That or this guy just got lucky with a predictipn
Only problem is it would be 4 times the price of other E bikes if they did
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa If you still think that Tesla is only about the cars and the number of car sold, REALITY is you have not done enough fundamental research on the company. GM, F are for you not TSLA.
This post AINT end well
Usually when you want something it’s best to put forth a bit of effort first and not ask the bear min. By all means tho keep asking low effort stuff I’m sure the results will be fantastic. Why would I wanna watch animals fuck? Looks like neither of your three possible scenarios played out tho…almost like product development and guidance may matter to stocks as well
I don't think Bill Gates' recent $500 million short lost money.
Not a fan of shorting but I would short a VW. related company before just about any other company. Many do have fond memories of the rabbit. 40 plus miles to gallon desiel.
Why wouldn’t this have been released in May? Not fair to release to everyone weeks later
That’s the same thing they say when they want to mislead you and deter you away from registering your shares.. they say you have nothing to worry if you are not on margin our policy is not to lend out your shares.. which is a complete lie.. in fact most of the time they don’t even have a share which is another reason why they don’t want you to register.. if there is a share they will lend it out simply bc they can and there’s nothing you can do about it.. that’s how they act on wall street brokers couldn’t
This post belongs on R/WSB and R/DFV
yes. never doubt tesla. i have $800 calls. if theyre up bigly on monday then im selling. it might not print until tuesday.
15 more
To date, that was a good place trade. Sounds like you’re fishing to cover.
I was hoping it wouldn't go below 600 but looks like that will happen tomorrow if not today. Hard to watch this.
Give me your shares and walk away. I will accept all donations in tesla stocks please.
its now $1165 heading south .. dont deceive people or gtfo
It’s a difficult ride.... all the way down from 880 to 618.... in 2 weeks ...
Do you think it may even be cloudy some days? Chance of snow in the north?
Their focus is to switch to renewable energy. Everything else is just a vehicle for that goal. Literally.
I know what you mean, I’ve done pretty well out of $TSLA but if my pension adviser had transferred money into my Self invested pension when I asked him too, I’d be into £millions and would be retired now! I also went to an IT conference which featured bitcoins in 2014 . They told us all to buy. I went home researched and was ready to buy £4K but was put off by the difficulty of buying them and setting up a wallet at the time. I literally set it all ip to go then bailed cause of negative posts about people’
Q4 sales at average 50k per vehicle would mean 9B sales or 36B on yearly basis (very optimistic), margin 12% (very high) would mean 4$ per share, real profit is 0,59, get it?
I am so confused by this statement? Are you going to short Tesla or are you pulling out the Speedo for butt clenches
Its a sign from the Gods
I have owned tesla and they are a horrible company which lies and a crappy product. They charge for self driving tech which does not work. Multiple repairs like automatic handles and now their center console leaks glue. They should be sued for false advertisement and a movement is already starting in CA.
Tesla is an energy company, the cars are the cherry on top
1500 by the end of the week. Or I'll let my wife's boyfriend move in.
They are ahead of the curve, but not sure they are several generations beyond a regular elec car maker.
I 100% agree. I figured the gap is at $891 but close to enough. That’s the point that I’m selling everything and going all in on Tesla
I understand that but you know how this affected the TSLA shs too right? (although it was short lived lol)
It went UP to 1201.94 today.
end of June: 600-650 end of 2021: 700-750
So you're saying there's a chance!?
i do hope there is a stock split..
Been holding since 16, not leaving anytime soon
As long as I make it to next September (LTG kick in then) and it doesn’t go below $644 I’ll be golden. I’m all in for hold hold hold.
I think its a mistake to buy tsla (or should i say very risky) when its being acting super bullish. Tsla in general is a bull play but i mostly buy calls at the 800-820 range. Also bought 5 calls between 795,800 and 810 between Thursday and friday. Also made 4K swing trading from Wednesday to Thursday 3 calls Its always better to not make money than lose money.
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Shares or contracts
Right, that’s the thing to focus on. Not sure how you can’t see the retardation of your retirement portfolio allocation but by all means, only listen to the ppl you came in agreeing with. No one should have alternate views on Reddit financial subs and any criticism should be scolded and then ignored👌
Yes. Wait. There were hugeFTD for today and yesterday. That is why this is going up.
I don't disagree with that assessment.
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Really do you think lower than $600 and 12 months is fast?
2 yrs
Learn English retard
MSN has done a good job about the Tesla's financial position. I was thinking about the emissions credit as the main driver of their profitability as well. Not to mention 100+ profits from bitcoin. Production cost will improve margins a bit but the crazy valuation requires some great growth on revenue side; Just production cost alone will not be enough.
Someone wasn't done. The quarter million sold in the first minute of trading today can be explained by margin calls, but the 300k at 2:23 was something else.
Generally older account pushing TSLA alongside meme stocks. This account OP awfully sus.
Hoping so . This has been a tough week to predict anything.
0 Join my discord for more TSLA chat
Have you considered selling covered calls on your positions? Of course, you will need 100 shares per covered call sold.
There was a V shape dip down to 560 and back up to 700. However the trading volume was much higher then compared to now.
Why would fighting big guys drop the price to 500? Naked shorts? Intense put action? Sentiment? Derailed from mission?
How are the options priced for a stock dividend ? Can someone explain very confused
13 miles is the the same distance as 30320.9 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.
It is simple. It is because on paper TSLA is ridiculously (ridiculously!) over valued. People are taking profits and re-balancing portfolios because the FED literally came on TV and said we won't be propping up the market any longer. Add to that, Elon stated they won't be making any new models this year (no hype) and supply chain issues will undoubtedly cause trouble for their production numbers. 1200$ was the top for the foreseeable future for sure. People who don't invest with emotion take profit. That is
if you can't answer your question yourself, you shouldn't be putting money in the market.
I’m outta jail!!👏👏👏
Yes Yes Yes
Agree 100%. Sale price is over. Going up from here
I bought in at's been red last 5 days starting to get nervous but it looks like it's rebounded to 1k many times before so I'll just wait
That's exactly my feeling too. I am in $77k in red. Wei\_28 made me feel my pain is like nothing. In fact, I even smiled at my own thoughts of fear and dejection of holding June 18 $590 calls at a loss.
Karma would eventually catch up with TSLA making a shitty product which is overpriced and all the false claims about autopilot and putting people’s lives in danger
It's still priced like *every* car you see is a TSLA.
My 10k became 6k
You wrote this 5 minutes in lmao. How embarrassing
Ur a good man and I am fucked come Monday 😂🔫
Need FSD to be at a point of just waiting on regulatory approval. Then multi $T MC easy.
I saw it earlier On Reuters press, News feeds. Did some research and collected some information social media
I agree. Friday I made $590 in the first 5 min selling calls. Here is the crappy video. Lol
6 months is a very long time to wait out a 9 month call option with a big maybe in the stock price. Just my opinion
What makes a boring day? Who pulls the string?
When bring to Turkey in Binance ?
Hold Tesla to the moon!
Anything is possible the stock has swung 300 points both directions in the last six months lol. At this rate it could be 2000 just as easily as 100 in another six months.
The Cybertruck and Hummer EV will debut around the same time — Fall 2021. However, GM has more production capacity for the Hummer EV, so it’ll likely be easier to obtain. The first Cybertruck is slated to sell Fall 2021 but many on the waitlist won’t get a delivery until 2022. The Ford F-150 will come later, but considering it’s the best selling vehicle in North America for over 25 years in a row, I don’t see it’s late debut harming its sales potential.
When I first started trading I heard someone say “never doubt tesla” so since earnings were coming up I heard that voice in my head again and bought more shares. Now I’m burning red like the after hours numbers 🥺😡
couldnt get my Reddit account to work before, probably designed by a Tesla software engineer!
There are strong POVs on both sides of the fence – is hyperinflation coming or is the current inflation transitory in nature? Current supply chain bottle necks, money printing and huge demand (especially in lead up to Christmas with companies double/triple ordering their usual orders) are all causing current inflation. Will this continue into next year or post Christmas will we see supply chains start to unblock, demand levels normalize, and a reduction in money printing (tapering expected in Nov) which
Do you have puts spreads?
already bought 1 😄
Sorry this is actually my fault. Decided to go long on TSLA to reclaim some of my GME FOMO losses. I’ll go ahead and sell so we can close green again.
Tesla proved me wrong. Didn’t think they were going to break $1,000 again. Well they crushed it. The momentum is here and nothing can stop it. Bad earnings, fewer sales, Russian nukes, a recession- I’m now a believer. HODL. But there are gonna be some rides. I think we’ll see another downturn this year but it’s only a buying opportunity.
Come on, he has the freedom of talking about his trading. I don't think he violated any securities laws or regulations. Maybe he just does not want investors to take leverage. With leverage, one can't withstand such drawdowns.
Well this aged well
Just maybe the market eventually stated to consider PE and where PE might go when competition increase...
Pay back the margin, keep the stock, stop gambling with your money, earn more, safe more, buy more Tesla.
I got sell put 400 strike today. And will get more if tomorrow down again. And a bunch leap calls. Loving the dip. 2018,2019, and 2020 i did the same shit and diamond hands all those years. Long term we looking sexy anyways I ain’t scared!
Can swingtrade TSLA intraday for a profit. Need a reliable method to detect direction... Be patient, pounce when indicated, watch rch underlying, sell when indicated... Make decent $$! Use leverage to ride right side of action.
I almost bought more, until it went over $1000. Think I'm just holding now, got in at $600
Model S delivery. Maybe sales figure that confirm they are on track for 1 million or more delivery.
Why do you think this ?