--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Preparing ISO ## Datasets We provide the OccScanNet dataset files [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/hongxiaoy/OccScanNet/tree/main), but you should agree the term of use of *ScanNet*, *CompleteScanNet* dataset. For **a simplified way** to prepare the dataset, you **just** download the `preprocessed_data` to `ISO/data/occscannet` as `gathered_data` and download the `posed_images` to `ISO/data/scannet`. However, the *complete dataset generating process* is provided as followed: ### OccScanNet 1. Clone the official MMDetection3D repository. ```bash git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d.git ISO ``` 2. Swith to `v1.3.0` version. ```bash cd ISO git checkout v1.3.0 ``` 3. Download the *ScanNet* dataset following [instructions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection3d/tree/v1.3.0/data/scannet) and place `scans` directory as `ISO/data/scannet/scans`. > :bulb: Note > > Recommend you create a `posed_images` directory at data disk and link the `scans` directory and `posed_images` directory to `data/scannet`, then run the following command. 4. In this directory, extract RGB image with poses by running ```bash python extract_posed_images.py --max-images-per-scene 100 ``` > :bulb: Note > > Add `--max-images-per-scene -1` to disable limiting number of images per scene. ScanNet scenes contain up to 5000+ frames per each. After extraction, all the .jpg images require 2 Tb disk space. The recommended 300 images per scene require less then 100 Gb. For example multi-view 3d detector ImVoxelNet samples 50 and 100 images per training and test scene. Then obtained the following directory structure. ``` scannet ├── meta_data ├── posed_images │ ├── scenexxxx_xx │ │ ├── xxxxxx.txt │ │ ├── xxxxxx.jpg │ │ ├── intrinsic.txt ├── scans ├── batch_load_scannet_data.py ├── extract_posed_images.py ├── load_scannet_data.py ├── README.md ├── scannet_utils.py ``` 5. Download original *CompleteScanNet* The ground truth labels we used are from [SCFusion](https://github.com/ShunChengWu/SCFusion#generate-gt). Ground truth is available at [here](https://github.com/ShunChengWu/SCFusion#generate-gt). The ground truth label should be placed as `ISO/data/completescannet/CompleteScanNet_GT`. 6. Reformulate *CompleteScanNet* ```bash python preprocess_gt.py ``` The resulted directory is `ISO/data/completescannet/CompleteScanNet_preprocessed_GT`. Now, we obtained the following directory structure. ``` completescannet ├── CompleteScanNet_GT │ ├── scenexxxx_xx.ply ├── CompleteScanNet_preprocessed_GT │ ├── scenexxxx_xx.npy ├── preprocess_gt.py ├── visualization.py ``` 7. Create the *OccScanNet* First, you should create a directories with name `preprocessed_voxels` and `gathered_data` in data disk and link them to the `ISO/data/occscannet`. ```bash python generate_gt.py ``` ``` occscannet ├── preprocessed_voxels ├── gathered_data ├── generate_gt.py ├── not_aligns.txt ├── wrong_scenes.txt ├── bad_scenes.txt ├── used_scannames.txt ``` Step can be indicated sequentially to make sure each step run correctly. ### OccScanNet-mini The scenes we used in OccScanNet-mini is reflected in the config file.