File size: 909 Bytes
1bb6972 ce2b817 1bb6972 2eb781b ce2b817 2eb781b |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
- summarization
- en
- 1K<n<10K
Original data from:
The first 3000 rows of the test split of the original dataset were processed and filtered as follows.
* In the original dataset, some sentences appear several times in the same article, even if they're only contained once in the original research paper.
For this reason, all dataset rows where the same sentence appeared more than once where removed.
* In the original dataset, every sentence is a separate string, and these strings are contained in arrays. Therefore, all these strings were merged in order to create one single string for each article body and one other for each article abstract.
* All line breaks were removed.
* Unnecessary spaces (e.g. before points or commas) were removed.
* The dataset was filteder by article and summary length. |