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"Regarding the management of acute pulmonary embolism, which of the following statements is correct?","For antithrombotic therapy, heparin or Low Molecular Weight Heparin can be considered."
"Regarding acute myocarditis, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Pathology shows local lymphocyte, plasma cell and histiocyte infiltration, combined with varying degrees of myocardial destruction or dissolution, and almost all cardiac enzymes will be abnormally elevated."
"Regarding hypothermia therapy after cardiac resuscitation, based on the research results of empirical medicine, which of the following statements is wrong?","Before sending for cardiac catheterization, cooling is not allowed to avoid the risk of arrhythmia."
"Regarding the differential diagnosis of vertigo, which of the following statements is correct?",Vestibular neuritis usually lasts for several days.
Which of the following statements regarding the results of empirical medical research on central venous catheters is incorrect? ,Use of Betadine for disinfection during central venous catheter insertion is less likely to cause infections than Chlorhexidine.
"Regarding the causes of fever after surgery, the ""Five Ws"" can be considered. Which of the following statements about the ""Five Ws"" is wrong?",Water: Dehydration.
"Regarding febrile seizures, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Does not limit any form of convulsion.
"Regarding hospital disaster emergency response, based on the principles of emergency response management and the regulations of the Department of Health, which of the following statements is correct?","During an emergency disaster, in addition to caring for the injured and injured patients caused by the disaster, the hospital should continue to provide necessary medical care and appropriate referral and evacuation, which is called continuity of operation."
"Regarding the description of Sigmoid volvulus, please choose the one that is more correct?"," Typical ""Coffee Bean Sign"" can be seen on abdominal X-ray (Plain Abdomen)."
"Regarding the clinical symptoms, differential diagnosis and management of syncope, which of the following statements is correct?", Vagal syncope often has prodromal symptoms.
"Regarding meningococcemia, which of the following statements is correct?",The mortality rate of patients with sepsis but without meningitis can be as high as 70%.
"Regarding toxic shock syndrome caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, which of the following statements is correct?",Erythroderma rash is more common in Staphylococcus aureus toxic shock syndrome.
"Regarding acute myocardial infarction complicated by psychogenic shock, which of the following treatments is inappropriate?","If the golden treatment time (12 hours) is exceeded, the patient should be admitted to the intensive care unit for drug treatment instead of cardiac catheterization intervention."
Which of the following statements about measures taken to promote patient safety is incorrect?,Telephone medical orders for critical situations can be executed immediately after being repeated.
"In order to maintain the safety of medical staff and patients and prevent violence in hospital emergency rooms, the Department of Health issued a letter instructing hospital emergency rooms to implement relevant measures. Which of the following does not include?",Deploy 24-hour police personnel.
Three workers at a hot spring hotel were accidentally poisoned while inspecting the sulfur spring hot spring water storage tower. Which of the following statements is wrong?,Use Cyanide antidote kit as the antidote.
Which of the following are not factors that predict whether a wound will become infected?,Antibiotic use or not.
"A 10-year-old child was bitten on the calf by an unknown snake. Two bite marks were clearly visible, and the wound had blood blisters and redness and swelling. Hematuria was present on presentation to the emergency room. Laboratory tests showed thrombocytopenia, abnormal PT and aPTT. Which of the following statements is correct?","Based on clinical symptoms, a bite from a viper or chain snake must be considered."
"A 1-and-a-half-year-old boy was sent to the emergency room for treatment because of a cough that sounded like a barking dog (barking cough) and shortness of breath. The vital signs are as follows: heartbeat 140 beats/min, respiration 40 times/min, blood oxygen saturation 90%, body temperature 38°C, weight 12 kg. Regarding the severity of the sick child, which of the following statements is the most inappropriate?","To assess the severity of airway stenosis or obstruction, a frontal x-ray of the neck should be routinely obtained."
A 20-year-old male with a history of depression was sent to the emergency room due to an overdose. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding tricyclic antidepressant poisoning?," If wide QRS complex arrhythmia occurs, amiodarone is the first choice for drug treatment. "
"A 25-year-old woman was sent to the emergency room from a nightclub by her friend due to confusion and convulsion. Regarding methamphetamine poisoning, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Patients usually have hyperthermia and should be cooled, but the temperature has nothing to do with the prognosis."
"A 25-year-old woman was 28 weeks pregnant and sprained her right ankle because she fell down the stairs. The patient's vital signs were stable (slight abdominal pain and right waist contusion), and there was no water rupture or vaginal bleeding. Which is the most appropriate next step?",Notify the obstetrician and gynecologist to arrange fetal monitoring for at least 4 hours.
"A 25-year-old male took a bus from Taipei to the Tatajia Trailhead of Yushan Mountain, and then walked to Paiyun Villa (3,402 meters above sea level). That night he had headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, being unable to lie down, and coughing with bloody sputum. According to current Suggestion, which of the following treatments is less appropriate?",Treatment with furosemide is recommended.
"A 25-year-old man had a stab wound on the midline of the clavicle in the third intercostal space on the left side. The knife was still inserted into his body. His vital signs were blood pressure 120/70 mmHg, heartbeat 120 beats/min, and blood oxygen saturation 99%. A left chest tube (tube thoracotomy) has been placed and 2,000 ml of blood has been discharged. Which of the following treatments is the most appropriate?",Go to the operating room for emergency thoracotomy.
"A 26-year-old female patient went to the emergency room for treatment because of dyspnea. Three days ago, she felt that her breathing was laborious, and her condition was getting worse day by day. I feel that I have become weak recently, my hands are unable to comb my hair, and I have double vision when I see things. Neurological examination showed weakness in the proximal limbs compared with the distal limbs, abnormal eye motility, and normal sensation and reflexes in the limbs. What is the most likely diagnosis?",Myasthenia gravis.
"A 26-year-old worker was sent to the emergency room complaining of confusion and shortness of breath. Regarding heat injury, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Generally, cooling to 37°C is consistent with normal human body temperature standards."
"A 27-year-old foreign worker was sent to the emergency room complaining of agitation, restlessness, muscle twitching, low-grade fever, and confusion. The patient was bitten on his right hand and right thigh by a wild dog abroad one month ago. A healthcare worker with broken skin on his hands came into contact with the patient's saliva without wearing gloves. Which of the following statements is incorrect?","The medical staff also needs to receive a full course of vaccination, which is administered intramuscularly in the buttocks."
"A 28-year-old young woman was sent to the emergency department complaining of gradual weakness in her limbs in the past four days. The muscle weakness progressed from the end of the limb to the proximal end. The patient was conscious. Neurological examination showed that the cranial nerve function was normal. The muscle strength of the limbs decreased and she was unable to resist gravity. There were symptoms of gastroenteritis such as diarrhea and abdominal pain 2 weeks before the onset of limb weakness. Regarding Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), which of the following statements is incorrect?", The patient will have some complaints of paraesthesia and abnormal sensory neurological examination.
A 29-year-old healthy man with no history of any disease tested positive for type A influenza at another hospital 2 days ago and started taking influenza. Now he came to see a doctor because of high fever and dyspnea. Chest X-ray shows bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Which of the following treatments is incorrect?,"If the blood oxygen saturation is < 95%, oxygen must be given. A humid bottle should be used when giving oxygen, and bronchodilators should be given to make it easier to cough up phlegm."
"A 30-year-old woman with a history of anxiety disorder was brought to the emergency room because she was unconscious. The EMT found a bag of sleeping pills lorazepam at the scene. When he arrived at the hospital, his heart rate was 130 beats/min, systolic blood pressure 80 mmHg, respiration 8 times/min, and body temperature 36.5°C. Which of the following emergency procedures is wrong?",Any unconscious patient should be given the antidote flumazenil as soon as possible.
"A 30-year-old man came to the emergency department because he felt weak and unable to move when he got up in the morning. The patient stated that he had a similar attack 3 months ago. Over the past six months, the patient has had symptoms such as palpitations and weight loss. When he arrived at the hospital, his blood pressure was 120/70 mmHg, his heartbeat was 110 beats/min, his breathing was 20 times/min, and his body temperature was 37°C. Other physical examinations showed no abnormalities except for symmetrical weakness of his limbs. Which of the following statements is wrong?","Most of the affected muscle groups are distal muscles, and the lower limbs are more susceptible than the upper limbs. They are symmetrical and often accompanied by sensory abnormalities."
"A 32-year-old female was involved in a motorcycle accident and was sent to the emergency room after falling. Her right thigh was deformed. The patient has been placed with an endotracheal tube and uses a respirator to assist breathing. In the emergency room, his initial blood pressure was 80/60 mmHg and his heartbeat was 120 beats/min. After resuscitation with infusion, the blood pressure rose back to 120/80 mmHg. An hour later, the blood pressure dropped to 90/75 mmHg and the heartbeat was 130 beats/min. What is the priority treatment at this time?", Repeated primary survey.
"A 38-year-old man fought with others while drunk and was sent to the emergency room by EMT. It is found that the scalp laceration has stopped bleeding, the face and chin are deformed and swollen, the blood pressure is 86/56 mmHg, the heartbeat is 126 beats/min, and the breathing is 24 breaths/min. The patient is unconscious. Which of the following treatments should be implemented first?",Cricoid cartilage incision (cricothyroidotomy).
"A 3-year-old girl was brought to the emergency room by her mother complaining of fever for one day. After examining the skin and mouth, the patient was initially diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease. The girl's vital signs are stable and she does not need to be hospitalized immediately. During health education, mothers should be informed of any serious conditions that require prompt medical treatment. Which of the following does not include?", Persistent diarrhea.
"A 40-year-old female suffered from headache, nausea and fever 5 days ago. She became unconscious and delirium 3 days ago. She became drowsy yesterday and had convulsions today. She came to the hospital with a body temperature of 38.5°C when she was hospitalized. There were no abnormalities in the chest and abdomen. The neck was stiff and the cranial nerve examination showed no abnormalities. Abnormal, normal tendon reflexes, negative Babinski sign, WBC 9,000/mm 3, initial pressure of lumbar puncture 180 mmH 2O, cerebrospinal fluid examination results were white blood cells 193/mm 3 (multinucleated cells 12, lymphocytes 141, mononuclear cells 40 ), red blood cells 6,500/mm 3, protein 92 mg/dL, glucose 40 mg/dL, which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?",Tuberculous meningitis.
A 40-year-old man was injured by lightning on a golf course. Which of the following statements is correct? ," If patients survive lightning injuries, they are prone to neuropsychiatric complications, including schizophrenia."
"A 45-year-old patient with cirrhosis was hospitalized due to fever and abdominal distension. Physical examination revealed ascites, and abdominal tenderness and rebound pain. Regarding spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Lactic acid should be tested, and crystalloid 20 ml/kg should be given in case of severe sepsis. "
"A 45-year-old man woke up early in the morning and went to the emergency department for treatment because of his crooked eyes and mouth. After examination, he was diagnosed with right peripheral facial palsy. Careful examination revealed that the patient had right ear pain and vesicular rash on the right external ear. Which of the following statements is wrong?",Ramsay Hunt Syndrome recovery from facial nerve palsy is better than Bell's palsy.
"After a 16-hour flight, the 48-year-old female patient suddenly felt difficulty breathing, chest pain, and night sweats. She went straight to the emergency room from the airport. She was in a coma when she arrived at the emergency room. The patient suffered a left femur fracture half a month ago. When she was discharged, she had no history of high blood pressure or heart disease. After evaluation, the blood pressure was 80/44 mmHg, the heartbeat was 120 beats/min, the respiration was 22 breaths/min, the blood oxygen saturation was 88%, the electrocardiogram monitor showed sinus tachycardia, and the physical examination showed clear breath sounds. Which of the following statements about this patient is the least appropriate?",Fibrinolytic agent should not be used due to unstable hemodynamics.
"A 4-month-old baby boy was brought to the emergency room by his mother because of dyspnea. He complained of respiratory murmurs for the past three days, decreased appetite, and poor mental health. During the physical examination, the baby boy had shortness of breath and wheezing on both sides. Without oxygen supply, the blood oxygen saturation was 94%, and there was obvious intercostal retraction. Which of the following viruses is most likely to cause this disease?",Respiratory syncytial virus
"A 4-year-old girl was brought to the emergency room by her father complaining of poor appetite and fever for one day. When he arrived at the hospital, his breathing was 32 times/min, his heartbeat was 148 times/min, and his body temperature was 39°C. The girl was reluctant to speak, and even if she tried to speak, she couldn't understand what she was saying, but she was sure she didn't have a runny nose or cough. During physical examination, he looked very weak, but was unwilling to lie down. He had difficulty breathing and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. A stridor murmur could be heard in the neck when inhaling. Which of the following descriptions and treatments is the most inappropriate?","When X-ray or endoscopy confirms that the epiglottis is significantly swollen, antibiotics should be administered considering that the most common causative organism is Hemophilus influenzae type A."
"A 4-year-old boy had a high fever that did not go away for 5 days, and doctors suspected Kawasaki disease. Which of the following statements about this disease is incorrect?",NSAID and aspirin are the drugs of choice.
"A 50-year-old man had an argument with others after drinking 5 days ago. He went to the doctor because of pain and swelling in his neck. During the examination, it was found that the lower end of the cricoid cartilage was swollen, his voice was normal, his right pupil was constricted, and his eyelids were drooping. Which of the following statements is wrong?",Have a bronchoscopy.
"A 50-year-old man came to the emergency department. He took 40 amlodipine (Norvasc 5 mg/tab) 30 minutes ago. He was unconscious. His blood pressure was 60/30 mmHg, his heartbeat was 40 beats/min, his breathing was 20 times/min, and his body temperature was 37°C. Based on current research evidence, which of the following treatments is most effective?",Give 1.0 U/kg/hr insulin.
"A 50-year-old male patient went to the emergency department for chest discomfort. When he arrived at the hospital, his vital signs were blood pressure 102/60 mmHg, heartbeat 56 times/min, respiration 22 times/min, and blood oxygen saturation 95%. The electrocardiogram showed that Lead II, III and aVF all had obvious ST elevation. Which of the following statements is wrong?","If there is no obvious ST elevation of V4R in the right EKG, right ventricular myocardial infarction can be ruled out."
"A 50-year-old woman comes to the emergency department and is diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. You decide to use the ""SPIKE"" technique of telling bad news. Regarding the ""SPIKE"" technique of telling bad news, which of the following statements is wrong?","""I"" refers to assessing the patient's own understanding of the disease (insight)."
"The 50-year-old farmer lay down on the edge of the field after spraying pesticides. I was sent to the emergency room by EMT. When I arrived at the hospital, my body temperature was 38.5°C, my blood pressure was 100/70 mmHg, I was breathing 30 times/min, and my blood oxygen saturation was 88%. Regarding organophosphate intoxication, which of the following statements is correct?","Patients with convulsions can be treated with diazepam. At the same time, care must be taken to keep the patient's respiratory tract open."
"A 52-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a sudden onset of mild bruising on her calf in recent days. During the blood test, it was found that the platelet count was 52,000/µL, and the hemoglobin and white blood cells were normal. Physical examination revealed no other bleeding sites except the calf. Which of the following statements is wrong?","This woman has low platelets and is at risk of spontaneous internal bleeding, so she should be transfused with platelet concentrate."
"A 55-year-old male patient with long-term alcohol addiction was brought to the emergency department by his family. He complained of cough and fever for two weeks, weight loss and night sweats. Blood tests showed an increase in white blood cells and an increase in inflammation index. A chest X-ray showed 1 cyst in the left lower lung. There is a lesion about 5 cm in diameter with an air-fluid level. Which of the following statements is correct?",Aerobic bacteria are often associated with nosocomial lung abscesses and have a higher mortality rate.
"A 56-year-old woman came to the emergency room due to unconsciousness. During the injury examination, it was found that her body temperature was 39.4°C, her blood pressure was 130/80 mmHg, her heartbeat was 100 beats/min, her breathing was 16 times/min, and her blood oxygen saturation was 98%. Many small bleeding spots (petechiae) were found on the skin. The white blood cells in the blood were 10,000/mm 3 , hemoglobin 8.5 g/dL, platelets 10,000/mm 3 , PT and aPTT were normal. Schistocytes were found in the blood smear, and creatinine was 4.5 mg/dL. Which of the following statements is wrong?", The patient develops disseminated intravascular coagulation.
"The 5-year-old boy was hit by an RV while reversing. When he was sent to the emergency room, he was found to be unconscious, with cold skin, weak limbs and no tension. His blood pressure was 74/52 mmHg, his heartbeat was 142 beats/min, his breathing was 36 times/min, and his blood was oxygen saturated. The degree is 88%. Which of the following statements is wrong?", Children are less likely to suffer from traumatic asphyxia when their chest is injured because their bones are soft and elastic.
"A 60-year-old woman developed blurred vision and paralysis of her limbs after eating canned pickled oysters yesterday. Her blood pressure was 90/60mm Hg, her heartbeat was 110 beats/min, and her blood oxygen saturation was 85%. The following are related to botulism: Which statement is wrong?",Body temperature is usually higher than 38.5 ℃.
"A 63-year-old man with a past medical history of hypertension and diabetes was sent to the emergency department because of acute chest pain extending to his back. At the time of consultation, the blood pressure was 220/110 mmHg, the heartbeat was 102 beats/min, and the respiration was 22 beats/min. The chest X-ray showed mediastinum widening, and the electrocardiogram showed left ventricular hypertrophy. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the diagnosis and clinical management of this patient?","Aortic dissection usually causes pericardial tamponade, which has a high mortality rate."
A 67-year-old man came to the emergency department due to an accidental head injury on the left side. Physical examination revealed a left fronto-temporal scalp laceration and left orbital hematoma. The pupils on both sides were 2 mm in size. The light reflex was normal and the patient was conscious. He complained of blurred vision for 3 months. Visual field examination reveals left homonymous hemianopia. What is the most likely diagnosis?,Right occipital infarct stroke.
"A 68-year-old man was taken to the hospital for treatment because of general weakness, nausea, and vomiting in the past few days. The patient's medical history included heart disease and kidney disease. The long-term medications he took include foxglove, aspirin, and diuretics. After blood test, it was found that WBC 4,800/mm 3 (band: 0%, seg: 70%), BUN 53 mg/dL, Creatinine 4.2 mg/dL, K7.3 mEq/L, Digoxin level 1.75 ng/ µL, the following Which statement is correct?","Using digoxin-specific Fab antibody, if the digoxin level can be reduced to less than 0.5 ng/µL, it will be most beneficial to the patient."
"A 74-year-old female patient suddenly had difficulty speaking and swallowing. Physical examination showed dysphonia, tongue deviation to the right, drooping of the right face, loss of facial sensation on the right side, weakness in the right arm, and aphasia. What is the most likely cause of the above symptoms?", Left side of the brain.
"When staging symptoms of acetaminophen poisoning, which of the following is incorrect?","Second stage (24-48 hours). In this stage, symptoms usually worsen, causing right upper quadrant pain, but liver function and prothrombin time remain unchanged."
"A middle-aged diabetic male was sent to the emergency room due to unconsciousness. A finger-stick blood glucose test revealed that his blood sugar was too high to measure. Regarding the assessment and treatment of hyperglycemia emergencies, which of the following statements is wrong?","HHS starts insulin treatment at 0.1 units/kg/hr and measures blood sugar every hour. If blood sugar drops to 250 mg/dL, switch to saline infusion containing 5% sugar water to maintain blood sugar at 150~200 mg. /dL."
"When a 4-year-old boy was undergoing surgery to suture a forehead laceration in the emergency room, the boy was restless and unable to cooperate with the sutures. Which of the following statements is wrong?",Intramuscular injection of ketamine can produce combined sedative and analgesic effects.
"Ideally, decontamination procedures for contaminated patients should be performed outside the hospital. Which of the following statements is incorrect?",ersonnel between the warm zone and the cold zone can support each other in rescue work.
The earthquake victim was crushed by the collapse of the house. It took 8 hours for him to be freed and sent to the hospital. What is the most unlikely injury at this time?,Severe wound infection leading to sepsis.
"There was a fire scene with a large number of injuries. The on-site casualty examiner found a patient lying on the ground not breathing. After opening the airway, he was still unable to breathe on his own. According to the START (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) principle of injury detection, what is the most appropriate next step?",Give up first aid.
"Regarding pediatric trauma, which of the following statements is correct?",The normal urine output for infants under 1 year old should be greater than 2 ml/kg/hr.
"Regarding the clinical use of antidotes for poisoned patients, which of the following pairings is incorrect? "," Azide--amyl & sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate (amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, sodium thiosulfate). "
"Regarding traumatic aortic rupture, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Typical chest X-ray findings include the placement of the nasogastric tube to the left.
"Regarding the description and treatment of eclampsia in pregnant women, which of the following is incorrect?",Diuretics should be actively administered to control diastolic blood pressure < 105 mmg/Hg and urine output > 30 ml/hr to reduce edema.
Which of the following statements about acute abdominal pain in pregnant women is incorrect?,"The probability of gallstones increases during pregnancy, and it is the most common disease for pregnant women that requires emergency surgery."
"Regarding the ""Public places where automated external defibrillators should be installed"" announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 102 of the Republic of China, which of the following does not fall into the eight categories of public places specified in the regulations?",Schools above junior high school.
"Regarding acute appendicitis in children, which of the following statements is incorrect?",he probability of appendicitis rupture in children over 10 years old is higher than that in children under 3 years old.
"Regarding the diagnosis of roseola infantum, which of the following statements is incorrect?",he probability of heat cramps is high.
"Regarding the American Heart Association (AHA) first aid treatment for patients with acute ischemic stroke, which of the following statements is incorrect?","When administering r-tPA, aspirin should be administered as soon as possible."
"Regarding the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), which of the following statements is incorrect?",Covers the complete neurological examination in the evaluation of patients with acute stroke. (B) Can assess the clinical severity of stroke patients.
"Regarding the differential diagnosis of vertigo, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Age of first onset of Ménière disease, usually under 65 years of age."
"Regarding emergency response operations at out-of-hospital disaster sites, which of the following statements is incorrect?","In ​​order to provide disaster relief as quickly as possible, the commander should request the nearest emergency hospital to send medical personnel to form a rescue team to go to the rescue."
"Regarding septic shock, which of the following statements is incorrect?","If administration of a vasopressor is considered, dopamine should be used first."
"Regarding adrenal insufficiency, which of the following statements is incorrect?",HIV causes adrenal insufficiency by directly damaging the adrenal glands.
"Regarding tumor lysis syndrome, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Hypercalcemia is also common in tumor lysis syndrome.
"Regarding emergency thoracotomy, which of the following statements is correct?","Puncture injury, no pulse, EKG is PEA. (E) Puncture injury, pulse, and obvious shock."
"Regarding decompression sickness caused by diving, which of the following statements is correct?","For the adjuvant treatment of decompression sickness, heparin has not been effective in humans in empirical medical studies."
"Regarding diaphragm injuries, which of the following statements is incorrect?",The main clinical manifestation is hemorrhagic shock.
"Regarding status epilepticus, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Epilepticus status is defined as epileptic seizures that occur continuously or intermittently for more than 30 minutes without recovery of consciousness.
You are dealing with a 3-month-old baby boy who suffered prehospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). What is the most unhelpful medical history to help you determine whether the sick baby is in a high-risk group for sudden infant death syndrome? For which of the following?,The baby boy sleeps in a separate crib in the same room as his parents.
"You are dealing with a 5-day-old newborn. The mother says that the baby girl found blood stains when changing her diaper. Because similar phenomena have been found 3-4 times, the mother was very worried and took her to the emergency room for treatment. The baby girl is very energetic and her eating status is similar to that in the nursery. Physical examination revealed no abnormal findings. Which of the following diagnoses is most appropriate?",False menstruation and neonatal vaginal discharge.
"You are dealing with a 6-month-old febrile girl whose mother says she has Tetralogy of Fallot and has not yet undergone complete corrective surgery. On physical examination, you notice that the baby girl is suddenly restless, tachypneic, and cyanotic. Which of the following actions is the least appropriate?",Digoxin can be given (dose 30-50 micrograms per kilogram).
"According to the structure and content of the Taiwan Triage & Acuity Scale (TTAS) currently implemented in Taiwan, which of the following statements is wrong regarding the triage of children?",Pain is divided into peripheral pain and central pain.
"Common characteristics of child physical abuse, excluding which of the following?",Neonatal clavicle fracture.
"An explosion in a petrochemical plant caused the leakage of toxic chemicals, causing casualties. The toxic chemicals were found to be acrylonitrile. Which of the following is wrong?",Antidote cyanide antidote The detoxification mechanism of the set is converted to produce complexes to reduce the toxic effects of cyanide.
"In the response to a nuclear, biological or chemical incident, which of the following statements is wrong regarding the protective clothing of responders?",Medical staff who come into contact with chemical disaster patients in hospital emergency rooms must wear Class B protective clothing.
"According to the 2010 ILCOR and AHA/ACC ACLS Guidelines, which of the following statements is incorrect?"," Unstable atrial fibrillation incorporates WPW, and synchronized electric shocks are applied. "
"According to the new version of the peace and relaxation regulations, which of the following statements is correct?","A terminal cancer patient is intubated in the emergency department due to coma and respiratory failure. Although he has not signed a letter of intention to give up first aid, he can still withdraw the life-support equipment after his spouse arrives and signs a consent form. "
"The patient's oxygen concentration (FiO 2) is 40%, and his PaO 2 is 185 mmHg and PaCO₂ 40 mmHg. How many mmHg is the patient's alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (Aa DO 2) estimated to be?",50.
"Regarding the correlation between the patient's past medical history and the common pathogens causing pneumonia, which of the following statements is incorrect?","When healthy adults get influenza, the common causative bacteria of pneumonia are Legionella species."
Intussusception is a common abdominal pain emergency in children. Which of the following statements is incorrect?,Currant jelly stool is a typical early symptom.
"For a patient with suspected thoracic spine fracture and displacement, which of the following statements is incorrect?","If hypotension and tachycardia are present, neurogenic shock should be considered."
"The Ministry of Health and Welfare implemented the ""Emergency Emergency and Referral Quality Improvement Plan"" this year. Regarding referral, which of the following statements is incorrect?","When making a referral, the hospital should first contact the evacuation hospital. The evacuation base hospital may refuse to accept the referral due to full beds. "
"For a patient with head trauma, the coma index is 14 points, and the indications for head computed tomography examination are, which of the following statements is wrong?",Unconsciousness or epileptic seizure.
"Regarding testicular torsion, which of the following statements is wrong?",Testicular torsion often occurs after strenuous exercise.
"Regarding bystander CPR and public access defibrillation (PAD), which of the following statements is incorrect?","Regardless of whether the patient was in the hospital when VF collapsed, or whether the AED/defibrillator was present, CPR should be performed for 1.5 to 3 minutes before shock. This way the patient has a better chance of survival and better prognosis."
"Regarding the clinical diagnosis and treatment of H7N9 influenza, which of the following statements is incorrect?",The infectious period is within 7 days after onset of illness.
"Regarding head trauma, if hyperventilation is used to temporarily reduce cerebral pressure, what range should PaCO₂ be maintained at?",30~35 mmHg.
"Regarding pericardial tamponade, which of the following statements is incorrect?","For non-traumatic or non-mechanical pericardial tamponade, norepinephrine should be considered first in treatment."
"Regarding the clinical manifestations and management of varicella-zoster virus, which of the following statements is correct?","The chickenpox rash extends from the face and scalp to the trunk and limbs. There are more lesions in the covered areas of the body than in the exposed areas, and the rash changes in each stage can be seen at the same time. Smallpox rash is distributed centrifugally, and the rash evolves regularly and uniformly."
"Regarding the concept of traumatic hemorrhagic shock and infusion, which of the following is most appropriate?","When a large amount of transfusion is required, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets should be given as soon as possible, and large amounts of crystalloid (crystalloid) transfusion should be avoided."
"Regarding thyroid storm, which of the following statements is incorrect?"," From uncomplicated hyperthyroidism to thyroid storm, free T4, T4 and T3 will all increase significantly."
"Regarding trauma in the elderly, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Head trauma, the elderly have a higher chance of epidural hemorrhage than the general population."
"Regarding the management of gastrointestinal bleeding, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Sengstaken-Blakemore tube (SB tube) is no longer recommended for the treatment of esophageal variceal bleeding due to too many complications.
"Regarding chest trauma, rib and scapula fractures, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Fractures of ribs 1 to 3 are easily associated with injuries to large blood vessels or thoracic spinal cord, and the mortality rate is about 10%."
"Regarding alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Changes in consciousness are mainly drowsiness.
"Regarding the management of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, which of the following statements is incorrect?","In places where no drugs are available, carotid sinus massage for PSVT patients should be performed on the right side to avoid severe right hemiplegia in the event of a stroke."
Which of the following statements about hydrofluoric acid is incorrect?,"Hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid in comparison. It dissociates hydrogen ions approximately 1,000 times slower than strong acids such as hydrochloric acid, so it is less likely to cause chemical burns."
"Regarding ophthalmic emergencies, which of the following statements is correct?",The most common location of orbital blow-out fracture is the orbital floor.
"Regarding the diagnosis and management of dengue fever, which of the following statements is correct?","Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are both vector insects. The former likes to live indoors, while the latter mostly lives outdoors."
"Regarding abdominal aortic aneurysm, which of the following statements is incorrect?"," If the aorta is ruptured and hypotension occurs, a large amount of blood and fluids should be transfused actively to restore the blood pressure to normal, and the prognosis of the operation will be better."
Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding blunt abdominal trauma?,Diaphragm injuries are more common on the right side.
"Regarding pleural fluid examination for empyema, which laboratory data are most supportive, except which of the following?","The white blood cell count of the pleural fluid is greater than 10,000/mm 3 ."
"A 6-year-old girl weighing about 30 kilograms was drowsy and short of breath when her family brought her to the emergency room. The blood pressure is 80/40 mmHg, the heartbeat is 130 beats/min, and the blood sugar is 500 mg/dL. The emergency physician assesses that there is 10% dehydration. Regarding treatment and prognosis, which of the following statements is wrong?","Moderate saline infusion, bicarbonate and regular insulin supplementation can reduce the occurrence of cerebral edema."
"Regarding trauma to pregnant women, which of the following statements is incorrect?",It is generally appropriate for pregnant women to raise their left side when lying down.
"Regarding traumatic diaphragmatic rupture, which of the following statements is incorrect?","For minor diaphragmatic injuries, the diagnostic rate of computed tomography is high."
"Regarding scratches and bites from suspected rabid animals, which of the following statements is incorrect?"," For those who are not immunocompromised, administer rabies immune globulin when the exposure level is Category 2."
"Regarding shock, the human body uses a compensatory mechanism formed by an autonomic response to increase blood flow to important organs. Which of the following statements is wrong?","Reduce the release of vasoactive hormones, such as dopamine, epinephrine, etc. "
"Regarding aeromedical transportation, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Use helicopters to transport patients by air. Patients with impaired consciousness should consider placing a nasogastric tube to reduce the risk of aspiration pneumonia. If tracheal intubation is intubated, the cuff pressure before boarding should be kept at the highest limit. "
Which statement regarding the administration of bicarbonate (HCO₃-) to treat metabolic acidosis is incorrect?,The treatment goal is to maintain HCO₃- > 15 mEq/L in the body.
"Regarding genitourinary trauma, which of the following statements is incorrect?", The degree of hematuria is directly proportional to the severity of the injury.
"Regarding spontaneous tendon rupture, which of the following statements is incorrect?", All patients with Achilles tendon rupture require surgical treatment.
"Regarding the drug amiodarone, which of the following statements is incorrect?", Metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.
A patient with a history of overseas travel comes to the emergency department with fever. Which of the following statements is wrong?,"Among confirmed cases of important infectious diseases imported from overseas, malaria accounts for the highest proportion."
"Which of the following indicators is most suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of a pre-hospital ambulance system for patients with cardiac arrest (Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, OHCA)?",Rate of survival to hospital discharge from OHCA cases in which the bystander-witnessed heart rhythm was initially detected as ventricular fibrillation.
"According to the recommendations of the 2013 New England Journal of Medicine and the 2014 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Traveler Health Yellow Book, which of the following is incorrect regarding the treatment of high altitude illness?",Patients with uremia do not need to adjust the dosage when using Acetazolamide (Diamox).
"A mother and daughter, aged 44 and 15 years old respectively, both began to experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, drooping eyelids, muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing and breathing 2 days ago. Both were admitted to the intensive care unit for further treatment due to respiratory failure. I would like to ask, which of the following diagnoses is most consistent with the clinical manifestations of this mother and daughter?", Botulism.
"In a sudden gas explosion incident, the casualty examiner has completed the initial examination of injuries. You (you) are the first medical personnel to arrive at the scene to provide support and are assigned the task of conducting secondary examination of injuries. According to START (Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment), which of the following patient classifications is wrong?"," 34-year-old female, short of breath, black carbon particles attached to her mouth and nose, unconscious: yellow."
"Common causes of vaginal bleeding in the first trimester, excluding which of the following?", Placenta previa.
"When poisoning with the following substances, which antidote pairing is the most inappropriate?",Azide: Sodium thiosulfate.
Which of the following statements about the public CPR+AED textbook published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare is wrong?,The biggest difference between the teaching process of the three-level textbook and the professional version is that artificial respiration is not taught.
Which of the following statements about febrile neutropenia in cancer patients after chemotherapy is incorrect?,"The physical examination should include the patient's oral cavity and perianal area, and a digital anal examination should be performed before antibiotic administration."
Which of the following wounds is susceptible to tetanus-prone infection?,Second degree burns.
Which of the following is not an internationally recognized Class A biological warfare agent for bioterrorism?,Hanta virus.
Which of the following will not cause human-to-human transmission?, Inhalational Anthrax.
Which of the following statements about various types of necrotizing fasciitis is incorrect?,"Malignant otitis externa is a necrotizing infection that occurs in the external auditory canal, mastoid of the temporal bone, and skull base. The main pathogenic bacteria is Streptococcus pneumoniae."
Which of the following statements about pneumonia and pathogenic bacteria is incorrect?," MRSA, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Legionella are common pneumonia pathogens in nursing home residents."
Which of the following sick children with fever (body temperature ≧38°C) has the highest chance of suffering from severe bacterial infection?,"A 2-month-old boy with no other related symptoms and white blood cells of 20,000L."
"For acute myocardial infarction combined with psychogenic shock, which of the following treatments or drugs is inappropriate?",Captopril 25 mg orally.
"For the treatment of acute stroke, which of the following statements is inappropriate?","According to the current domestic treatment process, it is recommended to perform a computed tomography scan within 30 minutes of arriving at the emergency department and interpret the CT results within 45 minutes."
A pregnant woman with a history of asthma who is 26 weeks pregnant goes to the emergency room for dyspnea. Which of the following statements is wrong?,Systemic corticosteroids are not recommended for pregnant women with acute asthma attacks.
"Regarding the characteristics of organophosphorus pesticide preparations, which of the following statements is incorrect?",This type of organophosphorus pesticide has low fat solubility and has a garlic smell.
"Regarding ectopic pregnancy, which of the following statements is incorrect?",This type of organophosphorus pesticide has low fat solubility and has a garlic smell.
Which of the following statements about salicylate poisoning is incorrect?,"To accurately assess the severity, it is recommended to measure the blood concentration, compare the taking time, and use Done nomogram to judge."
"Regarding transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI), which of the following statements is incorrect?",TRALI Diuretics should be given aggressively because of pulmonary edema.
"Regarding blunt chest trauma in adults, which of the following statements is incorrect?","For patients with blunt cardiac injury, blood testing for Troponin I is more useful than electrocardiography for emergency clinical judgment and treatment."
"Regarding spinal cord injury in adults, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Anterior cord syndrome: Proprioception and vibration will be lost below the injured area.
Which statement about central nervous system infection is wrong?,"If bacterial meningitis is suspected, antibiotic treatment should be started after the lumbar puncture is completed and the cerebrospinal fluid specimen is collected."
"Regarding the comparison of typical symptoms of common causes of fatal chest pain and the evaluation of acute coronary artery disease, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Acute stroke or subarachnoid hemorrhage will not cause an increase in Troponin.
"Regarding compartment syndrome, which of the following statements is correct?"," Tibial fractures are a common site, but compartment syndrome can also occur in the hands."
"Regarding neck injury, which of the following statements is incorrect?","Physical examination revealed expanding hematoma and Stridor/Hoarseness, both of which are Hard signs of neck trauma."
"Regarding preventing the occurrence of decompression illness, which of the following statements is correct?", Add more water after diving.
"Regarding the description of Glyphosate pesticide poisoning, which of the following is incorrect?",The main mechanism of toxicity is related to the sugars and phosphorus contained in it.
"Regarding emergencies during pregnancy, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Pregnant women who develop eclampsia should immediately use benzodiazepine drugs to control seizure.
"Regarding rhabdomyolysis, which of the following statements is incorrect?",The diagnostic criteria for rhabdomyolysis are that the CK value in plasma is greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal value after determining that there is no damage to the heart or brain.
"Regarding patient selection in air medicine, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Air medical evacuation is not suitable for pregnant women with heart disease who suffer from premature birth or early water rupture.
"Regarding the description and management of pelvic fractures, which of the following is incorrect?"," For patients with hemodynamically unstable pelvic fractures, angiography should be arranged as soon as possible and embolization treatment should be performed. (C) The mechanisms of pelvic fracture include anterior posterior compression, lateral compression and vertical shear, of which lateral compression is the most common."
Which statement about infective endocarditis is wrong?,All patients with infective endocarditis must receive anticoagulant therapy.
"Regarding the description of lithium poisoning, which of the following is incorrect?","In acute lithium poisoning, patients mainly present with neurological symptoms first, followed by gastrointestinal symptoms."
"Regarding trauma in the elderly, which of the following statements is incorrect?","With head trauma, the elderly have a higher chance of epidural hemorrhage than the average person."
Which statement about epilepsy and epileptic complex states is wrong?, The anti-epileptic drug Phenytoin can be given in combination with a sugary drip or intramuscular injection.
"Regarding Herpes simplex encephalitis, which of the following statements is incorrect?",CT or MRI imaging often shows frontal lobe lesions.
"Regarding migraine treatment drugs, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Opioids are best used in patients with chronic and recurring migraines.
Which of the following statements about Tetanus is incorrect?, Penicillin injection is recommended after debridement to treat systemic tetanus infection.
"Regarding Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which of the following is incorrect?","If the patient is intubated and requires muscle relaxants, depolarizing muscle relaxants are preferred over non-depolarizing muscle relaxants."
Which of the following statements is wrong about what causes peripheral vertigo?,Migraine.
"According to the CURB-65 score, which of the following is not a risk factor for severe community pneumonia?",Body temperature ≥ 39 ℃.
"According to the American College of Emergency Physicians guidelines and The San Francisco Syncope Rule, which of the following 5 syncope patients with initially unknown causes is less likely to require hospitalization?",Blood creatinine 5 mg/dl.
"According to the 2012 North American Emergency Response Guidebook, which of the following statements regarding chemical disaster events is incorrect?",The so-called Initial Isolation Zone refers to the area where people upwind may be exposed to lethal concentrations of hazardous chemicals.
"According to the 2010 AHA guidelines for CPR and ECC, ST-segment elevation complies with STEMI standards, except which of the following?"," For men younger than 40 years old, J-point elevation exceeds 0.15 mV (1.5 mm) at leads V2 and V3. "
"Regarding the management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock, according to the latest 2012 International Guidelines for Management of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock (2012), which of the following statements is correct?"," For patients with no tissue hypoperfusion, severe hypoxia, acute bleeding, or myocardial hypoxic infarction after infusion therapy, the patient's hemoglobin is recommended to be maintained at 7 to 9 g/dL."
"In patients with pulmonary embolism, which of the following are the indications for injecting fibrinolytic agents?",Systolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg. (E) Chest pain and 12 leads EKG changes in S1Q3T3 pattern.
"A 10-year-old girl with blunt abdominal trauma was diagnosed with Grade III splenic laceration by computed tomography. Therefore, she was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for close observation. Her vital signs are currently stable. Which of the following situations warrants immediate laparotomy for exploration?",Follow-up computed tomography due to abdominal pain revealed intraperitoneal free air.
Which of the following statements about patients suspected of being infected with Ebola virus in China is wrong?,Patients are asked to go to the nearest epidemic prevention hospital for medical treatment.
"When the patient goes to the hospital for chest pain, his blood pressure is 155/95 mmHg, and his heartbeat is 65 beats/min. The electrocardiogram shows ST-segment elevation of lead V1-V3. The chest pain persists in the emergency department. At this time, the following treatments can be given. Which of the following is the most inappropriate?",Dobutamine 5 mcg/kg/min intravenously. (C)Morphine 3 mg intravenously. (D)NTG 0.6 mg administered sublingually.
The patient has a history of Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and complains of chest pain when he comes to the emergency room. Should the following treatments be considered first?,Propanolol 10 mg PO.
An 8-year-old boy accidentally swallowed a brand-new button battery 3 hours ago. He was accompanied by his mother to the emergency room. Which of the following actions is wrong?,"If the X-ray shows that the button battery is stuck in the esophagus, the foley balloon catheter technique should be tried first to remove the foreign body. "
"An 80-year-old male nursing home resident was sent to the emergency room accompanied by a caregiver. He complained of unbearable itching all over his body in the middle of the night. His ear temperature was 37.0°C. Physical examination revealed multiple erythematous rashes and nail scratches on his lower abdomen, bilateral groin and back. , which of the following diseases is the most likely cause?",Scabies.
"An 8-year-old boy was hit by a car on the way to school. He rolled over and fell to the ground. He was sent to the emergency room by ambulance. His body temperature was 36.7°C, his breathing was 30 times/min, his heartbeat was 130 times/min, and his blood pressure was 80/65 mmHg. The patient is confused and unable to express himself. Which of the following statements about pediatric trauma first aid is incorrect?","Because children's chest wall bones are more elastic, tension pneumothorax (tension pneumothorax) is less likely to occur when a chest contusion occurs. "
A 78-year-old patient presented to the emergency department with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which of the following statements about the contraindications to the use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is incorrect?,Respiratory rate > 25 breaths/min and use of accessory respiratory muscles.
"A 70-year-old male who has been smoking for a long time went to the emergency department with fever, cough and difficulty breathing. The patient also had body aches, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Vital signs were blood pressure 90/60 mmHg, respiration 30 times/min, heartbeat 130 times/min, body temperature 39°C, and blood oxygen saturation 90%. Chest X-ray showed bilateral pneumonia, and urine Legionella antigen test was positive. Which of the following statements about this disease is incorrect?",The first choice for treatment is third-generation Cephalosporin or Carbapenem antibiotics.
"A 65-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency department complaining of sudden dyspnea, wheezing, and chest tightness. Physical examination showed that the breath sounds were bilaterally symmetrical without rales; there was no edema in both lower limbs. Heartbeat 120 beats/min, room air SpO93%. Her past medical history was breast cancer, surgery and chemotherapy; she was discharged from the hospital 2 weeks ago due to surgery for right hip fracture. You suspect that this patient is most likely to have a pulmonary embolism. Which of the following statements is wrong?",This patient's AaDO2 (Alveolar-arterial gradient) may decrease. (B) This patient's Well's score is 7 points.
A 65-year-old female with a history of pancreatic cancer presented with swollen right foot for about 1 week. Which of the following statements is wrong?,Deep vein thrombosis cannot be diagnosed until thrombus is seen on ultrasound.
"A 65-year-old man fell and was cut by broken glass in the garden, and fell into a pile of branches and dirt. Which of the following statements is correct?",Wounds located on the thigh have a higher risk of wound infection than wounds located on the scalp.
"A 65-year-old male who smokes regularly and has a history of hypertension. A patient came to the emergency department complaining of hemilateral headache. The body temperature was 37°C, heart rate was 84 beats/min, breathing was 16 times/min, and blood pressure was 142/84 mmHg. Which of the following statements about the differential diagnosis of emergency headaches is correct?","If a patient has intensive attacks of unilateral headaches in a short period of time, combined with unilateral tearing and runny nose, cluster headache should be suspected. Such patients may have ptosis and miosis on the ipsilateral side. ) and other neurological symptoms."
"A 60-year-old man presented to the emergency department with dyspnea. His chest X-ray showed bilateral pleural hydrops. The laboratory analysis results of pleural effusion after diagnostic pleural puncture were as follows: pH 7.57, pleural fluid/serum lactate dehydrogenase ratio (LDH ratio) 0.4, pleural fluid/serum protein ratio (Protein ratio) 0.2, differential cell count WBC 133 cells/µL (65% of which are lymphocytes). Which of the following diagnoses is most appropriate?",Heart failure.
A 5-year-old child weighing 20 kg was sent to the emergency room by ambulance for treatment due to status epilepticus (Status Epilepticus) accompanied by his mother. He complained of convulsions for 30 minutes. Which of the following statements is wrong?,"If convulsions persist and the drip cannot be administered, Diazepam 2 mg should be administered anally."
A 50-year-old man went to the emergency department complaining of right upper quadrant pain after lunch. His past medical history included diabetes and hypertension. Which of the following statements is incorrect?,The sensitivity and specificity of emergency ultrasound in diagnosing acute cholecystitis are only about 70%.
A 50-year-old man went to the emergency department complaining of coughing up blood. Which of the following statements is incorrect?,Pulmonary embolism often causes massive coughing up of blood.
"A 48-year-old woman is being treated with Warfarin for deep venous thrombosis. She started to suffer from massive bilateral epistaxis 1 hour ago and could not stop the bleeding with direct compression. Her current blood pressure is 136/82 mmHg and her heartbeat is 110 beats/min. The blood test results revealed platelets. 170,000L, Hb 8 g/dL, Hct 23 %, INR 8, which of the following treatments is the least suitable?",Administer desmopressin acetate(ddAVP).
"A 47-year-old male patient was brought to the emergency department due to nausea and vomiting accompanied by shortness of breath after a drinking binge the day before yesterday. His vital signs were: body temperature 36.5°C, pulse 124 beats/min, respirations 26 breaths/min, blood pressure 103/61 mmHg, SpO100%, Test report: Arterial blood gas analysis: pH value 7.27, PCO25 mmHg, HCO₃- 11 mmol/L, blood glucose value 102 mg/dL, blood sodium concentration 142 mmol/L, blood potassium concentration 3.5 mmol/L, blood chloride concentration 106 mmol/L, serum ketones were positive. Which of the following statements is wrong?","In alcoholic ketoacidosis, in order to promote glucose utilization and reduce the production of keto acids from fat decomposition, insulin supplementation is required."
"A 40-year-old woman suffered from thyroid disease but did not follow up on her medication regularly. She was sent to the emergency department because of yellowish skin, lethargy, and difficulty breathing. After examination, it was found that the body temperature was 39.2°C, the blood pressure was 145/75 mmHg, and the pulse was irregular, about 145 beats/min. The electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate, and the chest X-ray revealed pulmonary edema on both sides. Based on the clinical manifestations, which of the following treatment statements is correct?", Glucocorticoids can inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 and improve the survival rate of patients with thyroid storm.
"A 3-year-old child who was in good health in the past complained on behalf of his family that he had diarrhea and intermittent abdominal pain two days ago. He received intravenous infusion treatment in the emergency department of a community hospital. The condition did not improve, and he even began to have bloody stools. The parents observed that the child was crying frequently. It was requested to be transferred to the evacuation hospital for emergency treatment. The blood tests were as follows: WBC: 12,000/uL, Hb: 9 g/dL, PLT: 19,000/uL, glucose 75 mg/dL, BUN 50 mg/dL, Creatinine 5.5 mg/dL, AST 60 U/L, Na 125 mEq/L, K 4.8 mEq/L, which of the following is correct?",It is more likely that toxins damage the epidermis of the large intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream.
"A 38-year-old woman with a history of hyperthyroidism was sent to the emergency department with fever and asthma. During the examination, her vital signs were: body temperature 39.5°C, pulse 143 beats/min, respirations 24 breaths/min, blood pressure 108/59 mmHg, and SpO98%. The physical examination revealed that the patient had orthopnea (orthopnea) accompanied by edema of both lower limbs (pedal edema), the breath sounds on both sides had crackles (rales), and the electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia. Which of the following statements is wrong?", The patient's thyroid function can be tested to determine whether it is thyrotoxicosis or thyroid storm.
"A 35-year-old male patient came to the emergency department because he had a small amount of bloody stool this morning. After questioning, he had no history of abdominal pain or syncope. Regarding lower gastrointestinal bleeding, which of the following statements is wrong?",Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding score is the only criterion for patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeding to be discharged from the outpatient clinic for follow-up treatment.
"A 32-year-old woman had anemia due to chronic menorrhagia and had received many packed RBC transfusions. Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction occurred during the last two transfusions. Her current Hb is 6.0 g/dL. After transfusion comparison (type and cross - match), which of the following methods can be used to reduce the possibility of recurrence of febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction?",Leukocyte-reduced red blood cell transfusion.
"A 32-year-old woman was accidentally injured by ignited gunpowder while watching the National Day fireworks 4 hours ago. About 50% of her body surface area was blistered or charred black. The patient weighs 50 kgw, has a blood pressure of 110/89 mmHg, a heartbeat of 120 beats/min, and has an indwelling urinary catheter that has produced 100 ml of urine. He has been given 1,000 ml of lactated Ringer's solution since the injury. I would like to ask if he should receive it according to the Parkland formula. For a 4-hour infusion, how many ml should be given per hour?","1,000 ml."
"A 32-year-old man went to the emergency department with complaints of pain in both eyes, photophobia, incessant tearing, and blurred vision. He is engaged in electric welding work. He developed this symptom after working for 8 hours without wearing goggles today. Which of the following medicines is most suitable for temporary pain relief?",Topical anesthetics.
A 30-year-old woman who is 12 weeks pregnant comes to see a doctor because of migraine combined with nausea and vomiting. Which of the following drugs can be considered the most appropriate?,Metoclopramide.
"A 30-year-old male arrived at the hospital from a car accident with contusion marks on his chest. He was conscious, his blood pressure was 145/75 mmHg, his heartbeat was 115 beats/min, and his breathing was 30 times/min. He had dull breath sounds on the right side, and his chest wall bulged when he exhaled. The chest wall indents during inspiration. Which of the following statements about this patient's first aid is incorrect?",Typical radiographic changes in pulmonary contusion often appear 6 hours after injury.
"A 30-year-old man suffered from general weakness for two days. Early this morning he found that the weakness in his limbs worsened and he had palpitations. He was sent to the emergency room by his family. The patient reported that he often had symptoms such as hand tremors and night sweats, and he also experienced weakness in his limbs in the past. During the examination, the body temperature was 36.2°C, pulse 65 beats/min, blood pressure 128/79 mmHg, and respiration 16 times/min. Except for symmetrical weakness of the limbs, there were no other abnormal findings. The blood test found that the potassium ion concentration in the blood was 1.6 mmol/L, TSH was low, and T3 and Free T4 were high. Which of the following statements is wrong?","The patient may have an attack after drinking alcohol or eating a large amount of sweets, and the symptoms are mainly symmetrical distal weakness of the limbs."
A 28-year-old male was involved in a car accident 1 hour ago and suffered blunt abdominal trauma. Which of the following statements is incorrect?,Perform peritoneal lavage (DPL) immediately upon arrival in the emergency department to rule out pancreatic damage.
"A 26-year-old female who was 32 weeks pregnant and weighed 65 kg was hit by a motorcycle while crossing a zebra crossing. When the ambulance came to the emergency department, she was conscious, breathing 24 times/min, pulse 112 times/min, blood pressure 118/76 mmHg, and body temperature 36.5 ℃. The injured patient complained of lower abdominal pain combined with a small amount of vaginal bleeding. Physical examination revealed lower abdominal tenderness but no rebound pain. Which of the following statements about this pregnant woman is wrong?","When the pH value of vaginal secretions is around 5, it represents amniotic membrane rupture."
"A 26-year-old man drank a lot of mineral water and drinks to replenish his fluids after sweating a lot during a marathon. After resting, I still felt dizzy and had a headache, so I continued to drink lots of water. Later, because the symptoms worsened, he was sent to the emergency room by a friend. During the injury examination, the body temperature was 36.5°C, the pulse was 61 beats/min, the blood pressure was 110/75 mmHg, the respirations were 19 times/min, and the state of consciousness was E3V4M5. A blood test revealed that the blood sodium concentration was 128 mmol/L and the plasma osmolality was 266 mOsm/L. Which of the following statements is wrong?","Correcting blood sodium too quickly may cause cerebral edema, which may lead to death in severe cases."
A 25-year-old woman came to the emergency department because her right eyelid was red and mucopurulent discharge occurred after wearing contact lenses. Her eyes did not hurt. Which of the following drugs is most suitable for treating this patient?,Ciprofloxacin eye drops.
"A 25-year-old male was riding a bicycle and was run over his abdomen by a truck. When he arrived at the hospital, he had fractures and deformations of his abdomen and pelvis, and a deformation of his right thigh. He was conscious, his blood pressure was 80/45 mmHg, his heartbeat was 145 beats/min, his breathing sounds were clear and symmetrical, and there was tire pressure on his upper abdomen. Hen, regarding this patient's first aid, which of the following statements is correct?","When FAST ultrasound is negative, pelvic immobilization and urgent angiography should be considered."
"A 25-year-old man was randomly stabbed with a knife while riding the MRT. The wound was located in the fourth intercostal space on the left chest. The victim's cardiopulmonary function stopped 1 minute before arriving at the hospital, and the EMT immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. After arriving at the hospital, the medical staff took over the first aid. At this time, the carotid artery pulse was still not felt, but a fast and narrow QRS wave pattern appeared on the EKG monitor. After emergency cardiopulmonary resuscitation and endotracheal tube intubation, it was found that the breath sounds on both sides were equal and undiminished. What is the most appropriate next step?",Perform emergency thoracotomy (ED thoracotomy) immediately in the emergency department.
A 1-year-old child had mucus-like bloody stool and continued to have paroxysmal abdominal pain and crying. The emergency department urgently arranged abdominal X-ray and abdominal ultrasound examination. It was found that there was intestinal obstruction. You judged that the possibility of intussusception is very high. Explain the necessity of air reduction. The family members ask if there are any contraindications to this technique. Which of the following is wrong?,"It should not be performed when there is bloody stool, as the pressure may cause intestinal perforation."
"One-and-a-half-year-old and three-year-old brothers, their father was driving the motorcycle, and their mother hugged and fixed the children from the back seat. They were not wearing helmets. They accidentally fell down when turning. The two children had full GCS scores, but the younger brother's appearance showed left temporal side ( There was a hematoma on the left temporal), and my brother had a hematoma on the occipital. He was sent to the emergency department by ambulance. He did not vomit at the time and could be comforted. After careful questioning about the accident process, it was not a high-risk injury due to the slow speed of the car. According to Pediatric The Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) recommends brain computed tomography. Which of the following is correct?","The younger brother is under 2 years old. If the parents are worried, they can arrange a brain computed tomography examination. "
"A 10-year-old boy, weighing 20 kilograms, was conscious but breathing slightly. Family members said that the child often wanted to drink water recently and had intermittent abdominal pain and vomiting. The blood test showed acidemia (pH=7.10), ketone body 2+, and blood sugar 911 mg/dL. It was judged to be diabetic ketoacidosis. Which of the following treatments is wrong?",Immediately administer 4 U of insulin per hour.
"An 18-year-old woman underwent a caesarean section 6 days ago and went to the emergency room complaining of abdominal pain and foul-smelling vaginal discharge with blood. The physical examination showed obvious lower abdominal tenderness, the surgical wound was clean and intact, and the breasts on both sides were slightly swollen and tender but without fever. Vital signs: blood pressure 155/79 mmHg, heartbeat 110 beats/min, respiration 20 times/min, body temperature 39°C, below What diagnosis best explains the cause of this fever?",Endometritis.
"A 20-year-old, 50-kg female patient was brought to the emergency room from the gas explosion site for medical treatment. When she arrived at the hospital, she had GCS E4M6V5, body temperature: 36oC, heartbeat 120 beats/min, respiratory rate 20 times/min, and blood pressure 150/88mmHg. About 40% of TBSA were 2nd to 3rd degree burns on the face, chest, back and upper limbs. Which of the following treatments is more appropriate?"," If the patient is in pain, analgesic injections can be given. "
"A 23-year-old male went diving in Green Island. He suddenly felt weak in his right foot 20 minutes after landing. After preliminary evaluation, the patient was conscious. His blood pressure was 130/80 mmHg, his heartbeat was 100 beats/min, his breathing was 18 times/min, and his right foot strength was 3 points. Other limb strength is normal. If you want to transfer the patient to a hospital in western Taiwan at this time, which of the following methods is best?",Take a helicopter and fly low (less than 300 meters) around the southern tip of Taiwan to the west.
"A 26-year-old woman was 25 weeks pregnant. She was involved in a car accident while driving on a national highway. The ambulance crew found that the airbag was deployed at the scene. When she was transferred to the hospital, she was conscious but complained of lower abdominal pain. When she arrived at the emergency room, her vital signs were: heartbeat 88 beats/min, blood pressure 105 /70 mmHg, which of the following statements is wrong?"," If this pregnant woman has right-sided hemothorax after examination, the position of the chest tube will be the same as that of ordinary adults."
"A 28-year-old female was found passed out at home by her family members and sent to the emergency department. Her symptoms included pupil dilation, eye clonus, increased neuromuscular reflexes, and myoclonus. Her blood pressure was 190/108 mmHg, her heartbeat was 126 beats/min, and her breathing was 32 breaths/min. , body temperature is 39.5℃. Which of the following is the patient’s diagnosis least likely to be?",rganophosphorus pesticide poisoning.
"A 28-year-old pregnant woman, 35 weeks pregnant, was driving to a prenatal check-up when she was unable to react quickly enough to hit the car in front of her due to the car in front of her. She was conscious when she arrived at the hospital, her blood pressure was 130/80mmHg, her heartbeat was 100 beats/min, and her breathing was 20 times/min. Physician The examination revealed an obvious seat belt mark under the navel. Regarding the evaluation and treatment of this patient, which of the following statements is incorrect?",Ultrasonography is better than fetal monitoring in detecting placental detachment.
"A 29-year-old woman was 20 weeks pregnant. She came to the emergency department complaining of right lower abdominal pain for 2 days. Before coming to the doctor, she had poor appetite, vomited several times, and had no diarrhea. Vital signs: body temperature 37°C, heartbeat 108 beats/min, respiration 20 times/min, and blood pressure 112/76mmHg. Physical examination revealed significant tenderness and rebound tenderness in the right lower abdomen. Laboratory examination revealed WBC 7,800/μL, Neutrophil 78%, Hb 13 g/dL, and PLT 242,000/μL. Sugar 102 mg/dL, Creatinine 0.8 mg/dL, AST 38 U/L. Which of the following statements is correct?",This patient can choose abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to help with diagnosis.
"A 2-year-old girl had a fever for 5 days. She had drooling, ulcers on her tongue, gums, and lips, bad breath, swollen lymph nodes in her neck, and red and swollen right thumb with blisters. The examination of other parts of her body was normal. She still had a fever after the clinic gave her oral amoxicillin. What is the most likely pathogen?",Herpes simplex virus.
"After being bitten by a stray cat, a 30-year-old woman was accompanied by her family to the emergency department for treatment. The patient stated that he had never received tetanus vaccination or rabies vaccination since graduating from elementary school. Wound inspection revealed a 3 cm laceration on the right forearm. Regarding the treatment of cat bites, which of the following is correct?","Because of the possibility of rabies infection, at least 3 doses of rabies vaccine should be administered."
"A 35-year-old male patient was HIV-positive and had not taken medication as prescribed by his doctor in the past three months. He came to the emergency department to register and complained that he had fever and increasingly shortness of breath in the past two weeks. When he arrived at the emergency department, his vital signs: heartbeat 110 beats/min, blood pressure 135/75 mmHg, breathing 22 times/min, blood oxygen concentration 92% (room air), and now the body temperature is normal; the blood test report is as follows: WBC 2,000/uL; chest X-ray found diffuse interstitial infiltrates on both sides ), which of the following drugs is not suitable for the treatment of the current condition?",Pyrimethamine.
"A 37-year-old male went to the outpatient clinic to treat Schizophrenia. He took Seroquel 100 mg and Lexotan (bromazepam) 3 mg (one pill each before going to bed). After a few days, he lost consciousness and became stiff and was sent to the hospital. The measured vital signs are as follows: GCS E4M4V1, blood pressure 85/51 mmHg, heartbeat 168 beats/min, body temperature 40.2°C, respiration 22 breaths/min, SpO₂ 94%. Pupils on both sides are 3.5mm. Other physical examination findings include DTR: hyporeflexia, Babinski sign (-), Rigidity: (+), similar limbs, and night sweats. The computed tomography showed no obvious abnormalities, and the electrocardiogram showed sinus pulse rate. Blood test reference: CK 319 U/L, Cr 1.3 mg/dL, Na 122 mEq/L, AST 94 U/L, ALT 126 U/L. In a case of suspected poisoning, which of the following diagnoses is correct?",Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
"A 38-year-old female patient was sent to the emergency room by her family due to impaired consciousness. The patient presents with lethargy. Blood sugar is normal and there is no history of medication. According to family members, the patient was unable to breastfeed when she gave birth to her second child 6 years ago. Physical examination revealed that his face was pale, his blood pressure was 90/60 mmHg, his heartbeat was 64 beats/min, and his respiration was 14 beats/min. Decreased body hair. Laboratory tests revealed Hb 8.8 g/dL and Na 124 mEq/L. Which of the following actions is the most appropriate?", This patient may have Sheehan's syndrome and needs to be examined and treated for pituitary hypoactivity.
"A 39-year-old man with a long history of epilepsy was found to have an epileptic seizure at home today by his family. When the patient was taken to the emergency room, he was fully conscious. Which of the following statements about the treatment of this patient is wrong?","If the concentration of anti-epileptic drugs in the patient's serum is appropriate, a supplemental dose should be considered to avoid recurrence of epilepsy."
A 40-year-old woman hanged herself after taking drugs. She showed no signs of life when she was sent to the emergency room. Which of the following statements is wrong?,"If the height of hanging is greater than or equal to the height of the patient, the cause of death should be excessive compression pressure, which causes compression of the internal blood vessels in the neck and leads to brain death."
"A 50-year-old man went to the emergency department because of pain in his left knee joint. When the knee joint was aspirated, it was found to be yellow and turbid and the laboratory analysis showed: WBC 15,000/μL, PMN 70%. Which of the following statements is correct for this patient?",This patient may have an acute gout attack. About 30% of patients have blood uric acid levels within the normal range.
"A 58-year-old man fell from a height of 3 stories. In the emergency department, his blood pressure was 80/40mmHg, heartbeat 120 beats/min, respiration 20 breaths/min, O2 saturation concentration: 88%, GCS E1M4V1, and brain computed tomography showed right intracranial hemorrhage with midline Shift (right intraparenchymal hemorrhage with right to left midline shift), which of the following treatments is inappropriate?", Use mannitol to reduce intracranial pressure.
"A 6-year-old child came to the emergency department because of abdominal pain and diarrhea without fever for a week. Laboratory tests: WBC 3,000/μL (4,000~10,000), Hb 6.0 g/dL (12~16), PLT 100K/μL (150K~ 400K), BUN 235mg/dL, Cr 20.0mg/dL, the diagnosis was infectious diarrhea. Which statement about this disease is wrong?",This disease requires prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
"A 70-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital for acute myocardial infarction and received thrombolytic treatment. On the fifth day of hospitalization, he developed fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and deep vein thrombosis in his lower limbs. The blood pressure is 170/90 mmHg, the heartbeat is 120 beats/min, the respiration is 26 times/min, and the body temperature is 38.0°C. Regarding the possible symptoms and signs of this patient, which of the following statements is incorrect?",This disease occurs more commonly in patients taking low-molecular-weight heparin.
"A 70-year-old man with dementia had a history of cardiac arrhythmia and QTc prolongation on the electrocardiogram. He was brought to the emergency room due to sudden agitation at home. After clinical evaluation, the patient required sedative drugs. Which of the following drugs is the correct choice?",Loraxepam (Ativan) 1 to 2 mg IM/IV.
"A 70-year-old male with no history of smoking in the past went to the emergency department because his cough had not improved for a month and he had exer- tional dyspnea after exercise. A chest X-ray showed a moderate amount of pleural effusion on the right side. After fine needle aspiration, it was found that the total protein of the pleural effusion was 4.8 g/dL, the LDH was 228 U/L, and the total protein in the patient's blood was 5.8 g/dL (normal range is 6.4 to 8.4 g/dL). , LDH is 273 U/L (normal range is 131-250 U/L). Regarding the differential diagnosis of possible diseases, which of the following differential diagnoses is the least likely?",Heart failure.
"A 77-year-old man was treated in the outpatient clinic for Parkinson's disease. He was taking Madopar (levodopa) 250mg 1# tid and Enzil (amantadine) 100mg ½ # bid. Past medical history: Hemodialysis for uremia and bypass surgery on the heart. The patient was sent to the hospital because of unconsciousness, fever, and general stiffness. The measured vital signs are as follows: GCS E4M6V5 (but cannot tell the correct location), blood pressure 162/76 mmHg, heartbeat 84 beats/min, body temperature 39.2°C, respiration 16 times/min, SpO₂ 96%. The pupil size is 3.0mm on both left and right sides. Babinski sign (-), Rigidity: (+) All limbs are similar. There were no obvious signs of infection, no obvious abnormalities in computed tomography, and no obvious abnormalities in electrocardiogram. Blood test reference: CK 319U/L; Cr 1.3mg/dL; Na 142mEq/L; AST 20U/L; WBC 9,450 µ/L. In a case of suspected poisoning, which of the following diagnoses is correct?",Serotonin syndrome.
A 9-month-old girl (weight 10 kg) continued to have paroxysmal abdominal pain and crying at home. She was sent to the emergency department because of bloody stools. Abdominal X-ray and abdominal ultrasound were urgently arranged. Intestinal obstruction was suspected. You judged it to be an intestinal cuff. The possibility of overlapping is extremely high. Which of the following is wrong?,Bloody stool is a late symptom of intussusception and a contraindication for air reduction.
"The EMT rescued a patient with severe burns from the fire scene and sent him to the nearest emergency hospital. After the emergency treatment, because the hospital did not have a burn intensive care unit, the emergency doctor planned to transfer the patient out, but could not find one in a nearby hospital. The burn intensive care unit was available, but the family insisted on transferring to the emergency room of Medical Center A. Which of the following is correct?","Before transferring out, the doctor should fill out an emergency injury referral form."
"An alcoholic patient with liver cirrhosis went to the emergency department because of esophageal variceal bleeding. He was fasting and receiving medication. Within the 24th hour after entering the emergency room, he developed agitation, night sweats, hand shaking, headache, increased blood pressure, epilepsy, and visual hallucinations. (visual hallucination), which of the following is wrong in the treatment of this patient?",Antiepileptic drugs (such as phenytoin) can be used to prevent recurrence of alcohol withdrawal epilepsy.
Which of the following statements about diarrhea is correct?,Wright stain is used to detect white blood cells in feces. About 80% of positive reactions can culture pathogenic bacteria.
"Which of the following ways to reach the North Peak of Yushan (elevation 3,850 meters) and stay at the North Peak of Yushan that night will have the highest risk of severe high altitude illness?",Take a helicopter from the ground directly to the north peak of Yushan Mountain.
Which of the following electrolyte abnormalities would not occur in patients with heat stroke?,Hypercalcemia.
Which of the following acidic fluid burns requires injection of calcium ion solution for treatment?,Oxalic acid.
Which of the following drug poisoning patients is not suitable for multidose activated charcoal treatment?,Acetaminophen.
Which of the following antibiotics is more correct to use?,A 33-year-old alcoholic man with pneumonia was given ceftriaxone 1g intravenously once or twice a day.
Which of the following statements about hyponatremia is incorrect?,"In ​​the treatment of patients with chronic hyponatremia, if the rising rate is greater than 0.5 mEq/L per hour, central putamen myelinolysis is likely to occur and neurological dysfunction may occur."
Which of the following statements about acute otitis media is incorrect?, The diagnostic criterion is redness of the eardrum (erythema) seen on physical examination.
Which of the following statements about epistaxis is incorrect?,"Hypertension is an important cause of epistaxis. When patients with nasal bleeding have high blood pressure values ​​measured at the same time, they should lower their blood pressure as soon as possible."
"Low back pain is a common emergency room complaint. Regarding common causes of low back pain, which of the following statements is correct?"," When epidural compression syndrome is suspected to be caused by a tumor, steroid treatment needs to be given before MRI diagnosis."
"Among the various endogenous factors that cause acute renal failure (intrinsic renal failure), which of the following is incorrect?",Hemorrhagic shock.
"When sudden death of a pregnant woman requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which of the following statements is correct?",Amiodarone can have serious adverse effects on the fetus and should be avoided in pregnant women.
A young child comes to the emergency room for treatment due to trauma. Which of the following injury locations is more consistent with the lowest possibility of accidental injury or child abuse?, The caregiver complained that the 2-year-old child fell while running and the examination revealed a laceration to the jaw.
"When performing a forehead laceration suturing operation on a 5-year-old child in the emergency room, the child was too emotional to cooperate and was still unable to proceed even after appropriate comfort. Which of the following statements is wrong:",Ketamine can be injected intramuscularly to produce a combined sedative and analgesic effect.