n110 W. York street, Cassopolis\nhave also filed for register o\ndeeds.\n\nBennitt Simmons - (R), Rout\n2, Cassopolis, and Hugh Wear\nR, 309 West street, Dowagiac\nhave filed for drain commis\nsioner.\n\nDemocrat Incumbent drai\ncommissioner, Grover Kim\nmerle, 205 Water street, Ca:\nsopolis, is seeking re-election.\n\nUnopposed are candidates fo\ncoroners, clerk, prosecuting a’\ntorney and county surveyor.\n\nIncumbent Kenneth Poe - (R\n393 East State street, Casso]\nolis, is seeking re-election fc\nclerk.\n\nIncumbents Rolla Schoff - (R\n314 North Front street, Cassoy\nolis, and Dr. Robert M. Knox-I\nSouth Shore drive, Edward:\nburg, ar both seeking re-ele<\ntion for two coroner posts.\n\n| Herman Saitz - R), 103 Pen\n| avenue, Dowagiac, has filed fo:\nprosecutor.\n\nDonald Peirce - (R), 20\nNorth Broadway, Cassopolis\nhas filed for surveyor.\n\nOTHER POSTS\n\nJames Hoff, a Dowagiac at\ntorney, filed for the newly\norganized 43rd judicial circuit\njudgeship.\n\nThe hottest race for county\nsupervisor is in Jefferson Town\nship where three Republican:\nare their party’s nomination fo1\nsupervisor. The winner wil\noppose Democrat Paul Kamin\nsky in the Nov. 6 genera\n‘election. Kaminsky is running\n| nopposed in the primary elec\ntion for the Jefferson seat.\n\n| The Republicans are Jame;\nAdam, Rayfield Brown anc\nGeorge Molter.\n\nAnother race has developed ir\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1057.0654296875, 2225.4462890625, 1382.876953125, 2288.6904296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By BILL HAMILTON\n\nPaw Paw Rureau\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 130.65557861328125, 1347.590087890625, 945.238525390625, 1508.0389404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Two Republican Contests\nFor Board Posts\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1944.577880859375, 3133.80078125, 2332.916015625, 3248.402099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Fast Action Averts\nMajor Damage\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 94.68790155029296, 3866.075482421875, 538.2854794921875, 4380.75483984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Marvin D. Bicknell, former\nSt. Joseph resident, has been\npromoted to chief engineer of\nengineering test equipment\ndesigned at Bendix corpora-\ntion’s Missile Systems division,\nMishawaka.\n\nBicknell joined Bendix in 1950\nafter graduation from Michigan\nState university. He also is a\ngraduate of the U.S. Naval\nElectronics schools and was a\ntechnician for the Navy during\nWorld War Ii.\n\nBicknell is the son of Mrs.\nMary Bicknell of St. Joseph and\nthe late D.E. Bicknell.\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 3279.8921328125, 2445.052044921875, 3714.8461484375002, 3097.6376523437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "NEW MINISTER: T. R.\nJones of Watervliet has been\nemployed as full time mini-\nster for the Church of Christ,\n1495 East Empire avenue,\nBenton township. Mr. Jones is\na graduate of Murray State\n(Ky.) college. He received his\nreligious education at Freed-.\nHardeman college, Hender-\nson, Tenn., and took advanced\nwork at Harding Graduate\nSchool of . Bible and Reli-\ngion, Memphis. He also has\nevangelistic work in the Mid-\nwest and Canada. Other offi-\ncials of the Church of Christ,\nwhich has a membership of\n200, are Velmer Cozort and\nWilliam Selvidge, elders;\nLonzo Reed, Louis Sayle and\nTom Pillow, deacons.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1973.96826171875, 3252.824951171875, 2292.94970703125, 3318.181884765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "By BILL RUMBLER\n\nSouth Rerrien Rurean\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 3335.548583984375, 4488.9404296875, 3644.62158203125, 4523.8017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "ATTEND FESTIVAL\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 3, 45 ], [ 9, 6 ] ]
[ 5123.479046875, 6552.195355468751 ]
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 3, 45 ], [ 6, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1588.6936826171875, 1020.205767578125, 2153.6601992187498, 2206.1186953124998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Plans were completed at a\nmeeting of the committee held\nat the Chamber of Commerce\noffice Sunday afternoon, for the\nWinters High School . annual\nHomecoming October 25.\n\nWhile some 500 cards were\nmailed to ex-students who live\nout of state or at a distance\nthis does not nearly cover the\nlist, according to the com-\nmittee. They are asking the co-\noperation of those still, living in\nthe county to help in contacting\nthose whom they know.\n\nPrior to the Winters-Merkel\ngame October 25, ex-students\nand visitors have been invited\nto eat supper at the school\ncafeteria. The meal will be\nserved from 5 to 7 p. m. and\nwill’ be $1.25 for adults and 75\ncents for children under 12\nThere will be .a registration fee\nof 25 cents for ex-students.\n\n- The Homecoming Queen wil\nbe ‘crowned during halftime ac\ntivities with escorts from the\n\nGolden Anniversary class\nJames Gehrels will be the an\nnouncer. CO\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3936.24898046875, 3470.215044921875, 4510.74418359375, 5451.7690859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Hugo Vogelsang, president of\nthe Runnels County Farm Bu-\nreau, urges Runnels County\nCitizens to pay special heed to\nthe observance of National Fire\nPrevention Week, October 6-12.\n\n‘We ask that. everyone de-\nvelop good fire safety habits in-\ncluding care with matches and\nsmoking, good housekeeping . to\nrid the home of rubbish and\nproper use of electrical fuses,\nelectric appliances and exten-\nsion cords,’’ Vogelsang said. He\nadded, ‘‘Fires killed more than\n112,200 persons and cost more\nthan $1.7 billion in the U. S.\nlast year.”\n\nFarm Bureau has two pro-\ngrams designed to help curtain\nfire losses, said Vogelsang.\nThe county FB, in cooperation\nwith the Texas FB, sponsors the\nattendance of local.. volunteer\nfiremen to the annual Fire-\nmen’s Training School - each\nsummer at College Station.\n|More than 600 firemen have at-\n\ntended under FB sponsorship\n‘during the past six yéats, \"he\nsaid.\n\nToo, the state and local FE\nalso pay $75 to fire department:\nfor fighting rural fires on FE\ninsured property, the county FE\npresident said.\n\n- Vogelsang said the fall anc\nwinter months are the mos\nvulnerable times:of the year ‘fo\n‘rural fires. ‘When fire occur\non farm or rural property\ndamage is ‘three to six time\ngreater than in the avérage: cit\nfire,” the FB president said.”\n\n: In addition to these program:\ncounty FB sponsors a graphi\n45-minute’: fire prevention ‘de\n‘monstration. More. than ‘10\nwere given. before schools, civi\nclubs‘ and other. groups: by. th\nTexas FB safety’ departmer\nSy during the. past ‘school. year.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2773.5580625, 2963.217974609375, 3346.8606386718748, 5363.88969140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The method of gathering cot-\nton may come’ full circle-in\nparts of North Runnels County\nthis year, to some extent.\n\nCotton: men_ said «this: week\nthat much of . the. 1968 cotton\ncrop in this area may have to\nbe ‘hand-pulled ‘in ‘order to\nssave it, and have clean cotton.”\n\nGood, cotton-growing ~ condi-\ntions this year have resulted in\na very good crop, it was said,\nand much of the cotton is so\nhheavy-with bolls that stalks are\nhearing to the ground. This con-\ndition makes ‘it. difficult for\nmany” mechanical: pickers to\nreadily gather it, it was stated.\nSo many farmers may resort to\nthe old hand-gathering . method\n—if workers can be found. |\n\nOne source said that there is\na shortage of field laborers in\nthis area, and’ that it may be\ndifficult to find enough hands to\nhand-pull the cotton, if it turns\nout that this method will, have\nto -be used to any ‘extent. It was\nuhderstood that several -farm-\nets, already - are . looking for\nhands, and. that if-they can be\n|found, gathering will begir\nwithout | waiting for defoliating\nspraying to bé done and for the\nsubsequent: deading of the cot\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nDefoliating ‘began within th\nlast few days, but showers it\n‘several parts of the North Run\n‘nelg Section ‘the first of thi\n‘week delayed that operation ;\nlittle, it was understood.\n\nThere already is a lot of dea\ncotton, caused by “root rot’’-\nor “‘something,’’ according t\n‘sources, and if this conditio\n‘had not developed ‘this year’\n‘crop would have been a bumpe\n-one.\n\nWinters Warehouse reporte\nfive bales — all hand-pulled-\n-ginned and brought in to Wil\ners from the gins of North Ru\nnels County.\n\n. The Winters Chamber of Con\nmerce last week presented $¢\n‘checks to two farmers for. “fir\n‘bales.” One check went to |\nB. Hord of Winters Route, wt\nginned the first bale at Wingat\nand one to T.’ W. Norman |\n‘Winters, who ginned the fir\nhale. at Winters.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3891.306841796875, 1095.2361630859375, 4464.25199609375, 3127.4421816406248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "“We'll have a better Blizzard\nfootball team on the field this\nweek—not in two weeks—than\nwe've had before,’’ said Coach\nJerry ‘Gibson midway of this\nweek.\n\n“Attack! Attack! Attack!”\nhas been the work-word during\nleather- popping scrimmage\npractice this week, in prepara-\ntion for the third game of the\n1968 season, against Clyde. at\nClyde Friday night. .\n\nExplaining the ‘‘better’’ team\ndescription, Coach Gibson said\nminor changes are being made\nin the strategy of offensive foot-\nball, ‘‘to take advantage of the\ncapabilities of some people. on\nthe team,” and to eliminate the\npossiblity that some people\nmay be expected to play “‘over\n\ntheir heads.”\n\nThe form of attack will not be\n'| changed, the coach said, bu\n'|“we're simply expanding out\n|system to meet capabilities.’\n‘|The Blizzards work from ¢\n‘j}basic tight T formation, anc\nwide-split line.\n, Much has been learned fron\nthe. two previous games—botl\nlosses for the Blizzards — anc\n_|the Blizzards are doing a lot o\n_| homework on past mistakes, i\nwas indicated.\n\n- The. Blizzards have this on\nmore non-conference game be\nfore opening league play a\ngainst Anson at Anson Octobe\n4. Their first two pre-leagu\ngames were against Class .\nteams, Sonora: and .Coahomz\nteams which are standing ov\nstrong in their respective di:\ntrict and classification.\n\nClyde, this week’s opponen\nhas been a hard-luck squad o\nthe past 12 comeouts. They en\ned last year’s season with a\n0-10 record, and have droppe\ntheir two first games this yea\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2735.16987890625, 1010.3320493164063, 3310.6450624999998, 2609.1362734374998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The Winters City. Council\nMonday night approved employ-\nment of an engineer to work up\nplans for further improvement\nof the Winters Airport south-\nwest of town.\n\nAlthough. the landing strip at\nthe: airport: has been graded\nand leveled, strips and\nparking area have been cleared\nand leveled, there is much work\nto be done to get the strip in\nfirst class condition. Aircraft\nhave ‘been using the strip with\nmore and more frequency the\npast several weeks since the\nstrip became available. :\n\n-Added' improvements also are\nneeded to’ meet qualifications\nfor. the cash grant from: the\nTexas Aeronautics Commis-\nsion, it was pointed out, TAC\nannounced: earlier this month\nthat Winters would receive <a\ngrant: of $24,000 to airport im-\nprovement, but :the ‘City of Win-\nters. must-provide a like amount\nfor improvements. This require:\n| ment can: be met by providing\n| city-financed ‘in kind’ work o1\n\nimprovements, .it ‘was — said\n.| Work: already ‘accomplished a!\nthe air strip would account for\na big part of the “in -kind’\namount, .City sources said.\n\n‘ Employment. of. an engineer\nor. engineering firm, would be\nfor, the. purpose of. drawing uj\nplans for- immediate -improve\n‘ments, it was stated, and a full\n-|time or resident engineer woul\ns|not be required. --—s—-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "5": null, "6": { "bbox": [ 1609.253375, 2495.564654296875, 2182.1074648437498, 4929.84281640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Austin, Sept. 24, — (Spl)—\nWhat do you feel when you\nknow. you’re the last man be-|\ntween a lightning fast split end\nand a touchdown?\n\n“You're scared, that’s what, \"\nsaid Texas defensive halfback\nDenny -Aldridge as he. recalled\nhis touchdown-saving tackle of\nHouston’s Elmo Wright after\nWright had gained 19 yards on\nan end-around play in the Long-\nhorn-Cougar 20-20 tie Saturday\nnight.\n\n“It’s like Coach (Mike) Camp-\nbell says,’’ Aldridge reflected.\n“When you have to think on the\nfootball field, you’re in trouble\n\ just have to react. Yet\nyou. can't help but realize when\n-you think you’re ‘the’ last-man.\nI knew, or at least I thought,\n1 was the last man on Wright\nand I was scared. I didn’t know\nwhether I eoulle get there o1\n\nnot.\"””\n\n|. But Aldridge did stab Wright\njas he fled toward the goal, anc\n'| dropped him at Texas’ 29, Three\nplays later, Aldridge leapec\nhigh into the air to steal a Ker\nBailey pass to stop the Houstor\ndrive, and set in motion a scor\ning thrust that put the Long\n>| horris in front. 14-7.\n\n“Denny has always been rea\nsteady, *” said defensive back\n; field coach Fred Akers, “h\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nand, sits game he made the bi\nplays. He made some goo\ntackles on the goal line.”\n‘Aldridge was in on the bi\nLonghorn goal line stand, wher\nPaul Gipson was denied a firs\ndown at the Texas 1 yard lin\nlate in the game.\n-“T think his main thrust ha\nbeen stopped,’’ Aldridge saic\n“rl might have kept him fror\nd| spinning away, but that’s abot\n\nThe 180-pound Aldridge he\nl,| self-described “average’’ spec\n\nJ- | Longhorns.\n\n“His biggest assets are e\nyy ‘perience and effort,” Ake\nd said.\n\n‘Saturday’s upcoming gan\nwith Texas Tech has a speci\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1586.6390380859375, 704.3025512695312, 2680.94384765625, 997.4381713867188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Homecoming To\n\nBe Held Oct. 25\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2729.6357421875, 701.058837890625, 3169.306640625, 992.1685180664062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "City Will Hire\nEngineer For\nAirnort Work\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2180.96284765625, 2446.328814453125, 2755.6655703124998, 3340.9692812499998 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "meaning to Aldridge, for Mike\nPatterson, a starting Tech\ntackle, was.a high school buddy.\n“We were the best of friends\nin high school,”’ Aldridge said.\n“We spent the night at each\nother’s house at least once or\ntwice a week, and always\nplanned on going to the same\nschool. But it just didn’t work\nout that way. I've. seen -him\nonce since they beat us last\nyear, and we didn’t talk about\nthe game. When we won the\nyear before I didn’t say any-\nthing to him about it, but I'd\nsure hate to lose two of three\nto them.”\nAldridge, who plans to go. inte\ncoaching after graduation, is\n|one of three married players or\nthe. squad. He and. his. wife have\n| a’ three-year-old daughter.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2162.028033203125, 1010.9785947265625, 2732.5539980468748, 2195.3035097656248 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Of the 18 members of the 1918\n\nclass, several live in Winters.\nThey include Mattie Cooke,\nMrs, Max Lewis, Mrs. Roy\nCrawford and Mrs. Eddie Little.\nOthers who plan to attend are\nMr. and Mrs. Percy Ritch from\nNevada City, Calif. She is the\nformer Mayme Smith. Mrs.\n‘Trent Root (Trixie Mullin) and\nher husband of Dallas will at-\ntend. Grady Beard of Portales,\nN. M. is making tentative plans\nto be present. Gaines Hall of\nDallas is also a member of this\nclass which will have the larg-\nest representation of any up to\ndate.\n\nA fellowship and business\nmeeting for ex-students. will be\nheld in the school cafeteria fol-\nlowing the football game. At\nthis time new officers will be\nelected for the ex-students _ as-\nsociation,\n\nBoyd Bedford, president, a:\nlong with other officers and di-\nrectors, will be on hand to greet\nand register guests. David Dob.\nbins will be in charge of. serving\ncaffee and cookies.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3332.9789609375, 1979.6170224609375, 3901.9807558593748, 4217.127484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The Rev. Wilson Canafax of\nCleburne will be the speaker\nfor the evening worship service\nat the fifth-Sunday night meet-\ning of the Methodist Churches\nof Runnels County Sunday, Sep-\ntember 29. The meeting will. be\nheld in the Winters First Metho-\ndist Church, beginning at 7:30\np. m.\n\nThe ‘Rev. Caitatax-de prevent.\nly. Conference Director of Chris-\ntian: Education and Social -Con-\ncerns for the Methodist Central\nTexas Conference.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nPrior to the regular evening\nworship service, the Methodist\nYouth . Fellowship of . Runnels\nCounty will serve a, Frito pie\nsupper in the dining room of the\nFirst Methodist Church. The\nRev. Canafax will speak to the\nyouth at this time.\n\nThe Rev. Canafax is =<\nbachelor of arts graduate o'\nTexas Wesleyan College. it\nFort Worth, and received «hi:\nbachelor of divinity degree fron\n)-Perkins School of Theology: Hi\n'| has’ served on several boards o\nadministration and was th\nchairman of the Board on Mini\nSterial Qualifications. “He~ha\nserved as associate eS 0\n\nodist Church. He is especiall\nknown throughout the Centré\nTexas Conference for his wor\nin ‘senior assembly and also hi\ns| work with the youth at cam\nnN! activities at Glen Lake Cam,\n\n2\no| “The Rev. Canafax is an ou\nS standing pastor and speake\ne|and it is an honor to have hii\ns|Speak: to the Methodist youl\n- and adults of Runnels County.\nr|said the Rev. Glenn Bowma\ne pastor of the Winters Fir\nn| Methodist Church, -host chur\ng|for the fifth-Sunday. meeting.\n" }, "12": null, "13": { "bbox": [ 2206.171587890625, 3693.905962890625, 2776.0510683593748, 4682.43754296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The annual Punt, Pass and\nKick contests, sponsored by the\nFord Motor Company and the\nNational Footbal! League, will\nbe held locally Saturday, Octo-\nber 12, Dale Whitecotton, of\nDale’s Ford Sales, has announc-\ned. Dale’s Ford Sales is the lo-\ncal sponsor of the contests.\n\nBoys from 8 to 13 will be\neligible for these contests, with\ntrophies for first, second and\nthird places in each age divi-\nsion,\n\nThose boys wishing to take\npart in these PP&K contests\nmay register at Dale's Ford\n\nSales now.\n\nWinner of each division will\nbe eligible to enter the distric'\nPP&K contests in San Angelt\non a date to be announced, anc\nwinners in district will go t\nstate, with the national contest:\n\nslated for later in the year.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3886.59716796875, 683.442138671875, 5004.4619140625, 1081.5589599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Blizzards Travel\n\nTo Clyde Friday\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3378.849078125, 4461.95405859375, 3946.5183535156248, 5930.53910546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Eight more students from\nWinters who are attending col-\nlege are added to the list of\nlast week. They are Larry Prit-\nchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack\nPritchard of Wingate, a pre-med\nstudent at Baylor University.\n\nLarry Donica, a student at\nAngelo State College, is a son\nof Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donica.\n\nRoger Pendergrass, son of\nMr. and Mrs. Carl Pendergrass,\na student of Texas Tech.\n\n-Linda Schroeder, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs. Erwin Schroeder,\nstudent at Texas University.\n\nMarlene Brown, daughter o\nMr. and Mrs. Pyburn. Brown,\nstudent at Cisco Junior College\n\n‘Paul Jones, son of Mr. ‘and\nMrs. James J. Jones, is begin\nning his third year at ‘Freed\nHardeman Junior: College: a\nHenderson, Tennessee. °\n\n_ Florette Wood, daughte\nMr. ‘and Mrs, James J; Jones\nis. a .senior ' student.:at : ‘Texa\n| Woman's. University:-at. Denton\n.| Her husband,. Alan Wood,: is.\n-| senior. student, at ‘North: \"Texa\n\nrat Der :\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n.| list: when: the name\n‘ed.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2817.447466796875, 5590.57759375, 3388.9487734374998, 6365.54105859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Members: of the “poard of. di-\nrectors of Elm .Creek : Water\n‘Control. District; and. ‘others: -in-\n‘terested: in: water and flood:con-\n‘trol. development, will: tour:.the\nsite of the new. ‘Robert Lee:.dam,\nmow, under , constructio :Friday\nafternoon, : \"September. 21 :\nre ‘ The: group ;from : Winters. will\n\n‘The. Enterprise: office\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1085.2005185546875, 5302.47456640625, 1650.632123046875, 5859.27250390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Jules Gipson, field represent-\native for the San Angelo Social\nSecurity Office, has scheduled\nhis October visits to Winters. .\n\nHe will be at the Chamber of\nCommerce office on. Wednes-\nday, October 9 and 23,. from\n9:30 a. m, to 11:30 a. m.\n\nAnyone who wants to -file ‘a\nclaim’ for benefits, ‘get. informa:\ntion; or transact other business\nwith the Social Security Admini:\nstration may Santact him:at. this\ntime. °°\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1661.4715146484375, 5147.76851171875, 2225.8877382812498, 6384.00492578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "nia ie\n\nJames Ww. (Button) Little, son\nof Mr. and Mrs. Ervin (Bud)\nLittle of Winters, recently ‘was\npromoted to the rank of Cap-\ntain, while serving with the Ist\n‘Infantry Division in . Vietnam.\n- Captain . Little has been - re-\nassigned to the 2nd Battalion,\nIst ‘Artilery, at. Fort Sill, Okla.,\nwhere. he reported September\n23. He had served 15 months in\nVietnam.\n\nWhile: on duty in. ‘Vietnam;\nCaptain Little was. awarded\nthree Bronze. Stars, the “Ait\nMedal, :. Army...’ Commendation\nMedal; Vietnamese Campaigr\nMedal, the: Vietnamese | Service\n‘Medal, ‘andthe “National. De\nfense Ribbon. His unit also hac\nreceived ‘a’ Unit. Citation, «.°*-,\n. Captain. Little’s wife: and twe\nsmall sons. will:join him: at For\nSill,” They . have been makin;\n| their home. in, -Lubbock. while. fh\nserved in Vietnam. ay\n\n- Captain: and” Mrs,’ ‘Little: ‘an\nsons were recent | visitors\" in” th\n‘|home.of--his mother and: wit\nAhis:.father, who: is‘ a patient:\nj the. Veterans. Hodge zat. m\nSpring. . ae ;\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3925.173583984375, 3156.364501953125, 4457.7939453125, 3451.220703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Runnels FB Asks.\nSpecial Heed To\nFire Prevention\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2198.931640625, 3386.7109375, 2685.027099609375, 3683.75439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Annual PP&K\nContest Is Set\nFor October 12\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1062.3618955078125, 4446.2094296875, 1634.9513369140625, 5150.0093203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nThe government grade card\non the first bale of cotton to be\nbrought in to the Winters Gin\nthis year has been returned,\nwith. the report that staple\nlength is 1 1/16 inches, from a\nwhite middling bele. The cotton\nwas graded at the Abilene grad-\ning office.\n\nThis cotton was produced by\nT. W. Norman, and hand-pulled.\nLoan price is $24.00, according\nto reports.\n\nThis staple length is unusual\n‘|for this area, cotton men said\n-|Average here for cotton i:\n‘| about 15/16 or just a little over\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4506.45166015625, 3365.744384765625, 5065.740234375, 3664.53564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Marvin Burgess\nTo Preach At\nSouthside Church\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3974.15576171875, 5476.6962890625, 5043.6806640625, 5681.201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nBaptist Youth Choir Will Pre\n“Cond News” At Fort Worth Church\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2767.639404296875, 2654.00048828125, 3251.550048828125, 2950.930908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Hand-Pickers —\nMay Be Needed\nFor ‘68 Cotton\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1613.4505615234375, 2229.789306640625, 2681.3154296875, 2437.73583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Denny Aldridge Of Longhorn Squad\n“Daal Steady and Full of Effort’\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1083.448974609375, 5171.72705078125, 1610.134033203125, 5299.6767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SS Rep Will Be\nHere October 9. 23\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3370.79248046875, 4258.90087890625, 3846.972412109375, 4448.8037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Winters Students\nOff-to-College\nAdded To List\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4515.763671875, 4064.063720703125, 5036.15478515625, 4245.71435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Sighting-In Day\nAt Gun Range\nSundav.: October 6\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1056.290771484375, 4126.2333984375, 1577.5899658203125, 4423.47412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "First Bale Here\nSaid To Be Good\nlong Stanle\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4528.31441015625, 4254.0824765625, 5098.8159609375, 4788.12601953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Winters Shooters Association,\nan affiliate of the National Rifle\nAssociation, .will sponsor a\n“sighting-in day’’ for hunters\nwho will. be getting ready for\nthe, upcoming deer season.\n\nThe “sighting-in day will be\nSunday, -October 6, beginning -at\nL--p..'m., at the Winters Lake\n‘shooting: range. -\n\nInstructors. ‘will be on hand to.\nhelp any who would like to have\nassistance. in getting their rifles\nready for hunting.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3336.98095703125, 717.5716552734375, 3853.408447265625, 1598.5955810546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2229.01611328125, 4719.7548828125, 2709.918701171875, 5019.37255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Heart Assn. To\nOrganize, Elect\nOfficers Oct. 7\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4537.5498046875, 4834.1494140625, 5006.57373046875, 5131.9091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Freshman Grid\nGame Changed\nTo Saturday\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 3325.990966796875, 1677.1890869140625, 3872.52197265625, 1971.4466552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Cleburne Pastor\nWill Speak At\nMetin Ret Church\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 4502.24800390625, 3669.42915625, 5093.48441796875, 4022.7920351562498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "The -Rev. Marvin Burgess of\nthe :: Third. Avenue Baptist\nChurch. of :Ballinger will preach\nat the Southside Baptist Church\nduring «both morning and eve-\nning. worship ‘services Sunday,\nSeptember 29.. — .\n| The. public is invited-to attend\n\nthese services. ;\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2810.078125, 5408.61669921875, 3295.426513671875, 5581.36181640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Elm Creek Board.\n\nTo Tour Damsite\nAt Rahkave T ea®\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1010.1826352539063, 1029.410845703125, 1584.1898623046875, 4070.0276308593748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Twenty-six business and pro-\nfessional people attended the\nWinters Chamber of Commerce\nmembership luncheon at the\nFireside Restaurant Monday\nnoon. The luncheon was spon-\nsored by the board of directors\nof the chamber.\n\nA special guest of the group\nwas Lynn Nabers, Democratic\nnominee for the office of State\nRepresentative. Nabers told the\nmembers present that he was\nimpressed with the interest in\nchamber work as evidenced by\nthe turnout of business people\nwho are interested enough to\ngive some of their time even\nduring busy periods.\n\nR, C. Thomas, president of\nthe Winters Chamber of Com-\nmerce, told the group that the\npurpose of the informal lunch-\neon was to give the member-\nship as a whole a chance to\n“become involved’? in the work\nof the chamber; to make every-\none feel that a successful\nchamber is not solely the re-\nsponsibility of the board of di-\nrectors, but that the assistance\nand cooperation of the entire\nmembership is needed to carry\n}out the programs of the cham-\nber. :\n\nMembers were asked by the\n}}directors to give their assist:\n-}ance and support to the mem.\n.|bership committee, now con\n‘|ducting a new - membershij\n-|drive. They-were reminded tha\n-}there is a need for a large!\n)}membership in Winters; tha\n>| with a larger membership, anc\n{more people all working to\ngether toward the same goal\nthe task would be much easie\nand more: could be done for th\n‘| promotion of the community.\n\nSpecial letters were sent ou\ndi by the membership committe\ne|a few days ago to non-member:\nylinviting them to join in th\nNn} important work of promotin\nWinters “for the good ofall.\n.| The letter pointed out that “!\nrj only a-few sow, nobody reaps\ns| if everybody sows, everybod\nnj veaps.”....” ae\ne)} Members present at _ th\nd}tuncheon also were informe\nrithat plans are in the makir\nfor the annual Christmas pr\ngram, sponsored by the Char\nof | ber of Commerce. Ideas regar\ng|ing the Christmas program ai\nbeing sought from the membe\nship, they were told, and the:\nts|ideas and suggestions will |\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nSeveral of those in attendan\nsuggested that a luncheon met\nerling for the membership. -\nut| planned periodically, so th\nmjevery member would have |\nOr | opportunity to participate in t\nhe | winek af the areanization.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1002.4247436523438, 727.069580078125, 1570.6488037109375, 1014.6760864257812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Attendance Good\nAt Chamber Lunch\nLast Monday Noon\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 1652.7315673828125, 4969.40087890625, 2186.04443359375, 5151.29443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "James W. Little —\nPromoted Recently\nTo Cantain. USA\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4544.0688046875, 5137.87788671875, 5102.481, 5449.91459375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "“Freshman football game, |\n‘Winters. vs. Lakeview, sched-\nuled | for . Thursday of this\nweek, -'was --postponed until\nSaturday night.\n\n-* The game .will be played at\nBlizzar iol, beginning at.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 2246.21773046875, 6093.68452734375, 2812.4995546874998, 6365.31156640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "“Army. Private, First ;-.Clags\nMelvin. w. ‘Middleton. : 90, 3 :\n0\n\n \n \n \n\nsigned as.a_crew: “chief «the\nAst: ‘Cavalry ; ‘Division, in: ‘Vietoam\n‘August 21.\" .... : :\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2234.056841796875, 5040.69819921875, 2799.7283144531248, 5768.57426171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "A group of winters area peo-\nple will meet October 7 at 7:30\np. m. in the Winters City Hall to\norganize a Runnels County\nHeart Association, to be affiliat-\ned with the Texas Heart. Asso-\nciation and the American Heart\nAssociation.\n\nAt the October 7 meeting, .of-\nficers and a board of directors\nwill .be chosen, and. two films\ndealing with heart disease and\ncause’ and’ prevention will: be\nshown. Mrs. Weldon. Colling is\ntemporary chairman of .. the\ngroup. :\n\nThose interested in. this’ Wont\nare:invited and: urged . to: attenc\nthis: organizational - meeting.\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 4469.77827734375, 1095.688677734375, 5056.38285546875, 3282.7168398437498 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "The ..Merkel.. Badgers swept:\nthem September 13, 39-0, and\nthen the Hamlin Pied Pipers\nclobbered them 56-0 last week.\n\nClyde’ probably has 7 offen-\nsive and. 7 defensive returnees\n‘back’ from last year, and re-\nportedly lack. speed and size.\nBut they. could be approaching\n‘the end of their loss skein, and\ncould become weary of so many\nlosses and develop into a threat\non.any given Friday night. This\npossibility: the Blizzards will be\nwatching for this Friday night\nas they. take to the field.\n\nInjuries have been few and\nnot enough to plague the Bliz-\nzards. as yet. this season. One\ninjury, a slight one, received in\nplay- against Coahoma last. Fri-\nday night, may prevent one\nWintersman from starting ‘this\nweek. Donald Wade received a\n‘slight injury to a shin last week,\n}and will be a doubtful starter\nthis week.\n\nThere -may be some other\n|slight changes in the starting\n\nlineups, Coach Gibson said, but\nbasicly it will be the same\nBlizzard team—only a ‘‘bettér’’\none—starting this week against\nClyde.\n\nPROBABLE STARTERS\nOffensive\n. Ends: . Jerry. Tischler and\nAlton Pierce.\n\nTackles: Squeaky Thomas\nand Rex Harrison.\n\nGuards: Allan Hart and\n‘David Torres. ;\n\nCenter: Bob Colburn.\n\nQB:. Mike Kozelsky and-or\nWilson. ~ ;\n\nLB: Arlon Barnes.\n‘HB: James Greer and\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n‘Defensive\n') Cornerback: McCuistion.\n| RT: Tommy Chapmond,\n\nLT: Bill Grantz.\nLH: Greer.\nMiddle Guard: Thomas.\nEnds: Tischler and Pierce.\n_ Linebacker: -Torres and Hart\n\n \n" }, "46": null, "47": { "bbox": [ 1712.574462890625, 2450.175537109375, 2051.288818359375, 2482.480712890625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Ry RITT YITTIE\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 2238.244341796875, 5804.6527890625, 2817.7483339843748, 6023.28715234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n\nERUN UU TUN. ‘i\n\n‘Mr. and Mrs, ‘James: B. Davis\nof’: Houston \" were. . overnight\nvisitors Friday’ with. his: uncle\nand..aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. , George\nShuffield:: : 2 ag\n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 455.8726806640625, 747.2946166992188, 973.2167358398438, 1091.8795166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "HOME TOWN\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 394.68602270507813, 1150.10347265625, 1010.04789453125, 6552.195355468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "With Fire Prevention Week\n\n. only a few days off, there are a\nlot of things most of us should\n\n. be thinking about. Most of us\nkeep these things in the back of\n\n- our minds most of the time, but\nit takes a ‘special’ week or\nthe like to make us realize that\nwe should take some kind of\naction. oe\n\nDue to the uncommonly heavy\nrainfall we have received in this\narea so far this year, there is\na lot of grass and a lot of weeds\nin places where they normally\n\n* do not grow profusely. These\nweeds and the grass have be-\ncome so thick in places about\n\n- town, especially on vacant lots\nand in alleys, that it is almost\nimpossible to get through them.\nThey have harbored nesting\nplaces for mosquitoes and ver-\nmin all summer and into the\nfall—and: now they threaten to\nbecome a menace, right on our\ndoorstep. Once frost comes and\nthese weeds start drying up,\nand the grass looses its green,\nthe danger will mount until it\nwill take only a little spark to\nignite them.\n\nAs heavy as ths grass anc\n\nvy weed growth has become this\n\nyear, once a fire starts in it, il\n\nwill be difficult to comtain\n\nGiven a little wind—from an}\n\n» direction—the -danger.-will -in\n\ncrease manyfold. There will be\n\na threat to property and even t\n\n_life, because when a fire break:\n\n“out in such fuel it is hound te\nspread rapidly.\n\nWe all should be thinkin;\n“about taking some action to pre\n« vent what could become a dis\naster. We should get out an\nget as much of this grass an\nweeds cut and hauled off befor\n*they dry up. Once they do dr\n‘up, it will be harder to get ther\nout of the way.\n\nIt would be terrible if we cor\nt tinued to ignore this dange\n‘only to end up in a few week\nwith a property-razing fire 0\n,our hands. It would be too lat\n“then, to say we wish we ha\n* gone ahead and cleaned up ot\n. property.\n\n \n\nContinuing in this vein |\nthought, we found the followir\nbit: “Can you trust your in\npulses?” asks a Safety Counc’\n\n. \"In an emergency, the exper\nsay ‘No’! For instance: A w\nman, awakened by the smell\nsmoke, flung her bedroom do\n\n- open—and was literally roast\nalive in the hall. (No firefight\nwould ever open a door witho\nfirst testing it for heat. A war\nknob or panel indicates flame\nheated suffocating smoke on t\n\n* other side,)”\n\n \n\n. A favorite gambit of. the\nwho favor virtual extinction\n« the right of U. S. citizens to o'\nfirearms is to quote the numt\nof people who died in a ye\n“by gunfire.” The statistic\nself is pointless, and yet c\nnational publication uses it\nargue that’.... anyone Ww\nwants to buy a gun must sh\nreasonable cause why he wa\nit.’ In other words, in the m\nter of guns, this publicat\nespouses police-type surv\nlance of private citizens,.A p\nJication also keeps hound\nthat ‘80 percent of the peop\n‘want a gun registration and c\n° trol law. A statistical statem\n* which is doubtful, to say\nleast.\n\nOn the same basis, morta\nstatistics could be used to s\n‘port the abolition of a gt\nmany things—the bathtub,\ninstance. This would be si\nThousands of people are ki\nor injured falling in batht\n. But then is it any less ridicul\n| to go to the extreme in |\n| trolling gun ownership on\n| * \" ‘theory that such action w\n; gure the crime wave? As ar\n. ter of fact, guns and their ¢\nF ership by a responsible citi\n' yy under a moderate degre\n\n. regulaton are most basic\n\n. essential — not frivolous. 1\n- ‘after'time, in peace and_in '\n\n; the legendary marksmanshi\n\n: the U.S. rifleman has. bee\n\nsource of pride and nati\n, security.\n\n- The. great- body | of. UU\na “ sportsmen today are a ‘res\n: * sible lot when it comes to's\nAnd, they have good reasc\nbe. ‘There are countless\n’s and organizations, and: ind\nuals; who make it a poir\npromote safety and intell\nuse of. firearms.\n“Continuing. ‘safety. educ\ncand reestablishment. of : re:\nfor the law, as well as ‘ster\nforcement of laws alread:\nthe books, are the best. ans\nto the so-called gun proble:\n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2257.869873046875, 6042.8193359375, 2768.421630859375, 6085.3515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": " \n\nCREW CHIEF IN VIETNAM\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 564.349609375, 1098.8731689453125, 861.010009765625, 1135.0732421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "_By R. C. THOMAS.\n" }, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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David Hem.\nmings in “Camelot” (***) at 2\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 410.19352099609375, 98.98213336181641, 742.5497651367187, 589.0238862304687 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "and 8.\n\nMAJESTIC — Mia Farrow\nand Joho Cassavetes in\n“Rosemary’s Baby” (***) at\n1:15, 4,7, and 9:30,\n\nORPHEUM — James Stew-\nart, Dean Martin, Raquel\nWelch, and George Kennedy\nin “Bandolero.” at 1:15, 3:30,\n5:45, 8, and 10.\n\nSTRAND — Julle Andrews\nin “Thoroughly Modern Mil-\nlie” at 1, 3:45, 6:30, and 9.\n\nWISCONSIN UNION PLAY\nCIRCLE — Lee Marvin, An-\ngie Dickinson, asd Keenan\nWynn in “Point Blank” con-\ntinuously from noon.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 103.92391204833984, 1386.0504150390625, 757.37060546875, 1750.427001953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\nFAMILY STYLE FISH FRY *1.25\n\nSAT. All you can eat, with French Fries, Cole Slaw, Home\nmade brea\n\nPRIME RIB OF BEEF au jus °3,50\nFAMILY STYLE CHICKEN ‘1.50\n\n—Bamye\n\nHWY, 14, CROSS PLAINS ® 80-798-2075\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 428.4171142578125, 611.85791015625, 733.387939453125, 968.4005126953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "FRIDAY WITE SPECIAL\n\nLOBSTER TAIL\n*2.95\n\nSATUMDAY SPECIAL\n\n's Roast Duck\nSage Geevting. Cherey Jubilee Sauce\nComets Dave\n\n$2.95\n\nOPEN FOR MREAKFASS, LUNCH\nAND DIMMER ~\n\n \n\nVikingtown Motel\n\n235] W. Beltline rane 208473\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1830.6014404296875, 210.39801025390625, 2821.7265625, 1268.38720703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nJOHN\n\nWAYNE JANSSEN HUTTON\n\n \n \n\nApatac PRoouCTON, ALD) RAY numovo sr sscoues-Brune c2B0T- Pax were tune ASKEW - MOE Vion\nca $aieS TEE BERRETI -JGHN WAY Ev RAY KELLOGG “EES ESSE ” sain ROCUMMCMLPROANRDE’ Fld RANGE Des. -DEE AES WA.\n\nNow! starey\n\nWarner’s\nCon’t. From {TOL Y,\n\n1:00 P.M, 2SI-FID1\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\np= FEATURES AT\n1310 — 4:00 — 6:45\nand 9:30 P.M.\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 99.2672119140625, 983.46923828125, 399.86376953125, 1348.398681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\nRED BARN\n\nSAT. JULY 20th\nBENEFIT DANCE\nAlbany Liens Chub\nBence 9 tet\nWACLE OZZIE’S\nSUNGING BAND\nSun. p.nt.—The Old Timers\nSun. £re.—State Line Boys\nNext Sat,\n. SAMMY EGGUM\nJ, B. LARSEN ORCHARD\n\n'; MLE. of Evomsvike, Ry. 14\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 431.0716247558594, 997.3006591796875, 758.0291137695312, 1364.179443359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "FRIDAY\nSPECIALS\n\n3005 University Ave\nFillet of Perch ‘ st. wy\n\nNOON CUNCHEONS\nServed 11-2:30 p.m.\n\nJUSTO'S\nCLUB\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1116.8828125, 133.3207244873047, 1789.3428955078125, 1254.4759521484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "“SUPERB SUSPENSE aoa\n\n“IT S GREAT! .\n\n“A CLASSIC’ A SHOCKER BEYOND BELIEF!\n“FIRST RANK' MATURE! ea acne\n\n“SHIVERING AND ABSORBING ENTERTAIN.\nMENT! Saturday Pew ran\n\nBEST ACTRESS HONORS TO MIA FARROW.”\n\nETE Wad 0s\n\nParamosifenre Prececis\n\nuth /Sidney Blackmer/ Maurice Evans. and Ralph Belamy\npin ie eee ne ndDeec!20 by Roman Polanshi/ From the novel by Fal\n\nPrge.cton Drager Packard 5) tet f Feotrmconae/A Paramore Ponse / Suppevecio aise Aerces Ep\n\nHELD OVER—NOW AT THE\n\nDELIGHTFULLY AIR-CONOITIONED\nOPEN DAILY AT 1:69 P.M.\nPark Behind Theatre—Doly Ramp\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 76.07386779785156, 93.47750854492188, 356.1670837402344, 153.54238891601562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Show Time\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 97.71612548828125, 1786.2156982421875, 769.0811157226562, 2156.231201171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nALL YOU CAN EAT,\n$725 ©. Se\n\n116 S. Hamilton St. © Reservations 255-6070\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 751.7693876953125, 106.96920916748047, 1096.2677216796874, 212.33214428710937 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "MIDDLETON — Anne Ban-\ncroft, Dustin Hoffman, and\nKatharine Ross in “The Grad-\nuate” (***) at 4 and 9.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 760.8921508789062, 335.0720520019531, 1094.59375, 1296.5966796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Eccum\n\nEdwards Park\ndance\ndates avallable\n838-3513\n\nDouBLE -f:\n\nWi LILLDALE CENTER NEXT TO THEATER\n\n“e.\n\n\"weet\n\nOur Saturday noon\n\nluncheons ore cool,\ncalm — real\n\nLIFESAVERS\n\nfor tired shoppers.\nCome temorrow\n\n14:30-4\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 870.4275512695312, 2537.795654296875, 1437.6396484375, 4107.3037109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "TONIGHT and TOMORROW\nFig Sky and Bodger Benus Feature At Midnight =~\nA Starkly Realistic Film For Adults Onty\n\nMO FERSONS UNDER 18 ADMITTED\nREVIEWERS CALL IT.\n\"The Mest Adult Fle Ever Made\n\n“THE FEMALE. Makes |, AWOMAN\nlpok Like MARY POPPINS? \"2iti2ts\n\nW's the first motion pictare of its kind. Tt won't be the Jas\n\n \n\nOPEN 790 SHOW AT DUS\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 99.08162689208984, 2483.873779296875, 798.8392944335938, 4355.04150390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "West “Washington at Broom ‘St.\n+ . Free Parking Phone 257-2464\n\n \n\n \n\nFRIDAY NITE IS\n\n“SHRIMP NITE\n\nAT SVEDEN HOUSE\n\nALL YOU CAN EAT\n\n*1.59\n\nAlso Scrving Other Choice Features\nBeverase and dessert extra)\n\nSERVING 4:30 ’til 8 P.M.\nFree Balloons for the Children\n\n333 WEST MIFFLIN ST.\n\nJust 1 Block From The Library\n\n\"* NEW!\n\nOur - we\n\nCircus Lounge Fe @”\n\nwa\nGO-GO\n\nthe circus leunge st the wee z\nee\nQuality Courts Motel\n\nhear -\n\nRobin Jay at the\nORGAN\n\nsmooth & mild\n\nLake Perch\n\n*1.50\n\nincteding velton\n222-5501\nHey. 51 & East Beltline Hoy.\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 132.8126220703125, 2198.62890625, 772.32861328125, 2563.258056640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "| FRIDAY NITE FISH FRY\n\nAgain By Popular Request \\\nPERCH ct $435\nIncludes French Fries, Cole Slaw, |\nRolls and Butter\n\nNATIONAL MOTOR INN\nRESTAURANT AND LOUNGE\nWest Washington at Broom St.\nFree Parking Phone 257-2464\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 717.0200805664062, 1194.113525390625, 2812.26171875, 4146.4326171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘209 State St.\n\n \n\n \n\nwa Tee Gee le eS te finest 1m AG) CuasSiC and FOREGm FLAS! -| MRE En Melee. SRE Ree ae Fl Lae \\- Ste: five Fie eww Ve\n: Conte temoriaw MR SES park Behind Theatre—Doly Ramp Con’t. From OL ine and 9:30 P.M,\n11:30-4 1:00 P.M. 257-7101\n\n \n\n \n\nThere are“Westerns” and “Westerns’. Every now and then\n\n: New At Regular Prices\ncomes a NEW kind of Western. This is“BANDOLE\n\n* Admission 54.60 SH 6 p.m, then 51.50 Childean 40° anytime\n\nACADEMY AWARD WIKINER\n\nWEST MUSICAL BCORED p\n\nJulie Andrews\n\nae MILE,\n\nMary TylerMoore\n\nTECHWIEDLOR®\nSHOWTIMES: 101: 45 — 6:89.00\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n* TONIGHT and TOMORROW\n, Dip Shy ond Badger Bonus Feature At Midnight.\nTha rear of their pipes is their bottle cry\n. - tnd the open reed their killing ground!\n\nThey lear pe men... respect ne lew... ond fonight\n» They tide bor revenge!\n\nTONIGHT and TOMORROW 2 Gia\nBig Sky and Rodger Benus Feature At Midnight = | ea . oo pede\nA Starkly Realistic Film For Adults Onty\nMO PERSONS UNDER 18 ADMITTED . :\nREVIEWERS CALL} - .\nmi Ma AHS Bic Mader\" , 2 We cc Samanta ed\n\n \n\n\" “THE FEMALE. Makes | AWOMAN | =\n_ Look Like MARY POPPINS? \"ss0x205 | : Dacron\n\neer\n\niG) RicHarb attengoroucn |\n\n; &).. -Shew him a curve and he'll take\ntet ee —on two wheels or with a kiss\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2246.7255859375, 2530.542236328125, 2854.929443359375, 4093.064453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "* TONIGHT and TOMORROW\n, Dip Shy ond Badger Bonus Feature At Midnight.\nTha rear of their pipes is their bottle cry\n«and the open reed their killing ground!\n\nThey lear pe men... respect ne lew... ond fonight\n* They tide bor revenge!\n\n \n\nF5)...shew him a curve and he'll take it\nay _., —0n two wheels or with a kiss!\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1453.3880615234375, 2557.639892578125, 2133.230224609375, 4104.4638671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "* TWO SHOWS BAILY,\n\nBAT, T:04—-1VE, 3.44\n\nmates prices\ned. view 121, 31.90 32a\n\nREX HaRRiGON\nSaMANTHa ANTKO:\nEGGaR Newey\n\nBote\n\neer\n\ni Ricvarp AttenzoroucH |\n\nANGE BANCROFT\n\nKATHARINE ROSS. 7\n\nee THE GRADUATE\n\nMIKE NICHOSS\n\n: ‘THE MOST BEAUTIFUL\n_ MUSICAL LOVE STORY EVER!\nos ore\n\nn\n\n \n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 958.8524462890625, 631.3202197265625, 1817.21212890625, 1643.83419921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "efits handed out to settle the\nthree-week wave of strikes\nacross France are expected to\nincrease, purchasing power by\nsome $4 billion this year and\nnearly $10 billion next year.\nwd could trigger. 20 import < ex-\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nbenefit France’ 8 Common Mar:\nket partners, especially West\nGermany. eae\n\nThere ‘is little likelihood of\nimmediate benefit either to\nAmerican or British exporters.\nBut the flood of exports te\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1826.28494140625, 635.8144213867188, 2679.0143749999997, 1645.0862744140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "France could easily create a de-\nmand inflation in West Germa-\nny and other Common Market\ncountries which would be to the\nadvantage in the long run to\nAmericans and British. .\n\nThe government has already\n\n \n \n \n \n\nsave the franc with all of the na-\ntion’s considerable resources.\nAnd government informants say\nthe regime will only consider\ndevaluation as part of a broad\nreform and revaluation of ~ the\nmonetary system.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3565.39822265625, 611.159208984375, 4423.39962890625, 1622.02755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "francs being changed into dol-\nlars, Swiss francs and other. cur-\nrencies despite the ‘strict ex-\nchange controls imposed May 31\nby the new finance minister,\nMaurice Couve de Murville.\n\nThe controls were tightened\nlast-Saturday -after..the--dis\nery of widespread evasion.\noriginal measure permitted. res-\nidents of France. to take 1,000\nfrancs, roughly $200, with them\névery time they went abroad.\n‘This was reduced to 100 francs.\nor $20, in any 24-hour period: It\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2696.98220703125, 625.60134765625, 3552.4843457031247, 1636.419404296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The strikes that virtually halt-\ned all communications and in-\ndustrial production, however,\nhave left the franc the most\novervalued money in the West.\nTt has been crawling along for\nweeks at its floor level of 4.9740\nfranes to the dollar;. the .rate: at\nwhich the government i is obliged\nby international convention to\nbuy in order to ward off a fur-\nther decline.\n\nBanks in Belgium, West Ger.\nmany. and- Switzerland, though\nreport a continuing flow: o!\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 90.25092193603516, 645.0368334960938, 951.9231274414062, 1671.9971630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "“PARIS (AP) —In the wake of\nits national convulsion, France\nfaces the threat of galloping inf-\nYation that may force devalua-\n‘tion of its money and put a\na peat on the entire internation-\n\n \n\nrials the threat of another\nround of social strife in the au.\n~tumn.\n\n~The French crisis will proba\nbly have mixed results _ or\nthe international level. Salar;\nraises and increased social ben\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 963.4510791015625, 2027.1129443359375, 1825.4410107421875, 4143.84884765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "by Fortas’ elevation. |\nMansfield and Eastland com-\nmented in the wake of two ma-\njor developments:\n—Sen. Robert P. Griffin, R-\nMich., circulator of the petition,\nclaimed support of most of his\nGOP colleagues and some Dem-\nocrats and said ‘‘I really think\nthe nominations can be\nblocked.”’\n- A question was raised in the\nJudiciary Committee about\nwhether a vacancy really exists\non the ‘court since President\n|Johnson said. when announcing\nWarren's retirement. it was\n| “subject to the appointment of 2\n|qualified successor.\n| The committee called Atty.\n|Gen. Ramsey Clark to testify or\n|the question July 11. But the\nJustice Department hastened tc\n‘leite what it called numerous\nprecedents for approving cour’\n| appointees before a predecessol\nactually stepped out.\n| Republican Leader Everet\n1M. Dirksen, who said he won’\n|sign the Griffin petition but ha:\n‘a_public stance on the\niinominations, said “It is a- fin:\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2701.609892578125, 1974.86697265625, 3556.7336132812497, 3459.5976269531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "should develop in the Senate,”\nhe said.\n\nReferring to the petition: sig-\nners, Eastland commented in\n‘Washington ‘Will they vote\nagainst cloture (the rule to shut\noff prolonged debate)? Will\nthey filibuster? I don’t know. I\njust don’t’ know.”’\n\nEastland declined to‘say what\nhis position was, but as a South-\nern Democrat he is part of the\nbloc that has criticized — the\ncourt’s liberal decisions. .\n\nGriffin forces said they have\nbeen approached by Southerr\nDemocrats whom they expect tc\nvote with them as well as North:\nern Democrats.\n\nThere were these other devel\nlopments Thursday relating tc\n|the controversy:\n\n \n \n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4429.64626953125, 589.589384765625, 5299.857148437501, 1598.8189404296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "was discovered some French-\nmen were going back and forth\nacross the border taking 1,000\nfranes with them every time.\n—Couve de Murville was still\ncounting the cost to the nation\nof the strikes which at their\nht_idled an. estimaed 8_mil-\non to-10°million workers. He is\nnot expected to make public a\nbalance sheet until .after Sun-\nday’s final round of elections.\nBut even before announcing\nthe cost, France appealed to its\nCommon Market ~partners for\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1841.49587890625, 1995.473173828125, 2691.9657910156247, 3451.9003613281247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "question. If no; vacancy exists\nthere is nothing to fill.’’\n\nThere are 18 signatures on the\npetition which specifically op-\nposes President Johnson, as an\noutgoing president, making\ncourt appointees that will exert\ninfluence for years. This is half\nthe Senate’s GOP members, but\nGriffin forces say some senators\nare on the fence and others are\nstill considering signing.\n\nMansfield, answering ques-\ntions from United Nations corre-\nspondents on a speechmaking\ntrip to New York, raised the\npossibility that Warren could be\nforced to stay on indefinitely as\n‘chief justice if the nomination i:\nblocked.\n\n“There’s always that ver}\nstrange nossibility if an impasse\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4435.8635546875, 1964.8556201171875, 5318.036835937501, 3436.4433300781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "decision because he was “afrai\nit might dissuade me.’\n\nWarren declined to discus\nthe controversy swirling about\nhis retirement, saying ‘‘I am en-\ntirely nonpolitical. I have to\nbe. 9\n\n—Sen. Gordon Allott, RColo.,\none of the signers of Griffin’s\npetition, said the people “would\nhave far greater confidence in\nthe Supreme Court if any ap-\npointments had been delayed\nuntil after a new president takes\noffice.”\n\n—A joint resolution calling for\na constitutional amendment to\nrequire reconfirmation of Su-\nbreme Court justices every six\nyears was introduced in the\n{House by Rep. William 0. Cow-\ner. R-Ky.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3575.21853515625, 1964.860625, 4440.08078125, 3446.1647656249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "—New York Gov. Nelson A.\n\nRockefeller defended Johnson's\nappointments and said he could\nnot understand the criticism by\nRichard M. Nixon and other\nprominent Republicans.\n' “The President. under the\nConstitution, has a responsibili-\nty to make the appointments,”\nRockefeller said’ while cam-\npaigning for the Republican\npresidential nomination in Sioux\nCity, Iowa. a\n\n-_Warren, interviewed in Cali-\nfornia where he is vacationing.\nsaid his decision to step dowr\nwas a hard one because _ it\nplunged him from a “very ac:\ntive situation into a vacuum.”\n\nThe 77-year-old former Cali-\nfornia governor said he had\nbeen afraid to think about the\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 101.0477587890625, 2181.704130859375, 956.619111328125, 4162.70431640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Oppo-\nnents of President Johnson’s\nnaming a new chief justice are\nclaiming increasing support in\nboth parties and the offensive\nseems to have taken the Senate\nDemocratic leadership by sur-\nprise. |\n\n‘The opposition, centered so\nfar largely on a petition being\n\n‘circulated by Senate Republi.\ncans, is ‘“‘a little more emphatic\nthan I anticipated it would be,’\nDemocratic Leader Mike Mans\nfield said Thursday night.\n\n“J don’t know what these peo\nple can do,” commented Sen\nJames ©. Eastland, D-Miss.\nchairman of the Senate Judi\nciary Committee which will con\nsider Johnson’s appointments 0\nAbe Fortas as chief justice 0\nthe Supreme Court and Home:\nThornberry as an associate jus\ntice.\n\n_ Fertas would replace the re\ntiring Earl Warren with Thorn\nberry stepping up from the U.S\n~€ourt ~of--Appeals—in—Austin\nTex., to fill the vacancy create\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 160.02633666992188, 6631.08837890625, 950.4760131835938, 6916.86669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Federal Loan\nls Approved For\nHuntingdon College\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 131.18726989746094, 5407.7278125, 989.8263256835937, 6561.598847656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep.\nGeorge W. Andrews, D-Ala.,\nspoke against a measure rejec-\nted by the House Thursday to\nreopen special financing for a\n»rogram that allowed each meim-\nber to hire one college student\nas a summer intern. )\n\n‘Andrews said this. just wasn’t\nthe time to-spend $327,000 an-\nnually on an intern program\n“when we are trying to econo\nmize.”’ H. pointed out that there\nwas nothing to keep congress-\nmen from employing college stu-\ndents and putting them on their\nregular payroll.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 157.7645556640625, 6941.112578125, 1013.3509228515625, 7821.523652343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "‘WASHINGTON (AP) — Sens.\nLister Hill and John Sparkman\n“have-announced-reservation-of-a\n$700,000 college housing loan for\nconstruction of a new dormitory\nat Huntingdon College in Mont-\ngomery.\n\nThe Alabama Democrats said\nthe. loan is to come from the\nDepartment of Housing and Ur-\nban Development. The new dorm\nwill house 170 students, they said\nThursday.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 83.16841888427734, 4192.94970703125, 1867.72314453125, 4660.982421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nSpecial ‘Holidays\nTo Be On Mondays\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 988.5274340820313, 4724.50515625, 1864.0173046875, 7823.362519531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "The new law will change the\ndates for Washington's Birth-\nday, Memorial Day and Veter-\nans Day, and» give Columbus.\nDay status as a national holi-\nday.\n| Washington’s Birthday _ will\nfall on the third Monday in Feb-\nruary, Memorial Day on the last\n\nday in May, Columbus Day\non the second Monday in Octo-\nber and Veterans: Day on the\nfourth Monday in October.\n\n| The bill applies only to federal\njemployes and the District of Co-\njlumbia. But by Jan. 1, 1971,\ntwhen the law takes effeet, most\nstates are expected to have de-\njeided to go along with the new\nholiday lineup, which, with La-\nbor Day, will produce five\n|three-day weekends a year.\n\n“This is the greatest thing\nthat has happened to the travel\n‘industry since the invention of\nthe automobile,”’. said Clarence\n\nA. Arata, president. of the Na-\nitional Association of Travel Or-\nganizations.\n| Travel agencies and the busi-\niIness community were-the main\n\nchampions of the legislation.\nwhich was first introduced in\nCongress more than 10 years\nniago. The key to its success this\nxyear—was—the—inclusion of Co-\nrlumbus Day. a holiday long\nyjsought ‘by Ttalian-Americans.\n\nA major argument used_by its\nsponsors was that Monday holi-\ni days would stimulate greater in-\n» dustrial and commercial prod:\n-uction by reducing employe ab-\n\\jsenteeism and avoiding the in-\n| rerruptionts of - midweek _ holi-\ndays\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 272.7046203613281, 7905.03369140625, 1811.304443359375, 10064.482421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "IRA\nALABAMA STATE\n\nChampionship\n\n* RODEO\n\nTonight! Saturday!\n8:00 P.M.\nLIMESTONE COUNTY\nVETERANS FAIRGROUNDS\nATHENS, ALA.\n\nFeaturing LECILE HARRIS\n\nNationally Known Rodeo Clown\nSEE TOP IRA’\nChampionship Cowboys In Action!\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 135.40269470214844, 5139.90576171875, 946.174560546875, 5385.06201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Andrews Speaks\nOut Against Bill\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 184.06068420410156, 1692.4547119140625, 5225.71533203125, 1951.74267578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "LB] Supreme Court Opponents Claim Support\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5321.7265625, 988.8329467773438, 7044.3271484375, 3360.46435546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nFOR PICNICS, BEACH PARTIES,\nBOATING OR AT HOME!\n\nVISCOUNT .\n\n“PLAYMATE”\nTAPE PLAYER\n\n$1988\n\nTAPES $1.49 EA.\nTake your favorite mu-\nsic everywhere you go!\nJust push the tape in\nand: it keeps playing.\nLightweight, high im-\npact plastic with 2-\nchannel selector and\nvolume control. Ter-\nrific Buy!\n\n \n\nIT COSTS LESS AT\nPhone es 307 - 13\n2nd Ave., S.E\n353-3310 Downtown\n\n \n\nTHE SOUTH'S LARGEST QUALITY HOME FURNISHERS\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 116.470947265625, 228.48631286621094, 7075.95849609375, 576.9808959960938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nFrance Now Facing The Threat Of Galloping Inflation\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2118.99267578125, 3520.533203125, 6765.6748046875, 3901.869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Do they deserve anything less than\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1858.482421875, 3874.3515625, 7155, 10061.9599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "ge\nyi\n\n \n\nTip Top Safety Service?\n\nYour family deserves the safest car you can put them in, right?\n\nDon't take a chance — be “safety sure’ with quality parts and\nservice at your local TIP TOP SHOP. For service and repairs, it makes sense to bring your car toa\nLet @ TIP.TOP SHOP deoler' give your cor @ safety. check. Only FIP TOP SHOP. where we, too, feel this way about you and your\nnationally advertised and top quality replacement parts are installed family... and even the guys in your car pool. Our mechanics\nshould repairs or maintenance service be required. Your TIP TOP take the trouble to look for trouble. When they find it, they let\nSHOP dealer takes you and. your family’s motoring safety to heart. you know, and correct it properly, at reasonable cost.\n\nTIP TOP SHOP dealers feature attractive installation prices on Come to think of it, even your car itself deserves the best.\n‘ all repairs ‘and maintenance. TIP TOP SHOPS offer AC and United ,\nthe shops with a heart...\n\nDelco quality parts -- as good as the original equipment on your car.\nkeep your Car in tip top shape\nAsk for your free safety service bumper sticker — only at TIP\nTOP SHOPS.\n\n \n \n\nTIP TOP\n‘ SHOPS\n\nMcCulloch Bros. Garage-Jeep\n1326 4th Ave., S.E.\n\nGuyse Standard Service Station\nBank and Walnut Sts.\nDial 355-1294 1968 Part, In\n\nLake’s Garage\n\nBlackwood Shell Service\nAustinville Rd, and 14th St.\n\nFirebird Super Service\n\n102 14th St., S.W. 302 6th ‘Ave., S.E.\nDial ses 349 Dial 353-9954 Dial 353-0381 Dial 353-0493\nGulf 31 South Word Pure Oil\n1425 6th Ave., S.E. TIP TOP SPONSORING WHOLESALER 1101 Moulton St., Ww,\n\nDial 355-0025\n\n \n\nBAMA AUTO PARTS, 105 Ist Ave., N.E. Dial 355-1634 Dial 355-3846\n\nCrwnncareod hy Patric Inc for hetter automotive salely, comfort and convenience\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5301.09548828125, 572.2121875, 6165.359101562501, 854.3326123046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "help in curbing their exports to\nFrance. Reaction was mixed:\nBonn said immediately it would\ngo along with some measure of\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 6176.5783984375, 538.5719287109375, 7039.915742187501, 820.4609692382812 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "curbs, but others, notably Italy\nand the permanent commission\nof the Common Market, ex-\nnressed: hostility.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 185.00376892089844, 2047.925537109375, 872.0134887695312, 2182.207275390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By H. L. SHWARTZ III\nAceociated Press Writer\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 123.58997985839844, 4713.807890625, 987.9791577148437, 5121.036347656251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-\ndent Johnson says he will sign\nthe bill making four national\nholidays fall always on Mon-\ndays, but the resulting long\nweekends won't start until 1971.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2921.61865234375, 7389.16552734375, 5987.34814453125, 7724.00146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Tip Top Safety Service?\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5333.505859375, 883.3230590820312, 7002.314453125, 1221.0064697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "WHILE THEY LAST!\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 4640.303984375, 7751.94705078125, 6885.559296875001, 8506.905 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Your family deserves the safest car you can put them in, right?\nFor service and repairs, it makes sense to bring your car toa\nTIP TOP SHOP where we, too, feel this way about you and your\nfamily... and even the guys in your Car pool. Our mechanics\ntake the trouble to look for trouble. When they find it, they let\n\nyou know, and correct it properly, at reasonable cost.\nCome to think of it, even your car itself deserves the best.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1841.09130859375, 3989.1767578125, 7054.34814453125, 7289.15576171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 6 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 6, 10 ], [ 6, 13 ], [ 9, 10 ], [ 9, 13 ], [ 10, 13 ] ]
[ 3409.659912109375, 4973.164519531249 ]
[ [ 6, 3 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 10, 13 ], [ 13, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2806.0615234375, 96.58940124511719, 3387.34716796875, 1676.8201904296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 127.939208984375, 114.32145690917969, 706.0022583007812, 437.095703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Bobby Morse\nPlans Move\nTo Television\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1517.30615234375, 2078.052978515625, 3409.659912109375, 4918.6123046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Now-—at Carolina Motor Company\n\nOPERATION\nCLEANSWEEP\nMp j MERCURY S GOT IT' BIGGEST SALE EVER~YOU LL CLEAN UP!\n\n1. Sales are at an 2. Buy now and 3. Extra special\nall-time high and beat the ’69 bonus for every\nwe’re dealing to price rise during Cougar buyer\ndrive them higher! ‘‘Cleansweep’’! if you hurry!\n\nMERCURYS\n\na snowsor its Fine- Car Touch across\nmode! fine with something for\n7 Werpune; Outfit your choice rom\n“ lengthy list or power and con\nvenience options\n\nCOUGARS\n\nLooking for a winning combination\nof perform mance and luxury?\nCougar’ s got what it takes, and it\nwon'ttake much to make One yours:\n\nSealing for six (comfartsbly)\nse road habits that tell the\nof bwin wing at Daytona\n\nnta. More trunk\n\n \n\n3 ~~ CAROLIN =\n< MOTOR COMPANY\n\n132 East Broad $?. Phone 872-3671\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2154.005646484375, 357.12997509765626, 2768.1537773437503, 2032.1418144531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "RIES. SRM, VENGgy, Vous\nof 1968-graduate stars plays the\nGreen Bay Packers, pro cham-\npions. |\n\nNBC repeats ‘Tomorrow's\nWorld: Feeding the Billions,”\na documentary study of the food\nproblem of the future.\n\nSATURDAY\n\nNBC will have the National\nand backup regional baseball\ngames in the afternoon, but time\nand teams are not available.\n\n“ABC's Wide World of Sports’\nhas the National Intercollegiate\nRodeo Championship at St.\nGeorge, Utah; the National Pub-\nlic Links golf championship at\nDallas, Texas, and the Dune\nBuggy racing championship\nat Buttercup Valley, Calif.\n\nIn “The Prisoner’ episode on\nNBC, the hero undergoes a\ntransformation in which his\nmind and personality are trans-\nferred to another man.\n\nNBC's “Saturday Night at the\nMovies” screens “McGuire Go\nHome,” starring Tim Conway.\n\nABC preempts “The Holly-\nwood Palace’ for a one-hour\nnews special from Miami, Fila.,\ndealing with preparations for\nthe Republican National conven-\ntion.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 154.9365546875, 4717.25637890625, 759.41451953125, 4973.164519531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Bwa\nAulin, the 16-year-old Swede\nwho plays the title role in\n“Candy” will next star in “Two\nTimes Two\" for Warner Bros.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 915.0552368164062, 333.7787780761719, 1282.025390625, 392.37127685546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "By JACK GAVER\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1475.594513671875, 343.793244140625, 2092.76901171875, 2001.0816337890624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "“The CBS Thureday Night\nMovies” screens ‘Joan of Arc”\nstarring Ingrid Bergman and\nJose Ferrer. .\n\n“Peyton Place” developments .\non ABC: Emergency surgery is\n\nSinatra, Jr., with comedian Paul\nLynde a special guest.\nFRIDAY:\n\nies’ screens “Torpedo Run”\nstarring Glenn Ford and Ernest\nBorgnine.\n\nThe annual College All - Star\n\nfanbthk.all wames tan am ABM Laan\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 123.08432843017579, 509.19796826171876, 746.0751640625, 4582.0693046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Jackie Gleason can star in a\nweekly television musical come\ndy, why not Bobby Moree?\n\nMop-haired Bobby asked him-\nself the sanie question and\ndecided that if the fat (and\ngreat) one can bounce around\nsinging and dancing every\nweek, so could he.\n\nBobby, who starred on\nBroadway with Gleason a few\nyears back in “Take Me\nAlong,” will have to give up his\nBeverly Hills home and return\nto the East for the new ABC-TV\nseries.\n\nAccording to the comedian\nthe show, “That's Life,” will\nprovide viewers with a new\nbook, songs and lyrics in a one-\nhour format for at least 17\nweeks—which is as far as the\nnetwork trusts the idea at this\npoint.\n\nGuest Stars Scheduled\n\nBobby, and his leading lady\nE. J.. Peaker, will play the\nsame characters every week.\nGuest stars will be worked into\nthe fabric of the story in a\nvariety of capacities—as sin-\ngers, dancers, comedians or in\nstraight roles.\n\nIt won't be easy, a fact Bobby\naccepts realistically.\n\n“It is going to be the most\ndifficult thing I have ever\ntackled in me life,” Morse said,\npulling a long face. ,\n\n“The show amounts to staging\na new Broadway musical every\nseven days. It’s something I've\nnever touched.” ;\n\nThe show will be beamed\nfrom a theater at Sist and\nBroadway where the old “Hit\nParade” was once telecast.\n\n“We're moving to New York\nafter we do the first two or\nthree shows from out here,”\nBobby explained. “Going back\nEast was mostly my idea.\n\n“I think the atmosphere of a\n_ theater with a live audience\nsitting out front will give us our\nown distinctive flavor. We don't\nwant it to look like Jackie's\nshow or anyone elee’s.\n\nDistinct Almesphere\n\n“if we do the show from\nBroadway we'll have our own\nfeeling. It'll be distinctive and\nfresh.” a\nIt also will bolster Bobby's\ncourage.\n\nThe open-face young actor\nwon his greatest success on\nBroadway, with Gleason in\n“Take Me Along,” and, of\ncourse, one of the biggest hits\nof all, “How to Succeed in\nBusiness Without Really Try-\ning.”\n\nBobby's pictures have not\nfared so well. Not even the film\nversion of ‘‘How to Succeed.”\n\nA theatrical ‘setting, then will\ngive him a comfortable frame-\nwork in which to work.\n\nIf that’s what Bobby wants,\nhe needn't worry. With an\nhour's worth of dialogue, songs\nand dances to rehearse every\nweek—and a critical eye out\nfront—he may long for the good\n\nat) deca am Benaadwanu\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 854.8380126953125, 172.3696746826172, 2495.843017578125, 312.59381103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "~ Television Highlights For Next Week\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 821.224640625, 3374.221955078125, 1451.4111015624999, 4959.70455859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "TUSSVAT\n\n-“Garrison’s gorillas” on ABC\nat 7:30 p.m. repeats ‘20 gal-\njons to kill.” The gorillas are\nshot down over enemy territory.\n\nThe “Daktari’’ repeat on CBS\nat 7:30 is an episode about a\nstrange ape-like creature that\nmay be a prehistoric specimen.\n\nNBC's “Showcase ‘68\" has\nguitarist Carlos Montoya as\nguest.\n\nABC has a one-hour documen-\ntary, “Grambling College: 100\nYards to Glory.” It deals with\nthe little college in Louisiana\nthat turns out so many foot-\nball stars.\n\n“Showtime” on CBS has Brti-\nigh comedian Davo Allen as per-\nforming host. Others involved\nare Frank Fontaine, Dusty\nSpringfield anf Max Wall.\n\nNBC's “Tuesday Night at the\nMovies” screens ‘Freud,’ star-\nring Montgomery Clift.\n\nCBS has the fifth of its “Of\nBlack America’ documentrry\nseries, This one centers on Ne-\ngro achievements in sports and\nmusic.\n\nWEDNESDAY\nNRu’s “Kraft Music Hall\"\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 794.6581733398438, 486.11276318359376, 1414.6723320312499, 2668.0761406250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "more programs’ in its documes-\ntary series on the racial ques-\ntion on Sunday and Monday and\ntelecasts the college All-Star\nfootball game on Friday.\n\nHighlights for July 2%-Aug. 3:\n\n’ SUNDAY\nThe Washington and New\nYork teams play the North\n\nsubject of the “Time for\nAmericans” series on ABC is\n“White Racism and Black Edu-\ncation.” The discussion centers\naround the situation in the Bos-\nton area. ;\n\nNBC's “Animal Kingdom” has\n“Dogs in War and Peace,”\nshowing German shepherds\nworking with troops in Vietnam\nand as guides for the blind.\n\nEd Sullivan’s' CBS repeat is\nheadlined by Chariton Heston,\nWayne and Shuster, Peter Gen-\nnaro, Frankie Laine and Myron\nCohen.\n\n“The ABC Sunday Night\nMovie” screens ‘‘Hatari!” star-\nring John Wayne\n\nNBC’s “Bonanza” has a frewh\nepisode in “Stage Door John-\nnies,” Little Joe and Hoss are\nrivals in courting a_ visiting\nsaloon singer. .\n\nMONDAY\n\nThe week's second ‘Time for\nAmericans’ documentary on\nABC is “Can White Suburbia\nThink Black?” Racism in a mid-\ndie class suburban community\nis examined.\n\nIn “The Champions” on NBC\na despot general in Antarctica\n\na a ee” ee rr oe\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 201.14501953125, 4644.46826171875, 479.6040344238281, 4703.7392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "GWA‘'S NEXT\n" }, "12": null, "13": { "bbox": [ 814.4424750976563, 2272.11770703125, 1432.0572197265624, 3333.0951835937503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The week's second “Time for\nAmericans’ documentary on\nABC is “Can White Suburbia\nThink Black?” Racism in a mid-\ndie class suburban community\nis examined.\n\nIn “The Champions” on NBC\na despotic general in Antarctica\nhas to be stopped from using\natomic missiles.\n\n“NBC Comedy Playhouse”\npresents ‘‘The Fat Outlaw” star-\nring Don Knotts and Arthur\nGodfrey. This is a repeat of a\n1968 comedy.\n\nThe CBS “Premiere” program\nof original video dramas pre-\nsents “The Search,” starring\nBarry Foster and Michael Ren-\nnie. A woman who refuses to\nbelieve the official finding in a\nboating accident hires a private\ndetective.\n" }, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 23, 32 ], [ 25, 28 ] ]
[ 6575.10165625, 9885.544921875 ]
[ [ 25, 28 ], [ 32, 23 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 141.61392211914062, 4379.70947265625, 879.3226928710938, 5659.38525390625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2601.167236328125, 7079.60107421875, 4931.4951171875, 9885.544921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "GRADUATION SPECIALS\n\nSTILL GOING ON\n\nNOW THRU MONDAY\n\nV OFF\n0 REG.\nPRICE\nON ALL\n\n® Radios ® Phonographs\n® Stereos © Portable TV'S\n® Tape Recorders\n: & Jj. RADIO and\nTV CENTER\n211 RIVER AT 9TH ST. Se pong ag re Pe\n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4127.58828515625, 2541.187650390625, 4919.16025, 4948.00937109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Final plans have been com-\npleted for the annual Zeeland\nGirl Scout Day Camp to be held\nfrom Monday through June 14\nat Poppen's Woods. A total out-\ndoor program of handcrafts, art,\narchery, music, hiking, Scout\nskills, games and cooking will\nbe available for the 99 girls who\nhave registered to attend.\n\nBecause of the primitive na-\nture of the site, the girls will\n‘be making their campsites from\n“material found only in the area.\n‘Instructors for the session in-\nclude Mrs. Waleed Karachy,\n‘archery; Mrs. Roy Post, hand-\ncrafts; and Mrs. James Watt,\nweaving and Scout crafts. Music\nleader will be Mrs, William\nBorst.\n\nBrownie unit leaders and\nassistants include Mrs. LaVerne\nHoeksema, Mrs. Lyle Vander\nYaar, Mrs. Myron’ Vander\nBosch, Mrs. Allen Van Kley.\nMrs. Donald Barkel, Mrs. Dee\nAllen and Mrs. Donald Elzinga.\nThe Brownie Fly-up unit will be\n‘under the direction of Mrs\nLarry Dickman, Mrs. Carl Van\nder Velde and Mrs. Nick Kamer\n_ Junior leaders will be Mrs\nDel Murphy, Mrs. Ray Drum\nMrs. Robert Walters and Mrs\nBruce De Pree. Directin;\n‘Cadette activities will be Mrs\nJames Watt and Mrs. Rober\n| De Weerdt, Senior Scouts act a\nunit aides. Day camp directo\n_ and chairman is Mrs. Leon Vos\n. and Miss Dorothy Holleman j\ni'the assistant director.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2532.26025390625, 420.88702392578125, 4862.67236328125, 1803.500244140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4917.03896875, 2197.193265625, 5721.94882421875, 4533.486421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| Three piano recitals will be\npresented Friday at the Wo-\nman’s Literary Club by = stu-\ndents of Marilyn Wierenga.\nThose playing at 4:15 p.m.\nare Linda Waterway, Pamela\nWiersma, Danny Kolean, Kurt\nOverway, Michelle DeVries,\nJulie Kronemeyer, Helen Meeu-\nsen, April Holmes, Karen Brad-\nbury, Joel Vandenberg, Dary!\nBerkompas, Gwen _ Bremer,\nValerie Kuyers. Others playing\n|are Joan VanderPloeg, Lila and\nWanda Diemer, Renae and\n‘Donna Ochsner, Debbie Witte-\n_veen, Sheryl Holwerda, Marv\nand Laurie Geenen, Mary Sale.\nKen Bauman.\n\nPlaying at 6:45 p.m. are Cyn-\nthia Visser, Kathy Oostebaan.\nJoan and June Bares, Pat Lun.\n,derberg, Mary and Alice\n| vanderloeg, Gai | VandeBunte.\n| Vicky Stewart, Janis and Karer\n_Meeusen, Janet Meadows, Marl\n\n| Ribbens. Also Anita DeNoyer\n_ Diann Koemen, Cheryyl Vander\n. Lee, Judy DeHaan, JoLind\n-|Mosburg, Sandy Wyben\nga, Ann Fink, Pan\nMcCormick, Penny Shoemaker\n| Five ninth grade girls wil\n|be featured at the 8:15 p.m\n| performance. They are Be\n_| Mulder, Marilyn Holwerda, Ani\n. | Telgenhof, Meribeth Batem\n-and Mary Kamphuis. Pam Mc\n_| Cormick will play in a two p!\n' ano duet.\n’' The public is invited to al\n* | tend.\n\n'\ni\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 166.5623016357422, 6449.63818359375, 902.1792602539062, 7730.0107421875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 127.08575439453125, 736.9445190429688, 1626.43359375, 2282.81396484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5709.28896875, 848.9827553710937, 6523.3868125, 3660.606294921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Approximately 2,000 persons\ncrowded into the West Ottawa\ngymnasium Wednesday evening\nwhen 220 graduates received\ntheir diplomas in the seventh\nannual commencement of the\nschool.\n\nIn traditional robes of the\nclass colors, the boys in black\nand the girls in white, the\nmembers marched to their\nplaces while music was provid-\ned by the High School orchestra\nunder the direction of Ray\nVande Mark.\n\nOne of the highlights of the\nprogram was the presentation\nof the class gift to the school,\nwhich included composite pic-\ntures of all West Ottawa Alum-\nni for the halls of the school,\nand picnic tables for the outdoor\ncourts. The presentation was\nmade by Philip Van Lente,\nclass president.\n\nJerry Klomparens, mayor of\nWest Ottawa High School, in-\ntroduced the speaker, Don Lon-\nie, one of the nation’s finest\nhigh school lecturers, who has\n- spoken in more than 3,000 high\nschool assemblies in 45 states\n- and five Provinces of Canada\n' in the past 20 years. Mr. Lonie\n' whose career is ‘teenagers’\n| centered his talk around the\n, thought “‘don’t sacrifice tomor-\n; row on the altar of today.”\n\n__ The class roll was called by\n1 Principal Duane Hooker anc\n- diplomas presented by Schoo\ni ee aa Lloyd Van Raal\n\nthe Rev. Henry Zylstra, pas\ntor of Grace Reformed Church\ngave the invocation and closin;\nbenediction.\n. Members of the class hele\n» their senior breakfast and pro\na | gram Wednesday morning prio’\na to commencement rehearsal.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4158.28466796875, 4994.3779296875, 4895.2744140625, 5154.40966796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "James H. Huismans\nReturn From Honeymoon\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3366.415921875, 5946.35146875, 4153.06308203125, 6973.70370703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "The Board of Trustees of\n\nResthaven Patrons, Inc., met\nTuesday evening in the board\noffice for its regular monthly\n‘meeting.\n_ The secretary reported on the\n‘meeting of the finance commit-\ntee and said that the contracts\nhave been signed and the cor-\nnerstone for the east wing has\nbeen ordered,\n\nThe treasurer's report showed\na balance in the current fund of\n$3,672.84 and a balance in the\nbuilding fund of $89 .871.03.\nPlans were discussed for the\nraising of funds for the new\nproject.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 945.2141396484375, 6469.9618203125, 1740.4416220703124, 7709.310640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "The Holland High Schoo! class\nof 1958 is planning a 10-year re-\nunion to be held July 13 at 6:30\np.m. at the Holiday Inn.\n\nA meeting to discuss the re-\nunion was held by committee\nmembers, the Mesdames Floyd\nJousma Jr., Paul Elzinga,\nJames Van Hekken, David\nWehrmeyer and David Vander\nLeek. Reservations are to be\nmade with Mrs. Jousma.\n\nMembers of the 255-member\nclass who cannot be located\nare James Lee Mulder, Char-\nles Marc Plaggemeyer, Linda\n‘Anne Smith, Mary Van Haits-\nma, Drena Ruth Worth, Linda\nMc Clure and Hikmat Muktar.\nAnyone knowing of the where-\nabouts of these persons is asked\nto notify the committee.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5018.7578125, 5490.138671875, 6515.5185546875, 9822.8642578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "one for town...\none for country...\n\n%\n\nm2\n\n \n\n—{RROIWV= coLor PAC IN\nDECTON PERMA-IRON\n\nWhat's the pitch? An Arrow Color Pac makes\n\none suit perform like two... gives you\n\na striking shirt for town and another for the\ncountry. Come see our wide seisction of\n\ncolors, patterns and collars in a durable press\nblend of 65% Dacron® polyester, 35% cotton!\nSolid button-down with short sleeves... 6.00\nTattersall button-down with short sleeves... 6.00\n\nfrom ARROW, the, white shirt company\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1717.202787109375, 3602.180326171875, 2508.57773046875, 4851.21249609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "A talk and the showing of\nslides on Taiwan featured the\nlast meeting of the season of\nthe Guild for Christian Service\nin Sixth Reformed Church\nlounge Tuesday evening.\n\nSpeaker was Mrs. William\n\nEstell, wife of the missionary\nto Taiwan, who is partially sup-\nported by Sixth Church.\nSpecial music included two\n‘solos by Mrs. Jacob Van Voorst,\naccompanied by Mrs. Larry\nBloemers. Devotions were con-\nducted by Mrs. Dale Moes. The\nmeeting was in charge of Mrs.\n|Richard Bouws, president. The\n‘program was arranged by the\n‘Hoffs Circle.\n\nLunch was served by Mrs.\nVan Voorst, Mrs. John Stegger.\n‘da and Mrs. P. Hertz.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4892.86758203125, 547.8250405273437, 5692.14804296875, 1786.54257421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Admitted to Holland Hospital\nWednesday were Lynelle Lub-\nbers, 6162 West 147th Ave.; Mrs.\nMelchor Beltran, 1605 Perry St.;\nRussell Duffin, Fennville: Mrs.\n\nBenigno Sepeda, 442 Harrison\nAve.\n\nDischarged Wednesday were\nMrs. Roger Witteveen, 204 Easi\n38th St.; Mrs, John R. Lubbers,\n235 Park, Zeeland: James\nSpruit, 70 West 13th St.: Ralph\nBrink, route 5; Henry Van\nDeeien, 27 East 32nd St.; Mrs.\nStanley Skorski, 125 Howard\nAve.; Francis Palmer, 70 South\nDivision: Mrs. Christian Lam-\nberts, 2951 Lakeshore Dr.; Jen-\nnie Van Vels, 642 Lincoln Ave.;\n_Lynelle Lubbers, 6162 West 147th\n| Ave,\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5761.41543359375, 3878.424955078125, 6575.10165625, 5381.55233984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Hoiland Community Theatre's\nproduction of Garson Kanin’s\n“Born Yesterday’’ will open to-\nnight at 8:15 at Holland High\nSchool under the direction of\nMrs. Ernest Penna. Performan-\nces will also be given at 8:15\n‘Friday and Saturday,\n\n- Taking roles in the production\nwill be Mrs. William Sturgeon,\nGordon Cunningham, Don Batt-\njes, Richard Burkholder, Les\nWoltman, Roy Seibert, Mary\nVan Langevelde, Don Cranmer,\nJean Wagner, Ann Slaughter,\nNorm Sturgeon, Phil Kumberly,\n| Bob Lucas and Alan Wilson.\n\n| Assistant director, Mrs. Rich-\n‘ard Smallenburg, will serve as\nStage manager, Working with\n\\her will be a technical crew\nheaded by Miss Ann Slaughter,\n|Dale Conklin, Nancy Norling,\nJean Wagner, Don Battjes, Mrs.\n\nGordon Cunningham, Don Cran-\n'mer, Ted Jungblut and Richard\n| Burkholder.\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4961.3475625, 4671.81777734375, 5764.2998984375, 5395.6631796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Holland Township firemen\nwere called at 9:10 a.m. today\nto cool a tank at Smith-Douglas\nCo. Inc. on James St. when a\nsmall amount of nitrogen solu-\ntion was inadvertantly poured\ninto a tank of sulfuric acid\ncausing a chemical reaction.\nCompany spokesmen said there\n/was no one injured and no fire.\nFiremen and Ottawa county\n‘sheriff's deputies stood by for\nabout an hour and one-half.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 921.6600625, 4524.27285546875, 1725.7470419921874, 6270.584078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "LANSING (UPI)—Three Re-\npublican members of _ the\nMichigan House of Representa-\ntives Wednesday announced they\nare candidates for re-election.\n\nRep. Donald E. Holbrook of\nClare, chairman of the Judiciary\nLommittee and author of the\ncontroversial court reorganiza-\ntion bill, said he will seek his\nthird term.\n| Holbrook, 36, represents the\n99th ~=~District = consisting of\nNewaygo, Mecosta, Osceola and\nClare counties.\n| Rep. Charles J. Davis of\nOnondaga is seeking his fifth\n_term as representative of the\n59th district consisting of the\ncities of East Lansing, Mason\nand Williamston, 12 townships\nin Ingham County and Spring:\nport and Tompkins Township in\n_ Jackson.\n| Rep. Raymond J. Smit, 39, of\nAnn Arbor, announced for a\nsecond term from the 53rd\ndistrict in Washtenaw County.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1740.5010048828126, 5073.8876015625, 2523.427828125, 6231.4248984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": ". Janet K. Steininger, daughter\nof Mr. and Mrs. George F.\nSteininger of 348 West 34th St..,\nand a sophomore at Hope Col-\nlege, has been selected to study\nat the University of Guanajuato\nin Mexico this summer.\n\nThe University of Guanajuato\nis one of several foreign study\ncenters administered by _ the\nGreat Lakes Colleges Associa-\ntion of which Hope College i:\na charter member.\n\nMiss Steininger is a 1966 grad.\n‘uate of Holland High School\nWhile attending the University\nof Guanajuato, she will be able\nto study the Spanish language\nculture and history as well as\nart, literature and philosophy.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3334.053861328125, 3685.99941796875, 4133.29452734375, 5700.021578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Dale Motorff of\nroute 3, Fennville, celebrated\ntheir 50th wedding anniversary\nSunday with an open house\nfrom 2 to 5 p.m. at the United\nMethodist (McDowell) Church in\n\nCasco,\n_ Their children, Mrs. Virginia\nSmith of Parma and Herbert\n_Motorff of Fennville, co-hosted\nthe celebration. The honored\ncouple has seven grandchildren\nand six great-grandchildren.\n\nMrs. Motorff was born in 1898\n‘in the home now occupied by her\nson which has been in her fam-\nily for 104 years. Mr. Motorff\nwas born in a log cabin in\nAshley, Ind., in 1892. They were\n‘married June 1, 1918, and set-\ntled on her father’s farm in\nGanges where they lived until\n1931,\n\nMrs. Motorff's hobbies are\ncollecting stamps and making\ncustom doll clothes while Mr\n-Motorff makes maple syrup ir\nthe spring and has a_ wooc\nworking shop and had looms anc\nweaves rugs.\n\n| They are members of _ the\nIOOF and Rebekah Lodges, the\n\n|Ganges Grange, Glenn Farm\nBureau and the United Metho\ndist Church of Casco.\n\n?\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1680.2129189453126, 717.851224609375, 2489.860689453125, 3383.97275 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "—— eee ee a\n\nTONIGHT\n\n5:00 — North Holland P-T\n‘Club chicken barbecue picnic\n‘on school grounds.\n\n6:00 — Cherry Lane Nursery\nSchool picnic at Teusinks Farm.\n\n7:30 — Disabled American\nVeterans Auxiliary meeting in\nAmerican Legion Clubrooms.\n\n7:45 — Star of Bethlehem 40,\nOES, regular meeting in chap-\nter rooms.\n\n8:00 — Saugatuck - Douglas\nAlcoholics and Al-Anon open\nmeeting at All Saints’ parish\nhall, Saugatuck.\n\n8:00 — SPEBSQSA meeting at\ni West Eighth St..\n\n|\n\n8:00 — Woodside Volleyettes\nmeeting at Woodside School\ngym.\n\n8:00 — Zeeland High School\ncommencement at Zeeland High\ngym.\n| 8:00 — Fennville High School\ncommencement at school.\n\n8:00 — Hudsonville High\n| School commencement at school.\n| 8:15 — “Born Yesterday” by\n\nHolland Community Theatre at\n\nHolland High auditorium.\nFRIDAY\n\n6:30 — Waverly Activity Club\npotluck picnic at Smallenburg\nPark.\n7:30 — Story hour for four to\n10-year-olds at Herrick Public\nLibrary.\n| 8:00 — Saugatuck High Schoo!\n- commencement in school audi-\ntorium.\n| 8:00 — YM square dance in\n- YMCA gym.\n- 8:15 — “Born Yesterday” in\n. Holland High School auditorium.\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4124.501953125, 2172.049072265625, 4626.6064453125, 2519.001708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Zeeland\nGirl Scouts\nPlan Camp\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1804.0882568359375, 8102.3544921875, 2556.412353515625, 9854.6640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nSPECIALS!\n\nCHOCOLATE\nPEANUT CLUSTERS\n\nONLY 57c POUND\n\nCANDY STICKS\n\n6 2%\n\n15 FLAVORS\n\nCIGARETTES\n\nONLY 30c PACK\n\nHOLLAND\nPEANUT STORE\n\n32 East 8th Street, Holland\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1729.123779296875, 4894.6171875, 2479.65869140625, 5056.3564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Miss Steininger Plans\nSummer Study in Mexico\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3309.4335, 2190.39590234375, 4105.44540625, 3284.481783203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Koeman, Allie Vanderwerf and\n‘Marian Wiswedel.\n\n_ Bonna Stansby, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs, A. H. Stansby,\n969 Butternut Dr., is a candi-\ndate for the bachelor of science\nin education degree at Witten-\nberg University’s annual com-\nmencement exercises on June\n10 in Springfield, Ohio,\n\nMyrna Newhouse, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs. Harry Newhouse,\n95 East 17th St., was graduated\nfrom Grace Bible Institute.\nOmaha, Neb., at commencement\nexercises Friday, May 31. She\ngraduated from the five-vear\nnursing program for a B.S.\n‘degree.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1756.4660927734376, 6435.94668359375, 2536.553072265625, 7482.66269140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "The Herrick Public Library\ntilm program for tonight will\nbegin at 7:30 in the library audi-\ntorium with two color films.\n\nThe first film is entitled\n“Blessing on the Woods.” This\nis a tribute to the beauty of\nNova Scotia's woodlands ex-\npressed in poetry and recordec\nin films scenes,\n\n“Livingstone” is the title of\nthe second film. It deals with\nthe lives of the present day\nEskimos on Baffin Island anc\ntheir age old craftsmanship 9\ncarving ivory, bone and more\nrecently stone portrayals 0\narctic life.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 93.33093041992187, 2700.87148828125, 895.3963950195313, 4155.37558203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Service pins were awarded\nto employes of Holland Hospital\nat a ceremony Tuesday night\n- buffet supper in the hospi-\ntal.\n\nClarence Jalving, member of\nthe hospital board of directors,\nspoke briefly for the board and\nHospital Director Frederick §.\nBurd presented pins to em-\nployes who have worked 40, 30,\n25, 15, 10 and five years.\n\nA pin for 40 years of service\nwent to Jeanette Sterenberg,\nlaundry employe, a 30-year pin\nto Sadie Zuidema, executive\nhousekeeper, and a 25-year pin\nto Nellie Zwiers, a nurse.\n\nFifteen-year pins went to\nMary Bouman, Audrey Brewer\nand Margaret Glupker.\n\nTen-year pins went to Flor-\nence Achterhof, Betty Arm-\nstrong, Cornelius Blauwkamp,\nGloria Bjorklund, Julia Dyk-\nhuis, Deborah Hekman, Fanny\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3332.094482421875, 3327.041259765625, 3887.91845703125, 3656.811279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Mortorffs\nMark 50th\nAnniversary\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3367.28759765625, 5749.2919921875, 4070.162841796875, 5914.46875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Resthaven Board Holds\nRegular Monthly Meet\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 899.9228188476562, 2658.5038125, 1690.65487890625, 4148.94394140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Hekman, Alice Kalman, Marilyn\nLantay, Donna Lokker, Marlene\nShidler, Salome Teerman, San-\ndra Woldring.\n\nFive-year pins went to Alice\nAxman, Mildred Baker, Alicia\nBlauwkamp, Rosemary Boer-\nman, Alice Boonstra, Mary\nBougie, Lloyd Brouwer, Ada\nBrouwer, Esther Cranmer, Ju-\ndith De Boer, Dorothy De Kra-\nker, Dora De Pree, Jean Galien,\nDorothy Gesink, Janice Hunt,\nPatricia Klaasen, Alvina Klein,\nJane Hendricks.\n\nOther five-vear pins went to\nJoanne Klomparens, Dena\nKonze, Elizabeth Langworthy,\nMadelyn Lubbers, Ethel Meyers,\nRuth Owen, Judith Paauwe.\nEsther Pyle, Jacquelyn Raffen.\naud, Irene Redder, Laurence\nStroh, Joyce Toering, Florence\nVan Haver, Lillian Vanden Tak.\nSally Vander Kooi, Nina Witte.\nveen and Sharon Zienstra.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1758.0074462890625, 6262.2587890625, 2405.957763671875, 6423.29296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Herrick Library Will\nShow Canadian Films\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5762.69580078125, 3695.5791015625, 6494.02783203125, 3858.33447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "‘Born Yesterday’ Opens\nTonight at Holland High\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4157.23965234375, 5170.7958046875, 4965.87558203125, 6647.06698828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. James H. Huis-\nman have returned to their new\nhome at 653 West 27th St. follow-\n‘ing a wedding trip to the Great\nSmoky Mountains. They were\nmarried by the Rev. Stuart\n'Blauw in the Fourth Reformed\nChurch parsonage May 24.\n\nThe former Miss Phyllis M.\nVliem, the bride is the daugh-\nter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin\nViiem of 562 West 17th St. The\n‘groom is the son of Mrs. Henry\nHuisman of Grand Haven and\nthe late Mr. Huisman.\n\nMrs. Huisman chose for her\nwedding an aqua silk suit with\nmatching accessories and\n‘matching veiled headpiece.\n| Miss Shirley Barnhard, sister\nof the bride, and Don Huisman,\n‘brother of the groom, attended\nthe couple.\n\nA family dinner was held at\n_Jack’s Restaurant following the\n‘ceremony.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2512.01553125, 2495.57949609375, 3314.1553671875, 6955.5069296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "ihe mMouand Fudle scnool ji-\nbrarians request the return of\nany books, magazines, pam-\nphlets or other materials be-\nlonging to the schools or li-\nbraries with the closing of\nschools for vacations. Al] books\nand materials belonging to the\nschools are clearly stamped\n\nwith the school names and may\nbe returned to the proper school\nor to the book deposit at Her-\n‘rick Public Library,\n\n_ North-south winners at the\nDuplicate Bridge Club’s full\nmaster point night Wednesdav\n'were Mr. and Mrs. D. Files,\nfirst; Rick and Dave Linn, sec-\nond; and Mrs. A. Wyman and\n|Mrs. J. Borgman, third. East-\n| west winners were Mr. and\n| Mrs. W. J. Scott, first; Lee\nKoning and Allen Koop, second:\n“and Mrs. Katherine McClaskey\nand Mrs. Rose Wagenveld.\n\nBirths recorded at Holland\nHospital Wednesday included\ntwo daughters. Tina Louise\nwas born to Mr. and Mrs. John\n|Casey, 117 East 14th St., and\n|Amy Lynne was born to Mr.\n,and Mrs. Jerald Strunk, Box\n{M 10, Riverview Park, Hamil.\n,ton. A daughter, Colleen Marie\n;was born today to Mr. anc\n\nMrs. Michael Elms, 142 Wes!\n| 14th St.\n, Cal Osterhaven, senior a\n|Hope College, has been accept\njed for graduate study in polic:\nadministration at Michigan Stat:\n| University. He is the son of Mr\nand Mrs. Eugene M. Osterhavei\nof 999 Morningside Dr., and ;\n‘graduate of Holland Christia\n* High School.\n., A YM square dance will b\n, held Friday at 8 p.m. at th\n- YMCA gym. Marv Freeston\n:| will be the caller.\n»' Veterans at the Veteran\n\nAdministration Hospital at Batt!\n) Creek were entertained Monda:\ny,;at a social hour by Red Cros\n» | volunteers, Volunteers were th\n- Mesdames M. Giermann, Kk\ns Koeman, D. Teusink, A. Vande:\n\n,werf, K, Visscher and T. Ka:\n- |minsky.\n\n., Weekend programs at th\ny Grand Haven Musical Fountai\ne to be held nightly at 10 p.m. wi\n, be: Friday, “Smiles; Saturday\ns ‘“Weather;” Sunday, “Favorit\nHymns.”’ Monday's program wi\nfollow the theme of “Travel.”\n| Seymour Padnos, 115 Ea:\n26th St., has been named or\nof the vice chairmen of th\ny transportation committee of tt\nNl Institute of Scrap Iron an\n. Steel by Leonard Abrams, pre.\nident of the Institute.\n\n_ Red Cross volunteers wi\ns Shopped and wrote letters fc\nVeterans at the Veterans Ho\n. pital in Grand Rapids Wedne\nd day were the Mesdames Kez\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 940.869873046875, 6286.44384765625, 1677.033203125, 6450.791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Holland High 1958 Class\nPlans 10-Year Reunion\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 5703.66650390625, 401.91033935546875, 6411.80859375, 828.3757934570312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "West Ottawa\nClass of 220\nls Graduated\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 145.3545684814453, 8756.294921875, 886.8594970703125, 8920.0625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Christ Memorial Church\nHas All-Church Picnic\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1708.5684814453125, 3417.060546875, 2275.541259765625, 3585.0751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Estell Speaks\nAt Guild Meeting\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1760.2988564453126, 7645.0301796875, 2540.051607421875, 8060.1534140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Ronald Russell of Nunica ane\n| Joyce Kolenic of Grand Haven\nDavid De Witt of Ferrysbur;\nand Ellen Jane Bonnell of Eas\nLansing; Robert Gould o\nGrand Haven and Sue Buck\nmaster of Howell.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 4922.6826171875, 1829.928466796875, 5526.78125, 2168.117431640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Student Piano\nRecitals to Be\nPresented\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1707.9927978515625, 417.0327453613281, 2445.5791015625, 674.3403930664062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Lécal Calendar\nOf Events\n\n \n\n8 Breen\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 933.207275390625, 4192.96484375, 1608.1737060546875, 4512.11767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "3 GOP Seek\n\nReelection\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 992.1015625, 9052.572265625, 1733.838134765625, 9874.591796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "FRIDAY NIGHT\nSPECIAL\n\nAT\nTHE ETEN HOUSE\n\nFRIED - BREADED\nLAKE PERCH FILLETS\n\n$1.35\n\n138 N. RIVER PH. 3966-8266\nee ays vane oe ae\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 968.387357421875, 8476.646390625, 1755.9025595703124, 8985.731539062499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "LEEK WOOTTON, England\n(UPI)—Angry villagers who had\nbeen campaigning against a\nproposal to add fluoride to the\ndrinking water of the town\nfound out Wednesday the water\nthey had been drinking had\nbeen fluoridated for the past\ntwo weeks.\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 4974.435546875, 4581.93212890625, 5580.4619140625, 4658.1513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Cool Chemical Tank\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 962.2661416015625, 7830.32949609375, 1743.1032431640624, 8331.045015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Cars driven by Eleanor Her-\nera Lopez, 20, of 9542 Clover\nAve., and Karl F. Borsai, 26, of\n274 College Ave., collided at 3:39\np.m. Wednesday at 12th St. and\nCentral Ave., according to Hol.\nland police who cited Borsai\nfor failure to yield the right of\nwav.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2533.623779296875, 2229.720703125, 3289.2060546875, 2408.619140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Town Talk\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 4892.72705078125, 402.02130126953125, 5668.11181640625, 531.3403930664062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Hospital Notes\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 244.9534454345703, 4223.03076171875, 769.0299072265625, 4355.69482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Engaged\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 964.3936157226562, 7753.6103515625, 1498.4971923828125, 7823.98583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Two Cars Collide\n" }, "51": null, "52": { "bbox": [ 146.47567529296876, 8942.50771875, 950.8775961914063, 9758.088960937499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Christ Memorial Church held\nits picnic Monday at the church.\nThe cafeteria-style supper was\nserved from tables decorated\nwith red, white and blue crepe\npaper.\n\nA short business meeting fol-\nlowed the supper and games\nwhich were hosted by the Mes-\ndames Robert Darrow, George\nBuskirk and Burton Borr.\n\n~~\" RUMMAGE SALE\nSat. June 3, 9 A.M.-?\n\nDOA | Pal ok\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 1766.38720703125, 7515.828125, 2342.695068359375, 7619.30615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Marriage Licenses\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 57.475833892822266, 333.7459716796875, 1302.0699462890625, 707.6580810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "tl el =F eae\n\nService Pins Presented\nTo Hospital Employes\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 4235.69775390625, 6670.7333984375, 4953.02490234375, 6960.294921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "RUMMAGE SALE\nFri., June 7, 9 A.M.-?\n84 E. 8th\nMothers WWII Club\nAdv\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 978.0889892578125, 8388.5908203125, 1545.1795654296875, 8461.21875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Contused Villagers\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 134.8559090576172, 7768.91641015625, 933.5910971679688, 8720.82821875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "VAISS MUTTT AATTTE PACH THOT\n\nMr. and Mrs. Elton Achter-\nhof of 834 Graafschap Rd. an-\nnounce the engagement of their\ndaughter, Ruth Ann, to Roger\nP. Smit, son of Mr. and Mrs.\nPeter Smit of Kalamazoo.\n\nMr. Smit is a graduate of\nCalvin College and is presently\nteaching at North Christian\nGrad School in Kalamazoo.\n\nMiss Achterhof is in her sen-\nior year of nursing at Blodgett\nMemorial School of Nursing in\nGrand Rapids.\n\nAn Aug. 9 wedding is being\nplanned.\n" }, "58": null, "59": { "bbox": [ 109.52876824951171, 5719.55703515625, 912.9330161132813, 6420.03476171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "reer wea eer we eel ee\n\nMr. and Mrs. Lavern D.\nBrand of Holland announce the\nengagement of their daughter,\nSandra Ann, to Lynn Leslie\nRice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les-\nlie Rice of Lansing.\n\nMiss Brand is a student at\nCentral Michigan University\nwhere her fiance will graduate\nthis June.\n\nAn August wedding is being\nplanned.\n" }, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 37 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 1, 9 ], [ 1, 18 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 37 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 9 ], [ 2, 18 ], [ 3, 37 ], [ 3, 6 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 3, 18 ], [ 37, 6 ], [ 37, 9 ], [ 37, 18 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 6, 18 ], [ 9, 18 ], [ 32, 11 ], [ 32, 21 ], [ 11, 21 ], [ 25, 42 ], [ 25, 22 ], [ 42, 22 ], [ 26, 34 ], [ 26, 39 ], [ 34, 39 ] ]
[ 6811.71875, 9384.257375 ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 3, 9 ], [ 9, 18 ], [ 11, 21 ], [ 18, 6 ], [ 25, 22 ], [ 26, 39 ], [ 32, 11 ], [ 34, 26 ], [ 37, 1 ], [ 42, 25 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 332.69830322265625, 7564.15869140625, 2723.947021484375, 9113.9501953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 315.31412768554685, 6955.8373515625, 1111.0354511718751, 7509.5864765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The 100th anniversary cele-\nbration began Sunday morning\nat 11 a.m with Jubilee Holy\nWorship. Dr. Milton B, Enge-\nbretson, president of the E van-\ngelical Covenant Church of\nAmerica, delivered the sermon:\n“A New Day for Service,”\n\nAs part of the centennial. the\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1127.890330078125, 6975.01850390625, 1917.2819111328126, 7513.77153515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "church is presenting a F estival\nof Arts display, which offers a\ngreat variety of paintings,\nsculpture, handwork, color\nphotography, and items and\nphotographs of church history.\nThe exhibition is presented in\nthe vestry of the church during\nthe following hours:\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1947.741892578125, 6681.3529765625, 2741.28716015625, 7538.3716328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Friday, 5 to 9p.m.; Saturday,\n1 to 5 p.m,; Sunday, Noon to 5\np.m, and 6 to 8 p.m,\n\nCentennial dinner will be held\nSaturday at Cushing hall of the\nFirst Methodist church, Dr,\nDexter Nelson, church chair-\nman, will serve as toastmaster,\nBanquet address will be given\nby Dr. Karl A, Olsson, presi-\ndent of North Park College and\nTheological seminary, Dr. Ols-\nson is a well known speaker and\nauthor,\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4440.1787109375, 2117.95166015625, 6773.9189453125, 3438.79052734375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2732.854248046875, 3921.083740234375, 4326.03369140625, 4231.48583984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Credit Needs Play\nDominant Farm Role\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4391.12397265625, 6711.11713671875, 5186.35503125, 9384.257375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Committee for the Festival\nof Arts is headed by Mrs, Roger\nSwanson, Members include\nMrs, Martin Larson, Mrs,\nParker Erickson, Marvin\nArvidson, and the Rev. and Mrs,\nRonald Lagerstrom.\n\nContributors to the church’s\nexhibit are Phillip Peterson,\nMr. and Mrs, Harlan Swanson,\nWilliam Carlson, the Rev. Mr,\nand Mrs. Ronald Lagerstrom,\nRoy Dremann, Ken Nelson, Kim\nBergin, Larry Mongan, Howard\nWolcott, Sr., and William\nParker,\n\nAlso contributing are Mr, and\nMrs, Roger Eickmeier, Bob\nLowry, Mrs, Harold Josephson,\nMrs, James Lowry, Mrs. Rich-\nard Peterson, Mrs, Kenneth\nZunkel, Mrs, Gilbert Anderson,\nMrs. Harry Johnson, Miss\nSophie Swanson, Mrs, S, John\nJohnson, and Mrs, Harold Berg-\nlund,\n\nOther contributors include\nMrs, Ray Banner, Roger Swan-\nson, Mrs. Ebba Gustafson, Mr,\nand Mrs, Warren Lange, Miss\nCamilla Rolander, Mr. and Mrs,\nWilliam Diller, Mrs, Emma\nNelson, Mrs, Clara Walstrom,\nMiss Selma Olson, Mrs, Louise\nKolb, Mrs, Carl Pihl and the\nRev. Robert Greenwall,\n\nAlso contributing are Richard\nRolander, Harry Cullins, Larry\nMylander, Larry Lagerstrom,\nGlen Lagerstrom, KaeleneAr-\nvidson, Kirsten Arvidson, Ron-\nnie Swanson, and Steve Peter-\nson,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1936.2416484375, 5242.1986796875, 2723.41899609375, 6393.73247265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Two Chicago men were taken\nto St. Margaret’s hospital\nSpring Valley, Wednesday fol-\nlowing a two car accident on\nstate route 29, one mile north\nof Bureau in the vicinity of\nMichael’s curve about 11:15\na.m, Their injuries consisted\nof minor lacerations.\n\nThe mishap was investigated\nby the Bureau county sheriff’s\noffice. A car driven by Vin-\ncent Connor was headed toward\nDePue, while the second ve-\nhicle, driven by Zack Nicolopul-\nus, a U, S, government em-\nployee, was headed toward\nBureau,\n\n(Continued on page 4)\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1942.527099609375, 4854.28662109375, 2531.689697265625, 5219.119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Accident\nInjures\nTwo Men\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2759.185984375, 6713.12592578125, 3557.46098828125, 9369.634328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "opecia: MUSIC Will De pre-\nsented by Mr, and Mrs, James\nLiljegren, soprano and bass\nsoloists, Morrison, Miss Pam\nNordstrom, Princeton, is the\naccompanist, The Princeton\nHigh School Brass Choir, under\nthe direction of Les Leuck, will\nalso perform,\n\nGreetings will be read from\nwell known church figures by\nDr. Nelson and out-of-town\nguests will be present, They\nwill be seated at special guest\ntables,\n\nInvocation for the dinner will\nbe given by the Rev. Ronald F,\nLagerstrom, and benediction\nwill be delivered by the Rev,\nRobert Greenwall, intern pastor\nof the church,\n\nJubilee service of holy com-\nmunion will be held at 10;30\na.m., Sunday, The Rev, Donald\nC, Frisk, former pastor of the\nCovenant church, andprofessor\nof Theology, North Park Sem-\ninary, Chicago, will be the\nspeaker,\n\nAt the service, youth and sen-\nior choirs will present special\nmusic, The service will be\npresented by the Rev. Ronald\nF, Lagerstrom,\n\nThe week of Jubilee will be\nconcluded at 5 p.m, Sunday with\na concert of sacred music pre-\nsented by Chancel Choir of\nNorth Park Covenant church,\nChicago, Director of the choir\nis Oscar E, Olson, Organist\nis Martha Carlson Schurke,\n\nThe congregation will join the\nchoir in an act of praise in\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2706.19677734375, 2035.0111083984375, 4325.79443359375, 2431.262939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Robert Tomaskewicz, Cicero\nKilled in Single Car Crash\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2762.252634765625, 4518.20502734375, 3552.84575390625, 6355.62016796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "sie, He sem, es Veen\nbrought about by modernization\nof farms for greater efficiency\nand the increasing mechaniza-\ntion of the farm needed to re-\nplace farm. labor. lost to other\nsegments of our economy,”\n\nMcMahon spent two days in\nSt. Louis attending a special\nagricultural credit conference\nconducted by the Federal Land\nBank of St, Louis, Seventy eight\nother Federal Land Bank mana-\ngers and associate managers\nfrom Illinois, Missouri, and\nArkansas also attended the\nmeeting.\n\nIn a report of operations,\nRalph E, Nowlan, president of\nthe Federal Land Bank of St,\nLouis, stated that $580 million\nin long-term loans is outstand-\ning to farmers in the bank’s\nthree-state area,\n\n“Our projection for the next\nfive years indicates that the\nFederal Land Bank of St, Louis\nwill have approximately $1 bil-\nlion outstanding to farmers in\nIllinois, Missouri, and Arkan-\nsas.’’ Nowlan said.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 341.335205078125, 1527.33056640625, 2665.74169921875, 4524.5498046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3581.08881640625, 5564.53022265625, 4368.5259296875, 6362.587453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Two motions filed by Wil-\nliam Gunner, attorney for\nThomas P, Cassidy, Spring Val-\nley, were denied by Judge James\nBales in the Lee county circuit\ncourt Wednesday morning.\n\nOne motion was to squash\nthe search warrant and sup-\npress evidence, and the second\nwas a discovery motion, Re-\ntrial of Cassidy on gambling\ncharges will begin Tuesday in\nDixon,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 315.00052905273435, 5290.7865703125, 1105.6564228515626, 6400.2915546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Paul B, Tobin of 517 East\nCentral has joined the staff\nof Perry Memorial hospital as\nDirector of Personnel, it was\nannounced today by A.C, Wal-\nter, administrator,\n\nHeading a new department\nat Perry Memorial, Tobin will\nbe responsible for the initial\ninterviewing of all applicants\nand will work in conjunction\nwith all department heads in\nthe orientation and training of\nnew employees,\n\nTobin is married to the for-\nmer Rachel Walty, They are\n\n(Continued on page 4)\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4407.96435546875, 3739.712646484375, 6785.8671875, 5572.48876953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2712.415771484375, 1538.3717041015625, 6811.71875, 2025.3016357421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "County’s 16th Traffic Fatality\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1121.415771484375, 4873.9111328125, 1738.8507080078125, 5172.48388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Hatcher Will\nVisit County\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3583.103708984375, 6704.51264453125, 4373.720265625, 7250.42192578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Singing several traditional\nhymns of the Covenant church\nheritage,\n\nDuring the centennial year,\nas the accompanying pictures\nsuggest, the theme for the\nchurch has been: ‘By God's\nGrace: A Century of Mission,\na New Day for Service,”’\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1108.9759013671876, 5197.3100078125, 1916.3527119140626, 6176.7993671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "James G, Hatcher, Demo-\ncratic candidate for congress\nin the 18th Congressional dis-\ntrict, has announced a caravan\nto ‘“‘meet the people’’ on Sat-\nurday, October 4,\n\nThe itinerary includes the\nfollowing stops:\n\n9 a.m., Spring Valley; 9:45\na.m., LaMoille; 10:15 a,m.,\nOhio; 10:45 a,m;, Walnut; 11: :30\na.m,, Wyanet; and 12 noon, Prin-\nceton,\n\nHatcher will visit in each of\nthe above towns and answer\nquestions about his candidacy.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 314.3086242675781, 4858.798828125, 1069.8916015625, 5252.11865234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Paul Tobin\nJoins Staff\nOf Hospital\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3581.650828125, 4501.4330546875, 4372.57817578125, 5356.0884296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "In keeping with continuing\neducational programs for the\nFederal Land Bank association\nmanagers, the Federal Land\nBank of St, Louis is preparing\na series. of concentrated pro-\ngrams dealing primarily with\nmanagement problems to go into\neffect during the spring and\nsummer of 1969,\n\nThese educational forums\nwill be held on the campus\nof the University of Illinois,\nUrbana.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3557.062693359375, 2752.175486328125, 4363.501515625, 3869.24223828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "The county’s 15th fatality in\n1967 occurred on Dec, 16,\n\nAbout an hour later, state\npolice were called to invest-\nigate a two vehicle mishap on\nthe service road east of state\nroute 89 and parallel to I-80\non the south side. A car driven\nby August L, Bradner, 83, route\n1, Spring Valley, and a truck\ndriven by James Costello, Dal-\nzell, collided,\n\nBradner was hospitalized in\nSt. Margaret’s hospital, Spring\nValley, with a fractured jaw and\nother injuries. Costello was not\ninjured,\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 299.98846435546875, 6404.66650390625, 6756.609375, 6676.98681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Covenant Church Celebrates Centennial Week of Jubilee\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5242.11181640625, 6736.87890625, 6805.908203125, 9075.6943359375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2730.8998515625, 2764.85248828125, 3525.682912109375, 3876.754689453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Tomaszkewicz was Bureau\nCounty’s 16th traffic fatality\nthis year,\n\nIllinois state police, who in-\nvestigated the accident, said\nthere were no witnesses, and\nthe pavement was wet from\nmorning rain,\n\nThe single car accident oc-\ncurred on the west bound lane\nof 1-80, one and one-half miles\nwest of state route 89. Tom-\nasckewicz’s car struck a steel\nsign post along the shoulder of\nthe highway and was virtually\ncut in two, The victim was\nthrown from the vehicle as a\nresult of impact.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5190.904734375, 5777.26948046875, 5996.44731640625, 6389.18462109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "in the state, and/or 90 days\nin the county, may still cast\ntheir ballot for the offices of\nPresident and Vice President,\n\nProcedure to follow is to\napply in person at the office\nof Bureau County Clerk Tony\nA. Fenoglio at the BureauC oun-\nty Court House, Princeton,\nCounty clerk’s ‘office will be\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3609.222900390625, 7323.21435546875, 4345.294921875, 9291.044921875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 3587.95263671875, 5363.421875, 4284.298828125, 5537.6708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Cassidy Motions\nDenied by Judge\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 2751.13862109375, 4245.8822734375, 4372.73003125, 4511.25688671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "“The need for constructive and productive credit will\ncontinue to play a dominant role in American agriculture,’’\nsaid Harold L, McMahon, manager of Federal Land Bank as-\nsociation of Kewanee,\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 4404.076609375, 5754.6459453125, 5177.8833515625, 6378.45805859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "New residents in Bureau\ncounty have until Monday, Oc-\ntober 7, to take the first steps\nin the process of voting for\nPresident and Vice President\nof the United States in the\nNovember 5 election,\n\nUnder a recent law, per-\nsons who do not have resi-\ndency requirements of one year\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 315.58390307617185, 6678.18744921875, 1941.5596210937501, 6935.40532421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Centennial week of Jubilee at the Mission Covenant church,\nPrinceton, will come to a close Sunday with Jubilee Service of\nHoly Communion in the morning and a Jubilee concert in the late\nafternoon,\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 6012.75483203125, 5767.15522265625, 6803.23930859375, 6388.25981640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "open Saturday from 8 a.m, to\n12 noon, and Monday from 8\na.m, until 4 p,m,\n\nWhen application has been\napproved, the Bureau County\nClerk will notify applicant that\nhe may cast a presidential bal-\nlot at the court house between\nOctober 22 and November 2,\n" }, "40": null, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 2757.043650390625, 2451.7846171875, 4360.67973828125, 2759.2459003906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Bureau County’s 1968 traffic toll moved one ahead of the\nentire 1967 year Wednesday morning at about 10:30 a.m. when\nRobert J, Tomaszkewicz, 27, 3518 South 59th avenue, Cicero,\nwas pronounced dead on arrival at St. Margaret’s hospital,\nSnring Vallev.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4381.5205078125, 5606.58056640625, 6616.1650390625, 5731.0712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "New Residents May Apply To Vote\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1211.8502197265625, 6223.6953125, 1859.3536376953125, 6357.5419921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "MOONLIGHT MADNESS\nNEXT THURSDAY\n" }, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 6 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 2, 12 ], [ 6, 10 ], [ 6, 12 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 17, 3 ], [ 17, 20 ], [ 17, 7 ], [ 3, 20 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 20, 7 ] ]
[ 2441.262451171875, 3620.7197265625 ]
[ [ 1, 6 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 6, 10 ], [ 7, 17 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 20, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 101.18077850341797, 39.18710708618164, 1212.6884765625, 716.936279296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nKe velit\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1552.6935751953124, 203.12719946289062, 1846.1987587890624, 707.7312905273437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "in 123 innings. The triumph\nwas the first of the year for\nHoltzman, who was 9-0 a year\nago.\n\nIn other NL games, the Cards\nclipped Pittsburgh 42 for their\nsixth straight victory, San\nFrancisco trimmed Los Angeles\nG1, Philadelphia edged Atlanta\n4-3 and New York squeezed\n| Cincinnati 65. G\n\nGlenn Beckert paced a 13-bit\nCub assault in the opener with\nthree safeties, including a two-\nrun homer, and Lou Johnson\nhad three hits in the second\ngame.\n\nWillie McCovey drove in three\nruns with a single arid 425-foot\nhomer for the Giants, who\nreceived a five-hit performance\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1244.0656455078124, 198.18353491210937, 1546.5779091796874, 1090.9409462890624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "By United Press International\n\nPhil Regan's saving grace\nmay well prove the salvation of\nthe Chicago Cubs.\n\n‘The Cubs, seeking some reiief\nfrom a terrible bullpen head-\nache, sent all the way to Los\nAngeles for Regan last week\nand the ex-Dodger fireman has\nwasted little time in restoring\nthe club to good health.\n\nRegan, acquired from the\nDodgers in a four-man trade,\npreserved beth ends of an &4\nand 52 doubleheader sweep\nover the Houston Astros Sunday\nin his first two appearances in a\nChicago uniform. The twin\nvictories lifted the Cubs, last in\nthe National League at the time\nof tht Regan deal, into a tie for\nthird place with a 88 record.\n\n> ‘Regan entered the first game\nwith-none out in the eighth\ninning and John Bateman on\nsecond base following a two-run\ndouble which sliced the deficit\nto &4. He retired the only six\nbatters he faced in preserving\nJoe Niekro’s third victory in\nfour decisions.\nAlows one hit\n\nThe sinker-ball specialist re-\nlieved Ken Holtzman following a\ntriple with one out in the eighth\ninning of the nightcap and\nyielded only one hit—Doug\nRader’s ninth-inning home run—\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 47.30906896972656, 1089.9689658203124, 345.04800195312504, 1331.4723183593749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "fielder in one of manager Eddie:\nStanky’s many experiments de-\nsigned to put punch into the\nlineup but proved such a de-\nfensive liability that he was re-\ninstated at third base.\n\nA .3-hitter in a lineup which\nincludes five regulars and two\npart-timers who are hitting less\nthan .200, Ward hit a two-run\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1852.7978232421874, 502.6977255859375, 2146.92959375, 1088.16836328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "PITTSBURGH (UPI) — The\nNational Jockey Guild beld a\nspecial meeting Sunday at a\nnearby motel to listen to com-\nplaints by jockeys riding at\n‘Waterford Park near Chester,\nW. Va.\n\nNick Jemas, national director\nof the Guild, said the Guild was\n“shocked by complaints and al-\nlegations which will be looked\ninto seriously and will be chal-\nJenged by the various riders’\nattorneys after being studied,”\n| Jemas declined to go into the\ncomplaints. However, Bill Bo-\nland, president of the Guild,\nSaid hospitalization and disabil-\nity clauses do not meet with\nthe Guild’s standards.\n\nAmong those attending the\n| meeting were such famed jock-\neys as Willie Shoemaker, Bo-\n‘and, Steve Brooks, Helioro\n'Custines and Walter Blum.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 357.21783447265625, 2511.719482421875, 940.0015869140625, 3547.98681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Oil Change\n\nand Grease Job\nCombinatio\n\nNiu. ZY Za\ni Xn a\nNOW\n\nmt 3.99\n\nComplete With\nSears 10W-30 Motor Oil\nA fine quality multi-grade oil with high film\nstrength. Helps keep engine free of sludge.\nCHARGE IT\non Seors Revolving Charge\nSears Automotive Center\n\nSatisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back\n\naorsrseus |Sears| Saaer\n\nsakt POREIIE Annem\n\n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1554.919771484375, 810.9004233398438, 1848.7275673828124, 1089.965970703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "from Gaylord Perry. Willie\nDavis homered for the Dodgers’\nonly run. Perry, now 2-1, retired\nthe first 12 batters in order.\nDoubles by Clay Dalrymple\nand pitcher Rick Wise in the\nninth inning produced the\ndeciding run for the Phils. Wise\ncarried a 41 lead inte the\nbottom of the ninth but needed\nrelief help from Dick Farrell\nafter Hank Aaron smashed his\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 344.5146201171875, 1099.1669638671874, 645.1064125976563, 2475.78555078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "homer in the ninth inning\nSunday to give the White Sox a\n32 victory over the Minnesota\nTwins and their second victory\nin 13 games this season.\n\nDean Chance was sailing\nalong with a three-hitter when\nLuis Aparicio opened the ninth\nwith a single. Russ Snyder flied\nout for the first out of the\ninning but Ward followed with\nhis drive into the right field\nbleachers. Bob Locker, who\nshut out the Twins for the last\ntwo innings, received credit for\nthe victory while Chance\nsuffered his third loss against\ntwo wins. Harmon Killebrew\nand Ted Uhlaender homered for\nthe Twins.\n\nTigers, Yanks split\n\nThe Detroit Tigers*beat the\nNew York Yankees 32 after a\n21 loss, the Baltimore Orioles\nscored a 6-1 victory after losing\nto the Boston Red Sox 30, the\nCleveland Indians won 2-0 after\nbowing to the Washington\nSenators 1-0 and the California\nAngels downed the Oakland\nAthletics 42 in otber games.\n\nNinth-inning homers by Bill\nFreehan and Jim Northrup off\nreliever Dooley Womack ena-\nbled the Tigers to gain a split\nafter Mickey Mantle doubled in\nthe tying rum and scored the\nwinning run for the Yankees in\nthe first game.\n\nThe Yankees had taken a 2-1\nlead in the eighth inning of the\nsecond game on Andy Kosco’s\nhomer, a walk, two wild pitches\nand Frank Fernandez’ single.\nThey had won the opener with\ntwo runs in the eighth on\nKosco’s single, a sacrifice,\nMantle’s double and Roy\nWhite’s single.\n\nJose Santiago pitched a four-\nhitter for his second straight\nshutout for the Red Sox, who\nScored all their runs in the sixth\ninning of the first game on a\nwalk, singles by Joe Foy and\nCarl Yastrzemski, a passed ball\nand shortstop ‘Mark Belanger’s\nthrowing error. Jim Hardin\nnitrhed -» six-hiter in the\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 40.04958181762695, 2755.206392578125, 346.88543481445316, 3585.38906640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa.\n(UPI) — Halfback Bob Camp-\nbell and quarterback Chuck\nBurkhart excelled in an intra-\nsquad football game held Satur-\nday by Pennsylvania State Uni-\nversity.\n\nCampbell scored two touch-\ndowns and made several long\nTuns. He was sidelined much of\nthe 1967 season by a knee in-\n\nBurkhart, last year’s No. 2\nQuarterback, threw a touch\ndown pass to Ted Kwalki and\nserving as signal caller.\n\nCoach Joe Paterno matched\ntbe first string offense against\n\n \n\nPPE Pea IE ae\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1851.3380126953125, 373.3829650878906, 2135.474609375, 489.4416809082031 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Jockeys reveal\nmany complaints\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1850.044283203125, 201.95552282714843, 2146.613919921875, 357.68627709960936 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "sixth homer with a man on\nbase, Felipe Alou. also homered\nfor the Braves and Bill White\nhad a solo circuit for Philadel.\nphia.\n\nJerry Grote collected three\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 946.2621176757813, 854.0131552734375, 1244.2363564453126, 1090.4751259765626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI)\nThe Boston Patriots will play an\nOfficial American Football\n‘League game here against the\nNew York Jets Sept. 2.\n\nPatriot officials moved the\ngame from Boston’s Fenway\nPark to the 70,000 seat Legion\nField because of a conflict in\ndates with the Boston Red Sox.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2155.642427734375, 197.59655981445312, 2439.16396875, 1088.9244667968749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "singles and drove in two runs\nenabling rookie southpaw Jerr}\nKoosman to post his fourti\nStraight triumph for the Met:\nand equal a club record\nKoosman needed help fron\nthree relief pitchers, includin,\ntwo in the ninth, in the firs\ngame he failed to finish thi:\nseason.\nLinescores:\n\nta 900 000 100— 1$ @\n$an Fran 2a) 000 OOx—§ 12.0\nOsteen, Purdin (2), Aguiers\n(6), Billingham (8) and Haller.\nPerry (21) and Hiatt, LP\nOsteen a) HR—MAcCover\n{2nd}, Davis Cand),\n\nNew York 022 001 100— 6107\nCinn 020 000 O21 5 9.1\n\nKoosman, Frisella (8), Short\n9) Taylor (9) and Grote,\nCulver, Kelso (5). Davidson (7),\nLee (8) Abernathy (9) and\nBench, WP—Koosman (40). LP\nCulver (01) HRS—Beswell\n(nd), Mav (and).\n\nOst game)\nHouston 001 001 020—- 491\nChicago 200 300 30x—- 813 2\n\nWilson, Blasingame (5)\nDukes 2) and ateman.\nHite, Regan (8) and Hundley,\nWP—Niekro (21). LP—Witson.\n2, HR—Beckert (Ist).\n\niid game)\nHoustoa 000 000 101 = 277\nChicago Olt 191 Glx—S 90\n\nLemaster, Suzhardt (8) and\nBateman ‘Holtzman, Regan (a)\nand Hundley WP—Holtzman (2\nUe LO~Lemaster (13). HR\n\n \n\nRader (st).\nPhita 100 100 ON 49 O\nAtlanta 000 09T 002— 371\n\nWise, Farrell (9) and Dalrym=\n\npie; Niekro, Ravmond (9) and\nTilman WP—Wue (21), LP\nNiekro (2.2) HRS—white (ard)y\nTe eR Mr rere\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 46.89863586425781, 2639.324462890625, 300.7167053222656, 2742.60009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Backs set pace\nfor Penn State\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1273.888427734375, 80.33189392089844, 2441.262451171875, 187.00364685058594 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Regan is stopper for Cubs\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 60.498409271240234, 806.4210815429688, 864.1541137695312, 949.2057495117188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Minnesota, Chance are 3-2 victims\n\nWard sets Chisox pace\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1576.675537109375, 724.8248291015625, 1830.1573486328125, 789.5732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Additional sports\non paae twelve\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 649.1383994140625, 976.0678427734375, 944.2744423828126, 2486.39492578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "SECON Gakhe VCO Sil CigGiat\n\nattack which included doubles\nby Brooks Robinson and Boog\nPowell, and two run-scoring\nsingles by Dave May.\n\nPhil Ortega pitched a two-\nhitter and scored the Senators’\n‘run in their opener with the\nIndians when he kicked the ball\nout of catcher Duke Sims’ mitt,\nseoring on a single by Ken\nMcMullen. Tony Horton scored\none run after a double and\nhomered for the other Cleveland\ntally as Lis Tiant pitched a\ntwo-hitter in the second game.\n\nRoger Repoz hit his sixth\nhomer of the season and Rick\nReichardt his fourth for the\nAngels to help Sammy Eliis win\nhis first game as an American\nLeaguer. Jim Fregosi had three\nhits for the Angels and Rick\nMonday three singles for the\nAthletics.\n\nLinescotes:\n\nOst game)\n\nCleveland 000 009 000-0 21\n\nWash ot\n\nWilliams, Fisher @). and\nSims. Ortegs (31) and Casano-\nva. LP—-Willtems (0-1).\n\n(and same)\nGlevetand 99 009 OL 23.3\n900 000-0 21\nWhat 22) and’ Areue, Moore,\nBaldwin (9) and Casanova. LP\n2 ae (01). HR — Horton\n\n(st_game)\nDetroit 000 109 000-767\nNew “York ‘090 000 20-2 7 0\nSparma, Warden (6) and\n- Hamil\nYon Gibbs, WP\nMonsosevette G1 LP-Spar\nma 0-2.\nons gene)\n900 ooo ae\ntoe ‘York\n\n900 000 070-279\n\nCain, Dobson (6), Holler (Oy\nLasher (9) and Freahan Talbot,\n(8) and Fernandez.\n\n‘WP—Hilter (1-0). L—Womeck\n(02). HRS—Kosco (ist), Free\n‘han (2nd), Northrup (ind).\n\n(st same)\nBoston\n\n \n\nMcNally, Drabowsky (9)\nSlefary. LP—McNalty (21).\n\n(tut same)\n\nBoston 910 $00 600-161\n\nBalti 000 310 Ua 6 & 8\n\nGarand. Olivers Haccin\n\na ane Blefary. LP-—Stephen-\nChicave en gon oa 3\n\n0 000 26 5\n\nweber, wood \"%6), Lockers (8)\n\nghana\n\nRosebors. LP—Locker (T-\n\nWo Hass Riebrew amie Ub\ntaender (ind), Ward (4th).\n\n900 000 G21 3.8 1\n\nCafit OT CGT 1%— 212 0\n\nUncbiad (0, Segui\n\n@) Lachemsan.' Ellis,\n\nRe 18) and Rodgers. WP—\n\nEts 2. LP -\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 92.81214904785156, 1367.0992431640625, 286.9040832519531, 1536.8663330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "In the\nMaiors\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 48.284590057373045, 982.8478720703125, 647.228177734375, 1091.2221962890626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Pete Ward is starting to play it cool these days be-\n\ncape hhe’s back at the hot corner for the Chicago White\nOx.\n\nWard began the season as the White Sox’ right\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1507.9173583984375, 1074.0567626953125, 2415.5625, 3563.864990234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 949.1680297851562, 808.9691162109375, 1151.235595703125, 847.6742553710938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Southern site\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 207.79705810546875, 963.298828125, 485.4151916503906, 987.536376953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Ry United Press International\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 65.05217962646485, 2402.28476171875, 323.82513208007816, 2606.144681640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Deki Deen any at\n\nCalifornia “iacchtin Poh at\nCleveland (Horgan 1-2) aight\n7:20, p.m.\n\nFAinnesota (Perry 21) at\nBoston (Bell 0-0). 7:30 p.m.\n\n‘Tuesday's Games\n‘Washington at Chicago\nQaklang at Detroit\nCalif. at Cleveland\nNY at Baltimore\nMinnesota at Boston\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 86.6360092163086, 2091.5244140625, 295.49261474609375, 2117.042724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "AMERICAN LEAGUE\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1015.302490234375, 1117.803955078125, 1516.6661376953125, 3620.7197265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\ngah a\n4° Dinid ssarl\n\n507 Fifth Ave., McKeesport\n\nand\n\n514 McKean Ave., Charleroi\n\n:\nSummer's heat |\ncan be crushing :\nwithout —;\n\nThe :\nDACRON-WORSTED -\nSUIT ;\n\n \n\nFrom DAVID ISRAEL'S\n\n \n\nand only\n\nCool, wrinkle-free comfort is\nnice. Especially when you enjoy\nit in conjunction with a hand-\nsomely lustrous, fashion-right\nappearance. No wonder this is\none of our most popular suits!\nSee it in our new grayer grays,\nas well as in new greens, blues\nand golds. So many new pat-\n\nterns (including all sorts of |\ntasteful stripes and plaids),\n\nwe're practically an“Ice\"house.\nCome choose!\n\nDuPont's tm. for its polyester Bbct. ;\n\n‘There Is Never a |\nCarrying Charge on |\nAny David Israel\nCharge Accounts ,\n\n \n\nae\n2 Didid ssael\n\n \n\nMcKeesport and Charleroi\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 66.78001623535157, 1830.7719443359374, 323.4756752929688, 2077.976224609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "‘Tadey’s Probable Pitchers\n{All Times EDT)\nChicago Jenkins 340) at\nPittsburgh (Bunning 2-11. 8 p.m.\nCincimsti (Tsitouris 03) at\n\nHovston (Ray 0-0), 8:30 p.m.\n\nAtianta (Brittonn 1.0) et San\nFrancisco (Marichal 30). 4 p.m.\nSt. Lous (Washburn 20) at\nLos” Angeles (Sutton 00). 17\n\nTueray’s Games\nPhiladetphia at New York\nChicago at Pittsbureh\nCincinnatl at Houston\nAilanta at San Frencisco\n$t. Lovls af Los Angeles\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 1382.865966796875, 1059.592041015625, 2404.6640625, 3595.909912109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Niekro. ¢ HRS—whife (21\nAlou (th), H. Aaron. {éth!\n\n \n" }, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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Davested of Self res\ntums dignity. thes have\naeeustoined {> thee\ni too imposing challe\nfempt to impeove thew»\nThey are mired in hy\nand have lost faith in the\nAll our social legislation\nseeks t0 relieve the plight of\nit need, who. are ‘enseonee\npackets of poverty, by pro\nnew economic opportunities\nbe of little avail unlens the\nfor whom it ix intended ar.\npared 0 help themselves\nWhat is required of those\npave been broken in spit\nrestoration of their dignity\neltrespect. Ths cals for both c\nlesire and strength of will 1)\nomething for one's selfimpry.e\nnent. The times demand the c::\neto face the challenge of chai\nith optimism abd hope that tne\nan be a better tomorrow\nFreedom — economic, social =\nalitical, cannot be the git\nther. It must be created, nurse!\niid Ganetanitly sewn boy boca\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 425.51547802734376, 730.808263671875, 591.8133793945312, 854.8012333984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "A new course in selfdefense for\ntoys 8 0 12 was to begin on Thur\n\n‘a8 at the YO-YWHA of Greater\nMiami, 8500 SW Buh St, The clas\n‘ull meet weekly from 4:20 t0 5:90\nom, Dr Alexander Tuor is dine\ntor of health and physical edica\ntion for the Miami YAMA and\nMay’ be eootacted for further in\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 599.6030024414063, 447.3010310058594, 771.7195073242187, 725.4460087890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nme indifference and\n‘open resistance. The text declares!\nthe sould not listen to. Moses,\nthei spirits erushed by eruet bond:\nage” The words of the woulé-be\n‘emancipator fall on deaf ears. Not\nonly. was the heart of Pharaoh\nHardened, tut also that of Israel\nThe people were so. inuted after\nthe many centuries of slavery. that\nthe bread of affliction which’ was\ntheir daily fare became palatable,\nThe lash of the taskmaster. had\nShattered their “morale and the\nwells of hope were all dried up,\nhe Israelites became accustomed\nto their low station and theie en\nvironment, and the lea of fee:\ndom was. Beyond. their compre:\ntheatiet: in font, <ihee eee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 608.1734370117188, 191.08302868652345, 778.0507451171875, 250.59386645507814 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The Seriptural reading for this\nwook: Exaile VI, provides te with\nHane aie, iasight Oto the ps\nCholtas ot buna behavior under\n\nOt he toace Gane krcabieaine\n\n \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 437.54892529296876, 86.22363079833984, 605.4057866210937, 699.3648930664062 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\neeu, ects “\n\n \n\n \n\nathe comsereatwe,\n\n \n\neure, sitai 3x KonTH oApe:\nAye. Rater’ Ragbl Raion inane!\n nepel Raton Kinosies|\n\n \n" }, "6": null, "7": { "bbox": [ 693.7502802734375, 252.05113781738282, 776.7793828125, 447.5533391113281 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Bop dMlagee tratrshis\nsHlect that op\nDression anid de\nprivation have\n‘on the morate\n\n \n\nof 4 people\nfin sora tte if\ntunrelioved, ean\n\n \n\nGeaten the\nSpirit OF an a\n\n \n\n \n \n\nsts\nHolocaust\nattested\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 429.50860595703125, 705.5230102539062, 571.4833984375, 725.2491455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Y Course in Self-Defense\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 263.2836970214844, 165.75461376953126, 432.1659794921875, 836.7213383789062 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nBani Rass Canto S32 Site\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n\nGee ee ie\n\n \n\n \n\nUNO IgRACL Se iam neace\n\nSours\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 632.17919921875, 86.07066345214844, 925.6036376953125, 155.49386596679688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "THE RABBI SPEAKS FROM HIS PULPIT\nTE eS ST\n\nThe Danger Of Ayathy\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 93.83469189453125, 161.01830090332032, 267.1147099609375, 879.7480717773437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nsecant nw vr\n\nee ee ang |\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nmosie cownsearion.\nSialoati notin Cina |\nnaty it pmnae a\n\ncet eae\n\n \n\nCenegrctuve, Mab Charis WR: |\n\nTony pa ORT\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 255.5993708496094, 1133.9370478515625, 577.9512578125, 1436.144861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "wan aid Aston exhort Pharaoh to release the’ lsaétits\n“And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh’\n\n(Exod, 710,\nnas bat a 12,094 0f the Hebrews; hath sent me unto thee\n‘saving: Let My people go\" (71,\n\n \n\n(God told Moses that He had first appeared to\nnd Secob as El Shaddal, and hag meee\nheating te CBE t0 ave them the land of Craeeee ne\nBee ath AMRADDY Ory ofthe childcen of teragh Geena Ne\nas reminded of hig coven\n\nPharaoh refused t0 Jet the children of tsraol\nland of Exypt. God brought seven plore ne\n28 ALIGHPL Lo force Pharaoh's halls Bena\n‘muta, tolls and hail\n\nAt fist Py\n‘wicked. Bate\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nena trom,\nhe Egyptians\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nais08 conceded Yo Anse “2 and my pope ato\naa act hee be wtoush a then agate\n\nhai: and 1 wil et sou x0\" oaue gon\nShe A SlaBbes sopped, haraohs hear wa fee good\nthin, anid Ne rolused ts let th\n\nstaclites 3\nThis recounting of the Weeki\n\n‘and based upon \"The Graph\n\nedited by Wal\n\nvolume i av\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nly Portion of the\n\n \n\n0 is extracted\nHistory of the Jewish Hertiese\nlman-Tsamir, $15. Publisher is ¢\nble st 27 Wil\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 142.79481506347656, 101.86744689941406, 400.7264404296875, 143.50872802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Volsicus Sevitces\n\n \n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 598.4855346679688, 760.8095092773438, 932.0947265625, 1471.91455078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "WHOSE FATHER? (Avior 1p oe REA\nfae thats une)\n\n \n\n(er ma)\nJin Who’ are you fica\nJ then\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nnone phat\n2) Math\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nRamet it on that sou a te\n\nof st he chaby\n\ntor Wh to oe ik ha saw gD\npie fae of i a\n\nRint\n\nRAR 208 Me abo ot Sap poe mnie mga! 2B\nIie Mi ee Ae\n\nVisiot= ut 1 am not the father\n| ‘1 Miri the chub’ one,\n\n \n\nThen tellus what isthe\nname of sour eid?\n\nhe 90 wie, ant have\n\nuid, Tam a bachelor\n4 dl ot ee mae\nsi\n\nonipans\n; bachelor RH Pm na meh tk oe\nsndnot marred?\n\n \n\nSo why are you a\n\nMatha sai that it hart\n\n \n\nseeanha\n~~ You picrioxary ror POM\nbu\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 90.79292297363281, 890.5299072265625, 241.99940490722656, 962.5735473632812 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "bo\nCANDLELIGHTING TIME\n\n25 TEVETH 40\n\"7\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 604.3951416015625, 780.9146728515625, 748.3980102539062, 794.537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "WHOSE FATHER? (A wikis\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 643.142578125, 738.1564331054688, 901.8545532226562, 768.4251098632812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "LIVING HEBREW\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 617.4887084960938, 162.49082946777344, 773.1553955078125, 190.6288604736328 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "By RABBI SAMUEL Z. JAFFE\nEe dias Se 8 Us seers ome:\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 269.4254206542969, 886.9054926757813, 577.9093266601562, 1052.0011845703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Nebbinical “Selevision “Pn\n\nJan. 28 — Ch 10,9:30 am. The tei\nHost: Rabbs tevin Cutter,\nfen 28 — Ch. 7.10 am. The Sul! Sell ¥,\nHost: Bebb! Eugene Labovitr, Ter\ndan, 20 — Cn, 2.99.1\n‘Topic: Women in the Bibte\nModerator: Rev. Luther €. Pierce\nParticipants: Mrs. Leo Mtindlin, author ani book re\nflemer: Sister de la Croix. RSHN. preaden\n\nMarvmount College: Rev. Ann Cordray, seenten\nPastor, 1# mouth Congregainnay eres\n\n‘grams\nsh Woesh pow\nTemple Tsraeh Matha\nmple Ner Tani\n0:90 pm. Man to: Man\n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 16, 40 ], [ 16, 3 ], [ 16, 22 ], [ 40, 3 ], [ 40, 22 ], [ 3, 22 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 4, 31 ], [ 6, 31 ], [ 5, 13 ], [ 5, 15 ], [ 13, 15 ], [ 17, 7 ], [ 18, 10 ], [ 18, 51 ], [ 18, 28 ], [ 10, 51 ], [ 10, 28 ], [ 51, 28 ], [ 34, 11 ], [ 34, 23 ], [ 11, 23 ], [ 33, 20 ], [ 33, 21 ], [ 20, 21 ] ]
[ 7389.94829296875, 9606.892140625 ]
[ [ 3, 22 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 5, 13 ], [ 7, 17 ], [ 10, 18 ], [ 15, 5 ], [ 16, 40 ], [ 20, 21 ], [ 21, 33 ], [ 23, 34 ], [ 28, 10 ], [ 31, 4 ], [ 34, 11 ], [ 40, 3 ], [ 51, 28 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 5775.93603515625, 6765.01708984375, 6125.1357421875, 7349.0498046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 470.19132495117185, 2695.13862109375, 2110.1138203125, 3982.3188984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "It’s impossible to imagine George Wallace in the White\nHouse. Yet that is what every follower, every donor, and\nevery sympathizer ought to be doing these days—imagining\ntheir man in the White House.\n\nWallace says some wonderfully imaginative things, and\nmaybe that imagination rubs off on his horde of admirers.\nBut hardly enough, we hope, to make it a reasonable picture.\n\nWhat the scrappy little ex-Governor is doing is capital-\nizing on the unrest which has swept the country. His fears\nare ours. He is voicing the discontent—the bias, the out-\nrage—for many.\n\nBut what Wallace would do about these things is an-\nother—the only rational—question. It demands an answer.\nWhat would Wallace do if he had the job? His candidacy\nis so preposterous Wallace doesn’t even make serious efforts\nat offering solutions.\n\nImagine—George in the White House!\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4796.70751953125, 3810.67529296875, 7314.5634765625, 4488 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WOMAN TO WOMAN\n\nHappy Sounding Mechanical\nThings Charm Everyone\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5736.1205546875, 7454.82465625, 6514.80180859375, 9522.888234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "parenia, MOSt-\nly because it is so loosely used\nby people who are not really\nacquainted with the wide\nrange of symptoms it includes.\nEven physicians who are not\nSpecifically trained in the sci-\nence of psychiatry are equally\npuzzled by it.\n\nThe word comes from the\nGreek “schizein”, meaning to\nsplit and “phren”’, meaning\nthe mind. This condition,\nprebably one of the most seri-\nous mental disorders, is often\nasscciated with the loss of\nContact. with the social aspects\nof environment. To some peo-\nple, it may even include\ncases of dementia” precox,\nwhich, in itself, is a confusing\ndiagnosis.\n\nSchizcphrenia really is not\n@ single disorder, but rather\n& group of diseases with many\nSub-divisions, In this illness,\nthe patient seems to lose con-\ntact with the world of reality\nand lives in some kind of fic-\ntitious phantasy,\n\nI am certain that this is no\nreal help to you. Perhaps I\nmight be if I were to suggest\nthat you do not trade symp-\ntoms or diseases or treatment\nwith the other sad relatives\nwhe visit patients. Try only\n\n4©@ 1068. King Featu\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5658.4662578125, 4528.48090625, 6526.19731640625, 5621.42290234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Its mechanical orchesirations\nwere famous from Crystal\nPalace in London to the\nia Museum in Lenin-\n\ngrad.\n\nThe drummer aeimuiates 16\ndifferent actions; the accordion\nplayers, a dozen: more; the\npianist, another scone.\n\nProbably the earliest mecha-\nnical musical inswrument, ac-\ncording to museum officials,\nwas invented 300 to 250 B.C.\nan Alexandrian scientist, Ctesi-\nbus. It was called hydraulius.\nTranslation: Waiter orgain.\n\nIts prime motive power was\nwater. Historians say it sur-\npassed all other sysi'ems until\nweil imio the 16th century.\n\nAmong the more complex\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3055.977, 6900.97651171875, 3924.166310546875, 9606.1802265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "every glittering party the great\nnames of the screen approached\nAudie to discuss how he killed\nthiose lousy Krauts—ihe very\nsubject Munphy loathed.\n\nThey cast him im one\nwretched picture after another,\nexploiting his wer record for all\nit was worth: ‘‘Tumblieweed,”’\n“Ride Clar of Diablo,” ‘‘Joe\nButterfly,’ “Guns at Fort\nPeitiscoat.’’\n\nAs am actor Murphy would not\nmake the world forget, say,\nGreg Peck. But he did his best.\nThen, as the images of World\nWar II faded and the anti-\nhemoes took over—the Paul\nNewmans, Matron Brandos, Rod\nSteigers et al—the neal hero\nbecame an anachronism.\n\nBombs on TV\n\nThe in germs had wrung\n\nhieroism\n\nevery from\nAudiiie ha ng\n\nThen seven years ago he\nattempted a television series,\n‘‘Whispering Smith.’ It bombed.\nAudie’s private lIife was\nalmost as disastrous. He\nmarried and divorced actress\nWanda Hendrix. He = Pe\nsecond wife, Pamelia,\nmodest “‘ Fernando Vailley\nhome wil pa Pe James,\n14, and Tenry,\n\nI told Audie a at\": i pees\nnearing draft age. ‘ I h\n\nngs hata, slp .\n\nover thie hill, I get all Ik ot\namnion y s for movies.\nut instead of i usual at Ghig of\n\niF i een fo ee age of the\neee 2 e in Nie ton a yp Ps\n\nSer oles bx $9 per com,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 6528.81635546875, 4526.22358203125, 7389.94829296875, 5614.70512890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "music makers in the collection\nis a mechanical marvel tha:\nplays three violins with piano\naccompaniment,\n\nMany of the items wou'd do\nonedit to Rube Goldberg. That\nincludes a seélf-playing harp\nhoused in @ case about twice\nthe width of the typica!\ngrandfather's clock.\n\nThe exhibit proves that ever)\nchild who ever hated to practice\nmusic lessons knows: There «'€\nlots of way to fill the house wi!)\n“‘hive’’ music—if you don't like\nthe recorded kind.\n\nIn most instances, key-turning\nskill is the only ome required.\n\nWinding @ spring this way is a\nlot easier than practicing\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 475.18522143554685, 6672.36323046875, 1257.8906757812501, 7001.4106953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| now remind you to stir\ninto flame the gift of God\nwhich is within you. (1! Timo-\nthy 1:6 NEB)\n\nPRAYER: Forgive, O God,\ncur devotion to small matters\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 484.5641784667969, 6471.7861328125, 2090.1875, 6647.74169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The Prayer from the Upper Room\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2256.615234375, 6181.77685546875, 4461.94580078125, 6868.9912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "TOLLYWOOD NOTES\nAudie Murphy's Broke,\nWar Hero No More\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5640.86908984375, 1194.073923828125, 6503.33794140625, 3762.28471875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "would magnify the demands for\nae in islative deport-\n\nae 167 —, of ow\n@ code of ethics, th\n\nwithout\n\nGeneral Assembly Po weno | =\nthis year. ig distinguished\nmore for vias it does not do\nthan for what it does.\n\nAmong the signal considera-\ntions ‘eft out of the code is\n\nbile alee of ail income\nty an tion of\nPo ey stem nage attend-\nance and an enforceable prohi-\nbition on the peddling of ate\nence to outside interests.\n\nThe very fact that the mod-\nernizaiion commission is con-\nsidering ethics only months aft-\ner the adoption of the code tes-\ntifies to its deficiencies.\n\nThis ‘‘code of ethics’’ will not\nimpede the treasured practices\nof allowing absent members to\nvote for months at @ time, of\naccepting “campaign contribu-\ntions’’ from lobbyisits, and of\nactively supporting bills direct-\nly beneficial to a legisiaitor’s\nprivate live hood.\n\nDouble Standard\n\nThere is almost a double\nStaindard in state government.\nLegis‘ators cain be penny-pinch.\ning, tenacious watchdogs when\nan executive bureaucrat comes\nto an appropriations committee\nhearing to explain his agency’s\nbudget request. And jolly well\nthat it is the way. But the\ngrowling watchdog becomes a\npliable poodie-when it comes te\naccounting for legislative\nspending.\n\nThat the majority of men and\nwomen im the General Assem.\nbly are honest and above petty\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3914.3139140625, 4674.3334453125, 4777.37895703125, 6139.1060078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "“This is the first time that\nthe entire Jewish community\nhas volunteered to join with\nCatholic emd Protestants in an\ninvernational humanitarian en-\ndeavor to serve people who are\nnow Jewish and not likely ever\nto become Jews,’’ Tanenbaum\n\n“The\nU.S. Cattholiie school\nsystem, which grew like a\nmushroom for 20 yeare folllow-\ning World War II, has shrunk\nduring the past three years\nA survey by the National\nCatholic Educational Associa-\ntion shows that 637 Caitholic\nelemeniiary and secondary\nschools have been closed during\nthe period, while 207 new ones\nhave been opened. That makes\nschools\n\nThe net loss in enrollment\nwas 14,886—mniot a large figure in\nrelation to the total Catholic\nschool enrollment of more than\n5.2 million, but enough ot mark\n@ definite change of trend.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4940.54638671875, 662.8905639648438, 7209.34619140625, 1176.81103515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Legislative Overhaul\nMay Include Ethics Code\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3922.589548828125, 6883.9271953125, 4789.7466328125, 9565.5103046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "keep tuming down liquor and\ncigarette commercials. I don’t\nbelieve they’re good for kids. I\ngueiss it’s a matter of not being\n100 per cent prostitute.’’\n\nStill Confident\n\nMurphy hasn't lost his cou-\nrage or confidence, alithough he\nadmits he probably will never\nbe an actor again.\n\n“TH come out of my present\nfinancial difficulties,’’ he said.\n“Tl be olsay, aind at least I’ve\nbelen able to staind up and count\nmy fwilends.’’\n\nIn good times and bad, Audi\nMurphy has kept his own\ncounsel, His dignity is intact.\nHis luck is abominable.\n\nNow 44 years old, Murphy\ntold Superior Court Commis-\nsioner Hyman Danofif that he\nLost $260,000 in am Algerian oil\nveintune ait thie timie of the six-\nday war between the Arab\nnations and Israel.\n\nHe is entangiled with the\nrevenue peoplie for back taxes.\nTelevision residual payments\nfrom his old moviles—and he\nmade about 30 of them—are\nimmiediatiely attached by the\nos\n\nThe farm boy who killed or\ncaiptired 240 Germans in hiand-\nto-hand combat in World War II\nis in @ very different kind of\na ap niow,\n\ne was generous to everybody\nwho touched him for a loan, but\nnever asked for anything oe\nanyone, He was a loner and still\nis. Thene are no cop-outls, no\ncrying, mo excuses proffered by\n\nMu\nCuriously, sadly, thie B pate we\nmoney-earner motion\nictunes was “he lell and\nBack —a biography of his war\n\na cen il tt\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2157.59619140625, 3912.000244140625, 4730.576171875, 4641.37060546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Tragedy Sometimes Does\nHave A Beneficial Byproduct\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2165.509470703125, 6985.67084765625, 3050.812306640625, 9606.892140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "UPI Hollywood Correspondent\n\nHOLLYWOOD (UPI)—News\ntiem: Audie Murphy is broke\nand in debt.\n\nBut Audie has paid off the\nmost relentless debt of all—the\ncost of heroism.\n\nIn every studio handout and\nreference to Audie Murphy over\nthe years was aitached his\nchaim to fame, “The country’s\nmosit decorated soldier of World\nWar II.”\n\nThe decorations he won were\nhis credentials for becoming a\nmovie star.\n\nDischarged from the Anmy as\n\nIst Meutenant, Munphy, of\narmersville, Tex., held the\nCongressional Medal of Honor\namong 20 other decorations,\nincluding two Silver Stars, a\nBronze Star, three Punple\nHearts, Distinguished Service\nCross and the Legion of Merit.\n\nHollywood Steps In\n\nWhien the government had full\neho thie baby-faced hero,\n\nolywood quickly stepped in to\nmake @ buck aind add a celluloid\nstar to his beribbonied chiest.\n\nLike most legitimate heroes,\nMurphy strove ito lose his\nidentification a's a killer of other\nmen in combat.\n\nSecond eldest of seven child-\n\nme gy sometimes went hunt-\n\nin the Texas hills for the\nfamiy dinner—Audie was an\ntrovented main\n\naide his film in “Be\n\nlory’’ and ‘'Texas, Heaven ang\n\nRed yg fe later stanred\n\nno as :\nay he\n\noe 6\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5764.58491015625, 6202.0443828125, 6534.1626484375, 6731.00395703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "MY HUSBAND has been\nMentally ill and now has been\nadmitted to a state hospital.\nHe is said to have schizophre-\nnia. Every time I visit him\nand speak to other visitors,\nit seems that their relative,\ntoo, has the same condition,\neven though the symptoms\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1330.256296875, 6664.330515625, 2122.0044453125, 6987.99712109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "and our neglect of major con-\ncerns. Make us sensitive to\nthe urgent needs of the hour.\nTeach us to be compassionate\nand offer our help te those In\nneed. Amen,\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 6512.39155078125, 1205.38276171875, 7384.45512890625, 3752.365529296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "chiseling iis beyond question.\nBut they must share the gui}\nfor ae was of the tmrethical\nminori condoni eir ac.\ntions with silence =\n\nIt has become evident tha;\nthere is no real desire for ces.\nme ge mgr in the Legis!a:ire\n\nthat ethical reform must\nbe forced from the outside.\n\nThere are two basic ways of\nlooking at the commission's\npending — ong One, wholly\npragmatic eshont-tenm, says\nthat since the Legislature is )\\-\ncommitted to adopt any of the\nnecommendations, the best po’-\nicy is to suggest only thoce\nthings that the lawmakers })kc-\nly will find palatable.\n\nPublic Paramount\n\nThe long-range approach ig.\nnores the individual desires «*\nan ephemeral group of incur -\nbent legis’ators and postu'a:<s\na politics-be-dammned attitude in\nwhich the public interest is ps\n\namount.\n\nIf the latter course is taken.\nand the ethics recommenda-\ntions are rejected by the |;\nmakens, the commission's |ec:.\ncy would be a set of tangih.\ngoals and a reference point\nfuture agitation for legislative\nreform.\n\nIn addition to the ethics ques\ntion, there is another are;\nbeing pondered by the comm:s-\nsion — legislative salaries. The\ntwo are not unrelated.\n\nSalary increases for state leg-\nislators are not No. 1 om the tex-\npayers’ hit parade, but pub! ic\nopposition would lessen greatiy\nif in exchange for their raices\nthe lawmakers gave the pub) .c\nsome real guarantees for leg is-\nlative integwity.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 524.9795532226562, 2263.137451171875, 2047.8997802734375, 2674.69677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Imagine — Wallace\n\nIn The White House\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 502.2469584960937, 7401.228953125, 2111.2603046875, 7627.321828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "TF aplabaiegyae RUFUS FLIGH of Nottingham, reports Clare\n: ence Anderson, has fired the starting gun for practi-\ncally every foot race—pro and amateur—run in England in\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 520.7235209960937, 7660.451609375, 1199.2712910156251, 8590.0376484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "The editor of the Lon-\ndon Times gazed admire\ningly one day at Mr.\nFligh in action, his stop-\nwatch dramatically up-\nraised, and murmured,\n“My! How Fligh times!”\n\n* *\n\nRed Barber, wonderful\nsports broadcaster of the\nold Dodgers at Ebbets\niield, Brooklyn, tells\nall in a fine book called\n“Rhubarb in the Catbird\nSeat.” One of his many\namusing baseball yarns\n\nconcerna the aay a Nadosr\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 6545.0385234375, 6226.80073046875, 7332.149953125, 9546.7017109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "to learn the hopeful promise\nin your own situation and find\nsustenance in the knowledge\nthat your husband is being\ngiven the excellent care that\nis now available,\n\n* * *&\n\nI have a small mole on my\njaw and I have been told to\nwatch it to see if it grows\nlarger. Believe me, I watch\nit so much that I see all\nkinds of changes in size, even\nthough I am told it has not\ngrown in five years. How long\ndo I watch it?\n\nMr. N. V., Alabama\nDear Mr. V.: The instruc-\ntion to watch a mole is one\nthat I never could quite un-\nderstand in the practice of\nmedicine. Watch it for what?\nI have known people who have\nconcentrated so much on their\nmole that they gave up their\nrightful heritage to happiness\nbecause it virtually scared\nthem to death.\n\nIf anyone is to watch a\nmole, it should be the doctor\nwho will measure it and, I\npray, will not give the patient\nany reason for concern about\nit unless it is warranted.\n\nPeople already sensitized by\nthe fear of cancer can be done\na great psychological injustice\nby asking them to keep\n“score” on the size of a mole.\nI truly believe that it is point-\nless to introduce unnecessary\nfears into the lives of those\nwho glready feel that they are\nliving on a keg of cancer\ndynamite,\n\n* *\n\nSPEAKING OF YOUR\nHEALTH — Don't diet at\nbreakfast time.\n\nDr. Coleman welcomes let-\nters from readers, and, while\nhe cannot undertake to «i-\nswer each one, he will use\nquestions in his column when-\never possible and when they\nare of general interest. Ad-\ndress your letters to Dr. Cole-\nman in care of this newspaper.\nbs Syndicate, Inc.)\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2154.45405078125, 4784.66596484375, 2990.783986328125, 6145.54790234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Ww eeswewe j£ 8&4 e00—CUS VW Sew ewes\n\nSince the six-day war in th\nMideast 15 months ago, _ rel:\ntions have been strained bi\ntween Jewish amd Christian le:\nders in the UnUited States.\n\nJews have felt the Chirisiiiar\nlet them down by failing ‘\nspeak up for U. S. support «\nTsraiel in its hour of crisis.\n\nChristians have felt they we\nbeing pnessuned to give uncrit\ncal backing to Israeli foreis\npolicy as the price of inverfai!\n\namity.\nFind New Unity\n\nThis quarrel hasn't bet\nsetiled, but it has been pusihe\ninto the backgroun as Jev\nand Chirisiiams find themselv:\nunited by compassion for ti\nstarving people of Nigevia\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 486.34869384765625, 4045.904296875, 1968.1456298828125, 4758.00927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "BACK TO YESTERYEAR\n30 Men Picketed\nAt Everett Plant\n\nAQ Veonre Aan\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 649.1177368164062, 7088.27783203125, 1995.1488037109375, 7271.6064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Try and Stop Me\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4801.1869609375, 7858.7475078125, 5688.45805859375, 9453.587453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Today is Saturday, Sept. 14,\nthe 258th day of 1968 with 108 to\nfollow.\n\nThe moon ig in its last\nquarter.\n\nThe morning star is Mars.\n\nThe evening stars are Saturn\nand Venus.\n\nThose born today are under\nthe sign of Virgo. American\nphysicist and educator Karl\nen was born on Sept. 14,\n\nOn this day in as 73\" &\n\nIn 1847, the U.S. Army\noccupied Mexico City.\n\nIn 1901, President William\nMcKinley died from wounds\ninflicted by am assassin eight\ndatys earlier.\n\nIn 1963, the first quintuplets\nin American history to survive\ninfancy were born in Aberdeen,\n\n.D., to Mrs. Andrew Fischer.\n\nIn 1966, America’s Gemini II\n\nacecraft reached a record\n\nitude of 850 miles.\n\nSunrise 6:53, Sunset 7:25\n\nA teu for the day—\nWilliam hakespeare wrote:\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4877.34130859375, 7690.1044921875, 5580.951171875, 7839.33740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Almanac\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4752.33295703125, 1477.20209765625, 5638.48735546875, 3749.26567578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "ros — eee ee a ee ee\n\nBy WILLIAM ~ ECENBARGER\n\nHARRISBURG (UPI)—If ai\nfected to intense heat and\ngure over a long period, a ump\nof coal can be transformed into\n.\nm is such a slow, —\nthait seems\n—_ on that will bring\nrigid anberte for ethical con-\nduct to the Pennsylvania Gen-\neral Assembly.\nThe a of applying\nthe heat and pressure lies\n\nPp\n\nment the legislative moderniza-\ntion commission is ponderisng\nwhether it should include the\ndifficult question of ethics in\nits overall survey of the opera-\ntions of the General Assembly.\n\nThe commission is made up\nof 12 outstanding Pennsylvan-\nians, whose credentials indicaite\nit is for real and mot just a sop\ntossed to the taxpayer in an\nelection year. Most of the com-\nmission’s work will be in such\nprosaic but important areas as\nthe size and functions of stand-\ning committees and the consoli-\ndation of legislative service\nagencies,\n\nNone Binding\n\nIt is due to submit a full re-\n\nrt to the lawmakers on Dec.\n. None of the suggestions wi!l\nbe binding on the Legislature,\nbut a strong ethics recommen-\ndation — whether or not it is\nadopted by the Jegislators—\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2345.357177734375, 799.26904296875, 4602.73095703125, 3696.162109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5781.48046875, 5655.1142578125, 7256.88818359375, 5940.7568359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Speaking oh YOUR HEALTH...\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4779.295359375, 4621.74213671875, 5667.14555859375, 7608.079640624999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "normal chilidiren occasionally\ndream of being stuck in a toy or\ncandy store overnight.\n\nMost normal adults occasion-\nailily have visions of being locked\nim a bank from dusk until dawn.\n\nTo keep the generations\ntogether, there’s now a happy\nplace children and adults\nwouldn't mind being metrooned\nthrough the night.\n\nIt's a mobile museum of\nmusic full of afl soris of\nmechanical things that make\nhappy sounds. It chanmed\nvisitors to Lincolm Center in\nNew York and promises more\nof same to those who visit it\nwherever it rolls.\n\nThe several hundred resiored\nmechanical musical imsiirnumenits\nshow the effort an ingenuity\nthat has gone into man’s esire\nto reproduce music for the non-\nperforming masses for more\nthan dioinie thousiaind years.\n\nTraveling Music\n\nLewis L. Graham, of Scars-\ndale, N.Y., gels \"onedit for\nputting the unique museum\ntogether. The traveling exhibit\naims to delight an eniertained,\nas any museum mutt.\n\nIt also helps demonstrate the\n\nacticality of mobile muscums\nn areas lacking adequate\nmuseum — collections. This\nmuseum, you see, if set up in\ngeven tractor trailer vans.\n\nAmong the more than 500\nrestored mechanical musical\ninswruments is a mechanical\nautomatic piano with six pinned\ncylinders of six tumes eaich.\n\nIt’s supposed to be the world’s\n\ndlidest automatic ‘\n\nSome of mechanical\nmusic through tthe years was\nwritten for wo pn tt fing\n\nstruments by\nMaitthaig van pote Mince Gheyn aac\n\n_preudes and fugues for the\nBaars ee melodies on the\n| cylinders a hiarp-playing\ncoock reputedly were composed\nby Johann Sebastian yg\nParticularly febchiing a\n thireie-pieice life-sized robot ce\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 462.3971965332031, 6190.96869921875, 2097.129689453125, 6433.41216015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "A “Save the Park” committee was formed in an effort\nto save portions of Fort Bedford Park threatened by Forests\nand Waters ruling widening the Raystown river.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 501.54386401367185, 8601.7660625, 2109.1401875, 9480.194875000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "hurler got so angry at Umpire George Magerkurth he instructed\nhis catcher to duck his next pitch so it would conk Magerkurth,\nThe ump ducked, too, however, and Casey was charged with @\nW ild pitch. . .\n\nIf you're in a mood for Yankee doodling, don't overlook Jim\nJ.arshall’s list of addled Americanisms;\n\nALASKA: A prelude to “no.”\n\nAMAZON: First part of a sentence, (Example: Amazon of @\ncun!)\n\nBUCCANEER: Present price of corn.\n\nFLATTERY: An apartment house.\n\nINCONGRUOUS: Where the laws are made,\n\nPASTEURIZE: Something you see moving.\n\n© 1968, by Bennett Cerf. Distributed by King Features Byndicate\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2999.804880859375, 4694.73871875, 3913.826955078125, 6088.50493359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "breakaway province.\nRabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum.\ng director of interreli ious affairs\n4 for the American Com-\nn Mitiiee, notes that Jews are\npartacularl\n\nFor this reason, he says,\n, Jews are full of admiration for\nS the ‘moral passion, courage\n\n© World Service have displayed\n“i in flying food into Biafra over\n,, the objections of the Nigerian\ngovernment.\nA Religious First\n\nm In response, Jewish organiza-\nd tions have decided that their\n‘s own Biafran relief funds will be\n:s channeled through the Christian\ne agencies insviead of separately\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1263.58837890625, 7661.46240234375, 2108.412109375, 8564.919921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5747.83740234375, 6018.81298828125, 7202.03173828125, 6174.32666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Doctor, Id Like To Knon-\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2226.28955078125, 4672.1806640625, 2948.396484375, 4789.03857421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By LOUIS CASSLES\n\nTinited Preacce FIntarnatianal\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3055.062255859375, 650.3927001953125, 3858.127197265625, 767.3821411132812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "To the Victor...\n" }, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 6147.87885546875, 6715.7660625, 6522.521046875, 7430.306203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "are different.\nCan you tell\nme what is\nthe real mean-\ning of this dis-\nease ?\nMrs, I. A.,\nMaine\nDear Mrs.\nA.: There is\nmuch confu-\nsion about the\nterm schizo-\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4832.67626953125, 4511.6796875, 5612.36279296875, 4585.4287109375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "By PATRICIA McCORMACK\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 957.8434448242188, 7295.40380859375, 1646.3193359375, 7375.51953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "—~By BENNETT CERF.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 964.5271606445312, 5775.43359375, 1638.135498046875, 5879.1689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "10 Years Ago\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1006.5903930664062, 6062.12744140625, 1563.14794921875, 6172.923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "] Year Ago\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 4772.5400390625, 493.7530212402344, 5947.2255859375, 625.9349365234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "CAPITOL OPINION\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 477.5134990234375, 4996.57905078125, 2089.325490234375, 5326.255421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Joseph M. Barr, chairman of the Young Democratic\nClubs of Pennsylvania has named Jack Hayes of Clearville\nchairman of the local club. Ross Hershberger, regional di-\nrector of clubs, concurred in the decision.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 478.2995402832031, 5894.67280078125, 2128.95512890625, 6061.349171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Francis Imgrund was named as the new head of Bed-\nford County Pomona Grange.\n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 461.60737109375, 821.579783203125, 2144.338185546875, 2192.23930859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "bi 2 SLAP SALSA EUG\n\nJOHN H. BIDDLE, President\nHUGO K. FREAR, Vice President and Secretary\n\nPublished every weekday morning by Gazette Publishing Ca\nEntered at the Bedford, Pa. 15522, Post Office\nas Second Class Mai) Matter\nSUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER AND MAIL\n\nDelivery by Carrier in Bedford and Everett Boroughs — $1.78\nper month. County delivery by mail outside Bedford Borough:\nOne Year, $15.00; 6 months, $8.50; 3 months, $5.00; Zone 1\nand 2, one year — $17.00. For other rates inquire at office.\nHUGO K. FREAR......cccccsscssess .Editor and Publisher\nEDWARD K. FREARoicscccccccccccsssesccssorscserersveesee executive Editor\nHAROLD B. CESSNA...cccccccscsees ..Business Manager\n3. TERRY LE ACs wc nummnmionty mGlter\nJ. ROBERT MILLER...............Circulation-Classified Manager\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 6087.24951171875, 5944.4853515625, 6955.03125, 6005.23681640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "- By LESTER L. COLEMAN. M.D.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 4782.4330546875, 1215.8484599609376, 5627.37846875, 1502.5466816406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "(EDITOR’S NOTE: The fol-\nlowing expresses the opinion\nof observers of political and\ngovernmental developments\non the state Capitol scene).\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 455.88592529296875, 524.5595703125, 2156.661376953125, 715.4473876953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "BEDFORD Daily GAZETTE\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2291.17236328125, 6900.39794921875, 2940.442138671875, 6990.76953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "_ By VERNON SCOTT\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 481.9569194335937, 5443.74116015625, 2109.09770703125, 5744.14262890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "More than 50 picketing workmen were reported at the\nEverett plant of Allegheny Wood Products, as the manage-\nment-labor dispute over wages and union representation\ncontinued.\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 951.9822387695312, 5336.3369140625, 1643.2510986328125, 5432.0390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "20 Years Aao\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 941.468017578125, 4888.62939453125, 1630.8232421875, 4997.35205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "30 Years Ago\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 4802.35248828125, 9332.25825, 5692.68950390625, 9547.914601562501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "A thought for the day—\nWilliam hakespeare wrote:\nPd, nobility ig exempt from\nen r.”?\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 4786.9892578125, 1526.7113037109375, 5627.8525390625, 1585.509033203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "Re WILLIAM ECENBARGER\n" }, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 0, 5 ], [ 9, 5 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 8, 13 ], [ 1, 13 ], [ 3, 11 ], [ 16, 4 ], [ 16, 31 ], [ 4, 31 ], [ 17, 27 ], [ 17, 14 ], [ 27, 14 ], [ 28, 29 ] ]
[ 2815.8330078125, 4342.418144531251 ]
[ [ 0, 5 ], [ 1, 8 ], [ 4, 16 ], [ 5, 9 ], [ 8, 13 ], [ 11, 3 ], [ 14, 27 ], [ 16, 31 ], [ 17, 14 ], [ 28, 29 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1414.6518017578126, 2850.728583984375, 1758.2748339843752, 3437.4755175781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) — Presi-\ndeni Johnson, hero of the 1964\nDemocratic National Conver-\ntion, sat out the opening hours\nof the 1968 version at his Texas\nranch today—giving no hint\nwhether he’d show up in Chica-\n£0.\nThere were no announced-in-\nadvance visitors to the LBJ\nRanch at the star? of the new\nwork week and no indication\nJohnson would be competing for\nheadlines with his party’s nom1\nnating convention\nBecause Johnson will be 60 of\nTuesday, there has been con-\nsiderable speculation he might\nfly to Chicago for the occasion.\n\nit is also known, however,\nthat the chief executive is acute-\nIy conscious of the fact that few\nincumbent presidents ever show\nup at a national convention be-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1408.2072216796876, 1917.790595703125, 1754.9929736328127, 2585.165703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nCHI QO (AP) — Nearly\n1,000 Yippies, hippies and as-\nsorted purveyors of protest\nplayed traffie-snarling street\ntag with police over a four-mile\nsection of Chicago’s most fa-\nmous streets Sunday night, cli-\nmaxing a day of varled protest\ndemonstrations.\n\nDespile a short barrage of\nrocks aimed at police in Lincoln\nPark after midnight, there were\nvery few arresis—at least eight\n—for the number of people in-\nvolved—at one point about 2.000.\n\nActivity began on a serious\nnote in the early afternoon when\nseveral youth and antiwar\ngroups peacefully picketed the\nmajor hotels of Democratic Na-\ntional Convention delegates.\nThey were protesting US fight-\ning in Vietnam, Soviet troops in\nCzechoslovakia. federal troops\non the alert in Chicago, and\nVice President Hubert H. Hum-\nphrev jin the lead for the Demo-\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4.740193061828613, 2922.193916015625, 360.1599963378906, 4197.84978515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WAAL AER Blea ee\n— Becky Godwin, 13-year-old\ndaughter of Virginia’s governor,\nremained unconscious today as\ndoctors assessed the full extent\nof injuries caused when she was\nstruck by lightning on the beach\nSunday afternoon.\n\nThe slight, brown-haired girl\nwas in “poor” condition at Vir-\nginia Beach General Hospital,\nthough doctors early today re-\nported “‘some encouraging re-\nsponses to intensive treatment\nin the last few hours.”\n\nHer father, Gov. Mills E. God.\nwin Jr., arrived at the hospital\nSunday night irom Chicago,\nwhere Virginia's Democratic\nNational Convention delegation\nhad planned to nominate him as\na favorite-son candidate for\npresident.\n\nHe was visibly shaken. The\ngovernor had been in Chicago\nonly six hours when the acci-\ndeni eceurred about 3:30 p.m.\nFirst reports informed him his\ndaughter was dead. Then the re\nport was: “extremely critical.’\nHe left Chicago immediately.\n\nBecky, the Godwin's adoptec\nonly child, had been vacationing\nwith her mother at the gover\nnor’s seaside cottage on_ the\nstate rv reservation here\nHer mother, Katherine. was Te:\ncuperating from a serious ab\ndominal operation she under\nwent last week.\n\n‘An aide at the governor's of\nfice in Richmond said Beck:\nhad been playing in the surf un\nder the watchful eye of Grad}\nNorfleet. a inend of the God\nwins. when storm clouds begal\n\nto pile up offshore.\n\nThe aide said Norfleet and th\ngirl left the water and wer\nstanding in sunshine on th\nbeach when a lightning hol\n\n«See LIGHTNING. Page 14)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 707.9145581054687, 2829.775703125, 1055.216240234375, 3450.1674121093747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "sodes of rapid heart action.\n\n“The general’s condition re-\nmains critical.\n\n“He enjoyed a light breakfast\nthis morning and continues te\nrest comfortably.”\n\nA medical bulletin Sunday\nnight said Eisenhower’s condi-\ntion remained ‘essentially wn-\nchanged” from the day's earliex\nreporis.\n\nThe afternoon bulletin had re-\nported no new instances of the\nrapid heart action.\n\nThe morning bulletin had said\nithe “increased heart irritability\n{extra beat—which began yes.\nterday, Saturday a.m., has per.\nsisted thraugh the day and nigh!\n\nand there have been several epi:\n|sodes of rapid heart action re-\nquiring further treatments.”\n\nThe bulletin added that Eisen\n[bower “rested comfortably dur\n\n(See RISENHOWER. Page ii\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1420.642890625, 3718.657294921875, 1763.7192919921877, 4330.14275390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "AY SpeCldi LOrrespondgent\n\nCHICAGO (AP) — Jn Lincoln\nPark, which is only a few miles\nnorth of the hall where the\nDemocrats hope to nominate the\nnext president of the United\nStates. there is a huge triangu-\nfar field.\n\nOn the weekend before the\nDemocratic National Conven-\ntion, a sunny hot day that used\nto be described as languid. ado-\nlescents were playing baseball\nin two corners of the field\nAlong the edges and in the near\nbackground, people watched in\na desultory way. famthes pic-\nnicked, lovers Joved. children\nran. old men slept in the shade\nand sail boats leaned in the\nwind in the blue, if not unpollut-\ned waters of Lake Michigan As\n‘American as apple pie\nIn the third corner of the\n‘field, ancther group of adoles-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1762.151923828125, 2825.566474609375, 2109.098076171875, 3429.7335742187497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "jore the big nominating vate—\nand the one who did so most re-\ncently, Harry S. Truman, got\nlittle more than criticism for his\neffort.\n\nOnly one bit of prospective of-\nficial business for convention\nweek has been announced: In a\nsummer commencement ad-\ndress Saturday at his own\nschool. Southwest Texas State\nCollege in nearby San Marcos,\nJohnson said that Wilbur Cohen,\nseerctary of health, education\nand welfare, would be visiting\nthe ranch later and bringing\nhim a series of reports.\n\nAides said Cohen’s visit was\nnot imminent. The Cabinet\nmember apparently planned to\nbe in Chicago for the first days\nof the convention.\n\nChancellor Kurt Georg Kiesin-\nger of West Germany said Sun-\n\n| Aes ln Benet Jaton the. Be\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1047.1598583984376, 1027.9337841796876, 1400.2915576171877, 2142.915947265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "MOSCOW (AP) — President\nLudvik Svoboda and other liber-'!\nal Czechoslovak leaders plar to\nreturn to Prague today no mat-!\nter what results from their ne-\ngotiations with Soviet leaders. a\nspokesman for the Czechoslovak\nEmbassy said.\n\nThe spokesman said Svoboda\nwould be accompanied home by\nCommunist party chief Alexan-\nder Dubcek reported earlier to\nhave been laken prisoner by the\nSoviet troops who invaded his\ncouniry.\n\nAuthoritative party sources in\nPrague said there was seme\nhope of reaching an agreement\nthat would include Soviet recog-\nnition of the liberal Czechoslo-\nvak leadership m exchange ior\nCzechoslovak acceptance of a\ntemporary Sovict occupation\nforce.\n\nThe spokesman sald three\nmore top officials, had arrived\nfrom Prague to join the talks as\nthey resumed for the fourth\nday. The new arrivals were Jo-\nsef Spacek and Bohuwil Simon,\nboth liberal followers of Dub-\neek. and Oldrich Svestka, con-\nservative editor of the party\nnewspaper Rude Pravo.\n\nWith the arrival of Spacek\nand Svestka, the Czechoslovak\ndelegation included seven of the\nli members of the party’s 11-\nman presidium. Simon is head\nof the party's Prague city or-\n‘ganization,\n\nThe Free Czech Ratio an-\nnounced that the central com-\nmittee of the Czechoslovak\n\n(See TALKS, Page 14)\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1062.8805615234376, 3403.90900390625, 1413.0151904296877, 4333.5729296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "' HOUSTON, Tex. (AP} —\nFive-year-old Maria Giannaris\nof Hagerstown. Md.. died Sun-\niday a week after receiving a\ntheart transplant in the Texas\nHeart Institute at Texas Child-\nrens Hospitai\n\nMaria suffered a cardiac ar-\nrest and all attempts at resusci-\ntation were unsuccessful. a hos-\nipital spokesman said.\n| The girl was the world’s 31st\nheart recipient and the second\n‘child recipient.\n\ni She had heen reported m sat-\nisfactory condition until late\nSundav.\n\nDr James K Nora. pediat-\n‘rics-cardiologist. said the cause\nof death will not be known until\njan autopsy 1S performed.\n|The parents. Mr. and Mrs.\n| Nick A Giannaris, were at the\n;hospital when the child died.\nMaria was the recipient of the\nlheart of it-year-old James Dud.\nley Herron If, who had suffered\nbrain hemorrhage. He was the\nson of James Dudley Herron, a\nchemistry professor at Purdue\nUniversity. Laiavette. Ind\ni The first child to receive a\n‘heart transplant died 642 hours\njafier the operation last Decem:\n‘ber in Brookivn. N Y The recip:\njJent was a 2'y-week-oid boy whe\njreceived the heart of a 27-day:\n'old infant.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1757.6432568359376, 1896.21515625, 2103.1510546875, 2579.085380859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "cratic presidential nomination.\n\nBut toward midnight a sud-\nden, unplanned romp developed\nthat gaily zig - zagged through\nseveral sections of Near-North\nChicago.\n\nProblems first began when\nthe more than 1,000 demonstra-\ntors set up picket lines at the\nConrad Hilton and the Palmer\nHouse—they were visited by the\nthree major presidential con.\ntenders during the day—and re-\nturned to Lincoln Park, a sort o!\ninformal gathering place about\nthree miles north of the Loop\nChicago's downtown heart.\n\nThere were a couple of minor\nclashes with police as several\npersons were arrested for inter-\nfering with police, and as dark\nfell the question on nearly ev-\nerybody’s mind was whether to\nobey the park’s posted il p.m.\nclosing time\n\nMany of the demonstration\nmarshals who kept picket lines\ninnder tight and orderly control\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2110.37384765625, 2824.517158203125, 2454.3178027343747, 3430.7311328124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "felt it was time tor a summit\nmeeting of leaders of the 34 na-\ntions allied in the North Atlantic\nTreaty Organization, which he\ntermed “tired and languid.”\nKiesinger said the invasion af\nCzechoslovakia by the Soviet\nUnian and four of its Warsaw\nPact allics showed the need for\nsuch a session\n\nA NATO summut could hardly\ntake nlace without Johnson’s ap-\nproval and the Texas White\n| Tause, ed for comment on\nKiesinger’s proposal, had none.\nIt referred all inquirers to the\n(State Department which said in\n| Washington:\n| “We have anly seen press re-\nports and dont have the full\nt of the chancellor's — re-\nimarks We assume the German\ngovernment will be diseussing\nait as alles the various points\n\n(Sep LPB] Pace fay\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1420.241943359375, 2595.220947265625, 2422.41357421875, 2801.3544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "LBJ isn’t Saying If He\nWill Attend Convention\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 362.20276611328126, 2835.66193359375, 706.7325976562499, 3448.6637499999997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Army\ndoctors reported today that for-\nmer President Dwight D. Eisen-\nhower has shown “further _in-\ncrease” in heart irritability\nsince Sunday and remains in\ncritical condition.\n\nDoctors of the Walter Reed\nArmy Hospital said that extra\nheartbeats have been occurring\nwith “increasing frequency”\n‘since Sunday.\n| But they added that there had\n‘been no further episodes 0!\n‘rapid heart action,” which\nconstiiule the more serious\nis}mpton of his condition.\n| The hospital issued this morn-\ning bulletin:\n\n“Gen. Eisenhower has shown\nfurther increase in heart irvita.\nbility simce yesterday. Extra\nbeats have been occurring with\nlincreasing frequency. However\nhere have been no further enr\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1421.592041015625, 3450.691650390625, 2378.2646484375, 3665.41015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Chicago In August—It's\nFar From Being Happy\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2102.880439453125, 1896.8841015625, 2450.4342578124997, 2577.9264453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "carber in the day decided there\nwas no pomt. in conlronting the\npolice Sunday night, and started\nwalking among the couples and\ngroups juiddied in blankets on\nthe grass or warming them-\nselves over trash hasket fires,\nurging everyone to leave.\n\nMost of ihe overwhelmingly\nwhite crowd started to corply\nbut ran into a half-dozen Negre\n\n(militants near the park en\nrance who mounted cach other:\nshoulders to shout, “The park i\nfree! The park is ours?”\n| Dozens of demonstrators tool\nup the chant, and surged bacl\n‘|inte the middle of tie park’\nnarrow southern end, wher\n{marshals shouting louder thar\nthe Negroes managed te change\n}the chant to, “The streets art\nfree! The streels are ours!**\n\n“Into the streets,” became\nthe rallying ery. and people whe\nminutes before had been talking\nabout wanting to go home and\n\n(Sea HIPPIES. Page 14)\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 359.23545043945313, 1997.1666943359376, 703.9131396484374, 2592.28484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "‘County Airport stood at 82 at\nmidnight.\n\nIT WAS THE FIFTH straight\nday that temperature readings\nhad been reported in the 30’s.\nOn 14 of the first 25 days of\nAugust. the City Park weather\nstation has recorded 90-degree\nor above temperatures.\n\nIn spite of the intense heat\nand humidity. Peninsula General\nHospital reported no heat ex-\nhaustion cases during the week-\nend.\n\nActualiy, Sunday was hotter\nthan Saturday — when the mer-\ncury hit 95 — but the humid-\nity was less intense.\n\nMuch of the day Saturday.\nthe humidity remained around\na0 per cent. But the highest\npoint reached Sunday was be-\ntween 65 and 70 per cent, ac-\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 374.7431640625, 2605.918212890625, 968.0460205078125, 2816.465087890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Eisenhower Is\n\n'Holding Own’\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1765.7675244140626, 3677.556953125, 2109.3483203125, 4322.86931640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\nicenis sat on the gras» around a\nIchunky young Jady in a bright\n‘blue dress “ho was speaking\nmatter of fact, into a hand mi-\ncropnane\n\nNinety per cent of hemor-\nrhaging can be stupped with\npressure.” she told her audi-\nlence, some af whom held hba-\nbles. man of whom wore\nbeards, tattered denim and the\nother stmbols of adolescent dis-\nrenchantment The audience was\n‘made up of serious young peo-\n\\ple who expected soon to march\nion the convention to demon-\nIstrate for peace.\n\nA bearded young man\nistretehed out near the lecturer.\n| Now in artificial respiration.”\n‘she said. “the thing to do 1s\ntkeep your cool but work fast”\nAnd she demonstrated artificial\n_respiration on her bearded mod-\n‘el and nobody laughed or gaspec\nor otherwise reflected the im.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5.085754566192627, 2055.209296875, 358.17076904296874, 2594.4091113281247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "The record - breaking, nine-\nweek heat wave, which had left\nthousands of Delmarva Penm-\nsuja residents limp. listless and\nlethargic, ended today follow -\ning a day of near 100-degree\ntemperatures.\n\nAs a matter of fact, the\nWeather Bureau at Friendship\nAirport, near Baltimore, pre -\ndicted below normal tempera -\ntures and little or no rainfall\nfor the nexi five days,\n\nIn the Salisbury area, the\nmereury zoomed to 98 degrees\nand stayed there for three hours\nSunday afternoon, then grad-\nuaily dropped back a degree or\ntwo an hour during the night.\nThe official thermometer of the\nFederal Aviation Administration\nat the Salisbury - Wicomico\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 20.044219970703125, 1769.5684814453125, 1022.2666625976562, 1982.781494140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Shore Heat Wave Breaks\nAfter Nine Muggy Weeks\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 7.782581806182861, 2614.7421875, 350.82611083984375, 2894.9912109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Va. Governor’:\nDaughter Hit\nBy Lightning\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1407.0333251953125, 1667.1849365234375, 2412.34375, 1876.9027099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Yippies, Hippies Stage\n\nChicago Demonstrations\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1056.2577587890626, 2478.282783203125, 1408.8180468750002, 3086.1749804687497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (AP) — Indications\npoint to Sen Joseph D. Tydings\nas they key to haw the Maryland\ndelegation to the Democratic\nNational Convention will split its\nvote between Vice President Hu-\nbert H. Humphrey and Sen. Eu-\ngene J. McCarthy.\n\nTydings, Maryland's junior\nsenator. says he has still not de-\ncided which of the potential\nDemocratic presidential nomi-\nnees he will support, but there\nare signs he plans to back Mc-\nCarthy.\n\nSome pro-Humphrey delegates\nsay he could take as many as 12\ntore delegates with him if he\nendorses the Minnesota senator.\n\n“He’s talking McCariby,” one\ndelegate said Sunday night, “but\nwe're hoping he will come out\nfor Humphrey.”\n\nThe only commiited MeCarthy\n\n(See TYRBINGS Pace 14)\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 376.1894836425781, 3468.546875, 1024.9832763671875, 3680.545166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Pope Paul Is\nIn Good Health\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 1064.8648681640625, 3106.7744140625, 1394.738037109375, 3386.62841796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Maryland Girl\nWho Got New\nHeart |s Dead\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2439.391845703125, 681.6797485351562, 2769.241943359375, 960.7742919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Floor Battles\nLoom On Issue\nOf Viet Peace\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1063.28662109375, 2158.5458984375, 1395.516845703125, 2437.49853515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Tydings May\nBack McCarthy\nAt Convention\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 704.0495678710937, 1988.8927685546876, 1053.8345263671874, 2590.873955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "cording to the airport weather\nwatchers.\n\nTHE MERCURY dropped no\nlower than 73 during the night\nbut. as a eool front moved\nthrough, the relative humidity\ndropped to 49 per cent. The low\nof 73 was recorded shortly alft-\ner sunrise.\n\nBy 9 am.. today the mer-\njeury was at 60, however... .\n\nthe Weather Tee it\nwould not get to 92 today and\ncool, dry weather may be ex-\npected for several days.\n\nTonight. the temperature\nrange will be from 56 to 63.\n\nAnd tomorrow? The Weather\nBureau said it will be sunny\nand pleasant with the high\naround 80.\n\nAnother record-breaking late\n\n{Sce HEAT WAVE. Page 14)\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 373.91880004882813, 3713.959296875, 713.4984667968749, 4339.09587890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "a ee eee, eee\n\n‘CASTEL GANDOLFO. Italy\n(AP) — “He is as sound as a\ngood watch.” said Pope Paul's\ndoctor after the pontiff returned\nfrom Colombia ard the longest\ntrip of his reign.\n\nDr. Mario Fontana said the\n70-vear-old pontiff had endured\nhis gruelling public appearances\nat Bogota’s 8.660-foot altitude\nvery well. But the Pope ap-\npeared trred after his white and\nsilver jetliner landed Sunday at\nRome’s Fiumicino Airport.\n\n“Our days in Bogota were\nreally beautiful and intense,\nfilled with fervor, with crowds\nof people cheering not at our\nperson but rather at the Eucha-\nrist.” the Pope told the crowd\nthat weleomed him at his sum\n‘mer palace.\n\n“We have seen throngs oi\ngood and fervent people, excited\nby our presence, acclaim the\n\n \n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 714.1815258789062, 3698.468330078125, 1060.732353515625, 4194.4127734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Lord, acclaim the Church. trusi-\ning that they too will be helped\n;and assisted.”\n\nHe described his sixtn foreign\nirip as a “happy journey” and\nfadded that “the world has be-\nicome the scope of the apostolic\ntravels of the Pope, but Rome\nremains our home.”\n| In Bogota. he said. “the\niChurch reiterated its social\n|message of respect for the hu\nman person, of uphfting of free-\nidom, of progress, of peace in\nithe mids: of the representatives\nof manuaj labor, offering to the\nworld an impressive picture of\nthat which the union of sound\nand generous forces, in the love\n\n{See POPE, Page 14}\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1052.4822998046875, 686.4118041992188, 1391.808837890625, 965.1281127929688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Prague Sources\nIndicate Some\nProgress Seen\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2108.146064453125, 3680.685859375, 2457.9760058593747, 4222.388359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "plausibility of a first-aid lecture\non extensive bleeding, gas. or\nIshock to a bunch of kids in a\nisunny city park\n\n{ They were prep\n\nisible violence. In this town at\nithis time, everybody seems io\nihe preparing for violence. From\nall points of the campass one\nisenses Menace creeping into the\ncity on Jittle cat feet.\n\nThis ts not a happy cunven-\n\n‘ton, In many ways Chicage re-\niflects the nation.\nBy the thousands. city poly e\niprowl the streets. squint from\n‘roof tops, guard the hotels and\nthe convention hall, cluster on\nicarners, wearing blue riot hel-\nimets, carrying big billy chub.\nvand big black pistol. By the\n' (See CHICAGO, Pure He\n\nying for fyos-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1418.007568359375, 668.8231811523438, 2425.388671875, 1499.7320556640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 16.134878158569336, 676.3644409179688, 1046.0616455078125, 1472.142333984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": null, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 2443.091865234375, 1045.76837890625, 2801.3221972656247, 3736.4078906249997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "SRE Ee RCS We a keae\n\ndent Hubert HO Humphrey\nfought off raids on his fortified\nposition as frontrunner while\nwarrmg Democrats prepared to\nopen their 1988 convention to-\nmght to choose a presidential\nnominee behind barbed wire\nand walls a: police\n\nFloor battles joomed an three\nfronts, inchiding the — cruelal\n'question of peace in Vietnam,\nbefore the 2.622 delegates make\nther Whue House choice\nWednesday mght.\n\nConvention eve praduced only\nminor fluctuations in the dete-\ngale strength of Humphrey and\nhis main rivals, Sens. Eugene J.\nMcCarthy of Minnesota and\nGuorge S McGovern of South\nDakota, despite a day of maneu-\nvering among the major states.\n\nMavor Richard J Daley of\nChicage delayed until Wednes-\nday any final decision on where\nhe will lead the 118-vote [linois\ndelegation Uhnois Atty. Gen,\nWillam G. Clark endorsed\nMcGovern, bul said he spoke\nonly for himself.\n\nCalifornia Assenibly Speaker\nJesse M. Unruh, heading the\ni74-vole delegation won by the\nlate Robert F. Kennedy, said it\nwould be difficuli for him to\n\n‘Tsupport Humphrey, but added it\n‘lwould be impossible for the\ngroup Lo band unanimously be-\nhind any one canclidate.\n| Humphrey's supporters\n-|seemed to make up some of this\n»}contested ground wilh the fore-\n\neast by Frank P. O’Conner,\nYihead of the New York City\n'{Council, that the vice president\nOlwikl get about 100 of his state’s\n-1190 votes on the first ballot.\n\nS| An Associated Press poil 0\nS|firmly committed or pledges\ndelegates credited Humphie:\nKiwith 889:2 votes, McCarth\nK/47634 and McGovern 37!z lo\nSiward the minimum of 1,31\n@jneeded for lhe nomimation, An\nnother 785%; were uncommitted\n¢iwith favorite sons and scattered\nejather candidates holding 432%.\nThe convention began clear.\n€ling away the preliminaries ¢o-\no/mght in an atmosphere of 2\ng)maximum security stockade al\nHthe Stockyards International\n_{Amphitheaire.\nDelegates and alternates were\n\noutnumbered by troops 4-to-1,\n\ni Six dhousand federal troops\nhave been airlifted into Chicage\nito back up 18,000 Illinois Nation\nal Guardsmen ready fo combat\nany racial [llareup or antiwar\nviolence.\nPolice cordous have sealed of\nthe convention area. Smiaf\ntyerewds of antiwar demonstra\n-|tors rallied Sunday in downtows\ncllakefront park areas ane\ne|marched on one hotel, but there\n*)were only a few arresls and nc\nf| major disturbances.\ni] President Johnson, who de\nyjclared in March he would no}\nrjaccept lis party’s nomunatior\nfor another term, remained al\nvihis ‘Texas ranch with no an\n{nounced plans to attend the con\ne| vention\nn| Johnson will be 60 Tuesday\n.;but in contrast to the elaborate\neibirthday party staged by the\nnfcunvention thal nominated him\nfour years agu, the Democratic\n-jparty s program for that day\nHJomits any mention of the Prest\n| dant.\nnl Johnson's Vietnam policies\nelappear headed for a floor figh\ng|Tuesday night despite efforts te\nreach an off-stage compromise\nDelegates writing the party\niplatiorm labored until midnigh\n‘Sunday without reaching — the\nVielnam question and were\nvscheduled to resume today.\n\nKey supporters of Humphrey\n‘and McCarthy were searching\nfor a compromise that migh\nprevent a party-splilling show\ndoa on the floor\nSen. Edmund §S. Muskie, 0:\n\nacking Humphrey, saic\n\ni: ae\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2502.378662109375, 972.90673828125, 2726.736572265625, 1023.3006591796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By JACK BELL\nAP Political Writer\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 64.79401397705078, 1993.0697021484375, 297.04644775390625, 2047.2530517578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By MIKE MEISE\nOf the Times Staff\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1092.61669921875, 976.3688354492188, 1355.343994140625, 1026.8775634765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "By JOHN BAUSMAN\njuted Press Writer\n\n \n" }, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 0, 335.9111022949219, 2815.8330078125, 639.4303588867188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Democrats Open Parley lonight\nSvoboda, Dubeek To Terminate Soviet Talk Today\n\n \n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2471.901611328125, 3776.92919921875, 2796.938720703125, 3830.714599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "in Today's Times\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 1093.1776123046875, 2443.628662109375, 1370.4326171875, 2471.1689453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Ru JOHN WOODFIELD\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 1478.761962890625, 3677.995849609375, 1720.76171875, 3717.94970703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "By SAUL PETT ©\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1457.35009765625, 2820.5146484375, 1709.2891845703125, 2848.534423828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Re CRANK CORAIFR.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 717.1441723632812, 4274.71662109375, 1075.6521533203124, 4336.324394531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Peaches Belle Georgia White\nHarrison's Orchard, Snow Hill-ad!'\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1469.44580078125, 1893.171630859375, 1686.37548828125, 1916.5125732421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Rey ATIRTING SSUOTT\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2112.63263671875, 4235.03791015625, 2461.3470996093747, 4317.162773437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": " \n\nvings to 50° - Our\nSale. ERariy\nMain Se\n\n \n\n| Furniture\n20th Anniversar\n‘American How\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 715.950263671875, 4199.70734375, 1063.0552294921874, 4264.426933593751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": " \n\n‘aug. Special! 444 Carpet!\n\\John Donoway Furn., Berlin-ad.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 412.4537658691406, 3695.078125, 663.3666381835938, 3720.435546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Re EDWARD MAGRI\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 17.068612747192383, 4209.1184765625, 373.99333984375, 4269.019707031251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": " \n\nSears Clean Sweep Sale Now\nyn Progress - Ad.\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 20.110389404296875, 4283.838203125, 377.47093994140624, 4342.418144531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "The Furniture House - Berlin\nLeading Lines-Lower Prices-ad.\n" }, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 0, 34 ], [ 0, 37 ], [ 10, 34 ], [ 10, 37 ], [ 34, 37 ], [ 1, 25 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 2, 8 ], [ 2, 9 ], [ 2, 18 ], [ 2, 20 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 4, 8 ], [ 4, 9 ], [ 4, 18 ], [ 4, 20 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 6, 18 ], [ 6, 20 ], [ 8, 9 ], [ 8, 18 ], [ 8, 20 ], [ 9, 18 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 18, 20 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 14, 23 ], [ 32, 15 ], [ 32, 16 ], [ 32, 29 ], [ 32, 30 ], [ 32, 31 ], [ 15, 16 ], [ 15, 29 ], [ 15, 30 ], [ 15, 31 ], [ 16, 29 ], [ 16, 30 ], [ 16, 31 ], [ 29, 30 ], [ 29, 31 ], [ 30, 31 ] ]
[ 2434.995103515625, 3556.552720703125 ]
[ [ 0, 34 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 8, 20 ], [ 9, 2 ], [ 10, 0 ], [ 14, 23 ], [ 15, 31 ], [ 18, 9 ], [ 25, 1 ], [ 29, 32 ], [ 30, 16 ], [ 31, 30 ], [ 32, 15 ], [ 37, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1526.682875, 1718.8270400390625, 1818.3123642578125, 1967.744126953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "control in the administration o\njunior calleges.\"\n\nThe motion, propased — by\nTrustee E, J. Chinn, was ac\njcepted unanimously hy Sout\ncounty truslees afler a dahate\nwhieh lasted nearly (wo hours.\nThe letter will he discussed al\nthe board's next mieeting,\nMarch 5.\nrustee Fred AE Puman, ap-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 648.8410170898437, 2660.823255859375, 950.2321640625, 3556.552720703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| ‘The fire, which caused about\n$3,000 damage lo the holel. 22636\nMain St., has been classified as\narson hy Hayward fire in-\nSspeciors.\n\nShorlly before 1 p.m. yester-\nday, the body of Alberl FE. Cas-\nJer, 59, was found in the creck,\njust below the Mission Boule-\nyard overpass.\n\nCasler, according io the ha-\ntel's manager, had Hyed al the\nhotel since Feb. 11. She said his\nroam was in the front af the\nhuitding, some distance from\nthe secand-flaor men's restroom\nwhere the fire began. Firemen\nsaid the fire started in the rest-\nroom, and spread ta the holel's\nkilehen directly below. They\nfound rags behind a plumbing\n‘inspection door, where lhe fire\n\napparently started about 4 p.m.\nMonday.\n\nThe manager of the hotel said\nshe does not believe Casler was\nin the hotel at the time of the\nfire.\n\nDeputy coraner Gordan Lind.\nsey of the Fremont Memoria!\nChapel Mortuary estimated that\nCasler had been dead na mare\nthan 12 hours. He said there\nwas no evidence of foul play. An\nautopsy 14 being performed te\ndetermine the cause of death.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 740.8477309570312, 263.6757338867188, 1049.5814072265625, 615.9852768554688 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "story brownstone building al\n1125 16th St. N. We\nONE PERSON\n\nThe only person in the\nhuilding at the lime of the blasl\nwas a night duly officer, a\n\n \n\nut Department pri ompl-\nly expressed regrets In Soviet\nAmbassador Analoly FP. Dabry-\nnin and affered any assistance\n{hat might he required.\n\nA Soviel embassy source\nspeculaled that ihe hornbing\nmight have been the work of\nfanatics inflamed by the mack\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1236.43531640625, 2178.074232421875, 1527.660875, 2401.65355078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nSACRAMENTO (AP) -- Lt\nfor, Rabert HK, lineh says\noval governing beards should\nhe created [or pach slate ini-\nversity and college campus.\n| Such a move would sirengihen\nadministration of ihe schonls\nnd prevent any further “ero-\nsion in power and authority” of\nUniversity of Califarnia chancel-\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1072.9478896484375, 263.5807021484375, 1373.4471298828125, 615.1475083007813 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "bial of International comme-\nnism which concludes today in\nWashinglon.\nDAMAGES\n\nThe office of a Snviet\ncounselor in {he norlhwest\ncorner of the building was\nextensively damaged by lhe\nexplosion, a source said.\n\nThe force of the blast twisled\nsleel bars which protect Ihe\nJirst floor window. Several\nshutlered windows an upper\nfloors of the building were also\nb n by the exptosion.\nne of the Sovict diplomals\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 73.54111322021484, 3020.439955078125, 646.2460800781249, 3555.42015234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "SAN LEANDRO—Playing to a slanding-room-only aurlience\nmay be a grafifying experience, hut San Leandro Unified\nSchoal District trustees called it curtains last night.\n\nThey came to the decision after heing nudged toward it\nagain hy Mrs. Robert Bishop, 2120 Name St., who'd arrived\nat the board meeting early enough lo find a seat in the IJn-\ncoln School meeting room. A notice posted outside the room\nbefore last night's session called attention to a seating finlt\nof 49 persons.\n\nThe meeting was set for 7:30, By 7:15 all seats in the room\nwere taken; by 7:20 eight people were staking out SRO spats,\nand by 7:25 nine more had gathered in the back af the room.\n\nkok ok\n\nBY THE TIME Board President Winifred Crew made her\nopening remarks, they included an apology for lack of space\nlo about 60 people standing in the hall.\n\n‘Thus cued, Mrs, Bishop arose, éescribed the situatinn as\na “disgrace,” reminded the board of her previnva requesls\nthal-f fiad'a larger reom, and charged trustees with not being\nvery Interesled in accommodating the public.\n\nTrustee A, J, Olivelra mada a motion, seconded by Trustee\n\n{Continued on Page 4 al 1)\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1398.3621962890625, 268.7386306152344, 1698.6810166015625, 617.0569931640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "live in the embassy huitding,\nThe elegant mansion fone blacks\nfrom the While House has\nhecome far too small even to\nprovide adequate office space\nfor the Russian mission,\n\nAmbassador) Dobrynin and\nolher ranking members af the\ninission have homes av apart\nas in various paris of the\nvily, and Soviet embassy offices\nare seattered among several\nintildings,\n\n‘There are no fences around\ndhe embassy building and it\nwould be a relatively simple\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1532.712416015625, 2180.23902734375, 1817.9554306640625, 2403.15843359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "lars and stale enilepe presi-\ndents, Finet said Tuesday nighl.\n\nThe boards would have @ fo\n12 members each drawn from\nthe surraunding cammuaity and\nappointed by the governor. They\nwould have autharily to decide\nsuch local issues as rampus\n\n \n\n \n\ntcConfirved on Page 2, Cal. #)\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1720.4693740234375, 267.5656875, 2024.141587890625, 617.4626938476563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "matter for a crank to plant a\nbomb near it.\n\nThe Russians have cam-\nplained for years thal their\nembassy was too cramped.\nAGREEMENT\n\n‘The Uniled Slates and the\nSoviet Union reached agreement\nfast year on new embassy siles\nin Moscow and Washington, The\nnew Russian embassy will be\nlocated on a 13-acre fenced plat\non Wisconsin Avenue wilh an\nentrance thal can be barred at\nnight by an iran gate.\n\nThere have not been any\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 414.7406142578125, 261.3164809570313, 720.4717880859375, 614.3699204101563 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "hasement. One person was\nkilled and 14 were injured.\nON WINDOWSILL\n\nOfficials said the bamb which\ndamaged the Soviet embassy in\nthe predawn fours taday\napparently had heen planted on\na windowsill of Ihe fortress-like\nstructure.\n\nPolice were reported lonking\nfar iwo suspects in conneclion\nwilh the’ bombing, which\nshaltered windows in nearby\noffice buildings and blew oul the\nwindshield of a car parked on\nthe street in front of the four-\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1233.2867568359375, 1722.2911513671875, 1518.4546982421875, 1971.6522080078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ihe contiauing development «\njunigr colleges as an integre\nand effective clement in th\nstricture of public education i\nithe slate.\n\n“The work of dhe board shal\nal all tines be directed {0 main\nlaining and vnntinuing (hrougt\nthe maximum degree per\nmissible Incai atilonamy ane\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 123.66041564941406, 2882.91357421875, 598.137451171875, 3006.45751953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "SPACE PROBLEMS\nAT SCHOOL MEET\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 939.0803833007812, 1535.1854248046875, 1965.22998046875, 1708.4014892578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Chabot Trustees Plan Campaign\n\nTo Warn Of Local Control Threat\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2127.737318359375, 3129.59937890625, 2434.995103515625, 3553.412583984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "An ousted Eden Area poverty\nofficial showed up for work to\nday under the impression he\nhad heen reinstated Jast night\nhy lhe unit's board of directors,\nbut Executive Director Gerald\nBreitaaupt said no and sent him\nhor\n\nAl G. Rogers, fired by\nRreithaupt a5 manpawer direc-\ntor of the Eden Area Economic\nOpportunity Organization,\nwasn't the only ‘one at last\nnight's meeting who thought he\nhad heen reinstated. Members\nof the board itsel and persons\nin the overflow audience also\nUnought ha bad hla job back,\n\niContaved 6a Paga % Ce. 1)\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 51.55919107055664, 2106.715833984375, 350.5313278808594, 2849.81321875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SAN LEANDRO ~ An unex-\npected increase of 893,00 In\ndebt confronts the San Leandro\nUnified School District.\n\nThe debl was firsl noficed in\na printout sheet seal. to the dis-\ntrict from the Slate Department\nof Finance and was formally\npresented in an audit report to\nthe hoard hy acraunlant George\nLandis last night.\n\n‘The increase stems from leg:\nislation passed in August 1986,\n- allowing the slale lo make dis:\n| tricis liable for the debts of oth\n\ner districls where they cross\n\nlines by annexation, school ad.\ntoinistrators said.\nt+ ok oO\nTre 1957, the San Leandro Uni\n‘fied School. District. annexec\n\nHalcyon Elementary Schoo\n\nfrom San Lorenzo.\n\nAl thal time, the distric\nagreed In pay 15 per cent of the\nbuilding debi for Halcyon. o1\nabout. §262,000. Payments ove!\nthe last three years reduced thi:\ndebt to $148,000\n\nGregory Darck, the dis!\ndirector of :business service:\nsaid the hike in the district’\n\n- debt will not make any appre\nj eclable difference in annual pay\n'\n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1220.9166396484375, 1294.713880859375, 1517.932603515625, 1509.490953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "| ‘Two Mavine Skyhas\nJthraugh the still gee\ndropper napalm and 259 pound\njboinbs across Ihe Communisl\npositions around the imperial\nIpalace which was the seal af\nthe Annamese kings centuries\nago.\n\nThe bombs louched off 2\nCommunist ammunition dump\n\n \n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2107.218763671875, 1298.40504296875, 2411.983873046875, 1662.77855078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "falave grounds, LPT correspan-\nent Richard V, Oliver reported\nfrom the scene. The palace\nitself Is off grounds to bombing\nallhough the Viet Cong are\nusing il as a fortress.\n\nMarine officers who directed\nlhe strikes denied the palace\ngrounds had heen hil.\n| Waves of Marine hellcepters\nbrought In reinforcements for\nthe Leathernecks who have\nsuffered heavy casualties in\ntheir tedinits advance. Bul\nsheels. of blazing ground fire\n\nIContinysd on Paga 2% Cal. 6)\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 377.3354797363281, 2427.65380859375, 933.177490234375, 2635.80224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "No Fire Link\nArea Hotel Resident\nFound Dead In Creek\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 91.76521142578125, 262.8049147949219, 396.6493393554688, 615.7067124023438 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPL — A\nbomb exploded outside the\nSoviet Embassy early today,\nshattering several windows and\nheavily damaging the ground\nfloor office of a Russian\ncounselor.\n\nThere were no injuries. It was\nthe secand time in four day:\nthat an explosion recked 4\nCommunist mission in a west-\nern capital,\n\nThe Yugoslav ambassador’\nresidence in Paris was severely\ndamaged Sunday night when a\nlime bamb exploded in the\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2136.000732421875, 2924.569580078125, 2395.715087890625, 3117.991455078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Antipoverty\nRehiring\nDisputed\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2044.9486220703125, 270.8619521484375, 2349.791490234375, 615.605455078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "violent demonstrations at the U.\nS. Embassy in Moscow fn\nrecent months, but windows ar\nthe ground floor sf the embassy\nhave been shattered on several\nfecasions hy unruly mohs\nhurling recks and hattles.\n\nJust over a year ago, hamhs\nexploded outside six Yugoslav\nembassies ann consulates in the\nUniled States and Canada.\n‘There were no injuries in the\nJan. 29, 1947, hambings in\nWashington, Ollawa, Chicago.\nSan Francisen, Toronto and\nNew York.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2130.562744140625, 2168.696044921875, 2410.00146484375, 2355.28955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Castro Valley\nCopter Pilot\nDies In Viet\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1240.9888916015625, 1991.2340087890625, 1809.045166015625, 2170.8388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Governing Boards\n\nAt Colleges Urged\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 353.5760634765625, 2104.401380859375, 637.5150620117188, 2392.12718359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "ments lo (he slate. IL will just\nstretch the inslallments over <\nlonger period of time, he said.\n\nSan Leandra has been paying\nait its share of Ihe San Lorenz\ndistrict's handed debt to the\nstale al aboul $39.00 a year.\n\nkt * x\n\n“NOW, INSTEAD of bein,\n\npaid aut in three vears, it inok\n\n(Caniiaued es Page 2, Col. 6)\n\n \n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 360.2980788574219, 2654.29566796875, 646.3207260742188, 2862.808580078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "FREMONT — The body of a\nresident of the Green Shutter\nHotel, Hayward, was found flaat-\ning in Alameda Creek in lhe\nNiles district of Fremant yester-\nday, but police said there is no\napparent connection hetween\nthe death and a fire sel Monday\nnight at the hotel.\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2122.564466796875, 2368.266126953125, 2426.18968359375, 2904.181138671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": " \n\nee ~~ Warrant\nOfficer Glenn D, Moore, 22, has\nbeen killed in action in Viet-\nnam.\n\nMoore, 2 helicopter pilot, was\nshot down over enemy terrilory\nFeb. 9 and his parents were na-\ntified four days Jater that he\nhad died of his wounds.\n\n« + *\n\nA NATIVE af Texas, he lived\nin Castrn Valley for six years\nand graduated from Castro Val.\nJey High School in 1963. He al.\ntended California Stale Coll\nat Hayward and Pasadena C:\nCollege before entering tt\nArmy about a year ago. He was\na member of the First Baptist\nChurch of Casira Valley.\n\nThe young warrant officer\nwas the son of (18. Coast Guard\nCapt. and Mrs, Deno William\n\ntal, a\n\n \n \n\n[Continue\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 52.61206817626953, 1824.1915283203125, 540.2960205078125, 2088.587158203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Bi j Debt Faces.\nSchool Trustees\nIn San Leandro\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 974.8495483398438, 2419.145751953125, 2109.780029296875, 3510.03125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 637.5827163085937, 1285.510755859375, 931.4175278320313, 1939.7525498046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "“SAIGON (UEE)—-U.S. Marines!\nstriking while their enemy slept\nlashed deep inta the rubbier\nCitadel of Hue in a 4 a.m,\nassailt today. H appeared the\n22-day-old haltle far Hue was\nnearing an end hough heavy\nfighting Jay ahead.\n\n“DP would like to say thal 1\nthink we will get aver that\n(south) wall tamorrow,”' a U.S.\nmililary spokesman told news-\nmen huddled on ihe south side\nof ihe ancient fortress. ‘That\nwould leave only the inperial\npatace in the sauihwest corne:\nin Viel Cong hands.\n\n| CLOUDS LIFTED\n\nThe mansoon clouds lifter\ntoday and the Marines flew ir\nreinfovcemenis by —_ heli¢apter\ndespite imlense uptl-sicerst. “rs\nthal turned same choppers\nhack. And for the first dime is\nthree’ days Marine jets struck\nwilh napalm that turned the\nViel Cong redoubl into a hell a!\norange Hames and hlack smoke.\n\nDespile laday's progress Lt\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1806.8048232421875, 1289.3763564453125, 2101.53050390625, 1514.3279892578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "|backyards and alleywaes ane\nJagainst massive enemy firepow\nJer and deadly suipers. Al las\nreparis the Marines had mac\n{about 150 yards and were abou\nthat distance fram their geal-\n(the south wall.\n\nHOFF GROUNDS\n\n‘| Same of the air strike\nwappeared to hit inside Uh\n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1518.041517578125, 1291.0100234375, 1806.7369248046875, 1511.2410751953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "that exploded in a sheet of\norange flame and sent dalls o\nfire soaring into the air above\nthe once sacred shrines now\npocketed wilh North Vietna\nmese bunkers.\n\nHoowas one of the mons\nagonizing fights in Marine\nCorps history. The fight wa:\n|Iram — honse-te-house, — threug!\n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 927.9823745117187, 1287.1351455078125, 1221.7742783203125, 1512.40355078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Gen, Rehert [. Chapman dr.\ncommander af the Leather\nnecks, warned thal the 300 {¢\n5 die-hard Communist hold\nmits were being resupplied anc\ncould hold an Tor several mort\ndays.\n\n\"STICKING\n\n“The enems' is sticking to tne\nfasi man.’ he said.\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2137.286376953125, 1722.0618896484375, 2406.083251953125, 2119.8388671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1818.922376953125, 1759.5208876953125, 2116.2673203125, 2403.006333984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "eRe EN ae tsscus RAE pT SS on\nJboard (the board of governors\nof California community col.\nlleges) before il even has a\nchance ta meet.” He urged his\nfellow trustees to wail watil an\n“imminent danger” exisis.\n\na a *\n\nCHINN CONTENDED that\nsuch danger already exists, and\nsaid. “This would be equivalent\nfo giving a man wilh a naasey\naraund his aeck a Howie\nknife.”\n\nDehale over the Jetier cen-\nfered primarily an ifs nature\nand timing. Duman questinned!\nfhe timing, remarking thal\nmailing out letters enlisting sup-\nport fram the community naw\nwould decrease the effert a sim-\nilar effort might have lale\n\nChinn was adamant in insist-\ning on the necessity of inform:\ning the public ahaul the exis.\n‘tence af the state board and its\npotential effects on Incat control\nof junior colleges.\n\n“The coordinating caun¢il is\n\n \n\nSContieaied OK F4Ge EL AY\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 662.3238525390625, 1118.1407470703125, 2381.373291015625, 1263.7760009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "Battle kor Hue Nears End\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 81.76182556152344, 661.5361328125, 618.9495849609375, 1712.8582763671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 936.3366225585937, 1751.01930078125, 1230.8763291015625, 2401.60374609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "Expressing fears that a new\nslate junior college board may\nnsurp same Jaeal responst-\nbilities, South County Junior\nCollege District trustees last\nnight approved a fetter cam-\npaign to inform the public of the\npossible loss of Incal control.\n\n‘The letler - - aimed primarily\nal penple who have used Chabot\nfacilities. members of advisory\nnnards and other. people close io\nthe callege — vould speli out\npotential dangers in loss of local\ncontrol,\n\n \n\n \n\n* * *\n\nTHE 15-MEMBER stale jr\nnior college board. of governors\nwas appninted Jan. 15 hy Gov.\nRonald Reagan and will take of-\nfice duly |. The haard's specific\nresponsibilities will not he de-\ntermined, however, unti\nJanuary 1889, when the Coordi.\nnating Council on Higher Idee\ncatinn is “ta submit a report tc\nthe slate legislature.\n\nThe slate purpose of — the\nboard af gavernors is “to pro\nvide leadership and direction i\n\n \n\n \n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 97.03241729736328, 101.27452087402344, 2364.69775390625, 244.1124725341797 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Predawn Explosion Rocks Soviet Embassy\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 983.0267333984375, 1720.93896484375, 1189.3541259765625, 1748.73779296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "By DON BUCHHOLZ\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 685.9672241210938, 1959.07861328125, 881.0067749023438, 2016.4439697265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "INSIDE\n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 1063.8973388671875, 998.4903564453125, 1949.218994140625, 1089.5972900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Marines Strike Sleeping Foes\n" }, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 6723.13232421875, 9834.279296875 ]
[ [ 8, 1 ], [ 14, 27 ], [ 15, 13 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1734.48779296875, 325.2228698730469, 3354.439208984375, 2041.536376953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 955.3985063476563, 828.009041015625, 1717.6512373046876, 2718.0898359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "|\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n) the broader, fairer sys-\nMf state taxation.\nind when we look at dozens\nbw York communities, from\n\n‘ork City to upstate towns,\n\nunder burdenso @\n0) taxes to pay welfare\nbts, we can appreciate what\nTis new constitution will bring\n| b these beleaguered commun-\n\naddition to bringing greater\n| «aid «to }«communities\nfighed down by “hard-core\npoverty and social ills, “Ken-\nMedy said the constitution wou.d\nProvide for greater development\n\nf badly-needed public power,\nmake conservation of natural\nburces “a — constitutional\n” streamline the executive\n| judicial branches of gover\nnment for more efficient use 0!\ntax dollars and make the figh\n@gainst air and water pollutior\n“an integral part of state plan\n\nKennedy will pursue the cam\n; for adoption of the con\n}8titution today in New York Cit\n\nand over the week end in hi\nmonthly television program fo\n| New York stations,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 988.6494829101563, 3022.717048828125, 1771.571037109375, 5303.7621992187505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "AO WC FPaliaGQiullle i iitivs,\n_ May I address this letter to\nMr. George L. Cook, Democrat\ncandidate for alderman in the\nFifth Ward?\n\n_ Mr. Cook, I believe your ad-\ndress is 211 W. Fourth St., if\nnot I stand corrected. My ad-\ndress is 204 East Seventh St.\nand I know about my water,\n‘you don't.\n\nIf I were in the Fifth Ward\nall I would worry about would\nbe the eight year old Democra-\ntic Pot Holes in the streets\nwhich I had to dodge daily.\n\nMy primary concern, how-\never, is the water my wife\nand eight children have to drink,\nalong with the other residents\nof my ward.\n\nI won't concern myself about\nyour mistakes in respect to the\ngallonage of water capacity as\nopposed to the usage is, but\nonly to the safe and clean as-\npect.\n\nPlease Mr. Cook come to 204\nE. Seventh or any house in the\nEight Ward, to smell and if you\ndare, taste our water supply\n\nBefore you do please me\nthe name of your f phy\nsician, so that I can ar\n\nrangement for your treatment.\nNow I dare you to get you\nfacts straight. Come smell an\ntaste first hand our water.\nJOHN R. TESORIERO.\nRepublican Candidate for\nAlderman, Eighth War\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5030.3320390625, 702.5883256835938, 5856.7372968750005, 2454.223625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "PULASKI — All Grange youth\nand young married couples are\n\nurged to attend the Os wego\nCounty Young Grangers’ meet-\ning to be held at Ricard Grange\nHall on Saturday, ct. 28, at 8:30\n\np.m.\n\nThe following officers will be\ninstalled by Onondaga County\nDeputy Donald Baird and his\nyouth team: Master, Shirley\nKellogg, Ricard Grange; Over-\nseer, Casey Wheeler, Ricard:\nLecturer, Cindy Rowe, Central\nSquare; steward, Leland Green,\nGranite; assistant steward, 1es-\nter Kellogg, Ricard; chaplain,\nEdward Wilcox, Lower Oswego\nFalls Grange; treasurer, Alice\nWilcox, Lower Oswego Fall's:\nsecretary, Sybil Commins, San-\ndy Creek Grange; gate keeper,\nGeorge Commins, Sandy Creek;\nCeres, Margaret Roser, Ricard;\nPomona, J oanne Skellington,\nRicard; lady assistant steward,\nRita Brauch, Sandy Creek; ex-\necutive committee, Bob Wilcox\nand Dick Wilcox; Lower Oswe-\ngo Falls; and John Neville,\n" }, "4": null, "5": { "bbox": [ 5032.76171875, 294.6120910644531, 5748.3515625, 649.6316528320312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "County Young\nGrangers To\nMeet Oct. 28\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1783.614013671875, 2399.989501953125, 2565.6142578125, 3672.75 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 212.30584716796875, 6196.60546875, 1787.851318359375, 9731.599609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n\n/\n\nUg Vea\n: en BEST\nBe, IN TREATS\nFf q \\ron Your |.\n\\]\n\n \n \n\nW. SECOND AND UTICA sts, yumet 10 pac\n\nDIAL Fl 33494\nOPEN TILL 10 P. M. EVERY NigHT\n\nTHE LIQUOR PLACE WITH THE P ARKING nw\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 70.25809497070313, 864.3363115234375, 952.0182416992188, 5862.9848554687505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\na Constitution,\n“gituted “A Single. Framewort\n“A Single Framewo\n_-@f Government.” — a\n\\> The first amendment of the\nU.S. constitution, Ke said, bar-\n- red “Unconstitutional Direct Aid\nto Religious Schools,” adding,\n“That is the Position I take\n- now. With this stringent protec-\n\n \n\nacts, we will have the same\n_ protection that has ‘kept churct\nand state separate in Americs\n_ for 100 years.”\n‘.. The senator said the “Journe\nto a Better New York’’ could be\nstarted by approval of the nev\n- constitution, He maintained i\nrecognized educational, conser\nvation, governmental and econ\nonic needs and would “enable\nthe state to join with the private\nsector in a campaign of comm\nunity development.”\n\nKennedy stressed the provi\nsion for State Loans and Grant:\nto private firms for economi\nand community development a\na way to improve the fight o\npollution, rehabilitate cities\n\nbuild sew towns and relocat\n\nindustry.\n\nJust as important, he added\nwere the provisions on individ\nual rights — greater right t\njury trial, protection against un\n\nwiul ea and wiretaps\neliminating employe loy\n\n. glty oaths, increased protectior\n. for private property rights, wip\ning out all racial discriminatior\nin housing, jobs and education\n\nconsumer protectior\nand giving constitutional forct\nto conservation of natura! re\n\nsources.\nThe constitution must be\n( Kennedy declared\noa Rar aghae: of risk\n| gains already won “for the\nuncertainty of the future.”’ He\n. conceded that many reform:\nwere not included, but said thi:\nonly meant ‘‘that fallible humar\nte wrote this document.”\nThe penetor said the new con\nstitution shifted costs, rathe!\n‘than adding costs, but adde\n_ the shift was ‘“‘from the narrow\nregressive taxes of local govern\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2722.986572265625, 3930.066650390625, 6723.13232421875, 9834.279296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n\nSHOP NOW DURING SECO ND BIG eae\n\n \n \n \n\nwaiSs ic a LEAN, MEATY, FRESH r. i 39 ;\n\n== SPARE RIBS ‘SU\n\n™ PORK CHOPS Jf TENDER—BONELESS | Me\n\nFAMILY STEAKS 4°\nF BONELESS\n\nROUND STEAK reax + (9\n\n \n\nL C\nB\n\n \n \n \n \n\nSTURDY\n\nDOG MEAL : . ios vevevt, RIAL THING FROM FLORIDA THING FROM FLORIDA\n| , ( ae ORANGE ae.\n— T 99 INDIAN - JUICE 2 5:\nag MAID a ___ =s\n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nLARGE\n\nDURKEE'’S ENGLISH\n\nTURKEYS\n\n \n\nMUFFINS ,\n2:49: ois :\nDONUTS Z\n\nPkg. ; | = ’ SHORTENING\n\n16 | ith i CRISCO\nHOME a .\nGROWN c| TISSUE 13 .\n\nELSEY | iii\n\ncharac Ly leeserA3-| = 69}\n\n‘LIQUID CLEANER —<“‘Cé‘LSASI's:=)| UW : y\nWHISTLE I$ a AF we\nVT EL CASTROGIOVANNI\n\nREG. 69% BOTTLE ce ae\n\n\\ Th\n\n \n\nSUPER MARKET |\n\nST EIGHTH AND UTICA\nt at ANd * ¢ : ad 7\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3456.671875, 2526.552734375, 5819.3369140625, 3856.927978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ESTABLISHED 1696\n\nINSURANCE\n\nSAFE DRIVERS PAY LESS!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nF MeDONOUGH R McDONOUGH\n\n \n \n \n\nJOHN WRIGHT.\nSEE US BEFORE YOUR\nARE YOU A SAFE DRIVER? AUTO POLICY RENEWS.\nr ASK ABOUT OUR\nDRIVE-IN SERVICE in i sah aa\n\n2 E = :\nee \"WHERE INSURANCE IS A\nBUSINESS NOT A SIDELINE’\n\nFRANK & MCDONOUGH, inc.\n\n29 WEST SENECASTREET 343-5980 OSWEGO. NEW YOR!\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1873.5411455078124, 6570.39698046875, 2607.13622265625, 9756.6796796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Alderman Don A. Woodard\nCandidate for re-election of\nthe 7th Ward is married to\nthe former Doris A, Nelson.\nThey are the parents of four\nchildren James, Kathleen,\nChristine and Karen. They\nreside at 355 W. Fifth St.\n\nMr. Woodard was a mem-\nber of the U. §, Marine\nCorps during World War I\nand also the Korean conflict\nHe is a member of the Ma-\nrine Corps League, the\nAmerican Legion ,and_ the\nVeterans of Foreign Wars.\nHe also was very active in\nthe Junior Chamber of Com-\nmerce. Mr. Woodard enter-\ned the automobile business\nin 1946. He has been asso-\nciated with Thalmann Mo-\ntors, Inc. for the last twelve\nand a half years. He is now\nVice-president of that cor-\n- poration.\n\nAlderman Woodard during\nhis present term of office\nhas served on the Claims\ncommittee, water works\nComm., chairman of the Ii.\ncense comm., streets comm.\nMayor Shapiro has appoint.\ned him. to special committees\nsuch as the Audit comm. for\nthe works and water depts.\nliason between the Commor\nCouncil and the Board o\nEducation, also a_ specia\nchairmanship for the Cit;\nTourist Comm, which de\nveloped into the Oswege\nCownty Tourist Council\nwhich had a very successfu\nfirst year. '\n\nAlderman Woodard ha:\npledged to continue to serve\nthe people of the 7th Ware\nand the City of Oswego, i\nre-elected, in a conscientiou:\nand dedicated manner.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3448.04590625, 507.1275102539062, 4966.22899609375, 1817.5434492187499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WHEREAS, the National Catholic\nhas designated the week of October 29 Foeren Nev.\nember 4, 1967 as National Catholic rot Week, and\n\nWHEREAS, the permenent aims of\nYouth Sar cca Geet es\naware of their for good and to emphasize\nyouth sow rewonntllity ) their willingness Be\nabilities and resources, —\n\nWHEREAS, the increased aanene wielded by\n\npeople in modern society will benefit our com-\nity; therefore, | R » Mayer of the City\npo New York, proclaim the week of\n\nOctober 29 through November 4, 1967, i\ntet Cheimwa\n\nRALPH SHAPIRO\nMeyer\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4217.61621875, 1904.920662109375, 5022.1923750000005, 2454.469962890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "the speech, mailed it to the\nclub, and attached this note:\n“Should a World Series game be\nplayed on Oct. 12, this speech\nwill not be delivered but the\ncontents may be released.”\n\nP.S. Duwe wasn't at the\nluncheon, Someone read his\nspeech,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 996.1106645507813, 5420.42823046875, 1797.9715498046876, 6165.7226484375005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "CHICAGO (AP) — A piano is\nonly as old as its sounding\nboard, says Robert Bull, vice\n—- of a piano manufac-\n\nrm.\nsaid the inner construc-\ntion is what counts. ‘For that’s\nessentially what determines a\npiano’s tone.”’ His firm, the Sto-\nry & Clark Piano Co., Lincoln-\nwood, Ill., has been making pi-\nanos since 1857.\n“The sound board‘ the heart\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3406.797859375, 1996.8643876953124, 4201.11278515625, 2464.517814453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "TOPEKA, Kan, (AP) — d.\nRex Duwe, a Kansas '‘~hway\ncommissioner, is at odds with\nGov, Robert Docking about how\nto finance a freewc, system.\n\nDuwe planned to make a\nspeech about the hassle at a\nluncheon club here .He wrote\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2009.07177734375, 5804.13232421875, 2465.74267578125, 6494.8740234375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5910.5810546875, 1611.3634033203125, 6655.802734375, 3865.9951171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n\n; : .\n} ere ee\n\n~ BILL PURVIS\n\nSTILL TIME TO GET\nTHAT FENCE IN\nBEFORE WINTER\n\n“Service With\nPurvis\"\n\n343-4600\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5900.677734375, 1055.9014892578125, 6640.27880859375, 1548.223388671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "KNIT-A-BIT SHOPPE\n\n196 W. First St.\nDial 342-0807\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3709.83447265625, 358.24688720703125, 4682.23974609375, 487.9324951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "PROCLAMATION\n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 2594.782966796875, 2639.712166015625, 3397.17137890625, 3562.53954296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP) — (USDA)\n—Wholesale egg offerings con-\ntinued liberal on large ar? ex.\ntra large, in balance on medi-\num and short on smalls, de.\n‘mand fair Friday,\n| New York spot quotations fol.\nlow:\n\nWhites: Extra fancy larg:\n27-2814; fancy medium 22-23.\nfancy large 26%-27%:; mediun\n21-214; smalls 19-19; peewee:\nunquoted.\n\nBrowns: Extra fancy larg\nsmalls 19-19%,\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5860.27686328125, 541.9700395507813, 6658.6586835937505, 985.4896162109376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Hong Kong covers a lal\narea of 398 square miles. J\nncludes many steep-sloped is\nlands and a portion of th\narable lowlands of the Chimi\nmainland. a\n\n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 1052.109619140625, 5345.3671875, 1789.2177734375, 5412.6142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "SOUNDING BOARD COUNTS\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 156.21939086914062, 5923.05712890625, 939.762451171875, 6161.0244140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "THE PALLADIUM-TIMES\nFri., Oct. 27, 1967 1\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2668.14208984375, 2391.857421875, 3303.896240234375, 2515.5400390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "N. Y. MARKET\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1797.4478837890624, 3757.786140625, 2609.616447265625, 5176.79833203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ga Sorority will hold its annual,\npledge tea Sunday at Christ:\nChurch from 3 to 5. Chairman\nfor this event is Miss Lynn\nPurdy (above). All officers\nmust be thefe at 2:30.\n\nof a piano,” he said, ‘‘because it\namplifies the sound of the\nstrings and gives a piano its\ntone.”’\n\nThe sounding board should be\nmade of laminated mahogai.,\nbonded together in a modern hot\nplate process with waterproof\nglue, he said.\n\nye longest bass string should\n\nbe 48 inches long, and the keys\nshould respond quickly to the\ntouch.\n\n \n\n \n\nAsbury Park, on the New\nJersey coast, was founded as\n\na summer resort in 1871 by\nTamac DD cece aia\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1122.7225341796875, 2749.711181640625, 1613.48779296875, 2862.141845703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "What People Say\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2600.682625, 3585.94385546875, 3426.15282421875, 3845.32274609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Butter\n| NEW YORK (AP) — (USDA)\n|—Butter offerings ample, for a\n\n‘slow demand. Prices unchang-\nled.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3446.698486328125, 1910.0791015625, 4174.14453125, 1982.1114501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "PREFERRED BALL GAME\n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 5846.99951171875, 331.9819641113281, 6569.2197265625, 483.8197937011719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Wranitc. ‘\nRefreshments will be ser\nfollowing the meeting.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5909.58154296875, 1613.5408935546875, 6659.6455078125, 3869.526611328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n\n.\n\n\"BILL PURVIS\n\nSTILL TIME TO GET\nTHAT FENCE IN\nBEFORE WINTER\n\n“Service With\nPurvis\"\n\n343-4600\n\nsi .\nwoven detec\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1148.4635009765625, 2893.4892578125, 1573.7529296875, 2964.180908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Discusses Water\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 8 ], [ 3, 10 ], [ 3, 15 ], [ 8, 10 ], [ 8, 15 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 28, 22 ], [ 34, 29 ] ]
[ 6773.37939453125, 10108.6910234375 ]
[ [ 3, 10 ], [ 8, 3 ], [ 10, 15 ], [ 28, 22 ], [ 34, 29 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1021.1610107421875, 1684.729736328125, 1801.2623291015625, 2155.640869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "No Special\nSession in\nlowa Seen\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2640.63818359375, 5066.40087890625, 4262.07421875, 5391.84716796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Tranquilizer Gun Tested;\nLeaves Victims Helpless\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1011.947021484375, 6675.95556640625, 1787.139404296875, 7048.99609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Ho Asking Red\nWorld Backing\nAgainst U.S\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2640.7533125, 8641.0804609375, 3428.93467578125, 10073.852156250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "they had tried to flee to Hong\nKong.\n\nOne arrival said the\nattempts to sabotage the\nrefineries apparently failed\nand that he had seen them\n“intact”? last week.\n\nOthers arriving from China\nsaid that Kwangtung province\nand Shanghai have been\nthrown into turmoil as\nfollowers of Mao Tse-tung and\nhis enemies continue to fight\nfor power.\n\nIn Kwangtung, China’s\nsouthern province that borders\non Hong Kong, Mao’s enemies\ntried last week to create a\nstate of anarchy.\n\nIn Shanghai, China’s largest\ncity, scores were being\narrested each night during a\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5102.24755859375, 5270.6064453125, 5888.123046875, 5730.90380859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Defector's\nMuzzle Bid\n\nls Failure\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 84.33148956298828, 915.4600830078125, 6766.4501953125, 1640.6158447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n\nASKS MASS TRANSIT SETUP\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 183.8856201171875, 7695.0361328125, 983.0774536132812, 7937.291015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Hanoi Visitor Says\nReds Optimistic\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 171.51887646484374, 7961.4945234375, 998.0155473632813, 9475.20371875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "SAIGON (AP) — A recent\nvisitor to Hanoi said Monday\nthat the North Vietnamese are\nconvinced they achieved\n“tremendous victories” in their\nlunar new year offensive against\nSouth Vietnam’s cities.\n\n“They accept the fact that a\nmilitary victory is not feasible,”\nhe said, “but they are damn\ncertain of winning _ the\npsychological war.”\n\nThe visitor, who talked with\nNorth Vietnam’s leaders but\nrefused to be quoted by name,\nsaid the outcome of the\ncommunist offensive had not\naltered their view that they\nwere moving closer to final\nvictory. He said the attitude was\nthe same as he observed during\na previous stay in Hanoi last\nyear.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1830.5023359375, 8634.446671875, 2613.46787890625, 10083.853132812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "HONG KONG (AP) —\nInformed sources said Monday\n70 escapees from Red China\nhave been sent back, but Hong\nKong officials refused to\ncomment on the report.\n\nThe informants said the 70\nwere shipped to the border in\ntrucks Saturday and handed\nover to Red Chinese border\npatrols.\n\nMore than 300 escapees\nfrom Communist China were\narrested by Hong Kong police\nduring the past week.\n\nTravelers arriving from Red\nChina said eight have been\nexecuted in Canton for trying\nto sabotage oil refineries\nthere. The informants said\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1810.2966474609375, 7555.82997265625, 2629.01280078125, 8323.854109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "_ MIAMI BEACH (AP) — Labor\nleaders pledged full cooperation\nMonday in working out\nproblems in President Johnson's\n‘effort to provide jobs for 500,000\nhard-core unemployed.\n\nA White House aide, Joseph\nCalifano,, said AFL-CIO Pres-\nident George Meany told\nhim, “Joe, you go back and tell\nthe President we will cooperate\n'wholeheartedly.”’\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3461.234025390625, 8626.167375, 4250.5523515625, 10061.326765625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "massive Maoist purge, the\narrivals said.\n\n“Mao’s victims are being\nfingered by members of Red\nstreet committees , , , and the\nmoment a committee member\nmakes a complaint against a\nperson he is immediately\nseized,’ the English-language\nHong Kong Standard quoted\none arrival as saying.\n\nArrivals said the city is\nshort of food and ‘no one\ndares show himself on the\nstreet after 6 p.m. for fear of\nbeing atiacked.”\n\nParties of Red Guards and\n‘“‘fake Red Guards’ roam the\ncity looking for people to\nassault and rob, one traveler\nSaid,\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4287.31103515625, 1682.861083984375, 5882.62109375, 2094.1337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Reds Ambush Marines\nOn Khe Sanh Patrol\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 5895.22900390625, 7160.93896484375, 6590.96630859375, 7529.92138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Say President's\nCities Plan To\nReach Farther\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1818.552490234375, 7310.5537109375, 2618.345947265625, 7539.01611328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Labor Pledges Aid\nOn Providing Jobs\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1811.3416748046875, 8357.10546875, 5054.90869140625, 8601.908203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Hong Kong Ousts 70 Red Chinese\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4285.96864453125, 8623.0804609375, 5068.53037890625, 10064.118757812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Chinese Nationalist\nintelligence sources in Taipei\npredicted that large-scale\nviolence will erupt in the\nmainiand province of\nSinkiang, where Communist\nChina’s nuclear installations\nare located.\n\nThe report, distributed by\nNationalist China’s official\nCentral News Agency, said\nforces in Sinkiang opposing\nMao had evacuated men,\nweapons and supplies to\nmountainous areas in\npreparation for an_ all-out\nstruggle if Peking detains\nWang En-mou, ruler of the\nprovince.\n\nWang is opposed to Mao’s\ncultural revolution and the\nRed Guard rampage.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5897.6527265625, 7622.1195234375, 6715.80186328125, 8766.443953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres-\nident Johnson’s proposal to con-\ngress for solving “The Crisis of\nthe Cities’ is even more far-\n‘reaching than many urban ex-\nperts had hoped.\n\nThe urgently worded message\nissued last Thursday included\nseveral proposals of potential-\nly great impact that had not\nbeen forecast in the President's\nState of the Union or budget\nmessages. Foremost among\nthese:\n\nA means for the nation’s big\nindustries to enter the low-in-\n\n(Continued: Page 3, Col. 3.)\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 199.5546112060547, 1650.1231689453125, 981.7596435546875, 2444.83056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "FDA Chief\nOkays LSD\n- Penalties\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1817.5964521484375, 5441.415421875, 2641.01866015625, 7273.82432421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Cedar Rapids News—\n\n- Thieves took $4,040 worth of\nantiques, silver and a television\nin a breakin at the Orrie L.\nBecker residence, 327 Nassau\nstreet SE, over the weekend.\n\n- Authorities said the breakin\nwas reported by Becker's son,\nHarold. Detectives said _ the\nburglars gained entry through\nan unsecured window inside the\nfront porch. |\n\nReported stolen were a com-\nplete Louis XIV sterling\nflatware set valued at $1,200, a\nsix-piece sterling tea service\nvalued at $1,400, an antique\nswivel domed tureen valued at’\n$250, a $550 five-branched\ncandelabra, a $250 punch bowl,\na $100 water pitcher, a $25 an-\ntique silver tea strainer, a $150\nantique swivel pot and a $75\ntelevision set.\n\nAuthorities said Orrie Becker\nis in Arizona. The breakin was’\ndiscovered when Harold Becker}\nchecked the house at 7 a.m. |\n‘Monday. |\n" }, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 1823.3604736328125, 5076.89013671875, 2609.37158203125, 5417.00732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Silverware and\nAntiques Stolen\nFrom C.R. Home\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5890.1767578125, 1673.578125, 6714.0078125, 2455.18798828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "LBJ Urges\nOne Agency\nHandle All\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3450.951310546875, 5609.9300703125, 4264.67783984375, 7839.55479296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "10-12 Yards\n\nThe needle is attached to a\ncylindrical projectile syringe\nwhich forms the main body of\n‘the missile and injects\nautomatically on contact. Its\neffective range is 10-12 yards,\n‘but research is under way on a\nlonger-range, _ faster-firing\nweapon.\n\nConner had previously shown\nthe effectiveness of the gun in\nan appearance before the house\njudiciary committee, law en-\nforcement officers and other in-\nterested groups in Washington,\n-D.C., last April.\n| Main purpose of the weekend\ndemonstration was to show the\naction of the drug selected for\n‘use with the gun, a morphine\nderivative called apomorphine.\nConner said it was chosen\nbecause of its relatively fast\nimmobilizing action and its wide\n‘range of safety.\n\nPete Williams, 27, a first year\nEmory law student of Anderson,\nS.C., and Bill Earley, 24, of\nPittsburgh, a sophomore in\nEmory medical school,\nvolunteered for the demonstra-\ntion and allowed themselves to\nhe chot with the oun.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 997.7477583007812, 7144.0413984375, 1811.3569169921875, 10001.8062578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) —\nPresident Ho Chi Minh of North\n‘Vietnam has sent a message to\nCommunist parties meeting\nhere, asking for support against\nthe US., communist sources\n‘said Monday.\n\n| The North Vietnamese\n‘Communist party was absent\nfrom the meeting, apparently\nbecause of reluctance to offend\nRed China, The meeting has\nbeen denounced by China as a\nSoviet-inspired move to harden\nthe split in the world communist\nmovement.\n\nAttacks on China were\n‘expected to be heard in the\nmeeting, charging Mao Tse-\ntung’s party with causing the\nsplit and with failing to support\nunited communist efforts to help\nthe Vietnamese communists.\n\n64 Delegations\n\n| Delegates from 64 of 81\n‘Communist parties eligible for\nthe meeting had arrived Monday\nas informal discussions began to\nreveal disagreements.\n\nThe meeting is to discuss\ncalling a world communist\nconference at some future date.\n‘One of the main points of\ndispute is just what sort of\n‘conference this should be.\n\n- Italian communist sources\nsaid the Italian delegation will\nargue for a broad meeting of\ncommunists, national revolution-\n‘ary movements and other leftist\nparties that can unite in\ndenouncing the U.S. and other\n\n \n\n \n\n7\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 198.82684460449218, 9694.60878125, 988.6166826171875, 10029.468367187501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Visitors to Las Vegas are\nadvised to get married early.\nIf it doesn’t work out, they\nwon’t have ruined the whole\nday. Copyrigh'\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 1878.1492919921875, 1948.0233154296875, 4222.75439453125, 4989.78662109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "SRACLI/ Pos 5\ninclDENTS! Mig, FE |\n— Ye,\n\nee, SY,\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2442.8974609375, 1755.0233154296875, 3649.8955078125, 1875.831298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "\"Hold on to These, Too!”\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2627.92079296875, 5518.79091015625, 3451.625837890625, 8318.59434375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": ")PEMNMY MGlL LIPVeU Willh a Meee\nthree-fourths of an inch long\nflashed through the air and\nstruck the man in the leg.\n\nOne minute and 15 seconds\nlater the victim felt a sudden\n‘chill. He began to get glassy-\neyed. His blood pressure drop-\nped. In two minutes, 45 seconds\nhe began to feel nauseated.\n‘Five minutes later he was\njacutely ill, stretched out\nhelplessly on a mattress.\n\nTwo police superintendents,\nthree army officers, a\n‘representative of the justice\ndepartment and other law en-\nforcement officials watched the\nman who lay still for an hour. A\ndoctor and a nurse attended the\n‘dart victim.\n\nNew Tranquilizer\n\n| This was a dramatic\ndemonstration of a new long-\n\\barreled tranquilizer gun and of\nithe potency of the drug it car-\nries in the hollow tip of its nee-\ndle. Its inventors hope that\neventually it will be widely used\nlin place of bullets to subdue\n‘violent persons, such as\n‘psychotics, and possibly in riot\nsituations.\n\nThe demonstration was held\nover the weekend in a ground\nfloor room of the Emory\n‘university hospital. It was con-\nducted jointly by Dr. William\nConner, a psychiatrist, and rep-\nresentatives of the Palmer\nChemical and Equipment Com-\npany, Douglasville, Ga.\n\nThe pistol-shaped gun is\npowered by a carbon dioxide\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5071.5238203125, 2093.8128828125, 5889.14170703125, 5275.908796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "\\blasted marine strongpoints\nalong the eastern section of the\ndemilitarized zone with more\nthan 300 rounds of artillery,\nrockets and mortars Sunday.\nThe bulk of them landed on Con\n|Thien, but there was no\nimmediate report of casualties.\n\nHaiphong Raid\n\n| Over North Vietnam,\n‘meanwhile, U.S. bombers\nfollowed up their first raid of\n|the war on Hanoi’s Red River\ndocks with their closest raid to\n‘the center of Haiphong in nearly\ntwo months Sunday.\n\n| U.S. pilots used radar to fly in\nlow through northeast monsoon\n‘Clouds. The clouds kept them\nfrom assessing damage they\ninflicted against a railroad yard\n17 miles northwest of the center\nof Haiphong and Saturday\nagainst the docks 1.8 miles south\nof the center of Hanoi.\n\n| The Hanoi docks reportedly\n‘handle 30 percent of North\n|Vietnam’s inland water traffic.\nThe railroad yard at Haiphong\nis on the line between the port,\n|North Vietnam’s biggest, and\n| Hanoi.\nClosest Strike\n\nIt was the closest attack to the\ncenter of Haiphong since Jan. 4,\nwhen President Johnson banned\n|} bombing in and around Hanoi\n‘and Haiphong with word to the\nNorth Vietnamese that this was\nja signal of U.S. interest in\nopening peace talks. Johnson\n||removed the ban after the\ncommunists’ lunar new year\noffensive.\n\nSouth of Da Nang, enemy\n‘ground fire brought down ar\n\n{ (Continued: Page 9, Col. 3.)\ncase tata\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5081.2054609375, 5774.602921875, 5896.4742265625, 10108.6910234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "STOCKHOLM (AP) —\nAttempts by the chairman of a\ngroup of U.S. military defectors\nto muzzle his members failed\nSunday when several members\noffered to talk to newsmen.\n\nA meeting of about 20 of the\ndefectors in a Stockholm hall\nbroke up in dissension when\nChairman William Jones, 20, a\nbearded private from St. Louis,\nattempted to impose censorship.\n“We demand to look at\neverything that is written,”\nJones told representatives of the\nAP and NBC. “We insist on the\nright of censorship.”’\n\n“No More News”\n\n| Told that this was impossible,\nJones announced:\n\n_ “No more pictures and no\n‘more interviews. We will\n‘announce our aims and issue a\n‘manifesto within the next few\ndays, We don’t want our\nrepresentatives giving out\nindividual interviews. We must\n‘approve everything that is said\nso that it will not be distorted.”’\n\n| “I don’t mind people at home\n‘knowing what I think,” said\nGeorge William Meals, 22, of\nAtlanta. “I’m not un-American,\n‘but I am against the war in\nVietnam.”\n\n_ “You can take my picture,”\n‘said Edward Murray, 18, of\nWoodbury, N.J.\n\n“Talk to Me”\n\n“You can talk to me,” said\nParker Smith, 24. of\nWashington, D.C. Smith, who is\nnot in the armed services at\npresent, flew to Sweden to\nexpress his dissatisfaction with\nthe U.S. role in Vietnam.\n\n_ “IT came here as a protest\nagainst the Johnson-Rusk\nhandling of the Vietnamese\nsituation,” said Smith, who said\nhe has been attending graduate\n‘school at the University of\n‘Maryland.\n\n| Also attending the meeting\n‘were Hans Goeran Franck,\nattorney for the militant\nNational Liberation Front, and\nrepresentatives of the more\n‘moderate Stockholm Committee\non Vietnam.\n\nThe Aliens Commission says\n‘that U.S. army men are fleeing\nito Sweden at the rate of almost\none a day.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 231.6265106201172, 9579.1865234375, 939.966552734375, 9681.294921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Today’s Chuckle\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 985.8812421875, 2251.00673046875, 1825.0045, 6597.53184375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "| DES MOINES (UPI) — Gov.\nHarold Hughes said Monday “in:\nall probability there will not be’’\n/ a special session of the Iowa\n| legislature this year. :\n/ “TI have reached the point\n. almost conclusively to not have\n/@ special session,” the gov-\n-ernor said at a news con-\nference. He told newsmen a\n“great need’”’ would have to be\n| Shown before he would call a\n\n‘special session and added, “‘I\ncan’t see any problems that\nwould develop to warrant a\n| special session.”\n\nDoor Almost Closed\n\n| The governor said he has not\n‘completely ‘‘closed the door” to\nsuch a session but said, “It’s as.\n‘closed as it’s ever going to be.”\n| Hughes said, “The farther we\ngo, the more difficult it becomes\n‘to hold one.” He said that as.\n“elections draw nearer, political\nconsiderations loom larger in\nany special session.\n\nThe governor, who will\nparticipate in a White House\nbriefing Thursday as part of a\n, mid-winter national governors’\nconference, said he didn’t\n“expect any answers” from the\n|briefing. “I do expect some\nenlightenment,” he said.\n| Hughes emphasized that the\nbriefing was being held at the\n‘request of the governors and\nwas not to be ‘‘an indoctrination\nSession.”\n\nQuestionnaires\n\n| The White House sent\n|questionnaires to the governors\n| asking them what issues they\n| wanted to have discussed at the’\nbriefing. Hughes said he vl\ninterested in talking about civil\n‘disobedience, law and order,\nand foreign policy. Hughes is a’\ncandidate for the U.S. senate. |\nThe governor said the\nquestionnaire listed 20 areas for\npossible discussion. He said he\nalso had requested a discussion,\n‘of farm problems though this:\nwas not on the questionnaire. |\n“I hope to know more about.\nVietnam after the briefing,” he\nsaid. “If I don't, it’s a waste of\ntime.”\n| The governor, who is\n‘chairman of the National\nDemocratic Governors’ Caucus,\nsaid the group will not have a\nmeeting in Washington during\n\na a\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 153.09585705566406, 2462.090958984375, 991.854353515625, 7681.74522265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Food\nand Drugs Commissioner James\nGoddard said Monday that\ndespite his previous opposition\nto penalties for possession of\nLSD he supports the ad-\nministration’s contention that\n\nsuch penalties are necessary to\naid in law enforcement.\n\nTestifying before a house\ncommerce subcommittee, Dr.\nGoddard noted that he has felt\nall along that “it would be\nunwise to provide penalties\nwhich might mark a_ large\nnumber of young people just\nentering adulthood as criminals\nbecause they were found in\npossession of a small amount of\ndrugs for personal use.”\n\nHe did not indicate in his\nstatement that he has changed\nthis view but said he fully sup-\nported the decision reached by\nthe administration.\n\n“Serious Loophole”\n\nAdministration law en-\nforcement experts, Goddard\nadded, ‘‘pointed out that the\nabsence of such a_ penalty\ncreated a serious loophole under\nwhich peddlers might escape by\nclaiming their possession was\nfor personal use, and not for\nsale, shifting a heavy burden of\nproof to the government.”’\n\nHe also said that ‘‘the absence\nof a penalty was mistakenly\ntaken by some users as Official\ncondonation of their use of these\ndangerous drugs in abuse situa-\ntions.”\n\nAfter all views were aired,\nGoddard said, “The conclusion\nwas reached that a penalty for\npersonal possession would be an\neffective instrument for law en-\nforcement.\n\n“The law enforcement agen-\ncies of our government believe\nthat the personal possession\npenalty will aid them in their\nwork, and the President sup-\nports them in their view.\n\nRespects Judgment\n\n“Their judgment on the need\nfor this provision is one which I\nrespect and, therefore, I support\nthe administration proposal,”\nGoddard said.\n\nThe administration bill, which\nGoddard supported, would in-\ncrease penalties for manufac-\nture, sale or possession for sale\nor delivery of depressant,\nstimulant and_ hallucinogenic\ndrugs to a maximum of five\nyears in prison and a fine of\n$10,000, making these crimes a\nfelony. They are now a misde-\nmeanor punishable by one year\nand $1,000.\n\nPossession for personal use\nwould be a misdemeanor with a\none-year maximum sentence,\nexcept when legally prescribed\n\n(Continued - Page 9, Col. 5.)\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4267.62782421875, 2076.600724609375, 5081.47325, 8379.486921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "|\n| (Photos on Picture Page)\n\nKHE SANH (AP) — North\nVietnamese troops ambushed a\n‘U.S. marine platoon patroling\noutside the barbed wire of the\nKhe Sanh combat base Monday\n\nand overwhelmed __ the\noutnumbered leathernecks.\n\n| A second platoon of 45 men\nsent to help also suffered\ncasualties.\n\n_ Jet warplanes swooped in to\ncover the marines trying to get\nback to the base and pounded\n‘the battle site with bombs and\n‘napalm. An aerial observer said\nhe saw marines lying on the\n‘ground and communist soldiers\n‘swarming through the area just\n‘before the bombs landed.\n\n| The leathernecks inside the\n\nve gave the survivors cover.\nCasualty Toll\n\nMarine casualties were not\nannounced under new security\nregulations that went into effect\nMonday. But they obviously\nwere heavy.\n\nThe patrol, sent out to gather\nintelligence, was hit 800 yards\nbeyond the outer wire. Senior\nmarine officers said the young\nlieutenant Jeading the platoon\nwent beyond the distance set for\nhim.\n\nA survivor said the patrol’s\npoint man spotted two North\nVietnamese soldiers and the\nplatoon gave chase. The two\nenemy soldiers lured the\nmarines into the ambush, and\n‘‘a whole bunch were killed in\nthe very beginning,” the sur-\nvivor said.\n| The enemy bombardment of\n‘Khe Sanh also continued without\nletup, and several hundred\n‘rounds dropped into the\nbesieged area Monday.\n\nAir Attacks\n\nAir activity around Khe Sanh\naccelerated as the monsoon\nweather lifted slightly. For the\nfirst time in a week U.S. fighter-\nbombers were able to fly strikes\nclose to the base perimeter.\n\nThe enemy is edging closer to\nthe two-mile-square base every\nday, and tanks have been heard\n‘maneuvering less than a mile\naway.\n\nThe communist troops have\n‘been toiling day and night,\n‘digging trenches that extend like\nfingers toward the combat base.\nAerial observers reported one\n‘trench was within 100 yards of\n‘the outer defense line.\n\nTrenches, Tunnels\n\n| The communists dig zigzag\n‘trenches approaching the base,\n‘eross the trench lines with a\n‘bunkered, T-shaped stronghold\nand then dig forward again.\nThey dug one 600-yard trench in\none night despite radar-\ncontrolled bomb strikes.\nThe marines believe that the\nenemy may also be tunneling\nunder the base’s outer positions,\nalthough medics _using\n‘stethoscopes have been unable\nto detect sounds of digging.\n| Eight marines were killed and\nwounded over the weekend by\nthe enemy shelling of Khe Sanh\nand a brief firefight involving a\nsmall marine patrol south of the\ncombat base. An American\n‘helicopter was shot down\n‘Sunday, but the crew escaped to\n‘safety.\n' Communist gunners als 0\n\neen et tt CL A A CC TC LR\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5894.99012890625, 2488.737443359375, 6730.09873828125, 7146.2867265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) —\nPresident Johnson told congress\n‘Monday that he plans to create\na new urban mass transporta-\ntion administration to con-\n\nsolidate most federal efforts in\nthe $200 million-a-year field.\n\nThe agency, which will\nautomatically come into ex-\nistence in 60 days if neither\nhouse of congress disapproves,\nwould transfer most activity in\nthis area from the department\nof housing and urban develop-\nment to the department of\ntransportation.\n\nIn a special message, Johnson\nsaid: “To combine efficiently\nthe facilities and services\nnecessary for our urban centers\nand to improve transportation\nwithin our cities, state and local\ngovernment agencies should be\nable to look to a single federal\nagency for program assistance\nand support.”\n\nNew Head\n\n|\n\n_ The new agency would be\nheaded by a $29,500-a-year ad-\n‘ministrator and the _ present\n‘railway administrator.\n\n| The President said he expects\nthe consolidation and\n‘reorganization to provide side\nbenefits in cost savings, but said\nhe could not predict these with\n‘any accuracy.\n\nUnder the reorganization plan,\n\n‘the department of housing and\nurban development would, as he\n‘put it, continue to play “an im-\n‘portant role in connection with\n‘transportation research and\nplanning insofar as they have\n‘significant impact on urban\n‘development.”’\n\nStill at Ranch\n\nThere was no indication when\nJohnson might end his long\nweekend stay at his LBJ ranch,\nsome 65 miles west of here.\n\nPress Secretary George\nChristian said the President\ncertainly would confer with Gen.\n‘Earle Wheeler, heading back\nfrom a Vietnam inspection tour.\n| Wheeler is due in Washington\nearly Wednesday and there has\n‘been speculation he may present\na recommendation that more\nU.S. troops be sent to South\nVietnam.\n\nThe nation’s governors, also\ndue at the White House later in\nthe week, have said they want\nmost to talk about law en-\nforcement problems with the\nChief Executive and other top\nofficials.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 3460.4945234375, 7985.88661328125, 4259.13877734375, 8305.2691484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) —\nDr. Stanley Cobb, 80, a pioneer\nin investigating diseases of the\nnervous system and mental\nillness. died Sunday.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1002.1044311523438, 7067.4306640625, 1504.0037841796875, 7131.12646484375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By Henry Bradsher\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 5965.70947265625, 8872.8525390625, 6624.54296875, 9003.833984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "Today's Index\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1009.9163208007812, 2166.834228515625, 1428.34619140625, 2241.02099609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "By Robert Berg\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5900.57177734375, 7548.1552734375, 6318.90478515625, 7606.482421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Bv Jack Miller\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 3689.404296875, 7909.93115234375, 4029.867431640625, 7969.8193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Doctor Dies\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 13 ], [ 8, 10 ] ]
[ 3160.203369140625, 4183.90089453125 ]
[ [ 8, 10 ], [ 13, 0 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2741.030501953125, 2486.571029296875, 3117.9477695312503, 3409.2248691406253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Four-party lines will also be\navailable ‘in the areas farthest\nfrom town.\n\nRural customers. selected the\nnew services in a survey con-\nducted by Northwestern Bell\nduring the past year,\n\nTha new services will climax\na $450,000 service improvement\nand expansion program invest-\nment which Northwestern Bell\nhas made in Akron’s telephone\nfacilities over the past several\nyears, Much of the investment\nwas made in underground tele-\nphone cable and lines to serve’\nAkron and the surrounding rural\narea. In addition, about $80,000\nof new equipment was installed\nin Akron’s, telephone building by'\nWestern Electric, the manufac-\nturing and supply unit of the\nBell System,\n\nThe new equipment will feature\n.other improvements for Akron\ntelephone customers, Operators\nwill be able to provide infor-\nmation on calls made to tele-\nphone numbers that have been\nchanged or that are not in use,\nAkron residents will also be\n‘able to take their telephonenum-\nber with them if they move within:\nthe town or rural area,\n\nThe new facilities also make\nit possibla to provide complete\nprivate line service to town cus:\ntomers.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 33.839915863037106, 2075.4599453125, 395.5661472167969, 2581.0656894531253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Another Akron buginess place,\nDick's Jack and’ Jill, was bur-\nlarized early Tuesday evening of\nthis week when a total of be-\ntween $900 and $1,000 in cash and\nchecks was taken. The thieves\ngained entrance by breaking a\nwindow in the rear of the store\nand forcing an iron bar from the\nwindow frame. It is believed\nthat the robbery happened some\ndme between 7:30 and 9:30 o'-\nclock according to Mr. Millard,\nwho returned to the store at a-\nbout 9:35 and discovered the loss\nas well as damage to two cash\nregisters and to the window in,\nthe rear of the store.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1578.580306640625, 1495.6083828125, 1956.6491855468748, 2431.33937109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Fourteen-year old Frank Ro-\nbak of Sioux. City, a ninth grade\nstudent at Westfield Community\nSchool will spend five days in,\nDallas this month hob-nobbing\nwith some of the nation’s lead-\ning scientists.: and science\nwriters,\n\nFrank son of Mr. and Mrs,\nAndrew Robak, will attend the\nannual American Association for\nthe Advancement of Science\nmeeting December 26-31 in the\nTexas city,\n\nThe young student earned the\ntrip by winning first prize in a\nscience writing contest spon-\nsored throughout the nation by\n“Current Science,’ the weekly\nscience newspaper,\n\nHe will be a:guest of Ameri-\ncan Education Publications, of\nMiddletown, Connecticut, the na-\n\n“tion’s largest publisher-of class=\nroom newspapers.\n\nAn ardent ‘rock hound,’\nFrank’s article described his\ndicsovery of Indian relics on a\nsite near Sioux City. Anarcheolo-\ngist examined the relics and said\nthey probably came from the\nburial site of an important Mill\nCreek Indian.\n\n“Accompanying Frank to the\nDallas meeting will be Mrs, Dar-\nryl Smith, who was Frank’s\nteacher at the time of the dis-\ncovery,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 846.788818359375, 2823.53466796875, 2303.25732421875, 4150.78125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "| Let Us Rejoice Once Again,\nfor Christmas Is Here\n\n“For unto you is born this day in the\ncity of David a Saviour, which\nis Christ the Lord.” Each year at Christ-\n\nmas the sacred story of that\n\nfirst Holy Night in Bethtehem lives\n\nanew. May the glorious inspiration\n\nof the Nativity kindle\n\nlong-enduring joy in your heart.\n\nWe sincerely hope you will be blessed by\n\na wonderful. holiday season.\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 36.780033111572266, 1907.34716796875, 336.7326354980469, 2057.780517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ikren Store Is\nRobbed Tuesday\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2369.930908203125, 2301.210693359375, 3089.8076171875, 2467.41748046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "January 4 ls Date Set For Direct Dial\nLong Distance Phone Service Here\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1975.531234375, 551.2257534179688, 2356.9716953125, 1886.6766513671873 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "The Sfouxland Conference\nschools inaugurate their first\nconference tournament prior to\nthe holidays with the eight schools\ncompeting for high standings in\nthe double elimination meet. The\ngames will be played at three\nsites, with the finals held at Rock\nValley's spacious gymnasium on\nSaturday night,. December 21.\n\nFollowing the Christmas vaca-\ntion, the eight members start\nthe conference race with a full\nslate of games on January 10.\nBoyden-Hull opens at Akron, Cen-\ntral Lyon at West Lyon, Rock\nValley at George, and Sioux Cen-\nter at Maurice-Orange City.\n\nThe conference tournament op-\nens on Tuesday night, December\n17, with games at Hull and Sioux\nCenter.\n\n‘At Hull the host school plays\nAkron in game No. 1, while Cen-\ntral Lyon and West Lyon meet\nin game No, 2,\n\nIn the other Tuesday night\naction at Sioux Center, George\ntangles with Maurice-Orange Ci-\nty in game No. 3, and game No.\n4 finds Rock. Valley and the host,\nSioux Center, competing.\n\nOn Friday night, December\n20, the loser of games No. 1 and\nNo. 2 meet in the consolation\nround while the winners of these\nfirst games continue in the\nchampionship flight, these games\nat Hull, In the other semi-finals,\nSioux Center is again host, with\nthe losers of games No, 3 and\nNo. 4 opening the evening, and\nthe winners meeting in the champ-\nionship round,\n\nOn Saturday, December .21, the\nscene moves to Rock Valley with\nthe final games in the consola-\ntion series inthe afternoon, while\nthe championship games are\nplayed in the evening.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 45.91006051635742, 638.0743862304688, 408.9185031738281, 1881.0550693359373 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "The Akron High School basket-\npall teams wound up the 1968\nportion of their regular schedule\nby dropping a pair of games to\nthe Boyden-Hull High teams at\nHull on Saturday evening of last\n\neek.\nwoth Akron “B\" team suffered\nits first defeat in five starts as\nthey were nosed out by the Boy-\nden-Hull reserves by a score of\n56 to 49. ;\n\nIn the varsity game the host\nteam had the better ‘of it all the:\nway as the Akron boys hit a cold\nstreak, and went down to a 70 to\n§7 defeat, Boyden-Huli held a\nhalftime edge of 42 to 28 The\nloss placed Akron's season rec-\nord at 3 wins and 2 losses, Scor-\ning honors for the game went to\nTerry Hymans, of Boyden-Hull,\nwith 22 points. Steve Wilcox led\nAkron's scoring department with\n14,\n\nThe Akron varsity had another\n\"erack\"' at Boyden-Hull on Tues-\nday evening of this week in the\ntirst game of the Siowland Con-\nference tournament at Hull, with\nBoyden - Hull again coming out!\non top, this ‘time by a score of:\n67 to 58. In other first, round\ngames West Lyon trounced Cen-\ntral Lyon 78 to 53, Sioux Cen-,\nter tripped Rock Valley 66 to\n\n34 and Maurice - Orange City\ntrampled George 60 to 40.\n\nAkron is scheduled to meet\nCentral Lyon at Hull Friday eve-\nning of this week in one of the\nconsolation games of the meet.\nThe winner of this game will\nadvance to the consolation fin-\nals at Rock Valley on Saturday\nnight to face either Rock Valley\n\nar Canrocn\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2363.941634765625, 683.6324306640626, 2744.4987949218753, 2285.792984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "The final session of Christmas\nBonanza will be held in Akron on\nSaturday afternoon of this week,\nDecember 21, when double the\nnumber of prizes will be awarded,\nInstead of the eleven winners, as\nwas the case the past two\nSaturdays, this Saturday there\nwill be a total of twenty-two win-\nners who will receive a total of\n$570.00 in Trade Certificates as\nfollows: 2 prizes of $50.00; 6\nprizes of $30.00; 2 prizes of\n$25.00; 12 prizes of $20.00.\nPrizes will be drawn for promptly\nat 3:00 o'clock in front of the\nRegister-Tribune office. Be sure\nto be on hand, as you must be\npresent to win, and names will\nbe drawn until all prizes are\nclaimed.\n\nOf the eleven winners last\nSaturday, the top prize of $50.00\nwas received by Orland\nLawrence, of R.F.D., Elk Point,\n8. D,; Receiving prizes of $30.00\nwere Richard Anderson, Darrell\nPluger and Betty Groon, all of\nAkron. Winner of the $25.00 prize\nwas Mrs, Richard Oetken, Route\n1, Akron, Winners of the six\n$20.00 prizes were Norman Abra-\nham, Mrs. Ray Ogden, Beth\nSpacher, Milton Anderson and\nBen Rickerl, all of Akron, and\nElmer Dimmick, R.F.D., Elk\nPoint, S. D.\n\nChristmas Bonanza ts very\nsimple to enter, and is lots of\nfun for all who take part, In\neach issue of the Register-Trib-\nune’s Shopper & Swapper for\nDecember 7, 14 and 21 you will\nfind printed a prize coupon which\nyou fill out with your name and\naddress, clip it out and bring it.\ndn and. deposit it in the“ coupon.\nbox in any of the participating\nstores, You will find a Ust of\nthe stores_participating in the,\nadvertisement containing your’\nprize coupon, REMEMBER! YOU\nARE REQUIRED TO FILL OUT,\nCLIP CUT. AND -DEPOSILRANEW.\nPRIZE COUPON EACH OF THE\nTHREE WEEKS,\n\n- All persons over 16 years of\nage are eligible to recelve Bo-\nnanza prizes except proprietors\nof participating business firms\nand members of their immediate\nfamilies, Prize entry coupons,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2381.67431640625, 475.99298095703125, 3107.841064453125, 668.5833740234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "$570°° Prizes In Final\nBonanza Saturday\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2752.1552578125, 684.136703125, 3128.8774570312503, 2285.271255859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "properly filled out (please write\nPlainly or print), must be de-\nposited in, stores no later than\n2:30 p.m. on each prize day,\nDon’t forget, you must turn in\na new prize coupon for each of\nthe three weeks,\n\nPrizes to be given to winners\nwill be in the form of trade cer-\ntificates in the amount of $6,00\neach, These will be distributed\nat a drawing: this. Saturday af-\nternoon on the street in front\nof the Register-Tribune office\nstarting promptly at 3:00 o’clock\nimmediately after’ the town\nwhistle is sounded. YOU MUST\nBE PRESENT TO WIN andnames’\nwill be drawn until ALL prizes\nare claimed each prize day,\n\nThe pink $5.00 trade certift-\ncates given as prizes are good\nin trade only at that particular\nstore whose name appears there-\non. The gold colored $5.00 trade\ncertificates are those provided\nby Akron business firms who do\nnot have merchandise for sale,\nbut who are participating in Bo-\nnanza in the spirit of Christmas\nand in helping the promotion\nalong, These gold trade certifi-\ncates ar good in trade at ANY\nof the participating Akron retail\nfirtns. Trade certificates may be\nused to make purchases now, to\npay bills or they may be left\nwith merchants for credit on fu-\nture purchases, The main thing\nis to make use of trade certifi-\ncates at once, as there is a time\nlimit on them, and they are not\ngood after December 31, 1968,\n\nNOW! Turn to the “Bonanza?!\nadvertisement in this week’s\nShopper & Swapper where you\nwill find the prize coupon for\nuse this Saturday, December 14.\nYowH also find a complete list\nof all participating Akron. mer-\nchants and business houses who\nare eager to serve you aliduring\nthe Christmas season. Fill out\nthe coupon, clip it out, bring it\nin when you come to Akron to\ndo your shopping and drop it in\nthe Bonanza box: in any of the\nparticipating business places ...\nthen, be SURE that you are on\nhand. -THIS SATURDAY for the\nsecond Christmas Bonanza prize\nawards, YOU could be one of\nthe winners, ‘so be sure to be on\nhand to receive part of the\n$258,00 to be given away!\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1221.7654873046874, 655.941390625, 1934.6905673828123, 1362.9393466796876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Due to the fact that Christmas and New\nYear's Day both fall on Wednesday this\nyear, and Wednesday being the day that\nthe Register- Tribune is normally printed,\nit becomes necessary that we advance our\nprinting day to Tuesday for the next two\nweeks. This means that it will be neces-\nsary to have all advertising copy andnews\nmatter in our hands by 12:00 noon on Sat-\nurday, December 21, and on Saturday, De-\ncember 28, in order to assure its publica-\ntion inthe issue desired. It will be espe-\ncially helpful if copy reach us BEFORE\nthe Saturday noon deadline whenever pos-\nsible.\n\nYour co-operation in this regard will be\nsincerely appreciated. ;\n\nTHE PUBLISHER\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 29.81312142944336, 2687.7939296875, 396.7450107421875, 3839.331802734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Notice: NoLeague Bowling Sun-\nday Dec, 22 until Dec. 30th,\n\nMrs, Robert Harris of Bruns-\nwick, Nebr., is visiting Mr. and\nMrs, ‘Herb Miller,\n\nMr, and Mrs, Alve Ericson\nlett Sunday for Santa Ana, Calif,\nto be with their aon RobertEric-\nSon and family over the holidays.\n\nMembers of Vesper Club may\nbring their donations to the East-\nern Star, Masonic home at Boone\nto the next Vesper Chapter meet-\ning, Dec, 29rd, -\n\nSunday dinner guests in the\nWalter Heyl home were, Mr, and\nMrs, Henry Kelser of Alcester,\nSo, Dak, Mr, and Mrs, Elgin\nHustor, af Sioux City, Iowa, Mrs.\nBeulah Heyl and Mr. and Mrs,\nGene Venenga, of Colton, S. D.\n\nLocal residents entering Sioux\nCity St. Luke's hospital as pa-\ntients last week were John\nThatcher, ‘Timothy Bernhardt, of\nAkon and John Jardt of West-\nfleld. Dismissed tast week from\nSt, Luke'a were George Fickbohm\nand Martin Toben.\n\nDianna Willer of Akron, Towa\nis a member of the Apgustana\nCollege Chapel Choir which will\nbln with the college Brasswind\nChoir in a 30 minute program of\nChristmas music at 7:30 p.m,\nDec, 22 on KSOO-TV, Channel 13,\nStoux Falls. The 60 voice choir\nis directed by Dr, Merle Pflue-\nser. Dr. Harold Krueger conducts\nthe brass instrumental group.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2354.241439453125, 2485.010482421875, 2732.1435703125003, 3414.8759921875003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "“Akron telephone users will be\nable to dial their own long dis-\ntance calls to millions of tele-\nphones around the United States\nbeginning Saturday, January 4,\nNorthwestern Bell manager Joe\nReinders announced today.\n\nNew telephone numbers—\nnecessary to make Akron part\nof the nationwide dialing network-\nwill go into effect at the same\ntime,\n\nNorthwestern Bell will mail\nnew telephone numbers to its\ntown telephone customers before\nthe change, Reinders said, Tele-\nphone installers have already\nmounted the new numbers. on\nrural telephones. The numbers\nwill also appear in the new tele-\nphone directory which will be\ndelivered during the week before\nthe change.\n\nInstructions for direct dialing\nof long distance calls will be\nincluded in the letter and also\nappear in: the new Call-Guide\nin the front of the telephone\ndirectory.\n\nNEW RURAL SERVICE\n\nNorthwestern Bell plans tobe-\ngin the elimination ofeight-party\nlines in the rural area around\nAkron on January 6, ‘Reinders\nannounced, and will have the job\neompleted by March 6, Rural\ncustomers will move up to pri-\nvate lines or two-family lines,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2745.987044921875, 3471.569076171875, 3134.4887851562503, 4176.593765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The Akron Commercial Club\nheld its December meeting atthe\nAkron Bowl on Wednesday noon\nof last week with about twenty-\"”\nfive members present, A report\non the Christmas promotion was\ngiven by Chairman Mac Thorson,\nand plans were formulated for\nthe Christmas treat for the kid.\ndies here on Saturday, December” ;\n21, Mayor John H. Earnest was”\npresent and asked the co-op\"\neration of the Commercial ch\nin making use of the newly ane\"\nnexed land on the south edge of”\nAkron,\n\nThis will be the only meeting,\nof the Commercial Club dur!\nDecember, as the next regular\nmeeting date falls on Christmas.\nThe next meeting of the Cluby’*\nwill be at the Akron Bowl om\nWednesday, January 15, at 12: 00;\nnoon, with newly-elected presis. :\ndent, Supt. R. D, Gustafson, pres\nsiding.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 413.855697265625, 489.16935693359375, 787.6529086914063, 908.2817539062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "PABNANNAIN ETNA. AR INT\n\nAdmissions: Grace Joknson,\nSusan Anderson and Anders Jan-\nsen, of Akron.\n\nDismissals: Alva Port, Ronald\nKiemme, Susan Anderson, Grace\nJohnson, Mrs. John Lanning and\ndaughter, Mrs. Harold Hoff and\nson, of Akron. Mrs. Jon Heider\nand daughter, of Sioux City, Iowa.\n\nBorn: A daughter, to Mr. and\nMrs, John Lanning, of Akron,\nDecember 11, 1968,\n\nA son, to Mr, and Mrs. Daryl\nSmith, of Westfield, December\n14, 1968,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 57.78359603881836, 467.0274658203125, 381.58966064453125, 627.8446655273438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "IHS Cagers Lose\nTy Rovden-Huall\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 799.5992885742188, 513.56883203125, 1179.2064365234376, 2004.2028964843748 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "SUCCESS 49 USUAL\n\nA crowd of ahundred members\nand associate members of Hosch-\nler Post, No. 186, American Le-\ngion, along with a number of\nguests, attended the annual Le-\ngion Stag-at the Legion Hall here\non Wednesday evening of last\nweek, *\n\nFollowing a delicious steak\nsupper the program was present-\ned. Past Post Commander Fred\nClaesson, Jr. served capably in\nthe role of master-of-ceremo-\nnies, and introduced tie visiting\nLegion dignitaries as well as\nthe new commander of Hoschler\nPost, Marvin Hitzamann, who in\nturn introduced his officers for\nthe year, The two young men who\nrepresented Hoschler Post at\nBoy's State, Jerry Wych, of\nAkron, and Chris Nystrup, of\nWestfield, were introduced and\ntold of their experiences. during\nthe week they spent at Camp\nDodge, near Des Moines, last\nsummer.\n\nThe speaker of the evening,\nPast National Commander Donald\nJohnson, of West Branch, Iowa,\nwas introduced, andhe responded\nwith a forceful and meaningful\ntalk on \"Fifty Years of American\nLegion.\" During his talk he gave\nhigh praise of the veterans of\nWorld War I, who were the\ncharter members of the Legion,\nseveral of whom were honored\nguests at the Legion Stag here\nlast Wednesday evening, Mr.\nJohnson brought out the manner in\nwhich the American Legion has\nstressed the principals of Ameri-\ncanism throughout the fifty years\nof its .existence,and commented\nthat the Legion would continue\nin this direction in the future.\n\nAt the conclusion of Mr. John-\nson's fine talk he received a\nstanding ovation from those pres-\nent. Mr. Claesson then introduced\nDon's son, ‘Allan Johnson, who is\na member of the Green Berets,\nand was scheduled to depart for\nservice in Vietnam on Friday of\n\noo\n\n* ¢\n\n \n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 1969.6216884765624, 1954.951888671875, 2349.469498046875, 2630.08839453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "The sixth annual leadership\ntraining course of outstanding\njunior and senior high school\nstudents of the Sioux City dio-\ncese Will” be: held: at’ Briar Clift\nCollege in Sioux City on Decem-\nber 26, 27, and 28. The course\nthis year will include 200 par-\nticipants, representing 60 com-\nmunities and 24 counties of the\ndiocese. The program is an an-\nnual event sponsored by the Sioux\nCity Diocesan CYO with the Rt.\nRev. Msgr. J, E, Tolan, Hum~\nboldt, director, in charge. It is\ndesigned to provide three days\nof discussion sessions onleader-\nghip, plus outstanding speakers\nand special’ recreational pro-\ngrams,\n\nThe following students from\nAkron will participate in the\ncourse: Linda Bernard, Colleen\nWelch, Sherry Caskey, Steffanie-\nRyan, and Colin Coyle,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1576.6451259765624, 2487.699447265625, 1954.5464023437498, 2788.9631503906253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "December 20 - Conference\n\nBasketball Tournament at Hull\nDismiss at regular time for\n\nChristmas Vacation,\n\nDecember 21-—Conference Bas-\nketball Tournament Finals at\nRock Valley.\n\nJanuary 3 - Baskethall — Rock\nValley—Here 6:30 p.m,\n\nJanuary 4 -— Basketball — West\n\n.. Lyon=Here 6:30 p.m,\n\nJanuary 6 — School resumes.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2361.74949609375, 3463.98973046875, 2741.7985996093753, 4087.2712558593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "THEIR NEW OFFICERS\n\nOfficers for the year 1969 were\nelected at the regular December\nmeeting of Freedom Lodge, No.\n434, A, F, & A, M. on Monday eve-\nning of this week, Officers elected\nwere Marvin Klemme, W. M,;\nLyle F, Jacobs, S, W.; Leonard\nJurgens, J. W.; Otto C. Larsen,\nTreasurer; O, C. Moore, Secre-\ntary. Appointive officers who\nhave been appointed thus far in-\nclude: Stanley Willer, S, D.; Ray\nHebeler, J. D.; Gayland Small,\nS. S.; Robert Kerr, Jr. J. S.;\nAllen Vander Helm, Marshall;\nS, E. Siebens, Chaplain,\n\nThe newly elected and appoint-\ned officers of Freedom Lodge will\nbe installed in joint installation\nceremonies vith Vesper Chapter,\nNo, 61, Order of Eastern Star on\na January date to be selected.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1193.003646484375, 1445.8017421875, 1574.5284580078123, 2163.786392578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "NAME PRIZE WINNERS AT\nHARVEY'S HARDWARE\nOPENING\n\nMr. and Mrs. Ken Harvey were\nextremely pleased by the fine\npublic response at the formal\ngrand opening of their hardware\nstore on Friday and Saturday,\nDecember 6 and 7. Many fine\ndoor prizes were awarded and\ncoffee and doughnuts were served\non Saturday. Prizes were won by\nthe following: Mrs. Alfred Meske,\nH, R. Newman, Hetty Beeck,\nLarry Lorensen, Don Neunaber,\nMrs. James Tracy, Mrs. Gordon\nKilstrom, Jack Lockwood, Ed\nKiewel, Mrs. Emery Klemme,\nJosephine Weidenfeller, Floyd\nDavis, Clifford Nygard, Vincent\nFeauto, Mrs. Arnold Helseth,\nJames Harvey, Marvin Toben,\nMrs. Carl Hasenbank, Grace\nBockelman, Mrs, Irene.Cornish,~\nAnna Weyen, Mrs. Dale Kiemme,\nEd Krause and Mrs, Elinor Wed-\nmark,\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 791.5400844726563, 2638.117904296875, 1165.0702060546876, 2795.3188632812503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The housewife can help protect\nthe family’s heart health by pre-\nparing fat-controlled, lowcholes-\nterol meals, The Iowa Heart As~\nsociation can provide educational\nmaterials to help achieve this,\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 792.9058681640626, 2060.1747890625, 1165.855728515625, 2626.8049472656253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\n2H WEA LAER, «. “qt\n\nAnother cold snap, followed by\nmore moderate temperatures has\nbeen the weather story of the\npast week, Thermometers hitthe\nbelow zero mark following last\nThursday night's howling bliz-\nzard that continued well into\nFriday and caused postponement\nof school as well as several other\nlocal meetings on that date. For-\ntunately our snowfall was com-\nparatively light, or we might still\nbe shoveling out. What litile snow\ndid fall piled up into sizeable\ndrifts in spots. Another storm is\nreported moving in on us fronrthe\nwest, and might well be depositing\nmore snow upon us as you read\nthis. It look's favorable for a\nwhite Christmas.\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1188.5074306640624, 2264.659408203125, 1563.1728671874998, 2565.2968906250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "SIOUX CITY STOCKYARDS\n\nA load of strictly prime quality\nslaughter steers from George\nEricksen, Remsen topped the\nmarket at the.-Sioux City Stock-\nyards for 1968. The steers\nweighed an average of 1250 ibs\nat $30.00 per cwi.\n\nLaverne Klemme, Akron, sold\na load of choice quality steers\nweighing 1142 Ibs at $28.50.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 396.8974453125, 3763.392806640625, 773.8007358398438, 4183.90089453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": ", Will you please let us know a\nlittle ahead of publishing date\nif you are going to need extra\ncopies of the Register-Tribune,\nwhether it be for writeups of\nweddings, obituaries, anniver-\nsaries or other Items, We have.\nto know ahead of time if extra\ncopies are needed so that we can\nplan for the number of papers to\nbe printed each week. A phone\ncall, a post card or personal no~\ntification by Tuesday afternoon\nwill make it possible for you to\nbe sure of getting the extra cop~\nies you need, Thank you!\n\nThe Publisher\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1988.72802734375, 473.0973205566406, 2303.80517578125, 533.2451782226562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "SIOUXLAND CONFERENCE\nSETS HOLIDAY TOURNEY\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1187.5738369140624, 2588.291244140625, 1566.2439121093748, 2782.1569980468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Santa Claus will be in Akron\nSaturday afternoon of this week\nright after the free show with.a\ntreat for all the little girls and\nboys. Remember the free show\nstarts at 2:00 o'clock atthe Nor-\nka Theatre,\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 78.95087432861328, 2607.89697265625, 330.2579345703125, 2672.85888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Local News\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 415.50724755859375, 1014.4771572265626, 793.9959262695313, 3722.7653964843753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Ray Smith says: \"Members of\nthe Nursing Home were\npleasantly entertained Tuesday\nafternoon when Reva Banks\nshowed slides taken on their\nvacation trip to the lakes of north-\nern Minnesota last July. Pictures\nwere shown in color depicting\nthe lakes, islands, covered with\ntrees and huge rocks, swift\nstreams and waterfalls. They\ntraveled in canoes and experi-\nenced many exciting adventures.\"\n. And may I add: \"Mr. and Mrs.\nRoger Banks and three sons,\nKirk, Tim and Eric, plus Nor-\nbert Issert and David Lilly were\nthe members of the camping\nparty. David took care of packing\nand built the fires, Norbert was\nin charge of fishing equipment\nand cleaned the fish (if. any),\nRoger washed the dishes and\nReva did the cooking. They made\na complete circle of about 60\nmiles, with. about 80 miles of\nportage. Reva improvised an\noven, where she baked pie crust,\nbiscuits, etc.\"’\n\nMurel Bennett was the guest of\nAlice Willer at the Christmas\nluncheon at the Methodist church\nWednesday.\n\nMrs. Kinser went to LeMars\nwith friends, Wednesday, and did\nsome shopping.\n\nMrs, Tindall attended the ele-_\nmentary school program at the\nAuditorium Wednesday night.\nThursday afternoon, whe went to”\na Christmas party of the Gold\nStar Mothers at Mrs. William\nHoschler's residence.\n\nUncle Tom Ross was 97 years\nold Thursday.\n\nLadies from the Trinity\nLutheran church showed slides\nbased on Christmas. The custom\nof ringing bells in differentlands’\nwas explained, We had a lunch of\nsandwiches and coffee after-\nwards. . 2\n\nCarol singers from the Im-\nmanuel Lutheran church braved\nthe storm Thursday night to sing\nfor us. .\n\nThe Friendship and Service\nClub brought and decorated a\nChristmas tree Thursday.\n\nAn aquarium holding seven fish\nis a new addition to the lobby.\nIt is a gift from the Friendship\nand Service Club.\n\nThe Go-Ye trio with their ac-\ncompanist sang here for us\nSunday afternoon. The girls were\n\nfrom the Minnesota Bible College\nin Minneapolis. Great harmony.\nThe girls names are; Dixie Mar-\nlin of South Gate,-Cal., Becky\nNass of Plainview, Minn., Norma\nDikie of Cleveland, Minn, and\nBecky Orris.\n\nPercy Smizer went out for din-\nner and Anna Meyer was gone\nSunday afternoon.\n\nMargaret Simons was 92 years\nold Sunday, At a party held in\nher honor sandwiches, cake and\ncoffee were served. ' Those\npresent from out of town were:\nMr, and Mrs, Robert Charbon-\nneau and children, Rodney, Rhon-\nda, Robert and Marie and Ethel\nEdwards of Elk Point, S. D, and\nHarold and Clara Mackey of West-\nfiled, Ia.\n\nMrs. Everald Paskert came to\nsee her mother, Mrs, Gibbons.\n\nDon Boden from Seattle, Wash.\nand Mr. and’ Mrs, Blair Root\nfrom Vermillion, S, D, called on\nRoss Root.\n\nWe had oyster stew for supper\nSunday evening, thanks to Mrs.\nFlorence Banks. She sent the\noysters and all the makin's for\nthe stew as a Christmas treat\nfor mtembers of the Nursing\nHome.\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1204.1510009765625, 474.8779602050781, 1953.3084716796875, 641.942626953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "FILIDDLDIILIIGDLIGIIGIGIL:\n\nYour Attention, Please!\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 27.622674575805664, 3925.012923828125, 385.947037109375, 4177.97218359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Linda Goodrich, daughter of\nMr. and Mrs, Marls Goodrich,\nroute two, Merrill, is ane of\n881 students enrolled this fall\nat Evangel College, Springfield,\nMissouri,\n\n4 junior, she is majoring in\nEnglish, She is a graduate of\nAkron high school,\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1958.2457119140624, 2646.195296875, 2338.210220703125, 2779.0012363281253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "DEEDS:\n\nMinnie Clark to Minnie and\nArnold D, Clark Lots 11 & 12\nBlk. 29~-Sargent’s Add,— Akron,\ngy\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 29.1392822265625, 3853.625, 302.2749328613281, 3914.18359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "‘LINDA GOODRICH AT\nCOLLEGE IN MISSOURI\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1191.65966796875, 1376.9703369140625, 1946.117919921875, 1427.5511474609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "WeENE PEPE EERE MEER MS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1597.1171875, 2451.187744140625, 1918.3956298828125, 2484.750244140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "COMING SCHOOL EVENTS\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2020.535400390625, 1903.3316650390625, 2303.36572265625, 1936.8961181640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "LEADERSHIP TRAINING\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 442.2218322753906, 928.5411987304688, 758.2224731445312, 998.9368286132812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "NURSING HOME NEWS\n\na eee 2 ee\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2752.208251953125, 3424.872802734375, 3088.6669921875, 3473.322509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS\nNECERMALPR MOERTNG\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 399.6263732910156, 3709.265380859375, 725.5387573242188, 3760.806396484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "WHEN YOU NEED EXTRA\nAONve? OA. TUPD PAPER __._\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1189.193603515625, 2205.7236328125, 1501.7596435546875, 2280.101318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "ERICKSEN STEERS TOP\nMARKET FOR 1968 AT\n\nnaar mre? OMAPiIinpanrne\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 804.087890625, 473.3755798339844, 1105.0736083984375, 532.8304443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "LEGION STAG PARTY IS\nSUCCESS AS USUAL\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2391.59519921875, 4114.6650234375, 2704.0439609375003, 4159.27589453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Find It with a Want Adt\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 454.081298828125, 473.9976806640625, 755.792724609375, 503.1980285644531 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "AKRON HOSPITAL NEWS\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 464.30865478515625, 979.9715576171875, 737.7877197265625, 1012.3092041015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "By Zelpha and Yoyne\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2367.718017578125, 3429.928466796875, 2657.580078125, 3479.510986328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "AKRON MASONS ELECT\nTUGTID NOW APDICR De\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 11 ], [ 2, 50 ], [ 11, 50 ], [ 10, 12 ], [ 10, 13 ], [ 12, 13 ], [ 17, 15 ], [ 26, 22 ], [ 35, 28 ] ]
[ 6941.23291015625, 10129.094789062501 ]
[ [ 2, 11 ], [ 11, 50 ], [ 12, 10 ], [ 13, 12 ], [ 17, 15 ], [ 22, 26 ], [ 35, 28 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4433.814453125, 410.684326171875, 6905.3125, 2180.43798828125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2758.080078125, 8300.505859375, 4399.5361328125, 8714.861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Gopher State Colleges Gear\nfor Opening Grid Clashes\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2743.7079453125, 8736.2265, 3576.3218398437502, 10128.397523437501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Minnesota’s state college foot-\nball season swings into high\ngear Saturday, with a dozen\ngames scheduled involving state\nteams and six state schools\nopening their seasans.\n\nGustavus Adolphus, St. Cloud\nState, Mankato State, Minnesota\nMorris, Bemidji State and Lea\nCollege make their 1968 debuts.\n\nAll of Saturday’s games are\nnon-conference affairs, as both\nthe Minnesota Intercollegiate\nAthletic Conference and_ the\nNorthern Inter-Collegiate Con-\nference wait another week be-\nfore launching battles for league\nchampionships.\n\nDefending MIAC champion\nGustavus opens its season with\na toughie —meeting perennial\nsmall cellege power Youngstown\nUniversity of Ohio Saturday aft-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 196.84490966796875, 2768.519775390625, 2685.285400390625, 3362.96533203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Count Down to NFL\n1968 Season Nears\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2776.945068359375, 6252.734375, 4408.6044921875, 7839.23974609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2716.2861328125, 384.4632873535156, 4404.71923828125, 603.972900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "‘A LOOK AT THE BIG TEN\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1903.317138671875, 5752.31982421875, 4347.0693359375, 6217.29248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Glocklee’s Hot Putter at\nPebble Lake Ties Record\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 185.71400451660156, 4642.93603515625, 1011.9454956054688, 5084.2763671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Otter CC Team\nPlaces 2nd at\nBreckenridae\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 245.98776245117188, 678.9683227539062, 985.8963012695312, 1969.8455810546875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1926.291015625, 643.2003784179688, 2657.713623046875, 1959.6617431640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1890.5239853515625, 3372.32171484375, 2723.2871718750002, 4840.1729140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "0 and Denver, 0-0, is at Cincin-\nnati, 0-1.\n\nSan Diego, 1-0 and Boston, 0-1,\nare idle this week.\n\nIn news from the training\ncamps Thursday, Oakland an-\nnounced it has finally signed\nNo. 1 quarterback Daryle La-\nmonica to a three-year contract\nworth an estimated $200,000.\n\nThe ex-Notre Dame star was\nPlayer of the Year in 1967 when\nhe guided the Raiders to a 13-1\nrecord and the league title.\n\n- The Denver Broncos placed\ntheir No. 1 draft choice, offen-\nsive guard Curley Culp, and ve-\nteran defensive tackle Paul\nSmith on waivers. It left a total\nof three vacancies on the Bron-\nco roster, and Coach Lou Saban\nwill have until just before game\ntime Sunday to decide who to\nactivate.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3594.199888671875, 8737.3661484375, 4436.12115625, 10110.878968750001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "ernoon at Central Stadium in St.\nPaul.\n\nSt. Cloud’s Huskies entertain\nSt. John’s at St. Cloud in their\nlid-lifter and Mankato’s Indians\ntake on South Dakota State at\nMankato.\n\nMorris opens at Bemidji and\nLea College — in its second\nseason of four-year football—\ntravels to Wartburg (Iowa) Col-\nlege.\n\n- Other games Saturday have\n\nSt. Thomas at St. Norbert\n(Wis.), Eau Claire, Wis., State\nat Augsburg, Augustana of\nSouth Dakota at Concordia,\nMoorhead State at Minnesota-\n‘Duluth, Hamline at Bethel,\nWashington (Mo.) University at\nMacalester, and Winona State at\nUpper Iowa.\n\nHamline. bidding to reclaim\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1044.62933203125, 3391.968443359375, 1872.377015625, 7729.169007812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "- Both Minnesota and Atlanta\nare rich with youth, and neither\nhas a potent offense. The Fal-\ncons won only one of 13 games\nin their second season in the\nNFL last year, while Minnesota\nclaimed the Central Division\ncellar for the second straight\nyear.\n\nNot much improvement is ex-\n\npected of either this season.\n- In a minor surprise, Viking\nCoach Bud Grant announced\nthat Joe Kapp will be his start-\ning quarterback instead of Gary\nCouzzo.\n\nCuozzo was picked up from\nNew Orleans in an effort to add\nmore punch to the Vikings’ sag-\nging attack, but missed valu-\nable time during the exhibition\nseason with a jammed shoulder.\n\nHowever, Grant did say he\nwouldn't hesitate to change\nquarterbacks at any time dur-\ning the game.\n\nAtlanta has been forced into a\nbevy of personnel changes be-\ncause of injuries, including a\nknee injury that has sidelined\nflashy fullback Junior Coffey.\n\nMiami faces a difficult chore\nin stopping the Oilers’ Pete Be-\nathard, who hit on 23 of 48 pass-\nes, including two touchdown\nstrikes to rookie Mac Haik, for\n385 yards in the loss at Kansas\nCity.\n\nThe second-year Dolphins\nboast a beefed up attack headed\n‘by quarterback Bob Griese and\nrookie fullback Larry Csonka,\n\nSix other NFL openers are on\ntap Sunday—including Green\nBay’s opening bid for an un-\n| precedented fourth straight\nleague championship against\n-Philadelphia—and one more\n\nMonday night.\n\nIn other Sunday openers, Bal.\ntimore, with golden armed\nJohnny Unitas a doubtful start-\ner, entertains San Francisco;\nCleveland is at New Orleans;\nNew York at Pittsburgh; Wash-\n‘ington at Chicago, and Detroit\n| at Dallas.\n\nSt. Louis plays host to strong\n| Los Angeles Monday night in a\n‘nationally televised game, CBS,\n(9:30 p.m., EDT.\n| The NFL is carved into four\ndivisions against this season,\nwith Green Bay favored in the\nCentral, Dallas in the Capitol,\n\nSt. Louis and Cleveland in the\nCentury and Los Angeles and\nBaltimore in the Coastal.\n- Over in the American League,\nOakland’s defending champs\nmake their debut at Buffalo, 0-1\nSunday, while New York plays\nits first game at Kansas City, 1-\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 192.35932775878905, 3450.2157578125, 1022.2915053710938, 4574.4844375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Associated Press Sports Writer\n\nAtlanta and Minnesota, a cou-\nple of teams consigned to a year\nof mediocrity, blast off the 49th\nNational Football League sea-\nson Saturday night.\n\nThe opener on the Vikings’\nfield is the first of eight games\nin three days during which all\n16 NFL teams make their debut.\n\nMeanwhile, Houston's defend-\ning Eastern Division champs,\nstill smarting over an opening\nloss to Kansas City, take on Mi-\nami, 0-0, in the Orange Bowl as\nthe American Football League\nswings into its second week of\nactivity Saturday night.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5388.44873046875, 7983.2236328125, 6910.23291015625, 9997.4189453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "This is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an\noffer to buy these Securities.\nThe offer is made only by the Offering Circular,\n\nFLEET vines we.\n—r\n\n150,000 shares\ncommon stock\nPar Value $1.00\n\nET\nPRICE $2.00 PER SHARE\n= Eee\n\nCopies of the Offering Circular may be obtained upon\nrequest from:\nFleet Airlines, Inc.\n10100 Flying Cloud Drive\nMinneapolis, Minncsota 55343\n(Telephone No. 941-4741)\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1048.84759375, 7953.929625, 1876.2433486328125, 9068.6260390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "liams, Cnhic., #4; McCovey, 9.f.,\n92.\n\nHits—Rose, Cin., 190; F. Alou,\nAtl., 187.\n\nDoubles—Brock, St.L., 46;\nRose, Cin., 36: Bench, Cin., 36.\n\nTriples—Brock, StlL., 12; Cle-\nmente, Pitt., 11.\n\nHome runs—McCovey, S.F.,\n33; Banks, Chic., 31.\n\nStolen bases — Brock, St.L.,\n52; Wills, Pitt., 47.\n\nPitching (14 decisions)—Mari-\nchal, S.F., 25-8: Gibson, St.L.,\n21-7: Blass, Pitt., 15-5.\n\nStrikeouts — Jenkins, Chic.,\n239: Gibson, St.L., 236.\n\nww\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1106.596923828125, 658.0679321289062, 1842.1553955078125, 1948.9156494140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 187.5702805175781, 7993.78167578125, 1029.7564711914063, 10075.310609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Batting (375 at vats) — Yas-\ntrzemski, Bost., .300; Oliva,\nMinn., .289.\n\nRuns—McaAuliffe, Det., 88;\nWhite, N.Y., 84.\n\nRuns batted in — K. Har-\nrelson, Bost., 104; F. Howard,\nWash., 102.\n\nHits—Campaneris, Oak., 164;\nAparicio, Chic., 158.\n\nDoubles—R. Smith, Bost., 31;\nYastrzemski, Bost., 31.\n\nTriples—McCraw, Chic., 12;\nFregosi, Calif., 10; McAuliffe,\nDet., 10.\n\nHome runs—F. Howard,\nWash., 42; W. Horton, Det., 35.\n\nStolen bases — Campaneris,\nOak., 53; Cardenal, Cleve., 38.\n\nPitching (14 decisions)—Mc-\nLain, Det., 29-5; Hannan, Wash.,\n10-4.\n\nStrikeouts — McDowell,\nCleve., 261; McLain, Det., 254.\n\n| _ National League\ng (375 at bats)—Rose,\nCin., \"343: M. Alou, Pitt., .333,\n\nRuns—Beckert, Chic., 91;\nRose, Cin., 87.\n\nine Latiad 0Uin. DW Wrist.\n\neee\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 395.0748596191406, 7777.64599609375, 1702.5738525390625, 7924.37548828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Maior Leaque Leaders\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1045.5376572265625, 9367.7030625, 1880.5844130859375, 10091.465882812501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "BATTING—Frank — Howard,\nSenators, slammed two home\nruns, his 4lst and 42nd of the\nseason, driving in three runs in\nWashington’s 4-1 victory over\nBaltimore.\n\nPITCHING — Dennis Higgins,\n\nSenators, pitched 1 1-3 innings\nof hitless relief, nailing down\nWashington’s 4-1 victory over\nRaltimore.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1892.767515625, 6213.06683203125, 2736.8511367187502, 10113.69928125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Arnie (Palmer) may have his\nArmy and Lee (Trevino) is fol-\nlowed by the Fleas but at the\nPebble Lake golf course south\nof town the local linksters - have\na demon to follow.\n\nThe demon in this case is as-\nsistant golf pro at the 18 hole\ncourse, Damon Glocklee. This\n(24 - year - old golfer tied the\ncourse record last Tuesday with\na sizzling 67 on the 6,700 yard\npar 72 city course. This 11 year\nveteran hit seven pars, one\nbirdie and one a bogey on the\nfront nine and burned up the\nback nine with one eagle, (on\n‘number 12) three birdies and\nfive pars.\n\nRed Hot Putter\n\n“By the 18th hole my putter\nwas so hot I couldn't handle it”,\nquipped Glocklee after the rec-\nord setting round, Three others\n‘in the foursome were in com-\n‘plete agreement. Playing with\nthe record setter were May-\nnard Smedstad, Gail (his wife)\nand Chuck Hyslop to whom\nGlocklee gives his hot putting\ncredit.\n| Hyslop noted to be one of the\nbest local golfers on the course\nhas been working with Glocklee\nin the past weeks to improve his\nputting and he may have creat-\ned a master of the, putting\ngreen.\n\nIn his record setting fete\nGlocklee parred the first three\nholes, chipped within four inch-\nes of the hole on four for a par,\nand on five and six after miss-\ning birdie puts the young golfer\nsettled for pars.\n\nBogey Hurt\n“On the seventh green I was\nin the best position of the day\nfor a par but I chipped poorly,”\nrelated Glocklee. That bad chip\nshot as it turned out cost him\na course record on the par five\n511 yard hole.\n_ Glocklee used a seven iron\nthat put him within five feet of\n‘the pin for his first birdie of\nthe round. He parred nine and\nten and got his second birdie on\nil.\n_ On the number 12 green his\nsecond shot was pin high about\n30 feet from the right side of\nthe flag. His chip shot found its\nmark for an eagle three on 12.\nGlocklee parred 13, birdied 14,\nparred 15 and 16 and birdied the\nfinal two holes.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 698.4510498046875, 408.0738220214844, 2200.079833984375, 600.2714233398438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "MEET THE OTTERS\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4432.78851171875, 3380.464537109375, 5271.566468749999, 5062.334046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "A new wildlife refuge has been\n\ncreated on a portion of the Mus-\ntinka Wildlife Management\nArea near Wendell. The comple-\ntion of this refuge was recently\nannounced by John Soharf the\narea game manager responsible\nfor the area, The refuge is ap-\nproximately 150 acres in size,\n- The Mustinka Wildlife Man-\nagement Area was purchased a\nfew years ago as a part of the\n‘Minnesota Conservation Depart-\nment’s “Save The Wetlands”\nprogram. The entire unit is ap-\nproximately four miles long and\ncontains 666 acres.\n\nThe new refuge will consist of\nabout a one mile section of the\nunit, and is located in that sec-\ntion between the So line railroad\ntracks and Highway 55.\n\nThe new refuge is posted with\nsigns that read:\n\nSTATE GAME REFUGE\nNO TRESPASSING\n\nOn the refuge, all forms of\nhunting, trapping and trespass-\ning will be prohibited.\n" }, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 5269.31390234375, 3380.221373046875, 6114.679749999999, 7775.839906249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "This refuge was established in\nan effort to try and prevent the\ncurrent over-hargest of local\nducks that is now occurring. It\nis also hoped that the refuge\nwill help prevent the ‘burning\nout” of ducks that occurs on the\nopening day of the season. Al-\nthcugh this area usually holds\na large number of ducks prior\nto the hunting season, most of\nthe ducks have been driven out\nof the area in just one day of\nhunting.\n\nScharf said, ‘“The very aims of\nthe refuge made it necessary to\nmake it a sanctuary of the no\ntrespass type. The refuge is\nsniall, and to have any chance\nof success, the birds simply can\nnot be disturbed. To a large ex-\ntent the success of this refuge\nwill depend upon the cooperation\nof hunters and adjacent land-\nowners,\n\nIf a firing line develops on the\nrefuge boundary near the rest-\ning areas, the birds will leave.\nThe high hopes that many have\nhad for this refuge will then\nhave been lost.”\n\nThose portions of the Mustinka\nWildlife Management Area not\nincluded in the refuge will still\nbe open to public hunting.\n\nThe Fergus Falls Fish and\nGame Club planted 285 muskies\nin three area lakes earlier this\nweek. Wall Lake, Swan Lake\nand North Long Lake each re-\nceived 95 muskies which were\nabout 10-12 inches long.\n\nThe muskies were raised at\nBattle Lake and were part of the\noperation of Muskies, Inc., at\nBattle Lake.\n\nMinnesota’s Department of\nEconomic Development and\nTourism is again promoting\nMinnesota’s fifth season — In-\ndian Summer. In ad copy pre-\npared for the occasion, the de-\npartment has 20 ways to be\nyounger on Monday. Some of\nthem are:\n\nStart paddling as the sun\ncomes up. See if you and your\nwife can keep up with the kids.\nPitch your tent that evening.\nRough it for an Indian Summer\nweekend. You’ll be younger next\nMonday.\n\nPoke a pin in a map of Minne-\nsota. Go wherever it sticks.\nPicturesque scenes will pop up\nunexpectedly where you go. Get\nlost on purpose. You’ll be young-\ner next Monday.\n\nShoot a pheasant before the\nseason opens. Get him with your\ncamera — in color. Let the kids\ntake some shots. Take shots of\nwild rice and cranberries, too.\n| You'll be vounger next Mondav\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4461.92571875, 6384.63812109375, 5273.712953124999, 7320.072328124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Thursday’s Results\n\nNo games scheduled\nToday’s Games\nPittsburgh at New York, N\nSt. Louis at Houston, N\nAtlanta at Los Angeles, N\nCincinnati at San Francisco, N\nChicago at Philadelphia, 2,\ntwi-night\n\nSaturday’s Games\nChicago at Philadelphia\nSt. Louis at Houston\nAtlanta at Los Angeles\nCincinnati at San Francisco\nPittsburgh at New York, N\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3565.541685546875, 631.6983017578125, 4406.201234375, 5439.069398437499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "quarterback in the conference.\n\nThe rest of the backfield is set\nand solid with returning backs\nGeorge Kemp and Maurice\nForte. The other veteran in the\nbackfield is Hubie Bryant who\nwas credited with 155 yards\nrushing last season.\n\nThe defensive unit lacks depth\nwith two positions left to be fill-\ned. The slots unfilled are the\ntackles. Sophomore Al Hawks\nis hoping to fill in at one tackle\nslot but lacks experience. The\nother slot is still a mystery.\n\nThe way it looks now the Go-\n\n| phers will have to settle for sec-\n'ond place in the race for the\nBig Ten flag.\n\n| INDIANA\n\nCoach Johnny Pont and quar-\n_terback Harry Gonso guided the\nHoosiers to a share of confer-\nence title last year and a Rose\nBowl bid. This was the Hoos-\niers’ first championship team\nsince 1945.\n\nWith the element of surprise\ngone Pont’s chargers will\nfind themselves sitting on the\nthird rung from the top in the\nconference. The passing at-\ntack of Gonso should be\nstronger than last year. Gon-\nso connected for 67 of 143 pass-\nes for 931 yards and nine\ntouchdowns. This year coach\nPont expects much of the same\nfrom his field general.\n\nPont stated that depth and\nquickness of the team will be\nbetter than last year with the\nmain problem being on offensive\ncenter.\n\nOutlook for the defending co-\nchamps is optimistic but no title\ndue to lack of an iron-clad de-\nfense.\n\nOHIO STATE\n\nWoody Hayes’s famous three\nyards and a cloud of dust will\nbe a thing of the past this sea-\nson. The Buckeyes will clear\nthe dust and take to the airways\n\nwith the forward pass in their\nbid for ,the title.\n\nTwenty-nine returning letter-\nmen, including 15 veterans,\nshowed up for the first day of\npractice much to the delight\nof the “Dean of Coaches,”\n| Mr. Hayes. Hayes is blessed\nwtih more experienced talent\nthan any other team in the\nconference.\n\nTwo sophomore rookies are\nfighting for the quarterback slot.\nThey are Rex Kern and Ron\nMaciejowski. Hayes is expected\nto field his best team in recent\nyears due to depth and speed.\nAs last year, defense will plague\nthe Buckeyes. Outlook for Ohic\nState is good but not quite good\nenough to capture the flag and\nthey should finish in fourth\nplace.\n\nThis is the way the final Big\nTen standings look from this\nsports desk:\n\nSS ea Se - Bik\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4471.90862890625, 8019.24847265625, 5285.154847656249, 9299.9443984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Thursday’s Results\nWashington 4, Baltimore 1\nOnly game scheduled\n\nToday’s Games\nMinnesota at Boston, N\nBaltimore at Cleveland, N\nCalifornia at Chicago, N\nOakland at Detroit, N\nNew York at Washington, 2,\n\ntwi-night\nSaturday’s Games\nOakland at Detroit\nBaltimore at Cleveland\nNew York at Washington\nMinnesota at Boston\nCalifornia at Chicago, N\n\nSunday’s Games\nCalifornia at Chicago\nOakland at Detroit\nBaltimore at Cleveland\nNew York at _Washington\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 181.4049973144531, 5121.08343359375, 1028.7880874023438, 7498.981019531249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "ine Fergus Faus Cros COURS\ntry A squad had to settle\nfor second place in their opening\nmeet of the season at Brecken-\nridge Thursday with 50 points.\n\nBarry Robertson was the lone\nOtter miler to finish in the top\nfive. Breckenridge captured the\nevent crown with 37 points.\nWheaton’s Doug Ladsaw paced\nhis mates with a time of 11:55\nin the one and nine - tenths mile\nrun.\n\nCoach John Herme’s B team\ntook first place with 23 points\nfollowed by Breckenridge with\n39. Three Otters captured the\nfirst three places. Dale Minge\ntook first, Dave Reed came in\nsecond and Mark Rud took a\nthird place spot. Ron Rude came\nin seventh and Clair Cole came\nin tenth for the B team.\n\nMeet Standings\n1. Breckenridge 37\n2. Fergus Falls 50\n3. Wheaton 51\n4. Wahpeton 77\n\nTop Five Milers A Team\n\n1. Doug Ladasaw - Wheaton\n\n2. Barry Robertson - Fergus\nFalls\n\n3. Wanna - Breckenridge\n\n4. King - Breckenridge\n\n5. Hanson - Breckenridge\n\nOther Otters that place high\nin class A meet were Steve Lill\nin eighth, Darold Woessner in\nninth, Don Rieken in 15th and\nBrian Hugli came in 16th place.\n\nCoach Hermes commented\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 6162.66796875, 3976.22705078125, 6941.23291015625, 7719.67431640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "LIKE TO BUY\nSOMETHING?\n\n \n\nLACK THE CASH?\n\nMaybe your problem is hav-\ning too many small payments\nhere and there. Why not con-\n-solidate your bills into one\neasy monthly payment. Stop\nin today at CITIZENS!\n\nPAYMENT SCHEDULE\n| LOAN MO PAYMENT\n$ 200.00 $ 8.26\n300.00 12.40\n600.00 24.64\n\n900.00 36.72\n1,000.00 40.74\n1,500.00 60.81\n2,000.00 80.88\n\nALL PAYMENTS ARE\nFULLY INSURED\n\nCITIZENS\n\nLOAN & INVESTMENT\nCOMPANY\n\n110 So. Mill — Dial 736-7547\nFergus Falls\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1098.66015625, 9137.6923828125, 1834.40283203125, 9272.4423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "BASEBALL HEROES\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2721.94964453125, 791.8352036132812, 3550.8748183593752, 4852.30719140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "schools opened practice twa\nweeks ago to begin what should\nprove to be the best race for a\nconference title in the nation.\n\nFour teams head the list for\n\nthe Big Ten title. The teams\nare Purdue, Indiana, Minne-\nsota and Ohio State. All four\nschools will find their way\ninto the top 20 ratings in the\nnation among colleges.\n\nThis writer picks the Boiler-\nmakers from West Lafayette,\nInd., to capture the flag with\nMinnesota second followed by\n‘Indiana and Ohio State resting\nin third and fourth place.\n\n_ Let’s take a look at the four\ntop picks in the conference this\n| year.\n\nPURDUE\n\nThe key to the Boilermaker:\n/on offense this year is running\nback Leroy Keyes, everybody’s\nchoice for the back of the yea\nhonors and the leading pre-sea\nson pick for the Heisman Tro\nphy.\n\nAlong with Keyes in the back\nfield are returners Mike Phipps\nand Perry Williams. All three\nare prime candidates for all\nAmerican honors, With the hare\nrunning of Keyes who last yea!\nran for 989 yards and hit paydir'\nfor 78 points the Boilermaker:\nseem to be unbeatable in Big\nTen play.\n\nOn defense the Boilers are\nhuge as they tip the scales at\nan average of 240 pounds. Four\nof the front five on defense are\nreturning lettermen. Heading\nthe defensive unit is Chuck\nKyle, Alex Davis, Fred Haug,\nBill Yunaska, Dick Marvel\nand veteran cornerback Steve\nDeGrandmaison, With _ this\n\n| powerhouse the outlook is a\nconference title.\n\nMINNESOTA\n\nThe Minnesota Gophers sur\nprised everyone except thei\ncoach Murray Warmath wher\nthey crushed Indiana 33-7 for ¢\nshare of the Big Ten title witl\nthe Hoosiers and Purdue las\n| year.\n| This year’s Gophers will be\nstronger on offense with Jim\nCarter and Barry Mayer fill-\ning the halfback slots and the\npassing of Phil Hagen, Walt\nBowers, a spohomore, is push-\ning hard to take over the num-\nber one job from Hagen and\nis picked to be the best backup\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 4523.2578125, 2648.489990234375, 6018.12548828125, 2931.773681640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Enjoying Our Outdoors\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2865.82763671875, 613.54052734375, 3399.750244140625, 690.3070678710938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "By BRUCE BAKKE\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": { "bbox": [ 6151.65185546875, 2663.381591796875, 6930.21484375, 3878.6591796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n\nLAND O'LAKES LEAGUE\n\nL “zg Tcam — Savings &\n6 high 3 game series!\n\n. wet 6CUd\nes ed “s)_ re * 630\nWally —_——\n(216-213) .........:. coos 588\nMarv Anderson (212) .. 570\nFloyd Mitzel (210) .... 563\nGary Froehlich ........ 559\n\nSUBURBAN LEAGUE\n\nv.- “‘«~~— Beam — Fquirt.\n\n& high 3 game series:\n\nsaow\n\n(207-203-232) . seeeeeeee 642\nCarl Rose (204 sevdene Be\nDon Walline (219) .... 561\nMurray Swanson (205) 554\nGary Froehlich (233) .. 550\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 4523.20263671875, 3038.96533203125, 6048.47705078125, 3352.6962890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "e: ;\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 4477.00927734375, 5146.37353515625, 5264.7392578125, 5657.59033203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1920.46923828125, 4869.99755859375, 3545.145751953125, 5690.81884765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nJournal\n\nSPORTS\n\nFergus Falls Journal Page 12 FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1968\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 379.8642578125, 7941.75, 857.5353393554688, 7988.79248046875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "‘American Teacne\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 4450.3641953125, 9396.5829453125, 5293.852601562499, 10129.094789062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "the glory of 1966 when it won\nthe MIAC only to be riddled by\ninjuries in °67 when Gustavus\nran off with the big prize,\nsmashed Stevens Point, Wis.,\nState, 41-0, in its opener last\nweek,\n\nSt. John’s, Duluth, Macalester\nand Concordia also were victor-\nious in their debuts. St. Thomas,\nWinona, Moorhead and Bethel\nlost their opepers.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 5048.93603515625, 2921.26953125, 5548.97607421875, 2998.954833984375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "with TOM YUZER\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 199.17601013183594, 3383.13671875, 1019.7326049804688, 3513.116943359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "By MIKE BRYSON\nAssociated Press Sports Writer\n" }, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 20 ], [ 13, 14 ] ]
[ 4112.26728515625, 5987.73876953125 ]
[ [ 3, 20 ], [ 13, 14 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2111.067919921875, 289.31761474609374, 2759.8383300781247, 1125.993359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "James N, Kledones and Eu-\ngene R, Murphy have been pro-\nmoted at Life Savings of\nAmerica, 1400 Winston Plaza,\nMelrose Park.\n\nMr Kledones was appointed\nto Assistant Vice President\nand Mr Murphy to Loan Offi-\ncer\n\nThe announcement was\nmade by Frank J. Muriello,\nManaging Director of Life Sa-\nvings and Loan Association\nof America at the financial\ninstitution’s annua] Stockhol-\nders’ meeting on January 30.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2104.158740234375, 1438.838427734375, 2755.4477050781247, 2176.00703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Holy C ross High School La-\ndies’ Guild will follow the bus-\niness session of their Wed-\nnesday, February 14 meeting\nwith a *Cake Bingo” The\nmeeting is held in the school\ncafeteria at 3000 N 80th Ave.,\nRiver Grove, and begins at 8\npm\n\nMrs. Ruby Mancuso re-\nquests that al] cakes be wrap-\nped or boxed so that they may\nbe conveniently taken home by\nthe winners.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 15.842302322387695, 4260.4453125, 635.0447998046875, 4489.54931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Welcome Woman\nAlumnae Meets\nFebruary 15th\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2790.3455078125, 273.84535522460936, 3425.6222656249997, 842.6763427734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Dr. Leslie B, J. Forrest,\nGottlieb Hospital, has been\nelected to active membership\nin the American Academy of\nGeneral Practice, a national\nassociation of more than 30,\n000 family doctors.\n\nAs a member of the AAGP,\nDr. Forrest will be required\nto complete 150 hours of post-\ngraduate medical study every\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2106.682861328125, 1153.740234375, 2740.8046875, 1402.9599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Holy Cross Ladies\nPlan Cake Bingo\nAt Next Meeting\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2114.49169921875, 38.44928741455078, 2583.27734375, 268.01324462890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Life Savings\nAnnounces 2\nPromotions\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 58.33192443847656, 5204.1591796875, 666.7283325195312, 5926.05615234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Give Your Blinds\nTHE NEW LOOK\n\nfor as little as\n\n$3.40\n\nper window ze\n\ntapes & cords A\n\nincluded\nTHC /PSEN’S\n2° ~ Ft 48121\nServis er 18 Vou.\n\nce\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 20.746506881713866, 4520.33134765625, 675.0166137695313, 5146.153515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "elcome Woman's Alumnae\n4b oof Provise will meet on\n\"sarsday, february 15 at\n- $0 pm, at Meo's Restaur-\nant 4750 NN, Harlem, Har -\nwood Heights, and hold a Val-\nentine Party in connection with\nits regular meeting Incharge\nof the Party program are Mes-\ndames C, A Edwards, George\nBejlovec, Robert Braun and\nDon Valenti\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2829.13037109375, 881.7643432617188, 4076.619140625, 2144.462646484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "THE ORIC‘NG.\n\nCOME BACK RESTAURANT\n\n \n\n144 Broadway \\florcse Park\nThursday, Friday & Saturday\nSPAGHETTI or\n\nMOSTACCIOLI $]\nWith Meat Balls or Sausage\n\nFRIDAY SPECIAL!\nPERCH DINNER $7 25 oper\nALL YOU AN EAT ............. PERSON\n\nFI 5-2111 - Fl 3-9440 - Fl 41422\nFor Fast Delivery Service Or Carry Out Orders!\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2793.885009765625, 26.331180572509766, 3436.25146484375, 254.23724365234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Gottlieb Doctor\nNamed Active\nMember Of AAGP\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 51.35139846801758, 3255.203369140625, 583.5338745117188, 3480.654541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Memorial Park\nDist. Teen-Age\nDance Feb. 9\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 731.8201904296875, 3251.294677734375, 1230.4697265625, 3471.060791015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Cubs Conduct\nMonth Long\nPaper Drive\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 77.9035415649414, 48.65437698364258, 1972.200927734375, 342.1606140136719 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Commonwealth Edison Doubles\nCapacity Of Local Substation\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 731.3051635742188, 3475.18828125, 1359.8010986328127, 3634.0290039062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "( ub Pack 76 wil] conduct a\nPaper Drive from February 12\nto March 12 and welcomes al]!\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1408.561083984375, 3255.805712890625, 2056.739453125, 3620.7492187499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "donations of paper and maga-\n7ines For a pickup, one of the\nfollowing numbers may be\ncalled: M Tuckenberry, 344—\n1861; P, Gainer, 344-1637; R.\nFields, 344-8449 or H. Mc\nGraw, 681-3635\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2105.1357421875, 2177.028564453125, 4089.230712890625, 5987.73876953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "| ay yfss “$45: yer Mare VF.\n\nay\nUs\n\nfs.\nMs\n\n_~— NO\n\n \n\nANY sabi!\n\nRED GARMEN:\nDRY CLE AED\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n. A. .\nake\nSALE ENDS ON FE\n\nMP ABARBANELL |\n\neo : ne\nnae CLEANERS\n\n1814 Lake Se.\n\nMelrose Park\n\nI Os a PRO re Poe oe ee lk\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 703.6875610351562, 3715.941162109375, 2106.9638671875, 5935.32470703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "L. 1 Dd iJ THEATRE\nHEY KIDS!! SPECIAL MATINEE\n\nSATURDAY - FEB. 10 AT 1:45 ONLY\nG SUNDAY - FEB. 11 AT 1:15 ONLY\n\nSail with Long John Silver\nand Jim Hawkins for\nburied treasure\n\n \n\nALSO CARTOONS 2 21\nSUN. OPEN 1:00\n\nTHEATRE WILL BE CLEARED AFTER MATINEES!\n\nALL SEATS... | c\nALL AGES . . sl\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 47.54264373779297, 3499.9080078125, 682.9400756835938, 4195.9025390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "“hae Stee ‘ dor District\n\nnen roy we dance\n\"ita ‘ at the\nhoyle ‘ \"A. Wash-\npte Te ‘ses ween the\n: a ‘\na os “sefore”\n\nrom hw >a rform for\n\nvont * + 18 $1 00\nry “od he casual\n“hertyed 4 2 * Cor puests\ndit, or tr. “eo ori) Pk\nTritt ste oweitome to at-\n\nt\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 99.00221252441406, 237.121337890625, 2097.720458984375, 3223.34716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "wOaPacity wi LOCd: JUDStTGUOCH\n\n1\n\n7 1\n\nat\n\naan f =\nTW ig\nBe _ 3 sf a °\n\n+ De OE ge TM Hh e--\nSe 8 pee BEd e- om Wud ge ‘s\noo 4° wo\n\n«ny, . con * ve “7 *\n- -~ wv gt.tes ene tel 2\nEERIE CE EO OE ueae eee\n\n12, °\n+ sn ° =, ae\nned Line! pe ae\nPART; i\nKy Ft\n\nove:\n=\n\n \n\nom *. gr Z Ga:\n\n+ RE PE Ta GG\n\n, Lge 2 oe Se FD PF Sask Ge sees gro\n\nMN Sori ee eX ee\n\nA MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT that will nearly double the capacity of\nCommonwealth Edison Company’s Bellwood substation, Eastern Avenue and\nButterfield Road, is now underway.\n\nConstruction foreman Warren Hosler (right), 416 S. Summit Avenue,\nWheaton, 1s shown here directing work on a 60,000 kilowatt transformer.\nThe mechanics tightening the transformer’s bushings are John Phillips, 5718\nW Cornelia Avenue, Chicago, and Charles Schwass, 1423 S. llth Avenue,\nMaywood\n\nThe transformer is one of two being installed to meet increasing electric\n\ncoin the western suburbs. Scheduled for service in March and April, the\n‘wo transformers will be capable of serving up to 120,000 customers. Electri-\n‘ty from the substation is carried to more than a dozen communities in; ~\n\n‘uding Bellwood, Broadview, Elmhurst, Franklin Park, Maywood, Northlake\nond Westchester,\n\nrere\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3492.154052734375, 16.41370391845703, 4077.16064453125, 256.36846923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "STAR-SENTINEL\nMelrese Park, Ili.\nThuredey, Feb. 8, 1968\nPAGE 8\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3464.954638671875, 314.2917053222656, 4112.26728515625, 827.7227905273437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Founded in 1947, the AAGP\nis the country’s second lar-\ngest national medical associa -\ntion.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 128.78036499023438, 367.0852966308594, 2017.2445068359375, 3109.608154296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Pe eee gs UT TH wee.\n\nNis\n\nAA vee oy bee aoe in So nie\n\nca eens eae Lot2S\nae a mee WEE Pe\n\n. oy pT aes\neg\naoe: Pee a4 ox yaa nD ¥ rae oe\ndct #5 teases RA es 4\nig sioae a \"as —\n\n\\ MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT that will nearly double the capacity of\nommonwealth Edison Company’s Bellwood substation, Eastern Avenue and\nutterfield Road, is now underway.\n\nConstruction foreman Warren Hosler (right), 416 S. Summit Avenue,\nVheaton, 1s shown here directing work on a 60,000 kilowatt transformer.\nhe mechanics tightening the transformer’s bushings are John Phillips, 5718\nV Cornelia Avenue, Chicago, and Charles Schwass, 1423 S. 11th Avenue,\nMaywood\n\nThe transformer is one of two being installed to meet increasing electric\ncoin the western suburbs. Scheduled for service in March and April, the\nwo transformers will be capable of serving up to 120,000 customers. Electri-\nty from the substation is carried to more than a dozen communities in;\n\nvodinng Ralli nnd Renadviacs Clenck..ccalUrPlw tt. huh ae\n\n \n" }, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 15 ], [ 26, 5 ], [ 27, 13 ], [ 34, 60 ], [ 34, 37 ], [ 34, 63 ], [ 60, 37 ], [ 60, 63 ], [ 37, 63 ], [ 44, 52 ] ]
[ 6687.9718984374995, 9872.2101796875 ]
[ [ 1, 15 ], [ 26, 5 ], [ 27, 13 ], [ 34, 63 ], [ 52, 44 ], [ 60, 37 ], [ 63, 60 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1870.232666015625, 252.7607879638672, 4185.83349609375, 2374.7353515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 5038.6882578125, 3714.290552734375, 5829.8102773437495, 6038.5461171874995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "A four-tenths of a mill operat-\n\ning levy for child welfare ser-\n\nvices will appear on the ballot\nfor all Greene Countians Tues-\nday. :\n\nWith approval, the money\nwill be added to the present six-\n‘tenths of a mill under which the\n‘Greene County Child Welfare\nBoard currently is operating,\n\\which was voted in 1965 to ex-\npire in 1970. The four-tenths\n‘levy would produce approxi-\nmately $116,800 and would = run\n‘for two years to coincide with\n‘the existing one, and is needed\n‘ito permit the office to operate\n\nwithin its budget, county offi-\nicials say.\n\n)) The office was budgeted $258.-\n\n471.31 this year, but $307,987\n\n‘was needed just to meet cur.\n\n»|rent costs, and funds to make\n\n.|up the deficit had to come from\n\nthe county general fund, Mrs.\n\nMary Ann Paloncy,, executive\n\nsecretary of Greene County\n\n_|Child Welfare Board, said.\n\n_| The need was brought about\nprimarily by “growing pains”’,\nMrs. Paloncy said. Childrer\nserved by the staff totaled 123\nin January, 1963, and increased\nto 463 by February of 1968.\nwith probably an additional 15¢\nnow. ~\n| There are between 140-16(\n\n>\n-\n\nl\n\n>\n-\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4258.76904296875, 3274.4462890625, 4923.37890625, 3702.911376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Date Set For\nPhone Service\nTo Dayton\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4349.11962890625, 762.1714477539062, 4764.14013671875, 1373.7237548828125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4262.32155859375, 6046.41921484375, 5064.8254140624995, 7721.6623281249995 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Alphonso Rhoden, Xenia\nRoute 5, reported to police at\nGreene Memorial Hospital ear-\nly Friday afternoon that $15\nwas taken from his billfold by\nfour or five youths who beat\nhim outside a Springfield bar.\n\nHe was released from the\nhospital after treatment. His\nface was “badly beaten,’’ police\nsaid.\n\nAccording to the police re-\n\nport, Rhoden said he was _ac-\ncosted by the youths about 11\np.m. Thursday as he left the\nbar of the Guy Hotel in Spring-\n‘field,\n| He related, the report said,\n‘that the youths beat him w ith\ntheir fists and kicked him, took\nthe money from his billfold, and\nfled when a friend came out of\nthe bar.\nThe friend brought Rhoden to\nhis Xenia area home and he\n‘sought treatment at the hospi-\ntal Friday, police said they\niwere told.\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5862.75222265625, 7565.964625, 6687.9718984374995, 9872.2101796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "of the minds on the candidate.\nEven the participants them-\nselves heatedly disagree on the\nState of the Nation if one or the\nother are or are not elected.\n\n| Perhaps the most alarming\n‘feature of this election is n ot\nthe concern for the ones who\nvote, but for the millions who\nshow no interest in preserving\n‘their right to vote. Those who\nfind it too troublesome, to in-\nconvenient or... who say...\n“My vote would only be a drop\nin the bucket.” This may be\njtrue b ut, remember, a great\ndeal depends on what is al-\n‘ready in the bucket. A drop of\nwater in a bucket of acid may\n‘cause an explosion; a drop of\nyeast in the dough will leaven\n‘the bread; and enough drops of\n‘water in any bucket will even-\n‘tually cause it to overflow. .\n\n| With a prayer in our hearts\nithat Divine Providence will\nguide us in doing what is right\n‘and good for our nation and\nourselves .. .let’s go to the\npolls!\n\nAnd now we pause for station\nidentification . . . regardless\nof politics we have the winning\nfall fashions. It would be our\nLo peach to show you... .the\nplace is . . . KRAKOFF’S on\ns. Detroit St. where “fashion is\nan every day affair’.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 346.44586181640625, 4736.30615234375, 1847.2581787109375, 7800.48779296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5057.029296875, 3266.640625, 6515.85888671875, 3684.9111328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Child Welfare Levy On\nBallot In County Tuesday\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4261.52858984375, 3728.10525, 5030.2033437499995, 5645.451390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Optional one-way telephone\nservice to the Dayton metropol-\nitian area will be available to\nXenians after Dec. 22, Howard\nB. Johnston, commerical mana-\nger for the Xenia district, Ohic\nBell Telephone Co., has an-\nnounced.\n\nPlans for the added service\nwere originally announced i n\nJuly, 1967. Xenia customers whe\nsubscribe would. be able tc\nmake an unlimited number 0!\nlocal calls from Xenia to points\nin Fairborn, Centerville, Wes\nCarrollton, Englewood, Enon\nTrotwood, Vandalia and Miamis\nburg as well as the Dayton ex\nchanges.\n\nCalls from the Dayton area t\nXenia and from Springwield t:\nYellow Springs still will be\nlong ‘distance, *however. :\n\nJohnston said he is not sur\nwhat the cost will be to sub\nscribers, and that orders for th\nservice will not be taken unt\nafter the Dec. 22 date. Ther\nwill be additional details an\nnounced prior to this time, how\n‘ever, he added.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5059.23025, 6224.9538828125, 5846.9987539062495, 6838.7243398437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Residents of the eastern part\nof Xenia will hear a talk on edu-\n‘cation, housing and employment\nat 7 p.m. Sunday at NAACP\n'Voter Education and Citizen-\nship Headquarters, 506 E. Main\nSt. Speaker will be Sidney 0.\nDavis of Yellow Springs,\nGreene County NAACP presi-\ndent.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 278.78487646484376, 3229.893091796875, 1070.584203125, 4602.6056875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Slides on substandard hous-\ning in Greene County will be\npresented at the general meet-\ning of the Xenia League of\nWomen Voters Wednesday eve-\nning in the Parish House of\nChrist Episcopal Church.\n\nMrs. Vincent Heider and Mrs.\nJoan Holcombe will present in-\nformation on Karsten Terrace\nat the meeting on housing. Cof-\nfee hour will begin at 7:45 p.m.\nand the program at 8.\n\nMembers of the human re-\nsources committee for the local\nleague are Mrs. Richard Falls,\nchairman, Mrs. Holcombe, Mrs.\nHeider, Mrs. C. F. Damuth and\nMrs. Raymond McKnight.\n\nMrs. William A. Hammond\nand Mrs. Howard Johnston will\nbe hostesses.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 298.8551330566406, 1434.684814453125, 1041.759033203125, 2763.69287109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2707.301294921875, 4704.98171484375, 3443.434056640625, 6783.1657460937495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "A Bowersville area wom-\nan’s hobby of tracing family\nhistories has solved the\ngrave marker mystery for\nthe Sheriff’s Department.\n\nHalloween pranksters ob-\nviously ‘took them from the\nPleasant Hijl United Mis-\nsionary Church Cemetery\nat Hyde and W. Enon Rd.,\nMrs. Charles Hollingsworth\nadvised a deputy late Fri-\nday,\n\nOne of the markers, both\ntossed in the yard of a Hill-\ntop Rd. residence Wednes-\nday night, was inscribed\n“S. A. F.” The other was\nlettered: “Leander, son of\nAndrew and Mary Arm-\nstrong, died April 19, 1862,\naged Z years, 7 mos, and 13\nDs. (days).”\n\nMrs. Hollingsworth said\nthat her records of grave\nmarkers in many old ceme-\nteries contain the name of\nthe Armstrong child and a\nSarah A, Flatter,\n\nShe said the marker in-\nscribed “S. A. F.” is the\nfoot stone from Mrs, Flat-\nter’s grave,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1048.2286630859376, 1412.193140625, 1840.783177734375, 2524.0783437500004 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The bride - elect was gradu-\nated from Belmont High School,\nDayton, and attended Ohio\nState University. She is a mem-\nber of Delta Gamma Sorority\nand is now employed as a den-\ntal assistant for Dr. Ralf Trus-\nler, Kettering.\n\nHer fiance attended Xenia\nSchools and has served in the\nArmy, including a tour in Viet-\nnam. He is now employed by\nthe Inland Manufacturing Divi-\nsion of the General Motors\n-Corp., Dayton.\n\n__ The wedding will be Dec. 7 in\n“St. Mark’s Lutheran Church,\nDayton.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1068.02321875, 2938.3679453125, 1853.810521484375, 4599.369359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Nineteen Extension Ho me-\n\nmakers attended a leader train-\ning meeting Thursdey evening\nat Second United Presbyterian\nChurch.\n“Help Yourself Meals’ was\nthe topic, and the lesson was\npresented by Miss Mary Cor-\ncoran, county home economics\nagent, and Miss Susan Bul],\nhome economics agent in Madi-\nson County. They had given the\nlesson in Madison County ear-\nlier in the day.\n\nIn covering buffet meal] plan.\nning, they discussed the seat\ning and dining arrangement.\nmenu, buffet table, planning for\nservice and removal of courses\n\nEach woman present brough'\n‘a center piece to be judged\n‘Mrs. Kenneth Durnbaugh 0\n‘Beavercreek won first place\nwith a styrofoam turkey ar\n‘rangement, surrounded by sug\nared fruit. She was awarded ;\n|professional centerpiece.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5819.46853125, 3713.556421875, 6632.5373281249995, 6221.3923085937495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "children in foster homes and 35,\nthe maximum, at the Greene\nCounty Children’s home. Foster\nparents are paid $45 per month\n‘per child, plus clothing and\n‘medical expenses.\n\n| REVENUE FROM the addi-\njtional levy would be usei to\nemploy one or two additional\n‘lease workers (there are now\n; four full-time and one part-time\nease workers, three secretar-\n‘ies, a bookkeeper plus the ex-\n1!\necutive secretary. )\n,| It also is hoped to raise the\n. amount paid foster parents,\n‘Mrs. Paloncy said. In some\n-|gounties, the monthly. payment\nas RT\n' cial security payments are\n\"received for some of the chil-\nlidren, and $47,000 in federal\n‘funds also was received here\n*'last year, which pays for three\n‘of the caseworkers.\nBut living cost increases are\n\\ being felt, and the department\n»' would like to work more in the\n1 protective service areas, pro-\n»icessing referrals earlier and\nkeeping children in their own\n‘|homes, thus cutting costs to the\ncounty, the executive secretary\nsaid. The office also is involved\n’\\in aid to unwed mothers, adop-\ntions, state services to the blind\nand crippled children.\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1082.5538330078125, 2543.38916015625, 1829.56787109375, 2905.537109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Meals Topic\nOf Homemaker:\nAt Second UP\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4284.0302734375, 5721.5751953125, 4980.6630859375, 6020.17138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Man Reports\nBeating, Theft\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3478.859400390625, 6158.34499609375, 4268.54660546875, 6736.8190664062495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": " \n\nMr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Con-\nnell, 1620 Kensington Dr., Bell-\nbrook, are announcing the birth\nof their second son, Benjamin\nAllen, born Oct. 25 at Kettering\nMemorial Hospital. The mater-\nnal grandmother, Mrs. Carl E,\nWilson of Perry, Iowa, is visit-\ning the family ...\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 6349.3564453125, 6991.939453125, 6660.56494140625, 7543.2587890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3474.5078125, 2824.0283203125, 3923.038330078125, 3371.15576171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Mostly\n\nA bout\nPeople\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 279.7454528808594, 775.5339965820312, 1710.5982666015625, 1108.755615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Dayton Girl To Marry\n\nXenian In December\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4336.193359375, 7776.7529296875, 5802.47705078125, 9848.1591796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n \n\n+ DRIVE-IN\nMODEL crasen\n\nrr\n\nWeekly Special\n\nMonday, Nov. 4th thru Sat., Nov. 9th\nLADIES’ PLAIN\nDRESSES\n$1 10 FACH a $1 99\nTrousers 49c each 3 for $1.25\nCleaned and Pressed\nl-Hour Service\n(Cleaned Only . . . 8 ths, $2.00)\n\"Pammanaeeaimiaccnaama aaa eta ene iain \"\nNotice! Shirts 30e Each\nWASH PANTS 60c EACH\nESO GOT OTE AE Bi EES ai ae\n\nOpen 7:30 A.M.-6 P.M. All Day Wed.\nNot Responsible for Clothes\nLeft Over 30 Days\nSelf-Service Laundromat\n25c washing machines in rear\nOpen Daily 6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.\n108 W. Main St.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2692.222681640625, 6979.2351328125, 4267.40207421875, 8144.9821523437495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "MENUS in all Xenia Schools next week will be:\n\nMONDAY—Pizza, green beans, plums, Rice Krispy squares,\nmilk, second plate lunch at high school—salad bowl, plums,\nbread and butter, milk;\n\nTUESDAY—Swiss steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, hot\nrolls and butter, fruit Jello with whipped cream, milk; high\nschool—salad bowl, gelatin with fruit, rolls and butter, milk;\n\nWEDNESDAY ~—- Wiener on bun, French fried potatoes,\nchocolate cookie, applesauce, milk; high school—salad bowl,\napplesauce, bread and butter, milk;\n\nTHURSDAY—Smokey Boy sandwich, baked beans, lettuce\nsalad, fruit punch, milk; high school—salad bowl, sliced\npeaches, bread and butter, milk;\n\nFRIDAY—Tuna salad sandwich, potato chips, buttered peas,\nsliced pineapple, milk; high school—salad bowl, sliced pine-\napple, bread and butter, milk.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2700.940185546875, 4010.887451171875, 3418.56884765625, 4683.26025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Marker\nMystery\nSolved\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3627.689697265625, 5814.37744140625, 4143.736328125, 6094.5546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "STORK\nCLUB\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 5867.17946875, 6901.0202890625, 6316.2941640624995, 7578.9167226562495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "A new Presi-\ndent of the Unit-\ned States will be\nelected this\nmon th. This\nwill be another\nimport ant mile-\nstone in the his-\ntory of our coun-\ntry. There seems\nto be no meeting\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 283.7037607421875, 1135.5794931640626, 1827.2385000000002, 1401.5755361328124 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "MR. AND MRS. Norman Marshall of Dayton are an-\nnouncing the engagement of their daughter, Linda\nKay, to Roger Eugene Arrington, son of Mr. and Mrs.\nPaul Arrington, 191 Sheelin Rd.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 301.9463195800781, 2956.3935546875, 983.211181640625, 3214.700439453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Housing Slides\nTo Be Shown\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 542.0628051757812, 4642.763671875, 1656.3475341796875, 4768.9130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "tn Class Or Out\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5081.439453125, 6077.67919921875, 5781.01318359375, 6194.67578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Davis To Talk\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2871.948974609375, 6811.02783203125, 4108.9130859375, 6932.306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "XENIA SCHOOL MENUS\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 434.3772277832031, 9092.474609375, 871.4776611328125, 9712.166015625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5110.65234375, 6891.54248046875, 5807.97216796875, 7698.12646484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "TURKEY and HAM SUPPER\nand BAZAAR\n\nSpring Valley United\nMethodist Church\nSaturday, Nov. 16, 5-7 P.M.\nAdults $1.50\nChildren under 12, 75c\nSponsored by Tri-C Class\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4239.39870703125, 1458.1854501953126, 5381.2677968749995, 2471.667455078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "The kitchen’s a good place to be\non these crisp fall days. We get the\nurge to try a new recipe, fix a long,\nslow cooking oven dinner and make\nsomething “from seratch.”\n\nConvenience foods are great, short\ncut cooking is a boon to every busy\nhousewife, but nothing beats ‘‘some-\nthin’ from the oven” with your own\npersonal stamp upon it.\n\nOne of our favorite contributors to\nthis column, Mrs. Nelson Stretcher of\nClifton, has sent along two of her most\noften used recipes and anything Mrs.\nS. says is good, is good. Let’s add\nthese to our collection.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 2027.375732421875, 8634.8251953125, 2651.906982421875, 9832.4140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n\nVOTE\n\nHAINES\n\n(Pol. Adv.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1945.1358642578125, 2830.029541015625, 3403.7099609375, 3177.03662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "News Of Area Clubs\nGAZETTELAND GAVELCADE\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 5464.55398046875, 1949.035181640625, 6568.4948476562495, 3233.9806875000004 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "SSeS Arar & YY 2166 2S Vee ae et ae eee ae 6D ses “ce\n\n4 tablespoons lemon juice\nGrated rind of one lemon\n4 tablespoons water\n\n25 large marshmallows\n\n3 egg yolks\n\n3 egg whites\n\nPinch salt\n\nCombine lemon juice, water and\nmarshmallows that have been cut in\nsmall pieces. Cook in double boiler\nuntil the marshmallows are melted.\nAdd beaten egg yolks and cook a few\nminutes, stirring constantly.\n\nAdd salt to egg whites and beat\nuntil stiff. Fold into lemon mixture\nand pour into baked pie shell. Top\nwith Dream Whip or whipped cream.\n\nMrs. Stretcher says this is her fa-\nvorite lemon pie recipe.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3457.896265625, 3477.365259765625, 4243.97824609375, 4682.57883203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "IN XENIA...\n\nMrs. Edna McClelland, 233 E.\nChurch St., was honored with a\nluncheon Wednesday at the\nMelodee Inn, Fairborn, by the\nOperations Support Division at\nWright-Patterson AF Base for\nher retirement after 25 years of\nservice. She has as guests Mr.\nand Mrs. Jack McClelland, Dal-\nlas, Tex.; Mrs. Ruth Beets, Ft.\n\nLauderdale, Fla.; Sgt. 1-C Cal-\nvin McClelland, Qui Nahu, Viet-\nnam; Thomas McCleiland, New\nYork, N.Y., and M-Sgt. and\nMrs. Kenneth McClelland, Elgin\nAF Base, Fla...\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 911.4988046875, 9310.1218515625, 1841.2698720703124, 9798.766820312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "1121 Dayton Ave., Xenia\nWe invite you to share with us the\nfollowing services:\n9:30 a.m.—Sunday School\n10:45 a.m.—Worship—7:30 p.m,\n6:30 p.m.—Training Union\nWednesday—?7:30 p.m.—Prayer and\nve praise service.\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 978.1936645507812, 9072.125, 1746.6884765625, 9288.2177734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "DAYTON AVENUE\nBAPTIST CHURGH\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 2658.722193359375, 3264.687037109375, 3448.5480703125, 3954.015599609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Snirts and Skirts is president of\nthe Centerville Federation .. .\n\nwee xt\nMembers of the Walnut\nGrove Garden Club of Kno 11\nwood will tour the Greene Coun-\nty Historical Society Complex,\nfollowing lunch at 12 noon Fri-\nday at the Xenia Hotel...\n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 5885.265625, 6290.26708984375, 6607.81884765625, 6849.99169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "\\ Krakofe J |\nCOAINER,\n\nRy RIJSS REMICK\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 4617.88720703125, 2485.976318359375, 5010.0380859375, 2572.922607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "DATE LOGS\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 3467.81472265625, 4802.6374765625, 4252.506078125, 5740.4098867187495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "NN Oe ee ew wT eae CUD\n\nMr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley,\nRobbie and Debbie, State\nRoute 725, returned home Oct.\n25 after a three - weeks stay\nwith a native family in Mexicc\nCity, Mexico. They also visited\nMr. and Mrs. Jesus Lope;\n(Carol Ferguson) and attended\nthe Olympics...\n\nMiss Lorna Wilkie of Wash\nington, D. C., spent the week.\nend with her parents, Mr. anc\nMrs. Harry Wilkie, N. Main\nage\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 2777.996119140625, 8508.2068125, 4231.5226796875, 9794.669164062501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "et = = bal\n\nWILLIAM BROUGHTON, PASTOR\n\n. .- extends an INVITATION to Parents, Wives, Relatives\nand Friends of our nation’s SERVICEMEN to attend a\nPATRIOTIC SERVICE in our church, Sunday, November\n3rd at 7 P.M.\nOur church believes in love of country and devotion to\nthe defense of its freedom. We admire the patriotism of\nour Servicemen in Vietnam, and deplore the anti-Ameri-\ncan acts of some dissenting citizens.\nOur planned PATRIOTIC SERVICE is a way for us to ex-\npress our gratitude and respect for our United States of\nAmerica and our Servicemen everywhere.\n\nGUEST SPEAKER:\nChaplain John Reed of the 178th Tactical Unit of the Air\nGuard stationed at Springfield.\nJoin with us in this patriotic service.\n\n“Righteousness exalteth a nation”\nProverhs 14:34\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 2770.85888671875, 8217.4990234375, 4246.16015625, 9830.7607421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Grace Baptist Church\n\nCedarville (opposite Post Office)\n\nWILLIAM BROUGHTON, PASTOR\n\n. »- extends an INVITATION to Parents, Wives, Relatives\nand Friends of our nation’s SERVICEMEN to attend a\nPATRIOTIC SERVICE in our church, Sunday, November\n3rd at 7 P.M.\nOur church believes in love of country and devotion to\nthe defense of its freedom. We admire the patriotism of\nour Servicemen in Vietnam, and deplore the anti-Ameri-\ncan acts of some dissenting citizens.\nOur planned PATRIOTIC SERVICE is a way for us to ex-\npress our gratitude and respect for our United States of\nAmerica and our Servicemen everywhere.\n\nGUEST SPEAKER:\nChaplain John Reed of the 178th Tactical Unit of the Air\nGuard stationed at Springfield.\nJoin with us in this patriotic service.\n\n“Righteousness exalteth a nation”\nProverbs 14:34\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1864.4491220703126, 3290.360865234375, 2666.93430078125, 8460.8136953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "cember birthdays of members\nof the Steady Gleaners Class\n\nwill be observed with a cov-\nered dish supper at 6:30 p.m.\nMonday in the annex of the Bell-\nbrook Presbyterian Church. Mr.\nand Mrs. Andrew Edgington\nand Mrs. George Johnson will\nbe the hosts. .\n\nde oe ok\n\nMrs. Raymond Ditmyer will\ndemonstrate how flower con-\ntainers can be made from var-\njious items in the home at the\njmeeting of the Belleview Gar-\nden Club at 1:30 p.m. Wednes-\n\\day at the home of Mrs. Ray-\n\\mond Elliot, Waynesville-Ferry\n|Rd. Members are to take a\nChristmas decoration or group\ngift for the Greene County\nHome..\n\nDS ie” dl *\n\nA cookie sale will be held at\nthe meeting of the Zimmerman\nCommunity Club at 1 p.m,\nWednesday at the home of Mrs.\nPaul Lonkerd, Hanes Rd .\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\new\n\nMembers of the Reaping 20’s\nClass of the Bowersville United\nMethodist Church had a_ cov-\nered dish supper Oct. 26 at the\nhome of Mr. and Mrs. Donald\nRothwell, Hussey Rd...\n\nwwe\n\nMrs. Stanley H. MceGilliard\nwill speak on Ewha University\nin Seoul, Korea, where she vis-\nited last summer at the meet-\ning of the Women’s Society of\nChristian Service at 1:30 p.m.\nWednesday at the First United\nMethodist Church. The execu-\ntive committee will meet at\n11:45 a.m. and members attend-\ning the lunch at 12:30 should\ntake sandwiches. Salad and cof-\nfee will be furnished . ,\n\nwv ok\n\nMrs. Thomas James will lead\nthe program on “Gratitude. and\nResponsibility” at the meeting\njof Charity Circle at 9:30 a. m.\nThursday at the Hope U n ited\nMethodist Church, Bellbrook.\nMrs. Leona Graham will be the\nprogram leader for the meet:\ning of Faith Circle at 11 a.m.\nat the Dayton YMCA...\n\nKw“ wY\n\nMrs. Forest Camden will give\nthe program at the meeting 0\nthe Woman’s Society of Chris.\ntian Service at 2 p.m. Wednes\nday at the home of Mrs. Georgs\nAdams, 78 Hardacre Dr. Mem\nbers are to take dollars for Dol\nlar Day...\n\nww YW\n\nThe Shirts and Skirts Chil\nConservation League of Be}!\nbrook was represented at th\nfederation fall brunch at th\nPeerless Pantry, Miamisbur}\nWednesday. The Rev. Rober\nBrown, _ chaplain of the Lebano\n\na.)\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 5537.58740234375, 1882.02978515625, 6489.5390625, 1983.1566162109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "LEMON MARSHMALLOW PIE\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 5943.06884765625, 6790.27294921875, 6566.328125, 6873.5029296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "By RUSS REMICK\n" }, "56": null, "57": { "bbox": [ 380.84734594726564, 7885.42898046875, 1871.6774648437502, 8986.3234609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "yy SCHOOL OR OUT, the jumper is one of the\nmost “in” fashions this season for both the kin-\ndergarten goer and the college girl and all in-be-\ntween. The reason for its popularity is that a new\nair can be created with ac of shirt or blouse.\nIt can be dressed down or up according to one’s\nwhim and the occasion.\n\nThis jaunty jumper by Russ Girl is done in a light\nay Mt r cent wool flannel and trimmed with\n\nright gold bands—one at the dropped ine and.\none slightly higher. The Dacron and cotton gold-\nend-grey-striped shirt has long cuffed sleeves and a\ndemure Peter Pan collar.\n\nIn sizes 4 to 6X, the jumper can be had in gold\nwith grey trim, red with navy and navy with red.\nThe shirt is also available in red and navy stripes.\nBoth are modestly priced and make an ideal combo\nfor a trim, neat look.\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 4314.90771484375, 456.17303466796875, 6568.1953125, 1269.2484130859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "| with JANET WINTERS,\n\nGazette Women’s Editor —\n\n \n" }, "59": null, "60": { "bbox": [ 5440.9909921875, 1455.14040625, 6581.3766835937495, 1818.889623046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "in dates, nuts and eggs. Pour into\n9-inch square pan and bake in a slow\noven 325 degrees, 35 to 40 minutes.\n\nCool, cut into squares or strips, roll\nin confectioners’ sugar.\n" }, "61": null, "62": null, "63": { "bbox": [ 4309.32644140625, 2597.400171875, 5091.1481679687495, 3126.2463125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "cup sifted flour\ncup sugar\nteaspoon baking powder\n\n- teaspoon salt\n\ncup chopped dates\ncup chopped nuts\neggs, well beaten\n" }, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 28 ], [ 1, 31 ], [ 28, 31 ], [ 11, 30 ], [ 11, 6 ], [ 11, 39 ], [ 30, 6 ], [ 30, 39 ], [ 6, 39 ], [ 33, 20 ], [ 33, 13 ], [ 20, 13 ], [ 40, 14 ], [ 40, 22 ], [ 14, 22 ], [ 32, 34 ] ]
[ 6817.597136718749, 9528.3446953125 ]
[ [ 1, 31 ], [ 11, 6 ], [ 13, 20 ], [ 14, 22 ], [ 28, 1 ], [ 30, 39 ], [ 33, 13 ], [ 34, 32 ], [ 39, 11 ], [ 40, 14 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 187.85577392578125, 6196.9580078125, 1687.2003173828125, 6465.31787109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Kids Klubs Will Celebrate\n15 Years at April 19 Event\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 171.91566540527344, 6753.2763984375, 990.3296196289062, 9524.8271171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "vation, but the program is open\nto the public inthe Union church\nsanctuary at 7:45 p.m,\n\nThe Klubs have been directed\nthe past 15 years by the Misses\nRuth Attebery and Lillie Noakes\nof Van Orin, better known to\nthe children as ‘‘Aunt Ruth’\nand ‘‘Aunt Lillie.’’ More than\n600 children are enrolled inthe\n20 Klubs with 55 adult leaders,\nThe weekday Bible clubs are for\nchildren of grade school age\nand are usually held in homes,\nschools, or churches after\nschool hours from October to\n\n“i:\n\nubs are conducted in the.\nPaw, Triumph, Tiskilwa, Men-\ndota, Wedron, Utica, Walnut,\nKasbeer, LaSalle, Waterman,\nAmboy, Ottawa, Princeton,\nship, Van Orin, and Seatonville,\n\nThe work of Kids’ Klubs is\naffiliated with the Bible Club\nMovement of Philadelphia. The\nKids’ Klub board is composed of\nGeorge Erickson, Ottawa,\nchairman, who will be master\nof ceremonies at the banquet;\nEugene Dickinson, Princeton,\nvice chairman; John Grisolano,\nLaSalle, treasurer; Daryl Hil-\ndenbrand, Tiskilwa, secretary;\nWallace Engel, Tiskilwa, and\nArthur Barker, Mendota,\n\nThe work was first sponsorec\nand supported by the Illinois\nValley Christian Business\nMen’s committee, but today the\nwork is independent, having\nbeen so organized in October,\n1962, The work is supported by\nchurches, groups, and inter-\nested individuals,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2662.361328125, 5671.6669921875, 5113.423828125, 7656.44873046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": ": or |\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 143.37384033203125, 4255.49853515625, 1625.1201171875, 4637.24755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Announce Winners Easter\nEgo Hunt Park Saturday\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1844.5013427734375, 7255.3603515625, 2460.5048828125, 7545.06005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Tobler Leads\n115 Ticket\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1806.5511474609375, 4276.0634765625, 2448.3349609375, 4639.31298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Dr. Jacobs,\nWhitney\nRe-Elected\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5954.50784375, 1309.2381904296874, 6767.336882812499, 4164.07076953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "This drop does not mean that\nservices afforded for the tax-\npayers are any less costly, but\nthat assessed valuation has been\ngreatly increased, Accounting\nprincipally for the $7,258,541\nincrease in the assessed val-.\nuation of the village of DePue\nis the added valuation at New\nJersey Zinc company which has’\ncompleted facilities for manu-\nfacturing fertilizer, In 1966\nassessment, the total assessed\nvaluation in DePue was\n$4,765,391, For 1967, and the\nre-assessment, total assessed\n‘valuation in DePue is\n$12,223,932, More of the bur-\nden of supporting DePue in-\nstitutions has been assumed by\nthe community’s largest in-\ndustry, also the largest in Bur-\neau county.\n\nOther communities with a\nlower tax rate this year than\nlast are Malden and Zearing,\nboth of which show a reduction\nof six-tenths of a cent per $100\nof assessed valuation, and\nProvidence where the tax rate\nis 11,1 cents lower per $100 of\nassessed valuation,\n\nThe city of Princeton’s share\nof the Princeton tax rateof\n$5.041 is $1,129, In addition\nthe tax rate of Princeton\nelementary schools is $1,592\nand of Princeton high school\n$1,227, Total rates of the city\ngovernment and the two school\nsystems amount to $3,948 which\nrepresents 78 per cent of the\ntotal tax rate of $5,041,\n\nThe assessment on lands\nthroughout the county increased\n\niMantinwiad an naga A\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5989.47021484375, 7373.95849609375, 6742.15185546875, 7774.7861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "P.H.S. Band\nConcert Is\nFriday Night\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1830.379669921875, 6348.77883984375, 2632.54342578125, 7216.761199218749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Incumbents Dr. Herbert L,\nMarsh, 521 Billings street, and\nHarold Council, route 4, were\nre-elected to three year terms\nfor Princeton high school Dis-\ntrict 500 Saturday.\n\nDr, Marsh received 451\nvotes, . Council 310 votes,\nCharles Henning, route 4, the\nthird candidate on the ballot\nreceived 187 votes, A total of\n461 persons voted in the elec-\ntion with six spoiled ballots and\ntwo write-in votes cast.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5140.13330078125, 5630.7900390625, 6737.162109375, 6024.38330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Ramenofsky, Klein to Build\nOn Route 26 Near 1-80\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2658.863037109375, 8423.4716796875, 4272.87841796875, 8760.3388671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Clean Up Week to Be\nApril 22-26 in City\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5131.2158515625, 1311.751984375, 5921.067839843749, 2067.202849609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The new tax rate in Spring\nValley is $5,038 per $100 of\nassessed valuation to give that\ncommunity the second highest\ntax rate in the county, Spring\nValley’s increase in rate was\n14,4 cents per $100 of assessed\nvaluation,\n\nDePue’s reduction in tax rate\nis the most dramatic in Bureau\ncounty, being a drop of $1,178\nper $100 of assessed valuation,\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3409.61767578125, 679.4682006835938, 6691.48388671875, 1276.5216064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Rates Are Higher on Property Tax\nIn Most Towns; Big Cut for DePue\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 161.32116772460938, 4960.986359375, 977.5621635742187, 6177.430632812499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "event sponsored by Princeton\nPromotions, assisted by mem-\nbers of the Princeton Junior\nChamber of Commerce, Dever\nand Bystry each received alive\nwhite rabbit for finding a spe-\ncial plastic egg, Dowling and\nHarmon each received a $5\ncash award for also finding a\nspecial plastic egg.\n\nIn addition to the special\neggs hidden in the park area,\nthere were 480 special choc-\nolate coated eggs and 40 hard-\nboiled dyed eggs, About 400\nsacks of candy were also dis-\ntributed to the youngsters,\n\nOther winners of 50 cents\neach included the following:\n(younger group) -~ Greg Davis.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5150.970734375, 6257.91262890625, 5957.349089843749, 9496.9911796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "#26, at Princeton, [llinois,\n\nPlans for the motel are be-\ning drawn by Wm, W. Bond and\nAssociates of Memphis, Tenn-\nessee, architects for Holiday\nInns of America, Inc, and con-\nstruction will begin as soon as\nplans are completed and con-\ntracts lot\n\nThe Princeton Holiday Inn\nwill have approximately 120\nrooms, and will featuretom-\nplete restaurant and meeting\nroom facilities for all oc-\ncasions, In addition, the motel\nwill offer a swimming pool,\ntelevision in each room ,ea:\nround temperature control, free\nparking, all-tile baths, and wall\nto wall carpeting.\n\nThe Holiday Inn will be lo-\ncated on ground acquired from\nthe Standard Oil company on\nthe east side of route 26 oppo-\nsite the intersection with the\nBackbone road, The » Holiday inn\ndevelopers said they had nego-\ntiated for land owned by C laude\nBailey but could not reach\nagreement,\n\nFred W. Potter of Phelps\nand Potter was counsel for\nRamenofsky and Klein in pre-\nliminaries and the purchase of\nproperty.\n\nThe new Princeton install-\nation will become a part of the\n$10 million Holidex reservation\nsystem, the world’s largest\ncommercial computer con-\ntrolled communications net-\nwork for instant reservations\nthroughout North America, The\nnew inn will join other Holiday\nInns in the system utiliz-\ning IBM’s new System/360 com-\nputers to offer guests free ad-\nvance reservations in less than\n60 seconds at any of the inns\nin the internatonal system,\n\nHoliday Inns of America, Inc,\nwas the first company in th\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3460.495392578125, 3372.441681640625, 4263.54440234375, 4195.41549609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Judge Howard C, Ryan, Ton-\nica, chief judge of the 13th\njudicial circuit disqualified\nhimself and also disqualified\nJudge Walter Dixon, Streator,\nfor the retrial of Thomas P,\nCassiday, Spring Valley, on\ngambling charges,\n\nJudge Leonard Hoffman,\nMorris, will hear motions on\nthe Cassiday matter when he.\nnext is on the circuit court\nbench in Bureau county,\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2659.2421875, 5107.03076171875, 6788.44140625, 5571.19140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "120 - Room Holiday Inn Here\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4348.115234375, 8441.3642578125, 5089.56103515625, 8788.943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Tri-County\nMeeting Set\nOn Thursday\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 1026.505126953125, 6834.28857421875, 1802.1400146484375, 7929.8876953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 999.7594916992188, 4988.96145703125, 1806.3683769531249, 6178.822234374999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Kenny Bar, Donald Saletski,\nMike Peterson, Doug Renlse,\nKevin Smith, Jeff Sears, David\nFarrell, Robert Burr, Susan\nKline,\n\nDavid Reig, Beth Nichols,\nLinda Huckelberry, Jenifer\nSwan, Connie Huckelberry, John\nPhilhower, Tom Burr, Heidi\nSwanson, Celia Gores, Kent\nHarmon, Tim Dever,\n\n(Older group)--Shelly Baum-\ngartner, Jim Luther (two), Shela\nBecker, Bruce Davis, Dale Rod,\nJenifer Jackson, Joan Erkonen,\nAnn Ilg, Jean Forrest, Scott\nReig, Kelly Poff, Barb Howe,\nand Ursula Altmaver.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4345.308625, 8818.3896796875, 5137.972136718749, 9494.39840625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Tri-County Municipal as-\nsociation will meet in Prince-\nton, Thursday, with dinner\nmeeting at 7 p,m, at the North-\nern restaurant and business\nmeeting at 8 p,m, inthe Prince-\nton city hall,\n\nAlvin J, Keller, assistant\nsupervisor, Department of Rev-\n\n(Continued on page 4)\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5970.3135078125, 6308.2197578125, 6780.619597656249, 7348.161589843749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "travel indusi.y to convert its\ncommunications network to\nthese computers Ramenofsky\nsaid, He continued “When the\nHolidex network went into op-\neration, there were 500 inns\nwith 63,000 rooms in 44 states,\nand today Holiday Inn has more\nthan 930 inns with 120,000\nrooms in 48 states, Canada,\nPuerto Rico and the Bahamas,\nA new Inn opens every 67\nhours,”\n\nRamenofsky and Klein also\nhave Holiday InnF ranchises and\noperate Inns at DeKalb, Cham--\n\na CC\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5994.6533515625, 7799.40676953125, 6805.484343749999, 9386.3486015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The Princeton High School\nConcert band will present its\nannual Spring Band concert F ri-\nday at 8 p,m, in the high school\nauditorium,\n\nThe band, directed by Les\nLueck, will open the concert\nwith the brilliant and powerful\n\"a Festival Prelude’’ by Al-\nfred Reed, Capturing the Eng-\nlish nationalistic mood of the\nearly twentieth century, Gustav\nHolst wrote two military suites\nfor band, Tne PHS, or-\nganization will perform his\n“First Suite in E Flat,”\n\nThe second half of the pro-\ngram will open with Vaclav\nNelhybel’s ‘‘Estampie’’, a Med-\nieval dance pattern in which an\nantiphonial brass choir alter-\nnates with the full band in the\nstyle of a round, The brass\nchoir is composed of Richard\nHassler, Frank Bouxsein, Barb\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1811.212921875, 4654.44876171875, 2622.598357421875, 6112.100554687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Dr. Henry Jacobs, Spring\nValley, and Robert Whitney,\nPutnam County, chairmen ofthe\nIllinois Valley Com-\nmunity College, incumbents,\nwere re-elected to three-year\nterms of the college board Sat-\nurday in what was described\nas a light vote,\n\nJohn Hayner, attorney from\nOttawa, was the third candidate\non the ballot with two to be\nelected. Dr, Jacobs totaled\n5,117 votes, including 3,182 in\nBureau County,\n\nWhitney polled 3,970 votes\n(1,446 in Bureau County) and\nHayner had 3,426 total votes,\nHall high school district voters\ncast 1,494 votes and in con-\ntrast only 75 votes were cast\nin the Mendota high school dis-\ntrict.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1844.488556640625, 7573.63284375, 2652.154021484375, 9528.3446953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Three candidates for the\nPrinceton Elementary school\nDistrict 115 were elected to\nthree-year terms of the board\nwithout opposition Saturday, A\ntotal of 372 votes were cast,\n\nHenry F, Tobler, 309 Park\nAvenue West, received 353\nvotes. Tobler is starting his\nfirst full term in office, having\nbeen appointed to fill the un-\nexpired term of F red Rayfield,\n\nDonald C, Martin, 303 Park\nAvenue West, was re-elected\nto his second term, polling 438\nvotes, Third candidate, starting\nhig first full term, Larry West,\n618 West Putnam street, had 326\nvotes,\n\nWest announced as a candi-\ndate after Robert B, Simon,\nroute 1, decided not to seek\nanother term, having served\nsix years on the board and was\npresident this past year.\n\nVANDALISM\nBureau County authorities\nare investigating vandalism in\nthe Mineral cemetery, reported\nFriday, A large hole was dug\nin a lot of the cemetery,\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1827.9771728515625, 6138.9677734375, 2543.8173828125, 6317.56982421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Incumbents Marsh,\nCouncil Re-Elected\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3465.125244140625, 3171.54736328125, 4157.2490234375, 3350.9443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Judges Disqualify\nSelves on Cassiday\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 193.51608349609376, 6484.25003125, 1814.7922050781249, 6763.756316406249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "The Rev. J. Omar Brubaker, an instructor of Christian\neducation at Moody Bible institute, Chicago, will be the featured\nspeaker at the Kids’ Klub 15th anniversary banquet at 6:30 p.m\nFriday at the Oglesby Union church, The banquet is by reser-\n\npre oe Fr ea Ey ee CC\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 175.86614990234375, 652.174072265625, 3411.732177734375, 3549.70947265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3456.67630078125, 1526.6688544921874, 4268.0966484375, 3109.763396484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Gsssavuw Gt 1 Atlo, wWVEeit taaA fi dt\n\nall-time high, even the high\nrates that prevailed in prop-\nerty taxes during the Civil war\nyears,\n\nThe tax rate for Princeton,\n$5,041 per $100 of assessed\nvaluation, is 25,3 cents higher\nper $100 of assessed valuation\nthan was the rate on whichtaxés\npaid in 1967 were computed,\n\nFor a resident of Princeton,\nliving in a house appraised at\nsomething over $20,000 but with\nan assessed valuation of\n$10,000, the real estate tax\ndue this year in spring and late\nsummer installments would be\n$504.10, If the assessed valu-\nation had remained equal, which\nit did not in most cases, 1967\nhaving been a quadrennial re-\nassessment year, the tax on\nthis house would have been\n$477.80 in 1967,\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1022.5245673828125, 8054.97708203125, 1829.6015312499999, 9444.1396171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "In addition to the Klub mini-\nstry, ‘“‘the Aunts’ also super-\nvise a summer camp of one week\nfor over 100 boys and girls, The\ncamp this summer will be held\nat Muscatine, Iowa, Aug. 4-10.\nThey also conduct Kids’ Kru-\nsades in June for various\nchurches, similar to Daily\nVacation Bible school,\n\nThe Rev, Mr, Brubaker, the\nbanquet speaker, has had varied\nexperience as a director of\nChristian education and pastor\nin several churches, one of\nwhich was the Kasbeer Com-\nmunity church, He has con-\nducted workshops and been a\nfeatured speaker at Sunday\nschool conventions as a repre-\nsentative of the GreaterC hicago\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3513.32473828125, 8792.9443671875, 4317.63278125, 9521.1337578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "ssioner of the department of\nits, announced Monday at the\non city council that the period\nvill be ‘‘Clean Up Week,”’ All\n\nis open six days a week--Mon-\nday through Saturday--from 7\nto 10 a,m,, and from 2 to6p,m,\n\nHe also cautioned home-'\nowners about tree plantings this\n\n(Continued on page 4)\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 153.13122631835938, 4674.38626171875, 1797.2297050781249, 4949.656218749999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Major prize winners for the Easter egg hunt held Saturday in\nthe court house circle included Tim Dever and Kent Harmon in\nthe younger group (ages 3-6) and Rick Bystry and Mark Dowling in\nthe older group (ages 7-9), Over 500 youngsters took-part in the\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2667.325470703125, 8996.0664375, 3486.5019218750003, 9511.072234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "of April 22-26 in Princeton\n\ntrash and debris including small\nbranches placed on the curb-\ning in assorted containers, will\nbe picked up by city crews,\n\nNelson also mentioned the\ndaily hours of the city dump\ngrounds, He said, ‘‘The dump\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 4282.64016796875, 1327.864533203125, 5098.957488281249, 2122.26119921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ages of Bureau county are high-\njes, Tony A, Fenoglio, county\ncompletion of compilations to\n*S, including Princeton’s, set an\n\nBecause of the quadrennial\nreassessment, the house on\nwhich $477.80 was paid last\nyear now has both a higher rate\nand a higher assessment, and\nthe tax bill will be higher.\n\npS gelsaie = SRE gaia gE SS - a. ae\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5153.01028515625, 6047.673859375, 6817.597136718749, 6305.646453124999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Plans were announced Tuesday by Charles Ramenofsky of\nLaSalle and Abner Klein of Peoria, for a new Holiday Inn to be\nconstructed 1/4 mile south of the junction of I-80 and Il, Rt.\n#26. at Princeton. Illinois.\n" }, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 10 ], [ 9, 15 ] ]
[ 7075.50390625, 8984.4951171875 ]
[ [ 10, 0 ], [ 15, 9 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1888.849021484375, 439.54573779296874, 2721.598244140625, 2780.587013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "es either In work or play may\nbe in for trouble late in the day.\nrow your own limitations.\n\nSCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)\n\nA day which may woil teat\nyour ability to resist tempta-\ntion. Your business or profes-\nsional associates can be of help\nto you now,\n\nSAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec.\n22)--The solution to the day's\nproblems is to be found first in\nquick, bold action. Don't try to\nsecond-guess the opposition.\n\nCAPRICORN (Dec, 23 - Jan.\n20)—1t is the industiious Cap-\nricorn who can surprise both\nhimself and a close associate to\nday, Unexpected gains.\n\nAQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)\nBe as guarded about another's\n‘secret as you would be about one\nof your own. A day that will\nbe well-rewarded later on.\n\nPISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 21)—\n‘A kind heart is more important\nthan teaching any lessons of dis.\ncipline today. Be sympathetic\nto another's difficulties.\n\nARIES (Mar. 22 - Apr. 20)—\n~-Avoid Ooverextending your.\nself now and in the immediate\nfuture. Delegate some of your\nauthority to others and relax.\n\nTAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)\n~Make decisions quickly toda\neven though you may have te\nreverse yourself later on. Time\nis of the essence at this point.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2734.35366015625, 479.4225383300781, 3581.324318359375, 2531.248390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "snail our tanglefooted giant. an\nall but-impossible assignment.\n\nThis is the futility, the men-\nace and the pathos. Disappoint-\nment with Big Governroont may\nbe the single factor that will fin-\nally unite the minds of ail Amert-\ncans. The Poor have been mis-\ntutored and over-promised un-\ntil they expect to be made\nhealthy, wealthy and wise. The\ncities have thought they'd be\nmade ‘model’ by Legislation.\nThe farmer for many years has\n|hoped for ‘“ever-normal” prices\nthrough central management.\nTie general tax-payer believ-\ned that he would get something\njike full value for his contribu.\ntion to the Treasury. Congress\nseems to think that one more\nbill, one more program, will\nsomehow find a solution.\nalone outside the gate. Jilted\nand chagrined, angry and des-\nperate, she stands there with\nmany others who are finding ou!\nthey have somehow become de\nprived of self-government.\n\nThe giant is too much for u\nall. The only note of cheer ma}\nbe that so many people are think\ning the same thoughts and tha\nanother national election pro\nvides a chance for making thes¢\nuniversal grievances known.\n\nSs\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 247.1635284423828, 4431.69580078125, 1916.270751953125, 6816.8603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WANTED\n\nNEWSPAPER CARRIERS\n\n \n\nMorning Routes\nin\nAiken\n\nGraniteville, S. C.\n\nBREEZY HILL\nERGLE, RENNIE & LEITNER STS.\nERGLE EXTENSION AREA\nLAUREL DRIVE & TROLLEYLINE ROAD\n\nGood opportunity for part-time\n\nwork.\n\nCall Circulation Dept.\n649-7206 or 649-7207\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 162.75830798339842, 804.1169658203125, 1016.8208393554687, 2475.672951171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Jeanette Biockway Weat-\ncott, 74 widow of Gus C Weat.\ncott, Bridgeton, N. J. died at the\nAiken County Hospital on Fri.\nday after an extended illness,\n\nFuneral services will be eon.\nducted from Carll - Padgett\nFuneral Home, Bridgeton, N. J.\nat 2 p. m. today (Tuesday). Bur-\njal will foll€w in Overlook Ceme-\ntery, Bridgeton, N. J.\n\nSurvivors Include a son,\nGeorge Brelsford, Aiken; three\nsisters and two brothers.\n\nA native of Herkimer, N. Y.,\nMrs. Westcott, had lived in Al-\nken since March. She taught in\nthe public schools of Bridgeton\nfor over thirty years, retiring in\n1963. She was a member of\nCentral Methodist Church, The\nw. S. C. S., and taught in the\nSunday Schools for many years.\nMrs. Westcott was a quarter\ncentury member of the Eastern\nStar and served as volunteer\ntreasurer of the World Gospel\nMission.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1929.1985087890625, 3685.590232421875, 2772.428810546875, 4711.3294453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "announced series of protests\nintended to be climaxed by\nmassive demonstrations when\nParliament begins the third and\nfinal reading of the bills on\nWednesday. The measures were\napproved overwhelmingly by\nthe deputies of the two ear''er\nreadings.\n\nThere were no reports of\nclashes with police. Observers\nsaid authorities, apparently\nmindful of eruptions that\nfollowed police action agains’\nstudent rebels in France, were\n| willing to let the = students\ncontrol university facilities tem\nporarily, at least.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 177.31204943847655, 2781.728904296875, 1033.227150390625, 4329.00278515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "railroad; and Secretary George\nRobinson, who has had imprint-\ned on member's cards, the City\not Aiken Insignia.\n\nThis attractive insignia in-\ncludes a school, horse, golfer and\nthe atomic energy insignia.\n\nMr. Robert M. Doxey, of Pitts-\nburg, Pa., was the welcome\nguest of Mr. Alvin C. Hough, of\nAldrich St.\n\nPresident Thompson urges all\nMen's Club members to attend\nthe final meetings until the sum-\nmer lull. Sam wishes that mem-\nbers unable to get transportation\nto call a club member nearest\nthem for transportation which\nwill be provided gladly.\n\nVery interesting programs will\nbe provided for the final month\nof the club year and members\nwho have not been able to attend\nrecently, are asked to make a\nspecial effort to be present at\nthe June meetings.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2008.3076171875, 4759.29052734375, 2733.3369140625, 6823.2744140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nHELP STAMP OUT\nSTRANGERS\n\nNone are quite so alone as\nthe stranger in town, or the\nnewcomersto the neighbor-\nhood,\nRemember r last move\n.. how you as the Seo :\nvan pulled away...\nmore than half wished iver\nnever come?\nSpare your new neighbors\nfeelings such as these. Let\nthe Welcome Wagon Hostess\na eetings and gifts to\nem feel at home.\n\nterse, stamp out eaen Geey\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 147.2030792236328, 210.8473358154297, 965.21337890625, 782.4812622070312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Westcstt\nSucc oimps\n\nTo tlhaess\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 307.99420166015625, 7036.3056640625, 2738.29638671875, 8984.4951171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nTERMITE\n\nControl\nAND REPAIRS\n\nSATISFACTION ASSURED\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nPhone poeren\noor 1G\n648-8333 > ol fra ne ae ——\nLAWNS &\nIf No Answer l (INT\n649-7723 SHRUBBERY\n\n825 PARK AVE., S. E.\nMOISTURE CONTROL\n\nTARP. FUMIGATING - BIRD PEST\nMember National & South Carolina\n\n \n\nPest Control! Association\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 6134.50991015625, 281.3799052734375, 7005.3558125, 2420.1653828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "ten (40) per cent of the amount\n\nof the bid as evidence of\n\nfaith and shall be cau tm\nfully comply with the amount\nibid within thirts €)) dave after\n\n| date of sal ; rt “Hl ted.\nder shall be rower d ta ney\nfor the deed aru tf) ef re r:,\nThe premises to to ec d aie de-\n\nscribed as follows\nAll that certain piece, pircet\nor lot of land, situate, Ivine and\nbeing in the Langley Water &\nSewer District in Aiken County,\nSouth Carolina, and being known\nand designated as Lot No. 29\n(22 Main Street) on a plat of\nLangiey Village made for Unit.\ned Merchants and Manufactur-\ners, Inc. by Pickell & Pickell,\nEngineers, dated 4-1.53 and re.\ncorded in Misc, Book 42 at Page\n185, records of Aiken County.\nSaid lot fronts to the Northwest\non Main Street and measures\nthereon 48 feet and is more fully\ndelineated and described = ac.\ncording to said plat as a part\nand parcel of this conveyance.\nBeing the same premises con-\n|veyed to Monroe Weathershee\n_ by deed of Eula Mae Bates dated\nJanuary 26, 1959, and recorded\nin Title Book 220 at Page 277,\nrecords of Aiken County.\nPaul D. Grant\nSheriff of Aiken\nCounty\nMay ist. 1968\nMay 14. 21, 28, 1968\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1017.7553935546875, 414.05825, 1896.5937275390625, 4390.635109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "\"aN WAY, THAY 28 Born:\n\nKEAN you are a goobnatured\nperson with litte if any tendency\nto bother with affectations, You.\nare What vou are and you fully!\nexpect others to take vou on that |\n\n|» SiS, iot Froth ne ctioturhs you\n\nmore than to fee] that others\ni; are attemp ing to look heneath\nthe surface to find the res!’\nyou. Yours is a keen wit o en |\n| accompanied by healthy t mp\ner. Even when anery vou are\nj}humorous, your humor serving\nfo inake your remarks more\n| pointed, though not exaggerat: |\n| ed,\nYou go to great lengths to.\ncreate strony relationships with\nothers and taake every efiort to |\n| keep those relationships intact!\nover the years. Indeed, many\na friendship owes its duration\nto your care, for even when oth- |\n| ers fail to keep in contact with |\nyou, you write, phone, or what. |\njever, and keep the relationship |\nigoing. Your attention pays off)\nlultimately in the admiration.\nand respect you receive,\n| You have an eye for the whole\n‘and never base your decisions\nupon the part. You knew how\n|to calculate even the most far-\nreaching consequences of your\nactions and thus take great care\nto be absolutely certain that the\nresults of your activities are\nwhat you want. Seldom can you\nbe rushed into committing your.\nself to anything.\n\nTo find what is In store for\nyou tomorrow, select your birth.\nday and read the corresponding\n\n| Paragraph. Let your birthday\nstar be your dally guide.\n| Wedresday, May 29\nGEMINI (May 22 - June 21)—\nThe wise Gemint will begin now\n|to take economy measures. To\noverlook coming expenses in\nmaking out the budget could be\nsad indeed.\n_| CANCER (June 22 .« July 23)\n,| Morning setbacks must not be\n| allowed to interfere with your\ndetermination to persist in the\n| | pursult of your goal.\n1 LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23)— Mo.\n, ney or time is not for\n.| today. You can accomplish a\n} |} great deal today ff you set your\nt | mind to it and stick to a sche\n, | dule.\n\nVIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23.—\n|| Preserve your physical and\n1/ mental strength during mornin;\n; hours. You may need extra sup.\nij plies of both during afternoor\n; jand evening.\n\nt LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)—\n\nThe Libra who goes to extrem\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 175.7563018798828, 2532.82275390625, 969.4410400390625, 2719.30126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The Choralliers\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2912.545166015625, 8467.6630859375, 3654.72265625, 8930.421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nPAINFUL COR\nAMAZING LIQUID\n\nIT DISSOLVES LR. i ®\n\nNow remove corns the fase, easy way\nwith Freerone®, Liquid Freezone re\nlieves pain inseantly, works below the\nSkin line to dissolve corns aw. in just\ndays. Get Freezone.. -atall drug counrers.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1113.341796875, 190.52371215820312, 2434.61669921875, 392.928466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Your Birthdav\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1917.178466796875, 2821.410888671875, 2550.59228515625, 2994.046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "F&M Door\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5384.5504375, 4915.00112109375, 6244.47837109375, 6365.11606640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "EE ——E—————_—rs se _—— rr en\n\nUnder and by virtue of execu-\ntion issued by Evelyn Couch Roe\nClerk of Court of Common Pleas\nand General Sessions, Aiken\nCounty, South Carolina, upon a\ncertain judgment entered again-\nst Monroe Weathersbee and\nVicve Mae Weathersbee in favor\n\n|of Brookline Savings & Trust\nCompany, said judgment being\nRoll No. 28,445, records of Al-\nken County, and levy by me\nmade. I will sell at public auc-\ntion to the highest bidder for\ncash all of the right, title and\ninterest of Monroe Weathersbee\nand Vicye Mae Weathersbee in\nand to the lands and improve-\nments hereinafter described, the\n‘gaid sale to commence at 11:00\no'clock A.M. on Monday, June\n3, 1988, in front of the Aiken\nCounty Courthouse, In the City\net Aiken, County of Alken, State\nof South Carolina. |\n\nThe successful bidder will be\n\nrequired to deposit the sum ot.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1897.1487041015625, 3056.814353515625, 2741.21274609375, 3381.83481640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ee ee\n\nE. Nichols, 1023 Clark Road, Al.\nken; D. E. Bergans, Jackson:\nMrs. Ben B. Timmerman, Jr.\n118 Midland Drive, Rt. 1, Gran-\niteville.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2746.552490234375, 207.3896484375, 3465.319091796875, 384.54302978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "We Ave All\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5422.09228515625, 6450.14990234375, 7063.33984375, 7630.37646484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Sears| | WEEK ONLY\n\nAiken, S. C.\nSPRING FENCING SPECIAL\n—— Fh =\nTerminal Posts, Gates Extra\n\n200’ Minimum\nFREE ESTIMATES — UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY\nAcross Mitchell Shopping Center — Dial 649-6271\nOpen Monday thru Saturday — 9 AM to 6 PM\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1931.5960693359375, 3449.46875, 2564.980224609375, 3608.8134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Leitist-Led\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 3747.353271484375, 7825.86669921875, 6973.16259765625, 8976.498046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "x ) . Central Heating [2.. Ine. ESTIMATES\n\n24 Hour Service\n\n—We Specialize In Comfort—\n\n \n \n\nRadio Dispatched\n\n \n\nVISIT OUR SHOWROOM\n\nRichland Ave. Ext, Phone: 648-5376\n\n \n\n® insulation\n\nA ALLEL A NN OTN IN Ce\n\n} @ Sales, Service\nSCN BANK @ Aijr Conditioning\nFi U\npiesa oss @ Oil, Gas, Electric\nto 5 Yrs.\na ry\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5376.91225390625, 3912.33559375, 6216.76841015625, 4838.799171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "we ee\n\nNotice is given that James A.\nFurst and Danny Morgan, as\nowners of stock certificates num-\nbered 131, 377, 577, 986 and 1245\nof the First State National Bank,\nwhich have been destroyed will\nmake application to said bank\nfor duplicate certificates on the\n18th day of June, 1968, and that\nafter two (2) years from\nthe date of the issuance of the\nduplicate certificates, the orig:\ninal certificates shall be nul\nand void.\nJames A. Furst and Dann:\nMorgan\nMaw O8 June 4 and 11. 1968\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2777.834861328125, 2746.32826953125, 3602.5013203125, 8373.9974140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Managers and Polling\nPisces for Aileen County\nRepublican Prinrary\nJune 11, 1964\n\nThe following Managers of\nthe Primary Election have beer\nappointed to hold the election at\nthe polling places listed below\nThese names of managers are\nsubject to change because 0\n‘managers being unable to servé.\nAiken No. 1\nCharles T. Axelberg\nAiken No. %\nJohn F. Twombly\nAlken No. 8\nSunset Skateland\n1017 York Ave. N. E.\nMrs, Molly Werner\nMrs. Margaret Proven\nFrank Link\nAlken No, 4\nEloise Twombly\nAiken No 5\n| Student Lounge\nUniversity of 5S. C.\n‘Ralph L. Cullinan\n|a. F. T. Van Zile\nMrs. Shirley Langdon\nMr. Q. J. Fulmer\nMrs. Ken Brindel\nAlken No. 6\nCommunity House\nVirginia Acres\nDon Frelday\nMrs. D. H. Freiday\nBath No. 7\nHord Richardson\nSam Reames\nBeech Island No. 8\nMagistrates Bldg,\nMrs. J. A. Prior\nMrs. E. J. Mistlebauer\nJ. A. Prior\nBelvedere No. 8\nTent in front ©!\nCommunity Center\nW. J. McKnight\nRoy Wood\nWm. Thackston\nJ. B. Edwards\nCarolina Heights No, 10\nHarold Johnston\nJohn Boswell\n\nChina Springs No, 11\n\nFred Baughman\nClearwater No, 1%\n\nL. B. C. Jaycee Hut\n\nNorma Seagers\n\nJoe Croft\n\nFrank Gunnell, Jr.\n\nCollege Acres No. 18\nCollege Acres Water World\nCharles Salzenberg\nMrs. C, Salzenberg\n\nEureka No. 1é\nttom Store\nMrs. John Yonce\nMary Carpenter\nHastings Higingbottom\nGloverville No, 15\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nCity Hall\nBill Osteen\nMrs. Ruby Webb\nMrs. Ida Hicks\n\nLangley No. 18\nHaywood Smoak\n\nLynwood No. 19\nMitchell Service Station\nMrs. Ted Rowell\nMrs. Patsy Kaney\nMr. Bob Kaney\n\nMillbrook No, 20\nShrine Club-Whiskey Road\nMr. D. P. Lilley\nMrs. D. P. Lilley\n\nMonetta No, 21\nMonetta Community Center\nMrs. Elith Boatright\nJ. C. Watkins, Jr.\nBarney C. Fulmer\n\nMontmorenci No, 22\nTent across from P. O,\nMrs, Jane Flanders\nMrs. W. S. Eubanks\nW. S. Eubanks\nNew Ellenton No. 28\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 6242.7705078125, 2605.54736328125, 7075.50390625, 6300.93505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "For men of\naction- the\nCaravelle\n\n“Scuba”\n\noffers\neverything!\n\n \n\n@ Certtied waterprcoil*\nto a depth of 666 feet\n@ Aotatadie elapsed ime\n\nmovement\nH @ Unbdresesadie ma raprirg\n@ Anti-magretic\n@ Stairiess stee! case\n@ Shock resistant\n' @ Luminous cia!\n@ Waterproof strap\n\nOnly $29.95.\n\nCARAVELLE®?\ndeviseon of BULOVA\n\n| Bradberry’s\n\n| Jewelry\n| 104 Laurens, SW 648-1957\n\ntee: i, ee >\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3672.029197265625, 5226.56752734375, 4514.7728046875, 7691.21567578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "a 3\\7 8 Ss Be\nThe Democratic Primary Elec-\ntion in Aiken County will be con-\nducted on Tuesday June 11, 1968\nas prescribed by law by the Al-\nken County Democratie Party.\nPolling places and poll managers\n\nwill be as follows:\n\nAiken No. 1\nEngineering Associates Garage,\n10044 Richland Ave. W.\n\nHarold Rudnick\nMrs. Pearl Timmerman\nMrs. Virginia McMillan\nMrs. Etta Heath\n\nAlken No. 3\nYouth Center\nMaurice Williams\nLamar Keisler\nLeon Phillips\nMrs, Maurice Williams\n\nAiken No, 8 —\nBurgess — “— ee\n525 York St.,\nsam dn\n\nTony Carter\nMrs. Salley Steffens\nAiken Ne. 6\n\nSmith Hazel Recreation Centes\nRev. A. W. Holman\nEvan Hayes\nMrs, Jeanette Bland\nMiss Betty Robinson\nAiken No. 5\nUSC Aiken Extension\nBob Garvin\nMrs. T. H. Siddall, I\nMrs. E. C. Nelson\nAlken No. 6\nVirginia Acres Recreation Cen\ntre, Whiskey Road\nR. D. MeCrosky\nMrs. Naomi Donahue\nMrs. Celeste Royal\nMrs. Sally Anaclerio\nBath No, 7\nRath Fire Dept.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5121.25927734375, 175.5032196044922, 6995.177734375, 250.5685577392578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "athe CT AROARO AND REVIEW, Tuesday. Mev ITM of\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 4492.65590625, 268.1299052734375, 5313.94907421875, 7607.31821484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "ee ee\n\njarence Cunningham\ni) fsienn |\nuth Baker\nroby “Mfathios\nReech Island No. &\n‘ov\"i Hail\nGeorve MecBimurray\nTalvedere No. 9\nOmmunity Center\n“eet Puch\nCarolina Heichts No. 16\n‘o be announced\nW. Bailey. Jr\nChina Springs No. 11\nions Cinb\nin Bennet?\nis Eimer Hatcher\ndr. Tom Gibbs\nirs. Virginia Gibbs\nClearwater No. 12\nslearwater Fire Station\n4. T. Crider\nCollere Actes No. 13\nVater Department Bidg, College |\n\\cres\nPail Pinson |\nirs. Carrie Moore |\nMra. Catherine Pearson\nirs. Gloria Clayton\nFureka No. 14\nsue T. Harley's Store, RFD,\nTrenton\nlesse R. Williams\nMirs. Irene Ginegrey\nGrace BR. Williams\nSue T. Harley\nGloverville No. 15\nAddie's Cafe, Highway 421\nCharlie Adkinson\nColey Swearingen\nMary Baker\nGladys Morgan\nGraniville No. 16\nVoeational School\nJ. R. Hays, Sr.\nGordon Bryant\nMrs. Nell Dean\nMrs. Essie Attebery\nJackson No, 17\nJackson City Hall\nW. Les Sims\nLangley No. 18\nLangley Grammar School Base-\nment\nAbbie Watson\nMrs. Wendel Maxley\nMrs. Grace Patterson\nMrs. Leona Weatherford\nNo. 19\nBucks Old Service Station,\nLynwood\nJ. D. Farmer\nMrs. T. C. Tennison\nMrs. G. W. Farmer\nMrs. Florine Chitty\nMillbrook No. 9 *\nShrine Club, Side Entrance *\nW. R. Chapman\nAl Ballard\nMrs. Edward Boone\nMrs, Mildred Holley\nMonetta No. #1\nMoretta Grammar School\nS. A. Dancy\nWillie Lybrand\nHenry Padgett\nLeroy Blakeney\nMontmorenct No. 2%\nOld Post Office Building\nJ. V. Rearden\nMrs. Dayton Toole\nMrs. O. L. Beck ’\nNew Ellenton No. @8\nCivie Center\nC. H. Shaw\nJ. L. McKinney\nMrs. Grace Russell\n.| Mrs. Farrell Rodgers\nMrs. Grace McKinney\nx New Holland No,\nGrange Building\nMrs. Sarah Kirkland\n\"| Durwood Clark\nMrs. Durwood Clark\n: North Augusta No, 25\nSummerfield Elementary sch<\nSammie Bodie\nWade Jackson\nEarl Bergen\nNorth Augusta No, 26\nTent at end of Bunting Drive\nConrad Hartzog\n'| Verlon McDowell\nMrs. Virginia Maness\nNorth Augusta No, %T\nPaul Knox Jr. High School\nWoodrow Priester\nClyde Carter\nMrs. Ann Duane\nNorth Augusta No. @\nHammond Hills Elementary\nSchool\n\nDonald Hostetler\nCharlie Eubanks\n\nNorth Augusta No. 2%\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nOak Grove No. 90\nPadgett's Store\nCrayton Collum\nRalph M. Fox\nMrs. Shirley Padgett\nrnest Padgett\n\nPerry No. 81\nTo be announced\n\nWilliam Joyner\nHarley Starnes\nMyrtle B. Walker\nSalley No. 3%\nSalley Elementary School\nErnest E. Jones\nMrs. Ena B. Salley\nMrs. Rosa Lee Salley\n\nWire Elaranca WMartin\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3607.53871875, 286.58480029296874, 4435.78012890625, 5079.18930859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Firemans moony - City Hall\nHarvey C. Nix, Jr\nEdith Pressnell\nJarence Couvillion\nKeith Harris\nNew Holland No. 71\nCommunity Certe\neaben C. Thomas\nHarry F. Kirkland\nTrent L. Hutto\nHarold Kirkland\nNorth Augusta No. %%\nFred Thompson\nE. L. Swearington\nNorth Auguste Ma. %\nRobert S. Dorscit\nTom Green\nNorth Augusta Ne. 77\nPaul Knox Jr. High\nMrs. Dee Hartshorne\nMrs. Vince Walker\nVinee Walkei\nW. R. Hartshorne\nNorth Angusta No. 7%\nHammond Hills School\nMrs. Gray McCalley\nK. S. Kotti\nR. G. Croom\n| North Augusta NO. %\nNN. Augusta Junior High\nDoris Jones\nJean Jennings\nJack Weibel\nOak Grove No.\nThurmond Cromer\nCarroll Hall\nMary Fox\nPerry No. 31\nPerry Police Station\n'Willon Gantt\nip. A. Whetstone\nBen Yon\nSalley No. 3%\n| George Webb\nShaws Forks No. 33\nw. C. Baughman\nMrs. Jas. Widener\n\nJames Widener\nShiloh No. 4\nB. Seigler\nSix Points No. %\nRodie & Mitchell Sales\n3346 Vaucluse Road.\nMrs. T. B. Horton\nic. P. Gregg\nHarry E Schutte\nTabernacle No.\nc. L. Clamp\nTalatha No. 37\nTalatha School\nR. C. Johnson\nM. V. Pasciolla\nH. G. Drawdy\nMrs. M. E. Johns\nWagener\n\nLewis Williams\nMrs. Lewis Williams\nWard No, @\nSullivan's Grocery\nMrs. J. D. Randall\nMrs. E. B. Sanders\nMr. Edward Satcher\nWarvenville No. 41\nPosey's Tent fm front of Wa\nrenville Drug Co.\nE. Owen Clary\nA. G. Blackmon\nWhite Pond No. @\nCommunity Center\nVictor H. Bell\nBetty J. Leaphart\nLouise E. Williams\nCreighton M. Leaphart\nWindsor No, 48\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nNo. 39\n\nSchool\n\nTom Huffman\n\nRoscoe Hall\nSigned: Gilbert B. !\nMillen, Chairman\n\ni Aiken County Repu\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 5560.419921875, 4870.05810546875, 6070.5703125, 4916.8544921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "woTmr OF SATF\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5674.45166015625, 3868.698974609375, 5902.58447265625, 3914.908935546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "NaOTCE\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2799.602294921875, 2562.681396484375, 3555.14111328125, 2745.075927734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Legal Notice\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2869.250732421875, 429.811279296875, 3507.73828125, 494.09375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Continued Front Page 4\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3983.577880859375, 5187.70361328125, 4215.06494140625, 5238.13134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": " \n\nNOTICE\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5284.181296875, 380.3781962890625, 6135.49301953125, 3823.87485546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "g = St g,te Ye ST a hae\ni. C. Scott |\n‘tres. Lucille Adkinson |\ni \\irs. BM. MeCampoci\n‘irs. Margie Eubanks\nShiloh No 74\nStioh Fire Station\ni Frontis R. Cook\n| Myrtle Cook\nBetty Copley\nJ, Morris\nSix Poir’s ''n. 5\nTo be announced\n| Cerill Asbill\niFrancis Wade\n| fenry Willing\n\n: Tabernact« Ne. o%\nTo be announced\nH. LL. Cook\n\n©. €. Garvin\nRay Garvin\nJ. ¥. Brodie\n| Talatha No. 37\n| -Talatha Memorial Community\nCenter, Highway 278, approxi-\nmately 2 miles west on 275 from\nHighway 19.\nThomas G. Phillips\nMedwell Hill\nCaroline Hill\nMrs. Steve Green\nVaucluse No. 34\nOld Theater Building\nWilliam A. Redd\nWagener No. 39\nWagener New Municipal Bidg.\nFari St.\nF. E. Briggs\nCc. J. Asbell\nKay Young\nEdwin West\nWard No. #\nCumbee’s Store\nMrs. Ruth Cumbee\nClaude Cumbee\nMrs. Sarah Cumbee\nHarvey Cumbee\nWarrenville No. 41\nScout Cabin\nHomer Clark\nLouise Moody\n» | Pearl Jackson\nMarie Clark\nWhite Pond No. 4%\nWhite Pond Community Hous\nCole L. Page\n\nMrs. Elizabeth M. Page\nWindsor No. 43\nK. C. Byars Old Store\n" }, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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King and Miss\nLeigh team up as Fred Astaire\nand Ginger Rogers in a_ song-\nand-dance medley featuring \"I\nWon't Dance,” “The Way You\nLook Tonight,\" “Isn't It a Love-\nly Day,” ‘Check to Check,”\n“They Can't Take That Away\nFrom Me” and '‘A Foggy Day.”\n\nJanet solos as Cleopatra in a\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1507.410775390625, 1340.642708984375, 2140.0240390625, 2332.739126953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The National Football League\ngame between the San Fran-\ncisco 49ers and Los Angeles\nRams, at the Los Angeles Me-\nmorial Coliseum Sunday, Oct.\n6, will be broadcast coast to\ncoast on the CBS Television\nNetwork, live and in color,\nstarting with a 30-minute pre-\ngame program at 3:30 p.m,,\nEDT.\n\nSix other NFL games being\nplayed that day will be broad-\neast on a regional basis, with\nmany stations carrying both\ncontests.\n\nThe NFL coverage will pre-\nempt regular programming on\nthe Network. Check local sta-\ntion log for game or games in\nyour area, All times are EDT.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2885.16199609375, 262.6266872558594, 3526.552359375, 838.7679355468749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "musical extravaganza, highlight-\ned by “Up a Lazy River\" and\n**A Good Man Is Hard to Find.\"\nAlan sings ‘Poor Little Extra\nGirl.”\n\nThe entire company joins in\na Dear Hearts and Gentle Peo-\npie” finale, a satirical look at\nHollywood's campaign to clim-\ninate violence from the silver\nscreen,\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1509.999267578125, 2367.985107421875, 2025.4298095703125, 2829.82666015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "‘Alan King\nAt Movies\nNBC Special\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1502.6809169921876, 2845.4925625, 2144.947623046875, 4086.6590488281254 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Host Alan King and his guests\nJanet Leigh, Paul Lynde and\nWill Jordan pay a one-hour\ncomedy-and-music tribute to\nthe cinema, in ‘Alan King at\nthe Movies,” NBC Television\nNetwork's ‘‘Kraft Music Hall”\ncolorcast Wednesday, Oct. 9 (9-\n10 p.m. NYT).\n\nKing reminisces about his\nchildhood exposure to films, re-\ncalling how Hollywood taught\nhim that Paul Muni cured rab-\njes and Spencer Tracy invented\nthe light bulb. He joins Miss\nLeigh and Lynde in two com-\nedy sketches—one dealing with\na visit to an ‘‘underground cin-\nema,” and the other concerning\nan Oscar-winning actress (Miss\nLeigh), her no-talent actor-hus-\nband (King) and their butler\nLynde), who never fails to re-\nmind the master of the house\nof his shortcomings.\n\nJordan, noted impressionist,\nappears as film favorites Clark\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1511.9871826171875, 853.05322265625, 2057.475830078125, 1323.281494140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "A9’ers, Rams\nOn NBC-TV\nCoastwide\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1534.5728759765625, 4159.140625, 2101.75, 4957.64306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Thursday! the most populer\ne@utdoors show on televisions\n\n“Michigan Outdoors”\n(200 PM.\n\nWOOD-TV CHANNEL 8\n\n \n\n \n \n\nFeaturing @zam\nMort Neff\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 830.8808071289062, 661.0381557617187, 1455.924673828125, 1189.52062109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Doris Day stars with Rod Tay-\nlor and Arthur Godfrey in ‘‘The\nGlass Bottom Boat,\"* romantic\ncomedy, to be presented on\n“The CBS Thursday Night\nMovies” Thursday, Oct. 10\n(9:00-11:00 PM, EDT) in color\non the CBS Television Network.\n\nMiss Day's father (Godfrey)\nis the captain of a glass bottom\nboat and she helps entertain his\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2251.7626953125, 947.9981079101562, 3489.52490234375, 5050.89306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "ORDER LEONARD\nSUPERHEAT NOW!\n\n© TOP QUALITY\nSUPER HEAT\n\n© TOP VALUE\nSTAMPS\n\n© INSURED BUDGET\nPROGRAM\n\n® RADIO DISPATCHED\nTRUCKS\n\nHOW CAN YOU BEAT\nTHESE FEATURES?\n\nCALL 843-2981\nTODAY\nFOR FAST SERVICE\n\n \n\n \n\nLEE’S LEONARD SERVICE\nE. Ludington Avenue, Ludington\n\nRENGO OIL COMPANY\nDISTRIBUTOR\n\npe eennne LEONARD COUPON EET 4\na\n\n¢ 200 EXTRA\ni TOP VALUE STAMPS 5\n\n= With Purchase of 150\n\n5 Gallons or More Leonard\n= Superheat with This Coupon :\n\n7 — OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 15, 1968 — =\n\nFO Pe et\n\nPTITIT TT Liye\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 818.0540771484375, 171.32725524902344, 1445.6068115234375, 642.5244750976562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "‘Glass Boat’\nOn CBS\nThursday Movie\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 104.31637573242188, 372.3365783691406, 1479.1195068359375, 5049.67578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "e—Denetes Core’ Un\n\nanemee Thursday Movie\n\n \n\nroe Today D Doris Day stars with Rod Tay-\n\nc Farm Report (3 lor and Arthur Godfrey in ‘‘The\n\n7:3@—c Sunrise Semester Cd) Glass Bottom Boat,’”* romantic\n\nDobie Gillis comedy, to be presented on\n\nc Farm Digest @) “The CBS Thursday Night\n\nc CBS News Movies” Thursday, Oct. 10\n\nec News (9:00-11:00 PM, EDT) in color\n\n7:45-c Cartoon Carnival @) on ne o Television Network.\n\n¢ Land of Play @ _ Miss Day's father (Godfrey)\n\nis the captain of a glass bottom\n\n$:00—-c Today @G) boat and she helps entertain his\nDennis the Menace (1) —_—\n€:15—c Jack LaLanne Dark Shadows (OD\n\nc Bozo Circus\n\n4:30—As the World Turns ()\nMovie, ‘Minotaur, Wild\n\n$:30—c Cheer-Up Time\nec Cartoons with Bozo\n\n$:45—c Cartoons Beast of Crete\" @\n\n9:00—Capt. Kangaroo @ e ee sen nd Dialing\nEducation Resource Pro- General Hospital @)\npee es c Mike Douglas Show @)\nLeave It To Beaver (WD) Addams Family (D\nRomper Room $:00—c Popeye Cartoons ()\n\nTreasure Island (%)\nHawaiian Eye ()\nc Leave It to Beaver (3\n\n9:30—One Life to Live (7)\nCMU Telecourse ()\nec Bonnie Pruden Show (D\n\nc Classroom TV §:30—c The Flintstones@)\n10:00—c Health Thru Physical ee aay\nFitness (2) C Hal Douglas News\noe tocy Geaw 8) aon Movie, “High Noon” @)\nNEWIST @) e\nHuman Relations and Moti- Evening\nvation NE 6:00-—c Gilligan's Island (@)\n10:30—Beverly Hillbillies QQ ¢e Dateline Wisconsin (4)\ne Concentration @G)W) e Truth or Consequences ()\n¢ This Morning (1) News, weather, sport ()\n¢ The Dick Cavett Show @ Six O'Clock Report @)\n. c ABC News\n11:00—c Dairyland Bakeoff @) Perry Mason (13)\nAndy Griffith Show\nec Personality @@D $:30—c CBS News (]@)\n¢ This Morning ; ¢ Huntley-Brinkley MOH)\nm”) Mike Douglas Show OD\n11:30—Dick VanDyke @O —_ News, weather, sport\n¢ Hollywood Squares\nWitness an 4 @® e Channel 4 Report @)\n\nc The World Today ()\nFelony Squad\n\nAfternoon ¢ Michigan Outdoors )\nc Truth or Consequences 1\n12:00—c Love of Life Q@) 7:30—c Blondie @O)\nc Jeopardy MGM Murl Deusing Safari\nBewitched (Dad ¢ Mur! eusing Safari (@)\nc Daniel Boone GW)\n12:30—c Search for Tomorrow c Ugliest Girl in the World\n@e) aw |\nce Eye Guess MSM c High School Quiz Bow! @3\nc Treasure Island (i) . oT\nc Early Show, ‘‘House of =< Hewau Five-O @@)\nBamboo” (3) ¢< Flying Nun @Dd3)\n6:30—c Ironside (@)(HH)\n1:00—c Girl Talk (4) c Bewitched QD\nc¢ Noon Show @S&) . as bd\nz Dream House (UD Teenie’ tal and the\nOne O'Clock Report Movie, “Glass Bottom Boat”\n1:30—ce World Series, Detroit at @)\nSt. Louis OOM e That Girl MD\nipa hint as @ 9:30—c Dragnet MSV\nAppear c Journey to the Unknown\n2:00—c What’s My Line DIE)\n¢ The Days of Our Lives 10:00—c The Dean Martin Show\nec Love Is a Many Splen-\ndored Thing (9) {0:30—c NFL Game of the\nc Newlywed Game GD Week (iD)\n2:30—c Guiding Light @@ ec Guns of Will Sonnet\ne The Doctors MGV) 11:00—News, weather, sport @)\nec Dating Game WD CVENEDONE)\n\n3:00—c The Secret Storm (@) Real McCoys @\n\n@) 11:30—c Paul Harvey Com-\ne Another World @)G) ments (2)\nGeneral Hospital (a e Tonight MQM)\nWagon Train (@)\n3:30—The Edge of Night @@) otha Joey\n, y Bishop Show OD\ne¢ You Don’t Say MHD a®\n\nc One Life to Live @DID\n\n:00—c Art Linkletter @DO) 11:35—c Phil Bengtson Show @)\ne The Match Game @@) 12:05—Perry Mason (@)\n" }, "12": null, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1312.45578125, 1571.300751953125, 1615.41189453125, 2183.5954882812503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "featuring photographs of Joseph\nStalin, Fidel Castro, and Steve\nAllen.\n\nYel somehow I think — to\njudge from past experience —\nthat if such a thing happenéd,\nT would very soon receive an\nindignant letter from Mr. Allen\nasking me to join him’ in\ndenouncing the irresponsible\nTight.\n\nTo be sure, the brochure does\narinunce its opposition 10\n“Extremists of the Left.” By\nname, it identifies the\nCommunist Party, the Pro\ngtessive Labor Party, RAM,\nthe Black Muslims, WEB bu\nBois Clubs, and the Youth\nAgainst War and Fascism. All\nvery . safe, but hardly a\ncomplementary rendering. . If\nyou are going to include such\nas Clarence Manion and Fred\nSchwarz on the right, why not\ninclude John Kenneth Galbraith\nand Eugene McCarthy on the\nJeft? See what I mean?\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 674.1543896484375, 3371.517060546875, 977.9955737304688, 3758.0266406250003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "George DeLaMater of Oneon-\nta traveled to France as one\nof a six-boy U.S. team, whose\nmembers entered their model\nairplanes in an ‘international\ncontest at Paris.\n\nSwimming, boating, and card\nplaying were featured in an all-\nday picnic held by members\nof Autumn Lodge at the Ilasking\ncamp, Cliffside, Goodyear Lake,\n\nMiss Ida Hotaling, Thorman\n‘E. Nordberg, and Harry P.\nRitchko, all of Oneonta, were\namong students atiending the\n46th annual summer school ses\nsion at Cornell University.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1621.668671875, 2791.14865234375, 1926.753447265625, 3758.7756640625003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Time seems to slow ils pace\nin August. A red sun lifts into\na pale blue sky and slanting\nrays strike jewels from drops\nof water on clover leaves, Heat\nand humidity blend even at\ndawn; at high noon fields and\nmeadows drowse in the moist\nwarmth.\n\nOn sun-scorched uplands, stiff\nMullein stalks hold yellow blos-\nSoms .above ripened grasses;\nalong pasture lanes the Ught\nblue af chieory blends with the\ncolor of an August sky. Golden-\nrod weaves colorful necklaces\naround the fields and the royal\nhue of milkweed blossoms\ncolors the waste places.\n\nIt is the ripening time of year,\nNo one can say: that any one\nweek or any one month brings\nthe most maturity. There are\nsmall plants that grow, blossom,\nbear their seeds and die before\nthe summer solstice, There are\nothers that develop slowly and\nwait until after frost ‘before\nreaching maturity,\n\n“But on August days when the\ncountryman walks his acres, he\nknows that the year is working\non. Acorng are filling their fiH-\ngreed saucers and apples are\nawelling on the bough. Corn tas-\nsels are shedding showers of\npollen and tomatoes hang red\non the vines, Ripening is a part\nof life,\n\nThe process was ordained in\nancient eras. Man may dislike’\nto see year’s ripening, but each\nturning year brings its Inexora-\nble time of maturity,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2257.090546875, 353.3420422363281, 2561.8677050781253, 1300.2240283203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "“We'tt report back to you,”\nhe was fold. j\n\nThat was three weeka ago,.\nWolff still basn’t heard anything\nfrom the police station.\n\nJROONEY’S -ECONOQMY. .\n\nGen. C, R. Smith, -who put\ntogether one of the myosi\nefficient airlines in the world\n~ American — hag proved 4\ngood Secretary of Commerce,\nbut is very green. politically. .\n\nHe bowed recently -io tha\nbulldozing of Rep, John Rooney,\nD-N.Y., who sits as czar on\nthe subcommittee which votes.\nmoney for the Commerce\nDepartment. Bn s\n\nRooney demanded that John\nBlack be fired as head .of the\nU5. Travel Service and that\nthe service be moved up ta\nthe Fiushing Meadow near his\ndistrict in Brooklyn,\n\nSecretary Smith acceded “to\nthe first and is reported to he\nacceding to the second. -\n\nAll this came about when the\nUnited States is pushing for\nmore tourists in order to help\nthe dollar balance, Yet Black,\nwho had made the United States\nthe leading host country in\nattracting tourists, was fired. .\n\nSimultaneously and just as the\nUSA is trying to attract tourists,\nRooney’s economies forced the\nclosing of U.S. Travel offices\nin Italy, Venezuela, the Benelux\ncountries, and all street-level\noffices in London, Patis and\nFrankfurt.\n\nThis. is how politics can get\nmixed up with practicality,\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1943.564423828125, 357.064912109375, 2248.495390625, 1295.5677783203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "“Listen,” exploded Steed.\n“don't you know it's against\nthe law for me to do anything\nto discourage a candidate from\nrunning in a political election?\nYou tell Vie that the only thing\nI will give him is a good licking\non August 27.”\n\nSWITCHBLADE KNIVES\n\nA lot of Congressmen who\nare against gun control, support\na bill introduced by Rep. Lester\nWolff, D-N.Y., prohibiting the\nmanufacture or distribution of\nswitchblade knives,\n\n“There are five times as\nmany violent incidents with\nknives as with guns,” said\nWolff.\n\nSwitciblade knives ate now\nsold openly on the streets of\nNew York and other large\ncities. Store owners get around\na New York law by contending\nthat the knives are\n“inoperative,” Recently, -when\nWolff bought one on 42nd Street,\nthe merchant told him:\n\n“You can make that one\noperative with a little spring\nthat you can buy in a hardware\nstére down the street.”\n\nWhen Wolff reported this to\nthe nearest palice precinct\nstation, he was told that the\nprecinct dealt mainly with\n‘traffie problems and didn’t have\ntime to investigate knife sales.\nThe desk sergeant promised to\nhave someone look at the front-\nwindow knife display in the\nstore where the Congressman\nmade his purchase.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 53.9319775390625, 1812.5005810546875, 669.6813647460938, 2443.7644335937503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "It has been said that the greatest discovery in his-\ntory was the wheel. The wireless, followed by radio and\nTV, would find a top spot in most people’s listings of\nexceptional inventions.’ But something else. may come\nupon the-scene which promises ts reach a new pinnacle,\nwe would suggest, in the judgment of one sector of\nsociety — the mothers of young boys.\n\nA tire and rubber company says it has developed\na new plastic coating which will increase fabric wear\nresistance by. nine times. Its first use will be on the\nknees of boys’ dungarees and slacks.\n\n‘Doubtless mothers’ will at first be skeptical of the\nnew material. They have Jearned from bitter experience\nthat a boy can go through the knees of his jeans in\nrecord time regardless of reinforcement. Next he wears\nout the patch and then the patch on the patch.\n\nBut if the plastic coating does put an end to knee-\npatching (and, maybe it can, for after all, man now has\nJanded TV cameras on the moon), we can visualize the\nmothers of young sons uttering in unison, “Eureka!”\nThe world will have evidence of real progress.\n\n~—-THE KANSAS CITY (MO.) STAR\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 58.39411285400391, 373.3125927734375, 685.16140625, 1675.1568896484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "“phere is 3 growing trend throughout the world for\n\nIndividuals, young and old alike, to strive for more free-\ndom of thought and action. This-desire for freedom has\n@rown to the point of obsession, in many cases, and ex-\ntended its influence into governments.\n2 ‘Throughout the world. nations, young and old, are\nawakening to this old, but yet new in some respects,\nphilosophy . of self expression and self government, This\ncausing problems for the colonial minded mother coun-\ntries and for the reactionary old line politicians who re-\nfuse to recognize the changing attitude and thinking.\n= . This rebirth of freedom of thought and action,\nstarted by the young people of the world, has kindled\nthe spark that was smoldering in the hearts and minds\nof many. It has given encouragement and strength of\npurpose to political figures and today there is an unrest\nthat can well lead to minor and major revolutions or\nevolution of governments throughout the world.\n\nAside from the struggle of the new nations, created\nover the past 25 years, to find a suitable form of gov-\nernment for themselves, there is an unrest among many\nolder nations which have been oppressed in one form or\nanother,\n\nThe most recent and dramatic effort for self de-\ntermination by a nation to throw off the yoke of domi-\nnation is Czechoslovakia.\n\nThe courage displayed by the officials, who have\nheen given support by many of the citizens, is indeed a\nYemarkable show of spirit kindled by a desire for a\ngreater degree of self government. They are no longer\nwilling to accept the ‘hand-me-down’ rules and regula-\ntions from an outside government whose only interest\nis coraplete domination.\n\n\"For this small nation to atand up to a giant in this\nera of highly sophisticated weapons and power diplomacy,\nig indeed courageous and commendable.\nBut the desire for individual expression and free-\ndom; for government of the people and by the people;\nfor freedom of mass communications; for freedom from\nfear, is strong gnough to give them the courage to\nrealize that without these, life itself, is without mean-\n‘ing and without purpose.\n\n., And the will to have meaning and purpose in life\nean be stronger and more powerful than domination by\nthe most sophisticated tyrant.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 992.3108227539062, 2467.70724609375, 1299.7132861328125, 3765.1365039062503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Serie coro il ie:\n\n“Young Friends, let us be\nhand in hand, and let we Inier-\ntwine them in one powerfull\nbarrier at the Sofia Festival\nto preserve the sin for our-\nselves and for our children. Let\nus keep it bright and clear,\nso that not to be darkened by\nthe elouds of war and the\nflames of fires.”\n\nThe passage above, repeated\nhere not in ridicule but im an\naltempt to create an atmo-\nsphere, is typical of the bro-\nchures that have been coming\nout of Bulgaria in promoting\nthe ninth annual Communist--\nsponsored youth festiva) in\nSofia, This youth schmoos is\nheld at irregular intervals, not\nalways entirely to the advantage\nof the sponsors.\n\nThe most recent festival, held\nin Helsinki in the summer of\n1962, was hardly a wholehearted\npeace-through-Joy success.\nAbout 10,000 young people at-\ntended, some ‘of them long in\nthe tooth and only technicaily\nstudents if that. They came\nfrom 117 national areas. No Fin-\nnish young people, with the\nexception of Communist and\npra-Communist groups, were\nthere.\n\nThe 44-member_non-Commt-\nTist delegation from Ceylon\nwithdrew. A Uganda delegation\nalso pulled out, and. several\nAfrican and Asian delegates\ncomplained that festival offi-\ncials were not fair to those\nwho did not follow the party\nline, About 37 East Germans\nfled their 550-member delega-\ntion, and eight turned up as\nfugitives in Bonn.\n\note\n\nTIE DEVICE on Sofia’s\ncrest, according to the bro\nchures, reads; “Ever growing,\nnever ald,” It is suggested (hat\n“during. the days’ of the Ninth\nWorld Youth Festival ‘Bulgaria’\nand ‘Sofia’ will mean hope and\ngood faith all’ evel (sic) the\nglobe.” But these jolly Commu-\nnist pow-wows have a way of\ngoing agles,\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 999.6756298828125, 1570.01974609375, 1302.516630859375, 2185.9570605468753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "of 2 Ku Kluxer, And then\npictures of Robert Welch, Billy\ndames Hargis, Carl Mclntire,\nGeneral Walker, H.L. Hunt, Dan\nSmoot, Clarence Manion, and\nFred Schwarz.\n\nTake the case of Dr. Schwarz.\nAn Australian citizen of\nimpeccable intelligence and\ncourage who loaths every form\nof fyranny. The smile at the\nneuroses of the Steve Allens\nbegins to wither at such an\nexercise in guilt by association,\n\nLd\n\nMR. ABRAM, who is a\npartner in a senior law firm\nin New York City, presumably\nknows enough about the law\nof libel to wonder why he has\nnol been visited by lawyers\nrepresenting Dr. Schwarz. On\nthe other hand, perhaps he and\nSteve Allen are unruffled.\nPerhaps they would be unruffled\nif a right wirig organization\nsent out a brochure warning\nof the perils of the left,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1160.101806640625, 2267.990234375, 1528.4833984375, 2419.75830078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Jolly pow-wow\n\nof Red vouths\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 48.991631774902345, 2577.40646484375, 353.46893188476565, 3015.9931933593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Diet Nut:\n\nAn old gentleman who has\nreached the venerable age of\ni was being interviewed on\n\nVe\n\n“Mr, Jones,” the announcer\nbegan, “how do you account\nfor your longevity? How have\nyou managed to live so long?\n\nme was the laconic\n\nTOR sdatocts! Really?”\n“Yup,” said Mr. Jones.\n“Never ate them.’\neee\nTwo teachers were talking\nafter a PTA meeting when one\nsaid, “I prefer to teach in an\nelementary school so TH have\na place. to park.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1011.8627319335938, 2211.994384765625, 1157.509033203125, 2469.642333984375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2403.966064453125, 96.70941162109375, 2555.52392578125, 352.6554870605469 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1626.9310302734375, 2601.097900390625, 1892.2161865234375, 2784.2802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Ripening\ntime. is\nhere again\n\nec EIeT 6 ne BEE\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1304.1409619140625, 2470.06125, 1612.0292041015625, 3749.4775683593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The festival in East Berlin\nin 1951 saw 36 of the supposediy\ndedicated young Marxists from\nCommunist countries taking ad-\nvantage of the Iron Curtain by\nskipping across it to the West\nand political asylum. The world\nyouth festival in 1959 was put\non in Vienna, on the apparent\nreasoning that the awe-struck\nAustrian government could be\ncounted on to forestall any un-\ntoward incidents. It was the\nfirst Communist youth gathering\nthis side of the Iron Curtain.\n\nThe Vienna session started off\nwith a boycott by most Austrian\nyouth groups and non-Commu-\nnist newspapers. On the opening\nday 13 street fights between\nfestival supporters and Austrian\nand other non-Communists were\nreported, A good many of the\ndelegates from behind the Iron\nCurtain got their first good full\nlook at the rewards of demo\ncratic political institutions.\n\noe 8\n\nA SPOKESMAN for the U.S.\nState Department says there is\nnow hard word'on how many\nAmericans will attend the Sofia\njamboree. An outfit which calls\nitself the National Committee\nfor the World Youth Festival\nhas been advertising in “The\nWorker.”\n\nThe State Department antici\npates. no passport difficulties,\nsince travel to Bulgaria is not\nproscribed. The last student\ncase involved §8-who flew to\nCuba in 1963 hy way of.Czecho-\nslovakia, In an opinion written\nby Justice Abe Fortas, the U.S,\nSupreme Court on Jan. 10, 1987\nruled unanimously that there\nhad been no criminal violation,\ndespite a State Department ban\non travel to Cuba. ;\n\nThe opinion noted that some\n400 persons had defied area\ntravel restrictions but none had\nbeen tried. Justice Fortas quot-\ned_ previous decisions holding:\n“The right to travel ts a part\nof the ‘liberty’ of which a citizen\ncannot be denied without due\nprocess,”\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1935.4996044921875, 1576.6390087890625, 2242.45291015625, 2907.9992968750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "MOSCOW — A diploma re-\nception in Moscow has. tremen-\ndous significance, not only be-\ncause of the good. food and\nfree liquor, but because it is\nwhere most foreign observers\nlearn what is going on in the\nSoviet Union.\n\nI attended a large diplomatic\ncocktail party at one of the\nforeign embassies last week and\nI was amazed at what the pro-\nfessional Kremlin-watchers got\nout of it,\n\nThis is how the conversation\nwent, later on in the. evening,\nwhen everyone was. comparing\n“notes: .\n\n\"Did you notice Golvosky ar-\nTived after Kubinsky?” -\n\neae\n\n“THAT'S VERY interesting,\nbecause at the Fourth of July\nparty at the American Embassy\nKubinsky arrived after Gol-\nvosky.”\n\n“And at the Fourteenth of\nJuly party at the French\nEmbassy they came together.”\n\n“Very significant, By the way,\ndid anyone see Petroy shake\nhands with Puchinsky?”\n\n“I was going to call that to\nyour attention. It's strange that\nPetrov should shake hands with\nPuchinsky when the last time\nthey met, Petroy only. nodded\nat Puchinsky.”\n\nwee\n\n“PERHAPS Puchinsky's star\nis rising in the Presidium.”\n\n“Or maybe Petrov’s star is\nfalling.” ©\n\n“T think we have overlooked\nthe real significance of the\nhandshake. It is not that Petrov\nshook hands with Puchinsky, but\nPuchinsky’s wife did not talk\nto Petrov’s wife.”\n\n€Are you sure?”\n\n“OF course I'm sure, Puchin-\nsky's wife turned’ her back on\nPetrov’s wife to say hello to\nBolgonoff's wife. It was a delib-\nerate snub,”\n\n“THAT'S VERY interesting.\nBut to me the most important\nthing that happened at the\nreception was that Bolgenoff\nwas drunk and spilled vodka\nal over Marshal Igorvitch’s uni-\n‘orm.’\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2247.862763671875, 1550.44796875, 2561.9634082031253, 2825.3408496093753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "“What is so important about’\nthat?”\n\n“Tgorvitch was the one who\napologized.”\n\n“Bolgonoff's star must “be\nrising faster than we thought.”\n\n“No doubt about it! Marshal\nIgorvitch even went. and got\nBolgonotf another vodka.”\n\na a8\n\n“DID BOLGONOFF spill that\n\nvodka on Igorvitch's uniform\nas well?”\n\n“No, but he stepped on the\nMarshal's foot and wouldn't get\nolf it.”\n\n{wonder if this _means\nthey're going to make Balgonolf\nminister of defense?”\n\n“He’s obviously in for some\nthing big. I’ve never seen Mai-\nshall Igorvitch allow someona\nto stand on his foot for so”\nlong.”\n\n“Did anyone see Zubelkin at\nthe party?”\n\n“You mean the Tashkent poet\nwho was ousted from the Writ-\ners’ Union for writing a poem\nattacking the traffic Policeman\non Gorsky Sty\n\nLd :\n\n“THAT'S THE ONE. He's.\nbeen rehabilitated and is now\npermitted to write anything he .\nwants, providing he doesn't ask\nanyone to publish it.”\n\n“The Writers’ Union must be\ngoing through one of their lib-\neral periods again.” :\n\n“T don’t know if this means *\nanything, but Kavasky spoke to :\nme.”\n\n“That is significant because\nKavasky never speaks to for\neigners. What did he say?”\n\n“T asked him about the Czech\nproblem and he replied, ‘I’m\nSOITy,, I never speak to foreign\ners,”\n\n“Did anyone notice that Cogot\nSpilled vodka on Mutiken?”\n\n“It means nothing. Everyone\nin Moscow spills vodka on Muti\nken. He’s become a rcgular bar\nrag.”\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n20 vears azo\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 361.38629272460935, 2560.050263671875, 667.1042163085938, 3005.5149218750003 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Like The Territory?\n\nAn Indian from a reservation\nvisited Chicago and while\nwandering around the town was\nstopped by a native of the\nWindy City who asked, “How\ndo you like our town?” ~\n\n“All right,’ said the Indian,\n“And how do you like our coun\ntry?”\n\na\nTravel\n\nEveryone should travel ~~ if\nonly to get himself acquainted\nwith the comforts of home.\n\nsee\n\nFellow down the street says\nthat nowadays the word “house-\nbroken” means that you have\njust bourht a house.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 57.60618209838867, 1684.557373046875, 621.2810668945312, 1799.7366943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Guest editorial\n~ A hoon to mothers\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 837.9937744140625, 1352.800048828125, 1585.936279296875, 1520.5804443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Liberals, man the’ barricades!\n\n‘Menace’ on the right?\n£\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1952.2235107421875, 2992.030517578125, 2552.73828125, 3748.8193359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nDaca it get Pebty:\nhot iM. HEAVEN Iq\nnet cuwnee PE\nust. hor Ysa hav\n| Some place Ne a\n\nSwinwisT Love Bobly |\n\n \n \n \n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 709.8780517578125, 3328.655517578125, 943.19921875, 3366.552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "30 vears avo\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1627.724580078125, 342.45489624023435, 1935.3036181640625, 2562.2400195312503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "By arrew FF\n\n“WASHINGTON — One of the\nbest ways to block the trend\ntoward democracy in the\ncommunist world was given by\nEdgar Eisenhower, brother of\ne<President Eisenhower, in a\nrecent letter to Seattle voters.\nJe will be of no help to\nCzechoslovakian citizens now\natruggling to defeat hard-line,\northodox communism.\n\nIn a letter addressed “to\nfellow American,” Edgar\nEisenhower enclosed a blue -\nand - white window sticker\nfeaturing an appeal, “Help stop\nU.S.communist trade”; then\ncalled upon Washington State\nvoters to defeat Sen. Warren\nG. Magnuson because he had\n“introduced legislation for the\nJohnson administration favoring\nan increase in such trade,”\n\n“T am writing you because\nyou have shown deep concern\nin‘ the past about the future\nof this country,’ continued the\nex-President’s brother. “I am\nasking you to help us defeat\nSen, Magnuson. His defeat\nwould be dramatic proof that\nAmericans want trade with the\ncommunisis stopped.’\n\nThe unfortunate -thing about\nEdgar: Kisenhower’s letter is\nthat people in the communist\nworld do not realize that he\ndoes not represent the views\nof his brother, the ex-President,\nDwight D. Elsenhower followed\nthe policy started by President\nTruman of trading with Eastern\nEuropean communist countries\n— a policy followed by\nPresident Kennedy and\nPresident Johnson, President\nEisenhower was actually\nattacked by members of his own\nparty, particularly Sen. John\nTower, Tex. for selling jet\nfighter planes to Yugoslavia.\n\nOther Republicans, including\nRep. Paul Findlay, Il, have\ntried t step the shipment of\nsurplus American wheat to\nYugoslavia, Poland, and other,\nsmaller Evropean communist\ncountries,\n\nHowever, this bipartisan\npolicy of trading with Eastern\nEurope has paid off — as\nwitnessed now by the\ndemocratic surge in\nCzechoslovakia.\n\nSen. Magnuson was carrying\nout this bipartisan policy when\nhe introduced Senate bill 5-3363\nfavoring increased trade with\nthe European communist world.\n\nREAL ESTATE\nCONGRESSMEN\n\nVictor Wickersham, D-Okla.,\nwho cleaned up a smal! fortune\nin real estate- -as a\nCongressman, hasn’t prospered\nin his investments back in\nOklahoma. As a. result, he's\nrunning for Congress again.\n\nIn a move to attract publicity,\nhe announced that he was\nJeaving for South Korea to\ndemand the return of the\nPueblo. Obviously one lone\nCongressman can’t get the.\nPueblo released, but he can\nclaim credit for it when the\nship is finally released. -\n\nThe -ashite and wily\nOklahoman says he'll wage a\n“cheese and crackers’ (poor\nmouth) campaign te unseat\nDemocratic Rep. Tom Steed.\nOne day before the July 15\nwithdrawal deadline for\ncandidates, a friend of\nWickersham’s phoned Steed and\nurged him to get Wickersham\na job in Washington.\n\n“Vie is hard up,” said the\nfriend. “What he really wants\nis a job, He may get out of\nihe race against you if you\nhely him.” -\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2069.910888671875, 1324.7855224609375, 2429.77685546875, 1517.9149169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Diplomatic\n“espionage\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 736.5865478515625, 173.35641479492188, 1576.7393798828125, 1288.1773681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 682.594453125, 1575.1792919921875, 987.0159594726563, 3308.9551074218753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Do you fee] threatened? 1\nmean, by the Right Wing? If\nnot, you should be, or such\nin any case is the judgment\nof my favorite lost cause, Mr.\nSteve Allen. I have here a\ncommunication from him\nDear Friend”}' asking for\nmoney for a little bureaucracy\n(tax exempt) called the\nInstitute for American\nDemocracy whose literature is\ntestimony io the neuroses of\nsome very distinguished\nAmerican liberals.\n\nMr, Allen’s [etter describes\nthe threat from the Reactionary\nRight, and the need to expose\nit. The accompanying brochure\nhas on page one a great big\npicture of Adolf ‘Hitler\naddressing the storm- troopers,\nand the legend: “It can't\nHappen Here! — Or Can It?”\nIt is truly strange, is it not,\nthat American liberals should\nbe talking about ihe possibility\nof Hitlerism in this country,\ninasmuch as they have always\naccused the right wing af\nharboring altogether fanciful\nfears concerning an Internal\nMenace.\n\noo\n\nAND INCIDENTALLY, if we\nare to believe Mr. Allen that\nit can happen here, surely we\nought instantly toe encourage,\nrather than discourage, the\ntraffic on firearms? Hf a Hitler\nis around the corner, I for one\ndesire a well-stocked little\narmory with which to greet the\nstorm trooper when he comes\ncalling, I have Mr. Allen's\nprivate telephone number, and\nherewith undertake to give him\na ying after the Menace hils\nthe east coast, in plenty of time\nbefore it arrives in California.\n\nThus far one can smile at\nMr. Allen and his illustrious\nco-adjutors (ihe letterhead\nincludes great big he-men\ncosmopolite lawyers like Morris\nAbram, head of the American\nJewish Commitee; a former\nattarney general — Francis\nBiddle — and such - types as\nFather John Cronin, Walter\nReuther, Dore Schary, George\nShuster, and Adlai Slevenson\nTIL. Adlai Stevenson IV will be\nsigning such letters in a few\nyears, if the storm troopers\nhaven't got him by then.)\n\nsee\n\nBUT THE SECOND page of\n{he brochure becomes\nmischievous, Because there are\npictures there, in exactly equal\nsize, of nine persons fdentified\nas the “salesmen of the Radical\nRight” who presumably are\nStriving to bring Hitler to this\ncountry, The first is the late\nGeorge Lincoln Rockwell, and\nquite properly so inasmuch as\nthat ls exactly what he desired\n4o do. Then there is the. picture\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1281.1502685546875, 2442.90966796875, 1496.73583984375, 2469.347900390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By Richard Snang\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 73.1785659790039, 2498.436767578125, 335.5197448730469, 2560.653076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Lighter side\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 65.10472106933594, 113.59759521484375, 559.7353515625, 363.0682373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": " \n\n_,,, Star Editorials\n\nWill to be free\n\norows stronger\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1618.2498779296875, 129.08091735839844, 2302.646240234375, 309.0997619628906 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Tke’s brother\nHampers Democracy\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 52.45158126831055, 3145.152802734375, 661.58767578125, 3748.3349902343753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Otsego and Delaware's Independent Newspaper\n102 Chestnut St. Oneonta, -N. Y., 18820. Dial GE 2-1000\n\n‘Mambar The Retocleted Prose and Tho Audi) Bursav of Cireviation\nBONALD J, CLIFFORD, General enopers PRANCIS A PERRETTA Editors\nJOHN DB DeBIASE Managing Edie, JOH LOUGH. cy Editer, ROBERT\nWARNER, Stata calor ANNA E. Fort fee a itor, ROBER] E.\nWHITTEMORE, Sports Bditery JOSEPH Ratolt Adveriiiing Mono\ngers ROBERT G BROWNE! Closaltied Peekat Manager; ALEX PANKO.\nyoung STUART & CUSHMAN, Circulation Moraga WILLIAM. &\nReam foramen, MARVIN A, SOUNG: Night Conpesin Room’ Parey\nBie dare en Pranrecsn Foramon arene im Peremens\nSubscription rales: 60c weekly by carrier, delivered to\nyour home. By mail in ali ateas: three months, $7; six months,\n$12.75; ona year, $24: a subscriptions not accepted in estab\nlished carrie: delivery areas.)\nONAL AOVBATISIND REPRESENTATIVE\nNATION ae\nBex 41; i Hall \". ¥. te\n. ran Case He RSI\nSrivente: Net tir a mblishes v The Oxserig ig Sivion eee\nte oN ame gee tian Ti oa Mi\npcan co Char james H.\nGpavrrran 9 oe Brecon Bien Tone Carman ah\nProvident ‘drvicion Fr\nBera 1) Gee Vion Previdens. ey aati ‘he, Peererta,\nTT id e\n\n‘Second Class Postage Pald at Oneonta, N.Y.”\nSaturday, July 27,1963 nema affP>\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1075.32080078125, 1526.09423828125, 1395.5093994140625, 1559.0576171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By William F. Buckley Jr.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2219.163330078125, 1516.38720703125, 2438.28662109375, 1554.8419189453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "By Art Buchwald\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2037.36376953125, 2945.9072265625, 2461.6474609375, 2988.157470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Children’s letters to Cod\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 380.4630126953125, 2477.364990234375, 654.3889770507812, 2557.445068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "With\nGene\nBrown\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 59.85097122192383, 3053.655029296875, 643.6383056640625, 3138.6591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "The Oneonta Star\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1003.0172729492188, 101.43273162841797, 1316.0548095703125, 146.39830017089844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Two of a kind.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 693.7008666992188, 1325.9002685546875, 830.598388671875, 1560.0308837890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1948.1282958984375, 1331.185791015625, 2069.607421875, 1540.6580810546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "a.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 2248.735322265625, 2816.682099609375, 2552.5888964843753, 2913.2156054687503 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ea aeia eat\n\nCharles \"Stevens was elected\npresident of the Walton Union\n‘School Board at a’ meeting in\nTownsend Schao}.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1650.4525146484375, 2770.286865234375, 1902.217529296875, 2790.77978515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": " \n\nRy HAYDN & PEARSON\n\n \n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 2323.917236328125, 2795.4814453125, 2482.0107421875, 2817.79052734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "DD vanre acm\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1794.23486328125, 325.1252136230469, 2245.531982421875, 354.9757080078125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By Deew Pearson and Jack Anderson\n" }, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 5, 11 ], [ 5, 13 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 10, 35 ], [ 20, 21 ], [ 40, 50 ], [ 40, 46 ], [ 50, 46 ] ]
[ 6666.14467578125, 10362.0816875 ]
[ [ 5, 11 ], [ 8, 19 ], [ 10, 35 ], [ 11, 13 ], [ 20, 21 ], [ 40, 50 ], [ 46, 40 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3388.683693359375, 1577.259376953125, 4191.87123828125, 3717.18325 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "SUMMERSVILLE (RNS) —\nCharles Eli Hagan, 58, of Sum-\n‘mersville died Saturday after-\n‘noon in a Richwood hospital\n‘after a long illness.\n\nHe was a son of the late\nDaniel and Ellen Aarax Hagan.\n\nBorn at Charleston, May 12,\n1910, he was a retired coal\nminer and a member of the\nFirst Baptist Church = at\nGallagher.\n\nHis wife, Mrs. Lovell Marie\nHagan, died 1963.\n\nSurvivors include four\ndaughters, Mrs, Ellen Brooks\nof Gainesboro, Tenn., Mrs.\nPhyllis Deal of Drennen, Mrs.\nElizabeth Jackson of Cleveland,\nOhio, and Mrs. Betty Deal of\n|Summersville; five sons, Bobby\n| Lee of Geneva, Ohio,\nand Orville, Larry, Gary\njand Danny, all of Cleveland,\n|Ohio; six sisters, Mrs.\n| Catherine Simmons of Cowen,\niMrs. Helen Brennen of St.\n| Albans, Mrs. Isabelle\n‘Humphrey of Charleston, Mrs.\nElizabeth” Cook of Hugheston.\n‘}and Mrs. Mary Simms and Mrs.\nFreda Payden, both of Colum.\nbus, Ohio, and 17 grandchildren.\n\nThe funeral will be at 11 a.m.\ntoday in the Waters Funeral\nHome Chapel at Summersville\nwith Rev. Wade Kidd in charge.\nBurial will be in Sunset\nMemorial Park at Beckley.\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3400.469826171875, 3947.6829609375, 4201.78627734375, 6217.40932421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "OAK HILL (RNS) — Mr. and\nMrs. Conley Carlton spent the\nweekend with Mr. and Mrs.\nHerbert W., Hamlett of\nRoanoke, Va.\n| Mr, and Mrs. Randy Johnson\n‘of Huntington spent the\njweekend with his — Rev.\nand Mrs. Randolph Johnson,\nand her parents, Mr. and Mrs.\nW. A, Sutphin.\n\nRobert Godsey of the Oak\nHill-Fayetteville Road is a pa-\ntient in Oak Hill Hospital.\n\nMr. and Mrs, Charles E.\nKelly of Fayetteville are the\nparents of a boy, Robert\nAndrew, born Dec. 8 at the Oak\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nGirl Scout Troop 123 met\nFriday at St. Andrew’s\nEpiscopal Church on Kelly\nAvenue when a workshop was\nheld. It was directed by Mrs.\nSam Comer of the Red Bud\nGarden Club, who taught the\nScouts how to make\ncandleholders from flower pods,\npine cones and old records.\n\nLeaders of the troop are Mrs.\nWilliam Kieldsing and Mrs.\nMoss Wender,\n\nMr. and = Mrs. Manue\nMcAlister of Fayetteville ar\nthe parents of a boy, Billy Joe\nborn Dec, 7 at the Oak Hil\nHospital.\n| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murdoc}\nof Woodlawn Avenue returnec\nSaturday from a hunting tri\nin Pocahontas County.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4281.05224609375, 6290.9931640625, 6586.85498046875, 7677.681640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4199.013671875, 2476.52490234375, 6602.41796875, 2975.4150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Annual Community Party\nIs Scheduled For Dec. 15\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 219.0419921875, 456.36224365234375, 2535.215576171875, 1992.202392578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4199.076515625, 3008.315529296875, 5005.0611796875, 6279.30678515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "| FAIRLEA (RNS) — Once\nagain, as in the past since 1923,\nplans are being formulated for\n‘the annual Ronceverte Com-\n‘munity Party to be held at the\nClifford Armory from 1:30 until\n\n8:30 p.m. Dec, 15. The purpose\n‘is to raise necessary funds for\nfilling some 40,000 stockings with\ngoodies for children to be receiv-\ned Christmas Eve at a distribu-\ntion to be held at the Cheasa-\npeake and Ohio Plaza in Ron-\nceverte.\n\nThe slogan for the party is\n“not a penny profit, pot a cent\noverhead, every cent con-\ntributed goes to make some\n‘child happy on Christmas Eve.”\nThis is not a charity program,\nbut one to enlighten the hearts\n‘of the young in the area. Each\n‘stocking will be filled with an\napple, toys, popcorn balls, can-\n‘dies, toys, comic books etc.\n\nThe program is co-sponsored\nby the Ronceverte Rotary Club\nand the Ronceverte Lions Club.\nTom Honaker and Marshall\nCasdorph will serve as master\nof ceremonies.\n| Talent of all nature is needed\n‘and those interested in ap-\n‘pearing should call 647-5330\n; although several local groups\njand others have been scheduled\n} to appear. Telephones will be\n; installed at the armory for\n‘those calling in contributions\n; and voting for one of the girls\ncompeting for “Miss Snow\n| Queen 1968.”\"’\n| Greenbrier Junior High will\n_ be represented by Miss Nancy\n‘Dudley and Miss Sharor\n‘Massie, freshmen. The reason\n‘for two from this school, it is\nfelt that since the program is\nsponsored jointly by Ronceverte\n, Rotary and Lions Clubs toc\n, Many votes would be receivec\n‘from this area.\n\n1 Miss Dudley, a junior hig!\ncheerleader, is a member o\n‘the chorus, member of the ban\n; and vice president of project:\nlof Future Homemakers o\n? America. She is the 14-year-ok\ndaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A\nL. Dudley of Fairlea and ;\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4254.60693359375, 425.4033508300781, 6517.23583984375, 1967.9322509765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 253.00279235839844, 3233.832275390625, 3359.396484375, 10260.0126953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nrN IGHT TILL\nCHRISTMAS\n\nNOW! WE'RE OPEN MORE HOURS FOR YOU TO SHOP AND SAVE!\n\nPriced so low!\n\n“CHARGE IT” : ‘\n gemenall Low price for big\n15 cu. ff. freezer\n\n® Holds 540 pounds—best for bulky foods\nand meat\n\n® Adjustable cold control; easy-to-clean in-\nterior\n\n® Safe counter-balanced lid\n\n199\n\nReg. 214.95\n\n5 ue\n\n| Re\n\n2 S ae ee a e\nMK Hl\nmart “a Ae att } 5 Li\n\n$40 95 off! Giant 17-cu. ft. $30.95 offl Huge 16.5-cu. ft.\nrefrigerator-and-freezer refrigerator-and-freezer -\n\nsms $999 meer «969\n\n@ No more messy defrosting ever again! @ It's completely frostless throughout\n@ 7-day meat keeper; 2 porcelain crispers @ 4 shelves (3 glide-out and tip-proof)\n@ Huge bottom freezer holds 200 pounds @ Freezer holds up to 154 pounds of food\n@ Dairy compartments; fits 30-inch width @ Twin crispers; separate temp controls\nAvailable with ice maker, a worthwhile “extra” Available with ice maker, a worthwhile “extra”\n\nryoo02 Pike | WARDS 9-9 Week-Days 1-6 Sunday\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5040.76743359375, 8233.8274921875, 5843.3150859375, 10362.0816875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "HINTON (RNS)—Patients\nadmitted to Hinton Hospital\n‘Saturday and Sunday were\n\n‘Bernard Lewis Ayers of\nMeadow Bridge, Mrs. Travis\nReo Ward of Jumping Branch,\nMichael Wayne Ward of Hix,\nStella Jane Sears of Alderson,\nRufus Row Miller of Pence\nSprings, David Howard\nFitzpatrick of Nimitz, Edward\nRay Lester of Smoot and\nPatricia Ann Williams, Mrs.\nRoy G. Gill, Mrs. Margaret\nBelle Osborne, Mrs. Dora Edith\nDavis, Norman R. Shanklin,\nHaryzel J. Nichols and Mrs.\nWanda Naomi Williams, all of\nHinton.\n\nDismissed were Mrs. Anna\nRedden of Meadow Creek, Mrs.\nMary Ann Harris of Sandstone,\nMrs. Ned Young of Pipestem,\nSeymour Stickler of Lockbridge,\n|\\Michael Wayne Ward of Hix\nand Mrs, Noel Lilly, Carl E.\nEdwards, Mrs. Arlene Duncan,\nDavid Wayne Morgan, Mrs.\nLura Mangum and Eugene F.\nJones, all of Hinton.\n\nPatients admitted Friday\nwere Rena Mae Lilly of\nPipestem, Dorsie Bennett of\nMeadow Creek, Geter R. Lilly\nof Jumping Branch and Mrs.\nLura Alice Rogers, David\nWayne Morgan, Mrs. Owen D.\nHarvey and Collet Easter, all\nof Hinton,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2570.071044921875, 438.6241149902344, 4183.83349609375, 908.5572509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "* Fayette County\n\nYule Projects Discussed ©\n\nAt Neighborhood Session\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2594.517921875, 1006.6458515625, 3375.14565234375, 3236.45033984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Scout Neighborhood meeting for\nthe Oak Hill-Mount Hope area\nwas held Thursday at the\nChurch of God in Oak Hill. Mrs.\nTally Hanna is neighborhood\nchairman,\n\n. Mrs, Kenneth Coghill, district\nchairman and advisor for Girl\nScouting, distributed the new\nGirl Scout Calendars to the\nleaders which show the scouting\nactivities for the year.\n\nScout leaders discussed their\nChristmas projects and sitting\n\n“Leaders in Training’\nclasses and “Program Aide”\nclasses for senior girls.\n\nIt was announced that two\narea girls, Miss Debbie\nHamilton and Miss _ Sally\nGeorge, attended the Mountair\nHeritage Workshop, Dec. 6-8.\nsponsored by West Vi\nUniversity, where folk singing\nand games were taught.\n\nMrs. Hanna announced 4\nleader song and game:\nworkshop will be held Jan. 1;\nat the Lemon Building at Ceda\nGrove, It will be led by Mrs\n\\Betty Hampstead of Fayet\nteville and Miss Charlotte\nWilliams of Charleston of th\n| professional staff for scouting.\n| Mrs, Hanna reminded leader:\n‘of scout registration in January\n‘and new registration pro\n| cedures. Mrs. Tom Humphrie:\nassisted as hostess.\n| The next meeting will be a\nSt. Andrew’s Episcopal Church\n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5012.33969921875, 4303.377296875, 5806.78432421875, 6263.40444140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "member of the Church of\nChrist.\nThe daughter of Mr. and Mrs.\nJames Massie, Miss Massie is\na member of the chorus, vice\nof recreation of\n‘Future Homemakers of\nAmerica and a member of the\n‘Main Street Church of God in\n‘Ronceverte.\n\nMiss Mary Boso wil!\nrepresent Renick Junior High.\n‘She is the daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Clair Boso and her activi:\nties include being a member\nof the Future Homemakers of\nAmerica, Glee Club, band anc\n‘a cheerleader. Miss Boso is 3\n‘member of the Clifton Pres\n‘byterian Church where she ii\n‘active in the Presbyteriar\nYouth Fellowship.\n\nMiss Jeanie Ingram.\ndaughter of Mrs. Rosa Lee\nIngram, will represen’\nLewisburg Junior High, where\nshe is a member of the Craft:\nClub, Miss Ingram _ recent;\nmoved to the area from Nort!\n| Carolina. She is a member o\nithe Enon Baptist Church a\n|| Vago.\n| Alderson Junior High will be\n‘represented by Miss Jami\npo daughter of Mrs\n\nBowyer and ae\n—— She holds an office i\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3382.224609375, 1163.5535888671875, 4184.85498046875, 1541.9736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Man In Nicholas\n| Dies: Rites Slated\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5812.43735546875, 4279.506203125, 6623.6353984375, 6265.8736796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "‘the Future Homemakers of\nAmerica, participated in the\nninth grade play, reigned as\n“Queen of ts” held recently\nat Alderson and attends the\nSeventh Day Adventist Church\nin Lewisburg.\n\n_ White Sulphur Junior High's\nrepresentative will be Miss\nTeresa Caroll Wylie, daughter\nof Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wylie.\nMiss Wylie is a member of the\nWhite Sulphur Presbyterian\nChurch where she is active in\nthe Presbyterian Youth\n|Fellowship and the Junior\nChoir. She also is a member\nlof the Junior High Teen Club.\n\n- Gap Mills Junior High School\n‘will be represented by Miss\nLinda Ratliff, daughter of Mr\nand Mrs .Charles M. Ratliff of\n|Union. Miss Ratliff is president\n“of the Future Homemakers of\nAmerica, secretary-treasurer of\n‘the freshman class and a\n;member of the band. She is\n-a member of the Mount\n| Prospect Church.\n\n‘| The one chosen to reign as\n“Miss Snow Queen 1968’ with\nthe others to be attendants will\n‘iride in an open convertible to\n‘ithe C&O Plaza in Ronceverte\non Christmas Eve to aid Santa\n;'Claus who will arrive by sleigh\n1'to distribute the stockings.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5025.05615234375, 3013.641845703125, 6598.3916015625, 4174.04931640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5119.33203125, 8025.2900390625, 6568.5361328125, 8196.921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Hospital Patients Listed\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5853.03208203125, 9073.4856953125, 6655.00307421875, 9723.400046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "FAYETTEVILLE (RNS) —\nMiss Kandice Kincaid, bride-\nelect of David Akers, all of\nFayetteville, was honored with\na household shower Thursday\nnight at the Fayetteville Baptist\nChurch.\n\nThe color scheme of red and\nwhite was used by the\nhostesses, Mrs. Gaye Hambrick\nMrs, Mary K. Weatherford —\nMrs. Peggy Smarr.\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 3482.949951171875, 8497.2880859375, 4992.64990234375, 10324.654296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Watch For If!\n\nGRAND OPENING OF\n\nARRENS\n\nBes SERVICENTER\n\nSG Corners of Prince & Neville\n\nStreets and Valley Drive No.\nDEC. 12-13-14\n\nFREE GIFTS - DOOR PRIZES\n\nRegister For FREE\nTURKEYS\n\nDRAWING EVERY HALF HOUR\nFROM 8 A.M. TILL 10 P.M.\n\n \n\nREE DAYS\nNO OBLIGATION\nNeed Not Be Present To Win\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5838.53305859375, 8214.592140625, 6657.98158984375, 8932.360984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Dismissed were Mrs, Henry\nH. Cutlip of Alderson, Mrs.\nJesse B. Ford of Shady Spring,\njJacob W. Cantrell of Sandstone,\nSteven Lee Meadows and Ed-\nward Oscar Johnson, both of\nGreen Sulphur Springs and Mrs.\nEldridge CC, ‘Wheeler, Mrs.\nBertha Ellen Adkins, Teddy\nEstus Jones, Elmore Lee Pat-\nton, Michael Duane Vandall and\nMrs. Anna Ruth Shippe, all of\n| Hinton,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 992.9506611328125, 2766.440041015625, 1800.6665263671875, 3235.773337890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "LEWISBURG (RNS) —\nJames M,. Van Metre, WVU\n‘extension agent for Greenbrier\n\\County, has announced the\nFarmer's Tax Guides for 1969\nare available at the county of.\n‘fice. Anyone wishing one of\n\\these publications may stop by\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1805.957619140625, 2623.225197265625, 2603.230369140625, 3250.53139453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "the office and pick it up or\ncall and one will be forwarded.\n\nThe Beef Cattle Performance\ntesting enrollment for the com-\n‘ing year is open. There will\nbe an increase in charge from\n15 cents per cow to 25. All\nforms must be completed and\nreturned to the office no later\nthan Jan. 20 as the enrollment\nperiod will close Feb. 1.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3429.53598828125, 6501.088234375, 4227.677390625, 7161.9811015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "HINTON (RNS) — Funeral\nservices for Mrs. Cora Hinton,\n84, of Madams Creek, will be\nheld at 2 p.m. today in the\nRonald Meadows Funeral\nParlors with Rev. William Fox\nin charge. Burial will be in\nthe family cemetery near the\nhome.\n\nShe died Sunday at her home.\n\nThe body will remain at the\nfuneral home.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3429.705322265625, 6239.16796875, 4221.0341796875, 6489.259765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Funeral Set Today\nFor Mrs. Hinton, 84\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 191.9877399902344, 2738.115333984375, 999.500388671875, 3220.783591796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "OCEANA (RNS) — Mr. and\nMrs. Sam Clark were weekend\nvisitors in Charleston.\n\nMiss Brenda Bennett of\nWilliamson visited last week\nwith the parents, Mr. and Mrs.\n\nHoward Bennett and family of\nwnco.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 5852.69614453125, 9867.5853046875, 6666.14467578125, 10349.3170390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "HINTON (RNS) — Mr. and\nMrs. Harry Wilson Meadows of\nHinton are the parents of their\nsecond child, a boy, three\npounds, fifteen and _ one-half\nounces, born at 4:49 a.m. Fri-\nday in the Hinton Hospital. Mrs.\nMeadows is the former Jane\nEllen Morris.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1052.1268310546875, 2637.750732421875, 1742.7669677734375, 2752.861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Guides Available\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3430.545265625, 7344.674171875, 4237.01869921875, 8228.306296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "OAK HILL (RNS) — Oak Hill\n\\City Police investigated a two-\nfear collision about 8:40 a.m.\n| Monday.\n\nOfficers said a 1964 model\nBlake’s Taxi hit the back of\na 1965 station wagon driven by\nJames McClaskey as he was\nturning in his driveway on Kelly\n| Avenue.\n| No charges were filed and\n}damage to the station wagon\nwas estimated at $50.\n\n \n\n \n\nThe accident was investigated\nby Police Chief Robert Murdock\nand Patrolman John Fox.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3456.15576171875, 7207.45361328125, 4224.671875, 7328.85205078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Accident Reported\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5882.212890625, 8977.064453125, 6616.0986328125, 9061.5546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Bride-Elect Honored\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5880.1669921875, 9765.541015625, 6636.84814453125, 9853.4228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Second Child Rorn\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 251.28765869140625, 2633.02099609375, 968.1431884765625, 2723.72607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Oceana Personals\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 3443.5325703125, 8276.4896015625, 4246.8502421875, 8471.775046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "- A Cromwell chair has a low,\nsquare back and is covered with\nleather fastened by metal nails.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 4254.64048046875, 7827.8938984375, 5028.72768359375, 8474.9254375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "The Christmas Parade,\nsponsored by the Jaycees,\nwas held Saturday afternoon\nin Hinton. Santa Claus is\nshown in the Jaycee float.\nThe theme of the float was\n“Santa Gives to Hinton 1969\nNationals.”” The float was\nfeatured in connection with\nthe National Hudroplane\nRaces to be held on Bluestone\n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 3372.9105, 926.7886127929687, 4180.24721484375, 1111.3630595703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "with Mrs.\n\nWilliam Kieldsing\nMoss Wender as\n" }, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": { "bbox": [ 1011.3166889648437, 2118.69419140625, 1786.7018046875, 2609.570212890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "under the direction of Miss\nMae Dodd, principal of\nCentral School. Participating\nfrom Central School were a\nrhythm band, bamboo dan-\ncers, tumblers and several\nother groups demonstrating\nphysical fitness. Wilbur\nFarley directed a group of\n" }, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 207.76750988769533, 2105.908302734375, 987.342673828125, 2606.93959765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "“Demonstrating the “Bam-\n‘boo Hop” in a physical fitness\n\nam Friday in the Hinton\n\nSchool gymnasium were\nCleft to ) B Massie,\nMar er, Charles Ward,\nWel Davis, soag Pat\nAmes and Jane Ellen Patrick.\nGrades one through six were\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 1809.2736591796875, 2109.77036328125, 2576.817283203125, 2587.83412890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "seventh and eighth graders\nfrom Jumping Branch who\ndemonstrated square dancing.\nMr. and Mrs. Bill Garten\ndirected grades nine through\ntwelve. The demonstration\nwas given in behalf of the\nSummers County Teachers\nWorkshop.\n" }, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 2, 14 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 14 ], [ 5, 14 ], [ 9, 6 ], [ 8, 24 ], [ 8, 11 ], [ 24, 11 ] ]
[ 6832.0732421875, 9834.24590625 ]
[ [ 1, 7 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 4, 2 ], [ 5, 4 ], [ 6, 9 ], [ 8, 24 ], [ 11, 8 ], [ 14, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 5211.5498046875, 4074.77978515625, 6832.0732421875, 6174.01953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Our Meats Melt In\nYour Mouth, Not In\nthe Pan!\n\nWe carry PRIME BEEF\nand best quality, govern-\n\n \n\nment inspected meats at all\ntimes. .\n\nOur store is big enough\nto have what you want and\nsmall enough to appreciate\nyour business!\n\nCARL BISSONETTE\natthe\n\nCharles Green Market\n\n49 MAIN ST. SARANAC LAKE\nPhone 891-2870\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1033.914005859375, 2934.941837890625, 1857.2267412109377, 5453.990046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "“this election is not over yet.”\nThis seemed an obvious refer-\n‘ence to the possibility that the\n‘decision might g0 to the Elec-\ntora} College, since Wallace\nwould have little influence on a\nchoice made by the House.\n\nHumphrey’s main strength\nwas built around New York,\nPennsylvania and Texas, all\nheavy electoral vote states, with\nsupport in the northeastern\nStates,\n\nNixon fashioned his electoral\nvote strength largely from. mid-\nwestern and western areas as\nwell as q fringe of states around\nithe Deep South and New Jersey.\n\nHow much President John-\nson’s Thursday decision to halt\n\n| attacks on North Vietnam af-\nfected the outcome 1emained\nprobiematical.\n\nNixon's udvisers thought\nJohnson's action may have add-\ned a percentage point to Hum-\nphrey’s support. But they also\nthought refusal of South Viet-\nnam to send a delegation to the\nParis peace talks might have\nsubtracted this.\n\nThe Vietnam issue seemed to\nhave no overriding effect on\nSenate races, where doves and\nhawks registered victories and\ndefeats.\n\nSen, J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.,\nehairman of the Senate Foreign\nRelationg Committee and a\n‘leading critic of the Johnson ad-\nministration’s Asian policies,\nwon re-election. But Sen. Jcse7h\nS. Clark, D-Pa., another dove,\nwas defeated. Barry Goldwater\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5974.33075390625, 709.9295698242188, 6795.9529375, 2485.22295703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "f ¢ istic. oe Even mere. signitj- _\n‘cant would be if Wallace's eis.\ntoral voteg Were enougif to dény\neither of the other. candidates 9.\nmajority. The possibility was\n‘mentioned by a television com-\n‘mentator and Wallace said:\n\n“I hope it does, I‘shope it\ndoes.”\n\nBut Wallace refused to dis-\ncuSg what he would do in that\neventuality. He said-he would\nSave a news conferéfice some\n{ime Wednesday.\n\nHe rarely revealed disappoint-\nment. “Maybe,” he.said at\nOne point, “We should have con-\n\ncentrated more in the border\nStates and ‘the South—but we\ndidn’t want it to be a sectional\nmovement.”\n\nAt length, he could delay his\ntrip to the Coliseum no” longer.\n| He asked hig daughter . to bring\nhim two aspirin. Then, he\n|clicked off the television and\n| walked to his car.\n\nHis speech was brief. He in-\n| troduced his family, his staff\nand his running mate ahd con-\ncluded :\n\n“The clectinn te nit eee cat”?\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 198.45732556152345, 2986.393498046875, 1033.7753251953125, 5447.44073046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "I\n\nOne of Nixon’s top advisers,\nHerbert G. Klein, claimed that\nthe Republican candidate woud\nwind up with an electoral ma-\njority of more than 300.\nKlein said that Wallace “cut\nin on us heavily” in Pennsylva-\nnia, which Humphrey won. No\nRepublican has been elected\npresident in this century without\nPennsylvania’s support.\nAppearing on early morning\ntelevision, Humphrey said that\nthe contest had been ‘‘a donny-\nbrook and anything can hap-\npen.’’ He said he doesn’t believe\nthe result will be known until\nater inthe day.\nHumphrey said he is ‘‘an op-\ntimistic man?’ and “I feel that\nway tonight. ”\nIf the issue should go to the\nElectoraj College, members\ncould cross party lines, Only 16\nstates and the District of Colum-\nbia bind their electors to sup-\nport the popular-vote winner\nand even those laws have not\nbeen tested for constitutionality.\n-Nixon has said he would be\nwilling to accept as the presi-\ndential victor ‘‘the man who re-\nceives the most votes for the of-\nfice, who ever that man may\nbe.”’\n_ Humphrey did not accept Nix-\n\non’s invitation to let the plurali-\nty winner take all. He said he\nfelt bound to follow the ‘‘consti-\ntutional process” of letting the\ndecision go to the House, if it\ncame to that,\n\nWallace’s comment was that\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5156.549015625, 723.6790205078125, 5960.56475390625, 2367.49590625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "olice al pone carly in ike evens\ning,\n\nHe talked twice by phone to a4.\ntop assistant, Cecil Jackson, but\nboth calls were. and\napart’ from | them his ‘staff did\nnot bother him.\n\nIndeed, at. times, he seemed\ngrateful that a reporter wag\nthere—someone Who would Hs-\nten to a comment, or make one,\nabout the very personal ‘and his-\ntoric drama taking place,” ~\n\nAt one point, ‘a television com:\nmentator remarked that Wal-\nlace had ‘gone. down to igno-\nminious defeat.” He made the\nremark when 17 per cent of the\nvole wag in and Wallace’ s total\nWas 3,436,000.\n\nWallace bristled. “A Dee;\nSoutherner getting that man;\nvotes,’’ Wallace said, “is not ig.\nnominious.”’\n\nHe said it looked as though he\nwould get 10 million votes in all\n“Tt think ten million would be ;\nmighty good vote,’’ he said. ‘‘é\nthird party movemen, from th\nDeep South—whvy that would bs\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4337.5851484375, 695.6532026367188, 5152.216609375, 2376.714900390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "in that White House.”\n\nOccasionally, he bent to kiss\nher éheek or arrange the quilt\non her shoulders, ‘‘T’ve got a\ngood vote,” he said. ‘Except\nmy little gir) can’t understand\n...’ A Wallace, Lee was accus-\ntomed to landslides.\n\nAnother daughter, Peggy, sat\n\non the couch With a boy friend\nand a college chum. They talked\nquietly among themselves.\n_ Where was everybody? Where\nwere the shirt-sleeved aides and\nthe close friends and the clutter\nof aSh trays and glasses and\ncoffee cups One expects to Sur-\nround a candidate on election\nnight?\n\n“I guess I’m like most folks,’’\nWallace shrugged. “I jus; like\nto watch the election results at\nhome.”\n\nHis staff was at a motel\nacross from the arena, waiting\nfor him. His running mate, Car-\ntis E. LeMay, wag waiting there\n‘too, and Wallace talked to him\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 281.58856640625, 7604.617375, 1482.8339189453125, 9834.24590625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "We plan a family outing for the annual\nturning of the leaves. I listen carefully to\nthe weather announcements, watch the news-\npaper predictions and then, at last, the\nsignal comes. “This weekend the color should\nbe at its height.”\n\nSometimes we go before this and come\nhome disappointed. No matter how beautiful\nthe colors, we are sure that if only we had\n‘waited another week it would have been\n\nreally a superb show.\n\nSometimes we wait until the following\nweekend and, sure enough. the rains come\nbefore our trip and we drive through the\nwoods in order to see wet gray and brown\nempty limbs.\n\nHowever, we_ usually make it at the ap-\npointed time. I pack cheese, crackers and\napples and my husband takes along his\ncamera equipment. We force the children in-\nto the station wagon, inch along in the\nexpressway traffic until it is time to turn\noe a country road and inch along in that\n\naffic.\n\n“Nothing like getting out into the wide,\nopen spaces!” my husband enthuses. \\.\n\n“Isn't it lovely today?” I ask sweetly.\n“Children, just look at the gorgeous colors!”\n\nFrom the back of the car comes the usual\nrumblings of children being treated to the\nwonders of nature. ‘1 missed my favorite\nshow,” one sulks. ‘Just great,”’ says another,\nand, because I am not at all sensitive, I miss\nthe sarcasm in his voice. “SHE brought a\ndoll along and that isn't fair''’ my youngest\ngon shrieks, ‘Daddy, you have to stop so I\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1854.8921552734375, 2909.45721875, 2683.527888671875, 6300.6199296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "ot Arizona and Edward Gurney\n‘of Florida, regarded as hawks,\n.-Won Republican seats,\n\nWalace's impact on the out-\n‘come would be limited to what\nhe might dp about Electoral Coi-\n‘lege votes, if he got the oppor-\n‘tunity to ‘do anything. Outside\n| the South and the border states,\nWallace’s political - muscle is\nflabby.\n\nIn Delaware, Indiana, Idaho,\nMaryland, Nevada and West\nVirginia he got slightly more\nthan 10 per cent of the popular\nvote.\n| He had 9 per cent of ballots\ntfounted in California, Illinois,\nMichigan and New Jersey, 8 per\n“cent in Pennsy.van.a, 7 per cent\nin Wisconsin and 5 per cent in\n'New York and Massachusetts,\nWallace's vote did not keep\n“Nixon from curising Fiorida,\n‘Kentucky, Tennessce, Virginia,\n| South Caroling and Oklahoma.\n| Nor was the third party candi-\nidate able to take Texas away\n| trom Humphrey.\n| Nevertheless, Wallace's vote\n\nin some of the larger states was\nbigger than the difference be-\ntwecn the percentages of the\ntwo major party candidates, In\nfeuch instances there were no\nclear indications which of the\n{two he had damaged most.\n| Expected massive protests\nFaces the election failed tc\nmaterialize except for isolated\n| incidents. About 350 youths, a\nimere handful compared with\njthe crowds assembled for the\n| Democratic National Conven\ntion, marched in an orderly way\n_|through Chicago's loop and ther\ndisbanded,\n\nIn Newar ,k.., NJpolice usec\ntheir billy - clubs to contain ¢\ndemonstration of about 200 per.\n‘sons after fighting broke out\nTwo were arrested.\n\nIn New York, after a Unio:\nSquare rally, the protesterg in\nvaded the midtown area and 7(\nwere arrested. In Washingtor\n100 demonstrators near _ the\nWhite House were booked by po\nlice,\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4332.068546875, 2649.07782421875, 5153.16436328125, 6252.7097734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "term, lost to Republican Rep.\nRichard S. Schweiker despite\n‘Hubert H. Humphrey’s capture\njof Pennsylvania’s presidential\n; clectoral votes,\n\n| Brewster was defeated by an-\n‘other GOP congressman,\n'Cuarles McC. Mathias. Brew-\nster supported the administra-\n| tion’s Vietnam war policies. Ma-\nthias called for bombing halt be-\nfore President Johnson ordered\nit last week.\n\nBut the Vietnam war had no\nclearly discernible impact on\n| Senate races,\n\nSen. J. W. Fulbright, D-Ark.,\nchairman of the Senate Foreign\nRelationg Committee ang an\n|outspoken dove, won re-election,\nlag did other critics of the war\nlike Democratic. Sens. Frank\n'Church of Idaho, Gaylord Nel-\n‘son of Wisconsin and George S.\n| McGovern of Souths Dakota.\n\nBut leating hawks like Gold-\niwater and Rep. Edward Gurney\n[won Senate seats fur the Repub-\nicans.\n| Goldwater captured the Arizo\n(na seat from which 91-year-old\n.|Democrat Carl Hayden is retir-\n‘ling. Goldwater defeated Roy El.-\n(son, Hayden’s administrative\nassistant,\n| Gurney, an avowed conserva:\nitive, won over former Florida\n||Gov. LeRoy Collins to succeed\njretiring Democratic Sen.\n| George A. Smathers.\n\nIowa Democratic Gov. Harold\n1, Hughes won the seat being\n.{relinquished by Republican Sen.\n+} Bourke B. Hickenlooper,\n\n‘| Taking seats vacated by retir.\ning members of their own party\n1}are Democrat James B. Allen ol\n-|Alabama and Republicans Rep.\n‘|Robert Dole of Kansas ane\n‘| Judge Marlow W. Cook of Ken\n-}tucky.\n‘| Among the Democratic ‘ in\n-fcumbenmts who won re-electior\n-!were Warren G. Magnuson o!\n>, Washington, Alan Bible of Ne\n-lvada, Abraham A. Ribicoff o\nConnecticut, Birch Bayh of Indi\n‘}ana, Daniel K. Inouye of Ha\n1}waii, Herman E. Talmadge o\nflGeorgia, Russel] Long of Loui\ngiana, Sam J. Ervin Jr. of Nort\n>1Carolina, and Ernest F. Holl\nfiines of South Carolina.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1500.6931806640625, 7563.93378125, 2682.115046875, 9748.0906328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "can change seats—I don’t think I should ride\nbackwards any more,”’ my youngest daughter\nsniffles. ‘Don’t you DARE vomit!” her\nsister threatens.\n\nBecause I refuse to give up on my belie!\nthat someday I’ll work an outright miracle\nI ignore them and cry, “Look at the trees:\nHow beautiful!”\n\n“They aren’t as colorful as last year,” my\nson, getting into the spirit of the thing, re\nmarks. “Yes, they are, too!” his sister\nreplies nastily. ‘You just want to spoil\nthings—that’s all you ever do!”’\n\n“I’m going to get my picture teday—I know\nI am!” my husband, who also believes ir\nmiracles, says. Perhaps I should explain that\nfor 17 autumns he has tried to get a picture o!\nthe exact magical moment when leaf sep\narates from limb. He carefully chooses <\nlikely looking tree—one that is dropping\nleaves in a rainshower pattern. Of course, by\nthe time the tripod is up, camera focused anc\nall, the leaves no longer fall. He waits\nready to trip the shutter, while the childrer.\nscoop up leaves to take home (most are\ndestined to be ground to a powder inside the\ncar) and I find a few choice ones for a table\ncenterpiece.\n\nAt last the light is gone and we pack for\nthe trip home. “Why dont you photograph a\nleaf falling from a tree in our yard? I\nwould be so easy'”’ I say, for the 17th year\n“Why don't you just watch the leaves change\non our trees at home?” my husband answer:\nvatientiy.\n\nthlewtnaner Enterorse Assn.)\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2685.97333203125, 1011.8892255859375, 3507.1301835937497, 4528.7097734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WASTELNGION (AP) — ViCO-\nries of beth hawks and doves\nTuesday blurred the over-all im-\npact of the Vietnam war in key\nSenate: races.\n\nSen. J. W. Fulbright, Dark,\nchairman of the Senate ‘Foreign\nRelationg Committee and ‘one of\nthe most outspoken’ doves,- won\nre-election, while Sen. Joseph S.\nClark, D-Pa., another’ ‘dove, was\ndefeated.\n\nSen. Wayne Morse, D-Ore.,\nanothey Foreign Relations Cont\nmittee member who sharply at-\ntacked Vietnam policy, was\ntrailing in his bid for re-elec-\ntion,\n\nBarry Goldwater of Arizona\n\n{and Edward Gumey of Florida\nWere the most prominent hawks\nto win Senate seats.\n\nGurney, a Republican mem-\nber of the.House, captured the\nSenate seat vacated by retiring\nDemocrat George A. Smathers.\n\nGumey, who advocated car-\nrying the War to North Vietnam\nand ‘blockading ‘the port of Hai-\nphong, defeated his Democratic\nopponent, former Gov. LeRoy\nCollins by a substantial margin.\n\nColling had called for pushing\nthe Paris peace talks and for\ngradual de-Americanization of\nthe war.\n\nGoldwater, the GOP presider-\ntial candidate four years ago,\nwon back a Senate seat after a\ncampaign jn Which he said new\nleadership was needed to win\nthe war,\n\nGoldwater replaced retiring\nDemocrat Carl Hayden.\n\nFrank Church of Idaho and\nGaylord Nelson of Wisconsin,\ntwo more Senate doves, won Tre-\nelection,\n\nIn Maryland, Democratic Sen.\nDaniel B. Brewster, a supporter\nof the administration’s conduct\nof.the war, was defeated by Re-\n\nMathias had called for a halt\n\nin the bombing of North Viet-\nnim before President Johnson\nyordered it last week.\nIn New York Paul O’Dwyer, a\nVietnam peace candidate, failed\nin bis effort to unseat Republi-\ncan Jacob K. Javits, who is a\nmoderate dove.\n\n \n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3521.247501953125, 2801.760685546875, 4328.976375, 6275.7234453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Veter-\nan senators from Oklahoma and\nPennsylvania Were toppled\nTuesday ‘ag Republicans whit-\nlied down—but failed to over-\ncame-—the Democrats’ substan-\ntial miajority.\n\nRepublican Barry Goldwater\nof Arizona, whose crushing 1964\npresidentia] defeat helped main\ntain the Democrats’ powerful\ncongressional control, returned\neasily to the Senate.\n\nGoldwater’, victory Tuesday,\n\ncombined with defeat of Demo-\ncratic Sens, Joseph S, Clark in\nPennsylvania and A. S. Mike\nMonroney of Oklahoma, high-\nlighted a GOP net gain of at\n_four seats,\nIncomplete returns indicated\nDemocrats would hold 58 or 59\nseats in the new Senate, and Re-\npublicang 42 or 41. Democrats\nheld a 63 to 37 majority in the\nlast Congress.\n\nRepublicans, besides takin\nover Democratic Seats in Arizo-\nna, Oklahoma and Pennsylva-\nnia, took away seats in Florida\nand Maryland. Republicans\nthreatened Democratic seats ir\nAlaska, Ohio, and Oregon.\n\nRepublican Max Rafferty anc\nDemocrat Alan Cranston wage\n\na close battle for the seat belc\nby California Republican Sen\nThomas Kuchel, defeated by\n‘Rafferty in the primary.\n\nThe - i &\n\ncapture 14 seats from the Demo\nerats to clinch contro] of the\nSenate, but no sweep of that size\ndeveloped\n\nMonronmy, three-term veterar\nand chairman of the Senate\nPost Office and Civil Service\nCommittee and a - longtime\nchampion of congressional re\nform, was defeated by Henry}\nBellmon, Oklahoma’s first Re\npublican governor. The cam\npaign wag marked by dispute:\nover the Vietnam war and fed\neral spending.\n\nAnother Democratic senato\nwho failed to win re-electior\nWas Daniel B. Brewster 0\nMaryland.\n\n| Clark, an outspoken foe of th\nVietnam war, seeking his thirt\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2711.18036328125, 5386.935734375, 3525.9104570312497, 9660.3660234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON. {AP)--— Vot-\ners in five states have author-\nized spending a total of more\nthan $2.5 Dillion on pollut on\ncontrol, veterans and education.\n\nBut a’ liquor-by-the-drink pro-\n\npoSa] failed in the face of strong\nMormon opposition in semi-dry\nUtah. Nevada, where gambling\nis a maor industry, rejected a\nprivate lottery. And Nebraska\ndenieg 19-year-olds the vote.\n' The issues highlighted local\nreferenda that appeared on the\nballots of three-fourths of the\nstates Tuesday. Most were mon-\ney issues. -\n\nThe biggest financial proposal\nwas in Illinois, where a measure\nproviding $1 billion for air and\nwater pollution control ap-\npeared headed for approval.\n\n‘ New Jersey aproved its big-\ngest monéy roposa] in history\n—$990 million for education,\nlow-cost housing and transporta-\ntion,\n\nMichigan’s largest bond issue\never passed provides $335 mil\nlion for a 10-year battle against\nwater pollution,\n\nVirginia Gov. Mills E. God-\nwin’s $81 million bong issue for\n' college and mental hospital cor\nstruction—a formal break with\npay-as-you-go financing for the\nfirst time thig century—won\noverwhelming approval,\n\nIn Pennsylvania, a plan to\n| Zive Vietnam war veterang cash\n| bonuses of up to $750 won over-\n'whelming approval. If was the\n:first time the Sstate’s citizens\n| voted on a servicemen’s bomus\nduring a war.\n\n) Arizonans, meanwhile, junked\nthe state’s tax exemption for ve-\n‘terans of World War WU.\n\n| The Utah liquor referendum\nended a hassle that stole cam-\npaign attention from . Vietnam\nand the presidential] race. The\nMormon church, which consid-\n-ers drinking a sin, battled the\n-measure’s sponsors, who said\n‘the state needed over-the-bar\nliquor to attract tourists and\n, conventions.\n\nNevada voters soundly reject-\ned a constitional amendment to\n‘permit a private lottery, which\ni would have handed 30 per cent\nof the profits to the State.\n\ni NebraSkang rejected a pro-\n{posed constitutional amendment\nto lower the voting age from 21\nto 19.\n\nAlabama voters apparently\n\napproved a cunstitutional\n-amenam: ‘m to allow the gover-\n‘nor and seven other elected offi-\n‘cjals to succeed themselves.\n| Presidential candidate George\nC. Wallace mad hig “ile succeed\nrim ag Alabarng governor in\n\ni\n\n.\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 557.422607421875, 2681.749755859375, 2327.736572265625, 2900.63623046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "The Presidential Race\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3517.778751953125, 821.22821484375, 4329.87920703125, 2370.3406328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)\n~— It began as a One man adven-\nture and at the ehd George C.\nWallace seemed terribly alone.\n\nHe sat in a beige jeather chair\noppasite . the large brick fire-\nplace in hig paneled den, almost\noblivious to the few around him;\nand watched the resultg of his\ntelevision screen. _\n\n“I've got a good popular\nlong ordeal flicker on the color\nvote,” he said. “It’s all right.\nIt’s all right.”\n\nHis ‘youngest daughter, 7-\nyear-old Lee, climbed in and out\nof his lap and finally napped on\nthe floor between the folds of\nthick quilt, to be awakened\nwhen it was time to go to the\néuge coliseum where g disap-\npointingly small crowd of faith-\nful followers awaited him.\n\nLee had fallen asleep after a\npep talk, ‘Daddy,’ She said,\n“You try to get a lot of votes,\nnow, becauSe IJ do want to live\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2696.4453125, 450.5361022949219, 3371.735107421875, 965.77099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "HAWK, DOVE\nWINS BLUR.\nWAR ISSUE.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2729.74267578125, 4588.7919921875, 3445.343017578125, 5237.5859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "VOTERS PASS\nBIG SPENDING\nPROPOSALS\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 263.22149658203125, 5577.587890625, 1814.3741455078125, 6865.9716796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "A FARMER...\n\nIS A MAN OUTSTANDING IN\nHIS FIELD\n\nMIRROR LAKE INN...\n\nIS ANINN OUTSTANDING\nFor Fine Food and Accomodations\nMake a reservation soon\n\nMIRROR LAKE INN\n\nDial 523-2544\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 6049.02001953125, 2585.008544921875, 6780.93994140625, 3924.250732421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "CEMETERY\nMEMORIALS\nWitherbee & Whalen\n\nRalph E. Bristol\n\n_ PHONE 891-3390\n64 Petrova Ave.\n\n- Saranat Lake, N.Y.\n\n \n\nne pg ine\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3507.784423828125, 2407.248046875, 5971.00830078125, 2624.39990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Republicans Gain in Senate Races\n" }, "20": null, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 5167.5226484375, 3221.326115234375, 5989.505671875, 3947.2158769531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "NIAGARA FALLS, N.¥. (AP)\n—- Senate Majority Leader Earl\nW. Brydges will begin serving\nhis sixth term in Jamuary.\n\nThe 63-year-old Republican de-\nfeated Democrat William A.\nMonacelli and Conservative\nDouglas J. Frederick Tuesday\nin the 52nd district. ~\n\n‘Brydges became majerity\nleader in 1966, when Republi-\ncans regained control of the\nSoniye\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3635.10009765625, 6319.01318359375, 6802.810546875, 9811.1025390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "69 Chevelle SS 396 Sport Coupe\n\n \n\n—\n\nChevelle SS396 |\nSecond place is still up for grabs.\n\n”\n\n“SS” stands for Super Sport... brakes and white lettered wide oval Stop at your Chevrolet dealers\nand no nonsense. The “396” part tires on extra-wide sport wheels. Sports Shop and see what it takes\nstands for the 396-cu.-in. 325-hp V8 For a budget performer, you can __ to grab first place—the\nee action order an SS 396 version of the Chevelle SS 396,\n\nBackirig it up is a specia] suspension, Chevelle 300 Deluxe Sport Coupe . . A\nfloor-mounted 3-speed, power disc or 300 pillar Coupe. ‘Putting you first, keeps us tirst..\n\nSee the Super Sports at your Chevrolet dealer's Sports Department now.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5173.478703125, 2644.117130859375, 5986.02666796875, 3127.0491289062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": ". Republican senators elected\nfor new terms included George\nD. Aiken of Vermont, Peter H.\nDominick of Colorado, Norris\nCotton of New Hampshire, Ja-\ncob K, Javits of New York, Mil-\nton R. Young of North Dakota,\nand Wallace F. Bennett of Utah.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3614.47705078125, 689.4121704101562, 4233.15283203125, 810.486328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "=e\n\nBy JULES LOH\nAssociated Prea. Writer\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 3608.87841796875, 2646.729248046875, 4229.69482421875, 2770.167724609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By JOHN CHADWICK\nAssociated Press Writer\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 276.6672058105469, 347.0251770019531, 2669.59716796875, 2158.748046875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nmenavedien ica, . é : . --\n2 7\n« .\n%\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 281.5804138183594, 7162.6328125, 641.3080444335938, 7597.87890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2806.795654296875, 5265.79150390625, 3428.891845703125, 5385.130859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "By MALCOLM BARR\nAssociated Pres. Writer\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 1903.314697265625, 6445.25830078125, 2673.324462890625, 6805.5908203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Classified Ads\n-Bring Results!\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 328.1081848144531, 2933.2607421875, 970.3076171875, 2985.390869140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "(Continued From Page 1)\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 398.3172912597656, 7002.5546875, 2639.97412109375, 7527.62451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "-- BETTY CANARY\n\n4\n\nay Annual Jaunt into Autumn\n\n=_\nall { | By BETTY CANARY\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2710.8439375, 9669.9689375, 3514.6487382812497, 9796.2078203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "i i you Gont get you te paper\nlreguarly eal @51-7aim\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1374.129638671875, 7427.34375, 1937.8731689453125, 7520.3720703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "By BETTY CANARY\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5270.755859375, 3155.87060546875, 5878.78076171875, 3219.092041015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "BRIDGES 6TH TERM\n" }, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 11, 17 ] ]
[ 6179.15966796875, 9663.72265625 ]
[ [ 11, 17 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3259.68603515625, 474.37689208984375, 3926.253173828125, 1666.039306640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2495.2653125, 2558.6783984375, 3192.3174511718753, 3264.7202832031253 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae\nwill have its spring luncheon\nSaturday at the National Mo-\ntor Inn, 350 W. Washington\nAve.\n\nCocktails at 11:30 a.m. will\nprecede lunch at 12:30. Bridge\nwill be played. Mrs. Gene\nFelker, 1402 Annen Lane, and\nMrs. Richard Holt, 1905 Gil-\nbert Rd., have further infor-\nmation.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5531.5234375, 845.6878051757812, 6059.28662109375, 1070.20703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Lemons\nFor Beauty\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 350.91644287109375, 457.7691650390625, 2403.37451171875, 2373.10791015625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "AS aa tle Sa nl ae 9\n\nSa RM x\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3971.03466796875, 438.3759460449219, 4489.76904296875, 864.1365966796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Zontas\nto Install\nOfficers\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 4700.2578125, 427.185302734375, 6002.30615234375, 717.0177001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "GOP Women to Hear\nSchool Superintendent\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 3971.38591796875, 891.4550708007813, 4680.16388671875, 2214.05255859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Robert Johnson will be\ninstalled as president of the\nZonta Club of Madison at 6:15\np.m. Thursday at the Univer-\nSity Club.\n\nOther new officers are:\n\nMrs. John Heim, first vice-\npresident; Miss Mildred Lind-\nquist, second vice-president;\nMiss Emma Zitzer, secretary;\nMiss Pear! Becker, treasurer;\nMrs. Carol Luth, correspond-\ning secretary; and Mrs. V. F.\nCourtier, Miss Eleanor Gun-\ndlach, and Mrs. Manley T.\nHeisel, board members.\n\nDistrict Six Gov. Ruth Wal-\nter, Neenah, will attend the\ninstallation.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4701.71306640625, 740.7773364257813, 5414.643378906249, 2431.637763671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Douglas Ritchie, su perin-\ntendent of Madison Public\nSchools, will speak to the\nDane County Federation of\nRepublican Women at a\nluncheon at 1 p.m, Monday at\nthe Cuba Club.\n\nA social hour at 12:30 p.m.\nwill precede the luncheon.\nMrs. J. W. Cain is luncheon\nchairman.\n\nMr. Ritchie, former West\nHigh principal, will be intro-\nduced by Dr. Ray Huegel, a\nlong-time member of the\nBoard of Education.\n\nMrs. John Bosshard, La-\nCrosse, and Mrs. Mary Ising,\nOshkosh, candidates for na-\ntional committee women, will\nbe guests. Mrs. Norman Neal\nand Miss Eileen M. Davis will\naccept reservations until Fri-\nday.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5476.3658984375, 1102.950859375, 6139.953925781249, 2388.7942578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "To keep your skin clear and\nfair you need the natural\ncleansing and bleaching pro-\nperties of lemon. Ask your\ndruggist for a bottle of\nlemon Jelvyn, the latest type\nskin freshener that beautiful\nwomen throughout the world\nare now using. Lemon\nJelvyn braces and conditions\nthe skin to a beautiful new\nelarity and fine grained tex-\nture; its excellent toning\nproperties help stimulate the\nsurface cells, clear out stub-\nborn, blemish-inducing and\npore-clogging particles and\nsmooth the skin to beautiful\nclarity. Lemon —— is\nideal for quick complexion\ncleansing and two capfuls in\nyour final shampoo rinse\nwill give a sparkling shine\nto your hair. Lemon Jelvyn\nis a must for complexion\nbeauty.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2505.8662109375, 443.595458984375, 3129.814697265625, 1061.3385009765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "J. H. Voss\nto Wed\nJuly 6\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3259.81591796875, 2247.0537109375, 4626.6943359375, 3229.23486328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "PICK A DINNER?\n\n \n\nDELICIOUS\n_nersin Family dinner\nlumping “5B “generous\nMleshi Nondles == servings\n\nMaathalls * firavy in Your Grocers Freezer Case\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2506.969658203125, 1107.05876953125, 3205.3198925781253, 2290.50275390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. George\nLeonoff, Danbury,\nConn., announce the en-\ngagement of their daugh-\nter, Leona Mary, to John\nHarry Voss, Rt. 3, New-\nton, Conn., son of Mrs.\nRuth Voss, 4118 Euclid\nAve., Madison, and the\nlate John Voss.\n\nBoth teach at West-\nport, Conn. Miss Leonoff,\na graduate of Western\nConnecticut State Col-\nlege, did graduate work\nat Columbia University.\n\nMr. Voss, a Delta Tau\nDelta and Phi Kappa\nPhi, received his bache-\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2508.212890625, 2351.91357421875, 3142.92529296875, 2536.747802734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Zeta Tau Alpha\nAlumnae Luncheon\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 325.7239990234375, 3225.287353515625, 4712.78173828125, 9592.8330078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "—State Journal Photo by L. Roger Turner JT)a@LiON.\n\n \n\nVEN SADe\n\nFABRICS\n\nFOR SPRING & SUMMER\n\n“Sew Your Own Fashions”\n\n \n\nNorthwest Fabrics has the most complete selection of fabrics for all your real fashionable occa-\nsions at MADISON’S LOWEST PRICES. “If it’s a wedding you're thinking about”, we have the com-\nplete line of Satins, Taffetas, Silk and Worsteds, Tierras, Laces, Embroideries, Brocades and all the\ncoordinating linings and trims.\n\nTHIS WEEK’S SPECIALS\n\nDOTTED SWISS; RIBBONS\n\n65% Dacron and 35% Cotton\n\nAll Packaged\n44.45” Wide All Pre-Priced From\nSpring Colors C 19¢ to 79¢ C\nSatin - Grossgrain\nYd Velvet Each\n\n$1.59 value A Terrific Value\n\n \n\nVELVET UPHOLSTERY\n\nBeautiful sculptured, solid and antique velvets\nfrom our regular stock with values to $22.50 — $ 98\nFull rolls, 54’’ wide\n\nFirst Quality. Yd.\n\nDRAPERY\npats 39:\n100% Cotton Washable\nIdeal for cottage or porch Yd.\n\n$1.69 Value — Tan only\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n45” Wide 29\n100% Heavyweight\n\nCotton Dress Canvas\n\nSpring and Summer Col-\nors. Was $1.98 Yd.\n\nIRON-ON INTERFACING\n\nand Regular Nonwoven\n\ncoe ag FOR $400\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n\nMedium & Light weights\n\n98c Value per yard Yds.\n\n \n\nDID YOU KNOW WE HAVE?\n\n® The Giant Ring Zippers in Fashion Colors\n® Good Selection of Ostrich Feathers & Maribou\n@ Vel-Cro — the Quick Fastener\n\nBUTTERFLY LINING\nThe all new Dacron aning washable [oe $ 39\n\ncling, non static, 45’’ wide—Large selection\nof colors for Spring and Summer.\n\n1201 WN. Sherman HOURS:\nPane ep vat 9:30-9:00 Daily\nMadison, Wis. 9:30-5:30 Sat.\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 4711.10791015625, 2353.093994140625, 6179.15966796875, 9663.72265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "day, :\n\n‘Rageamigens eel CRD,\n\n \n \n\nAs ¢.\nLome p Y\n\n \n \n \n\n;\n: \\eo V/\n¢\n\n \n \n\nee\nting ted\nee\nSSr5e 72s:\nre git At\n\nSoy saan\n2 a, se o & Lol w\n\n**\nas\n\n \n\nON ee eee\n‘ee *\n\n~~\n\n: :\nThe Great Pretender ;\n\nI]\n3 All the freedom of a pants-dress ‘\n4 (that’s what it really is) y\n4 disguised as a sleeveless shift\nwith a kicky side-slit skirt.\n‘ The perfect city-to-country sportster A\nhe with plenty of romper room...\n§ in a cheerful front-panelled .\nP print or a swashbuckler-\n\"8 =e sashed check. In carefree cotton\n4 that will keep its cool all summer.\n: $17 k\nothers $13 to $25\n\n \n\n‘\nBaal catlisscss\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 298.0240173339844, 2451.06201171875, 998.2984008789062, 3202.747314453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Resident\nWives Set\n\nDance\n" }, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 3232.009453125, 1783.6650927734374, 3936.0103222656253, 2213.01837890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "lor’s and master’s de-\ngrees from the Univer-\nsity of Wisconsin.\n\nThey will be married\nJuly 6 at 10 a.m. in St.\nJosephs Catholic\nChurch, Danbury.\n" }, "18": null, "19": null, "20": { "bbox": [ 5437.31884765625, 752.6071166992188, 5758.3642578125, 794.570068359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Advertisement\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 11 ], [ 5, 30 ], [ 5, 39 ], [ 30, 39 ], [ 16, 28 ], [ 50, 36 ], [ 50, 47 ], [ 36, 47 ] ]
[ 6453.708796875, 10128.681640625 ]
[ [ 5, 39 ], [ 11, 2 ], [ 28, 16 ], [ 30, 5 ], [ 47, 50 ], [ 50, 36 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3288.2587890625, 4043.4169921875, 4820.666015625, 5921.60595703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 883.1968427734375, 1455.7234541015625, 1658.4573320312502, 4892.44756640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "MABEL, Minn. — In Mabel\nFirst Lutheran Church at 3 p.m.\nSaturday, May 18, Kathryn Kay\nKiesau, daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Alvin Kiesau, Mabel, be-\ncame the bride of Randall Al-\nvin Gerling, son of Mr. and Mrs.\nWalter Gerling, Fanwood, N.J.\nRev, Clayton Engan performed\nthe ceremony.\n\nThe bride wore an empire\ngown, fashioned with chantilly\nlace bodice overlay and sleeves;\na chapel-length train of white\nsatin, which was fashioned by\nthe bride. Her silk illusion veil\nfell from a princess crown of\ncrystals and pearls. She car-\nried a cascade bouquet of yellow\nroses,\n\nElizabeth Ann Kiesau, sister\nof the bride, was maid-of-honor.\nDeborah Gerling, was brides-\nmaid, They wore princess style\nfloor-length gowns, with scoop\nnecklines, cap sleeves of mint\ngreen brocaded peau de soie.\nThey wore headpieces of match.\ning fabric roses with small\nveils, and carried colonial bou-\nquets of white mums.\n\nThe bridegroom was attend.\ned by Ronald Gerling, as best\nman and Everett Rowland.\ngrocmsman. Michael Woods anc\nJames Mindrum, ushered.\n\nFollowing the ceremony a re-\nception was held in the church\nsocial rooms for 100 guests, Mr.\nand Mrs. Jarvis Peterson were\nhost and hostess.\n\n| The couple left on a wedding\ntrip to Wisconsin Dells.\n\n_ The bride is a junior at Lu.\nther College and plans to com.\nplete her college career in New\nJersey. The bridegroom gradu.\nated from Scotch Plain-Fanwood\nHigh School, and is a graduate\nof Luther College with a B.A.\nin business administration.\nThe couple will live at New\nBrunswick, N.J., where the\n‘bridegroom has accepted a posi\ntion in the accounting depart.\n‘ment of the W. T. Grant Co.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5646.60907421875, 4380.4874921875, 6453.708796875, 6906.8933671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Forrest Gunderson; Mr. and\n‘Mrs. R. W. Lund; Mr. and Mrs.\n‘Maurice McDowell; Mr. and\n\\Mrs. Roger McManus; Mr. and\n\\Mrs. Harry Jackson; and Mr,\njand Mrs. Richard Amundson.\n\n| Third place winners were Mr,\n‘and Mrs. William Locketz; Mrs.\n\\Marine Hasse and Mrs. James\n\\Dockendorff; Mr. and Mrs,\n{Paul Schmitz; Mr. and Mrs.\n|Donald Elliott; Mr. and Mrs,\nOliver Robling; Mr. and Mrs,\n‘Kurt Faxon; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-\n‘ert Staley; Mr. and Mrs. Peter\nBerg; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Har-\nidie; Mr. and Mrs, Alan Klos;\n'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fiedor-\n'wicz; Mr. and Mrs. Robert\n|Gowlland; and Mr. and Mrs,\nWilliam Ligon.\n\nThis year’s tournament in\ncluded 13 groups. All proceeds\nee given to the AAUW schol-\narship fund.\n\n- Three rounds of bridge fok\nlowed the awards presentation.\nSweepstakes winner for the eve\nning was Terry Hardie, and Car.\nter Eckert received the award\nfor low. High women for thé\nevening were Mrs. Earl Bittner,\nMrs. Terry Hardie, Mrs. Kurt\nFaxon and Mrs. Philip Smith,\nHigh for the men were Harry\nJackson, Frank Potts, Dr\nJames Tankersley and William\nTaylor. ‘\n\nCo-chairmen of the bridge\ntournament were Mrs. Carter\nEckert and Mrs. Richard Mc-\nLain.\n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4833.416015625, 4017.869384765625, 6410.9775390625, 4349.06884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Scholarship Bridge Awards\nAre Given At Banquet\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1671.065373046875, 5570.22430859375, 2462.355525390625, 7504.53350390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "_ Rev. Lawrence W. Brandt re-\nceived the wedding promises of\nTamra Kress and Dennis John-\nson at 4 p.m. Saturday in Luther\n‘Memorial Chapel, Shorewood. A\n‘reception in Outlook Lounge fol-\nlowed the ceremony.\n\nParents of the couple are Mrs.\n‘Walter Kress, Milwaukee, and\n‘Mr. and Mrs. ‘Alvin Koenig, 1205\n'S. 26th St.\n\n| The couple will live in Chesa-\npeake, Va., where the bride-\ngroom is a court reporter.\n\n| The bride wore a satin gown\n‘trimmed with lace and seed\n| pearls. She carried two white\n‘orchids with stephanotis.\n\nIngrid Erickson was maid of\nhonor, and bridesmaids wer e\nJudy Johnson, Joy Singer and\n‘Marsha Tjelens. They wore pale\n‘pink dresses and carried bou-\nquets of two-tone pink carna.-\nitions.\n\nThe bridegroom was attended\nby Gerald Ringelman, best man,\nand William Woodard, Henry\n|Kress and Joseph Koziczkowski,\n| groomsmen. Richard Stokes and\n‘Ronald Johnson seated the\n: guests.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 877.0906416015625, 425.2236982421875, 1651.1084550781252, 1162.4714921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "parish, pi apaem re % delegates\nfrom eight parishe\n\nMrs. George Kelly, Houston,\nis deanery president.\n\nSister Immanuel, a_ senior\nsponsor at Villa Maria, is work-\ning with senior students, living\nwith them on the same floor,\nand learning to know them well.\nShe outlined the training the\ngirls receive.\n\nThe teacher-student relation-\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2456.058349609375, 183.90924072265625, 3211.560546875, 551.2635498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Judy Halvorson,\nRichard Riley\nExchanae Vows\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3268.61298046875, 7989.01825390625, 4058.5950273437497, 9085.17559375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "| VIROQUA, Wis.—The Vernon\n‘Memorial Hospital Auxiliary\nwill have its annual June Tea\nJune 10 in the home of Mr. and\nMrs. Earl Jaeger, Westby. Co-\nchairmen for the tea are Mrs\nPaul Mockrud and Mrs. Lloyd\n‘Bekkedal, both of Westby.\n\nThe proceeds from the tea\nwill be used for scholarships for\nnurses and other service proj-\nects sponsored by the auxiliary.\n| Mrs. Carl Ender, Mrs. George\n‘Kreinz, Mrs. Bekkedal and Mrs.\nRufus Fortney attended the re-\ncent meeting of the Southwest\nArea Council of Hospital Auxili-\naries at Tomah.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2454.39471875, 559.9140668945313, 3243.2378496093747, 3384.7390703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WEST SALEM, Wis. — Judy\nHalvorson became the bride of\nRichard Riley Saturday after-\nnoon in Our Savior’s Lutheran\nChurch, West Salem. Rev. Clar-\nence Brauer received the vows\nof the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.\nRobert Halvorson and the son of\nMr. and Mrs. Edward Riley Sr.,\nall of West Salem.\n\nGuests were seated by\nCharles Halvorson, James Za-\nbel, Dennis Riley and John\nDiekroeger.\n\nRoberta Halvorson was maid\nof honor, and Mrs. James Za-\nbel, bridesmaid, for their sister.\nEdward Riley and Gerald Ri-\nley were best man and grooms-\nman. Robin Riley was flower\ngirl and Daron Riley, ring bear-\ner.\n\nWhite silk organza over taf-\nfeta with an empire bodice was\nchosen by the bride. The A-line\nskirt had a detachable train. A\ncrystal cluster held her silk illu-\nsion veil. She carried a cascade\n\\of pink roses centered with\n‘three white orchids.\n| Her attendants were in aqua\n‘chiffon over taffeta fashioned\njwith an empire bodice. Cabbage\n‘rose clusters adorned the wat-\nteau back, and were repeated\non their chiffon headpieces.\n‘They carried cascades of aqua\nand white carnations.\n| The ceremony was followed\n‘by a reception in the church par.\nlors.\n\nThe couple left on a wedding\ntrip to several western states.\nThey will live in Bangor. The\n\\bride is employed at Spartex.\n\\Sparta, and the bridegroom is\n\\with Erickson Bakery, La\n\nee ae\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4085.932861328125, 503.77685546875, 6411, 3330.54638671875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1677.4954833984375, 5192.43896484375, 2382.85546875, 5552.423828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Tamra Kress,\nDennis Johnsor\nAre Married\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4853.34149609375, 4381.67059765625, 5656.4295, 6407.38408984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Winners of the 1967-68 schol-|\narship bridge tournament spon-|\nsored annually by the local\nbranch of the American Asso-)\nciation of University Women\n(AAUW) were announced at a\nbanquet Friday evening in the\noe Room at the Holiday\nnn.\n\nFirst place winners were Mr.\nand Mrs. Myron Riggs; Mrs.\nHoward Young and Mrs. David\nMewaldt; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin\nMutchler; Mr. and Mrs. Allen\nLaird; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas\nWentz; Mr. and Mrs. Richard\nBest; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ben\nBeaird; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Mou- |\ngin; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth\nScheid; Mr. and Mrs. David\nWaldo; Mr. and Mrs. Larry\nShrauner; Mr. and Mrs. Don-\nald Dunlap; and Mr. and Mrs.\nWig De Moville.\n\nSecond place winners were\nMr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson;\nMrs. Andy Fehlangen and Mrs.\nRobert Colleran; Mr. and Mrs.\nThomas Gallagher; Mr. and)\nMrs. Richard DeTingo; Mr. and\nMrs. Byron Speice; Mr. and)\nMrs. Lee Burgett; Mr. and Mrs.\nHarold Meier; Mr. and Mrs.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3267.04736328125, 7607.146484375, 4018.309326171875, 7977.005859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "‘Area Auxiliary\nAnnounce Plans\nFor June Tea\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 121.04679870605469, 4956.25439453125, 1642.8067626953125, 6133.703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3248.986271484375, 944.2732587890625, 4041.5667070312497, 2172.335505859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The Apple Festival Corp., La\nCrescent, will sponsor the 1968\nApple Blossom Dance beginning\nat 9 p.m., Saturday, in Crucifix-\nion Church auditorium, La Cres-\ncent, Minn.\n\nLe Roy Larson, Jerold O’Ha-\ngen, Dave Yoder and Sam An-\nderson will provide music for\ndancing. —\n\nDuring intermission, a Spring\nStyle Show, with fashions from\nHerberger’s, will be given, with\nLa Crescent women doing the\n/modeling.\n\nThis year’s theme for the 1968\nFestival is ‘“‘Pool for Progress,”\nwhich signifies a continued\nsupport for the swimming pool\nproject.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3263.17431640625, 564.02294921875, 3935.666748046875, 931.049072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Annual Apple\nBlossom Danco\nls Saturday\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4045.29755078125, 6243.22235546875, 4836.77569140625, 7575.8621171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "pastel sweetheart roses, mums\n‘and daisies.\n\n| Susan K. Brzazowske was\n‘maid of honor and bridesmaids\n/were Mary Ellen Brinkman.\nKatherine Jane Schwartz, Deb\nra J. Olson and Julie Anne Hart.\n|wig. They wore pastel gowns of\n‘chiffon with pastel bow head.\npieces. Each carried a bouquet\nof green, yellow, orchid, pink\nand ice blue mums and daisies.\ncc + <<\n_ The bridgroom was attended\n‘by Jon M. Hansen, best man.\njand Bruce Haukedah, Car!\n\\Schwartz, David Hoyard and\n\\Mark Madsen, groomsmen.\n\\Leon Rick and Donald Larson\n\\Seated the guests.\nA reception in the church hall\n| followed the ceremony.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3249.1339765625, 2435.095158203125, 4029.5410722656247, 3153.3772539062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "ETTRICK, Wis.—Plans are\nbeing made for the wedding\nJune 1, in Tamarack Lutherar\n‘Church, of Janet Kube and Eu.\ngene Hogden. Miss Kube, daugh.\nter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur\nKube, Town of Gale, has been\na secretary in Arcadia. Her fi-\nance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ern-\nest Hogden, Upper French\nCreek, is employed by the Pres-\n‘to Co., Eau Claire.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 956.2037963867188, 7901.88671875, 2451.251953125, 9934.3837890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Protect your\n\nfurs in our\nair-conditioned\nvaults, all summer.\nGuard them against\n\nheat, humidity,\n\nmoths. Expert\n=—— Cleaning, glazing,\n\nrelining, repairing 4 “a\nand restyling, too!\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4856.51953125, 6432.5244140625, 5551.0830078125, 6651.52099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Onalaska Park Site\nOf Teachers Picnic\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 42.867431640625, 197.62725830078125, 2474.861083984375, 409.60394287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Nuns Speak To Caledonia Group!\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4839.62176953125, 6656.61591015625, 5628.6336015625, 7214.126765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "| The La Crosse Teachers’ Club\n\n|picnic will be at 4 p.m. on Tues:\nday, in Shelterhouse 1, Onalas-\n\\ka Park.\n| All members will bring 2\n| white elephant. Proceeds from\nthe white elephant sale will go\nto the DuShane Fund of the Na-\n‘ional Education Association.\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 891.9260908203125, 7236.1574140625, 1667.7723955078127, 7776.1043046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "If food is stuck to an ename!\nor stainless-steel] pot, soak over.\nnight in cold water with a tea\n‘spoon of salt. Remove food rem-\nnants with a mild abrasive. Ii\nthis fails, put two quarts of wa:\nter in pan with a spoonful o!\nwashing soda or cream of tartar\nand bring to a boil.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 5666.3623046875, 6937.03369140625, 6417.64990234375, 9997.6298828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nJUST LOVE\nTHAT SUMMER\n\n \n\n... and we're sure sum-\nmer will get you, too,\nonce you’ve seen our fine\nselection of newest sum-\nmer...\n\n© Dresses © Skirts\n\n® Slacks * Bermudas\n\n® Jamaicas © Surfers\n® Pant Suits\n\n© Culottes ° Swim Suits\nby Jantzen, White Stag,\nGarland, Lady Arrow, J —\n\nKoret: of Calif a\nother famous brand names.\n\nUse our lay-by plaa.\n\nSH Stor\n\nOpen Mon. & Fri. ’til 9 P.M.\n297 Main Thal 7R4.1408\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3253.441349609375, 3265.252873046875, 4043.0403398437497, 3987.6065019531247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "| Sereens should be vacuum.\n‘cleaned or scrubbed inside and\nout with a stiff brush. Occasion-\nally turn the hose on them. Use\na hand vacuum to clean the\ntracks on roll-up screens; then\nwax the tracks. Paint wood-\nframed screens every two\nyears. Paint screens with a rag\nor roller; keep the screen flat so\nthe paint won't run_ while\ndrving.\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 4095.2705078125, 7622.5205078125, 5613.7978515625, 10069.359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nfestive <<\nsupper sandwich\n1 thsp. butter or margarine 2 thsps. India Relish, drained\n2 thsps. each: finely chopped VY tsp. dry mustard\none and finely choppe 8 slices Sunbeam Bread\ncelery\n1 cup chopped cooked ham . om _—\nYs cup undiluted, condensed\nnike ean Melted butter or margarine\n\nIn small skillet, melt 1 tablespoon butter; add onion and celery and\nsauté until tender. Stir in ham, soup, drained relish and mustard.\nSpread usly over 4 slices of (the bread famous for\nfreshness); top each with 1 slice cheese, Cover with remaining bread\nslices, Brush evenly with melted butter; grill until golden brown on\n\nboth sides and heated through. (4 servings)\n\n \n\nnConutight, Quality Rebar of Amatice Cooperative, tne., 1048\", *\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2472.80096875, 9214.2843671875, 3265.0220292968747, 9646.2351640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "When washing windows, it’s\nbest to work in teams, One per-\nson working inside and the other\noutside a window simultaneous-\nly, reduces spots and streaks\nbecause each can see the oth-\ner’s failures.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2492.383544921875, 3490.970458984375, 3179.1416015625, 3810.286376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "She League\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 3270.2746015625, 6231.45282421875, 4049.1946367187497, 7582.345515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Ruth Ellen Brinkman and\nWayne Russell Johnson ex-\nchanged wedding vows at 3:30\np.m. Saturday in St. Peter’s\nEvangelical Lutheran Church,\nChaseburg. Rev. S. E. Lee gave\nthe sermon, and Rev. E. J.\nZehms received the vows.\n\n- Parents of the couple are Mr.\nand Mrs. Carl F. Brinkman Jr.,\nChaseburg, and Mr. and Mrs.\nDonald V.-Johnson, Audubon,\nMinn.\n\n- The bride wore an organza\ngown accented with lattice and\ndaisy motif lace. The ensemble\nwas worn with a chapel-length\ntrain and a silk English illu-\nsion bouffant veil caught to a\ndouble coronet of daisy venise\nlace. She carried a bouquet of\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 56.463120086669925, 418.98254833984373, 865.1306718750001, 4912.5476640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "CALEDONIA, Minn. — Sister\nMary Catherine McCarrick,\nFrontenac, Minn., who soon will\nobserve her golden jubilee as a\nnun, spoke at a meeting of the\nCaledonia Deanery Wednesday,\nMay 15, in St. Mary’s School\nhall.\n\nSister Catherine traced the\nhistory of the Order of St. Ursu-\nla Union (Ursulines), founded by\nSt. Angela Merici in 1535, in Nor-\nmandy. The first of the order to\ncome to America was in 1639, to\nestablish the first Catholic girls\nschool in New Orleans.\n\n* vw\n\nIt was not until August 1867\nthat seven nuns started out from\nNew Orleans on a packet, to\nbrave a river trip to Lake City,\nto open a new school for teen-\nage girls. Numerous problems\nconfronted them, because river\ntravel at the time was hazard-\nous, The journey, related Sister\nCatherine, included a fire on the\nbarge. “And I’m proud to say,”\nshe added, “that the women on\nthat trip were the most calm.\nincluding the nuns, to whom it\nwas a new experience.”\n\nVilla Maria opened its board.\ning school in September 1880 in\nan old church on Prairie Street,\nLake City.\n\nThe present site of Villa Ma-\nria was chosen in 1885 over three\nothers because of the beauty\nand the possibilities of perma\nnent establishment. She men.\ntioned some of the changes and\ngrowth, despite hardships.\n\nSister Catherine cited today’s\nproblems: “Adolescence is 4\nproblem of education ...It is\nnot a state in life. Girls have «\npsychological need. They are\nmisunderstood and they ofter\nseek the sympathy of friends\nwhich they feel is lacking a\nhome, but is really there. They\nthink of themselves, but rea\ngenerosity is hidden in them\nThe faults of the child often hide\nthe growing girl. The girl mus!\nbe trained to harsh realities.”\n\nHer companion, Sister Mar)\nEmmanuel Busby, told of the\nwork with day and boarding\nstudents at Villa Maria Acad\nemy.\n\nSister M. Lauren Jaeb, daugh\nter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jaeb\nCaledonia, is now an Ursuline\nnun.\n\nRt, Rev. Msgr. R. H. Speltz\ndean of women in the Caledonis\nDeanery and senior pastor of St\nPeter's parish, Caledonia, lec\nthe opening prayer and Mrs\nRobert Lager, president of St\nJohn the Baptist Council, hos\n\n(EE OI ti Naa\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 4838.09540234375, 7330.9484296875, 5652.0808671875, 7578.52325 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "| Brownish stains on stainless |\nsteel indicate that too high heat)\nhas been used; mild scouring\npowder will remove it.\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 2497.243408203125, 9137.4423828125, 3045.216552734375, 9209.3310546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "WASHING WINDOWS\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1674.631779296875, 7585.8566328125, 2460.26690234375, 7790.85088671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "oer eaeeso2? 68 ONO OS OM 9988 wee\n\nAdd minced onions and cot:\ntage cheese to mashed potatoes\nfor a flavor treat.\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 3263.348876953125, 3189.816650390625, 3848.28564453125, 3254.856689453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "CARE FOR SCREENS\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2469.29755078125, 4697.36346875, 3252.5259355468747, 9110.4929765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "In every community with a\nsizable number of children who\nlack the daytime care and guid.\nance of their parents, two types\nof service should be available:\nFamily day care homes and day\ncare centers, according to the\nNational Conference on Day\nCare.\n\nFamily day care homes pro-\nvide care in family homes, se-\nlected, developed and supervised\nby those concerned with the\nwelfare of children. This type of\nservice is best suited for chil-\ndren under three years of age,\nbecause of their great need for\nindividual attention.\n\n“”\n\nDay care centers provide\ngroup care for children, usually\nthree years of age and over.\nThis can include a center for\nafter-school supervision an ¢\ndays when school is not in ses.\n‘sion. These centers offer a de-\n‘velopmental program designed\nto promote the child’s physical\nemotional, social and intellec-\ntual growth.\n| A good day care service does\n‘these things: Recognizes the\nhome as the child’s base anc\nthe program as its supplement;\n‘safeguards children; helps par.\nents maintain the value of fam-\nily life and benefits the com:\n‘munity cultural and financial.\nily.\n| A good day care provides: re.\nsponsible sponsorship for opera\ntion; educationally qualified, ex.\n'perienced staff, adequate ir\nnumber; adequate, safe physi.\ncal facilities; a clear definition\nof the unique responsibilities of\nthe family, the staff and the\ncommunity; supervision, li.\ncensing and accreditation pro\ngrams; a quality program—edu\ncational experiences and guid\nance, health services and socia\nservices as needed; utilizatior\nof available findings in researct\nin planning, organizing and di\nrecting program; and sufficien\nfunds to cover essential serv\nices.\n\n \n\n \n\nx & +\nFor the past two years the\nLeague of Women Voters has\nincluded the pros and cons o\nday care as one of its items for\nstudy. The members of the Lz\nCrosse League are now of the\nopinion “that good day care\nservices for every child who is\nin need of them’ would be ;\ncommunity asset,\nThe La Crosse league will sup.\nport sound governmental pro.\nes ee to encourage\nve supplement this program.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 3265.6144453125, 9165.242375, 4064.0808671874997, 9587.4636796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "SUB NUSALIN\n\nJames Whistler, the noted art-\nist, once sued John Ruskin for\nlibel. Whistler won damages of\njone farthing and had this coin\nmade into a watch charm and\nwore it proudly.\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 123.51527404785156, 7570.97119140625, 868.052978515625, 10128.681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "locks out ¢.\ntarnish — gives\nyou up to 10\npolishes free!\n\n \n\nWorks like magic — one easy appli-\ncation of new Silversmiths’ Polish\nmakes silver shine and locks out tar-\nnish for mouths and months. Simple\ndusting with new Sliversmiths’ Gloves\nreplenishes the tarnish barrier. To-\ngether they prevent tarnish 10 thnes\nlonger. Give you the equivalent of 10\npolishes free. That's why we use it to\nmaintain our silver. You'll like R too!\n\n((REMER'S\n\nCORNER STH ond MAIN\nLA CROSSE, WIS. 54601\n\nVATION ON\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1655.3784833984375, 401.2272687988281, 2452.296931640625, 5154.61748828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "ship, she explained, brings ‘out\nthe needs of young women to\nbecome useful in a Christian life.\nThe course of study at the\nschool includes golfing, swim-\nming, skiing and physical edu-\ncation, as well as nature hikes\nand other out-of-door activities.\nThe school includes a sum-\nter program of camping for\ngirls, ages 6 to 14. Here girls\nmay earn Red Cross badges,\nlifesaving certificates, and get-\nting along with others. The camp\nopens late in June.\nFor adult women, lay retreats\nwill be held June 21 through\nJune 23, and August 2 through\nAug. 4. The school grounds are\njopen to visitors any time of the\nlyear.\n| Mrs. L. L. Roerkoehl, Cale-\nidonia, organization services\ncommission chairman, Caledo-\nata Deanery, working with the\n|study of ecumenism in the dio\nicese, told of advances made in\nimplementing ‘Guidelines for\n\\Practice of Ecumenism.”\nShe stressed the need for the\nuse of “living room dialogue”’\n|which may be obtained from re-\n|ligious book —\nMrs. Clarence Eikens, Cale-\n|donia, community affairs com-\nmission chairman, who is dean-\n‘ery vice-chairman of Marian\n/Awards, outlined the require-\nments that any girl of the dean-\nery, 12 years or older must ful-\nfill to be eligible for the special\naward given biennially.\nGirls must be participants in\n‘Girl Scout, Camp Fire or Con.\n|fraternity of Christian Doctrine\nand must have completed the\n40 different projects and have\nmade a recording of them in the\nofficial handbook, which re.\nquires the signature of her pas.\ntor.\n| Rev. Richard Loomis, pastor\nof St. Mary’s Mission, Houston.\n‘explained the need of homes for\nchildren, ages 9 through 15, from\n‘the Twin Cities area, during the\nlast week of June and the last\n10 days of August.\n| The Catholic Interracial Socie.\nity of St. Paul needs homes in\n‘rural areas where children may\nobserve a different pattern of\nlife. Details are available from\nany pastor of the deanery. Fa-\n) \"ther Loomis said, ‘These peo\n\"ple can do more for us than we\n\"can do for them.”\n\n| Women of St. Patrick's parish,\n\nBrownsville, will be hostesses\n- to the summer quarterly meet.\n\"\\ing in July.\n\n: Mrs. William Jahn, Caledonia.\n‘received the attendance gift\ndonated by ladies of St. Johr\nthe Baptist parish, whose mem\n“sl were hostesses to the cof\nfee social after the meeting.\n" }, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 3654.472900390625, 6065.13525390625, 4448.849609375, 6210.24951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Brinkman-Johnsan\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 3261.4093671875, 9706.5792890625, 4058.2029374999997, 10096.4050859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "The Peruvian cormorant is\nisaid to be the world’s most\n/commercially valuable bird.\n|The exportation of guano yields\nimiilions of dollars of revenue\nevery year.\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2472.864689453125, 9760.3468671875, 3261.4900468749997, 10091.7820390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Cook lamb for stew the day\nbefore using. When cooked, sep-\narate lamb from liquid. Re\nfrigerate both. The next day al\nthe fat can be lifted off easily.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4867.58056640625, 7263.9091796875, 5384.5029296875, 7328.99951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "BROWNISH STAINS\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 126.79426574707031, 6153.3125, 1643.9542236328125, 6255.5888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "64TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1694.9078369140625, 7534.3623046875, 2299.587158203125, 7596.1806640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "IDFA FOR POTATOES\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 2492.086857421875, 3873.7472578125, 3224.6987871093747, 4393.15948046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "EDITOR’S NOTE: This is\nthe last article on day care\non which a survey and study\nwas conducted by League of\nWomen Voters of La Crosse.\nToday’s article tells what\ngood day care should be.\n\nDay care of children offers |\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 3288.477294921875, 9641.298828125, 3774.31005859375, 9715.5185546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "VALUABLE BIRD\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 903.4169921875, 7176.98828125, 1549.3858642578125, 7241.1337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "FOOD STUCK TO PANS\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 2463.9738203125, 4324.4054609375, 3253.5383867187497, 4684.1091875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "| Day care of children offers a\nwide variety of arrangements\nwhich may be chosen by par-\nents to best suit their needs for\nthe different ages of their chil-\ndren.\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2478.36083984375, 9702.2744140625, 2833.581787109375, 9764.3896484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "LAMB STEW\n" }, "52": null, "53": { "bbox": [ 3284.693115234375, 9132.517578125, 3689.38427734375, 9195.498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "SUED RUSKIN\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 147.71986828613282, 6264.92059765625, 1624.946345703125, 7152.783015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winters, Black River Falls, cele-\nbrated their 64th wedding anniversary Sunday,\nMay 19, in the Jackson Home, Black River Falls.\nMr. and Mrs. Winters were married on May 19,\n1904. Winters is a retired railroad mail clerk. They\nresided in Merrillan from 1916 to 1930, while he\nworked on the Marshfield Branch of the North\nWestern Railroad. The Winterses then moved to\nMinneapolis, Minn., and he worked on mail trains\nfrom there to Chicago. They returned to Merrillan\nwhen he retired in March 1947 and lived there until\nthe mid-1950s when they moved to Alma Center.\nThey are now residents of the Jackson Home at\nBlack River Falls.\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 135.85540771484375, 7210.51220703125, 849.2035522460938, 7954.80224609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "A A 1 el A el A A\n\nlocks out the\ntarnish — gives\nyou up to 10\n\npolishes free !\n" }, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 20, 23 ] ]
[ 5644.4390234375005, 8612.4370703125 ]
[ [ 4, 3 ], [ 5, 4 ], [ 9, 0 ], [ 23, 20 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4944.65228515625, 620.88666015625, 5644.4390234375005, 2674.738583984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "‘The Cardinals pulled it out 21-20\n‘after trailing 17-0 at the end of\nthe third quarter.\n\nMinnesota (3-3) will meet Chi-\n\n:¢ago)6(2-4) in another — re.\nmatch of a Sept. 29 pairing. The\n‘Bears upended the Vikings 27-17\nfour weeks ago, the first defeat\nfor Minnesota.\n/ In other games today, New\nYork (4-2) will be at Washington\n(3-3), Atlanta (1-5) at Cleveland\n(3-)3 and the two winless teams,\nPhiladelphia (0-6) and Pitts.\nburgh (0-6) will clash at Pitt\nStadium.\n\nThe Rams and Colts plaved a\n24-24 tie in Baltimore a year ago\nbut Los Angeles ended the long\nBaltimore winning streak in\nCalifornia in the last game of\nthe regular season, 34-19. This is\n‘the first of two meetings this\nseason, the second to be played\nDec. 15 in Los Angeles.\n\nGeorge Allen's defensive\ngiants have won 14 in a row in\n‘regular season. They specializa\nin dumping the quarterback\nwith 26 smears in six winning\nefforts. Roman Gabriel, the\nRams’ passer, has been thrown\nonly five times. Dick Bass,\nTommy Mason and Lamar [un-\nday are due to return after\nmissing the Atlanta game due to\nminor injuries,\n| Baltimore has been torn be-\ntween starting John Unitas, still\nrecovering from arm trouble, or\n‘continuing with Earl Morrall.\nCoach Don Shula has been post-\n-poning a decision on his quar-\nterback as long as possible.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 4316.09130859375, 89.42056274414062, 5580.99658203125, 580.6900634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Rams, Colts\nClash Today\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1554.59033203125, 1684.8365478515625, 2206.871337890625, 1956.468017578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Field Trials\n\nDue Tuesday\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3583.179140625, 1867.03119140625, 4263.95123046875, 2662.868955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "from Brian McCullough — to\n‘sophomore end Len Coleman.\nMeCullough ripped 11 yards\nfor the Tigers’ second TD with\n‘8:44 remaining, and Arnold\nHoltherg’s second conversion\nmade it 19-14.\n_ Princeton made a last ditch\ndrive with five minutes to play\n‘as Scott McBean and Ellis\nMoore ran for two first downs\nthat carried the ball to Penn’s\n49. George Burrell, spearhead of\na swarming Penn defense. in-\ntercepted McCullough’s pass at\nthe Penn 37.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2902.481875, 1867.5874658203124, 3567.5757421875, 2666.575986328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "second in the last 13 meeting:\nwith a rival of 60 vears.\n\nPenn built a 19-0 lead on a 1\nyard touchdown by Santini i\nthe first period, Berry's 25-yare\nfield goal in the second and 39\nyarder in the third and an 18\nyard TD pass from quarter\nback Bernie Zbrzeznj to Gra\nham in the third period.\n\nStopped twice in the seconc\nperiod deep in Penn territory o1\nfourth down and short yardag:\nSituations, Princeton finall\nbroke through in the fina\nquarter on 57-yard TD pas\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2234.599306640625, 1872.7481103515624, 2899.842099609375, 2664.47955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA {AP) —\nTouchdowns by hard running\nGerry Santini and tight end\nDave Graham and a pair of\nfield goals hy Eliot Berry car-\nried unbeaten Penn to a 19-14\nIvy League football victory over\nPrinceton Saturday.\n\nA crowd of 30.886, the largest\nto see the Quakers play here\nsince 1955, watched Penn brunt\na late Princeton rally to win its\nfifth straight for the first time in\n20 years.\n\nIt was Penn’s first win over\nPrinceton since 1959 and _the\n\na a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1573.6007080078125, 88.55343627929688, 4246.5419921875, 1403.6790771484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 859.1936645507812, 7045.80224609375, 1467.4434814453125, 7288.33837890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "\\ irginia Hands\n\nNavy 24-0 Loss\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 841.5396142578124, 5315.4398828125, 1522.88580078125, 6997.1108984375005 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Pittsburgh (AP) — Ernest\nJennings and Curtis Martin\n‘scored first quarter touchdowns\nthat started Air Force to a 27-14\nvictory over Pittsburgh Satur-\nday.\n\nJennings raced 55 yards for\nthe first period score that got\nthe Falcons started to their\nthird victory against three de-\nfeats.\n\nMartin took a pass from sub-\nstitute quarterback Steve Tur-\nner and went 2 yards for the\nsecond score.\n\nMartin also ran 42 vards for\nthe key gain in the Air Force’s\nthird touchdown and made the\nfinal score from the one.\n\nPittsburgh, on the passing of\nDave Halvern and the running\nof Dave Ferris, moved the hall\nwell in the middle of the field.\nBut 103 yards in penalties, an\nAir Force defense that dropped\nthe quarterback nine times and\nfour Air Force pass intercep-\ntions gave Pittshurgh its fifth\nloss against one victory.\n\nAir Foree's Terry Petrzelka\nintercepted two of the Pitts.\nburgh passes. Air Force quar-\nterback Garry Baxter was in.\njured on the first play of the\n\ni hh ee eee Ae ee eee\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4267.8480859375, 643.8793969726562, 4936.3818945312505, 2673.606015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "By the Associated Press\n| The big showdown battle be-\ntween the unbeaten Los Angeles\n‘Rams and the Baltimore Colts\n‘today tops the weekend pro\n‘gram in the National Footbal\nLeague\n\nAs a companion feature the\nregular season rematch of the\n‘Green Bay-Dallas series in the\nCotton Bowl on Monday night\n‘will revive memories of their\n‘two title game thrillers in re.\ncent years,\n\n| Although the Colts (5-1) were\n‘upended by Cleveland las\n‘week, perhaps because thes\nwere looking ahead too far\nTheir meeting with the Rams\n(6-0) at Baltimore shapes up a:\n‘the most important game of the\nseason to date. All clubs hit the\nhalfway mark in the 14-game\nseason this weekend.\n\n| Green Bay (2-3-1) expects tc\nhave Bart Starr back at the con\ntrols again in time for the na\ntionally televised (CBS) Monday\nnignt game in Dallas but the\nCowboys (64) are favored. Dal\nlas never has beaten Green Ba}\n‘in five regular season anc\nchampionship meetings.\n\n| The Packers are only one\n‘game behind Detroit (3-2-1\n‘which will be at home to the Sar\n‘Francisco 49ers (3-3) in a gam\ntoday.\n\n| New Orleans (3-3) and St\n‘Louis (3-3), tied with Clevelanc\nfor the Jead in the Century Divi\n‘sion, meet at St. Louis in a re\nimatch of an exciting contes\nplayed in New Orleans Sept. 29\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2236.940673828125, 1658.6270751953125, 4282.42333984375, 1834.9678955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Unbeaten Penn 19-14 Winner\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1534.1326318359374, 1988.8528466796874, 2223.603330078125, 4815.2666601562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The Panhandle Bird Dog Club,\nInc. will open its fall field trials\non Tuesday at 8 a.m. on the\nGene Howe Wildlife Manage-\nment Area near Canadian, says\nOliver Austin of Washburn, club\npresident. These 1968 fall trials\nwill feature the running of the\nRegion 7 Amateur Shooting Dog\n‘Championship. |\n| Drawings for places in the\nopen and the championship\nevents will be held on Monday\nat 8:30 p.m. in the city hall\nat Canadian and drawings for\nthe amateur stakes will be held\nin the city hall at 8:30 p.m.\non Friday.\n\nThe stakes, running time, and\nentry fees are: Open Shooting\nDog, 30 minutes, $24 entry fee;\nOpen Derby, 30 minutes, $20;\nRegion 7 Amateur Shooting Dog\n‘Championship, one hour, $35;\n‘Amateur All-Age, 30 minutes,\n1$15; Amateur Derby, 30\niminutes, $8; Amateur Shooting\n| Dog, 30 minutes, $10; Amateur\n| Puppy, 20 minutes, $7.\n| Entries in the events will\nlclose at the time of the draw-\ntings, club officials say. Six or\nseven days will be required to\ncomplete the holding of the\nscheduled events.\n\nJudges will be W. K. Young\nof Tulsa, Okla., J. H. Criswell\nof Ada, Okla., and Wayne\nCornelius of Fort Worth, In ad-\ndition the trophies to be award.\ned, shotguns will be presented\n‘to owners of the Open and the\n‘Amateur Shooting Dog Stakes\nwinners.\n| Entries should be mailed to\nthe club secretary, W. O. Mate-\nijowsky, Box 919, Pampa, club\nofficials say. The publie is in-\n-vited to attend all of the trials\nwhich will likely continue\nthrough Monday, Nov. 4. There\nwill not be any admission\ncharges to visitors at the trials.\nIn prior years the contests held\nby the Panhandle Bird Dog Club\nhave attracted many owners of\nthe most talented dogs in the\nsouthwestern area, and a large\ngroup of hunting dogs is ex-|\npected for the 1968 fall event,\n\nAviectin eave. r\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 850.6267114257812, 7309.831484375, 1517.3756689453126, 8515.555234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -\nVirginia broke open a defensive\nbattle with three second hal\ntouchdewns and stopped Nav\n24-0 Saturday in a game whic!\ncounted as an Atlantic Coas\nConference football victory fo\nthe Cavaliers,\n\nDefensive back Ron Ranniga\nreturned an intercepted pass 6\nyards for the only touchdown it\nan evenly-played first half,\n\nBut the Cavaliers struck fo\ntwo third quarter scores a1\ndrives which took only thre\nplays each and added a fina\ntouchdown in the last quarter.\n\nRannigan pulled in Navi\nquarterback Mike McNallen’:\npass at the Virginia 32 early i:\nthe second quarter picked u]\nnlockers as he sped down th\nleft sideline and cleared the las\nNavy defender about 30 yard:\nfrom the Middie goal.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 850.8093872070312, 4868.65625, 1512.2574462890625, 5268.81201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Aur Force\n\nWins Zl 4\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1535.830322265625, 4858.76220703125, 2169.079345703125, 5280.77099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Chargers,\nChiefs Clash\nIn Kev Tilt\n" }, "15": null, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 2281.82763671875, 2650.08251953125, 5526.12060546875, 8482.7392578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n\nse RS Rr ks boa Ee hae\neeseoceecese one seseeceseocoeseoaeneaea\na\n\n: Guaranteed :\nE ccxecctacsall\n\ne ;\neecaeeescoeeea cee eeocsceneesees oe\n\n \n\nOFFER GOOD DURING\nOCTOBER\nNOVEMBER\n\n \n\nof\n\nFLECTRIC i“\nRANGE!\n\n ... and now it’s easier than ever to own one, fg\nDuring October and November, participating ;\nelectric appliance dealers will give you free\n\nwiring and guaranteed satisfaction. If, within\n\n \n\nRenan at\n\n \n\n60 days from your date of purchase, you 3\nare not happy with your new electric range, ;\nyour dealer will take it back and refund 4\n‘the money you have paid... you still keep i\n\nthe free wiring. You need only live in a\n\n1 or 2 family home and receive your electric\nservice from us, Act now... offer expires\nNovember 30th,\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nER (Lan\nTeg \\ ELECTRIC\n\nDP PUBL SERNA\n\n* AT YOUR PARTICIPATING\nELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER\n\n30-2\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1524.9418359375, 5284.46625, 2223.449033203125, 8511.0894140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "By The assacletee Press 1\n\nWill it be one of the other, or}\nsome other kind of alphabet for-'\n\nmation that Coach Hank Stram\nwill throw at the San Diego\n‘Chargers today in order to\nkeep his Kansas City Chiefs at\nthe head of the class in the\nAmerican Football League's\nWestern Division?\n\nThat's the big question in o\nbig game on the full AFL pro-|\ngram that also spotlights a bat-\nA at New York between the)\n\nEastern Division leading ot\nand the runner-up Boston Pa-|\ntriots. )\n\nIn other games, defending\nchampion Oakland expects to:\ncet beck on the winning side of\nthe ledger at home against Cin-\nicinnati, Houston is at Buffalo,\nand Miami at Denver. |\n_ But while nine clubs are using\nthe standard proptype offense,\nIt’s anyone's guess what Stram\n\nwill come up with. |\n® @ @ |\n\nHe's used what he terms the\nTight End I formation, with two\nbacks and the tight end lining\nup straight behind the quarter-\n\nhack, and last week suddenly\nwent back some 20 vears in his-\ntory and had the Chiefs running\nfrom straight IT formation.\n\nIn that line-up, the Chiefs em-\nploved two tight ends—Reg Ca-\nrolan and Fred Arbanas—and\nthree running backs—Mike Gar-\nre(t, Robert Holmes and Wen-\ndell Haves.\n\nThe result was 294 vards\ngained on the ground, only\nthree passes attempted by quar-\niterback Len Dawson and a 24-10\nivietorv over Oakland that left\nithe Chiefs at the head of the\n\nWest with a 6-1 record to 5-1 for\nSan Diego and 4-2 for Oakland.\n\nStram just might be forced to\niuse the information again with\n' wide receivers Otis Tavlor and\n| Gloster Richardson still douht-\n\nful because of injuries. Or he\njust might come up with some.\n|. thing else as a surprise for the\nrunner-up Chargers,\n| San Diego will throw the\nAFL's No. 1 rated offense, di-\n‘rected hy auarterhack John\n| Hadl, at the Chiefs. Kansas City\nhas allowed the least points in\nithe league, 66, and only eight\ntouchdown—but seven have\n‘heen by passing and Had! un-\nsibel, will try to exploit\n‘that.\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1635.0455322265625, 5305.041015625, 2069.081298828125, 5343.60888671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "By The Accacioted Prese\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 855.1340356445312, 609.4080834960937, 1533.900205078125, 4867.4609960937505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "a.m. on the Gene Howe Wildlife\nan. Those bird dogs are some\ni minute and likely those trials\nrges.\n\nwalks she turns them up so they\n‘won't touch the cold floor. A\n‘day or so ago I told her she\nlooked like she was kicking\nalong a couple of dozen wooden\nclothes pins in front of her, I\nwish I could learn to wait till\nJater in the day to mention\n‘things like that. Her humor isn’t\nthe best sometimes early in the\nmorning,\n\nOFTEN ABOUT THIS TIME\nOF YEAR some folks report\nseeing big bunches of geese and\nsometimes they do see them\nBut often, too, the birds seen\nare cranes and not geese. The\ncranes fly in the V-formation\nJust as geese fly, But the\ncranes’ legs extend out behind\nthem and those of geese do not\n‘A ecrane’s neck is folded back\n‘and his head carried rather\nhigh. A goose’s neck is extended\n‘Straight forward and his head\nkept low, The sound a crane\nmakes is sort of a ‘‘pur-r-rt’’\nsound. And a goose gives his\n‘“ker-whonk.’’ A bunch of geese\noften sound at a distance much\nas does a bunch of barking dogs.\nGoose season will open on Oct.\n30.\n\nMAYBE YOU DON'T WANT\nto see a gin show at all. But\nthe one to be held at the Tri-\nState Fairgrounds on Nov. 16\nand 17 by the Pioneer Gun\nCollectors Association may be\nthe last one you'll ever get an\nopportunity to see. Folks in-\nterested in the collecting of guns\nhave been delivered some ter-\nrific blows that were intended\nto he knockout punches, In some\nproposed laws the sale of am-\nmunition would be restricted,\ntoo.\n\nJUST FOR INSTANCE if vou\nregistered a shotgun of 12-gauge\nthen you wouldn't be allowed\nto buy any shotgun shells of\n20-gauge or 16-gauge 1 never\nused the word “harassment’’ in\nconnection with gun laws, but\nsuch a law would be outright\nharassment. When some\nlawmakers in Washington, D.C.\nfind that they can't force\nthrough enough restrictive laws\npropose laws intended to red\nto suit themselves, then they\npropose laws intended to re\nfape a gun owner plumb to\ndeath. And all the while a thug\ncould get all the guns and am\nmunition he wanted and get\nthem illegally,\n\nSPORTSMEN HAVE BEEN\nTOLD that they should be will.\ning to undergo “a little in-\nconvenience’ in order to\nregister their guns. But in New\nHaven, Conn., in order to apply\nfor a pistol permit you fill out\n21 pages of paper work. In New\nYork City you apply for a\npermit and put up $20. If your\nrequest is turned down you don't\nget the $20 back — it’s put\ninto the police pension fund.\n\nIF THE HOLDER of a pistol\npermit in New York dies, his\nfirearms are immediately con\nfiscated by the police and his\nestate is not paid for the guns\n— not a red cent. Sportsmen\nknow the real meaning of ‘‘a\nlittle inconvenience’ when that\nphrase is used regarding\nregistering sporting firearms.\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 153.2759423828125, 423.9055505371094, 868.3327612304688, 8612.4370703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "OLIVER AUSTIN, president of\nInc. and all the club officers i\ntrials to begin on Tuesday at 8 ;\nManagement Area near Canadi\nof the finest. There's a thrill a\nwill continue all week -—- no char\n\nAND IF you'd like to)\ntrapshoot for merchandise\nprizes today, there’s a Turkey.\nShoot at Wellington beginning at\n1:30 p.m. The whole city of\nWellington invites you to come\nover and take part, say Troy\nMarsh, Junior Owens, Oris.\nWest, and Bud Higginbotham of\nthat citv. The shoot is at the\nVIEW post.\n\nBEGINNING ON MONDAY at\n130 $.m. a course in basic\n\nistol marksmanship and gun\n\njandiing will he taught in the\nindoor range of the Amarillo Ri-\nfie and Pistol Club on N.\nWestern, Men and women are\ninvited to take the course.\nYou're invited to join the\ncourse. Lady folks are given a\nspecial invitation. :\n\nJACKIE KENNEDY AND\nONASSIS got = married and,\nevervone in the world has heen\nwondering why they got mar-\nried, It has plumb disturbed a\npasse! of folks as to why they\nmarried. I know why. The peo-\nple have not come up with the\nreason and [| would have told\nthem sooner except that I just\nshouldn't dabble in the,\nmatrimonial affairs of on\nfolks. :\n\nEVERYBODY ATTACKE pb\nthe problem of why they got:\nmarried and they worked on the\n| Sige from the wrong angle.\n\nused the {indoor angie.\nThat won't do. I worked on the. |\nmatter from the outdoor angle\nand | have the answer.\n\nTHAT ISLAND that Onassis.\nowns is full of pheasants, quail\nof every variety, and chukars.\nand other game birds, In fact.\nthere is standing room only on.\ntnat island for birds. Jackie\nmarried Onassis to secure the\nhunting privileges on _ that)\nisland. The hunting rights there\nare an invaluable addition to.\nany family. That's the reason,\nshe did it. There can’t be any!\nother reason with hunting con-.\nditions the way they are now.|\nYes sir, that can be the\nreason indoors or out.\n\nYOU SNOW SKIERS who are.\ngoing to Vail, Colo. around Nov.\n1 can see a real live Indian\nguru there. He will attend the.\nbig dance in Vail and then he'll\nretreat into the hills to\nmeditate, like most self-respec-\ntoe Curis do. The Vall\nhewspaper savs the last time\na guru came to the United),\nStates to retreat into the,\nAmerican hills he went into the |\nCatskill Mountains in New York. |\nHe went on foot into the moun: |\ntains.\n\nTHE GURU PLAYED on an\nIndian instrument called a sitar.)\nHe played it near a chincliftc!\nfarm and it seemed like all the\nchinchillas followed him into the;\nhills. And even though he walk-!\ned into the hills on foot the|\nnext time he was seen was in!\nNew York and he was driving |\na Cadillac of the latest model, |!\nSo vou skiers had better watch!\nthat guru when he retreats. i\n\nOMER BYBEE of the Bybee -\nMarine and Supply Company of |\nFritch says that a couple of]\nAmarillo men have been scoring |\non the channel catfish in Lake rt\nMeredith. He says that Harold.\nHolliday of 1040 Bagarry and)\nAlvin Bostick, 6603-B Lariat, got,\neight channel catfish and they,\nranged from over 3% pounds:\nto one pound on big minnows\nand water dogs for bait.\n\nOmer savs some walleve are’\neoming out of the lake but they’\nare just (of fair size Cecil\nWatson of Fritch has been get-.\nting big channel eatfish regular-\nly, some of them going over.)\nsix bo cads Cecil and Harold,\nand Al got the channel catfish |\non trotlines\n\nMR. AND MRS, J. p, COKER ‘\nof 3701 Emil asked Claude,\nGilmore, 2916 Browning, to go\ndeer and elk hunting with them't\nat Telluride, Colo. Claude can't t\n#0 and he's grieving about it.'t\nHe says that Mrs. Coker is af\nreal Annie Oakley with a rifle\nand the Cokers have a house :\nIn Telluride so he could go first ”\nclass. |\n\nJust about the time he got/5\nwell from that. Dr. Norman\nWright, Dr. John Jones, and Dr. {\nRichard Jetton asked him to go;\nelk hunting with them on he ¢\nwestern slope of Colorado. And\nClaude had to tell them that\nhe couldn't go along even if they\npaid him for being a cook, horse\nwrangler, chauffeur, and guide.\nClaude’s humor the last few\ndays isn’t so good because he's ‘\nae to turn down two lovely\ntrip\n\nSOME FOLKS who go deer't\nhunting wi'l become ill -- they’ll |\nget what is called Buck Fever\nYou freeze up when vou see j\na deer You can't move a mus- |\ncle. You just stand there im- 4\nmohile and don’t fire vour gun, ;\nAnd away bounds the deer |\nunhurt. It’s a common ailment’\namong deer hunters, folks sav.\nI never saw anvone with it\nSometimes just a silly smile\ncomes to the hunter’s face.\n\nAND I NEVER HAD IT. But\nsome of my friends and 1 have\nbeen struck down with what vou\nmight call Quailitis It must hej\nahout the same thing as Buck ,\nFever, I’ve had Quailitis 4\nnumber of times. When a bunch\nof quail got up right under my *\nfeet I've just stood there with ‘\nmv gun and not done a thing. |\nIt's an odd feeling. It leaves|t\nyou feeling plumb si'ly. |\n\nI REMEMBER one time [1\nwas with an experienced auail :\nhunter A covev of 25 or 30:\nheautiful quail got up under his:\nfeet and he just stood there. |\nWhen they got up he looked at’,\nthe: n and then he just shouted,\n\n‘Boo. You could have heard\nhim a mile. Don't think Quailitis\nwont hit yeu, too. It might,\nanytime\n\nWHEN WIFE GETS UP!\nEARLY in the morning to fix |\nmy breakfast if I'm going!\nfishing or hunting she walks |\nharefooted in the “kite! en, Her!\ntoes are long and when she f\n\n4\n" }, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 32, 4 ], [ 32, 20 ], [ 32, 55 ], [ 32, 28 ], [ 4, 20 ], [ 4, 55 ], [ 4, 28 ], [ 20, 55 ], [ 20, 28 ], [ 55, 28 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 9, 7 ], [ 11, 14 ], [ 33, 35 ], [ 33, 21 ], [ 33, 46 ], [ 35, 21 ], [ 35, 46 ], [ 21, 46 ] ]
[ 3059.4637851562497, 4849.121011718749 ]
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 9, 7 ], [ 14, 11 ], [ 20, 55 ], [ 21, 33 ], [ 28, 4 ], [ 32, 20 ], [ 33, 46 ], [ 35, 21 ], [ 55, 28 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1071.9149990234375, 3097.997640625, 1557.2996005859375, 4155.753824218749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "BNE Re\n\nThe most common argument used for\ncontinuing the war in Indochina is a\nworld Communist plot...\n\nTf our cause in Indochina is so just\nand honorable, why haven't many other\ndemocratic countries of the world recog-\nnized the need to stop Communism in\nVietnam and actively joined with us?.,.\n\nOur government is made up of human\nbeings elected by human beings, We are\nall capable of errors in judgment. Viet-\nnam was such an efror.\n\nGreat people accept failures or mis\ntakes. Why, then, can't a great country\nmade up of great people try a new\nstrategy in sulving world problems?\n\nThe best way to convince the world\ndemocracy really works is to stop this\nWar going nowhere, take care of the\nmultitude of internal problems we have\nand then proceed to guide and help\nother countries to a better way of life.\nBy that I mean self-help, not inter-\nference. We cannot force anyone tu be-\nlieve as we do bul we van be a living\nexample of true democracy.\n\nWhy do we in die Linited States take\nsuch pride in being the strongest? Why\nnot take pride in being the fairest, the\nmost educated, the must willing to live\nwith people of other ideologies, and hav-\ning a hgh standard of living for every-\none? The diverse talents ot all our\npeople are what really helped make\nAmerica great... — Marvel Skadberg,\n607 Riveroak Drive, Ames, la. 50010.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2568.13582421875, 2787.541830078125, 3052.7565097656247, 4011.0287265624997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "The Legislative Tax Revision Study\nCommittee, created by resolution in the\n1970 session, has completed its seven\npublic hearings. .\n\nMuch of the testimony was the same;\nthe thought that “property is not an\nindicator of wealth nor the ability to pay\ntaxes” was expressed in every way pos-\nsible — and often. That there is general\ndissatisfaction with Iowa’s dependence\nupon the property tax is unquestioned.\n\nWhen alternatives are examined close-\nly, the figures become staggering. For\nJocal school costs alone, over $400 mil-\nlion is raised by the property tax in\nIowa. When one considers that the total\nraised by the state income tax in Towa\nis $125 million annually, and that it\nwould take a quintupling of this tax to\nwipe out the property taxes levied for\nschools, one sees the problem. ;\n\nWe doubt if the Tax Revision Study\nCommittee will recommend the kind of\ndrastic shift in the burden of local tax-\nation suggested by many at the public\nhearings. But we have no doubt that a\nworthwhile change will come about as a\nresult of the committee’s work. It can”\nrecommend and press for legislation\nthat would establish a foundation pro-\ngram for public school education that\nwould make it possible for every school\ndistrict to offer a competitive education\nto ils students regardless of local re-\nsources.\n\nAt least half the funds to finance this\nfoundation program should come from\nState income, sales and other taxes,\nWith this, we suggest a state-wide prop-\nerty tax to raise the other half of the\nState funds for the foundation program,\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 50.51753045654297, 2639.930013671875, 529.6868686523437, 3919.4347324218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "in the days before the white man\narrived, an estimated 50.000 Tiidians of\nthe Paciie Northwest hiurvested 18 mil-\nlian pounds of salmon fram the Colum-\nhia River alone, dn the ldian tradition,\nthey took only what they needed, ta\nensure that the salmon ran would con-\ntinue ta be fremtful,\n\nWith the white man's arrival in nun-\nbers in the middle of the last century,\ntndian bands were reduced fa afew\nsmall patches. But the Indians signed\ntreaties in the 1850s which they thonpht\nupheld their salmon fishing mehts., an\nand off (heir reservations.\n\nDisputes between sports fishermen\nand the Jndians over these rights bored\nover in the imid-150s: Indians found\ntheir nets cut and theic fishing ger\ndestroyed “Vish-ins tu dramative the\nIndian cause began in [Nd violence\nbroke out in WS ina riverbank battle\nfought with sticks. stones and paddles\nby state officers and Indies.\n\nThe Indians had been granted; treaty\nrights to fish in the “usual and accus-\ntomed places.” The U.S. Supreme Court,\nin a 1988 ruling, ackuowledged that\ntreaty right. but said the treaty did) not\nspecify that the Indians could fish in the\n“usual and accustomed tanner.” ‘Thus,\nsaid the court. ihe Indians had ne guar-\nanteed right to use nets, as they had in\nvarlier times: their right ta fish. the\nstreams Was one “ine common with all\ncitizens of the territars.” and therefore\nthey were subject to the same state\nregulations as others,\n\nThe Indians. however, are persisting.\nLast week. armed Indians dined the\nhanks of a sahnon river near Taeami,\nW . Lo protect off-reservation Indian\nLishermen Aligned against them: are the\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 540.8925991210938, 2630.758138671875, 1025.6455478515625, 3913.2660312499997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nsports fishermen and cammerciat\nes, who blame the Indians for the\ndepletion af the salmon catches.\n\nThe 1959 annual report of the Wash-\nington Department of Fisheries states\nthat the ‘results of inany a protective\nregulation en commercial and sport fish-\ning have served merely to Fill an Indian\nnet But the stitisties fail to bear ont\nthe implication that a relative handful of\nIndians are. serinusly reducing the\neateh. From 158 to 1967, non-Indian\nconmmereial fisheries accounted for 81.3\npercent of the fotal catch: sportsmen,\nf2 1b per cent. and Indians, 6.5 per cent,\n\nThe Washington Department of Fish-\n\neres eonecded in 1943) that it wis not\nfishing, but industrialization, {hat was\npemmarily yespenstble for the salmon\nEPimis;\n“The main cause of salmon depletion\nqin be traced directly ta the envican-\ntaental changes that have taken) place\nsince the advent of civitization in’ the\nParitie Northwest.”\n\nNarmn-bulding, channel-straightening,\nsenmping of gravel ant of the spawning\nbeds, lugging witich choked the streams\nwitht debris. and industrial pollution\nhave ruined wnany of the streams, ‘The\nGrand Caidee Dam destroved all the\nsaumon on the upper Columbia. The\nsalmon Narvest inthe World War 1\nsears totaled 16 inillien fish: by 1967,\nthe harvest had heen cat to three rmil-\nhen\n\nBut albeves are on that fraction taken\nhy the Indians.\n\nCirven time. an industeial nation’s ca-\npaciiy for polluting an environment\nWhich the Jndians, in their time, so\ncarelully preserved, will salve the cun-\ntroversy: (here won't be a salmon left\nqa fight over,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2070.662923828125, 3646.803548828125, 2551.5592441406247, 4849.121011718749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Southern states. He gave reassurances\nthat while he would enforae school de-\nsegregation laws, he did not propose to\ntreat the South as “‘a second-class” part\nof the nation. This was good for the\ngeneral white Southern public to hear.\n\nBut the President did not say he was\ncondoning the defiance of school deseg-\nregation if it occurred in a school dis-\ntrict in rural Louisiana just becouse the\npolicy was defied in a Northern town,\nThe clear implication is that both iocal-\nities are to be held to the law.\n\nThis implication is welcome because\nsmug Satisfaction has spread in some\nNorthern communities since the Presi-\ndent's speech Mar. 24, 1970, on “de\njure” and “de facto” school segregation.\nHe left the impression that his Adminis.\ntration had to combat the de jure type,\nbut was under little obligation to press\naffirmatively against the de facto type.\n\nJf the New Orleans assurances are\nmeaningful, the federal government will\nact against de facto schoo) segregation\nin the North. The white Southerners who\nstuck their necks out are not (according\nto the speech) to have their heads\nchopped off to the gleeful cheers of local\nsegregationists, And, those who have pro-\nceeded in good faith in the North\nwill not have the props knocked from\nunder them,\n\nAs for the white and black children,\nthey are as badly cheated whether the\nshells in the game are labeled de jure\nor de facto. The President said truly in\n4 news conference: “Those who will\nsulier (the failure of leadership) will not\nsimply be this generation, it will be\nprimarily the next generation,”\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2577.782552734375, 513.6942958984375, 3059.4637851562497, 1716.5580234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "HE, BUSES stopped running a short\ntime ago in Joliet, Ill., mainly be-\ncause there weren't enough people to\nride them. It’s an unhappy trend that’s\nhitting many small-to-medium-sized\ncities. The impact has been felt in no\nsmall degree throughout the Quad-Cities.\nRecently it was reported that Bettendorf\ncould be without bus service after Sept.\n1 for the first time in two decades when\na 90-day agreement expires.\n\nIn the Quad-Cities bus usage report-\nedly has declined by about 188,000 pas-\nsengers in the first half of 1970 com-\npared with the first six months of 1969.\nIn Davenport. the City Transit Authority\nis seeking a federal grant for a techni-\ncal study to try to determine route\nfeasibility and the possibilities of com-\nbining city and school district bus service.\n\nA year ago, Davenport voters ap-\nproved creation of the transit authority\nand the issuance of up to- $500,000 in\nbonds as a means of guaranteeing con-\ntinuation of service but smaller cities\nand towns generally cannot afford to\nsubsidize systems or take them over. Nor\ncan they get much help from the U.S.\n\nIn Joliet, downtown merchants paid\n$1,000 a month to keep buses running\nfrom last December to March. Phe city\npaid another $1,000 but finally the mer-\nchants gave up.\n\nSome, who have a car, say they\nwouldn't miss bus transportation. But\namong those who would say otherwise,\nin almost any city, large or small, are\nthe young, the elderly, the poor. Their\ncontinuing transil plight is a most urgent\nproblem in the Quad-Cities and across\nthe nation.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 57.93880654907227, 1601.2646083984375, 538.2433872070312, 2527.946939453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Tao of America’s Far astern allies,\nthe Philippines and ‘Pane, have col-\nJaborated in The suppression af a news.\npaper and the imprisonment of ats pub.\nlisher and ifs editor.\n\nPhilippines President: Ferdinand Mar-\ncos arrested the brothers Quavin: Yuyi-\nlung, publisher: and Rizal Yuyitung, edi\ntor. of the Chinese Camimercial News in\nMuntla. The charge was publishing new\nfavorable to the Communist cause amd\nderogatory to the Marcos government.\nThe Yuvilungs had been arrested by the\narmy vears before on these charges, bul\nthe charges hid been dropped. and the\nbrothers made apology and retraction as\nrequired Dy a presidential order. ‘Tien,\non Mar. 23. 1970, Marcos renewed) the\nattack and filed departition charges\nagainst the Yuyitungs. ¢They are Mie\nuila-born Chinese and have renounced\nChinese citizenship. 1\n\nThe deportation hearing. ludd late at\nnight, was a darees The chives: were\nsupported by such “evidence” as use of\nthe word Peking instead of Peiping: and\nof the name People’s Republic of China\ninstead of the Bandit Regime of Mano.\nWhile the case was still pending. (he\ntwo brothers were picked ap and hiuled\noff to Taipei, Taian.\n\nThere, last week, they were tried by a\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 555.9186611328125, 624.2845668945313, 1039.5131015625, 1489.5528964843752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "This inconvenience will hamper only\none part of their operalions, Warren, for\nexaniple. has 100 annual permits to haul\nover-sized loads which are untouched by\nthe penalty. They cover all but the larg-\nest loads. Warren also has a large fleet\nfor hauling regilar-sized loads which is\nunaffected by the disciplinary action.\n\nWarren has heen violating the three-\nyear-old over-sized vehicle Jaw with\nregularity, ever since the commission\nbelated! y got around to trying to enforce\ni. He was hauled before the commission\nlast year after tallymg up 33 violations\nin Wo tmonths. At that time the commi\nsian took away his routine permit priv\nJege for four weeks. Warren said, “We\nhave tightened up our operations and\ngotten fuuuher with our operators.”\nThal now looks ke an empty promise,\n\nSome truckers apparently have been\nencouraged to disresard truck size and\nweight laws becuase violations have\nbeen so lightly punished. For the War-\nren truck firm's 59 other violations: this\nyear, the fines tataled only $913, ‘That is\naominiseule amount for a large tracking\nfirm. PP the commission is lo pet greater\nrespect for the hie, HW maust punish more\nerely thace who disrespect it,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 547.9973354492188, 1600.3388271484375, 1030.485513671875, 2527.560220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "military court and convicted of printing\npropaganda of benett ta the Chinese\nCommunists. Rizal was sentenced a\nthree years in peisen and Quintin te twa.\n\nThe Tuternational Press Institute,\nwhich held its world assembly in Hong\nKong, interceded in behalf of the Manila\nnewspapermen but failed. IPI uryed\nthat the case be tried in apen civil court\naad was promised by ihe Taiwan gov-\nermuent Ulat this would be done. Na\ncharges have been proved against the\nYusstungs ‘They lave simply been si-\nJeneed and prt wn prison.\n\nIt is no surprise to find the police\nsite regime af Chiang Jkai-shek han-\ndhng a couple of journalists in this fash-\nion. It is a surprise to find such behavior\nut othe gavernment ef the Philippines,\nWhich has a constilutien guaranteeing a\nfree press and which has tad the pre-\nsumed advantages of half a century of\ntutelage under United Slates rule,\n\nThis case is anuther reminder of how\nfragile the democratic freedoms are and\nhow dependent they aré upon the long\ntradition and constant vigilance of a\npeople. IL, also reminds us that being\nagainst the Communists is not the same\ntung as being for freedam and de-\nmarracy.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 66.47833825683594, 621.0700893554688, 543.2925205078125, 1492.5917148437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe lowa Highway Commission has\nRiven another wrist slap to Jack Ware\nren. a Waterloo trucker) who has\nfrequently violated state laws gaverning\nthe size, weight and permissible routes\nof trucks,\n\ntn the first four months af 1970, track\ndrivers for Warren Transport. Ine. were\nrenvicted eight times fer vielahans of\nthe state Taw covering: over-sized laitels\nWarren drivers alse were convirted\nhines of violations involving regular:\nslaed Inds,\n\nThe commission cnfarees the over\nsized load daw, whieh authorizes it to pe-\nnalize truckers affer five non-willinl vin-\nlations. Which is haw all eight of Warren's\nIrespasses were generoausiv classified.\nThe commission alsa may inveke penal:\nfies affer one willfil) violation, which\ntripped up lwo out-of-stale truckers,\n\nThe penalty for Warren and the other\n(vo firms was ty deny them the roathie\nissuance of single-dcip permits, They\nwill have to wait for the biweekly com-\nmission meetings te get permis, which\nwill mean some ineanvenience and per-\nhaps the toss of a few hanling jobs.\nWarren obtained a0) single Irip permits\nJnst month.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2565.85066796875, 4177.442953125, 3044.6981601562497, 4848.56925390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "An Albia reader questions the State-\nment by Ottumwa's police chief in a\nrecent Courier story. Chief Harry Capell\nwas quoted as saying “there was no\nnegligence in the accidental discharge of\na policeman’s revolver early Thursday\nat Holiday Inn.”\n\nPatrolman Donald Bartlett “was get-\nling up from a booth in the restaurant\nwhen his revolver apparently struck or\nCaught the side of the table and dis-\ncharged, sending a .38-caliber bullet\nthrough a window.” .\n\nThe chief explained that the gun was\nin Bartlett's holster when the accident\nhappened, and that there were no in-\njuries and no other damage.\n\nWe join the Albia reader in concern\nover such an incident. If there was no\nnegligence, then something needs to be\ndone to improve the Safety margin for\ninnocent bystanders, when they are\naround policemen carrying guns.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 540.8590908203125, 4027.77840234375, 1019.980142578125, 4566.8900546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "anarters or back home, If seme students\naie doabbeioned, some are disiusioning\n\nBombing of the Federal Ollice Bunld-\nitz in Minneapolis wis understandable.\nIshin said. because some believe violent\naenan is their aly method of making a\npoint, “T understind this kind of action\nPdowt condemn if, T don't deplore\nTodont endorse it’ Presumably,\nthen. he neither condemns nor deplores\nKent State and dacksen State. If the\nextremiztn ot the bomber is above con-\ndemnatioy, so is that of the trigger-\nHappy guardsimnan or patrolman\n\nWak campus tensions at a high level.\nthere i> an Utgent need for responsible\nstident iudership rather than immature\nThedaric,\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2566.152181640625, 1899.0478115234375, 3053.8666171874997, 2608.99601171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Did Gov, Robert Ray commit political\nsuicide as the result of some of his\nwords at the Wadena rock festival?\n\nAn Associated Press story quoted a\nFayetie businessman as declaring that\nRay had ruined his chances of re-elec-\ntion and “half the residents of this coun-\nty have written him letters... Most of\nthe people around here think he should\nhave sent out the National Guard ., .\nThey don’t understand condoning an ille-\ngal action.” oo\n\nThere were so many absurd general-\nities in the statement (“half the people\nof this-county,” etc.) that its prejudice\nwas apparent,\n\nOpinion is so mixed that we doubt if\nthere will be appreciable reflection\nagainst the governor atthe polls in the\nnext election as a result of the rock\nfestival, which by that time will have\nbeen forgotten. Actually what people re-\nmember best is that there was no vio-\ntence, no one hurt.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1088.479818359375, 1449.1657314453125, 1565.06827734375, 2180.354166015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe article by Steven Levine in the\nAug. 17 Register was a typical example\nof the ridiculous outpourings which turn\noff the Valder\" generations, In trying to\ndocument a “conspiracy’’ fo establish a\nhunting season on the young. he reels\noff a jong string of incidents without\nbothering to mention what ignited them.\n\nAs far as I am able to determine, all\nthe vietims enumerated were shot as a\nconsequence of crimes committed hy\nLevine’s young heroes. A crime is a\ntrime whether it is perpetrated by a\nperson 19 years ald ar ane 39.\n\nPerhaps Mr. Levine would require an\nID cheek of anyone burning down a\nbuilding, for instance, with permission\nto be granted to all arsonists under 25,\nAs with most claims of injustice to youth,\nwhat we really have here is a demand\nfor privilege. and again privilege, by the\nmost pampered element in our, or any\nother, society, -- Clarence B. Drennon,\n218 Pennsylvania Ave. Story City, Ia.\n50248, #\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 42.75048257446289, 4021.566, 524.8038120117187, 4814.20792578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Vidlener ie the inevitable consequence\nof frustration, says a vaum mia whe.\ndespite his suuth, shauld know better.\n\nDavid Uishin aleeted Wednesday as\npresident al the National Student Assoc\nation, colmplawed toa reparler. “lye\nbeen working for four veurs rever since\nhe was 17! and nothing's heen elfec-\ntive.”\n\nHe joined peace demunstrations.\n“That didn’t work. Mass marches ton’\nwork. We tried to get peace candidates\nclected, That didn't work. What's left!”\n\nWhat is deh, uf course, is harder\nwork.\n\nSome student activists have shown a\ncapacity for eilective political etfort\nBul for some. the nitty-gritty his proven\nfoo taxing. Professionals in the New\nYork congressional primary campaign\nof peace candidate Peter Eykenberry\ncomplained that tou many of the student\nvolunteers arrived prepared to write\n“positign papers.”’ not to ring doorbells,\nanf’ that the sligntest harassment sent\nthem scurry:ng back to campaign head-\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2603.843017578125, 2633.683837890625, 3010.935546875, 2748.98291015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Urges Foundation\nPlan for Schools\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1088.8561611328125, 325.4974270019531, 1578.5854892578125, 1286.297525390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "To the Editor:\n\n[t is absolutely incredible and ridi-\nculous that George Christian, Lyndon\nJohnson's former press secretary,\nshould state, that his boss “over-\nestimated” the American people and\nthat if was thus their weakness whieh\ncaused the disaster in Vietnam. This is\ncertainly ane af the most absurd insults\never thrown in the face of the great\nAmerican people, and it is abviously a\ndesperate aftempt ta omisplace the\nblame for the Southeast Asian debacle,\n\nCristian s that Ilo Chi Minh was\nable fo persevere because of disunity\nand opposition ty the war here at hame,\nLet us remember that Dwight Eisen-\nhower himself admitted that Ho would\nhave won 80 per cent of the votes in any\nelection, and fhis is why the United\nSlates prevented the scheduled elections\nfram being held in 1946, thus violating:\nthe Geneva Accards.\n\nThe truth is that this war is LBJ's\nbaby, a war which cannot be won and\nwhich we should net wish to win, as\n‘ohn Kenneth Galbraith has put it,\nRather than fevling ashamed. Ameri-\ncans should leok with pride on thase\nwho have for ve worked to stop this\niHegal and unne ty war which has\nblackened {he name of our beloved\ncountry all aver fhe world. -- William\nH. Husemen, Rt, 2, Aurelia, Ta. 51005.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1080.78230859375, 2344.738607421875, 1562.334146484375, 2942.8993320312497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "a UIE\n\nIn the Aug. 17 Register an alleged\nwriter named Steven Levine from Denver\naccuses President Nixon of calling ac-\ntivists and hippies “bums.” What the\nPresident did say was this: “You see,\nthese bums, you know, blowing up the\ncampuses today are the luckiest people\nin the world, going to the greatest uni-\nversities: and here they are burning up\nthe books, storming around about this\nissue...\"\n\nThe President. called the activists who\nDlow up campuses and burn books bums\nand was explicit. | suggest even a young\nbleeding heart such as Levine be accu-\nrate in his reporting of events, T wonder\nwhy your newspaper spoonfeeds its\nreaders these ramblings from one who\nmavbe just filled out his first Form 1040,\n— Roy E. Voelker, Oskuloosa, la,\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1615.83740234375, 1297.327392578125, 2522.678466796875, 1500.3447265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Fears American Sell-Out\nOf Israel on Cease-Fire\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1633.2647705078125, 3546.6875, 2497.5263671875, 3629.46875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "(ood Words From President:\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1579.47078515625, 3818.71590234375, 1871.433755859375, 4182.353921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "even more difficult to\nsurmount,\n\nThousands of white\nSoutherners have\nplanned and executed\nthe desegregation of\npublic schools in’ their\ndistricts. Even though\nthe new urder was cun-\ntrary to all that {hey\nbad been taught, they\nwent resolutely and with\nneenuity ahant the tack\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1760.096517578125, 1674.255453125, 2058.240396484375, 2042.5736484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "fons cMet action orticer\nfor the Near East, As-\nsistant Secretary of\nState Joseph Sisco. She\nwanted to draw urgent\nattention to a point in\nthe frame of reference\nfor the negotiations that\nwould follow a cease-\nfire.\n\nNext morning Ambas-\n\nsador Itzhak Rabin was\nslimmnnad ja a wand\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2600.752197265625, 4023.837890625, 3006.41943359375, 4140.064453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "‘No Negligence’ as\nGun Went Off?\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1116.2623291015625, 1307.8280029296875, 1530.4112548828125, 1428.4140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Says Young Writer\nWants ‘Privileqe’\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 106.05641174316406, 2558.89794921875, 945.0188598632812, 2621.782470703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Blaming Indians for White Man’s Folly\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 180.047607421875, 3948.157470703125, 871.2760009765625, 4015.176513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Loose-Thinking Student Leader\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1116.3756103515625, 2964.144287109375, 1511.02294921875, 3077.40283203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Why Take Pride\nIn Our Strength?\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2604.5810546875, 1742.0595703125, 3008.480712890625, 1857.254150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Doubts Ray Hurt\nBy Wadena Talk\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1572.1684169921875, 4495.13484765625, 2057.47843359375, 4837.9056796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Protesstons and family life. They risked\nMisinterpretation by news media.\n\nThese people, all of them not dyed-in-\nihe-wool integrationists, but all willing\ntw try to obey the law and to preserve a\nnubic school system, deserved help\nfrom Washingian. They deserved a poli-\nty thal could be stated in less than a\nfcw thousand confusing wards.\n\nSo, President Nixon went to New Ur-\nWeags and spoke personally to the new\nadvi.ory councils from some of the\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1076.2008056640625, 4212.81591796875, 1539.739501953125, 4797.078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Pot lest ~— Still life’\n\nToday everyone is aware\nOL pollution ard 15 dOing\nSomething ddouT iT--\n\nBP REN 165,\nis : \\ Adding\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2621.4189453125, 328.20208740234375, 3012.731689453125, 469.09112548828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "End of Line\nFor Transit?\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1134.048583984375, 2206.705810546875, 1503.8585205078125, 2325.5029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Suggests Levine\n‘Be Accurale’\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1579.70613671875, 3672.229818359375, 2055.005533203125, 3822.2240390624997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "CHOOL desegregation in many ly-\ncalities is a highly emotional issue.\n\nIt becomes explosive when fanned by\nagents provocateur who use it to main-\nlain racial barriers or to make these\n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1578.361654296875, 2049.712728515625, 2061.469888671875, 3504.3756503906247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "mg with Secretary of State William\nRogers on what he assumed would he the\npoint raised by the prime minister. The\nsecretary it developed, was not available,\nso the ambassador went back to his office,\nHe was summoned again four hours\nlater.\n\nThis lime the ambassador cooled his\nheels for half an hour while the secre.\ntary finished his lunch. Then he was\ncalled in and told that in one hour the\ncease-fire would be announced from\nUnited Nations headquarters in New\nYork. No allawance would be made for\nthe peint raised by Mrs. Meir. There\nwas na time even to discuss the matter,\n\nIsrael Feels\nTaken In\n\nThat little episode, told hore for the\nfirst time, I think, has poisoned sub-\nsequent relations between this country\nand Israel. 11 explains the recent public\nspitting match about violations of the\ntrice on the Egyptian side. For the\nIsraelis {eel they haye been taken in by\nthe cheap lawyer's trick of ducking is-\nsues with documents. They feel that\nthey get no consideration when they\nraise objections behind the scenes —\neven at the highest level.\n\nBut whalever the provocation, the de-\nhate now going on is harmful. The issue\nis not whether (he secretary of state is a\nknave or a fool, or whether the cease-\nfire was vielated in the spirit or the\nletter, The issue is the security of 1s-\nrael, which now has been put in hazard.\n\nFor one thing, there took place, in the\nhours around the commencement of the\nccase-fire, a massive forward movement\nof Soviet surface-to-air-missiles along\nthe Suez Cunal, These Weapons now can\nhit incoming Israeli planes over Israeli\nterritory, That means the Israelis can\ninterdict Egyptian artillery fire across\nthe canal only with great difficulty,\n\nUnchecked artillery fire would endan-\nger the present Israeli fortifications\nalong the canal — the so-called Bar-Ley\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 225.8827362060547, 521.3988037109375, 883.1715087890625, 603.2157592773438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Truck Law and Order\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1587.9516201171875, 1565.6376552734375, 2051.700845703125, 1671.219400390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday,\nAng. 6. Prime Minister Golda Meir of\nIsracl put through a call to Washing-\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 1127.45361328125, 200.32289123535156, 1533.9814453125, 310.9455261230469 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Disputes Johnson\nAide’s War Views\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 539.6589565429688, 4611.0591640625, 1019.7585239257812, 4808.32853125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "\\inppie was walking duwn the street\nwith a cyiar box under his arm. He met\na second hippie who asked him “Hes,\nman, what's happening? Where are you\ngoing with thal cigar box?’ The first\nhippie, said: “lm moving, man’) —\nPhilneég «\n" }, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 1694.3837890625, 1512.91943359375, 1946.9046630859375, 1567.1666259765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Ry Joseph Kraft\n\nDiklichart.Uall Cundirats\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 334.04888916015625, 1527.78564453125, 763.8562622070312, 1589.76123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Police-State Tactics\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 1113.7440185546875, 120.6797866821289, 1529.785400390625, 169.91482543945312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "LETTERS to the EDITOR\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1877.5059814453125, 3825.84912109375, 2048.600341796875, 4128.97509765625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "43": null, "44": { "bbox": [ 1571.074544921875, 4360.90242578125, 2055.8900546875, 4458.3793125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "OR ag: OM ae EN gah nn\n\nRoy Wilkins is head of the National\nAssociation for the Advancement of Col-\nured People.\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 2663.271240234375, 127.43323516845703, 2959.49755859375, 297.4935302734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "What Iowa\nPapers Are\nSaying\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2070.9263515625, 2233.39168359375, 2556.9574374999997, 3470.1908359374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "wt RE EM ME EN SE OEIC.\nThus what the Israelis took to he a\nguarantee is now vanishing to nothing-\nness before their eyes.\n\nFinally, the frame of reference for the\npeace negotiations yet to come is dis-\ntinctly adverse to the Israelis. The Is-\nraelis have always insisted that, in re-\nturn for withdrawal from territories\nseized since thg Six-Day War, there be\nacceptance of “secure and recognized\nboundaries,” as set forth in the United\nNations Security Council resolution ef\nNov. 22, 1967.\n\nNo Word\n\nOn Security\n\nA chief point of Mrs, Meir's call to\nSisco was fo get that wording into the\ncease-fire announcement. That is the\nprecise issue on which she was fobbed\noff. The cease-fire announcement issued\nat the U.N. on Aug. 7 makes reference\nto “Israeli withdrawal from territories\noccupied in the 1967 conflict.” It says no\nword about “secure and recognized\nboundaries.”\n\nMaybe the Russians intend to push for\na peace settlement in the end. Maybe\nthey are only building up positions of\nstrength to facilitate compromise. But it\nis at least possible that the Russians\nreally intend to crack the Israelis, the\nbetter to penetrate the Near East. If so,\nthey are in fine position. For the Is-\nraelis are now backing down a slippery\nslope with the ‘massive steamroller of\nSoviet power poised above them,\n\nIn these circumstances, there is no\npoint in trading insults, in petty in-\n(rigues, or in the casuistry of lawyers.\nThere is point only in one thing. That is\nto assert the Israeli peril, once again, in\na wav that engages the enancnianna af\n" }, "47": null, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 2689.198486328125, 2759.893798828125, 2928.737548828125, 2784.96826171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "{Council Blufis Nenpareli)\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 1590.1929931640625, 1671.052734375, 1759.605224609375, 1968.356201171875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 1688.6708984375, 3635.5869140625, 1931.119384765625, 3667.848876953125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "By Roy Wilkins\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 1605.0955810546875, 115.54216003417969, 2545.083984375, 1184.73193359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "fe Cree ae\n\n20 aim € \\\nBom@ine ms Eas,\n\n.\n\n; a\n\n&\n\n \n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 2681.768798828125, 482.29638671875, 2945.75927734375, 509.5768127441406 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "{Davenport Times-Dermocral)\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2690.7783203125, 1871.550537109375, 2921.95947265625, 1896.4591064453125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "(Celwein Datly Register)\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 1573.9257412109375, 4185.61531640625, 2057.825845703125, 4350.28995703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "of including black and white teachers\nand children in new, unitary schvols.\nThey Jought un boards of education.\nThey endangered life-long friendships.\nThey courted damage to their businesses,\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1608.0887451171875, 115.11161804199219, 2541.6396484375, 1169.8509521484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "re ——,\n\\\n\nBom@ine HOE\n\n \n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 2711.556884765625, 4151.07373046875, 2890.738037109375, 4173.12841796875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "{Ottumwa Courier)\n" }, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 19 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 24, 9 ], [ 24, 23 ], [ 9, 23 ], [ 11, 21 ] ]
[ 6859.16985546875, 9666.5634765625 ]
[ [ 0, 19 ], [ 2, 10 ], [ 21, 11 ], [ 23, 9 ], [ 24, 23 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 287.440984375, 2448.7241875, 1109.0711005859375, 5287.45012890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "SAN MIGUEL, Cozumel, Mex-\nico (AP) — Carol Chaney of\nChicago, sagging under the\nweight of the aqualung, looked\nat her husband Bob and asked,\n\n“Are you sure we're having\nfun?”\n\nBob tightened the straps on\nthe lung and assured her she\nwas having lots of fun, even\nthough her swim fins were full\nof sand, the straps chafed her\nshoulders and the weight belt\nwas cutting into her waist.\n\nA minute later she slipped be-\nneath the clear water, and all\nthe discomforts were forgotten\nas he and her husband sailed\nthrough an underwater Garden\nof Eden in a skin diver’s heaven\nCozumel Island,\n\nBob Chaney is an architect.\nHe and Carol left their four chil-\ndren in Chicago to join a skin\ndiving group and come to this\nlittle jungle island 14 miles off\nMexico’s Yucatan Peninsula,\n\nBob was drawn by the diving\n\nderwater visibility ranges’\nfrom a summertime low of\nabout 100 feet to a winter high\nof 300—and Carol, a_ novice,\nsoon was as much in love with |\nthe sport as he, Their undersea |\ntour of the reef off Cahn Canab—\nLagoon took them through a|\ndreamworld of gaudily colored\nfishes and coral formations that\nYook like the futuristic cities of.\nscience fiction.\n\nCozumel is still off the beaten\ntourist track. The only village,\nSan Miguel, has a population of\nabout 3,000. The entire island\nhas 4,500 inhabitants,\n\nSeveral first-class hotels have\nbeen constructed in the past few\nyears, and more are being built.\nAmerican-plan rates (including\nall meals) range from $24 to $40\nper day for two persons. Food\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 272.4920708007813, 5757.1118828125, 1095.193537109375, 8355.11175 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "DE KALB, Ill. (AP) — The\nDemocratic candidate for lieu.\ntenant governor has urged a re-\nview of news coverage of his\nparty’g national convention by\nSigma Delta Chi, @ pational\njournalism society,\n\nSen, Paul Simon of Yroy said\nSunday that “no Single incident\nin recent history has raised as\nmany questions about the qual-\nitv and objectivity of news coy-\nerage’ .s the events in Chicago\nAug, 25-29,\n\nSimon, @ former newspaper\npublisher, recommended the res\nview in an address before a\njournalism convocation at\nNorthern Ulinois University,\n\nThe three major television\nnetworks have been criticized by\nMayor Richard J, Daley of Chi.\ncago for presenting what he con-\nsiders an unobjective account of\nthe confrontations between po-\nlice and anti-war demonstrators,\n\nA documentary film was aired\nhy more than 140 television sta-\ntions Sunday night to present\nChicago's version of the street\nviolence during the Democratic\nNational Convention.\n\nSimon, 39, suggested that Sig-\nina Delta Chi ask two or three\ndeans of journalism schools to\nmake a survey which would in.\nclude an analysis of police-re.\nporter relations\n\nHe recommended a. private\nfoundation be secured to finance\nthe study\n\n“Because of the enormous\npower which goes with freedom\nof the press.”’ Simon said, ‘the\nneed for sell-evaluation—rather\nthan government evaluation —\nis constant.”\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1934.138005859375, 2837.026677734375, 2745.03606640625, 5647.0209296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "as 6 Vw ew eee as eae Sew ee\n\nNEW YORK (AP) — ‘The\n\nBeautiful Phyllis Diller Show,”\nwhich visually lived up to its\nname, kicked off the 1968-69\n‘television season for NBC on\n‘Sunday night.\nThe program stayed rigidly\nwithin the traditional variety\nformat, opening with a typical\n“monologue by the star dealing\nwith her deficiencies as a house-\nkeeper—‘‘ours is the only house\nin America that was fired on by\nthe welcome wagon ,,, ’’ Then\nit moved on to the introduction\nof the guest stars. Johnny Car-\nson came along for a one-man\nsketch about bow LBJ might\nhave ordered his daughter’s\nwedding. Sonny and Cher sang a\nnumber and later joined Miss\nDiller in a sketch that didn’t\ncome off at all well.\n\nThere was an interlude of mu-\nsic by a cute children’s band\nand along, rather faltering con-\nversation among Miss Diller\nand Rowan and Martin. And the\nwindup was a kidding sketch\nabout a former president that\nturned into a musical number,\n“The James Knox Polka,’\nwhich was most attrattive.\n\nMiss Diller, for all her ex-\ntraordinary costumes, seemed a\nbit subdued and even nervous,\n‘Comic Norm Crosby, who will\nbe a regular on the show, was\naround with his patented tor-\ntured malapropism—and these\nmay be a little wearing as the\n‘season goes on. |\n\nThe sets were outstanding in\nform and color. |\n\nIt was, after all, a first show,\nand as the star and her team\nwork together more, perhaps\nthe qualitY of the sketches and\nthe standup humor will im-\nprove. |\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 274.9695739746094, 8400.6220703125, 886.9202270507812, 8623.8486328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Cyclist Starts\nTrip to Coast\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 6037.22467578125, 4145.9888359375, 6850.336359375, 6204.769953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "FLOSSMOOR, Ill. (AP) =\nJudge Elmer J. Schnackenberg,\n79, of the U.S, 7th Circuit Court\nof Appeals died Sunday of an ap\nparent heart attack.\n\nJudge Schnackenberg was ap-\npointed to the federal bench by\nPresident Dwight D. Eisenhower\nin 1954, Before the appointment\nhe had been a lawyer, a mem\nber of the Illinois Legislature,\nspeaker of the House ang\na Cook County circuit judge.\n\nJudge Schmackenberg signed\nan order Aug. 30 restraining Chi-\ncago police from interfering with\nreporters and photographers\n\n‘who were covering anti-war de\n‘monstrators during the Deme\n‘cratic National Convention.\n\nHe was born in Indianapolis\nAug. 22, 1889, He earned a law\ndegree from the University of\nChicago in 1912 and practiced\nlaw in Chicago until 1945,\n\nFrom 1941 to 1945 he wags\nspeaker of the Illinois House af\nter long service in the legisla.\nture. He was elected to a Cook\nCounty Circuit Court judgeship\nim 1945 and re-elected in 1951,\n\nSurvivors include his wido\nHazel a daughter, and five\nbrothers and sisters,\n\nFuneral arrangements were\npending.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 278.3497314453125, 5320.7900390625, 1057.6724853515625, 5748.2275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Simon Urges\nConvention\nNews Review\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 258.5856071777344, 8637.4712578125, 1076.2590888671875, 9647.5424140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "HAMPTON, Va, (AP) — Colin\nC. Stark flicked up the kick.\nstand on his French-made, 18.\nspeed racing bicycle, swung into\nthe saddie and peddled off to-\nward San Francisco, 2.950 miles\naway.\n\nThe 2l-year-old sailor, a\ncross-country cycling = enthu-\nsiast, says he thinks he can\nmake the trip in 20 days, and is\nbudgeted for little more.\n\n“I've been planning this trip\never since I was 14 years old,”\nhe said, Stark is due back in 29)\ndays at his post on the USS.\nWoodrow Wilson, where he's a-\nmachinist mate. -\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1946.7281494140625, 2446.157958984375, 2536.07958984375, 2729.275146484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Television\nIn Review\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 6040.025390625, 3804.772705078125, 6783.951171875, 4128.26416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Appellate Judge\nSchnackenberg\nDies of Attack\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4400.82623828125, 792.3202568359375, 5222.28801953125, 5057.44231640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": ", try to “‘sell’”’ his course by mak-\n|ing it so very practical (and\nthus interesting) that his pupils\n| want to study, more in that field.\n| Contrast Prof. Edwards with\nthe head of the chemistry de-\npartment in a large university.\nhere in Chicago who met his\nopening class with these words:\n“Why are all of you taking\nchemistry? I don’t want but\nhalf of you, so get out!\n\n| “And if you insist on staying\nin this class, I guarantee that\n‘I'll flunk half of you by the\n_ middle of the term!”\n\n_ This sourpuss professor ignor-\n-ed the fact that the modern\nemphasis on science has _pro-\n‘duced an unusually large en-\n/rollment in chemistry.\n\nAnd he likewise failed to real-\nize that those students, via their\n‘tuition, were actually paying his\n| salary!\n| So it might be well to adjust\nsalaries to the number ‘of stu-\n| dents that could be ‘‘sold’”’ on a\ncourse, don’t you agree?\n\nThen this disdain for pupils\nand tactlessness in lecturing to\nthem, would change immediate-\nly!\n\nThat's the difference between\nmonopoly versus a free com-\npetitive system,\n\nMany of our colleges have en-\ndowed ‘‘chairs’’ which are of-\nfered on a lifetime tenure to\nprofessors who hold many de-\ngrees.\n\nThese professors then know\nthey have a monopoly reign,\nregardless of how they affront\nstudents,\n\n: Like typical government bu-\nreaucrats, they may become\ndictatorial and forget that a\nPh. D. degree after their name\ndoesn’t make them topnotch\nclassroom salesmen of ideas,\n\n' It would also be wise for all\n‘schools to let their ‘‘consum-\ners’ (students) rate them anon-\n-ymously, just to wake up some\nof these pedagogical stuffed\nshirts.\n\nCollege students are grown\nmen and women, of very high\n1.Q., so they can recognize stel-\nlar teaching when they encount-\ner it.\n\nSo send for my ‘Test for a\nGood Teacher,” enclosing a\nlong stamped, return envelope,\nplus 20 cents. Use it for both\nhigh school and college teach.\ners.\n\nAlways write to Dr. Crane in\ncare of this newspaper, enclos-\ning a long stamped, addressed\nenvelope and 20 cents to cover\ntyping and printing costs when\nyou send for one of his book-\nlets.)\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2756.10455859375, 2432.914861328125, 3565.332453125, 5648.54778515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Earlier, NBC had the pre-\n-miere of ‘“‘The New Adventures\nof Huck Finn,’ and any connec-\ntion with the Mark Twain char-\n‘acter is- strictly coincidental.\n/The half hour animated car-\ntoons with three young perform-\ners, and the first show was all\n‘about leprechauns and a magic\nstick that performed miracles.\n‘The program is so completely\nchild-oriented that it makes\n‘Lassie’ and ‘Gentle Ben”\nseem like sophisticated adult\nfare.\n\nBarbra Streisand’s CBS spe-\ncial, “‘A Happening in Central\nPark” was quite simply a pro-\ngram taped at a park concert\nshe gave over a year ago before\nan audience of some 128,000\nNew Yorkers,\n\nThe singer presented many\nsongs, ranging from ‘“‘The Near-\nness of You’’ to ‘‘Silent Night,”\nand when she was singing, she\nwas most effective. Her sortees\ninto humor, while apparently\nsavored by the crowd of Streis-\nand devotees in the park, didn't\nwork well on the television\nscreen.\n\nThe hour was, undoubiedly,\nthe least interesting of Miss\nStreisand’s television efforts,\nparticularly because there was\nnothing in the way of production\ninvolved, But she has a unique,\ncompelling quality, and by\nsheer personal force compells\nattention,\n\nThe first of NBC’s “White Pa-\nper; Ordeal of the American\nCity,”’ series was broadcast Fri-\nday night. It was a perceptive,\nimaginative treatment of a sub-\nject on which so much has been\nwritten.\n\nThe program, first of three,\ndiagnosed the prime ecause of\ntroubles besetting the nation’s\nlarge cities: the fact that 74 mil-\nlion job holders making $8,000 a\nyear or more work in cities, but\neat, sleep and live somewhere\nelse.\n\nOther problems including the\n\n}\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 6053.81647265625, 1052.7460380859375, 6859.16985546875, 3775.33489453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "pay Cee, areeee fo ee ee ee\n\nof angering my husband? I’ye\ndecided to do as you Say, —\nSWAMPSCOTT .\n\nDear S.: If the boy wants ‘to\ngo to boarding school and you\ncan send him, do so. Hf your\n‘husband is angry, so what's\n‘new? Sounds as if he’s been\nangry at one thing or anotiver\nfor quite some time. I predict\nthe separation will do both Paul\nand his father good.\n| Bd * s\n\nDear Ann Landers: How ald\ndoes a girl have to be before\nher mother lets her shave her\nlegs? I hope you won't think\nthis is a silly question. It is 4\nbig problem to me. Please an-\nswer and settle a fight. — GO-\nRILLA GIRL\n\nDear Girl: There is no par-\nticular age at which a_ girl\nshould be allowed to shave her\nlegs. The determining factor\nshould be how her legs look and\n‘iow she feels about them. Un-\nsightly hair can be an embar-\nrassment. By the time a girl\nis 15 she should be allowed to\ngive her legs a clean, smooth\nlook if she wants to. In some\ncases it can be even earlier.\n\n6 % *\n\nIs alcoholism a disease? How\ncan the alcoholic be treated?\nIs there a cure? Read the book-\nlet “Alcoholism — Hope and\nHelp,’ by Ann Landers. En-\nclose 35 cents in coin with your\nrequest and a long, stamped,\nself-addressed envelope.\n\nAnn Landers will be glad to\nhelp you with your problems.\nSend them to her in care of this\nnewspaper, enclosing a stamped\nself-addressed envelope.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 6022.05280078125, 6331.1196953125, 6825.58977734375, 7254.60833203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "— INDW DELI (AP) — Woman\nwas compared to a rubber tree\nby Hem Barua, Socialist mem-\nber of Parliament,\n\nBarua quoted former Indone«\nsian president Sukarno as havs\ning said ‘‘women after 30” were\nuseless. He said rubber trees\nare also useless after 30 ahd\nasked if the Indian government\nwas taking proper steps to re-\nplace aging rubber trees.\n\nAnother member asked “‘Is it\na fact that a woman is useless\nafter 30?”\n\nThe speaker ignored the ques-\ntion.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4385.96198046875, 5090.45319140625, 5202.87346875, 5649.377375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "About 85 per cent of the corn\nproduced in the United States\nbecomes livestock feed, while\nthe remainder is processed for\nfood and hundreds of by-prod-\nucts, Even the cob is used for\nlivestock feed, garden mulch,\npolishing powder and furfural, a\nchemical used in nylon, drugs\nand solvents.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 346.42010498046875, 2168.681396484375, 1870.0361328125, 2414.389404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Skin Divers Find Dreamworld Off\nMexico’s Yucatan Peninsula\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6438.26904296875, 424.5552673339844, 6768.12841796875, 931.2521362304688 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3676.67919921875, 2466.28857421875, 4309.2021484375, 3246.110107421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5201.5166015625, 7323.20361328125, 6809.7978515625, 9666.5634765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "DAILY CROSSWORD\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nACROSS 2. Air 22. Colli-\n\nJ. Pendulum 3. Hair ribbon sion\nweights _ 4. Thus 24. Per-\n\n5. Hastene@? — 5, Chinese formers\n\n9. Mississippi - god 25. Honors\nriver 6. Lively 26. Sphere\n\n10 Cavities dance 28. Angilo-\n\n412. Succes- 7. High priest Saxon\nsively 8, Com- letter\n\nTS. Widow manded 31, Cor-\n\n24. Calendar 9. Sweet ro- :\nabbrevia~ potatoes sion Vesterduy’s Answee\ntion 41, Vaporous 33. Similar 40. Employed\n\n15. Submerged? 13. Beams 35. Homer's 43. Salt: chem,\n\n16, Music note 15. Rowboat “fliad’’ and 44. Also\n\n47, Under- 18, Fuss others 46. Boudoir,\nhanded 20. Tibetan 36. Fumes for one:\n\n19. On the sheep 37. Nimble abbr.\nocean --\n\nPater DEP EMPEY\n\n23. Border of YZ Z ; WZ\nsgurmene PTT TT Yer\n\n24, Distant 7 :\nwon TTT ery\n\n27. Prepared 7 < -\n\narian = TT TT | eel\n\nww camo TTT eT\ngroup TAIT IV .,\n\naz, Wind UA | | Fe! |\ninstrument : 77 ;\n\nutwaer” FT | Ze ry | t\n\nattendants :\n\n38. Conjunction\n39. Luxurious\n41. Vitality\n\n42. Withstand\n\na ZeaeeZZZ\nTira re\n\nsetae PT\nwines ft tte tt\n47. Fravois, Cee we\nee Ali wali ly\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3863.556396484375, 446.4599304199219, 4961.7958984375, 629.668212890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "The Worry Clinic\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1117.0556083984375, 2468.54205859375, 1928.4646552734375, 9627.1664375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "aha service at the MOLCIsS are Ca~\ncellent, and accommodations\ncan be an air-conditioned room\nwith marbled bathroom and ter-\nrace or an individual cottage\nfronting on the sea,\n\n_ Cozumel is mainly one activi-\ntv—diving. Most visitors to the\nisland spend most of their wak-\ning hours in the clear waters.\nA divers—from novice to old\nhand—can find their kind of ae-\ntion at Cozumel.\n\n| The reef of San Francisco\nbeach offers huge fish and live\ncoral in water that is 20 to 40\nfeet deep. Fat grouper (a kind\nof sea bass) swish their 75-\npound bulks lazily but warily\nback and forth in front of their\ncoral caves. Big rays fly grace-\nfully over the white sand, and\nmyriads of small reef fish Hash’\nfantastic shapes and colors as\nthey go about the daily business\nof finding something to eat. |\n\nOn the deep reefs of Palancar\nPoint, black coral grows in\nthree-foot-high trees in chill,\ngloomy waters. Divers seeking\nthis rare coral must descend 180\nto 250 feet, a depth that is risky.\nfor experienced divers and sui-\ncidal for beginners.\n\nThe prize is worth the eftort,\nBlack coral is sought after for\nexpensive jewelry.\n\nHowever, at Cozumel you can\nrent a jeep or a little motorbike\nand head off on a jungle trail\nfor a day of exploring, bird\nwatching or just snooping\naround.\n\nThree-foot-long iguana lizards\nscuttle about the underbrush\nlike midget dinosaurs, They are\nharmless, and the local people\nkeep them as pets and for food,\nThey taste a bit like chicken,\nBig, black ugly vultures glare\ndown at you from trees they\nshare with graceful, white-\nplumed egrets, Parrots whirr\nacross the sky in bursts of colog,\nand you are surrounded by the\nstrnge rustlings and ories thag\nmake the jungle such an eerie\npiace.\n\nMaya Indian temples, once\ndedicated to the goddess of\npregnancy, bloom above the\ntrees in rained glory,\n\nIt hap en 400 yeass since the\nlast Maya woman made the\ntough canoe trip from the maine\nJand to ask for help in bearings\n‘ther baby,\n\nSpearfishepmen ean find:\ngame to suit any Sense of ad-\nVenture and courage.\n\nMany of the big fish are deep\n~—down around the 100-loot\nmark—so the divers wear\naqualungs, a practice that is\nfrowned tipon in shallowe# wat-\ners,\n\nMany barracuda {inhabit the\nshallow waters, but these fero-\ncious-looking fish are more cu-\nwous than dangerous, Sharks\nare rarely seen in the shallows, |\nalthough the deep water divers |\nrun into quite a tew, |\n\nCozumel has two kinds of tem-\nperature—hot in the winter and |\nhotter in the summer, Summer\ndays often register 100-degrees-\nplus, with the heat about as\ncomfortable as an 85-degree day |\nin most American cities.\n\nOcean winds keep visitors\ncool—sometimes dangerously\nso. A few hours in the hot Mex.\nican sun can give you a terrible\nsunburn,\n\nOne souvenir that many\nAmericans bring home, albeit\nunwillingly, is dysentery, This.\nintestinal disorder usually is)\nbothersome for only a couple of\ndavs\n\nA Mexican doctor said it is at-\nmost impossible to prevent,\n“The tourists bring all sorts of\npills and things, but they either\nget it or they don't.” he said,\nThe doctor said only rarely does |\nit require medical attention,\n\nYou reach Cozumel by air |\nfrom Chicago via Mexico City\nand Merida, or New Orleans via\nMerida. Service into Merida is |\nexcellent, but the small airlines |.\nthat service Cozumel can drive\npunctuality-conscious A meri-\n-ans nearly out of their minds.\n\nThose who do make the trip\n\nvill be able to recall the schools\ni porpoise that frolicked past |\nhe hotel every morning, giant |\nea turtles lying on their backs |\n‘waiting slaughter, the big bar- |\n‘acuda that drifted in over Chan\n‘anab Reef, and the huge even.\nog sup that turned the jungles\ned as it dropped behind the |\nnainland.\n\nAnd clear skies, miles of emp. |\ny beaches, the multibued,\n\nver nrecsent averiactinge «nar i\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1965.2244873046875, 400.2734680175781, 3506.359130859375, 2344.722412109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 5231.26276171875, 1008.4473930664062, 6043.83001171875, 5092.437921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "ae\n\n \n\nDear Ann Landers: This is a\nserious letter and I hope you\nwill not toss it aside in the belief\nthat I am putting you on.\n\nA few days ago some neigh-\nbors came for supper and we\nhad a discussion about animals.\nThey asked me if I knew how\n‘raccoons breed. I said, ‘I’ve\nnever given it any thought, but\nI suppose they breed like other\nanimals.”\n\n“You are wrong,” I was told.\n“They breed through the nose.”\nTI said it was the first time I had\never heard of such a thing, and\nasked if the mama raccoon car-\nried her child in her sinus cav-\nity — making a joke of it. Both\nthe woman and her husband\nwere so persuasive, I confess I\nam half sold.\n\nToday I went to the library\nand learned a lot about rac-\ncoons, but I could find nothing\nabout their breeding habits. I’ve\ntelephoned several friends and\nthey all howled with laughter —\nbut nobody could say for sure\nthat they knew. Please educate\nme, if I need it — or my neigh-\nbors, if they do. — S.R.C.\n\nDear S.R.C.: Raccoons are\nmammals. They breed just like\nother mammals. That old ca-\nnard about raccoons breeding\nthrough the nose has _ been\naround for ages. Apparently a\nlot of people believe it, but no\nraccoon does.\n\nKe * *\n\nDear Ann Landers: Our son,\nPaul, learned to speak later\nthan most children. He stutter-\ned a great deal at first and his’\nfather became very impatient\nwith him. My husband kept tell-\ning him to “shut up” if he\ncouldn’t talk properly. When\nPaul was seven years of age he\nrefused to speak in his father’s\npresence,\n\nThe boy fis 14 now, an excel-\nlent student, a fine musician,\nbut shy and introverted. He\nspeaks to his father only when\nit is absolutely necessary, and\nwhile he no longer stutters, his\nvoice has a slight tremor. We\nhave two younger children\n(girls) who get along well with\ntheir dad — in fact better with\nhim than with me.\n\nThe problem: I feel it would\nbe good for Paul to go to a\nboarding school. Paul would!\nlike to go. His father says it’s\nnonsense to spend the money\n($5500 a year) and he refuses\nto pay for it. I have a small in-\nheritance and can send Paul on\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5370.95703125, 479.5285949707031, 6331.93896484375, 845.336669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "ANN LANDER\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 3574.550359375, 3288.994939453125, 4383.61516796875, 5600.48430859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "| said, ‘we think Prof. Edwards\nis tops in the classroom.\n\n“For he not only tries to pick\nout a textbook that is interest-\ning.\n| “But he dramatizes his class-\nroom lectures by use of movies,\nclass experiments, demonstra-\ntions and active class discus-\nsion.\n\n“And another thing we wish\nall our professors would imitate\nis the fact he asked us to rate\nhis teaching on an anonymous\nquestionnaire,\n~ “Prof, Edwards works hard\nat the job of making education\na fascinating process.\n\n“If all our first course teach-\ners in psychology did as good\na job as he does, most of us\nwould major in psychology!”\nBRAVO, GOOD TEACHERS!\n| Dr, Glenn Frank, former\nhead of the University of Wis-\n| consin, said that teaching (and\npreaching) are fields of sales-\nmanship,\n\nEvery good teacher should\nunemployed poor, the slums, the\npollution and the general unrest\nwere taken up as well.\n\nWhile nothing particularly\nnew was brought to the hour,\nthe narration, written by pro-\nducer Fred Freed, was particu-\nlarly thoughtful and provoca-\ntive. The camera work, con-\ntrasting rich and poor, suburban\nlife and slums, was dramatic\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3589.457341796875, 813.825017578125, 4401.676203125, 2418.34661328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "BPC ATL RLUVALUS Teale S tial\npescsagee is a form of salesman.\nship. Alas, about 75 per cent of\n‘teachers (and clergymen, too)\nare mediocre salesmen of the\nideas they are supposed to\n“merchandise.” Star salesmen\nare enthusiastic and use drama-\ntic methods to hold attention. So\nsend for the ‘‘Test for Good\nTeachers” and rate your facul-\nty.\n\nCASE G-579: Dean Edwards\nis an Ohio psychologist who\nreally practices what he\nteaches!\n\nIn the state educational mag-\nazine called *‘Ohio Schools’’ he\nwrote a splendid article titled\n“Teaching Is Selling.”’\n\nTherein he outlined the fact\nthat there is a vast difference\nbetween a mere ‘‘order-taker”’\nversus a star salesman, both in\nthe commercial world and also\nin the classroom, ,\n\n“Dr, Crane,’ one of his col-\nlege students at Ohio University\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1991.2841796875, 6672.02880859375, 5164.45654296875, 7607.32763671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\nCLOSING\nTIME. IN FIVE\nMINUTES!\n\nBURCH, T i\nRUN AN ART\n\nGALLERY~— NOT\nA SHOOTING\n\n \n \n\not D o\n7 wariine UNTIL. f=\nTHE GALLERY Ke .\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 409.7951965332031, 1866.3109130859375, 1782.3519287109375, 2121.134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "| Gi) SPECIAL REPORT\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5304.64111328125, 5049.47265625, 5941.9609375, 5237.36376953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Television\n\nTSI Iwenaw\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 6085.19775390625, 6246.4921875, 6725.38818359375, 6318.1015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "STRETCHING A POINT\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5196.63825, 5280.98248828125, 5986.70403515625, 7253.24798046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "6:00 P.M.\n2—News, Weather, Sports\n5eNews, Weather, Sports\nY—News, Weathef, Sports\n\n6:25 P.M.\n\n2— Editorial\n\n6:30 P.M.\n2—Daktari\n5—Jerry Lewis\n{~—Garrison’s Gorrilas\n‘9—News\n\n7:00 P.M.\n5~—Movie\n9—Baseball\n\n7:30 P.M.\n2—Showtime\n5—Julia\n7—It Takes A Thief\n\n8:00 P.M.\n5—Movie\n\n3:30 P.M.\n2—Good Morning World\nT—N.Y.P.D.\n\n9:00 P.M.\n2—CBS News Special\n\n7—Invaders\n| 10:00 P.M.\n2—News, Weather, Sports\n5—News, Weather, Sports\nT™News, Weather, Sports\n§—News, Weather, Sports\n\n10:36 P.M.\n5—Johnny Carson\n7—Joey Bishop\n9... Movie\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 3946.4404296875, 648.7914428710938, 4908.537109375, 712.0887451171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Dr. George W. Crane, Ph.D., M.D.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2032.2056884765625, 5721.08203125, 5160.46142578125, 6592.517578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "BOY? THAT'S }\n AREMEF!\n§ DEWEY HAS)\n} Bare STOMACH\n\n \n\n \n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2010.6663818359375, 2742.61865234375, 2667.9638671875, 2849.135986328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "By CYNTHIA LOWRY\nAP Television-Radio Wriet!\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1903.3294677734375, 8740.19921875, 5139.76318359375, 9643.5341796875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 4100.2890625, 7701.63671875, 5125.7265625, 8660.5546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "W-WHAT MMM =67-DPUNNO WHAT HIT\nHIT OS..>\" US,WiIPEOUT...B-BUT—~\n| . Tmt SOMEONE PUTUS ON\nyA “A SLOW BOAT\nTO CHINA?\n\nsd\n\n \n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 2524.942138671875, 7708.46728515625, 4014.522216796875, 8639.59375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nTP ACTIN “TOUGH is VP OR ee Rh rege SCOW MOVES\nAND. a oe A f] OUT INTO \"THE HARBOR...\nes UPPER LIF. ff\n\nRAZ AVE Corre | SOK-PoW/\nRIPE TH INSIPE YEO Wowarna\n{ ORITE My NEW HEAL...\n\n+2 P'y-~- aA i: - ames\n‘2% OTEK pn SOME WHE:\nWE FLLLEP\n\nSree, || 2\né\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nZAPPER.\n" }, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 15, 32 ] ]
[ 6862.3740234375, 9568.1279296875 ]
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 960.1820278320313, 945.2950649414063, 1791.1860751953127, 2742.761392578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "rows, Randy Cupp; silver arrow\non, Wolf,.Timmy McCrary and\n. Ronnie Wright; Little Ten, Ran-\ndy Cupp with 210 points, |\n-' John Klumb presented a skit:\n‘*The Walking Casket,” a Hal-\nloween, tale with sound effects,\nNov. 3 a leadership training\ncourse will be heldat the Macon\nelementary school from 2 to\n6. p.m, and on Nov. .7 the Cubs\n_ are taking a trip to Jefferson\neee? ioe\n. Al. cubs are to have a par-\n_ eht permission slip and $1 to\ntheir Den Mother hetore: they\n\ncan go,\n- Novs 21 a Pack meeting wil\nbe held. -*\n\nClosing was by Dén 1 saying\nthe **Law of the Pack,’’\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3615.50927734375, 4782.2978515625, 6782.72705078125, 9475.630859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nCAN YOU HAVE —\n\n- REPRESENTATION ; with dssurance that cdnaosite time\n\nwill be spent in research and program Preparation?\n\n~*REP RESENTATION that will provide a weekly news>\n\nreport during legislative. Sessions to keep | you the citizen\n| : informed of the important legislation ‘pending i in the state —\ngeneral assembly? . .\n\n~*REPRESENTATION. ‘that will maintain ‘an open line of.\n‘ communication and be available to hear your ideas and\n\n“suggestions regarding pending legislation? |\n\nTHE ANSWER 1s Yes\n\nIf You. e ee\n“WVote For:\n\nLEONARD —\n—\n\nx\nrath A\n‘ tetas\né :\nAe a hein ‘\n\n \n \n\npie er\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1849.816732421875, 4045.641927734375, 2670.450357421875, 5610.677652343749 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Group 4 C.W.F., First Chris-\n\ntain Church, met Wednesday\nwith Mrs. Leo Brown,\n_ It was suggested the co-lead—\ner work-up a télephone tree to\nbe used each month. The par-\nent- youth banquet in November\nwas discussed.\n\nIt. was announced the Linn\nCounty C.W.F. project is spi-\nral notebooks and ink pens tobe\nsent to thé ‘Children’s Home in\nSt. Louis. They are to beturned\nin_gt the. oa hat n County .\n\n \n\ning may rghit with the’ project.\n\nMrs. James Thorne gave the\nstudy and: the. worship. entitled\n**How Do We Work With Other\n‘ Denominations?”\n\nThe hostess had decorated the\ntable with maps from over the\nworld as well-as: local maps\ncentered by a large red cross,\nrepresenting missionary work,\n-with the open Bible and cross.\n. Mrs, Carlyle Baxter will be\nhostess for the next. meeting.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 114.75816345214844, 949.7836303710938, 876.7669677734375, 1160.5843505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Cub Scouts Hold\nParty; Give Awards\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 129.39163781738282, 1175.2731533203125, 932.6682529296876, 1634.02823828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ghosts, witches goblins,\nOf the 18 boys in Cubbing, 17\nanswered roll call. Three new\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1831.0303955078125, 378.5125427246094, 2618.952880859375, 1614.297607421875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1856.528646484375, 5854.536703125, 2679.803873046875, 8034.062906249999 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "ST. GEORGE, Bermuda _\nAirman Firs t Class Williain.\nA. Collier,’ son of Mr. and\nlao, was a member of the\nspecial Aerospace Rescue and.\nRecovery Service (ARRS) task.\nforce that supported the highly.\nsuccessful Apollo 7 space flight. .\n. Airman Collier, an aircraft.\nmechanic, ‘provided... “essential\nservice’ for. ‘HC-130 Hercules\"\n“aircrews..ffom Kindley AFR,\n| re, who were among the.\nue teams stationed... along\nthe orbital “flight — path of the\nspacecraft, ready to. assist the\nastronauts, in. any contingency.\n_The ARRS, which also fur-\nnished helicopter support dur-\ning the launch at Cape Kennedy,\nprovided similar service dur-\ning the Mercury and Gemini\nseries, The Air Force rescue\ncorps supports.the U.S, ‘space\nprogram, including recovery ‘of\nhardware, as a special function\nin ‘its global lifesaving . mis-.\nsion, -\n~. “The airman. is a graduate of”\n‘Camdenton ‘(MO.) High School,\n~ He is married ‘to the for-\nmer ‘Cherilyn P. Downton from\n‘Epelend. te\n\n_- VISIT IN SiEVADA_ SAS\nMr. and Mrs. Allan Hicks.\nve returned iafter spending’\n\nral days veneer\n\nbe oy m\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3551.678466796875, 361.3633117675781, 5118.41259765625, 1792.449462890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2686.62255859375, 3443.45654296875, 3397.675537109375, 3657.333251953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Marcia ‘Cummings\nInto ‘Who’s Who” |\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1834.302083984375, 2623.39754296875, 2641.639810546875, 3803.1893710937497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "'Mareeline Lion members en-\ntertained their wives and guests.\n9 har od with a, dinner and\n\nJohn ‘Ailtison iatrodoced ‘the.\neae speaker, Max, Schwabe,\nColgniin: Li6ts Frank Greene\nand S,E, Kirschner were in\n‘charge of the program, — .\nIt, was moted the Lions ‘will\n‘help. with the. pom ey\ngram-in Marceline from,9. oa\nto aie Pe iat hd anette ine\n\nidn ‘MoCandlas’ attended. the\nGorerrea rt conery My in Brook:\n‘field last week. ‘| ;\n. Mrs, McCandless ‘gnd ‘Mrs.\nGreene were the récipients of\n‘the ‘Hallowe’en | ‘table ‘center~\npieces made by Mrs, Kirschner.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2687.815185546875, 366.88037109375, 3406.7822265625, 746.81640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "‘Hospital\nNotes\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5184.75398828125, 2052.775228515625, 5987.2230625, 3392.7394199218747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "‘Parents and motorists were\neband today by Col, E, I, Hock-\naday, wart of the\n\ny\n\nand treaters:?\"\n\nIn every <pumintanty young-\n‘sters will become actors foran\nevening, and all sidewalks and\nstreets in towns will be’ their\n/stage,” Hockaday said, ‘They\n“will be’ dressed in colorful cos~\nfumes and will be visiting hie :\nbors’on their trick or treat\nadventures, 8\n\nThe furtherest thing from\n“their minds will be the dangers\nof traffic, It behooves drivers\nand parents,’ therefore, ‘to see\nthat these: young. pedple’ get\n-home , safely from their nite\nMn funy! *:.'\n\nThe 1 Patrol ‘sispartintendent dat\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1848.1553955078125, 5626.0517578125, 2681.2568359375, 5835.2724609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Callao Airman Helped\nOn Apollo 7 Mission.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1906.4520263671875, 8063.49267578125, 3503.270751953125, 9536.0283203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "TRAIN FOR A.CAREER\nIN DATA PROCESSING! ©\n\nThousands of men and. women are: herded. e. As excitina nned-peying, -\n\nIndustry, Prepare for W at the lamest data processing schoo! .\n\ntae Business. Training: Institute, Call or send for @ tree brochure\npS\n\nee\n. MBTI- Manpower Business Training Institute\n105. North 7th Street — $1, Louis, Missouri 4216)\nomisi-aagaK baa die vetoes te eee\nBS ae mo Pregremming © 0) Key: Punch\nName Wap ined envio oon sees ‘Age. soetenes %\nAgaresa . {He SSPENERNS LOCORDOORERD ED oeRessEs egTRsS shh erdeeosses vis, Gt adcsnenany\n” ba itv & State Ib wipn ins sons sa eaaneaconabnendgtonads renin oes, a qo. ranpooene ‘\niba ee 3 ~ Phone eoenes yan eed\n\nfy.\n\nSee tee\n\nsee seupbetecuase a ee ; *\n\nwe eee ee ee eee eee\n\n \n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 3518.513509765625, 3165.686361328125, 4337.184, 4767.834878906249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Merron wide saute\n\n‘Kinsss City > paid $10: and costs\nafter Plea ‘guilty to ‘driving’ |\nsear tee Sra\nHighwa\nPark‘Oct, he. aos\n\n‘Ladtede, Jie “Lea and costs,\nLa w\ntor* ahivine © motorcycle ‘Oct. |\n13 oh Highway 11) Brookfield,\nwithout: a motorcycle | aqualiti-\ngation on his li¢ense.\n\nMilford Ray Olson, 40, Buck:\nlin, paid $10\" and” costs ‘for\ndriving ‘on the wrong’ side of\nRoute U, a mile north of High-\nway 36 Oct. 17, :\n\nDonald Eugene Edward, 44,\n_Route 5, Chillicothe, admitted\ndriving \"3: mph in ‘a 65 mph\nradar zone on Highway 36 a\nmile .west of Pershing Park\nOct. 18, and- was. fined $10\nand costs. :\n\nRichard NormanCordray, 19,\n-Bucklin; was fined $5 and costs\nfor driving witha noisy andde-\nfective exhaust. system Oct. 10\n‘on Highway 11 in Brookfield,\n\nae iy\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5233.423828125, 3455.658203125, 6800.0107421875, 4686.11669921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "~ YOUR SUPPORT WILL PEOATEN:\ncAainainast | oe BYE\n\n~ RAYE. RAUER\n\nRepublican Candidate For.\nTREASURER - Linn County ©\n\n‘ Lifelong resident of Linn County\n\n* Served as Field Representative for Trenton Milk. -\nCo,, Linn and adjoining counties for 14 years.\n\n* Member Trinity United Methodist Church\n\n* Married and father of three children = —~~\n\n — Paid Political Advertisement —.\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5171.36726953125, 582.3695888671875, 5984.61808203125, 1794.4662265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "‘WEEK OF Oct; 26—Nov, 1\nMONDAY — tn ch\n\npea\nTUESDAY = ; Laneh meat,\ncheese stick, tri-taters, whole\nkernel corn, pudding. |\n\nWEDNESDAY ~ Baked ham-\nburger, spaghetti, potato chips,\njello salad,’ fruit.\n\nTHURSDAY — Schoolboy\nsandwich, mixed . vegetables,\n\nfruit jello, cake.\nFRIDAY — High school, tur-\ny Gravy, ’\nélementary| school, Ys\nnoodles spinach, green\nbeatis, apple crisp. ;\n\nBread ‘or rolls, butter and\nmilk served daily.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 5180.7333984375, 1827.39794921875, 5938.25732421875, 2043.130126953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Patrol Asks Driver:\nTo Watch Children\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2677.43758203125, 2451.10359765625, 3481.2308749999997, 3436.3932285156247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Week: ot Oct. 28 = Nov. ie\n“ MONDAY — Chili, ctackers,\ncontery sticks, fruit, cookie.\nTUESDAY. — Ham,\" beans,\nae wanna’ 2 fruit, —\nb ‘\n“4 {WEDNESDAY — ked luri¢h:\neon ‘meat, scal potatées,\nsoabea salad, lemon pudding.\nTHURSDAY — Sloppy Joe on\n“bun, harvard beets, buttered\ncorn, peach cobbler.\nFRIDAY — Salmon joaf, sea-\ ‘beans, . rosy ‘apple\nsaute, cinnamon rolls.\nBread, butter, and milk serv-\n\ned daily. ye os oN ® ‘ , “\n\nig ogee oe hy:\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 186.36724853515625, 1644.9906005859375, 904.996826171875, 2721.59521484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "BB sce: HORSES\nAND PO PONIES\n\n200°Listed . . . need\nmore’broke horses\n\n| Nov. 2nd\nMacon, Missourt.\n\nFRANK LOLLI\n\n- Phone 385-3655 |\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4415.58203125, 3835.660888671875, 5130.18505859375, 4202.65283203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "‘If Is Automotive ~_\n_ WELEASETT!. .\nHourly, Daily, Weekly, ©\n\nMonthy, Yearly\n\nWolfe Auto Sales |\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2711.79638671875, 5938.94970703125, 3498.16064453125, 6370.3427734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nor all your .\n\n \n \n\ntaclede. Lumber Co\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1822.7359619140625, 2403.231689453125, 2483.062744140625, 2605.8330078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Hollowe’en Party\nHeld by Lions -*\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 4369.8134765625, 4245.09716796875, 5182.505859375, 4725.65478515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1846.5118408203125, 3827.469482421875, 2596.326416015625, 4040.881591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Brown Hosts.\nC.W.*. Groub Meet\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2677.60848046875, 3695.15828515625, 3496.8863925781247, 5704.002847656249 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "‘Miss Marcia Cummings\n‘daughter. of ‘Mr. and Mrs, Bd.\n‘Cummings, 600° Pett\nBrookfield,’ has heen acc\nfor listing in the 1968-69 edi-\ntion of ‘‘Who’s Who AmongStu-.\ndents in American Universities\nand Colleges,’’ the editors re-\n‘port. Marcia was graduated\nfrom Chillicothe High School in\nthe spring of 1965, She was a\nmember of the National Honor -\nSociety. Marcia worked as a\nstudent.-. trainee at the Linn\nCounty Welfare Office lastsum-\nmer,\n\nThis honoris conferred an-\n-nually upon outstanding stu-\ndent leaders from approxima-\nBes viene prem Leg univer:\n\n \n\nacademic etasiding, service to\nthe community, leadership in\nextracurricular activities,-and\n“future potential are decid\nabove average,\n\n~~ Marcia’ is a senior at Tarkio\nalia, Tarkio. SS\n\nTO HAVE CARNIVAL.\n“Whe Marceline. Chapter of the\nFuturé Homemakers of Ainer-\niean is- ‘Sponsoring @ carnival\n\nBabiotac-tu tha “att - Wiieaes\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2645.773763671875, 821.1683559570313, 3470.6554355468747, 2138.4623203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ADMITTED — Larry John-\nwo Triplett; Mrs. Ethe) Will-\n, Brookfield; Miss Tammy\nwind toe eadiaayyp ad. om\nreli, Plattsburg; Alfred Rus-\nsell, Mrs. Alma Burris, Mar-\nceline.\n\ny DISMISSED — Mrs. J.W.\nDarr, Mrs..ida Shelton, Mrs.\nMilton Hunter, Mrs. Maurice\nWilliams, William Staats, Mar-\n‘celine; Lowell Walker, Bucklin.\n\nPERSHING MEMORIAL -\n\n.. Admitted — Mrs. Gary Smith,\nMrs. Harold Stephenson, Clif-\nford Chapman, Neva Hall,\nBrookfield; Mrs. Charles Sego,\nMeadville; Mrs. Gene Moore,\nEldon;. Mrs. Howard Worley,\nSumner. ~\n\nDismissed — -Mrs. William\nHolmes, Bucklin.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 166.55813598632812, 2748.92724609375, 1791.9442138671875, 4069.3603515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Music By The Crescendos ..\nMEMBERS AND OU'l-OF-TOWN GUESTS .\n\n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 5196.32421875, 360.6961364746094, 5885.37548828125, 515.18115234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "School Menu\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2730.38525390625, 6843.4453125, 3513.826416015625, 8029.31689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\n, PRESCRIPTIONS\n| - CL 8-44]\nlane Brown Drugs\n\nWe. Sell the Best\nServige the Rest!\nBIEGELS.\n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 3546.8134765625, 3036.69287109375, 4302.64697265625, 3129.71337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Pleads Guilty to DW!\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 4365.345296875, 3067.45418359375, 5174.0463046875, 3781.5482578124997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "* GIRL FOR SMITHS\n\nBorn to'Mr.’ and, 'Mrss, Gary\nStith, Brookfield, ‘a? pound\n‘3 ounce » daughter, Prssay,\n‘Memorial: ‘Hospital, ‘Thursda :\n5:16 nae, Be as Re\n\né te a iY ay «* . ig et\n\nSON FOR BURRIS’ 8 cl\n\nyer: ‘and “Mrs. Ronnie. Bur-.\nPi Marceline,.are the’ par-\n‘ents, of ‘an 8. pound’ 11 ounce’\nSon born at 5:12 this’ morning,\nini St. Francis Hospital... |\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 125.52522277832031, 379.16693115234375, 1728.3253173828125, 675.936767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "The Marcelin\n\n \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 165.77049255371094, 4103.02880859375, 1797.7618408203125, 5342.40087890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n\n- Give The Gift Only You Can Give\nA PORTRAIT\nOf voenet-< or Family is : an Ideal Christmay\n\nREMEMB R; _ PORTRAIT TAKES, Pai TO Pie cha\n\nia ioads aR = fa mp ees\n\n~HALEY’S\n\nsi “Maroeline Sia rE Brookfield -\nOn GAT e a ea 958.9405\n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 308.3192348632812, 694.5241298828125, 1705.5391025390625, 921.7922153320312 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "News from Marceline may be CALLED to CH 6.3613\nSENT to Box 246, Mo., or TAKEN to 206\nNorth Kansas Ave. Office open Monday through Friday,\n8:30 to 12. 1 to 6 6m. ‘\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2721.731689453125, 6400.6943359375, 3513.255859375, 6811.62158203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n BIEGEL\n\n‘Refrig. & Electric\nCL 6-4491—\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2717.7255859375, 2184.388916015625, 3410.74072265625, 2374.605712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "1 ic Gienelt’\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 221.061279296875, 5442.3564453125, 1798.1943359375, 6891.31298828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "- BROOKFIELD_\nCOMMUNITY SALE\n_ Brook eld Sale Barn\n\nSPECIAL CATTLE :\nSie\n\nca ‘eaiiis 1200 to 1800 Cattle: ste\n\nProbably have 500 to” 800. Calve anging fr om\nsto 40 in a bunch .\n\n \n" }, "39": null, "40": null, "41": { "bbox": [ 204.59100915527344, 7111.20320703125, 1822.1511630859375, 8753.4271640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "SOME OF OUR SARL YrVUNDIGN MENLO\n\n25 Good light: wt. yearling steers, wt. around\n525; 42 Plain to good quality Black Cattle,\nwt, 900: to -1100;~21 Mixed Angus yearling\nsteers & heifers, wt. 500 to 750; 25 Fair\nto good quality steers,’ ‘wt, around 800; 40\nFancy. Hereford Nebraska yearling steers, win-.\ntered and grazed here, wt..around 650; 45. Fair\nto good quality Cattle, wt. around 700; 35 Good\nto, Choice Angus yearling steers, wt. 675;\n40 Good Hereford and Angus: yearling-steers,\nwt. 675; 12 Good yearling steers, wt, around\n600; 130. Mixed yearling. steers & heifers, wt.\n500 to 7803 20 ie wt. Angus\" ‘Bteers and\nbeen. eating © ‘cobmeal, én grass, wt. iptercraa\n900; 65 Good Angus yearlings, wt. around\n650; 36 Reretors yearlings, wt. from 550 .\n800.\n\nEssaie a lot of cattle not. listed e.\n_ Bring:in Any Cattle You Wish ee\n\n \n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 5995.755859375, 1218.284423828125, 6862.3740234375, 3054.9228515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": " \n\n><] WM. T. (BILL)\nZIMMERMAN -\nREPUBLICAN |\nSTATE TREASURER\n\n#10. Years) Member’ House, of\n_. Represenfatives:\n\n% Wide Business. Experience\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2867.672607421875, 785.7311401367188, 3235.292236328125, 834.4290161132812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "2T PRANOC TA\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 339.5422058105469, 8811.6005859375, 1761.2998046875, 9568.1279296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": " \n\n“Linn County _\n“Auction Co. —\n\n1/2 MILE WEST. ON HIGHWAY 36\nBrookfield, Missouri\nSTURTEVANT, STURTEVANT & DEDRICK, seen a\n\n“ agDGAR & WATT, Auctioneers: .\n\n \n" }, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 3521.44051171875, 1813.484701171875, 5146.283121093749, 2986.6224765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "DISCUSSING THEIR MUTUAL ENLISTMENTS\ninto the: U.S; Army recently were David E.\n\n‘Hughés, Eddy Ray. Ruckman, and Staff Ser-\ngeant Thomas F, England, U.S. Army recruiter.\nfor the Brookfield area.. David and Eddy en-\nlisted for the first time at’ the Kansas City.\nRecruiting . Main Station and wére ‘visited. by\ntheir recruiting Sergeant who. was in Kansas\nCity. to take his' oath. David,\n“son of “Mr, and. Mrs. Charles. T,. Hughes of\n- Chillicothe,. enlisted for “unit« supply school,.\n“whilé Eddy, son ‘of’ Mrs, Audrey Ruckman of\n' Bethany, enlisted for postal Lt) tig school,\n. Sergeant . England’ assisted the ‘two men «in\ntheir choices’ of. school Seca: ‘the ‘over. 300\n“available. to qualified high school. graduates.\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 169.1342830810547, 6737.37312890625, 1848.8647861328125, 6892.2435703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Probably have 500 to” 800. Calves Leite cbixs from\n15to 40inabunch |\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 188.9131317138672, 6979.712890625, 1810.41943359375, 8929.9765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "- _ HUBROVAT, VNIVOEN £7\nSOME OF OUR EARLY CONSIGN MENTS\n\n25 Good light wt. yearling steers, wt. around\n525; 42 Plain -to good quality Black Cattle,\nwt, 900: to -1100;~21 Mixed Angus yearling\nsteers & heifers, wt. 500 to 750; 25 Fair\nto good quality steers, ‘wt. around 800; 40\nFancy. Hereford Nebraska yearling steers, win-\ntered. and grazed here, wt..around 650; 45. Fair\nto good quality Cattle, wt. around 700; 35 Good\nto; Choice Angus yearling steers, wt. 675;\n40 Good Hereford and Angus: yearling-steers,\nwt. 675; 12 Good yearling steers, wt, around\n600; 130. Mixed yearling. steers & heifers, wt.\n500 to 7803 20 ie wt. Angus\" ‘Bteers and\n\nbeen. eating © ‘cobmeal, én. grass, wt. arcune\n900; 65 Good Angus yearlings, wt. . around\n650; m6 Horetops yearlings, wt. from 580 to\n\nExpect a tot of cattle not listed: eine:\n_ Bring in aes Cattle Me Wk bik ‘To i.\n\n \n" }, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 16, 5 ], [ 8, 11 ] ]
[ 6815.468675781251, 9876.536546875 ]
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 5, 16 ], [ 8, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1555.6928232421874, 1173.045728515625, 2386.9315664062497, 4488.558519531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "The hour of truth is at hand\n.vomothballed — proponents of\nae Distin’s Isle fantasmagoria,\n‘nee the dream ehild of com-\nMunity Visionaries wishing te\n‘Lanspose Saranac Lake = from\ndrabness into a Lang of Oz to\ncome forth,\n\nThe recent Village Board air-\ning of the proposed new River\nstreet entrance route left mans\nin the alr and gatned little but\nppoenent Momentum in the up-\ncoming battles to dissulve the\nso fliatsetny,\n\nCertainly a new entrance Is\nthe biggest plus in sight for\nfer™minaiing a rather dingy-\nwoking shoreline. Many people\nsigned the current petition te\neuminate the four-lane *'whoosh-\nwav, not because they were\nagainst a highway of this type\nentirely, but rather because\nIney were adverse to the pro-\nJected routing without some\n@lasicui¥ or eompromise,\n\nThe strongest and most vo-\nlacile dissidents object heated-\n\nta tne joss of the beach area.\nVuere are ou@fher sections of\nsarecline on Lake Flower that\nWoull make as good or better\na swwciiming area than Prescott\nPark.\n\nIf the village charisma is to\n:eflect a more beautiful exter-\nior, a first-class bathing beach\nbecomes q must.\n\nThe present beach is some-\nthing Jess than a many splen-\ndered thing, The children must\nme sereened in to prevent their\nWalking into a drop-off area\nJust a few vards from. shore,\n\nThe beach cannot he expand-\nel in ant direction without se-\nems problems, The water is\ntivliest oat fhis point due to\nine convergence af eurrent near.\nae power dam,\n\nChildren muat necotiate a\nhazardeus highway — obstacle\ncourse in crossing the street\nwhere the Church and River\nfunnels traffic in the peak\nmonths of tourism.\n\nGarages and service stations\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2407.584546875, 1041.5365732421874, 3250.3666249999997, 3205.85051171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "bound the open linear strip al-\nlowing ou and other lmopurities\nto infiltrate the water.\n\nA better beach could be built\nat Baldwin Park though even\nthat acreage is somewhat re-\nmoved from the center of popu-\nlation,\n\nWithin the foreseeable future,\na community swimming pool\nwill probably be built, anyway\n... and thus by devious\n:mplication we arrive at Dis-\ntin’s Island.\n\nThe gem as envisioned, would\nrake everyone happy. Surely\nneat as cantankerous a problem\nas faced by Montrea] in creat-\ning its Expo complex of artifi-\ncial islands, it would — create\n‘real estate in prime vacation\ncountry, The island in Lake\nFiower should make everybody\nhappy. With is bandstand,\nbeach, picnic tables, and white\nhirches, it would stand unchal-\n'enged ag the jewel of the in-\nland waterways.\n\nThis is perhaps cne answer\nta the halt in progress caused\nhv petty squabbles and short-\nsightedness much in evidence\nhere over the past 350 years.\n\nIf Mr. Distin will kindly step\nforward with a blueprint, we\ncan all take a refreshing look\nat an idea which could culmin-\nate in the happiest of solutions.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3323.607984375, 7496.88483984375, 4151.56437890625, 9842.282640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "WASHVILLE, tenn, (AP) —\nStephen Smith, a brother-in-law\nof the late President John F.\nKemmedy, has been named in a\nfederal court petition as the\nman who provided $3,000 to get\nevidence against an attorney for\nJames R. Hoffa.\n\nMaclin P, Davis, attorney for\nZ. T. Osborn Jr., filed a motion\nWednesday asking that Smith of\nNew York be required to testify\nat a federal court hearing here\non Monday.\n\nThe motion for subpoena said\nSmith provided $3,000 which\ngovernmen; investigator Walter\nSheridan paid to a former Nash-\nville policeman for information\non Osborn, However, Sheridan\ntook back the money a day lat-\ner, the petition said.\n\nOsborn was attorney for\nTeamsters President Hoffa\nwhen the latter went on trial\nhere in 1962 on a conspiracy\ncharge. A mistrial was declared\nand Hoffa and Osborn later\nwere convicted of jury tamper-\n\ning,\n\nRobert Vick, the former po-\niceman, testified Osborn asked\nhim to offer $10,000 to a pro-\nspective juror to vote for acquit-\nting Hoffa.\n\nThe $3,000 payment to Vick a1-\nlegedly wag made in 1964—after\nthe late Robert F. Kennedy had\nresigned ag U.S. attorney gener-\nal. Sheridan wae a epecial in-\nvestigator when Kennedy head-\ned the Justice Department.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3334.905517578125, 6921.01171875, 4027.491455078125, 7456.29296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": " \n\nSTEVE SMITH\nTO TESTIFY\nABOUT $3000\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3370.969970703125, 2791.08447265625, 4943.58935546875, 3179.87255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Another Viewpoint\nby Ralph McGill\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 3290.86628515625, 3422.142408203125, 4131.3148671875, 6921.806566406251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Speakers at tne recent Ke-\npublican convention grew lyri-\ncal, indeed almost tearful, as\nthey recalled the eight Eisen-\nhower years of peace and quiet-\nude which, they said, was what\nRepublicanism could produce\nonee more,\n\nThey were eight years of\npeace, Today they seem like\n‘som dost -and--distant ~dreamr\nfrom which We rudely have been\nawakened.\n\nThey also were interesting,\ncritical years,\n\nBut, the world was not really\nat peace. Those years, almost a\ndecade, were measurements of\ntime In Which the hurricane\nchanges fathered by the Sec-\nom World War, were taking\nplace. Enormous forces slowly\nbrought those changes into be-\ning, Their beginnings were dis-\ntant, There were eight years in\nwhich the United States was to\nhave peace and an economic\nBtatug Which, while not always\ngood, escaped severe change.\nBut far away winds were brew-\nIng.\n\nWhat was happening in those\npeaceful years?\n\nIndia was in immediate dan-\nger of being taken over politi-\ncally by China, An ugly bloody\nwar had ravaged India. Gan-\ndhi had been assassinated by a\ngunman in 1948,\n\nIndependence had become of-\nficia] in 1950. In 1953 the Ei-\nsenhower administration contin-\nued enormous aid to India and\nalso assisted with military ma-\nterials,\n\nIn 1954 France had been at\nWar in Indochina for seven\nyears, Her armies, trained in\nthe European manner, were not\nready for guerilla warfare, Se-\ncetary Dulles and the Einsen-\nhower administration provided\nFrance with money and sup\nplies.. Without these, defeat\nwould have come quicker —\nmuch quicker.\n\nThere was an April day when\nthen Vice President Nixon re-\nvealed to the American Society\nof Newspaper editors, in annu-\nal session in Washington, that\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1558.8844736328124, 5514.72370703125, 2403.3988515624997, 9828.0668203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (AP) —Trade\ncolumns chronicle continuing\nprogress for Negroes in show\nbusiness :\n\nDiahann Carroll, starring in\nthe weekly “Julia” series film-\ning for fall television, says:\n“I'm almost too busy to think\nabout being a Negro.”\n\nProducers of Rowan and Mar-\ntins ‘‘Laugn-in\"”’ series are\nShooting network TV’s first all-\nNegro variety special, ‘Soul.’\nLou Rawis and Nipsey Russell\nave among the stars, and\nNegroes have key production\nJobs behind the scecnes.\n\nMovie producer Jules Dassin,\n“Topkapi,” ‘‘Never on Sunday’’,\nis filming for Paramount with a\nNegro cast, a drama of betrayal\namong civi] rights militants.\nAnd perhaps’ the unlikeliest fig-\nure to enjerge among currently\nascending Negro players is the\nman who plays Dassin’s central\neharacter,\n\nUnlikely because, says 6foot\n1, 200-pound Julian Mayficld:\n\n“Basicaliy I am a writer. J\nnever really wanted to act, I see\nneaple working at aciing in an\norganized way, and it seems al-\nMost Unfair for me to have this\nrole. But.” he grins, “I'm not\ncomplaining.”\n\nMavfield, 40, born in South\nCarolina and reared in Washing-\nton, D.C., hag a varied back-\neround:\n\nAuthor of three published nov-\ncls “About personal hangups in\nthe ghetto and the civil rights\nmovement in 1961 ... None\nwent into a second printing.”\n\nPrize-winning college orator\n... Actor in off-Broadway plays\nwhile also driving a taxi... Ra-\ndio dise jockey and feature writ-\ner on an English-alnguage news-\npaper in San Juan, Puerto Rico\n... Aide for three years to Pres-\nident Kwame Nhrumah of Gha-\nna. /\n\nThe film, “Up Tight,” marks\nhis finst film-acting since a bit\npart 10 years ago. Massive,\neasy-going, Jightly bearded,\n\n\"Mayfield Says he's in every\nScene but about two, He plays\n“a man who is essentially over\nthe hill, drinks too much, a slok\nbroken down by society, who ag\n\na result betrays his best friend,\na voung militant, for a reward.’\n\nMayfieid and costar Ruby Dee\nhelped Dassin write the scriot.\n\nDoeg he think Negroes have\nreached their goals in show\nbusiness?\n\n“By no means, especially ir\nthe craft unions. You don’t {inc\nblack people working there.\n\n“As for acting, black peopl\nseem to be in style fhis year\nThey might be out of style nex\nJanuary.’’\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5049.41804296875, 4328.7974375, 5905.996019531251, 9876.536546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP) — We all\nsay we want the truth, but rare-\nly do we want it put to us too\nplainly.\n\nFor the truth, like any other\nbitter medicine, ig more palata-\nble when sugar-coated,\n\nThat is why we So often have\nto resort, in communicating\nwith one another, to double-\ntalk; It enableg us to dole out\nconversational sugar to another\nperson without disturbing him\nwith reaity.- :\n\nThe ability to use double-talk\nis the hallmark of maturity and\nadulthood, So is the ability to\nrecognize double-talk — and not\nbe fooled by it.\n\nFor the beginner, here are a\nfew typical examples of douole-\ntalk followed, in each case, by\ntheir literal translations:\n\n“This job has unlimited op-\nportunity.’”\n\n—The pay is lousy.\n\n“It’s a lovely apartment. It\neven has a view of the Yr.ver\nfrom the kitchen.”\n\n—But you have to stand on the\nstove to See it.\n\n“All I want from you is your\nhonest, unbiased opinion.”\n\n—If you don’t agree with me,\nshut up.\n\n“Frankly, I recommend our\nchicken a la king today—it's su-\nperlative.’’\n\n—The chef cooked so much of\nit the day before yesterday we\nhaven't been able to get rid of\nit\n\n“Your fiance must be awful\nrich, or crazy in love with you,\nto gite you such a beautiful en-\ngagement ring.”\n\n—Poor thing, I'll bet she had\nto pay for it herself.\n\n“It’s not becase I have four\nkids to clothe and feed that I’m\nasking for a merit raise—it’s be-\ncause I feel I deserve one.”\n\n—It's the four kids,\n\n“That diet really has worked\nwonders for you. Since you took\noff those 20 pounds, your face\nlooks a lot thinner.”\n\n—And twice as wrinkled.\n\n“It's heartwarming to see a\nyoung fellow like you get ahead\nin the organization so fast.”\n\n—It’s even more heartwarm-\ning to know that it’s not my job\nyou're after.\n\n“Ha, ha, ba, ha, ha, ha, ha\nWe can always count on you,\nboss, to coMe up with a new\none.”’\n\n—My old grandpappy used to\nlike that joke, too, but it sound-\ned funny when he told it.\n\n“Don’; stay up for me, honey.\nI'll probably have to work late\nat the office tonight.”\n\n—Uniless my Secretary has a\ndate with another guy.\n\n“Our profits dipped somewnat\nduring the first half of the year\nbecause of a needed purchase of\nemergency supplies which I]\ntrust won't be duplicated.”\n\n—We had to buy a whale of a\nJot of red ink.\n\n“I'll always remain your soul\nsister, Ronnie, but I'm afraid I\nmust give you back your wax\nrose and amber beads.”\n\n—Since I found a boyfriend\nwith @ steady job, I don’t want\nto be a hippie anymore.\n\n“Much ea I like to be of every\npossible gervice to a constituent,\nI find that im this case my hands\nare tied.’’\n\n—This pum has got a réal\nnerve. Asking for favors, and he\ndidn't chip in a thin dime for\n\nmy last campaign.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5062.13191015625, 3222.89753515625, 5887.096605468751, 3618.8112050781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — As soon as\n\nRichard Nixon and Spiro Agnew\nwere nominated for the Repub-\nlican presidential ticket, a cau-\ncus Was called of all the hu-\nmor columnists and political\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2456.211669921875, 3314.239013671875, 3216.368408203125, 3811.65625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Television\nReviews\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5065.6064453125, 3001.11572265625, 5773.08544921875, 3203.48291015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "What’s So Funny\nAbout Nixon\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5921.404859375, 3011.82526953125, 6765.127855468751, 9558.0902578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "cartoonists attending the con-\nvention in Miami Beach. The\npurpose of the meeting was to\ndiscuss how the nominees would\naffect our jobs.\n\n“I think it’s an excellent\nchoice,’’ Russ Baker of the New\nYork Times said. “I feel very\ncomfortably with Nixon, and\nthe choice of Agnew was a\nwindfall, We would have been\ninrea] trouble if they had elect-\ned Percy or Lindsay ag the\nrunning mate.”\n\n“I’m satisfied,’ said Art\nHoppe of the San Francisco\n\n“Chronicle. “Nixon's ne Lyndon\nJohnson as far as humor is\nconcerned, but then again Ag-\nnew is no Hubert Humpsrey.”’\n\nI agreed with both of them,\n“It’s great to have Nixon to\nkick around again, I believe\nRockefeller would have been\ntuugher from our point of view,\nthough Reagan from a humor-\nvus angle had many advantag-\n\nBes over Nixon.”\n\n“It’s all right for you colum-\nnists to talk,” said eartoonist\nBill Mauldin of the Chieago\nSun-Times, ‘‘but we have to\ndraw Agnew, How de you draw\n\n \n\nHerb Block, the Washington\nPost cartoonist, said, “We'll\nhave an opportunity to we ea\nGreek toga in our drawings.\nThat’s a plus.”\n\n“I like the ticket,” said Paul\nConrad of the Los Angeles\nTimes. “You can’t go wrong\ndrawing Nixon in a eartoon.\nHis nose alone ig worth the\nwhole campagin.”’\n\nPatrick Oliphant of the Den-\nver Post, another eartoonist,\nsaid, ‘'Give me a candidate\nwith a blue beard and I’ give\nyou a Pulitzer Prize drawing\nevery time.”\n\nRuss Baker said, ‘Then it’s\nagreed that the Republicans did\nthe right thing as far as we're\nconcerned in selecting Nixon\nand Agnew.”\n\nArt Hoppe said, “Are we\ntalking about the new Nixon or\nthe old Nixon? I've got some\nvery funny stuff from previous\ncampaigns on the old Nixon,\nbut the new Nixon could give\nme trouble, Suppose he doesn’t\nmake any mistakes?”\n\n“He selected Agnew as his\nrunning mate, didn’t he?’\n\n“I forgot that,’ Hoppe said.\n“Yeh, Nixon is the best the\nRepublicans could have come\nup with, especially since he\ncomes in a package with Pat,\nJulie and David Eisenhower.”\n\n“I move we pass a resolu-\ntion thanking the Republicans\non our behalf for nominating\nNixon and Agnew on the Re-\npublican ticket.’\n\n“TI second it,’’ said Mauldin.\n\n“The next business we have\nto take up is the Demucrats.\nWhat do we do about George\nMcGovern? He’s even less\nknown than Spiro Agnew.”\n\n““de’s impossible to draw,’\nOliphant complained. “I say we\nignore him.”\n\n“McCarthy isn’t any easier,”\nConrad said. ‘“‘The Democrats\nhave made our lives pretty mi-\nserable.”\n\n“You can say that again Hu-\nbert is only funny when he’s\ngot Johnson tied around his\n_neck, What do you do with him\nwhen he becomes his own\nman?”\n\n“IT don’t think we have te\nworry about that as long as\nJohnson’s in the White Houre ”\n\n“All right, then we’re agreed.\nThe Democrats have Ist us\ndown. I move we pass a :esolu-\ntion that unless they come\nwith somebody as fmny*€\nLyndon Johnson or Richa\nNixon we wili ignore them «\npletely and make all ouc spacé\navaliable t George Wallace.”\n\n“Second the motion.”\n\n“The ayes have it.”\n\nAnd that’s why the Demo-\nerates decided to nominate Les-\n\nter Maddox for President of the\nTinted Ghetac\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3300.811767578125, 3222.71826171875, 4033.6474609375, 3393.056884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Those Pastoral\nBKisenhower Years\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5075.78515625, 3655.155029296875, 5839.2294921875, 4194.1279296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Just About\nAnything\n\nSugar Coating\n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5129.2080078125, 2759.40869140625, 6684.70263671875, 2956.199951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "ART BUCHWALD\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2418.565259765625, 4130.5034921875, 3268.2831289062497, 9848.4144765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "HOLLYWOOD (AP) — This is\nthe time of the year when wor-\nrying is a way of life for the im\nhabitants of televisionland.\n\nIf you are connected with an\nestablished show that hag gone\nmerrily: along for two yearg or\n1¥, you worry about the compe\ntifion and whether the viewers\nwill love you in September as\nthey seemed to last March,\n\nIf you are involved in a new\nseries, you worry about every-\nthing—the competition, particu-\n\niarly if part of it consists of fea-\nture movie reruns; the time pe-\nrind; the scripts; the format\nand—mostly—the reaction of\n\nthe fickle, inscrutable public.\n\nThe only relatively carefree\ncrowd is found working in a se-\nries that was tossed into a mid-\nseason vacancy in a network\nschedule and, somehow, caught\non,\n\nOne of these last scason was\nABC's ‘It Takes @ Thief,”\nwhich not only proved a popular\nwinner, but attracted an audi-\nence that saved the show that\nfollowed it, ‘N.¥.P.D.,’ ’ which\nhad been slated for extinction.\n\n“IT was pretty unhappy when\nABC gave us that midseason\nspot,’ said Robert Wagner, tne\nstar of ‘It Takes a Thief.” “J\nliked the show and I liked my\ncharacter but I figured it was\nall down the drain.”\n\nThe public liked the charac-\nter, too. Wagner plays @ jaunty,\ndebonaire thiep using his skills\nas a superagent. What makes it\nall sort of a mystery, however,\nis that at the time the show\nmade its debut, jaunty, debo-\nnair superagents bad become a\ndrug on the market—' ‘Laugh\nin.’ in fact, had replaced the\njauntiest, most debonair of them\nall, ‘The Man From U.N.C.L..”\n\n“Ours just took off,’ said\nWagner. ‘When we started\nproduction all we had was one\nscript. We worked 17 hours\nwithout a break and I think now\nthe terrible pressure of dead-\nlines kept Us on our toes and\nadded something.”\n\nNow, established as a hit, the\nemergency is over, the produc-\ntion plan is made—and with suc-\n\ncess has come an extra dimen-\nsion.\n\n“Writers now @re interested\nin doing scripts; actors and\nagents want to get involved with\nthe show,” Wagner said.\n\nWagner, who has been @ suc-\ncessful film actor for more than\n20 years, is committed to the\nseries under the usual five year\ncontract, He is happy with the\nprospect although it means Ziv.\ning up some film assignments.\n\n \n\nProducer Leslie Stevens of\n“The Name of the Game’’ need.\ned @ pretty girl for a small par\nThursday when one of the tour.\nist trams stopped by the set or\nthe Universal lot. He spotted @\nyoung brunette among the tour:\nists and asked her if she be-\nlonged to the actors’ or the ex.\ntras’ union.\n\nReceiving an affirmative nod\nhe hired her on the spot.\n\nIt would be mice to report that\nthig was an updated version o:\nthe old Lana Turner—soda foun\ntain discovery legend, bug the\noutcome turned out to be a dis.\nappointing anticlimax:\n\nJudy Jordan of Miami, Fla.\nthe pretty girl, has already beer\ndiscovered. For the past fev\n\n_ Seasons she has been one 0\nJackie Gleason’s Glea Girls-\nthe one, im tact, who each weel\n\ngays ‘...and away we go.”\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4155.36530859375, 3231.471509765625, 5002.534593750001, 9866.8968984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "the United States would very\nlikely contribute air and sea\npower ald to the French by\nintervening in Indo-China, The\nFrench were then trapped at a\nplace called Dien Bien Phu.\nProminent military and_ politi-\ncal leaders favored interverr\nlion. So did Secretary Dulles.\nA reappraisal revealed aid was\ntoo late.\n\nIn January of 1954 negotia-\ntions to end the Korean War\n\nwere delayed at Panmunjom.\nAsian policies were further\ncomplicated when on January\n30, 1954, Viet Minh forces in-\nvaded Norts Laos. (from that\nlittle seed was to grow the\nvast jungle of trouble that now\noccupies much of our energies\nand manpower )\n\nMeanwhile, the French had\nagreed to negotiations at Gene-\nva, An armistice was effected\non Aug. jl, 1954. The agree-\nment was not kept. The situa-\ntion in Vietnam deteriorated as\ndid that in Laos, There was a\nsteady, slow growth of ‘‘war”\nand guerilla activities in Laos\nand Vietnam,\n\nIn 1957 the White House an-\nnounced additional U.S. aiq had\nbeen sent to South iVetnam, On\nMarch 11, 197, Secretary of\nState Dulles was reassuring in\na public announcement. ‘‘Com-\nmunism,\"’ he said, soothing the\nnation, “is a passing, but not\na permanent phase in Asia.’\n\nThere was still worry about\nQuemoy and Matsu. Invasion\nwas feared. Much of our ener-\ngy and naval forces were ce-\nployed to prevent a Red China\nattack on Formosa,\n\nIn May 1957, President Eisen-\nhower announced more U.S, aid\nwas being sent, ,\n\nThe drift went on in Laos\nand Vietnam. Reg China shelled\nQuemoy and Matsu at regular\nintervals. Secretary Dulles who,\nin 1953 had spoken about “un-\nleashing Chiang Kaishek,” was\ncareful not to bring up that\nsubject again. It was evident\nthe U.S. would have to carry\nthe burden—all of it,\n\nIn America the peaceful\nyears drifted on. At home al!\nWas soft and nice , , . we Were\nat peace, To be sure, on July\n30, 1959, the government an-\nnounced that an armed force\nfrom North Vietnam had at-\ntacked in two areas of South\nVietnam. Grave concern was\nexpressed by the secretary of\nState and the President.\n\nGuerilla activities @panded\nin Laos and Vietnam. On Aug,\n17 President Eisenhower an-\nnounced that Laos had asked\nfor help and that he would res-\npond.\n\nWe did. We responded with\n“technicians” and military ad-\nvisors and supplies. It was not\nuntil the Kennedy Administra-\ntion and October of 1962 our\nU.S, Military ‘advisers’ were\nwithdrawn from Laos,\n\nBy then the war was growing\nin South Vietnam, The Dulles\nreassurance that communism\nwas but a passing phase, and\nnot a permanent one in Asia,\nwas to put it away with the\nearlier one about unleasing\nChiang Kai-Shek. President\nKennedy, after the Soviet ex.-\ncursions, eScalated South Viet-\nnam with 10,000 men. President\nJohnson had to go further te\nprevent total disaster,\n\nThe point is that during those\npasoral eight Eisenhower years,\nthe great forces that were tc\ngrow out of tthe end of colon:\nialism, the granting of indepen:\ndence to many new countries ir\nAsia and Africa had just begur\nto be felt. History may wel\nwrite that Secretary Dulles anc\nhis policies of those years were\none of our great national] disas-\nters.\n\nAt any rate, let us understand\nthat the eight Eisenhower year:\nwere not idylic, uneventful, hap-\n\n. Pp years in which nothing o!\nany importance or danger was\ndeveloping,\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1581.4146728515625, 4582.5576171875, 2351.478515625, 5282.04248046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "‘round\n\nHollywood\n\nNegroes\nOn the Network\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 160.19837744140625, 2433.7730234375, 1477.4714833984376, 9843.782640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Baths te 8 OE EE ———— eee\n\nmore thana week off, the fireworks will be-\ngin long before August 26, In fact, the de-\nvejopntents next week before the two key\ncommittees on platform and on credentials\nmay be more exciting than the convention\njtscif with the roll calls on the nominations.\nThis is especially so since, barring a\nfew miracles, the Vice President's nomina-\ntion seems certain, Earlier this week Sena-\ntor MeCarthy practically accepted defeat\nwhen he admitted that the only factor which\ncould stop a first-ballot nomination for Hu-\nbet Humphrey would be an announcement\nof the candidacy of Governor Maddox of\nGeorgia, followed by a substantial bloc of\nSouthern delegates going to Maddox.\n\nIn other words, just as Rockefeller hoped\nfor a hig Southern push for Reagan at the\nRepublican Convention, so MeCarthy ean\nnow ony hope for a Southern push for Mad-\n\ndox.\n* * “ms *.- =~\n\nAmong the most interesting battles, and\nthey could change many votes, are those\nthat will come before the Credentials Com-\nmittee whose chairman is Governor Hughes\nof New Jersey, not to be confused with\nIowa's Governor Hughes who is expected to\nannounce for Senator McCarthy shortly.\n\nIt is now almost assured that the so-\ncalled reguiar delegation from Mississippl\nheaded by Governor Williams will not be\nseated in Chicago. Since the Humphrey and\nMcCarthy forces, as well as Senator Mc-\nGovern, are agreed on that one, the issue\nis hardly in doubt although the verbal blasts\nfrom both sides will be long and loud. It\nwill be remembered that in 1964 the Demo-\neratic Convention pledged that it would nev-\ner again seat a delegation elected or named\non the basis of discrimination. The regular\nMississippi delegation is almost, but not\nquite, “lily white,’ while the “loyalist” dele-\ngation is more generally representative.\n\nA more difficult problem exists in\nGeorgia. A dclegation chosen at a recent\nstate convention and headed by Julian Bond,\nthe Negro member of the State Legislature,\nis going to contest the Maddox delegation.\n\nThe argument that will be made by the\nMaddox people is that their opposition has\nno basis in legality. But the Bond forces\nwill reply that their delegation was more\ndemocraticly chosen than the delegates\nhand-picked by the arch segregationist gov-\nernar and his friends.\n\nThe delegation from the State of Wash-\n{nzton is to be contested on the solid lega.\ngrounds that, at a state convention whick\nelected the delegates, some contested mem.\nbers of the state convention were permittec\nto vote on whether they should be seated.\n\nThe last we heard there were to be\ncontests in 18 states.\n\n* ak *\n\nMost of these challenges are being\nbrought by the McCarthy people althougt\nsome of the Southern challengers are no!\nfor MeCarthy. The legitimate purpose o!\nthese challenges is to embarrass Mr. Hum\npherey, to force him to choose sides in the\ndisputes, and thus to alienate one side o1\nthe other.\n\nWe use the word “legitimate” because\nthe proponents of any candidate at any con\nvention of either party make it their busi\nness to raise issues which thev believe tc\nbe helpful to their cause.\n\nThe platform battle will center, o\ncourse, on the issue of Vietnam. It will re\nquire a skilled draftsman to conceive o\nlanguage which, at the same time, will no\n- repudiate the Johnson administration ane\n~ will satisfy the strong anti-war current it\n\nthe country and in the party.\n\nHere the McCarthy forces, the forme\nKennedy people, Senator McGovern an\neven many Humphrey supporters will be i\nallianee on behalf of a peace plank. Mayb\nthey will accept something less than a re\npudiation but not much less.\n\nHere is where the President himsel\nmay intervene, either directly, which w\ndoubt, or indirectly, which we assume.\n\nIn this battle there is a conflict be\ntween winning the nomination and winnin\nthe election. There is also the element c\n\n“the President’s natural desire to defend h\n~ place in history, which, at least at this poin\n- js all he is running for now. J.I\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3407.73486328125, 531.4640502929688, 6567.21240234375, 2416.47802734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "a\n\n \n \n \n\nti\n|\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5952.19978125, 9647.596265625, 6815.468675781251, 9849.682054687499 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "An acre of eorn releases fo\nthe air about 4,000 gallons of\nwater each day.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1987.90087890625, 824.8207397460938, 2895.777099609375, 986.56591796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Bill Mc Laughlin\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 340.96124267578125, 2288.870361328125, 1297.6646728515625, 2372.7001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "IN-FIGHTING IN CHICAGO\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2464.7431640625, 3995.323486328125, 3191.46533203125, 4109.18115234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "| By CYNTHIA LOWRY |\nA&P Television-Radia Writer\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 1648.9417724609375, 397.24188232421875, 3208.93994140625, 706.7282104492188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "MERELY LOCAL\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1653.1148681640625, 1025.9678955078125, 2313.00927734375, 1131.30517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Gem of Delight\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5258.33740234375, 4249.2919921875, 5724.8857421875, 4307.12060546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Rv WAIL ROVLE\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2445.359375, 3836.98291015625, 2985.002685546875, 3963.08056640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "TY Worriers\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1650.067626953125, 5301.98193359375, 2315.107666015625, 5474.31005859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "By GENE HANDSAKER\nAssoclated Press Writer\nSub for Bob Thomas\n" }, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ [ 0, 9 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 8, 3 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 969.3910610351562, 66.19105645751954, 1257.3132236328124, 332.80589941406254 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AD) = fae\nnumber of trucks operated by\nfarmer cooperatives increased\nabout 12 per cent in the 1961-67\nperiod, but this was far below\nthe 30 per cent rise in over-all\ntruck numbers, says the Agri\nculture Department.\n\nThe six-year study shows that\nthe nation’s 8,599 farm co-ops\nowned or leased an estimated\n27.000 trucks on Jan. 1, 1987, ovt\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 658.16687890625, 77.84875604248047, 944.8636997070312, 338.08168676757816 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "er general business session that\nafternoon to be followed by a\nmeeting of the new steering\ncommittee.\n\nThe final day of the conven-\ntion, Nov. 15, will feature a\ntour of the Kern County agri-\ncultural area with stops at Cal-\ncot, Ltd, the Bear Mountain\nWinery, Untted Citrus Co., and\nthe Kern County Land Co.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 38.9353141784668, 24.18573570251465, 947.64306640625, 75.20773315429688 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Natonal Potato Unit Schedules Kern Meeting\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 344.18988916015627, 82.33552667236329, 634.252310546875, 339.8297946777344 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "mittee report and election of of\nticers, Featured speaker will\nbe Brosmer.\n\nThe women will join the men\nfor lunch to hear Dr, Alonzo\nBaker, world affairs analyst,\nwho is professar of political sei-\nence at Loma Linda Universi-\nty's College of Arts and Sciences\nat Riverside,\n\nJE needed, thers will be anath-\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 41.86687469482422, 1715.814697265625, 315.2476806640625, 2308.16064453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "PIPE! PIPE!\n\nYe\" thin wall tung, fe: ft.engihs\n$2.00 ger 100 ft,\n\n$\" Used Ste. pige 91.00 ft.\n10\" 0.0. lite gauge used pipe .. cheap\n12\" 0.0. tite gauge used pipe... cheap\n\nservice pipe, 40 (t joints\n\n‘Whew you think of PIPE!\nGall CAL-FIPE\n\nSTEEL!\n\n'n2\" Plow steel ..\na\n\nCalif. ROrense 268-4354\n\n \n\niF THE FRESNO 3E}\nGndav fantensher 99. 1989\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 967.187744140625, 17.00333023071289, 1460.8197021484375, 58.91490936279297 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "US Truck Usage Takes Big Jump\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 29.940888610839842, 1454.268197265625, 317.4557712402344, 1702.2342441406252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Cor-\nporete profits on $57.6 billion\nSpent on marketing farm-pro-\nduced food last year totaled $3.1\nbillion before federal income\ntaxes, the Agriculture Depart-\nment says.\n\nThere was 3 per cent more\nthan in 196G and 55 per cent\nmore than the 1957-59 average,\nthe department said.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 29.730384826660156, 1380.4473876953125, 291.24871826171875, 1452.9669189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Selling Groceries Is\n‘A Biq Money Project\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 29.143115249633787, 100.8374340209961, 318.13072851562504, 1371.7225253906252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nYong, Bank of America vice\npresident in charge of agricul-\nture, and Joe Brosmer, Fresnd\nManager of the Agricultural\nLabor Bureau, are the featured\nspeakers for the 20th annual\nronvention of the Nationa! Po-\ntate Council. The convention,\nNov, 13 thraugh 15, will be at\nthe Hill House, Bakersfield, and\nwill be attended by delegates\nfrom 49 states.\n\n‘Convention chairman Jim\nPaul, Shatter, and Don John-\nston, Bakersfield, report the\nprogram outline has been com-\npleted, including special events\nplanned for the ladies.\n\nCouncil steering committee\nmembers will meet Nov. 12, 4\nday in advance of the conven-\ntion’s official opening.\n\nCanvention Start\n\nOpening activities include a\nbreakfast and welcome from\nRex Vosburg, Delano, presi-\ndent of the California Potato\nGrowers Association of Califor-\nnia, Kickoff speaker will be\nLong.\n\nA men’s luncheon will be held\nIn conjunction with the Bakers-\nfield Chamber of Commerce's\nSgribusiness committee. Fea-\ntured will be speakers Vernan\nJames of North Carolina, past\nCouncil president; Doyle Burns\nof Washington, D.C., the ‘coun-\ncil’s executive director, and Al-\nfan Larsen of Idaho, council\npresident.\n\nCommittee Reports\n\nThe afternoon session will be\nheaded by the council president,\nWho will conduct, general busi-\nfess activities. Reports will be\nheard from the committees on\néredentials, bylaws, and promo-\ntion as well as from the treas-\nurer, directors and the mana-\nBer’s advisory group.\n\nGeneral business will be the\ntopic on the secoml day, with\naction slated on resolutions, by-\nlaws and promotion. The pa-\ntade of states will be held, fol-\ni nominating com-\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1279.739876953125, 58.43507501220703, 1573.1735751953127, 319.89427832031254 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "of the nation’s total of about\n15.5 million.\n\nOnly about 15 per cent of the\ntotal mileage of farm co-ops—\nestimated at 780 million miles\nwas interstate, the report said,\nThis was less than one-half of\nbne per cent of the estimated\nU.S. total of 173.9 billion truck\nmiles in 1966.\n\nThe Bee Want Ads Way, &\n\nel cittive Giacktn\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 332.0501403808594, 345.228759765625, 1572.6485595703125, 2128.18701171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n\n* asetereisk | as'ter- isk)\na starlike sign* used here to\n\npoint out EXTRA savings in these\noutstanding equipment buys!\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\njx Cat 06-72\" IMC Mod, 1D15 AG Mod. HD7G Cat No. 25\n- TRACTOR TciR TRACTOR LOADER CABLE\nQU Ser, I7A Ser. 150 Ser. w/Ripper\n| BONDED Buy | w/Dozer, logeig top, w/Be-Ge pump & | & 4-1 bucket. | CONTROL UNIT |\nfe $605 $6995 ee anton Gout conto ema $850.00\nL $4995.00 ; —\n\n \n\n- eacat 678\" | $15,495.00 -\ncae TRACTOR Cat bt TG Mod, 1015\nSU Ser. TRACTOR TRACTOR\nont nin ara Jy 150 ser.\n6 | ‘Sida | staal | wah\n$5495.00\n\nAC Mod. TL645 “on\n\nARTICULATED | Lae. 38\n\n*% LOADER” w/2 shanks,\nGood condition Excellent condition\nsh iS $13 495 00\n\n \n\n. Cat D444\" Cat D6C towing winch, f° Hough Mod, H100 [To\neo ae\nGoo} coat Sr tis $0995\n\nBe-Ge P : Good condition $395.00\ngis $3795 ch oie, wa ‘she ‘ant MORACTOR $15 83.\n\nACTOR TOOL BAR\n\n \n\ncancer | $7,600 hesinde tik\nTRACTOR Cat D7 “logging winch, EER $795.00\nANA Ser. x TRACTOR Medford top & oman cir eel ae\nw/ #143 Hyd. FT Ser all guards, $33 vd ‘0 Cat D8\not A i Fair condition SOMO). (hmnsmooaa|* IRACTOR\n$7495.00 Ws, $3995 ip Adams Mod. 414 theese\n7495.00 |_sisss $3999 | gonned guy - {tar stig 1 8S Dozer\n\nCat D?\n\nCat 0-60\" [$2,950.00] TRACTOR\nTRACTOR | TRACTOR se wea toor | | SCRAPER\nTRACTOR\n\n \n\nGRADER Hesiod Top\nand all guards\nss, $1195 Excellent Eonelton\n\nodterin | wot: | ear | Salant |, “nig |e B08\n$4995.00 ft $i 495 Good condition 39,495.00 1 * GRADER He\n11,995. 1 $7495.00 Cat 955 was DIESEL\nGat 06.74” Cot 06 |) TRAXCAVATOR |usize. $1795 ENGINE\nTRACTOR TRACTOR =f IHC Mod. 706 12h Ser, AG Mod. AD4 Model UD282\nOU Ser, 8) Ser. % TRACTOR w/Ateca = MOTOR w/Booster pump\nw/pA4 Hyd pump, w/Be-Ge 62 Ser. 2 shank ripper with trailer\nGood condition 1000 DY Pump Goad condition 7255. GRADER $1295.00\nSE Ee ae 28s $215 |\n4 Gat B7 IHG Mod. 1028 g HG Ps\ni macror | Tractor | toner J, CABLE | TRACTOR\natten tiny 4 te Sit eaiint a aly pall BM w/Be-Ge 1400 SY Pump\nBi ood condition . Xcellent condition | ° Goad conditia\na iy | Sega | Sattar wm fas so\" | “gue\n\n#*AT SALINAS\nHeadquarters for Caterpillar tndustriat ane Fare Tractors, Traxtavators, Engines, Motor Graders, Earth Moving and Logging Equipment..\n\n \n\nPROMPT, COURTEOUS, SHOP,\n| FIELD AND PARTS SERVICE.\n\n \n\nClitoral\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 961.4915161132812, 1018.8905639648438, 1152.6033935546875, 1965.5826416015625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "“Good condition\neats :\nAC Mad. HDIJE\n_ TRACTOR\n” w/Hyd. dozer,\n__ tilt cylinder,\nJogging winch,\nMedford top &\n\nall guards.\nGood condition\n\nCat 6318\nTRACTOR\n~ SCRAPER\n\n136 Ser.\nExcellent condition\n39,495.00\n\nCat 955\nTRAXCAVATOR\n| 12A Ser,\n| w/Ateco\n| 2 shank a\n\nLOADER\n\n43A Ser.\nBONDED BUY .\n$20,595.00\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 761.697265625, 571.5823974609375, 951.249755859375, 1948.6251220703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "JIQIMAL IAT!\nCat D7\nTRACTOR\nI7A Ser.\nw/Dozer, logging top,\nHyster D7N winch.\nFair condition\n$15,495.00\nCat D4\n\nTRACTOR\nwhys vk hoe\nGcod condition\n$5495.00\n\nCat 08\nTRACTOR\n2 Ser.\nw/#25 Cable control\n& 8 Dozer\n\nCat D8\nTRACTOR\n36A Ser,”\nw/Hyd. dozer\n& ripper,\nBONDED BUY -\nIHC Mod, 1024\nTRACTOR\nTUE Ser.\nGoad coniitios\n\n“THC Med. TDB\n% TRACTOR\n62 Ser.\nGoad condition\n\nea, $2795\nIHG Nod, 1025\nTRAGTOR\n\n150 Ser.\nGood condition\n" }, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 3, 21 ], [ 4, 7 ], [ 8, 10 ], [ 8, 13 ], [ 10, 13 ] ]
[ 6563.064453125, 9693.130859375 ]
[ [ 3, 21 ], [ 7, 4 ], [ 8, 10 ], [ 13, 8 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 301.8908386230469, 366.4501647949219, 2540.730712890625, 2523.63525390625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "3 x\nLaanere ccs eetehb tty pec tng\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1099.9151611328125, 6494.2919921875, 2612.602294921875, 9693.130859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n\nHOURS\n\ndemand a\n17 JEWEL\n\n“SEA HUNTER”\nCARAVELLE’%\n\nDivision of BULOVA iy\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nFor him, for her... the 17 jewel watch\nthat’s certified waterproof* to a depth\nof 666 feet. Gives precision performance\non every level. The Caravelle ‘Sea\nHunter’, backed by Bulova, delivers\nquality features at a sporting low price!\n\n \n \n\n| dae w) o\nae RLY ar\ns “4 Po seh -\nCone?\n\n~ elapsed time\nindicator\n\n# Anti-magneti¢\n¢ Unbreakable\nmainspring\n* Luminous dial\n@ Sheck resistant\n@ Man’s with biack\nwaterproof strap\n\n* Lady’s and\nYouth's white\ntropic strap\n\nYour.Choice\n\n$29.95\n\nBASTAR’S\n\nIn Harvey Since 1901\n171 E. 154th ST. ED 3-1197\n\nwhen c4se, crystal and crown remain Intact\n\n \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 248.5015106201172, 2846.964599609375, 2561.861083984375, 3415.322509765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Riverdale-Dolton\nNarcotics Expert to Speak\nTo Methodist WSCS\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3391.596935546875, 2895.1255, 4161.38573046875, 3412.247791015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Robert Lear of Harvey, a\nrepresentative of Aetna Life and\n‘Casualty, has been honored for\noutstanding life insurance pro-\nduction since he became asso-\nciated with Aetna in May, 1967.\n\nLear received a special award\nfrom Arthur A. Norton, Aetna\n‘life division general agent at\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3385.569103515625, 758.2184565429687, 4159.231921875, 2729.191150390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Cutler, wolf badge, gold arrow,\none silver arrow and assistant\ndenner bar; Steven Salazar,\nbear badge and gold arrow;\nRonald Lyskawa graduated from\n‘cub scouts to the Webelos den.\n\nDEN 6— 26 Vogeler, gold\narrow; Paul Tilton, bobcat pin;\nBilly Henderson, bobcat pin;\nRickey Montgomery, silver ar-\nrow.\n\nFrom the Webelos den—Mark\nTilton bobcat pin and Bruce\nHicks, bobcat pin.\n\nDen chiefs who received their\n‘braids were Martis Carr, Mike\nMcCormick, and Albert Stevens.\n\nA long-stemmed carnation was\npresented to Mrs. Frank Brudd,\nDen Mother of Den 1, Mrs.\nRon Westcott of Den 2, Mrs.\nSara Boulden of Den 3, Mrs.\nDuke Wessman of Den 4, and\nMrs. Joseph Eaker of Den 6.\n\nMRS. Arnold “Erickson, Mrs.\nHarriet Stevens, Mrs. Louis\nGrimm, and Mrs. Lois Hubbell\nwere also presented with carna-\ntions.\n\nThe closing prayer was read\nby Joe Eaker, former cub scout\nof. Pack 351 and now a scout\nwith Troop 310.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2607.383544921875, 350.4248046875, 4138.76904296875, 744.9851684570312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Pack 351 Hears City\nPolice Chief at Dinner\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 4189.88134765625, 475.66790771484375, 6489.71435546875, 2800.906494140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2605.3823359375, 819.39649609375, 3375.3198125, 3415.5395390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "ner commemorating the 58th\nyear of scouting was held at\nMarkham’s Trinity United\nChurch of Christ on Tuesday,\nFebruary 20, by Cub Scout Pack\n351.\n\nAttendance was well over 200.\nGuest speakers were Markham\nPolice Chief Robert Forberg,\nwhose son is a member of the\npack, and Lloyd Hanson,\nassistant district Scout com-\nmissioner for Markham.\n\nHanson presented the pack\ncharter to Abe Bomberger, in-\nstitutional director, and Rev.\nClyde Lange, pastor of the\nsponsoring church.\n\n* *\n\nTHE dinner was served by\nvolunteers from among the\nmothers of pack members and\ngirl scouts under the direction\nof Mrs. Lester McManigle. It\nconsisted of fried chicken, baked\npotatoes, cole slaw, rolls, butter,\ncake, milk and coffee.\n\nThe Merry Minstrels of Den\n1 presented a song and joke\nact. Boys in the skit were Brian\nMeegan, Michael DeYoung, Paul\nSalazar, Robert Bradtke, Ralph\nMuehlnickel, Michael Brudd,\nHerbie Sheppard, and\nChiristopher Murphy.\n\nThe following awards were\npresented:\n\nDen 1—Paul Salazar, silver\narrow; Robert Bradtke, wolf\nbadge, gold arrow and three\nsilver arrows; Den 2—Ron\nWestoctt, gold arrow; Mike\nElsbury, wolf badge; Den 3 —\nPaul Mason, bear badge and\na gold arrow: Den 4 — Steven\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1048.3003046875, 3434.636486328125, 1825.9811894531251, 6377.0375859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Patlan, Dan Tinder and John\nGroff. Michael Piehl, Jim Monk,\nRob Dobis and Larry Malloy\nwere given bear badges.\n\nRon Seyforth, Michael Piehl\nand Steve Patlan each received\ngold arrows. Mike Piehl got two\nsilver arrows and Steve Patlan,\none silver arrow.\n\nThe athlete award was given\nto Steve aPtlan, Jerry Gucfa,\nMark Smith, David Cortland,\nBill Dorsett, David Fox, Mike\nPaledino, John Jacus, Bob\nMarkman, Kevin Ryan, Tom\nUnton, Norm Mueller, Gary\nKrasno, Ray Keeler Tom\nJohnson, Gerald Gore and Tony\nPalaggi.\n\nOther awards were David\nCortland and Gary Krasno,\nnaturalist. Jerry Gucfa, out-\ndoorsman. Bill Dorsett, traveler.\nNorman Mueller, geologist. Tom\nJohnson, artist. Mark Mazzoni,\narrow of light.\n\nMark Mazzoni, Dan _ Slavin,\nErick Fox and Craig Fike were\npromoted to boy scouts and\npresented with plaques depicting\nthe cub scout achievements.\n\nMrs. Faye Tinder and Mrs.\nJoan Gucfa were co-chairmen\nof the affair.\n\n* x\n| Woman’s Society of Christian\n\nService of Sandridge Methodist\nchurch will meet in the home\nof Jean Glowacki, 15121\nBlackstone on Tuesday,\nFebruary 17, at 8 p.m. All\nmembers are asked to attend.\n\n* *£\n\nSandridge Methodist church\nwill hold an Ash Wednesday\ncommunion service on February\n28, at 8 p.m.\n\nAsh Wednesday marks the\nbeginning of Lent and has been\ncelebrated as one of the im-\nnortant dates in Chrictian\n" }, "9": null, "10": { "bbox": [ 1826.99610546875, 3454.045666015625, 2612.3735234375, 6380.03612109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "churenes tor more than 1,000\nyears.\n\nShirley Schmidt bowled 203 or\n236 with handicap for high game\net the Tuesday A.M. Ladies’\nDoubles on February 20. Shirley\nalso had high series, 521 or 620\nwith handicap.\n\nTeam 17, Liz Jackson and\nGinny Hand had high team\nsn 362 or 421 wich handicap.\n\n \n\nTeam 17 also had high team\nseries, 875. Team 12, Pat Schra-\nder and Helen Sars\"eld, had\nhigh veam series with handicap,\n1072.\n* * .\n\nCongrstulations to Barbara\nKelleher and Daie Newcomer\nwho were married, Saturday,\nFebruary 17, at Sandridge\nMethodist church.\n\n* * «&\n\nAmong our travelers: Mr. and\nMrs. Alan Johnson, »f Dobson\navenue in South Holland, return-\ned last week from 2 10 day\ntrip to the Virgin Islands. Mrs.\nfog J Conley of Wabash avenue\nin South Holland spent a long\nweek-end, February 9-11, with\nher sister, Miss Violet Sabo,\nin New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs.\nHans Besser of 171st place in\nSouth Holland returned recently\nfrom a four week vacation in\n| Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William\nApperson of LaSalle street in\nRiverdale spent three weeks\ntouring both the east and west\ncoasts of Florida.\n\nWinners at the Dolton Bridge\nclub on February 21, were north-\nsouth: George Laird and Lynn\nWodrich, first; Harold Owen and\nRicki Laird, second; Sandy\nPrescot and Marty Lastauskas,\nthird. East-west winners were:\n'Don Colby and Joe Dieble, first;\n|Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walong, se-\ncond; and Ron Adami and Bob\nKrone. third.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 3380.8759765625, 2770.423828125, 4071.88232421875, 2879.16015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Harveyite Cited\n" }, "12": null, "13": { "bbox": [ 253.18171337890624, 3562.22852734375, 1040.7442509765624, 9684.4907109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "_the Woman's society of Chris-\ntian Service of the Ivanhoe Com-\nmunity Methodist church, 14500\nClark street, Riverdale, will\nhave their general meeting Wed-\nnesday, February 28, at 1 p.m.\nin Fellowship hall.\n\nMrs. Harley Eggleston, Chris-\ntian social relations chairman,\nwill present the guest speaker,\nJuan Lopez, of the narcotics\nStaff at St. Leonard’s House\nin Chicago.\n\nLopez is the former co-\nordinator at ‘“Day-Top Village,\nInc.” at Staten Island, New\nYork. Day-Top is a therapeutic\ncommunity where Lopez worked\nwith men who were trying to\n“kick the habit” of narcotic ad-\nGiction.\n\nHe also helped them find jobs\nand re-establish themselves in\nthe community. “Day-Top” is\na self-help group of ‘clean\nformer addicts, “Narcotics\nAnonymous” organization.\n\nMrs. William Shepard will give\nthe devotions. Luncheon will be\nserved at 1 p.m. by Adah circle.\nThere will be a nursery and\nguests are welcome.\n\n* %\n\nOne of the items of concern\nin our country is “Water Poll-\nution.” For this reason, the\nSocial Concerns commission of\nthe Dolton Methodist church is\nsponsoring a Sunday seminar\non this topic, to be held in\nAsbury hall of the church, Grant\nand Sheridan, Dolton, on Sun-\nday, February 25, at 7:30 p.m.\n\nJoseph Chantigney, general\nchairman of the Cook County\nClean Streams committee and\nchairman of the Dolton water\nand water and air pollution\nboard, and Dean Campbell,\ndirector of the Sandridge Nature\ncenter, will conduct _ this\nmeeting. Their presentation will\ncenter around why this problem\nof pollution of our waterways\nexists, and what can be done\nto help solve the situation.\n\nFollowing this presentation, a\ntime for fellowship will be\nobserved, with home-made pie\nand coffee being served by the\nwomen of the church.\n\nBecause this issue is of con-\ncern to residents of the entire\narea, the Dolton Methodist\nchurch is inviting all interested\npersons to attend.\n\nAll those interested in at:\ntending may use the Asbury\nhall entrance on Sheridan street,\none block south of the Dolton\nPost Ofifce.\n\noe\n\nCub Scout Pack 320, sponsored\nby the Ivanhoe Methodist\nchurch, held their annual Blue\nand Gold dinner on February\n16, at George Brown’s lounge.\nTwo hundred and seventy five\npersons attended the dinner.\nGuests of honor were Mr. and\nMrs. Homer Sutton and William\nJay.\n\nBoys who were presented\nawards by Cubmaster Charles\nSlavin and Webelo leader Jack\nKeeler included.\n\nKevin Ryan, Bill Dorsett, Tom\nJohnson, Jim Monk, Steve\nPatlan, Ricky Smith, James\nShook and David Tinder: one\nyear pins. Norman Mueller.\nGary Krasno and Michael Piehl;\ntwo year pins. Mark Mazzoni:\nthree year pin.\n\nDenner bars were given te\nTed Jacus, Gene Santoro, David\nTinder, Tom Anderson, Ricky\nAnderson, Ron Dobis, Brian\nVerlinden, Jeff Nicholson, Jef!\nGraden, Pal Enzenbacher anc\nBob Brotherton.\n\nDavid Kinner, Dan Rafferty,\nJim Shook Nickey Gerliach\nTom Malloy and Bob Kerwin\nreceived assistant denner bars\n\nBrian Doran received his bot\ncat pin. Wolf badges were\n\nSiS ose tiae 3. 3 4. Bante Tlamian Ctauve\n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 5292.6455078125, 6725.92626953125, 6242.02734375, 7283.99365234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 373.9168701171875, 3425.744873046875, 955.458251953125, 3536.701904296875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "By MARGE BECKETT\nRAD SOAR\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2750.91114453125, 6303.7026484375, 5112.51121875, 7763.73924609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Astro-Sonic Stereo...the most magnificent\nway to enjoy beautiful music in your home!\nSurpasses all other achievements in the re-creation of sound!\n\nListen to it @ Look at it @ Price it @ You’ll agree that Astro-Sonic Stereo FM/AM\nRadio-Phonographs are the finest—yet cost you no more @ Thrill to unequaled\ntonal dimension and flawless fidelity from your records and radio @ Solid-State\ncircuitry replaces tubes—prevents component-damaging heat @ Maintains superb\nperformance with lasting reliability @ Two high-efficiency Bass Woofers @ Two 1,000\ncycle Exponential Treble Horns—have the equivalent acoustical efficiency of 20\ncone-type speakers @ Fabulous Micromatic Player banishes pitch distortion, plus\ndiscernible record and Diamond Stylus wear @ Now your records can last a lifetime\n@ And, the advanced acoustical system, in all models, projects sound from both\nthe cabinet front and sides—to extend thrilling stereo separation to the very width\nof your room @ Choose from 25 Astro-Sonic styles—all Annual Sale priced.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2921.619384765625, 7891.53857421875, 4981.853515625, 8652.9970703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "SAVE sisi on this Compact Solid-State Stereo Phonograph\n\nFour-Speaker Console—ideal where space is a\nproblem. Has 20-Watts undistorted music power;\nalso lets your records last a lifetime. Removable\nlegs make it ideal for shelves, tables. French\nProvincial model 3002; also in three other styles.\n\nony *138°°\n\nAll models complete with Stereo FM/AM Radio... NOW ONLY $188.50\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2779.767333984375, 4638.708984375, 5065.1142578125, 5904.81982421875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5358.98388671875, 7741.44677734375, 6239.9931640625, 8310.3642578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4171.83106640625, 3196.6069453125, 4934.1977421875, 3405.619373046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Chicago, in recent ceremonies.\nLear attended the University\nof Iowa.\n" }, "22": null, "23": { "bbox": [ 2750.845458984375, 8873.826171875, 6427.1201171875, 9647.1328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nrrison WUtMUWE we.\n\nCARPET & DRAPERIES\n15310-12 CENTER AVE. = = = = = PHONE 333-0234 ___ DOWNTOWN HARVEY\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 5263.43994140625, 5350.77783203125, 6336.6708984375, 6328.65625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "‘U-WaltS UNGIStOrted music POoWer, tWO\n1eavy-duty, high-efficiency 15” Bass\nNoofers, and convenient storage for over\n30 records. NOW ONLY $395.\n\n \n\nSs\n\n \n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 2864.746826171875, 3590.808349609375, 6435.05126953125, 4502.86767578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "SISOS SONOS SC EN\n\nS AVE Mag navox\n\nUP TO ONCE-A-YEAR FACTORY-AUTHORIZED\n\nBil] ANNUAL SALE\n\nPe\n\n \n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2877.489501953125, 3578.482421875, 6462.4755859375, 4512.78076171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "he Bi ch sSietence soonest sete esi iis OSE SEEN LE neta RRS SS 1 disses\n\nSAVE Magnavorx\n\nUP TO ONCE-A-YEAR FACTORY-AUTHORIZED\n\nBlt] ANNUAL SALE\n\nsprececanaabiteticccinticnccshihnhsiT~ Mei lsTlasspissses\n\n \n \n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2647.411865234375, 2579.65625, 6563.064453125, 9637.0830078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "ACCS all, MICHA! VOLTVUUNS, Faull) VY VUC Manel, UETer VN eevee\nalazar, Robert Bradtke, Ralph| of. Pack 351 and now a scout\nfuehlnickel, Michael Brudd,| with Troop 310.\n\nlerbie Sheppard, and!\n\n‘hiristopher Murphy. ° ° a :\nThe following awards were Harveyite Cited | Rehearsals are well underway at Thornridge high school for the winter production “Charley's\nresented: _ | Robert Lear of Harvey, a| Aunt” to be presented March 1 and 2 in the Thornridge auditorium. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Miss\nDen 1—Paul Salazar, silver| representative of Aetna Life and| aydry Wilk, English and speech teacher, is directing the hilarious comedy. Shown during rehear-\nsane. an wun uae os peri: yy Rigg ls stay Sd sals are, standing from left, Gary Mion, Mike Ruzevick and Leroy Madsen; seated, from left,\nilver arrows; Den 2—Ron/ duction since he became asso- enery ; rene and maree Keiss.\n\n \n \n\n \n\n: . ‘ ‘ : selec\nMobory' watt belie: caves |” Lear soneived-e wsaataTiovand| Hens, in recent catetomies.| ae Wise fe YN as Comanits Pies ae\naul Mason, bear badge and|from Arthur A. Norton, Aetna| Lear attended the University THE TRIBUNE Lands on the Front Porch\n. gold arrow; Den 4 — Steven! life division general agent at/|of Iowa. Every Thursday and Sunday Morning.\n\no\n\naia Magnavox\n\nUP TO ONCE-A-YEAR FACTORY-AUTHORIZED\n\n \n\nSAVE $100Contemporary model 3804, with\n40-Watts undistorted music power, two\n\nheavy-duty, high-efficiency 15” Bass\nWoofers, and convenient storage for over\n\nSAVE $100 Aegean Classic model 3901 with: 100-Watts undistorted music power, two Super-\nSonic 15” Bass Woofers, storage for over 145 records plus all features below. Concealed\nswivel casters permit easy moving. NOW ONLY $550.\n\n \n\nSAVE $50 Early American model 3701,\n\nAstro-Sonic Stereo ...the most magnificent with 30-Watts undistorted music power, two\n\n15” Bass Woofers; stores over 70 records.\n\nway to enjoy beautiful music in your home! Concealed swivel casters. NOW $348.50\nSurpasses all other achievements in the re-creation of sound! =\n\nListen to it @ Look at it @ Price it @ You'll agree that Astro-Sonic Stereo FM/AM\nRadio-Phonographs are the finest—yet cost you no more @ Thrill to unequaled\ntonal dimension and flawless fidelity from your records and radio @ Solid-State\ncircuitry replaces tubes—prevents component-damaging heat @ Maintains superb\nperformance with lasting reliability @ Two high-efficiency Bass Woofers @ Two 1,000\ncycle Exponential Treble Horns—have the equivalent acoustical efficiency of 20\n\n \n\n: 3 : . =\ncone-type speakers @ Fabulous Micromatic Player banishes pitch distortion, plus SAVE $51 Mediterranean mode! 3605, with\ndiscernible record and Diamond Stylus wear @ Now your records can last a lifetime 30-Watts undistorted music power, two 12\"\n\nBass Woofers, and convenient storage area\n\n@ And, the advanced acoustical system, in all models, projects sound from bot!\ny os we \" om both for over 60 records. NOW ONLY $298.50\n\nthe cabinet front and sides—to extend thrilling stereo separation to the very width\nof your room @ Choose from 25 Astro-Sonic styles—all Annual Sale priced.\n\nFour-Speaker Console—ideal where space is a\nproblem. Has 20-Watts undistorted music power;\nalso lets your records last a lifetime. Removable\nlegs make it ideal for shelves, tables. French\n\n \n\nProvincial model 3002; also in three other styles.\nNow $ 50\nONLY SAVE $30 Italian Provincial model 3602,\nJ with 15-Watts undistorted music power, two\nAll models complete with Stereo FM/AM Radio... NOW ONLY $188.50 12” Bass Woofers, plus storage for over 50\nrecords. NOW ONLY $268.50\n\n \n\n \n \n\n \n\nOpen Monday, Thursday, Friday Eves. ‘til 9 P.M.\n\nWHSON fceitliate we.\n\nCARPET & (/ DRAPERIES\n\na —-\n\n_ DOWNTOWN HARVEY\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 5127.3842890625, 3177.508556640625, 6385.7543828125, 3410.544421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "A New Home Is Not a Complete Home Unless\nTHE TRIBUNE Lands on the Front Porch\nEvery Thursday and Sunday Morning.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 5266.14794921875, 4678.376953125, 6298.689453125, 5183.24072265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ [ 1, 9 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 5, 6 ], [ 8, 4 ], [ 9, 8 ], [ 10, 5 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1636.943859375, 2425.385265625, 2268.01073046875, 3753.31639453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Nobody can ecriticize-America more. ably when an actlon of\ndismay wounds the nation’s dreams than the American people.\nthemselves: :\n\nThe average citizen felt a human disgust when Sen, Robert\nF. Kennedy was shot down in Los Angeles while campaigning\nforthe U.S. presidential’ nomination.\n\nIt was momentary individual and national frustration. No-\nbody on the American street gave a damn about what the\nworld thought. He said, as an American, what he felt.\n\nEach became himself, and fought against the dilapidation of\nthe security: of the way he wanted things to be. Tere was, at:\nthe. beginning an escapist pattern:\n\n“Where do you go-when you:want ‘to resign from mankind?”\n\n“I want to go to-an island where I can be ‘all alone by.\nmyself:\n\n“Oh, Christ, no, not’ again.”\n\n“Oh, God, ,no, not again.”\n\n‘I need a vacation. How do you get out of this fouled-up\ncountry.”” :\nIt appeared from the initial reaction’ that. there-would be an\nexadus by’ those; whe feel. that one way to get away from\n\ntrouble:is to go elsewhere:\n\nBut’ in'the bedrgck. posture ‘of person’ and mind among. 200\nmillion Americans®there is no: rescue by fleeing. If their nation\nis afire and. ind: niger, they must stay at home, put our the\nfire, rescue ‘it. .\n\nNever mind ‘how- -amned* by a smug -outside world for its\nvices, the, U.S.’ society has te reconsider -and reimburse ‘the\nvirtues ‘that must ..yet. keep it. alive, youthful, responsible,\neager and:dedicated ‘to man’s wistful hope.of welfare. 7\n\n1s America a “sick society,” as antagonistic philosophers of\ndemocracy ‘suggest. Yes,- because. we- shoot down .a young\nPresident, his aspiring-to-power brother;-and Dr. Martin Luther\nKing Jri; ‘the brilliant Negro exponent of peace in this sunshine.\nfor those of all colors of skin and conditions of purse. *\n\nYes,-because, as. our critics. do. not: proclaim, mankind itself\nfs {1 wherever he dwells, here‘and: élsewhere. ‘\n\nThe-universe is awry. Mari around the*world ‘is “absent from.\nhis brother’s glory, abstaining from ‘the comforting’ hand - ‘Upon\nhis shoulder. .\n\nViolence’ — though: one of five- at America’ 3 200 million-plus:\npeople ‘awns a. gun —-ts not‘ confined tothe 50 states of the\n‘U.S. Union Hate and ‘avarice stand Jike poised vultures in the:\n‘thoughts of men. and their conduct: fhroughout the wide ‘wounds\nof the globe,\n\n. The: decay of authority, -] permis\nperson isn't: satisfied: with :the-w:\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\neness, the idea. that. if -\nings are he: can: improve:\n\nY.\nthem. hy pulling 2 trigger’ against. his enemy — these present-:\n‘ments arée-leading man along’ the piteous pathway. of ‘pathology.\n\"Would it help any if-we alli just: gave. up-and. Surrenderéd. to:\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 42.06970623779297, 2259.21680859375, 359.98381396484376, 3777.985583984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Once upon a time there was\na French government that,\nslowly got in trouble. ~~ \"-\n\nSeventy days ‘elapsed be:\ntween Louis XVPs reluctant\nconvocation of the Estates-\nGeneral and the fall. of the\nBastille, Almost two years\n4hen passed before -the royal\n‘eouple made’ the fatal error\n‘ef trying to escape from\nParis.. Still, they lived anoth-\n‘er 18 months. In the mean-\nime, most of France gleaned\nthe fields and pressed the\ngrapes as usual.\n3. But now we are in the Jet\nfAge. Like an earthquake,\n{France's current convulsion\nJhappened.. everywhere - at\n‘ence. Only hours separated\nthe seizure. of the Sorbonne\nby students. and. the raising\n‘of the red flags over the big\n\n \n\n‘confused. Never were motives\n‘more mixed. Even the pro-\n‘fessional revolutionaries of\nWrance’s| aged -Communist\n‘Party first cautioned disci-\n‘pline and restraint, unable to\n‘assess the revolt and tear-\n‘ful of its: possible resulta.\n\n“One student rebel described\n‘the university uprising as the\nciwork . of: “the non-Stalinist\n“nuances of ‘the-extreme. left,”\nswhatever' that’ smears. | He\nteriticized ‘the Communist Stu\ndent Union ‘for “‘stale dogma-\nt ‘and « being “‘counter-\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nsomething. called ‘22. Mars,\na. conlition of -Guevarists, an-\nrchists and’ Trotskyites.’”\n\ni ‘must ‘be ‘a -compound\nlightly less.stable than ni-\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n\nrise, The -workers : wanted\nash and, shorier‘hours, But\nen. the leadership’ of the\n\n1 in’ wions”. first\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 36.30961254882813, 746.6524775390625, 670.443103515625, 2073.9760625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Senator Robert Kennedy was buried Saturday. A\nstunned nation mourned.\n\nHere was one of the country’s leaders, struck down\non what may have been the threshold of even greater\npolitical horizons.\n\nThe nation grieved with the Kennedy family, vic-\ntims of a tragic and bitter irony..One son was lost in\nthe war. Then President John F. Kennedy was slain in\nDallas ‘and now his brother, also dead from ‘an as-\nsassin’s gun, is laid to rest.\n\nIn the span of a few years this nation has thus been\ three assassinations of. national political\nfigures, President Kennedy, Dr. Martin: Luther King\nand now Senator Robert Kennedy.\n\nLooking beyond the stark tragedy of Sen: Kennedy’s..\nqwurder, some additional considerations must be made.\n\nWhile these three men were ‘indeed slain, they are\nnot the only political figures in recent years who have\ndied by assassination. True, they are the most promi-\nnent, the most widely known. But, there have been\n\nothers, This nation saw Medgar Evars. assassinated.\nMalcolm X was killed. George Lincoln Rockwell was\nslain. An. attempt was made on the life of James\nMeredith. :\n\nYou may ‘not agree with what these men repre-\nsented, the groups they led or the positions they took.\nBut, with the exception of Meredith, they too perished.\n\nHave we then in recent years witnessed an increas-\ning incidence of assassinations as a political\ninstrument?\n\nApparently we have.\n\nAnd if this be true, then an additional consideration\n\nmust also be made.\n__ In the face of the current evidence, the reluctance\n‘of various national, political. figures to expose them-\naelves in certain types of public appearance could be\neasily understood.\n\nAnd when this happens, it willbe a sad day for\n‘America. It will mean that our leaders will be remov-\ning themselves from the people. It will mean a lessen-\ning of the face-to-face encounters that have long been\n‘an aspect and an important one of our political scene.\n» Perhaps one of the greatest problems national po-\n\nlitical figures face is “losing touch” with their fellow.\n‘Americans. And the threat of physical harm is certain-\n“Jy not likely to increase the exposure of these people.\n“- When this happens, politics will never be the same.\n‘All of us will suffer. Our system of government\ni suffer: -.- . . F acon\n\n~ Wilt-we see our leaders in only carefully controlled\n“public appearances? Will-we hear and-see them only\nelectronically, insulated in booth or control room in\nsome distant city? :\n\nThis way is fraught with peril for our-nation.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 679.426037109375, 737.1117060546875, 1301.9510380859374, 1487.064197265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Any man surrounds himself with supporters and\nadmirers. This is understandable. But, in. . this\n“friendly” atmosphere, a great danger lurks. The\nJeader hears only views that echo his views. He hears\nonly agreement. He is cut off from a direct realization\n\nof what the people want, what the people need, what\nthe people think and believe. : :\n\nUnder the ‘American system, the opposition was al-\nways there, the attrition af public acclaim-or public:\ndisapproval was always there. _—*\n\n‘We like to be able to meet our leaders face to face,\nto shake their hands and to tell them what we. think.\nAs a nation, we have not warmed to men who: kept\nthemselves aloof, who were cool, who avoided. contact\nwith the public. :\n\nWe want our leaders to dedicate the big dam, to\nspeak in a football stadium, to. make an ‘impromptu\nappéarance at a church, to take a walk along the street\nof a big-city, to stop and. talk with a farmer or\ngreet a child. :\n”” And while:some of:this can he dismissed as simply\npolitics, much of it cannot. For through such excur-\nsions and such experiences, our leaders still feel the\npulse of the people, still learn first-hand from their\n_ lips their problems and their dreams. They see with\ntheir own eyes the devastation of a flood. They hear\nwith their own ears the boos of the crowd when\npeople are displeased.\n\nAll of us will be the losers if the day ever comes\nwhen our leaders can no longer walk among-us.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1003.2991450195312, 2249.02442578125, 1312.73045703125, 2989.826404296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "and housing, and rewards for\n‘labor that keep pace with: pro-\nductivity, some good can\ncome of it,\n\nBut it could mean a. pricing\nef French goods out. of -for-\neign markets, which certainly.\nwould mean the end of the\nCommon Market, as protec-\ntive tariffs would be answered\nby retaliatory tariffs. And this\nwould be bad for us, too, For\na stagnation of world trade\nwould essentially restore con-\nditions that produced the\nGreat Depression and brought\n\n--on World War II.\n\n‘No part ‘of the Free- World\nwill profit from a mess in\nFrance,\n\nIt is hard-to read French\nrevolutions. Who’ would have\nguessed during the first.\nFrench revolution, -as- Giron.\ndins arid Montagnards hustled\neach other to the tireless guil-\n‘Jotine: ‘and: bloody hands were\n\n. raised in aie of Hberty,\nequality and-fraternity,.that it\nwas all going to.the profit. of\na -cold-eyed lieutenant in ar-\ntillery from Corsica who\ndreamed of thrones?\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1636.743419921875, 1477.0963251953126, 1945.9133183593751, 2258.0414921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "culture of violence sand that\nman has an instinative capaci-\nity for it.\n\nPsychiatrists - eek. of. the\n‘intermediate steps’? that.\nsave most of ls. One man, or\nwoman,. ay give way to an-\nBry shouts or verbal abuse of\n‘a mate, a member of the fam-\nily, an associate,,\na policeman—any person who\nbrings him to anger and frus-\ntration. He then: apologizes\nand is himself again. Another\nperson amy keep it all in the\nmind. until he, or she, walks\nout, shouting, | “I want a di-\nvorce,” or, until. he -takes:a\ngun, ‘a. knife or some: other\nweapon and kiils.. The latter\ncannot use intermediate steps\nfor release. He moves swiftly,\nas they say, from .alpha -to\nomega.\n\nWe all are familiar with the\nson or daughter who kills off\n_ father and mother and, some-\ntimes, grandpa, grandma and\neven an auntie or so. They are\nare described, almost. invari-\nably, as neatly dressed, Sun.\nday school going, passive boys\nor girls. We-know, too, about\nthe mass killer whe climbs a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1953.7696650390626, 1470.7515986328126, 2260.040271484375, 2252.916736328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "tower In Texas and kills all\nwho come in range, or the\nman who simply walks down.\nthe sireet shooting down pass-\nersby. .\n\nThese, psychiatrists say, are\na somewhat different story.\nThey ‘almost always have &\nhistory of brutal control by\nsome superior—father, moth\ner, guardian. One day they\nbreak from their. fantasy of\nneatness, Sunday school, the\nScouts,.or whatever, and de-\ncide to kill “brutality” by kill-\ning everyone they meet.\n\nIn Asian cultures there\nwas the familiar fear, of the\nman - who: “ran -amuck”—kill-\ning all he met in a cold, con-\ntrolled frenzy.\n\n“Minds” are moved more by\nClimate or environment.\n\n‘There are some:thal- cannot\nuse intermediate steps for re-\nlease.\n\nWe .continue to pander to\nthe environment: of ‘violence.\n> Until: we can change the\nclimate- we will have more\n“and -more violence. Pray God\n_ this horror. in: Los. Angeles will\nmove-us to. careful, anlelligent\naction. :\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2271.881603515625, 2346.3452265625, 2898.166736328125, 2977.459216796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Today Is Sunday, June 9, the 16ist day of 1968. There ae\n206 days left in the year.\nToday’s highlight in history:. :\nOn this date ‘in 140, Norway’s army surrendered to the’\nNazis in World War Il. :\nOn this date: °\nIn the year 68, the Roman emperor, Nero, committed suleide\nTn 1815, the Congress of Vienna ended.\nTn 1893, Ford’s- Theatre in Washington, which had heen re.\nmodeled into government offices, collapsed, killing 21 persons...\nIn 1915, after the sinking of the British liner Lusitania, the\nUnited States demanded that Germariy pledge to guarantee’\nfreedom of the seas,\nIn 1948, President Harry S. Truman stirred up a controversy\nwhen he denounced the 80th Congress as the worst in history.\nIn. 1953, the worst tornado ever to hit New England killed\nnearly 100 persons in Worcester, Mass.; and neighboring towns.\nTen years ago, the. Soviet Union rejected a U.S. request to\nhelp obtain the release-of an American helicopter which had.\nJanded by error in Commimnist East Germany. -\n.\" Five years ago, neutralists in‘ Laos said pro-Communists in\n‘that country had gone ‘on the offensive.\n. One year, ago, more than 30 American sailors were feared\ndead in an Israeli attack on a US, communications ship in the\n. Mediterranean.\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 688.016369140625, 2247.17676953125, 997.7850834960938, 3000.692615234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "trouble everywhere they have\nbeen imposed, and with\nCzechoslovakia deep. in revi-\nsionism, the Reds need a\ndramalic, offsetting victory.\nWhen Charles de Gaulle, in’\nhis May 30 fight-talk, warned\nof a possible coup, he was not\nexaggerating.\n\nWestern nations which have\nbeen wounded by the arro\ngance of De Gaulle will be\ntempted to enjoy the French\nagony. A British. MP with wry\nhumor has suggested that the\nBritish government tell the\nCommon Market that it won't\njoin until France. gets its\nhouse :in order.\n\nAmericans who | seethed\nwhile De, Gaulle assailed our\ncountry and praised Mao. Tse-\ntung must smile when they\nsee rebellious students carry-\ning. Mao’s picture and hear\nPeking’s denunciations of De\nGaulle. “\n\nBut the. tremors: of France’\nmean tremors for us all. If\n‘the French shakeup goes no\nfurther than a loosening of\n‘the bureaucratic tape, an\noverdue reform. of education\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 369.40821484375, 2254.214123046875, 678.39744921875, 2997.2133671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "The astonishment of the\nworld was complete. France,\nthe: leader -of the Common\nMarket. France, the isolator\nof Britain, France, the dis-\nmanitler of NATO, the wooer\nof Quebec, Red China and\nRussia. .France of the solid\nfranc, the $6 billion gold re-\nserve, the assault on the\nAmerican dollar. And sud-\ndenly the heavy cornices and\nhergic statuary on the grand\nfacade of Gaullism -began to\nshake down, and France\ntrembled like a banana re-\npublic. .\n\nWhat has happened is re-\n\njection of “‘la gloire,” French-\nInen asked themselves, ‘What.\nprice’ glory?” and decided\nwould no longer buy,\n. When the franc, which at\nthe outset of the trouble. was\nthe ‘strongest currency in Eu-\nrope, suddenly proved. unsal-\nable in the money markets,\nthe Communist Central Com-\nmittee in Paris underwent a\nchange, Before it had merely\nprompted ‘eommotion. Now\nit sensed total victory.\n\nWith Cormmunist: theories in\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1317.393810546875, 1480.9760859375, 1621.8419072265626, 3154.591541015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "A silent, seemingly compos-\ned and controljed man of about\n25 years of age gunned down\nSenator Robert Kennedy at\nshort range in a Los Angeles\nhotel corridor.\n\nThat ‘man had, as psychia-\nfrists would say, “Gone im-\nToediately from Alpha to Ome-\nga.” There were no intermed-\njate steps to break the flow of\nviolence in his mind,\n\nThis'man is but . another\nexhibit of the steady growth\nof violence’ as a part of the\nmosaic of our national culture.\nThose who. prefer simplistic\ncliche .answers. ‘will speak of\nlaw and order. ‘Neither: law\nnor order directly was involv:\ned in this attempted assassi-\nnation—as’ it -was in ‘others.\nLack of a. really tough gun\ncontro] law isa part of it. But\nneither law nor order viola-\ntions were a direct factor in\nithe assassination of John F,\nKennedy or’ Martin Luther\n\nKing. The assassins were, in\nfact, quite orderly and had\nviolated no law until they\nfired.\n\nA man’s mind - was’ the: in-\nstrument ‘directly responsible.\n\nA Secondary factor is the\nfact that violence and killing\nare a part of our culture.\nEven the new leadership of ithe\npoor at Washington, which\nleadership bas replaced the\nnon-violent, crowd into the\ncorridors of justice and threat\ use guns and violence.\nUniversity students, wishing\nto dissent, take over buildings.\ndestroy property, burn the\npapers of professors they don’\nlike,\n\nViolence has always been 2\n“part of our culture. We hac\nalmost a hundred years of the\nmost violent and horrible\nlynchings in which the bodies\n_of the lynched were mutilatec\nbefore ‘or ‘after death.” Some\nof the lynched . were burnec\nalive: We have had men, iz\n‘recent'' years, dynamite :\n“church ‘at. the ‘time it wa:\n\n- erowded with Sunday schoo\nchildren, killing and wounding\nsome of them. |\n\nPsychiatrists are divided. A\ngrowing majority. believe mar\n\n.—in. his long process of evolu\ntion—has within. him an in\nnate, or instinctive, capacity\nfor violence.\n\n‘On the basis of evidence—o\nwhich ‘the cool, even “order\nJy,” killing of Senator Kenne\ndy is. merely. the latest evi\ndence, there is no:question bu\nthat -we. bave “an: increasim\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 686.0106318359375, 1680.2963984375, 1309.9490849609374, 2069.956287109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "My chemistry professor used to illustrate the point that only\nthe decisive jar of the operator’s finger was necessary on cer-\ntain experiments where the fluid in solution is made to cry-\nstallize. It is like that in many areas of life where a well-\nintentioned -spirit awaits the determined will that by certain\n- acts‘ will turn kindly feelings into practica) deeds. .\n\nReligion contains many good feelings, but the Master pointed-\n-out that a man needs to take the spirit and harness it to the\ndeed. How much of cur religious feelings could be consummated.\nin the signing of a check, the writing of a letter, the visit.of\nJonely soul, the word of witness where it is needed, the\nceptance of responsibility in some needed cause.\n\nWell-wishing cannot take the place of well-doing.\n\nExamine me, O Lord, and Frove me; try my reins and my:\nheart. (Pealm 26:2).\n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2264.164318359375, 315.2290461425781, 2893.450427734375, 2234.320056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "“Reason :-would suggest that: the bullet swhich felled: Senator\n“a gin which: might have-been- unobtain-\n‘pre control-law had: been: ii. effect.. John Ken-\nnedy!s slayer 01 : gua ‘through the mail; the ‘exconvict\nwho killed Martin: Luther. Kang bought his over.the counter; the -\nsnipers’ who : shot, at policeme firemen inthe recent: riots...\npresumably: got’ their weapons. just as easily.. Noting- which, [\nrecently ‘suggested ‘it -was high:time for a federal ‘law, ‘one =\nwith harsh ‘teeth in ‘it; to prevent the indiscriminate sale of*\nfirearms... j °\n\nConceding ny lack of ‘expertise on this controversial subject, *\nT:aaw no reason: why ‘# purchaser: with 2 legitimate tse fora\ngun should object to strict regulation, down to setting: a: police °\nokay ‘and: being fingerprinted. e:\n\n“Surely. the rights: guaranteed. by the Second Amendment\nwere: not intended :to, provide criminals with an“ arsenal,” 2\n\n‘wrote, and added I: realized’ could: ever stop.a deter--\nmined ‘killer. from’ obtaining a: gun, but that” such a statute.\nmight.cut our. appalling crime rate.\n\nThe first response to that piece came from. a-reader In Am-\narillo’ ‘aho agreed courteously but vigorously about my lack of *\nexpertize-on the matter, and. predicted I'd gel: “enough | protests\n‘against my_stand'to’a lifetime. “ .\n\n‘How right he was! To date, of 168:letters on that column, only .\ntwo-back me; the rest: vary \"all the way from calling:-me mis-.\nguided to hinting ’m guilty: of subversion. :\n\nSofie poitit/out that: our own Communists have:long adwocated '\njust ‘such ‘a. law: others that ‘Hitler.enacteq. a similar measure.\nfect in both instances being to disarm’the decent citizens\nand leave them defenséless against the ‘weaponry of uniformed-\ngunmen ‘serving the police state. ;\n\n-T realize how: -towichy* ‘the: subject: is when such an implication ©\ncanbe read’ into my: piece. I never even ‘remotely ‘suggested\nthat the honest citizen: be deprived of arms with which: to de-:\nfend‘himself against danger. I asked only, especially. i in view of\nrecent ‘happenings, that there bea strict supervision, over. the .\nsale: of firearms, lest they fall into bad hands — as obviously:\nwas the case in the shooting of Robert Kennedy:\n\nAs a matter of fact;.I have strong personal motives for wish”\ning those with bona-fide reasons to posséss arms the right to\ For my son; who lives in Washington, has for over a-\n-year had a revolver in his house for: protection ‘against violence _\nthat. has come dangerously near, And so have many of his,\nfriends. They’d be foolhardy not to, as matters stand. -\n- Nor is tt Washington alone. An AP dispatch reports that:\ngun sales have also been soaring in the predominantly white\nsuburbs of Baltimore and. Kansas: City since the riots that-\nerupted in those cities this past month.\n\nIndeed, there is plenty:of fear all over the country, but it is-\nnot chased on the potential danger of an all-powerful police\nforce, On. the contrary, the fear prevails because the cops have.\nbeen almost completely stripped: of their former powers to-\nprotect ‘life and property. Police-state? If anything, we are.\nperilously close to-having @ non-police state, And the mob rule:\nthat follows may:be fully ‘as evil as Communism or Nazism.\n\nCompared to this deadly reality, the cries against rigid con-\ntrol of! guns — with all deference to their sincerity — seem to:\nme of little weight. I know the arguments — in fact, I’ve been:\ndeluged with them — that it isn't guns that are killers but the:\nfolks who use them, and that the criminal can always get.\nhis gun.\n\n_ But follow that reasoning ‘to a reductio ad absurdim, and-\nwe need. no: speed regulations. For law-abiding folk will never;\n‘ga 80 miles: an hour in traffic, but others will anyhow.\n\nSo I_remain unconvinced, in spite of the almost unanimous\npoll-against me. The'law is no safeguard against all crime, to.\nbe- sure, but it still exercises considerable deterrence.\n\nT’ the police to regain their authority. I’m all for Mayor\nDaley’s “shoot to kill if necessary’ against mmirderers, ar-\nsonists.and looters, whatever their color, ’m against Caucasian\nkillers “like Oswald and Galt; and am equally opposed to a\nStokely Carmichael who urges his followers to start killing\nwhites; and to Negro snipers who: shoot at policemen and fire-\nmen. They all lock alike to me.\n\nAnd anything that makes it more difficult for such worthies\nfo get their itching fingers on a gun is just dandy with me,\n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1324.233654296875, 3374.778576171875, 1633.2700078125001, 3772.21678515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Stakirig .of.-posts for new\nREA power lines was sched~\nuled to beg June 13 as the\n-first step- toward construc-\ntion of more than 100 miles\n- of line in ‘the county,\n’ + ‘The county. was the-big win-\n\nner ina Jocal crap game.\nAltera. raid by sheriff's of\n: ficers, 11:men and one wom-:\nan paid’ fines totaling..$370.\n\"The annual tour of-the Heres\nford Cattle: Breeders Associa-\n: tion included. two. stops.’ in:\nPontotoc‘ County, st-the W. -E.\n“Harv ;aHorse, ..Shoe\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2294.402587890625, 3011.48974609375, 2886.1181640625, 3743.099365234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\n- “He's clr but he can't show off: hie\n: “por Pe app key ihe cgi\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 393.96435546875, 3064.38037109375, 1309.2579345703125, 3752.76220703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nRie FOR A CLERK TO WAIT ON.\n“YOO AND IT SEEMS THERE JUST =:\nARENT ANY CLERKS*-6\n\n \n \n\n \n\n“Bor vera cio Tove rr For FUN.\nwow! OUT. OF NOWHERE+- THE\nGRAND ARMY CF CLERKDOM!!\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2271.165771484375, 201.38336181640625, 2728.569091796875, 282.9326171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Guns And The Law\n" }, "17": null, "18": { "bbox": [ 711.1998291015625, 1516.78564453125, 1261.138427734375, 1627.5732421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Diyad LAE\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1327.6346435546875, 208.29507446289062, 2222.29541015625, 1282.835693359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": null, "21": { "bbox": [ 38.82268524169922, 2092.9638671875, 568.6699829101562, 2237.3662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Jenkin Lloyd Jones. ..\n\nRevolt Against Glory\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 46.08812713623047, 642.0389404296875, 1247.238525390625, 727.0631713867188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Assassinations May Cause Leaders To Be ‘Isolated’\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1309.991455078125, 142.29608154296875, 2227.609375, 187.7931671142578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nCau ‘went:to hibernate all: summer, too!’\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1646.5438232421875, 2275.36083984375, 1966.97509765625, 2412.58642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Hal Boyle\n\nSick Society?\n\n \n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1328.917236328125, 1348.9622802734375, 1800.7783203125, 1453.905029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Culture Of Violence\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 838.4797973632812, 1626.2230224609375, 1152.2685546875, 1653.8472900390625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Ry REV. PURNELL RATLEY\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 597.6773681640625, 3019.21337890625, 1097.449951171875, 3050.192138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Hatlo’'s Thevll Do Ir Every Time\n" }, "28": null, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 2693.56396484375, 2980.484375, 2862.941650390625, 3013.231201171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "by Ned Riddle\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1329.274169921875, 1315.05419921875, 1534.647216796875, 1355.4454345703125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Ralph McGill\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2301.513916015625, 2984.82177734375, 2460.0859375, 3015.429443359375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "wap TWEEDY\n" }, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 30, 32 ], [ 35, 42 ] ]
[ 6687.8046875, 10061.052046875 ]
[ [ 30, 32 ], [ 42, 35 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1829.723388671875, 394.2315368652344, 4988.0576171875, 2366.766845703125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2610.5859375, 8116.5029296875, 4153.11083984375, 9457.1142578125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 4207.86445703125, 3056.873001953125, 5020.2190390625, 5223.05155859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "UNIVERSITY PARK—First the\n‘issue was housing, but since all\n\\Penn State students now have\n\nadequate accommodations, the\nipicketers enscounced on Old Main\nlawn have moved on to basic\n‘anti-establishmentarianism.\n\n| Today is the annual Penn State-\nNavy football game, and the pro-\ntesters are hoping to impress all\n‘the visiting alumni with their ob-\nvious ability to run the university.\n\nWalker's Town, the huddle of\ntents and sleeping bags on the\nlawn, is as busy as a beehive with\nsign-writing and shoe-sole search-\ning and push-ups and all the other\nactivities necessary for the suc-\ncess of even the most insignificant\nprotest march.\n\n| However, at the other end of\nthe field stand the Penn State\nYoung Americans for Freedom,\nwho are planning to counter-\npicket the picketers and prove to\nthe alumni that Penn State isn't\ngoing to be left to the dogs without\n‘some effort by those who feel that\nright is right.\n\nDouglas W. Cooper, chairman of |\n\nthe group and a graduate student\nin physics, says that they are ir-\nritated at the students abusing\nthe right to protest. “Protest is too\nvaluable to waste on fake issues”\nreads one of the counter-picket-\ners’ signs.\nSo it looks as if there’s going to\nbe more than one clash at Penn\nState today. Ah, well, Scouting\nsure rounds a guy out. ‘\n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 4197.97725, 5479.9645546875, 5009.47148046875, 7420.24003515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "i] Sia: wh: lable es th or a oe ee ee\nshould hit the earth's atmos-\nphere this weekend. Any\nmiscalculation in speed or angle\nof approach could mean de-\n‘struction of the craft in a ball\nof flame, they said.\n\nThe Western observers said\nZond 5 was big enough to car\na man and was sending bac\nrecorded voice transmissions on\na telephone hookup that would\nprovide instantaneous communi-\ncations with a man inside, a\ncommunications feat unprece-\ndented from so far away.\nTass said Zond 5, launched\nSunday, passed within 1,210.9\nmiles of the moon Wednesday\nand “pressure and temperature\nwithin the station is main-\ntained.”’ It described the craft\nas an “automatic space Ssta-\ntion.” |\n\nThe announcement said scien-\ntists had altered Zond’s course\nslightly one day before it\nencircled the moon by firing its\npropulsion engine, which delops\nthrust by rotating charged\nelectronic particles in an\nelectro- magnetic field and\nshooting them forth at a high\nspeed.\n\nThis type engine overcomes\nthe problems of carrying fuel in\nlengthy space trips, cutting\ndown the chance of failure.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5826.25801171875, 3723.4645546875, 6641.5217734375, 5679.04179296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| One juvenile and five city\n‘adults yesterday received fines\nfor malicious mischief at the\n‘Kittanning Point spring last\nweekend, according to Justice\nof the Peace W. Don Marlin\nof Logan Twp.\n\n_ Mr. Marlin fined the follow-\ning youths $25 each and ordered\nthem to make restitution of $19\neach for the damage at Kit-\ntanning Point.\n\n| Lee C. Larson, 23; ge\n‘Cramer, 19; James Neely, 21;\nRichard DiNicola, 20; John C.\nStitch, age unlisted, and a 17-\nyear-old high school youth. All\nof the defendants are from A\\l-\ntoona.\n\nThe youth were charged with\nsmearing four different , colors\nof paint on new State Highway\nDepartment reflector signs and\n‘the center lines on the highway,\nand painting initials on rocks\n‘at the spring.\n\nThey are also believed to have\npulled the pipelines bringing wa-\nter from the spring to the road-\nside. Paint also was found in\nthe water supply which is a\nsource of water for Altoona resi-\ndents. All six were charged\nwith malicious mischief.\n\nThey all pleaded guilty and\npaid the fines of $25. Total dam-\nage for which the youths must\nrepay the state was $115.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1766.6084755859374, 6757.6715859375, 2563.9905234375, 8641.4612265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "(Continued irom pape i}\ntheir North Vietnamese sanc-\ntuary.\n\nThe Marines reported killing\n110 Communists and capturing\n500 rifles in the first four days\nof the southern sweep. U.S.\ncasualties were described as\n“light.\"\" Some Marines keeled\nover from the effects of the 110-\ndegree heat.\n\nU.S. B52 bombers supported\nthe operation with their deepest\nraids into North Vietnamese\nterritory. Spokesmen said pilots\ndropped two million pounds of\nbombs on Communist positions\nas far as 10 miles north of the\nbuffer serip.\n\nGovernment spokesmen in\nSaigon said South Vietnamese\nMarines and regional forces\ntoday crushed the second Red\nAssault in two days at their\noutpost 40 miles northwest of\nSaigon. They said the defenders\nkilled 173 Communists in the\ntwo defenses at a cost of 14\nkilled and 60 wounded.\n\nIn other fighting near the\ncapital reported today, a U.S.\ninfantry patrol trapped = a\nCommunist platoon near Tay\nNinh City, 53 miles to the\nnorthwest: They reported killing\n19 Communists at a cost of two\nwounded.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5833.05224609375, 3308.788330078125, 6563.78955078125, 3700.56494140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Youths Fined\nFor Damage at\nArea Spring\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 5018.9020546875, 4524.467484375, 5821.337203125, 6728.9729453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Principal Edgar J. Brooks has\nannounced that a battery of tests\nwill be given on Monday, Oct. 14,\nto sophomores of Altoona Area\nHigh School. This test provides\ninformation on ability, strengths\nand weaknesses.\n\nResults of the test are intended\nto be helpful to any sophomore,\nregardless of his course of study.\nIn learning this information, the\nstudent is better able to plan for\nfuture education and vocational\ngoals.\n\nThe test includes the California\nTest of Mental Maturity and the\nDifferential Aptitude Test. The\nlatter test consists of verbal rea-\nsoning, numerical ability, —\nreasoning, clerical speed and ac-\ncuracy, mechanical reasoning,\nspace relations, language usage-\nspelling and language usage-\ngrammar.\n\nAfter the tests have been scored\nand the results returned to the\nhigh school guidance office, an-\nnouncement will be made in the\nhigh school. At that time parents\nare requested to make an appoint-\nment with the counselor to dis-\ncuss test results in relation to the\nstudent’s future plans.\n\nNotice of the tests has been\ngiven to all members of the sopho-\nmore class. Parents who wish ad-\nditional information should call,\nthe guidance office, 944-8101, ex.\ntension 220 or 221. Students will\nregister in the principal's office!\nand the cost is $1. \". —— for,\nregistering is Oct.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5031.13105859375, 611.5981606445313, 5832.51542578125, 4066.71415625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Varied injuries treated in the\nAltoona Hospital emergency roon\nyesterday included:\n\nLinda Ackerly, 606 Penn St.\nae sprain of right an\n\nMichael Bowers, 213 5th Ave.\nlaceration of right forearm.\n\nIrvin DeShong, Sylvan Hills\n— and abrasions of lef\noot\n\n| Barry Frye, 113 Lexington Ave.\n\n‘sprain of left arm.\n\n- Tammy Grace, 2005 Parkway\nbhp dog bites of neck and left\ne\n\ni Bernard Levine, 506 26th St.\n\n‘lacerations of both hands.\n\n| Tim Little, 3031 Broad Ave.\n\n‘sprain of right foot.\n\n| Louise McNally, 873 20th St.,\n\nlepistaxis.\n\n| Marcella Meek, 2324 4th St.,\ncontusions of right foot\n\nMargaret Potts, 1016 5th Ave.,\ninfected wound of left thumb.\n\nLeona Woomer, 522 9th Ave\n‘injury to toe\n' David White, Barnesboro RD 1,\nlaceration of right forearm.\n\n_ Joseph Menza, 119 Walnut Ave..\ncontusions and abrasions of right\nside of head and right arm.\n\nDianna Livoti, $811 15th St., frac-\nture of nose.\n\nKenneth Nedimyer, 2015 14th\nSt., sprain of left ankle.\n\nJeffrey Nail, 110 E. Cherry\nAve., fracture of finger.\n\nDonald Isenberg, 1919 llth Ave.,\ndog bites of left cheek and fore-\nhead.\n\nRobert Beck, 230 2nd Ave., la-\nceration of left upper leg.\n\nAdolf Ross, 2400 Horner Drive,\nlaceration of forehead and sprain\nof left ankle.\n\nJudy Dobbins, 3600 Walnut\nAve., blister on left foot.\n\nDaniel Singer, 829 7th Ave., con-\ntusions of left hand and wrist.\n\nRobert Sarp, Ill — Bivd.,\ncontusions and sprain of right el-\n\nbow\n\nRandy Raichle, 853 37th St.,\ncontusions of forehead and frac-\nture of right wrist.\n\nShelton Spencer, Martinsburg,\nfracture of right wrist.\n\nJanet Hammel, Box 652B, RD 2,\nirritation of throat.\n\nJohn Boslet, 207 6th Ave.,\nJuniata, ingestion of baby aspirin.\n\nRobert Garman, Box 247A,\nTyrone RD 2, laceration of ‘ve\n\nMax Schroeder, 217 E. 6th Ave.,\nmultiple fractures of left hand.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 5815.5029296875, 5720.640625, 6587.423828125, 6101.49560546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Fall Injuries\nSend Victims to\nMercy Hospital\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4209.64453125, 5230.40380859375, 5002.71826171875, 5417.35693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "ZOND 5 MAKES\nRETURN TRIP\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 185.9691925048828, 5488.212890625, 931.4197998046875, 6859.103515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 941.7007607421875, 8158.8668984375, 1753.4674521484376, 9638.4885703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "enthusiasm for Humphrey and\na strong current of support\namong blue collar workers for\n‘George Wallace.\n\n| Nixon’s campaign scheduled\nfor today included a visit to\nJohn Cardinal Krol, archbishop\nof Philadelphia, at his city line\n‘residence, he visit, to be fol-\nJowed by a tour of a Negro-\n‘operated business district in the\n‘North Philadelphia ghetto, were\nadded to the original schedule.\n\n| A number of shopping center\n‘speeches were planned at Clif-\nton Heights, Delaware County;\nPaoli, hester County; King of\nPrussia, Jenkintown, Glenside,\nWillow Grove, in Montgomery\nCounty, and Levittown, Bucks\nCounty.\n\n- Nixon will then travel across\nthe Delaware River for a three\nhour rest stop at the Cherry\nHill Inn in Cherry Hill, N. J.\nHe will address an evening au-\ndience at the Cherry Hill Mall\nprior to his departure for New\nYork City.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5002.92724609375, 6759.77001953125, 5774.353515625, 7145.021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Humane Society\nDog Show Set\nFor Sunday\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5806.89766015625, 6125.89375390625, 6631.45780859375, 7755.36405859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Possible fractures sent several\npersons to Mercy Hospital dis-\n(pensary for treatment yesterday,\n-among them Lauren Rhoades of 40\nRuskin Drive, who suffered con-\ntusions and injuries of the right\narm in a fall from her bicycle.\n\n| John Antesberger of 1616 Bell\n|Ave. was treated for possible frac-\ntures of the right wrist and arm\nsuffered while playing football.\n\nhr treated yesterday in-\ncluded\n\nAllan McCarty, 4, Hollidaysburg\n‘RD, laceration above the left eye\nsuffered in a fall down porch\nsteps\n\nDarl Lewis, Gallitzin RD, pos-\nsible fracture of left thumb.\n\nDavid Garman, Hollidaysburg\nRD 1, laceration of left index\nfinger on hand plane.\n_ Mary Lykens, Hollidaysburg,\n‘contusion of right thumb in fall.\n\nPaul Richards, 5440 Colclesser\nAve., puncture wound of right foot\n‘on nail.\n\nJohn McCready, 1094 18th St.,\ncontusions of left hand on bench.\n\nMargaret Miller, 430 Baynton\nAve., abrasions and contusions of\nright arm in fall.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5028.96337890625, 4117.486328125, 5772.60693359375, 4505.9072265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Sophomores at\nAAHS to Take\nAptitude Exam:\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 5805.8349609375, 7780.19482421875, 6603.11767578125, 7963.9091796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "HHH, NIXON\n| HURL BARBS\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 5034.05712890625, 359.8984069824219, 5766.67724609375, 611.94482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "‘City Hospital\nTreats Injuries\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 126.85928430175781, 7340.529984375, 939.6100913085937, 9052.9885703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "The body of Hospitalman 2.C.\nCecil Wayne Carothers, 22, son of\nMr. and Mrs. Cecil E. Carothers\nof 1810 12th Ave., Juniata, arrived\nin Altoona at 4:20 a.m. today\nfrom Vietnam, where he was\nkilled in action Sept. 10.\n\nFriends will be received in the\nMauk & Yates Funeral Home,\nJuniata, from noon to 10 p.m. to-\nmorrow and after 10 a.m. Mon.-\nday. The body was accompanied\nto Altoona by a fellow member of\nthe Navy, Hospitalman 2.C. M. R.\nNivin of the Philadelphia Naval\nYard.\n\nCecil was a veteran of five\nyears, having enlisted in_ the\nNaval Reserve in 1963 while a\nstudent at Altoona High School,\nwhere he graduated in 1964, then\nbegan active service. He had\nbeen in Vietnam since May.\n\nSurviving are his wife, the for-\nmer Beverly Settles of Juniata,\nand daughter, Cheryl Ann,\" 19\nmonths old, of 1931 9th Ave., Jun-\njata. Also surviving are his par-\nents, Cecil E. and Madeline\n(Stewart) Carothers, two sisters\nand a_ brother, Mrs., Elaine\nAdams of Niceville, Fla., and Wil-\nliam and Vicki, at home.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 960.2288208007812, 7905.08740234375, 1750.36181640625, 8089.74169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "NIXON TOURS\nPHILADELPHIA\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4204.01904296875, 2645.440673828125, 4983.9296875, 3030.022216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "More Than One\nClash at Penn\nState Campus\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1772.4171142578125, 6535.1650390625, 2390.0146484375, 6720.09521484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "TROOPS FIND\nNO TRACE\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 5005.9215859375, 7174.63740625, 5799.679, 8720.1711875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "The sixth annual dog show\nsponsored by the Central Penn-\nsylvania Humane Society will\nbe held Sunday. More than 100\ndogs of all breeds are expected\nto be exhibited.\n\nRegistration booths will open\nat 12:30 p.m. Classes of entries\nare best dressed, best trick, best\ndisciplined, rarest breed, a pet\nparade of adopted animals from\nthe shelter, and Bud Anderson\nof Tyrone demonstration of\nobedience training of dogs.\n\nJohn Riley, radio and tv per-\nsonality, will be the master of\nceremonies. Entertainment in-\ncludes “‘The Five of Us,” a folk\nsinging group; Altoona Area\nHigh School art students (paint-\ning) portraits of pets, and other\nfeatures.\n\nShow time is at 2 p.m. at the\nsociety show grounds three\nmiles east of Altoona on Route\n220.\n\nThere will be a cake walk,\ntrophies, ribbons, free door\nprizes, free parking and free\nadmission.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2622.25537109375, 2629.583740234375, 4115.6240234375, 3043.02099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Zoning Board Asked\nTo Okay 3 Variances\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 169.7545928955078, 366.1830139160156, 1733.685791015625, 896.937255859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "UPI Chief Fears\nLaw and Order Issue\nCould Clear Election\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 155.33494653320312, 948.8079384765625, 983.8711997070312, 5414.1165 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "CHAMPION, Pa. (UPI) —H.\nL. Stevenson, United Press In-\nternational managing editor, said\ntoday he feared ‘‘much more\nsignificant issues are going to\nbe lost to the voter” by the in-\ncreased ‘‘preoccupation”’ by the\ncandidates with the issue of law\nand order.\n\nIn remarks prepared for de-\nlivery to the UPI Editors of\nPennsylvania (UPIEP) Fall\nWorkshop at the Seven Springs\nMountain resort, Stevenson said\n“we're going to hear much\nmore about the issue of law and\norder in the days ahead.”\n\n“T am afraid it is becoming\na catch phrase, hard to define\nby the candidate, perhaps delib-\nerately, easy to define for the\nlistener who fits it to his parti-\ncular view,\"’ Stevenson said.\n\n“In the process I fear other\nissues, much more significant is-\nsues, are going to be lost to the\nvoter. Vietnam, poverty, urban\nblight, education, this country’s\nrole overseas, the training of\nhard core unemployed, the ex-\nploration of space and many\nother issues are in danger of\nbeing brushed aside or skimmed\nover because of this increasing\npreoccupation with law and or-\nder.\n\n“We appear to be headed into\na particularly bruising and bit-\nter campaign and there is dan-\nger that the catalyst for it will\nbe this elusive and hard to de-\nfine issue.”\n\nStevenson said he was not\nsure that he could define law\nand order because “‘the three\npresidential candidates are hav-\ning a great deal of trouble de-\nfining it.”\n\nHe said Richard M. Nixon\nsays he would build more jail\ncells and “urge the judges to\nget tougher” Vice President Hu-\nbert H. Humphrey replies to\nNixon by “calling Nixon’s ap-|\nproach something he'd expect\nfrom a comic strip character\nand that the real way to cut down\non the crime rate is to elimi-\nnate poverty and wipe out the\nslums,’ Stevenson Said.\n\nStevenson said George Wal-\nlace has been “going around\nwith a smile on his face pre-\ntending he invented the subject\nof law and order.”\n\n“And | must confess, after\nseeing Mr. Wallace operate in\nthe state of Alabama, that he's\nsomewhat of an expert and he\ncertainly can take credit for in-\njecting it as a major issue in\nthis campaign,”’ Stevenson said.\n\nJack Mitchell, managing editor\nof the Beaver County Times,\nand UPIEP president, presided\nover the workshop session.\n\nMilton Richman, UPI sports\ncolumnist, was the luncheon\nspeaker and related incidents\nfrom his 24 vears covering the\nsports beat for UPI\n\nTwo panel discussions — “How!\nto Get the Most Out of Your\nWire Report’ and “The Future)\nLook of Newspapers —\nthe Challenge’ — were other’\nhighlights of the conference. |\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1813.4501953125, 2656.09375, 2594.68505859375, 2844.70166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "‘Y’ BUILDING\nPROGRAM URGED\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 4201.95234765625, 7642.29316796875, 4996.38358984375, 10034.1682578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Pilar Brubaker, Hollidaysburg.\nCamille Dejaiffe, 122 23rd Ave.\nCyrus Wharton, Dysart RD.\nPatricia Pompa, 2809 S. 10th\nAve.\nMary Zachesky, Cresson.\nPatricia Dennis, 2101 19th St.\nJohn Baranick Jr., Patton.\nThomas Ross, 1634 Notre Dame\nRoad.\na ‘Nisbet, Hollidaysburg\nD\n\nMary Gouse, Portage.\nJohn Myers, 811 2nd Ave.\nMary A. McLaughlin, 325 23rd\n\nAve.\nAnne Schellhammer, Bellwood.\nWayne Conrad, Gallitzin.\nColleen Crum, 409 8th St.\nRoy Noonan, 1505 15th St.\nDomenica Zanghi, Tyrone.\nDawn McCreary, 2430 Oak Ave.\n\nDischarged\n\nLillian Furrer, 2526 7th Ave.\nRuth Sidney, 122 24th Ave.\nThomas Nixon, 320 8th Ave.,\nJuniata.\n\nThelma Plowman, Cresson.\nDennis Butler Jr., 710 7th Ave.\nMark Leberfinger, Hollidays-\nburg.\n\nMichael DeCoulaz, 2417 2nd\nAve.\n\nWilliam Smith, Hollidaysburg.\nPaul Clyte, Hollidaysburg RD.\nAlda Hess, Broad Top RD.\nMary McConnell and baby boy,\nLilly RD.\n\nElizabeth Steindel, 309 14th St.\nLola Hicks, Huntingdon.\nJames Mascitelli, 115 S. 9th St.\nPleasant Valley Blvd.\n\nJoe Rickabaugh, 212 E. 5th Ave.\nPamela Strohmeyer, RD 4.\nJody Lykens, 119 16th St.\nWinifred Lamca, 820 12th St.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 131.53240966796875, 6923.14501953125, 918.8837280273438, 7307.59033203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Hospitalman’s\nFuneral Service\nPlanned Monday\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2573.89668359375, 7649.377640625, 3375.023970703125, 8067.430953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "LEWISBURG—Nearly 2,600 un-\ndergraduates enrolled for classes\nas Bucknell University began its\n123rd academic year Sept. 17. The\nfreshman class of 670 men and\nwomen includes Richard Philip\nKoon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel\nKoon of 407 26th St., Altoona.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2586.667435546875, 3114.671830078125, 3400.532271484375, 7039.17362890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "SSS Sg See 27 Se BSF GASSES ESR, 6 GEE SAE\nto permit operation of two\n‘beauty shops and a plumbing\nlestablishment in_ residential\nneighborhoods were heard by\nithe zoning board of adjustment\n|Friday afternoon.\n\n| Also part of the agenda were\nirequests for deviation of side-\n‘yard requirements according to\n‘present zoning, one for a tavern\n‘extension and the other for con-\n‘struction of a garage.\n\n| The board, which met in the\n‘police courtroom, included Atty.\n‘Bruce Brumbaugh, chairman;\n‘Donald Langer and Charles\nOfiesh. Zoning administrator is\nWilliam G. Mitchell, who is city\n‘building inspector.\n\n' Paul Seymore, who made his\n‘original appeal for a zoning\nvariance to permit an addition\nto his tavern at 1329-31 Il7th\n\\Ave., reappeared for a rehear-\n‘ing, offering two more names\n‘for his petition in support of\n‘the change.\n\nAtty. Robert C. Haberstroh,\nwho represented Mr. Seymore,\n‘noted that only one property\nlowner affected by the proposed\nchange had not signed the peti-\nition and this was because of\nunavailability, not refusal.\n\nThe board was informed that\nMr. Seymore has no objection\nto moving the proposed addition\nback 10 feet to meet the front\nyard requirements. Atty. Haber-\n‘stroh pointed out that Mr. Sey-\nmore owns the adjacent double\nhouse and eventually might have\nit razed to provide off-street\nparking. /\n| He reviewed that plans call\nfor new restroom facilities,\nkitchen expansion and storage\nroom in the 12-x50-foot expan-|\n‘sion.\n_ According to Mr. Seymore and\nAtty. Haberstroh, the address\nhas been used for business for\n50 vears and has been a tavern\nsince 1933.\n_ The board previously had turn-\ned down the request because of\nthe effect the addition would\nhave on the adjoining property\nin cutting off light and air by\nits close location.\n\nJames G. Gasnell of 1210 21st\nAve. and Blaine Fahr, partners:\nin a plumbing business, asked\nfor permission to utilize the\ngarage at that address as the\nbase for their business.\n\nThey explained that the «state\nrequires that a sign be posted)\nat the business base, and this.\nwas the reason for the request.\nThey stated that they would use\nthe garage for their truck and\nstorage. They said there would\nbe no noise connected with the\noperation since there would be\nno work in the shop. |\n\nMr. Gasnell noted that he\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": null, "32": { "bbox": [ 3393.086625, 3069.9586953125, 4203.661421875, 8057.75566015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "| promised the neighbors that this\n}would be the situation and that\nwhe intended to adhere to it.\n|There would be no change in use\n‘jof the garage, except for the\nlsign, they noted.\n\nGuido Scacco asked for per-\njmission to operate a beauty\n‘shop in the front of the store-\n) room at 2900 5th Ave., zoned for\nresidential single family C.\n\nHe lated to the board that he\nbought the building, where his\nbarbershop is located, Aug. 15\nand that the storeroom previ-\nously had been used for a con-\nfectionery store, pizza shop and\ngun shop. There are other\nbusinesses in the area, he said,\nenumerating a _ confectionery\nstore, an interior decorator\nshop and a lumber yard. No one\nrefused to sign his petition, he\nassured the board.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Richard P.\nJackson of 1425 18th Ave. asked\nfor a variance to operate a\nbeauty shop in the basement of\ntheir home.\n\nRepresenting them, Atty. Eu-\ngene J. lanuzzi related that no\noff-street parking would be\nnecessary since there was a\ntwo-car garage to the rear and\nparking space for two cars in\nfront. Entrance, he said, would\nbe in the rear, and no sign was\nanticipated, except for one from\nfo gas light.\n\nAtty. lanuzzi brought out that\nthe coche already had ex-\npended $700 to $800 in improve-\n‘ments, and that the bureau of\nhealth has indicated approval.\nThe business would be a single\npropietorship with one chair.\nMrs, Jackson said she had been\nin business before, and noted\nthere is a beauty shop across\nthe street. No one refused to\nsign the petition, she said. :\n\nMrs. Robert S. Brown appeal-\ned to the board to permit con-\nstruction of a masonry and\nframe garage, 12 by 23 feet, at\nthe street side of her property\nat 301 24th Ave., a single family\nB district.\n\nShe previously had_ been,\nturned down by City Council\nwhen she attempted to have\nTwenth-fourth Avenue alley va-|\ncated so that she could locate a\ntwo-car garage five feet out in-\nto the right-of-way.\n\nShe told the board that she\nhad reduced the requirements,\nto a one-car garage in order to\nlocate it on that side of the:\nhouse for convenience and not\nto reduce the sight distance of|\nneighbors who now can_ look\nacross her yard to the play-|\nground which their children’\nuse.\n\nCity Planning Director John\nSchraff pointed out that the cur-\nrent proposal would bring the\ngarage within three feet of the\nadjoining property ok :\n\nIn response to rd ques-)\ntions, Mrs. Jackson said that!\ngarage location to the far side\nof the house would be inconveni-\nent and also limit the neighbors’,\nsight distance. She claimed she,\nwas seeking a location which|\nwould be the most conventient.\nand the least distracting. She\nsaid she intended a concrete\nroof which would be used as a\npatio, :\n\nAtty. Brumbaugh pointed out)\nthat the yard is of considerable\nsize and reminded Mrs. Jackson\nthat the board’s findings must.\nbe based on hardship running)\nwith the ground.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5797.47383203125, 8124.2379921875, 6622.90165625, 10015.5823203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "tery Y ew Aw GENES oe we so -e~\n\n‘Nixon said.\nDraws Crowd\n\n| Nixon drew an_ estimated\n(250,000 to 300,000 in downtown\nPhiladelphia Friday, a city in\n‘which he must do well if he\n‘hopes to capture Pennsylvania’s\nimportant block of 29 electoral\n‘votes. Nixon’s crowd was bigger\n‘and more enthusiastic than one\n'for Humphrey 10 days ago\nlestimated at 125,000.\n| In other political develop-\n/ments:\n| George C. Wallace—The third-\nparty candidate promised Fri-\naay to put the federal judiciary\n‘in its place’ if he is elected\n‘president by making judges\n‘face Senate review every eight\nyears.\n- Edmund S$, Muskie—The vice\npresidential candidate cam-\npaigned in Kansas_ Friday,\ncalling Nixon a candidate ‘‘who\nwon’t debate anybody, includin\nWallace.” Senator Muskie a\nded: ‘Perhaps they can’t find\nenough differences to discuss.”\nSpiro T. Agnew—The Mary-\nland governor, the GOP vice\npresidential nominee, said in\n‘San Francisco the Democrats\n‘had lost their right to govern\nthe United States because of the\ncredibility gap.\n\n \n" }, "34": null, "35": { "bbox": [ 2570.52266015625, 7077.4001015625, 3381.774947265625, 7560.16386328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "politburo and central committee\nof the Communist party.\n\nThe delay gave President\nLudvik Svoboda, Dubcek,\nSmrkovsky and other Czechoslo-\nvak leaders a chance to take to\nthe hustlings to rally popular\nsupport. They got a tumultuous\nwelcome at Brno.\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 918.4487465820313, 9729.5153359375, 1747.4847861328126, 10055.919234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Five different political parties\nhave been represented in the\npresidency of the United States\n— Federalist, Democrat- Repub-\nlican, Democrat, Whig and Re-\npublican.\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1763.6190185546875, 8680.1640625, 2565.803466796875, 8865.3203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "SOVIETS\nUNDECIDED\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 130.75616540527344, 9119.1520546875, 933.3484946289062, 9806.8381796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "ROME (UPI)—A police magis-\ntrate ruled Friday that hugs and\nkisses in public do not constitute\nadultery. Magistrate Bruno Scrivo\nmade the ruling in dismissing\nadultery action brought by the\nestranged wife of a Rome doctor.\nHe said evidence gathered by pri-\nvate detectives concerning the\nman’s behavior in public did not\n\nrove the man engaged in more\nntimate exchanges of affection in\nprivate.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 1016.7564086914062, 963.3695678710938, 1790.7086181640625, 1168.0303955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "77 CASES ON\nJURY LIST\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 5001.8756875, 8823.3219765625, 5785.9534140625, 9603.6819296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "SAN FRANCISCO (UPD — I\nwas all in a day’s work for po\nlice inspector Harold Suslow. He\nwas doing paper work Friday ir\npolice headquarters when he\nheard of a wild chase by police\nof a stolen car heading his way\nat speeds of 80 miles an hour\nSuslow walked outside and shot\nout the left rear tire of the stoler\ncar as it sped by. He then stroll:\ned back inside. Officers quickly\ncaught up with the vehicle anc\narrested Jerry Bonds, 20, on su\nspicion of car theft.\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 4995.088578125, 9684.990921875, 5784.8186484375, 10007.4534140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "| MADRID (UPI) — Spain’s firs’\nheart transplant patient, Juar\n‘Rodriguez Grille, 41, was buriec\nhere Friday. He died Thursday\nafter surviving 33 hours with the\nheart of a woman.\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1755.41328515625, 8916.7458046875, 2570.408248046875, 10061.052046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "4 ree ———— eo lO\n\ntheir part in liberal reforms\nincluding freedom of the press.\nOne of them was Alexander\nDubcek, the man who master-\nminded the democratic exper-\niment.\n\nBut the Soviets apparently\nhad second thoughts and\ndecided to postpone the meeting\nuntil next week in the face of\nCzechoslovak opposition to the\npurge demands. There was no\nword they had given up the\n‘‘blacklist,’’ however.\n\nChange Of Heart\n\nKremlin observers said the\nchange of heart reflected a\nower struggle in the Soviet\neadership between conserva-\ntives and liberals, with con-\nstantly shifting tides in he\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5843.295609375, 2026.6162880859374, 6651.6448203125, 3255.147505859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "a RN OPE NPR EPS OG\n\nOf 2807 Edgewood Drive, died un-\nexpectedly at her home at 11:20\np.m. yesterday, after a brief ill-\nness. She was born in Lilly on\nMarch 2, 1912, a daughter of\nJames H. and Isabelle (Duffy)\nLeahey, and married Joseph C.\nGlasgow. Surviving are her hus-\nband, three children, J. David of\nthe city, Joseph Jr. of Pittsburgh\nand Mrs. Amanda S. Tezak of\nHaddonfield, N.J.; six grandchil-\ndren and five brothers and sisters,\nMrs. Susan Brunton, Michael and\nEdward of the city, Mrs. Jean\nKing of Wichita Falls, Tex., and\nJohn M. of Downey, Calif. Mrs.\nGlasgow was a member of Sacred\nHeart Catholic Church, Altar and\nRosary Society, Christian Moth-\ners, C.D. of A. and Altoona Wom-\nans Club. Friends will be received\nin the Stevens Mortuary from 2 to\n5 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow.\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 4283.92236328125, 7485.330078125, 4900.16357421875, 7584.79736328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "Merey Hospital\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 257.2953796386719, 9049.732421875, 790.4639282226562, 9108.4287109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "INNOCENT KISSES\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 5858.03633203125, 874.9766396484375, 6684.78446875, 1969.4635458984376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "Of Smithfield yd Huntingdon\nRD 3, died at 12.20 a.m. today in\nJ. C. Blair Memorial Hospital,\nHuntingdon, after an extended ill-\nness. He was born at James\nCreek, Aug. 24, 1891, a son of An-\nthony and Elmira (Grove) Kyle,\nand married Verna A. Hamm.\nSurviving are his wife, four chil-\ndren, James H. Jr., Cloyd H, and\nMrs. Sylvia Stitt, all Hunting-\ndon RD 3, and Robert of Center\nUnion, Pa.; 12 grandchildren and\nthree great-grandchildren. Mr.\nKyle was a veteran of World War\nI. He retired from the Lester J.\nMcDonald Trucking Co. of Hunt-\ningdon in 1964. Friends will be re-\nceived in the Brown Funeral\nHome, Huntingdon, after 7 p.m.\ntomorrow,\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1784.359818359375, 2875.430375, 2592.288130859375, 6573.2327109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "(Continued trom page i)\nof directors and various commit-\ntee heads have evaluated the\nprograms, it is easy to sit down\nand translate them into a building\nprogram.\nEconomy Important\n\n“In developing a design for a\nYMCA, you must run a maximum\n‘program with a minimum of staff\n‘and at the same time build a\nbuilding economical to operate,”\nhe said.\n\n' Some of the programs are self-\nsupporting and therefore pay for\nthemselves. Food service is a los-\ning proposition, Mr. Christensen\nobserved, except for banquets.\nOne recommendation would\n\n‘take them out and put in vending\nmachines which would produce\nprofit. Other areas which could\nbe partially self-supporting are a\ngeneral purpose room and club-\nroom to be used by church\ngroups, etc.\n\n| “At present we are opening a\nnew YMCA in the United States\nevery 104 days,”’ he related. “The\nbuildings are not necessarily new\nassociations but the majority of\nthem are not meeting the needs\nof the people using them.\n\n“The vast increase in number\nof people using the YMCAs has\nresulted in some of them opening\ntheir doors at 6:30 a.m. and clos-\ning them at 11:30 p.m., six days\na week, and being open from 1:30\nor 2:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. Sun-\ndays.\n\nFacilities Expand\n\n- Increased usage and wants of\npeople have caused more and\n\narchery, riflery and even me\ndiving.”\n\nIn conclusion, the board presi-|\ndent, the Rev. Robert Dilliard, |\ntold members: ‘We must face it,\nwe must gear planning and pro-\ngrams in the future to meet the\nmental, moral and spiritual needs\nof every person.’\n\nIn other action, the board of\ndirectors adopted and made a)\npermanent part of the minutes,\ntwo resolutions citing the late)\npast president, John P. Lafferty\nIl, and the late William C. Mc-\nVicker, a member of the board\nof directors and building commit-\ntee chairman, for their dedicated\nwork in public service to the com-\nmunity, :\n\nAt the next monthly gone. on\ndetailed report of a cost study by\nthe national office of the “Y\"\nwill be given.\n\nSa a ge eer _——- te oe ee Ge\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 2657.40673828125, 7581.33837890625, 3282.48779296875, 7643.79931640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "ALTOONAN ENROLLED\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 5011.48486328125, 9618.3310546875, 5777.82421875, 9683.15625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "TRANSPLANT PATIENT DIES\n" }, "50": null, "51": { "bbox": [ 1054.2269287109375, 9663.8662109375, 1630.90869140625, 9724.6513671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "POLITICAL PARTIES\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 993.0230263671875, 1167.936234375, 1806.4474326171876, 8023.13749609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "| (Continued from page 1)\nto avoid identification,\n\nMelvin J. Diehl—Driving during\nsus nsion.\n\nomas R. Folcarelli — Book-\nmaking.\n\nTuesday, Sept. 24\n\nWilliam E. Freet—Lotteries and\ntraffic in lottery tickets.\n\nJoseph Fritz — Furnishing malt\nor brewed beverages to minors.\n\nSamuel T. Grassmyer—Driving\nduring suspension.\n\nMartha Green—Issuing worth-\nless checks.\n\nJohn Gutchall—Failure to sup-\nport child, assault and battery.\n\nWilliam Harpster~—Forcible en-|\ntry and burglary.\n\nMerle Heinbaugh — Malicious\nmischief.\n\nPaul Heiss Jr. — Driving while\nintoxicated\n\nWilliam E. Kelly—Lotteries.\n\nCharles O. Knisely—Transporta-\ntion of explosives.\n\nMichael L. Knisely and Lester\nL. Decker—Transportation of ex-\nplosives and blasting caps, bombs\nand explosives.\n\nJohn E. Krider—Driving during\nsuspension.\n\nCarl Snyder—Hit and run.\n\nClesta M. Johnson—Forgery and\nobtaining credit on false pretense.\n\nWednesday, Sept. 25 |\nGeorge S. Labant—Driving while\nintoxicated\nRobert A, Lantz enone\nduring suspension\nLouis J. Longo—Establishing al\ngambling place and lotteries. |\nPhilip McNeal—Aggravated as- |\nsault and battery.\nMarlyn Neekins—Driving while,\nintoxicated\nSamuel Mickels — Furnishing\nliquor to minors.\nalph Palazzi — Establishing a\ngambling place\nHenry A. Mignogna—E stablish-|\ning a gambling place.\nRobert C. Miller—Morals of- |\nlense.\nWilliam A. Moore — Devig\n= Page ger\nbur L. Mountain — Driving '\nsatin suspension, involuntary |\nmanslaughter.\nLeonard E. Murphy — Devine\nwhile intoxicated.\nJames Neely — Driving during ‘ !\nsuspension.\nSamuel Graham — Larceny by ‘\n»mploye\nEdward J. Gutwald—Larceny by ‘\nemploye. i\nThursday, Sept. 26 ij\nElmer Ruggiero—Lotteries and ¢\n*stablishing a gambling place. (\nRaymond D. Nicewonger—Book- ¢\nmaking.\n\nClifford Null—Worthless check. |\nRalph J. Olivo — Establishing!\nzambling place and lotteries. |\nCarmine A. Pasquini — Drag)!\nracing. F\nJames A. Patterson—Establish-' ,\nng a gambling place.\narry P, Reese—Driving during.\nuspension, d\nDavid Reynolds—Burglary, lar- :\n\neny and receiving stolen goods. |\nHoward Reynolds—Larceny le\nDaniel Rieder—Morals offense.\nDale Riggleman — Aggravated 0\nssault and battery.\n\nMorris E. Rodkey—Larceny. f\nDonald Ross — Corrupting the P\nnorals of a minor, indecent 2g”\nault and forcible entry. i\n\nFriday, Sept. 27 \\\nVictor L. Schiappa—Interfering 0\nvith duties of an officer. it\n\nRobert P. Schraff—Driving con\nng suspension.\n\nwin F. Scatimachit—Dtiving!\nyhile intoxicated. d\nDale L. Shade—Fraudulent con- dl\nersion.\nAnthony D. Sinisi—Establishing| “\ngambling place.\nae E. Smouse—Morals of-)\n\"Ronald A. Sneath—Failure tol’\nlentify self at accident, failure\n) stop at accident. tl\nDewey Strohmeyer — Auto lar- t\n\neny.\nRobert H. Thon — Failure on\njentify self at accident.\n\nrnard J. Trinkle—Morals Pre.\nnse.\n\nJohn P. Vanneman—Public in- .\necency.\nRichard L. Vincent — Driving d\n‘ithout license.\n\nAlton Waite—Aggravated assault, dl\nnd battery.\n\nMelvin E. Ea ape\" fe\nf child. d\nJulius O. Williams—Assault with .\ntent to kill.\n\nDavid Wolfe—Rape and morals b\nffense.\n\nRalph A. Frederick — Driving Ss\nuring suspension. M\n\n/IXON TOURS ;\n\neh eee eae are\n" }, "53": null, "54": { "bbox": [ 5990.7607421875, 817.6455688476562, 6528.2890625, 878.7139892578125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "TAMPES H. KYLF SR.\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 5272.90185546875, 8755.103515625, 5520.92578125, 8806.4755859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "HO.HUM\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1051.8829345703125, 8106.345703125, 1657.3536376953125, 8154.83935546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "(Continued from page 1)\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 163.29861450195312, 9853.435546875, 887.782958984375, 10032.650390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": " \n\n'Publishet daily. Second - class\nmail privieges authorized and\n-class postage\npaid at Altoona, Pa.\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 5960.74169921875, 1981.043701171875, 6548.8076171875, 2041.462646484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "F. LOUISE GLASGOW\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 4303.68603515625, 5432.18798828125, 4910.38427734375, 5477.68310546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "(Continued from page 1)\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 5870.86083984375, 364.184814453125, 6687.8046875, 635.654541015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Heath Rerord\n\nFUNERAL NOTICES\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 1868.6717529296875, 8878.4375, 2483.14306640625, 8926.451171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "(Continued from page 1)\n" }, "62": { "bbox": [ 1079.9102783203125, 1177.2801513671875, 1711.237060546875, 1228.854736328125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 62, "ocr_text": "(Continued from page 1)\n" }, "63": { "bbox": [ 1903.2283935546875, 2861.1953125, 2504.87890625, 2906.962158203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 63, "ocr_text": "(Continued from page 1!)\n" }, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 3 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 0, 5 ], [ 0, 11 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 1, 11 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 3, 11 ], [ 4, 5 ], [ 4, 11 ], [ 5, 11 ], [ 8, 2 ] ]
[ 6510.015625, 9939.3359375 ]
[ [ 0, 4 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 4, 11 ], [ 5, 3 ], [ 8, 2 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 4128.3201484375, 624.2714423828126, 4896.3903007812505, 1420.2527275390626 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "“How to Succeed” on Bdwy.;\n\nand they were all zoftic speci-\nmens as we remember them,\nwith a leer.\n\nSteve McQueen has one scene\nin “Bullitt’’ wherein he throws\nhimself in front of a Pan-Am\n707: his friends asked, couldn’t\nthey use a dummy? Steve re-\nMied, “They did.” . . . Evelyn\nScott learned the white-loved\nfinishing school amenities at\nMiss Chandler’s Schon! for Girls\nin Boston and now she’s\nfor her fifth year in “Peyton\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3341.308185546875, 628.2702827148438, 4118.39323046875, 2355.559734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "native Puerto Rico: savs he\nwants her for his nightclub act\n. . . Meanwhile the princess is\nengaged to commoner newspap-\ner exec Bill Thomas.\n\nThe Metopera’s Robert Mer-\nrill is in London recording “Fid-\ndier On the Roof’ with Molly\nPicon . Mrs. Billy Gaxton,\nwidow of the musical comedy\nstar, is mending at home after\na hospital-month for twi\nback-dises . . . Sign on a hot\n\nowrer A)? Stahl came\n$25,000 of buying the Stage Del-\nly . . . Dick Nixon buvs his\nkosher corned-beef sandwiches\nat the Dover Deli, 56th & Lex.\nEducation. new style: scene\nin “IT Love You, Alice B, Tok-\nlas” features a golf game with\nplayers stoned on marijuana\n. Warners wants Jimmy\nBrown to star in “Lions 3 —\nChristians 0” . . . Michele Lee\nis on the coast filming “Riv\nBricht’’ and her husband James\nForentino is fim'ing “Me, Nata-\nlie” here in New York — so\nunderstanding Michele gete him\ndates for dinner with the girls\nshe knew when che starred in\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 986.5665473632813, 3240.1131171875, 1772.0696220703126, 5689.0333671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "son is conversing with other\nhuman beings in his native\n\ntongue!\n\nThis can be chartered graphic-\nally by a tria , the points of\nwhich are :\n\n(1) Conversational tones\n\n(2) Directed to\n\n(3) In English (here in Amer-\nica)\n\nAfter any one of those corn-\ners and you immediately start\nthe functional stutterer on the\n\nmy!\n\nChange (2), as by talking to\n, dogs or trees and even\n\nthe ocean’s waves, a la Demos-\n\nthenes.\n\nVary (3), by use of a foreign\ntongue, as Spanish or French, if\nyour original stuttering began\nwhile talking English.\n\nAlso, bite down on your tongue\nwith your jaw teeth and hold\nit prisoner as you start speaking,\nfor that bizarre act also alters\n(1), above.\n\nSend for my booklet “Psy-\nchology of Stuttering and Stam-\nmering,”’ enclosing a long stamp-\ned, return envelope, plus 20c.\n\n(Always write to Dr. Crane\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2560.4959296875, 636.0131416015626, 3328.914958984375, 2341.001140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "The other night Irving\nSones backstage at the Viv-\n‘ian Beaumont Theatre to con-\n‘gratulate Carney after seei\nhim in the warmly wonderfu\n“Lovers”. . . They talked about\n‘the “Mr. President” fiasco and\n‘Irving assured Art: ‘You're the\npo ay who gained out of that\n\n AvantCriticism of Si Litvin-\noff's “The Queen’: “Tt leaves\neee ee ae od\n\nSquire’s cringing with every\nMail as complaints flood in\nabout superimposing the kiss-\ners of Tiny Tim, Mao Tse Tung,\nGene McCarthy, Martin Luther\nKing, etc. on the figures in “The\nLast Supper” . Joe Namath\nknows he’s star of football and\nTV games, but does he real-\nize he and some pals were\nstars of the lobby closed-circuit\nTV in his E. 76th St. building\n— ag they romped in the roof-\ntop swimming pool.\n\nYou don’t have to be Italian\n\nto like Goldberg’s Pizzeria on\n\nYork Ave... . Jose Passer ton\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4921.1404609375, 630.7094916992188, 5698.5143242187505, 1399.7720146484376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Place” — as the bartender.\n ‘Hlenry Mancini has an vnlike-\nly enough hit platter in “Sprine-\ntime for Hitler’ from Mel\nBrooks’ “Producers” film .. .\nAs a chacha already .. . Darrv\nF. Zanuck gets the Anti-Defa-\nmation Teague’s Humanitarian\nAward Oct. 22, same day his\n“Star!” opens on Bdwy.\nFormer Bears tackle Bob Kil-\ncullen, who quit football for\npainting, has a one-man show\nin Chi. . . . Asked how he felt\nfilming “The Impossible Years’’\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1784.5330390625, 687.5164985351563, 2548.5978203125, 2353.18717578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK — Tom Watson\nJr. (Chairman of IBM) is one\ncorporate bigshot aiming to get\nJohn Glenn’s gun control tar-\n\ntion .\n\nN. Y, ‘ity'e) biggest nightclub,\nthe Town and Country spot\nwill become a Lord & Taylor\nbranch .. . Duke of Bedford’s\n24-year-old son, Lord Rudolph\nRussell, is emigrating to Aus-\ntralia... . Mickey ane was\nthe World’s Champ Indian\nWrastler until he matched\nwrists with the chef at Lovise’s\nRestaurant . . . The Godfrey\nCambridge CBS-TV show def-\nnitely swings in Jan.;: Roger\nGimbel_ will e “with Tom\nCochran, \"ht Paar’s former\nright arm.\n\nYears ago Irving Berlin (who\nstarted in showbiz 60 vears ago\nas Izzy Baline) wanted Art Car-\nney for the lead in his ‘Mr.\nPresident’ musical ... He\nwanted the protean Carney so\nbad he told Art’s agent BiM Mc-\nCaffery, “If you get him for\nme, you can call me Izzy” .\nRobert Rvan ultimatelv droned\nthrough the musical, which flop-\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 324.74798583984375, 7551.14794921875, 1735.6934814453125, 9748.431640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "_—-MILSTEAD’S ORCHARD —\n\nAPPLES\n\nPICK-YOUR-OWN\n\n$1425\n\nPER BUSHEL\n\nBring Your Containers\n\nOPEN MONDAY THRU SUNDAY\nAS LONG AS THEY LAST\n\nGOLDEN DELICIOUS\nRED DELICIOUS\nSTAMIN WINESAP\n\nMILSTEAD’S ORCHARD\n\n5 miles west of Taylorsville on Route 90\nSSS SHS SSS SSSSSOS600S0106004\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 191.8004150390625, 2732.857421875, 1706.8585205078125, 3211.2734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "— Worry Clinic —\nS-s-stutter Triangle\nCorrects Stammering\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 179.38757702636718, 3270.39876171875, 973.5975761718751, 7521.1661796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "panna cg And it can be\n\novercome by the use of the\n“Stutter Triangle’ below, plus\ndiligent practice. I was a\nspent Gaenetet ter & yeni,\nso I am giving you practical\ntherapy, though many profs\nep wey ge\n\nBy DR. GEORGE W. CRANE\nCASE G-577: Martin M., aged\n18, is embarassed,\n“Dr. Crane,” he began, ‘‘h-b-\nhow can I get over my s-s-stut-\n\ntering?\n“And why do s-s-some people\ns-s-stutter?”’\n\nStutter Psychology\nWhen I was 16, I worked in\nthe harvest fields in Indiana\npitching bundles of wheat or rye.\nRa we didn’t have combines\n\nAnd we carried our lunch.\nThat noon, as I bit into a\n\nto graze. There they eat dan-\na\n\nFor 48 hours we lay retching\nand begging for water, just so\nwe could vomit it again.\n\nAnd for two months we were\nin critical shape, but finally re-\ncovered, though a cousin of\naise te ae-euen, ae\n\nit.\n\nBut for 10 years I couldn't\n‘look at ham meat without feel-\ning nauseated.\n\nYet the ham had not caused\nmy ailment at all! It had merely\n‘been the inmocent item that I\n‘started to eat at the moment\n\nanalogy is very exact.\n\n- For when a nervous teen-ager\n‘makes a slip of the tongue in\n‘class and is embarrassed to\n‘tears by the resulting laughter\n‘of his companions, the muscles\nthat happened to be im action\n‘at that very moment, then figur-\n-atively get branded with his in.\n‘ner confusion.\n\n- Remember, it was ham, not\n‘beef or pork or chicken or\namb, that was linked with my\nterrible nausea when I got the\n‘milk sick.”\n\n> So it is the mouth and throat\n‘muscles that become afflicted\nwith the jitters in the stutterer.\n* And the whole psychological\npattern produces what we call\n‘the “stutter syndrome.”\n\n. Stuttering starts when a per-\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 993.8842963867188, 6049.85481640625, 1771.8801689453126, 7251.1695976562505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\njunket for 71 of its employees.\n\nreminder, Mr. President: the\n\n8S Pueblo and 83 Ameficans\nwere seized by the North Kor-\neans on the high seas eight\nmonths ago!\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5751.34814453125, 974.548828125, 6449.43798828125, 1393.4444580078125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Register Now\nFALL TERM\nSept. 19th\nNORTH STATE\nBUSINESS COLLEGE\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 5711.789875, 635.0426826171876, 6506.5797539062505, 879.5270195312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "movie without any of his family\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1847.019287109375, 4120.8330078125, 6510.015625, 9939.3359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\n® ae @ * *\nMagnificent Tuxedo Living Room Pieces\nIn Glove-Soft Expanded Vinyl Plastic, Hand Tufted Over 512 Inches of Foam\n\nCarefree Luxury for Living Rooms, for Family Rooms, for Dens\n\nMagnificent styling, casual comfort plus carefree, soil-proof REG. $249.95 SOFA REG. $219 LOVE SEAT _ REG. $129 LOUNGER\n\nconstruction gives you living room furniture of incomparable\ndesirability! In rich Ebony glove-soft expanded Vinyl, richly “7 909 °169 $Oo9\nhand-tufted over 52 inches of solid foam for luxurious com-\nfort. Distinctive Tuxedo styling in every elegant piece. Bolsters $8 MONTHLY $7 MONTHLY $5 MONTHLY\non sofa are not included. WE FINANCE OUR OWN\nACCOUNTS— WE DO NOT\n\nSELL THEM TO ANY\n\nFINANCE CO.\n. , Your Satisfaction\n\n116 WEST AVE. Guaranteed\n\nOR YOUR MONEY\n\nKANNAPOLIS PHONE 933-2288 ——\n\nf Py i\n\n \n \n \n\nceetesuamniione: =\n\nThe New\n\n \n\nCONCORD pee uaaias at cgi.\n\nSALISBURY\nCHARLOTTE\nGASTONIA\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 4173.0498046875, 1468.9532470703125, 4885.2373046875, 2319.93505859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Auto Insurance\nAssigned Risk Insurance\nWE INSURE ALL\nDRIVERS\nSMALL DOWN\n\nPAYMENT! :\nUP TO 6 MONTHS\nTO PAY!\n\n@ Under 25 @ Over 65\n@ New Driver @ SR-22\n\nay:\n@ We Sell Money Orders\n\nBOONE\nINSURANCE AGENCY\n1566 N. Cannon Bivd.\nDial 933-9611\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 209.77484130859375, 187.63214111328125, 1744.14697265625, 2702.20068359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nDAILY CROSSWORD\n\nACROSS 2. Fish sauce 19. Citrus\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nau i u83\n\n \n \n \n\n1. Former 3. Cunning fruit\ntime 4. As far as 20. ——\n5. Quarrel 5. Small and\n9. Greeting barracuda means\n10. Printing 6. Metal 22. Tin\nmeasures casting foil\n12. Comply 7. Highcard, 23. Work\n13. University sometimes 26. Muscu-\nofficer 8. It takes lar\n14, Call letters two to contrac- ie\non the telly dance them tion Yesterday's Answer\n15. Cushion 9. Knightsof 27. More\n16. Depart the road familiar 36. Boast\n17. Chemical 11. Famous 29. Shal- 38. Man of\nsuffix abolitionist lows experience\n18. Cut, as 13. Uncooked 30. Two- 39. Con-\ngrass 15. Sulked masted cealed\n19. City 18. Horn- ships 40. Poetic\nformerly yore 7 Pale verb\nin Poland 5. Beds 2. Approve\n21. Plan or\nan a\ncmrat PT TT TT TT FT\n24. Beverage\nsim FO\n26. Threw ZL, aaa\",\nsore TT TT\n2%. Domineer- 7] 77 ZL 7 ZY\note fe el\npam FORO AT\nui tom CALLA || ZZ\nasvence” PT TT YT TP |\n36. Forwa ’, .s r,\nmeee =] | | Bel Bl\nvesse ’, ®, F,\nsnwor [| Vl | Zl |\n40. Spoken 37 77+\nCS wR eA el Bei\n42. Gem stones “yj\n43. Poles Vi\n44. Casks r, os 7\nvow LAT | | aot lly\n\n1. Small stone o15\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 4959.44775390625, 1445.552001953125, 6480.9404296875, 2298.354248046875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\n“LADY OF THE LAKE INN”\n\nSPECIAL _M\nFlounder Perch Fi Collosal\nFillet, Bs. Oysters, Gromer\n\nCrabs,\nand Chicken Drumetts. Just to mame a few.\n\nNO COVER CHARGES ON PRIVATE DINING ROOMS.\nON HAVING PARTIES, PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS |\nA WEEK OR MORE AHEAD OF TIME. THANK YOU!\n\nOpen: Wed. Thru Sat. 4:30 To 10:00 P.M.\nSunday 5:30 To 9:00 P.M.\n\n| Located On U.S. 601 By Pass, Concord, N. C., Phone 786-2714 |\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2072.721435546875, 255.3937530517578, 6261.89306640625, 606.6517944335938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "—The Voice Of Broadway—\n\nArt Carney Matured In Irvin Berlin’s Broadway Flop\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1922.7252197265625, 633.7379760742188, 2424.035400390625, 688.7083740234375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Rw TACK O'RRIAN\n" }, "18": null, "19": { "bbox": [ 1779.770263671875, 2402.923095703125, 6508.796875, 4252.57177734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nExciting New Ideas for Your\n\nHome at Fabulous Savings MAGNIFICENT 40-INCH TALL TABLE\n\nLamps At Half Price!\n\nBUY WITH NO MONEY DOWN!\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n| $10 MONTH\n\n$13 MONTH. | $350. + ~+$30 MO?\n\n(Monruuy pavwet | nove) wowruy pavwent | wove These beauties have handsome two FOR\n| $ 5 MONTH $135 $18 MONTH | $ 500 _ ceramic bases in a pleasing off- 98\n| _ 9 7 MONtM $185 $22 MONTH | __$ 600 white with matching shades to $9\n\nharmonize with any decor. Beau-\n\ntifully styled, superbly made. on fn ne\n\n \n\n$14 MONTH |\n$16 MONTH |\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1047.0252685546875, 7263.6220703125, 1748.815185546875, 7492.197265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "EARL RUTH & CONGRESS\n\nPaid Political Ad\n" }, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 14 ], [ 4, 14 ], [ 8, 46 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 16, 28 ], [ 26, 37 ] ]
[ 3703.2908085937497, 4556.50662890625 ]
[ [ 2, 4 ], [ 8, 46 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 14, 2 ], [ 28, 16 ], [ 37, 26 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1697.19503125, 2741.394005859375, 2093.450232421875, 3814.9724492187497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "| LONDON (AP} — Britain’s\nbiggest unions, powerful back-\ners of the Labor government,\nrebelled Wednesday against the\ngovernment's voluntary plan to\nhold back wage demands to help\ntoake devaluation work.\n\nThe vate at a special meeting\ncalled by the Trades Union Con-\nigress seemed to give the Labor\ngcvernment little choice but to\nlegislate another wage freeze,\neven at the risk of a collision\nwith the unions,\n\nOfficial sources said action of\njsome sort ta hold down wage\ninflation was almost certain,\n\nThe Congress called the\nconference to enlist suppart for\nits own plan to channel wage de-\nmands through a central com-\nmittee. It set a target of aver-\nage wage Taises of 5 per cent—\nlower than past years but still\nmore than the government has\nsaid it was willing to allow in\nthis crucial year.\n\nA showdown may come in the\nHouse of Commons after Chan-\ncellor of the Exchequer Roy\nJenkins presents the annual\nbudget March 1 He has\nwarned he will tax away exces:\nIwage increases.\n| The government devalued the\n\npound from $2.80 to $2.40 Nov\n\n. The major aim was to in\n‘|crease exports by making ther\ncheaper. and thus reduce the\nlbatlance of pavments deficit.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 499.07119091796875, 2906.004845703125, 891.312048828125, 3629.5586308593747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov.\nNelson A. Rockefeller said\nWednesday that he still was not\na candidate for the Republican\npresidential nomination even\nthough Gov. George Romney\nhad stepped aside.\n\nBut he and his wife, Happy,\nwere welcomed by Rockefeller\nenthusiasts and newsmen at the\nGovemor’s Conference recep-\njtion for members of Congress\nlike the star attractions.\n\n“My sposition has not\nchanged,” Rockefeller repeatec\nto newsmen. “I have no plans te\nchange my plans.”\n\nThe New York governor saic\nhe learned of Romney’s inten\ntion to withdraw last Friday\nthrough members of Romney’:\nstaff. This was one day before\nRockefeller answered at a new:\nconference that he would ru\nfor President if he were to b\ndrafted at the Republican con\n\n-| vention.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2462.650109375, 1162.2473994140626, 2852.6909550781247, 1773.7273320312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "the South Vietnamese military\nacademy early Thursday at Thu\nDuc, five miles northeast of Sai-\ngon. A government spokesman\nsaid the school was hit by 40\nmortar rounds and 10 houses\nwere damaged but no one was\n‘killed,\n\n| The spokesman said a U.S.\nitruck canvoy ran into a Viet\niCong ambush also near Thu Duc\n‘before dawn Thursday. He said\none serviceman and one Viet-\n‘namese civilian were killed and\njthree servicemen were wound.\njed :\n\nA massive airlife has landec\n4.000 of the 10,500 fresh Ameri\ncan troops the Pentagon prom\ni sed Gen. William C. Westmore\n‘land for “insurance purposes’\nland 4,000 more are enroute fc\n| Viptnam.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3300.007080078125, 3415.603271484375, 3622.957275390625, 3617.32861328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Hamburger\nIs Easier\n\n‘To Handle\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2858.430626953125, 1162.1189814453126, 3244.7974003906247, 1773.0735234375002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "7\nThe American influx—ordered |\ntwo weeks ago—shared attention |\nWednesday with sharp action in\nthe central highlands and con-\ntinued Communist pressures on\nthe Saigon area and Khe Sanh,\non the threatened northern\n| froniier.\n| The U.S. Command announced\n;the arrival of the 4,000 para-\nj treopers of the 82nd Airborne\nDivision’s combat—tested 3rd Bri-\n| gade at Shu Lai, a base on the\n‘South China Sea 345 miles north-\nleast of Saigon.\n! Official word is expected scan\n,af the deplayment here of 4,0\nfresh Marines, members of the\n27th Regimental Landing Team\n1 Some of these Marines were seer\noff by President Johnson at the\nE! Toro Station in Californi:\nleh y7\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1269.6823359375, 994.191369140625, 1665.8253544921877, 2832.6235722656247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "NEW PORK CAP) — Cotum-\nbia University gave up its half\ninterest in the Strickman ciga-\nrette filter Wednesday, saying it\nhad made a “well-intentioned '\nmistake” but was taking no po-\nsition on the filter's merits,\n\nAt the same time, Robert L.\nStrickman, the inventor, an-\nnounced a Canadian firm had\nheen licensed to use the filler\nand would have it on the market\nby June. The ficm—lLmperial\nTobacco of Canada—confirmed\nleverything but the date, which\nit said was uncertain.\n\nIn Washington, Sen. Warren\nMagnuson, D-Wash., said after\nreading a report on tests of the\n\nfilter, conducted by CoJumbia,\nthat it was “not, by any stretch\nof the imagination, the revolt\njonary development which Co\njumbia first heralded last July,’\n\n\"Yn fact, the filter is not as ef\nficient in removing tar and nico\ntine as certain filters readily\navailable to cigarette manufac\nturers, including some filter:\nnow in production,” said Mag\nInuson, chairman of the Senat\nCommerce Committee.\n\n“A spokesman for Strickma\nsaid Magnuson: had insufficien\nlinformation and that the Colum\nbia report had ignored the issu\nof flavor. He said the Strickma\nfilter takes out as much or mor\nfar and nicotine as the best fi\nters available, but leaves flavo\nas good or better than the mos\npopular cigarettes.\n\nColumbia announced last Jul\n\n-Ithat it would license the filte\nbecause it made cigarettes sa\njer “and “people are going ¢\n\nsmoke anyway.” It said it e:\npected to use its anticipate\nprofits of $100 million a year fc\neancer research.\n\nIn announcing its withdrawa\nColumbia said it turned over i\n\nSlrights to a charitable foundatio\nNlset up by Strickman and not a\nNi filiated with Columbia.\n\nd| A spokesman for Strickmz\n\nisaid- most of the foundation’s i\nof | come eventually will be given |\n2|Columbia’s - College of Phys\ne|cians and Surgeons. The orig\nyjnal patent owners—Strickma\nte| members of his family ax\ns-|more than 20 other persons:\nDiwili get a lion’s share of d\n\nfirst $25 million, after which\n\niwill be split 49 to 51 per ce\ni, with the foundation.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1710.753869140625, 3971.508751953125, 2105.775427734375, 4555.10819140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "DENVER, Cale. (AP} ~— Tf\nyou want to take your driving\ntest barefoot, go ahead. It’s le-\ngal.\n\nHowever, a spokesman for the\nColorado Driver Examination\nDepartment said the examiner\nIprobably would wander about\nithe driver's mentality.\n\nhis information follows 3\nsurvey by the Rocky Mountain\n|Auto Association that deter.\nmined barefvot driving is legal\nin all 50 states,\n\nProponents of barefoot driv\ning, says the association, chim\nit can promote safety by mak\ning the nerve ends more alert\niOthers say a loase shoe mighi\nget stuck under the brake or en\njtangled in the accelerator,\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2107.876427734375, 4160.900109375, 2507.0161503906247, 4555.081335937501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "i ERIE, Pa. (AP) — Some 430\ntmachinists voted Wednesday\nnigui ta accept a new contract\nwith Marx Toy Co. and end\ntheir Jweek strike.\n| The agreement was workod\nsoul last week with the help of\nfederal mediator Patvick Ming-\niarelte.\n+ Locals 1820 and ss of the\nInternational Brotherhood — of\n)Machinists struck the company\nJune 1 on the expiration of the\nald contract.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2486.124962890625, 2287.606896484375, 2884.6911992187497, 3702.9072636718747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "| The possibility of a a statewide\nwalkout by 27,600 Oklahoma’\npublic school teachers persisted\nWednesday while Fiorida offi-\n‘tials sought ways to break an\nimpasse in a serike by 22,000\n‘teachers,\n\nAnd in Albuquerque, N.M.,\nteachers voted 1,546-905, to re-\ntum to classes Thursday after\nShutting out some 80,000 chil-\n(dren for more than a week,\n\nOn the West Coast, in San\nFrancisco the 1,300-member\nFederation of Teachers, AFL-\nCIO, was scheduled to meet\nThursday and vote on a propas-\nal to strike the city's schools.\nAn earlier strike deadline, Jan-\n195, was postpaned when School\nSupt. Robert Jenkins agreed te\n‘some of the federation’s 90-plus\ndemands.\n| The Fiorida State Board of\ntE-ducation—a five-man panel o!\n‘;the State Cabinet with Gov\nClaude Kirk as chairman—me\nin Tallahassee Wednesday ir\nemergency session amid uncon\n| {firmed reports a majority of th\n|/board’s members have agree\nwith teacher representatives o1\n-,a method of resolving the dis\n» | pute.\n\n(| About one-third of Florida’\n\n1.2 million public school’ pupil\nrj}had been out of school for eigh\n»jclass days.\n\n;} Teachers Feb. 16 rejected a\nyitoo skimpy a financing packag\nf|that would raise Florida's sale\ntax from three to four cents\nadd new taxes on liquor and cig\n\nyareties and provide $254.5 mi\n{Hien to education.\n\nThe bill has been on Kirk’\nidesk. unsigned,\n\nIn Oklahoma. it was the vet\n. iby GOP Gov. Dewey Bartlett\nyt three bifls to raise ise vette an\n\nliquor taxes by $23 million\nyear to pay for teacher raise\n\n \n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1666.30440625, 1021.0552607421876, 2063.612341796875, 2523.3808964843747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "HARRISBURG (AP}—The Con-\nstitutional Convention adjourned\nlate Wednesday night without\ncompleting consideration of a\nmuch-disputed court reform BrO®\nposal.\n\nThe convention, with only hours\nleft to meet its deadline, planned\nto resume deliberations at 9 a.m.\n‘Thursday. By law, the convention\nmust complete its work by mid-\nnight Thursday..\n\nThe Judiciary article is the\n‘major ilem still before the body.\n\nLate Wednesday afternoon, con-\n;vention delegates gave final ap-\n\nproval to a tax exemption pro-\nposal, They had planned to return\ntat il p.m, to complete action on\ntthe judiciary article.\n\nAt 11:30 p.m., however, Lt\n-;Gov, Raymend J. Broderick, con:\n| vention president, announced thai\n{a final draught of the judiciary\n-+ proposal would not be ready unti\nF¢ much later,\n\n-! “Tt would be foolish to try anc\nsistay here any longer,’ Broderict\n-| said.\n>| The tax exemption proposal\npassed on a 137-8 vote withou\nli) debate, is designed to tighte:\nt}the current local real estate ta:\n-lexemptions granted to churches\n=i schools, public institutions an\n1) charitable organizations by mak\ne|ing use rather than ownershi\n-|of property the basis for e:\ncl emptions,\nt] Jt also would require the stat\nto return to local municipal\nyjties a portion of the gross r\nr|ceipts tax jt collects from pul\nF-llic utility companies. Utilitie\na] would continue to be exemy\n-| from local real estate taxes 0\ndjtheir operating facilities unde\nr| this plan. .\n\nThe disputed judiciary pr\ni,j posal, @ major source of coi\nsj} tention throughout the conver\nn| tion, was moved into positic\nf-|for final passage Tuesday ove\n\nthe strong objections of form:\nn| State Sen. Robert P. Casey,\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 101.59707745361328, 3543.039513671875, 506.9490422363281, 4544.36502734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Ne-\ngro leader Charles Evers’\nrecord vote in southwest Missis-\nsippi’s special congressional\nrace may have more impact on\nthe civil rights movement than\non Congress.\n\nEvers, 44-year-old state field\nsecretary of the National Asso-\nciation for the Advancement of\nColored People, led six white\ncandidates in Tuesday's vating\nin a special electipn.\n\nHe will meet conservative\nCharles Griffin of Utica, former\naide to John Bell Williams, in\nthe March 12 runoff for the seat\nWilliams vacated to hecome\ngGvernor Jast month.\n\nWhile Negro leaders were ju-\nbilant about Evers’ leading the\nfield and predicted a runolf vic-\ntory, political observers had an.\nticipated such a lead and pre.\ndicted Griffin would win handily\nin the runoff. Evers undoubtedly\nowed his plurality to the six-was\neplit in the white vote. now ox\npected to close ranks behine\nGriffin.\n\nThe first serious contender\namong the four Negroes whe\nhave sought the post in the las:\nsix years, Evers can credit his\nsuccess an much to the solic\nfrant of the Negro leaders as ti\nhis solid campaign.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 514.1197749023438, 3861.47286328125, 909.6646489257813, 4544.85721484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "RENO, Nev. {AP} — Charles\nSteen, whose uranium discover-\nies a decade ago brovght him\nfrom rags to riches, owes the\ngovernment $1.8 mitlion, the In-\nternal Revenue Service said\nWednesday.\n\nThe IRS seized his office\nbuilding near the Reno airport\nand Cassair, Inc., his light plane\nsales and service company at\nthe airport.\n\nThe taxmen filed liens total-\ning $1,839,932 in several Nevada\ncounties against Steen property\nincluding fis Arabian horse\ntanch in Washoe Valley between\nReno and Carsan City.\n\n} Steen’s worth has been esti-\nmated as high as $60 million. He\nmade his fortune in uranium\nreac the senthern Utah desert\ntown of Moab. The IRS says he\nowes the $1.8 million on individ:\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 906.079796875, 3862.2995234375, 1306.2965458984377, 4548.57694140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "tual income tax returns from\n1958 to 1960.\n\nHis attorney, Mead Dixon,\nIsaid Steen was out of town look-\ning at a mine.\n\n“It is my understanding he\nnow has business negotiations\nundernvay that should clear this\n;alk up within the next 35 ta 40\ndays,” Dixon said. .\n\n“The tax matter itself is a dis-\n\n‘puted issue. Mr. Steen has his\njown tax counscl wha are re-\nviewing the cleims of the Inter-\nnal Revenue. 1 am informed\njthey intend fo contest the claims\nthrough the usual channels.\"\n; Dixon said Steen's staff brs\n:told him they have the funds te\njlife the liens, and claimed “the\n{Internal Revenue moved with\nout notice and levied an arhi\njtrary assessment. The exact\njamount of the tax has neve\n[been determined by audit.”\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2890.67696484375, 2819.2926875, 3285.3113164062497, 3700.1294316406247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "| BUTLER, Pa. (AP) ~— High-\n| ways Secretary Robert G, Bart-\nlett said Wednesday Pennsylva-\nnia is thinking about charging\ntolls to finance highway and\nbridge projects in some parts of\nthe state.\ni; The only specific possibility\njthat he mentioned is the pro-\nipased Kittanning Bridge that\n(eh carry U.S. 422 across the\nAllegheny River.\n| He also said there's a possi:\nbility the same bridge will be\nlused for the Allegheny Valley\n‘lExpressway, thus saving some\nmoney.\nBartlett made the remarks at\na State Highways Commissior\nsihearing another in a serie:\nsibeing held across the state t\nIdetermine future road needs.\n.{ State Rep. H. Francis Kennedy\n-‘of Butler County suggested the\n‘slate look into the possibility o\n;; charging tolls on interstate high\n-s so that inore funds can bi\n) diverted to regional read build\nfling and maintenance work.\ni{ Kennedy said the last majo\na;programt for regional roads i\n> Butler County was 1930.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2065.038048828125, 1155.8892451171876, 2463.1328496093747, 1773.7726201171877 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "SAIGON (AP) — North Viet-+\nnamese gunners shot down a big\nU.S. Marine helicopter Wednes-\nday near besieged Khe Sanh on}\n‘South Vietnam’s northern fron-.\njtier, U.S. headquarters reported ,\nThursday. It said 22 U.S. serv-'\njicemen were killed and one was.\nl wounded.\n\n: Headquarters said the CH46\nSeaknight was hit by heavy au-\njtomatic weapons fire 11 miles\n\\northeast of the Khe Sanh com-\nbat base, where allied troops\nare surrounded by an estimated\n\n49,000 Communists.\n\nAcross the country, fighting\n‘generally slackened, but the\n|Viet Cong kept up its shelling\n‘iand harrassment at military in-\n||Stallations on the fringes of Sai-\nigon.\n\n‘| Kor 2 second dav. shelle hit\n\n \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1689.394775390625, 2525.212890625, 2056.0234375, 2727.948974609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "[Union Balks\nWage Freeze\n\nIn Britain\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 891.7233515625, 2412.124474609375, 1286.2251347656252, 3632.8657597656247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "abuse control field offices\naround the couniry have been\nreporting a general decline in\nthe amount of LSD encountered\nin the last eight months.\n\nJohn Finlatar, director of\nFDA’s Bureau of Drug Abuse\n‘Control, said Wednesday there\nare no figures to show precisely\nwhat the decline has been. He\nsaid the reports are general es-\ntimates of “the amount of LSD\niwe’re finding on the street.”\n\nAsked whether the reports\nimean use of LSD has declined,\nFinlator said, “I think a prudent\nman could draw that conclu:\nsion.”\n\nFirst word of the reported de\ncline came Monday in testimony\nby Food and Drug Commission\ner James .L. Goddard before <\nHouse commerce subcommit\ntee.\n\nFinlator, elaborating in an in\nferview on Goddard’s state\n|ments, tock issue with a con\ngressman’s estimates on usagi\njof LSD.\n\nRep. Tim Lee Carter, R-Ky.\nestimated almost twe miilliol\n{students in the country are us\njing LSD and he questione\n|whether the government coul\njenforce a proposed Jaw tha\n|}would make it a crime to pos\n-jsess the drug.\n\n+ Finlator said Carter’s esti\n-}mate is based on “four very st\n-|perfiuous studies.” Carter pre\nsjjected statistics to show that a\n\\Jmany as 1.6 million high scho\n> students and 300,000 college st\n-idents use LSD, but later concec\n\ned his figures are questionable\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1298.8155146484376, 3040.366173828125, 1695.4068974609377, 3823.0410527343747 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA (AP) —\nLay teachers in the Philadel-\nphia Archdiocesan Catholic\nschools voted 470-202 Wednes-\nday to elect an exclusive bar-\ngaining agent.\n\nThe 702 Jay teachers cast\ntheir votes at ballot sites\nthroughout the five county\nArchdiocese area. The election\nwas conducted by St. Joseph’s\nCollege Institute of Industrial\nRelations under the supervision\nof the Rev. Dennis J. Comey,\n§.J3.. a well-known labor arbi-\nter.\n\nPrevious to the election, the\nRi. Rev. Msgr. Edward T.\nHughes, Archdiocesan Superin-\ntendent of Schools, set several\nconditions for recognition of ar\nexclusive bargaining agent.\n\nHe said they were recognitior\nof the uniqueness of the schoo\nsystem, recognition of the non\nprofit nature of the system, anc\nrecognition that a majority o\nthe teaching force is made yy\nof religious teachers.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2500.322509765625, 2068.813232421875, 3254.61083984375, 2242.601318359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Teachers in Oklahoma\nPlan Statewide Strike\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 498.7404479980469, 948.4747924804688, 1241.25390625, 2006.64599609375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1310.075890625, 3987.726037109375, 1706.0810917968752, 4556.50662890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHTA (AP)\n—James M. Symes, 70. former\npresident and board chairman\nof the old Pennsylvania Rail-\nroad, resigned Wednesday, as a\ndirector of the Penn Central\nRailroad and as chairman of its\nexecutive commitiec,\n\nThe company tas a policy of\nnot reelecling directors after\ntheir 70th birthday.\n\nDirectors elected John T, Dor-\ntrance Jr.. board chairman aol\nthe Camphell Soup Co.. to suc.\nceed Symes on the board, They\nalso elected Richard K, Mellon,\nthe Pittsburgh banker, 10 suc.\nceed Symes as executive cam:\nmittee chairman, Melfon ha:\nJbeen a Pennsy director for 3\nyears,\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2089.285607421875, 2292.823693359375, 2482.6843632812497, 4006.3894414062497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Ths sD Aas Lary wom See\njudge issued a preliminary in-\njunction Wednesday barring a\nthreatened strike by Pittsburgh\nteachers, who said they'd walk\nout anyway.\n\nA spokesman for the Pitts-\nburgh Federation of Teachers,\nwhich represents a third of the\ncity’s 3,000 teachers, said picket\nlines would be formed at every\nschaol Thursday morning.\n\nThe court order, issued by\nAllegheny County Court Judge\nJokn P, Hester, bars union of-\nficials “from acting in concert\n‘by way of ordering, directing or\ntaking any action calculated” to\nengage in a mass strike and set\ntup picket lines.\n| A statement issued by the fed\n‘eration said: ‘We have a man:\ndate from the teachers that they\niwant collective bargaining ix\nPittsburgh. We are not going tc\n\\fail that mandate. Withou'\n|the right to vote, teachers art\n‘already in jail.\"\n\nThe Board of Education askec\nHester to issue an injunction\n| Wednesday.\n| Board attorney Nicholas Unko\nvic argued that a teachers’ strik\nwould violate state laws agains\nwalkouts by public employes.\n\n“The health and welfare\n$0,000 school children would b\naffected,” said Unkovic. “Thi\n[| union seems determined to 8\n-| pell-mell ahead, regardless ¢\nthe law.”\n\nHester agreed the law clearl\n| bars strikes by teachers.\n\n-' Herman Foreman, attomey fo\n‘ithe Pittsburgh Federation ¢\n1] Teachers, AFL-CIO, admitte\ns} the strike would be illegal, ‘Bu\ns{ if so let the school board pur\nish the teachers, not the court,\n=| said Foreman.\n-) The court action was pract\n-| cally simultaneous with an a\n‘}tempt by John Tabor. recent!\ne| appointed secretary of labor an\nindustry, to get 2 10 day coolin\noff period.\n\nAlbert Fondy, president of u\n1.000-member federation, &\nfused. But he said he was read\nto delay the strike if the baat\nagreed to discussions im \"'20«\n\nCf | ip tr\n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 3301.65255078125, 3629.954064453125, 3703.2908085937497, 4555.7532109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "| CHICAGO (AP) — A Trenton,\n\n‘Tenn., soldier ate a special\nHunch oof two hamburgers\n‘absard an airliner Wednesday\nwhile the other passengers had\nsteak.\n| Sp. 4 James Mitchell, 20,\ntrade the request for tie ham.\nburgers. Mitchell was blinded in\n‘Vietnany fighting and has not\nlearned ty cut steak by himself.\n| {is parents, who traveled\n‘with the soldier, suid he pre-\n‘ferred the hamburgers which he\n‘couhl eat by himself rather thin\ndepend on someone ta help him.\n\nMitchell was en route to Wal-\nter Reed Army Hospital in\n'Washinginn, D.C. where he will\nbe treated and trained in daily\nacuvities.\n\n“HE OE could see’ Muehell\nsaid, “I'd po back.” He spent\nnine months in Vietaum before\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe was wounded in fiphting in\nyChou 1, Michell worked ata\nmechanic in a tractor plant in\n\n \n\nTrenton before he entered ha\nArny.\n\nVe said he is uncertala what\nhe will do when he ts dis-\ncharged, but he is confident the\n\n| Army will don good fob train\ning him for something.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 99.50414276123047, 3321.343017578125, 489.5997619628906, 3523.71435546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Evers Victory\nCould Have\nStrone Effect\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 2894.35546875, 2595.94580078125, 3236.7158203125, 2807.0107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Tolls To Pay\nFor Bridges\nConsidered\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3254.364220703125, 1414.848107421875, 3661.7156132812497, 3420.7922734374997 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "WASTIINGION (CAP) — Gen.\nEarle G. Wheeler, saying the\nenemy now holds some of the in-\nitiative, gave President Johnson\nand other top officials a new\nwar report Wednesday that\ncould lead to U.S. troop in-\ncreases in Vietnam,\n\nThe White House refused: to\nsay what~if anything—Whee-\nler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs\nof Staff recommended to the\nPresident in detailed war dis-\ncussions,\n\nBut Wheeler~arriving in\nWashington before dawn after a\nquickie inspection tour of Viet-\nnam following the Communists”\nlatest cities offensive—may\nhave indicated to newamen the\ntenor of his report.\n\n“T think the initiative Hes on\nboth sides” the four-star gener-\nal said when asked if the enemy\nis now calling the shots in the\nconflict.\n\n“In certain areas where the\nNorth Vietnamese and. Viet\nCong have sizable uncommitted\nforces, of course they can move.\n\nit: In other words they have tacti\nd|cal flexibility.””\ndj Wheeler maintained, however\nidithat the Communists failed te\nachieve their objectives in re\ns-jcent weeks of fighting and\nisj|Where they were repulsed, the\nis |forces of Gen. William C. West\nd|moreland hold the initiative.\nis} With the recent wave of Com\nmunist assaults has com\n~ heightened speculation Johnso\nwill have to reach once agai\ninto the military manpower poe\n\nto beef up the U.S. effort j\n\nVietnam.\n\nThough there has been no off\n\ncial indication of what troop {1\n\ncrease, if any. is in stor\n\ncongressional figures have me\nhe jtioned numbers as high <\n100,000 above the currel\n\n \n\n,\n\nie 525,000-man ceiling. Pentago\noe officials indicate this is exce\nZz\n\nsively high, but point out th:\nnd fs : .\nany increase probably will r\nquire a callup of reservists.\n\n. Wheeler briefed the Preside:\nity /and other ranking war planne\nro lfor two hours, working fro\npreliminary notes.\n\nWhite House press secreta\n}George C. Christian said Whe\nssi-‘ler covered “‘the problems v\nbejface’ in Vietnam and gave\nley |“balanced, factual picture of h\nme limpressions of the situation\n\nthe present time.”\nat{ But when asked about pos:\nion|ble decision on adding mo\n‘ies |troops, Christian said: ‘“T ca\ntojnot give you specific details.”\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2907.506798828125, 3926.7917109375, 3298.9814824218747, 4550.15897265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "dents first and then athletes.\nAthletics is a privilege. With\n‘hat privilege goes a responsi-\nibility. These boys didn’t live up\n‘to that responsibility.”\n\n| Friel, who studied political\ncience at St. Joseph's (Pa.)\nCollege, coached North Catholic\nHigh School's basketball leam.\nNorth is the defending league\nand city champion,\n\n \n\n' Did ke ever have any doubt\nbow what had to be dove when\nhe discevered the class cut-\n\niting?\n\n' “No doubts,” he said about\nMonday's episode, “No doubts\nhat ath, The decision was right\nfor the individuals and the\nschool. These boys thought be\ncause they are top athletes,\njthey could break the rales, They\nicant,\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 499.8658447265625, 2683.7001953125, 819.8175659179688, 2892.5517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Still Is Not\nCandidate,\nRoeky Says\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 491.680138671875, 2407.86446484375, 888.5436162109374, 2659.8611210937497 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Gov-\nernment officials say there are\nindications of a decline in use of\nLSB and express hope it means\nyoung people are heeding scien-\ntific reports of danger in taking\nthe hallucinogen.\n\nThe Food and Drug Adminis-\ntration saysalt its nine drug\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 2517.6982421875, 3724.5322265625, 3282.062255859375, 3915.920166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Edueation Comes First\n\nWith Quaker City Coach\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2112.4521484375, 4017.680419921875, 2476.673095703125, 4156.2265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Peace Comes\n\nTo Marx Co.\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 72.57578381347656, 1153.7906123046876, 469.06784716796875, 3316.4097050781247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP) — Mich.\nigan Gov. George Romney,\nwhose candidacy never caugh\nfire, pulled out of the Republi\ncan presidential nominatior\ncontest Wednesday to clear the\nway for another moderate to op\npose Richard M. Nixon.\n\nRomney told a crowded gath.\nering of newsmen that “a criti\ncal moment” had arrived a\nwhich the dominantly progres\nsive GOP governor should se\nlect a candidate to support thei\nviewpoint.\n\nRomney walked away from |\nquestion as to which man h\nwould support. But Republica:\nYeaders agreed that his actio:\nhad projected Gov. Nelson A\nRockefeller of New York towar\na contest with Nixon, forme\nvice president and the 1960 nom\ninee.\n\nFrom 16 to 18 of the Republi\ncan state executives, assem\nbling here for a National Gove:\nners Conference meeting begir\nning Thursday, have said that |\nRomney faltered as the bannet\ncarrying leader of the modet\nates they could support Rocke\nfelier.\n\nArriving for the governor:\nconference, Rockefeller insiste\nin an interview his position as\nnoncandidate had not bee\nchanged by Romney’s decision\nBut he said he plans confe\nences with Republican gove\nnots. He noted that the gove\nnors “have stuck together,”\n\nWhile he said he is not a cat\ndidate, the New York govern:\nsaid again, as he had Saturd:\nin Detroit, that he would acce;\na draft. He said he had tried\ntalk Romney out of withdrar\ning.\n\nRomney has criticized Pres\ndent Johnson’s Vietnam wi\npolicies, calling for neutraliz\ntion of Southeast Asia. Nix\nhas supported Johnson’s bas\nobjective of fighting Communi\naggression there. Rockefell\nhas given past support to t\nPresident's course but has be\nsilent about Vietnam f\nmonths.\n\nAt the end of a disappoint:\ncampaign trail that began loi\nbefore his formal announceme\nJast Nov. 18, Romney said\nwas clear his candidacy ‘h\nnot won the wide acceptan\nwith rank-and-file Republica\nthat I had hoped to achieve.’*\n\nPolls indicated he was the 1\nderdog in the March 12 N\nHampshire primary where |\nname was on the ballot w\nNixon’s. A write-in drive |\nRockefeller is under way the\n\nIn the April 2 Wisconsin p\nmary, however, Nixon seems\n_ have a clear field, since Rocl\nfeller already has withdrawn |\nname,\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 501.4442138671875, 2199.498291015625, 1212.27978515625, 2389.179443359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "LSD Use Declining,\nU.S. Officials Believe\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2089.912353515625, 1803.5706787109375, 3149.82958984375, 2013.449951171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Pittsburgh Teachers To Ignore\n\nCourt Injunction Banning Strike\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1295.2430419921875, 2833.2783203125, 1681.4390869140625, 3030.22607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Bargaining\nAgentFavored\nBv Teachers\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1307.204345703125, 3831.03759765625, 1688.2459716796875, 3967.40234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "‘Symes Quits\n\nPenn Central\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2083.0458984375, 533.0250854492188, 3576.856201171875, 888.6177978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Gen. Wheeler’s Report\n\nHints Troop Increase\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 2511.983849609375, 3958.268517578125, 2904.9516972656247, 4552.2385625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA (AP) — In\n‘this day and age of win or get\nout of athletics, Jack Friel shone\nthrough the night as a beacon\nLin a fog.\n\nFriel, however. can't under-\ntand what everyone is so eN-\ned about.\n\n“Todid what was right.’ said\nthe min who deseribes himself\nas educator and coach in that\norder, Friel suspended his en.\ntire baskethall eam hours be.\nfore a championship game be-\nicause the boys skipped a class.\n| tle then gathered together hs\njanioy varsity, taok them ta the\nsemifinal round games of the\nCatholic High Sehool League\nplayoffs and won 77-66. On Wed\n‘nesday he explained his reeen\nJactinn: Our snidents are stu\n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 1712.36962890625, 3825.720703125, 2070.535400390625, 3964.2265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "OK To Drive\n\nBarefoot\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 517.2470092773438, 3657.64892578125, 1291.089599609375, 3847.453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "U.S. Wants $1.8 Million\n\nFrom Uranium Maenate\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2071.458740234375, 942.5678100585938, 3175.259521484375, 1131.5760498046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Reds Shoot Down Big H elico pter\n\nAnd 22 Servicemen Lose Lives\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 81.88015747070312, 527.9147338867188, 1249.322021484375, 815.4595947265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Romney Out of Race:\nRocky’s Star Ascends\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 101.74150848388672, 844.654541015625, 375.4964294433594, 1097.2572021484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Considered\nLikely Now\nRockefeller\nAnd Nixon\nAre Mr. Biss\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 2102.47216796875, 2021.4180908203125, 2454.474609375, 2224.64404296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Federation\nPlans To Form\nPicket Lines\nThis Morning\n" }, "44": null, "45": { "bbox": [ 3237.00341796875, 918.5427856445312, 3615.357177734375, 1175.1668701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "WhiteHouse\nAnd Others\n'Are Silent\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 2882.461876953125, 2258.799279296875, 3270.3806523437497, 2572.0132207031247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "that precipitated the crisis. Bul\n‘a confrontation. was averted\n(Wednesday when Bartlett said\nshe could change his position and\nmeetings continued.\n\n| The Oklahoma Education As.\nsociation said it had thousands\nof signed resignations from its\nteacher members to be usec\n“unless satisfactory progress is\nmade” on a school program.\n\n \n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 1261.9893798828125, 529.7545166015625, 1638.4105224609375, 793.265869140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "Columbia\nDrops Share\nIn Filter\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 1658.31982421875, 531.8446044921875, 2023.5875244140625, 795.1656494140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Judicial\nArgument\nUnresolved\n" }, "49": null, "50": { "bbox": [ 591.7393798828125, 874.7391967773438, 1145.559814453125, 922.2451171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "Pies Squeal on Thieves\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 164.92056274414062, 1113.529052734375, 379.631591796875, 1140.9415283203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "Bu JACK RETYT.\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 146.0587158203125, 184.67608642578125, 372.26739501953125, 230.99078369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Februarvish\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 1704.3994140625, 982.702880859375, 2017.1904296875, 1012.1790161132812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Ry WILLIAM F. DEIRLER\n" }, "54": { "bbox": [ 2114.157470703125, 2237.64013671875, 2444.307373046875, 2270.274658203125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 54, "ocr_text": "By ROBERT A.’ DOBKIN\n" }, "55": { "bbox": [ 66.57376965332031, 238.39719494628906, 466.7374943847656, 479.11875048828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Northwestem Pennsylvania —\nConsiderable cloudiness today\nwith occasional light snow or\nsnow flurries, Additional accuse\nmulation one to two inches,\nBreezy and high in 20s. Friday\nmostly cloudy, breezy and cold.\n\n(Sponsored by Jamesway)\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 1276.4556884765625, 801.8434448242188, 1633.4112548828125, 965.6297607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Admits Mistake.\nBut No Stand\nOn ts Merits\n" }, "57": { "bbox": [ 2555.989013671875, 3930.181884765625, 2865.013671875, 3958.8310546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 57, "ocr_text": "Re RALPH RERNNSTEIN\n" }, "58": { "bbox": [ 1671.076171875, 807.5177612304688, 2032.3978271484375, 971.7571411132812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 58, "ocr_text": "Con Con Has\nUntil Midnight\nTo Finish Work\n" }, "59": { "bbox": [ 3322.27099609375, 1367.264404296875, 3559.869384765625, 1397.270263671875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 59, "ocr_text": "By BOB HORTON\n" }, "60": { "bbox": [ 2558.762451171875, 2262.75390625, 2813.156005859375, 2287.00634765625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 60, "ocr_text": "Re The deencintred Deecx\n" }, "61": { "bbox": [ 3258.02880859375, 1190.9625244140625, 3592.648681640625, 1352.900634765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 61, "ocr_text": "General Briefs\nOfficials After\n\nVietnam Visit\n" }, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1756.612998046875, 3956.5478125, 2558.9101953125, 6236.2715234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "What's remarkable about the\ndefense, you may ask? Well,\nlet's see what would have hap-\npened if West had not led a\ndiamond at trick two. Suppose\nhe had continuéd with a club,\nas most players would.\n\nSouth ruffs, but now has the\ncontract in tow, It ig not hard\nfor him to deduce from the bid-\nding that West has the A-Q of\nspades. Therefore, in order to\navoid staking the result of the\ncontract on a heart finesse, he\ndecides to endplay Weat.\n\nSince the North-South hands\nare already out of clubs, de-\nclarer arranges to also clear\nboth hands of diamonds. He\nleads the A-K-Q.\n\nWest can ruff the last dia-\nmond if he wants to, but it\nwould put him on lead with no\nsafe exit card. So let's suppose\nhe discards on the third dia-\n, mond.\n\n| This does not allow him to\nescape, however, because South\nnow plays a trump to saddle\nWest with the lead. West cashes\nthe A -Q, but ig then in a losing\nposition,\nHe must either return a heart\ninto declarer’s A-Q, or play a\nclub which permits South to dis-\n| care a heart as the club is\nruffed in dummy.\n\nWest's farsighted diamond\nplay at trick two prevents ail\nthis from happening. It fore-\nstalls the endplay that would\n| otherwise take place. It stops\n‘the declarer stone-cold dead.\n\nurea Byndicate. lnc.)\n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2576.21578125, 2723.436728515625, 3404.56693359375, 5266.16556640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "TREAT TEEN OBESITY\nEARLY — One of five teen-\n‘agers in the United States is_\nobese; one of five ,adults is\nobese. Could this mean that\nobesity in the teen persists in|\nthe adult?\n\nObesity — dangerous over-\nweight — usually carries over,\nfrom adolescence to maturity.\nThis fact has been substantiat-\ned by the studies of the Amer'-\ncan Society of Bariatrics, an\nassociation of physicians spe-\n‘Cializing in obesity. What is\nmore, the eerlier in life obesity\nis treated the better, for the\nsake of present and future well-\nbeing.\n\nCerta'nly no teen-ager should\nbe left to cope with serious\noverweight alone. Left on her\n‘own she will fall into diet prac-\n‘tices that get transient results\n,or, worse, injure her health.\n| To lose a large amount of\nweight without painful side ef-\n‘fects and to keep it off, a girl\n‘needs the sympathetic support\nof her family and her doctor.\nHer doctor will set a pattern of\neating for her, not of starving;\nalso a pattern of physical activ-\nity.\n\nHer family will set an ex-\nample of proper nutrition and\nexercise habits. Too often, ov-\nerweight youngsters come from\nhomes where parents are care-\nless of their own weight prob-\nlems.\n\nHow will Miss Teen respond?\nIf she’s the girl she knows\nherself to be, she will try to\nfollow her doctor's advice and\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 5115.0185546875, 2004.067626953125, 6647.99658203125, 5409.0947265625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n\nVISIT THIS\n\n_ REALLY SPECIAL! 4\n\nCome factory representative,\nwho will have with him lovely new styles\nfor\n\nfit, comfort, service\n\nWednesday, March 6 and\nThursday, March 7\n\nBrant 9 Freadone |\n\nAMERICA'S MOST ATTRACTIVE |\nSHOES for COMFORT ‘\\\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nne.\n1415 MAIN - GREAT BEND\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 5866.4374609375, 1178.0027685546875, 6703.1269921875, 1960.00052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "‘an has a wardrobe of eight and\none-third daytime dresses. One-\nthird of her number color their\nhair. She goes steady at 14\nvears of age and marries be-\nfore 20. Her last child starts to\nschool by the time she’s 32.\nShe’s 2 degrees F. cooler\nthan men, and her heart\nbeats faster. She outlives men.\nOne-fourth of her number live\nto be 85 years old, and doctors\ndon’t predict what she'll die of.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2631.2216796875, 5276.43310546875, 4999.7431640625, 9527.0009765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Se\nba, TRF\n\nSS Cy, Gere ERE\n« yt, “Y ve - i + a .\n\n \n\nYour Dollars Multiply At PEOPLES\n\nBunnies have nothing on your savings account when it comes to producing re-\nsults! Your dollars earn at a generous rate... and each account is insured up to\n\n$15,000.00 by an agency of the U.S. government.\n\nStart Your Savings Plan Now!\n\n230) 2a\n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nEWINGs >\nfatty of OO\nPv) SAVINGS 2\nx\n\n \n\ney ASV A eer ee ee oe\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nSe weto /x/\niv y\n\nWee Hue\n\n \n \n \n\nléth At Stone in Great Bend—211 Se. Broadway ia Sterling\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 148.55377197265625, 3474.526123046875, 894.6475219726562, 6086.02734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "For Half-Sizes\nPrinted Pattern\n\n \n\nby TWherinn MWhactin\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2565.508017578125, 1022.261923828125, 3396.813515625, 2400.367958984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "| DEAR POLLY — Mrs. R. J.\n'M. wanted to know how to keep\n‘her baby’s toes from curling up\nwhile putting his shoes on. My\n‘mom told me, years ago, to\nplace baby on his stomach and\nthen put his shoes on. It works\nlike a charm,—JOAN |\n\nDEAR POLLY — I am a\n\nmother of four, plus many vis-\niting omes, and I want to tell\nMrs. R. J. M. that if a baby\ncurls up his toes when you are\nying to put his shoes on, just\nhold his leg out st.ff so he can-\n‘not bend it and hold the back\nof h’s sock stretched up the\nback of the leg This makes it\neasy to get a shoe on. —MRS.\niW. dae\n\n| DEAR POLLY — About 40\nyears ago I was a shoe sales-\nlady in a large department\nstore and our method for get-\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 4222.55513671875, 714.3211279296875, 5028.05521484375, 1195.44974609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Vacuum cleaner is the house-\nwife’s best friend. However,\nthere is one place I will bet\nyou have never used it before\nand that is for cleaning the\n‘stove, Salt, rice, bits of maca-\nroni and other crumbs of dry\nfoods often collect under the\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5096.09619140625, 5373.84912109375, 6734.6318359375, 9584.2978515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n \n \n\nDOUBLE\nKNIT\nTRAVEL\nSTANDBY!\n\nTriple ticket — in a spiffy\nsuit and blouse with no\nwrinkle worries. Washable,\ntoo (its attached label tells\nyou how!). Tree Bark\ndeuble knit polyester for\nperfect season - hopping.\nGreen, Navy. 12-20,\n\n$65.00\n\n| me.\n1415 MAIN : CREAT. BEND\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 978.1463623046875, 6344.69775390625, 2538.7314453125, 9490.1689453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n \n\n1913 Lakin\n\n \n\nOpen Thursday\nNights\n\nAre\nCountry\nGirls\nSpoiled?\ne\n\nAbsolutely!\nLmmtig Som ok\n\nslings a bright red bracelet belt around\na simple shift in tan Tivoli tweed, edges ¢) 3\n\njheam bes mame clanaisoe im sae ta por FE ir\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 3034.0390625, 382.80633544921875, 4207.83837890625, 967.71875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "POLLY'S POINTERS\n\nThere Are Many Ways\nTo Put On Baby's Shoes\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4239.56685546875, 3779.76705078125, 5048.68216796875, 5259.94486328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "hatin YY. FRESLET\n\nAssoc. CEHE\nCan You Answer This About\nLettyee?\n\nQ. How can you separate\nwhole lettuce leaves from a\nhead for lettuce cups?\n\nA. Core the head of lettuce\nfirst, suggests Marian Hester,\nAssociate County Extension\nhome economist. Hold the cored\nend and put it under a strong\nstream of cold water from the\nsink faucet. Soon the lettuce\nfeels heavy and the weight of\nthe water starts to separate the\nleaves from the héad. Begin\nwith the stem end, and slowly\npeel off each leaf. The leavés\nare strongést at the stem end\nand if you pull downwar dfrom\nthe stem end while the cold\nwater flows briskly through the\nleaves they separate with little\ntearing.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4247.82470703125, 1240.0703125, 5011.1171875, 1896.64501953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 166.93069458007812, 364.36663818359375, 549.5818481445312, 907.9537353515625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 157.1102752685547, 7664.63037109375, 922.9451904296875, 9542.9462890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n\nee a\n\n‘—\n‘cut PRINTER\nWe Design and\n\nManutacture\nRUBBER STAMPS\n\nWhatever Your\nPrinting Needs,\nLet Us Help You!\n\nGOLDEN BELT\nPRINTING\n\n1408 Williams - SW 3-6351\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 5039.4413671875, 786.4850073242187, 5860.8359765625, 1693.575234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Twill is exceéding the expec-\ntations and is now available in\nevery article of apparel. You'll\nfind twill in suits, jackets,\nslacks, and topcoats. Designed\nfor sportswear are new socks:\nbulky and bold in herringbones,\nglen plaids, and houndstooth\nchécks. They are styled to co-\nordinate with the currently pop-\nular sport coats for men, ac-\ncording to Naomi Johnson, Ex-\ntension clothing and _ textiles\nspecialist, Kansas State Univer.\nsity.\n\nen\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3398.77828125, 1009.1922827148437, 4214.6504296875, 2412.256875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "ting a shoe on a baby’s foot\nwas to start the shoe on the\nfoot with both hands. Then, us-\ning the palm of one hand, press\ngently on the knee to keep the\nleg straight. For some odd rea-\nson, the toes uncurl and the\n\nfoot straightens out so the shpe\nslips on easily. I have used this\non tiny tots, grandchildren and\neven great - grandchildren and\nit really works. I do hope this\nhelps that young mother. —\nMRS. C. M. V.\nPolly’s Problem\n\nDEAR POLLY — I am sure\nthat at one time or another la-\ndies have had my problem of\ngetting marks on the right heels\nof suede shoes when driving a\ncar. I do hope they will be kind\nenough to share some solutions.\n—MRS £E;-S.\n\nDEAR POLLY — I think the\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 934.01412109375, 1007.9956884765625, 1743.230751953125, 2725.521279296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "‘nights at the widower’s place\nand he has been awfully good\nto me. Last week he suggested\nthat I quit the other place and\nstay with him full time. He has\noffered to pay for my voice les-\nsons and says I could make a\nreal name for myself if I prac-\nticed hard. I have always want-\ned to sing professionally and\nthis might be my big chance,\nPlease be practical, Ann. I need\nyour advice. — # SUGAR\nTHROAT\n\nDear Sugar: It sounds as if\nyou have already made a name\nfor yourself, but it wouldn’t look\ngood in a family newspaper.\n- What you have in mind is no\nshort cut to fame or anything\nanything else, except trouble.\nIf you would like a full - time\nhousework job with a live - in\narrangement, the want ads and\nthe employment agencies can\nprovide you with a long list to\nchoose from. If you want voice\nlessons, pay for them yourself.\nIt could be a whole lot cheaper\nin the long run.\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 3418.278525390625, 3945.446494140625, 4221.88919921875, 5245.9101953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "to appreciate her family’s lov-\ning care. And she one\nve.y important thng on her\nown — find an ab:zorbing inter-\ne-t. Not food, something that\nfeeds her charm!\n\nWINNING MANNERS\n\nTo open a door on increased\npoise and pepularity, send for\ncur booklet, WINNING MAN-\nNERS. Topics included are In-\ntroductions, Invitations, Table\nManners, The Charming Host-\ness, You — The Guest, Dating\nManners, Formal Dances, Tra-\nvel Tips and Tipping, Smal!\nPoints, like when to wear a hat\nor check your coat, For your\ncopy, wr.te to Mary Sue Miller\nin care of this newspaper, en-\nclosing 25 cents in coin, and a\nlong, self-addressed, stamped\nenvelope.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 126.4708319091797, 6107.10689453125, 930.5478295898437, 7598.9414453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Dart shaping and tab - froat\nbuttoning make this a_ perfect\nchoice for summer days.\nChoose crisp Dacron checks,\nnubby blend, shautung, linen.\n\nPrinted Pattern 969: Hall\nSizes 12%, l4ya, 16's, 18'2, Va,\ntakes 3% yards 35 - inch.\n\nSIXTY-FIVE CENTS in coins\nfor each pattern — add 15 cents\nfor each pattern for first-class\nmailing and special handling.\nSend to Marian Martin, Great\nBend Daily Tribune, 374, Pat.\ntern Dept., 232 West 18th St.,\nNew York, N. Y. 10011. Print\nNAME, ADDRESS with ZIP,\nSIZE danSTYLE oNwUMBER.\n\nChoose one pattern free —\nclip coupon in new = Spring:\nSummer Pattern Catalog. 100\nstyles, all sizes. Send 50 cents,\n\nNew INSTANT SEWING\nBook — shows you how to sew\nit today, wear it tomorrow,\nOver 500 pictures. Only $1.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4302.60888671875, 3567.106689453125, 4971.2275390625, 3731.77978515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Timely Tips\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1746.789267578125, 2922.679892578125, 2561.877724609375, 3507.869912109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Commercially frozen mush-\nrooms are available and may\nbe cooked just like fresh ones.\nOr, when fresh mushrooms are\nvery attractively priced, buy\nan extra supply and freeze for\nfuture use. Frozen raw, they\nwill keep a month. If blanched\nby steaming or boiling, they\nwill keep longer than a month.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 971.1315307617188, 3542.827392578125, 2511.748291015625, 3802.4384765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "CONTRACT BRIDGE\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 4223.2441015625, 1910.1768408203125, 5042.16556640625, 3511.04837890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "burners. To make a messy\nJob easier, just attach your\ndusting brush to the wand, then\nclean out all of thls before\n‘Starting your regulat cleaning.\nFor corners, use the haady\nerevice tool, — IRIS\n\nDEAR POLLY — After wash-\ning leather gloves I stuff them\nwith bits of old nylon hose and\nthey dry faster and in some-\nwhat better shapé. — ANOTH-\nER POLLY\n\nDEAR POLLY — On ocea-\nsions my doctor bas ordered\nme to wear support host and\nT hate the way they make my\nlegs look so I wear a pair of\nthe new mesh stockings over\nthem, Now I do not mind wéar-\ning the support ones as my\nlegs look great. — NANCY\nYou will receive a dollar if\nPolly uses your favorite home-\nmaking idea, Polly’s Problem\nor solution to a problem. Write\nPolly in care of this nmewspa-\n| per,\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 110.74342254638673, 1023.1308203125, 922.9624414062499, 2708.30375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Dear Ann Landers: Am i\ncracy? If you think so, please\ntell me. | am going with a won-\nderful fellow who has an odd\nlast name. Most people, when\nthey see the name in print, pro-\nnounce it incorrectly and it\ncomes out like a dirty four let-\nter word.\n\nWould [ be way out of line\nto ask my boyfriend to change\nthe spelling of his name so\npeople wouldn't become so em-\nbarrassed? I’ve seen folks stam-\nmer and get red in the face —\nafraid to even try it. Advise me,\nplease. — A BLUSHER\n\nDear Blusher: Has the boy\nasked you to marry him? Have\nyou said yes? If so, I see noth-\ning wrong in asking him to\nchange the spelling of his name\nbecause it will be your name,\ntoo. If you don’t plan to marry\nhim, honey, keep quiet. The\nproblem is a temporary one.\n\nDear Ann Landers: I am a\na girl 22 years old who makes\nvery good menev doing house-\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3428.848388671875, 2803.581787109375, 4179.458984375, 3910.625732421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Y pectors\n\nPreeti 5 depart\nWSR OFFICE cag\nte ee\nan “ee yt\n\n2 i i\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 969.8054418945312, 5119.659140625, 1758.5937890625, 6253.56693359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Opening lead—king of clubs.\n\nDefensive play does not have\nto be dramatic to be good, Here\nis an example of excellent de-+\nfense, the kind that passes un-\nnoticed until attention is drawn\nto it.\n\nSouth and West tach had 19\nhigh-card points, but South\neventually became deciarer at\nfour spades.\n\nWest led the king of clubs\nand shifted to a diamond at\ntrick two. Declarer won with\nthe queen and, having nothing\nbetter to play, led a spade.\n\nWest cashed both his trunmips\nand then led the ace of clubs.\nDeciarer ruffed, but later went\ndown one because he had to lose\n@ heart Lo the king.\n\n(© 1968, King Feat\n" }, "27": null, "28": { "bbox": [ 1757.5858984375, 1980.0137548828125, 2560.641396484375, 2849.661416015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "What awaits you on the other\nside of the marriage veil? How\ncan you be sure your marriage\nwill work? Read Ann Landers’\nbooklet ‘“‘Marriage — What To\nExpect.’ Send your request to\nAnn Landers in care of your\nnewspaper enclosing 50 cents in\ncoin and a long, stamped, self-\naddressed envelope.\n\nAnn Landers will be glad to\nhelp you with your problems.\nSend them to her in care of this\nnewspaper, enclosing a self.\naddressed, stamped envelope.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 610.7745971679688, 413.7840576171875, 1691.577392578125, 875.4868774414062 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "ANN\n\nLANDERS\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 946.8855200195312, 2772.7089453125, 1751.4745263671875, 3528.466103515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Dear Ann Lanlers: Last week\ntwo friends (not close) mention\ned rather casually that they had\ngiven my name as a credit ref-\nerence. One of these acquaint-\nances I encountered at a church\nauxiliary luncheon. The other I\nbumped into at the bus stop.\n\nSo far no one has called me\nnor have I received anything in\nthe mail, but if I vouch for\nthese people does it mean I\nmust make good on their bills if\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 122.53424743652344, 2509.284140625, 927.6888208007812, 3397.1797265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Dear Ann Landers: I am a\na girl 22 years old who makes\nvery good meney doing house-\nwork fdr two families. One fam-\nily has three children and I\nreally work my head off over\nthere on Mondays and Fridays.\nThe second family. is actually a\nwidower who lives alone and\nsends his laundry out. The work\nin his place is very light. T have\nbeen going there on Tuesdays,\nThursdays and Saturdays.\n\nI will be honest, Ann, and\ntell vou that I have spent some\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1755.9159765625, 311.97450927734377, 2564.049111328125, 1252.680458984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "they don’t pay?\n\nI’m a lite annoyed to be put\non the spot like this. It seems to\nme they should have first asked\nif I would be willing to be used\na reference. Yes or no? — ON\nMY EAR\n\nDear Ear: It is polite to ask,\nbut most people don’t. They just\nassume.\n\nYou are not responsible for\nmaking good the debts incurred\nby people for whom you have\nvouched — unless, that is, you\nsign something stating that you\nwill do so.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 1751.3958349609375, 1266.4065771484375, 2551.989541015625, 1945.532265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Confidential to Bible Reader:\nI agree, the Bible contains as\nmuch advice which is just as\nsound and applicable as if it\nwere written yesterday. Al\nthough it is too late for you te\n“go forth and multiply,” the\ncompanionship you describe\ncould be a fine thing. Wasn't i\nSt. Paul who said, “It is not\ngood for man to be alone.”’\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2602.781494140625, 398.4343566894531, 2995.566650390625, 988.5878295898438 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "35": null, "36": { "bbox": [ 5945.15380859375, 735.5016479492188, 6671.10009765625, 1060.693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "Page 5\nWESTERN KANSAS PRESS\n\nGreat Bend, Kansas\n\nYee ee ee gS “aan 4 t1H2ce\n" }, "37": null, "38": { "bbox": [ 699.1044921875, 829.0340576171875, 1634.123779296875, 920.860107421875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "ANSWERS YOUR PROBLEMS\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5040.522421875, 1734.5772314453125, 5862.1269921875, 1953.839638671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "| == Ae” 2h) Se FS, |\n\n| Deborah Hobble, Extension\n| Family Life Specialist, Kansas\nState University, says a wom-\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 3015.957275390625, 2629.603759765625, 3790.350341796875, 2717.90576171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "By Mary Sue Miller\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 5064.68701171875, 728.6124267578125, 5513.6787109375, 790.7776489257812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "TWILTL TRENDS\n" }, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 8, 27 ], [ 9, 14 ], [ 10, 23 ] ]
[ 4368.3385703125, 6630.19384765625 ]
[ [ 8, 27 ], [ 9, 14 ], [ 23, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 166.46127319335938, 217.61036682128906, 1693.1103515625, 1897.7906494140625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 667.49590234375, 2827.8977578125, 1190.169625, 3518.04120703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "HOPEDALE — The Hopedale\nParent Teachers Association\nwill meet tonight at 8 in the\nschool. The program, ‘“Emphas-\nis On Health” will include a\ntalk by Dr. dela «Umer\n(Music will be provided by the\nkindergarten class, directed by\nMrs. Ann Hawk.\n\nOfficers to be installed are\nMrs. Geno Agostini, president;\nMrs. Richard Hawkins, vice\npresident; Mrs. Glenn Christy,\nsecretary; and Mrs. Gloria\nPyskarich, treasurer.\n\nHostesses. will be Mrs. James\nArnold, Mrs. Steve Vargo,\n(Mrs. Frank Pawlak and Mrs.\nEdward Zaidowicz.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 3349.03369140625, 728.9646606445312, 4344.35888671875, 2235.425048828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nwiITH LOVE!\nMOTHER'S y DAY\n\nFamily Crown \"Pin\n\nMade especially\nfor you by\nB. DAVID\nonly\n\n1 50\n\nplus tax\n\nUP TO\n36 STONES\n\n \n\nThe story of Mother's life beautifully told in a truly\nquality piece of jewelry that will be worn with pride\nand cherished always, Beautiful pear shape stones\nin the color of the family's birthstones personalize\nand give this pin special significance.\n\nKIRK’S Jewelers\n\n“Once Tried—Always Satisfied”\n8. C. ANGELO, Owner\n109 N. Fifth St., Across From The Hub, Phone AY 2-0801\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1722.436087890625, 3042.00371484375, 2254.5514609375, 4412.32343359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Ray Carte was elected\npresident of the Pleasant Hill\nJunior Woman's Club, OF WC.\n\nOther officers elected were\nMrs. Karol Rudy, vice presi-\ndent; Mrs. William Oxley, rec-\nording secretary; Mrs. Bob Val-\njentine, corresponding secretary;\nMrs, nohue, treasurer,\nand Mrs. James Horan, parlia-\nmentarian.\n\nMrs. Horan presided at the\nmeeting held in the home of\nMrs. George Decker. Mrs. Char-\nles Morris gave the devotions.\n\nMrs. Oneita Corriston of the\nJefferson County American Can-\ncer Association, was the guest\nspeaker and showed a ln\n\nA report was given'b\nCarte on the benefit ca oat\nheld in the Pleasant Hill Fire\nHouse.\n\nThe club members voted to\nbuy a desk, magazine rack\nand magazine binders to donate\nto the Pleasant Hill School Lib-\n\n“ive men\nmembers voted to give\ntheir scrapbooks to the presi-\ndent at the end of every year.\nThe club banquet will be Ma\n23, in Hoobler’s Tea Room wi\nthe installation of officers.\nMrs. Donald Anderson. and\nMrs. Daniel Ciotti were hostess-\nes.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 2786.949759765625, 468.0794899902344, 3312.730171875, 1618.5825888671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "| The TriState Duplicate\nBridge Cie met in the YMCA\nwith Mrs. Arlene Mensore as\ndirector for a. master point\ngame.\n\nNorth - South winners were\nMrs. G. Block and Lynn Hill,\nfirst; Roy Edmond and Mrs.\nMensore, second, Mrs. H. Co-\nhen and Mrs. P. Brown, third.\n\nEast and West winncis were:\nMrs, Al Richt and Mrs. E. Mil.\ntenberger, first; Mrs. George\nsiilooeviek am, L, Henderson\nsecant R. McCombs and\n\nMrs. ee Muffett, third.\n\nThe next fey e will be play-\ned pont ay 6, at 7:45 p.m.,\nin the Y\n\nThe Ba game was held\nin the YMCA with clubs from\nMartins Ferry and Steubenville\npartial paring:\n\nThe winners were Mrs. Ma\nArch and Mrs. Lal Hesske of Ti\ntonsville, first; Mrs. George\nMilosevich and Robert Neal,\nsecond; Joe Mahlie and Louis\nHenderson third; Karl Auslan-\n\nder and Mrs, Al Richt, fourth,\nme Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon,\n\n.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1725.720755859375, 4681.16973046875, 2248.01386328125, 5171.0607382812495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "JEWETT — Mr, and Mrs. Lo-\nwell Thompson of Jewett wil!\nobserve their 25th wedding an-\nniversary Sunday, May § with\nopen house starting at 1 p.m.\n\nMr. Thompson the owner\nof the R. H. Phompsoa and Son\nLumber Yard in Jewett.\n\nMr. and Mrs, Thompson are\nthe parents of two daughters\nand one eae peat and are\nmembers of St. James Luther-\nan Church..\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1197.771048828125, 4309.87969140625, 1721.0330283203125, 5159.1964804687495 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "KNOXVILLE —Mrs. Dean\nGroves was installed as presi-\ndent of the P aren t-Teachers\nAssociation.\n\nOther officers installed were\nRobert Rosser, first vice pres-\nident; Mrs. Robert Grimm, sec-\nond vice president; Mrs. Dean\nCooper, secretary and Mrs, An-\ndrew Powley, treasurer. Mrs.\nWaldon McClurg installed the\nofficers for the 1968-69 school\n\nyear, ‘\n\nRobert Rosser presided. Ger-\nald DiLoreto, principal, an-\nnounced plans for the school\nfair to be held Friday and Sat-\nurday, .\n\nMrs. Viola Davis’s fifth grade\nroom and Mrs. Josephine\nCockran’ sixth grade room\nwere awarded the attendance\naward for April.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1196.9608681640625, 2568.372611328125, 1720.7859580078125, 4039.684029296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Mrs, Harry Boyd of 141 Ca\nthy Drive was hostess to the\nSunset Garden Club. Mrs. Wil-\nliam Rhinaman presided.\n\nMrs, Frank Backel, Mrs. Da.\nvid Good and Mrs. G. Roy\nSteele were appointed to the\nnominating committee. .\n\nMembers discussed the nam-\ning of the Ohio State wild flow-\ner and Mrs. Judd Parrish re-\norted on the OAGC and Sears\n\nuck and Co., conference on\ncommunity improvement meet-\ning held ‘in Zanesville.\n\nMrs. James G. Davis report-\ned on the programs she pre-\nsented to the Blessed Sacra-\nment Catholic Woman’s Club\nand the Lidramu Ciub of Toron-\nto. The club made 13 arrange-\nyaents for the Big Red Boosters\nbanquet, one arrangement for\nthe Zion United Friendship\nGuild, one for the Grace Luth-\neran Church dinner and one for\na Rebeccah Lodge meeting.\n\nMrs. Parrish and Mrs. Davis\nreported the progress on the civ-\nic beautification project.\n\nThe Sunset Garden Club will\nbe in charge of staging for the\ncounty open meeting at Winters-\nville Grange Hall. to be held\n\nad 10.\nThe next meeting will be at\nthe home of Mrs. Richard Gar-\nrett of Eva Drive, Steubenville\nwith Mrs, William ‘Rhinaman\nassisting.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 3312.998099609375, 377.2225869140625, 3828.48163671875, 668.0658041992187 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n\nThe Steubenville Council o!\nParent-Teachers Associatior\nwill meet Monday, May 6, &\n7:30 p.m., in Reom 102, at Steu\nbenviile High School. Mrs. An\ndrew Kesig Jr. will preside.\n\nMrs. rt Schoppe, pro\ngram chairman. will present 2\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 135.27555017089844, 2572.570365234375, 663.6101767578125, 3517.760201171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "i RICHMOND — The annual\ninother and daughter banquet\nwas held in the Richmond Uni-\nted Presbyterian Church with\n70 members present.\n\ni; The. welcome to mothers and\ndaughters was given by Mrs,\nRobert Sharp. and daughter,\nMary Ann Sharp. Mrs. Jenn\nPyles aie the devotions and\njmemorles. Mrs, William Meyer\nSang a solo.\n“A skit entitled “Most ei\nre Alike” was given ty Mr\nlenn Mohney, ecneth\nSwickard, Mr, Harold Smith,\nMrs. Clifford E. Swickard and\nMrs. Donald R. Swickard.\n: “The Lord’s Prayer” in can-\n‘Wlelight was presented by Mrs.\nHarold Smith followed by a solo\nentitled “‘The Lord’s Prayer”,\na Mrs. James Burkhouse.\nE Seecial recognition was given\nEffa Gray. Mrs.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2265.01641015625, 470.71456079101563, 2781.941353515625, 2289.537056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "hood House, at the benefit Char-\niy Festisnt to be held Tuesday,\n| ay 1.\n\nThe next meeting will be Mon-\nday, May 7, at 10 am., in the\nNei hborhood House.\n\n|. Mrs. Charles Sterling of, 644\nOakmont Ave., entertained the\nCarousel Club in her horne.\n\nMrs. Rommel Dallas, Mrs.\nEarl Howard and Mrs. Charles\nDeemer were prizewinners.\n\nThe Moy hostess will be Mrs.\nLewis Behringer of 4057 Strat\nford Blvd.\n\nThe Lily Twig of Ohio Valley\nHospital met im the home of\nMrs. Charles Criss of the Col-\nonial Arms Apartments.\n\nPlans were discussed fer ¢\nbenefit dance to be held June\n: é bowling party will also be\n\neld.\n\nA special meeting will be held\nWednesday, May 8, in the\nhome of Mrs. Michael] Miller.\n\nThe next monthly meet.\ning will be held in the home of\nMrs. Wayne Swatford. -\n\nNu Epsilon chapter of Betz\nSigma Phi met in the home o!\nMrs. Delores Strohl of 412 Hen:\nry Ave. Mrs. Clifford O’Brier\npresided.\n\nA report was given by Mrs.\nSamuel Peeler and Mrs. Stroh\noutlined plans for a benefit lun-\ncheon to be given by the chap\nter in honor of Miss Georgie\nCochran.\n| Plans were discussed for the\nannual mother and daughter\nbanquet. Mrs, Peeler has\ncharge of the program and en-\ntertainment with Miss Rebecca\nMcMasters and Mrs. John\nBriggs: assisting..\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 142.4207305908203, 2251.453125, 633.5891723632812, 2559.482421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Richmond\nLIP Women\nHold Banquet\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2317.47216796875, 2288.5390625, 4277.00830078125, 6630.19384765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nSHOP THURSDAY 1 10 a.m: to9 p.m. —_— Phone Weirton 748-3344\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\not: Sny,\na pe\n\n“NOW, NOT ONE.\nBUT TWO CHOICES\n\nOF AN ELECTRIC.\n» PILZELLE IRON!\n\nAN\nIDEAL\nMOTHER'S:\nDAY\n\nELECTRIC PIZZELLE ROW... S19. 95\n\n* Jakes not one but two pizzelles at one time,\nNo more rolling dough into little balis, no more turning off the iron and wondering if it is just the\ntight temperature, Now you can have two perfect cookies in seconds, Just mix the batter in a bowl,\ndrop it on the iron with @ teaspoon and all the work is done, The indicator tells you when to bake,\nThe bright chrome finish is easy to clean and treated aluminum grids repsain sti stickeproof, Cool\nplastic handles are ruggedly designed for long life,- There is a piezelie recipe with each iron,\n\n \n\nFRENCH-BELGIAN PLATES\n\nOh yes, and you can make those ever\nso tasty Belgian waffles by purchas-\ning an extra set of grids. Juat flip out\nthe pizgelle grids and ingert the Bel-\ngian waffle grids,\n\nTwo plates for only easecerccccccosse he 50\n\n \n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2784.854736328125, 147.09864807128906, 3189.02197265625, 449.45733642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "A. Mensore\nIs Director\n\nFor Bridge\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 665.4301674804688, 2245.224662109375, 1193.3508994140625, 2656.758736328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Simpson and Mrs. Fred Ken-\nney, charter members of the\na Webb Missionary ' So-\n\n'Mrs., Harold Kinney\nhonored as the youngest grand-\nmother with Mrs. John Luscher\nthe { most recent bride. Mrs.\nKenneth Swickard was honored\nfor having the youngest baby.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1742.642822265625, 144.7220001220703, 2745.392578125, 457.63238525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The Social--\n--- Noteboo!\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1728.3663330078125, 2802.65234375, 2219.15673828125, 3028.152099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Pleasant Hill.\nWomen Elect\nMrs. Ray Carte\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1730.0089111328125, 4442.42724609375, 2184.831298828125, 4666.419921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Jewett Couple\nWill Observe\nAnniversary\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1203.34033203125, 2240.322509765625, 1688.2479248046875, 2554.80810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Mrs. H. Boyd\nls Hostess To\n\nGarden Club\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 3834.2844765625, 432.28343896484375, 4365.36347265625, 661.54999609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "| Ttaly is the favorite an\ndestination of US. travelers.\nRanked behind it in pass pet\nstatistics are France,\n\nland, the United Kingdom i\nGermany.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1200.895751953125, 4069.87353515625, 1701.397216796875, 4297.8369140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Mrs. D. Groves\nElected To Leac\nKnoxville PTA\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 3310.223388671875, 144.4303741455078, 3722.978271484375, 366.99169921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Steubenville\nPTA Council\nWill Meet\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 669.9085083007812, 2670.7509765625, 1157.400390625, 2813.530029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Hopedale PTA\nWill Meet\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1733.412162109375, 467.3922646484375, 2259.334908203125, 2769.822212890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The Joanna Circle of Calva\nMethodist Church held ita Apt\nin the parish house\nwith Mrs. Ma Mays pre-\nsiding. Mrs. Charles Daniels\nhad charge of the program.\n\nReports were given by Mrs.\nGeorge Stenger, OMe, Randall\nWatterson, Mts. Hobart Shaw-\nhan and Mrs. H. D. Hill.\n\nReservations are belhg receiv-\ned for the annual et and\ndaughter banquet, a covered\ndish affair echeduled for Friday,\nMay 10 at 6:15 pn.\n\nostesses were Mrs. Shawhan\nand Mrs. Leroy Cozart.\n\nThe Harding Parent - Teach-\ners Association will meet today\nat 7:30 p.m., in the school\n\neteria,\n\nMrs. Andrew Kesig Jr., ptes-\nident of the PTA Council, ‘will\ninstall new officers.\n\nA style show will be present-\ned by the seventh and eighth\npate home economics classes.\n\ney will mode? clothes they\nmade in class.\n\nThe seventh grads parents\nwill be hosts for the social hour.\n\nThe ways and means commit-\ntee of Nu Epsilon chapter . of\nBeta Sigma Phi met in the\nhome of Mrs. Ray Vogt of Min-\ngo Junction for a buffet dinner.\n\nFavors were made for the\nFounder’s Day banquet.\n\nThe Octettes Club met in the\nhome of Mrs. Charles Sterling\nof 644 Oakmont Ave.\n\nPrizewinners were Mrs. Ben\nWill, Mrs. Rommel Dallas and\nMrs, Leslie Richardson,\n\nMrs. Daltas of 372 Argonne\nAve., will be the May hostess.\n\nThe executive ‘poard of the\nNeighborhood House met with\nMrs, George McFadden presid-\n\nFE eports were given by Mrs.\nErnest Starr, treasurer; Mrs.\nStuart Moreland, memorial\nfund; Mrs. Joseph Stern, activi-\n| y and house report, and Mrs.\n#. O. Burgham, day care cen-\n‘ter.\n\nMrs. Stern is chairman of the\nbooth sponsored by Neighbor-\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 176.5826873779297, 3732.9033203125, 1164.6475830078125, 5138.6259765625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": ".. SERVICE\n\n \n \n\nSO EASY TO HANG!\n\n® Beautifully Cleaned\n© Pleated and Folded\n®@ Ready To Hang |\n\n@ Guaranteed Length\n\nRestored beauty of colors, pleat and pattern requires spectal\n\nequipment. State Cleaners give perfection at minimum cost.\n\nThere's a State Cash and Carry Store in your neighborhood\na en)\n\nSTATE CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDRY\n109 McDowell Ave.\n\n. ath St, S i .\n82 So, ath St., Steubenville | = Phone 282-1812\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 191.3224639892578, 5194.947265625, 2253.29150390625, 6589.232421875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\nCORBBIES THE ACTIVE CASUAL This -tittfe Cobble fs the\nwovew, rovin' kind! Sightsep the world, skim about suburbia... our lively young Cobble brightens your wardrobe\nwhile it lightens your walking. Airy, woven-leather vamp, Smartly strapped up-front detall. On a short heel. With the\ncushioned ease you love in Cobbles. Spring bright textured leather in: Black, Platinum, White, lrish Oats. an wp su\n\n. |\n\n \n\ni\nTONIGHT\nL'TiL 9\n\n \n\nSHOES\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2791.62334375, 1722.19512109375, 3314.49335546875, 2271.4733359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Florence Battles of N.\nThird Street and Mrs. Frank\nClark of Federal Street are\npatients in Gill Memorial Hos-\npital,\n\nThe Lidramu Club will hold a\ncovered dish dinner Monday,\nMay 6, at 6:15 p.m., in the\nhome of Mrs. Donald Ralston\nof N. Fourth Street. Assistant\nhostesses will be Mrs. Dohr-\nman Crawford, Mrs. Thomas\nMoran and Mrs. Richard Car-\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 3835.3137734375, 139.04561547851563, 4368.3385703125, 407.6760031738281 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "pte discussion on “Scholar.\n\nships.” Miss Donna Michaela,\ncounselor will be moderator.\n\nThe PTA aqnual diner will\n\nbe held ie ing Be » at\n" }, "28": null, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 2800.948974609375, 1653.37158203125, 3059.84228515625, 1714.8272705078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Toronto\n" }, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 10 ] ]
[ 4757.08251953125, 6680.58251953125 ]
[ [ 2, 10 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 452.3104409179688, 1310.8404091796874, 1070.2103720703126, 3255.862837890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\n“THE. following resolution was\nadopted by the State conservative-\ndemocratic comnuttee which met in\nRichmond ow the 12th inst.\n\nResolved, That in the judgment\nof the State conservative-demo-\nératie committee it is inexpedient\nto nominate a candidate for con-\ngressman at large, either through\nthe instrumentality of a State con-\nyention or otherwise, since the par-\nmouht object of rescuing the State\nfront the evils of bossism and Stal-\nwart Mahoue’ republicanism may\nbest be attained without such. ac-\ntion.\n\n_By the action of the committee\nthe democratic voters of Virginia\nwill be untrammelled: by the man-\ndates of a convention or otherwise\nin making their selection for con-\ngressman at large. They are free\nto decide whether they will vote for\nMahone’s candidate or one who is\nthe deadly foe of Mahoneisin.— It\nis left to them to decide whether\nthey will vote for a coalition candi-\ndate—a district attorney by Fede-\nral appointment, and whose demoe-\nracy is so circumscribed that it is\nto say the least of it subordinated\nto the claim which readjusterism\nhas upon him—or one who openly\nproclaims himself a demoerat, ac-\nknowledges fealty to the democratic\nparty, and. is willing, if elected to\n-congress to give the democratic\nparty his unqualified support.\n\nThe committee in having left the\nivatterto your judgment have acted\nwisely, we think, and we can only\nhope that your acts will so conform\nto the unplied wishes of the com-\nmittee as to meet the confidence\nimposed on you.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1077.30879296875, 925.5554360351563, 1682.9222861328124, 2992.272017578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "—Senator Mahone, they say in\nRichmond, is about to establish a\nnew daily paper at Norfolk, Va.\n\n—Ten thousand acres in the James\nRiver Valley of Virginia, have been\npurchased for a settlement of\nHungarians.\n\n—The prospect for the corn crop\nis not very flattering just pow. in\nthe larger part of the State. Time-\nly and abundant rains, however,\nare all that is needed.\n\n—It appears from an item in the\nGordonsville Gazette that the Or-\nange county jail, for want of crimi-\nnals, has been let toa wine manu-\nfacturer for storage purposes—at\nleast a portion of it.\n\n—Mr. William C. Elam, editor\nof the Whig, who has been recently\nendorsed by Readjuster and Repub-\nlican committees for congress in\nthe Richmond district, has declined.\nto allow the use of his name in the\nconnection.\n\n—Since the first of October there\nhave been sold in Danville, twenty\n\nmillions four hundred and fourteen\n\nthousand pounds of leaf tobacco, at\nan ayerage of $9.69 per hundred,\nagainst twenty-two million nine\n‘hundred and fifty-three thousand\n‘pounds, at an average of $9.04, for\nthe same period the preceding\nyear.\n\n—The Henry Clay statue at Rich\nmond: is being overhauled by a\nstone-eutter, and in removing the\nportions defaced by bad usage, the\napparel has been given a more mod-\nern appearance. The hands have\nbeen removed and new ones substi-\ntuted. The statue willnot be placed\non the pedestal it formerly ocenpied,,\nbut in the Gapitol.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 461.1894692382813, 4994.92695703125, 1069.8776083984376, 6596.66483984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "The Baltimore Sun gives the\nreason for war in Egypt, and oth-|\nerwise comments upon it as follows:\n“As has been already explained in\nthe Sun, the main issue involved in\nthe movements which haye precipi-.\ntated the confiict in Bgypt was a\ndebt issue, and a desire on the part\nof the Egyptians to get rid of a\nfinancial burden imposed on them\nby an extensive system of internal\nimprovements has brought to the\nfront Arabi Pasha, the Mahone of\nthe Bast; the foe of bondholders\nand the irreconcilable enemy of. all\nbrokers. Arabi, with the keen\nscent ofa born reailjuster for a win-\nning party cry, has taken advantage\nof the modern tendency to repudi-\nate irksome national obligations,\nand by pandering to it has become\nthe hero for the time being of his\nfellow-readjustérs. Like the rest of\nthe tribe, he professes great con-\nsideration for the State’s Creditors.\nHe “will pay the last farthing,” but\nhe is inimical fo the continuance of\nthe conditions and agencies by\nwhich the first farthing may be ex-\npected to reach the ereditor’s hands.\nThe Mahone of the oldest State of\nthe old world is, however, not so\nhappily placed as was his analogue\nin the oldest State of this continent.\nHe has by this time discovered that\ntt is hardly safe to atteinpt to read-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 457.3491372070313, 3320.783646484375, 1063.7828818359376, 4888.5901328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Tor a long time everything has\nbeen pointing to violence in Egypt.\nOn the 11th of June it camein the\nform of a riot and massacre of Iuro-\npeans in the streets of Alexandria.\nSpeedy intervention being necessa-\nry, a conference of ambassadors at\nConstantinople on the 12th, re-\nquested the Sultan of Turkey to in-\nieryene and restore order. This\nrequest being declined and the En-\nglish fleet having arrived in the\nmeanwhile, Admiral Seymour com-\nmanding it, to puta stop to work in\nthe fortifications threatening the\nthe fleet pending the mandates of\nthe conference opened fire upon\nthem and captured*them after a\nbrief engagement. “\n\nArabi Pasha, the ruler at Alex-\nandria, after setting fire to it de-\ncamped with his army to. the inte-\nrior, and at the latest accounts fires\nwere burning in all parts of Alex-\ndria, and the city appears to be\ndoomed to utter destruction. A\ncorps of sailors detailed by Admi-\nral Seymour to clear the way thro’\nthe main streets, report the find-\ning of bodies of Christians and\nEuropeans lying everywhere shoek-\ningly mutilated. These sailors say\nthat the massacre by the troops of\nArabi Pasha must have been terri-\nble beyond imagination.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1067.48652734375, 3112.116166015625, 1677.6058798828124, 5232.2717734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "A million dollar registered pack-\nage, the postage and charges of\nwhich amounted to $25, was mailed\nfrom Baltimore to London recently.\n\nA bill was passed directing the\nseeretary of the treasury to pay\nLueretia R. Garfield’ 350,000, less\nany sum paid to President Garfield\non account of his salary.\n\nMaryland peaches are arriving in\nsmall quantities from Chester and\nSassafras rivers. A few Virginia\npeaches are also inmarket. Large\nquantities of berries are also arriv-\ninz from the Eastern Shore and\nVirginia, realizing good prices.—\nSun.\n\nLieutenant Winslow, of the navy.\nyesterday planted 10,000,000 young\n\noysters in the New Haven (Conn.)\nharbor, upon a new bed. The oys-\nters were two days old. The ex-\nperiments are for the purpose of\nascertaining at what time the young\noyster must be put into the water\nto enable it to attach itself to the\nshells or other substances on the\nbottom.\n\nThe new postal regulation which\nwent into effect on July 1 requires\nthat hereafter an underpaid letter\nwith a 1 or a 2-cent stamp affixed,\nand not having the address of the\nwriter on the envelope, will be de-\ntained at the office where it is pos-\nted and a notice sent to the person\nto whom it is addressed informing\nhim of the fact, and that the letter\nwill be forwarded to him: on the\nreceipt of the postage due. The\nformer practice was to send under-\npaid letters, with less than a 3-cent\nstainp to the dead-letter office. The\nnew regulation applies to letters\ndirected to some place in the Uni-\nted States from a free delivery\noffice.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1690.0584716796875, 2026.7666015625, 2282.70849609375, 2658.8876953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Vince. H. Elmore,\n\nPUNGOTEAGUE,\nAccomac County,\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\nVirginia.\n\nBY\nOffers his\nservices to the\npublic, and is pre-\npared to execute jobs\nin the neatest and most\nimproved style, im eithei\nbranch of his trade—by the\nday or contract.\n\n@* Graining a Specialty.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1681.9132080078125, 5435.7705078125, 2283.532958984375, 6628.21240234375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n\n| See eetieee re 1873.\n\nR. I. C. Jones, Jr. & Co.,\nIMPORTERS OF\nBRANDIES, GINS, WINES, &c.,\nAND DEALERS IN\nPURE RYE WHISKIES,\nNo. 26 GERMAN ST.,\nBetween Light and Calvert Streets,\nBALTIMORE.\nBENJAMIN T. MELSON,\nMANUFACTURER OF\n\n \n\nWAG ONS, ETO.\n\nAccomac Court Housn, - VA.\n\n{S TRIMMING, PAINTING, and\nREPAIRING done to order promptly\nand in the best manner.\n\nA NEW STOCK OF CARRIAGES ON HAND\nAt all times at Bottom Prices.\n\n‘Repairing a Specialty.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 557.7476806640625, 3277.45947265625, 943.7767333984375, 3318.6708984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "ENGLAND AND EGYPT.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1068.301712890625, 5253.16621484375, 1672.5857382812499, 5604.243453125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "A tobacco hater says, “Two cigars\na day will supply a family with\nflour.” Fogg says he buys half a\ndozen cigars some days, but he\ndoesn’t find it any easier to supply\nthe family with flour, for all that.\nHe thinks there must be a mistake\nsomewhere.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 483.85040283203125, 4910.3974609375, 1035.1851806640625, 4963.5888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "THE WAR IN EGYPT—ITS ‘CAUSE.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1078.7848671875, 553.5444497070313, 1680.6219931640624, 832.0912314453126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "just his dues to the British lion,\nthat royal beast, in keeping, with\nthe role assigned him in the fable,\nnever contenting himself with less\nthen the whole of the game brought\nwithin his power. 2\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1165.11181640625, 3013.308349609375, 1568.5301513671875, 3065.098876953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": " \n\nNEWS OF THE WEEK.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2292.48046875, 4116.9970703125, 2894.42578125, 6578.798828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "OO NAAM EN OC VME Vell USU-£b.. 2 SUI\nover 125 in 1881, and have sold 50 this\nyear, up to June 26th; and all of them\nare giving satisfaction. Orders by\nmail promptly attended to. If you want\na machine, of any make, write to me.\nI will sell you a Singer pattern, with\ndrop leaf, two drawers and attachments,\nfor $30. Very respectfully, &c.,\n_R. H. PENNEWELL,\ng201y | Onancock, Va.\n\nPARKS & CAUSEY,\n\nLmEmMont, Accomac Co., VA.,\nDealers in\n\nDRY GOODS,\n\nDress Goods, Notions,\nHOSIERY,\n\nCuting fr Men, Boys &Chiéren\n\nBOOTS AND SHOES,\nCARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS,\nQUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, FAN-\nCY GROCERIES, &C.,\nSTOVES AND FURNITURE,\nAlso, Dtugs, Oils, Paints, &v.\nWe sell at the closest livin g profits\nCome toseeus and be convinced.\n\nQt RODBERG, ;\ne *\n\n \n\n \n\n(es\n; WATCHES,\ndebe eb eee\n\nob tebdetteb\n\nPyEWELRY4\n\nbeware rarararsni\n\nDIAMONDS,\n\nFararararwresarsts\nSILVER AND PLATED WARE,\n192 W. BALTIMORE Sr,,\nNear St. Paul,\nBALTIMORE, MD.\nEstablished 1854.\nWM. C. HALL,\n\n \n\nACCOMAC C. H., VA.,\nDealer in Wines, Liquors,\n——AND——\n\nFine Cigars,\n\nDeep Rock, Vichy and other Mineral\n\nDs pet ped it Sees Re » SOUL AG Soe |\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1221.163818359375, 861.7850341796875, 1541.7200927734375, 905.97900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "VIRGINIA ITEMS.\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2298.7477578125, 802.2801674804688, 2891.90507421875, 1431.9475546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Meg AUNTON, VA,\n\n(erOffers Life Insurance on the\nCheapest ama Safest Plans.\n\nPouicies LiMiTED TO $3000, AND\nGUARANSEED Cost ONE-THIRD\nOF THAT CHARGED BY THE OLD\nLINE STOCK COMPANIES.\n\nHon. A. H. i. STUART, President.\n\nHon. MARSHALL HANGER, Vice-\nPresident,\n\nCG. L. CooxE, Eisq., Secretary.\n\nSolicitors for Accomac County:\n\nJouN D. GRANT, Wiseville.\nJ. T. Kenney, Chineotearue.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1067.21533203125, 5670.634765625, 1670.80517578125, 6632.29736328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nHetce & CHANDLER,\n\nENA Neca Ah)\n\n>. GENERAL\n\n‘COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —\n\ngl75 Chambers St., N. x7\n\nETAT AD ODIO I\n\nFruits and Produce, Oysters, Tervra-\npin, Game, &e.\n\nWit. A. Hatch, Consignments soltcited and\nGeo. E. Chandler, { prompt returns guaranteed.\n\n«Customers requesting purchases\nWill be attended to promptly.\n\nREFERENCES—Hard & Parsons, 126\nand 128 Duane St., N. Y.; Geo. B. Hurd\n& Co., 79 Beekman St.,N. Y.; T. B.C.\nGibb, Franklin City, Va., and W. J.\nGibb, Horntown, Va., Ex-Gov. J. E.\n\n| Broom, late of Florida. Gen. John\nScott, late of Ocala Florida.:: 0. A.\n| Browne, Aecomae county, ;\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4133.46630859375, 553.6561889648438, 4757.08251953125, 3839.43896484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "_ BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. -\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nW. 8. DRYDEN,\n\nwith :\nWM. DEVRIES & C0.\nDEALERS IN\n\nDRY Goops\nLd\nNOTIONS,\n\n312 W. BALTIMORE ST.\nBALTIMOBM.\n\n \n\n————______»\n\n \n\nae ae\nDavid B. Taylor & Co.,\nSee ors to Tayior, Cnapwick\n& Co.) d\nMANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN\nTINWARE,\nSIOVES & HOLLOW WARE,\n\nNo. 26 South Howard street, _\n\nBALTIMORE.\n\nA. BRAFMAN & SON,\nMANUFACTURING WHOLESALE\n\nCLIOTHIERS,\n\nNO. 26 SOUTH SHARP ST.,\nAND i\n17 LIBERTY ST.,\nBALTIMORE.\n\nSNOW & HAAS,\nLEADING HATTERS,\n\n \n\n \n\n109 Wost Baltimore street\nUmbrellas a Specialty\nDINING\n\noY ee\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2305.706298828125, 1482.58740234375, 2886.797607421875, 3503.198974609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "pigs = s\non\n\n \n\nKAS OF SEWING MACIINES\nTHE—\n\nv= tp, = fal 3 fe Fas bk\n7 lace VAN He\nBit.\nHAS NO SUPERIOR.\nThe Lightést Running. Machine Ever\nManufactured,\n\nee\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1685.43505859375, 3954.784423828125, 2272.951416015625, 4763.96044921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "HSLTABIISHIED Lobo.\n\n8. B. DOWNES. J. O. DOWNES:\n\nLEE: B. KELLAM,\n\nWITH\n\n2\n\n$. B. DOWNES & CO.\n\nFRUIT AND PRODUCE\n\nCommission Werchants,\n189 READE St., NEW YORK.\n\nShipping No\n\nReferences:—Home Savings Bank\n\nNorfolk, Va.; Irving National Bank\nNew York.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2896.392822265625, 1091.818603515625, 4131.80224609375, 6680.58251953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Full Stock. Low Prices.\nJOSHUA HARVEY & SONS,\n\nNorthwest cor. Hanover and Pratt Streets, Butane: Md.,\n\nPry Goods\n\nHave on hand a sail selected stock of\n\nDress Coods, Notions, White Coods, etc., etc.,\nWhich we offer at the Lowest Cash Prices. Call and Examine Stock.\n\nfA large stock of Remnants at low prices. Agency for Mme. Dem-\norest’s Reliable Patterns.\n\nGEORGE W. OLDHAM,\n\nWITH\n\nCHILD, TAPPIN: BRO.\n\nNo. 37 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK.\n\n \n\n \n\nSoke BAKER & CLARK, 335 and 337 Greenwich Street, N. Y.\nCONROY, BISSETT & MALLESON, 65 Fulton street, N. Y-\nC eT J ETMDISSION GEORGE W. BISHOP, Snow Hill, Bd., (Pres't Worcester Railroad.)\n- P. E. WHARTON & BON, Stockton, Md.\n\n \n\nJoseph G, Savage,\n\n— WITH——_\n\niL. FP. CORBIN,\n\nFRUIT, an se ote\nNo. 304 SoutTH DELAWARE AVENUE,\nPHILADELPHIA, PENN.\n\nALEXANDER BOND & C0,\nNo. 4. Hollingsworth St.,\n\n \n\n \n\nBALTIMORE, Mop.\n\nProduce Commi ssion Merchants,\n\nReceive and Sell on Commission\n\nOYSTERS, CLAMS, POTATOES,\n\nCONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED.\nStencil Plates Furnished upon Application.\nWATERM ELON Ss, FRUITS,\n|| JAs. H. Lewis, SALESMAN, ll VEGETABLES, &c.\n\nfas Shipping No.........\n\n \n\nWe respectfull¥ solicit consignments. |\nNe sales and prompt returns guaran-\nteec\n\n \n\nBARNET BOND,\nCOMMISSION ES EIN\n\nNoRTHWEST CORNER CHEAPSIDE AND PRATT,\nBALTIMORE.\n—:0:——\n\nk-=Personal attention given to the sale of Vegetables and Fruits, also\nPoultry, Eggs, and all kinds of Country Produce. Account of Sales\nrendered as soon as goods are sold.\n\nREFERENCES—The Leading Produce Houses of Baltimore.\n\n \n\nWm. B. Chowniug,\n—WiTH——_\nSMITH, SHIPLEY & CO.,\nGENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,\n179 W. PRATT STREET, BALTIMORE.\n\nREFERENCES—T. SHIPLEY, Conductor B. & O, KR. Rs; JOHN Rass,\nGlenn’s Postoffice, Va.: KERNGOOD Bros., Wholesale Dry Goods, Bal\ntimore; M. C. Prick, Leesville, Ohio; JONSON, Smite & Co., Pitts-\nburg, Penn.; H. BURGESS, Gloucester C. H., Va.\n\nGEO. M. ROBERTS & CO.,\n\n(Of the late firm of RK. W. Ames & Co.,)\n\nProduce and Commission Merchants,\n\n211 WEST PRATT STREET,\nBALTIMORE, MD. |\n\n \n\nEastern Shore Shipping Letter, XX.\nNorfolk Shipping Letter, XXX.\n\nI, P, Justis & Co., pe ea:\n\n_ (Formerly of Accomac county, Virginia)\n\nCommission Merchants,\n\n \n\nIN EARLY FRUITS, VEGETABLES, OYSTEF S, TERRAPINS,\nWILD FOWL AND ALL KINDS COUNTRY PRODUCE.\n\n7. WOOD STREET, AULA TOTS\nee Letter, 3 OF ”\n\n \n\nESTABLISHED 1857.\n\nSILVERTHORN &-CO.,\nWHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS,\n\nGREEN AND DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, POUL-\nTRY, GAME, SEEDS, and GENERAL FARM PRODUCE.\n\nNo, 303 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.\n\nfe Shippers of New York State apples,\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 501.0558166503906, 1137.1630859375, 1036.8916015625, 1201.5963134765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Accomac C. H., Va.:\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1687.7491455078125, 609.2763061523438, 2292.780517578125, 2026.8197021484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n“CEO. Ww. . GARRETT,\nAGENT FOR:\n“WM. T. BULLEN,\nPocomoke City, Md.,\nDealer in and manufacturer of\n\nAll: Canniges,\n\nAccomac C. H., VA.,\nkeTrimming, Painting, and Re-\npairing done to order promptly and in\nthe best manner.\n\nA new stock of Carriages constantly\non hand for sale or exchange.\n\nESTABLISHED 1866.\n\nG. FURMAN & Co.,\n\nGENERAL\n\nCommission Merchants,\n\nNo. 19 Vesey Pier, :\nNo. 50 and 52 Broad Ave.,\nNo. 2 Ninth Avenue, and\nWest Washington Market,\ni\nNEW YORK.\nReference by permission: Levi Apgar,\nPres. North River Bank; D. a . Wheal-\nton, Chincotengue, Va.; E. P. Byrd &\n\nBro., Metompkin, Va.; ‘Wm. R. Bunt-\ning, Dr ummondtown, Va.\n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1696.8236083984375, 2675.28564453125, 2268.062255859375, 3973.4638671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "! ee\n§ -— cr\noe ee\nie [Ss\n§ i =p | ia a\nit od ee\n§ ri SL ELS\n§ [gy eo me eH\n\n \n\nHOTA RTISHEHT) 11268.\n" }, "23": null, "24": { "bbox": [ 2913.80000390625, 6220.9040078125, 4106.7415, 6611.653609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS,\n\nGREEN AND DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, POUL.\nTRY, GAME, SEEDS, and GENERAL FARM PRODUCE.\n\nNo, 303 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.\n\nfe Shippers of New York State apples,\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 512.8319091796875, 1221.813232421875, 1039.346923828125, 1277.3878173828125 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1882;\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 1684.512650390625, 4985.1335, 2287.05155859375, 5432.71025 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Assets, Jan. 1,1881, - $1,310,840\n\nThe Insurance of owners of Farm\nproperty and residences is solicited in\nthis old and_ reliable Company, which\npays loss or damage by Fire and Light-\n\nnig. ee :\nL. W. CHILDBEY, Agent.\nNorfolk, Va.\n\nN. B.—Parties wishing to commun\n\ncate with me when I am_ not on the\n\nghore can write tome at Norfolk, and\n\ntheir letters will receive prompt atten-\n\ntion. '\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 2899.947998046875, 583.9805908203125, 4102.02783203125, 1805.3851318359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "KXICE & HOLWAY,\nCOMMISSION MERCHANTS\nBOSTON, MASS.\n\n——:0—0: ——\n\niyWe employ no Agents.\n\nFull Stock. Low Prices.\nESTABLISHED 1816. —\n\nJOSHUA HARVEY & SONS,\n\nNorthwest cor. fanover and Pratt Streets, Baltimore, Md.,\n\nPry Goods\n\nHave on hand A well selected stock of\nDress Goods, Notions, White Coods, etc., etc.\nWhich we offer at the Lowest Cash Prices. Call and Examine Stock.\n[=A large stock of Remnants at low prices. Agency for Mme. Dem\norest’s Reliable Patterns.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1697.256591796875, 4760.28857421875, 2276.014892578125, 4918.28662109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "AGRICULTURAL\n\nINSURANCE COMPANY.\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 4121.3642578125, 4114.52734375, 4734.93359375, 6614.9912109375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "MALOU IN,\nNo. 21 SouTH STREET,\nBALTIMORE,\n\n \n\nW. P. B. Ailworth,\nThos. P. Ailworth,\nWith the Great\n\nAtlantic and Pacific Tea Co.,\n\n27 West Balt. st.,] 41 N. Eutaw st.,\n231 North Gay st., | 136°S. Broadway,\n\nBALTIMORE, MD.,\nThe only Importing Tea House dealing\ndirect with the consumer.\n\nIMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN\n\nPure Teas, Choice Coffees and\n| STANDARD SUGARS.\n\n‘The Largest and Cheapest Tea House\n| in the world.\n\n110 Branch Stores in the United States.\nWrite for samples,. which will be\nforwarded on application. Satisfaction\nguaranteed or money refunded. Liberal\ninducements offered to the trade.\n\nBranch of 35 and 37 Vesey street, N. ¥.\nGee: M. HAY, :\n3S. CALHOUN Sr.,\n\nBALTIMORE.\n\n_.\n\n \n\nALUM LIME. }\n\n \n\nG2 LIME OF ALL KINDS.\n\n_ Persons in need of First-Class Build-\ning Lime should apply to us.\n\nRefer te ENTERPRISE Office.\n4 ee c BYRD,\nWITH\nJAMES BAILEY & SON,\nDEALERS IN\n\nbeeen ere eacorseesestercsseerereriverosees\n\n: DRUGS, CHEMICAES, ETC., 7\n\nYer re ers ceececenceccewerevvenrerrevreresse os\n\n| PAINTS & SPECIALTY.\nNo. 70. SouTH CALVER? STREET,\n BALTDYORE.\n" }, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 12, 6 ], [ 12, 15 ], [ 6, 15 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 7, 11 ], [ 7, 16 ], [ 8, 11 ], [ 8, 16 ], [ 11, 16 ] ]
[ 2435.74951171875, 3336.66541015625 ]
[ [ 6, 15 ], [ 7, 11 ], [ 8, 7 ], [ 11, 16 ], [ 12, 6 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1546.8439892578126, 1298.724970703125, 1838.7078906250001, 2167.783818359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "REND, Ore, (AP) —'The bod-\njes of three men were found\nSunday with the wreckage of a\nsmall plane at the 8,100-fo0t\nJevel of Mt. Rachelor west of\nhere.\n\nThe plane had been missing\nsince Thursday when it failed to\narrive in Eugene on schedule on\na flight from Boise, Ida,\n\nKilled were ihe pilol, Andy\nDeichel, Billings, Mont.; Bon\nHeck, Boise, ida., and Don Dow,\nBillings.\n\nThe small single-engine air-\ncraft, traveling from Billings to\nEugene, had stopped in Boise. It\nleft there Thursday. The pilot\nwas last heard from when he ra-\ndiced for Eugene weather condi»\ntions as the plane passed over\nthe Redmond airport in Central\nOregan, -\n\nThe search. began when the\nplane failed to arrive in Eugene\nat the scheduled time,\n\nBill Maddron, a member of the\nOregon Slate Bureau of Aero-\nnautics, said about 50 aircraft\nand several ground teams\nsearched for the plane.\n\nThe accident scene was near\nthe skiing lodge on Mt. Bache-\nJor. Skiers sighted the plane ear\nly Sunday morning.\n\nThe State Board of Aeronaut-\nics coordinated the air search\noutof airfields in Springfield,\nSalem, Madras and Redmond.\nA mountain rescue team from\nEugene and a Jeep rescue tearn\nfrom Portland also participated.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1842.8447216796876, 2474.432001953125, 2133.07068359375, 3333.628544921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "NOTICE\nOF Closing Registration Books\nfor Primary Election to Be Held\nJune 4, 1968\n\nNOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN\nthat the registration books for\nall precincts in Flathead County\nwill be closed at 5:00 pom. on\nThursday, Aprit 25, 1968, for the\npurpose of making up check lists\nfor Judges and Clerks of such\nelection to be held June 4, 1968.\n\nElectors who wish to vote at\nthe above election must have\ntheir names on the registration\nbooks for their respective pre-\ncincts before books are closed.\n\nElectors may register for the\nJune 4, 1968, Primary Election\nby appearing before the County\nClerk at his office in the Court-\nhouse or by appearing before a\nDeputy Registrar or before any\nNotary Pubtic or Justice of the\nPeace in the manner provided by\nlaw, (23-513) (Revised Codes of\nMontana of 1947 a5 amended)\n\nIf you have changed your resi-\ndence from the precinct where\nyou are now registered. you\nshould have your registration\ncard transferred to the precinct\nwhere you now reside.\n\nSee That Your Name Is Prop-\nerly Registered,\n\nGLENN FE. MILLHOUSE,\n\nCounty Clerk and Ex-Officio\n\nRegistrar, Flathext County,\n\nMontana\n\nDated this 29th day of March 1963\n(April 5 thru Agril 28)\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1550.6417236328125, 2182.713134765625, 1803.67578125, 2305.68603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Toastmasters\nPlan Ladies\nNight Meeting\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1549.4337158203125, 1147.7401123046875, 1804.1064453125, 1279.2855224609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Bodies Of Air\nCrash Victims\nRecovered\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1846.48107421875, 807.6918286132812, 2141.541142578125, 2112.450810546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Jan Barna writes fram\nMontreal, “Knowing your\nsense of humor, 2 thought you\nmight appreciate what hap-\npened in our weekly duplicate\nfame at the Chateau Bridge\nClub.\n\n“Y was sitting South and\n™my wife North, East opened\none notrump, but 1 wasn't\npaying much attention and\nthaught that he had passed.\nWhen West passed also and\nmy partner bid two clubs, J\nthought she had opened with\na forcing bid. Incidentally,\nher two-club bid was the\nLandy Convention showing\nboth majars.\n\n“When I replied two dia-\nmonds, West doubled. I don't\nknow exactly why, but I guess\nhe didn’t really have any rea-\nson to do so. Anyway, my\nwife bid two hearts and, in\ntypical husband fashion, 1\njumped to three no-trump.\nEast doubled and West opened\nthe Jack of clubs.\n\n“Dummy's queen lost to\nEast’s ace and a club came\nback. West played the 10 and\nI was in dummy with the\nking. I led a diamond, taken\nby East's king. A third club\nwas won by my nine and I\ncleared the diamond suit.\nEast had no defense at this\npoint and, for want af Seeing\nanything better to do, Jed an-\nather dtamond. I cashed my\ndiamonds and the last club\nwhile discarding down to the\nace-king-i0 of hearts in dum-\nmy. East made the mistake\nof letting a heart go, so I\novertook my queen of hearts\nand made an overtrick at my\nsilly doubled contract.\n\n“My wife asked if I were\ncrazy to bid three netrump\nagainst an opening no-trump\nwith my five pvints, and for\nthe first time I realized that\nI had not heard the opening\nbid. The best I could do was\nto apologize to my wife and\nour untortunate “opponents,\nbut I did not give back the\ntop seare,\n\n@ have heard of many in-\nstances of a player not hear.\ning an opening bid. Most of\nthe lime, the result is catas-\ntrophic. We are glad te learn\nthat this time the failure to\n\npay attention was well-re-\nwardod\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 77.17816925048828, 1837.54931640625, 945.0023193359375, 3309.306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "PUBLIC SALE\nLogging Equipment\n\n$400,000 Dispersal Sale\nPickups - 16 pieces Logging Equip-\nment including Cat Patrols Dés, D7s,\nD8s, a 966, a 977, and 3 linkbelt\nheel booms. 20 Logging Trucks and\nTrailers, mostly Peter Built. Most\nitems are between 4 and 10 yrs. old.\n\nSale to be held\nApril 10th\n\nat 10 a.m. behind Farmers Exchange,\n4th Ave. East North & Railroad,\nKalispell Montana.\n\nThe undersigned reserves right to bid.\nTERMS CASH.\n\n~ CONRAD NATIONAL BANK\nba OF KALISPELL, MONTANA\nP, w. Wilke\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 357.2438916015625, 1627.17833984375, 647.5441943359375, 1800.8708544921876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "deJphia is drawing up a manual\ntor applicants.\nASTM it normally prepares\n\ntests for metals, plastics, tex-\ntiles, ete.—says it probably will\ntake three years to train apanel\nof taste testers so they can\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 277.7114208984375, 216.86464965820312, 480.08875, 1558.1086474609374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Coml Cre 34% + 1%\nCom Soly 36% + 214\nComsat 56\n\nCon Edis 3344 + 4s\nContainer 2944-— %\nCom Airl 24+ %\nCont Can 5244+1\nCont O11 69 + 4\nCont D 146 +6%\nCorn Pd 374+ %\nCowles 13 + V4\nCrow Coll 63° 434%\nCrownZe 42%+ V4\nCurtiss W 24+ 4\nDeere Co 47/41 4\nDel Mnte 2954\nDERGW 1754\nDismey 49%4+ %\nDow Chm 33%4+1\nDress Ind 33%—\nduPont 160 +4\nEast Air 35's +1%\nE Kodak 14534 43%\nEaton Ya 281%\nElpaso Ng 184+ Wy\nEvans Pd 2844 + 114\nFair Cam 82 +4%\nFirestne 50%4—~ V4\nFood Fair 19% + 4%\nFord Mot 56 +2\nFor McK BY%+ V4\nFreep Sul 6554+214\nFrueh Cp 38 +14\nGam Sko 26+ 4\nGen Dyn 4641+ %\nGen Elec 90 + %\nGen Fds 7744134\nGen Mills 344 + 24\nGen Mot 8342 +254\nG Tel EL a0%d Y%\nGen Tire 26% +17%\nGa Pac 69344 2%\nGillette 54% +2\nGlen Ald 124+ 4\nGoodreh 63 +2%\nGoodyr 50 +1%\nGt NorRy 5144+ 1%4\nGt Won 88 +2\nGreen Gt 34 +\nGreyhnd 2014\nGulf Gil 75%4— %\nHecla M 62 + %\nHolly Sug 31 + 1%\nHomestk 57 +1\nHonywl 1285 +5\nHook Ch 4116+ 1%\nIdaho Pw 2914+ 14\nIdeal Bas 1754+ 1%\nIN Cent 58%4+ 14\nIBM. 642 +12\nInt Harv 3244— 14\nInt Nick 111 +24\nInt Pap 27%+ Ys\nInt TRT 55%5 +2%\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 52.226763610839846, 224.5581768798828, 264.48221313476563, 1562.31677734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "oh\n— Monday’s selected\nNew York Stock Ex.\nchange prices.\n\nAlcan Al 23144 14\nAllied Ch 35% + 54\nAllied Str 45 + 4\nAllis Chal 304+ %\nAlcoa 7 +3\nAmorad 84 +244\nAm Airlin 252 + %\nAm Bdest 50%4+2\nAm Can 5054+ 34\nAm CySg 2@4— %\nAm Cyan 24+ 44\nAm ELP 3544+1%4\nAm Fdy 194+ 1%\nAMet Cl 48%+ %\nAm Mtrs 1%+ 4\nAm NGas 37%4+ 4%\nAm Smelt 6814\n\nAm Std 36 + %\nAm T&T 50%+ 4\nAm Tob 3112+ 5\nAmpex 3155+ %\nAnacon 4114+ %\nArmco Stl 48%+ 44\nArmour 35'4+ 44\nArm Ck 70% +2%\nAtchison 274+ %\nAi Rich 110 — “4\nAtlas Corp 4%+ 14\nAveo Cp 4314 +7\nAvon Pd 131 +5\nBeat Fds 614+ ih\nBeech Air 50144+344\nBell How 78 +1\nBendix 384 + 15\nBeth Stl 29%\nBoeing 71% +3\nBoise Cas 5542+ 1'4\nBorden 31 % 4\nBrist My 72%43%\nBrunswk 154+ %\nBucy Er 2344+\nBudd Co 2444 %\nBurl Ind 42%+ 4\nBurghs 197 +254\nCalum H 47%4+14\nCase JT 15% +4\nCater Tr 39%+ 6\nCelan Cp 53%+1%\nCerro 41+ %\nCertid 2524 154\nCFISH 16%+ %\nChes Ohio 614+ %\nChi MiISt 38% + %\nChrysier 84% +214\nCities Svc 48 +4\nC. Cola 1244— %\nColg Pal 4044+ %\nColo IntG 4744\n\nCol Gas IA 14\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2156.737548828125, 169.07981872558594, 2414.41796875, 412.1192321777344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Inter Lake\nClassified\n— Ads\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1544.4623974609376, 2310.959345703125, 1836.0556689453126, 3336.66541015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "WHITEFISH — Jerry Hansen,\neducationa] vice president pre-\nSided at the Toasimaster's mect-\ning recently.\n\nit was announced that the next\nmeeting, April 10 will be a lad\nies night with members wives or\nguests being welcome.\n\nEdward Buja, a new member\nwas table topics chairman for\nthe evening. Gene Hedman was\nthe table topies winner for the\nevening,\n\nDue to the transfers of Presi-\ngent Jerry Allen and Secretary\nFrank Ferguson to other statea\nit was necessary to elect new\nofficers to fill out their terms\nof office, Chosen as the new\npresident was Hansen, Gene Hed-\nman as educational vice presi-\ngent and Dr, John Atchison as\nsecretary.\n\nDr. Jerroid Johnson was toast-\nmaster for the programandpre-\nsented the following Speakers,\nJames Dickenson, Jim Kelley\nand Jerry Hansen. Dickenson\nwas selected as the speech win-\nner,\n\nWilliam Zimmer was a guest\nof the club and also became a\nnew member. Al Gimbel, gener-\nal evaluator, introduced the\nSpeakers evaluators, Ervin Han\nison. Gene Hedman was timer\nand vote counter.\n\nRepossessed\n\nTRONTON, Ohio (AP) — The\nLawrence County sheriff's de=\npartment received a te\nreport recenély that a tomb-\nstone hed been stolen from\n@ plot ina rural cemetery, Fri-\nday deputies learned the cause\nof the disappearance, They said\nthe monument company had re-\n\npercmmen we nail hk:\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 499.96749389648437, 219.34049499511718, 714.7426806640625, 1557.972294921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Jones L 49 + 34\nKaiser Al 41%— 14\nKenncott 3934 14\nKerr Me 127% + 15%\nKresge 90%+144\nLOF Giss 47%4—\nLibb MeN 18%— 4\nLitton BB+ 3s\nLockhd A 55'4 + Be\nLone SC 2042 4 244\nLone SGa 224+ |3\nLorrillrd 495% 4+ 8%\nMacy RH 3954+ 5%\nMad Fd 2734+ 5%\nMagma C 6144—\nMagma C @1'4— Yo\nMagnavx 49 +234\nMarathh a7¥g+ M4\nMartin M20 + 35\nMecDonn D A7%—\nMerck BAG + By\nMinn MMO920 +214\nMobil O11 4414 4 174\nMensan 43444 135\nMont DUL 29° + 14\nMont Pw 28% +\nMont Wd 30 + 4\nMt St TT 224%— %\nNat Cash 1281544\nN Dairy 37\n\nNat Dist 37% — 4\nNat Gyns 5314424\nNat Lead 63561 %\nNat Steel 4234— 35\nNiag MP 1934-14\nNor Pac sP4— Us\nNwst Airl 77/2 i G4\nNw Ban 5744\n\nOlin Mat 34:4 %\nOmark 25 4 %&\nOuthd Mar 3034\nPoens I 51% +1%\nPae GEL30%24+ 4\nPac Pw 224+ 4\nPac T&T 24 + 14\nPan Am 23 + 34\nPrke Dav 2614+ 44\nPenn Dix 28% + 14\nPenney 725 4354\nPenn Cen 76141 3%\nPa Pw Lt 241 4\nPepsi Co 414+ 34\nPrizer C 64744 4\nPhelps D 2844+ %4\nPhil Morr 4834+ 14\nPhill Pet 59%+1\nProctr G@ 91 +1\nPug SPL 33 + is\nPullman 48454 14\nRCA 50%+ 4%\nRayonier 45 417%\nRepub Sd 41 —\nRexall 30 +\nReyn Met 42144 34\n\n \n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 52.65667617797852, 1627.4454296875, 351.6127673339844, 1798.3365527343751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA {AP} — if\nyou've got a delicate taste for\nhigh spirits, and like’ short\nhours, this could be the job for\nyou: aroma and flavor tester of\nalcoholic beverages.\n\nThe American Society for\nTesting and Materials of Phila\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1617.36572265625, 155.7631072998047, 1790.86962890625, 210.22210693359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Markets\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2151.86876953125, 462.0937756347656, 2426.5623828125, 1547.7583056640624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Minimum Classified Charge\n$l.s¢\n\nRATES and REGULATIONS,\nNO REFUNDS )\nFCopy must be in by 12:00\n\np-m. Day Previcus to Pub-\nlication.\n\nThe Daily Inter Lake re-\nserves the right toe accept or\nreject any ad offered for\npublication, to properly\nclassify ads as it sees fit\nor to censor or alter any ad |\nto conform to its rules and\narrangements of contents.\nSeven (7) cents per word\nper day up to and including\nfive days.\n\nSix (6) cents per word for\nthe sixth day and each sub-\nsequent insertion.\n\nCash discount of fifty (50)\ncents for advertisements\nplaced in our office or paid\nwithin five (5) days of the\nfirst insertion.\n\nCard Of Thanks $2.60.\n\nSkip dates 50 cents extra.\n\nADJUSTMENTS\n\nWf your ad appears incor-\nrectly notify us immediate-\n-ly. The Daily Inter Lake wil!\nnot be responsible for cr-|\nYyOTS appearing in ads after\nthe first insertion. No re-\npublication will be made with-\nout extra charge where error\ndoes not materially affect the |\nsense of the advertisement.\nThe Daily Inter Lake will not\nassume responsibility for er-\nrors occurring in advertise-\nments taken over the tele-\nphone.\n\n“CLASSIFIED WANT ADS”\nDIAL 756-9151 FOR\nAD TAKER\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 656.8792065429687, 1615.58751953125, 947.0586596679688, 1796.4475146484376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "achieve “maximum effective-\nness.**\n\nAnd it emphasizes, soberly\nthat no consciantious taste test-\ner would let his job interfere\nwith his work.\n\npale oka\nOkinawa belongs to the is-\n\nee eek es\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 735.3785961914062, 232.29265869140625, 946.5071459960938, 1569.4194384765624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "May Bul tase\nSafeway 2644+\nSt Jus Ld 43\nSt Reg P 29%— 14\nSchenley 7014 + 1%\nSchering 644+ 34\nSCM Cp 494% 41!\nScott Pap 27 + 14\nSears Roc 66% + 1%\nShell Oil 614\nSinclair — 82l4 + 134\nSou Cal E 33% U4\nSouth Co 2644+ 34\nSout Pac 28 +1\nSouth Ry 46% #1\nSperry Ro 5444 2by\nSt Brand 39\nSt OU Cai 62% 4 15\nSt O Ind SOQ\nSid OH NS 70 + %\nSL Pack 68s —\nSlerl Deg 51%e + Bs\nStude With 564% 1135\nSunray 39544 4\nSwifl Co 2355\nVektroix 491, + 14\nTenneco 25%%-- 45\nTexaco 78. + 14\n‘Vex GSul S744\nTexas [st 109 +344\nTextron 46442\nThiokol 17 +4\nTimk RB 374+ 14\nTrans WA 43144 1%\nTransam 3342 +14\nTri Cont 29 + 4\nTRW Inc % +\nTwen Cen 32% + 2%\nlin Crbde 421444 1%\nUn Oil Cal 6U5R+ Ye\nUnin Pac 38%\nUniryal 47 Ys\ndni Ar 1. 48+ 1%\nUni Aire 7144\nUni Cp 114\nUni Fruit 82544 1s\nUS Gysm 73 +24\nUS Ind 4814 1 Ps\nUS Ply Ch 60144 144\nUS Smelt 5514\nUS Steel $9%4\nVin Asso 2544+ 15%\nWrn Lmb 45 -~ 4\nWas Wat 2\nWstn Ar L 32% 434%\nWn Bane 32%\nWn U Tel 3344 4\nWstg EL 73 +34 ¥\nWhite Mot 5134 +8\nWhwrth = 23344\nXrox Cp 26734+4%\nYngst Sht 3344+ 4\nZnth Ro 6254+ 1%\nTotal &.Y, Stock\n\nlie paced\n\n \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1549.9218701171876, 208.4300030517578, 1846.0306445312501, 1113.79626953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP) — Markets\nat a glance;\n\nStocks—Higher in active trad-\ning.\n\nCotton—lligher.\nCHICAGO\n\nWheat— Lower; under liquida-\ntion.\n\nCorn —Lower; liquidation,\n\nOats — lrregular; in light\ntrade.\n\nSoybeans— Irregular; light do-\nmand.\n\nButcher hogs —25.50 cents\nlower; receipts 6,J0U; top 20.00.\n\nSlaughter steers — Prices\nSteady; reeeipts 8,000; top 90.50.\n\nCASH GRAIN\n\nCHICAGO (AP) — Wheat No\n2 hard 1.51n; No2 soft red1.44n.\nCorn No 2 yellow 1.15!4; No 4\nyellow 1.0434; No 5 yellow 9315-\n1.0814; sample grade yellow\n89%4-1.0512. Oats No 2 heavy\nwhite 79n. Soybeans No L yellow\n\nSaybean oil 8.75n,\n\n \n\nSPOKANE LIVESTOCK\n\nSPOKANE (AP) (USDA) —\nSalable cattle and calves Mon\nday 550, Prices not established\nby mid-moruing.\n\nSalable hogs 600. Barrows and\ngills weak to .50 lower, some .5D\nto .75 lower.\n\nBarrows and gilts: U.S. 1-2,\n200-235 Lbs,, 20,.80-25.81; U.S,\n1-83, 195-240 Ibs., 20,20-21.20.\n\nSows: U.S. 1-3, 400-475 Ibs.,\n\n \n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 352.9955749511719, 1583.0377197265625, 651.2222900390625, 1615.5421142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Taste Test Tests Told\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 52.86334228515625, 126.03165435791016, 931.3336791992188, 209.07798767089844 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "PAGE SSGHT The Daily Inter Lake, Tuesday, April 9, 1968\n\nNew York Stock Markets\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 1855.953857421875, 167.27821350097656, 2127.94384765625, 285.832275390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "WIN AT BRIDGE\n\nHubby Didn't\nHear Bidding\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 967.8485107421875, 2591.9384765625, 1520.7275390625, 3276.306640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "; et\nin\n* ‘g\n4 of\n\n \n\n \n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 1846.8118896484375, 2131.221923828125, 2138.643310546875, 2448.482177734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "V*CARD Senses\n\nQ—The bidding has been;\nWest North East South\n3h\n4& th S& e\nYou, South, hold:\n@KQI9TES WAIe G10 aS\nWhat do you do now?\nA—Pass. You teld your story\nwhen you bid three spades,\nTODAY'S QUESTION\nYor pass and your partner\ndoubles. What do you do now?\nAnswer Tomorrow\n\n“eal\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1071.5528564453125, 161.1331329345703, 1475.0323486328125, 218.17002868652344 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Television Guide\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1859.707763671875, 334.89886474609375, 2131.31884765625, 788.4611206054688 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "NOETH ¢\n\nOK i096\nWAK 1032\n\nOS\n\naKQS\nWEST EAST (D)\nAds HQI87\n99876 7554\n862 @AKT\n#3103 wACE\n\nSOUTH\n\n32\n\n¥Q\n#Qsin94s3\n9752\nNorth-South Vulnerable\nWest North East South\n1N.T. Pass\nPass 2a Pass 26\nDble 29 Pass 2N.T.\nPass Pass Mhle Pass\nPass Pass\nOQMenine last. oT\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2196.50439453125, 1564.5379638671875, 2370.463134765625, 1638.46142578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Business\nDirectory\n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 2155.491455078125, 3197.89306640625, 2425.179443359375, 3330.20556640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " WABALAS TAX SERVICE\n\n$18 and up (Fed. & State}\nBY APPOINTMENT\n" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 658.0988110351562, 1760.4943798828126, 946.3058520507813, 1805.8475390625001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Okinawa belongs to the is-\nland chain of the Ryukvyus.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2139.97314453125, 1646.2139892578125, 2435.74951171875, 3221.796142578125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": " \n\nWATER WELL DRILLING\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLicenses —-Bonded. —Insured\nHomer McClarty Elwood\n756-4054 756-6022\nWATER WELLS from Bedrock,\n\ndeveloped wilhair rotary. Lib-\n‘erly Driiling Company, 543-\n8304, Missoula, 756-5126, Kal-\nispeil.\n\n \n\nKalispell Sept\n\ntic tanks cleaned and instalicd.\nExcavation. Free estimates. B.\nL, Vickhammer, 756-5880.\n\n \n\n \n\n. Septic tanks pump=\ned and installed. Qualily work.\n756-3527 & 756-5626.\n\n9 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE\nCARPENTER WORK, new or\n\nremodeling, 756-6210,\n\nROOFING, carpenter work and\nrepairs. Call Ilerb Lerew, 884-\nKLEENS sewers for leas. 8&8\n\n33917.\nyears local experience 756\n5689,\nHester D, Hollopeter, 206 4th\nAvenue West, 12 years with\nInternat Revenue,\n\nKen Pedersen Excavating, com\nplete Septic tank and drain field\ninstallations. LaSalle Road, 756-\n\n \n\nFlathead Septic Tank Service,\n\n“Ready Freddy.” 24 hr. ser-\nvice, 7553552,\n\nNew construction, remodeling,\nkitchers cabinets, Stillwell Caon-\nstruction, 756-9641,\n\nMADE TO order suits. Mens\n‘alterations, Tom Barton, 756.\n\n \n\nFREE Estimates on roofing in\nstalled. Kalispell] C abinet\nWorks. 756-5645,\n\n \n\nONLY Roto - Kooter razor\n\nHagerman pertataping, painting,\nand texture paint. Free esti-\nmates. 756-4595 or 755-3104.\n\nINCOME TAX\n\nRAMSEYS TAX, Bookkeeping.\nNotary, photo copy, Open even-\nings, 154 2nd Avemm West\nNorth, 756-2583,\n\nINCOME TAX service and book.\nweeping: Dick Beardsley. 756.\n2\n\n|\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2167.442138671875, 405.7812805175781, 2390.80517578125, 439.95904541015625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Dial 756-945)\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1860.406982421875, 288.7653503417969, 2136.477294921875, 316.3507385253906 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "By Oswald and Jomes Jacoby\n" }, "33": null, "34": { "bbox": [ 2142.300654296875, 2127.245966796875, 2434.69568359375, 2219.904912109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Ken Pedersen Excavating, com\nplete Septic tank and drain field\ninstallations. LaSalle Road, 756-\n5231, Free Estimates,\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 975.712158203125, 757.0636596679688, 1539.5361328125, 2638.27685546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "lL oD. REE Lae OE Sa\n3:00 (3) Red Skelton @ Movie\n\nTruth or Consea, (6) Jofnny Carson.\nFREE ESTIMATES -NO OBLIGATION\n* Carpet * Cabinets * Rooting\n\n* Heoting * Plumbing\nCall For Appointments 756-5055\n\nMONTGOMERY WARD\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY () Love of Lite\n7:00 (5) Today show ) News\n7:25 (5) Mont. Nows & Wthr. 4B) Jeopardy\n8:00 (2) Living 12:25 (4) News\n() Farm Reports 12:30 @) Search -Tomarrow\n(5) Snap Judement (4) Search - Tomorrow\n6) Conversation G) Doctors\n80S) ‘News 2:4 & Gatding Li ht\n2 pores 12:45 ruiding Lig\nS:5 3 Aericullare () Guiding Light\n¥s 12:55 (6) News\n#:30 (2) Cartoons 1:00 (2) Bewitched\n(4) Cartoons. @) Scan\n(5) Concentration (4) Dialing For Dollars\n(6) ‘Today (5) Let’s Make-A Deal\n9:00 (2) Cartoons (6) Let's Make A Deal\n(4) Cartoons 1:30 2) Treasure Isle\n{5} Jack LaLanne () As the World Turns\n9:20 (2) Storytime (S) As the World Turns\n9,25 (3) Cartoons (6) Days of Dur Lives\n#30 (2) Raby Game 2:14 (2) Dream House\n@) Ed Allen (3) Splendored Thing\n() Bingo @) Dialing For Dollars\n%55 (2) Tic Tac 2 (5) Match Game\n\n1:00 (2) General Hospital\n(I) Weslern Schools\n(4) Jack LaLanne\n\n(6) Doctors\n225 (5) NBC News\n250 (2) Wedding Party\n\neee ent (? Donna Tteed\nSnap Judgment\n10:25 (6) News (4) Houseparty\n\n(8) Another World\n\n(6) Another World\n300 (2) Movie\n\n@) Take Thirty\nTo Tell the Truth\nNewlywed Game\nYou Don't Say\nNews, Weather\nEdge of Night\n\n10:30 (2) Dark Shadows\n@) Friendly Giant\n(4) Beverly Hillbillies\n(5) Eye Guess\n(6) Concentration\n10;45 (3) Chez Helene\n(5) Ne\n200 (2) Virgi\n\n \n\nfa Graham\n43) Mr. Dressup\n\n \n\nEdge of Night\n@) Andy Griffith eee\n<5) Personality Match Game\n{6) Personality 4:00 @) Bonnie Pridgen.\n\n14:25 (3) Pick of the Week (4) Secret Storm\n\n11:30 (2) Dick Caviet (3) Dating Game\n(4) Dick Van Dyke (6) Mery Griffin\n3} VoHywood Squares 4:30 (2) Danny Themas\n6) Hollywood Squares 43) Upside Town\n\n1:55 (3) CHC News (3) Splendored Thing\n\n2:00 (3) Leave It To Beaver G) Cartoons\n\nEVENING :\n\n5:00 @) Dating Game (6) Death Valley Days\n(3) Mark of Zorra 8:30 (2) Avengers\n(Mike Douglas (4) Lost in Space\n6) News 6) Virginian\n\n5:30 (2) Newlywed Game ®:00 (3) Nation's Business\n(3) Rowd Up G) Run Fur your Lite\n@) News %15 (3) Prov, Affairs\n(@) Perry Mason 9:30 (2) Dream House\n\n5:00 (2) Gilligan’s Island (3) Festival\n@® J.C. Awards ve i biNli\n\n25 (3) Market Review @® Beverly Hillbillies\n\n \n \n\n10:00 (2) Movie\n@) Greenacres\nG) Ten O'Clock Report\n\n730 (@) News\n@) Ironsides\n\n(@) News (6) Kraft Music Hall\n(3) ‘The Virginian 10:30 (4) Movie\n(6) I Love Lucy 4) Tonight Show\n7:00 (2) Hazel TEND (8) News\nCH News (6) Perry Mason\n(6) News U:28 @) Info\n7:30 (2) Man Prom Uncle 11:30 (3) The Hawk\n(3) Motbers-In-Law 12:0 (2) News.\n(@) Leave It To Beaver CD) News\n(6) News G) News\n8:00 (3) Mission Impossible 12:30 @) Joey Bishop\n(4) ‘Truth or Conseq. @) Movie\n() Krafi Theater (6) Tonight Show\n\n \n\nSIDE GLANCES By Gill Fox\n\n\\ gM, | a an\n" }, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 9381.5405390625, 673.416271484375, 10173.9770390625, 1482.8032109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "worked 16 years, without pay.\nIn return, he asked only that\nhe be buried beside his wife in\nCalifornia when he died,\n\nA British flying ace whohad\nwon 19 air duels with German\npilots visited Father Albert\nafter the war, He stayed inthe\narea and convinced his em-\nployer, a lumber firm to pro-\nvide timber for the church at\nvery low cost,\n\nThe mission slowly took\nform as the walls of native\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 7779.85352734375, 700.6452143554687, 8565.51121875, 1496.108630859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "rather Albert, who served\nin the Chaplain Corps in Eu-\nrope, went to the Mescalero\nIndian Reservation soon after\nWorld War I, He decided to\nbuild a mission there in\nmemory of soldiers who had\ndied in the first world war,\n\nA few Indians and some\nrefugee priests began working\nwith him on the foundation for\nthe church, a task that took\nseven years, Huge stones,\nsome weighing as much as\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2643.117443359375, 763.1578486328125, 3421.1762578125, 1565.1424443359374 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Five distinguished musi-\nclans will serve as judges for\nthe HoustonSymphony’s Young\nArtists Competition Nov. 26\nand 27 in Jones Hall,\n\nThese are Vladimir Ash-\nkenazy, Soviet concert pianist;\nGary Graffman, who will be\nchief piano judge for the Le-\nvintritt Competition this year;\nSidney Harth, American con-\ncert violinist; Roy Harris,\nAmerican composer; and An-\ndre Previn, Conductor in\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 8579.7319453125, 684.8822138671875, 9361.4594609375, 1492.9346806640624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "1,500 pounds, had to be drag-\nged down from nearby hills,\nThe little band of workers\nfelled and hewed trees for\ntimbers,\n\nConstruction of the mission\nbecame a community project.\nIndians and reservations em-\nployees gave box suppers and\ndances to raise needed money.\n\nA stone cutter from Califor-\nnia heard what Father Albert\nwas doing and offeredhelp. He\ncame to the isolated spot and\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 4252.1020625, 749.5618403320312, 5032.15965625, 1539.62059375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Symphony Orchestra on May\n16, 1969, in Jones Hall, The\nconcert will be televised live\nand in color by the NBC af-\nfillate in Houston,\n\nPennzoil United, Inc, is\nsponsor of the competition,\nwith Mrs, Albert M, Tomforde\nand Mrs, C, Pharr Duson Jr,\nas co-chairmen,\n\nAshkenazy will make his\nHouston debut with Previn and\nthe orchestra Nov, 25 and 26.\nBorn in 1937, he won the Cho-\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 10196.5932734375, 674.2018549804687, 10972.8227421875, 1475.030994140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "sandstone were painstakingly\nput up by hand, Thick walls\nand huge windows were among\nthe outstanding characteris-\ntics of the mission church.\n\nThe walls were 131 feet\nlong, 68 feet wide and stood 57\nfeet high. A tower, rising 103\nfeet, was erected,\n\nHuge wooden columns and\ndoors carved with Indian de-\nsigns reflected the Indian cul-\nture of the area,\n\nSee CHURCH, Page 10\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 5053.58253125, 738.1343500976562, 5838.5180546875, 1541.4922978515624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "pin Competition in Warsaw at\nthe age of 17 and the Queen\nElizabeth of Belgium Compe-\ntition at 19,\n\nAmerican pianist Graffman\nwon the Levintritt Competition\nin 1940 and has appeared with\nthe Houston Symphony a num-\nber of times,\n\nSidney Harth, who also has\nappeared with the Houston or-\nchestra, won the Naumbureg\nAward in 1948,\n\nAmerican composer Roy\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3431.86426953125, 746.0795405273437, 4224.68358203125, 1548.6788212890624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Chief of the Houston Symphony\nOrchestra,\n\nDesigned for students of\npiano, violin and cello who will\nnot reach their 26th birth-\ndays before Jan, 1, 1970, the\nCompetition is open to stu-\ndents in this country who are\neither American citizens o.\nforeign citizens here on stu-\ndent visas. The prizes will\nbe $1,500, $1,000 and $500,\neach with an appearance with\nAndre Previn and the Houston\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 5856.37891796875, 728.6967890625, 6648.17576953125, 1533.226306640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Harris was commissioned to\nwrite his Elegy and Paean for\nViola and Orchestra for the\nHouston Symphony 15 years\nago, and last season Previn\nprogrammed the Harris Third\nSymphony tn recognition of the\ncomposer’s 70th anniversary,\nApplications for entering\n\nthe competition must be post-\n\nmarked no later than Oct, 15,\n\nDetailed brochures are avall-\nable at the Symphony office\nin Jones Hall,\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1026.7620966796876, 1020.6566279296875, 1819.4576298828126, 1586.2708623046874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "VISITED SONS\n\nMrs. L. L. Rudloff visited\nher sons, A. L. and H. E.\nRudloff, and their families\nin Newgulf on Sunday.\n\nSUNDAY VISIT\nMr. and Mrs. Dan Pavlas\nand family of Houston and Mrs.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 12711.8046875, 4945.9052734375, 13355.2783203125, 5196.9375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Early start\nfor Christmas\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 11014.8003046875, 840.012462890625, 11826.384265625, 1469.63280078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Powell\nspent several days in San\nAntonio at the HemisFair.\n\nATTEND CONVENTION\n\nThe Rev. and Mrs. E. H.\nBranch, Mrs. Nancy Jackson\nand Mr. and Mrs. Willie Her-\nald attended a national conven-\ntion in San Antonio last week.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 12710.0717890625, 5207.32130078125, 13513.0590703125, 6116.91893359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.\n(UPI) -= Volunteer Red Cross\nworkers here and in West Los\nAngeles already have begun\npacking 2,400 Christmas gift\nbags for servicemen and wo-\nmen overseas.\n\nBags for the men include\nwriting material, razors,\nblades, combs, towelettes,\nplaying cards, soft drink pow-\nder, nuts and candy, The bags\nfor servicewomen include\nhand and face lotions.\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 6969.73633984375, 775.1220209960937, 7741.7524296875, 1516.0804326171874 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "aay Vw es WN eT\n\nMESCALERO, N.M. (UPI)--\nA little stone church tucked\naway on the Mescalero Apache\nIndian Reservation in New\nMexico stands as a symbol of\nthe power of dedicated hearts\nand willing hands,\n\nThe mission, a tiny model of\nEuropean cathedrals, em-\nerged from a dream of Father\nAlbert W. Braun and the work\nof a few Indians, refugee\npriests and laborers,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 12742.328125, 6485.22900390625, 13517.5595703125, 9617.8828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n\nme hee hk »t*te\nOSENBERG, TEXAS |\n\n— T rrr and ? eg T°\nNED-THUR FRI-SAI\n\nSEPT, 11-12-13-14\n\nIT'S THE FUNNIEST ROB-IN\nOF THEM ALL!\n\n \n\nomecean””\n\noc ab\n\n~ ar\n\nLOWER FLOOR $1.00\nBALAIONE sssces TS¢\nALL CHILDREN THRU 12..50\n\n \n\nN-MON-TUES\n\nEPT. 15-16-17\n\n \n\nn\nBOOM!\n\nSUGGESTED FOR\nMATURE AUDIENCES\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 6883.537109375, 1526.042724609375, 12663.40234375, 9783.1708984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "HERE ARE JUST A FEW BIG CASH WINNERS ......\n\n_ a ie\nNn\ned\n)\n\n \n \n\nm4 . , 7 2 < 4 i] 4 7\ne , 5% “de i 2\nyo y\nee Bis Be 4 ep ‘oA P ~Y\nAe mi ta an ‘ P., T\n\n$100 WINNER $10 WINNER $100 WINNER 5: S\n\n \n \n\n \n\n$100 WINNER $100 WINNER $100 WINNER\n\n$1,000 WINNER $1,000 WINNER pletion Mrs. Howard Temple icc: ‘tolinie Weaken\nMrs. Richard Wright M. 5. Bearden\nai. 3. Ben 65-8 ane gab seer li i ae ere 8 eh ea ella\n\nre iper Mrs. Dean Golden Minerva Gourley Mrs. 5. 8. idwerds 1723 Send 2424 Mi 2305 Cedar ,\n: 0 at 230! tesy $1 Sandpiper * (\n$40 He arte £04 Westmont? “ jak # Seuadane Sinceitein sive iy Peariand\nHewson ‘\n! : san\n?,\n\nBoneless (S\\ Hickory Smoked & Sugar Cured\nWs Pork\n\n \n \n\nLeg 0’ Pork == Picnics\n\nSweeter, more succulent meat, cut from small, lean porkers\n” dad ~ ;\nbs = - ”\n¥ ‘ ‘ % ‘ *\n¥ F j ae\n: . —_ te &\n' \" > o\n=\n\nFinest Quality Silver Platter\n\nSliced Picnics 39 Pork Chops\n\nLean\nFresh\nHam\n\n \n\nBucket of\n\nCanned Ham 1». $399\neee a “69 Steaks | Chicken\n\ny OE : Lb. Cc Cc\nSwiss Steaks . 69 39\n\nPA ooxt be partment Spe wis vVMiear Veparrme nt Specials a a\n\n \n\nMill\n\nU. &. Choice Tenderay Beef\n\nHamburger || Owen's Sausage\n\nsss || = 69° | Chuck Stea _—\n\nsod, Rich Flavor and Lots of Fine Meat at low cos? Fess wht Cool Whip\n| Ai\n\n: Lb. $4\n; | ‘§\n\nGround Chuck bY a Fishsticks - oes ¢ = Quart 49 Cc\n\nBeef Pattie: 69 Fish Fingers ue 00\n\nee o 3 3 &: Lb. Sara Lee Frozen\n\nGround Round 9° § § Flounder Steaks rus, 49° 4 p Pound Cake 69\n; oe \"3 / Birdseye Frozen\n\nChopped Sirloin 19 Fantail | Shi rime vey, 69° I reek Quick-Thaw Fruits i\n\nA 4 ..\n\nBeef Brisket BY Deveined Shrimp i oT\n\n \n\nJumbo Crisp\n\n \n\nShort Ribs 49° | Sliced Turkey ris, 09 to\n, , | ) . Potatoes 19 tes O69 Se\nBoneless Stew Beef 19 Luncheon Meats exe. 69\n\nSolid... Tasty... right down to\nthe tender heart.\n\nCountry Club Bacon +; 69° § § Pork Loin Roast . 99) Tomatoes 12 ww G9!\n\nAll Meat Wieners — 8 Pork Ribs | wm oe\nWieners 7. Spareribs u. 69\n\nCorn 2 5 nw 40°\n\nPears » 2\nteks & teeta Fine Qwelity Totem 4 Cucumbers or\nCalf Liver » oF Kwick Krisp Bacon», 69' Pore y Peppers i.\n\n@ 6” Pot ee Sree\n@ 24” re ST 69 Delicious Apples a ae\n\nOnly\n\n \n\nMexican, Enchilada, Cheese Enchilada\n\nokay Patio Dinners » &\n\nCal-Fame Frozen\n\nFashionable,\nBlunt Toe\n\nFolding ‘Strawberries Grapes ore...” *\n\nJumbo\n\na ‘ $1!\ny rf = a just right for serving or preserving! Strawberries 4 Pigs ]\nfe ippers a Natural cooler... deliciously refreshing! : Stokely Frozen\n\nAa Hard Compo Sole « ith heel lift hi\n\n$1.00 Value\n\nee\nDe\nWide color\nrange. While\nstocks last\nSizes\n5 to ?\n“ Bes . ats\n: :\n\n \n \n\nMeat Pies a o-\n\na Oe i\n\n$ @ , Woe / 9 len\nLbs. at ad a sya\n\n \n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1849.3582880859376, 973.475353515625, 2612.883533203125, 1579.381091796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Marvin Hurta and boys of\nNeedville visited Mrs. Fannie\nHurta on Sunday.\n\nIN HOSPITAL\nCarl Theusen is in the Gulf\nCoast Medical Center in\nWharton. He had surgery on\nSee NEEDVILLE, Page 7\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 11831.703625, 856.4929926757812, 12625.036609375, 1470.3907353515624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "IN HOSPITAL\n\nMrs. Charlene Thompsonis\na patient in Laura Eldridge\nMemorial Hospital, Sugar\nLand,\n\nNEW PIANO\n\nMrs, Agnes Wilson, chair-\nman of the piano fund for Mount\nVernon Methodist WSCS, has\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 960.0127563476562, 1436.2318115234375, 6996.2236328125, 9804.8515625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": ": “ 4 ae ¢ Dan Pavia vharton, He had surgery on American composer; and An- each with an appearance with the orchestra NOV, ov ale ev ‘ward in i¥v46, apie at the oympnony O1lice\nA dre Previn, Conductor in Andre Previn and the Houston fSorn in 1937, he won the Cho- American composer Roy _ in Jones Hall\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nAll Winners!\nNo Losers!\n\n| 4 =\n>>\n\nTomato Juice\n\nVitamin High, Calorte Just Right Fiavor!\n\n25'\n\nHi-Nu Milk ==\" 39\"\nVariety Pak 43°\nIc e C reali\nBreakfast wor AYe\n\n \n\nKroger\n\nKroger Sliced or Halves\n\nPeaches\n\nYellow Cling—the best-liked peaches\nin the whole wide world.\n\n \n\nYellow. Cling in Meavy TRS\n\nSLICED PEACHES |\n\nwe: :\nPa\n4 :\n\n46-02.\nNo. 2 Can\n\nshel\n\n \n\nee\n\n \n\nJ A /\n\n1 | iv 7\n\n. | Xsov? S f Bumble Bee Chunk Light Meat\n7\n\n|\n4\n'\n, i 4\ny na\n| F a\n;\n'\n\nYour best buy for sandwiches, salads\ncasseroles delicate and flavortu!\n\n| 62-02. @ q Cc\n4 Gan\n\nKroger Vac-Pac\n\nCoffee Cream Cheese Bread Peanut Butter\n\n$ ‘ c: eamy white, delicat« ee\n\n| ‘os 5 2, tm 2 Gg : if r BS\n\n| “\n\n| Softex Tissue 4 rex 39 Size 5 Kroger r Bread 4 88° FE Niblets Corn A icam Th\n| Coronet Napkins pray. g 3 o FY '\n\n| : Kroger r Ralls crea | Asparagus seems S ia “1”\n| “4 Raisin Rolls 3 ic. 1° EE Cake Mix” = yy\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n'\na es Chewebile Multi-Vitemins Won't Wear Off as the Day Weors On! . ° , AMiIUM WIiVAGE fixe 46\n\nVienna Saus sage i= M2 & Goddess Dressing ‘:. 25)\n\nBan Spray Cat Food \"gem 1g | choco late duich 7: . 19:\n\niT y ton House : gg |\n” Pak c § Baked Beans yreuss i Margarine me 3q:\n2 x: Beef Stew epg 49 i Grape jam 1 e-tie 29:\n\nValue Bold pm Brownie Mix i —.\n\nYaa Pac\n\n-’” Chock\n\n| 100 Ct.\n| $3.29\nValue\n\n \n \n\n6-On, Site\n\nGet Set Gel s100 77¢ =f Green Beans B Me. 203 $400 | Coffee uh BQs\n\nValve\nArmewt\nFlay ring\n\nSkin Bracer it. [ae = Adam's Extract = ‘vi\" 39°\n\nHome Permanent\n\nLilt Special ..\n\n \n\nBoys’ or Girls’\nSizes 1 to 8. Washable Cotton\n\n+ GCOVFOK GOCE FOr\n\n40 a\n\nTOP VALUE STAMPS\n\nWith these of\nYaa Pec Mi\n\nNuts. or oe\n\n \n \n \n \n\nMouthwash 13” Plastic é-inch Plastic\n\nSalad individual Novelty \" - :\n\nae RS\nae\n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nAssortment of screen prints\nwith crew necks and solids\nor stripes in placket models.\n‘ All are completely wash-\n, able,\nWhy Pay 79 Each?\n\nS Cc 0 e | Serving | Salad P lo Shirt\np | Bowl | Bowl Ore mrs\nOnce in the morning does it! etnies Sete... on Matches Serving Bow!\n\nDecorator Colors! Aiso Dishwasher Safe.\n\n. i 12- 0 J =\noO EXTRA \" 18 # 0 q Cc 1 7 Cc\nwith the Perehese of One | Size\n\n \n\nFesco 1 Va-Bu. Plaati« H\n\nLaundry Basket 91c_ . Racin\n\nPsssssst Shampoo\n\nGeod at Ereger\nSeptember 1-14 19e8\n\n \n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2540.93505859375, 478.8830261230469, 6695.15185546875, 724.53955078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "i Judges named for young artist event\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 234.7698516845703, 568.8471069335938, 2533.674560546875, 827.266845703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Needville Area News\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 7068.2919921875, 404.7452392578125, 10816.1943359375, 669.3231811523438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Church that love built on reservation\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 12661.4116328125, 856.30469921875, 13467.53465625, 4901.98826953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "had a new piano delivered to\nthe church,\n\n15 BAPTIZED\n\nFifteen candidates were\nbaptized at Zion Hill Baptist\nChurch, The Rev. E. 5. Branch\nconducted a revival at the\nchurch last week.\nCHILDREN’S PARTY\n\nMr. and Mrs. Levi McDon-\nald feted the students of Mount\nVernon Methodist Church va-\ncation Bible school witha lawn\nparty at their home Saturday\nnight, Hot dogs and punch were\nserved and the children en-\njoyed games. Mrs. McDonald\nwas assisted by Mrs. Erma\nFaye Moore and Mrs. Ida\nMoore- Aycock.\n\nHOMECOMING\n\nSaint Luke Methodist, the\nRev, McGinnis, minister will\nobserve Homecoming activi-\nties Sunday at the church at\nwhich time Mount Vernon\nMethodist church choir and\nminister Rev, Louis Greer\nwill be in charge of the ser-\nvices.\n\nON SICK LIST\n\nDeputy Sheriff Levi Mc\nDonald was carried to the doc-\ntor in Beaumont for a seizure\nof illness. He is back on the\njob now.\n\nAllen Swinson was treated\nby a doctor in Houston too\nlast week. He is much im-\nproved,\n\nMrs. Mary Woods and Mrs.\nMacedonia Foster are slight-\nly ill at this writing.\n\nATTENDS FUNERAL\n\nMr. Georgia Harts of Port-\nland, Ore. has returned after\nattending his brother’s fun-\neral.\n\nOREGON VISITOR\n\nMrs. Verda Jean Gay of\nPortland, Ore. is visiting rel-\natives in Richmond.\n\nTEACHER VISITS\n\nMr. James Jennings, a\nformer teacher at Powell\nPoint High School, visitec\nfriends in Fort Bend Count\nlast week,\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 11278.15625, 460.33856201171875, 13189.18359375, 683.0938720703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Community News\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 187.1365626220703, 1101.596935546875, 1002.6866948242188, 7766.08885546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "mont spent the Labor Day\nweekend here with his mother,\nMrs. L. L. Rudloff.\n\nDINNER GUESTS\n\nM. S, Rudloff and Mrs. L. L.\nRudloff were dinner guests of\nMr. and Mrs. A. L. Rudloff\nand family in Newgulf on Sun-\nday.\n\nSUPPER GUESTS\n\nMr. and Mrs. A. L. Rud-\nloff and family, Mr. and Mrs.\n4. E. Rudloff and family of\nNewgulf, M. S. Rudloff of\nBeaumont, Mr. and Mrs. R. T.\nOverkamp and children of\nHouston were supper guests of\nMrs. L. L, Rudloff on Monday.\nM. S. Rudloff returned hone\non Tuesday.\n\nRE TURNED HOME\n\nMrs. L. F. Heidemann re-\nturned home from a week's\nvisit with relatives in Craw-\nford,\n\nWEEKEND GUESTS\n\nMr. and Mrs. Dean Ham-\nmons and children from Pine-\nbluff, Ark., Mrs. Irvin Keith\nand children from Freeport\nspent the weekend with their\nparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill\nGasch, and Sunday dinner\nguests were Mr. and Mrs.\nHammons and children, Mrs.\nKeith and children, Mrs. Ot-\nto Gasch, Mrs. Sam Hudgeons,\nMr, and Mrs. Rudy Gasch and\nMr. and Mrs. Earle Norlin.\nSunday afternoon guests were\nMr. and Mrs. H, A. Utley,\nMrs. Jerry Olson and girls.\n\nVISIT PARENTS\n\nMr. and Mrs. Howard San-\nders and children of Houston\nspent Sunday and Monday here\nwith her parents, Mr. and\nMrs. Troy Freund. Also, Mr.\nand Mrs. Raymond Freund\nand family of Rosenberg, Mr.\nand Mrs. Gene Freund aiid\nboys of Houston visited on\nMonday with Mr. and Mrs.\nT. Freund,\n\nVISITS SISTER\n\nMr. and Mrs. F. L. Late\nof Austin spent the Labor\nDay weekend here with her\nsister, Mrs. Belle Kuyker-\ndal. Mr. and Mrs. Edward\nKuykendal of Rosenberg were\ndinner guests on Monday\n\nCAMPING TRIP\n\nMr. and Mrs. Emil Muzny\nspent the Labor Day weekend\ncamping at a recreation area\nnear New Braunfels.\n\nATTENDS REUNION\n\nMr. and Mrs. Eric Bremer\nattended the Viertel family re-\nunion at the youth center in\nHatnilton on Sunday, Sept. 1.\nThey also spent Sunday night\nwith relatives at Cranfills\nGap.\n\nATTENDS FUNERAL\n\nMrs. Selma Leissner, Mr.\nand Mrs. Otto Leissner, Mrs.\nTollie Schulz, Mr. and Mrs.\nT. R. Browning and son Bill\nand Mrs. Adele Leissner at-\ntended the funeral of a rela-\ntive, Mrs. Tonie Krains, in\nSeguin on Wednesday.\n\nCELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS\nMr. and Mrs. Virgel Beck-\nham and family of Portor;\nMr. and Mrs. Eddie Baker and\nson of Houston, Mr. and Mrs.\nEdwin Kueck and sons of Ro-\nsenberg, and Mr. and Mrs.\nErvin Oberhoff and family of\nNeedville all visited their par-\nents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter\nPreismeyer, on Sunday to\ncelebrate three birthdays --\nMrs, Preismeyer, Ervin\nOberhoff and Edwin Kueck.\nasaoiurtnc aan saceeied ecoeee eet |\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 209.33848571777344, 7767.99853515625, 1007.7564697265625, 7876.04345703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "The Herald-Coaster\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 219.04101208496093, 7886.252453125, 1025.5414311523436, 9722.544421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "(Merged with\nFort Bend Reporter)\nTelephone NO 2-3737\nTexas Gulf Coast\nPress Association\n\nPublished daily, Sunday\nthrough Thursday, and entered\nat the Post Office, Rosenberg,\nTexas 77471, as second class\nmail t.atter, under Act of\nCongress, March 3, 1879.\nRichard L. ‘*Dick’’ Barton,\nEditor and Publisher; Charles\nF. Madeira, Business Manag-\ner, Mrs. Sue Morehead, As-\nsistant; Bee Landrum, News\nEditor; Mrs. Betty Humphrey,\nWomen’s Editor; Floyd Gar-\nrett, Advertising Manager;\nMrs. Estella Becker, Display\nAdvertising Sales; Mrs. San-\ndra Toman, Classified Man-:\nager; Norman Sadik, Circula-\ntion Manager; David Deluna,\nProduction Superinten-\ndent; and production staff\nmembers Nancy Mucka, Mrs.\nBarbara Silhavy, Diana Enax,\nCelia Soto and Amelia Cor-\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 12752.1591796875, 6177.3251953125, 13483.564453125, 6629.80029296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\nCOLE\n\nBox Office Opens Daily\n\nat 1:15 P.M.\n\n \n \n\nei\n\nROSENBERG, TEXAS\n" }, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 1086.1839599609375, 836.6600341796875, 1747.05517578125, 905.9047241210938 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "RY MRS TROY FREUND\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 7124.84375, 731.3901977539062, 7569.14306640625, 783.2662353515625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Nu YINV TONES\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 7032.9287109375, 1884.1348876953125, 7478.50927734375, 2383.389404296875 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 960.2914365234375, 829.1722348632812, 1767.1273867187501, 4146.42328515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "strike in the game’s history.\nAnd neither side seach in much\nof a mood to compromise as\nie made abundantly clear Fri-\ny.\n\n_ Second, he would have to\noperate for an _ unspecified\namount of time while an outside\nresearch group made a study\nthat could lead to vast changes\nin the organization of the game,\npossibly eliminating the com.\nmissionership, :\n\nAll that is certain is that right\nnow the game seems to be in for\na winter turbelent and\nContentious as any pennant race\nit has ever known.\n\nFor the record, Eckert re-\nSigned, saying that ‘‘a baseball\n‘man Can more effectively do the\nont but it was clear that he\n\nd been asked to quit by own-\ners who could no longer hide\nfrom themselves the fact that\n- was not what the game need-\n\nShy, self-effacing, almost\npainfully inarticulate, the 59-\nyear-old former Air Force gen-\neral seldom took a strong pub-\nlic stand on the problems that\narose during his tenure though\nhe was proud of the part he took\nin expansion of the majors and\nraising television revenues.\n\nAnd the game’s attendance has\ndeclined by nearly 214 million\nadmissions in the three years he\nhas been in office while profes-\nsional football has been steadily\non the rse.\n\nPlayers and owners seem\nmore anxious to make their\npensionfund dispute a bitter test\nof wills than to settle it.\n\nFriday, for instance, the own-\ners waved the red flag in front\nof the angry bull by adopting a\nnew category for players’ ros-\nters called the temporary inac-\ntive list.\n\nThis allows a club to take an\nill or non-baseball injured play-\ner off its active roster for a min-\n\nnepal 21 days and suspend\nAcer? pease |\n" }, "1": null, "2": { "bbox": [ 128.9963620605469, 834.14507421875, 946.7595278320313, 2671.211615234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "About all that is kiown about\nwho. will. |\n\nliam D, Bokert as. Basha\nCommissioner is el ag: be\nman from inside ; game.\nThe owners are not about to re-\npeat their “unknown soldier”\nadventure.\n\n \n\npublic good will after a ial\nowners’ meeting, are Michael\nBurke, the dynamic boss of the\nNew York Yankees; Joe Cronin,\nthe portly president of the\nAmerican League and Robert\nCannon, now a judge and for-\nmerly attorney for the players.\n\nBut consider the problems\nthat will haunt the next man,\nwho may not be chosen for sev-\neral months.\n\nFor openers, he faces the\nmost. serious threat of players’\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 124.95178985595703, 2688.9189453125, 906.333251953125, 3057.030029296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Rose Creek\nStings Adams\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1770.4974912109376, 379.13622412109373, 2587.21430078125, 1093.5697695312501 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Only two players may be so\nlisted at once, but a player may\nbe returned to the list at any\ntime.\n\n, Questioned about the rule, Na-\n\nLeague attorn :\nKuhn gaid, “I’d be flabbergast-\ned if there were any abuse of\nthis thing. You look at the histo-\nry of it and you see that mostly\nguys have just gone out and\n|done something stupid.’’\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 133.6393369140625, 3085.891412109375, 954.888861328125, 4503.532171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "ROSE CREEK — Leading all\nthe way, ROse Creek whizzed by\nAdams, 55 - 32, in Southland\naction Friday night to put Rose\nCreek with a 4- 1 standing for\n\nthe season,\n\nRose Creek hit the basket 50\nper cent of the time in field\ngoals during the g ame as Gary\nRoper, s foward, became\n\nwith 20 points. Roper was also\na leading rebounder. Bob Scham-\nmel, senior center, racked up a\ntotal of 15 points in the game\nand Ron Stroup, senior guard,\nobtained 10 for Rose Creek.\nAdams sund 42 per cent of its\nfield goals with Bob Knutson,\nsenior forward, the only player\nto make over ten points, he was\naccredited with 17.\nRose Creek 12 12 18 13—55\nAdams — 7.7 9 9-32\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1818.6737060546875, 1159.760986328125, 3369.39697265625, 4074.24560546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "(ZS \\ | ;\nj | | |\n‘ . \"G | | 7\n. x y, \\\\ k ; : .\n\\ | : )\n.' 4 e “s -Bp)\n\n \n\nsmenionk ane eilietr:\n\n\\I/A\n\n— Hdheme\n\n: \"Known for FINE Diamonds\nFREEBORN BANK BUILDING PHONE 373-3440\nOpen Monday & Friday Eveninas\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3436.172607421875, 442.9500732421875, 5008.5126953125, 4126.544921875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "hose im EE bis thn\n\n \n\nImagine a new holiday\nhairdo for only...\n\n2.50\nWigs, wiglets, fall 9.95 to 99.95\n\nLovely Cascades Available\n\n\" We specialize in the care of fashion wigs\n\n \n\nPhone 373-1416\nUSE OUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD—\nNO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY\nMAKE YOUR HOLIDAY APPOINTMENTS NOW\nSKYLINE MALL\nOPEN EVERY NIGHT ‘TIL 8:30\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 972.3793334960938, 4286.47998046875, 5069.82568359375, 9336.4423828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Want Your Christmas to be Merrier\nNow...\n\nDOUBLE #\nen a\nGREEN STAMPS \\\n\nOn Passhook Savings! :\n\n(DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER)\n\n2st\n\n \n \n\nPeoples Savings and Loan and Santa Claus have teamed Besides DOUBLE Green Stamps Peoples savers are getting\n\nup to help you have a merrier Christmas than ever. Now, a big 42% dividend, compounded quarterly on Passbook\n\nduring the entire month of December we are giving DOU- savings. Why don't you take advantage of this smart way |\nBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS on Passbook Savings. You can to save. and get more for your money too. Stop in this month :\nsave money and still get those fabulous S&H Green Stamps | and take advantage of this special offer.\n\nto apply to your Christmas gift giving. :\n\nMONEY DEPOSITED BY MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 .. .\nEARNS DIVIDENDS F ROM DECEMBER 1°!\n\nPLUS DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS!!\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 291.8185729980469, 4554.31396484375, 839.295654296875, 4794.68603515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "BOWLING\nSCORES\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 5090.83056640625, 4295.248046875, 6714.73486328125, 10283.3076171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "IAVIAVE.. .OGF\n\nRED OWL VIENNA\n\nBREAD\n\n9700\n| | LB.\nLOAVES ;\n\nRED OWL FROZEW\n\nHEINZ STRAINED\n\nBABY FOOD\n\n62:\n\nLI@BY\n\nPINEAPPLE\nJUICE\n\n41%\n\nS GOOD THRU DEC.12.1968\nFOENTITY RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2596.794244140625, 388.02492651367186, 3415.166205078125, 1088.8633486328126 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The rule appears to have been.\nthe result of Boston pitcher Jim\n‘Lonborg’s off-season skiing ace\ncident last year when the Red\nSox only paid their star pitch-\ner’s full salary after arguing. the\n\npoint. 4\nthe club until late in the season.\n\nALBERT LEA TRIBI\" ~\nSuadey, Dec. 8, 1968 ———-— 23\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 137.61087927246095, 4827.553765625, 966.0302797851563, 10276.7323671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "a\n9-10 LEAGUE\n\nLumber Mort, 39-21. 3. Peoples Savings\n& Loan, 33-27.\n\ndividuals\nGAMES = 1. Gladys Banks, 204. 2.\nRachel Lunde, 191. 3. Helen Brandt, 183.\nSERIES — 1. Rachel Lunde, 491. 2.\nGerri Berg, 488. 3. Helen Brondt, 474.\nTeems\n\nGAMES — 1. Albert Lea Lumber Mart,\n43. 2. Farmers ag Bank, 829. 3.\nUnited Builders,\n\nSERIES — 1. Onited Builders, (2,402. 2.\nFarmers State Bank, 2,390. 3. Aibert\nLea Lumber Mart, 2,370.\n\nSPLITMAKERS — Barbora Lunnin\n(3-10), Van Ryswyk (3-10), Jul\nMarshik (5-10), Gladys Banks (3-10), Evy\nThorpe (5-6), F. Johnson (5-7), Janice\nBrandt (2-4-7, 69).\n\nBALL\n\nStandings\n1. Melody Bar, 33-23. 2. The Florette,\n32-24. 3. Hellie - Ruud Realty, 30-26.\nindividuels\n\nGAMES — 1. Al Larson, 213. 2. Ken\nPA ao 194. 3. Lowell Hammer, Den-\nnis Nelson, tle, 192.\n\nSERIES — 1. Al Larson, 556. 2. Den\nTurbett, 532. 3. “~ Breamer, 528.\n\neems\nGAMES — 1, The Florette, 988. 2. Hel-\nAe Ruud Realty, 966. 3. Orug Supply,\npaEries — 1. The Florette, 2,722. 2.\n\nri ie) 2,711. 3. Hellie - Ruud\n\nKEGLERETTE LEAGUE\n\n1, First Natlenal Bank, 27-9. 2. Vic's\nPizza, 23¥2-12¥2. 3. Breaten's, 22-14.\n——,\n\nGAMES = 1 lyn Matthies, 207. 2.\nieee Larson, 105, Betty Gulbrandson,\n\nSERIES — 1. pveive Matthies, 522. 2.\nElsie Bagley, 491. Janet Larson, 471.\nreams\n\nGAMES — 1, $ \"sg No. 3, 591. 2.\nFirst National freater's No. 1,\ntle, $48.\n\nSERIES = 1. No., 3, 1,618. 2.\nFirst Natlonal eaee Spl 3* Freeborn\n\nCo. Co 1,498,\nSPLIT MAKERS =~ -—Pguline Hall (3-10\n\ntwice), Julie Gilbertson (5-7).\n” ‘ 78 CLUB\n\n1. Sherman a 43-9. 2. Bailey's, 34-18.\n3. Interstate Ne. 1, 26-26.\nindividuals\n\nGAMES — 1. vee ann’ 206. 2. Sha-\nren Kazembo, 202. 3 Bybee, 201.\n\nSERIES — 1. BR yf Jensen, 566.\nWayne Snider; $57. —. —_ Hall, 549.\n\nGAMES — 1. Bailey's. 991. 2. Streaters,\ncemies “ Bailey's, 2.45 2. Jen-\nsennn am. 3. Iaterstete’ No. 2, 2816\n\n«wa CLUB\n\n1. First 2. First Nation-\nal, 31-25, Sas 53 Lea or} Lea lating, 20 30-26.\n\nGAMES — f, Marian oy ea 210.\n2. Fern Possin, 200. 3. Bette Hendricks,\n\n194.\nSERIES — 1. Fern Possin, 513. 2. Ze\nWayne, 510. 3. oe Henrichs, 494.\n\n—— 1 Firs rt Federal om ae\na 880.\n\n1. North Side Beauty, 2-\n\nnm b First Federals 2411. Ph ‘ins.,\n\n: CONTINENTAL\nStandings\n\n1. Hutch's Texace, 3418. 2. UBC Hay-\n\n=e 33¥2-18va. 3. industrial Credit, 3/-\n2 ;\n\nye a\ney oe Sd\n\nTeems\n\nGAMES — 1. Industrial Credit, om :\n\n2. Hutch's Texace, 951. 3. Coca Cola, 950.\n» SERIES — 1, Industrie! Credit, 2,819.\nUBC Ha 2,723. 3. Nelson's Cor:\n\ndinat Foods, 2,\nLADIES TOWN CLUS\n\nStandings\n1 43-17. 2. Hemenway, 41-19.\na ora Sint\n\nlndividuels ‘\nGAMES — 1. Lorrie Key , 28. 2\nSoreny Scott, 210. 3. lis Bennett,\nSERIES — 1. Lorrie Kelly, 583. . 4 ened\nthy Scott, 547. 3. Leah Fynbo, 51\n+ ioe\n\nGAMES — 1. Central Waloreen, 963, 2.\nPeopless 60. 2° Harold's Bar, Gk\n\nis ase\n\n1. Rie woes Streators, the\nme i7. 2 mobi OMe aba ta\n\nGAMES — 1. F, 2 F. Hes\n eenies x 8: Sen Hansen, 4 2. F.\nHeskett, 590. 3.’ 8. Phelipa, : $52.\n\nlees — 1, imliy's Tike S04. 3. Cow\nFoundty, 930, 3. Universal, Rog-\n\n“a et Foundry ae\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5080.171875, 403.9361572265625, 6698.21826171875, 4768.04443359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n\nQUIN R EERIE ERE E ETS 2\n\n \n\nid BROWN oR =\nS| powoereD. =. im\n\n \n \n \n\nWITH THIS COUPON\n\nVAUD C/MIT ¢ COUPON\nae LIMIT | BOX\n\n12-11-68\n\nOTT\n\nS 6 ys\nt Fos\nS se mt\n<\n\nie\n\n \n\n \n \n \n\nHARDWOOD “YS\nSMOKED Ns\n\nPICNICS\n“38:\n\nWILSON OLO FASHIONED POLISH\n\nSAUSAGE. .: 69¢\n\nRED OWL VIENNA\n\n \n \n" }, "14": null, "15": { "bbox": [ 1182.7037900390626, 7779.81694921875, 2891.47992578125, 8295.477484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Peoples Savings and Loan and Santa Claus have teamed\nup to help you have a merrier Christmas than ever. Now,\nduring the entire month of December we are giving DOU-\nBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS on Passbook Savings. You can\nsave money and still get those fabulous S&H Green Stamps\nto apply to your Christmas gift giving.\n" }, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 1088.27949609375, 3862.491166015625, 1856.0111533203124, 4623.96366796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Kenworthy of Odessa, chair-\nmain of the state vearbook divi-\nsion contest, said \"*The winning\nyearbooks were quite easy to\nselect since they all definitely\ngold themselives.””\n\nFirst place awards went to:\nWomen’s Study club of Mc-\nCaney, Western District: Twen-\nty-Three Study Club, lowa Park,\nSanta Rosa District,\n\nSecom! place awarcs were\nPresented to: Thursday Review\nclub, Top of Texas (District,\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 275.2185219726563, 3852.915482421875, 1047.981734375, 6264.17069921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "Texoma Women's club, in its\nsecond year since organization,\nwon one of the few state awards\nfor yearbooks. Announcement\nwas made about the middle of\nlast week by Mrs. Ron Smith,\nelub president, after she re-\nceived word from the state of-\nice of Texas Federation of\nWomen's clubs.\n\nThe yearbook took third place\nhonere in the class for clubs\nwhich meet twice each month,\nit was cote! that the book was\nentered in a much stiffer cate-\ngory, end that it should have\nbeen entered in the division for\nclubs which meet once each\n\nThe TWC yearbook was in\ncompetition with about 75 other\nclub yearbooks in Class All for\norganizations in towns under\n5,000 population,\n\nThis is not the first awar:\nreceived by the club for the\nbook, as they receive! first\nplece honors in Trinity Dis-\ntrict competition,\n\nDesigned with «a blue out-\nline of 1. ake Texoma ant printed\n\na gold seal and a certificate\nnaming the club as third place\nwinner, said cretit for the ex-\ncellent.\n\nhard in contributing te its con-\ntent,\nA report from Mrs. Paul\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 292.1504372558594, 6657.14961328125, 1060.9591513671876, 8926.848921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Charictte’s Schoo! of Dance\nwill present an annua! recital\nSaturday, June i, at § p.m.\nThe recital, to include students\nfrom Whitesboro, Cainesville\nem! Muenster will be given in\nthe Gainesville high schoo!\nauditerium,\n\nTheme of the program will\nbe Les Quatre Saisons (The\nFour Seasons) with dance num-\nbers in four different areas --\nspring, summer, autumn and\nwinter,\n\nThe one and one-half hour\npregram will be with students\ndressed in costumes. Itis free.\n\nStudents who have been taking\ndance instruction from Miss\nCharlotte Wolfe since she\nopened the Whitesboro stucic\nlast September and who will be\nincluded in the recital are:\n\nPaula Cunningham, Theresa\nWhite, Julie Byrd, Gary Bryan,\nMark [| arnhart, Wynel!l Bryan,\nSusan Judd, Terry Tolleson,\nKim Cole, Beau Judd, Terry\nRoberts, Susie Johnson, _\nPoynter, Kim Yarbough and\nJanie Ramsey.\n\nAlso, Lou A’. Hayes, Susan\nHayes, Tina 5. 1es, Janie Rus-\n\nsell, Brook Simmons, Denise\nMcAden, Kathy Ramsey, Jayline\nBrown and Donna Walsh,\n\nA similar recital will beheld\nin Muenster on June 9 at 8p.m,\nand will be at the high school\nauditorium there. It will in-\nclude al! students from Whites~-\nboro, Gainesville and Muenster.\nThe public ts invited,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1902.7588662109374, 3867.18672265625, 2677.4123984375, 4611.239546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Wheeler: Athenium club, Key\nDistrict, Atlanta; and First In-\ndustrial Arts club, Heart of\nTexas District, Cisco,\n\nThird Place winners are:\nTexoma Woman's Club; Friday\nLiterary club, Trinity [istrict,\nWhitewright: and Delphian club,\nMesquite District, Baird.\n\nThe TWC yearbook come\nminee is composed of Mrs.\nSmith, chairman; Mrs. Jim\nHewkins and Mrs. Royce\nArnold,\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3514.278763671875, 3921.80293359375, 4293.2053671875, 6638.473921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "The Scouts will stay at\nCuernavaca through today\n(Thursday) when they will\ndepart by bus to Acapulco and\nthe pleasure part of the trip.\nSightseeing and tours will con-\ntinue as they have planned to\nleave Acapulco Saturday for\nMexico Ciry,\n\nWhile there they will have\na morning tour to the Ballet\nFolklorico at the Bellas Artes\nand later in the afternoon will\ntravel to a local arena to see\nthe bullfichts.\n\nA tour to Mexico City is\nPlanned for Monday. And, in-\ncluded in the tour will be visits\nto the Zocalo, Cathedral, Na-\ntional Palace, National\nMuseum, Cahpultepec Castel\nand the Lomas residential sec-\ntion,\n\nMonday afternoon will be\ngiven to the girls for shopping\nor more sightseeing tours.\n\nNext Tuesday's tour will in-\nclude visits to the Pyramids\nwhere they'll see the Temples\nef the Aztecs, prehistoric\n‘leotihuacan Pyramids, plus the\nshrine of Guadalupe. Lunch\nwill be served at the World's\nonly bar-restaurant-bull ring,\n‘*The la Morena,\"’ and there\nwill be smal! bulls available\nfor ‘do-it-yourself’ bull fight-\ning.\n\nThe evening will be free to\ntake in the jai alai games or\nto go on a night tour of Mexico\nCiry.\n\nThe following two days, June\n5 and 6, have no scheduled\ntours,\n\nThe Scouts and their leaders\nare expected to return to\nWhitesboro June 8.\n\nThis is first time any\nGirl Scout troop has made the\ntrip to the Cabana center in\nMexico and, the girls are part\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2685.495072265625, 390.2092751464844, 3450.696822265625, 1098.609908203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hene\nderson entertained their daugh-\nter, Patricia Abbe, with a din~\nfer at Underwood's in Sherman.\n\nMrs. Abbeis being graduated\nthis year from Gainesville high\nschool,\n\nAlso attending the dinner\nwere Miss Sharion Alexander\nand Phyllis Bates. The two\nfuests are members of the 1968\ngraduating class of Whitesboro\nhigh school,\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2717.02656640625, 3913.8102578125, 3488.002486328125, 7156.61210546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Five Whitesboro Gir! Scouts\nand two Scout leaders are or\ntheir eighth day of a Mexican\nservice and pleasure trip.\nLeaving last Wednesday for\nmore than two weeks are Jec-\nqueline Banfield, Glenda Flana-\ngan, Janie Gaddie, Diane Hayes\nand Kathy Wyatt. Leaders are\nMrs. F.R. Banfield and Mrs.\nGrady Gaddie.\n\nThe trip is the climax to a\nsix-year plan which was de-\nsigned by the rroup--Troop 20,\nAs originally planned, they\nraised money through various\nprojects--garage sales, bake\nsales and other similar fund-\nraising events.\n\nTheir goal was enough money\nto finance the trip to the interna-\ntional Girl Scout headquarters\nat Guernavaca. The head-\nquarters is called the Cabana,\nAnd they succeeded raising be-\ntween $2500 to $3000,\n\nThe quintet’s travel schedule\nwas to leave Whitesboro around\n4 p.m, Wednesday of last week,\nFrom here they drove to Austin\nto stay overnight. Thursday\nthey drove on to McAllen where\nthey bearded a plane te Mexico\nCity and from there a bus trip\nto Guernavaca and the Cabana,\n\nuring their stay at the Scout\ncenter, the girls will be teach-\ning underprivileged Mexican\nchildren copper enameling. For\nthe instruction the girls took\n— their own kiln and\n\nher ‘also were planning to\nteach he children to make par-\nrots from paper, straw and\nyarn and to make leather boot\npins, (ther “*how to\"* instruc-\ntion will be given to teach the\nthe Mexican children to make\nbeok markers from native\npecans and leather articles to\nuse as “‘swap’’ gifts at the\n\n(ther activities for the\nWhitesboro girls will call for\npresentation of an original,\nmusical skit depicting their\nlives in song,\n\nAnd, as a gift te the Cabana,\nthe girls will leave the\n— enameling supplies and\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 2691.51777734375, 1547.8230751953124, 3459.60233984375, 2325.072798828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Karen Kay is the name se-\nlected by Mr. and Mrs. Donald\nD, Dickson for their daughter.\nBorn at Presbyterian hospital,\nDallas, on May 24, she weighed\n10 pounds, 10 ounces.\n\nThe couple have a son, Jon\nMichael, %, and a daughter,\nKathy, 15 months old. They\nlive in Dallas.\n\nOrandparents are Mr, and\nMrs. Joe L, Dickson of Denison,\nShe is the former Beulah Belle\nBenneth of Whitesboro.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1919.5954140625, 5944.42793359375, 2684.159712890625, 7140.28202734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "A report entitied ‘Safety\nPrecautions and Practices”\nwas given to members of the\nWhitesboro Home Demonstra-\ntion club,\n\nGiven by Mrs. Elmer Davis,\nthe program was presented at\nlast Thursday's meeting, held\nin the home of Mrs. John Pitts,\nMrs. W. A, Nowlin, president,\nconducted the meeting.\n\n(ther members participating\nin the opening ceremonies were\nMrs. Ruby Pike, Mrs. cS Be\nRichards, Mrs, R. ©, Burba\nand Mrs. Lee Nowlin,\n\nirs, Pitts served refresh-\nments, There were 12 mem-\nbers and a guest, Mrs, Carlos\nBrady, attending.\n\nNext meeting will be held June\n13 in the home of Mrs. Lottie\nHackworth.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4317.00215234375, 2755.051224609375, 5088.6584921875, 3662.06034765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "He is the son of Mr. and\nMrs. Houston Tamplen of 517\nNorth Jordan,\n\nMiss Harris, a 1965 grad-\nuate of Whitesboro high school,\nis employed at Johnson & John-\nson in Sherman,\n\nMr. Tamplen, also a 1965\ngraduate of Whitesboro high\nschool, is working at Weber\nAircraft in Gainesville. Before\njoining the aircraft firm, he\nwas a student for two years at\nGrayson County college.\n\nA July 6 wedding is planned\nat the First Baptist church,\nWhitesboro,\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 4325.49824609375, 4490.11348046875, 5095.92655859375, 5500.899703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "‘Ten members of Girl Scout\nTroop 27, accompanied by their\nleaders, completed a bicycle\nhike Saturday. Leaders are\nMrs. Wayne Franks and Mrs,\nj. C. Brady Jr.\n\nLeaving the Scout house at\n9 a,m,, the groop rode to Sad-\nler where they ate sack lunches\nani rested during a recreation\nperiod.\n\nAssisting was Mrs. J. W.\nJones. Mrs. Mrs. Bob Cear-\nley, fifth grade Gir! Scout lead-\ner, was hostess for the troop\nat Sadler.\n\nCompleting the trek, the girls\nfinished a requirement for the\nCyclist Badge,\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1099.7965087890625, 7326.478515625, 1759.7802734375, 7600.46240234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Foster Hosts\nNight Circle Group\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3508.8727578125, 2763.64766015625, 4272.669234375, 3097.31230078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Engagement of Miss Donna\nJune Harris to Loyd Clinton\n‘Butch\"’ Tamplen is being an-\nnounced by her father, E, C,\nHarris, 105 North Jordan\nstreet, Whitesboro,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 5235.48388671875, 3869.65380859375, 6677.0146484375, 5429.296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "CHARLOTTE'S\n\nSCHOCL OF DANCE\n\nyvenin\n\nTheir Spring Revue As They Present\n\nLes Quatre Saisons\n\nSATURDAY, JUNE | -- 8 P.M,\n\nGAINESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL\nAUDITORIUM\n\nS. Lindsay St.\n\nAdmission Free\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5180.819046875, 2632.436478515625, 6713.74589453125, 3328.062056640625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Home of Mrs. Carl Bryan, 711 East Main street, was the\nsetting for a buffet luncheon honoring Miss Susan Graber.\nMiss Graber is the bride-elect of Ronnie Fielder.\n\nCo-hostesses for the event were Mrs. James Holt, Mrs.\nH,. M. Pinkston, Mrs. Bill Eldredge and Mrs. B, B, Phelps.\n\nColors of lime and white, selected by the bride-elect, were\nused in decorations.\n\nFollowing the luncheon, attended by about 30 persons, the\nhostesses presented Miss Graber with a silver wedding knife\ninscribed with the names of the bride and groom and the\nwedding date.\n\nA June 7 wedding is planned by the couple, It is to be in the\nMethodist church here.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 283.63958740234375, 6333.60791015625, 946.0015258789062, 6614.85107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Dance Recital |s\nto Be at Gainesville\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 3535.040283203125, 226.6525421142578, 5047.43115234375, 2352.814697265625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1093.8457802734374, 5212.584671875, 1862.9582968749999, 7268.44901953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Joe Davidson, Ardmore,\n(kla., former member and\ncharter president of the Tex-\noma Women's club, performed\ninstallation ceremonies for new\nclub officers at a dinner meet-\ning Monday night at McCraw’s\nrestaurant in Sherman.\n\nTaking oaths of office for the\n1968-69 term were Mrs. Ron\nSmith, president; Mrs. David\nWhitten, vice-president; Mrs.\nNoe! Lewter, recording secre-\ntary: Mrs. Smeot [ arnhart,\ncorresponding secretary: Mrs,\nTroy White, treasurer; Mrs.\nRoyce Arnold, parliamentarian;\nMrs. Hal Byre, reporter; and\nMrs. W. C, Schares, federation\ncounselor.\n\nAnnouncement of the club's\naward inthe state yearbook con-\ntest was made by Mrs. Smith,\n\nAlso announced was the loss\nof a member. Mrs. Bill Hol-\nlenback revealed her pending\nresignation. She and her farm-\nily are moving to Navasota\n\nre she and her husband will\nteach in the school system\nthere\n\nNext year's yearbook com-\nmittee was named, To serve\nare Mrs. Randy Sanders, Mrs.\nLarry Squires and Mrs, David\nWhitten\n\nNineteen members and five\nguests, Mrs. G, C, Baum, Mrs.\nD, K. Judd, Miss Mary Nan\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1904.708451171875, 5215.03535546875, 2669.544478515625, 5560.3284140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Proffin, Mrs. Davidson and\n\nyear. Meetings will resume in\nSepternber\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2693.7705078125, 94.94895935058594, 3290.455322265625, 359.5008239746094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Hendersons Honor\nDaughter, Guests\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 4330.9033203125, 4195.13037109375, 4927.361328125, 4477.21337890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Girl Scouts Make\nTrip to Sadler\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2705.581986328125, 2720.7633828125, 3475.918501953125, 3648.737349609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Gene Hester circle of the\nWoman's Missionary Society of\nthe First Baptist church met\nin the home of Mrs. C, lL,\nNoland, Mrs. C, N, Jones\npresided,\n\nMrs. Noland led the praver\nand Mrs. Rosa Tamplin gave the\nprayer for the missionaries.\n\nProgram was led by Mrs.LA.\nBlakley and was entitled “By\n(ther Means.\"’ Assisting were\nMrs, Sutton, Mrs. W,R, Young-\ner, Mrs. H, |, Buckles, Mrs.\nEddie McNeill and Mrs. Jones.\n\nMrs. Buckles closed with\nprayer.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2695.344970703125, 2449.70068359375, 3226.230224609375, 2703.04296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Noland Is\nCircle Hostess\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 273.59356689453125, 3445.091064453125, 2696.790771484375, 3849.19140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Texoma Women Win Third\nin State Yearbook Contest\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1119.2829140625, 7617.959671875, 1874.7082968749999, 8580.161421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Mrs. Gene Foster was hos-\ntess for the night circle of\nthe Woman's Society of Chris-~\ntian Service, First United\nMethodist church,\n\nMrs. f. H, Scott opened the\nmeeting with prayer and had\ncharge of the business session,\nMrs. Roy White gave the de-\nvotional, and Mrs. Roy White\ngave the devotional,\n\nProgram was led by Mrs.\nArthur Stiles, and it was en-\ntitled ‘Humble Service.”’\n\nRefreshments were served,\nThere were nine members,\na guest, Mrs, Jim Anderson,\npresent,\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1094.3045654296875, 4699.50390625, 2691.930908203125, 5190.27001953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "TWC Officers Are\nInstalled Monday\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2692.941162109375, 1193.2347412109375, 3352.01025390625, 1493.1942138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Dicksons Select\nName for Daughter\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1899.926513671875, 5657.29052734375, 2613.304931640625, 5937.47216796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Home Demonstration\nClub Hears Report\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4335.0915078125, 3916.5993203125, 5097.39530859375, 4110.44316015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "of a few, if not the only ones,\nto make the trip from the Cross\nTimbers Council of Girl Scouts,\n" }, "29": null, "30": { "bbox": [ 5143.58837890625, 2287.5390625, 6622.84716796875, 2603.921630859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Bryan Home |s Setting\nfor Miss Graber's Shower\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 2726.365234375, 3722.919921875, 4717.2197265625, 3860.615234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Scouts Continue Mexican Holiday\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 5955.51582421875, 867.135208984375, 6741.8811484375, 2193.178755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Gladys and Darcy Judd, bus-\nband Ron, Billy anc Jean Parish\nand boys, along with Joe West\nand family and the Gene Wil-\nlames were in the resort area\nof Texoma Sunday afternoon,\nThe mini-caravan marked the\ntrail of the chamber of come\nmerce’s Most recent project\n**L ake Shore Trail.\"’ The trail\nis designed to bring tourists\nto Whitesboro and the Lake\nTexoma area.\n\nQuida and Pink Pinkston are\nin Arkansas along with friends\nRichard and Rachael Ashmore\nof Garland and the Virgil Dod-\nsons of Sayre, Okla. They’re\ncamping and fishing at Bull\nShoals.\n\nThe vacationers plan to re-\nturn to Whitesboro Saturday and\nwill be off again to visit Hemis-\nFair.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 5199.7490234375, 255.29583740234375, 5602.66455078125, 818.4203491210938 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 3532.39599609375, 2433.175537109375, 4784.87353515625, 2734.19677734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "Miss Donna Harris and\nButch Tamplen to Wed\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 300.27459716796875, 95.13275909423828, 2647.52978515625, 3144.28662109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 5210.57763671875, 3371.113525390625, 6684.52587890625, 3754.450439453125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "De D. AMC\n\netrist\n\n1009 noe - 7. os “y Forth\n\nIWEST SIDE OF KAM KORNERS SHOPPING CENTE@)\nY «lords. ims. KiT%. 2K 58\n" }, "37": { "bbox": [ 1979.6673583984375, 7205.5849609375, 4267.9619140625, 8815.8994140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": " \n\nse\n\nmre EARNHARTS\n\nete Styles\n\n| Color\n\n~~ Textures avo Patterns\nCARPETING\nDrapes\nLINOLEUM\nCarnhart s\n\nBD &! CARPETS & LINOLEUM\n\n \n\n \n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 3540.787353515625, 6702.72265625, 4289.3369140625, 7107.0595703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "SHOP AND SAVE\nAT\nBEN FRANKLIN\n\n|\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 5124.45918359375, 842.8697060546875, 5929.5471640625, 2203.058150390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Paula and Billy Walsh and\ngirls and Lynn and Deanie Judd\nand children toured HemisPair\nin San Antonio not too long ago,\n\nThey all were impressed with\nit. But they returned home\nwithout seeing the entire fair.\nIt was too much to visit In one\nweekend.\n\nSpring fever is running at an\nepidemic pace on Abney street.\nThe Bill Baileys were out Sun-\nday for a picnic at the lake,\nAnd Wayne Russell was seen\ndriving out of town towing a\nboat and trailer, He was prob-\nably on his way to drop a line\ninto Texorna waters.\n\nWith only a few days left of\nhigh school, many area seniors\nare feeling a little sad that\nsoon their high schoo! activities\nwill be gone forever.\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 4402.091796875, 5446.947265625, 6686.49462890625, 8828.529296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "t Dacge,. |\n\nrr “Let us recapture the pioneer\n\nspirit of cooperation to give\nTexas a fresh start.”\n\nDON YARBOROUGH\nHAS SPECIFIC PLANS\nTO HELP RURAL TEXAS\n\nDon Yarborough will be an active governor. He can provide\nthe strong leadership Texas needs to help the farmers,\nranchers and small town businessmen of our state.\n\nDON YARBOROUGH WILL FIGHT FOR:\n\n+ Programs To Protect the Independent Family Farmer\n+ Full Parity for Texas’ Farm Products and\nPrice Protection From Foreign Imports\n+ A Statewide Water Program Based Upon Need and\nNOT Favoritism\n+ Programs To Develop New Markets for Texas’ Products\n+ Programs To Promote Texas’ Products Throughout the Nation\n+ Legislation To Halt Industrial Pollution of Our Water\n+t A Special Agency To Bring At Least One New Industry to\nEvery Community\n\n \n\neLECT inate\nDON\nKoad =\n\nYARBOROUGH { i gers\nGOVERNOR wa\n\nV ote Saturday, June 1\n\n \n\n#3\n*. -\n\nPaid For BY Yarborough tor Governor Committee, Charies Grace Chairman\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 5630.09228515625, 432.8537902832031, 6653.41650390625, 585.66796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "It happened like this...\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1118.7862099609374, 8712.8844765625, 1889.9885703124999, 8907.298140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "Royce Melton of Dallas\nvisited his mother, Mrs. Ruth\nMelton,\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 5901.89697265625, 654.67431640625, 6421.53076171875, 732.5484619140625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "Py RPARPARA SMITH\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 3556.064697265625, 3219.35009765625, 4191.26171875, 3607.52099609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "lvomon's\nPane\n" }, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 4 ], [ 0, 6 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 2, 6 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 8, 20 ], [ 10, 13 ], [ 16, 12 ], [ 17, 18 ] ]
[ 5504.0106484375, 7415.20254296875 ]
[ [ 2, 0 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 4, 6 ], [ 5, 1 ], [ 6, 2 ], [ 7, 3 ], [ 8, 20 ], [ 10, 13 ], [ 16, 12 ], [ 17, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3574.834810546875, 599.0492880859375, 4183.84512109375, 2279.525052734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "portunity to amass intelligence,\nto prescribe rules of conduct,\nand to concentrate pressure\npoints. Almost completely in the\ndark about what the protestors\ncould or would do, the Chicago\npolice prepared for the worst all\nover town, As one high officer\nsaid when enforcing a curfew\nlaw: “You can’t give in to these\n\npeople . . . otherwise there's a\nbreakdown of law and order.”\n1B m Nc .\n\nWHEN THE CRUNCH came,\nthe police acted the way people\ndo when they're wound up, ill-\ninformed and determined not to\ngive an inch. Confrontation\npolitics enjoyed its greatest\nsuccess — an orgy of violence\nin which over a thousand people\nwere hurt, at least some of them\nquite seriously.\n\nThe point is not merely that\nthe temperate approach of At-\ntorney General Clark is the right\napproach to the new kind of\ndissent — though that seems a\nlogical inference. The more\ngeneral point is that, in the field\nof law and order and crime and\nviolence, where we all have so\nmuch to learn, it makes sense\nfor people in authority to know\n\n“what they’re doing, to be careful\nabout the use of force, to avoid\ntaking rigid stands, to hang loose\nuntil the troublemakers commit\nthemselves.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 3556.076021484375, 2619.07040625, 4154.7411171875, 3475.030423828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "bit chary about Jackson's hard\nconditions for a free hand in the\nPentagon. Long a_ vociferous\nsupporter of all-out defense\npreparedness, he might find it\nhard to say no to the generals,\nIf so, his Pentagon regime could\nbe very expensive. But Nixon\nadvisers expect a higher defense\nbudget anyway, partly to replace\narms stockpiles drawn down by\nthe Vietnam war and partly to\ncarry out Nixon’s pledges of U.S.\nsupremacy in atomic arms.\n\nConsequently, with little to\ndisagree about, Jackson's\ndemand for a mandate might\nrequire the new President to\ngive up very little.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2926.856783203125, 614.3725913085938, 3530.622220703125, 2295.94277734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "a permit which prescribed\ncertain conduct and a fixed line\nof march away from __ the\npopulated areas of the city. And\nthey were able to concentrate\nwell-prepared security forces at\na single pressure point — the\nPentagon itself.\neR\n\nAS IT HAPPENED, to be sure,\nviolence did break out at the\nPentagon. But it was over in\na matter of hours. Only a score\nof persons were injured, none\nof them seriously, Despite in-\ntense provocation of language\nand action by the demonstrators,\nthe security forces controlled by\nAttorney General Ramsey Clark\nand General Harold Johnson of\nthe Army behaved with\ndiscipline and restraint.\n\nBy contrast, the Chicago\nconvention protests were set\nagainst conditions highly un-\nfavorable to the politics of\nconfrontation. Lyndon Johnson\nhad withdrawn’ from the\nPresidential race and the\nVietnam issue was eased by the\nParis negotiations. Only 7,000\npersons, at a maximum, tumed\nout to protest. A colossal, flop\nwas in the making.\n\nOnly the Chicago authorities\nnever knew it. They refused the\ndemonstrators a permit after\nonly desultory talks. thus\ndenying themselves the op-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2242.8370078125, 2632.128755859375, 2852.5262734375, 5001.247953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "probably have doomed Jackson,\nbecause Nixon is beholden to\nTower for his preconvention\nactivity on behalf of the Nixon\ncandidacy.\n\nMoreover, Nixon's careful\nsurvey of conservative\nRepublican opinion has not yet\nturned up any prospective veto.\nIn the House, the powerful Rep.\nMelvin Laird of Wisconsin is\nprivately but enthusiastically\nboosting Jackson.\n\nAccordingly, Jackson must\nnow be regarded as a prohibitive\nfavorite, the obvious answer to\nNixon’s quest for a Democrat\nwith wide acceptance within his\nown party to give the Nixon\ncabinet a bi-partisan aura. If\nNixon is unwilling to give\nJackson a serious mandate in\nthe Pentagon, others now under\nconsideration include right-\nwinger Robert Gavin, chairman\nof the board of Motorcla Corp.,\nand Mayor Eric Jonsson of\nDallas, a nominal Republican.\n\nx * om\n\nCONTRARY TO speculation,\nCyrus Vance, former Deputy\nsecretary of Defense and now\nNo, 2 man on the US.\nnegotiating team in Paris, has\nnever been considered by Nixon.\nNor has Secretary of Defense\nClark Clifford, who is strongly\nopposed by Tower, Laird, and\nother key Republicans because\nof his inside connection with the\nlast three Democratic\nPresidents.\n\nThe only real obstacle to\nJackson had been Gov. Nelson\nRockefeller, but Nixon’s deft\nhandling of Rockefeller last week\nremoved him from any\npossibility of becoming Secretary\nof Defense (the only job he\nmight have accepted) or any job\nin the Nixon cabinet, with the\nonus on Rockefeller instead of\nNixon.\n\nRockefeller had strongly hinted\nin October, during the height of\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1631.0224326171874, 617.1992514648438, 2233.188626953125, 2293.544828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — The chief\nlesson of the recent report on\nthe violence attending the\nDemocratic convention in\nChicago is not that the police\nwere bad guys and_ the\ndemonstrators good guys.\n\nThe chief lesson is that a new\nform of dissent has emerged as\na regular ingredient of American\nlife, And to meet that dissent\neffectively the public safety\nrequires a new strategy — not\nthe old strategy of the Big Fist\nover the warning: Stop in the\nname of the law!\n\nTo understand all this it is\nuseful to compare explicitly, as\nthe recent report does implicitly,\nthe Chicago demonstrations of\nlast August with the anti-\nVietnam march on the Pentagon\non October 21, 1967. For the\nChicago demonstrations were a\ndirect outgrowth of the Pentagon\nmarch, The same people in the\nSame groups dominated ~ both\nprotests, and they used very\nmuch the same tactics.\n\nIn each case the lead role was\nplayed by the National\nMobilization Committee to End\nthe War in Vietnam, headed by\nthe left-wing pacifist David\nDellinger, and including two\nyoung activists, Rennie Davis\nand Tom Hayden. A subsidiary,\n\nramiawaliaf role was play tact by\nnb 2G\n\nL507 0-P oC Gap ares\n\nYippie, the Youth International\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 2903.341890625, 2627.58066015625, 3505.697171875, 3461.8290078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "the campaign, that he would be\ninterested only in Defense or\nState. Nixon resented that,\nviewing it as as Rockefeller\neffort to put him in a corner.\nHe let Rockefeller know in ad-\nvance of their conversation last\nTuesday that neither job would\nbe available, Thus, there were\nonly the amenities when\nRockefeller arrived at Mr.\nNixon's Fifth Avenue apartment:\na pro forma request by Nixon\nthat the Governor take the\nUnited Nations job, and an\nimmediate turndown by\nRockefeller.\n\na Oe OR\n\nSOME NIXON advisers are a\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2284.222017578125, 599.0722373046875, 2887.94863671875, 2292.890775390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Party, led by Jerry Rubin, Abbie\nHoffman, and Paul Krassner.\nx 8 x\n\nBOTH GROUPS practice the\npolitics of confrontation ~~\nbreaking existing rules in order\nto win sympathy by making the\nforces of order look brutal or\nfoolish. The idea, as Tom\nHayden speaking for the\nMovement once put it, is to push\nmatters to the “point beyond\nwhich a security system turns\ninto its opposite.’ or as\nKrassner, speaking for the\nYippies, once -said of the\nauthorities: “‘We want to make\nthem look ridiculous.”\n\nAt the time of the Pentagon\nmarch, the conditions for suc-\ncessful confrontation _ politics\nlooked excellent. The Vietnam\nwar was still going full blast,\nand President Johnson presented\nan easy target for abuse and\nprotest. According to the most\nconservative Pentagon\nestimates, about 38,000 persons\nturned out for the protest.\n\nBut the Pentagon protest was\npreceded by months of\nnegotiations between the Justice\nDepartment and the leading\ndemonstrators on the subject of\na permit to march. In the course\nof these negotiations, the\nauthorities discovered exactly\n\nthe demonstrators. They issued\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1593.383638671875, 2630.357759765625, 2201.974271484375, 5013.31094140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON — The question\nof whether Henry M. (Scoop)\nJackson, the hawkish Democrat\nfrom Washington, will be the\nnext Secretary of Defense hinges\nmainly on whether he gets a\nmandate over defense policies\nand programs from President-\nelect Nixon.\n\nThere is no question that Nixon\nwants Jackson in the Pentagon.\nJackson has been sounded out\nby one of Mr. Nixon's top talent\nscouts in a long-distance\ntelephone call.\n\nNo flat offer was made but\nJackson left the distinct im-\npression with the Nixon\noperative that he was interested\nin giving up his Congressional\nsanctuary as a critic of defense\npolicies to actually run the show.\nHowever, to forego 16 years of\nSenate seniority. high posts on\nboth the Armed Services and\nAtomic Energy committees and\nchairmanship of the Interior\ncommittee, Jackson also made\nclear that he had to be his own\nman in the Pentagon with real\n— not just symbolic — power,\n\na\n\nIT’S ENTIRELY possible that\nNixon will give Jackson what he\nwants. If so, the appointment\nwould elevate the chairman of\nthe Democratic National Com-\nmittee during John F. Kennedy’s\n1960 campaign to a top post in\nthe Cabinet of the man Kennedy\ndefeated.\n\nMr. Nixon's seriousness about\nJackson as Secretary of Defense\nbecame clear last week, during\nhis visit with Sen, John Tower\nof Texas. Nixon’s key question\nto Tower was whether con-\nservative Republicans on the\nArmed Services committee —\nspecifically including Tower —\nwould feel comfortable with\nJackson running the Pentagon.\nTower’s answer: a resounding\nyes.\n\nAny lesser response would\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 220.06933813476562, 6193.52792578125, 838.0889565429687, 7393.7782265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Q. When should a bride-elect\nplace her order for the in-\nvitations to her wedding?\n\nA, At least two months before\nthe wedding. Engraving takes\ntime, and the invitations should\nbe mialed out about a month\nahead. It’s a good and practical\nidea to procure the envelopes at\nthe time you place the order,\nso that they can be addressed\nand ready for mailing when you\nfinally receive the invitations.\n\nQ. When one is attending a\nbanquet and doesn’t care for\n\ncoffee, is it proper to indicate\nthis fact to the waiter by turning\none’s cup over?\n\nA. No, Much better to indicate\nthe fact by a slight shake of\nthe head and a “No, thank you.”\n\nQ. What is the proper order\nin which the engagement ring\nand wedding band are worn on\nthe third finger, left hand?\n\nA. The wedding band first, the\nengagement ring over it.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4232.95849609375, 2879.5029296875, 5406.6513671875, 3221.80517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Effective Lobby\nOil-Gas Industry Swings\nA Big Stick in Washington\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2890.631685546875, 3681.486421875, 3507.56387109375, 5006.119046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "‘NEW YORK (AP) — What\nare you atraid of?\n\nNot long ago we listed here a\nnumber of phobias that might\nadd to your social status. A\nnumber of prestige seekers,\nseeking to be afflicted with even\nrarer panics unknown to their\nneighbors, asked if there were\nany more on the list.\n\nIndeed there are. Mankind\nwill never run out of phobias; if\nhe cures an old one, he is bound\nto find a new one.\n\n* * *\n\nHere are a possibilities that\nmay be of interest:\n\nIf you dislike animals general-\nly, you are suffering from sim-\nple zoophobia. However, if you\ncan’t stand touching their fur,\nyou are a doraphobe, and if you\nare frightened by the teeth of\nanimals you are an_ odonto-\nphobe.\n\nWorried pedestrians can be\nput into two classes. Are they\nafraid of automobiles approach-\ning from the left side? They are\nlevophobes. Are they afraid of\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 4861.67978125, 6414.36288671875, 5461.62051171875, 7387.9872109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Words often misused: Do not\nsay, ‘‘As for myself, I’m not too\nmuch concerned.” It is better\nto say, “As for ME.”\n\nOften mispronounced: Bonho-\nmie (good natured). Pronounce\nbahn-oh-me, accent on final syl-\nlable.\n\nOften misspelled: Mosquitoes;\n“oes.” Memento; ‘‘os.\"’\n\nSynonyms: Appetite, craving,\ndesire, thirst, relish, liking,\nlonging, passion, proneness, ten-\ndency.”\n\nWord study: “Use a word\nthree times and it is yours.” Let\nus increase our vocabulary by\nmastering one word each day.\nToday’s word: Magniloquent;\nSpeaking pompously; bombas-\ntic. “How much longer must we\nlisten to this magniloquent fel-\nlow 9?\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 4879.4756796875, 3359.5440390625, 5488.07754296875, 6235.84902734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "a hearing involving the com-\npany’s plans to set up a refinery\nand import 306,000 barrels of oil\na day. eR\n\nTHE INDUSTRY is considered\nunited in its fight for the\npreservation of the depletion\nallowance — which means it\ndoes not have to pay taxes on\nan estimated $3 billion a year.\n\nBut on the issue of oil imm-\nports, it is divided sharply. The\ndomestic producers want to see\nstrict import quotas set limiting\nforeign oil imports. The\n‘majors,’ the big companies\nsuch as Texaco, Inc. and the\nGulf Oil Corp., which operate\ninternationally, want to see a\nquota kept, but want it to remain\nunder the control of the Interior\nDepartment. They like its\nflexibility under Interior, which\nis exactly what the domestic\nproducers don't like.\n\n* *\n\nBESIDES DEPLETION\nallowance and oil import quotas,\nthe industry’s other major fight\nis over natural gas_ price\nregulation. This battle goes on\nin Congress, where the industry\nis seeking legislation prohibiting\nthe Federal Power Commsission\nfrom regulating prices, before\nthe FPC itself and in the courts,\nwhich have given the FPC its\nprice-fixing authority.\n\nHoe OF\n\nPRESIDENT-ELECT NIXON\nhas said publicly that he sup-\nports the depletion allowance.\nMany big oil-gas men were listed\nas major contributors to his\ncampaign, The industry\ngenerally feels that it can\nbreathe easy with a Nixon Ad-\nministration,\n\nBut it also knows that it has\nenemies in Congress, and that\nit can expect to have to continue\nto fight for the depletion\nallowance, at least to maintain\nit at its present level.\n\nThe oil import quota situation\nWill aiso require action oy the\n\nAdministration if not by\nCongress and the fight over gas\nprice regulation will continue.\n\nIt appears that the major\nissues affecting this huge in-\ndustry will continue to loom\nimportant as the new Ad-\nministration and the Sist\nCongress assume the respon-\nsibility for directing the\ngovernment,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3534.345064453125, 3672.6993125, 4157.52871484375, 6566.095609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "automobiles coming from th\nright side? They are dextro-\nphobes. ‘\n\neo\"\n\nMany college girls don’t like\nto make a date for the prom too\nfar ahead because they are\nhopeful some guy they like bet-\nter will ask them later. This is\nperhaps the most common ail-\nment of coeds and is scientifi-\ncally known as merinthophobia,\nthe fear of being bound or tied\nup.\n\nIf a friend tells you something\nyou don’t believe and you reply,\n“Tt can't swallow that,’ you are\nunconsciously perhaps exhibit-\ning a touch of pnigophobia, the\nfear of choking.\n\n* A\n\nWant a few more panics to\npick from? Well, try these on\nfor size:\n\nA henpecked husband who re-\nfuses to argue with his wife\ncould be classified as an amy-\nchophobe, because he evidences\na secret fear of being clawed.\n\nHate to go out on the streets\nat night because of the possibili-\nty you'll be mugged? That could\nwell mean that you are a har-\npaxophobic, achluophobic amy-\nchophobe. Translated, it says\nyou have a healthy fear of being\nrobbed in the dark and suffering\nlacerations,\n\nDo you fret because your girl\nfriend is giving you a frigid\nstare and turned an icy shoulder\nto you? Poor unhappy lad,\nyou've got cheimaphobia, the\nfear of cold.\n\ne » ®\n\nSome bashful men hate to see\ntopless waitresses or girls who\nwear miniskirts too short. They\nare incipient victims of gymno-\nphobia. They dread seeing\nnaked bodies.\n\nAre you afraid that people\nwill laugh if you sit down at a\npiano, Put yourself down as a\ncatagelophobe, one who dreads\nridicule,\n\nDo all these fears seem dull to\nyou? Do you want to come up\nwith a new and interesting fear\nthat will impress everyone in\nyour block? Well, why not suc-\ncumb to auroraphobia?\n\nThat is the fear of the north-\nern lights—so rare it will even\nimpress your psychiatrist,\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1677.34765625, 5119.7373046875, 3407.5029296875, 7345.13818359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3574.826265625, 6609.72909765625, 4113.9344765625, 7391.93740625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "The Transcript welcomes\nletters from its readers. Its\ncolumns are always open to\nthe free expression of opin-\nion on any matter of public\ninterest or concern. If is\nsuggested that short letters\nare the most effective, and\ncommunications, particular-\nly lengthy ones, are subject\nto condensation. Statements\nwhich are considered libel-\nous cannot be printed. All\nletters should be signed for\npublication.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4227.88925390625, 3359.536470703125, 4832.37832421875, 7415.20254296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Washington — In the array of\nlarge and successful lobbies\noperating in the nation’s capital,\nthe oil-gas. industry ranks as one\nof the most effective. Central to\nits success is the fact that since\n1926, it has kept intact the 27.5\nper cent oil and gas depletion\nallowance despite constant\ncondemnation and bitter\nlegislative wrangling.\n\nBut congressional staff\nmembers who have observed the\nindustry and worked with it have\ntold Congressional Quarterly that\npreserving the depletion\nallowance is only a part of the\nindustry's over-all effort — the\nmost controversial and visible\npart, They say the industry is\n“up to its ears’? in a number\nof other issues, including the\nestablishment of natural gas\nrates, gas pipeline safety\nstandards, oil import quotas and\nmany others.\n\nWithin the industry itself, CQ\nheard no claims of great success\nin lobbying for the oil-gas\nprogram, Most spokesmen\nemphasized their problems —\nproblems with the Federal\nPower Commission over natural\ngas rates, problems with the\nInterior Department over oil\nimports, problems with the In-\nternal Revenue Service, the\nDepartment of Transportation,\nthe Interstate Commerce\nCommission,\n\nObjective viewers see the\nindustry, however, as much\nmore successful than its lob-\nbyists say they see it.\n\nOne congressional staff\nmember described the industry's\nlobbying successes by saying\n‘hat it usually gets what it\nwants, and occasionally it has\nto settle for -—-in the phrase\nmany lobbyists use to describe\nthe successful outcome of a fight\n- “something we can live with.”\n\nx Oe\n\nTHE INDUSTRY’S | strength\ncomes from a multiplicity of\nSources, It operates in many\nstates, churns more than $20\nbillion through the economy each\nyear, employs hundreds _ of\nthousands of people, maintains\nextensive operations to speak\nand work for the industry and\nits segments.\n\nOil-gas states have important\ncongressional posts. An\nOklahoman, Rep. Carl Albert\n(D) is House Majority Leader.\nA Louisianan, Sen, Russell B.\nLong (D), is chairman of the\nSenate Finance Committee and\nan Arkansan, Wilbur D. Mills\n(D) leads the House Ways and\nMeans Committee. Texans hold\nfour House chairmanships. These\nmen are in positions of power,\nand they can wield that power\nin behalf of the industry.\n\nThe industry itself, by giving\ncampaign contributions can help\nthose members who support its\nviews. Twice in the 1930s oil-gas\nindustry campaign contributions\nbroke into scandals, and one\ninvolved a charge of outright\nbribery that resulted in con-\nvictions of two oil-gas lobbyists\nfor lobby law violations.\n\nShortly before the 1968 election\nRep. Hale Boggs (D_ La.)\ncharged an oil company had\ntried to bribe him with a cam-\npaign contribution in exchange\nfor not testifying against it in\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4246.06894140625, 534.4274008789063, 4858.3368203125, 2855.705228515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Busby,\nBridges Road, Williamstown, had\nword that their son, Pvt.\nFrederick A. Busby, 22, had heen\nmissing in action since Oct. 24.\nHe was a member of the 10ist\nInfantry Regiment on duty ia\nFrance.\n\ne * *\n\nJames Monroe Canedy, 78,\nonce prominent in North Adams\nas a shoe manufacturer, died\nthis morning at his hotel in\nHeartwellville, Vt. A native of\nHeartwellville he came to Norih\nAdams in 1860 and worked as\na clerk in a Union Street groce.y\na few years, before becoming\na wholesale shoe merchant, ilis\nsurvivors included a son, Park\nG. Canedy of North Adams and\na daughter Mrs. W. Caldwell\nPlunkett of Adams.\n\na\n\nA frightened horse, attached to\na delivery wagon of the H.W.\nClark Grocery Company on Stat?\n“treet, North Adams, dashed\neastward breaking a light pvie\nat Summer and Bank Streets.\nHeading down Bank street tue\nhorse knocked down John\nDoherty of Houghton Stre2t,\nbreaking Mr, Doherty's right\nankle and then across Main\nStreet, stopping in an alleyway\nnear the Boston store.\n\nee x\n23 Years Ago\n\nEdwin H. Adriance of Spring\nStreet, alumni secretary of\nWilliams College, took over as\nchairman of the price panel of\nthe Williamstown Rationing\nboard. His aides were George\nMcL. Harper Jr., and Wallace\nA. Greene, Mr. Adriance, a\ncaptain during World War I, was\ntwice decorated for gallantry in\nFrance with the Seventh Field\n\nartillery,\nx 2 oe\n\nMembers of the Elks Com-\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4914.2041953125, 483.7150290527344, 5504.0106484375, 1286.2532021484376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "munity Glee Club here gave a\nfirst concert of the season last\nnight in Drury High Schoo:\nauditorium with Ralph U, Domin\ndirecting. Soloists included Miss\nNan Ross, Frank Sanders, Albert\nL. Fuller and Mario Lopardo,\n\n* moO\n\nPfc. Sterling Bruce Shapiro,\nson of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph\nShapiro of Montana Street, North\nAdams, was graduated, Nov. 27,\nas an aerial photographer from\nthe naval air station at Pen-\nsacola, Fla. Entering the US.\nMarine Corps last April he was\nexpecting a transfer to an aerial\ngunner school.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 4263.56689453125, 200.0335693359375, 5457.48779296875, 467.9685974121094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Only Yesterday\n\nMan Injured by Runaway Horse;\nDavid Hakes Hurt While Coasting\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 889.1445639648438, 6172.29062109375, 1494.0805947265626, 6551.0038125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Q. When a woman is wearing\na corsage pinned to her fur coat,\nwhen entering a restaurant, what\ndoes she do with it — leave it\non the coat or transfer it to her\ndress?\n\nA. This is entirely up to her\n— either is correct.\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 4895.88339453125, 1375.6983359375, 5502.2352578125, 2839.490873046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Miss Lois E. Blanchard of 70\nYale St., North Adams, busiriess\noffice employe of the telephone\ncompany’s local branch nearly\n12 years, became business office\nsupervisor in the office here. The\nJaughter of Mrs. Leon A.\nBlanchard and the late Mr.\nBlanchard, she had joined the\ntelephone company force as a\nteller immediately after\ngraduation from Drury High\nSchool in 1947.\n\n* oo\n\nDavid W. Hakes Jr., 12, who\nlived with parents at 21 Willow\nSt., Adams, hurt his face and\nright arm in the season’s first\ncoasting accident when sliding\ninto a house on Elm Street,\nTaken to W. B. Plunkett\nMennorial Hospital by ambulance\nhe was released and returned\nhome after medical treatment,\n\n* * om\n\nAdams youths who had\nenlisted in the U.S. Marine corps\ncompleted recruit training at\nParris Island, S.C. and were\nassigned to Camp Lejeune, N.C.\nThese included Richard L.\nJordan, Ernest Richardson Jr.,\nand William B, Comstock.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 303.5748596191406, 1064.8868408203125, 1459.955078125, 1326.830810546875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "Daley’s Responsibility For\nChicaqo Riots Is Clear\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 224.01600866699218, 1415.4018271484374, 1535.3316933593749, 6050.27383203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Prevention of Violence rightly placed most of the respon-\nsibility for the riots that accompanied the Democratic\nNational Convention in Chicago last August on the police.\n\nThe commission’s findings that the violence “can only\nbe called a police riot,” merely substantiates what the\nAmerican people who viewed the horrifying confrontation\nbetween police and citizens already knew for themselves.\n\nBut the man who was most responsible for this de-\nplorable breakdown in Jaw and order, Mayor Richard J.\nDaley of Chicago, gets off scot free in the Commission’s\nreport.\n\nIt is like blaming the cast for a bad show, but absolving\n\nthn Alsnatanw af anu waa hihi\nvac Qiscstor af any responsibilit.\n\nAnd the fact that Mayor Daley, who set the tone for\nthe entire police reaction to the Chicago peace demonstra-\ntions, including the brutal and senseless beating not only\nof demonstrators but of innocent bystanders and news-\nmen, is now praising the commission report as a “good\njob” indicates that he learned nothing from the skull-\nshattering mass violence that resulted when his police\nwere turned loose on the people.\n\nIn spite of the mayor’s words of praise for the report\n— praise that must be attributed either to hypocrisy\nor stupidity — the foremost conclusion that emerges from\nthe report is that Mayor Daley is the real villain in the\npiece.\n\nPolicemen tend to be highly responsive to higher civil-\njan authority, if only because their chances of advance-\nment largely are in the hands of their superiors. They\nknow that if they offend the powers that be, they may\nbe rewarded by being assigned to a beat in the boondocks.\n\nAnd in Chicago there is no doubt of who is boss of the\npolice department. It is Mayor Daley.\n\n* * *\n\nSO WHAT WERE MEMBERS of the Chicago depart-\nment to think after they had heard Mayor Daley, last\nApril, rebuke his own police superintendent for not having\nhis men deal more harshly with the rioters who erupted\nfollowing the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?\n\nIt was at that time that the mayor ordered his police\nto “shoot to kill arsonists and shoot to maim looters.”\n\nAnd what were the officers to think when, a few\nweeks later, their superiors, including Mayor Daley, con-\ndoned by their silence police violence which occurred dur-\ning a peace march.\n\nSimilarly, nothing was said when Chicago police bru-\ntally mishandled demonstrators in Lincoln Park during\nthe first uneasy nights of the week of the Democratic\nConvention. .\n\nSo when the final confrontation which shocked the\nwhole nation came on the night of August 28 the message\nof Mayor Daley to his bluecoats was loud and clear: They\nhad his permission to beat up the demonstrators who had\ncome to Chicago to protest against the war and the pro-\nceedings of the Democratic Convention.\n\nCertainly they had provocation, provocation in the\n“form of obscene epithets and of rocks, sticks, bathroom\ntiles, and even human feces hurled at police by demon-\nstrators.”\n\nBut the report makes clear that in many cases the\nantagonistic acts of the demonstrators were provoked by\npolice action — and by the refusal of city officals to per-\nmit them to meet peacefully in Soldiers Field or to conduct\na peaceful parade.\n\nBut if the demonstrators committed misdemeanors,\nthe police themselves were guilty of gross overreaction\namounting to deliberate lawbreaking on their own part.\n\nThe responsibility of the officers themselves — only\nseven have been disciplined out of several thousand —\ncannot be overlooked.\n\nBut the real lesson of the Commission Report is that\nMayor Daley provided his police with the opposite of\nresponsible leadership.\n\nHis was the final responsibility for what happened.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 236.08132934570312, 6090.9814453125, 846.8427124023438, 6169.97119140625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Modern Etiauette\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 2904.5888671875, 3484.679931640625, 3972.349609375, 3659.819580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "Hal Boyle\nWhat Are You Afraid Of?\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 910.0230102539062, 6587.96630859375, 1392.3990478515625, 6745.2236328125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "North Adams\nSkies\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1656.51318359375, 2365.962158203125, 3993.89599609375, 2542.431884765625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "BREST BAC PUEL\n\nSen. Jackson Can Have Defense Post If He Wants It\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 4878.0859375, 6258.0087890625, 5440.369140625, 6384.46826171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "English Lessons\nBy WM CORDON\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 4608.36962890625, 3216.6904296875, 5122.9189453125, 3320.002197265625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "By IVAN SWIFT\n\nCongressional Quarterly\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 904.9896567382813, 6767.5069296875, 1464.349759765625, 7396.7333046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "- Tuesday, December 3\nSunset today, 4.20 p.m.\nSunrise tomorrow, 7.07 a.m.\nMoonrise today, 3.12 p.m,\nFull Moon Wednesday,\n\nProminent Star\nAldebaran near the moon.\nVisible Planets\nVenus sets, 7 p.m.\nSaturn high overhead, 8.1\np.m.\nJupiter risés, 1.15 a.m.\nMars follows Jupiter\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 965.03369140625, 6085.93603515625, 1337.2208251953125, 6159.38525390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "By ROBERTA LEE\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1705.9305419921875, 223.3777618408203, 4032.036376953125, 490.817138671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Washington Insight\n\nThe Real Lesson of the Chicago Riots\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 2722.738525390625, 493.7382507324219, 3123.284423828125, 569.5667114257812 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "By JOSEPH KRAFT\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 4415.45947265625, 494.0574951171875, 4687.00927734375, 534.4580688476562 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "50 Years Ago\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 5042.12060546875, 1327.139404296875, 5329.1318359375, 1369.990234375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "10 Years Ago\n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 2466.962158203125, 2543.530517578125, 3337.657958984375, 2605.153076171875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": "By ROWLAND EVANS and ROBERT NOVAK\n" }, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 2, 11 ], [ 2, 17 ], [ 2, 18 ], [ 3, 5 ], [ 3, 11 ], [ 3, 17 ], [ 3, 18 ], [ 5, 11 ], [ 5, 17 ], [ 5, 18 ], [ 11, 17 ], [ 11, 18 ], [ 17, 18 ] ]
[ 3423.15087890625, 4951.53369140625 ]
[ [ 2, 3 ], [ 3, 18 ], [ 5, 2 ], [ 11, 17 ], [ 18, 11 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 67.30608361816407, 1505.3242568359376, 490.5554733886719, 2537.889732421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "WASHINGIUN (Ar) — Iwa\nmen who escaped from the\nNorthumberland County Jail in\nSunbury, Pa., have been cap-\ntured by FBI agents in Los An-\ngeles.\n\nRobert Lee Carr, 22, was list-\ned as one of the FBI's “ten most\nwanted fugitives’ before appre-\nhension Monday. Charges again\nhim include robbery, holding a\nhostage in prison, conspiracy\nand prison breach.\n\nThe FBI said Carr and the\nsecond man, Michael Lynn\nClark, 20, were captured at\nservice station where Carr had\nbeen working under an assumed\nname.\n\nThe agency said four men es:\ncaped from the jail Sept. 16 af.\nter assaulting a deputy U. S\nMarshal and locking guards iy\na cell, “\n\nDuring their flight, according\nto FBI officials, the four alleg\nedly ransacked a Millersburg\nPa. woman’s home, handcuffec\nher to a‘chair, and escaped wit!\n@ rifle and $6,000.\n\nThe other two escapees wert\ncaptured the same day. Carr i\na native of Sunbury. The FB\nsaid he had escaped from th\nsame jail once before.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 70.08860778808594, 1242.633056640625, 412.8128356933594, 1473.8216552734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "FBI Agents\nCapture 2\nEscapees\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 904.942787109375, 462.4451369628906, 1316.6577988281251, 1864.8604355468751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Vermont jis stepping down for\npérsonal reasons after serving\nthree two-year terms,\n\nIn New Hampshire, John King\nis running for the Senate. Roger\nD. Branigin of Indiana, Dan\nMoore of North Carolina and\nHulett C. Smith can't run again.\n\nStates that are electing gover-\nnors today for four year terms\nare Delaware, Illinois, Indiana,\nMissouri, Montana, North Caro-\nlina, Utah, Washington and\nWest Virginia. Governors are\nbeing elected for two year\nterms in Arizona, Arkansas,\nlowa, Kansas, New Hampshire,\n‘New Mexico, Rhode Island,\nSouth Dakota, Texas, Vermor\nand Wisconsin,\n\nIn Arkansas, Winthrop Rocke.\nfeller seeks a second trm as\njthe state’s first Republican gov.\nlernor since Reconstruction. Anc\nlin Kansas, Democrat Rober\nDocking also is running for ¢\nsecond term in a traditionall;\nRepublican state where the onl;\nDemocrat repeating as gover\nnor was his father, George\nDocking.\n\nRepublican Gov. Jack Wil\nlliams of Arizona has as his op\nponent for a second term th\nman he ousted in 1966, Demo\n\\crat Sam Goddard, who charge\n\nWilliams’ tax reforms favor bi\n) corporations.\n\nIn Delaware, Republican Ru:\niselt W, Peterson said he woul\nend the “fear and failure’’ tha\nled Democratic Gov. Charles I\n‘|Terry to snd National Guard:\n‘men to quell rioting in Wilming\n‘\\ton last April, then leaving ther\non duty.\n\nIn Illinois, Democratic Gor\n\ni\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1318.584388671875, 514.459876953125, 1740.5994492187501, 1705.2184677734376 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "ee SS es Oe ae\nover who cat best muintain law\nand order, while both oppose al\nstate income tax, :\n\nHostility to taxes is also a fea-\nture of Indiana's Republican\nCampaign between Secretary of\nState Edgar D. Whitcomb and\nDemocratic Lt. Gov .Robert L.\nRock. After first leaving open\nthe possibility of a tax hike,\nRock backed down.\n\nThe Iowa GOP candidate,\nRobert D. Ray, charged in his\ncampaign against Democratic\nState Treasurer Paul Franzen-\nburg, that Democrats were\nspending the state into the red.\nFranzenburg denied it.\n\nDemocratic Gov. Robert\n{Docking and GOP _ opponent\n\\Rick Harman in Kansas ac-\njcused each other of favoring\n|higher taxes and Montana’s\n{Democratic candidate, Atty.\njGen. Forrest H. Anderson, cam-\n|paigned against GOP Gov. Tim\n|Babcock’s proposed 3 per cent\n|sales tax.\n\n‘| In Missouri, Democratic. Gov\n(Warren E. Hearnes boasted of\nlimproving education, attracting\nnew industry and other pro\n‘\\grams, while Republican Law\n,}tence K. Roos said the state stil\nneeds to catch up in thos\n*|\\ areas.\n\n.| Both Democrat Emile R. Bus\nyjSiere and Republican Walter R\n¢| Peterson opposed higher taxe\n{in New Hampshire. Bussier\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1762.9559326171875, 592.0709228515625, 2560.1474609375, 1692.0418701171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Auto Radia\nREPAIRED\n\nA clogged or leaking radiator can re-\nsult in serious motor damage. Let\nMcGill's trained mechanics clean and\nrepair your radiator, the factory\nmethod way.\n\nWE SERVICE ALL MAKES\n\n \n\n> ‘780 ROUTE 119 SOUTH *INDIANA, PA, z\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 481.01441186523436, 561.204994140625, 903.447349609375, 2143.112876953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (AP )— Ke-\npublicans, who have steadily in-\ncreased their share of the na-\ntlon's governorships in the last\nfour elections, stand a good\nchance of widening the 26 to 24\nmargin they now hold over the\nDemocrats.\n\nGovernors will be elected in\n21 states, Democrats hold 13 of\nthose seats, Republicans only\neight.\n\nDemocrats in seven states are\nlosing the usual advantage of\nhaving an incumbent governor\nstanding for re-election. Two of\nthe seven are running for the\nSenate, two are stepping down\nfor personal reasons and three\nare barred by state law from\nsucceeding themselves.\n\nThe lone Republican {incum-\nJbent not running, Gov. Nils A.\nBoe of South Dakota, also is in\nthe can’t-run-again category.\n\nIn 1959-60, at the end of the\nEisenhower administration,\nthere were only 14 Republican\ngovernors—down from 30° in\n1953-54. In the 29 states where\nthere are no races for governor\nthis year, the office is held in 11\ns\\by Democrats and in 18 by Re.\n:|publicans.\n\n1] The big issue in the governor-\n.|ship races has been taxes anc\n.|state spending, but national con\ncerns such as law and orde1\n_|have crept into some.\nt| Republican strength also is in\n_\\creased because they have\n;;more harmonious state organi\n,izations than the Democrats anc\nbeause defections from the na\ntional ticket, are regarded a\nmore likely among Democrat\nthan Republicans.\na Several Democratic governor\n4|stepping out have national repv\ntations. Harold E. Hughes ¢\n\nTowa is running for the Senate\n\nJohn Connally of Texas is goin\n. into private law practice afte\n7 three terms. Philip H. Hoff\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 90.86000061035156, 134.70733642578125, 469.3666076660156, 828.5720825195312 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 484.6885681152344, 96.10728454589844, 2502.3779296875, 449.0125427246094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "GOP Steadily Hiked Share Of State Chief Executive in Last 4 Elections—\nRepublicans In Good Spot For Widening\n26 To 24 Lead Over Foe In Governorships\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 525.5738525390625, 2190.091064453125, 1313.1654052734375, 3114.382568359375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": " \n \n\nIT’S INSPECTION\n_ TIME AGAIN!\n\nStop In Now For\nTrouble-Free Driving!\nFRONT-END ALIGNMENT\nCOMPLETE TUNE-UPS_ .\nCOOLING SYSTEM CHECK\nOIL AND LUBRICATION\nBRAKES AND TIRES\nEXHAUST SYSTEM CHECK\n\n—STATE INSPECTION STATION—\n\nKOCH PONTIAC\n\n1750 Rt. 286 So. = Indiana 463-855:\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 137.65179443359375, 3157.139892578125, 1319.35498046875, 4944.3681640625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": " \n\nComing Thursday --\nNovember 7th\n\nhundreds and hundreds of\nfabulous values in this big\nstore-wide SALE!\n4 BIG DAYS ---\n4 BIG NITES!\n‘Shop Thursday, Friday,\nSaturday and Monday\n10:00 a.m. ‘til 9:00 p.m.\nSEE WEDNESDAY'S\nGAZETTE!\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 78.68797302246094, 2558.97265625, 487.8703308105469, 2676.991943359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Mechanical Nose\nSniffs Pollution\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2568.6500625, 163.31813806152343, 2985.03890234375, 444.9049912109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "such a promise.\n\nThe bid of Democrat Fabtan\nChavez to become New Mexi-\nco’s first Spanish-name pgover-\nnor gave an ethnic tone to his\neffort to unseat GOP Gov. Da-\nvid F. Cargo.\n\nRepublican U.S. Rep. Jim\n‘Gerdner attacked long-time\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 922.7148208007812, 1941.222328125, 1330.3676376953126, 2152.205650390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "SnUIRNS, FA. LOE\n\nVol. 69-—No. 72 November 5, 196\nPublished dally except Sunday 4\nlegal holldays. 10 cents per copy\nSubscription rates by. Mail\nWithin County. area $18.00 pw\nyear. Outside County area . OF\nper year. Subscription rates by\nCarrier, $26.00 per year,\n\nPublished and Second Class Poat\nave Paid at Indians, Pa, if?\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1380.6259765625, 1779.4366455078125, 3423.15087890625, 4951.53369140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": " \n\n| Pre- |\nears) woidey SALE\n~ Super “15” Power Humidifiers\n\nReadily installs on Forced Air Furnaces for Whole House Humidification\nRegular $79.95\n\ng*\"\n\n@ Adds up to 15 gaflons of\nmoisture per day to dry heat-\ned air\n\n@ Lime-Guard process reduces\nmineral build-up from hard\nwater\n\n@ Designed to resist. rust, cor-\nrosion for greater dependa-\nbility\n\n@ Powerful self-contained\nblower for more efficient\noperation\n\nThe Super “15” automatically adds the\nproper amount of humidity needed for\n\nGAS WATER HEATERS protection af your home and. furniture\n\njoes the rest.\nSAVE $10.07 REGULAR $84.95\n\n, $ _ BnyNow... Save 88c\nx ae Ta 88 Fiberglas” Roll Installation\n\nto meet your increased needs during it\npeak periods. Tank is glass-lined, in- Reg. 4.17\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nsulated. NOW\n94.95 40 Gallon Heater ........ ar 84 88 : $ 29\n. aie 3\n104.95 50 Gallon Heater ..... ven eees Riese, | Woden\n94.88 yi I He! Uguracave smautarien J. 3-in. dich ingul\n4 mre Oe Wen NemiA’ C) waist tion is acke\nnian te Dae | With Kraft pape\nRRR a that acts as a vi\n\npor barrier for e)\n\n \n\n \n\nSAVE $19.62 tra protection. 1!\nSears \"600\" Series in. ee Ri a\nELECTRIC WATER HEATER\nRegular $94.60 Decorative, Durable\nIndependence Brick\nREGULAR 2.50\n\nNOW ‘74.88 52 gallon\n\n104.50 66 Gollon Heater .....6-.656. 84 88\ne\n\n114.50 8) Gallon Heater ......-...55 94 88\ne\n\nnow $920\n\nEasy to install and easy |\nclean with a damp clot\nLooks exactly like re\nbricks.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n627 Phila. St. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY\nPhone 463-3524 TILL 9 P.M.\nINDIANA, PA. YUES, - WED. - THURS. - SAT. 8:30 A.M. «|\n\nGHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE\nG@atigjeciion Guaranteed or Your hicnsy Beak\nGRABS, LOKBUCK 40D GR\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 82.92055505371094, 2687.349525390625, 503.4799118652344, 3111.143638671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (AP) — The city\nhas put 38 mechanical noses to\nwork to sniff the air.\n\nA $500,000 network of 38 mea-\nsuring stations will tell the city\nwhere its air pollution is worst\nand where masses of* bad air\nare moving. Data on soot, car.\nbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide\nwill be sent by wire from the\nstations to a computer for anal\nysis.\n\n(Read Gazette Classified Ads)\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2598.594482421875, 492.62225341796875, 3404.245361328125, 1672.67626953125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": " \n\nWhy Settle\n|e) ae Ml =\n\nWHEN WE OFFER\nO,\n.@)\n\non any certificate $50 or more?\n\nfoonte Tr Pele phe or Wo\n\nBrochure Gacane Vib pide ss\n\nTHOMAS consumer 01SCOUNT\n\nCOMPANY\n\n \n \n\n \n\nsat\nPhone i\n\n \n \n\noN ERT\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 502.69073486328125, 466.74578857421875, 883.3746337890625, 541.2698974609375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "By HARRY F. ROSENTHAL\npeanctaiad Preas Weiter\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2989.17594140625, 167.06061547851561, 3405.04573828125, 295.13732153320314 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Democratic contrel ¢ Herd\nCavolina’é atate howe ore.\ning Lt. Gov. Bob Scott, who dt\nfended Me party's record,\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1675.3672255859376, 458.32151025390624, 2571.696861328125, 532.1881943359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "» op-jsaid he would veto any state in+the GOP-controlled legislature,\nvielcome or sales taxes enacted by|hut Peterson refused to make\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 2985.44644921875, 312.1274794921875, 3418.265953125, 442.6603317871094 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "found yh g he loft while\nunder are on\n\nthe eyes of the winter flounder\nare co the right.\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 2566.009521484375, 90.98931884765625, 3371.732421875, 146.607421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Indfana Evening Gazette, Tuesday, Nev. 8, 1966@n0\n" }, "21": null, "22": { "bbox": [ 974.101318359375, 1890.373291015625, 1286.46484375, 1942.8651123046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "fndisns Evening Gazette\n$49 Philadelphia St.\n\n \n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2752.374671875, 3308.3697890625, 3369.0833359375, 3513.7857285156247 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "The Super “15” automatically adds the\nproper amount of humidity needed for\nthe improved comfort of your family and\nprotection of your home and furniture.\nJust set the Humidity Control, the unit\ndoes the rest.\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 76.33039849853516, 843.7486342773437, 477.5262985839844, 1207.6050644531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "KEYNOTE SPEAKER — Mr.\nWallace Geiger serving under\nthe Evangelical Alliance in\nFrance since 1957, will be the\nguest speaker at the annual\nMissionary Conference of the\nCalvary Evangelical Free\nChurch beginning Wednesday,\nNov. 6. Specializing in youth\nwork, he has been conducting\nsummer and winter camps\nfor the French young peopie.\n" }, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 5, 7 ], [ 13, 22 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 17, 27 ], [ 18, 27 ] ]
[ 7139.8159296875, 9992.5146484375 ]
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 7, 5 ], [ 13, 22 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 18, 27 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 197.27125903320314, 3080.8637578125, 1045.38966015625, 5819.6928828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "IOWA CITY (UPD —\nIowa coach Ray Nagel said\nTuesday he plans to start two\nsophomores in place of injured\nquarterback Ed Podolak and\nfullback Tim Sullivan in Satur-\nday’s game here with Notre\nDame\n\nPodolak spent his third\nstraight day in University Hos-\npitals in lowa City undergoing\ntests for a head injury and Sulli-\nvan was withheld from contact\nwork in practice for the second\nStraight day with asevere\nshoulder bruise and a hip poin\nter.\n\n“Right now my feeling is that\nneither will play Saturday,’’\nNagel said. ‘‘We’re going ahead\nwith our plans to start Larry\nLawrence at quarterback and\nTom Wallace at fullback, and I\nthink that’s the way it’s going\nto be Saturday.”\n\nLawrence and Wallace, both\nsophomores, have seen limited\naction in Iowa’s first two games\nthis season, Their addition to\nthe starting lineup gives lowa\n10 sophomore starters, the most\nfor a Hawkeye team in several\nyears.\n\nNagel said if he played Podo-\nlak and Sullivan Saturday, he\nwould risk losing them for the\nseason.\n\nAside from Podolak and Sul-\nlivan, Nagel said everyone else\nwould be ready for the Notre\nDame game. Wallace, who faint-\ned in his room Monday, was\nrunning with the first team Tues-\nday in practice and No, 2 tail\nback William Powell was given\nthe go - ahead for the game\nafter tests for a possible kidney\ninjury failed to find any com\nclusive evidence.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1968.480212890625, 713.4818608398438, 2810.4682734375, 3274.12598828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "KANSAS CITY, Mo, (UPI) —\nDonnie Shanklin’s field day\nagainst Indiana last Saturday\ngave the little Kansas tailback\nthe Big Eight lead in individual\nrushing, tandem offense and\nscoring after two games.\n\nShanklin totaled 317 yards in\nrushing and kick returns and\nscored three touchdowns against\nthe Hoosiers,\n\nIn two games, Shanklin has\ntotaled 252 yards rushing on on\nly 13 carries for a 19.4 yards\nper carry average. His rushing\nstatistics alone give him his tan-\ndem offense (a combination of\nrushing and pass_ receiving)\nlead, and he has scored five\ntouchdowns.\n\nOklahoma tailback Steve\nOwens, who scored twice and\nnetted 164 yards rushing in the\nSooners’ 28 - 14 win over North\nCarolina State Saturday, moved\ninto second place with 230 yards\nrushing in two games,\n\nOwens led the conference in\nrushing as a sophomore a year\nago.\n\nOklahoma’s Bob Warmack\nleads in passing with 18 com\npletions in 41 attempts (.439)\nfor 300 yards. Warmack has\nthrown five td passes in two\ngames. Colorado’s Bob Ander-\nson, second in passing with 273\nyards, leads in total offense\nwith 387,\n\nWarmack is second in total\noffense with 365 yards and Kan\nsas’ Bob Douglass, last year’s\ntotal offense leader, is third with\n336, Iowa State’s John Warder\nhas 459 yards total offense but\nhas played three games and on\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 2845.62205859375, 705.7149541015625, 3690.65675, 1406.2943232421876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "an average-per-game basis is\nfifth with 153.0.\n\nOther individual leaders are\nEddie Hinton, Oklahoma, pass\nreceiving — 12 for 214 yards;\nBob Coble, Kansas State, punt-\ning — 15 for a 44.7 average;\nRoger Wehrli, Missouri, punt re-\nturns — 15 for 225 yards anda\n15.0 average; Jeff Allen, Iowa\nState, kickoff returns — six for\n165 yards and a 27.5 average.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2836.635009765625, 1429.77978515625, 3501.433837890625, 1669.1524658203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "Drake returns\nfive starters\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1928.6494140625, 3332.689697265625, 2761.6748046875, 3785.9921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Cyclones meet\nDrake in first\ndual meet\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1112.5648076171874, 383.99931689453126, 1950.5478632812499, 3996.42188671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "paper falls on top of it. Even\nan accidental upsetting of the\nunit causes no worry!\n\nWhat could possibly taste\nbetter and smell better than\na fresh pot of coffee brewed\naboard your boat on a brisk\nOctober morning?\n\nThe other day we made\n**just such a pot”? and our fire\nwas an easy-load cartridge\ninserted in Coleman’s aluminum\nlightweight LP-Gas Picnic Stove.\nAfter the coffee was done,\nthe rest of the chow found its\nway into the skillet, and in min\nutes we had a tasty meal.\nLP gas cartridges are the\nsafe, convenient way for cook\ning aboard — there’s nochance\nof any dangerous gasoline spil-\nlage.\n\nIf you want more “fire\npower’’, Coleman also makes\na two-burner stove using the\nsame safe LP gas _ easy-load\ncartridges.\n\nWESTERN STYLE — A_ gun\nmay have won the West, but for\nthe past 100 years it was a\nregulated victory, at least in\nMontana. In 1867 lawmakers in\nthat state saw fit to leave\namong the essential possessions\nof a bankrupt person one gun\nof his choice, Other state laws\nare aimed at controlling use,\npossession and concealment of\nfirearms on one’s person. For\nexample, under Section 11-957\nof Montana Codes, the city\nor town council has power to\nprevent and suppress the sale\nof firearms and carrying of\nconcealed weapons, Another law,\non the books since 1907 rege\nlates the use of firearms by\nchildren, More’ recent laws\nlimit firing within municipal\nlimits, shooting from or\nacross public roads, and pro-\nhibit purchase of a hunting\nlicense by Montana youths who\nhave not passed a_ certified\ncourse in safe handling of fire-\narms,\n\nOPTICS — It’s that time of\nyear again — and Bushnell’s\nsports Optics catalog for the\nFall Season is off the press. If\nyou’d like a copy, write: D.P,\nBushnell & Company, Inc., 2828\n=. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, Cal-\nfornia 91107.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 229.38575744628906, 2481.4384765625, 1048.204833984375, 3036.569580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "lowa will\nstart two\nsoph backs\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 236.025623046875, 452.918689453125, 1083.5008662109376, 2422.772228515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "RED ROCK — The State Con-\nservation Commission has an\nnounced that three separate\ntracts of land totaling approxi-\nmately 2,000 acres of the\nRed Rock Game Management\nArea in Marion County is open\nfor hunting. Signs have been\nplaced indicating the areas\nwhich are open to shooting.\n\nAll other lands of the Game\nManagement Area are closed\nto trespassing until the end of\nthe waterfowl seasons, and are\nclosed to hunting the year around.\n\nCOMFORT, CONVENIENCE\n‘— Late season boaters who\nhave never used a reliable\nheater aboard their craft on\n4 chilly morning or evening,\nare in for a pleasant surprise\nwith a Coleman catalytic heat-\ner.\n\nPlacea underneath the for-\nward aeck — or amidship\nif the top and curtains are in\nplace — the heater will produce\nthousands of BTU’s of real\ncomfort.\n\nThe heater is_ safe, too,\nwhether afloat oor ashore.\nBecause there’s no flame and\nthe heating element is protect-\ned, it cannot start a fire even\nif flammable material such as\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2810.59276171875, 1705.0193974609374, 3647.865734375, 3325.509533203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "DES MOINES (UPD— Drake\nUniversity Tuesday announced\nits 1968-69 varsity basketball\nschedule that includes a 26-game\nseason with 13 home games, a\ntrip to the west coast and a\nvisit to the Dallas AlkS ports\nClassic,\n\nAthletic Director Bob Karnes\nalso said Iowa and Iowa State\nboth play at Des Moines and\nDrake plays at Ames once.\n\nLast season, Drake beat the\n\nHawkeyes at lowa City, 7465.\nThe Bulldogs lost at Iowa State\nin December, then beat the Cy-\nclones at Des Moines in Jan\nuary.\nAll five starters are expected\nto return from the Bulldog\nsquad that posted an 1&8 mark\nlast year and finished tied for\nfourth in the Missouri Valley\nConference.\n\nThe Bulldogs start their sea-\nson at home with California\nPolytech of Pomona on Dec, 2.\nThe season ends March 6 at St.\nLouis.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 3640.0517578125, 2739.388916015625, 5369.7783203125, 3202.9609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "1968-69 Cyclone\n\nGymnastics meets\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1918.4708134765624, 3808.599841796875, 2751.382091796875, 5848.725109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Iowa State opens its 1968\ncross country season Saturday,\nmeeting Drake at 10 a.m,\n\nThe race will start and finish\nat the No, 4 tee on the George\nVeenker Memorial golf course,\nnorth of the campus, and will\nbe at the four-mile distance,\n\nBob Lawson, Cyclone coach,\nwas not set on his entire line-\nup early in the week but did\nindicate that the following men\nwere likely to represent the\nCardinal and Gold:\n\nCo-captain Ken Gallagher,\nMarshalltown senior who led the\nCyclones to a team win in the\nunofficial opener in Center-\nville’s Pancake Day 6-mile run;\nMike Houck, the other co-cap-\ntain from Estacada, Ore.; Dennis\nMcGuire and Chuck Schnei-\nder, both of Waterloo; Bill\nBiliskis, Villa Park, [ll.; Greg\nDengler, Chuck Maurer, Mike\nKitchell, all of Ames; Ernie\nLindley, Hayward, Cal,; Dean\nTwedt, Nevada; Al Koth,\nGalva; Bob’ Griffith, Des\nMoines; and John Holub, Monti-\ncello,\n\nDrake’s powerful team will in\nclude Elliott Evans, Dennis\nHunt, Dave Compton, Gordon\n\nHofert, all veterans; and fresh\nmen Lynn Lee and Dan Sanders.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2880.090087890625, 3463.935302734375, 3517.605712890625, 4098.9296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "20th\nCentury\nBowling\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 3834.4072265625, 116.77273559570312, 6234.86767578125, 601.5137939453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Cyclone gridders to be\nhonored at Homecoming\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 3655.44237109375, 3227.193591796875, 4494.46290234375, 4493.59473828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "Iowa State’s 1968-69 gymnas-\ntics team will have six home\nmeets, including the Big Eight\nchampionships, according to\nthe schedule released today by\nClay Stapleton, director of ath-\nletics.\n\nCoach Ed Gagnier’s team\nwill take part in a total of 17\nmeets in addition to the annual\nfrosh-varsity contest. That meet\nmight be a bit different this\nyear, however, since freshmen\nare eligible for varsity compe-\ntition.\n\nThe 1968-69 Iowa State gym-\nnastics schedule:\n\nNov. 6—Varsity-frosh meet\n\nNov. 16—at Kansas _Invita-\ntional\nNov. 29-30—at Midwest Invi-\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 3624.228271484375, 4553.830078125, 6963.603515625, 9992.5146484375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\nPitt\n\nOe 8 ee\n\nZ seats\nGOODSYEARm\n_ SERVICE” STORES =a\n\n> \\)\n\n3-DAY BATTERY SALE\nTh ay ee ae os VE “ < niet Peto Tl B mn i F ATi 0 / si)\n\nursday, Friday & Saturday! : \\\n\nGOopZVEAR Mean ., ( it\n\\\\\n\n* ae | 7\nSERVICE SPECIAL! Jnanio Bur OF THe veaR!|\na Pd ae\n\n \n \n \n\n“ALL-WEATHER” [fm Miny 4\nSPECIAL BATTERY an s\n12-Volt Regularly $18.35 wh é\n#\n$ Aesee nes, faee\n{595 Awasr awae 25¢ INSTALLATION—EASY TERMS!\n\n \n\n \n \n\n_ = : =\" portable Radio\nA. —— Includes 2-Way Power\n| Engine Tune-up a ne\n\ni ‘2088\n: Regularly $8.88 ports. Sci US eaten” Easy\n) October only... Reg $1088 - $8 a8 fom.\n\n \n\n?\n2\na conditroned cars\n\nIncludes AC converter, 4 AA\nInspect plugs: check and reset timing & points; adjust penlite batteries. full tims J\ncarburetor & choke; clean fuel bowl. air filter & battery; AFC, shoulder strap and ear-\ncheck ignition wires, condenser, distributor cap, starter, ad\n\nphone. 3%” speaker\nregulator, generator, fan belt, cylinder comp., battery.\n\n \n\nIncludes 4 to 5 querts of\nregular oil. Complete lubri-\ncation, brake adjustment,\n\nne fluid if needed, repeck\nrT) \" of front wheel bearings, «\nComet a new oil filter. Don't ba\n\nor call for an appointment\nBargain Priced Fer\n\nand take advantage of this\nspecial offer.\n\nTake your car\nwhere the\nexperts are!\n\nFall Cleaning\n\nnt ae 4 e// Ir\nG oon; 5 EAR : j in Get outdoor clean-up jobs\n\ndone fast. Broom style rake\n\nhas a four foot long handle\nTIRES\nNOW... winter\n\n \n \n\nwith 20 spring steel tines.\n\n{\n\n \n\nHere's What We De: {\nPlastic ten ~ eetasecenne\nie * e redvater\nTrash Can eee *\n\n© Inctall 2 gais. ef Geedyeer )\ntwe safety and Heavy Duty Lar odnus tae ans )\ntraction at a Holds 32 Callens sis\nlow, low price. for\n\nfun | Phe” ery\n65013 | $2399 | $314\n\n \n\n$344 Guaranteed Radiator Protection\n\n \n\n775-14 90} $438 | Whitewalis just $3 more per tire 55\n\n850-14 pp $470 @ 4 full ply nylon cord construction Goodyear Parts Extra\n\n29515] 9330] $442] $ Yuin subir teed tne exten anh High impect plestic with, —_ Permaneut Auti-Pregse if needed\n“plus tax and 2 tradeun tes age on dry of snow-coverd roads stands temperatures to 140\n\nIf anv Goodyear installed permanent anti-freeze is lost, the\namount lost will be replaced free upon request of the cus-\n‘omer and upen surrender of original invoice at the time of\n\nWN !\nNO MONEY o0 on our Easy Pay Plan! recheck at the store. Guarantee good until March 20, 1969\n\nGOODVEAR 2.ENEF\n402 LINCOLN WAY AMES PH. 232-6351\n\nOpen til 9 P.M. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.\n\ndegrees. Curved lid clamps\ndown. Red or avocado.\n\n \n\nee eee a ee Ue ae Re een ts ot en\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 377.0447082519531, 120.04254150390625, 1826.950439453125, 355.2312927246094 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Outdoors with Ole\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2109.0810546875, 96.65101623535156, 3464.767822265625, 645.0905151367188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Big Eight\ngrid leaders\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 3702.536853515625, 620.3527104492188, 4532.37989453125, 2720.10841015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "The Iowa State Homecoming\ncommittee is honoring a special\ngroup of gridders at the Kansas\ngame, Oct. 26.\n\nFormer lettermen and\nformer coaches at Iowa\nState have voted on an all-\ntime all-star football squad.\nThis group—35 of them—\nwill be the guests of the\nhomecoming committee.\n\nJim Doran, a 1950 All-Ameri-\ncan end who later starred with\nthe Detroit Lions, drew the\nmost votes, a total of 23. Other\nCyclone All-Americans on the\nsquad are Ed Bock, guard; Pol-\nly Wallace, center; Tom Wat-\nkins, Dwight Nfchols, Tom\nVaughn, Dave Hoppmann, all\nbacks; and John Van Sicklen,\ntackle.\n\nThe\n\nsquad\n\nEnds — Ralph McElhinney,\nAmes, 1906; Roscoe Packer,\nMarshalltown, 1917; Fred Poole\nWashington, D.C., 1937; Jim\nDoran, Paton, and Dean Laun,\nModesto, Calif., both 1950; Don\nWebb, Boston, Mass., 1960.\n\nTackles—Walt Berger, Balti-\nmore, Md., 1925; Clyde Shugart,\nPerry Hall, Md., 1938; Bill By-\nrus, Mt. Dora, Fla., 1954; Lar-\nry Van Der Heyden, Des\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 4555.7973515625, 624.67528125, 5397.35938671875, 2723.556408203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Moines, 1960; John Van Sick-\nlen, Eldora, 1965.\nGuards—Paul Berger, Ouk-\nland, Calif., 1935; Ed Bock, St.\nLouis, Mo., 1938; Norm Ander-\nson, Peoria, Ill., 1948; Stan\nCampbell, Rockford, Ill,\nand Carl Brettschneider, De-\ntroit, Mich., both 1952; Chuck\nWalton, Detroit, Mich., 1962.\nCenters— Polly Wallace,\nGreat Falls, Mont., 1920; Roy\nLongstreet, Clayton, Mo., 1924;\nGordon Nagel, Omaha, Neb.,\n1932; Arden Esslinger, Reiser-\ntown, Md., 1962.\nBacks\nQuarterbacks — Durwood\nMoss, Cedar Falls, 1917; Roger\nBowen, Passadena, Calif., 1922;\nTom Neal, Des Plaines, IIl.,\n1937; Ev Kischer, Lynnfield,\nMass., 1938; Bill Weeks, Albu-\nquerque, N.M., 1950.\nHalfbacks—Jack Currie, Can-\ndon, N.D., 1921; Dick Grefe, At-\nlanta, Ga., 1933; Royal Lohry,\nSioux City, 1943; Dwight Nich-\nols, Tulsa, Okla., 1959; Tom\nWatkins, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1960;\nDave Hoppmann, Orlando, Fia.,\n1963; Tom Vaughn, Detroit,\nMich., 1964.\nFullbacks — Henry Wilder,\nTipton, 1939; Max Burkett,\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1069.5308837890625, 4040.18896484375, 1885.0704345703125, 4162.19189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "lowa falls to Illini\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 5426.35791015625, 855.5765380859375, 7066.25732421875, 4467.95361328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "NEW HOUSE PAINT\nSTRETCHES ~ SHRINKS\n\nResists\nCRACKING,\nPEELING\nand FLAKING\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\nYour house actually stretches and shrinks with varia-\ntions in temperature and humidity. It's this expansion\nand contraction that often causes house paint to work\nloose, crack and peel.\n\nPITTSBURGH PAINTS new SUN-PROOF® Latex House\nPaint stretches and shrinks with your house. . . this\nflexibility enables it to resist the cracking that rup-\ntures an otherwise sound paint film. It has four times\nthe stretch power of other latex paints, and it resists\nfume staining and discoloration. Available in a wide\nchoice of attractive outdoor colors. Come in today for\na free color chart.\n\nS. HANSON\n\nLumber Co.\n212 Duff 232-5152\n\nPITTSBURGH PAINTS keep that q@(QM@UMEd 154 Jonge!\n\n \n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 252.3728790283203, 5868.75390625, 3484.651123046875, 9598.9462890625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\n@\nONE GIFT Wh t\nWORKS MANY Gi | Ss\n\n'\n\nMy Fair Share for\n\n \n\nOne Hours Pay - $3.50 (example)\nX 12 Months\nYour Fair Share - $42 (example)\n\nUnder$5000 . ..«.:s. . .$15-920\n$5,001-§7500 ..... . . .$20-$30\n$7,501-$9,000 . . . . . . . .$30-$40\n$97,001-$10,.000 . . . . . . , ,$40-$50\n$10,001-§12000 . . . . . . . $50-$60\n$14,001-$16,000 . . . . . . ., $80-$90\n$16,001-§18000 . . . . . . ,$90-$105\n$18,001-20.000 . . . . . . .$105-$125\nOver $20,000 . . . . . .$125 or More\n\ni\n\nPOUCUMECAEUSUOEUOOCAEG OHO OOeeaeA onan AeAeNOEO OU CAUAOEEDEDNOEAUAOUeO EO eOUEUEAOEOEOUEOUOUEOEOEOEOUEGEOEOEOOOEAOOOEOEOEAUEGEOLOGEGEOEAUENAUEOONOE Me\nsay 1 Apel ctor ig: hy dondnag ay\nPLEDGE!\n\ndates you specify.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 4515.03709765625, 3242.856189453125, 5358.36524609375, 4498.74317578125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "tational (Chicago)\n\nDec. 14—Iowa Open\n\nDec, 20—at Kansas\n\nDec. 26-3l1—at National Clinic\nChampionships (Fort Lauder-\ndale, Fia.).\n\nJan. 1l—Kansas State\n\nJan. 18—at Southern Illinois\n\nJan. 21—Iowa\n\nFeb, 1—Nebraska\n\nFeb. 5—at Mankato State\n\nFeb. 14—at Denver\n\nFeb. 15—at Colorado\n\nat Wisconsin open\n\nFeb. 21—Minnesota\n\nMarch 20-22—Big Eight Con-\nference Meet\n\nApril 3-5—at National Col-\nlegiates (Seattle)\n\nApril 25-26—at National Fed-\neration (Louisiana)\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1053.2479130859374, 4200.33104296875, 1890.9345820312499, 5689.9682734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "IUWA Uiild \\Urbp —\nThe University of Illinois Satur-\nday claimed three of the top\nfour places to defeat lowa 22-35\nin the Big 10 cross country de-\nbut for both teams.\n\nKen House paced the Illini\nrunners with a 20:23.4 clocking\nover the rain - soaked four-mile\ncircuit. Greg Dykestra and Rich\nard Hall placed third and fourth,\nrespectively, fortheIllinois\nsquad,\n\nCurt LaBond placed second\nfor lowa, three seconds off the\nwinning pace,\n\nGOLFER NAMED\n\nNEW YORK (UPI) — Shelley\nHamlin of Fresno, Calif., was\nselected Wednesday to replace\nPhyllis Preuss on the U.S. wom-\nen’s golf team for the world\namateur championships in Aus-\ntralia Oct. 2.\n\nMiss Preuss, of Pompano\nBeach, Fla.. Miss Hamlin’s\n\nwy\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 425.6438903808594, 394.4863586425781, 904.1854248046875, 450.6257019042969 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Rv OLAV SMFEDAT.\n" }, "25": null, "26": { "bbox": [ 6302.435046875, 508.19047900390626, 7139.8159296875, 771.8686030273437 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "The National Association for\nthe Advancement of Colored\nPeople was founded in 1909 and\nthe Urban League a year later.\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5443.41307421875, 627.9023930664063, 6272.44727734375, 777.6114008789062 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "Youngstown, N.Y., 1954; Mike\nCox, Davenport, 1964.\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 731.1449584960938, 9289.2861328125, 1501.8741455078125, 9530.8984375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "REMEMBER TO\nPLEDGE!\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 458.01213427734376, 9592.274890625, 3100.570568359375, 9926.8588984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "You will be solicited at your place of business or employment beginning Oct.\n8th. There wi!l be limited residential sol icitations. If you have any questions con-\ncerning Ames’ United Campaign, won't you please call 232-4146 or 232-9322.\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2769.18358203125, 4341.724109375, 3616.7963984375, 5809.71778515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "COCiiral NRCal Loeiate av *\nCharco’s Drive In =: @\nBaldus Insurance mS\nHy Vee Food Stores 7 5\nKennedy Trucking . ¢\n20th Century Lunch ae\n\nRandall’s 4\nSportsmans 4 8\nAlice’s Gift Shop s\nAmes Heat. & Cool. 3 9\nFreel’s a\nDave’s Lounge - 4\n\nR. & R. Tree Service 3 9\nIndividual High Games: Aud-\n\nrey Handeland, 203.\n\nIndividual High Series: Betty\n\nLinder, 508.\n\nTeam High Game: Charco’s\nDrive In, 737,\nTeam High Series: Hy Vee\n\nFood Stores, 2060.\n\nLeading Averages: Millie Lew-\nis, 153; Jane Miller, 151; Bessie\nSwanson, 149; Charlene Powel-\nson. 149: Bettv Linder 150\n" }, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 113.97675317382813, 753.20816796875, 913.0675278320313, 1497.6206894531251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Here are two delicious cold\nservice ideas, each one using\nNorway sardines to add a\ntaste spark. Either dish\nmakes a welcome and easy\naddition to July casual enter.\ntaining.\n\nIndividual Smorgasbord: Ar-\nrange in the center of a dinner\nplate a small portion of potato\nsalad in a cluster of lettuce\nleaves, surrounded by Vir-\nginia ham curls, sliced sala-\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 115.0029525756836, 5914.84619140625, 794.0326538085938, 6285.88037109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "\"Little\" Dinner\nParty Offers\nPlanked Chops\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 128.53878784179688, 1547.2381591796875, 909.1773071289062, 2864.18408203125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 126.68251794433594, 9405.5299453125, 925.8580551757813, 9827.795250000001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "reyes\n\nHow big is the meat hesainen ‘Ss?\n\nIt's so big that the 33 billion\npounds of meat produced an-\nnually in this country exceed\nthe tonnage of all new autos\nproduced in this country in any\nsingle vear.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 131.7149200439453, 157.494140625, 727.7219848632812, 564.3211669921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Sardine\n\nSalad\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 136.36423486328124, 3819.596595703125, 925.533287109375, 5860.467125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "1 (S¢y-07.) can Norway\nsardines\n\n1 can small beets\n\n', cup French dressing\n\n3 tablespoons sour cream\n\n2 Lablespoons mayonnaise\n\n1 tablespoon lemon juice\n\n'> teaspoon salt\n\n') teaspoon pepper\n\n1 medium-sized apple.\n\npeeled. diced\n\nI cup chopped celery\n\n| tablespoon chopped onion\n\n| hard-boiled egg\n\n| head of lettuce, chopped\n\nMETHOD: Put the beets in\na small bowl and pour the\nfrench dressing over them\nMarinate in the refrigerator\nfor about 2 hours. In a sepa-\nrate bowl combine the sow\ncream mavennaise lemon\njuice, salt and pepper Peel\nund dive the apple put im\nmediately into the sour cream\nmixture to prevent discolora\ntion Add the celery. omon\nund tlaked Norway sardines\nOn each salad plate place 4\nmarinated beets on a bed of\nchopped lettuce Spoon the\nsardine salad in center Gat\nnish with a shee of hard\ncooked egy topped with a thin\nshee of stuffed olive Chill\nbefore serving Four servings\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1047.6600341796875, 145.64208984375, 6371.7021484375, 10007.2861328125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "SPOST, July 25, DOMINION-NEWS, July 26. 1968\n\nWhere do you buy\n= the worlds\na] av e qa , best foods?\n\n2 ee\nete a!\n\nHOLLAND >\n\nSe\n\nAy AT\naes FOODLAND!\n\n(and wait’ll you see Foodland’s\nthrifty Yankee prices!)\n\nSUGARDALE paw,\nBACON eal USDA noni\n\n- 69:6 p RUMP ROAST %\n- ». 99 4\n\nSUGARDALE\n\nen 1°), | 6 i sl\n\nFULL willy Qc\n\nSHENANDOAH CORNISH\n\n20 to\nHENS ©: .. JU\nAVG. EA\n\nUSDA CHOICE BONELESS TOP ARMOUR\n\n09\nROUND STEAK... | KOLBASSI|...... 79°\niil JUICY AND DELICIOUS | :\nUSDA CHOICE BONELESS BOTTOM ARMOUR NAVAR\n\nUSDA CHOICE ROUND STEAK... 99° satami...... 1°\nBONE.IN FULL CUT psa [ — L\n\nY one STEAK CUBE STEAK.... . 99° HARD SALAMI 2 99°\n\nFRESH ARMOUR BUTT\n\nGROUND ROUND. 79° capacoLa..\".. 99\n\nQUARTERED, SLICED 9-11 CHOPS . SUGARDALE VA‘\n|\noS € <r PORK LOIN..... 79° LUNCH MEATS. 59\ni SUGARDALE CORNED ARMOUR CASERTA RQ\n\nBEEF BRISKETS:*\"“,, 79° PEPPERONI\n\nvw cs me\n\nALIFORNIA I FAV ok: 1 Ib. Cc\nPace ICECREAM. , 49° MARGARINE i 19\nLona oni Laas WHOLE CORN......... * $1 Gravy & Salisbury STEAK..2.° °1' Soap...............\nee et er een FRES gq FREEZER Qu > $419\nNEW CABBAGE...............: GREEN BEANS....... 1 Gravy & Sliced TURKEY... 1° DETERGENT.\neee ‘| APPLEPIE............., x DETERGENT.\nnaw ame... ..----! CREAM CORN......... ion CHIPSTERS ere 35° DETERGENT.......\n\\pava lik Qe S] SPRAY CLEANER. ......000°1\" satvo...........\nW@/ GREAT FOR BEEF... 49° sareGUARD SOAP\n\nCOOK-OUTS = 99° (pW A\na\"\n\nSWEET FRESH By\n‘ DUNCAN HINES\n\nCORN 1 Ng\nEA. 5S AG MAYONNAISE ee ry sen CAKE MIX WHITE %\n\n \n\nNig ae\n\n \n\nFRO JEP\n\nPIZZA ROLLS. a].\nGRAVY & SI SLICED BEEF . oH \"\nTete io rw ee ; 1 Ib. 3 oz.\n| ONO a 2525 EOE XS ~\noe WITH THIS COUPON a Si |\nThe test of 1 ee\nAS. c , AGS\nwwe 6) 6 SAVE 10 cx |\n3)\nDf\n2\n\nlower prices 4.) { on purchase of box of 200\nis the total Ro}; PUFFS FACIAL TISSUES\n: WHITE OR ASS'T\n\non your tape. Si REDEEM AT YOUR NEARBY FOODLAND\n. 3 : COUPON EXPIRES SATURDAY\nTe cS US: 5\nye\nooo. *\n\nWE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES\n\nST OODLANE\n\nIEND’S —STORE HOURS:\nUNIVERSITY = _—SToRE Hours— FR — stone nouns:\naa WESTOVER §°'°° on thre’\n\n3119 University Ave. 9 to 6 Sunday 110 Dunkard Avenue\n\n \n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 118.43796533203125, 6284.17008203125, 917.119224609375, 9267.9348984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "An elegant dinner for two\ncouples ean have as its main\ncourse the entree served on a\nplank, That's a beard or a fire-\nproaf platter that may be placed\nnm the broiler\n\nPlanked dinners look like the\nultimate ino dining since the\nmoat is broiled to brown. de-\nficiousness and banked with col-\norful vegetables\n\nSirlgin lamb chops are well\nehosen for this kind of dinner,\nays meat expert, Reba Staggs,\nof the National Live Stock and\nMeat Board because they are\nmeaty. One side of the chops is\nbroiled tivst. with this — side\nplaced down on the plank,\n\nPianked Lamb Chops\n\n4 lamb sirloin chops, cut 1!,\ninches thick\nSalt\nPepper\n2 mediumesized tomatoes, cut\nin half\n', cup melted butter or mar-\ngarine\n', cup grated Parmesan\ncheese\n38 to 4 cups seasoned mashed\npotatoes\nPlace chops on. broiler rack\nand insert broiler rack and pan\nin broiler so that the top. of\nsteaks is 2 to 3 inehes. from\nthe heat, Broil until steaks are\nbrowned on one side, approni-\nmately 10 minutes. Season. Re-\nmove steaks and place on heated\nplank or fireproof platter with\nbroiled side down, Place tomato\nhalves around lamb chops. Brush\ntomatoes with butter or mar-\ngarine and sprinkle with Par-\nmesan cheese. Make a_ border\nof mashed potatoes around food\non plank, Brush potatoes with\nmelted butter or margarine\nBroil to finish cooking meat and\nto brown potatoes, about &\nPam oer ern mere ee ge\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 248.08261108398438, 3707.564697265625, 804.0711669921875, 3823.410888671875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "NORWAY SARDINE\nHOSE RED SALAD\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 136.99053955078125, 9349.3408203125, 852.2017822265625, 9412.1298828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "NMiore Meat Than New Cars\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 187.75759887695312, 593.9437866210938, 819.6329345703125, 738.4097290039062 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "By GAYNOR MADDOX\nNEA Food Editor\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 121.38243859863282, 2927.0006484375, 923.3852768554688, 3714.4973984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "The individual smorgasbord\n\nmi, tangy Norway sardines on\na bed of pimento, quartered\nhard-cooked egg, ripe olives\nsweet gherkins, stuffed tomato\nand radish rosettes.\n\nTo prepare stuffed tomato:\nCut the top off a chilled to-\nmato and scoop out the pulp:\nplace | tablespoon of mayon-\nnaise in tomato and = add\npieces of sardines. Season to\nsaste\n" }, "12": null, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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{ "0": { "bbox": [ 3469.415771484375, 488.2446594238281, 4224.40234375, 1775.191162109375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 5070.77098046875, 502.8658596191406, 5878.09327734375, 1461.833755859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "leted his training at Wayne\ntate.\n\nJacobs is employed at the\nlaw firm of Huston and Combs\nand specializes in labor rela-\ntions. The firm is headed by\nhis father - in - law, Robert A.\nHuston.\n\nBut Mrs. Jacobs is working\n\nfor the law firm of Stapleton,\nAdams, Burgie, Kidston and\nCrocker.\n_ It will be interesting to note\nwhat happens when they clash\n/aS adversaries on a law case\nand what would happen at\n‘home.\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1812.74558984375, 2505.832748046875, 2626.753189453125, 4950.675308593751 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Darrald Mer-\nritt are the parents of a baby\n\nVy.\nMr. and Mrs. Robert Snip\nand family visited Mr. and\nfend Dick Kamer after church\n‘service Sunday evening.\n\n| Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tam-\n-‘minga and family visited Mrs.\nJake Kreuze a couple of days.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Dick Kamer,\nchildren and grandchildren\nChristmas party was held Dec.\n31 at Forest Grove hall.\n\n_ Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Merritt\n_and family had their Christmas\nNew y at Forest Grove hall\n| Year's.\nMr. and Mrs. Donald Kamer\nand family were dinner guests\n/at the home of Mr. and Mrs.\n'Dick Brummel New Year’s.\n_ The New Year’s service was\n/held Monday morning and el\n‘ders and deacons were in\nstalled. Elders are Huber’\n-Heyboer and Elmer Van Dam\nDeacons are Kenneth Cook anc\nTed Woltjers.\n| Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kame\n_ were — guests at th\nhome of Mr. and Mrs. Willian\n| Westhuis on New Year’s Eve.\n| The Unity and East Christia\n\nConcert bands will present :\nconcert in the Unity gym Jan\n9 at 7:30.\n\nThe consecration service wil\nbe held at Unity gym Jan\n10 and 11 in Hudsonville\n\n_ Speakers will be the Rey\n| Hust and the Rev. Font.\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3470.239974609375, 2899.53758203125, 4286.8310703125, 4005.344009765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "SASEBO, Japan (UPI)—The\nU.S. Navy aircraft carrier\nKearsarge left today after a 13-\nday holiday visit marred by a\ntragic fire.\n\nThe Kearsarge arrived Dec.\n= to give its 2,500-man crew a\nChristmas break from _ the\n‘Vietnam war. Before it tied up\nthe Kearsirge was hit by a fire\n‘that gutted an enlisted men’s\n‘living quarters area and an\naviation storeroom.\n\nThree sailors were killed. Two\nothers were injured before the\nfire was brought under control.\n\nThe Kearsarge presumably\nwas en route back to duty in the\nGulf of Tonkin.\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 5093.38865625, 1692.1470791015624, 5893.554703125, 2463.59132421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "ALLEGAN—John Axe, editor\nand publisher of the Allegan\nCounty News-Gazette, said to-\nday he may seek the Republi-\ncan nomination for state sen-\nator in the 23rd district.\n\nAxe said today he plans to\nmake an announcement next\nweek. The 59-year-old Axe\ncame to Allegan in 1933 and\nhas been secretary of the Alle-\ngan County Republican Party\nfor 20 years.\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 5896.804671875, 758.8120571289063, 6721.7041171875, 2464.79884375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "MOUNT CLEMENS (UPI)—\nSuburban Sterling Township,\none of the state’s fastest grow-\ning communities, Tuesday night\nslapped a self-imposed ban on\nall new construction.\n\nThe township’s Board of Trus-\ntee voted to impose the ban for\nan indefinite period pending\ncompletion of studies aimed at\n‘combating the problem of fre-\nquent flooding in the area.\n\n_ Homeowners have complained\nthat sanitary sewers, overloaded\nby rain water, back up into\nbasements during storms.\n\nTownship Supervisor William\n-Valusek said he has directed\n‘the township attorney to ‘‘take\nany necessary action’’ to force\nthe neighboring community of\nTroy, in Oakland County, to im-\npose a similar construction ban.\n_ Valusek said Troy drains\n‘about two-thirds of its storm\nWater into drains which run\nthrough Sterling Township.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 166.18344116210938, 454.39752197265625, 836.0970458984375, 925.9473266601562 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "Nader Raps\nIncrease in\nCar Prices\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3486.487533203125, 4243.1181484375, 4300.36134375, 4763.10987890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI) — The\ncentral core urban renewal\n_— in Grand Rapids has\n\nn granted an _ additional\n$206,653, the Department of\n‘Housing and Urban Develop:\nment said Tuesday.\n\n_ The increase brings the total\ngrant to $3.7 million.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 4303.410140625, 3379.972640625, 5120.0478671875, 4764.01026953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "KALAMAZOO (UPI) — It’s\nlegal now as far as Mr. and\nMrs. Darrell Jacobs are con-\ncerned.\n\nThe Kalamazoo couple has\nbeen notified they passed the\nMichigan Bar examinations\nthey took in August.\n\nHe graduated from Wayne\nState University and she com-\npleted her training at the Uni-\nversity of Michigan Law School.\n\n“We both graduated from col-\nlege in 1960,\" Jacobs from\nCentral Michigan and his wife\nfrom Swarthmore and decided\nto enter government service,”’\nto enter government service,\n“me in the Army and Karen in\n\nAfter completion of their\n‘freshman law year at Wayne\n‘State, Mrs. Jacobs transferred\n| to the University of Michigan\nLaw School and Jacobs com-\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 4275.6454921875, 878.7001796875, 5070.207046875, 2952.4275058593753 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (UPI)—Dr. Austin |\nSmith, chairman of the board.\nand chief executive officer of\nParke, Davis & Co., Tuesday\nwas also named president of\nthe company, as it announced\na broad realignment of its man-\nagement.\n\nThe Detroit based drug firm\nsaid the realignment places\nmore emphasis on _ research,\nquality control and medical af-\nfairs.\n\nSmith, 55, joined Parke-Davis\nin 1965. He was elected chair-\nman a year ago. Before com-\ning to the company, he had\nbeen president of the Pharma-\nceutical Manufacturers’ Associ-\nation, and had served on the\nstaff of the American Medical\nAssociation.\n~The company also promoted:\n\n—C.D. Smith, executive vice\npresident, to secretary of the\nexecutive board.\n\n—William G. Meier rose te\nadministrative vice presiden\nfrom vice president.\n| Dr, L.M. Lueck, formerly di\nrector for quality control, be\ncomes vice president for qualit:\ncontrol and government rela\ntions.\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2667.1747890625, 4377.3349453125, 3468.7002109375003, 4952.46925390625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "STOCKHOLM (UPI) — The\nchange from driving on the left\nto the right in Sweden last\nSeptember spared from 150 to\n200 lives, the nation’s traffic\ndirector said Tuesday. Lars\nSkioeld, said Sweden’s 2 million\nautomobile owners have been\nsubject to rigid speed limits\nsince the Sept. 3 changeover.\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 1001.6240844726562, 2316.636962890625, 1754.6781005859375, 2633.201171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Facts From\nThe Almanac\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 146.51139794921875, 965.4868618164063, 972.1214145507813, 4258.6591953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "DETROIT (UPI)—Ford Mo-\ntor Co, has joined the rest of\nthe nation’s automakers in rais-\ning prices on its new cars by\nabout $25—a move that will\ncost the car buying public about\n$225 million this year.\n\nFord Tuesday announced a\nprice hike ranging from $23 to\n$32 effective immediately,\n\nLike General Motors Corp.,\nChrysler Corp., and American\nMotors Corp.; which had an-\nnounced similar increasés short-\nly before the New Year, Ford\nsaid the boost was to cover the\ncost of shoulder harnesses.\n\nFederal law requires the in-\nstallation of shoulder harnesses\nin the front seats of all 1968\nautos made after Jan. 1.\n\nIn Washington, auto critic\nRalph Nader immediately fired\noff a letter to Ford, charging\nthat car buyers could purchase\nthe harnesses for about $2.75\neach.\n\nThe auto makers are trying\n“to make excess profits while\nimplicity blaming the govern-\nment” for the higher prices,\nNader charged.\n\nExecutives of the auto com-\npanies have predicted auto\nsales of more than nine million\nthis year. Taking the average\nincrease Of the harnesses at $25.\nthe boost would cost auto buy-\ners about $225 million.\n\nAll the companies said the\nharnesses were available on\nmodels produced before Jan. 1\nas optional equipment.\n\nFord said the hikes on Ford.\nMustang, Faleon, Fairlane anc\nThunderbird models will be\n$23.18. The Mercury, Montege\nand Cougar will cost $23 more\nwhile the price of the Lincolr\nContinental will go up $32.40\n\nIn September, all four auto\nmakers padded their prices a1\naverage of $119 per car. The\nsaid then that federal safety\nrequirements were partly re\nsponsible for the price boosts\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2611.111556640625, 892.1978603515626, 3437.1389316406253, 4216.19483984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI) — The.\nUnited Mine Workers Union\npresident said Tuesday West\nGermany threatens to dump\nlarge quantities of surplus coal\ninto the U.S, market at a loss\nof about $6 a ton.\n\n“The German mining indus-\ntry is apparently trying to get\nrid of large stocks of surplus\ncoal,’’ W. A. Boyle said in a re-\nport to union members in the\ncurrent issue of the United\nMine Workers Journal.\n\n“As nearly as we can deter-\nmine the facts,” he said, ‘‘the\ncoal that is slated for U.S, con-\nsumption would be sold here\nfor about $9 per ton, while the\ncost of production in Germany\nis about $15 per ton.”’\n| Boyle called on the U.S. gov-\nernment to stem the below cost\nsale of German coal, which he\ntermed a ‘“‘flagrant violation of\nthe U.S. Anti-Dumping Act.”\n\nTwo small shipments of West\nGerman coal were moved to the\nUnited States in 1967 for use by\nthe New England Electrical Co..,\n\nBoyle said.\n\nDomestic coal consumption\n| totaled about 490 million tons\n\nduring 1967, he said in the re\n\nport. The U.S. coal industry ex.\n\nported about 50 million tons.\n‘ Boyle said the electric utility\n. industry was the biggest user\n_| accounting for 280 tons in 1967.\n| Coal exports made a “signifi\n’ cant contribution to the sound\nness of our dollar’’ during 1967\n‘| Boyle said. He described the\n$500 million of coal exported it\n-| 1967 as a vital part of the na\n, tion’s balance of payment posi\nI tion.\n\n_ The U.S., Boyle warned, “‘con\n tinues to face a flood of energ\n*| imports from other nations.\n\n‘| “Primary among such im\nports is residual] fuel oil. In ac\n| dition the amount of natural ga\nimports also was _ increasin\n| with the aid of the U.S. goverr\n/ment which has given permi:\n, sion for construction of a pipe\n\n_line from Canada to the Unite\ni Ctatac *\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 5092.19384765625, 1510.3909912109375, 5758.27734375, 1665.5545654296875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Allegan Publisher\nMay Seek Senate Seat\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 3498.30224609375, 4050.244384765625, 4193.26220703125, 4224.80517578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "Grand Rapids Renewal\nProject Receives Grant\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 4256.4619140625, 484.59765625, 5027.830078125, 843.5218505859375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Drug Firm Names\nNew President,\nVice-Presidents\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 4298.9375, 2990.870361328125, 5032.17724609375, 3352.9921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "Kalamazoo Pair\nPasses Michigan\nBar Examination\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2608.806640625, 480.4918212890625, 3408.896240234375, 849.7761840820312 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "Union Head Warns\nAgainst ‘Flood of\nEneray Imports’\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 5896.58984375, 480.010986328125, 6632.60498046875, 727.3900756835938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Township Places\nBan on Building\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 278.0849304199219, 5043.25732421875, 3477.4912109375, 10266.1474609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": " \n\nSap ** 90\n\n“Living’’® Stretch Bra only\n$3.95, reg. $4.95. Adjustable 4\nstretch straps; sheerback 4\n\nand sides. 32A-400 ___\n\n(D\" sizes $1.00\nmore) Also—Save\n66¢ on “Living” Bra with\nbias-cut elastic side panels,\n\nonly $3.29, reg. $3.95\n32A-42C (“D” sizes\n\n$1.00 more) BG\n\nSave $2.00\n\nPlaytex “Firm 'n Flatter’’®\nLycra* Girdles only\n\nreg. Hold-in power\nthat won't wash out—\nmachine washable. Girdle\nonly $7.95, reg. $9.95\nWith zipper only $12.95,\nrep. $14.95. Panty only\n$9.95, reg. $11.95. Lonig\nLeg Panty (shown) only\n$10.95, reg. $12.95\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n\nSave $1.00\n\n“Living’® Long Line Stretch\nBra only $6.95, reg. $7.95. /\nAdjustable stretch —%7\nstraps; sheer back\nand sides. Also 34 Length\nLong Line only $6.95, reg.\n$7.95. 32A-44C (“D” sizes\n$1.00 more)\n\nSave 66¢\n\nPlaytex ‘‘Soft-line” Padded\nBra with semi-stretch straps,\nonly $2.84, reg. $3.50.\nWith stretch straps, only\n$3.34, reg. $4.00\n\n \n \n \n\nSave $2.00\n\nPlaytex ‘‘Magic\nController’’® Girdles with\nfingertip panels only\n$5.95, reg. $7.95; with\nzipper only $7.95, reg.\n$9.95; pull-on panty only\n$7.95, reg. $9.95, with\nzipper only $9.95,\n\nreg. $11.95\n\nSave $1.00\n\n“Living’’® Long Line\nBra only $5.95, reg.\n$6.95, Bias-cut side\npanels. Also %\nLength Long Line\nonly $5.95, reg.\n$6.95, 32A-44C (\"“D\"\nsizes $1.00 more)\n\n \n\nAS SEEN ON TV\n\nYou'll Be Proud To Say It Came From Du Mez\n\n31 EAST 8TH ST. — OPEN MON. AND\nPHONE | FRI TIL\nTUES.. WED., THURS.\nee\n392-3164\ni. SAI. ‘TIL 5:30\n\nAN Bras and Girdles—White All Girdle sizes—XS, S, M, L. (XL sizes—$1.00 more)\n\n*DuPont’s registered trademark. Elastic sides: ‘\nPy ek asters r ic sides: 80% nylon, 20% spandex. Back panel: 74% acetate. 16% rayon, 10% spandex. Crotch: 100% nyton. Exch»\n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 1575.751708984375, 491.7352600097656, 2136.027587890625, 572.4339599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "MISTER RREGED\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 182.23269616699218, 4382.88475, 992.1132358398438, 4960.281265625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "SAIGON (UPI)—Vietnamese\npolice smashed a _ counterfeit\nand espionage ring headed by a\nChinese named ‘Mr. Great\nWorld,’ the semi-official Viet-\nnam press said Tuesday. They\nrecovered $250,000 worth oi\nbogus five-dollar bills and maps\nof weapons infiltration routes\nfrom Cambodia, it said.\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1809.4034423828125, 2321.813232421875, 2389.061279296875, 2483.19580078125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "Zutphen\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 3464.18359375, 2609.9521484375, 4164.8681640625, 2863.076416015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Fire Mars Navy\nShip's Holiday\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 3499.16162109375, 4866.2109375, 6727.8701171875, 10153.34375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": " \n\n% INTEREST\n\non First|{, Michigan\n90-Day Certificates of Deposit\n\nAVAILABLE AT ALL FIRST MICHIGAN OFFICES\n\nEffective January 2, 1968\n\nInvest now — in denominations of $1,000 or more. Your\n5% earnings check will be mailed to you at the end of 90\ndays. You can then renew, or turn in your certificates, If\nyou do not turn in your certificates within 10 days after\nmaturity they will automatically be renewed for 90 days.\n\n“That's the bank for me!” “Lou too?\n\n \n\nFIRST MICHIGAN BANK\nAND TRUST COMPANY\n\nOFFICES: ZEELAND. / HOLLAND | EAST ° TOWN / HAMILTON ; yA LENDALE / ‘DO GLAS\n\nMEMBER FEDERAL DEPOS IT INSURANCE CORPORAT ION , / FEDERAL R RESERVE ‘SYSTEM\n\n \n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 996.7015834960938, 2655.98387109375, 1807.8451083984376, 4368.39796484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "By United Press International\n\nToday is Wednesday, Jan. 3,\nthe third day of 1967 with 363 to\nfollow.\n\nThe moon is between its new\nphase and first quarter.\n\nThe morning star is Venus.\n- The evening stars are Mars,\nSaturn and Jupiter.\n- Born on Jan, 3, 1909, was\n‘Danish comedian and pianist\nVictor Borge.\nOn this day in history:\nIn 1938, the March of Dimes\n‘campaign was organized to\nfight infantile paralysis.\n| In 1961, the United States\n| severed ‘diplomatic relations\n‘with Communist Cuba.\n| In 1966, famed U.S. woman\nwar correspondent Marguerite\nHiggins died at the age of 45\nfrom a “bug” she had picked up\n‘in Vietnam.\n| In 1967, Jack Ruby, who\nfatally shot accused presidential\nassassin Lee Harvey Oswald,\ndied in Dallas of cancer.\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 5159.3798828125, 2506.638916015625, 6707.50244140625, 4717.720703125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "HELP WANTED\nHOLLAND SUCO COLOR CO.\n\nis growing and expanding and now needs\n\nPRODUCTION\nWORKERS\n\nMinimum age 18 years. START AT $2.25 per hour with\nautomatic increases. Prime night shift bonus. Our em-\n\nployees enjoy a full range of Fringe Benefits including:\n\nsv Medical Insurance\n\nyy Life Insurance\n\nsy Retirement Program\n\nyy Free Laundered Uniforms\n\nsv Paid Vacations\n\nvy 8 Paid Holidays\nIf you're interested in a career opportunity, apply at our\nEmployment Office. Daily from 8 to 5.\n\n492 Douglas, Holland\n\nAn Equal Opportunity Employer\n" }, "28": null, "29": { "bbox": [ 1026.70703125, 594.3890991210938, 2546.845703125, 2097.546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "eee na, eee nn\n\nINFORMATION |\n\n \n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 2673.631103515625, 4289.57861328125, 3249.7021484375, 4365.27392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Lifesaving Change\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 1009.5753017578126, 4768.8798671875, 1831.498306640625, 4965.93312109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "Antarctica’s highest moun-\ntain, 16,860-foot Vinson Massif,\n‘was not discovered until 1957.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 203.89675903320312, 4308.900390625, 641.4558715820312, 4376.3271484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Rina Smashed\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 1013.0215297851563, 4379.3212734375, 1807.2848056640626, 4719.99025 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "A thought for the day: Car!\nSandburg once said: ‘I am the\npeople, the mob, the crowd, the\nmass. Do you know that all the\n| great work is done througt\nme 7 ”\n" }, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 40 ], [ 1, 28 ], [ 3, 31 ], [ 11, 5 ], [ 11, 14 ], [ 5, 14 ] ]
[ 2337.042236328125, 3607.743408203125 ]
[ [ 0, 40 ], [ 1, 28 ], [ 3, 31 ], [ 5, 11 ], [ 11, 14 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 939.3173979492187, 2268.112869140625, 1213.5115205078125, 3102.4794160156252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Linda Helen Connolly,\ndaughter of Mr. and Mrs.\nFrancis J. Connally of 14 Basl-\nem Ave, Wobura, became the\nbride of Roberi Thomas Bren-\nnan, sen of Mr, and Mrs. Rot-\nert J. Brennan of 57 Elm St,\nCharlestown, at an 11 o'clock\necremony at St. Charles Bor-\nremiea chureh. Rey. John Mor-\nris officiated.\n\nEscorled hy her father, the\nbride was attired in a while\norgandy ffoor-length gown, de-\nsigned with an empire Sodice,\nand a full train beginning at\nher shoulders. Appligues a-\ndorned the front of the gown,\nHer veil was caught to a head-\npiece of white flowers ‘and\nbeads, and she carried a bou-\nquet of pink and white roses.\n\nMaid of honor was Jane Me-\nCauley of Woburn. Brides-\nmaids were Miss Donna [Har-\ndy af Wakefield, Miss Maur-\neen O'Donnell of Woburn, Miss\nMarie Brennan of Charlestown,\nMiss Sandra Dodge of Reading,\nand Miss Susan Shwab of Wo-\nburn.\n\nThe bride’s atlendants wore\nfloar length gowns of blue and\ngreen flawered chilfon. The\nchiffon flowed over_ empire\nstyled underdresses. The maid\nof honor carried a bouquet of\nyellow roses, while the brides-\nmaids carried bouquets of yel-\nlow carnations.\n\nRect man was James Burke\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 902.0413969726562, 236.17813098144532, 1176.0647431640625, 1282.1218720703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "LOWELL — Ann Denise\nMangan, daughter of Mrs.\nJosephine Mangan of 78L An-\ndover St., and the late James\nT, Mangan, became the birde\nof Dr, Francis Daly, son of\nMr. and Mrs. Francis Daly of\nHall St., Watertown, af a 5\np.m., nuptial mass at the Im-\nmaculate Conception Church.\nRey. Stuart O'Brien officiated.\n\nEscorted © by her brother,\nStephen Mangan, the bride\nwore an A-line gown of ivory\nsatin with a modified empire\nbodice, high neckline and tong\ntradilionat sleeves trimmed\nwith motifs of re-embroidered\nAlencon lace accented with\nseed pearls, The back of the\ngown was soflly gathered at\nthe waist and formed a chapel\nTengih train, Her headpiece,\nan ivory taffeta bow with a\ncluster of loops aceented with\nreembroidered Alencon lace,\nwas enhanced with pearl and\nsequin trim and a veil of nylon\nillusion, She carricd a castade\nof gladiolus and lilies of the\nvalley.\n\nMatron of honor was Mrs.\nHenry Koza, sisfer of the\nbride. Bridesmaids were Mrs.\nDonald Larson of Foxhoro,\nMarie Madigan of Cambridge,\nMary McCabe, Donna Dee\nO'Neil and Jean Redger.\n\nTHE bride's attendants wore\nSalmon crepa sheath gowns,\nthe high neckline and long full\nsleeves trimmed with ivory\nlace. Fresh flewer headpicces\nheld their floor lengih veils ol\ncontrasting shades, and they\ncarried bouquels in shades o!\nsalmon and ivory.\n\nBest man was Robert Daly\nbrather of the bridegroom\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1499.4799345703125, 2013.519607421875, 1770.4517060546875, 2341.287521484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "CARLISLE — Mr. and Mrs.\nGeorge W. Dutton announce\nthe engagement of their\ndaughier, Janet Ruth, fo John\n5. Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs.\nJohn Bailey of Charlestown.\n\nMiss Dutton graduated from\nCCHS and Gordon College,\nBeverly. She holds a BS in\nElementary Education and is\nteaching the sccond grade in\nMiddleborough,\n\nMr. Bailey is a lab techni-\ncian with Tyeo Labs in Wal-\ntham,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 921.3722685546875, 1409.5276640625, 1195.608078125, 2171.9025117187502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "LOWELL — &. Margaret’s\nSodality will present its z\nnual Country Store Tuesday,\nNov.. 12, at the school hall,\n\nThig year’s affair is under\nthe direction of the sodality\nofficers, Mrs. Leo A. Foley,\nMrs. William F. Donaghey,\nMrs, Thomas €. Conlon and\nMrs. Daniel B, Brosnan,\n\nTickets will he available to\nsodalisls, parishioners arid\nfriends of Sl, Margaret's by\ncontacting Mrs. George W.\nSpinney or Mrs. Justin A, Me-\nCarthy.\n\nJn addition ta special priz-\nes such as a Boston rocker,\n@ hoy’s bicycle, camera, food\nbaskets and bottles of cheer,\na number of electrical appli-\nances will be featured. Among\n.these is a mixer, can opener,\nclock, knife and transistor ra-\ndio. Sepcial gift highlight this\nyear is an AM-FM stereo con-\nsole of contemporary styling.\n\nA Christmas table has been\nplanned by Mrs, Thomas P.\nNeylon and Mrs. Leo E,\nShaughnessey. A fable will be\nfeatured by Mrs. Vincent P.\nFunaro, Mrs. Gearge Osborn,\nJr. and Mrs. Barry Cronin.\nMrs, Claire J. O'Connor will\nhe in eharee cf dhe men's and\n\n \n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1218.253173828125, 1417.07958984375, 1470.985595703125, 1861.8511962890625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 80.56066882324218, 1891.4110869140625, 352.2376557617187, 2290.103927734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "- Mr. and Mrs. Waller J. Wro-\nbel of 50 Fort Hill Ave, an-\nnounce the engagement of\ntheir daughter, Frances Mary,\nto Frank A. Gendreau, son of\nMr. and Mrs. Arthur Gendrean\nof 32 Butler Ave. F\n\nA graduate of Keith Hall,\nMiss Wrobel is employed at\nthe New England Telephone\nand Telegraph Co.\n\nMr. Gendreau graduated\nfrom Lowell High Sehvol and\njs employed as manager of the\nLincoln Square Hardware Co.\n\nThe wedding vill (ake place\nApril 12 at the Holy ‘Trinity\nPolish Church.\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 1466.64729296875, 285.35282885742185, 1739.6685029296875, 570.55290234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "TYNGSBORO — The ladies'\nbridge league of the Vespor\nCountry club will officially\nopen ils new season Tuesday.\n\nRegularly throughout the\nwinter and early spring, the\nleague will met on Tuesdays,\nstarting an i am.. For the\nopening day next Tuesday, the\nstarting Hime has been set al\n10:30 am.\n\nMrs, Kenneth E. Koch is\nchairman for the season.\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1487.201248046875, 1318.4623564453125, 1759.3621064453125, 1877.6155244140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "LOWELL — The Christian\nAction Group of St. Joseph’s\nSchool, Keith Hall, and the\nAcademy of Notre Dame are\nsponsoring their annual “Can-\nned Food Drive” throughout\nthe city. The purpose of the\ndrive is to raise canned gonds\nto make Thanksgiving baskets\nfor the underpriviledged of\nthe community.\n\nThe week of school competi-\ntion begins Tuesday, Nov.i2\ntiru Friday, Nov. 15. An ‘At.\ntack Day\" will be held Fri-\nday, Nov. 15 and Saturday,\nNov. 16. Monetary donations\nwill also be accepted. This\nmoney will be used for pur-\nchasing turkeys for the holi-\nday baskets.\n\nAnyone wishing to make\ndonations whether food or\nmonelary, may contact a stu-\ndent from one of the three\nschools, or any respective con-\n\nvent.\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 96.7511978149414, 2795.7568359375, 292.3616943359375, 2875.94970703125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Northerly-\n\nAmbrosino\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1473.1571044921875, 114.22218322753906, 1650.6556396484375, 272.6910705566406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Vesper\nbridge |\nTuesday\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 929.1703491210938, 1287.796142578125, 1352.7333984375, 1396.9024658203125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Parish sodality\n\nplans country store\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 89.42049395751953, 2392.85041796875, 358.99891674804684, 2780.7902070312502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "Mr. and Mrs. Omer R. Tou\nsignant of Woodlawn SL, Tyn-\ngshoro, announce the engage-\nment of their daughter,\nLucille, fo William E_ Hurst,\nson of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin\nHurst of Middiesex Road,\nTyngsboro.\n\nA graduate of Dracut High\nSchool, Miss Tousignant is\nemployed at E. A. Wilson Co.,\nLowell.\n\nMr. Hurst attended Windstow\nHigh School, Tyngsboro, and\nis employed al Aero Wood\nProducts, South Chelmsford.\n\nA Nov. 23 wedding is plan-\nned.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 1188.78369140625, 133.82215881347656, 1454.328369140625, 704.3302001953125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": " \n\nrm)\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1490.44775390625, 1137.46044921875, 1747.283935546875, 1300.537841796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "High school\nfood drive\nfor needy\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 99.6548384399414, 2881.04621875, 365.8350678710937, 3112.3966523437502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "Announcement is made of\nthe engagement of Catherine\nAmbrosino. daughter of Mrs.\nDolima Ambrosino, 118 Adams\nSt., to David A. Northerly,\nSon of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin\nNortherly, S001 26th Ave.\nKenosha, Wisc.\n\nMiss Ambrosing is a grart-\nuate of Lowell High School\nand is attending Tewksbuon’\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 1474.890701171875, 718.9621733398437, 1748.9351044921875, 1123.6188203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "LOWELL — Sgt. and Mrs.\nRoland A. Dauphinais of 340\nWilder St, announce the en-\ngagement of their daughter,\nLorraine B., fo PFC Marion\n\n. Barlon, 50n of Mr, and Mrs,\n\nSorris Rartan of 901 El Paso\nSt., Wellington, Tex. :\n\nA 1965 graduate of lowell\nHigh School, Miss Dauphinais\njs employed at J M Fields of\nChelmsford.\n\nPFC Barton graduated from\nWellington High School, Well-\nington, Tex., and is eurrently\nserving in the U. S. Army,\nStationed al Fort Devens.\n\nA Nov, 23 wedding at St.\nMargaret’s Chureh is planned.\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 1823.45556640625, 2647.24072265625, 2337.042236328125, 3589.093994140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": " \n\n\\Free Gifts\nFor Everyone\n\nGAY\n\nFREE DRAWING\n\nmany prizes including\n100% human hair custom fitted\n\n. Thursday, Nov, 14\n\"6:30-9:30 PM WIG\nMEET well known personalities\n\nVISIT LOWELL'S ONLY\nCOMPLETE BEAUTY CENTER\nBEAUTY SALON — WIGS COSMETICS\n\nThe Wey & Beauty Cconter: Ines\nWALI-IN SERVICE\n\nDirections: Located behind the Middlesex Bank fn\nthe Sears Shopping Center {Lowell Plaza} on Plain\nmy Street,\n\nTel. 452-8819 —- (Clased Wedaesdays)\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 1503.159912109375, 1895.2913818359375, 1694.7509765625, 2002.9239501953125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "E ngaged\n\nto wed\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1508.0429228515625, 2434.676833984375, 1778.05778515625, 2661.1932832031252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (UPI) -- Col\nfee cannoisseurs now can\nbrew a single cup of drip cof\nfee in minutes without making\na whole potful. It’s done with\na mini-pal designed to yield a\nseven-ounce cup of caffee, us-\ning ground coffee, not instent.\nThe dripping takes less {han\nthree minutes.\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 1768.42578125, 861.6802978515625, 2016.4246826171875, 976.9254150390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Miss Moore\nis .bride\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 908.7706909179688, 128.57150268554688, 1104.2066650390625, 229.9933624267578 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Bride of\nDr. Dalv\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 675.6320190429688, 3119.121337890625, 1219.1654052734375, 3607.743408203125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": " \n\nFEELING A LITTLE\nCRAMPED FOR SPACE?\n\nNot at Briarwood — we have the\nlargest apartments in the area —\nover 940 square feet of living\narea,\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n1301 Lawrence St. Opp. “Sykes” The Florist\nLowell\n\nUrbau Living In A Woodland Setting\nTel. 452-1748\nReady End of November\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 116.35806274414062, 3125.967529296875, 649.8792114257812, 3605.733154296875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "% FALL SPECIAL *\n\nDELUXE DRY CLEANING\nCASH AND GARRY\n\nMEN'S S425 | PLAIN\n\nSUITS 1 ° SKIRTS 4y\nPLAIN $75\n\nDRESSES ie TROUSERS 60°\n\nc ] SPORT €\nSWEATERS 49 JACKETS 65\nDRAPES ARE ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES\nSUNSHINE CLEANERS\nDIV. OF INGHLAND LAUNDRY\n49 Kearney Sq. Lowell 157 Andover St., Lowel\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 1257.81103515625, 3033.32373046875, 1787.7130126953125, 3602.330810546875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nLighting\nFixtures | /*\n\nHundreds on\n\nDisplay. For\nQuality, Price $\nand Selection! §\n\nSee AG +g\nHARDWARE\n\n‘ Ye\n\nHARDWARE.\n\n776 LAKEVIEW AVE...°\nLowe tt\n\n \n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 88.559814453125, 2309.028076171875, 285.0238342285156, 2385.648193359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Hurst-\n‘Tousionanut\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 1762.5006865234375, 991.8160551757812, 2041.36051953125, 2591.5726777343752 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "DRACUT — Gayle Frances\nMoore, daughter of Mr. and\nMrs. Leo E. Moore of 211\nPleasant St, became the\nbride of Richard Joseph Kin-\nnal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-\nseph A, Kinnal of 55 Cidalia\nDrive, Lowell, at a 3 pm.\nNuptial Mass at St. Michael’s\nChureh. Rev. John Martin of-\nficiated.\n\nEscorted by her grand-\nfather, Francis Gorman, the\nbride wore an empire styled\nA-line gown of angel mist taf-\nfeta. Her floor length gown\nwas enhanced with-an Alen-\ncon lace bodice and long tra-\nditional tapered sleeves. A\ndetachable bustle train trim-\nmed with matching face ex-\ntended from her shoulders,\nThe bride’s shoulder length\nSik illusion veil was caught\nto a crown headpiece, and\n\nshe carried a cascade of\nEucaris lillies enhanced with\nstreamers of stephanotis and\nParlands of English ivy.\n\nEvelyn A. Gladue was maid\n.of honor. Bridesmaids were\nMrs. Paul LaHaise, Mrs, Tra:\ney Davis, sister of the bride\ngroom; Mrs. Roland Spinard\nand Linda Gorman, cousin o\nthe bride.\n\nThe bride's attendants were\nidentically attired in gown:\nof eafe au lait lace over cham\npagne taffeta. Ruffles enhan\nced the edging of the necklin\naml long tapered sleeves an:\na brown satin band and boy\naccented their empire wais!\nThey wore matching boy\nheadpieces with pouf veils\nand held castades of fall por\npoms centered with yellor\nehrysanthemums.\n\nBest man was Brandan Mur\ngovern, and guests were usl\nered by Richard A. Moors\nbrother of lhe bride; Denni\nSullivan, Robert Gagnon, an\nGeorge MacKenzie. .\n\nFollowing a reception at\nPelham, N. H. inn, Mr. ar\nMrs. Kinnal left for a weddir\ntrip ty Miami Beach, Fl\nUpon return, they will resic\nin Lowell.\n\n \n\nA graduate of Ddacut Hi\nScheol, the bride is employ:\n\n= -in the circulation departme\n\n[-\n\nOf The Lowell Sun Publishi\nCo,\n\nMr. Kinnal is a graduate\nBallsten Spa High school, B:\nIlon Spa, N. ¥., and serv\nfour years in the U.S. Co:\n\n8 Guard. He is employed as\nh postal clerk in the Tow\n4 branch of the U.S. Post Offi\n\"\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 2090.29833984375, 2211.583251953125, 2333.888427734375, 2602.37548828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "PARKWAY\nREFINISHING\n\n1130 EAST ST., TEWKS,\n\nWe will STRIP Your\n\nOLD FURNITURE\nOF its Entire Finish—\nReady For You To\nRefinish\n\n \n\n951-9721\n\n \n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1754.368896484375, 145.00267028808594, 2023.2435302734375, 757.2783813476562 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1192.6398466796875, 797.5379790039062, 1465.513595703125, 1253.881759765625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "Ushers were Gregory Condon\nof Watertown, Or. Robert Cro-\nnin of Rhode Island, James\nFoley of Dracut, Henry Kaza,\nand Dr. Joseph Regan of New\nYork.\n\nFollowirtg a reception at an\nAndover motor inn, Dr. and\nMrs. Daly lefl for a wedding\ntrip to Califoruia, where they\nwill reside.\n\nThe bride is a graduate of\nLowell High School and\nLemuel Shattuck Hospital\nSehool of Nursing.\n\nDr. Daly is a graduate of\nBoston College and Tufts Uni-\nversily Schoal of Medicine. He\nis currently serving his intera-\nship at Counly General Hos-\npital, Los Angeles, Calif,\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 1476.1435546875, 598.0896606445312, 1670.8165283203125, 703.77392578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Engaged\n\nto wed\n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 950.0763549804688, 2197.457275390625, 1376.740478515625, 2250.83642578125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Married this season\n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1216.50178515625, 1933.8158720703125, 1485.1528779296875, 2161.205734375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "women's apparel table, and\nMrs. Wilbur A. Gerhold and\nMrs, William J. Quigley are\npreparing an interesting\nhouseware table,\n\nThe popular punch - board\nwill conlinue io be an attrac-\ntion under the direction of\nMrs. James J. MeCann and\nMrs. Richard T. Ryan.\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2040.476638671875, 451.53373706054685, 2321.479171875, 2195.3522187500002 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "PARIS—The French make\ngreal sauces but the Ameri-\ncans have hetter steaks.\n\nExperts have come lo this\nconclusion after visiting the\nard International Food Fair\nnow being held in Paris with .\nsome 40 countries participat-\ning. Meant to facilitate the\ncommerce of foods between\nthe countries, the fair also\nopens the eyes and ticktes the\ntaste-buds of the public.\n\nIf the Freneh pive them-\nselves airs wilh “Haute cui- -\nsine,” a huge wine seclion\nand recipes for any occasion,\nthe United States cxhibils are\nmore open to sampling. From -\nhunks of Texan steak, through\npork-and-beans from Idaho\nand Californian riee-pudding\nall washed down with orange\njuice from Florida, the visitor\n\ncan “eat his way through the\nUnited States.”\n\nThis year the most interest-\ning part of the eulinary show\nis “ready-to-eat” focd irying\nto ren competition to classie\ngastronomy, Eyen the Freneh\nare discovering deep-frozen\nfood not only ray’ but as suc-\nculent Haute Cuisine,\n\nIn the section devoted to\n“Wood af. Tomorrow,” one\nfinds ‘instant cocktails’ in\npowder form fram Japan,\nmilk and cheese in foam\nsprays fram the United States\nand a “four course meal”\nfrom France in powder form\nand packed in 22 bags to pre-\npare in a minute simply by\nadding water.\n\nOF INTEREST to over.\nweights is a “reducing food\npackage” offered at the fai\nfor the equivalent of $20. {\ncontains “rations'' for a 12\nday diet whieh, when eater\ninstead of any other food\nguarantees a loss of 12 pounds\nDevised by a Japanese, the ra\nlions are tow in calories bu\n“dispense energy and health.’\n\nFor what it may be worl\n. Tpass on further informatio\n. picked up at random at fh\n\nInternational Food Fair:\n\n: Americans eat 34 time\nF more deep frozen food pe\nhead than the French. .\n\n‘The Irish are claimed to b\n\n» the biggest calers in the worl\n; faking in a daily record nun\n- her of calories washed dow\n- with gin and Irish whiskey.\n. The Italians make the la\n] gest sausages. in the work\ny ‘The one shawn at the fa\n. Weighed 285 pounds,\n\n? Some Englishmen’s favori\nbreakfast consists of “bubb\n. and squeak,\" which turns o\ny to be cold meats with fri\nvegetables.\n\nAmerican food produc\nbest known and eaten in Eu\n, ope are rice, honey, lentil\n? soja flour, soja oi] and grap\nd fruit of whieh 75 per cent\n\nthe world’s production com\n\nfrom Florida.\n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 92.96544647216797, 1809.4205322265625, 528.8729248046875, 1880.5230712890625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "They’re engaged\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 2033.7142333984375, 120.10535430908203, 2280.578857421875, 385.5504455566406 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": "La Mode\n\nCompare\ntaste\ntreats\n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 1528.83349609375, 2704.831298828125, 1779.910888671875, 3026.512451171875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "THE 1\n\nBANQUETEER\n\nFine chace\nFoods Liners\n\n \n \n \n \n\nACCOMMODATING\nWedtings, Testimonials\n‘Shawers’ & All Types\nof Porties\n\nChelmsford\n225 Littleton RA\nTEL. ASSHTTa ee 1561S\n\n \n" }, "36": { "bbox": [ 72.4936294555664, 101.2628402709961, 887.4519653320312, 1596.6868896484375 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 36, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "37": null, "38": null, "39": { "bbox": [ 1508.89208984375, 2378.507080078125, 1661.178955078125, 2420.3818359375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "Mini-pot\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 1222.1464384765625, 2276.138015625, 1494.358078125, 2899.4393769531252 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "Of Unarlestown. Ushers were\nJames Hutchinson of Darches-\nter, Joseph Eldridge of\nCharlestown, Lawrence Heus-\nton of Charlestown, Leonard\nConnolly of Woburn, and John\nTierney of Wakefield.\n\nFollowing a reception at the\nHillview Country Club, North\nReading, the couple left on a\nwedding trip ia New York\nCity. Upon their return, Mr.\nand Mrs. Drennan will make\ntheir Home al 10 Oak SL,\nWakefield.\n\nThe bride, a 1963 graduate\nof Wobura High school, is em-\nployed as a secretary by Con-\nfederalian Life Insurance Co,\n\nDual purpose\n\nNo matter which way you\ntravel, a cantainer of’ baby\npowder should be tucked into\nyour suitcase. Silky smnoth\npowder will keep you coo] and\ncomfartable after you shower,\nbut there’s an even bigger\nstory in using baby powder.\nStone Whnrele AK. bee Eee\n\n \n" }, "41": null, "42": null, "43": { "bbox": [ 2055.574462890625, 391.1736145019531, 2287.357177734375, 442.2550354003906 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "By Nora Martin\nSun Special Cotresnondent\n" }, "44": null, "45": null, "46": { "bbox": [ 377.5137785644531, 2680.60725390625, 648.0684052734375, 3111.9816132812502 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "NEW YORK (UPI) — A\nnew hair trimmer is\nshaped fo fit the hand and has\nfour cutting edges on twa\nsides. The wider side is for\nthinning, shaping and styling;\nihe narrow side is for elimin-\naling fast - growing, stringy\nnape hair, for grooming the\nlegs and for underarm shaving\nthe manufacturer says. Twa\nslandard dowble-edge razor\nblades provide the cutting ac-\ntion and are replaced by slid-\ning the two halves of the cnt-\nter apart, The manufacturer\nsays the frimmer ‘works\nsmoother and more quickly\nthan anything available here-\ntofore,\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 363.544677734375, 1871.3201904296875, 919.36962890625, 3132.54833984375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": " \n\nFRANCES M. WROBEL LUCILLE TOUSIGNANT\n« Frank A. Gendreau -.-to William E, Hutst -\n\nHospital Sehoal of Nursing.\nMr. Northerly has returned\nfrom Vietnam and is employed\nim Kenosha, Wise.\nThe wedding will take place\nDec. 7 at If am. at Sf. Pal\ntick's Church.\n\nTrimmer\n\nNEW YORK (UPI) — A\nnew hair trimmer is\nshaped fo fit the hand and has\nfour cutting edges on twa\nsides. The wider side is for\nthinning, shaping and styling;\nihe narrow side is for elimin-\naling fast - growing, stringy\nnape hair, for grooming the\nlegs and for underarm shaving\nthe manufacturer says. Twa\nslandard double-edge razor\nblades provide the culting ac-\ntion and are replaced by slid-\ning the two halves of the cnt-\nter apart, The manufacturer\nsays the trimmer “works\nsmoother and more quickly\nthan anything available here-\ntofore,\n\nST\n\n \n\nCATHERINE AMBROSIN!\n«eto David A. Northerl\n\n \n\n \n" }, "48": null, "49": { "bbox": [ 1234.308349609375, 2685.68505859375, 1402.2564697265625, 2712.057373046875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "Dual purpase\n" }, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 7 ], [ 0, 12 ], [ 0, 25 ], [ 0, 29 ], [ 2, 7 ], [ 2, 12 ], [ 2, 25 ], [ 2, 29 ], [ 7, 12 ], [ 7, 25 ], [ 7, 29 ], [ 12, 25 ], [ 12, 29 ], [ 25, 29 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 8, 6 ], [ 11, 28 ], [ 17, 14 ], [ 18, 21 ] ]
[ 3235.793166015625, 4916.21875 ]
[ [ 0, 7 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 12 ], [ 6, 8 ], [ 7, 2 ], [ 17, 14 ], [ 21, 18 ], [ 25, 0 ], [ 28, 11 ], [ 29, 25 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 959.3255473632812, 454.69584765625, 1338.388380859375, 1072.134474609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "iNorthwest Conference are\nscheduled for Friday in-\nicluding Lincolnview at\niGomer, Spencerville at Bluf-\nfton and Upper Scioto Valley\nat Ada.\n\nIn Blanchard Valley\nLeague play Friday, Arcadia\n|hosts McComb, Vanlue meets\n| Hardin-Northen at Dola,\nCony Raiwson goes to Liberty\n{Benton and Arlington travels\nto Van Buren.\n\nThe Mercer County League\nopens play Friday with three\njgames on the card. Parkway\nhosts Mendon-Union, Fort\niRecovery journeys to Celina\n(IC and St. Henry is at\niMarion Local.\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1705.71635546875, 1302.335251953125, 2082.405958984375, 2379.417921875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "fe REESE SEE RS? AR\n|— Paul Kallai, a native o\nBudapest, has ridden horse:\nvin 10 foreign countries bu\nfigures he has seen enough 0\nthe world. He’s been in the\n‘United States since 1962 anc\nplans to stay.\n\n| The 35-year-old jockey wa:\nithe fourth leading rider of the\njGarden State fall meeting\nthere with 22 winners. While\n[many riders headed south fot\nithe winter Kallai planned tc\niconfime his mounts t¢\n‘Maryland racing.\n\ni “I'll be at Laurel and ther\niother Maryland tracks this\n\\ winter,” says Kallai. ‘In the\n‘spring I'll be back in New\nlJersev. I’ve never ridden in\nFlorida but I’ve been there\nifor a vacation.”\n\ni though Kallaf freelances\nithe is much in demand, often\n‘riding seven or eight races a\n‘day. It wasn’t that way in\nTreland or Germany.\n\n“In Dubla they wouldn't\nlet me ride because I had no\n‘stable. That was in 1958. J\nthink the English jockeys\nwere seared I might show\nthem something because I\nride with short stirrups. In\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1715.0009013671875, 457.9575358886719, 2089.599318359375, 1061.89399609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Logan County League\nWest Liberty-Salem al\nRiverside-x\nLogan Hills at Buckeye\nLocal-x\nWaynesfield at Ridgemont-x\nBelle Center at Indian Lake-x\nBlanchard Valley League\nMcComb at Arcadia-x\nVanlue at Hardin-Northern-x\nCory-Rawson at Liberty.\nBenton-x\nArlington at Van Buren-x\nPutnam County League\nOakwood at Columbus Grove\nOttoville at Kalida-x\nShelby County League\nFairlawn at Fort Loramie-x\nBotkins at Russia-x\niJackson Center at Ususton-y\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 2089.206833984375, 1282.86283984375, 2462.76411328125, 2332.06294140625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "iEngland they all use lons\nstirrups.\n\n“When I went to Germans\n‘they told me my short irons\nwere dangerous. But |\nsurprised them when 1!\nstarted winning three and\nfour races a day.\n\n“There was another\nHungarian rider in Germany\n‘named Paul Bocskay, We\noften finished 1-2 in races and\nthe fans called us the\niHungarian Rhapsody.\n\nKalla: might be with the\nnation’s leading riders this\nlyear but for “teo many ac-\nicidents.””\n\nHe lost seven weeks\nfollowing a spill in August\nduring the Monmouth\nmeeting.\n| Kallai is a happy-go-lucky\nfellow who refuses to worry\nabout his mounts.\n\n“Some fellows get the\npaper at night and study the\npast performances,” says\nKallai. “After I get to the\ntrack I look over the\nbackground of my horses and\ntake it from there. Track\nconditions often change\novernight. Why worry all\nnight?”\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 1718.791015625, 1064.3201904296875, 2457.6474609375, 1268.3028564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\nKallai Forgets Cold\nWhen On Hot Horses\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 228.9504852294922, 1089.052978515625, 1697.1495361328125, 2370.393798828125 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "OU» Rr\n\nYou're Spvited TO REPP' S suena |\n\nF OR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING\n\n \n\n \n\nPERSONAL SERVICE BY SPORT SPECIALISTS\n\nis TENNIS BASKETS a g x\n; DAVIS AND BANCROFT é :\n; r z Z\niz TO # ba ae\n4 28.00 E 5 3\n\"4 A WONDERFUL GIFT & ¥ ICE SKATES z\n; FOR EVERYONE a WITH 4\n4 § 4 FAMOUS CRUSADER Z\n; PRO DESIGN i : ey 5\n4 F # GIRLS-1495 3\n: GOLF BAGS | : : ‘\nA BY a B\n\ng RAWLINGS-MACGREGOR By ; x\n; 4.95 ¢ GOLF CARTS j ) ;\n: TO i § VOIT BASKETBALLS\n: 70.00 8 UNITED § DESIGNED FOR =‘\n\nA GIFT THAT = RAMBLER - 16.95 % EVERY AGE BOY]\nWILL GIVE YEARS = ROCKET - 23.50 § CB-2 13.95 8\n\n \n\n4 is é i OTHERS #\n. OF GOLFING : =\n\n; ENJOYMENT 2 THE PRO - 27.50 — 7.95. 10.95 §\ns STORE HOURS #\nMANY OTHER GIFTS for the SPORTS FAMILY rues 2 Bet §\n: 9:00-9:00 P.M. =\nSports 215 N. ELIZABETH 229-0185 PARK-N-SHOP MON. thru FRI\n‘Repps Equipment LIMA 7 “ietonne worse NEAR BY CLOSED SUNDAYS #\n\n \n\nsl er ap eat Tie ea epi Say \"ip Sp ty Bits ak Th” Saas ia Sl ste irra\n\n \n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2470.98198046875, 1387.848923828125, 2847.329298828125, 2179.190138671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "The Division of Wildlife\nalso advises fishermen not to\noverlook the “between season\nfishing’ which occurs from\nlate fall until the ice fishing\nseason.\n| Some fish, particularly\ncrappies and northern pike,\nmay be taken in good\nnumbers during this time of\nthe year, but fishing techni-\nques need to be modified as\ncompared to those used dur-\ning warmer weather.\n| Crappies may be taken on\nminnows, but will be more\nsuccessfully caught by using\nsmall flasher spoons fished\neither plain with jigging or\ntip with various larvae cover\nin moderate water depths.\n\nThe shoreline, channels,\nharbors and marshes along\nLake Erie are recommended\nas well as some of the better\ninland crappie spots such as\nLost Creek and Fereuson\n\n \n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1337.504197265625, 534.344529296875, 1706.162794921875, 1079.8408955078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Hl Local\n\ni\\Lima Senior at Middletown\n\nSidney at Shawnee-x\n\nKenton at Lima Centra\nCatholic\n\niBath at Delphos St. John’s\n\n| Delphos Jefferson at Perry-\n\nAllen East at Elida-x\n\nNorthwest Conference\n\nLincolnview at Gomer-x\n\niSpencerville at Bluffton-x\n\nUpper Scioto Valley at Ada-\nWestern Buckeye League\n\nCelina at St. Marys\n\nTiffin Calvert at Ottawa\nGlandorf\n\niVan Wert at Defiance\n\nNew Bremen at Coldwater\n\n \n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 2840.885544921875, 1391.565232421875, 3235.793166015625, 2168.11958203125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "a VESEIVOIS aNd iNelte, rmal-\nyjrison, Clearfork, Pleasant Hill\nand Charles Mill lakes.\n| Northern pike may he\njtaken by large chub minnows\nor flashy spoons.\n'iNorthwestern Ohio waters in\niwhich they hit at this time of\nithe year include Resthaven\nWildlife Area, Bit Dike and\n‘iClay Pit ponds; Oxbow Lake;\niDelta Reservoir; Killdeer\nPlains Wildife Area, Ponds\nNo. 3 and 27; Bucyrus\nReservoir No. 1: and Leipsic\nReservoir. Northerns are also\n{found in the St. Joseph River\nlin Defiance and Williaros\n‘jcounties and the Tiffin River.\nlin Fulton and Williams\n;counties.\n1 Fishing can be successful\nin this “off season.” But\ndon’t forget one important\nithing — plenty of warm\n\nteéhian ne\n\n \n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 2067.713669921875, 4267.4014140625, 2452.951857421875, 4900.2680195312505 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "PHILADELPHIA (UPI) —\n‘Lafayette will play Rut-\n‘gers and Lehigh will meet\nVillanova in the Spectrum\nFirst Invitational College\nHockey tournament here\nDec. 20-21, it was announced\nFriday by Spectrum presi-\ndent Hal Freeman.\n\nFitst rounds will be played\nFriday night, with a con\n/Solation round Saturday night\n‘followed by the championship\nifinal. Ratgers, wismer of the\niMiddie Atlantic Hockey\nLeague championship last\njyear, was the early favorite.\n| The Philadelphia Flyers of\nIthe National Hockey League\niwill donate a trophy for the\nlwanner. F\n\n \n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 2103.052734375, 2354.8017578125, 2435.762939453125, 2557.301025390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "Recreation\nDepartment\nStandings\n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2839.871140625, 3252.75590625, 3222.914015625, 3871.9950703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": ";Hueston Woods Lodge.\nFacility awards were pre-\n‘sented to the following or-\n| i ganizations: Ohio Natural Re-\nsources Department for\nHueston Woods Lodge:\nWooster’s Parks and Rec-\nreation Department for Free-\njlander Park; Columbus Rec-\nireation Department for the\niZoomobile: Columbus\n(Division of Parks and\nForestry for Whittier Park\nMarina; and the Mation Rec-\nlreation Department for the\n| Armory Center.\nElmer Uhlmansiek,\n\nidirectur-secretary of the\nHamilton County Park\n(District, received a\niMeritoriaus Service Award.\n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 2091.601365234375, 459.38475146484376, 2469.297072265625, 1038.634962890625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "Anna at New Knoxville\nMercer County League\nMendon-Union at Parkway-x\niFort Recovery at Celina IC-x\nSt. Henry at Marion Local-x\nOthers\n\n|Ohio City at Grover Hill\nElyvia at Findlay\nGreenville at Bellefontaine-x\nRiverdale at Wynford\n/Sidney Holy Angels a1\nWapakoneta St. Joe\nCrestview at Paulding\nSATURDAY\nLocal\nToledo Libbey at Lima Cen-\ntral Catholic\n; Wapakoneta at Elida\n7\n\n \n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 2074.278076171875, 4128.92578125, 2424.299560546875, 4256.18701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "ice Tourney\n\nTs Scheduled\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 2843.04155078125, 616.909470703125, 3235.52290234375, 1306.2040546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "then will blend into the final\nbit of cover at the edge of\nithe field and sit tight until\nalmost stepped upon.\n\n|} It is the sudden flight of\nwell hidden birds from\nHsparse cover where it would\nappear they could hardly find\nlspace to hide that surprises\nor unnerves the hunter. The\nresulting off batance or late\nhurried shot offen allows the\nibird to escape.\n\n‘| For better than average\n‘Isuccess and more successful\nhunts, always search out the\nlast little bit of cover in the\n|field or fence row. As an ad-\nded bonus a rabbit, or, if on\nquail agreement lands, a\njcovey of quail may be in that\nHact faw feet of cover.\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 2548.3916015625, 1317.7813720703125, 3128.706298828125, 1371.6334228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "‘OFF Season’? Can Be Geod\n" }, "16": { "bbox": [ 2493.21630859375, 2189.388916015625, 3194.680908203125, 2240.83349609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 16, "ocr_text": "Have That Bie Buck Measured\n" }, "17": { "bbox": [ 2474.559861328125, 679.8974467773437, 2850.444044921875, 1312.932326171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "TRS Wp bese\nThe District Wildlife Office\nat Findlay offers the follow-\ning hunting tip for pheasants\nfor the coming week — the\nlast of the season on private\nland. The pheasant season on\nprivate land coneludes\nSaturday, Dec. 14 but con-\ntinues through Jan. 25 on\nstate public hunting areas.\n| When pheasant hum\nting, hunters should always\nkeep in mind that it is fre-\nquently the last few feet of a\nfield or fence row in which\nthe pheasant or pheasants\nare found. Experienced\nhunters know pheasants will\nrun ahead of hunters through\na field of cover until arriving\nat the edge of the field. They\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 2841.347947265625, 2249.52690234375, 3234.011427734375, 3176.708693359375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "certificates will be presented.\n\nBuckeye Big Buck Club of-\n‘ficial scorers include John\niHiltner, Route 1, Con-\n‘tinental, and Ronald Saum,\n616 Davis St., Crestline.\n\n \n\n \n\nHabitat planting stock is\navailable free of charge from\nthe Ohio Division of Wildlife\nto eligible landowners with\n\n{more than 30 acres of land\njwhere free hunting is\nipermitted.\n\nSportsmen’s clubs and\nlother private organizations\n‘may also qualify where these\niwildlife plantings will be\njuseful for educational and\nldemonstrational purposes.\n\n‘ Trees and shrubs available\n‘from the department include\n‘white pine, red pine, Norway\nispruce, Austrian pine, black\n‘locust, autumn olive and mul-\n|tiflora rose.\n\n| Application forms may be\niobtained from county game\niprotectors or by writing to\nithe Ohio Disision of Wildlife,\n11500 Dublin Road, Columbus,\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 204.40403747558594, 197.85511779785156, 2431.115966796875, 432.72222900390625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "Basketball Roundup\n\n59 Contests On Limaland Slate\n\n \n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 304.1033935546875, 2386.722900390625, 1985.4482421875, 4856.27099609375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "| \\ . THE FASTEST GROWING AUTOMOTIVE,\nWISE : CHAIN IN THE NATION!\nhon a = ,\n\n. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES .\n\ni QUAKER STATE\n\nSG. ty; MOTOR OIL\n\n \n \n\niN,\n\n \n \n \n \n\noo\nALWAYS A COMPLETE “STOCK i”.\nAT NATIONWISE LOW, DRIVERS’ DISCOUNT PRICES - ee\n\n \n \n\na\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n\n° YOUR CHOICE @UARANTEED ~NEW\né Lk FUEL PUMPS\ns\\wee\" > ~~ ONLY =.\n@ a ‘ae\niis (ouaxen)) C\nSs —_ : © GUARANTEED ~NEW Ana ree: #\n6 7) M VOLTAGE REGUIATORS| “GENERATORS i\n7 Sand izvelt |Z 0 %\n. ks 97 19\" e\n° Ol 3 eT eh '\ne 12 von W/ERCHANGE §%\n@ since Dini GUARANTEED —RESUILT peg i\ne\" : STARTERS gauss “TOWER\n© From |e set] SIRT g\n=o oe\na 1 wr. SITTERS\na FAMOUS NAME SPEED pour. {i\n@ a TO ADD NEW ZIP TO HOT webvetowe tote 7\nif ENGINES, OLD OR NEW ROD Race Sticke eaters © GASLER ;\n‘ ae 8 -\n\ni§ a BOOSTER CABLES\nguiness 37] 272, 197\n\n \n\nae\n\nes ae\n\n \n\nFOR 6 OR 12 Vv TEP PAIS\n\na be ; BATTERIES a\nef * eccerscoses nis\n6 TION WmRSi The DO-IT-YOURSELF AUTO PARTS CENTERS\n\na \\ Ee MEG Be Wise! Buy Wise! Shop Nationwisel 8\n> wis mova neo | 2155 ELIDA RD. 8\ne arf —_—_ ~ o aphone 229-1771 @\n@ OPEN TODAY 12-6 PM 2F5\"%0 ams bu ‘Ser 94.9 Pm $\n\ne\nSSSOSSTTSESTETSVTSSSSOSSOSOSSSSECOSSSSECESSOSSESOSEOCCSS\n\n \n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 2465.6728984375, 2263.35795703125, 2842.47993359375, 3167.5634296875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "Voo Geer DUnerS ‘wid\n\nbagged a big buck during the\ndeer season last week in the\nstate sre urged to have it\nmeasured to determine if it\nqualifies for the Ohio Big\nBuck Club or the Boone and\nCrockett Club. The latter is\nthe continental big game\ntrophy organization.\n_ Purposes of the Big Buck\n‘Club are to increase ap-\npreciation of Ohio white-tail-\ned deer, to encourage trophy\nhunting by Ohio hunters, to\nestablish and maintain a\npermanent record of Ohio\ntrophy deer, to foster sound\nmanagement of the Ohio deer\nherd, and to promote\nfellowship and good\nsportsmanship among Ohio’s\ndeer hunters.\n\nPersons bagging a trophy\nbuck should contact one of\nthe 11 measurers in Ohio.\nAfter a 60-day shrinking\nperiod, the head may be\nscored. If it qualifies, the\nsuccessful hunter will be in-\nvited to attend the Big Buck\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 2544.057861328125, 3186.25341796875, 3122.946044921875, 3240.420166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "- Outdoer Odds And Ends\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 2536.5439453125, 624.1986694335938, 2787.083740234375, 681.705810546875 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": "By DAVE KING\n\ncn Bint erett wk:\n" }, "24": null, "25": { "bbox": [ 558.2916728515625, 453.05671801757813, 947.3052509765624, 1068.4356220703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "iniwell with Elida plaving hos\nithito Allen-East and Perr\nri-entertaining Delphos Je\nrejferson in Northwest Cor\naiference games.\n\n| The Lima Central Catholi\nnsiThunderb:rds have anor\nreileague affair on tor Frida\nhe/night at the Lima Senio\n.a;gs™mnasium against the Ker\nid- ton Wildca.s of the Wester\nat'Buckeve League.\n\n| The Thunderbirds are bac\nysiat the gymuasium Seturda\nrynioht to meet fhe Toled\nLibbey Cowboys. In tle othe\n1 ‘Saturday night game in th\n\nleity, Elida battle\nts Wapakoneta.\nas’ Three other games in th\n\n \n" }, "26": null, "27": { "bbox": [ 2070.67924609375, 3385.4316875, 2458.375197265625, 4095.51508984375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": " \n\nViapakoneta Ist Notonol © 2 0M 3\nSCHEOULE\nMONDAY\n\n! FedeTal Leogue iSeu™h Gym)\n\n{7:09 Malor Pipers vs. First Federni\n\n18:09 Solvation Army Captains vs. Bred.\n\n: field Aengats\n\n{g:09 Stendcrd Ol va. Westinghouse Wer-\n\nriers\nTUESDAY\nj Arrefican League (South Gym)\n7% Limo Stote Hospital vs. Peyton\nWolkswogen (ct LSH Gym)\n7.00 Fivst Notional Bonk vs. Kocher\nLumber\n3-90 Jocobs Jewelers vs. Gost Plumbing\n19:00 Westinghouse Jets ve. Tutte\nConsttyction\nChoreh Leogue {Central Gym)\n{7:00 Perry Methodist va, First Unfted\nMethod:\n\n \n\nhodist\n\nj3°93 Sucron Fork United Methodist vs\n\n|\" Cotvery United Oh Christ\n\n2:00 St. Pos! AME vs Noritrwest School\n\n1 of Commerce\n\nF WEDNESDAY\n\ni Notionel Leoyse (Ses Gym)\n\n17:2 Lecot 1217 ws. Dog Howse\n\n[2% Ron & Gene's wa. Gerker's Sohie\n\ni7@ Salvetion Any Moles vs, Stedke\nConsifyction\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 2462.502732421875, 3252.420212890625, 2837.178419921875, 3660.59712109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "A merchandise shoot fot\n‘household appliances and\n‘sports equipment is beings\nheld this afternoon at the\n‘Defiance Fish and Game\nAssociation, five miles\n‘notthwest of Defiance or\nState route 15,\n| Practice is scheduled from\n12 neon through 1:30 p.m. at\nwhich time the regular shoot\n1s planned.\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 226.88041796875, 466.01863208007813, 653.8899677734375, 1065.6065205078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "Basketball action centers iniwell\nthe city this weekend with/to\nfour city games on tap Fri-jentet\nday night and two more| ferse\nSaturday night to highlight 3 ferer\nslate of 59 games. Th\n\nThe Lima Senior spartans! TU\nnnd the Bath Wildcats are/leagi\nthe only two teams out of the/ night\ncity Friday night. Lima: gym\nSenior journeys to Mid. fon |\niletown and Bath plays at’ au\nDelphos St. John’s.\n\nThe Shawnee Indian ala t\nreturr. to Miami Valle yinisiv\nLeague warfare Friday. Libb:\ntosting the Sidney Yellow, Satu\nJackets. leit:\n\nTwo other league contests Wap:\nare set in the city Friday as’ Th\n" }, "30": null, "31": { "bbox": [ 2506.2197265625, 550.6033935546875, 3194.978515625, 604.5045166015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Pheasant Hunting Tip Offered\n" }, "32": null, "33": { "bbox": [ 2507.982177734375, 3891.97265625, 3157.815673828125, 3971.77734375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Bowling Honor Roll\n" }, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
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[ 2464.891484375, 3492.04138671875 ]
[ [ 1, 49 ], [ 3, 13 ], [ 4, 22 ], [ 7, 27 ], [ 12, 4 ], [ 13, 0 ], [ 17, 15 ], [ 27, 9 ], [ 39, 8 ], [ 49, 18 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2155.354365234375, 735.200068359375, 2456.658818359375, 1507.508916015625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Gaulle and the left—won four\nseals and lod in 17, taking 2.2\nmillion votes, 10.3 per cent,\nOther rightwing and splinter\nparties won one niiilion votes,\nfour per cont. More than 300,000\nballols were declared void.\nSocialists Gain\n\nTho only Iettwingers to show\na gain wera the small unified\nSocialist pary, a band of\ndissident Communists, Trot-\nskyites and other far left\nadvoenies. But their leader,\nformer Premior Pierre Mentes\nFrance, fighting for reelection\nat Grenoble, was pushed\nhumitiatingly into aw runoff by\nGaullist Jean-Mareel Jeanne:\nney, whe edged him by more\nthu 3,000 votes,\n\ndn the first round a camtidaté\nhad lo win & majority of thé\nvoles to win his seat oulright. It\nno one got a majority, the race\nwent Into next Sunday? 's runolts.\nin which a winner needs only a\nplurality.\n\nOL De Gunlle’s cabinet\nmnsters, 21 were elected\nquuright. Seven \"faced runoffs,\nAmong these elected already\nwera Premier Georges Pompi-\ndou, Finance Minister Maurice\nCouve de Murville, Forelgn\nMinister Michel Debre and\nDefense Minister Plerre Mess\nmer,\n\n \n\n \n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 1240.8106640625, 1918.34044921875, 1545.1500292968751, 2600.527470703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "| EAST BLOOMPIELD — Rog-\ner Baker of Holcomb has sub-\nmilted petilions for school\nboard candidacy to fill the post\nvacated by Bloomfield board\nmember John Hamlin who will\nbol seek re-nlection,\n\nBaker tok] The Messenger,\n“C think there ought to be some\nchanges on lhe board, I think\nthere are some questions to he\nasked and I am not afraid to\nask them,” .\n\nA teacher for the past 15\nyears, Baker is presently teach-\ning at West High School in\nRochester. He stated, “I feel\nthaL my background in educa-\nfion would provide me with a\nhasic understanding of school\nproblems as a taxpayer, a\nteacher, and a parent.” (He hes\nfour children who are currently\nenrolicd in the Bloomfield Cen-\nfral School).\n\nQuestions Posed\n\nThe “questions” that Raker\nfeels should be answered, he\nexplained in this way: “I am\nconcerned that we Jost a very\ngood administrator in Lawrence\nMoores this year, I would iike\nto know why he did and if tae\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 14.493744735717772, 2203.033564453125, 320.7608386230469, 3475.625126953125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "By Uniled Press International\n\nPresidential frontrunners\nHubert II. - Humphrey and\nRichard M. Nixon rolled up\nmore delegate strength over the\nweekend and moved closer ta\ntheir party nominations,\n\nNixon took a giant stride by\nscoring victories in South\nCarolina, Louisiana, Maryland,\nWashington and Montana.\n\nHumphrey picked up detegate\nstrength from his home state of\nMinnesota and in Connecticut.\n\nGaining nearly 100 delegate\nvotes, Nixon now hag about 600\ncommitted delegate votes, with\n667 votes needed for the\nnomination,\n\nGov. Nelson A, Rockefeller of\nNew York has .254 delegate\nvoles after getting only a\nbandful this weekend.\n\nNixon’s only setback came in\nNew Mexico where Gov, Ronald\nReagan picked up half the\nstate’s 12 delegate votes, Two\nothers were uncommitted.\n\nHumphrey picked up 484\nyotes in Minnesota, compared\nwith Sen, Eugene J. \"McCarthy\" s\n331%. In Connecticut, where\nMcCarthy forces walked out\nbecause they weren't given the\nvotes they thought they should\nhave, Humphrey coltecled pro\nbably 35 votes out of the state's\n44 delegae votes,\n\nThe vice president now has\n839 committed convention votes,\nwith 1,312 needed for nomina-\ntion.\n\nHumphrey and MeCarthy,\nmeanwhile ,made the Vietnam\nWar the chief campaign issue,\n\nMcCarthy reaffirmed his in-\ntention fo visit Paris to look in\non the Vetnam peace talks and\nHumphrey called for a cease.\nHire,\n\nMeCarthy said he doesn’t plan\nto negofiate with North Vietnam\ndelegates to the Paris taiks, but\n“jt might be a good thing for\nme as a@ presidential candidate\nto speak to them... (and) find\noul what the possibilities for\nsome kind of accommodation o\nsettlement are.”\n\nHumphrey proposed a cease.\nfire in an interview with the\nNew York Times,\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 1541.0729931640626, 764.824091796875, 1839.4438525390626, 1820.2329150390624 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "PARIS (UPI) — . President\nCharles de Gautle's forces today\nunexpecledly overwholmed his\nleftwing focs in the first round\nof parliamentary cleclions.\n\nOfficial final resulls of\nSunday's voting gave Gaullist\ncandidates 9.6 muiHon votes\ncompared with §.2 million fer\nthe Communists and all olher\nJofiwing partios.\n\nThe Communists cried foul,\nDe Gawlle's aldes sipped a\nflass of chanipugne at the\ncounting headquarters early\ntoday, as their triumph rolled in\nfrom Sunday's voling. Then\nthey caHed on yolers to\ncomplete their yiotory in next\nSunday's runoff elections,\n\nThe experts had predicted\nthat Gaullist forces would fail 40\nincrease their tiny majority in\nthe national assembly. But\nFrench voters lteeded = De\nGautte's warring that Urir\nchoice stood. between his\n“strongman” regime and a\nCommunislorganized | ‘“otnlila-\nTian dictatorship.'\n\nCommunisis Lose Ground\nThe resulls riled Comnunist\nleader Waldeck Rechel, whose\nparly lost ground. “This black-\nmail by fear employed abusive-\nly by the Gaullist authoritics\nenabled them to ling up hohind\nthemselves all {he reactionary\nforces and ta deceive many\nFrenchmen of difforent opi.\nnions,’? he said.\n\nDe Gaulle had called the\nelection after students took te\nthe streets in rioilng anc\nCommunist-led Jabor unions\nfollowed suit with a 10-millior\nman national strike that threy\nFrance into chaos and threa\ntened the erid of Da Gaulle's 1\nyears of power,\n\nBut, in the first round o\n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 322.6466015625, 1128.7382763671876, 621.567998046875, 2568.98865234375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": "Por seveTat years, somo\nmembers of the Ontario County\nBoard of Supervisors have been\nplaying with the idea of trying\nfo make some major changés in\nthe organization of county. gov-\nernment,\n\nNow it looks as though the\nboard is ready to ask the voters\nof (he county to make a deci-\nsion in November regatding a\nnew form of county govern-\nment, ‘\n\nThe decision will be essential-\nly this; Shall we retain the his-\nlorieal governmental form we\nhave had since Ontario’ became\n& caunty in the 18th century; or\nshall we adopt a more modern\nform designed to meet the prob-\ntems and needs of the 20th cen-\ntury?\n\nThe County Board of Supervi-\nsors hired a firm, The Roches-\nter Bureau of Municipal Re-\nsearch, to look at the present\nform of government and fo see\nif some improvements could be\nmade.‘ ca\n\nThe bureau has come up with\na 66-page report which was writ-\n‘den after many weeks-of study\nof; Ontario “County: - existing\nform of government. .\n\nGovernment Specialists |\n\n‘The bureau has specialized in\nstudies of many aspccis of gov-\nernments — primarily in Mon-\nToe. County and the’ City of\nRochesler. But it, has ‘made\nsome studies. for seyeral other\ncounties in: New York State.\n\nUsing knowledge gained from\nthese studies and the knowledge\nof people. in the -bureau who\nhave backgrounds of study in\nthe philosophy and theory of\ngovernment, the bureau has\neGime up with several - recom-\nmendations for a new charter\nform of government for Ontario\nCounty,\n\nThe recommendations are\nbased on the theory that legis-\nlative and administrative fune-\nllons of government should be\nséparate; and that there should\nbe a central executive to co-\nordinate the administrative\nfunctions. This central execu:\ntive (a county manager) should\nbe responsible to the legislators\nof the county who, in turn, are\nresponsible to the voters, E\n\nFrederich J, Grasberger, as:\nsistamt drector of the Rochester\nBureau of Municipal Research,\nwas eoordinator of the: study\ncompiled by the bureau. In the\nreport given to the Ontaric\n\n \n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1535.4981689453125, 385.44683837890625, 2449.6962890625, 716.5192260742188 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "French Communists\nAre Overwhelmed By\nVote For De Gaulle:\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 2167.5244140625, 1524.95263671875, 2413.73876953125, 1733.599609375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "De Gaulle’s\nProblems\nNot Over\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 1245.1728466796876, 2856.302607421875, 1543.8371630859376, 3488.157353515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "GORHAM — Next Thrsday,\nthe taxpayers of the Gorham\nand Middlesex Valley school\ndistricts, along with: the Com-\nmon School Districts of Hall\nand Brown, will decide on\nwhether they will contine as\nindependent districts or one\nmerged district.\n\nThis type of decision-making\nis not new to residents of these\nfour districts. They have voted\nfour times in the past 10 years\non this very issue, According to\ndistrict ofticials, the first vote\nwas the closest, failing to gain\nthe required majority by a few\nvoles, In succeeding elections,\nthe negative votes have consid-\nerably outweighed the affirma-\ntive votes, at Hie last election\nby 400. There are an estimated\n3,000 voters in the four districts,\n\nThe recurring merger vote is\nbasically a result of two pres-\nsures helng exerted on the dis-\niricis. One source of pressure\nis the school population growth\nwhich necessitates added facili-\nles immediately, Althuugh Gor-\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 1239.5590771484376, 1508.5976513671876, 1533.9116259765626, 1812.9284716796876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "Memorial fo take you at no cost\n{o the bus sation. .\n\n“You are in violation of the\npermit and must leave — the\ncamp within the next hour.’\n\nThe warning was. issued by\nthe Metropolitan Polico through\nihe Justica Department,\n\nThe timing of. the 10:42 a.m\nEDT deadline was explained ‘bs\npolice as being exactly one hou\nfromthe time 8 ovacuatior\norder was announced at th\necantpsite, .\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 1852.7541455078126, 2831.798701171875, 2156.43640625, 3491.157353515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "ings, For example, classroom\nfacilities are more crowded\nthan ever before. According to\nofficials, both districts have al-\nready paid a total of $235,000\nfor some form of temporary\nfacilities,\n\nIn Gorham and Middlesex,\nkindergarten classes are con-\nducted off school grounds, one\nin @ church and the other in a\npublic library, At MVCS, the\nschool bus garage houses sey:\neral high school classes while\nin Gorham a house across from\nthe school provides office space\nfor district personnel ag well as\nclassroom for home economics.\n\nSub-Standard Rooms\n\nAccording to school officials,\n12 classrooms at MVCS and 17\nat Gorham are substandard to\nState requirement for spasce\nand facility,\n\nAnother new factor added to\nthis year’s vote debate, is the\nadditional state incentive ald\nthe new merged district would\nreceive if it reorganized before\n1970 wihien the law expires. To\n\n(Continued on Page 3, Col\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1553.4229736328125, 1931.28125, 1843.4140625, 2361.6611328125 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": " \n" }, "11": { "bbox": [ 2158.398798828125, 1754.5122021484376, 2463.37146484375, 2911.0135546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 11, "ocr_text": "PANS (UPI)—French voters\npulled President Charles da\nGautle's internallonal acorng\naul of the fire by their massiva\npro-Gaullist voto Sunday.\n\nBut whether the — nation’a\ninlornal prablenis will be solved\nby the spectacular performance\nremiulned a moot questin,\n\nPolitical observers also ralsed,\nquestions tolny rbout how\nsuccessiul the Gaullists will be\nJung 36 in wrning the inilial\nains inta uciuul assembly,\nseas,\n\nDe Gaulle's International\npreslige, which suffered severa,\nblows during the “May revoll.\ntion,” could now start swinging\nupward, He and his supportera\nwitt be able to polat to the vota\nas an indicalion that despite’\ndomestic discontent, tho 774\nyeur-old general still ‘Is the firm\nmaster of his land,\n\nDe Gaulle needed the election\nviclory Io kepp from being\ndiscredited by his ailles—and\nhig nominal allics, such ag tha\nUnited States.\n\nYet there was no ecrtainty Dé\nGuulle's problems at home are\navor, Aluch will depend on\nwhether the president, Premier\nGeorges Pompldou, amd the\nexpected new Gaullist majority\nin parllament can produce the\nreforms {hey promised during\nthe election campaign\n. Even if reforms are begun\nthe nation stil faces grave\nproblems over the next six\nmonths. The government will ba\nhard pressed to hold down\ninflation, protect the frane, keep\nstudents satisfiedl and avoid\nmore crippling strikes next fall,\n\nThe May revolution had deep\nreats: discontent with 10\nyears of “strong man mile,'®\ndissatisfaction over antiquated\neducation and labor-manages\nTent systems, despair over a\nlack of “dialogue” between the\ngovernment and the governed\nand a feeling ‘that French\nprosperily was only skin deen,\n\n \n" }, "12": { "bbox": [ 328.10360229492187, 731.7167919921875, 613.0219775390625, 1066.0311328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": ". EDITOH’S NOTE —The\nDaily Messenger is presenting\n@ series of articles describing\na report given the Ontario\nCounty Board of Supervisors\ncontaining recommendations\n-for a uew form of county gov-\nernment, The report was pre-\npared by the Rochester Bur-\neau of Municipal Research\nwhich was hised by the county\nhoard fo study the need for a\nnew county charter form of\ngoverament, tneluding the use\nof a county manager as a full\ntime chief admintstrator,\n" }, "13": { "bbox": [ 1845.0947216796876, 731.9079541015625, 2153.2528125, 1226.555546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 13, "ocr_text": "voting, tha electorate turned an\nthe leftwingars,\n\nThe Gaultists won 43.6 per\neonl of the 22.9 million voles\neast in metropolitan France\ncompared with 37 per cent in\nthe first round of the last\nparliamentary vote, held in\nMarch 1967, They won 142 seats\nant fo into the runoffs leading\nanother 150.\n\n‘The Communist party won 20\nper cent—4.4 million votes\ncompared with 22 per cent fa\n1967. ‘They won only six seals\noutright and led in 23 others,\nTue Federation of the Left won\nno seats—but 3.6 million votes,\n18.5 per cent — amd led in 48\nseat races, Other leftest groups\nwon 1,1 million votes, 4.8 per\ncent of tre vole, and no seats.\n\nThe Center party—it preached\na omikkio way between Do\n" }, "14": { "bbox": [ 1852.8098095703126, 1357.0119580078126, 2147.98083984375, 1818.8083544921876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 14, "ocr_text": "The sheriffs dispatcher\nthought the culler was suffer-\nIng Irom the heat yesterday\nwhen he heard, “I ean’t enter\nmy hanse because Pye got\nbees in my Christmas tree,\"\n\nHowever, after further\nquestioning by Dispatcher Lau\nGels, It was learned that Ae\nfred Taccona couldn't enler\nhls cottage at 108 Bluebird\nRd, Crystal Beach, because\nof a swann of hees in a pine\ntree ut the entrance to (he\ndwelling,\n\nBee expert, Henry Crisman,\n3 Dailey Ave., Canandalgen,\n\\wab sunk fo the Crystal Beach\nnddress, wiih the nevessnry\nequipment, to eapiure the\nbees, He was assisted by Den-\nity Willlam Malotte,\n" }, "15": { "bbox": [ 628.8110302734375, 2776.084833984375, 930.462041015625, 3475.62341796875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 15, "ocr_text": "of 2.2 million residents.\n\nA military source, said possi-\nbly “‘several hundred tons’ of\nguerrilla arms te be used\nagainst Saigon were destroyed\nin the B52 strikes southeast of\nSaigon. The eighl-engine jets\nstruck an area that has served\nas the major springboard for\nCommunist assaults agains! the\ncapital.\n\nRed Alert,” according to\nmilitary usage, means an attack\nis imminent, The last previous\nsuch alert was followed two\nweeks later by a guerrilla\nassault on Saigon.\n\nA military spokesman denied\nreports that 3,000 more U. 5.\ntroops had been ordered into\nSaigon’s outskirts to fend off a\nnew attack. The spokesman said\nAmerican forceg merely pulled\ninto a fighter ring around\nSaigon, representing a garrison\nincrease of only 500 men.\n\nSouth Vietnamese traops\nfought two small] firefights with\nViet Cong guerrillas an the\noutskirts of Saigon Sunday,\nGovernment sources said 12\nCommunists died in the battles,\nwhile one government soldier\nwas kifed and tro wounded.\n" }, "16": null, "17": { "bbox": [ 330.51232421875, 2804.8341015625, 626.4785205078125, 3476.2928515625 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 17, "ocr_text": "BAIGON (OPI)—U.S, Bo2\nbombers today destroyed a\nnearby Viet Cong ammunition\ndump so big that it was still\nexploding six minutes after the\nStratofortresses left,\n\nIn downtown Saigon, 13, miles\naway, the earth trembled from\nthe dump explosions,\n\nU.S. intelligence sources said\nthe bombing was especially\ntimely. They said American\nforces inside Saigon went on\n“Red Alert” this afternoon\nbecause a third major Commu-\n‘Tist assault on the’ capital was\n\nexpected,\n\n| The alert sent Gis to their\n‘posts in five of Saigon’s eight\nprecincts, whole blecks of the\nareas already rubbled by Vict\nCong-North Vietnamese attacks\nin February and May.\n\nOnly the downtown area and\ntivo residential districts, to the\nwest and north, were bypassed\nin the alert, according to the\nSOUrCeS, Despite Viet Cong\nthreats, these districts have\nbeen spared the street and\nhouse-to-house fighting __ that\nmarked guerrijla attempts te\ncripple allied contro) of this city\n" }, "18": { "bbox": [ 1852.6809033203126, 1919.7685498046876, 2155.1502734375, 2604.4373828125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 18, "ocr_text": "think I would likg to be on the\nboard to do some further inves-\nligating to see if chunges are\nneeed, ¥ think, however, [\nhave witnessed inconsistent de-\nciston-naking by some admin\nistrators and would again like\nto know why. I’m not afraid to\nask queslions and take a stand\nif necessary and I feel that is\nthe way board members should\nbe, if acting in the best inter-\nests of lhe Bloomficld School\nsystem,” Baker concluded,\n\nBaker earned his B.S. degree\nfrom the State University Col-\nlege at Brockport aml has done\ngraduate work at Fredonla,\nGeneseo, and R.LT. He haa\nbeen awarded four National Sei-\nence Foundation Grants to Le.\nhigh Universiy, the Untversay\nof Rochester and Holy Crass\nUniversity where he will again\nattend a summer session start-\ning today.\n\nA Lions Club member, Baker\nwas also co-chairman of {he\nBloomfield Ltbrary Fund Drive\nthis year, He and his family are\n‘active members of the Lutheran\n‘Chureh of Trondequo't,\n" }, "19": { "bbox": [ 321.5791931152344, 371.33428955078125, 917.2078247070312, 714.3137817382812 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 19, "ocr_text": "New County\nCharter Vote\nHeld Likely\n" }, "20": { "bbox": [ 17.592945098876953, 2018.175048828125, 270.0960998535156, 2189.93701171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 20, "ocr_text": "Humphrey,\nNixon Gain\nDelegates\n" }, "21": { "bbox": [ 635.1428784179687, 2240.310908203125, 929.4489794921875, 2548.97205078125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 21, "ocr_text": "PITTSBURGH (UPI) — The\nUnited. Steelworkers Union\n(USW) and the hasic steel\nindustry, who couldn't reach a\ncontract agreement three years\nago until President Johnson\nintervened, iry to go it alone\ntoday with a strike deadline less\nthan six weeks away.\n\nWith both sides wanting\nneither federal intervention nor\na strike, top negotiaterg for the\nUSW and the industry met a an\nundisclosed place foday to talk\nmoney for the first fime.\n" }, "22": { "bbox": [ 621.4303540039062, 745.520869140625, 924.650029296875, 2177.6424609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 22, "ocr_text": "County Board of oupervisars, he\nstates:\nModernization Need\n\n“There seems io be Little\ndoubt that Ontario County,\nalong with other counties in the\nstate and nation, must modera-\nize its organizational structure\nfo be able to cope effectively\nwith the new service demands\nbeing placed upon it by slate\nand federal governments and\nby spreading urban problems. .\n. + It is to the credit of several\nexcellent and dedicated caunly\nofficials working together in a\ncooperative spirit thal an excel-\nlent record of progress hag al-\nready been compiled by ihe\ncounty without the benefit of a\ncentral executive anda modern\nstreamlined organization...\"\n\nGrasberger continues, “In\nthis day and age of increasing\nfunctional complexity and spe-\ncialization, the exercise of the\nlegislative function as well as\nthe administrative responsibili-\nties on the part of a county\nboard of supervisors ig ne long-\ner justifiable.”\n\nThe bureau gives four reasons\nfor making this statement.\n\n“1. The administrative prob\nlems faced by a county are con-\nsiderably more varied and com-\nplex than those encountered by\nthe town adminisirater. (The\nsupervisor is the administrator\nof the town in which he is elec-\nted.)\n\n“2. AS towns increase in pop-\nulation, so do the demands on\nthe time and effort of town su-\npervisors, which, of course, re-\nduces the time and effort avail-\nable for county purposes.\n\nAliritfon of Talent =,\n\n“3, There is litilé doubt: that\nbefore long all county legisla.\ntorg will have :to be elected\nfrom equal sized districts: which\nwould ‘remove ‘much, perhaps\n\njall, adminisirative talent. fram\nthe board.”\n\n(This statement touches or\nthe matter of reapportionment of\nthe county's legislaive body,\npresently known as the county\nboard of supervisors. The bur-\neau has completed a recom.\nmerdation for reapportionment\nwithin Onttrio Counly, but this\nrecommemlation has not yet\nbeen made public.)\n\n“4, County legislators are\ngenerally not ‘elecied by the\npeople for their qualifications as\nadministrators, but as the etec-\n\n(Continued on Page 3, Col. 5)\n" }, "23": { "bbox": [ 322.011962890625, 2570.111083984375, 878.8766479492188, 2765.107421875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 23, "ocr_text": " \n\nvc ‘Ammunition Dump Is\nDestroyed By U.S. Bombers\n" }, "24": { "bbox": [ 1275.5408935546875, 1835.6956787109375, 2121.8837890625, 1909.2164306640625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 24, "ocr_text": "Baker Seeks Sehoo} Post\n" }, "25": { "bbox": [ 17.046839599609374, 1650.6525830078126, 315.6621142578125, 2005.5915576171876 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 25, "ocr_text": "LANCASTER, Pa. (UPI)—\nThe last eight .cars. of the\nBroadway Limited . derailed\nnear here Sunday. night as the\nPenn Central’s New York-to-\nChicago” train’ hurdled” at” &0\nmiles an hour through south-\neaStaga Pennsylvania. . .\n\n*Wenty of the 146 passengers\naboard the .13-car train were\ninjured as two sleeping ears,\ntwo dinitig cars and four\ncoaches buckled and. jumped off\nthe tracks atthe edge of the\nsmall community of Landisvil-\nle. None of the carg - over-\nturned.\n" }, "26": { "bbox": [ 951.4380493164062, 1344.8538818359375, 1511.03662109375, 1501.9971923828125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 26, "ocr_text": "Police Evicting\nPoor Marchers\n" }, "27": { "bbox": [ 1546.8693798828126, 2825.336298828125, 1850.9322558593751, 3492.04138671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 27, "ocr_text": "ham District has trict several\nlimes to gain approval from the\nState to huikt a new facility on\nits own with state aid, the state\nhas consistently refused to ‘an-\nswer yes or no to requets for\napproval of such plans. Many\nofficials interpret this lack of\nresponse a3 a negative one,\nThe ‘Master Plan’\n\nThe other pressure source is\nthe State Depariment of Educa-\ntion which, District Superinten-\ndent John Layeless states, is\n“dedicated and committed to\nlJarger and more efficient”?\nschoo! districts as outlined hy a\nmaster plan, In this master\nplan, the slate has prescribed a\nmerger between the Gorham\nand Middlesex districts, as well\nas Hall and Brown. According\nfo Loveless, the stale is not\nlikely to grant any state aid for\nbuilding programs of any dis-\ntricts not reorganized,\n\nAlthough these pressures ex-\nisted in previous votes,. there\nare some new situations in the\ndistricts that were nat present\nduring earlisg merger procesd-\n" }, "28": { "bbox": [ 1234.308349609375, 2659.664794921875, 2118.794189453125, 2815.69189453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 28, "ocr_text": "‘Gorham, Middlesex School Merger Election\nWill Be Held Thursday; Fifth In 10 Years\n" }, "29": { "bbox": [ 15.023878936767577, 395.9848889160156, 310.22598754882813, 694.0568896484375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 29, "ocr_text": "VATICAN CITY (UPI)—Pope\nPaul VI called today for 2\ncomplete cease-fire in Vielnam\nand Nigeria and appealed to\n‘Avabs and Israelis: \"Don't take\nup arms again” r\n\nThe 70-year-old ‘Pope made\nhis strong and urgent appeals\nfor peace in a long speech to\nmembers of the College of\nCardinals who called on him to\ncommemorate his name day,\nthe feast of St, John the\nBaptist,\n\n \n" }, "30": { "bbox": [ 2171.045283203125, 3258.236201171875, 2463.502080078125, 3490.49255859375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 30, "ocr_text": "Muggy alr and changeable”\nsky with isolated showers and_\nthunder stowers likely af\nlimes today, tonight and Tues:\nday. High today generally in-\nthe middle Sts. Low tonight:\nabout 65, High Tuesday ge\nerally between 75 ‘and 80,\nSoutherly winds 10 to 20 miley’\nper hour today, beeoming*\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n" }, "31": { "bbox": [ 1851.3115234375, 1256.9427490234375, 2127.847412109375, 1349.3365478515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 31, "ocr_text": "Christmas Tree\nStory A'Honey'\n" }, "32": { "bbox": [ 2162.832392578125, 2965.77453125, 2464.891484375, 3174.256474609375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 32, "ocr_text": "WAVERLY, Mina. (UPI)\nMr. and Mrs. Francis Green of\n| Waconia, Minn,, had a surpris¢\nguest at their wedding reception\nSaturday night, someone they\nhadn't invited but were happy\nto_see. =\nTt was Vice President Hubert\n{. Humphrey, driving around\ntown. 5\n\n \n\n \n" }, "33": { "bbox": [ 48.28091049194336, 91.41598510742188, 292.3012390136719, 352.20428466796875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 33, "ocr_text": "Top.\nof the\nNews\n" }, "34": { "bbox": [ 955.6521606445312, 380.36865234375, 1513.393798828125, 1201.773681640625 ], "label": "photograph", "object_id": 34, "ocr_text": " \n\n \n" }, "35": { "bbox": [ 945.7163647460937, 3223.095576171875, 1231.16150390625, 3480.984013671875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 35, "ocr_text": "CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex.\n(OPI)—A spokesman for the\nTexas Department of Public\nSafety, reporting local react-\nion (0 a storm lashed Corpus\nChrist} with 60-mile-an-hour\nwinds and more than 2 inches\nof rain.\n\n“We were pretty lucky. We\ndidn’t get as much rain as we\nexpected. Nobody got very\nshook up aboxt #t here.”\n" }, "36": null, "37": { "bbox": [ 16.656519775390624, 1025.2453564453126, 314.54068481445313, 1323.3741503906251 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 37, "ocr_text": "WILLIAMSPORT, Pa, (UPL)\nNegotiations resume today in\nn effort to reach agreenient on\ncontract terms for 35 office and\nprofessional employes blocking\nthe end of a strike which has\nshut down the Avco Lycoming\nRircrafL engine plant _ since\nMay 3.\n\nBoth company negotiators\nand officials of Local 787, Unit-\ned Auto Workers, hoped to\nreach agreement today and re\nEume operations at the plant,\n" }, "38": { "bbox": [ 25.769936447143554, 751.7052563476562, 309.40143310546875, 966.911748046875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 38, "ocr_text": "GARRISON (UPI) — With\na cleaner Hudson River in\nmind, about 7,000 persons\ngathered in this Putman\nCounty village over the week-\nend to plenic, square dance\nand listen to folk singers.\nThe series of Saturday\nevents were to raise funds to\nend pollution in the MHudson.\n" }, "39": { "bbox": [ 930.7624462890625, 1542.53966796875, 1230.9404345703124, 3149.960576171875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 39, "ocr_text": "WASHINGTON (UPI)—\nPolice in riot garb began\nevacuating Resurrection — City\ntoday after a handful of\ninhabitunts pf the shantytown of\nthe Poor People’s Campaign\ndefied: an order to move out\nYolunlarily,\n\nThere = was, no -Apparent\nresistance to the police action.\n\nWearing “protective. . crast\nhelmets’ and carrying night\nsticks, Washington Metropolitan\nPolice, moved into the muddy\ncampsite after a deadline ended\nwith the poverty campaigners\nshowing no signs of- complying\nWilh a “get oul or get arrested”\nUltimatum, +\n\nSparsely Populated .\n\nThe encampment where the\npoor have lived: for six weeks\n‘was sparsely populated when\nthe. police sweep began.\n\nMost of the residents had left\nResurrection City to follow the\nRev, Ralph David Abernathy on\na protest march to ‘the\nAgriculture Department and\nCongress, ‘\n\nWith more than 1,000 Wash\nington Metropolitan Police and\nU.S. Park Police in the vicinity,\nthe shotgun-armed policemen\nconducted 8 house - to - house\nsearch of the 836 a-frame huts.\n\nAbout 16) persons, including\n“direct action” — coordinator\nHosea Williams, remained in\nthe camp to be arrested.\n\nAlmost all of the — small\nehildren and ‘elderly had been\nencouraged to depart the city\nafter the legal permit for the\npoor ta camp on government\ngrounds ended at 8 p.m, EDT\nSunday. Several carloads of\nehildren and oldsters were\ntaken to other places during the\nnight,\n\nThe showdown began less\nthan 14 hours after the legal\nPermit ta eamp on the grounds\nexpired.\n\nSeveral hundred police took\nup stations a few yards from\nthe compound shortly before 10\nam, EDT.\n\nThose in the city were then\ninstructed over police loud.\nspeakers they must leave the\nsite at 10:42 am, EDT—one\nhour from the time of the\nannouncement.\n\nPolice Order\n\nThe police order declared:\n\n“The permit for us2 of ihis\nproperty has expired. You must\nleave the camp by 10:42 this\nmoming to avoid arrest and\nprosecution,\n\n“Tf you have ao other means\nof roturning home, you will be\nprovided free bus transportation\nby the Travelers Aid Society.\nShuttle buses are now available\nat ihe west side of the Lincoly\n" }, "40": { "bbox": [ 2184.279541015625, 3200.501220703125, 2440.21875, 3249.67919921875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 40, "ocr_text": "The Weather\n" }, "41": { "bbox": [ 949.0228881835938, 3166.23876953125, 1222.7989501953125, 3217.84228515625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 41, "ocr_text": "Today's Quote\n" }, "42": { "bbox": [ 1574.392333984375, 726.8958740234375, 1802.6031494140625, 754.8290405273438 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 42, "ocr_text": "By JOSEPH WW. GRicG\n" }, "43": { "bbox": [ 25.38416564941406, 1384.6813916015626, 310.0889636230469, 1593.7391406250001 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 43, "ocr_text": "SUFFERN (UPI) — Eight\nPersons were In Good Samari-\ntan Hospital in Suffern today\nRfter a fireworks explosion fa\nMahwah, N.F., cost a man\nhig hand and a three-year-old\ngirl her eye. .\n\nTen persons Were injured in.\nthe Saturday mishap, iInclud-\ning five children,\n" }, "44": { "bbox": [ 335.7288818359375, 1080.1068115234375, 597.9705810546875, 1110.8597412109375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 44, "ocr_text": "By W. C. DANNENBRINK\n" }, "45": { "bbox": [ 647.0957641601562, 2200.807373046875, 914.3575439453125, 2235.8291015625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 45, "ocr_text": "Steel Pact Dizeussion\n" }, "46": { "bbox": [ 1302.1649169921875, 2826.47509765625, 1487.0565185546875, 2851.77880859375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 46, "ocr_text": "By GINNY CORSI\n" }, "47": { "bbox": [ 45.74006271362305, 713.9230346679688, 280.80279541015625, 746.1439819335938 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 47, "ocr_text": "‘Clean-Up’ Pienic\n" }, "48": { "bbox": [ 33.74025344848633, 1609.2955322265625, 303.2900390625, 1642.5528564453125 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 48, "ocr_text": "Crack Train Derailed\n" }, "49": { "bbox": [ 1546.8583935546876, 2417.6485546875, 1846.8708544921876, 2599.949345703125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 49, "ocr_text": "board could have done enything\nto prevent his leaving. [ also\nquestion the resignations of oth-\ner fine teachers from the\nBloomfiell clistricl and whal\ncaused them to leave.\"\n\nBaker continued, “I don't pro-\npose any radical changes, J\n" }, "50": { "bbox": [ 389.4080505371094, 2773.38427734375, 567.3554077148438, 2795.837890625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 50, "ocr_text": "By JACK WALSH\n" }, "51": { "bbox": [ 2189.373779296875, 2928.602783203125, 2439.705810546875, 2958.3076171875 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 51, "ocr_text": "_.. dad Vote-Seeker\n" }, "52": { "bbox": [ 970.1331787109375, 1503.8857421875, 1209.8287353515625, 1528.513427734375 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 52, "ocr_text": "Dy MICHAEL ‘ANDERS\n" }, "53": { "bbox": [ 36.91825866699219, 987.5521850585938, 298.0312194824219, 1019.5214233398438 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 53, "ocr_text": "Aircraft Strike Talks\n" }, "54": null, "55": { "bbox": [ 45.99119567871094, 1341.6365966796875, 288.9115295410156, 1371.1556396484375 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 55, "ocr_text": "Fireworks Tragedy\n" }, "56": { "bbox": [ 57.874080657958984, 364.2967834472656, 275.2486267089844, 392.15289306640625 ], "label": "author", "object_id": 56, "ocr_text": "Pope’s Peace Plea\n" }, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }
[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2 ], [ 0, 7 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 7 ], [ 2, 7 ] ]
[ 4141.330265625, 6138.88427734375 ]
[ [ 0, 7 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 2, 1 ] ]
{ "0": { "bbox": [ 2815.71123828125, 161.4622911376953, 3467.6105390625003, 1189.9473310546875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 0, "ocr_text": "Meyer, Mrs. Nathan Mogler, Mra.\nEarl Olson. Mra. Clara Solberg.\nOliver Christianson, Earl Long.\nMrs. Olianna Vinnss, Mrs. Percy\nWatrnem, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex\nWilson of Humboldt, Mra. Bern-\nard Coyle and family of LaVerne,\nMr. and Mrs. Dallas Coyle and\nCharlotte of Fairmont, Minne\nsota,\n\nMrs. Earl Olson was elected\nvice president of the Ft Dodge\nConference American Latheran\nChurch Women at Eagle Grove\nSunday afternoon. Others who\nattend the church meeting from\nhere were Rev. and Mrs. Robert\nJ. LeMont, Linda LeMont, Mrs.\nLoran Daniel and Mr. and) Mrs,\nDonald Usher.\n\nKenny, son of Mr. and) Mrs.\nVerne Waechter celebrated his\nseventh birthday Wednesday.\n" }, "1": { "bbox": [ 2132.3123125, 164.26029528808593, 2792.1383710937503, 1187.3762861328125 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 1, "ocr_text": "pitals at lowa City Friday, He\nwill have to return May 20 for\nmore tests. Mr. and Mrs, Delbert\nWehrspann and family of Bird\nIsland Minnesota were woekend\nquests at the Lester Wehrapann\nhome.\n\nPrivate Arian Jacobson is at\nVinh Long Viet Nam, about one\nhundred miles south of Siagon.\nHe enjoys mail and his address is\nPrivate Arlan FE. Jacobson\nR.A. 16925217\nCo. D. 86th Engr. B.N. (C.B.T.)(A)\nA.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.06370\n\nMrs. Mike Coyle returned\nhome from Mercy Hospital Tues-\nday. She has had the following\nvisitors since returning home,\nMrs. W. G. Cooper, Mrs. Eugene\nHofius, Mr. and Mrs. Edward\nZinnel, Rev. LeMont, Mrs. Martin\n" }, "2": { "bbox": [ 1457.133845703125, 279.19100512695314, 2110.61298046875, 1187.7062421875 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 2, "ocr_text": "Mra. Chris Anderson was taken\nta Lutheran Hospital Tuesday\nnight, where she ls recovering\nfrom pneumonia,\n\nSP5 Jack Strickland, Mrs,\nStrickland and Patty came from\nFt. Gorton Georgla Sunday night\nto visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.\nLeo Tofteberg, SPS Strickland\nwill be on furlough until May 20,\nwhen he will return to Viet Nam.\nwhere he has served previously.\nMrs. Strickland and Patty will\nremain with the Toftebergs.\n\nLawrence Telford returned to\nthe Soldiers Home at Marshall-\ntown Saturday, after spending\ntwo weeks here.\n\nLester Wehrspann — returned\nhome from the University Hos-\n" }, "3": { "bbox": [ 3454.474365234375, 5560.751953125, 4109.49365234375, 6138.88427734375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 3, "ocr_text": "NEED EXTRA SEED\n\n \n" }, "4": { "bbox": [ 3467.224609375, 4224.30322265625, 4090.82861328125, 5491.85400390625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 4, "ocr_text": " \n\n“A do)\" netead\nWithin ibe Mea\na@ ar\n\nWE HAVE\nThe Moe Complete\nSehection of\nMemornas hs\nowe\n\nS28 OUR OMSPLAYS\n\nsVURORIEMD rane\n\nz\n\nGlenn T. Schellhammer\n\nWeet Bead, lows\n" }, "5": { "bbox": [ 1476.20849609375, 159.4000701904297, 2064.914794921875, 245.7300567626953 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 5, "ocr_text": "OTTOSEN NEWS\n" }, "6": { "bbox": [ 175.6324920654297, 1471.7703857421875, 3443.52587890625, 6088.06494140625 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 6, "ocr_text": "EN\nSPONSORED BY PALO ALTO COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS\n\neamnrsereemnessmamsmmranensisrinmstentrsninaetseras atest eaten aRSaeS SS TS SETS RARA ARCO ATE ARETE EASON EASIEST SSATP PE RRASEeSSSEDteiaepnn ta\nLURATUNEDEEEEL NG HOODOO ST DESEDDITLLSPDISEPDIHICOGHHODEVEDEL GvEPUOD HULA DypOoNNOUEtSaustittenteseseeatenenesusceedeceTuEnscetsibesd tnteeenst tag tuUle MGSLOERCEITUPUEASORI CECH AHN CSEHULATEN EERE EGRESS IANIU ES LERYEC AED. HOTURECEETBHUAUASATEEYUCERETERREICRSOM UH UETRL, SORRMOORDUDUSAOERPUSAOUEDNERURITUOE NANETTE UOTE IURICSRERNLEIOLSTLER..\ni: i ATAGT VAPORS TEA CERUOTIR IO 8 SOAPS PORIRELAMALA AIRS MA FI POLLAN TERE SEN COIN\n\nFree offer for May only.\n\n|\n|\n\n \n\nSe iaeweneeadea\n\nPe ttawoane) = Fa i\n\n \n\nDat you dat have fe take Ut ll at once\n\nBuy 4 Amoco’ 120 Super Tires—get GO gallons of gasoiine (ree.\nBuy 4 Atlas Piycron Tires—Qel 30 gallons free.\n\nNew four-ply tires? You bet. Make the deal of your life with your Standard Oil Dealer. And on top of\nall that Standard gives you FREE Super Premium gasoline. You don't need cash with your Standard\nOll Credit Card—just take advantage of our new revolving charge plan—no money down. If you\ndon't have our credit card, ask for Instant Credit. Free gasoline-tire offer ends June 3rd. So hurry.\n\n@\nxia\nSTANDARD\n\n \n\n \n\n© American On Comnpany. 1068 « Wartd's largest distributer of Ales tires.\nTrademarks —\"Atias —PUcton” —Reg, U.S Pal. Ott. Attes Supmty Co.\n\n \n\n \n\nAVARABAS AT THESE PARTICIPATING STANDARD OF DEALERE:\n\nKnecht Standard Service\n\nWEST BEND, IOWA\n" }, "7": { "bbox": [ 3477.151423828125, 155.177546875, 4141.330265625, 4138.545109375 ], "label": "article", "object_id": 7, "ocr_text": "Afternoon visitors were his\n\ngrandparents, Mr. and Mra, An-\n\ntone Waerhter of Weat Bend and\n\nPaul Schmidt.\n\nMr. and Mra. Oliver Kinsoth\nvisited her sister, Mrs. Lee\nWhitaker at Omaha from Thurs-\nday until Saturday. Mes. Whi-\ntaker ix seriously sick at the\nhospital,\n\nMrs. Richard Kinseth. Marsha\nand Karen attended a shower for\nMra. Dan Proffitt. nee Nadine\nSatern. at the Metheedist Church\nat Bradgate Wednesday night.\n\nMes. Ralph Richards, chairman\nof the Cancer Drive in Ottosen\nreports that $4180 waa roveely-\ned. Yer workers were Mra. Gor-\nald Hoffman and Mrs. Robert J.\nLeMont.\n\nMr. and Mra. Martin Meyer\nand Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyer\nand family brought alone their\nsupper to the home of Miss Elsie\nMeyer at Fenton on Thursday to\nhelp Miss Meyer celebrate her\nbirthday.\n\nMrs. Clara Solberg. Oliver\nChristianeon and Mr. and Mra.\nRalph Richards attended the FH.\ntieth Anniversary Onen House\nfor Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Lehnus at\nthe Methodist Church at Rolfe\nSunday afternoon.\n\nSunday dinner guests at the\nArthur Zeman home were Mr.\nand Mirs. Robert Larson and\ndaughters of Forest City. Pvt.\nLarry Laron of Ft. Leonard Wood\nMissouri and Marilyn Zeman of\nDes Moines.\n\nThe card club tn which the\nfollowing belong. Mr. and Mrs.\nAllan Watnem, Mr. and = Mrs.\nGerald Hoffman. Mr. and = Mrs\nJames Banwart, Mr. and = Mrs.\nRandy Watnem of Humboldt and\nMr. and Mrs. Robert Wacchter of\nWest Bend. enjoved dinner Fri-\nday night at Charlies Supper\nClub.\n\nThomas Thompson and = Mrs.\nTilbert Thompson of Eagle Grove,\nOtto Edwards and daughter of\nClarion and Marraret Holt were\nSunday afternoon visitors at the\nhome of Mrs. Harvey Thorsen.\n\nMr. and Mrs. Irl Bell and Sheryl\nof Red Ook and Mr and Mrs.\nAllan Watnem and family were\nSunday dinner uests at the\nhome of Mrs. Zula Bell at Lobr-\nvile. Mrs. Zula Bell is Mrs.\nWatnem’s grandmother.\n\nMr. and Mrs Norman Speich\nand Michelle of Hampton were\nSaturday afternoon and Sunday\nvisitors at the Antone Speichs.\nSunday afternoon they all went\nto the E!dan Walters home at\nRenwick where they were supper\nguests,\n\nMr cand Mrs Harold Jacabsan\nof Lone Rock are the parents of\nason, John Justin. barn April 22\nat Holy Family Hospital at\nEstherville. This makes 4 family\naf three sons and dauchter. for\nthem. Mrs. Kate Jacobson of\nOtteson is the maternal grand-\nmother and Mr. and Mrs. George\nMcDonald of Shurdan the mater-\nnal grandparents.\n\nSunday aftemoon visitors at\nthe Leo Tofteberg home were\nMr. and Mrs. Clarence Hinz and\nfamiy, Mr .and Mrs. Mrs. Mike\nHing and Watlte: of LaVerne and\n\nMr. and Mrs. Wesley Graveland\nof Ph oce BP eccwse\n" }, "8": { "bbox": [ 170.14483642578125, 898.0978393554688, 1388.7108154296875, 1459.7796630859375 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 8, "ocr_text": "SEED BEANS ©\n\n \n\nEG. HARK Bagged .....-....----- 0. ence ewan $4.00 per bu.\nERTIFIED CHIPPEWA G4, Bagued ............ $3.75 per bu.\n-ERTIFLED AMSOY, Bagged .....-..........-. $3.80 per bu.\n\nALSO CERTIFIED AMSOY in overhead bin... $3-30 per bu.\n\nDONALD D. USHER\nPHONE 379-1492 = OTTOSEN, IOWA 16-tf.\n" }, "9": { "bbox": [ 180.68191528320312, 204.39297485351562, 1390.3858642578125, 754.7744750976562 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 9, "ocr_text": "Bank - O Night |\n\n\"Friday May 8,\nt\n\ntebe eeaene\n\n \n\nOnd oo... $20. $\nREGISTER WHERE YOU SEE THE YELLOW SIGN\n__ BANK-O-BUCK STORE\n\nCHAMBER of COMMERCE\nresewnegbempraneuireteeiedanastiefviatsnardansehamamalysivetneresiynreand tncnttbap- aver TT nn\n" }, "10": { "bbox": [ 1455.6541748046875, 1246.26904296875, 3315.706298828125, 1536.1513671875 ], "label": "cartoon_or_advertisement", "object_id": 10, "ocr_text": "JUNE IS BEEF MONTH\n\nSPONSORED BY PALO ALTO COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS\n" }, "11": null, "12": { "bbox": [ 1460.1314697265625, 1250.2799072265625, 3334.750732421875, 1526.1080322265625 ], "label": "headline", "object_id": 12, "ocr_text": "JUNE IS BEEF MONTH\n\nSPONSORED BY PALO ALTO COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS\n" }, "13": null, "14": null, "15": null, "16": null, "17": null, "18": null, "19": null, "20": null, "21": null, "22": null, "23": null, "24": null, "25": null, "26": null, "27": null, "28": null, "29": null, "30": null, "31": null, "32": null, "33": null, "34": null, "35": null, "36": null, "37": null, "38": null, "39": null, "40": null, "41": null, "42": null, "43": null, "44": null, "45": null, "46": null, "47": null, "48": null, "49": null, "50": null, "51": null, "52": null, "53": null, "54": null, "55": null, "56": null, "57": null, "58": null, "59": null, "60": null, "61": null, "62": null, "63": null, "64": null, "65": null, "66": null, "67": null, "68": null, "69": null, "70": null, "71": null, "72": null, "73": null, "74": null, "75": null, "76": null, "77": null, "78": null, "79": null, "80": null, "81": null, "82": null, "83": null, "84": null, "85": null, "86": null, "87": null, "88": null, "89": null, "91": null, "92": null, "93": null }