# Dana Dana (DAta ANalysis) system provides: - a way to agglomerate data coming from tests or benchmarks and processing them on the fly by doing some regression and comparison analysis, - a dashboard to provide several views to enable fast identification of regressions or result comparisons, - a regression workfow to follow the work on series and the overall progress, - a report is sent each day at midnight with a summary of new regressions of the day. ![Demo](docs/Demo.gif) ## Principles See [Principes documentation](docs/Principles.md) to understand key concepts of Dana. ## Dana APIs Dana provides some APIs to add builds, series and samples. APIs are accessible using POST http requests or using a node client using WebSockets. See [APIs documentation](docs/Apis.md) for details. ## Have a demo See [Demo documentation](docs/Demo.md) to know who to setup a Demo dana server on your machine in few commands. ## Setup a server See [Setup documentation](docs/Setup.md) to know who to setup a Dana server and [Adding project pages](docs/Project.md) to know how to add dashboard pages for a project. ## Bugs, feature requests - Please file them on https://github.com/google/dana/issues ## Tools used - nodejs from https://nodejs.org/ - Dashboard components coming from https://colorlib.com/polygon/gentelella/index.html - Awesome dygraphs library from http://dygraphs.com/ - Other node modules see package.json ## Disclaimer This is not an official Google product