train_cypher / train_data.jsonl
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{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the collaboration network of 'Sebastian Thrun' within 'Carnegie Mellon University'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Sebastian Thrun'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)\nMATCH (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coauthor:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name:'Carnegie Mellon University'}) \nRETURN DISTINCT,"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which paper in 'Parallel Computing' has authors from the most diverse affiliations? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation),\n(p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Parallel Computing'})\nWITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nRETURN, numAffiliations\nORDER BY numAffiliations DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all the papers from 'University of Oxford' related to Computer Science. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'University of Oxford'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the network of co-authorship like for 'Daphne Koller' in 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'})\nMATCH (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author)\nWHERE <>\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS countCollaborations\nORDER BY countCollaborations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers from 'Stanford University' are related to Parallel Computing? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Parallel Computing'})\nRETURN COUNT(DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors are affiliated with more than one affiliation? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nWHERE numAffiliations > 1\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the total number of affiliations? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:affiliation)\nRETURN COUNT(a)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are all papers in Artificial Intelligence presented in ICML? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Artificial Intelligence'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors have papers in more than three conferences? sort by number of conferences from highest to lower. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT c) AS numConferences\nWHERE numConferences > 3\nRETURN, numConferences\nORDER BY numConferences DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the domains of papers presented at a 'AAAI'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name: 'AAAI'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers are there in each domain? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers from 'Johns Hopkins University' have been featured in 'ICML'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Johns Hopkins University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'})\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers from 'Carnegie Mellon University' research in Natural Language Processing? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Carnegie Mellon University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Natural Language Processing'}) \nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which affiliations are most actively publishing in the field of Artificial Intelligence at the 'AAAI' conference? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name: 'AAAI'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Artificial Intelligence'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find the university with the highest number of papers in the field of Cloud Computing. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (affi:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Cloud Computing'})\nRETURN AS UniversityName, COUNT(p) AS PaperCount\nORDER BY PaperCount DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conferences has 'Daphne Koller' attended most frequently? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference) RETURN, COUNT(*) AS appearances ORDER BY appearances DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which paper has the highest number of affiliated institutions among its authors? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nWITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nRETURN, numAffiliations\nORDER BY numAffiliations DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors have written more than 5 papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)\nWITH a, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nWHERE numPapers > 5\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the top five most cited papers in 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'}) WITH p, COUNT((p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-()) AS citations RETURN ORDER BY citations DESC LIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify papers that have been cited by authors from more than 20 different affiliations. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (cited:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nWITH cited, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nWHERE numAffiliations > 20\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors from 'Johns Hopkins University' have papers in 'AAAI', and what are the numbers of papers each author published? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name: 'Johns Hopkins University'})\nMATCH (a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'}) \nRETURN, COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Who are the authors with papers in the most domains? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS numDomains\nRETURN\nORDER BY numDomains DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the latest research trends in the domain of Computational Complexity Theory by 'Tsinghua University'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Computational Complexity Theory'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]-(:affiliation {name: \"Tsinghua University\"})\nRETURN, p.year ORDER BY p.year DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Can you find a network of co-authors for 'Peter Stone'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH path = (a:author {name: 'Peter Stone'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the emerging research areas in the domain of Machine Learning at 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'}) RETURN, p.year ORDER BY p.year DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many conferences are listed? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference) RETURN count(c) AS countConference"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: .Which authors have written papers in both 'Artificial Intelligence' and 'Data Structure'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p1:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Artificial Intelligence'}),\n (a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p2:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Data Structure'})\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all papers with no citations. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)\nWHERE NOT EXISTS((:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p))\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find the average number of citations per paper in the 'Neural Information Processing Systems' (NIPS) conference. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'NIPS'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)\nMATCH (p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citedBy)\nRETURN AVG(SIZE([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing:paper) |citing])) AS AvgCitations"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the papers with the most diverse set of author affiliations presented at 'ACL'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ACL'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation) WITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS num_affiliations RETURN, num_affiliations ORDER BY num_affiliations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which affiliations have the most papers in Machine Learning? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many ACL papers are there in each domain? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain), (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are papers in both Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d1:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d2:domain {name: 'Mathematical Optimization'}) \nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify all papers that no other papers cite. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)\nWHERE NOT EXISTS((:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p:paper))\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all authors who published paper in Genomics by name. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Genomics'})\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers cite both 'On spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm' and 'Learning with local and global consistency'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p1:paper {name: 'on spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p2:paper {name: 'learning with local and global consistency'}) RETURN COUNT(DISTINCT p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers have interdisciplinary themes combining Computer Science and Computational Biology at 'ICDM' conferences, and give their names? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name: 'ICDM'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d1:domain {name: 'Computer Science'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d2:domain {name: 'Computational Biology'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conference has the least number of papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)\nWITH c, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nRETURN\nORDER BY numPapers ASC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers from the domain of Machine Learning have been published in 'ACL' conferences by 'Columbia University'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'})\nMATCH (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name: 'Columbia University'})\nRETURN COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many interdisciplinary papers combining Machine Learning and Computational Biology have been presented by 'Stanford University' in 'ICML'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}) \nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Computational Biology'}) \nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Machine Learning'})\nRETURN COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find papers that have been cited by papers in more than one domain. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citingPaper:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS numDomains\nWHERE numDomains > 1\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which Machine Learning papers were presented at a AAAI? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'}), (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Machine Learning'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List the most cited Real-time Computing papers from the past five years. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Real-time Computing'}) \nRETURN, size([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(other:paper) | other]) AS citations \nORDER BY citations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most cited paper in Computer Vision from 'ICML'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (citing_paper:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'})\nWHERE (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: \"Computer Vision\"})\nRETURN, COUNT(citing_paper) AS citations\nORDER BY citations DESC LIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers are cited by at least ten other paper? Sort by number of citings from high to low. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(:paper)\nWITH p, COUNT(*) AS citations\nWHERE citations>10\nRETURN, citations\nORDER BY citations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List recent papers in Machine Learning. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper )-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})\nRETURN\nORDER BY DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most frequently cited paper in the domain of Robotics? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Robotics'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)\nMATCH (p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing)\nRETURN AS PaperTitle, COUNT(citing) AS CitationCount\nORDER BY CitationCount DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the top five conferences hosting Feature Vector papers. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Feature Vector'}), (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(v:conference) RETURN, count(p) AS papers ORDER BY papers DESC LIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Can you map the network of paper citations in the field of Machine Learning at 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH path = (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(cp:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'}) \nRETURN path"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers cite at least one other paper? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(:paper)\nRETURN COUNT(DISTINCT p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the average number of citations per paper published in AAAI? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})\nWITH SIZE([(other:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p) |other]) AS Citations\nRETURN AVG(Citations) AS AvgCitations"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the average number of citations per paper in the domain of Cloud Computing presented at 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Cloud Computing'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'siggraph'})\nWITH p, SIZE([(p)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(cited:paper) | cited]) AS citations\nRETURN AVG(citations)\n"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the main research papers of 'Carnegie Mellon University' presented at 'AAAI'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Carnegie Mellon University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'}) \nRETURN, COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most common conference venue for papers on Machine Learning by 'daphne koller'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference), (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author {name:'daphne koller'}) RETURN, COUNT(*) AS num_papers ORDER BY num_papers DESC LIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the most cited papers in the field of Reinforcement Learning from 'ICML'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:domain {name: 'Reinforcement Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}) \nRETURN, SIZE([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing:paper) | citing]) AS citings\nORDER BY citings DESC "}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the trending topics in the domain of Logistic Regression presented at 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Logistic Regression'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'}) RETURN, ORDER BY DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What papers are Computer Science? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Computer Science'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most common co-authorship pattern in the 'Data Mining' domain? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a1:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Data Mining'}), (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author)\nWHERE a1 <> a2\nRETURN,, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers presented at 'ACL' have the most number of co-authors? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ACL'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)\nWITH p\nMATCH (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(author)\nWITH p, COUNT(author) AS num_authors\nRETURN AS PaperName, num_authors\nORDER BY num_authors DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Who are the co-authors of 'Michael I Jordan' in 'in-network pca and anomaly detection'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Michael I Jordan'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper {name: 'in-network pca and anomaly detection'})<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author) \nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers on Natural Language Processing has 'Stanford University' published in 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name:'ACL'})\nWHERE CONTAINS 'Natural Language Processing' OR p.abstract CONTAINS 'Natural Language Processing' OR p.content CONTAINS 'Natural Language Processing' \nRETURN COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers are in the database? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper) RETURN count(p) AS num_papers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the trending domains in 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH AS Domain, COUNT(p) AS NumberOfPapers\nORDER BY NumberOfPapers DESC\nRETURN Domain, NumberOfPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the latest papers by 'Johns Hopkins University' in 'AAAI'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Johns Hopkins University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'}) \nRETURN DISTINCT, p.year\nORDER BY p.year"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the average number of papers per author in the 'Computer Vision' domain? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Computer Vision'})\nWITH a, SIZE([(a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)| p]) AS PapersPerAuthor\nRETURN AVG(PapersPerAuthor) AS avgPapersPerAuthor"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many times has 'Semi-supervised learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions' been cited in 'ICML' papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'Semi-supervised learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing_paper:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}) RETURN COUNT(citing_paper)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the average number of authors per paper in the 'Machine Learning' domain? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})\nWITH p, SIZE([(p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author) | a]) as countAuthors\nRETURN AVG(countAuthors) AS avgAuthorsPerPaper"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors have not written any AAAI papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)\nWHERE NOT EXISTS((a)-[:author_write_paper]->(:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name: 'AAAI'}))\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the top 5 main research areas in the conference 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ACL'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain) RETURN, COUNT(*) AS frequency ORDER BY frequency DESC LIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers cite 'conditional random fields: probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(:paper {name: 'conditional random fields: probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: For those papers that cite 'on spectral clustering: analysis and an algorithm', which papers are they most frequently citing besides that Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (target:paper {name: 'On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an Algorithm'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citingPaper)\nMATCH (citingPaper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(citedPaper)\nWHERE <> 'On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an Algorithm'\nWITH citedPaper, COUNT(*) AS citations\nORDER BY citations DESC\nRETURN AS PaperName, citations"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List authors who have presented at more than two conferences. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT c) AS numConferences\nWHERE numConferences > 2\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers in 'ACL' discuss Natural Language Processing? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'}) \nWHERE CONTAINS 'Natural Language Processing' OR p.abstract CONTAINS 'Natural Language Processing'\nRETURN count(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers does 'Peter Stone' have in the domain of Autonomous Agent? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Peter Stone'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Autonomous Agent'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS countPaper"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find authors who have collaborated with the most number of different affiliations. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coAuthor:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nRETURN\nORDER BY numAffiliations DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What papers has 'Zhouchen Lin' written? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Zhouchen Lin'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the primary research interests of 'Michael I Jordan' recently? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Michael I Jordan'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper) \nRETURN, p.year\nORDER BY p.year DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the least popular conference based on paper count? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)\nWITH c, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nRETURN\nORDER BY numPapers ASC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the most common co-authorship pairs in AAAI conference? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a1:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author), (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})\nRETURN,, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1\n"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the average number of citations from others for papers from 'University of Toronto' in 'AAAI'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'University of Toronto'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'}) \nRETURN AVG(SIZE([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(other:paper) | other]))"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List the affiliations of authors who have written more than 3 ACL papers. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'})\nWITH a, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nWHERE numPapers > 3\nMATCH (a)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Can you find a pattern of collaboration between different research institutions in papers by 'Zhouchen Lin'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff1:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author {name: 'Zhouchen Lin'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff2:affiliation) WHERE aff1 <> aff2 RETURN,, COUNT(*) AS collaborations ORDER BY collaborations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Who are the top three authors in Artificial Intelligence based on the number of publications? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Artificial Intelligence'}) RETURN, count(p) AS publications ORDER BY publications DESC LIMIT 3"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find all papers by a 'Daphne Koller' Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name:'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]-(p:paper) \nRETURN AS paper"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all papers in the domain of Computer Science presented at 'SIGGRAPH'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Computer Science'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'}) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the papers in the field of Robotics by authors from the 'University of Oxford'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:affiliation {name: 'University of Oxford'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Robotics'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the year with the highest number of published papers in the domain of Data Mining. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Data Mining'})\nRETURN p.year AS Year, COUNT(p) AS NumberOfPapers\nORDER BY NumberOfPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which domain has the most number of papers in 'AAAI? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH AS Domain, COUNT(p) AS NumberOfPapers\nORDER BY NumberOfPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1\nRETURN Domain, NumberOfPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all papers from 'ICML' that discuss Deep Learning. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}) \nWHERE CONTAINS 'Deep Learning' OR p.abstract CONTAINS 'Deep Learning' OR p.content CONTAINS 'Deep Learning'\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the evolution of research topics in 'ACL' conference each year? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ACL'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT p.year, COUNT (p) as counts,\nORDER BY p.year, counts DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which author has collaborated with the most other authors? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a1:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author)\nWHERE a1 <> a2\nWITH a1, COUNT(DISTINCT a2) AS numCollaborators\nRETURN\nORDER BY numCollaborators DESC\nLIMIT 1\n"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conference has the most diverse range of paper topics? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH c, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS numDomains\nRETURN\nORDER BY numDomains DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find papers that have been cited by papers in Machine Learning and Computational Biology Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(other1:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d1:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'}),\n (p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]->(other2:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d2:domain {name: 'Computational Biology'})\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the number of distinct domains? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain)\nRETURN COUNT(d)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most cited paper in the domain of Machine Learning presented at 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'}) WITH p, SIZE(()-[:paper_cite_paper]->(p)) AS citations RETURN ORDER BY citations DESC LIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which affiliations have the most ACL papers in a Machine Learning? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'}),\n(p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which paper has the most authors? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)\nWITH p, COUNT(a) AS numAuthors\nRETURN, numAuthors\nORDER BY numAuthors DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers presented at 'ACL' are related to Machine Translation? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ACL'})\nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Machine Translation'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many times has 'Daphne Koller' been cited in 'AAAI' papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing_paper:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})\nRETURN COUNT(citing_paper)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which domain has Daphne Koller presented the most number of papers. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT, COUNT(p) AS countPapers\nORDER BY countPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Name all affiliations. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:affiliation)\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List papers written by authors from Columbia University. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name: 'Columbia University'}),\n (a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the latest research trends in the domain of Computational Complexity Theory by authors from 'Tsinghua University'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:affiliation {name: 'Tsinghua University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Computational Complexity Theory'})\nRETURN, p.year\nORDER BY p.year DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many collaborative research projects are there between 'Stanford University' and 'Carnegie Mellon University' in Genetic Algorithm? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff1:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff2:affiliation {name: 'Carnegie Mellon University'}) \nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Genetic Algorithm'})\nRETURN COUNT(DISTINCT p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which author has published the most papers in the domain of Artificial Intelligence? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Artificial Intelligence'})\nWITH a, COUNT(p) AS papersPublished\nRETURN AS AuthorName, papersPublished\nORDER BY papersPublished DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What is the most popular domain among papers? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH d, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nRETURN\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which authors from 'Carnegie Mellon University' are most active in Robotics research? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name: 'Carnegie Mellon University'})\nWHERE CONTAINS 'Robotics' \nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS countPaper\nORDER BY countPaper"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers have the most diverse authorship in terms of affiliations? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nWITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nRETURN, numAffiliations\nORDER BY numAffiliations DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all papers from 'Stanford University' in the domain of Bioinformatics. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'Bioinformatics'}) \nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which author has the most co-authors in the field of Computer Vision? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Computer Vision'})\nWITH a,p\nMATCH (a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coauthor:author)\nWITH a, COUNT(DISTINCT coauthor) AS CoAuthorCount\nRETURN AS AuthorName, CoAuthorCount\nORDER BY CoAuthorCount DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which universities have the most cited 'AAAI' papers in Artificial Intelligence ? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(:author)-[author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})\nMATCH (:domain {name:'Artificial Intelligence'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing_paper:paper)\nRETURN,, COUNT(citing_paper) AS citations \nORDER BY citations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the most researched domains in 'AAAI' conference for each year? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'AAAI'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT p.year, COUNT (p) as counts,\nORDER BY p.year, counts DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conference has the widest variety of domains covered? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH c, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS numDomains\nRETURN\nORDER BY numDomains DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the top 5 main research areas in the 'ACL' conference? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(:conference {name: 'ACL'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the various domains covered in the conference 'ACL'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ACL'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain) RETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers were published each conference? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers have 'Sebastian Thrun' and 'Michael I Jordan' co-authored? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Sebastian Thrun'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coa:author {name: 'Michael I Jordan'}) RETURN COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify recent popular papers in Augmented Reality from 'SIGGRAPH'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Augmented Reality'}), (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(v:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'}) \nRETURN, size([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(other:paper) | other]) AS citations\nORDER BY citations, DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the key themes in the most recent papers by 'Michael I Jordan'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Michael I Jordan'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper) \nRETURN, p.year\nORDER BY p.year"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are papers in both Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'}),\n (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name: 'Mathematical Optimization'})\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Name the domains with only one paper. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain)<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)\nWITH d, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nWHERE numPapers = 1\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conferences has Daphne Koller presented the most number of papers. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nRETURN DISTINCT, COUNT(p) AS countPapers\nORDER BY countPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List the papers by the most prolific author, also give author name. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)\nWITH a, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1\nMATCH (a)-[:author_write_paper]->(p)\nRETURN,"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Can you find a pattern of collaboration between different research institutions in papers by 'Zhouchen Lin'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:author {name: 'Zhouchen Lin'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(coAuthors:author),\n (coAuthors)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many times has 'Semi-supervised learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions' been cited in total? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'Semi-supervised learning using Gaussian fields and harmonic functions'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing_paper) RETURN COUNT(citing_paper)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the newest methodologies being discussed in Graphical Model research? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Graphical Model'}) \nRETURN, \nORDER BY DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the main research areas of 'University of Toronto' in 'ICML'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (aff:affiliation {name: 'University of Toronto'})<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICML'}) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the key research findings in 'Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support Vector Machines'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support Vector Machines'}) \nRETURN p.abstract"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conference have the most number of citations in Machine Learning? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)\nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nMATCH (p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing:paper)\nWITH c, COUNT(citing) AS citations\nRETURN AS ConferenceName, SUM(citations) AS TotalCitations\nORDER BY TotalCitations DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conferences are in the database? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all papers that cite 'Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citing_paper) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the most recent papers on Machine Learning published? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'}) \nRETURN,\nORDER BY DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Count the number of authors. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:Author) RETURN count(a) AS authorCount"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the key research domains of author 'Zhouchen Lin'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:author {name: 'Zhouchen Lin'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT\n"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many papers have interdisciplinary themes combining Computer Science and Computational Biology at 'ICDM', and give their names? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d1:domain {name: 'Computer Science'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d2:domain {name: 'Computational Biology'})\nMATCH (p)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'ICDM'}) \nRETURN, COUNT(p)"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find the most frequently collaborating pair of authors in the Machine Learning domain. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a1:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})\nWITH a1, p\nMATCH (a1)-[:author_write_paper]->(p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author)\nWHERE a1 <> a2\nWITH a1, a2, COUNT(p) AS collaborations\nORDER BY collaborations DESC\nLIMIT 1\nRETURN,, collaborations"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which conferences have the most diverse range of research domains presented by 'Tsinghua University'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain) \nMATCH (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(affi:affiliation {name:\"Tsinghua University\"})\nWITH c, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS num_domains RETURN, num_domains ORDER BY num_domains DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: In which conference was the paper 'Large scale semi-supervised linear SVMs' presented? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'Large scale semi-supervised linear SVMs'})-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: How many different affiliations are represented at each conference, sort from highest to lowest? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference)<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation)\nRETURN, COUNT(DISTINCT aff) AS numAffiliations\nORDER BY numAffiliations DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which domains are most common among papers from 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain) RETURN, COUNT(*) AS frequency ORDER BY frequency DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: List all conferences where Daphne Koller has presented. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:author {name: 'Daphne Koller'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference)\nRETURN DISTINCT"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the latest hot research topics in 'ICML' conference? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'ICML'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nRETURN DISTINCT p.year, COUNT (p) as counts,\nORDER BY p.year, counts DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the most common research themes in papers by authors from 'Carnegie Mellon University' and 'Stanford University'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain),\n (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a1:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff1:affiliation {name: 'Carnegie Mellon University'}),\n (p)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff2:affiliation {name: 'Stanford University'})\nRETURN, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the top 5 most cited papers in the domain of Machine Learning from 'University of Oxford'. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (d:domain {name: 'Machine Learning'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a:author)-[:author_in_affiliation]->(aff:affiliation {name: 'University of Oxford'}) WITH p, SIZE([(p)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(cited:paper) | cited]) AS citations RETURN, citations ORDER BY citations DESC LIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Who are the most active Search Engine researchers publishes the most in conferences? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(v:conference), (p)-[:paper_in_domain]->(:domain {name:'search engine'})\nRETURN, count(p) AS publications ORDER BY publications DESC\"\"\""}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What affiliations have the most authors? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:affiliation)<-[:author_in_affiliation]-(author:author)\nWITH a, COUNT(author) AS numAuthors\nRETURN\nORDER BY numAuthors DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify the top 5 most influential papers in 'SIGGRAPH' on the topic of Augmented Reality. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (:domain {name:'Augmented Reality'})<-[:paper_in_domain]-(p:paper)-[:paper_in_venue]->(c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'}) \nRETURN, SIZE([(p)<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(citingPaper:paper)|citingPaper]) AS citings\nORDER BY citings DESC LIMIT 5"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Identify papers that cite sources from more than 20 domain. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(cited:paper)-[:paper_in_domain]->(d:domain)\nWITH p, COUNT(DISTINCT d) AS numDomains\nWHERE numDomains > 20\nRETURN, numDomains"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers are written by 'Zhouchen Lin'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a:author {name: 'Zhouchen Lin'})-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper) RETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Find papers that cite more than 3 other papers. Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper)-[:paper_cite_paper]->(:paper)\nWITH p, COUNT(*) AS citations\nWHERE citations > 3\nRETURN"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the most common co-authorship pairs? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (a1:author)-[:author_write_paper]->(p:paper)<-[:author_write_paper]-(a2:author)\nRETURN,, COUNT(p) AS numPapers\nORDER BY numPapers DESC\nLIMIT 1"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: What are the emerging research areas in 'SIGGRAPH'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (c:conference {name: 'SIGGRAPH'})<-[:paper_in_venue]-(p:paper) RETURN, p.year ORDER BY p.year DESC"}
{"input_text": "Generate cypher query for the question: Which papers cite the paper 'A sequential algorithm for training text classifiers'? Only give cypher query, without any other words.", "output_text": "MATCH (p:paper {name: 'A sequential algorithm for training text classifiers'})<-[:paper_cite_paper]-(c:paper) RETURN"}