Think it's gonna counter this that much?
Investors who don’t understand a factory needs a certain number of units produced to cover its fixed costs should not be investing.
He is on another level. The fact he avoids the questions or to even mention the name tells a lot
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Squeezzzzeeee ittt
I am only holding TSLA
My average buy in price is $50/share. I’ve watched Tesla drop 50%+ of its value so many times and then rocket higher. Do you still believe in the company and what they are doing? If so, then don’t worry about the near term and know it will work it’s way back up.
I'm buying more on the dip today. Just deciding if I'm doing it premarket or after the open. This will actually raise my average price, but the selloff will not last.
If you do not understand abt this company. Do not invest on it. Sell it now and go back to S&P 500 ;)
Not true at all. Pure myth.
I’ve owned the stock since $220 before split, that is $45 in new (post split) money, I’ve made a mozzarella from Tesla but I’m still stressed out when it drops cause I’m losing profit. On the flip side, not stressed when it gains ….. would you tell me not to invest snd give up my $100,000 profit because it stresses me ? Thought not, leave the guy slone
Tesla has consistently met and exceeded wedbush price targets in the past, so this time will be no different.
I love what TSLA is doing its truly light years ahead of competition. After watching the plaid event it’s definitely transforming the auto industry, but anyone else worried about burrys 500 million dollar puts? Dont get me wrong I love the stock but at the moment it seems risky. Although Longterm im sure tsla will be in the thousands
I have 2000 dollar loss, my call options are like at a dollar per, so they are worthless already. What you think about me buying in later today a call option? Im trying to get my fucking money back from Tesla’s surge down. 😂
Only the short sellers were pushing this when bitcoin dropped a little. But Tesla is too big. but it is another source of revenue.
Macros man. Even Microsoft was down 4.23 today
In at 288$ so I don’t give a flying fuck
You must be new to the market, buy this dip! Will be at $800 in 1-2 months!
Trust me, anybody who can afford a Tesla is getting the Tesla. Can we really call that conpetition?
Better buy while it’s on sale. You won’t get many opportunities like this.
Yeah, bro! BTFD, bro!!! 🚀🚀🚀
If he pulls out he still accomplished his goal, exposing the truth. If he buys it then it will be a good place to actually not be censored when you have a different opinion. Either way it was a great move for America and freedom. Like I said I wouldn’t worry about your shares. I have a ton of shares and I’m holding too!
i love the range though. it moves so much up and down. its great for snatching premium with covered calls. which i use to buy other stocks i have my eye on.
You need to find your significant other
The only thing reducing the fall speed is the fact that index driven funds are locked in since Elon's profits trick made TSLA part of SNP500
He has exercised his options which enable him to buy at a very low price. He has to pay 53% tax on any gains between the low price and current stock price at time of execution. Tesla issues new shares so there is a small amount of dilution too. So he’s selling shares to cover his taxes owed. Currently about 70% through his 17.1m stock sale.
Add some More?
Tesla produced 44,200 EV's in August 2021. That is up substantially over July. China factory is large export hub center for Tesla. I see Tesla domination!
Looks about right
Fuck you i can’t read the article
End the year strong 😎
It does that all the time….also a fake pump at open. The gain is quickly lost by 30 min of trading.
What I like is that he seems to be selling straight on the market, so WE can buy it. As opposed to selling his shares in a pre-arranged deal to an entity like a trust fund or something, where it would not fluctuate the stock price at all. Power to the people.
I’ve first read “Why the decent rip?”
So before pandemic we were right at 18 million cars a year in the US. Total global demand for cars pre-covid was 100 million cars per year. There will also be pent up latent demand from people putting off car purchases until they are comfortable with EVs. With other countries growing we may see 150million cars per year sold in 2030. Check out JPR007 on Twitter for his models of this. Companies like VW and GM are targeting like 1 million EVs in the next 5 years. CoMpEtItIoN iS CoMiNg… yet they aren’t even
Considering Tesla is one of the few (if not only) automotive companies/company that does not use the dealership model, does not bend over for unions, is spending much more on the development of FSD, and much more, I’d say it deserves more than half of the automotive industry value. Now the real question is: Is the value of the entire automotive industry deserved? That I wouldn’t be so sure of.
Thank you, truly means a lot!!!! (:
Simple, market finally respond to the unrealistic value of a sports car maker that tries to challenge Asia and Germany
From selling stock. It didn’t earn that cash through rev.
I guess that’s the rub...sell now and take it on the chin with taxes...or hold out until this gme stuff is sorted...concern is if this will be another mind has been racing all week about this, watching tsla’s downturn...I thought it would go up with the Biden admins announcement...but so far nothing
from my calculations, it will go back to 1100 minimum- either at the opening or a short pull back then up to that is a key level...if it goes above that then the next level is about 1250... but if it does all will within a day... so monitor closely..
The drop from the inside profit taking is a regular event. Many employees hold options and will sell at some point.
If you notice how there is inventory low and prices are up. That’s because they took control of supply and demand and end result. People paying over on their kia’s or Tesla’s or w/e
Holding! And glad I did!
I wrote business case not a hype list. But let's start with the first one "battery recycling": what is the cost per kWh to recycle a Tesla cell, without this number you cannot even begin to build a business case, second you need to know what investment it takes to get there. And bare in mind that Tesla is not a chemistry company, but maybe more important, the lifetime of the cells is supposed to be up to 10 years so it will take a long time before the recycling can even begin.
Without commenting on the prediction itself, isn’t it crazy how ARK has to run around publicizing that they’re still bullish and that they’re going to publish something soon? Isn’t it clear that it’s a way to buy retail confidence and that having to show up every week to put out a fire is getting a little desperate?
Completely agreed. Don't forget about the flying cars, they are coming 2035. I am so bullish on TSLA!
Can’t stand watching my profit dwindle ... I’ve out of there $TSLA sold, I’m keeping cash and will come back when this all settles it’s a shot fest if you’re not into gambling on options and shorts which I dont
This is the way!
Yep. If sales double over the next 3 years then the company will be valued more on fundamentals and the stock will be priced around $400-$500.
EV is no longer news. It is history. EV's cannot last long enough on the road for mass evacuations. With traffic jams, its theoretical max distance of 200 miles on a single charge may shrivel to 50 miles or less! Hybrid cars could last much longer.
Are you fuckin kidding me? So I really made 3777$ omg man. How would I go about selling it?
A 13% tumble in Tesla Inc. shares last month wasn’t enough to stop Korean day traders from piling into the stock, with purchases reaching one of the highest levels on record as investors sought bargains.
No gas needed to go from 740 to 1200 in no time!!
And today says you are fucked with your trade get bent
Tesla up nicely but my Jan calls were red!!!?? 😳
Typical and expected.
TSLA got a strong support line at $540 Next catalyst should be q2 earnings and FSD V9 beta. Year end Giga Berlin & Texas open!
because you won't be able to squeeze them just by letting them go about business.. yes they lose alot of money when prices spike well into the billions but they just take that hit and they make it back when the market settles and they short it back down taking a smaller loss and writing off anything that they couldn't recuperate.. and there is a reality that wall street cannot cover all the shorts it has in the market.. if you look at how many synthetic shorts and naked shorts that are floating around its
Because TSLA crashes are far more deadly due to type of batteries. Fires that dont go out.
I agree, there is no reason getting worked up about who is shorting and why. We are in free world and people can decide on their own. Tesla will prevail irrespective if it continues to innovate and not get sucked in to gambling their cash with crypto. I am Elon fan but don’t agree with everything he does or say. In the end it will be very competitive space and most EV and old car companies will fail. I think few will survive and rise. I bet my money on Tesla and QS. QS is backed by Bill Gates.
This has no impact on Tesla at all. Next time wait for the conclusion of an investigation instead of going off first responders and first interview takes of the situation and then bringing in unrelated aspects of Tesla to spin FUD before any actual conclusions have been made.
I made a post on this. I expect low numbers.
It just hit the trend line and can face a big down fall to the $400s . Shorts have begun to step in. The dark pool shows more activity this month specially after earnings report
if he pours billions of TSLA profits into arguably volatile assets like bitcoin, it has an impact.
I may tell you a shocking thing: not everyone would want/need FSD.
Can’t wait for their earnings after all the good news came out within the last couple weeks
Remind bot
Take a look at Tesla's latest two factories, nothing old fashioned can compete! Tesla is also way more profitable than the old guard.
This is one saving grace of selling premium on quality stocks like TSLA. You want to get assigned here not take the L. Iv been in your position selling naked puts on TSLA. If you have the margin, I recommend you get assignment and sell covered calls
Not a chance - Tesla fleeced the new investors by offering shares at a value which was multiples of what Elon Musk thought the company was worth - not a chance they will use the money to pay back to shareholders until the share price falls to what he thinks the company's real value is, which is less than $100/share!
Yes, it matters a great deal. I am a swing trader -- buy low and sell a little higher. I have already made quite a bit of money in the past 5 weeks by just being a little patient and not being too greedy. Nothing wrong with long term investing, but I need short-term to immediate cash flow in order to supplement my current level of income.
Hold it and buy more when price adjusts.
Got 5 minutes?
Can she drive on the beach??
My point was that maybe we highlight the 95% good and not lead with the potential self serving aspect of what is likely the largest charitable donation ever. Discretionary or not, This is a great act of kindness and it has the potential of helping many people in real need. Lets put cynicism aside for a bit and appreciate this man’s kindness.
SpaceX is a separate entity to Tesla. Tesla has no investment in SpaceX. The only possible upside I can see is selling Tesla cars to Martians and I'm not sure the Tesla cabin is optimized for the Martian limbs and the self driving technology needs re teaching for 1/3rd gravity.
Does showing up to SNL in a cyber truck count?
You had me at "Lets"
Just check out his tweets for the last few months.
She has no clue...
I have to recognize the level of passion on this chat. No facts but emotions! 👍
Who hurt you?
Start this new round (after I sold my 2015) 740x60 average because I bought 10 every dip. I missed the 520 today 😭
Tesla (ticker: TSLA) disclosed a $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin in its annual report filed in February with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It’s hard to know exactly what Tesla paid for Bitcoin, but prices back then were around $33,000. At $60,000, Tesla is up roughly $1.2 billion on its trade. That’s almost a new factory that could produce hundreds of thousands of Tesla vehicles a year.
It’s either going up or down for sure
My thoughts $600 is the floor, $1400 by summer 2023, $4000 by 2026, this is not get rich quick
Damn! it's back up
Tesla will start paying a dividend when they have enough production capacity to fulfill all their demand for all their products. Until they can produce 20 million vehicles and ?? bots per year, that money is better spent on increasing production than paying dividends.
420 here! 🤙
Pokémon Go? That is a pretty neat game, I tried it back when it first came out. Not really for me, if they made it more like the original game boy game battles I think I would have enjoyed it more.