caption,sentid,split,img_id,filename A man in a white shirt is taking a jog on a paved path which runs through trees and grass.,100000,train,20000,4538210392_0.jpg A runner in a yellow and black running suit and black running shoes stands at his mark prepared to run a race.,100005,train,20001,4538926478_0.jpg A man with brown pants and brown jacket is pushing a cart up a incline.,100010,train,20002,4538960982_0.jpg A young woman wearing red sneakers and carrying multiple bags stops on a sidewalk to look at photos of dresses.,100015,train,20003,4539324862_0.jpg Three woman and one man is jumping into off a pile a sand with their over their heads.,100020,train,20004,453957521_0.jpg A man dressed in dark colors and a hat plays his guitar on the side of the road.,100025,test,20005,4539608494_0.jpg A man painted in silver is trying to get the attention of the crowd passing by.,100030,train,20006,4539916208_0.jpg People walking through lobby with patches of daylight and shadow reflections.,100035,train,20007,4540109233_0.jpg A woman wearing a black fur coat is walking down the street holding an umbrella.,100040,train,20008,4540165999_0.jpg "A Large statue in the middle of a park and in front of a large, historic building.",100045,train,20009,4540467837_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt is looking to the left while many people are in the background.,100050,train,20010,4540719607_0.jpg A man in a trench coast waiting to cross a cross a street in downtown.,100055,train,20011,4540798718_0.jpg A group of people standing by Track 17 and waiting for a subway train.,100060,train,20012,4541174424_0.jpg "Two women, one in a red jacket, one in a silver jacket walking on a city street.",100065,train,20013,4541240319_0.jpg "A blond woman in heels and a semi revealing dress stands on a sidewalk, distracted by something.",100070,train,20014,4541453490_0.jpg A woman holding roses stands in front of an entry area while others are in line.,100075,train,20015,4541666784_0.jpg A woman in a yellow and red outfit is squinting at a computer screen while holding a mouse.,100080,test,20016,4541692312_0.jpg "In what appears to be a ballet or dance routine, two women are lifted by two men.",100085,train,20017,4541695561_0.jpg An African American man wearing a black leather jacket and fedora is speaking on his cellphone and holding a large camera with a flash bulb.,100090,train,20018,4541769119_0.jpg "A man surfing a large wave in vibrant blue water, with large rocks in the foreground.",100095,train,20019,4541856720_0.jpg A man in shorts and flip-flops is carrying a bag on his back.,100100,train,20020,4542010975_0.jpg A boy in a blue bathing suit is diving into the water.,100105,train,20021,4542018645_0.jpg "A pair of men in shorts lay on the concrete in a drainage culvert, surrounded by graffiti.",100110,train,20022,4542018647_0.jpg A skateboarder with knee pads gets a bit of air time after jumping up out of a bowl at a skate park.,100115,train,20023,4542251311_0.jpg "A man wearing a African attire is sitting on a stool while another man, seated in front of him, is giving him a shoeshine.",100120,train,20024,4542426243_0.jpg A lonely bicycle rider going through town before the busy day begins.,100125,train,20025,4542565918_0.jpg "A woman dressed in a white shirt, short shorts, and a fedora, walks away from the camera.",100130,train,20026,4542690151_0.jpg A man in a yellow shirt fixes shingles on a roof with a hammer.,100135,train,20027,45427454_0.jpg "A man in white shirt and blue vest is playing a large wooden pipe, with mountains and trees in the background.",100140,train,20028,4542945548_0.jpg "A man in a cap and red, blue, and white jacket looks off to the left while people are milling about behind him.",100145,train,20029,4543013263_0.jpg A child wearing a red shirt is eating a piece of food.,100150,train,20030,454333157_0.jpg An African-American man in a dark jacket walks past a iron fence with gold accents that encloses a park.,100155,train,20031,4543568583_0.jpg A middle-age walking man wearing glasses and gray suit is covering his mouth with cars running in the background.,100160,train,20032,4543570621_0.jpg "A man in a jacket, hat, and jeans is holding a newspaper as he walks on the street.",100165,train,20033,4543597515_0.jpg Two men each holding their dog on leashes as the two dogs play with each other.,100170,train,20034,4543597747_0.jpg At a beach a ball is in the air while a man in a red long-sleeved shirt and dark pants is lunging forward.,100175,train,20035,4543732537_0.jpg Two men holding shovels are standing around dirt and trees.,100180,train,20036,4543755321_0.jpg An Asian man playing a musical pipe type Yamaha instrument with foam covered sticks in front of a red sign written in Chinese.,100185,train,20037,4543797560_0.jpg The two ladies are talking to a man on the street and the other two ladies are standing aside.,100190,train,20038,4543903308_0.jpg A gymnast wearing a maroon and black outfit has just completed a routine and is posting on the gym mat.,100195,train,20039,4544052868_0.jpg "A frowning woman with a green long-sleeved shirt is walking on a busy street, while an also frowning man sporting a mustache and a black jacket walks beside her with his hands in his pockets.",100200,val,20040,4544194772_0.jpg A woman with black hair and a purple outfit is standing in a doorway with luggage.,100205,train,20041,4544197412_0.jpg Two women are waiting outside a building while a man in black carries a large bouquet of flowers somewhere.,100210,train,20042,4544229876_0.jpg A group of men in black coats stand on the sidewalk behind the sign for their organization.,100215,train,20043,4544230674_0.jpg A red-haired woman dressed in black looks down at the papers in her hands as a subway train approaches.,100220,train,20044,4544243028_0.jpg A lady wearing a hat and sunglasses is painting a picture of a wooded area with a river with a brush held in her right hand.,100225,train,20045,4544245701_0.jpg "Two men wearing sunglasses hold a banner that reads ""YES, MR. PRESIDENT, LET 'S BRING HONEST TEA TO WALL ST."".",100230,train,20046,4544246166_0.jpg Two persons are examining a bicycle that is upside down on some asphalt in front of somebody's yard and home.,100235,train,20047,4544609414_0.jpg Two people are sitting across a table from each other in the middle of an empty stage surrounded by people and lighting equipment.,100240,train,20048,4544641137_0.jpg A man in a suit with a briefcase is crossing the street of a city.,100245,train,20049,4544754927_0.jpg A woman is on stage playing a guitar and singing into a microphone.,100250,train,20050,4544881698_0.jpg Two women in tight fitting jeans walk down a street while one of them carries a pink plastic shopping bag.,100255,train,20051,4545104306_0.jpg "A woman wearing a blue shirt and black leggings, has spring boots going down a brick road.",100260,train,20052,4545180999_0.jpg "Two middle-aged women, dressed in black kimonos with printed designs across the bottom of the kimono's skirt, smiling, while walking in city square.",100265,train,20053,4545183125_0.jpg A young woman lifts her voice in song in a field near an old wooden structure.,75000,train,15000,3590739067_0.jpg Three people are standing at a fence looking at a skyscraper filled city while one looks through a binocular scope.,75005,train,15001,3590753142_0.jpg A tan dog climbing over a bare tree trunk with a man standing in the background,75010,train,15002,359082432_0.jpg This is a lady in a blue outfit with white and Blue Shoes holding a tennis racket in her hand.,75015,train,15003,3591078425_0.jpg Young boy in a white striped shirt and headband holding a tennis racket.,75020,test,15004,3591283677_0.jpg A clown in a colorful shirt and cowboy hat is raising his arms in a crowd of people.,75025,train,15005,3591457224_0.jpg "A cowboy is thrown from the horse he was riding, while the judge stands by with his hand on a yellow flag.",75030,train,15006,3591458156_0.jpg Long hair is being curled with a curing iron by someone with two silver colored bracelets.,75035,train,15007,3591460077_0.jpg A cowboy in a white outfit just got bucked off an angry bull.,75040,train,15008,3591461782_0.jpg A rodeo rider gets tossed up into the air by a black bull as fellow cowboys look on.,75045,train,15009,3591462960_0.jpg "The brown, furry animal is walking in the snowy grass with a tree behind him.",75050,train,15010,359173181_0.jpg A woman is jumping down from checking the contents of a large tank.,75055,train,15011,359203628_0.jpg A boy wearing red swim trunks plays in the sand at the ocean.,75060,train,15012,35929050_0.jpg A guy with a blue helmet stands on ropes above everyone else.,75065,train,15013,359291972_0.jpg A man playing a guitar under the lights with other people in the background.,75070,train,15014,3592968286_0.jpg A man in a white shirt walks in the tall grass holding a stick.,75075,train,15015,3592992234_0.jpg "A man in a blue, yellow and white shirt is riding a bike.",75080,train,15016,3593101509_0.jpg The young man strolls on the rooftop as a kite flies in the cloudy distance.,75085,train,15017,3593206558_0.jpg A surfer in a wetsuit balances on his board amidst ocean spray.,75090,train,15018,3593220756_0.jpg The man on the brown surfboard has created a large splash that soaks the two other surfers standing by.,75095,train,15019,3593222804_0.jpg A black and tan dog is running with a white and gray dog along dirt.,75100,test,15020,3593392955_0.jpg An elderly Man wearing a olive green shirt and red and white striped apron is stacking cheese.,75105,train,15021,3593397394_0.jpg Several hockey players from different teams and a referee are together on the ice.,75110,train,15022,3593538248_0.jpg A woman in a short skirt holds a plastic bottle as she walks down a street with auto and pedestrian traffic.,75115,train,15023,3593556797_0.jpg Here is a woman holding out a paddle in a novelty shop with everything.,75120,train,15024,3593666715_0.jpg A black and white bird with a yellow beak is flying.,75125,train,15025,3594029059_0.jpg One woman with a drink in her hand is smiling at something while her friend looks on,75130,train,15026,3594421304_0.jpg The man threw his paddle in the air and fell out of the boat and into the water.,75135,train,15027,3594566537_0.jpg The man has a goatee and wear black gloves while riding a bike.,75140,train,15028,3594822096_0.jpg A small black and white dog jumps with red plastic fence in background.,75145,train,15029,3595216998_0.jpg A woman stands next to a man in a hat holding a cup standing next to another man in a yellow hat.,75150,train,15030,3595408539_0.jpg A woman in a black t-shirt is showing a man in a striped shirt something at an exhibit.,75155,train,15031,3595507882_0.jpg "Yellow dog stands on hind legs with ball in mouth, building in background.",75160,train,15032,3595643050_0.jpg "Two ladies are seated opposite of each other at a craft table with books, papers, and scissors in front of them as one is observing the other's work.",75165,train,15033,3595795155_0.jpg A young girl making an arts and crafts project as a teacher looks over the table.,75170,train,15034,3595795231_0.jpg A middle-aged woman dressed in black cuts from a page in a book using elementary school scissors.,75175,train,15035,3595795269_0.jpg Some school teachers are doing crafts and the others are discussing something in a colorful room.,75180,train,15036,3595795327_0.jpg "A young blond girl smiling behind a fence, laying down on the grass, giving two thumbs up with a turtle before her.",75185,val,15037,3595956590_0.jpg A group of people lock arms in a line while others in the background watch.,75190,train,15038,3595981033_0.jpg A brown dog runs in the woods with a serious look on its face.,75195,train,15039,3595992258_0.jpg Three children wearing soccer uniforms chase after a blue and gray soccer ball.,75200,train,15040,3596131692_0.jpg A very ripped girl holds a large barbell on her shoulder in a gym.,75205,train,15041,3596356507_0.jpg "A cluttered table filled with food, plates, forks, knives, salt and pepper shakers.",75210,train,15042,3596417458_0.jpg The shirtless male marathon runner is wearing a backpack and a silver robot looking helmet on his head.,75215,train,15043,3596428453_0.jpg A motorcycle goes by a crowd with its rear wheel in the air.,75220,train,15044,3596459539_0.jpg Two people are wearing bright orange hard hats while working along side a building while elevated in a blue piece of construction equipment.,75225,train,15045,3596771113_0.jpg A group of people appear to be tilling the ground in front of a couple of thatch roof huts.,75230,train,15046,3596959859_0.jpg A little girl jumping into the stream of water on a hot day.,75235,test,15047,3597007663_0.jpg The boy in black is skateboarding in the air in front of the flowers and a white and blue sign.,75240,train,15048,3597146852_0.jpg A boy jumps up to make a basket in a basketball hoop.,75245,train,15049,3597210806_0.jpg "A girl's hands, another person's feet, and a boy playing bongo drums sit on a picnic table.",75250,train,15050,3597326009_0.jpg The children are near a large pile of sand that is next to the water.,75255,train,15051,3597354819_0.jpg A woman wearing a scarf is holding a gift wrapped in blue character themed wrapping paper.,75260,train,15052,3597687059_0.jpg "Group outside of ice cream place, decorated with giant cone, two innertubes.",75265,train,15053,3597715122_0.jpg A brown dog runs through a field of grass spotted with yellow flowers,75270,train,15054,3597924257_0.jpg A woman is holding a baby while standing in the middle of a room.,75275,train,15055,359800617_0.jpg Many people are standing outside of an airport with their luggage.,75280,train,15056,3598128992_0.jpg "A black dog walks through a rocky, grassy landscape under a blue, cloudy sky.",75285,train,15057,359837950_0.jpg The daughter admits that her mom is cool in her aviator sunglasses.,75290,train,15058,3598426335_0.jpg Two Asian women are holding a YMCA sign and posing for the picture.,75295,train,15059,3598447133_0.jpg A man in black with a helmet is water rafting in a green canoe.,75300,train,15060,3598447435_0.jpg Three young sumo wrestler students stand at attention at an award ceremony in front of a man at the microphone.,75305,test,15061,3599392711_0.jpg A shirtless young man punches snow as if he was selling perfume.,75310,train,15062,3599442049_0.jpg "A guy is sitting on the floor, getting his haircut by one guy, and being photographed by another one.",75315,train,15063,3599780784_0.jpg A family with no home trying to make some type of shelter from sticks and tree limbs in a wooded area.,75320,train,15064,3599895386_0.jpg Two men with backpacks are standing on rocks near a waterfall.,75325,train,15065,3600216153_0.jpg A brown dog runs toward the camera down a rocky trail through the brush with mountains in the background.,75330,train,15066,3600221224_0.jpg A hiker is squatting on the ground looking at a tree stump while his companion stands nearby holding a walking stick.,75335,test,15067,3600229533_0.jpg A man waves to the camera from inside a greenhouse section of a farm products store.,75340,train,15068,3600403707_0.jpg Two young boys on a blanket on the ground in front of their house.,75345,train,15069,3600525829_0.jpg A person on a skateboard is in the air while performing a skateboarding trick.,75350,train,15070,3600909823_0.jpg People walking in a big city along where the public street transportation runs.,75355,train,15071,3601018639_0.jpg Three woman dressed in colorful festive outfits perform a dance in an outdoor courtyard.,75360,train,15072,3601298556_0.jpg "A male Equestrian rider leans forward as his horse stretches out for the 2nd jump of the course, as the crowd looks on with amazement",75365,train,15073,3601305072_0.jpg A female figure skater on one leg with the other high up in the air as her arms are spread open wide.,75370,train,15074,360132352_0.jpg Two young boys with blue shirts and glasses posing for the camera,75375,train,15075,3601394864_0.jpg A girl with long blond-hair in the middle of nowhere with mountains in the background wearing a shirt from Argentina.,75380,train,15076,3601419342_0.jpg A group of young men in sports uniforms from two opposing teams are in vigorous play on a grassy field.,75385,test,15077,3601491447_0.jpg A man dressed in a yellow sports uniform and another man dressed in a red and white sports uniform holding sticks with a ball floating between them.,75390,train,15078,3601508034_0.jpg A man is partially silhouetted and leaning against a dark object.,75395,train,15079,3601533527_0.jpg "There are riders and horses in a horse race, going around a track.",75400,train,15080,3601569729_0.jpg A young couple kiss while a crowd mills in the background on a sunny day.,75405,train,15081,3601803640_0.jpg A person wearing a red and white uniform is racing a motorcycle with the number 58 on it.,75410,train,15082,3601843201_0.jpg Two men are standing under a large work of art by a brick building.,75415,train,15083,3601978895_0.jpg A little boy in a blue baseball jersey and blue helmet wipes dirt off a base.,75420,train,15084,3602437310_0.jpg "A young boy wearing a white shirt with ""Frog!"" printed in red, turns the pages of a book he is holding.",75425,train,15085,3602603745_0.jpg "A person on a bicycle wears a helmet and jumps, soaring over the ground in front of a skyline and lake.",75430,train,15086,3602676311_0.jpg Two men are working on the treads of a large piece of equipment.,75435,train,15087,36026845_0.jpg People gather at dusk to look at shops that are lit up on the sides of the sidewalk,75440,train,15088,360275648_0.jpg A black dog standing in a shallow area of water on a rocky beach.,75445,train,15089,3602838407_0.jpg Two workmen in jeans pave the floor at a transportation stop next to a barren hill.,75450,train,15090,36030175_0.jpg One child behind a camera on a tripod with one child in a beige shirt and black shorts standing against the wall.,75455,train,15091,3603064161_0.jpg "A baseball player in a black and orange shirt, and with a glove on, pitches the ball.",75460,train,15092,3603116579_0.jpg A man in a white Bobcat scoops dirt from the ground near an athletic field.,75465,train,15093,36032318_0.jpg Five men playing a sport on a field with multicolored shirts on.,75470,train,15094,3603301825_0.jpg A group of female stage performers wearing white outfits are dancing together in front of a bright pink light.,75475,train,15095,3603357375_0.jpg A black dog is in the water with something orange in his mouth.,75480,train,15096,3603870481_0.jpg Six young children are standing in an area shaded by trees viewing paper being tossed into the air.,75485,train,15097,3603879637_0.jpg A man races in a small vehicle while another man hangs off the back.,75490,train,15098,3604314527_0.jpg A man with headphones has his mouth wide open while a woman stands next to him.,75495,train,15099,3604383863_0.jpg Two men are wearing caps are looking at the ground with surprised expressions on their faces.,75500,train,15100,3604384157_0.jpg A woman is leaning back into a man's arms as they look each other in the face.,75505,train,15101,3604384383_0.jpg A man in a red shirt is laying on the grass reaching out to another person.,75510,train,15102,3604391853_0.jpg Person in blue stand by flowers in open air market while another person with a cane walks the path,75515,train,15103,3604496023_0.jpg A cheerleading team is forming a pyramid with a banner of purple stars behind them.,75520,train,15104,3604872775_0.jpg A young female has her left leg bent in the air holing it with her left hand.,75525,train,15105,3604877863_0.jpg Cheerleaders clad in red and white with bows in their hair perform a move during competition.,75530,train,15106,3604881301_0.jpg A child floating on a blue raft while a woman holds on to him while a black dog swims nearby.,75535,train,15107,3604928725_0.jpg "A girl wearing a pink dress kisses a girl wearing white pants with a red and white top on the forehead, as they both sit on the stairs.",75540,train,15108,3605047694_0.jpg Group of children surround and pet white dog with blue collar on grass.,75545,train,15109,3605061440_0.jpg A group of college students enjoying each others company and a good cup of coffee at the local coffee house.,75550,train,15110,360509186_0.jpg A brown and white dog barking through the fence at smaller black and white dog.,75555,train,15111,3605100550_0.jpg An older man repairing a bike tire in a grassy park.,75560,train,15112,3605142079_0.jpg "Toddler in blue shirt and beige khaki shorts and brown shoes, holding a small blue shovel, walking along beach shore with two white seagulls swooping towards him.",75565,train,15113,3605259195_0.jpg "A man in a green and white ""Irish"" baseball uniform is lunging forward as though to throw the ball underhand as an older man in umpire's uniform looks on.",75570,train,15114,3605440115_0.jpg Two children are in a pool with a beach ball floating nearby.,75575,train,15115,3605676864_0.jpg "Cheerleaders in maroon skirts and maroon and white sleeveless shirts, cheering on the team.",75580,train,15116,3605702304_0.jpg The group of people in the river are using canoes are using their boating skills.,75585,train,15117,3605883553_0.jpg A man is performing a midair stunt on a dirt bike while people in the background watch.,75590,train,15118,3606084228_0.jpg Two men in life jackets speed through the water in an orange motorboat.,75595,train,15119,3606093421_0.jpg A little boy smiling next to a toy train track on the floor with his sister neat the couch build the rest of the track.,75600,train,15120,360614682_0.jpg "A man pushing a baby stroller at the beach, a woman with a little boy ahead.",75605,train,15121,3606355203_0.jpg A well dressed asian businessman walking ahead of a poorly dressed asian man in front of a white tile wall.,75610,train,15122,360651988_0.jpg A man with gray hair and a gray shirt plays the drums.,75615,train,15123,3606810899_0.jpg "A man in a green shirt on a half pipe, doing a skateboard stunt.",75620,train,15124,3606846822_0.jpg A silver and black race car turns sideways and blows smoke out the back of the car.,75625,train,15125,3606909929_0.jpg "A man with a blue, yellow and green swimming cap is wearing goggles and swimming.",75630,train,15126,3606942887_0.jpg A dog is standing on its hind legs with its paws outstretched whilst carrying a red object in its mouth.,75635,train,15127,360723732_0.jpg Three black dogs wearing muzzles race through the green grass.,75640,train,15128,3607405494_0.jpg A BMX racer comes down a hill; everything around him is a blur,75645,val,15129,3607489370_0.jpg "A group of travelers of various backgrounds walk down a hallway, carrying and dragging their luggage.",75650,train,15130,3607752136_0.jpg A blond man in a black shirt and tan shorts is eating ribs and drinking red wine outdoors at a wooden table.,75655,train,15131,36079367_0.jpg "A young man skateboards in black shoes, black pants, and a white top with sunglasses.",75660,train,15132,3607969989_0.jpg A person is playing a large version of checkers on a deck overlooking water.,75665,train,15133,3608022021_0.jpg A man with tatoos playing fetch with a white dog with a black ear,75670,train,15134,3608400551_0.jpg The girl with red sunglasses and a white shirt is sitting on a bench next to the girl in the black tank top.,75675,train,15135,3608567609_0.jpg A man gliding in the sky with the sunset on the horizon in the background.,75680,val,15136,3608585041_0.jpg A member of a Japanese survey crew kneels at the side of the road while holding a wooden 2x4.,75685,train,15137,3608651253_0.jpg A woman in a blue shirt is walking across the street of an older looking district.,75690,test,15138,3608661756_0.jpg A man climbs up the side of a steep rock that overlooks a river.,75695,train,15139,3608663656_0.jpg A couple of dogs running through the water with trees in the background,75700,train,15140,3608752424_0.jpg Three children are playing with balls near to an American flag.,75705,train,15141,3608849440_0.jpg A woman in a short black dress and black boots dances around with fire torches.,75710,train,15142,3608858344_0.jpg Two newborn puppies are being held by a pair of human hands.,75715,train,15143,3609026563_0.jpg A motorcycle rider on a path of rocks with a person holding a camera in the background with trees all around.,75720,train,15144,3609032038_0.jpg "A crowded vehicle, filled with tourists, drives on a road through a wooded area.",75725,train,15145,3609061538_0.jpg "A young blond boy with sneakers, athletic shorts, and a white T-shirt is throwing a basketball towards the basket.",75730,train,15146,3609233201_0.jpg "A man in a blue shirt and jeans appears to be sleeping on a chair outside of a building next to an orange safety cone and a sign that says, ""OUVERT.""",75735,train,15147,3609259984_0.jpg "Two boys, one in a red shirt, the other in a white shirt are splashing around in the water.",75740,train,15148,3609375096_0.jpg A man throws his young boy playfully into the air standing on a beach.,75745,train,15149,3609377404_0.jpg The number eight rollerskater is taking the lead and pulling away from her black and red dressed opponents.,75750,train,15150,3609448700_0.jpg A gentleman is taking a rest in a child's playhouse.,75755,train,15151,360947664_0.jpg A group of people sit on the cement steps in the woods and smile.,75760,train,15152,3609645320_0.jpg A man wearing no shirt is lifting a shovel by a wheelbarrow as he works outside.,75765,train,15153,3609663465_0.jpg A young boy carrying a large soccer ball with a soccer feild in the background,75770,train,15154,3609952704_0.jpg "A boy hits a ball, with a bat, outside, while others in the background watch him.",75775,train,15155,3609999845_0.jpg A brunette is outside a fruit and vegetable shop selecting groceries to purchase.,75780,train,15156,3610051443_0.jpg The brown dog is watching the white dog chewing the blue string.,75785,train,15157,3610189629_0.jpg Three men working on some sort construction or repair.,75790,train,15158,361019101_0.jpg A blond woman in a black shirt is standing behind a counter.,75795,val,15159,3610460852_0.jpg The dog is walking out into the water and the sun is casting a reflection off of the water.,75800,train,15160,3610683688_0.jpg A man is jumping with his body forward toward a photograph screen and a large photography light.,75805,train,15161,3610687607_0.jpg "A group of students, all dressed in white shirts, ties and maroon pants, walking down a street.",75810,train,15162,3610830444_0.jpg A man in a gray t-shirt is sitting on a rock in front of a waterfall.,75815,train,15163,3610836023_0.jpg A group of mostly black men work together to pull a rope on the rocky shore.,75820,train,15164,3610836768_0.jpg A man hiking with a large backpack and two poles near a collection of pointy white rocks.,75825,train,15165,361092202_0.jpg "A little boy is smiling and wet, running through shallow water, wearing a blue shirt and dark shorts that have designs on them.",75830,train,15166,3611039179_0.jpg A number of people are on a moving roller coaster and their reflections are seen in a body of water below them.,75835,train,15167,3611124440_0.jpg A shirtless man in colorful shorts spikes a volleyball during a beach volleyball game.,75840,train,15168,3611672054_0.jpg "Two men kickboxing, the man in the red shorts is kicking while the man in the black is blocking.",75845,train,15169,3611694228_0.jpg Three people are organizing diving equipment on the deck of a boat.,75850,train,15170,361183669_0.jpg Many people are practicing in a field and a woman in a black tank top is watching a man do a high kick in the air.,75855,train,15171,3611925069_0.jpg A man is on a boat in the water looking towards the camera.,75860,train,15172,3612192955_0.jpg A young boy wearing a spider-patterned shirt on the sand.,75865,train,15173,3612249030_0.jpg A little Asian girl is holding two big trophies in a picture with two adults standing behind her.,75870,train,15174,3612451934_0.jpg Two teenagers are playing wrestling game in the park.,75875,train,15175,3612484827_0.jpg A man in midair with his back touching that of another man hunched over,75880,test,15176,3612485097_0.jpg Two young men in sportswear are running and jumping on the grass by a brick building.,75885,train,15177,3612485611_0.jpg A young boy falls back with his mouth open when sand is falling on him.,75890,train,15178,3612538549_0.jpg "In the far distance, a boy is sliding his skateboard down a handrail.",75895,train,15179,3612825666_0.jpg A young girl in a green shirt and shorts out riding her bike past a very nice apartment building.,75900,train,15180,3612989048_0.jpg An opposing wrestler is jumping off the top ropes onto another wrestler.,75905,train,15181,3613005134_0.jpg Young men from two Japanese-sponsored teams play a game of indoor field hockey.,75910,train,15182,3613027188_0.jpg The toddler is splashing water in the tub with suds all over.,75915,train,15183,3613030730_0.jpg "A group of four people prance away from the camera, one pushing a shopping cart and another leaping along side.",75920,train,15184,3613175012_0.jpg A tan dog splashes as he swims through the water.,75925,train,15185,3613242966_0.jpg "White dog on mountainside turns to face something offstage, sky in background.",75930,test,15186,3613264553_0.jpg There is a kid doing tricks on a skateboard in a rural area.,75935,train,15187,3613323772_0.jpg A uniformed rider is riding an endorsement-covered motorcycle.,75940,train,15188,3613375729_0.jpg A woman with scarves in her head sits with 3 others staring at the camera with no expression.,75945,train,15189,3613585080_0.jpg A black dog runs across the water at a beach while another follows.,75950,train,15190,3613667665_0.jpg "A man does a jump on a skateboard, surrounded by graffiti.",75955,train,15191,3613705104_0.jpg A woman in sunglasses sitting in front of a wall that is in two shades of blue.,75960,train,15192,3613734337_0.jpg A white dog with a brown patch over his eye runs through a grassy field covered in dandelions.,75965,train,15193,3613800013_0.jpg Sports team poses on field with crowd in the background.,75970,train,15194,3613955682_0.jpg "A boy in a blue shirt, a girl in a white shirt, a man in a black shirt and black cap, and a goateed man in a white shirt stand next to an inflatable slide while a boy in a white shirt and jeans bounces downwards.",75975,train,15195,3613994164_0.jpg A woman with short hair is singing passionately into a microphone on stage.,75980,train,15196,36139994_0.jpg A boy in a black shirt and red pants is hanging onto a pole with his hands and feet.,75985,train,15197,3614130083_0.jpg A man in a red shirt and jacket leads a group of other man with a large group of spotted dogs.,75990,train,15198,36142198_0.jpg A young man in a yellow rain suit stands beneath a street lamp.,75995,train,15199,3614269018_0.jpg The red-hair woman wearing a black tartan hat holds a baby with flowers on her head.,76000,train,15200,3614582606_0.jpg "Several children are in a tree, laughing and with their hands on their chins.",76005,train,15201,3614595423_0.jpg Two onlookers stand by as a man lines up his pool shot on a bright green pool table in a room with red walls.,76010,train,15202,36147990_0.jpg A lone snowboarder jumping in midair with a snow covered mine in the background,76015,train,15203,3614881872_0.jpg A man and woman are riding bikes on a street with a gray van visible in the background next to other cars.,76020,val,15204,3615175165_0.jpg "A man sits on the edge of a brige, looking out, fishing poles behind him.",76025,train,15205,3615239961_0.jpg "A Toddler wearing a dark blue jacket and knit cap is standing on gravel and pointing upward, with stone columns and a wooden display board in the background.",76030,train,15206,361565925_0.jpg A person wearing a helmet rides a dirty bike on a dirt path in the woods.,76035,train,15207,3615730936_0.jpg Horse jockeys racing on horses in a race.,76040,train,15208,3616525288_0.jpg A child in a brightly colored dress peaks through a crack in a fence.,76045,train,15209,3616566999_0.jpg A woman in a skirt and green t-shirt has her arm draped over the shoulder of a younger woman in a white skirt and orange t-shirt.,76050,train,15210,3616638478_0.jpg A jockey in yellow and a jockey in blue are racing their horses down a grassy raceway.,76055,train,15211,3616771728_0.jpg Two women and a man smile at the camera with rakes in their hands standing in an unfinished greenhouse.,76060,train,15212,3616846215_0.jpg A man is painting a portrait of an outside scene that includes a street sign with a bicycle chained to it.,76065,train,15213,3616927733_0.jpg Two men wearing safety striped work clothes are sitting at a table surrounded by red and white work cones.,76070,train,15214,3616949634_0.jpg "A man in blue and a woman in brown, with orange hair, are hugging.",76075,train,15215,3618115051_0.jpg A person in a green coat looks upwards while leaning against a fixture in front of a tree.,76080,train,15216,361831875_0.jpg "An elderly man with a double chin, who is wearing a blue visor and a jacket, and a young man, wearing a gray hood and a jacket, are standing next to a counter at an outdoor food stand.",76085,train,15217,3618407668_0.jpg Two pedestrians passing a restaurant look at the dog that is looking at them.,76090,train,15218,3618525295_0.jpg A kid in a blue shirt and blue shoes attempts a trick on a skateboard above the lip of a bowl.,76095,test,15219,3618908551_0.jpg A woman in blue running next to a black and white dog as it jumps over an obstacle.,76100,train,15220,3618932839_0.jpg A child smiling while holding a knob and pushing a button on a control panel.,76105,train,15221,3618951584_0.jpg "Many students are sitting in a lecture hall, paying attention and taking notes.",76110,train,15222,3618969705_0.jpg Three musicians are posing for a photograph in a soundproof studio booth.,76115,val,15223,3619232550_0.jpg A gentleman in a suit and sneakers dancing with a woman in a long scarf.,76120,train,15224,3619316324_0.jpg A young couple dressed in matching red outfits performing a romantic dance.,76125,train,15225,3619322150_0.jpg "A man and a woman are embracing each other facing each other, they both are wearing red clothing, the woman has a red dress on and the man is wearing a red shirt and black pants.",76130,train,15226,3619324782_0.jpg A man in a wetsuit and helmet walks in front of a bright red building.,76135,train,15227,3619381206_0.jpg A white dog catches a green ball while standing in shallow water.,76140,train,15228,3619416477_0.jpg "A brown and white dog jumping over a red, yellow and white pole",76145,train,15229,3619630328_0.jpg A man wearing a black shirt and a man wearing a blue shirt are standing on a baseball field with kids and a fence behind them.,76150,train,15230,3620197503_0.jpg A laughing young girl in a green and pink shirt sits in her bed with toys and a blue blanket around her.,76155,train,15231,3620247458_0.jpg The gentlemen with the red plaid shirt and black pants is speaking to a young lady holding a blue folder.,76160,train,15232,3620565950_0.jpg "A man sitting on a curb wearing a blue vest and red hat, facing away from the camera.",76165,train,15233,3620715620_0.jpg 2 kids sleeping while the adults dance the night away.,76170,train,15234,3620764461_0.jpg A man in a yellow shirt guiding an ox which is pulling a cart through the forest.,76175,train,15235,3620778701_0.jpg A fat white boy in a tank top swings at a checkered black and white punching bag at a carnival while people look on and walk by in the background.,76180,train,15236,3620917462_0.jpg A BBC reporter sits outside and reads from his notes while three people with a colorful mode of dress observe.,76185,train,15237,3621064597_0.jpg Six people are jumping on the beach while one of them is holding the leash of a dog.,76190,train,15238,3621095412_0.jpg "A night scene of a skateboarder on a ramp, with onlookers.",76195,train,15239,3621177753_0.jpg A boy in a blue shirt is mountain biking on a track and catching air.,76200,train,15240,3621329299_0.jpg A man with brown hair hanging in his face stands over a grill as he is cooking meat.,76205,train,15241,362143915_0.jpg A horse rider on a brown horse jumping in midair over jump bars.,76210,train,15242,3621623690_0.jpg A man is standing on snow with trees and mountains all around him.,76215,train,15243,3621647714_0.jpg A person's image performing a yoga pose while looking at the sunset over the water.,76220,train,15244,3621649810_0.jpg "A small baby boy sits in water with his hands up, splashing water droplets.",76225,train,15245,3621652774_0.jpg A person hits a yellow volleyball over the net to her opponent in a pool.,76230,val,15246,3621717946_0.jpg "A male wearing a strange helmet covering face and head is seated on the accordion case in a street apparently blocked off, perhaps for a block party, while onlookers walk behind and listeners are seated in front in lawn chairs.",76235,train,15247,3621972977_0.jpg Here is a young man sitting inside a trailer home and is smiling for the camera.,76240,train,15248,3621988827_0.jpg "A long-haired, bearded young skateboarder does a stunt on a skateboarding surface.",76245,train,15249,3622216490_0.jpg Two young boys attempting to climb over some large boulders.,76250,train,15250,3622752371_0.jpg The brown dog next to the swimming pool has a ball in its mouth.,76255,train,15251,3622929632_0.jpg A girl is weaving while a young child and an adult look on.,76260,train,15252,3623036790_0.jpg A scene with an old auditorium in the background an orchestra in front playing music and people wearing hard hats in the forefront.,76265,train,15253,3623047508_0.jpg A man and a woman wearing masks embrace at an outdoor festival.,76270,train,15254,362316425_0.jpg A dog is attempting a turn by a nearby picnic bench and metal object.,76275,train,15255,3623302162_0.jpg A small boy wearing a hat is standing in wet sand on a beach.,76280,train,15256,3623331945_0.jpg A brown dog is staring into the distance while standing on dry grass.,76285,train,15257,3623650392_0.jpg A statue of an Indian is on the sidewalk in front of some shops.,76290,train,15258,3623894108_0.jpg A gray-haired man wearing an orange shirt and blue shirts tending to a garden.,76295,train,15259,3624168175_0.jpg A man in a striped shirt standing in front of a projection screen leans over a desk and touches the keyboard on a laptop.,76300,train,15260,3624246111_0.jpg A surfer catches a nice wave in the ocean and tries to pull himself up.,76305,train,15261,3624327440_0.jpg A man is having his picture taken in a courtyard with people in ornamental dress.,76310,train,15262,3624676866_0.jpg A little blond girl sitting down looking at a stack of books.,76315,train,15263,3624771682_0.jpg "Three laughing men are sitting in a row, two of which are making gestures with their hands.",76320,train,15264,3624812489_0.jpg Fisheye view of a man in Rollerblades grinding at the top of a ramp.,76325,train,15265,3625049113_0.jpg A person on a wakeboard is high above the water with a crane in the background,76330,train,15266,3625519177_0.jpg "A lady in a white shirt with a baby in one hand, and a stroller in the other hand, walks through an outdoor kiosk.",76335,train,15267,3625537155_0.jpg A black and white dog is running along side a small brown or white dog in the grass.,76340,train,15268,3625957413_0.jpg A man with a plaid shirt stands with his hand on hip at an opening of a large tree.,76345,train,15269,3626325621_0.jpg A man in a pink polo shirt sitting on a large yellow bench talking to a group of three other men while a woman wearing green sunglasses and a man wearing a gray cap look off to the right of the image.,76350,train,15270,3626463419_0.jpg A large group of dogs walking in a body of water.,76355,train,15271,3626642428_0.jpg The man with the red shirt is holding a basketball and is in front of a basketball hoop.,76360,train,15272,3626689571_0.jpg "People playing cricket in the park, pine trees in the back.",76365,train,15273,3626964430_0.jpg "Two black dogs are running in the grass, one has a green ball in his mouth.",76370,train,15274,3626998066_0.jpg A young girl with a purple shirt and a pink hair band standing near the woods.,76375,train,15275,3627011534_0.jpg A dog jumps over another dog as both animals are trying to catch the same ball.,76380,train,15276,3627216820_0.jpg There is a group of three women and one man singing while one of the woman plays a guitar.,76385,train,15277,3627290893_0.jpg "Two men, both wearing khaki shirts, striped ties, navy bottoms, and hats, are on a grassy countryside, one carrying a guitar and the other carrying a briefcase.",76390,train,15278,362763393_0.jpg A person in a black wetsuit is surfing a small wave on a beige surfboard.,76395,train,15279,3627679667_0.jpg A little boy sitting on the ground looking up at some men dressed up like an alien creature or machine.,76400,train,15280,3627929314_0.jpg The boy is holding on to a rubber chicken with eight balls on its feet,76405,train,15281,3628017876_0.jpg A man dressed in white runs away from two men chasing him dressed in black.,76410,train,15282,3628043835_0.jpg Two smiling women in costumes standing in front of a microphone.,76415,train,15283,3628059004_0.jpg A woman playing guitar and singing in the foreground and three others performing behind her.,76420,train,15284,3628103548_0.jpg "Two children, one boy and one girl, walking down a paved road holding a black umbrella.",76425,train,15285,3628184570_0.jpg People walk through a cobblestone intersection near a gabled building with bright green and white trim.,76430,train,15286,3628564816_0.jpg A man wearing black shirt and shorts playing guitar on a sidewalk while another man is sitting on the ground looking in the opposite direction.,76435,train,15287,36286937_0.jpg A black dog is jumping up on its back legs while standing on the grass.,76440,train,15288,3628698119_0.jpg "After a great performance, these performers bow down in respect of the audience.",76445,train,15289,3628829949_0.jpg A man in a yellow cap is holding up a silver trophy.,76450,train,15290,3628994466_0.jpg Many people are sitting in a street side cafe at red clothed tables in front of a tall old building with arches and statues.,76455,val,15291,3629489568_0.jpg A skateboarder in silhouette jumps over an orange traffic cone.,76460,train,15292,3629492654_0.jpg Two girls wearing identical dresses are dancing in sync while three women in medieval costumes look on.,76465,train,15293,3629615546_0.jpg A black dog pulling on a green rope in the grass,76470,train,15294,3629664676_0.jpg A man wearing a black hat is smiling on a street as other men and woman walk past.,76475,train,15295,3630102841_0.jpg The boy in the gray shirt is holding the boy in the red shirt on his back.,76480,val,15296,3630332976_0.jpg An older store clerk dressed in a plaid shirt standing behind a counter of a jewelry shop.,76485,train,15297,363050622_0.jpg A large group of people are gathering in a street type market for flowers.,76490,train,15298,363056425_0.jpg Three dogs walking away on the waters edge of the shore.,76495,train,15299,3630641436_0.jpg A woman in a black shirt and white headband stretches in the sunset.,76500,train,15300,3630991662_0.jpg Three children ride on a round swing while another watches from the grass.,76505,train,15301,3631023049_0.jpg A little girl with glasses holding a small black kitten or puppy n her hands watching it.,76510,train,15302,3631024633_0.jpg "Two women, both with short, dark hair and wearing glasses, sitting on a wood bench, taking pictures on their iPhone of sleeping puppies, who are lying in a red cardboard box.",76515,train,15303,3631029759_0.jpg Two dark colored dogs are walking through the grass both holding a large stick.,76520,train,15304,3631136463_0.jpg A large crowd of people in two long rows are looking back with some green light emanating from an above structure.,76525,train,15305,3631333167_0.jpg A batsman is about to swing for a baseball whilst the catcher and referee wait behind him.,76530,train,15306,3631344685_0.jpg A cheering squad doing their stunt by throwing one cheer dancer in the air and the rest getting ready to catch her.,76535,train,15307,363140724_0.jpg A woman in white directs a group of young people making a pattern with sticks.,76540,train,15308,3631474374_0.jpg "A long-haired, male musician is playing on a piano.",76545,test,15309,3631530817_0.jpg A young girl in a pink shirt gets ready to swing bat at a tee ballgame,76550,train,15310,3631671718_0.jpg Two people being photographed from behind sitting on a bus,76555,train,15311,3631810528_0.jpg Adult with glasses feeding a newborn kitten with a tiny bottle.,76560,train,15312,3631839768_0.jpg The surfer catches a big wave but stays on his board.,76565,train,15313,3631986552_0.jpg Two people on dirt bikes jumping dirt ramps with several people in the background.,76570,train,15314,3632197966_0.jpg A person is flying in the air with a building to the left of him.,76575,train,15315,3632225464_0.jpg "These four men, two shirtless, are shoveling sand.",76580,train,15316,3632258003_0.jpg "Two teams line up either side of a pylon, on a barren playing field",76585,train,15317,3632572264_0.jpg Six people ride their bikes on a sloped indoor track while a small crowd watches.,76590,train,15318,363269016_0.jpg The brown dog with a superman shirt on sleeps on a blue blanket.,76595,train,15319,3632842482_0.jpg "A female swimmer wearing a pink costume comes out of the water in a pool, making a splash.",76600,train,15320,3633169600_0.jpg This is a profile shot of an old man in a newspaper boy hat with people blurred out in the background.,76605,train,15321,3633396324_0.jpg "Two young boys are smiling while sitting next to an organized fruit cart that holds apples, grapes, plums, and various other fruits.",76610,train,15322,363363320_0.jpg "A person in a purple shirt tends to the equipment of a boat, while perched on the edge of the watercraft.",76615,train,15323,363394643_0.jpg A crowd of people with a lady with a bright orange shirt and another lady in black have their backs to the camera.,76620,train,15324,3634032601_0.jpg A bald musician wearing a black shirt plays his guitar on stage.,76625,train,15325,3634200287_0.jpg A man performs a trick on a yellow bike in a skate park covered in graffiti.,76630,train,15326,3634400263_0.jpg "There are many people sitting or standing on sand, and there is a tractor.",76635,train,15327,3634754655_0.jpg "A large brown dog relaxes in a green, grassy field while a smaller light brown dog walks on.",76640,train,15328,3634785801_0.jpg A woman with a camera with a very long lens takes a picture.,76645,val,15329,3634828052_0.jpg A man wearing a red and white Canadian uniform is riding a racing bike in an arena.,76650,train,15330,363503748_0.jpg A bicyclist rides around indoors while a group of bicyclists ride in the background.,76655,train,15331,363503753_0.jpg A man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans is standing next to a red bicycle that has a rider siting on it.,76660,train,15332,363503759_0.jpg Three children with animal face pain at outdoor event.,76665,train,15333,3635177305_0.jpg A child dressed in a white coat paints an image on the paper laying on the table.,76670,train,15334,3635194562_0.jpg The man is performing a trick high in the air with a bicycle.,76675,train,15335,3635577874_0.jpg A mountaineer in a red parka digs his two ice axes and crampons into a frozen wall of ice.,76680,train,15336,363560757_0.jpg Three women wearing saris are dancing in front of a flag that is hanging on a wall.,76685,train,15337,3635911776_0.jpg A tent is to the left and two boys are playing Frisbee in a field.,76690,train,15338,3635915412_0.jpg There are four smiling boys with smiles on a playground with their ball.,76695,train,15339,3635991166_0.jpg Two male athletes wearing the same uniforms are playing against another male athlete on the opposing team.,76700,train,15340,3636055584_0.jpg A boy flipping off a skateboard going down a flight of stairs,76705,train,15341,3636126441_0.jpg A girl is holding a paintbrush in a plastic cup and painting the ground.,76710,train,15342,363617160_0.jpg Four men are looking at a motor on the back of a wooden boat.,76715,train,15343,3636193038_0.jpg A young boy with a baseball obscuring his face through a net.,76720,train,15344,3636247381_0.jpg The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties.,76725,train,15345,3636329461_0.jpg Group of gymnast look on as a girl in a red bodysuit completes a stunt.,76730,train,15346,3636418958_0.jpg "A spruced up, bespectacled man garbed in a dress shirt, dress pants, and tie, stands over a made bed in a well-kept room.",76735,train,15347,3636476363_0.jpg The man wearing the brown jacket is holding a cigarette and the man behind him is holding a can of beer.,76740,train,15348,3636543173_0.jpg A man and two little boys walk around the outside of what appears to be some kind of store.,76745,train,15349,3636632926_0.jpg There is a baseball player in a yellow shirt running midfield.,76750,train,15350,3636796219_0.jpg "A woman wearing red, white, and blue, is riding a bike in a gym.",76755,train,15351,363691936_0.jpg A man in white and blue racing gear rides a stationary bike in front of a judge and an audience.,76760,train,15352,363691948_0.jpg A young woman who is either taking off or putting on a shoe in front of a produce sign.,76765,train,15353,3636936656_0.jpg The two people stand by a body of water and in front of bushes in fall.,76770,train,15354,3637013_0.jpg A man wearing a light blue sweatshirt is sitting at a table in front of a budweiser bottle.,76775,train,15355,363701704_0.jpg "There is a woman in a suit, three women in little black dresses and blue scarves, one woman in a little black dress and yellow scarf, and two women in little black dresses and red scarves all standing on a red stage.",76780,train,15356,363701711_0.jpg Four women wearing bicycle riding clothing sit on a bench.,76785,train,15357,363701716_0.jpg "The winners 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of a event posing for a picture each holding flowers.",76790,test,15358,363709975_0.jpg There is a bicycle race with a few people watching.,76795,train,15359,363715836_0.jpg "An Asian man wearing a body-fitting black, long-sleeved top and gold & black spandex riding shorts imprinted with ""Malaysia"" on the back and sides is riding a stationary Mavic brand competition bicycle in a large venue that appears to be a convention for health and sports products.",76800,train,15360,363755314_0.jpg A biker in orange and black spandex being handed something.,76805,train,15361,363763680_0.jpg Six competitive cyclists wait for the race to begin at the starting line.,76810,train,15362,363792435_0.jpg A man sits alone on a bench while bicyclers ride on a track behind him.,76815,train,15363,363792438_0.jpg "A boy wearing a blue Cookie Monster shirt stands on his hands while two smaller boys are in the background, one observing the handstand and the other turned away in a running motion.",76820,train,15364,3637965586_0.jpg A young baseball player sliding into a base while a dust cloud rises and the other team moves around him.,76825,train,15365,3637966641_0.jpg A little girl is looking at the two horses on the other side of the fence.,76830,train,15366,3638178504_0.jpg A group of people are standing behind a small hatchback vehicle out in the country.,76835,train,15367,3638374272_0.jpg A man dressed and a black shirt and pants is high jumping over a red and black pole.,76840,train,15368,3638440337_0.jpg A woman has been knocked down by strong waves in the ocean,76845,train,15369,3638459638_0.jpg A group of young people wearing name tags are smiling and holding a yellow broom and a blue dustpan.,76850,train,15370,363847768_0.jpg "A pet dog, standing on bank is looking at another brown dog inside a pond.",76855,train,15371,3638577494_0.jpg A child at the height of a swing.,76860,train,15372,3638688673_0.jpg "Two men are standing on a golf course with a large, ornate building in the background.",76865,train,15373,3638783120_0.jpg Two bald ladies in red dresses and matching jewelry laugh.,76870,test,15374,3638783842_0.jpg The girl in the pink top is riding a skateboard along a white wall.,76875,train,15375,3638908276_0.jpg A brown and white dog is leaping through a red hoop on a training circuit.,76880,train,15376,3638992163_0.jpg A crowd of children in green t-shirts and people holding signs and purple balloons gathers next to a building.,76885,train,15377,3639005388_0.jpg The man in the red shirt and the woman with the white bag are conversing.,76890,train,15378,36391683_0.jpg "Two women, one with a camera, reach out and touch a mirrored ball.",76895,train,15379,3639363462_0.jpg The man in the striped shirt and the man in the hat are posing for the camera.,76900,train,15380,3639428663_0.jpg A little girl in a red shirt going down a purple slide.,76905,train,15381,3639547922_0.jpg A man in a white button-down shirt and black pants is slow dancing with a woman in a wedding gown.,76910,train,15382,3639598548_0.jpg "The bride in the white dress is surrounded by the groomsmen and bridesmaids, all in black.",76915,train,15383,3639617775_0.jpg A bride in a white dress is holding a purple bouquet whilst standing next to her groom.,76920,train,15384,3639684919_0.jpg A young football team is on the field chasing a player from the other team who has the ball while the referee looks on.,76925,train,15385,3639691167_0.jpg A woman in a long white bridal gown and a man in a black suit are standing at a rail looking at the ocean.,76930,train,15386,3639704469_0.jpg A man in a cowboy hat sits on bleachers near the water and plays guitar.,76935,train,15387,3639845565_0.jpg Two boys are sitting in front of a structure eating Popsicles.,76940,train,15388,3639967449_0.jpg A black dog running in shallow water on a beach.,76945,train,15389,3640020134_0.jpg Several people stand around an elaborate image of the crucified Jesus on a city street.,76950,train,15390,3640104986_0.jpg Men carry a small structure on their shoulders while others play instruments behind.,76955,train,15391,3640109324_0.jpg A young woman is standing on the grass with a video camcorder in her hand,76960,train,15392,3640241166_0.jpg A surfer is riding the waves whilst another surfer sits on his board waiting.,76965,train,15393,3640329164_0.jpg A skateboarder does an ollie off a black ramp near a colorfully painted building.,76970,train,15394,3640348910_0.jpg A skateboarder is performing stunt on a graffiti covered skateboard ramp.,76975,train,15395,3640407952_0.jpg A girl with a red shirt and long brown hair is laying across a twisted swing with sand underneath.,76980,train,15396,3640417354_0.jpg A bicyclist flies through the air as he encounters a tree in his path.,76985,train,15397,3640422448_0.jpg A man dressed in a suit surrounded by formally dressed women with flowers,76990,train,15398,3640443200_0.jpg A girl in a red polka dot dress and red headband playing with a pink handheld game,76995,train,15399,3640661245_0.jpg A person walks four dogs on leashes in a parking lot.,77000,train,15400,3640743904_0.jpg A girl with freckles and metal earrings enjoys a cherry indoors.,77005,train,15401,3640813877_0.jpg A windsurfer is balancing on choppy water.,77010,train,15402,3641022607_0.jpg Two fashionably dressed young ladies sit back to back on a wall in a city park watching people around them.,77015,train,15403,3641456303_0.jpg A man playing a sport in a green uniform holding a paddle over his head.,77020,train,15404,3641999223_0.jpg "A stewardess on an airplane pushes a cart down the center isle, looking carefully so as not to bump any of the passengers.",77025,train,15405,3642088668_0.jpg One white and tan dog is chasing another white and brown dog who has a toy in its mouth.,77030,train,15406,364213568_0.jpg Black dog walking on the beach after swimming in the ocean.,77035,train,15407,3642220260_0.jpg A red jeep hangs from the edge of a rocky cliff as a girl looks on.,77040,train,15408,36422830_0.jpg A woman in a multicolored top is walking down the street and holding a black purse while talking on her phone.,77045,train,15409,3642570796_0.jpg A boy toddler play outside on a clothes rack full of tied dye shirts.,77050,test,15410,3642604708_0.jpg A man in jeans and a tea shirt is scrubbing an area of the floor with a blue bucket and yellow ladder nearby.,77055,train,15411,364282261_0.jpg A young girl in a baby pink outfit poses for the camera while holding onto a jungle gym in a playground.,77060,test,15412,3643021980_0.jpg A woman who is holding a bright pink purse and has sunglasses clipped to her shirt is leaning against a wall.,77065,train,15413,3643022155_0.jpg "A boy laying on a sitting swing, face down, wearing a hat backwards.",77070,train,15414,3643074723_0.jpg A small light tan dog is running past a large brown dog standing in the grass.,77075,train,15415,3643087589_0.jpg A man wearing a white shirt and black pants balances at the top of a red ladder as it leans against a brick building.,77080,train,15416,3643175169_0.jpg A mother naps on the beach next to her also-sleeping infant.,77085,train,15417,3643503169_0.jpg "A Texas baseball player catches the ball as the #12 player from the opposite team slides into base with an umpire standing by, ready to make the call.",77090,train,15418,3643666111_0.jpg A guy in a red cap is standing on wooden beams and using a net to pulling something.,77095,train,15419,3643666619_0.jpg "Four people are sitting at a table, with microphones and bottles of water in front of them.",77100,train,15420,3643684044_0.jpg Women wearing a black top and glasses speaking into a blue tipped microphone with another woman beside her writing.,77105,train,15421,3643684616_0.jpg A group of four men sits at a table on a platform before an audience in a darkened room.,77110,train,15422,3643684688_0.jpg "A man wearing an orange jacket, a ski cap, goggles and a backpack stands on what appears to be solid blue ice.",77115,train,15423,364369665_0.jpg Two rodeo guys in flame shirts and jeans try to subdue a dark brown bull in the rodeo ring.,77120,train,15424,3643807095_0.jpg Two men in blue suits carrying black briefcases walk into the entrance of Saint Peter's Church.,77125,train,15425,3643971203_0.jpg A child stands in silhouette under an old stone arch on a red tile floor.,77130,train,15426,3643974707_0.jpg "A Dallas man in a hat reaches up to realtor signs on a brick wall, advertising Trees and the Gypsy Tea Room.",77135,train,15427,3643981804_0.jpg "A man wearing blue is biking on a long, empty, road with grass on either side.",77140,train,15428,3644136054_0.jpg Two children kick each other while being suspended from the ceiling.,77145,train,15429,3644142276_0.jpg "A man standing in water at the beach, is wearing a pale blue, long-sleeved shirt and a woven hat, and pulling netted fabric from the water.",77150,train,15430,3644469632_0.jpg One woman in a black dress and another one in a gray tank top and green shorts are walking on the street somewhat crowded with people.,77155,train,15431,3644668446_0.jpg A middle-aged man wearing a cowboy hat and blue jeans is chasing after a sheep with a kid attached on the side,77160,train,15432,3644690490_0.jpg A man is bouncing on a trampoline next to tall buildings and a church.,77165,train,15433,3644941648_0.jpg Five women inside a room while two are holding something in their hands while sitting and the other three are talking.,77170,train,15434,3644945293_0.jpg This rooftop skateboarder flies high doing a trick to impress his friend.,77175,train,15435,3645080830_0.jpg "A band with four members, one female, plays for a small audience.",77180,train,15436,3645134768_0.jpg A blond child on a horse riding uniform carrying a teddy bear riding a donkey or pony.,77185,train,15437,3645162492_0.jpg Two men with brown shirts on and a woman are outside with two black dogs.,77190,train,15438,36451757_0.jpg A woman with a large pink hula hoop grins at the camera while wearing a black and gold skirt and black and white top in front of a crowd of onlookers.,77195,train,15439,3645350123_0.jpg Cars covered in snow with a man walking with a snow plow on the sidewalk in front of the snow covered vehicles.,77200,train,15440,364542005_0.jpg A young boy is holding onto railing of a staircase while his mother looks onwards to him.,77205,train,15441,3645730082_0.jpg A band of five men singing and playing instruments on stage before an audience.,77210,train,15442,3645809088_0.jpg A blond woman lays in the grass on her pink cellphone lying next to a man in black on his cellphone.,77215,train,15443,3646120271_0.jpg An aging rocker performs on stage in a sleeveless shirt and striped pants.,77220,train,15444,3646190566_0.jpg A person wearing a red helmet and yellow and white clothing is riding a bike outside in a wooded area.,77225,train,15445,3646453252_0.jpg "A stocky gentleman wearing a long-sleeve, blue shirt, black slacks, aged, black boots and a blue billed cap is scaling a roof, using the structure's struts to approach stacks of tiles stored at the roof's apex.",77230,train,15446,3646814919_0.jpg A black and brown dog pokes his head above the white farm animals.,77235,train,15447,3646820231_0.jpg A motorcyclist dressed in green with a green motorcycle is jumping over a row of green motorcycles,77240,test,15448,3646927481_0.jpg A group of adults are standing under a tree in front of a red brick house.,77245,train,15449,3646970605_0.jpg A group of children and their guardian walk on the boardwalk and eat ice cream.,77250,train,15450,3647170476_0.jpg A young man in a red shirt and jeans skateboards over a graffiti-strewn background.,77255,train,15451,3647283075_0.jpg "Two girls play softball, one slides into plate as other fails to catch ball.",77260,train,15452,3647446816_0.jpg Some people have the most unusual centerpieces at their parties.,77265,train,15453,364747261_0.jpg A man in black and a man in blue with a tattooed arm balance atop a plank several stories high.,77270,train,15454,3647617584_0.jpg "A small, young boy wearing a white shirt is playing with fallen leaves outside.",77275,train,15455,3647693147_0.jpg A black and white dog is wearing a red collar whilst walking on the grass.,77280,train,15456,3647750811_0.jpg A woman is playing with two children on a seesaw in a playground.,77285,test,15457,3647826834_0.jpg A skateboarder in flannel rides his skateboard to the top of a ramp.,77290,train,15458,3648081498_0.jpg A boy doing a skateboard trick off of a flight of stairs while people watch.,77295,train,15459,3648097366_0.jpg A golden retriever jumps off of a blue surfboard in the water.,77300,train,15460,3648160673_0.jpg A boy is standing in the middle of a street about to kick a ball.,77305,train,15461,364880092_0.jpg "A little girl in a pink, floppy hat takes a photograph with a big camera.",77310,train,15462,3648988742_0.jpg They are playing with a soccer ball on the beach.,77315,train,15463,3649224118_0.jpg "Two males are playing field hockey, one with a blue stick, one with a gold stick.",77320,train,15464,3649307685_0.jpg "A woman with a tall, red, white, and blue hat sits on the ground.",77325,val,15465,3649382413_0.jpg A military guard is wearing a ceremonial gold helmet and is holding a sword.,77330,train,15466,3649384501_0.jpg The white and brown-spotted dog is walking through shallow water.,77335,train,15467,3649387275_0.jpg A white dog on a green leash is standing on its hind legs to look over a stone wall.,77340,train,15468,3649802021_0.jpg Closeup perspective of a bicycle wheel being ridden by someone,77345,train,15469,3649916507_0.jpg A dog is jumping in the air with flowers in his mouth on a very windy day.,77350,train,15470,3650111717_0.jpg Three people in uniform are outdoors and are observing a scene which is out of the picture.,77355,train,15471,3650188378_0.jpg Females are painting a large grid painting of Africa and other parts of the world.,77360,train,15472,3650485497_0.jpg The black dog and the brown dog are on the ground.,77365,train,15473,3650986674_0.jpg Three Vietnamese women paddle their boats along the river market in the morning.,77370,train,15474,365099444_0.jpg A person with torn orange leggings and black boots is sitting nearby a large crowd of people.,77375,train,15475,3651107058_0.jpg A group of people white water raft on very choppy water.,77380,train,15476,365128300_0.jpg Two women standing in front of a fence looking at mountains.,77385,train,15477,3651476768_0.jpg "Guys drinking in a crowded pub, just chatting and having a beer.",77390,train,15478,365150037_0.jpg A woman attempts to mini-golf while water pouring down from above interferes.,77395,train,15479,3651690772_0.jpg Images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing images are missing,77400,train,15480,3652094744_0.jpg Child with Mohawk haircut holding mirror for woman putting on face paint.,77405,val,15481,3652150541_0.jpg The sky is very blue and the grass is very green at a golf course while a girl looks into a golf hole for a ball.,77410,train,15482,3652207174_0.jpg The boy in the purple shirt and green jacket stands in the crowd whilst raising his hands in the air.,77415,train,15483,3652572138_0.jpg "A man is jumping over the rocks, and towards the water.",77420,train,15484,3652584682_0.jpg The dog is chasing the other dog carrying a stick in its mouth.,77425,train,15485,365274901_0.jpg A red truck is parked next to a burning blue building while a man in a green vest runs toward it.,77430,train,15486,3652764505_0.jpg The woman wearing a red jacket is holding a glass and she is in front of the man in a white t-shirt.,77435,train,15487,3652859271_0.jpg A woman in a sweater and a scarf stands in the middle of a snow filled forrest.,77440,train,15488,365291944_0.jpg A biker in blue gear bikes through the trees on a bike path.,77445,train,15489,3653062245_0.jpg A man wearing a suit with a red tie is talking to a woman wearing a dress while another woman is leaning against a red car.,77450,train,15490,3653230362_0.jpg Two members of a military brass band play their horns while others look on.,77455,train,15491,3653385929_0.jpg A group of officers in navy blue uniforms play brass instruments for a group of children.,77460,train,15492,3653386313_0.jpg A boy in a green shirt is riding his skateboard in a park while three boys watch.,77465,train,15493,3653462288_0.jpg A family watches as a little girl blows out the candles on her third birthday,77470,train,15494,3653484549_0.jpg "A group of adults and children around a large sheet cake, including a man in army fatigues.",77475,train,15495,3653497668_0.jpg A number of people ascending a zig-zag ramp with bright blue railings.,77480,train,15496,3653764864_0.jpg A woman riding a horse in a show jumping competition.,77485,train,15497,3653837067_0.jpg A white dog and a brown dog run along side each other at the beach.,77490,train,15498,3654103642_0.jpg A woman with glasses raised is staring with her mouth open and there is a man with a child behind her.,77495,train,15499,3654276875_0.jpg "Two elderly men sit on a park bench, with flowers in the background.",77500,train,15500,365432689_0.jpg A golden retriever runs through a field of yellow flowers.,77505,train,15501,3654338683_0.jpg A man in a dress shirt and tie is smiling and holding in his hands a pair of sunglasses and some sort of paper.,77510,train,15502,3654366861_0.jpg A group of nicely dressed people sit at tables with white tablecloths as they enjoy drinks and foods.,77515,train,15503,3654377237_0.jpg A woman in white gets her makeup done by a woman with short blond-hair while a woman in a purple dress watches.,77520,train,15504,3654397917_0.jpg A young woman wearing a white dress with a blue towel in her lap is having her hair dried by another woman used a hair dryer.,77525,train,15505,3654402537_0.jpg "A man in a black t-shirt and jeans prepares to throw a dart at an outdoor event, while other men look on in the background.",77530,val,15506,3654674895_0.jpg "The children are playing a game, with a volleyball net and a football, on the beach.",77535,train,15507,3654869593_0.jpg A man is sleeping on the grass and covered up with a pink blanket.,77540,train,15508,3654890762_0.jpg A young boy is standing in front of a tractor as it is pouring something into the back of a truck.,77545,train,15509,365504466_0.jpg A young naked lady in body paint rides a bike through a street festival.,77550,train,15510,3655074079_0.jpg A young couple are caught in the middle of a kiss while standing at the edge of a stream with an expansive green field on the other side.,77555,train,15511,3655092860_0.jpg A woman in a red dress stands with a man in a dress shirt behind two lawn chairs.,77560,train,15512,3655103576_0.jpg Two men in dress shirts and holding drinks are standing next to a guy in a pale blue sweater over a blue dress shirt.,77565,train,15513,3655133348_0.jpg "Two dogs playing in the water, one is bounding at the other.",77570,train,15514,3655155990_0.jpg A member of the US Army reads a children's book from a podium at the Yongsan Library.,77575,train,15515,3655169355_0.jpg A woman showing a children's book who seems to be upset by the content.,77580,train,15516,3655173465_0.jpg "AN older woman appears to read from a children's book in an indoor setting, while a seated gentleman in a service uniform looks on.",77585,train,15517,3655176735_0.jpg Young boy and girl squeeze tubes of frosting onto cupcakes with adults around them.,77590,train,15518,3655195185_0.jpg A woman holding a baby and a woman with a towel on her head are sitting on the floor in a house.,77595,train,15519,3655207400_0.jpg "There are four people and a dog jumping through a black, yellow, and white hole.",77600,train,15520,3655326478_0.jpg "An African-American man wearing a purple shirt, white shoes and blue jeans is playing a saxophone while standing inside of a building which has many archways and a red and gray tiled floor.",77605,train,15521,3655745504_0.jpg A black dog has just jumped into a swimming pool.,77610,train,15522,3655773435_0.jpg A lady walks behind a wheelchair while another lady walks behind her.,77615,train,15523,365584746_0.jpg "Two sweet young girls on ice skates, hands up and holding on to each other get ready to begin their performance on the ice.",77620,train,15524,3655862352_0.jpg "Several people, one being a woman in a black dress, are outside, near a bike rack.",77625,train,15525,3655964639_0.jpg A woman stands over a child who is drawing a picture of a rainbow with brightly colored makers on a piece of paper at a table.,77630,train,15526,3656010396_0.jpg Three puppies are in a bathtub getting sprayed with water from a showerhead.,77635,train,15527,3656030945_0.jpg Large birds standing on the edge of a body of water while one in the middle is coming down for a landing.,77640,train,15528,3656104088_0.jpg A young girl is walking down a sandy path by a large body of water.,77645,train,15529,3656151153_0.jpg A black dog is playing in water with a green toy.,77650,train,15530,3656206975_0.jpg A girl in red rides on her stomach in a playground swing above a sandy surface.,77655,train,15531,3656225270_0.jpg "A young blond boy wearing a purple, long-sleeve shirt and blue pants jumping over a trench in the woods.",77660,train,15532,3656659570_0.jpg The black and brown dog with a red collar bites the brown dog.,77665,train,15533,3656906086_0.jpg A small child is lifted off the ground by centrifugal force while on a merry-go-round.,77670,train,15534,3656957567_0.jpg A child in a pink and black bathing suit walks through water mist from colored rings.,77675,train,15535,3657016761_0.jpg A person wearing a hat and glasses sits on a cliff and smiles.,77680,train,15536,3657209354_0.jpg Two African-American people are sitting on a couch and chair looking at something.,77685,train,15537,3657317772_0.jpg A woman wearing a coin hat and pink scarf is playing a drum-like instrument by a small tree while several others are standing in the background.,77690,train,15538,3657387086_0.jpg A person on a unicycle jumping down the path in a beautiful area surrounded by shrubbery.,77695,train,15539,3657503733_0.jpg A black dog carries a white toy in his mouth and walks on the snowy field.,77700,train,15540,365759754_0.jpg A person in black sports attire wearing boxing gloves attempting to kick another person in the face.,77705,train,15541,3657661936_0.jpg An Indian woman wearing a green and tan sari works with a small piece of metal on a blue mat.,77710,train,15542,3657806799_0.jpg Two Indian women dressed in saris are sitting on a light blue mat at a home while there are shoes in a neat pile nearby.,77715,train,15543,3657809135_0.jpg A brown horse is in a weird pose while galloping outside.,77720,train,15544,3658016590_0.jpg "Elderly male accordion player plays in the street in front of a boutique wearing a blue vest, sunglasses, and a white hat with a red scarf on.",77725,train,15545,3658279485_0.jpg A boy in blue camo pants jumping into water.,77730,train,15546,3658427967_0.jpg A man is riding a unicycle and playing the bagpipes in a crowd of people.,77735,val,15547,365849741_0.jpg People are carrying five flags in a foreign ( non-US) country on a sidewalk in the shade across the street from a large building.,77740,train,15548,3658643976_0.jpg A man in black is on a blue trimmed bicycle in front of a playground.,77745,train,15549,3658733605_0.jpg A young girl with curly hair wearing a pink shirt currycombs a chestnut horse.,77750,train,15550,3659506961_0.jpg A woman in green pants sits next to a woman in a pink jacket in front of statue of a fish.,77755,train,15551,3659686168_0.jpg A small airplane flying through the air with lots of smoke coming out of the plane.,77760,train,15552,3659769138_0.jpg A shirtless man is on the street stirring food in a pot.,77765,train,15553,3659915446_0.jpg A man wearing blue jeans and blue shirt sitting on a windowing washing swing washing a window.,77770,train,15554,3660303751_0.jpg A skateboarder flies through the air over the staircase of a sleek contemporary building.,77775,train,15555,3660361818_0.jpg Four people are playing football by a body of water in partly cloudy weather.,77780,test,15556,3660516586_0.jpg A little boy wearing a striped shirt is pointing at something.,77785,train,15557,3660826540_0.jpg A little brunette girl sprinking confetti on a brunette woman's head as she smiles.,77790,train,15558,3661072592_0.jpg There is a man in the middle of a road jumping up in the air with his hand out and close to mountains.,77795,train,15559,3661230589_0.jpg A small blond boy dressed in shorts and a blue shirt playing on a jungle gym.,77800,train,15560,3661239105_0.jpg A girl in a green sweatshirt sitting down and a girl in a dress leaning on blue lockers.,77805,train,15561,3661659196_0.jpg "A female wearing glasses is seen from a three-quarter rear view, as she plays a horn in a musical group.",77810,train,15562,3661789938_0.jpg A young girl dressed in shorts and t-shirt standing in a small tree lined creek holding hiking canes with a big smile and big straw hat.,77815,train,15563,3662061499_0.jpg An adult female ballerina is holding a dance position on stage as three toddler girls enter the stage.,77820,train,15564,3662271861_0.jpg Two men in top hats and tuxedos are walking past a dry cleaning store and a casual man who is looking at them.,77825,train,15565,3662406028_0.jpg A man jumping that is in midair doing a split in front of a beautiful building in the background.,77830,train,15566,3662711241_0.jpg "Two kids, one in a blue coat and one in a green coat, play in the snow with shovels.",77835,train,15567,3662865_0.jpg Young man with upturned hair posing with young man with sunglasses and woman with glasses,77840,train,15568,3662871327_0.jpg A black dog jumps in the air over the red hurdle.,77845,train,15569,3662909101_0.jpg A biker leaps off a half-pipe littered with graffiti as onlookers watch.,77850,train,15570,3662963630_0.jpg Three men sitting on a couch and eating food while beers lay on the table.,77855,train,15571,366315886_0.jpg A large group of people are sitting down inside a building with red and yellow lights everywhere.,77860,train,15572,3663307538_0.jpg "A man stands at the top of a ladder, extending his right hand to another man that is holding a cable from a third story window.",77865,train,15573,3663336692_0.jpg "A girl with blue jean shorts, light blue shirt, black hair with a sprinkler on the lawn and a dodge ram truck on the driveway.",77870,val,15574,3663793993_0.jpg A woman in a red dress and a man in a white suite are engaging in a ballet performance on a purple lit stage.,77875,train,15575,3663905588_0.jpg A closeup of a man skateboarding in a skate park.,77880,train,15576,3663951804_0.jpg Five kids are on a yellow ride at the amusement park.,77885,train,15577,3664297064_0.jpg "A man with white hair, wearing a white shirt and blue pants, stands in front of a group of elderly men sitting outside next to a paved gray path on which a black dog sits.",77890,train,15578,3664415437_0.jpg A woman in a blue shirt folding fabric on a table.,77895,train,15579,366454052_0.jpg Lots of people in a forest with a man standing on a log with white shirt.,77900,train,15580,3664616009_0.jpg Small Asian girl and boy running towards the camera in the opposite direction of the other people.,77905,train,15581,3664750995_0.jpg Four children are playing on their front porch while their father looks on.,77910,val,15582,3664781437_0.jpg A street performer out on a street is singing with a microphone in his hand.,77915,train,15583,3664860861_0.jpg An athlete pole vaults in a field with buildings in the background.,77920,train,15584,3664928753_0.jpg "A guy sitting on a chair, dressed in black, with earphones and a mic possibly getting ready to sing.",77925,train,15585,3664988259_0.jpg "A young girl is fishing with some elderly people, possibly her grandparents.",77930,train,15586,3665128265_0.jpg A person is doing a trick on a bicycle with grass and sky as the background.,77935,train,15587,3665169936_0.jpg "Two teenage girls hugging, one wearing a bicycle helmet, with cyclists in the background.",77940,test,15588,3665179773_0.jpg A woman and small child are sitting on the bank of a small creek.,77945,train,15589,3665355241_0.jpg "A man in a white shirt, black vest and black tie with a black hat entertains a large crowd of people in a city with buildings rising in the background and trees all around.",77950,train,15590,3665421893_0.jpg A caucasian toddler in a pink hat has her hands on top of a low chain link fence and is trying to climb it.,77955,train,15591,3665441862_0.jpg "Two large dogs, one light colored and one dark, running through snowy terrain.",77960,test,15592,366548880_0.jpg "Two brown dogs are playing with each other on the grass, with one dog laying on its side.",77965,train,15593,3665549027_0.jpg A baseball pitcher wearing a white and red uniform caught in midpitch of the ball.,77970,train,15594,3665569615_0.jpg A mother dips pieces of fruit into a bowl of liquid chocolate as her anxious daughter looks on.,77975,train,15595,3665584336_0.jpg "Photographed from below, a somewhat husky man wearing a white and black windowpane-plaid shirt and dark trousers is holding a little boy who is wearing orange pants and a navy-blue shirt.",77980,val,15596,366567420_0.jpg A young boy who appears to be about 9 or 10 years old is fishing into a creek off of an overpass.,77985,train,15597,3665931784_0.jpg "Brown and white dog, running on sand with livestock animals partially out of frame.",77990,train,15598,3665987581_0.jpg A young girl in a red dress and black shirt with two purple water balloons.,77995,train,15599,3665996775_0.jpg A ballerina in an empty worn room standing on 1 foot with her arm and other leg in the air,78000,train,15600,3666020875_0.jpg A small baby dressed in blue shorts and a blue hat tries to balance with the help of an adult hand behind him.,78005,train,15601,3666169738_0.jpg A man with khaki shorts on is holding a little girls hand while she walks in the water of a creek.,78010,train,15602,3666179842_0.jpg A child in a yellow shirt is playing a red arcade ride.,78015,train,15603,3666188047_0.jpg A man wearing a long brown robe is playing the guitar while another person is sitting at the drums and yet another is wearing a long gray robe and singing.,78020,train,15604,3666188658_0.jpg "A man, wearing all black clothing, is running down the street as a car comes toward him with its headlights on.",78025,train,15605,3666269240_0.jpg Two girls swing over a red patterned surface.,78030,train,15606,3666324102_0.jpg A woman in jeans is walking past a woman dressed in red in a plaza.,78035,train,15607,3666796674_0.jpg Several people appear to be at an outside event where there is a fire blazing in a barrel.,78040,train,15608,3667035672_0.jpg "Two men, a woman, and two young boys stand in front of a large gathering of people outside a building.",78045,train,15609,366713533_0.jpg An Olympic winner wearing her two gold medals and a gray jacket showing a peace sign and a wave,78050,val,15610,3667157255_0.jpg The young girl is sitting on the swing seat waiting for the carnival ride to begin.,78055,train,15611,3667318593_0.jpg A man in a white uniform rides a motocross bike down a forest trail.,78060,train,15612,3667404919_0.jpg A man is falling backward in swim gear over a large body of water nearby an urban area.,78065,train,15613,3667492609_0.jpg A group of people are in venice using the boat system to get around.,78070,train,15614,3667781063_0.jpg "Under a blue sky with white clouds, a child reaches up to touch the propeller of a plane standing parked on a field of grass.",78075,train,15615,3667788497_0.jpg Soccer players get in a scuffle as one puts the other in a head lock.,78080,val,15616,3667822570_0.jpg A young man and young woman walk toward the camera while two young men walk away from the camera in a small town near a shop called Hello Berlin.,78085,train,15617,3667939633_0.jpg A woman wearing a white tank top and white and red floral print skirt jumps for joy at the pier.,78090,train,15618,3668027351_0.jpg A man in a white shirt and shorts prepares to serve a tennis ball.,78095,train,15619,3668118382_0.jpg "Women are sitting on the ground with a doll, while a child pretends to take care of the doll.",78100,train,15620,3668244651_0.jpg The guy is wearing a blue shirt and doing an ollie.,78105,train,15621,3668259129_0.jpg A group of people standing outside a building surrounded in smoke.,78110,train,15622,3668413622_0.jpg A race with motor boats and all the people are wearing red helmets and life jackets.,78115,train,15623,3668518431_0.jpg "Many people in colorful clothing at some sort of festival, sitting and standing around.",78120,train,15624,3668520111_0.jpg "Women sit at a bar that has dark cabinets, menus written on the walls, and a light hanging above the bar.",78125,train,15625,3668734264_0.jpg "An older woman with arm crutches is dressed in white and going through her white purse in front of a poster that reads ""Lack of money is the root of all evil.""",78130,train,15626,3668741784_0.jpg A young male surfer wearing a yellow shirt rides a wave in the ocean on his whiteboard.,78135,train,15627,3668900592_0.jpg A girl wearing boots stands next to a swimming pool and four people seated on a bench.,78140,train,15628,3668984985_0.jpg A man wearing a black cowboy styled hat drawing his finger through sand.,78145,train,15629,3669056658_0.jpg A woodcarver is carving a bald eagle out of wood at a carnival as spectators look on.,78150,train,15630,3669315178_0.jpg The man in the plaid shorts is building a large sand sculpture while two other men buried in sand are looking on from beneath a blue umbrella.,78155,train,15631,3669472958_0.jpg A Indian women displaying her cultural heritage with painted red fingers and an extravagant head piece.,78160,train,15632,3669527584_0.jpg The girls are both eating and the girl wearing the color red has cake icing on her upper lip.,78165,val,15633,3669564923_0.jpg A black woman supervising a young white child in a play pit filled with plastic balls.,78170,train,15634,3669635757_0.jpg A teenage girl in a white turtleneck pulls some of her hair to the side in the mirror.,78175,train,15635,366978558_0.jpg A little girl in front a pink food tray is getting her bike helmet on by a woman.,78180,val,15636,3670131152_0.jpg "A crowd of people is surrounding and watching a black male in black jeans, a black shirt, a black hat and white sneakers who appears to be dancing.",78185,train,15637,3670184928_0.jpg A large group at a concert or fair all looking at a man in a white shirt.,78190,val,15638,3670205710_0.jpg People make their way onto an orange bus from doors at both the front and back.,78195,train,15639,3670492902_0.jpg Theses people is taking a picture of a pink pig lying on the ground.,78200,train,15640,3670681503_0.jpg A BMX rider in a red and black outfit is jumping on his motorcycle.,78205,train,15641,3670907052_0.jpg An athletic woman sprints off the starting blocks on a track.,78210,train,15642,3670974981_0.jpg A white man wearing a blue shirt and black apron is ready to take down orders for food.,78215,train,15643,3670987768_0.jpg Many people walking on a street with a barricade and trash littered on street,78220,train,15644,3671206280_0.jpg A skateboarder is riding his board on a ramp in a skate park.,78225,train,15645,3671262694_0.jpg A young boy wearing a blue shirt is walking in the street with his father in the background.,78230,train,15646,3671612380_0.jpg Three girls in gold 'Native American' costumes dance on a football field while several young men in dark blue uniforms play drums behind them.,78235,train,15647,3671694723_0.jpg "A guy wearing a Red shirt and a black hat, white gloves is holding a trumpet.",78240,train,15648,3671701607_0.jpg A man is flying through the air hanging from a paraglider while others are water-skiing.,78245,train,15649,3671777903_0.jpg A woman holds her little white dog and points to a big brown dog at the bottom of the hill.,78250,test,15650,3671851846_0.jpg A man in a blue unbuttoned shirt is walking through a local street market that is selling various fabrics.,78255,train,15651,3671931745_0.jpg A woman is blowing bubbles and a little girl in a pink outfit is playing in front of her.,78260,train,15652,3671935691_0.jpg Person on blue motorcycle with smoking back tire and people watching in the background.,78265,train,15653,3671950830_0.jpg "Vendors are selling their goods, in an outdoor food market, while shoppers make purchases.",78270,train,15654,3671957239_0.jpg "A woman leaning against the wall in the ""Dupont Circle"" subway station with a trashcan to the right.",78275,train,15655,3672057606_0.jpg "A group of boys shower with one another outside, while a few girls dance together.",78280,train,15656,3672105089_0.jpg A man lays on the grass in a field and reads a book.,78285,train,15657,3672106148_0.jpg A beautiful mountainous view with a couple in the distance looking over the edge.,78290,train,15658,3672309620_0.jpg Two friends await their demise as a man with a giant snowball held above his head waits for the perfect time to strike,78295,train,15659,367248403_0.jpg "Men dressed in red, white, and black are lined up, each with a trumpet in hand.",78300,train,15660,3672505256_0.jpg "There are a few tents, one blue and one white, at a small street market.",78305,train,15661,3672738000_0.jpg A man and a woman in summer outfits walk down a street market.,78310,train,15662,3672758184_0.jpg A little girl in a pink shirt kicks a blue ball.,78315,train,15663,3672940355_0.jpg Two men wear funny looking black suits while climbing a mountain on a clear sunny day.,78320,train,15664,3672944692_0.jpg Two young girls are arm wrestling in their hotel room while another girl watches.,78325,train,15665,3673032164_0.jpg A little girl in an orange striped outfit is airborne whilst bouncing on a bed.,78330,train,15666,3673035152_0.jpg A young Indian man sits atop a concrete structure with a saw and is carving it while what appears to be a woman because of her dress and legs is in the background.,78335,train,15667,3673069138_0.jpg An Indian man is perching on top of a wall with a hammer and chisel.,78340,train,15668,3673098366_0.jpg A brown and white dog is standing in shallow water on a beach near a large rock outcrop.,78345,train,15669,3673165148_0.jpg "The two children, one with a scarf tied around their forehead, walk down a modeling runway.",78350,train,15670,3673484638_0.jpg A girl wearing a festive dress looks into the distance while a show goes on behind her.,78355,train,15671,3673642950_0.jpg A man in a uniform with black sunglasses stands behind a man with a red shirt and hat sitting on the ground.,78360,train,15672,3673661352_0.jpg Three girls dancing on the hardwood floor on an emty room.,78365,train,15673,3673878924_0.jpg "Standing outside in front of a red van, a man in a hat picks up a framed painting from a table full of such paintings and other art.",78370,test,15674,367400736_0.jpg A female martial artist kicking another female martial artist in the face,78375,train,15675,3674168459_0.jpg Cyclists are riding bikes on an off road course beside a river.,78380,train,15676,3674521435_0.jpg One girl wearing an orange tank top and black sunglasses smiling at the camera next to another girl.,78385,train,15677,3674565156_0.jpg A man with a blue shirt and glasses points to a picture in a book in front of a little girl and a stack of books.,78390,train,15678,3675345761_0.jpg "A child is playing with a green, white and red spinning toy that turning on the ground.",78395,train,15679,3675685612_0.jpg "The blond little girl picks flowers in a field, wearing a white dress with flowers on it.",78400,train,15680,3675742996_0.jpg A skateboarder hanging off the edge of a bowl at a skate park.,78405,train,15681,3675825945_0.jpg "A woman siting in a black polka dot bathing suit top, and blue high waist underwear bottoms sitting in the sidewalk with three bags and a green bottle.",78410,train,15682,3675878796_0.jpg A young girl is holding an end of the string of a yo-yo in one hand and the body of the pink yo-yo in the other.,78415,train,15683,367602066_0.jpg "A young, blond boy in a Transformers shirt raises both hands in front of him, showing all 10 fingers.",78420,train,15684,3676289259_0.jpg "A woman in white and a man in black, with an earring, are kissing.",78425,train,15685,3676432043_0.jpg A woman rides a bike over a dirt path through the long grass.,78430,train,15686,3676460610_0.jpg The yellow dog wears a blue dog tag and rolls on a green field.,78435,train,15687,3676561090_0.jpg The woman wearing a black and white jacket and red boots is also wearing headphones.,78440,train,15688,367673290_0.jpg A man hides his face from the camera while eating dinner with friends.,78445,train,15689,367677825_0.jpg A dark-skinned man standing outside a small yellow building which is setup to sell items.,78450,train,15690,3676788491_0.jpg A girl in a purple sweater and a shoulder bag is looking to the side with a lot of people behind her.,78455,train,15691,3677239603_0.jpg A person wearing a black coat and a helmet with spiky things is posing on the lawn in front of a crowd of people.,78460,train,15692,3677302645_0.jpg Little boy juggling orange balls in the park with a playground behind him.,78465,val,15693,3677318686_0.jpg Two little girls in summer clothes are washing a brown dog.,78470,train,15694,3677329561_0.jpg "A little boy with yellow swim goggles, in blue stripe topped shirt and blue pajama pants caught in midair at home.",78475,train,15695,367740349_0.jpg A young boy dressed in blue jumps in the air with his arms held high.,78480,train,15696,367740415_0.jpg "Two men wearing black belt martial arts uniforms are sparring, one of whom has kicked his feet up to the other man's face.",78485,train,15697,3677514746_0.jpg "Girl in club DJ both showing camera the cover of Michael Jackson's ""Thriller.""",78490,train,15698,3677613006_0.jpg A man in a brown shirts standing underneath the sign for a clothing store.,78495,train,15699,3677656080_0.jpg "A child is playing near a swing set, with a hedge in the background.",78500,train,15700,3677693858_0.jpg "A little blond girl wearing a hot pink outfit, is jumping on a pillow with her eyes closed as she smiles while holding onto the headboard.",78505,val,15701,3677702372_0.jpg A young girl jumps into the deep end of a swimming pool while a young boy is nearby.,78510,train,15702,3677860841_0.jpg Several large dogs are running through a large grassy area.,78515,train,15703,3677927146_0.jpg A woman with glasses and a white lab coat is looking at something that she is manipulating under a microscope.,78520,train,15704,367794886_0.jpg A skateboard teenager wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans rides his board on top of a red fireplug.,78525,train,15705,3677954655_0.jpg A young girl enjoys ice cream with two older women in a pier-like setting.,78530,train,15706,3677964239_0.jpg A girl in a white tank top and bikini bottoms is playing volleyball on a sandy beach.,78535,train,15707,3677992640_0.jpg A man wearing a black tank top and red plaid hat is smiling as a man behind him is playing with a colorful object.,78540,train,15708,3678098428_0.jpg A lady with sunglasses on her head and a green sweatshirt is looking off-camera.,78545,train,15709,3678100844_0.jpg "A husky middle-aged man, with a black shirt that says ""got music"", and a cowboy hat, plays a guitar.",78550,val,15710,3678885320_0.jpg Three children wearing winter coats look through a telescope.,78555,train,15711,367890260_0.jpg "A man points to something as he is talking to a woman wearing white pants, as they stand in front of a store.",78560,train,15712,3678941452_0.jpg An old medical patient getting some sort of eye treatment while lying on a hospital bed.,78565,train,15713,3679187018_0.jpg A blond toddler in a light green shirt sitting in a green chair surrounded by other green chairs.,78570,train,15714,367925122_0.jpg "Two people kickboxing, with others spectating.",78575,train,15715,3679341667_0.jpg A man in a white t-shirt with a red logo is wearing colored beads whilst carrying a flag past a row of spectators.,78580,val,15716,3679405397_0.jpg "There is a man who is wearing a shredded blue shirt that reads, ""Boys Will Do Boys,"" waving at the camera.",78585,train,15717,3679407035_0.jpg A dog jumps and runs through the forest and snow-covered ground.,78590,train,15718,367964525_0.jpg A brown dog with a silver collar runs through shallow water.,78595,train,15719,3679707139_0.jpg "A woman squats washing pots, pans, and bowls in a river, along side a cluttered trashed-filled area.",78600,train,15720,367975972_0.jpg A Boston Red Sox baseball player holds the bat waiting for the incoming pitch.,78605,train,15721,3680031186_0.jpg "A girl leans on a kitchen counter laughing, with the waistband of her pants at crotch level.",78610,train,15722,3680138_0.jpg A shirtless man in striped shorts and sunglasses with a man in white shirt and sunglasses.,78615,train,15723,3680218298_0.jpg "A woman in colorful clothing plays her guitar in the street, next to her guitar case.",78620,train,15724,3680378579_0.jpg Four jockeys and their horses race towards the finish line at a racetrack.,78625,train,15725,3681056426_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt and striped tie is walking near the sewer lid.,78630,train,15726,3681127787_0.jpg A girl in a blue shirt is grinning and walking in a crowd or people.,78635,train,15727,3681172959_0.jpg "Two baseball players on a field, with four spectators, and a crowd.",78640,train,15728,3681324243_0.jpg One black and white dog sleeps while the other two black and white dogs play with a plastic bag.,78645,train,15729,3681414069_0.jpg Little boys points a pink gun in the air while a little girl watches and laughs.,78650,train,15730,3681575323_0.jpg "A young black woman wearing a white tennis dress, white visor and white tennis shoes is swinging a racquet while playing a game of tennis.",78655,train,15731,3681637675_0.jpg A person is dressed in a black vest and hat with lots of flowers attached.,78660,train,15732,3681651647_0.jpg A man does the splits wearing green and woman in a black leotard stands on one leg near a black ballet bar in a studio.,78665,val,15733,3681967973_0.jpg A young girl wearing a striped dress peeks out from behind a tree.,78670,train,15734,3682038869_0.jpg A man standing on the street looking at a woman across on the road.,78675,train,15735,368212336_0.jpg A brown and white dog trots across shallow water with his mouth open.,78680,train,15736,3682277595_0.jpg A woman is standing in front of a line of other women wearing a white dress and a white veil while a man is heading towards her.,78685,train,15737,3682338188_0.jpg "A man in a purple shirt is doing a dance move that is very low to the floor, the audience looks on with enjoyment.",78690,train,15738,3682775658_0.jpg A woman in white makeup and a purple dress sits in a folding chair on the curb.,78695,train,15739,3682778663_0.jpg Two children are with a dog on leash who is standing against a tree.,78700,train,15740,3683185795_0.jpg "A man is holding a shopping basket standing in front of a sign at the fish department that says ""Fishmonger""",78705,train,15741,368332373_0.jpg A mommy duck walking along some rocks with a group of baby ducks.,78710,train,15742,3683592946_0.jpg A girl is swimming in a clear water in a blue pool.,78715,train,15743,3683644335_0.jpg The man in a yellow kayak is paddling through rough waters.,78720,train,15744,368393384_0.jpg "Two dirt bikers - one in black and red, sporting number 64, the other in blue and white displaying a red ""21"" - round the corner of a tree-lined track.",78725,train,15745,3683974620_0.jpg People are standing and sitting on the pavement in front of a large metal building and white and gold sculpture.,78730,train,15746,3684280516_0.jpg "A guy in gold chains, a black top, and gold shorts is walking with his arms outstretched in a parade.",78735,train,15747,3684518763_0.jpg A bus is carrying people while decorated with banners in the colors of the rainbow.,78740,train,15748,3684562647_0.jpg A girl holding a bag walks down the street in front of the chief justice's office.,78745,train,15749,3684680947_0.jpg A dark man in a white and green feathered mask with green jewelry and pants.,78750,train,15750,3685328542_0.jpg A young topless man carries a Brazilian flag whilst wearing a colorful bracelet on his arm and flowers around his neck,78755,train,15751,3685372942_0.jpg A man with several red marks on his body is holding a flag while people in the background are cheering,78760,train,15752,3685373706_0.jpg A naked woman with pink hair and tattoos is standing in a crowd in front of a cloth barrier.,78765,train,15753,3686078365_0.jpg Two men are talking on a porch in front of a wrought iron rail.,78770,train,15754,3686466222_0.jpg A man sitting in sand holding a small statue carved of wood.,78775,train,15755,368650516_0.jpg "A costumed man stands tall above a crowd of his contemporaries in the midst of a party in a white room, furnished with overhead lights and a gray-scale painting on the wall behind him.",78780,train,15756,3686612004_0.jpg A woman in a red shirt and multicolored hat does dishes in the sink.,78785,train,15757,3686889377_0.jpg A dog jumping through the air getting hit by water.,78790,train,15758,3686924335_0.jpg Two people sit at a table outside against a wall and make faces.,78795,test,15759,3687062281_0.jpg "Kids doing a soccer drill in the soccer field, they are all dress in soccer uniforms except for one boy which is wearing casual clothing.",78800,train,15760,3687077099_0.jpg "Two girls sitting on the stoop of a building, sharing a laugh, while one drinks coffee.",78805,train,15761,3687215840_0.jpg A young boy wearing a red shirt is jumping off of a blue slide at a park.,78810,train,15762,3687222696_0.jpg A young child holds an American flag and balloons while watching a truck go by in a parade.,78815,train,15763,3687250043_0.jpg A man in a white shirt in front of a big crowd with bright lights.,78820,train,15764,3687537196_0.jpg Two children run in front of a large statue of a dinosaur in the forest.,78825,train,15765,3687736666_0.jpg "A man in an American flag shirt, and a patriotic hat rides a bike while several other bicyclists follow behind him.",78830,train,15766,3687938978_0.jpg Some Marines in an honor guard are carrying flags and marching in a low key parade in front of a few spectators sitting on a curb.,78835,train,15767,3687940288_0.jpg A long-haired woman with sunglasses is dancing with two other people in a parade.,78840,train,15768,3687995245_0.jpg "The man in a black uniform and hat, holding part of a banner, is waving.",78845,train,15769,3687996279_0.jpg "Six women dressed in purple, blue, green, orange, and red, are waving to the crowd along the parade route.",78850,train,15770,3687996569_0.jpg A group of men play xylophones in a concert space filled with percussion instruments.,78855,train,15771,36880708_0.jpg "A concert band displays patriotism and talent, through dress, as well as their music.",78860,train,15772,3688343105_0.jpg "A man in a white hat is playing a red and white electric guitar while sitting at a synthesizer with multiple keyboards supported by white PVC pipes, with a blue railing in the background.",78865,train,15773,3688364166_0.jpg Two smiling men dressed in provocative leather outfits walk in a parade.,78870,test,15774,3688797852_0.jpg "3 men sit in a cubical of an office, one man is standing and holding a drum.",78875,train,15775,368881750_0.jpg The woman in the red shirt is holding up a peace sign with her fingers with a red banner behind her.,78880,train,15776,3688839836_0.jpg A blond girl in a green dress and elaborate gold necklace stands in front of a few women and a man.,78885,train,15777,3688858505_0.jpg A group of children running up to a sandy area to find multicolored paintings on the ground that each have a letter of the alphabet affixed.,78890,train,15778,368894889_0.jpg A woman in a white halter dressing standing at a counter with bowls of food looking off into another room.,78895,train,15779,3689150386_0.jpg The person wearing flannel shorts is jumping over a fountain.,78900,train,15780,3689355450_0.jpg A man and little girl in a pink life vest and red flotation device swimming.,78905,train,15781,3689406025_0.jpg A child in a life jacket jumps into the pool with the help of a man in goggles.,78910,train,15782,3689407371_0.jpg A man is working on some papers in a room with the walls full of pictures.,78915,train,15783,3689613539_0.jpg The man is leaping off of the pool deck to catch a football.,78920,train,15784,3689727848_0.jpg A woman with long black hair and a white shirt is running up the sand and tall weeds.,78925,train,15785,3689975998_0.jpg A woman is climbing a rocky hill overshadowed by a partly cloudy sky.,78930,train,15786,3690107455_0.jpg A man with green glasses does a trick on his skateboard.,78935,train,15787,3690159129_0.jpg A woman athlete wearing orange and black is running whilst carrying an orange beverage bottle.,78940,train,15788,3690189273_0.jpg "A view of passersby on a city street, with the focus on two men in the foreground, one who is dressed in more feminine clothing, and one who is shirtless.",78945,train,15789,3690220248_0.jpg The young man is performing a bicycle trick high in the air.,78950,train,15790,3690348036_0.jpg A child with brown hair sorts through colorful fabric letters spread out on the floor.,78955,train,15791,3690358925_0.jpg A small child is laughing and playing while lying on her back on a gray rug.,78960,test,15792,3690358949_0.jpg "The person wearing shorts and a shirt is jumping off a dock, into the water.",78965,train,15793,3690425778_0.jpg A man with face makeup and a red piece of fabric hanging from her mouth is being escorted by a police officer.,78970,train,15794,3690431163_0.jpg The man wearing the white shirt takes a picture of the man in the blue shirt with the two dogs.,78975,val,15795,369047365_0.jpg Two people in shorts hike on the snow in the mountains with a lake in the background.,78980,train,15796,3690883532_0.jpg "Two persons, wearing martial arts black belts at their waists over their white clothes fly through the air horizontally towards the floor with their arms wrapped around each other.",78985,train,15797,3691085094_0.jpg An elderly man in a blue jacket with a camera case over his shoulder standing by his bicycle taking pictures.,78990,train,15798,3691203352_0.jpg People on a sidewalk gathered around a man and his son who is holding a short sword and is wearing a top hat.,78995,train,15799,3691288174_0.jpg A man in a vest and tie holding a flaming stick in a crowded area.,79000,val,15800,3691394196_0.jpg A dark-haired man and a little boy use screwdrivers to work on screen door.,79005,train,15801,3691642887_0.jpg A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge.,79010,train,15802,3691670743_0.jpg A man in a red uniform makes a jump in a dirt bike race.,79015,train,15803,3691729694_0.jpg Three people are walking on a board placed over a hole in the sidewalk due to construction.,79020,train,15804,3691745687_0.jpg "A man with a beard, wearing a red shirt with gray sleeves and work gloves, pulling on a rope.",79025,train,15805,3691765410_0.jpg A batter playing cricket missed the ball and the person behind him is catching it.,79030,train,15806,3691800116_0.jpg A group of three dogs are walking through the snow.,79035,train,15807,369186134_0.jpg Four people are trying to hang a large white piece of fabric onto an outdoor pavilion.,79040,train,15808,3692055291_0.jpg A woman in a black shirt is holding the hand of a gentleman in a suit and striped tie and laying her head on his shoulder while smiling.,79045,test,15809,3692072577_0.jpg A man in a white tee-shirt is looking at a charcoal grill with a bag of charcoal sitting beside the grill.,79050,train,15810,3692084275_0.jpg A young woman with elaborately designed hair is playing a game on a Game Boy.,79055,train,15811,3692154582_0.jpg An older gentleman and a small child are sitting by a creek throwing rocks into it.,79060,train,15812,3692233541_0.jpg "A father and his son at the park, the dad has a bike propped up onto a tree checking the tire while his son is studying the tree.",79065,train,15813,3692396278_0.jpg A man with a ponytail is playing a decorated piano in the street next to a table with a red cloth.,79070,train,15814,369244499_0.jpg Red spray is being ejected by an orange and white plane flying over the hilltops.,79075,train,15815,3692593096_0.jpg Two people are pushing a yellow dinghy through a stream as a man is running towards them.,79080,train,15816,3692746368_0.jpg Six men are pushing a large wooden wheel along the ground in front of an audience.,79085,train,15817,3692836015_0.jpg Man with no shirt and tatoos on back airborne with skateboard in hand.,79090,train,15818,3692892751_0.jpg 5 Asian males in swimming trunks sitting and standing outdoors in or around running water.,79095,train,15819,3693255006_0.jpg A girl in a white shirt is looking down at a bunch of people sitting on the ground.,79100,train,15820,3693297007_0.jpg A woman sits in front of a weaving set up and looks at her hands.,79105,train,15821,3693404950_0.jpg A black-haired woman in a bright red shirt works at a loom.,79110,train,15822,3693415584_0.jpg "A young boy in plaid shorts is standing, watching performers on a stage at a sideshow.",79115,train,15823,369359877_0.jpg A woman outside in the snow holds a container that produces steam.,79120,train,15824,369360998_0.jpg The brown greyhound dog walks on green grass and looks through a fence.,79125,val,15825,3693961165_0.jpg An older man is speaking to a boy while both are sitting.,79130,train,15826,3694064560_0.jpg A man with a red helmet and numbers on his arm and leg is riding a red racing bike.,79135,train,15827,3694071771_0.jpg A group of men in period clothing are standing in front of a hut.,79140,train,15828,3694093650_0.jpg Side view of a man tending to food on a grill with sunglasses and black shirt on.,79145,train,15829,3694164936_0.jpg A group of people holding up a bed sheet like a parachute while two people run underneath to fetch a soccer ball.,79150,train,15830,3694219419_0.jpg A man in black with a green cap talks to a woman sitting on a skateboard while he is drawing with chalk on the sidewalk.,79155,train,15831,3694480979_0.jpg "A group of girls playing touch tag, one team dressed in blue and another in dark green, are running to help two injured players.",79160,train,15832,3694528441_0.jpg A boy in blue shorts and a green shirt is hitting a ball off of a tee with a bat.,79165,train,15833,3694534515_0.jpg Two woman are mud wrestling in a kiddie pool.,79170,test,15834,3694555931_0.jpg A man dressed in orange with his bag slung over his shoulder pushes his bicycle along the sidewalk.,79175,train,15835,3694931544_0.jpg "A musician plays a drum while his hair covers his face, and tattoos dot his arms.",79180,train,15836,3694991841_0.jpg "A lady walking her dog through an obstacle course, while other people are in the background.",79185,train,15837,3695064885_0.jpg "A black soccer male soccer player in a purple uniform with a soccer ball on his head, and a white male soccer player in a white uniform behind him.",79190,train,15838,3695517194_0.jpg A middle-aged woman is getting her hair done in a barber shop with polka-dotted walls.,79195,train,15839,369567283_0.jpg Two identical brown dogs side by side holding something white in both their mouths.,79200,train,15840,3695949492_0.jpg A barefoot toddler wearing a yellow blouse and a floral print skirt holds a green toy up to her mouth with her right hand while standing on a blanket out in the yard and clinging with her left hand to some adult's hand.,79205,train,15841,3696184025_0.jpg "A little girl sitting outside on a colored paisley blanket wearing a yellow shirt, matching flowered pants, and holding a white hat.",79210,train,15842,3696190497_0.jpg "These two dogs are outside, with one on the ground and one jumping in the air to get a ball.",79215,train,15843,3696246123_0.jpg A young man is doing a back flip into a sparkling green lake while others watch from below.,79220,train,15844,3696261825_0.jpg A man wearing a green shirt is jumping his bicycle off a ramp.,79225,train,15845,3696698390_0.jpg A man wearing glasses and holding a cup of tea in his left hand is biting on some food that he is holding in his right hand.,79230,train,15846,369674162_0.jpg A teenage boy is riding a skateboard on the stone handrail of a flight of outdoor steps.,79235,train,15847,3697003897_0.jpg A young boy is buckled into a car seat making a silly face.,79240,train,15848,3697359692_0.jpg Two girls are kicking each other in martial arts uniforms.,79245,train,15849,3697456750_0.jpg A lone man walking down a long flight of steps in an industrial setting.,79250,train,15850,3697572752_0.jpg A dirt bike racer jumping off a hill with another racer not far behind.,79255,val,15851,3697675767_0.jpg A group of friends playing cards and trying to bluff each other into making a terrible mistake.,79260,train,15852,36979_0.jpg A man in a white shirt crouches over in front of a parking ticket machine trying to get his change out from the coin slot.,79265,train,15853,3697902123_0.jpg An ash colored dog is walking forward in the snow.,79270,train,15854,369802520_0.jpg "A girl, a boy, and a woman all stand next to bushes while looking at something.",79275,train,15855,3698350607_0.jpg A boy and a girl look on as a man reaches toward something in the grass near the water's shore.,79280,train,15856,3698507219_0.jpg A small child holds a red umbrella upside down while standing barefoot in a muddy yard.,79285,train,15857,3698636872_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt is in the parking lot next to a white truck and metal building.,79290,train,15858,3698928767_0.jpg "A red Ford pick up truck parked against a wire fence, with a man in white hard hat and construction boots, looking inside the truck's flatbed.",79295,train,15859,3698928883_0.jpg Three people sitting at a round table are looking at another man pointing at something written on the wall.,79300,train,15860,369893824_0.jpg A blond toddler in a white shirt and green pants standing at a wooden fence.,79305,train,15861,3698944019_0.jpg A person is walking inside a large blue and yellow structure that looks to be made of fabric.,79310,train,15862,3698993988_0.jpg The man in the blue shirt wearing headphones around his neck is sitting next to the man who is working at a computer.,79315,train,15863,3699318394_0.jpg "A bald man in a black wetsuit flips leaps in the air on a surfboard, holds on to a waterskiing handle",79320,train,15864,3699522388_0.jpg Man with guitar holding a microphone in one hand and extending his other arm.,79325,train,15865,36995794_0.jpg A boy in a yellow shirt looks out over a body of water with several other people.,79330,train,15866,3699725758_0.jpg A man with no shirt on is rock climbing.,79335,train,15867,3699763582_0.jpg Someone standing in a rooftop wearing shorts and a hat laying out pieces of torn fabric.,79340,train,15868,3699828107_0.jpg A boy with his mouth wide open dressed in a yellow life jacket and goggles in water with a man next to him.,79345,train,15869,3700004668_0.jpg A guy on a bike jumps high into the air while another person takes his picture,79350,train,15870,3700322513_0.jpg A bird has its wings spread very wide and is standing on rocks.,79355,train,15871,3700346840_0.jpg Two Asian women working on a hand embroidered tapestry on a frame.,79360,train,15872,3700374214_0.jpg "A young, dark-haired boy kicking his leg up high while surrounded by a crowd.",79365,train,15873,3700377054_0.jpg An egret stretches his neck to eat things out of the still water.,79370,train,15874,3700554247_0.jpg Man walking away from building with large tunnel-like entrance holding a drink and a man going into the entrance.,79375,test,15875,3700739661_0.jpg A young man holds a hammer shaped object in the air with one hand and a similar shaped object in the other while making a funny expression.,79380,train,15876,3701226275_0.jpg Two children in jackets walking down a dirt road carrying flowers.,79385,train,15877,3701249979_0.jpg Two people are silhouetted against a lake reflecting a painted sky.,79390,test,15878,3701291852_0.jpg A boat with a red and white sail in a body of water in the back of this scene.,79395,train,15879,3701509233_0.jpg Three people are mountain climbing and the lady in front has long hair.,79400,train,15880,3701544312_0.jpg Several women and children are walking along a graffiti covered wall.,79405,train,15881,370162396_0.jpg A man in a white and yellow shirt and black shorts is attempting to hit a tennis ball flying his way with a tennis racket.,79410,train,15882,3701699584_0.jpg A young child is riding a bike in the dirt along a brick walkway in a park.,79415,train,15883,3701878677_0.jpg A girl runs through an obstacle course outside as some boys watch.,79420,train,15884,3702038926_0.jpg A man with black hair and a black mustache sitting down and putting his hand above some burning embers while holding a metal bowl.,79425,train,15885,3702372756_0.jpg A boy wearing a white shirt and pink shoelaces jumping on a railing,79430,train,15886,3702436188_0.jpg "Wearing a brown jacket, multicolored scarf and purse, an adult female walks along a sidewalk while looking downward next to a green pole with plastic wrapped around it.",79435,train,15887,370256193_0.jpg Two blond-hair ladies are sitting on a park bench near a body of water.,79440,train,15888,3702607829_0.jpg A girl is performing a wheelie on her bicycle in front of a gray cinder block building.,79445,val,15889,3702634572_0.jpg An extreme bicyclist is performing a jump with his bicycle and rotating the bicycle while he is in the air.,79450,train,15890,3703107969_0.jpg A bus that's being driven by a man that seems to be giving a tour by the woman.,79455,train,15891,3703188393_0.jpg Two young boys lean out the window of a white RV with their stuffed toy snake.,79460,train,15892,3703413486_0.jpg A man and a woman sit back to back on a bench in front of a building with a colorful painted door.,79465,train,15893,3703960010_0.jpg A man in a black shirt is walking in front of a billboard with an animated dinosaur on it.,79470,train,15894,3704097614_0.jpg "A man in a gray sweater and khaki pants is standing next to a small red and yellow building, where there is an array of raw meat hanging from a pole outside a window.",79475,train,15895,3704209910_0.jpg A man and a woman and a young child surrounded by various birds.,79480,train,15896,370442541_0.jpg "A black and brown dog runs along the sand, avoiding an oncoming wave.",79485,train,15897,3704431444_0.jpg "The cowboy is struggling to stay on the horse inside of the bullpen as he goes around the red, white, and blue barrel.",79490,train,15898,370445133_0.jpg Men working with electrical equipment on a building.,79495,train,15899,3704588601_0.jpg A woman in a black t-shirt and light tan long skirt sing at the microphone while her band members play in the background.,79500,train,15900,3704642429_0.jpg Three people on bikes racing through the orange cones.,79505,train,15901,3704698586_0.jpg A man in a tuxedo smiles while standing in front of a microphone and next to a man in a black hat on the electric guitar.,79510,train,15902,3704709223_0.jpg A young girl lying down wearing a light purple top strokes the face of a crying infant,79515,train,15903,3704725503_0.jpg "A little girl in pink pajamas brushing her teeth, and a baby laying on the couch behind her.",79520,train,15904,3704816755_0.jpg "Two UFC fighters are fighting in a ring, the opponent on top has flames on his shorts and is about to deliver a punch to his opponent whom he has pinned.",79525,train,15905,3704836369_0.jpg A person rides a snowmobile over the snow and does a stunt.,79530,train,15906,3704995657_0.jpg A man wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt and jeans is riding a unicycle down a street.,79535,train,15907,3705430840_0.jpg "A girl wearing a short-sleeve floral print dress with a watch on has a microphone and appears to be speaking or singing to a man with a sports coat, orange shirt and hat on who is playing a guitar.",79540,train,15908,3705470430_0.jpg A man with clown makeup on is holding a guitar and a harmonica while standing in front of a microphone.,79545,train,15909,3705560226_0.jpg A guy with a painted face and a top hat on stage smiling with two other people.,79550,train,15910,3705585216_0.jpg A shirtless boy throwing something with the sunlight low on the water,79555,train,15911,3705688385_0.jpg A man in red trunks with tattoos on his right arm is boxing a man in black trunks inside a boxing ring.,79560,train,15912,3705781399_0.jpg A woman is running with a dog in a grassy field with trees in the background.,79565,train,15913,3705976184_0.jpg A boat full of Asian people is sailed through reeds and bushes.,79570,train,15914,3706019147_0.jpg "A couple, who appear to be Indian or Pakistani, walk on a path beside a body of water, the mother carrying a child in a diaper, the father wrapped in a blanket with the logo of the humanitarian organization ""Save the Children.""",79575,train,15915,3706019259_0.jpg A boy is sitting on a small boat with two flags flying from it not far from the coast with some trees in the background.,79580,train,15916,3706020467_0.jpg A boy contorts his face while holding an electronic device.,79585,train,15917,3706064643_0.jpg A greasy haired man with a mustache explaining what is wrong with the object in his hand.,79590,train,15918,370614244_0.jpg A person in a kilt and a sports jersey and a Mohawk is in a store.,79595,train,15919,370614351_0.jpg Five children on a white-metal midair ride called the frog hopper.,79600,train,15920,3706356018_0.jpg "Four people wearing flip-flops, three of which have sunglasses on, posing for a picture near a body of water.",79605,train,15921,3706579316_0.jpg A young man with a beard is about to drive off in a red GoKart from Moto Rent in Colonia.,79610,train,15922,3706602030_0.jpg A bicyclist wearing a helmet jumping a trick on his back tire,79615,train,15923,3706653103_0.jpg An older man wearing jeans and a baseball cap sits on a lawn chair in a busy section of an urban area.,79620,train,15924,3706980933_0.jpg "A person in the air while skateboarding, in front of a wall of graffiti.",79625,train,15925,3707077198_0.jpg "Crowded Mexican restaurant, empty chair in foreground.",79630,train,15926,370713359_0.jpg Three people on a walk down a cement path beside a field of wildflowers with skyscrapers in the background.,79635,train,15927,3707283973_0.jpg A woman sings and plays guitar while young adults mill around in the background.,79640,train,15928,3707585013_0.jpg "Three handlers lead a string of 11 camels, each carrying a pair of riders, through shallow water on a beach.",79645,train,15929,3707649986_0.jpg A little girl in a pink jacket throws leaves over her head in front of a fence.,79650,train,15930,3707738261_0.jpg "Five men in white t-shirts are looking at something underneath a McDonalds sign that states ""Bag of ice .99"".",79655,train,15931,3707902579_0.jpg A girl in pink and yellow on a pink and orange surfboard cuts through the wave.,79660,train,15932,3707990914_0.jpg Two men are sitting on a bench looking at a water fountain,79665,train,15933,3708172446_0.jpg A youth with brown hair is doing an ollie over a bench with his skateboard.,79670,train,15934,3708177171_0.jpg "A man stands on a dock near several boats, while 2 other men are on one of the boats.",79675,train,15935,3708244207_0.jpg A black and white dog is going through an obstacle course.,79680,train,15936,3708266246_0.jpg "A city street with a telephone booth, passing cars, a parked bicycle, and a blond woman with a purse and young girl with a backpack walking away.",79685,train,15937,3708441539_0.jpg A man wearing a coat and a plaid green skirt is playing a bagpipe.,79690,train,15938,3708748633_0.jpg A black dog leaps from the water near a wooded shoreline,79695,train,15939,3708839890_0.jpg "This boy, wearing a red shirt and blue shorts, is running.",79700,train,15940,3709030554_0.jpg "A man is in an ornate, wood paneled room, standing and playing an unusual semi-circular instrument while being accompanied by a wind ensemble composed of young people who are sitting behind him.",79705,train,15941,3709301369_0.jpg A woman in a kitchen holds a can surrounded by bowls.,79710,train,15942,3709522287_0.jpg A little boy in shorts and sandals is sitting in the grass.,79715,train,15943,3710050559_0.jpg A person rides a jump high into the air and upside down on a bicycle.,79720,train,15944,3710073758_0.jpg A little boy landing with a splash on a very wet slip & slide.,79725,train,15945,3710176138_0.jpg A young girl wearing a pink dress jumps through the air over playground equipment.,79730,train,15946,3710353645_0.jpg Two children and a dog play in the snow with a woods behind them.,79735,train,15947,3710468717_0.jpg The black dog with a red collar is jumping through the water.,79740,train,15948,3710520638_0.jpg "Young man with eyeglasses and goatee, wearing striped pajama pants and a blue sport's shirt, sitting on his bed, mouth wide open.",79745,train,15949,3710607005_0.jpg Child with a green apple in his mouth is wearing a red life jacket,79750,train,15950,3710674892_0.jpg "A man and a woman are sitting, while working on the wheel of a blue vehicle.",79755,train,15951,3710675147_0.jpg A group of African girls in colorful clothing sitting Indian style on the ground.,79760,train,15952,3710916676_0.jpg Men play some type of sport on the field with what looks like hockey sticks.,79765,train,15953,3710971182_0.jpg A woman in a pink hooded sweatshirt carrying advertisement signs down a sidewalk.,79770,train,15954,3711030008_0.jpg "Two young women are talking with a young man in a wheelchair, while two other young men look on.",79775,train,15955,3711113772_0.jpg A young man with a shaved head and glasses is sitting at a kitchen table using a computer.,79780,train,15956,371121323_0.jpg Man watching cartoons on television with the arm of a second person across from him reaching for candy in a dish and a Christmas tree in the background.,79785,train,15957,371123959_0.jpg Man with a baby strapped to his chest looking off into the distance.,79790,train,15958,3711253664_0.jpg An ariel view of a man in an orange hard hat and harness fixing something that is up above the city behind him with some kind of tool.,79795,train,15959,3711340791_0.jpg A man wearing an orange shirt and orange hard hat is working on something high above other buildings and a street below.,79800,train,15960,3711344791_0.jpg A man wearing an orange helmet is sitting on a crane seat looking down.,79805,train,15961,3711346809_0.jpg A very young naked baby with a feeding tube in it's nose is being washed by a female in a Rubbermaid type container filled with soap suds.,79810,train,15962,3711352975_0.jpg A man wearing an orange hard hat is being lowered down the side of a building.,79815,train,15963,3711354907_0.jpg A man in a black shirt and a woman in black and red sit at a table eating together.,79820,train,15964,371139037_0.jpg Two people are looking at a fancy motorcycle while a woman inside a restaurant is looking at them.,79825,train,15965,3711539753_0.jpg A little boy is riding a dirt bike with the number seven on it going down a hill.,79830,train,15966,3711606914_0.jpg The black dog is wearing a red collar and is jumping into the water after a Frisbee.,79835,val,15967,3711611500_0.jpg A family of two young boys and a woman and man pose in front of a scenic background.,79840,train,15968,3711664623_0.jpg A dog is running through a very wooded area with large white flowers.,79845,train,15969,3711826708_0.jpg Shoppers purchase produce from a busy grocery store in Asia.,79850,train,15970,3711851074_0.jpg "A woman splashes in water, with others in the background.",79855,train,15971,3712008738_0.jpg A brunette with her hair in a bun is located near color coded buckets and is wearing a hoodie with a doll embroidered onto the hood.,79860,train,15972,37120680_0.jpg A man works on the rear tire of a bike while a baby looks on from behind the bike.,79865,train,15973,3712463209_0.jpg A lady brings a drink to a seated couple comprised of a woman wearing a long white dress and a man in a dark suit.,79870,test,15974,3712574653_0.jpg "An older man in sunglasses, a hat and a leather jacket plays the trumpet on a fall day.",79875,val,15975,371269133_0.jpg Two young boys and a young girl wrestle around outside atop leaves while two other spectators are off to the left.,79880,train,15976,3712720433_0.jpg A black and white dog is swimming in a large green lake.,79885,train,15977,3712742641_0.jpg Guy in white t-shirt is crouched down spray painting an apple next to a picture of a large eye.,79890,train,15978,3712917405_0.jpg A group of men in camouflage pants and white t-shirts are running in a drill yard.,79895,train,15979,3712923460_0.jpg "Two teams, one wearing black jerseys and the other wearing white jerseys, are on a football field.",79900,train,15980,3713030758_0.jpg A brown and white dog jumps over a purple and white hurdle in a field.,79905,train,15981,3713133789_0.jpg A group of people painting the side of a building in an array of colors.,79910,train,15982,3713177334_0.jpg A man in white standing in front of a street shop that has holiday gear.,79915,train,15983,3713265936_0.jpg A man holding plastic toys looks away while a man wearing a white hat smiles at the camera.,79920,train,15984,3713324467_0.jpg Young boy sits on a computer chair while playing a game on his computer screen while his hands are on the keyboard.,79925,train,15985,3713632593_0.jpg A black and brown dog is jumping on blocks of concrete in the water.,79930,train,15986,371364900_0.jpg With majestic pride the horse soars over the miniature barn as the rider holds on.,79935,train,15987,3713868971_0.jpg "A fat woman wearing a blue tank top and a backpack, eating a chili cheese dog",79940,train,15988,3713882697_0.jpg A person in a green and white jacket and green pants is practicing on his snowboard.,79945,val,15989,3714551959_0.jpg A man in a gray shirt and flip-flops is looking in his blue cooler at the items that are in the cooler.,79950,train,15990,3714740161_0.jpg A girl in a blue tank top opens a package next to several drinks and a opened can of beans.,79955,train,15991,3714750159_0.jpg A guy in a white shirt with glasses standing by a tree holding something in his hand.,79960,train,15992,3714755769_0.jpg A girl in a red shirt holding a girl in a blue shirt who is holding onto the top of a cinder-block wall with one hand.,79965,train,15993,3714870764_0.jpg A man in a blue polo shirt sits at a table looking off in the distance.,79970,val,15994,3714944115_0.jpg A woman is sitting outside at a table looking through magazines.,79975,train,15995,3714944415_0.jpg A man stands on a forest footpath winding between several nearly-identical tree trunks.,79980,train,15996,3715172123_0.jpg Two people are standing on sidewalk in front of a large building.,79985,train,15997,3715201165_0.jpg The little boy in the blue t-shirt is smiling under the blue umbrella even though it is not raining.,79990,train,15998,371522748_0.jpg "Octopus-like sand sculpture appears in the foreground, while a woman is shown mid-step in the background.",79995,train,15999,3715423893_0.jpg Two females are standing next to each other and appear to be unexcited.,80000,train,16000,3715469645_0.jpg Three old men have their hands over each other's at a grand opening.,80005,val,16001,3715471115_0.jpg An onlooker sits on the shore of a pool overlooked by massive waterfalls.,80010,train,16002,3715559023_0.jpg A young girl and young boy are climbing on a geometric structure.,80015,train,16003,3715635007_0.jpg One skater is wearing a blue shirt with black shorts and the other skater is wearing a red shirt with black shorts.,80020,test,16004,3715669736_0.jpg Group of four people in hiking gear standing in front of a forest of trees.,80025,train,16005,3715790408_0.jpg "A woman is walking among trees, a sign reading ""berry picker"" can be seen.",80030,train,16006,3715880314_0.jpg Three people are walking on a green area down a path between a forest of trees.,80035,train,16007,3715997100_0.jpg "A topless man with tattoos, black pants, and black boots is standing on a platform in front of a mirror.",80040,train,16008,3716101709_0.jpg A child has a red bucket over his head while standing next to a guard rail.,80045,train,16009,3716139039_0.jpg The couple have children sitting in their laps on the rocky hillside.,80050,test,16010,3716244806_0.jpg The large white bird's reflection shows in the water.,80055,train,16011,3716272233_0.jpg Three african american women are dressed in bright orange and brown dresses and headscarves.,80060,train,16012,3716277216_0.jpg Three men dressed in suits and ties clasps their raised hands while standing in front of corporate logos.,80065,train,16013,3716283232_0.jpg A male billiards player with a grin on his face and his pool stick in hand overlooking a billiards table with some balls on it.,80070,train,16014,3716462559_0.jpg A female in a power wheelchair drives away with a group hunched behind her.,80075,train,16015,3716647219_0.jpg "Vibrant colored dress wearing, long-haired women and men, under a bridge, dance in joy while a lone member holds up a peace sign with her hand.",80080,train,16016,3717258171_0.jpg A group of dancers in the subway dancing for money.,80085,train,16017,3717267425_0.jpg A group of mountain bikers race each other down a dirt hill.,80090,test,16018,3717309680_0.jpg A woman in a wheelchair with red dots on her face smiles as another women with red dots on her face holds her wheelchair while others look on.,80095,train,16019,3717467586_0.jpg A man wearing a red jacket and knee high boots is fly fishing.,80100,train,16020,3717531382_0.jpg An older woman is sharing her ice cream cone with a young girl.,80105,train,16021,3717587115_0.jpg A person in a gray jacket with a black messenger back looks over the nearby river and bridge.,80110,train,16022,371769150_0.jpg Two young children ride on the swings at a playground.,80115,train,16023,3717809376_0.jpg Three members of the red team are in the grass with a member of the yellow team.,80120,train,16024,3717845800_0.jpg A boy in a tee-shirt and shorts playing an instrument next to a girl singing while playing the guitar.,80125,train,16025,3717886615_0.jpg A group of stylish young adults wearing 1970s like attire attend a social gathering.,80130,train,16026,3718072512_0.jpg The little brown dog is running through a clover field with a white object in its mouth.,80135,train,16027,3718076407_0.jpg A young man skateboards around the empty outdoor sports arena.,80140,train,16028,3718305988_0.jpg "There is a herd of antelope running, with a few jumping over a fence, in a field.",80145,train,16029,3718412478_0.jpg A boy wearing a helmet flips up his scooter as he skates between orange cones.,80150,train,16030,3718892835_0.jpg A woman wearing a teal cardigan with a teal scarf and sunglasses on her head.,80155,train,16031,3718964174_0.jpg A young man in a red and gray shirt and blue jeans is walking outside with a cellphone in his hand.,80160,train,16032,371897_0.jpg Two men and a woman are sitting on a patio with a black grill in the foreground.,80165,train,16033,371902_0.jpg Two men sit reading books in a smoke-filled area next to a table holding sweet corn and raw hotdogs.,80170,train,16034,371903_0.jpg People are sitting next to each other at a table with papers in front of them.,80175,train,16035,371910695_0.jpg The white pelican is flying over the ocean.,80180,train,16036,3719461451_0.jpg "A portly, bearded gentleman puts on a green robe with white cuffs to match his green pants.",80185,train,16037,371953471_0.jpg "As a crowd looks on, a player in a white uniform, wearing only one colorful sock, makes a diving catch for the frisbee.",80190,train,16038,3719712280_0.jpg An Asian woman in a pink shirt and a hat carrying a part of a fence.,80195,train,16039,3720124882_0.jpg A group of girls walking and talking along the beach with a building in the background.,80200,train,16040,3720129024_0.jpg A person in a red hat and shoes doing stunts on a red bike while a person in yellow watches.,80205,train,16041,3720210639_0.jpg Small dog in costume stands on hind legs to reach dangling flowers.,80210,val,16042,3720366614_0.jpg "It has just rained at a city street corner where shoppers, friends, and neighbors have seemed to stop for traffic and are enjoying each others company.",80215,train,16043,3720376242_0.jpg "A little girl, with dark hair and a yellow vest with striped pants on, is crouching down next to a flower basket.",80220,train,16044,3720645102_0.jpg "Two medical professionals are assisting a small, elderly lady in a wheelchair, while another lady watches.",80225,train,16045,3720930427_0.jpg A group a youths sitting outdoors watching two people with a microphone that are doing something by a table with a basin and some soap.,80230,train,16046,3720930835_0.jpg A blond woman speaks with a group of young dark-haired female students carrying pieces of paper.,80235,train,16047,3720932219_0.jpg A mountain biker travels along a dirt trail inside a heavily wooded area.,80240,test,16048,3721082512_0.jpg A man in a green t-shirts holds his sneakers while walking alone down a beach.,80245,test,16049,3721102409_0.jpg "A cute young woman is holding up some type of linen, while she is standing in front of her teal colored dryer.",80250,train,16050,3721368299_0.jpg A little girl in a blue helmet is putting her face on a brown horse.,80255,train,16051,3721404396_0.jpg The men wear ear protection as one of them lifts up the outer shell of the race car to reveal the engine inside.,80260,train,16052,3721584359_0.jpg "Two men, each wearing a white tee-shirt and headphones make adjustments to a machine while shaded by a dark umbrella-like contraption.",80265,train,16053,3721604285_0.jpg A man with a gray beard and a little boy are sitting on the floor looking over some papers in a room with a bunk bed.,80270,train,16054,372160542_0.jpg A blond woman sitting on a plastic stool is working on someone's toes.,80275,train,16055,3721744760_0.jpg A woman with a bright blue satchel measures the blood pressure of an old woman sitting in a chair.,80280,train,16056,3721745504_0.jpg Two women have their arms around each other and are smiling.,80285,train,16057,3721799573_0.jpg A woman with her arms on the cheeks of two men on either side of her pose while another man peeks over her head.,80290,train,16058,3721812313_0.jpg A man in a green shirt directs trucks in preparation of the racetrack.,80295,train,16059,3721822959_0.jpg Two men wearing black t-shirts are sitting on the back of a truck.,80300,train,16060,3721843907_0.jpg "A woman and girl wearing traditional clothes, sits on the front lawn, reading from a book.",80305,train,16061,3721881082_0.jpg A man in a dark shirt and wearing earmuffs is checking the engine of a red and white race car while another man wearing sunglasses looks on.,80310,train,16062,3721977689_0.jpg A drag race car being worked on by 3 people on a track,80315,test,16063,3722006169_0.jpg A lady in Capri jeans and dark sleeveless top watches some guys preparing for a race.,80320,train,16064,3722051605_0.jpg "A red and silver muscle car, waits to start a drag race.",80325,train,16065,3722423338_0.jpg A caucasian man wearing red plaid bottoms and a black vest with large buttons with a tattoo on one arm has an upside down unicycle balancing on his mouth.,80330,train,16066,372243070_0.jpg Two men in black clothes inspect the motor of a racing car while the top of the car is lifted.,80335,train,16067,3722433576_0.jpg "A new sports car exhibition in the city of Angeles world exhibition day in Los Angeles, California.",80340,train,16068,3722449720_0.jpg A group of people in black shirts stand around a hot rod and smile to the camera.,80345,train,16069,3722457086_0.jpg Two men wearing earmuffs inspect a racing car's engine on an asphalt track.,80350,test,16070,3722504168_0.jpg "A man sitting in a racing car with black sunglasses and a look that reads ""I 'm ready to win.""",80355,train,16071,3722540104_0.jpg A red high speed racing boat skips across the water.,80360,train,16072,3722572342_0.jpg There's nothing like a hot day at the races and smelling the rubber burn,80365,train,16073,3722643122_0.jpg A red and white car is parked in front of bleachers full of people.,80370,train,16074,3722671516_0.jpg A musician settles down in a subtle area to play his tunes for the people walking by.,80375,train,16075,3722809335_0.jpg A group of children with bright smiles on their faces pose with a backdrop of a beautiful sea and the sunset.,80380,train,16076,3722971835_0.jpg "A man in all black is playing the violin outdoors and has the attention of a young woman who is sitting in front him, enjoying the performance.",80385,train,16077,3723541814_0.jpg The man in the white and pink outfit is holding a guitar.,80390,train,16078,3723690961_0.jpg A group of New Yorkers is protesting the war with signs asking to bring home the troops.,80395,train,16079,372372614_0.jpg A healthy and fit girl wearing a sports outfit is vaulting on a sunny and clear day.,80400,train,16080,3723727436_0.jpg "Two men, one wearing glasses, with a silver mixing bowl and rice milk.",80405,train,16081,3723840426_0.jpg "A man relaxes lying down on the grass at a park area, between two trees, facing a small lake, with buildings and cars visible across the lake.",80410,train,16082,3723850224_0.jpg A greyhound race with the lead dog wearing yellow and black stripes and the number 8,80415,train,16083,3723903586_0.jpg A man does a trick with his bicycle off the side of a wall.,80420,train,16084,3724113279_0.jpg A group of young boys on opposing teams are playing soccer.,80425,train,16085,3724150944_0.jpg A bunch of little boys in bathing trunks running.,80430,train,16086,3724487641_0.jpg Surfer wearing a wetsuit at the crest of a wave.,80435,train,16087,3724581378_0.jpg A woman wearing a plaid dress plays an instrument while standing near a tree.,80440,train,16088,3724623861_0.jpg A small brown and white dog is playing with the sprinkler in the grass.,80445,train,16089,3724718895_0.jpg Three girls wearing goggles are jumping into a swimming pool together.,80450,test,16090,3724738804_0.jpg A small boy rides on a playground toy while pointing to a slide.,80455,train,16091,3724759125_0.jpg A group of people enjoying a thrill ride at an amusement park.,80460,train,16092,3724946689_0.jpg An antique car that is yellow is shown lined up with other cars.,80465,train,16093,3725177385_0.jpg A man and a woman are walking past a car with a fancy symbol on the front.,80470,train,16094,3725202807_0.jpg "A choir, the members dressed in white tops and black pants and holding their music, are singing in front of a building.",80475,train,16095,3725334496_0.jpg The German shepherd dog is jumping up as it is being squirted with a jet of water.,80480,train,16096,3725353555_0.jpg A crowd standing in a room with their backs to the camera.,80485,train,16097,372559387_0.jpg People dancing and being watched by a man wearing a shirt that says security.,80490,train,16098,372570543_0.jpg "During a martial arts match, a man attempts to kick the other in the face.",80495,train,16099,3725814794_0.jpg A group of black children are paddling homemade rafts across a body of water.,80500,train,16100,3725862323_0.jpg A landscape picture of a motorcyclist and a person flying kites.,80505,train,16101,3726019124_0.jpg A large group of bicycles riding their bikes.,80510,train,16102,3726025663_0.jpg An Asian man in a black shirt and jeans rides his black and red bicycle down a railing.,80515,val,16103,3726076549_0.jpg "There is a man and a woman sitting on folding chairs, outside next to a truck.",80520,train,16104,3726120436_0.jpg A baseball player in a white uniform is walking to base while a crowd of people watch from the bleachers.,80525,train,16105,3726130458_0.jpg A brown dog is climbing over a golden dog that is carrying bottle in its mouth.,80530,train,16106,3726168984_0.jpg A man wearing glasses and a blazer stands in front of a billboard sign.,80535,train,16107,3726170067_0.jpg A woman wearing a black t-shirt and green capri pants walks in front of a giant clock.,80540,train,16108,3726215814_0.jpg A girl wearing a Sea World shirt and holding a water bottle is standing next to a sign.,80545,train,16109,3726551176_0.jpg A woman with her head down and her hand to her mouth sitting beside someone reading.,80550,train,16110,3726590391_0.jpg An ethnic woman is sewing some sort of blue and gold material with elaborate designs.,80555,train,16111,3726603162_0.jpg Two dogs on hind legs and two seated dogs are looking at something in the air.,80560,train,16112,3726629271_0.jpg The man in the bright colored shirt is balancing a knife on his arm.,80565,train,16113,3726700898_0.jpg A baby is lifted into the air by a man wearing no shirt.,80570,train,16114,3726730085_0.jpg "A man in a blue shirt pulls a boat to the shore with the help of a man in a red shirt, a woman in a white shirt, and a child.",80575,train,16115,3726808901_0.jpg "A dark-skinned woman, wearing a black and white top with a brown fur-lined collar, arranges brochures and other papers on a table.",80580,train,16116,3726935024_0.jpg A man in a black graphic t-shirt playing an acoustic guitar.,80585,train,16117,3726980861_0.jpg A man wearing sandals standing next to a craft machine.,80590,train,16118,3727030497_0.jpg A man wearing a dark colored sweater is smiling while holding a glass of beer.,80595,train,16119,372770231_0.jpg One man kicks another in the shoulder at a martial arts event.,80600,train,16120,3727740053_0.jpg A woman wearing a black and white outfit while holding her sunglasses.,80605,train,16121,3727752439_0.jpg Man standing on one arm with feet in the air on playground equipment with a body of water in the background.,80610,train,16122,3728015645_0.jpg Two people leaning against a railing outside the enterance of a building,80615,train,16123,3728164558_0.jpg A man on inline skates does a trick on a cracked concrete ramp.,80620,test,16124,3728256505_0.jpg Person in black with a child in red walking in front of a large circle.,80625,train,16125,3728438187_0.jpg A man holding a baby and an older child admire a birthday cake with candles.,80630,train,16126,3728695560_0.jpg A man cooking chicken on a grill with two spatulas.,80635,train,16127,3728710345_0.jpg "A young woman is looking down with her eyes closed, while holding something (possibly a toothbrush or thermometer) in the side of her mouth.",80640,train,16128,3728759084_0.jpg "A man in a scuba suit, surrounded by equipment, looks at the camera while he holds up an underwater light in one hand and the other out wide.",80645,train,16129,3728976215_0.jpg "A woman in sneakers yellow printed shorts and blue a blue shirt and hat paints on a boardwalk, seperated by a rail from a sandy, grassy hill.",80650,train,16130,3729355672_0.jpg A boy rides his red bicycle down the handrail of a staircase in a city.,80655,train,16131,3729405438_0.jpg A woman is reading literature and sitting on the front stoop of a building.,80660,train,16132,3729525173_0.jpg Two men in underwater breathing suits are underwater with another person not in a breathing suit.,80665,train,16133,3729748378_0.jpg "The man is wearing a black shirt, holding a pail, and walking with a child next to the water.",80670,val,16134,3730011219_0.jpg A little girl with a hat sits between a woman's feet in the sand in front of a pair of colorful tents.,80675,train,16135,3730011701_0.jpg A woman in a red shirt with red lipstick is about to be kissed by an older man in a purple shirt and glasses in front of a red curtain.,80680,train,16136,373001890_0.jpg A man on the sidewalk talks a cellphone and looks past a man on the cellphone in a car.,80685,train,16137,373004394_0.jpg "An apparently homemade pontoon boat with five people is seen approaching the bank of a river or lake shore on a cloudless, calm day.",80690,train,16138,3730100976_0.jpg "A man, woman, and another man are walking through a grassy field.",80695,train,16139,3730260112_0.jpg "A man is leaning over above the water, reaching toward the shark moving toward him.",80700,train,16140,3730431218_0.jpg A young girl rides on a toy bicycle with her mouth open.,80705,train,16141,3730457171_0.jpg Lots of people are walking on the road near several white buildings towards Nationals Park.,80710,train,16142,3730944181_0.jpg A baseball pitcher standing on a mound with the number 35 on his red and white uniform.,80715,train,16143,3730944337_0.jpg "A baseball pitcher wearing a blue, red and white uniform is about to throw a baseball.",80720,train,16144,3730944557_0.jpg The lead singer of Green Day is singing into a microphone and wearing his guitar and there is a young boy behind him.,80725,train,16145,3731335528_0.jpg A group of people are standing on a raft as it drifts down a river.,80730,train,16146,3731647457_0.jpg "Four people, One male in a blue shirt and slacks with three females, one in pink, one in blue, and the other with a white shirt and blue blouse, in line to enter a yellow school bus, while a female in pink hold paper is on the phone.",80735,train,16147,3731739486_0.jpg A lady and a man in a hat watch baseball from the stands.,80740,train,16148,3731741696_0.jpg A man in yellow shirt and black shorts walks down the steps of a crowded athletic stadium.,80745,train,16149,3731742056_0.jpg "A guy in a crazy looking balloon hat is placing a smaller balloon hat on young girl in a light blue sweatshirt, with an orange and white tent in the woods in the background.",80750,train,16150,3731803474_0.jpg A woman with blond-hair is wearing sunglasses and headphones while holding a cigarette.,80755,train,16151,3731865465_0.jpg A mother watches over her daughter as she sits on the branch of a tree.,80760,train,16152,3732025003_0.jpg "A toddler wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and pink sandals bent over observing cacti and plants.",80765,train,16153,3732035651_0.jpg A small brown dog stands on a driveway near wooden poles with his tongue sticking out.,80770,train,16154,373219198_0.jpg A glasses wearing woman dressed in a white dress shirt and khaki shorts has a finger across her mouth while she is carrying two books in her left hand.,80775,train,16155,3732420759_0.jpg "A man with a hat, boots, and brown pants, is playing the violin outside in front of a black structure.",80780,train,16156,3732563003_0.jpg "A baby in a baby seat wearing a red beanie that says ""love"".",80785,train,16157,3732728142_0.jpg A picture of a sidewalk between a road and buildings.,80790,train,16158,3732782360_0.jpg The woman leans over and takes a bite of food from her plate.,80795,train,16159,3732914946_0.jpg "Children in flamboyant red, white, and gold costumes dancing in a parade.",80800,train,16160,3733074526_0.jpg "Two children play in a bedroom, fully furnished with bookshelves, a 'Dora the Explorer' poster, and a bunk-bed shaped like a fantasy castle.",80805,train,16161,373341109_0.jpg "3 dark-skinned males, two shirtless, are on a grassy area with trees scattered around them.",80810,train,16162,3733511876_0.jpg "Crowd of sightseers gathered on a dock with the ship ""evergreen"" in the background.",80815,train,16163,3733543762_0.jpg An older man stands with ornamental chains around his neck and feathers in his hair.,80820,train,16164,3733747387_0.jpg A small child sucks his thumb while sleeping with a pink blanket on a multicolored seat.,80825,train,16165,373394550_0.jpg A crane is lifting two people up a tan and brick building while two other people look on.,80830,train,16166,3734864_0.jpg "An old bearded man is tilling the soil with a simple wooden plow, with a wooden fence and an old barn in the background.",80835,train,16167,3735084476_0.jpg A white horse with a rider in a blue green and purple jacket and helmet with khaki pants and black boots on jumping over bushes.,80840,train,16168,3735158583_0.jpg Three male children play flag football on a grassy area by a body of water.,80845,train,16169,3735197045_0.jpg "Two young boys on either a boat or platform during spring or summer, one of whom is preparing to throw a ball.",80850,train,16170,3735202441_0.jpg "A man wearing a white shirt is selecting some green produce from a box at an outdoor market, while holding a blue basket in one hand.",80855,train,16171,3735413775_0.jpg Two men are on a cherry picker proceeding to perform work at a construction site.,80860,train,16172,3735771637_0.jpg "Five men are dressed in yellow and black uniforms and looking up, while one of the men looks to the side and a woman in a beige jacket is holding up a bike in back of them.",80865,train,16173,3735774309_0.jpg 5 men dressed in yellow and black suits are standing by a truck.,80870,train,16174,3735801713_0.jpg "Chubby man holding camera on tripod, standing in front of bar named ""ON THE ROXX"" with passer-bys blurred by movement.",80875,val,16175,3736180463_0.jpg "A dark-skinned man in traditional African garb stares into the camera, his right eye appears to have a cataract.",80880,train,16176,3736366270_0.jpg "Two men stand in a lift as four others, all dressed in black and bright yellow stripes, look up on them.",80885,train,16177,3736561898_0.jpg "An energetic boy, indoors, in glasses, orange-and-white shirt, maroon pants, and blue socks is caught mid-leap in the air, while a maternal female in the background stands watching.",80890,train,16178,373743287_0.jpg There is a man in a black and yellow outfit playing the drums.,80895,train,16179,3737492755_0.jpg Two children posing for a picture wearing water wings and sitting on a rock.,80900,train,16180,3737539561_0.jpg A skateboarder is grinding on a rail at a skate park.,80905,train,16181,3737556823_0.jpg Two guys standing on a hugh rock next to a ocean or a lake fishing.,80910,train,16182,3737590434_0.jpg Construction workers in orange jumpsuits work in a street while a yellow shovel truck stands by.,80915,train,16183,373759186_0.jpg A girl wearing a blue and pink swimsuit is throwing stones into a lake.,80920,train,16184,3737711435_0.jpg "Two men, one in a white cap, are standing in front of a pizza oven, with a large number of pizzas on a counter and another man in the background.",80925,train,16185,373842683_0.jpg "A old man is taking photos of nature, while a young couple makes out in the background.",80930,train,16186,3738505221_0.jpg A black man is talking to another man while holding a red cup in the middle of a crowd.,80935,train,16187,3738551665_0.jpg A small child is sitting playing with an adornment in a small garden.,80940,train,16188,3738685861_0.jpg A young boy with blue eyes plays on a red and yellow playground set.,80945,train,16189,3738789925_0.jpg Young african american child is held and stars at the camera.,80950,train,16190,3739530231_0.jpg A woman in a striped shirt and sunglasses is sitting on a bike.,80955,test,16191,3739742770_0.jpg The little boy is wearing red shorts and a white t-shirt and has his head resting on a baseball bat.,80960,train,16192,3739833689_0.jpg Five people sitting around a patio table looking up at the photographer and smiling.,80965,train,16193,3740622839_0.jpg "While at a party drinking, a woman points at someone while her friend tries to put her hand down.",80970,train,16194,374103776_0.jpg A man in a black shirt with a cigarette in front of others.,80975,train,16195,374103842_0.jpg A robust man with his mouth open in a white shirt and glasses holding a drink near other people.,80980,train,16196,374103966_0.jpg A man with a beer in his hand and people behind him.,80985,train,16197,374104006_0.jpg A man is standing behind some metal grating in front of a brick wall.,80990,train,16198,3741048728_0.jpg "A woman is propping her leg up revealing cleavage, a great tatoo, and some kicking boots.",80995,test,16199,374124237_0.jpg A young girl dressed in pink with a hair barrette pursing her lips at a big chocolate milkshake.,81000,train,16200,3741462565_0.jpg "Two women stand on a beach and perform stretches or yoga together, facing towards the water and away from the camera.",81005,train,16201,3741664817_0.jpg Two hikers are trekking across a sloping hillside with deep brush in spots.,81010,train,16202,374176648_0.jpg A young boy jumps around on a blue mat with a half-smile on his face.,81015,train,16203,3741827382_0.jpg "Two dark-skinned men with facial hair sit outside on an iron bench wearing a light jacket and a sweater, looking to their left.",81020,train,16204,3742002550_0.jpg A woman wearing brown boots and holding a red cup walks through a large outdoor crowd.,81025,train,16205,3742085771_0.jpg Two security guards in tan uniforms stand on the sidewalk next to a golf course.,81030,train,16206,3742837127_0.jpg "A little boy in a Superman t-shirt is playing with a push toy, while the adults are standing and talking.",81035,train,16207,3742963998_0.jpg A dog is standing on its hind legs underneath a fountain while a man in a black shirt and vest looks on.,81040,val,16208,3743157427_0.jpg A young girl in a ponytail eating a slice of watermelon while in a body of water.,81045,train,16209,3743169025_0.jpg A shot looking down at a group of girls who are dressed up and holding glasses of alcohol.,81050,train,16210,3743976841_0.jpg "A person in a plain shirt, jeans, a hard hat and yellow gloves puts some sticks onto the back of a yellow machine.",81055,train,16211,3744182161_0.jpg A group of woman are around a girl with a bouquet of flowers and holding something while smiling.,81060,train,16212,374437796_0.jpg A woman in a black shirt and a picture of another woman attached to her.,81065,train,16213,374437808_0.jpg A man with eyes shut holds a glass of beer while another man in a gray sweater looks away in the background.,81070,train,16214,374437845_0.jpg A man in a black shirt giving a girl in a gray sweater a kiss on the cheek.,81075,train,16215,374437928_0.jpg A guy with a goatee is smiling at the camera while a female hugs him from behind.,81080,train,16216,374437961_0.jpg "2 young males, awkwardly stare into a camera as they hug and pose for picture.",81085,train,16217,374438018_0.jpg Person works on metal-working project involving wheels and chains.,81090,train,16218,3744578572_0.jpg A young baseball player winds up to throw the ball.,81095,train,16219,3744832122_0.jpg A man in a red apron is standing on a boat and holding a big string of mussels.,81100,val,16220,3745030498_0.jpg "A young man in a turquoise and gray striped shirt is fishing, with a person in a red and white checkered shirt in the background.",81105,val,16221,3745354249_0.jpg "While many people are seated on a set of stairs, a single file of formally-dressed people proceed up another staircase.",81110,train,16222,374538924_0.jpg A group of spectators are watching a choir performance.,81115,train,16223,374538975_0.jpg A group of people on a stair landing are waiting in line.,81120,train,16224,374539064_0.jpg Men and women with matching suits and dresses standing behind a young man singing.,81125,train,16225,374539133_0.jpg "An older women, with dark skin, and tall, gray hair, sits next to a pile of peanuts.",81130,train,16226,3745393805_0.jpg "A man dressed in blue and white is suspended in air with his motorbike, while two other men in white and black helmets stand below.",81135,train,16227,3745405665_0.jpg A blond woman in a purple sweatshirt is sitting on a bench with a man drinking a juice box.,81140,train,16228,3745405944_0.jpg The person is wearing shorts and climbing a gray sand hill under a blue sky.,81145,train,16229,3745451546_0.jpg A bunch of younger people are lying and sitting n blankets in the grass.,81150,train,16230,3745474894_0.jpg A brown fluffy dog lays in the snow with its green ball.,81155,train,16231,374567836_0.jpg "The hockey players, in blue, are waiting for their best chance to get the puck from the opposing hockey team.",81160,train,16232,3745699897_0.jpg "A woman wearing a skirt and a headscarf is on her knees, bowing and praying on a bumpy sidewalk while pedestrians walk toward her.",81165,train,16233,3746285587_0.jpg "The young child is yelling into the microphone, while other children watch.",81170,train,16234,3746359593_0.jpg A large picture of a face with people sitting in front of it and other children wading in the water.,81175,train,16235,3746623148_0.jpg "A ski slope with a big red sign that says ""12"" and a person in a yellow ski jacket skiing.",81180,train,16236,3747007211_0.jpg A woman is standing on stage with a clown either singing or talking to him with a microphone.,81185,train,16237,3747031933_0.jpg A man with headphones in his ear is playing music with his DJ equipment.,81190,train,16238,374707236_0.jpg "A child with on red, one yellow, one purple and one blue balloon is walking in a crowd.",81195,train,16239,3747197096_0.jpg A group of people on different colored boats enjoys a great day on the water.,81200,train,16240,3747212986_0.jpg "A blond, male child jumping in the air on a porch in the backyard.",81205,train,16241,3747410574_0.jpg Someone with a red shirt and light blue jeans bends over to place an object in a box outside of a store.,81210,train,16242,374746113_0.jpg Three girls do back flips and cartwheels in the surf.,81215,train,16243,3747543364_0.jpg A young boy in a Sesame Street bib sits in his highchair and opens his mouth after eating baby food which was being fed to him by a parent.,81220,train,16244,374772081_0.jpg "A man wearing a black hat, a tan and black plaid suit and an orange shirt performs behind a man who is wearing an opened black shirt holds a piece of paper and sings into a microphone.",81225,train,16245,3747821314_0.jpg A child is holding a bunch of balloons in front of their face.,81230,train,16246,3748039603_0.jpg A small boy is playing in the waves at the shore of the ocean during a sunset.,81235,train,16247,3748065273_0.jpg A climber is scaling a reddish colored rock face.,81240,train,16248,374828031_0.jpg "One person standing on a road, holding a bicycle up while another bends over to look at something on the back wheel of the bike.",81245,train,16249,3748481499_0.jpg A group of people are in a dim room as a yellow car is projected on a screen in the back of the room.,81250,train,16250,3748769937_0.jpg "A child, looking at his soapy hands while taking a bubble bath.",81255,train,16251,3749195206_0.jpg "A construction worker, with his back to the camera, standing in a cloud of dust.",81260,train,16252,374949614_0.jpg "A woman is seen from above applying red nail polish to her toes, as they rest on a leather seat.",81265,train,16253,3749555902_0.jpg A group of people are putting on an elaborate theatrical performance.,81270,train,16254,3749668646_0.jpg A man is sitting at a table outside of a restaurant,81275,train,16255,3749974168_0.jpg "A young male child, wearing light tan shorts and a bright green shirt, is feeding a snack to a zoo animal.",81280,train,16256,3750418259_0.jpg Two women are sitting in front of a table where they have many items on display such as parts of fish.,81285,train,16257,375118300_0.jpg A man with red shades on is holding a blowtorch while touching some type of sculpture with two onlookers.,81290,train,16258,3751534238_0.jpg A man sits outside on a lawn chair using a hammer and chisel to shape a piece of wood.,81295,train,16259,3751534242_0.jpg A child in blue and yellow clothing is clinging to playground equipment with an adult nearby.,81300,train,16260,3751594676_0.jpg Many people wearing silver leotards are riding bikes on the street.,81305,train,16261,375171241_0.jpg A woman in a blue shirt is carrying a little girl in a red an white dress outside a tent.,81310,train,16262,3751894413_0.jpg A woman holding a food serving tray standing by a window.,81315,train,16263,3752649960_0.jpg A girl with curly hair and wearing a patriotic shirt is looking at a monarch butterfly sitting on her left index finger.,81320,train,16264,3752991046_0.jpg "A woman dressed brightly in florescent wig, tights, leotard, tank top, and high tops plays in public with a pink hula hoop.",81325,train,16265,3753435962_0.jpg A guy in a hat with his mouth wide open in crowd of people.,81330,train,16266,3753441362_0.jpg A dark-skinned man with a plaid shirt is standing by a cart with grains and produce.,81335,train,16267,3753777206_0.jpg A girl wearing a blue bandanna and a teal long-sleeve shirt is throwing what appears to be a spear at a target that has a picture of a carrot on it.,81340,train,16268,3753827435_0.jpg A woman in a yellow coat is seated next to a standing man in a red jacket in a diner.,81345,train,16269,375384566_0.jpg A woman skier in yellow and black races down the slope in front of the snow-covered trees.,81350,train,16270,375392855_0.jpg An uniformed man leaned out of a side pilot's window of a large American Airline aircraft to wash the cockpit's window.,81355,train,16271,3753939_0.jpg Shirtless men in their underwear are running with a blond in red underwear.,81360,train,16272,3753946172_0.jpg There is a lot of people watching a group of people playing the violin on stage.,81365,train,16273,3754150327_0.jpg "Two young girls are playing on swings, and one is holding the other girls swing ""still.""",81370,train,16274,3754588617_0.jpg "One woman delivers a lecture with a powerpoint to a large group of woman, with predominantly black hair.",81375,train,16275,375489940_0.jpg A man and woman sweep a the ground in front of an orange wall with green patterned bars.,81380,train,16276,3755306641_0.jpg Ladies are dressed in white and are all tying white scarves on their heads.,81385,train,16277,3755455643_0.jpg Here is a picture of a baby boy vacuuming his house and carpet.,81390,train,16278,3755475040_0.jpg "A woman with brunette hair, wearing gold painted nails and a gray blouse, applies rouge makeup to her face.",81395,train,16279,3755670884_0.jpg The man in the yellow t-shirt sat cross-legged on the couch as he listened to the woman on his right talk.,81400,train,16280,3755839633_0.jpg A group of people are repelling off of a building as a crowd watches on.,81405,train,16281,3755945880_0.jpg A group of children are refilling their water guns while a little girl watches them on a swing set.,81410,train,16282,3756112747_0.jpg A group of four women dressed in white are holding a white cloth up in the air- they are in front of a white curtain and a black backdrop.,81415,train,16283,3756254732_0.jpg There are two girls wearing workout attire who are currently in a sitting position.,81420,train,16284,3756255312_0.jpg A man in a bathing cap and swimsuit jumps into a pool while other men watch.,81425,train,16285,3756739471_0.jpg "A small group of three boys and two girls, is standing on the beach near the water.",81430,train,16286,3757332635_0.jpg A small child in gray and orange winks their eye while holding silverware.,81435,train,16287,3757598567_0.jpg "A bald, black man wearing safety glasses and a long-sleeved black shirt is using a pick and hammer to sculpt a sizable rock into art.",81440,train,16288,375797597_0.jpg A young boy splashing in a small blow-up pool with a green slide behind him.,81445,train,16289,3758175529_0.jpg "A very young boy is sitting in a swing in a park, smiling and posing with his arms above him grabbing the swing cables.",81450,train,16290,3758747095_0.jpg A woman in a black two-piece bathing suit jumping into green water.,81455,train,16291,3758787457_0.jpg A boy is being splashed in the face whilst riding a blue ring along a yellow water slide,81460,train,16292,3759230208_0.jpg The back of a person wearing a blue hat and overalls sitting in a cart pulled by an animal.,81465,train,16293,375947808_0.jpg The boy in the green shirt swings with one arm on the silver pole.,81470,train,16294,3759492488_0.jpg "2 men, one playing a violin, one playing a xylophone, both older and wearing darker glasses.",81475,train,16295,3759504106_0.jpg A person on scaffolding paints a large wall orange with a brush tied to a stick.,81480,val,16296,375955411_0.jpg There are two market employees working at a farmer's market amongst the fruits and vegetables.,81485,train,16297,3759953984_0.jpg A small group of spectators stands on a street in front of a racing event.,81490,train,16298,3759993037_0.jpg Two girls in white shirts and blue jean shorts walking through a group of people with umbrellas in the background.,81495,train,16299,3759999147_0.jpg A young girl in a blue shirt is bending over playing with a pile of sand on what seems to be a beach.,81500,train,16300,3760001378_0.jpg An aging man with a skull and crossbones bandanna holds a camera while standing next to a woman in a yellow shirt and beige hat.,81505,train,16301,3760010229_0.jpg A little girl holds orange lilies while others celebrate an occasion in a garden setting.,81510,train,16302,3760400645_0.jpg A mother wearing a blue shirt and white shorts carrying her two children in a crowd of people.,81515,train,16303,3760793412_0.jpg "Two women, standing at a fence, are each talking on their cellphones, while two men sitting on the opposite side of the fence are having a conversation.",81520,train,16304,3760799822_0.jpg A young girl wearing a yellow vest points upwards with here right hand containing a plant while her left hand remains at her side holding a headband.,81525,train,16305,3761067976_0.jpg A blue-shirted skateboarder grinds on a rail and another flips his board in the air while other people roll in the background of the park.,81530,train,16306,3761138998_0.jpg Three men all wearing hard hats in front of some kind of metal gate.,81535,train,16307,376208936_0.jpg "Three older men are standing on the sidewalk leaning on a half brick wall, one of them is playing chess with a younger boy while the other two seem to be relaxing.",81540,train,16308,3763257911_0.jpg A family of three is on a camping trip with their two dogs.,81545,train,16309,3763892708_0.jpg Two construction workers wearing orange hard hats stand on the site of the highway.,81550,train,16310,3763959012_0.jpg Young people dressed in vibrantly colored clothing are participating in a group activity.,81555,train,16311,3765332712_0.jpg "A girl in a swimsuit stands in the spray of water, a bicycle in the background.",81560,train,16312,3765374230_0.jpg "A festival taking place on a street beside a store entitled ""De Credito"".",81565,train,16313,3765589_0.jpg This is time lapse photography featuring a person moving lights around in a pattern in the darkness,81570,train,16314,3766315784_0.jpg A man in a brown jacket and scarf is in a small crowd with a train going by.,81575,train,16315,3766335291_0.jpg "Instrumental band members are wearing matching uniforms that consists of the colors white, red, and yellow while playing their instruments.",81580,train,16316,3766991914_0.jpg A man in a black shirt and brown pants is jumping in the air performing a karate kick towards a man in a red shirt and black hat.,81585,train,16317,3767684836_0.jpg A man in a black jacket is holding a newspaper and standing in front of an espresso sign,81590,train,16318,3767982481_0.jpg Here is a picture of a man doing construction work on a building.,81595,train,16319,3768348167_0.jpg People of all ages participating in a enacting of a war scene while it's raining.,81600,train,16320,3769197538_0.jpg A throng of travelers is walking between two trains on an indoor station platform.,81605,train,16321,3769486949_0.jpg "A young girl is walking on the road, while wearing a red and white dress and shoes.",81610,train,16322,3769598031_0.jpg "In a parade, three girls in green uniforms and green and yellow feathers are dancing down the middle of a street.",81615,train,16323,3769598983_0.jpg An older gentleman is selling produce out of the back of his truck as a woman peruses his products.,81620,train,16324,3769934267_0.jpg "Three men at a bus stop, one man is turned around to tie his shoe as one man stands in front of the other who is sitting on a bench talking to him.",81625,train,16325,3770161255_0.jpg Two young white girls and one white boy sit on a bench outside talking.,81630,train,16326,3771013578_0.jpg A group of fisherman peer out at the city across the river as they wait for the fish to bite.,81635,train,16327,3771613841_0.jpg A man in a white and blue vertically striped dress shirt with black hair stands in a room next to other people looking forward.,81640,train,16328,377213364_0.jpg A man dressed in a backwards baseball hat and skate shoes is on a mini bike and doing an olly at a skate park.,81645,train,16329,3772198225_0.jpg "A girl in a purple dress is sitting on furniture with red pillows, while smiling for the camera.",81650,train,16330,3772446893_0.jpg A man holding an girl in a bathing suit over his shoulder on a busy beach with a Ferris wheel in the background.,81655,train,16331,3772448117_0.jpg Two men putting a cover over a makeshift boat with a couch on it.,81660,train,16332,3772503225_0.jpg A man in a black hat and shorts adjusting a mesh tent outdoors.,81665,train,16333,3772508923_0.jpg A man in swim trunks is in a shallow portion of a lake with his hand on a portion of a small dock.,81670,train,16334,3772513423_0.jpg "A woman wearing a white blouse, eyeglasses, and floppy hat is reading a book next to a small body of water.",81675,train,16335,3772519455_0.jpg Two men sit on a pontoon boat holding oars and wearing hats.,81680,train,16336,3772528949_0.jpg A smiling woman wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat is being pulled in a large black innertube by a red rope in a river.,81685,train,16337,3772532605_0.jpg A woman in an orange bikini top rubs the back of a bearded man.,81690,train,16338,3772542017_0.jpg A guy sitting in a tube in the water.,81695,train,16339,3772553977_0.jpg A bearded man with a bandanna and bowler hat sits relaxedly near water.,81700,train,16340,3772572615_0.jpg A guy with long blond-hair and a green shirt is skateboarding down an unmarked road.,81705,train,16341,3772573030_0.jpg A man is taking a bath in something that looks like a sink but is a round tub.,81710,train,16342,377291253_0.jpg A man dressed in a brown shirt and tan shorts is down on one knee looking at some type of machinery.,81715,train,16343,3773298212_0.jpg "At a campsite in a park, a bearded man wears a bowler and holds a beer while sitting in an innertube.",81720,train,16344,3773301622_0.jpg "A man in t-shirt and shorts kneels near a line of plastic crates containing duct tape, bags, and other supplies.",81725,train,16345,3773302802_0.jpg Person dressed in black stands next to a white car that has inter tubes and a couch stacked on top of it.,81730,train,16346,3773304894_0.jpg A man in a sleeveless brown shirt and khaki shorts sews on a piece of cloth covering a ramshackle shade structure.,81735,test,16347,3773310720_0.jpg "A brunette female, in yellow tank top, paisley printed skirt, hairy legs, seated on a blue sofa, reading a book.",81740,train,16348,3773321396_0.jpg Children play with a remote-control boat in a pond with a boat house.,81745,train,16349,3773323977_0.jpg A man wearing a straw hat and a red bandanna has fallen asleep sitting up outside on a couch.,81750,train,16350,3773327056_0.jpg A man with a hat on is walking through the water while holding on to a rope that is tied to something.,81755,train,16351,3773351224_0.jpg "A woman holding a magazine, is touching the outside of a wooden window frame.",81760,train,16352,3773376608_0.jpg A dark man with glasses who is wearing a white shirt is sitting in the middle of small boxes that are filled with various materials.,81765,val,16353,377406355_0.jpg The wrestler in white shorts is preparing to body slam his opponent in black shorts while the referee prepares to jump in.,81770,train,16354,3774337814_0.jpg Two men are in the middle of an MMA fight and a referee is in the background.,81775,train,16355,3774410210_0.jpg "A man, dressed in a tuxedo, and a woman, dressed in a wedding gown, are standing in front of a three tiered cake.",81780,train,16356,3774622914_0.jpg "A group of people standing around smiling, and in the background are more people and handmade signs.",81785,train,16357,3774816278_0.jpg "Two girls trying to get attention by twirling hula hoops, one girl wearing a pink skirt is barefoot and the other girl is wearing a denim colored skirt and very worn brown boots.",81790,train,16358,3774986130_0.jpg "Two men are seated at a table outside, as two other men watch them.",81795,train,16359,3775443800_0.jpg "Two boys running down a outer hallway of an apartment building, with one running into frame with the other running ahead down the hall.",81800,train,16360,3775526174_0.jpg An orange bus with advertising waits at a crossing heading for Baker Street.,81805,train,16361,3775917632_0.jpg "A man wearing cutoff shorts, a tank top, and green sneakers sitting in a garden with a beer.",81810,train,16362,3776091206_0.jpg "Overhead view of a living room with a man on one couch, sleeping, and a dog on another while a coffee table sits in the middle of the room.",81815,train,16363,3776547343_0.jpg A middle-age couple are in a beautiful open field with rolling hills on a sunny day preparing to Hang Glide.,81820,train,16364,3776839227_0.jpg "A man and woman, each wearing a white shirt, are walking down the sidewalk while talking on their phones.",81825,val,16365,3776965455_0.jpg A man is walking on a wooden floor in front of an orange and green checkerboard light wall.,81830,train,16366,3777248568_0.jpg A man wearing red pants without a top is holding on to a ladder.,81835,train,16367,3777690883_0.jpg "Four adults near the edge of a body of water; the landscape is hilly and rocky, with mountains in the background.",81840,train,16368,3777739107_0.jpg A belly dancer wearing a red and gold costume stands with her arms above her head.,81845,train,16369,3777870218_0.jpg A man in a red and black outfit is sitting on a high platform with a strange look on his face and a yellow wig.,81850,train,16370,3778077349_0.jpg "A man, waist deep in a large body of water, has his arms high in the air as water is splashed around his body.",81855,train,16371,3778223207_0.jpg A male with brown clothing standing on the side of the street with his thumb out with a big bag on his back.,81860,train,16372,3778274494_0.jpg One dog is standing whilst two other dogs are running in the snow.,81865,train,16373,377872472_0.jpg "Three dogs playing in the snow, with a city in the background.",81870,train,16374,377872672_0.jpg Scout Master Clown ringing the neck of a balloon snake in front of children to establish dominance.,81875,train,16375,3779116045_0.jpg A group of children divided into a maroon team and a blue team playing a soccer game.,81880,val,16376,37791887_0.jpg Two men wearing working clothes are brushing the street near a trash receptacle,81885,train,16377,3779596816_0.jpg Tourists take photos in front of a green and red temple.,81890,train,16378,3779886643_0.jpg "A woman in a red tank tee, black shorts, white and black socks, with white sneakers is playing tennis, but she is kneeing on the ground.",81895,train,16379,3780234150_0.jpg Two men dressed in odd clothing are jumping on a basketball court.,81900,train,16380,3780240908_0.jpg Four different men sitting outside on cement steps in front of a building.,81905,test,16381,3780768589_0.jpg A group of people are sitting on a ledge in front of a building.,81910,train,16382,3781326288_0.jpg "Little girl with black hair, peach shirt with a tree and cat on it, white skirt with black polka dots posing in front of a downtown skyline.",81915,train,16383,3781481086_0.jpg "A young girl dressed for cool weather in a cap and long-sleeved sweater, about to climb a log ladder to a playground platform.",81920,train,16384,3781571333_0.jpg "Three men in uniform, one in a blue turban, sit under a tree on a raised stone platform.",81925,train,16385,3781615817_0.jpg White dog traveling alone down a paved path through some woods,81930,train,16386,378170167_0.jpg Five men in asian inspired garb wrap clothes around their heads while people converse in the background.,81935,train,16387,3782318456_0.jpg "A young woman wearing a short black and white skirt and no shoes, carrying a toddler wearing a red outfit and a hat while walking into deeper water from the shallow water on a beach.",81940,train,16388,3782404759_0.jpg Young lady diving into a swimming pool wearing only a bikini with half of her body submerged.,81945,train,16389,3782706998_0.jpg "On a grass lawn, a girl comes towards the camera viewpoint on a slip and slide water toy plastic sheet, sending up a splash of water from the small inflated pool at the end of it.",81950,train,16390,3782716564_0.jpg "A man poses in mid jump beside a left turn road sign and a recumbent bicycle in the snow, behind him there is a large body of water.",81955,train,16391,378336163_0.jpg One evening three young ladies chatting on the street.,81960,train,16392,3783803365_0.jpg Young person sitting in the doorway of a house with a water hand pump in front of the house.,81965,train,16393,378398142_0.jpg The female artist was painting a landscape picture in the outdoors using a variety of colors.,81970,val,16394,3783987753_0.jpg "A bulldozer works to demolish a decrepit building; in the background, another brick building waits for its demise, its face covered with a grid of blackened window-holes.",81975,test,16395,378434971_0.jpg A dog is jumping over a log in a wooded area while carrying another log.,81980,train,16396,378453580_0.jpg Two people in hard hats and safety vests working with cable in a grassy area.,81985,train,16397,3784574313_0.jpg One construction worker talks on his cellphone while the other works on the ground by a black pipe.,81990,train,16398,3784577325_0.jpg A single girls stands on an empty plaza looking at the large buildings in a city across the river.,81995,train,16399,3784860302_0.jpg A blond girl pulls a funny face as she cubes Velveeta cheese and puts it in a bowl.,82000,train,16400,378503271_0.jpg A boy and a girl hidden behind tall weeds of green grass.,82005,train,16401,3785465924_0.jpg "A crowd stands behind a smiling blond woman in a striped shirt, whose sunglasses are perched on her head.",82010,train,16402,3785698218_0.jpg A mother holding an infant up against her shoulder in a kitchen.,82015,train,16403,3786279352_0.jpg A boy sits behind two children in a grassy park and touches another boys ears.,82020,train,16404,3787061402_0.jpg A woman seated on couch in a children's section of a library holds up small piece of cloth while four kindergarten sized children and another adult watch her.,82025,train,16405,3787108012_0.jpg Blond woman in glasses holds an Asian child wearing pink at a park.,82030,train,16406,3787376866_0.jpg A man is bowing his head and clasping his hands together in front of a gold statue.,82035,train,16407,3787437809_0.jpg A blond man stands with an axe slung over his shoulder in a wooded area.,82040,train,16408,3787451302_0.jpg "Two workers sit at their desks, one gazing off into the distance while the other looks at a piece of paper.",82045,train,16409,3787801_0.jpg A shirtless man wearing a backwards hat and blue jeans balances on his front bike tire with the back one in the air.,82050,train,16410,3787916331_0.jpg "A skier lays on his back, arms outstretched, on the snowy ground.",82055,train,16411,378867026_0.jpg "Two Asian children, a boy and a girl, the girl looking squarely at the camera and the boy making a face.",82060,val,16412,3788779998_0.jpg "Two men do construction work by a wall with the words ""A SEMBLANCE"" adorned upon it.",82065,train,16413,3789230623_0.jpg People stand along the sidewalk watching a bus come their way.,82070,val,16414,3789378919_0.jpg A girl holding a banner overhead with a gymnastics competition in the background within a gymnasium that has a large capacity seating for an audience.,82075,train,16415,378969539_0.jpg A woman on the uneven bars doing a gymnastics exercise while people are watch her out of focus.,82080,test,16416,378969774_0.jpg "A female gymnast, wearing a red and white leotard, is preparing to do a mat routine.",82085,train,16417,378970234_0.jpg "Trumpet player with eyes closed, playing in the band dressed in a red uniform with black cuffs and white braid trim.",82090,train,16418,378998340_0.jpg "The black and brown dog walks toward the camera, in an enclosed, snowy area.",82095,train,16419,379006645_0.jpg Five individuals jumping with their arms straight up in front of the ocean.,82100,train,16420,3790112538_0.jpg Elderly woman with green sweater picking out produce in outdoor market.,82105,test,16421,3790208395_0.jpg A young girl bends down to her green pail which she is using to mop the tile floor.,82110,train,16422,3790755587_0.jpg The lady in a pink sweater is showing the other lady the leaves.,82115,train,16423,3790770806_0.jpg A man wearing blue jeans and a gray sweatshirt is pulling on a rope in a parking lot with an orange and white crane behind him.,82120,train,16424,37908123_0.jpg A man in a tool belt is directing a construction site where a large object is lifted.,82125,train,16425,37908155_0.jpg A man in a brownish green shirting playing guitar singing into a microphone,82130,train,16426,379111807_0.jpg An oddly dressed man wearing a plaid skirt and knee-high black boots stands is in the middle of a crowded area.,82135,train,16427,3791132794_0.jpg The older man in a tan and white striped shirt is expressing his opinions to the two men wearing dark shirts as others look on.,82140,train,16428,3792020604_0.jpg "Girl standing in front of a musical band, playing for a party.",82145,train,16429,3792602083_0.jpg A boy in a blue shirt holds a toy helmet in his hands while standing on a path in a park.,82150,train,16430,3793619579_0.jpg Man giving a presentation at the Australian War Memorial on an Apple MacBook.,82155,train,16431,3793774643_0.jpg "At night, a kid in a white shirt rides the rails on his skateboard.",82160,train,16432,3793793899_0.jpg A woman in a blazer speaking into a mic in front of a crowd with a presentation.,82165,train,16433,3794595430_0.jpg "Two men in pink jerseys, two men in white jerseys, and one man in a black jersey and black helmet, are playing field hockey.",82170,val,16434,379505240_0.jpg A man is pointing with his whole hand at a large projection of how folic acid helps neurulation.,82175,train,16435,3795409752_0.jpg "A little girl is seated, wearing a flower-print dress with a blue and red birthday party hat, surrounded by party attendees.",82180,train,16436,3795581431_0.jpg Four speed skaters representing different countries are racing across ice in front of camera people.,82185,train,16437,379611444_0.jpg "Four skaters are competing in a high speed skating competition, and turning on the track.",82190,train,16438,379612511_0.jpg A woman in a red long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans stands at the lectern speaking at or about GLAM U WIKI.,82195,train,16439,3796631367_0.jpg "People mingling in the foreground and background, two of them are walking towards those in the background that are positioned nearby of a building that is overshadowed by a large number of trees, while the two in the foreground are tending to a horse drawn carriage.",82200,train,16440,3796818804_0.jpg Two people are walking down a path in the forest preserves.,82205,train,16441,3796854356_0.jpg "A ruddy infant lies on a patterned sheet with his eyes closed, his mouth open, and his arm extended.",82210,train,16442,379690103_0.jpg Brown-skinned girl pretends to do her homework while someone takes a picture for social services.,82215,train,16443,37969110_0.jpg "There is a person with a white hat, blue coat and blue scarf passing a group of stands with various items for sale.",82220,train,16444,3797123205_0.jpg A woman is standing by a young child who is doing something with a computer.,82225,train,16445,3797595159_0.jpg "A young female child, stands in front of an interactive media device.",82230,train,16446,3797596279_0.jpg "Three woman, one wearing blue, one wearing red, and one wearing white look at a display of a potato wearing a wig.",82235,train,16447,3798411098_0.jpg A multicolored display of Mama Lucchetti products.,82240,train,16448,3798412244_0.jpg "A man in a red t-shirt, jeans and white sneakers standing in front of an ATM machine.",82245,train,16449,3798453280_0.jpg "Three people, wearing orange and black jumpsuits, are working, one is climbing the pole while the other two are on the ground with a business in the background.",82250,train,16450,3798486812_0.jpg A man standing up in the middle of a filled restaurant where red light fixtures are hanging down from the ceiling.,82255,train,16451,3798552554_0.jpg A man with a tall glass of water sitting at a table looking at his phone at a eating place.,82260,train,16452,3798592106_0.jpg "An elderly man dressed in a red vest, bowtie & straw hat is holding a saw and speaking into a microphone.",82265,train,16453,3799562471_0.jpg "A old man wearing red, white and bluish gray playing music on a stage using a cross-cut saw.",82270,train,16454,3799563009_0.jpg Two middle-aged Asian men with mustaches working with animal hides in a shop.,82275,test,16455,3799701220_0.jpg Monks walk past a large stone building with stone women at the top.,82280,train,16456,3799708677_0.jpg A man in a black shirt painting a duplicate copy of another painting hanging in an art gallery.,82285,train,16457,3799845307_0.jpg An older woman looks at the camera while young children play with many kinds of toys around the room in the background.,82290,test,16458,3799847884_0.jpg "A man in a sweatshirt and shorts is standing next to a donkey, cleaning out a large bowl.",82295,train,16459,3799884014_0.jpg One man is holding a guitar in front of a microphone while there are people standing behind tables at an event.,82300,train,16460,3799980514_0.jpg A man playing a banjo near a tree at an outdoor event.,82305,train,16461,3799984714_0.jpg A man is seen singing into a microphone and playing banjo with a guitar nearby while sitting on a stool at a festival where there are booths featuring items for sale.,82310,train,16462,3799987586_0.jpg A young boy with a white shirt is holding two large ripe green organic food items.,82315,train,16463,3800306463_0.jpg "A short, furry dog stands on a brick floor in front of a group of potted plants.",82320,train,16464,380034515_0.jpg A middle-aged ethnic woman carrying a bundle of sticks in a pack on her back.,82325,train,16465,3800395431_0.jpg A dog with a brindle-colored coat is running across the yard.,82330,train,16466,380041023_0.jpg Six adults sitting at a picnic table with a woman in a yellow sweater talks to them.,82335,train,16467,3800627437_0.jpg A young boy is outdoors approaching a dog that has a frisbee in its mouth.,82340,train,16468,3800647959_0.jpg A man in black pants is wearing a yellow hard hat as he rides a zipline.,82345,val,16469,3800969923_0.jpg A girl wearing a helmet and sneakers swings on a zip-line next to a platform.,82350,train,16470,3801083035_0.jpg A young blond-haired boy in a white shirt and red pants running threw a park.,82355,train,16471,3801309708_0.jpg "A Caucasian man smiling at the camera while leaning over a live sunflower, in a green forest setting.",82360,train,16472,3801367099_0.jpg Ladder against a tree and rope harness being set up by a camp leader in front of campers.,82365,train,16473,3801479828_0.jpg Three young people are wearing yellow construction hats climbing up a tree on a ladder.,82370,train,16474,3801799568_0.jpg A man walking on a dirt road with a palm tree in the distance.,82375,train,16475,3802499653_0.jpg 2 African adults and 8 African children looking at pictures on a table.,82380,train,16476,3803116389_0.jpg "Two women are in waters surrounded by light and dark concrete, and one women is splashing in the water and the other one is moving slowly in the water.",82385,train,16477,3803575640_0.jpg It is really dark and there are at least two performers in Oriental outfits speaking into red covered microphones.,82390,train,16478,3803956452_0.jpg A heterosexual couple walk under an umbrella in the rain.,82395,train,16479,3804173846_0.jpg "A young man wearing a t-shirt that says ""We are the champions"" is laughing with other young people at a bar.",82400,train,16480,3804183007_0.jpg A woman in black walks past a shop selling a t-shirt depicting a tattooed woman smoking a cigarette.,82405,train,16481,3804316124_0.jpg Street with many white tents with display table with people walking nearby.,82410,train,16482,380515798_0.jpg A man with a gray cap is holding a hand tool above a rusted metal surface.,82415,train,16483,3805204469_0.jpg The woman sits leaned against the wall on the cobblestone path feeding her baby from a bottle.,82420,train,16484,3805214721_0.jpg A group of people shop for fruit at an urban farmers market.,82425,train,16485,380527679_0.jpg Several people shop at an outdoor farmer's market on a cloudy day.,82430,train,16486,380537190_0.jpg "A little girl in blue jeans, sneakers, a pink top and a brown jacket is jumping up on the sidewalk.",82435,train,16487,3805552925_0.jpg A group of men are sitting in a bar with drinks on the table.,82440,train,16488,3805598180_0.jpg A girl in a teal volleyball jersey holds a blue and white volleyball above her head.,82445,train,16489,3805841948_0.jpg A figure stands in front of a tin-roofed structure where objects are positioned before a drawing of mountains and clouds against the back wall.,82450,train,16490,3805877081_0.jpg "Street with traffic with one person in crosswalk, two others at corner and one person sitting on ground.",82455,train,16491,380590140_0.jpg A man wearing a leather jacket standing next to a tall building.,82460,train,16492,3806961324_0.jpg "A child wearing a blue short-sleeve plaid shirt and brown cargo shorts is squeezing the face of a man wearing a gray hat, blue jeans, and a blue t-shirt.",82465,train,16493,3806981527_0.jpg "A young blond girl in a pink ski suit and hat is crying, and being comforted by her mother who is holding her.",82470,train,16494,380752558_0.jpg The surgeon in the blue scrubs with white gloves is cutting something in the patient and wiping the blood off on the gauze to keep his scissors clean.,82475,train,16495,380808487_0.jpg A group standing around in the background while a person stretches with her arms up in the air in the doorway.,82480,train,16496,3808149060_0.jpg An Indian women sits in a small room designing beautiful pictures on fabric to make blankets and such on the cloth.,82485,train,16497,380817690_0.jpg "Two boys, one wearing an orange t-shirt while the other wearing a green striped shirt are jumping on a trampoline.",82490,train,16498,3808935147_0.jpg A person sweeps a red tiled floor under a sign displaying The Tile Shop.,82495,train,16499,3808954787_0.jpg "Several players stand on a field, many interlocking arms with one another, while a crowd in the stands watches.",82500,train,16500,3809012603_0.jpg 2 soccer teams one in white shirts black shorts the other in orange shirts white shorts playing a night game with a pretty full audience and 2 referees.,82505,train,16501,3809023459_0.jpg Street musicians perform in front of benches.,82510,train,16502,3809063851_0.jpg A man stands in front of a street vending booth with his hands crossed awkwardly in front of him while two yellow taxis are seen in the background of the cityscape.,82515,train,16503,3809758561_0.jpg Two people hanging on the building wall are washing the windows.,82520,train,16504,381014058_0.jpg A guy with blond-hair is standing on a stage playing a red guitar with the drummer in the background.,82525,train,16505,3810304603_0.jpg A man in a white and brown shirt reading with cokes and an Apples-to-Apples game card set.,82530,train,16506,3810466608_0.jpg A yellow firetruck is parked next to a fire with a man on a ladder pouring water on it,82535,train,16507,381052465_0.jpg A little girl in glasses and little boy wearing a blue shirt are standing at a sink while the little girl is helping the little boy put soap on his hands to wash them.,82540,train,16508,3810544310_0.jpg "A group of elderly Asian people are gathered together, playing instruments in a park.",82545,train,16509,38110161_0.jpg "A man in shorts, a gray t-shirt and backwards baseball cap reclines in front of a campfire as a young boy in blue and small girl in pink sit eating nearby.",82550,train,16510,3812087947_0.jpg A black dog swims through the water with a tennis ball in its mouth.,82555,val,16511,381239475_0.jpg A little boy in a striped shirt looks out over a railing at a bonfire.,82560,train,16512,3812719670_0.jpg A brown dog is chewing on a bone with a stuffed animal underneath it.,82565,train,16513,381275595_0.jpg "There are people at a fair boarding a ride, while two children are sitting on a bench waiting for people.",82570,train,16514,3812972187_0.jpg A man looking through a telescope lens at night while wearing a camouflage jacket.,82575,train,16515,3812982009_0.jpg A man in a hard hat with a pencil on his ear watches as two other men in hard hats work.,82580,train,16516,38130571_0.jpg "A contractor with a hard hat holding a plank and walking on top of the building he is constructing, with a safety chain attached to him.",82585,train,16517,38130652_0.jpg A man on the phone dressed in hard has standing next to a white van.,82590,train,16518,38130732_0.jpg "A man in a blue welder's helmet, shirt, and jeans is welding the framework of a building on a reddish beam.",82595,train,16519,38137970_0.jpg A person in a blue shirt with a large tool belt is welding metal.,82600,train,16520,38138101_0.jpg "Men two exchange a large metal ring as they pass each other, riding railroad cars in opposite directions.",82605,train,16521,3813902547_0.jpg "Colorful van with blue above and green with pink ""clouds"" on the bottom sitting in front of a fenced in home and sign saying ""Jaguar"" in front.",82610,train,16522,3815003515_0.jpg A big man in a black t-shirt is holding onto a beer with one hand and a microphone with the other.,82615,train,16523,381505599_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt is driving a blue car with a rack on top and has a man in an orange shirt as his passenger.,82620,train,16524,3815075229_0.jpg Two people sit on chairs in a backyard while they talk to another man who is standing next to a grill.,82625,train,16525,3815118282_0.jpg "Three men in a blue car with a blue tarp on top, driving on the street.",82630,val,16526,3815142931_0.jpg Two white dogs chase after a red ball in a yard in front of a white fence.,82635,train,16527,381514859_0.jpg A person wearing a hat riding in a red car and looking out the window,82640,train,16528,3815318559_0.jpg "3 people in a car with rally decals, equipment on the roof and a mongolian flag flying.",82645,train,16529,3815355917_0.jpg An older man is standing by a tarnished bronze post while his dog laps water.,82650,train,16530,3815411755_0.jpg A small car decorated with flames and other paint is driving amongst a crowd with a tub and flags on the roof.,82655,val,16531,3815669424_0.jpg A little girl is sleeping with a book on her chest next to a doll.,82660,test,16532,3815960082_0.jpg A man sliding off of a bull he was riding splashes into a mud puddle in the center of a dirt covered ring.,82665,train,16533,3816009475_0.jpg A gray rally car is being driven by two adult males while a large white container is tied down on top of the roof.,82670,train,16534,3816107544_0.jpg "Shoppers at an open air market bag fruits and vegetables; there are bins of melons, cantaloupes and apples in the foreground.",82675,train,16535,3816130053_0.jpg "A man with a ""used cars"" advertisement atop his car drives down the street.",82680,train,16536,3816206376_0.jpg A maroon car with many decals and signs topped with a gray bundle tied to the roof near the drivers door is a man leaning on the car.,82685,train,16537,3816384696_0.jpg A man on horseback in a rodeo arena is trying to lasso a black calf.,82690,train,16538,3816820298_0.jpg Four guys and one girl three guys are wearing short-sleeve shirt and the girl and the other guy is wearing tanks.,82695,train,16539,3817024841_0.jpg It looks like these five people outside are fishing.,82700,train,16540,3817335146_0.jpg A man is playing a trombone while looking at a music stand on the left of the screen.,82705,val,16541,381748680_0.jpg Man dressed in business casual attire playing the saxophone with the rest of a band.,82710,train,16542,381750411_0.jpg The young man with gray and black strips is blowing a note with his burgle at the mic.,82715,train,16543,381751278_0.jpg A group of students who play the saxophone are preparing for a concert.,82720,train,16544,381754795_0.jpg "Two children, a boy and a girl, photographed in midair while jumping into a swimming pool.",82725,train,16545,381759521_0.jpg A girl in a white shirt and blue tie plays her solo into the microphone.,82730,train,16546,381760243_0.jpg Two girls play trombone and a boy plays the saxophone.,82735,train,16547,381763336_0.jpg Three blond girls wearing black shirts and pants play brass instruments behind a music stand.,82740,train,16548,381764351_0.jpg A blond saxophone player and a black-haired saxophone player are talking at a concert.,82745,train,16549,381767781_0.jpg An oriental woman with a white purse walking past a yellow bicycle and a closed shop.,82750,train,16550,3817884749_0.jpg A boy with brown hair and a girl in a white shirt are going to hug each other.,82755,train,16551,38180331_0.jpg "A man wearing a cowboy hat, a dirty red shirt, and blue slacks stands on a street holding a leather or metal object in his left hand and perhaps a solder device in his right hand as he appears to work on a metal frame, with a couple similar metal frames stacked against the side of the building.",82760,val,16552,3818131656_0.jpg A group of men and women in swimwear sit on a beach in yoga poses.,82765,train,16553,3818278154_0.jpg A teenage man in a green shirt and bright red beanie sits on his skateboard with arms crossed over his knees.,82770,train,16554,3819214047_0.jpg Two men sit on tractors while two other men and a woman look at the cut grass in a field.,82775,train,16555,3819480825_0.jpg Four little dogs on leashes take a walk on a wide path.,82780,train,16556,381976882_0.jpg A group of people appear to be shouting or protesting.,82785,train,16557,3820465361_0.jpg Two male dancers dressed in blue shirts and black pants perform a routine in front of six women sitting beside them.,82790,train,16558,3820940921_0.jpg Woman in dark clothes walking on the sidewalk next to a gray stone building.,82795,train,16559,3821036283_0.jpg A blond woman on the street on a cellphone carrying a bag and drink.,82800,train,16560,3821050211_0.jpg "The mother is buttoning up the shirt of her baby boy, while the dad looks on.",82805,train,16561,3821187649_0.jpg A black woman and an older white woman donning blue hairnets are working in a kitchen while conversing.,82810,train,16562,382138122_0.jpg A dark-skinned girl in a white dress and headscarf is carrying a green bucket and walking between large piles of white sand.,82815,train,16563,382143413_0.jpg Little boy is eating the rest of the ice cream cone from the bottom up.,82820,train,16564,382151094_0.jpg A woman wearing a blue hairnet and apron talks over her shoulder as she grasps a plastic pitcher.,82825,train,16565,382153903_0.jpg "Adorable little girl with her hair pulled up, sitting in a baby swing with greenery in the background.",82830,train,16566,3821555355_0.jpg A young girl in a white shirt and blue shorts riding high on a swing.,82835,train,16567,3821555903_0.jpg Two young boys enjoy playing in shallow water while looking back at the photographer.,82840,train,16568,3821667323_0.jpg "A guy with a light blue shirt, blue jeans, and rollerblades is grinding on a curved surface.",82845,train,16569,3821671043_0.jpg "Four children at a skate park, one in rollerblades and three riding scooters.",82850,train,16570,3821678223_0.jpg "Six young men, wearing orange robes, walking on the shoulder of a robe with a body of water in the background.",82855,train,16571,3822007440_0.jpg A rollerblader in a red hat is grinding on an elevated metal pole.,82860,train,16572,3822469102_0.jpg "Plastic cup by his side, a portly bearded man wearing black shorts, black fedora, and plum-colored short-sleeved polo, rests on a portable folding chair on a grassy slope, reading a magazine and sporting earbuds.",82865,train,16573,3822476498_0.jpg Two woman smile at the camera while enjoying their lunch together.,82870,train,16574,3822535114_0.jpg A group of little girls are reading off of papers together.,82875,train,16575,3823285027_0.jpg "Two little boys in denim shorts, one wearing a red shirt and cap, and the other wearing a white shirt, look at an approaching black and red locomotive on a track in a tree-lined grassy setting.",82880,train,16576,3823369556_0.jpg A young man dressed in black dress clothes lies down with his head resting in the lap of an older man in plain clothes.,82885,train,16577,3823691082_0.jpg "Two black males riding their bikes, one in a blue ball cap with white shirts and plaid shorts and the other in a blue and red ball cap blue polo shirt and black pants, while another male rides a bike obscured by his many plastic baskets.",82890,train,16578,3824159954_0.jpg "A man striking a pose as one man with a bike, and another man in the background watch.",82895,train,16579,3824451716_0.jpg A British concert band seated and playing under a canvas awning across from a crowd of spectators gathered on the lawn.,82900,train,16580,3824938721_0.jpg Two men in orange vests and hard hats are standing at the base of an unfinished building and are working on lifting something.,82905,train,16581,3825049160_0.jpg A woman in blue tank top and black biker pants with a red stripe on them riding a bike on the sidewalk.,82910,train,16582,3825750029_0.jpg A young male wearing a blue button up shirt is playing on a acoustic guitar.,82915,train,16583,3825927201_0.jpg "A group of men in business attire sit in a circle of chairs, laughing.",82920,train,16584,382624563_0.jpg A woman wearing a blue fleece jacket stands with her arms crossed in a narrow lane.,82925,train,16585,3826372547_0.jpg Band members wearing green uniforms play their instruments at a public gathering.,82930,train,16586,3826376965_0.jpg Two elderly love birds dancing in the streets to the beat of the band.,82935,train,16587,3826378639_0.jpg Two girls with hast and almost matching skirts are carrying something in colorful bundled blankets on their backs.,82940,train,16588,3826387121_0.jpg Two young people are selling items on a sidewalk and working on their creations.,82945,train,16589,3826405905_0.jpg Some people are gathered on a sidewalk next to some colorful umbrellas and bags.,82950,val,16590,3826408509_0.jpg A furry mammal with a brown rump stands next to a wall and in front of a group of a young person with a colorful hat.,82955,train,16591,3826408845_0.jpg "Eight people in red and black clothing, carrying large red packs cross a footbridge over a clear blue and white river with a large canyon and mountain range in the background.",82960,train,16592,3826412077_0.jpg A boy is riding on a donkey carrying various items strapped to it.,82965,train,16593,3826412989_0.jpg Two women sit across the table from one another laughing in front of their food.,82970,train,16594,3826415995_0.jpg Two hikers stop to look at the landscape.,82975,train,16595,3826417429_0.jpg A single hiker with an orange backpack walks on a trail through a mountainous landscape.,82980,train,16596,3826417779_0.jpg A small building sits on a hillside next to a dirt trail.,82985,train,16597,3826418155_0.jpg A group of tents sit in front of a hill with a person standing outside the most prominent one.,82990,train,16598,3826423291_0.jpg Woman in light blue knit hat and light blue zippered jacket kneels in front of a bowl of liquid and small bottle.,82995,train,16599,3826423659_0.jpg A woman with a blue shirt is putting something in her mouth.,83000,test,16600,3826425403_0.jpg A climber resting at a campground made on a mountainside.,83005,train,16601,3826428341_0.jpg A day-hiker wearing a blue jacket and floppy hat is descending a rocky path on the hill.,83010,train,16602,3826431865_0.jpg The people with the backpacks are walking down some stone stairs.,83015,train,16603,3826437163_0.jpg A woman with brown hair and an orange backpack on is enjoying the view from her hike.,83020,train,16604,3826438677_0.jpg "A lone hiker proceeds along a trail outdoors in the daytime, on a cobblestone path leading to a stone staircase going up the hillside.",83025,train,16605,3826460485_0.jpg Hikers walking along a pathway beside a high laid stone block wall in brilliant sunshine.,83030,train,16606,3826467863_0.jpg A mountain hiker wearing a red backpack looks at a beautiful view.,83035,train,16607,3826476033_0.jpg A man wearing a green hat and a white shirt is taking a nap outside under the tree.,83040,train,16608,3826491809_0.jpg A little boy is kneeling down pushing a toy along the sidewalk.,83045,train,16609,3826499281_0.jpg A woman sits hidden in the dried stray awaiting an animal in the wild.,83050,train,16610,3826504213_0.jpg One man enters and one man leaves a pale blue building with a tin roof and red flooring.,83055,train,16611,3826505145_0.jpg "The person is fishing, with waves splashing around him.",83060,train,16612,382701159_0.jpg "A pair of dancers appear to be dancing in an alley between to buildings, the man dressed in a fine pair of clothes is holding up a woman who is dressed equally as well.",83065,train,16613,3827161885_0.jpg A person walking down the street in a brown jacket and orange hat in front of a building with a blue balcony.,83070,train,16614,3827171692_0.jpg A young woman in a hat with a big pink bow stands alone on the street next to a table with fruits and fruit juice.,83075,train,16615,3827173524_0.jpg A street scene with several archways and a two towers in the background.,83080,train,16616,3827174510_0.jpg The band is putting on a performance in the square while many people are watching.,83085,train,16617,3827175236_0.jpg Two children wearing baseball caps shake hands while standing on the sidewalk.,83090,train,16618,3827176890_0.jpg An outside view of a large statue being viewed by a few people and a dog.,83095,train,16619,3827180184_0.jpg A woman in a colorful outfit sitting on the ground.,83100,train,16620,3827183336_0.jpg A person in colorful clothes and a hat embellished with red and pink streamers looks out from a thatched enclosure.,83105,train,16621,3827185280_0.jpg "Lone hiker in mountain setting viewing newly tilled land prepared in a ""Step"" system of planting.",83110,train,16622,3827185640_0.jpg "Two people are standing near carts full of many items, in front of a mountain background.",83115,train,16623,3827227200_0.jpg "A rocky path cuts through the mountain range, showing the open sky above.",83120,train,16624,3827228248_0.jpg "A woman in a blue jacket, wearing a blue hat, drinking from a blue cup is sitting in a tent.",83125,train,16625,3827232520_0.jpg A hiker in a blue cap holding two walking sticks looks out over the path to the misty mountains in the distance.,83130,train,16626,3827234336_0.jpg A woman with a blue jacket around her waist is sitting on the ledge of some stone ruins resting.,83135,train,16627,3827238558_0.jpg A lone hiker with a red backpack walks down a cobblestone path.,83140,train,16628,3827243324_0.jpg "A man wearing a black sweater and a knit cap sits in front of mountain scenery, with a cloudy sky overhead.",83145,train,16629,3827245354_0.jpg An elderly woman serving bread to a man and a woman dressed in blue t-shirts and light brown pants,83150,train,16630,3827295748_0.jpg A person dressed in brown and gray walks down a long street lined with yellow-walled buildings with tiled roofs.,83155,test,16631,3827298104_0.jpg A woman wearing a blue and orange coat is sitting outside on a bench in front of a red background.,83160,val,16632,3827301652_0.jpg A lady in a large brown hat with a black skirt is selling goods at the marketplace.,83165,train,16633,3827302666_0.jpg A girl showing off a quilt with very intricate designs on it outside.,83170,train,16634,3827304258_0.jpg A young child flies a yellow kite while overlooking the ocean.,83175,train,16635,3827311036_0.jpg "A young girl in a blue skirt, walking down a stony path.",83180,train,16636,3827313014_0.jpg "One tan girl with a wool hat is running and leaning over an object, while another person in a wool hat is sitting on the ground.",83185,train,16637,3827316480_0.jpg "A woman pounding something with a rock, with a guinea pig in the background.",83190,test,16638,3827317206_0.jpg A surfer paddles with his arms to take his surfboard out into the water.,83195,train,16639,3827402648_0.jpg A group of people are leaning over a railing while looking at ancient architecture.,83200,train,16640,3827480413_0.jpg "A young man in a backward baseball cap is standing on a skateboard leaning backward, putting his weight on one foot, on a blue block of concrete.",83205,train,16641,3827686564_0.jpg A small kid with a hat and open mouth holding a nice cake on her hand ready to taste it.,83210,train,16642,3829206624_0.jpg A large group of men are gathered together while two men with caps move a large object through them.,83215,train,16643,3829614604_0.jpg Two people standing behind a Sonoma display and a woman with a stroller on the other side.,83220,train,16644,3830027232_0.jpg "A standing man plays the guitar while another, seated behind him, smiles and watches.",83225,train,16645,383027310_0.jpg "A woman plays a violin, bathed in a reddish light projected through a mesh.",83230,train,16646,383051932_0.jpg A girl with a red cap and a man with a blue jacket tied around his waist are looking at the mountains.,83235,train,16647,3831031977_0.jpg A man walking away in the distance along a huge wall constructed of large blocks.,83240,train,16648,3831079795_0.jpg "Two people are climbing down a steep, rocky trail, wedged between two mountains.",83245,train,16649,3831843450_0.jpg A female street vendor displaying beautiful crafts and pottery.,83250,val,16650,3831874776_0.jpg Someone is slicing a tomato with a knife on a cutting board.,83255,train,16651,3831892579_0.jpg A man in a yellow shirt baits a hook of a fishing pole for a woman in a white top white a little girl in orange shorts stares off into the distance.,83260,train,16652,38319365_0.jpg A man with a cart is stopped on a dirt road as two others look at the things on his cart.,83265,val,16653,3831987297_0.jpg A lean light brown dog has his head down on the ground playing with a stick.,83270,train,16654,383223174_0.jpg A man behind an old fashioned bank teller desk holds a pencil and smiles.,83275,val,16655,3833511502_0.jpg "A woman in a pink shirt is talking to a man in a black shirt with the words ""GROOM"" on the front.",83280,train,16656,3834120725_0.jpg An overweight man and a woman are outside listening to a thinner man read from a book on a partly cloudy day.,83285,train,16657,3834121899_0.jpg "A man has fallen asleep in a plastic lawn chair, in front of some trees, a small dirt hill, and a building.",83290,train,16658,3834352548_0.jpg A man is welding something made of metal near many tools.,83295,train,16659,3834502656_0.jpg "A man in swimming trunks stands in front of the door of a house, looking at a swimming pool, out of which, directly in front of the diving board, a pair of feet are sticking up out of the splashed water.",83300,train,16660,3834563658_0.jpg "A man wearing a blue large plaid print sweatshirt, khaki shorts and black flip-flops is set up to putt a blue gold ball through a miniature golf penguin obstacle.",83305,train,16661,3834993910_0.jpg A girl in a red shirt applauding as other children play.,83310,train,16662,3835083416_0.jpg A woman dressed in layers clothing is standing in front of a refrigerated beverage case.,83315,train,16663,3835344299_0.jpg A man in a red jacket and white apron stands in front of a brightly painted wall with yellow lettering.,83320,val,16664,383595746_0.jpg A man in a Jamaican colored hat with a forest green t-shirt and gray jeans making coffee.,83325,train,16665,3836017313_0.jpg Workmen and a tractor are behind concrete barricades and chunks of broken concrete.,83330,train,16666,383657310_0.jpg A man in a blue collared shirt and tan pants is wandering through a London subway station.,83335,train,16667,3836884647_0.jpg A four men (one wearing blue swim goggles) and one woman swimming when it is extremely mist with a building in the background,83340,train,16668,3837068037_0.jpg "A man in a white shirt, a man in a red shirt covered in duct tape and a woman are standing on a stage.",83345,train,16669,3837069734_0.jpg "A woman walks across a grassy area, away from the camera, with a small boy in her arms looking backward.",83350,train,16670,3837143758_0.jpg Four people on bicycles cross down the middle of a railroad bridge.,83355,train,16671,3838186953_0.jpg "A man wearing a ball cap, white shirt, gray jacket and dark pants kneeling on a mat on a balcony.",83360,train,16672,3838361068_0.jpg "Here we have a little girl, in a red dress, beating another little girl with a stick.",83365,train,16673,3838585113_0.jpg "An older man wearing a plaid shirt, blue jeans and boots is at a campsite, looking through a telescope into the daytime sky.",83370,train,16674,3838759720_0.jpg An extreme mountain biker in mid-jump from underneath rider showing a blue sky.,83375,train,16675,3839004579_0.jpg A smiling little girl in a green polka dotted bathing suit is looking down at the beach sand while holding a blue shovel.,83380,train,16676,3839127400_0.jpg "Two people on the beach looking at the ocean, one with a yellow shirt, the other with a white shirt, both wearing red shorts.",83385,train,16677,383918000_0.jpg "2 men, one holding an umbrella, walk past a window display with a suit displayed that has yellow stripes and a matching hat.",83390,train,16678,3839206915_0.jpg A young man in a room looking at four computer screens with a green coffee mug and several keyboards and computer mice.,83395,val,16679,384080245_0.jpg "A woman with a green and white shirt, and brownish hair, is at a place that, as said on a sign there, has a restaurant, cocktails, and a water view.",83400,train,16680,3840834941_0.jpg A woman wearing a brown coat and white scarf is walking a city street.,83405,train,16681,384104693_0.jpg "A white female med student wearing glasses, a white lab coat, jeans, and sneakers and holding a gray microscope kit is taking a picture of herself in a full-length mirror she propped up beside her desk full of books on chemistry, organic chemistry, and biology.",83410,train,16682,3841235072_0.jpg "A woman with a red shirt and a star tattoo on her arm holds an apple behind a display of ""Fresh Juicy Australian Navel Oranges.""",83415,train,16683,3841625978_0.jpg "A mother and daughter, help a young boy prepare the sale from the dock.",83420,train,16684,3841641437_0.jpg "A round, white-bearded man with glasses surveys a paper from a meeting table which bears other papers and glasses and pitchers of water.",83425,train,16685,3842225496_0.jpg "Nine women in blue and purple dresses and one man wearing a purple shirt and black pants, clap while a man dressed in black dances.",83430,train,16686,3842412009_0.jpg Three young girls are standing in a rock situated in the middle of a white sand desert,83435,train,16687,3843153426_0.jpg A man in a white striped shirt and blue jeans using a water hose to spray water on the ground of concrete ruins .Fo.,83440,train,16688,3843254402_0.jpg "Three people, two males and one female are happily skipping rocks into a lake.",83445,train,16689,3843366278_0.jpg An advanced age woman is standing up with a basket full of green grass standing in front of her,83450,train,16690,384349008_0.jpg Two men are atop a white surface within a cloudy waterfront setting.,83455,train,16691,38437776_0.jpg A woman in a blue sparkly dress with a slit up the leg holding a microphone.,83460,train,16692,3844096151_0.jpg "A man in a white striped shirt at a gambling table, is next to a woman in a black top, shuffling a pack of red cards.",83465,train,16693,3844515314_0.jpg Two people in red outfits riding their bicycles down a dirt road.,83470,train,16694,384465370_0.jpg Man and woman cyclists ride pass signs on rural road.,83475,val,16695,384465575_0.jpg A motorcycle is stopped to wait for a man crossing the street with a guitar.,83480,train,16696,3844713955_0.jpg A girl with blond-hair dressed in a yellow shirt with black stripe uniform for soccer is out in the green grassy field,83485,train,16697,384525655_0.jpg A Sheltie dog carries a white-colored toy in its mouth as it walks across the snow.,83490,train,16698,384577800_0.jpg Two people with one parachute skydiving in white and orange jumpsuits.,83495,train,16699,384594338_0.jpg A woman in a black dress is showing two other women her ring on a city sidewalk.,83500,train,16700,3846132142_0.jpg "A person, alone, is jumping in the ocean, a large distance away from the shore.",83505,train,16701,3846314390_0.jpg Five people are working in a field full of tall dry brush.,83510,train,16702,3846432179_0.jpg Three little boys on the beach watching another boy kick a ball.,83515,train,16703,3846534355_0.jpg A little girl in a floral print dress plays in a tub of water with water lilies.,83520,train,16704,3846674484_0.jpg "At a Japanese market a man, dressed in a yellow shirt, paints out Japanese characters.",83525,train,16705,384668736_0.jpg A man in black attire is walking briskly in the pouring rain.,83530,train,16706,384672675_0.jpg "A man walking up uneven, rocky, steps carrying a backpack loaded with vegetation.",83535,train,16707,3847158742_0.jpg "There is one man in the foreground with a hammer, another is in the background, possibly doing the same work as the man in the foreground.",83540,train,16708,3847186406_0.jpg A toddler with medium length black hair is carrying a patterned bundle of cloth.,83545,val,16709,3847453204_0.jpg A biker with a white helmet is in midair with a cloudy sky and city skyline in the background.,83550,train,16710,3847619635_0.jpg Three women sharing a laugh while sitting on stairs.,83555,train,16711,38476490_0.jpg A man wearing a striped shirt is outside painting with a view of hills and water.,83560,train,16712,38478672_0.jpg A man is standing in front of a meat market while talking on the phone.,83565,train,16713,38478677_0.jpg "A smiling young man in a blue-striped shirt prepares to take a photo, using a camera with a large flash attachment.",83570,train,16714,3848056878_0.jpg "An African woman in long, flowing garb, with a baby on her back, is working in a dry field with trees far off in the distance.",83575,test,16715,384806138_0.jpg There is a train accident and the medical team is there to help with the victims while spectators look on.,83580,train,16716,3848343761_0.jpg "One senior citizen sitting, sleeping in a chair or maybe looking beautiful scenery.",83585,train,16717,3848362132_0.jpg "A group of people watch a vintage steam locomotive (with coal car) on a track, separated by a chain link fence.",83590,train,16718,3848368547_0.jpg A man with a camera snaps a photo in a railroad yard while others look on.,83595,train,16719,3848372359_0.jpg Two kids stand outside of a graffitied door while two other kids perform a handstand against it.,83600,train,16720,3848524309_0.jpg A young redheaded girl in a blue shirt looking through a scope on a sunny day.,83605,train,16721,3848540722_0.jpg An Indian man sitting outside his door asleep with one shoe one and one off two people sitting at the end of the apartment building with one kid standing up.,83610,train,16722,3848572895_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt and sweater sitting outside against a blue building sewing silver fabric.,83615,train,16723,3848578709_0.jpg The man in sunglasses waited for the green crocodiles' mouth to open at the miniature golf park.,83620,train,16724,3849219106_0.jpg The girl in the pink clothing scribbled in the sand with her finger while a girl clad in a blue green shirt looked in the ocean.,83625,train,16725,3849318202_0.jpg A person points out to the lake with mountains in the background - while a boat floats out on the left.,83630,val,16726,3849580150_0.jpg "Two people, one in a green shirt and one in a red shirt, go down a water slide.",83635,train,16727,3849814541_0.jpg A young woman holding the hand of a toddler while walking in the park.,83640,train,16728,3850532328_0.jpg Someone took a picture of this lady right before she was about to eat her fish.,83645,train,16729,3850580198_0.jpg Two coast guard officers out on a training mission.,83650,train,16730,3851157121_0.jpg A teenage boy is shaving in front of a mirror while an older man watches from a doorway.,83655,train,16731,3851415674_0.jpg Two Latin dancers dancing with Mariachi band playing in the background with a crowd watching.,83660,train,16732,3851686271_0.jpg Two barefoot men in mostly white apparel square off with machetes in what appears to be a group folk performance.,83665,train,16733,3851691069_0.jpg A black dog in a pink sweater is up on his hind legs in front of a pink blanket.,83670,train,16734,385186343_0.jpg "Five men leaning against a building and two of them looking up in the sky, while a fifth man passes by.",83675,train,16735,3852276745_0.jpg Three men are standing next to a large brick wall surrounded by various construction material.,83680,train,16736,3852752203_0.jpg A carpenter with a pencil on his ear seriously doing his carpentry work.,83685,train,16737,3853580806_0.jpg "An excited, smiling woman stands at a red railing as she holds a boombox to one side.",83690,train,16738,3853594376_0.jpg Young male in a white karate outfit with a blue belt wrapped around his waist performs karate moves in front of the judges of the competition.,83695,test,16739,38541144_0.jpg A man in a uniform is standing on the beach with a camera in his hands.,83700,train,16740,3854366835_0.jpg "A pretty woman in a black shirt is kneeling next to a white and brown dog, holding his face.",83705,train,16741,385452927_0.jpg A large group of people stands on line to order at a fast food restaurant.,83710,train,16742,3855099747_0.jpg "An extreme biker against a tree, in silhouette.",83715,train,16743,3855157718_0.jpg A man gets photography equipment out of the back of his vehicle.,83720,train,16744,3855173636_0.jpg Two law enforcement officers are looking into the trunk of a car which is blocked off with yellow police tape.,83725,train,16745,3855279759_0.jpg Three people in special operations gear cross the street near a crime scene.,83730,train,16746,3855280083_0.jpg An overweight elderly woman is waiting in line behind a man with a shaved head with a gray shirt and black pants and there is a man looking through a newspaper on a stand that says Echo in the background.,83735,train,16747,3855396443_0.jpg A man wearing a white t-shirt walks on the rocks of a stream.,83740,train,16748,3855516061_0.jpg A girl in a blue skirt and black top has a unique expression on her face down a nature trail.,83745,train,16749,3855557050_0.jpg A black and white Special Forces Tactical truck parked under a sign with a creepy face on it.,83750,train,16750,3855962376_0.jpg A group of people wearing hospital scrubs and lab coats pose together on a wooden floor next to purple curtains.,83755,train,16751,3856130327_0.jpg "Two female medical professionals, one african american & one white, looking over paperwork in a hospital.",83760,train,16752,3856149623_0.jpg A woman in an office is wearing a plastic gown decorated with tracings of hands over her clothes.,83765,train,16753,3856153247_0.jpg Six older women are standing in a row at a table smiling and looking trough books and other material displayed on the table.,83770,train,16754,3856155585_0.jpg "Two women, wearing a black shirt with a gray cardigan and a white and black striped shirt, are smiling at the camera that took the picture of them, with three people standing in the background, two men wearing a green and square patterned shirt, and part of a woman.",83775,train,16755,3856157065_0.jpg Four registered nurses dressed in smocks peer down into mobile bin filled with miscellaneous items.,83780,train,16756,3856176585_0.jpg One nurse in purple Mr. Potato Head scrubs showing a pink bottle to another nurse in blue scrubs at a hospital with a third nurse in floral shirt and khaki pants in the background looks through paperwork.,83785,train,16757,3856178809_0.jpg Three healthcare professionals are looking over a chart or brochure in a nurse's station.,83790,train,16758,3856182861_0.jpg People at the carnival riding an amusement ride called the Twister.,83795,train,16759,3856738971_0.jpg A nursing staff in front of a cart that says magnet is you.,83800,train,16760,3856921828_0.jpg Two female nurses are standing by a pushcart in a hospital hallway.,83805,train,16761,3856958902_0.jpg A white woman and a black woman converse in a hospital-like setting.,83810,train,16762,3856960370_0.jpg "Three women, two wearing scrubs, stand around a table looking at a book.",83815,train,16763,3856963802_0.jpg Blond woman poses for the camera while holding a book and star shape.,83820,train,16764,3856967640_0.jpg "Out of a crowd of women with attentive faces in medical uniforms, one blond woman looks up into the camera smiling.",83825,train,16765,3856985464_0.jpg Two women in lab coats giving a box to an officer next to a car that says constable.,83830,train,16766,3856990752_0.jpg "A man with a shaved head, smoking a cigarette, holds up a piece of a beehive.",83835,train,16767,3857131306_0.jpg A woman in a blue dress and rain boots mops the cobblestone street.,83840,train,16768,385811470_0.jpg A person is falling from the sky with a parachute with mountains and a body of water in the background.,83845,train,16769,3858228351_0.jpg A girl wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans has on some white headphones and is walking.,83850,train,16770,385835044_0.jpg People are in the swimming pool and the adults are teaching the kids how to swim.,83855,train,16771,3858724345_0.jpg Six people sit around a large rectangular table watching a gentleman write on the whiteboard up front.,83860,train,16772,3858745961_0.jpg "Blond man crossing street, in white shirt and red t-shirt, carrying a white bag.",83865,test,16773,3858873745_0.jpg Several people with parachutes are overlooking a beautiful view of fields and hills.,83870,train,16774,3859014834_0.jpg Two teens are playing a rock band video game while one of the boys flashes a peace sign.,83875,val,16775,3859199015_0.jpg "An man wearing a yellow shirt, denim suspenders and an orange hat reading under the rear tire of a vehicle as a child watches.",83880,train,16776,3859203305_0.jpg One man with a hat and one women with a purse are smiling while walking down a path in the snow.,83885,train,16777,3859241173_0.jpg Several people are in an outdoor swimming pool including several children and a few adults.,83890,train,16778,3859513880_0.jpg A man in a white and blue striped shirt is running down a dirt road.,83895,train,16779,3859858162_0.jpg A man wearing a white and blue shirt and gray pants is staring off into the distance.,83900,train,16780,3859858842_0.jpg A man with a blue shirt and red scarf on his head holds a piece of fruit in front of a wood container full of fruit while a boy bicycles behind him.,83905,train,16781,3860415767_0.jpg A woman in white shorts and a blue sleeveless top standing in front of a wall is joined by a group of others on a sidewalk outside a one story stone building with red and white flags strung across the top.,83910,train,16782,3861380798_0.jpg Several members of a community are celebrating with music and costumes during a festival or party.,83915,train,16783,3861381128_0.jpg A brown dog playing play wrestling with a black dog on snow covered land.,83920,train,16784,386160015_0.jpg A man at the wheel of a boat with a man reading a newspaper beside him.,83925,train,16785,3861733990_0.jpg A young man in a white hat is painting a mural outside on a wall.,83930,train,16786,3861754914_0.jpg "An older woman with short blond-hair wearing a white shirt and beige pants, and carrying a mustard colored purse is crossing a city street.",83935,train,16787,3862011383_0.jpg A man in a white shirt is handing a man in a yellow shirt a ten thousand dollar check from Bollywood Dreams.,83940,train,16788,3862124975_0.jpg A large crowd of people are congregated between a busy street and a tall building.,83945,train,16789,3862675867_0.jpg A female teacher is pointing something out to a young female student seated at a school desk.,83950,train,16790,3863054776_0.jpg A man with sunglasses and a man in a chartreuse shirt with a beige jacket sit at a table.,83955,train,16791,3863320547_0.jpg "There are four US military soldiers in this photo, only two have their faces in the picture, there is a pack of cigarettes by one of their boots, they appear to be fixing a motorcycle.",83960,train,16792,3863631198_0.jpg "This Man is Fishing around a bunch of Boats, He hasn't Caught one, yet.",83965,train,16793,3863819063_0.jpg "Boy, of age approximately 7 years old, down on one knee wearing rollerblades and a protective helmet.",83970,train,16794,3864134621_0.jpg A man in a beige shirt and a black helmet drives a small red vehicle with a cloth black roof and no doors or windows.,83975,train,16795,3864288506_0.jpg Various fruits are available at an outdoor market in what appears to be India.,83980,train,16796,3864394764_0.jpg Workers discussing a tough days events while having a smoke.,83985,train,16797,3864680925_0.jpg Two mosaic workers in white jackets work on an elaborately designed tile floor.,83990,train,16798,3864694123_0.jpg "A man in tan capris, brown sandals, and a white t-shirt, crouches on the trunk of a tree.",83995,val,16799,386470686_0.jpg A man in a bright green jacket is talking with two woman who are standing near something red that is covered in newspapers.,84000,train,16800,3865136734_0.jpg A man wearing a tan cap is crouching and holding something in his hands.,84005,train,16801,3866270897_0.jpg A line of people are standing with their feet in the ocean and lifting a net.,84010,train,16802,3866290511_0.jpg "An Asian woman looks out the window of a coffee shop while clutching her drink, next to a basket of poinsettias and a newspaper.",84015,train,16803,386640177_0.jpg Someone wearing a green and white suite is riding an orange motorcycle with the number 244 on the front and there is a structure in the background that has a red arrow on it.,84020,train,16804,3866425459_0.jpg The brown and white dog carries a very large stick across the snow.,84025,train,16805,386655611_0.jpg A little tan dog is in confrontation with a large black dog in the snow.,84030,train,16806,386656845_0.jpg A man with no shirt and purple pants crouches while tampering with a metallic object.,84035,train,16807,3867054856_0.jpg Women sit on a beach as they watch men bring in a fishing net filled with fish in front of them.,84040,val,16808,3867308040_0.jpg A man in a mauve blazer stands near the steering wheel of a ship.,84045,train,16809,3867315432_0.jpg An elderly man dressed in a red and blue plaid shirt and brown camouflage cap is watching an event while eating a snack from a plastic bag on his lap.,84050,test,16810,3867804763_0.jpg "Man in red costume, with a fur hat, a sword and a knife on his belt holding an ax, with blurred people in the background.",84055,val,16811,3868284371_0.jpg "A football player wearing a jersey with the number five on it is trying to tackle a quarterback, while being hassled by another football player.",84060,train,16812,3868751073_0.jpg A woman with brown hair in a red shirt and black runner's shorts runs down a paved trail going through a forested area.,84065,train,16813,3869207554_0.jpg A man in a black shirt and Bugs Bunny tie wears an inflated condom pulled over his head to halfway down his face.,84070,train,16814,3870112265_0.jpg A tall building with mirrored windows reflects the blue sky as a young woman on a city sky way observes traffic below.,84075,train,16815,3870409487_0.jpg A white dog walking on some rocks along a house in the snow.,84080,train,16816,387078972_0.jpg A man in waist deep water with a fishing net and wooden box in the river.,84085,train,16817,3870855202_0.jpg A man in a button down shirt is plugging cables into an electronic device.,84090,train,16818,3870931650_0.jpg A man in a gray shirt and two boys in swim trunks are playing in the ocean waves.,84095,val,16819,3871177631_0.jpg "A beach with a blue flag in the ground on a clear day with groups of people walking along the water, one man with a wakeboard.",84100,train,16820,3871186023_0.jpg "A young boy looks up towards the camera, while standing next to a calm stream.",84105,train,16821,3871253919_0.jpg A sidewalk artist wearing a black hoodie is creating a large installation of a woman on the sidewalk while being watched by many by-standers.,84110,train,16822,3871713477_0.jpg A lady in a brown jacket and brown shorts lays with a man wearing khaki shorts on a grass landscape.,84115,train,16823,3872048501_0.jpg "A man in light, gray clothing tows a small wooden boat in out of a shallow pond.",84120,train,16824,3872176552_0.jpg A young man in a yellow floral shirt ponders purchases in an outdoor market while an older man in a gray t-shirt texts on his phone in the background.,84125,train,16825,3872838863_0.jpg "A man is standing in the street, producing a ball of fire from an object in his hand.",84130,train,16826,3872967416_0.jpg A woman on a dock in shorts and a tank top with the blue waters in the background.,84135,train,16827,3873342570_0.jpg Two men in basement of house drinking bottled water one man wearing tool belt.,84140,train,16828,3873728049_0.jpg "A woman wearing a black shirt and colorful hat with glasses, is sewing.",84145,train,16829,3873794156_0.jpg A fireman protects an area by setting up a boundary while others watch.,84150,train,16830,3873835329_0.jpg A small group of people listen to a man in a blue shirt in front of a natural stone two-story structure with five steps leading to a white door on the lower level.,84155,train,16831,3874351446_0.jpg "A tattooed white man who has shoulder length hair, wearing a red sleeveless shirt and gray jeans is sitting at an upscale street corner in a portable chair holding a guitar on his right leg while the guitar case which is covered by angular brown and white patterns rests on the sidewalk at his feet.",84160,train,16832,3874461466_0.jpg A man in a yellow jacket and blue helmet is riding his bicycle on a sidewalk.,84165,train,16833,387466573_0.jpg A guy in a yellow parachute jumpsuit is standing between a row of packed parachutes.,84170,train,16834,3874666884_0.jpg "A man wearing a black hat, buttoned shirt, tie, dark shorts, and black and red shoes speaks loudly as bystanders see flames in the street.",84175,train,16835,3874741721_0.jpg "A man and a woman are having a conversation, while the man drinks a beer.",84180,train,16836,3875226464_0.jpg A man is holding a blue fishing net in front of some rocks.,84185,train,16837,3875347394_0.jpg A guy in a black shirt is looking to catch a water-melon with two other boys present.,84190,train,16838,3876652419_0.jpg A man is wearing black and yellow with a black and yellow helmet riding a mountain bike.,84195,train,16839,3876751750_0.jpg "A woman sits in a chair on the beach, backdropped by the ocean.",84200,train,16840,3876949547_0.jpg A man wearing a black cap and white shirt rowing a boat on open water.,84205,train,16841,387697067_0.jpg One child holds another child's hand as the second child slides down a blue side face forward.,84210,train,16842,3877209225_0.jpg A painter is sitting at a street corner and has completed the majority of a painting of the Cafe across the street from himself.,84215,train,16843,3877389540_0.jpg This dark-skinned man checks his phone while riding in what looks like a bus.,84220,train,16844,3877444622_0.jpg Two men in blue one standing the other hanging onto the window of a tram car just looking out.,84225,train,16845,3877444976_0.jpg A woman in an orange sari sits in front of a low wall among baskets of vegetables that include potatoes.,84230,train,16846,3877788776_0.jpg "A little child with a sweater, blue shirt and black pants, holding a broom in a kitchen.",84235,train,16847,387822740_0.jpg A brown dog about to jump on a smaller black and tan dog,84240,train,16848,387830531_0.jpg "Man in black pants, white shirt playing a flue as a lady in pink dances",84245,train,16849,3878630626_0.jpg "Three guys outside on the grass one guy doing a somersault, the other two guys seem to be resting while the crowd standing around watching them",84250,train,16850,3878693122_0.jpg A adult man negotiates a city lane on a three wheel bicycle which is carrying a large blue plastic drum used to hold water which he might use or be delivering,84255,train,16851,387963391_0.jpg A dark colored dog running in a field with multilple birds in the background.,84260,train,16852,387974450_0.jpg "A woman is sitting in a street market stand where there are various items for sale, such as fish.",84265,train,16853,3879927955_0.jpg "A closeup view of a guitarist in a red shirt standing outside, with a group of children playing around him.",84270,train,16854,3879971251_0.jpg "A young boy balancing on a board in a lake, his arms raised and appearing to be standing on just the water.",84275,train,16855,3880125306_0.jpg "Two young men are on a vast, level expanse of grass, and the man in the red shirt is catching the white Frisbee.",84280,train,16856,38803368_0.jpg A dancing couple is performing a dip where the man is crouched nearly to the floor.,84285,train,16857,3880366728_0.jpg A blond man in a striped shirt and jeans sitting at a table with a computer and talking on a cellphone.,84290,train,16858,3880471209_0.jpg Spices and other goods are being put in display in what appears to be a local village shop.,84295,train,16859,3880726770_0.jpg "A man who wears glasses, a blue shirt and a Chicago White Sox cap holds a young boy who also wears a blue shirt.",84300,train,16860,3880770726_0.jpg "A couple of camels laying on the beach, one of them has a little girl as a rider.",84305,train,16861,3880775790_0.jpg Three men wearing black jackets are talking to two ladies in tanks tops.,84310,train,16862,388088725_0.jpg An aisle at Best Buy with an employee standing at the computer and a Geek Squad sign in the background.,84315,train,16863,3881645432_0.jpg An elderly person wearing a red hat is holding a child wearing an adult sized jacket.,84320,train,16864,3882399405_0.jpg Woman is detained by police in front of a crowd of onlookers.,84325,train,16865,3882404731_0.jpg "A group of older men sit around a table full of food in a restaurant, it looks to be a good time.",84330,train,16866,3883055159_0.jpg A middle-aged lady holds a young girl in her arms as they sleep in an indoor booth.,84335,train,16867,3883110262_0.jpg A yellow taxi and a person riding a bicycle travel in the same direction.,84340,train,16868,3883179400_0.jpg A man in a blue uniform works beside a train on train tracks.,84345,train,16869,3883192246_0.jpg A young boy pulling down his eyeglasses and looking a toy trains,84350,train,16870,388386075_0.jpg "A woman in a white shirt stands behind a counter, in the kitchen of an empty restaurant with brick walls.",84355,test,16871,3884010975_0.jpg A young African woman is holding up an octopus while sitting down in the sand.,84360,train,16872,3884461163_0.jpg Two officials in white and black uniforms speak with pedestrians in the street at night.,84365,train,16873,3884704036_0.jpg A white man wearing a ball cap and backpack is riding a bicycle while flipping the camera an obscene gesture.,84370,train,16874,3885034832_0.jpg "A woman stands on a wide, flat beat holding up a squid or octopus by a sting.",84375,train,16875,3885251820_0.jpg "A young girl stands behind sever knick-knacks, such as dolls, a statue of jesus, and a statue of the virgin mary, outdoors",84380,train,16876,388526913_0.jpg A woman and two men walking down a hill on a sandy beach.,84385,train,16877,388546416_0.jpg Four guys in striped shirts playing music instruments in a restaurant.,84390,train,16878,388604469_0.jpg Black man in blue trunks covered in soap suds taking a bath in a source of water near stairs.,84395,train,16879,3886962927_0.jpg A worker in a safety vest and hat is unloading equipment from the back of a truck.,84400,test,16880,3887428186_0.jpg "An older man in shorts, showing healthy-looking legs, astride a bicycle, pauses at an intersection",84405,train,16881,388747389_0.jpg "This is a closeup of a young, innocent-looking boy with tousled hair who is holding with both hands what seems to be a plastic, green and orange beach ball with a butterfly design as the sun shines upon him from his right.",84410,train,16882,3887487086_0.jpg "Two ladies in matching dresses and shoes, both wearing straw hats pulled down over their faces, are napping on a bench next to a rolling suitcase.",84415,train,16883,3887721909_0.jpg A chinese child in a yellow old navy sweatshirt and brown camouflage pants is shown sitting on a red couch and playing with a phone.,84420,train,16884,388790511_0.jpg A boy wearing a red shirt practicing calligraphy while being watched by other children.,84425,train,16885,388813855_0.jpg An older woman is working behind a counter at a restaurant.,84430,train,16886,3888267140_0.jpg "Two girls, one wearing a pink shirt and the other wearing a white shirt, are throwing hay in the air.",84435,train,16887,388836789_0.jpg Two children looking at horses through a small fence.,84440,test,16888,388837010_0.jpg "A man leans against a street post behind a large, green mask.",84445,train,16889,3888575744_0.jpg A person wearing a hat sits in a store with coats and other articles of clothing hanging on the walls.,84450,train,16890,388913235_0.jpg "Several people gathered in front of the sunrise over a mountain range, while sitting on prayer mats.",84455,train,16891,3889526603_0.jpg "Five women wearing scarves, sitting in a row, on the ground in front of an old stone wall working with their hands.",84460,train,16892,3889711490_0.jpg "Three men, dressed in casual attire, are jumping in the air above a flat artificial surface.",84465,train,16893,3890054701_0.jpg A man with a white t-shirt and red hat is working outside a house.,84470,train,16894,3890223491_0.jpg A dance instructor gives instruction to a group of people in a sea of foam.,84475,train,16895,3890244554_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt and khaki shorts is playing with his black and yellow dogs in a large grassy field.,84480,train,16896,3890247909_0.jpg Woman in black jacket and blue pants rides bike on shoulder through construction area.,84485,train,16897,3890981926_0.jpg An older man in a suit jacket and dress shoes is riding a bicycle in the street.,84490,train,16898,3890984576_0.jpg A person with a blue backpack and a purple helmet rides a bicycle over a narrow bridge.,84495,train,16899,3891014226_0.jpg An experienced young surfer in California enjoying the waves on a sunny Saturday.,84500,train,16900,3891229941_0.jpg A young woman partying at a local nightclub with her friends and is wearing a sports bra.,84505,train,16901,389136029_0.jpg A groom picks up his bride and kisses her underneath an enclosure at factory.,84510,train,16902,3891886294_0.jpg A woman in a knitted brown jacket looking at the camera while sitting in front of a table covered in food and food preparation tools.,84515,train,16903,3892428805_0.jpg "Two adult llamas sitting, while one baby llama rubs against its parent and another rubs against its owner",84520,train,16904,3892563639_0.jpg A young man doesn't understand why there is an egg on the table in front of him.,84525,train,16905,3892971736_0.jpg Young girl reads the description of park statue; there are trees in the background.,84530,train,16906,3893021168_0.jpg "A group of children, each carrying a handful of balloons, being led by a child waving a colorful flag.",84535,train,16907,3893267383_0.jpg A man wearing a blue blazer using a cane to help him walk across the crosswalk.,84540,train,16908,3893397403_0.jpg Men gather around during a chess game played in a pool.,84545,train,16909,3893510114_0.jpg An older caucasian couple is having their picture taken by a stone statue of a man and woman kissing.,84550,train,16910,3893700052_0.jpg Two people with on bicycles riding along while wearing helmets and shorts.,84555,train,16911,3893946197_0.jpg Two young men and two boys are sitting down on a boat next to an anchor and watching the water.,84560,train,16912,3894241635_0.jpg "On the sidewalk, near the store's entrance, a local entertains all, by playing the accordion.",84565,train,16913,3896057129_0.jpg A girl in a white cap eats a slice of fruit next to a girl in a blue cap who is eating chocolate.,84570,train,16914,389643437_0.jpg An old woman with a flowered print dress stirring some type of food in large barrels.,84575,train,16915,3896878460_0.jpg A lady with orange hair and a yellow t-shirt is pouring a glass of draft beer.,84580,train,16916,3897245055_0.jpg A lone person stands in front of a yellow shingled shed like building on an empty street while above them sits a bike resting on a railing.,84585,val,16917,3897459678_0.jpg A surfer in black attempts a 180 turn against a cascading wave with a white surfboard.,84590,train,16918,3897909588_0.jpg Two men wearing surfing suits surf on a medium sized wave on a clear sunny day.,84595,train,16919,3897909602_0.jpg Two children and a woman climb up the stairs on a metal electric pole-like structure.,84600,train,16920,3897974076_0.jpg Two males are playing volleyball and one is jumping and his right arm is away from his body.,84605,train,16921,3898684147_0.jpg A motorcyclist with a backpack traveling on his blue bike.,84610,train,16922,3899196513_0.jpg A little girl smelling a fresh mushroom that her mother is showing her.,84615,val,16923,3899250752_0.jpg A short-haired blue bird it may be wearing a black tank top and white pants is carrying a little girl with blond-hair as she holds on to her missing shoe,84620,train,16924,3899256790_0.jpg The little blond girl has blue frosting stuck to her mouth as she momentarily stops eating her cupcake to look at another little girl.,84625,train,16925,3899294432_0.jpg Four men sit on a stage playing woodwind instruments looking at the four music stands in front of them which have the words The Thistle on them.,84630,train,16926,3899733725_0.jpg A woman dressed in blue hits a tennis ball with an intense expression on her face.,84635,train,16927,3901773161_0.jpg A surfer wearing a wetsuit and using a light colored board catches some air.,84640,train,16928,3901882052_0.jpg A young man walks through Grand Central Station with his shadow cast by the light cascading down from the windows behind.,84645,train,16929,3902127239_0.jpg "One man and one woman in the field, guiding 2 cows through the fields.",84650,train,16930,3902152203_0.jpg A person with an orange shovel is shoveling snow.,84655,train,16931,390220229_0.jpg A woman wearing a baby sling with a peach - colored blanket looks to the side as she holds up her camera.,84660,train,16932,39024889_0.jpg Two women wearing pink T-shirts and blue jeans converse outside clothing store.,84665,val,16933,39024981_0.jpg A man and a woman with a blue banana on her head using tools to work on part of a vehicle.,84670,train,16934,3902517480_0.jpg A paraglider landing in the water with a sailboard or small sailboat in the background.,84675,train,16935,3902696045_0.jpg Man in ocean surfing while holding onto lines from parachute or glider.,84680,train,16936,3902696609_0.jpg "A man and a woman, both pushing strollers with children in them, are stopped and looking at each other.",84685,train,16937,3902721920_0.jpg A blond man in a tan colored shirt is leaning against the window on the inside of a building with a fish like design on the windows.,84690,test,16938,3903017514_0.jpg "A man is holding bunches of flowers, while a dog sits in a basket on the back of a bicycle.",84695,train,16939,3903095674_0.jpg A man in a yellow shirt and hat is suspended on wires and pulleys to reach a high glass ceiling.,84700,train,16940,3903142951_0.jpg A dog with a frisbie in his mouth is running in a snowy field.,84705,train,16941,390360326_0.jpg "A man singing with his eyes closed and holding a microphone, with a woman behind him playing an electric bass guitar.",84710,train,16942,3903603264_0.jpg A street performer dressed as a statue stands in the middle of a street.,84715,train,16943,390369_0.jpg "In a foreign village, citizens wander through the market and past a row of bicycles and a kneeling woman repairs shoes for a customer.",84720,train,16944,3904368912_0.jpg A young boy wearing a maroon shirt and with a faux-hawk haircut is trying to climb a cinder-block wall.,84725,train,16945,390443039_0.jpg Several Israeli men standing in the middle of a busy intersection.,84730,train,16946,3904607307_0.jpg "A person wearing a Darth Vader outfit and holding a violin and violin bow, is standing beside a cement wall, and is playing for some people.",84735,train,16947,3906158504_0.jpg "Six dancers dressed in orange, white and black costumes entertain a crowd while performing at a basketball game.",84740,train,16948,3906226917_0.jpg A closeup of a small black and white dog with a baseball in its mouth.,84745,train,16949,390671130_0.jpg A person is preparing to send a piece of paper through a paper shredder.,84750,train,16950,390675437_0.jpg A blond-haired man in a red shirt is playing pool and is about to hit the 8 ball.,84755,train,16951,3906885450_0.jpg A group of cheerleaders wearing blue outfits with white tutus are jumping up together in unison with their arms up in the air.,84760,train,16952,3906958466_0.jpg A mom is spoon feeding her child and the child looks unhappy.,84765,train,16953,390703177_0.jpg An Asian flight attendant is attending to passengers on a plane.,84770,train,16954,3907226133_0.jpg "Two cosplayers, one in all black, the other in all red, pretend to fight.",84775,train,16955,3907722043_0.jpg A man wearing a blue hoodie is outside writing on a piece of paper.,84780,train,16956,3907881388_0.jpg Couple kissing in a rail car and a man with red shirt in the background.,84785,train,16957,3908271774_0.jpg "Closeup of a man holding a baby, wrapped in a blue blanket, to his shoulder.",84790,train,16958,3908650006_0.jpg An elderly man is shaving another elderly man with a straight razor,84795,train,16959,3908659741_0.jpg A man dressed in a black blazer and a black hat is playing the trumpet.,84800,train,16960,390879416_0.jpg Two men wearing black shirts playing guitars and a woman in a black jacket cutoff from camera.,84805,train,16961,390886290_0.jpg "Several youth stand around watching as a banjo player, piano player, and guitar players play in a dirty setting.",84810,train,16962,390892622_0.jpg A bearded man with a brown wool cap and gray shirt is singing into a microphone he is holding with both hands while a brunette female sits behind a keyboard to his left.,84815,train,16963,390892763_0.jpg Girl in red and black shirt sitting in front of a keyboard performing with other band members.,84820,train,16964,390894604_0.jpg Two girls are conversing in front of some other people and a keyboard.,84825,train,16965,390899292_0.jpg A young women smiling and a young man smirking in front of a speaker.,84830,train,16966,390899859_0.jpg "A woman is drinking beer in a social setting, wile being fondled by a man.",84835,train,16967,390900476_0.jpg Three women are shown in front of a washer and dryer; one hoists a beverage bottle while a woman appears to hand-feed a muffin to a third.,84840,train,16968,390901667_0.jpg Two people wearing blue clothing are making hand gestures next to one another.,84845,train,16969,390902331_0.jpg "A man wearing a red jacket, black shirt and several necklaces smokes two cigarettes with a peaceful look on his face.",84850,train,16970,390902566_0.jpg A man wearing bifocals sits and plays a guitar next to a young woman with a straw hat who is holding a violin.,84855,train,16971,3909183873_0.jpg Police on horseback watching the crowd as they move through the streets.,84860,val,16972,390921095_0.jpg A glowing bust sits in the middle of a round table with papers neatly laid out.,84865,train,16973,3909544831_0.jpg Three men in blue hard hats are on the tops of telephone poles working on the wires of one with a tall wedge topped skyscraper in the background.,84870,train,16974,3909552008_0.jpg A woman wearing glasses and a hat pokes her head through the door of a tent on a snowy day.,84875,train,16975,390986651_0.jpg A woman wearing short sleeves and sunglasses is backpacking up a snowy mountain cliff.,84880,train,16976,390987167_0.jpg The man carries a large backpack while hiking through snow-covered terrain.,84885,train,16977,390992102_0.jpg A girl treks through the snow with her backpack on.,84890,train,16978,390992388_0.jpg A little girl is sitting outside on a set of steps with her hands covering her face as if she is sad or scared.,84895,train,16979,3910160149_0.jpg An elderly male wearing a white Wal Mart smock with his arms and hand extended in front of him.,84900,train,16980,391020801_0.jpg A man with a beard and button up shirt is holding some string in front of boxes and a mannequin head.,84905,train,16981,3910331006_0.jpg A group of men sitting outside listening to a conference or speaker.,84910,train,16982,3910333580_0.jpg A brown and white dog is standing on its hind legs reaching for a ball.,84915,train,16983,391106734_0.jpg "This is an outdoor market with lots of produce for sale - especially tomatoes, but there are also artichokes also.",84920,train,16984,3911874189_0.jpg Two women standing outside looking at a water fountain with bright green trees in the background.,84925,train,16985,3912076502_0.jpg A large man sits in a chair with a box wrapped in paper sits on his lap and a child nearby plays with paper.,84930,train,16986,3912412153_0.jpg Two children are sleeping while someone is fingering through a book of music.,84935,train,16987,3912500237_0.jpg A guy on inline skates with a white hat is on a yellow rail.,84940,train,16988,391324644_0.jpg "A woman in a pink overcoat is looking surprised while talking to someone in a purple coat, on the streets in front of Vitamin Shoppe.",84945,test,16989,3913884179_0.jpg A young girl in a black sweater and jeans is standing on a beach near the water.,84950,train,16990,3913959754_0.jpg "A man with a tan cowboy hat, red chaps and a leather vest is hanging on a saddle after being buck off by a horse at a rodeo show.",84955,train,16991,3914077575_0.jpg "Two males in cowboy hats, one a young man in a dark blue shirt and the other, an adolescent in a light pink shirt, are preparing for something in a ranch or fair setting.",84960,test,16992,3914087743_0.jpg "A man wearing jeans, a belt buckle, a plaid shirt, and a cowboy hat is sitting on his brown horse while holding a rope.",84965,train,16993,3914088687_0.jpg "A young boy, wearing a helmet, in shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of binoculars around his neck is playing outside.",84970,train,16994,3914456610_0.jpg A young girl is standing against a chain covering her mouth with her hand and holding a red flag.,84975,train,16995,3914720167_0.jpg A red vehicle is being reflected in a store window while two casually dressed middle-aged men walk and converse.,84980,test,16996,3914751903_0.jpg A man with cloth wrapped around his head is sitting on a miniature wooden wagon.,84985,train,16997,3915181249_0.jpg The woman in the blue sweater encourages the dog to jump in the air.,84990,train,16998,391579205_0.jpg SOmeone in a green shirt is holding money while a man in a baseball cap is holding out his wallet at a function of some sort.,84995,train,16999,3916066890_0.jpg Three young men one sitting in front of an elevator and other has his hand up to his face the last one sitting on a crate and smiling.,85000,train,17000,3916317467_0.jpg A man in a fisherman's cap with a striped shirt pouring something onto a bun.,85005,train,17001,391656058_0.jpg A man and woman are sitting at a table in a restaurant overlooking mountains.,85010,train,17002,3917122097_0.jpg A small black and brown dog is standing in the snow.,85015,val,17003,391723162_0.jpg A woman in black pants and a purple top reads a book while sitting on a light blue bench seat next to her black and white purse.,85020,train,17004,3918176647_0.jpg A blond boy wearing a blue shirt and gray short running or jumping in front of a fence,85025,train,17005,3918946796_0.jpg A man in a blue and yellow tracksuit stands on a sports field and watches a big screen.,85030,train,17006,3919655575_0.jpg "A girl is adding a vial of blue liquid to a glass container, while another girl looks on.",85035,train,17007,3920105265_0.jpg A man dressed in red is riding a beautiful white horse in some sort of exhibition or competition.,85040,train,17008,3920626767_0.jpg A woman in a blue dress is walking and talking on her cellphone.,85045,train,17009,3921094853_0.jpg A security guard with a white shirt is guarding a building.,85050,train,17010,3921480074_0.jpg "Three children, wearing green, yellow, and blue uniforms, are sitting and standing near two women.",85055,train,17011,392167163_0.jpg A group of children in primarily yellow shirts are being watched over by adults.,85060,train,17012,392167806_0.jpg A boy in a gray and yellow jacket is raising his hand in front of others sitting around him.,85065,train,17013,392168458_0.jpg A group of young Oriental children gather around their teacher as she shows them how to complete a task.,85070,train,17014,392172670_0.jpg Five young people smiling for picture and one child not facing front,85075,train,17015,392177194_0.jpg An older man in a gray suit and carrying a book and a briefcase is reaching the top of a marble staircase.,85080,train,17016,3922716352_0.jpg A man with a red hoodie under a gray jacket is sitting on a bench next to his backpack with his head down.,85085,train,17017,3922731684_0.jpg A small boy and girl citing on a sidewalk with a man standing behind them.,85090,train,17018,3922934080_0.jpg A party-goer in a white shirt closing his eyes and flailing his arms.,85095,train,17019,3922949967_0.jpg A little girl wearing a purple shirt is kneeling on the ground with a book while another little girl looks over her shoulder.,85100,train,17020,392354488_0.jpg "Several males gather around a shirtless, white panted with ankle bells and a pearl necklace as he blows something from his mouth to create a ball of fire.",85105,train,17021,3923616497_0.jpg A group of people are riding a subway.,85110,train,17022,3923857105_0.jpg Two brown dogs are running over snow in a line.,85115,train,17023,392467282_0.jpg A young child in a green shirt and a fisherman type hat near the water playing with a blue and white ball.,85120,train,17024,3924998281_0.jpg A man with a beer and hammer in his hands strikes something on a round platform in front of him.,85125,train,17025,3925231794_0.jpg "Four people wearing hats are sitting on a bench eating, while a fifth in red faces away.",85130,train,17026,3925292151_0.jpg A man with a blue and gray shirt is standing in front of a metal fence while taking a picture of the landscape.,85135,val,17027,3925836925_0.jpg A young boy wearing a blue shirt and blue jean shorts hugging a blond-hair little girl.,85140,train,17028,3925872123_0.jpg Two uniformed men in white helmets stand on a city street looking off towards the left.,85145,train,17029,3926139835_0.jpg A woman in a green apron and rolled-up sleeves is handling the underside of one in a row of furry animals.,85150,val,17030,3927396708_0.jpg "Two children and a woman are sitting on a sofa, one of the children has a camera.",85155,test,17031,3927465948_0.jpg A tennis player in a white tank top and blue shorts hits a tennis ball.,85160,train,17032,3927610545_0.jpg A young female tennis player dressed in white has just hit the tennis ball to her opponent.,85165,train,17033,3927611865_0.jpg A woman in a white dress and white shoes playing tennis.,85170,train,17034,3927612999_0.jpg A woman in a red top and white skirt hits a tennis ball with her racket on a tennis court.,85175,train,17035,3927614951_0.jpg "A woman, carrying several multicolored buckets together, is poking boulders at the water's edge.",85180,train,17036,3928046645_0.jpg A woman in a red shirt and white skirt playing tennis with a blue racket.,85185,test,17037,3928395936_0.jpg A woman smiles at the camera sitting at a college information table with information displays around her and many brochures on the table in front of her.,85190,train,17038,3928410320_0.jpg Ten people are sitting in a rocket-like carnival ride which is flying quickly through the air.,85195,train,17039,3928848343_0.jpg Little boy standing next to a pillar with arms outstretched while his family sits along side.,85200,train,17040,3929242702_0.jpg "A man holds a banner with ""Age Demands Action"" while a large group holds banners behind him a person in a backpack takes a photo.",85205,val,17041,3929379436_0.jpg Two employees look on as another employee is tossing dough in a commercial kitchen.,85210,train,17042,392950732_0.jpg A boy in a blue shirt is walking along a tan and blue wall,85215,train,17043,392976422_0.jpg Five migrant farm workers in a field of pineapples picking and taking off the outer covering of the freshly picked pineapples and then putting them on a conveyor belt.,85220,train,17044,3929821625_0.jpg A man in a black jacket and pants stands in a strange green structure with his arms out.,85225,test,17045,3930187102_0.jpg "Baskets of fresh cabbage, tomatoes, beans and other produce sit outside in an open air market.",85230,train,17046,393043864_0.jpg "A uniformed competitor in motocross has crossed a jump in the course and is astride his motorcycle in midair, with several young men looking on.",85235,train,17047,3930850693_0.jpg "Female wearing a pink helmet, white shirt and white gym shorts, parking her motorcycle along side a busy sidewalk cafe.",85240,train,17048,3931111565_0.jpg "A vendor wearing a red shirt and khaki bottoms hands someone an Italian Ice from his cart that reads ""Bada Bing"".",85245,train,17049,3931385671_0.jpg A shirtless man with a cross tattoo and a gray hat stands on a scaffolding in front of a yellow building.,85250,train,17050,3932157451_0.jpg A man wearing some type of parachuting equipment walks up to a pink and green parachute in an open field.,85255,train,17051,3932198441_0.jpg A woman is smiling as she shows a young boy an accordion and allows him to touch the instrument.,85260,train,17052,3932691940_0.jpg A dog that is wearing a red cap is standing by a guitar with its mouth wide open.,85265,train,17053,393284934_0.jpg An older man wearing a polo shirt walking down a street lined with stores and green trees as cars pass by.,85270,train,17054,3933142540_0.jpg "A man in a white hat is standing behind a concrete barrier with two fishing poles, fishing.",85275,train,17055,3933292247_0.jpg "A ballerina dances in front of cement walls and pillars, she has her left foot on her toe on the ground, with the other above her head in a ""V"" shape and her arms raised.",85280,train,17056,3933863527_0.jpg "A man smiles, while clinking ale bottles, with an unseen person, at a public establishment.",85285,test,17057,39341489_0.jpg A woman dressed in a kimono is sweeping a sidewalk in front of a restaurant.,85290,train,17058,3934856289_0.jpg "A man in cowboy clothes standing outdoors between a trailer and a laden donkey, with another donkey in the background.",85295,train,17059,3935633359_0.jpg A young man in a pink shirt is playing a bongo drum in front of a crowd.,85300,train,17060,3935717130_0.jpg A man in a hard hat and brightly colored vest is doing work on cement steps.,85305,train,17061,3936422227_0.jpg Three individuals are wearing tight blue nylon suits with one instructor in all black with a ponytail assisting them with putting on harnesses.,85310,train,17062,3936500763_0.jpg A man dressed in a light shirt and coveralls attempting to work on a train locomotive.,85315,train,17063,3936738389_0.jpg A man in formal attire is standing behind what seems to be a counter.,85320,train,17064,3936944273_0.jpg A man in a white shirt carries a bucket on his shoulder while another man drives a yellow machine.,85325,train,17065,3937269663_0.jpg There are people sitting down on the ground in front of a gray beach.,85330,train,17066,3937715125_0.jpg Asian people sitting on an airplane waiting as the flight attendants is serving them food.,85335,train,17067,3937722644_0.jpg A woman in a blue-green shirt is reading from loose-leaf sheets of paper next to two other people.,85340,train,17068,3937854352_0.jpg "Two dogs tussling on a dog bed, with a french door and a Persian rug in the background.",85345,train,17069,393810324_0.jpg A man with a hat and suspenders is walking through cornfields toward a silo in the background.,85350,train,17070,3938365030_0.jpg "A many in an orange t-shirt, tan shorts and tan and black baseball cap is moving a tall metal cart with sheets of pretzels that is surrounded by similar carts.",85355,test,17071,3938498023_0.jpg "People of all ages flock to a giant red building, this scene is taking place in an Asian country.",85360,train,17072,3938690967_0.jpg Three smiling women dressed in black are following a fourth woman with tattoos around a rope.,85365,train,17073,3938720988_0.jpg "Two men are guiding a water buffalo, who is dragging a raft filled with plants, through a swampy area.",85370,train,17074,3938776000_0.jpg "A brown-haired man wearing jeans, glasses, a pink shirt, and jacket is playing guitar and singing into a microphone.",85375,train,17075,3939508858_0.jpg "A smiling girl in a white t-shirt and pink pants, smiling and standing in a contraption.",85380,train,17076,3939554170_0.jpg A shiny black dog runs on the grass during a bright and sunny day.,85385,train,17077,393958545_0.jpg A woman is eating near an outdoor fruit stall full of pineapples and melons.,85390,train,17078,393959556_0.jpg A mall blond child sits at a table and pushes his nose and chin into a plate of food.,85395,train,17079,39397486_0.jpg "A man with a green and white striped tank top with the word ""Tipton"" and a race tag with the number C 103 is running.",85400,train,17080,3939807694_0.jpg The woman in the red jacket looks as if she was buying something from the open air vendor.,85405,train,17081,393987665_0.jpg A couple is walking down the street and passing many bicycles parked outside of a store.,85410,train,17082,3939998097_0.jpg A group of friends are sitting at a table while drinking alcohol at their local pub.,85415,train,17083,3941241861_0.jpg A fireman pulling out a firehose next to a blue car engulfed in flames.,85420,train,17084,394136487_0.jpg Man in brown jacket with his arm around person in black jacket at flower shop,85425,train,17085,394161692_0.jpg Two men are sitting at a bar speaking to each other while enjoying drinks.,85430,train,17086,3942002204_0.jpg A young man in a black swimsuit and t-shirt jumps off of a bridge with an audience of seven onlookers.,85435,train,17087,3942050764_0.jpg A man in a pink striped shirt and jeans and a head light working on electrical components in a large gray box.,85440,train,17088,394335828_0.jpg "Three girls playing basketball, number 35 holding an orange, white, and black basketball.",85445,train,17089,3943391155_0.jpg A Chinese lady talking with another customer about something enjoyable.,85450,train,17090,3943690510_0.jpg "Two young men, one sitting in a chair and another sitting on a bed, stare at a tv screen while playing a video game.",85455,train,17091,39436957_0.jpg "Two combatants in protective head and body gear, one in red vest and the other in blue, are engaged in martial arts sparring on a blue mat inside a gymnasium.",85460,train,17092,3943815163_0.jpg A young teen performing a skateboard trick at a construction site caught in midair flipping his board.,85465,train,17093,3943882596_0.jpg A man reads the newspaper while holding a sign advertising a menswear liquidation sale.,85470,train,17094,3944001513_0.jpg A young female basketball player in red and white blocks another in possession of the ball who is dressed in white and maroon.,85475,val,17095,3944169186_0.jpg "Three women stand in a library, one woman in a suit appears to have a name-badge and seems to be providing information.",85480,train,17096,3944223391_0.jpg A person in an orange coat with a hood lays on top of the entrance corridor to the metro.,85485,train,17097,3944497603_0.jpg A dog owner watches their dog climb over the rocky outline of a walking path.,85490,train,17098,394463341_0.jpg A woman in a purple sweater and bucket hat is on a sidewalk carrying many shopping bags.,85495,train,17099,3944780640_0.jpg "A line of hikers trek across the rocky, sandy soil toward the summit on a hazy day.",85500,train,17100,3944884778_0.jpg Three men are suspended in the air in the middle of a flip while a crowd watches them.,85505,train,17101,3944966088_0.jpg Two young women in a library wear backpacks while talking to a woman at a booth for RefWorkss cOS.,85510,train,17102,3945002182_0.jpg A man in a business suit is sitting in an orange chair at a long table and using a computer in a library.,85515,train,17103,3945002600_0.jpg A man in a dress shirt stands in front of a woman sitting behind a computer at a table.,85520,train,17104,3945005060_0.jpg A woman in tight white jeans waits with a crowd at a baggage claim in an airport.,85525,train,17105,3945049632_0.jpg "A man smiling while riding his red quad through the muddy waters, his quad number is 17 and we know this is a man instead of a teenager because he is wearing a wedding ring.",85530,train,17106,394508043_0.jpg An Asian man is carrying a green flag whilst leading a carnival dragon in a parade.,85535,train,17107,394563330_0.jpg "Two men, one in a yellow shirt and bandanna and another in white shirt and sunglasses, are standing on grass and playing with a white frisbee.",85540,train,17108,3947047719_0.jpg A man playing an acoustic guitar and singing with a group of people behind him including a woman who is singing along.,85545,test,17109,394707439_0.jpg An all black cat with bright green eyes has caught a gray mouse.,85550,train,17110,3947306345_0.jpg A man in a workout clothing sits in a yoga pose and meditates.,85555,train,17111,3947686324_0.jpg Women wearing sandals and dress reaching into a produce fridge while holding onto a shopping cart.,85560,train,17112,3947729724_0.jpg "A bicyclist is examining his bike as it lies on its side on the track, while in the background a number of other people are crouched over bikes as well.",85565,train,17113,3947925542_0.jpg Female wearing a red and white flowered bikini is doing a cartwheel on a sandy beach.,85570,val,17114,3948003394_0.jpg A reporter and cameraman doing a report about a public show of some kind.,85575,train,17115,3948611540_0.jpg A lot of people are wearing umbrellas while waiting for the store to open.,85580,train,17116,394867665_0.jpg A young black man wearing no shirt and low-riding jeans is popping a wheelie on a bicycle while listening to music through an earbud.,85585,train,17117,39490282_0.jpg A man wearing a plaid shirt and brown apron is standing in front of an open fire.,85590,train,17118,39494353_0.jpg A food vendor in Korea is siting behind a tricycle cart on the street selling some kind of food.,85595,train,17119,3949924354_0.jpg A woman wearing a lab coat and gloves looks at some chemicals and stands next to some lab equipment.,85600,train,17120,3951142610_0.jpg A number of people are doing a synchronized martial arts performance in the street.,85605,test,17121,395125320_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt and who has scratches below his right elbow is working on a blue bicycle.,85610,train,17122,3951498887_0.jpg "The man is standing upside down on the bottle, with hands on the ground.",85615,train,17123,3951953306_0.jpg A man making balloon animals for two children on a street corner.,85620,train,17124,3952305716_0.jpg A group of people wearing backpacks are walking toward hills in the distance on a trail outside.,85625,train,17125,395248604_0.jpg "A man in a brown jacket, white shirt, and dark slacks is holding a book with his finger on the page while sitting on a wooden floor, and leaning against a yellow wall with a door on one side and cloths on hangers on the other side.",85630,train,17126,3952790386_0.jpg "A worker is pointing at something while suspended above ground, standing on a platform.",85635,train,17127,3952819160_0.jpg "A group of people, some with white helmets and diving gear, and some in life preservers, carrying a gurney with a person on it.",85640,train,17128,3952821132_0.jpg A man and a woman in with a headscarf and a black apron are leading two horned cattle pulling a trailer down a paved road with trees in the background.,85645,train,17129,3952964772_0.jpg A female member of the military in fatigues is playing with an inflated blue glove with three brown-haired children.,85650,train,17130,3953055731_0.jpg "A woman, wearing a blue dress that reveals her abdomen, is holding a sledgehammer in the forest.",85655,train,17131,3953235262_0.jpg Here is a picture of the side of an airplane where the linen and garbage is being thrown out.,85660,train,17132,3953382308_0.jpg "Musician sitting on the ground plays his guitar as crowds of people walk around him disregarding the sign in his case which states ""tell me why my music sucks"".",85665,train,17133,3954079669_0.jpg "Four kids, two of whom are jumping in the air, are posing for a picture in a classroom.",85670,train,17134,3954384143_0.jpg "Two people are on the street, and one has a cello while another is holding an accordion.",85675,train,17135,3954483544_0.jpg Four kids jumping on the street with a blue car in the back.,85680,train,17136,395461421_0.jpg A group of people wearing hats and using walking sticks are walking through a wooded area on a trail.,85685,train,17137,3954705002_0.jpg A little girl with brown hair wearing white t-shirt is playing with the giant machine.,85690,train,17138,3955157194_0.jpg "A woman and a boy are in a parking lot, he is riding a bike and carrying a shovel while she is pulling a laundry basket on a furniture dolly.",85695,train,17139,3955648022_0.jpg A female DJ dressed in all black is looking intently at her Apple MacBook.,85700,train,17140,3955794229_0.jpg Two men in the process of competing wrestling each other while a small crowd in the background looks on.,85705,train,17141,3955811518_0.jpg "A woman is hugging a child, while sitting on a blue couch.",85710,train,17142,395633951_0.jpg A woman jumps over a park bench while throwing leaves in the air.,85715,train,17143,3956420030_0.jpg Pan handler stands on his head to get attention in front of orange and white traffic barriers,85720,train,17144,3956780803_0.jpg People are waiting for the subway on the outdoor platform.,85725,train,17145,3957074517_0.jpg A bride and groom followed by their bridal party leaving the ceremony on a beautiful sunny day outside.,85730,train,17146,3957644036_0.jpg A young man is kicking a board while dressed in a Karate Gi.,85735,train,17147,3957716846_0.jpg Students are sitting in a classroom listening to six people who are teaching.,85740,train,17148,3957762825_0.jpg "Two men, one with a blue bag & one with glasses, chatting with a young woman with a backpack at a gathering with other men & women.",85745,train,17149,3957765471_0.jpg "A group of people playing ice hockey, wearing jackets and hats and holding sticks.",85750,train,17150,395798320_0.jpg A young boy dressed in white shorts swims underwater with his eyes closed.,85755,train,17151,395805433_0.jpg "A woman with brown hair, a yellow scarf, and a green top is sitting with her hands on her face and is around other people.",85760,train,17152,3958204411_0.jpg Two white canopies with men standing under them while one man is walking away.,85765,train,17153,3958553026_0.jpg "A man is taking a scenic photo of mountains while framing the foreground with low-growth, colorful brush.",85770,train,17154,3958589423_0.jpg "A woman who appears to be a student, laughs at something that her male companion doesn't seem to find amusing.",85775,train,17155,3958612961_0.jpg A woman in a white shirt inspects a black garment while sitting in a chair at a festival.,85780,train,17156,3958778014_0.jpg A crowd of people appear to listen to a speaker while a man and a woman talk behind them.,85785,train,17157,3958929614_0.jpg Two women and a man sitting down in chairs next to a table with a candle burning.,85790,train,17158,3958968118_0.jpg Standing in a kitchen a young woman wearing a black peasant blouse and holding a plastic fork between her teeth shows the camera a ladle in her right hand and a bowl in her left hand.,85795,train,17159,3959035241_0.jpg A quiet woman with red-hair in a ponytail is about to open a freezer door in a dairy aisle.,85800,train,17160,39593539_0.jpg A middle-aged man is standing outside of a building while looking at his phone.,85805,train,17161,3959371388_0.jpg "A man in a blue t-shirt is cutting the food, a woman is sitting and looking at something.",85810,train,17162,3959884639_0.jpg A man and a woman sit on a deck under a blue sky that is about to be overtaken by tumultuous clouds.,85815,train,17163,3960632488_0.jpg A skateboarder wearing a blue shirt and black slacks rests on the ground and looks toward the camera while is skateboard sits in front of him and a steep incline looms behind him.,85820,train,17164,3960660630_0.jpg A young girl who is barefoot and with a scarf over her head dips her pen in ink and writes in a notebook.,85825,train,17165,396084707_0.jpg "An outdoor setting shows people in various period costumes, including cowboys, a nun, a robed figure, and American Revolution minutemen.",85830,train,17166,396129701_0.jpg "A group of people walk by some stores, where one men in the front smokes a cigar and a woman toward the back has pink hair.",85835,train,17167,396140659_0.jpg Ladies are wearing white bonnets and are standing behind fruits and vegetables.,85840,train,17168,396154083_0.jpg A man with white hair and a full beard is eating food wrapped in aluminum foil.,85845,train,17169,3961790757_0.jpg Tan dog on lead standing on surface covered with white snow.,85850,train,17170,396179143_0.jpg A single male wearing a long-sleeve white shirt riding a dirt bike.,85855,train,17171,3962553148_0.jpg A hiker in a blue shirt and shorts tampering with his grapple hook in a forest.,85860,train,17172,3963038375_0.jpg A man in a plaid shirt and a blue helmet holds onto a blue rope while hanging against some large boulders.,85865,train,17173,3963079057_0.jpg "This is a very dark picture, perhaps taken at night, of three people with their backs to the camera buying goods from two men at a booth.",85870,train,17174,3963089141_0.jpg A man with a gray jacket and white hat bending over watering a garden with a water container.,85875,train,17175,3963243135_0.jpg A dark-haired man is looking closely at something in an art museum.,85880,train,17176,3963364562_0.jpg A person with a backpack stands on a rocky bank beside a body of water.,85885,test,17177,396360611_0.jpg A older model blue van being driven with a bunch of items strapped on the top of the roof of the van.,85890,train,17178,3963616424_0.jpg A woman wearing a dark skirt and a t-shirt is facing a bathroom sink.,85895,train,17179,3963654975_0.jpg "Six males, four with shirts and two without, have taken a break from their construction work on a building.",85900,train,17180,3963683506_0.jpg "Five men stand on construction scaffolding with paints splattered on them as they appear fascinated by something to the left, one even records the unseen event on a phone.",85905,train,17181,3963684908_0.jpg A little girl with black hair and a red shirt standing at a water fountain with her hand under it.,85910,train,17182,3963770900_0.jpg A man in a red shirt sits while leaning on a walker and holding a water bottle.,85915,train,17183,3963996930_0.jpg A chinese man is reading a newspaper inside a restaurant.,85920,train,17184,396458005_0.jpg Two divers are looking at wreckage of some sort underwater.,85925,train,17185,3964632200_0.jpg A trick rider wearing a bright green outfit carrying an American flag riding a paint horse with green riding gear.,85930,train,17186,3964718336_0.jpg "Two Asian girls wearing boots, the girl on the right is wearing a blue shirt.",85935,train,17187,3965161439_0.jpg "A man in an aqua colored shirt, a sailor, a young boy wearing a red shirt and some other people tug on ropes while standing on a ship's deck.",85940,train,17188,3965289801_0.jpg "A man with a white construction hat, yellow vest, orange undershirt, and jeans, standing near a large white truck and orange safety cones.",85945,train,17189,3965588075_0.jpg A young man in a purple American football uniform is attempting to allude the tackle of another young man in a white uniform.,85950,train,17190,3965632762_0.jpg "A black man wearing a black shirt with yellow leaves on it, is sitting and drinking a cup of coffee.",85955,train,17191,3965760848_0.jpg An African American Male with a black top with the sleeves rolled up holding a white cup with his right hand.,85960,train,17192,3965762928_0.jpg "Four men, two in work cloths, are relaxing and taking a rest break.",85965,train,17193,3965771582_0.jpg A policeman is leaning in picked up front to all of the bus as he looks at an old lady passenger getting off he makes a fish face pout,85970,test,17194,3966071063_0.jpg A boy dressed in blue jeans and a red shirt sits on the road holding a water bottle while a little girl dressed in a red shirt looks on.,85975,train,17195,3966311887_0.jpg "Two old men are on a balcony and one is looking at a small square of paper, and the other is holding a few sheets of paper.",85980,train,17196,396698013_0.jpg A young child wearing a red wig peaks out at the photographer as clowns walk by in a parade.,85985,train,17197,396728479_0.jpg A black and white dog is running through the sand on a beach.,85990,train,17198,396763804_0.jpg Dressed-up participants throw confetti and candy from a float during a parade.,85995,train,17199,396768260_0.jpg A man in a blue wetsuit standing on a blue surfboard in front of a small wave in the ocean.,86000,train,17200,3968045166_0.jpg A man with a dark shirt and light shorts is standing next to a person wearing a light shirt on a sidewalk.,86005,train,17201,3969219773_0.jpg Two law enforcement officers standing near one another with an open air market in the background.,86010,test,17202,3969232921_0.jpg "A crowd at a concert with person in foreground, all unidentifiable because of lighting, with hands in the air.",86015,train,17203,3969245655_0.jpg "Men, women and children are enjoying a meal outside on the patio.",86020,train,17204,3969506142_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt and safety glasses grinds a piece of metal which throws sparks.,86025,train,17205,3969759188_0.jpg A man playing an acoustic guitar on a stone ledge in public with his belongings by his side.,86030,train,17206,3969772063_0.jpg Man in striped pants and mustard yellow shirt sits at a outside table at a restaurant.,86035,train,17207,3970078088_0.jpg Two people with their hands expressively out towards a sporting event's field.,86040,test,17208,3970114165_0.jpg "A little boy wearing glasses and a t-shirt that says, ""I 'm a Pepper and Dr. Pepper,"" stands looking at an older boy sitting in the grass.",86045,train,17209,397014085_0.jpg A woman walking by two cardboard cowboy gunslingers outside of a building with Dave written on it.,86050,train,17210,3970199532_0.jpg A man in a blue suit walks in front of a group of choir singers dressed in green.,86055,train,17211,3970504937_0.jpg "Three young, male members of a band, one of whose face is not shown, one who is playing a bass guitar, and one who is smiling.",86060,val,17212,3970617963_0.jpg "Two men, one wearing jeans and a green shirt and the other wearing all black, dancing on a wood floor.",86065,train,17213,3970619779_0.jpg Two men in dress shirts and holding microphones sing together.,86070,train,17214,3970619871_0.jpg One group of women and a group of men drinking and having a good time.,86075,train,17215,3970645691_0.jpg A lady in black dress with a beige blazer checks the contents of her glass.,86080,val,17216,3970645807_0.jpg "A young man with a plain shirt looking down, with a band and dancing people behind him.",86085,train,17217,3970646119_0.jpg A man with a white button up shirt and dark brown sweater vest playing drums.,86090,train,17218,3970654225_0.jpg "A blond, bearded man holds the hand of a woman with pink hair among the crowd at a concert.",86095,train,17219,3970654971_0.jpg A small band made up of 4 young guys are in the middle of a performance.,86100,train,17220,3970655283_0.jpg A skier shrugs from behind goggles at an experts only sign while snow covered mountains fill the sky in the background.,86105,train,17221,397080364_0.jpg Three women dance with their arms around each others' shoulders while a band plays on stage.,86110,train,17222,3971388640_0.jpg Band members playing with the drum major lifting up his drums to attack another member.,86115,train,17223,3971414240_0.jpg A guy with glasses and a hat is playing electric guitar bended on his knees in a studio.,86120,train,17224,3971415488_0.jpg "Two females dance together in front of a band and a banner which says ""Live in Concert.""",86125,train,17225,3971415758_0.jpg Jazz quartet on black stage plays music and entertains a lone male dancer wearing a white shirt with red and black print while a dark-haired man with a mustache observes from the side.,86130,train,17226,3971423752_0.jpg A group of musicians perform in a room before a crowd of people including one man wearing a checkered jacket and a girl with pink hair.,86135,train,17227,3971425242_0.jpg "A man wearing suspenders and a fedora hat is playing the keyboard and singing, entertaining a crowd.",86140,train,17228,3971426050_0.jpg Man in a red shirt hauling a small trailer filled high with scrap metal.,86145,train,17229,3971806559_0.jpg A bridge and groom are performing an informal dance at a reception.,86150,train,17230,397186364_0.jpg A woman with brown hair wearing a white shirt is standing in a doorway surrounded by baskets as a woman in a red shirt passes by.,86155,train,17231,3971881875_0.jpg People from a foreign village gathering resources.,86160,train,17232,3971893411_0.jpg Many people gather alcohol bottles and caps in piles in a poorer nation.,86165,train,17233,3971895107_0.jpg A group of people surrounding a lady with a pad and pencil.,86170,train,17234,3971903221_0.jpg A man wearing a beige shirt is sitting on a chair in the sand holding a white net.,86175,train,17235,3972549028_0.jpg A black man with a pale blue cap and yellow shirt is sitting on a chair shining shoes.,86180,train,17236,3972572766_0.jpg "A African man is pushing a very heavy cart, full of supplies.",86185,train,17237,3972588012_0.jpg A group of four woman culturally dressed are giving information to a fifth woman of the same culture.,86190,train,17238,3972665750_0.jpg Three ladies with scarves around their heads digging up dirt.,86195,train,17239,3972666986_0.jpg A cultured woman with a head wrap is checking a paper while standing in the dirt.,86200,train,17240,3972668464_0.jpg "These people, dressed in colorful clothing and some carrying baskets, are walking up the dry stream bed on their pilgrimage back home from the market.",86205,train,17241,3972670198_0.jpg Four people walk around the parking lot in front of a statuesque building while the sun rises behind it.,86210,train,17242,3972772474_0.jpg A child laying on a hospital gurney near a tv monitor mounted on the wall.,86215,val,17243,3972836203_0.jpg A man in a blue jacket widely opens his big blue eyes as a man behind him closes his eyes as he covers his mouth.,86220,train,17244,397286183_0.jpg A dark-skinned guy with a orange sweater over shoulder in front of a bunch of fruit in the street.,86225,train,17245,3972940813_0.jpg Five women in red halter tops and short black skirts stand in front of a sports car.,86230,train,17246,3973495184_0.jpg A woman standing in front of a wall holding a can of Bud Light with her shirt tied into a semi-halter.,86235,train,17247,3973858553_0.jpg Two little boys are playing soccer and vying for control of the ball on a soccer field with cars in the background.,86240,train,17248,3973872042_0.jpg A young man in a vest is at a grill and pointing a finger while smiling at someone.,86245,train,17249,3974156067_0.jpg Military men in blue and red suits stand in the street.,86250,test,17250,3974197857_0.jpg An Asian man in a white shirt carried a fake dragon head that was covered with sparklers in a nighttime parade as other people participated in the parade or looked on.,86255,train,17251,3974475911_0.jpg One girl sitting on a nech near a tree while another stands next to her on the sidewalk.,86260,train,17252,397451339_0.jpg A man walking a small white and a big white dog on leashes.,86265,train,17253,397547349_0.jpg A black boy on a mountainside in a foreign country pointing at something.,86270,train,17254,3975631999_0.jpg A mother peacefully works on making a beautiful and colorful mat while her son admires her skills.,86275,train,17255,3975881094_0.jpg A woman checks her purse while at a outside cafe.,86280,train,17256,3975954369_0.jpg The backs of the heads of two men that are plugging their ears while riding the subway.,86285,train,17257,397601572_0.jpg A kid with blue windbreakers is climbing up a few rocks.,86290,train,17258,3976147771_0.jpg A group of workers in blue uniforms are marching in line down a path.,86295,train,17259,3976211522_0.jpg A man performing a dredging operation in a river with a single-person operated dredging machine.,86300,train,17260,3976461042_0.jpg Man in white t-shirt and black safety glasses is working with a glass bottle in a shop with a rock wall.,86305,train,17261,3976795263_0.jpg A group of performers are attracting a room full of audience members with their notes of music.,86310,train,17262,3977104006_0.jpg The people on the balcony are controlling the man in the white shorts like a puppet.,86315,train,17263,397725001_0.jpg A kneeling man bends his ear to listen on another in front of a guitar and audio equipment.,86320,val,17264,3977684660_0.jpg A man with a mohawk walking in-between two parked vehicles and into the street.,86325,train,17265,3977907058_0.jpg A black woman is sitting on a gray cloth and is trying to sell tomatoes at a market.,86330,train,17266,3978151932_0.jpg Two black and white dogs fighting with each other,86335,val,17267,397815951_0.jpg "A man in a white shirt and jeans stands leaning on a sewing machine table, while a woman in a blue skirt and purple shawl watches, accompanied by a man behind the sewing machine and a young man in a blue shirt sitting on the ground.",86340,train,17268,3978287285_0.jpg An Asian woman and a child are sitting at a table enjoying their food.,86345,train,17269,3978338583_0.jpg Two women are walking on the sidewalk and one of them is carrying a box of random items.,86350,train,17270,3978422588_0.jpg A woman in a red dress is playing the guitar at a small gathering.,86355,train,17271,3978531966_0.jpg A chain through whole where a man can be seen at a work site.,86360,train,17272,3978631696_0.jpg "Young man with yellow hair and a striped blue shirt with blue jeans on, is playing a game of pool.",86365,train,17273,3978673802_0.jpg "An elderly woman is buying toilet paper, milk, and other groceries in a store.",86370,train,17274,3979490668_0.jpg A man wearing a gray coat looks to the right on a snowy street.,86375,train,17275,397982550_0.jpg "Two young boys of opposing teams play football, while wearing full protection uniforms and helmets.",86380,train,17276,3980085662_0.jpg A young man watching a woman perform on stage in a cream costume with black boots and feather headdress.,86385,train,17277,3980305243_0.jpg A man holds an orange juice carton on a grocery store shelf while a woman looks further down on the shelf.,86390,train,17278,3980476965_0.jpg A man dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans stands just beside a bright spot of sun shining into either a cave or a mine of some sort.,86395,train,17279,3980506413_0.jpg "Two men in purple vests stand next to a table with a cake on it, while several nicely dressed people are sitting at tables.",86400,train,17280,3980921026_0.jpg "An older man is sitting in a lawn chair with a newspaper in his hand and selling paint cans, lawn chairs, and other items.",86405,train,17281,3981073042_0.jpg A woman in a black uniform and black helmet on skates is competing in a roller derby.,86410,train,17282,3981584370_0.jpg "A man, wearing a creme shirt and jeans, is doing a back flip in a plaza, while a group of people surrounding him watch.",86415,train,17283,398166441_0.jpg A tattoo artist with colorful sleeve tattoos draw a tattoo on a seated customer in blue jeans and a white shirt.,86420,train,17284,3981715035_0.jpg A man in a blue jeans painting a picture hes looking at on the floor,86425,train,17285,3982396584_0.jpg A person in an apron and hat is holding an large stick over a stove.,86430,train,17286,398241464_0.jpg A young man in a brown shirt is licking his thumb while holding a plate of food.,86435,train,17287,3982458659_0.jpg Boys on a field playing flag football with one boy wearing the red flag clutching the football while a boy with a yellow flag dives to get his red flag.,86440,train,17288,3982486061_0.jpg A man wearing a blue sweatshirt and dark baseball cap is sweeping the floor with others watching.,86445,train,17289,398254184_0.jpg "On a natural stone bridge high over an evergreen valley, a man jumps into the air.",86450,train,17290,3982607071_0.jpg A woman wearing a black shirt is standing next to an old rusted vehicle.,86455,train,17291,3983185073_0.jpg A man with a beard stands among other people in a room adjacent to a hall that has many crosses hanging on it's wall.,86460,train,17292,3983222282_0.jpg A pilot wearing his professional uniform stands next to his luggage with a newspaper in an airport terminal.,86465,train,17293,3983292574_0.jpg 5 people with their backs toward us climb downhill using ropes.,86470,train,17294,398363306_0.jpg A woman wearing a red and white apron is standing next to a wall with the number 333 written on it.,86475,train,17295,3983837245_0.jpg "Three men in yellow green safety vests sit on a bench yawning, smoking and having a break.",86480,train,17296,3983874347_0.jpg Here is a group of people waiting outside for the wedding to be over and start the real celebrations.,86485,train,17297,3983980965_0.jpg A white dog is leaping into the air to catch a ball in its mouth.,86490,train,17298,398413603_0.jpg Two ladies with a stroller and a group of men are walking in front of a wall with graffiti.,86495,train,17299,3984282687_0.jpg A teen boy is looking in the mirror with his entire face covered in shaving cream and is shaving his cheek.,86500,train,17300,3985151779_0.jpg "A teenage boy in red pants rides a bicycle down a street, another teenager sits on the back.",86505,train,17301,3987123697_0.jpg An older man in white pours water over what looks like some sort of shrine while another sits to the side watching.,86510,val,17302,3987140887_0.jpg "A young girl is embraces by someone dressed as the Disney Character, Stitch.",86515,train,17303,3987997619_0.jpg One many is fishing by a river with some buildings in the background while another man next to him is about to get a drink from the bottle next to him.,86520,train,17304,3988708382_0.jpg An older Indian lady buys herbs from an outdoor market.,86525,train,17305,3989068834_0.jpg Musician plays a white electric guitar with a band at an outdoor concert,86530,train,17306,3989113044_0.jpg A cheerleading squad is practicing for their next game.,86535,train,17307,3989314385_0.jpg A man in a cutoff V-neck with a shoulder tattoo plays an accordion.,86540,train,17308,3989319865_0.jpg "Man in a dark blue snow jacket with black pants and blue snowshoes, tries to make it through to a snow covered entrance and does not quite make it.",86545,val,17309,398946421_0.jpg Three African children wave as they float by on their man made boat.,86550,train,17310,399054696_0.jpg A group of kids going around a steep turn in a biking competition.,86555,train,17311,3990553639_0.jpg A young woman in striped turtleneck blouse is sitting in an office and working on an Apple computer.,86560,train,17312,3990927873_0.jpg Elves dressed in green walking in the street in a parade carrying a cross with the savior on it.,86565,train,17313,3991066124_0.jpg "White with black had hold white baby, while baby sleeps.",86570,train,17314,3991342877_0.jpg The reflection of a young couple in a train window with onlookers and a old asian man sitting on the bench.,86575,train,17315,3991376513_0.jpg "Two women are smiling in a store window, holding cleaning supplies, while a third woman presses her face against the glass.",86580,train,17316,3992000353_0.jpg "A man dressed in various shades of green, with only his hands exposed, appears to be in control of a set of handlebars to an unknown apparatus.",86585,train,17317,3992015885_0.jpg A veteran in a brown uniform at a parade with children and American flags,86590,train,17318,399212516_0.jpg A woman sitting by a pool with her feet in the water.,86595,train,17319,3992134893_0.jpg A construction worker trying to help the traffic in one of the construction sites in the city.,86600,train,17320,399226846_0.jpg A white dog wearing a zepra print shirt is nose to nose with a black dog wearing a pink collar.,86605,train,17321,399246804_0.jpg A group of young kids are gathered at night in front of a big sign posing for a picture.,86610,train,17322,3992703753_0.jpg Two men stand on the deck of a speedboat which is labeled on the side with the word 'Maritimo.',86615,train,17323,3992738582_0.jpg Young female with blond-hair and a white shirt brushing her teeth.,86620,train,17324,3992847227_0.jpg "A man in business attire walks past a store window, undeterred by the odd, large-eyed mannequin featured in the display.",86625,train,17325,3992847618_0.jpg Two men in black jackets sit on a white bench at night on a cobbled courtyard.,86630,train,17326,3993556784_0.jpg A city worker sweeps up the ground at the top of a set of concrete stairs.,86635,train,17327,3994030417_0.jpg Two volleyball players dressed in red and white about to hit a volleyball.,86640,train,17328,3994222806_0.jpg "A woman with a long-sleeved red shirt, black pants and black shoes, dances with a balding man in a long-sleeved black shirt, black pants and black shoes in a plain room with a wooden floor.",86645,train,17329,3994519104_0.jpg A man in a black sweater holds a baby's arms as she attempt to take a few steps.,86650,train,17330,399487205_0.jpg Two older men and one older woman sit around a table while talking.,86655,train,17331,3994980815_0.jpg A little girl in a genie costume steps over a puddle in a dramatic way.,86660,train,17332,399631066_0.jpg Four figures hold orange drinks as they converse in a living room beside a window.,86665,train,17333,3996401_0.jpg A child holding a flag and wearing an orange coat is standing in front of two women sitting on a park bench.,86670,train,17334,399676480_0.jpg A brown dog and a gray dog are playing in the snow.,86675,train,17335,399679638_0.jpg This child is visiting the pet zoo for the first time and did not expect the deer to give him a kiss.,86680,train,17336,3996888830_0.jpg A young child wearing an overall dress with a floral patterned skirt and a white t-shirt pets a baby deer with a backpack on her back.,86685,val,17337,3996889070_0.jpg A woman with long hair is meditating on a beach.,86690,test,17338,3996949550_0.jpg Several people watch a presentation on stage with varying degrees of interest.,86695,train,17339,3997230703_0.jpg Lots of people are standing on a field with trees surrounding it and a white house in the background.,86700,train,17340,3997498249_0.jpg A woman in a red jacket is leaning on a baby stroller while talking with another woman at a train station.,86705,train,17341,3998011916_0.jpg Atop a Harley a man cruises down a street with a woman in tow on the backseat.,86710,train,17342,39980756_0.jpg A person is suspended by cables from a high tower made of metal scaffolding.,86715,train,17343,39983944_0.jpg Large group of people watching a musical performance at a market outside.,86720,train,17344,3999027517_0.jpg A group of musicians performing are surrounded by the public watching.,86725,train,17345,3999242523_0.jpg "Two musicians are entertaining people in a city park, the flute player is wearing a blue feather boa.",86730,test,17346,3999246475_0.jpg A man in a striped blue shirt and a balloon hat is making other balloon animals,86735,test,17347,3999247601_0.jpg A young boy in a green shirt wearing a blue harness stares at a white dog in a red harness while taking a walk.,86740,train,17348,3999307043_0.jpg "Two male police officers are standing on a pier or sidewalk of a beach, with four females in the background and two green trash barrels and a bench.",86745,train,17349,39999879_0.jpg A lady playing a cello wearing a gold skirt with a green tuba player in front of her.,86750,train,17350,4000008650_0.jpg Young boys in green and blue jerseys kick around a soccer ball while other soccer games take place in the background.,86755,train,17351,4000148666_0.jpg "A guy with his hand on his chin, tattoos on both arms, and a gold bracelet on standing behind a food business counter.",86760,train,17352,40001784_0.jpg A man in a turban sits prostrate with his boots on the ground in front of him.,86765,train,17353,400097737_0.jpg "A man changing the tire and doing some maintenance on a bus, with someone assisting with the tires.",86770,train,17354,4001021645_0.jpg A man is standing on a power post looking as though he is fixing a power line in a city.,86775,train,17355,400106578_0.jpg A woman in a white t-shirt and jeans standing on a Segway talking to two men,86780,train,17356,4001078031_0.jpg "Pushing a mower that is a bit too large for him, a young boy tries to cut some grass.",86785,train,17357,4001914227_0.jpg A person is directing traffic while repairs are being made at a telephone pole.,86790,train,17358,400242803_0.jpg A barefoot man in rainbow shorts and a green shirt completes a food purchase at an outdoor concession stand.,86795,train,17359,4002498838_0.jpg Two older people in marching uniforms both playing saxophones.,86800,train,17360,4003129619_0.jpg A group of people with colorful clothing walking down the street playing homemade instruments.,86805,train,17361,4003168567_0.jpg A silhouette of a child playing in the beautiful ocean at sunset.,86810,train,17362,400345058_0.jpg A man is carrying a baby in a pouch to his chest is helping a small boy walk across a log by holding his hand.,86815,train,17363,4003587342_0.jpg "People marching down a street playing band instruments, a man in foreground is dressed like a baker.",86820,train,17364,4003793942_0.jpg A group of people outside playing drums and walking down the street wearing black and blue clothes.,86825,train,17365,4003920724_0.jpg "A group of people stand behind a black sign, while some shout and raise their fists.",86830,train,17366,4003923771_0.jpg "A young dreadlocked woman is on stage, singing and playing acoustic guitar.",86835,train,17367,4004004911_0.jpg "A group of ten people are in a van, all smiling at the camera.",86840,train,17368,4004035933_0.jpg "A group of white male sailors, senior officers in tan and black shirts, and a lower ranked, black sailor, dressed in the traditional white pants suit with blue tie, walking past a sushi restaurant.",86845,train,17369,4004704609_0.jpg "A boy in a baseball uniform with white pants, a white hat, and a yellow shirt with the number fourteen on the back is raising his left leg.",86850,train,17370,4004812878_0.jpg A bird is flying through the air while children are playing on the beach.,86855,train,17371,4005015759_0.jpg "A balding man wearing a dark, blue uniform is rolling a yellow stretcher containing a large, blue duffel bag.",86860,train,17372,4005120966_0.jpg A man wearing sunglasses is sitting in the passenger seat of a silver vehicle.,86865,train,17373,4005459199_0.jpg A dog walks through the snow while blindfolded carrying something in his mouth.,86870,train,17374,400562847_0.jpg "A vendor, selling such kid-friendly items as popular cartoon balloons, water guns and clear umbrellas, wheels his stand around in the streets where he is selling.",86875,train,17375,4005756399_0.jpg Two men are barbecuing their food while another prepares the meat.,86880,test,17376,400598822_0.jpg A man plays guitar and sings into a microphone while a woman sings into a microphone next to him.,86885,train,17377,4006075273_0.jpg "Two young women, one in a blue blouse, the other in a bikini top, are standing at the table with beverages.",86890,train,17378,4006329734_0.jpg "Children in school one little boy cutting paper the other little boy is reading, they are both wearing brown sweaters.",86895,train,17379,4006767585_0.jpg A man not wearing a shirt dancing by himself with his eyes closed.,86900,train,17380,4007195454_0.jpg "At the amusement park, a young lady tries to win a stuffed animal by playing one of the games.",86905,train,17381,400739268_0.jpg A mist overshadows a man in winter gear and the winter landscape in front of him.,86910,train,17382,400851260_0.jpg "Young muscular African American man, cleaning a fish, shirtless.",86915,train,17383,400946967_0.jpg Two young black men sit on a beach and work on fish netting while boats and other men are visible in the background.,86920,train,17384,400949109_0.jpg A young toddler in a blue hoodie brushes his teeth with his back to a mirror.,86925,train,17385,4009638392_0.jpg Local nationals running past a humvee while a soldier stands over fellow troop.,86930,train,17386,4010233873_0.jpg "A smiling man of Asian descent is sitting in his slightly-untidy cubicle at a desktop computer with several windows open, both hands poised in proper keyboarding position.",86935,train,17387,401059368_0.jpg "Two black poodles playfully tussle on a grassy, manicured lawn.",86940,train,17388,401079494_0.jpg "A man in a scary old man mask, a woman, and a child in front of a cafe.",86945,train,17389,4011368227_0.jpg A worker in a bright orange uniform is cleaning up the mess on the street while a small boy in red pants walks by.,86950,train,17390,4011394505_0.jpg "People sitting at white tables in a cafe, with a brown bench filled with thick pillows next to the glass window.",86955,train,17391,4011411161_0.jpg A young man in the air in the middle of a skateboard trick in an urban area.,86960,train,17392,4011573507_0.jpg A little blond girl with a pink dress and blue pants walking away from a little boy.,86965,train,17393,4011629669_0.jpg "A man in a khaki jacket and hat, surrounded by bushes, is sitting in front of a body of water.",86970,train,17394,4011629743_0.jpg A young man wearing a woolen hat plays acoustic guitar while lying against a pillow.,86975,train,17395,401233263_0.jpg "5 people are in a room with a bookcase and chairs, 2 standing and 3 sitting.",86980,train,17396,4013421575_0.jpg "Two men holding a Chinese lantern that's yellow and red, one man has a drill and the other is smiling.",86985,train,17397,4013752334_0.jpg "A man in an orange shirt, blue bottoms and a head covering is perched in a tree and holding an axe or hatchet.",86990,train,17398,4013904088_0.jpg "Two Mexican guys standing on outskirts of a field, one has a machete knife and the other has cigarette in his mouth.",86995,train,17399,4013937506_0.jpg "While sun is setting, boy is blowing bubbles by rocks new lake or ocean.",87000,train,17400,401405215_0.jpg "A man is looking intently at something in his hands while another man, who is slightly behind him, is smoking and holding a can of something in his hand.",87005,train,17401,4014210988_0.jpg An Indian man and elderly woman walking away from a building on a sandy road.,87010,train,17402,4014757090_0.jpg A big dog is running in the grassy field with woods behind him.,87015,train,17403,401476986_0.jpg A tent advertising Surfer Magazine for the 25th annual Longboard Classic on the beach surrounded by palm trees.,87020,train,17404,4015350856_0.jpg "Cute girl at a children's beauty shop sitting on a toy car having her hair blow-dried, while stylist is smiling and gentleman's arm is touching the car.",87025,train,17405,4015422919_0.jpg A man in an orange uniform jacket holds a phone to the ear of a woman wearing a white shirt.,87030,train,17406,4015868140_0.jpg "A man wearing a heavy coat, gloves and a hat smokes a cigar in a crowd.",87035,train,17407,401649634_0.jpg A disabled combat veteran sells hotdogs and pretzels on the sidewalk.,87040,train,17408,4016499639_0.jpg Two men stand strong under the waterfall's cascade.,87045,train,17409,4017105582_0.jpg "One woman with long brown hair, black shirt and pantyhose, red skirt, that just threw green ball with yellow streamers in air.",87050,val,17410,4017326833_0.jpg "Student in a classroom concentrate on their work, guided by a PowerPoint presentation on a large screen.",87055,train,17411,4017747090_0.jpg "A young boy wearing a teal shirt, dark blue trousers, and a large red backpack is walking down a brick-paved passage next to a brightly-painted brick wall.",87060,train,17412,4018050099_0.jpg "A man in a white t-shirt and gray shoulder bag walks along side of a woman in a red, white and blue plaid top who is also in a skirt and boots.",87065,train,17413,4018053887_0.jpg A young man in sneakers and a red jacket is posing with one hand on the ground and the other raised in the air.,87070,train,17414,4018186978_0.jpg A man with brown hair is sitting on the sidewalk next to his luggage reading a newspaper.,87075,train,17415,4018317730_0.jpg A man with a long beard is using a paintbrush and drawing on paper.,87080,train,17416,4018622493_0.jpg "Two females sitting on large backed stools in front of a counter inside of a house, with one female turning her head back.",87085,train,17417,4018837343_0.jpg Here is a picture of a male model tanning near his swimming pool in his backyard.,87090,train,17418,4018839877_0.jpg "A rock climber dressed in yellow and wearing a red safety helmet is scaling the smooth wall of a high cliff, while another member looks on from the boat in the water.",87095,train,17419,4019072184_0.jpg "A young girl dressed in brown dress and sandals scowls at a young boy dressed in black hat, tank top, and blue cargo shorts as he tosses a silver ball towards a identical ball.",87100,train,17420,4019373509_0.jpg A man with a long white beard is dressed like a wizard in a purple robe with a crowd of people and children behind him.,87105,train,17421,40199801_0.jpg An older man in a dark blue shirt and an older woman in a beige blazer share a meal and look at one another.,87110,train,17422,40202068_0.jpg "Warmly, casual dressed people looking at rock art sculptures that are in a body of water.",87115,train,17423,4020631259_0.jpg The football team is ready to make a well calculated play.,87120,train,17424,4021188118_0.jpg There is a view of the beach with a person with a fruit basket hat in the foreground.,87125,train,17425,4021361385_0.jpg A football player in a yellow and white jersey is jumping up to catch a football kicked by the other team.,87130,train,17426,4021371346_0.jpg "While the players on the front lines of the football teams mingle, a kicker dressed in a white and yellow jersey kicks the football.",87135,train,17427,4021497368_0.jpg A black lady wearing boots and a long coat is sitting on a bench inside a subway train with earbuds in her ears.,87140,train,17428,4021508253_0.jpg A woman holding an umbrella and a cup and hand holding a little blond boy in a backpack rushing to school.,87145,train,17429,4021518793_0.jpg The football player in yellow and black is about to be tackled by the other football player in gold and blue.,87150,train,17430,4021561862_0.jpg A female athlete in crimson top and dark blue shorts is running on the street.,87155,train,17431,4021647447_0.jpg An older women in a white jacket and white pants squatting in the dirt to fix her garden.,87160,train,17432,4022062487_0.jpg "Two firefighters holding a fire-hose, spraying water upwards.",87165,train,17433,4022170842_0.jpg "A man in a blue striped shirt and blue jeans, is playing in the hay.",87170,train,17434,4022274513_0.jpg Ethnic woman in traditional clothing sitting on the ground by artwork designs in chalk.,87175,train,17435,402229993_0.jpg "A man walks in front of a theater, a marquee above him reads ""BEAUJOLAIS AND MORE, NOV 19"".",87180,train,17436,4022410703_0.jpg "An older man in white, standing at a fire with tool in hand, and a pile of wood behind the man.",87185,train,17437,402264555_0.jpg "A group of warmly dressed people plant something in three rows, guided by string.",87190,train,17438,4022843226_0.jpg A woman wearing black leggings and a black tank top is running in a race while bicyclists follow not far behind.,87195,train,17439,4022995667_0.jpg A man dressed as a pirate greeting a young boy in front of a crowd while underneath a bridge.,87200,train,17440,4024023598_0.jpg This man is skiing in the white snow and going through a course of some kind.,87205,train,17441,4024098174_0.jpg Vegetables on a stand with people waking around in the background.,87210,train,17442,4024855306_0.jpg A man is carrying six wooden logs over his left shoulder while holding another log in his right hand.,87215,train,17443,4025432630_0.jpg A crowd of black people are gathered and one person has a backpack on.,87220,train,17444,40261771_0.jpg "A man in a pink shirt is looking at a laptop computer, while a lady in a black and white print dress, is blowing on her coffee cup.",87225,train,17445,4026365920_0.jpg "A man dressed in a sport coat, slacks and nice shoes, posing in a very busily-decorated room, while wearing a dark green mask that has large yellow monster teeth, a single orange eye, and completely covers his head.",87230,train,17446,402640335_0.jpg "Kids practicing martial arts in a dojo, while older members look on.",87235,train,17447,402668805_0.jpg A man balancing a green ball on a pole for a crowd on the street.,87240,train,17448,40267450_0.jpg "A cowboy wearing a baseball cap is on a horse in a rodeo corral preparing to throw the rope he is spinning over the young, small steer which he is chasing.",87245,train,17449,402685953_0.jpg Looks like a male and a female posing for a picture and dressed in costumes from the 1950's.,87250,train,17450,4027160843_0.jpg Two men at a fish market filled with boxes of fish and freshly cut fillets study a weight scale.,87255,train,17451,4027325112_0.jpg "The young girl wearing a pink shirt is putting a box, with a drawn face and bow, on a shelf along with other food.",87260,train,17452,402839598_0.jpg "Three people are in an airport with one laying on the ground, a woman sitting against the window and a man standing with his luggage.",87265,train,17453,402840967_0.jpg A man in a short-sleeve shirt is ironing a shirt while smoking a cigarette.,87270,train,17454,4028888343_0.jpg A man wearing glasses and a brown jacket shovels very deep snow off a sidewalk.,87275,train,17455,402897160_0.jpg A man in a green sweater and jeans sits on a lawn chair with many shopping bags at his feet.,87280,train,17456,402942802_0.jpg This shows a group of people standing in a crowded street but with several people including 4 women and a black male standing by a table that has some papers and a couple of coffee cups on it.,87285,train,17457,4029583519_0.jpg "A woman wearing a vertical striped top, sitting on a bench beside a telephone booth in a train station.",87290,train,17458,402978771_0.jpg "One child sitting on the grass, and the other child is holding a stick.",87295,train,17459,4029918745_0.jpg "Other children look on as a boy in a yellow coat holds a red pot by the handle, tilting it towards a light orange tube.",87300,train,17460,4029929673_0.jpg Sisters waiting for their dinner to be served at a restaurant while listening to live music.,87305,train,17461,4030022254_0.jpg A group of kids are standing in a passageway and two adult males are standing behind them.,87310,train,17462,40302299_0.jpg A man in a light green shirt and jeans on a street corner pointing to a location out of view of the picture for a woman in white pants.,87315,train,17463,4030620867_0.jpg A welder waiting for the mold to warm in a car assembly company in the city of Angeles.,87320,train,17464,4030623833_0.jpg "A short white hair women in front of a wooden lattice door wearing ethnic clothes, beads, and scandal, brushing a clay stoop with a bunch of long green leaves on stems.",87325,train,17465,4030638908_0.jpg "Here is a picture of a bald man with a beard and sunglasses, washing his hands at a spring or waterfall.",87330,train,17466,4031278022_0.jpg An Oriental man with glasses and a colorful vest is walking down the street with a girl with blond-hair.,87335,train,17467,4031301793_0.jpg Two men talking and observing fruit that's on show and for sale at an open fruit market while another woman is also observing the wares.,87340,test,17468,4031513473_0.jpg A group of individuals at a bar wait at the counter for a bartender to take their order.,87345,train,17469,4031539901_0.jpg Some men are sitting or laying around with bags and piles of things around them.,87350,train,17470,4031997820_0.jpg A man with a mustache wearing a black and red plaid shirt plays guitar.,87355,train,17471,4032238990_0.jpg A woman in a floral print shirt laying in the grass with yellow and orange leaves around her.,87360,train,17472,4032257125_0.jpg A woman checks her rings while standing next to another woman in front of a mirror.,87365,train,17473,4032520378_0.jpg A woman in a white and beige-striped sweater answers telephones in an office.,87370,train,17474,4032977916_0.jpg A man wearing a sweater is pushing an old man wearing a suit and blue tie in a wheelchair next to a row of bookshelves.,87375,val,17475,4033018747_0.jpg A man giving a slide show presentation to a group of people.,87380,train,17476,4033049067_0.jpg A man in a red shirt and a black and blue striped shirt are singing into microphones.,87385,train,17477,403308982_0.jpg "A boatman in a coolie hat and purple shirt and a child paddle a small boat over placid, muddy water.",87390,train,17478,403373142_0.jpg "Two older men speak into microphones on a stage, while a projector screen displays a vintage photo of a young man behind them.",87395,train,17479,4033789272_0.jpg Two men in suits sitting on stage with microphones near their mouths and a powerpoint picture in the background.,87400,train,17480,4033800420_0.jpg A dog on wood floor is staring at a yellow ball that is lying on orange carpet.,87405,train,17481,403523132_0.jpg Blond woman looking down over a wooden rail.,87410,train,17482,4035351596_0.jpg A lady in a bikini is pouring a drink into a red cup for a man who is wearing trunks and sunglasses.,87415,test,17483,4035354150_0.jpg A construction worker with a hard hat and green gloves standing shoulder deep in still water facing away from camera.,87420,train,17484,4035527590_0.jpg A woman in a black shirt getting emotional while talking into a microphone.,87425,train,17485,4036388209_0.jpg A man with a black hat and black beard is reading a magazine sitting on a blue bench.,87430,train,17486,403678611_0.jpg Young male white boy who is dressed in blue jeans and yellow long-sleeved shirt is climbing a tree.,87435,train,17487,4036817468_0.jpg "A young redheaded girl, wearing a yellow shirt, black pants, and sneakers, jumping in a grassy field with blue skies and wispy clouds in the background.",87440,train,17488,4036819980_0.jpg A worker is power washing the sidewalk outside of an estate surrounded by an iron fence.,87445,train,17489,4037128007_0.jpg A group of people holding papers and microphones stand in front of a man with his face painted like a mime.,87450,train,17490,4037148542_0.jpg A group of three violinists made up of two guys and one woman are playing while man in the audience closes his eyes.,87455,train,17491,4037153114_0.jpg A man laying on the street with men and woman walking all around them.,87460,train,17492,4037734292_0.jpg "A conductor of a train leans out of a window and looks to the right, while another man inside of the carriage looks towards some gauges.",87465,train,17493,4038121720_0.jpg "Three kids running and falling down a hill towards a parking lot, where a woman is digging in her purse by a car.",87470,train,17494,403844559_0.jpg There are two shadowy men standing along side a stream that runs through a paved courtyard in front of some stairs.,87475,train,17495,4038718263_0.jpg "Women wearing floral, cultural dresses are standing around a barrel of bread at an outdoor sale.",87480,train,17496,4039390335_0.jpg "A boy in sunglasses, a blue, hooded, zipped up sweater and brown shorts is running from a camp of tents.",87485,test,17497,4039846249_0.jpg "A man is standing on a stage, speaking, and there is a phrase projected on a screen behind him.",87490,train,17498,4039941514_0.jpg A shirtless man uses a long reaching tool to paint a ceiling white.,87495,train,17499,4041300706_0.jpg Two small children and a man and a woman are dressed as skeletons.,87500,train,17500,4042055730_0.jpg A woman in a bright safety jacket is standing next to large pipes.,87505,train,17501,404216567_0.jpg "Two older men with walking sticks, wearing baggy middle eastern shepherd's clothing, one of whom is wearing a turban and the other a skull cap are crouching on pavement in front of a blue wall.",87510,train,17502,4042423864_0.jpg A group of people sitting in on a conference and listening to the guest speaker.,87515,train,17503,4042504561_0.jpg A man in a short-sleeved white shirt is standing beside a man in a long-sleeved white shirt with the sleeves rolled up.,87520,train,17504,40425624_0.jpg "Looks like a man transporting a family, consisting of a mother, a father, and a son, to some destination",87525,train,17505,4042638258_0.jpg "A man in a white shirt, blue jeans, and open-toed sandals is sitting on a subway seat.",87530,train,17506,4042673790_0.jpg The boy in the black and yellow mask is talking with the man in the blue shirt.,87535,train,17507,4042758072_0.jpg A christian woman is ironing clothes and making alterations to them.,87540,train,17508,404284286_0.jpg Male conductor of a train or trolley looking out the window of the train or trolley.,87545,train,17509,4043081763_0.jpg A middle-aged man is using a hammer and metal spike and splitting a log.,87550,test,17510,4043318461_0.jpg A row of cars parked outside a dark city street.,87555,train,17511,4043319999_0.jpg A smiling man in a blue jacket and black vest stands in front of a crowd of marchers near a red tent with green trees in the background.,87560,train,17512,4043418437_0.jpg A woman is carving an ice sculpture with a knife.,87565,train,17513,4043883681_0.jpg Two middle-aged men are playing the drums wearing black rock-band t-shirts in a basement.,87570,train,17514,4043955739_0.jpg An older woman with three children and one of the children is crying.,87575,train,17515,4044232507_0.jpg The band is practicing before the championship game.,87580,train,17516,4044342247_0.jpg Construction workers are walking down a hallway of a building they are constructing.,87585,train,17517,4044612196_0.jpg A black-haired swimmer in a pool.,87590,train,17518,404491917_0.jpg A football team is playing football while people are watching from the sidelines.,87595,train,17519,4045084364_0.jpg A woman in pink and a man wearing an apron watch a food covered grill.,87600,train,17520,4045265278_0.jpg A child with curly blond-hair looks at another child with long brown hair while sitting on a bench.,87605,train,17521,4045308081_0.jpg "A man with a beard sits with a guitar that's opened up, and wires exposed.",87610,train,17522,4045361947_0.jpg A man and a woman sit in front of a computer and other equipment looking at various scenes on the monitor.,87615,train,17523,4045372755_0.jpg A man in a black shirt playing a guitar while another man watches.,87620,train,17524,4045401639_0.jpg A man wearing a yellow safety vest watches other workers on machinery.,87625,train,17525,4045411879_0.jpg A guitarist tuning his electric guitar on the set of what appears to be a television program.,87630,train,17526,4045414573_0.jpg "This photo looks like students perhaps, four of them in a classroom computer lab setting; one is looking toward the camera, the others (two with name place holders showing) are looking away, mostly in a studious position.",87635,train,17527,4045661794_0.jpg Two people are having a conversation as they sit at the bar.,87640,train,17528,4045843128_0.jpg Two firemen in blue uniforms standing around with there hands in their pockets.,87645,train,17529,404591372_0.jpg Two men in blue uniforms use yellow tape to section off an area within a white wooden fence.,87650,train,17530,404591376_0.jpg A man and woman in business attire ascend escalator.,87655,train,17531,4045973322_0.jpg A small child with blond-hair and a pink shirt stands alone on a bridge.,87660,train,17532,4046071738_0.jpg A man sits alone with gloves on at a red table that holds a keyboard and many accessories on top of it.,87665,test,17533,4046112444_0.jpg A woman in a red shirt looks very happy next to a man playing a guitar in a very futuristic setting while a camera records them both.,87670,train,17534,4046178292_0.jpg Two men in Middle Eastern dress sit on plastic milk crates and smile at the camera.,87675,train,17535,404619468_0.jpg A man wearing a beanie and blue jacket is standing near a wooden pole and squinting through the sunlight.,87680,train,17536,40464580_0.jpg An elderly man sitting on a folding chair and looking into the street.,87685,train,17537,40469496_0.jpg A man is wearing yellow protective headphones while using a circular saw to carve pieces away from a tan stone sculpture.,87690,train,17538,4046952585_0.jpg "The white and brown dog leaps into the air, above snow covered ground.",87695,train,17539,404702274_0.jpg A group of people in a dimly lit restaurant with a black and white tile floor.,87700,train,17540,4047727514_0.jpg "A group of students, one splattered with paint, while another makes a gesture towards the camera, walk along the street.",87705,train,17541,4048117105_0.jpg An Asian woman is taking a photograph outside a white columned building.,87710,train,17542,404850242_0.jpg Young women in Halloween costumes are sitting around a fire.,87715,train,17543,4048692596_0.jpg A young couple sit in a grassy field while embracing and smiling for the camera.,87720,train,17544,4048837850_0.jpg "Two boys, surrounded by paper pieces, hold a third boys shirt to prevent him from grabbing a bag.",87725,train,17545,404890608_0.jpg One man in red robes and a kilt stands next to another man in green robes who is standing in front of a large tower structure.,87730,train,17546,404895945_0.jpg "A black man in a tan sarong and head wrap, works outside shoveling a sand from a yellow truck on to a road, he is surrounded by green grass, shrubs, and plums of dust.",87735,train,17547,4049278176_0.jpg A man with a torch is heating up a roof and laying down a layer of tar paper.,87740,train,17548,4049532274_0.jpg It looks to be a glass maker heating up some glass to make something while visitors in the background watch him,87745,train,17549,4050246422_0.jpg "A baby, wearing a yellow outfit, is yawning with their mouth wide open.",87750,train,17550,4050265867_0.jpg "While other people walk by, a woman sitting on a bench next to an escalator uses her phone.",87755,train,17551,4050304997_0.jpg "A woman standing by a car in a garage dressed for winter weather in a red knit scarf, black gloves and hat and red handbag.",87760,train,17552,405051459_0.jpg The baby boy is playing with a large red stick with other balls in the swimming pool.,87765,train,17553,4050916276_0.jpg A young boy in a blue shirt is lying on a bed and reading.,87770,train,17554,405117798_0.jpg Passengers wait to board another train as a witness snaps photos.,87775,train,17555,4051308506_0.jpg Two teenagers talk to a young man in the corner of what appears to be a school building.,87780,train,17556,4051627887_0.jpg People in a break area enjoying refreshments at Halloween.,87785,train,17557,4052363856_0.jpg A person is walking wearing a pinkish colored jacket and a toboggan on their head.,87790,train,17558,405240865_0.jpg A smiling teen boy clutches the straps of his backpack as he looks at a girl.,87795,train,17559,4052515931_0.jpg Two air traffic controllers are sitting in the control tower overlooking the runway.,87800,train,17560,4052526123_0.jpg Two dogs try to bite each other while laying in the snow.,87805,val,17561,405253184_0.jpg The person in the blue shirt and blue hat is riding a white horse.,87810,train,17562,405331006_0.jpg Father teaches her daughter to cook on a camping trip.,87815,train,17563,4053707091_0.jpg "A young, blindfolded boy wields a colorful stick, attempting to hit a pinata, while a woman holding a girl and a man look on.",87820,train,17564,405405965_0.jpg "A black and a caucasian man are sitting on a long bench in a park, and the black man is pointing something out to the white man.",87825,train,17565,4054108343_0.jpg A woman lying under an umbrella outside while two young boys run around her.,87830,train,17566,4054215174_0.jpg A construction worker in blue jeans talks on the phone with someone while standing near a construction site.,87835,train,17567,4054618575_0.jpg "A person is driving across a dry terrain on an All Terrain Vehicle, wearing mostly green gear.",87840,train,17568,4054989083_0.jpg A man on his knees on top of a roof holding a hammer.,87845,train,17569,4055310167_0.jpg "One man is climbing a rock wall, while another man, below, holds a rope.",87850,train,17570,405534893_0.jpg "There are two people rock climbing, one is on the ground while the other climbs.",87855,train,17571,405534993_0.jpg A young man is climbing up a rock face with one rope dangling down.,87860,train,17572,405537503_0.jpg Two men are sitting in white chairs next to a blue door.,87865,test,17573,405556084_0.jpg A policeman wearing a neon green vest has a whistle in his mouth while directing traffic.,87870,train,17574,405615014_0.jpg Two workers with leaf blowers blow orange leaves off patches of grass next to a wet sidewalk.,87875,train,17575,4056514744_0.jpg A man with glasses and no shirt looks in the mirror as he shaves.,87880,train,17576,4056875847_0.jpg "A group of people wearing yellow shirts, with one woman wearing an orange tank top, biking on stationary bikes.",87885,train,17577,405692224_0.jpg A man in a green T-shift and black shorts sits on an exercise bike with two large water bottles.,87890,train,17578,405693848_0.jpg "A lady posing in front of a camera is wearing jeans with her thumbs in each front pocket, while lady wearing a green shirt is watching from behind holding a drink and snack.",87895,train,17579,405694615_0.jpg A woman who is holding a blue ribbon is standing with one leg on the ground and the other leg in a vertical manner above her waist while most of the rest of her body is in a horizontal position.,87900,train,17580,405698513_0.jpg "A ribbon dancer is leaping through the air with her head back during a competition, green ribbon behind her.",87905,train,17581,405703782_0.jpg An Asian woman wearing a breathing mask nursing a newborn baby.,87910,train,17582,4057116288_0.jpg A female in yellow wearing a surgical mask is holding an infant.,87915,train,17583,4057128396_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt stands near a man in a white shirt in front of a large building.,87920,train,17584,4057278427_0.jpg "A little blond girl dressed like ""Little Red Riding Hood"" sitting on a fireplace.",87925,train,17585,4057589056_0.jpg Two ladies in denim sit talking to each other while another girl with a yellow plastic bag sits on the side.,87930,train,17586,4058154906_0.jpg Customers are standing in line to buy something to eat.,87935,train,17587,4059413955_0.jpg The construction worker is drilling into the street near a street with active traffic.,87940,train,17588,405961988_0.jpg "A small group of people, including a bicyclist, prepare to cross a city street.",87945,train,17589,4059698218_0.jpg A man in snow clothes and a red helmet is on top of a mountain with other mountains in the background.,87950,train,17590,405970010_0.jpg A man in orange drives a four-wheeler with two children on the back of it.,87955,train,17591,4060147279_0.jpg A woman wearing glasses and a pink shirt is smiling while kneeling and wiping the floor with white towels.,87960,val,17592,4060351788_0.jpg A small child in a hood is sitting in a train and looking at the platform.,87965,train,17593,406035237_0.jpg "A man in a complicated costume with a red mask is holding a torch in front of a crowd of people, many of whom have cameras.",87970,train,17594,4060562740_0.jpg "A young man and lady are both standing at there own controls that look like a lot a square buttons, a screen by their feet, and a cube above the controls.",87975,train,17595,4061129366_0.jpg Two little girls are walking on the beach behind them an elderly couple is walking around the rock area,87980,train,17596,4061669575_0.jpg Person in full equestrian gear stoops down next to the back half of a brown horse.,87985,train,17597,4061703371_0.jpg "Two hockey players, one in white and black, the other in black and yellow, about to start a game.",87990,val,17598,4061778099_0.jpg A man wearing a yellow hat and sunglasses peers around the side of a sailboat while sailing on the water.,87995,train,17599,4062259729_0.jpg A group of men and boys are paddling a boat with cattle grazing in the background.,88000,train,17600,4062403088_0.jpg Child wearing a Green Bay coat carrying a red sled behind a child in a green and black coat.,88005,train,17601,406248253_0.jpg "Two native americans, one male, one female, wearing very colorful native garb are putting on a demonstration of some kind in front of people.",88010,train,17602,4062486051_0.jpg A young woman dressed up gothic lolita style for a convention event.,88015,test,17603,4062550863_0.jpg Two people wearing winter jackets in the railway station are about to get into train.,88020,train,17604,4062894483_0.jpg "A little boy in a teal talk-top smiles at the camera from inside a building, holding on to a railing where clothes are hanging.",88025,train,17605,4062975938_0.jpg "A skateboarder, in a black shirt, attempting to perform a trick next to a body of water.",88030,train,17606,406307645_0.jpg A boy in a green sweatshirt and blue jeans performs a trick on a skateboard while spectators in the background are looking on.,88035,train,17607,406308903_0.jpg "Several people stand around eating, drinking, and talking, while a woman prepares finger food.",88040,train,17608,40631955_0.jpg "A dancer wearing a traditional costume of red coat and tall black hat is leaping in the air beneath a sign stating ""Ukraine"".",88045,train,17609,4063229676_0.jpg A woman in a flower dress is dancing with a man in a gray vest and boots at a festival.,88050,train,17610,4063231596_0.jpg A group of people holding up fabric flags and walking down the street.,88055,train,17611,4063381040_0.jpg Women sitting at steel table next to a man standing and holding his bicep.,88060,train,17612,4063590558_0.jpg Three men are standing in an outdoor fruit market where several motor scooters are parked.,88065,train,17613,406380299_0.jpg "A man in blue swimming trunks is jumping while another man in white and blue swimming trunks is leaning backward with his right arm raised above his head on a sunny, sandy area.",88070,train,17614,4063847257_0.jpg Man in red and white soccer uniform stands on the field boundary lines with yellow and blue soccer ball.,88075,test,17615,4065328632_0.jpg "A woman taking a rest from fishing is sitting down with her lovers head on her shoulder, while three little children and a man are looking up in the sky",88080,train,17616,4066162701_0.jpg A climber wearing a red shirt is climbing a rock face on a snowy day.,88085,train,17617,406642021_0.jpg A young man and woman dressed in green aprons and black caps look at the dirty kitchen.,88090,train,17618,40670061_0.jpg A man in a white t-shirt and blue jeans is using a hand tools to adjust a plumbing fixture in an unfinished room.,88095,train,17619,4067191572_0.jpg "People walking down the street in costumes, including one of a hospital gown that exposes the buttocks.",88100,train,17620,4067575996_0.jpg "A man in a dark, long-sleeved shirt is playing a wooden flute, while under the crook of his left arm is a large pole, at the top of which are dozens of flutes that are similar to the one he is playing, fanned out above his head like a flower.",88105,train,17621,4068478227_0.jpg "Twins dressed identically in purple and gold sweaters with gray pants and black shoes, holding on to each other.",88110,train,17622,4068840117_0.jpg Several people dressed in brightly colored clothing are standing in a row.,88115,train,17623,4068908551_0.jpg A brown and black dog is trying to catch a red ball in its mouth.,88120,train,17624,406901451_0.jpg "An older person, sex indeterminate, visits with two spotted rabbits in a large cage.",88125,train,17625,4069292165_0.jpg "A bride and groom, who has curly hair and is wearing a kilt, are cutting their wedding cake.",88130,train,17626,4069319969_0.jpg A man in a yellow coat and neon green safety vest pushes janitorial equipment down a sidewalk.,88135,train,17627,4069561894_0.jpg "Two young girls in purple tops smiling and sitting in front of a red, green, and blue picket fence on the side of a street.",88140,train,17628,4069578876_0.jpg Four young boys in purple and gray uniforms talk to a man through an open garage door on a red brick building.,88145,train,17629,4069607034_0.jpg A lone person jumping through the air from one snowy mountain to another.,88150,test,17630,407008823_0.jpg A bunch of employees in red jackets standing around a roped-off area.,88155,train,17631,4070093390_0.jpg Girl dressed up as a black cat stands next to monitor.,88160,train,17632,4070112495_0.jpg A teenage boy tries out his bright yellow jacket and new snowboard on the front steps of his home.,88165,train,17633,4070658400_0.jpg A woman with a cane is kept warm with a scarf and hat as she stands outside with a small piece of paper.,88170,train,17634,4070693418_0.jpg People running a foot race make a right turn around the corner while onlookers line the sides of the street.,88175,train,17635,4071416825_0.jpg "Runners in various colors running left of photo, with man in forefront waving at camera.",88180,train,17636,4071525091_0.jpg A middle-aged woman in a light brown trench coat and black boots walks on the sidewalk past a shop entrance.,88185,train,17637,4071668705_0.jpg "Little girl, wearing a outfit of many light colors, standing in a pile of leaves.",88190,train,17638,4071750215_0.jpg "Many runners in a city street, a crowd watches on with trees in the background.",88195,train,17639,4072394356_0.jpg "Four people are sitting together in a circle, overlooking a body of water.",88200,train,17640,407278057_0.jpg An individual in white clothing holding a drink is laying on their back while another individual in black clothing is laying on top of them with their legs straddled over them.,88205,train,17641,4073086719_0.jpg A young man wearing a white shirt and a yarmulke bows before an older man who wears a prayer shawl and yarmulke and holds the younger man's head in his hands.,88210,train,17642,4073193673_0.jpg Man and woman walking next to each other in front of Caution sign.,88215,train,17643,4073844680_0.jpg Two blond children are laying in orange and purple sleeping bags in a closed-in patio.,88220,train,17644,40738998_0.jpg Runners pass a statue of a man on a horse as spectators look on and take photos.,88225,val,17645,4074473431_0.jpg An open outdoor area with a fountain where people are gathered to talk with each other or wait for someone.,88230,train,17646,407453309_0.jpg "Two older men converse standing in an old-fashioned, paved alley bordered with brightly colored buildings.",88235,train,17647,4074619959_0.jpg A man in a bight yellow shirt carries his wears to market in a large basket on his head.,88240,train,17648,4074803780_0.jpg A man in a jacket and jeans and a woman in a green coat are reading books on a bench with a baby stroller parked next to it.,88245,train,17649,4074903180_0.jpg People are watching from the sidelines of an inner city foot race.,88250,train,17650,4075175810_0.jpg A marathon in a large city in which a man on the bottom right is looking up at the camera.,88255,train,17651,4075205914_0.jpg A group of people run a race or marathon while a crowd of people watch.,88260,test,17652,4075239348_0.jpg "Competitive swimmers leap from the edge of a pool, towards the water.",88265,train,17653,4075694947_0.jpg Front stroke swimming race roped off lap areas.,88270,train,17654,4075695875_0.jpg There are two men and one female sitting down and looking at their laptops in front of a window.,88275,test,17655,407569668_0.jpg A person wearing a yellow swim cap and blue goggles is swimming in a lane.,88280,train,17656,4076444220_0.jpg An older Asian man is sitting at a desk and holding a piece of paper up that has writing on it.,88285,train,17657,4076675949_0.jpg Five people with backpacks hiking down a rocky hill.,88290,train,17658,407678652_0.jpg An elderly man is getting his shoes shined at a mobile shoe shining shop.,88295,train,17659,4076921303_0.jpg An Asian man with Headphones sneers as he works a turntable in a dark room.,88300,train,17660,4077089649_0.jpg A DJ with one hand on his headphones and one hand on his turntable.,88305,test,17661,4077122969_0.jpg A man and a woman are talking in a conference room.,88310,train,17662,4077359929_0.jpg Three black men wearing white lab coats are looking through microscopes while two other black men wearing white lab coats are faced away from them.,88315,train,17663,4077598908_0.jpg A vietnamese man driving a tractor through a dirt ravine while a woman rides on the back.,88320,train,17664,4077607563_0.jpg There is a dark-haired woman sitting behind a computer with her hands resting on the keyboard.,88325,train,17665,4078113886_0.jpg A drum furiously hammers out notes on his instruments as he plays on stage.,88330,train,17666,4078132452_0.jpg A man wearing a black and white hat as well as a black and white shirt is singing into a microphone in front of band mates.,88335,train,17667,4078134904_0.jpg Older bald man in white shorts and a black t-shirt playing with a skateboard.,88340,train,17668,4078158395_0.jpg The man carries ears of corn in his arms while out in the corn field.,88345,test,17669,407815946_0.jpg A girl in green pants sits on the railing with another girl as they watch the fountain in the city.,88350,train,17670,407872043_0.jpg An older teen boy riding on his skateboard in the middle of the street as his friend watches.,88355,train,17671,4078839852_0.jpg Two skateboarders look on while another boarder gets ready to do a stunt on the street.,88360,train,17672,4078860212_0.jpg This is a view through a ribbed glass ceiling looking down on a bunch of people eating in a cafeteria setting.,88365,test,17673,4079016275_0.jpg Two white males are doing a set at a venue with guitars and vocals.,88370,train,17674,40793390_0.jpg An Indian man is cooking using traditional ingredients.,88375,train,17675,4080351447_0.jpg A man with two blond children looking at a house over a rail in autumn.,88380,train,17676,4081110739_0.jpg "A man wearing dark jeans, an orange shirt, and an orange apron is next to a bunch of plants and flowers and a woman with a blue top.",88385,train,17677,4081678254_0.jpg A baby in a pink with brown stripe bodysuit smiling.,88390,train,17678,4081871022_0.jpg "A large wooden booth with the word ""Italiano"" and the number 5 on the front with a person sitting inside.",88395,train,17679,4082185154_0.jpg A dog is shaking off water in a lake as a red and green tennis ball floats by.,88400,train,17680,408233586_0.jpg "A dirt street in what looks to be China, with two women dressed in pink and white pointing and laughing off-screen.",88405,train,17681,4082447961_0.jpg "A father, wearing a white puma brand shirt, holding his smiling daughter.",88410,train,17682,4082494486_0.jpg A highly decorated man leads four beautifully clad woman in colorful clothing in what appears to be a religious dance in Thailand.,88415,val,17683,4082808690_0.jpg An African American man looking at some butchered meat that is hanging from a rack outside a building.,88420,train,17684,4083086047_0.jpg A person wearing a blue backpack and helmet is walking his bicycle down the road.,88425,train,17685,4083474327_0.jpg Two young children are sitting atop an elephant that is eating greens and standing in front a platform with man dressed in a white shirt standing off to the side.,88430,val,17686,4084139686_0.jpg A small child wearing a large pair of safety glasses and a Junior Bison Bots sweatshirt.,88435,train,17687,4084449700_0.jpg "Two men in black, one is holding a drum standing behind a woman with a mask dressed in white with red patterned undergarments towards the bottom and a fan that matches the undergarments.",88440,train,17688,4084461992_0.jpg "Three dogs pulling a man in a brown jumpsuit and a baby in a blue snowsuit, on a sled in a snowy forest.",88445,train,17689,4084558283_0.jpg "A toddler in a blue one-piece plays with a stack of plastic tubs, while toys are scattered on the floor behind him.",88450,train,17690,408474778_0.jpg A couple says goodbye while others hurry on to their flights.,88455,train,17691,4085108640_0.jpg "A black and brown dog in a grassy, well-lit area with his mouth partially open.",88460,train,17692,408573233_0.jpg A shite dog in an orange life vest looking at a man in a blue shirt while riding in a boat.,88465,train,17693,408627152_0.jpg There is a large group of young women wearing pink and black adjacent to a group of young women wearing blue and black and all of them are standing in the same pose with one arm bent and one arm straight out.,88470,train,17694,4086326509_0.jpg A woman in a black coat is riding her bike on a street as a man in shorts and a striped top looks at her as he passes her.,88475,train,17695,4086671949_0.jpg "A large, yellow construction vehicle is sitting atop a snowy landscape.",88480,train,17696,408695996_0.jpg The girl in the red jacket is next to a picture of a funny face.,88485,train,17697,408748500_0.jpg "Soldiers with hard hats standing along side what appears to be local civilians, while listening to another soldier with a regular soldier cap reading some sort of material.",88490,train,17698,4088588261_0.jpg A group of military men are waiting for instructions from a man and a woman both wearing black suits.,88495,train,17699,4088598675_0.jpg "A group of children, standing in a circle, holding hands.",88500,train,17700,4088604271_0.jpg Several soldiers wearing hard hats pose for a picture with two unenthusiastic little boys wearing red and blue outfits.,88505,train,17701,4088608399_0.jpg "Two soldiers stand next to a truck holding packages of games, puzzles and building blocks.",88510,train,17702,4088615231_0.jpg A woman in a white blouse holds a child in a white shirt outdoors.,88515,train,17703,4088616577_0.jpg "A military member of a group called ""Old iron Sides"" smiles as he looks at a device in both hands and a child with over sized sunglasses on looks at him with a juice box in his hands.",88520,train,17704,4088620453_0.jpg A small boy sitting with a group of troops wearing a combat helmet.,88525,train,17705,4088621077_0.jpg "Soldiers stand in formation outside of a building, and one man dressed in street clothes stands near them.",88530,train,17706,4088621789_0.jpg An African family stands in the middle of a group of hay huts with plastic overlays.,88535,train,17707,408904281_0.jpg A woman in a pink sweatshirts holds a bouquet of balloons while sitting on a folding chair.,88540,test,17708,4089335666_0.jpg A man in military camouflage and a dark green hard hat is holding a framed child's crayon drawing.,88545,train,17709,4089350664_0.jpg A guy with a camera films a man in uniform while a woman interviews him.,88550,train,17710,4089361660_0.jpg Three men wearing flip-flops are crouching around a game on the ground.,88555,train,17711,4089379359_0.jpg "A man wearing black pants and a white shirt busily working in a restaurant kitchen with food and 3 wine bottles on the counter to his right, and dishes in the dishwasher to his left.",88560,train,17712,4089545692_0.jpg A long-haired man in a camouflage tee and blue jeans rocks out on a black electric guitar.,88565,val,17713,4089583280_0.jpg "A cat observing two little rabbits in a box of hay inside an wire enclosure, while a woman in a white sweater looks on.",88570,test,17714,4089787993_0.jpg An older woman is sitting in a cage with two rabbits who are sitting on hay.,88575,train,17715,4089801465_0.jpg A man shovels snow while standing between two black trucks.,88580,train,17716,408986190_0.jpg A male kid skateboarding down a sidewalk wearing a white striped shirt and black pants.,88585,train,17717,4090010832_0.jpg "With flowers in the foreground, a man in a blue striped shirt bikes past a large white building.",88590,train,17718,409001107_0.jpg An old english gentleman shows off some of Great Britain's finest products.,88595,train,17719,4090493843_0.jpg Soccer players on the field with a red flag stand with a referee holding a orange and yellow checkered flag.,88600,train,17720,409072931_0.jpg A man in shorts and a black shirt is riding a motorcycle and wearing a red helmet.,88605,train,17721,4090827772_0.jpg A group of people are putting on life vests and are lined up against a wall.,88610,train,17722,4090879036_0.jpg Two women laugh and share conversation while each of them holds a can of refreshing Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.,88615,train,17723,4091722734_0.jpg A man is holding a gavel above his head.,88620,train,17724,4091782118_0.jpg A young Asian woman and a young Caucasian man are having a sit-down dinner at what appears to be a special event or conference.,88625,train,17725,409198440_0.jpg A BMX bicyclist doing a very dangerous trick in some sort of competition.,88630,train,17726,4091988557_0.jpg Thick clouds masked the sky for the Braun sponsored event as the crowd looked up at the raised platform while a small group of bike stunt riders watched one rider land on his feet while his bike was still in the air.,88635,train,17727,4091988669_0.jpg A woman wearing a red shirt is making a pouting face while she holds on to a young boy who is frowning.,88640,train,17728,409220780_0.jpg An older man in a dark shirt is resting his chin on his hand while writing on a newspaper.,88645,train,17729,4092391564_0.jpg "One girl rides a horse while a woman appears to lead them across a park while two other horses walk in the near background, with a street and parked cars in the far background.",88650,train,17730,409315256_0.jpg A woman sits at a restaurant with her back against a brick wall.,88655,test,17731,409327234_0.jpg A man in a black shirt sits on a computer chair looks at a yellow envelope.,88660,train,17732,4093458757_0.jpg Three young women face each other while sitting on red plush chairs.,88665,test,17733,4093460759_0.jpg A construction machine is digging a hole on a paved street while an orange hose is run through a different hole in the ground close by.,88670,train,17734,4093561036_0.jpg A backhoe is digging a trench outside of a building.,88675,train,17735,4093563644_0.jpg "This man with a white hard hat, and gray vest, and long-sleeve shirt is standing on top of a roof.",88680,train,17736,4093746088_0.jpg "A man in blue jeans, a tan canvas long-sleeve shirt, and rubber gloves, holds a braided metallic wire.",88685,train,17737,4093748512_0.jpg An elderly man wearing a hat and blue jacket is folding his hands.,88690,train,17738,4093883603_0.jpg A man wearing a stocking hat and has a beard is looking at the camera with two women sitting on the couch next to him.,88695,train,17739,4093896865_0.jpg The person in the blue coat takes a photo of the man and woman with braids.,88700,train,17740,4093912245_0.jpg Two people sit on a bench overlooking a vast amount of windows.,88705,train,17741,4094247545_0.jpg A boy scout troop stands at attention while two uniformed men hold flowers in front of a flag.,88710,train,17742,4094476979_0.jpg "A bearded and mustached man in jeans and a gray sweater, hands propped on waist, wearing horned headgear, is photographed by a man wearing a dark jacket.",88715,train,17743,4094636248_0.jpg "A man sitting on a bucket, facing away from viewer, with flowers in front of him.",88720,train,17744,409468643_0.jpg A man and a woman are standing on grass and holding hands.,88725,train,17745,4094966503_0.jpg This older gentleman appears to be outside waiting for someone to come to have him fix their shoe.,88730,train,17746,4095018474_0.jpg A group of young boy scouts is standing together in a line.,88735,train,17747,4095222516_0.jpg Two men in cadet caps seem to be awaiting the beginning of ceremonies at a service veterans event in a park.,88740,train,17748,4095229112_0.jpg A person dressed in a yellow animated costume in a public area.,88745,val,17749,4095232321_0.jpg A lady walking in a alleyway of what appears to be a third world country.,88750,test,17750,4095309334_0.jpg An elderly man with a multicolored bag is reaching for an elderly woman's hand.,88755,train,17751,4095457211_0.jpg There are two policemen walking down a semi-crowded street with batons along side a man wearing a blue and white plaid shirt.,88760,train,17752,4095536845_0.jpg Woman cupping water with hands over bathroom sink as child stands beside her.,88765,train,17753,409575025_0.jpg Two people stand on the sidewalk next to the street with their belongings.,88770,train,17754,4096056992_0.jpg One person is observing two people who are sitting on a brick bench looking through items taken from a yellow bucket.,88775,train,17755,4097300324_0.jpg A man in a suit is walking down the street carrying a brown paper bag.,88780,train,17756,4097554482_0.jpg A young Indian dance troupe performing on stage during a local talent competition.,88785,train,17757,4097650560_0.jpg A woman has a wooden spoon in a large bowl with her leg stretched almost above her head while she is looking at a book.,88790,train,17758,4098382666_0.jpg A young boy sits on the ground looking on as a woman looks toward a man dressed in a maroon jacket and dark pants leans against a pole.,88795,train,17759,4099278366_0.jpg A man sits on a ledge on a red building while watching a very tiny television.,88800,train,17760,4099290978_0.jpg A balding man wearing a brown jacket with his hands crossed and his head tilted down.,88805,train,17761,409930622_0.jpg A man standing in front of a brick wall while playing the saxophone.,88810,train,17762,4099476662_0.jpg A blond woman is sitting in a brown leather chair while another woman is walking next to a store in the background,88815,train,17763,410042380_0.jpg A woman with long black hair paints the nails of another person a deep maroon color.,88820,train,17764,410050096_0.jpg A ceremony with one man speaking and another man adjusting the robes on other person whose faces is partially covered being held in a mosque with many observers.,88825,train,17765,4100572429_0.jpg An older gentleman in a narrow hallway with a picture on the wall.,88830,train,17766,4100651541_0.jpg A player in white uniform is jumping to get the soccer ball while a player in burgundy uniform is holding his arms out to stop him.,88835,train,17767,4100783560_0.jpg A man walks in front of a bus shelter that has been spray painted.,88840,train,17768,4100944178_0.jpg A man with dark hair and a mustache is wearing a light blue shirt while talking on a cellphone.,88845,train,17769,410184063_0.jpg Two construction workers taking a break; one is napping in a chair and the other is lying on boards from the work site.,88850,train,17770,4102545355_0.jpg "There are four canoes in the background, beautiful green grass, with three kids standing at the shore of the lake, that is crystal and crisp looking, and there is a redheaded boy wearing a red shirt, red life vest, and is in a yellow kayak, with a double ended yellow paddle.",88855,train,17771,4103009351_0.jpg These children are gathered together writing notes related to a field trip.,88860,test,17772,4103236953_0.jpg "A group of children and adults are gathered in an outdoor desert setting as if preparing for or returning from an outing, with several kids wearing matching light blue backpacks and a Saguaro cactus in the far left background.",88865,train,17773,4103240621_0.jpg "Two men, one younger and the other older, stationed at what looks like a control board at an airport.",88870,train,17774,410325904_0.jpg A woman and her children walking while eating ice cream cones at an outdoor event.,88875,train,17775,4103883293_0.jpg An older woman holds up an older photo of young children while smiling broadly in front of a flower-festooned memorial.,88880,train,17776,4103920923_0.jpg "During a race, a child outstretches her hand to the runners, who are all running in the opposite direction of her.",88885,train,17777,410396747_0.jpg A large group of children with backpacks and four adult women are standing on a path and some are standing by the directory sign.,88890,train,17778,4104001356_0.jpg A woman kneels at the edge of a dock reaching toward a dog leaping nearby in the water.,88895,train,17779,410413536_0.jpg A black and brown dog runs through the snow next to some trees.,88900,train,17780,410422753_0.jpg "A group of women eating and drinking at a table in a restaurant, with a flat screen LCD TV above their table.",88905,train,17781,4104420147_0.jpg "A very young boy is wearing green shorts and socks, is preparing to kick a ball, he is in a field.",88910,train,17782,4104512992_0.jpg A man is standing in front of glass doors with a blue spot and a pink spot.,88915,train,17783,410453140_0.jpg A little girl wearing a yellow shirt and earrings is eating food out of a green bowl with a spoon.,88920,train,17784,4104826512_0.jpg A woman in a orange and brown wrap over her green shirt shovels a brown material into lines on a cement pad.,88925,train,17785,4105382797_0.jpg People in bright Indian attire are walking outside.,88930,train,17786,4105413463_0.jpg A man works at a desk overflowing with paperwork and business-related electronic devices.,88935,train,17787,4105635976_0.jpg A man set down his red gasoline can and generator in order to talk to the man that was holding a large painting.,88940,train,17788,4105944919_0.jpg "A group of teenagers waiting outside a storefront, to go inside.",88945,train,17789,4105945751_0.jpg "Dark-haired little girl, with dirty bare feet, sitting in a large bucket eating a treat.",88950,train,17790,4105969146_0.jpg There are three people standing in the produce section of a grocery store.,88955,train,17791,410604272_0.jpg "Several men, including one in a uniform with a white hat, are looking down a busy street as a pedestrian and pedaled passenger vehicle go by.",88960,train,17792,4106150526_0.jpg "A man and two children, one pointing at the camera, are holding large translucent plastic bags, filled with smaller bags of a popcorn like snack.",88965,train,17793,4106179948_0.jpg A mom happily pushes her two children in a stroller down a brick lined path in the park.,88970,train,17794,4106207160_0.jpg "A young boy wearing a yellow shirt and green pants pushing a baby stroller in front of houses with red and white roofs, red doors, white railing and red floor planks.",88975,train,17795,4106379547_0.jpg An older man in a red sweatshirt stands in front of a group of children sitting on benches in front of him.,88980,train,17796,4106948497_0.jpg There is some musicians and a man in white playing on a stage.,88985,train,17797,4107215893_0.jpg A blond man singing into a microphone with a guitarist behind him.,88990,train,17798,4107219685_0.jpg "Two women, having drinks, are sitting down and talking inside a house.",88995,train,17799,4107333458_0.jpg A man wearing casual clothes is sleeping on a public bench with a plastic bag and beer bottle at his side.,89000,train,17800,4107419112_0.jpg "Three boys on a basketball court, wearing team uniforms, are attempting to reach a basketball which is not photographed but appears to be descending just out of their reach.",89005,train,17801,4107474314_0.jpg "A man with short, styled hair using an electric razor to trim his facial hair.",89010,train,17802,4107478984_0.jpg A chef in a white uniform mixes popcorn with a large wooden utensil.,89015,train,17803,4107496324_0.jpg "A snowboarder in a red jacket flies through the air, above a hill of snow, and next to a red and white sign.",89020,train,17804,4107795952_0.jpg A singer sings into a microphone while other musicians play in the background.,89025,train,17805,4107979730_0.jpg A man in bright white clothing and tattoos performs on a stage with a red background while holding a microphone in his left hand.,89030,train,17806,4107989090_0.jpg A young lady in a red shirt and jeans stands on top of a structure in a parking lot.,89035,train,17807,4108358719_0.jpg A man drags a young boy in swim trunks into the surf at what appears to be a beach in a tropical location.,89040,train,17808,4108380768_0.jpg An African American man wearing a gray cap and glasses is drawing a portrait of someone from a picture on his lap.,89045,train,17809,4108479912_0.jpg The woman in black is applying mascara to her eyelashes while other passengers are boarding.,89050,train,17810,4108989020_0.jpg A man with an apron on is standing in front of a stove cooking.,89055,train,17811,4109577038_0.jpg Four young boys are talking to a street vendor in front of an old building while several other adults stand talking further down the street.,89060,train,17812,4109591035_0.jpg Two women wearing black coats are walking in a street looking at each other.,89065,train,17813,4110079813_0.jpg A group of people in formal attire are in the background and a man in a white shirt with khaki pants jumps from the dirt road to the green grass.,89070,train,17814,411008311_0.jpg A medium brown dog is jumping over a short brick wall surrounding some dirt.,89075,train,17815,411011549_0.jpg Someone walks along a lonely pathway in a nearly abandoned passageway.,89080,train,17816,4110261078_0.jpg A man wearing an orange scarf is sitting on the grass with his legs crossed and his eyes closed,89085,train,17817,41105465_0.jpg Sculptor applying concrete to large statue of human figure standing with no head.,89090,train,17818,4111392491_0.jpg Two men dressed in work attire are looking at a pipe that is sticking off the wall.,89095,train,17819,4111392499_0.jpg A young man carries a big basket while an older man behind him talks on a cellphone.,89100,train,17820,4111420077_0.jpg A red jacketed young man uses a bullhorn to shout in front of a large protest banner.,89105,train,17821,4111709447_0.jpg A brown dog is shown standing in the water near a muddy beach.,89110,test,17822,411175971_0.jpg Three dogs in different shades of brown and white biting and licking each other.,89115,test,17823,411216802_0.jpg Four girls in black tops are weaving leaves in a building.,89120,train,17824,4112642188_0.jpg "A woman and man, wearing name tags, having a meal together.",89125,train,17825,4112646796_0.jpg A woman is walking on the street in front of a yellow car with the driver's side window open.,89130,train,17826,4112704699_0.jpg A man and a woman are seated holding musical instruments while another woman stands at a podium.,89135,train,17827,4112953557_0.jpg A boy wearing a hat and sitting on a wall looks over at a group of people standing by the riverside.,89140,val,17828,4113033557_0.jpg "Two dancers, one male, one female, are doing a routine in a dance studio.",89145,train,17829,4113657978_0.jpg A woman in a purple shirt with her hands on her hips dancing barefoot in the middle of two other women dancing on a dance floor.,89150,train,17830,4113899426_0.jpg A Ford car is making a right turn as 3 males are walking across the street behind the car.,89155,train,17831,4114589329_0.jpg "The rag tag of the blue bus turning a street corner seems out of place amidst shops, pedestrians, and a lone woman riding a red bicycle.",89160,train,17832,4114592385_0.jpg Two persons are in a field and are holding up a bundle of dry grass over their heads.,89165,train,17833,4114982977_0.jpg "A young adult in the middle of a road waving flags of red, white, and black.",89170,train,17834,4115212373_0.jpg A crowd walks about a square at night with smoke or fog drifting over them.,89175,val,17835,4115261994_0.jpg The person in front who is wearing a yellow jumpsuit and white hard hat is carrying a bottle.,89180,train,17836,4115571898_0.jpg "A woman in a black jacket stands in front of a ""Hors du temps"" movie poster.",89185,train,17837,4115581760_0.jpg Many children are working together in someone's yard cleaning leaves.,89190,train,17838,4115814951_0.jpg A man wearing a suit with a name tag stands reading in front of a microphone as a screen behind him displays a presentation.,89195,train,17839,4116163419_0.jpg A man wearing a tag that says Jake is standing in front of microphone wearing a brown jacket and a red patterned tie with a large screen displaying text in the background.,89200,train,17840,4116166193_0.jpg "A man on a horse with a large hat goes down the street while many people, some with balloons, watch from the edge of the street.",89205,train,17841,411678041_0.jpg Three young men gathered at a table with drinks having a discussion.,89210,train,17842,4116937168_0.jpg Two women with dark hair holding umbrellas are running while crossing the street during a storm.,89215,train,17843,4117041677_0.jpg A person in the military standing in front a picture of a man.,89220,train,17844,4117282478_0.jpg A group of people are standing around a dining table with food on it.,89225,train,17845,4117842141_0.jpg A man is holding a very long leash attached to a very large dog who is smelling the grass.,89230,train,17846,411863595_0.jpg A man has a variety of decorative goods hanged up in what appears to be his storefront.,89235,train,17847,4118638516_0.jpg Three men in matching reflective uniforms gather in front of a decorated wall.,89240,train,17848,4119134806_0.jpg A man wearing a pink shirt with black stripes is protecting himself from the rain using a newspaper.,89245,train,17849,4119439324_0.jpg "Two people, both wearing jeans, are standing by the edge of water with fishing poles.",89250,train,17850,4119723311_0.jpg "A thin man with messy, orange hair moves his hands over a flying saucer shaped metal object.",89255,train,17851,4119940755_0.jpg A child is eating something very close to the camera while other children sit at a table behind him.,89260,train,17852,412056525_0.jpg A man wearing only blue jeans and a cap is using a paint roller on a light blue floor.,89265,train,17853,4120624922_0.jpg A young boy is getting ready to hit a pinata with a blue baseball bat.,89270,train,17854,412082368_0.jpg Two black dogs are jumping and playing with a yellow tennis ball in the snow.,89275,train,17855,412101267_0.jpg A child examines a chunk of rock through that of a magnifying glass.,89280,train,17856,4121133646_0.jpg "A young brunette male in a striped blue shirt and denim jeans, tossing a basketball on a basketball court.",89285,train,17857,4121365461_0.jpg A boy in red shorts rides a yellow bodyboard on a breaking wave.,89290,train,17858,412203580_0.jpg A fat man wearing a tan t-shirt with black and gray hair brushes his teeth with an electric toothbrush in a room with a calendar on the wall and a lamp on a dresser.,89295,train,17859,4122558617_0.jpg "Two kids wearing hooded sweatshirts stand next to a body of water, as one throws something into the water.",89300,train,17860,412263903_0.jpg Kid in red shirt playing on bars while another boy watches.,89305,train,17861,4122645918_0.jpg "A smiling, middle-aged Hispanic or Indian woman with braided hair, missing teeth and a round red cap and red shawl is standing outside by some buildings on a sunny day.",89310,train,17862,4122674603_0.jpg People buying groceries after massive earthquakes had hit their hometown in recent weeks,89315,train,17863,4122709463_0.jpg A football player holding the football about to be tackled by a player wearing red while a player in white with the number 13 laying on the ground.,89320,train,17864,4123816289_0.jpg "A person wearing a tan jacket and holding a yellow bag is walking a black dog at the Fossar de les Moreres, a memorial plaza in Barcelona, Spain.",89325,train,17865,4123894799_0.jpg "A little girl with blond ponytails is eating a sausage, with several adults in the background.",89330,train,17866,4124718042_0.jpg Two guys wear athletic clothing taking a jog through the woods.,89335,train,17867,4125062133_0.jpg A large group of people sit attentively around round tables in white plastic chairs.,89340,train,17868,41253213_0.jpg One woman is sitting on a couch with a bottle in her hand while another is on the floor with a child looking at a computer.,89345,train,17869,4125454115_0.jpg One person takes a walk with a dog in a tree lined park in the morning in autumn.,89350,train,17870,4125992235_0.jpg A man is giving directions at a helicopter landing pad aboard an aircraft carrier.,89355,train,17871,4126111436_0.jpg One woman in a green pants suit is speaking to another woman with glasses while both sit.,89360,train,17872,4126478893_0.jpg Migrant workers working for the government on its big plantation.,89365,train,17873,4127226771_0.jpg A woman wearing black smokes while talking to a man in a black jacket outside.,89370,train,17874,4127286981_0.jpg A young person sits in front of a picture in a fast food restaurant while an employee cleans nearby.,89375,train,17875,4127569424_0.jpg "Man donned in jeans and football jersey prepares a meal complete with mean and beer, at his kitchen counter as the sunlight pours in from the kitchen window.",89380,train,17876,412813270_0.jpg A man with a black backpack walks down a road with water on either side.,89385,train,17877,4129180972_0.jpg "A dark hair woman, dressed in white boots and a black and green dress, is striking a dancer pose for the camera.",89390,train,17878,4129308538_0.jpg A man sleeping on some pipes in a park next to a guitar and some blocks of cement.,89395,train,17879,4129768323_0.jpg A woman getting ready to play a musical instrument.,89400,train,17880,4130028176_0.jpg A diverse group of younger looking people seem to be waiting for a lecture to start.,89405,train,17881,413045343_0.jpg A man in a cap and a blue plaid button-down shirt is holding a bird cage with a bird inside.,89410,train,17882,4130533977_0.jpg "A burning trailer house in background, two uniformed firefighters raised up in air on ladder, and three uniformed firefighters on ground with hose spraying water at the fire.",89415,train,17883,4130537606_0.jpg "A man wearing a black shirt, khaki shorts and white tennis shoes is holding an object.",89420,train,17884,4131034420_0.jpg Dog on leash burrows into snow in rural area.,89425,val,17885,413231421_0.jpg A choir singing with the soloist out front and the conductor in a black and white dress.,89430,train,17886,4132372244_0.jpg A flautist in a black shirt and green army hat plays on stage.,89435,train,17887,413426348_0.jpg A man is seated in a chair holding a bow for his instrument in the middle of a brown floor.,89440,train,17888,4134335534_0.jpg A man is standing with his eyes closed and smoking a cigarette.,89445,train,17889,4135695_0.jpg A person is midair above a body of water after having jumped from a high surface.,89450,train,17890,413588617_0.jpg A man with a beard works intently on a project that needs a lot of heat.,89455,train,17891,4135917871_0.jpg A small group of people stands in a rocky field surrounded by camping equipment and patches of snow.,89460,val,17892,413737417_0.jpg "On an overcast day, on a deserted strip of narrow road surrounded by grass, a young boy dressed only in pants and thongs does a wheelie on his bicycle.",89465,train,17893,4137903219_0.jpg A group of revelers dressed in black and red outfits with horns marching through the street at night with giant sparklers.,89470,train,17894,4138236406_0.jpg "A group of people waiting at a food stand, on a street corner.",89475,train,17895,4138395608_0.jpg A young child in violet clothes arches her back and touches the ground with her hands so that she is looking outward and upside down.,89480,train,17896,4138543712_0.jpg There is a man with a fedora hat and blue dress coat playing an accordion in front of a sign.,89485,train,17897,4138721052_0.jpg A group of three students is shown sitting in some sort of lecture hall and they all see bored.,89490,train,17898,4138735474_0.jpg "Two players from opposing hockey teams face off for control of the hockey puck, while their teammates look on.",89495,train,17899,4138802340_0.jpg Three Portuguese men sitting at a head table in a room in front of a sign.,89500,train,17900,4139373408_0.jpg Several people in a large crowd are taking pictures of something above them.,89505,train,17901,4139499756_0.jpg "Four bearded men sit at a table in a restaurant, the table has plates and glasses on it, and the men are all looking towards the photographer.",89510,train,17902,4139650181_0.jpg A young boy in a red shirt is wearing a helmet while sitting on a motorcycle.,89515,test,17903,4139974800_0.jpg Hundreds of dogs in the park are getting ready for a walk or race as people admire them.,89520,train,17904,4141011708_0.jpg One lady in a purple shirt is handing another lady in a purple shirt a shovel.,89525,train,17905,4141222372_0.jpg Older man with beard holds a stick with a bag on the end while walking.,89530,train,17906,4141748393_0.jpg A group of adults and children are hiking through the woods.,89535,train,17907,4142079657_0.jpg A man in a light colored t-shirt and jeans looks very animated while a woman in a blue and white striped shirt and overalls is preparing food.,89540,train,17908,4142920196_0.jpg A man in apron and latex glove cleaning the desk tables in a theater type auditorium.,89545,train,17909,4143318041_0.jpg A woman in a black and yellow shirts works the clean the floor under the red chairs.,89550,train,17910,4143332417_0.jpg "Man with long brown hair, ball cap and glasses playing a guitar indoors.",89555,train,17911,414420325_0.jpg "A hockey game in an AT&T stadium, one man is wearing a black and yellow jersey, the other is wearing red and white, while the referee stands between them.",89560,train,17912,4144960305_0.jpg "On the shore of a lake, a girl jumps for joy in the autumn leaves.",89565,train,17913,4145054037_0.jpg A grocery store checkout where a checker is counting out change.,89570,val,17914,4145119743_0.jpg A girl with a pink headband and blue shirt is drumming on blue plastic and metal bowls with chopsticks.,89575,train,17915,414568315_0.jpg An African American man getting his haircut by another man.,89580,train,17916,4145721513_0.jpg "One African-American male in a white and red T-shirt is using an electric shaver to shave another, seated, African-American male's head.",89585,train,17917,4145725151_0.jpg Three boys are together while one is taking a picture with his camera.,89590,train,17918,4145725901_0.jpg A boy in jeans and a gray t-shirt is gazing at the hand he has raised toward his breast bone.,89595,train,17919,4145726727_0.jpg A man in a raincoat puts his hand out while standing outside in front of a large advertisement on the side of a building.,89600,train,17920,414574330_0.jpg A group of people in costumes are holding their arms in the air in the manner of the finale of a musical number.,89605,train,17921,4145746372_0.jpg A boy cutting his friends hair while other boys look and one boy using his cellphone.,89610,train,17922,4145780777_0.jpg A festival involving Chinese or Japanese people in the street lighting a large torch.,89615,train,17923,4145970273_0.jpg A small girl sleeping on a couch with a pillow on her lap and under her head.,89620,train,17924,4145994422_0.jpg "A solider with her daughter coming down a buffet line, looking at his choices in food.",89625,train,17925,4146150983_0.jpg A boy is shaving a African American's hair in a home setting he has clothing over him so he doesn't get hair on himself.,89630,val,17926,4146483752_0.jpg "Two guys, and a young child, having a good time, maybe taking pictures.",89635,train,17927,4146485510_0.jpg A young man in a Run DMC shirt cuts the hair of another young man as a teen in a striped shirt watches.,89640,train,17928,4146513330_0.jpg A black man wearing a white t-shirt is using a hair cutting razor on another black man's head.,89645,val,17929,4146533978_0.jpg A boy in a white t-shirt is cutting the hair of another person.,89650,train,17930,4146537100_0.jpg "Four individuals are outside on a patio, one man has raised his shirt over his head and another is holding a cellular phone.",89655,train,17931,4146540950_0.jpg A young girl in pink clothing with a winter vest pushes a pink toy with blue wheels.,89660,train,17932,4146587257_0.jpg People are gathered around the table filled with food.,89665,test,17933,4146886427_0.jpg A man in black is cleaning the roof of a building with a jet of water.,89670,train,17934,4147681861_0.jpg A brown and black dog running through snow-covered ground.,89675,train,17935,414773731_0.jpg An older male is taking a nap with his head resting on some form of old rock wall,89680,train,17936,4147974557_0.jpg A outdoor hunting store is filled with potential customers as they browse through the displayed items.,89685,train,17937,4148059701_0.jpg An accordion player accompanies a man and woman who are dancing a tango on a city street as several passersby watch.,89690,train,17938,4148126293_0.jpg An elderly man with a long beard and hair and red dot on his head with white symbols.,89695,train,17939,4148509333_0.jpg "A person, dressed as ""Santa Claus"", is wearing a red coat and standing in a crowded room of people while a few people take pictures.",89700,test,17940,4148908583_0.jpg A man in a gray sweater and brown pants is lying down on a couch and reading a book.,89705,train,17941,4148921661_0.jpg A young girl playing is a sprinkler fountain jumps on a yellow concrete spot.,89710,train,17942,4149512692_0.jpg "A boy diving in to a hotel swimming pool, with a corner of a chair in the foreground.",89715,train,17943,4149727553_0.jpg "A female golfer in red pants, a black and white jacket and a white hat makes a putt during a sunny day on the green.",89720,train,17944,414985630_0.jpg "Group of people outside, holding a banner with blue text on it.",89725,test,17945,4150353377_0.jpg "A man wearing black clothes, standing and looking out over a snowy scene.",89730,train,17946,415118186_0.jpg Several people going up and down escalators with a mirror on one side inside of a shopping mall.,89735,train,17947,4151285133_0.jpg Woman in white knit hat with yellow messenger bag waits for train.,89740,train,17948,4151418242_0.jpg A black guitarist in a yellow tracksuit and black fedora sits on a public bench playing his guitar.,89745,train,17949,4151424348_0.jpg "A curly-haired redhead is wearing a blue checkered hat, a black long-sleeve shirt, and blue jeans while holding a red jacket as she speaks to her friends standing behind her.",89750,train,17950,4151523027_0.jpg Smiling toddler wearing a blue shirt smiles while sitting on a swing set.,89755,train,17951,4151663073_0.jpg A group of women wearing rolling skates and knee pads stand around in a huddle.,89760,train,17952,4151679198_0.jpg Six people box apples in a grassy fields with leaves turning colors in the background.,89765,train,17953,4152320485_0.jpg A crowd of people in front of an Asian building with red flags around it.,89770,train,17954,4152801351_0.jpg "Tourists and residents walk around Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China with the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall in the background.",89775,train,17955,4152801453_0.jpg Tourists visiting China have come to see it's amazing architecture.,89780,val,17956,4152802063_0.jpg A man and woman sit on a stoop while a man in a brown shirt holds his hand to his head and a person with a backpack stands with his back to the camera.,89785,train,17957,4152834507_0.jpg This bearded man looks back in happiness after seeing the graffiti on the wall on the streets of a busy city.,89790,train,17958,4152929859_0.jpg High above the ground two people cross a large yellow bridge on foot.,89795,train,17959,4152957260_0.jpg "In the cockpit, a pilot wearing a bright yellow vest presses buttons on the over-head control panel.",89800,train,17960,4152974865_0.jpg A man in a white shirt at a stand surrounded by beverages and lots of lemons.,89805,train,17961,415311132_0.jpg Two men in white hard hats are working on a large object inside a chain-linked fence.,89810,train,17962,4153140979_0.jpg A woman wearing plaid pants rides a motorcycle down the road with a pillow and plant secured to the backseat.,89815,test,17963,4153147942_0.jpg "Older man with long beard in a white t-shirt, standing outdoors, shows off skillet full of food.",89820,train,17964,41531588_0.jpg Two men in hard hats attempt to help as a third man works on a big white machine.,89825,train,17965,4153903524_0.jpg A dark-haired latino boy in jeans running past a wall covered with graffiti,89830,train,17966,4154120779_0.jpg An older man sits on a subway or bus reading a tabloid in front of an Uncle Sam poster as a hanging plant sits beside him on the floor.,89835,train,17967,4154171895_0.jpg "Four young men in a kitchen and dining area cleaning up, the one in foreground is wiping the table and wearing a black t-shirt.",89840,train,17968,415432946_0.jpg A man and a woman are standing in front of a store that sells phone cards.,89845,train,17969,4154882742_0.jpg A man in a green shirt is singing karaoke while a young woman with long brownish hair stands by and listens.,89850,train,17970,415603021_0.jpg "A fairly large woman opens one side of a double swinging door, while a large man goes out the other side of the same door.",89855,train,17971,415604639_0.jpg A man on a bike and two women are in front of a green building.,89860,train,17972,4156088769_0.jpg "Lumberjack in his security red jumpsuit, gets stylish with his orange hard hat as he cuts down the trees.",89865,train,17973,4156102515_0.jpg A little girl pushes a merry-go-round in a park while two other kids hold on. ee,89870,train,17974,415657941_0.jpg "A woman in a yellow shirt is doing a ballerina pose outside, you can see trees and the sky in the background.",89875,train,17975,4156791157_0.jpg An orange and white emergency van is on the street in front of a building with many windows.,89880,train,17976,4157063493_0.jpg Two tanned men wearing shorts are pulling a fishing net along a beach shore.,89885,train,17977,4157338292_0.jpg For people in black pants and white martial arts shirts with belts hold a pose with both arms raised while three casually dressed me look on from a door on the left.,89890,test,17978,415755815_0.jpg "An old man with a cane sitting on a park bench, appears to have fallen asleep.",89895,train,17979,415758755_0.jpg An adult wearing a harness climbs in a rocky area.,89900,train,17980,415793623_0.jpg A man using a contraption that breaths out fire while a woman holding the balloon as they attempt to fill it with hot air.,89905,train,17981,415832172_0.jpg A man in a yellow and orange outfit watching a group of men playing chess.,89910,train,17982,4158603367_0.jpg A man and woman perform a martial arts demonstration with practice katanas in front of an audience in an outside park like environment.,89915,test,17983,4158826243_0.jpg A barber is trimming the neckline of a man on the side of the street.,89920,train,17984,4159032091_0.jpg This is a male bartender standing behind the bar with his hand on the tap.,89925,train,17985,4159166211_0.jpg "A group of men consisting of a violinist, trumpet player, french horn player and singer are performing on stage while a mime looks on in the background.",89930,train,17986,4159174548_0.jpg A group of people are seen in a church singing under a yellow ceiling.,89935,train,17987,4159292929_0.jpg Couple in their wedding outfits get their picture taken while sitting on a tree with a river in the background.,89940,train,17988,4159790866_0.jpg Two women in orange shirts and hats walk in an organized event.,89945,train,17989,4160524549_0.jpg A man is holding a microphone in his right hand and has his left hand stretched out to the side.,89950,train,17990,4160672903_0.jpg Soccer players practice on a soccer field as people fill the stadium.,89955,train,17991,4160956997_0.jpg A fluffy white dog runs through the woods with his ears flapping in the breeze.,89960,train,17992,416106657_0.jpg A man in uniform directing traffic as people cross the street in a crosswalk.,89965,train,17993,4161099680_0.jpg A little boy is wearing headphones while watching a pair of hands on a TV screen with a microphone stand in front of the hands.,89970,train,17994,4161126086_0.jpg A man holding a yellow balloon sitting on a bench next to a woman with a little girl in front of her and a little boy in green rain boots walking in front of them.,89975,train,17995,4161413089_0.jpg There is a stadium full of people and they are watching a ballgame with two teams.,89980,train,17996,4161742484_0.jpg A police officer walking out of his parked vehicle and about the approach a yellow vehicle.,89985,test,17997,4161829222_0.jpg Two women dressed in blue are walking through a grassy hillside.,89990,train,17998,4162702_0.jpg "Photo is of a Scottish parade leader followed by his troupe, while they all march down the street.",89995,train,17999,416272701_0.jpg A group of people stop at a food booth outside.,90000,train,18000,4162939402_0.jpg A boy on a donkey faces another boy wearing a cap in front of an old stone wall.,90005,train,18001,4163406887_0.jpg A guy in a teal colored uniform is getting ready to mop a floor with cleaning supplies at hand.,90010,train,18002,416350089_0.jpg A beefy guy with short brown hair in a beard is laying in a bathtub with his hands clasped behind his head.,90015,train,18003,4163617605_0.jpg A little girl stands on a cobblestone street and watches bubbles.,90020,train,18004,4164879525_0.jpg A pizza worker helps a customer while other workers deal with food.,90025,train,18005,4165414625_0.jpg A barefoot young child in a white tee-shirt is climbing a skate park wall.,90030,train,18006,416551084_0.jpg A young girl looks up at an adult as she tries to swing on a public playground.,90035,train,18007,416568642_0.jpg A girl wears a red dress with a striped shirt as she point to a book held buy a woman in a blue sweatshirt.,90040,train,18008,4166059793_0.jpg Small girls sit in benches a circle in a clapboard room - a slightly older girl wearing a white turtleneck sits on the carpet in front of them.,90045,train,18009,4166066769_0.jpg Several children holding up a red butterfly on a stick during story time.,90050,train,18010,4166073903_0.jpg A woman in an apron standing in front of shelves of bread in a bakery.,90055,train,18011,4166168198_0.jpg Three people wearing life-vests are paddling along in a canoe on a small river in a marsh.,90060,train,18012,4166296106_0.jpg A person dressed as Batman poses for a picture.,90065,train,18013,416650559_0.jpg A little girl in pink is standing next to a little blond and is looking at cards.,90070,train,18014,4166823584_0.jpg Boys are sitting and standing near water and in the water with a big bamboo umbrella.,90075,train,18015,4167423873_0.jpg A mostly nude man standing on a stool while a family of 5 look at him questioningly.,90080,train,18016,416788726_0.jpg A little boy sits in a black swing on a playground outside a school.,90085,train,18017,416825249_0.jpg A young girl in blue in a swinging outside with her eyes closed and hands off the swing's chains.,90090,train,18018,416840980_0.jpg "Customers and the vendor at a street food truck are looking into a barn, where many people are seated at picnic tables.",90095,train,18019,4168953376_0.jpg A bunch of Caucasians are dining and their attention seems to be directed at something.,90100,train,18020,4168954238_0.jpg The front of the cafe must remain free of trash if customers are to be enticed to enter.,90105,train,18021,416902908_0.jpg "The senior citizen, wearing the tracksuit, is skateboarding through the park.",90110,train,18022,4169055676_0.jpg This is an outdoor vegetable market in possibly Southeast Asia where please are selling their fruits and vegetables.,90115,train,18023,4169121436_0.jpg One boy repairing a three-wheeled bicycle in a small parking lot while another boy looks on while leaning on the front end of one of the parked cars.,90120,val,18024,416933689_0.jpg "Two beautiful, little girls with dark hair and dark complexions are sitting down eating cupcakes.",90125,train,18025,4169592656_0.jpg A woman wearing a red work man's hat and red jacket is hiking in the snow topped mountains.,90130,train,18026,416960865_0.jpg "Two men near a building, one smoking and pulling off a leather glove, and the other man is standing wearing a blue construction helmet.",90135,train,18027,4169721618_0.jpg A girl wearing glasses is in a blue harness while rock climbing.,90140,test,18028,416992999_0.jpg A busy street near a building that says Legend beer with people riding on motorbikes and a large set of balloons in the middle of the it.,90145,train,18029,4169982872_0.jpg A man rests a silver-colored metal disk on a rock surface as he works on the back side of it.,90150,train,18030,417024751_0.jpg Two men wearing jackets are standing next to a table with four clear bottles on it.,90155,val,18031,4170746161_0.jpg A diver taking a photo of himself with one other diver posing in the background.,90160,train,18032,4170813283_0.jpg A toddler boy wearing overalls plays with flour with a bottle of Crisco at his feet in a kitchen.,90165,train,18033,4170936558_0.jpg Some children are climbing on a sculpture of a face and hand.,90170,train,18034,4171204436_0.jpg A woman in a red bubble jacket and black and white striped pants sitting on a bar next to a man who is smoking as people pass them by.,90175,train,18035,4171253174_0.jpg One man playing a trumpet and one man playing a saxophone are playing music in front of evergreen trees.,90180,train,18036,4172764408_0.jpg A little girl with pink pants and a pink jacket on in the middle of a pile of plastic bottles.,90185,train,18037,4173091321_0.jpg A white man using a bull horn is having a peaceful demonstration to make people aware of the energy it requires for manufacturers to produce plastic bottles for water.,90190,train,18038,4173843036_0.jpg People are crossing an intersection while cars pass by in the background.,90195,train,18039,4174068902_0.jpg "An elderly woman wearing a black coat and a green scarf, looks at her watch as a man is looking at her with his mouth open.",90200,train,18040,4174186497_0.jpg A woman in heels carrying a bag and a man with a black hat rolling a bag on a wet tarmac.,90205,train,18041,4174409888_0.jpg One guy wearing a white hoodie and red t-shirt holding his left foot practicing a skateboard move at night,90210,train,18042,4174532000_0.jpg A group of people are walking across a snowy pathway while all wearing hard hats.,90215,train,18043,4175080701_0.jpg Two silhouettes of joggers as they go under a dimly lit tunnel.,90220,train,18044,4175221212_0.jpg A man is standing in a room in which various pots and crafts are scattered behind him with another man while a group of people enter the room behind him.,90225,train,18045,4175738621_0.jpg A dog is running and jumping through the woods,90230,train,18046,417577408_0.jpg People dressed in black are waiting on the platform for the train.,90235,val,18047,4175969090_0.jpg "A proud father with his child and dog is sitting in a lounge chair outside, and looking at his son.",90240,train,18048,4176576400_0.jpg A man wearing a yellow and gray shirt is walking along a gravel drive wit a donkey carrying a large load of grass behind him.,90245,train,18049,4177309448_0.jpg "Two pudgy, middle-aged women stand in a parking lot next to an empty shopping cart.",90250,train,18050,4178087308_0.jpg A girl rappels off of a boulder during a winter climb while an older man belays her from above.,90255,train,18051,417839679_0.jpg A man in a blue shirt helps a small girl in a pink coat up a hill on a rope.,90260,train,18052,417839691_0.jpg A man with yellow shoes and a gray hat sits on an orange and blue teeter-totter with a woman.,90265,train,18053,4179301928_0.jpg A man is on a laptop indoors saying something while a boy is looking at his computer.,90270,train,18054,417931483_0.jpg Three young children wearing winter coats and hats ride on the front end of a bicycle built for four while a blond adult wearing a black coat rides on the backseat.,90275,train,18055,4179455963_0.jpg A woman is sitting on a couch and eating from a coffee table while a black and white dog sits next to her.,90280,train,18056,417951306_0.jpg "Two girls looking out of an airport window, one with her mouth open in amazement.",90285,train,18057,417952692_0.jpg A scene at night of a person on a street dressed as Santa Clause getting into his small white car.,90290,train,18058,4179668555_0.jpg Two little girls are hanging upside-down on a climbing frame.,90295,train,18059,417966898_0.jpg People ice-skate in the evening underneath the glow of lighted tree.,90300,train,18060,4179982279_0.jpg A man works on his car as he tries to keep warm with his hat and sweatshirt.,90305,test,18061,4180952377_0.jpg "Four middle-to-high-school-aged children sit around a table, eating a meal and talking.",90310,train,18062,418112325_0.jpg A young child sits in a highchair and draws colorful squiggles on a white piece of paper.,90315,train,18063,4181549116_0.jpg A man in a pink shirt and white pants checks out his cellphone on a completely deserted street corner.,90320,train,18064,4181633615_0.jpg A woman is sitting in the back of a van with seats reading a newspaper while preparing food.,90325,train,18065,4181778244_0.jpg A closeup of a man's hands applying black sticky glue to the top of a bottom of a shoe.,90330,train,18066,4181865001_0.jpg Young men and women shouting with serious looks on their faces.,90335,train,18067,4181979336_0.jpg "In an aisle at a warehouse style store, a man moves a long thin box with his foot on a cart while a woman with papers watches.",90340,train,18068,418207489_0.jpg A man in khaki pants and a light shirt and hat stands on scaffolding to apply stucco to a building.,90345,train,18069,4182499394_0.jpg A man being thrown wearing white by a man wearing blue in a martial arts competition while people watch.,90350,train,18070,4182580764_0.jpg Two workmen are standing on a roof while they repair a chimney.,90355,train,18071,4182684430_0.jpg A little boy in a blue jacket walking on a bench as his mother in a green jacket and a black bag holds his hand.,90360,train,18072,4182976314_0.jpg "A new baby still in the hospital, wrapped in blanket, sleeping.",90365,train,18073,418310966_0.jpg People are sitting in bleachers watching some activity below them.,90370,train,18074,4183120_0.jpg A black and tan dog is walking over a shoreline with many small sand hills.,90375,train,18075,418357172_0.jpg A young man trying to buy a car from his dealer after his old car was towed away by police.,90380,train,18076,4183609474_0.jpg A woman wearing a striped wrap is bent over in a cornfield while looking at the camera.,90385,train,18077,4183630653_0.jpg A young girl is cleaning a pair of boots on a rug inside a doorway.,90390,train,18078,4183662919_0.jpg Men are driving away from a dock in an orange boat with an outboard motor.,90395,train,18079,4183772367_0.jpg "Two men in military uniform, a man in a tuxedo, a man in a suit, and a woman in a black cocktail dress are holding sheets of paper and singing.",90400,train,18080,4183782159_0.jpg Three little girls helping dad pick out the Christmas tree.,90405,train,18081,4183914060_0.jpg Several cyclists race a course lines with yellow flags as an observer holds a camera.,90410,train,18082,418396886_0.jpg Two children are posing with jack-o-lanterns that are lit up from the inside.,90415,train,18083,4184328304_0.jpg "Asian children, both girls, relaxing outside by a wall.",90420,train,18084,4185242728_0.jpg "Several chairs lined against a wall, with children sitting in them.",90425,val,18085,4185308266_0.jpg There are lots of people sitting down and walking around on concrete.,90430,train,18086,4185776966_0.jpg "A person in a pink knitted hat and brightly colored shirt is playing the trumpet as part of a brass band, although only parts of two other instruments are visible.",90435,train,18087,418583100_0.jpg A dog enjoys a romp in the water with mountains and sand in the background.,90440,train,18088,418616992_0.jpg Little boy in jeans and a t-shirt jumping off of a mound of dirt.,90445,train,18089,418619800_0.jpg "Three asian children, 2 boys and a girl, is sitting and studying in a classroom that is painted light green.",90450,train,18090,4186516481_0.jpg A child in a blue shirt sitting in a makeshift booth of some sort with toys laid out in front of him.,90455,train,18091,418652422_0.jpg A surfboard is shown gliding through the water with a person standing on it.,90460,train,18092,418667611_0.jpg "A middle-aged male with brunette hair, sitting in a green chair, writing in a notebook, sitting by a phone booth.",90465,train,18093,41868213_0.jpg A group of people of mixed ages sit on a bus that features red headrests.,90470,train,18094,418685848_0.jpg Two kids standing in front of a painted up clown throwing a yellow ball.,90475,train,18095,4187701204_0.jpg A group of eight people pose for a picture while eating a meal together.,90480,train,18096,4187922589_0.jpg A puppy on a bed with blue sheets and pillow.,90485,train,18097,418796494_0.jpg A small child sleeping on the ground with a pacifier in their mouth and a stuffed animal next to them.,90490,train,18098,4188427645_0.jpg "Three women and one man, all with luggage stand around a white minivan on a very sunny day.",90495,train,18099,4188620410_0.jpg Three little girls are sitting at a red cover table filling out cards with pen and paper to be placed in the easter basket and red bowl on the table.,90500,train,18100,418913834_0.jpg "A man performing a skateboard trick, with streetlights and traffic lights behind him.",90505,train,18101,4189401450_0.jpg A woman holds a flag up while leaning on a barricade as soldiers stand nearby in front of a building.,90510,train,18102,4189561305_0.jpg "Two men, one in a green shirt, one in a white shirt, are building and stacking wooden crates.",90515,train,18103,4190354455_0.jpg A man holding a box with a orange shirt with blue and orange striped pants standing on multiple wooden boxes.,90520,train,18104,4190354833_0.jpg A group of 14 men are standing up stairs with a pair of men on each stair with identical shirts on except for one.,90525,train,18105,4190689959_0.jpg Two dark-haired girls with pigtails in the water wearing red bathing suits.,90530,train,18106,41911141_0.jpg Three dogs look on as two dogs attack a third dog in the streets.,90535,train,18107,419116771_0.jpg "A reporter in a pinstripe suit, asks questions of an important man in a brown suit on a basketball court, while a cameraman records the interaction.",90540,train,18108,419147172_0.jpg "Two people stand in front of a magazine rack, looking at the magazines.",90545,train,18109,4191885641_0.jpg Two brave young boys that have climbed to the top of a rope jungle gym with onlookers at the bottom on a sunny day.,90550,train,18110,4193302193_0.jpg Onlookers observe a man in a black t-shirt standing on the outside of a levee.,90555,train,18111,4193422737_0.jpg "A man in a white uniform is standing, looking over a ledge, with tall buildings and palm trees in front of him.",90560,train,18112,4193665581_0.jpg "A man is dressed as Santa Claus with A Santa suit, hat, beard and glasses.",90565,train,18113,4193782937_0.jpg A girl wearing a gray shirt and a headband smiles as she holds a brown pottery.,90570,train,18114,4194039933_0.jpg There is a tattooed man drinking from an orange container while sitting on a bike that is attached to a pole held up by cables next to a pine tree on a clear day.,90575,train,18115,419420971_0.jpg Overhead shot of a gray-haired man working on a piece of art.,90580,train,18116,4194358849_0.jpg "In the autumn, two men run in opposite directions down a path that leads over a bridge and through the woods, while two others walking a dog are stopped on the bridge.",90585,train,18117,4194543575_0.jpg A man covered with a red shirt and wearing sunglasses is relaxing on a porch with a newspaper.,90590,train,18118,4194622325_0.jpg A man bending over holding a tennis ball and playing with his dog.,90595,train,18119,419518695_0.jpg A professor is giving a lecture to students in a classroom.,90600,train,18120,4195280723_0.jpg "A woman wearing an apron inspects a large pot on a table filled with cups, bowls, pots and baskets of assorted size.",90605,train,18121,4195751574_0.jpg Man in a blue jacket looking at merchandise in a street vendors hands.,90610,train,18122,4195925662_0.jpg "A young child sleeps in an infant carrier and helmet, an adult with black pants and red shoes sitting nearby.",90615,train,18123,4195953639_0.jpg "Three people playing rock music, one of them is wearing a hat and a black pants with a black t-shirt and singing and playing the guitar.",90620,train,18124,4196151169_0.jpg A person holding a cellphone in order to take a picture of another person in the crowd.,90625,train,18125,4196155263_0.jpg A group of people sing and play instruments in a room with brick walls.,90630,val,18126,419638730_0.jpg A performer holds a microphone out to a member of a crowd.,90635,val,18127,4196898728_0.jpg A man with a tattoo on the left side of his left leg plays a drum set while sitting under yellow lights.,90640,train,18128,4196910318_0.jpg Three men stand together in a circle holding instruments while being covered in a red light.,90645,train,18129,4196910882_0.jpg A man stares into the window of a big yellow truck that is parked in the road.,90650,train,18130,4197228591_0.jpg "Two people stand in the woods to the right of a large, hollowed-out log while two other people examine a piece of paper behind them.",90655,train,18131,4198759209_0.jpg A group of people huddled around a map and dresses with backpacks and other outdoor gear.,90660,train,18132,4198759777_0.jpg A young girl in a dress printed with Yellow and pink flowers and holding a respirator is holding a picture of a menorah and Christmas tree.,90665,train,18133,4198839235_0.jpg A man with dark hair and a brown jacket frowns as he stands in the snow.,90670,train,18134,4198940125_0.jpg A child wearing a red winter hat is standing in the snow holding a snow shovel with a red handle.,90675,train,18135,4199552427_0.jpg A group of hikers in packs walk up a stone staircase in the forest.,90680,train,18136,4199553000_0.jpg "A man in a blue shirt with white stripes, sits on the side of the road with his thumb to his mouth by a wheelbarrow full of fruit and vegetables.",90685,train,18137,4199555_0.jpg "Two people gathered at a doorway; One appears to be a health professional from her smock top and the other a young girl, wearing eyeglasses, perhaps seven or eight years old, that has some type of apparatus in her front that may be aiding her health.",90690,train,18138,4199589368_0.jpg A man and two children of Asian descent sit outside by a giant basket.,90695,train,18139,419965392_0.jpg City workers in bright yellow and green safety suits haul a stack of traffic cones through the snow and past the tree trunk.,90700,train,18140,4199756372_0.jpg "The woman in fur, and the gentleman in his suit, mount the steps in the snow after shopping.",90705,train,18141,4199835945_0.jpg Several dogs swim in a pool and two black dogs are playing tug-of-war with a toy.,90710,train,18142,41999070_0.jpg "Two males on a cherry picker type of elevator, one wearing a khaki colored shirt and the other a yellow one, working on a cracked side of a building, with red flowers in the window next to them.",90715,train,18143,4200109001_0.jpg A person wearing a hat and a blue shirt carries their items on a bike in a marketplace.,90720,train,18144,4200402256_0.jpg An open air market with many baskets of vegetables and some women sitting between them.,90725,train,18145,4200405484_0.jpg One white man and one african american man sitting at a long table that has colored note cards spread out on it.,90730,test,18146,4200930361_0.jpg Young men and boys in a large metal dumpster stomping down the contents of what is in the box.,90735,train,18147,4201060050_0.jpg A man and woman stand next to a table covered in beer glasses and pitchers.,90740,train,18148,4201328764_0.jpg "In a bar, two women and a man are making bunny ear gestures at the camera behind another man's head.",90745,train,18149,4201333762_0.jpg Two people in baseball caps are sitting inside a large office space and looking at a computer screen.,90750,train,18150,4201682728_0.jpg "In a snowy residential environment, a man with a brown jacket and gray mustache and beard places a hand on a felled log while another man in a blue shirt is blurry on the right side of the photo.",90755,train,18151,4201783749_0.jpg A man in a black and blue jacket and a white helmet skiing down a hill swiftly.,90760,train,18152,4201813513_0.jpg An Asian woman is walking through a crowd with two cups of coffee in each hand.,90765,train,18153,4201834761_0.jpg A nice day with a balloon festival going on with multiple hot air balloons being blown up.,90770,train,18154,42018548_0.jpg A man in a brown shirt and glasses plays a guitar and sings into a microphone.,90775,test,18155,4202061400_0.jpg A man with a tattoo behind his ear and wearing glasses is smiling while playing a guitar.,90780,train,18156,4202073868_0.jpg A city street with transit buses and a crowd of people waiting to board the bus.,90785,train,18157,4202255358_0.jpg A semi-circle of adults and children sit with a Christmas tree in the background.,90790,train,18158,4202372092_0.jpg Two people kneeling down in the snow with a duck coming to them.,90795,train,18159,4202566661_0.jpg A woman with a microphone leaning towards a crowd while people raise their hands in the air.,90800,train,18160,4203065094_0.jpg Two boys one wearing a yellow shirt and the other wearing a white sleeveless shirt working at a workbench.,90805,train,18161,4203512618_0.jpg A small child in a cap is sitting on a large seat with hands through a steering wheel.,90810,train,18162,420355149_0.jpg A person in a coat is walking through snow by the light of a street lamp.,90815,train,18163,4204621843_0.jpg "A man in a white snowsuit, shoveling a large amount of snow.",90820,train,18164,4204912347_0.jpg A man in an orange jacket clears the street with a piece of Mercedes equipment.,90825,train,18165,4205559091_0.jpg A woman with a long brown coat stands under a black umbrella in a street full of people with a smirk on her face.,90830,train,18166,4205752656_0.jpg Two men are working in the dark and only have the headlights of their truck to see by.,90835,train,18167,4206319600_0.jpg A man with tattoos on his arms and baseball cap on holding on what seems to be pole of some kind.,90840,train,18168,4206720401_0.jpg "A man and woman in camouflage carrying presents that say Merry Christmas on them, in the background is a tree with some snow on the ground.",90845,train,18169,4208402957_0.jpg A man and a woman are standing next to a truck that has a very weak cloth covering it.,90850,train,18170,4208450163_0.jpg Romantic scene of a man kissing a woman with a guitar strapped on her back and water in the background.,90855,train,18171,420900246_0.jpg A balding man with blue jeans skates among a group of people ice-skating in an outside rink.,90860,train,18172,4209180917_0.jpg A girl wearing a black shirt and glasses is sitting in the back of a vehicle with her eyes closed.,90865,train,18173,42093858_0.jpg A man is out shoveling snow off of the stairs and sidewalk from the front of his home.,90870,train,18174,4209480025_0.jpg A man with a red shirt is laying on bikes in an urbanized asian community.,90875,train,18175,4210282647_0.jpg A dog is splashing water into the air as it runs through a wet field of grass.,90880,train,18176,421153376_0.jpg Two men with bags are walking along a dirt path toward a domed building.,90885,train,18177,4212403138_0.jpg Two people in bright orange coats are working on some piece of equipment that is dealing with a train.,90890,train,18178,4212865709_0.jpg A woman wearing a Dear Santa t-shirt is looking at a Star Wars book with a young boy in a bright pink shirt.,90895,train,18179,4213107150_0.jpg A child in an orange sweater is playing with a child in blue clothes on a white couch under a red painting.,90900,train,18180,421316045_0.jpg A dark-skinned man in a green shirt with a green scarf looking at an electronic device.,90905,train,18181,421322723_0.jpg An elderly woman wearing a blue hat is sitting on the sidewalk chopping something yellow on a board beside her.,90910,val,18182,4213476956_0.jpg A red train on the track is being worked on outside by three workers wearing orange.,90915,train,18183,4213647132_0.jpg A large crowd of people are congregated at the end of the street in a city.,90920,train,18184,4215128854_0.jpg An older man grills on a festive occasion where a gift sits in the background.,90925,train,18185,42153946_0.jpg A young man on an indoor stage stands before a microphone while holding a guitar.,90930,train,18186,42160866_0.jpg A mother sits on a blanket on the beach looking at the ocean while her little daughter plays in the sand.,90935,train,18187,421648862_0.jpg Four men on stage playing music with multiple instruments.,90940,train,18188,42165458_0.jpg A man wearing a hat sitting on the side of a hill looking towards the water.,90945,train,18189,4216661635_0.jpg A police officer stands between dragons in a Chinese New Year celebration.,90950,train,18190,421706022_0.jpg A man in a black hat standing in front of a brick wall and a sign,90955,train,18191,421730441_0.jpg A gray-haired man in a black trench coat stands with another gray-haired man with a long gray jacket talking.,90960,train,18192,421762501_0.jpg "A man with a blue and white jacket, cap, and backpack, taking photographs.",90965,train,18193,421762505_0.jpg "A man is standing on a tractor, which is sitting on water, talking to two men who are pointing.",90970,train,18194,421780367_0.jpg A dog looks curious at adventures lying ahead in the snow.,90975,train,18195,421808539_0.jpg A man and woman dressed in black coats walking a dog down the sidewalk carrying shopping bags.,90980,train,18196,4218554553_0.jpg "A young man with dark, curly, shoulder-length hair smiles at the camera while standing at a gas stove and stirring the contents of a frying pan.",90985,train,18197,4218698350_0.jpg A group of people are preparing something in the kitchen.,90990,train,18198,4218701454_0.jpg A man wearing a green shirt with suspenders sits on a bench beside a large bouquet of metallic helium balloons.,90995,train,18199,4218979195_0.jpg A brown and white dog is running across a brown field.,91000,train,18200,421932359_0.jpg A woman with pulled up blond-hair and sunglasses on is standing near a black and white tent.,91005,train,18201,4220038431_0.jpg A man is sitting in a brown chair with a woman sitting on his lap smiling for the camera.,91010,train,18202,4220683018_0.jpg A person wearing a blue jacket walking up a hill through snow with red skies.,91015,train,18203,4220705176_0.jpg A dark-skinned boy smiles as several other people stand and kneel around his sand-covered body.,91020,train,18204,4221546207_0.jpg "The little boy wearing a striped blue, white, and purple shirt is wearing a red and black mask in front of a very interested little girl in the back.",91025,train,18205,4222067827_0.jpg "Two women are holding umbrellas while walking down a sidewalk, One is holding a child.",91030,train,18206,4222240844_0.jpg "A man with a blue shirt and baseball cap sits and looks at a barbie doll that he has pulled from a bag, it has made him smile.",91035,train,18207,4222323987_0.jpg Little girl dressing up in a dark purple jacket and large sunglasses.,91040,train,18208,4222836730_0.jpg A line forms outside a mobile sharping truck with various items in hand.,91045,train,18209,4223855717_0.jpg Asian children participate in a relay race with number 14 handing off the baton.,91050,train,18210,4224501932_0.jpg A Chinese girl hand off the baton to the other young boy in this relay race for team blue.,91055,train,18211,4224555124_0.jpg Multiple butchers prepossessing meat and hanging it.,91060,train,18212,4224693415_0.jpg Two teenage helping their mother to carry their small brother after their mother received a phone call.,91065,train,18213,4225248313_0.jpg Two workers in reflective vests walk in front of a wall painted with the image of a mannequin in a reflective vest with rubber boots and a trowel.,91070,train,18214,42256309_0.jpg Many cars are parked on a street with tall buildings on each side and some people are walking by.,91075,train,18215,4225726986_0.jpg This is an image of a man in a white shirt next to a metal framed bed holding a small child who appears to have several marks on his back and arm.,91080,train,18216,422577096_0.jpg A man dressed in a white robe and black jacket with a scarf on his head stands in the doorway holding some sort of animal head in his hands.,91085,train,18217,4226136348_0.jpg A young man in a numbered yellow top hands the baton to another in a relay.,91090,train,18218,4226270513_0.jpg Three men in yellow vests digging a hole in the dirt.,91095,train,18219,422736619_0.jpg "Three construction workers working on digging on a hole, while the supervisor looks at them.",91100,train,18220,422737954_0.jpg A small dog with a blue color fetching a yellow ball,91105,train,18221,422756764_0.jpg A woman is mountain climbing with a light blue shirt on.,91110,train,18222,42276187_0.jpg "A boy in a blue jacket, carrying a red sled, running away, followed by a small dog",91115,train,18223,422763475_0.jpg "Man with a lit cigarette in mouth, yellow baseball cap turned backwards, and yellow shirt over an orange polo shirt, helping another man with carrying slabs of concrete.",91120,train,18224,422787743_0.jpg A girl infant is laying on a changing table with clothing and blankets piled next to her.,91125,train,18225,4229894355_0.jpg A group of people are sitting in a lecture hall.,91130,train,18226,423006709_0.jpg A man in a butchers uniform standing next to two large rolls of beef.,91135,train,18227,423066487_0.jpg "Caucasian female with a red wool hat, khaki pants, gray jacket and brown hiking boots, a heavy camping bag across her back with a water bottle inside pocket sleeve.",91140,train,18228,4230687841_0.jpg Young male hikers stop to take a rest at the rocky ledge of a mountain vista.,91145,train,18229,4230694069_0.jpg A boy in a red sweatshirt and New York Giants gloves is leaning on a large rock.,91150,train,18230,4230695941_0.jpg A young boy goes through large rocks in the mountains.,91155,train,18231,4230711609_0.jpg A man standing on a train reading a diagram on the door.,91160,train,18232,4230838706_0.jpg Here is a picture of Asian dancers performing a new dance in front of their class and teacher.,91165,train,18233,423140781_0.jpg A group of men is crossing a stream in the woods.,91170,train,18234,4231494400_0.jpg "A man in khaki pants and a hat, and a blue jacket, camps in the woods.",91175,train,18235,4231503388_0.jpg A man wearing a gray jacket is standing outside on a sidewalk and facing another man who has a large camera on a tripod while another man holds a white pad of paper.,91180,train,18236,423167388_0.jpg A little blond girl is sitting on the floor in a living room.,91185,train,18237,4231933109_0.jpg A little blond girl standing in front of a brown shelf wearing a white dress.,91190,train,18238,4231971701_0.jpg An older brown-haired woman is holding a young blond girl in pink pajamas as another brunette woman in a green shirt looks on.,91195,train,18239,4232695890_0.jpg "A man in a green shirt sits next to a small girl with blond-hair, who is reaching for what he has in his hands.",91200,train,18240,4232753024_0.jpg A woman with dark hair and a red dress sits next to a little girl with blond-hair and a white dress while reading a book.,91205,train,18241,4232778834_0.jpg Middle-aged women (maroon shirt) holding child (white shirt) and a young women (green shirt) in the not too far distance.,91210,train,18242,4232844448_0.jpg There are two people flying a red and blue parachute in a wide open space on a semi-cloudy day.,91215,train,18243,4233715648_0.jpg A woman with glasses with a large bag around her arm on a street surrounded by people.,91220,train,18244,423375604_0.jpg "A man is sitting down pointing and looking into the distance, there is beer bottles appearing in the background as well.",91225,train,18245,4234228276_0.jpg "One young girl in a white hat and a blue dress, and one young girl in a blue top with black pants and carrying a purse are standing next to each other, the girl in the blue hat is pointing as something and smiling.",91230,train,18246,4234446819_0.jpg Young child getting ready to bowl a ball toward a pin while playing bowling.,91235,train,18247,4234670797_0.jpg A few people walking with buildings and mountains in the background.,91240,train,18248,4234824441_0.jpg Two skydivers wearing blue and purple jumpsuits attempt to smile for the camera as they fall with the cloud and blue sky above them.,91245,train,18249,423485388_0.jpg "A man sits at a restaurant table reading a newspaper, with another man seated at the table next to him.",91250,test,18250,42348693_0.jpg "A basketball is up in the air above players on two teams, one team is wearing white and the other team is wearing navy blue.",91255,train,18251,4235671794_0.jpg A group of people stand on a sidewalk in the midst of a discussion.,91260,train,18252,42359099_0.jpg "A woman in white pants and floral top, a woman in dress with a brown jacket and another woman in a purple dress all hurry somewhere as the wind blows.",91265,train,18253,4236435111_0.jpg "An asian woman, stands at a checkout counter, holding money in her hand.",91270,train,18254,4236452679_0.jpg A girl wearing a pink outfit plays on a large lawn that stretches to a mansion in the distance.,91275,train,18255,4236904897_0.jpg "Woman in black coat, jeans and gray hat, with baby stroller, shopping for party decorations at a store.",91280,train,18256,4237212038_0.jpg "One man is on a bulldozer pouring in a liquid, while another man is standing with his hand on the bulldozer watching.",91285,train,18257,423782935_0.jpg A group of well dressed people look towards the front of a church.,91290,train,18258,4238141532_0.jpg A woman in a yellow shirt behind an outside counter is smiling and giving the peace sign.,91295,train,18259,4238762387_0.jpg A young boy in green shorts balances on a pipe above a river.,91300,train,18260,42397423_0.jpg "Four young children sit on the ground outside, some on a blanket, some in the dirt, two have their eyes closed and one is only partially visible on the left side of the picture.",91305,train,18261,4239856300_0.jpg Two men are sitting on a rock and the one with blue and strip tee is eating.,91310,train,18262,4239908991_0.jpg Three people posing for a picture at a messy table with the girl in the middle wearing a yellow shirt with a drawing of a woman on it.,91315,train,18263,4240135778_0.jpg A woman with her face partially covered in silver face paint sits on a plastic tote looking in a mirror.,91320,train,18264,424047148_0.jpg "A person wearing a bright green jacket, with a white helmet, red and blue backpack and goggles skis down a snowy mountainside.",91325,train,18265,4241497330_0.jpg There is a man dressed in black and a woman wearing a colorful floral dress holding hands and expressing happiness at a party.,91330,train,18266,4241997277_0.jpg Two members of opposite teams stand side by side in front of a soccer ball.,91335,train,18267,4242015151_0.jpg "Two teams, one wearing black and white, one wearing red and white, and a man in yellow and black, play football (soccer) in a stadium.",91340,train,18268,4242020679_0.jpg Three soccer players walking or standing on the field during the day.,91345,train,18269,4242032129_0.jpg A small group of soccer players are on a soccer field standing around while a player is looked at for injuries.,91350,train,18270,4242038325_0.jpg Two men appear at soccer match as one man holds a yellow flag.,91355,train,18271,4242041141_0.jpg A half dozen show-shoers gear up and chat at the car while mountains and pine trees dominate the background.,91360,train,18272,4242573381_0.jpg 2 girls dressed in winter clothes snuggling up to a snowman with a scarf.,91365,train,18273,424261682_0.jpg A man is standing with his hand on a machine that has several gears.,91370,train,18274,424268604_0.jpg A cowboy gets bucked off a bull while a rodeo clown runs into the arena to distract the bull.,91375,train,18275,4242755429_0.jpg Athletes on a soccer field stand around each other,91380,train,18276,4242784332_0.jpg "The man is standing next to a dog, while the dog jumps in the air.",91385,train,18277,424307754_0.jpg A cowboy in a black hat holds on to a black and white bull as it begins to buck him off of its back.,91390,train,18278,4243530880_0.jpg Five construction workers in orange vests and orange hard-hats standing outside in the rain.,91395,train,18279,4243568636_0.jpg "A man in a red shirt sits in a chair at a laundromat; the red hue of his shirt is repeated in the color of a tote bag suspended from the handle of a machine, a stripe painted on the wall, and the instructions posters on the wall.",91400,train,18280,4243599992_0.jpg A light brown and white dog walks on a thin railing.,91405,train,18281,424379231_0.jpg A woman with long hair is being photographed while a man plays pool in the background.,91410,train,18282,4244133155_0.jpg A brown dog is leaping into the air in front of a wooden structure in a pine forest.,91415,train,18283,424416723_0.jpg Eight people are shown in the picture in snow gear seeming to be skiing.,91420,train,18284,4244706779_0.jpg A small brown jumps in the air as a big brown dog watches.,91425,train,18285,424506167_0.jpg A young man and woman are dancing in a brick courtyard.,91430,train,18286,4246033943_0.jpg "A man operates a fruit stand, primarily consisting of bananas.",91435,train,18287,424617460_0.jpg "A woman in a red shirt stands alone in a terminal, with three pieces of luggage.",91440,train,18288,4247623205_0.jpg Three women celebrate St Patrick's day by dressing up in green and white on a busy street.,91445,train,18289,424779662_0.jpg A middle-aged man wearing a button up shirt reads a book about dogs to a toddler sitting in his lap.,91450,train,18290,424828463_0.jpg A young brown-haired girl in a long-sleeve white shirt and gray pants is playing with red wooden pegs at a park.,91455,train,18291,424830334_0.jpg Women wearing winter coats crossing the street next to parked cars and walking down street,91460,train,18292,4248543428_0.jpg A man stands in front of a stack of paperwork and you can see it the reflection form the window,91465,train,18293,4249149516_0.jpg A little brown-haired boy wearing a red shirt and blue jeans is carrying a green truck.,91470,train,18294,4249864955_0.jpg Two elementary school age boys playing with a dollhouse and toy firetruck along with two toddling girls in matching pink outfits.,91475,train,18295,425077383_0.jpg A toddler in a red sweatshirt and gray sweatpants in the branches of a tree,91480,train,18296,425088533_0.jpg Here is a picture of 2 teenager girls and one boy dancing in the dark.,91485,train,18297,4251585781_0.jpg An older man is sleeping on an old park bench near a street.,91490,train,18298,4253367177_0.jpg Several people are enjoying each other's company at a house party.,91495,train,18299,4253675317_0.jpg A man throws something into the water by a building.,91500,train,18300,4254079840_0.jpg "A person, wearing a red coat and dark pants, is hiking down a snow covered hill.",91505,train,18301,4254302719_0.jpg "A woman plays guitar capoed up two frets, in a room lit by a standing lamp.",91510,train,18302,4254687302_0.jpg A man is standing in the street next to a doorway while he holds his hands behind his back.,91515,train,18303,4254745555_0.jpg Three children dressed in winter clothes are walking through the woods while pushing cargo along.,91520,train,18304,4254811316_0.jpg A construction worker takes a moment to wipe his face while working in the hot sun outdoors.,91525,train,18305,4254863635_0.jpg Many people are walking on the brick walkway between the buildings.,91530,train,18306,4254952442_0.jpg A person wearing a white hooded sweatshirt covered with a blanket sitting on a bench reading,91535,train,18307,425518464_0.jpg "A construction worker in a hard hat, red shirt and yellow and orange vest operates a piece of machinery in front of palm trees.",91540,train,18308,4255627436_0.jpg A baby sitting in a highchair looking delighted.,91545,train,18309,4255821890_0.jpg Two women in shorts are running on the beach next to the water.,91550,test,18310,4256162530_0.jpg Two workers making dough in a room with a large fireplace and a crate full of dough.,91555,train,18311,425623983_0.jpg "A man wearing rubber gloves and boots inspects a large piece of cloth that's draped over a wet, stone structure.",91560,train,18312,4256380972_0.jpg "Four musicians, wearing Scottish garments, are playing instruments on the street - two accordion, one horn, and one clarinet.",91565,train,18313,425642314_0.jpg "A man is sitting on a blue machine of some kind, on the side of the road.",91570,train,18314,4256497108_0.jpg "Two men drink stand in front of a brightly lit restaurant, drinking soda",91575,train,18315,425706089_0.jpg A man wearing a blue apron in a room filled with equipment performs a blurred action with what seems to be a pitcher.,91580,train,18316,425725042_0.jpg People walk down a narrow street between tall buildings.,91585,train,18317,4257307377_0.jpg Three construction workers in orange vests speak to one another in front of railroad tracks.,91590,test,18318,4257593776_0.jpg A woman wearing a helmet is at a cookout with a makeshift horse around her waist.,91595,train,18319,4257619114_0.jpg A man in a suit with a wineglass in his hand is speaking to a group of people at a party.,91600,train,18320,425775901_0.jpg A man is reading a newspaper while standing on a ladder with his head through a hole in the ceiling while a Mexican puppet hangs nearby.,91605,train,18321,4258465084_0.jpg A man in a white robe is couching with a colorfully saddled camel standing behind him.,91610,train,18322,425895906_0.jpg "Two people wearing hats fish in a harbor, off the dock.",91615,train,18323,4259457716_0.jpg A silhouette stands at the top of a bowling lane as the ball is about to impact the pins while neon lights race overhead.,91620,train,18324,425977726_0.jpg Spectators sit by the sidewalk as a man riding a white horse comes by.,91625,train,18325,4259870068_0.jpg A group of people stare in the same direction and one woman sits on another woman's shoulders to take a picture.,91630,train,18326,425990453_0.jpg A young child is in a harness climbing a rock wall.,91635,train,18327,4259979213_0.jpg A person wearing clothes that would not typically be found in US baseball is about to hit an incoming ball.,91640,train,18328,4260087651_0.jpg Monkey walking on a telephone wire in front of a sign that says friends cycle.,91645,train,18329,4260156359_0.jpg A man cuts a block of ice with a chainsaw while standing in front of a red building.,91650,train,18330,4260403844_0.jpg A classroom full of individuals paying attention to the professor at the front of the room.,91655,train,18331,4260498576_0.jpg "Three men in dress shirts in a bar, with a woman lying on the bar and a female bartender in the background.",91660,train,18332,426065353_0.jpg A little girl is being shown how to use the rock wall by an instructor.,91665,train,18333,4260753296_0.jpg Man in heavy black coat smoking cigar standing near woman in brown jacket with a piece of paper in her hand,91670,train,18334,4260947199_0.jpg A dog is playing by itself on a beach that has recently seen snowfall.,91675,train,18335,426191845_0.jpg There are many people walking around and viewing things in the red room,91680,train,18336,4262149475_0.jpg "Dressed in a sharp suit, the head of the museum's security team, looks like an ordinary museum visitor as he guards its most expensive painting.",91685,train,18337,4262509387_0.jpg A man with sunglasses resting on his forehead holds out his hand to another passenger on a train.,91690,train,18338,4262692609_0.jpg A young woman with brown hair and an elderly man with gray hair and a sweater jump in the air on a snowy hill with snowshoes on their feet.,91695,train,18339,4262694145_0.jpg A skier with red on their skis and boots is in midair in a hurdling position while skiing.,91700,train,18340,426375654_0.jpg Two people sitting on a dock under a lamp post with clouds in the sky beyond them.,91705,train,18341,42637986_0.jpg A man and a dog are sitting on a park bench with several people walking down the path that runs along side it.,91710,train,18342,42637987_0.jpg A pre-school-aged girl and a toddler boy are playing with their shovels beside a large pile of snow.,91715,train,18343,4263999253_0.jpg Fisherman in a blue boat inspects the waters murky condition.,91720,train,18344,4264028492_0.jpg A man wearing a blue t-shirt and blue jeans standing in front of a lily covered pond next to a hillside.,91725,train,18345,42640383_0.jpg "A child approximately 7-10 years of age, dressed in winter clothes, pulls a younger child in a red sled along a snowy street.",91730,train,18346,4264591578_0.jpg "Many people, including a boy wearing a striped brown shirt and a man in capri pants and flip-flops, walk past a hotel with green brick walls.",91735,train,18347,4264701235_0.jpg Eight people are attempting to pull a tractor with a rope,91740,train,18348,42649475_0.jpg A man with a cowboy hat is riding a horse that is jumping.,91745,train,18349,4265242435_0.jpg "A woman in a red coat, hat and scarf sits on the sidewalk surrounded by bags of various items, some in bags and some in blue, red or black plastic tubs.",91750,train,18350,4265333893_0.jpg