/*! JSON Editor v0.7.28 - JSON Schema -> HTML Editor * By Jeremy Dorn - https://github.com/jdorn/json-editor/ * Released under the MIT license * * Date: 2016-08-07 */ /** * See README.md for requirements and usage info */ ! function() { /*jshint loopfunc: true */ /* Simple JavaScript Inheritance * By John Resig http://ejohn.org/ * MIT Licensed. */ // Inspired by base2 and Prototype var a; ! function() { var b = !1, c = /xyz/.test(function() { window.postMessage("xyz") }) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; // The base Class implementation (does nothing) // Create a new Class that inherits from this class return a = function() {}, a.extend = function d(a) { // The dummy class constructor function e() { // All construction is actually done in the init method !b && this.init && this.init.apply(this, arguments) } var f = this.prototype; // Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance, // don't run the init constructor) b = !0; var g = new this; b = !1; // Copy the properties over onto the new prototype for (var h in a) // Check if we're overwriting an existing function g[h] = "function" == typeof a[h] && "function" == typeof f[h] && c.test(a[h]) ? function(a, b) { return function() { var c = this._super; // Add a new ._super() method that is the same method // but on the super-class this._super = f[a]; // The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we // remove it when we're done executing var d = b.apply(this, arguments); return this._super = c, d } }(h, a[h]) : a[h]; // Populate our constructed prototype object // Enforce the constructor to be what we expect // And make this class extendable return e.prototype = g, e.prototype.constructor = e, e.extend = d, e }, a }(), // CustomEvent constructor polyfill // From MDN function() { function a(a, b) { b = b || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 }; var c = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return c.initCustomEvent(a, b.bubbles, b.cancelable, b.detail), c } a.prototype = window.Event.prototype, window.CustomEvent = a }(), // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel // MIT license function() { for (var a = 0, b = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], c = 0; c < b.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++c) window.requestAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[b[c] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || window[b[c] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function(b, c) { var d = (new Date).getTime(), e = Math.max(0, 16 - (d - a)), f = window.setTimeout(function() { b(d + e) }, e); return a = d + e, f }), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(a) { clearTimeout(a) }) }(), // Array.isArray polyfill // From MDN function() { Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function(a) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) }) }(); /** * Taken from jQuery 2.1.3 * * @param obj * @returns {boolean} */ var b = function(a) { // Not plain objects: // - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]" // - DOM nodes // - window // Not plain objects: // - Any object or value whose internal [[Class]] property is not "[object Object]" // - DOM nodes // - window return !("object" != typeof a || a.nodeType || null !== a && a === a.window) && !(a.constructor && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) }, c = function(a) { var d, e, f; for (e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { d = arguments[e]; for (f in d) d.hasOwnProperty(f) && (d[f] && b(d[f]) ? (a.hasOwnProperty(f) || (a[f] = {}), c(a[f], d[f])) : a[f] = d[f]) } return a }, d = function(a, b) { if (a && "object" == typeof a) { var c; if (Array.isArray(a) || "number" == typeof a.length && a.length > 0 && a.length - 1 in a) { for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (b(c, a[c]) === !1) return } else if (Object.keys) { var d = Object.keys(a); for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) if (b(d[c], a[d[c]]) === !1) return } else for (c in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b(c, a[c]) === !1) return } }, e = function(a, b) { var c = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); c.initEvent(b, !0, !0), a.dispatchEvent(c) }, f = function(a, b) { if (!(a instanceof Element)) throw new Error("element should be an instance of Element"); b = c({}, f.defaults.options, b || {}), this.element = a, this.options = b, this.init() }; f.prototype = { // necessary since we remove the ctor property by doing a literal assignment. Without this // the $isplainobject function will think that this is a plain object. constructor: f, init: function() { var a = this; this.ready = !1; var b = f.defaults.themes[this.options.theme || f.defaults.theme]; if (!b) throw "Unknown theme " + (this.options.theme || f.defaults.theme); this.schema = this.options.schema, this.theme = new b, this.template = this.options.template, this.refs = this.options.refs || {}, this.uuid = 0, this.__data = {}; var c = f.defaults.iconlibs[this.options.iconlib || f.defaults.iconlib]; c && (this.iconlib = new c), this.root_container = this.theme.getContainer(), this.element.appendChild(this.root_container), this.translate = this.options.translate || f.defaults.translate, // Fetch all external refs via ajax this._loadExternalRefs(this.schema, function() { a._getDefinitions(a.schema); // Validator options var b = {}; a.options.custom_validators && (b.custom_validators = a.options.custom_validators), a.validator = new f.Validator(a, null, b); // Create the root editor var c = a.getEditorClass(a.schema); a.root = a.createEditor(c, { jsoneditor: a, schema: a.schema, required: !0, container: a.root_container }), a.root.preBuild(), a.root.build(), a.root.postBuild(), // Starting data a.options.startval && a.root.setValue(a.options.startval), a.validation_results = a.validator.validate(a.root.getValue()), a.root.showValidationErrors(a.validation_results), a.ready = !0, // Fire ready event asynchronously window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { a.ready && (a.validation_results = a.validator.validate(a.root.getValue()), a.root.showValidationErrors(a.validation_results), a.trigger("ready"), a.trigger("change")) }) }) }, getValue: function() { if (!this.ready) throw "JSON Editor not ready yet. Listen for 'ready' event before getting the value"; return this.root.getValue() }, setValue: function(a) { if (!this.ready) throw "JSON Editor not ready yet. Listen for 'ready' event before setting the value"; return this.root.setValue(a), this }, validate: function(a) { if (!this.ready) throw "JSON Editor not ready yet. Listen for 'ready' event before validating"; // Custom value // Custom value return 1 === arguments.length ? this.validator.validate(a) : this.validation_results }, destroy: function() { this.destroyed || this.ready && (this.schema = null, this.options = null, this.root.destroy(), this.root = null, this.root_container = null, this.validator = null, this.validation_results = null, this.theme = null, this.iconlib = null, this.template = null, this.__data = null, this.ready = !1, this.element.innerHTML = "", this.destroyed = !0) }, on: function(a, b) { return this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[a] = this.callbacks[a] || [], this.callbacks[a].push(b), this }, off: function(a, b) { // Specific callback if (a && b) { this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[a] = this.callbacks[a] || []; for (var c = [], d = 0; d < this.callbacks[a].length; d++) this.callbacks[a][d] !== b && c.push(this.callbacks[a][d]); this.callbacks[a] = c } else a ? (this.callbacks = this.callbacks || {}, this.callbacks[a] = []) : this.callbacks = {}; return this }, trigger: function(a) { if (this.callbacks && this.callbacks[a] && this.callbacks[a].length) for (var b = 0; b < this.callbacks[a].length; b++) this.callbacks[a][b](); return this }, setOption: function(a, b) { if ("show_errors" !== a) throw "Option " + a + " must be set during instantiation and cannot be changed later"; return this.options.show_errors = b, this.onChange(), this }, getEditorClass: function(a) { var b; if (a = this.expandSchema(a), d(f.defaults.resolvers, function(c, d) { var e = d(a); if (e && f.defaults.editors[e]) return b = e, !1 }), !b) throw "Unknown editor for schema " + JSON.stringify(a); if (!f.defaults.editors[b]) throw "Unknown editor " + b; return f.defaults.editors[b] }, createEditor: function(a, b) { return b = c({}, a.options || {}, b), new a(b) }, onChange: function() { if (this.ready && !this.firing_change) { this.firing_change = !0; var a = this; return window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { a.firing_change = !1, a.ready && ( // Validate and cache results a.validation_results = a.validator.validate(a.root.getValue()), "never" !== a.options.show_errors ? a.root.showValidationErrors(a.validation_results) : a.root.showValidationErrors([]), // Fire change event a.trigger("change")) }), this } }, compileTemplate: function(a, b) { b = b || f.defaults.template; var c; // Specifying a preset engine if ("string" == typeof b) { if (!f.defaults.templates[b]) throw "Unknown template engine " + b; if (c = f.defaults.templates[b](), !c) throw "Template engine " + b + " missing required library." } else c = b; if (!c) throw "No template engine set"; if (!c.compile) throw "Invalid template engine set"; return c.compile(a) }, _data: function(a, b, c) { // Setting data if (3 !== arguments.length) // No data stored // No data stored return a.hasAttribute("data-jsoneditor-" + b) ? this.__data[a.getAttribute("data-jsoneditor-" + b)] : null; var d; a.hasAttribute("data-jsoneditor-" + b) ? d = a.getAttribute("data-jsoneditor-" + b) : (d = this.uuid++, a.setAttribute("data-jsoneditor-" + b, d)), this.__data[d] = c }, registerEditor: function(a) { return this.editors = this.editors || {}, this.editors[a.path] = a, this }, unregisterEditor: function(a) { return this.editors = this.editors || {}, this.editors[a.path] = null, this }, getEditor: function(a) { if (this.editors) return this.editors[a] }, watch: function(a, b) { return this.watchlist = this.watchlist || {}, this.watchlist[a] = this.watchlist[a] || [], this.watchlist[a].push(b), this }, unwatch: function(a, b) { if (!this.watchlist || !this.watchlist[a]) return this; // If removing all callbacks for a path if (!b) return this.watchlist[a] = null, this; for (var c = [], d = 0; d < this.watchlist[a].length; d++) this.watchlist[a][d] !== b && c.push(this.watchlist[a][d]); return this.watchlist[a] = c.length ? c : null, this }, notifyWatchers: function(a) { if (!this.watchlist || !this.watchlist[a]) return this; for (var b = 0; b < this.watchlist[a].length; b++) this.watchlist[a][b]() }, isEnabled: function() { return !this.root || this.root.isEnabled() }, enable: function() { this.root.enable() }, disable: function() { this.root.disable() }, _getDefinitions: function(a, b) { if (b = b || "#/definitions/", a.definitions) for (var c in a.definitions) a.definitions.hasOwnProperty(c) && (this.refs[b + c] = a.definitions[c], a.definitions[c].definitions && this._getDefinitions(a.definitions[c], b + c + "/definitions/")) }, _getExternalRefs: function(a) { var b = {}, c = function(a) { for (var c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] = !0) }; a.$ref && "object" != typeof a.$ref && "#" !== a.$ref.substr(0, 1) && !this.refs[a.$ref] && (b[a.$ref] = !0); for (var d in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(d)) if (a[d] && "object" == typeof a[d] && Array.isArray(a[d])) for (var e = 0; e < a[d].length; e++) "object" == typeof a[d][e] && c(this._getExternalRefs(a[d][e])); else a[d] && "object" == typeof a[d] && c(this._getExternalRefs(a[d])); return b }, _loadExternalRefs: function(a, b) { var c = this, e = this._getExternalRefs(a), f = 0, g = 0, h = !1; d(e, function(a) { if (!c.refs[a]) { if (!c.options.ajax) throw "Must set ajax option to true to load external ref " + a; c.refs[a] = "loading", g++; var d = new XMLHttpRequest; d.open("GET", a, !0), d.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 == d.readyState) { // Request succeeded if (200 !== d.status) throw window.console.log(d), "Failed to fetch ref via ajax- " + a; var e; try { e = JSON.parse(d.responseText) } catch (i) { throw window.console.log(i), "Failed to parse external ref " + a } if (!e || "object" != typeof e) throw "External ref does not contain a valid schema - " + a; c.refs[a] = e, c._loadExternalRefs(e, function() { f++, f >= g && !h && (h = !0, b()) }) } }, d.send() } }), g || b() }, expandRefs: function(a) { for (a = c({}, a); a.$ref;) { var b = a.$ref; delete a.$ref, this.refs[b] || (b = decodeURIComponent(b)), a = this.extendSchemas(a, this.refs[b]) } return a }, expandSchema: function(a) { var b, e = this, f = c({}, a); // allOf schemas should be merged into the parent if ( // Version 3 `type` "object" == typeof a.type && ( // Array of types Array.isArray(a.type) ? d(a.type, function(b, c) { // Schema "object" == typeof c && (a.type[b] = e.expandSchema(c)) }) : a.type = e.expandSchema(a.type)), // Version 3 `disallow` "object" == typeof a.disallow && ( // Array of types Array.isArray(a.disallow) ? d(a.disallow, function(b, c) { // Schema "object" == typeof c && (a.disallow[b] = e.expandSchema(c)) }) : a.disallow = e.expandSchema(a.disallow)), // Version 4 `anyOf` a.anyOf && d(a.anyOf, function(b, c) { a.anyOf[b] = e.expandSchema(c) }), // Version 4 `dependencies` (schema dependencies) a.dependencies && d(a.dependencies, function(b, c) { "object" != typeof c || Array.isArray(c) || (a.dependencies[b] = e.expandSchema(c)) }), // Version 4 `not` a.not && (a.not = this.expandSchema(a.not)), a.allOf) { for (b = 0; b < a.allOf.length; b++) f = this.extendSchemas(f, this.expandSchema(a.allOf[b])); delete f.allOf } // extends schemas should be merged into parent if (a["extends"]) { // If extends is a schema if (Array.isArray(a["extends"])) for (b = 0; b < a["extends"].length; b++) f = this.extendSchemas(f, this.expandSchema(a["extends"][b])); else f = this.extendSchemas(f, this.expandSchema(a["extends"])); delete f["extends"] } // parent should be merged into oneOf schemas if (a.oneOf) { var g = c({}, f); for (delete g.oneOf, b = 0; b < a.oneOf.length; b++) f.oneOf[b] = this.extendSchemas(this.expandSchema(a.oneOf[b]), g) } return this.expandRefs(f) }, extendSchemas: function(a, b) { a = c({}, a), b = c({}, b); var e = this, f = {}; // Properties in obj2 that aren't in obj1 return d(a, function(a, c) { // If this key is also defined in obj2, merge them "undefined" != typeof b[a] ? // Required and defaultProperties arrays should be unioned together "required" !== a && "defaultProperties" !== a || "object" != typeof c || !Array.isArray(c) ? "type" !== a || "string" != typeof c && !Array.isArray(c) ? "object" == typeof c && Array.isArray(c) ? f[a] = c.filter(function(c) { return b[a].indexOf(c) !== -1 }) : "object" == typeof c && null !== c ? f[a] = e.extendSchemas(c, b[a]) : f[a] = c : ( // Make sure we're dealing with arrays "string" == typeof c && (c = [c]), "string" == typeof b.type && (b.type = [b.type]), // If type is only defined in the first schema, keep it b.type && b.type.length ? f.type = c.filter(function(a) { return b.type.indexOf(a) !== -1 }) : f.type = c, // If there's only 1 type and it's a primitive, use a string instead of array 1 === f.type.length && "string" == typeof f.type[0] ? f.type = f.type[0] : 0 === f.type.length && delete f.type) : // Union arrays and unique f[a] = c.concat(b[a]).reduce(function(a, b) { return a.indexOf(b) < 0 && a.push(b), a }, []) : f[a] = c }), d(b, function(b, c) { "undefined" == typeof a[b] && (f[b] = c) }), f } }, f.defaults = { themes: {}, templates: {}, iconlibs: {}, editors: {}, languages: {}, resolvers: [], custom_validators: [] }, f.Validator = a.extend({ init: function(a, b, c) { this.jsoneditor = a, this.schema = b || this.jsoneditor.schema, this.options = c || {}, this.translate = this.jsoneditor.translate || f.defaults.translate }, validate: function(a) { return this._validateSchema(this.schema, a) }, _validateSchema: function(a, b, e) { var g, h, i, j = this, k = [], l = JSON.stringify(b); /* * Type Agnostic Validation */ // Version 3 `required` if (e = e || "root", // Work on a copy of the schema a = c({}, this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(a)), a.required && a.required === !0) { if ("undefined" == typeof b) // Can't do any more validation at this point return k.push({ path: e, property: "required", message: this.translate("error_notset") }), k } else if ("undefined" == typeof b) { // If required_by_default is set, all fields are required if (!this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default) return k; k.push({ path: e, property: "required", message: this.translate("error_notset") }) } // `enum` if (a["enum"]) { for (g = !1, h = 0; h < a["enum"].length; h++) l === JSON.stringify(a["enum"][h]) && (g = !0); g || k.push({ path: e, property: "enum", message: this.translate("error_enum") }) } // `extends` (version 3) if (a["extends"]) for (h = 0; h < a["extends"].length; h++) k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a["extends"][h], b, e)); // `allOf` if (a.allOf) for (h = 0; h < a.allOf.length; h++) k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.allOf[h], b, e)); // `anyOf` if (a.anyOf) { for (g = !1, h = 0; h < a.anyOf.length; h++) if (!this._validateSchema(a.anyOf[h], b, e).length) { g = !0; break } g || k.push({ path: e, property: "anyOf", message: this.translate("error_anyOf") }) } // `oneOf` if (a.oneOf) { g = 0; var m = []; for (h = 0; h < a.oneOf.length; h++) { // Set the error paths to be path.oneOf[i].rest.of.path var n = this._validateSchema(a.oneOf[h], b, e); for (n.length || g++, i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i].path = e + ".oneOf[" + h + "]" + n[i].path.substr(e.length); m = m.concat(n) } 1 !== g && (k.push({ path: e, property: "oneOf", message: this.translate("error_oneOf", [g]) }), k = k.concat(m)) } // `type` (both Version 3 and Version 4 support) if ( // `not` a.not && (this._validateSchema(a.not, b, e).length || k.push({ path: e, property: "not", message: this.translate("error_not") })), a.type) // Union type if (Array.isArray(a.type)) { for (g = !1, h = 0; h < a.type.length; h++) if (this._checkType(a.type[h], b)) { g = !0; break } g || k.push({ path: e, property: "type", message: this.translate("error_type_union") }) } else this._checkType(a.type, b) || k.push({ path: e, property: "type", message: this.translate("error_type", [a.type]) }); // `disallow` (version 3) if (a.disallow) // Union type if (Array.isArray(a.disallow)) { for (g = !0, h = 0; h < a.disallow.length; h++) if (this._checkType(a.disallow[h], b)) { g = !1; break } g || k.push({ path: e, property: "disallow", message: this.translate("error_disallow_union") }) } else this._checkType(a.disallow, b) && k.push({ path: e, property: "disallow", message: this.translate("error_disallow", [a.disallow]) }); /* * Type Specific Validation */ // Number Specific Validation if ("number" == typeof b) { // `multipleOf` and `divisibleBy` if (a.multipleOf || a.divisibleBy) { var o = a.multipleOf || a.divisibleBy; // Vanilla JS, prone to floating point rounding errors (e.g. 1.14 / .01 == 113.99999) g = b / o === Math.floor(b / o), // Use math.js is available window.math ? g = window.math.mod(window.math.bignumber(b), window.math.bignumber(o)).equals(0) : window.Decimal && (g = new window.Decimal(b).mod(new window.Decimal(o)).equals(0)), g || k.push({ path: e, property: a.multipleOf ? "multipleOf" : "divisibleBy", message: this.translate("error_multipleOf", [o]) }) } // `maximum` a.hasOwnProperty("maximum") && ( // Vanilla JS, prone to floating point rounding errors (e.g. .999999999999999 == 1) g = a.exclusiveMaximum ? b < a.maximum : b <= a.maximum, // Use math.js is available window.math ? g = window.math[a.exclusiveMaximum ? "smaller" : "smallerEq"](window.math.bignumber(b), window.math.bignumber(a.maximum)) : window.Decimal && (g = new window.Decimal(b)[a.exclusiveMaximum ? "lt" : "lte"](new window.Decimal(a.maximum))), g || k.push({ path: e, property: "maximum", message: this.translate(a.exclusiveMaximum ? "error_maximum_excl" : "error_maximum_incl", [a.maximum]) })), // `minimum` a.hasOwnProperty("minimum") && ( // Vanilla JS, prone to floating point rounding errors (e.g. .999999999999999 == 1) g = a.exclusiveMinimum ? b > a.minimum : b >= a.minimum, // Use math.js is available window.math ? g = window.math[a.exclusiveMinimum ? "larger" : "largerEq"](window.math.bignumber(b), window.math.bignumber(a.minimum)) : window.Decimal && (g = new window.Decimal(b)[a.exclusiveMinimum ? "gt" : "gte"](new window.Decimal(a.minimum))), g || k.push({ path: e, property: "minimum", message: this.translate(a.exclusiveMinimum ? "error_minimum_excl" : "error_minimum_incl", [a.minimum]) })) } else if ("string" == typeof b) // `maxLength` a.maxLength && (b + "").length > a.maxLength && k.push({ path: e, property: "maxLength", message: this.translate("error_maxLength", [a.maxLength]) }), // `minLength` a.minLength && (b + "").length < a.minLength && k.push({ path: e, property: "minLength", message: this.translate(1 === a.minLength ? "error_notempty" : "error_minLength", [a.minLength]) }), // `pattern` a.pattern && (new RegExp(a.pattern).test(b) || k.push({ path: e, property: "pattern", message: this.translate("error_pattern", [a.pattern]) })); else if ("object" == typeof b && null !== b && Array.isArray(b)) { // `items` and `additionalItems` if (a.items) // `items` is an array if (Array.isArray(a.items)) for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) // If this item has a specific schema tied to it // Validate against it if (a.items[h]) k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.items[h], b[h], e + "." + h)); else { if (a.additionalItems === !0) break; if (!a.additionalItems) { if (a.additionalItems === !1) { k.push({ path: e, property: "additionalItems", message: this.translate("error_additionalItems") }); break } break } k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.additionalItems, b[h], e + "." + h)) } else // Each item in the array must validate against the schema for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.items, b[h], e + "." + h)); // `uniqueItems` if ( // `maxItems` a.maxItems && b.length > a.maxItems && k.push({ path: e, property: "maxItems", message: this.translate("error_maxItems", [a.maxItems]) }), // `minItems` a.minItems && b.length < a.minItems && k.push({ path: e, property: "minItems", message: this.translate("error_minItems", [a.minItems]) }), a.uniqueItems) { var p = {}; for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) { if (g = JSON.stringify(b[h]), p[g]) { k.push({ path: e, property: "uniqueItems", message: this.translate("error_uniqueItems") }); break } p[g] = !0 } } } else if ("object" == typeof b && null !== b) { // `maxProperties` if (a.maxProperties) { g = 0; for (h in b) b.hasOwnProperty(h) && g++; g > a.maxProperties && k.push({ path: e, property: "maxProperties", message: this.translate("error_maxProperties", [a.maxProperties]) }) } // `minProperties` if (a.minProperties) { g = 0; for (h in b) b.hasOwnProperty(h) && g++; g < a.minProperties && k.push({ path: e, property: "minProperties", message: this.translate("error_minProperties", [a.minProperties]) }) } // Version 4 `required` if (a.required && Array.isArray(a.required)) for (h = 0; h < a.required.length; h++) "undefined" == typeof b[a.required[h]] && k.push({ path: e, property: "required", message: this.translate("error_required", [a.required[h]]) }); // `properties` var q = {}; if (a.properties) for (h in a.properties) a.properties.hasOwnProperty(h) && (q[h] = !0, k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.properties[h], b[h], e + "." + h))); // `patternProperties` if (a.patternProperties) for (h in a.patternProperties) if (a.patternProperties.hasOwnProperty(h)) { var r = new RegExp(h); // Check which properties match for (i in b) b.hasOwnProperty(i) && r.test(i) && (q[i] = !0, k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.patternProperties[h], b[i], e + "." + i))) } // `additionalProperties` if ( // The no_additional_properties option currently doesn't work with extended schemas that use oneOf or anyOf "undefined" != typeof a.additionalProperties || !this.jsoneditor.options.no_additional_properties || a.oneOf || a.anyOf || (a.additionalProperties = !1), "undefined" != typeof a.additionalProperties) for (h in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(h) && !q[h]) { // No extra properties allowed if (!a.additionalProperties) { k.push({ path: e, property: "additionalProperties", message: this.translate("error_additional_properties", [h]) }); break } if (a.additionalProperties === !0) break; k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.additionalProperties, b[h], e + "." + h)) } // `dependencies` if (a.dependencies) for (h in a.dependencies) if (a.dependencies.hasOwnProperty(h) && "undefined" != typeof b[h]) // Property dependency if (Array.isArray(a.dependencies[h])) for (i = 0; i < a.dependencies[h].length; i++) "undefined" == typeof b[a.dependencies[h][i]] && k.push({ path: e, property: "dependencies", message: this.translate("error_dependency", [a.dependencies[h][i]]) }); else k = k.concat(this._validateSchema(a.dependencies[h], b, e)) } // Custom type validation (global) // Custom type validation (instance specific) return d(f.defaults.custom_validators, function(c, d) { k = k.concat(d.call(j, a, b, e)) }), this.options.custom_validators && d(this.options.custom_validators, function(c, d) { k = k.concat(d.call(j, a, b, e)) }), k }, _checkType: function(a, b) { // Simple types // Simple types return "string" == typeof a ? "string" === a ? "string" == typeof b : "number" === a ? "number" == typeof b : "integer" === a ? "number" == typeof b && b === Math.floor(b) : "boolean" === a ? "boolean" == typeof b : "array" === a ? Array.isArray(b) : "object" === a ? null !== b && !Array.isArray(b) && "object" == typeof b : "null" !== a || null === b : !this._validateSchema(a, b).length } }), /** * All editors should extend from this class */ f.AbstractEditor = a.extend({ onChildEditorChange: function(a) { this.onChange(!0) }, notify: function() { this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path) }, change: function() { this.parent ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor.onChange() }, onChange: function(a) { this.notify(), this.watch_listener && this.watch_listener(), a && this.change() }, register: function() { this.jsoneditor.registerEditor(this), this.onChange() }, unregister: function() { this.jsoneditor && this.jsoneditor.unregisterEditor(this) }, getNumColumns: function() { return 12 }, init: function(a) { this.jsoneditor = a.jsoneditor, this.theme = this.jsoneditor.theme, this.template_engine = this.jsoneditor.template, this.iconlib = this.jsoneditor.iconlib, this.translate = this.jsoneditor.translate || f.defaults.translate, this.original_schema = a.schema, this.schema = this.jsoneditor.expandSchema(this.original_schema), this.options = c({}, this.options || {}, a.schema.options || {}, a), a.path || this.schema.id || (this.schema.id = "root"), this.path = a.path || "root", this.formname = a.formname || this.path.replace(/\.([^.]+)/g, "[$1]"), this.jsoneditor.options.form_name_root && (this.formname = this.formname.replace(/^root\[/, this.jsoneditor.options.form_name_root + "[")), this.key = this.path.split(".").pop(), this.parent = a.parent, this.link_watchers = [], a.container && this.setContainer(a.container) }, setContainer: function(a) { this.container = a, this.schema.id && this.container.setAttribute("data-schemaid", this.schema.id), this.schema.type && "string" == typeof this.schema.type && this.container.setAttribute("data-schematype", this.schema.type), this.container.setAttribute("data-schemapath", this.path) }, preBuild: function() {}, build: function() {}, postBuild: function() { this.setupWatchListeners(), this.addLinks(), this.setValue(this.getDefault(), !0), this.updateHeaderText(), this.register(), this.onWatchedFieldChange() }, setupWatchListeners: function() { var a = this; if ( // Watched fields this.watched = {}, this.schema.vars && (this.schema.watch = this.schema.vars), this.watched_values = {}, this.watch_listener = function() { a.refreshWatchedFieldValues() && a.onWatchedFieldChange() }, this.register(), this.schema.hasOwnProperty("watch")) { var b, c, d, e, f; for (var g in this.schema.watch) if (this.schema.watch.hasOwnProperty(g)) { if (b = this.schema.watch[g], Array.isArray(b)) { if (b.length < 2) continue; c = [b[0]].concat(b[1].split(".")) } else c = b.split("."), a.theme.closest(a.container, '[data-schemaid="' + c[0] + '"]') || c.unshift("#"); if (d = c.shift(), "#" === d && (d = a.jsoneditor.schema.id || "root"), // Find the root node for this template variable e = a.theme.closest(a.container, '[data-schemaid="' + d + '"]'), !e) throw "Could not find ancestor node with id " + d; // Keep track of the root node and path for use when rendering the template f = e.getAttribute("data-schemapath") + "." + c.join("."), a.jsoneditor.watch(f, a.watch_listener), a.watched[g] = f } } // Dynamic header this.schema.headerTemplate && (this.header_template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.headerTemplate, this.template_engine)) }, addLinks: function() { // Add links if (!this.no_link_holder && (this.link_holder = this.theme.getLinksHolder(), this.container.appendChild(this.link_holder), this.schema.links)) for (var a = 0; a < this.schema.links.length; a++) this.addLink(this.getLink(this.schema.links[a])) }, getButton: function(a, b, c) { var d = "json-editor-btn-" + b; b = this.iconlib ? this.iconlib.getIcon(b) : null, !b && c && (a = c, c = null); var e = this.theme.getButton(a, b, c); return e.className += " " + d + " ", e }, setButtonText: function(a, b, c, d) { return c = this.iconlib ? this.iconlib.getIcon(c) : null, !c && d && (b = d, d = null), this.theme.setButtonText(a, b, c, d) }, addLink: function(a) { this.link_holder && this.link_holder.appendChild(a) }, getLink: function(a) { var b, c, d = a.mediaType || "application/javascript", e = d.split("/")[0], f = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(a.href, this.template_engine), g = null; // Image links if (a.download && (g = a.download), g && g !== !0 && (g = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(g, this.template_engine)), "image" === e) { b = this.theme.getBlockLinkHolder(), c = document.createElement("a"), c.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); var h = document.createElement("img"); this.theme.createImageLink(b, c, h), // When a watched field changes, update the url this.link_watchers.push(function(b) { var d = f(b); c.setAttribute("href", d), c.setAttribute("title", a.rel || d), h.setAttribute("src", d) }) } else if (["audio", "video"].indexOf(e) >= 0) { b = this.theme.getBlockLinkHolder(), c = this.theme.getBlockLink(), c.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); var i = document.createElement(e); i.setAttribute("controls", "controls"), this.theme.createMediaLink(b, c, i), // When a watched field changes, update the url this.link_watchers.push(function(b) { var d = f(b); c.setAttribute("href", d), c.textContent = a.rel || d, i.setAttribute("src", d) }) } else c = b = this.theme.getBlockLink(), b.setAttribute("target", "_blank"), b.textContent = a.rel, // When a watched field changes, update the url this.link_watchers.push(function(c) { var d = f(c); b.setAttribute("href", d), b.textContent = a.rel || d }); return g && c && (g === !0 ? c.setAttribute("download", "") : this.link_watchers.push(function(a) { c.setAttribute("download", g(a)) })), a["class"] && (c.className = c.className + " " + a["class"]), b }, refreshWatchedFieldValues: function() { if (this.watched_values) { var a = {}, b = !1, c = this; if (this.watched) { var d, e; for (var f in this.watched) this.watched.hasOwnProperty(f) && (e = c.jsoneditor.getEditor(this.watched[f]), d = e ? e.getValue() : null, c.watched_values[f] !== d && (b = !0), a[f] = d) } return a.self = this.getValue(), this.watched_values.self !== a.self && (b = !0), this.watched_values = a, b } }, getWatchedFieldValues: function() { return this.watched_values }, updateHeaderText: function() { if (this.header) // If the header has children, only update the text node's value if (this.header.children.length) { for (var a = 0; a < this.header.childNodes.length; a++) if (3 === this.header.childNodes[a].nodeType) { this.header.childNodes[a].nodeValue = this.getHeaderText(); break } } else this.header.textContent = this.getHeaderText() }, getHeaderText: function(a) { return this.header_text ? this.header_text : a ? this.schema.title : this.getTitle() }, onWatchedFieldChange: function() { var a; if (this.header_template) { a = c(this.getWatchedFieldValues(), { key: this.key, i: this.key, i0: 1 * this.key, i1: 1 * this.key + 1, title: this.getTitle() }); var b = this.header_template(a); b !== this.header_text && (this.header_text = b, this.updateHeaderText(), this.notify()) } if (this.link_watchers.length) { a = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); for (var d = 0; d < this.link_watchers.length; d++) this.link_watchers[d](a) } }, setValue: function(a) { this.value = a }, getValue: function() { return this.value }, refreshValue: function() {}, getChildEditors: function() { return !1 }, destroy: function() { var a = this; this.unregister(this), d(this.watched, function(b, c) { a.jsoneditor.unwatch(c, a.watch_listener) }), this.watched = null, this.watched_values = null, this.watch_listener = null, this.header_text = null, this.header_template = null, this.value = null, this.container && this.container.parentNode && this.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.container), this.container = null, this.jsoneditor = null, this.schema = null, this.path = null, this.key = null, this.parent = null }, getDefault: function() { if (this.schema["default"]) return this.schema["default"]; if (this.schema["enum"]) return this.schema["enum"][0]; var a = this.schema.type || this.schema.oneOf; if (a && Array.isArray(a) && (a = a[0]), a && "object" == typeof a && (a = a.type), a && Array.isArray(a) && (a = a[0]), "string" == typeof a) { if ("number" === a) return 0; if ("boolean" === a) return !1; if ("integer" === a) return 0; if ("string" === a) return ""; if ("object" === a) return {}; if ("array" === a) return [] } return null }, getTitle: function() { return this.schema.title || this.key }, enable: function() { this.disabled = !1 }, disable: function() { this.disabled = !0 }, isEnabled: function() { return !this.disabled }, isRequired: function() { return "boolean" == typeof this.schema.required ? this.schema.required : this.parent && this.parent.schema && Array.isArray(this.parent.schema.required) ? this.parent.schema.required.indexOf(this.key) > -1 : !!this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default }, getDisplayText: function(a) { var b = [], c = {}; // Determine how many times each attribute name is used. // This helps us pick the most distinct display text for the schemas. d(a, function(a, b) { b.title && (c[b.title] = c[b.title] || 0, c[b.title]++), b.description && (c[b.description] = c[b.description] || 0, c[b.description]++), b.format && (c[b.format] = c[b.format] || 0, c[b.format]++), b.type && (c[b.type] = c[b.type] || 0, c[b.type]++) }), // Determine display text for each element of the array d(a, function(a, d) { var e; // If it's a simple string e = "string" == typeof d ? d : d.title && c[d.title] <= 1 ? d.title : d.format && c[d.format] <= 1 ? d.format : d.type && c[d.type] <= 1 ? d.type : d.description && c[d.description] <= 1 ? d.descripton : d.title ? d.title : d.format ? d.format : d.type ? d.type : d.description ? d.description : JSON.stringify(d).length < 50 ? JSON.stringify(d) : "type", b.push(e) }); // Replace identical display text with "text 1", "text 2", etc. var e = {}; return d(b, function(a, d) { e[d] = e[d] || 0, e[d]++, c[d] > 1 && (b[a] = d + " " + e[d]) }), b }, getOption: function(a) { try { throw "getOption is deprecated" } catch (b) { window.console.error(b) } return this.options[a] }, showValidationErrors: function(a) {} }), f.defaults.editors["null"] = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getValue: function() { return null }, setValue: function() { this.onChange() }, getNumColumns: function() { return 2 } }), f.defaults.editors.string = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ register: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) }, unregister: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") }, setValue: function(a, b, c) { if ((!this.template || c) && (null === a || "undefined" == typeof a ? a = "" : "object" == typeof a ? a = JSON.stringify(a) : "string" != typeof a && (a = "" + a), a !== this.serialized)) { // Sanitize value before setting it var d = this.sanitize(a); if (this.input.value !== d) { this.input.value = d, // If using SCEditor, update the WYSIWYG this.sceditor_instance ? this.sceditor_instance.val(d) : this.epiceditor ? this.epiceditor.importFile(null, d) : this.ace_editor && this.ace_editor.setValue(d); var e = c || this.getValue() !== a; this.refreshValue(), b ? this.is_dirty = !1 : "change" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors && (this.is_dirty = !0), this.adjust_height && this.adjust_height(this.input), // Bubble this setValue to parents if the value changed this.onChange(e) } } }, getNumColumns: function() { var a, b = Math.ceil(Math.max(this.getTitle().length, this.schema.maxLength || 0, this.schema.minLength || 0) / 5); return a = "textarea" === this.input_type ? 6 : ["text", "email"].indexOf(this.input_type) >= 0 ? 4 : 2, Math.min(12, Math.max(b, a)) }, build: function() { var a = this; // Specific format if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description)), this.format = this.schema.format, !this.format && this.schema.media && this.schema.media.type && (this.format = this.schema.media.type.replace(/(^(application|text)\/(x-)?(script\.)?)|(-source$)/g, "")), !this.format && this.options.default_format && (this.format = this.options.default_format), this.options.format && (this.format = this.options.format), this.format) // Text Area if ("textarea" === this.format) this.input_type = "textarea", this.input = this.theme.getTextareaInput(); else if ("range" === this.format) { this.input_type = "range"; var b = this.schema.minimum || 0, c = this.schema.maximum || Math.max(100, b + 1), d = 1; this.schema.multipleOf && (b % this.schema.multipleOf && (b = Math.ceil(b / this.schema.multipleOf) * this.schema.multipleOf), c % this.schema.multipleOf && (c = Math.floor(c / this.schema.multipleOf) * this.schema.multipleOf), d = this.schema.multipleOf), this.input = this.theme.getRangeInput(b, c, d) } else ["actionscript", "batchfile", "bbcode", "c", "c++", "cpp", "coffee", "csharp", "css", "dart", "django", "ejs", "erlang", "golang", "groovy", "handlebars", "haskell", "haxe", "html", "ini", "jade", "java", "javascript", "json", "less", "lisp", "lua", "makefile", "markdown", "matlab", "mysql", "objectivec", "pascal", "perl", "pgsql", "php", "python", "r", "ruby", "sass", "scala", "scss", "smarty", "sql", "stylus", "svg", "twig", "vbscript", "xml", "yaml"].indexOf(this.format) >= 0 ? (this.input_type = this.format, this.source_code = !0, this.input = this.theme.getTextareaInput()) : (this.input_type = this.format, this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField(this.input_type)); else this.input_type = "text", this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField(this.input_type); // minLength, maxLength, and pattern "undefined" != typeof this.schema.maxLength && this.input.setAttribute("maxlength", this.schema.maxLength), "undefined" != typeof this.schema.pattern ? this.input.setAttribute("pattern", this.schema.pattern) : "undefined" != typeof this.schema.minLength && this.input.setAttribute("pattern", ".{" + this.schema.minLength + ",}"), this.options.compact ? this.container.className += " compact" : this.options.input_width && (this.input.style.width = this.options.input_width), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly || this.schema.template) && (this.always_disabled = !0, this.input.disabled = !0), this.input.addEventListener("change", function(b) { // Don't allow changing if this field is a template if (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.schema.template) return void(this.value = a.value); var c = this.value, d = a.sanitize(c); c !== d && (this.value = d), a.is_dirty = !0, a.refreshValue(), a.onChange(!0) }), this.options.input_height && (this.input.style.height = this.options.input_height), this.options.expand_height && (this.adjust_height = function(a) { if (a) { var b, c = a.offsetHeight; // Input too short if (a.offsetHeight < a.scrollHeight) for (b = 0; a.offsetHeight < a.scrollHeight + 3 && !(b > 100);) b++, c++, a.style.height = c + "px"; else { for (b = 0; a.offsetHeight >= a.scrollHeight + 3 && !(b > 100);) b++, c--, a.style.height = c + "px"; a.style.height = c + 1 + "px" } } }, this.input.addEventListener("keyup", function(b) { a.adjust_height(this) }), this.input.addEventListener("change", function(b) { a.adjust_height(this) }), this.adjust_height()), this.format && this.input.setAttribute("data-schemaformat", this.format), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description), this.container.appendChild(this.control), // Any special formatting that needs to happen after the input is added to the dom window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { // Skip in case the input is only a temporary editor, // otherwise, in the case of an ace_editor creation, // it will generate an error trying to append it to the missing parentNode a.input.parentNode && a.afterInputReady(), a.adjust_height && a.adjust_height(a.input) }), // Compile and store the template this.schema.template ? (this.template = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.schema.template, this.template_engine), this.refreshValue()) : this.refreshValue() }, enable: function() { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.input.disabled = !0, // TODO: WYSIWYG and Markdown editors this._super() }, afterInputReady: function() { var a, b = this; // Code editor if (this.source_code) // WYSIWYG html and bbcode editor if (this.options.wysiwyg && ["html", "bbcode"].indexOf(this.input_type) >= 0 && window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.sceditor) a = c({}, { plugins: "html" === b.input_type ? "xhtml" : "bbcode", emoticonsEnabled: !1, width: "100%", height: 300 }, f.plugins.sceditor, b.options.sceditor_options || {}), window.jQuery(b.input).sceditor(a), b.sceditor_instance = window.jQuery(b.input).sceditor("instance"), b.sceditor_instance.blur(function() { // Get editor's value var a = window.jQuery("
" + b.sceditor_instance.val() + "
"); // Remove sceditor spans/divs window.jQuery("#sceditor-start-marker,#sceditor-end-marker,.sceditor-nlf", a).remove(), // Set the value and update b.input.value = a.html(), b.value = b.input.value, b.is_dirty = !0, b.onChange(!0) }); else if ("markdown" === this.input_type && window.EpicEditor) this.epiceditor_container = document.createElement("div"), this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.epiceditor_container, this.input), this.input.style.display = "none", a = c({}, f.plugins.epiceditor, { container: this.epiceditor_container, clientSideStorage: !1 }), this.epiceditor = new window.EpicEditor(a).load(), this.epiceditor.importFile(null, this.getValue()), this.epiceditor.on("update", function() { var a = b.epiceditor.exportFile(); b.input.value = a, b.value = a, b.is_dirty = !0, b.onChange(!0) }); else if (window.ace) { var d = this.input_type; // aliases for c/cpp "cpp" !== d && "c++" !== d && "c" !== d || (d = "c_cpp"), this.ace_container = document.createElement("div"), this.ace_container.style.width = "100%", this.ace_container.style.position = "relative", this.ace_container.style.height = "400px", this.input.parentNode.insertBefore(this.ace_container, this.input), this.input.style.display = "none", this.ace_editor = window.ace.edit(this.ace_container), this.ace_editor.setValue(this.getValue()), // The theme f.plugins.ace.theme && this.ace_editor.setTheme("ace/theme/" + f.plugins.ace.theme), // The mode d = window.ace.require("ace/mode/" + d), d && this.ace_editor.getSession().setMode(new d.Mode), // Listen for changes this.ace_editor.on("change", function() { var a = b.ace_editor.getValue(); b.input.value = a, b.refreshValue(), b.is_dirty = !0, b.onChange(!0) }) } b.theme.afterInputReady(b.input) }, refreshValue: function() { this.value = this.input.value, "string" != typeof this.value && (this.value = ""), this.serialized = this.value }, destroy: function() { // If using SCEditor, destroy the editor instance this.sceditor_instance ? this.sceditor_instance.destroy() : this.epiceditor ? this.epiceditor.unload() : this.ace_editor && this.ace_editor.destroy(), this.template = null, this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this._super() }, /** * This is overridden in derivative editors */ sanitize: function(a) { return a }, /** * Re-calculates the value if needed */ onWatchedFieldChange: function() { var a; // If this editor needs to be rendered by a macro template this.template && (a = this.getWatchedFieldValues(), this.setValue(this.template(a), !1, !0)), this._super() }, showValidationErrors: function(a) { var b = this; if ("always" === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors); else if (!this.is_dirty && this.previous_error_setting === this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors) return; this.previous_error_setting = this.jsoneditor.options.show_errors; var c = []; d(a, function(a, d) { d.path === b.path && c.push(d.message) }), c.length ? this.theme.addInputError(this.input, c.join(". ") + ".") : this.theme.removeInputError(this.input) } }), f.defaults.editors.number = f.defaults.editors.string.extend({ sanitize: function(a) { return (a + "").replace(/[^0-9\.\-eE]/g, "") }, getNumColumns: function() { return 2 }, getValue: function() { return 1 * this.value } }), f.defaults.editors.integer = f.defaults.editors.number.extend({ sanitize: function(a) { return a += "", a.replace(/[^0-9\-]/g, "") }, getNumColumns: function() { return 2 } }), f.defaults.editors.object = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getDefault: function() { return c({}, this.schema["default"] || {}) }, getChildEditors: function() { return this.editors }, register: function() { if (this._super(), this.editors) for (var a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && this.editors[a].register() }, unregister: function() { if (this._super(), this.editors) for (var a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && this.editors[a].unregister() }, getNumColumns: function() { return Math.max(Math.min(12, this.maxwidth), 3) }, enable: function() { if (this.editjson_button && (this.editjson_button.disabled = !1), this.addproperty_button && (this.addproperty_button.disabled = !1), this._super(), this.editors) for (var a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && this.editors[a].enable() }, disable: function() { if (this.editjson_button && (this.editjson_button.disabled = !0), this.addproperty_button && (this.addproperty_button.disabled = !0), this.hideEditJSON(), this._super(), this.editors) for (var a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && this.editors[a].disable() }, layoutEditors: function() { var a, b, c = this; if (this.row_container) { // Sort editors by propertyOrder this.property_order = Object.keys(this.editors), this.property_order = this.property_order.sort(function(a, b) { var d = c.editors[a].schema.propertyOrder, e = c.editors[b].schema.propertyOrder; return "number" != typeof d && (d = 1e3), "number" != typeof e && (e = 1e3), d - e }); var e; if ("grid" === this.format) { var f = []; // Make almost full rows width 12 // Do this by increasing all editors' sizes proprotionately // Any left over space goes to the biggest editor // Don't touch rows with a width of 6 or less for (d(this.property_order, function(a, b) { var d = c.editors[b]; if (!d.property_removed) { // See if the editor will fit in any of the existing rows first for (var e = !1, g = d.options.hidden ? 0 : d.options.grid_columns || d.getNumColumns(), h = d.options.hidden ? 0 : d.container.offsetHeight, i = 0; i < f.length; i++) // If the editor will fit in the row horizontally f[i].width + g <= 12 && (!h || .5 * f[i].minh < h && 2 * f[i].maxh > h) && (e = i); // If there isn't a spot in any of the existing rows, start a new row e === !1 && (f.push({ width: 0, minh: 999999, maxh: 0, editors: [] }), e = f.length - 1), f[e].editors.push({ key: b, //editor: editor, width: g, height: h }), f[e].width += g, f[e].minh = Math.min(f[e].minh, h), f[e].maxh = Math.max(f[e].maxh, h) } }), a = 0; a < f.length; a++) if (f[a].width < 12) { var g = !1, h = 0; for (b = 0; b < f[a].editors.length; b++) g === !1 ? g = b : f[a].editors[b].width > f[a].editors[g].width && (g = b), f[a].editors[b].width *= 12 / f[a].width, f[a].editors[b].width = Math.floor(f[a].editors[b].width), h += f[a].editors[b].width; h < 12 && (f[a].editors[g].width += 12 - h), f[a].width = 12 } // layout hasn't changed if (this.layout === JSON.stringify(f)) return !1; for (this.layout = JSON.stringify(f), // Layout the form e = document.createElement("div"), a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { var i = this.theme.getGridRow(); for (e.appendChild(i), b = 0; b < f[a].editors.length; b++) { var j = f[a].editors[b].key, k = this.editors[j]; k.options.hidden ? k.container.style.display = "none" : this.theme.setGridColumnSize(k.container, f[a].editors[b].width), i.appendChild(k.container) } } } else e = document.createElement("div"), d(this.property_order, function(a, b) { var d = c.editors[b]; if (!d.property_removed) { var f = c.theme.getGridRow(); e.appendChild(f), d.options.hidden ? d.container.style.display = "none" : c.theme.setGridColumnSize(d.container, 12), f.appendChild(d.container) } }); this.row_container.innerHTML = "", this.row_container.appendChild(e) } }, getPropertySchema: function(a) { // Schema declared directly in properties var b = this.schema.properties[a] || {}; b = c({}, b); var d = !!this.schema.properties[a]; // Any matching patternProperties should be merged in if (this.schema.patternProperties) for (var e in this.schema.patternProperties) if (this.schema.patternProperties.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var f = new RegExp(e); f.test(a) && (b.allOf = b.allOf || [], b.allOf.push(this.schema.patternProperties[e]), d = !0) } // Hasn't matched other rules, use additionalProperties schema return !d && this.schema.additionalProperties && "object" == typeof this.schema.additionalProperties && (b = c({}, this.schema.additionalProperties)), b }, preBuild: function() { this._super(), this.editors = {}, this.cached_editors = {}; var a = this; // If the object should be rendered as a table row if (this.format = this.options.layout || this.options.object_layout || this.schema.format || this.jsoneditor.options.object_layout || "normal", this.schema.properties = this.schema.properties || {}, this.minwidth = 0, this.maxwidth = 0, this.options.table_row) d(this.schema.properties, function(b, c) { var d = a.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(c); a.editors[b] = a.jsoneditor.createEditor(d, { jsoneditor: a.jsoneditor, schema: c, path: a.path + "." + b, parent: a, compact: !0, required: !0 }), a.editors[b].preBuild(); var e = a.editors[b].options.hidden ? 0 : a.editors[b].options.grid_columns || a.editors[b].getNumColumns(); a.minwidth += e, a.maxwidth += e }), this.no_link_holder = !0; else { if (this.options.table) // TODO: table display format throw "Not supported yet"; this.schema.defaultProperties || (this.jsoneditor.options.display_required_only || this.options.display_required_only ? (this.schema.defaultProperties = [], d(this.schema.properties, function(b, c) { a.isRequired({ key: b, schema: c }) && a.schema.defaultProperties.push(b) })) : a.schema.defaultProperties = Object.keys(a.schema.properties)), // Increase the grid width to account for padding a.maxwidth += 1, d(this.schema.defaultProperties, function(b, c) { a.addObjectProperty(c, !0), a.editors[c] && (a.minwidth = Math.max(a.minwidth, a.editors[c].options.grid_columns || a.editors[c].getNumColumns()), a.maxwidth += a.editors[c].options.grid_columns || a.editors[c].getNumColumns()) }) } // Sort editors by propertyOrder this.property_order = Object.keys(this.editors), this.property_order = this.property_order.sort(function(b, c) { var d = a.editors[b].schema.propertyOrder, e = a.editors[c].schema.propertyOrder; return "number" != typeof d && (d = 1e3), "number" != typeof e && (e = 1e3), d - e }) }, build: function() { var a = this; // If the object should be rendered as a table row if (this.options.table_row) this.editor_holder = this.container, d(this.editors, function(b, c) { var d = a.theme.getTableCell(); a.editor_holder.appendChild(d), c.setContainer(d), c.build(), c.postBuild(), a.editors[b].options.hidden && (d.style.display = "none"), a.editors[b].options.input_width && (d.style.width = a.editors[b].options.input_width) }); else { if (this.options.table) // TODO: table display format throw "Not supported yet"; this.header = document.createElement("span"), this.header.textContent = this.getTitle(), this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.header), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.container.style.position = "relative", // Edit JSON modal this.editjson_holder = this.theme.getModal(), this.editjson_textarea = this.theme.getTextareaInput(), this.editjson_textarea.style.height = "170px", this.editjson_textarea.style.width = "300px", this.editjson_textarea.style.display = "block", this.editjson_save = this.getButton("Save", "save", "Save"), this.editjson_save.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.saveJSON() }), this.editjson_cancel = this.getButton("Cancel", "cancel", "Cancel"), this.editjson_cancel.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.hideEditJSON() }), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_textarea), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_save), this.editjson_holder.appendChild(this.editjson_cancel), // Manage Properties modal this.addproperty_holder = this.theme.getModal(), this.addproperty_list = document.createElement("div"), this.addproperty_list.style.width = "295px", this.addproperty_list.style.maxHeight = "160px", this.addproperty_list.style.padding = "5px 0", this.addproperty_list.style.overflowY = "auto", this.addproperty_list.style.overflowX = "hidden", this.addproperty_list.style.paddingLeft = "5px", this.addproperty_list.setAttribute("class", "property-selector"), this.addproperty_add = this.getButton("add", "add", "add"), this.addproperty_input = this.theme.getFormInputField("text"), this.addproperty_input.setAttribute("placeholder", "Property name..."), this.addproperty_input.style.width = "220px", this.addproperty_input.style.marginBottom = "0", this.addproperty_input.style.display = "inline-block", this.addproperty_add.addEventListener("click", function(b) { if (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.addproperty_input.value) { if (a.editors[a.addproperty_input.value]) return void window.alert("there is already a property with that name"); a.addObjectProperty(a.addproperty_input.value), a.editors[a.addproperty_input.value] && a.editors[a.addproperty_input.value].disable(), a.onChange(!0) } }), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_list), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_input), this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(this.addproperty_add); var b = document.createElement("div"); b.style.clear = "both", this.addproperty_holder.appendChild(b), // Description this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.schema.description), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), // Validation error placeholder area this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.error_holder), // Container for child editor area this.editor_holder = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.editor_holder), // Container for rows of child editors this.row_container = this.theme.getGridContainer(), this.editor_holder.appendChild(this.row_container), d(this.editors, function(b, c) { var d = a.theme.getGridColumn(); a.row_container.appendChild(d), c.setContainer(d), c.build(), c.postBuild() }), // Control buttons this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.editjson_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.addproperty_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.title.appendChild(this.editjson_controls), this.title.appendChild(this.addproperty_controls), // Show/Hide button this.collapsed = !1, this.toggle_button = this.getButton("", "collapse", this.translate("button_collapse")), this.title_controls.appendChild(this.toggle_button), this.toggle_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.collapsed ? (a.editor_holder.style.display = "", a.collapsed = !1, a.setButtonText(a.toggle_button, "", "collapse", a.translate("button_collapse"))) : (a.editor_holder.style.display = "none", a.collapsed = !0, a.setButtonText(a.toggle_button, "", "expand", a.translate("button_expand"))) }), // If it should start collapsed this.options.collapsed && e(this.toggle_button, "click"), // Collapse button disabled this.schema.options && "undefined" != typeof this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none"), // Edit JSON Button this.editjson_button = this.getButton("JSON", "edit", "Edit JSON"), this.editjson_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.toggleEditJSON() }), this.editjson_controls.appendChild(this.editjson_button), this.editjson_controls.appendChild(this.editjson_holder), // Edit JSON Buttton disabled this.schema.options && "undefined" != typeof this.schema.options.disable_edit_json ? this.schema.options.disable_edit_json && (this.editjson_button.style.display = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_edit_json && (this.editjson_button.style.display = "none"), // Object Properties Button this.addproperty_button = this.getButton("Properties", "edit", "Object Properties"), this.addproperty_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.toggleAddProperty() }), this.addproperty_controls.appendChild(this.addproperty_button), this.addproperty_controls.appendChild(this.addproperty_holder), this.refreshAddProperties() } // Fix table cell ordering this.options.table_row ? (this.editor_holder = this.container, d(this.property_order, function(b, c) { a.editor_holder.appendChild(a.editors[c].container) })) : ( // Initial layout this.layoutEditors(), // Do it again now that we know the approximate heights of elements this.layoutEditors()) }, showEditJSON: function() { this.editjson_holder && (this.hideAddProperty(), // Position the form directly beneath the button // TODO: edge detection this.editjson_holder.style.left = this.editjson_button.offsetLeft + "px", this.editjson_holder.style.top = this.editjson_button.offsetTop + this.editjson_button.offsetHeight + "px", // Start the textarea with the current value this.editjson_textarea.value = JSON.stringify(this.getValue(), null, 2), // Disable the rest of the form while editing JSON this.disable(), this.editjson_holder.style.display = "", this.editjson_button.disabled = !1, this.editing_json = !0) }, hideEditJSON: function() { this.editjson_holder && this.editing_json && (this.editjson_holder.style.display = "none", this.enable(), this.editing_json = !1) }, saveJSON: function() { if (this.editjson_holder) try { var a = JSON.parse(this.editjson_textarea.value); this.setValue(a), this.hideEditJSON() } catch (b) { throw window.alert("invalid JSON"), b } }, toggleEditJSON: function() { this.editing_json ? this.hideEditJSON() : this.showEditJSON() }, insertPropertyControlUsingPropertyOrder: function(a, b, c) { var d; this.schema.properties[a] && (d = this.schema.properties[a].propertyOrder), "number" != typeof d && (d = 1e3), b.propertyOrder = d; for (var e = 0; e < c.childNodes.length; e++) { var f = c.childNodes[e]; if (b.propertyOrder < f.propertyOrder) { this.addproperty_list.insertBefore(b, f), b = null; break } } b && this.addproperty_list.appendChild(b) }, addPropertyCheckbox: function(a) { var b, c, d, e, f = this; //control.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; return b = f.theme.getCheckbox(), b.style.width = "auto", d = this.schema.properties[a] && this.schema.properties[a].title ? this.schema.properties[a].title : a, c = f.theme.getCheckboxLabel(d), e = f.theme.getFormControl(c, b), e.style.paddingBottom = e.style.marginBottom = e.style.paddingTop = e.style.marginTop = 0, e.style.height = "auto", this.insertPropertyControlUsingPropertyOrder(a, e, this.addproperty_list), b.checked = a in this.editors, b.addEventListener("change", function() { b.checked ? f.addObjectProperty(a) : f.removeObjectProperty(a), f.onChange(!0) }), f.addproperty_checkboxes[a] = b, b }, showAddProperty: function() { this.addproperty_holder && (this.hideEditJSON(), // Position the form directly beneath the button // TODO: edge detection this.addproperty_holder.style.left = this.addproperty_button.offsetLeft + "px", this.addproperty_holder.style.top = this.addproperty_button.offsetTop + this.addproperty_button.offsetHeight + "px", // Disable the rest of the form while editing JSON this.disable(), this.adding_property = !0, this.addproperty_button.disabled = !1, this.addproperty_holder.style.display = "", this.refreshAddProperties()) }, hideAddProperty: function() { this.addproperty_holder && this.adding_property && (this.addproperty_holder.style.display = "none", this.enable(), this.adding_property = !1) }, toggleAddProperty: function() { this.adding_property ? this.hideAddProperty() : this.showAddProperty() }, removeObjectProperty: function(a) { this.editors[a] && (this.editors[a].unregister(), delete this.editors[a], this.refreshValue(), this.layoutEditors()) }, addObjectProperty: function(a, b) { var c = this; // Property is already added if (!this.editors[a]) { // Property was added before and is cached if (this.cached_editors[a]) { if (this.editors[a] = this.cached_editors[a], b) return; this.editors[a].register() } else { if (!(this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() || this.schema.properties && this.schema.properties[a])) return; var d = c.getPropertySchema(a), e = c.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(d); if (c.editors[a] = c.jsoneditor.createEditor(e, { jsoneditor: c.jsoneditor, schema: d, path: c.path + "." + a, parent: c }), c.editors[a].preBuild(), !b) { var f = c.theme.getChildEditorHolder(); c.editor_holder.appendChild(f), c.editors[a].setContainer(f), c.editors[a].build(), c.editors[a].postBuild() } c.cached_editors[a] = c.editors[a] } // If we're only prebuilding the editors, don't refresh values b || (c.refreshValue(), c.layoutEditors()) } }, onChildEditorChange: function(a) { this.refreshValue(), this._super(a) }, canHaveAdditionalProperties: function() { return "boolean" == typeof this.schema.additionalProperties ? this.schema.additionalProperties : !this.jsoneditor.options.no_additional_properties }, destroy: function() { d(this.cached_editors, function(a, b) { b.destroy() }), this.editor_holder && (this.editor_holder.innerHTML = ""), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.error_holder && this.error_holder.parentNode && this.error_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.error_holder), this.editors = null, this.cached_editors = null, this.editor_holder && this.editor_holder.parentNode && this.editor_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.editor_holder), this.editor_holder = null, this._super() }, getValue: function() { var a = this._super(); if (this.jsoneditor.options.remove_empty_properties || this.options.remove_empty_properties) for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a[b] || delete a[b]); return a }, refreshValue: function() { this.value = {}; for (var a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this.value[a] = this.editors[a].getValue()); this.adding_property && this.refreshAddProperties() }, refreshAddProperties: function() { if (this.options.disable_properties || this.options.disable_properties !== !1 && this.jsoneditor.options.disable_properties) return void(this.addproperty_controls.style.display = "none"); var a, b = !1, c = !1, d = 0, e = !1; // Get number of editors for (a in this.editors) this.editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && d++; // Determine if we can add back removed properties b = this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() && !("undefined" != typeof this.schema.maxProperties && d >= this.schema.maxProperties), this.addproperty_checkboxes && (this.addproperty_list.innerHTML = ""), this.addproperty_checkboxes = {}; // Check for which editors can't be removed or added back for (a in this.cached_editors) this.cached_editors.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this.addPropertyCheckbox(a), this.isRequired(this.cached_editors[a]) && a in this.editors && (this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].disabled = !0), "undefined" != typeof this.schema.minProperties && d <= this.schema.minProperties ? (this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].disabled = this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].checked, this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].checked || (e = !0)) : a in this.editors ? (e = !0, c = !0) : b || this.schema.properties.hasOwnProperty(a) ? (this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].disabled = !1, e = !0) : this.addproperty_checkboxes[a].disabled = !0); this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() && (e = !0); // Additional addproperty checkboxes not tied to a current editor for (a in this.schema.properties) this.schema.properties.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this.cached_editors[a] || (e = !0, this.addPropertyCheckbox(a))); // If no editors can be added or removed, hide the modal button e ? this.canHaveAdditionalProperties() ? b ? this.addproperty_add.disabled = !1 : this.addproperty_add.disabled = !0 : (this.addproperty_add.style.display = "none", this.addproperty_input.style.display = "none") : (this.hideAddProperty(), this.addproperty_controls.style.display = "none") }, isRequired: function(a) { return "boolean" == typeof a.schema.required ? a.schema.required : Array.isArray(this.schema.required) ? this.schema.required.indexOf(a.key) > -1 : !!this.jsoneditor.options.required_by_default }, setValue: function(a, b) { var c = this; a = a || {}, ("object" != typeof a || Array.isArray(a)) && (a = {}), // First, set the values for all of the defined properties d(this.cached_editors, function(d, e) { // Value explicitly set "undefined" != typeof a[d] ? (c.addObjectProperty(d), e.setValue(a[d], b)) : b || c.isRequired(e) ? e.setValue(e.getDefault(), b) : c.removeObjectProperty(d) }), d(a, function(a, d) { c.cached_editors[a] || (c.addObjectProperty(a), c.editors[a] && c.editors[a].setValue(d, b)) }), this.refreshValue(), this.layoutEditors(), this.onChange() }, showValidationErrors: function(a) { var b = this, c = [], e = []; // Show errors for this editor if (d(a, function(a, d) { d.path === b.path ? c.push(d) : e.push(d) }), this.error_holder) if (c.length) { this.error_holder.innerHTML = "", this.error_holder.style.display = "", d(c, function(a, c) { b.error_holder.appendChild(b.theme.getErrorMessage(c.message)) }) } else this.error_holder.style.display = "none"; // Show error for the table row if this is inside a table this.options.table_row && (c.length ? this.theme.addTableRowError(this.container) : this.theme.removeTableRowError(this.container)), // Show errors for child editors d(this.editors, function(a, b) { b.showValidationErrors(e) }) } }), f.defaults.editors.array = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getDefault: function() { return this.schema["default"] || [] }, register: function() { if (this._super(), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].register() }, unregister: function() { if (this._super(), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].unregister() }, getNumColumns: function() { var a = this.getItemInfo(0); // Tabs require extra horizontal space // Tabs require extra horizontal space return this.tabs_holder ? Math.max(Math.min(12, a.width + 2), 4) : a.width }, enable: function() { if (this.add_row_button && (this.add_row_button.disabled = !1), this.remove_all_rows_button && (this.remove_all_rows_button.disabled = !1), this.delete_last_row_button && (this.delete_last_row_button.disabled = !1), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].enable(), this.rows[a].moveup_button && (this.rows[a].moveup_button.disabled = !1), this.rows[a].movedown_button && (this.rows[a].movedown_button.disabled = !1), this.rows[a].delete_button && (this.rows[a].delete_button.disabled = !1); this._super() }, disable: function() { if (this.add_row_button && (this.add_row_button.disabled = !0), this.remove_all_rows_button && (this.remove_all_rows_button.disabled = !0), this.delete_last_row_button && (this.delete_last_row_button.disabled = !0), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].disable(), this.rows[a].moveup_button && (this.rows[a].moveup_button.disabled = !0), this.rows[a].movedown_button && (this.rows[a].movedown_button.disabled = !0), this.rows[a].delete_button && (this.rows[a].delete_button.disabled = !0); this._super() }, preBuild: function() { this._super(), this.rows = [], this.row_cache = [], this.hide_delete_buttons = this.options.disable_array_delete || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete, this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons = this.hide_delete_buttons || this.options.disable_array_delete_all_rows || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete_all_rows, this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons = this.hide_delete_buttons || this.options.disable_array_delete_last_row || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_delete_last_row, this.hide_move_buttons = this.options.disable_array_reorder || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_reorder, this.hide_add_button = this.options.disable_array_add || this.jsoneditor.options.disable_array_add }, build: function() { this.options.compact ? (this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.panel.appendChild(this.controls), this.row_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.row_holder)) : (this.header = document.createElement("span"), this.header.textContent = this.getTitle(), this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.header), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.schema.description), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.error_holder), "tabs" === this.schema.format ? (this.controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.controls), this.tabs_holder = this.theme.getTabHolder(), this.container.appendChild(this.tabs_holder), this.row_holder = this.theme.getTabContentHolder(this.tabs_holder), this.active_tab = null) : (this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.row_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.row_holder), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.panel.appendChild(this.controls))), // Add controls this.addControls() }, onChildEditorChange: function(a) { this.refreshValue(), this.refreshTabs(!0), this._super(a) }, getItemTitle: function() { if (!this.item_title) if (this.schema.items && !Array.isArray(this.schema.items)) { var a = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items); this.item_title = a.title || "item" } else this.item_title = "item"; return this.item_title }, getItemSchema: function(a) { return Array.isArray(this.schema.items) ? a >= this.schema.items.length ? this.schema.additionalItems === !0 ? {} : this.schema.additionalItems ? c({}, this.schema.additionalItems) : void 0 : c({}, this.schema.items[a]) : this.schema.items ? c({}, this.schema.items) : {} }, getItemInfo: function(a) { var b = this.getItemSchema(a); // Check if it's cached this.item_info = this.item_info || {}; var c = JSON.stringify(b); // Get the schema for this item return "undefined" != typeof this.item_info[c] ? this.item_info[c] : (b = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(b), this.item_info[c] = { title: b.title || "item", "default": b["default"], width: 12, child_editors: b.properties || b.items }, this.item_info[c]) }, getElementEditor: function(a) { var b = this.getItemInfo(a), c = this.getItemSchema(a); c = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(c), c.title = b.title + " " + (a + 1); var d, e = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(c); d = this.tabs_holder ? this.theme.getTabContent() : b.child_editors ? this.theme.getChildEditorHolder() : this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.row_holder.appendChild(d); var f = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(e, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: c, container: d, path: this.path + "." + a, parent: this, required: !0 }); return f.preBuild(), f.build(), f.postBuild(), f.title_controls || (f.array_controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), d.appendChild(f.array_controls)), f }, destroy: function() { this.empty(!0), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.row_holder && this.row_holder.parentNode && this.row_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.row_holder), this.controls && this.controls.parentNode && this.controls.parentNode.removeChild(this.controls), this.panel && this.panel.parentNode && this.panel.parentNode.removeChild(this.panel), this.rows = this.row_cache = this.title = this.description = this.row_holder = this.panel = this.controls = null, this._super() }, empty: function(a) { if (this.rows) { var b = this; d(this.rows, function(c, d) { a && (d.tab && d.tab.parentNode && d.tab.parentNode.removeChild(d.tab), b.destroyRow(d, !0), b.row_cache[c] = null), b.rows[c] = null }), b.rows = [], a && (b.row_cache = []) } }, destroyRow: function(a, b) { var c = a.container; b ? (a.destroy(), c.parentNode && c.parentNode.removeChild(c), a.tab && a.tab.parentNode && a.tab.parentNode.removeChild(a.tab)) : (a.tab && (a.tab.style.display = "none"), c.style.display = "none", a.unregister()) }, getMax: function() { return Array.isArray(this.schema.items) && this.schema.additionalItems === !1 ? Math.min(this.schema.items.length, this.schema.maxItems || 1 / 0) : this.schema.maxItems || 1 / 0 }, refreshTabs: function(a) { var b = this; d(this.rows, function(c, d) { d.tab && (a ? d.tab_text.textContent = d.getHeaderText() : d.tab === b.active_tab ? (b.theme.markTabActive(d.tab), d.container.style.display = "") : (b.theme.markTabInactive(d.tab), d.container.style.display = "none")) }) }, setValue: function(a, b) { // Update the array's value, adding/removing rows when necessary a = a || [], Array.isArray(a) || (a = [a]); var c = JSON.stringify(a); if (c !== this.serialized) { // Make sure value has between minItems and maxItems items in it if (this.schema.minItems) for (; a.length < this.schema.minItems;) a.push(this.getItemInfo(a.length)["default"]); this.getMax() && a.length > this.getMax() && (a = a.slice(0, this.getMax())); var e = this; d(a, function(a, c) { e.rows[a] ? // TODO: don't set the row's value if it hasn't changed e.rows[a].setValue(c, b) : e.row_cache[a] ? (e.rows[a] = e.row_cache[a], e.rows[a].setValue(c, b), e.rows[a].container.style.display = "", e.rows[a].tab && (e.rows[a].tab.style.display = ""), e.rows[a].register()) : e.addRow(c, b) }); for (var f = a.length; f < e.rows.length; f++) e.destroyRow(e.rows[f]), e.rows[f] = null; e.rows = e.rows.slice(0, a.length); // Set the active tab var g = null; d(e.rows, function(a, b) { if (b.tab === e.active_tab) return g = b.tab, !1 }), !g && e.rows.length && (g = e.rows[0].tab), e.active_tab = g, e.refreshValue(b), e.refreshTabs(!0), e.refreshTabs(), e.onChange() } }, refreshValue: function(a) { var b = this, c = this.value ? this.value.length : 0; if (this.value = [], d(this.rows, function(a, c) { // Get the value for this editor b.value[a] = c.getValue() }), c !== this.value.length || a) { // If we currently have minItems items in the array var e = this.schema.minItems && this.schema.minItems >= this.rows.length; d(this.rows, function(a, c) { // Hide the move down button for the last row c.movedown_button && (a === b.rows.length - 1 ? c.movedown_button.style.display = "none" : c.movedown_button.style.display = ""), // Hide the delete button if we have minItems items c.delete_button && (e ? c.delete_button.style.display = "none" : c.delete_button.style.display = ""), // Get the value for this editor b.value[a] = c.getValue() }); var f = !1; this.value.length ? 1 === this.value.length ? (this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none", // If there are minItems items in the array, or configured to hide the delete_last_row button, hide the delete button beneath the rows e || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons ? this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "", f = !0)) : (e || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons ? this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "", f = !0), e || this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons ? this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none" : (this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "", f = !0)) : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none"), // If there are maxItems in the array, hide the add button beneath the rows this.getMax() && this.getMax() <= this.rows.length || this.hide_add_button ? this.add_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.add_row_button.style.display = "", f = !0), !this.collapsed && f ? this.controls.style.display = "inline-block" : this.controls.style.display = "none" } }, addRow: function(a, b) { var c = this, e = this.rows.length; c.rows[e] = this.getElementEditor(e), c.row_cache[e] = c.rows[e], c.tabs_holder && (c.rows[e].tab_text = document.createElement("span"), c.rows[e].tab_text.textContent = c.rows[e].getHeaderText(), c.rows[e].tab = c.theme.getTab(c.rows[e].tab_text), c.rows[e].tab.addEventListener("click", function(a) { c.active_tab = c.rows[e].tab, c.refreshTabs(), a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation() }), c.theme.addTab(c.tabs_holder, c.rows[e].tab)); var f = c.rows[e].title_controls || c.rows[e].array_controls; // Buttons to delete row, move row up, and move row down c.hide_delete_buttons || (c.rows[e].delete_button = this.getButton(c.getItemTitle(), "delete", this.translate("button_delete_row_title", [c.getItemTitle()])), c.rows[e].delete_button.className += " delete", c.rows[e].delete_button.setAttribute("data-i", e), c.rows[e].delete_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var b = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"), e = c.getValue(), f = [], g = null; d(e, function(a, d) { // If the one we're deleting is the active tab // Make the next tab active if there is one // Note: the next tab is going to be the current tab after deletion return a === b ? void(c.rows[a].tab === c.active_tab && (c.rows[a + 1] ? g = c.rows[a].tab : a && (g = c.rows[a - 1].tab))) : void f.push(d) }), c.setValue(f), g && (c.active_tab = g, c.refreshTabs()), c.onChange(!0) }), f && f.appendChild(c.rows[e].delete_button)), e && !c.hide_move_buttons && (c.rows[e].moveup_button = this.getButton("", "moveup", this.translate("button_move_up_title")), c.rows[e].moveup_button.className += " moveup", c.rows[e].moveup_button.setAttribute("data-i", e), c.rows[e].moveup_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var b = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"); if (!(b <= 0)) { var d = c.getValue(), e = d[b - 1]; d[b - 1] = d[b], d[b] = e, c.setValue(d), c.active_tab = c.rows[b - 1].tab, c.refreshTabs(), c.onChange(!0) } }), f && f.appendChild(c.rows[e].moveup_button)), c.hide_move_buttons || (c.rows[e].movedown_button = this.getButton("", "movedown", this.translate("button_move_down_title")), c.rows[e].movedown_button.className += " movedown", c.rows[e].movedown_button.setAttribute("data-i", e), c.rows[e].movedown_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var b = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"), d = c.getValue(); if (!(b >= d.length - 1)) { var e = d[b + 1]; d[b + 1] = d[b], d[b] = e, c.setValue(d), c.active_tab = c.rows[b + 1].tab, c.refreshTabs(), c.onChange(!0) } }), f && f.appendChild(c.rows[e].movedown_button)), a && c.rows[e].setValue(a, b), c.refreshTabs() }, addControls: function() { var a = this; this.collapsed = !1, this.toggle_button = this.getButton("", "collapse", this.translate("button_collapse")), this.title_controls.appendChild(this.toggle_button); var b = a.row_holder.style.display, c = a.controls.style.display; this.toggle_button.addEventListener("click", function(d) { d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), a.collapsed ? (a.collapsed = !1, a.panel && (a.panel.style.display = ""), a.row_holder.style.display = b, a.tabs_holder && (a.tabs_holder.style.display = ""), a.controls.style.display = c, a.setButtonText(this, "", "collapse", a.translate("button_collapse"))) : (a.collapsed = !0, a.row_holder.style.display = "none", a.tabs_holder && (a.tabs_holder.style.display = "none"), a.controls.style.display = "none", a.panel && (a.panel.style.display = "none"), a.setButtonText(this, "", "expand", a.translate("button_expand"))) }), // If it should start collapsed this.options.collapsed && e(this.toggle_button, "click"), // Collapse button disabled this.schema.options && "undefined" != typeof this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none"), // Add "new row" and "delete last" buttons below editor this.add_row_button = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "add", this.translate("button_add_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()])), this.add_row_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(); var c = a.rows.length; a.row_cache[c] ? (a.rows[c] = a.row_cache[c], a.rows[c].setValue(a.rows[c].getDefault(), !0), a.rows[c].container.style.display = "", a.rows[c].tab && (a.rows[c].tab.style.display = ""), a.rows[c].register()) : a.addRow(), a.active_tab = a.rows[c].tab, a.refreshTabs(), a.refreshValue(), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.add_row_button), this.delete_last_row_button = this.getButton(this.translate("button_delete_last", [this.getItemTitle()]), "delete", this.translate("button_delete_last_title", [this.getItemTitle()])), this.delete_last_row_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(); var c = a.getValue(), d = null; a.rows.length > 1 && a.rows[a.rows.length - 1].tab === a.active_tab && (d = a.rows[a.rows.length - 2].tab), c.pop(), a.setValue(c), d && (a.active_tab = d, a.refreshTabs()), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.delete_last_row_button), this.remove_all_rows_button = this.getButton(this.translate("button_delete_all"), "delete", this.translate("button_delete_all_title")), this.remove_all_rows_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.setValue([]), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.remove_all_rows_button), a.tabs && (this.add_row_button.style.width = "100%", this.add_row_button.style.textAlign = "left", this.add_row_button.style.marginBottom = "3px", this.delete_last_row_button.style.width = "100%", this.delete_last_row_button.style.textAlign = "left", this.delete_last_row_button.style.marginBottom = "3px", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.width = "100%", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.textAlign = "left", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.marginBottom = "3px") }, showValidationErrors: function(a) { var b = this, c = [], e = []; // Show errors for this editor if (d(a, function(a, d) { d.path === b.path ? c.push(d) : e.push(d) }), this.error_holder) if (c.length) { this.error_holder.innerHTML = "", this.error_holder.style.display = "", d(c, function(a, c) { b.error_holder.appendChild(b.theme.getErrorMessage(c.message)) }) } else this.error_holder.style.display = "none"; // Show errors for child editors d(this.rows, function(a, b) { b.showValidationErrors(e) }) } }), f.defaults.editors.table = f.defaults.editors.array.extend({ register: function() { if (this._super(), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].register() }, unregister: function() { if (this._super(), this.rows) for (var a = 0; a < this.rows.length; a++) this.rows[a].unregister() }, getNumColumns: function() { return Math.max(Math.min(12, this.width), 3) }, preBuild: function() { var a = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items || {}); this.item_title = a.title || "row", this.item_default = a["default"] || null, this.item_has_child_editors = a.properties || a.items, this.width = 12, this._super() }, build: function() { var a = this; this.table = this.theme.getTable(), this.container.appendChild(this.table), this.thead = this.theme.getTableHead(), this.table.appendChild(this.thead), this.header_row = this.theme.getTableRow(), this.thead.appendChild(this.header_row), this.row_holder = this.theme.getTableBody(), this.table.appendChild(this.row_holder); // Determine the default value of array element var b = this.getElementEditor(0, !0); if (this.item_default = b.getDefault(), this.width = b.getNumColumns() + 2, this.options.compact ? (this.panel = document.createElement("div"), this.container.appendChild(this.panel)) : (this.title = this.theme.getHeader(this.getTitle()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.schema.description), this.container.appendChild(this.description)), this.panel = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.panel), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.panel.appendChild(this.error_holder)), this.panel.appendChild(this.table), this.controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), this.panel.appendChild(this.controls), this.item_has_child_editors) for (var c = b.getChildEditors(), d = b.property_order || Object.keys(c), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { var f = a.theme.getTableHeaderCell(c[d[e]].getTitle()); c[d[e]].options.hidden && (f.style.display = "none"), a.header_row.appendChild(f) } else a.header_row.appendChild(a.theme.getTableHeaderCell(this.item_title)); b.destroy(), this.row_holder.innerHTML = "", // Row Controls column this.controls_header_cell = a.theme.getTableHeaderCell(" "), a.header_row.appendChild(this.controls_header_cell), // Add controls this.addControls() }, onChildEditorChange: function(a) { this.refreshValue(), this._super() }, getItemDefault: function() { return c({}, { "default": this.item_default })["default"] }, getItemTitle: function() { return this.item_title }, getElementEditor: function(a, b) { var d = c({}, this.schema.items), e = this.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(d, this.jsoneditor), f = this.row_holder.appendChild(this.theme.getTableRow()), g = f; this.item_has_child_editors || (g = this.theme.getTableCell(), f.appendChild(g)); var h = this.jsoneditor.createEditor(e, { jsoneditor: this.jsoneditor, schema: d, container: g, path: this.path + "." + a, parent: this, compact: !0, table_row: !0 }); return h.preBuild(), b || (h.build(), h.postBuild(), h.controls_cell = f.appendChild(this.theme.getTableCell()), h.row = f, h.table_controls = this.theme.getButtonHolder(), h.controls_cell.appendChild(h.table_controls), h.table_controls.style.margin = 0, h.table_controls.style.padding = 0), h }, destroy: function() { this.innerHTML = "", this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.row_holder && this.row_holder.parentNode && this.row_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.row_holder), this.table && this.table.parentNode && this.table.parentNode.removeChild(this.table), this.panel && this.panel.parentNode && this.panel.parentNode.removeChild(this.panel), this.rows = this.title = this.description = this.row_holder = this.table = this.panel = null, this._super() }, setValue: function(a, b) { // Make sure value has between minItems and maxItems items in it if ( // Update the array's value, adding/removing rows when necessary a = a || [], this.schema.minItems) for (; a.length < this.schema.minItems;) a.push(this.getItemDefault()); this.schema.maxItems && a.length > this.schema.maxItems && (a = a.slice(0, this.schema.maxItems)); var c = JSON.stringify(a); if (c !== this.serialized) { var e = !1, f = this; d(a, function(a, b) { f.rows[a] ? // TODO: don't set the row's value if it hasn't changed f.rows[a].setValue(b) : (f.addRow(b), e = !0) }); for (var g = a.length; g < f.rows.length; g++) { var h = f.rows[g].container; f.item_has_child_editors || f.rows[g].row.parentNode.removeChild(f.rows[g].row), f.rows[g].destroy(), h.parentNode && h.parentNode.removeChild(h), f.rows[g] = null, e = !0 } f.rows = f.rows.slice(0, a.length), f.refreshValue(), (e || b) && f.refreshRowButtons(), f.onChange() } }, refreshRowButtons: function() { var a = this, b = this.schema.minItems && this.schema.minItems >= this.rows.length, c = !1; d(this.rows, function(d, e) { // Hide the move down button for the last row e.movedown_button && (d === a.rows.length - 1 ? e.movedown_button.style.display = "none" : (c = !0, e.movedown_button.style.display = "")), // Hide the delete button if we have minItems items e.delete_button && (b ? e.delete_button.style.display = "none" : (c = !0, e.delete_button.style.display = "")), e.moveup_button && (c = !0) }), // Show/hide controls column in table d(this.rows, function(a, b) { c ? b.controls_cell.style.display = "" : b.controls_cell.style.display = "none" }), c ? this.controls_header_cell.style.display = "" : this.controls_header_cell.style.display = "none"; var e = !1; this.value.length ? 1 === this.value.length ? (this.table.style.display = "", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none", // If there are minItems items in the array, or configured to hide the delete_last_row button, hide the delete button beneath the rows b || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons ? this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "", e = !0)) : (this.table.style.display = "", b || this.hide_delete_last_row_buttons ? this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "", e = !0), b || this.hide_delete_all_rows_buttons ? this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none" : (this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "", e = !0)) : (this.delete_last_row_button.style.display = "none", this.remove_all_rows_button.style.display = "none", this.table.style.display = "none"), // If there are maxItems in the array, hide the add button beneath the rows this.schema.maxItems && this.schema.maxItems <= this.rows.length || this.hide_add_button ? this.add_row_button.style.display = "none" : (this.add_row_button.style.display = "", e = !0), e ? this.controls.style.display = "" : this.controls.style.display = "none" }, refreshValue: function() { var a = this; this.value = [], d(this.rows, function(b, c) { // Get the value for this editor a.value[b] = c.getValue() }), this.serialized = JSON.stringify(this.value) }, addRow: function(a) { var b = this, c = this.rows.length; b.rows[c] = this.getElementEditor(c); var e = b.rows[c].table_controls; // Buttons to delete row, move row up, and move row down this.hide_delete_buttons || (b.rows[c].delete_button = this.getButton("", "delete", this.translate("button_delete_row_title_short")), b.rows[c].delete_button.className += " delete", b.rows[c].delete_button.setAttribute("data-i", c), b.rows[c].delete_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var c = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"), e = b.getValue(), f = []; d(e, function(a, b) { a !== c && // If this is the one we're deleting f.push(b) }), b.setValue(f), b.onChange(!0) }), e.appendChild(b.rows[c].delete_button)), c && !this.hide_move_buttons && (b.rows[c].moveup_button = this.getButton("", "moveup", this.translate("button_move_up_title")), b.rows[c].moveup_button.className += " moveup", b.rows[c].moveup_button.setAttribute("data-i", c), b.rows[c].moveup_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var c = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"); if (!(c <= 0)) { var d = b.getValue(), e = d[c - 1]; d[c - 1] = d[c], d[c] = e, b.setValue(d), b.onChange(!0) } }), e.appendChild(b.rows[c].moveup_button)), this.hide_move_buttons || (b.rows[c].movedown_button = this.getButton("", "movedown", this.translate("button_move_down_title")), b.rows[c].movedown_button.className += " movedown", b.rows[c].movedown_button.setAttribute("data-i", c), b.rows[c].movedown_button.addEventListener("click", function(a) { a.preventDefault(), a.stopPropagation(); var c = 1 * this.getAttribute("data-i"), d = b.getValue(); if (!(c >= d.length - 1)) { var e = d[c + 1]; d[c + 1] = d[c], d[c] = e, b.setValue(d), b.onChange(!0) } }), e.appendChild(b.rows[c].movedown_button)), a && b.rows[c].setValue(a) }, addControls: function() { var a = this; this.collapsed = !1, this.toggle_button = this.getButton("", "collapse", this.translate("button_collapse")), this.title_controls && (this.title_controls.appendChild(this.toggle_button), this.toggle_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.collapsed ? (a.collapsed = !1, a.panel.style.display = "", a.setButtonText(this, "", "collapse", a.translate("button_collapse"))) : (a.collapsed = !0, a.panel.style.display = "none", a.setButtonText(this, "", "expand", a.translate("button_expand"))) }), // If it should start collapsed this.options.collapsed && e(this.toggle_button, "click"), // Collapse button disabled this.schema.options && "undefined" != typeof this.schema.options.disable_collapse ? this.schema.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none") : this.jsoneditor.options.disable_collapse && (this.toggle_button.style.display = "none")), // Add "new row" and "delete last" buttons below editor this.add_row_button = this.getButton(this.getItemTitle(), "add", this.translate("button_add_row_title", [this.getItemTitle()])), this.add_row_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.addRow(), a.refreshValue(), a.refreshRowButtons(), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.add_row_button), this.delete_last_row_button = this.getButton(this.translate("button_delete_last", [this.getItemTitle()]), "delete", this.translate("button_delete_last_title", [this.getItemTitle()])), this.delete_last_row_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(); var c = a.getValue(); c.pop(), a.setValue(c), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.delete_last_row_button), this.remove_all_rows_button = this.getButton(this.translate("button_delete_all"), "delete", this.translate("button_delete_all_title")), this.remove_all_rows_button.addEventListener("click", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.setValue([]), a.onChange(!0) }), a.controls.appendChild(this.remove_all_rows_button) } }), // Multiple Editor (for when `type` is an array) f.defaults.editors.multiple = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ register: function() { if (this.editors) { for (var a = 0; a < this.editors.length; a++) this.editors[a] && this.editors[a].unregister(); this.editors[this.type] && this.editors[this.type].register() } this._super() }, unregister: function() { if (this._super(), this.editors) for (var a = 0; a < this.editors.length; a++) this.editors[a] && this.editors[a].unregister() }, getNumColumns: function() { return this.editors[this.type] ? Math.max(this.editors[this.type].getNumColumns(), 4) : 4 }, enable: function() { if (this.editors) for (var a = 0; a < this.editors.length; a++) this.editors[a] && this.editors[a].enable(); this.switcher.disabled = !1, this._super() }, disable: function() { if (this.editors) for (var a = 0; a < this.editors.length; a++) this.editors[a] && this.editors[a].disable(); this.switcher.disabled = !0, this._super() }, switchEditor: function(a) { var b = this; this.editors[a] || this.buildChildEditor(a); var c = b.getValue(); b.type = a, b.register(), d(b.editors, function(a, d) { d && (b.type === a ? (b.keep_values && d.setValue(c, !0), d.container.style.display = "") : d.container.style.display = "none") }), b.refreshValue(), b.refreshHeaderText() }, buildChildEditor: function(a) { var b = this, d = this.types[a], e = b.theme.getChildEditorHolder(); b.editor_holder.appendChild(e); var f; "string" == typeof d ? (f = c({}, b.schema), f.type = d) : (f = c({}, b.schema, d), f = b.jsoneditor.expandRefs(f), // If we need to merge `required` arrays d.required && Array.isArray(d.required) && b.schema.required && Array.isArray(b.schema.required) && (f.required = b.schema.required.concat(d.required))); var g = b.jsoneditor.getEditorClass(f); b.editors[a] = b.jsoneditor.createEditor(g, { jsoneditor: b.jsoneditor, schema: f, container: e, path: b.path, parent: b, required: !0 }), b.editors[a].preBuild(), b.editors[a].build(), b.editors[a].postBuild(), b.editors[a].header && (b.editors[a].header.style.display = "none"), b.editors[a].option = b.switcher_options[a], e.addEventListener("change_header_text", function() { b.refreshHeaderText() }), a !== b.type && (e.style.display = "none") }, preBuild: function() { if (this.types = [], this.type = 0, this.editors = [], this.validators = [], this.keep_values = !0, "undefined" != typeof this.jsoneditor.options.keep_oneof_values && (this.keep_values = this.jsoneditor.options.keep_oneof_values), "undefined" != typeof this.options.keep_oneof_values && (this.keep_values = this.options.keep_oneof_values), this.schema.oneOf) this.oneOf = !0, this.types = this.schema.oneOf, delete this.schema.oneOf; else if (this.schema.anyOf) this.anyOf = !0, this.types = this.schema.anyOf, delete this.schema.anyOf; else { if (this.schema.type && "any" !== this.schema.type) Array.isArray(this.schema.type) ? this.types = this.schema.type : this.types = [this.schema.type]; else // If any of these primitive types are disallowed if (this.types = ["string", "number", "integer", "boolean", "object", "array", "null"], this.schema.disallow) { var a = this.schema.disallow; "object" == typeof a && Array.isArray(a) || (a = [a]); var b = []; d(this.types, function(c, d) { a.indexOf(d) === -1 && b.push(d) }), this.types = b } delete this.schema.type } this.display_text = this.getDisplayText(this.types) }, build: function() { var a = this, b = this.container; this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), this.container.appendChild(this.header), this.switcher = this.theme.getSwitcher(this.display_text), b.appendChild(this.switcher), this.switcher.addEventListener("change", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.switchEditor(a.display_text.indexOf(this.value)), a.onChange(!0) }), this.editor_holder = document.createElement("div"), b.appendChild(this.editor_holder); var e = {}; a.jsoneditor.options.custom_validators && (e.custom_validators = a.jsoneditor.options.custom_validators), this.switcher_options = this.theme.getSwitcherOptions(this.switcher), d(this.types, function(b, d) { a.editors[b] = !1; var g; "string" == typeof d ? (g = c({}, a.schema), g.type = d) : (g = c({}, a.schema, d), // If we need to merge `required` arrays d.required && Array.isArray(d.required) && a.schema.required && Array.isArray(a.schema.required) && (g.required = a.schema.required.concat(d.required))), a.validators[b] = new f.Validator(a.jsoneditor, g, e) }), this.switchEditor(0) }, onChildEditorChange: function(a) { this.editors[this.type] && (this.refreshValue(), this.refreshHeaderText()), this._super() }, refreshHeaderText: function() { var a = this.getDisplayText(this.types); d(this.switcher_options, function(b, c) { c.textContent = a[b] }) }, refreshValue: function() { this.value = this.editors[this.type].getValue() }, setValue: function(a, b) { // Determine type by getting the first one that validates var c = this; d(this.validators, function(b, d) { if (!d.validate(a).length) return c.type = b, c.switcher.value = c.display_text[b], !1 }), this.switchEditor(this.type), this.editors[this.type].setValue(a, b), this.refreshValue(), c.onChange() }, destroy: function() { d(this.editors, function(a, b) { b && b.destroy() }), this.editor_holder && this.editor_holder.parentNode && this.editor_holder.parentNode.removeChild(this.editor_holder), this.switcher && this.switcher.parentNode && this.switcher.parentNode.removeChild(this.switcher), this._super() }, showValidationErrors: function(a) { var b = this; // oneOf and anyOf error paths need to remove the oneOf[i] part before passing to child editors if (this.oneOf || this.anyOf) { var e = this.oneOf ? "oneOf" : "anyOf"; d(this.editors, function(f, g) { if (g) { var h = b.path + "." + e + "[" + f + "]", i = []; d(a, function(a, d) { if (d.path.substr(0, h.length) === h) { var e = c({}, d); e.path = b.path + e.path.substr(h.length), i.push(e) } }), g.showValidationErrors(i) } }) } else d(this.editors, function(b, c) { c && c.showValidationErrors(a) }) } }), // Enum Editor (used for objects and arrays with enumerated values) f.defaults.editors["enum"] = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getNumColumns: function() { return 4 }, build: function() { this.container; this.title = this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), this.container.appendChild(this.title), this.options.enum_titles = this.options.enum_titles || [], this["enum"] = this.schema["enum"], this.selected = 0, this.select_options = [], this.html_values = []; for (var a = this, b = 0; b < this["enum"].length; b++) this.select_options[b] = this.options.enum_titles[b] || "Value " + (b + 1), this.html_values[b] = this.getHTML(this["enum"][b]); // Switcher this.switcher = this.theme.getSwitcher(this.select_options), this.container.appendChild(this.switcher), // Display area this.display_area = this.theme.getIndentedPanel(), this.container.appendChild(this.display_area), this.options.hide_display && (this.display_area.style.display = "none"), this.switcher.addEventListener("change", function() { a.selected = a.select_options.indexOf(this.value), a.value = a["enum"][a.selected], a.refreshValue(), a.onChange(!0) }), this.value = this["enum"][0], this.refreshValue(), 1 === this["enum"].length && (this.switcher.style.display = "none") }, refreshValue: function() { var a = this; a.selected = -1; var b = JSON.stringify(this.value); return d(this["enum"], function(c, d) { if (b === JSON.stringify(d)) return a.selected = c, !1 }), a.selected < 0 ? void a.setValue(a["enum"][0]) : (this.switcher.value = this.select_options[this.selected], void(this.display_area.innerHTML = this.html_values[this.selected])) }, enable: function() { this.always_disabled || (this.switcher.disabled = !1), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.switcher.disabled = !0, this._super() }, getHTML: function(a) { var b = this; if (null === a) return "null"; if ("object" == typeof a) { // TODO: use theme var c = ""; return d(a, function(d, e) { var f = b.getHTML(e); // Add the keys to object children Array.isArray(a) || ( // TODO: use theme f = "
" + d + ": " + f + "
"), // TODO: use theme c += "
  • " + f + "
  • " }), c = Array.isArray(a) ? "
      " + c + "
    " : "" } return "boolean" == typeof a ? a ? "true" : "false" : "string" == typeof a ? a.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">") : a }, setValue: function(a) { this.value !== a && (this.value = a, this.refreshValue(), this.onChange()) }, destroy: function() { this.display_area && this.display_area.parentNode && this.display_area.parentNode.removeChild(this.display_area), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.switcher && this.switcher.parentNode && this.switcher.parentNode.removeChild(this.switcher), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.select = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ setValue: function(a, b) { a = this.typecast(a || ""); // Sanitize value before setting it var c = a; this.enum_values.indexOf(c) < 0 && (c = this.enum_values[0]), this.value !== c && (this.input.value = this.enum_options[this.enum_values.indexOf(c)], this.select2 && this.select2.select2("val", this.input.value), this.value = c, this.onChange()) }, register: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) }, unregister: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") }, getNumColumns: function() { if (!this.enum_options) return 3; for (var a = this.getTitle().length, b = 0; b < this.enum_options.length; b++) a = Math.max(a, this.enum_options[b].length + 4); return Math.min(12, Math.max(a / 7, 2)) }, typecast: function(a) { return "boolean" === this.schema.type ? !!a : "number" === this.schema.type ? 1 * a : "integer" === this.schema.type ? Math.floor(1 * a) : "" + a }, getValue: function() { return this.value }, preBuild: function() { var a = this; this.input_type = "select", this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], this.enum_display = []; var b; // Enum options enumerated if (this.schema["enum"]) { var e = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || []; d(this.schema["enum"], function(b, c) { a.enum_options[b] = "" + c, a.enum_display[b] = "" + (e[b] || c), a.enum_values[b] = a.typecast(c) }), this.isRequired() || (a.enum_display.unshift(" "), a.enum_options.unshift("undefined"), a.enum_values.unshift(void 0)) } else if ("boolean" === this.schema.type) a.enum_display = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || ["true", "false"], a.enum_options = ["1", ""], a.enum_values = [!0, !1], this.isRequired() || (a.enum_display.unshift(" "), a.enum_options.unshift("undefined"), a.enum_values.unshift(void 0)); else { if (!this.schema.enumSource) throw "'select' editor requires the enum property to be set."; // Shortcut declaration for using a single array if (this.enumSource = [], this.enum_display = [], this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource)) for (b = 0; b < this.schema.enumSource.length; b++) // Shorthand for watched variable "string" == typeof this.schema.enumSource[b] ? this.enumSource[b] = { source: this.schema.enumSource[b] } : Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource[b]) ? this.enumSource[b] = this.schema.enumSource[b] : this.enumSource[b] = c({}, this.schema.enumSource[b]); else this.schema.enumValue ? this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource, value: this.schema.enumValue }] : this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource }]; // Now, enumSource is an array of sources // Walk through this array and fix up the values for (b = 0; b < this.enumSource.length; b++) this.enumSource[b].value && (this.enumSource[b].value = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].value, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[b].title && (this.enumSource[b].title = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].title, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[b].filter && (this.enumSource[b].filter = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].filter, this.template_engine)) } }, build: function() { var a = this; this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description)), this.options.compact && (this.container.className += " compact"), this.input = this.theme.getSelectInput(this.enum_options), this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, this.enum_options, this.enum_display), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.always_disabled = !0, this.input.disabled = !0), this.input.addEventListener("change", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.onInputChange() }), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.value = this.enum_values[0] }, onInputChange: function() { var a, b = this.input.value; // Invalid option, use first option instead a = this.enum_options.indexOf(b) === -1 ? this.enum_values[0] : this.enum_values[this.enum_options.indexOf(b)], // If valid hasn't changed a !== this.value && ( // Store new value and propogate change event this.value = a, this.onChange(!0)) }, setupSelect2: function() { // If the Select2 library is loaded use it when we have lots of items if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.select2 && (this.enum_options.length > 2 || this.enum_options.length && this.enumSource)) { var a = c({}, f.plugins.select2); this.schema.options && this.schema.options.select2_options && (a = c(a, this.schema.options.select2_options)), this.select2 = window.jQuery(this.input).select2(a); var b = this; this.select2.on("select2-blur", function() { b.input.value = b.select2.select2("val"), b.onInputChange() }), this.select2.on("change", function() { b.input.value = b.select2.select2("val"), b.onInputChange() }) } else this.select2 = null }, postBuild: function() { this._super(), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input), this.setupSelect2() }, onWatchedFieldChange: function() { var a, b; // If this editor uses a dynamic select box if (this.enumSource) { a = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); for (var c = [], d = [], e = 0; e < this.enumSource.length; e++) // Constant values if (Array.isArray(this.enumSource[e])) c = c.concat(this.enumSource[e]), d = d.concat(this.enumSource[e]); else { var f = []; if ( // Static list of items f = Array.isArray(this.enumSource[e].source) ? this.enumSource[e].source : a[this.enumSource[e].source]) { // Filter the items if ( // Only use a predefined part of the array this.enumSource[e].slice && (f = Array.prototype.slice.apply(f, this.enumSource[e].slice)), this.enumSource[e].filter) { var g = []; for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) this.enumSource[e].filter({ i: b, item: f[b], watched: a }) && g.push(f[b]); f = g } var h = [], i = []; for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) { var j = f[b]; // Rendered value this.enumSource[e].value ? i[b] = this.enumSource[e].value({ i: b, item: j }) : i[b] = f[b], // Rendered title this.enumSource[e].title ? h[b] = this.enumSource[e].title({ i: b, item: j }) : h[b] = i[b] } // TODO: sort c = c.concat(i), d = d.concat(h) } } var k = this.value; this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, c, d), this.enum_options = c, this.enum_display = d, this.enum_values = c, this.select2 && this.select2.select2("destroy"), // If the previous value is still in the new select options, stick with it c.indexOf(k) !== -1 ? (this.input.value = k, this.value = k) : (this.input.value = c[0], this.value = c[0] || "", this.parent ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor.onChange(), this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path)), this.setupSelect2() } this._super() }, enable: function() { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, this.select2 && this.select2.select2("enable", !0)), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.input.disabled = !0, this.select2 && this.select2.select2("enable", !1), this._super() }, destroy: function() { this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.select2 && (this.select2.select2("destroy"), this.select2 = null), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.selectize = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ setValue: function(a, b) { a = this.typecast(a || ""); // Sanitize value before setting it var c = a; this.enum_values.indexOf(c) < 0 && (c = this.enum_values[0]), this.value !== c && (this.input.value = this.enum_options[this.enum_values.indexOf(c)], this.selectize && this.selectize[0].selectize.addItem(c), this.value = c, this.onChange()) }, register: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) }, unregister: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") }, getNumColumns: function() { if (!this.enum_options) return 3; for (var a = this.getTitle().length, b = 0; b < this.enum_options.length; b++) a = Math.max(a, this.enum_options[b].length + 4); return Math.min(12, Math.max(a / 7, 2)) }, typecast: function(a) { return "boolean" === this.schema.type ? !!a : "number" === this.schema.type ? 1 * a : "integer" === this.schema.type ? Math.floor(1 * a) : "" + a }, getValue: function() { return this.value }, preBuild: function() { var a = this; this.input_type = "select", this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], this.enum_display = []; var b; // Enum options enumerated if (this.schema["enum"]) { var e = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || []; d(this.schema["enum"], function(b, c) { a.enum_options[b] = "" + c, a.enum_display[b] = "" + (e[b] || c), a.enum_values[b] = a.typecast(c) }) } else if ("boolean" === this.schema.type) a.enum_display = this.schema.options && this.schema.options.enum_titles || ["true", "false"], a.enum_options = ["1", "0"], a.enum_values = [!0, !1]; else { if (!this.schema.enumSource) throw "'select' editor requires the enum property to be set."; // Shortcut declaration for using a single array if (this.enumSource = [], this.enum_display = [], this.enum_options = [], this.enum_values = [], Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource)) for (b = 0; b < this.schema.enumSource.length; b++) // Shorthand for watched variable "string" == typeof this.schema.enumSource[b] ? this.enumSource[b] = { source: this.schema.enumSource[b] } : Array.isArray(this.schema.enumSource[b]) ? this.enumSource[b] = this.schema.enumSource[b] : this.enumSource[b] = c({}, this.schema.enumSource[b]); else this.schema.enumValue ? this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource, value: this.schema.enumValue }] : this.enumSource = [{ source: this.schema.enumSource }]; // Now, enumSource is an array of sources // Walk through this array and fix up the values for (b = 0; b < this.enumSource.length; b++) this.enumSource[b].value && (this.enumSource[b].value = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].value, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[b].title && (this.enumSource[b].title = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].title, this.template_engine)), this.enumSource[b].filter && (this.enumSource[b].filter = this.jsoneditor.compileTemplate(this.enumSource[b].filter, this.template_engine)) } }, build: function() { var a = this; this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description)), this.options.compact && (this.container.className += " compact"), this.input = this.theme.getSelectInput(this.enum_options), this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, this.enum_options, this.enum_display), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.always_disabled = !0, this.input.disabled = !0), this.input.addEventListener("change", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.onInputChange() }), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description), this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.value = this.enum_values[0] }, onInputChange: function() { var a = this.input.value, b = a; this.enum_options.indexOf(a) === -1 && (b = this.enum_options[0]), this.value = this.enum_values[this.enum_options.indexOf(a)], this.onChange(!0) }, setupSelectize: function() { // If the Selectize library is loaded use it when we have lots of items var a = this; if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.selectize && (this.enum_options.length >= 2 || this.enum_options.length && this.enumSource)) { var b = c({}, f.plugins.selectize); this.schema.options && this.schema.options.selectize_options && (b = c(b, this.schema.options.selectize_options)), this.selectize = window.jQuery(this.input).selectize(c(b, { create: !0, onChange: function() { a.onInputChange() } })) } else this.selectize = null }, postBuild: function() { this._super(), this.theme.afterInputReady(this.input), this.setupSelectize() }, onWatchedFieldChange: function() { var a, b; // If this editor uses a dynamic select box if (this.enumSource) { a = this.getWatchedFieldValues(); for (var c = [], d = [], e = 0; e < this.enumSource.length; e++) // Constant values if (Array.isArray(this.enumSource[e])) c = c.concat(this.enumSource[e]), d = d.concat(this.enumSource[e]); else if (a[this.enumSource[e].source]) { var f = a[this.enumSource[e].source]; // Filter the items if ( // Only use a predefined part of the array this.enumSource[e].slice && (f = Array.prototype.slice.apply(f, this.enumSource[e].slice)), this.enumSource[e].filter) { var g = []; for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) this.enumSource[e].filter({ i: b, item: f[b] }) && g.push(f[b]); f = g } var h = [], i = []; for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) { var j = f[b]; // Rendered value this.enumSource[e].value ? i[b] = this.enumSource[e].value({ i: b, item: j }) : i[b] = f[b], // Rendered title this.enumSource[e].title ? h[b] = this.enumSource[e].title({ i: b, item: j }) : h[b] = i[b] } // TODO: sort c = c.concat(i), d = d.concat(h) } var k = this.value; this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, c, d), this.enum_options = c, this.enum_display = d, this.enum_values = c, // If the previous value is still in the new select options, stick with it c.indexOf(k) !== -1 ? (this.input.value = k, this.value = k) : (this.input.value = c[0], this.value = c[0] || "", this.parent ? this.parent.onChildEditorChange(this) : this.jsoneditor.onChange(), this.jsoneditor.notifyWatchers(this.path)), this.selectize ? // Update the Selectize options this.updateSelectizeOptions(c) : this.setupSelectize(), this._super() } }, updateSelectizeOptions: function(a) { var b = this.selectize[0].selectize, c = this; b.off(), b.clearOptions(); for (var d in a) b.addOption({ value: a[d], text: a[d] }); b.addItem(this.value), b.on("change", function() { c.onInputChange() }) }, enable: function() { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1, this.selectize && this.selectize[0].selectize.unlock()), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.input.disabled = !0, this.selectize && this.selectize[0].selectize.lock(), this._super() }, destroy: function() { this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.selectize && (this.selectize[0].selectize.destroy(), this.selectize = null), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.multiselect = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ preBuild: function() { this._super(); var a; this.select_options = {}, this.select_values = {}; var b = this.jsoneditor.expandRefs(this.schema.items || {}), c = b["enum"] || [], d = b.options ? b.options.enum_titles || [] : []; for (this.option_keys = [], this.option_titles = [], a = 0; a < c.length; a++) // If the sanitized value is different from the enum value, don't include it this.sanitize(c[a]) === c[a] && (this.option_keys.push(c[a] + ""), this.option_titles.push((d[a] || c[a]) + ""), this.select_values[c[a] + ""] = c[a]) }, build: function() { var a, b = this; if (this.options.compact || (this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description)), !this.schema.format && this.option_keys.length < 8 || "checkbox" === this.schema.format) { for (this.input_type = "checkboxes", this.inputs = {}, this.controls = {}, a = 0; a < this.option_keys.length; a++) { this.inputs[this.option_keys[a]] = this.theme.getCheckbox(), this.select_options[this.option_keys[a]] = this.inputs[this.option_keys[a]]; var c = this.theme.getCheckboxLabel(this.option_titles[a]); this.controls[this.option_keys[a]] = this.theme.getFormControl(c, this.inputs[this.option_keys[a]]) } this.control = this.theme.getMultiCheckboxHolder(this.controls, this.label, this.description) } else { for (this.input_type = "select", this.input = this.theme.getSelectInput(this.option_keys), this.theme.setSelectOptions(this.input, this.option_keys, this.option_titles), this.input.multiple = !0, this.input.size = Math.min(10, this.option_keys.length), a = 0; a < this.option_keys.length; a++) this.select_options[this.option_keys[a]] = this.input.children[a]; (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.always_disabled = !0, this.input.disabled = !0), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description) } this.container.appendChild(this.control), this.control.addEventListener("change", function(c) { c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation(); var d = []; for (a = 0; a < b.option_keys.length; a++)(b.select_options[b.option_keys[a]].selected || b.select_options[b.option_keys[a]].checked) && d.push(b.select_values[b.option_keys[a]]); b.updateValue(d), b.onChange(!0) }) }, setValue: function(a, b) { var c; // Make sure we are dealing with an array of strings so we can check for strict equality for (a = a || [], "object" != typeof a ? a = [a] : Array.isArray(a) || (a = []), c = 0; c < a.length; c++) "string" != typeof a[c] && (a[c] += ""); // Update selected status of options for (c in this.select_options) this.select_options.hasOwnProperty(c) && (this.select_options[c]["select" === this.input_type ? "selected" : "checked"] = a.indexOf(c) !== -1); this.updateValue(a), this.onChange() }, setupSelect2: function() { if (window.jQuery && window.jQuery.fn && window.jQuery.fn.select2) { var a = window.jQuery.extend({}, f.plugins.select2); this.schema.options && this.schema.options.select2_options && (a = c(a, this.schema.options.select2_options)), this.select2 = window.jQuery(this.input).select2(a); var b = this; this.select2.on("select2-blur", function() { var a = b.select2.select2("val"); b.value = a, b.onChange(!0) }) } else this.select2 = null }, onInputChange: function() { this.value = this.input.value, this.onChange(!0) }, postBuild: function() { this._super(), this.setupSelect2() }, register: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.setAttribute("name", this.formname) }, unregister: function() { this._super(), this.input && this.input.removeAttribute("name") }, getNumColumns: function() { var a = this.getTitle().length; for (var b in this.select_values) this.select_values.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a = Math.max(a, (this.select_values[b] + "").length + 4)); return Math.min(12, Math.max(a / 7, 2)) }, updateValue: function(a) { for (var b = !1, c = [], d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (this.select_options[a[d] + ""]) { var e = this.sanitize(this.select_values[a[d]]); c.push(e), e !== a[d] && (b = !0) } else b = !0; return this.value = c, this.select2 && this.select2.select2("val", this.value), b }, sanitize: function(a) { return "number" === this.schema.items.type ? 1 * a : "integer" === this.schema.items.type ? Math.floor(1 * a) : "" + a }, enable: function() { if (!this.always_disabled) { if (this.input) this.input.disabled = !1; else if (this.inputs) for (var a in this.inputs) this.inputs.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this.inputs[a].disabled = !1); this.select2 && this.select2.select2("enable", !0) } this._super() }, disable: function() { if (this.input) this.input.disabled = !0; else if (this.inputs) for (var a in this.inputs) this.inputs.hasOwnProperty(a) && (this.inputs[a].disabled = !0); this.select2 && this.select2.select2("enable", !1), this._super() }, destroy: function() { this.select2 && (this.select2.select2("destroy"), this.select2 = null), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.base64 = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getNumColumns: function() { return 4 }, build: function() { var a = this; // Don't show uploader if this is readonly if (this.title = this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), // Input that holds the base64 string this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField("hidden"), this.container.appendChild(this.input), !this.schema.readOnly && !this.schema.readonly) { if (!window.FileReader) throw "FileReader required for base64 editor"; // File uploader this.uploader = this.theme.getFormInputField("file"), this.uploader.addEventListener("change", function(b) { if (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), this.files && this.files.length) { var c = new FileReader; c.onload = function(b) { a.value = b.target.result, a.refreshPreview(), a.onChange(!0), c = null }, c.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]) } }) } this.preview = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description), this.container.appendChild(this.preview), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.uploader || this.input, this.preview), this.container.appendChild(this.control) }, refreshPreview: function() { if (this.last_preview !== this.value && (this.last_preview = this.value, this.preview.innerHTML = "", this.value)) { var a = this.value.match(/^data:([^;,]+)[;,]/); if (a && (a = a[1]), a) { if (this.preview.innerHTML = "Type: " + a + ", Size: " + Math.floor((this.value.length - this.value.split(",")[0].length - 1) / 1.33333) + " bytes", "image" === a.substr(0, 5)) { this.preview.innerHTML += "
    "; var b = document.createElement("img"); b.style.maxWidth = "100%", b.style.maxHeight = "100px", b.src = this.value, this.preview.appendChild(b) } } else this.preview.innerHTML = "Invalid data URI" } }, enable: function() { this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !1), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.uploader && (this.uploader.disabled = !0), this._super() }, setValue: function(a) { this.value !== a && (this.value = a, this.input.value = this.value, this.refreshPreview(), this.onChange()) }, destroy: function() { this.preview && this.preview.parentNode && this.preview.parentNode.removeChild(this.preview), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this.uploader && this.uploader.parentNode && this.uploader.parentNode.removeChild(this.uploader), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.upload = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ getNumColumns: function() { return 4 }, build: function() { var a = this; // Don't show uploader if this is readonly if (this.title = this.header = this.label = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), // Input that holds the base64 string this.input = this.theme.getFormInputField("hidden"), this.container.appendChild(this.input), !this.schema.readOnly && !this.schema.readonly) { if (!this.jsoneditor.options.upload) throw "Upload handler required for upload editor"; // File uploader this.uploader = this.theme.getFormInputField("file"), this.uploader.addEventListener("change", function(b) { if (b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), this.files && this.files.length) { var c = new FileReader; c.onload = function(b) { a.preview_value = b.target.result, a.refreshPreview(), a.onChange(!0), c = null }, c.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]) } }) } var b = this.schema.description; b || (b = ""), this.preview = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(b), this.container.appendChild(this.preview), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.uploader || this.input, this.preview), this.container.appendChild(this.control) }, refreshPreview: function() { if (this.last_preview !== this.preview_value && (this.last_preview = this.preview_value, this.preview.innerHTML = "", this.preview_value)) { var a = this, b = this.preview_value.match(/^data:([^;,]+)[;,]/); b && (b = b[1]), b || (b = "unknown"); var c = this.uploader.files[0]; if (this.preview.innerHTML = "Type: " + b + ", Size: " + c.size + " bytes", "image" === b.substr(0, 5)) { this.preview.innerHTML += "
    "; var d = document.createElement("img"); d.style.maxWidth = "100%", d.style.maxHeight = "100px", d.src = this.preview_value, this.preview.appendChild(d) } this.preview.innerHTML += "
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this.options.compact || (this.label = this.header = this.theme.getCheckboxLabel(this.getTitle())), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getFormInputDescription(this.schema.description)), this.options.compact && (this.container.className += " compact"), this.input = this.theme.getCheckbox(), this.control = this.theme.getFormControl(this.label, this.input, this.description), (this.schema.readOnly || this.schema.readonly) && (this.always_disabled = !0, this.input.disabled = !0), this.input.addEventListener("change", function(b) { b.preventDefault(), b.stopPropagation(), a.value = this.checked, a.onChange(!0) }), this.container.appendChild(this.control) }, enable: function() { this.always_disabled || (this.input.disabled = !1), this._super() }, disable: function() { this.input.disabled = !0, this._super() }, destroy: function() { this.label && this.label.parentNode && this.label.parentNode.removeChild(this.label), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this._super() } }), f.defaults.editors.arraySelectize = f.AbstractEditor.extend({ build: function() { this.title = this.theme.getFormInputLabel(this.getTitle()), this.title_controls = this.theme.getHeaderButtonHolder(), this.title.appendChild(this.title_controls), this.error_holder = document.createElement("div"), this.schema.description && (this.description = this.theme.getDescription(this.schema.description)), this.input = document.createElement("select"), this.input.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple"); var a = this.theme.getFormControl(this.title, this.input, this.description); this.container.appendChild(a), this.container.appendChild(this.error_holder), window.jQuery(this.input).selectize({ delimiter: !1, createOnBlur: !0, create: !0 }) }, postBuild: function() { var a = this; this.input.selectize.on("change", function(b) { a.refreshValue(), a.onChange(!0) }) }, destroy: function() { this.empty(!0), this.title && this.title.parentNode && this.title.parentNode.removeChild(this.title), this.description && this.description.parentNode && this.description.parentNode.removeChild(this.description), this.input && this.input.parentNode && this.input.parentNode.removeChild(this.input), this._super() }, empty: function(a) {}, setValue: function(a, b) { var c = this; // Update the array's value, adding/removing rows when necessary a = a || [], Array.isArray(a) || (a = [a]), this.input.selectize.clearOptions(), this.input.selectize.clear(!0), a.forEach(function(a) { c.input.selectize.addOption({ text: a, value: a }) }), this.input.selectize.setValue(a), this.refreshValue(b) }, refreshValue: function(a) { this.value = this.input.selectize.getValue() }, showValidationErrors: function(a) { var b = this, c = [], e = []; // Show errors for this editor if (d(a, function(a, d) { d.path === b.path ? c.push(d) : e.push(d) }), this.error_holder) if (c.length) { this.error_holder.innerHTML = "", this.error_holder.style.display = "", d(c, function(a, c) { b.error_holder.appendChild(b.theme.getErrorMessage(c.message)) }) } else this.error_holder.style.display = "none" } }); var g = function() { var a = document.documentElement; return a.matches ? "matches" : a.webkitMatchesSelector ? "webkitMatchesSelector" : a.mozMatchesSelector ? "mozMatchesSelector" : a.msMatchesSelector ? "msMatchesSelector" : a.oMatchesSelector ? 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return b }, getFormInputDescription: function(a) { var b = this._super(a); return b }, getIndentedPanel: function() { var a = this._super(); return a }, getChildEditorHolder: function() { var a = this._super(); return a }, getHeaderButtonHolder: function() { var a = this.getButtonHolder(); return a }, getTable: function() { var a = this._super(); return a }, addInputError: function(a, b) { if (a.errmsg) a.errmsg.style.display = "block"; else { var c = this.closest(a, ".form-control"); a.errmsg = document.createElement("div"), a.errmsg.setAttribute("class", "errmsg"), c.appendChild(a.errmsg) } a.errmsg.innerHTML = "", a.errmsg.appendChild(document.createTextNode(b)) }, removeInputError: function(a) { a.style.borderColor = "", a.errmsg && (a.errmsg.style.display = "none") }, getProgressBar: function() { var a = 100, b = 0, c = document.createElement("progress"); return c.setAttribute("max", a), c.setAttribute("value", b), c }, updateProgressBar: function(a, b) { a && a.setAttribute("value", b) }, updateProgressBarUnknown: function(a) { a && a.removeAttribute("value") } }), f.AbstractIconLib = a.extend({ mapping: { collapse: "", expand: "", "delete": "", edit: "", add: "", cancel: "", save: "", moveup: "", movedown: "" }, icon_prefix: "", getIconClass: function(a) { return this.mapping[a] ? this.icon_prefix + this.mapping[a] : null }, getIcon: function(a) { var b = this.getIconClass(a); 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if (!c) throw "Unknown language " + f.defaults.language; var d = c[a] || f.defaults.languages[f.defaults.default_language][a]; if ("undefined" == typeof d) throw "Unknown translate string " + a; if (b) for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++) d = d.replace(new RegExp("\\{\\{" + e + "}}", "g"), b[e]); return d }, // Translation strings and default languages f.defaults.default_language = "en", f.defaults.language = f.defaults.default_language, f.defaults.languages.en = { /** * When a property is not set */ error_notset: "Property must be set", /** * When a string must not be empty */ error_notempty: "Value required", /** * When a value is not one of the enumerated values */ error_enum: "Value must be one of the enumerated values", /** * When a value doesn't validate any schema of a 'anyOf' combination */ error_anyOf: "Value must validate against at least one of the provided schemas", /** * When a value doesn't validate * @variables This key takes one variable: The number of schemas the value does not validate */ error_oneOf: "Value must validate against exactly one of the provided schemas. It currently validates against {{0}} of the schemas.", /** * When a value does not validate a 'not' schema */ error_not: "Value must not validate against the provided schema", /** * When a value does not match any of the provided types */ error_type_union: "Value must be one of the provided types", /** * When a value does not match the given type * @variables This key takes one variable: The type the value should be of */ error_type: "Value must be of type {{0}}", /** * When the value validates one of the disallowed types */ error_disallow_union: "Value must not be one of the provided disallowed types", /** * When the value validates a disallowed type * @variables This key takes one variable: The type the value should not be of */ error_disallow: "Value must not be of type {{0}}", /** * When a value is not a multiple of or divisible by a given number * @variables This key takes one variable: The number mentioned above */ error_multipleOf: "Value must be a multiple of {{0}}", /** * When a value is greater than it's supposed to be (exclusive) * @variables This key takes one variable: The maximum */ error_maximum_excl: "Value must be less than {{0}}", /** * When a value is greater than it's supposed to be (inclusive * @variables This key takes one variable: The maximum */ error_maximum_incl: "Value must be at most {{0}}", /** * When a value is lesser than it's supposed to be (exclusive) * @variables This key takes one variable: The minimum */ error_minimum_excl: "Value must be greater than {{0}}", /** * When a value is lesser than it's supposed to be (inclusive) * @variables This key takes one variable: The minimum */ error_minimum_incl: "Value must be at least {{0}}", /** * When a value have too many characters * @variables This key takes one variable: The maximum character count */ error_maxLength: "Value must be at most {{0}} characters long", /** * When a value does not have enough characters * @variables This key takes one variable: The minimum character count */ error_minLength: "Value must be at least {{0}} characters long", /** * When a value does not match a given pattern */ error_pattern: "Value must match the pattern {{0}}", /** * When an array has additional items whereas it is not supposed to */ error_additionalItems: "No additional items allowed in this array", /** * When there are to many items in an array * @variables This key takes one variable: The maximum item count */ error_maxItems: "Value must have at most {{0}} items", /** * When there are not enough items in an array * @variables This key takes one variable: The minimum item count */ error_minItems: "Value must have at least {{0}} items", /** * When an array is supposed to have unique items but has duplicates */ error_uniqueItems: "Array must have unique items", /** * When there are too many properties in an object * @variables This key takes one variable: The maximum property count */ error_maxProperties: "Object must have at most {{0}} properties", /** * When there are not enough properties in an object * @variables This key takes one variable: The minimum property count */ error_minProperties: "Object must have at least {{0}} properties", /** * When a required property is not defined * @variables This key takes one variable: The name of the missing property */ error_required: "Object is missing the required property '{{0}}'", /** * When there is an additional property is set whereas there should be none * @variables This key takes one variable: The name of the additional property */ error_additional_properties: "No additional properties allowed, but property {{0}} is set", /** * When a dependency is not resolved * @variables This key takes one variable: The name of the missing property for the dependency */ error_dependency: "Must have property {{0}}", /** * Text on Delete All buttons */ button_delete_all: "All", /** * Title on Delete All buttons */ button_delete_all_title: "Delete All", /** * Text on Delete Last buttons * @variable This key takes one variable: The title of object to delete */ button_delete_last: "Last {{0}}", /** * Title on Delete Last buttons * @variable This key takes one variable: The title of object to delete */ button_delete_last_title: "Delete Last {{0}}", /** * Title on Add Row buttons * @variable This key takes one variable: The title of object to add */ button_add_row_title: "Add {{0}}", /** * Title on Move Down buttons */ button_move_down_title: "Move down", /** * Title on Move Up buttons */ button_move_up_title: "Move up", /** * Title on Delete Row buttons * @variable This key takes one variable: The title of object to delete */ button_delete_row_title: "Delete {{0}}", /** * Title on Delete Row buttons, short version (no parameter with the object title) */ button_delete_row_title_short: "Delete", /** * Title on Collapse buttons */ button_collapse: "Collapse", /** * Title on Expand buttons */ button_expand: "Expand" }, // Miscellaneous Plugin Settings f.plugins = { ace: { theme: "" }, epiceditor: {}, sceditor: {}, select2: {}, selectize: {} }, // Default per-editor options d(f.defaults.editors, function(a, b) { f.defaults.editors[a].options = b.options || {} }), // Set the default resolvers // Use "multiple" as a fall back for everything f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if ("string" != typeof a.type) return "multiple" }), // If the type is not set but properties are defined, we can infer the type is actually object f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // If the schema is a simple type if (!a.type && a.properties) return "object" }), // If the type is set and it's a basic type, use the primitive editor f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // If the schema is a simple type if ("string" == typeof a.type) return a.type }), // Boolean editors f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if ("boolean" === a.type) // If explicitly set to 'checkbox', use that // If explicitly set to 'checkbox', use that return "checkbox" === a.format || a.options && a.options.checkbox ? "checkbox" : f.plugins.selectize.enable ? "selectize" : "select" }), // Use the multiple editor for schemas where the `type` is set to "any" f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // If the schema can be of any type if ("any" === a.type) return "multiple" }), // Editor for base64 encoded files f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // If the schema can be of any type if ("string" === a.type && a.media && "base64" === a.media.binaryEncoding) return "base64" }), // Editor for uploading files f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if ("string" === a.type && "url" === a.format && a.options && a.options.upload === !0 && window.FileReader) return "upload" }), // Use the table editor for arrays with the format set to `table` f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // Type `array` with format set to `table` if ("array" == a.type && "table" == a.format) return "table" }), // Use the `select` editor for dynamic enumSource enums f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if (a.enumSource) return f.plugins.selectize.enable ? "selectize" : "select" }), // Use the `enum` or `select` editors for schemas with enumerated properties f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if (a["enum"]) { if ("array" === a.type || "object" === a.type) return "enum"; if ("number" === a.type || "integer" === a.type || "string" === a.type) return f.plugins.selectize.enable ? "selectize" : "select" } }), // Specialized editors for arrays of strings f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { if ("array" === a.type && a.items && !Array.isArray(a.items) && a.uniqueItems && ["string", "number", "integer"].indexOf(a.items.type) >= 0) { // For enumerated strings, number, or integers if (a.items["enum"]) return "multiselect"; if (f.plugins.selectize.enable && "string" === a.items.type) return "arraySelectize" } }), // Use the multiple editor for schemas with `oneOf` set f.defaults.resolvers.unshift(function(a) { // If this schema uses `oneOf` or `anyOf` if (a.oneOf || a.anyOf) return "multiple" }), /** * This is a small wrapper for using JSON Editor like a typical jQuery plugin. */ function() { if (window.jQuery || window.Zepto) { var a = window.jQuery || window.Zepto; a.jsoneditor = f.defaults, a.fn.jsoneditor = function(a) { var b = this, c = this.data("jsoneditor"); if ("value" === a) { if (!c) throw "Must initialize jsoneditor before getting/setting the value"; // Set value if (!(arguments.length > 1)) return c.getValue(); c.setValue(arguments[1]) } else { if ("validate" === a) { if (!c) throw "Must initialize jsoneditor before validating"; // Validate a specific value // Validate a specific value return arguments.length > 1 ? c.validate(arguments[1]) : c.validate() } "destroy" === a ? c && (c.destroy(), this.data("jsoneditor", null)) : ( // Destroy first c && c.destroy(), // Create editor c = new f(this.get(0), a), this.data("jsoneditor", c), // Setup event listeners c.on("change", function() { b.trigger("change") }), c.on("ready", function() { b.trigger("ready") })) } return this } } }(), window.JSONEditor = f }(); //# sourceMappingURL=jsoneditor.min.js.map