432 values
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Ho dato una biro a Tom.
I gave Tom a pen.
please translate this text from Italian to English.
Tom mi disse che Mary era occupata.
Tom told me that Mary was busy.
Please can you communicate this text from Italian to English.
Il Presidente Barack Obama ha elogiato la Polonia come un esempio per le aspiranti democrazie in Medio Oriente e altrove.
President Barack Obama praised Poland as an example for aspiring democracies in the Middle East and elsewhere.
please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Molti dei prigionieri non sono sopravvissuti.
Many of the prisoners didn't survive.
please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English
Vinsi la medaglia d'oro.
I won the gold medal.
can you please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Non sono deluso.
I'm not disappointed.
Translate this text from Italian to English.
Io vado alle Hawaii l'anno prossimo.
I am going to Hawaii next year.
translate this input sentence from Italian to English.
Questo è il vostro primo viaggio all'estero?
Is this your first trip abroad?
Please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English
Lui crede che ci sia una spia tra di noi.
He believes that there is a spy among us.
Please translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Come possiamo prevenire questo?
How can we prevent this?
switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Non lo riesco a fare senza il suo aiuto.
I can't do without her help.
Can you switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom disse che suo figlio era un bravo atleta.
Tom said his son was a good athlete.
translate this input text from Italian to English?
Apprezzo tutto quello che avete fatto.
I appreciate all you did.
can you please translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Non premete il pulsante sbagliato.
Don't push the wrong button.
Please can you convert from Italian to English?
L'ho guadagnata.
I've earned it.
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Dovrei chiamare Tom?
Should I call Tom?
please can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Qualcuno ha fatto un errore.
Somebody made a mistake.
translate from Italian to English.
Guardi cosa abbiamo fatto.
Look at what we made.
Can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Non ho nulla da segnalare.
I've got nothing to report.
Please can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Se avessi vent'anni, potrei votare.
If I were twenty, I could vote.
Convert the following text from Italian to English?
Abbiamo preso un taxi.
We took a cab.
can you switch the text from Italian to English
Tom ha qualche idea piuttosto buona.
Tom has some pretty good ideas.
Please can you communicate this text from Italian to English
Io mi sono completamente scordata di Tom.
I completely forgot about Tom.
Convert the following sentence from Italian to English?
A Tom piace la pioggia.
Tom likes the rain.
please can you communicate this text from Italian to English?
Penso che dovresti vedere un dottore.
I think you should see a doctor.
Please translate from Italian to English?
La nebbia ha iniziato a scomparire verso le dieci.
The fog began to disappear around ten o'clock.
Can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English
Tom non ha risposto alla nostra richiesta.
Tom hasn't responded to our request.
switch the message from Italian to English
Sto morendo dalla voglia di presentarla ai miei genitori.
I'm dying to introduce you to my parents.
can you translate this input text from Italian to English?
La prenderò in considerazione.
I'll take that into consideration.
can you please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Non sapevo che Tom stesse tenendo una festa.
I didn't know Tom was having a party.
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Mi è caduta la biro.
I've dropped my pen.
please translate this input text from Italian to English.
Non sono stupido come Tom.
I'm not as stupid as Tom is.
Can you translate this input text from Italian to English.
Ne stavamo discutendo ora.
We were just discussing that.
can you communicate this sentence from Italian to English?
Tom potrebbe testimoniare.
Tom may testify.
can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Conosci mio marito?
Do you know my husband?
please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English
Avrò la mia vendetta.
I'll have my revenge.
please translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Tom ha studiato anche francese.
Tom has also studied French.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
Tom si sentiva un po' frastornato.
Tom felt a bit woozy.
Please communicate this message from Italian to English?
Adesso mi sento minacciata.
Now I feel threatened.
Communicate this message from Italian to English?
Siete ad ogni partita di calcio.
You're at every football game.
please switch the text from Italian to English?
Io ho molti pazienti che sono più vecchi di me.
I have a lot of patients who are older than me.
Please can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Devi farla tu stesso.
You must do it yourself.
Can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Non scherzarci neppure.
Don't even joke about that.
Can you please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tom sarà in servizio domani.
Tom is going to be on duty tomorrow.
can you please translate this input text from Italian to English.
Ho un figlio e tre figlie.
I have a son and three daughters.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
Sta imparando a guidare un'automobile.
She is learning how to drive a car.
Can you please translate this text from Italian to English
Tom non mi ha detto perché stava andando a Boston.
Tom didn't tell me why he was going to Boston.
Can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Potrei chiedere a Tom di farci da babysitter stanotte.
I could ask Tom to babysit for us tonight.
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English.
Ti dirò di più.
I'll tell you more.
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English?
La legge è stata modificata.
The law has been changed.
please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Io sparerò a entrambe voi.
I'll shoot both of you.
please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Lei è sessista.
You're a sexist.
Please can you switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Sto provando a decidere che cosa fare dopo.
I'm trying to decide what to do next.
can you please translate this text from Italian to English?
Non mi preoccupo per cose del genere.
I don't worry about things like that.
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English?
Cosa dirà Tom adesso?
What's Tom going to say now?
please can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Il computer non si avvierà.
The computer won't start.
Switch the sentence from Italian to English
Io ero troppo timida.
I was too shy.
can you switch the text from Italian to English
Io non risponderò a quella domanda.
I'm not going to answer that question.
Please communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Tutti saranno stanchi.
Everyone's going to be tired.
Can you translate this message from Italian to English
È difficile lasciare perdere.
It's hard to let go.
Please can you switch the message from Italian to English.
Dateci un paio d'ore.
Give us a couple of hours.
Translate from Italian to English?
È sicuro che questa cosa sia sicura?
Are you sure this thing is safe?
Can you please communicate this message from Italian to English
Questa colonia venne fondata nel 1700.
This colony was founded in 1700.
Please can you communicate this text from Italian to English.
Non ho avuto la possibilità di vedere quel film.
I have not had a chance to see that movie.
Can you please communicate this text from Italian to English
Io penso che Tom probabilmente piangerà.
I think Tom will probably cry.
Switch the message from Italian to English?
So che odia i funerali.
I know that you hate funerals.
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom l'ha ammessa.
Tom has admitted it.
Translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Kiss me.
Can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Sembra che voi sappiate molto.
You seem to know a lot.
please communicate this text from Italian to English?
Mi sono divertita stasera.
I had a good time this evening.
can you please translate this input text from Italian to English?
Tu leggi spesso dei libri che sono in francese?
Do you often read books that are in French?
can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
L'avete mai vista?
Have you ever seen it?
can you translate this text from Italian to English?
L'abbiamo già fatto.
We already did that.
Can you please translate this input message from Italian to English?
Lei deve tornare.
You've got to come back.
can you switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Lui è scontroso.
He is unsociable.
communicate this message from Italian to English?
Verranno fornite le candele.
Candles will be provided.
please translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Tom ha la mia stessa età.
Tom is as old as I am.
Please can you translate this input sentence from Italian to English
Non posso venire in Australia il prossimo Natale.
I can't come to Australia next Christmas.
Can you please switch the sentence from Italian to English
Io ne sono abbastanza sicura.
I'm pretty sure about it.
i need a translation from Italian to English
Non ho dato nulla a Tom.
I didn't give Tom anything.
communicate this text from Italian to English
Capisco veramente.
I do understand.
Communicate this sentence from Italian to English.
Le vedi?
Do you see them?
switch the message from Italian to English.
Io pensavo che avremmo fatto colazione insieme.
I thought we would have breakfast together.
Please can you translate this text from Italian to English?
Incontro persone nuove ogni giorno.
I meet new people every day.
please can you switch the message from Italian to English?
Sono così divertenti.
They're so funny.
can you communicate this message from Italian to English
Mamma pianse.
Mama cried.
please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English?
Penso che Tom sia differente.
I think that Tom is different.
Please can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Un uomo anziano mi ha parlato all'improvviso.
An old man spoke to me suddenly.
Can you translate this input message from Italian to English.
Penso che Tom sia troppo competitivo.
I think Tom is too competitive.
Can you translate this input text from Italian to English.
Deve studiare scienze.
She has to study science.
please can you translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Cos'ha cantato?
What did you sing?
Please translate this sentence from Italian to English.
Non riesco a crederti.
I can't believe you.
communicate this message from Italian to English
A molti studenti non piace la storia.
A majority of students dislike history.
can you switch the text from Italian to English?
Posso prendere quel libro per voi.
I can get that book for you.
Can you translate this message from Italian to English?
Mi rendo conto che è difficile da credere.
I realize it's hard to believe.
can you please translate this input message from Italian to English.
Io ho mentito perché ero imbarazzato.
I lied because I was embarrassed.
Please switch the sentence from Italian to English?
Tom e Mary volevano essere soli.
Tom and Mary wanted to be alone.
translate this input sentence from Italian to English?
Tom voleva che Mary lo invitasse alla sua festa.
Tom wanted Mary to invite him to her party.
Please switch the sentence from Italian to English.
Voi non dite mai che mi amate.
You never say that you love me.
Convert the following message from Italian to English?
Questo è capitato per una ragione.
This happened for a reason.