# viWikiHow-Abs-Sum A dataset for Vietnamese Abstractive Summarization task. It includes all Vietnamese posts from WikiHow which was released in WikiLingua dataset. # Introduction This dataset was extracted from Train/Test split of WikiLingua dataset. As the target language is Vietnamese, we remove all other files, just keep train.\*.vi, test.\*.vi, and val.\*.vi for Vietnamese Abstractive Summarization task. The raw files then are stored in the *raw* director and after that, we run the python script to generate ready-to-use data files in TSV and JSONLINE formats which are stored in *processed* directory to be easily used for future training scripts. # Directory structure - raw: contains raw text files from WikiLingua - test.src.vi - test.tgt.vi - train.src.vi - train.tgt.vi - val.src.vi - val.tgt.vi - processed: contains generated TSV and JSONLINE files - test.tsv - train.tsv - valid.tsv - test.jsonl - train.jsonl - valid.jsonl - [and other variants] # Credits - Special thanks to WikiLingua authors: https://github.com/esdurmus/Wikilingua - Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki that is building the world's largest and highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Tie a Tie. Content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons License.