GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE :- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 26/06/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID
GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE :- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 26/06/2020 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are moreo likely to develop serious illness. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow). At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available. GoI’s app to connect health services with the people of India to fight COVID-19 Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. The App is aimed at augmenting the initiatives of the Government of India, particularly the Department of Health, in proactively reaching out to and informing the users of the app regarding risks, best practices and relevant advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19 Android Mobile Security 2020 with Free Antivirus, Virus cleaner & Phone cleaner Protect against viruses & other types of malware with Avast Mobile Security, the world’s most trusted free antivirus app for Android. Protect your privacy by receiving alerts when spyware or adware-infected apps are downloaded onto your device. Secure your device against phishing attacks from emails, phone calls, infected websites, or SMS messages. Turn on the V
Submitted in response to written requests from the Inquiry, usually providing lists of questions to be answered. In most cases these formed the basis of questioning in public sessions, but in some cases they were read into the record (or taken as read) and
Submitted in response to written requests from the Inquiry, usually providing lists of questions to be answered. In most cases these formed the basis of questioning in public sessions, but in some cases they were read into the record (or taken as read) and the witness did not appear in person. Given by witnesses invited by the Inquiry, normally after they have made written statements. These sessions could be viewed live online and sometimes on television news services, and the video recordings are part of the archive. The statements were usually released to the public after the public sessions. Founded 1992, with focus on improving quality of policy ideas for the UK and EU. It has produced studies promoting the design, effective use and subsequent audit of impact assessments. Offered evidence to the Inquiry on the failings of the Press Complaints Commission. Now known as the Press Council of Ireland and responsible for the oversight of professional principles embodied in a Code of Practice, and with upholding the freedom of the press. Press Ombudsman John Horgan told the Inquiry that the independence of the body from both industry and state was vital. Every major newspaper in Ireland had been the subject of critical adverse findings, he said. Voluntary group set up in 1993 for "victims of media abuse", supported by concerned journalists, media lawyers and Clive Soley MP. Soley had sought to establish an independent body to defend press freedom and adjudicate on complaints against the press with his proposed bill, Freedom and Responsibility of the Press. Dutch Press Council News responsible for the examination of complaints against violations of good journalistic practice. Submitted evidence on its work and of its belief in press self-regulation. Established in 2008 to consider complaints about
Fig. 1. Schematic for total forecast error decomposition: (1) Spatially align a forecast with the verifying analysis field; (2) Smooth original and aligned forecast and analysis to remove unpredictable smaller scales; (3) Decompose total
Fig. 1. Schematic for total forecast error decomposition: (1) Spatially align a forecast with the verifying analysis field; (2) Smooth original and aligned forecast and analysis to remove unpredictable smaller scales; (3) Decompose total error into orthogonal (right angle) components of (i) large scale positional error, (ii) large scale structural error, and (iii) smaller scale noise. Numerical models use mathematical equations to reproduce the atmosphere and estimate how it evolves in time. The atmosphere, however, is chaotic and difficult to predict. Errors emerge, especially as forecasts extend out to days or weeks. Meteorologists attempt to trace these errors back to either gaps in observations, or imperfections in the models. Each type requires very different strategies to fix. As 3-dimensional weather features like fronts and pressure systems evolve in numerical forecasts, the model has the potential to put these features in the wrong location or in a distorted shape. Researchers have studied location and structural errors (e.g., track and intensity error for hurricanes), but how they can be systematically separated for any forecast feature of interest remains an open question. In a recent study, we used a method to divide forecast error fields into three components: large-scale positional, large-scale structural error, and smaller-scale error (Fig. 1). The method also outputs a vector field (Fig. 2) showing the displacement of the forecast compared to the observational analysis field. We found over all regions and lead times evaluated, more than 50% of the total error is associated with the weather features being in the wrong place. Distortion of forecast features such as structural inaccuracies of fronts and other weather systems is less pronounced, explaining only about 25% error variance. Separating location and structural errors is the first step in further reducing errors in NOAA’s weather forecasts. For example, when an atmospheric river threatens torrential rain on the West coast, the landfall location can be better pinpointed by adaptively taking additional airborne observations in upstream oceanic areas. Also, errors in the geographical structure of rain can be mitigated by targeted improvements in how the model handles thermodynamic and precipitation processes. Intrigued by the results from the present study, the authors plan to explore whether a positional-structural-noise decomposition of the spread among an ensemble of perturbed forecasts captures the same pattern as found in forecast error. A structural component in the error in excess of the spread, for example, could be quantitatively interpreted as a sign of the model missing some natural variability. Fig. 2. 3.5-day forecast (black contour) and verifying analysis (shades of color) of mean sea level pressure for Hurricane Katia, valid at 12 UTC 6 September 2011. Moving the forecast along with the blue arrows aligns it with the observational analysis. Dr. Isidora Jankov is a branch chief at the Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) with NOAA Research. Her research is focused on ensemble-based data assimilation, model physics, the design of ensemble forecasting systems, and ensemble statistical post-processing, with an emerging emphasis on Machine Learning algorithms. Dr. Zoltan Toth is a Senior Scientist at the Global Systems Laboratory (GSL). His research has covered topics in atmospheric and related dynamical systems, including the dimensionality and equilibrium properties of the climatic phase space, the limits of predictability, ensemble forecasting, theoretical and practical aspects of data assimilation, uncertainties in numerical modeling, sensitivity studies, and the statistical calibration and socio-economic use of weather forecasts. Citation: Jankov, I., S. Gregory, S. Ravela, Z. Toth, and M. Peña, 2021: Partition of Forecast Error into Positional and Structural Components. Adv. Atmos. Sci., Hoffman, R. N., Z. Liu, J. Louis, C. Grassotti, 1995: Distortion representation of forecast errors, Mon. Weather Rev., 123, 2758-2770. Keil, C., & Craig, G. C. (2009). A Displacement and Amplitude Score Employing an Opt
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi carried by ticks and transmitted to humans when these infected ticks bite human flesh and embed themselves under the skin. Symptoms of infection include fever, rash, headaches and
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi carried by ticks and transmitted to humans when these infected ticks bite human flesh and embed themselves under the skin. Symptoms of infection include fever, rash, headaches and a bullseye rash known as erythema migrans. Late infection of Lyme can spread to the joints and nervous system. Laboratory testing is sometimes useful in making the diagnosis using ELISA and Western Blot methods. Most cases of Lyme Disease can be successfully treated with a 2-week course of antibiotics such as doxycycline or cefuroxime. Estimates suggest that over 300,000 people suffer from Lyme Disease each year here in the United States. Some people suffer from fatigue, joint aches and other neurological symptoms even though they have been treated with antibiotics. These people are known to have post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) or post Lyme disease syndrome (PLDS). People in the community sometimes also call this chronic Lyme however it is uncertain if this reflects continuing bacteria infection or a dysfunction with the immune system of those previously infected. Recently research has implicated oxidative stress as the possible pathogenesis of Lyme disease. Mitochondrial superoxide (a damaging free radical) was found to be significantly higher in those with Lyme as compared to healthy controls. This suggests that oxidative stress and interrupted intracellular communication may ultimately contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in the immune cells of Lyme borreliosis patients. Since mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in Lyme disease then NAD+ may be depleted. NAD is an important coenzyme involved in energy synthesis within the mitochondria. We know that NAD+ is depleted in chronic diseases and inflammation. Therefore, replenishing NAD+ intravenously in those with Post Lyme Syndrome or Chronic Lyme may show some promise. We are treating Lyme with an NAD+ Brain Refuel™ Program and FastVitaminIV® push. Additionally, we are using Glutathione as an adjunctive treatment for Lyme as well. Glutathione levels drop with disease states and environmental stressors.
Most people have a misconception or a bad understanding about the El Niño phenomenon. Only few understands its cause and how can it affcet the weather. Others even think that this will bring chaos and severe drought. American Ph.D. Biologist
Most people have a misconception or a bad understanding about the El Niño phenomenon. Only few understands its cause and how can it affcet the weather. Others even think that this will bring chaos and severe drought. American Ph.D. Biologist and host of PBS Digital Studios’ It’s Okay To Be Smart Joe Hanson clearly illustrated what’s causing the mysterious El Niño. He also explaied in his recent video the reason why we can’t predict the weather. El Niño is defined as the extended warming in the Pacific Ocean’s surface temperatures when compared with the average value. This is because the trade winds over the Pacific Ocean gets weaker or even reverse their direction. Warm sea surface are pushed back from Southeast Asian region to South America, casing sea temperature to rise in the east Pacific and colder at the western side. A severe El Niño is often associated with warm weather in South America like Peru and Chile, drought in Africa, as well in Indonesia and Australia, heavy downpours in southern California, and fewer hurricanes. But understand that these effects are not certain. A small change in any variable can cause major difference in weather conditions. El Niños occur erratically at approximately every two to seven years. Warm water appears near the coast of South America close to winter season, and reaches its warm peaks during the late fall of the following year. After peaking, the waters will tend to slowly cool down through the next winter upto spring the following year. The consequence can be felt persistently for more than a year all around the globe.
NSF and William T. Grant Foundation Partnership to Increase the Use, Usefulness, and Impact of Research about Youth Dear Colleague Letter:
NSF and William T. Grant Foundation Partnership to Increase the Use, Usefulness, and Impact of Research about Youth Dear Colleague Letter: With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) notifies the research community of a collaboration with the William T. Grant Foundation (WT Grant) on a coordinated call for proposals focused on increasing the public value of scientific research: “Increasing the Use, Usefulness and Impact of Research about Youth.” The William T. Grant Foundation is a private philanthropy founded in 1938, that has been investing “in high-quality research focused on reducing inequality in youth outcomes and improving the use of research evidence in decisions that affect young people in the United States.” Public and private sector decision-makers across the U.S. work hard to improve the quality of life of young people. Research findings can help them in that effort but only if certain conditions are in place. Those conditions include: - Research findings are timely and relevant to the challenges that decision-makers face; - Decision-makers have access to trusted research findings and the capacity to use them; and - Research findings can be effectively used to improve youth outcomes. Drawing on their complementary strengths, NSF and WT Grant are encouraging submission of proposals to help the public and private sector use research to
Start with the two axis. The horizontal axis will represent how much a person helps or hurts themselves. - If someone helps themselves while helping others you'd have the intelligent people. - If someone hurts themselves while helping others you'd have the helpless people
Start with the two axis. The horizontal axis will represent how much a person helps or hurts themselves. - If someone helps themselves while helping others you'd have the intelligent people. - If someone hurts themselves while helping others you'd have the helpless people. - If someone helps themselves while hurting others you'd have the bandit people. - And of course those who hurt others while hurting themselves would be the stupid people. If you think such an arrangement based on how much benefit a person provides to themselves and to others is something that came from economics you'd be right. The late economics professor Carlo Maria Cipolla came up with this way of classifying people when he wrote about stupidity. His definition of stupidity is the best I've ever heard. Stupidity is the act of hurting others without even benefiting yourself. His treatise on the subject is the aptly titled The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. If you want to think about economics in a new light give it a read. I'm sure you'll end up nodding your head while agreeing with his five laws of stupidity: - Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. - The probability that a certain person will be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. - A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. (The golden rule of stupidity) - Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. - A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit. I have a newfound respect for the insights professors of economics can give into the human condition and human behaviour. I also have a newfound appreciation for the dangers posed by stupid people. So as you look around at people just remember there are stupid people everywhere. I can see that... with the Bandit at least you understand the motivation even if you don't agree with it. Same with Intelligent and Helpless, there are only so many options open to them if they are following these rules. But you'd never be able to predict what a Stupid person would do... so not only is it going to hurt, but you probably won't even see it coming! Post a Comment
Outbreak Update: As of 27 September 2022, a total of 612,724,171 COVID-19 cases and 6,517,123 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.1%) have
Outbreak Update: As of 27 September 2022, a total of 612,724,171 COVID-19 cases and 6,517,123 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.1%) have been reported globally by 232 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO). The distribution of cumulative cases (percentage of global cases) from the WHO regions (excluding Africa) are as follows: Eastern Mediterranean Region 23,075,453 (4%), European Region 252,806,947 (41%), Region of the Americas 178,010,882 (29%), South-East Asia Region 60,265,813 (10%) and Western Pacific Region 89,238,528 (15%). In the last seven days, the five countries reporting the highest number of new cases are the United States of America (345,547), Russian Federation (344,526), Japan (326,747), Germany (244,354) andChina (261,213). As of 27 September 2022, over 4.9 billion people (62% of the global population) have been fully vaccinated. For more detailed information on cases and deaths reported outside of Africa, refer to the WHO COVID-19 da
Are you thinking of declawing your cats? Do you think declawing is necessary? Is there a way to avoid declawing? Many questions related to declawing arise in the mind of cat owners. But, still, decl
Are you thinking of declawing your cats? Do you think declawing is necessary? Is there a way to avoid declawing? Many questions related to declawing arise in the mind of cat owners. But, still, declawing cats is a very controversial issue. What is declawing a cat? Declawing a cat is the surgical removal of the claws and the bones to which they are attached. It is also known as onychectomy. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is considered major surgery. There are several reasons why people may choose to declaw their cats. Some people do it for aesthetic reasons, while others believe it will help prevent their cat from damaging furniture or injuring people. declawing a cat can also help prevent them from getting outside and getting lost. There are a few different methods of declawing a cat. The most common is called a Rescue technique, which involves cutting through the bone and tendon that attach the claw to the toe. Another method, called an extracapsular technique, involves removing the entire last joint of the toe. There are risks associated with declawing a cat. The most common complication is pain, which can last for several weeks. There is also a risk of infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. In some rare cases, declawing a cat can lead to death. If you are considering declawing your cat, you should talk to your veterinarian about the risks and benefits of the procedure. Is declawing a cat humane? There are a lot of opinions out there about declawing cats. Some people think it’s inhumane, while others argue it’s the best thing you can do for your cat. So, what’s the truth? First of all, let’s understand what declawing actually is. Declawing a cat involves the surgical removal of the claws, which are located on the front paws. This means that the cat will no longer have any claws. There are a few different ways that declawing can be performed, but the most common method is through laser surgery. This is considered to be the most humane method, as it is less painful for the cat, and there is a quicker recovery time. So, is declawing a cat humane? The answer is yes and no. While the laser surgery method is considered to be humane, the actual act of declawing a cat is not. This is because it is a painful and traumatic experience for the cat. Some people argue that declawing a cat is necessary to protect them from themselves. Cats can be very destructive creatures, and their claws can cause much damage. However, others argue that this is not a good enough reason to declaw a cat. You can do a few things to help protect your cat’s claws instead of declawing them. One option is to provide them with a scratching post or cat tree. This will give them a place to scratch without damaging your furniture. You can also trim your cat’s claws regularly. This is a less invasive option than declawing, and it will still allow your cat to scratch. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to declaw your cat is a personal one. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. It is important to do your research and make the best decision for you and your cat. Is declawing a cat painful? Yes, declawing a cat is painful. The procedure involves amputating the last joint of each toe. This is a major surgery that requires anesthesia. The incisions are usually made on the top of the foot, but sometimes on the side or bottom. After the surgery, the feet are bandaged, and the cat must stay overnight in the hospital. The pain can last for several days, and the cat may not be able to walk properly for a week or more. There is also a risk of infection, which can be serious. Declawing a cat is a permanent procedure. It cannot be undone. Once a cat is declawed, it will always have shortened nails and cannot use its claws for self-defense or hunting. Many people believe that declawing a cat is inhumane and should be banned. However, many believe it is necessary, particularly for indoor cats who may scratch furniture or people. If you are considering declawing your cat, you should discuss it with your veterinarian to decide if it is the right choice for you and your cat. Why do cats scratch? Scratching is a very natural behavior of cats. They don’t mean to destroy your furniture or carpets. Scratching makes them remove unwanted things like dead husks from their claws. They also used to stretch their muscles and even mark their territory. It is to be believed that through scratching, they trim their nail. As cats grow, this natural pheno
New study found: Children who do daily chores at home become more successful adults This can be a difficult decision - whether or not to let your child do chores at home. Some parents feel that they want their child to enjoy as much as possible
New study found: Children who do daily chores at home become more successful adults This can be a difficult decision - whether or not to let your child do chores at home. Some parents feel that they want their child to enjoy as much as possible before his inevitable responsibility as an adult begins to play a role. And there are parents who want to teach their child responsibility from a very young age. If you choose to let your child do chores and think this is the right decision, then a new research now supports it. Scientists say that giving a child regular tasks at home can help him become a more successful adult and even live a happier life. We all want our children to be happy and after a long day at school and the homework they need to do, we may feel like evil parents to give our dears even more additional tasks. But a recent study shows that it is beneficial to them and it is not just one study that supports it, but two. 'I have to do the job of living' Julie Lythcott-Haims, the author of How to Raise an Adult, and a former dean of Stanford University, says that the earlier you start with it, the better. Julie said, "By making them do chores, throwing away the garbage, washing their clothes, they realize that 'I have to do the work of life to be a part of life, it is not just about me and what I need in the same moment'". Taking part in household tasks such as folding the laundry, taking out garbage and washing dishes leads to greater success in their adult lives, according to the study. Marty Rosman, who used to be a co-professor of family education at the University of Mississippi, presented information that has been gathered over 25 years as a quest to find out if children who performed daily tasks became more successful adults. She found that adults who did chores when they were kids had a successful career and had better relationships with friends and family. This is of course much easier said than done, and as parents we spend a lot of time during the day trying to get them to do essential things like dressing or brushing their teeth. But if we add daily chores to the list of things we try to get our children to do, just remember that a 75-year old study from Harvard University identifies two things people need to be happy and successful: love and work ethics. We can not help in the part of love, but encouraging your children to help at home from a young age will instill in them a work ethic that will serve them when they become adults. Watch Julie Lythcott-Haims talk about parenting and housework in the video below. Please share this important information with all the parents you know so that they too will have great and successful children!
With Black Friday having just passed, one of the largest shopping days in the world, we reminded again of the humanitarian and environmental dangers of fast fashion. Brands such as Pretty Little Thing have been accused of encouraging unsustainable consumption with their deals of up to
With Black Friday having just passed, one of the largest shopping days in the world, we reminded again of the humanitarian and environmental dangers of fast fashion. Brands such as Pretty Little Thing have been accused of encouraging unsustainable consumption with their deals of up to 99% off – including dresses for as little as 8p. Which begs the ethical question, how does this compare to the human cost of manufacturing that same clothing piece? Similarly, how can the depletion and degradation of our ecosystems be normalised for cheap garments that will be discarded of next season? Yet, the most ironic fact is that with fast fashion – the more you buy, the more you want, the more you waste. Earlier this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) calculated the fashion industry produces 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions annually and used an estimated 1.5tn litres of water every year. This combined with reports that more than 60% of fabric fibres are now synthetic, derived from fossil fuels in developing countries, means that, when our clothing inevitably ends up in a landfill or the sea, it will not decay. Slow fashion: locally grown materials, often domestically manufactured or sources on a relatively small scale has been praised recently as an alternative. Similarly, shopping second hand in charity shops or online thrift stores to elongate the lifespan of a garment has become a popular way for the everyman to become more sustainable. This is the reason why I chose to interview Esooko: an upcoming second-hand marketplace with a twist – it encourages buyers and sellers to become more conscious of their footprint while shopping. The website has a section explaining the benefits of second-hand fashion, and displays Esooko’s impact so far; including 115,500 kgs of CO2 removed. Most importantly, half of the commission fee is used to help fund environmental initiatives – the buyer/seller can choose whether their money goes towards planting trees, restoring coral reefs or educating people about fashion! How would you define your business? Esooko is a peer-to-peer marketplace where users buy and sell clothes whilst funding environmental initiatives. Or to phrase it in another way – we’re a Depop competitor that is on an environmental mission. What inspired your mission? We are lovers of fashion. However, we also consider ourselves keen environmentalists. We found that these two passions often contradicted each other as the fashion industry has become so environmentally damaging. Therefore, we wanted to create a way for fashion and positive environmental action to coexist. The answer was ESOOKO – a second-hand fashion marketplace where fashion transactions are used to regenerate the planet not destroy it. And the best thing is that we knew that this idea would be popular because there is already so much environmental conscience within the second-hand fashion market. There are so many people who, like us, love fashion but are also driven to save our planet. Do you feel that your audience is quite young? If so, do you feel that this is reflective of the anti-fast fashion movement? On the most part our audience is in the age range of 16-30. I think this is reflective of the love for second-hand fashion which is l
Have you ever ever thought that you’re making the setting unfit for your beloved to dwell in together with your self? Surroundings impacts every particular person equally and no person is proof against it. Research have confirmed that 80% of the untim
Have you ever ever thought that you’re making the setting unfit for your beloved to dwell in together with your self? Surroundings impacts every particular person equally and no person is proof against it. Research have confirmed that 80% of the untimely deaths are a direct results of air air pollution and a serious section of individuals affected are both kids or individuals above 65 years of age. Excessive stage of air air pollution immediately impacts lung perform and is a serious reason for lethal illness bronchial asthma. It might probably additionally have an effect on your coronary heart and may be the reason for many cardiovascular illnesses. Some huge cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata are very badly affected by air air pollution. The standard of air in these cities has grow to be very harmful for earth’s ecosystem. In line with some immunologists, Smog in such cities can also be the rationale for a lot of allergic issues like irritation in nostril and throat whereas respiratory. Listed here are some tricks to take care of this downside:- Preserve your car maintained: Smoke from automobiles is without doubt one of the main sources of air air pollution. Automobiles want upkeep now and again else they cut back gas effectivity inflicting extra smoke. Therefore, take your car to workshop repeatedly. Keep away from going out at evening: At evening, chilly air traps the pollution from automobiles and factories in an setting which immediately impacts our physique when inhaled. We will use a masks at evening to forestall ourselves. Plant extra bushes: Inexperienced setting helps in lowering the air air pollution. Plant increasingly bushes in your surrounding as they refresh the air and makes it match for lungs. Give up smoking: In line with a Pulmonologist, smoking produces very tremendous particles which contribute in air pollution and these are extra dangerous than car exhaust. Smoking immediately impacts energetic smoker however has antagonistic results on the setting too. Clear your air conditioner filters: Air conditioners pulls the air from the setting, filters it earlier than cooling and throws again to you. If the filter is just not clear correctly, then it is going to push impure air inside. Recurrently washing the filters may also save a whole lot of electrical energy. Use recycles merchandise: Recycling is the easiest way to scale back air air pollution. Utilizing recycled merchandise will cut back its manufacturing in factories which in flip minimizes air pollution. Air air pollution can adversely have an effect on lungs perform and can also be an issue for individuals with present coronary heart situations, kids enjoying outside and individuals who work out in open. Issues in pollutions begin from shortness in breath, coughing, ache whereas respiratory and may result in greater issues. If any of such situation is common then do seek the advice of a health care provider instantly. You will discover an acceptable physician to your situation, on-line at
Google AI Can Create Its Own Encryption Google has shown that artificial intelligence has the ability to create its own cryptography standard—a step in the right direction in automating encryption. In an academic paper, the internet behemoth’s Google Brain team details the
Google AI Can Create Its Own Encryption Google has shown that artificial intelligence has the ability to create its own cryptography standard—a step in the right direction in automating encryption. In an academic paper, the internet behemoth’s Google Brain team details the creation of three neural networks (Alice, Bob and Eve). The team assigned them individual tasks: Alice was asked to send encrypted messages to Bob, who then was tasked with decrypting them. Eve played the role of the hacker, and was asked to crack the messages without possessing the key. “When you consider that humans are consistently the weakest point in a security ch
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are
Below is a complete listing of all Ohio Historical Markers. To find a detailed marker listing including text, photographs, and locations, click on a county below. Our listing is updated by the markers program as new markers are installed and older markers are reported
What is Apt? What is Apt Package? The Apt package is used by many Debian-based Linux systems like Ubuntu. Apt uses the information of known and available softwares in a database. It performs many operations like software installation, package lookup, etc
What is Apt? What is Apt Package? The Apt package is used by many Debian-based Linux systems like Ubuntu. Apt uses the information of known and available softwares in a database. It performs many operations like software installation, package lookup, etc. by using this database. The local version of this database should be updated before performing any packaging operations.
Soil: Exclude grazers Overall effectiveness category Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) Number of studies: 6 View assessment score Hide assessment score How is the evidence assessed? Background information and definitions The effectiveness category for this action refers
Soil: Exclude grazers Overall effectiveness category Unknown effectiveness (limited evidence) Number of studies: 6 View assessment score Hide assessment score How is the evidence assessed? Background information and definitions The effectiveness category for this action refers to its effects on soil fertility (not its effects on greenhouse gases or climate regulation). Supporting evidence from individual studies A site comparison in 1991 in annual grasslands on the Central Coast, California, USA, found less nitrogen but more phosphorus in ungrazed sites, compared to grazed sites. Nutrients: Less nitrogen was found in ungrazed sites, compared to grazed sites (0.09% vs 0.11% total Kjeldahl N), but more phosphorus was found in ungrazed sites (18 vs 11 mg P/kg soil). Methods: European domestic cattle were introduced to Monterey County in 1770. In 1937, grazers were excluded from one landscape (the Hastings Natural History Reservation), but not from an adjacent landscape. In 1991, 43 sites in the ungrazed grassland and 37 sites in the grazed grassland were sampled (methods not clearly reported, but soil samples were collected at 5–10 cm depth in a different part of this study).Study and other actions tested A replicated, randomized, controlled study in 1999–2001 in grazed wetlands in northern California, USA, found lower methane production in plots from which grazers were excluded, compared to cattle-grazed plots. Greenhouse gases: Methane production was lower in ungrazed plots, compared to grazed plots (2.6 vs 8.5 mg CH4–C/m2/hr). Methods: Experimental plots were established in four grazed wetlands in 1999, w
English 101: Prepositions Matter When Determining Where Services Are Rendered Ascertaining where services are rendered has been a challenge faced by numerous companies operating throughout the United States. For example, for Louisiana corporate franchise tax purposes, revenue from
English 101: Prepositions Matter When Determining Where Services Are Rendered Ascertaining where services are rendered has been a challenge faced by numerous companies operating throughout the United States. For example, for Louisiana corporate franchise tax purposes, revenue from certain services is sourced based on the “location at which the services are rendered.” La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 47:606(A)(1)(f). The Louisiana Department of Revenue interpreted the location where rendered to be the location “where they are received by the customer.” La. Admin. Code 61:I.306(A)(1)(d)(ii). However, a recent decision conflicts with that interpretation. In Boles v. City of St. Louis, Cause No. 2122-CC00713 (Mo. Cir. Ct. Jan. 19, 2023), taxpayers challenged that “rendered” means where the customer (or employer in this case) is located. The Facts: Since 1959, the City of St. Louis has imposed an Earnings Tax on nonresidents “for work done or services performed or rendered in the City.” In 2020, the taxpayers worked from home, outside of St. Louis, for the majority of the year. Their employers withheld the Earnings Tax and the taxpayers sought a refund for those days worked outside of St. Louis. Despite issuing refunds on the same basis for 2018 and 2019, the 2020 refund claims were denied. The taxpayers argued that the phrase “rendered in” in the Earnings Tax statute was limited to when a nonresident was physically present and working in the city. The city argued that “rendered in” meant that the benefit of the services was received in St. Louis. The Decision: Upon review, the court agreed with the taxpayers. The court held that the preposition “in” commonly refers to a location. Thus, the phrase “rendered in” refers to services that were physically conducted in St. Louis. In part, the court reached its decision because St. Louis provided refunds to the taxpayers in 2018 and 2019 for work performed outside of the city. The city argued that the Earnings Tax always applied to work conducted out
Building planets and life in space and in the laboratory Science & Cocktails presents an exciting episode about the building blocks as well as the conditions needed for the formation of planets and life in outer space, and how to recreate those conditions in the laboratory
Building planets and life in space and in the laboratory Science & Cocktails presents an exciting episode about the building blocks as well as the conditions needed for the formation of planets and life in outer space, and how to recreate those conditions in the laboratory. Your guides to the outer space and the chemistry of life are world-famous scientists Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of astrochemistry at Leiden University, and Liv Hornekær, professor of nanotechnology and astrochemistry at Aarhus University. And just before, you will get to hear the surf jazz of The Orgelheimers, and afterwards Dj Carla. How do planets that can host life actually form? What are the necessary ingredients to form planets, stars and life? How can molecules form at the extremely low temperatures of interstellar space? How can we recreate the conditions of interstellar space in the laboratory? How can we image individual atoms and molecules in the laboratory? Can the molecular building blocks of life form in space, even before the formation of stars and planets? Building stars, planets and the ingredients for life in space by Ewine van Dishoeck One of the most exciting developments in astronomy is the discovery of thousands of planets around stars other than our Sun. But how do these exoplanets form, and why are they so different from those in our own solar system? Which ingredients are available to build them? Thanks to powerful new telescopes including the new James Webb SpaceTelescope that can zoom in on planetary construction sites, astronomers are starting to address these age-old questions scientifically. Water and a surprisingly rich variety of organic materials are found near forming stars, including simple sugars. Can these pre-biotic molecules end up in comets and ultimately new planets and thus form the basis for life elsewhere in the universe? Recreating Interstellar Space in the Laboratory by Liv Hornekær Interstellar space – the space between the stars – is not empty. Rather it is home to extremely cold giant interstellar clouds composed of nanoscopic dust grains and a surprisingly rich plethora of molecules. It is in these clouds that new stars and planetary systems form. But how can molecules form at the extremely low temperatures of interstellar space? In the laboratory we can recreate interstellar conditions and investigate how chemistry works at temperatures down to -268 celsius, just five degrees above absolute zero. The experiments will help us to understand the limitations of low temperature chemistry. They will allow us to determine if the molecular building blocks of life – amino acids, DNA bases, sugars and fatty acids - can form in space, even before the formation of stars and planets. Before the science, a true Science & Cocktails classic - the Orgelheimers: a mix of two Hammond organs, a guitarist who might break everything on stage and drummer from another planet, stir it all with surf, jazz, groove and a pinch of night club smoke, and enjoy at room temperature- or sweaty as a high ball line dancing session a sub saharan mine field. Event held in English with the generous support of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Event image from T. A. Rector/University of Alaska, Anchorage Ewine F. van Dishoeck Professor of molecular astrophysi
Any plant that is growing where you don’t want it to is a weed. Many varieties are aggressive, fast-growing and can choke out your grass or other desired plants if not dealt with properly. Here in Georgia, there are hundreds of unique weed
Any plant that is growing where you don’t want it to is a weed. Many varieties are aggressive, fast-growing and can choke out your grass or other desired plants if not dealt with properly. Here in Georgia, there are hundreds of unique weed varieties which can be split into two main sub-groups: Broadleaf Weeds and Grassy Weeds. In this article, we’ll take a look at the five most common broadleaf weeds in our region. Much of the information and photos in this article was provided by the Official Turfgrass Website of the University of Georgia. Learn more about weeds, soil testing, water conservation, pest management and much more by visiting their website here. Asiatic Pennywort (Dollarweed) Scientific Name: Centella asiatica Description: Low-growing, spreading perennial from long rhizomes. Leaves shovel-shaped with toothed, often dark red margins. Leaves on slightly-hairy petioles and generally oriented in an upright or vertical (as opposed to horizontal) fashion. Short-lived, white flowers in clusters on short stalks at the leaf axils. Reproduction: Seed and rhizomes. Region: Found on moist, sandy soils from Delaware south to Florida, and west to Texas. Also found the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Asia, Africa, Hawaii, Australia, and New Zealand. There are many varieties of clover which can be found in Georgia and throughout the world including: White Clover – Trifolium repens Small Hop Clover (Low Hop Clover) – Trifolium dubium Rabbitfoot Clover – Trifoliun avense Large Hop Clover – Trifolium campestre Alyceclover (Oneleaf Clover) – Alysicarpus vaginalis Family: Leguminosae Description: Most clovers are low-growing perennials with creeping stems and green leaves. Stems range from smooth to very hairy. The leaves have a variety of shapes including oval, oblong and narrow. The color of flowers also vary greatly: white with pink tinge, bright yellow, pink, purple, orange, etc. Region: Most are found throughout the United States and some are present in Canada, Australia, and parts of Africa and Asia. Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale Description: Deeply taprooted, stemless perennial. Leaves, basal, slightly to deeply cut, with lobes that point back towards base. Single yellow flowers at end of each long, smooth hollow stalk. Leaves and flower stalks exude a “milky” juice when broken. Seeds brown, long stalked with a parachute of hairs forming a “globe”. Reproduction: Reproduces by seed and can form new plants from fragments of broken taproots. Region: Found throughout the United States, Alaska, and South Hawaii. Also found in the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Scientific Name: Lamium amplexicaule Description: Sparsely-hairy winter annual with greenish to purplish, tender, four-sided stems. Similar in appearance to purple deadnettle but upper leaves lack petioles. Leaves opposite, broadly egg-shaped with bluntly toothed margins, and prominent veins on underside. Flowers, reddish-purple with darker coloring in spots on lower petal, arranged in whorls. Region: Found throughout most North America. Also occurs in the West Indies, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Florida Betony (Rattlesnake Weed) Scientific Name: Stachys floridana Description: Smooth or hairy, delicate, freely branched perennial, from slender underground stems with segmented white tubers resembling a “rattlesnake’s rattle”. Leaves opposite, long stalked, lance-shaped, usually with a nearly flat base. Stems square. Flowers white to pink with purple spots. Region: Native to Florida until it escaped in the 1940’s or 1950’s. Now found from North Carolina to Texas. Thought to be moved with nursery stock and ornamental plants. Weeds can be difficult to deal with once they’ve taken root though post emergent treatments are available. Preventing weeds is typically easier than getting rid of them. Keeping your grass healthy by following lawn care recommendations for fertilizing, watering and mowing will help make it less susceptible to weeds. Pre emergent treatment such as lawn spraying, is recommended to keep your lawn and garden looking great and full of only the plants you desire. Whether you want to prevent weeds or rid your lawn of those you already have, contact your local lawn care provider to learn about the options available to you. Leave a Reply
What Does PET Mean on Plastic Bottles? PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a type of plastic that is commonly used to make bottles and containers for food and beverages. It is lightweight, shatter-resistant, and has
What Does PET Mean on Plastic Bottles? PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a type of plastic that is commonly used to make bottles and containers for food and beverages. It is lightweight, shatter-resistant, and has good barrier properties against oxygen, water vapor, and other gases. PET is also recyclable and can be reused to make new products. Advantages of Using PET The use of PET in packaging has many advantages. It is lightweight and shatter-resistant, making it ideal for shipping and storing fragile items. It also has excellent barrier properties that help keep food fresh for longer periods of time. Additionally, PET is recyclable and can be reused to create new products. Disadvantages of Using PET Although PET has many advantages, there are some drawbacks to using it as well. One of the main disadvantages is that it can leach chemicals into food or beverages if not properly stored or handled. Additionally, PET bottles are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to break down in landfills.
We requested our Area Editors to inform us concerning the flowers that their hummingbirds by no means go to. Hummingbirds choose some colourful flowers greater than others. They sometimes search out lengthy, tube-shaped flowers—particularly pink ones. However have you
We requested our Area Editors to inform us concerning the flowers that their hummingbirds by no means go to. Hummingbirds choose some colourful flowers greater than others. They sometimes search out lengthy, tube-shaped flowers—particularly pink ones. However have you ever ever questioned which crops that hummers aren’t so loopy about? This listing is an effective place to start out. Understand that your personal outcomes could fluctuate based mostly in your location, habitat, and different yard components. Birding specialists Kenn and Kimberly Kaufman say ruby-throated hummingbirds, particularly, must be extra adaptable than many different hummingbirds as a result of they migrate such a protracted distance by means of completely different habitats, coping with huge variations in climate and local weather. It’s a bonus for them to be versatile and to take a look at no matter flowers can be found. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen (hummingbirds) on the purple coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, daylilies, or astilbe,” says Birds & Blooms Area Editor Judy Roberts. Yard tip: You’ll want to add these seed-bearing crops to your goldfinch backyard. Uncover the most effective perennials to develop for hummingbirds.
The body of work that comprises modern psychology is synonymous with names such as Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, and a number of other pioneers. There is another who, of course, comes to mind, both for his influence on the study of human
The body of work that comprises modern psychology is synonymous with names such as Freud, Pavlov, Skinner, and a number of other pioneers. There is another who, of course, comes to mind, both for his influence on the study of human thought and the workings of the mind: Carl Gustav Jung. Jung, in addition to his scholarly work and numerous writings that address the inner workings of the human condition, spent much of his lifetime fascinated with the esoteric as well, and held a number of interests and beliefs that approached the realm of the occult. Very early in his life, Jung came to believe that his soul was divided into his natural, youthful persona of the present, and that of an “authoritative and influential man from the past.” This bears some similarity to the concept of the Senex, addressed in Jung’s later works, which described an archetypal “wise old man” which persists throughout myth, cultural, and literature. However, Jung more specifically likened this separate aspect of himself to the spirit of an eighteenth century man; seemingly evoking themes of death and the afterlife, and in particular, reincarnation. There is also a very curious “ritual” Jung wrote of, which he said he created as a young boy. Jung described carving a small figure out of wood and, placing it in a box he hid in the attic of his home, said he would write notes on tiny slips of paper in a “secret language” of his own creation that were placed in the box; later, Jung would recognize this sort of activity as being similar to totem worship by indigenous cultures around the world, thus inspiring aspects of his later theories pertaining to symbolism and psychological archetypes. Jung’s work with archetypes dealt with primitive mental images, or recurring cultural motifs that are “inherited” from our earlier human ancestors, and supposedly remain present in the collective unconscious of people today. Through this work, Jung would from time to time bring into question a number of unique observations that, when compared with modern phenomenology, appear to bear some decidedly esoteric qualities. For instance, Jung described how grotesque “gnome-like” characters would manifest in the dreams of many of his patients, which Jung took to be representative of some form of archetypal spirit (an aspect of what Jung called the Mana-personality). However, Jung mentioned these odd characters in conjunction with the similar appearances of deceased loved ones in his article “The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairytales.” This is significant since, in the last few decades especially, a number of researchers have made comparisons between near-death experiences and alien abduction claims; the former often deals with the appearances of deceased loved ones, the latter with diminut
American Medical Biographies/Barton, Edward H. Barton, Edward H. (——1859) Edward H. Barton was born at Fredericksburg, Virginia. He was a non-graduate member of the class of 1813 at
American Medical Biographies/Barton, Edward H. Barton, Edward H. (——1859) Edward H. Barton was born at Fredericksburg, Virginia. He was a non-graduate member of the class of 1813 at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and received the honorary degree of A. M. from that college in 1830. He went to the University of Pennsylvania, where he received the degree of A. M. and in 1817 that of M. D., when his thesis was on "Epilepsy." The founders of the Medical College of Louisiana (1834) were Thomas Hunt, professor of physiology and anatomy; John Harrison, adjunct professor and demonstrator of anatomy; A. H. Cenas, professor of midwifery; C. A. Luzenberg, professor of surgery; T. R. Ingalls, professor of chemistry; E. B. Smith, professor of materia medica. Before the session began, Professor Smith withdrew and Dr. Barton accepted the chair. He was dean from 1836 to 1841, when he resigned. Barton's writings were chiefly on meteorology and vital statistics and the hygiene of New Orleans and Louisiana. He wrote "The Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever at New Orleans and Other Cities in America." The third edition (282 pp.) was published in 1857; he wrote on this subject in the Report on Yellow Fever of the Sanitary Commission (1853). He died of heart disease at New Orleans in 1859.
Civilian participants in conflagrations are rightly concerned about cultural property protection (CPP) in host or occupied nations and appeal to military players to see preservation of icons as a force multiplier. Present precautionary measures are neither empowered nor timely enough to
Civilian participants in conflagrations are rightly concerned about cultural property protection (CPP) in host or occupied nations and appeal to military players to see preservation of icons as a force multiplier. Present precautionary measures are neither empowered nor timely enough to prevent unnecessary damage. An independent international academic center is proposed that would join a military CPP competence center fashioned by NATO or an academic entity to validate and energize projects. The concept of military necessity must be examined by all military and civilian stakeholders with CPP remaining depoliticized and kept in accord with international agreements and mandates. Related controversies can be mitigated through education, training, resource commitment, and dialogue, all creating a cooperative civil-military culture that protects cultural treasures. In June 2009, the United States ratified the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the 1954 Hague Convention). This makes government protection of cultural property mandatory. Recent conflicts in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Mali, and Syria have triggered renewed interest in Cultural Property Protection (CPP). The obligations of CPP are included in international treaties and military regulations and complicated by various stakeholders with different levels of understanding and willingness to invest in training and application. Because CPP includes a military responsibility to limit damage, it should be implemented before kinetic operations begin. Lack of CPP planning can exacerbate social disorder; eradicate national, ethnic, and religious identities; elicit international condemnation; and prolong conflict. If planned and executed correctly, CPP can be a force multiplier by concurrently contributing to international and domestic stability and goodwill. From this perspective, suggestions for general protection procedures and methods for implementing them against further disruption and damage are appropriate. Historical Trends and Current Conditions The vulnerability of cultural property to damage because of armed conflict is not new. Examples include the destruction of Carthage (149–146 BCE) and of the Ancient Library of Alexandria (48 BCE). A plethora of modern examples indicate that conflict-related destruction and looting of cultural property continue. Incidents from World War II are numerous and include the destruction of the famous Monte Cassino Abbey in Italy and damage to cultural property during the high intensity bombing of Germany. During the current Syrian conflict, the shelling of national heritage sites including the Crusader fortress Krak des Chevaliers, as well as citadels, mosques, temples, and tombs, has been reported.1 Whether these are wanton acts of destruction, collateral damage, or iconoclasm is unclear. Repatriation ceremony including nine colonial paintings, monstrance, and four pre-Columbian objects marks return of collection of cultural property, art, and antiquities looted from Peru; pictured: Saint Rose of Lima painting (ICE/Paul Caffrey) In Mali, various United Nations (UN) Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites, which include mosques and mausoleums, were damaged or demolished in 2012 by the designated foreign terrorist organization Ansar Al-Din (Defenders of the Faith), which considers the shrines idolatrous. Several of the esteemed Timbuktu manuscripts consisting of scholarly works and letters from the 13th century have also fallen victim to the Malian conflict. (Further research has found that only some of the manuscripts were destroyed.) Perpetrators and their intentions have been numerous and varied, and heritage crimes have been widespread. International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda asserts, “those responsible could face prosecution as their actions constitute a war crime.” This is important; crimes committed during conflict can be prosecuted by the ICC based on individual criminal responsibility. The U.S. Senate has not ratified the Rome Statute of 1998 of the ICC. Mali is a state party to The Hague Convention of 1954 and its First Protocol; however, the National Movement for the Liberation of Azwad, which occupied northern Mali in 2012, is not internationally recognized and is therefore not under the jurisdiction of this convention. Military involvement in CPP should be viewed through the lenses of two international legal instruments: the 1998 Rome Statute of the ICC and the 1954 Hague Convention for Protection of Cultural Property. In the current hybrid “four-block war” operational environment, where military forces engage in all conflict phases, circumstances involving heritage protection must be recognized and analyzed in their complexity to mitigate and hopefully prevent damage to national and regional cultural heritage and identities connected with such heritage. Established legal instruments that hold both individuals and parties responsible for heritage crimes sometimes do not extend to all perpetrators. For instance, Mali is a State Party to The Hague Convention of 1954 and its First Protocol, but the extremist group that seized power in northern Mali at the time is not an internationally recognized party, so it does not classify as a State Party. This implies that the extremists cannot be prosecuted for the destruction of cultural property as an official party but there is room for individual criminal responsibility. Unfortunately, although The Hague Convention’s Second Protocol mentions individual criminal responsibility in chapter 4, this provision cannot be applied because Mali has not signed
3 February 2023 How Can Point Cloud Models Help Existing Structures Transform into Residences? American writer and publisher John Bartlett once wrote, ‘An antique is anything old with class.’ Though not necessarily antique, old commercial or retail buildings are
3 February 2023 How Can Point Cloud Models Help Existing Structures Transform into Residences? American writer and publisher John Bartlett once wrote, ‘An antique is anything old with class.’ Though not necessarily antique, old commercial or retail buildings are sometimes classy enough to keep around, and in most cases, they can be modified to become welcome residential spaces. As it is with many things that are old, care must be taken in the process of such developments. One of the modern methods used to do so is scan to BIM or point cloud to BIM. What are the factors that developers must consider in this process? - Potential complications that may arise in dealing with an old building - Including specialists in the redesign and build process - Retaining the building’s identity while opting for ‘low intervention’ solutions In general, hidden or undetected or unaccounted defects in old buildings can increase construction risks, one of the prime incentives for developers to use design professionals with relevant experience. Apartment complexes typically require a repetitive provision of near-identical units. Old hotels or industrial buildings, such as mills or warehouses with large regular floor plates and structural grids, can be reinvented to serve as new apartment blocks. Industrial buildings such as these are usually more flexible and present fewer problems during conversion. Sometimes, a warehouse can have too much depth to provide natural light, which can be solved by inserting atria. Old buildings can also have low ceilings or other physical limitations. Conversion to a residential unit may involve adapting irregular spaces, upgrading of fabric to meet sound transmission and ensuring that building services successfully cater to modern thermal requirements. Point clouds and point cloud models can help enable these processes. Although architectural drawings may show how a building may look and objects can be described using formulae, they cannot always convey the details and true imagery of an old building. What are point clouds and what do they do? They capture the coordinates of a single point in a building, and when a group of points have their coordinates recorded, they become a point cloud, where each point in the point cloud holds an extensive amount of data which can then by utilised to create a detailed 3D model of an existing structure. Specialist software helps develop a virtual copy of the building from the data captured in a laser scan. The 3D models created this way can store detailed and immersive information about an old building, which can then by integrated, accessed, modified and viewed during the design process. Processing point clouds is fast, simple and permit the access of information from anywhere. Benefits of Point Clouds to Transform Old Buildings - Contractors usually need to visit a construction site several times to take notes, measurements or try to visualise new ideas. Using a point cloud model, these tasks can be performed from anywhere other than the site. Laser scans gather extensive details and models help designers decide how to use that information to complete plans or prefabrication, without visiting the site. - Scanned information can include data to analyse supply points, piping, valves, fixtures and fittings, from any office, improving project efficiency. Costs are minimised while logistical planning can be improved. - Time spent on the site can thus be optimised so that teams know what to expect and do before reaching the site, reducing errors, delays and misunderstandings. Improved Coordination & Design - Point cloud models can be shared between project stakeholders. Both data and tasks can even be integrated into 3D models. Scanned data of an old building can be integrated into BIM (Building Information Modelling) mock-ups to help create commercial proposals and also provide 3D visualisation and help further collaborative design. On-site teams can communicate with other teams elsewhere without sending site photos. - Designers can create and share plans before ordering and buying new building materials. - This data can also be integrated with VR (virtual reality) technology to give viewers an accurate look and feel of the old structure and determine how it can be modified for residential purposes. - Old buildings in dangerous conditions can have teams working securely on design using point clouds. - Renovation projects require project stakeholders to invest a considerable chunk of time evaluating the existing architectural data. A 3D laser scan collects accurate, current data in formats used by the project teams, without having to rely on old blueprints. - Point cloud models can be created in less than a day. - Point cloud models can help construction teams plan around classic architectural features and salvage good-quality building engineering elements in the building. - When remodelling a building into an apartment or residential block, it may be required to repair damage or replace faulty, existing building services systems, such as ducts, plumbing or electrical wiring. - Structural point cloud models can help understand if non-load bearing walls and partitions can be removed/reconfigured or if load bearing elements can be modified. - Scan to BIM services for engineering can help improve energy efficiency when possible, increase the building’s longevity and reduce operational costs. To conclude, point cloud models help old buildings transform into residences or residential units while attempting to retain their old-world charm. With the right scan to BIM services support, designers can avail of accurate and reliable point cloud to MEP BIM services to con
Physiotherapy: An Overview of the Field and My Role as Dr. Abdul Qadeer As a physiotherapist at Al Hanif Physiotherapy & Hijama center, I am frequently asked about what physiotherapy is and
Physiotherapy: An Overview of the Field and My Role as Dr. Abdul Qadeer As a physiotherapist at Al Hanif Physiotherapy & Hijama center, I am frequently asked about what physiotherapy is and what my role is in this field. In this article, we will explore the basics of physiotherapy, my role in the field, and the benefits of hijama. What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a branch of healthcare that focuses on restoring, maintaining, and promoting physical function, mobility, and strength. Physiotherapists use a combination of manual therapy, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, and other modalities to help people recover from injuries, surgeries, and illnesses that affect their physical abilities. Physiotherapists work with people of all ages, from newborns to elderly individuals, and can help with a range of conditions such as back pain, sports injuries, neurological disorders, and respiratory conditions. My Role in Physiotherapy As a physiotherapist at Al Hanif Physiotherapy & Hijama center, my role is to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with physical limitations. I work with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that help them improve their physical function, reduce pain, and prevent further injury. I also provide education and support to help patients manage their conditions and maintain their physical abilities. Domains of Physiotherapy Physiotherapists work in a variety of settings and domains, including: - Musculoskeletal: This domain involves treating injuries and conditions that affect the muscles, bones, and joints, such as sprains, strains, fractures, and arthritis. - Neurological: This domain involves treating conditions that affect the nervous system, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. - Cardiovascular and Respiratory: This domain involves treating conditions that affect the heart and lungs, such as COPD, heart failure, and asthma. - Pediatric: This domain involves treating infants, children, and adolescents with conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and sports injuries. Hijama: Benefits and My Clinic In addition to physiotherapy, our clinic also offers hijama, a traditional Islamic therapy that involves the removal of stagnant blood from the body. Hijama has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including: - Improving circulation - Reducing pain and inflammation - Boosting the immune system - Promoting relaxation and reducing stress At Al Hanif Physiotherapy & Hijama center, we offer hijama services in a safe and sterile environment, using disposable cups and following all infection control protocols. Physiotherapy is a vital healthcare profession that helps people improve their physical abilities and quality of life. As a physiotherapist at Al Hanif Physiotherapy & Hijama center, I am committed to providing the highest quality care to my patients. If you are experiencing physical limitations or pain, contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how physiotherapy and hijama can benefit you.
Projects per year The concept of symbiosis – defined in 1879 by de Bary as ‘the living together of unlike organisms’ – has a rich and convoluted history in biology. In part, because it questioned the concept of
Projects per year The concept of symbiosis – defined in 1879 by de Bary as ‘the living together of unlike organisms’ – has a rich and convoluted history in biology. In part, because it questioned the concept of the individual, symbiosis fell largely outside mainstream science and has traditionally received less attention than other research disciplines. This is gradually changing. In nature organisms do not live in isolation but rather interact with, and are impacted by, diverse beings throughout their life histories. Symbiosis is now recognized as a central driver of evolution across the entire tree of life, including, for example, bacterial endosymbionts that provide insects with vital nutrients and the mitochondria that power our own cells. Symbioses between microbes and their multicellular hosts also underpin the ecological success of some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet, including hydrothermal vents and coral reefs. In November 2017, scientists working in fields spanning the life sciences came together at a Company of Biologists’ workshop to discuss the origin, maintenance, and long-term implications of symbiosis from the complementary perspectives of cell biology, ecology, evolution and genomics, taking into account both model and non-model organisms. Here, we provide a brief synthesis of the fruitful discussions that transpired. |Number of pages||4| |Early online date||22 Feb 2018| |Publication status||Published - Feb 2018| FingerprintDive into the research topics of 'Symbiosis in the microbial world: from ecology to genome evolution'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. - 1 Finished Rooting the eukaryotic radiation with new models of gene and genome evolution 1/01/17 → 15/07/20
Let’s pretend you are a twenty two year old kid walking across the stage smiling ear-to-ear reaching for your Bachelor’s degree, graduating from the University of Texas in the year two thousand and three. Things are looking bright, you are finally
Let’s pretend you are a twenty two year old kid walking across the stage smiling ear-to-ear reaching for your Bachelor’s degree, graduating from the University of Texas in the year two thousand and three. Things are looking bright, you are finally done with school and the world just isn’t big enough to hold the potential you possess. Fast-forward six months, things are still ok and you’re managing, but your six-month grace period has ended and here comes your first loan payment, and you are not prepared to take on such a thing. Paying back loans is something that no student looks forward too. In the teen years you are supposed to make a decision that will influence how comfortably you live for the rest of your life. Do you attend a private school or a state school, can you afford to live on campus or will you commute, will you eat thirteen meals a week or seventeen. These decisions could determine whether you eat one meal a day when you graduate or if you eat three, if you’re able to buy a house or have to rent. As exciting as the college acceptance process can be the notion that you will “pay this off into the grave” crushes the dreams of kids across the country. As a parent putting a senior through their last year of high school you begin to have nightmares about the piles of tuition bills you will be receiving for the rest of your life. Colleges tend to leave the lasting impression “why on earth do they have to cost so much”? Through the past decade one thing you could count on is the price of college tuition to rise and continue to do so. From the 2002-03 school year the average price of tuition in todays dollar was $12,014, today the average is above eighteen thousand, showing that the cost of tuition rose fifty three percent. Throughout the recession alone it has risen twenty six percent. Why are tuitions costs ever increasing? There are multiple reasons for inflation but a few standout above others, inflation, demand, scholarships, as well as class availability. “The inflation of college costs has not been so gentle, averaging 4-6% annually. In other words, a college education costing $10,000 this year will likely increase by $400-600 next year. In a nutshell, this means that college costs are doubling every 12-18 years, compared to everything else in the economy doubling in cost every 32 years” (Clark). The demand for college, more commonly known as “expecting to attend college” is increasing just as the tuition prices are. We are living in an era where college more socially applicable and mainstream. With anything in the world the higher demand the more valuable it is and in turn the more people will pay to receive it. With the increasing number of people attempting to receive a college level degree of some sort, there is the increasing number of scholarships that are awarded as well as the increasing amount of money scholarships are granting. Due to this the students that are not fortunate enough to have received a scholarship are being forced to make up the money the institution has given away. Last but surely not least the availability of classes is adding to the overall cost of tuition. It is becoming a trend to hang around for more then the traditional four years and space your classes out. Sometimes it is just not possible to complete the required courses in that set amount of time, thus adding an additional year to what you have to pay as well as limiting the college from adding a person in your place. Which leads colleges to expand and always continue to grow, again hiking up the prices to accommodate these expansions. “College costs are increasing faster than most of the other areas of life, and show no signs of slowing. For parents or students within a year or two of starting school, this can mean that your last year of college may cost 15-25% more than your first year. For parents or students that have a number of years until college begins, it means your savings plan
PureInsight | April 11, 2005 A strong little girl is stepping on a three-legged toad While holding a banner that says, "Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) is good." The girl says
PureInsight | April 11, 2005 A strong little girl is stepping on a three-legged toad While holding a banner that says, "Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong) is good." The girl says, "I will see to it that the toad no longer booms its ugly song!" The toad has a wide mouth and a pair of protruding eyes. In China, it usually dwells in ponds, swamps, rice paddy ponds, or other types of muddy, filthy places. It is a natural inhabitant of such water environment as lakes, swamps and rivers known as the words Jiang Ze in Chinese. The word, inhabitant, corresponds to Min in Chinese. Hence, the words, Jiang Ze Min, can be used as a metaphor for the toad. The writing in the painting: Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa. Created in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. The Golden Brush: Traditional Chinese Artist, Zhang Cuiying
This summary will constitute a brief overview of what we have learned about water stress in winegrape production in California. This project was designed to extend our initial study with hillside Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc (1984-1988
This summary will constitute a brief overview of what we have learned about water stress in winegrape production in California. This project was designed to extend our initial study with hillside Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc (1984-1988) by extending our understanding of the role of vine water status in determining yield, fruit and wine composition, and wine sensory attributes. Experiments and sites were designed to test several questions including: whether vine water status can be readily controlled at different sites and soils (Carneros and Lodi areas); whether other important red winegrape varieties, Pinot noir and Cabernet Sauvignon, respond similarly to seasonal water deficits; whether water stress at veraison is particularly critical in determining the composition of harvested fruit; whether the changes in fruit composition caused by water stress are due directly to water stress or to indirect effects of changes in the cluster microclimate; and which speci
When it comes to health, there are many factors that you should be aware of. For example, you should know the cause of cancer, osteoporosis, and the impact of depression on the body. You should also be aware of the ways
When it comes to health, there are many factors that you should be aware of. For example, you should know the cause of cancer, osteoporosis, and the impact of depression on the body. You should also be aware of the ways to prevent these illnesses. Lower back pain and bone pain Back pain can be caused by a number of different things, including a herniated disc, spondylolisthesis, muscle strain, or spinal stenosis. It is also possible to get bone pain because of low vitamin D levels. For many patients, low back pain isn’t associated with a serious underlying problem. But if the pain gets worse with sitting, it may be a sign of herniated lumbar disc. X-rays and MRIs are sometimes required for the diagnosis, but a majority of patients don’t need them. A study of 232 patients with chronic low back pain found that those with vitamin D deficiency had higher scores on a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain. They were also more likely to have lower bone mineral density T scores, suggesting that vitamin D deficiency might be associated with bone pain. Vitamin D deficiency is a common condition. In fact, about one in five Americans are not getting enough. This is particularly true in women postmenopausal. Vitamin D is crucial for regulating calcium in the body, which is important for the health of bones and muscles. Low vitamin D levels can increase the likelihood of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Despite the negative correlation between low vitamin D levels and pain severity, the relationship between the two is unclear. Previous studies have shown mixed results. Those with degenerative disc disease had better outcomes when they took vitamin D regularly. However, the study was limited by its small sample size. Future studies might consider larger sample sizes or age groups. For instance, studies examining the role of bone pain and vitamin D might focus on elderly patients. Studies have found that a lack of vitamin D increases the risk of infection in the spine. Patients with IV drug use, skin infections, and a history of trauma are at a greater risk for spine infections. Softening of the bones Deficiencies of vitamin D can cause softening of the bones, and these weakenings are a risk factor for osteoporosis. In addition, it can increase the chances of skeletal fractures. Vitamin D helps the body use calcium for its health. It is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. It then controls the body’s calcium and phosphorus levels. This allows the body to absorb and retain the calcium from the food we eat. There are a number of factors that can affect the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Among them are kidney diseases and liver disorders, which can affect vitamin absorption. If you experience symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, and decreased appetite, you may have a deficiency. You can detect low vitamin D levels by having a blood test. The test will show if you have low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) in your blood. Low levels of this vitamin can result in low blood calcium. A person with a vitamin D deficiency should take vitamin supplements to correct the problem. Deficiencies of vitamin D can also lead to rickets, which is a type of bone disease that affects children. Rickets causes the bones to become soft and weak, and if it is left untreated, it can lead to fractures. Bones are formed through a process called mineralization. Mineralization is a process by which the inner parts of the bone, which are made of collagen, are coated with calcium and phosphate. These two minerals provide the integrity and structure of the bone. When there is not enough calcium or phosphorus in the blood, the outer shell of the bone is not strong and breaks easily. Vitamin D plays a critical role in bone health. It improves calcium absorption and keeps phosphate levels in balance. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to rickets, a condition that affects children. However, despite the health benefits of vitamin D, most Americans don’t get enough of the vitamin. The best way to keep your bones strong and healthy is to make sure you’re getting enough of the vitamin from your diet and the sun. Research shows that low vitamin D can lead to weight gain. This is especially true in people who are overweight. Fortunately, there are supplements that can help to correct this issue. The Vitamin D, Diet and Activity Study (VITAL) studied the effects of vitamin D supplementation on a group of women who were 50 to 75 years old, were overweight, and had vitamin D levels below the recommended level. After six to eight weeks of treatment, these women experienced a decrease in their weight and were more fit. Several studies have shown that women with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to gain weight. In addition, obese and overweight individuals require larger doses of the vitamin because the body has a difficult time absorbing vitamin D. Another study found that low vitamin D levels are associated with higher rates of depression. Although researchers are still working to understand how this connection works, it may be a link to poor weight management and metabolic dysregulation. A recent study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has suggested that a healthy vitamin D level may lead to weight loss in postmenopausal overweight women. While the results are preliminary, it is a promising finding. Until more is known, it is important to be aware of signs and symptoms of low vitamin D. If you think you might have a vitamin D deficiency, see your healthcare provider right away. Vitamin D is a hormone that is naturally produced in your skin when it is exposed to sunlight. This vitamin is essential for the maintenance of healthy bones. It helps the body absorb
Scholarships are a great way to learn something important in a field you are interested in. And the great news is there is no specific age for scholarships. You can qualify for a scholarship once you finish high school and join your campus. Also
Scholarships are a great way to learn something important in a field you are interested in. And the great news is there is no specific age for scholarships. You can qualify for a scholarship once you finish high school and join your campus. Also, you can never be too old to get a scholarship. But your chances can be higher if you are still at a young age. – Importance of scholarships Martin helda is of the view that scholarships can change the lives of many students in America and can help them become future entrepreneurs. The idea of scholarships revolves around providing support for students on a financial level. There is no need to deny that college education in the U.S places a huge burden on the shoulders of many students. It is not really useful to start your life in a huge college debt. Getting a scholarship will help you get closer to your university degree. The money coming with a scholarship can cover the overall costs of college education for students who need it. Actually, the core concept of college scholarships goes beyond pumping money for a degree. It is a way of rewarding students who take their pre-college education seriously. So, it won’t be fair to them to give up their dream of college education because of lack of funds. Scholarships express support of the community and sponsoring organizations to the efforts of ambitious and hardworking students. Landing a scholarship gives students a hope of starting a career with a solid future. And giving them this opportunity can open the door for more deserving students. The students who get scholarships can be tomorrow’s business leaders and entrepreneurs. They would typically want to do the same for many others. As per Martin Helda, funding scholarships is a way to encourage deserving students to go further in the world. – Why are organizations contributing to scholarship programs Scholarships can save the future of many students. But what is in it for companies and organizations? Here are some of the biggest benefits of funding scholarships: 1- Giving students a chance Scholarship funds don’t require returns. This is not the case with student loans. These loans also come with increasing interests. This is an ideal chance for student to get academic degrees and then join business organizations or start their own businesses. Companies can benefit from sponsoring these talents to recruit them after graduation. A scholarship student will typically have a feeling of appreciation and gratitude to those who helped him. So, it can be a kind of a win-win situation. 2- Giving back to the community Businesses get bigger with help and support of local communities. So, it is understandable for them to want to help their communities. Companies should fulfill their role in social responsibility. With this role a company can gain deeper trust by the community. The community will become more supportive of the company’s business. The image of such businesses would be typically brighter in the eyes of the public. Actually, the benefits of providing scholarships can seem endless. Yet it is important to choose the right place to get a really life-changing opportunity.
Here’s another roundup of Twitter #weirdscifacts from the past couple of weeks! Click below to read the list and learn what the heck this thing is. 73. (March 14). Great fact for Pi Day: solids of constant
Here’s another roundup of Twitter #weirdscifacts from the past couple of weeks! Click below to read the list and learn what the heck this thing is. 73. (March 14). Great fact for Pi Day: solids of constant width! I own a set of these, and they’re really cool. In short: it turns out that a sphere is not the only object that has the same width under any orientation when placed between a pair of planes. With the solids placed between a table and book, you really can’t tell the difference between them and a set of spheres. 74. (March 15). Ides of March special: Archaeologists may have found exact spot where Julius Caesar was stabbed! The murder of Caesar has become such an iconic event that it is truly surprising that the location was identified with strong certainty. 75. (March 16). Some warthogs go to mongooses for a spa treatment. This is a truly peculiar example of inter-species cooperation. The warthogs get cleaned of parasites, and the mongooses get a free meal. 76. (March 17). Extinct giant ground sloths apparently dug GIANT burrows, for unclear reasons. Everything was bigger back in the day. Most people, when thinking of animal burrows, will think of holes a few inches in diameter, not large enough for people to walk in. 77. (March 18). The Catatumbo lightning: 140-160 nights a year, 10 hours per day & up to 280 times per hour! This natural wonder of the world shut down for a few months in 2010, apparently due to drought. Global warming may make us lose such natural wonders. 78. (March 19). Limacodidae: the moths whose caterpillars look like stinging slugs! The photo at the top of this post is one of these peculiar caterpillars, which move more by a rolling motion rather than walking. Their flamboyant appearance is nature’s way of saying “Do NOT touch!” 79. (March 20). Record 8.6 km 1875 balloon trip by chemist Gaston Tissandier left his 2 companions dead. This is one of my classic history of science blog posts, describing how incredibly dangerous the early years of ballooning were. 80. (March 21). Is it possible to
Both APR and Interest Rate are the terms that are used for describing the cost of borrowing money from your mortgage lender. While these numbers are somewhat related, they are not exactly the same. Here’s what you need to know about them to make an
Both APR and Interest Rate are the terms that are used for describing the cost of borrowing money from your mortgage lender. While these numbers are somewhat related, they are not exactly the same. Here’s what you need to know about them to make an informed decision about your mortgage loan or a refinance. Mortgage APR vs. Interest Rate - Annual Percentage Rate (APR): An APR is the annual cost of a loan to the borrower, which includes mortgage fees as well. An APR is expressed as a percentage of your loan amount. But unlike interest rate, the APR includes other fees as well such as closing costs, mortgage insurance, loan origination fees, and discount points. - Interest Rate: The interest rate is the cost of borrowing the principal loan amount. The interest can be fixed or variable (varies over the loan term), but is always expressed as a percentage. Difference Between APR and Interest Rate Both the APR and the interest rate are a way for borrowers to compare the loan costs under varying circumstances and determine the affordability of the loan. The interest rate is determined by the market rates and the borrower’s credit score. On the other hand, APR is determined by the lender since it includes lender’s fees and some other costs that vary from lender to lender. The Federal Truth in Lending Act requires that APR is disclosed for every consumer loan agreement. Since this is a standard procedure and every lender uses the same rules and metrics to ensure the accuracy of the APR, borrowers can use it as a good basis to compare and analyze certain costs of the loan. However, know that your monthly mortgage payments are determined by the interest rate on your loan and not the APR. You can think of an interest rate as a way to gauge your monthly payments while APR gives you a bigger picture by estimating the overall cost of the loan. Another important thing to note is sometimes lenders do not include all fees in the APR. For example, they are not required to add inspection fee, appraisal costs, and credit reporting. So, it is worth checking what’s included in your APR when you compare costs of different loans in order to have an accurate understanding of how much each loan option will cost. If you plan to stay in your home for years or decades, it makes sense that you choose a loan that comes with the lowest APR as you will end up paying the minimum to finance your home. But if you don’t plan to stay in your home for a long time, it may make sense to pay fewer upfront fees and get a higher rate with higher APR, because you will end up paying less for the first few years. Contact us at (605) 718-9820 or schedule a call and let our mortgage experts help you with your home loan. © 2021 Affiliated Mortgage, LLC. NMLS #14211: AZ NMLS#0947858. All Rights Reserved. Affiliated Mortgage, LLC is a Division of Lend Smart Mortgage NMLS #4474 Developed and designed by The post APR Vs. Interest Rate: What’s The Difference? appeared first on Affiliated Mortgage. Post a Comment
$site = ""; $fullsite = ""; $basePath = "/home2/firesag5/private/data/";?> Chatterjee, P., De Ris,
$site = ""; $fullsite = ""; $basePath = "/home2/firesag5/private/data/";?> Chatterjee, P., De Ris, J.L., Khan, M.M. and D'Aniello, S.P., 2008. Sustained Burning of Water-based Paint Sprays. Fire Safety Science 9: 789-800. doi:10.3801/IAFSS.FSS.9-789 Water-based paints used in automotive paint spray booths are prone to ignition and combustion might occur for these types of paints when finely dispersed in electrostatic spraying. An experimental study accompanied by equilibrium calculations of adiabatic stoichiometric flame temperature (Tad ) has been conducted to investigate the burning behavior of water-based spray paints. Several spray fire tests have been carried out and the heat release rates of the flames have been measured. To compare the paints burning behavior, acetone has been added at various concentrations for the spray fire tests. The results have been compared against computed Tad values for the paint-acetone mixtures. Elemental compositions of the paints and their heats of combustion have been measured to compute Tad. A critical temperature (Tad,cr ) at which combustion will not sustain itself is proposed to characterize the water-based paints. Completeness of combustion (? comb ) of paint-acetone mixture spray fires has also been used to evaluate the burning behavior of the paints. Based on the critical temperature and completeness of combustion, two regimes of combustion have been identified. Member's Page | Join IAFSS | Author's Site Copyright © International Association for Fire Safety Science
Tobacco and cannabis vaping among youth: What are the risks? Download the Fact Sheet! (447.53 kB / pdf)Download First introduced as a less harmful alternative to cigarette smoking, vaping has now become increasingly popular among youth for
Tobacco and cannabis vaping among youth: What are the risks? Download the Fact Sheet! (447.53 kB / pdf)Download First introduced as a less harmful alternative to cigarette smoking, vaping has now become increasingly popular among youth for a variety of reasons including low perceptions of risk, youth-friendly flavours and designs, easy access, low cost, and aggressive youth-directed marketing. Results from the 2018-2019 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey found that 34% of students in grades 7-12 had tried a vaping product. – and this percentage is likely even higher today. Most adolescents who vape report using liquids containing nicotine and approximately one-third of adolescents who vape report using their vaping device to consume cannabis. Although only some students who try vaping will develop an addiction, many will move on to using vaping devices on a regular basis. The long-term effects of frequent vaping remain largely unknown, however vaping is far from harmless – especially for youth, who are more vulnerable to experiencing the negative health impacts vaping can have. HERE ARE 5 MAJOR HEALTH RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH YOUTH VAPING: The aerosol produced by vaping devices contains several toxic and potentially toxic chemicals and fine particles that can be harmful to the lungs such as flavouring agents (e.g. diacetyl), volatile compounds (e.g. benzene), and heavy metals (e.g. nickel, tin, lead). These chemicals can lead to increased coughing, reduced exercise capacity, and increased risk for severe lung disease such as Vaping-Associated Lung Injury (VALI). The high concentrations of nicotine and cannabis found in many vaping liquids can increase the likelihood of addiction. Youth who are addicted to nicotine and cannabis through vaping can quickly develop tolerance, dependence, as well as experience withdrawal symptoms if they’re unable to vape for a period of time (e.g. as short as a few hours), which can interfere with sleep, school, and extracurricular activities. EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN Regular use of nicotine or cannabis through vaping can lead to short and long-term changes in brain development including negative impacts on key brain functions such as learning, memory formation, and impulse and emotional control. Vaping is also associated with increased risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. The use of vaping devices is strongly associated with the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products, even among teens who have never smoked before. Additionally, vaping is highly associated with the use of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. Sharing vaping devices with friends could also increase the risk of catching transmissible infections (e.g. cold, flu, and other viruses). BURNS AND OTHER INJURIES Vaping products that are defective can potentially cause severe burns and other types of injuries. Youth who try vaping or drink large quantities of nicotine-containing vaping liquids can also develop what’s known as nicotine toxicity, which can cause severe headaches, vomiting, tremors, and difficulty concentrating. Research shows that vaping devices aren’t an effective way for youth to quit smoking and shouldn’t be recommended as a smoking cessation strategy. There are several ways to help youth quit vaping (e.g. individual/group counselling, speaking with a healthcare provider), and an important first step requires parents, teachers, and school counselors to stay informed about the risks of vaping and have open, non-judgemental conversations with students about these risks. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RESOURCES Talking with your teen about vaping (Caring for Kids by Canadian Paediatric Society) About Vaping (Government of Canada) Youth and Vaping (Drug Free Kids Canada) Chadi, N., Minato, C., & Stanwick, R. (2020). Cannabis vaping: Understanding the health risks of a rapidly emerging trend. Paediatrics & Child Health, 25. doi: 10.1093/pch/pxaa016. Retrieved from: Chadi N., Hadland, S., & Harris, S.K.(2019). Understanding the implications of the “vaping epidemic” among youth.Substance Abuse Journal. Retrieved from: Chadi, N., Schroeder, R., Jensen, J.W., & Levy, S. (2019). Association Between Electronic Cigarette Use and Marijuana Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics. Retrieved from: Chadi N, Bélanger RB. (2019). Teen vaping: There is no vapour without fire, Paediatrics & Child Health. Retrieved from: Chadi N, Camenga DR, Harris, SK and colleagues. (2020). Protecting Youth From the Risks of E-Cigarettes: a Position statement from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, Journal of Adolescent Health. Ret
Covid-19 and antibody tests are ramping up, and MERI is helping dispose of waste generated from these Coronavirus tests with pickup and mailback services. As noted in our earlier blog, Madison Environmental Resourcing Inc. collects Covid-19
Covid-19 and antibody tests are ramping up, and MERI is helping dispose of waste generated from these Coronavirus tests with pickup and mailback services. As noted in our earlier blog, Madison Environmental Resourcing Inc. collects Covid-19 testing waste from the Wisconsin State Hygiene Lab as well as other laboratories throughout the Midwest. Nationwide, testing sites that produce small amounts of Covid-19 and rapid antibody testing waste use MERI’s medical waste mailback kits to dispose of their infectious materials. MERI’s Medical Waste mailback kits meet state and federal regulatory requirements for disposal. They include a manifest noting the generator name, address, type and waste weight being disposed of at a licensed treatment facility. Testing items that should in the biohazard bag include: - PPE that has been contaminated (i.e. blood, vomit) - Used swabs or processed testing materials - Gloves, masks that may have been exposed to the virus Is the Medical Waste Different Between Covid-19 and Antibody Test? The medical waste from a Covid-19 test is different from
A journey across Switzerland in 1608 Drinking and bathing habits, fashion preferences, dealing with death: the astonishing observations of English traveller Thomas Coryat (1577-1617) in early 17th-century Switzerland. Me thinks it
A journey across Switzerland in 1608 Drinking and bathing habits, fashion preferences, dealing with death: the astonishing observations of English traveller Thomas Coryat (1577-1617) in early 17th-century Switzerland. Me thinks it had beene much better to have reserved the arrow with which [Tell] shot through the tyrant, then the sword that he wore. A man may live as cheape here as in any City of Switzerland or Germanie. Men and women bathing themselves together naked from the middle upward in one bathe: whereof some of the women were wives (as I was told) and the men partly bachelers, and partly married men, but not the husbands of the same women. I observed many women of this Citie to be as beautifull and faire as any I saw in all my travels.
Uses, Benefits and Side Effects of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Overview Have you ever been to a party, and one of your friends starts wheezing, coughing, and
Uses, Benefits and Side Effects of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Overview Have you ever been to a party, and one of your friends starts wheezing, coughing, and experiencing difficulty in breathing only because he ate a peanut desert? Then you might be familiar an EpiPen. It is used to reduce the symptoms of all seasonal allergies, including food allergy, dust allergy, fur/pet allergy, and many more. But have you ever wondered how Epinephrine works in reducing your allergy attack? Why is it a must-have for people with seasonal allergies? Then you in the right place. In this article, we will discuss adrenaline and how it works. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline, and is a hormone that is produced by our body to prepare ourselves in fight or flight situation. Normally, when we’re scared, anxious, or nervous, adrenaline is produced. This speeds up our heartbeat and makes us sweaty. But in an allergic attack, adrenaline can save lives. How Does It Work? In an allergic attack, Epinephrine is either injected or inhaled in the body. This quickly speeds up the heartbeat allowing blood to flow into restricted airway muscles, which helps it to loose up and open up the airways. This enables the person to breathe again and help normalize the situation. It does this by binding with alpha and beta receptors. It has also shown that Epinephrine provides a boost in confidence, but still requires further research. Benefits of Epinephrine Epinephrine is not only restricted to allergies and seasonal allergies. It has many other benefits as well; these include: - Given to a patient with cardiac problems - Given to a patient in cardiac arrest - Used in the treatment of asthma - Used to cure many infections such as Croup - It is used in conjunction with anesthesia to prolong its effect Epinephrine is used to treat many diseases, but mainly seasonal allergies and plays an important part in medical society. With every miracle drug, there are some hidden side effects that you should know in order to plan every step of the treatment. Epinephrine has minor adverse effects. Following are the side effects of Epinephrine: - skin redness, swelling, warmth, or tenderness at the site of injection - difficulty breathing - pounding, fast, or irregular heartbeat - nervousness, anxiety, or restlessness - pale skin - involuntary shaking of a body part These start pretty standard but can escalate to something severe, so run to the ER if any signs are popping up. Normal Dosage of Epinephrine Very low dosages of Epinephrine is generally required, for an adult, the average dosage is 0.3mg/0.3mL for an EpiPen and 0.1 – 1.0 mg for injectable solutions. 0.3 – 0.5 mg undiluted Epinephrine is administered into the bloodstream during an extreme seasonal allergy attack. 0.3 mg is inserted with an EpiPen. This dosage varies from person to person. The dosage for a child is different as well, so you should consult a doctor to know your precise dosage. Overdosage of Epinephrine from an EpiPen is uncommon and rarely happens because it contains an average amount that is suitable for everybody. But through an injection, it is quite common. A difference of two to three mg can cause the following symptoms: - sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body - sudden difficulty speaking - slow or fast heart rate - shortness of breath - Rapid respiration - Confusion and uncertainty - tiredness or weakness - cold, pale skin - decreased urination Overdosage of Epinephrine can cause stroke, heart attack, hemorrhage, or cardiac arrest/arrhythmia. The human epinephrine minimum lethal dose was estimated to be 4 mg per subcutaneous injection. However, a maximized dose of Epinephrine injected subcutaneously was expected to be 7 to 8 mg with proper treatment. Treatment for Overdose Labetalol is the only treatment for Epinephrine overdose. It reverses the harmful effect of the treatment, but the positive results remain as it is. This drug is life-saving for many people who suffered from Epinephrine overdosage. Storage and Disposal of Epinephrine Keep your EpiPen in a plastic carrying bag, tightly closed, out of the reach of children. It should
Study: Kids with COVID more likely to develop blood clots By David Olson Updated August 5, 2022 Children who test positive for COVID-19 are much more likely to develop blood clots and cardiac problems weeks after their infection
Study: Kids with COVID more likely to develop blood clots By David Olson Updated August 5, 2022 Children who test positive for COVID-19 are much more likely to develop blood clots and cardiac problems weeks after their infection, compared with kids who did not contract the virus, a newly released study found. The study, published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also found significantly higher rates of kidney failure and diabetes in those infected with the virus. “A lot of the things they’re reporting are things that we're seeing,” said Dr. Howard Balbi, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip. Many of the kids who develop complications a few weeks after infection, including some who ended up in intensive care, initially had mild or no COVID-19 symptoms, he said. WHAT TO KNOW Children who tested positive for the coronavirus were significantly more likely to develop blood clots, cardiac problems, kidney failure and diabetes than kids who did not, a newly released CDC study found. Long Island doctors said the study backs up what they’ve been seeing in hospitals. Many of the children who later developed complications initially had only mild COVID-19 or no symptoms at all, one pediatrician said. Even though children are less likely to get severe COVID-19 than adults, the study shows that a small number of kids will develop serious health conditions, doctors say. Dr. Andrew Handel, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, said the study’s results “confirm our suspicions.” “We know that most children who get COVID do not have severe infections from it,” he said. “But a small portion of these children are going to go on to have permanent organ damage as a result of the infection.” The study is the l
A manufacturing process is what helps businesses organize and create a system for building and creating products. Oftentimes the process is complicated with many different stages, types of machinery, tools, equipment, and computerization. Establishing a manufacturing process means that
A manufacturing process is what helps businesses organize and create a system for building and creating products. Oftentimes the process is complicated with many different stages, types of machinery, tools, equipment, and computerization. Establishing a manufacturing process means that you have a standard set of guidelines that help you with every product you create, even if complications arise. While there are many methods and theories of manufacturing (like lean manufacturing), there are five main manufacturing processes that you should know. These five processes are used by thousands of global businesses across all industries. In this article, we’ll discuss these five types and go over some useful tools for implementing them in your production facilities and factories. 1. Repetitive Manufacturing Repetitive manufacturing is often what we think of when we imagine a manufacturing setting. It is a basic process that creates the same product using an assembly line in a repetitive fashion. This can be used for rapid manufacturing to produce many of the same products, or similar products, in a short period of time. This type of manufacturing works best for industries that need a predictable and stable finished product for mass consumption. Many consumer goods industries use repetitive manufacturing for this exact reason — it helps create more consistency than other forms of manufacturing and leads to easier quality assurance. The assembly line remains fairly consistent, with only a few changeovers needed as slight variations of the product are made over time. Repetitive manufacturing relies on scheduling production to satisfy demand, and doing so in the least amount of time. This makes repetitive manufacturing good for high-volume and large-scale production, and the help of tools can make it easier to increase throughput and reduce costs as the process grows. Industries that use repetitive manufacturing include: - Consumer goods manufacturing - Electronics and computers 2. Discrete Manufacturing Discrete manufacturing is similar to repetitive manufacturing in that it also runs on production lines and assembly lines. However, the types of goods that are created in discrete manufacturing are very different from repetitive manufacturing. Rather than running the lines to get the same product every time, discrete manufacturing will frequently change the setups and requirements of machines on the line to create custom products and consumer goods. While the frequent changeover, setup, and teardown can have costs in the form of time and labor, the ability to create different products on the same line is important to certain industries. These industries create products that require detailed levels of customization in what they produce, rather than the same product over and over again. Industries that use discrete manufacturing include: - Computer and electronics - General technology - Aviation and aerospace 3. Job Shop Manufacturing Job shop manufacturing moves away from the standard assembly line and instead uses a setup of workstations and workshops to create small batches of custom products. This type of manufacturing is highly reliant on trained operators, who add a different element to the product at each workstation. In many cases, each of these highly-skilled employees are responsible for operating multiple machines in a job shop manufacturing setting, rather than just one. This process works well for producing customized products, as it slows down production and focuses on the quality of the products, not the quantity. This works well for made-to-order (MTO) or made-to-stock (MTS) products that need to be made individually or in a few small batches. Many small businesses start out with job shop manufacturing, but over time and as technology allows, there can be room for automation at some of the stations rather than human workers. Machines can certainly help with the efficiency and output of job shop manufacturing. Industries that use job shop manufacturing include: - Printing and newspapers - Footwear and wearable consumer goods - Defense and aerospace 4. Continuous Manufacturing Similarly to repetitive manufacturing, continuous manufacturing, as the name implies, is a constant process that runs without delay or hold time — often for 24 hours a day. Like repetitive manufacturing, continuous manufacturing is good for creating large quantities of product — the biggest difference between the two processes is the types of materials being used. While repetitive manufacturing uses solid components, continuous manufacturing instead uses slurries, powders, liquids, and gasses to create products. This means that continuous manufacturing is often used for industries that don’t create consumer goods, but instead create things like pharmaceuticals and medications, power and energy, or chemical components. The difference in material components requires different machines and safety standards, but even with the change in raw material, there is still a need for high outputs. This is why continuous manufacturing doesn’t stop or slow down for things like shift changes or changeover. Industries that use continuous manufacturing include: - Power stations and oil refining 5. Batch Manufacturing Batch manufacturing is very different from repetitive and continuous manufacturing and is closer to the types of manufacturing found in discrete and job shop processes. Rather than being run constantly, machines in batch manufacturing mi
Huge amounts of subsidies goes into fuel and energy. The companies are not necessarily being the ones subsidised to produce the fuel but rather, domestic markets of net exporters tend to be protected somewhat from international energy prices through subsidies. The notion is to
Huge amounts of subsidies goes into fuel and energy. The companies are not necessarily being the ones subsidised to produce the fuel but rather, domestic markets of net exporters tend to be protected somewhat from international energy prices through subsidies. The notion is to help maintain internal price stability and hence cope with cost of living. Australia is one of the few markets who are net exporters of natural gas for example and yet do not really “shield” its domestic market from international price impacts. The result is that the recent price spike in natural gas had Australians screaming in pain and for perhaps the first times in decades, businesses and households are seriously considering disconnecting from the grid and electrifying. But there can be a middle ground. Subsidies can exist for these energy exporters to protect their domestic users given that these exporters stand to gain when the energy price increase. How can they share these windfall with their own economy and the users in local market? The government can subsidise users but make the subsidy transparent. This way, households are not paying the full prices and they are also given information about how much the government is helping to make them affordable. At the same time, it beco
Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds We put the course together, because everyday we’re bombarded with news about how something is good for you, not so good for you. This causes this. Something else causes cancer. Apparently, most
Skip to 0 minutes and 9 seconds We put the course together, because everyday we’re bombarded with news about how something is good for you, not so good for you. This causes this. Something else causes cancer. Apparently, most things cause cancer. It was really to help people understand why not all evidence is good evidence and why you need to be selective. You’re trying to find the information you want, but what you need to use are reliable and valid data sources. And there are plenty of those out there. If you can find this in your search for information towards those websites, then you’ll do better. Skip to 1 minute and 2 seconds And part of what we’re trying to do in the course is to show you what kind of resources can help you, what kind of evidence you should be looking for, and how to find it more easily. The other big thing that you need to look for, the really big thing you need to look for is, was the research sponsored? If it was sponsored, who sponsored it? What kind of conflicts of interest do people have? It’s actually got sneakier. And one of the things we show you is that quite often what you see is funded in a way you might not expect by a group you have invested interest in you believing that piece of evidence. Skip to 1 minute and 53 seconds It’s about giving you the confidence to ask the right questions, because very often if it doesn’t look right, it probably isn’t.
Sunda slow loris, refers to the Sunda Islands, is a strepsirrhine primate. Yeah, that’s right, strepsirrhine. The word ‘Loris’ is derived from the old Dutch ‘Lo
Sunda slow loris, refers to the Sunda Islands, is a strepsirrhine primate. Yeah, that’s right, strepsirrhine. The word ‘Loris’ is derived from the old Dutch ‘Loeris’ which means clown! It is commonly known as malu-malu, meaning “shy” in Indonesian. I see you, little loris! It is sometimes called kuskus, because local people do not distinguish between the slow loris and cuscus, a group of Australasian possums. They say, “Possum, loris, who cares?” In Thailand, it is called ling lom, which translates as “wind monkey”. Wind monkey? Really? When Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire defined the genus Nycticebus, he made the Sunda slow loris the type species. But, later, British zoologist Oldfield Thomas, said the type specimen should be the Bengal slow loris, damn it. Further confusion resulted when Boddaert’s Tardigradus coucang was routinely mistaken for Carl Linnaeus’ Lemur tardigradus. An easy mistake in poor light. The fact was that Lemur tardigradus was actually a slender loris. Mammalogist Witmer Stone finally cleared things up by getting the slender loris off its strict diet. The Sunda slow loris has dark rings around its large eyes and a white nose with a whitish strip that extends to the forehead. The dark eye rings may be from looking out for predators all night. One major distinguishing feature between all loris species is locomotion: the Sunda slow loris moves slowly through trees using all four limbs, quadrupedally, as it were, typically, with three limbs holding on to a branch. You can’t be too careful in the trees, you know. They have a special network of capillaries in their hands and feet which helps them cling to branches for hours, without their digits going numb. Pretty cool, huh? They sometimes feed on molluscs, like the giant snail which moves even slower than the slow loris. During estrus, females make whistle calls when in visual contact with a male. They will sometimes also call out, “Hey, Big Boy, over here.” The Natuna Island slow loris is an arboreal and nocturnal primate, resting by day in the forks of trees. They sleep in a ball in the branches but are known to spoon with others at night. We now leave the slow loris as the sun sets off Big Natuna Island.
Summary and Analysis There are some redeeming qualities in the characters of Herbert Pocket and Jaggers. Herbert apologizes for his sparse quarters because he supports himself, saying that, even if his father could support him, he would not allow it.
Summary and Analysis There are some redeeming qualities in the characters of Herbert Pocket and Jaggers. Herbert apologizes for his sparse quarters because he supports himself, saying that, even if his father could support him, he would not allow it. He is an honorable, hard-working man with dreams for his future. At this point in the story, Pip thinks Herbert will never achieve them because Pip does not recognize that having dreams is different than being a dreamer: Having dreams propels you to set goals and strive; being a dreamer leaves one in a fantasy world without earning anything. Jaggers is another honorable man. While not the warmest human being, he is genuinely caring because he is honest and straightforward. Jaggers misleads no one, and therefore helps people in his own way. His bringing Pip to Matthew Pocket helps the latter in his struggle to support his family, and Jaggers' honest expectation that Pip will get into debt is his indirect way of trying to warn Pip not to get carried away with the money. Dickens depicts the polite manners of society in a humorous interchange between Pip and Herbert as they eat. The rules of society are ridiculed a bit as well, when Herbert observes that one can be a brewer and still be considered a gentleman, but if you are a baker, all hope is lost. Satire of the treatment of children by their parents continues with Dickens' depiction of the Pocket household
This is a series dedicated to our love of history and the wonderful hobby of geocaching; once we saw that other cachers were enjoying our history-oriented caches, this series was the logical next step! Each cache in this series will tell you
This is a series dedicated to our love of history and the wonderful hobby of geocaching; once we saw that other cachers were enjoying our history-oriented caches, this series was the logical next step! Each cache in this series will tell you about a piece of Lanark Highlands history, including stories of the people and events which shaped this region. Once you have read about the history of the location, you will be able to feel the past around you as you explore the site and search for the cache itself. The caches range in difficulty and terrain, but they should all be quick finds. They are all in quite rural/treed locations where GPS accuracy is often questionable, but none are difficult hides and we have provided helpful hints it you need them. They are all traditional caches, except where ideal locations are inappropriate for a cache, in which case simple redirects are used. For each cache page, though we have written the story, much of the information and many of the photos are courtesy of the Lanark and District Museum; please do not reproduce the story or photos without consent from the author (Matt Stafford) or the Museum. We hope you have fun learning something new and interesting about each location you visit in the Lanark Highlands; happy caching! The village of McDonald’s Corners, known locally simply as ‘The Hill,’ was once an important center for travelers and, as a result, a thriving community which was home to shops providing all the services necessary to the settlers of the surrounding area. Named after three McDonald families who were among the village’s first inhabitants, McDonald’s Corners was first settled by Scottish pioneers in 1821. Like most rural villages, McDonald’s Corners was once a self-sufficient community including not only the homes of its many residents, but also general stores, inns for the travelers frequently passing through, shops including the local blacksmith and carriage maker’s businesses, and of course a church and a school. Until relatively recently, the village had two general stores, the Hill General Store and McLellan’s General Store, both important locations where residents of the village and surrounding areas would come to socialize, often spending hours in the store before making their purchases. The village’s location, central to routes on both land and the nearby river, made it one of the busiest in the region and is one of the reasons why McDonald’s Corners is one of the area’s largest villages even today despite the closure of most of its businesses. This cache is hidden among some of the village’s oldest buildings. For example, the schoolhouse directly beside the cache’s location (pictured below) was built in 1868, the third school in the community and the second on this site. It was originally painted a vibrant red with white trimming around the windows, housing rows of desks for all grades (1 to 8) around a central stove. The school was larger than most in the area and held more students (as many as 70 at one time) but was still presided over by a single teacher. The school is now an active community center called the MERA (McDonald’s Corners Elphin Recreation and Arts) Schoolhouse and is home to a number of artists in its weaving and pottery studios. The oldest building in the village, pictured to the left and visible from the cache’s location, has served a number of purposes over its lifetime and provides a great reflection of the history of the village itself. Its first function was as a general store in the early years of the village when its owner, Edward Johnson, brought in supplies and delivered goods using his unique mode of transportation, a sled pulled by Newfoundland dogs. The store was later closed and the building sold in 1866, subsequently becoming an agricultural hall. Agricultural fairs (still held annually in the village today) were held in this building, once producing a show of potatoes that was said to exceed that of any other local fair and to rival even the provincial exhibition. The building was later home to a dance hall (known as Polly Hall after its owner Polly McCullough) where frequent dances were held, attended by settlers from miles around. The dancing continued alongside plays and other musical events when the building housed the McDonald’s Corners Women’s Institute, seeing many more lively nights before it was eventually sold, standing to this day as a private home. McDonald’s Corners also has a very interesting and tragic connection to the First World War. In the
Genetics is part of the puzzle when it comes to canine health testing prior to breeding. Testing both parents is a must in order to produce the healthiest puppies possible. There are genotype (DNA tests) for certain diseases and also phenotype (physical
Genetics is part of the puzzle when it comes to canine health testing prior to breeding. Testing both parents is a must in order to produce the healthiest puppies possible. There are genotype (DNA tests) for certain diseases and also phenotype (physical examinations) for others that make up the whole health testing protocol. One of the most common physical screening exams is for hip dysplasia. It is a complex polygenic disease with no genetic test. Hip dysplasia is one of the phenotypical evaluations that are registrable with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). Embark currently tests for 230+ genetic health conditions. Many of them are also registrable with the OFA. Let’s dive into canine hip dysplasia. Conducting a physical hip evaluation is the only way to screen dogs prior to breeding. Canine hip dysplasia can be caused by abnormal development of the hip joint or damage to the cartilage from
One of the biggest issues in modern age is that children spends too much time on technologhical devices. Smartphone and tablet usage has been down to under 1 year old. Children spending too much time on them has a negative effect on their phys
One of the biggest issues in modern age is that children spends too much time on technologhical devices. Smartphone and tablet usage has been down to under 1 year old. Children spending too much time on them has a negative effect on their physiologhical and psyhcologhical progress. In this situation, the biggest responsibility are on their parents. When we’re saying televisions, tablets, smartphones now we’ve been surrounded with screens. This screens have become inseperable part of our lives with progressing technology. But those screens which surrounds us causes potential damage and threat to children ’s health and it’s progress. Mobile devices causes threats at children’s improvement! Doctors, physiothreapists, language and speech threapists, phychologists and child development specialists who are studying child rehabilitation have been stating for too long about negative effects that causes to a child. Even more ergothreapists have been attracting the attention to another negative effect. In Istanbul Bilgi University in Ergothreapy Field Research Asistant Başak Çağla Arslan have stated that for the past 5 years they have increased complaints at weaknesses in fine motor skills, coordination, postural and muscles into torso. She has stated thay children have been treated with ergothreapists to issues they face because of mobile devices. Ergothreapists states that especially childrens social skills, behaviours, visions and even their hand writings getting affected. Positions when children puts their fingers to play games on when using mobile phone and tablet might cause some issues. Even more, in topic devices cause perception problems because of they’ve been squeezed in a 2 dimensional World. Children’s mobile device usage has been increased! Technological device usage at kids are getting increased more and more. A few years ago, in 2013 when children ’s mobile device has been examined; nearly 38 percent of children under 2 years old and 80 percent of children in the age gap of 2 to 4 years old doesn’t knew active mobile device usage. When we look in our day it’s been up to 97 percent. Evenmore mobile device usage is down to 1 year old. Thus it looks like childrens mobile device usage has been increased 17 percent fort he last 5 years. In short right now nearly all children are mingling with them. According to research, scrren time increase negatively affects children ’s gaming events and it’s communication with their parents. Children have started to experience hardships in many fields like eye contact, communication ability, social skills, ability to conduct sports.
Effective Parenting Skills for Children of All Ages: 3 of 6 Tips Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Parenting education is one of the most commonly requested counseling services, even if it is not the chief reason
Effective Parenting Skills for Children of All Ages: 3 of 6 Tips Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Parenting education is one of the most commonly requested counseling services, even if it is not the chief reason for seeking professional help. Children do not appear to come with instructions, and even if we feel fairly confident about parenting at the outset, uncharted territory in family life is almost guaranteed to bring questions and lead to feelings of frustration, fear, and uncertainty. In this two-part series, I offer effective parenting tips for common aspects of parenting and for all ages of children. 1) Chores in the Family In any family, every member should contribute to the running of the household according to their age and ability. Even very young children can be taught to perform simple household duties, such as putting cat food in the cat dish or clothes in the hamper. Explain to your children that doing chores is part of being a family, and that everyone pitches in. I cannot stress enough, however, the importance of this concept being modeled consistently by parents. Do not assign a task that you are unwilling to do yourself, or that your kids have never witnessed you or your spouse doing. While a full-time working parent may do fewer chores than a non-working or part-time working parent, no parent should be entirely exempt from household chores. Do as I say, not as I do parenting breeds resentment and disrespect in children, who are often sensitive to issues of hypocrisy and fairness. Again, taking care of the family home is part of being in the family. 2) Money Matters in Parenting Many families link monetary allowances to the completion of chores, and that is certainly one way of teaching responsibility, the value of money, and a work ethic. An effective alternative is for parents to share their money with their children by giving them an allowance because the children are part of the family and cannot work or earn a living on their own (just as a working parent shares their earnings with a non-working parent). Seen in this way, the children do not perform chores in order to be paid, but because they are part of the family and responsible to help care for the household and keep it running smoothly. This honors the children as equally important members of the family. It teaches children to participate in the work of the family for the family’s sake and because it is the right thing to do, and not just in order to get paid. Parents who pay their children an allowance for doing their household chores when they are younger often find that when the kids are older
Creator: The State University of New York Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software Tag: design, digital, intelligent, machine, manufacturing Availability: In stock Price: USD 49.00 Manufacturers are increasingly utilizing
Creator: The State University of New York Category: Software > Computer Software > Educational Software Tag: design, digital, intelligent, machine, manufacturing Availability: In stock Price: USD 49.00 Manufacturers are increasingly utilizing machine tools that are self-aware they perceive their own states and the state of the surrounding environment and are able to make decisions related to machine activity processes. This is called intelligent machining, and through this course students will receive a primer on its background, tools and related terminology. Learn how the integration of smart sensors and controls are helping to improve productivity. You'll be exposed to various sensors and sensing techniques, process control strategies, and open architecture systems that can be leveraged to enable intelligent machining. This course will prepare you to contribute to the implementation of intelligent machining projects. Interested in what the future will bring? Download our 2023 Technology Trends eBook for free. Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, discussions and various videos. This is the fifth course in the Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing's ”'Fourth Revolution,” aka Industry 4.0, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve
File a Report A Data Breach is a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. A personal data breach is
File a Report A Data Breach is a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. A personal data breach is therefore a type of security incident and there are three different types of breach that may occur: 1. Confidentiality breach – an accidental or unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. 2. Availability breach – an accidental or unauthorised loss of access to, or destruction of, personal data. 3. Integrity breach – an accidental or unauthorised alteration of personal data. A breach can concern confidentiality, availability and integrity of personal data at the same time, as well as any combination of these. A personal data breach would, for example, include: • personal data being disclosed to an unauthorised person, e.g. an email containing personal data being sent to the wrong person. • an unauthorised person accessing personal data, e.g. an employee’s personnel file being inappropriately accessed by another staff member due to a lack of appropriate internal controls. • a temporary or permanent loss of access to personal data, e.g. where a client’s or customer’s personal data is unavailable for a certain period of time due to a system shut down, power, hardware or software failure, infection by ransomware or viruses or denial of service attack, where personal data has been deleted either accidentally due to human error or by an unauthorised person or where the decryption key for securely encrypted data has been lost. Misprocessing means that personal data is not processed in compliance with OC 11, CERN's data protection framework. A data breach is a specific case of misprocessing, affecting the security of the personal data. - A service processes data without a valid lawful basis. - The personal data is used for other purposes than indicated in the privacy notice. - The data is not deleted or anonymised after the end of the retention period. - Unsufficient security measures to protect the data. In which Cases? If you are not satisfied with the reply to your Data Subject Right Request, or if you want to notify cases of misprocessing or a data breach, you can file a report with the ODP. You can do this even if the (potential) misprocessing or data breach do not concern directly your personal data. Submitting a Report Below you find a link to a form allowing you to submit your report. If it concerns your data subject right request, don't forget to indicate the reference number of th
| || | |Teen Dating Violence| If There's No Respect, It Isn't Love Are you, or someone you know, a victim of teen dating violence? Check out the link below for a brochure on teen dating violence, "Love
| || | |Teen Dating Violence| If There's No Respect, It Isn't Love Are you, or someone you know, a victim of teen dating violence? Check out the link below for a brochure on teen dating violence, "Love Doesn't Have to Hurt". It will provide you with information and resources for victims, aggressors, and friends. It also includes discussion of issues particular to disabled youth, same-sex relationships, and cultural beliefs. It is written for teenagers to help them recognize the signs of abuse and how to get help. If you are a parent of a teenager it is an excellent brochure to go over with your teenager to ensure they don't end up in an abusive relationship. Click on the link below to view this informative brochure. Love Doesn't Have to Hurt There is also a new iPhone app that addresses these issues. For more information click on the link below: Signs Of Teen Dating Abuse Nationally, 1 in 3 teenagers report knowing a friend who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, strangled or physically hurt by their boyfriend or girlfriend. Whether you know them personally or not, teens at your own school are in unhealthy relationships involving control, physical abuse and other behaviors that can follow them into adulthood as perpetrators or victims of relationship abuse. Teen dating abuse isn't an argument every once in a while, or a bad mood after a bad day. Dating or relationship abuse is a pattern of controlling and abusive behavior. It can cause injury and even death, and though these are often the stories that make the news, it doesn't have to be physical. It can be verbal and emotional abuse - constant insults, isolation from family and friends, controlling what someone wears, and sexual assault. Constant texting, phone calls, or embarrassing postings on MySpace or Facebook pages can also be a form of abuse. While communicating online or via text message is normal, it can be used as a way to monitor, control, or
At the Raspberry Pi birthday celebration last week one of the most talked about topics was the Astro Pi project. But with the first results from the two Raspberry Pi boards now on board the International Space Station starting to arrive on the ground, and a new
At the Raspberry Pi birthday celebration last week one of the most talked about topics was the Astro Pi project. But with the first results from the two Raspberry Pi boards now on board the International Space Station starting to arrive on the ground, and a new competition for British school children to have their code run in space, it’s understandable. “We have a Raspberry Pi in space. It was one part engineering, and nine parts paperwork. When the paperwork weighs more than the payload you’re ready for flight.” — Eben Upton Launched onboard the Orbital ATK Orb-4 resupply mission to the International Space Station in December last year, the two Raspberry Pi boards left the ground from the same pad at Cape Canaveral that saw the launch of both Voyager and Curiosity. Encased inside specially built aluminium flight cases, the Raspberry Pi boards are being flown to the ISS in support of British ESA Astronaut Tim Peake’s mission to the space station and have been running code written by British school children ever since. The two Raspberry Pi boards are equipped with a camera as well as a Sense HAT that can measure the environment inside the ISS as well as the Earth’s magnetic field. Each Pi has a different kind of camera; one is a standard visible light camera, the other, one that images in the infrared bands. The experiments, and in some cases the code itself, running on the boards was were designed by students from British schools. First powered up in February the two AstroPi boards have been running the experiments from the seven winning entries into the AstroPi competition. Building the AstroPi At the Raspberry Pi birthday celebrations last week, Dave Honess talked about the long drawn out process of getting the two boards ready for space. Any hardware intended to fly into space must receive a Flight Safety Certificate, and getting one isn’t easy. You can’t just take a bare PCB into space, so a specially designed aluminium flight case was needed, the case not only had to be designed for thermal dissipation, but also to get rid of sharp edges. The final test before flight is a snag test. “…they have special gloves and they pick it up and feel it all over, if they snag, you fail.” — Dave Honess The STL files for the AstroPi flight case are available, so if you want you can 3D print a copy of case and build a replica AstroPi unit. Being able to experience how the astronauts would interact with their experiments was something that was no doubt invaluable to the students competing to have their code flow in space. However, the case isn’t the only issue. The boards themselves have to be tested for electromagnetic emissions at the micro-volt level using sensitive antennas in specially built chambers, and tested for off-gassing to ensure the payload does not give off any fumes that might be harmful to the crew. Now in the EMC chamber! — Astro Pi (@astro_pi) May 28, 2015 They boards, inside the flight case, also needed to be vibration tested to make sure they would survive launch. Flight hardware about to go through Soyuz launch conditions vibration testing at @AirbusDS @JohnChinner @dave_spice — Astro Pi (@astro_pi) May 28, 2015 Finally, after all the testing, the AstroPi units were taken to the ESA’s European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany, for a full end-to-end reproduction of everything that Tim Peake would do on orbit. The Astro Pi looks very much at home in the Columbus mock up! Testing all going well so far. — Astro Pi (@astro_pi) August 10, 2015 There, the step-by-step procedures that need to be followed in space were all worked through and refined in a full-scale mock up of the Columbus laboratory module. At the Big Birthday Weekend teacher Richard Hayler and pupils from Cranmere Primary School presented the initial results
The wog short story. The Wog Short Story 2022-11-17 The wog short story Rating: The Wog is a short story written by Australian author, George Johnston. The story
The wog short story. The Wog Short Story 2022-11-17 The wog short story Rating: The Wog is a short story written by Australian author, George Johnston. The story centers around a young boy named Jimmy and his relationship with his father, who is referred to as "the wog" by the other characters in the story. At the beginning of the story, Jimmy is shown to be a rebellious teenager who is constantly at odds with his father. The father is a hard-working man who immigrated to Australia from Greece, and he is often discriminated against because of his ethnicity. Despite the challenges he faces, the father is fiercely protective of his family and works tirelessly to provide for them. As the story progresses, Jimmy begins to understand and appreciate the sacrifices his father has made for their family. He also begins to see the ways in which his father's ethnicity and cultural background have shaped him as a person. Through his relationship with his father, Jimmy learns to embrace his own heritage and to stand up for what he believes in. One of the themes of The Wog is the importance of cultural identity and pride. The story highlights the difficulties that immigrants and their children face as they try to navigate a society that is often hostile to their presence. It also shows the ways in which cultural traditions and values can bring people together and give them a sense of belonging. Another theme of the story is the power of family bonds. Despite the challenges and conflicts that Jimmy and his father face, their love for each other ultimately brings them closer together. The story shows that, even in the face of adversity, strong family ties can provide support and guidance. Overall, The Wog is a poignant and thought-provoking story that explores themes of cultural identity, family bonds, and the challenges of immigration. Through its portrayal of Jimmy and his father, it encourages readers to consider the complexities of cultural assimilation and to appreciate the value of diversity. The Wog Short Story I wish you all peace of heart. It speaks to the atmosphere of indoctrination, that many who knew better acceded or submitted to continued use of the term, regardless — and that it continues to be defended by loyalists and apologists. I almost learn at least one something new each day and most of them are OT. I beg you to watch the episode we did. I find a lack of love in this forum. I can give you the technical, medical names too, since my mom was a medical transcriber for many years. He meant it as a way to denigrate anyone who had the audacity to question his view of things, just like he decided that the APA was evil and was a global conspiracy responsible for every thing from the Holocaust to criminal activity. One of the best things about this blog is how many new things I learn. Is that a bad thing? I will rely on his usage as being correct and any current day naysayers as being uneducated on the subject. And the refusal of life-saving blood for kids… sigh. So, I congratulate you for that same reason. When he crossed the equator by ship in 1942 he would certainly have been called a wog by King Neptune. You all seem to have made up your mind about us. I agree with everything you said Ooglie about the term WOG in Australia. And they said their parents had told them about us wogs, and all I could say while they were beating me up was, " I thought you be my friends, I thought you be my friends. These books contain exercises and tutorials to improve your practical skills, at all levels! Also, Jesus actually opposed and taught against rigid, theoretical religious observance when it made no sense. She lets her character face his fright and torment. I can't even fight one of them, they tease. Unfortunately, people can lie about this… you know, Mike, how some are lying about Paul Haggis right now. The Wikipedia article got this right. I cannot speak for anyone else. And depending on our self confidence, we will find where we belong, satisfying our individual needs. Not if it is used by people to describe others of the same ethnicity. It is their job to uncover and punish thoughtcrime. Pathological personalities of the types that have been discussed here previously, view others as objects o
What is Polypectomy? Polypectomy is a minimally invasive procedure which is used to remove polyps from certain parts of the body, including the colon, bowel and uterus. It is carried out using a colonoscope and is
What is Polypectomy? Polypectomy is a minimally invasive procedure which is used to remove polyps from certain parts of the body, including the colon, bowel and uterus. It is carried out using a colonoscope and is a less invasive and simpler procedure for patients with polyps which need removing. Why do I need a Polypectomy? A polypectomy will remove polyps within your bowel and colon. Polyps are abnormal growths which can quickly grow in size. This can cause further problems such as unexpected bleeding and, in some instances, polyps are cancerous. Once polyps are removed, they are usually sent to the laboratory to be examined but in most instances, they are benign. Polyps are often found in the colon during a colonoscopy. This is routinely offered to people over 50 in the UK to check for early signs of bowel/colon cancer. The Polypectomy Procedure Polypectomy is carried out via colonoscopy when looking for polyps in the colon. The colonoscope, made up of a thin, flexible tube, is inserted via the rectum into the colon. The tubing features a light and a camera which allows the doctor to see inside the colon and pass through other special instruments to locate and remove any polyps found. Polyps are usually removed either by: - Snare polypectomy – the polyps are removed via a thin wire which is looped around the base of the polyp, and it is cauterised using heat. This stops any bleeding and removes the polyp. - Piecemeal polypectomy – when polyps are particularly large then this kind of polypectomy is recommended. The polyps are removed piece by piece until they are entirely gone. Prior to a colposcopy the bowel must be fully cleared, usually done via an enema. Colon polypectomies are usually carried out under local anaesthetic with little to no discomfort for the patient. Aftercare and Recovery Once you have had a polypectomy you will usually return home on the same day. You may experience bloating and cramps for the first 24 hours and you will be given advice with regard to your diet for the first few days too. Certain foods such as tea, coffee, fizzy drinks and spicy foods can irritate your bowel and slow down the healing process. You should also ensure you have someone to take you home and avoid driving for the first 24 hours after the procedure too. Once the polyps are removed, they will be analysed in a lab. If cancerous cells are found, then the next stage of your treatment will be discussed and planned. While it can be worrying, most polyps are malign, and their removal will provide more comfort and stop any irregular or unwanted bleeding. Dr Rehan Haidry is an experienced consultant gastroenterologist and endoscopist, regularly carrying out colonoscopies and polypectomies. Get in touch today to discuss your symptoms and book an appointment. Get In Touch For any enquiries about conditions, tests or treatments, please feel free to call Dr Rehan Haidry’s medical secretary Debra Hyams on: Tel: 0203 423 7609 | Email: [email protected]
Typical Pre-modern Stream Crossings in the Southeastern Piedmont Some General CommentsTravel on land in the southeastern piedmont generally requires dealing with water barriers and precious few water channels. Between Bermuda Hundred and Occaneechi Island there are
Typical Pre-modern Stream Crossings in the Southeastern Piedmont Some General CommentsTravel on land in the southeastern piedmont generally requires dealing with water barriers and precious few water channels. Between Bermuda Hundred and Occaneechi Island there are about 236 named watercourses none of which unmodified was usefully navigable. Between the James River and the Savannah River at Augusta, GA there are 38 large, barrier streams cutting one's path. The least creek could, in spate, after a rain storm, stop a traveler or force a course alteration, and almost any named stream could end a trip or a life in an instant. on Stream Crossings on Stream Crossings In pre-modern times ground transportation in the southeaster piedmont experienced three technological transformations. In earliest times cargo traveled on the backs of porters. Pack horses replace porters starting no later than the third quarter of the 17th century. Wagons replaced packhorses starting in the second quarter of the 18th century. Knowing how each of these technologies crossed streams is essential to understanding southeastern settlement patterns. Owing to climate and terrain, bridging, particularly in the piedmont of the southeast remained quite uncommon until, practically, the 20th century. Piedmont streams rise ten, fifteen, and even twenty feet or more in spate, after a downpour. The circumstances needed for erecting wooden bridges, a wide bottom to allow the flood to dissipate over the land, were rare in the Piedmont. And the mechanical properties of wood were simply not adequate to the task of raising a structure high enough to avoid the floods without creating an effective dam of bridge pilings. Steel was the material needed to bridge the streams of the Piedmont. The late unpleasantness drove down the price of steel but simultaneously destroyed the economy of the South. Thus the Piedmont of the southeast did not experience widespread bridging until the very last decade of the 19th century. This fortunately allows us to still find vestiges of the fords used for centuries before bridging. Fording, the crossing of streams without a bridge or ferry was and is inherently dangerous and, day in and day out, fording was probably the most dangerous part of pre-modern Piedmont life. Perhaps most interestingly, the risk was unavoidable and safety could not be bought; rich and poor, master and slave, native and newcomers all had to ford the streams of the southeast. The hymn "One More River" was written in the southeast in the early 19th century and uses stream crossing as a metaphor for all of life's worst travails. Fording was such a common part of life, almost nothing was ever written about it. What we know we must extrapolate from remnants along our streams. From these remnants we can tell that stream crossings reflect transportation technology. People forded rivers differently than did horses, and horses forded differently than did wagons. The challenges to these three technologies were the same but the solutions to those challenges varied. Each challenge is in itself a characteristic of all fords. Fords consist of: - A way to the stream from a ridge, (in pre-modern times ridge paths, trails, and roads were the norm) - A more or less safe way into the stream from dry land, - A stream bottom that will safely bear the conveyance, - A more or less safe way out of the stream to dry land, and - A way up to the next ridge. People are very nimble critters and smart too. People can find ways to pass cargo over any stream. They can traverse hillsides steep, sandy, rocky, and covered with brush. They can hop from rock to rock. They can build rafts and boats. If there is a conceivable way off of a ridge path to a stream, people will find it. If there is no gentle slope into a shallow ford, people can find one or fabricate one. People, though, do need solid footing over which to carry cargo. When a ridge runs out above a stream, people will walk right down the "hog back" to the water, or, if it is too steep for straight forward walking, people will make switch-back trails. If it comes to that, and if the terrain allows, people will improvise steps. But people are as a rule lazy (hence inventive) and will only invest the minimum needed to improve a slope for walking. And when it comes to entering the stream and exiting, people generally let nature do the work. Creeks, when they enter a larger stream, lose energy and drop whatever it is they were carrying. At the mouths of creeks there is usually an accumulation of gravel. If two creeks face one another across a stream there may be a gravel "bar" all the way across the stream. The feeder creek banks up hill, away from the confluence will generally be shallow enough to allow for safe entry into the creek without risking joints, tendons, or cargo. The creek then serves as a ramp down to the bottom of the stream to be forded, and t
On July 4, four hatchlings hatched in the Papua soft-shelled turtles in the Exotarium. This is only the second successful breeding of the endangered species in Germany ever. The young ones will spend the next months in the breeding
On July 4, four hatchlings hatched in the Papua soft-shelled turtles in the Exotarium. This is only the second successful breeding of the endangered species in Germany ever. The young ones will spend the next months in the breeding station. There they can be well observed by the visitors. "I was delighted to hear the news from the zoo that the Frankfurt Papua soft-shelle
- Crypto miners are under increasing regulatory pressure to go green. - Miners are eager to jump on green initiatives. - PEGA crypto mining pool rewards miners using renewables and planting trees for others. Amid an existential threat from regulation, bitcoin miners
- Crypto miners are under increasing regulatory pressure to go green. - Miners are eager to jump on green initiatives. - PEGA crypto mining pool rewards miners using renewables and planting trees for others. Amid an existential threat from regulation, bitcoin miners are under increasing pressure to go green. To prove that crypto mining has a role in the green economy, miners are increasingly turning to green initiatives. The role of crypto miners is essential for the crypto industry. All Proof of Work networks, including Bitcoin, requires an energy-intensive computational process to secure their networks. Without crypto mining, Bitcoin could deliver on its promise of a decentralized currency. However, practice is increasingly under regulatory pressure. Crypto mining uses between 120 and 240 billion kilowatt-hours per year. That is equivalent to the energy usage of many countries, including Australia or Argentina. For that reason, many jurisdictions already took steps to curtail or outright ban crypto mining. One of them is China, the country that used to be the crypto mining capital of the world. The country banned all crypto mining in September 2021, threatening severe punishments for those that defied the ban. Many other jurisdictions are currently taking steps to curtail mining. Significantly, the European Union has repeatedly signaled that it wants to curtail proof of work mining. As the continent faces an energy shortage, a threat of a mining ban is looming over the industry. Russia, the country on the other side of the energy crisis, is taking similar steps. Earlier in December, Russia banned crypto mining in residential areas with subsidized electricity. Moreover, authorities blamed crypto mining for energy shortages in some areas of the country. Miners Going Green Regulatory pressure could pose an existential threat to both miners and PoW tokens. That’s why miners are eager to turn to renewables. Hydroelectric plants, solar farms, and wind turbines are becoming more common power sources for miners. According to the 2022 report by the Bitcoin Mining Council, 59.5% of Bitcoin’s mining worldwide comes from renewable energy. Green energy is often more cost-efficient than traditional fossil fuel sources. Using renewables is just a start. Miners are also finding other innovative ways to make a green case for PoW. Many argue that Bitcoin’s flexible demand for energy can support a transition to the green economy. For instance, bitcoin miners have traditionally shut down operations when the energy grid faces disruption. For example, US-based crypto miners have voluntarily shut off operations during the latest winter storm that swept the continent. Other mining initiatives are working on using excess renewable capacity. In early December, Jack Dorsey’s firm Block led a $2 million seed round into Gridless. The startup operates Bitcoin mining sites on small-scale renewable producers in rural Africa. These producers often have excess capacity that goes unutilized. Crypto Mining Pools Plant Trees to Offset Carbon Emissions Mining pools, which pool resources from individual miners to mine more efficiently and produce higher rewards, are also taking steps to go green. Some are joining initiatives that offer mining companies a chance to offset their carbon footprints. One mining pool, PEGA, offers green miners discounted mining pool fees. It uses the fees other miners pay to offset a part of their carbon footprint – by planting trees. “Bitcoin miners are one of the very few industries for which going green is an existential imperative,” says David Bungay, PE
|Address||P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510| This item can only be shipped to schools, museums and science centers Materials Included in Kit: Ammonium hydroxide solution, 2 M,
|Address||P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510| This item can only be shipped to schools, museums and science centers Materials Included in Kit: Ammonium hydroxide solution, 2 M, 30 mL Ammonium molybdate, 0.75 g Diphenylamine solution, 60 ml EDTA solution, 0.01 M, 250 mL Ethyl alcohol, 95%, 250 mL, 2 Silver nitrate solution, 0.1 M, 30 mL Sodium chloride, lab grade, 300 g Sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, 10%, 150 mL Sulfuric acid solution, 3M, 30 mL Tin(II) chloride solution, 1 M in 1.5 M HCl, 15 mL Bag, resealable, 4" x 6", 15 Banana chips, 1 pound Cheesecloth, 4 sq yd Pipet, Beral-type, graduated, 90 Pipet, Beral-type, wide stem, 15 MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. MS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function. HS-LS1-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA determines the structure of proteins, which carry out the essential functions of life through systems of specialized cells.
Many Humboldt County residents, businesses, and schools are concerned about our growing food waste problem due to the detrimental impacts it has on the environment and human health. Food and other organics that are discarded into the landfill produce methane, a potent greenhouse
Many Humboldt County residents, businesses, and schools are concerned about our growing food waste problem due to the detrimental impacts it has on the environment and human health. Food and other organics that are discarded into the landfill produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas emission that furthers the climate crisis. In order to fight against climate change, we all need to collectively reduce our food and trash waste. Although proper recycling is important, reducing our consumption of single use plastics and trash altogether will have a greater impact on protecting our environment. With training and public education, Zero Waste Humboldt’s goal is to encourage every human to do their part in contributing to a low waste planet.
Letter T – Tiger Alphabet Coloring Page Practice the alphabet with this Letter T – Tiger Alphabet coloring page and start changing the mood of this ferocious-looking feline. Let’s Color the Letter T – Tiger Alphabet Coloring Sheet Did you know that
Letter T – Tiger Alphabet Coloring Page Practice the alphabet with this Letter T – Tiger Alphabet coloring page and start changing the mood of this ferocious-looking feline. Let’s Color the Letter T – Tiger Alphabet Coloring Sheet Did you know that no two tigers have the same stripes? Each tiger has its individual pattern on its fur, making them all one-of-a-kind! So, this means that you are also free to design this Letter T – Tiger alphabet coloring sheet any way you like. Pick your desired colors and tools that will make this tiger come roaring to life. How to Use the Letter T – Tiger Alphabet Coloring Page There are a lot of ways to use this alphabet coloring page, but here are some of our favorites: - Phonetics can be best learned when kids associate it with pictures. Therefore, use this when studying words that start with Letter T. - Learn about zoo animals and their sounds. Kids will enjoy learning the alphabet with a twist. - Read some fun facts about tigers. Read about them at National Geographic Kids. - Make a wall decor for your classroom by completing the letters with other coloring pages from our Alphabet collection. - Use it as a writing prompt. Ask them to write their responses to the question: “If you were a zoo animal, what would you be?” What to Use with This Coloring Page Color encourages self-expression and creativity. It gives kids the freedom to express themselves through color and medium choices. Let your kids express their creativity while using this Tiger coloring page! While we encourage you to use the coloring tools you like best, here are some of our favorites. - Crayons – We love coloring with crayons on this one since you never know what wonderful effects you’ll get when you put it on rough surfaces like sandpaper or felt. - Markers – Markers are the coolest invention ever when it comes to coloring. Use them on cardstock to avoid bleeding through while still giving a vibrancy and depth that no other coloring tool can match!
Researchers at Monash University have found that taking one small tablet containing grass pollen every day can prevent seasonal allergies such as hay fever and thunderstorm asthma. at monash study Including 27 participants who suffered from allergies to grass pollen, researchers found that
Researchers at Monash University have found that taking one small tablet containing grass pollen every day can prevent seasonal allergies such as hay fever and thunderstorm asthma. at monash study Including 27 participants who suffered from allergies to grass pollen, researchers found that sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) provided protection against thunderstorm asthma and hay fever. Additionally, they found that the immune memory cells of study participants were altered in an unexpected way by ingesting small grass pollen tablets. In an email to The Epoch Times, principal investigator Professor Menno van Zelm of Monash University’s Central Clinical School said dissolving the pills under the tongue each day would provide controlled exposure at a defined dose. said. “This has been shown to be optimal for retraining the immune system with fewer side effects. Airway exposure to grass causes more symptoms in individuals with allergies and is not dose controlled. uh,” he said. Professor van Zelm said that by dissolving the tablet under the tongue, the extract is taken up by cells under the tongue and presented to the immune system under conditions that induce immune tolerance. “It also limits adverse reactions that may occur when swallowing,” he said. at Monash University news releasevan Zelm said the process behind how SLIT stimulates the immune system to provide protection against allergens has so far been poorly understood. “Understanding these processes is key to developing new therapies, and to generating ways to test whether these new therapies are working by finding biomarkers of immunity. is. The study was conducted in 2019 and involved 27 participants affected by symptoms Seasonal rhinitis, rhinoconjunctivitis At least once a week due to their allergies. According to van Zelm, selected participants in the study were patients with allergies to ryegrass pollen. Ryegrass is a leading cause of seasonal rhinitis and asthma in Victoria. “In Victoria, grass pollen immunotherapy is recommended outside pollen season to prevent overexposure during the season,” he said. Sublingual immunotherapy will be given from March to September, van Helm said. Therefore, blood samples were extracted outside the pollen season, which occurs mainly from October to December, April/May, and September. Participants were divided into groups of 13 and 14. In a group of 13 people, he was given tablets containing microdoses of five types of grass pollen for four months. The four-month period he started in May or June. “The treatment available in Victoria is an over-the-counter tablet developed by Stallergenes-Greer, a company based in France and the United States,” he said. “Their aim was to cover a large population and therefore they developed a table containing extracts of five grass pollen species. It has been shown to be effective.” Hay fever and asthma in a group of 14 individuals were treated using usual preventive therapies such as antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids. “Even with thunderstorm asthma, treatment works well to prevent symptoms, but we recommend that all patients have other medications on hand and heed thunderstorm asthma warnings. Current treatments for thunders
Are you teaching 3-digit addition and subtraction standards to your third graders? Do you need ready to go lessons and activities? Well, you are in the right spot! In this pack you will find 4 lessons, 4 printable worksheets
Are you teaching 3-digit addition and subtraction standards to your third graders? Do you need ready to go lessons and activities? Well, you are in the right spot! In this pack you will find 4 lessons, 4 printable worksheets, and 4 center activities ready to print and use immediately. These lessons cover the standard 3.nbt.a.2. With your students you will teach, practice, and review: Using place value strategies to solve addition problems within 1,000 Using place value strategies to solve subtraction problems within 1,000 Using addition properties to solve addition problems within 1,000. Using addition to solve subtraction problems. These lessons are great to use to review topics your students need extra practice with, either as a whole group or in small groups. Use the lessons during centers, or even with a substitute. Trying to build a sub tub? Add these lessons and activities to your go-to sub folder. There are no reviews yet.
Case - Published 4.7.2014 Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, Woodcast® is an innovative, ecological and completely non-toxic casting material. The biodegradable material can be disposed of as biowaste
Case - Published 4.7.2014 Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, Woodcast® is an innovative, ecological and completely non-toxic casting material. The biodegradable material can be disposed of as biowaste or energy waste. Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, working with Woodcast is easy, fast and tidy: the heated material can be moulded using just bare hands, and the process doesn’t require any water, unlike traditional plaster-based casts. What’s more, since Woodcast is non-toxic, the user doesn’t need respiratory protection, protective gloves or local extractors, which must be used in fibreglass and plastic casting. This makes the treatment process much faster. Woodcast ecological wood composite material is made from clean wood chippings and biodegradable plastic. In room temperature, the material is hard and durable like wood, but once heated, it becomes flexible and self-adhesive. As a biodegradable material, Woodcast can be disposed of as biowaste or energy waste, which helps to reduce the volume of waste requiring special treatment. Thanks to its excellent mouldability, Woodcast can be perfectly moulded to fit all anatomical shapes. As a self-adhesive material, it can be used to make multi-dimensional supports of any shape by increasing the rigidity locally by applying more layers. If necessary, mould
Latin Pronunciation - A Beginner's Guide Created | Updated Feb 17, 2010 Latin pronunciation may at first look like yet another big thing to learn, but once you have practised a bit, any English or Romantic language speaker
Latin Pronunciation - A Beginner's Guide Created | Updated Feb 17, 2010 Latin pronunciation may at first look like yet another big thing to learn, but once you have practised a bit, any English or Romantic language speaker is sure to pick it up quickly. For your amusement, here are some handy Latin phrases that you might just find come in useful one day! The sections below cover the three important areas, and should give you a start with pronunciation, but one good way to improve it is to try reading some Roman poetry as this has strong rhythm, which in turn aids pronunciation for beginners. One good author with some rather fun poems is Catullus, or you could try Virgil's Aeneid which is strong on rhythm. English speakers will find consonants easy to learn as they're mostly pronounced the same as in English. The table below shows the exceptions: |c||This is always pronounced hard - like a 'k', not an's'.| |g||Also a hard sound in Latin, pronounced as in 'get'.| |i||When before a vowel, it is a consonant and is pronounced like a 'y'.| |r||Roll your 'r's.| |t||Always pronounced hard in Latin, like 'take' not soft like 'nation'| |v||Pronounced like a 'w'1| Vowels can be pronounced either long or short. In English this affect isn't very noticeable, but in Latin, it's important to get right. Additionally, long vowels should audibly be held for longer. This is because Latin rhythm in poetry depends upon the length of syllables, instead of stresses2. |a||Like the English 'ah!'||Like the English 'ha!'| |e||Like the English 'pet'||Like the English 'they'| |i||Like the English'skit'||Like the English'ski'| |o||Like the English 'for'||Like the English 'holy'| |u||Like the English 'put'||Like the English 'true'| Latin has three diphthongs (two vowel sounds pronounced as one syllable), ae3, au, and ei. |ae||Pronounced as the y in the English'sky'.| |au||Pronounced as the ow in the English 'how'.| |ei||Pronounced as the ay in the English'say'.| Just as in English and other languages, certain syllables were stressed. A general rule for working out where the stress should fall is the following: If a word has only two syllables, the accent will fall on the first syllable eg, ámo, únus. If a word has more than two syllables: The stress will fall on the second last syllable if that syllable contains a long or a short vowel followed by two consonants, eg amátis, deféssus;. Otherwise the stress will fall on the third last syllable, eg celériter, sollícitus. And finally, remember to have fun speaking Latin and that quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur, or 'Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound'.
7 min read Candidate ID: How to go from hits to lead candidates We tend to think of antibodies as being defined by their specificity and affinity to a particular antigen. Of equal importance, however, are the functional activities of an antibody upon
7 min read Candidate ID: How to go from hits to lead candidates We tend to think of antibodies as being defined by their specificity and affinity to a particular antigen. Of equal importance, however, are the functional activities of an antibody upon antigen binding. All are valuable to the discovery of therapeutic antibodies, where the goal is to have a drug that can react with a specific disease target and modify its role in the disease. We describe in this post the types of assays and strategies used to identify the most promising therapeutic antibody candidates. Binding Assays: Separating the Wheat From the Chaff Immunoassays encompass a set of commonly used assays that are tailored towards the detection of antibody binding. They come in many formats and variations, including: - Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) - Flow Cytometry - Label-free biomolecular interaction such as biolayer interferometry (BLI) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) - Newer homogeneous and multiplexed binding assays such as fluorescence energy transfer (FRET), luminescence (e.g., AlphaLISA) and electrochemiluminescence (e.g., Meso-scale Discovery) In their simplest form, these assays can be used to identify antibody binding, eliminating weak target binders, non-binders, and antibodies with inappropriate specificity. The assays can typically be used with unpurified antibody samples (e.g., serum and supernatant) and are amenable to moderate to high-throughput screening. Most formats are inexpensive on a per sample basis; they are also quantitative, and they offer a large dynamic range. Functional Assays: Narrowing the Field Functional assays give you insight into an antibody’s effect on its target and its potential to be disease modifying. An antibody can function by directly modifying the activity of the target (e.g., acting as an agonist or antagonist) or by eliciting immune reactions (e.g., complement and cell-mediated cytotoxicity) through its Fc domain. Since Fc effector function can be engineered later in drug development, the direct modification of the target bio-activity is typically of greatest interest in antibody discovery, which we discuss below. Target activity modification can be measured via a bioassay or ligand binding assay. The latter is commonly used to determine if an antibody blocks the binding of the target to its receptor. This can be done using ELISA formats for soluble antigens or using Flow Cytometry for cell-associated antigens. Cell-based assays are best for measuring antibody binding to natively expressed membrane protein targets. They can also be formatted to determine if an antibody inhibits ligand binding to the membrane protein target. An example for an antibody clone supernatant is shown below. In this assay, a fluorescently labeled ligand of the membrane protein target with strong binding to cells bearing the target is blocked by an anti-target antibody. Using Flow Cytometry to Show Antibody Blocking of Ligand Binding to a Cell Membrane Receptor Protein. Some immunoassay formats, like the one described above, may require labeling of reagents with a detector (e.g., biotin, fluorochrome, enzyme). The labels can potentially interfere with antibody or ligand binding. By contrast, label-free analysis platforms (e.g., BLI and SPR) can remedy thi
Antisense oligonucleotides are synthetic polymers in which some or all of the natural nucleotide monomers of the oligonucleotide are chemically-modified deoxynucleotides (in DNA) or ribonucle
Antisense oligonucleotides are synthetic polymers in which some or all of the natural nucleotide monomers of the oligonucleotide are chemically-modified deoxynucleotides (in DNA) or ribonucleotides (in RNA). In antisense technology, single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules are used to target a specific sense mRNA. Normally, antisense oligonucleotides contain 15 to 22 monomers and are often called "oligos". The use of antisense oligonucleotides was first identified over twenty years ago as a method to arrest gene expression levels, both in vitro and in vivo. However, antisense compounds have now become effective tools for basic molecular biology, genomics, and proteomics research, which is often used for drug discovery, targeted screening and validation. For example, antisense oligonucleotides can act by blocking the upstream message for receptor substrates, proteins over-expressed in pathological versus physiological states. Antisense technologies utilize single-stranded fragments of DNA that bind mRNA to form a duplex. The formation of the duplex, or double-stranded molecule, prevents the mRNA from being translated into protein and producing the downstream protein signal. Antisense oligonucleotide
Situated near the confluence of the Williamson and Sprague Rivers, the area near the Chiloquin townsite served as a seasonal camp for Indigenous peoples for a period well beyond living memory. Although not "established" until 1910
Situated near the confluence of the Williamson and Sprague Rivers, the area near the Chiloquin townsite served as a seasonal camp for Indigenous peoples for a period well beyond living memory. Although not "established" until 1910 or so, once the Southern Pacific Railroad arrived there, Chiloquin quickly became the largest town on the Klamath Indian Reservation and the third largest in Klamath County, behind Klamath Falls and Merrill. Although the reservation was terminated beginning in 1954, its legacy endures in Chiloquin, which remains in the upper quartile in ethnic diversity among incorporated communities in Oregon. The Klamath possessed a common language, with only a few linguistic differences, over a wide territory in south-central Oregon. They have often been divided into six bands, each with a specific locality, and the ancestral camp at Chiloquin fell into the small Agency Lake band, whose numbers paled in comparison to their southern neig
In the fall of 1939, the German heavy cruiser (referred to as a pocket battleship) Graf Spee seems to have command of the Atlantic. In the first three months of World War II, she was responsible for sinking
In the fall of 1939, the German heavy cruiser (referred to as a pocket battleship) Graf Spee seems to have command of the Atlantic. In the first three months of World War II, she was responsible for sinking 9 ships. The British sent three cruisers commanded by Commodore Henry Harwood to confront her. The battle took place on December 13, 1939 and the British came out on top. The Graf Spee headed for the neutral harbor of Montevideo, Uruguay. They were given only a short time to effect repairs and the British did their best to make them believe a British fleet of 6 or 8 ships awaited them. Rather than chance the loss of his men, the German captain ordered the Graf Spee scuttled. English | BRRip | MKV | AVC, 1748 Kbps | 1280×718 | 23.976 fps | 2.05 GB Audio: DTS, 768 Kbps | 2 channels | 48.0 KHz | Runtime: 01:56:44 minutes | Subtitles: English, Spanish (srt) Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Thanks sergej1nf for english subtitles
Book review: Wide Sargasso Sea Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Highly recommended. Jean Rhys, troubled by the one-dimensional Bertha Mason in Brontë’s classic Jane Eyre, or perhaps seeing an opportunity
Book review: Wide Sargasso Sea Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Highly recommended. Jean Rhys, troubled by the one-dimensional Bertha Mason in Brontë’s classic Jane Eyre, or perhaps seeing an opportunity to take the depiction of Creoles out of the hands of English writers, decided to “write her a life.” The result is Wide Sargasso Sea, in which the Bertha Mason of Jane Eyre (Antoinette Cosway in Wide Sargasso Sea) finally steps out of the realm of caricature and becomes both human being and symbol. In the Norton Critical Edition edited by Judith L. Raiskin, several commentators expound on their views of what that symbolism means from a Caribbean, British, and feminist perspective. First, I have noticed that several reviewers mistakenly assume Antoinette is of mixed race (the modern assumption about what Creole means). In the context of the time, however, Creole meant a person of English or European descent living in the Caribbean. Rhys makes this even clearer with terms such as “white Creole” and “white cockroach.” This is an important distinction because it, combined with her French ancestry and poverty, sets Antoinette apart from the wealthy English and from the former slaves on the islands who are of African descent. That theme of having no home, no society, nowhere to go, and, essentially, being nonexistent, is integral to the storyline — and fits in perfectly with Bertha’s role in Jane Eyre. Another important point is that Antoinette’s mother (as well as her nurse) is from Martinique, a French island at a time when the French and the British were in bitter conflict. This makes Antoinette even more alienated from the societies in which she dwells but of which she is not a part. It’s interesting to note that some of the academic commentators mistakenly attribute her mother’s birthplace and the origins of the nurse Christophine (one calls her a Haitian, no doubt because of that island’s strong associations with obeah) and even get Christophine’s name wrong. Although there are parallels between Antoinette and Jane, between Antoinette and the Black child Tia, and even between Antoinette and her carefully unnamed husband (Rochester), this is a brilliant novel that does not depend on the reader’s knowledge of Jane Eyre; like Antoinette herself, it stands alone. There are also many cycles throughout the book, including Antoinette’s repeated dream. Antoinette’s lack of identity is reinforced by Rochester’s invocation of a principle of obeah; he calls her Bertha, a name that is not hers (this also emphasizes the predominance of an English identity over that evoked by the French name Antoinette). There are the clear dichotomies between Rochester and his England, where he is a disenfranchised second son, and Antoinette and her Caribbean, where she belongs neither to the wealthy whites or the freed slaves. Wide Sargasso Sea invokes the Bible several times. Rochester’s father and older brother betray him to Antoinette’s stepfather Mason for 30,000 pounds, alluding to the 30 pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot takes from the Romans for betraying Christ. There are numerous references to a rooster or cock crowing at key moments, as the cock did after Peter had denied Christ three times. The Christian allusions are intermixed with the presence of obeah throughout — just as the Christian faith and obeah beliefs from Africa became intermingled in the Caribbean. Reality and dream are equally inseparable. “Is England like a dream?... She said this place London is like a cold dark dream sometimes. I want to wake up.” The unnamed husband (Rochester) retorts, “Well, that is precisely how your beautiful island seems to me, quite unreal and like a dream.” Their erotic life is no less a dream. “I watched her die many times... Only the sun was there to keep us company. We shut him out.... It was at night that I felt danger and would try to forget it and push it away.” Rhys, saddled with the pre-determined ending of Jane Eyre, manipulates its foreshadowing and symbolism brilliantly. Rochester says, “I would give my eyes never to have seen this abominable place.” Obeah woman Christophine responds, “You choose what you give, eh?” In a return to the beginning, Antoinette, determined mad by an equally mad Rochester, burns down Thornfield Hall, just as her own childhood home was burnt by the freed slaves who held her and her mother in such contempt (“white cockroach”). There are seemingly endless layers of meaning within the slight 112 pages of Wide Sargasso Sea, about ethnic and national identities, about imperialistic and patriarchical repression, about madness, and about the relative relationship between reality and dream. Ultimately, Antoinette reclaims her identity and reality through a dream — and with
Most ear, nose, and throat conditions that arise in non-critical care settings are minor in nature. However, subtle symptoms can sometimes escalate into life-threatening conditions that require prompt assessment and treatment. Nurses conducting assessments of the ears, nose,
Most ear, nose, and throat conditions that arise in non-critical care settings are minor in nature. However, subtle symptoms can sometimes escalate into life-threatening conditions that require prompt assessment and treatment. Nurses conducting assessments of the ears, nose, and throat must be able to identify the small differences between life-threatening conditions and benign ones. For instance, if a patient with a sore throat and a runny nose also has inflamed lymph nodes, the inflammation is probably due to the pathogen causing the sore throat rather than a case of throat cancer. With this knowledge and a sufficient patient health history, a nurse would not need to escalate the assessment to a biopsy or an MRI of the lymph nodes but would probably perform a simple strep test. In this Case Study Assignment, you consider case studies of abnormal findings from patients in a clinical setting. You determine what history should be collected from the patients, what physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted, and formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions. By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor. · Also, your Case Study Assignment should be in the Episodic/Focused SOAP Note format rather than the traditional narrative style format. Refer to Chapter 2 of the Sullivan text and the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template in the Week 5 Learning Resources for guidance. Remember that all Episodic/Focused SOAP Notes have specific data included in every patient case. With regard to the case study you were assigned: · Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide. · Consider what history would be necessary to collect from the patient. · Consider what physical exams and diagnostic tests would be appropriate to gather more information about the patient’s condition. How would the results be used to make a diagnosis? · Identify at least five possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient. CASE STUDY 4: Focused Thyroid Exam Chantal, a 32-year-old female, comes into your office with complaints of “feeling tired” and “hair falling out”. She has gained 30 pounds in the last year but notes markedly decreased appetite. On ROS, she reports not sleeping well and feels cold all the time. She is still able to enjoy her hobbies and does not believe that she is depressed. Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each. Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2019). Seidel’s guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. · Chapter 11, “Head and Neck” This chapter reviews the anatomy and physiology of the head and neck. The authors also describe the procedures for conducting a physical examination of the head and neck. · Chapter 12, “Eyes” In this chapter, the authors describe the anatomy and function of the eyes. In addition, the authors explain the steps involved in conducting a physical examination of the eyes. · Chapter 13, “Ears, Nose, and Throat” The authors of this chapter detail the proper procedures for conducting a physical exam of the ears, nose, and throat. The chapter also provides pictures and descriptions of common abnormalities in the ears, nose, and throat. Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2019). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Chapter 15, “Earache” This chapter covers the main questions that need to be asked about the patient’s condition prior to the physical examination as well as how these questions lead to a focused physical examination. Chapter 21, “Hoarseness” This chapter focuses on the most common causes of hoarseness. It provides strategies for evaluating the patient, both through questions and through physical exams. Chapter 25, “Nasal Symptoms and Sinus Congestion” In this chapter, the authors highlight the key questions to ask about the patients symptoms, the key parts of the physical examination, and potential laboratory work that might be needed to provide an accurate diagnosis of nasal and sinus conditions. The focus of this chapter is on how t
HAVE YOUR SAY. Join us in The Bullpen, where the members of the Scientific Inquirer community get to shape the site’s editorial decision making. We’ll be discussing people and companies to profile on the site. On Wednesday, March 8
HAVE YOUR SAY. Join us in The Bullpen, where the members of the Scientific Inquirer community get to shape the site’s editorial decision making. We’ll be discussing people and companies to profile on the site. On Wednesday, March 8 at 5:30pm EST, join us on Discord and let’s build the best Scientific Inquirer possible. If climate change continues at the current pace, a majority of marine species will likely lose considerable amounts of their currently suitable habitat ranges by the end of this century. This is the result of a modelling study published in the current issue of the scientific journal Global Change Biology. The interdisciplinary team of researchers included scientists of the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine biodiversity at the University of Oldenburg (HIFMB), the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel. “Ocean’s biodiversity changes faster than in terrestrial ecosystems. To be able to protect marine species and with them all the marine resources that humans depend on, it is important to understand where and how marine species communities may change”, emphasizes Dr Irene Roca, biologist and former researcher at the HIFMB, who led the study together with HIFMB marine ecologist Dr Dorothee Hodapp. Data of more than 33.500 marine species Scientists are already observing that many marine species have started shifting their distributional ranges with the changing environmental conditions as a consequence of global warming. However, understanding and projecting what marine biodiversity might look like in the future and how the extent of habitats might change is a difficult task due to many unknowns, Hodapp points out. “Many species are only poorly studied and we don’t know exactly how the environmental conditions will look like in about in a few decades”, she says. Moreover, previous projections often considered temperature as the sole environmental factor driving future biodiversity changes. To overcome these problems to a certain extent, the researchers based their modelling efforts on occurrence data of more than 33.500 marine species and seven environmental factors such as water depth, water temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration. Based on this information and assuming three different CO2 emission scenarios the team estimated whether and where the species are likely to occur in the future. The results indicate that species’ so-called core habitat ranges – that is the marine area in which chances are higher than 50 percent that a particular species occurs based on its preferred environmental conditions – may not only shift but may also be considerably reduced in case of the high CO2 emission scenario. Risk of a fundamental reorganization of marine life poses challenges to conservation management In addition to habitat loss, the results give an idea about how the preferred habitat area of many species may be disrupted. “Especially along the equator, our model projections revealed areas which are ill-suited for most marine species, for instance because of high temperatures”, Roca explains. If such regions developed in the future this would disrupt currently continuous equatorial habitat ranges. Fragmented habitats lead to smaller population sizes which can put species at higher risk to go extinct. However, in the long-run new species could also devel
Fuente del Ángel Caído This is a large monument dedicated to the figure of Lucifer, the fallen angel. It depicts the exact moment of his expulsion from Paradise, caused by his disobeying and defying God. The
Fuente del Ángel Caído This is a large monument dedicated to the figure of Lucifer, the fallen angel. It depicts the exact moment of his expulsion from Paradise, caused by his disobeying and defying God. The sculpture captures the moment when the spirit of evil, represented in the form of a serpent, enters his body. It was donated by the Crown to the City of Madrid for its adornment although upon the condition that a beautiful, dignified and suitable pedestal be made for the sculpture. It was created by the architect Francisco Jareño y Alarcón. The original model had been made in plaster by the sculptor Ricardo Bellver during his retirement in Rome, as a tribute to John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost, and whose merit was recognized immediately. On being notified, the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando proposed to the Minister of State that it be reproduced in marble or bronze. King Alfonso XII decided to pay the costs of its smelting, facilitating its presentation at the National Exhibition of 1878, where it obtained a First-Class Medal, and at the Universal Exhibition in Paris of the same year. It was inaugurated at its current location by the Queen Regent María Cristina of Hapsburg in 1885. © Vicente Tofiño
SHANGHAI: Air pollution in major regions of northern China increased during the first four months of 2019, the environment ministry said on Friday, raising fears that regions have eased curbs on industry to halt the smog amid concerns about
SHANGHAI: Air pollution in major regions of northern China increased during the first four months of 2019, the environment ministry said on Friday, raising fears that regions have eased curbs on industry to halt the smog amid concerns about a slowing economy. China is in the fifth year of a war on pollution aimed at allaying public unrest about the state of the country's skies, rivers and soil by raising industrial standards, cutting coal consumption and improving law enforcement. However, pollution readings in the smog-prone northern Chinese region consisting of the province of Hebei and the cities of Beijing and Tianjin rose 8% from January to April, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said. The readings assessed the amount of airborne particulate matter measuring less than 2.5 microns, known as PM2.5, which is considered one of the most dangerous pollutants because it can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause respiratory illnesses. For the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region, PM2.5 readings were an average of 81 micrograms per cubic metre in the first four months of the year, the ministry said. A neighbouring region known as the Fenwei Plain, home to some of China's most polluted cities, also saw PM2.5
Errors in SQL Queries Reviewed by Greg Wilson / 2021-08-27 Keywords: Programming Languages, SQL The abstract to Taipalus2018 starts by saying, "SQL is taught in almost all university level database courses,
Errors in SQL Queries Reviewed by Greg Wilson / 2021-08-27 Keywords: Programming Languages, SQL The abstract to Taipalus2018 starts by saying, "SQL is taught in almost all university level database courses, yet SQL has received relatively little attention in educational research." To which I can only add a shamefaced, "Guilty." I had been programming professional for 20 years before I wrote my first SQL query, and while I included a little bit of SQL in a couple of books I worked on, it was another decade before I took it seriously. I was guilty of the same kind of snobbery as people who look down on spreadsheets, CSS, and other tools that are "merely useful", which is why I'm very glad to see papers like theirs and Miedema2021. The authors of these papers both examined the mistakes in students' queries in order to classify them and (in Miedema2021) dig into the misconceptions that led to the errors. Some of the problems are syntactic; others have to do with things like using AND instead of trying to join tables on columns that aren't related, or attempts to write a shorter or simpler query than the problem needed. I wasn't surprised by any of the categories, but I doubt anyone would have been able to create this list from first principles, and I believe any made-up list would also have included problems that didn't actually show up. But since we're stuck with SQL as it is, what's the point of knowing what its problems are? My first answer is that it can help us write better error messages; my second is that it'll help us create better lessons, and the third is that when we build other interfaces for manipulating tabular data, we can try to make these errors less possible. I hope that everyone writing object-relational mappers and user-facing data query systems will take these findings to heart. Taipalus2018 Toni Taipalus, Mikko Siponen, and Tero Vartiainen: "Errors and Complications in SQL Query Formulation". ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 18(3), 2018, 10.1145/3231712. SQL is taught in almost all university level database courses, yet SQL has received relatively little attention in educational research. In this study, we present a database management system independent categorization of SQL query errors that students make in an introductory database course. We base the categorization on previous literature, present a class of logical errors that has not been studied in detail, and review and complement these findings by analyzing over 33,000 SQL queries submitted by students. Our analysis verifies error findings presented in previous literature and reveals new types of errors, namely logical errors recurring in similar manners among different students. We present a listing of fundamental SQL query concepts we have identified and based our exercises on, a categorization of different errors and complications, and an operational model for designing SQL exercises. Miedema2021 Daphne Miedema, Efthimia Aivaloglou, and George Fletcher: "Identifying SQL Misconceptions of Novices: Findings from a Think-Aloud Study". Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, 10.1145/3446871.3469759. SQL is the most commonly taught database query language. While previous research has investigated the errors made by novices during SQL query formulation, the underlying causes for these errors have remained unexplored. Understanding the basic misconceptions held by novices which lead to these errors would help improve how we teach query languages to our students. In this paper we aim to identify the misconceptions that might be the causes of documented SQL errors that novices make. To this end, we conducted a qualitative think-aloud study to gather information on the thinking process of university students while solving query formulation problems. With the queries in hand, we analyzed the underlyi
The following principles have been identified by Wataynikaneyap as fundamental for the successful development of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project. Respect for the Anishinabe knowledge on their inherited practices and their homelands. There must
The following principles have been identified by Wataynikaneyap as fundamental for the successful development of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project. Respect for the Anishinabe knowledge on their inherited practices and their homelands. There must be an understanding that their knowledge is based on thousands of years of empirical experience on their homelands, Anishinabe laws, and thanksgiving to the Creator and Spirits. Without this depth of knowledge, Anishinabe would not have thrived on their homelands so successfully, creating society and culture in these vast northern lands. In addition, Wataynikaneyap respects Tribal sovereignty. Anishinabe have their own laws, customs, and governance protocols that form the traditional, cultural and social practices of their communities, until the Treaties were signed, these were and continue to be delivered orally. Anishinabe Laws and Customs have been in place for generations, and these are reinforced in the Treaties. Treaties in the Project area include Treaty 9 and Adhesions, Treaty 3 and Adhesions and Treaty 5. The terms of these treaties, the implications on First Nation people and the interpretation of these documents by the First Nation peoples will need to be considered with respect to engagement, participation and the Project. The First Nations interpretation of land use and rights differ fro
Asthma and Stepwise management Management of asthma Asthma is a chronic condition characterized by the persistent narrowing of the airways due to inflammation which causes swelling and tightening of the airway muscles. The disease is characterized by wheez
Asthma and Stepwise management Management of asthma Asthma is a chronic condition characterized by the persistent narrowing of the airways due to inflammation which causes swelling and tightening of the airway muscles. The disease is characterized by wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and or tightness of the chest. Despite the fact that it cannot be cured, the implementation of appropriate management helps in the administration of the disease and improvement of the quality of life of patients. Asthma has a lower probability of deaths unlike other chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases but can kill very fast with lack of the appropriate drugs or the failure to use the important drugs for the condition (Al-Alawi, Hassan,& Chotirmall, 2014). The management of asthma entails the use of short-term drugs to alleviate the symptoms while long-term medications are used to control the inflammation, prevent symptoms and also worsening of the condition. Avoiding the triggers which irritate and inflame the airway is also a strategy for the management of the condition (Arcangelo et al, 2017). Short-term medications for the quick relief of asthma symptoms include short-acting beta-agonists and corticosteroids. The short-acting beta-agonists are bronchodilators administered through inhalation and comprise of drugs such as albuterol, levalbuteral and pirbuterol. Prednisone and methyl predinisolone are cortocoseroids that can be used for acute asthma flare-ups or when there are severe symptoms but have serious side effects with long-term use (Ban et al 2015). The long-term drugs for asthma management include inhaled cortocsteroids, long-acting beta agonists, and leukotriene modifiers. Cortocistreoids are anti-inflammatory drugs which relieve inflammation and open up the airway in asthma patients (Arcangelo et al, 2017). The mostly used corticosteroids include fluticasone, budesonide, ciclesonide, and beclomethasone among other drugs which are mainly inhaled drugs. The inhaled corticosteroids are combined with a long-acting beta agonist which helps in the dilatation of the airway allowing air entry. The long-acting beta agonists cannot be used singly and the some of the combinations include fluticasone and salmeterol, budesonide and formoterol and mometasone and formoterol. Leukotrine receptor antagonists such as are also used in the management of asthma. Other drugs such as theophyllines can also be administered to enhance bronchodilation and ease breathing (Chung et al 2013). Stepwise Management of Asthma The stepwise approach to the management of asthma is a strategy in which the dosages and the number of drugs used are adjusted accordingly to meet the therapeutic needs of the patient. The frequency of administration of medicines can also be changed with the aim of achieving and maintaining an optimal control of the illness. The drugs, doses, and frequencies are either increased or decreased as appropriate with the primary goal of meeting adequate control of the disease. The healthcare provider decides on whether to step down or to step up with the different drugs in the current therapy of the client (Kew et al 2015). The client presentation guides the whole decision-making on where to step down or step up. A step up is applied in instances when there are poor control and many exacerbations of the disease to regain monitoring of the disease. A patient will be left if he or she has had prolonged periods with a reduction in symptoms and few exacerbations require a step-down.The stepwise management of asthma is vital to help asthma patients experience a high quality of life with the least number of drugs to control the asthma symptoms (Khalid, 2015). Importance of the Stepwise Management The primary goal of asthma management is to promote a high quality of life through an efficient management of the disease. A state of asthma control is achieved when the goals of therapy have been made. The achievement is characterized by the maintenance of a healthy lung function, a reduction in symptoms and also the presence of very few or absent exacerbations of asthma. The stepwise approach defines the targeted interventions which can work for each category of patients and ensures that the most viable options are considered. As a result, enhanced symptom control and prevention of exacerbations is achieved through the stepwise management (Postma, & Rabe, 2015). The stepwise approach to the management of asthma offers a guideline to clinicians by highlighting the changes which can be made in therapeutic regimen. The adjustments are based on accurate clinical results of an individual patient which provide proven outcomes in favor of the patient. The healthcare providers can easily access the recommendations contained in the stepwise management guideline and use the information in managing a particular condition. The stepwise approach guarantees optimal results in achieving disease control for asthmatic patients. Clinicians not only gain guidance on the pharmacological management of asthma but also acquire data on the appropriate lifestyle modifications for the patient. The success of the stepwise approach lies in the cooperation between the patient and their physicians (Reddel et al 2015). Asthma is a debilitating condition for patients who have not managed the disease appropriately. Asthmatic patients can, however, lead a very high quality of life given the correct control of symptoms and
IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula From NASA APOD: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble — maybe Macbeth should have consulted the Witch Head Nebula. This suggestively
IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula From NASA APOD: Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble — maybe Macbeth should have consulted the Witch Head Nebula. This suggestively shaped reflection nebula is associated with the bright star Rigel in the constellation Orion. More formally known as IC 2118, the Witch Head Nebula glows primarily by light reflected from bright star Rigel, located just below the lower edge of the above image. Fine dust in the nebula reflects the light. The blue color is caused not only by Rigel’s blue color but because the dust grains reflect blue light more efficiently than red. The same physical process causes Earth’s daytime sky to appear blue, although the scatterers in Earth’s atmosphere are molecules of nitrogen and oxygen. The nebula lies about 1000 light-years away.
Unless mindful of the need to transform mindlessness to mindfulness, mindlessness leads to more mindlessness. A teenage girl goes googoo gaga over a superstar. She pastes his posters all over her room’s walls. She goes to all
Unless mindful of the need to transform mindlessness to mindfulness, mindlessness leads to more mindlessness. A teenage girl goes googoo gaga over a superstar. She pastes his posters all over her room’s walls. She goes to all his concerts, where she raves wildly and feverishly shouts words of adoration. She is so crazy over him, that she can’t seem to focus much on anything else. She loses concentration in school, loses her appetite, loses sleep… In short, she has lost herself in mindlessness. In her frenzy, she is not mindful enough to realise that one or both of these desires are involved – (1) She wants to be with him. (2) She wants to be him (or like him). Interestingly, mindfulness of (e.g. Amitabha) Buddha (Amituofo) has similar parallels. The simplest way to practise mindfulness of the Buddha is by devoted continuous recitation of his name, be it verbally or mentally. This is so as the name of the Buddha is the most basic representation of his completedness in all virtues, chiefly compassion and wisdom. We get this picture of understanding about the Buddha through study of the sutras, where we learn about his character through accounts of how he exemplifies his perfect qualities. Incidentally, the Buddha’s name encompasses the Triple Gem – the Buddha, the Dharma (that he practises, perfected and preaches) and the Sangha (which he is the leading member of). Unlike the fan, a practitioner of Buddha mindfulness is mindful why he bears his spiritual ‘superstar’ (the Buddha) in mind. He might have just one picture of him in mind, to inspire and remind him to practise, unlike pictures of many worldly idols. He does not go crazy by idolising, but calmly recites his name as single-mindedly as possible. This helps to guard his moral conduct and cultivate concentration, which develops wisdom towards enlightenment. Besides being more focused on daily responsibilities, he is mindful of his spiritual aspirations too – (1) He wishes to be with the Buddha in his Pure Land, to learn from him, (2) so as to be a Buddha (like the Buddha). Without mindfulness of a Buddha, how can anyone be with any Buddha, or become like the Buddha?- Stonepeace Understanding Amituofo Via The Amitabha Sutra (13th Run) The Faith Factor: Strengthening Faith Through The Treatise On Ten Doubts About Pure Land (Run 4) There is a comment which says ‘Jesus is the first rock superstar’. In a way, the Buddha is also a superstar whom alot of people worship and idolise. Some even shave their head bald to be like him! Sometimes I think like hardcore christians who never question the authenticity of the Bible, there are staunch Buddhist who follow the Buddha’s teaching word for word, unable to be flexible when circumstances demands it. I once attended a Dharma Talk by a venerable Thai monk, who shares his youth experience. He said that when he was a teenager, he and his friend felt so lost in life that they decided to ‘bet 100%’ on the Buddhist way of life, thus leaving the secular life by becoming monks. Isn’t that radical? That’s one thing disturbing about religion, and that is sometimes people adhere to it out of fear, which really hinders their ability to live life. I used to be fanatical or ‘too interested’ about Buddhism but now I am just an observer. Reading news about Tibetan monks setting themselves on fire in protest against the Chinese government shudders me and sort of wake me up to how serious and extreme this stuff can get. I joined this forum to share my thoughts, and hopefully learn something from what others have to say. There are dogmatic people in all religions. The Buddha is well known for teaching us not to follow any teaching blindly, including his. See the Kalama Sutta at It is unfair to assume that anyone becomes a monastic out of fear. Most do so to dedicate themselves full-time to the quest for enlightenment, and to help others do the same in increasing compassion and wisdom. Many monastics live life much more fully than non-monastics, as they are more mindful of life and live to help many more without preoccupation to fleeting pleasures that many are caught up in. The heads of the Tibetan Buddhist community have already spoken against the self-immolation. Those who did so however, might be totally ready to sacrifice themselves to highlight their plight to the world. If so, they are brave and compassionate. Compare this to religious crusades that have kiled millions in history: If you wish to share your thoughts in a forum; which this is NOT. It’s a newsletter’s archive, do visit a place with active forumers: You will receive more active comments there on your comments. Mindfulness of Buddha is not idolising, which the Buddha spoke against. It is being mindful of one’s spiritual goal to attain. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be like the Buddha. You should learn more before commenting blindly. The cutting off of hair symbolises cutting off worldly vanity; not to resemble the Buddha physically. It’s not polite to go to leave assumptions on religious websites, which are likely to be read as truths by undiscerning readers, when they might turn
Branch-Special Sensory-Chorda Tympani The special sensory component of the facial nerve transmits taste through the chorda tympani which leaves the lingual nerve and enters the skull through the petrotympanic fissure
Branch-Special Sensory-Chorda Tympani The special sensory component of the facial nerve transmits taste through the chorda tympani which leaves the lingual nerve and enters the skull through the petrotympanic fissure. The chorda tympani then joins the geniculate ganglion on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity. - Chorda Tympani - Nerve to Mylohyoid - Inferior Alveolar Nerve - Lingual Nerve - Mandibular Nerve
TSAVO EAST NATIONAL PARK Area: 13,747 kms² Elevation: One of Africa's most evocative images is of dust-red elephants wallowing, rolling, and spraying each other with the midnight blue waters of the palm
TSAVO EAST NATIONAL PARK Area: 13,747 kms² Elevation: One of Africa's most evocative images is of dust-red elephants wallowing, rolling, and spraying each other with the midnight blue waters of the palm-shaded Galana River. This, combined with the 300-kilometer-long Yatta Plateau, the world's longest lava flow, makes for an adventure unlike any other in the Tsavo East. The park is Kenya's largest protected area and is home to most of the larger mammals, including vast herds of dust-red elephant, Rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, pods of hippo, crocodile, waterbucks, lesser Kudu, and gerenuk, as well as a thriving bird life with 500 recorded species.
The Most Scenic Views in Yosemite National Park Yosemite National Park is a scenic destination located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Famous for giant sequoia trees and other natural wonders, the park also offers breathtaking views of Bridalve
The Most Scenic Views in Yosemite National Park Yosemite National Park is a scenic destination located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Famous for giant sequoia trees and other natural wonders, the park also offers breathtaking views of Bridalveil Fall, El Capitan, and Half Dome. The park also includes Yosemite Village, which has shops and lodging, as well as the Ansel Adams Gallery, where you can view prints of his landscapes. Yosemite National Park is home to El Capitan, a vertical rock formation. The rock monolith reaches about 3,000 feet from base to summit and is a popular rock climbing objective. Hundreds of tourists and climbers visit El Capitan every year. Its creation dates back to 220 million years when prehistoric North America collided with a tectonic plate beneath the Pacific Ocean. This collision pushed the plate into the western Sierras and ignited a pressure cooker beneath the surface. Thousands of years ago, a subset of the Miwok tribe lived in the region. This group called the valley Ahwahnee, hunted and fished for the game in the Merced River and harvested more than 100 plant species. The North Face of Yosemite National Park offers spectacular views of El Capitan, a towering granite monolith that rises nearly 3,000 feet above the valley floor. Climbers from around the world come to the park to test their skills on this challenging rock formation. Some of the climbers have climbed El Capitan free-solo without the aid of ropes. In the movie Freesolo, actor Alex Honnold was filmed making the climb. Another film, Dawn Wall, depicts the partnership of Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson. The Half Dome in Yosemite National Park is an iconic granite dome. The sheer face on one side and the smooth, round sides give it the appearance of a half-dome cut in half. As a result, it is one of the most popular hikes in the park. The Half Dome trail itself is open to the public but requires a permit to access the summit. While many people attempt to hike Half Dome, many have tragically perished on the trail. The cables can be extremely slippery in wet weather, and lightning strikes on the mountain can be deadly. During storms, you should avoid hiking the cables on Half Dome and try to avoid swimming in waterfall pools. The best time to hike Half Dome is between May and October. You can’t hike the mountain during the winter, as it’s closed for safety reasons. The weather is generally mild above Nevada Fall, but in the Little Yosemite Valley, it can be chilly. In spring and fall, monsoons can move in from the east and produce violent thunderstorms without warning. Depending on your experience level, you can choose from three ways to climb Half Dome. There are several routes leading to the summit, and thousands of hikers climb the mountain every year. The most popular route is the Anderson route, which takes several hours to climb and includes several hundred feet of granite stairs. Other climbers use the south face and west shoulder to ascend Half Dome. One of the most spectacular views of Yosemite National Park can be found in Mariposa Grove. The area is surrounded by giant sequoia trees. The view from the grove is particularly spectacular, especially during sunset when golden rays pierce through the grove’s trees. This is also one of the most spectacular spots to take photos in Yosemite National Park. The Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias reopened on Wednesday after nearly a month of closures due to smoke and fire. The famous Grizzly Giant tree is also on display here. The grove is surrounded by other beautiful trees, such as sugar pines, ponderosa pines, white firs, and incense cedars. Between 2015 and 2018, the park underwent major renovations. Parking was relocated to a new Welcome Plaza, where shuttle buses are now available to take visitors to the grove. Additionally, paved roads were replaced by dirt and boardwalks, which minimize the impact on the sequoias’ shallow root systems. While in Mariposa Grove, you may want to take a walk through the forest and stop to admire some of the ancient trees. For example, the Grizzly Giant, which stands over 209 feet high and has branches up to six feet wide, is an incredible example of a giant sequoia tree. It is the second largest tree in Yosemite, after the giant sequoia. One of the most iconic views of Yosemite is found at Tunnel View, a scenic overlook in the Yosemite National Park. Situated on California State Route 41, this viewpoint provides expansive and iconic views of Yosemite Valley. This viewpoint is worth a visit for anyone traveling through the park. Tunnel View is located outside the Wawona Tunnel. This overlook has a large parking lot on the north side and a smaller parking lot on the south side. It is best to visit the park during the fall or winter when the weather is not as hot. If you can, plan your trip for the early morning. Tunnel View is a great place to watch a storm. If you’re visiting Yosemite in the fall or winter, you’ll want to arrive early in the day. Tunnel View offers a breathtaking view of the Yosemite
top of page What can cause a Seizure? Anything that interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain can cause a seizure. What are Seizures? Cognitive or emotional symptoms, loss of consciousness or awareness, temporary
top of page What can cause a Seizure? Anything that interrupts the normal connections between nerve cells in the brain can cause a seizure. What are Seizures? Cognitive or emotional symptoms, loss of consciousness or awareness, temporary confusion, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs. Common Neurological Disorders What is an electroencephalogram (EEG) study? It records electrical activity in your brain using electrodes attached to your scalp. 30 - 40 minutes of monitoring. 24 - 72 hours of monitoring. Video recording may also be requested. What equipment is used? Usually battery powered and mobile, records all brain activity Video Recorder (if ordered) Will record all movements while you are awake or asleep Echocardiogram (ECG) patches Added to your upper chest area for heart monitoring. bottom of page
Mining is the process where transactions are verified and added to the bitcoin blockchain, which is a public ledger of all bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin miners are individuals or companies that run the bitcoin mining software which verifies transactions made with bitcoin. Bitcoin started off being mined
Mining is the process where transactions are verified and added to the bitcoin blockchain, which is a public ledger of all bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin miners are individuals or companies that run the bitcoin mining software which verifies transactions made with bitcoin. Bitcoin started off being mined on home computers and even laptops in the first few years after Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin Whitepaper. Bitcoin mining is now done on an industrial scale, with vast warehouses of specialised mining hardware being used to try and win the block rewards. Miners are economically incentivised to mine blocks and verify transactions truthfully because successful miners are rewarded with the block reward – an amount of bitcoin, and the transaction fees paid by network participants. In order to form a new block, miners must solve a very complex mathematical problem. The bitcoin mining difficulty level automatically adjusts the difficulty of the mathematical problems to ensure blocks are created roughly every ten minutes. Every few years there is an event called the bitcoin halvening, where the block reward is halved. Once they have solved the problem and won the block, the miner broadcasts the list of transactions made in that ten-minute period and links the block back to the previous block in order to ensure continuity. Each block is linked back to the previous block using the block “hash”, which is created by combining various bits of data that are contained within the previous block. If a miner tries to publish a new block whilst editing a previous block (say, to give themselves more bitcoin), it will be invalid and rejected by the other network participants. This is what makes the bitcoin blockchain immutable. Need to sort out your crypto taxes? Use Recap, the privacy focused cryptocurrency accounting software to calculate the taxable gain or loss on your cryptocurrency investments!
Starting at the Beginning From the moment we are born, our brains store and acquire memories, knowledge, sounds, and more to ensure that they will keep us safe. Once something terrible, painful, or scary happens to us, our brains use
Starting at the Beginning From the moment we are born, our brains store and acquire memories, knowledge, sounds, and more to ensure that they will keep us safe. Once something terrible, painful, or scary happens to us, our brains use a lot of energy to help us escape that situation. Once we aren’t in danger anymore, our brains need time to recover, and this process can last anywhere from hours to years, affecting our daily lives. Some physiological symptoms developed during this process can include eating disorders, irregular sleeping cycles, nightmares, muscle tension, and hypersensitive reactions to unexpected sounds or movements. In the same way, we can suffer a number of psychological symptoms—fear, anxiousness, depression, insecurity, absentmindedness, avoidance, flashbacks, and more. These responses can happen after experiencing a shocking event or when you have been in dangerous situations. The combination of your body’s symptoms or responses is called post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Types of Trauma Just as there are different situations that can cause trauma, there are different types of trauma. Simple Trauma – When one single episode affects us. A typical example is a car accident. Chronic Trauma – When a person suffers many traumatic but similar episodes. A typical example is victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse. Complex Trauma – When a person suffers many different traumatic episodes (e.g., when someone was in a car accident, used to be bullied in school, and is also a victim of a violent situation ). Secondary Trauma or Second-Hand Trauma – When a person hears about traumatic experiences that others suffered or imagines the suffering that someone experienced. An example can be a family member of a survivor of a traumatic event. However, because we are all different, a traumatic situation can affect us in different ways from one another. Similarly, PTSD symptoms might be similar between survivors, but they might have different levels of intensity. Escaping the Shadow “I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.” -Carl Gustav Jung Over five years after the tragedy of October 1, 2017, it’s possible that there are people who were part of the event and are just now showing signs of trauma or even people who just haven’t been able to recognize that they’ve been suffering from trauma. It’s important to remember that it’s never too late to ask for help. It might be difficult to share how we feel with others, but the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center has professionals who can help you in your healing journey so that you live your life to the fullest, leaving behind the victim mentality and becoming a survivor! You can connect with the Resiliency Center over the phone at 702-455-AIDE (2433) or send an email. Be sure to also check out the VSRC Calendar page to find out about free online and in-person events to help you on your healing journey.
By design, a healthy foal is essentially born to hit the ground running. His little legs are purpose-made in the womb with strong bones so he can gallop the heck out of Dodge shortly after birth should a predator come looking for a snack
By design, a healthy foal is essentially born to hit the ground running. His little legs are purpose-made in the womb with strong bones so he can gallop the heck out of Dodge shortly after birth should a predator come looking for a snack. The leg bones he’s born with, although tough, consist mainly of cartilage and only about 17 per cent bone mineral content (BMC). But, in his first year of life, skeletal development occurs rapidly. By the time he’s six months old, BMC is already up to 68 per cent and when he’s a year old, it’s at 76 per cent. Meanwhile, industry estimates suggest an average year-old thoroughbred is at 94 per cent of his mature height and 46 per cent of his mature weight. Then, however, unlike height and weight, skeletal sprouting slows, and maximum BMC isn’t usually reached until age six. Nevertheless, a youngster’s bones are still growing. In fact, bone constantly changes through modelling and remodelling. “The function of bone modelling is to form or resorb bone to alter and maintain bone shape during growth. Modelling adapts bone to better endure the strains it experiences and is most active during growth and development of the immature animal,” explain Michigan State University researchers Alyssa Logan and Brian Nielsen in their study: Training Young Horses: The Science behind the Benefits. Released last February in the scientific journal Animals, the paper addresses the controversy behind entering horses into race training at two years of age by analyzing 65 previous research studies. Logan and Nielsen write that the adult skeleton undergoes some modelling but not as frequently as in young horses. “For this reason, while horses are growing, their skeletal strength is highly influenced by the strains their bones undergo through daily use and exercise.” Although it remains controversial, there’s scientific evidence that encouraging bone to change its shape and material properties in response to mechanical strain or load (i.e. exercise) by allowing juveniles to enter race training and racing could be the better way to go than waiting until a horse’s skeleton is fully formed. This follows numerous human studies that reveal the bones of children are particularly responsive to developing strength and mass and that these qualities can be “banked” into adulthood. Some researchers even suggest movement and exercise – whether free play during pasture turnout or even more regulated activity – in horses as young as foals and weanlings, could actually set their bones up to be more resilient into adulthood, potentially leading to longer, more productive careers with fewer breakdowns. Focus On Free Play Children running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, sliding and other such energy-intensive activities are engaging in locomotor play, which helps them learn fundamental movement skills and supports physical development. The same is happening in a paddock, field or other open space when a foal takes a rollicking gallop away from mama or weanlings get into a rough-and-tumble scuffle. This innate, spontaneous play occurs early in a foal’s life and is as valuable to young equines as it is to kids on the playground, say researchers Chris Rogers and Keren Dittmer of Massey University in New Zealand. “The intensity and vigour of locomotor play increases with age and this, in turn, provides cumulative increases in the loads the musculoskeletal system experiences,” they state in their 2019 paper: Does Juvenile Play Programme the Equine Musculoskeletal Sys
The Rush is on! Just how grand was the California Gold Rush? Lets consider the city of San Francisco, which ballooned from 1,000 to 25,000 by the end of 1849 alone. It wasn't just sheer
The Rush is on! Just how grand was the California Gold Rush? Lets consider the city of San Francisco, which ballooned from 1,000 to 25,000 by the end of 1849 alone. It wasn't just sheer numbers that made the gold rush so impactful however, it was its reach on the entire globe that set it apart. Miners and businessmen alike gathered from the far corners of the globe; from China to Australia to Brazil. No distance was too great an undertaking for the promise of riches the goldfields could provide. It was not an easy journey but claims of gold nuggets and the opportunity to make money off the miners brought forth a diverse group of motivated individuals that would shape the character and diversity of the newly formed state. Who were these individuals that flocked to California? They were primarily men, especially at first. They were merchants, craftsmen, and laborers. Bakers, sailors, and medics. All brought together by a shared dream of finding wealth in the California goldfields. The early rush of 1848 featured mostly miners from the Oregon area and the nearer parts of Latin America. As time progressed new inhabitants started flocking from all parts of America, all the way across from the East Coast. These individuals had to partake in a treacherous six month journey over land or by sea around the tip of South America. Many fell ill and died along the way. The travelers hardy or lucky enough to survive were joined by fortune seekers from virtually ever continent on the globe. The Chinese in particular made the long ocean passage in tremendous numbers. Of the nearly 300,000 individuals that made the journey for California's gold during the p
One of the common pieces of medical advice is to listen to your body. This can be true for your food cravings. While sometimes you crave salt because you are accustomed to eating a high amount of the mineral, in other instances you may crave salt
One of the common pieces of medical advice is to listen to your body. This can be true for your food cravings. While sometimes you crave salt because you are accustomed to eating a high amount of the mineral, in other instances you may crave salt because you have a potassium deficiency. Because your body needs potassium to maintain heart, nerve and muscle functions, understanding when your salt cravings could indicate a lack of potassium can help ensure that you feed your body what it needs. Most Common Electrolytes Sodium and potassium are the two major electrolytes in your body, meaning they can conduct electrical energy in your body. Potassium is the most common electrolyte inside your cells and sodium is the most common electrolyte outside your cells. You lose these electrolytes when you sweat and lose fluids to diarrhea or vomiting. If you are taking medications such as diuretics you also can lose fluids, and with them potassium and salt. Video of the Day Aldosterone is one of the chief hormones responsible for regulating the amount of sodium and potassium in your body. Your adrenal glands, which are located above your kidneys, are responsible for releasing this hormone into your bloodstream. One of the chief triggers for aldosterone is stress. Chronic stress can release excess amounts of aldosterone, which can result in low potassium and sodium levels that trigger salt cravings. In addition to sodium cravings, signs of potassium depletion can include those associated with heat exhaustion, such as feelings of extreme fatigue, weakness, headaches and abdominal cramping. If you are extremely deficient in potassium or sodium, you may experience even more serious symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting and fainting. Potassium depletion that results in this level of symptoms requires immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing salt cravings and other symptoms associated with potassium deficiency, increase your intake of potassium-containing foods, including bananas, orange juice, avocados, cantaloupes, tomatoes, lima beans and potatoes. Foods such as flounder, salmon, cod and chicken also are good potassium sources, but are relatively low in sodium. Excess sodium intake is associated with health risks, such as high blood pressure. If your cravings subside after eating a potassium-containing food, you can keep excess sodium out of your diet.
With thousands of years' development, Chinese food and drink are indispensable to its culture, presently enjoying world-wide fame and a positive reputation. Chinese Food Cooking Class |Stir-Fried Celery and Dried Tofu | During a long
With thousands of years' development, Chinese food and drink are indispensable to its culture, presently enjoying world-wide fame and a positive reputation. Chinese Food Cooking Class |Stir-Fried Celery and Dried Tofu | During a long period of production and living practice, China has made great contribution to the world on the aspects of food resource exploration, diet treatment, nutrition and health care, dishware design and cuisine aesthetics. Intellectuals in China have created countless dishes with apt names, aromas, flavors and colors, greatly enhancing the dining experience. During these four or five thousand years of development, Chinese cuisine appears various features in different periods and regions. Generally speaking, people in this country mainly live on the five common cereals and vegetables and added by a small supply of meat. This eating habit is formed by the mode of production which is centered by agriculture. Moreover, Chinese food makes cooked and hot food primary, which is related to the advance of culinary skills and early civilization of the country. |Purple Clay Teapot | With a profound history of over 4,000 years, Chinese tea is regarded as an exquisite art form that requires sampling. Now it has become the national drink and one of the three soft drinks in the world (the other two are coffee and cocoa). It is from China that the tea planting techniques, processing, drinking methods and ceremony were directly or indirectly introduced to the world. So China is regarded proudly as the hometown of tea. The land can be divided into four growing regions: South China, Southwestern China, and Yangtze River's north and south banks. These vast planting area
If you’ve seen a picture of an alligator or the beast itself, it’s usually not obvious where the ears are. Because their ears are not visible like ours, it is not clear whether they have a hearing organ or not. So,
If you’ve seen a picture of an alligator or the beast itself, it’s usually not obvious where the ears are. Because their ears are not visible like ours, it is not clear whether they have a hearing organ or not. So, do alligators have ears? Alligators indeed have ears, though not external ears like humans. Their ears are located behind their eyes and give them strong hearing abilities. They can hear noise and vibrations in the water and even pick up piercing sounds that are not audible to humans. The slits or opening behind the eyes, on top of the head of an alligator, are not the actual ears. Instead, they lead to the inner ears. In this article, we will see how alligators hear, how well they hear, how to react to loud noises, and several other facts. How Do Alligators Hear? Gators adopt a hearing pattern that is quite different from most animals. Unlike humans, they do not have ears on the sides of their heads. Yet, they have a strong hearing ability and can hear both on land and in water. In order to hear on or in water, alligators take advantage of the moving sound waves in water and interpret them as vibrations. Like other reptiles, they possess ‘tympanum” in their inner ears, which vibrates in response to the sound waves sent to the stapes. These vibrations are caused by sound waves received by the tympanum in the inner eye, which in response, transmit them to the staples. A canal between the two ears also aids it in pinpointing the exact sources of sounds and noises. Do Alligators Have External Ears? As earlier indicated, alligators do not have external ears. If so, then, where are alligator ears? Gators have small openings in their heads or skulls that connect to their inner ears. The exact location of the ears is just behind their eyes. Crocodiles also have their ears situated in the same place. The placement of the ears on the skulls makes it possible for alligators to detect vibrations and sounds, both underwater and on land. The ears are directly connected, which increases perception and good hearing, though not as clear as in mammals or other animals. These connections include features such as the interaural canals and the pinnae, as identified by experts. Like crocodiles, an alligator has small folds of skin, which prompts the long, narrow openings leading to the ears to close whenever the beast plunges its body into the water. It’s a kind of protective mechanism that ensures water doesn’t get into the ears. How Good Can Alligators Hear? Alligators have a well-developed inner ear that is specially adapted to pick up signals both when they are in water and when they’re outside. They can accurately identify the source of a sound and know what direction it’s coming from. Their hearing is so good that mother gators can hear their hatchlings while they are still inside the eggs. According to studies, they have two middle ears connected by channels filled with air. This arrangement is similar to the interaural canals in birds and makes their hearing strongly directional and airborne. They can sense vibrations in the water and hear sharply above water and on land. So, despite lacking any external auditory structure, they are still able to hear very well, even better than humans. Their hearing ability can be compared to that of goldfish, which is said to be one of the best listeners in the aquatic world. In addition to their hearing ability, alligators also have good vision and a heightened sense of smell. Their vision above water is as good as that of an owl! With eyes on the sides of their head, they have a wide range of sight and can sense movement from prey. Surprisingly, when hunting, they rely more on their olfactory organs and sense of touch than they do on hearing. So, can alligators hear well? Well, yes they can. Do Loud Noises Scare Alligators? It depends. Alligators can either be scared by loud noise or they may be attracted to the noise source. It all depends on the situation. However, you should avoid getting too close to an alligator and making noise. This could be a recipe for disaster and you might end up being attacked. Alligators can be ferocious beasts, and their huge size comes with massive feats of power and strength, which they are aware of. While they tend to be naturally scared of humans, they can quickly change to an attack mode if they feel threatened. For instance, a loud noise won’t stop a female gator from protecting her young or nest. Generally, any adult gator can attack you if you intrude or encroach on its territory, even if you scream at it. And that is because they (gators) are territorial. So, it’s best you keep a good distance from them. Some gators go as far as coming out of the water to drag their victim into the water while biting them. Having said that, there are times, loud noises scare alligators away. If you’re in a kayak and an alligator is getting too close, you can make noise by blowing an air horn or
Storage issues are one of the principal challenges facing the future of nuclear power, with some of its waste products remaining dangerous for tens of thousands of years. Effectively and appropriately storing the energy source is a problem that requires forethought and solid policy-
Storage issues are one of the principal challenges facing the future of nuclear power, with some of its waste products remaining dangerous for tens of thousands of years. Effectively and appropriately storing the energy source is a problem that requires forethought and solid policy- something Sweden is now experiencing first hand, where the clock is ticking to avoid a massive energy failure that could jeopardise its net-zero climate commitments. The Scandinavian nation has less than a week to make a decision over the storage of its nuclear waste, as capacity space is rapidly running out in interim storage facilities of six of its nuclear reactors, which supply around a third of Sweden’s power – according to a recent report by Bloomberg News. Vattenfall AB, a state-owned energy giant that owns five of the six nuclear reactors, says that without a decision made by the end of the month, its plants will need to shut within three years. Vattenfall’s head of generation, Torbjorn Wahlborg, said in the report by Bloomberg that “there is no realistic way to replace the nuclear output with such a short notice… on the contrary, the remaining reactors are needed more than ever given the huge growth in demand for power Sweden will need to become carbon neutral.” According to Sweden’s Ministry of Environment, the nation should reach net-zero emissions by 2045 at the latest. But if a solution to its nuclear storage waste is not found urgently, it could trigger a national power emergency– putting the nation’s climate commitments at risk. Related Articles: IPCC Warns Climate Catastrophe is Imminent: COP26 Success Must Be Ensured | Costa Rica and Denmark to End Oil and Gas Production | Fusion for the Future Whilst several European nations such as Germany have opted to reject nuclear energy as an element of their energy demands, Sweden’s parliament in 2010 agreed to continue the operation of nuclear reactors as a way to reach increased national energy requirements whilst at the same time acting against climate change. The nation will attempt to reach its emissions reduction targets through a combination of renewable energy, standard emissions cuts in its heavy industries and transport, as well as nuclear power. The current deadline appears ominous – the crisis of Sweden’s nuclear storage puts the nation between a rock and a hard place in terms of meeting the energy demands of its people whilst working towards its climate action commitments. The Swedish government, of which the anti-nuclear Green Party is a key part of its government coalition, has offered a short term solution. The government is proposing to expand the current storage site, whilst considering a repository construction application that has been in the works for over a decade. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (responsible for all of the nation’s nuclear waste) filed an application to expand the nation’s waste storage capacity with a new repository in 2011, and says that it has had the necessary approvals from courts and authorities since October of last year, but the Swedish government is yet to approve it. The splitting of the issue does not appear to be a popular solution. With concerns over the potential of a lengthy legal and logistical process, both of Sweden’s expert authoritative bodies oppose the idea. The major energy disruptions that could occur in just three years led the waste giant’s Chief Executive Offi
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian Writing - WW2 Information Text Monday - Use this grid to find out factual information for each sub-heading : World War Two planning page.docx Tuesday - Find the features of an information text in
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian Writing - WW2 Information Text Monday - Use this grid to find out factual information for each sub-heading : World War Two planning page.docx Tuesday - Find the features of an information text in this WAGOLL - slides 20-30: WW2 Information Text PP.pptx Wednesday - Sentence Structures - slides 7-12: WW2 Information Text PP.pptx Thursday - Turning notes into sentences - slides 17-18: WW2 Information Text PP.pptx Friday - Independent Composition - go through the powerpoint to support your creation of a WW2 information Text. Remember to email your writing to [email protected] and it will be printed and glued into your writing across the curriculum book. Monday - French - numbers to 100 recap Tuesday - Science - Explore this website and make notes to extend your undertanding of Living things and their habitats: Wednesday - Remembrance - Thursday - History - Rationing Following on from your online learning last week, click on the link below to find out more about rationing. Create a fact sheet for your family to read, to tell them all about it. Friday - SPaG - Complete the activity on Good morning everyone, it’s really important while we’re at home to exercise regularly to keep us fit, strong and healthy. Try these routines in between your other online lessons. Click on the link below and try the Jumping Jax Gym workout. Click on the link below to try some alternative activities. Please remember to email any work that you have completed to [email protected]
Today it is the world of internet and if you have to connect your device your router you need to use the perfect IP address code otherwise you will not be able to access your router. There is another most important thing you need to know about the
Today it is the world of internet and if you have to connect your device your router you need to use the perfect IP address code otherwise you will not be able to access your router. There is another most important thing you need to know about the IP address that, every router for every model there is a default IP address code that is or But sometimes you might face a problem using this IP address code but you there is a solution for this problem; you can also access your router using IP address In many software or network companies, they usually use a modern router such as Billion ADSL, Westell, 3com Office Connect and much more. In this type of model router, you will be able to access your router by using a default IP address IP. HOW TO ACCESS YOUR WIRELESS ROUTER USING ADDRESS? Well, if you are having any problem regarding accessing your router using default IP address then you are on the right track. In today’s post, I will give you some guides about how to set up your wireless router if it is not working properly on your PC or browser. WHAT IS THE USE OF IP ADDRESS CODE? For many routers and modems, we use a default IP address at our home or different offices which are But there are certain cases where this IP address code may not work, in that case, you can type, it will help you to access your router by repairing your new devices. This IP address will help you to access the settings of your default IP address, and your problem will be solved very easily. But did you ever notice the difference between these two IP addresses and, the only difference is the last three digit? The IP address codes are private IP address and always keep in mind that this IP address is only for an IPv4 address not for Ipv6. This IP address is used as a default IP address for a large number of routers such as cable modems and ADSL. This IP address is mostly used by modern routers such as Alcatel ADSL Modems, Thompson ADSL routers, Westell ADSL Modems, 3Com routers, ADSL billions of routers, SRW2023 Linksys switches, 2Wire routers, TP-Link routers and also for Motorola or Cayman Netopia Internet gateways. HOW TO ACCESS YOUR ROUTER USING IP ADDRESS To access your router using IP address code you just have to follow the few steps. Just follow the instruction carefully which I am going to provide here down below:- - If your router is using an IP address code then, first of all, you have to open your internet browser. - Then type this following IP address into your address bar and press enter. - After that, they might ask you for a username and password, and then you have to consult the router manual what is the exact username and password of your router model. - That’s it now you will be able to access your router connection. WHAT IF YOUR IP ADDRESS IS NOT WORKING? Sometimes you may still face a problem even after typing IP address in your internet browser. This type of problems often comes by almost every people. So here are the things you need to check why this IP address is not working. - First of all, you need to check whether the IP address of your router is properly typed or not. - Sometimes you might face this kind of problem if you typed HTTP:// before your router IP address. If it is then, you should try out without using it. - And also this type of problem may occur if your firewall is enabled. So you should try out by disabling your firewall. - If your router is a wired cable, then you need to check out the connection between your PC and router. - After that try to reset your router. - Or else, try to reset your computer. - Or, you need to reset your local area network connection. IF YOU FORGET YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD: Sometimes if you forget your username and password, you need to try out some of these combinations. It might help you. - Username: admin - Username: root I hope you will get a great benefit with this article. If you have anything to say, then you can freely give your comment.
Traditional / folk music of Lithuania Lithunia is a small country but it has rich and strong folk music in north west part of the Europe. Before modern era folk music and dance was part of all events in villages and these music traditions
Traditional / folk music of Lithuania Lithunia is a small country but it has rich and strong folk music in north west part of the Europe. Before modern era folk music and dance was part of all events in villages and these music traditions passed to modern era too. Today many folk and neo-folk musici bands exists in Lithuania. Some keeps the traditions and try to maintain the folk music of ancestors and some try to give new blood into traditional music of Lithuania. This folk music is part of Baltic music and culture. The first people in Lithuania region, lived from 10th millennium BC and later on 3rd – 2nd millennium BC first Indo-Europeans arrived and by mixing with local people formed many different Baltic tribes. During the Medieval age, specially in 14th century, Lithuania was a big multicultural kingdom including Belarus, Ukraine, and parts of Poland and Russia. It was one of the last pagan areas of Europe which accepted Christianity. In 20th century, in 1940, Soviet Union occupied Lithuania and it suffered from Soviet Union dictatorship until 1991 and it achieved its freedom again. The folk music of Lithuania today has deep roots in its history even into the pagan era. It is also tighten to the folk dances in Lithuania. Folk dances is done by all the community. It starts in the circle and then transform into the line, snake line and other shapes and sometimes transform into pair dances. Those dances who are performed just by pairs are mostly have origin outside of Lithuania. In Balkan language, Daina is the name of traditional vocal songs which are sung in Lithuania and also Latvia. They almost covered all different type of events and they divided into six categories. Each category may also sub divided into many sub genres. The main categories of daina are sutartinės, raudos, wedding songs, war-historical time songs, calendar cycle and ritual songs, winter festivals songs and work songs. Most of the names are clear what the genre is about. Work songs are about different aspect of works and activities. They cover many different type of works like Fishing, hunting, milling, haymaking, herding songs and many more. War-historical time folk songs refer to many heroic and battles during the centuries. For example Battle of Kircholm in 17th century and battles with Tatars in the first half of 19th century. Raudos (weeps) or Laments folk songs refer to funeral traditions. Probably they are one of the oldest folk songs in Lithuania and they comes back to 9th century. Raudos are improvisatory although they bounds with established tradition and poetics. "Professional" lamenters, hired to sing at funerals, displayed great skill in impelling their listeners to tears. May be sutartinės folk songs are the most important ones or at least the most famous ones. They are an ancient form of two and three voiced polyphony, based on the oldest principles of multi voiced vocal music: heterophony, parallelism, canon and free imitation. Sutartinės can be performed by two or three singers or two pair of singers. In northwest of Lithuania they are sung by women. But men do the instrumental versions with instruments like kanklės, horns or panpipes. They can also accompanied by a humorous and spirited dance. But the dance is slow. These songs are performed in various events and festivals. To
Acne is a common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Related Journals of Acne Journal
Acne is a common skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Related Journals of Acne Journal of Trauma & Acute Care, Journal of Prevention and Infection Control, Vitiligo & Dermatomyositis, Journal of Health & Medical Economics, British Journal of Dermatology, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Sexually Transmitted Infections. Skin Diseases & Skin Care received 35 citations as per Google Scholar report
Despite Nepal’s colorful collection of ethnic groups, when it comes to religion there are only two that dominate the country. The Hindu religion is the most dominant religion in Nepal. However, one of the most famous people from Nepal are steeped in the
Despite Nepal’s colorful collection of ethnic groups, when it comes to religion there are only two that dominate the country. The Hindu religion is the most dominant religion in Nepal. However, one of the most famous people from Nepal are steeped in the Buddhist religion. Some would say that the most well-known Buddhist group is the Sherpa who rose to fame on the dangerous peaks of Mount Everest as they assisted climbers to defeat the world’s most foreboding mountain for years. The most famous person from the Buddist faith is Siddhartha Gautama, better known as ”Buddha”. Siddhartha Gautama, it is said, was born in a small village in Nepal, by the name of Terai. His exact date of birth is cause for speculation but it is thought that he was born in 543 BC. There are many versions as to how Siddhartha became the Buddha and the time lines vary in some stories. However one underlying fact remains: Siddhartha was searching for peace and understanding. Born a prince, he was the son of Suddhodana who ruled the Sakya, and led a fairly normal, privileged life. He married and fathered a son but was completely oblivious to the pain and suffering that surrounded his secluded his world. His father encouraged him to remain within the palace walls but, as any curious child would do, he left the safety of his palace and stared the cruelty of reality in the face. It was then that Siddhartha Gautama decided to find answers to his questions. Strangely, Siddhartha was a follower of the Hindu religion, but wanted to know why some people were living in poverty while others did not; why some had to suffer illness and injury while other lived healthy lives. He wanted to know why, when he had all the riches in the world, he still remained unhappy. After leaving the safety of his kingdom, Siddhartha decided to fast – to starve his body from food. He came near to death. He spent years trying to find the answers he was looking for. While sitting under a tree he started to meditate and finally reached the state of enlightenment. He went out into the world to teach others what he had learnt and later he came to be called “Buddha”, meaning “The Enlightened One”. His followers were called Buddhists. Siddhartha taught his followers how to find a balance in their lives and the devoted Buddhist Monks were required to strip themselves of their egos and earthly possessions. Even today, monks wear saffron robes and abstain from desiring or using worldly goods. They dedicate their lives to enlightenment and their quest of rebirth to transition to Nirvana. Of all the famous people from Nepal, Buddha has become a legend and a leader. His teachings are still practiced today both in Nepal and in other
Service AreaUnited States On the WebWebsite Facebook Twitter Contact this Project With the advent of industrial agriculture, some livestock breeds of pigs, poultry, cows, horses and sheep have become threatened by extinction. Three of the ten heritage breeds of
Service AreaUnited States On the WebWebsite Facebook Twitter Contact this Project With the advent of industrial agriculture, some livestock breeds of pigs, poultry, cows, horses and sheep have become threatened by extinction. Three of the ten heritage breeds of pigs–breeds that had been raised for hundreds of years before industrialization–are critically endangered (Choctaw, Mulefoot, Ossabaw Island) with populations estimated at only a few hundred animals of each breed. Bred for longevity in a free range environment, four of the breeds are threatened and the other two are on “watch lists” for livestock conservancy organizations. Six of the breeds are unique to North America. As factory farming has become commonplace for pork, many larger pig farms have become less focused on animal welfare, less sustainable, and more wasteful. Also as a result, smaller pig farms have limited access to successful farming techniques, especially when it comes to heritage breeds. What can be done? Heritage pigs are uniquely adapted to particular climates and terrains and are raised by small-scale family farmers that care about sustainable farming. Heritage pig farm give pigs unlimited access to open pasture and range, where they have
There are several styles of footwear available today, some of them featuring new and inventive designs, and others heavily drawing from the past and changing very little in terms of design. Moccasins fall in the latter category- these shoes have managed to
There are several styles of footwear available today, some of them featuring new and inventive designs, and others heavily drawing from the past and changing very little in terms of design. Moccasins fall in the latter category- these shoes have managed to remain relevant and popular, but despite this, many people have difficulty telling them apart from loafers and other similar shoe designs. Read on for more information about this type of footwear, including the history of this shoe, its features, and considerations to keep in mind when buying them. What are moccasins? The moccasin is a type of heelless footwear made of soft leather that has a sole which may be soft and flexible or hard. They are comfortable thanks to their slightly loose-fitting and have a similar design to loafers, but unlike the latter, they have no separate hard sole. The upper of a moccasin often features beading, embroidery, or other similar ornaments. In the past, moccasin leathers used to make the hard-soled variety were sourced from soft tanned hides of buffalo, bison, or deer rawhide. Today, moccasins that are made of moose hide or deerskin are also quite common. Perhaps the most popular style of moccasin today is the driving moccasin, otherwise referred to as the driving moc. Moccasins come in a wide variety of colors, with some of the most common being brown and black. As you might know, moccasins have been around for quite some time, and despite this, they are still as popular as ever. Here are the different aspects of this type of shoe. Features of moccasins There are a number of unique features that are helpful in distinguishing moccasins from other similar shoe types. - The heel (or lack thereof) – Moccasins were originally designed to be heelless, which basically means that they were made using a single material with no distinction between the upper and the sole. Today, however, many moccasins have a separate leather or rubber sole so as to provide more protection to the foot when worn. - The seam – Moccasins typically feature a distinct U-shaped stitch seam that is found on the shoe upper, and some designs also feature decorative laces, embroidery, or beading. - The sole – The sole of the moccasin can be hard or soft. Soft-soled moccasins are best suited for use indoors since they don’t provide much protection outdoors. - The fitting – Moccasins generally have a loose-fitting thanks to their construction. This makes them one of the more comfortable types of footwear. History of moccasins According to some accounts, moccasins arrive in the U.S nearly 30,000 years ago via the Bering Sea from the Asian continent. Later on, the shoe style was adapted by the Indian tribes that were settled in the area. Due to the varying terrain and climatic conditions across North America, different versions of the moccasin were developed based on the origin of the tribes. The word moccasin is originally derived from the Algonquian language Powhatan where the term” makasin” refers to a shoe. Although a number of other indigenous tribes native to North America have similar words that refer to shoe, the Algonquians were the first tribe that the Europeans arrived in North America in 1615. Although a variety of moccasin styles evolved due to the differences in climate and habitat, there are two main categories that they can be categorized into: - Hard sole moccasins – These moccasins are generally associated with the desert areas and western plains of Northern America. The construction of the hard sole often featured tough bison leather which was meant to protect the feet from prairie grass and harsh cactus which was prevalent in the terrain of the area. Additionally, these shoes also protected the wearer from sharp rocks. This style of moccasin was typically made from more than one piece of hide. The hard sole moccasin usually has a toe that is turned up which was mean to prevent sharp objects from piercing through the seams and consequently injuring the foot. - Soft sole moccasins – Soft sole moccasins are linked to the Eastern forests of North America primarily made up of woodlands with pine-needle and leaf-covered ground surfaces and as a result, the feet did not need the level of protection that a hard sole provided. The soft-soled moccasins often featured only one piece of leather. The sole came up around the foot of the area and was then patched or puckered around the instep; some varieties were sown along one side of the moccasin instead of in the center. Nevertheless, the most basic design was the simple center seam. The two-piece varieties had a U-shaped stitched piece which served as a vam
Mobile communications technology revolutionizes global health programs November / December, 2009 | Volume 8, Issue 6 By Jeff Gray Cell phones, personal digital assistants and other hand-held devices are rapidly transforming the way medical information is collected
Mobile communications technology revolutionizes global health programs November / December, 2009 | Volume 8, Issue 6 By Jeff Gray Cell phones, personal digital assistants and other hand-held devices are rapidly transforming the way medical information is collected in the developing world and hold enormous potential for monitoring outbreaks, facilitating research and improving health care delivery for millions. Hundreds of scientists, information technology developers and policymakers gathered recently to discuss these topics at a mobile technologies meeting organized by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health and sponsored by Microsoft Research. The three-day event, called the mHealth Summit, focused on the use of mobile technologies as tools and platforms for health research and healthcare delivery. The event drew an overflow crowd, with about 500 attending in person and hundreds more via webcast. Photo courtesy Mobile technologies are proving to be valuable tools for research projects conducted in low-resource settings such as this measles survey in Zambia. "This is a wonderful time to focus on a topic that is clearly providing much opportunity both in research and in medical practice, but which has perhaps not been pulled together into one conference until now," said NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, who identified mobile health technology as an area of great interest to NIH during his keynote spe
What is the major system? the base of a mnemonic system used to train your mind to recall almost anything The problem is not with your mind, but the way you use it... Using the Major System, the Peg System, and linking,
What is the major system? the base of a mnemonic system used to train your mind to recall almost anything The problem is not with your mind, but the way you use it... Using the Major System, the Peg System, and linking, you can turn your mind into a memorization machine. Using this technique you will be able to almost instantly remember large numbers, random objects, dates, events, or pretty much anything... The Ultimate Major System Trainer is an interactive learning method that uses gamifcation to assist in learning a list of code words that are the base of most memory techniques.