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{'patient': {'bday': '2018-04-27', 'name': 'Engelhardt^Remy^^^', 'breed': 'Brindle Boxer', 'owner': 'Christine', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Heart & Paw - Marlton', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Marlton', 'clinician': 'Katie Higgins VMD'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for a one-day history of right hindlimb lameness. Owner reports she has been sluggish, yelping, and unable to jump on the bed. Physical exam revealed weight-bearing right hind limb lameness, and crepitus of the right stifle. Patient was painful on right stifle extension.', 'questions': 'Suspected right CCL tear with secondary OA with hip OA bilaterally as well. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 363, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Degenerative changes in the hips may be contributing to the reported signs.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1072, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Axial spine- Tail Fracture', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Old tail fracture/fracture of caudal vertebra as described. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1420, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Stifle - acute lameness, SEF, SOA', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 629, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2473, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crepitus - joint'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left and right'], '___s3_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle ___s3_'}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 764, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative changes within the stifle. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ stifle. '}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'An old fracture is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.602, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['fracture']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nMild degenerative changes are present in both the left and right coxofemoral joints. There is also a moderate increase in soft tissue opacity observed in both the left and right stifle joints, accompanied by degenerative changes. An old fracture is noted in the caudal vertebrae of the tail. No other abnormalities are detected in the rest of the musculoskeletal system observed.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Primary Conclusions:\nThe radiographic findings demonstrate increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle corresponding with the patient's history of acute lameness, suggesting acute intra-articular injury and stifle instability. These findings are highly indicative of a cranial cruciate ligament injury or rupture. Additionally, the presence of osteoarthritis in the stifles suggests a more chronic component of instability or injury. Concurrent degenerative changes observed in the hips may also be contributing to the clinical symptoms reported.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nRecommend correlation with orthopedic examination to evaluate for cranial drawer sign, and consider an orthopedic consultation to discuss both surgical and nonsurgical interventions for the stifle instability and associated intra-articular pathology. Long-term management strategies for osteoarthritis should also be considered. Additionally, initiate analgesic therapy and monitor the patient's response to the treatment regimen.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nChronic fracture of the caudal vertebrae noted, likely an incidental finding."}
{'bday': '2018-04-27', 'name': 'Engelhardt^Remy^^^', 'breed': 'Brindle Boxer', 'owner': 'Christine', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Heart & Paw - Marlton', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Marlton', 'clinician': 'Katie Higgins VMD'}
Patient presented for a one-day history of right hindlimb lameness. Owner reports she has been sluggish, yelping, and unable to jump on the bed. Physical exam revealed weight-bearing right hind limb lameness, and crepitus of the right stifle. Patient was painful on right stifle extension.
Suspected right CCL tear with secondary OA with hip OA bilaterally as well.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Crepitus', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 629, 2185, 2345, 2473, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-07-04', 'name': 'Steadman^Scout', 'breed': 'Poodle - Standard', 'owner': 'Steadman^Marjorie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Scout presented today for vomiting for around 3 days. Possible ate part of a bone. Doesn't think there is anything else she could have gotten into. No history of diarrhea. On exam, Scout is BAR. On abdominal palpation is extremely uncomfortable .I discussed with the owner that the clinical signs could be a result of inflammation, infection, or obstruction. I recommend baseline blood work and abdominal radiographs to help determine a cause. Owner approved.\r\n\r\n", 'questions': 'See above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 476, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Constipation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 899, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Mild', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 10.265, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history of vomiting, clinical signs may be consistent with a gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern or foreign body is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 1937, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['prominent']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spleen Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a ___s1_ appearance.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen is located in the cranioventral part of the abdomen and appears prominent. There is a moderate amount of fecal material accumulated in the colon. No other abnormalities are observed in the abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2507, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gall-bladder-visualized', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Primary Conclusions:\nThe gastrointestinal tract demonstrates a normal radiographic appearance in the context of the patient's reported vomiting. The clinical presentation may suggest gastroenteritis. There is no radiographic evidence of an obstructive pattern or foreign body; however, the possibility of a gastrointestinal obstruction cannot be definitively excluded based solely on radiographs. Differential diagnoses should include gastroenteritis potentially related to infectious agents, systemic diseases, or dietary indiscretion.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nMedical management is recommended for the addressed clinical manifestations. Should there be no improvement following medical intervention, it is advisable to conduct follow-up radiographic examinations and/or an abdominal ultrasound to further evaluate the gastrointestinal patterns. Additionally, laboratory testing for pancreatitis and hypoadrenocorticism should be considered.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nThere is mild splenomegaly, which could be attributed to congestion and/or sedation. Differential considerations for the splenomegaly include benign processes such as extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) and lymphoid hyperplasia, as well as infiltrative diseases like round cell neoplasia, and potential infectious causes, such as tick-borne diseases. These etiologies cannot be excluded based on the current imaging findings.\n\nAdditional Recommendations:\nAn abdominal ultrasound is recommended to further evaluate the mildly enlarged spleen, if clinically indicated."}
{'bday': '2020-07-04', 'name': 'Steadman^Scout', 'breed': 'Poodle - Standard', 'owner': 'Steadman^Marjorie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
Scout presented today for vomiting for around 3 days. Possible ate part of a bone. Doesn't think there is anything else she could have gotten into. No history of diarrhea. On exam, Scout is BAR. On abdominal palpation is extremely uncomfortable .I discussed with the owner that the clinical signs could be a result of inflammation, infection, or obstruction. I recommend baseline blood work and abdominal radiographs to help determine a cause. Owner approved.
See above
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Vomiting', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[92, 256, 622, 2184, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-19', 'name': 'Gallardo Aleman^Kora^^^', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'Gallardo Aleman', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Now', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet has a history of seizures, one when was about 2 months and another one 5 months ago and had one seizure today. On presentation patient is BAR no neurologic deficit Patient is intact and three years old. ', 'questions': 'Seizures, possible liver shunts.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 144.836, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation, vascular anomaly (such as liver shunts) or cirrhosis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider biochemical profile, urinalysis, and bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver. Additional imaging may be required to completely rule out liver shunts such as abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or nuclear scintigraphy.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 359, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - fp patella lux, positioning', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 628, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Seizure(s)'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2262, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Liver', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}, {'id': 2710, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Patella luxation false positive', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'normal', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Suspected patella luxation, though the appearance may be secondary to positioning.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2679, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. There is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of normal ingesta. There is a moderate accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSuspected patella luxation, though the appearance may be secondary to positioning. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2710, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Patella luxation false positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation, vascular anomaly (such as liver shunts) or cirrhosis cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nPresumed patella displacement from positioning.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider biochemical profile, urinalysis, and bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver. Additional imaging may be required to completely rule out liver shunts such as abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or nuclear scintigraphy.\nIf there is concern for patellar luxation, consider repeat radiographs with pelvic limbs extended caudally.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-19', 'name': 'Gallardo Aleman^Kora^^^', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'Gallardo Aleman', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Now', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}
Pet has a history of seizures, one when was about 2 months and another one 5 months ago and had one seizure today. On presentation patient is BAR no neurologic deficit Patient is intact and three years old.
Seizures, possible liver shunts.
['Seizure(s)', 'Canine Small Breed']
[628, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-01-10', 'name': 'Frankie^ocegueda^^^', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Luiz', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O noticed pt has been having a hard stomach yesterday. o states that it has happened before to pt ', 'questions': 'pain? constipation?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild fecal retention.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1211, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - No cause for abdominal pain. ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No definitive radiographic evidence for clinical signs described. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of abdominal discomfort could include but not limited to pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD and constipation. Referred spinal pain is also a consideration.\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend abdominal u/s, full cbc with CPLI , pre and post prandial bile acids and full urinalysis. Consider a neurologic exam. In addition, a more detailed clinical history may be useful.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at L6-L7. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. \nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMild fecal retention was noted. No definitive radiographic evidence for clinical signs was described. The presence of a mineralized disc may indicate IVDD. Consider discomfort as a possible differential, including sources such as pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD, constipation, and referred spinal pain. \n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation. \nRecommend abdominal ultrasound, full complete blood count with cPLI, pre and post-prandial bile acids, and full urinalysis. Consider a neurologic exam and, correlate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc. Additionally, a more detailed clinical history may be useful.'}
{'bday': '2018-01-10', 'name': 'Frankie^ocegueda^^^', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Luiz', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
O noticed pt has been having a hard stomach yesterday. o states that it has happened before to pt
pain? constipation?
['Abdominal distension', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[508, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-11-12', 'name': 'Tubby', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'Smith', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Hanover Veterinary Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': "Eve O'Neil, DVM"}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented with a ~10d history of coughing intermittently throughout the day. Cough was most intense 5 days ago and has reduced in intensity since that time. Housemate dog (6 y/o M/N English Bulldog) was recently treated for an aspiration pneumonia and is currently asymptomatic. Both patients were also treated for concurrent pneumonia in January 2023.', 'questions': 'ddx pneumonia vs. neoplasia vs. other?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['partial_unacceptable', 'expert', 'findings_completed'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'liver-mass', 'splenic-mass', 'splenic-nodule', 'peritoneal-mass', 'globoid-heart', 'Peritoneal pericardial diaphragmatic hernia', 'lung-bronchial-interstitial']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1271, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 9, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 255, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - No regurg, ESD, moderate, aerophagia', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus,\xa0esophagitis and esophageal dysmotility\xa0cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 329, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - fp patterns', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 338, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Cranial mediastinal fat vs mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Opacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance and the displaced trachea a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 667, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Subcutaneous mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 727, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - brachycephalic breed, hypoplastic trachea', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1100, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - possible pattern, coughing/panting/dyspnea/syncope', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic differential. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1252, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 8, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID, VAN+SPN, breed conformation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'thoracolumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is generalized narrowing of the trachea. ', 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['generalized']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 799, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal'], '___s2_': ['caudal thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Esophageal Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the ___s2_ esophagus.\r\n\r\n'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'There is a large, ill defined, soft tissue structure noted in the cranioventral thorax, mediastinal fat cannot be ruled. ', 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['large', 'ill defined', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2158, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple thoracic vertebrae']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Anomaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral anomaly is noted at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2268, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the subcutaneous tissue of the elbow. ', 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['subcutaneous tissue']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of dermal or subcutaneous masses observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a mass of ___s1_ opacity associated with the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the thoracic spine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2314, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-displacement', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right lateral'], '___s2_': ['intra-thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Tracheal displacement', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ displacement of the ___s2_ trachea. '}, {'id': 2365, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Parenchymal Pattern false positive', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. '}, {'id': 2367, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is may be consistent with fatty deposition. ', 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Mediastinal fat', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2056, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pneumonia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'internal_notes': 'No pneumonia- lung changes either age or breed related, no BPP, hypoplastic trachea= breed', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_. The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is may be consistent with fatty deposition. There is generalized narrowing of the trachea. There is right lateral displacement of the intra-thoracic trachea. There is focal distention of the caudal thoracic esophagus. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed abdomen.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and thoracolumbar spine. Vertebral anomaly is noted at multiple thoracic vertebrae. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the thoracic spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right elbow. There is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the subcutaneous tissue of the elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2314, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nOpacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance and the displaced trachea a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out.\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic differential. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.\nThe trachea measures under normal range which is consistent with a hypoplastic trachea. However, given the breed of the patient, this may be considered normal.\nThe distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus,\xa0esophagitis and esophageal dysmotility\xa0cannot be ruled out.\nThe increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures.\nDegenerative changes in the elbow.\nSubcutaneous mass as described.\nEvidence of disc space narrowing associated with vertebral anomalies and spondylosis is likely an incidental finding due to breed conformation.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an ultrasound and/or CT of the cranial thorax to confirm the diagnosis of the opacity suspected to be a fatty deposition and to rule out a mediastinal mass.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement.\nCorrelate with clinical signs to determine clinical significance of the narrowing trachea.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam to further investigate the distension noted in the esophagus.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology.\nCorrelate with physical examination for clinical significance of spine abnormalities.'}
{'bday': '2011-11-12', 'name': 'Tubby', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'Smith', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Hanover Veterinary Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': "Eve O'Neil, DVM"}
Patient presented with a ~10d history of coughing intermittently throughout the day. Cough was most intense 5 days ago and has reduced in intensity since that time. Housemate dog (6 y/o M/N English Bulldog) was recently treated for an aspiration pneumonia and is currently asymptomatic. Both patients were also treated for concurrent pneumonia in January 2023.
ddx pneumonia vs. neoplasia vs. other?
['Resp signs - general', 'screening-thorax']
['Coughing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[69, 2656, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-14', 'name': 'Sanchez^Louie', 'breed': 'Siberian Husky', 'owner': 'Sanchez^Louie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for acute symptoms of dyspnea.\r\nWas doing well previously. \r\nOutdoor dog with some superficial abrasions of the front and back limbs. \r\n', 'questions': 'Traumatic Pneumothorax vs Open dx', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 333, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - pleural effusion, CVP/CDP, lung lobe collapse', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The clinical signs are attributed to the large volume of pleural gas with no clear pulmonary lesion detected, nor is there vascular distention or cardiomegaly. There is collapse of the described lung which may be atelectasis or a pulmonary lesion is possible.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 343, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - trauma, resp signs, PNX, no rib fracture', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 489, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 21.372, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Superficial abrasions as reported in history', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 7, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural gas. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2280, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['lung lobe collapse']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung Fields Opacity', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2332, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Wound - abrasion'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2174, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Spontaneous pneumothorax-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, characterized as a lung lobe collapse . There is evidence of pleural gas. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nTraumatic pneumothorax.\nThe clinical signs are attributed to the large volume of pleural gas with no clear pulmonary lesion detected, nor is there vascular distention or cardiomegaly. There is collapse of the described lung which may be atelectasis or a pulmonary lesion is possible.\nSuperficial abrasions as reported in history.\n\nRecommendations:\nsupplemental oxygen therapy and thoracocentesis for the management of traumatic pneumothorax.\n\nConsider thoracentesis and fluid analysis followed by recheck radiographs for further investigation \nMedical management is required for soft tissue injury.\ntraumatic injury likely based on history. tracking FB etc less likely, infectious disease leading to pneumothorax unlikely given the clinical history, ruptured congenital bulla not excluded (inflated views post drainage may be of use.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-14', 'name': 'Sanchez^Louie', 'breed': 'Siberian Husky', 'owner': 'Sanchez^Louie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for acute symptoms of dyspnea. Was doing well previously. Outdoor dog with some superficial abrasions of the front and back limbs.
Traumatic Pneumothorax vs Open dx
['Dyspnoea', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[50, 2656]
['Wound - abrasion']
['Spontaneous pneumothorax C ']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-03-20', 'name': 'Williams^Blue', 'breed': 'Border Collie', 'owner': 'Robin E. Wiliams', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Recheck x-rays from this morning.\r\nHistory: Pt came in around 9:30pm acting lethargic and "drunk. O thinks pt could have gotten into a feminine product, or could have chewed and swallowed some memory foam from a pillow pt tore up yesterday.\r\n', 'questions': 'R/O foreign body', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/anorexia/ lethargy', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1378, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Moderate GAD with gas, GI signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach shows moderate distension due to gas. No additional abnormalities are noted in the remainder of the observed abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2732, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Spinal fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe etiology of the patient's clinical manifestations remains elusive based on the radiographic images reviewed.\nModerate gastric distension with gas is noted, which may suggest aerophagia, gastritis, or potential outflow obstruction. There is no radiographic evidence of mechanical intestinal obstruction.\n\nRecommendations:\nFurther evaluation is recommended, including a comprehensive biochemistry profile, complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, and abdominal ultrasound to investigate the non-specific clinical signs presented. Additionally, obtaining a more detailed clinical history could prove beneficial. \n\nRecommendations:\nRepeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours are recommended to reassess the pattern of gastric distension. Depending on clinical signs and patient history, further evaluation with abdominal ultrasound or endoscopy may be warranted for a comprehensive investigation."}
{'bday': '2023-03-20', 'name': 'Williams^Blue', 'breed': 'Border Collie', 'owner': 'Robin E. Wiliams', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}
Recheck x-rays from this morning. History: Pt came in around 9:30pm acting lethargic and "drunk. O thinks pt could have gotten into a feminine product, or could have chewed and swallowed some memory foam from a pillow pt tore up yesterday.
R/O foreign body
['Lethargic/tired', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[131, 2184, 2656, 2702]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-08-30', 'name': 'Thomas^Molly', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Thomas^Staci', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Nampa', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for acute neurologic event characterized by ataxia, nystagmus and falling over. BP on presentation 244mmHg, recheck 10 minutes later 240mmHg. CBC unremarkable, chem shows low potassium and phosphorus. Fundic exam shows focal retinal hemorrhages. ', 'questions': 'Concerns for possible pheohromocytoma given possible mass near kidneys? ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 213, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - No thoracic masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease or any other pathology noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 742, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - No cause for non-specific neuro signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the reported neurological signs is not determined in the images provided. No evidence of masses or neoplastic process is appreciated. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1057, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No clear evidence of masses noted in the abdomen, although an abdominal mass cannot be completely ruled out from these radiographs.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 591, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Weakness'}, {'id': 601, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gait abnormality - ataxia'}, {'id': 653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Nystagmus'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA cause for the reported neurological signs is not determined in the images provided. No evidence of masses or neoplastic process is appreciated.\nThe VHS is calculated above the normal range. However, the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size, which does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nNo clear evidence of masses noted in the abdomen, although an abdominal mass cannot be completely ruled out from these radiographs.\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease or any other pathology noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nAdvanced imaging, such as MRI, may be useful for further investigation of the reported neuro signs. Correlate with neurological exam and blood work.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to investigate further the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2015-08-30', 'name': 'Thomas^Molly', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Thomas^Staci', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Nampa', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}
Presented for acute neurologic event characterized by ataxia, nystagmus and falling over. BP on presentation 244mmHg, recheck 10 minutes later 240mmHg. CBC unremarkable, chem shows low potassium and phosphorus. Fundic exam shows focal retinal hemorrhages.
Concerns for possible pheohromocytoma given possible mass near kidneys?
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Weakness', 'Ataxia', 'Nystagmus']
[591, 601, 653]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-01-01', 'name': 'test', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'test', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '12', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pet Hospital on Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Orr Rubin'}, 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'test please ignore', 'questions': 'test please ignore', 'channel_id': 'specialist_stat', 'specialty_area': 'Internal medicine'}}
{'bday': '2024-01-01', 'name': 'test', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'test', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '12', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED'}
{'name': 'My Pet Hospital on Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Orr Rubin'}
test please ignore
test please ignore
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-09-11', 'name': 'Hatchett^Coco', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Hatchett^Brandy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'pt was attacked, had abdominal hernia repair, laceration repair shoulder region, and hosp for the 24hrs in oxygen. RR has improved ', 'questions': 'this is a follow up study, pt does have bandage around body as well as fentanyl patch ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1291, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 221, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD+Gas, post op', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Free fluid and gas noted in the abdomen is consistent with the history of recent surgery (hernia repair).\xa0The subcutaneous gas noted is consistent with external puncture wounds from the attack.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 402, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Axial ribs - Traumatic rib fracture', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Continue with medical management and supportive external bandage. If indicated, consider surgical options when stable for the repair of traumatic rib fractures.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1216, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 9.021, 'consult_name': 'Resp pleural - trauma, resp signs, PNX, +Rib fractures', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild traumatic pneumothorax with rib fractures as indicated, seems to be improving when compared to previous study.\xa0The increased opacity noted in the lung is consistent with pulmonary contusion secondary to the reported trauma.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Continuation of supplemental oxygen therapy. If a flail chest is present then stabilization is required.\xa0\xa0Respiratory monitoring and supportive care including\xa0 judicious use of IV fluids, and analgesics are indicated.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2582, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal Wall Trauma'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}, {'id': 2703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen'}, {'id': 2704, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination M/S'}], 'findings': [{'id': 7, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural gas. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 871, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Peritoneal gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum. '}, {'id': 879, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the dorsal thorax and ventral abdomen. ', 'elapsedTime': 15.685, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['dorsal', 'thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Subcutaneous gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['an acute'], '___s2_': ['right', ',3rd', ',4th', ',5th']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['left'], '___s3_': ['unstructured interstitial pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2334, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Wound - laceration'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}, {'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}, {'id': 2681, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-thorax'}, {'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 995, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'recommendation_name': 'oxygen-therapy'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a mild increased opacity in the left cranioventral lung field, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. There is evidence of pleural gas. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is an acute fracture of the right 3rd ,4th and 5th rib. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the dorsal thorax and ventral abdomen. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMild traumatic pneumothorax with rib fractures as indicated, seems to be improving when compared to previous study.\xa0The increased opacity noted in the lung is consistent with pulmonary contusion secondary to the reported trauma.\nTraumatic rib fractures as described.\nFree fluid and gas noted in the abdomen is consistent with the history of recent surgery (hernia repair).\xa0The subcutaneous gas noted is consistent with external puncture wounds from the attack.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nContinuation of supplemental oxygen therapy. If a flail chest is present then stabilization is required.\xa0\xa0Respiratory monitoring and supportive care including\xa0 judicious use of IV fluids, and analgesics are indicated.\nContinue with medical management and supportive external bandage. If indicated, consider surgical options when stable for the repair of traumatic rib fractures.'}
{'bday': '2014-09-11', 'name': 'Hatchett^Coco', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Hatchett^Brandy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}
pt was attacked, had abdominal hernia repair, laceration repair shoulder region, and hosp for the 24hrs in oxygen. RR has improved
this is a follow up study, pt does have bandage around body as well as fentanyl patch
['trauma-fractures', 'trauma-general', 'follow-up-thorax', 'follow-up-abdomen']
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Traumatic injury', 'Abdominal Wall Trauma', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax', 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen', 'Follow-up/re-examination M/S']
[37, 259, 2582, 2654, 2702, 2703, 2704]
['Wound - laceration']
['Oxygen therapy']
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-09-07', 'name': 'Brown^Brandy', 'breed': 'MIXED', 'owner': 'Brown', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'St Mary and St Takla Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - South River', 'clinician': 'St Mary and St Takla animal clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Mammary tumor check for metastasis', 'questions': 'mammary tumor check for metastasis', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 266, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - asymptomatic, no LAE', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 312, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Multiple masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1057, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1225, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - mammary infection vs. skin vs. neoplasia', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2386, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ', 'elapsedTime': 5.51, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are multiple, small, soft tissue, opacity noted in the right thorax superimposed with heart on left lateral view.', 'elapsedTime': 35.422, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['are multiple', 'small', 'soft tissue', 'opacity'], '___s2_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2268, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['mammary tissue', 'on the ventral', 'abdomen']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of dermal or subcutaneous masses observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a mass of ___s1_ opacity associated with the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L5-L6']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1971, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - mammary'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. Small soft tissue opacities are noted in the lung field, better noted on the left lateral view, superimposed with the heart . The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSpondylosis deformans in the lumbar spine and intervertebral disc space narrowing at L5-L6. There is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the mammary tissue on the ventral abdomen. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of increased soft tissue opacity in the mammary tissue and reported clinical signs may suggest mammary neoplasia, mastitis or skin disorder.\nMultiple pulmonary masses. Differentials may include primary neoplasia, metastatic neoplasia, infectious causes, or granulomas.\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged, with no evidence of left atrial enlargement and no evidence of decompensation.\nNo apparent masses were noted in the abdomen.\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nDisc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider FNA sampling +/- biopsy of the mammary tissue to rule out neoplasia.\nConsider CT scan and additional diagnostics for a more definitive diagnosis for the described pulmonary masses.\nAn echocardiogram with blood pressure measurement and radiographic monitoring every 9 to 12 months could be considered for further evaluation. Consultation with a cardiologist could be considered for medical recommendations.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for oncological staging and to further investigate the enlarged liver. +/- FNA sampling or, more likely, a biopsy may be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider advanced imaging such as MRI if clinical signs associated with disc degeneration develop.'}
{'bday': '2014-09-07', 'name': 'Brown^Brandy', 'breed': 'MIXED', 'owner': 'Brown', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'St Mary and St Takla Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - South River', 'clinician': 'St Mary and St Takla animal clinic'}
Mammary tumor check for metastasis
mammary tumor check for metastasis
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Metastasis check', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2386, 2656]
['Mass lesion - mammary']
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-11-04', 'name': 'Raizer^Jack', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Raixer', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P fell from the bed last night r leg painful and limping\r\nPE: non WB hind right. Bilateral swelling, crepitous and medial buttress of the stifles. ', 'questions': 'see above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 352, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 7.214, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - Chronic cruciate, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Osteoarthritis of the stifles along with increased soft tissue opacity noted is most consistent with chronic stifle instability and intra-articular injury. This is commonly associated with cranial cruciate ligament injury/rupture. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2473, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crepitus - joint'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 764, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative changes within the stifle. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ stifle. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nA moderately increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint was noted in the left and right stifles. Degenerative changes are noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nOsteoarthritis of the stifles along with increased soft tissue opacity noted is most consistent with chronic stifle instability and intra-articular injury. This is commonly associated with cranial cruciate ligament injury/rupture.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination to assess for cranial drawer in the stifle.'}
{'bday': '2014-11-04', 'name': 'Raizer^Jack', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Raixer', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
P fell from the bed last night r leg painful and limping PE: non WB hind right. Bilateral swelling, crepitous and medial buttress of the stifles.
see above
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Crepitus', 'Fell/dropped', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[575, 2185, 2345, 2473, 2530, 2545, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-09-15', 'name': 'Cummings^Paddy', 'breed': 'Pit Bull', 'owner': 'Cummings^Sara', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Crossroads Animal Hospital - CO', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Windsor', 'clinician': 'Allison Brekke'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Chronic arthritis and suspected CCL tears. Marked ALP elevations >2000. A radiograph was performed to rule out osteosarcoma.', 'questions': 'Please comment on the hip and stifle.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 352, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - Chronic cruciate, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 364, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - chronic hip dysplasia, HOA and HIC', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 786, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Elevated enzymes, normal liver', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the described liver enzyme elevation is not determined in this study. No evidence of bone neoplasia is noted, and the liver is normal in appearance; however, this does not rule out pathology.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical, thoracic and lumbar']}}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are factors affecting assessment of stifle effusion on the lateral views. However, there appears to be moderate increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the left stifle on the VD view. ', 'elapsedTime': 46.597, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1302, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Arthritis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. There is evidence of hip incongruity of the right hip. There is degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. There are factors affecting assessment of stifle effusion on the lateral views. However, there appears to be moderate increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the left stifle on the VD view. There are degenerative changes noted in the left stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2638, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nOsteoarthritis of the indicated stifle along with increased soft tissue opacity is most consistent with chronic stifle instability and intra-articular injury, commonly associated with cranial cruciate ligament injury/rupture. \nOsteoarthritis of the hips secondary to hip dysplasia noted. \nThe cause for the described liver enzyme elevation is not determined in this study. No evidence of bone neoplasia is noted, and the liver is normal in appearance; however, this does not rule out pathology. \nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental. \nGastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination to assess for cranial drawer in the stifle.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and FNA sampling of the liver if indicated for further investigation.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2013-09-15', 'name': 'Cummings^Paddy', 'breed': 'Pit Bull', 'owner': 'Cummings^Sara', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Crossroads Animal Hospital - CO', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Windsor', 'clinician': 'Allison Brekke'}
Chronic arthritis and suspected CCL tears. Marked ALP elevations >2000. A radiograph was performed to rule out osteosarcoma.
Please comment on the hip and stifle.
['neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'lameness-hindLimb']
['Hindlimb lameness', 'Elevated liver enzymes', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2345, 2404, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-06-03', 'name': 'Aladar', 'breed': 'Shepherd Mix', 'owner': 'Rogers,Stacey', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Youngsville Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Youngsville', 'clinician': 'Katie Smith'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient began coughing in mid August 2024. Dry cough started at 1-2 times daily and increased in frequency to 6-8 coughing fits per day on 9/3/24. Bloodwork on 9/3/24: CBC WNL, T4 WNL, Chem had elevated Ca (11.6), and SDMA was WNL. Radiographs taken on 9/3/24. No response to Doxycyline or Clavamox. Repeat radiographs attached for today. Masses present on both.', 'questions': 'Concerns about multiple mass-like opacities in the thorax. Differentials include metastasis (primary), fungal infection, etc. Can masses be aspirated by u/s? Radiologist differentials?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 296, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 11.129, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - chronic bronchitis', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Bronchial pattern consistent with chronic bronchitis. Considerations to neoplasia, allergic bronchitis, and other causes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Tracheal wash with cytology/culture may be helpful for confirmation of bronchitis. Therapy often uses anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids as a cornerstone plus other symptomatic care.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1105, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 31.311, 'consult_name': 'Resp neoplasia - Suspected heart base mass', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Suspicious opacity noted at the heart base. Differentials include a heart base mass, tracheobronchial lymph node enlargement or focal pulmonary infiltrate. Potential etiologies include neoplasia, fungal infection or less likely inflammatory process.\xa0 \xa0\nThere is a diffuse unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern noted throughout the lungs. Changes noted in the lungs are also concerning for metastatic disease given the age of the patient. Fungal etiologies cannot be entirely ruled out but are considered much less likely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend an thoracic ultrasound to confirm presence of heart base mass. A bronchoscopy and airway wash, submitting for cytology and culture, may also be considered.\xa0\n\xa0Tissue sampling of the lungs could be considered for confirmation of metastasis. An abdominal ultrasound could be considered to evaluate for a primary.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['thoracic'], '___s3_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s2_ spine ___s3_ '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': '', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ .'}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. ', 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are multiple masses/nodules noted in the entire, and in a suspected mass in the heart base region of the thorax.', 'elapsedTime': 82.842, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['are multiple'], '___s2_': ['entire', 'heart base region of the']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2136, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - thoracic'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 77, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Blood test: Biochemistry - full profile'}, {'id': 1068, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'blood-test-complete-blood-count-cbc-'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. There is a suspected mass in the heart base region. There is a suspect mass on the dorsal region of the cranial sternebrae, probably associated with sternal lymph node enlargement. There is increased opacity throughout the lung field, characterized as an unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is mild spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine . The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nSuspicious opacity noted at the heart base. Differentials include a heart base mass, tracheobronchial lymph node enlargement or focal pulmonary infiltrate. There is a diffuse unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern noted throughout the lungs. Potential etiologies include neoplasia, fungal infection, or less likely inflammatory process.\nSuspect enlarged sternal lymph node, reactive vs. neoplastic.\nChanges noted in the lungs are also concerning for metastatic disease, given the patient's age.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend a thoracic ultrasound to confirm the presence of a heart base mass and an enlarged sternal lymph node. A bronchoscopy and airway wash, submitted for cytology and culture, may also be considered. If an enlarged lymph node is confirmed, recommend FNA and cytological evaluation."}
{'bday': '2016-06-03', 'name': 'Aladar', 'breed': 'Shepherd Mix', 'owner': 'Rogers,Stacey', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Youngsville Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Youngsville', 'clinician': 'Katie Smith'}
Patient began coughing in mid August 2024. Dry cough started at 1-2 times daily and increased in frequency to 6-8 coughing fits per day on 9/3/24. Bloodwork on 9/3/24: CBC WNL, T4 WNL, Chem had elevated Ca (11.6), and SDMA was WNL. Radiographs taken on 9/3/24. No response to Doxycyline or Clavamox. Repeat radiographs attached for today. Masses present on both.
Concerns about multiple mass-like opacities in the thorax. Differentials include metastasis (primary), fungal infection, etc. Can masses be aspirated by u/s? Radiologist differentials?
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'screening-thorax']
['Coughing', 'Metastasis check', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 2386, 2656]
['Mass lesion - thoracic']
['Blood test: Chemistry - full profile', 'Blood test: Complete Blood Count (CBC)']
[77, 1068]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-05-26', 'name': 'Farley^Luna', 'breed': 'Bulldog, French', 'owner': 'Farley^Wesley', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'jumped from owners arms', 'questions': 'repair options?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1109, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 212.074, 'consult_name': 'M/S Limb Fracture - acute fracture, swelling, no subcut gas (closed fracture)', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend analgesics and stabilization with strict cage rest and an\xa0orthopedic consultation to explore the best surgical correction options for this patient. The elbow joint should be immobilized/splinting is recommended until surgical repair can be performed. Generally, surgical stabilization involves precise realignment of the bone fragments and stabilizing using pins, screws, and/or bone plates.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a complete, displaced, oblique fracture of the lateral epicondyle of the right humerus. ', 'elapsedTime': 9.781, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['complete', 'displaced', 'oblique'], '___s2_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'elbow']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a complete, displaced, oblique fracture of the lateral epicondyle of the right humerus. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of appendicular fracture as described with associated soft tissue swelling. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend analgesics and stabilization with strict cage rest and an\xa0orthopedic consultation to explore the best surgical correction options for this patient. The elbow joint should be immobilized/splinting is recommended until surgical repair can be performed. Generally, surgical stabilization involves precise realignment of the bone fragments and stabilizing using pins, screws, and/or bone plates.'}
{'bday': '2024-05-26', 'name': 'Farley^Luna', 'breed': 'Bulldog, French', 'owner': 'Farley^Wesley', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}
jumped from owners arms
repair options?
['Traumatic injury', 'Fell/dropped', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[259, 2530, 2654, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2007-09-22', 'name': 'BK', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Eric Wehner', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Dr. Jeremy Sebor'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Indoor only. Has seasonal allergies - hx of URI. Friday night, p seemed uncomfortable and slight effort in the breathing. Saturday the breathing picked up and became labored with respiratory noises - this is new and hasn't happened before. Today the breathing seems worse, now is a constant effort and slight labored breathing. Otherwise acting normal, still e/d ok. No other med hx. mm- lt pink.", 'questions': '', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1043, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 232, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': ' Random - Bates body', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Presence of disc space narrowing associated with bridging ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 429, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, CVP/CDP (not alveolar), no cardiomegaly', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lungs. A CT scan may also yield additional information. Consider additional views of thoracic radiographs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild(likely incidental)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 242, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Straining (unspecified)'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'lumbar'], '___s2_': ['with bridging noted.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine ___s2_ '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['appears mildly enlarged']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 798, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Kidney', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ kidney measures below normal range. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['left'], '___s3_': ['interstitial to alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2293, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mid']}, 'finding_normal_text': "Bate's body", 'finding_abnormal_text': "There is a mineralized focal soft tissue nodule located in the ___s1_ abdomen likely representing a Bate's body (idiopathic fat necrosis). "}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the lumber spine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Respiratory tract infection'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe cardiac silhouette is incompletely delineated and there is a mild, diffuse, bronchointerstitial pattern. Obvious cardiomegaly is not supported by the normal position of the carina. A thin, pleural fissure is noted summating with the caudal heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nWhile normal in size, the liver has a similar opacity to the falciform fat. \nThere is a mineralized focal soft tissue nodule located in the mid abdomen likely representing a Bate\'s body (idiopathic fat necrosis). A similar, smaller feature is noted ventral to T13, within the peritoneal cavity. The kidneys are subjectively smaller and rounder than typical. The small bowel is at the upper limit of normal for size but given the lack of gastrointestinal signs is likely normal for the patient. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine with bridging noted. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the thoracic and lumber spine. The most severe region is at L7-S1 where the space is nearly completely collapsed. Multifocal end plate sclerosis is noted. There is severe periarticular osseous proliferation associated with the more caudal scapulohumeral joint with multifocal large "joint mice" in the cranial and caudal aspect of the joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Primary Conclusions:\nThe diffuse, mild bronchointerstitial pattern is non-specific with differentials including feline asthma, infectious etiologies such as mycoplasma infection or lungworm infection, or, less likely bacterial bronchopneumonia. The decreased delineation of the heart is likely due to the surrounding abnormal lung. A small volume of pleural fluid is possible given the thin pleural fissures. While overt cardiomegaly is not evident, a ventrodorsal projection would be needed for full evaluation and to rule out cardiogenic edema. \n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nEchocardiography would allow a more definitive evaluation of the heart, particularly if a murmur or arrhythmia is noted. \nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lungs. A CT scan may also yield additional information. Consider additional views of thoracic radiographs.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nThe small kidney(s) may indicate chronic renal disease.\nThe decreased conspicuity of the liver from the falciform fat could indicate a degree of hepatic lipidosis. \nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with bridging ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nNodular fat necrosis (Bate's body) noted in the abdomen. Likely incidental.\n\nAdditional Recommendations:\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small kidney(s).\nAbdominal ultrasound would be useful to better assess the liver. \nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nConsider advanced imaging such as MRI if clinical signs associated with disc degeneration develop."}
{'bday': '2007-09-22', 'name': 'BK', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Eric Wehner', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Dr. Jeremy Sebor'}
Indoor only. Has seasonal allergies - hx of URI. Friday night, p seemed uncomfortable and slight effort in the breathing. Saturday the breathing picked up and became labored with respiratory noises - this is new and hasn't happened before. Today the breathing seems worse, now is a constant effort and slight labored breathing. Otherwise acting normal, still e/d ok. No other med hx. mm- lt pink.
['Resp signs - general', 'resp signs - upper vs lower']
['Dyspnoea', 'Straining (unspecified)', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[50, 242, 2179, 2327]
['Respiratory tract infection']
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-10', 'name': 'Fielder', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Daisy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - San Antonio', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'ingested cat toy coil possibly, induced vomiting, nothing produced', 'questions': 'concerns for FB ingestion ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 488, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - No Fb visible, poss ingestion', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 251, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Primary Conclusions:\nThe radiographic evaluation reveals no evidence of an intestinal foreign body or obstruction. However, a gastric foreign body may be present. And the possibility of occult foreign material cannot be entirely excluded based on the radiographs alone.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nShould concerns persist regarding a gastrointestinal foreign body, an abdominal ultrasound is advisable. In the event of emerging clinical signs, consider obtaining follow-up radiographs or conducting a barium study.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nGastric contents observed, likely representing digested food. The presence of non-obstructive foreign bodies or foreign material intermixed with food remains a differential consideration.\n\nAdditional Recommendations:\nConsider scheduling repeat fasting abdominal radiographs within 12-24 hours to evaluate gastric emptying and exclude the possibility of an obstructive foreign body, if clinically indicated.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-10', 'name': 'Fielder', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Daisy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - San Antonio', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}
ingested cat toy coil possibly, induced vomiting, nothing produced
concerns for FB ingestion
['Foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Small Breed']
[251, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2009-08-19', 'name': 'Deguara^Chloe', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Deguara', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Anorexia 5 days, syncopal events, Hx of degenerative mitral valve disease stage B1, no appreciable PH on echo on 8/19/24. Suspicious for liver mass on AFAST. Chem: Glucose 141 (60-125), ALP 219 (10-150), ALT 238 (5-107), BUN 143 (6-31), Creat 6.7 (0.4-1.8), Phos 9.7 (2.1-6.3), Anion Gap 28 (8-25), rest of chemistry unremarkable ', 'questions': 'Screening for Metastasis', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1290, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). A hepatic mass, Infiltrative neoplasia, acute hepatitis or hepatomegaly secondary to heart disease cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 213, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No thoracic masses', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - Mitral valve disease, asymptomatic, echo done', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the cardiac silhouette are consistent with the reported findings from the echocardiogram. No evidence of congestive heart failure noted at this time.\xa0Compression of the mainstem bronchi by the enlarged heart may be contributing to the reported syncope episodes,', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 429, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 438, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - +/- resp signs, hypoplastic trachea', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 690, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Axial sternum - Sternal degeneration, incidental', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 99, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Fainting episodes'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal'], '___s2_': ['in the cervico-thoracic region']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 798, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Kidney', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ kidney measures below normal range. '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['with a prominent appearing aorta visible on the VD view.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2421, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Sternal degeneration', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum. '}, {'id': 2469, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Narrowed mainstem bronchi', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is compression of the mainstem bronchi. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 405, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mitral valve disorder'}, {'id': 520, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Azotaemia (unspecified)'}, {'id': 527, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperglycaemia'}, {'id': 974, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Neoplasm - hepatic (liver)'}, {'id': 2275, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Prostatomegaly'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1154, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'abdominal-ultrasound'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range with a prominent appearing aorta visible on the VD view. There is evidence of left atrial enlargement. There is compression of the mainstem bronchi. There is focal narrowing of the trachea in the cervico-thoracic region . The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The left kidney measures below normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted in the sternum. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). A hepatic mass, infiltrative neoplasia, acute hepatitis or hepatomegaly secondary to heart disease cannot be ruled out.\nThe changes noted in the cardiac silhouette are consistent with the reported findings from the echocardiogram. No evidence of congestive heart failure noted at this time.\xa0Compression of the mainstem bronchi by the enlarged heart may be contributing to the reported syncope episodes,.\nThe narrowing of the trachea is consistent with a hypoplastic trachea.\nThe small kidney(s) may indicate chronic renal disease.\nSternal degeneration. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nDepending on progression of clinical signs, an echocardiogram or radiographic monitoring, and a blood pressure measurement could be considered every 6-9 months.\nFor further investigation of the narrowed trachea, a CT scan or tracheoscopy may be helpful for a definitive diagnosis. Limiting stress/excitement/exercise, weight management to avoiding overheating are often helpful in similar cases.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small kidney(s).'}
{'bday': '2009-08-19', 'name': 'Deguara^Chloe', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Deguara', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
Anorexia 5 days, syncopal events, Hx of degenerative mitral valve disease stage B1, no appreciable PH on echo on 8/19/24. Suspicious for liver mass on AFAST. Chem: Glucose 141 (60-125), ALP 219 (10-150), ALT 238 (5-107), BUN 143 (6-31), Creat 6.7 (0.4-1.8), Phos 9.7 (2.1-6.3), Anion Gap 28 (8-25), rest of chemistry unremarkable
Screening for Metastasis
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'neoplasia-abdomen', 'screening-thorax']
['Syncopal/fainting episodes', 'Hyporexia', 'Metastasis check', 'Elevated liver enzymes', 'Canine Small Breed']
[99, 607, 2386, 2404, 2654]
['Mitral valve disorder', 'Azotemia (unspecified)', 'Hyperglycemia', 'Neoplasm - hepatic (liver)', 'PDx: prostatomegaly']
[405, 520, 527, 974, 2275]
['Abdominal ultrasound']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-08-29', 'name': 'White^Toby', 'breed': 'American Staffordshire', 'owner': 'White^James', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital 6439', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Las Vegas', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "P presents with very painful abdomen on palpation. Can't hold food or water down past 24 hrs, hx of eating things", 'questions': 'Foreign body?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild(likely incidental)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1135, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - SPN, VAN, incidental', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1257, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Small intestines - 2 pops (less confident), sfb', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cloth/material like']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 1635, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Prostate Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The prostate is prominent. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2158, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T13']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Anomaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral anomaly is noted at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2289, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast is moving through the gastrointestinal tract. No obstructive pattern is observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast medium is indicating an obstruction at the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2290, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast does not indicate presence of a foreign body within the GI tract. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is cloth/material like foreign material located within the small intestine. The prostate is prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbosacral spine. Vertebral anomaly is noted at T13. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines are suspicious for two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot be definitively ruled out. Some foreign material is noted and therefore a small intestinal foreign body obstruction must be considered.\nIncreased size of the prostate gland is likely secondary to benign hypertrophy being an intact male.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\nSpondylosis deformans and vertebral anomaly noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Correlate with rectal exam and clinical signs for clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.\nCorrelate this finding with physical exam for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2015-08-29', 'name': 'White^Toby', 'breed': 'American Staffordshire', 'owner': 'White^James', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital 6439', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Las Vegas', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}
P presents with very painful abdomen on palpation. Can't hold food or water down past 24 hrs, hx of eating things
Foreign body?
['Vomiting', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 622, 2184, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-06-05', 'name': 'Kim^Orpheus', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise', 'owner': 'Kim^Orpheus', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for vomiting this AM 2-3am - vomited up some fur from a plush toy.\r\nAte this morning ~11 am - vomited 2x.\r\nDefecate 2-3x throughout today. Last stool was a little soft.\r\nA little more lethargic.\r\nAdopted Saturday from a family member.\r\nVaccines not started yet', 'questions': 'r/o Intestinal foreign body vs Open dx', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 222, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Juvenile LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 245, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis, foreign material', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineral']}}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a small amount of mineral'], '___s2_': ['ascending', 'descending']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is small mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. There is a small amount of mineral opacity foreign material located within the ascending and descending colon. There is mild loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures or exposure settings. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is foreign material noted in the GI tract therefore dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenteritis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.\nAbdominal detail loss presumably from immaturity, ascites not excluded.\nColonic foreign body as described.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material.\nMonitor for passage of described colonic foreign body in the stool.'}
{'bday': '2024-06-05', 'name': 'Kim^Orpheus', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise', 'owner': 'Kim^Orpheus', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for vomiting this AM 2-3am - vomited up some fur from a plush toy. Ate this morning ~11 am - vomited 2x. Defecate 2-3x throughout today. Last stool was a little soft. A little more lethargic. Adopted Saturday from a family member. Vaccines not started yet
r/o Intestinal foreign body vs Open dx
['Vomiting', 'Canine Small Breed']
[256, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-07-24', 'name': 'Stover^Ava', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Stover^Laura', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presents for: vomiting and diarrhea\r\nSigns and symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea since today \r\nEvents leading up to problem: pt had bm accident yesterday that was mushy, bloody and mucuosy, today pt vomited 3 times clear liquid, not interested in food \r\nAllergies: NKA \r\nMedications: none \r\nLast oral intake food/water: yesterday \r\nPertinent past history: attacked by multiple dogs throughout the years ', 'questions': 'R/O foreign body VS AHDS VS gastroenteritis VS other ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 714, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 62.78, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Hemorrhagic gastro enteritis (vom+diarr).', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the described clinical signs is not determined from the radiographs. The changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered as a primary differential. Dietary indiscretion, inflammatory, infectious, parasite, colitis due to stress or other cause cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. \n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported hematochezia.\xa0Recommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of hepatomegaly and distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior\xa0 to abdominal exploratory surgery. For hepatomegaly, a FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.Medical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2455, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'abnormal-gas-SI', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is an abnormal gas pattern noted in the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2455, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'abnormal-gas-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not determined from the radiographs. The changes noted in the small intestines are suspicious for a two populations of small intestine, most commonly representing a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered as a primary differential, with dietary indiscretion, inflammatory, infectious, parasite, colitis due to stress or other cause also being possible. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), with infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis not entirely ruled out.\nGastric material may represent food, however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. Spondylosis deformans noted is likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported hematochezia. Recommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of hepatomegaly and distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. For hepatomegaly, a FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance. Medical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. Also, correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. Correlate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2013-07-24', 'name': 'Stover^Ava', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Stover^Laura', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}
Patient presents for: vomiting and diarrhea Signs and symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea since today Events leading up to problem: pt had bm accident yesterday that was mushy, bloody and mucuosy, today pt vomited 3 times clear liquid, not interested in food Allergies: NKA Medications: none Last oral intake food/water: yesterday Pertinent past history: attacked by multiple dogs throughout the years
R/O foreign body VS AHDS VS gastroenteritis VS other
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Small Breed']
[37, 76, 256, 2475, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-07-04', 'name': 'Wilt^Simon', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair (DSH)', 'owner': 'Wilt^Ali', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Simon presented today for V/D. He had ingested gift wrapping ribbon and vomited some up and the owner had pulled some from his rectum- about 8-12" slowly. Wants to know if still any ribbon there. Cat continues to have diarrhea.\r\nOn exam, the P Is painful in cranial abdomen. Discussed with the owner that the clinical signs could be a result of inflammation, infection, or obstruction. recommend baseline blood work and abdominal radiographs to help determine a cause.', 'questions': 'See above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 245, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 10.967, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis, foreign material', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There is foreign material noted in the GI tract (stomach and small intestines) therefore dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineral']}}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with irregular margins']}}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach contains a small mineralized opacity with irregular margins. There is small mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. No other abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nForeign material noted in the GI tract (stomach and small intestines), therefore dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs cannot be ruled out completely.\nIncongruity of the hips.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the hips.\n'}
{'bday': '2022-07-04', 'name': 'Wilt^Simon', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair (DSH)', 'owner': 'Wilt^Ali', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
Simon presented today for V/D. He had ingested gift wrapping ribbon and vomited some up and the owner had pulled some from his rectum- about 8-12" slowly. Wants to know if still any ribbon there. Cat continues to have diarrhea. On exam, the P Is painful in cranial abdomen. Discussed with the owner that the clinical signs could be a result of inflammation, infection, or obstruction. recommend baseline blood work and abdominal radiographs to help determine a cause.
See above
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'screening-abdomen']
['Diarrhea', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Feline']
[76, 251, 256, 622, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-07-01', 'name': 'Wolf^Buckey', 'breed': 'Siamese', 'owner': 'Wolf', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Shores Animal Hospital (FL)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Shores Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'New patient presents for chroinc (11 year) history of coughing. Owners presumed it was asthma but have never been diagnosed. Typically is seen at vaccine clinics only. Coughing in the past happened inconsistently with coughing fits lasting for a couple weeks at a time. More recently coughing is noted to have gotten progressively worse with more coughing throughout the day and lasting longer then a typical episode. ', 'questions': 'Looks like there may be a primary lung mass. Supportive care options for this?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 6.033, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchitis, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis, if warranted.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 311, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 37.129, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Solitary mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider CT scan for a more definitive diagnosis, otherwise, recheck radiographs in one month to monitor for the progression of the described pulmonary mass. Consider oncologist consultation for supportive care options once a diagnosis is confirmed.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 329, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - fp patterns', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 441, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Functional ileus', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 8, 'elapsedTime': 1.845, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild fecal retention. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'A mild bronchial pattern is present. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.205, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be material noted in the GI tract that is suspected to be located in the ascending colon.', 'elapsedTime': 53.419, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranially positioned']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['ill defined'], '___s2_': ['left', 'caudodorsal']}}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas']}}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the cranially positioned elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There appears to be material noted in the GI tract that is suspected to be located in the ascending colon. There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nA mild bronchial pattern is present. The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. There is a ill defined mass noted in the left caudodorsal thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nPulmonary mass with differentials including primary neoplasia, abscess, cyst, or infectious/inflammatory process. Bronchial pattern consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis, differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, bacterial or parasitic infections. \nHepatomegaly consistent with benign hepatopathy, infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. \nDiffuse distension of the GI tract with no evidence of obstruction consistent with functional ileus, possibly due to enteritis, administration of parasympatholytics and sedatives, peritonitis, blunt abdominal trauma, or electrolyte imbalance. \nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental. \nDegenerative changes in the elbow. Increased lung opacity suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. \nMild fecal retention.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider CT scan for a more definitive diagnosis, otherwise, recheck radiographs in one month to monitor for the progression of the described pulmonary mass. Consider oncologist consultation for supportive care options once a diagnosis is confirmed.\nCorrelate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis, if warranted.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate for ileus. Medical management of the clinical signs (if any) may be indicated at this time.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2010-07-01', 'name': 'Wolf^Buckey', 'breed': 'Siamese', 'owner': 'Wolf', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Shores Animal Hospital (FL)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Shores Animal Hospital'}
New patient presents for chroinc (11 year) history of coughing. Owners presumed it was asthma but have never been diagnosed. Typically is seen at vaccine clinics only. Coughing in the past happened inconsistently with coughing fits lasting for a couple weeks at a time. More recently coughing is noted to have gotten progressively worse with more coughing throughout the day and lasting longer then a typical episode.
Looks like there may be a primary lung mass. Supportive care options for this?
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Feline']
[69, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-02-14', 'name': 'Towner^Levi^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Benny Towner', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Heart & Paw - East Market', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Philadelphia', 'clinician': 'Laura Hultzapple'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Tuesday night P suddenly started meowing like he was in pain. Was trying to move himself on an elevated platform but seemed weak. O noted P was too weak to reposition himself. P was also panting and pooped during this episode. This lasted for roughly 10 minutes and then P seemed to recover. O placed him on the bed and began cleaning up. Within 20 minutes, P seemed much improved and was eating. O reports P has been normal since then. \r\nBCS 8/9. BW pending. No murmur heard. ', 'questions': 'Any concern for cardiac dz? No murmur heard. Pulse normal. Ambulating normal, and not painful on exam. \r\n\r\nBW/UA results pending. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 20.466, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Concern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy. Possibilities may also include poor perfusion due to decreased cardiac output or possible aortic thromboembolic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 227, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - unlabeled study', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Spondylosis deformans. Likely incidental however lumbosacral stenosis may be considered if signs return/persist.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Rest and pain management would be a treatment protocol if symptoms return, otherwise an orthopedic/neurological consultation may be considered upon definitive diagnosis.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 591, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Weakness'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild-moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested kibble/food . ', 'elapsedTime': 22.336, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 4746, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Overweight'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2099, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'blood-ruleout-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mild-moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ingesta. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbosacral spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy. Possibilities may also include poor perfusion due to decreased cardiac output or possible aortic thromboembolic disease.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental however lumbosacral stenosis may be considered if signs return/persist.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nLabels are not noted in the provided images, therefore laterality cannot be determined.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.\nRest and pain management would be a treatment protocol if symptoms return, otherwise an orthopedic/neurological consultation may be considered upon definitive diagnosis.'}
{'bday': '2018-02-14', 'name': 'Towner^Levi^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Benny Towner', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Heart & Paw - East Market', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Philadelphia', 'clinician': 'Laura Hultzapple'}
Tuesday night P suddenly started meowing like he was in pain. Was trying to move himself on an elevated platform but seemed weak. O noted P was too weak to reposition himself. P was also panting and pooped during this episode. This lasted for roughly 10 minutes and then P seemed to recover. O placed him on the bed and began cleaning up. Within 20 minutes, P seemed much improved and was eating. O reports P has been normal since then. BCS 8/9. BW pending. No murmur heard.
Any concern for cardiac dz? No murmur heard. Pulse normal. Ambulating normal, and not painful on exam. BW/UA results pending.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Feline', 'Lab work pending']
['Vocalizing ', 'Panting', 'Weakness', 'Heart Murmur', 'Pain', 'Eating normally']
[2327, 2352]
[145, 177, 591, 2175, 2186, 2535]
['blood work and additional diagnosis to rule out']
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-09-07', 'name': 'Garrity^Maui', 'breed': 'CHIHUAHUA', 'owner': 'Garrity^Tim', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Present for labored breathing. Hx of cardiomegaly. Currently not on any treatment.\r\nPE: mm: purple, labored breathing, tachypnea, murmur \r\nCBC = NSF \r\nChem = ALT 257 (10-118) TBIL 0.7 (0.1-0.6) BUN 26 (7-25) GLU 208 (60-110)\r\n', 'questions': 'r/o: cardiovascular (CHF vs others) vs respiratory vs others', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1099, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly GEN - Unstructured interstitial, CHF', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1115, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - venous congestion, heart failure', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1279, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - TNW, no cough, incidental', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 677, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Cyanotic mucous membrane'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ .'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal'], '___s2_': ['at the carina']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2483, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe'], '___s2_': ['mineralized'], '___s3_': ['with rounded margins']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the stomach and it contains a ___s2_ opacity ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2143, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'preop-cardio-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. There is focal narrowing of the trachea at the carina . There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern . The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is severe distention of the stomach and it contains a mineralized opacity with rounded margins. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGeneralized cardiomegaly and unstructured interstitial pattern throughout the lungs as described. Possible differentials include: valvular disease leading to insufficiency, DCM with pulmonary edema or pulmonary hypertension.\nTracheal narrowing as noted above. Based on the lack of clinical symptoms, this finding is likely incidental.\nHepatomegaly likely secondary to venous congestion caused by concurrent congestive heart failure.\nGastric foreign body as described which may or may not pass on its own.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further assessment, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement would be optimal. Given patient clinical signs, recommend treatment for congestive heart failure. Diuretics, as pre-load reducer, are a mainstay of reducing pulmonary edema. Supportive care such as oxygen therapy may be indicated. Additional cardiac medication should also be considered. Also consider pre-diuretic lab-work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (eg. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.\nCorrelate with history of possible clinical symptoms associated with tracheal collapse, e.g. coughing, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance etc.\nAbdominal ultrasound with FNA and cytology can be considered if clinically warranted.\nRecommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body.'}
{'bday': '2019-09-07', 'name': 'Garrity^Maui', 'breed': 'CHIHUAHUA', 'owner': 'Garrity^Tim', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
Present for labored breathing. Hx of cardiomegaly. Currently not on any treatment. PE: mm: purple, labored breathing, tachypnea, murmur CBC = NSF Chem = ALT 257 (10-118) TBIL 0.7 (0.1-0.6) BUN 26 (7-25) GLU 208 (60-110)
r/o: cardiovascular (CHF vs others) vs respiratory vs others
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'Resp signs - general']
['Dyspnoea', 'Tachypnoea', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - cyanosed', 'Heart Murmur', 'Respiratory distress', 'Canine Small Breed']
[50, 666, 677, 2175, 2179, 2654]
['Pre-op, cardiomegaly']
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-09-05', 'name': 'Pensula^Jimmy^^^', 'breed': 'Affenpinscher', 'owner': 'Isabella', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'corgi. Rads yesterday and in night. This AM: 5 ml/kg barium with canned food (ate well), then 1 and 3 hr post rads. Modified contrast series. Treated as O/P yesterday for vomiting. VOmited thru cerenia. Vomited again this morning. BAR, vocal, seems to be feeling better. ', 'questions': 'delayed gastric emptying, but no obstructive pattern', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 264, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Contrast, no 2 pops, no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The contrast appears to be slowly passing through the intestinal tract as expected with no evidence of obstruction, foreign body, or plication.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1158, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 4.567, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - follow-up, persistent foreign body', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Compared to the previous images, the contrast appears to be highlighting material within the stomach. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\xa0Consider pyloric hypertrophy, foreign body, gastro-duodenal intussusception or functional ileus .', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend abdominal ultrasound prior to surgical exploration of the abdomen or endoscopy dependent on the type of gastric material present. Repeat radiographs after 12 hours if patient status remains stable should be considered', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 292, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 2532, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'barium-study'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen'}], 'findings': [{'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['with irregular margins']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2290, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the stomach. ', 'elapsedTime': 9.833, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast does not indicate presence of a foreign body within the GI tract. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a soft tissue opacity with irregular margins. The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the stomach. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCompared to the previous images, the contrast appears to be highlighting material within the stomach. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\xa0Consider pyloric hypertrophy, foreign body, gastro-duodenal intussusception or functional ileus. \nThe contrast appears to be slowly passing through the intestinal tract as expected with no evidence of obstruction, foreign body, or plication.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound prior to surgical exploration of the abdomen or endoscopy dependent on the type of gastric material present. Repeat radiographs after 12 hours if patient status remains stable should be considered.'}
{'bday': '2019-09-05', 'name': 'Pensula^Jimmy^^^', 'breed': 'Affenpinscher', 'owner': 'Isabella', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital'}
corgi. Rads yesterday and in night. This AM: 5 ml/kg barium with canned food (ate well), then 1 and 3 hr post rads. Modified contrast series. Treated as O/P yesterday for vomiting. VOmited thru cerenia. Vomited again this morning. BAR, vocal, seems to be feeling better.
delayed gastric emptying, but no obstructive pattern
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'follow-up-abdomen']
['Vomiting', 'Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Barium study', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen']
[256, 292, 2532, 2654, 2703]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-01-12', 'name': 'jones^leo', 'breed': 'Tonkinese', 'owner': 'jones', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Leo is presented in ER CPAH for heavy breathing with right nasal discharge, P was neutered yesterday, eat twice today. ', 'questions': 'nasal discharge, wheezing and seems congested, with watery eyes. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 30.513, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Concern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy. Maturity may play a role in the appearance of the heart.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 304, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Upper - normal thorax & trachea, upper airway disease likely', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 840, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 4.683, 'consult_name': 'Resp parenchymal - Lower respiratory signs in a kitten/puppy, normal thorax', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Early aspiration or underlying infectious or inflammatory causes cannot be completely ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 150, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Nose discharge/Nasal discharge'}, {'id': 2180, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal Respiration'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2388, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'post-op'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA lower respiratory etiology for the clinical signs is not determined during this evaluation, the results of which are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses. Given the history, an upper airway etiology is considered likely.\nEarly aspiration or underlying infectious or inflammatory causes cannot be completely ruled out.\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy. Maturity may play a role in the appearance of the heart.\n\nRecommendations:\nA more detailed upper airway exam may be useful for further investigation of the reported clinical signs.\nConsider supportive care and repeat radiographs in 2-3 days if there is no clinical improvement for further investigation of the described respiratory signs.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.'}
{'bday': '2024-01-12', 'name': 'jones^leo', 'breed': 'Tonkinese', 'owner': 'jones', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}
Leo is presented in ER CPAH for heavy breathing with right nasal discharge, P was neutered yesterday, eat twice today.
nasal discharge, wheezing and seems congested, with watery eyes.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Dyspnoea', 'Discharge - nasal', 'Abnormal respiration', 'Feline', 'Post-op', 'Wheezing']
[50, 150, 2180, 2327, 2388, 2456]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-08-10', 'name': 'SHAFFER^SNOOKY', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'SHAFFER^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute onset respiratory distress but also has past history of intermittent cough / gag. No crackles on ausc, but had incr BV sounds. Had significant respiratory distress on presentation, much better with O2. Rads taken 2 hrs after admin of butorphanol and start of O2.', 'questions': ' Is this asthma and pneumonia or only pneumonia? Possible mass effect in cranial mediastinum?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material is consistent with food/recent meal. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The cardiac silhouette appears to be mildly enlarged. Cardiomyopathy cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchitis, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 338, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Cranial mediastinal fat vs mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart.'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2367, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Mediastinal fat', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBronchial pattern is consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis. Differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, infectious etiologies (bacterial) and parasitic (including heartworm disease).\nOpacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis.\nConsider an ultrasound and/or CT of the cranial thorax to confirm the diagnosis of the opacity suspected to be a fatty deposition and to rule out a mediastinal mass.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease given that cats can have subtle changes on radiographs with heart disease. Since there is no edema, any heart condition would not have caused the respiratory distress. \nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2016-08-10', 'name': 'SHAFFER^SNOOKY', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'SHAFFER^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Acute onset respiratory distress but also has past history of intermittent cough / gag. No crackles on ausc, but had incr BV sounds. Had significant respiratory distress on presentation, much better with O2. Rads taken 2 hrs after admin of butorphanol and start of O2.
Is this asthma and pneumonia or only pneumonia? Possible mass effect in cranial mediastinum?
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'Resp signs - general', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Coughing', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[69, 2179, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-11-11', 'name': 'Eberle^RUGER', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever, Mix', 'owner': 'Eberle^Danielle', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Chehalis', 'clinician': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Jumped out of the back of a truck on Sunday and is unable to walk. Normal reflexes but decrease in bilateral hind leg CP.', 'questions': 'Just want further anatomical description of pelvic fracture. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 780, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - No evidence of bladder rupture', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1316, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Pelvis - Sacroiliac luxation and pelvic fractures', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 204, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2344, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'paresis-pelvic'}, {'id': 2526, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'decreased-concious-proprioception'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 16, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is an oblique fracture of the right symphysis ischii continuos with an incomplete fracture of the right, ischiatic table. ', 'elapsedTime': 109.936, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'ischium']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pelvic Fracture', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a fracture of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2193, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Stifle', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stifles are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'soa, sef, plx'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2499, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Sacroiliac luxation', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A "stair-step" lesion is seen on the ___s1_ sacroiliac arch. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is an oblique fracture of the right symphysis of the ischium with an incomplete fracture of the right ischiatic table. There are degenerative changes affecting the right coxofemoral joint. A "stair-step" lesion is seen on the left sacroiliac arch. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pelvic-fracture-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes described in the pelvis are suggestive of sacroiliac luxation and pelvic fractures.\nNo evidence of bladder rupture is noted.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nAnalgesics and cage confinement is recommended. Orthopedic consultation to discuss surgical vs. non-surgical treatment options is recommended.\nConsider a contrast cystogram if there is concern for possible bladder rupture.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2019-11-11', 'name': 'Eberle^RUGER', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever, Mix', 'owner': 'Eberle^Danielle', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Chehalis', 'clinician': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services'}
Jumped out of the back of a truck on Sunday and is unable to walk. Normal reflexes but decrease in bilateral hind leg CP.
Just want further anatomical description of pelvic fracture.
['Reluctant to move/walk', 'Traumatic injury', 'Pelvic limb paresis', 'Decreased conscious proprioception', 'Fell/dropped', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[204, 259, 2344, 2526, 2530, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-05-29', 'name': 'Cram^Ella', 'breed': 'Bulldog, English', 'owner': 'Cram^Melissa', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Bristol Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bristol', 'clinician': 'Bristol Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute honking cough started Sunday after playing with another dog on Saturday. Normal energy level and still eating well. Mild serous discharge noted as well from nostrils. Louder upper respiratory noise noted at home. PE: Heart and lungs auscult normally; no obvious discharge from nose or eyes at the clinic; otherwise unremarkable exam; Temp- 102.8F - rectal with her not anxious or seemingly overexcited.\r\n\r\nSymptoms:\r\ncoughing: Cough, ', 'questions': 'r/o pneumonia', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 222, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Juvenile LAD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 303, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - cough, redundant tracheal membrane', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1117, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - Normal lungs, resp signs, metabolic disease', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The observed lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology. Clinical respiratory signs are likely due to the suspected redundant tracheal membrane.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 150, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Nose discharge/Nasal discharge'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['cranial'], '___s3_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2158, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T9', 'T13']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Anomaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral anomaly is noted at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2259, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Redundant Tracheal Membrane', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity within the ___s1_ region of the trachea. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2569, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures or exposure settings.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical region of the trachea. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material and a mineral material (gravel-sign). There is mild loss of serosal detail in the cranial abdomen. The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to the summation of structures or exposure settings. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at T9 and T13. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe observed lungs are clear, and there is no evidence of pathology. Clinical respiratory signs are likely due to the suspected redundant tracheal membrane - changes in the trachea are concerning for chondromalacia and may be an early stage of collapsing trachea.\nGastric material and foreign bodies may be related to delayed gastric emptyin and non-obstructive foreign material.\nAbdominal detail loss presumably from immaturity, ascites not excluded.\nVertebral anomaly. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSupportive care is recommended at this time. Correlate with bloodwork to test for metabolic acidosis/alkalosis.\nRecheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.\nConsider symptomatic therapy for tracheal collapse. Limiting stress/excitement, avoiding neck leashes and collars, the judicious use of antitussives such as hydrocodone, and possibly anti-inflammatory medications may be considered.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly.'}
{'bday': '2024-05-29', 'name': 'Cram^Ella', 'breed': 'Bulldog, English', 'owner': 'Cram^Melissa', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Bristol Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bristol', 'clinician': 'Bristol Animal Hospital'}
Acute honking cough started Sunday after playing with another dog on Saturday. Normal energy level and still eating well. Mild serous discharge noted as well from nostrils. Louder upper respiratory noise noted at home. PE: Heart and lungs auscult normally; no obvious discharge from nose or eyes at the clinic; otherwise unremarkable exam; Temp- 102.8F - rectal with her not anxious or seemingly overexcited. Symptoms: coughing: Cough,
r/o pneumonia
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Discharge - nasal', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[69, 150, 2656, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-09-05', 'name': 'BUGAJSKI^CODY', 'breed': 'GOLDEN RETRIEVER', 'owner': 'BUGAJSKI', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'ON/OFF LAMENESS ON RIGHT HIND LIMB OVER PAST FEW YEARS. LAMENESS WORSENING. \r\nON EXAM: UNABLE TO EXAMINE AS PET IS TOO HYPER. BUT PET IS AMB X 4 LIMBS, HAS MILD LAMENESS ON RIGHT HIND', 'questions': 'R/O ANYTHING OF CONCERN', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['muscle-atrophy', 'panosteitis', 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'enthesopathy', 'joint-luxation', 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'osteochondritis-dissecans', "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 352, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - Chronic cruciate, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Osteoarthritis of the indicated stifle along with increased soft tissue opacity noted is most consistent with chronic stifle instability and intra-articular injury. This is commonly associated with cranial cruciate ligament injury/rupture.\xa0\xa0This does not rule out a concurrent soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 363, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Degenerative changes in the hips.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1266, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative M/S - No evidence of IVDD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 764, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative changes within the stifle. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ stifle. '}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. There is a moderate increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the left and right stifle. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe radiographic findings suggest osteoarthritis of the specified stifle, accompanied by increased soft tissue opacity. These observations are indicative of chronic stifle instability and intra-articular damage, which are frequently associated with injury or rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. While these findings are prominent, the presence of concurrent soft tissue injuries or neuropathy cannot be excluded at this stage. Additionally, there are degenerative changes observed in the hips.\nNo radiographic signs of intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) are evident in the reviewed images. However, the possibility of a partial disc herniation or a fibrocartilaginous infarct cannot be completely excluded.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend correlation with an orthopedic examination to evaluate for the presence of a cranial drawer sign in the stifle. Consideration for analgesic administration is advised, with subsequent monitoring of the therapeutic response.\nFurther evaluation with MRI/CT imaging or myelography is recommended if supported by clinical findings.'}
{'bday': '2019-09-05', 'name': 'BUGAJSKI^CODY', 'breed': 'GOLDEN RETRIEVER', 'owner': 'BUGAJSKI', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
['Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2345, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-23', 'name': 'Mistry^Zeffy', 'breed': 'Tabby', 'owner': 'Mistry^Chitra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Parmjit Dhillon'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Stranguria, inappropriate urination - started 3-4 days ago. 3 days ago did receive convenia, cartrophen and sent home with buprenorphine. Since then symptoms have not improved and hematuria has developed. Hx of UTIs\r\nNo sedation for xrays. Obese cat', 'questions': 'Bladder stones, other bladder/kidney abnormality. Blood work normal, urinalysis pending', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 846, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urinary sediment', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 265, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Stranguria'}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 681, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a sediment like increased']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L7-S1']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2230, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urinary tract infection (UTI) - bacterial'}, {'id': 4748, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Obese'}], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [{'id': 959, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Analgesic'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is a sediment like increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L7-S1. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMineralization noted over the urinary bladder may be consistent with urinary sediment/small stones.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with urinalysis and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineralization noted over the urinary bladder. This will also allow further investigation of the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis if there are appropriate clinical signs. '}
{'bday': '2014-08-23', 'name': 'Mistry^Zeffy', 'breed': 'Tabby', 'owner': 'Mistry^Chitra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Parmjit Dhillon'}
Stranguria, inappropriate urination - started 3-4 days ago. 3 days ago did receive convenia, cartrophen and sent home with buprenorphine. Since then symptoms have not improved and hematuria has developed. Hx of UTIs No sedation for xrays. Obese cat
Bladder stones, other bladder/kidney abnormality. Blood work normal, urinalysis pending
['Urination abnormal - stranguria', 'Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination', 'Feline']
[265, 274, 681, 2327]
['PDx: Urinary tract infection (UTI)', 'Obese']
[2230, 4748]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-07', 'name': 'Pletcher^Miller^^^', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Riley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomited several times tonight and acting painful. Ate some wood chips. ', 'questions': 'r/o obstruction vs passable intestinal material. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 109.457, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - foreign material, likely sand impaction', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A moderate amount of mineral opaque foreign material is noted within the intestines. There is mild distension of some of the small intestinal segments but no complete obstructive pattern is appreciated. An obstruction cannot be completely ruled out radiographically. Based on history and radiographic appearance, this is most consistent with a sand impaction. A partial obstruction is not excluded.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 8.22, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical exam to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['sand like']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 1635, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Prostate Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The prostate is prominent. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is gravel like opaque foreign material located within the small intestine. There is a portion of the small intestine that is mildly distended with gas. \nThere is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. \nThe prostate is prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA moderate amount of gravel like opaque foreign material is noted within the intestines. There is modrate distension of some of the small intestinal segments but no complete obstructive pattern is appreciated. An obstruction cannot be completely ruled out radiographically. Based on history and radiographic appearance, this is most consistent with intestinal impaction with a gravel like foreign material. A partial obstruction is not excluded.\nEvidence of fecal retention is noted in the colon.\nIncreased size of the prostate gland is likely secondary to benign hypertrophy being an intact male.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care which may include anti-nausea, pain medications and subcutaneous fluids, with close monitoring of the patient for any change in clinical status. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess for progression of intestinal pattern. Surgical intervention may be necessary if causing an obstruction.\nCorrelate with clinical exam to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.\nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs for clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-07', 'name': 'Pletcher^Miller^^^', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Riley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital'}
Vomited several times tonight and acting painful. Ate some wood chips.
r/o obstruction vs passable intestinal material.
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[92, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-02-20', 'name': 'Apodaca^Russ', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Apodaca^Mariah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for lethargy, anorexia for the past 2.5 days.\r\nIndoor only.\r\nVaccines UTD.\r\nNo vomiting / diarrhea but vomit up hairballs intermittently.\r\nRecently adopted another outdoor cat and had some exposure for the past 2-3 days.\r\nUsually gets gabapentin before veterinary visits.', 'questions': 'temp 104.6, fleas noted\r\nFelv/fiv: neg/neg\r\n\r\nFUO - r/o Mycoplasma felis vs Bite Wound Abscess vs Open dx', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/anorexia/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The cause of the patient's described fever is not identified in the radiographs provided. Some differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes should be considered.\n\n", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Symptomatic treatment may be necessary. Consider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, blood smear (dye stain), urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound, +/- PCR testing (mycoplasma specifically)\xa0to further investigate the reported non-specific signs. In addition, a more detailed clinical history may also be helpful and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1043, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mycoplasma haemocanis (Haemobartonella canis) infection'}, {'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Abscess'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The cause of the patient's described fever is not identified in the radiographs provided. Some differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes should be considered.\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nSymptomatic treatment may be necessary. Consider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, blood smear, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound, +/- PCR testing (mycoplasma specifically)\xa0to further investigate the reported non-specific signs. In addition, a more detailed clinical history may also be helpful and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy."}
{'bday': '2022-02-20', 'name': 'Apodaca^Russ', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Apodaca^Mariah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for lethargy, anorexia for the past 2.5 days. Indoor only. Vaccines UTD. No vomiting / diarrhea but vomit up hairballs intermittently. Recently adopted another outdoor cat and had some exposure for the past 2-3 days. Usually gets gabapentin before veterinary visits.
temp 104.6, fleas noted Felv/fiv: neg/neg FUO - r/o Mycoplasma felis vs Bite Wound Abscess vs Open dx
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Anorexia', 'Hyporexia', 'Feline']
[37, 131, 545, 606, 607, 2327]
['Mycoplasma haemocanis (Haemobartonella canis) infection', 'Abscess']
[1043, 1106]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-02-04', 'name': 'Chwedczuk^MJ', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Chwedczuk^Anna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient came to AVCS for vomiting several times throughout the day', 'questions': 'blockage', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'basic', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 245, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis, foreign material', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is some radio-opaque foreign material located within the small intestine.', 'elapsedTime': 6.391, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nVertebral heart score of 11.0. The remaining observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is some radio-opaque foreign material located within the small intestine. There is no overt evidence of obstruction at this time. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is foreign material noted in the GI tract therefore dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.\nThe lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology. Consider advanced cardiac diagnostics for further investigation into the vertebral heart score. \n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to ensure passage of the described intestinal foreign material and lab testing for pancreatitis.'}
{'bday': '2023-02-04', 'name': 'Chwedczuk^MJ', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Chwedczuk^Anna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
Patient came to AVCS for vomiting several times throughout the day
['Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-18', 'name': 'Mitchell^Ranger', 'breed': 'Spaniel, Cocker', 'owner': 'Mitchell^Amy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Nampa', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '10 yo, MC, cocker, intermittant cough and urinating while sleeping , grade 3/6 LAS murmur. ', 'questions': 'Tracheal collapse vs La enlargement as cause of cough?\r\n\r\nUrinary stones? ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level', 'history_signalment_inconsistencies', 'finding_conclusion_inconsistencies', 'three'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['muscle-atrophy', 'panosteitis', 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'enthesopathy', 'prostate-mineralization', 'laryngeal-opacity', 'palate-canals', 'joint-luxation', 'skull-fracture', 'frontal-sinuses', 'osteochondritis-dissecans', "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'joint-effusion', 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'Larynx-mineralization', 'surgical-device', 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 255, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - No regurg, ESD, moderate, aerophagia', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 304, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - normal thorax & trachea, upper airway disease likely', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A lower respiratory etiology for the clinical signs is not determined during this evaluation, the results of which are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses, tracheal collapse. Given the history, an upper airway etiology is considered likely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 846, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urinary sediment', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mineralization noted over the urinary bladder may be consistent with urinary sediment. this maybe the source of the reported abnormal urination though other causes cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1100, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - possible pattern, coughing/panting/dyspnea/syncope', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 681, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a sediment like increased']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 799, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal'], '___s2_': ['cranial thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Esophageal Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the ___s2_ esophagus.\r\n\r\n'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['with a prominent appearing aorta visible on the VD view.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2451, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Prostate false positive', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity in the region of the prostate. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Tracheal collapse'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2685, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'internal_notes': "\n-Bladder Mineralization - In a senior dog, With urinary symptoms it is recommended to rule out TCC vs Bladder stones vs TCC vs normal sediment . (Urine C/S , BRAF TEST, AUS..)\nThe recommendation for the respiratory findings doesn't seem to correlate with the medical history of intermittent cough , There is no complaint of dyspnea or x-ray findings that will warrant Lasix trial. (seems like an copy/paste recommendation to any Cardiomegaly without correlation to the clinical findings. \n\nRespiratory Recommendations given: \nIdeally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement (as soon as possible) are recommended to investigate further. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, then consider diuretic therapy in the interim. Also consider pre-diuretic lab-work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (eg. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.", 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range but no distinct chamber enlargement is noted. The pulmonary vasculature is normal. There is focal distention of the cranial thoracic esophagus. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is a sediment like increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. There is increased soft tissue opacity in the region of the prostate. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus cannot be ruled out.\nA lower respiratory etiology for the clinical signs is not determined during this evaluation, the results of which are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses, tracheal collapse. Given the history, an upper airway etiology is considered likely.\nMineralization noted over the urinary bladder may be consistent with urinary sediment. this maybe the source of the reported abnormal urination though other causes cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nIdeally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement (as soon as possible) are recommended to investigate further. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, then consider diuretic therapy in the interim. Also consider pre-diuretic lab-work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (eg. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam to further investigate the distension noted in the esophagus.\nA more detailed upper airway exam and/or additional images of the skull may be useful for further investigation of the reported clinical signs.\nCorrelate with urinalysis and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineralization noted over the urinary bladder.'}
{'bday': '2014-08-18', 'name': 'Mitchell^Ranger', 'breed': 'Spaniel, Cocker', 'owner': 'Mitchell^Amy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Nampa', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}
10 yo, MC, cocker, intermittant cough and urinating while sleeping , grade 3/6 LAS murmur.
Tracheal collapse vs La enlargement as cause of cough? Urinary stones?
['Resp signs - general', 'urinary-stones']
['Coughing', 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 681, 2175, 2656]
['Tracheal collapse']
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-09-21', 'name': 'Trafficano^Ellie', 'breed': 'BOXER', 'owner': 'Trafficano', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Westside Animal Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Lithia Springs', 'clinician': 'Westside Animal Emergency Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'MM pk. crt < 2 sec. Temp 102.4 f. wt 52.6 LBS. Owner stated Ellie was painful in abdomen and yelped out when he palpated abdomen, approx 1 hr ago . Tense abdominal palpation. Normal appetite. No v/d. RDVM performed bl & xrays 1 week ago. Diagnosed w/ DJD/Spondylosis. Rx Gabapentin 300 mg sid in pm. Owner stated gave 1 does, b/c Ellie was too drowsy. Bl work was normal. Owner declined additional bl. work today. ', 'questions': 'Gi /fb obstruction, DJD, Spondylosis, open', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 383, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - bridging spondylosis, pain', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric-Severe GAD with gas, GI signs', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'lumbar', 'lumbosacral'], '___s2_': ['with bridging noted.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine ___s2_ '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1328, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Joint instability'}, {'id': 1336, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Osteoarthritis, secondary'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 959, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Analgesic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen:\nThe stomach shows moderate distension due to gas accumulation. No other abnormalities are observed in the remaining areas of the abdomen.\n\nMusculoskeletal:\nSevere spondylosis deformans is present in the thoracic, lumbar, and lumbosacral spine, with bridging observed. There are no additional abnormalities in the rest of the musculoskeletal system that were noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2507, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gall-bladder-visualized', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2732, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Spinal fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Primary Conclusions:\nSevere bridging spondylosis is noted, which may correlate with the clinical symptoms indicative of discogenic pain. There is also a marked gastric distension with gas. Differential considerations include gastritis, gastric atony, outflow obstruction, or pronounced aerophagia. There is no radiological evidence of mechanical intestinal obstruction.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nRecommend implementing exercise limitations and administering analgesics. Should symptoms continue, an MRI is advised to further evaluate the spinal alterations observed. Additionally, it is recommended to repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the gastric distension pattern. Based on the clinical presentation and patient history, further diagnostic procedures such as abdominal ultrasound or endoscopy should be considered.'}
{'bday': '2012-09-21', 'name': 'Trafficano^Ellie', 'breed': 'BOXER', 'owner': 'Trafficano', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Westside Animal Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Lithia Springs', 'clinician': 'Westside Animal Emergency Clinic'}
MM pk. crt < 2 sec. Temp 102.4 f. wt 52.6 LBS. Owner stated Ellie was painful in abdomen and yelped out when he palpated abdomen, approx 1 hr ago . Tense abdominal palpation. Normal appetite. No v/d. RDVM performed bl & xrays 1 week ago. Diagnosed w/ DJD/Spondylosis. Rx Gabapentin 300 mg sid in pm. Owner stated gave 1 does, b/c Ellie was too drowsy. Bl work was normal. Owner declined additional bl. work today.
Gi /fb obstruction, DJD, Spondylosis, open
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal']
['Fever/pyrexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[545, 622, 2656]
['Joint instability', 'PDx: osteoarthritis']
[1328, 1336]
{'patient': {'bday': '2007-07-23', 'name': 'Urbina^Iced Tea', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Urbina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Aquebogue Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Aquebogue', 'clinician': 'Aquebogue Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet was presented to AVH for a dental ', 'questions': 'Dental was done on 7/25 ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1014, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 223, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Thin LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Suspicious gas opacities noted in the cranial abdomen may represent gastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 417, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Skull - oral pain/bleeding, dental disease', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are multiple resorptive lesions noted at multiple mandibular and maxillary premolars as well as at the canine roots.', 'elapsedTime': 112.404, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are suspicious gas opacities noted at the region of the pylorus. ', 'elapsedTime': 36.881, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2689, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Skull-question'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'oral-exam'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere are suspicious gas opacities noted at the region of the pylorus. There is severe loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nDental\nThere are multiple resorptive lesions noted at multiple mandibular and maxillary premolars as well as at the canine roots. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed dental.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nEvidence of periodontal disease and feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions were noted.\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental findings versus cardiomyopathy.\nLoss of detail in the abdomen is most consistent with a scant amount of peritoneal effusion. A lack of intra-abdominal fat cannot be ruled out.\nSuspicious gas opacities noted in the cranial abdomen may represent gastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nBridging spondylosis noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider general anesthesia, dental radiography, and Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment for further evaluation of oral health.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.\nAn AFAST +/- abdominal ultrasound is recommended for free fluid if clinically warranted and to rule out peritoneal effusion.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of the bridging spondylosis identified."}
{'bday': '2007-07-23', 'name': 'Urbina^Iced Tea', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Urbina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Aquebogue Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Aquebogue', 'clinician': 'Aquebogue Veterinary Hospital'}
Pet was presented to AVH for a dental
Dental was done on 7/25
['Oral exam']
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-06-21', 'name': 'Bentivegna^Thelma', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Bentivegna^Thelma', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for dyspnea and coughing.\r\nHas been having 10 asthma attacks a week.\r\nAdopted a kitten a week ago.\r\nDiagnosed of feline asthma feb of this year.\r\nIndoor only.\r\nStill eating/drinking.\r\nCurrently on fluticasone 1 puff BID and prednisone 1mg every 1-5 days PRN, 1 pill a day - increased to BID, 1 pill in the AM and 2 pills in the PM.\r\n\r\nAlbuterol PRN (last dose at 3:30 pm)', 'questions': 'Feline Asthma vs Bronchitis vs Neoplasia vs Open dx', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 665, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 65.316, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline asthma, BPP, hyperinflation', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hyperinflated lungs and bronchial markings are concerning for feline asthma/bronchitis. rounded opacities noted are likely bronchial plugs and less likely nodules. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider a tracheal wash for cytology, culture and PCR for further investigation. Often, therapy for nonresponsive asthma is modified by response to therapy; a combination of steroids, antibiotics, and bronchodilators may be considered.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present, together with bronchial plugs. ', 'elapsedTime': 11.843, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be mild generalized enlargement of the heart on the VD', 'elapsedTime': 9.144, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2449, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fissure', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A pleural fissure line is noted in the ___s1_ thorax.'}, {'id': 2453, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Hyperinflation of lungs', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a generalized flattening of the diaphragm +/- generalized decrease in lung opacity. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Corticosteroid'}, {'id': 1354, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'corticosteroid1'}, {'id': 2227, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Feline asthma'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be mild generalized enlargement of the heart on the VD. A bronchial pattern is present, together with bronchial plugs. There is a generalized flattening of the diaphragm +/- generalized decrease in lung opacity. A pleural fissure line is noted in the cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ingesta. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left hip. There are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHyperinflated lungs and bronchial markings are concerning for feline asthma/bronchitis. rounded opacities noted are likely bronchial plugs and less likely nodules.\nThe pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid. Thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance cannot be ruled out.\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy.\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider a tracheal wash for cytology, culture and PCR for further investigation. Often, therapy for nonresponsive asthma is modified by response to therapy; a combination of steroids, antibiotics, and bronchodilators may be considered.\nCorrelate with history for the clinical significance of the noted pleural fissure line.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.\nRepeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material should be considered.'}
{'bday': '2019-06-21', 'name': 'Bentivegna^Thelma', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Bentivegna^Thelma', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for dyspnea and coughing. Has been having 10 asthma attacks a week. Adopted a kitten a week ago. Diagnosed of feline asthma feb of this year. Indoor only. Still eating/drinking. Currently on fluticasone 1 puff BID and prednisone 1mg every 1-5 days PRN, 1 pill a day - increased to BID, 1 pill in the AM and 2 pills in the PM. Albuterol PRN (last dose at 3:30 pm)
Feline Asthma vs Bronchitis vs Neoplasia vs Open dx
['Resp signs - general', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Dyspnoea', 'Coughing', 'Feline']
[50, 69, 2327]
['Corticosteroid', 'Corticosteroid', 'Feline asthma']
[976, 1354, 2227]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-01-15', 'name': 'Canine Companions For Independence^Glodbud II', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Canine Companions For Independence', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O stated dog has had swollen face since this morning. Swelling has gone down on own so far. Dog also chewed up table leg, vomited up some wood chunks with tint of blood. threw up once in car was continuing to gag. ', 'questions': 'foreign material', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 40.574, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. Alternatively, inducing emesis can be considered depending on other clinical input.", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 13.981, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. Presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically. Clinical signs are most likely related to but not limited to a gastroenteritis secondary to dietary indiscretion.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of the reported clinical signs (including that for esophagitis) is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 791, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 110.423, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, no ESD/EFB, reflux/esophagitis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Consideration for the gagging is given to esophageal microtrauma from the foreign body described. Other differentials include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis. \n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'An endoscopy or swallow study may be indicated for further investigation if there is no response to therapy. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 580, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - facial'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2308, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The nasal cavities and frontal sinuses have a normal opacity. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity noted in the ___s2_ frontal sinus.'}, {'id': 2310, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The bones of the skull are within normal limits with no aggressive lesions or fractures noted.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a fracture noted in the ___s1_ bone of the skull. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material . The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2554, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Esophageal foreign body, contrast', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nNo evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. Presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically. Clinical signs are most likely related to but not limited to a gastroenteritis secondary to dietary indiscretion.\nConsideration for the gagging is given to esophageal microtrauma from the foreign body described. Other differentials include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. Alternatively, inducing emesis can be considered depending on other clinical input.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs (including that for esophagitis) is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.\nAn endoscopy or swallow study may be indicated for further investigation if there is no response to therapy."}
{'bday': '2024-01-15', 'name': 'Canine Companions For Independence^Glodbud II', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Canine Companions For Independence', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
O stated dog has had swollen face since this morning. Swelling has gone down on own so far. Dog also chewed up table leg, vomited up some wood chunks with tint of blood. threw up once in car was continuing to gag.
foreign material
['Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Gagging/retching', 'Mass/swelling - facial', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[251, 256, 521, 580, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-02-21', 'name': 'DANIEL^HANK', 'breed': 'Coonhound Mix', 'owner': 'DANIEL^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "O reports that pt got in an altercation with housemate on Friday. There is a wound on front RIGHT leg. O states they called rDVM & they were told to put H2O2 on the wound. So they have been doing that. Today pt feels hot to the touch & they also woke up to 4 piles of vomit. O said that last night he was eating, but unsure about today. He isn't lethargic & is acting normally. ", 'questions': ' ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 489, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma. No bone fractures noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 296, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wound'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right front limb. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling is consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma. No bone fractures noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management as required for soft tissue injury.'}
{'bday': '2015-02-21', 'name': 'DANIEL^HANK', 'breed': 'Coonhound Mix', 'owner': 'DANIEL^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
O reports that pt got in an altercation with housemate on Friday. There is a wound on front RIGHT leg. O states they called rDVM & they were told to put H2O2 on the wound. So they have been doing that. Today pt feels hot to the touch & they also woke up to 4 piles of vomit. O said that last night he was eating, but unsure about today. He isn't lethargic & is acting normally.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Wound', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 256, 296, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-09-20', 'name': 'Keelie Ableson', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'Ableson', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Beacon Pet Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Sidney', 'clinician': 'Beaconpet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '- 24 hours onset, hiding, arched back, yelp when picked up. \r\nNormal mentation, ambulatory \r\nCranial nerves normal. \r\nGait - arched back. \r\nPostural - normal. \r\nSpinal reflexes - Withdrawal - Thoracic - Increased Pelvic - increased in increased in 2 digits, reduced in the other digits. \r\nAnal reflex - normal. \r\nNo neck pain, no back pain. ', 'questions': 'Responds well to the treatment.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['acceptable', 'five'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Tortuous vessels', 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'distal-extremity-arthritis']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 386, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - fp TID/CID', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Possible narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning or beam divergence. Spondylosis deformans noted. Other sources of abdominal discomfort could include but not limited to pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD and constipation', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'If there is a concern for back pain or neurologic deficits, consider spinal radiographs centered on the region of interest. Correlate with neurologic and orthopedic examination with MRI/ CT scan for definitive diagnosis.\xa0Recommend abdominal u/s, full cbc with pancreatitis testing , pre and post prandial bile acids and full urinalysis.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 849, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Limited detail, Gi signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Due to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen from under exposure, thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 121, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hunched up'}, {'id': 145, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 631, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - spinal'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2442, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - neck'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2265, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Urinary Bladder Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['C6-C7']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2569, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures or exposure settings.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2692, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_abnormal_text': ' Suspected narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning or beam divergence.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'internal_notes': 'Poor radiographic detail limits interpretation, but it could be mentioned to do a trial steroid or NSAID and strict rest, so provide \nimmediate relief in case there is IVDD', 'recommendations': [{'id': 270, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Neurological examination'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is severe loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. There is significant distension of the urinary bladder. The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures or exposure settings. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at C6-C7. Suspected narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning, beam divergence or underexposure. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nPossible narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning or beam divergence. Spondylosis deformans noted. Other sources of abdominal discomfort could include but not limited to pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD and constipation.\nThe urinary bladder is significantly distended. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside.\nDue to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen from under exposure, thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited.\n\nRecommendations:\nIf there is a concern for back pain or neurologic deficits, consider spinal radiographs centered on the region of interest. Correlate with neurologic and orthopedic examination with MRI/ CT scan for definitive diagnosis.\xa0Recommend abdominal u/s, full cbc with pancreatitis testing , pre and post prandial bile acids and full urinalysis.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small intestines.'}
{'bday': '2011-09-20', 'name': 'Keelie Ableson', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'Ableson', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Beacon Pet Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Sidney', 'clinician': 'Beaconpet'}
- 24 hours onset, hiding, arched back, yelp when picked up. Normal mentation, ambulatory Cranial nerves normal. Gait - arched back. Postural - normal. Spinal reflexes - Withdrawal - Thoracic - Increased Pelvic - increased in increased in 2 digits, reduced in the other digits. Anal reflex - normal. No neck pain, no back pain.
Responds well to the treatment.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain']
['Hunched up', 'Vocalizing ', 'Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Pain', 'Canine Small Breed']
['Pain - spinal', 'Pain - neck']
[121, 145, 292, 629, 2186, 2654]
[631, 2442]
['Neurological examination']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-02-03', 'name': 'Whelan^Cooper', 'breed': 'PITBULL', 'owner': 'Whelan^Nigel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Cooper was presented to us for hard time breathing this morning. He is not drinking or eating properly for last 2 days. He is sneezing and has lethargy as well. UTD on vaccines and F/T preventative. Cooper is getting allergy injections at his rDVM.\r\nCurrent medications: None', 'questions': 'Shortness of breath\r\nPale pink mucus membrane\r\nDry nose with scaly tissues\r\n\r\nDDx: Cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, allergy, infection, neoplasia.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 458, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Bladder stones, fp', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 730, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Possible TMS', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 837, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - bronchiectasis', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 230, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sneezing'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is small mineralized opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder on image 2.', 'elapsedTime': 12.653, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small mineralized']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 873, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral lung field']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of bronchiectasis noted.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Bronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food.', 'elapsedTime': 5.439, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a single, ill defined, soft tissue noted in the cranioventral thorax, overlying the heart on image 1. ', 'elapsedTime': 29.936, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['is a single', 'ill defined', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral'], '___s3_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 389, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heart (cardiac) disease'}, {'id': 1003, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - food hypersensitivity'}, {'id': 2025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Respiratory tract infection'}, {'id': 2443, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'neoplasia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern was noted in the lung field. There is a single, ill defined, soft tissue noted in the cranioventral thorax, overlying the heart on image 1. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food. There is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. A small mineralized opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder in image 2. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSpondylosis deformans is noted in the lumbosacral spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe bronchial patterns identified is consistent with chronic bronchitis. Differentials may include allergic bronchitis, chronic infectious bronchitis, or other inflammatory causes.\nThere is a loss of serosal detail in the abdomen, as described. This can be related to the patient's size and radiographic underexposure. However, free fluid in the abdomen is due to low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, septic or nonseptic peritonitis, or other potential sources can ruled out. \nThe structure identified in the thorax is suspicious of pulmonary mass. Overlying soft tissue structures cannot be completely ruled out.\nThe opacity over the bladder is suspected to be secondary to the summation of structures or possible mineralization of surrounding structures rather than true urolithiasis.\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign or foreign material mixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider tracheal wash with cytology/culture for confirmation and therapy with anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids for the identified bronchiectasis.\nFor further assessment, abdominal ultrasound / AFAST can be indicated to rule out abdominal effusion. If confirmed, abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen can be performed.\nConsider CT scan and/or additional radiographic views for further investigation of the structure identified in the thorax. Otherwise, recheck radiographs can be performed to monitor for progression.\nConsider biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion of urinary bladder calculi.\nIf warranted, consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.\nConsider a rectal exam to rule out constipation.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of this bridging spondylosis."}
{'bday': '2015-02-03', 'name': 'Whelan^Cooper', 'breed': 'PITBULL', 'owner': 'Whelan^Nigel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
Cooper was presented to us for hard time breathing this morning. He is not drinking or eating properly for last 2 days. He is sneezing and has lethargy as well. UTD on vaccines and F/T preventative. Cooper is getting allergy injections at his rDVM. Current medications: None
Shortness of breath Pale pink mucus membrane Dry nose with scaly tissues DDx: Cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, allergy, infection, neoplasia.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'Resp signs - general', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Dyspnoea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Sneezing', 'Hyporexia', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[50, 131, 230, 607, 674, 2656]
['Heart (cardiac) disease', 'Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - food hypersensitivity', 'Respiratory tract infection', 'Neoplasia']
[389, 1003, 2025, 2443]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-21', 'name': 'Wiggins^Tux', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Wiggins^Sarah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O is unsure of what may have happened. O noticed P tail drooping this afternoon. P is indoor/outdoor. P is utd on vaccines per O. P is on flea and tick medications. P is eating and drinking normally. \r\n\r\nSymptoms:\r\nlameness: Lameness, ', 'questions': 'N/a', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1368, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative M/S - Large breed no cause for hindlimb lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, soft tissue swelling and stifle effusion. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. A cranial cruciate ligament injury, meniscal injury or collateral ligament instability of the stifle may be present without causing radiographic changes.\r\n", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2638, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2732, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Spinal fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe radiographic evaluation does not reveal any abnormalities that could account for the patient's reported symptoms. Specifically, there are no detectable fractures, luxations, subluxations, soft tissue edema, or signs of stifle effusion. However, the absence of radiographic findings does not exclude the possibility of a soft tissue injury or neuropathic condition. Conditions such as cranial cruciate ligament injury, meniscal damage, or collateral ligament instability in the stifle might still be present, despite the lack of evident changes on the current radiographs.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelation with an orthopedic examination, specifically assessing for cranial drawer under sedation, is recommended. Initial medical management targeting the soft tissue injury and restriction of physical activity should be considered. Should the examination indicate injuries beyond soft tissue involvement, or if there is no improvement following initial treatment, further evaluation with sedation-enhanced radiographic views of the affected area is advised, potentially supplemented by an orthopedic consultation."}
{'bday': '2021-09-21', 'name': 'Wiggins^Tux', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Wiggins^Sarah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
O is unsure of what may have happened. O noticed P tail drooping this afternoon. P is indoor/outdoor. P is utd on vaccines per O. P is on flea and tick medications. P is eating and drinking normally. Symptoms: lameness: Lameness,
['Lameness', 'Feline']
[2185, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-08-15', 'name': 'Basallo^Benji', 'breed': 'YORKSHIRE_TERRIER', 'owner': 'Basallo^Roxana', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pet Hospital of Bird Road', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P present today with V, was eating at home and presented like a syncope for some minutes described the O. Continue with Vomits, BW with high Glucose and fructosamine test was normal. ', 'questions': "spinal problems, heart enlargement vs another's problems ", 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 17.736, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material. This may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. Outflow obstruction cannot be ruled out at this stage. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1058, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 10.816, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Normal M/S screening', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No musculoskeletal or spinal abnormalities have been identified.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'elapsedTime': 21.216, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion could also be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1205, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 29.869999999999997, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - No cause for seizures vs. syncope', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No radiographic cause is noted for the described episode. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider further testing to rule out syncope (ECG, echocardiogram, and blood pressure monitoring) or extracranial causes if seizures are suspected (blood work, spinal tap, and urinalysis).', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 65, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Collapsed'}, {'id': 99, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Fainting episodes'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2706, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Syncope possible seizure'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material, which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue and mineralized material. ', 'elapsedTime': 8.456999999999999, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 527, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperglycaemia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distention of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material, which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue and mineralized material. There is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nNo musculoskeletal or spinal abnormalities identified. \nCardiovascular structures are unremarkable with no evidence of enlargement or congestion. Lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology. \nNo radiographic cause noted for the described episode. \nGastric material may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. Outflow obstruction cannot be ruled out at this stage. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion could also be considered. \nMild fecal retention noted. Rule out constipation.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider further testing to rule out syncope (ECG, echocardiogram, and blood pressure monitoring) or extracranial causes if seizures are suspected (blood work, urinalysis, abdominal ultrasound, blood ammonia level, serum bile acid profile).\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nConsider medical management of the reported clinical signs at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation."}
{'bday': '2020-08-15', 'name': 'Basallo^Benji', 'breed': 'YORKSHIRE_TERRIER', 'owner': 'Basallo^Roxana', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Pet Hospital of Bird Road', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}
P present today with V, was eating at home and presented like a syncope for some minutes described the O. Continue with Vomits, BW with high Glucose and fructosamine test was normal.
spinal problems, heart enlargement vs another's problems
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain']
['Collapsed', 'Syncopal/fainting episodes', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Syncope possible seizure']
[65, 99, 256, 2654, 2706]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-05-11', 'name': 'Joad^Lucy', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Joad', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Collier County', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EphCollier'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute onset of pelvic limb paresis 4 days ago. Kitten was picked up by a child and shaken very aggressively and likely suffered spinal trauma. Owner states kitten was also attacked by a dog prior to adoption and has a scar/lump near mid spine. Unsure if the child aggravated a pre-existing injury or not. Patient seems to be improving with steroids/gabapentin and cage rest. Good sensation in both rear limbs and tail. Good anal tone, expressing bladder periodically. ', 'questions': 'Local neurologist was concerned about a possible injury to the spine in the TL11-12 region', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 412, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 4.639, 'consult_name': 'Spine - no cause for hindlimb neuro signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No specific cause for the described signs is identified on the radiographs provided. Based on the clinical signs, TL myelopathy is suspected. There is no clear evidence of spinal or soft tissue injury although it cannot be entirely ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 509, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal injury'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2344, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'paresis-pelvic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}, {'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material . The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo specific cause for the described signs is identified on the radiographs provided. TL myelopathy is suspected based on the clinical signs, with no clear evidence of spinal or soft tissue injury although it cannot be entirely ruled out. Gastric material noted is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider advanced imaging such as CT or an MRI scan for further investigation. Conservative management of thoracolumbar myelopathy and back pain will center around strict cage rest, muscle relaxant medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and analgesics. Additionally, consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.'}
{'bday': '2024-05-11', 'name': 'Joad^Lucy', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Joad', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Collier County', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EphCollier'}
Acute onset of pelvic limb paresis 4 days ago. Kitten was picked up by a child and shaken very aggressively and likely suffered spinal trauma. Owner states kitten was also attacked by a dog prior to adoption and has a scar/lump near mid spine. Unsure if the child aggravated a pre-existing injury or not. Patient seems to be improving with steroids/gabapentin and cage rest. Good sensation in both rear limbs and tail. Good anal tone, expressing bladder periodically.
Local neurologist was concerned about a possible injury to the spine in the TL11-12 region
['trauma-fractures', 'trauma-general']
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Traumatic injury', 'Abdominal injury', 'Feline', 'Pelvic limb paresis']
[37, 259, 509, 2327, 2344]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-09-24', 'name': '^Chomper', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Mercure', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Murabella Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - St. Augustine', 'clinician': 'MuraBella Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pres today for daycare seeing blood in urine, urinalysis showed scant WBC and RBC, no bacteria. PE showed very foul breath without severe dental disease or oral masses appreciated, saliva stained mouth and paws. O declined bloodwork at this time. P got circular rawhide bones every other day for the last week, half of one of the raw hides is gone. While in hospital P wretched but no vomit appreciated. More lethargic last night, last time he ate kibbles was over 48 hours ago, keeping treats down', 'questions': 'string of pearls in colon?\r\ntwo horse-shoe gas pockets in the mid-small intestine\r\nchronic obstructive FB*- circular FB and small, hard bones ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 34.584, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. The presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 420, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Normal urinary tract, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend a biochemistry profile, urinalysis, +/- urine culture. An abdominal ultrasound could be considered as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 975, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 41.715999999999994, 'consult_name': 'Resp Upper - Pharyngeal Foreign Body', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the appearance of the pharyngeal region, the history of rawhide consumption, excessive salivation and halitosis, a pharyngeal foreign body is suspected.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider sedated oral exam +/ pharyngeal ultrasound or cervical CT for further investigation of a possible pharyngeal foreign body. Alternative views of the pharyngeal region may also provide more through observation. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 93.547, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out and may be contributing to halitosis and retching. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs with more cranial inclusion of the stomach in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material and to monitor progression of intestinal distension. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 229, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Smelly/bad breath'}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'A mineralized opacity is present in the .', 'elapsedTime': 32.89, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineralized']}, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material, noted on the VD. ', 'elapsedTime': 18.803, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'Increased mineralized opacity is noted within the pharyngeal region ventral to C1-2. ', 'elapsedTime': 35.142999999999994, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2487, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild distension of the colon with segmented areas of gas. ', 'elapsedTime': 9.483, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'colon distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the colon with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2597, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a curvilinear, gas distended enteric segment adjacent to the colon on all projections which likely reflects the cecum.', 'elapsedTime': 1.938, 'signal_name': 'Cecum Distention', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Cecum Distention', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a curvilinear, gas distended enteric segment adjacent to the colon on both projections which likely reflects the cecum.'}, {'id': 2603, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is narrowing of the pharynx noted. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax:\nAn increased mineralized opacity is observed in the pharyngeal region, specifically ventral to C1-2, which is causing a narrowing of the pharynx — it can be artifactual due to patient rotation. The remainder of the thorax appears normal.\n\nAbdomen:\nThe stomach contains radiopaque material that resembles digested food mixed with unidentified soft tissue, as seen on the VD projection. The colon is mildly distended, showing segmented areas of gas. Additionally, a curvilinear, gas-distended enteric segment adjacent to the colon is visible on all projections, likely representing the cecum. The rest of the abdomen appears normal.\n\nMusculoskeletal:\nThe musculoskeletal structures that were observed are within normal limits, with no abnormal findings noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2283, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'feeding-tube', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2597, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Cecum Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2742, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Contrast detected urinary', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Primary Conclusions:\nBased on the radiographic evaluation of the pharyngeal region, coupled with the clinical history of rawhide ingestion, excessive salivation, and halitosis, there is a suspicion of a pharyngeal foreign body — it can be artifactual due to patient rotation. The gastric contents observed, given the patient's history, raise the possibility of non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material mixed with food remains, which could be contributing to the halitosis and retching. There is no radiographic evidence of an intestinal foreign body or obstruction in the images provided. Although the radiographs do not show any signs of intestinal obstruction, the presence of occult foreign material cannot be entirely excluded based on radiographic findings alone. Additionally, the radiographs do not provide evidence for the urinary issues reported.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nConsider the implementation of a sedated oral examination and/or pharyngeal ultrasound or, alternatively, a cervical CT scan further to investigate the potential presence of a pharyngeal foreign body. Additional imaging angles of the pharyngeal region may enhance visualization and diagnostic accuracy.\n\nFor gastrointestinal assessment, recommend repeating fasting abdominal radiographs with increased cranial inclusion of the stomach after 12-24 hours. This will aid in evaluating gastric emptying, confirming or excluding obstructive foreign material, and monitoring the progression of intestinal distension.\n\nAdvise conducting a comprehensive biochemistry profile and urinalysis, with consideration for a urine culture if indicated. Given that a normal radiograph does not exclude the presence of radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic conditions, or polyps, an abdominal ultrasound should also be considered to investigate these possibilities further."}
{'bday': '2019-09-24', 'name': '^Chomper', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Mercure', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Murabella Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - St. Augustine', 'clinician': 'MuraBella Animal Hospital'}
Pres today for daycare seeing blood in urine, urinalysis showed scant WBC and RBC, no bacteria. PE showed very foul breath without severe dental disease or oral masses appreciated, saliva stained mouth and paws. O declined bloodwork at this time. P got circular rawhide bones every other day for the last week, half of one of the raw hides is gone. While in hospital P wretched but no vomit appreciated. More lethargic last night, last time he ate kibbles was over 48 hours ago, keeping treats down
string of pearls in colon? two horse-shoe gas pockets in the mid-small intestine chronic obstructive FB*- circular FB and small, hard bones
['Lethargic/tired', 'Halitosis/bad breath', 'Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Gagging/retching', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 229, 274, 521, 2656]
['Foreign body']
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-08-07', 'name': 'Mattison^Hank', 'breed': 'Lab X', 'owner': 'Mattison^Melissa', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Concord Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Concord', 'clinician': 'Concord Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute onset vomiting this morning , heavy panting and pacing. History of dietary indiscretion. PE relatively unremarkable just exhibiting signs of nausea heavy drooling and lip-licking. Afebrile. Tense on abdominal palpation', 'questions': 'Concern for distention of stomach and gastric material.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 651, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - False post', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1058, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Normal M/S screening', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 23, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Agitated'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 531, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hypersalivation'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2696, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'splenomegaly-false-positive', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen appears prominent. There is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2696, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'splenomegaly-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe gastric material noted may represent food, however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. Gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion is considered the most likely source of signs, with no complete obstructive pattern identified although an obstruction cannot be completely excluded radiographically. The appearance of a prominent spleen is likely attributable to the positioning of the spleen within the abdomen and is considered normal for the patient. No musculoskeletal abnormalities were identified.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body."}
{'bday': '2017-08-07', 'name': 'Mattison^Hank', 'breed': 'Lab X', 'owner': 'Mattison^Melissa', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Concord Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Concord', 'clinician': 'Concord Animal Hospital'}
Acute onset vomiting this morning , heavy panting and pacing. History of dietary indiscretion. PE relatively unremarkable just exhibiting signs of nausea heavy drooling and lip-licking. Afebrile. Tense on abdominal palpation
Concern for distention of stomach and gastric material.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Agitated/restless', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Panting', 'Vomiting', 'Abdominal distension', 'Hypersalivation', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[23, 92, 177, 256, 508, 531, 622, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-24', 'name': 'Jorgenson^Gary', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Jorgenson^Andrew', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Portland', 'clinician': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Firm swelling of the mandibular. No other clinical signs. ', 'questions': 'Concern for neoplasia. Screening for pulmonary metastasis', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['important_incidental_missed'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1014, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 5.774, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 388, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 12.184, 'consult_name': 'Spine - Mineralized disc, no TID', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 415, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 24.428, 'consult_name': 'Skull - skull bone ABL, TSS', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend a CT scan of the skull and regional LNs. A tissue biopsy may also be a consideration for a more definitive diagnosis. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 465, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - No pulmonary mets, primary already identified', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 580, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - facial'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 1937, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['prominent']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spleen Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a ___s1_ appearance.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the submandibular region']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2308, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The nasal cavities and frontal sinuses have a normal opacity. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity noted in the ___s2_ frontal sinus.'}, {'id': 2311, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moth-eaten lytic', 'permeative lytic'], '___s2_': ['mandibular']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bone lesion - skull', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ lesion is noted on the ___s2_ bone of the skull. '}, {'id': 2312, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The temporomandibular joint appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The temporomandibular joint space is widened.'}, {'id': 2402, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at the cervical spine.', 'elapsedTime': 8.129, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'mineralized disk', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2443, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'neoplasia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'internal_notes': 'mineralized discs cervical spine', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a prominent appearance. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at the cervical spine. There is soft tissue swelling involving the submandibular region. A moth-eaten lytic permeative lytic lesion is noted on the mandibular bone of the skull. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2668, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ruin-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Aggressive bone lesion - false positive', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling with associated bony lesion as described. Differentials include neoplasia (such as osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, osteoma, osteochondroma, MLTB), healed trauma, or osteomyelitis.\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease.\nVisualization of the spleen may be a normal variation, however, infiltrative disease cannot be excluded.\nPresence of a mineralized disc may indicate IVDD.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend a CT scan of the skull and regional LNs. A tissue biopsy may also be a consideration for a more definitive diagnosis.\nFor further investigation of the extent of the primary, consider ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and abdomen with FNA sampling with cytology if indicated by results.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the visualized spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended.\nConsider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc.'}
{'bday': '2014-08-24', 'name': 'Jorgenson^Gary', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Jorgenson^Andrew', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Portland', 'clinician': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care'}
Firm swelling of the mandibular. No other clinical signs.
Concern for neoplasia. Screening for pulmonary metastasis
['neoplasia-thorax', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal']
['Mass/swelling - facial', 'Feline', 'Metastasis check']
[580, 2327, 2386]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-05-18', 'name': 'Montoya^Bleu^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Maria Montoya', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt has been losing appetite for roughly a week. Then on Monday pt had a huge bm but it wasnt diarrhea, alot more than normal. Now everything since has been water, straining. Since 2am this morning pt has been vomiting mostly bile, now has a slight red tint. Pt isnt a known chewer. Only thing out of the norm was a chicken nuggets. Pt is eating taste of the wild sr chicken with sandwich meat, or canned food on top. CBC shows hemoconcentration. Chem shows increased amylase and lipase. CPL abn.', 'questions': 'Confirm no suspicion of foreign body', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1103, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Pancreatitis, normal GIT, pancreatitis test pos', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a pancreatitis. No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction is noted. Other differentials include gastroenterocolitis due to inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 243, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Straining to defaecate'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2542, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pancreatic-lipase'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided suggest clinical signs most consistent with pancreatitis. No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction is noted. Other differentials include gastroenterocolitis due to inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious, or parasitic causes.\n\nRecommendations:\nConfirm with abdominal ultrasound for further evaluation. Recommend supportive medical management for pancreatitis and close monitoring of the patient.'}
{'bday': '2016-05-18', 'name': 'Montoya^Bleu^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Maria Montoya', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}
Pt has been losing appetite for roughly a week. Then on Monday pt had a huge bm but it wasnt diarrhea, alot more than normal. Now everything since has been water, straining. Since 2am this morning pt has been vomiting mostly bile, now has a slight red tint. Pt isnt a known chewer. Only thing out of the norm was a chicken nuggets. Pt is eating taste of the wild sr chicken with sandwich meat, or canned food on top. CBC shows hemoconcentration. Chem shows increased amylase and lipase. CPL abn.
Confirm no suspicion of foreign body
['Diarrhea', 'Straining to defaecate', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Pancreatic Lipase tests/ cPLI/fPLI positive', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 243, 256, 607, 2542, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-12-20', 'name': 'Mortillaro^Louie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Mortillaro^Jackie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting sporadically since 08/05. No new food nor treats\r\nLouie doesn’t vomit everyday or after every meal. It seems more sporadic.\r\n3 weeks ago P was playing at the beach and after that had hacking cough for 4-5 days, \r\n sometimes vomiting is after eating, sometimes it is in the middle of the night \r\nenergy level up and down, \r\nappetite on and off, \r\ndid not eat breakfast today, did not eat anything yesterday, \r\nlast vomiting yesterday afternoon on the walk, \r\nno c/s\r\nmucous, food in vomit sometimes\r\n', 'questions': 'jaundice on exam, CBC nsf, chem ALKP 1228, ALt unable to read, GGT 49', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 245, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis, foreign material', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 786, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Elevated enzymes, normal liver', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 113, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Icterus'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nForeign material in the GI tract suggests dietary indiscretion as a primary consideration, with no obstructive pattern noted. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs cannot be completely ruled out. The cause for the described liver enzyme elevation is undetermined in this study, and although the liver appears normal, pathology cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material. Additionally, consider abdominal ultrasound and FNA sampling of the liver if indicated for further investigation.'}
{'bday': '2016-12-20', 'name': 'Mortillaro^Louie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Mortillaro^Jackie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
Vomiting sporadically since 08/05. No new food nor treats Louie doesn’t vomit everyday or after every meal. It seems more sporadic. 3 weeks ago P was playing at the beach and after that had hacking cough for 4-5 days, sometimes vomiting is after eating, sometimes it is in the middle of the night energy level up and down, appetite on and off, did not eat breakfast today, did not eat anything yesterday, last vomiting yesterday afternoon on the walk, no c/s mucous, food in vomit sometimes
jaundice on exam, CBC nsf, chem ALKP 1228, ALt unable to read, GGT 49
['Icterus/jaundice', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Elevated liver enzymes', 'Canine Small Breed']
[113, 256, 607, 2404, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-06-09', 'name': 'Landes^Sasha', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Landes^Rick', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Houston', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented with a cough 1 week ago that has improved but is now heavy panting. ', 'questions': 'Concern for cough and labored breathing. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 837, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - bronchiectasis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'cranioventral lung field']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nModerate bronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the left cranioventral lung field. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBronchiectasis identified consistent with a chronic bronchitis. Differentials may include allergic bronchitis, chronic infectious bronchitis, or other inflammatory causes.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider tracheal wash with cytology/culture for confirmation, and therapy with anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids for the identified bronchiectasis.'}
{'bday': '2021-06-09', 'name': 'Landes^Sasha', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Landes^Rick', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Houston', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}
Presented with a cough 1 week ago that has improved but is now heavy panting.
Concern for cough and labored breathing.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Panting', 'Respiratory distress']
[69, 177, 2179]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-02-11', 'name': 'Daum^Winston^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Carter Daum', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Care of Braselton', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Braselton', 'clinician': 'AECOB'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute onset of lameness in R front limb yesterday, progressed to non-weightbearing today. Very painful in R elbow. Sedated to obtain rads of front limbs. ', 'questions': 'R elbow', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 747, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 17.910999999999998, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - HOD vs Panosteitis, lame/pain, juv', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend analgesics and exercise restriction in addition to ensuring appropriate nutrition. Consider follow-up radiographs to monitor the progression of radiographic changes in the right limb.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2326, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sedated'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo bony changes are apparent in the current radiographs. Given the history and clinical signs, consideration should be given to developmental disorders including hypertrophic osteodystrophy or panosteitis. Radiographic changes may not be apparent early on in the disease process.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend analgesics and exercise restriction in addition to ensuring appropriate nutrition. Consider follow-up radiographs to monitor the progression of radiographic changes in the right limb.'}
{'bday': '2024-02-11', 'name': 'Daum^Winston^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Carter Daum', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Care of Braselton', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Braselton', 'clinician': 'AECOB'}
Acute onset of lameness in R front limb yesterday, progressed to non-weightbearing today. Very painful in R elbow. Sedated to obtain rads of front limbs.
R elbow
['Lameness', 'Pain', 'Sedated', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2186, 2326, 2346, 2545, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-08-29', 'name': 'Murray^Dopey', 'breed': 'Domestic', 'owner': 'Murray', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Locust Grove', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Neighborhood cat found NWB on LH with swelling and superficial wounds. ', 'questions': 'Fracture/luxation of left tarsus?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 234, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 343.859, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Lnn, reactive vs neoplastic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Prominent lymph node as described. Rule out reactive lymph node versus neoplastic.\xa0Subcutaneous gas and soft tissue swelling is consistent with the reported soft tissue trauma. No pathology is observed in the underlying bony structures and no fractures noted in the tarsus. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend palpation of the region of interest and ultrasound to confirm the presence of prominent lymph nodes. Consider FNA with cytology if indicated. Medical management for soft tissue swelling. Consider stress views of bilateral tarsal joints if there is still concern in the tarsal region. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 368, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - trauma, hip luxation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 790, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Hip Luxation', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is luxation of the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 879, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the right pelvic limb caudal to the tibia. ', 'elapsedTime': 22.24, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'pelvic limb']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Subcutaneous gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'hind limb']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2419, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'popliteal']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lymphadenomegaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ lymph node appears prominent.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Wound'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the left hind limb. There is luxation of the left coxofemoral joint. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the right pelvic limb caudal to the tibia. The left popliteal lymph node appears prominent. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nProminent lymph node as described. Rule out reactive lymphonode versus neoplastic.\xa0Subcutaneous gas and soft tissue swelling are consistent with the reported soft tissue trauma. No pathology is observed in the underlying bony structures, and no fractures are noted in the tarsus.\nLuxation of the hip is likely secondary to trauma.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend palpation of the region of interest and ultrasound to confirm the presence of prominent lymph nodes. If indicated, consider FNA with cytology. Medical management for soft tissue swelling. If there is still concern in the tarsal region, consider stress views of bilateral tarsal joints.\nBased on history and other factors, consider options for closed reduction or surgical repair of the luxated hip.'}
{'bday': '2023-08-29', 'name': 'Murray^Dopey', 'breed': 'Domestic', 'owner': 'Murray', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Locust Grove', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}
Neighborhood cat found NWB on LH with swelling and superficial wounds.
Fracture/luxation of left tarsus?
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Feline', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Non-weight bearing lameness']
[575, 2327, 2345, 2545]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-01-01', 'name': 'MEINCKE^JETER', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'MEINCKE^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Nova Animal Hospital - VA', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Ashburn', 'clinician': 'david Iskandar'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'The patient is presented today for yesterday morning vomited dark brown, not eating/drinking, very restless but lethargic.\r\n\r\nSymptoms:\r\nvomiting: Acute, ', 'questions': 'vomiting, positive cpl, possible IVDD', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 495, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 4.123, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Gas, fluids given', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The soft tissue opacity and subcutaneous gas noted in the region of the scapula and thorax is consistent with prior administration of subcutaneous fluids. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 63.8, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body/material which may or may not pass on its own and mildly distended small intestinal segments noted. Consider gastroenteritis due to dietary, enteritis, infiltrate, or occult intestinal foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1266, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Negative M/S - No evidence of IVDD', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2542, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pancreatic-lipase'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Possible IVDD'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 879, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Subcutaneous gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2483, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['mineralized'], '___s3_': ['with irregular margins']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the stomach and it contains a ___s2_ opacity ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach is moderately distended and contains a mineralized opacity with irregular margins. A portion of the small intestine is mildly distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling and gas involving the thorax. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body/material which may pass on its own and mildly distended small intestinal segments noted. Consider gastroenteritis due to dietary, enteritis, infiltrate, or occult intestinal foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction.\nSubcutaneous gas and soft tissue swelling noted. No pathology was observed in the underlying bony structures. Differentials may include penetrating trauma, infection/inflammation or neoplasia with draining tract, or a gas-producing infection.\nNo radiographic evidence for IVDD is noted on the current images. Partial disc herniation or fibrocartilaginous infarct cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Emesis-induction can be considered depending on type of material present. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the progression of the gastric foreign body/material.\nCorrelate with physical exam to rule out penetrating wounds or draining tract. Recommend medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.\nConsider further testing with MRI/CT scan or myelogram if clinically indicated.\n'}
{'bday': '2020-01-01', 'name': 'MEINCKE^JETER', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'MEINCKE^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Nova Animal Hospital - VA', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Ashburn', 'clinician': 'david Iskandar'}
The patient is presented today for yesterday morning vomited dark brown, not eating/drinking, very restless but lethargic. Symptoms: vomiting: Acute,
vomiting, positive cpl, possible IVDD
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Anorexia', 'Drinking less', 'Pancreatic Lipase tests/ cPLI/fPLI positive', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Possible IVDD']
[131, 256, 282, 606, 619, 2542, 2654, 2700]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-04-16', 'name': 'Felix Rivera^Pulga', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Felix Rivera^Alondra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presenting for ingestion of french fries and pieces of corn cob from Wing Stop around 10:55pm PST. No V/D. Induced emesis in hospital (~12:15am PST) and retrieved some french fries, kibbles, and 2 small pieces of corn cob (~0.5cm x 1cm each). ', 'questions': 'r/o corn cob GI FB ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 216, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - age-related bronchitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 88.567, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material. This may represent food however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out. Suspicious gas opacity noted at pylorus may just be gas between food material however a piece of corncob in this region cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying or consider abdominal ultrasound.", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB ingestion and noted, no plication/2 pops yet, no clinical signs yet', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Foreign material noted in the small intestine, appearance is not consistent with a corn cob although corn cob admixed with noted material cannot be ruled out, material may or may not pass on its own. No evidence of an obstructive pattern is noted in the radiographs provided, however, it may be too early to see an ensuing mechanical obstruction.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral and food/fecal']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material at the right lateral in the pylorus there is a suspicious gas pattern noted.', 'elapsedTime': 35.18900000000001, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1033, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'induce-emesis'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbosacral spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material at the right lateral in the pylorus there is a suspicious gas pattern noted. There is mineral and food/fecal foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nForeign material noted in the small intestine, appearance is not consistent with a corn cob although corn cob admixed with noted material cannot be ruled out, material may or may not pass on its own. No evidence of an obstructive pattern is noted in the radiographs provided, however, it may be too early to see an ensuing mechanical obstruction.\nGastric material. This may represent food however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out. Suspicious gas opacity noted at pylorus may just be gas between food material however a piece of corncob in this region cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nBronchial pattern is most consistent with the age of the patient. Chronic lower airway inflammation cannot be entirely ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSupportive care including fluid therapy and recheck fasted abdominal radiographs are recommended in 12-24 hours to monitor movement of foreign material. An abdominal ultrasound may also be beneficial.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying or consider abdominal ultrasound.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nCorrelate with physical exam and clinical signs to rule out asymptomatic chronic bronchitis.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2014-04-16', 'name': 'Felix Rivera^Pulga', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Felix Rivera^Alondra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presenting for ingestion of french fries and pieces of corn cob from Wing Stop around 10:55pm PST. No V/D. Induced emesis in hospital (~12:15am PST) and retrieved some french fries, kibbles, and 2 small pieces of corn cob (~0.5cm x 1cm each).
r/o corn cob GI FB
['Foreign body ingestion']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting']
[76, 256]
['Induce emesis']
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-12-31', 'name': 'Halischak^Coffey', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Halischak^Jeanette', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented with a 3 day hx of labored breathing and increased RR. Eating/drinking normally. No other concerns ', 'questions': 'Lower airway vs heart disease vs other ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 294, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchial plugging, no CMG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2180, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal Respiration'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2279, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left'], '___s3_': ['interstitial to alveolar pattern']}}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'cranioventral']}}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 389, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heart (cardiac) disease'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a mediastinal shift with the heart displaced to the left. A bronchial pattern is present. There is a moderate increased opacity in the left cranioventral lung field, characterized as a interstitial to alveolar pattern . There is a generalized flattening of the diaphragm +/- generalized decrease in lung opacity. A pleural fissure line is noted in the left cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nIncreased opacity in the lungs and presence of a bronchial pattern suggest bronchial plugging with secondary lung lobe collapse. Chronic bronchitis due to allergies or chronic bacterial infection should be considered. \nThe pleural fissure line may represent a small amount of pleural fluid, with thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance not ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for chronic bronchitis.\nCorrellate with history for the clinical significance of the noted pleural fissure line.'}
{'bday': '2016-12-31', 'name': 'Halischak^Coffey', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Halischak^Jeanette', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}
P presented with a 3 day hx of labored breathing and increased RR. Eating/drinking normally. No other concerns
Lower airway vs heart disease vs other
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'resp signs - upper vs lower']
['Dyspnoea', 'Tachypnoea', 'Abnormal respiration', 'Feline']
[50, 666, 2180, 2327]
['Heart (cardiac) disease']
{'patient': {'bday': '2008-08-07', 'name': 'Fermazin^Max', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Fermazin^Kelly and Tristan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Warrenville Grove Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warrenville', 'clinician': 'WarrenvilleGrove'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O has noticed increased wheezing/audible breathing noises when at rest. Has grade 3/6 heart murmur.', 'questions': 'Wheezing', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'subcutaneous-gas', 'Tracheal Foreign Body']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 216, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - age-related bronchitis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Gen - poss pattern, coughing, panting, dyspnoea/syncope', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded. pericardial effusion cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical'], '___s2_': ['with bridging noted.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine ___s2_ '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ', 'elapsedTime': 3.432, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the cervical spine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart appears to be generally enlarged. A bronchial pattern is also present. No other abnormalities are observed in the rest of the thorax.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSpondylosis deformans is noted in the cervical spine, along with bridging. There is also narrowing of the intervertebral disc spaces at multiple levels in the cervical spine. Degenerative changes are observed in both the left and right shoulders. No other abnormalities are noted in the rest of the musculoskeletal system.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Primary Conclusions:\nThe cardiac silhouette is enlarged, suggesting cardiac disease as a plausible etiology for the observed clinical symptoms. There is no clear indication of pulmonary edema; however, the possibility of early pulmonary congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension remains. Additionally, the presence of a pericardial effusion cannot be definitively excluded.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nTo further investigate the patient's condition, it is imperative to perform an echocardiogram and measure blood pressure at the earliest opportunity. Should there be a delay in obtaining the echocardiogram, initiation of diuretic therapy may be considered as an interim measure. Prior to administering diuretics, it is advisable to conduct baseline laboratory evaluations, including a complete blood count (CBC) and chemistry panel to assess renal function. Continuous monitoring of renal parameters during diuretic treatment is essential. Additionally, serial thoracic radiographs should be obtained every 6-12 hours to evaluate the patient's response to the treatment.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nThe bronchial markings are appropriate for the patient's age, although chronic lower airway inflammation remains a differential consideration. There is evidence of degenerative changes in the shoulder. The observed disc space narrowing and associated ventral spondylosis indicate intervertebral disc degeneration. Additionally, bridging spondylosis is present, which is likely incidental.\n\nAdditional Recommendations:\nCorrelation with physical examination and clinical findings is advised to exclude the possibility of asymptomatic chronic bronchitis. An orthopedic consultation should be pursued to further evaluate the degenerative changes in the shoulder. If clinical symptoms suggestive of disc degeneration emerge, advanced imaging modalities, such as MRI, should be considered."}
{'bday': '2008-08-07', 'name': 'Fermazin^Max', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Fermazin^Kelly and Tristan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Warrenville Grove Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warrenville', 'clinician': 'WarrenvilleGrove'}
O has noticed increased wheezing/audible breathing noises when at rest. Has grade 3/6 heart murmur.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Heart Murmur', 'Wheezing']
[2175, 2456]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-05-29', 'name': 'Russell^Shelby', 'breed': 'LABRADOR RETRIEVER', 'owner': 'Russell^Chris', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Woodland Park', 'clinician': 'YSAH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'in 4 regurgation, reverse sneezing/gagging and urinary incontinence.\r\n- regurgitating since Sunday when trying to eat solid kibble, Able to hold down rice and chicken broth\r\n- urinary incontinent for the last 72 hours, this is new and progressive issue. The incontinence started a few weeks ago and has worsened.\r\n-reverse sneezing for the past week, coinciding with the other symptoms. The reverse sneezing occurs while eating and seems to improve with more liquid food.\r\n- pleural fluid on T.FAST\r\n', 'questions': 'Primary concern appears to be a soft tissue mass in her right cranial. How likely is an esophageal FB. \r\n', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1290, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 256, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 40.056, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, ESD, TMS (CMM), Myasthenia gravis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Symptomatic treatment may be considered. (An) Endoscopy or (a) swallow study may be indicated for further investigation to rule out an esophageal foreign body.Testing for myasthenia gravis is also recommended. Consider ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsies of the cranial mediastinal mass.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 320, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, alveolar pattern, pneumonia', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 664, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - pleural effusion with concurrent CVP/CDP/DPP/TMS( lung pattern noted separately)', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 690, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Axial sternum - Sternal degeneration, incidental', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 730, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 22.159, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Possible TMS', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Structure identified in the thorax suspicious for pulmonary mass. Overlying soft tissue structures cannot be completely ruled out. tracheobronchial lymh nodes cannot be ruled out. the thoracic findings maybe related to the reported reverse sneezing.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'elapsedTime': 46.806, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The urinary bladder is distended with no evidence of urolithiais. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside. The specific cause for the incontinence is not determined in this study.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Biochemistry profile and urinalysis and urine culture may be considered if there is concern for calculi. Lower UTI cannot be ruled out', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 57, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Can't keep food down"}, {'id': 124, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinary incontinence'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2694, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reverse Sneezing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['is a moderate amount of fluid'], '___s2_': ['right', 'pleural space', 'cranial']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 799, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal'], '___s2_': ['cranial thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Esophageal Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the ___s2_ esophagus.\r\n\r\n'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue', 'opacity'], '___s2_': ['cranial'], '___s3_': ['which is suspected to be secondary to overlap of soft tissue structures in the region.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2265, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Urinary Bladder Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['right'], '___s3_': ['alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2421, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Sternal degeneration', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 6, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 2136, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - thoracic'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a moderate increased opacity in the right cranioventral lung field, characterized as an alveolar pattern. There soft tissue opacity noted in the cranial thorax. There is focal distention of the cranial thoracic esophagus. There is a moderate amount of fluid noted in the right pleural space cranial. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nDegenerative changes were noted in the left and right shoulder. Degenerative changes are noted in the sternum. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nIn addition to the identified pulmonary pathology, there is evidence of pleural effusion. The etiology of this effusion remains undetermined from this evaluation. Differential diagnoses to consider include neoplastic exudate, pyothorax, and chylothorax, among others. A structure within the thorax raises suspicion of a pulmonary mass or cranial mediastinal mass with associated megaesophagus, raising the likelihood of a thymoma potentially inducing secondary myasthenia gravis. Additionally, the involvement of tracheobronchial lymph nodes cannot be excluded. Differential considerations include lymphoma or other neoplastic processes. The thoracic findings may be associated with the patient's reported reverse sneezing.\n\nAn alveolar pattern represents differential diagnoses encompassing pneumonia or pneumonitis of various etiologies (bacterial, viral, fungal), including bronchopneumonia and aspiration pneumonia, as well as parasitic infections such as heartworm or lungworm and Toxoplasmosis.\n\nThere is evidence of sternal degeneration, which appears to be incidental. Additionally, degenerative changes are noted in the shoulder.\n\nThe urinary bladder is markedly distended, with no radiographic signs of urolithiasis, suggesting urinary retention possibly related to anxiety or restricted opportunities for urination. Based on the current imaging study, the exact cause of the observed urinary incontinence remains undetermined.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend proceeding with therapeutic thoracocentesis to extract fluid for analysis and cytological evaluation, aimed at further elucidating the pulmonary alterations observed. Additionally, a CT scan or supplementary radiographic views should be considered to further assess the thoracic structure identified. Alternatively, follow-up radiographs may be conducted to monitor any progression of the findings. Further diagnostic evaluation with endoscopy or a barium swallow study is recommended to exclude the presence of an esophageal foreign body. Additionally, testing for myasthenia gravis should be pursued. Ultrasound-guided FNA biopsies of the potential mass are advised to ascertain the nature of the lesion. Respiratory lavage is suggested for cytological examination, culture, and sensitivity testing to further assess the pulmonary abnormalities observed. An orthopedic consultation is recommended to evaluate the degenerative changes noted in the shoulder. A biochemistry profile, along with urinalysis and urine culture, should be considered to investigate potential calculi; the possibility of a lower urinary tract infection should not be disregarded."}
{'bday': '2013-05-29', 'name': 'Russell^Shelby', 'breed': 'LABRADOR RETRIEVER', 'owner': 'Russell^Chris', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Yonge Sheppard Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Woodland Park', 'clinician': 'YSAH'}
in 4 regurgation, reverse sneezing/gagging and urinary incontinence. - regurgitating since Sunday when trying to eat solid kibble, Able to hold down rice and chicken broth - urinary incontinent for the last 72 hours, this is new and progressive issue. The incontinence started a few weeks ago and has worsened. -reverse sneezing for the past week, coinciding with the other symptoms. The reverse sneezing occurs while eating and seems to improve with more liquid food. - pleural fluid on T.FAST
Primary concern appears to be a soft tissue mass in her right cranial. How likely is an esophageal FB.
['resp signs - upper vs lower', 'neoplasia-thorax', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Regurgitating', 'Urination abnormal - incontinence', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Reverse Sneezing']
[57, 124, 2656, 2694]
['Pleural Fluid', 'Mass lesion - thoracic']
[6, 2136]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-11-08', 'name': 'Krayniak^Loki', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Krayniak^Ashley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pets Veterinary Urgent Care and Wellness ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kirkland', 'clinician': 'MPUC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner came home and Loki has no use of tail, anal tone still present, bruising present on ventral part of mid tail', 'questions': 'luxation vs fx of tail body', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 884, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': ' Axial spine - Sacro caudal Luxation/ tail pull injury', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Luxation of the sacrocaudal/intercaudal vertebrae (also referred to as a tail pull injury) is observed. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 54, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bruising'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon ___s2_'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['subluxation']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2127, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Tail injury'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}, {'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nA subluxation is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail at the Cd8-Cd9 level. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLuxation of the inter-caudal vertebrae (also referred to as a tail pull injury) is observed.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\n\nRecommendations:\nA thorough neurologic exam is recommended to determine appropriate treatment options. An MRI/CT scan may be considered to further investigate the changes noted on the caudal vertebrae.\nConsider a rectal exam to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2015-11-08', 'name': 'Krayniak^Loki', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Krayniak^Ashley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Pets Veterinary Urgent Care and Wellness ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kirkland', 'clinician': 'MPUC'}
Owner came home and Loki has no use of tail, anal tone still present, bruising present on ventral part of mid tail
luxation vs fx of tail body
['trauma-fractures', 'trauma-general']
['Bruising/contusion', 'Feline']
[54, 2327]
['Tail injury']
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-07-18', 'name': 'Gibson^Snowy', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Gibson^Amber', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr Conroy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Ongoing cough, non-productive, clears up completely when on Temeril-P but comes back when finished course. Please compare to radiographs taken 2/14/24 (uploaded today). ', 'questions': "request consultation and comparison to February's radiographs", 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 5.726, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Spondylosis deformans noted in both studies. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 275, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 16.699, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Right - asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Right sided heart enlargement, is present in the current and previous study, with no evidence of failure or pulmonary involvement. Consider pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease. Pulmonic stenosis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 300, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 21.433, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Normal lungs, large breed', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No definitive cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study and the study on February 2024. Bronchitis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2321, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cardiac-silhouette', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThere is evidence of right heart enlargement. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo definitive cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study and the study on February 2024. Bronchitis cannot be ruled out. \nRight sided heart enlargement is present in the current and previous study, with no evidence of failure or pulmonary involvement. Consider pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease. Pulmonic stenosis cannot be ruled out. \nSpondylosis deformans noted in both studies. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and respiratory PCR if the patient does not respond to medical management for further evaluation.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement to further investigate the cardiac changes. Heartworm testing may be recommended based on clinical history.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2012-07-18', 'name': 'Gibson^Snowy', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Gibson^Amber', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr Conroy'}
Ongoing cough, non-productive, clears up completely when on Temeril-P but comes back when finished course. Please compare to radiographs taken 2/14/24 (uploaded today).
request consultation and comparison to February's radiographs
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[69, 2656, 2702]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-04-15', 'name': 'Watts^Herman', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Watts^Julia', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Jefferson Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Baton Rouge', 'clinician': 'Jefferson Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Two weeks after boarding dog began with hacking cough - was treated with doxycycline for 7 days, clinical signs have worsened, dog has temp of 103.3, normal CBC, is laying down to drink water, lethargic', 'questions': 'Pneumonia vs masses', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 438, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - +/- resp signs, hypoplastic trachea', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, CVP/CDP (not alveolar), no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Interstitial with ill-defined areas of infiltrate. Pneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) would be a primary consideration however metastatic disease cannot be ruled out, the differentials for multiple masses may also include\xa0infectious causes, granulomas,\xa0primary neoplasia, metastatic neoplasia.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is an increased opacity noted throughout the lung fields characterized as an interstitial pattern.', 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['hazy interstitial miliary to nodular pattern']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a ___s1_ .'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['generalized'], '___s2_': ['noted.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart.'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are at least four soft tissue opacity masses and smaller ill-defined nodules noted throughout the thorax.', 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2056, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pneumonia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1068, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'blood-test-complete-blood-count-cbc-'}, {'id': 1110, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'doxycycline'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere are at least four soft tissue opacity masses and smaller ill-defined nodules noted throughout the thorax. There is generalized narrowing of the trachea noted. There is an increased opacity noted throughout the lung fields characterized as an interstitial pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nInterstitial pulmonary pattern with ill-defined areas of infiltrate. Pneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) would be a primary consideration however metastatic disease cannot be ruled out, the differentials for multiple masses may also include\xa0infectious causes, granulomas,\xa0primary neoplasia, metastatic neoplasia.\nThe narrowing of the trachea is consistent with a hypoplastic trachea.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lungs. A CT scan may also yield additional information.\nFor further investigation of the narrowed trachea, a CT scan or tracheoscopy may be helpful for a definitive diagnosis. Limiting stress/excitement/exercise, weight management to avoiding overheating are often helpful in similar cases.'}
{'bday': '2018-04-15', 'name': 'Watts^Herman', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Watts^Julia', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Jefferson Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Baton Rouge', 'clinician': 'Jefferson Animal Hospital'}
Two weeks after boarding dog began with hacking cough - was treated with doxycycline for 7 days, clinical signs have worsened, dog has temp of 103.3, normal CBC, is laying down to drink water, lethargic
Pneumonia vs masses
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Coughing', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia']
[69, 131, 545]
['Blood test: Complete Blood Count (CBC)', 'Doxycycline']
[1068, 1110]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-07-21', 'name': 'Teddy', 'breed': 'Shepherd Mix', 'owner': 'Rothenburg', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'Katsur'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'High thyroid levels. Checking for thyroid tumor or other cancer.', 'questions': 'High thyroid levels. Checking for thyroid tumor or other cancer.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level', 'acceptable', 'five'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Tortuous vessels', 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'distal-extremity-arthritis']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 200, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Splenic mass/nodule', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The appearance of in the spleen may be due to positioning, though a splenic mass cannot be ruled out.\xa0 No other evidence of masses noted in the abdomen or thorax and no evidence of a mass in the region of the thyroid.\xa0', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a splenic mass. Additonally, consider ultrasound and FNA sampling of the thyroid gland and/or advanced imaging such as a CT for further investigation.\xa0', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 667, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Subcutaneous mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': '.', 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2268, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the subcutaneous tissue on the ventral thorax. ', 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['subcutaneous tissue', 'on the ventral', 'thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of dermal or subcutaneous masses observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a mass of ___s1_ opacity associated with the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2562, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a rounded soft tissue structure associated with the spleen visible on the right lateral views. ', 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Splenic mass', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a mass associated with the spleen. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere appears to be a rounded soft tissue structure associated with the spleen visible on the right lateral views. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the subcutaneous tissue on the ventral thorax. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe appearance of the spleen may be due to positioning, though a splenic mass cannot be ruled out. No other evidence of masses was noted in the abdomen or thorax, and no evidence of a mass in the thyroid region.\nSubcutaneous mass as described.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a splenic mass. Additionally, ultrasound and FNA sampling of the thyroid gland and/or advanced imaging such as a CT should be considered for further investigation.\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology.'}
{'bday': '2010-07-21', 'name': 'Teddy', 'breed': 'Shepherd Mix', 'owner': 'Rothenburg', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'Katsur'}
High thyroid levels. Checking for thyroid tumor or other cancer.
High thyroid levels. Checking for thyroid tumor or other cancer.
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Canine Medium/Large Breed']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-06-21', 'name': 'Duke^Brooks', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever, Mix', 'owner': 'Duke^Deanna', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Amissville', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'o notes blood in urine ', 'questions': 'see above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 491, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Repros - possible PMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Prostatomegaly with possible prostatic mineralization\xa0as described may be the source of reported clinical signs . Differentials include chronic prostatitis, prostatic cyst, neoplasia and superimposition\xa0 of tissues.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1141, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - UBC, no URC, concern for obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Ensure the patient is able to urinate otherwise catheterize. Consider dissolution diet or cystotomy based on additional clinical input. Abdominal ultrasound may also yield more information.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is medium-sized mineralized opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. ', 'elapsedTime': 17.157, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small mineralized']}}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2261, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is partial dorsal displacement of the descending colon.', 'elapsedTime': 57.153, 'signal_name': 'colon-displacement', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['dorsal']}}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild distension of the urinary bladder. ', 'elapsedTime': 13.166, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}, {'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}, {'id': 2687, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'reproductive-prostate'}, {'id': 2688, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'straining-constipation'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is partial dorsal displacement of the descending colon. There is a mineralized opacity seen over or in the prostate gland. There is medium-sized mineralized opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. The prostate is prominent. There is mild distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2261, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'colon-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nProstatomegaly with possible prostatic mineralization may be the source of reported clinical signs, differentials include chronic prostatitis, prostatic cyst, neoplasia, and superimposition of tissues. Cystic calculi identified, with moderate distension of the bladder concerning for obstruction. No urethral calculi noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nA biopsy may be considered if the prostatic parenchyma appears abnormal on abdominal ultrasound. Correlate with rectal exam.\nEnsure the patient is able to urinate; otherwise, catheterize. Consider dissolution diet or cystotomy based on additional clinical input. Abdominal ultrasound may also yield more information.'}
{'bday': '2013-06-21', 'name': 'Duke^Brooks', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever, Mix', 'owner': 'Duke^Deanna', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Amissville', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}
o notes blood in urine
see above
['screening-abdomen', 'urinary-stones', 'reproductive-prostate', 'straining-constipation']
['Urination abnormal - hematuria']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-05-18', 'name': 'Kantner^Obi^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Gina', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Muirfield Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Dublin', 'clinician': 'Muirfield animal hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '1 month hx of lameness and discomfort on LF 5th digit - minimal response to ABX or antifungal. Some response to NSAID. Owner unable to remove E-collar without Obi trying to lick at the affected area. \r\n', 'questions': 'Concerned about bone involvement. Next steps would be bacterial and fungal culture/sensitivities. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 90.293, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The noted soft tissue swelling may be associated with the described degenerative changes or could be due to other pathology. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1395, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 85.626, 'consult_name': 'M/S general - Distal extremity arthritis(pes - metatarsals/digits)', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with orthopedic examination for clinical significance of the degenerative changes. Consider advanced imaging, such as CT, and orthopedic consultation for further evaluation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2267, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right'], '___s2_': ['middle phalanx', 'distal phalanx', 'of digit 5']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Distal Extremity Arthritis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'front paw']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative joint disease affecting the right distal phalanx of the 5th digit. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right front paw. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nDegenerative changes noted in the pes as described.\nThe noted soft tissue swelling may be associated with the described degenerative changes or could be due to other pathology. Differentials include cellulitis, dermatitis, or, less likely, neoplastic disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for clinical significance of the degenerative changes. Consider advanced imaging, such as CT, and orthopedic consultation for further evaluation and valuation.\nConsider medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.'}
{'bday': '2018-05-18', 'name': 'Kantner^Obi^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Gina', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Muirfield Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Dublin', 'clinician': 'Muirfield animal hospital'}
1 month hx of lameness and discomfort on LF 5th digit - minimal response to ABX or antifungal. Some response to NSAID. Owner unable to remove E-collar without Obi trying to lick at the affected area.
Concerned about bone involvement. Next steps would be bacterial and fungal culture/sensitivities.
['Lameness', 'Pain', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2186, 2346, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-06-20', 'name': 'Kvakic^Bentley', 'breed': 'Old English Sheepdog', 'owner': 'Kvakic^Tania', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PAW Veterinary Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Redondo Beach', 'clinician': 'PAW Veterinary Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '- Presented with coughing since July 22nd, \r\n- Administered doxycycline for 10 days, based on telemedicine appt with Vetster. Completed full course, improvement noted.\r\n- Coughing resumed last night, less frequent but present.\r\n- No vomiting or diarrhea reported.\r\n\r\nPE: BARH; TPR wnl; increased BV sounds along cranial lung fields bilaterally.\r\n', 'questions': 'n/a', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 309, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Sternal lymph node', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 320, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, alveolar pattern, pneumonia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 2387, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'cough-chronic'}, {'id': 2468, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'BAR - Bright Alert Responsive'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.748, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a mild increased opacity in the left cranioventral lung field, characterized as an alveolar pattern . ', 'elapsedTime': 2.499, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['left'], '___s3_': ['alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2564, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a suspected round soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum. Summation of structures or alveolar pattern in this region casing a false appearance cannot be ruled out.', 'elapsedTime': 322, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Sternal lymph node', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a rounded soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a mild increased opacity in the left cranioventral lung field, characterized as an alveolar pattern. There is a suspected round soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum. Summation of structures or alveolar pattern in this region casing a false appearance cannot be ruled out. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nAlveolar pattern identified as described. Differentials are pneumonia/pneumonitis including bronchopneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) or aspiration pneumonia, parasitic infection (heartworm, lungworm, Toxo).\nSoft tissue mass noted in the thorax is most consistent with sternal/cranial mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Consider neoplastic infiltration versus reactive lymphadenopathy.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the described alveolar pattern in the lungs. Alternative antibiotic therapy is recommended at this time. \nCorrelate with clinical history and additional diagnostics for clinical significance of the described sternal lymphadenopathy.'}
{'bday': '2019-06-20', 'name': 'Kvakic^Bentley', 'breed': 'Old English Sheepdog', 'owner': 'Kvakic^Tania', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PAW Veterinary Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Redondo Beach', 'clinician': 'PAW Veterinary Center'}
- Presented with coughing since July 22nd, - Administered doxycycline for 10 days, based on telemedicine appt with Vetster. Completed full course, improvement noted. - Coughing resumed last night, less frequent but present. - No vomiting or diarrhea reported. PE: BARH; TPR wnl; increased BV sounds along cranial lung fields bilaterally.
['Coughing', 'Chronic cough', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['Fever/pyrexia', 'Bright Alert Responsive (BAR)']
[69, 2387, 2536, 2656]
[545, 2468]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-09-21', 'name': 'Spoerl^Tito', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Spoerl^Audry', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': ' Patient is a 2YO MI Chi presenting as code 5 for resp. distress. O reports patient vomited 2 times last night, consisted of white foam. This morning patient has had a lot of diarrhea. Patient was coughing this morning and O noticed increased respiratory effort. Pt is not on any medictions. O noted pt may have gotten something under the sink. Pt is ataxic in hospital. \r\n', 'questions': 'vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress reported by owner', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 243, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops(confident), no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 439, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, patchy alveolar', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1238, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - foreign material, likely sand impaction', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a portion of small intestine'], '___s2_': ['and a population of non-distended small intestine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of ___s1_ ___s2_.'}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.', 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2280, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung Fields Opacity', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2483, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['small'], '___s3_': ['with a gravel like appearance']}, 'finding_normal_text': '', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the stomach and it contains a ___s2_ opacity ___s3_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2663, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe imaging shows signs of left atrial enlargement. The lung field displays increased opacity, presenting as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. No other abnormalities are observed in the thorax.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a moderate distention of the stomach, which contains a small, gravel-like opacity. Additionally, there is distension in a portion of the small intestine alongside areas of non-distended small intestine. No other abnormalities are noted in the abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe imaging demonstrates a patchy alveolar pattern, suggestive pneumonia of bacterial, viral, or fungal etiology, aspiration pneumonia, inhaled toxin exposure, near drowning, or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema or hemorrhage are considered less likely. \nThe radiographic findings demonstrate significant gastric distension characterized by a substantial quantity of mineral-opaque foreign material within the gastric cavity. \nAdditionally, two distinct populations of small intestines are observed, indicative of enteritis or mechanical obstruction.\n\nRecommendations:\nProvided the patient's condition is stable, consider performing a respiratory lavage for cytological examination, culture, and sensitivity testing. Supportive care measures, including oxygen therapy and antibiotic administration, are advised. \nRecommend supportive care and medical management of clinical signs, with vigilant monitoring for any changes in the patient's clinical status. It is advised to obtain follow-up fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to evaluate for progression of the gastric material. Consider surgical intervention if there is evidence of outflow obstruction. An abdominal ultrasound is recommended to rule out the presence of intestines. If warranted, the decision to undertake exploratory surgery should be guided by the patient's clinical status.\n"}
{'bday': '2022-09-21', 'name': 'Spoerl^Tito', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Spoerl^Audry', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}
Patient is a 2YO MI Chi presenting as code 5 for resp. distress. O reports patient vomited 2 times last night, consisted of white foam. This morning patient has had a lot of diarrhea. Patient was coughing this morning and O noticed increased respiratory effort. Pt is not on any medictions. O noted pt may have gotten something under the sink. Pt is ataxic in hospital.
vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress reported by owner
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Respiratory distress', 'Canine Small Breed']
[69, 76, 256, 2179, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-08-13', 'name': 'Williams^Miley', 'breed': 'Beagle', 'owner': 'Tammy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient vomiting since Thursday evening. Dull mentation, not able to get comfortable when laying down. No diarrhea, ate this evening. \r\n\r\nrepeat rads 12 hours after being on IVF/given unasyn, ondansetron, cerenia', 'questions': 'Rule out abdominal mass vs any other abdominal abnormalities\r\n*Repeat rads*', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 725, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - follow up 2 pops, still present', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 890, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - small effusion vs peritonitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 23, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Agitated'}, {'id': 612, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mentation altered - depressed'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cloth/material like']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2289, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast is moving through the gastrointestinal tract. No obstructive pattern is observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast medium is indicating an obstruction at the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2290, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast does not indicate presence of a foreign body within the GI tract. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with gas. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['liver and spleen', 'intestines'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 48, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Fluid therapy administration - intravenous (IV)'}, {'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distension of the stomach with gas, presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is cloth/material like foreign material located within the small intestine. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the liver and spleen and intestines in the cranioventral abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe gas distension observed in the GI tract is most consistent with aerophagia. There is progressive distension of the small intestine compared to previous images, raising concern for a mechanical obstruction. The area in the abdomen with unclear organ margins and slight loss of serosal detail may represent a small amount of abdominal fluid or a focal peritonitis.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exams to determine the clinical significance of gastric gas distension.\nAn abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the distended intestine(s) and the area in the abdomen with unclear organ margins and slight loss of serosal detail is recommended. \nMedical support management and close monitoring of the patient are recommended. If there is no response to medical treatment, consider surgical exploration of the abdomen \nRecheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the progression of the intestinal foreign material.\n'}
{'bday': '2013-08-13', 'name': 'Williams^Miley', 'breed': 'Beagle', 'owner': 'Tammy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}
Patient vomiting since Thursday evening. Dull mentation, not able to get comfortable when laying down. No diarrhea, ate this evening. repeat rads 12 hours after being on IVF/given unasyn, ondansetron, cerenia
Rule out abdominal mass vs any other abdominal abnormalities *Repeat rads*
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-abdomen', 'follow-up-abdomen']
['Agitated/restless', 'Mentation altered - depressed', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen']
[23, 612, 2656, 2703]
['Fluid therapy administration - intravenous (IV)', 'Antiemetic']
[48, 967]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-08-14', 'name': 'Cudmore^Zeus', 'breed': 'mastiff x', 'owner': 'Cudmore^Laura', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PEI Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Charlottetown', 'clinician': 'Marlene Densmore '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Enterotomy performed Friday evening, had been regurgitating since. Eating small amounts but cannot keep much down. \r\n\r\nEnterotomy performed to remove half a ball. ', 'questions': 'Open for reason why he has continued to regurgitate through supportive care (cerenia, omeprazole)', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 221, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 21.909, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD+Gas, post op', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Free fluid and gas noted in the abdomen is consistent with the history of recent surgery but post-op peritonitis can not be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 488, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 49.626000000000005, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - No Fb visible, poss ingestion', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of another intestinal foreign body or further intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. Presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity or gastrointestinal foreign body. Consider follow up radiographs if clinical signs persist. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 791, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 17.032, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, no ESD/EFB, reflux/esophagitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes may include post-op gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis. \n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Symptomatic treatment may be considered. Endoscopy or a swallow study may be indicated for further investigation if there is no response to therapy. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 57, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Can't keep food down"}, {'id': 2388, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'post-op'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 871, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Peritoneal gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 603, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'Small intestine: Enterotomy'}, {'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}, {'id': 1387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'antacid'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes may include post-op gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis. No evidence of another intestinal foreign body or further intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. Presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically. Free fluid and gas noted in the abdomen is consistent with the history of recent surgery but post-op peritonitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nSymptomatic treatment should be considered. For further investigation, endoscopy or a swallow study may be indicated if there is no response to therapy. Additionally, abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity or gastrointestinal foreign body.'}
{'bday': '2021-08-14', 'name': 'Cudmore^Zeus', 'breed': 'mastiff x', 'owner': 'Cudmore^Laura', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PEI Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Charlottetown', 'clinician': 'Marlene Densmore '}
Enterotomy performed Friday evening, had been regurgitating since. Eating small amounts but cannot keep much down. Enterotomy performed to remove half a ball.
Open for reason why he has continued to regurgitate through supportive care (cerenia, omeprazole)
['Regurgitating', 'Post-op', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[57, 2388, 2656]
['Small intestine: Enterotomy', 'Antiemetic', 'Antacid']
[603, 967, 1387]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-08-08', 'name': 'PARR^CLEO', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'PARR^NICOLE', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented to emergency for acute onset of lameness- non weight bearing right rear at home, weight bearing at hospital. Painful on palpation of hips, no other abnormalities on PE. ', 'questions': 'suspect hip/ OA pain', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 357, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - fp stifle effusion(questionable), rotation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 365, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 95.915, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip subluxation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Evidence of hip subluxation/joint laxity. The study is negative for fractures and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of hip subluxation/joint laxity. Recommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If there is no response to treatment, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['questionable'], '___s2_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. There is a questionable increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2638, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of hip joint laxity noted. The study is negative for fractures and soft tissue swelling, however, this does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. \nIncreased opacity within the stifle joint is likely a normal variant and less likely pathologic effusion.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of hip joint laxity. Recommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If there is no response to treatment, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult.'}
{'bday': '2012-08-08', 'name': 'PARR^CLEO', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'PARR^NICOLE', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}
Presented to emergency for acute onset of lameness- non weight bearing right rear at home, weight bearing at hospital. Painful on palpation of hips, no other abnormalities on PE.
suspect hip/ OA pain
['neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'lameness-hindLimb']
['Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Non-weight bearing lameness']
[629, 2185, 2345, 2545]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-08-16', 'name': 'Snyder^Blue Bonnett', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Snyder^Bambi', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Amissville', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P vomited 3 times in one hour today, per O, all vomit was bile.', 'questions': 'Vomiting', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 224, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Artifact LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1309, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine disc space - TID/CID and mineralized disc', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L3-L4']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L3-L4']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures or exposure settings. Abdominal fluid cannot be excluded. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L3-L4. There is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at L3-L4. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nClinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis, although a GI obstruction cannot be completely be excluded. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered based on the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided.\nThe loss of detail in the abdomen is suspected to be artifact, related to summation of structures and exposure settings. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental. Evidence of disc space narrowing and mineralized discs may indicate IVDD at the specified site.\nA small, soft-tissue opacity is noted within the stomach, which may represent food/fluid or rugal folds, although foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs can be considered at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nAn AFAST +/- abdominal ultrasound may be considered if clinically warranted.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nCorrelate with physical and neurological examination. An MRI/ CT scan or myelogram can be useful for a more definitive diagnosis of IVDD.\nCorrelate with history of the patient's last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered."}
{'bday': '2016-08-16', 'name': 'Snyder^Blue Bonnett', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Snyder^Bambi', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Amissville', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}
P vomited 3 times in one hour today, per O, all vomit was bile.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-09-08', 'name': 'Ferrell^Rowdy', 'breed': 'Terrier, Jack Russell', 'owner': 'Ferrell^Sandy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Orchid Springs Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Winter Haven', 'clinician': 'Orchid Springs Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet was missing for several days and came back home with several puncture wounds around neck and Right hind leg (non weight bearing). Possible hit by car or got attacked by a really big dog. SQ Emphysema, free gas throughout whole body, including limbs and tail. Suspecting ruptured trachea +/- diaphragmatic hernia. ', 'questions': 'Not sure where gas in the abdomen is coming from. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['finding_conclusion_inconsistencies'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 347, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 28.465, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - mediastinal gas/ subcut emphysema', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Subcutaneous empyhsema and pneumomediastinum. No clear evidence of a pneumothorax is noted in this study.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 370, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'elapsedTime': 18.654, 'consult_name': 'Pelvis - trauma, pelvic fracture', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Analgesics and cage confinement is recommended. Orthopedic consultation to discuss surgical vs. non-surgical treatment options for pelvic fractures is recommended', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 10.106, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, trauma, CVP/CDP, pulmonary contusions', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Respiratory monitoring and supportive care including supplemental oxygen, judicious use of IV fluids, and analgesics if clinically indicated. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1069, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Trauma and PEG', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1315, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 4.513, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - No DHA, HBC', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 30, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Been run over/hit by car/Motor vehicle accident '}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 16, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'pubic bone of the pelvis']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pelvic Fracture', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a fracture of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 713, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['right'], '___s3_': ['interstitial pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ caudodorsal lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ .'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 871, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the retroperitoneal space. ', 'elapsedTime': 12.022, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Peritoneal gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum. '}, {'id': 879, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the neck, thorax, pelvis, and both hind limbs.', 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['neck']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Subcutaneous gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving the neck, thorax, pelvis, and both hind limbs. ', 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['neck', 'hind limb']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2319, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The urinary bladder is not visualized. '}, {'id': 2363, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Mediastinal gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is free gas observed in the mediastinum. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 4750, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Puncture-wounds'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'internal_notes': 'Presence of peritoneal gas is consistent with puncture wounds', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is mild increased opacity in the right caudodorsal lung field, characterized as a interstitial pattern . There is free gas observed in the mediastinum. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is evidence of free gas in the retroperitoneal space. The urinary bladder is not visualized. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is a fracture of the right pubic bone of the pelvis. There is soft tissue swelling involving the neck, thorax, pelvis, and both hind limbs. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the neck, thorax, pelvis, and both hind limbs. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pelvic-fracture-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSubcutaneous empyhsema and pneumomediastinum. No clear evidence of a pneumothorax is noted in this study.\nWith the given history and evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, there is concern for a penetrating abdominal wound. Laceration of abdominal organs cannot be determined or ruled out based on radiographs alone.\nThe increased opacity noted in the lung is consistent with pulmonary contusion secondary to reported trauma.\nNo radiographic evidence of a diaphragmatic hernia is noted on the current images.\nEvidence of pelvic fractures as described.\n\nRecommendations:\nInvestigate the cervical region for any puncture wounds that may affect the airway or esophagus. Pneumomediastinum may occasionally be secondary to rupture of bronchi (e.g.: severe asthmatic episode). If clinically stable, manage conservatively and monitor progress by repeating thoracic radiographs. If progressive consider CT study to assess the neck and thorax.\nExplore of the wound and abdomen would be indicated.\nRespiratory monitoring and supportive care including supplemental oxygen, judicious use of IV fluids, and analgesics if clinically indicated.\nIf there is concern for a sliding or partial hernia, consider esophagoscopy/gastroscopy +/- a CT scan for further investigation.\nAnalgesics and cage confinement is recommended. Orthopedic consultation to discuss surgical vs. non-surgical treatment options for pelvic fractures is recommended.'}
{'bday': '2022-09-08', 'name': 'Ferrell^Rowdy', 'breed': 'Terrier, Jack Russell', 'owner': 'Ferrell^Sandy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Orchid Springs Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Winter Haven', 'clinician': 'Orchid Springs Animal Hospital'}
Pet was missing for several days and came back home with several puncture wounds around neck and Right hind leg (non weight bearing). Possible hit by car or got attacked by a really big dog. SQ Emphysema, free gas throughout whole body, including limbs and tail. Suspecting ruptured trachea +/- diaphragmatic hernia.
Not sure where gas in the abdomen is coming from.
['Hit by car', 'Traumatic injury', 'Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Small Breed']
[30, 259, 2185, 2345, 2654]
['Puncture wounds']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-07-15', 'name': 'Schonland^Gandalf', 'breed': 'MAINE COON CAT', 'owner': 'Schonland^Shannon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Present for possible urethral blockage. O noticed dribbling of urine but did not see any blood. P has been vocalizing all night. No C/S/V/D. No history of urinary problems but other household cats have had problems so they are all on Urinary diet dry and friskies wet food at night.\r\nPhysical exam: severely distended urinary bvladder which could not be expressed.\r\nCBC/Chem = WNL/ BUN 56 (10-30) CRE 2.7 (0.3-2.1) GLU 177 (70-150)', 'questions': 'r/o: FLUTD with urethral obstruction vs others', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 775, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Concern for urinary obstruction, no calculi', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nDistended urinary bladder with no apparent calculi observed.\n\nRecommendations:\nEnsure the patient is able to urinate. A lower urinary tract obstruction may be present. An abdominal ultrasound (or contrast radiography) could be considered as a (standard) radiograph does not rule out radiolucent bladder stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps. Correlate with biochemistry profile, urinalysis, +/- urine culture.'}
{'bday': '2015-07-15', 'name': 'Schonland^Gandalf', 'breed': 'MAINE COON CAT', 'owner': 'Schonland^Shannon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
Present for possible urethral blockage. O noticed dribbling of urine but did not see any blood. P has been vocalizing all night. No C/S/V/D. No history of urinary problems but other household cats have had problems so they are all on Urinary diet dry and friskies wet food at night. Physical exam: severely distended urinary bvladder which could not be expressed. CBC/Chem = WNL/ BUN 56 (10-30) CRE 2.7 (0.3-2.1) GLU 177 (70-150)
r/o: FLUTD with urethral obstruction vs others
['Vocalizing ', 'Feline']
['Urination abnormal - hematuria']
[145, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-02-04', 'name': 'hindman^thor', 'breed': 'Doodle', 'owner': 'hindman^elizabeth', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner said that Patient had diarrhea this morning. No vomiting seen. Did have another large amount of bloody diarrhea. No food changes and does have history of PICA. ', 'questions': 'Any foreign material? ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops(confident), with FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Small intestinal obstruction likely secondary to foreign material. A concurrent stricture or intestinal lesion cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately'], '___s2_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen is moderately enlarged. There is distension in a segment of the small intestine, while other portions appear non-distended. A radiopaque foreign material is present within the small intestine. No additional abnormalities are observed in the rest of the abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLikely small intestinal obstruction secondary to foreign material. The possibility of an associated stricture or other intestinal pathology should be considered.\nThe imaging findings are indicative of splenomegaly. Potential etiologies to consider include benign processes such as sedation effects (if applicable), extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH), and lymphoid hyperplasia. Additionally, differential diagnoses should encompass infiltrative diseases like round cell neoplasia, as well as infectious causes, notably tick-borne diseases.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend surgical exploration of the abdomen.\nAn abdominal ultrasound should be performed to confirm the presence of organ enlargement. If enlargement is verified, a fine needle aspiration (FNA) should be conducted to ascertain the underlying etiology.'}
{'bday': '2024-02-04', 'name': 'hindman^thor', 'breed': 'Doodle', 'owner': 'hindman^elizabeth', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Owner said that Patient had diarrhea this morning. No vomiting seen. Did have another large amount of bloody diarrhea. No food changes and does have history of PICA.
Any foreign material?
['Diarrhea', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 92, 2184, 2475, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-05-28', 'name': 'Kaliher^Mia', 'breed': 'CHIHUAHUA', 'owner': 'Kaliher^Kelly', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Portland', 'clinician': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Single episode of hematemesis this AM. Normal exam. ', 'questions': 'R/O gastric foreign body, obstruction, coagulopathy, open', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 241, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Hematemesis, no cause noted', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 365, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip subluxation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 667, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Subcutaneous mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Subcutaneous mass as described. Umbilical hernia cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 282, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2262, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Liver', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. '}, {'id': 2268, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['subcutaneous tissue', 'on the ventral', 'abdomen']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of dermal or subcutaneous masses observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a mass of ___s1_ opacity associated with the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small, with the gastric axis displaced cranially. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. There is a mass of soft tissue opacity associated with the subcutaneous tissue on the ventral abdomen. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology, coagulopathy, or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\nThe changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nThe liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out.\nEvidence of hip subluxation/joint laxity.\nSubcutaneous mass as described. Umbilical hernia cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of symptoms is indicated. If there is no response to treatment, symptoms worsen, or evidence of severe blood loss then endoscopy to evaluate the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is recommended. Further recommend coagulation panel and appropriate therapy as needed.\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\nConsider biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of hip subluxation/joint laxity.\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology.'}
{'bday': '2020-05-28', 'name': 'Kaliher^Mia', 'breed': 'CHIHUAHUA', 'owner': 'Kaliher^Kelly', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Portland', 'clinician': 'Sadie Veterinary Urgent Care'}
Single episode of hematemesis this AM. Normal exam.
R/O gastric foreign body, obstruction, coagulopathy, open
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Canine Small Breed']
[282, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-06-01', 'name': 'May^Kohl', 'breed': 'Bulldog English', 'owner': 'May^Sharon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Insight Veterinary Wellness Center - 24/7', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - El Dorado Hills', 'clinician': 'IVWC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presenting for breathing difficulty. Owner noted it yesterday with P being unable to bark. Today, he has gotten worse and has become more lethargic. Owner mentioned that at pDVM, P was unable to lay on his side as his breathing difficulty increased. Is currently on Prenisone and Apoquel. E/d/u/bm normally, no c/s/v/d. Rectal remp was normal at 100.8 upon triage. ', 'questions': 'Tachypnea with referred upper airway sounds obscuring any lung sounds. Temp 100.8, no other significant exam changes', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 329, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - fp patterns', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 337, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Fat in the mediastinum', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 12.13, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Gen - poss pattern, coughing, panting, dyspnoea/syncope', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Ideally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement as soon as possible are recommended to investigate further. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, then consider diuretic therapy in the interim. Also, consider pre-diuretic lab work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (e.g. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2365, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Parenchymal Pattern false positive', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. '}, {'id': 2367, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Mediastinal fat', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Corticosteroid'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized cardiomegaly. The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures (forelimb musculature especially in R lateral view). Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.\nSymmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition.\nThe increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures.\n\nRecommendations:\nIdeally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement as soon as possible are recommended to investigate further. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, then consider diuretic therapy in the interim. Also, consider pre-diuretic lab work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (e.g. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.'}
{'bday': '2022-06-01', 'name': 'May^Kohl', 'breed': 'Bulldog English', 'owner': 'May^Sharon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Insight Veterinary Wellness Center - 24/7', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - El Dorado Hills', 'clinician': 'IVWC'}
Patient presenting for breathing difficulty. Owner noted it yesterday with P being unable to bark. Today, he has gotten worse and has become more lethargic. Owner mentioned that at pDVM, P was unable to lay on his side as his breathing difficulty increased. Is currently on Prenisone and Apoquel. E/d/u/bm normally, no c/s/v/d. Rectal remp was normal at 100.8 upon triage.
Tachypnea with referred upper airway sounds obscuring any lung sounds. Temp 100.8, no other significant exam changes
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Dyspnoea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Tachypnoea', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[50, 131, 545, 666, 2656, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-04-17', 'name': 'Coyle^Otis', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Coyle^Christine', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Houston', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Otis has a 10 day history of coughing, which was initially non-productive but now sometimes a white phlegm is produced. Lower airways sound clear on pulmonary auscultation, and cough is elicited on tracheal palpation. Otis has been on a 10 day course of doxycycline and tapering Temari Pl. Lethargy and appetite have improved on oral medications, but cough has persisted. Housemate within last few days has started to cough. ', 'questions': 'evaluate for lower airway disease. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 297, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Normal, infectious tracheobronchitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider testing and medical management for infectious tracheobronchitis, but consider laryngeal palpation and examination under sedation.\xa0For further evaluation endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 969, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antihistamine'}, {'id': 1110, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'doxycycline'}, {'id': 1354, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'corticosteroid1'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nNo cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Given the history, infectious tracheobronchitis would be the primary differential. \nMild fecal retention was noted, rule out constipation. \nA small, soft-tissue opacity is noted within the stomach, which may represent food/fluid or rugal folds in the stomach, however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider testing and medical management for infectious tracheobronchitis, but consider laryngeal palpation and examination under sedation. For further evaluation, endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.\nCorrelate with the history of the patient's last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered."}
{'bday': '2023-04-17', 'name': 'Coyle^Otis', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Coyle^Christine', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Houston', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}
Otis has a 10 day history of coughing, which was initially non-productive but now sometimes a white phlegm is produced. Lower airways sound clear on pulmonary auscultation, and cough is elicited on tracheal palpation. Otis has been on a 10 day course of doxycycline and tapering Temari Pl. Lethargy and appetite have improved on oral medications, but cough has persisted. Housemate within last few days has started to cough.
evaluate for lower airway disease.
['Resp signs - general']
['Antihistamine', 'Doxycycline', 'Corticosteroid']
[969, 1110, 1354]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-08-11', 'name': 'WARD, MICHELLE^Tuggle', 'breed': 'Beagle', 'owner': 'WARD, MICHELLE', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Union City', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet has been heavy breathing for about 3 days. Lethargic and sensitive to touch. Ate a bag of chocolate 3 days ago. Still eating but not drinking water. ', 'questions': 'Abnormal thorax and abdomen ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 41.748, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out. Given the history of hyperaesthesia, mild chocolate toxicity is a realistic concern. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/anorexia/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 275, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 4.642, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Right - asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Right sided heart enlargement with no evidence of failure or pulmonary involvement. Consider pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 358, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - stifle arthritis, not primary problem', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1059, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 26.596, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for pain/ panting/ heavy breathing', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No radiographic evidence for clinical signs described. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 764, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative changes within the stifle. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ stifle. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has a granular appearance. ', 'elapsedTime': 17.133, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2321, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cardiac-silhouette', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of right heart enlargement. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}, {'id': 1136, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intoxication (poisoning)(unspecified)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has a granular appearance. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. \nGastric material is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out. Given the history of hyperaesthesia, mild chocolate toxicity is a realistic concern. \nOsteoarthritis of the stifles is also noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis, and abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported non-specific signs. A more detailed clinical history may also may be helpful and/or follow-up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis of the stifles."}
{'bday': '2015-08-11', 'name': 'WARD, MICHELLE^Tuggle', 'breed': 'Beagle', 'owner': 'WARD, MICHELLE', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Union City', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}
Pet has been heavy breathing for about 3 days. Lethargic and sensitive to touch. Ate a bag of chocolate 3 days ago. Still eating but not drinking water.
Abnormal thorax and abdomen
['non-specific-ADR', 'screening-thorax', 'screening-abdomen']
['Dyspnoea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Drinking less', 'Pain', 'Eating normally', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[50, 131, 619, 2186, 2535, 2656]
['Foreign body', 'Intoxication (poisoning)(unspecified)']
[612, 1136]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-10-24', 'name': 'Robertson^Max', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Robertson^Rachel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting foam/bile 3-4x daily for the past 2 days. No appetite today. Bloodwork pending.', 'questions': 'Any concerning changes?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'The colon shows a moderate accumulation of fecal material. No other abnormalities are noted in the abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Additional conclusions:\nFecal retention is observed within the colon. The gastrointestinal tract appears normal radiographically, and in conjunction with the provided clinical history, the symptoms may correlate with gastroenteritis. There is no radiographic evidence of an obstructive pattern or presence of a foreign body; however, the possibility of a gastrointestinal obstruction cannot be definitively excluded based solely on radiographic findings. Differential diagnoses should include gastroenteritis potentially related to infectious agents, systemic diseases, or dietary indiscretion.\n\n\nAdditional recommendations:\nCorrelate the imaging findings with clinical history and perform abdominal palpation to evaluate for constipation. If constipation is confirmed, consider management with intravenous hydration, enemas, and oral stool softeners as appropriate. Current symptoms warrant medical intervention. Should there be no improvement with initial medical management, further evaluation with repeat radiographs or abdominal ultrasound is recommended to assess the gastrointestinal pattern more comprehensively. Additionally, laboratory testing for pancreatitis should be considered if clinically indicated.'}
{'bday': '2015-10-24', 'name': 'Robertson^Max', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Robertson^Rachel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}
Vomiting foam/bile 3-4x daily for the past 2 days. No appetite today. Bloodwork pending.
Any concerning changes?
['Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Feline']
[256, 607, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2006-10-06', 'name': 'Soni^Max', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise Mix', 'owner': 'Soni^Benita', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Biljana Grubac'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Lethargy, not eating or drinking for 2 days, coughing, shivering. Temp 40.1 C ', 'questions': 'Tracheal bronchitis, Pneumonia , Cardiac ds , Renal Ds , Other.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 297, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 27.174, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Normal, infectious tracheobronchitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Given the history, infectious tracheobronchitis would be the primary differential. Other differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes that could be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider testing and medical management for infectious tracheobronchitis, but consider laryngeal palpation and examination under sedation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left and right kidney. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Given the history, infectious tracheobronchitis would be the primary differential. Other differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes that could be considered. \nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider testing and medical management for infectious tracheobronchitis, but consider laryngeal palpation and examination under sedation.\nConsider biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion for renal disease.'}
{'bday': '2006-10-06', 'name': 'Soni^Max', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise Mix', 'owner': 'Soni^Benita', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Biljana Grubac'}
Lethargy, not eating or drinking for 2 days, coughing, shivering. Temp 40.1 C
Tracheal bronchitis, Pneumonia , Cardiac ds , Renal Ds , Other.
['Coughing', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Anorexia', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling', 'Canine Small Breed']
[69, 131, 545, 606, 620, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-08-01', 'name': 'Bell^Auggy', 'breed': 'Retriever Mixed', 'owner': 'Bell^Pamela', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O chaned food 2 wks ago, and p had diarrhea for a few days. She switched back to the original food, and diarreha resolved, but he developed vomiting. P received cerenia injection yesterday and cerenia tablet this morning. She vomited after the injection and also vomited p the cerenian this morning. Has been vomiting bile today with small pieces of kibble. P had not had any kibble since tuesday. P was offered yellow rice & chicken, but p did not eat any', 'questions': 'GIFBO vs severe enteritis', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 252, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - No constipation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1382, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - GAD, obstruction in SI', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a portion of small intestine'], '___s2_': ['and a population of non-distended small intestine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of ___s1_ ___s2_.'}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach shows severe distension due to gas accumulation. Additionally, a segment of the small intestine is also distended, while other portions of the small intestine appear normal. No further abnormalities are observed in the rest of the abdomen.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe observed alterations in the small intestines suggest the presence of two distinct populations within the small intestine, which is highly indicative of a mechanical obstruction. Notable gastric distension is observed, which is likely secondary to a small intestinal obstruction. However, the possibility of severe enteritis cannot be completely excluded. There is no evident foreign body detected.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend proceeding with an abdominal ultrasound to further evaluate the distended small intestines and to confirm the presence of a potential intestinal obstruction prior to considering abdominal exploratory surgery. Should the clinical situation allow, medical management accompanied by serial follow-up radiographs may be advisable, provided the patient is closely monitored for any changes in clinical status.\n\n\n\n'}
{'bday': '2023-08-01', 'name': 'Bell^Auggy', 'breed': 'Retriever Mixed', 'owner': 'Bell^Pamela', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}
O chaned food 2 wks ago, and p had diarrhea for a few days. She switched back to the original food, and diarreha resolved, but he developed vomiting. P received cerenia injection yesterday and cerenia tablet this morning. She vomited after the injection and also vomited p the cerenian this morning. Has been vomiting bile today with small pieces of kibble. P had not had any kibble since tuesday. P was offered yellow rice & chicken, but p did not eat any
GIFBO vs severe enteritis
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 607, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-08-09', 'name': 'Jones^Charlie', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German', 'owner': 'Jones^Tracy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'CHARLIE, A 6 YEAR OLD, FEMALE, GSD PRESENTED TO MGVEC FOR FEVER AND LETHARGY. SHE WAS NOTED TO HAVE A LARGE ABSCESS IN THE SUBQ OF HER VENTRAL ABDOMEN. SHE WAS TAKEN TO SURGERY AND THE ABSCESS DRAINED AND A JP DRAIN PLACED. A THORACIC RADIOGRAPH WAS PERFORMED BEFORE THE PROCEDURE AND WAS NORMAL. SHE BECAME TACHYPNEIC WITH A NORMAL EFFORT POST OP. BRONCHOVESICULAR SOUNDS WERE INCREASED OVER BOTH HEMITHORACES. ', 'questions': 'BRONCHOPNEUMONIA? ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 221, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 157.619, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD+Gas, post op', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Free fluid noted in the abdomen may be consistent with the history of recent surgery. Other potential sources of free fluid in the abdomen is not excluded.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical history and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the peritoneal fluid noted. If free fluid in the abdomen is confirmed on ultrasound, consider abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the fluid for further evaluation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 307, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 17.865000000000002, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Bronchointerstitial pattern and cough', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend symptomatic treatment. If the patient does not respond to treatment, endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and respiratory PCR may be considered for further investigation. Consider radiographic monitoring of response to treatment.\n', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 309, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Sternal lymph node', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 495, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'elapsedTime': 42.122, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Gas, fluids given', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The subcutaneous gas noted on the ventral abdomen is consistent with the history of the reported treated abscess.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['ventral', 'abdomen']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['rugal folds']}}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a surgical device consistent with a previous surgical procedure: surgical drain. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.652, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Abscess'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is mildly increased opacity in the lung fields indicative of a bronchointerstitial pattern. There is a rounded soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of rugal folds. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is gas noted in the soft tissue of the ventral abdomen. There is a surgical device consistent with a previous surgical procedure: surgical drain. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe bronchointerstitial pattern identified is typically associated with benign changes including age-related changes, respiratory phase, or artifact; less likely associated with pathology. Bronchitis and dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out. \nSoft tissue mass noted in the thorax is most consistent with sternal/cranial mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Consider reactive lymphadenopathy vs neoplastic infiltration. \nFree fluid noted in the abdomen may be consistent with the history of recent surgery. Other potential sources of free fluid in the abdomen are not excluded. \nA small, soft-tissue opacity, is noted within the stomach. This may represent food/fluid or rugal folds in the stomach however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. \nThe subcutaneous gas noted on the ventral abdomen is consistent with the history of the reported treated abscess.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend symptomatic treatment. If the patient does not respond to treatment, endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and respiratory PCR may be considered for further investigation. Aspiration pneumonia does not always reveal itself right away radiographically. Consider radiographic monitoring of response to treatment.\nCorrelate with clinical history and additional diagnostics for clinical significance of the described sternal lymphadenopathy.\nCorrelate with clinical history and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the peritoneal fluid noted. If free fluid in the abdomen is confirmed on ultrasound, consider abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the fluid for further evaluation.\nCorrelate with history of the patient's last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered.\nCorrelate with clinical history."}
{'bday': '2018-08-09', 'name': 'Jones^Charlie', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German', 'owner': 'Jones^Tracy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
['Resp signs - general']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Tachypnoea', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 545, 666, 2536, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-08-15', 'name': 'Ferrante^Charlie', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Ferrante^Michael', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Latah Creek Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Spokane', 'clinician': 'Megan Bauer'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Regurgitating for 3 weeks within 5 minutes after eating/drinking. ', 'questions': 'Megaesophagus? Pyloric outflow obstruction?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 791, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, no ESD/EFB, reflux/esophagitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 57, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Can't keep food down"}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified mineralized material. ', 'elapsedTime': 9.514, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified mineralized material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes may include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis. Gastric material noted may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. The VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nSymptomatic treatment may be considered. If there is no response to therapy, endoscopy or a swallow study may be indicated for further investigation. Consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying, correlating with information regarding the patient's most recent meal. Additionally, consider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease."}
{'bday': '2022-08-15', 'name': 'Ferrante^Charlie', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Ferrante^Michael', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Latah Creek Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Spokane', 'clinician': 'Megan Bauer'}
Regurgitating for 3 weeks within 5 minutes after eating/drinking.
Megaesophagus? Pyloric outflow obstruction?
['Regurgitating', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[57, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-05-13', 'name': 'dillard^solo', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'dillard^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented after being attacked by a larger dog. Potential for penetrating abdominal wounds. ', 'questions': 'Presented after being attacked by a larger dog. Potential for penetrating abdominal wounds. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 892, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 13.766000000000002, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Bitten, no thoracic penetrating wounds', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider exploration of the wounds for confirmation of penetrating injuries.\xa0Medical management of soft tissue injury and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1069, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 62.384, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Trauma and PEG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Abdominal ultrasound can be considered to rule out abdominal organ laceration.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['suspicious boney'], '___s2_': ['descending']}}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, noted on the VD in the region of the spleen. ', 'elapsedTime': 33.911, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue involving the right front limb, dorsal pelvis, and right caudal thorax to the caudal abdomen. ', 'elapsedTime': 20.922, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving the right front limb, dorsal pelvis, and right caudal thorax to the caudal abdomen. ', 'elapsedTime': 38.154, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 4750, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Puncture-wounds'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right front limb, dorsal pelvis, and right caudal thorax to the caudal abdomen. There is gas noted in the soft tissue involving the right front limb, dorsal pelvis, and right caudal thorax to the caudal abdomen. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is suspicious boney opacity foreign material located within the descending colon. There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, noted on the VD in the region of the spleen. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nWith the given history and suspicion of free gas in the peritoneum, there is concern for a penetrating abdominal wound. Laceration of abdominal organs cannot be determined or ruled out based on radiographs alone. The subcutaneous gas noted is consistent with external puncture wounds, however there is no evidence of penetrating wounds into the thorax; no pneumothorax, no pneumomediastinum. However, penetrating wounds cannot be completely ruled out radiographically. Colonic foreign body as described. The urinary bladder is distended, suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to rule out abdominal organ laceration. Explore wounds for confirmation of penetrating injuries. Medical management of soft tissue injury and rest is recommended. If no response, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging. Monitor for passage of described colonic foreign body in the stool. Consider biochemistry profile and urinalysis if there is concern for calculi.'}
{'bday': '2014-05-13', 'name': 'dillard^solo', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'dillard^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Presented after being attacked by a larger dog. Potential for penetrating abdominal wounds.
Presented after being attacked by a larger dog. Potential for penetrating abdominal wounds.
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Traumatic injury', 'Canine Small Breed']
[37, 259, 2654]
['Puncture wounds']
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-08-23', 'name': 'Wolfe^Teddin', 'breed': 'Tabby', 'owner': 'Wolfe^Patty', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Teddin presented today for vomiting. No history of getting into anything. Is acting normal otherwise. Lat 2 days vomiting after each meal , not digested food. Normal stool per O. No new food or treats. \r\nOn exam, Teddin is bright, alert, and responsive. The colon feels full of lots of harder stool. See the exam report for complete details.\r\n\r\n', 'questions': 'see above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 388, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - Mineralized disc, no TID', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 939, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 28.82, 'consult_name': ' Intestines - Enteritis with Partial Obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mildly distended small intestinal segments noted which could be secondary to the noted fecal retention, however enteritis, infiltrate or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 2.178, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': ' Correlate with clinical history and abdominal palpation to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2402, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L6-L7']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'mineralized disk', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a moderate accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is a portion of the small intestine that is mildly distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at L6-L7. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of fecal retention is noted in the colon.\nMildly distended small intestinal segments were noted, which could be secondary to the noted fecal retention; however, enteritis, infiltrate, or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction cannot be ruled out.\nPresence of a mineralized disc may indicate IVDD.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and abdominal palpation to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.\nConsider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours or potential abdominal ultrasound if clinical signs persist for further investigation of the changes noted in the intestines.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc.'}
{'bday': '2017-08-23', 'name': 'Wolfe^Teddin', 'breed': 'Tabby', 'owner': 'Wolfe^Patty', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
Teddin presented today for vomiting. No history of getting into anything. Is acting normal otherwise. Lat 2 days vomiting after each meal , not digested food. Normal stool per O. No new food or treats. On exam, Teddin is bright, alert, and responsive. The colon feels full of lots of harder stool. See the exam report for complete details.
see above
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Vomiting', 'Feline']
[256, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-07-31', 'name': 'Duva^Hutch', 'breed': 'Yorkie', 'owner': 'Duva^Carole', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'mass effect on the right tarsal region. Owner first noticed a small lump in June, but the mass progressively grew over the past couple of months. A cytology was performed by the rDVM dated 7/23/24 revealing mild inflammation with probable cyst or epithelial cell tumor with mild atypia.', 'questions': 'Metastatic Check', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'basic', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 465, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - No pulmonary mets, primary already identified', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1057, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen ___s1_ ___s2_'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ hernia, with ___s2_ ___s3_.'}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 890, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - skin (cutaneous)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is no evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease.\nNo apparent masses noted in the abdomen.\n\nRecommendations:\nTo investigate the extent of the primary lesion further, consider an ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and the abdomen with FNA sampling and cytology, if indicated by the results.'}
{'bday': '2010-07-31', 'name': 'Duva^Hutch', 'breed': 'Yorkie', 'owner': 'Duva^Carole', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
mass effect on the right tarsal region. Owner first noticed a small lump in June, but the mass progressively grew over the past couple of months. A cytology was performed by the rDVM dated 7/23/24 revealing mild inflammation with probable cyst or epithelial cell tumor with mild atypia.
Metastatic Check
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Metastasis check', 'Canine Small Breed']
[575, 2386, 2654]
['Mass lesion - skin (cutaneous)']
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-09-26', 'name': 'Bernick^Bowie^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Stephan Bernick', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - New Orleans', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute (this AM) onset limping right rear; has been chewing foot this AM. Went to dog park last night, running off leash, seemed fine afterwards. Bowie is an indoor dog, no history of trauma overnight. Today: 4th toe is swollen and erythemic. No wound or foreign body was identified. Remainder of exam of right hindleg is unremarkable.', 'questions': 'Checking for fracture, particularly right rear 4th toe', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 8.143, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. No pathology was observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, trauma, or less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'hind limb', 'distal', 'digit 4']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right hind limb distal digit 4. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling as described. No pathology was observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, trauma, or less likely neoplastic disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.'}
{'bday': '2019-09-26', 'name': 'Bernick^Bowie^^^', 'breed': 'Goldendoodle', 'owner': 'Stephan Bernick', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - New Orleans', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}
Acute (this AM) onset limping right rear; has been chewing foot this AM. Went to dog park last night, running off leash, seemed fine afterwards. Bowie is an indoor dog, no history of trauma overnight. Today: 4th toe is swollen and erythemic. No wound or foreign body was identified. Remainder of exam of right hindleg is unremarkable.
Checking for fracture, particularly right rear 4th toe
['Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2345, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-04-13', 'name': 'Finley', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Renata', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Hendricks Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Boise', 'clinician': 'Hendricks Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'History of eating hacking cough / retching on and off for ~1 year. History of eating things outside normal dog kibble . No signs of pain on palpation. So obvious swellings. ', 'questions': 'Is the radiolucent pointy thing near larynx normal bone anatomy or foreign object? ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 300, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 9.072, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - Normal lungs, large breed', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend symptomatic treatment of the cough. If the patient does not respond to treatment, endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and respiratory PCR should be considered.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1119, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 155.89800000000002, 'consult_name': 'Resp Upper - Laryngeal mineralization, respiratory signs, only significant finding', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Laryngeal mineralization, however given the appearance on the VD image (no image markers, but assumed to be the right over C2) a mineral opacity foreign body in the soft tissue associated with the larynx cannot be ruled out. Laryngeal mineralization is usually noted as a breed-related change but can be a rare finding in laryngeal paralysis ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2387, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cough-chronic'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2274, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The growth plates appear within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ growth plate of the ___s2_ appears ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2496, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Larynx mineralization', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is mineralization noted within the larynx. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits, and no abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nA mineralization was noted within the larynx. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLaryngeal mineralization, however, given the appearance on the VD image (no image markers, but assumed to be the right over C2) a mineral opacity foreign body in the soft tissue associated with the larynx cannot be ruled out. Laryngeal mineralization is usually noted as a breed-related change but can be a rare finding in laryngeal paralysis.\nThe lungs are clear, and there is no evidence of pathology. A normal radiograph does not rule out bronchitis completely.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend a CT scan or laryngoscopy for confirmation.\nRecommend symptomatic treatment of the cough. Endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and respiratory PCR should be considered if the patient does not respond to treatment.'}
{'bday': '2023-04-13', 'name': 'Finley', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Renata', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Hendricks Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Boise', 'clinician': 'Hendricks Veterinary Hospital'}
History of eating hacking cough / retching on and off for ~1 year. History of eating things outside normal dog kibble . No signs of pain on palpation. So obvious swellings.
Is the radiolucent pointy thing near larynx normal bone anatomy or foreign object?
['resp signs - upper vs lower']
['Coughing', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Gagging/retching', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Chronic cough', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 92, 521, 2184, 2387, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-10-12', 'name': 'Whitney^Hannah', 'breed': 'AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD', 'owner': 'Whitney^Cassandra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '\r\nP presenting for diarrhea for 3 days, coughing (dry hacking sound ) for 1 month. O stated took p to boarding facility from 8/26- 8/30 but was already coughing prior to boarding . O also noted p licking right front paw today. 4/6 left apical systolic murmur, lungs eupneic. No cough on tracheal palpation.\r\n\r\n*n/i in eating today, ate once yestrday\r\n\r\nc/s/v/d: Coughing for 1 month and Diarrhea for 3 days\r\ne/d-n/i today\r\nRx- Apoquel', 'questions': 'r/o cardiomegaly', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1043, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 849, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Limited detail, Gi signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Due to the images provided thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider gastroenteritis as a cause for the diarrhea. Additional images maybe helpful to investigate further.\xa0', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'limited evaluation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Limited evaluation of the reported licking of limbs due to limited images.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Due to limited evaluation, consider additional radiographic views or advanced imaging if a more thorough evaluation is needed.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Gen - poss pattern, coughing, panting, dyspnoea/syncope', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 62, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Chewing feet'}, {'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar', 'lumbar', 'cervical']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder on left lateral view. ', 'elapsedTime': 18.243, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ', 'elapsedTime': 4.636, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the lumber spine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 4883, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Boarding history'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar, lumbar, and cervical spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the lumber spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder on left lateral view. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs (at least the coughing). No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nLimited evaluation of the reported licking of limbs due to limited images.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nDue to the images provided thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited.\n\nRecommendations:\nIdeally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement (as soon as possible) are recommended to investigate further. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, then consider diuretic therapy in the interim. Also consider pre-diuretic lab-work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (e.g. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nDue to limited evaluation, consider additional radiographic views or advanced imaging if a more thorough evaluation is needed.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.\nConsider gastroenteritis as a cause for the diarrhea. Additional images maybe helpful to investigate further.'}
{'bday': '2010-10-12', 'name': 'Whitney^Hannah', 'breed': 'AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD', 'owner': 'Whitney^Cassandra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
P presenting for diarrhea for 3 days, coughing (dry hacking sound ) for 1 month. O stated took p to boarding facility from 8/26- 8/30 but was already coughing prior to boarding . O also noted p licking right front paw today. 4/6 left apical systolic murmur, lungs eupneic. No cough on tracheal palpation. *n/i in eating today, ate once yestrday c/s/v/d: Coughing for 1 month and Diarrhea for 3 days e/d-n/i today Rx- Apoquel
r/o cardiomegaly
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Chewing/licking feet', 'Coughing', 'Diarrhea', 'Hyporexia', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[62, 69, 76, 607, 2175, 2656]
['Boarding history']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-01-09', 'name': 'Wiese^Arthur', 'breed': 'Basset Hound', 'owner': 'Laurie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Crestview Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Cumming', 'clinician': 'Crestview Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'moaning and gagging', 'questions': 'moaning and gagging', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1271, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 745, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Upper - gagging/dysphagia, normal larynx, normal thorax', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 48.529, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Gen - poss pattern, coughing, panting, dyspnoea/syncope', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The cardiac silhouette appears enlarged. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'An echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement are recommended to investigate further.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2658, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'chondrodysplastic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2262, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Liver', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2577, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Costochondral Changes', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Costochondral Changes', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative costochondral changes visible.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ingesta. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed abdomen.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative costochondral changes visible. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2577, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Costochondral Changes', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe larynx and associated soft tissue appear normal. Gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis are possible causes, and inflammatory/infectious respiratory disease cannot be ruled out. \nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged, with no definitive evidence of pulmonary edema noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded. \nThe liver appears small, possibly secondary to conformation, but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out. \nDegenerative changes in the shoulder are noted. \nGastric material may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nSymptomatic management is suggested. For further characterization, the described signs may require a functional study, such as a contrast fluoroscopic exam to evaluate the swallow function, lightly sedated laryngeal exam to assess arytenoid function and laryngeal saccules. Additionally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement are recommended to investigate further. Consider biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver. Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder. Also, correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying."}
{'bday': '2013-01-09', 'name': 'Wiese^Arthur', 'breed': 'Basset Hound', 'owner': 'Laurie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Crestview Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Cumming', 'clinician': 'Crestview Animal Hospital'}
moaning and gagging
moaning and gagging
['Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Gagging/retching', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Chondrodysplastic']
[292, 521, 2656, 2658]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-07-03', 'name': 'Nichols^Bubba', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Nichols^Angela', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Patient presented for splenectomy july 1, 2024. Currently, P isn't doing to well. no interested in food. ", 'questions': 'Checking for metastatic behavior being P was diagnosed with hemaniosarcoma. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 14.287, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'For further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound. Consider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis for further investigation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 465, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No pulmonary mets, primary already identified', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2330, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Not himself/ain't doing right"}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 317, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Haemangiosarcoma - splenic'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 679, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'Spleen: Splenectomy - total'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease.\nFree fluid in the abdomen noted, further investigation needed to rule out various potential sources such as low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, septic or non-septic peritonitis.\nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and abdomen with FNA sampling for further investigation of the extent of possible intra-abdominal metastasis. Advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen, along with abdominal ultrasound for further assessment. Consider further work up including biochemistry profile and CBC for additional investigation. Correlate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2014-07-03', 'name': 'Nichols^Bubba', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Nichols^Angela', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}
Patient presented for splenectomy july 1, 2024. Currently, P isn't doing to well. no interested in food.
Checking for metastatic behavior being P was diagnosed with hemaniosarcoma.
['neoplasia-thorax', 'non-specific-ADR']
["Ain't doin right (ADR)", 'Metastasis check']
[2330, 2386]
['Hemangiosarcoma - splenic']
['Spleen: Splenectomy - total']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-08-26', 'name': 'E^rhett', 'breed': 'Cocker Spaniel', 'owner': 'E^sandra', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'the pt presents for possible ingestion of a lithium battery from hearing aids approximately 6 hours ago. o states he found chewed up pieces of the hearing aids but cannot confirm if both batteries are missing. e/d wnl, no v/d', 'questions': 'Confirmation of batteries in stomach', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 24.782, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB ingestion and noted, no plication/2 pops yet, no clinical signs yet', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radio-opaque foreign material located within the small intestine cranial to the bladder.', 'elapsedTime': 15.137, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['metallic'], '___s2_': ['with irregular margins']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach contains a metallic opacity with irregular margins. There is radio-opaque foreign material located within the small intestine cranial to the bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body as described which may or may not pass on its own.\nForeign material noted in the small intestine, may or may not pass on its own. No evidence of an obstructive pattern is noted in the radiographs provided, however, it may be too early to see an ensuing mechanical obstruction.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body.\nSupportive care including fluid therapy and recheck fasted abdominal radiographs are recommended in 12-24 hours to monitor movement of foreign material. An abdominal ultrasound may also be beneficial.'}
{'bday': '2023-08-26', 'name': 'E^rhett', 'breed': 'Cocker Spaniel', 'owner': 'E^sandra', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
the pt presents for possible ingestion of a lithium battery from hearing aids approximately 6 hours ago. o states he found chewed up pieces of the hearing aids but cannot confirm if both batteries are missing. e/d wnl, no v/d
Confirmation of batteries in stomach
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[92, 2184, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-10-10', 'name': 'Nolan', 'breed': 'Mixed - Large', 'owner': 'Swearingen', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Canyon Lake Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Michael Yousef'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Weight loss, painful abdomen, anorexia. abdominal mass', 'questions': 'Weight loss, painful abdomen, anorexia. abdominal mass', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 198, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Poss Splenic Mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 890, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - small effusion vs peritonitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['round', 'ill defined', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['liver and spleen'], '___s2_': ['ventral']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 28, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - abdominal'}], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The spleen appears prominent. There is a round ill defined soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the mid abdomen. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the liver and spleen in the ventral abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia) with the possibility of infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis as possibilities. \nMid eabdominal mass consistent with splenic mass, with both benign (hemangioma, abscess, other) and malignant (hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, other) etiologies possible. \nThe area in the abdomen with unclear organ margins and slight loss of serosal detail may represent a small amount of abdominal fluid or a focal peritonitis. \nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and/or exploratory laparotomy for further investigation of the suspicious splenic mass.\nConsider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the area in the abdomen with unclear organ margins and slight loss of serosal detail.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2013-10-10', 'name': 'Nolan', 'breed': 'Mixed - Large', 'owner': 'Swearingen', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Canyon Lake Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Michael Yousef'}
Weight loss, painful abdomen, anorexia. abdominal mass
Weight loss, painful abdomen, anorexia. abdominal mass
['Losing weight', 'Anorexia', 'Hyporexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[140, 606, 607, 622, 2656]
['Mass lesion - abdominal']
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-09-27', 'name': 'Smyth^Chikey', 'breed': 'Chihuahua Mix', 'owner': 'Smyth^Mary', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Crown UrgentVet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Crown UrgentVet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '@ day history of vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting resolved with cerenia early this morning. Still not interest in food. tense on abdominal palpation. dehydrated on physical exam ', 'questions': 'Is there evidence of an abdominal obstruction?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+/diarrhea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. No evidence of foreign body or intestinal obstruction noted in the radiographs provided. Differentials include inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious, parasitic causes or hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.'}
{'bday': '2020-09-27', 'name': 'Smyth^Chikey', 'breed': 'Chihuahua Mix', 'owner': 'Smyth^Mary', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Crown UrgentVet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Crown UrgentVet'}
@ day history of vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting resolved with cerenia early this morning. Still not interest in food. tense on abdominal palpation. dehydrated on physical exam
Is there evidence of an abdominal obstruction?
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Dehydration']
[76, 256, 607, 622, 2482]
['Intestinal obstruction']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-12-15', 'name': 'Katlin^Wyatt', 'breed': 'GERMAN_SHEPHERD', 'owner': 'Katlin^Ethan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tender Care Veterinary Center - Falcon', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Falcon', 'clinician': 'Tender Care Veterinary Center Falcon'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt started vomiting last night and is unable to keep food down today. Pt has a previous history of eating a squeaker and needing an RNA at duodenal flexure in May 2024. Febrile with borborygmi appreciated and painful on exam. ', 'questions': 'Potential obstruction or foreign body. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 37.954, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own.\xa0', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Emesis-induction can be considered depending on type of material present otherwise, recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1257, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Small intestines - 2 pops (less confident), small foreign material', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mineral opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.', 'elapsedTime': 5.769, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral']}}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The stomach contains a soft tissue opacity structure at the region of the pylorus. ', 'elapsedTime': 65.4, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['with irregular margins']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach contains a soft tissue opacity structure at the region of the pylorus. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is mineral opacity foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines are suspicious for two populations of small intestine, representing a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot be definitively ruled out. Some foreign material is noted, therefore a small intestinal foreign body obstruction must be considered. Gastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own.\n\nRecommendations:\nAn abdominal ultrasound is recommended for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management may also be considered if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status. Emesis-induction can be considered depending on the type of material present; otherwise, recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the progression of the gastric foreign body/material.'}
{'bday': '2023-12-15', 'name': 'Katlin^Wyatt', 'breed': 'GERMAN_SHEPHERD', 'owner': 'Katlin^Ethan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tender Care Veterinary Center - Falcon', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Falcon', 'clinician': 'Tender Care Veterinary Center Falcon'}
Pt started vomiting last night and is unable to keep food down today. Pt has a previous history of eating a squeaker and needing an RNA at duodenal flexure in May 2024. Febrile with borborygmi appreciated and painful on exam.
Potential obstruction or foreign body.
['Foreign body']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-08-22', 'name': 'Crew^Casper', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Crew^Marquita', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Locust Grove', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Regurgitation started this am (multiple times) not holding down water, not wanting to eat. Hematochezia frequently (Q1-2H); Fever (104.2); Elevated WBC, Unilateral cryptorchid (unknown significance)', 'questions': 'Gastroenteritis, vs HGE vs other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarrhea, normal gut', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 696, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 791, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, no ESD/EFB, reflux/esophagitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A specific cause for the described regurgitation is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes may include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 66.56, 'consult_name': 'Systemic - No cause for fever of unknown origin', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The described fever is suspected to be related to the reported gastrointestinal signs. Some differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes should be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 57, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Can't keep food down"}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The spleen appears moderately enlarged.', 'elapsedTime': 6.045, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1635, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Prostate Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The prostate is prominent. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2158, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple thoracic vertebrae']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Anomaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral anomaly is noted at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2274, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The growth plates appear within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ growth plate of the ___s2_ appears ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T11-T12']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 143, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Gastroenteritis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen appears moderately enlarged. The prostate is prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at multiple thoracic vertebrae. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at T11-T12. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA specific cause for the regurgitation is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes may include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome or other cause should be considered as a cause for the hematochezia.\nThe described fever is suspected to be related to the reported gastrointestinal signs. Some differentials for causes of fever including urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), and paraneoplastic syndromes should be considered.\nSplenomegaly. Differentials include benign etiologies (sedation if applicable, EMH and lymphoid hyperplasia), infiltrative disease (round cell neoplasia) and infectious etiologies (ie: tick borne diseases).\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with vertebral anomaly is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nIncreased size of the prostate gland is likely secondary to benign hypertrophy being an intact male.\n\nRecommendations:\nSymptomatic treatment may be considered. Endoscopy or a swallow study may be indicated for further investigation if there is no response to therapy.\nConsider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported clinical signs. Medical management is indicated at this time.\nCorrelate with minimum database including blood work and urinalysis.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the enlarged spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended to determine etiology.\nConsider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with vertebral anomaly. Correlate with physical exam findings.\nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs for clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.'}
{'bday': '2023-08-22', 'name': 'Crew^Casper', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Crew^Marquita', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Locust Grove', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}
Regurgitation started this am (multiple times) not holding down water, not wanting to eat. Hematochezia frequently (Q1-2H); Fever (104.2); Elevated WBC, Unilateral cryptorchid (unknown significance)
Gastroenteritis, vs HGE vs other
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Regurgitating', 'Diarrhea', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Hyporexia', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[57, 76, 545, 607, 2475, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-06-22', 'name': 'FNF^JASPER', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Mix', 'owner': 'FNF^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Best Care Animal Hospital Matthews & Charlotte', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Matthews', 'clinician': 'Best Care Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'No current concerns. Did well with vacation foster\r\nlicks at paws-last seen 1 week ago\r\nSeems to be doing much better since last appt\r\nHumps\r\ne/d:16oz food, eating well and drinking well\r\nv/d/c/s- None\r\nu/d-WNL\r\nMeds- None\r\nPrevention-Trio(needs more today\r\n', 'questions': 'follow up on thorax rads from 06/23\r\n', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1271, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 330, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 93.109, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Right- heartworm, pulmonary vessel congested, airway involvement', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Presence of tortuous pulmonary vessels along with the generalized unstructured interstitial pattern with ill-defined regions of infiltrate would be consistent with heartworm disease however metastatic neoplasia or fungal etiologies cannot be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical history and consider additional diagnostics for further investigation of the multiple thoracic nodules.\xa0Therapy for heartworm disease could be considered based on clinical input otherwise continuation with preventative medications. Adulticide therapy is recommended after appropriate length of premedication with a preventative. For more information visit:', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern with suspicious ill-defined nodules noted.', 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['unstructured interstitial pattern']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ .'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. ', 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe pulmonary vessels appear congested. There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern with suspicious ill-defined nodules noted. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe presence of tortuous pulmonary vessels along with the generalized unstructured interstitial pattern with ill-defined regions of infiltrate would be consistent with heartworm disease; however, metastatic neoplasia or fungal etiologies cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and consider additional diagnostics for further investigation of the multiple thoracic nodules.\xa0Therapy for heartworm disease could be considered based on clinical input otherwise continuation with preventative medications. Adulticide therapy is recommended after appropriate length of premedication with a preventative. For more information visit:'}
{'bday': '2014-06-22', 'name': 'FNF^JASPER', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Mix', 'owner': 'FNF^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Best Care Animal Hospital Matthews & Charlotte', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Matthews', 'clinician': 'Best Care Animal Hospital'}
No current concerns. Did well with vacation foster licks at paws-last seen 1 week ago Seems to be doing much better since last appt Humps e/d:16oz food, eating well and drinking well v/d/c/s- None u/d-WNL Meds- None Prevention-Trio(needs more today
follow up on thorax rads from 06/23
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'screening-thorax']
['Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[2656, 2702]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-09-22', 'name': 'Koch^Jaques', 'breed': 'Chihuahua, Mix', 'owner': 'Koch^joline', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '6 days ago treated for V/D with metronidazole and panacur, since then has not had Bowl movement, also not attempting to defecate ( no straining etc) exam NSF, rectal soft/wet BM in rectum', 'questions': 'looking for severe constipation, FB etc., ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 55.087, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1396, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - food vs foreign, no GAD, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 512, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency'}, {'id': 520, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Faecal appearance abnormal - other'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver ___s1_.'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is food/fecal foreign material located within the small intestine.', 'elapsedTime': 39.623, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral and food/fecal']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food. ', 'elapsedTime': 7.771, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the ___s2_ abdomen ___s3_'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2688, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'straining-constipation'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen:\nThe stomach contains radiopaque material that appears to be digested food. The small intestine also contains material resembling food or feces. A moderate amount of fecal material is present in the colon. Other observed areas of the abdomen appear normal.\n\nMusculoskeletal:\nThe musculoskeletal system appears normal with no abnormal findings noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nRadiographic examination reveals fecal retention within the colon. There is no radiographic evidence of an intestinal foreign body or obstruction. However, the possibility of occult foreign material or incipient intestinal obstruction cannot be excluded. The clinical presentation is likely attributable to gastroenteritis, potentially secondary to dietary indiscretion. The presence of gastric material is noted, which may consist of ingested food, though the presence of foreign material cannot be definitively ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate findings with abdominal/ rectal palpation to exclude constipation. If clinically confirmed, management may include intravenous hydration, enemas, and oral laxatives as appropriate. \nConsideration for repeat fasting radiographic evaluation and/or abdominal ultrasonography to exclude the presence of an intestinal foreign body. \n\n'}
{'bday': '2016-09-22', 'name': 'Koch^Jaques', 'breed': 'Chihuahua, Mix', 'owner': 'Koch^joline', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}
6 days ago treated for V/D with metronidazole and panacur, since then has not had Bowl movement, also not attempting to defecate ( no straining etc) exam NSF, rectal soft/wet BM in rectum
looking for severe constipation, FB etc.,
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'straining-constipation']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency', 'abnormal fecal appearance', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[76, 256, 512, 520, 2654, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-01-10', 'name': 'AMY^MIMI^^CRUZ^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'AMY CRUZ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Hialeah Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hialeah', 'clinician': 'Hialeah Animal Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet came in in January because it was coughing and had trouble breathing , back then it was diagnosed with bronquitis , now it has nasal discharge (green color), cough and trouble breathing once again .', 'questions': 'pet is eating normally ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 441, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Functional ileus', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 840, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - Lower respiratory signs in a kitten/puppy, normal thorax', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider supportive care and repeat radiographs in 2-3 days if there is no clinical improvement. Consider a\xa0more detailed upper airway exam and/or additional images of the skull to investigate for or rule out an upper etiology for the reported signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 878, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 7.941, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - acute vomiting, GAD, fluid-filled', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Moderate to severe distension of the stomach with gas is observed. Consider severe gastritis, atony or outflow obstruction although gastric distension secondary to aerophagia cannot be ruled out given the history.\xa0 There also appears to be a small amount of mineral opacity foreign material\xa0which may or may not pass on its own. Pattern of gastric distension with gas and/or foreign material could also be contributing to the discomfort and signs.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 150, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Nose discharge/Nasal discharge'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2436, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'diffuse distension of SI', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2483, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe'], '___s2_': ['mineralized'], '___s3_': ['with a gravel like appearance']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distention of the stomach and it contains a ___s2_ opacity ___s3_.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Bronchitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach is severely distended and contains a mineralized opacity with a gravel-like appearance. The small intestine is diffusely distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe lungs are clear, and there is no evidence of pathology. Early aspiration or underlying infectious or inflammatory causes cannot be completely ruled out. However, an attached radiographic technique for the lung parenchyma may be indicated.\nModerate to severe stomach distension with gas is observed. Consider severe gastritis, atony, gastric distension secondary to aerophagia, or, less likely, obstruction, which cannot be ruled out given the history. \nThere also appears to be a small amount of mineral opacity foreign material, which may or may not pass on its own. The pattern of gastric distension with gas and/or foreign material could also be contributing to the discomfort and signs.\nDiffuse distension of the GI tract with no evidence of obstruction is consistent with functional ileus. This may be due to enteritis of various causes or the administration of parasympatholytics and sedatives. Other causes include peritonitis, blunt abdominal trauma, electrolyte imbalance.\n\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider supportive care and repeat radiographs in 2-3 days if there is no clinical improvement. Consider a\xa0more detailed upper airway exam and/or additional skull images to investigate for or rule out an upper etiology for the reported signs.\nConsider repeating fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and to further investigate for ileus. Depending on clinical signs and history, consider abdominal ultrasound or endoscopy. \nMedical management of the clinical signs (if any) may be indicated at this time.'}
{'bday': '2024-01-10', 'name': 'AMY^MIMI^^CRUZ^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'AMY CRUZ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Hialeah Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hialeah', 'clinician': 'Hialeah Animal Clinic'}
Pet came in in January because it was coughing and had trouble breathing , back then it was diagnosed with bronquitis , now it has nasal discharge (green color), cough and trouble breathing once again .
pet is eating normally
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Discharge - nasal', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[69, 150, 2179, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2001-01-01', 'name': 'Mahand^Millie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Drew', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' WildThings Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pleasant View', 'clinician': 'WildThings XRAY'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'PT straining to defecate and has been lethargic since last night. Threw up once this morning. ', 'questions': 'hyperthermia and possible FB ingestion of stuffing', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 252, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Colon - No constipation', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 939, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 41.614, 'consult_name': ' Intestines - Enteritis with Partial Obstruction', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mildly distended small intestinal segments noted. Consider enteritis, infiltrate or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours or potential abdominal ultrasound or barium study if clinical signs persist for further investigation of the changes noted in the intestines. Consider blood work and fecal testing to investigate further. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Systemic - No cause for fever of unknown origin', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The specific cause for the reported pyrexia cannot be determined from this study. Some differentials for causes of fever include urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 243, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Straining to defaecate'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately'], '___s2_': ['fluid']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is a portion of the small intestine that is moderately distended with fluid. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThere is no indication of constipation noted on the radiographs.\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nMildly distended small intestinal segments noted. Consider enteritis, infiltrate or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.\nThe specific cause for the reported pyrexia cannot be determined from this study. Some differentials for causes of fever include urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, inflammatory causes (pancreatitis, polyarthritis, auto-immune, etc.), paraneoplastic syndromes.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound or barium study if clinical signs persist for further investigation of the changes noted in the intestines. Consider blood work and fecal testing to investigate further.\nSymptomatic treatment may be necessary with follow-up testing if there is no response to treatment. A minimum database including blood work and urinalysis may provide additional information."}
{'bday': '2001-01-01', 'name': 'Mahand^Millie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Drew', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' WildThings Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pleasant View', 'clinician': 'WildThings XRAY'}
PT straining to defecate and has been lethargic since last night. Threw up once this morning.
hyperthermia and possible FB ingestion of stuffing
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Straining to defaecate', 'Vomiting', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 243, 256, 545, 2184, 2656]