stringlengths 6
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Is there a way to autorun a script? | Start script on open blender file | [
"What is the difference in this specific breadboard wiring?",
"I have recently installed lubuntu 11.10 on my old laptop (acer aspire 5315 celeron) and observed that fan is not working properly on lubuntu side.I find it strange that it is working perfectly under window vista. How could I solve this problem?",
"Denote by $M_{n \\times n}(k)$ the ring of $n$ by $n$ matrices with coefficients in the field $k$. Then why does this ring not contain any two-sided ideal? Thanks for any clarification, and this is an exercise from the notes of Commutative Algebra by Pete L Clark, of which I thought as simple but I cannot figure it out now.",
"Macro with lstlisting inside I have been following about using \\NewDocuentCommand with lstlisting and the accepted answer is nice except it is too big and it doesn't quite work for me. I came up with this example to test xparse: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{xparse} \\usepackage{listings} \\ExplSyntaxOn \\NewDocumentCommand{\\code}{m +v}{ \\begin{lstlisting}[style=#1,numbers=none,xleftmargin=0.35cm,framesep=0mm] #2 \\end{lstlisting} } \\ExplSyntaxOff \\begin{document} \\code{C}{ int x = 200; unsigned int y = 0; } \\end{document} Like stated in the I first used m as a normal parameter and then +v as a multiline verbatim parameter, but it fails. It looks like I am still missing something...",
"Divergent infinite series $n!e^n/n^n$ - simpler proof of divergence? $$ \\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{n!e^n}{n^n} $$ Where $e$ is Euler's number. Recently on calculus class we were covering convergence tests and my group got stuck with this infinite series. Our calculus teacher told us that it diverges but he doesn't see any elementary way or simple test to prove it. He told us something about Euler's Gamma function and said that he knows it diverges because of Stirling's formula but this is not quite our level yet. I tried to think about it myself but I established only that this is some kind of an edge case. We could generalize the problem to series of $\\frac{n!a^n}{n^n}$. Then, from the ratio test we know that it converges for $a <e$ and diverges for $a>e$. For $a=e$ the test is inconclusive. I've also tried to compare it with various divergent series, but nothing worked... Does anybody have any idea for a simple solution?",
"I am writing a bash script to look for a file if it doesn't exist then create it and append this to it: Host localhost ForwardAgent yes So \"line then new line 'tab' then text\" I think its a sensitive format. I know you can do this: cat temp.txt >> data.txt But it seems weird since its two lines. Is there a way to append that in this format: echo \"hello\" >> greetings.txt",
"The interaction of TeX and Lua can be quite delicate at times. While the former has category codes and tokens, the latter has escape sequences and datatypes. Mixing the disparate concepts of these two worlds can lead to unexpected behaviour which favours common errors, known as gotchas. In the community wiki answer below you can find an overview of the common mistakes that people make when getting to grips with LuaTeX.",
"I was able to post in chat with less than 20 rep by joining 20 sites I joined 20 other sites (out of the many) and even with 1 rep was able to post in any of the chatrooms. For example: In ELL, I have just 1 rep and have posted messages in its chat. ell.stackexchange.com/users/18923/lamart This seems like a bug because I should have needed 20 rep to post. . EDIT: From , I got the idea to make this edit. To reproduce this bug/error: Create a new SE account. Use it to make an account here. You will get 1 default rep. Choose a random SE site and use this account to get 1 rep on that random site. Repeat the above step 20 times. Now you have 1 rep on 20 network sites but the net SE rep is 20. Go to the ELL chat and ping me. (important step) From my comment: I have now got 40 rep since people voted this question up. Initially I had net 20 rep gained by creating 20 accounts on 20 different SE sites. Those default 1rep added up to get me to 20rep and I was able to chat. The link says one needs 20 rep in any of the SE site to chat in "all the other" category chatrooms..... but I did not have 20 rep on ELL at that moment.",
"I have been wondering about the differences between model paramters and model hyperparameters, as well as what their categorization means for a learning problem. Is the distinction between model parameters and hyperparameters only about reducing the complexity of the problem or are there implications for the 'model quality' to be considered? Let's consider an example from (1, Eq. 2.43), a linear expansion of basis functions $$f_\\theta(x) = \\sum_{m=1}^{M} \\theta_m h_m(x), $$ where $h_m\\:\\forall m=1,...,M$ is some function of $x$, $\\theta=[\\theta_1,...,\\theta_M]^\\intercal$ is a vector of the parameters of the model and $M$ is the number of basis functions. In my understanding, we would consider $\\theta$ to contain the parameters of the model, while $M$ is a . To quote the Wikipedia article of hyperparameter that I linked above: In machine learning, a hyperparameter is a parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins. By contrast, the values of other parameters are derived via training. It makes sense treating the values in $\\theta$ as parameters that should be learned from the data, similar to the coefficients in a linear model - it is surely far more reliable and specifying them manually would be quite annoying, although it's not impossible. But what about $M$? It surely is easier to pick some integer value for it. But would it really be terrible to determine $M$ based on the data, too? Probably not, as that is what we would do if we search a grid of possible values for the best performing one. Let's consider the above basis expansion model and choose Gaussian kernel functions to serve as basis functions. As the Kernel itself has parameters too this makes the problem a bit more complicated. $$f_\\theta(x) = \\sum_{m=1}^{M}\\theta_m K_{\\lambda_m}(\\mu_m,x), $$ with $\\mu_1,...,\\mu_m$ being the location of the kernels and $\\lambda_1,...,\\lambda_m$ their scales/bandwidths. Friedman et al. write in (1, p. 36) \"In general we would like the data to dictate them as well. Including these as parameters changes the regression problem from a straightforward linear problem to a combinatorially hard nonlinear problem. In practice, shortcuts such as greedy algorithms or two stage processes are used.\" I see that if we were to treat $M$, $\\theta_1 ... \\theta_M$, $\\mu_1 ... \\mu_M$ and $\\lambda_1 ... \\lambda_M$, as model parameters, this problem would be really complex, especially with the choice of $M$ determining the number of the other parameters. But what if we simplify the model definition - let us for example use the same scale/bandwidth for each kernel, that gives us only one parameter $\\lambda$. Furthermore, let's say we specify $\\mu_1 ... \\mu_M$ based on some heuristic, which would mean we treat it as a hyperparameter. This gives us $$f_{\\theta,\\lambda}(x) = \\sum_{m=1}^{M}\\theta_m K_\\lambda(\\mu_m,x), $$ Besides increased complexity of the involved optimization problem, does treating $\\lambda$ as a parameter rather than a hyperparameter have other negative or undesired effects? (1) Friedman, Jerome, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. The elements of statistical learning. Vol. 1. No. 10. New York: Springer series in statistics, 2001.",
"Are all stormtroopers as poor soldiers as the ones in the movies? In the Star Wars films we consistently witness just how poor soldiers stormtroopers are. They show very sub-par marksmanship, crappy house searching tactics, and are easily fooled and defeated by Ewoks and Rebels. That being said, I remember reading a character guide that defined stormtroopers as the very best of the best (best marksman, above average intelligence, etc.). So, in the realm of the Expanded Universe, does the mold that the movies set continue to hold true or are they just the exceptions to the rule?",
"Configure proxy for APT? I need to configure proxy. There wasn't apt.conf file in etc/apt/ so I've created it using nano. But I don't understand what I need to write there. I've written http_proxy = http://lgn:[email protected]:8080/ there and then restarted networking. But when I try to apt-get update - it doesn't work. Actually I don't understand what port and ip I should write in apt.conf file(there was example with ip and 8080 port so I decided to use them).",
"How to fix Eclipse with OpenJDK 9",
"Being a fairly new user something I don't seem to be able to locate is information on whether small edits to the title are considered as trivial edits. I see the usual recommendation when suggesting an edit is: Avoid trivial, tiny one-letter edits unless absolutely necessary. I can see the logic in that for most cases, but for example I just read a question with a title containing \"Andriod\" which would be trivial in one way but also affect the ability of users to locate the question using both the site and external search engines. Would it be frowned upon to suggest an edit for those cases?",
"Show $\\inf_f\\int_0^1|f'(x)-f(x)|dx=1/e$ for continuously differentiable functions with $f(0)=0$, $f(1)=1$. Let $C$ be the class of all real-valued continuously differentiable functions $f$ on the interval $[0,1]$ with $f(0)=0$ and $f(1)=1$. How to show that $$\\inf_{f\\in C}\\int_0^1|f'(x)-f(x)|dx=\\frac{1}{e}?$$ I have been able to show that $1/e$ is a lower bound. Indeed, $$\\begin{align*} \\int_0^1|f'(x)-f(x)|dx &= \\int_0^1|f'(x)e^{-x}-f(x)e^{-x}|e^xdx \\\\ &\\geq \\int_0^1\\left(f'(x)e^{-x}-f(x)e^{-x}\\right) dx \\\\ &= \\int_0^1 \\frac{d\\left(f(x)e^{-x}\\right)}{dx}dx \\\\ &= f(1)e^{-1}-f(0)e^{0}\\\\ &=\\frac{1}{e}. \\end{align*}$$ But how to show this is the infimum? Is there a function $f\\in C$ such that we get $\\int_0^1|f'(x)-f(x)|dx=1/e$?",
"traveller's cheques; customer's requirements: use of the singular Saxon genitive (and the plural attributive) for association May I ask if the following sentence is grammatical? Our remit is to conduct research on customer's requirements. In my understanding, as 'customer' is a countable noun, so the plural form 'customers''' should be used instead for this general reference (without specification of certain customers). However, I know that we can say 'traveller's cheques' - e.g., Traveller's cheques are available at the bank. In this sense, actually can we say 'customer's requirements' in the first case?",
"This problem is from Romanian G.M. and although it is very short, it is also (I think) very hard. Let $x, y, z$ real non-negative numbers such that $x+y+z=3$. Prove that $$27 \\leq (x^2+2)(y^2+2)(z^2+2) \\leq 44 $$ I didn't succeed in any of the inequalities, I only managed to find the equality cases ($x=y=z=1$ for the first one and one of them $3$ and the others $0$). Any hint/idea/solution is welcome.",
"Any real-time antivirus for Ubuntu?",
"When you reach 10k rep, you get to see other users deleted answers. I just think it's dishonest as a system to call a feature \"delete,\" but show that to totally random strangers in the backroom. Due to the nature of the rep, given enough time, all of the regular users would eventually reach 10k rep, no matter how insensitive or jerk they are. There's usually a good reason why people hit \"delete\" to their own work. They regret writing something totally bullshit or maybe they spoke too much about their own work that they shouldn't have. First of all, is there really a practical reason why 10k rep user should view self-deleted answers? Does the benefit really outweigh the creepiness? (Imagine if total strangers could see your deleted messages in Gmail?) What suggestions could we make to change it? Borrowing from the email metaphor, I think it makes sense for users to \"empty trash\" so the items gets seriously deleted. Imho, however the deletion is implemented is not important. It could be a soft delete, SQL Delete, or physical destruction of metal plates as long as the user or the 10k rep user no longer sees the deleted item. What are the workarounds, if we can't change the behavior? The least we could do is stop calling it \"delete\" if it's actually not a \"delete.\" Call it \"hide from public\" or \"actually not delete\" or something. Related user voice: Edit: Recovery of a deleted-but-good answer is a practical benefit for the community, but I see that as creepy dangerous feature. IMHO, each user should have the rights to take back his or her perfectly good answer, and that the protecting privacy outweighs the benefit or creepiness. I understand that it's all possible to find things out from Google cache or wherever, but why promote this as default behavior? As 10k rep user, I see others deleted answers by default. @codinghorror wrote: But like any version control system, deletions are illusory. Anything and everything that's implemented by human is more or less illusory including phone system and the medical records. Should the government start tapping into phone lines and scanning for words? Remember, this is a question of should had we given the opportunity to design a system.",
"In the 70's or 80's I read a short story in which 2 astronauts looking for a nice place to eat lunch choose a spot at the pole of a small desolate planet, overlooking the world's only pool of surface water. Due to the harsh extremes of heat, and lack of water, this is the home of the planet's single living organism, which has grown slowly over eons, surviving the daily extremes, moving slowly over the bare rock, dissolving it with acidic digestive juices to get the nutrients it needs for survival. The men watch the organism while eating their lunch, then depart, unknowingly leaving death behind them in their garbage - cigarette butts, tin cans, wrappings - a bonanza that the creature moves over to dissolve and ingest, along with the human-based microscopic organisms that will destroy the alien being. The theme of the story is that although we reach out to the stars to seek life, we are much more connected to the lowest forms of life on Earth, than to any life we may find on other planets. I don't remember the author and title. Can someone identify the story?",
"How to Understand the Definition of Cardinal Exponentiation I'm having trouble understanding the definition of cardinal exponentiation. Let's start with the definitions / claims I've been given: For any finite sets $A,B$, such that if $|A|=a$ and $|B|=b\\neq 0$ then the number of functions from $A$ to $B$ is $b^a$. ( I'm guessing this is only used when both sets are finite ). For any sets $A,B$, $B^A$ is the set of functions from $A$ to $B$. For every set $A$, $|P(A)|=|\\left \\{ 0,1 \\right \\}^A|$ Now for the definition and why I don't understand it: Let $a,b$ be cardinal numbers. Let $A,B$ be sets such that $|A|=a, |B|=b$. Then $|B^A|=b^a$. How analagous to normal exponentiation is this and where does in differ when we introduce cardinals like $\\aleph_0$ or $C$? Is $2^2=4$ and is $\\frak c^2=c\\cdot c=c\\times c$?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Understanding raster size after clip? | Creating compressed GeoTIFF with QGIS Clipper tool? | [
"Is password confirmation necessary on a Change Password dialog? On one hand there is no need to ask for password confirmation because it is annoying. If I made a mistake when confirming my password I'll need retype my very complex password again. There is also a button that can show/hide the password so I don't need retype it in order to confirm it. However, some users don't use the password show/hide button and the 'forgotten password' option will be pain for them. Twitter removed the password confirmation from registration but left the dual confirmation in place for changing password. Is this right approach?",
"(This question is only as reference, I will add the answer myself) Suddenly the search in the expl3 documentation interface3.pdf no longer works. As an example searching for \"divis\" gives this as the first hit: In sumatra there is no problem, other files (e.g. source3.pdf) works fine. What could be the reason?)",
"How does the 2009 Star Trek film mesh with Enterprise canon? All of the events in the 2009 Star Trek movie would have taken place after the adventures of Captain Johnathan Archer and company. So, unless J.J. Abrams and friends decide to completely hand-wave that bit of history as well, all of the events in Enterprise should (in theory) still be able to line up with this new timeline. Are there any points of conflict in this? How about any time-travel episodes in the Enterprise series which may have happened differently after the interventions of Nero? Are there possible good explanations for such conflicts, or are there some which are irreconcilable? NOTE: I'm not arguing here whether or not ST2k9 is a part of Star Trek canon. In fact, this question is specifically granting that it is. I just want to know if there's any conflicts between the new movie and the existing Star Trek history that remains applicable to it.",
"Should it be obvious that independent quantum states are composed by taking the tensor product?",
"Prove that the $\\lim_{(x,y) \\to (0,0)}h(x,y)$ Does not Exist using Polar Coordinates Let $h(x,y)=\\frac{x^5y}{2x^{10}+y^2}$. How would I prove that the $\\lim_{(x,y) \\to (0,0)}h(x,y)$ Does Not Exist? I think that we might use polar coordinates, but I am not sure.",
"I am trying to animate in 2d. I do it with planes that have textures on them. I recently came up with the idea of having a plane with an image sequence of mouths because animating actual lip syncing by hand takes too long and isn't really necessary for what I'm trying to acomplish. However, when playing back the animation in textured viewport shading the animated texture stays at the last frame until the animation stops. I can use the arrow keys and it works fine as well as scrubbing through the timeline, just not when playing back the animation with alt+a. Can anyone help me with this problem?",
"Get steam to realize I have games already installed I uninstalled and re-installed steam. I didn't uninstall my games, and they still exist on my hard drive (I checked). I have an SSD and a HDD, and to save space I install programs (including steam) to C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam drive (SSD) and games to D:\\Games\\SteamApps (HDD). How to I let steam know the programs are installed there?",
"I'm looking for a bijection from the closed interval [0,1] to the real line. I have already thought of $\\tan(x-\\frac{\\pi}{2})$ and $-\\cot\\pi x$, but these functions aren't defined on 0 and 1. Does anyone know how to find such a function and/or if it even exists? Thanks in advance!",
"How to get old Mapping and Voronoi nodes into Blender 2.82? I noticed that some nodes changed significantly with Blender 2.81 and 2.82. Now I can't follow older tutorials, because some have different options than me. Voronoi Node is totally different Mapping Node is missing it's maximum / minimum clipping controls Q: How to get these older nodes back into Blender 2.82?",
"Calculate the area on a sphere of the intersection of two spherical caps Given a sphere of radius $r$ with two spherical caps on it defined by the radii ($a_1$ and $a_2$) of the bases of the spherical caps, given a separation of the two spherical caps by angle $\\theta$, how do you calculate the surface area of that intersection? To clarify, the area is that of the curved surface on the sphere defined by the intersection. At the extreme where both $a_1,a_2 = r$, we would be describing a spherical lune. Alternatively define the spherical caps by the angles $\\Phi_1 = \\arcsin(a_1/r)$ and $\\Phi_2 = \\arcsin(a_2/r)$.",
"Foobar2000-like music player?",
"Find weak form of linear transport equation I am stuck on the following problem that says: a) Find a weak formulation for the partial differential equation $${\\partial u\\over\\partial t\\ }+ c{\\partial u \\over \\partial x\\ }=0$$ b) Show that $u=f(x-ct)$ is a generalized solution of $${\\partial u\\over\\partial t\\ }+ c{\\partial u \\over \\partial x\\ }=0$$ for any distribution $f$ My Attempt: I know that in order to find a weak form of a pde, we need to multiply it by a test function, then integrate it. Also, to find a generalized solution, we need to find a weak solution and just multiply it by the Heaviside function. Let's take any test function $\\phi $, then we have (integrating by parts second part of the integral) $$\\int_{\\Omega } ( {\\partial u\\over\\partial t\\ }+ c{\\partial u \\over \\partial x\\ })*\\phi(x) dx= \\int_{\\Omega } {\\partial u\\over \\partial t}\\phi(x) dx - c\\int_{\\Omega } u(x,t)\\phi'(x)dx$$ where $\\phi $ vanishes at boundaries. So, is it the final form or can we proceed further? And how am I supposed to find a generalized solution? Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance for your time.",
"Reinstall Windows 8 on a Windows 8 based system with embedded key I'm a computer technician and we started selling few Windows 8 machine. We saw the new COA label does not show the key and after reading a little bit online, realized those systems came with the key emmebeded in the eUFI BIOS. My question is : How do I reinstall Windows 8 if the hard drive is crashed? I kind of get that you can install it with a media and the media should activate the licence embedded. What is the media required? Is a retail DVD is able to do the work or do I need a system builder kit? I understand the manufacturer is reponsible to provide media or replace the failed drive under the warranty but what will happen when warranty expire? I'll have to sell a full windows 8 licence with a key? Thanks",
"How can I get apt to use a mirror close to me, or choose a faster mirror? Downloading from the main Ubuntu archive is slow even when it's not release day, how can I get apt-get to automatically use a mirror that is close to me?",
"inequality on the unit disk $n$ points $z_1,z_2,\\cdots,z_n$ in the unit open disk are given. Prove or disprove that there exists $z$ in the unit circle such that $\\prod_{i=1}^n |z-z_i|^i \\ge 1$. I think it can be solved by elementary analytic methods but no idea.",
"Are there any good tools besides SeleniumRC that can fetch webpages including content post-painted by JavaScript?",
"How to make equally sized windows in corners of the screen?",
"Curve Bevel function, scale?",
"Baby Rudin claim: $1+\\frac{1}{3}-\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{1}{5}+\\frac{1}{7}-\\frac{1}{4}+\\frac{1}{9}+\\frac{1}{11}-\\frac{1}{6}...$ converges This sequence is a rearrangement of the series $1-\\frac{1}{2}+\\frac{1}{3}-\\frac{1}{4}+\\frac{1}{5}...$. Note that at this point in the text we do not have any theorem about the convergence of rearrangements. Let $\\{s_n\\}$ be the sequence of partials sums of the series then for $n \\ge 0$ $s_{3(n+1)} = \\sum ^n _ {k=0} \\frac{1}{4k+1} + \\frac{1}{4k+3} - \\frac{2}{4k+4}$ We can view it as the sequence(on $n$) of partials sums of $\\sum_0 a_n = \\sum_0 \\frac{1}{4n+1} + \\frac{1}{4n+3} - \\frac{2}{4n+4}$ Where $|a_n| = a_n = \\frac{1}{4n+4}\\{\\frac{3}{4n+1}+\\frac{1}{4n+3}\\} \\le \\frac{1}{4n^2}$. By the comparison test $s_{3(n+1)}$ converges to some real $\\alpha$. But $s_{3(n+1)+1} = s_{3(n+1)}+ \\frac{1}{4n+5}$ and $s_{3(n+1)+2} = s_{3(n+1)}+ \\frac{1}{4n+5}+\\frac{1}{4n+7} $hence we have a partition of $\\{s_n\\}$ into subsequences which tend to $\\alpha$ and this implies $s_n \\rightarrow \\alpha$. Is my proof correct? Any alternative solutions are appreciated.",
"Converse of Schur's Lemma in finite dimensional vector spaces I am trying to prove (or disprove) the converse of Schur's Lemma in finite dimensional vector spaces. I am not sure if it holds in this case, but I have tried to apply the idea that proves it in representation theory (see for example Theorem 4.3 that uses Maschke's theorem or in questions and ). The converse of Schur's Lemma in finite dimensional vector spaces is: Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over the complex numbers. Let $S$ be a set of endomorphisms of $V$ and assume that every endomorphism $A$ of $V$ such that $$AB=BA\\text{ for all }B\\in S$$ is of the form $\\lambda I, \\ \\lambda\\in\\mathbb{C}$. Then $V$ is a simple $S$-space. (*an endomorphism of $V$ is a linear operator from $V$ to $V$ *$V$ is a simple $S$-space if the only $S$-invariant subspaces of $V$ are $V$ itself and the zero subspace) What I've tried so far: Assume to the contrary that $V$ is not a simple $S-$space. Then, there exists a subspace $W$ of $V$ such that $W\\not =\\{0\\}$, $W\\not= V$ and $W$ is $S$-invariant. Let $W'=V\\setminus W$. Then, since $V$ is finite, we can easily prove that $V=W\\oplus W'$ (this is my attempt to translate Maschke's theorem in vector spaces). Consequently, for every $v\\in V$, there exists unique $w\\in W$ and $w'\\in W'$, such that $v=w+w'$. Define the projection $P:V\\rightarrow V$ by $Pv=w$ for every $v\\in V$. What is left to prove is that $PB=BP$ for all $B\\in S$. Then $P$ is clearly not a scalar and thus we have the contradiction we are looking for. There is a difficulty in showing that $PB=BP$ for all $B\\in S$, because $W'$ might be $S$-invariant or not. More precisely: Let $v\\in V=W\\oplus W'$ and $v\\not =0_V$. If $v\\in W$ then $Bv\\in W$ because $W$ is $S$-invariant, therefore: $PBv=Bv$ and $BPv=Bv$. If $v\\in W'$ then $Pv=0$, hence $BPv=B\\cdot 0=0$, and (i) if $Bv\\in W'$ then $PBv=0$. (ii) if $Bv\\in W$ then $PBv=Bv$ and this is where the problem occurs. Any hints, ideas or counterexamples would be very helpful."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why can't I get the file name under the if statement? | Is there a difference between "==" and "is"? | [
"I was able to post in chat with less than 20 rep by joining 20 sites I joined 20 other sites (out of the many) and even with 1 rep was able to post in any of the chatrooms. For example: In ELL, I have just 1 rep and have posted messages in its chat. ell.stackexchange.com/users/18923/lamart This seems like a bug because I should have needed 20 rep to post. . EDIT: From , I got the idea to make this edit. To reproduce this bug/error: Create a new SE account. Use it to make an account here. You will get 1 default rep. Choose a random SE site and use this account to get 1 rep on that random site. Repeat the above step 20 times. Now you have 1 rep on 20 network sites but the net SE rep is 20. Go to the ELL chat and ping me. (important step) From my comment: I have now got 40 rep since people voted this question up. Initially I had net 20 rep gained by creating 20 accounts on 20 different SE sites. Those default 1rep added up to get me to 20rep and I was able to chat. The link says one needs 20 rep in any of the SE site to chat in "all the other" category chatrooms..... but I did not have 20 rep on ELL at that moment.",
"Can I visit Schengen countries on a Type-D Schengen Visa?",
"$f: \\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function. Assume that $\\lim_{x \\rightarrow \\pm \\infty} f(x)$ exist and are finite. Prove that $f$ is bounded. So to show that $f$ is bounded, I must show that $\\exists M \\in \\mathbb{R}$ such that $|f(x)| \\leq M$ for all $x \\in Dom(f)$. Assuming that $f(x)$'s limit exist, then I know that $\\forall \\epsilon > 0$, $\\exists N$ such that for $n > N$, $|f(n) - L| < \\epsilon$. But I am having trouble with figuring out how to connect the two ideas together.",
"Why is RSA encryption significantly faster than decryption? I am designing an implementation of RSA . I recorded computation times in Java by using System.currentTimeMillis(). It returned an encryption time of 0.05 ms and decryption time of 0.55 ms, or a ratio of 1:11. This seems like a large difference. Is it supposed to be this way? //here my key has 256 bits for (;;) { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { decrypt(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - begin; if (time >= 10000) { System.out.printf(\"Average Encryption takes: %.2f ms\\n\", (double) time / num); break; } num *= 2; } p = BigInteger.probablePrime(128, random); q = BigInteger.probablePrime(128, random); N=(p.subtract(one)).multiply(q.subtract(one)); e=BigInteger.probablePrime(32, random); d=e.modInverse(N); private void encrypt() { C= M.modPow(e,N); } private void decrypt() { RM = C.modPow(d, N); }",
"C# Compiler should give warning but doesn't?",
"How to export data files using specific number format",
"I can't connect to a friend's Minecraft server, but none of the usual culprits seem to be the problem",
"Infinite Series $\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{4^n\\cos^2\\frac{x}{2^n}}$ How to prove that $$\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{4^n\\cos^2\\frac{x}{2^n}}=\\frac1{\\sin^2x}-\\frac1{x^2}$$",
"How to automatically reinvest in non-dividend paying funds I've read Einsteins quote stating \"The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.\" However, everywhere I read this is basically only possible with dividend paying stocks and then applying a dividend reinvestment plan. Is there a re-investing strategy like this for non-dividend paying mutual funds (or even non-dividend paying stock)? I figured that the only way would be to sell all your funds and then buy x+1 funds again, but this would cause a big loss because of transaction costs from the broker.",
"The category Set has the property that any morphism f can be decomposed into an epimorphism $e$ and a monomorphism $m$ with $f$ = $m\\circ e$. (The intermediary set object is the image of $f$.) Is there a name for this construction? Is there a name for this property of categories? In Set, the intermediary object is unique up to isomorphism. Is this the case for all categories with the property?",
"What would you call a word that doesn't exist in or translate well into another language? I've run into this situation several times, being a native Spanish speaker. There are some words you just can't translate into another language. Is there a particular word to describe this? I'm not refering to idioms. Also, if its a noun, people tend to use them by surrounding them in quotes. Is this appropiate? Example: I arrived at around 5 pm and had some quesadillas. Edit: I also meant to cover words that exist in English, but cannot be translated into another language. Example: There isn't a word for \"drive-thru\" in your language.",
"How to get JavaScript caller function line number? How to get JavaScript caller source URL?",
"How does the color of a car influence its inner temperature change over time when parked outside in windless, hot and sunny regions? I know what's the common idea about that: black cars are supposed to build up high temperatures faster because black objects absorb radiations instead of reflecting them off. Is it true? And then, what happens during the steady state? Some claim the black car will stay hotter, some others claim it will be the same whatever the color. Do all cars have the same temperature inside in the long run, or are some of them hotter? I've Googled it but the best I could find was . It claims to be based upon ~20 articles. But there's not even a mention of absorption or emission spectrums. A priori, a black car could absorb all visible radiations and emit it as infrared while reflecting all of the Sun's infrared. And it's still only qualitative. I've found nothing on Physics stackexchange, the closest being .",
"Pre-generate Review audits to avoid the lag?",
"I'm trying to find out why my application is very slow on a certain machine (runs fine everywhere else). I think i have traced the performance-problems to hard-disk reads and writes and i think it's simply the very slow disk. What tool could i use to measure hd read and write performance under Windows 2003 in a non-destructive way (the partitions on the drives have to remain intact)?",
"How to apply CSS to iframe? I have a simple page that has some iframe sections (to display RSS links). How can I apply the same CSS format from the main page to the page displayed in the iframe?",
"How do I programmatically determine operating system in Java? I would like to determine the operating system of the host that my Java program is running programmatically (for example: I would like to be able to load different properties based on whether I am on a Windows or Unix platform). What is the safest way to do this with 100% reliability?",
"What is the correct name for a \"product function\" on a monoid?",
"Checking if Ubuntu package contains desired update",
"What is the distance a creature or player can travel if they have multiple types of movement speeds? What is the distance a creature or player can travel if they have multiple types of movement? For example, the has a 40 ft walking speed, a 40 ft climbing speed, and an 80 ft flying speed. Can it move a total of 160 ft in a round using each of those fully, or is there another way this is calculated?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Finding bases for subspaces of $F^5$ | How to find bases for a subspace defined by an equation | [
"Creating polygons from points in Mapinfo",
"Explicitly finding the sum of $\\arctan(1/(n^2+n+1))$",
"Is there a pattern to which Star Trek ships get the definite article? Some ships in Star Trek are referred to with definite articles. \"The Enterprise\", \"The Defiant\". Other ships are referred to without them. \"Voyager\", \"Enterprise\". Is there a pattern to or explanation for this behavior?",
"Exporting feature class into multiple feature classes based on field values using ArcGIS Desktop?",
"I have found that for only one page (so far) the spacing between the header and content is different from the spacing on all the other pages. You can see this behavior in the images below (from pages 2 and 3 of the document): My .tex file contents are shown below. \\documentclass[a4paper]{report} \\usepackage{fullpage} \\usepackage{lipsum} \\usepackage{fancyhdr} \\pagestyle{fancy} \\setlength{\\headsep}{0.5cm} \\begin{document} \\renewcommand{\\headrulewidth}{0.4pt} \\renewcommand{\\chaptermark}[1]{\\markboth{\\thechapter. #1}{}} \\fancyhead[L]{\\bfseries \\leftmark} \\fancyhead[R]{\\bfseries \\rightmark} \\chapter{Version Control} \\lipsum \\lipsum \\lipsum \\lipsum \\end{document}",
"divisor of a product of integers is a product of divisors I read this recently on the web and can't manage to understand it. Not homework -- I haven't done math homework for years. If $d\\mid ab$ then $d=d_1 d_2$, that $d_1|a$, that $d_2|b$ and, further, if $(a,b)=1$ then $(d_1,d_2)=1$. I know it's the same question... if $a = a_1 a_2 ... a_n$, why can't $d$ divide some $a_i$ and only $a_i$?",
"What is Ambient Occlusion? What is Ambient Occlusion and what are some of it's uses? I see it is used in creating what might be called \"shadow catchers\" in the following node tree setup:",
"Is $A\\triangle B := A\\cup B-A\\cap B $ a suitable definition for the symmetric difference of two sets $A$ and $B?$ Or is $A\\triangle B := (A-B) \\cup (B-A) $ only allowed?",
"\"exec: gnome-session: not found\" when logging in using lightdm On login the password is accepted but I'm returned to the login screen. Tried multiple times even after reboot... same behavior. I left my laptop (Lenovo Ideapad z510) in suspend mode (lid down) last night, but it did not resume this morning, as it usually does. It had shutdown or crashed, and on booting with Ubuntu the login failure mentioned above started. cat ~/.xsession-errors /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 1: /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: ls: not found /usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 104: exec: gnome-session: not found Okay. I've tried a bunch of suggestions from Changed id to /usr/sbin/id in /etc/profile removed .Xauthority removed /tmp removed, purged and re-installed lightdm checked .profile for syntax errors (source .profile worked fine, so I guess no syntax errors) Nothing worked. My guest login is working fine, so another user should also work. I'm now going to create another user and continue working, but a solution to this problem is still warranted... it's likely going to repeat in future. Installing and reconfiguring gdm also did not work. sudo apt-get install gdm",
"Cat 5/6 in same conduit as power: is NM-B required, or is THHN acceptable?",
"Jamaica Inn episode 5 from BBC learning English drama section: The dialogue says: Mary: My aunt is in bed. She doesn't say - My aunt is in the bed. That section is for teaching English. Are they using incorrect English?",
"How can install Desktop Toggl on Ubuntu 13.04? I try type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:official-toggl/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install desktop-Toggl But getting information desktop-Toggl not found.",
"A film or TV series about classic monsters getting together",
"I would like my Dock to show only the windows of the current workspace. Especially in the little preview window. I find it very confusing to jump around workspaces when trying to find the right window.",
"Restored iOS 10 with broken Home button I restarted my iPhone 6 running iOS 10 and the home button is broken, so I was using Assistive Touch. But at the first launch, Assistive Touch is disabled. On iOS 10, we have to \"Press home button to unlock\". What can I do?",
"I have my mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S2) running on ICS. Recently I activated Microsoft Exchnage ActiveSync to connect to my corporate email. It disabled all the security options like 'Pattern Unlock'. I hated it, and removed my microsoft active exchange account from the phone, but these options are still disabled. How do I get it enabled?",
"How can I get all three Kalos starters?",
"Why have the subjunctive and indicative converged in Modern English?",
"Making adult decisions \"is\" or \"are\" really not fun: Which is correct? Making adult decisions are/is really not fun. What is the proper answer and why? My gut says \"is\" but I can't explain why.",
"Navigation bar overlapped by status bar"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
I cannot navigate back to question from Image page | Support showing image in original size in overlay | [
"We roll a six-sided die ten times. What is the probability that the total of all ten rolls is divisible by 6? So the question is really hard I think. I tried using a simple way by calculating the probability of each combination that makes a sum divisible by six, but it would take forever. Does anyone have any ideas? Suppose that we roll a six-sided die ten times. What is the probability that the total of all ten rolls is divisible by six?",
"How can I rank observations in-group faster?",
"I have a char in c#: char foo = '2'; Now I want to get the 2 into an int. I find that Convert.ToInt32 returns the actual decimal value of the char and not the number 2. The following will work: int bar = Convert.ToInt32(new string(foo, 1)); int.parse only works on strings as well. Is there no native function in C# to go from a char to int without making it a string? I know this is trivial but it just seems odd that there's nothing native to directly make the conversion.",
"Borel set preserved by continuous map Let $f:\\mathbb{R}^m\\rightarrow\\mathbb{R}^n$ be a continuous map. Show that if $A$ is a Borel subset of $\\mathbb{R}^n$, then $f^{-1}(A)$ is a Borel subset of $\\mathbb{R}^m$. I know that for $A$ open subset of $\\mathbb{R}^n$, then $f^{-1}(A)$ is open. Likewise for closed. A Borel subset is a countable unions/intersections of these sets, done repeatedly. From those facts, combined with $f^{-1}(A\\cup B)=f^{-1}(A)\\cup f^{-1}(B)$ and $f^{-1}(A\\cap B)=f^{-1}(A)\\cap f^{-1}(B)$, the statement should be intuitively true. But to do it rigorously, I want to write $A$ as open and closed sets. But since the countable union/intersection can be done repeatedly, I don't know how I can write it that way.",
"Google page title not matching html tag",
"Design problem - Implement an approval process on case, which sends email to approver showing some additional info, which should not be visible to case owner/agent (who clicked on \"Submit for approval\" button). Possible solution - All that additional info will not be stored on Case (otherwise agent will also be able to see it). I am creating a child object to case, where all that additional info be stored. We can make sure agent does not have access to that child object (lets call it ChildObj). In the email template used, we can include info about that child object. From what i understand, standard email templates dont allow cross object reference. We probably need to use visualforce email templates. Questions - 1) Can anyone see/point out any issues with that design? 2) I am very new to salesforce. Can anyone give me any example of how i will access child record's field? I mean there won't be any lookup or anything to child object, right? How do i access a field on the child object? Any clue would be helpful",
"Is it possible to use `find -exec sh -c` safely? I'm trying to use find to echo 0 into some files, but apparently this only works with sh -c: find /proc/sys/net/ipv6 -name accept_ra -exec sh -c 'echo 0 > {}' \\; But using sh -c with find -exec makes me feel very uneasy because I suspect quoting problems. I fiddled a bit with it and apparently my suspicions were justified: My test setup: martin@dogmeat ~ % cd findtest martin@dogmeat ~/findtest % echo one > file\\ with\\ spaces martin@dogmeat ~/findtest % echo two > file\\ with\\ \\'single\\ quotes\\' martin@dogmeat ~/findtest % echo three > file\\ with\\ \\\"double\\ quotes\\\" martin@dogmeat ~/findtest % ll insgesamt 12K -rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 6 Sep 17 12:01 file with \"double quotes\" -rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 4 Sep 17 12:01 file with 'single quotes' -rw-rw-r-- 1 martin martin 4 Sep 17 12:01 file with spaces Using find -exec without sh -c seems to work without problems - no quoting necessary here: martin@dogmeat ~ % find findtest -type f -exec cat {} \\; one two three But when I'm using sh -c {} seems to require some kind of quoting: martin@dogmeat ~ % LANG=C find findtest -type f -exec sh -c 'cat {}' \\; cat: findtest/file: No such file or directory cat: with: No such file or directory cat: spaces: No such file or directory cat: findtest/file: No such file or directory cat: with: No such file or directory cat: single quotes: No such file or directory cat: findtest/file: No such file or directory cat: with: No such file or directory cat: double quotes: No such file or directory Double quotes work as long as no file name contains double quotes: martin@dogmeat ~ % LANG=C find findtest -type f -exec sh -c 'cat \"{}\"' \\; one two cat: findtest/file with double: No such file or directory cat: quotes: No such file or directory Single quotes work as long as no file name contains single quotes: martin@dogmeat ~ % LANG=C find findtest -type f -exec sh -c \"cat '{}'\" \\; one cat: findtest/file with single: No such file or directory cat: quotes: No such file or directory three I haven't found a solution that works in all cases. Is there something I'm overlooking, or is using sh -c in find -exec inherently unsafe?",
"Can I partition a HDD for playing Xbox 360 games? I am planning to buy an xbox 360 console. my budget permits me acess to only the 4 GB one which needs extra space for many games' install. I have an external HDD of size 40GB. My question is can I divide it into partitions such thet I can use one for gaming on xbox and the other for data storage.",
"Take $\\mathbb{R}$ as a vector space over $\\mathbb{Q}$, then a basis for $\\mathbb{R}$, then $|B|=2^{\\aleph_0}$ I am trying to prove that Given $\\mathbb{R}$ as a vector space over $\\mathbb{Q}$, and a basis for $\\mathbb{R}$, then $|B|=2^{\\aleph_0}$. Proof: Suppse that $|B|<2^{\\aleph_0}$, then $\\mathbb R = span\\{ b_i ; b_i \\in B \\}$ So $ \\mathbb R = \\{ \\Sigma_{i=1}^{\\infty}\\alpha_i b_i ; \\alpha_i \\in \\mathbb Q, b_i \\in B, i \\in \\mathbb N \\} = \\bigcup_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\{\\Sigma_{i=1}^n \\alpha_ib_i\\}$. Which is a contradiction since a countable union of countable union of countable sets is countable and $\\mathbb R$ is not. What do you think? Thank you, Shir",
"Knife tool doesn't cut obscured edges I'm using Blender 2.66, I find that the knife tool (K) doesn't work the way it used to. Dragging across an obscured edge, even if selected, doesn't cut it. There seems to be no way to activate the option to do a midpoint cut or multiple cuts.",
"Is the op-amp inverting or non-inverting? I am studying the function and characteristic of an op-amp to build a line-following robot with the schematics below. However, in many tutorials, the way to differentiate an inverting and non-inverting op-amp is by looking at the connection to ground via the inverting or non-inverting terminal. However, in the schematics, the op-amp is considered to have connections to ground, thus in this case, how do I differentiate it then? I may have understood the whole concept wrongly. Pls help! EDIT: Please ignore the switch as it may have been drawn wrongly by the supplier.",
"I'm having a bit of trouble proving this with the propositional calculus rules. $$p \\lor (p\\implies q)$$ Would someone mind helping me and showing which rules they've used with an explanation! Thanks!",
"$(xy + 1)(yz + 1)(zx + 1) $ is a perfect square if and only if each factor is",
"Do redirection operators always open file descriptors in parallel? 1. Consider snippet#1: $ cat test.txt > test.txt cat: test.txt: input file is output file It seems that cat makes its input file descriptor point to test.txt and then when it tries to set its output file descriptor to test.txt it throws the above error. Here it seems that cat is aware of the redirect operator and so proceeds to attempt to set the output file descriptor to test.txt 2. Consider snippet#2: $ cat 1.txt 1:CAT 2:dog $ sed 's/cat/CAT/g' test.txt 1:CAT 2:dog $ sed 's/cat/CAT/g' test.txt > test.txt $ cat test.txt # Note that test.txt is now empty $ Here we see that sed opens test.txt (last argument) in read mode and at the same time sets test.txt as its file output descriptor. Also the '>' operator overwrites the contents of the file BEFORE sed starts to read from it. I am aware that commands in a pipeline execute in parallel but have not come across any info on how redirection operators behave. Any supporting links would be helpful.",
"Estimate the population variance from a set of means",
"A different approach in distributing $8$ distinct balls into $6$ distinct boxes Find the number of ways in distributing $8$ distinct balls into $6$ distinct boxes such that there is at least $1$ ball in each box. We are well acquainted with the traditional Inclusion-Exclusion principle in solving this and it will come up as $191520$ ways. I tried in this way: When we distribute $8$ balls into $6$ boxes we have two possible cases Case $1.$ There are exactly $2$ boxes with $2$ balls each Case $2.$ There is exactly $1$ Box with $3$ balls in it. For Case $1$, the distribution is done by choosing $2$ boxes from $6$ boxes and $2$ balls from $8$ balls and those two balls can be arranged in $2!$ ways. But I require another two balls from remaining $6$ balls to be placed in each of these two boxes which can be done in $\\binom{6}{2} \\times 2!$ ways. Finally remaining $4$ balls can be distributed in remaining $4$ boxes in $4!$ ways. So total number of ways for Case $1.$ is $$\\binom{6}{2} \\times \\binom{8}{2} \\times 2! \\times \\binom{6}{2} \\times 2! \\times 4!=604800$$ For Case $2$, the number of ways is $$\\binom{6}{1} \\times \\binom{8}{3} \\times 5!=40320$$ I am pretty sure the value obtained for Case $2.$ is correct. but I could not find where I went wrong in Case $1.$",
"induction proof: $\\sum_{k=1}^nk^2 = \\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ I encountered the following induction proof on a practice exam for calculus: $$\\sum_{k=1}^nk^2 = \\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$$ I have to prove this statement with induction. Can anyone please help me with this proof?",
"Java Swing: Displaying images from within a Jar",
"I want to keep Ubuntu but remove Windows.",
"I'm having some trouble proving the following statement using mathematical induction: $$\\frac{1}{2}n^{\\frac{3}{2}} \\leq \\sqrt{1} + \\sqrt{2} + \\sqrt{3} + \\sqrt{4} + ... + \\sqrt{n} ,\\text{ (for all sufficiently large n)}$$ I'm sort of confused because $n^{\\frac{3}{2}}$ = $n n^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ which means that there are n of the largest possible root values on the left hand side while the right hand side has values like $\\sqrt{1}$, $\\sqrt{2}$, etc. As n grows sufficiently large wouldn't the left hand side outgrow the right hand side no matter what the constant multiple is? If I'm thinking about this correctly just let me know, if not, any help would be appreciated."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
uniqueness of embedded submanifolds proof in Lee ITM | Smooth structure of embedded submanifolds | [
"URL Rewriting of a query string in php",
"Windows using too much RAM, how to diagnose resource hog I have 16GB of system RAM. On startup with no applications open except the task-manager Windows is using about 3gb of RAM. I looked in the processes tab, but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. How can I find out why my Windows is using so much RAM. all processes from all users Reading from the poolmon it seems that my wireless broadcom driver is using about 0.4GB of of RAM. Even if I remove it would still be using 2.6GB on start-up, which is still too much. After reinstalling the wireless driver associated with the memory leak. I have a new screenshot and would like to confirm that it was indeed a memory leak.",
"Prove that $\\frac{a_1^2}{a_1+a_2}+\\frac{a_2^2}{a_2+a_3}+ \\cdots \\frac{a_n^2}{a_n+a_1} \\geq \\frac12$ Let $a_1, a_2, a_3, \\dots , a_n$ be positive real numbers whose sum is $1$. Prove that $$\\frac{a_1^2}{a_1+a_2}+\\frac{a_2^2}{a_2+a_3}+ \\ldots +\\frac{a_n^2}{a_n+a_1} \\geq \\frac12\\,.$$ I thought maybe the Cauchy and QM inequalities would be helpful. But I can't see how to apply it. Another thought (might be unhelpful) is that the sum of the denominators on the left hand side is $2$ (the denominator on the right hand side). I would really appreciate any hints.",
"What was the meaning of the Night King's message? In S08E01 of Game of Thrones, we see this message: We have seen this several times, the symbol drawn with horse heads, the stones around the Weirwood where White Walkers are created and in some caves, drawn by Children of the Forest. Do we know the meaning behind this symbol? Does it or something similar occur in the books as well?",
"How to handle relative urls correctly with a nginx reverse proxy",
"Reference sObject Fields dynamically from a string value Is it possible to reference the fields of an sObject (opportunity in this example) dynamically from a string value? For example, take the following code: for(Opportunity o: oppList) { for(String s : strList) { // I'd like to set the opportunity field values based on the string // value that contains the API name of the opportunity field } } So, the variable strList contains the opportunity API field names. I'm trying to clear some fields on the opportunity in a before update trigger, but I have to access the field names dynamically in the strList.",
"Induction Proof: Fibonacci Numbers Identity with Sum of Two Squares Using induction, how can I show the following identity about the fibonacci numbers? I'm having trouble with simplification when doing the induction step. Identity: $$f_n^2 + f_{n+1}^2 = f_{2n+1}$$ I get to: $$f_{n+1}^2 + f_{n+2}^2$$ Should I replace $f_{n+2}$ using the recursion? When I do that, I end up with the product of terms, and that just doesn't seem right. Any guidance on how to get manipulate during the induction step? Thanks!",
"According to HTML specs, the select tag in HTML doesn't have a readonly attribute, only a disabled attribute. So if you want to keep the user from changing the dropdown, you have to use disabled. The only problem is that disabled HTML form inputs don't get included in the POST / GET data. What's the best way to emulate the readonly attribute for a select tag, and still get the POST data?",
"What is the definition of $2.5!$? (2.5 factorial) I was messing around with my TI-84 Plus Silver Edition calculator and discovered that it will actually give me values when taking the factorial of any number $n/2$ where $n$ is any integer greater than $-2$. Why does this happen? I thought factorials were only defined for positive integers and $0$, so what is my calculator doing to get the answer $3.32335097$ when I enter $2.5!$? Is there actually a definition of $2.5!$ or is my calculator just being weird? How is the factorial function implemented? I understand the binary implications of $2.5$, so that could possibly have something to do with it. I get a domain error when trying to take the factorial of $-1, 2.3, e$, and any number that is not of the form $n/2$ where $n$ is any integer greater than $-2$.",
"How specific does \"beast you have seen\" have to be for Wild Shape? Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. This doesn't say anything about the gender or age of the beast, so can a druid change into a female bear if he has only seen male bears? Can he change into a bear cub if he has only seen adult bears? What about hens/roosters/chickens, which look quite a bit different? Or does the gender of the animal shape just match the gender of druid?",
"I would be happy to get some hints on the following integral: $$ \\int_0^1\\frac{x^{19}-1}{\\ln x}\\,dx $$",
"When I search for my address on Google Maps it cannot be found which means I can't order takeaway etc. Is there a way of adding my address to Google Maps or even add a street address? I want the address to be publicly available so others can search it.",
"How do I disable the profiles button in Chrome? Since Chrome version 38, there's a pretty ugly button in the title bar of the Chrome window that allows you to switch profiles quickly. Since I'm the only one that uses my computer, this is not really useful to me, and I'd rather reclaim the space for more open tabs. I've looked in the settings but don't see a way to disable it. How can I get rid of the button?",
"Proofs involving limsup and liminf I've been working with proofs involving $\\limsup$ and $\\liminf$, and I'm a bit confused regarding their general methodology. More specifically, I'm unsure about whether my approach to the following problem makes sense. Problem. Let $(s_n)$ and $(t_n$) be sequences and suppose that there exists $N_0$ such that $s_n \\leq t_n$ for all $n > N_0$. Show that $\\liminf s_n \\leq \\liminf t_n$ and that $\\limsup s_n \\leq \\limsup t_n$. The way I approached it was as follows: Let $N > N_0$. Then $\\limsup_{N \\rightarrow \\infty} \\{ s_n : n > N \\} \\leq t_n$ as $s_n \\leq t_n$, and $\\limsup s_n $ is the largest possible limit of a subsequence of $s_n$. As $t_n : n > N$ is (by definition) less than $\\limsup_{N \\rightarrow \\infty} \\{ t_n : n > N \\}$, the proof is complete. I'm pretty sure this is incorrect, however, and I'm generally unclear about the method behind such a proof. Any help is appreciated!",
"What do parentheses surrounding an object/function/class declaration mean? I'm new to both JavaScript and . In YUI library examples, you can find many uses of this construct: (function() { var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom, Event = YAHOO.util.Event, layout = null, ... })(); I think the last couple of parentheses are to execute the function just after the declaration. ... But what about the previous set of parentheses surrounding the function declaration? I think it is a matter of scope; that's to hide inside variables to outside functions and possibly global objects. Is it? More generally, what are the mechanics of those parentheses?",
"How to install Skype 4.3? Note: The legacy Skype for Linux application (v4.*) is now discontinued and was removed from Canonical’s partner repositories, so this question and its answers are obsolete. Please refer to of our . Skype 4.3 is just released with considerable improvements. As a regular Skype user I want to use the latest Skype on my Ubuntu 14.04, but there is no updates from Update Manager. Even in Skype website only Skype 4.3 is available only for Ubuntu 12.04. Is there anyway to use this latest Skype on Ubuntu 14.04 or how much we have to wait for the update?",
"Self adjoint operators and trace class property This is a variation of the questioned some time ago. For a complex Hilbert space $H$ let $T: H \\rightarrow H$ be a bounded operator. We call that $T$ is a trace-class operator if the following sum $$\\sum_{i}{\\langle |T|e_{i}, e_{i} \\rangle} < \\infty$$ converges, where $|T| = (T T^{*})^{\\frac{1}{2}}$ is the absolute value of the operator. Assume that $$\\sum_{i}{\\langle Te_{i}, e_{i} \\rangle}$$ converges for any basis in the space $H$. How to prove that if the aformentioned property holds then the operator is a trace class operator? The progress on the problem is the following: Given an arbitrary bounded operator $T: H \\rightarrow H$, one can use the following decomposition $$T = \\big( \\frac{T + T^{*}}{2} \\big) ^{*} + i \\big( \\frac{T^{*} - T}{2i} \\big) ^{*}$$ The latter line gives the decomposition $$T = A + i B$$ where $A, B$ are normal operators. For the normal operators we can apply the spectral theorem that proposes that $T$ is unitary equivalent to $$(UT U^{-1})(f(x)) = g(x) f(x)$$ where $$U: H \\rightarrow L^{2}(X, \\mu)$$ $$g \\in L^{\\infty}(X, \\mu)$$ Though this decomposition classify the operator in a broad sence, i see no direct way to conclude the statement. Are the any hints that may extend the previous argument? If not, are there any ways to conclude the statement?",
"What is LookDev/Material Preview mode for in 2.8?",
"How to keep leading zeros in PHP integer",
"Which shells don't support dollar-parenthesis expansion, and demand backticks?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Equivalent of [tag:X] but allow linking to a tag on any SE site | Allow [tag:tag-name] syntax to link to any site | [
"Favourites Page on iOS App I would like to have a page listing all the questions I marked as favourite, same as the . Also, I think the desktop version, the star, is much more intuitive and easier to find. Thanks!",
"Spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking (i.e. $SU(2)\\times U(1)\\to U(1)_{em}$ ) is at scale about 100 Gev. So, for , gauge bosons $Z$ & $W$ have masses about 100 GeV. But before this spontaneous symmetry breaking ( i.e. Energy > 100 GeV) the symmetry $SU(2)\\times U(1)$ is not broken, and therefore gauge bosons are massless. The same thing happens when we go around energy about $10^{16}$ GeV, where we have the Grand Unification between electroweak and strong interactions, in some bigger group ($SU(5)$, $SO(10)$ or others). So theoretically we should find gauge bosons $X$ and $Y$ with masses about $10^{16}$ GeV after GUT symmetry breaks into the Standard Model gauge group $SU(3)\\times SU(2)\\times U(1)$, and we should find massless X and Y bosons at bigger energies (where GUT isn't broken). So this is what happened in the early universe: when temperature decreased, spontaneous symmetry breaking happened and firstly $X$ & $Y$ gauge bosons obtained mass and finally $Z$ & $W$ bosons obtained mass. Now, I ask: have I understood this correctly? In other words, if we make experiments at energy above the electroweak scale (100 GeV) we are where $SU(2)\\times U(1)$ isn't broken and then we should (experimentally) find $SU(2)$ and $U(1)$ massless gauge bosons, i.e. $W^1$, $W^2$, $W^3$ and $B$ with zero mass? But this is strange, because if I remember well in LHC we have just make experiments at energy about 1 TeV, but we haven't discovered any massless gauge bosons.",
"How to completely delete and app from iphone (including all the data and history) So this problem particularly emerged with the Tinder app. I was using Tinder with a user account (A) and one day I logged out and created a new user account (B) which I never succeeded to activate due to sms verification problems, so I decided to login again with my old account. But even when I delete the Tinder app and reinstall it again, it still shows the B account logged in to the app. This means that IOS is somewhere storing a history for this app. Now I'm looking for a way to delete this history. Note that this question is not necessarily about a certain app, but rather about where IOS stores historical data of apps and how to delete those histories alongside with the app. P.S: If there are solutions like changing UUID of my i-phone that wouldn't damage my phone (I'm new to iphone so I'm not sure what I'm saying. For instance this jailbreaking thing which I keep hearing about and I'm not sure what it exactly does to my phone, doesn't sound like an I idea that I like), I'm open to them.",
"dpkg exit with error parsing file `/var/lib/dpkg/status`, what to do? When I try to install any software, I encounter this error, and therefore I cannot update. Preconfiguring packages ... dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 51245 package 'oracle-xe': mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present N: Ignoring file 'gcl' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension N: Ignoring file 'gcl' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)",
"Filezilla or WinSCP save password in plain text which is unsecured on public machines. Is there any FTP client can save and encrypt password so that people using it only can access to FTP but not able to see password? Thanks!",
"How can I install a Canon printer or scanner driver? I tried to install the MP190 drivers, but appeared a message show me that requires to have libcupsys2. I understand that libcup2 is an update of libcupsys2. How do I solve this? Are there proprietary drivers for my Canon printer or scanner?",
"How to find all positive integers $n$ such that $(n-1)!+1$ can be written as $n^k$ for some positive integer $k$?",
"How to change the default fonts in Windows 10 I have read the entries for other OS versions. Changing the MS Shell Dlg (2) entries in FontSubstitues registry key doesn't seem to work (in Windows 10), or it works in two minor places. I don't have access to a Windows 95/98/etc. machine, the \"earliest\" I have is Windows 8.1, so I can't use the Plus directory trick either (directory doesn't exist). For the WindowMetrics registry entry, I seem to have all the *Font keys to be set to the font I want, but that doesn't seem to be doing the trick (on Windows 10). For Windows 8/8.1, there was a program called Windows 8 Font Changer, which worked like a charm, but doesn't seem to on Windows 10 (though it was probably that program run that changed the fonts in the WindowMetrics). Thanks. Update: One more method that came out that is perhaps still not the solution: Winaero Tweaker (winaero.com), as it has some issues, the biggest two of which seem to be: If you have changed the size of text etc. from: \"Settings –> Display –> Advanced display settings –> Advanced sizing of text and other items –> set a custom scaling level (not recommended)\", the changes do not stick upon a logoff-login or restart. You need to have changed it, if at all, only through \"Settings –> Display –> Change the size of text, etc.\" (which goes up to only a certain percentage, depending on the maximum resolution of your device – 125% on a tablet of mine, which I was able to set to 175% or even 200% with the other, older method that is now apparently listed as not recommended). Even though it lists a number of items to change the font and size of, not everything gets changed. A typical example of this is the right click menu on the desktop, which still shows the View, Sort By, etc. items in the default font, however much it has a clear 'Change menu font' item.",
"Can I use my Schengen visa for a completely different purpose and entry point?",
"Possible Duplicate: So, in my calculus class (one I'm teaching, not taking), the sum $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\sin(n)}{n}$ has come up a few times. Unfortunately, as someone not exactly an expert in the convergence of sums, it seems to resist the few techniques I know. Certain none of the usual first year calculus tricks (integral test, alternating series test, ratio test, etc.) work, and the only more tricky technique, partial summation, I can think of doesn't seem to work either (one would need that $\\sum_{n=1}^N\\sin(n)$ is bounded, which I believe is false). It seems like it should converge, since it switches sign quite often, but on the other hand, the harmonic series can mess with your intuition, so I don't have much trust in that. So, I ask to you: Does this series converge?",
"This thing came up in a combinatorics course I am taking. Choose a fixed set of primes $p_1,p_2,\\dots,p_k$ and let $A_n$ be number of integers in $\\{1,2,\\dots,n\\}$ which are not divisible by any of the $p_i$'s. $A_n$ is given by $ n - \\sum_{1\\leq i_1 \\leq k} \\lfloor \\frac{n}{p_{i_1}} \\rfloor + \\sum_{1\\leq i_1 < i_2 < k} \\lfloor \\frac{n}{p_{i_1}p_{i_2}}\\rfloor - \\dots $. Now, if $n$ is divisible by each of the $p_i$'s then we have the simpler expression : $A_n = n \\prod_{i=1}^{k}(1-\\frac{1}{p_i})$(added later : note I am not assuming $n = \\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i$ here, this holds true whenever $n = c \\prod_{i=1}^{k} p_i $ for some integer c, since each $\\lfloor \\frac{n}{p_{i_1} \\dots p_{i_j}} \\rfloor = \\frac{n}{p_{i_1} \\dots p_{i_j}}\\ )$. Another student pointed out that even if $n$ does not have $\\prod_{i=1}^{k} p_i$ as a factor, the approximation $B_n = n \\prod_{i=1}^{k}(1-\\frac{1}{p_i})$ to $A_n$ is quite close in some specific cases. It is easy to see that $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{A_n - B_n}{n}=0$ as $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{1}{n}\\lfloor \\frac{n}{p_{i_1}p_{i_2}\\dots p_{i_j}} \\rfloor \\to \\frac{1}{p_{i_1}p_{i_2} \\dots p_{i_j}},$ however that is not strong enough to imply that $A_n - B_n$ will be always close. Is there any way to analyze how well this approximation will perform in general? I am interested in the worst case for small to moderately sized $n$. Just to give a feel of how close $A_n$ and $B_n$ can get, assuming the set of primes is $\\{2,3,7\\}$ we have (assuming my program is correct): n A(n) B(n) 17 5 4.86 27 8 7.71 37 11 10.57 107 31 30.57 1111 318 317.43 3001 858 857.43 4007 1145 1144.86 5000 1429 1428.57 .",
"bash: ./program: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error I'm trying to run a program, but an error happens like this: bash: ./program: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error The result of file program was: program: ELF-32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI4 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked(uses share libs), for GNU/LINUX 2.6.16, not stripped How can I fix this error? I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.2 (amd64) with VMware. I also tried with Ubuntu i386, but result was same.",
"ToolStrip sometimes not responding to a mouse click",
"Windows 10 update broke my MBR / GRUB After I ran Windows 10 update this afternoon my partition table broke... I had dual boot with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14 with Grub as the boot loader. The error that came up was \"Error no such partition, Entering rescue mode... grub rescue>\". I googled it, about the boot-repair ISO, installed it on a USB, ran the repair, got this report, but still no luck: Now the boot skips Grub entirely and goes to Windows boot manager which fails with \"The boot configuration data for your PC is missing or contains errors\". So now instead of dual boot I have zero boot. Thanks Microsoft. Anyway can you guys help me interpret the disk info in the pastebin link? I don't remember my partition configuration but I believe Ubunut had slightlty less disk space than Windows. Questions I have: Is the Ubuntu partition still there? Could it be the one named \"Extended\"? (sda4) Where would GRUB be? Gone? Can it be reinstalled? how? I don't really care about the Windows partition anymore, but it would be nice to rescue Ubuntu.",
"Commutator of a group",
"I am looking for a way to get the 15 character entity ID for a custom field on my Lead object in an Apex controller. I have tried this: private String getEntityIdFor(String fieldName) { Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.fields.getMap(); return fieldMap.get(fieldName).getDescribe().getId(); } Of course, there is no getId() method, but this is the closest I got. Thanks for any help.",
"E.g. I know that I can browse the chat when I'm not logged on. But what if I am logged on and want to spare the inconvenience of logging off/multiple browsers?",
"Splitting a semicolon-separated string to a dictionary, in Python",
"Can I give a creature trample after blockers have been assigned? I declare my attack with a 3/3 creature & then my opponent assigns a 1/1 creature to block. Am I allowed to use the ability of an (1 Green Mana - Target creature gains trample until end of turn) on my original 3/3 creature to make sure that, in addition to his creature dying, he receives 2 damage to himself as well? Or would that give my opponent the chance to go back and assign a secondary blocker?",
"Why do diamonds shine?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
\ref{label>} yields the chapter | Why does an environment's label have to appear after the caption? | [
"Can the Flash run faster than light?",
"I'm a bit confused on how extra damage works for critical hits. Let's take the following example: A thief with sneak attack rolls a crit. I'm under the impression he rolls double his normal attack damage dice AND double his Sneak Attack damage dice. Is this accurate? Another example, I finished DM-ing my first campaign recently. The Giant Spider enemy monster has an melee attack that causes a constitution saving throw. If the player fails, the enemy rolls an additional 2D8 of damage. In this situation, if there was a critical hit, and the player failed their saving throw, would I also roll double dice on the additional damage? Or is that considered a separate attack?",
"How to salt PBKDF2, when generating both an AES key and a HMAC key for Encrypt then MAC? When using Encrypt-then-MAC with AES and HMAC by password, and given 128 bits of payload with the ciphertext to store a random salt, which would be more secure: Using PBKDF2 with then entire 128 bit random salt and generating 512 bits of derived data to split into a 256 bit AES Key and a 256 bit HMAC key. or Using PBKDF2 separately for each key using two 64 bits salts to generate a 256 bit AES Key and a 256 bit HMAC key. or Better option?",
"chrome disable or change keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+c developer tools console? How can I disable the Keyboard Shortcut ctrl+shift+c in Google Chrome to bring up the Developer Tools console? I find myself trying to copy+paste content from the browser and mistakenly typing ctrl+shift+c when I really want to do ctrl+c instead. How can I disable the current keyboard binding or change ctrl+shift+c to do the same as ctrl+c in Google Chrome?",
"I'm studying machine learning and every book I open I bump into chi-squared distribution, gamma-function, t-distribution, Gaussian, etc. Every book I have opened so far only defines what the distributions are: they don't explain or give the intuition on where the specific formulas for the functions come from. For example, why is chi-squared distribution the way it is? What is the t-distribution? What is the intuition behind the distribution? Proofs? etc. I would like to have a clear and fundamental understanding of the most commonly used distributions so that every time later on when I see them, I truly understand what is a t-distribution, what is a Gaussian distribution and most importantly why are they the way they are. It would be nice if the books / tutorials can explain the concepts to a layman so that in order to understand them you don't already need to understand them x) Many books are like this, they don't fit for beginners :(",
"Downloading multiple files with youtube-dl I use youtube-dl to download files from YouTube. I have tried downloading multiple files, but it is not working out for me. I have to open multiple terminals and start afresh every time I want to download a video. Can you help me to download multiple files with a single terminal window by just mentioning all the URLs at once? I use Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.",
"How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?",
"We often get questions on bicycles.stackexchange about fitting wider or narrower tires to bicycles. We have a large number of these with answers suiting the specific bike or style of bicycle in question, but I have been unable to find one that provides a generic answer covering off all things that need to be considered. For most bicycles, the answer is the same regardless of the specific style and sizes of tires in question. This is intended as a canonical question that we can point closed questions to.",
"How to typeset asymmetrical confidence level limits / uncertainties?",
"In Data Extension one field 'HTML' have Data that I have shown below, Now I have to Find the 'Href', and and at the last of URL append some text like '&MC='. It may have Multiple 'Href'. Please help me on this. <table width=\"540\" style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px;\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign=\"top\"> <h5 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px; line-height: normal; font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Lucida Grande&quot;, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal;\"> <a style=\"text-decoration: none;\" href=\"https://test.4.com/testRegistration/testLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&eventid=897605&sessionid=1&key=2F3D1EB963D9DB7738BF2877DFFDBA01&partnerref=Social&sourcepage=register&loc=zOTlocz&prod=zWAz&tech=zsecz&prog=zOTprogz&type=zOTtypez&media=zWCz&country=zUSz\" alias=\"Success with Enterprise Mobility: Making email and Office 365 secure on mobile devices\"> Success with Enterprise Mobility: Making email and Office 365 secure on mobile devices </a> </h5> <p style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Lucida Grande&quot;, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal;\"> <span style=\"color: rgb(103, 103, 103);\"> <em>December 9, 2014, 10:30 A.M.&ndash;11:30 A.M. Pacific Time</em><br> An enterprise mobility strategy involves identity, management, and productivity. In this session featuring Brad Anderson, you will learn about the integration and the Office mobile apps while enabling secure mobile productivity. </span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\">&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=\"top\"> <h5 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px; line-height: normal; font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Lucida Grande&quot;, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal;\"> <a style=\"text-decoration: none;\" href=\"http://test.TTr.com/?Wt.mc_id=IG15W2NWTN&loc=zOTlocz&prod=zWAz&prod=zWSz&tech=zCLz&prog=zOTprogz&type=zEVz&media=zOTmediaz&country=zUSz\" alias=\"Test: Everything about enterprise technology under one roof\"> Test: Everything about enterprise technology under one roof </a> </h5> <p style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; font-family: &quot;Segoe UI&quot;, &quot;Lucida Grande&quot;, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal;\"> <span style=\"color: rgb(103, 103, 103);\"> <em>May 4&ndash;8, 2015, Chicago, IL</em><br> If you&rsquo;re serious about technology, you don&rsquo;t want to miss Test. This event will be the intersection of everything in enterprise technology. Get ahead in your job and your career. </span> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>",
"Nearby objects won't move independently?",
"Here's a question I've been asked; Given distinct primes $p,q,r$, show that any group $G$ of order $pqr$ is not simple. So far, my idea has been to individually check each possible proper subgroup, since by Lagrange there are only $$\\dbinom{3}{2} + \\dbinom{3}{1} + 1$$ of them, and show that at least one of them other than the trivial group is normal. Surely there is a smarter way, since generalizing this approach wouldn't work so well if I wanted to show similar results for groups who's order is a product of $n$ distinct primes. Is there some other approach? Thanks for any insights",
"How \"submitted\", \"to appear\", \"accepted\" papers are evaluated in a CV? Assume a search committee is reading my CV and in the publication section they notice some of my papers are only submitted or claimed to appear in a journal (or accepted for publication in a journal). Sometimes the journal which has accepted the paper for publication lists the title of accepted articles before actually publishing them, but in the rest of cases there is no evidence to prove that the referee process of the paper is over and the journal has accepted the paper for publication. Also assume preprints of my papers are available in ArXiv. So, my questions are: How a search committee interprets and evaluates those papers which are just submitted or are claimed to appear? Does a search committee consider these types of publications less valuable than the published ones (assuming the same quality)? Does a search committee refer to my preprints in ArXiv to evaluate my submitted or accepted papers?",
"What makes a good entry level road bike? I've been riding a mountain bike for years, but I prefer to go longer distances on paved ground, so I think a road bike would be better. When I ask what is a good bike, I don't need brands or models - more like what components of the bike should I look for, and what should I avoid? Additionally, is it necessary to \"go big or don't go at all\" as far as spending - getting a real good quality road bike for $500 to a few thousand, or should I cheap out on a $100-200 road bike, as it is my first, then get a better one when I'm more experienced?",
"Why Oracle discontinued Oracle Java (JDK) Installer PPA?",
"Installing particular versions when repo has newer versions?",
"Interactive pixel information of an image in Python?",
"Today a student asked me $\\int \\ln (\\sin x) \\, dx.$ Calculate the integral $$\\int \\ln (\\sin x) \\, dx.$$",
"Proving $\\sum\\limits_{k=1}^{n}{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{k}}\\ge\\sqrt{n}}$ with induction I am just starting out learning mathematical induction and I got this homework question to prove with induction but I am not managing. $$\\sum\\limits_{k=1}^{n}{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{k}}\\ge\\sqrt{n}}$$ Perhaps someone can help me out I don't understand how to move forward from here: $$\\sum\\limits_{k=1}^{n+1}{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{k}}+\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{n+1}}\\ge \\sqrt{n+1}}$$ proof and explanation would greatly be appreciated :) Thanks :) EDIT sorry meant GE not = fixed :)",
"What is the purpose of delayed suspend (Ctrl-Y) in Bash?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
\mathrlap type instruction but only 'locally' | Too many blanks between summation symbol and its associated expression | [
"An can be identified by its together with isolating intervals with rational bounds for its real and imaginary parts. The degree of an algebraic number is the of its minimal polynomial. There are known algorithms that allow to easily compute sum and product of algebraic numbers in this representation, raise them to a rational power, extract real and imaginary parts, compare them, or evaluate them numerically to an arbitrary precision. Is there an efficient algorithm that given an algebraic number $\\alpha$ in this representation can decide if $\\alpha$ can be represented as a sum or product of algebraic numbers of smaller degree?",
"How can I define a mathematical function as a LaTeX macro?",
"Is it true that $\\mathbb{R}$ and $\\mathbb{R}^2$ are isomorphic as abelian groups?",
"ssh master - execute su remotely I have a server S that I need to connect to. I'm connecting to S as user asdf with control master and after that I perform some stuff: ssh -N -f -M -o ControlPath=$SSHSOCKET ${USER}@${IP} -p ${PORT} -i id_rsa ssh -to ControlPath=$SSHSOCKET ${USER}@${IP} -p ${PORT} \"su -c whoami && hostname && exit\" It works as expected, but second line asks me for password. I am trying such fix: echo 'qwerty' | ssh -t -to ControlPath=$SSHSOCKET ${K3_USER}@${IP} -p ${PORT} \"su -c whoami && hostname && exit\" but it gets even worse: muxserver_accept_control: tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device Password: For me, it's mandatory to ssh as asdf first. I also can't make any other ssh control master connections. I also can't modify any config on the target machine. I just need to switch to root via ssh somehow. Any ideas ?",
"Can a single player build a clan dojo? Is it possible for an one-or-two-person clan to build a dojo? If so, what are the resources involved? I'd like to experience the whole Dojo building experience so I don't plan to join an existing Clan with a dojo already.",
"I'd like to create a Windows bootable USB stick, but I don't have a Windows machine with me at the moment to do so. How could I achieve the same using Ubuntu?",
"Is there a tool to encrypt a file or directory? What's the most popular way to encrypt individual files or folders?",
"Implicit Differentiation Help I have to use implicit differentiation to find $\\frac{dy}{dx}$ given: $$x^2 \\cos(y) + \\sin(2y) = xy$$ I don't even know where to begin, I missed the class where we went over implicit differentiation, and because of that, I am completely stuck. Thank you everyone. Edit: I don't know how to make the equation look all nice and whatnot, so sorry about that",
"How to rank a million images with a crowdsourced sort I'd like to rank a collection of landscape images by making a game whereby site visitors can rate them, in order to find out which images people find the most appealing. What would be a good method of doing that? Hot-or-Not style? I.e. show a single image, ask the user to rank it from 1-10. As I see it, this allows me to average the scores, and I would just need to ensure that I get an even distribution of votes across all the images. Fairly simple to implement. Pick A-or-B? I.e. show two images, ask user to pick the better one. This is appealing as there is no numerical ranking, it's just a comparison. But how would I implement it? My first thought was to do it as a quicksort, with the comparison operations being provided by humans, and once completed, simply repeat the sort ad-infinitum. How would you do it? If you need numbers, I'm talking about one million images, on a site with 20,000 daily visits. I'd imagine a small proportion might play the game, for the sake of argument, lets say I can generate 2,000 human sort operations a day! It's a non-profit website, and the terminally curious will find it through my profile :)",
"How to Deserialize XML document",
"Pressure and weight? (hydrostatic paradox) Consider two different shaped containers having same area: one is cylinder, the other is like an inverted pyramid (roughly). Both have the same level of water, the weight of the inverted pyramidal container will therefore be greater than that of the cylinder. But I know from Pascal's law that the pressure should be same in both containers. If the base areas are the same then the force (weight as measured by a scale) should also be the same. Why are the weights different?",
"What's the difference between Normalization and Standardization? At work we were discussing this as my boss has never heard of normalization. In Linear Algebra, Normalization seems to refer to the dividing of a vector by its length. And in statistics, Standardization seems to refer to the subtraction of a mean then dividing by its SD. But they seem interchangeable with other possibilities as well. When creating some kind of universal score, that makes up $2$ different metrics, which have different means and different SD's, would you Normalize, Standardize, or something else? One person told me it's just a matter of taking each metric and dividing them by their SD, individually. Then summing the two. And that will result in a universal score that can be used to judge both metrics. For instance, say you had the number of people who take the subway to work (in NYC) and the number of people who drove to work (in NYC). $$\\text{Train} \\longrightarrow x$$ $$\\text{Car} \\longrightarrow y$$ If you wanted to create a universal score to quickly report traffic fluctuations, you can't just add $\\text{mean}(x)$ and $\\text{mean}(y)$ because there will be a LOT more people who ride the train. There's 8 million people living in NYC, plus tourists. That's millions of people taking the train everyday verse hundreds of thousands of people in cars. So they need to be transformed to a similar scale in order to be compared. If $\\text{mean}(x) = 8,000,000$ and $\\text{mean}(y) = 800,000$ Would you normalize $x$ & $y$ then sum? Would you standardize $x$ & $y$ then sum? Or would you divide each by their respective SD then sum? In order to get to a number that when fluctuates, represents total traffic fluctuations. Any article or chapters of books for reference would be much appreciated. THANKS! Also here's another example of what I'm trying to do. Imagine you're a college dean, and you're discussing admission requirements. You may want students with at least a certain GPA and a certain test score. It'd be nice if they were both on the same scale because then you could just add the two together and say, \"anyone with at least a 7.0 can get admitted.\" That way, if a prospective student has a 4.0 GPA, they could get as low as a 3.0 test score and still get admitted. Inversely, if someone had a 3.0 GPA, they could still get admitted with a 4.0 test score. But it's not like that. The ACT is on a 36 point scale and most GPA's are on 4.0 (some are 4.3, yes annoying). Since I can't just add an ACT and GPA to get some kind of universal score, how can I transform them so they can be added, thus creating a universal admission score. And then as a Dean, I could just automatically accept anyone with a score above a certain threshold. Or even automatically accept everyone whose score is within the top 95%.... those sorts of things. Would that be normalization? standardization? or just dividing each by their SD then summing?",
"Internal \"get/set\" function of property? Here is my test code and picture: import bpy # Simple property reading/writing from ID properties. # This is what the RNA would do internally. def get_float(self): return self[\"testprop\"] def set_float(self, value): self[\"testprop\"] = value #bpy.types.Scene.test_float = bpy.props.FloatProperty(get=get_float,set=set_float) bpy.types.Scene.test_float = bpy.props.FloatProperty() bpy.context.scene.test_float = 12.34 When I don't explicitly set the \"get/set\" function for my property, after assigning the value, I can get the property value by 'scene[\"test_float\"]', but if I explicitly set the \"get/set\" function, then if I try to type in the same commands, I will receive a error \"KeyError: 'bpy_struct[key]: key \"test_float\" not found'\" . So what should I do to get the same results by using explicitly \"get/set\" function?",
"Calculate $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to4} \\frac {\\sqrt {1+2x}-3} {\\sqrt x -2}$ After I just learned there are ways to cancel out $0$s in the divisor of fractions onto limits I looked back at a task where I gave up when I got the result $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to4} \\frac {\\sqrt {1+2x}-3} {\\sqrt x -2}$ so I tried to find a way to get the $0$ out here, as well. Am I just not seeing the solution or is there no way to do it?",
"I'm looking for a story that was probably written somewhere from the 1940s to the 1960s. I think I read it in an anthology, possibly in the 1970s. A group of human explorers landed on a planet with primitive aliens, living in hunter-gatherer villages. They hoped to make a profit from trading our goods for—well, I'm not clear on what they wanted from the aliens. The native people learned the human language before the explorers could learn theirs. Then the natives suddenly started producing technological innovations far beyond what they originally used. I remember that wooden sailing ships suddenly replaced their canoes. All the natives had to do was hear a story once from the explorers before copying the technology in the story. Finally, the explorers realized that the natives were much, much smarter than us and that Earth faced a serious problem. I'm fairly certain that it wasn't a Heinlein story, but I remember that it had some qualities similar to his work.",
"Can I attack a specific player? I was in a clan and someone kicked me from it. I think I'm stronger than him. Is there any way I can attack him? The only method I see to attack is random players. Can I attack a specific player?",
"Understanding DNA match of 1,723 cM I have a DNA match of 1,723 cM with a male 6 years younger than me. His father is one of a twin, could my match be not my half-sibling but my 1st cousin.",
"A Banach space is reflexive if and only if its dual is reflexive How to show that a Banach space $X$ is reflexive if and only if its dual $X'$ is reflexive?",
"Let mods see the names of the flaggers for chat offensive flags There have been (not to pick on the Bridge, just that these are the ones I found) occurrences where users abuse chat flags to cause drama. Random stuff gets flagged, and users from other rooms are needlessly summoned into the room. The issue is, while mods can tell the room to stop flagging random things, there's no way to enforce this. Spam/offensive flags in chat are anonymous, and can be abused with impunity without the mods finding out. I don't think there's anything stopping a user from letting out an endless stream of flags, annoying everyone. Can mods have the ability to see who flagged a message in chat?",
"Can the system leave a deletion reason when it deletes a question?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
how to get city name from latitude and longitude using google api for ios | How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps? | [
"find exclude directory",
"Seeking copy of 19th century South African birth certificate? I'm trying to find the birth certificate of my wife's great grandmother who was probably born in Durban, South Africa in 1884. I'm currently unable to find any online resources for this. If such a thing does not exist online, is there any other method of retrieving a copy or at least just the details?",
"Why is complete strong induction a valid proof method and not need to explicitly proof the base cases?",
"Check if all elements in a list are identical",
"ImportError: No module named dbus I was trying to update my Python and messed up my whole system. I am currently now able to start my Software Centre. I tried Googling multiple fixes but nothing helped. My Software Centre can't start. When I try starting it up, this error shows: astephen@localhost:/usr/bin$ ./software-centerGtk-Message: Failed to load module \"gtk-vector-screenshot\" Traceback (most recent call last): File \"./software-center\", line 36, in <module> from softwarecenter.utils import ( File \"/usr/share/software-center/softwarecenter/utils.py\", line 19, in <module> import dbus ImportError: No module named dbus I tried reinstalling dbus using: apt-get install --reinstall dbus But it did not help. astephen@localhost:/usr/bin$ sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbusReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/231 kB of archives. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used. (Reading database ... 676272 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../dbus_1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3_amd64.deb ... Unpacking dbus (1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3) over (1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ... Processing triggers for man-db ( ... Setting up dbus (1.6.18-0ubuntu4.3) ...",
"Backslash escaping in code regions in comments I've noticed that in comments, when you create `code region` with backticks, the backslash will still work as an escape character within that region (but it should not, IMHO). To clarify: In comments, `\\\\` will be rendered as \\, but it should be rendered as \\\\ In the post body itself, `\\\\` will be rendered as \\\\ (i.e., correctly) This is especially confusing when you enter regular expressions into a comment, since backslash-escaping is very common there, and confusion increases if you are dealing with a regex that is double-escaped for representation in a string. At some point you lose track how many backslashes you must make so the comment renders correctly, or you don't notice fast enough (or at all) and the comment contains wrong code where the same markup in a question or answer would come out as perfectly correct. It's just that comments can't be corrected anymore after the grace period, leaving you with the choice of either deleting the comment, thus crippling the conversation, or engaging in a trial-and-error game of writing another comment with even more backslashes to explain the issue. My question is two-fold: Will this error be corrected? If yes, existing comments should probably be searched and \"fixed\" by a routine that tries to do the right thing (this is probably somewhere between hard and impossible) Or, can I rest assured that never ever the behavior of the backslash in comments is going to be changed, so I can start working around this issue by hand, knowing that they won't start displaying incorrectly at some point in the future?",
"Should Luke's lightsaber have given away his plan? During Luke's confrontation of Kylo Ren toward the end of The Last Jedi we see that the lightsaber Luke uses a blue lightsaber (which I thought was his original one but that really doesn't matter), not the green one of his own construction. Given that Kylo Ren and Rey has just fought over and broken the blue lightsaber Why did Kylo Ren not notice this \"inconsistency\" and realize that Luke's physical body was not there?",
"Old fantasy book with a party finding coloured stones having powers over fire, water, mood I'm trying to remember the name of a book series of which I remember only the following, with Google yielding no results. the name of the author starts with a Z the main character is a knight in an household with a name sounding like Malachai who goes on a quest with six others guys and girls (a bard, another knight, a priest, etc.) and each of them finds a stone of colour which has a power on various things (like fire, their mood or water) and then they set toward a quest to beat some ancient evil. I used to find the book at the local library 10 years ago in France (but it was translated).",
"Hi this must be a basic question but I haven't seen an answer with cerbot considerations (if there are any considerations). How do I get https www to redirect to non-www instead of timing out? The https www version of my site times out instead of redirecting to non-www, whereas all other versions (http and https non-www) work fine. Preferably I would like to future proof so that I can renew the certs through certbot and not need to manually change the nginx config afterwards. The nginx server config is shown below: server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; server_name www.mydomain.com mydomain.com; listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate <path_to_cert> # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate_key <path_to_key>; # managed by Certbot include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam <path_to_this> if ($scheme != \"https\") { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } # managed by Certbot }",
"Is my ESTA valid for a second trip?",
"Are there cheap GPS or other navigator devices with downloadable maps for the whole world? I don't need a recommendation or a list but my knowledge of GPS and \"navi\"s and the differences between them is an utter mystery to me. But often I'm lost in backstreets in random countries where access to something like a live Google Maps would be awesome. I absolutely cannot afford a smartphone with worldwide roaming though. Can GPS's do what I want or am I barking up the wrong tree? If they can is it only high end ones than can?",
"Can a concentration spell be cast without actually concentrating on it for an \"instant\" effect?",
"Amy: What day is it today? Tom: It's Monday. Hmm... I like Monday. Amy: What do you have today? Tom: We have math, science and art.What about you? Amy: We have English and P.E. What do you have tomorrow? Tom: We have art and P.E.tomorrow. Amy: Oh, great. I can understand that \"What about you\" means \"What do you have today?\" But I wonder whether \"What about you\" is an elliptical sentence. If it is, what is the full sentence? If it isn't, how to parse this structure?",
"Order of a product of subgroups. Prove that $o(HK) = \\frac{o(H)o(K)}{o(H \\cap K)}$.",
"Why is a conservative force defined as the negative gradient of a potential? I'm learning about work in my dynamics class right now. We have defined the work on a particle due to the force field from point A to point B as the curve Integral over the force field from point A to B. From math I know that if a vector field has a potential, we only need to evaluate the potential at point B minus the potential at point A to get the result of the curve Integral. In the text that I'm reading, it's explained that if the integral over a force-field is path-independent, then the force field $F = -{\\rm grad}(V)$, where $V$ is the potential. Why is it defined as the negative gradient? Doesn't one determine the potential from $F$ mathematically. Why do we impose the sign on the potential?",
"When I run the command to install the package solr-jetty, I am told You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/ Here's the result of the df -H command: I have installed Ubuntu with VirtualBox on my Mac. How can I fix this problem?",
"I'm designing a small module that breaks out a DIP SPI EEPROM to a 2x5 pin header socket(more info here: ). I want to mount the socket on the end of the board, with the pins lying parallel to the board. I think two 5x1 surface-mount header footprints, on both sides of the board right near the end would do the job. Trouble is, KiCAD doesn't come with such a footprint(if it does, I haven't found it yet). Where might I find one? If one doesn't exist, that's OK; I'll have a shot at making my own.",
"What is the purpose of /home on a Mac? On Linux, (which I am used to), /home is the place where home folders live. On a Mac, home is some kind of crazy mutant: $ mount /dev/disk1 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) Other than to be non-conformist, is there some purpose to this auto_home mount point? Considering how it mucks up things that come right out of the box, there must be some wonderful thing that it accomplishes, but I can't figure out what that would be.....",
"Why are our planets in the solar system all on the same disc/plane/layer?",
"\"is\" operator behaves unexpectedly with integers Why does the following behave unexpectedly in Python? >>> a = 256 >>> b = 256 >>> a is b True # This is an expected result >>> a = 257 >>> b = 257 >>> a is b False # What happened here? Why is this False? >>> 257 is 257 True # Yet the literal numbers compare properly I am using Python 2.5.2. Trying some different versions of Python, it appears that Python 2.3.3 shows the above behaviour between 99 and 100. Based on the above, I can hypothesize that Python is internally implemented such that \"small\" integers are stored in a different way than larger integers and the is operator can tell the difference. Why the leaky abstraction? What is a better way of comparing two arbitrary objects to see whether they are the same when I don't know in advance whether they are numbers or not?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Modern GCC interpreting `<` preceding template parameters as operator `<` | Where and why do I have to put the "template" and "typename" keywords? | [
"Compute $\\int \\frac{\\sin(x)}{\\sin(x)+\\cos(x)}\\mathrm dx$ I'm having trouble computing the integral: $$\\int \\frac{\\sin(x)}{\\sin(x)+\\cos(x)}\\mathrm dx.$$ I hope that it can be expressed in terms of elementary functions. I've tried simple substitutions such as $u=\\sin(x)$ and $u=\\cos(x)$, but it was not very effective. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.",
"I would like to configure my Ubuntu 12.04 server to synchronize its clock with a specific NTP server. Where to set this up?",
"Will I lose previous purchases when I change country in iTunes",
"Applications Don't Show Up in Spotlight Spotlight has stopped showing any results for my Applications. I've tried reindexing and removing the index so it rebuilds it. No change. I've tried adding Applications to the Privacy tab and removing it, no change. I tried repairing disk permissions and redoing the above, no change. I've tried removing everything from the index except Applications and then I just get nothing for any search at all (except dictionary entries). I tried adding a symlink in my homedir to Applications and reindexing, but no change. Any ideas on what to do? I'm running Snow Leopard. This is driving me crazy! Update: I've noticed that when I start a reindex with sudo mdutil -E / and then immediately do a Spotlight search for an app that the app shows up temporarily until Spotlight gets disabled due to active indexing. After the indexing is done, the app entries go away.",
"I need help to find the Galois Group of $x^5 +1$. I know that it has a 5-cycle and a 4 cycle and is not a subgroup of $A_5$. Thanks!",
"How to compare two different files line by line in unix? File1: 123 234 345 456 File2: 123 234 343 758 Expected output: File3: TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE so the code should compare two files and print 'TRUE' if it matches otherwise it should print 'FALSE' in the new file. Could anyone please provide the solution for this?",
"A real $2 \\times 2 $ matrix $M$ such that $$M^2 = \\begin{pmatrix} -1&0 \\\\ 0&-1-\\epsilon \\\\ \\end{pmatrix}$$ (a) exists for all $\\epsilon > 0$. (b) does not exist for any $\\epsilon > 0$. (c) exists for some $\\epsilon > 0$. (d) None of the above is true. Attempt: I couldn't think of any theory base to prove / disprove the existence of such a matrix. Could someone please give me a hint on how to go about this problem? Thank you very much for your help in this regard.",
"In Volo's Guide to Monsters, there is a race in the bestiary called Grungs. Were these created for 5e specifically? I'm pretty sure they were created for 5e, as they have no deities listed which is always a bit suspicious, but I'm just making sure.",
"Why did Harime Nui's eye not heal?",
"The question is: When $f(x+1)-f(x)=f'(x)$, what are the solutions for $f(x)$? The most obvious solution is a linear function of the form $f(x)=ax+b$. Is this the only solution? Edit I should add that $f:\\mathbb R\\to\\mathbb R$ to the question.",
"I have two files in these formats: file1 : air smell hand dude road cat file 2: air,4,21,01,13,3,2 smell,21,4,2,5,6 dude,1,31,42,1 road,1,4,2,1,4 cat,1,5,6,3,1 hand,1,4,2,1,6 mouse,1,3,5,6,2 what I want to do is print the entire row of file 2, if the first string in column 1 of file 2 is found in file 1, and I want to keep the order of file 1. expected output: air,4,21,01,13,3,2 smell,21,4,2,5,6 hand,1,4,2,1,6 dude,1,31,42,1 road,1,4,2,1,4 cat,1,5,6,3,1",
"Examples and Counterexamples of Relations which Satisfy Certain Properties Definition: Given a set $X$, a relation $R$ on $X$ is any subset of $X\\times X$. A relation $R$ on $X$ is said to be reflexive if $(x,x) \\in R$ for all $x \\in X$, irreflexive if $(x,x) \\not\\in R$ for all $x \\in X$, transitive if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,z) \\in R$ implies that $(x,z)\\in R$, intransitive (or antitransitive) if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,z) \\in R$ implies that $(x,z)\\not\\in R$, symmetric if $(x,y) \\in R$ implies that $(y,x) \\in R$, antisymmetric if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,x) \\in R$ implies that $x=y$. Given any combination of the properties listed above, is there a nontrivial (i.e. nonempty) relation which satisfies that combination of properties?",
"Best Pattern For Adding Commentary in align Environment? I've been using the align environment to line up equations in proofs/explanations/etc and I like to place parenthetical commentary for each step, similar to the code below: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\begin{document} \\begin{align*} f(ax + by) & = f(ax) + f(by) & (By Property 1) \\\\ & = af(x) + bf(y) & (By Property 2) \\\\ \\end{align*} \\end{document} The problem I have with this is that the commentary completely distorts the overall alignment of the equation area; far too much space is allocated to the column containing the commentary. I would like, insofar as it is possible, for the equations themselves to be aligned in the center of the page and for the commentary to simply appear on the right without affecting the overall justification of the equations. What's the best way to achieve this?",
"I am trying to boot Ubuntu on my computer. When I boot Ubuntu, it boots to a black screen. How can I fix this? Table of Contents:",
"What is the \"canary thread\" and why is it starving? The following occasionally appears in /var/log/syslog: rtkit-daemon[1145]: The canary thread is apparently starving. Taking action. rtkit-daemon[1145]: Demoting known real-time threads. rtkit-daemon[1145]: Successfully demoted thread 1431 of process 1368 (n/a). rtkit-daemon[1145]: Successfully demoted thread 1430 of process 1368 (n/a). rtkit-daemon[1145]: Successfully demoted thread 1368 of process 1368 (n/a). rtkit-daemon[1145]: Demoted 3 threads. What's going on here?",
"Difference between shutdown and shutdownNow of Executor Service",
"How are POST and GET variables handled in Python? In PHP you can just use $_POST for POST and $_GET for GET (Query string) variables. What's the equivalent in Python?",
"Why is the (free) neutron lifetime so long? A neutron outside the nucleus lives for about 15 minutes and decays mainly through weak decays (beta decay). Many other weakly decaying particles decay with lifetimes between $10^{-10}$ and $10^{-12}$ seconds, which is consistent with $\\alpha_W \\simeq 10^{-6}$. Why does the neutron lives so much longer than the others?",
"A hard problem on exponential integration Suppose $a : [0 , 1] \\to \\Bbb R$ is an infinitely smooth function. For $\\lambda\\ge1$, define $$F(\\lambda) := \\lambda \\int_0^1 e^{\\lambda t} a(t) \\, dt.$$ If $\\sup_{\\lambda\\ge1}|F(\\lambda)|\\lt\\infty$, then $a$ is the identically zero function. Below are the some results I have derived: Derivatives of any order of $a$ vanishes at $t = 1.$ For any $\\delta\\lt1$, $a(t)$ has a zero in the open interval $(\\delta , 1).$ The same is true for all the derivatives of $a(t)$. This tells us that the $n^\\text{th}$ derivative of $a$ has infinitely many distinct zeros for all natural $n$. If $a$ is analytic, then I can show that $a(t)\\equiv 0.$ If $a(t)\\ge0$ on $[0 , 1]$, then it is obvious that $a\\equiv 0.$ I would appreciate any hint. Actually $(1)$ and $(3)$ follows from $(2)$. For $(2)$, suppose that $a(1)\\gt0$ (the case that $a(1)\\lt0$ can be argued in the same way as the following), then there exists $\\delta\\lt1$ such that $a(t)$ is strictly positive on $I = [1-\\delta , 1]$. Then write $F(\\lambda) = \\lambda\\int_0^{1-\\delta}e^{\\lambda t}a(t)dt + \\lambda\\int_{1-\\delta}^1e^{\\lambda t}a(t)dt$. Now there exists $c\\gt0$ such that $a(t)>c$ on $I$ since $I$ is compact, so that the second term is bounded below by $c (e^{\\lambda}-e^{\\lambda(1-\\delta)})$. But the first term is only $O(e^{\\lambda(1-\\delta)})$, so this contradicts the fact that $F(\\lambda)$ is bounded. Morever, using the same idea and integration by parts, one can see that $n^{th}$ derivative of $a$ must vanish at $1$.",
"Optional Methods in Java Interface"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Ubuntu OS install in Android Mobile device using ubuntu-device-flash | What hardware does Ubuntu Touch support? | [
"Finding a pair of functions with properties I need to find a pair of functions $f$, $g$ such that $f$ is not differentiable at $x = 0$ $g$ is not differentiable at $f(0)$ $g \\circ f$ is differentiable at $x = 0$ I've tried a lot of functions but just can't seem to find ones that work. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.",
"Shine a light into a superconductor A type-I superconductor can expel almost all magnetic flux (below some critical value $H_c$) from its interior when superconducting. Light as we know is an electromagnetic wave. So what would happen if we shine a light deep into a type-I superconductor? Suppose the magnetic field of the light is significantly lower than $H_c$. And what about type-II superconductors?",
"Does ReLU layer work well for a shallow network?",
"Using the same code behind file for multiple .aspx pages",
"When Bottom Navigation Isn't Best I'm developing a mobile app and dealing with various UI/UX issues. I'm open to all kinds of ideas at this stage, however some designers I consult with seem to be zealots for bottom-navigation and are hesitant in actually analyzing whether the bottom-nav is actually best for my app; they just want me to use the bottom tabs navigation as if it's some UI law. One point I try to bring up is that my business model has users who aren't typical one-handed mobile users, are tech savvy, would use my app more of a tool, and would spend only a few minutes in it. The app isn't a typical lazy-content-browsing experience where you want to minimize fingers-over-top-of-screen interference, and where you want to keep the use transfixed and spending time in the app. Anyways, I'd like to hear about situations where a bottom nav was decided-on, or started-with, and you had good reason to eliminate it and go with another navigation design. Most articles out there talk about eliminating hamburger menus and diving into bottom nav. Is the converse simply going back to hamburger menu?",
"Re-install Ubuntu without losing data in home folder",
"What does the operator \"<<\" mean in C#?",
"`lmodern` package reduces the size of automatically sized delimiters in math mode",
"I want to get random decimal digits out of a 6-faced die. Let's say the die is fair, with an equal probability for each outcome. (But feel free to share any consequences of that not being true, if you feel like it.) I will represent the outcome of a die roll as a base-6 number: In base-6 there are only 6 possible digits: $\\{0,1,2,3,4,5\\}$. The die has faces numbered 1 to 6. Face $f$ corresponds to digit $f-1$. Thus, I can represent as many die rolls as I like with a base-6 number: If the die is rolled once: Let's say the die stopped on face $5$. The final base-6 number will be $4$. If the die is rolled twice: Let's say the die stopped on face $5$. And then on face $3$. The final base-6 number will be $42$. If I roll the dice 10 times: Let's say the die stopped sequentially on faces $5$, $3$, $4$, $6$, $2$, $3$, $3$, $3$, $2$, and $4$. The final base-6 number will be $4235122213$. Since I want decimal digits, I need to convert to base-10. Base-6: $4235122213$ Base-10: $44753985$ For any given number of die rolls, how many different combinations exist? If there are $r$ die rolls, the total of possible combinations is $6^r$. $r$ rolls — $6^r$ different combinations. $0$ rolls — only $1$ combination. $1$ roll — $6$ different combinations. $2$ rolls — $36$ different combinations. $3$ rolls — $216$ different combinations. $4$ rolls — $1296$ different combinations. $5$ rolls — $7776$ different combinations. $6$ rolls — $46656$ different combinations. $7$ rolls — $279936$ different combinations. $8$ rolls — $1679616$ different combinations. $9$ rolls — $10077696$ different combinations. $n_r$ ($\\in \\mathbb{N_0}$) is the number obtained after $r$ die rolls through the process described previously: \"If the die is rolled once, twice, ...\" It is impossible for $n_r$ to reach the number of possible different combinations ($6^r$). It will be always short by least $1$: $$ 0 \\leqslant n_r < 6^r $$ $r$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $6^r-1$. $0$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $0$. $1$ roll — $n_r$ never surpasses $5$. $2$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $35$. $3$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $215$. $4$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $1295$. $5$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $7775$. $6$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $46655$. $7$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $279935$. $8$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $1679615$. $9$ rolls — $n_r$ never surpasses $10077695$. I can never trust the leftmost nor the rightmost digit (fringe digits), since the possible values are potentially restricted. For $0$ rolls, the outcome is always $0$. For $1$ roll, the fringe digit never surpasses $5$. For $2$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $3$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $3$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $2$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $4$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $1$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $5$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $7$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $6$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $4$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $7$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $2$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $8$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $1$, and the rightmost, $5$. For $9$ rolls, the leftmost digit never surpasses $1$, and the rightmost, $5$. The other digits seem perfectly random to me though. Am I wrong?",
"I'm trying to continue the numbering of examples in enumerate environments in beamer. For example, I'd like one slide to feature Foo Bar and the next slide Zip Yadda My strategy so far has been to define a counter that saves the enumerate counter at the end of the first environment and can then be queried to set the enumerate counter at the start of the second enumerate environment. (This is essentially the proposal also found at ) That works wonderfully so long as I don't try to uncover elements of the slide sequentially. The problem, of course, is that as each of the pdf-pages that make up the slide is created, the counter is advanced. Here's a MWE. \\documentclass{beamer} \\setbeamercovered{highly dynamic} \\newcounter{saveenumi} \\newcommand{\\seti}{\\setcounter{saveenumi}{\\value{enumi}}} \\newcommand{\\conti}{\\setcounter{enumi}{\\value{saveenumi}}} \\begin{document} \\begin{frame}[<+->] \\begin{enumerate} \\item foo \\item bar% \\seti \\end{enumerate} \\end{frame} \\begin{frame}[<+->] \\begin{enumerate} \\conti \\item zip \\item yadda% \\seti \\end{enumerate} \\end{frame} \\end{document} As the second slide is progressively uncovered (pages 3 and 4 of the resulting PDF), the counter at the beginning of the enumerate environment is advanced each time. So page 3 of the PDF has the right numbering, (3) and (4) respectively, while the fully revealed page has the wrong numbering. Pictures follow: on one of the slides on the following one",
"How do I prove equality of x and y? If $0\\leq x,y\\leq\\frac{\\pi}{2}$ and $\\cos x +\\cos y -\\cos(x+y)=\\frac{3}{2}$, then how can I prove that $x=y=\\frac{\\pi}{3}$? Your help is appreciated.I tried various formulas but nothing is working.",
"I'm wondering how it is correct to structure sentence and what punctuation should be used. In particular, is the next sentence correct: I was wondering if there's any progress on the issue. Or should I put a question mark in the end of it. Also, can it be restructured to: I was wondering: is there any progress on the issue?",
"What are the norms in Ito isometry? Itō isometry from : Let $W : [0, T] \\times \\Omega \\to \\mathbb{R}$ denote the canonical real-valued Wiener process defined up to time $T > 0$, and let $X : [0, T] \\times \\Omega \\to \\mathbb{R}$ be a stochastic process that is adapted to the natural filtration $\\mathcal{F}_{*}^{W}$ of the Wiener process. Then $$ \\mathbb{E} \\left[ \\left( \\int_{0}^{T} X_{t} \\, \\mathrm{d} W_{t} \\right)^{2} \\right] = \\mathbb{E} \\left[ \\int_{0}^{T} X_{t}^{2} \\, \\mathrm{d} t \\right], $$ where $\\mathbb{E}$ denotes expectation with respect to $\\gamma$. In other words, the Itō stochastic integral, as a function, is an isometry of normed vector spaces with respect to the norms induced by the inner products $$ ( X, Y )_{L^{2} (W)} := \\mathbb{E} \\left( \\int_{0}^{T} X_{t} \\, \\mathrm{d} W_{t} \\int_{0}^{T} Y_{t} \\, \\mathrm{d} W_{t} \\right) = \\int_{\\Omega} \\left( \\int_{0}^{T} X_{t} \\, \\mathrm{d} W_{t} \\int_{0}^{T} Y_{t} \\, \\mathrm{d} W_{t} \\right) \\, \\mathrm{d} \\gamma (\\omega) $$ and $$ ( A, B )_{L^{2} (\\Omega)} := \\mathbb{E} ( A B ) = \\int_{\\Omega} A(\\omega) B(\\omega) \\, \\mathrm{d} \\gamma (\\omega). $$ I was wondering what the two normed spaces are and what their norms are, so that the two normed spaces are isometric wrt their norms? Thanks and regards!",
"Text highlighting in revisions is wrong For example, when watching revision 2 in in the side-by-side mode, word \"answer\" marked as deleted on the left hand side and as added again on the right hand side: If we switch to the side-by-side markdown mode no \"answer\" word is highlighted at all (correctly):",
"How to prove sum of powers property of roots of unity? We know that $1+\\alpha_1+\\alpha_2+...+\\alpha_{n-1}=0$ where $\\alpha_i$ are the roots of $z^n=1$. How can I prove that: $$1+\\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\\alpha_i^m=\\begin{cases}0\\quad m\\in Z,m\\not\\equiv0\\pmod n\\\\n\\quad m\\in Z,m\\equiv0\\pmod n\\\\\\end{cases}$$",
"What are the basics of commands in Minecraft Java Edition?",
"Does anyone know where I can find cheat codes for Goldeneye 007 Wii? I know that the game hasn't even been out for a week, but does anyone know if any cheat codes have been released by Activision yet? I know that they must exist since there is a cheat codes menu within the game.",
"Finding Command-Line Arguments of Programs I know that unix has man pages, but is there a place I can look to discover command-line arguments of programs? Going to command prompt and typing notepad /? doesn't give anything.",
"I have some HTML I am trying to parse. There are cases where the html attributes alone are not going to help me identify the row type (header versus data). Fortunately, if my row is a data row then it should have some values that can be converted to integers. I have figured out how to convert the unicode to an integer for those cases that it is possible to make the conversion. I am struggling to write the logic to move past the cells that the conversion will not work because the cell has content that must be treated as text. for example if rowColumn[1][3] can be converted to an integer I can do so by int(rowColumn[1][3].replace(',','').strip('$')) but I get an error if rowColumn[1][3] has text content.",
"root folder access via gui I'm new to linux and the terminal. As I learn how to use the terminal to navigate through directories, I like to use the gui file explorer to mirror my terminal navigation. The icons and file extension info in the gui file explorer help me figure out what everything is. However, I can't access the root folder via the gui, I can only access it via the terminal. Is there a way to enable access to the root folder outside of the terminal?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Storing lat/long in PostGIS database | ST_Length (GEOM, true) for calculating distances in Geographic Reference System | [
"Time Dilation When In Orbit",
"How to know the motherboard BIOS version using the command line How can get the BIOS version of my motherboard? The command dmidecode gives you some information about the BIOS, but I can't find what I need... I tried dmidecode command before asking and I didn't find what I needed - I want only the BIOS version and nothing else in the output.",
"Why does Skynet take prisoners? In the Terminator franchise, extermination camps are often mentioned. But from a machine-logic POV, wouldn't it make more sense to just kill all humans on sight, period? Or herd them into small areas and nuke them? (even today's military electronics are hardened against EMPs and Skynet wouldn't care about the environment.) IIRC, the reasoning behind ghettoization / concentration camps / extermination camps / gas \"showers\" is to misdirect or mislead people both inside and outside the country as to what was really going on. But Skynet doesn't have to worry about bad publicity, and can manufacture all the free labor it needs. Is there any in-universe explanation for keeping large groups prisoners?",
"Copy and set-mark in Bash as in Emacs? I would like to be able to copy and paste text in the command line in Bash using the same keyboard bindings that Emacs uses by default (i.e. using C-space for set-mark, M-w to copy text, C-y, M-y to paste it, etc.). The says that Bash comes with some of these key bindings set up by default. For example, yanking (C-y) works by default on my terminal. However, I can't get the set-mark and copy commands to work, and they don't seem to be bound to any keys by default. Usually, the way a user can define her own key bindings is to add them to .inputrc. So I looked and found the following bash functions in the documentation that I presume can help me define the Emacs-like behavior that I want (i.e. set-mark with C-space and copy with M-w). copy-region-as-kill () Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer, so it can be yanked right away. By default, this command is unbound. and set-mark (C-@) Set the mark to the point. If a numeric argument is supplied, the mark is set to that position. If I understand correctly, the above means that copy-region-as-kill is not bound to any keyboard sequence by default, while set-mark is bound to C-@ by default. I tried C-@ on my terminal, but I don't think it runs set-mark because I don't see any text highlighted when I move my cursor. In any case, I tried adding keyboard bindings (M-w and C-) to the functions copy-region-as-kill and set-mark above in my .inputrc and then reloading it with C-x C-r, but this didn't work. I know that my other entries in .inputrc work because I have other user-defined keybindings defined in it. Is there anything I am doing wrong? Am I missing anything?",
"Show that there exists a $c\\in \\mathbb{C}$ such that $f(z)=c \\bar{z}$ for all $\\vert z\\vert=1$. The problem is: Suppose that $f(z)$ is continuous on a domain $D$ that contains the unit circle, and that $f(z)$ satisfies: $$\\vert f(e^{i\\theta})\\vert \\leq M \\; \\forall \\theta \\, \\in [0, 2\\pi )$$ and $$\\bigg \\vert \\int _{\\vert z \\vert=1} f(z) \\text{d}z \\bigg \\vert =2\\pi M $$ show that there exists a $c\\in \\mathbb{C}$ such that $f(z)=c \\bar{z}$ for all $\\vert z\\vert=1$. I've tried lots of different approaches such as defining a function $g(z)=\\frac{f(z)}{\\bar{z}}$ and trying to show that $g'(z)=0$ so that $g$ is constant on the circle, or trying to use some bounding theorems for analytic functions to show that $g$ is constant but this requires $g$ to be analytic. Some other methods were using the Cauchy-Riemann equations but I couldn't find any reason why $g$ should be analytic. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!",
"How to clear the Skype chat history how clear the skype chat history ?",
"Multiple Image in Canvas ItemsControl",
"Remove numbering from Section and Subsection",
"Is there a word for “not greedy”? The antonym of “greedy” is “generous”. Is there a word for “not greedy” (one who is content with what he has)?",
"When I run the command to install the package solr-jetty, I am told You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/ Here's the result of the df -H command: I have installed Ubuntu with VirtualBox on my Mac. How can I fix this problem?",
"Show that antipodal points remain antipodal under any isometry of $S^2$ \"The antipodal map of $S^2$ is the isometry $\\bar m$ sending each point $P$ to its opposite point $-P$\" (from textbook) Show that antipodal points remain antipodal under any isometry of $S^2$. In other words, for each isometry f of $S^2$, if $P$ and $P'$ are antipodal, then so are $f(P)$ and $f(P')$ I am unsure how I can define the $P$ and $P'$ so that they are opposites of each other in the antipodal map, and am I supposed to apply the traditional isometries (translation, reflection and rotation) to the points? I don't understand this problem.",
"Which novel involves vampires, burning satellites, space travel, and body modification? About a decade ago, I encountered a novel or a novella that I cannot locate. The setting was Earth, about one century into the future. I remember vampires and a mesh of satellites around the Earth that were burning up in the atmosphere. This motivated a mission to deep space to find the intelligence responsible for the satellites. Most of the novel focused on the crew of the mission — I recall that they were not \"standard\" humans. They had modifications to their minds and bodies, possibly for the mission. At the time, I had gone on a binge, reading many short stories, novellas, and novels in quick succession. I fear that I might be combining several stories into one, especially the vampires and the deep-space first-contact mission, and so I am fully prepared for an answer of the form, \"No such story exists.\" Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.",
"Making data points different sizes based on data using QGIS? I am trying to plot sales data on a map using QGIS. I will add the disclaimer that I am a rookie at using the program. I added the different sales types by adding delimited text layers (utf16). The data included Longitude, Latitude, and Amount. I want to make the dots on the map scale with the value of the sale. Ive had no luck with trying to use Simple Marker->Data defined properties-> size and writing case functions. Some data points show up at different sizes while others show up at all data points. Here are my functions under different simple markers: CASE WHEN Amount <= 10000 THEN '.2' END CASE WHEN 10000 < Amount < 75000 THEN '.4' END CASE WHEN 75000 < Amount <= 250000 THEN '.6' END CASE WHEN Amount >= 250000 THEN '1' END The majority of my data set falls into the 10-75k range. However the .4 and .6 size circles show up at every data point on the map, while the .2 and 1 sizes only show up where the data specifies (along with the .4 and .6 sizes). At this point I am trying to figure out what is wrong with the equations, however I am stuck. Is there a better way to go about this or am I just simply messing up the equations? I wish I could share my whole map with you but it is looking great. I went with U/Joseph 's solution and here is an excerpt of the results for those interested.",
"If a ring element is right-invertible, but not left-invertible, then it has infinitely many right-inverses.",
"How do I troubleshoot high 'svchost.exe' usage in Windows 7?",
"Deploy Community Builder audience page assignments with ant migration tool? In Community Builder, if you create audiences and assign them to page variations, you cannot deploy these using change sets, according to . In fact, Audience doesn't even appear in the list of change set components. On the other hand, Audience metadata can be deployed using the ant migration tool, so I was hopeful that the audience assignments would also be deployable. Unfortunately, I haven't had success in deploying any audience assignments, either for entire pages or for components on a page. Has anyone found a workaround for deploying audience assignments for Community Builder pages? I should say that I'm using the Build Your Own template. If it can't be deployed, is there at least a way to get a list of audience assignments so I don't have to open every single page in the Community Builder to check? Here's what I'm using in my package.xml manifest. All the community builder page variations and all the audiences are created correctly, but the assignments are not. <types> <members>*</members> <name>Audience</name> </types> <types> <members>*</members> <name>CustomSite</name> </types> <types> <members>*</members> <name>SiteDotCom</name> </types>",
"Random point uniform on a sphere",
"This seems to be one of those tricky examples. I only know one proof which is quite complicated and follows by localizing $\\mathbb{Z}[\\sqrt[3]{2}]$ at different primes and then showing it's a DVR. Does anyone know any simple quick proof?",
"Prove that if the positve term series $\\sum^{\\infty}_{n=1}a_n$ is convergent, also $\\sum^{\\infty}_{n=1}\\sqrt{a_na_{n+1}}$ is convergent. Prove that if the positive term series $\\sum^{\\infty}_{n=1}a_n$ and $\\sum^{\\infty}_{n=1}b_n$ are convergent, also $\\sum^{\\infty}_{n=1}a_nb_n$ is convergent. I've tried to solve it using comparison test, but no results.",
"I am writing my CV using moderncv package, everythig is nice but I have a problem with \\cventry command. I have something like this: (it means 2010 - now) I would want to have this in one line, rather than in two lines. I tried looking into the moderncv style files but with no success. What can I do to achieve the effect I want?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is there a way to automatically hide some search results? | Add-on for blocking sites in Google Search | [
"Proving that $e^{\\pi}-{\\pi}^e\\lt 1$ without using a calculator Prove that $e^{\\pi}-{\\pi}^e\\lt 1$ without using a calculator. I did in the following way. Are there other ways? Proof : Let $f(x)=e\\pi\\frac{\\ln x}{x}$. Then, $$e^{\\pi}-{\\pi}^e=e^{f(e)}-{e}^{f(\\pi)}\\tag1$$ Now, $$f'(x)=\\frac{e\\pi(1-\\ln x)}{x^2},\\quad f''(x)=\\frac{e\\pi (2\\ln x-3)}{x^3},\\quad f'''(x)=\\frac{e\\pi (11-6\\ln x)}{x^4}.$$ Since $f'(x)\\lt 0$ for $e\\lt x\\lt\\pi$, one has $f(e)\\gt f(\\pi)$. By , there exists a point $c$ in $(e,\\pi)$ such that $$\\begin{align}f(\\pi)&=f(e)+(\\pi-e)f'(e)+\\frac{(\\pi-e)^2}{2}f''(c)\\\\&\\gt f(e)+(\\pi-e)\\cdot 0+\\frac{(\\pi-e)^2}{2}\\cdot \\frac{e\\pi(2\\ln e-3)}{e^3}\\\\&=f(e)-\\frac{\\pi(\\pi-e)^2}{2e^2}\\tag2\\end{align}$$ because $f'''(x)\\gt 0\\ (e\\lt x\\lt \\pi)$ implies $f''(c)\\gt f''(e)$. By the and $(2)$, $$e^{f(e)}-e^{f(\\pi)}\\lt (f(e)-f(\\pi))e^{f(e)}\\lt \\frac{\\pi (\\pi-e)^2}{2e^2}\\cdot e^{\\pi}=\\frac{e\\pi(\\pi-e)^2}{2}\\cdot e^{\\pi-3}\\tag3$$ Since $e^x\\lt \\frac{1}{1-x}\\ (0\\lt x\\lt 1)$ and $0\\lt \\pi-3\\lt 1$, $$e^{\\pi-3}\\lt\\frac{1}{4-\\pi}\\tag4$$ From $(1)(3)(4)$, $$e^{\\pi}-{\\pi}^e\\lt \\frac{e\\pi(\\pi-e)^2}{2}\\cdot\\frac{1}{4-\\pi}\\lt\\frac{3\\times\\frac{22}{7}\\left(\\frac{22}{7}-2.718\\right)^2}{2}\\cdot\\frac{1}{4-\\frac{22}{7}}\\lt 0.993\\lt 1$$",
"Using same modulus for RSA",
"Problems with booting the system I have yesterday updated packages and today the system cannot boot properly. After seeing the Kubuntu logo there is a black screen which shows repeatedly. Stopped User Manager for UID 121. Removed slice User Slice of gdm. Created slice User Slice of gdm. Starting User Manager for UID 121... Started Session c3 of user gdm. Started User Manager for UID 121. Please see the screenshot below",
"urlEvent is undefined",
"Why can't I connect to Pokemon Go via mobile data?",
"When activating the evolution for a caught Pokemon, it seems to amplify the Combat Power (CP). Thus it seems most beneficial to evolve your Pokemon with the highest CP, if you have multiple of the same kind. But what I am not sure about is whether it makes an efficiency difference if you spend candies and dust to boost CP before evolving, to gain more from the amplification? Or is it more efficient to just evolve without spending, and then using the leftover candies afterwards, since they now give a bigger CP boost per candy? I only tested with a Rattata so far, which gained +8 CP per candy before evolving, and +15 CP afterwards. I collected no numbers on the amplification efficiency though, and now ran out of materials for further testing. Or maybe it is a balanced calculation and makes no difference at all? I would love to have some insight on that. Some data I collected thus far: (GPC = CP gain per candy) 79 CP Weedle (GPC 6) evolved to: 84 CP Kakuna (GPC 6), evolved at 90 CP to: 297 CP Beedrill Note: The max-CP \"half circle\" in the profile stayed filled roughly at the same relative position throughout the evolutions.",
"Bind variable with dotted name not working in dynamic SOQL As mentioned in , it's possible to use bind variables in dynamic SOQL queries. This seems like a great way to avoid SOQL-injection, and to build a query string once but use it multiple times with different values in the variables. I'm working on a method that returns a list of objects. It accepts a class with multiple properties as its only parameter. The properties of this class are used to filter the results to just the required records. It will eventually be driven by a Visualforce component, which will be configured by querystring parameters in the URL. I just ran into an issue where the query fails when I use dotted bind variables. If I copy the constructed dynamic SOQL into a static query, it works fine. This may be a bug, because in doing tests I found that :foo.bar would actually try to use local variable bar. Here's one of my queries, which uses related custom objects. I've stripped it down to just the part that's failing (wrapped for legibility): result = Database.query('SELECT Name, Another_Object__r.Name, Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c FROM Custom_Object__c WHERE Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c = :filter.deviceType'); The error reported is System.QueryException: Variable does not exist: filter.deviceType. As mentioned above, the query works fine as static SOQL, just not dynamic: result = [SELECT Name, Another_Object__r.Name, Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c FROM Custom_Object__c WHERE Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c = :filter.deviceType]; It also works in this case: String deviceType = filter.deviceType; Database.query('SELECT Name, Another_Object__r.Name, Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c FROM Custom_Object__c WHERE Another_Object__r.Custom_Field__c = :deviceType'); I haven't read about this being a known limitation. I don't know if I should be using some other syntax/notation in the query -- the dotted notation appears correct. Time to report a bug? Thoughts on workarounds other than creating local variables to stand in for each member of the class?",
"Where does gravity get its energy from? I would like to know where gravity gets its energy to attract physical bodies? I know that the law of conservation states that total energy of an isolated system cannot change. So gravity has to be getting its energy from somewhere, or else things like hydropower plants wouldn't be able to turn the power of the falling water into a spinning rotor. Just to be clear, Lets create an example: Lets say we have two objects with equal mass close to each other. So gravity does its job and it pulls each other closer, this gets turned into kinetic energy. This is where I'm lost. According to the law of conservation energy can't be created or destroyed and the kinetic energy comes from the gravitational pull so where does the gravitational pull gets its energy. If that energy isn't being recycled from some where else then that means you have just created energy, therefore breaking the law of conservation.",
"Careers tag search should only search tags",
"What's the limit on the no. of partitions I can have? I would like to know how many Primary and Extended Partitions I can create on a x86_64 PC with Linux running on it? Update : If there is a limit to the number of partitions, why is that the limit?",
"Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer",
"In this sentence: \"We would also accept an international transfer, but in that case we would ask you to pay your bank's charges at the time of the instruction to ensure that we received the full amount\" is it correct to use \"received\" or should it be in present tense?",
"Redirect console output to textbox in separate program I'm developing an Windows Forms application that requires me to call a separate program to perform a task. The program is a console application and I need to redirect standard output from the console to a TextBox in my program. I have no problem executing the program from my application, but I don't know how to redirect the output to my application. I need to capture output while the program is running using events. The console program isn't meant to stop running until my application stops and the text changes constantly at random intervals. What I'm attempting to do is simply hook output from the console to trigger an event handler which can then be used to update the TextBox. I am using C# to code the program and using the .NET framework for development. The original application is not a .NET program. EDIT: Here's example code of what I'm trying to do. In my final app, I'll replace Console.WriteLine with code to update the TextBox. I tried to set a breakpoint in my event handler, and it isn't even reached. void Method() { var p = new Process(); var path = @\"C:\\ConsoleApp.exe\"; p.StartInfo.FileName = path; p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.OutputDataReceived += p_OutputDataReceived; p.Start(); } static void p_OutputDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(\">>> {0}\", e.Data); }",
"Can “due to” and “because of ” be used interchangeably? Is it fine to use due to in place of because of ? How about the other way around? Are any of these sentences ungrammatical? He was lost because of the storm. He was lost due to the storm. He lost his way due to the storm. He lost his way because of the storm.",
"Display Animated GIF",
"I process all my photos to black and white. Although I use a polariser where possible, I often find myself wanting to drop the luminance of the sky further which I do using a Black and White adjustment layer (in Photoshop). This usually results in a lighter halo following the line of the horizon, where the blues of the sky meet whatever the colour of the land is. My current solution to this problem is to run a brush along this margin with a colour set to the same as the sky and the blend-mode set to Darken. This effectively paints in the lighter band with the sky colour while not laying down the colour on top of the darker horizon. Whilst this is effective, it is very time consuming. Is there a better approach to dealing with these halos? Here is a video that illustrated the Darken solution that I mention:",
"Connecting multiple grounds As I'm relatively new to the electronics world, I was wondering if you can connect multiple ground terminals (corresponding to several different voltage outputs) to the same ground. Or do they each need their own? In my case I have 5 lines, one 12V, one 3.3V, two 5V and one variable from a 12V in using a voltage regulator that already has its own ground. So I'm guessing that each would need its own ground, but it is never bad to ask.",
"How to move a database from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2005 What are my options if I need to move a database from SQL Server 2012(32bit) to SQL Server 2005(64bit)? I know I cannot: restore a backup of the database on SQL Server 2005 detach & attach I know I can: use import data wizard, and I tried it on one database, but it only moves data, and even that was troublesome as I needed to do a lot of work creating temp tables to maintain identity columns, recreating all FKs, indexes etc. Is there an easier option?",
"Errors \"*ERROR* UVD not responding, trying to reset the VCPU!!!\"",
"Why not make it mandatory to leave a reason or at least a remark of some sort whenever down voting? You see more and more often questions being down voted while many times they are simply perfectly legitimate, as questions/as people being unable to achieve some desirable result. I am not talking about \"Hey, please do this and that for me, thanks :D \" posts. I would like to know what reasons there are for not making it mandatory to leave a reason for a down vote."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
MySQL: What's the best to use, Unix TimeStamp Or DATETIME | Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL? | [
"How do I create a deb package for a single python script? I have a single python script that I want to distribute as a deb package. It is a which shows local date in Unity panel. I did follow but I could not create a deb package because it fails. Can someone give me a step-by-step instruction on what I should do? As far as I know this script depends on python-appindicator. NOTE: I do not want any links to Debian/Ubuntu packaging instructions. I have seen most of them. I don't find them beginner friendly.",
"$\\sum_{i=1}^n(a_i)\\sum_{i=1}^n(\\frac{1}{a_i})\\ge n^2$ is what I want to prove, where $a_i>0$ and I need to showwhen equality holds. I have tried using Cauchy-Schwarz, where inside the sums I multiply each value by 1 to do it but it doesn't work out. I have also done $\\sum_{i=1}^n(a_i)\\sum_{i=1}^n(\\frac{1}{a_i})=\\sum_{i=1}^n \\sum_{i=1}^n(\\frac{a_i}{a_i})=\\sum_{i=1}^n\\sum_{i=1}^n(1)=\\sum_{i=1}^n(n)=n^2$, but this proves an equality. Am I not allowed to do the first step I did in my work?",
"Should my flair be including sites with less than 200 reputation? I took a look at my profile, where I stuck my flair. Here's the flair: However, I don't have 28k rep. According to chat, I have 19.7k. Note: I know about the combined flair - I've had this in my profile for at least a year. It had been showing me the same as in chat, now it isn't. What is going on here? Edit: I'm reporting a bug here, that the combined flair is not showing the correct number, as it has in the past.",
"Show *realtime* mouse cursor coordinates? (Cursor mod / overlay) Also, copy to clipboard? I'm looking for a solution that would display the current mouse cursor coordinates in realtime (i.e. NOT xdotool and NOT xev). I need to move the mouse to a certain position, then press Alt-Tab to flip to another window and record the coordinates there. (This would not move the mouse, so the coordinate display would stay the same). There's a Windows program that works BEAUTIFULLY for this purpose - ...but it doesn't even start up in Wine. Alternately, instead of displaying the coordinates, if this solution could copy the coordinates (in XXX,YYY format) to the clipboard, upon pressing a hotkey, that would be even better. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! P.S. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.",
"How can I find the XY coordinates of an HTML element (DIV) from JavaScript if they were not explicitly set?",
"How can I find a saved Wi-Fi password?",
"Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor I'm writing code to do Xml serialization. With below function. public static string SerializeToXml(object obj) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType()); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { serializer.Serialize(writer, obj); return writer.ToString(); } } If the argument is a instance of class without parameterless constructor, it will throw a exception. Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: CSharpConsole.Foo cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor. at System.Xml.Serialization.TypeDesc.CheckSupported() at System.Xml.Serialization.TypeScope.GetTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo sourc e, Boolean directReference, Boolean throwOnError) at System.Xml.Serialization.ModelScope.GetTypeModel(Type type, Boolean direct Reference) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(Type type , XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultName space) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type) Why must there be a parameterless constructor in order to allow xml serialization to succeed? EDIT: thanks for cfeduke's answer. The parameterless constructor can be private or internal.",
"If you copy the contents of httpd.conf and then paste it into a cat command.. such as this one.. #!/bin/bash cat > /test << EOF pasted here.. EOF you run into this error: -bash: command substitution: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' -bash: command substitution: line 4: syntax error: unexpected end of file perhaps the solution is to escape the dollar signs and maybe even quotes and so on.. but given that this is such a large file.. can dollar signs be automatically be escaped ? is my only option to escape them via another program and then give it to the cat command ?",
"Is it possible to kill Ulfric after joining the Stormcloaks? So I've been thinking if it's possible to join the Stormcloaks only to realize Ulfric's an ass and kill him after that at some point of the game (I know you can't just go and kill him at first because he's an important NPC for the main story quests). I don't want to join the Empire and - in my mind - what would make sense in my character's storyline would be him joining the Stormcloaks at first (because of how the game starts and my character being a Nord and having escaped with Ralof), but later realizing how Ulfric is only after power and how his fight against the Empire might even benefit the Altmers by weakening both forces (Empire and Rebellion). His Talos talk is just an excuse for his actions, as I see it. I really don't like this guy (he's a crazy racist who would do anything for power), but I also don't like what the Empire has become. Please note that I don't really want spoilers about the plot, I just want to know if it is possible to challenge Ulfric to one-on-one combat \"in the Old Nord Way\" or just take the Rebellion for myself by assassinating him.",
"Range of values of skewness and kurtosis for normal distribution I want to know that what is the range of the values of skewness and kurtosis for which the data is considered to be normally distributed. I have read many arguments and mostly I got mixed up answers. Some says for skewness $(-1,1)$ and $(-2,2)$ for kurtosis is an acceptable range for being normally distributed. Some says $(-1.96,1.96)$ for skewness is an acceptable range. I found a detailed discussion here: regarding this issue. But I couldn't find any decisive statement. What is the basis for deciding such an interval? Is this a subjective choice? Or is there any mathematical explanation behind these intervals?",
"Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent I want to make a temporary scratch layer permanent but it shows Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent. Error: Creation of field addr:street_1 failed (OGR error: Can't create field addr_str_4 in Shape DBF file, reason unknown.) How can I fix this error? This is my attribute table.",
"I am having trouble understanding the estimation of an AR process. In some textbooks, the AR(1) process is defined as follows: $y_{t}=\\theta y_{t-1}+ϵ_t$ (which does not contain a constant). So the OLS estimator is biased. I am confused about the cause of the bias. It is explained that $y_{t-1}$ is dependent on $ϵ_{t-1}$ although it is independent of $ϵ_t$. However in linear regression, if the equation does not contain a constant, we cannot make sure the expectation of disturbance is zero. So the OLS estimator is bias without a constant. Does it mean that the OLS estimator is unbiased if I add a constant in AR process?",
"In the Tiny Tina DLC \"The Beard Makes the Man\" quest, the objectives are (1) Crush five drunk dwarves, (2) Pick up five beards, and (3) Get five dwarves drunk. (The last one's optional.) I found the miner dwarves in the mine on the minimap, but they won't follow me into the crusher machine. How do I lure them? Does it have to do with getting them drunk, and how can I do that with no alcohol around? I thought getting drunk was optional?",
"For a distribution function $F(x)$ and constant $a$, integral of $F(x + a) - F(x)$ is $a$. For any distribution function and any $a \\geq 0$, $\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} (F(x+a)-F(x))dx = a$. In this case, \"distribution function\" means a right continuous function F with $F(-\\infty) = 0$, $F(\\infty)= 1$. This problem comes after a section in the book on mathematical expectation, so I suspect I should use some property of expectation to prove it. Expectation appears to be something that applies to random variables, so I think I should be somehow transforming the problem into something in terms of expectations of random variables, but I'm not sure how. I know that given a distribution function, I can get a probability measure, but I'm not sure how to go from there to a random variable and actually get a relation between the expectation of the random variable and this integral. I'm sure whether this is the right way to go about this problem, but if it is, I'm missing a connection somewhere.",
"How to log source file name and line number in Python",
"Is black a color or absence of color?",
"I would like to configure Apache 2 running on Kubuntu to execute Perl CGI scripts. I've tried some steps that I came across by googling, but nothing seems to work. What is the right way of achieving this?",
"Why do we use encrypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) in 3DES, rather than encrypting three times? I'm wondering why we use encrypt-decrypt-encrypt (EDE) sequence in 3DES (also known as DES-EDE, TDES or TDEA) with three keys instead of three times encryption (EEE) with three different keys?",
"Old title - \"change resolution to 1280x1024 using xrandr gives: X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)\" I have installed a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 and have a monitor with 5:4 resolution. settings has no resolution higher than 1024x768. But I need the resolution 1280x1024 (5:4). I use the default motherboard graphics card: # lspci|grep VGA 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) Also xrandr gives the following: $ xrandr Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192 XWAYLAND0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm 1024x768 59.92*+ I tried to add the 1280x1024 resolution using xrandr. so first created the resolution information using gtf: $ gtf 1280 1024 60 # 1280x1024 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 63.60 kHz; pclk: 108.88 MHz Modeline \"1280x1024_60.00\" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync Then added to resolutions: xrandr --newmode \"1280x1024_60.00\" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync then again did the command: xrandr --addmode XWAYLAND0 1280x1024_60.00 Then nothing changed. When I tried to change it using xrandr --output XWAYLAND0 --mode 1280x1024_60.00 --rate 60 But an error occurred: $ xrandr --output XWAYLAND0 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60 X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 7 (RRSetScreenSize) Value in failed request: 0x0 Serial number of failed request: 21 Current serial number in output stream: 22 I don't know what did I do wrong. Or how to change resolution to the correct one: 1280x1024",
"I remember watching this sci-fi movie where a huge metallic capsule gets dropped from a few hundred meters. The capsule had a chamber inside where only one person could be seated. During the drop, time dilated and the person would transcend to another world, lasting for days, even meeting dead people. Kind of a parallel reality. It was an amazing movie, but I cannot recall its name."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can I specify a portion of the image to render in Cycles? | Render just part of a final image from Cycles? | [
"Recently, I was in a car and noticed a plane in the sky. What was interesting was that the plane seemed to go slower than my car because I passed the plane. Is there a physics reason to this?",
"Why is my attempt at downloading Big Sur failing? I am currently using a MacBook Pro 13" Mid 2018 with Touch Bar. Today macOS Big Sur was released and I tried to download it but it's getting stuck at 484.4 MB. Initially, it shows 16-17 minutes left, but as soon as it reaches 484.4 MB it's stuck and the timer goes till 10 hours! My Wi-Fi is totally stable with a speed of 100 Mbps. I tried to restart my Mac but it still gets stuck. Earlier there were similar issues in the App Store (even now they are). The issue was I was not able to download an app unless I connect to the US VPN. I even contacted support but they were not able to help out. It wasn't a big deal as a VPN could be used. But now even with VPN, it gets stuck.",
"A matrix $M$ that commutes with any matrix is of the form $M=\\alpha I$",
"What is a simple way to create a binary relation symbol on top of another? What is a simple way to have \\ll on top of \\gg with equal size and vertically center aligned and have them work as a binary relation symbol like \\lessgtr? The commands \\underset and \\overset cannot be used because they do not treat the two symbols equally, and they do not vertically center.",
"Extract single file from tar to other folder I've searched for multiple forums for this questions and have seen different answers but so far, nothing have worked yet even from the ones I've seen here. I want to extract a single file from a tar to a different directory. I've tried this: tar xvf file.tar -C /home/dir/ filename or this: tar -x filename -f file.tar -C /home/dir But got these errors respectively: x filename, 14826 bytes, 29 media blocks. File -C not present in the archive. File /home/dir not present in the archive. and: tar: /dev/rmt0: A file or directory in the path name does not exist. The first extracted the file but in the same directory, not to the folder I wanted.",
"Using first person or third person in papers?",
"What is the significance of a mostly blank user card?",
"I've been using Texmaker for ~5 years now and prefer it over other editors because of its flexibility. Is there a way to auto-indent LaTeX code in TeXmaker so that the code becomes more manageable ?",
"Prior to doing some benchmarking work how would one free up the memory (RAM) that the Linux Kernel is consuming for its buffers and cache? Note that this is mostly useful for benchmarking. Emptying the buffers and cache reduces performance! If you're here because you thought that freeing buffers and cache was a positive thing, go and read . The short story: free memory is unused memory is wasted memory.",
"When you use the allowframebreaks option in beamer then you get additional frames if the content is too high for one frame. The vertical spacing gets disturbed when you use a list (itemize, enumerate, description), for example, see the following animation. I used the t option (for top alignment) for the frame. \\documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \\begin{document} \\begin{frame}[t,allowframebreaks] \\frametitle{Frame Title} \\setlength{\\mylength}{\\baselineskip} \\begin{itemize} \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\end{itemize} \\end{frame} \\begin{frame}[t,allowframebreaks] \\frametitle{Frame Title} Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ Text\\\\ \\end{frame} \\end{document} I thought of a solution, when I read question where they explain the different length in lists. The main idea is to check if the current frame is not the first frame of a frame continuation and add the needed vertical space. I thought that \\topsep is the needed length but apparently, it is not quite right. It ist almost perfect but it still \"dances\" a little bit. Which additional length do I need? Here's the animation and the used code. \\documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} \\setbeamertemplate{frametitle continuation}{% (\\insertcontinuationcount)% \\ifnum\\insertcontinuationcount>1% \\vspace*{\\topsep}% \\else% % \\fi% } \\begin{document} \\begin{frame}[t,allowframebreaks] \\frametitle{Frame Title} \\begin{itemize} \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\item Test \\end{itemize} \\end{frame} \\end{document} Related Definition of \\itemize in beamer In beamerbaselocalstructure.sty I found \\renewcommand{\\itemize}[1][]{% \\beamer@ifempty{#1}{}{\\def\\beamer@defaultospec{#1}}% \\ifnum \\@itemdepth >2\\relax\\@toodeep\\else \\advance\\@itemdepth\\@ne \\beamer@computepref\\@itemdepth% sets \\beameritemnestingprefix \\usebeamerfont{itemize/enumerate \\beameritemnestingprefix body}% \\usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize/enumerate \\beameritemnestingprefix body}% \\usebeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate \\beameritemnestingprefix body begin}% \\list {\\usebeamertemplate{itemize \\beameritemnestingprefix item}} {\\def\\makelabel##1{% {% \\hss\\llap{{% \\usebeamerfont*{itemize \\beameritemnestingprefix item}% \\usebeamercolor[fg]{itemize \\beameritemnestingprefix item}##1}}% }% }% } \\fi% \\beamer@cramped% \\raggedright% \\beamer@firstlineitemizeunskip% } But I do not understand where the different kinds of spaces are defined that cause the \"dancing\". \"Evil\" Stuff in beamer Motivated by the comment of @cfr I searched the beamer documentation for \"evil\" stuff -- this is what I have found (beamer guide version 3.41): Do not use subsubsections, they are evil. Never ever use the evil option shrink. Using this [again shrink] option is very evil. The use of this [allowframebreaks] option is evil.",
"How to properly hook up various maps types in Cycles? I created some texture maps in MindTex to use in Blender, but I can't figure out how to properly hook them up. The maps I have: - Diffuse - Normal - Height - Specular - Gloss - Self Illumination - Reflection - Ambient Occlusion MindTex (left) vs. Blender (right) As you can clearly see it's a pretty big difference. is my material node setup in Blender. In the examples I don't actually use self illumination or reflection images, but including this in the answer would be helpful.",
"How to control fan speed? How can I control the computer's fan speed? On Windows there is a wonderful program called .",
"Overriding the java equals() method - not working?",
"Windows 7 + Deep Freeze - I'm stuck in an endless reboot loop I have the following setup: Windows 7 Ultimate Deep Freeze I \"thawed\" my machine last night and performed a Windows Update. The update is having issues (it gets stuck at 32%, fails, and restarts my machine). When it reboots it attempts it again, and again, and again, etc. (Endless loop). I looked online and found some solutions, but none of them seem to be working: When I run Safe Mode, Safe Mode w/ Network, or Safe Mode w/ Command Prompt it attempts to revert the Windows Update changes. However, the problem is with Deep Freeze on (and now in \"Frozen\" mode) the reverted changes don't stay, and I'm back into the loop of death. Oh, and side note: \"Safe Mode w/ Command Prompt\" does not actually take me to a command prompt window? Perhaps because it is attempting to complete the Windows Update changes first? I have tried to select the option to NOT restart when an windows error occurs, but it still does. I tried the remainder of all the other options in the F8 screen. The only other option left is to find my Windows 7 Media Disc (I can't find it right now) and use it to repair windows (because for some reason the repair option does not show up in the F8 screen). Is there a way to disable Deep Freeze from loading? When I selected \"Safe Mode w/ Command Prompt\" I noticed that it loads the DpFrz.sys file. I know that when I'm in the Windows Boot Manager if I press F10 instead of F8 (while highlighting Windows 7) it takes me to an \"Edit Boot Options\" screen: Edit Windows boot options for: Windows 7 Path: \\Windows\\system32\\winload.exe Partition: 2 Hard Disk: 8e90e329 [ /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN (I CAN EDIT THIS LINE) ] Update: I found my Windows 7 Media Disk and it did not help out. The laptop had the \"System Restore\" as a partition on the HDD. I later received (in the mail) a Windows 7 Upgrade Disc from Sony to upgrade my system from Windows Vista to Windows 7 Ultimate. I placed the disc into the DVD drive and it does not come up as a \"bootable\" disc. I'm going to try to find an alternative disc to see if I can get into Command Prompt. Update 2: I got a Windows Repair disc and got into a command prompt window. I got into the registry and disabled Deep Freeze. Also: I renamed the Pending.xml file to Pending.old I cleared out the Windows Temp directory I still am stuck in the loop (though, it isn't an issue with DeepFreeze anymore because I can make changes to the hard drive and they persist). Not sure what to do at this point? Update 3: I ran the repair option and it couldn't repair, but it did point me to something. It says the error was due to a driver that was failing. I have a feeling it is my UPEK Fingerprint scanner.",
"Explain travel times and distances on flight A flight from Los Angeles to ABQ is about 2 hours but is ~670.2 miles A flight from San Jose to Chicago is 4 hours but is ~1859.0 miles Can anyone explain why the travel time from San Jose to Chicago is not longer and closer to 5.75 hours? If the distance increase by 2, shouldn't the time increase by a factor of 2 as well?",
"Settings API enable default settings on theme install? I am still learning settings API so please forgive my noob question. I have three fields: a checkbox, colorpicker and text field (they are working), but I would like to do this: when the theme is installed add \"checked\" state to my checkbox but allow user to \"unchecked\" it ,and if empty add default color to my colorpicker... I have no idea how to do this so please help me! My code looks like this now (thanks to @Chip Bennett! ) : <?php add_action('admin_menu','create_theme_options_page'); function create_theme_options_page(){ add_options_page('Theme Options','Theme Options','administrator',__FILE__,'build_options_page'); } function build_options_page(){ ?> <div id=\"theme-options-wrap\"> <div style=\"float:left;margin-top:19px;position:absolute;\" class=\"icon32\" id=\"icon-tools\"><br/></div> <h2>My options page</h2> <form method=\"post\" action=\"options.php\"> <?php settings_fields('plugin_options');?> <?php do_settings_sections(__FILE__); ?> <p class=\"submit\"> <input name=\"Submit\" type=\"submit\" class=\"button-primary\" value=\"<?php esc_attr_e('Save changes');?>\"/> </p> </form> </div> <?php } add_action('admin_init','register_and_build_fields'); function register_and_build_fields(){ register_setting('plugin_options','plugin_options','validate_setting'); add_settings_section('main_section','<br/><br/>Main Settings','section_cb',__FILE__); add_settings_field('banner_heading','Banner Heading:','banner_heading_setting',__FILE__,'main_section'); add_settings_field('display_sidebar','Display Sidebar:','display_sidebar_setting',__FILE__,'main_section'); add_settings_field('display_colorpicker','Display Colorpicker:','display_colorpicker_setting',__FILE__,'main_section'); } //Install Iris colorpicker add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'mw_enqueue_color_picker' ); function mw_enqueue_color_picker( $hook_suffix ) { // first check that $hook_suffix is appropriate for your admin page wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script-handle', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/my-script.js', array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true ); } //Colorpicker //Now how to add a default color on theme install? function display_colorpicker_setting(){ $options = get_option('plugin_options'); echo\"<input type='text' id='color1' name='plugin_options[display_colorpicker]' value='{$options['display_colorpicker']}'/>\"; } //Sidebar checkbox //Now how to add a default state \"checked\" on theme install? function display_sidebar_setting(){ $options = get_option('plugin_options'); echo \"<input type='checkbox' name='plugin_options[display_sidebar]' {$options['display_sidebar']} id='display_sidebar' />\"; } //Banner Heading function banner_heading_setting(){ $options = get_option('plugin_options'); echo \"<input name='plugin_options[banner_heading]' type='text' value='{$options['banner_heading']}'/>\"; } //Validate our settings here function validate_setting($plugin_options){ return $plugin_options; } function section_cb(){ } ?>",
"which novel involved sending instantaneous tachyon body copies around the galaxy, mostly to die? The novel centers around a man living a comfortable existence in the pretty distant future. To support himself, he is occasionally asked to enter a box which will copy his entire body, and send it out faster than the speed of light to some developing world, to work. His copy on this world wakes up and realizes what a big mistake he's made. The copy does grueling work, feels lonely, and eventually just dies of radiation sickness. Back on earth, the man never realizes how bad it is out there, and keeps sending out more copies. I think the story is probably 80s or earlier - not sure if it's a short story, or the beginning of a novel which I lost & never finished.",
"LINQ on a LinkedList - iterate over LinkedListNode, not T",
"Asymptotic distribution of maximum order statistic of IID random normals Is there a nice limiting distribution of $\\max( X_1,X_2,...,X_n) $ as $n$ goes to $\\infty$, assuming that they are iid normal distributions with variance $\\sigma^2$. This is almost certainly a well known problem with a clever proof and nice solution, but I've been digging around and haven't found anything.",
"Regular Expression to match valid dates"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Word for a person who is very much interested in having her photographs clicked? | A word used to describe someone who loves to be photographed | [
"I heard the following comment of Mr. Marco Rubio about Mr. Donald Trump on CBS’s “Face the Nation” in a clip in February 29th AP Radio News: “There is never gonna be a time where the Republican Party rallies around and says you have to get out or anyone has to get out for purposes of rallying around Donald Trump. Donald Trump is not Republican Conservative. Donald Trump is trying to pull off the biggest scam in American political history.” I thought I misheard “There is never gonna be a time where –“ for “There is never gonna be a time when –“ at first, because I was in understanding that time should be trailed by “when” as a relative noun or adverb. An English Japanese dictionary at hand (Readers English Japanese Dictionary published by Kenkyusha) provides “where” singly as a relative to refer the ‘place.’ However, my lookup of the following two sources endorsed that I heard it right: Here is what is never going to happen in this race. There's never going to be a time where the Republican Party rallies around and says you have to get out or anyone has to get out for purposes of rallying around Donald.. “Here is what is never going to happen,” Rubio continued. “There's never going to be a time where the Republican Party rallies around and says you have to get out or anyone has to ... Is it common, at least not uncommon to use “where” after “time” as a relative?",
"I made a simple FM transmitter following and it worked! Now I need some help to understand how. My coil is made of 1 mm copper wire has 6 turns and 8 mm wire diameter. According to this online calculator: this means that: L = 3.9e-7 H I did not have any 5 pF trim capacitor so I used a 3 pF capacitor instead. Am I correct in assuming that the frequency this will transmit on can be found by looking at the L1 C2 as a LC oscillator and using the frequency formulae: fR = 1/(2*pi*sqrt(LC)) ? If so I should get fR = 147 MHz. Which is strange since I received the signal on 91.5 MHz on my radio. In a LC circuit I understand that the signal decays exponentially over time. That is hopefully not happening here. Why? Because of C4 maybe? Also what is the purpose of C1? If I want to increase the range of this FM transmitter somewhat can I do this by simply replacing R2 with a 470 Ohm resistor? Are there free simulator programs that let me see the resulting spectrum at the antenna?",
"The separation between the two plates of a capacitor is increased I had the following question on a quiz recently: A capacitor consisting of two parallel plates, separated by a distance $d$, is connected to a battery of EMF ε. What happens if the separation is doubled while the battery remains connected? The correct answer was \"The electric charge on the plates is halved.\" However, we were previously given a question in which a circuit consists of a capacitor of 6 μF and a resistor of 300,000 Ω connected to a battery, and the separation between the plates of the capacitor is quadrupled. However, in this circumstance, the charge on the capacitor immediately after the plates are separated remains the same, and the potential difference across the capacitor increases. I am confused as to why these questions have different answers to them, despite having an extremely similar setup. My best guess is that the circuit in the second question also has a resistor, but I am not sure, and help would be greatly appreciated.",
"In my ~/.bashrc file reside two definitions: commandA, which is an alias to a longer path commandB, which is an alias to a Bash script I want to process the same file with these two commands, so I wrote the following Bash script: #!/bin/bash for file in \"$@\" do commandA $file commandB $file done Even after logging out of my session and logging back in, Bash prompts me with command not found errors for both commands when I run this script. What am I doing wrong?",
"What's the best way to check if a String represents an integer in Java? I normally use the following idiom to check if a String can be converted to an integer. public boolean isInteger( String input ) { try { Integer.parseInt( input ); return true; } catch( Exception e ) { return false; } } Is it just me, or does this seem a bit hackish? What's a better way? See my answer (with benchmarks, based on the by ) to see why I've reversed my position and accepted to this problem. I think this original code will be used by most people because it's quicker to implement, and more maintainable, but it's orders of magnitude slower when non-integer data is provided.",
"Being characteristic is transitive Here, I wanted to verify that: The property of being characteristic is a transitive relation among subgroups of a group $G$. For subgroups $N,H\\leq G$, we have $N$ char $G$ and $H$ char $N$. So $N$ char $G$ implies: $$\\forall\\psi\\in Aut(G); \\psi(N)=N$$ $H$ char $N$, so for all elements in $Aut(N)$, $H$ is remained never changing. Especially, when I take $\\psi'=\\psi|_{N}$ then $\\psi':N\\to Aut(N)$ would be in $Aut(N)$ and $\\psi'(H)=H$. Since the last equality is true for $H$ and the maps, caused by restriction on $N$, then I have $H$ char $G$. Honestly, I am inly not satisfied form the conclusion here and think I am losing something. Thanks for your hints.",
"Where do electrons in electricity come from? Where do the electrons come from when an electric generator is making electricity? Is from the air? Would a generator work in a vacuum? Electrons have mass so where would they be pulled from if there is nothing?",
"How to show $\\alpha\\int_a^cf(x)dx+\\beta \\int_c^b f(x)dx =0$ means $f(x)=0$ everywhere $?$ Question : Let $$f\\ :\\ [a,b]\\rightarrow \\mathbb R$$ be continuous . And there exist constants $\\alpha$ $\\beta$ such that $\\forall c\\in [a,b]$ $$\\alpha \\int_a^c f(x)dx +\\beta \\int_c^b f(x)dx =0 $$ Prove that $f=0$ allover $[a,b]$. Attempt :(not much useful ) Since the equation holds for all $c\\in [a,b]$ , if take $c=a$ then we have $$\\beta \\int_a^b f(x)dx =0 $$ And taking $c=b$ we get $$\\alpha \\int_a^b f(x)dx=0 $$ See if both $\\alpha=0$ and $\\beta=0$ hold then there is nothing to do . If only one of them is $0$ and the other is non-zero then from the last two equations we get $$\\int_a^b f(x)dx =0 $$ and this does not ensure $f$'s being identically $0$ on $[a,b]$ (for example : $f(x)=sin x$ and $a=0$,$b=2\\pi $ ) . So our only possibility is that both $\\alpha \\neq 0$ and $\\beta \\neq 0$ must hold . Now I cannot proceed any further from this point . Please give me some hints as to what to do next . Thaanks.",
"In my profile I saw this: Accounts (48) - 1 hidden account as seen in this image: So, what is this \"hidden account\"? And how do I see it?",
"Undefined reference error for template method",
"Which should I use on my DB? - Clustered Index or Non Clustered Index or Both I just need advice on how I am going to optimize my database. Date ---- Time ---- Area ---- Block ---- Data1 ---- Data2 ---- Data3 ---- DataN I have that format of tables on my database. Each tables has 30-days of records with hundred thousands of records each data. Uploading of data to database is every morning. The data of yesterday will be uploaded. The most common queries to run is grouped by Date or Date and Area or Date and Area and Block. Now, in order to make queries faster, I found out using indexes. I used indexes before. But that was when I am using a primary key. In this table, I didn't use primary key because it is totally unnecessary. Now, I am really confused on how I am going to optimize this. Based on on Column Considerations part, clustered index is not a good choice on Columns that undergo frequent changes. I am really confused. Please help me if I need to use clustered index here or just non clustered or both.",
"I would love to identify a sci-fi novel I read in the late 60s or 70s. It followed a group of young space cadets through their training in the Space Academy. The training culminated in small groups of cadets being sent through a gateway in the space station, into different worlds where they had to survive whatever conditions they met beyond the gateway, as part of their training. One such trip went wrong and the group ended up stranded in a hostile world for days, hoping to be rescued by their trainers. I can't remember much about the story or protagonists so this may be too vague, but I remember descriptions of a vast space station hall and these young cadets bringing whatever kit they hoped they might need - some brought breathing apparatus and full survival gear, but others came with very little as they believed they would not be sent into conditions where they could die without the right equipment. They hadn't bargained for the power surge or whatever it was that misdirected them as they passed through the gateway! I also remember rivalry between the cadets - I think the hero was male and quietly heading for top cadet of the year award... and I think at least one of the group died in the unknown planet before they were rescued. Does this ring a bell with anyone? I remember the mood and tension more than the details but it was a long time ago! I have a 10-year old son who I think would love this kind of story. If anyone can help you have my thanks!",
"Make window always on top?",
"Multivariable Delta Epsilon Proof $\\lim_{(x,y)\\to(0,0)}\\frac{x^3y^2}{x^4+y^4}$ --- looking for a hint I have the limit $$\\lim_{(x,y)\\to(0,0)}\\frac{x^3y^2}{x^4+y^4},$$ and would like to show with an $\\epsilon-\\delta$ proof that it is zero. I know with a situation like $$\\left|\\frac{x^4y}{x^4+y^4}\\right|\\leq y$$ or something similar, but I can't find a way to do the same thing here, as no single term in the numerator is of sufficient degree, although I think I could get this with a small hint.",
"Is it possible to resize an image in an answer? For example, has that should have the image in the answer, but it's too big. Is there a way to handle resizing?",
"How to remove a filter that is an anonymous object?",
"Getting error message when trying to start a virtual machine I have been using VMWare on Windows for a long time. But after a long wait, I moved to VirtualBox on Ubuntu 11.10. I installed Ubuntu, 32 Bit, installed all available updates and installed Virtual Box. When I try to create a new Windows installation inside VirtualBox, I got the following error messages. VirtualBox - Error Failed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows XP. The virtual machine '**Windows XP**' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1. Details Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Machine Interface: IMachine {5eaa9319-62fc-4b0a-843c-0cb1940f8a91} 2nd error dialogue Virtualbox - Error in suplibOsinit Kernal driver not installed (rc--1908) Please install the virtualbox-dkmbs package and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root. I have already tried reinstalling VirtualBox. Google result seem to indicate the the problem happens due to Kernel updates. Is there anyway I can get this working? I need this for malware analysis and if VirtualBox is going to crash on me all the time, then I won't be able to use Ubuntu for work. Output to dpkg -l | grep virtual server rc virtualbox 4.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 x86 virtualization solution - base binaries rc virtualbox-qt 4.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface cute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root.<p>",
"How can I make a time delay in Python?",
"Suppose $X$ is binomial $B(n,p)$. How can I find the probability that $X$ is even ? I know $$P(X = k ) = \\frac{ n!}{(n-k)!k!} p^k(1-p)^{n-k} $$ where $X=1,....,n$. Are they just asking to find $P(X = 2m )$ for some $m > 0$ ?",
"Suppose we are in $\\mathbb R^n$. What can we say about the sign of $\\Delta u(\\vec x)$ if u($\\vec x$) has a local max/min at $\\vec x$? I've tried looking at the reverse of the second partial derivative test and it seems to suggest that $\\Delta u(\\vec x) \\leq 0$ if $\\vec x$ is a min and $\\Delta u(\\vec x) \\geq 0$ if $\\vec x$ is a max. However, I'm not convinced of this result. Can somebody point me towards a statement (theorem, etc.) involving the above. I appreciate the help."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why do you say "Fifty miles IS ......"? | 100 apples are/is considered as a large number of apples | [
"Been trying to find graphic novel for decades - at least I think it's a graphic novel When I was a kid I had a book that I loved, as I think about it I'm pretty sure it would be characterized as a graphic novel although I was unfamiliar with that term at the time. It was a large hardcover comic book but a full-length story, probably a few hundred pages long. This would have been about 25-30 years ago. I recall a little about the plot: It starts with a spaceship crashing somewhere, I remember one of the first panels had the phrase that the ship \"yawed wildly\". I always remembered that because I had to look up the word \"yawed\". The rest of the story is told in flashback form, with the rise of an empire, and I'm pretty sure there's a guy who's a slave or otherwise in the lower strata of society who rises to be the ruler of the world or something like that. I thought that the title had the word \"titan\" or \"empire\" in it (Empire of the Titans, or Rise of the Titans, or something similar), but Google searches have been unfruitful.",
"How to find a suitable association of color with data value in a visualization? I'm working on a software project that involves creating a visualizer for flood simulations. As part of this project, I've created a water gradient that shows water depth at particular points. To set what values will represent what colors, I go through the data and get the minimum and maximum values that occur and evenly distribute the colors according to that scale. However, there are often times points in these simulations that have significantly deeper water at them than anywhere else in the simulation. This causes most of the points on the map to have very similar colors and this is not very informative and makes the areas where the water is deeper very hard to see. My goal is to dedicate a larger range of colors to depths that occur more frequently. For example, if depths go from 0 to 12 but most depths are between 1 and 2, I want more color variation to occur within that range than does between say 11 and 12 or 4 and 5. It seems I need to use standard deviation or something involving normal distribution to do this, but I'm a bit fuzzy on how these things work and how I can use them to accomplish my goal. Any help that can be provided will be appreciated. Thank you.",
"What is the optimal order of post-processing steps?",
"Javascript to sort contents of select element is there a quick way to sort the items of a select element? Or I have to resort to writing javascript? Please any ideas. <select size=\"4\" name=\"lstALL\" multiple=\"multiple\" id=\"lstALL\" tabindex=\"12\" style=\"font-size:XX-Small;height:95%;width:100%;\"> <option value=\"0\"> XXX</option> <option value=\"1203\">ABC</option> <option value=\"1013\">MMM</option> </select>",
"How do you empty the buffers and cache on a Linux system? Prior to doing some benchmarking work how would one free up the memory (RAM) that the Linux Kernel is consuming for its buffers and cache? Note that this is mostly useful for benchmarking. Emptying the buffers and cache reduces performance! If you're here because you thought that freeing buffers and cache was a positive thing, go and read . The short story: free memory is unused memory is wasted memory.",
"If apostrophe + s is the acceptable way of denoting a genitive in English, is it possible that possessive pronouns, such as hers, ours and yours, started life as possessive adjectives with apostrophe + s? E.g. her's, our's, your's, their's? Perhaps, even his' ? Its and my obviously stick out from this tempting pattern. Is there any evidence that this might be the case, or is the 's completely unrelated?",
"750Gig Hard Drive shows full with only 315Gigs used",
"Extending my Root Paritition I've Win8/Ubuntu Dual boot. I already have 4 partition so i cannot create a new partition and mount it elsewhere. So, this () question did not help. Here's a screen shot of my Gparted (run on Ubuntu Live) How can I extend /dev/sda6 so that i can make use of unallocated space ? (w/o failing my current grub)",
"How do you kill the devil?",
"Predicting count data with random forest?",
"Get all possible partitions of number Is there a way to get all possible partitions of an integer? Possibly specifying max and/or min summand. I'm interested in partitions themselves, not just partition count.",
"I have a string which is like this: this is \"a test\" I'm trying to write something in Python to split it up by space while ignoring spaces within quotes. The result I'm looking for is: ['this','is','a test'] PS. I know you are going to ask \"what happens if there are quotes within the quotes, well, in my application, that will never happen.",
"Why are there so many places to put a binary in Linux? There are at least these five: /bin/ /sbin/ /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/sbin/ And on my office box, I do not have write permissions to some of these. What type of binary goes into which of these bins?",
"I'm describing a situation that happened in the past. To explain it, I want to use a description that is both true now and true when the situation happened. Specifically, I want something like: She touched me where my neck met my collarbone. Since my neck is still attached to my collarbone (thankfully), I'm wondering if I shouldn't use the present tense here instead: She touched me where my neck meets my collarbone. Which is preferable, and why?",
"Why are there $736$ matrices $M\\in \\mathcal M_2(\\mathbb{Z}_{26})$ for which it holds that $M=M^{-1}$? I'm currently trying to introduce myself to cryptography. I'm reading about the Hill Cipher currently in the book Applied Abstract Algebra. The Hill Cipher uses an invertible matrix $M$ for encryption and the inverse matrix $M^{-1}$ for decryption. The book recommends to use a matrix $M$ for which it holds that $M=M^{-1}$, since we then have the same key for encryption and decryption. In the book, they use a $2 \\times 2$ matrix $M$ over $\\mathbb{Z}_{26}$ as example, and state that for there are 736 $2 \\times 2$ matrices for which it hold that $M=M^{-1}$. I'm trying to pick up on as much as possible when reading things, since I find it counter-productive for learning to skip something, when you don't get the theory behind it. Can someone enlighten to me, as to why it is that there are 736 possible $2 \\times 2$ $M=M^{-1}$ matrices and how to find them?",
"What's the best way of replacing a plug or switch in a house with aluminum wiring?",
"Memory allocation for member functions in C++",
"Homeomorphism of the real line-Topology",
"How to cd into a directory with this name \"-2\" (starting with the hyphen)? I have a directory named: -2 I want to cd into it but the cd complains: bash: cd: -2: invalid option With no success, I've tried: cd \"-2\" cd '-2' cd \\-2 Any solution? Edit: no file browsers like mc, etc. available on the server.",
"Examples: In a car, van, etc. On a bus, boat, motorcycle, etc. How can one decide which preposition to use? Is memorization the only way or is there a better way? Note: People generally explain this by either distinguishing between open and closed vehicles or between large and small vehicles. However, the examples I've given defeat both explanations."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How do I check if my program is ran by user as administrator (Vista/Win7, C++) | Detect if program is running with full administrator rights | [
"How can I disable Amazon search results in the Dash?",
"Construction of Dirichlet distribution with Gamma distribution Let $X_1,\\dots,X_{k+1}$ be mutually independent random variables, each having a gamma distribution with parameters $\\alpha_i,i=1,2,\\dots,k+1$ show that $Y_i=\\frac{X_i}{X_1+\\cdots+X_{k+1}},i=1,\\dots,k$, have a joint ditribution as $\\text{Dirichlet}(\\alpha_1,\\alpha_2,\\dots,\\alpha_k;\\alpha_{k+1})$ Joint pdf of $(X_1,\\dots,X_{k+1})=\\frac{e^{-\\sum_{i=1}^{k+1}x_i}x_1^{\\alpha_1-1}\\dots x_{k+1}^{\\alpha_{k+1}-1}}{\\Gamma(\\alpha_1)\\Gamma(\\alpha_2)\\dots \\Gamma(\\alpha_{k+1})}$.Then to find joint pdf of $(Y_1,\\dots,Y_{k+1})$ I can not find jacobian i.e.$J(\\frac{x_1,\\dots,x_{k+1}}{y_1,\\dots,y_{k+1}})$",
"It would be very useful to be able to overload the . operator in C++ and return a reference to an object. You can overload operator-> and operator* but not operator. Is there a technical reason for this?",
"Does the sum of reciprocals of primes converge? Is this series known to converge, and if so, what does it converge to (if known)? Where $p_n$ is prime number $n$, and $p_1 = 2$, $$\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{1}{p_n}$$",
"Let $X \\subset L^1(\\mathbb{R})$ a closed linear subspace satisfying \\begin{align} X\\subset \\bigcup_{p>1} L^p(\\mathbb{R})\\end{align} Show that $X\\subset L^{p_0}(\\mathbb{R})$ for some $p_0>1.$ I guess the problem is that in infinite measure spaces the inclusion $L^p\\subset L^q$ only holds for $p=q$. Is it maybe possbile to apply Baire's Theorem in some way?",
"As mentioned in the , Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will not have a 32 bit Desktop Image Installer. But in the it has 32bit Desktop Images. This is little off topic, but I'm confused.",
"What is IEEE 802.3 Ethernet's communication type: Synchronous or Asynchronous? In the IEEE 802.3 frame structure there is a 7 byte preamble section for synchronization. If it is really for synchronization does that mean Ethernet is synchronous and not asynchronous? Ethernet structure for reference:",
"PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]",
"How does the SQL injection from the \"Bobby Tables\" XKCD comic work? Just looking at: (Source: ) What does this SQL do: Robert'); DROP TABLE STUDENTS; -- I know both ' and -- are for comments, but doesn't the word DROP get commented as well since it is part of the same line?",
"Continuous extension of a real function Related; This is the theorem i need to prove; \"Let $E(\\subset \\mathbb{R})$ be closed subset and $f:E\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be a contiuous function. Then there exists a continuous function $g:\\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ such that $g(x)=f(x), \\forall x\\in E$.\" I have tried hours to prove this, but couldn't. I found some solutions, but ridiculously all are wrong. Every solution states that \"If $x\\in E$ and $x$ is not an interior point of $E$, then $x$ is an endpoint of a segment of at most countable collection of disjoint segments.\". However, this is indeed false! (Check Arthur's argument in the link above) Wrong solution Q4.5; Just like the argument in this solution, i can see that $g$ is continuous on $E^c$ and $Int(E)$. But how do i show that $g$ is continuous on $E$?",
"How to diagnose a search engine ranking drop?",
"Why are there exactly four nucleobases in DNA? Does someone know why DNA is composed of four nucleobases? In particular, is there an explanation for the number? Why four and not two, or eight?",
"Placement of the asterisk in pointer declarations I've recently decided that I just have to finally learn C/C++, and there is one thing I do not really understand about pointers or more precisely, their definition. How about these examples: int* test; int *test; int * test; int* test,test2; int *test,test2; int * test,test2; Now, to my understanding, the first three cases are all doing the same: Test is not an int, but a pointer to one. The second set of examples is a bit more tricky. In case 4, both test and test2 will be pointers to an int, whereas in case 5, only test is a pointer, whereas test2 is a \"real\" int. What about case 6? Same as case 5?",
"I have an accompanied visa with my grandparents but because of some reason they cannot travel with me. I am above 17 years. Can I travel alone and will I be allowed to enter UK as my real aunt puts up there?",
"How do you return to the default view (the one you see when blender starts)?",
"I do not understand much about mine bitcoins, but I downloaded a program that is like a wallet, but I want to know how I do to mine. Has a calling GUIminder but is for windows, someone knows one that is for ubuntu?",
"How can I check whether a variable is defined in JavaScript? How to check whether a JavaScript variable defined in cross-browser way? I ran into this problem when writing some JavaScript utilizing FireBug logging. I wrote some code like below: function profileRun(f) { // f: functions to be profiled console.profile(f.constructor); f(); console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } It works fine in FireFox/FireBug, but it reports error in IE8 RC1. So, I'd like to do some checking whether console variable exists in the execution environment. Below code works fine in FireFox, but not in IE8 RC1. function profileRun(f) { if (console != undefined) { console.profile(f.constructor); } f(); if (console != undefined) { console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } } However, if I do it this way. It works in IE8 RC1. Why? function profileRun(f) { if (window.console != undefined) { console.profile(f.constructor); } f(); if (window.console != undefined) { console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } } Is there any cross-browser way to check it?",
"Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously?",
"Add a section before \\tableofcontents to content",
"$f:\\mathbb{R}^3\\to\\mathbb{R}, f(rx)=r^{\\alpha}f(x)$ for some $\\alpha>0$, $\\forall x\\in\\mathbb{R}$, for any $r\\in\\mathbb{R}$, could any one tell me which of the following is true? $1.$ If $f(x)=f(y)$ whenever $||x||=||y||=\\beta>0$, then $f(x)=\\beta ||x||^{\\alpha}$ $2.$ If $f(x)=f(y)$ whenever $||x||=||y||=1$, then $f(x)= ||x||^{\\alpha}$ $3.$ If $f(x)=f(y)$ whenever $||x||=||y||=1$, then $f(x)=c||x||^{\\alpha}$ for some constant $c$ $4.$ If $f(x)=f(y)$ whenever $||x||=||y||$, then $f(x)$ must be a constant function. Thank you."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Doesn't Sherlock's comment to Watson during their good bye scene suggest that there is/was a third Holmes sibling and that the sibling is a woman? | Is there a third Holmes sibling? | [
"Handle either a list or single integer as an argument",
"Which lenses should be included in a travel photography kit? On a crop sensor camera, e.g. Canon EOS 7D, what would be the best kit to travel with around Europe for a few weeks? My shooting style will focus on landscape, architecture, and general travel shots (of note would be my lack of interest for portraits). Limit to around 1-3 lenses, and I prefer light ones. Crop sensor camera chosen to save on weight over a full frame option. Question is open to all brands for general guidance, but I will be using a Canon body. Cost is not a factor, I will rent the lenses I do not already own. Quality is of paramount importance. I will not have a tripod. I understand some may consider this subjective, but I do believe that for a crop sensor body, with weight as a consideration, and a limit to the amount of lenses, a true best kit can be determined.",
"How to see time stamps in bash history? Is there any way I can see at what time the commands were executed from the bash history? We can see the order but is there any way I can get the time also? Bottom-Line: Execution time in the Bash history",
"How to get my actual data from ContentNote API in Salesforce using SOQL?",
"Why are our planets in the solar system all on the same disc/plane/layer? I always see pictures of the solar system where our sun is in the middle and the planets surround the sun. All these planets move on orbits on the same layer. Why?",
"Is it possible to embed a scrollable frame inside a PDF? (This is an end-of-year crazy question) Is it possible to embed a (scrollable) frame or a PDF inside a PDF? If so, how to do it in (pdf)LaTeX? This is something pretty common in HTML (see for example ). Here it is a webpage with PDF frames Here it is a fake screenshot so you get the idea. Portable and non-portable (e.g. only-Acrobat) answers are welcomed. Example of a down arrow below a frame. The up arrow can be on top of the frame and the triangles point up.",
"fontenc changes sans serif bold font in KOMA-script Consider the following MWE: \\documentclass{article} %\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\begin{document} \\textbf{\\textsf{Some text}} \\end{document} The output of the above code is and doesn't change if I uncomment the line %\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} Consider now the following MWE with scrartcl class instead of article: \\documentclass{scrartcl} %\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\begin{document} \\section{A section} \\textsf{Some text} \\end{document} Uncommenting the line %\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} you get As you can see, the sans serif font of the title is less bold than without fontenc, while the normal text is not changed. Does fontenc, combined with a KOMA-script class, load a different sans serif font, but only for bold face?",
"Xpath expression with multiple predicates",
"What is virtual memory? I was double checking my notes for 'Virtual Memory' and the definition in my text book is: Process of allocating a section of secondary storage to act as part of the main memory Where as says: Virtual memory is a computer system technique which gives an application program the impression that it has contiguous working memory (an address space) and (Wikipedia also says) Note that \"virtual memory\" is more than just \"using disk space to extend physical memory size\" Can anyone offer any clarification as to which is correct?",
"Proving that two matrices are congruent, in order to establish a rank and signature result.",
"I'm assuming that the answer to the question in the title is a resounding yes. Since Baryonic matter and dark matter interact via gravitational forces. If this is the case how is information not lost if, as is presumed, dark matter does not interact via the electromagnetic force?",
"how to change the distance between tick mark and tick label",
"Define path for packages in the LaTeX file (analog of \\input@path or \\graphicspath for \\usepackage)",
"Proving the AM-GM inequality for 2 numbers $\\sqrt{xy}\\le\\frac{x+y}2$ I am having trouble with this problem from my latest homework. Prove the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality. That is, for two positive real numbers $x,y$, we have $$ \\sqrt{xy}≤ \\frac{x+y}{2} .$$ Furthermore, equality occurs if and only if $x = y$. Any and all help would be appreciated.",
"Editing and manipulating tables with ArcPy? I’m new to ArcMap and was wondering if anybody could help me out. I have a shapefile with counties and wells in that county. In the table I’m trying edit it so that for each county calculate the total numbers of wells that fall into that county, and update the county table with the total count. I also want to calculate how many wells there are per area unit, and update the table with that value as well. import arcpy featureClass = \"C:/Lesson5_Data/Colorado_cities.shp\" fieldList = \"*\" with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(featureClass, fieldList) as cursor: for row in cursor: print row[4 population = 10000 whereClause = '\"POP2007\" >= ' + str(population",
"In terms of UX what do you guys think is the best approach when integrating a trial period for subscriptions? My application offers a 15 day trial, at the minute the user can sign up without providing any payment information (Paypal Subscription). The account is then set to trial status and after 15 days the user will be redirected to an upgrade page. Do you think this is the best approach? I am unsure whether or not to let Paypal manage the trial, this however means that the user will need to go through the Paypal payment system during signup. I think this may put some people off signing up. On the other hand this approach may increase the number of conversions to a full account.",
"I want to have a video background that will loop on some frames of my presentation. Can anyone help me to do that?",
"I am notified about old comments instead of new ones I have three notifications pending but when I open the tab they were a month ago. When I refresh the page I see the correct three notifications. Pictures: Here you see notifications from March but it is April: Here I refreshed the page and recognized that there are indeed three unread notifications. This behavior occurred already three times before, always with the spinlock question as first comment. Today I finally realized that there were indeed notifications pending. Is this a bug to report? If this is not the right side to ask about this - where should I go to? Edit 1 Browser: Firefox 28.0 (current version) Windows 7 on a Laptop It only appears on the favourites side. When I open I see the current comments. Edit 2 On favourites I see the old issue On meta and stackoverflow I see the new comment Edit3 Still an issue on April 11th and April 16th. The question is more like: Can somebody remove this or show me a way to remove it or let it remove? Edit4 April 20th at 14:00GMT the favourite tags turned into an error page:",
"I can't seem to find an answer to this simple question, which I need for some compliance documentation. On a default install of CentOS 6.5 (OpenSSH 5.3p1-94.el6), after how long of being idle will a user's SSH session be terminated? I believe the following can be set to increase the idle timeout, but they are commented out by default. $ grep -i alive /etc/ssh/sshd_config #TCPKeepAlive yes #ClientAliveInterval 0 #ClientAliveCountMax 3 Also, is there a command to dump a list of the current sshd settings? I don't see anything in man sshd.",
"Convince grep to output all lines, not just those with matches Say I have the following file: $ cat test test line 1 test line 2 line without the search word another line without it test line 3 with two test words test line 4 By default, grep returns each line that contains the search term: $ grep test test test line 1 test line 2 test line 3 with two test words test line 4 Passing the --color parameter to grep will make it highlight the portion of the line that matches the search expression, but it still only returns lines that contain the expression. Is there a way to get grep to output every line in the source file, but highlight the matches? My current terrible hack to accomplish this (at least on files that don't have 10000+ consecutive lines with no matches) is: $ grep -B 9999 -A 9999 test test If grep can't accomplish this, is there another command-line tool that offers the same functionality? I've fiddled with , but it doesn't seem to have an option for it either."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
checking the checkbox via jstl | How can I retain HTML form field values in JSP after submitting form to Servlet? | [
"Converting expressions to polynomial form",
"Can someone please give me the prerequisites and mathematics required for string theory? Are there some good references to study it, both online and in a book? Please consider I am a newbie in string theory, and only about up to the level explained in Hawking's Brief History of Time and Penrose's Road to Reality. I would prefer something which does not omit rigor, but builds it up.Also, are there good online lectures on this? (I have covered most of GR, but I am not really comfortable with advanced Quantum mechanics. I have studied QM only from Griffith's book, and a few McGraw hill lecture notes.)",
"What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key? What is the maximum size of a web browser's cookie's key? I know the maximum size of a cookie is 4KB, but does the key have a limitation as well?",
"What are the differences between $$, \\[, align, equation and displaymath? I once learnt, that it is uncool to use $$, but why is that? Why does \\[ not act as a abbreviation to \\begin{align}? I noticed, that there is a difference, since one cannot use & and \\\\ inside a block started with \\[.",
"Distinct digits in a combination of 6 digits",
"Best practices for storing UI settings? we're currently planning a larger WPF LoB application and i wonder what others think being the best practice for storing lots of UI settings e.g. Expander States Menu orders Sizing Properties etc... i don't like the idea of having dozens of stored values using the delivered SettingsProvider (i.e. App.config file) although it can be used to store it in an embedded database using a custom SettingsProvider. being able to use some kind of databinding is also a concern. Has anyone had the same problems? What did you do to store lots of ui user settings?",
"How to derive the formula for the sum of the first $n$ odd numbers: $n^2=\\sum_{k=1}^n(2k-1).$ How to derive this formula? $$n^2=\\sum_{k=1}^n(2k-1).$$",
"What is lock escalation?",
"Opening document library files in popup or new window Is there any easy way to open the document library files in a new window or popup depending on the file types? e.g. PDF - In Adobe reader (currently opens in IE) Image file (currently opens in IE)",
"I came across the following question: This can be easily flagged for too broad or opinion based, but I wonder on which stack-exchange site can one ask answers for such a question?",
"Complex integration with a $\\mathcal{C}^1$ function $f$",
"I just designed this MPPT solar charge controller which outputs 4.2 V regulated via MPPT, it uses the SPV1040 IC. This will be used on a satellite with 4 side panels, each with 8 solar cells in parallel outputting 2.6 V at approximately 122 Ma. Each panel will have this exact circuit and all the outputs will be connected in parallel to a 3.7 V lithium ion camera battery. When active only 1 solar panel will be active and the other MPPT circuits will be offline or providing a very low amount of current. How should I connect the 4.2v to the battery, just directly or using some sort of controller to stop charging at 4.2v? Keep in mind the battery will always have a load and it will charge for around 50m in a 90m cycle due to being eclipsed. I would obviously like the battery to last as long as possible so I am not sure what are the implications of constantly having a battery connected to 4.2 V during 50m. Thanks. The schematic was made based off a simulation made using the ST Edesignsuite directly from the provider. Excuse my previous question about this, wasn't properly worded.",
"I have an internal microphone in my laptop. I think it uses Intel High Definition Audio. But I can't get it to work with Ubuntu. It doesn't work with either the Sound Recorder or Skype. On the Input tab in 'Sound Preferences', I just see Internal Analog Input Device...",
"Where are temporary files in Chrome stored?",
"Format a number with optional decimal places in Excel I have numbers in cells in Excel. I want the numbers formatted so that if they have decimal places they show to a maximum of two, and if they have no decimal places it doesn't show any. For example. 15 should be formatted as 15, NOT 15.00 14.3453453 should be formatted as 14.35 12.1 should be formatted as 12.1 0 should be formatted as 0 The closest custom format code I've come up with is 0.##. Unfortunately this formats 15.00 as 15. (note the extra decimal point). To further complicate the issue, the spreadsheet is a result of an export from SQL Server Reporting Services. So no macros are possible. Oh well, it looks like 0.## is my best bet, and they can just live with the extra period.",
"I have a time series that shows a nonstationary seasonal autoregressive component as well as known heteroshedasticity. In order to model the series, I have fit a seasonal ARIMA model for the mean with the auto.arima model in the forecast package in R and a GARCH model on the residuals of the ARIMA model. Is the procedure of sequentially estimating ARIMA and GARCH model correct or would it have been better to jointly model the mean and the variance of the series? If this were correct, is there a (possibly R) function to do it?",
"Why is CDC capture failing due to a missing dbo principal",
"Can I access the App Store from within the iOS Simulator?",
"With Ubuntu One shut down, is there a way to sync applications between computers?",
"I wanted to send a single email to different users. I save an email to drafts and send the email to a user and it goes to the sent box instead of staying in the drafts box. Is there a way I can send an email repeatedly from the drafts box?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why $\lim_{z\to 0}\frac{(\bar{z})^2}{z^2}$ doesn't exist? | Does $\lim_{z\rightarrow0}\frac{\bar{z}^2}{z^2}$ exist? | [
"FTP and Apache permission issues",
"Toy Line (Production) Run I am not sure about the meaning of this: Transformers: Generation 1 (also known as Generation One or G1) was a children's toy line that ran from 1984 to 1991 and was produced by Hasbro. Would the following rewrite be better? Transformers: Generation 1 (also known as Generation One or G1) was a children's toy line the production of which ran from 1984 to 1991 and was produced by Hasbro.",
"As a follow-up to : From what I've seen, this should work as expected: void greet(){ char c[] = \"Hello\"; greetWith(c); return; } but this will cause undefined behavior: char *greet(){ char c[] = \"Hello\"; return c; } If I'm right, what's the best way to fix the second greet function? In an embedded environment? On a desktop?",
"Understanding shape and calculation of confidence bands in linear regression I am trying to understand the origin of the curved shaped of confidence bands associated with an OLS linear regression and how it relates to the confidence intervals of the regression parameters (slope and intercept), for example (using R): require(visreg) fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R,data=airquality) visreg(fit) It appears that the band is related to the limits of the lines calculated with the 2.5% intercept, and the 97.5% slope, as well as with the 97.5% intercept, and the 2.5% slope (although not quite): xnew <- seq(0,400) int <- confint(fit) lines(xnew, (int[1,2]+int[2,1]*xnew)) lines(xnew, (int[1,1]+int[2,2]*xnew)) What I don't understand are two things: What about the combination of 2.5% slope & 2.5% intercept as well as 97.5% slope and 97.5% intercept? These give lines that are clearly outside the band plotted above. Maybe I don't understand the meaning of a confidence interval, but if in 95% of the cases my estimates are within the confidence interval, these seem like a possible outcome? What determines the minimum distance between the upper and lower limit (i.e. close to the point where the two lines added above intercept)? I guess both questions arise because I don't know/understand how these bands are actually calculated. How can I calculate the upper and lower limits using the confidence intervals of the regression parameters (without relying on predict() or a similar function, i.e. by hand)? I tried to decipher the predict.lm function in R, but the coding is beyond me. I'd appreciate any pointers towards relevant literature or explanations suitable for stats beginners. Thanks.",
"What is the reasoning that leads one to postulate this second form for the relativistic particle action? The action for the free relativistic particle with worldline $\\gamma : I\\subset \\mathbb{R}\\to M$ is $$S[\\gamma]=-m\\int d\\lambda\\sqrt{-\\dot{\\gamma}^a(\\lambda)\\dot{\\gamma}_a(\\lambda)}\\tag{1} $$ Now, one may postulate a second action $$S'[\\gamma,\\eta]=\\frac{1}{2}\\int d\\lambda \\bigg(\\eta(\\lambda)^{-1}\\dot{\\gamma}^a(\\lambda)\\dot{\\gamma}_a(\\lambda)-\\eta(\\lambda)m^2\\bigg).\\tag{2}$$ These are classically equivalent actions. My question is: usually what we have is (1) and we have a problem both with the square root and with the massless limit. Given this, how could we think about postulating (2)? In other words, how can we reach (2)? Usually some people answer this by saying: \"it doesn't matter, actions are postulated, you postulate it, compute the equations, prove it works and its over\". Now I beg to differ. I want to know how could someone reason exactly in order to know what to postulate. I am perfectly comfortable with computing the equations of motion. I want to know is how given (1) we would have the idea to postulate (2). Is it some special case of some general procedure that deals with constraints?",
"Cannot change brightness setting using function buttons or using the brightness control bar on HP laptop",
"htaccess subdomain",
"birthday problem - expected number of collisions There are many descriptions of the \"birthday problem\" on this site — the problem of finding the probability that in a group of $n$ people there will be any (= at least 2) sharing a birthday. I am wondering how to find instead the expected number of people sharing a birthday in a group of $n$ people. I remember that expectation means the weighted sum of the probabilities of each outcome: $$E[X]=\\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}x_ip_i$$ And here $x$ must mean the number of collisions involving $i+1$ people, which is $n\\choose i$. All $n$ people born on different days means no collisions, $i=0$; two people born on the same day means $n$ collisions, $i=1$; all $n$ people born on the same day means $n$ collisions, $i=n-1$. Since the probabilities of three or more people with the same birthday are vanishingly small compared to two people with the same birthday, and decreases faster than $x$ increases, is it correct to say that this expectation can be approximated by $$E[X]\\approx {n\\choose 0}p_{no\\ collisions}+{n\\choose 1}p_{one\\ collision}$$ This doesn't look right to me and I'd appreciate some guidance. Sorry - edited to change ${n\\choose 1}$ to ${n\\choose 0}$ in second equation. Sloppy of me.",
"Punctuation with units I remember reading somewhere that if a unit is abbreviated as one character, there must not be a space between the number and the unit (e.g., 5m, 26K). If the unit is abbreviated as two or more Characters, there must be a space between the number and the unit (e.g., \"10 km\", \"USD 5\"). Can you please help me find the source again? Is this recommendation correct?",
"After taking a statistics course and then trying to help fellow students, I noticed one subject that inspires much head-desk banging is interpreting the results of statistical hypothesis tests. It seems that students easily learn how to perform the calculations required by a given test but get hung up on interpreting the results. Many computerized tools report test results in terms of \"p values\" or \"t values\". How would you explain the following points to college students taking their first course in statistics: What does a \"p-value\" mean in relation to the hypothesis being tested? Are there cases when one should be looking for a high p-value or a low p-value? What is the relationship between a p-value and a t-value?",
"How can I fix \"unbalanced brackets\" in my data tag?",
"I understand how Insight and Perception can be used passively: for the DM to determine if an enemy Deception or Stealth attempt is successful without alerting the players that someone is deceiving or sneaking. But the Observant feat in the Player's Handbook states: [...] You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores. So in what situation would a DM be rolling something against the player's Investigation without letting them know?",
"I uploaded a pre-print of an article on arXiv 1 year ago. The article was accepted in SCI journal and currently available online. However, I found a typo mistake in one equation and want to add more discussion related one figure (On researchgate I am receiving a lot of queries regarding that figure). Should i upload a new version of pre-print on arXiv? (How citations will work in this case? as arxiv version is more advanced compare to Journal version) OrI may upload a short document on arXiv as an errata/correction with extra discussion?Or I may address errata and discussion in online page of journal? Actually this journal allows the registered users to comment and start discussion related to published article.",
"According to Theorem 8.8 in Time Series A.W. van der Vaart an ARMA process $$\\phi (L)X_t=\\theta(L)\\epsilon_t$$ has a unique stationary solution $X_t=\\psi(L)\\epsilon_t$ with $\\psi=\\theta/\\phi$ if $\\phi$ has no roots on the complex unit circle. This would imply that the explosive process, with $\\rho>1$, is a stationary process $$X_t=\\rho X_{t-1}+\\epsilon_t$$ with stationary solution $X_t=\\sum_{i=1}^\\infty \\rho^{-i}\\epsilon_{t+i}$. Now indeed $\\sum_{i=1}^{\\infty} \\rho^{-i} < \\infty$ so that weak stationarity can be proved by using this representation. However, here on stackexchange I see a lot of question/answers that suggest that the process above is not stationary (see for example , ). In particular, the accepted answer of the latter question claims that the process is non-stationary by simulating a series and showing it displays explosive trending behaviour. I think the only way to reconcile the theorem I mention above and the plots in the accepted answer of () is the following: the explosive process is indeed stationary but non-ergodic, that is, we cannot find the statistical properties of $X_t$ such as $\\mathbb{E}(X_t)=\\mu$ by observing a single infinitely long sample path of the explosive process, mathematically: $$\\lim_{t \\to \\infty}\\frac{1}{t}\\sum_{t=1}X_t \\neq\\mathbb{E}X_t$$ Is this reading correct?",
"How can I install .exe files of Windows 7 or more in Ubuntu? I want to run/install .exe files that require Windows 7 or higher in Wine on Ubuntu. When I try to install a specific .exe file on Wine, it says Windows version is not supported! You can install it in Windows 7 or higher. How can I configure which Windows version (XP, Vista, 7, 8, ...) Wine emulates?",
"How to find relevant and new open research topics?",
"Storage order vs Result order This is a spin-off question from . says this on the subject of storage order (clustered index) and the output order A lot of people believe that a clustered index guarantees a sort order on output. But that's not what it does; it guarantees a storage order on disk. See, for example, . I've read the blog post by Hugo Kornelis and understands that an index doesn't guarantee that the sql server reads the records in a specific order. Yet I have a hard time accepting that I can't assume this for my scenario? CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SensorValues]( [DeviceId] [int] NOT NULL, [SensorId] [int] NOT NULL, [SensorValue] [int] NOT NULL, [Date] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_SensorValues] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [DeviceId] ASC, [SensorId] ASC, [Date] DESC ) WITH ( FILLFACTOR=75, DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE, PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [MyPartitioningScheme]([Date]) My original query was this: SELECT TOP 1 SensorValue FROM SensorValues WHERE SensorId = 53 AND DeviceId = 3819 AND Date < 1339225010 ORDER BY Date DESC But I suggest that I could as well use this one (read below for my explanation): SELECT TOP 1 SensorValue FROM SensorValues WHERE SensorId = 53 AND DeviceId = 3819 AND Date < 1339225010 As you can see, my table rows are small (16bytes) and I've got only one index, a clustered. In my scenario, the table consists of 100.000.000 records at this moment (and this will most likely increase tenfold). When the database server queries this table it has two ways of finding my rows, either it seeks the primary key and thereby reading and returning my values in desc. order of Date, or it has to do a full table scan. My conclusion is that a full table scan on all those records will be way too slow and the database server will therefore always seek the table via its primary key and thereby returning the values sorted by Date DESC",
"I have a text box that will have a currency string in it that I then need to convert that string to a double to perform some operations on it. \"$1,100.00\" → 1100.00 This needs to occur all client side. I have no choice but to leave the currency string as a currency string as input but need to cast/convert it to a double to allow some mathematical operations.",
"What is the term when a word is used consecutively twice, with intentional stress placed on the first word, as a means to alter the severity of the word's meaning? I am not referring to a (had had) or a (that that), but to the slightly sarcastic use as demonstrated in shows like Seinfeld. Sample sentences, with emphasis: I know we're going out to eat, but I am only going to pick at an appetizer because I'm not hungry hungry. Don't wear something so formal to the party; I don't think you need to be dressed dressed. Of personal note, some of my relatives decided a few years ago to nick-name the term a "Celaine" (a combination of their names) due to their own frequent use of it. Note: This question explicitly requests the term of art used by linguists and English scholars when discussing this phenomenon. This question is different from a which requests a historical explanation for the phenomenon described by this term. None of the answers to the suggested duplicate provide the term. The author of the similar question requests the term for the pattern in a comment, but does not receive an acceptable answer. The only mention of an acceptable term is in a comment made by the author of this question, in response to the author of the similar question, directing back to this very question.",
"I have installed Ubuntu on my laptop and now I want to remove it and the Grub Loader. How I can do it without the Windows installation disk (I cannot use the Recovery Console)."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Fatal Error: Call to a member function bind_param() PHP MySQL Prepared Statements | Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? | [
"Blender 2.78 file size grows and does never shrink I made a huge project, wanted to reduce file size from 1.3GB to below 1GB. Compressing did not help. I removed objects from scene. Also textures. I then realized, the file size even was the same when I delete ALL objects. Why? Download of sample: Before deleting all: 1.2GB, after: 1.1GB.",
"How precisely do I need to post close to 7:00 (somewhere) to get hero of time?",
"Why do harmonics occur when you pluck a string? When you energise a taut string, the following resonant modes of vibration occur: Plotting on the frequency domain, you can see their corresponding frequencies: But what is the underlying physical principle? Why does this happen? Is there any way of explaining it that could be understood by a smart 15 year old? EDIT: I'm going to give my best attempt so far. Here goes: We can start with sympathetic resonance. Sounding a particular frequency, a pure sinewave. And noticing the string resonates sympathetically at the frequency of each harmonic. Say this is explained and understood. Now imagine that plucking a string is equivalent to a burst of white noise, which contains frequencies all the way through the spectrum. This could be approached backwards, by starting with random frequencies and noticing that resultant wave produced looks like white noise. If the above is scientifically correct, then it restricts the domain of the question. I would really like to be able to understand it scientifically and also be able to explain it intuitively. PS Images from",
"Unexpected Results From Clicking The Unanswered Button",
"Showing there is no ring whose additive group is isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Q}/\\mathbb{Z}$ Show that there is no commutative ring with the identity whose additive group is isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Q}/\\mathbb{Z}$.",
"How to use C++ 11 features in the latest version of g++ Newbie here. I just got an error running from the terminal a C++ program I wrote: error: ‘stoi’ is not a member of ‘std’. They told me the compiler is too old. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04. My g++ version is 4.8.4. How do I upgrade?",
"Solutions of $x^2 \\equiv 1 \\pmod N$",
"How to select distinct field values using Solr?",
"After reinstalling TeXLive distribution (install-tl-20160318, Ubuntu 14.04), a issue occurs with the updated version of the titlesec package: the section numbering is lost. What could it be missing? Is there a modification I have not seen? Below is a MWE comparison of the two versions. The prevtitlesec package is a reinstall of the previous version (2011/12/15). \\documentclass{book} \\usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} %\\usepackage{prevtitlesec}% 2011/12/15 version \\usepackage{titlesec}% 2016/03/15 version \\usepackage{lipsum} \\begin{document} \\chapter{Title of the first chapter} \\lipsum[1] \\section{A test section} \\lipsum[4] \\subsection{A test subsection} \\lipsum[4] \\subsection{A test subsection} \\lipsum[4] \\end{document} titlesec package 2011/12/15: titlesec package 2016/03/15:",
"Sort and count number of occurrence of lines",
"I don't know anything about Star Trek except for the fact that it's about spaceships. In the person only wanted to watch the TV series. I want to watch every movie and TV series there is about Star Trek but I don't know where to start. I found this page on which is about a time line. Do I need to watch it in this order? Are the movies and TV series related?",
"What is a reliable method to locate floating islands in Terraria?",
"I have spent a whole day trying to solve the following problem. Please help if you know how to do this. I am using natbib (\\usepackage[sort&compress,square,comma]{natbib}), and my current citation style looks like [1-4], [5, 8-9]. What is the easiest way to change the citation style to [1]-[4] and [5],[8]-[9]?",
"How to choose which FaceTime number to call I have a friend with two iPhones, two different numbers. When I call her with FaceTime audio, only phone A rings. How can I call phone B? The phones have two separate Apple ID addresses, but they are both set to receive Facetime calls on their 10 digit phone numbers. I have both numbers listed in my contacts as 'Home' and 'Work' for the same person.",
"I get double question marks when referring to labels inside figures",
"How to add indicator on a light switch to indicate the outdoor 3-way light is on? Have some carriage lights outside my garage that can be turned on from inside the house. It's common that the switch will get flipped and the lights will stay on when they're not wanted. Is there some way I can add an indicator to the light switch so I can know if the light is on? Note: the carriage lights are on a 3 way switch.",
"Find the set of $n\\in\\Bbb Z^+$ with $M=\\{n,n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5\\}$ partitionable into two sets Find the set of all positive integers $n$ with the property that the set $M=\\{n, n + 1,n + 2,n + 3,n + 4,n + 5\\}$ can be partitioned into two sets such that the product of the numbers in one set equals the product of the numbers in the other set. If $n=1$ them $M=\\{1,2,3,4,5,6\\}$ and there is no such partition, so $n \\ge 2$. If the prime $p|n$ then either $p|2$ or $p|3$ or $p|5$ which means either $p=2$ or $p=3$ or $p=5$. Suppose $n=2k$. Then $M=\\{2k, 2k + 1,2k + 2,2k + 3,2k + 4,2k + 5\\}$. I have no idea how to proceed.",
"I tried to compile a (flawlessly working) LaTeX document on a different computer, and suddenly was faced with the above error message printed by the xparse package (after that, many errors follow). I'm working on both computers with miktex 2.9 (and Texnic-Center) on Windows 7 (64 bit). I tried EVERYTHING I found on stackexchange or anywhere else on the web, including: Updating all packages Removing the l3 packages and reinstalling them Doing the above for both the current user and in admin mode Removing the complete miktex distribution and re-installing it for only the current user for \"anyone who uses this computer\" with all packages only the basic packages Downloading the newest l3 packages manually from CTAN and copying them into the miktex folder Refreshing the FNDB and updating formats afterwards Nothing worked. Right now, I'm just out of ideas. ANY suggestions?? EDIT: After performing UlrikeFischer's suggestion, I get different errors. After a long compilation process, this is the log file I get:",
"A better serial voting trap Currently we capture fanatic, voting ring or rage-type activities, by measuring the number of up-votes or down-votes between the same two users in a certain (relatively short) time period. When this is detected by the system, the votes are reversed, and I've never bothered to investigate what else happens after that - though I'm sure some form of wrist-slapping ensues. While it is intended to be well-guarded for obvious reasons, the algorithm used is not exactly a secret, and I am sure there are plenty of examples where people are dangling (maybe intentionally, or maybe by dumb luck) just on the safe side of getting caught. Personally I believe there are active, intentional, long-term vendettas in operation right now where users either: blindly up-vote every answer from a user; or, down-vote a particular user once or twice a day, regardless of topic or quality. Now, maybe the first one is valid - if I'm operating in the same tag-sphere as some smart person, it may just be that I'm constantly enthralled with their answers, and I'm not even noticing who they're written by. (Though, even Skeet isn't perfect, and I haven't up-voted every answer I've seen him post.) But still, can we do a better job of catching - or at least noticing - this activity over the long term in addition to the short term? The behavior is the same, and shouldn't be tolerated, regardless of the time frame - vengeful rage serial voting, blind staker crush serial voting, and painstakingly patient serial voting are all undesirable behaviors IMHO. I'm not saying it has to do anything automatically, as I'm well aware of the possibility of false positives. And I'm not even sure what to propose as a time frame or a vote threshold. But if a large percentage of my up-votes or down-votes are against a particular user, and especially if on a majority of those posts I am the only one voting in that direction, I think it should at least be raised as some kind of flag to moderators. This would work much like how other suspicious activity is highlighted (but also not dealt with automatically). If a pattern becomes obvious and persists, then they can intervene in some way (or not, but at least they were provided with the information - just like they can reject and ignore manual flags). Today, all I can do is e-mail [email protected], and unless I know exactly which person(s) are involved, there is not much they can do about it. And you're thinking, \"Meh, let some hater down-vote you once or twice a day. Unless all you're posting is utter crap, it should be statistically insignificant.\" You're right. But reputation is not the point, and is not the motivation behind my request. What I'd like to see curtailed is the tendency for folks to down-vote a question or answer because of who posted it, not because of what it said or didn't say. When a down-vote is personal it can leave a person second-guessing the quality of their post. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, except when it happens repeatedly. Sorry for the essay but I wanted to try to anticipate and cover all the objections and hole-poking.",
"Show that a number has a terminating decimal expansion if and only if, it is rational and when in lowest terms, its denominator is coprime to all primes other than $2$ and $5$. This is an unsolved question in my lecture notes. I can only seem to prove the converse direction for this. Would appreciate a solution for the other direction. For converse direction: Let the number, in lowest terms, be given by $\\frac{l}{m}$ where $m = 2^ \\alpha 5^\\beta$, for some positive integers, $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$. If $\\alpha > \\beta$, let $k = 5^{(\\alpha-\\beta)}$. If $\\alpha < \\beta$, let $k = 2^{(\\beta-\\alpha)}$. Then $\\frac{l}{m} = \\frac{kl}{k2^\\alpha5^\\beta}=\\frac{kl}{10^q}$ where $q = \\max(\\alpha,\\beta)$. Hence $\\frac{l}{m}$ is a terminating decimal."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How parse this 2009-05-12T13:40:00Z to java date | What's the best way to parse an XML dateTime in Java? | [
"Is there a difference in meaning among 'should', 'happens to', or 'should happen to'?",
"iPhone stuck on Connect to iTunes My iPhone is stuck on Connect to iTunes Screen (support.apple.com/iphone/restore iTunes logo and up arrow with lightning cable) I have Tried :- Connecting it to iTunes and Updating, It updates Successfully.But on the same screen again Restoring, It restores successfully.But on the same screen again Tried Recovery Mode Screen Method and DFU method Tried Closing and Restarting iTunes Tried Deleting 'iPhone Software Update' folder in iTunes and Re-Downloding Updates Nothing Works... Any Help will be appreciated",
"How do I access folders created on Ubuntu with Windows? I have an external hard drive on which I back up my files, and I've moved some files from an Ubuntu laptop to it as well. However, I can't find a way to open the folder containing these files with my main Windows 10 laptop. When I try to open the folder \"VPC 3 : UBUNTU\" (the \"VPC\" is just a name for the laptop with no special implications), the following happens: It responds with \"___ is unavailable. Make sure the disk is inserted...\"",
"In my family we have a DNA contradiction – two cousins (at about the 4th cousin level) took a Y-DNA test, but did not match and had two completely different haplogroups. Since then, I have traced living cousins with the same surname – the only ones left living that I am aware of – and I would love to pay to have them tested to see if we can figure out where the non-paternity event (NPE) or other event happened (i.e. this new cousin could help us determine which line the NPE occurred in depending on which cousin he matches). Does anyone have a sample letter, or know the best way to go about asking a distant cousin for DNA? I have their address and am planning to write a letter, but I can't imagine receiving such a letter, so I am not quite sure how to ask without scaring them off.",
"How do I update Android on my device?",
"What is duplicate content and how can I avoid being penalized for it on my site?",
"Can a finite sum of square roots be an integer? Can a sum of a finite number of square roots of integers be an integer? If yes can a sum of two square roots of integers be an integer? The square roots need to be irrational.",
"Why did Slytherin House not get disbanded?",
"Doubly stochastic matrix proof A transition matrix $P$ is said to be doubly stochastic if the sum over each column equals one, that is $\\sum_i P_{ij}=1\\space\\forall i$. If such a chain is irreducible and aperiodic and consists of $M+1$ states $0,1,\\dots,M$ show that the limiting probabilities are given by $$\\pi_j=\\frac{1}{1+M},j=0,1,\\dots,M$$ I have no idea how to prove it but If a chain is irreducible then all states communicate i.e $$P_{ij}>0\\space \\text{and}\\space P_{ji}>0\\space\\forall i,j$$ If $d$ denotes the period of any state, if a chain is irreducible aperiodic, then $d(i)=1\\forall i$ If $P_{(M+1)\\times (M+1)}$ matrix and $\\pi$ is the stationary distribution $$\\pi_j=\\sum_iP_{ij}\\pi_i\\space j=0,1,\\dots,M+1$$ but how I can get this expression?",
"How to use early stopping properly for training deep neural network? I have a deep neural network model and I need to train it on my dataset which consists of about 100,000 examples, my validation data contains about 1000 examples. Because it takes time to train each example (around 0.5s for each example) and in order to avoid overfitting, I would like to apply early stopping to prevent unnecessary computation. But I am not sure how to properly train my neural network with early stopping, several things I do not quite understand now: What would be a good validation frequency? Should I check my model on the validation data at the end of each epoch? (My batch size is 1) Is it the case that the first few epochs might yield worse result before it starts converging to better value? In that case, should we train our network for several epochs before checking for early stopping? How to handle the case when the validation loss might go up and down? In that case, early stopping might prevent my model from learning further, right? Thank you in advance.",
"Removing unwanted appearance of underlying mesh",
"I've somehow lost my id_rsa.pub file. I still have my id_rsa file. How do I recover the public key from the private key? (This question came up after ssh-copy-id was reporting \"ERROR: No identities found\" while ssh-keygen reported \"/root/.ssh/id_rsa already exists\". ls ~/.ssh pointed out the problem was having id_rsa but not id_rsa.pub. I found the solution, but it was buried at the bottom of a long post on an Ubuntu support forum.)",
"Where can I find every gnome? No matter where I look, I just can't find gnome number [insert number here]. Where can I find every gnome in the game?",
"Fibonacci proof question: $f_{n+1}f_{n-1}-f_n^2=(-1)^n$",
"Somewhere on Stack Exchange I saw the equation $$\\gcd(2^m-1,2^n-1)=2^{\\gcd(m,n)}-1.$$ I had never seen this before, so I started trying to prove it. Without success... Can anyone explain me (so actually prove) why this equation is true? And can we say the same when replacing the '$2$' by any integer number '$a$'?",
"Triangular Numbers Modulo $k$ - Hit All Values?",
"Diagram of an artificial neural network",
"Cartesian Product of Two Countable Sets is Countable How can I prove that the Cartesian product of two countable sets is also countable?",
"Printing a file to a printer in Ruby",
"Trying to get my head around the commutator subgroup. This is an excercise from Artin's Algebra: Let $C$ be the commutator subgroup of $G$. Prove that $G/C$ is abelian. Here is what I've done: Let $xC,yC \\in G/C$ then $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}C = C$ since $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$ is a commutator hence belongs to $C$. But then $xyC = yxC$ so $xC$ and $yC$ commute in $G/C$. This can be done for any elements, so $G/C$ is abelian. This seems somewhat surprisingly short. Is that all there is to it? Regards"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Tomcat: correct way to find a resource? | How to find the working folder of a servlet based application in order to load resources | [
"I have installed Ubuntu Server on an old desktop, and I'm new to this. I had set it up and was trying to connect through Putty but that was not working. When I tried ifconfig there was no eth0 IP address, and logging onto the router showed the only device connected by ethernet is the printer. However, the ethernet cable is plugged into the server and is showing the green light by it. I tried opening /etc/networking/interfaces but this shows the following: source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback I tried adding 'auto eth0' after this and saving but made no difference, and have tried sudo ifconfig eth0 up which didn't do anything either. sudo lshw -C network says that the network is DISABLED. Any ideas to help get this up and running? EDIT: Running command lspci -knn | grep Eth -A3 results in the following: 02:05.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet [10ec:8167] (rev 10) Subsytem: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd GA-MA69G-S3H Motherboard [1458:e000] Kernel driver in use: r8169 Kernel modules: r8169",
"Do immigration checks exist between Northern Ireland and England/Scotland? (not just for flights but also ferry/bus/train) Do immigration checks exist between the Republic of Ireland and England/Scotland?",
"List or IList",
"How should I install HPLIP binary/proprietary plugin/driver for my HP printer or printer+scanner? Let's assume that one has some modern HP printer and/or scanner which is supported by HPLIP package from official repository. Or supported by newer version of HPLIP package (see about installation). From official documentation () it is known that device needs proprietary/binary driver or plugin. How should one install such plugin?",
"How to draw arrows between circled coefficients of polynomials using tikz",
"Is there a command prompt equivalent for Windows 7? That is, I want to filter out the results of a command: Bash use: ls | grep root What would it be from a Windows command prompt?",
"Best methods to fix broken tracks I've made a couple of PCBs which need the odd few 10 mil tracks, but are mostly 20/30 mil. Unfortunately the etching process isn't fantastic and there are numerous breaks in the traces, most of them small. I've managed to convince solder lumps to go over the top of the smaller gaps, and have used components legs to bridge some of the larger ones. The solder lumps don't feel particularly reliable though, and there are some gaps which are too small and awkward to get a piece of wire across but too big to be bridged with just the iron. Are there any standard ways to reliably fix up broken traces? Update: Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I found and tried out a silver conductive pen. As a first time user I found it difficult to dispense, and obviously I didn't use enough of it or mix it properly because it didn't even end up being conductive. It seems like the main problem was that I was trying to use pieces of wire which are too short. I found some small gauge tinned wire and used longer lengths, running it over significant lengths of good track on either side of the fault. That makes it much easier to position, and you can tack them down one end at a time.",
"OGR DXF to KML conversion",
"A Regular Tetrahedron is a cool Polyhedron. A regular tetrahedron has this property: For any two of its vertices exists a third vertex, which forms a regular triangle with these 2 vertices.(It doesn't necessarily have to be a face of it). Are there any other polyhedrons that have the same property? I think there isn't such a polyhedron. But not sure how to prove it. I've tried proving that there isn't an irregular tetrahedron with this property, assuming that there is a pair of unequal sides. Current answers are a little confused with the conditions of the problem.",
"How to reset the terminal properties and preferences?",
"How to recover a deleted file from /data partition? I factory reset my rooted Android M phone but now I realize that there was a file in the /data directory which I need. Is it possible to create an image (.img or something similar) of the /data partition so that I could run some recovery software for ext4 on that image? I have a little knowledge about ADB.",
"I was doing some practice problems that my professor had sent us and I have not been able to figure out one of them. The given equation is: $-y^2dx +x^2dy = 0$ He then asks us to verify that: $ u(x, y) = \\frac{1}{(x-y)^2}$ is an integrating factor. I multiplied through to get: $\\frac{-y^2}{(x-y)^2}dx + \\frac{x^2}{(x-y)^2}dy = 0$ However, the partial derivatives of these do not equal each other so I am a bit confused...",
"Replace a string in a text file using a shell script not working properly I have a text file containing this: 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1.5 0.0 1.0 1 and I want to replace the 1.0 to 2.0 so that it becomes: 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1.5 0.0 2.0 1 so I use this command: sed -i 's/'1.0'/'2.0'/g' /home/user1/file1.txt or this: sed -i 's/1.0/2.0/g' /home/user1/file1.txt but this is the result that appears and I don't know how to fix this: 0 0 -2.0 2.0 0 0 0 -2.0 0 1.5 0.0 2.0 1",
"Density of finite rank operator in compact operators on Hilbert spaces",
"Hide back faces in 3D View? How do you hide back faces so that you only see faces when its normal is facing the camera? When exporting it for use in a game, the face is rendered in only the direction of its normal, so this would be useful to have something similar.",
"I have updated my kubuntu 14.10 to kubuntu 15.04. And now after boot, when I enter my password on welcome screen, I will get black screen. It's looks like screen powered off. No cursor, no change brightness. Nothing. And when I try switch to text consoles (Ctrl+Alt+F1) nothing happening. If I doesn't login in welcome screen I can switch to text console.",
"Technically, NULL = NULL is False, by that logic no NULL is equal to any NULL and all NULLs are distinct. Shouldnt this imply that all NULLs are unique and a unique index should allow any number of NULLs?",
"What am I doing when I separate the variables of a differential equation? I see an equation like this: $$y\\frac{\\textrm{d}y}{\\textrm{d}x} = e^x$$ and solve it by \"separating variables\" like this: $$y\\textrm{d}y = e^x\\textrm{d}x$$ $$\\int y\\textrm{d}y = \\int e^x\\textrm{d}x$$ $$y^2/2 = e^x + c$$ What am I doing when I solve an equation this way? Because $\\textrm{d}y/\\textrm{d}x$ actually means $$\\lim_{\\Delta x \\to 0} \\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta x}$$ they are not really separate entities I can multiply around algebraically. I can check the solution when I'm done this procedure, and I've never run into problems with it. Nonetheless, what is the justification behind it? What I thought of to do in this particular case is write $$\\int y \\frac{\\textrm{d}y}{\\textrm{d}x}\\textrm{d}x = \\int e^x\\textrm{d}x$$ $$\\int \\frac{\\textrm{d}}{\\textrm{d}x}(y^2/2)\\textrm{d}x = e^x + c$$ then by the fundamental theorem of calculus $$y^2/2 = e^x + c$$ Is this correct? Will such a procedure work every time I can find a way to separate variables?",
"Solving functional differential equation $f'(x)=2f(2x)-f(x)$ Show that there is at least a nonzero function $f$, differentiable on $[0,+\\infty)$, satisfying $$f'(x)=2f(2x)-f(x) \\qquad \\forall x>0 $$ $$M_n:=\\int_{0}^{\\infty}x^nf(x)dx<\\infty \\qquad \\forall n\\in \\mathbb{N} $$ My best idea so far is to assume that the solution is a power series, i.e. $$ f(x)=\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}a_nx^n\\qquad \\forall x>0$$ Then the equation becomes $$ \\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}na_nx^{n-1}=2\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}a_n2^nx^n-\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}a_nx^n$$ equating all the coefficients of the same degree I get $$na_n=(2^{n}-1)a_{n-1}\\qquad \\forall n\\geq 1$$ So setting $a_0=1$, I get $$a_{n}=\\frac{1}{n!}\\prod_{k=1}^{n}(2^k-1) \\qquad \\forall n$$ But does the power series actually converge? Using Hadamard's formula, and that $2^{k}-1\\geq 2^{k-1}$, $$ |a_n|^{1/n}\\geq\\frac{1}{(n!)^{1/n}}\\left[2^{n(n-1)/2}\\right]^{1/n}\\sim\\frac{e}{n(2\\pi n)^{1/2n}}2^{(n-1)/2}\\to \\infty$$ so the radius of converge of the series is $0$, so it doesn't actually define a solution on $[0,+\\infty)$.",
"What is the lifetime of a static variable in a C++ function?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
SQL string field lengths in a db having about 6 different types of addresses, with about 20 markets and environments | SQL Server nvarchar(max) vs nvarchar(n) affects performance | [
"When should I use a struct rather than a class in C#?",
"Proxying fake domain to a localhost port I'd like to do much the same thing described at for web app development purposes, but with the twist that I'd like requests to fakedomain.com:80 to be routed to localhost:8080, say, so that I don't have to actually use my development machine's port 80. I'd welcome answers that take the form of: Small changes to configuration files like /etc/hosts, and/or An easy-to-configure proxy server I could run Note: takes the approach of setting a firewall rule to forward all incoming traffic on port 80 to port 20559. That may be an acceptable solution, but ideally, I'd like to forward only a specific domain + port combination.",
"When looking for the path to an executable or checking what would happen if you enter a command name in a Unix shell, there's a plethora of different utilities (which, type, command, whence, where, whereis, whatis, hash, etc). We often hear that which should be avoided. Why? What should we use instead?",
"Orthogonal complement examples",
"What is a suitable image resolution for canvas prints? I would like to create a 60 inch x 20 inch canvas print using an image with a resolution of 4759x1798 (240 pixels per inch) and I would like to know if the image quality will still be good at that size. To generalise the question, what is the recommended maximum size of an enlargement at varying image resolutions? e.g. 3 megapixel, 5 megapixel, 8 megapixel, etc",
"Is there a way to get the (to-be-generated) SQL from a Hibernate Criteria? Ideally, I would have something like: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Operator.class); ... build up the criteria ... ... and then do something like ... String sql = criteria.toSql() (But this of course does not exist) The idea would then be to use the SQL as part of a huge 'MINUS' query (I need to find the differences between 2 identical schemas - identical in structure, not in data - and the MINUS is not supported by Hibernate) (BTW I know I can check the SQL from the log files)",
"Reading InputStream as UTF-8",
"Is it possible to soft reset to a shiny Yveltal/Xerneas/Zygarde? I want to gain some rare and valuable shinies, and I looked towards the games mascots, Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde. I know in previous games (like Diamond and Pearl) you could soft reset the game until the game would give you a Shiny in for the legendary. Can you still do this?",
"Decode escaped Url without using HttpUtility.UrlDecode",
"Unicode error in inputenc package",
"Particularly, does proc always list the VmRSS value in kB? I can't find a solid answer on the , although it appears that it sticks to one unit.",
"Let $\\mu(\\Omega)$ be a probability measure (i.e. $\\mu(\\Omega) = 1$), and let $f,g$ be non-negative measurable functions on $\\Omega$ such that $fg \\geq 1$. Show that $1 \\leq (\\int f^p )(\\int g^p)$ for all $0 < p < \\infty$ I'm a bit at a loss of what to do. I know that since $fg \\geq 1$, we may obtain: $$\\int_{\\Omega} d\\mu = \\mu(\\Omega) = 1 \\leq \\int_{\\Omega} fg = \\int_{\\Omega} |fg|$$ The right-most integral is true since $fg$ is positive and it is equal to $||fg||_1$. By Hölder's inequality, we obtain: $$1 \\leq \\int |fg| \\leq ||f||_p ||g||_q = (\\int f^p)^\\frac{1}{p}(\\int g^q)^\\frac{1}{q}$$ where $p$ and $q$ satisfy $\\frac{1}{p} + \\frac{1}{q} = 1$. Raising the left-most and right-most sides of this inequality to the power $p$, I may obtain: $$1 \\leq (\\int f^p)(\\int g^q)^\\frac{p}{q}$$ I now wish to show that $(\\int g^q)^\\frac{p}{q} \\leq \\int g^p$, but I've been at a loss of how to do it. Any tips or hints would be greatly appreciated.",
"12.04 GPU lockup I was able to install Ubuntu 12.04 using the alternative version of the image, (64 bit) but when I start the system it tells me the GPU locked up, and instead presents a text only screen. I understand that this site is not for bug reports, but at the same time, I know that there are some versions of the installer than have to be compatible with my graphics card (Nvidia GTS 360M). I assumed that the mere fact that the alternative installer ran was an indication that I could get some sort of graphical interface running after the install. Is there some way of getting some type of graphical interface running on my machine? Even better would be is there a way to get the rest of the system running as normal (i.e. GPU up and running)? If an internet connection is required to download driver support or something similar, directions for how to configure a wireless connection with WPA2-Personal protection from the text-only interface (bash). Any help would be appreciated. Note: I was able to find which tells me that the card is supported. Note 2: In the install software stage of the install, I was unable to install anything (no internet connection) Update: The exact error message is [8.591394] [drm] 0000:01:00.0: GPU Lockup - switching to software fbcon Update 2: If I try to install with the regular version of Ubuntu, the screen goes staticy. This also happens if I install with Wubi (distasteful I know) and then try to use Ubuntu. Update 3: I've tried xforcevesa, nomodeset and xforcevesa nomodeset as my wubi boot options. Update 4: Thanks to jokerdino, I can now connect to the internet, so internet tools would now be a possibility.",
"How to find fixed points for DES weak keys",
"Previous questions confirmed that Hex can last through multiple encounters (assuming my warlock's concentration doesn't get broken by a club to the head or the like) and at higher levels even through a short rest. My question is how targeting Hex works when trying to keep it up for extended periods of time. Can I just cast it on nothing and keep it up until a valid target presents itself or is an initial valid target required? Then later, does changing the target of the Hex require that the original target is brought to 0 HP? Once the initial target dies does the spell stay active even if I don't immediately choose a new target? My suspicion from reading the spell is that it needs an initial target, but then from that point on I can just keep it up after that target dies until it either expires or a new target presents itself. Is this correct?",
"checking apt-get update lock file",
"Probability of $p(x_1<x_2<\\max(x_3,x_4))$",
"How do I read a file into a std::string, i.e., read the whole file at once? Text or binary mode should be specified by the caller. The solution should be standard-compliant, portable and efficient. It should not needlessly copy the string's data, and it should avoid reallocations of memory while reading the string. One way to do this would be to stat the filesize, resize the std::string and fread() into the std::string's const_cast<char*>()'ed data(). This requires the std::string's data to be contiguous which is not required by the standard, but it appears to be the case for all known implementations. What is worse, if the file is read in text mode, the std::string's size may not equal the file's size. A fully correct, standard-compliant and portable solutions could be constructed using std::ifstream's rdbuf() into a std::ostringstream and from there into a std::string. However, this could copy the string data and/or needlessly reallocate memory. Are all relevant standard library implementations smart enough to avoid all unnecessary overhead? Is there another way to do it? Did I miss some hidden Boost function that already provides the desired functionality? void slurp(std::string& data, bool is_binary)",
"Exactly what the name entails. The function $2^n-1$ I see largely tends to generate primes when $n$ is prime. However, a week ago I heard that this was horribly false. Please show me a disproof.",
"What causes a force field to be \"non-conservative?\""
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
prove by induction that (2n)!≥2^n(n!)^2 | Use mathematical induction to prove $ (2n)!\geq 2^n(n!)^2$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}$ | [
"Why does my dock keep moving back to my other monitor? I have a larger, external monitor connected to my MacBook Pro and have arranged it such that the dock is in the external monitor (via System Preferences > Displays > Arrangement, by dragging the white bar to the larger screen). This works fine, except for the fact that every now and then, the dock will suddenly shift back to my MacBook screen, but when I open up Displays to change this back, the white bar is still on the external monitor. So I have to drag it to the smaller screen, and then drag it back to the external monitor. It's a minor issue, obviously, but I've noticed that it has been happening more and more frequently and it's getting quite annoying. Perhaps there's something I've been doing unintentionally for this to happen? I'm using Mavericks, 10.9.5.",
"How can I serialize an object to JSON without properties that are null? To communicate with a REST interface on a private system, I need to send a JSON message from a trigger. I have a message object that has some fields, lists and a child object: public class MerchantConfig { public class MIDConfig { public String mid; public String currencyCode; public String cardTemplateName; public String paymentPanelRestriction; public List<String> restrictedCountries; public String paymentPanelRestrictionForCountries; } public String merchantName; public String sopgTemplateName; public Integer dispositionTimeWindowInMinutes; public List<String> features; public Boolean activateImmediately; public List<MIDConfig> midConfiguration; } I can serialize it to JSON using the built-in serializer: String body = JSON.serializePretty([MerchantConfig instance]); The result: { \"sopgTemplateName\" : null, \"midConfiguration\" : [ { \"restrictionCountries\" : [ \"DE\", \"AT\" ], \"paymentPanelRestrictionForCountries\" : \"MANDATORY\", \"paymentPanelRestriction\" : \"OPTIONAL\", \"mid\" : \"1000000001\", \"currencyCode\" : \"EUR\", \"cardTemplateName\" : null }, { \"restrictionCountries\" : [ ], \"paymentPanelRestrictionForCountries\" : \"\", \"paymentPanelRestriction\" : \"OPTIONAL\", \"mid\" : \"1000000002\", \"currencyCode\" : \"USD\", \"cardTemplateName\" : null }, { \"restrictionCountries\" : [ ], \"paymentPanelRestrictionForCountries\" : \"\", \"paymentPanelRestriction\" : \"PROHIBITED\", \"mid\" : \"1000000003\", \"currencyCode\" : \"AUD\", \"cardTemplateName\" : null } ], \"merchantName\" : \"Test Merchant\", \"features\" : [ XYZ ], \"dispositionTimeWindowInMinutes\" : 10, \"activateImmediately\" : true } How can I serialize this object so that all properties that are null don't show up in the JSON string? In this example, \"sopgTemplateName\" and all \"cardTemplateName\" properties are null and should not appear in the JSON string. The empty list \"restrictionCountries\" should still appear as an empty list, though.",
"Customizing the output of Compass sprites",
"Navigating lookup relationships with dot notations, to retrieve field values I need to access the value from a roll-up field on my Opportunities, from it's related Opportunity Product. When I use oli.Opportunity.Software_Line_Item__c the value retrieved is always null. So I've also tried oli.OpportunityId.Software_Line_Item__c which causes an error in the compiler Invalid foreign key relationship: OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId & just to make sure that it's not the roll-up field calculation that's not working as expected, I've tested oli.Opportunity.Name which is also returning null. I know this is basic but I don't have Eclipse installed so I can't check the correct reference to use. Could someone please let me know how I can navigate this relationship, to retrieve the value from the Software_Line_Item__c field?",
"How to make `sudo` preserve $PATH?",
"Why was Count Dooku not given the title \"Darth\"? I don't know the exact significance of the word \"Darth\" in the Sith world, but I think it was a word of honor for powerful Sith. That's why Anakin was given this word in his new name. All powerful Sith in canon had this word in their names: Darth Plagueis, Darth Bane, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, etc. As such name similarity can't be names given by their parents, I can assume they were given such words in names as a honor. Now, look at Count Dooku... he was a powerful Sith too. So, why wasn't he given this title? Darth word to address Dooku hasn't been used in the movies, as far as I know. If you are claiming that Darth and Lord words are same, give citations because my vocabulary rejects it.",
"What is the coefficient of the term $a^i b^j c^k$ in the expansion of $(a+b+c)^n$? What is the coefficient of the term $a^i b^j c^k$ in the expansion of $(a+b+c)^n$ ? Given solution: Before collecting like terms, each term in the expansion is a product of $n$ factors each of which is $a, b,$ or $c$. Those terms which have exactly i a’s, j b’s and k c’s can be combined into the single term $a^i b^j c^k$ and the number of such terms will be equal to the number of n letter strings containing i a’s, j b’s and k c’s, which by the Mississippi rule is $\\frac{n!}{(i!\\times j! \\times k!)}$. I understand that this problem is actually about the derivation of the coefficient of the multinomial theorem,but I am not sure about the combinatoric reasoning,what I mean is that I understand the analogy problem but what I couldn't is how the analogy holds here,Could anybody explain this to me?",
"I am looking to replicate black & white maps in QGis, using hatching patterns and greyscales to indicate different categories of a continuous variable (example below). It is possible/straightforward to do so in QGis? At first sight I only see color gradients and symbol fills. ).",
"ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format I have a controller action that effectively simply returns a JsonResult of my model. So, in my method I have something like the following: return new JsonResult(myModel); This works well, except for one problem. There is a date property in the model and this appears to be returned in the Json result like so: \"\\/Date(1239018869048)\\/\" How should I be dealing with dates so they are returned in the format I require? Or how do I handle this format above in script?",
"I have a doubt on something. I have a theorem that says that if $R$ is a ring, then $R/I$ is a domain iff $I$ is prime. Since $X^2-1$ is note prime, $\\mathbb Z[X]/(X^2-1)$ is not a domain. But, $X^2-1=(X-1)(X+1)$, and since $X-1$ and $X+1$ are prime in $\\mathbb Z[X]$, there are coprime, and thus, by the chinese remainder $$\\mathbb Z[X]/(X^2-1)\\cong \\mathbb Z[X]/(X-1)\\times \\mathbb Z[X]/(X+1),$$ since $\\mathbb Z[X]/(X-1)\\times \\mathbb Z[X]/(X+1)$ is a domain, then so is $\\mathbb Z[X/(X^2-1)$. What is the mistakes here ?",
"In The Force Awakens, Finn and Poe steal and escape in a TIE wearing no personal life support apparatus. TIEs have been upgraded with shields, hyperdrives (for \"/sf\"), weapons etc, but as far as I know they weren't upgraded with built in life support. Finn and Poe should have frozen and/or suffocated after hitting space in the TIE. In the Rebels series, Sabine did the same thing. I've looked at what Wookieepedia states about the TIE as well as the old video game Star Wars \"TIE Fighter\". Does the movie or any other work explain how Poe and Finn survived?",
"Chinese Passport Holder Transit in South Korea A Chinese passport holder with a US visa has a flight scheduled from Beijing to Los Angeles in mid-November. This person wants to go to South Korea for a 3 day conference; the conference is one week prior to the PEK-LAX flight. If this person buys a round-trip ticket from China to Korea, will the transit visa be sufficient? Or will they need a regular visa? Extra info: What if the original ticket were modified to make it ICN-PEK-LAX? . It says \"Holding a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days.\" Would a return ticket to China than a flight to LAX a week later be sufficiently \"onward\"?",
"Cannot translate vertice/edge will duplicate Most of the time when I try to move a vertex or an edge, instead of translating that, it extrudes it, it creates another face or, vertiex or whatever. I do not really get why it behaves like that. I hope I explained it in depth. I am sorry if this is a duplicate post but I could not find anything!",
"Set origin to bottom center of multiple objects I have a lot of 3D objects of various sizes, shapes in blender 2.76b and I would like to set the origin to the bottom center of the objects bounds. I cannot select the bottom edge and snap to cursor etc as each shapes edges are in different X/Y positions. Is there a script or tool that will allow me to set the origin to the lowest edge z position?",
"A bob hanging in an accelerating train moves backward. What is the force moving it backward? When the train accelerates, the bob would also accelerate with the same magnitude and direction as the train. From the free body diagram, only tension and weight are exerted on the bob. I understand how to relate the \"horizontal component\" of the tension to the acceleration of the bob. It moves \"backward\" and in fact its vertical position is different from when the train is not accelerating. I am not sure whether inertia could explain this situation. What is the force moving it backward/ lifting with the height?",
"For example: javac Foo.java Note: Foo.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.",
"Someone flagged my question as already answered, but it's not",
"Prove if f(z) is entire function s.t $|f(z)|\\leq M|z|$ then $f(z)$ Is polynomial of degree $1$ Let $f(z)$ be an entire function s.t $|f(z)|\\leq M|z|$ ; $M>0$ is a constant then $f(z)$ Is polynomial of degree 1 My try $f(z)$ is entire so it can be written as a $\\sum a_n z^n$ $$|\\sum a_n z^n|\\leq \\sum |a_n||z|^n\\leq M|z|$$ So $n=1$ Seems that the move $\\sum |a_n||z|^n\\leq M|z|$ is problematic",
"How do I make my textures show in cycles? I am admittedly new to Blender, and of course cycles. I am working on a scene and I have textures set to my objects that render with internal engine just fine. However, when I go into cycles, everything is greyish. I have two light sources that should be sufficient (I think), I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is a screenshot of the cycles result.",
"number of distinct solution of Integral equation Total number of distinct $0\\leq x\\leq 1$ for which $\\displaystyle \\int_{0}^{x}\\frac{t^2}{1+t^4}dt = 2x-1$ $\\bf{My\\; Try::}$ Given $\\displaystyle \\underbrace{\\int_{0}^{x}\\frac{t^2}{1+t^4}dt}_{\\geq 0} = 2x-1\\;,$ Where $0\\leq x\\leq 1$ So we get $\\displaystyle x\\geq \\frac{1}{2}\\;\\;\\;,$ Now $\\displaystyle \\frac{d}{dx}\\left\\{\\int_{0}^{x}\\frac{t^2}{1+t^4}dt\\right\\} =\\frac{d}{dx}(2x-1)$ So $$\\frac{x^2}{1+x^4}=2\\Rightarrow \\underbrace{x^2+\\frac{1}{x^2}}_{\\geq 2} = \\frac{1}{2}$$ So no real values of $x$ Is my solution is Right, If not then how can i solve it some short way, Thanks"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Minecraft Bukkit Server - Only spawn zombies | How do you spawn ONLY zombies in Singleplayer? | [
"I need to process a large file, around 400K lines and 200 M. But sometimes I have to process from bottom up. How can I use iterator (yield return) here? Basically I don't like to load everything in memory. I know it is more efficient to use iterator in .NET.",
"All-in-One Event Calendar: Custom Query - Getting each event Instance",
"Is it possible to browse the internet from a laptop so that the web sites you visit think you are browsing from a mobile device? Say I need to connect via a very low bandwidth connection and just using the mobile version of the site is sufficient? Currently I'm using Vista and Firefox 3.5",
"Installing MinionPro fonts on Ubuntu 10.04 running TexLive 2012 I followed the instructions to install MinionPro fonts from this website. However, when I tried to run the tex file at the bottom, I have this error message: ! LaTeX Error: File `MinionPro.sty' not found. Running the command kpsewhich MinionPro.sty gives the following output: /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/MinionPro/MinionPro.sty So the system knows where MinionPro.sty is, so why can't the file compile?",
"$ d = \\gcd(a,b)\\Rightarrow\\ \\gcd(a/d,b/d) = 1$ Could someone please help me with this proof? Suppose that $a, b \\in N$, and $d = \\gcd(a, b)$. Since $d$ divides $a$, we have $a = de$ for some integer $e,$ and similarly $b = df$ for some integer $f$. Prove that $\\gcd(e, f) = 1$. I understand why it works. Since d is all the common factors of $a$ and $b, e$ and $f$ had no common factors, therefore the $\\gcd(e,f) = 1$. But how do I prove this? Thanks in advance.",
"If $n$ is a natural number $\\ge 2$ how do I prove that any graph with $n$ vertices has at least two vertices of the same degree? Any help would be appreciated. If $n$ is a natural number $\\ge 2$ how do I prove that any graph with $n$ vertices has at least two vertices of the same degree?",
"I have a generic method with this (dummy) code (yes I'm aware IList has predicates, but my code is not using IList but some other collection, anyway this is irrelevant for the question...) static T FindThing<T>(IList collection, int id) where T : IThing, new() { foreach T thing in collecion { if (thing.Id == id) return thing; } return null; // ERROR: Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could be a value type. Consider using 'default(T)' instead. } This gives me a build error \"Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could be a value type. Consider using 'default(T)' instead.\" Can I avoid this error?",
"How can I perform a t-test (or another hypothesis test) on NPS (Net Promoter Score) results? Here is an explanation of how NPS is calculated: I'm interested in testing two net promoter scores to determine if they are statistically different. I read a great answer to calculating margin of error for NPS (see link below), but I'm really interested in testing to see if there is a difference between two scores, because I suspect that our results aren't as \"different\" from year to year as they appear to be. Is this at all possible? I understand t-tests are typically used to test whether two different record sets are statistically different. But is it possible to test Net Promoter Scores, either with a t-test or some other hypothesis test? Any ideas you have would be a great help. Thank you!",
"Found a similar question , but with some minor differences. Is it archaic to use have you in sentences such as this: John : I think we can see it with a specially crafted telescope. Mary : Have you such a telescope? instead of Mary : Do you have such a telescope? Is it still used in official and casual conversations?",
"How can I get a brace on the right, not the left, to group cases, using cases? (I know actual cases look better with the brace on the left, but the items I need to group are not literally cases. They are a set of steps in an algorithm which I want to consider as an item.) The following puts the brace on the left. All I need to do is to flip it to the right. \\begin{align} \\begin{cases} a&=bbb\\\\ c&=ddddddd\\\\ e&=ffffffffff \\end{cases} \\end{align} Thanks for any help with this!",
"Interesting property of finite integer sequence with sum 1",
"Can a magnetic field be induced without an electric field? Because, as far as I know, a time varying electric field induces a magnetic field an vice versa. But in the case of conductors carrying currennt, it doesn't seem that electric field varies with time, then how is a magnetic field induced?",
"Past participle form of \"exit\"?",
"I have noticed this on many different Windows machine, on many different occasions: the RAM usage reported by Task Manager or Resource Monitor often seems to add up to an amount which is significantly lower than the actual amount in use. For example, many times on my laptop or my desktop, I have seen something like 7GB in use, and yet the total of the Working RAM Set is more like 3GB. I just can't figure out where it's being used! Here's an extreme example I noticed today in Resource Monitor on a server: If you right-click the image and open in a new tab, and view the numbers, you'll notice that the Working Set (which doesn't include nonphysical virtual memory) add up to about 1.7GB. I get similar numbers by adding up RAM usage in Task Manager when \"Show processes from all users\" is enabled. Now here's a screenshot of task manager's Performance tab: This says 7.6GB of physical memory is in use. I see this all the time, on personal computers, laptops, and now servers: the total RAM usage reported by system tools only accounts for about 1/4 of the RAM usage I observe. WTF is going on??? Is there any satisfying explanation of where all my RAM is? What is gobbling it up, and why is it leaving no trace? EDIT: Here's a picture of the graphical RAM use, as user whs asked for: EDIT 2: In response to James' response, here's a picture of the nonpaged processes in poolmon.exe, sorted by size: These results confuse me. poolmon correctly states that I have 6GB of nonpaged pool in use, but all the nonpaged pool processes are less than 8MB in size. What could this mean? Is poolmon failing to detect some of the processes using the nonpaged pool?",
"Extension fields isomorphic to fields of matrices Suppose $K \\subset L$ is a finite field extension of degree $m$. Is it true that there exists some natural $n$ such that $L$ is isomorphic to a subfield of $M^{n\\times n}(K)$, the ring of $n\\times n$ matrices with entries in $K$? What is the smallest dimension (as a function of $m$) for which an isomorphism exists? The example I had in mind was the 2-dimensional extension $\\mathbb{R} \\subset \\mathbb{C}$ with $\\mathbb{C}$ being isomorphic to $\\{ \\begin{pmatrix}a&-b\\\\b&a\\end{pmatrix} : a, b \\in \\mathbb{R}\\}$.",
"Fan is always on, CPU usage is rather low and can't find the fan or thermal_zone proc files I have an Asus N76VB notebook with Ubuntu 14.04 and TLP for power managment. However, the fan is always on. It's not really loud, but it's annoying. My CPU usage is around 1-2%. It's clocked at 1.20 GHz. I've added acpi=force to my boot parameters but it doesn't change anything. /proc/acpi/fan: No such file or directory /proc/acpi/thermal_zone: No such file or directory I've loaded all Asus ACPI modules. lsmod | grep asus: asus_nb_wmi 16990 0 asus_wmi 24191 1 asus_nb_wmi sparse_keymap 13948 1 asus_wmi video 19476 2 i915,asus_wmi wmi 19177 2 mxm_wmi,asus_wmi Somehow, it can read the temperatures. sensors: acpitz-virtual-0 Adapter: Virtual device temp1: +43.0°C (crit = +108.0°C) coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +44.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 0: +44.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 1: +42.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 2: +39.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 3: +39.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) asus-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter temp1: +43.0°C I really hope someone knows how to solve this. Almost all information I could find was about saving power to create less heat. I got Intel and NVIDIA (GeForce 740M) graphics but I'm almost anytime on Intel. $ sudo lshw -c display *-display description: VGA compatible controller product: 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller vendor: Intel Corporation physical id: 2 bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0 version: 09 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=i915 latency=0 resources: irq:43 memory:f7400000-f77fffff memory:d0000000-dfffffff ioport:f000(size=64) fwts fan:",
"\"An error occurred when reviewing this item\" On approving an edit, I just get this pop up since morning. At first I thought there might be some internet connection issue, but this is now the 3rd to 4th time I got the same error; also, the review is accepted because on refresh I can see my name with approved text beside, but it still throws this error. I am on a Windows 7 machine, running Firefox 24 (Icognito/Private Mode) Also, this happens only when edit(1) is written on an question/answer, I don't go to review queue and approve, these reviews were directly loaded from the notification beneath the question/answer. Martijn Pieters reproduced the problem from the review queue three times; each time the improve option was picked, accepting the suggested edit but editing the post some more. The network console shows that posting to https://stackoverflow.com/review/task-reviewed fails, the server responds with a 404 error: Request headers: POST /review/task-reviewed HTTP/1.1 Host: stackoverflow.com Connection: keep-alive Content-Length: 137 Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01 Origin: http://stackoverflow.com X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded DNT: 1 Referer: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/3575396 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.8,nl;q=0.6,nb;q=0.4,no;q=0.2,de;q=0.2,fr;q=0.2 Cookie: <redacted> POST data: taskTypeId=1&reviewTaskId=3575396&taskResultTypeId=5&fkey=f8791a329b445b658876f4d3afe7961e&postCommentId=null&taskResultSubtypeFlags=null Response headers: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Cache-Control: private Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 12:04:53 GMT Content-Length: 0 On the itself, no record is made of the accept; instead the suggested edit is recorded as approved by 3 people not including Martijn Pieters. In this case the improve review arrived too late. In , improve again resulted in the error, but the Community account is shown rejecting the edit.",
"I have a proof and need some feedback. It seems really obvious that the statement is true but it is always the obvious ones that are a little trickier to prove. So I would appreciate any feedback. Thank you! Here is what I am asked to prove: If $n$ is composite then $(n-1)! \\equiv 0 \\pmod n$. Proof: $n$ is composite $\\implies n=ab$ where $a,b \\in \\mathbb{Z}$ and $0<a,b<n$. Case 1: If $a=b$ then $n=a^{2}$. Now $n \\mid (n-1)! \\implies a \\mid (n-1)!$, so $$\\begin{aligned} (n-1)! &\\equiv 1\\times 2\\times \\dotsb \\times a \\times\\dotsb\\times (n-a)\\times\\dotsb\\times (n-1) \\\\ &\\equiv 1\\times 2\\times \\dotsb\\times a \\times\\dotsb\\times -a\\times\\dotsb\\times -1 \\\\ &\\equiv 0 \\pmod n \\end{aligned}$$ Case 2: $0<a<b<n$. Then, since $a \\mid n$, $b \\mid n$ and $n \\mid (n-1)!$ we have that $a \\mid (n-1)!$ and $b \\mid (n-1)!$. So this implies $(n-1)! \\equiv 1\\times 2\\times \\dotsb\\times a \\times\\dotsb\\times b\\times\\dotsb\\times (n-1) \\equiv 0 \\pmod n$, Q.E.D.",
"Are there tips and tricks for people with fear of flying that can makes them have a more pleasant experience when flying? I know drugs can do magic, and . I'm ideally after official advice and recommendations, but other tips and tricks would be nice as well.",
"How to get GNOME Shell \"Applications overview\" to show the full name of applications"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Add a URL in faces message JSF 2.0 | Embedding a link (or other html) in a JSF message | [
"This is Exercise 3.1.A. in Suppose that $\\pi: X\\rightarrow Y$ is a continuous map of differentiable manifolds. Show that $\\pi$ is differentiable if differentialble functions pull back to differentiable functions, i.e., if pullback by $\\pi$ gives mpa $\\mathcal{O}_Y\\rightarrow \\pi_*\\mathcal{O}_X$. Let $f: V\\subseteq Y\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be a differentiable function on an open subset of $Y$. Let $(U,\\phi)$ be a chart of $X$, $(V,\\psi)$ be a chart of $Y$. Then $f\\circ\\pi(\\phi^{-1})$ is differentiable and $f\\circ\\psi^{-1}$ is differentiable. We need to show that $\\psi\\circ\\pi\\circ\\phi^{-1}$ is differentiable. I don't know how to prove this. Can we say that since $(U,\\psi\\circ\\pi)$ constructs a chart of $X$, by the compatibility, $\\psi\\circ\\pi\\circ\\phi^{-1}$ is differentiable? This seems true but this does not use the fact that $f$ is differentiable. Sorry I have no background of Differentiable Manifolds. Any help would be appreciated. I also saw this post: , but I don't understand how $\\gamma$ is smooth in the answer. $\\gamma=\\beta\\circ\\rho$, where $\\rho$ is defined to be smooth, but $\\beta$ is not.",
"Variable number of arguments in C++?",
"Help me to solve this problem please.. Let $Y_{(1)}, Y_{(2)}, Y_{(3)}, Y_{(4)}, Y_{(5)}$ denote the order statistics of a random sample of size 5 from a distribution having p.d.f. $f(y) = e^{(-y)}, 0 < y < \\infty$, zero elsewhere. Show that $Z_1 = Y_{(2)}$ and $Z_2 = Y_{(4)} − Y_{(2)}$ are independent. Hint: First find the joint p.d.f. of $Y_{(2)}$ and $Y_{(4)}$.",
"a, b are integers. p is prime. I want to prove: $(a+b)^{p} \\equiv a^p + b^p \\pmod p$ I know about Fermat's little theorem, but I still can't get it I know this is valid: $(a+b)^{p} \\equiv a+b \\pmod p$ but from there I don't know what to do. Also I thought about $(a+b)^{p} = \\sum_{k=0}^{p}\\binom{p}{k}a^{k}b^{p-k}=\\binom{p}{0}b^{p}+\\sum_{k=1}^{p-1} \\binom{p}{k} a^{k}b^{p-k}+\\binom{p}{p}a^{p}=b^{p}+\\sum_{k=1}^{p-1}\\binom{p}{k}a^{k}b^{p-k}+a^{p}$ Any ideas? Thanks!",
"Integral of Wiener Squared process I don't have a background of stochastic calculus. It is known that definite integral of standard from $0$ to $t$ results in another Gaussian process with slice distribution that is normal distributed with mean equal to $0$ and variance $\\frac{T^3}{3}$ i-e $$ \\int_0^{t} W_s ds \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0,\\frac{t^3}{3}) $$ Question: What if we square the standard Wiener process and then integrate i-e $$ \\int_0^{t} W_s^2 ds \\sim ? $$ Would that be scaled Chi-square distributed ?",
"Does $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\cos{(\\sqrt{n})}}{n}$ converge?",
"How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript? What is the most concise and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains a value? This is the only way I know to do it: function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; } Is there a better and more concise way to accomplish this?",
"Is there a word for people who always act too friendly in order to curry favor with their acquaintances? Is there a single noun or adjective for a person who is always flattering friends and acquaintances, not only to be liked and accepted but, at other times, to curry favor with them as well ? I'm not looking for regionalisms but a word that will be understood in any English speaking country.",
"Does the 2020 Apple M1 MacBook Pro support 2x daisy chained Thunderbolt Displays? The Apple Silicon based supports Thunderbolt version 3 and I'm wondering if anyone has tried connection one to an ? Of course you'd need to use one of Apple's Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 converters. I also understand that this version is limited to supporting only a single 4K or 6K display, but since the original Apple Thunderbolt Display is only 2K I’d want to try and daisy chain these. Can I run more than one external display from the Apple Silicon M1 CPU/GPU based MacBook Pro (or Air)?",
"Drawbacks of making public which journal a manuscript is submitted to, while it is under review? Many researchers list out their submitted manuscripts on their website. Some specify the journal name, like Smith J, Oliver J (under review) My awesome paper. Nature. while others don't, like Smith J, Oliver J (under review) My awesome paper. One reason I can think of as to why some don't mention the journal name is that they may get embarrassed in the case where the current journal rejects the paper. Then, the \"circle\" will know this paper gets rejected from Nature first and then ends up in an inferior journal. Besides this, are there any other considerations preventing people from mentioning to which journal they submit a paper to? P.S.: I am asking because my advisor is a researcher who only mentions accepted papers on his webpage. As a student hunting jobs, I feel it is advantageous for me to mention my submitted papers on my webpage. I hesitate to do so, as I worry I may make my advisor unhappy by announcing in which journal our papers are currently under review.",
"I just came across this code and a few Google searches turn up no explanation of this mysterious (to me) syntax. Hashtable^ tempHash = gcnew Hashtable(iterators_); IDictionaryEnumerator^ enumerator = tempHash->GetEnumerator(); What the heck does the caret mean? (The gcnew is also new to me, and I asked about that .)",
"How to adjust the gap between figure and caption within the same subfloat My question is: How to adjust the gap between figure and caption within the same subfloat Not the gap between two subfloat. For the following example: \\begin{figure} \\centering \\subfloat[A]{\\includegraphics[ scale=0.5]{images/a.jpg}} \\vspace{-10pt} \\subfloat[B]{\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{images/b.jpg}} \\vspace{-10pt} \\caption{}\\label{fig:online_test} \\end{figure} I got the following figure: The sub-caption of (a) is too close to the sub-figure B. I hope the caption (a) to stay closer to sub-figure A. How can I adjust the space between the caption and figure within a subfloat? Thank you all for helping me and I would prefer a solution for subfloat, instead of using other packages. But I would also appreciate a solution of using other packages. I know my question looks similar to . But please make it clear. I'm asking for how to adjust the gap between figure and caption within a subfloat, not the gap between two subfloat. That is, the gap between the caption \"a\" and the figure \"A\" Thank you.",
"Identical creatures entering the battlefield",
"Proof a $(2n-1)$-compact manifold I have no idea how prove that $$\\{(z_0,\\ldots,z_n)\\in\\mathbb{C}^{n+1} \\quad| \\quad z_0^d+z_1^2\\ldots+z_n^2=0, \\quad |z_0|^2+|z_1|^2\\ldots+|z_n|^2=2\\}$$ is a $(2n-1)$-compact manifold. How give the charts. For $n=1$ and $d=2$ not distinguish which 1- manifdold is?",
"What is the principle of underdetermination? While studying I read about the principle of underdetermination of scientific theories. I made some researches online but I am more confused than before. I read about the Quine-Duhem holistic thesis, but I do not know if is the same as underdetermination.",
"Using same modulus for RSA",
"Yes, I'm a moron, and I tried to manually install a higher point release of python 2.7.16 to /usr/bin/ (i did ./configure --prefix=/usr) on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. It seems to work fine EXCEPT for packages that depended on python, like apt-listchanges, which fails with messages like ImportError: No module named apt_pkg there's no make uninstall available, I've tried manually removing files, and still when I try apt --reinstall install python, Nothing gets overwritten and the python executable still gives the new 2.7.16 version... Any idea how to get the official repository version back??",
"I want to know how to get the X and Y position of HTML elements such as img and div in JavaScript relative to the browser window.",
"A locally constant sheaf on a locally connected space is a covering space; Proof?",
"Proof that exponential function's limit definition increases monotonically? It is well known that we can define $e^x$ by the following limit $$e^{x}=\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\left(1+{x\\over n}\\right)^n$$ I would like to show that the RHS sequence is always less than or equal to $e^x$ for all $-n\\le x\\le0$ and $n>1$, and what I had currently done is to study the property of this sequence (which is defined as $f(x)$) $$f(x)=\\left(1+{x\\over n}\\right)^n$$ I also find its first and second derivative $f'(x)=\\left(1+{x\\over n}\\right)^{n-1}$ and $f''(x)={n-1\\over n}\\left(1+{x\\over n}\\right)^n$ and show that they are strictly positive for all $x\\in[-n,0]$. As a result $f(x)$ is monotonically increasing and concave up. By plugging in the end points I found that $f(0)=1\\le e^0$ and $f(-n)=0<e^{-n}$, I wonder if these conditions allow me conclude that $f(x)\\le e^x$ for all $x\\in[-n,0]$."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
If t is a quadratic residue mod p, how can I efficiently solve the equation $x^2=t \pmod {p}$? | How to find the smallest $n$ such that $n^a\equiv 1 \pmod p$ | [
"What does the term saturating nonlinearities mean? I was reading the paper and in section 3 were they explain the architecture of their Convolutional Neural Network they explain how they preferred using: non-saturating nonlinearity $f(x) = max(0, x). $ because it was faster to train. In that paper they seem to refer to saturating nonlinearities as the more traditional functions used in CNNs, the sigmoid and the hyperbolic tangent functions (i.e. $f(x) = tanh(x)$ and $f(x) = \\frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}} = (1 + e^{-x})^{-1}$ as saturating). Why do they refer to these functions as \"saturating\" or \"non-saturating\"? In what sense are these function \"saturating\" or \"non-saturating\"? What do those terms mean in the context of convolutional neural networks? Are they used in other areas of machine learning (and statistics)?",
"What are C++ functors and their uses? I keep hearing a lot about functors in C++. Can someone give me an overview as to what they are and in what cases they would be useful?",
"Sometimes a question I ask will get answers that don't help me, or maybe it doesn't receive any answers at all. How about making a notification when somebody links to my question? It could be something like this: New information regarding your question might be available at {link} It might help me getting an answer from related questions that weren't there when I first asked the question.",
"Integrate JavaScript in JSF composite component, the clean way",
"Visiting two Schengen countries, coming back home in between, do I apply for single-entry or multiple-entry visa? I am a resident of Turkey and I will go to Austria for 6 days beginning of June and then I will come back to Turkey. After staying 10 days I will go to Italy for 11 days at the end of June. Do I need two single-entry visa, or a multiple-entry visa, and which country do I apply to? (My first destination is Austria but I will stay more in Italy)",
"Ant-Man, shrinking, and weight",
"How might a corrupt partition in TempDB result in DBCC CHECKDB reporting no issue?",
"Geometric intuition for the tensor product of vector spaces",
"Can a satellite remain directly over a city? Is it possible to put an artificial satellite into an orbit in such a way that it will always remain direct over a city (I mean at any specific place)?",
"When is $2^n \\pm 1$ a perfect power Is there an easy way of showing that $2^n \\pm 1$ is never a perfect power, except for $2^3 + 1 = 3^2 $? I know that gives the result directly, but I'm hopefully for a more elementary method. I can show that it is never a square, except for $2^3 + 1$. Proof: Cases $n=1, 2, 3$ are easily dealt with. Henceforth, let $n\\geq4$. $2^n -1 \\equiv 3 \\pmod{4}$ hence is never a square. If $2^n +1 =x^2$, then $2^n = (x-1)(x+1)$ and both of these are powers of 2. Thus we must have $(x-1) = 2, (x+1) = 4$. This gives the solution of $2^3 + 1 = 3^2$. Let's now do an odd prime. Say $2^n +1 = x^p$. Then $2^n = x^p - 1 = (x-1)(x^{p-1}+x^{p-2} + \\ldots +1)$, so both terms are powers of 2. We have $ x = 2^m+1$ is odd. But the other term is the sum of $p$ odd numbers, hence is odd. Since this is clearly greater than 1, we get a contradiction. Say $2^n -1 = x^p$. Then $2^n = x^p + 1 = (x+1)(x^{p-1} - x^{p-2} + \\ldots -x +1 )$, so both terms are powers of 2. We have $x = 2^m -1$ is odd. But the other term is the sum of $p$ odd numbers, hence is odd. Since $x^p + 1 \\neq x+1$ except for $p=1$, this means that the term is greater than 1. Hence we get a contradiction.",
"Compound literals in MSVC",
"How do I use regular expressions in bash scripts? I want to check if a variable has a valid year using a regular expression. Reading the I understand I could use the operator =~ Looking at the example below, I would expect to see \"not OK\" but I see \"OK\". What am I doing wrong? i=\"test\" if [ $i=~\"200[78]\" ] then echo \"OK\" else echo \"not OK\" fi",
"xcode4 doesn't support Perforce?",
"Can a massless rope accelerate?",
"How to cleanup deadlinks I was reading some answers about ruby and there are a lot of links to _why's sites. and took all his sites with him. Almost every introduction question about ruby will include at least one or two links to one of his sites. Examples: With a bit more effort I could probably find more questions with a lot of deadlinks. My suggestion for discussion was, what would be a good way to solve deadlinks in the answers/comments? Not every site _why created has resurfaced somewhere else, but some could be replaced by new links. But I wanted the discussion to go beyond this specific problem of deadlinks in the ruby answers, an automatic solution would be to let the links be scanned in a batch and when found dead be replaced by a google cache or webarchive version of the page, and perhaps mark it so that the community can replace the link with an alternative?",
"How to check if file exists on FTP before FtpWebRequest",
"Find $ P(Z>X+Y)$ where $X,Y,Z \\sim U(0,1)$ independently I'm trying to follow a line in a derivation for $P(Z>X+Y)$ where $X,Y,Z$ are independent continuous random variables distributed uniformly on $(0,1)$. I've already derived the pdf of $X+Y$ using the convolution theorem, but there's a line in the answer that says: $P(Z>X+Y) = \\mathbb{E}[\\ P(Z>X+Y\\ |\\ X+Y )\\ ]$ where $\\mathbb{E}$ is the expectation. I'm not familiar with this result. Could anyone give a pointer to a similar result if one exists? Thanks.",
"If $ua = au$, where $u$ is a unit and $a$ is a nilpotent, show that $u+a$ is a unit. I've been working on this problem for an hour that I tried to construct an element $x \\in R$ such that $x(u+a) = 1 = (u+a)x$. After tried several elements and manipulated $ua = au$, I still couldn't find any clue. Can anybody give me a hint?",
"Removing elements with Array.map in JavaScript",
"How to calculate a confidence interval for estimating a proportion when the population is very small? I plan to execute a little study on whether dentists tend to grant privately insured patients (PRIV) a sooner appointment compared with publicly insured patients (PUB). I want to restrict this study to the dentists of a single town in Germany. In this town there are about 500 dental practices and I am willing to call maximum 100 practices (twice, once as a PUB and once as PRIV). (A sample without replacement of size up to 100) So the result of this examination would be a list of up to 100 practices with an associated value of 1 - if the appointment for the PRIV was more than two days sooner - and a 0 - if not. The proportion of 1s is what I want to estimate. Now the sources I have been reading always assumed a much larger population with a finite population correction close to 1. This is why I doubt that blindly using a conservative or approximate confidence interval would lead to a statistically meaningful result. So my first question is, of course, whether it is reasonable at all trying to estimate the proportion using a confidence interval in this case? And if yes, then what statistical technology/method (leading to a CI) would be a good choice for this use case? One idea that comes to mind is using a sample size of 25 f.x., in that case the FPC would be 0.95 - \"close enough\" to 1. But it seems stupid trying to improve the quality of an estimation by reducing the information used for the estimation."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why my overload inherit function is not hiding a base function? | What is object slicing? | [
"Good books on complex numbers I searched on this site but I found posts asking for books on complex analysis which I guess is not what I want. I want a book on problems concerning with roots of unity, argand plane, exponential form, inequalities etc. Some examples : , , . I don't think these types of problems are covered in a analysis book but I don't know. I think I want a book on algebra of complex numbers. Are these topics covered in analysis book ? If not, please suggests some books on this topic. I guess my question is bit vague, sorry for that. :). As suggested in the comments I would like to have books similar to .",
"How to tell Google that I have changed my website URLs? I have done major updates to my website, and renamed all my URLs. How can I tell Google that I have renamed these URLs and let Google refresh its index? My website URL: http://www.pndmasr.com/ My sitemap: http://www.pndmasr.com/sitemap.xml I have uploaded my sitemap via Google Webmaster Tools many times. However, every time I search Google for \"pndmasr\", I still get results with old pages. I have waited more than 3 days but the problem remains. Any suggestions? Is there a problem with my sitemap?",
"In C#, can I convert a string value to a string literal, the way I would see it in code? I would like to replace tabs, newlines, etc. with their escape sequences. If this code: Console.WriteLine(someString); produces: Hello World! I want this code: Console.WriteLine(ToLiteral(someString)); to produce: \\tHello\\r\\n\\tWorld!\\r\\n",
"Is there any true inertial reference frame in the universe? Is there any true in the universe? Newton's first law states that an object at rest remains at rest, and an object performing uniform motion performs uniform motion, until and unless acted upon by an external force, if viewed from an inertial frame. It is the definition of an inertial frame of reference. And Newton's second law states that the net external force acting on a particle equals its mass times its acceleration. Thus we need to have an inertial frame in order for Newton's 1st and 2nd laws to be applicable. Scientists claim that Earth is an inertial frame, either the frame or the frame. Why is that? Earth's different parts have different accelerations when it performs rotational motion about its axis. Now you may say that Earth's axis is inertial, but the Earth is also revolving around the Sun. Thus Earth's frame should be non-inertial. Even supposing that earth's frame is inertial, then it means that rest of the universe is non-inertial, because only a frame that moves with constant velocity with respect to an inertial frame is also an inertial frame and according to various scientific experiments there is no other matter in this universe which satisfies that criterion. Now you may say that earth is an approximate inertial frame, but still, my question is: is there any perfect inertial frame in the universe where Newton's laws are exactly applicable?",
"Dominoes and induction, or how does induction work? I've never really understood why math induction is supposed to work. You have these 3 steps: Prove true for base case (n=0 or 1 or whatever) Assume true for n=k. Call this the induction hypothesis. Prove true for n=k+1, somewhere using the induction hypothesis in your proof. In my experience the proof is usually algebraic, and you just manipulate the problem until you get the induction hypothesis to appear. If you can do that and it works out, then you say the proof holds. Here's one I just worked out, Show $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{(\\ln x)^n}{x} = 0$ So you go: Use L'Hospital's rule. $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{\\ln x}{x} = 0$. Since that's $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{1}{x} = 0$. Assume true for $n=k$. $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{(\\ln x)^k}{x} = 0$. Prove true for $n=k+1$. You get $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{(\\ln x)^{k+1}}{x} = 0.$ Use L'Hospital again: $\\displaystyle\\lim_{x\\to\\infty} \\frac{(k+1)(\\ln x)^{k}}{x} = 0$. Then you see the induction hypothesis appear, and you can say this is equal to $0$. What I'm not comfortable with is this idea that you can just assume something to be true ($n=k$), then based on that assumption, form a proof for $n=k+1$ case. I don't see how you can use something you've assumed to be true to prove something else to be true.",
"I have an Object[] array, and I am trying to find the ones that are primitives. I've tried to use Class.isPrimitive(), but it seems I'm doing something wrong: int i = 3; Object o = i; System.out.println(o.getClass().getName() + \", \" + o.getClass().isPrimitive()); prints java.lang.Integer, false. Is there a right way or some alternative?",
"Resizing point on zoom out",
"Uninstalling Homebrew messed up git I uninstalled Homebrew using . After running the above commands, I can't find .bashrc and .bash_profle. All files are gone from Documents , Desktop and Downloads :'( When I do git status on /Users/ava it shows: # On branch master # Untracked files: # (use \"git add <file>...\" to include in what will be committed) ... all the files which are in /Users/ava history 113 cd `brew --prefix` 114 rm -rf Cellar 115 brew prune 116 rm `git ls-files` 117 rm -r Library/Homebrew Library/Aliases Library/Formula Library/Contributions 118 rm -rf .git 119 rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew 120 sudo chown -R $USER:admin /usr/local 121 ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)\" 122 brew doctor What just happened?",
"Self Teaching QFT I am currently in the process of teaching myself QFT. It is not an easy task. I have armed myself with many of the standard textbooks. However, I am slow learner. I get stuck on a thousand different terms which I don't understand, and a style of 'mathematics speak' which loses me 95% of the time. There are so many gaps in my knowledge that if I were a ship I would be at the bottom of the ocean. What I really need is a book called 'QFT for Morons'. That's a bit harsh but 'QFT for dummies' doesn't quite express it clearly enough and besides there isn't such a book as far as I can find. Any suggestions of resources or books that might help? What I am really looking for is the one that explains QFT like you were talking to a five year old. Perhaps I am asking the impossible. I will add a bit more of a specific question here. I have learnt that there are groups and non-abelian Lie groups like SU(2) etc., and then there a lagrangians, as well as a few other things like operators and states. So a really dumb question is how are the lagrangians derived? Are they determined by the group? I am also confused because I understand some of the groups like SU(3) are used for different things in QFT. I feel compelled to appologize for my ignorance but I am determined to make so more progress with this. The problem when one is teaching oneself is you don't know which is the most fruitful path to follow.",
"Wrong kernel version returned by uname Ubuntu 16.04.1 LT uname -a returns: Linux decebal-mobile 4.2.0-35-generic #40-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 15 22:15:45 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux but E: Package 'linux-headers-4.2.0-35-generic' has no installation candidate and my machine says linux headers version is at linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic. I have seen a similar problem described in a . How can I update that?",
"Running programs in the background from terminal How do I run a program in the background of a shell, with the ability to close the shell while leaving the program running? Lets say my UI is having problems or for some reason, I need to boot up a program from the terminal window, say, nm-applet: nm-applet When it's started, it occupies the foreground of the terminal window. Is there any simple way to run the program in the background without needing to leave the terminal open or have it occupy the whole terminal? On that note, I did find a way to run programs from the terminal and have it allow for other inputs, by appending an ampersand (&) to the command as such: nm-applet & But this isn't much use as any processes started in the terminal are killed once the terminal is closed.",
"I can't seem to figure out how to get past this step. Any suggestions?",
"Generator expressions vs. list comprehensions",
"Why can't I import a SVG file from Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape? I've tried multiple times to import a SVG file from illustrator CS5.5 to Blender 2.71 and 2.73. However, I do not see a mesh, curve, or anything pop up in my \"Outliner\" window. So I know its not so small I can't see it. I even made sure under user preferences that the \"import and export of SVG 1.1 format\" is \"checked.\" I've tried even just importing text from illustrator and I'm still getting no where. What can I do to resolve this problem? If this is common error with this version of Blender, then what can I do to transform an image into a 3D object in Blender?",
"How do I make a hole in an object created by me? Please help, youtube tutorials didn't help at all. Hope the image help.",
"Mongo find documents where array contains x values of given array",
"When and how did \"pretty\" enter English as an intensifying adverb?",
"Restore deleted photos",
"This was posted on facebook and people are saying it is incorrect, it should be: \"...as you and I\" Which is correct?",
"Unmarshal a single element list fails"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Convert images from JPGS to PDFS with the terminal | How can I convert JPG into PDF easily? | [
"My MATLAB launcher doesn't work I've installed MATLAB R2011a on Ubuntu 11.10 today following . I've also followed the steps to create the launcher. It appeared, but when I click on it nothing happens. Does anyone knows what can I do to fix it? Additional info I can run it perfectly through terminal. My only problem is getting the launcher to work. To create the launcher I used : Get an icon: sudo wget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Matlab_Logo.png -O /usr/share/icons/matlab.png Get the launcher file: sudo wget 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=matlab-r2011a.desktop' -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop",
"In HLW8012 where should I connect the reference voltage (GND) In the , the both 33nF capacitors , 1K resistor and 0.1uF capacitor are connected to GND. I'm not sure where should I connect those ends of components marked with GND symbol, (To Live, To Natural or the DC GND). I can't read Chinese, I don't really know what everything mean there. Live directly connects to the shunt resistor and this means that live is also GND (0 volt reference) for the chip? Should I connect those end of components marked as GND symbol to Live wire?",
"Windows 10 100% Disk Usage after Startup After startup for 5 minutes my system is very slow. The Task Manager shows that the disk usage is at 100%. (Later this number is around 2-4 %, but sometimes for 1-2 minutes go up again at 100%.) I searched a lot on Google. For example I read , and also other pages. I opened two topic on Microsoft answer. and one in Hungarian. But I didn't found the solution yet. So I would like to ask Community's help. :) Here the steps I already done: I disabled everything at startups (including services) and the issue is the same. I disabled Prefetch and Superfetch, the Baground Intellingent Transmission, Windows Search and Windows Defender but the issue is still persists. I made a health check on HDD, I made defrag and file system error check, but there are no errors. Also I tried to reinstall the HDD's driver. I made a full hardware check up, with no errors. The Windows and all the drivers are up-to-date. I tried a clean start. The issue is the same. I deleted Dropbox and all antivirus. I turned of the MSI mode. I using also Linux, where this error is not occurs. Good to know, that Windows had 4 partitions, but I deleted 2 of them for the Linux. I don't know what partitions was these but both was only 10 - 20 MB. I using a Dell Inspiron 15R SE 7520 with Windows 10 Home. Personally I think it can be the Intel Rapid Store Technology \"driver\", because the problem started around when I installed it. (However I'm not sure.) And my hardware not supported yet by Intel, so I have no the newest driver. However I deleted Intel's software and driver and the issue is the same. Thank you in advance for your assistance!",
"I am looking for a reference which has a self-contained (elementary, that is, at the \"undergraduate algebra level\") proof of the the fact that any one-dimensional Noetherian UFD is a PID. Does anyone know such a reference? (Note: I have looked at the similar questions on this website but don't find them particularly useful).",
"Could we please be a bit nicer to new users? There is a distinct decline in the level of civility on all the sites here. Some of this is due to new users coming in and posting spam and other nonsense, but the off-topic and downvote buttons are doing a pretty good job of keeping this under control. Unfortunately, a lot of this is coming from more experienced users, and the site's built-in moderation system does not (and probably cannot) handle this very well. Folks are rushing to pound new users down with "this belongs on meta!", "this is off topic", "this is a duplicate!" and "read the Help!". (Which is correct, but should be done nicer) All this, of course, is accompanied by a flurry of downvotes. This is not very welcoming to new users who don't know about meta, the Help, or what counts as off-topic. Now I am not proposing that we just allow off-topic, meta, or duplicate questions. However, I think we could be gentler in the way we express these sorts of things. Explain what meta and the FAQ are and provide useful links. Just using please and thank-you when asking folks to read the FAQ or post something on meta would be an improvement. I also think we could rein in the downvoting a bit. Not that we shouldn't vote stuff down, but unless a new user's post is clearly spam, voting it down to -1 or -2 should be sufficient to send a message without piling on. I like Stack Exchange and I want it to become a resource for everyone, not just an elitist site for high-rep users on the sites.",
"How do I change a close vote to a duplicate? Voted to close a question based on \"lack of minimal understanding\". Later realized the question was a duplicate. How to I change vote to mark as duplicate instead?",
"Get date for monday and friday for the current week (PHP)",
"Importing Nodes to D7 with all custom fields I've got a Drupal site with an obscene about of content that has been given to me in CSV format. I'm toying with the idea of building a module to let me do this but if there's one already out there that I can use to just get this site out of the way that would be awesome. My question is: Is there anything out there that allows you to import a CSV file into D7 that will populate the node table and all the custom fields tables as well? Thanks.",
"Ratio test and the Root test",
"Similar to this question posted in August 2014: Has the fact that (as in The Fires of Pompeii, and in Torchwood’s Children of Earth season) yet been addressed/explained either in, or out of universe?",
"What is the significance of a mostly blank user card?",
"T-Shirt print resolution",
"Is there any way I can separate a List<SomeObject> into several separate lists of SomeObject, using the item index as the delimiter of each split? Let me exemplify: I have a List<SomeObject> and I need a List<List<SomeObject>> or List<SomeObject>[], so that each of these resulting lists will contain a group of 3 items of the original list (sequentially). eg.: Original List: [a, g, e, w, p, s, q, f, x, y, i, m, c] Resulting lists: [a, g, e], [w, p, s], [q, f, x], [y, i, m], [c] I'd also need the resulting lists size to be a parameter of this function.",
"When I type \"[singular noun] and [singular noun]\" in Word 2010, I find some interesting things. Bread and butter is essential. (the auto-correction warns me of subject-verb disagreement.) Bread and butter are essential. (OK) A knife and fork is on the table. (OK) A knife and fork are on the table. (OK) The needle and thread is new. (OK) The needle and thread are new. (OK) Cost and revenue is directly linked. (OK) Cost and revenue are directly linked. (OK) I wonder how a native speaker would consider this phenomenon.",
"How do I efficiently get \"the most recent corresponding row\"? I have a query pattern that must be very common, but I don't know how to write an efficient query for it. I want to look up the rows of a table that correspond to \"the most recent date not after\" the rows of another table. I have a table, inventory say, which represents the inventory I hold on a certain day. date | good | quantity ------------------------------ 2013-08-09 | egg | 5 2013-08-09 | pear | 7 2013-08-02 | egg | 1 2013-08-02 | pear | 2 and a table, \"price\" say, which holds the price of a good on a given day date | good | price -------------------------- 2013-08-07 | egg | 120 2013-08-06 | pear | 200 2013-08-01 | egg | 110 2013-07-30 | pear | 220 How can I efficiently get the \"most recent\" price for each row of the inventory table, i.e. date | pricing date | good | quantity | price ---------------------------------------------------- 2013-08-09 | 2013-08-07 | egg | 5 | 120 2013-08-09 | 2013-08-06 | pear | 7 | 200 2013-08-02 | 2013-08-01 | egg | 1 | 110 2013-08-02 | 2013-07-30 | pear | 2 | 220 I know one way of doing this: select inventory.date, max(price.date) as pricing_date, good from inventory, price where inventory.date >= price.date and inventory.good = price.good group by inventory.date, good and then join this query again to inventory. For large tables even doing the first query (without joining again to inventory) is very slow. However, the same problem is quickly solved if I simply use my programming language to issue one max(price.date) ... where price.date <= date_of_interest ... order by price.date desc limit 1 query for each date_of_interest from the inventory table, so I know there is no computational impediment. I would, however, prefer to solve the whole problem with a single SQL query, because it would allow me to do further SQL processing on the result of the query. Is there a standard way to do this efficiently? It feels like it must come up often and that there should be a way to write a fast query for it. I'm using Postgres, but an SQL-generic answer would be appreciated.",
"The specifically says not to ask for career advice but people do it anyway. Should I consider the Help Center outdated or only loosely enforced? And what about a career advice site on the network? There are 70+ sites, and most of them are for relatively narrow interests (which is not a criticism, I enjoy looking through the many sections). A career section seems like it would be very popular. Also, a careers section would help keep career questions off the other sites.",
"I have tried some of the solutions posted elsewhere in the support forum, one seemed like it worked but after a steam update i found myself back at square one I am a new Linux user and am already at a learning curve :) Thanks for any help Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 : Depends: libglapi-mesa:i386 (= 10.1.3-0ubuntu0.3) unity-control-center : Depends: libcheese-gtk23 (>= 3.4.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: libcheese7 (>= 3.0.1) but it is not going to be installed E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. Press return to continue:",
"BootChamp no longer works on El Capitan, what's the fastest way to boot into Windows?",
"Contraction mapping in the context of $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$. I'm interested in convergence of $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$ and often hear this term referenced. What does it mean to be a contraction mapping in the context of the sequence of real numbers given by $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$? And what does it tell us about such sequence? A search online gives the answer given by Wikipedia, that it is a function $f$ defined on a metric space $(M,d)$ from $M$ to itself with the property that for some real number $k \\in [0,1)$, $$d(f(x),f(y)) \\leq k d(x,y)$$ This definition is quite unhelpful because I barely know what a metric space is. I feel like this definition is to generalized, and I'm interested in in the specific case of recursively defined real sequences $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$ that there should be a more specific answer to my question.",
"How are multiple volunteers handled during the Reaping? While skimming through the first few chapters of The Hunger Games to answer another question, I noticed this sentence when Katniss is describing the rules surrounding volunteers after Prim's name is called (at the beginning of the second chapter): In some districts, in which winning the reaping is such a great honor, people are eager to risk their lives, the volunteering is complicated. The only reason I can see for volunteering being complicated is if there's more than one volunteer for a particular year, and I don't recall this ever being addressed in the books. Is there anything in the books that I've missed or any reliable, external sources (interviews or other supplementary material by the author) that explain exactly how this situation is resolved?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
scanner.next() does not stop | How do I compare strings in Java? | [
"Are the WotC archives of d20 Character Optimization forum forever lost? I was looking for the Wizard Handbook but all the links were broken. Somewhere on the handbooks of other classes (on other forums) I saw a This was archived by WotC, here's the link But the link leads to the welcome page of WotC (since it's broken). Is there a way to get all that info back? Do you know where to get it from? The Wayback Machine did not archive the forums.",
"I need to find limit points of the set $\\{ \\frac{1}{n} +\\frac{1}{m} \\mid n, m = 1,2,3,\\dots \\}$. My try : If both $m$ and $n$ tend to very large values say $\\infty$ then the value of $\\{ \\frac{1}{n} +\\frac{1}{m} \\}$ tends to $0$, and if only one of $m$ or $n$ tends to very large values, then the set $\\{ \\frac{1}{n} \\mid n=1,2,3,\\dots\\} $ acts as limit points. So is it true that a set of limit points is $\\{0\\}$ $\\cup$ $\\{\\frac{1}{k} \\mid k=1,2,3,\\dots \\}$? How should I write this proof rigorously?",
"Creating polygon feature class from area in one not covered by another using ArcGIS Desktop? I am working on a project doing spatial analysis at a statewide level. I am looking at a form of transportation coverage in a state, and part of my analysis involves buffers and drive time polygons. I am using a geodatabase (therefore ArcGIS) for all my work, so new features will be exported as feature classes in feature datasets. To visualize: I have said state border, and some dissolved buffer rings around some points, and they cover parts of the state. I want to create a feature class for the parts of the state these buffer rings don't cover, AKA gap areas. Is there a tool I can use or create to do this? I know I could draw them in manually in editor, but I am unsure if that's the most precise way to generate these feature classes. To me, I am thinking this operation would be like an inverted "Clip" in that I take the two layers, and instead of pulling out the clipped area, it would take everything not in the clipped area. I am using a Desktop Basic license.",
"Proof that $n\\Bbb Z \\leq \\Bbb Z$ and are the only subgroups of $\\Bbb Z$ My challenge is Prove that if $n = 0,1,2,\\ldots$ and $n\\Bbb Z = \\lbrace nk: k \\in \\Bbb Z \\rbrace$, show that $n\\Bbb Z$ is a subgroup of $\\Bbb Z$ and are the only subgroups. I handled the first point by saying that i) Identity is 0, and $0\\in n\\Bbb Z$ and $0 \\in \\Bbb Z$ ii) For any $a,b \\in n\\Bbb Z$ $a+b = na_2 + nb_2 = n(a_2+b_2) \\in n \\Bbb Z$ iii) For any $na \\in n\\Bbb Z$, its inverse $n(-a) \\in n\\Bbb Z$. For the second point, I said that all of the subgroups should be infinite, because for any finite group the largest element $a+a \\notin H$, where $H$ is the potential subgroup, which is a contradiction. So $H$ must be of infinite order. For any $a \\in H, -a$ should also be in $H$. The difference between any $a,b \\in H$ should also be in $H$, i.e. $(a-b) \\in H$. This leaves only the whole group or any group of the form $n\\Bbb Z$. Is my proof complete?",
"I have to show that the ring $\\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^2-1)$ is not isomorphic with $\\mathbb{Z}\\times \\mathbb{Z}$. I know that $(\\mathbb{Z}\\times\\mathbb{Z})^*=\\{(\\pm1,\\pm1)\\}$, so I thought I should be looking for elements which have inverses in $\\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^2-1)$ and hopefully find more or less than 4. But I didnt succeed, so I need hints. Thanks.",
"Limits involving factorials $\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}$ I am trying to calculate the following limit $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}$$ where $k$ can be any number between $0$ and $N$. I thought of the following: If I take the logarithm of the expression then I get: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\left(\\log(N!)-\\log((N-k)!)-k\\log N\\right)$$ Using the Stirling formula this can be approximated as: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\left(N\\log(N)-(N-k)\\log(N-k)-k\\log N\\right)$$ Now there are two cases: If $k$ is $N$, then the second term vanishes and the remaining terms cancel. If $k$ is smaller than $N$, then I can drop the $k$ inside the second logarithm and all the terms cancel. So the limit $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\log\\left(\\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}\\right)=0$$ Which means that: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}=1$$ I don't know if this is mathematically rigorous. Would like some help. Thanks",
"What is a terminal and how do I open and use it? What is a terminal? How do I open a terminal window? How do I use the terminal?",
"Why is the year NOT displayed in the questions and comments dates? Why is it that the year is never displayed in the questions or comments? Is it because it is the current year? I, and maybe others, wonder.",
"Windows 10 non-persistent installation (live ISO) We've got a Windows 10 installation running in an environment where it can occasionally lose power and restart. However, this sometimes leads to corruption of files. I've had a look at Windows \"To-Go\" but this seems to be persistent. And I've also checked out virtualisation, but that would require us to run a non-persistent Windows 10, in another Windows 10 environment. Is it possible to install Windows 10 as a \"non-persistent live CD\"? So that a user will have a seemingly fresh Windows 10, but doesn't require to re-install it at each startup?",
"Was there any reason why Dr Soong chose for Data's eyes to be yellow? I can understand that he wasn't going for a completely human-looking android based on his skin color, but why yellow eyes?",
"Is there a *simple* example showing that uncorrelated random variables need not be independent?",
"Shape of confidence interval for predicted values in linear regression I have noticed that the confidence interval for predicted values in an linear regression tends to be narrow around the mean of the predictor and fat around the minimum and maximum values of the predictor. This can be seen in plots of these 4 linear regressions: I initially thought this was because most values of the predictors were concentrated around the mean of the predictor. However, I then noticed that the narrow middle of the confidence interval would occur even if many values of were concentrated around the extremes of the predictor, as in the bottom left linear regression, which lots of values of the predictor are concentrated around the minimum of the predictor. is anyone able to explain why confidence intervals for the predicted values in an linear regression tend to be narrow in the middle and fat at the extremes?",
"How often should I remove the charger from my rMBP? I want my battery to remain healthy. I used to charge it full then remove the charger after it's done, then put it back on when it goes down to 10% .. However this is becoming hectic and I was wondering if I can keep it plugged in the whole day and probably remove just an hour or so before going to sleep. What is the best way to charge and discharge my Retina Macbook Pro while keeping the battery healthy ?",
"This question is here so we can offer users who are looking for information on how to make one or more common or basic redirects in Apache using the htaccess file. All future questions pertaining to finding information that is that is covered by the question should be closed as a duplication of this question. . Whats the point in this question? The idea while not perfect is catch the most commonly asked questions regarding redirects using the htaccess on the Apache platform either on some type of lamp or a live server. The type of answers should be generally those that you could imagine are used by 100,000’s of sites world-wide and are constantly asked here at Pro Webmasters repeatedly over and over in various forms. A few examples of the type of answers we are looking for: How can I redirect non-www to www? How can I redirect a sub domain to the main domain? How can I redirect a sub folder from domain to a root or a subdomain? How can I redirect an old URL to a new URL? A few examples of the types of answers that we are not looking for: Answers that do not involve a redirect. Any answers relating to NGinx, IIS or any other non-Apache platform. Answers that involve custom and complex string or query removals. Resources for Advanced to Complex Mod_Rewrite Rules: Please note: that this question is still in construction and may need some refining either by myself or a real moderator of Pro Webmasters, if you have any concerns or questions .",
"From a previous question, we have that $\\sqrt[3]{3} \\notin \\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt[4]{3})$, and I am assuming that we would need to use this to justify the answer to the question. Would it be right to use some idea of a splitting field here? Or is it something to do with $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt[3]{3}, \\sqrt[4]{3})$ not containing a primitive 3rd root of unity? This is a past exam paper question worth 8 marks, so it doesn't seem like it's a few lined answer, but I am a little stuck on where to go.",
"Convert list of ints to one number?",
"Can I visit the USA as a VWP tourist immediately prior to entry on non-tourist visa? Here's my situation: I'm a UK citizen. I have an H-1B visa to work in the US as of 1 August. I also have a valid ESTA. I would like to go to the US in July for a holiday, immediately prior to beginning my work. The holiday would be at the other end of the country from my work. I can't enter with the H-1B as I can only enter the US on that visa 10 days prior to starting work. Specific question: Would it be possible to visit the US in early July on the VWP, visit Canada/Mexico for a few days in late July, and re-enter the US with my H-1B visa? General question: Is it possible to visit the US on the VWP, leave briefly, and re-enter on a different status (e.g. H, F, J, K, etc), without ever returning to one's home country? I have posted this in Travel rather than Expatriates because, although in my specific case I have an H-1B visa, my question is more generally about VWP and travel, and I believe that it is applicable to travellers with non-immigrant visas. There's a similar question , although that's about going to the US and before having the H-1B visa.",
"Average length of the longest segment This post is related to a previous SE post concerning average length of a smallest segment. A rope of 1m is divided into three pieces by two random points. Find the average length of the largest segment. My answer is 11/18. Here is how I do it: Here we have two independent random variables $X,Y$, both uniform on $[0,1]$. Let $A=\\min (X,Y), B=\\max (X,Y)$ and $C=\\max (A, 1-B, B-A)$. First we want to find the probability density function $f_C(a)$ of $C$. Let $F_C(a)$ be the cumulative distribution function. Then $$ F_C(a) = P(C\\le a)=P(A\\le a, 1-B\\le a, B-A\\le a).$$ By rewriting this probability as area in the unit square, I get $$F_C(a)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} (3a-1)^2 & \\frac{1}{3}\\le a\\le \\frac{1}{2}\\\\ 1-3(1-a)^2 & \\frac{1}{2}\\le a\\le 1\\end{array}\\right.$$ from which it follows that $$f_C(a)=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} 6(3a-1) & \\frac{1}{3}\\le a\\le \\frac{1}{2}\\\\ 6(1-a) & \\frac{1}{2}\\le a\\le 1\\end{array}\\right.$$ Therefore the expected value of $C$ is $$\\int_{1/3} ^{1/2}6a(3a-1) da+\\int_{1/2} ^{1}6a(1-a) da= \\frac{11}{18}.$$ My questions are: (A) Is there a \"clever\" way to figure out this number 11/18? (B) What is the answer if the rope is divided into $n>3$ segments?",
"User deleting code after question has been answered If a user keeps (thus making the answer meaningless), what should we do? Rollback the edit (what if the user just deletes the code again)? Delete the question? More examples (same user): , (see also edit histories).",
"How do Stack Overflow questions appear in Google search results in seconds?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Regex Matching ok with Rubular but not with Python re.sub() | How to print without newline or space? | [
"I've never really thought about how the shell actually executes piped commands. I've always been told that the \"stdout of one program gets piped into the stdin of another,\" as a way of thinking about pipes. So naturally, I thought that in the case of say, A | B, A would run first, then B gets the stdout of A, and uses the stdout of A as its input. But I've noticed that when people search for a particular process in ps, they'd include grep -v \"grep\" at the end of the command to make sure that grep doesn't appear in the final output. This means that in the command ps aux | grep \"bash\" | grep -v \"grep\" it is implied that ps knew that grep was running and therefore is in the output of ps. But if ps finishes running before its output gets piped to grep, how did it know that grep was running? flamingtoast@FTOAST-UBUNTU: ~$ ps | grep \".*\" PID TTY TIME CMD 3773 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 3784 pts/0 00:00:00 ps 3785 pts/0 00:00:00 grep",
"Windows 7 msconfig lets users select the options No GUI boot and OS boot information to have a list of drivers being loaded during boot. Is it possible to have similar detailed messages during shutting down/restarting/logging off? Here's the screen I want disable or give me more details:",
"Update statement with inner join on Oracle",
"Rest mass of the photon Why is the rest mass of the photon is taken to be zero? If rest mass of the photon is non zero, then it leads to infinite energy of the photon (by $E=mc^2$ equation) and there is a violation of conservation of energy. Is this a reason? Also, is there any thing called the relativistic mass of the photon?",
"No room for a new \\dimen",
"1970s scifi/horror novel where protagonist is used by a crablike creature to feed its larvae, goes mad, and is defeated by retraumatising him",
"Other than looking at the profile, is there a way to find out someone's real name? A user on SO, Abhijit, referred to the OP of a question, acpigeon, as \"he\" (and then Aaron) . I didn't see the name on the question page, nor on . Is there a way to look this up that I missed? Alternatives are Abhijit knows acpigeon, or maybe Abhijit was just making things up. I'm still relatively new to these sites, so I'm still learning my way around. Is there a way short of the two alternatives above to know the OP's name? If so, how?",
"The full question: suppose N is normal in G and $[G:N]=p$ is a prime. Prove that for any $K \\leq G$, either (1) $K \\leq N$ or (2)$KN=G$ and $[K:K \\cap N]=p$. Since $N,K \\leq G$, it is of course possible that $K \\leq N$ could happen. but for (2), we can show $KN \\subseteq G$ but how can we show $KN=G$? And what information does \"$[G:N]=p$\" give us?",
"How to choose the right bean scope?",
"Finding a research group where I can work remotely?",
"Every infinite subset of a countable set is countable. Here is the proof I tried to weave while trying to prove this theorem: Theorem. Every infinite subset of a countable set is countable. Proof. Let $A$ be a countable set and $E\\subset A$ be infinite. Then $A\\thicksim\\mathbb{N}$. This implies that there is a sequence $\\left\\{x_{n}\\right\\}_{n\\in\\mathbb{N}}$ where $x_{n}\\in A$. Construct a sequence $\\left\\{n_{k}\\right\\}_{k\\in\\mathbb{N}}$ where $x_{n_{k}}\\in A$, $n_{1}$ is the smallest positive integer such that $x_{n_{1}}\\in A$, and $n_{k+1}>n_{k}$. Then $$ E=\\bigcup_{k=1}^{\\infty}x_{n_{k}}, $$ and $E$ is countable, because $E\\thicksim\\mathbb{N}$. $\\blacksquare$ Is it convincing?",
"how to hide files from package explorer",
"Generating DLL assembly dynamically at run time Currently I have some code that is being generated dynamically. In other words, a C# .cs file is created dynamically by the program, and the intention is to include this C# file in another project. The challenge is that I would like to generate a .DLL file instead of generating a C# .cs file so that it could be referenced by any kind of .NET application (not only C#) and therefore be more useful.",
"I’m reading Shakespeare’s Henry IV (Part 1) right now and I’m noticing that Sir John Falstaff has a propensity of saying “If this, then I’m a this” sort of statements. A few examples to clarify: … An I have not ballads made on you all and sung to filthy tunes, let a cup of sack be my poison An I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of, I am a peppercorn, a brewer’s horse if manhood, good manhood, be not forgot upon the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring If I do not beat thee out of thy kingdom with a dagger of lath, and drive all thy subjects afore thee like a flock of wild-geese, I’ll never wear hair on my face more Is there a particular literary term for these sort of sentences?",
"The command history between sessions is not getting saved. I'm using guake and the history for the session is working fine. I noticed that .bash_history had some commands I executed in sudo -s mode and tried the same again and all the commands while in the session got saved so I tried: chmod 777 .bash_history Now the old commands appear at the start of a session but no new commands are getting saved.",
"I have seen some hypotheses that the recent series corporate actions and statements are a sign of SO/SE being in the process of being, or about to be, sold. Arguments cited include the corp statements being made in paywalled areas and addressed to an audience that seems very distinct from the community, the choice of CEO, the push for a 'service sector' flavour of tensely smiling hospitality, and surely some more I can't recall in a coherent form. Just how plausible and implausible, and how founded or unfounded, is such a hypothesis? Is it, as far as people more knowledgeable either about business in general or about the specific case of SE/SO, strategically consistent or even outright connected with the corp's behaviour (and a likely cause thereof)?",
"Prevent users from submitting a form by hitting Enter",
"How do I handle partially correct edits in the Suggested Edits review queue? Contradicting Instructions While going through the suggested edits review queue, one sometimes stumbles upon partially useful edits like . Trying to follow the instructions listed in the descriptions doesn't lead to a conclusive answer. Considering our example: Approve edits that clearly improve the post ↳ No, not *clearly* Improve Edit when you can make additional improvements to the post ↳ I most definitively can Reject and Edit to replace an ineffective edit with your own substantive changes ↳ It is ineffective in the sense that it made the post worse overall (imho) Reject edits that fail to improve the post or that make it worse ↳ Like the last option: yes Skip if you are not sure and want to go to the next suggested edit ↳ Well, yes. But that is really why I am here, asking this question Reasoning about the remaining Choices This leaves us with three choices: Improve Edit, Reject and Edit and Reject (the last one slightly modified): Improve Edit + Acknowledges that some things in the edit where correct - Learning effect for author might vanish, as the improvement might get overlooked - Can't leave a custom message for edit author (except in comments, which pollutes the thread) - Doesn't trigger the system which "punishes" users who repeatedly have their edits rejected - Rewards the edit author with reputation for a poor edit Reject and Edit + Clearly shows the author that there were problems with the edit - Still can't leave a custom message explaining the problems of the original post. - One has to partially redo parts of the edit that have just been rejected, which might feel unjust to the original editor Reject with a custom note and come back immediately to make a good Edit + Clearly shows the author that there were problems with the edit + Possibility to leave an explanation as to what was wrong with the edit - One still has to redo parts of the edit that has just been rejected - Seems to be a weird workaround for Reject and Edit Something else? Each of the three options come with their distinct advantages/disadvantages making it non trivial to decide which one to pick. Or does the answer simply depend on the quality of the edit? Like: Improve Edit for subjectively slightly positive edits Reject and Edit (Or Reject and Edit) for subjectively slightly negative edits",
"Verify my proof of the irrationality of $\\sqrt{6}$.",
"What is the agreed upon definition of a \"positive definite matrix\"?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Task unrolled loop behavior | Captured variable in a loop in C# | [
"Is this WUBI? What is \"Installation size\" setting for? I'm new to Ubuntu... I went to the downloads page and downloaded the Windows Installer as I am hoping initially to have a dual boot on my currently Win 7 PC (I would consider preserving my Win7 install as a VM under Ubuntu instead - advice?) It's asking me to choose an \"Installation size\" but there's no explanation as to what the significance of this is. Is this a disc partition? Can I increase it easily later if it's too small? I came here to ask these questions and now I see a bunch of threads about 'WUBI' and possible downsides of installing Ubuntu this way. Is the Windows Installer I just downloaded going to give me WUBI?",
"Are the decimal places in a CSS width respected?",
"How to integrate $\\int\\sqrt{x^2+1}dx$",
"What is the result of $ \\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\frac{ \\sum^n_{i=1} i^k}{n^{k+1}},\\ k \\in \\mathbb{R} $ and why? What is the result of the next limit: $$ \\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\frac{ \\sum^n_{i=1} i^k}{n^{k+1}},\\ k \\in \\mathbb{R} $$ Why (theorem)?",
"How do I find the current machine's full hostname in C (hostname and domain information)? In a C project (POSIX), how do I get the fully qualified name for the current system? For example, I can get just the hostname of my machine by doing gethostname() from unistd.h. This might give me machine3 in return, but I'm actually looking for machine3.somedomain.com for example. How do I go about getting this information? I do not want to use a call to system() to do this, if possible.",
"I use object != null a lot to avoid . What is an alternative to: if (someobject != null) { someobject.doCalc(); }",
"What motivates people to answer questions in Stack Overflow? I want that too - motivation to answer programming-related questions. What is yours?",
"Why do people buy stocks that pay no dividend?",
"Modernist Cuisine recommends that for longer sous vide cooking (times greater than 36 hours) that bags are vacuum sealed rather than just using the water displacement method to remove the air from a ziploc bag. What is the reason for this? Will I be losing something essential if I just use a regular ziploc bag without vacuum sealing?",
"Hydrostatic pressure - doesn't density vary with depth? Our class is learning about hydrostatic water pressure and we have been told that we can calculate the force of the liquid on an object at any depth using \"the density x 9.8 x the depth\". However, as the depth increases, wouldn't the density of the liquid increase because of the weight of the liquid above it compressing it? So should't there be something in the equation to account for the varying density? To me, \"density x 9.8 x depth\" seems like it is saying that the density will be constant...",
"Physics history book with some math I am looking for a book explaining physics from, say, Galileo and Newton till now; the book should be written using some math, similarly to my physics books when I was at the university (Halliday Resnik). I am searching a book that take care of explaining the true \"evolution\" of reasoning, discoveries, experiment to prove or disprove something. I do not like a book that gives definitions without explaining what had happened. I also like to find, on that book, explanations on how actual measurements are taken (how can we measure the speed of light, the mass of celestial bodies, the attributes of electron, and how were the measurements taken in the past - how was possible to measure the speed of light in 1700-1800?). I am not very interested in recent theories like strings, branes.... so it is OK if these are not discussed. I like to find a lot of discussions on concept that are related, like for instance the implications on space dimensionalities, ether non-existence, strange facts, missing explanations.",
"Let's take the numbers 0-10. Their mean is 5, and the individual deviations from 5 are -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 And so the average (magnitude of) deviation from the mean is $30/11 \\approx 2.72$. However, this is not the standard deviation. The standard deviation is $\\sqrt{10} \\approx 3.16$. The first mean-deviation is a simpler and by far more intuitive definition of the \"standard-deviation\", so I'm sure it's the first definition statisticians worked with. However, for some reason they decided to adopt the second definition instead. What is the reasoning behind that decision?",
"How to hide a(n) (NTFS) partition from ubuntu I need to hide an NTFS partition from listing in the nautilus. How can I achieve that? Is there any tool to do that? And how can I hide files in ubuntu (except . operator)",
"how to hard-bypass the input of a line driver with a switch?",
"It seems that the question has eventually become a series of questions.... An example goes as: The 1st and (the) 2nd paragraphs of the article are extremely long. Another example: What are the situation, (the) task and (the) result of your story? Is it necessary to use the in ()?",
"Variational Derivation of Schrodinger Equation",
"Sometimes (old) comments break the parser, so it would be nice to view their code to check what was (actually) supposed to be there. Is there any way to view a comment's source just like the source link in a post's revision? edit Another application for this would be the ability to better quote comments in an answer without having to re-markdown them.",
"Anyone seen this one yet? Vote too old to be changed, unless post is edited My vote was only a few hours old. Then I realized the answer was wrong. Updated my question and went to remove the vote. Even after updating question I still have the issue. Small issue, but frustrating. See also:",
"How can I find $\\lim_{n\\to \\infty} a_n$",
"Solving the matrix equation $AP=PB$, where $A$ and $B$ are similar Currently I'm stuck with this problem: The following matrices are similar to each other. $$A=\\begin{bmatrix}-3&0\\\\8&4\\end{bmatrix},\\qquad B=\\begin{bmatrix}-4&4\\\\-2&5\\end{bmatrix},\\qquad C=\\begin{bmatrix}k&1\\\\m&-2\\end{bmatrix}.$$ How do you find the matrix $P$ such that $AP = PB$? And how can you calculate the values of $k$ and $m$? Thank you in advance."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Run command if player is NOT matching DataTag | How to use exclamation marks in Minecraft commands? | [
"Is there any other size tires that will fit on a 27 x 1 1/4 rim?",
"What are the rules for splitting words at the end of a line? What are the rules in English language to split words at the end of a line? Where exactly must the hyphen split the word?",
"Simple prime number generator in Python",
"Firstly, this is a homework problem so please do not just give an answer away. Hints and suggestions are really all I'm looking for. I must prove the following using mathematical induction: For all $n\\in\\mathbb{Z^+}$, $1+2+2^2+2^3+\\cdots+2^n=2^{n+1}-1$. This is what I have in my proof so far: Proof: Let $p\\left(n\\right)$ be $\\sum_{j=0}^n 2^j=1+2+2^2+\\cdots+2^n=2^{n+1}-1$. Then $P\\left(0\\right)$ is \\begin{align} \\sum\\limits_{j=0}^0 2^j=1=2^1-1.\\tag{1} \\end{align} Hence $P\\left(0\\right)$ is true. Next, for some $k\\in\\mathbb{Z^+}$, assume $P\\left(k\\right)$ is true. Then \\begin{align} \\sum\\limits_{j=0}^{k+1}2^j&=\\left(\\sum\\limits_{j=0}^k 2^j\\right)+2^{k+1}\\tag{2}\\\\ &=2^{k+1}-1+2^{k+1}\\tag{3} \\\\ &=2\\cdot 2^{k+1}-1\\tag{4}\\\\ &=2^{k+2}-1\\tag{5}\\\\ &=2^{\\left(k+1\\right)+1}-1.\\tag{6} \\end{align} Therefore, $P\\left(n\\right)$ holds for all $n$.$\\;\\;\\;\\;\\blacksquare$ Is everything right? My professor went over the methodology in class quite fast (and I had a bit too much coffee that night) and I want to make sure I have it down for tomorrow night's exam.",
"ref to subsection number only",
"What is the name of the first decade in a century? 80s: the \"Eighties\" 90s: the \"Nineties\" 00s: the ??? For that matter, what is the second decade called? The \"tens\" just doesn't sound right.",
"What is the joint distribution of $Z=\\min(X,Y)$ and $I_{Z=X}$? Assume that $X$ and $Y$ are independent random variables with $X \\sim \\exp(\\lambda)$ and $Y \\sim \\exp(\\mu)$. It is impossible to obtain direct observations of $X$ and $Y$. Instead, we observe the random variables $Z$ and $W$, where $Z = \\min\\{X,Y\\}$ and $W =1$ if $Z=X$ and $W=0$ if $Z=Y$. How to find the joint distribution of $Z$ and $W$?",
"How to apply custom headers/footers on pages with new chapters? I'm writing my final report in LaTeX for my bachelor's degree. I'm aiming at having a document similar to the .doc template used normally. I want to have my customs headers and footers applied on pages when I'm starting a new chapter. I'm using documentclass report with fancyhdr and lastpage packages. My headers are defined like this: \\lhead{\\myTitle} \\rhead{\\today} \\cfoot{\\thepage\\ of \\pageref{LastPage}} My chapters are created using standard \\chapter{title} macro. On pages with new chapters, the only headers/footers I see is the standard page number at the bottom. What should I do? EDIT: I've finally gone with Peter Breitfeld's solution. I'Ve gone a step further and created my own chapter command: \\newcommand{\\myChapter}[1]{ \\chapter{#1} \\thispagestyle{fancy} } Thanks for the help!",
"How do you correctly use a meat thermometer?",
"Prove continuous functions $f$ and $g$ are equal",
"Why is the [I'm Done] button unavailable after only flagging comments in the First Posts review queue? I just flagged two comments during a review of a question in the First Posts queue (on another SE site). Then I wanted to select the button I'm Done, but it's unavailable (I can only select No action needed). Even if I refresh my page (while still on that review page), it remains the same. If however I also downvote the question (only temporary, as a test, since I don't want to downvote the question being reviewed), then it seems to work as I'd expect it to: the button I'm Done becomes available, and No action needed becomes unavailable. Why is the I'm Done button unavailable after only flagging comments in the First Posts review queue? Notes: I'm not convinced that you're supposed to review the actual post, and not (only) the comments underneath it (as mentioned in 's comment). Because \"if\" I would post a new comment, or just upvote an existing comment, I can actually select I'm Done. While in this case I flagged existing comments which IMO had become obsolete. Flagging comments is \"acting on comments\". And if my flag gets accepted (in this case: \"no longer needed\"), and the comment is actually deleted (by the mod), then it makes the question a bit more readable (= don't waste your time digesting a comment which is obsolete). Therefor \"IMO\", in the end I also \"acted on the post\". Think about all those posts with a zillion of comments, of which many are obsolete (e.g because the post got updated already). I am not sure (yet) if a similar issue exist in any other review queue (i.e. the Late Answers queue).",
"Create a tar archive split into blocks of a maximum size",
"R-squared: X \"explains\" the percentage of variation of the Y values. Does axis order matter?",
"KOMA-Classes (scrbook, scrreprt, ... ): Disable chapter separation in \\listoffigures and \\listoftables I use \\listoffigures and \\listoftables. Both commands create line breaks for items from different chapters. How can you stop that? Screenshot:",
"Custom Layout in android",
"Amazon RDS - Online only when needed?",
"How to adjust the gap between figure and caption within the same subfloat",
"Wake-on-LAN quit working with latest kernel (Bionic)",
"How do I know if food left at room temperature is still safe to eat?",
"Similar to pissing contest - but not in an aggressive manner. Just each guy attempting to out talk one another to show they are the leader / in charge. Sample sentence: Well, that meeting was more of a X than being productive with Greg trying to show he was in control."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why do we have to be rude? | Should 'Hi', 'thanks', taglines, and salutations be removed from posts? | [
"A gateway to a new world/future where things can be improved with use This book is about an explorer (with robot companion) who walks through a \"gateway\" into the future/parallel world. In this world, things that are created do not fall into disrepair, instead things get better. The main character is kidnapped early on in the story and forced to labor by beating the outside of a castle with a spear. It is explained to him that this makes the wall better and able to resist attacks by these weapons. In his cell, he meets a man wearing an extravagant shirt and asks about it and the man explains to him that the shirt has been in his family for several generations, which is why it looks so nice. To escape from the jail cell, the man tears one of his zippers from his jump suit and uses it like a saw to cut a hole in the wall. He escapes with the man in the fancy shirt and a woman. The woman, is something special in this world. (She can focus on the change that is happening to an item and somehow enhance or speed up the process) The man makes a wheeled cart for them to escape in. While the wheels are at first rough and wobbly, they soon \"become better\" and spin better.",
"Is it possible to understand the One Piece storyline by watching the movies only?",
"Google Chrome is my favorite browser, and I can't imagine going on without it. Suddenly (without closing and re-opening) the browser; chrome has been reading characters upside down, very weird: Chrome version: I tried restarting my browser and my MAC (running OS X Yosemite 10.10), but the error keeps on coming.",
"How do I rename all folders and files to lowercase on Linux? I have to rename a complete folder tree recursively so that no uppercase letter appears anywhere (it's C++ source code, but that shouldn't matter). Bonus points for ignoring CVS and Subversion version control files/folders. The preferred way would be a shell script, since a shell should be available on any Linux box. There were some valid arguments about details of the file renaming. I think files with the same lowercase names should be overwritten; it's the user's problem. When checked out on a case-ignoring file system, it would overwrite the first one with the latter, too. I would consider A-Z characters and transform them to a-z, everything else is just calling for problems (at least with source code). The script would be needed to run a build on a Linux system, so I think changes to CVS or Subversion version control files should be omitted. After all, it's just a scratch checkout. Maybe an \"export\" is more appropriate.",
"Why is this function continuous, unlike the Dirichlet function?",
"How to draw a fish? I would like to draw an image like the following. This is what I've done so far (I used tikz, but any other package is welcome): \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\draw[fill=blue] (.5,0) rectangle (4,2); \\draw[fill=red] (1,1) to[bend left=50] (3,1) to[bend left=50] (1,1); \\draw[fill=red] (3,1) -- (3.5,1.5) -- (3.3,1) -- (3.5,.5) -- cycle; \\draw[fill=white] (1.6,1.1) circle (.15cm); \\draw[fill=blue] (1.55,1.1) circle (.05cm); \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} Edit: April 2nd, Time for explanation In Italy (but I also think in other countries), a practical joke done on April 1st is called \"pesce d'Aprile\" (= April's fish, that is an ) and is often related to fishes. The usual one is to stick a drawing of a fish on someone's back without he/she realizes it. Some years ago a colleague of mine stuck some \"pesci d'Aprile\" with written below \"sono disponibile\" (= I'm easy) on the rear of all the cars in our company car parking. Some other colleagues didn't realize it, and they had gone around with that drawing for days. Another funny example happened in Milan . Someone put on the windshield of a lot of cars a false fine for illegal parking. On the fine sheet was written \"per il pagamento rivolgersi agli uffici comunali di via Gadio, 2\" (= for payment, please contact the municipal offices in via Gadio, 2), the address of the Civic Aquarium. Hence, this question was simply a way to put P.S. = Since I earned a lot of reputation points with this trick question, I decided to give them back to the Community awarding a bounty to the two answers posted on April, 1st. Moreover, I accepted Robert's one since he guessed without spoiling, and I thank the other two answerers. To the downvoters: you're probably technically right, but: there's already too much sadness in the world, let's laugh now and then! humor is part of the LaTeX philosophy, Prof. Knuth himself docet if only serious questions are accepted, why did they create a fun tag?",
"Once and for all: Is there anything that can possibly be done to my commander that would cause it to cease being my commander? All of these questions ask the same thing, but aren't general enough to be marked as a duplicate. Is a commander still a commander if it gets turned into a forest? Is a commander still a commander if it gets turned face down?",
"How to mass rename files with ill-formed numbering? I've got bunch of files with ill-formed numbering: prefix-#.ext | for files with number 1-9 prefix-##.ext | for files with number 10-99 prefix-###.ext | for files with number 100-999 Due to further processing I need all of their names to be in format: prefix-###.ext. Is there any easy way to do that?",
"Why am I getting objects printed twice?",
"Get driving directions using Google Maps API v2",
"Referencing subfigures in main caption (with \\subfloat and \\subref) I've used subfloat to include subfigures, with their relevant labels but with empty captions. what I'm going to do is to reference these figures with \\subref in the main caption of the figure. But what I get is only ?? signs in the caption [main caption]. I can't figure out what's the problem. this is what I have: \\begin{figure} \\centering \\subfloat[][] { \\includegraphics[scale=0.55]{signal} \\label{signal_model} } \\subfloat[][] { \\includegraphics[scale=0.55]{amplitude} \\label{amplitude_mod} } \\caption{phase noise variability: \\subref{signal model} some text \\subref{amplitude_mod} some other text} \\end{figure}",
"Trouble understanding Landau & Lifshitz writing about Lagrangians and Galilean Relativity We have two inertial coordinate systems, $K'$ and $K$. $K$ is moving with infinitesimal velocity ${\\epsilon}$ relative to $K'$. Using Galilean relativity we can transform this into $v'=v+{\\epsilon}$. Here Lagrangian is only a function of speed $L=L(|v|^2)$. $L'$ may differ from $L$ only by a total derivative of function of coordinates and time, i.e. $L'=L+\\frac{d}{dt}f(q,t)$ $\"$We have $L'=L(|v|^2+2{v}·{\\epsilon}+{\\epsilon}^2)$. [1. ] Expanding this expression in powers of ${\\epsilon}$ and neglecting terms above the first order, we obtain $L(|v'|^2)=L(|v|^2)+\\frac{\\partial{L}}{\\partial{|v|^2}}2v·{\\epsilon}$ [2.] The second term on the right of this equation is a total time derivative only if it is a linear function of the velocity $v$ $\"$ I understand nothing in the quoted part. How do we get [2.]? Why does $\\frac{\\partial{L}}{\\partial{|v|^2}}2v·{\\epsilon}$ being a linear function of velocity imply that it's a total time derivative?",
"How can I make Windows Paint save by default as JPEG format? Every time I want to save an image I've pasted into the application, it chooses a BMP/DIB format (which is the worst for saving things from the clipboard). How can I hack Paint into defaulting to the JPEG format when saving images? I am using Windows XP SP3 and Paint 5.1 at the moment. I hope though that any hacks might be generic and I'd be able to use them across all my Windows machines.",
"Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?",
"Single word describing a person new in something What is a word for someone who is totally new in something or participates in something for the first time?",
"how to extract multiple zipped and rar files recursively? I have a folder ExampleFolder which contains many zipped folders. These zipped folders also contains multiple zipped folders. How to go through ExampleFolder and extract all of its zipped folders recursively? Note that ExampleFolder itself, is not zipped, it's just a normal folder Okay now I know what's happening Rinzwind and nux answers are both correct (except that I have to keep pressing Y or A forever) But it's seems that some of the zipped files, contained zipped files and rar files as well, the rar files will not be extracted by while [ \"`find . -type f -name '*.zip' | wc -l`\" -gt 0 ]; do find -type f -name \"*.zip\" -exec unzip -- '{}' \\; -exec rm -- '{}' \\;; done or whatever Edit 2 Some files are named .r00 and r01, .r02 up to r14, they are rar files, but not .rar",
"Derivative of an even function is odd and vice versa",
"How to test multiple variables against a single value?",
"I have a large mesh with > 1.5 million faces. I would like to uniformly add a texture to the object without UV mapping (as blender freezes every time). The texture is quite simple and can be applied evenly throughout the object.",
"This question is asked often in Ask Ubuntu, sometimes with few hints about the situation. Please provide a list of possible reasons to help troubleshoot the problem."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
What are the main differences between composition and inheritance? | Difference between Inheritance and Composition | [
"sed append after a line containing multiple unordered strings I'm trying to use sed to append appendstring after a line that contains both Hello and World. Hello something here World World fsf Hello This works if I do consider order: sed -i '/Hello*World\\|World*Hello/a appendstring' file But if I have many strings to match and they are not in order, this is definitely not effective. Then I tried solutions from another link which discussed deleting a line that contains both strings without considering their order. However, sed -i '/Hello/!b;/World/d' file This does not even work for deletion. The following one, also one of the answers to that question: sed -i '/Hello/{/World/d}' file works, so I tried to implement it to append. Using: sed -i '/Hello/{/World/a} appendstring' file But received error: sed: -e expression #1, char 0: unmatched `{' Update: The post in the link stated the solution with !b, and it was not working in cshell because of the exlamation mark, but it is working in sh and bash. And it can also be easily extended to inserting many lines when running sed inside a script and the appending a large paragraph. sed -i '/Hello/!b; /World/a \\ addline \\ addanotherline ' file",
"I have a JavaScript widget which provides standard extension points. One of them is the beforecreate function. It should return false to prevent an item from being created. I've added an Ajax call into this function using jQuery: beforecreate: function (node, targetNode, type, to) { jQuery.get('http://example.com/catalog/create/' + targetNode.id + '?name=' + encode(to.inp[0].value), function (result) { if (result.isOk == false) alert(result.message); }); } But I want to prevent my widget from creating the item, so I should return false in the mother-function, not in the callback. Is there a way to perform a synchronous AJAX request using jQuery or any other in-browser API?",
"When I am in texture mode one of my objects looks like it is in solid mode. The model is textured like all other models in the scene, but it doesn't look like it is in texture mode. Screenshot will explain better: What this model looks like. What all models should look like in texture mode.",
"Probability of student passing an exam There're $25$ tests, each with $2$ questions. There're total of $50$ different questions (the questions do not repeat). The student knows the answer of $44$ questions. To pass the exam, the student needs to correctly answer both questions on the first test he drew, or answer $1$ question from the test he drew first, and $1$ question from the test he drew second. (meaning he draws twice if he answers a question incorrectly on his first try) What is the probability that the student will pass the exam? I have never faced a problem like this one so any help is appreciated. I was thinking about approaching it \"manually\" with some applied combinatorics but I feel like there's a much easier way that I am not familiar with.",
"Voting on Meta sites generally express agreement and disagreement with a proposal, unlike on the Q&A sites where they indicate useful/good vs. non-useful/bad content. It seems to me that a down-vote on Meta Stack Exchange should not carry a -1 rep penalty, which only discourages down-voting. With this discouragement, questions on Meta SE will be biased towards agreement, since for every up-voter, there may be several in disagreement who don't want to lose the rep for down-voting. Can the penalty for down-voting on Meta SE be removed?",
"A number of times I have asked a certain kind of ‘attractive nuisance’ question – that is, one in which I anticipate a certain kind of answer would be given that I already know I am going to find insufficient or entirely inadequate. Some examples: A more abstract example would be asking ‘is it possible to do this 100% correctly’, where people itch to come up with hacks, workarounds and half-baked solutions of various degrees of robustness – while the point of the question is obtaining a fully correct and reliable solution.0 I try to be very explicit in the question body about what kinds of answers I am not interested in. And yet, every time I ask such a question, someone gives such an answer anyway, or an outright XY-type, i.e. frame-challenge answer – where in fact the framing of the question is exactly how I want it, and I don’t want it challenged. Since I have already said in the question body that such an answer would be inaqeduate, when I get one, I downvote it. I believe it’s only appropriate, but it tends not to be received very well – I get insulting comments and downvotes in retaliation. I realise that a proper answer would be much harder to come up with than an ‘obvious’ inadequate answer. I suspect that often a real answer should be negative: ‘there is no way to do that’ or ‘there is no way to answer that for sure’. Nevertheless, if that is the right answer, this is the one I want posted – I don’t want the Internet polluted with more tumbleweed of what is already well-known (and may even be subtly wrong), and I don’t want to give ‘A for effort’ upvotes. What is the most appropriate way to act in such a situation? 0 I am also reminded of when Gary Bernhardt while trying to avoid reflexive ‘don’t use eval’ replies. Of course, expecting nuance from Twitter of all places is silly, but that’s beside the point.",
"can u suggest me any short trick of solving these kind of problems. How to find last four digits of any number raised to some power ?",
"How does the propagation of gravity work for photons?",
"Getting raw SQL query string from PDO prepared statements Is there a way to get the raw SQL string executed when calling PDOStatement::execute() on a prepared statement? For debugging purposes this would be extremely useful.",
"Creating a virtual microphone",
"GTA 5 Social club I used to play gta 5 online on my ps3 but it ended up breaking and I can't use it anymore I purchased the game for xbox 360 and started playing the game all over again and some of you know how hard that can be specially online.. So I was wondering if I could somehow transfer my old ps3 social club account to my xbox an use it on xbox from now on?",
"Pathologies in module theory Linear algebra is a very well-behaved part of mathematics. Soon after you have mastered the basics you got a good feeling for what kind of statements should be true -- even if you are not familiar with all major results and counterexamples. If one replaces the underlying field by a ring, and therefore looks at modules, things become more tricky. Many pathologies occur that one maybe would not expect coming from linear algebra. I am looking for a list of such pathologies where modules behave differently than vector spaces. This list should not only be a list of statements but all phenomena should be illustrated by an example. To start the list I will post an answer below with all pathologies that I know from the top of my head. This should also explain better what kind of list I have in mind.",
"So, if we have a large pipe which is constricted in the middle, the fluid in the middle section will move faster. Why is it so? What dictates that liquid that an X amount of it must pass on the other side regardless of the size of the encasement? The only reason I could think about is because that the initial pressure which causes the movement somehow is being transferred to a smaller area, but that makes no sense.",
"I have been thinking of getting a flash to improve my low light photography (particularly indoors). However, there seem to be a number of different models available at similar price points (budget of INR 8,000-12,000 ~$150-250). What features and functionality should I look for to choose a suitable flash? I'm using a Canon 550D with the 18-55mm IS & 55-250mm IS lenses. Metz seems to be one of the brands easily available in India (beside the OEM flashes). Currently, I am considering the Metz 36 AF-5, 44 AF-1 and 50 AF-1, which seem to be considerably cheaper than their Canon counterparts.",
"Is there an irrational number $a$ such that $a^a$ is rational? It can be proved that there are two irrational numbers $a$ and $b$ such that $a^b$ is rational (see ) and that for each irrational number $c$ there exists another irrational number $d$ such that $c^d$ is rational (see ). My question is: Is there an irrational number $a$ such that $a^a$ is rational (and how could you prove that)?",
"Upgraded to 13.10 now clock settings are all disabled and clock does not display I've upgraded to 13.10 and now I don't have the standard menu clock, which I need for work. I checked and 'indicator-datetime' is installed. I even uninstalled/reinstalled that applet with no luck. Also my \"clock\" settings under System Preferences are all disabled. I can't change anything. Does anyone know how I can get the old menu clock back? Alternatively is there another menu clock app I can download? Edit 1 Thanks for the responses I've restarted several times and that didn't fix the issue. I just ran the 13.10 update today. But I ran it again a few minutes ago. I got about 200KB in random updates. The issue is still present after a reboot. # apt-cache policy indicator-datetime indicator-datetime: Installed: 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 Candidate: 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 Version table: *** 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 0 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status Edit 2 I believe the issue is related to 'rarings' changing the systray somehow... Or , although I haven't got that solution to work yet. Edit 3 Because of a suggestion from RolandiXor I've check the binaries. My system is missing 'libical.so.0' but it has 'libical.so.1'. ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime-service libical.so.0 => not found Does anyone know how to get the libical.so.0 binary that the datetime service needs but doesn't install?",
"Why is plain-hash-then-encrypt not a secure MAC?",
"Installing QGIS with ECW support on Mac?",
"Text won't appear in interface? There is one problem, it seems that text won't appear on my program. The three images show the errors and also my laptop specs (I believe I just have very small amount of laptop power that makes Blender glitch). Everything else works fine (zooming, panning, rotating, etc.) and the buttons are still there and do what they're supposed to do, but the text just won't appear. Might anybody know how to fix this? The drive update didn't help either. I know a way around it though, does anybody know a page which shows screenshots of more or less the buttons on blender",
"More examples of Simpson's Paradox, barring the ones on Wikipedia, Titanic, and delayed flights. I hope someone may know fresh examples of for use in my statistics courses. The examples I've been using are fine, but I'd like to have some new ones. I'm familiar with the ones on the Wikipedia page: the gender bias lawsuit at Berkeley, batting averages, mortality rates among low birth babies, party voting on the Civil Rights Act, and success rates of kidney stone treatments. I'm also familiar with the example of survival rates on the Titanic and the one about delayed flights at America West vs. Alaska Airlines. These are all good ones, but, like I said, I'm looking for more. Does anybody know any others? For those who aren't familiar with it, Simpson's paradox is essentially a property of unreduced fractions: It's possible to have, simultaneously, $$\\frac{a_1}{b_1} < \\frac{c_1}{d_1} \\text{ and } \\frac{a_2}{b_2} < \\frac{c_2}{d_2}, \\text{ but } \\frac{a_1 + a_2}{b_1+b_2} > \\frac{c_1+c_2}{d_1+d_2}.$$ For example, $\\frac{1}{3} < \\frac{34}{100}$ and $\\frac{66}{100} < \\frac{2}{3}$, but $\\frac{67}{103} > \\frac{36}{103}$. It can be hard to spot this happening in a given real-world scenario."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to resolve "Input string was not in a correct format." error? | Input string was not in a correct format | [
"How do I catch a PHP fatal (`E_ERROR`) error? I can use set_error_handler() to catch most PHP errors, but it doesn't work for fatal (E_ERROR) errors, such as calling a function that doesn't exist. Is there another way to catch these errors? I am trying to call mail() for all errors and am running PHP 5.2.3.",
"Boggle: What is the dice configuration for Boggle in various languages? This is the dice configuration for the English Boggle: Other variants and discussions concerning letter distributions for English can be found here: , , , (Wikipedia). I am interested in the 16 dice configurations for also other languages (Spanish in particular) and I am unable to find it anywhere online. Versions I have managed to find so far: , English 25 dice version: Spanish 25 dice version: Italian 25 dice version:",
"I'm trying to prove the following statements in Folland's book. Let $(X,\\mathcal{M},\\mu)$ be a measure space. If $f_n\\to f$ in measure and $g_n\\to g$ in measure, then $f_n+g_n\\to f+g$ in measure and $f_ng_n\\to fg$ in measure (in this last case, assume $\\mu(X)<\\infty$). The first one is already done, but the second one is giving me trouble. My attempt: We can take subsequences $f_{n_k}$ and $g_{n_k}$ such that $f_{n_k}\\to f$ a.e. and $g_{n_k}\\to g$ a.e. In this case, we know that $f_{n_k}g_{n_k}\\to fg$ a.e. Note that $\\mu(X)<\\infty$, so we can use Egoroff's theorem to conclude that $f_{n_k}g_{n_k}\\to fg$ almost uniformly. Finally, almost uniform convergence implies convergence in measure, therefore $f_{n_k}g_{n_k}\\to fg$ in measure. The problem is that I just have convergence in measure for some subsequence of $f_ng_n$ and I need convergence in measure for the whole sequence. Also I don't know if using Egoroff's theorem is unnecessary, if this is the case, I would appreciate to see some more elementary prove. Detail: We say that $f_n\\to f$ almost uniformly if for every $\\varepsilon > 0$ there is some $E\\subset X$ measurable, such that $\\mu(E) <\\varepsilon$ and $f_n\\to f$ uniformly on $E^c$. Thank you!",
"series of young adult science fiction books from early 1980s about last of a race of martial experts that sees the destruction of his home planet",
"How to automatically rotate images based on EXIF data?",
"I'm trying to install the IDE in my Ubuntu and in the process it's asking for my root password which I don't remember. I know my user password. How can I recover my root password?",
"Microsoft recommends using Rowversion over timestamp, but I can not find \"rowversion\" data type inside my sql server 2008 R2 Microsoft mentioned that we should use the rowversion data type over Timestamps. Now inside my SQL Server 2008 R2, I want to create a column with the Rowversion data type. But in my SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio, I cannot find such a data type: Also when I tried altering existing column named timestamp which is of type timestamp using this statement: ALTER TABLE [SkillManagement].[dbo].[Customer] ALTER COLUMN timestamp rowversion I get this error: Msg 4927, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot alter column 'timestamp' to be data type timestamp Can anyone advise? EDIT",
"What's the quickest Schengen consulate to issue a visa in London?",
"Today I was thinking about composition of functions. It has nice properties, its always associative, there is an identity, and if we restrict to bijective functions then we have an inverse. But then I thought about commutativity. My first intuition was that bijective self maps of a space should commute but then I saw some counter-examples. The symmetric group is only abelian if $n \\le 2$ so clearly there need to be more restrictions on functions than bijectivity for them to commute. The only examples I could think of were boring things like multiplying by a constant or maximal tori of groups like $O(n)$ (maybe less boring). My question: In a euclidean space, what are (edit) some nice characterizations of sets of functions that commute? What about in a more general space? Bonus: Is this notion of commutativity important anywhere in analysis?",
"Are there any galois fields which consist of product of two primes, as in $\\mathrm{GF}(2\\cdot 3) = \\mathrm{GF}(6)$?",
"I have to prove that a function $f:]0,1] \\rightarrow \\Bbb R$ : $$ f(x) = \\begin{cases} \\frac1q, & \\text{if $x \\in \\Bbb Q$ with $ x=\\frac{p}q$ for $p,q \\in \\Bbb N$ coprime} \\\\ 0, & \\text{if $x \\notin \\Bbb Q $} \\end{cases} $$ is discontinuous in every point $x \\in \\ ]0,1] \\cap\\Bbb Q$. And then to consider $x \\in \\ ]0,1] \\backslash \\Bbb Q$ and prove that it is continuous. For now I learned different ways to prove continuity (epsilon-delta, sequences), but I'm never sure what would be better to use in each different case. I wanted to prove the discontinuity by using sequences: $$\\forall x_n \\quad x_n\\rightarrow a \\quad \\Rightarrow \\quad f(x_n) \\rightarrow f(a)$$ I tried creating a sequence $ x_n=\\frac1n + a$, we know it converges to $a$ but $f(x_n)\\ $ doesn't converges to $\\ f(a)$ because there would still be some points not in our set (irrational numbers that creates gaps). But I don't think it works, so I'm asking you if you could help me solving the two questions.",
"At what stage should acknowledgements be inserted into the paper if review is not double-blind? When the review process is double-blind, I guess (although I have not read this anywhere) that acknowledgements should not be written in the submitted paper, as this might break anonimity. They should only be inserted into the camera-ready version, after the paper is accepted. What is the custom when the review process is not double-blind? Should I write the acknowledgements in the submitted version, or wait to the camera-ready version?",
"How to prove $\\,x^a-1 \\mid x^b-1 \\iff a\\mid b$",
"Parallel.ForEach Slower than ForEach",
"Bootstrapped confidence intervals: different values at every computation? I am running an ANOVA and computing bootstrapped CIs for my effect sizes. I am using for this the Measures of Effect Size Toolbox for Matlab. To my surprise, if I re-run the same line of code, i.e. compute the same thing for the same data, the lower&upper margins of the CI are slightly different each time. I know that bootstrapped CIs are built from permutation analyses based on random generations of distributions. Still, I do not remeber reading anywhere this odd property of CIs of being never twice the same!",
"What is an Electron? I am a n00b to physics. What physics I know comes from high school and popular science books. At school we were taught about atoms and what make up atoms, but we weren't actually told what the particles were! So sure an atom has electrons orbiting around a nucleus made of protons and neutrons, but what exactly is an ? And if we don't know, how can we fire them from guns, like they do in experiments ... etc Any clarification on this would be great.",
"“Are” vs. “is” after “parents and the family”",
"Messed up my PATH environment variable and can't login to desktop To get an maven environment variable to run, I tried several options. Basically, I followed some options from , such as ~/.pam_environment, /etc/bash.bashrc and I don't really know anymore. Within them I exported sth like export PATH=/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin:$PATH (I'm being so unconcrete because I cannot look it up). Afterwards, I did run gnome-session-quit and my machine got stuck. So after hard restart I try to login again, but I'm not able to do that: I see my username, enter the password, hit enter, screen turns black and after 2 seconds I'm back at the login screen. So, that very strange and worrying. Next step: Login via tty (Strg + ALT + F3). Within there I can login, but can not do much. I thought about sth like . But whatever I do: The command could not be located because '\\bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. I think, altogether thats alarming and I'm getting really nervous. Executing export PATH=\"/usr/bin:$PATH seems to work and echo $PATHgives an output starting with /usr/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/home/user/Documents/.../esper/examples/transaction/etc:/home/user/anaconda3/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin but does not really help. I'm running an Ubuntu 18.04 on an Lenovo G50-70. Can you help me accessing my desktop again and/or fixing my PATH issue?",
"I'm fairly certain this has happened to all of us at some point: You go into a room to get something, but once you're there, you can't remember what you intended to get. It seems like a specific, common phenomenon like this must have a name, but I can't think of it. Does anyone know a name (either formal or slang) for this? I don't want a general term like forgetfulness or absent-mindedness, which could apply to all sorts of forgetting, or a term for not being able to remember a certain word. I'm looking for a word or phrase that describes this one specific situation of forgetting what you need to get as soon as you go to get it.",
"Difference estimate & confidence intervals for $\\chi^2$ test between 2 proportions I am using a chi-sq test between two proportions (). I am using this over the z-test for proportions because I do not think my data is normal. My question is how do I get the difference (shift) estimate & confidence intervals for this test. For example, Data1: 193/252=.77 Data2: 154/227=.68 P-value=.032 (I used the formula in the link above. I will also add my exact code below) Shift Estimate: I assume its the difference between proportions, ie .77-.68=.09. Is this correct? Confidence Interval: ?????????????????? Code for generating P-value (matlab): % Pooled estimate of proportion p0 = (n1+n2) / (N1+N2); % Expected counts under H0 (null hypothesis) n10 = N1 * p0; n20 = N2 * p0; % Chi-square test, by hand observed = [n1 N1-n1 n2 N2-n2]; expected = [n10 N1-n10 n20 N2-n20]; chi2stat = sum((observed-expected).^2 ./ expected); p = 1 - chi2cdf(chi2stat,1); H=0; if(p<.05), H=1; end"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Sudo specific command with no password | How to run a specific program as root without a password prompt? | [
"Packed images used as background don't show up when reopening the file I have seen a single (1) mention of View port background images disappearing when the .blend file is saved and reopened. However...the answers are not relative to what I am experiencing. I go through the trouble of setting up four images (top, side, front, back) and then pack these images using External Data > Pack all into .blend and then I save the .blend. I save the file, open it back up, and the background images are all gone. Open up properties panel, look to see background images check box is unchecked, click add image, and choosing the open drop-down arrow...the data paths still show the list of images (packed into a specific folder textures). They are still there, the data set is intact. Why is It that I have to set this up each and every time I open the file. It seems like earlier versions <2.76B saved the images and saved the file with the background images check box checked without the need to set this up each time the file is reopened. This is getting very frustrating due to the fact that a few of the background images mus be set up using Blender's rotate, scale and move tools to align the background image up with the model I have already fabricated. Thanks!",
"Adjoint matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors I just wanted to make sure that the following statement is true: Let $A$ be a normal matrix with eigenvalues $\\lambda_1,...,\\lambda_n$ and eigenvectors $v_1,...,v_n$. Then $A^*$ has the same eigenvectors with eigenvalues $\\bar{\\lambda_1},..,\\bar{\\lambda_n}$, correct?",
"How to find $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to0}\\frac{e^x-1-x}{x^2}$ without using l'Hopital's rule nor any series expansion?",
"How To Delete This Red Box on My Screen? I was editing my mesh and I wanted to only see a part of my mesh, so I pressed alt+B to only show a selected area. However, I did ctrl+B and created a red rectangle on my screen (I don't know what it does). Does anybody know how to get it off?",
"How to fix apt: Signature by key uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)?",
"Travelling with two different passports",
"What is NDSolve`FEM`*?",
"What factors influence the spring constant? For certain springs we have been taught that Hookes law, $F=-kx$ works. For such springs, what factors determine k. For instance, k is proportional to length. Can k be expressed in terms of dimensions, mass and other fundemental quantities, or is k a fundemental property of the spring itself?",
"I am confused with the definition of non-parametric model after reading this link and . Originally I thought \"parametric vs non-parametric\" means if we have distribution assumptions on the model (similar to parametric or non-parametric hypothesis testing). But both of the resources claim \"parametric vs non-parametric\" can be determined by if number of parameters in the model is depending on number of rows in the data matrix. For kernel density estimation (non-parametric) such a definition can be applied. But under this definition how can a neural network be a non-parametric model, as the number of parameters in the model is depending on the neural network structure and not on the number of rows in the data matrix? What exactly is the difference between parametric and a non-parametric model?",
"HTTP vs HTTPS performance Are there any major differences in performance between http and https? I seem to recall reading that HTTPS can be a fifth as fast as HTTP. Is this valid with the current generation webservers/browsers? If so, are there any whitepapers to support it?",
"Why did the snake wink at Harry at the zoo? This is mostly a memory question - I'm having a hard time remembering this and I can't read the book right now. On the first book, a snake at the zoo winks at Harry. For the sake of the question, we'll assume that snakes can in fact wink. I have a fuzzy memory here - I think that it winked before Harry had any kind of interaction with the snake (was this before or after Harry broke the glass?) So, why did the snake wink at Harry? Given that they had not met ever before. I suppose that the only reason it would wink at Harry would be because it knows Harry can communicate with it. But this would imply that snakes are capable of sensing such ability on wizards - is there (other) evidence that this is true?",
"Travelling by bus",
"Index entries duplicated for captions",
"Proving the cross product matrix tranformation identity with an alternative solution I'm solving a problem from the book, Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Third Edition, by Eric Lengley. The problem goes: Let $N$ be the normal vector to a surface at a point $P$, and let $S$ and $T$ be tangent vectors at the point $P$ such that $S \\times T = N$. Given an invertible 3 $\\times$ 3 matrix $M$, show that $(MS) \\times (MT) = (\\text{det}M(M^{-1})^{T}(S \\times T)$, supporting the fact that normals are correctly transformed by the inverse transpose of the matrix $M$. The author provided a hint stating we can represent $(MS) \\times (MT)$ as $$ (MS) \\times (MT) = \\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -(MS)_{z} & (MS)_{y} \\\\ (MS)_{z} & 0 & -(MS)_{x} \\\\ -(MS)_{y} & (MS)_{x} & 0 \\end{bmatrix} MT $$ We then find a matrix $G$ such that $$ GU = \\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -(MS)_{z} & (MS)_{y} \\\\ (MS)_{z} & 0 & -(MS)_{x} \\\\ -(MS)_{y} & (MS)_{x} & 0 \\end{bmatrix} M $$ where $$ U = \\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -S_{z} & S_{y} \\\\ S_{z} & 0 & -S_{x} \\\\ -S_{y} & S_{x} & 0 \\end{bmatrix} $$ and show that $G = (\\text{det}M)(M^{-1})^{T}$ to solve the problem. I am aware that there is an to this problem, but I would like to solve it through the hints provided. Unfortunately, I am only able to go as far doing: $$ G = \\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -(MS)_{z} & (MS)_{y} \\\\ (MS)_{z} & 0 & -(MS)_{x} \\\\ -(MS)_{y} & (MS)_{x} & 0 \\end{bmatrix} M U^{-1} $$ At this point, I do not know how to proceed with showing that $G = (\\text{det}M)(M^{-1})^{T}$. How would you proceed? I'd like to ask for hints on solving the problem.",
"Free, open-source substitutes for Mendeley?",
"At the end of ‘The Return of the King’, Bilbo, Frodo, Gandalf and others boarded a boat and left Middle-earth for Valinor. Is there any canon explanation why they couldn’t just take the ring there in the first place and leave Middle-earth altogether? Would Sauron have gone after them? Couldn’t the elves living there safeguard it? I do realize that without Frodo taking the ring to Mount Doom there would be no story at all, but I wonder whether or not there is any canon explanation for this.",
"Subfields of $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{2},\\sqrt{3})$ Suppose one doesn't know any Galois theory, but they are familiar with the basic theory of field extensions. Then how would one justify the following picture? I'm pretty sure they're just saying these are the known subfields, and there could be more but they just write down those ones (which seems weird, which is why I'm asking). Or have they deduced that this is a comprehensive list of subfields just by using basic theory? This occurs on page 573 of Dummit and Foote's Abstract Algebra.",
"Let f : A → B and g : B → C be bijections. Prove that g◦f : A → C is a bijection Can someone show me the steps I should take to solve this problem?",
"EL proposals / autocomplete / code assist in Facelets with Eclipse",
"As seen in this video: (Skip to 5:53) When a player is slain, they drop an Enchanting Table on top of their inventory. How was this achieved and how can I build a system (using command blocks) that does that? Come to think of it, what happens to a player's location when he/she dies? Does it reset to the spawnpoint? Stay the same (where they died) until they respawn? Or becomes a null value until they respawn?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"On" is optional with time expressions, no? | Is it correct to omit preposition before date? | [
"Previous question: That was when my buttons died. On other days, my text dies. And some times it's just italics. Now, I like blaming @skiwi for this, and he's often nearby when it happens. But today, he's not here, and it happened again. I'm running Windows 8 and using Chrome 40.0.2214.94 m. Refreshing and such does not fix the issue. Inspect element -> console -> error log: http://chat.stackexchange.com/chats/8595/messages/new Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict) http://i.stack.imgur.com/2ZJdJ.png?s=128&g=1&g&s=16 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway) http://i.stack.imgur.com/boUZp.jpg?g&s=16 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway) http://i.stack.imgur.com/U8P3C.jpg?s=128&g=1&g&s=32 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway) http://i.stack.imgur.com/boUZp.jpg?g&s=16 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out) http://chat.stackexchange.com/messages/19891816 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 (Conflict) What's going on here? I should note, I can view italics by selecting, then alt-tabbing: So it reeks of a client-side issue. What's hiding the text from me? EDIT: 30 april 2015 it happened again =/",
"Is there a technical reason to use > (<) instead of != when incrementing by 1 in a 'for' loop?",
"Is it pythonic for a function to return multiple values? In python, you can have a function return multiple values. Here's a contrived example: def divide(x, y): quotient = x/y remainder = x % y return quotient, remainder (q, r) = divide(22, 7) This seems very useful, but it looks like it can also be abused (\"Well..function X already computes what we need as an intermediate value. Let's have X return that value also\"). When should you draw the line and define a different method?",
"What's the difference between these two sentences? And which one's grammatically correct?",
"How could it possible to factorise $x^8-1$ in product of irreducibles in the rings $(\\mathbb{Z}/2\\mathbb{Z})[x]$ and $(\\mathbb{Z}/3\\mathbb{Z})[x]$? How could it possible to factorize $x^8-1$ in product of irreducibles in the rings $(\\mathbb{Z}/2\\mathbb{Z})[x]$ and $(\\mathbb{Z}/3\\mathbb{Z})[x]$? I'm having a hard time starting the problem. Could anyone help me at this point?",
"How do I get a straight quote instead of curly quotes? I’m not inside verb or listing or any other special environments, and I’m not using XeLaTeX or anything—just normal LaTeX. I don’t want to change all quotes, just get the occasional straight quote. For example, I’d like a way to get something like this in the TeX: ... some examples of these glyphs are curly quotes (``''), straight quotes ('\"), and angled quotes ($'$$\"$) ... to look like this in the output: ... some examples of these glyphs are curly quotes (“”), straight quotes ('\"), and angled quotes (′″) ... As I’m using an academic-publisher-provided template that does its own required font setup, I’m extremely wary of changing fonts or font encodings. I think the template uses the times package, and the formatting instructions say all fonts must be Type 1.",
"Testing equality of coefficients from two different regressions This seems to be a basic issue, but I just realized that I actually don't know how to test equality of coefficients from two different regressions. Can anyone shed some light on this? More formally, suppose I ran the following two regressions: $$ y_1 = X_1\\beta_1 + \\epsilon_1 $$ and $$ y_2 = X_2\\beta_2 + \\epsilon_2 $$ where $X_i$ refers to the design matrix of regression $i$, and $\\beta_i$ to the vector of coefficients in regression $i$. Note that $X_1$ and $X_2$ are potentially very different, with different dimensions etc. I am interested in for instance whether or not $\\hat\\beta_{11} \\neq \\hat\\beta_{21}$. If these came from the same regression, this would be trivial. But since they come from different ones, I am not quite sure how to do it. Does anyone have an idea or can give me some pointers? My problem in detail: My first intuition was to look at the confidence intervals, and if they overlap, then I would say they are essentially the same. This procedure does not come with the correct size of the test, though (i.e. each individual confidence interval has $\\alpha=0.05$, say, but looking at them jointly will not have the same probability). My \"second\" intuition was to conduct a normal t-test. That is, take $$ \\frac{\\beta_{11}-\\beta_{21}}{sd(\\beta_{11})} $$ where $\\beta_{21}$ is taken as the value of my null hypothesis. This does not take into account the estimation uncertainty of $\\beta_{21}$, though, and the answer may depend on the order of the regressions (which one I call 1 and 2). My third idea was to do it as in a standard test for equality of two coefficients from the same regression, that is take $$ \\frac{\\beta_{11}-\\beta_{21}}{sd(\\beta_{11}-\\beta_{21})} $$ The complication arises due to the fact that both come from different regressions. Note that $$ Var(\\beta_{11}-\\beta_{21}) = Var(\\beta_{11}) + Var(\\beta_{21}) -2 Cov(\\beta_{11},\\beta_{21}) $$ but since they are from different regressions, how would I get $Cov(\\beta_{11},\\beta_{21})$? This led me to ask this question here. This must be a standard procedure / standard test, but I cound not find anything that was sufficiently similar to this problem. So, if anyone can point me to the correct procedure, I would be very grateful!",
"Can Minecraft Pocket Edition play with a desktop Minecraft?",
"As I understand it Q&A style questions are but a self answered question should be judged independently of the answer. Often after I've solved a problem I would like to share the question and answer on stack overflow (and have on a couple of occasions) but how to show "minimal understanding of the problem" is always challenging. For example I have been looking into the following question How can I plot a straight line in the JMonkey Engine library I'm trying to plot straight lines between vertices that I specify using the JMonkey Engine 3D graphics library. So for example if I was to try to plot between: (2,0,0) (-1,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1) (1,4,0) Then I would get: This is something I do (and forget how to do) relatively often and the answer is harder to find than you'd imagine ( provides everything needed to figure it out but its spread out over several posts and isn't a complete solution on its own). Therefore I want to provide a Q&A for it but at present this question feels like it would fail the minimal understanding test Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell us what you've tried to do, why it didn't work, and how it should work Should I make up some imaginary problem? (Probably the final source code messed up a bit) Or mention in the question that I’m self answering to assuage some of the normal "This is not a do your work for you site" comments.",
"Complex towers: $i^{i^{i^{...}}}$ If $w = z^{z^{z^{...}}}$ converges, we can determine its value by solving $w = z^{w}$, which leads to $w = -W(-\\log z))/\\log z$. To be specific here, let's use $u^v = \\exp(v \\log u)$ for complex $u$ and $v$. Two questions: How do we determine analytically if the tower converges? (I have seen the interval of convergence for real towers.) Both the logarithm and Lambert W functions are multivalued. How do we know which branch to use? In particular $i^{i^{i^{...}}}$ numerically seems to converge to one value of $i2W(-i\\pi/2)/\\pi$. How do we establish this convergence analytically? (Yes, I have searched the 'net, including the tetration forum. I haven't been able to locate the answer to this readily.)",
"As things stand, will House Stark go extinct? According to the family tree in A World of Ice and Fire Ned Stark's children are in fact the only surviving Starks. And as of S06E09; Bran is the only legitimate, male Stark. In the Season Six Finale it is revealed that; Jon is in fact the Son of Lyanna Stark and most likely, Rhaegar Targaryen. This means that if Jon was legitimised and there was record of his birth in the Citadel; He would become a Targaryen. So I guess my big question is: Can Bran father children? I find it to be quite an important issue considering House Stark's long term survival depends on it. In season 4 (I can't remember which episode) Locke Bolton gives Bran a cut on the leg to confirm his identity. Bran reacts only with fear and not pain, indicating that he has no feeling below his waist. Does this mean that he wouldn't be able to...get it up? And if so, why hasn't the show addressed House Stark's impending doom?",
"When is it OK to shrink a Database? I know shrink is the devil: It reverses page order and is responsible for skin cancer, data fragmentation, and global warming. The list goes on... That being said, say I have a 100 GB database and I delete 50 GB of data -- not on one table, but a general pruning of old data on a database wide level, covering 90% of the tables -- does this constitute an appropriate use case for shrinking the database? If not, what are the appropriate steps to take to clean house after removing such a high percentage of data from a database? I can think of two: Rebuild Indexes and Update Stats. What else?",
"What is meant by \"Constant Amortized Time\" when talking about time complexity of an algorithm?",
"Currently, the number of \"votes cast\" excludes votes on deleted content. Once something gets deleted that you voted on, that vote vanishes from your stats. This of course happens frequently especially with down-votes - if you're a good voter, stuff you downvote often ends up getting deleted. Seeing as the idea behind the public display of total votes you've cast is to encourage voting, is this really fair? Also, doesn't it distort greatly all voting stats, especially when looking at candidates for moderator elections and such?",
"Geomagnetic reversal?",
"Let $A$ be a complex matrix such that $A^n = I$, show that $A$ is diagonalisable. How do I do this? I would hazard a guess that since $A^n = I$ that means that $A^n$ is obvious diagonal, and I suppose that a diagonal matrix can only be formed by the square of another diagonal matrix, but I am not sure if that is the case. Also I think this neglects the complex cases. Is there a Jordan block argument that I should use?",
"Problem on Extremal Graphs: three independent paths The problem states that: A simple (or strict) graph with $n$ vertices and $m>\\dfrac{3(n-1)}{2}$ edges, has two vertex joined by three independent paths. Any hints, ideas or useful results, to attack this problem?",
"Forward/Inverse Search Does Not work on certain tex files",
"How do I compare binary files in Linux? I need to compare two binary files and get the output in the form: <fileoffset-hex> <file1-byte-hex> <file2-byte-hex> for every different byte. So if file1.bin is 00 90 00 11 in binary form and file2.bin is 00 91 00 10 I want to get something like 00000001 90 91 00000003 11 10 Is there a way to do this in Linux? I know about cmp -l but it uses a decimal system for offsets and octal for bytes which I would like to avoid.",
"By default after a new user signs up, a redirect to the home page happens. But in such case I want to redirect such user to another page like node/35. In this node/35 I then want to display some content."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Title and tags do not show up while editing a moderator edited question | Title vanishes when editing a question | [
"Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration In a few large projects i have been working on lately it seems to become increasingly important to choose one or the other (XML or Annotation). As projects grow, consistency is very important for maintainability. My questions are: what are the advantages of XML-based configuration over Annotation-based configuration and what are the advantages of Annotation-based configuration over XML-based configuration?",
"Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer What is the main difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder? Is there any performance issues when deciding on any one of these?",
"When do you use Java's @Override annotation and why?",
"Why does $x$ divided by zero not equal $x$?",
"Network booting couldn't find kernel image I have a problem with PXE booting. I followed on the Ubuntu help wiki. But I get an error on client machine: Could not find kernel image: vmlinuz-3.13.0-24-generic And now, question. This image should be in pxelinux.cfg folder, am I right?",
"I would like to solve the beginner's standard exercise which claims that a point of $\\mathrm{Spec} \\ R$ is closed iff it is a maximal ideal. The reverse implication is easy. The direct one seems much subtler. If $P = V(I)$ then, since there exist a maximal ideal $M$ containing $P$, it would follow that $\\{P, M\\} \\subseteq V(I) = P$, whence $P=M$. In order to show the existence of $M$ I applied Zorn's lemma to the set of ideals containing $P$. The question is the following: is there any other proof of the above implication that does not (indirectly) use the axiom of choice? My concern is that I may be using a cannon to shoot a fly. Also, it would be the first time that I see closedness of points to require the axiom of choice. If the axiom is indeed needed in general, are there \"nice\" classes of rings for which we could get away without it?",
"The set of all finite subsets of the natural numbers is countable",
"How to create a torus with divided cuts that correspond to the direction of the torus",
"As I understand it, anything created with an alloc, new, or copy needs to be manually released. For example: int main(void) { NSString *string; string = [[NSString alloc] init]; /* use the string */ [string release]; } My question, though, is wouldn't this be just as valid?: int main(void) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *string; string = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]; /* use the string */ [pool drain]; }",
"How can I make a script (or make some changes) to allow me to turn the screen off in Ubuntu (12.04) whenever I want, the way thevscreen can be turned off in Cellphones? And how can I make a combination of keys (a shortcut) to execute that script? I want to conserve power. I've seen this question but there is no hotkey for it. Moreover, in the answer, it is said that there are many ways to accomplish this so I'd like to know more.",
"I am trying to incorporate a wms feed in the British national grid projection (EPSG:27700) into a openlayers 3 project. I initially had used this wms layer in an openlayers 2 application using the following syntax: new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( \"ukimage\", \"http://www.linktowms\", { \"LAYERS\": 'ukimage', \"STYLES\": '', format: state.image_format }, { buffer: 0, displayOutsideMaxExtent: true, isBaseLayer: true } ); But I am having trouble converting this over to openlayers 3. I first tried setting the map projection to British national grid (view: new ol.View({ projection: 'EPSG:27700'}) as I had in the openlayers 2 app, but this produced the error TypeError: h.B is not a function and a white map. When I try and use proj4 to convert the projection to EPSG:3857 as described here: I get the same error: TypeError: h.B is not a function and again a white map. my wms request is generally a varient of: new ol.layer.Image({ source: new ol.source.TileWMS({ url: 'http://www.linktowms', params: {'LAYERS': 'ukimage'}, }) }), (I tried adding projection but that didn't help) I am trying to work out if the image is even getting loaded from the WMS feed, but the syntax seems to have changed significantly from openlayers 2, instead of the properties and functions that have rather descriptive names, there are a now lots of short functions with names like Ua and Ig, which leaves me a bit in the dark as to what's actually going on when I try and inspect the layer with firebug. I don't mind what projection the application is in, as I can re-project my other layers to match the basemap, so basically any way of using this EPSG 27700 WMS layer in openlayers 3 would be great.",
"Probability of correctly guessing 12 zodiac signs without replacement I just watched where someone assigns a zodiac sign to twelve different individuals. There is one of each sign. My question, Guessing at random, (this was not quite at random), what number of people are you expected to guess correctly? And with what probability are you expected to guess a given number of people correctly? i.e. What are the odds of getting 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. correct.",
"Viruses in wine? The Story I installed wine some time ago, and after trying out some versions of Cinema 4D that were \"free\", I looked in the comments of the videos, and saw some people complaining about viruses. I got worried, downloaded and installed MalwareBytes, and scanned my \"system\". Of course, since MalwareBytes was runnning through Wine, it only scanned ~/.wine/C:. It found many viruses/trojans and I opted to delete them. I did so. Questions: Assuming there is any malware left, can this malware spread into my OS? Tell me the entire truth on what can happen. I deleted my entire .wine directory and am planning to uninstall wine later. I am the only user out of the three on this system that runs wine programs, but wine is installed for all. Is that enough, or must I do more? Please be specific on what I should do because I want to be 100% sure that there are no viruses. I am sure that many others have these questions too, so please answer this question to the point. Additional information: Wine was installed with sudo-apt get. The exact commands can be found here: Commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine1.6 -y I did try to install a font that was a ttf font. I tried to convert it to otf with no success. Then, I placed it in the fonts directory directly. I then saw that some people said it was malicious, and I removed it. This question was flagged as a duplicate of this question: It is not the same. This question is more precise, as it specifies two scenarios involving viruses, not risks of viruses. The other question talked about Internet Explorer; this one does not mention the installation of any programs. Note: wine was installed with sudo privileges, so does that mean it runs with sudo privileges?",
"Geometric random variables $X_1:G(p_1)$ $X_2:G(p_2)$ $X_3:G(p_3)$ are independent, prove the following :",
"At work we have a Domain Controller running Server 2008 R2. Our desktop support group has the ability to join computers to the domain using their network credentials. We are now running into a problem where if the name of the computer that is being joined is the same as an existing computer on the domain, the existing computer will get a \"The trust relationship has failed...\" error and will not authenticate at all unless someone logs in as a local admin, changes the computer name and rejoins it to the domain. I want to make it so that Desktop Support can only join computers with unique names to the domain. If the name already exists on the domain the operation should fail. Looking through TechNet it looks like this functionality exists but I can't seem to find out how to enable it. Any ideas?",
"Setup Apache in Amazon AWS I tried to setup apache 2.2 in amazon aws using amazon ami. i did installed httpd and php and congirue http.conf to use /var/www/html. Then put file index.html on that folder. But when i tried to use browser to browse my domain which is ec2-122-248-255-181.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com, nothing was loaded. I did start httpd by running apachectl start, and i can see it listening on port 80. Does anybody know what is wrong?",
"Are primes (ignoring $2$) equally likely to be $1~\\text{or}~3\\pmod 4$? For all primes $p\\neq 2$, it's easy to see that $$p\\equiv 1~\\text{or}~3\\pmod 4$$ I was wondering if it's equally likely ($50\\%-50\\%$) that prime modulo $4$ is $1$ or $3$. And if so, is there a simple proof?",
"Tikz: setting options for pin I just found the pin option to drawing, and it looks useful in some of the things I want to draw. How do I format it though? I've tried pin=[red]60:{Hey!} and I get the error Cannot parse this coordinate. \\documentclass{standalone} \\usepackage{tikz} \\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,positioning} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm,>=latex, every node/.style={ font=\\sffamily\\scriptsize }, circtext/.style={draw,circle,minimum size=8pt,inner sep=2pt}, dot/.style={draw,circle,fill=black,minimum size=0.6mm,inner sep=0pt} ] { \\node[rectangle, fill=green!10!white!90!black, minimum width=6cm, minimum height=3cm] at (2,0){}; \\node[circtext, fill=yellow](A) at (0,0) {A}; \\node[circtext, fill=yellow, right=of A](B){B}; \\draw[->] (A) -- node[dot, pos=0.5, pin=[red]60:{Hey!}](C){}(B); } \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} The default style looks like it's a gray thin arrow, and I want to change it to a black thin dotted line with no arrow. update: I figured out how to add style to the pin node: pin={[red]60:Hey!}] But I can't figure out how to change the linestyle though.",
"Why does editing posts on SO require a minimum of 6 charaters? I have just recently started editing the post on Stack Overflow. I found some posts which only required 2-3 character changes like they had correct grammar but some mistakes in spelling. When I tried to correct the spelling mistakes, and clicked on \"edit\", it said: Edits must be at least 6 characters I don't know why Stack Overflow added this limit. How can I edit only 3-4 characters in a post?",
"I have just installed 12.04 LTS on my laptop and I'm kinda new in this. I am required to write some program in Fortran 77 and I need a Fortran 77 compiler. I have tried installing g77 as described in the Ubuntu website but was unable to do so. I have typed in the following in terminal: sudo apt-get install g77 and get the following: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package g77 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'g77' has no installation candidate May I know what is the problem? I have tried searching g77 in the software center but apparently it is not there. Does this mean it is not available for 12.04? I'm currently using an Asus K43S laptop with Intel Core i5-2450M processor and my Ubuntu is installed alongside Windows."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Obscure show or movie from the 80's or 90's | Water Wars: Time Travel TV Show? | [
"Existence of area-preserving diffeomorphism between two sets in $\\mathbb{R}^2$ Suppose that we have open sets $A, B\\subset \\mathbb{R}^2$ such that $A$ and $B$ are simply connected and have smooth boundaries. Furthermore, let us assume that $m(A) = m(B) > 0$, where $m$ is the Lebesgue measure on $\\mathbb{R}^2$. My question is as follows: when does there exist an area-preserving diffeomorphism between $A$ and $B$? In this context, an area-preserving diffeomorphism between $A$ and $B$ is a is a $C^{\\infty}$-diffeomorphism $\\phi : A\\to B$ such that $m(S) = m(\\phi(S))$ for all measurable $S\\subseteq A$. If an area-preserving diffeomorphism doesn't always exist between sets $A$ and $B$ as above, are there any extra conditions we can impose on $A$ and $B$ such that there does exist an area-preserving diffeomorphism? My thoughts thus far are that we always have a $C^{\\infty}$-diffeomorphism between $A$ and $B$: this is a consequence of the . It's also obvious to me that if we can deform $A$ linearly to get $B$, then that deformation will be area-preserving. Furthermore, it seems that aside from this case, there's no reason why an area-preserving diffeomorphism should exist. However, I'm having a hard time proving that there necessarily isn't an area-preserving diffeomorphism between $A$ and $B$ if $B$ is not a linear deformation of $A$. Does anybody have any ideas?",
"Could new users be prompted to edit instead of commenting? It's very common to ask for additional information on a question. This is perhaps most common with new users who are a little unfamiliar with the need to put all relevant information in their question to start with. To be blunt, I'm a little tired of explaining to new users that an edit is better than a comment, particularly where we ask \"please add the output of...\" I note that some users have taken to explicitly asking OPs to edit their question and adding an edit link in their comment. But still this is missed. More recently, adding a comment to a new user's question displays a little note saying: ... is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct. Could there be a similarly formatted note to new contributors commenting on their own question or answer: If you need to add more information please your [question][answer] instead of adding a comment.",
"Selecting all objects that have been specified in Modifiers Could anyone help in making a script for selecting all objects that are specified in the different modifiers that an object has stacked? For example if my object has a Boolean modifier and an Array modifier, which both refer to an empty or another object (in the Array modifier there is for example an Object offset you can specify). Would it be possible to select all those object with one click? Thanks.",
"When can you switch the order of limits?",
"Proof of the duality of the dominance order on partitions Could anyone provide me with a nice proof that the $\\leq$ on partitions of an integer $n$ satisfies the following: if $\\lambda, \\tau$ are 2 partitions of $n$, then $\\lambda \\leq \\tau \\Longleftrightarrow \\tau ' \\leq \\lambda '$, where $\\lambda'$ is the conjugate partition of $\\lambda$ (i.e. the transpose of the set of 'dots' which $\\lambda$ represents). I feel like there must be a nice clever and concise/intuitive proof of this, but all I can come up with is an ugly brute force approach based on the definition of sums of the components $\\lambda_i$. Could anyone suggest a particularly nice way to obtain this result? Many thanks.",
"AWS dynamodb support for \"R\" programming language",
"The temperature and pressure everywhere inside the Sun reach the critical point to start nuclear reactions - there is no reason for it to take such a long time to complete the reaction process. Just like a nuclear bomb will complete all the reaction within $10^{-6}$seconds. Why does most of the hydrogen of the Sun still not react even though it reaches the critical point, and why take stars billions of years to run out of fuel?",
"I got a brand new Windows 7 machine, installed the operating system, created one account and forgot its password. What can I do? There is no external CD, the operating system is loaded from somewhere inside the machine. I already tried to remember passwords and tried all candidates with all possible combinations of caps lock, num lock etc.",
"I am trying to implement using additive ElGamal. I am trying to run the full protocol mentioned in Section 3.4 on the following inputs: $p = 17$ (prime) $g = 6$ (generator) $x = 5$ (private key) $k = g^x \\pmod p = 6^5 \\pmod{17} = 7$ (public key) Suppose the clients inputs are 1, 2. Then $P(x) = (x-1)(x-2) = x^2-3x+2$, and therefore the coeffiecients to encrypt are $(1, -3, 2)$. I chose $y = 10$ and so the encrypted values are: $1$ becomes $(15,12)$ $-3$ becomes $(15, 1)$ $2$ becomes $(15, 4)$. The Server Side Input Set $S=\\{1\\}$ and the random value $r0$ corresponding to $\\{1\\}$ is $r_0=2$. With the above problem in context, I have some questions: What does P 0,j refer to in Step 7. Can you please give an example? In Step 8, suddenly variable i is introduced along with j. What does i, j, refer to? In Step 8, ENC() function has a ; in between. How do we interpret ENC(a;b)?",
"How do you get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop? Is there some rare language construct I haven't encountered (like the few I've learned recently, some on Stack Overflow) in C# to get a value representing the current iteration of a foreach loop? For instance, I currently do something like this depending on the circumstances: int i = 0; foreach (Object o in collection) { // ... i++; }",
"Show that $\\int_{0}^{\\pi} xf(\\sin(x))\\text{d}x = \\frac{\\pi}{2}\\int_{0}^{\\pi}f(\\sin(x))\\text{d}x$ Show that $$\\int_{0}^{\\pi} xf(\\sin(x))\\text{d}x = \\frac{\\pi}{2}\\int_{0}^{\\pi}f(\\sin(x))\\text{d}x$$ this is so confusing. i have no idea how to even start. im thinking integration by parts but that doesnt seem right. hope you guys can help!!",
"Is there an option to output a manual page in a different language? I don't want to change the computer language completely, but only specific manual pages. For example $ man -English man Man is a manual program … $ man -Russian man Инструцтия для Unix, BSD и Linux. …",
"Graphing y=x^2 and y=x I want to draw the region bounded by y=x^2 and y=x. Any ideas? I was hoping this would be somewhat simple. I've tried used a similar, with \\begin{axis}..\\end{axis}, but it doesn't like that. Did I not declare a package or something? Also, if I wanted to show the solid this region creates by rotating it about the x-axis, is there a way to did this in latex? (If you had cal 2, think volume of a solid rotated about ...).",
"How to modify existing, unpushed commit messages?",
"Most of what I have read about retry operations is that they are vaguely complicated and indepth. I have written the code below which seems to accomplish this without too much confusion - I'm wondering if there are any pitfalls I am not seeing here. The class uses a top-level schedulable class, which calls a queueable class to make the callout, and if the callout is unsuccessful, it just schedules the top level class again five minutes later. After testing it appears this works indefinitely. A simple string token, assigned at the first invocation, is also passed between the classes, and I have tested and found that the token does persist, even when runs are scheduled for a later time. Thanks for helpful thoughts! public class SelfServe implements Schedulable { public String Token = null; public void execute(SchedulableContext ctx) { RetrieveMachineDetails Job = new RetrieveMachineDetails(); Job.Token = Token; System.enqueueJob(Job); } public class RetrieveMachineDetails implements Queueable, Database.AllowsCallouts { public String Token = null; public void execute(QueueableContext context){ Http http = new Http(); HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.setEndpoint('https://app.endpoint.com/api'); request.setMethod('POST'); request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'); request.setBody('{\"query\": \"$message_=\\'METRIC\\' && $tier=\\'customer\\' \"}'); HttpResponse response = http.send(request); if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) { //do stuff } else { //retry DateTime Dt = system.now().addMinutes(5); String day = string.valueOf(Dt.day()); String month = string.valueOf(Dt.month()); String hour = string.valueOf(Dt.hour()); String minute = string.valueOf(Dt.minute()); String year = string.valueOf(Dt.year()); String ScheduledTime = '0 ' + minute + ' ' + hour + ' ' + day + ' ' + month + ' ?' + ' ' + year; SelfServe Job = new SelfServe(); Job.Token = Token; System.schedule('SelfServe Job'+Dt, ScheduledTime, Job); } } } }",
"Comprehensive Rules for Game of Thrones Lines of Succession I'm three quarters through the third book, \"Storm of Swords\" right now (so please, no spoilers from too late in the book or any subsequent books). I just read a part where Tyrion is discussing with Prince Oberyn and they mention the difference between Dornish law and Westerosi law in Line of Succession (ie women can rule under Dornish law). I'm a little confused trying to puzzle out what the exact LOS rules are. At first I though it was: at the moment a king/lord dies, to find who holds the title next, you do a depth-first search down the family tree starting with the oldest sibling (ignoring anyone who isn't true-born or has given up their claim ie as Night's Watch or Kingsguard etc.). Then, for Dornish law you take the first living person and for Westerosi law the first living male person found in this way (so succession can pass through a woman in both cases, but only Dornish law actually allows them to claim the title). If there are no valid living heirs, then you work backwards along the paternal line until you find an ancestor who has living heirs and start from them. But there were various references to if Sansa's brothers were all dead, then her child would claim Winterfell. It seems to me that that's only true if somebody else doesn't get it first. In other words, if Sansa's brothers are killed before she has a child (even if she's already married), doesn't that mean Winterfell would pass to the nearest cousin along her father's line (whomever that may be)? And then because that cousin has already held Winterfell, when they die the next in the line of succession starts from them so Sansa's children's family would not have claim to Winterfell again unless that cousin has no valid heirs. What am I missing here? Is there some exception? Are there no valid cousins?",
"How do I explain current and voltage to a lay man? A man asked me this question in suburban train when I told him that I am an electrical engineer. Of course I replied him that current is the flow of electrons and in order for the current to flow there should be a potential difference between them. But the man didn't know what electron or potential difference was either.",
"Spatial query to return multiple values I have a woodland scheme advice layer that has a polygon for each area of advice (brown layer in the picture). I also have a polygon layer of UK local authorities (red boundary layer in the picture). I would like to perform a spatial query which returns the local authority name for each woodland advice scheme. This would work fine if each woodland advice scheme was found in just one local authority boundary. However many are found across a boundary of two different authorities. For instance, one scheme sits across the boundaries of the authorities of Fife and Angus. The scheme is the yellow selected polygon in the picture and the red line is the authority boundary. How do I get the spatial join to return a value of Fife; Angus (or something similar to identify two values) instead of just Fife or Angus.",
"How do I search events between two set dates inside WP?",
"If all motion is relative, how does light have a finite speed? I've often heard that Einstein shattered the notion of absolute motion (i.e. all things move relative to one another) and that he established the speed of light as being absolute. That sounds paradoxical to me; I cannot understand how the two concepts can be reconciled. Before going further, I'd like to say: 1) Over the years, I've seen many layman's explanations on these topics (including the nice YouTube video by Vsauce, ). I understand everything that's said (or, at least, I think I do). Just nothing I've found seems to address this apparent contradiction. 2) More recently, I've tried to find the answer on my own. That includes searching the posts on this site. Some come close (), but nothing I've been able to find seems address specifically what I'm asking. Back to the question: Relativity shows us that there is no universal frame of reference by which to judge motion, so object A might be reckoned as moving at 10 m/s relative to object B or as stationary relative to object C. This is fine for me. I can grasp that the universe has no intrinsic coordinate system, that we only think that way on Earth because we have the ground to move over. Then there's the speed of light (in a vacuum). The speed of light is the ultimate \"speed limit,\" it's often said. But if there is no universal frame of reference, how can there be any such speed? The very idea only make sense if there is a universal frame. If one object is moving (uniformly) at 60% c and another object is also moving at 60% c, but in the exact opposite direct, then from the perspective of either one (if they could still see each other) the other would appear to violate that speed limit. All these spacetime bending consequences used to explain why nothing can move past this speed only seems to enshrine the concept that there is some ultimate speed standard. If there is only relative speed, then the concept of light having a specific speed in the vacuum should be a nonsensical one since it having speed (x m/s) would only make sense when measured against some other body. Since I was very young, it has always sounded to me like motion is only mostly relative, that until you get close to the speed of light, the effects of an absolute frame of reference are negligible. Perhaps that there is an actual fabric of space which everything moves relative to, which is why there is something to expand between galaxies (faster than light can propagate) in the metric expansion of space. Growing up, I always thought this would just start makes sense with time. Now I'm up to a first year (college) level in physics, I even know basic calculus, yet I'm still hopelessly confused. EDIT: Thank you to whoever suggested this may be a duplicate of . It and others are very much related and at least partially answer my question. Unfortunately, explaining that distances become shorter and time becomes slower as a way to stop you from exceeding the speed of light does not explain how that speed is not an absolute. By my reckoning, if all speed is relative, then no matter how fast you go light should always race away from you at the same apparent speed. I.e. there should be no speed limit. For there to be a speed which you cannot exceed or you would catch up (and make time irrelevant) requires the very concept of some external speed by which light can travel and nothing else can reach - thus my logical paradox continues unabated."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Regex validation for asp textbox control | How to validate phone numbers using regex | [
"I want to upgrade the hard drive in my 2012 Macbook Pro to an SSD. I have the parts, but had a question about how to clone the contents of my current drive so I can install it onto the SSD. I've seen tutorials where people suggest connecting the new SSD to the Macbook prior to installation and using a Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drive, and then installing the SSD drive. My question is, can I do a Time Machine backup of my current hard drive on an external hard drive, install the SSD, and then use the Time Machine backup from the external to transfer it onto the newly installed SSD? Is this the same as using the clone program above?",
"Why is it that Android still can't be installed as regular OS?",
"Congruent Modulo $n$: definition In an Introduction to Abstract Algebra by Thomas Whitelaw, he gives examples of the congruence mod operation, such as $13 \\equiv5 \\pmod4$, and $9 \\equiv -1 \\pmod 5$. But when I first learned about the modulo operation my junior year, I would have told you that $13 \\equiv 1 \\pmod 4$, and that $9 \\equiv 4 \\pmod 5$. Is this just a difference in the definition of modulo? Or is this pretty typical (to not take it to the largest factor, or one over)?",
"File Upload using Selenium WebDriver and Java Robot Class",
"Website giving pronunciations of English words recorded in different dialects? I'm aware that there are certain websites around that provide recorded examples of English words pronounced in different accents/dialects. Could anybody list some of them?",
"How should I submit bug reports and feature requests? Inspired by I became curious about what is the current preferred mechanism for submitting bug reports and feature requests to Apple. I'm aware that they have the internal RDAR bug tracking system, and that there is an project to crowdsource the tracking of issues, but I'm at a loss as to the preferred channel to submit something. Is there a public-facing portal for submitting issues?",
"Lines too long due to text inside custom command not being hyphenated I'm having some problems with lines that turn out to be too long. There are correct hyphenation rules for the word but they aren't being applied. Let me first give the sentence that is too long: An isomorphism that maps a graph to itself is called an \\concept{automorphism}. The command concept is defined as follows \\newcommand{\\concept}[1]{\\index{#1}\\marginpar{\\raggedright\\textbf{#1}}\\textbf{#1}} The problem seems to be that words inside \\concept aren't being hyphenated. How can I fix this? If I type An isomorphism that maps a graph to itself is called an \\textbf{automorphism}. then the word is hyphenated perfectly. So I would now like to have the command \\concept behave the same way, i.e. allow concepts to be hyphenated according to the standard rules.",
"How can I prevent my Wi-Fi connection from glitching?",
"Terence Tao, Analysis I, Ex. 5.5.2: Entry point needed Terence Tao, Analysis I, 3e, Exercise 5.5.2: Let $E$ be a non-empty subset of $\\mathbb{R}$, let $n \\ge 1$ be an integer, and let $L < K$ be integers. Suppose that $K/n$ is an upper bound for $E$, but that $L/n$ is not an upper bound for $E$. Without using Theorem 5.5.9, show that there exists an integer $L < m \\le K$ such that $m/n$ is an upper bound for $E$, but that $(m-1)/n$ is not an upper bound for $E$. (Hint: prove by contradiction, and use induction. It may also help to draw a picture of the situation.) does not do the trick for me, since I'm looking for the proof by contradiction, equipped only with the set of propositions and theorems covered so far. What I'm actually looking for is an entry point to the proof, since I find it quite hard to negate the assumption. My attempt is to induct over $n$. Assume I have been able to prove the statement for $n = 1$, is the following a valid negation of the assumption? For all integers in the range $(L, K]$, at least one of the following statements holds: $(m-1)/(n+1)$ is not an upper bound and $m/(n+1)$ is not an upper bound. $(m-1)/(n+1)$ is an upper bound and $m/(n+1)$ is not an upper bound. $(m-1)/(n+1)$ is an upper bound and $m/(n+1)$ is an upper bound. If I were able to prove that there is an integer in the given range such that none of the above holds, am I done? Theorem 5.5.9 (Existence of least upper bound). Let $E$ be a non-empty subset of $\\mathbb{R}$. If $E$ has an upper bound, (i.e., $E$ has some upper bound $M$), then it must have exactly one least upper bound. I went through another loop considering of Steve Kass, but I ended up wondering why the proof needs induction at all: Assume for all integers $m$ where $L < m \\le K$ we have that $m/n$ and $(m-1)/n$ are upper bounds of $E$. Then $(m-1)/n = L/n$ is also an upper bound. But $L/n$ is no upper bound, by assumption. Assume $m/n$ and $(m-1)/n$ are no upper bounds. Then $m/n = K/n$ is also no upper bound. But $K/n$ is an upper bound, by assumption. Hence, there is an integer in the range $(L, K]$ s.t. $m/n$ is an upper bound for $E$, and $(m-1)/n$ is not.",
"How do I get attention for one of my own questions without a good answer?",
"I have several hundred Illustrator files that are formatted similarly, and for legal reasons I need to replace a font in all of them. Even with the 'Find font' tool, that's a hell of a lot of fonts to replace by hand. Is there some way of automating it? For example, using Bridge? Illustrator (CS5) doesn't offer many options in Bridge, compared to the automation options offered by Photoshop. I also don't see any option for running actions on multiple Illustrator files. Also, creating a repeatable action for replacing the font doesn't seem to work: instead of repeating my action, it brings up the dialog box an waits for me to tell it to replace them. As a programmer I'm prepared to edit the files directly if it can be done without breaking them. Update: The 'Batch...' menu item from Illustrator's actions panel menu allows the same action to be performed on a folder of files. It doesn't fix the Find Fonts action waiting for input though. Toggling the dialog off makes the action do nothing at all.",
"How do I use superposition to solve a circuit? Yes, this is a pedagogical question. While answering another recent question, I wanted to refer the OP to concise instructions for using superposition to solve circuits. I found that all the easily found resources online were somewhat deficient. Typically they were unclear about what kinds of circuits superposition applies to, or about the actual method to apply the superposition theorem to a circuit problem. So, What kinds of circuits can be solved by superposition? How are different kinds of sources treated when solving by superposition? What are the steps to solve a circuit using the superposition theorem?",
"MySQL Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'",
"What is Change Detection and performing such analysis with open source tools?",
"I've noticed something while trying to prove the properties of parallel lines, and the properties that a triangle has 180 degrees. To prove the properties of parallel lines, such as alternate angles, you need to use the property that a triangle has 180 degrees. To prove a triangle has 180 degrees however, you need to use the properties of parallel lines. This really bothers me because of how circular it is. They are both reliant on each other to be true, and do not logically show, without being reliant on each other, why triangles have 180 degrees, and why parallel line properties are true. So what I hoping for here is a way to prove parallel line properties without using the fact that a triangle has 180 degrees, or a way to prove triangles have 180 degrees without using parallel line properties. This way, things will be logical to me, and make sense. Thanks in advance.",
"How to decide whether to replace or repair?",
"Creating new layers using ArcPy to define Definition Query for each field value? I am trying to set multiple definition queries for one layer based on one field using python. ie. I have a City layer with a field that holds the city name. I want a copy of the layer in an MXD with the Definition query set for each value in the City field. So essentially, I have one source layer, with a copy of the layer as many times as there are values in the City field. The query would look like this: CITY = 'Atlanta'",
"I have posted a proof below, and would appreciate it if someone could review it for accuracy. Thanks! Problem: Let n $\\in$ $\\mathbb{Z}$ with $n$ $\\ge$ 3. Prove the following: (a) Z(D$_{2n}$) = 1 if $n$ is odd. (b) Z(D$_{2n}$) = {1, r$^k$} if $n$ = $2k$. Note that $r$ and $s$ generate D$_{2n}$ with the group presentation { $r$,$s$ | $r$$^n$ = $s$$^2$ = 1, $rs$ = $sr$$^{-1}$ } Proof: part (a) Let $n$ $\\ge$ 3 where $n$ $\\in$ $\\mathbb{Z}$ and $n$ is odd. For any x $\\in$ Z(D$_{2n}$), x must commute with both $s$ and $r$, since both are in $D_{2n}$. Note that if $x$ commutes with both $s$ an $r$, then $x$ commutes with any element of $D_{2n}$ since $r$ and $s$ generate D$_{2n}$. Then for any x$\\in$ Z(D$_{2n}$), we have $xr$ = $rx$, where x is of the form $x$ = s$^j$r$^w$ (any such element can be arranged into this form via the relation $rs$ = $sr$$^{-1}$ and the fact that $r$ and $s$ generate D$_{2n}$). Note that since r and s have finite order, the exponents are modulo n and modulo 2 for $r$ and $s$ respectively. Then we have s$^j$r$^w$$r$ = $r$s$^j$r$^w$. Which implies s$^j$r$^{w+1}$ = s$^j$r$^{w +- 1}$ In the case where the power of r on the RHS is $w$ - 1, it is clear we cannot have equality unless |r| = 1, which it is not. Note that if $j$ is even then we have only the $w$ + 1 case. Hence $x$ may be of the form $1$$r$$^w$ = $r$$^w$. Also we have that x must commute with $s$, hence $s$$x$ = $x$$s$. Then $s$$r$$^w$ = $r$$^w$$s$. Which implies $s$$r$$^w$ = $s$$r$$^{-w}$. Applying s$^{-1}$ to both sides we arrive at the task of finding when r$^w$ = r$^{-w}$ i.e when $w$ = $-w$. But since r has finite order we have: $$ \\bar{w} = (n-1)*w $$ where $\\bar{w}$ is the residue class of w modulo n. Hence for some a $\\in$ $\\mathbb{Z}$$_+$ $$ w + an = wn - w $$ $$ 2w = wn - an $$ $$ 2w = n(w-a) $$ Now since 0 $\\lt$ w $\\le$ n we have that the LHS is greater than 0. Also since n $\\ge$ w then (w-a) $\\le$ 2, since otherwise the RHS would be greater than the LHS. So since n is odd we must have that (w-a) is even and hence (w-a) = 2, implying that 2w = 2n and hence n = w. Hence x = $r$$^w$ = $r$$^n$ = 1. So Z(D$_{2n}$) = 1. part (b) From the argument above any x $\\in$ Z(D$_{2n}$) must be of the form $s$$^j$$r$$^w$ for j even and j $\\in$ $\\mathbb{Z}$. Then x is of the form $r$$^w$ for $0$ $\\lt$ w $\\le$ $n$. Since $n$ is even we have the equation below is satisfied when $2w$ = $n$ or $w$ = $n$, since (w-a) $\\le$ 2 but also (w-a) $\\ge$ 0 for (w-a) $\\in$ $\\mathbb{Z}$$_+$. $$ 2w = n(w - a) $$ Hence $r$$^w$ $\\in$ Z(D$_{2n}$) when $2w$ = $n$, as desired.",
"Why does QgsSpatialIndex.nearestNeighbor(point, 1) sometimes return 2 lines? I'm trying to get the closest line to a point using PyQGIS in a plugin. The active code file is this: When I request the closest line (only 1) nearestIds = self.spIndex.nearestNeighbor(self.feat2.geometry().centroid().asPoint(),1) I sometimes get a list with two lines and the first one is not the closest but as far as I can see the second one is. Why is this? Does QgsSpatialIndex use only boundingboxes for lines? How do I get the real closest line always, not only most of the time?",
"If you are hurrying to reply, System → Administration → StartUp Disk Creator -- no, that's not what I'm talking about. I want to try Ubuntu 11.04's Unity without touching my existing Ubuntu install. To do this, I need to install the nVidia drivers first (sigh). To do this, I need changes to persist a reboot. To do this, I need to really install Ubuntu on a USB key. How do you do that? What I tried I tried to make a USB key from , then boot from it, then choose \"Install Ubuntu.\" The installer refused to install to the installation media itself. I tried, from my installed copy of Ubuntu: sudo kvm /dev/sdb --cdrom .cache/testdrive/iso/ubuntu_natty-desktop-i386.iso ...but the installer didn't detect the disk properly."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Green Shot Snipping Tool Isn't working | Pop up option are not popping up after snipping the area | [
"LWC: Difference between \"window\" and \"this\" I am trying to understand what exactly is the difference between window and this in the context of a LWC component. According to this the Locker intercepts calls to the Window and uses Secured Window instead which acts as: Secure wrapper for the window object, which represents a window containing a DOM document. As for this what I was: To add an event listener to an element that a template doesn’t own, call addEventListener directly: this.addEventListener() What does salesforce mean by an element that a template doesn't own? Isn't window an element that the template doesn't own?",
"Machine Learning - Where is the difference between one-class, binary-class and multinominal-class classification? Where is the difference between one-class, binary-class and multinominal-class classification? If I like to classify text in lets say four classes and also want the system to be able to tell me that none of these classes matches the unknown/untrained test-data. Couldn't I just use all the methods that I mentioned above to reach my goal? e.g. I could describe C1, C2, C3 and C4 as four different trainings-sets for binary-classification and use the trained models to label an unknow data-set ... Just by saying, Training-Set for C1 contains class 1 (all good samples for C1) and class 0 (mix of all C2, C3 and C4 as bad samples for C1). Is unlabeled-data C1 -> 1 or 0 Is unlabeled-data C2 -> 1 or 0 ... and so on ... For multinominal classification I could just define a training-set containing all good sample data for C1, C2, C3 and C4 in one training-set and then use the one resulting model for classification ... But where is the difference between this two methods? (except of that I have to use different algorithms) And how would I define a training-set for the described problem of categorizing data in those four classes using one-class classfication (is that even possible)? Excuse me if I'm completely wrong in my thinking. Would appreciate an answer that makes the methodology a little bit clearer to me =)",
"SQL Server Query Plan Hash Collision I'm wondering if anyone can shed light on a worry of mine that a query_plan_hash collision could cause a query to be executed as an entirely different query. The hash is a 16 digit Hex that sp_help sys.dm_exec_query_stats says is a binary. Therefore it's only a 64 bit hash, and a collision seems very probable (considering SHA1 [160 bit] was just verified to have had collisions). Would the plan_hash and the query_plan_hash both have to collide for this (query to be executed as an entirely different query) to happen? I'm also curious if there is a setting somewhere in SQL Server that will allow us to change this hash to SHA2-512 (to reduce the possibility of a collision). Our data is very important. I searched high and low via Google and Stack Exchange forums.",
"What is the magnetic field inside hollow ball of magnets? Setup: we have a large number of thin magnets shaped such that we can place them side by side and eventually form a hollow ball. The ball we construct will have the north poles of all of the magnets pointing toward the center of the ball, and the south poles pointing away from the center. The magnets in this case are physically formed such that in this hollow ball arrangement they are space filling and there are no gaps between them. Is such as construction possible? If so, what is the magnetic field (B-field) inside and outside the ball?",
"Before marking this post duplicate or voting to get it closed (the reason for which I simply don't get just because it is a grammar forum after all! If I am seeking recommendation for a book that means I will be coming back someday to the same site for my doubts also provided I get a not so harsh reply!), please read this and help this MBA aspirant. A little about myself and my research so far. I am a very critical reader of English Grammar and the kind of person who aims at perfection. Currently, I am keen on taking on English grammar again after a certain gap. Well, I am aiming for MBA, so preparing for entrance exams for the same. I bought the religiously followed Wren and Martin and started studying it chapter by chapter. I was surprised when I read the pronouns chapter. I studied all the rules given and then started practising but it came as surprise when I found when many of the attempted questions were wrong. The reason simply being the rules for those specific sentences were not given. For example: We scored as many goals as they/them? According to me, the answer should be they, but it's them according to the solution manual. Worse still, the solution manual offers no explanation for this. So after a chat with my teachers I was suggested to follow the blogs of grammarians and look for any rules for the sentences that have contradictory answers! I did so and was clarified by post of pronouns, Rule 5. Then I saw a book by the same author. I was momentarily happy. It was Momentarily because the reviews on Amazon were too bad about this book. After reading a couple of forums about the book I found a common statement saying that no grammar book is exhaustive. So, it's okay for me to have more than one. And my simple question is what will be a good and almost exhaustive (if not fully exhaustive) book of English grammar to help get through the subtle usages of English in my management entrances which is crisp and to the point and yet covers all important rules and syntax, and most importantly having practice tests at the end with solutions and explanations?",
"How to search for list of papers citing both papers A and B? For given papers A and B, I would like to search for all papers that cite both A and B. I guess one can generalize to papers {A,B,C,...} and find all papers that cite all of them. A quick Google Scholar and Web of Science search revealed nothing. Google Scholar has a \"cite=...\" thing in the URL, which I messed with a bit to no avail.",
"I'm taking my first crack at with jQuery. I'm getting my data onto my page, but I'm having some trouble with the JSON data that is returned for Date data types. Basically, I'm getting a string back that looks like this: /Date(1224043200000)/ From someone totally new to JSON - How do I format this to a short date format? Should this be handled somewhere in the jQuery code? I've tried the jQuery.UI.datepicker plugin using $.datepicker.formatDate() without any success. FYI: Here's the solution I came up with using a combination of the answers here: function getMismatch(id) { $.getJSON(\"Main.aspx?Callback=GetMismatch\", { MismatchId: id }, function (result) { $(\"#AuthMerchId\").text(result.AuthorizationMerchantId); $(\"#SttlMerchId\").text(result.SettlementMerchantId); $(\"#CreateDate\").text(formatJSONDate(Date(result.AppendDts))); $(\"#ExpireDate\").text(formatJSONDate(Date(result.ExpiresDts))); $(\"#LastUpdate\").text(formatJSONDate(Date(result.LastUpdateDts))); $(\"#LastUpdatedBy\").text(result.LastUpdateNt); $(\"#ProcessIn\").text(result.ProcessIn); } ); return false; } function formatJSONDate(jsonDate) { var newDate = dateFormat(jsonDate, \"mm/dd/yyyy\"); return newDate; } This solution got my object from the callback method and displayed the dates on the page properly using the date format library.",
"How do I view all available HDD's/partitions?",
"Change the Ubuntu program that runs when a command can't be found",
"Every $n > 17$ is a non-negative integer combination of $4$ and $7$.",
"I want a to be rounded to 13.95. >>> a 13.949999999999999 >>> round(a, 2) 13.949999999999999 The function does not work the way I expected.",
"the structure \"like for somebody to do something\"",
"Experimental observation of matter/antimatter in the universe Ordinary matter and antimatter have the same physical properties when it comes to, for example, spectroscopy. Hydrogen and antihydrogen atoms produce the same spectroscopy when excited, and adsorb the same frequencies. The charge does not make a difference in the potential (regardless if it's generated by a proton or an antiproton) nor in how the positron behaves in this potential (being its mass equal to the mass of an electron) How can astronomy evaluate if a far galaxy is made of matter or antimatter, given that from the spectroscopy point of view, they behave in the same way? In other words, how do we know that an asymmetry exists between matter and antimatter in the universe?",
"Cannot replace a packed image in the uv image editor I was trying to replace an image in my UV image editor, but the image defaults to a different image. how do I fix this?",
"Bounty not awarded automatically — bug?",
"RF Energy Harvesting Why can energy invested in RF radiation not be harvested fully? What are the main factors that affect this? Is there any significant research nowadays that fully describes this process? I stand on the conclusion: \"Energy moves from one form to another.\", but in this case why can it not be harvested in that quantity to use it for powering low-power devices or store it in significant quantities in some batteries for later use? Why is it not profitable nowadays and why is it not used today like energy from water, wind and other energy sources?",
"Please bring back the oldest sort order for answers, I think we can deal with four different types of sort order. It's helpful if you don't want to have to tool-tip every post to see which got posted first, so that you can upvote the oldest answer when answers duplicate each other. Edit: Also, trying to read newest backwards doesn't work well for questions with multiple pages of answers.",
"Property of Entire Functions",
"I get this error in the deployment step of a share-point farm based project. Most of the suggested solutions on the net are a simple Visual Studio re-start, however, a simple VS restart won't fix this. Any ideas on what might be causing this?",
"What does `exec {STDIN}>&0` do?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
In first step of Ubuntu installation: crash screen | What should I do when Ubuntu freezes? | [
"Which is grammatically correct? I can only do so much in this time. or I can do only so much in this time.",
"What's difference between shadowing and overriding a method in C#?",
"Error in Obj-C : Expected identifier or '('",
"Submitting form elements with the same name",
"I have been facing hard time understanding meaning of \"random sample\" as well as \"iid random variable\". I tried to find out the meaning from several sources, but just got more and more confused. I am posting here what I tried and got to know: Degroot's Probability & Statistics says: Random Samples / i.i.d. / Sample Size : Consider a given probability distribution on the real line that can be represented by either a p.f. or a p.d.f. $f$. It is said that $n$ random variables $X_1 , . . . , X_n$ form a random sample from this distribution if these random variables are independent and the marginal p.f. or p.d.f. of each of them is $f$. Such random variables are also said to be independent and identically distributed, abbreviated i.i.d. We refer to the number n of random variables as the sample size. But one of the other statistics book I have says: In a Random Sampling, we guarantee that every individual unit in the population gets an equal chance(probability) of being selected. So, I have a feeling that i.i.d.s are elements that construct random sample, and the procedure to have random sample is random sampling. Am I right? P.S.: I am very confused about this topic, so I will appreciate elaborate reply. Thanks.",
"Were there any canon examples of Harry being an innately powerful wizard? Was Harry Potter an innately powerful/skillful Wizard in any way, based on canon? It seems that whenever Harry Potter performed some unusually potent bit of magic (potent as far as require raw power AND/OR skill), most of the time we find that it wasn’t innately Harry’s skill, but a combination of: some extraneous magic forces/rules/powers circumstance great reaction time (which is obviously extraordinary from his Quidditch playing; and is likely a larger factor in his dueling than the strength of his magic) general smartness or (the part that Harry’s detractors, including Voldemort missed) Harry’s strength of character/personality The only two counter-examples I can think of which show him as having extraordinary or at least obviously above average magical abilities are: His skill at flying brooms - while a part of it is pure physical skill, at least part is magical. His (corporeal) Patronus charm As far as examples of his unusual feats being due to reasons listed above: Obviously, surviving Avada Kedavra as an infant - due to Lily’s sacrifice Parselmouth talent - proxied via Voldemort’s piece of soul. Ability to see the Sorcerer’s Stone in the Mirror of Erised - due to purity of his character, nothing magical. Obvious lack of talent at potion making throughout all of the books (sans cheating in HBP) His win over the Basilisk - due to Hermione’s research, character traits, and as a consequence of the last one, getting Fawkes and Gryffindor’s Sword’s help. Just to be clear, before someone flames me - what he did was obviously super extraordinary, BUT IMHO he would have achieved the same result if he was turned into a Squib for the duration of Chamber of Secrets fight. TriWizard Tournament entry - wasn’t him, it was Barty Crouch TriWizard Tournament second challenge - a combination of character and outside help (someone told him about Gillyweed) TriWizard Tournament third challenge - Mostly, Barty Crouch’s cheating Note that I’m omitting the first challenge, since that one was the aforementioned Broom flying skills. His survival in the cemetery after Voldemort’s return - again, a combination of superior strength of character and super powerful wandlore magic that had nothing to do with his skill as a Wizard. The whole “last Horcrux” thing when surviving the second Avada Kedavra from Voldemort His ownership of the Elder Wand in the very last duel with Voldemort. So, to paraphrase my original question, was there any canon/JKR evidence that Harry was anything but a completely average/mediocre wizard in any way, shape, or form if you take into account only his own magical abilities and skills?",
"Find The Last 3 digits of the number $2003^{2002^{2001}}$ Find The Last 3 digits of the number $2003^{2002^{2001}}$ BY number theory or otherwise, Also i would like to ask is there a property observed in the numbers of the form $k^n$, where for some $k, n$ is varied then the digits of $k^n$ are periodic, for example, $2^n$, its last digit is periodic with period 4, its second last digit is periodic $4\\cdot 5 = 20$ its third last digit is periodic with periodic with period $20\\cdot 5 =100$ I have observed this property with other numbers as well, though period might vary,for different values of $k$.",
"proving combinatorics identity - $\\sum_{k=0}^m{n-k \\choose m-k}={n+1 \\choose m}$ Prove that for every $n \\ge m \\ge 1 , \\sum_{k=0}^m{n-k \\choose m-k}={n+1 \\choose m}$ I've tried saying that the RHS represents the number of binary series with m \"1\" 's and n+1-m \"0\"'s, but I couldn't find out what k represents at the LHS. Thanks",
"Uninstalling Homebrew messed up git I uninstalled Homebrew using . After running the above commands, I can't find .bashrc and .bash_profle. All files are gone from Documents , Desktop and Downloads :'( When I do git status on /Users/ava it shows: # On branch master # Untracked files: # (use \"git add <file>...\" to include in what will be committed) ... all the files which are in /Users/ava history 113 cd `brew --prefix` 114 rm -rf Cellar 115 brew prune 116 rm `git ls-files` 117 rm -r Library/Homebrew Library/Aliases Library/Formula Library/Contributions 118 rm -rf .git 119 rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew 120 sudo chown -R $USER:admin /usr/local 121 ruby -e \"$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)\" 122 brew doctor What just happened?",
"How to load Windows 7 from GRUB rescue",
"I'm a bit confused about what Gstreamer does. Does it come installed by default with Ubuntu ? If so which version is the default for 14.04? Does it provide hardware accelerated video playback (decoding) ? If so does it work with VA-API and VDPAU or is it an alternative to those? Thanks for your help",
"I'm trying to get Intel and Nvidia graphics card working together with two monitors. One monitor should use the Intel card and the other the Nvidia card. Of course, I want to use only one keyboard and one mouse to switch between both screens. Bumblebee didn't work for me. I don't want to use the xserver-xorg-video-all package because I need the Nvidia card for gaming and I can't use only one graphics card because I need one for KVM virtualisation and the other one for my Linux desktop So I tried to install the drivers and to configure the Xserver manually. The Nvidia driver is working and I get a video output. But I don't get a video output with the Intel card. I followed The config files:",
"100% confidence interval for mean Is it possible to apply the law of the iterated logarithm (e.g. ) to derive non-trivial (i.e. bounded) 100% confidence intervals for population averages? An abstract () gives at least such hint. However, its first reference by Robbins () does not seem to cover such result, as pointed out in @whuber's comment. Edit: After justified comments by @whuber, I reformulated the question.",
"How to use sed to replace only the first occurrence in a file? I would like to update a large number of C++ source files with an extra include directive before any existing #includes. For this sort of task, I normally use a small bash script with sed to re-write the file. How do I get sed to replace just the first occurrence of a string in a file rather than replacing every occurrence? If I use sed s/#include/#include \"newfile.h\"\\n#include/ it replaces all #includes. Alternative suggestions to achieve the same thing are also welcome.",
"A friend wants to use my account for a wire transfer. Is this a scam or is it legitimate? I have a friend since July online and Exxon owe him for a balance on a 2014 contract off the shores of Liverpool. He is presently in the Gulf of Mexico completing a contract that last for one year. During that year he cannot get off the boat there fore he cannot receive the money. Exxon has notified him that his check has been deposited in Samba Bank in London. If he doesn’t receive his money within two weeks it goes back to Exxon and he said that there I not telling nohow long before he will receive the money again. He said that with him being off shore that he needs me to be his beneficiary to receive the money for him. He wants me to keep the money in my account and when he gets off the boat in 6 weeks he is relocating to where I live. I am to buy a house before he gets here and then he wants us to start a business together. He talked with me for quite a while before he told me how much he makes. He knows I do not have any money to mention. I have stock in a formal shop but not any money. He said if this money had not come in when it did he would have had to postpone his plan until he gets paid what Shell Oil owes him for this contract that he will finish October 15th. He said he had given enough of his life to the gas and oil industry and is not going to sign another contract. What do you think about the safety of this?",
"Why is the gravitational force always attractive?",
"Let $f(\\sin x)$ be a given function of $\\sin x$. How would I show that $\\int_0^\\pi xf(\\sin x)dx=\\frac{1}{2}\\pi\\int_0^\\pi f(\\sin x)dx$?",
"Why is the picture not inserted? When I pdflatex the text below it doesn't insert the picture, but writes the name of the file instead (pic). And the geometry line gives the error ! LaTeX Error: Missing \\begin{document}. The picture I am using is at and the floatrow package . Question Can anyone see what is wrong? Text \\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \\pdfpagewidth=\\paperwidth \\pdfpageheight=\\paperheight \\usepackage{aeguill} \\pdfcompresslevel=9 \\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks]{hyperref} \\usepackage{a4} \\usepackage{fixltx2e} \\usepackage[danish]{babel} \\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[draft]{graphicx} \\usepackage{floatrow} \\usepackage{geometry} \\geometry{margin=10pt,paperwidth=\\textwidth+20pt,paperheight=\\textheight+20pt} \\begin{document} The first paragraph. \\begin{figure} \\includegraphics{pic} \\end{figure} And the second. \\end{document}",
"How to sort two lists (which reference each other) in the exact same way",
"Can I replace a 15 ampere circuit breaker with a 20 ampere breaker? When I plug-in a conventional heating pad or a hair dryer into any bedroom duplex, the lights dim; and/or trips the circuit breaker. The home is of new construction-- placed in service 31 Dec 2013. My question is: Can I safely replace the existing 15 AMP Breaker with that of a 20 AMP? . . . the service cable is of 14 Gauge Copper Conductor."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why there cannot be source-free spherical symmetrical EM disturbances? | Why does a monopole not radiate energy in electodynamics? | [
"Android app chokes on per-site meta profiles Steps to reproduce: Go to a per-site meta. Find any post. Touch the user that posted it. See something like this (click to enlarge): As you can see, it says \"Stack Overflow\" as the site, and shows my SO rep and badges, but it shows my Meta.Code Golf posts.",
"Different mechanics of \\hyperlink vs. \\hyperref I am fiddling around with the hyperref package to build a hypertext structure into my pdf. At first glance, hyperref provides two similar macros to put links between parts of my document: \\hyperlink{target}{text} and \\hyperref[target]{text}. You might notice their slightly different syntax. What really interests me is their different working mechanics. I will illustrate this by the following example: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pdfpages} \\usepackage[]{hyperref} \\usepackage{mwe} \\begin{document} \\section{Section Heading} \\label{sectionheading} \\includepdf[link=true, linkname=pdfpage]{example-image} Link to section works with \\hyperref[sectionheading]{hyperref} and with \\hyperlink{sectionheading}{hyperlink} (but with slightly different targets on the page). Link to pdf works with \\hyperlink{pdfpage.1}{hyperlink} but not with \\hyperref[pdfpage.1]{hyperref} (and not this way, either: \\hyperref[pdfpage]{hyperref}). \\end{document} To link to the labeled section heading, I may use both commands. While \\hyperref directs my pdf viewer directly to the linked section, \\hyperlink directs me somewhere slightly different, so I can see more context. To link to the \\includepdf of pdfpages however, I may only use \\hyperlink. \\hyperref does not work at all. I suspect this is because of a subtle difference in their working mechanisms. While checking the aux file, I found a line \\newlabel{sectionheading}{{1}{1}{Section Heading}{section.1}{}} which \\hyperref seems to use as a target. However, I did not find any similar target for the included pdf. My question: I suspect, I understand the workings of \\label and \\ref very well. \\hyperref seems to work quite similarly with the added clickability. Could you please explain to me how \\hyperlink does work differently and how it is implemented? E.g. what mechanics explain the difference when clicked on the link and where and how are the link targets stored in the first place?",
"Conditional clause (then) In this first instance the main clause only stands alone if you omit (then). But in the other example it clearly has a main clause. So would this be classed as an embedded main clause as it only works as a independent clause if it's adjusted and or if it's joined with a dependent clause. If I have enough money, then I will buy a new car. If it rains, the picnic will be cancelled. The picnic will be cancelled if it rains.",
"Elected moderators can nominate themselves , and I can nominate myself again, despite having won the first round of election. I understand this isn't going to be easy to fix, given that SE only knows about community mods, employees and developer roles, and pro-tempore mods need to be able to nominate themselves.",
"When no model comparison, should I use REML vs ML? I'm running LMM, and I will make no comparison of models. Could I ask which one should I use between REML and ML?",
"Generating DLL assembly dynamically at run time Currently I have some code that is being generated dynamically. In other words, a C# .cs file is created dynamically by the program, and the intention is to include this C# file in another project. The challenge is that I would like to generate a .DLL file instead of generating a C# .cs file so that it could be referenced by any kind of .NET application (not only C#) and therefore be more useful.",
"Lagrangian and Hamiltonian EOM with dissipative force I am trying to write the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the forced Harmonic oscillator before quantizing it to get to the quantum picture. For EOM $$m\\ddot{q}+\\beta\\dot{q}+kq=f(t),$$ I write the Lagrangian $$ L=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{q}^{2}-\\frac{1}{2}kq^{2}+f(t)q$$ with Rayleigh dissipation function as $$ D=\\frac{1}{2}\\beta\\dot{q}^{2}$$ to put in Lagrangian EOM $$0 = \\frac{\\mathrm{d}}{\\mathrm{d}t} \\left ( \\frac {\\partial L}{\\partial \\dot{q}_j} \\right ) - \\frac {\\partial L}{\\partial q_j} + \\frac {\\partial D}{\\partial \\dot{q}_j}. $$ On Legendre transform of $L$, I get $$H=\\frac{1}{2m}{p}^{2}+\\frac{1}{2}kq^{2}-f(t)q.$$ How do I include the dissipative term to get the correct EOM from the Hamiltonian's EOM?",
"Difference between ' and \" on command line (bash)?",
"\"...programs that each perform...\" vs \"...programs that each performs...\": which is correct?",
"TP-LINK TL-WN823N Unable to connect to network I have purchased a TP-LINK TL-WN823N (EU) V2.0 device, which is a USB device that should work as a Network Interface Card, allowing me to connect my computer to wireless networks. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any wireless networks using this device using either wicd or network-manager (no networks appear in the list of networks supplied by either application). A CD came with the device claiming \"Linux support\". The CD contained a URL to a corrupted archive file for downloading installation resources. I try to mask my immense frustration. Here is the additional dmesg output I receive when I connect the device to my computer (similar content is present when I boot the computer with the device connected): [17096.009912] usb 2-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci [17096.103501] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=2357, idProduct=0109 [17096.103513] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [17096.103527] usb 2-1.2: Product: 802.11n NIC [17096.103529] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Realtek [17096.103530] usb 2-1.2: SerialNumber: 00e04c000001 This is my lsusb, where the offending device corresponds to Bus 002 Device 004: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0a5c:5800 Broadcom Corp. BCM5880 Secure Applications Processor Bus 002 Device 004: ID 2357:0109 Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:6433 Microdia Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub As lsusb -v: It seems the device is working to me, but no new interface is found in 'ifconfig': docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:6e:bf:92:16 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) enp0s31f6 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 30:5a:3a:e1:96:b1 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:16 Memory:df200000-df220000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 RX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) TX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) Running 'lshw -class network' as root contains only information about the 'enp0s31f6' interface. Additionally for sanity, my 'uname -a': Linux home-z170a-ubuntu 4.4.0-22-generic #39=Ubuntu SMP Thu May 5 16:53:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am using Ubuntu 16.04. My questions are: Why are no networks present in the list for wicd or network-manager? Why is there no additional network interface created when I plug in the USB device? Is it possible to create this network interface? Thanks for reading.",
"Pumpkin Noodles is a thing or are a thing? Which of the following is correct? How come pumpkin noodles is not a thing? or How come pumpkin noodles are not a thing? I want to post one of the above statements to Twitter with a picture of a bowl of pumpkin noodles i.e. the stuff that comes out of a hollowed out pumpkin.",
"Why do I have blurred vision and how do I fix it?",
"How do I fix this \"E: Type '*' is not known on line * in source list ...\" update error?",
"How can I check if my computer's powerful enough to run a certain game?",
"Solving the recurrence $T(n) = \\sqrt n T(\\sqrt{n}) + \\sqrt{n}$",
"From , page 209: Dividends Dividends are income paid by investments. Both bond funds and stocks can pay dividends. Bond fund dividends (the interest paid by the individual bonds in a fund) tend to be higher (as a percentage of the amount you have invested in a fund). When a dividend distribution is made, you can receive it as cash (which is good if you need money to live on) or reinvest it into more shares in the fund. In either case, the share price of the fund drops to offset the payout. So if you’re hoping to strike it rich by buying into a bunch of funds just before their dividends are paid, don’t bother. You’ll just end up paying more in income taxes. It is talking about mutual funds. I've never played with stocks. However, I would like to know more about it. Does the bold text imply the stock price will drop because of a company giving out a dividend?",
"Prove Uncountable set minus a countable set is uncountable Let B be a countable set, and let A be an uncountable set. Prove that A-B is uncountable",
"Import a python module without the .py extension",
"Google search results showing up a URL on its search which doesn't exist on the website I am using a keyword to display a website page on google search. After entering the keyword, on the first page of google, I am redirected to a page, whose domain is exactly similar to the website whose page I want to display, but it is showing a page which doesn't even exist on the domain. Also, as similar domain with spam characteristics is also getting displayed. To practically demonstrate this issue, do follow the below steps. Go to Type dolce streichquartett and click on search. The 4th/5th URL has this link http://www.dolce-streichquartett.de/?high_ry=/casinos/de/spielautomaten-casino-bregenz.php, which is no where on the website and looks like spam The 7th/8th link you see is http://deonlinecasino.org/doc/kostenlos-roulette-spielen-spielgeld-ausdrucken.php, which is exactly similar to the above with the title as the keyword but a different domain. What is this issue and why is this happening?",
"Too long in Primary Fermentation? What's the maximum amount of time for primary fermentation, assuming the beer is going straight to bottles next? Will it over ferment and then fail to carbonate, if left too long in a carboy?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is there something in ruby similar to perlform? | What other languages have features and/or libraries similar to Perl's format? | [
"\"Interested with the course\" or \"interested in the course\"? Interested in/with the course Which preposition is correct? in or with, or both.",
"Can you cast a spell learned from the Magic Initiate feat using spell slots? Say I play a wizard who learns cure wounds by taking the Magic Initiate feat. Could I cast that spell using the Wizard's spell slots?",
"Is it coherent to extend $\\mathbb{R}$ with a reciprocal of $0$? I'm sure this is an obvious question, but I'm having trouble finding the right words to type into Google. I know that the definition of a ring allows that the additive identity not have a multiplicative inverse, but is this a requirement? Specifically, is something like $\\mathbb{R}\\!\\left[\\frac{1}{0}\\right]$ such that $\\frac{1}{0} \\cdot 0 = 1$ a ring, or does some contradiction arise from allowing the additive identity to have a multiplicative inverse?",
"What is the 'Badlock Bug'? A user on the Ask Ubuntu General Room posted a link to . After some googling around, all I can find is that it is a mysterious security bug, that uses the same website template as Heartbleed. I manage Linux Servers, a mysterious security bug does not sit well with me. What exactly is it, and how can I protect my servers from it?",
"Give a sequence $(f_n)_{n\\in \\mathbb{N}}$ of differentiable functions which uniformly converge to $0$, but for which the seqeunce $(f_n')_{n\\in \\mathbb{N}}$ of the derivatives isn't even pointwise convergent. I found this one in my textbook marked as \"Fun things to solve\" and although it may be fun, it's kind of hard to do. To be honest I already failed at the first hurdle. I couldn't even find a sequence of functions which uniformly converges to $0$. Is there a certain way of dealing with this kind of problem? Because it seems kind of hard for me to come up with sequences without a mathematical of way of doing so (or maybe there is a mathematical way I just don't know yet).",
"Find three Poisson-distributed random variables, pairwise independent but not mutually independent",
"My LAN server won't let my cousin join me or me join my cousin. It won't show up on the multiplayer screen - it keeps saying \"scanning for LAN servers\" but it never finds it. I am at his house and we use different computers but it won't connect. How can I fix this?",
"Electric fields in continuous charge distribution My question may be very basic, but I can't think of a reasonable explanation for this. Consider a solid charged sphere. Now, we have an electric field inside the solid sphere, but at any particular point there are charges infinitesimally close to the point. As I see it, these charges should contribute to an infinite value of the electric field. One might possibly argue that at any given point, infinitely-close charges are distributed uniformly everywhere and hence their effects cancel out. But at the surface of the sphere the uniformity of infinitely-close charges is not present and hence here we must have infinite field, but that is not the case as well! Where are we going wrong? Also, if we think of electric field at that point in continuous charge distribution, the contribution of electric field might exist finitely from nearby charges with both charge and distance between them tending to zero, but for the very small charge present exactly there, the electric field contribution from itself must be infinite with charge being finitely small and distance being exactly 0. What's wrong here? I have strong suspicions, is it sensible and correct to define electric fields at such a close vicinity of other continuous charges?",
"Calculate expected values using logistic regression coefficients The outcome of the logistic model is binary (0;1) - intervention that occurs in hospital (3838 interventions in 51096 cases). I am modeling the effect of age groups (60 to 74; 75 to 89 and 90+) and sex (female) on the outcome. My reference age group is male aged 18-59. My logistic regression coefficients look like this: intercept -4.313 female 0.5117 age 60-74 0.4081 age 75-89 1.1761 age 90+ 1.5612. Corresponding odds ratios: female 1.668 years60_74 1.504 years75_90 3.242 years90 4.764 Now I am trying to obtain a probability of an outcome = 1 for each case. What is the right way to do this?",
"A proof using Yoneda lemma",
"These two exercises I encountered recently seem to develop some type of connection between GCD and LCM I can't quite figure out. Exercise 1: Find all the numbers $x$ and $y$ such that: $a) \\ GCD(x,y)=15, \\ LCM(x,y)=150$ $b) \\ GCD(x,y)=120 \\ LCM(x,y)=1320$ $c) \\ GCD(x,y)=100 \\ LCM(x,y)=990$ Exercise 2: Find all the numbers $m,n$ such that $GCD(m,n)=pq , \\ LCM(m,n)=p^2qs$ where $p,q,s$ are prime The first thing that is known to me is that $GCD(x,y) \\cdot LCM(x,y)= x \\cdot y$ Also $LCM(x,y)$ is at most $x \\cdot y$ while $GCD(x,y)$ is at most $\\max \\{x,y\\}$. Last thing is that $GCD(x,y)|LCM(x,y)$. Using all this I tried to solve the first exercise: $a)$ First two obvious pairs are $x=15, y=150$ and $y=15, x=150$. Now neither of the numbers can be bigger than $150$ or smaller than $15$. So we are looking for numbers in the range $15-150$ that satisfy $x \\cdot y = 15 \\cdot 150$ Another such pair is $(x,y)=(30,75), \\ (x,y)=(75,30)$. Similarly for $b)$ we find that the only possible values are permutations of the set {$120,1320$} and in $c)$ since $100$ does not divide $990$ no such numbers exist. Now exercise 2 is what made me think there is actually another connection I'm not quite aware of since now it's about arbitrary prime numbers and the previous method doesn't work anymore. My intuition is that it has something to do with $GCD$ or $LCM$ of the $GCD(x,y), \\ LCM(x,y)$",
"How to execute hostapd command in cli? I always got error. When i execute hostapd command. I was changed everything in my hostapd.conf file but i got error. hostapd_cli wps_pbc Failed to connect to hostapd - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory Can anyone help to me.?",
"Show that $(2,0,4) , (4,1,-1) , (6,7,7)$ form a right triangle What I tried: Let $A(2,0,4)$, $B(4,1,-1)$, $C(6,7,7)$ then $$\\vec{AB}=(2,1,-5), \\vec{AC}=(4,7,3), \\vec{BC}=(2,6,8)$$ Then I calculated the angle between vectors: $$\\begin{aligned} \\alpha_1 &= \\cos^{-1}\\left(\\frac{(2,1,-5)(4,7,3)}{\\sqrt{2^2+1^2+(-5)^2}\\sqrt{4^2+7^2+3^2}}\\right) \\\\ &= \\cos^{-1}(0)=90° \\\\ \\alpha_2 &= \\cos^{-1}\\left(\\frac{(4,7,3)(2,6,8)}{\\sqrt{4^2+7^2+3^2}\\sqrt{2^2+6^2+8^2}}\\right) \\\\ &= \\cos^{-1}\\left(\\frac{74}{\\sqrt{74}\\sqrt{104}}\\right)=32.49\\\\ \\alpha_3 &= \\cos^{-1}\\left(\\frac{(2,6,8)(2,1,-5)}{\\sqrt{2^2+6^2+8^2}\\sqrt{2^2+1^2+(-5)^2}}\\right) \\\\ &= \\cos^{-1}\\left(\\frac{-30}{\\sqrt{104}\\sqrt{30}}\\right)=122.5° \\end {aligned}$$ As you can see, these angles don't even form a triangle, what am I doing wrong, any thoughts?",
"Is a current transformer appropriate for a voltage step up flyback converter? I am designing a flyback converter, input 170V output 1200V at 2mA. I am having trouble finding an appropriate transformer, most do not have a high enough N. Current transformers seem to have ranges in 1:500, so I could work with that. Is it proper to use a current transformer as a conventional step up voltage transformer?",
"Is there an online community to find travel partners (for mountains, sightseeing etc.)? Is there an online community to find travel partners for mountain trekking or sightseeing, or anything else? I don't want to travel to foreign mountains alone, but I don't know where to search for company. There's a great community for accommodation (I mean CouchSurfing) so I think there should be something in \"reverse\" direction (searching not the place to stay but the people to go with).",
"My attempt at value initialization is interpreted as a function declaration, and why doesn't A a(()); solve it?",
"Sending email in .NET through Gmail Instead of relying on my host to send an email, I was thinking of sending the email messages using my Gmail account. The emails are personalized emails to the bands I play on my show. Is it possible to do it?",
"How to compute PCA scores from eigendecomposition of the covariance matrix? Given a data matrix $\\mathbf X$ of $12 \\times 7$ size with samples in rows and variables in columns, I have calculated centered data $\\mathbf X_c$ by subtracting column means, and then computed covariance matrix as $\\frac{1}{N-1} \\mathbf X_c^\\top \\mathbf X_c$. The dimensions of this covariance matrix are $7 \\times 7$. After that I have calculated the eigenvalue decomposition, obtaining eigenvector matrix $\\mathbf V$ with eigenvectors in columns. Now I want to know about projections (i.e. principal component scores in PCA): is it $\\mathbf{V}^\\top \\mathbf{X}_c$ or $\\mathbf{X}_c \\mathbf{V}$? mean_matrix = X - repmat(mean(X),size(X,1),1); covariance = (transpose(mean_matrix) * mean_matrix)/(12-1); [V,D] = eig(covariance); [e,i] = sort(diag(D), 'descend'); V_sorted = V(:,i);",
"Could Hermione really free the Hogwarts house-elves with her knitted hats?",
"If I have an i.i.d. random variables $X_i$ from a uniform distribution on $[0,1]$. How would I find scaling sequences $a_n$, $b_n$ such that $a_n(M_n − b_n)$ converges in distribution to a non-trivial limit function $G$ for $ Y_i = X_i,$ and $M_n = \\max(Y_1,...,Y_n) $"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Find the value of this combinatorial sum. $\sum_{k=4}^{100}\binom{k-1}{3}$ | Show that $ \sum_{n=2}^m \binom{n}{2} = \binom{m+1}{3}$ | [
"I need to prove that the language $\\mathscr L=\\{0^n \\big|\\text{n is the square of a natural number}\\}$ is non regular using the pumping lemma My try: $\\mathscr L=\\{\\overbrace{\\epsilon}^{0^2},\\overbrace{0}^{1^2},\\overbrace{0000}^{2^2},\\overbrace{000000000}^{3^2},\\overbrace{0000000000000000}^{4^2},\\dots\\}$ Suppose that $\\mathscr L$ is regular so $\\exists$ a word '$x$' with length of at least $n$ $|x|\\geq n $ such that $(1)\\,\\,\\,|uv|\\leq n$ $(2)\\,\\,\\,|v|\\geq 1$ $(3)\\,\\,\\,uv^iw \\in \\mathscr L$ Now, let as choose the word $\\color{blue}{x=0^{n^2}}$ $|x|\\geq n$ so we can use $(1)-(3)$ $x=\\underbrace{000000\\dots}_{n^2\\text{ times}}$ $x=uv0^kw=\\underbrace{uv0^k}_{\\text{n zeros }}\\overbrace{w}^{n^2-n\\text{ zeros }}$ Let as choose $\\color{blue}{i=??}$ I'm difficult choosing the word '$\\color{blue}x$' and choosing $\\color{blue}i$ to come to contradiction with the lemma",
"This is a about Active Directory domain naming. After experimenting with Windows domains and domain controllers in a virtual environment, I've realized that having an active directory domain named identically to a DNS domain is bad idea (Meaning that having example.com as an Active Directory name is no good when we have the example.com domain name registered for use as our website). , but I'm still not sure about what other rules there are around naming Active Directory domains. Are there any best practices on what an Active Directory name should or shouldn't be?",
"Is there a preferred way to return multiple values from a C++ function? For example, imagine a function that divides two integers and returns both the quotient and the remainder. One way I commonly see is to use reference parameters: void divide(int dividend, int divisor, int& quotient, int& remainder); A variation is to return one value and pass the other through a reference parameter: int divide(int dividend, int divisor, int& remainder); Another way would be to declare a struct to contain all of the results and return that: struct divide_result { int quotient; int remainder; }; divide_result divide(int dividend, int divisor); Is one of these ways generally preferred, or are there other suggestions? Edit: In the real-world code, there may be more than two results. They may also be of different types.",
"Edit a truetype font I'm trying to find a free tool (on windows ) that would enable me to change some settings on a TrueType font. Specifically, I'm trying to fix the following errors: E1311 The macStyle bold bit doesn't match the name table's font subfamily string macStyle bold bit is set, but subfamily is Regular W2000 The subfamily string is inconsistent with the style of the font OS/2.fsSelection bold bit is set, but subfamily string = 'Regular' I can do that with fontographer, but would prefer to use something free. Fontforge doesn't seem to work with this font, when saved it corrupts the cyrillic letters in the font.",
"Real UID, effective UID, and some systems even have a \"saved UID\". What's the purpose of all these, especially the last one?",
"I know a lot of female programmers, and I know there are a good number of them out there. But I don't recall ever having one of my questions answered by, nor have I ever answered a question by a female programmer here at Stack Overflow. Now I mostly deal in the Delphi tag, and that may make a difference. But I've got the feeling there is something about the programming social network that Stack Overflow is, along with its form of mini-competition (via reputation) that turns most ladies off. When I go down the first few pages of top users by rep, there is nary a lady to be found. Go over to Quantcast and . Go down to the Demographics, and you'll see that a full 20% of the visits are by females. So they are here, lurking and using the wonderful info that Stack Overflow provides. Then why aren't there more of them participating, both with questions and answers? What can Stack Overflow do to persuade female programmers to participate more? So after a dozen downvotes offset by a dozen upvotes, and accusations by many that I am a bigot, the bottom line seems to be that Stack Overflow appeals to males more than females. This is my observation and I believe a proper analysis would support the hypotheses that a much higher percentage of male programmers use Stack Overflow than the percentage of female programmers. Assuming that is the case, then Stack Overflow is geared more towards the male psyche than the female. If so, I again ask, what can they do about that? This question was asked in StackOverflow Meta on November 20, 2009. It was made Community Wiki. It was asked in a constructive manner and should be considered an appropriate question for Meta. Yet it was closed over two years after it was asked as \"not constructive\" after more than 40 upvotes and 10 favorites and 16 answers. Now it resides here on Meta StackExchange, still closed. I just shake my head.",
"Why is the observable universe so big?",
"List all files in all subfolders",
"How to remove symbolic link I was trying to create this symbolic link: sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin but I accidentally typed: sudo ln -s /usr/share/php,yad,in /var/www/phpmyadmin So now I want to correct it but it says symbolic link already exist.",
"How do I enable or disable the global application menu?",
"When for the first time A new question I answer This haiku appears: Little slab of meat In a wash of clear jelly Now I heat the pan Such a message is Very strange; is anyone Seeing the same thing? Have not seen again. Came and went like the wind does! Why I am so blessed?",
"An example: O O? There is a triple letter tile to the right of the bottom O, indicated with a ?. If I place an X on it, making the words OX (vertical) and OX (horizontal), do I score 50 points (scoring the tile twice) or 34 (scoring it once)?",
"Silencing \"Your disk is almost full\" notification After upgrading to macOS Sierra, I'm getting the notification that \"Your disk is almost full. Save space by optimizing storage.\": The options appear to be to store my files in iCloud, automatically delete files, or manually delete files: My problem/irritation is that I have 80GB free of my 440GB volume. The question: is there a way to silence this notification in a (semi-)permanent fashion, or to change the threshold it uses for the notification?",
"Vertical line of white pixels between launcher and maximized application (Firefox) Is this a bug or is it expected? How can it be solved if it's not expected?",
"Historical reason behind different line ending at different platforms Why did DOS/Windows and Mac decide to use \\r\\n and \\r for line ending instead of \\n? Was it just a result of trying to be \"different\" from Unix? And now that Mac OS X is Unix (-like), did Apple switch to \\n from \\r?",
"Correct spelling of Polish surname Dziubenofska? My Polish grandmothers last name was Dziubenofska, but I know that's not how it is spelt! I'm looking for the proper spelling. Can you help find it for me? She came over to Ellis Island and they changed it on her to dziuk. This is only a prefix to the full name.",
"Security importance of Key Schedule in Block Cipher",
"In Harry Potter, Do Spells Travel in a Straight Line? In the Harry Potter world, when a magical person casts a spell, sometimes they target a specific object, like when Harry has a wand only and needs his broom, he casts \"Accio Firebolt\" and his broom comes to him. But a lot of the time people point their wands just in the direction of someone to cast a spell. One example would be in a duel. When they do this, are they casting a spell on a particular person or at that person? It seems, from what I remember of the movies, that some spells travel in a straight line while others specifically target a person or object. Do any spells travel in one direction, like a laser beam? What kind of spells are directional (instead of focusing on a particular person or object)? And can directional spells be deflected or blocked by something like a mirror or another physical object? (By \"directional,\" I could have said linear, but didn't want to start sounding mathematical or scientific. In other words, do they travel in one direction, like a laser beam would, or will they change direction to hit the intended target?)",
"Is there any bidirectional 5v-3.3v level shifter? Is there any IC that interfaces any 3.3V Input/Output to 5V Output/Input? I need it primarily for an Arduino Due but if there any bidirectional IC that works like that it would be great. Some people advised me to use the SN74AHC125 and CD4050 ICs, but I don't understand how they work or how to interface with them.",
"$2 \\otimes_{R} 2 + x \\otimes_{R} x$ is not a simple tensor in $I \\otimes_R I$"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Check for the Existence of a Possible Combination of Values in an Array which Sum to a Given Value | What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work? | [
"How does the new automatic reference counting mechanism work?",
"Why is this true? $(\\exists x)(P(x) \\Rightarrow (\\forall y) P(y))$",
"What is the Physical Meaning of Commutation of Two Operators? I understand the mathematics of commutation relations and anti-commutation relations, but what does it physically mean for an observable (self-adjoint operator) to commute with another observable (self-adjoint operator) in quantum mechanics? E.g. an operator $A$ with the Hamiltonian $H$?",
"Sums and products of algebraic numbers How does one go about proving that the sums and products of two algebraic numbers over a field $F$ (say $a,b\\in K$, where $K/F$ is a field extension) is also algebraic? If we call $f_a$ and $f_b$ the min. poly's of $a$ and $b$, then I'm assuming the answer involves such polynomials. Perhaps looking at their roots in splitting fields for both of them? And finding a \"big\" splitting field, constructed from those two other ones? In particular, I'd like a way of explicitly constructing the minimal polynomials $\\ f_{ab}$ of $ab$ and $f_{a+b}$ of $a+b$. I read somewhere that $g(x)=\\Pi_j\\Pi_i (x-\\alpha_i\\beta_j)$ works for $ab$, where the $\\alpha_i$ and $\\beta_j$ are the roots of $f_a$ and $f_b$, respectively, but I do not know why $g(x)\\in F[x]$. Similar remarks for $a+b$",
"Just like if we have any quadratic equation which has complex roots, then we are not able to factorize it easily. So we apply quadratic formula and get the roots. Similarly if we have a cubic equation which has two complex roots (which we know conjugate of each other) and one fractional root, then we are not able to find its first root by hit & trial. So my question is like quadratic formula, is there exist any thing like cubic formula which help in solving cubic equations? For example, I have an equation $$2x^3+9x^2+9x-7=0\\tag{1}$$ and I have to find its solution which I am not able to find because it has no integral solution. Its solutions are $\\dfrac {1}{2}$, $\\dfrac{-5\\pm \\sqrt{3}i}{2} $, I know these solutions because this equation is generated by myself. So how can I solve equations like these? Also while typing this question, I thought about the derivation of quadratic formula, which is derived by completing the square method. So I tried to apply ‘completing the cube’ method on the general equation $ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0$ but it didn't help. So please help me in finding a cubic formula or to solve the equations like given in example by an alternative method.",
"Is it OK to reduce the charging current for a Li-ion 18650 battery? I am using NCR18650 batteries with the tp4056 charging module. When I connect the charger at 2.8 V (fully discharged), the tp4056 IC is getting hot at a 1 A charge current. Is it OK to reduce this charge current by changing the charge current selecting resistor? So the tp4056 IC heat would be reduced, wouldn't it? For my application I don't need a quick charge. With a low current, charging time will be increased, but it does not matter for my application. Will reducing the charge current affect the battery's lifetime? Or will it damage the battery? I am trying to reduce the heat of the tp4056 IC by reducing the charging current, maybe from 1 A to 500 mA or less. The 18650 battery never heats for a 1 A charge current.",
"I'm working on a large c++ system that is has been in development for a few years now. As part of an effort to improve the quality of the existing code we engaged on a large long-term refactoring project. Do you know a good tool that can help me write unit tests in C++? Maybe something similar to Junit or Nunit? Can anyone give some good advice on the methodology of writing unit tests for modules that were written without unit testing in mind?",
"When should I fudge dice rolls? When I started my first D&D campaign as a DM, I accidentally rolled and confirmed a crit on a PC from a goblin. It was an instant kill as our campaign had no cleric. That time I decided to fudge the dice. Now, there's a similar problem, but this time the PCs are at 3rd level and they are dealing with a very important NPC. If they fail this one diplomacy check, the entire game world will fall apart, as the king would then send his entire army against the PC's homeland and will destroy it, plunging my entire game world into chaos, at which time drow that I wanted to save for a later adventure will have to come out, which will instigate a wizard's guild to release their secret ultra-deadly virus, and everything in my game world, including the PCs, will die. So should I fudge the dice roll? When is it good to fudge it?",
"Looking for intro to Conformal Bootstrap",
"Windows registry entries for default explorer view",
"IDW Publishing are bringing out a , Assimilation2, set in ST:TNG (presumably the TNG in the timeline prior to the events of the 2009 movie) featuring the 11th Doctor. Is the canon of these two universes at all compatible? Both feature a lot of time travel, so we've seen the development of humanity through many centuries in the future. Are there direct contradictions that make it impossible for these two universes to merge, without some sort of trick like having the Doctor come from an alternate universe? Or, given the vast spread of time, is it possible that the events of the Star Trek stories have taken place between Doctor Who stories?",
"Find $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{n^3}{n!}$.",
"Can I install a ROM made for a different device? I own a MicroMax A100. I want to install the latest version of a different ROM (Samsung or Nexus). Is it possible? If so, can you tell me how? If not, can I install a ROM made for a different device, but from the same manufacturer? For example, could I install a ROM for the MicroMax A110, which is the successor of A100?",
"It's not consistent to leave an edit pending for approval (thus not making available for everyone else and locking its state) after a user who has those privileges have given his endorsement. You could say why don't I improve the edit, but that makes no sense for something that is correct and it would not follow the \"keep it simple\" policy. Update: This is the current time line: Someone who doesn't know about formatting makes a question. It's not legible A user without edit privileges amends the formatting. The correction is not visible, still not legible. I see the question and the pending revision and then cast my approval. It doesn't take effect yet, still not legible. Even for me if I didn't take care of copying the question source because it disappears from my own revision page! I might agree that one's approval is indicative of both revision's quality and editor's competence. But we should retain that the main objective is to ask and answer questions. So, I propose this model: Someone who doesn't know about formatting makes a question. It's not legible A user without edit privileges amends the formatting. The correction is not visible, still not legible. A user with edit privileges cast his approval. Revision takes effect. Although it keeps the pending approval (the Edit (1) button). If a second user with edit privileges cast a rejection, it also takes effect as a rollback.",
"I would like to create a virtual device in Android Studio but I can't because hardware acceleration is disabled. I went to the BIOS and there are two option : AMD-SVM AMD-IOMMU Both are enabled. I also downloaded the HAXM installer from the SDK manager and tried to run it from the C:\\Users\\%user%\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\extras\\intel\\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager with intelhaxm-android file. I got an error telling me : This computer does not support Intel Virtualization technology VT X or it is exclusively used by Hyper V. HAXM cannot be installed. Please ensure that hyper V is disabled in windows feature It makes sense that I can't activate Intel Virtualization technology because I have AMD Ryzen 7 2700U. With my previous computer it worked just fine but I had an Intel processor. Some tutorials online suggested to enable windows Hyper-V feature but it's only available for windows 10 pro. Does anyone know a way to activate hardware acceleration with AMD processor and without Hyper-V feature?",
"Computing the $n^{\\textrm{th}}$ permutation of bits. I've seen post about the $n^{\\textrm{th}}$ permutation of a set but that is not what I need. If you have a bit string (ones and zeros only) there are to quickly permute the NEXT lexicographically ordered bit permutation. For example take $$000111 \\rightarrow 001011 \\rightarrow 001101\\rightarrow\\cdots$$ etc. If the string is long then there are going to be approximately one Bajillion of these things. And I want to know how to compute the $n^{\\textrm{th}}$ guy without doing the exhaust. Backgound: This is for a parallel computing job where I need to farm out the search space of elements of a set. Foreground: I own a copy of Knuth's 4th volume of \"The Art of Computer Programming\" and I think the answer is in there but I can't seem to find it. (It's like 900 pages). I'm posting here in the hopes that someone has knowledge of this (obviously). Even if you can point me to a source, say the part in Knuth's book where he describes this problem I would be most grateful.",
"Is it true that The Doctor can only regenerate 12 times?",
"Drop bar to flat bar conversion Gearing 14-Speed Shimano A070 STI Crankset Prowheel Ounce 42/52T Double Chainring Alloy Crankset Shifters Shimano A070 STI Front Derailleur Shimano Claris Rear Derailleur Shimano A070 Brakes Tektro Dual-Pivot Caliper Brakes Brake Levers Shimano A070 STI Above is what I currently have. I am looking to convert from drop bar to flat bar to use the bike as a casual fitness and commuter bike. All I know is that some parts are road bike specific and may need replacing if I want the conversion done. I hear that the front derailleur, shifters/brake levers (obviously since it currently has STI) and the bar it self. Is there anything else that needs to be changed? I would like someone who has more knowledge in bikes than me to possibly tell me what parts from the above mentioned list needs to be changed. I am not looking to do any upgrades. Just looking for cheap budget parts since it will just be a leisure bike. Thank you all Sincerely Tom.",
"I have a Fujitsu laptop and all was working fine until I ended teamviewer. On the keyboard it has a numberpad on some of the letters which you press the Fn button to use. The system is acting like I have the Fn key pressed and I get numbers shown when it should be letters. If I press the Fn key the numbers go to letters. The Fn key is not stuck down. Is there a way to reset keyboard settings or a known fix. The operating system is Ubuntu 11.04 Natty.",
"Django: AppRegistryNotReady()"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Field of Fractions over Formal Power Series | If $a_0\in R$ is a unit, then $\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}a_k x^k$ is a unit in $R[[x]]$ | [
"In the sentence: \"Drinking and driving IS dangerous\", why does the verb \"to be\" need to be singular? In the sentence: \"Drinking and driving is dangerous\". Drinking and driving are both subjects and the word dangerous is the object (I think) but why do I have to use the verb to be in singular?",
"I'm working under 12.04 and suppose I have a Firefox windows active (or in foreground) with English as input language and I need to type a document in other language using some text editor. With the text editor in foreground (or active) and the input language set to a non-English one, when I bring Firefox in foreground (or making it active) the input language remains set to the non-English and the language flag does not switch to English (as it would be expected, since I do not alter the language during the whole Firefox session). Because of this, I have to make extra moves and change the input language manually every time I switch from the text editor to Firefox and back to text editor. This was not happening with 10.04, and each application windows had the corresponding input language set to its default or previous session every time I was bringing it to the foreground! How will I make 12.04 to behave the same way?",
"DEF file syntax error in visual studio 2012",
"CSV for Excel, Including Both Leading Zeros and Commas",
"Why do I get \"Permission denied (publickey)\" when trying to SSH from local Ubuntu to a Amazon EC2 server? I have an instance of an application running in the cloud on Amazon EC2 instance, and I need to connect it from my local Ubuntu. It works fine on one of local ubuntu and also laptop. I got message \"Permission denied (publickey)\" when trying to access SSH to EC2 on another local Ubuntu. It's so strange to me. I'm thinking some sort of problems with security settings on the Amazon EC2 which has limited IPs access to one instance or certificate may need to regenerate. Does anyone know a solution?",
"I want to find questions within the C++ tag but with zero answers. How can I do that?",
"Can we have some tools to handle link rot? There are many links posted in answers, and some in questions, that are either stale or broken. An example is the change to on-line documentation this year to do away with separate 'Optional' and 'Core' tasks areas in the documentation - the old links 404 now. I've fixed a bunch of 'optionaltasks' broken links, but searching for 'coretasks' in Stack Overflow questions returns over 300 matches... Are there any tools for us to review and fix these - with an emphasis on the fixing - without sifting through completely manually? Is it time for some refactoring tools for Stack Overflow content, in particular, for links? Also, I'd be interested to know if there is an analysis of links (as found in the Stack Overflow data dumps) out there. Answer: there is a of a sample of links and images, but it's getting a bit out-of-date.",
"On which Canary island is it possible to sleep on the beach? We are planning a two-night trip to the Canary Islands. The cheapest options include Lanzarote and Las Palmas for flights. Travel dates are last week of November, so I guess weather should be okay. I have never been to these islands. I'd like to sleep on the beach in a tent or mattresses. Is that possible, safety, legality, and weather? It would also be nice to know how populated with tourists the islands are.",
"C# List Sort by x then y Similar to , we want to sort by one element, then another. we want to achieve the functional equivalent of SELECT * from Table ORDER BY x, y We have a class that contains a number of sorting functions, and we have no issues sorting by one element. For example: public class MyClass { public int x; public int y; } List<MyClass> MyList; public void SortList() { MyList.Sort( MySortingFunction ); } And we have the following in the list: Unsorted Sorted(x) Desired --------- --------- --------- ID x y ID x y ID x y [0] 0 1 [2] 0 2 [0] 0 1 [1] 1 1 [0] 0 1 [2] 0 2 [2] 0 2 [1] 1 1 [1] 1 1 [3] 1 2 [3] 1 2 [3] 1 2 Stable sort would be preferable, but not required. Solution that works for .Net 2.0 is welcome.",
"Left and right subscript / superscript I am trying to put two subscripts at the left and right of a character. For example, something like: _{t} p_{x} where p is in the middle. How do you do this?",
"Why can't I join a friend's world on Minecraft PE? I'm on my tablet playing Minecraft PE. My boyfriend rang me and asked me to join his Minecraft PE world. However, I can't do it because the game doesn't show his world. What's wrong and how can I fix it?",
"How to disable \"time travel\" entirely?",
"How can I download free apps without registering an Apple ID? \"This Apple ID has not been yet been used before in the iTunes Store. Tap review to sign in, then review your account information.\" I keep getting this message when I try to install free apps from App Store. I don't want to give my account info until I actually purchase something. Can I not download free apps until I provide my account information? My email verification is complete. I'm using an iPhone 3GS logged in to my iTunes account.",
"During graduate studies online application submission period, is there any preference given for an applicant if he/she submits his application at the beginning of that period compared with someone who submits his/her application couple of hours before the deadline? Or as long as the applications are complete there is absolutely no difference!",
"Is it possible to restore a MySql database only using files from Data directory?",
"I have asked this question before The first guy solved it in a way, but i would like to know is there any efficient way to do so, because i did the same for N = 13 and N = 15 which took long time. This problem is from a pen and paper test, ZIO-2018 Can i solve it with an efficient algorithm, well i am pretty beginner in algos, so if there is one kindly descibe it how can i do so? Thank you",
"What's the difference between the five masses: inertial mass, gravitational mass, rest mass, invariant mass and relativistic mass?",
"How does pointing a CNAME on my domain to a service-provider's server enable them to offer customized services?",
"Given Newton's third law, why are things capable of moving? Given Newton's third law, why is there motion at all? Should not all forces even themselves out, so nothing moves at all? When I push a table using my finger, the table applies the same force onto my finger like my finger does on the table just with an opposing direction, nothing happens except that I feel the opposing force. But why can I push a box on a table by applying force ($F=ma$) on one side, obviously outbalancing the force the box has on my finger and at the same time outbalancing the friction the box has on the table? I obviously have the greater mass and acceleration as for example the matchbox on the table and thusly I can move it, but shouldn't the third law prevent that from even happening? Shouldn't the matchbox just accommodate to said force and applying the same force to me in opposing direction?",
"How can I trigger a command when a player is hit by a Snowball? I am trying to make a snowball that triggers a command when it hits a player in 1.15, but I don't know how to do that. When I do execute at @e[type=snowball] run gamemode spectator @a[distance=..2] it only runs the command if it goes right next to them."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined | Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined? | [
"What to do with bounty on question which is no longer relevant?",
"How to use unicode characters in Windows command line? We have a project in Team Foundation Server (TFS) that has a non-English character (š) in it. When trying to script a few build-related things we've stumbled upon a problem - we can't pass the š letter to the command-line tools. The command prompt or what not else messes it up, and the tf.exe utility can't find the specified project. I've tried different formats for the .bat file (ANSI, UTF-8 with and without ) as well as scripting it in JavaScript (which is Unicode inherently) - but no luck. How do I execute a program and pass it a Unicode command line?",
"Use of 'const' for function parameters How far do you go with const? Do you just make functions const when necessary or do you go the whole hog and use it everywhere? For example, imagine a simple mutator that takes a single boolean parameter: void SetValue(const bool b) { my_val_ = b; } Is that const actually useful? Personally I opt to use it extensively, including parameters, but in this case I wonder if it's worthwhile? I was also surprised to learn that you can omit const from parameters in a function declaration but can include it in the function definition, e.g.: .h file void func(int n, long l); .cpp file void func(const int n, const long l) Is there a reason for this? It seems a little unusual to me.",
"I want to implement designed PID controller. But I am facing the problem of how to limit the saturation limit in both positive and negative direction? I tried using zener diode, but I would like to know if are there any design procedures to get anti-wind up scheme in the implementation of PID controller using zener/diode combination? EDIT: this is the designed pid controller and i am using TL084 op-amps which has +15 volts and -15 volts as their supply. when the error is generated, due to integrator the control signal(Vc) output is going to saturation point of nearly 15 volts. I want Vc to be in the range of (0.85-3.8 volts), so that i can give this to SG3524 PWM IC to generate constant duty ratio PWM pulses. I tried by putting zener diode of 3.3 volt rating, but now Vc is coming upto 3.5 volts(basically saturation limit has come down to 3.5 volts) . The problem is how to limt the Vc to the specified range. Can any one please suggest modifications for proper design of anti-windup working scheme of this. Here VFb=-3 volts and VRef= 3 volts",
"Why do I have to use \\par if I change font size withing a group scope?",
"When a user is suspended, their account is reduced to 1 rep and all of his privileges are stripped. However, they can still join chat rooms. This leads to various forms of possible abuse (all of which I've seen by suspended users): Join/leave spams Expletives in profile messages Hold one sided conversations with users of the room via Suspended users cannot be kicked, and even moderators can do very little (aside from completely removing the account, which is often overkill). My proposal is to extend for suspended users to one of two levels: Prevent them from being shown in the user list at all. Strip their profile profile picture and description from the profile view visible from chat rooms (not from profile pages).",
"I have an URL structure like the following: sitename.com/cellphone/nokia/galaxy-5678-nokia-cellphone-from-abc/ For more example: sitename.com/cellphone/motorolla/new-motorolla-gta800-cellphone-from-zxy/ The directory structure is like the cellphone is the main directory of the module and the words like Motorolla and Nokia are subdirectories which are categories and then comes the title of the cellphone. Here the word cellphone and Nokia in the first link and cellphone and Motorolla in the second link are repeated. Is it any kind of keyword stuffing? will it be penalized by Google?",
"How do I remove this wall plate with no visible screws? I'm amazed how complicated this wall plate is to remove. It is made of plastic and accommodates a phone jack and a coaxial cable. Please see the images that accompany this question. I've searched it thoroughly and there are no tabs anywhere on the face or edges to press in. There are no screws. I've pulled on it pretty hard, hoping that it would pop off, but if I pulled any harder it surely would break. Of course, I had the coaxial off while I tried to remove the plate. The brand name on the phone jack part is "KRONE". Has anyone seen a wall plate like this? If so, how do you remove it? I have to say, I'm absolutely blown away by how ridiculously difficult this is. Any help would be appreciated.",
"I dont understand the following very simple statement: If $\\tau \\in S_n$ has order $m$, then $\\sigma \\tau\\sigma^{-1}$ has also order $m$. The proof is: Suppose $\\tau$ has order $m$. $(\\sigma \\tau \\sigma^{-1})^{m} = \\sigma \\tau^{m}\\sigma^{-1}= (1)$ Then (using exercise 17) they say that the order of $\\sigma\\tau\\sigma^{-1}$ cannot be less than $n$ (remember we are in $S_n$), since $(\\sigma\\tau\\sigma^{-1})^k=1 $ implies $\\sigma\\tau^k\\sigma^{-1} =(1)$, and then $\\tau^k=\\sigma^{-1} \\sigma = (1)$ I don't understand the last part.... Who can help me?",
"How to Retrieve the Wi-Fi Password of a Connected Network on a Mac I need to find the password for a Wi-Fi network that I am already connected to. I'm using a MacBook Pro that's running OS X Lion. Any guidance is appreciated.",
"Why does Stack Overflow only allow one @User per comment? This restriction lead me to a non-comment like : @MiMo - seem my previous comment (Only one @ user per comment) Which left me wondering why Stack Overflow is blocking me from notifying two users of a response. I am sure there is a reason for this, can some one share it with me?",
"If $\\Sigma \\vdash \\varphi$ then $\\Sigma \\vdash \\forall x \\varphi$. Why when $(\\varphi \\implies \\forall x \\varphi)$ is not true? In the book of first order logic I'm reading they say that if $(\\varphi_1,...,\\varphi_n)$ is a proof from a set of formulae $\\Sigma$, then so is $(\\varphi_1,...,\\varphi_n,\\forall x \\varphi_j)$ for all $1\\leq j \\leq n$. They assume that as an axiom but it doesn't make sense to me. Why if $\\varphi$ is true then so is $\\forall x \\varphi$? For example if $\\varphi$ is $x=1$ that wouldn't mean that $\\forall x : x=1$ , or would it? Maybe what I don't understand is: why $(\\Sigma \\vdash \\varphi \\implies \\Sigma \\vdash \\forall x \\varphi)$ is true but $(\\varphi \\implies \\forall x \\varphi)$ is not true? The book is this:",
"How to check if installing a package will require a reboot?",
"Would I need to delete unused assets from my Unity packaged build? I'm going to make a release for my Unity game. Does Unity include unused assets in build output? Would removing unused assets from a project reduce build size/Time? I want to know if Unity packages all the assets to my build (which I would need to delete), or if Unity packages only the assets that are actually used in the game.",
"I am having trouble with the following sentence: \"The complexity and diversity of the new platforms is worrying us.\" If \"complexity\" and \"diversity\" constitute two subjects, then the verb should presumably be \"are\"; however, the sentence feels more natural with \"is\". Is this correct? Is there a linguistic term for this occurrence? The following questions address the general topic of compound subjects, but not specific cases like this: And the following question seems to have somewhat inconclusive answers: So this question is not really a duplicate of these three.",
"How do we know the brain flips images projected on the retina back around?",
"Apt-get stuck at 0% [Working]",
"How to restore a system after accidentally removing all kernels?",
"Disable cache for some images",
"Accuracy Vs. Precision What I would like to know is whether I should use System.currentTimeMillis() or System.nanoTime() when updating my object's positions in my game? Their change in movement is directly proportional to the elapsed time since the last call and I want to be as precise as possible. I've read that there are some serious time-resolution issues between different operating systems (namely that Mac / Linux have an almost 1 ms resolution while Windows has a 50ms resolution??). I'm primarly running my apps on windows and 50ms resolution seems pretty inaccurate. Are there better options than the two I listed? Any suggestions / comments?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Including imported libraries in jar | How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven? | [
"\\dots versus \\ldots - is there a difference? Is there a difference between \\dots and \\ldots, the ellipsis? If yes: Which? When to use \\dots and when to use \\ldots? If no: Why are there both at all?",
"If $f(xy)=f(x)f(y)$ then show that $f(x) = x^t$ for some t Let $f(xy) =f(x)f(y)$ for all $x,y\\geq 0$. Show that $f(x) = x^p$ for some $p$. I am not very experienced with proof. If we let $g(x)=\\log (f(x))$ then this is the same as $g(xy) = g(x) + g(y)$ I looked up the hint and it says let $g(x) = \\log f(a^x) $ The wikipedia page for functional equations only states the form of the solutions without proof. Attempt Using the hint (which was like pulling a rabbit out of the hat) Restricting the codomain $f:(0,+\\infty)\\rightarrow (0,+\\infty)$ so that we can define the real function $g(x) = \\log f(a^x)$ and we have $$g(x+y) = g(x)+ g(y)$$ i.e $g(x) = xg(1)$ as $g(x)$ is continuous (assuming $f$ is). Letting $\\log_a f(a) = p$ we get $f(a^x) =a^p $. I do not have a rigorous argument but I think I can conclude that $f(x) = x^p$ (please fill any holes or unspecified assumptions) Different solutions are invited",
"How to reinstall PulseAudio (Ubuntu 12.04)",
"A word for \"every two days\"",
"What can I do with .chk files in FOUND.000 folders? Just discovered I have gotten a FOUND.000 folder on my usb drive. I guess from running chkdsk once. It has three files in it: FILE0000.CHK FILE0001.CHK FILE0002.CHK What exactly can I do with these files? What are my options? Are they lost files? Are they garbage? Can I use them for anything at all? Or will I just have to delete them?",
"extracting energy from cosmological expansion This question is a more concrete reincarnation of an . Are there mechanisms to extract energy from the cosmic rate of expansion? putting some extremely long ropes across the universe and extract work from their increase of separation? assuming this is possible ( i don't see why it would not ), what form would take the back-reaction force? in all physics, every time you extract work from some system by some force, this system will exert a force back. Can we slow down cosmic expansion by variations of these mechanisms?",
"Are there any other methods to apply to solving simultaneous equations? We are asked to solve for $x$ and $y$ in the following pair of simultaneous equations: $$\\begin{align}3x+2y&=36 \\tag1\\\\ 5x+4y&=64\\tag2\\end{align}$$ I can multiply $(1)$ by $2$, yielding $6x + 4y = 72$, and subtracting $(2)$ from this new equation eliminates $4y$ to solve strictly for $x$; i.e. $6x - 5x = 72 - 64 \\Rightarrow x = 8$. Substituting $x=8$ into $(2)$ reveals that $y=6$. I could also subtract $(1)$ from $(2)$ and divide by $2$, yielding $x+y=14$. Let $$\\begin{align}3x+3y - y &= 36 \\tag{1a}\\\\ 5x + 5y - y &= 64\\tag{1b}\\end{align}$$ then expand brackets, and it follows that $42 - y = 36$ and $70 - y = 64$, thus revealing $y=6$ and so $x = 14 - 6 = 8$. I can even use matrices! $(1)$ and $(2)$ could be written in matrix form: $$\\begin{align}\\begin{bmatrix} 3 &2 \\\\ 5 &4\\end{bmatrix}\\begin{bmatrix} x \\\\ y\\end{bmatrix}&=\\begin{bmatrix}36 \\\\ 64\\end{bmatrix}\\tag3 \\\\ \\begin{bmatrix} x \\\\ y\\end{bmatrix} &= {\\begin{bmatrix} 3 &2 \\\\ 5 &4\\end{bmatrix}}^{-1}\\begin{bmatrix}36 \\\\ 64\\end{bmatrix} \\\\ &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{bmatrix}4 &-2 \\\\ -5 &3\\end{bmatrix}\\begin{bmatrix}36 \\\\ 64\\end{bmatrix} \\\\ &=\\frac12\\begin{bmatrix} 16 \\\\ 12\\end{bmatrix} \\\\ &= \\begin{bmatrix} 8 \\\\ 6\\end{bmatrix} \\\\ \\\\ \\therefore x&=8 \\\\ \\therefore y&= 6\\end{align}$$ Question Are there any other methods to solve for both $x$ and $y$?",
"What do I need to consider to choose between dSLR, mirrorless, or a compact as my first \"serious\" camera?",
"In $Sets$, the initial object is $0 = \\emptyset$. We have $C \\times \\emptyset = \\emptyset$ for any set $C$. As there are no maps to the empty set, we don't get much of the universal property of the product. I am now wondering what is special about arbitrary categories $\\mathscr{C}$ with $C \\times 0 \\cong 0$ for all objects $C$ of $\\mathscr{C}$, where $0$ is the initial object of $\\mathscr{C}$. From Sheaves in Geometry and Logic by MacLane (p.194), in any topos $\\mathscr{C}$, any arrow $k:C \\to 0$ is an isomorphism. The universal property of the product would then also not yield very much. Are there any categories of higher interest?",
"Do I need Transit Visa to visit London for 4-5 hours during layover?",
"Let $a$ and $b$ be positive reals. Show that $$\\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\left(\\frac{a^{\\frac{1}{n}}+b^{\\frac{1}{n}}}{2}\\right)^n =\\sqrt{ab}$$",
"My Panda USB wi-fi adapter works just fine on 16.10, but when I try to connect to my wi-fi router in 17.04, GNOME network manager reports \"Connection failed.\" I did some tinkering, and noticed that my MAC address for my wifi adapter, according to GNOME, is DIFFERENT every time I make it forget my wifi settings and try to reconnect. Any leads on a possible fix or work-around? I'm running Ubuntu GNOME 17.04, kernel 4.10.0-19-generic, GNOME 3.24.0.",
"Old title - \"change resolution to 1280x1024 using xrandr gives: X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)\" I have installed a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 and have a monitor with 5:4 resolution. settings has no resolution higher than 1024x768. But I need the resolution 1280x1024 (5:4). I use the default motherboard graphics card: # lspci|grep VGA 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) Also xrandr gives the following: $ xrandr Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192 XWAYLAND0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm 1024x768 59.92*+ I tried to add the 1280x1024 resolution using xrandr. so first created the resolution information using gtf: $ gtf 1280 1024 60 # 1280x1024 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 63.60 kHz; pclk: 108.88 MHz Modeline \"1280x1024_60.00\" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync Then added to resolutions: xrandr --newmode \"1280x1024_60.00\" 108.88 1280 1360 1496 1712 1024 1025 1028 1060 -HSync +Vsync then again did the command: xrandr --addmode XWAYLAND0 1280x1024_60.00 Then nothing changed. When I tried to change it using xrandr --output XWAYLAND0 --mode 1280x1024_60.00 --rate 60 But an error occurred: $ xrandr --output XWAYLAND0 --mode 1280x1024 --rate 60 X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 7 (RRSetScreenSize) Value in failed request: 0x0 Serial number of failed request: 21 Current serial number in output stream: 22 I don't know what did I do wrong. Or how to change resolution to the correct one: 1280x1024",
"When do merchants start paying the actual value of items without bonus effects and perks?",
"If $R$ is an integral domain and a subring $S$ has identity $1_S$, how would you show that $1_S=1_R$ (here $1_R$ is the identity of the ring $R$)? I am unsure about what an integral domain really is and how the subring comes into play here.",
"How to effectively deal with Imposter Syndrome and feelings of inadequacy: \"I've somehow convinced everyone that I'm actually good at this\"",
"Uncountable subset with uncountable complement, without the Axiom of Choice Let $X$ be a set and consider the collection $\\mathcal{A}(X)$ of countable or cocountable subsets of $X$, that is, $E \\in \\mathcal{A}(X)$ if $E$ is countable or $X-E$ is countable. If $X$ is countable, then $\\mathcal{A}(X)$ coincides with the power set $\\mathcal{P}(X)$ of $X$. Now suppose that $X$ is uncountable. Assuming the axiom of choice, we can conclude that $\\mathcal{A}(X) \\ne \\mathcal{P}(X)$, since $|X| = |X| + |X|$. So the question is: Can we prove in ZF that $\\mathcal{A}(X) \\ne \\mathcal{P}(X)$ for every uncountable set $X$? I'm assuming that a set $X$ is uncountable if there is no injective function $f : X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{N}$.",
"An equivalence relation is defined by three properties: reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity. Doesn't symmetry and transitivity implies reflexivity? Consider the following argument. For any $a$ and $b$, $a R b$ implies $b R a$ by symmetry. Using transitivity, we have $a R a$. Source: Exercise 8.46, P195 of Mathematical Proofs, 2nd (not 3rd) ed. by Chartrand et al",
"Show that $U_n:=\\left(1+\\dfrac{1}{n}\\right)^n$, $n\\in\\Bbb N$, defines a monotonically increasing sequence. I must show that $U_{n+1}-U_n\\geq0$, i.e. $$\\left(1+\\dfrac{1}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}-\\left(1+\\dfrac{1}{n}\\right)^n\\geq0.$$ I am trying to go ahead of this step.",
"Cheese from UHT Milk I live in a town where fresh or whole milk is not readily available. I was wondering if I could make cheese from UHT Milk. If so, what kind of cheese and what method I should use? Or rather, Should I?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
String to HEX conversion | How to parse hex values into a uint? | [
"QGIS calculates main soil type of polygons from another polygon layer",
"How would neutron matter appear to the naked eye? Neutron matter is matter comprised entirely of neutrons, as it exists in . Most optical phenomena encountered in everyday life, such as light reflection and spectral absorption (i.e. color appearance) are the result of mechanisms involving electrons. My simple question: How would a macroscopic sample of matter consisting entirely of neutrons (without electrons) appear to the naked eye? Assume the matter is and stable. Let me add here that I'm not specifically asking about the appearance of a neutron star, as Wikipedia states that it would radiate so much that it appears white.",
"Intuitive explanation for dividing by $n-1$ when calculating standard deviation? I was asked today in class why you divide the sum of square error by $n-1$ instead of with $n$, when calculating the standard deviation. I said I am not going to answer it in class (since I didn't wanna go into unbiased estimators), but later I wondered - is there an intuitive explanation for this?!",
"How can I integrate $$\\ln \\left( x+\\sqrt{1+x^2} \\right) $$ The problem is from IA Maron Calculus, Problem 4.3.17. The problem is under the heading 'Integration by parts'. I have tried it, but it just leads to 2 unsolvable integrals",
"Using a java library from python I have a python app and java app. The python app generates input for the java app and invokes it on the command line. I'm sure there must be a more elegant solution to this; just like using JNI to invoke C code from Java. Any pointers? (FYI I'm v. new to Python) Clarification (at the cost of a long question: apologies) The py app (which I don't own) takes user input in the form of a number of configuration files. It then interprits these and farms work off to a number of (hidden) tools via a plugin mechanism. I'm looking to add support for the functionality provided by the legacy Java app. So it doesn't make sense to call the python app from the java app and I can't run the py app in a jython environment (on the JVM). Since there is no obvious mechanism for this I think the simple CL invocation is the best solution.",
"What happened to Saruman after he was knifed by Grima?",
"Use nmcli to modify VPN password? With nmcli, I can modify VPN data like this: nmcli con modify myvpn vpn.data 'refuse-pap = yes, user = xxx' So I'm wondering if I can set password this way as well?",
"What is the historic present tense? I learned that the historical present may be used to create an effect of immediacy in narratives. I have a question about the historic present tense. Why don't we use the progressive tense instead of the simple present tense? ※My English skill is poor, so my question might sound rude. But I don't mean to offend anyone. I'd be glad if someone could reply to my question.",
"I have not idea how to approach this differential equation. $$y'-\\int_0^xy(t)dt=2$$. Basically, I did, $$F''(t)-F(x)+F(0)=2 \\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\; F'=y$$ I am stuck. Thank You.",
"Is there any known relationship between $\\sum_{i=1}^{n} f(i)$ and $\\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\dfrac {1}{f(i)}$ If we knew $\\sum_{i=1}^{n} f(i)=S$ ($n$ can be $\\infty$), is there anything we could say about $\\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\dfrac {1}{f(i)}$ in terms of $S$? The only thing I was able to find on the web is . If there is no known relationship, is it possible for there to exist one that we just haven't discovered?",
"I'm using C++ to understand how exactly pointers work. I have this piece of code using arrays, which I'm using just to understand how the equivalent works with pointers. int main() { int arr[10] = {1,2,3}; char arr2[10] = {'c','i','a','o','\\0'}; cout << arr << endl; cout << arr2 << endl; } However when I run this, arr outputs the address of the first element of the array of ints (as expected) but arr2 doesn't output the address of the first element of the array of chars; it actually prints \"ciao\". What is it that I'm missing or that I haven't learned yet about this?",
"Linear vs nonlinear differential equation How to distinguish linear differential equations from nonlinear ones? I know, that e.g.: $$ y''-2y = \\ln(x) $$ is linear, but $$ 3+ yy'= x - y $$ is nonlinear. Why?",
"Format not available in tag wiki excerpt For example, : Format like bold or italic are not available , so it leaves ugly text there: **This tag is *extremely* ambiguous. Consider using other tags instead.** Does this need to get fixed, or it's not supported and the tag-wiki needs to be format-free?",
"Color gradient for bars in pgfplots I want that each bar in my diagram has a color gradient from black to white (from left to the right). However, for the following code, the gradient exists for the entire diagram such that the left bar is black, the middle one is gray, and the right one is white. \\documentclass{report} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis}[ybar] \\addplot[left color=black,right color=white] coordinates {(1,2) (2,3) (3,4)}; \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"divides, not divides and cardinalities In group theory it happens very often that you want to say: \"The order of $H$ divides / does not divide the order of $G$.\" But the length of | is then always the same: $ |H| | |G| $ produces |H|||G| which is not ideal at all. (The negation \\nmid has just this length too.) The length of \"divides\" should be longer than the \"cardinality length\". I could use $ |H| \\big| |G|$ but then there is no good way to say \"does not divide\" with the same length. Also, \\big| is no solution when the expression has to be used in subscripts. I thought it was just me, but I asked other group theorists, and nobody had a solution. I hope there is one. I am seeking a division sign which is a little longer than the usual | , allows negation (with the same length) and proportionally correct use in subscripts (also under \\sum etc.). It does not look professional if the \"order sign\" has the same length as the \"divides\" sign. (And what about combinations with absolute values, norms - although personally I don't use them as often as group orders.)",
"I understand that for resistors in series we need to add R for each resistor to get the equivalent resistance, where R is resistance. I also understand the mathematical manipulations that show that for resistors in parallel we need to add the 1/R for each resistor to get the equivalent resistance. However I have a couple of questions that have to do with the physical interpretation of the mathematical manipulations involved. First, I am trying to understand why in the case of parallel resistors we have to add 1/R's instead of adding R's as in the case of resistors in series i.e. could it be thought that the current in the wire is like a sort of water flow in the pipe that has two horizontal parallel pipes positioned one on top of the other and in between connected by a number of vertical pipes that have a tap each that could be adjusted to represent different resistances. Then at the top of each vertical pipe the water pressure P exists and at the bottom the pressure will be reduced by P*R. For example, suppose we have three vertical pipes, so then the pressure at the bottom of each (after the tap) is P*R for the total of 3*P*R so why is the equivalent resistance not 3*R*P but 1/R = (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3) and how can I be able to visualize this relation?",
"Do null and alternative hypotheses have to be exhaustive or not? I saw a lot of times claims that they have to be exhaustive (the examples in such books were always set in such way, that they were indeed), on the other hand I also saw a lot of times books stating they should be exclusive (for example $\\mathrm{H}_{0}$ as $\\mu_1=\\mu_2$ and $\\mathrm{H}_{1}$ as $\\mu_1>\\mu_2$) without clarifying the exhaustive issue. Only before typing in this question I found somewhat stronger statement on the -- \"The alternative need not be the logical negation of the null hypothesis\". Could someone more experienced explain which is true, and I would be grateful for shedding some light on the (historical?) reasons for such difference (the books were written by statisticians after all, i.e. scientists, not philosophers).",
"Error validating geometry collection / multipolygon in PostGIS",
"I've used a number of different *nix-based systems of the years, and it seems like every flavor of Bash I use has a different algorithm for deciding which startup scripts to run. For the purposes of tasks like setting up environment variables and aliases and printing startup messages (e.g. MOTDs), which startup script is the appropriate place to do these? What's the difference between putting things in .bashrc, .bash_profile, and .environment? I've also seen other files such as .login, .bash_login, and .profile; are these ever relevant? What are the differences in which ones get run when logging in physically, logging in remotely via ssh, and opening a new terminal window? Are there any significant differences across platforms (including Mac OS X (and its Terminal.app) and Cygwin Bash)?",
"Why is it better to use \"#!/usr/bin/env NAME\" instead of \"#!/path/to/NAME\" as my shebang?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Ubuntu Touch and device compatibilities | What hardware does Ubuntu Touch support? | [
"Why is it sensical for a proposition with a false antecedent to validate to true? In propositional logic, the statement \"If pigs can fly, then elephants can lay eggs.\" validates to true because the antecedent validates to false. In other words, given $a \\rightarrow b$, if a is false, the entire statement is true. Why? Just because the antecendent is false doesn't mean that another fact depends on it, right?",
"How many attacks can a fighter with two-weapon fighting make at 5th level? I have a 5th level fighter with the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style. What is the number of attacks I can make? I say 4 attacks, but others say 3 because they say the rule on page 72 states that I get (only) 1 extra attack.",
"Does the Darkness spell block vision? In discussing , I came to realize that the real question was whether Darkness blocks vision or merely creates \"darkness\". Per the wording of the spell: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. (emphasis mine) Normal darkness is defined in the game as creating a heavily obscured area and the only description added to the darkness is that it is magical, which (to me) just means that it is created by magic and is subject to the magical rules. Darkvision is defined in the game as basically being able to see in darkness as if they were seeing in dim light. So, the text \"darkvision can’t see through this darkness\" merely means that it affects darkvision in the same way it affects normal vision. (See earlier versions of the spell below, which had similar wordings.) I see nothing there that implies it is a barrier to vision, just an active and utter absence of illumination. Previous editions have varying descriptions. and give accurate accountings of the various versions. The 1e Wizard version seems to actually imply a sphere of opaque blackness that even blocks infra/ultravision, while the 1e Cleric version is a reversal of the Light spell and creates totally normal darkness, with no block to special visions. The 2e version is similar to the 1e Cleric spell. It creates an area of darkness \"equal to an unlit interior room\". The 3.0e version comes closest to the 5e version. It \"causes an object to radiate darkness out to a 20-foot radius. Not even creatures who can normally see in the dark (such as with darkvision) can see in an area shrouded in magical darkness.\" Still no reference to any sort of opacity and the wording makes it clear that darkvision is being treated specifically here. 3.5e Darkness is similar, although instead of darkness, it creates \"shadowy illumination\". This affects darkvision as well as normal vision. 4e doesn't have a Darkness spell, but rather a Cleric Utility called Veil of Darkness, which creates \"a zone that is heavily obscured and blocks line of sight.\" So, finally, a reference to opacity, in \"blocks line of sight\", although I question if opacity was the intent.",
"I have a very stupid question. I developed a website that has only one page at the public html directory(index.php). all content are dynamically loaded as different pages. How can i SEO my pages for google? i mean like the what we type in this site are .............i believe stored in database and search engine find these pages like any static pages... Just a little tip would be appreciable.......!",
"Diagnostics for logistic regression?",
"Is there a simple way to explain how Kepler's third law follows from the inverse square law that of gravity (and laws of motion) For example for Kepler's second law we can say it's because Gravity is a central force What is it about the law of gravity which ultimately gives rise to Kepler's third law?",
"\"On/at/for/over the weekend\" in American English Some sources say that \"at the weekend\" is wrong, while other ones say it's correct. Which form is acceptable in American English? On Saturdays her sister Ann usually comes to stay with Mary on/at/for/over the weekend/s. What are you going to do at/on/for/over the weekend/s? We are going to Paris on/at/for/over the weekend/s. Are you going to stay here for/at/on/over the weekend/s? Which preposition do American English speakers use — at, on, for, over?",
"I keep getting this warning whenever I try to run sudo apt-get update. W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages) W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems Below is the output from /etc/apt/sources.list file: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main restricted deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates main restricted deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-updates multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security main restricted deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-security multiverse How do I fix it?",
"Over the time I've been able to vote for closure on SO, I've gotten into the habit of clicking on the reason itself in order to select the radio button corresponding to it. Since the reasons have changed, there are also now links in the middle of the text, which I also happen to accidentally keep clicking on. More annoyingly, these links don't open in a new tab so I have to click back and redo it. This happens most often with the \"FAQ\" link in the off-topic dialog, which is right there in the top left corner where I normally click. Basically, those pieces of text now have two functions. One function of it is selecting the corresponding radio button and the other function is loading a new page. Obviously loading the new page trumps simple selection. This has become even more painful now with the new off-topic messages, where a large portion of the message is a link: A simple feature request: can the vote-to-close dialog itself not render the links?",
"I have the following reference: @MISC{EX2012, author = {{S}ingle {A}uthor {O}rganization}, year = {2012}, title = {Example} } A citation for this is breaking after \"Author\", but extending beyond the margin, as shown in the following example layout in the PDF: Demo text demo text demo to margin Demo text which cites it (Single Author Organization, 2012) and flows over the margin. How can I solve this? I am using natbib and citing with \\citep{EX2012}.",
"What is a StackOverflowError? What is a StackOverflowError, what causes it, and how should I deal with them?",
"I have hundreds of figures with filenames containing \"#\" to include using \\includegraphics, I've tried packages like grffile or currfile, but none of them work. Can anyone suggest a real solution so that I don't need to change hundreds of file names? Thanks. Update: 1. I'm using Windows. 2. When I compile it, it shows \"Illegal parameter number in definition\"",
"I'm looking for a more politically correct substitute for the expression \"poor man's\", meaning an inferior improvised or makeshift substitute. Usage examples: \"Guncotton is the poor man's TNT\" \"Poor man's oyster\" (mussels, or coughed up phlegm) My hesitance is mainly because it is not as gender neutral as perhaps it once was. The closest I can think of is \"pauper's\", but I don't know many examples of usage.",
"It's so annoying to drag it over and over again. How to change default position of a console?",
"How to define servlet filter order of execution using annotations in WAR",
"Am I Running as a Service I am currently writing a little bootstrap code for a service that can be run in the console. It essentially boils down to calling the OnStart() method instead of using the ServiceBase to start and stop the service (because it doesn't run the application if it isn't installed as a service and makes debugging a nightmare). Right now I am using Debugger.IsAttached to determine if I should use ServiceBase.Run or [service].OnStart, but I know that isn't the best idea because some times end users want to run the service in a console (to see the output etc. realtime). Any ideas on how I could determine if the Windows service controller started 'me', or if the user started 'me' in the console? Apparantly is not the answer. I thought about using commandline args, but that seems 'dirty'. I could always see about a try-catch statement around ServiceBase.Run, but that seems dirty. Edit: Try catch doesn't work. I have a solution: putting it up here for all the other interested stackers: public void Run() { if (Debugger.IsAttached || Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains<string>(\"-console\")) { RunAllServices(); } else { try { string temp = Console.Title; ServiceBase.Run((ServiceBase[])ComponentsToRun); } catch { RunAllServices(); } } } // void Run private void RunAllServices() { foreach (ConsoleService component in ComponentsToRun) { component.Start(); } WaitForCTRLC(); foreach (ConsoleService component in ComponentsToRun) { component.Stop(); } } EDIT: There was another question on StackOverflow where the guy had problems with the Environment.CurrentDirectory being \"C:\\Windows\\System32\" looks like that may be the answer. I will test today.",
"What documentation does a Mexican citizen need to fly domestically within Mexico? If a Mexican citizen, residing in Mexico, wants to fly domestically, what documents are needed? Example: Flying from Torreon to Cancun (different states in Mexico)",
"What's the best way to build a string of delimited items in Java? While working in a Java app, I recently needed to assemble a comma-delimited list of values to pass to another web service without knowing how many elements there would be in advance. The best I could come up with off the top of my head was something like this: public String appendWithDelimiter( String original, String addition, String delimiter ) { if ( original.equals( \"\" ) ) { return addition; } else { return original + delimiter + addition; } } String parameterString = \"\"; if ( condition ) parameterString = appendWithDelimiter( parameterString, \"elementName\", \",\" ); if ( anotherCondition ) parameterString = appendWithDelimiter( parameterString, \"anotherElementName\", \",\" ); I realize this isn't particularly efficient, since there are strings being created all over the place, but I was going for clarity more than optimization. In Ruby, I can do something like this instead, which feels much more elegant: parameterArray = []; parameterArray << \"elementName\" if condition; parameterArray << \"anotherElementName\" if anotherCondition; parameterString = parameterArray.join(\",\"); But since Java lacks a join command, I couldn't figure out anything equivalent. So, what's the best way to do this in Java?",
"Proving a graph has no Hamiltonian cycle",
"How to echo output of a top into a text file? I want to write batch or something, that will write output of top into a file on login. I did top >> output-file, but it contains some strange character! Can somebody give a simple tutorial about how to write batch file in Linux?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
C++ overloaded method pointer | How do I specify a pointer to an overloaded function? | [
"Convert char to int in C#",
"How to execute a script just by double clicking like .EXE files in Windows?",
"Can't get my model out of wireframe mode I'm new to Blender and this site, so I apologize in advance if I'm not following any of the proper etiquette. I'm no artist, but I'm trying to learn Blender so that I have some programmer art for me to work around in Unity. I followed a tutorial for making a basic human model, I rigged it with rigify, and now I'm starting to export it following yet another tutorial. The thing is, when I was trying to rig the model, I couldn't get the model to go transparent so that I could see the bones inside the model. Eventually, I managed to get it into wireframe mode, but I can't get it back into solid mode. It's probably just a display thing and not a property of the model itself, but I want to be sure. I'm looking at the display options under the \"Figure\" pane in Blender, and none of the Display check boxes are checked, including the one that says \"Wire\". I don't want to import a plain wireframe model into Unity, and even if that doesn't happen, this is functionality of Blender that I should really know anyway, so I'd appreciate any help that anyone has to offer. If necessary, I can upload the .blend file, but I'm not sure what site people would prefer that I upload it to.",
"A large number of variants of this question were already asked here, including these - , , which are close, but none seem to answer my question. Assume that $n$ balls are thrown randomly and independently into $k$ bins. What is the probability of finding $x$ empty bins? What is the expectation of the number of empty bins?",
"GRUB2 does not show Windows 8 option to boot into after Dual Boot Yesterday, I tried to dualboot Ubuntu 16.04 onto my hard drive, creating a new partition for Ubuntu alongside my existing Windows 8. First, I disabled the fast-boot option in Windows 8, and still GRUB did not load, and it went directly to Windows boot-up. Then I did some research and found this article: Basically, I issued the BCDEdit command in Windows, and entered in the following code: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \\EFI\\ubuntu\\grubx64.efi When I reboot, I get a basic GRUB2 terminal, and after I type in the exit command, then a second Shell prompt appears, and after typing the exit command again, the GRUB2 menu to select the OS to boot finally appears... with only Ubuntu and Ubuntu memory test as options, not Windows 8. After booting into Ubuntu, I tried to run the Boot-repair Utility, but that shows this following error: How do I approach this problem? The Pastebin log is here: Thanks for the help!",
"Communities list is counting my reputation wrong on some sites I have 101 rep on and am not suspended there. But the site switcher thinks I only have 1 rep there: I noticed this after I . To test this, I just added Expats and Reverse Engineering to my site switcher list. On both of those sites I have 101 rep and am not suspended. Results: Huh?",
"TikZ rectangular node with different rounded corners",
"Can I use my device on a different carrier? Sometimes it's desirable to use a device on a carrier that does not officially sell it. Often this is due to regional differences and travel (for example, using a US phone in Europe) but also because some carriers simply do not offer phones that other carriers do. How can I determine if it's possible to use my phone on a different carrier, and which carriers it is compatible with? This community wiki is intended to be a canonical answer to a common question. If you feel that improvements could be made then please edit the post(s).",
"It's my understanding that a z-score can only be calculated and accurately used for data sets that are normally distributed. Since \"perfect\" normal distribution almost never occurs in real-world data (where \"perfect\" normal distribution is defined as 1. The mean, median, and mode all equal the same number, 2. the distribution is perfectly symmetrical between all standard deviations on both sides of the mean, and 3. the distribution is asymptotic), how \"close\" can the distribution be to perfectly normal for the z-score to still be a valid statistical measure? If the answer is it has to be a perfectly normal distribution, then my question is why is the z-score so important since it would seldom be a valid measure on real-world data?",
"How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?",
"Using .NET, how can you find the mime type of a file based on the file signature not the extension",
"Why didn't Harry die the first time Voldemort used the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest?",
"I followed the instructions and got success response but I didn't receive email. Then I used the id to get Email Status and got 404 error. Here is my json : POST : { \"To\": { \"Address\": \"[email protected]\", \"SubscriberKey\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"Options\": { \"RequestType\": \"ASYNC\" } } GET : {id} Please let me know how I can resolve the issue.",
"As you are all most likely aware already all domain registrars ask for your personal information. Such personal information includes: Forename and surname Address information Email address Telephone number Personal information via WHOIS Depending on the domain type such as or this information may become immediately available after the registration of the domain via a simple whois. If you do not want that (and in most cases you certainly don't) they offer a service where you can remove this information from the whois service but of course hiding your personal information adds yearly costs to the domain purchase. What happens if I use fake details when registering a domain?",
"I have a bunch of SD cards that do not have the little plastic switch for the read only setting. so Windows thinks it’s write protected or something. The card is not write protected by the software lock present on the SD card standard. I’m using one with tape over the notch and it’s ugly. Also, the Thinkpad slot drags on the tape all the time so I’m afraid it will might loose in there eventually. So, is there any way to tell Windows to ignore this lame write-protect feature? I’m not interested on the SD card itself as it’s irrelevant for the issue at hand. Read this question as being about a 5.25” floppy disk drive instead of an SD card if you wish. I’m pretty sure the Windows settings are the same for both, really. I’m that there are 3 ways to secure an SD card. I’m talking about only the mechanical switch, which is the responsibility of the host to handle.",
"Stack Exchange iOS app crashes on start Upon clicking on SE icon, blue (starting) screen appears and then I am back to home screen, SE app simply won't start. This kind of behaviour never happened before (on any other app). I tried to remove it from "task manager", reinstalling and logging back in; neither did work. In Settings -> Stack Exchange -> Notices I found a log message: FILE DOESN'T EXIST, WILL CREATE: users/dev/buildagent/work/{id}/pods/target support files/pods/pods-ack...plist App Version: 1.4.0 Device: iPhone7,2 OS Version: Version 9.1 (Build 13B143) TLDR: app starts when cellphone has no internet access. I just noticed when I am on 3G (cellular internet) it crashes ASAP, but when I am on wifi that has no internet (for LAN etc.) app starts normally but no new content, when I turn off WiFi and iPhone switches to cellular; app crashes. Note: I turn off WiFi using control center - so I never leave the app. Another thing, when I force iPhone to use EDGE (slowest possible internet) app starts, and crashes after 5 seconds or so. I assume when app downloads some data from server. Known workaround (works for me too) I found a workaround: turn on Airplane Mode, launch the app, then turn Airplane Mode off. – NobodyNada",
"Random integer in VB.NET I need to generate a random integer between 1 and n (where n is a positive whole number) to use for a unit test. I don't need something overly complicated to ensure true randomness - just an old-fashioned random number. How would I do that?",
"In the Android app, left sidebar, there is an editable list of \"Your Sites\". In the editing pane, the sites are re-orderable (although awkwardly), and the order one places the sites in there is preserved, even after quitting the app and returning to this pane. One expects that order to be reflected in the \"Your Sites\" portion of the left sidebar when the editing pane is closed, but it is not. I'm not sure what is determining the order of the sites in the left sidebar, it doesn't seem to be by date they were \"pinned\" into the list one wants to show, either.",
"The use of nominative \"whom\" (as in “persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to...”) From page 48 of Law: A Very Short Introduction, by Raymond Wacks: In other words, you owe a duty to persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to be harmed by your conduct. To try to parse this, temporarily overlook 'it is foreseeable'. Then persons is the subject of the verb phrase are likely to be harmed. So , should the relative pronoun for persons be who instead? Is my parse wrong? Are the (deleted) comments right: that this style predominates in law texts? If this is correct grammar, what is the general rule? Is it commonly used in other contexts?",
"How do I install Wi-Fi drivers for Realtek RTL8723DE device in Ubuntu 16.04? lspci -v | grep -i network 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device d723"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
$\sum_{i=0}^{n} (-1)^i l(H_i)=\sum_{i=0}^{n} (-1)^i l(G_i)$ | Show that the Euler characteristic of a chain complex is equal to the Euler characteristic of its homology | [
"Creation parameters menu greyed out When adding a UV Sphere mesh in Blender 2.8, the creation parameters menu on the bottom left of the attached image for this UV Sphere seems to be greyed out. Any idea why this might be? Thanks.",
"I want to give a client access to my server, but I want to limit those users to their home directories. I will bind-mount in any files I want them to be able to see. I've created a user called bob and added him to a new group called sftponly. They have a home directory at /home/bob. I've changed their shell to /bin/false to stop SSH logins. Here is their /etc/passwd line: bob:x:1001:1002::/home/bob:/bin/false I've also changed the /etc/ssh/sshd_config to include the following: Match Group sftponly ChrootDirectory /home/%u ForceCommand internal-sftp AllowTcpForwarding no When I try to log in as them, here's what I see $ sftp bob@server bob@server's password: Write failed: Broken pipe Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer If I comment out the ChrootDirectory line I can SFTP in but then they have free rein over the server. I have found that ChrootDirectory /home works, but it still gives them access to any home directory. I have explicitly tried ChrootDirectory /home/bob but that doesn't work either. What am I doing wrong? How can I limit bob to /home/bob/? ----EDIT----- Okay so I just had a look at /var/log/auth.log and saw this: May 9 14:45:48 nj sshd[5074]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user bob by (uid=0) May 9 14:45:48 nj sshd[5091]: fatal: bad ownership or modes for chroot directory component \"/home/bob/\" May 9 14:45:48 nj sshd[5074]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user bob I'm not entirely sure what's going on there, but it suggests something is wrong with the user directory. Here is the ls -h /home output: drwxr-xr-x 26 oli oli 4096 2012-01-19 17:19 oli drwxr-xr-x 3 bob bob 4096 2012-05-09 14:11 bob",
"\"debconf: DbDriver \"config\": config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable\" while installing packages I'm trying to install the flashybrid but when I enter the apt-get install flashybrid command, I get this error: root@user-desktop:/home/user# apt-get install flashybrid Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done flashybrid is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 1 not fully installed or removed. After this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used. debconf: DbDriver \"config\": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable Setting up flashybrid (0.15+nmu2) ... debconf: DbDriver \"config\": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable dpkg: error processing flashybrid (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: flashybrid E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) I also tried this one to find what is already using that file: root@user-desktop:/home/user# lsof | grep /var/cache/debconf/config.dat lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/user/.gvfs Output information may be incomplete. dpkg-prec 4672 root 4rW REG 8,6 39658 1697827 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat But I don't know how to fix this.",
"Find the sum to n terms as well as the sum to infinity of the series: Find the sum to $n$ terms as well as the sum to infinity of the series: $$\\frac{1}{3} + \\frac{1}{4\\cdot 2!} + \\frac{1}{5\\cdot 3!} +\\cdots.$$ I was trying this question many times but I didn't get the answer. I was using geometric series formula, but it was not applicable here...I don't know where I have to start, and I don't know any hint about this series.... If anybody helps me, I would be very thankful to him.",
"Overriding the final destination of the OAuth2.0 flow from a custom OAuth2.0 Auth provider Background: I have created a custom Auth. Provider in Salesforce to reach out to an authorization server that isn't on the default list of Provider Types. I used as a good starting point to extend the Auth.AuthProviderPluginClass. Once appropriately added to my org, it then became an option on the list of Provider Types. I was able to create an Auth. Provider using that new provider type and it works to initiate the OAuth2.0 flow. I am appropriately able to get the access token and refresh token from the authorization server. The Problem: As it currently stands, we will have users click on a button that will send them to the provided \"OAuth-Only Initialization URL\" link that was generated when I created the actual Auth. Provider record. The trick is that when the OAuth2.0 flow is completed, the user is redirected back to the Salesforce Setup Home page, and I don't see a good way in the documentation to override the final destination to be something else (like a success page or something). Question: Does anyone know of a way to override the final destination of the OAuth2.0 flow from a custom OAuth2.0 Auth provider? UPDATE: I tried using the startUrl (and also tried retUrl for good measure) as query params, but doing so didn't change the behavior after the OAuth2.0 flow finished. Meaning, both of the following URLs gave me the same final destination as not having any query params at all: https://<scratch org random url>.my.salesforce.com/services/auth/oauth/MyCustomAuthProvider?retUrl=lightning%2Fpage%2Fhome https://<scratch org random url>.my.salesforce.com/services/auth/oauth/MyCustomAuthProvider?startUrl=lightning%2Fpage%2Fhome Another Update: This WORKED: https:/<scratch org random url>.my.salesforce.com/services/auth/oauth/MyCustomAuthProvider?startURL=%2Flightning%2Fn%2FCustomPage Apparently, it was important to add the leading /, (of course, url encoded to be %2F) and %2Flightning%2Fpage%2Fhome gets interpreted as the setup home and sends you there. (Parallel posted to Salesforce Dev Forum: )",
"Eigenvectors of a circulant matrix",
"Finite group for which $|\\{x:x^m=e\\}|\\leq m$ for all $m$ is cyclic. Let $G$ be a finite group. For each positive integer $m$, if $x^{m}=e$ has at most $m$ solutions in $G$, $G$ is cyclic. What I have thought is that $n=\\sum_{d\\mid n}\\phi(d)$ can be used to solve this and showing that $|G|$ order element in $G$ exists is enough.",
"Alt-click for edge loop Hi I am a complete newcomer to blender and am following this tutorial, where he says to alt+click to select an entire row or \"edge loop\". I have followed all instructions exactly up to this point (3 times to make sure!). Alt-click does nothing. Thank you for your help. p.s. If possible, please keep answers in simple layman's language. I see some similar posts about alt click and loop select but had trouble following since the explanations were too advanced. Thank you! Video starts where he demonstrates alt+click:",
"Installing Autodesk Maya on Ubuntu is possible, but can be a bit challenging. Assuming that one already has the required specs and a solid graphics card driver installed, how can it be done?",
"What word/phrase can I use to describe the activity of hiding a stupid mistake/incident, such as quickly cleaning up tea spilled by accident before anyone could notice?",
"Why are integer GCDs positive? [unit normalization of GCDs] The definition in my text reads, An integer $d$ is said to be the greatest common divisor of two non-zero integers $a$ and $b$ iff, $d|a$ and $d|b$ and if $k$ is any other common divisor of $a$ and $b$ then $k|d$ Now here's the thing, if $d|a$ and $d|b$ then surely $-d|a$ and $-d|b$ as well, also $k|-d$ What I take from this? GCD is not unique! That is if $\\mathrm{gcd}(12,8)= 4$ then by the definition, $\\mathrm{gcd}(12,8) = -4$ as well. Yet I never ever seen a negative gcd. Someone please explain. Maybe, $4>-4$, and we want the "greatest common factor" so...? But that still doesn't justify the definition.",
"How can I remove the qed symbols from all lemma proofs? the following code will only make the qed not appear in the second proof. However, it it possible to make the qed symbol never appear at the end of the proofs without having to specify it locally every time? \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{amsthm} \\begin{document} \\begin{proof} This has the QED symbol. \\end{proof} \\begin{proof}\\renewcommand{\\qedsymbol}{} This hasn't. \\end{proof} \\begin{proof} And this has it again. \\end{proof} \\end{document}",
"Evaluate $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\int_{0}^1 [x^n + (1-x)^n ]^{1/n} \\ \\mathrm{d}x$",
"Algorithms for computing multiplicative order modulo $n$",
"How to arrive at $\\int_{0}^{1} f^3(x) \\, dx < (\\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \\, dx)^2$? Define $f : [0,1] \\to \\mathbb{R} $ differentiable satisfying $f(0)=0$ and $0<f'(x)<1$. Prove: $\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{1} f^3(x) \\, dx < \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \\, dx\\right)^2$ I found the following answer, Define $F(x)=\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{x} f^3(t) \\, dt - \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{x} f(t) \\, dt\\right)^2$ We have $$F'(x)=f^3(x)-2 \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{x} f(t) \\, dt\\right)f(x)=f(x)\\left[f^2(x)-2 \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{x} f(t) \\, dt\\right)\\right]$$ and $$\\left[f^2(x)-2 \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{x} f(t) \\, dt\\right)\\right]'=2f(x)\\left[f'(x)-1\\right]$$ from which we can arrive at the conclusion. But I felt a little confused. In the past I usually proved the inequality by classical inequalities and something like Taylor expansion to use the condition about derivative. But this answer is little out of my expectation. Do we have other proofs or ideas to arrive at $\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{1} f^3(x) \\, dx < \\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \\, dx\\right)^2$? And other thoughts about solving these types of issues? I think when we talk about $\\left(\\displaystyle\\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \\, dx\\right)^2 >\\ldots \\,$ it's a little difficult to deal with. I don't quite know what tools to use.",
"Is there a formal proof for $(-1) \\times (-1) = 1$? It's a fundamental formula not only in arithmetic but also in the whole of math. Is there a proof for it or is it just assumed?",
"By accident, I messed up a configuration file. How do I recover the default version without reinstalling or affecting other things?",
"In my family we have a DNA contradiction – two cousins (at about the 4th cousin level) took a Y-DNA test, but did not match and had two completely different haplogroups. Since then, I have traced living cousins with the same surname – the only ones left living that I am aware of – and I would love to pay to have them tested to see if we can figure out where the non-paternity event (NPE) or other event happened (i.e. this new cousin could help us determine which line the NPE occurred in depending on which cousin he matches). Does anyone have a sample letter, or know the best way to go about asking a distant cousin for DNA? I have their address and am planning to write a letter, but I can't imagine receiving such a letter, so I am not quite sure how to ask without scaring them off.",
"I have downloaded an ISO file recently. How do I burn it to a CD or DVD or mount it?",
"Cooking steak in frying pan, problem with oil splatter"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to test for 3 or more items in Minecraft inventory? | How to test for minimum amount of items in inventory and execute a command if true | [
"Is it true that the order of $ab$ is always equal to the order of $ba$?",
"An inequality involving 4 real or complex numbers Let a,b,c,d be real or complex numbers with absolute value less than $1$. Is the following true: $$|ab-cd| \\leq |a-c| +|b-d|?$$",
"Amazon RDS - Online only when needed?",
"How can I take a photo using a slow shutter speed without it being overexposed? When I try to take a picture using a slow shutter speed in daylight it is overexposed. How can I change the settings so it isn't overexposed?",
"Expression Functions for Lightning Web Components How can expression functions similar to Visualforce and Lightning Aura Components be achieved within lightning web components? For example, <template if:true={index % 5 == 0}><br></template> expression index % 5 == 0 is not compyling at all. accountList.html <template> <template if:true={accounts.data}> <template for:each={accounts.data} for:item='item' for:index='index'> <!--LWC DOES NOT SUPPORT EXPRESSION FUNCTIONS--> <!--<template if:true={index % 5 == 0}><br></template>--> {item} </template> </template> </template> accountList.js import {LightningElement, wire} from 'lwc'; import getAccounts from '@salesforce/apex/TestController.getAccounts'; export default class AccountList extends LightningElement { @wire(getAccounts) accounts; } Since LWC doesn't support Expression Functions, I'd like to know how to implement them.",
"At what time will the upcoming Ubuntu release be made available? Every six months a new Ubuntu version will be released. Does anyone know at which time this will be?",
"Schengen visa for two subsequent short trips: One visa or two? I will go to France from 17/12/13 – 19/12/13, then I will come back to London. And again I will go back to Portugal and Spain from 26/12/13 to 03/01/14 which I will stay in Spain for the longest period. However, the Spanish consulate told me that I have to request for the visa from the French consulate. The point is: Do I need to apply for a visa for a single trip two times (from French and Spanish consulate) or a single visa for multiple time (from French consulate).",
"$\\operatorname{rank}(T^3) + \\operatorname{rank}(T) \\geq 2\\operatorname{rank}(T^2)$ for finite-dimensional $V$ Consider a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ over the field $\\mathbb{F}$ with a linear operator $T.$ Prove that we have $\\operatorname{rank}(T^3) + \\operatorname{rank}(T) \\geq 2 \\operatorname{rank}(T^2).$ First, let us assume that $\\dim_{\\mathbb{F}}(V) = n.$ Our immediate observations include that $T^3(V) \\subseteq T^2(V) \\subseteq T(V)$ so that $\\operatorname{rank}(T^3) \\leq \\operatorname{rank}(T^2) \\leq \\operatorname{rank}(T)$ and $\\operatorname{rank}(T^3) \\geq \\operatorname{rank}(T) + \\operatorname{rank}(T^2) - n$ by Sylvester's Rank Inequality. Can we do some manipulations with what we have to get the desired inequality, or do we require something else?",
"How to line up the pieces at the coast near the shipwreck? In The Witness, I was walking along the coast, and I came upon this: Now, since I've learned that mazes can be embedded in the environment, I see the puzzle here, but I just can't get the pieces to line up well enough. Standing on the couch and walking all around it doesn't seem to get me a functional maze. Where do I need to stand to activate the puzzle successfully?",
"Does it increase security if the CBC chunks of a AES-256 encrypted bytestream are uploaded to different clouds? I want to backup my data according to the 3-2-1 rule. I am already back up to 2 different drives (2 different systems) at home. In addition, I would like to use cloud storage (Google, Amazon, etc.). Considering the future weakening of cryptography by advancements in computing power (e.g. key guessing by quantum computing) I want my data to be as safe as possible because once it's uploaded it's prone to decryption in the future (i can't guarantee the data is deleted if I delete it from the cloud(s)). Does it increase the security of my data if I split the CBC chunks to let's say 2 clouds? Uploading the even-numbered CBC elements to e.g. Google and the odd-numbered elements to Amazon. Since one storage hoster is constantly missing the next part of the CBC-Chain (1/2 in total) shouldn't this increase security of the data even if the AES key is known by the hoster(s)?",
"Get full path of the files in PowerShell",
"A Variation of the even-town odd-town problem Let assume facebook has $n$ users. Mark Zuckerberg decided that people are allowed to open groups under the following restrictions: 1) No two different groups can exactly the same participants. 2) The number of users in each group is even. 3) Every two group has an odd number of common users. Denote by $m$ the maximal number of groups that can be formed in facebook under the restrictions mentioned above. Prove $m \\leq n$. I tried solving this by defined a matrix, multiplying it by its transpose and using some rank considerations I thought I could derive the bound, but I didn't succeed. Could you please give me a hint? The question had anther subsection : prove that in the case that $n$ is even than we have stron inequality",
"Given this HTML: <div>foo</div><div>bar</div><div>baz</div> How do you make them display inline like this: foo bar baz not like this: foo bar baz",
"Applying for a Canadian ETA after previous visits without one",
"Page number in title page",
"Can I have two Schengen visas in one passport?",
"The new top bar layout is fine, but the black color is very visually jarring/intrusive. Is using a lighter color an available option?",
"Disable OS X startup sound How can I permanently disable the startup sound (or chime) in Yosemite? (I am using a late-2014 13\" macbook pro) I already tried several options found here and there : installed StartNinja.app => did not work installed Auto-Mute.app => did not work tried to install the old StartupSound prefPane => did not work tried the command \"sudo nvram SystemAudioVolume=%80\" => volume does not change (I also tried other values than 80, such as 00, 01, or nothing) NOTE: I know that it is possible to mute the next startup sound by turning the volume down, but this is not a permanent solution.",
"Infinite product with sign changes. For infinite products I know the following theorems: Theorem I. If $a_n \\geq 0$ for all $n$ then $\\prod (1+a_n)$ converges if and only if $\\sum a_n$ converges. Theorem II. If $-1 < a_n \\leq 0$ for all $n$ then $\\prod (1+a_n)$ converges if and only if $\\sum a_n$ converges. My question is what are necessary and sufficient conditions (possibly including more restrictions than in I and II) for $\\prod (1+a_n)$ convergence/divergence as related to $\\sum a_n$ convergence/divergence if the sequence of terms $a_n$ can switch signs repeatedly but always stay greater than $-1$. I already know the trivial equivalence of $\\prod(1+a_n)$ and $\\sum\\ln(1+a_n)$.",
"How do I appropriately examine the dimensionality of binary data? I have 72 binary variables and, at a theoretical level, I am trying to identify groups of variables that seem to vary together. In practice, I am struggling with how to analyze this data properly. I am using R and the psych package. Here is what I have tried and what the outcomes were: Estimated a tetrachoric correlation matrix (ran without problem) Estimated MSA (relatively strong values, ran without problem) Ran parallel analysis to identify how many factors to extract (ran without problem) EFA using fa() to estimate factors (non-positive definite matrix and strangely high RMSEA) Tried different factor counts, smoothing/unsmoothing, estimation methods, rotations methods, and removing variables (problems persisted) Tried to focus instead on eBIC (always returned as NULL in output) EFA using (inappropriately) Pearson correlations (RMSEA behaved) From looking at other questions and answers on here, I am now aware that tetrachoric matrices can be problematic like this. However, I don't know what to do with that information. Accept the problems as a limitation and move forward? Conduct a different type of analysis? I considered IRT as is recommended, but am unaware of an exploratory way to conduct IRT analyses. I understand that most of my options are imperfect. My goal is to find an analysis that is at least arguably appropriate for binary variables and that will inform the ways in which I group these variables in my theorizing. Given this, my questions are: Can I trust EFA on a tetrachoric matrix despite problematic output? Can I somehow recover the lost eBIC value and use that? Is exploratory IRT possible/desirable? Are there other analyses, in R, that can be used to examine the dimensionality of binary data? I appreciate all feedback! I love learning about data analysis and hearing about how I can improve."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"that is" or "which is" | When to use “that” and when to use “which”, especially in relative clauses | [
"Finding the limit of $(1-\\cos x)/x^2$ $$\\lim _{x \\to 0}{1-\\cos x\\over x^2}={2\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)\\over x^2}={\\frac{2}{x^2}\\cdot {\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)\\over \\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)^2}}\\cdot\\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)^2$$ now $$\\lim_{x \\to 0}{\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)\\over \\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)^2}=\\left({\\sin\\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)\\over \\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)}\\right)^2=1^2$$ So we have $$\\frac{2}{x^2}\\cdot \\left(\\frac{x}{2}\\right)^2=\\frac{2}{x^2}\\cdot \\left(\\frac{x^2}{4}\\right)=\\frac{1}{2}$$ Are the moves right?",
"How to install driver for TP-Link TL-WN722N(EU)V2 on Ubuntu 17.04 Kylin I can not install the TP-LINK WN722N V2, which includes a 8188 EUS chip. Then I tried to install the backports v4.4.2,but do not want to recognize either. The TP-Link driver installation errors thrown out: man@kman-livve:~$ cd '/home/kman/Documents/Tplink 722 N V2/rtl8188EUS_linux_v4.3.0.8_13968.20150417' kman@kman-livve:~/Documents/Tplink ...$ sudo make \"******************************************\" \"NO SKRC,we will use default KSRC\" \"******************************************\" make ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/4.10.0-15-generic/build M=/home/kman/Documents/Tplink 722 N V2/rtl8188EUS_linux_v4.3.0.8_13968.20150417 modules make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.10.0-15-generic' arch/x86/Makefile:140: CONFIG_X86_X32 enabled but no binutils support make[1]: *** No rule to make target '722'. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.10.0-15-generic' Makefile:1367: recipe for target 'modules' failed A method to know him, I do not know about. Thanks Model:TL-WN722N(EU)_V2_161112_Linux.zip Chipset:rtl8188EUS_linux_v4.3.0.8_13",
"Why isn't $\\mathbb Z [\\sqrt{pq}]$ a factorial domain This is exercise 8 on page 147 of Jacobson's Basic Algebra: Let $p$ be a prime of the form $4n+1$ and let $q$ be a prime such that $ \\left( \\frac{q}{p} \\right) =-1$. Show that $\\mathbb Z[\\sqrt{pq}]$ is not factorial. Here, $ \\left( \\frac{q}{p} \\right) =-1$ means that $\\overline{q}$ is not a quadratic number in the field $\\mathbb Z / (p)$. In the special case when $p=5$ and $q=2$, $9 = 3 \\cdot 3 = (\\sqrt{10} +1 )(\\sqrt{10 }-1)$, with $3$ and $\\sqrt{10} +1$ or $\\sqrt{10} - 1$ nonassociates. But I have no idea what can I do with the general case. I know that primes of the form $4n+1$ can be written in the form $m^2 + n^2$ with $m,n \\in \\mathbb Z$. But when $q$ is odd and not of the form $4n+1$, $pq$ is not the sum of two quadratic numbers. How can I use the fact $\\left( \\frac{q}{p} \\right) =-1$? Thanks~",
"Irreducible conics An algebraic set (not necessairly a variety) $X \\subseteq \\mathbb{A}^2$ defined by a polynomial of degree $2$ is called a conic. The problem is: Show that any irreducible conic is isomorphic either to $Z(y-x^2)$ or to $Z(xy-1)$ after an affine change of coordinates in $\\mathbb{A}^2$. However, with this definition of conic, I only can conclude that if the polynomial is irreducible, then the conic is irreducible (because $f$ irreducible $\\Rightarrow Z(f)=X$ is irreducible) What can I do to prove that if a conic is irreducible, then the polynomial that defines the conic is irreducible? And for the main problem, how can I do the affine change of coordinates? Thanks",
"When playing with the complete elliptic integral of the first kind and its Fourier-Legendre expansion, I discovered that a consequence of $\\sum_{n\\geq 0}\\binom{2n}{n}^2\\frac{1}{16^n(4n+1)}=\\frac{1}{16\\pi^2}\\,\\Gamma\\left(\\frac{1}{4}\\right)^4 $ is: $$\\int_{0}^{1}\\frac{\\arctan x}{\\sqrt{x(1-x^2)}}\\,dx = \\tfrac{1}{32}\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\,\\Gamma\\left(\\tfrac{1}{4}\\right)^2\\tag{A}$$ which might be regarded as a sort of Ahmed's integral under steroids. I already have a proof of this statement (through Fourier-Legendre expansions), but I would be happy to see a more direct and elementary proof of it, also because it might have some consequences about the moments of $K(x)$ of the form $\\int_{0}^{1}K(x)\\,x^{m\\pm 1/4}\\,dx$, which are associated with peculiar hypergeometric functions.",
"zero matrix to the power of 0 Why $0^0=I$? I'd tried prove that considering $N^0$ where N is a Nilpotent matrix and then using the Cayley -Hamilton theorem Thanks in advance.",
"Windows 10 Icon Gone Missing TL;DR: The Windows 10 upgrade icon went missing. How do I get it back in order to update my system? I am running Windows 7 SP1. I woke up this morning... er, noon all excited about Windows 10. I had reserved my copy using the clever little icon in the taskbar a few weeks back, so I thought I would be set to go. I booted my computer and checked the icon to see if it would download the update. It still behaved the same as if Windows 10 wasn't launched yet. I supposed this was normal behaviour. After all, Microsoft can't roll out the update to everyone at once. Windows Update did want me to install several updates though. I installed KB2952664, KB3064209 and KB3048761. Everything went fine, and I was prompted to restart my system. After restarting, the icon wasn't there anymore. I tried a lot of solutions including the answers provided by our awesome community on , and the answer provided to posted on the Microsoft Windows support forums. How do I get the icon back in order to update my system? UPDATES: Installing from the Media Creation Tool does not working with an error \"Something Happened\" with as description \"Something Happened\". Both are translated from Dutch. I tried to install it from the Media Creation Tool using PowerISO to mount the created ISO. It will not accept my product key, even though I am able to verify my Windows installation is already registered and the product key is correct. I looked into the Event Log, and GWX-Ins has a bunch of error messages saying: Error message: GWX Main: App failed to start hresult. After that it says what is roughly translated to English as \"Cannot find the element\".",
"Stop jQuery .load response from being cached I have the following code making a GET request on a URL: $('#searchButton').click(function() { $('#inquiry').load('/portal/?f=searchBilling&pid=' + $('#query').val()); }); But the returned result is not always reflected. For example, I made a change in the response that spit out a stack trace but the stack trace did not appear when I clicked on the search button. I looked at the underlying PHP code that controls the ajax response and it had the correct code and visiting the page directly showed the correct result but the output returned by .load was old. If I close the browser and reopen it it works once and then starts to return the stale information. Can I control this by jQuery or do I need to have my PHP script output headers to control caching?",
"to Global Variables inside functions",
"How can I check if /bin/x86_64/bin/ls is a directory in a bash shell script Here is what I tried: #!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then if [[ \"$1\" = /* ]] then cd ./bin/x86_64/bin/ls if [ -d \"$1\" ]; then echo \"ok\" i=\"$1\" echo $i else echo \"error2\" exit fi else echo \"error\" exit fi fi",
"Reputation has been changed but not reflected on tooltip.",
"What medium should be used for long term, high volume, data storage (archival)?",
"How to make a cycles light emisson object invisible to the camera? In my scene it is required to position the lights close to the main object like this: How I can make the light source invisible to the camera?",
"301 redirect blogspot to an existing domain? Is it possible to redirect a blogspot site to an existing URL? Note that I don't want to buy a new domain and tell blogspot to use that, eg as per this question: . Instead I am trying to 301 redirect to an existing website in order to combine the website and the blog in one place. So it needs to be: 301 example.blogspot.com/post to example.com/blog/post",
"Use LaTeX to simulate old typewriter written texts This question led to a new package: I'm giving my students an old exam and barely remembered to change the date at the top. A colleague and I joked about how long we could reuse the same exam, and it made me wonder if I could use LaTeX to create an exam that looked like it was written in 1963 on a typewriter. Here's what I'd like to see: Typewriter font even in math mode. (Several ways to accomplish this; is there a \"best\" way?) Slight inconsistencies in the printing of each letter. I attempt this below adapting code taken from . Each word has a random vertical shift, though I'd like to see it reduced to each letter having its own vertical shift. Other typewriter-like irregularities would be great. It would be great if math-mode delimeters \\left(, \\right}, etc., can be created in a piece-meal fashion as they did in days of old. Fraction bars, tops of square-root symbols -- any horizontal line, really -- is made up of a series of en-dashes that don't quite match up. Here is what I've come up with so far: \\documentclass[10pt]{article}% This is a document class providing more font size options \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{ifthen} \\usepackage[textwidth=7.5in,textheight=9.5in]{geometry} \\pagestyle{empty} % thanks to Bruno Le Floch: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/9331/4012 % and in his comments to https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/29458/4012 \\usepackage[first=-1,last=1]{lcg}% you can play around with these values \\makeatletter \\newcommand{\\globalrand}{\\rand\\global\\cr@nd\\cr@nd} \\makeatother \\newcommand{\\randomvshift}[1]{\\globalrand\\raisebox{\\value{rand}pt}{#1}} %%% thanks to Martin Scharrer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/11598/4012 \\makeatletter \\def\\typewriter#1{% \\@typewriter#1 \\@empty } \\def\\@typewriter#1 #2{% \\randomvshift{#1}\\space \\ifx #2\\@empty\\else \\expandafter\\@typewriter \\fi #2% } \\makeatother \\begin{document}\\tt \\typewriter{Math 101 Fall 1963} \\begin{enumerate} \\item \\typewriter{$\\frac{\\texttt{d}}{\\texttt{dx}}\\texttt{(x)}^2$} \\item \\typewriter{State the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.} \\end{enumerate} \\end{document}",
"Why Lasso or ElasticNet perform better than Ridge when the features are correlated I have a set of 150 features, and many of them are highly correlated with each other. My goal is to predict the value of a discrete variable, whose range is 1-8. My sample size is 550, and I am using 10-fold cross-validation. AFAIK, among the regularization methods (Lasso, ElasticNet, and Ridge), Ridge is more rigorous to correlation among the features. That is why I expected that with Ridge, I should obtain a more accurate prediction. However, my results show that the mean absolute error of Lasso or Elastic is around 0.61 whereas this score is 0.97 for the ridge regression. I wonder what would be an explanation for this. Is this because I have many features, and Lasso performs better because it makes a sort of feature selection, getting rid of the redundant features?",
"When can I say that $\\cup H_i$ is a group? Let $G$ be a group and $\\{H_i\\}_{i\\in I}$ a family of subgroups. I would like to find a condition that will imply that $\\cup_{i\\in I} H_i$ is a subgroup. I know that it's not true in general, I need help to find this condition. Any help is welcome. Thanks a lot.",
"How do you handle aspect ratio differences with Unity 2D? I've gotten a lot of answers to this question, but they are all generic and generally not very useful. None of the tutorials talk about aspect ratio and dealing with mobile devices and there are a zillion ways to do it, all seem to have gotcha's and flaws. I really would love to know what successful games have used to handle different aspect ratios on iOS and Android without making a zillion different sized assets. I am strictly speaking mobile, not desktop, specifically with Unity and I don't care about the UI, I only care about the gameplay canvas. Issues I have in mind is when there are key things that have to be in certain places and cannot fall off the screen. Using black bars on top or bottom is unacceptable these days.",
"reports: Two mathematicians have uncovered a simple, previously unnoticed property of prime numbers [...]. Prime numbers, it seems, have decided preferences about the final digits of the primes that immediately follow them. Among the first billion prime numbers, for instance, a prime ending in 9 is almost 65 percent more likely to be followed by a prime ending in 1 than another prime ending in 9. Do these insights make breaking keys based on primes more mathematically plausible in a shorter amount of time?",
"Can anyone explain how Windows effectively limits the CPU? Last time I tried some tricks to let my laptop not overheat, so I tried limiting the CPU to 70%. As for my suprise it stopped my laptop from overheating - even when launching CPU intensive applications which caused my laptop to overheat and shut down, didn't overheat my laptop anymore! I looked at task manager but the \"CPU intensive\" application still uses ~95% of CPU and the windows task manager shows a total of 100% CPU usage. I have limited the CPU usage here (\"plugged in\" option was on 70% [both min and max] when testing the CPU intensive application): How does Windows do this magic? I see 100% CPU usage yet my CPU does not overheat. And I do not see any performance differences. Does Windows limit the CPU speed? Like, if I have a 2.4 GHz processor, on 70% it will only have 1.68 GHz when limited? How is this possible (changing the CPU speed)? I thought you can only underclock when in BIOS? If not, how does Windows accomplish this if not by changing the speed? Side question: If it's about the speed, is there a way to set the CPU max state to 200% ?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Avoid white space in references | How to deal with bibliography items containing long URLs? | [
"I want to use the top half of the circle to make a cut but whenever I apply the boolean modifier, the circle just stays there and becomes attached to my other object. I've managed to make the cut in a standard cube but not sure why it's not working for this...?",
"I would like to know the equipment and the step by step process, as I have already tried to do it, but it didn't work. I have already watched several videos, but it is not the same to talk to someone that really loves, and knows how to do it. I don't know anybody that knows how to brew anything xD",
"With variable length instructions how does the computer know the length of the instruction being fetched?",
"Do you need to take the Hide action when you are Invisible, make no noise and leave no traces? The Situation: Lets say you are under the effect of Invisibility. An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creature's location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. And you are wearing the Boots of Elvenkind While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently. Now your groups ranger or druid casts Pass Without Trace on you. [...] can’t be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage. My Question(s): I know that when you are Invisible and you did not hide, you are still detectable because of the noise and the track you leave behind. But the Boots of Elvenkind and Pass Without Trace take care of that. So: Are you still required to take the hide action in this situation if you don't want enemies to know your location/presence? If so, why? What gives away your location? If not and you are under the effect of greater Invisibility do you get the benefits of "Unseen Attackers and Targets" for every attack you make when you move between attacks? (You would give away your location, but are not detectable, so completely hidden again when you move)",
"Where should I post my sum-up of the answers, as the OP? Sometimes as the OP (question asker), after reading through all the answers, I have my own sum-up about them. I want to tell people and all further readers about my feeling and comprehension about my desired answer and how all the answers helped towards solving my problem. Where's the correct place to put that information? Things I've considered: Edit into my question: No because that's not part of the question A comment under the question: I dislike that due to limited formatting in comments and its subject to removal (though the latter won't be the case) A comment under the highest-scored or the accepted answer: Still the same reason above. This is, for the time being, the place I'm posting that. A separate answer: Those thoughts probably don't qualify as an answer",
"The Ubuntu installer does not allow me to install on NTFS partitions, but certain circumstances requires me to do so. Is it possible?",
"I'm trying to iterate over the words of a string. The string can be assumed to be composed of words separated by whitespace. Note that I'm not interested in C string functions or that kind of character manipulation/access. Also, please give precedence to elegance over efficiency in your answer. The best solution I have right now is: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string s = \"Somewhere down the road\"; istringstream iss(s); do { string subs; iss >> subs; cout << \"Substring: \" << subs << endl; } while (iss); } Is there a more elegant way to do this?",
"Showing $\\int_x^{x+1}f(t)\\,dt \\xrightarrow{x\\to\\infty}0$ for $f\\in L^2 (\\mathbb{R})$ Show that if $f\\in L^2 (\\mathbb{R})$ then $$\\lim_{x \\rightarrow \\infty} g(x)=0,$$ where $$g(x)=\\int_x^{x+1}f(t)\\,dt$$ Since $f \\in L^2 (\\mathbb{R})$ then $f \\in L^2[x,x+1]$ for every $x$. Then $$|g(x)| \\leq \\left(\\int_x^{x+1} f(t)^2 dt\\right)^{\\frac{1}{2}} \\int_x^{x+1} 1 dt$$ $$|g(x)|\\leq \\left(\\int_x^{x+1} f(t)^2 dt\\right)^{\\frac{1}{2}}$$",
"Get the client IP address using PHP",
"Error: Account is Not Allowed To Suggest Edits I get this message while trying to edit a post on SuperUser while using the iOS mobile app. I have at least 101 reputation on SU, more than enough to be able to edit posts. This appears to be a bug.",
"Finite Sum of Power?",
"Can a coin with an unknown bias be treated as fair?",
"I'm trying to get the subcaptions and captions in sanserif font and Uppercased. According the manual of the caption package this should be possible in the following way.However, this doesnt seem to work. Am I defining something in the wrong way here? \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{floatrow} \\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} \\usepackage{subfig} \\usepackage{caption} \\floatsetup[figure]{subcapbesideposition = top} \\captionsetup{labelfont={sf,up}, labelsep=period, format = plain, singlelinecheck = false, textfont=rm, skip = 2pt} \\captionsetup[subfloat]{labelfont = {up,sf},format = plain,textfont = rm,labelformat = simple, labelsep = period} \\begin{document} \\begin{figure}[h!] \\ffigbox[\\textwidth] {\\begin{subfloatrow} \\sidesubfloat[]{\\includegraphics[width = 0.4\\textwidth]{A.pdf}}% \\sidesubfloat[]{\\includegraphics[width = 0.4\\textwidth]{B.pdf}}% \\end{subfloatrow} \\begin{subfloatrow} \\sidesubfloat[]{\\includegraphics[width = 0.4\\textwidth]{C.pdf}}% \\sidesubfloat[]{\\includegraphics[width = 0.4\\textwidth]{D.pdf}}% \\end{subfloatrow}} {\\caption{this is a caption}} \\end{figure} \\end{document}",
"A positive harmonic function on the punctured plane is constant",
"Primitive polynomials I am revising for a discrete mathematics exam and as quite stuck on this question. Show that the polynomial $f = x^2 + 2 x + 3 \\in \\mathbb{Z}_5[x]$ is primitive. How many monic primitive quadratic polynomials are there in $\\mathbb{Z}_5[x]$? Any help would be greatly appreciated.",
"Make it possible to retract comment flags I misread the content of a comment, and flagged it. Then I realized that the comment wasn't what I had initially thought. Would it be possible to have the ability to retract comment flags, just like we have the ability to retract flags on questions and answers? I'm aware of this  . But the answer there is just that it's not possible. At the time it was not possible to retract any flags. This is a separate which requests that it may become possible to retract comment flags. If I've realized a flag was a mistake, I think it's unnecessary to keep it in the queue of content the moderators have to look at. Also, it would add an unnecessary \"rejected\" to the flaggers statistics. Sure, people should think before they flag. But everyone makes mistakes sometimes.",
"Speed of light in a gravitational field? How do I solve the speed of light in gravitational field? Should I just add gravitational acceleration in speed of light? $$c'=c_0+g(r)t~?$$",
"Compile TeX (directly) into SVG using the command line Is there a way to directly compile TeX code into the SVG image format (rather than going the detour over TeX => PDF => SVG)? I found this question: But I don't want to do it online - it should be a command-line call.",
"What's the difference between Fermi Energy and Fermi Level? I'm a bit confused about the difference between these two concepts. According to Wikipedia the and are closely related concepts. From my understanding, the Fermi energy is the highest occupied energy level of a system in absolute zero? Is that correct? Then what's the difference between Fermi energy and Fermi level?",
"Given a Java InputStream, how can I determine the current offset in the stream?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
SE app looks weird on mobile device | SE Android app for tablet has bad formatting on feed | [
"Can I use Gödel numbers to make a proof?",
"How to get git-completion.bash to work on Mac OS X? I have followed to add git-completion.bash to my /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion and I put PS1='\\h:\\W$(__git_ps1 \"(%s)\") \\u\\$ ' in my .bashrc_profile But now I am getting this -bash: __git_ps1: command not found everything I do a cd. Can you please tell me what am I missing?",
"Assurance that ST_Envelope works with geography as expected Using PostGIS, I have a table of data with geographic points defined as last_known_coordinates GEOGRAPHY(POINT,4326). I want to find all of these within a geographic bounding box with given top left and bottom right geographic coordinates, and be sure that the calculations are geographic, not geometric, e.g. that the results account for the curvature of the earth. The query I'm using contains the fragment: last_known_coordinates && ST_MakeEnvelope(?, ?, ?, ?, 4326)::geography As you can tell I'm a bit new to this, and I know what I want, but not necessarily how to do it correctly. Other answers hint that this is correct, but I'd like to know for sure: Will this point data and SQL fragment take into account the curvature of the Earth in the bounding box?",
"I have to teach the Bayes formula to some undergraduates, in the form: $$ P(A|B) = \\frac{P(A \\cap B)}{P(B)} = \\frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)} $$ I was wondering if anyone had any really thoughtful or alternative ways of teaching it instead of the standard approach.",
"How to Install Octave in El Capitan?",
"Application of Kolmogorov's Zero-One Law Most of the books I read, they only state some examples of tail events. One of them is $[\\sum_n X_n \\ converges]$. My main problem is to show that this is indeed a tail event.",
"SINGLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. What does it mean?",
"I am wondering if I can minimize a multi-variable function one variable at a time. In other words, is it true that: $min_{x_1,x_2} f(x_1,x_2)=min_{x_1} min_{x_2} f(x_1,x_2)$",
"unbalaced data set in classification tasks",
"Is there a difference between installing an application via Ubuntu Software Center or a terminal?",
"How to get text from an element , when getText fails I have the following element element(by.css("span[aria-label='Picker ID, TESTUSER']") I want to assure the text on this filed is TESTUSER, so I tried: expect(element(by.css("span[aria-label='Picker ID, TESTUSER']")).getAttribute('value')).toEqual('TESTUSER'); then I got the error: Expected null to equal 'TESTUSER' So I tried: element(by.css("span[aria-label='Picker ID, TESTUSER']")).getText().then(function (value) { console.log(value); }) And I got this error: Expected '' to be 'TESTUSER'. How to get the value of this field and expect it is TESTUSER?",
"MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) I've got a working PHP script that gets Longitude and Latitude values and then inputs them into a MySQL query. I'd like to make it solely MySQL. Here's my current PHP Code: if ($distance != \"Any\" && $customer_zip != \"\") { //get the great circle distance //get the origin zip code info $zip_sql = \"SELECT * FROM zip_code WHERE zip_code = '$customer_zip'\"; $result = mysql_query($zip_sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $origin_lat = $row['lat']; $origin_lon = $row['lon']; //get the range $lat_range = $distance/69.172; $lon_range = abs($distance/(cos($details[0]) * 69.172)); $min_lat = number_format($origin_lat - $lat_range, \"4\", \".\", \"\"); $max_lat = number_format($origin_lat + $lat_range, \"4\", \".\", \"\"); $min_lon = number_format($origin_lon - $lon_range, \"4\", \".\", \"\"); $max_lon = number_format($origin_lon + $lon_range, \"4\", \".\", \"\"); $sql .= \"lat BETWEEN '$min_lat' AND '$max_lat' AND lon BETWEEN '$min_lon' AND '$max_lon' AND \"; } Does anyone know how to make this entirely MySQL? I've browsed the Internet a bit but most of the literature on it is pretty confusing.",
"What does $b_i\\mid b_{i+1}$ mean in this context? In the computational topology literature, the reduction algorithm for computing the Smith normal form of a boundary matrix uses the notation $b_j > 1 \\: \\text{ and }\\: b_j\\mid b_{j+1}$ in the context of the diagonal elements of the Smith matrix. Can anyone give me an idea for what it means?",
"How do I recover lost/inaccessible data from my storage device?",
"What should I do to avoid ear pain when flying?",
"Here is my problem: I've got a dialog with some parameters that the user can change (via a spinner for example). Each time one of these parameters is changed, I launch a thread to update a 3D view according to the new parameter value. If the user changes another value (or the same value again by clicking many times on the spinner arrow) while the first thread is working, I would like to abort the first thread (and the update of the 3D view) and launch a new one with the latest parameter value. How can I do something like that? PS: There is no loop in the run() method of my thread, so checking for a flag is not an option: the thread updating the 3D view basically only calls a single method that is very long to execute. I can't add any flag in this method asking to abort either as I do not have access to its code.",
"Special Relativity - Regarding the Simultaneity of Events During the Train Paradox My questions concerns that classic train paradox, wherein there is a train and a tunnel of equal length, and the train is traveling and some fraction of the speed of light towards the tunnel. According to the Special Theory of Relativity, an observer outside the tunnel will see the train length contracted (Lorentz Contraction), whereas an observer inside will see the tunnel contracted. Additionally, suppose that there were doors at the ends of the tunnel and that the observer outside the tunnel closed both doors instantaneously when he/she saw that the train was completely inside the tunnel. The classic resolution of this paradox invokes the non-simultaneity of events, explaining that the observer in the train sees the far door close first, and then, once the train has begun to exit the tunnel, looks back to see the door at the beginning close. Thus, both observers agree that the train does not touch the door when they are closed for an instant. Now my questions. Why is it that the observer on the train sees the far door close first? It seems to me that the information coming from the far door would reach the observer on the train only after the information from the other door is reach. Under this interpretation, the observer on the train would observe the train getting hit by the doors. What if, by some means, this event can be explained in terms of a stationary observer too? Everyone always concludes that the train remains untouched by the doors, but really the only condition that needs to be met is that both observers must agree. Why can't they both agree that the train was hit? So, to summarize. Why is the door that is farther away from the train observed to close first? Why can't the other possible conclusion (both see a hit train) be observed?",
"How to import Ordnance Survery raster layer to ArcGIS Desktop? I have downloaded raster map data from ONS, the data has come in the form of two files... one is full of .tlw files and the other is full of .tab files... How do I import it into a raster layer to ArcCatalog?",
"Which shells don't support dollar-parenthesis expansion, and demand backticks?",
"Few site and meta site names are ending with Stack Exchange and not all the sites in the data explorer main page"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"What are Liam and Noel's jobs?" versus "What are Liam's and Noel's jobs?" | "Nikki's and Alice's X" vs. "Nikki and Alice's X" | [
"Facebook changed how their API serves profile pictures that are requested with a non-application scope UID. Now because before Graph API 2 all applications shared the original UID, if users like me has joined Stack Exchange websites before 2, rolling out their profile pictures are not shown properly. Facebook suggests to use an access token to query those profile pictures, either an application access token or a user access token. A user access token is not a reliable option at all, because it would only work for users who joined website with Facebook and are currently logged in. Application access tokens, by the way, can be used by creating sort of a proxy that would retrieve a profile picture from Facebook and display it. Yet still it's not perfect. I think the best solution is to communicate with Facebook and ask them to offer an opportunity to convert old Graph API 1 UID's to application scope user IDs.",
"SSH tunneling error: \"channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed\" When I open this ssh tunnel: ssh -nXNT -p 22 localhost -L I get this error when trying to access the HTTP server running on localhost:8984: channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed What does this error mean, and on which machine can you fix the problem?",
"I just added a PPA repository for the development version of the GIMP, but I get this error: $ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ... The following packages have been kept back: gimp gimp-data libgegl-0.0-0 libgimp2.0 Why and how can I solve it so that I can use the latest version instead of the one I have now?",
"Justifying the Normal Approx to the Binomial Distribution through MGFs Would absolutely love if someone could help me with this question, in a step by step way to help those who are uninitiated to Statistics and Mathematics. So, I am trying to \"prove/justify\" through MGFs how as n(the sample size) increases and goes to infinity, a standardized binomial distribution converges to the Standard Normal Distribution. So in the beginning we have $X_n $~$ Bin(n,p)$ then we standardize this $R.V.$ by subtracting the mean $E(X_n)=np$ and dividing by the $SD$ which is $np(1-p)$. After doing this, we get a new $R.V.$ with $mean=1$ and $variance=SD=1$. It is the distribution of this standardized quantity that converges to a fixed distribution, correct? Namely the Standard Normal Distribution. Let's call the standardized version of $X_n$, $Z_n$. I think what we need to do is to find the MGF of $Z_n$ and show that this MGF becomes the Standard Normal Distribution's MGF as the sample size $(n)$ heads toward infinity. Now $Z_n$ is a function of $X_n$ which we know the MGF of which is $(1-p+pe^t)^n$. Now I know that $Z_n$ is a linear transform and that we should be able to use this to simply the MGF but I don't understand how the course notes do it, mostly because they skip a lot of steps and it is difficult to follow. There is also a Taylor Series Expansion for the exponential that I am confused about although I do understand the concept of the series expansion. Help would be greatly appreciated! I would love assistant in exactly how we can prove this via MGF. Thanks so much in advance :)",
"What is the \"Bootable flag\" option when installing a distro? Is the \"bootable flag\" needed in today's distributions? If not, then why is it still in the installers? What is it exactly?",
"Why couldn't Bond have backup at the battle of Skyfall? I think I am missing a key plot point here. Bond had to fake-kidnap M and bring her to Skyfall in order to lure Silva there for one last stand. Why did this have to be a secret from his colleagues at MI6? Why couldn't there have been other agents there to help defend the house and take down Silva? Also, why did he have to have Q lay a fake trail to get Silva to follow him to Skyfall when he was actually going there, and he wanted Silva to follow him?",
"Say I have two normal distributions A and B with means $\\mu_A$ and $\\mu_B$ and variances $\\sigma_A$ and $\\sigma_B$. I want to take a weighted mixture of these two distributions using weights $p$ and $q$ where $0\\le p \\le 1$ and $q = 1-p$. I know that the mean of this mixture would be $\\mu_{AB} = (p\\times\\mu_A) + (q\\times\\mu_B)$. What would the variance be? A concrete example would be if I knew the parameters for the distribution of male and female height. If I had a room of people that was 60% male, I could produce the expected mean height for the whole room, but what about the variance?",
"Google street view URL Hi I have the address of a property and my application can launch a browser to go to . If a good match is found it will take it directly there. Is there any thing I can append to the url to make it switch to streetview without having the exact coordinates? I dont't want to code any javascript or flash.",
"It seems that given a statement $a = b$, that $a + c = b + c$ is assumed also to be true. Why isn't this an axiom of arithmetic, like the commutative law or associative law? Or is it a consequence of some other axiom of arithmetic? Thanks! Edit: I understand the intuitive meaning of equality. Answers that stated that $a = b$ means they are the same number or object make sense but what I'm asking is if there is an explicit law of replacement that allows us to make this intuitive truth a valid mathematical deduction. For example is there an axiom of Peano's Axioms or some other axiomatic system that allows for adding or multiplying both sides of an equation by the same number? In all the texts I've come across I've never seen an axiom that states if $a = b$ then $a + c = b + c$. I have however seen if $a < b$ then $a + c < b + c$. In my view $<$ and $=$ are similar so the absence of a definition for equality is strange.",
"Inequality with exponents $x^x+y^y \\ge x^y +y^x$ Let $x,y$ be positive numbers. Prove that $x^x+y^y \\ge x^y +y^x$. This question appeared in Summer 1991 Russian Olympiad team test. Apparently, I tried to come up with different approach such as Jensen, Karamata's inequality and nothing works so far. I just need a discussion here. Hints are not necessary.",
"event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead",
"Quote unquote (or end-quote), unseparated by the actual quotation",
"input() error - NameError: name '...' is not defined",
"Why is there an unexplainable gap between these inline-block div elements?",
"How do I \"replay\" the \"Caveats\" section from a homebrew recipe",
"Cap colour in IPL If a player is the highest run scorer and at the same time is the highest wicket taker in IPL, which colour cap would he wear?",
"Why is the content of /run/resolvconf/interface/NetworkManager changed every time I reboot?",
"How do I check if someone accessed my computer? I need to check the list of files accessed in my computer (ex: yesterday on particular time). Is it possible? Or I need to check whether anybody accessed my computer (when I left it unlocked) or not for a particular time.",
"how to crop image in to pieces programmatically",
"I'm going through MSIL and noticing there are a lot of instructions in the MSIL. The MSDN article says they take no action and are used to fill space if the opcode is patched. They're used a lot more in debug builds than release builds. I know that these kinds of statements are used in assembly languages to align later instructions, but why are MSIL nops needed in MSIL? (Editor's note: the accepted answer is about machine-code NOPs, not MSIL/CIL NOPs which the question originally asked about.)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Exporting A4 size | Real Size Image Printing | [
"I get the following error when I try to typeset a beamer document. kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 0+525/600 --dpi 525 mathkerncmssi8 gsftopk: fatal: map file `cid-base.map' not found. mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for mathkerncmssi8. mktexpk: perhaps mathkerncmssi8 is missing from the map file. kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log. ) !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file mathkerncmssi8): Font mathkerncmssi8 at 525 not found ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! But if I remove sansmathaccent.sty from the TeX Live tree, the document typesets fine. Here is a minimal working example. \\documentclass[10pt]{beamer} \\begin{document} \\begin{frame}{A very short beamer document} $e^{i\\pi}+1=0$ \\end{frame} \\end{document}",
"Let $a_1=1$ and $a_n=n(a_{n-1}+1)$ for $n=2,3,\\dots$. Define $$P_n=\\left(1+\\frac{1}{a_1}\\right)\\left(1+\\frac{1}{a_2}\\right)\\dots\\left(1+\\frac{1}{a_n}\\right)$$Find $$\\lim_{n \\to \\infty}P_n$$ Trial: $$1+\\frac{1}{a_n}=1+\\frac{1}{n(a_{n-1}+1)}\\;.$$ But I can't simplyfy.Please help.",
"Get list of all tables in Oracle? How do I query an Oracle database to display the names of all tables in it?",
"Visualization for Euclidean Algorithm",
"How do you photograph rain? What are recommended settings for my Nikon Coolpix P1 to best portray rain? Here's what I got. No retouching was applied. The picture I took when the rain was heavy with the automatic settings: The picture I took with the \"Sports\" program; by then, however, the rain was not as hard. Ugh, ugly gray strip at the bottom, that was the flat surface I put my camera on to get a stable picture. My main problem is that the actual rain and hailstorm is very hard to see in the picture. The overall effect is, instead, of fog. Follow-up from the thread, courtesy of more rain, now with less hailstorm and more thunder. The feedback amounted to flash and faster shutter. I took a few photos and I'm having some trouble to reconstruct what I did to get each result. Two representative results: Fast shutter, with some guest starring:I'm talking about that horrible building obviously. Faster shutter and flash:Kinda difficult to say those pictures were taken sixty seconds of each other. :) I'm not sure, however, that either of this is really an improvement of the original results.",
"I'm doing some exercises on Apostol's calculus, on the floor function. Now, he doesn't give an explicit definition of $[x]$, so I'm going with this one: DEFINITION Given $x\\in \\Bbb R$, the integer part of $x$ is the unique $z\\in \\Bbb Z$ such that $$z\\leq x < z+1$$ and we denote it by $[x]$. Now he asks to prove some basic things about it, such as: if $n\\in \\Bbb Z$, then $[x+n]=[x]+n$ So I proved it like this: Let $z=[x+n]$ and $z'=[x]$. Then we have that $$z\\leq x+n<z+1$$ $$z'\\leq x<z'+1$$ Then $$z'+n\\leq x+n<z'+n+1$$ But since $z'$ is an integer, so is $z'+n$. Since $z$ is unique, it must be that $z'+n=z$. However, this doesn't seem to get me anywhere to prove that $$\\left[ {2x} \\right] = \\left[ x \\right] + \\left[ {x + \\frac{1}{2}} \\right]$$ in and in general that $$\\left[ {nx} \\right] = \\sum\\limits_{k = 0}^{n - 1} {\\left[ {x + \\frac{k}{n}} \\right]} $$ Obviously one could do an informal proof thinking about \"the carries\", but that's not the idea, let alone how tedious it would be. Maybe there is some easier or clearer characterization of $[x]$ in terms of $x$ to work this out. Another property is $$[-x]=\\begin{cases}-[x]\\text{ ; if }x\\in \\Bbb Z \\cr-[x]-1 \\text{ ; otherwise}\\end{cases}$$ I argue: if $x\\in\\Bbb Z$, it is clear $[x]=x$. Then $-[x]=-x$, and $-[x]\\in \\Bbb Z$ so $[-[x]]=-[x]=[-x]$. For the other, I guess one could say: $$n \\leqslant x < n + 1 \\Rightarrow - n - 1 < x \\leqslant -n$$ and since $x$ is not an integer, this should be the same as $$ - n - 1 \\leqslant -x < -n$$ $$ - n - 1 \\leqslant -x < (-n-1)+1$$ So $[-x]=-[x]-1$",
"Aufbau principle in modern quantum theory",
"A new version of Ubuntu has been released. I still can't find it on ubuntu.com. Where can it be downloaded from, or is it the only way to install it using update-manager to upgrade an existing installation?",
"example of compact operator Let $E=l^p=\\left\\{x=\\left(x_n\\right): x_n\\in\\mathbb{R}, \\sum_{1}^{\\infty}\\left|x_n\\right|^p<\\infty\\right\\}$ with $1\\le p<\\infty$, $\\left\\|x\\right\\|_E=\\left(\\sum_{1}^{\\infty}\\left|x_n\\right|^p\\right)^{1/p}.$ Let $\\left(\\lambda_n\\right)$ is a bounded sequence in $\\mathbb{R}$ and consider the operator $T$ defined by $$T(x)=\\left(\\lambda_1x_x,\\ldots,\\lambda_nx_n,\\ldots\\right)$$ where $x\\in l^p$. Prove that $T$ is a compact operator from $E$ to $E$ iff $\\lambda_n\\rightarrow 0$. Can anyone give me some hints to solve this problem? Thank you!",
"Which story is true at end of the movie \"Life of Pi\"? At the end of the movie Pi tells us two stories. One with the tiger (unrealistic) and one without the tiger (realistic). I believe that he was metaphorically referring himself as the tiger who enters the forest (world) after being rescued. Is my thinking correct? can you explain me the ending? At the end did Irfan Khan (older Pi/narrator) say that \"even God chose the first story\"? Does it mean that the first story was indeed real?",
"During iPhone update to iOS 10.3.1, I was asked for my password using the correct machine name for my Mac mini. To be clear, the request was not for my iCloud password, my actual local user account password for macOS. This can also happen in the other direction - setting up a Mac may ask for verification for you to enter your iPhone / iPad passcode (and not your iCloud password) I could not find any information about this kind of access. I was thinking it was security for iCloud and possibly related to two step authorization or two factor authorization. This is the first time I can think of that I entered a desktop password outside of that actual desktop. I don't have a screen shot but I recall an implication that some files in my Mac are encrypted and need my password. '... need to enter the password for .' Are there settings I can I control this assuming it's a legitimate part of iCloud setup process or iOS setup process?",
"Could someone please explain? I couldn't find anything on the internet, everything talks about how to go about it in some way, but nothing says exactly what it is. Also, what is a fully trusted assembly and how do they differ from one another? I have a MS certification exam and this is the only topic that I just don't understand. EDIT: Thanks guys. Now I have a better understanding of security in .NET. I was able to pass my certification exam.",
"Why is the last digit of $n^5$ equal to the last digit of $n$? I was wondering why the last digit of $n^5$ is that of $n$? What's the proof and logic behind the statement? I have no idea where to start. Can someone please provide a simple proof or some general ideas about how I can figure out the proof myself? Thanks.",
"I'm trying to install Windows 7 with a 4GB flash drive, but my error that comes up is that my hard drive I'm trying to install on is in ext4. I need to format it to read NTFS. I can't seem to find any topics on how to format an active hard drive. I found a topic that explains how to move Ubuntu to a new drive, but it's a bit confusing to me.",
"Simplify result of $\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{1+x^n}dx$ It is quite easy to show that (by using residue theorem) $$\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{1+x^n}dx = \\frac{2 \\pi i^{1+2/n}}{n(e^{2 \\pi i / n} - 1)} $$ for $$n \\ge 2$$ Is there any possibility to simplify $$\\frac{2 \\pi i^{1+2/n}}{n(e^{2 \\pi i / n} - 1)}$$ or it is best result? Thanks in advance!",
"How to find max of amount of opportunity related to account? I have a below requirement : I need to find maximum amount on related opportunities and to display on account. Ex: suppose I have account A1 and A1 have 5 opportunities with amount o1=>100 o2=>500 o3=>300 o4=>1000 o5=>50 on my account i should have max_opportunity_amount =1000. I have written below trigger ,but I am not sure what to do further trigger maxOppAmountonAcc on Opportunity(after insert){ map<id,Opportunity> oppMap = new map<id,Opportunity> (); set<Id> oppId = new set<Id>(); for(Opportunity o : Trigger.new) { oppMap.put(o.accountId,o); oppId.add(o.id); } List<Account> accList = new List<Account>(); for(Account a : [Select id ,MaxOppAmount__c,(select id,max(amount) from opportunities) from Account where id in : oppMap.keyset()]) { } }",
"A does the same B as does C",
"Power set equivalency of Axiom of Choice",
"How do I disable search-as-you-type text in Ubuntu 17.10 and later? I cannot find enable-interactive-search in gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences enable-interactive-search true. I searched using gsettings list-recursively | grep search and gsettings list-recursively | grep interactive but no such option. Can you help me disable this in Ubuntu 17.10 and later?",
"Git ignore file for Xcode projects Which files should I include in .gitignore when using Git in conjunction with Xcode?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Variation of a Maximum_Subarray_Problem | maximum subarray of an array with integers | [
"What's the cleanest, most effective way to validate decimal numbers in JavaScript? Bonus points for: Clarity. Solution should be clean and simple. Cross-platform. Test cases: 01. IsNumeric('-1') => true 02. IsNumeric('-1.5') => true 03. IsNumeric('0') => true 04. IsNumeric('0.42') => true 05. IsNumeric('.42') => true 06. IsNumeric('99,999') => false 07. IsNumeric('0x89f') => false 08. IsNumeric('#abcdef') => false 09. IsNumeric('1.2.3') => false 10. IsNumeric('') => false 11. IsNumeric('blah') => false",
"I need a CD or USB stick, that will install Ubuntu on a completely headless machine. Stick CD in and restart, no keyboard or screen should be involved. There are a few obstacles: The language selection menu when you first boot the CD. The fact that the CD menu waits. The installer's asking questions during installation.",
"one or more [plural or singular]? Should I use singular or plural after one or more? Example: One or more [signal/signals]",
"The binomial sum $$s_n=\\binom{n+1}{0}+\\binom{n}{1}+\\binom{n-1}{2}+\\cdots$$ satisfies the Fibonacci relation. I failed to prove that $\\binom{n-k+1}{k}=\\binom{n-k}{k}+\\binom{n-k-1}{k}$... Any hints or suggestions?",
"Adjusting font size with TikZ picture Taking from the PGF manual, \\begin{tikzpicture} \\draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,3); \\coordinate (a) at (rnd,rnd); \\coordinate (b) at (3-rnd,3-rnd); \\draw (a) -- (b); \\node (c) at (1,2) {x}; \\draw let \\p1 = ($ (a)!(c)!(b) - (c) $), \\n1 = {veclen(\\x1,\\y1)} in circle [at=(c), radius=\\n1]; \\end{tikzpicture} I'd like to increase the size of x. The problem is that I have multiple circles in the same diagram. Some of them require a larger sized font, while others are okay at default. How do I do this?",
"I will like to know some of the android emulators that work really well with Ubuntu 11.10 and above. I want to try 'whatsapp' on Ubuntu through an android emulator. Thanks in advance",
"Suppose Player 1 has a Dragon on the table and in hand, while Player 2 has two Spiders on the table. Player 1 chooses to attack with the Dragon and Player 2 chooses to block with one of the Spiders. Before combat damage is to be dealt, Player 1 uses Unsummon on the blocking Spider. Does Player 2 take any life damage from the attacking Dragon?",
"In the , can monitor some things like the total traffic on the site. However, it seems to be broken at the moment, all figures are almost zero. This is how it looks for Meta Stack Exchange (other sites show similar pictures):",
"ToolStrip sometimes not responding to a mouse click",
"Control Android with broken screen from PC",
"Voldemort couldn't kill Harry as long as he called the Dursleys home. Why didn't he just murder the Dursleys? This would prevent Harry from being able to live there.",
"To be truly standards-compliant, must all functions in C (except for main) have a prototype, even if they are only used after their definition in the same translation unit?",
"How does a Windows antivirus hook into the file access process?",
"[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata - what should I do about this?",
"Prove the map sending a matrix to it's inverse is continuous.",
"Currently the Flag feature, on answers, offers five choices. Three of them request moderator attention: Not an answer Very low quality \"Other\" In the spirit of reducing the burden on moderators, and distributing that work a little bit more evenly around the community, I'm proposing a couple of small tweaks to the way answers are flagged. Eliminate as an option. Very low quality posts that are, nevertheless, genuine answers do not need moderator attention - they should just be downvoted. (Further justification for this is and ) Replace with four specific options: Should have been a comment - this is not an answer, it is a comment on the question or on another answer. Flagger would then be required to choose which post it should have been a comment on. Should have been an edit - this is not an answer, it is additional information about the question from the original asker. Only appears if the answer is from the same user as the question. Me-too! non-answer - this answer consists of nothing more than \"Me too!\" or \"Did anyone find the answer?\" Conversational and irrelevant - this is not an answer, just a random conversation or rant, or meaningless typing that should be deleted This makes life much easier on the moderators, because now the moderator is not expected to clean up after the bad answer, they merely have to peek at what happened and click \"Agree\" or \"Disagree\". If they agree: Should have been a comment converts the answer to a comment Should have been an edit converts the answer to an edit and it is appended to the question Me-too! non-answer deletes the answer and leaves a form-message for the poster explaining that we don't like \"Me too\", but they should upvote the question if they think it's important or valuable Conversational and irrelevant - deletes the answer and leaves a form-message for the poster explaining that we are a Q&A site, etc. etc. In fact, if enough people with high enough flag weight or reputation (FORMULA TBD) apply the same flag, the moderation happens automatically, without moderator involvement. To prevent the moderation queue from filling up with problems that might cure themselves, these flags don't even go in the moderator queue until some period of time (TBD) has passed. Thoughts?",
"What is the best filesystem to use cross-platform (Linux, Windows, OS X) which supports disk sizes of at least 2TB and file sizes >4GB? I'm planning to use it on a USB drive on different computers. Are there any filesystems that can be used on all the named OSes without installing additional drivers?",
"How to calculate information included in R's confusion matrix I want know the formulas for the information highlighted in the confusion matrix in the picture below:",
"Computer doesn't boot up, shows PXE error and/or \"operating system not found\", \"no bootable device\", \"insert boot media\", or other similar error",
"How do I write this matrix as a product of elementary row matrices. \\begin{pmatrix}3&-1&3\\\\ -2&3&2\\\\ 1&-3&1\\end{pmatrix} Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have done this before with other matrices, yet this one is bringing me trouble. I have spent too long on this as I believe it should be easy and yet my answers are always wrong. What Do you do after you get the identity matrix? What I am doing: So I first row reduce it to the identity matrix: I first switch $R_1$ and $R_3$ Then $R_3-3R_1$ then $R_2+2R_1$ then $-1/3R_2$ then $R_3-8R_2$ then $R_2-2R_1$ then $3/32R_3$ then $R_1+3R_3$ and finally $R_2+4/3R_3$ I know there is many possible ways to get this too the identity matrix but this worked for me. I then apply all of the above steps to identity matrices and multiply them together to check my work but it never works out to be the original matrix so I am forced to believe something is wrong."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Schengen Visa Free Travel as Tourist (90/180) Immediately Following Long Stay (D Type Visa) | Does tourist visa (90 days) apply after a long-term visa ends in Schengen countries? | [
"Why are imported PDFs blurry in InDesign?",
"ArcMap Attribute Table not seen when second screen disconnected from Main Computer?",
"Solve recurrence relation $a_n = 3 a_{n - 3} + a_{n-1} + 2 n$ I am not able to solve the above recurrence relation which involves $n$. The initial conditions $a_0 = 1, a_1 = 2, a_2 = 3$, for $n \\geq 0$. Please try to give closed form in terms of arbitrary $a_i \\geq 1 $ for $i \\geq 0$",
"Prove $x \\equiv a \\pmod{p}$ and $x \\equiv a \\pmod{q}$ then $x \\equiv a\\pmod{pq}$",
"Sphere rolling up a ramp In this question, I did energy conservation, with the states being the initial one and the one where it is at the top , and I got $$ .5 I w^2 + .5 mv^2 = mgh$$ However, in the answer key they have done, $$ .5 mv^2 + .5 Iw^2 = .5 Iw^2 + mgh$$ Now why would the k.e be turned to p.e but not the rolling energy??",
"Possible Duplicate: In the following claim was mentioned: $R/I \\otimes_R M \\cong M / IM$ So I tried to prove it. Can you help me finish my proof? Thanks! We recall that $M \\otimes_R -$ is a covariant right-exact functor that it is exact if $M$ is flat and we observe that the following is an exact sequence: $$ 0 \\to IM \\xrightarrow{i} M \\xrightarrow{\\pi} M / IM \\to 0$$ $R/I$ is an $R$ module since $R/I$ is a subring of $R$ closed with respect to multiplication from $R$ but it is not necessarily flat hence we only get exactness on one side: $$ (R/I) \\otimes_R IM \\xrightarrow{id \\otimes i} (R/I) \\otimes_R M \\xrightarrow{id \\otimes \\pi} (R/I) \\otimes_R M / IM \\to 0$$ Then $$ \\mathrm{Im(id \\otimes \\pi)} = (R/I) \\otimes_R M / IM \\cong (R/I) \\otimes_R M / \\mathrm{Ker} (id \\otimes i) $$ so we want to show two things: (i) that $\\mathrm{Ker} (id \\otimes i) = \\{0\\}$. To this end let $r + I \\otimes im \\in (R/I) \\otimes_R IM $ and assume $ id \\otimes i(r + I \\otimes im ) = r + I \\otimes im = 0 + I \\otimes 0$. I'm not sure how to proceed from here. (ii) and that $M /IM \\cong (R/I) \\otimes_R M / IM $ Can you help me? Thanks.",
"I have a question about editing practices: Does it look good to edit a question you have just answered? For example: say I had just answered a question, then saw that the question had some minor formatting issues. Should I edit it? Does it turn up voters off when they see that I am answering a question I changed, possibly to better suit my answer?",
"For example, the square can be described with the equation $|x| + |y| = 1$. So is there a general equation that can describe a regular polygon (in the 2D Cartesian plane?), given the number of sides required? Using the Wolfram Alpha site, this input gave an almost-square: PolarPlot(0.75 + ArcSin(Sin(2x+Pi/2))/(Sin(2x+Pi/2)*(Pi/4))) (x from 0 to 2Pi) This input gave an almost-octagon: PolarPlot(0.75 + ArcSin(Sin(4x+Pi/2))/(Sin(4x+Pi/2)*Pi^2)) (x from 0 to 2Pi) The idea is that as the number of sides in a regular polygon goes to infinity, the regular polygon approaches a circle. Since a circle can be described by an equation, can a regular polygon be described by one too? For our purposes, this is a regular convex polygon (triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon and so on). It can be assumed that the centre of the regular polygon is at the origin $(0,0)$, and the radius is $1$ unit. If there's no such equation, can the non-existence be proven? If there are equations, but only for certain polygons (for example, only for $n < 7$ or something), can those equations be provided?",
"What does --shell-escape do? I stumbled upon an example, which needed to be compiled with the additional option --shell-escape. Using this option it worked just fine, but I'm curious: Why or when is this option needed and what does it actually do?",
"Did Emperor Palpatine know about Luke and Leia from the beginning? Did Emperor Palpatine know that Padme had given birth to twins while it was happening? Was it his long-term goal to have Vader only discover his offspring later, at some \"correct\" moment?",
"Is there any difference between Frequentist and Bayesian on the definition of Likelihood? Some sources say likelihood function is not conditional probability, some say it is. This is very confusing to me. According to most sources I have seen, the likelihood of a distribution with parameter $\\theta$, should be a product of probability mass functions given $n$ samples of $x_i$: $$L(\\theta) = L(x_1,x_2,...,x_n;\\theta) = \\prod_{i=1}^n p(x_i;\\theta)$$ For example in Logistic Regression, we use an optimization algorithm to maximize the likelihood function (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) to obtain the optimal parameters and therefore the final LR model. Given the $n$ training samples, which we assume to be independent from each other, we want to maximize the product of probabilities (or the joint probability mass functions). This seems quite obvious to me. According to , \"likelihood is not a probability and it is not a conditional probability\". It also mentioned, \"likelihood is a conditional probability only in Bayesian understanding of likelihood, i.e., if you assume that $\\theta$ is a random variable.\" I read about the different perspectives of treating a learning problem between frequentist and Bayesian. According to a source, for Bayesian inference, we have a priori $P(\\theta)$, likelihood $P(X|\\theta)$, and we want to obtain the posterior $P(\\theta|X)$, using Bayesian theorem: $$P(\\theta|X)=\\dfrac{P(X|\\theta) \\times P(\\theta)}{P(X)}$$ I'm not familiar with Bayesian Inference. How come $P(X|\\theta)$ which is the distribution of the observed data conditional on its parameters, is also termed the likelihood? In , it says sometimes it is written $L(\\theta|X)=p(X|\\theta)$. What does this mean? is there a difference between Frequentist and Bayesian's definitions on likelihood?? Thanks. EDIT: There are different ways of interpreting Bayes' theorem - Bayesian interpretation and Frequentist interpretation (See: ).",
"Can massive damage knock out rather than causing instant death? Suppose, as happened last night, a character intends to subdue rather than kill an opponent. She made a melee attack, hit, declared her intent to knock out. The damage roll was enough to reduce the opponent to zero and the remaining damage exceeded the opponent's maximum HP. Now we would seem to have two rules invoked: Instant Death. Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum. (PHB p.197) Knocking a Creature Out. When an attacker reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack, the attacker can knock the creature out. The attacker can make this choice the instant the damage is dealt. The creature falls unconscious and is stable. (PHB p.198) So which rule takes precedence? Or is it neither?",
"If $\\gcd (x,4) = 2$ and $\\gcd(y,4) = 2$ then $\\gcd(x+y,4) = 4$ I was working my way through some number theoretic proofs and being a newbie am stuck on this problem : If $(x, 4) = 2$ and $(y, 4) =2$, then $(x + y, 4) = 4$, where $(a,b)$ denotes the greatest common divisor of $a$ and $b$. My Solution (Incorrect) $x-4 = 2t$ $y-4 = 2p$ $x + y - 8 = 2(t+p) \\Rightarrow x + y - 4 = 2f + 4 = 2(f+2)\\Rightarrow 2$ divides $(x+y , 4)$ My Question: My solution is definitely inadequate. Can someone help me out?",
"Permalinks: custom post type -> custom taxonomy -> post I am having trouble working with WordPress rewrite rules, and could use some help. I have a custom post type called _shows_. All shows have a single custom taxonomy category _show-category_. A _show_ will never have more than one _show-category_. I would like my urls to route in this manner: www.mysite.com/shows/ => archive-shows.php www.mysite.com/shows/%category%/ => taxonomy-show-category.php www.mysite.com/shows/%category%/%postname%/ => single-shows.php So as a real world example, lets say we have a _show-category_ \"Foo\" and a _show_ post titled \"Bar\" that has \"Foo\" as it's _show-category_. I would expect my WordPress app to look like this: www.mysite.com/shows/foo/ => shows all posts under the foo category www.mysite.com/shows/foo/bar => shows the indivual post I try to avoid plugins when possible, but am open to any solution.",
"How to prepare files for rsync on a case insensitive filesystem? I am transferring a large number of files on a HFS+ filesystem. The files are currently on ext2 partitions. I have conflicts due to case insensitivity of the target partition (HFS+). I want to identify the files that have duplicates filenames once they are in lower case, and delete them if they are actually duplicates. I also found that I will have duplicate folder names if I convert everyhing to lower case. Basically these hard drives contain years of unsorted data, and I happen to have this problem with folder names too. Does this seem reasonable: find . -type f | while read f; do echo $f:l; done | sort | uniq -d $f:l is ZSH for convert to lower case. Now I want to keep only one instance of each file that have duplicates. How to do this efficiently ? I do not want to find files with duplicate content, unless they have the same lower case filename. I will deal with duplicates later.",
"Why does evolution not make life longer for humans or any other species? Wouldn't evolution favour a long life?",
"How can i show that two $R$-modules of finite rank are isomorphic if and only if they have the same rank, i.e., $R^n \\cong R^m$ iff $n=m$.",
"What is a StackOverflowError?",
"I know that the Windows copy dialog (in Windows XP) stores the copy in memory first, and it is still copying after the dialog closes, so the time is off, but why is the estimation of the time it will take to make a copy so inaccurate, even when memory copying has been disabled (in Vista and Windows 7)? It seems so arbitrary! How does the whole copy procedure work, and why can't Windows estimate it correctly?",
"Determine if two rectangles overlap each other? I am trying to write a C++ program that takes the following inputs from the user to construct rectangles (between 2 and 5): height, width, x-pos, y-pos. All of these rectangles will exist parallel to the x and the y axis, that is all of their edges will have slopes of 0 or infinity. I've tried to implement what is mentioned in question but I am not having very much luck. My current implementation does the following: // Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 1 and stores them in an array -> arrRect1 // point 1 x: arrRect1[0], point 1 y: arrRect1[1] and so on... // Gets all the vertices for Rectangle 2 and stores them in an array -> arrRect2 // rotated edge of point a, rect 1 int rot_x, rot_y; rot_x = -arrRect1[3]; rot_y = arrRect1[2]; // point on rotated edge int pnt_x, pnt_y; pnt_x = arrRect1[2]; pnt_y = arrRect1[3]; // test point, a from rect 2 int tst_x, tst_y; tst_x = arrRect2[0]; tst_y = arrRect2[1]; int value; value = (rot_x * (tst_x - pnt_x)) + (rot_y * (tst_y - pnt_y)); cout << \"Value: \" << value; However I'm not quite sure if (a) I've implemented the algorithm I linked to correctly, or if I did exactly how to interpret this? Any suggestions?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Extracting sheet/pages from Excel XLXS file to Mathematica | import Excel sheets by name | [
"Allow only alphanumeric characters for a UITextField",
"How will learning about philosophy impact real-life? Examining the practical, impactful, real-life benefits of getting a degree in philosophy It is often asked, "What is the practical use of philosophy?" or "How will learning about philosophy impact real-life?" It is easy to see why there is such mystery surrounding the topic. Most schools up through high school may only offer 1 or 2 courses on it, if any. It is also often talked about in general conversation as a "wishy-washy" subject, often negatively, as though it contains no answers but only raises an endless series of questions. To add to this, those who hear of the subject but know very little of it may be surprised to see it offered at their university as a major. It is clear to most why some people would want to major in Computer science, Mathematics, or Physics. But what would a degree in philosophy get you?",
"Every natural number $n$ can be written as $n=s-t$ with $\\omega(s)=\\omega(t)$ Can we prove the following statement ? Let $\\omega(m)$ denote the number of all distinct prime factors of a positive integer $m$. Prove that every natural number $n$ can be written as $n=s-t$, where $s$ and $t$ are positive integers with $\\omega(s)=\\omega(t)$, in other words, as the difference of two positive integers with the same number of distinct prime factors. If $n=1$ , we can choose $\\ s=3\\ $ and $\\ t=2$. If $n$ is even , we can choose $\\ s=2n\\ $ and $\\ t=n$.",
"Algebraic proof of $\\sum_{i=0}^k{{n \\choose i}{m \\choose {k-i}}}= {{m+n}\\choose k}$ I can't figure out an algebraic proof for the following identity: $$\\sum_{i=0}^k{{n \\choose i}{m \\choose {k-i}}}= {{m+n}\\choose k}$$ Combinatorical solution: We can see that as choosing some from $n$ and the rest of $k$ from $m$, thus $k$ in total. Or we could just choose $k$ from the union.",
"What is the plural form of \"Software\"? Is it correct to use softwares, as in the following sentence? There are various video conversion softwares in the market.",
"Word meaning the reverse of 'Xenophobia' Xenophobia refers to the irrational fear or hatred of foreigners. But recently I've seen people displaying (in newspaper articles and other places) an irrational fear or hatred of their own countrymen. Is there a word for that?",
"I have a sword that currently rotates around a pivot point thats off of the actual object. Im new to blender and im not sure how i would go about changing it so that the sword rotates around the handle. Any help would be appreciated!",
"Density of Solid States of Compounds One of the wonderful properties of water (as my high school biology teacher would say) is that in its solid form, it is lighter than its liquid form. This means that when temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius, the top layer of water on, say, a lake freezes first. This works out pretty well for any fish or other aquatic creatures living underneath, because the lower layers of water will not freeze. I know that this is an exception to the general rule of solid and liquid states: A given substance, when transformed into its solid state, will generally sink in a container of its liquid state. My question is this: What other substances are exceptions to this rule (if any?). What features do they share with water that are responsible for this?",
"Integral of the square of the normal distribution.",
"What does the '=>' syntax in C# mean? I just came over this syntax in some of the questions in this forum, but Google and any other searchengine tends to block out anything but letters and number in the search so it is impossible to search out \"=>\". So can anyone tell me what it is and how it is used?",
"Is it safe to delete from C:\\Windows\\Installer? I've been looking on an XP machine what is using all that diskspace, and it turns out C:\\Windows\\Installer is high up there on the list of directories that use the most diskspace. It seems to contain a cache of msi and msp files. Is it safe to delete those? To save diskspace, I've been deleting the \"$KB...$\" directories for ages without any problems. I want my Windows Updates in my system, why you would want to uninstall them is something that I have never understood. (Except when you're on an update revision board professionally or something of that order.)",
"No Time in Top Panel (Gnome Classic) I've been using Ubuntu with Gnome Classic for a while and I've noticed recently that in the \"Indicator Applet Complete\" in the Top Panel, my name and the clock have disappeared. I think it happened a while ago when I was messing around with packages. Every time I did apt-get... it would say \"the following packages can be removed by apt-get autoremove\", so I did it and then the clock and my name stopped appearing. Can anyone help me? Thanks. It would be greatly appreciated.",
"\"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare \"",
"I have forgotten my Facebook account password and also I have no access to the number which I use to log-in to Facebook account. On this page (see the image below) they are asking for a government photo-ID to verify my account. The problem is that I don't have a driving license, voter ID card, passport etc. All I have is a school ID card but that hasn't worked for me. Is there any other way to recover my password?",
"I want to put the section title in the left margin using titlesec. However, it results to a superfluous empty line when using list environment. How should I remove it without using vspace? Minimal example: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{geometry} \\geometry{ a4paper, top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=4.5cm, right=1.5cm, } \\usepackage{titlesec} \\titleformat{\\section}[leftmargin]{\\large\\scshape\\sffamily}{}{0cm}{} \\titlespacing{\\section}{2.5cm}{2ex}{0.5cm} \\usepackage{enumitem} \\usepackage{mwe} \\begin{document} \\section{Section A} This line is aligned with the section title. \\blindtext \\section{Section B} \\begin{itemize}[nosep] \\item This line is not aligned with the section title. \\end{itemize} \\end{document}",
"Stop the Ubuntu updater from nagging about Firefox English Language pack even after uninstalling Firefox I have run sudo apt purge firefox, and I have gone through all of the /.config files, etc., and Software Updater is still asking me daily if I want to install the "English Language Pack for Firefox". I don't have Firefox installed. How can I stop the updater from asking to update something on a program that doesn't exist? Output of dpkg -l | grep firefox: ii firefox-locale-en 88.0+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 amd64 English language pack for Firefox",
"What packages do people load by default in LaTeX?",
"Delete all lines in Notepad++ except lines containing a word I need?",
"I need to calculate the following indefinite integral: $$I=\\int \\frac{1}{\\cos^3(x)}dx$$ I know what the result is (from Mathematica): $$I=\\tanh^{-1}(\\tan(x/2))+(1/2)\\sec(x)\\tan(x)$$ but I don't know how to integrate it myself. I have been trying some substitutions to no avail. Equivalently, I need to know how to compute: $$I=\\int \\sqrt{1+z^2}dz$$ which follows after making the change of variables $z=\\tan x$.",
"Does a Warlock receive the benefit of their familiar's Magic Resistance trait? The Warlock has access to special forms for their find familiar spell through the Pact of the Chain feature. I'm wondering if these special forms, the Quasit, Imp, and Pseudodragon in particular, allow the player character to share the familiar's Magic Resistance feature. In the Monster Manual each of these creatures has a sidebar that states that the familiar shares its Magic Resistance feature with the companion they are bonded to, but the PHB doesn't mention this in any of the creatures' stat blocks. For example, in the Variant: Pseudodragon Familiar sidebar on page 254 of the MM it says: \"While the pseudodragon is within 10 feet of its companion, the companion shares the pseudodragon's Magic Resistance trait.\" This feature seems clear in the MM but I'm led to believe that it wasn't intended for Player Characters since mention of it is absent from the stat blocks in Appendix D of the PHB (pages 307-309). Would a 3rd level warlock who chose one of these familiar forms through the Pact of the Chain feature benefit from advantage from saving throws from spells and other magical effects due to these special forms, or was this feature only meant for powerful NPCs and enemy spellcasters who had made this link with these familiars themselves?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Javascript heritage with .prototype vs constructor | Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in JavaScript? | [
"I think it would be good to have a way for the user to view the target URL of a link before following it. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who dislikes blind-clicking -tapping links. When I use SE in the mobile browser, I routinely long-press links to find out where they go before following them. I wish I could do the same thing in the app, with the same or a similar method. (It's important that this won't conflict with text selection, since you can't long-press on links to select them now anyway.)",
"To show that $2$ | $x^{2n} - x^n$, $n \\in \\mathbb{Z^+}$ is the following adequate?",
"When I tried to connect my Ubuntu 13.10 to my VM Centos 6.5 using ssh appear the message \"Connection refused\" or \"No route to host\" even than I change the port, noting change. I need to use SSH, VPN and Samba, but this IP in my VM Centos do not work. How Can I resolve this problem?",
"How can I display additional boot and shutdown information on the Windows 7 welcome screen? There is a small tweak, I believe it is a registry key, that allows to display additional information on the Welcome and Shutting down screens of Windows 7 (and most likely Vista, too). I have activated this tweak on one of my systems; unfortunately I forgot how I did it, and I can't seem to find the website that originally gave me that information. Usually, the Windows 7 welcome screen will just display \"Welcome\" when logging in. With the tweak activated, my Welcome screen gives status information such as \"Loading user settings\" or \"Preparing desktop\". When shutting down, the default screen simply says \"Shutting down\". With the tweak activated, it gives additional status information such as \"Stopping Windows services\". This appears the same way that Windows gives information when updates are installed or configured during the startup or shutdown procedure, and I find them quite helpful in getting a feel for what task takes how long during that process. The only setting I was able to find is the Boot log checkbox on the Boot tab of the msconfig application. However, this results in Windows displaying console logs of drivers it is loading, etc., instead of the animated Windows title. This is NOT the setting I am looking for. The \"additional boot information\" setting that I have activated on this system still displays the regular animated Windows logo, and only replaces the strings displayed on the blue Welcome and Shutdown screens. Could someone direct me to the registry key (or whatever setting) that is used to get this behaviour? Edit: Here are a few pictures of the enhanced Welcome and Shutdown screens taken with my mobile phone—they're in German though. Login screen \"Waiting for User Profile Service\" Login screen \"Preparing desktop\" Logout screen \"Stopping Windows services\":",
"Software center disappeared [19.10] I have had trouble with sound (now fixed) since upgrading to 19.10, and in the middle of trying the common solutions, the Software Center \"disappeared\". I got aware of quite late, so I don't know what caused it. Anyway, would you know how to reinstall it ? Trying sudo apt-get install software-center doesn't work.",
"Can I install any iOS version I wish by picking and choosing which firmware to restore?",
"character \"5\" repeated in text fields, and system freezes I am running Ubuntu 15.10, with the latest updates. When I type in a text field (google search, type name of file, etc..) the number 5 gets typed on its own and it keeps repeating until I press ESC and when I try to continue typing the number 5 resumes filling in the text field. I have tried to set the keyboard repeat to zero, but does not help. This does not happen all the time, sometimes if I shut down the computer it then behaves normally when I restart it, other times the computer becomes useless because I cannot type in any of the text fields. Thanks Sal",
"GTA V Online Character Transfer PS3 to PS4 I recently just bought a PS4 that I couldn't pass up (Price Wise) and decided to try and transfer my GTA V Online Character. Stats: All stat bars full $204,000,000 Rank: 149 I've been playing the game since it came out, which was around 2013 I believe. I quit playing the game about 8 months ago because my hard drive in my PS3 died on me so I decided to put the console on the shelf for a while. Like stated above, I just bought me a new PS4 and was looking to try and transfer my character over. I tried calling Rockstar Support about my situation and all they told me was that they don't allow transfers anymore. So here's my question... Is there absolutely any way that I can transfer my character to my next gen console?",
"When running umount /path I get: umount: /path: device is busy. The filesystem is huge, so lsof +D /path is not a realistic option. lsof /path, lsof +f -- /path, and fuser /path all return nothing. fuser -v /path gives: USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /path: root kernel mount /path which is normal for all unused mounted file systems. umount -l and umount -f is not good enough for my situation. How do I figure out why the kernel thinks this filesystem is busy?",
"Discrepancy in using adjective or adverb with “taste”",
"Cycles Render Renders all white",
"Command/macro name cannot include numbers and symbols I would like put picture into table, and my idea is define new command as below> \\newcommand{\\EJ471}{\\includegraphics[scale=0.150]{EJ_471.jpg}} But compiler reports an error. If I use the command name for example \\EJa, everything is all right. I've read similar questions as But still I don't understand why it does not work.",
"How to find the joint PDF? Ley X,Y two random variables with density $f(x,y)=8xy \\ \\text{if} \\ 0<x<y<1$ Find the joint distribution F(x,y). I find that $F(x,y)=2x^2y^2-x^4\\ \\text{ if} \\ 0<x<y<1$ but I dont know how to find the didtribution in other points.",
"Reordering fields (permanently) in file geodatabase using ArcGIS Desktop? Using ArcGIS 10.0, is it possible to reorder the fields in a file geodatabase, and have the order persisted to the database? We considered exporting to XML, and writing a parser to change the field order, then re-creating a new database from the XML. This seems like a laborious process. Another idea is to import the existing field definitionss into Excel, re-order them, export to CSV, then write a Python script to create these fields in a new Geodatabase. Does a script like this exist, before we write it from scratch? Unfortunately the ArcGIS Diagrammer doesn't seem to support field re-ordering. Are there any scripts or hacks we could use to simplify this process?",
"Why there is a delay between when a key is pressed and when it is accepted? This is one of the wackiest and weirdest problems I have ever encountered. My keyboard was working absolutely fine untill yesterday on Ubuntu 13.04. However, when I boot to Ubuntu today, I suddenly find that all the keys work, but I have to press and keep on holding them for about a second for them to work. This behavior is true for all the keys except for Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock keys, the indicator for them on my keyboard lights up as soon as I press those keys. The keyboard works fine at the login screen where I put my password. The keyboard also works normally if I use the Guest session instead of my normal user account. I have not done any key-remappings and using the standard English (US) keyboard layout. I have fiddled around with the settings for Keyboard in System Settings, but to no avail. I have Windows 7 as dual-boot and the keyboard works perfectly well on it. Why am I facing such a behavior and how to normalize this? PS: Using Logitech Classic Keyboard K100 (USB Model).",
"If there is a wizard that, by some means, has acquired proficiency in the use of shields, can said wizard use his shield in one hand and his arcane focus quarterstaff in the other and still cast somatic component spells? Since the quarterstaff has been crafted to also be an arcane focus, and the Sage Advice Compendium states that you can provide the somatic components of spells with the same hand wielding the arcane focus, in this case an arcane focus quarterstaff, could that wizard still be able to perform somatic component spells while using a shield in the other? I understand War Caster is the feat that allows you to cast somatic component spells even while using a shield and weapon or two weapons in each hand, but is this a simple way around those rules seeing as this \"weapon\" is your arcane focus? I would like to believe it is not, but I'm not fully fluent in the ways of spellcasting.",
"How many maximum CPUs does Ubuntu support by default?",
"Show that $\\deg f$ is even when $n$ is odd. A map $f:S^n\\rightarrow S^n$ satisfying $f(x)=f(-x)$ for all $x\\in S^n$ is said to be an even map. Show that if $f:S^n\\rightarrow S^n$ is an even map, then $\\deg f=0$ when $n$ is even and $\\deg f$ is even when $n$ is odd. Moreover show that when $n$ is odd, there exist even maps of any given even degree. My Try: So $f=(-I)\\circ f$. Then $\\deg f=\\deg (-I)\\times \\deg f$. If $n$ is even $\\deg (-I)=-1$. Hence, $2\\deg f=0$, so $\\deg f=0$. But how do I show the results when $n$ is odd. No clue at all. This problem is in Hatchers book (A very complicated text). There is a hint but I do not understand it. Can somebody help me to proceed?",
"Multiplication in Permutation Groups Written in Cyclic Notation",
"Given that $\\displaystyle{a+b\\sqrt[3]{2} +c\\sqrt[3]{4} =0}$, where $a,b,c$ are integers. Show $a=b=c=0$ Do I use modular arithmetic?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can't buy Hjerim | Why can't I buy the Windhelm house (Hjerim)? | [
"Formula across objects",
"How do I emit light from inside a object?",
"Wifi Automatically Turning ON after iOS 11 Update",
"Let $t∈\\Bbb N$ and let $x=6t+1, \\:y=12t+1$ and $z=18t+1$. $x, y$ and $z$ are all primes and let $n=xyz$. Prove that $a ^{n-1} \\equiv 1 \\pmod n\\;$ whenever $ a∈\\Bbb Z$ and $\\gcd(a,n) = 1$. I have started using the Euler-Fermat Theorem since $\\gcd(a,n)=1$. Giving $\\phi (n)=(1296t^3) $ But unsure how to proceed?",
"How to access blocked sites? I am in Pakistan and is blocked here. I want to take the Lecture videos from YouTube. In Windows, I was using to bypass the proxy. But now, using Ubuntu, I don't know how to bypass the proxy. I found some where that i can bypass the proxy by using putty software. Can you guide me how can I bypass proxy by that? I tried, but I was not able to do so. Kindly tell me some easy method to bypass proxy. I don't want to used websites like accesstoblockedsites.com.",
"Considering the following formulae: (i) $1+2+3+..+n = n(n+1)/2$ (ii) $1\\cdot2+2\\cdot3+3\\cdot4+...+n(n+1) = n(n+1)(n+2)/3$ (iii) $1\\cdot2\\cdot3+2\\cdot3\\cdot4+...+n(n+1)(n+2) = n(n+1)(n+2)(n+3)/4$ Find and prove a 'closed formula' for the sum $1\\cdot2\\cdot3\\cdot...\\cdot k + 2\\cdot3\\cdot4\\cdot...\\cdot(k+1) + ... + n(n+1)(n+2)\\cdot...\\cdot (k+n-1)$ generalizing the formulae above. I have attempted to 'put' the first 3 formulae together but I am getting nowhere and wondered where to even start to finding a closed formula.",
"How to delete all music on my iPhone",
"Shortcut to open Terminal and run some commands",
"Baked beans still firm after soaking and hours of cooking",
"Why Do Jedi Use One Lightsaber in Combat? While I've seen Ahsoko Tano, in The Clone Wars, fight with two lightsabers (one in each hand), this seems to be extremely rare for Jedi. We've seen Sith do this frequently, like Asajj Ventress, with two lightsabers. Darth Maul used a dual lightsaber against Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi and then there's General Grievous, who uses multiple lightsabers with his multiple limbs. But most Jedi use just one blade, and their lightsaber hilts tend to be simple, just a straight cylinder without much adornment, while Sith sometimes use curved grips or other more exotic stylings. Is there a reason Jedi stick with the simplest lightsaber designs and why the vast majority (at least in the movies and in The Clone Wars series) use only a single lightsaber?",
"How do I install gfortran? I am trying to install gfortran in my computer with Ubuntu 12.04 by using these commands, sudo -i apt-get update apt-get install gfortran but I found the program saying \"unable to locate package gfortran\". Then on a Ubuntu page I found some question regarding the same problem and I went through the solution from them but again I couldn't install the gfortran package. Can anybody tell me how to install it?",
"So our 6-month-old boy still doesn't sleep through the night. He still wakes up at least once and wants to eat. He takes 3 naps during the day, ranging from 30 minutes to 1.5 (sometimes 2) hours. We usually put him down for the night at least 2 hours after his latest nap, but we haven't been able to get him down to 2 naps per day because he gets pretty cranky during the evenings. Depending on the duration and times of his naps, his bedtime ranges between 10 and midnight. We have started feeding him a small amount (2 tablespoons dry) of rice cereal after his morning and evening naps in the hopes that he'll have a fuller stomach through the night, but he still wakes up hungry after sleeping between 3 and 6 hours. I can handle the 6 hours, since that means I get 6 hours of pretty much uninterrupted sleep, but it's usually more like 3-4. Any suggestions?",
"How to force Windows 7 to ask for a \"fresh\" IP address from DHCP server? I'm troubleshooting a certain issue with my DHCP configuration, and need my Windows machine to ask for a \"fresh\" IP address, so I can see which address DHCP server gives by default. When I do ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew, Windows \"proposes\" its old IP address to the DHCP server (just checked with Wireshark, initial \"DHCP Discover\" message has Option-50 (requested IP address) with Windows machine's old IP). Tried disabling/enabling network adapter. Same behavior. Question: How can I force Windows to just ask for a new IP address, without proposing its old IP address.",
"How can I get this symbol without using bbold? A solution I saw somewhere suggested to use \\usepackage{bbold} $\\mathbb{1}$ which works well and I get what I want. However, now other symbols used to represent real numbers, natural numbers, etc look ugly. I'd like them to look (without using bbold) I'd like to only use that package to achieve that strange double one. Is there any way I can do that?",
"I am notified about old comments instead of new ones I have three notifications pending but when I open the tab they were a month ago. When I refresh the page I see the correct three notifications. Pictures: Here you see notifications from March but it is April: Here I refreshed the page and recognized that there are indeed three unread notifications. This behavior occurred already three times before, always with the spinlock question as first comment. Today I finally realized that there were indeed notifications pending. Is this a bug to report? If this is not the right side to ask about this - where should I go to? Edit 1 Browser: Firefox 28.0 (current version) Windows 7 on a Laptop It only appears on the favourites side. When I open I see the current comments. Edit 2 On favourites I see the old issue On meta and stackoverflow I see the new comment Edit3 Still an issue on April 11th and April 16th. The question is more like: Can somebody remove this or show me a way to remove it or let it remove? Edit4 April 20th at 14:00GMT the favourite tags turned into an error page:",
"Are units in English singular or plural?",
"Should we use wheatstone bridges nowadays? For measuring strain gauges, the Wheatstone bridge is the historical choice. In a quarter Wheatstone brigde (\\$350 \\Omega \\$ typically (?)), with a high input impedance amplifier, and some bridge power voltage \\$V\\$, the ratio between the bridge output voltage w.r.t. any resistor is 1/4, which is the same ratio in a voltage divider between the output voltage w.r.t. any resistor, compared with a stable voltage reference of \\$V/2\\$. A voltage divider with a voltage reference would have a voltage noise of about 35.16 nV/rtHz (from a voltage reference of 35 nV/rtHz plus two resistors), and the Wheatstone bridge a voltage noise of 4.86 nV/rtHz (from four resistors), which should be enough (?) for most ADC systems (i.e. for 24 bit, 0-5V range: 300nV resolution). And a voltage reference (\\$0.02\\%\\$ initial error, \\$2 \\ ppm/C^\\circ\\$, ), would be more stable and precise (?) about \\$4\\ ppm/C^\\circ\\$, than a precision resistor (\\$0.005\\%\\$ error, \\$2 \\ ppm/C^\\circ \\$, ), about \\$8 \\ ppm/C^\\circ\\$. Hence, why bother using Wheatstone bridges?",
"After upgrading to macOS Sierra, I'm getting the notification that \"Your disk is almost full. Save space by optimizing storage.\": The options appear to be to store my files in iCloud, automatically delete files, or manually delete files: My problem/irritation is that I have 80GB free of my 440GB volume. The question: is there a way to silence this notification in a (semi-)permanent fashion, or to change the threshold it uses for the notification?",
"Please help identify this 2-part TV movie: Alien woman crash-lands on earth, falls in love, 199x",
"I am trying to write a bash script for testing that takes a parameter and sends it through curl to web site. I need to url encode the value to make sure that special characters are processed properly. What is the best way to do this? Here is my basic script so far: #!/bin/bash host=${1:?'bad host'} value=$2 shift shift curl -v -d \"param=${value}\" http://${host}/somepath $@"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is a vacuously true argument a valid argument? | Could an argument with false Premises and a true Conclusion be logically valid? | [
"How does Meta Stack Exchange work? Meta Stack Exchange seems to have different rules and user behavior than the \"regular\" Stack Exchange sites. How is it different? Individual questions answered below: Related",
"Direct Link to a Comment The increase in the character limit of comments has led them to become as important as the questions and answers that spawn them. On several occasions (especially on meta) I've found reason to want to link to a comment directly. I'd imagine something as simple as making the date / time stamp an anchored link which mimics the behavior of the question link.",
"When lasers are used to cool atoms or ions, etc where does the heat go? According to the first law of thermodynamics, sourced from wikipedia \"In any process in an isolated system, the total energy remains the same.\" So when lasers are used for cooling in traps, similar to the description here: where is the heat transferred? From what I gather of a cursory reading on traps, whether laser, magnetic, etc the general idea is to isolate the target, then transfer heat from it, thereby cooling it. I don't understand how sending photons at a(n) atom(s) can cause that structure to shed energy, and this mechanism seems to be the key to these systems.",
"Fantasy series with Celtic overtones, intermittent stone magic, and ongoing slow magic I checked this series out of the library during college, maybe 15 years ago now. It was based around 'stone magic' – magical stones that granted their bearers enormous power. Unfortunately, the power of these stones is intermittent, they'll fade out for a long time then fade back in. The main characters dealt with a 'master' stone of some sort, the first to restore, last to die. It's also the key to granting other people access to their own powers – I think seals had magic fish they swallowed, which keyed off the master stone, and in the last book I think the character created magic staves for another race. It also had 'slow magic' – longer to set up, less apparently potent than stone magic, but the slow magic, given time to work it, could still be powerful and dramatic. It just took time and preparation instead of brute force. In one book, the main character faces off against the source (or something like that) of magic, and is about to win when it's discovered she's pregnant. The source – a dragon? – isn't allowed to harm anyone who doesn't come to it freely, so the main character is forbidden to finish the trial. In the sequel, her daughter repeats the trial, and becomes immensely powerful by winning, but there was a cost of some sort, something that transformed her A lot of the naming made me think it had a Celtic root.",
"Calculation of the avalanche effect coefficient Given a matrix/dependence matrix for a hash function,how do I calculate the avalanche coefficient for it. I want to calculate a single parameter(value) which represents the amount of avalanche effect for the given hash function. I have thought of computing mean all over the matrix but am not sure that's the correct thing to do. The talks about the avalanche coefficient but they haven't mentioned the way they calculate it.",
"C++ cout hex values?",
"The cardinality of $\\{f\\subseteq\\mathbb R^2\\mid f\\colon\\mathbb{R\\to R}\\text{ is a function}\\}$ is strictly greater than the cardinality of $\\mathbb R$",
"Isometries of the sphere $\\mathbb{S}^{n}$",
"Java obfuscators I'm looking for a good Java obfuscator. I've done initial research into the following Java obfuscators: proguard, yguard, retroguard, dasho, allatori, jshrink, smokescreen, jobfuscate, marvin, jbco, jode, javaguard, jarg, joga, cafebabe, donquixote, mwobfu, bbmug, zelix klassmaster, sandmark, jcloak, thicket, blufuscator, and java code protector. I tried proguard and it has a really nice GUI, seems really stable, and seems to be the most popular, but it seemed to not like some enumeration on a referenced jar file (not within the code I was trying to obfuscate) which was weird. Yguard seems to require some interaction with ant, which I didn't know too much about. What is a good java obfuscator? It doesn't need to be free, it just needs to work well and be easy to use.",
"How to capture the scene exactly as my eyes can see?",
"Proof of dividing fractional expressions For dividing two fractional expressions, how does the division sign turns into multiplication? Is there a step by step proof which proves $$\\frac{a}{b} \\div \\frac{c}{d} = \\frac{a}{b} \\cdot \\frac{d}{c}=\\frac{ad}{bc}?$$",
"Connecting Asus USB-N13 Wireless Adapter I'm trying to connect my desktop (running 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04) to an Airport Extreme Base Station by using an ASUS USB-N13 wireless adapter. I plugged it in, turned on the desktop, and the adapter was immediately recognized by the system. I found my home network listed in the available networks, typed my password (with the correct encryption) and hit connect. After that, the wireless icon just flashes (propagates? emits?) indefinitely, and every couple of minutes the \"Wireless Authentication Required\" box pops back up. I don't know what to do. I've seen some solutions talking about an \"rt2xxx\" or \"rt3xxx\" driver or chipset. I don't know exactly what it is, but when I typed lsmod | grep rt I got: parport_pc rtl8192cu rtl8192c_common rtlwifi mac80211 cfg80211 parport I'm pretty much lost. Please AskUbuntu, what do?",
"How do we use drupal_add_library(), drupal_add_css() and drupal_add_js()? How do I use drupal_add_library(), drupal_add_css() and drupal_add_js() in Drupal 8? I am porting a module that uses those functions. I am following what reported in , which says these functions have been removed in favor of #attached, but I am not able to attach these files to my configuration page. The error I am getting is the following: Uncaught PHP Exception LogicException: \"You are not allowed to use js in #attached\" How do I attach CSS and JavaScript to a page?",
"Gravitational waves as dark energy?",
"Programmatically combining images in PHP I'm a big fan of Yahoo's for speeding up websites. One of the recommendations is to combine images where possible to cut down on size and the number of requests. However, I've noticed that while it can be easy to use CSS sprites for layouts, other image uses aren't as easily combined. The primary example I'm thinking of is a blog or article list, where each blog or article also has an image associated with it. Those images can greatly affect load time and page size, especially if they aren't optimized. What I'm looking for, in concept or in practice, is a way to dynamically combine those images while running them through a loss-less compression using PHP. A few added thoughts or concerns: Combining the images and generating a dynamic CSS stylesheet to position the backgrounds of the images might be one way to go about it, but I also worry about accessibility and semantics. As far as I understand, CSS images should be used for layout elements and the img tag (with the alt attribute) should be used for images that are meant to convey information. I could set the image as a background to a div element and substitute a title attribute for the alt attribute, but I'm unsure about the accessibility and semantic implications of doing so. Might the GD library be a good candidate for something like this? Can you recommend other options?",
"I've been having a lot of problems trying to figure out how to use scanf(). It seems to work fine with integers, being fairly straight forward scanf(\"%d\", &i). Where I am running into issues is using scanf() in loops trying to read input. For example: do { printf(\"counter: %d: \", counter); scanf(\"%c %c%d\", &command, &prefix, &input); } while (command != 'q'); When I enter in a validly structured input like c P101, it seems to loop again before prompting me. This seems to happen even with a single: scanf(\"%c\", &c) in a while loop. It'll do the loop twice before prompting me again. What is making it loop twice, and how do I stop it? When I enter in less amount of input that programmatically wouldn't have another character or number such as q, pressing enter seems to prompt me to enter more. How do I get scanf() to process both single and double character entries?",
"Flight reservation for Schengen visa One of the necessary documents for a Schengen visa for non EU citizens is proof of your flights, but it doesn't state the actual (e-)tickets (for which I already paid), or the reservation of flights. So my question is, which option would be more acceptable (if I can provide any of them) to provide printed tickets to an EU member embassy or reservation of flights (reservation does not expect payment)?",
"Balloons and lifting gases Hydrogen is the lightest element, so it's cable of lifting the most weight in out atmosphere (probably not the best terminology there, but you get the picture) Would hot hydrogen (in the same sense as hot air) be able to lift even more mass? Would a higher or lower density of hydrogen in a ballon lift more? If you could have a balloon which had nothing in it (it was a vacuum inside) would that lift more than a hydrogen balloon? Basically what are the physics to balloons and lifting? (really not sure what to tag this, so if someone else could that'd be great)",
"I need to conduct a performance test on Azure website and the Users count is '200000'. Can anyone suggest me the configuration for this?",
"Possible Duplicate: I was wondering if there's any good reason to still use blob fields in a database. A couple of years ago I worked with a DB with a bunch of images in it, the DB was very slow and I couldn't see any good reason to keep the images inside the DB, so I got the images out and stored the filenames instead. Was this a smart move? What would you do in my place?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Rose gold material color for jewelry? | How to make a Copper/Rose Gold smudge material? | [
"How are the Tenchi timelines related? Between Muyo, Universe, GXP, and Ryo-ohki, I'm thoroughly confused. Sometimes Tenchi series seem to be related (Ryo-ohki and Universe) and sometimes not (GXP). What are all the Tenchi series, are they related, and if they are, how?",
"I think it would be cool if a question would eventually open up to moderators to accept answers on the user's behalf, once a time period has passed. The asking user would get the rep score for the accept. I know I've seen questions successfully answered with lots of upvotes and no accepted answer that sit there for months unaccepted. This would give superusers a little more functionality and would tie up a lot of loose ends. What do you think?",
"How can I retain HTML form field values in JSP after submitting form to Servlet?",
"As shows, we nearly always use the possessive form of personal pronouns for friend of mine/his/ours/etc. But when it comes to actual names, we prefer without the possessive apostrophe. That preference is even more marked with, say, . Not that I think the usage itself is particularly American - it's much the same with . Personally, I find friend of him grates. In general I've no strong feelings either way as to whether it's friend of Peter or friend of Peter's (though I deplore the possessive in ), but in line with many others, I really don't like the possessive in relation to things like countries. Why is this? Edit: Noting an apparent \"progression\" (pronoun -> person -> nation) marked by reduction in use of the possessive, I checked at a finer \"granularity\". NGram shows that although it does occur, virtually \"flatlines\" against friend of mine. But the bias reduces through of you, of us, and by the time I get to it's much less extreme. There seems to be something \"egocentric\" about the double possessive. Presumably when babies learn to speak, they soon notice that possessive pronouns, possessive apostrophes, and the word \"of\", all do the same job. Parents would correct a child who says \"of mine's\", but probably wouldn't even notice the same \"redundancy\" in \"of Peter's\". Younger speakers are unlikely to even be talking about something \"of America's\". Perhaps as we mature we tend to discard the \"double possessive\" for the more \"distant\" things that only adults are likely talk about, but we keep it for \"closer\" people because that's how we spoke when we were younger. EDIT2 I note that I'm a great fan of him is vanishingly rare compared to ...fan of his, but with ...fan (of John) the double possessive occurs far less often than ...friend (of John's). Usage seems to be affected by the noun before \"of\" as well as the one after it. This is getting complicated...",
"Title restated: Show that $A\\in\\mathbb{C}_n$ is normal $\\iff$ $tr(A^*A) = \\sum_{i = 1}^n|\\lambda_i|^2$, where $\\lambda_1,...,\\lambda_n$ are the eigenvalues of $A$. This question comes from \"Matrices and Linear Transformations\" by Charles Cullen. I'm studying for an exam and am trying to do some problems but I'm having trouble with this one. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.",
"Glossaries: Make a glossary entry recognizable in printing How do you make it visible to the reader that the printed word/term is an entry in the glossary? In my PDF on the computer, I just see it because I use the hyperref package and there's a red box around it. But when printing it, there's just nothing that makes it visible to the user. Is there a typographically good and common way of doing this?",
"Convergence of the series $\\sum_n \\frac{n^{\\log(n)}}{\\log(n)^n}$ I have a rough outline of a proof. Is this correct? $$\\sum_{n \\geq 2} \\frac{n^{\\log(n)}}{\\log(n)^n} \\to a \\in \\mathbb{R} \\iff \\sum_{n \\geq 2} 2^n \\frac{(2^n)^{\\log(2^n)}}{\\log(2^n)^{2^n}} \\to b \\in \\mathbb{R}$$ via dyadic criterion (or Cauchy condensation test). Analyzing the right-hand side: $$\\sum_{n \\geq 2} 2^n \\frac{(2^n)^{\\log(2^n)}}{\\log(2^n)^{2^n}} = \\sum_{n \\geq 2} 2^n \\frac{(2^n)^{n\\log2}}{(n\\log2)^{2^n}} = \\sum_{n \\geq 2} \\frac{(2^n)^{n\\log2 + 1}}{(n\\log2)^{2^n}} = \\sum_{n \\geq 2} \\frac{2^{n^2\\log2 + n}}{(n\\log2)^{2^n}} = (\\ast). $$ We know for some sufficiently large $N$, $n \\log 2 \\ge 2$ for all $n\\ge N$, so we can bound the series above by: $$(\\ast) \\leq C_N + \\sum_{n \\geq N} \\frac{2^{n^2\\log2 + n}}{2^{2^n}} = \\sum_{n \\geq N} 2^{n^2\\log2 + n - 2^n} = (\\ast\\ast),$$ where $C_N$ is the finite sum of the original series until $N$. And once again, for sufficiently large $M$, $m^2\\log2+m - 2^m \\leq -m^2$ for all $m \\ge M$. Hence $$ (\\ast\\ast) \\leq C_{\\max(N,M)} + \\sum_{n \\geq \\max(N,M)} 2^{-n^2} < \\infty.$$ We then use the $p$-test to conclude that the sequence does converge.",
"prevent the deletion of account records if they have oppurtunity trigger preventAccountDeletionifopp on Account (before delete) { for(account accdel:trigger.old){ Opportunity oppprevent =[select Name,(select Name,Owner from Opportunitys)from ACCOUNT =: accdel.id ]; if(oppprevent.size() > 0){ accdel.adderror('Opportunity record is refering this record.So, you cannot delete it...!'); } } }",
"Why is ATP the most prevalent form of chemical energy storage and utilization in most cells?",
"Have a seat, guys I think \"have a seat\" is a fixed phrase that does not change whether you address someone or a group of people. Is that correct? If you have more to add to the post, please do so as I would love to know more.",
"Given the following image: $\\hskip{1.5 in}$ Supposing $A(100, 300)$ and $B(300, 100)$, how can I find the angle $\\alpha$ between A and B? On a side note, what's the main difference between a point and a vector? translating a point to a vector is as simple as Point = Vector? Sometimes I find articles where the terms are interchangable",
"How to convert from one grading scheme to another?",
"Showing that $\\int_0^1 \\log(\\sin \\pi x)dx=-\\log2$ I need help with a textbook exercise (Stein's Complex Analysis, Chapter 3, Exercises 9). This exercise requires me to show that $$\\int_0^1 \\log(\\sin \\pi x)dx=-\\log2$$ A hint is given as \"Use the contour shown in Figure 9.\" Since this is an exercise from Chapter 3, I think I should use the residue formula or something like that. But the function $f(x)=\\log(\\sin \\pi x)$ becomes singular on $x=0$ and $x=1$, which makes the contour illegal for the residue theorem. Can anyone give me a further hint on this problem? Many thanks in advance! P.S. This is my first time on Math Stack Exchange. If you find my post ambiguous, let me know.",
"How do I clone a generic list in C#?",
"Why is my variable local in one 'while read' loop, but not in another seemingly similar loop? Why do I get different values for $x from the snippets below? #!/bin/bash x=1 echo fred > junk ; while read var ; do x=55 ; done < junk echo x=$x # x=55 .. I'd expect this result x=1 cat junk | while read var ; do x=55 ; done echo x=$x # x=1 .. but why? x=1 echo fred | while read var ; do x=55 ; done echo x=$x # x=1 .. but why?",
"I'm running an Ubuntu 14.04 and want to install the Eclipse IDE for both Java and C/C++ programming. I installed the separate installation files from their official website. I followed this thread . (The top answer) The steps helped me install the Java IDE but I don't know what changes I should make to the procedure to install the C/C++ IDE. Another thread , recommended to install eclipse-cdt but the Eclipse version installed is outdated. (Doesn't allow me to install Pydev) I have TWO questions: Can the C/C++ libraries be downloaded from within eclipse, like Pydev? If not, how do I install both IDEs without interfering with each other? P.S. I commented this query in the first thread but got no reply, that is why I'm asking a fresh question!",
"Is there anyway to sync Outlook's calendar with Google's calendar? I've tried before but it doesn't work properly. I'm using Windows 7 and Outlook 2010. The thing is, it's really easy to check my Google Calendar on my phone since I have an Android terminal, but on my computer I prefer just opening Outlook instead of opening a web browser and logging into Gmail.",
"In PHP (>= 5.0), is passing by reference faster? In PHP, function parameters can be passed by reference by prepending an ampersand to the parameter in the function declaration, like so: function foo(&$bar) { // ... } Now, I am aware that this is not designed to improve performance, but to allow functions to change variables that are normally out of their scope. Instead, PHP seems to use Copy On Write to avoid copying objects (and maybe also arrays) until they are changed. So, for functions that do not change their parameters, the effect should be the same as if you had passed them by reference. However, I was wondering if the Copy On Write logic maybe is shortcircuited on pass-by-reference and whether that has any performance impact. ETA: To be sure, I assume that it's not faster, and I am well aware that this is not what references are for. So I think my own guesses are quite good, I'm just looking for an answer from someone who really knows what's definitely happening under the hood. In five years of PHP development, I've always found it hard to get quality information on PHP internals short from reading the source.",
"I use \\includegraphics command to insert image to the document. But how can I add a border around this image w/o any margin between border lines and image? It seems to be very easy, but I can't find it in the documentation.",
"Reload the page on hitting back button"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to center my divs with bootstrap | How to horizontally center an element | [
"\\leqslant causes \"Undefined control sequence\" I have the following line: $0 \\leqslant b \\leqslant 1$ I want to display 0 <= b <= 1, but I get Undefined control sequence thanks",
"Java Server Socket not connecting",
"Error: the question could not be loaded When I was trying to open I just added using the iOS app I received this error: Error The question could not be loaded Reproduction scenario: add a question; in my case it didn't open it directly; it doesn't show up in the list yet; I opened my profile and clicked the question; bang!",
"Evolutionarily speaking, why do humans have 46 chromosomes",
"override Home key in android ICS",
"Capacitor on USB cable? I was messing around with a USB camera. I wanted to change the cable because is trimmed but as I was cutting it I saw a small thing (image below). As I was trying to cut the casing and see what it has inside I saw a spark. I tried to connect it with another cable but I don't know if I'm gonna damage the camera or the USB port. What is it and can I connect the camera without it?",
"Prove that $\\frac{x_1}{1+x_2+x_3+\\ldots+x_n}+\\frac{x_2}{1+x_1+x_3+\\ldots+x_n}+\\ldots+\\frac{x_n}{1+x_1+x_2+\\ldots+x_{n-1}}\\ge\\frac{n}{2n-1}$. If $x_1,x_2,\\ldots,x_n>0$ and $x_1+x_2+\\ldots+x_n=1$, prove that $$\\frac{x_1}{1+x_2+x_3+\\ldots+x_n} + \\frac{x_2}{1+x_1+x_3+\\ldots+x_n} +\\ldots + \\frac{x_n}{1+x_1+x_2+\\ldots +x_{n-1}} \\ge \\frac {n}{2n-1}$$ This can easily be simplified: $$\\frac{x_1}{2-x_1} + \\frac{x_2}{2-x_2} +\\ldots + \\frac{x_n}{2-x_n} \\ge \\frac {n}{2n-1}$$ I could try using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: $$\\frac{x_1}{2-x_1} + \\frac{x_2}{2-x_2} +\\ldots + \\frac{x_n}{2-x_n} = \\frac{x_1^2}{2x_1-x_1^2} + \\frac{x_2^2}{2x_2-x_2^2} +\\ldots + \\frac{x_n^2}{2x_n-x_n^2} \\ge \\frac{(x_1+x_2+\\ldots+x_n)^2}{2(x_1+x_2+\\ldots+x_n)-(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)}=\\frac{1}{2-(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)}=\\frac{n}{2n-(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)n}$$ It's left to prove that $$(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)n \\ge 1$$ or $$(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)n=1$$I can continue using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality again: $$(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)n=(x_1^2+x_2^2+\\ldots+x_n^2)(1+1+\\ldots+1)\\ge(x_1+x_2+\\ldots+x_n)^2=1$$ So I've proved it myself. (I've shown this proof after editing, I didn't post the question with the solution in the details. I found the proof a while after putting the question here).",
"How can I install software or packages without Internet (offline)? I have a friend who has got a computer that is not connected to the Internet. Is there any way to install software offline easily?",
"Show that the set of functions $\\mathbb{N}\\to\\{0,1\\}$ is not countable Recall that a countable set $S$ implies that there exists a bijection $\\mathbb{N}\\to S$. Now, I consider (0,1). I want to prove by contradiction that $(0,1)$ is not countable. First, I assume the contrary that there exists a bijection $f$, and I can find an element in $S$, but not in the range of $f$. But I can't find such element. How can you construct such $f$?",
"Including package to create MATLAB labels using LaTeX",
"Configure Postfix to use external MX servers for delivery of local mail if user is unknown",
"Movie/TV series, which bullets carried DNA of the shooter",
"How do I remove an alias? I want to remove gs alias from my PC. When I type gs it will open GhostScript. But I checked everywhere in the home directory .alias .bash_aliases .bashrc I also overwrite the gs with my custom alias. I can't remove it. And I also type alias in terminal, in the list I couldn't find it. Please I want to remove it...",
"Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE Stack Exchange releases \"data dumps\" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months , and also makes that information queryable over the Internet at the (SEDE) (updated weekly, on Sunday). Over time, as new features and other bits of data are introduced to Stack Exchange sites, the \"anatomy\" of the data dump is likely to change.",
"I have some programs running on start-up like . UAC prompts every time the Windows starts. How can I set a program to make sure that no intervening prompt would appear during start-up?",
"The difficulty is that it should be cross platform. Windows 2000, XP, Vista, OSX, Linux, other unix variants. I am looking for a snippet of code that can accomplish this for all platforms, and a way to detect the platform. Now, you should be aware of that user.home does not work correctly, so please do not provide me of textbook answers, I can find these myself in the manuals.",
"When lecturing about conservation of energy in the 1960s, Richard Feynman remarked: It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. However, there are formulas for calculating some numerical quantity, and when we add it all together it gives “28” —always the same number. It is an abstract thing in that it does not tell us the mechanism or the reasons for the various formulas. 50 some years later, have we made any progress in terms of understanding the fundamental nature of what energy is?",
"Accessing UI thread handler from a service",
"ref to subsection number only is there a way to reference the subsection part only? Example: \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} \\section{This is my section} For further information see subsection \\ref{subsecthree} within this section. \\subsection{One} \\subsection{Two} \\subsection{Three}\\label{subsecthree} \\end{document} Usually gives (without the stars): 1 This is my section For further information see subsection **1.3** within this section. But I want: 1 This is my section For further information see subsection **3** within this section. Is that possible? [Edit] To make it more clear: I am looking for a command that works like \\ref, but prints (the arabic number of) the value of the subsection counter at the position of the \\label. ======================= == Solution in LaTeX == There is another solution below. This is a different solution I came up with (I cannot post an answer to my own question, so I put it here): \\documentclass{article} \\newcommand{\\labelsubseccounter}[1]{ \\renewcommand\\thesubsection{\\arabic{subsection}} \\addtocounter{subsection}{-1} \\refstepcounter{subsection} \\label{#1} \\renewcommand\\thesubsection{\\thesection.\\arabic{subsection}} } \\begin{document} \\section{This is my section} For further information see subsection \\ref{subsecthree} within this section, which is called \\ref{onepointthree}, not \\ref{onepointfour}. \\subsection{One} \\subsection{Two} \\subsection{Three}\\label{onepointthree}\\labelsubseccounter{subsecthree} \\subsection{Four}\\label{onepointfour} \\end{document} (I would like to insert the compiled code, but don't know how, sorry)",
"FireFox 66 Quantum disabled all my extensions at midnight!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Make a model from image | How do I set a background image while I am editing? | [
"The Android app crashes when trying to upload a picture from my phone",
"Precise connection between complexification of $\\mathfrak{su}(2)$, $\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)$ and $\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C})$ I'm desperatly confused by notations and formulations so if someone could clarify the following things a little Í would be deeply grateful. The Lie algebra $\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow}$ of the proper orthochronous Lorentz group $SO(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow}$ is given by \\begin{equation} [J_i,J_j]=i \\epsilon_{ijk} J_k \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} [J_i,K_j]=i \\epsilon_{ijk} K_k \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} [K_i,K_j]=- i \\epsilon_{ijk} J_k \\end{equation} We can now define new generators with the old ones $N^{\\pm}_i= \\frac{1}{2}(J_i \\pm i K_i)$ which satisfy \\begin{equation} [N^{+}_i,N^{+}_j] = i \\epsilon_{ijk} N^{+}_k ,\\end{equation} \\begin{equation} [N^{-}_i,N^{-}_j] = i \\epsilon_{ijk} N^{-}_k ,\\end{equation} \\begin{equation} [N^{+}_i,N^{-}_j] = 0. \\end{equation} where we can see that $N^{+}_i$ and $N^{-}_i$ make up a copy of the Lie algebra $\\mathfrak{su}(2)$ each. My problem is to get what is going one here mathematically precise. Are the following statements correct and if not why: When we build the new operators from the old generators we complexified $\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow}$ \\begin{equation}(\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow})_\\mathbb{C} = \\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow}\\otimes \\mathbb{C} \\end{equation} We saw that $\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow})_\\mathbb{C}$ is isomorph to two copies of the complexified Lie algebra of $\\mathfrak{su(2)}$: $(\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow})_\\mathbb{C} \\simeq \\mathfrak{su(2)}_{\\mathbb{C}} \\oplus \\mathfrak{su(2)}_{\\mathbb{C}} $. Where exactly did we need that $\\mathfrak{su(2)}$ is complexified here? The Lie algebras defined by $N^{\\pm}_i$ are exactly those of $\\mathfrak{su(2)}$ and we never use complex linear combination of $N^{\\pm}_i$ or am I wrong here? $\\mathfrak{su(2)}_{\\mathbb{C}}$ is isomorph to $(\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C}$: \\begin{equation}\\mathfrak{su(2)}_{\\mathbb{C}} \\simeq (\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C} \\end{equation} Here $(\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C}$ denotes the complexified Lie algebra of $SL(2,\\mathbb{C})$ Is $(\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow})_\\mathbb{C} \\simeq (\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{R}$ correct? Here $(\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{R}$ denotes the real Lie algebra of $SL(2,\\mathbb{C})$ Is $(\\mathfrak{so}(1,3)_+^{\\uparrow})_\\mathbb{C} \\simeq (\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C} \\oplus (\\mathfrak{sl}(2, \\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C}$ correct? I looked this topic up in different books and each seemed to state something different. One book even used three differrent versions of $\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}) $ namely: $\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}) $, $(\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{C}$ and $(\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}))_\\mathbb{R}$. states simply that $\\mathfrak{sl}(2,\\mathbb{C}) $ is the complexification of $\\mathfrak{su(2)}$ without making any reference to $SL(2,\\mathbb{C})$ which does not help me either. Any help would be great.",
"Find the condition on $a$ and $b$ so that the two tangents drawn to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ from a point are normals to the parabola $x^2=4by$ Find the condition on $a$ and $b$ so that the two tangents drawn to the parabola $y^2=4ax$ from a point are normals to the parabola $x^2=4by.$ The required condition is $a^2>8b^2$.I dont know how to prove it.I tried. Let $(h,k)$ be the point from where tangents are drawn to the parabola $y^2=4ax$.Let $m_1,m_2$ be the slopes of the tangents.Equations of tangents are $y=m_1x+\\frac{a}{m_1}$ and $y=m_2x+\\frac{a}{m_2}$ and equations of normal to the parabola $x^2=4by$ is $y=m_1x-2bm_1-bm^3_1$ and $y=m_2x-2bm_2-bm^3_2$. As $y=m_1x+\\frac{a}{m_1}$ and $y=m_1x-2bm_1-bm^3_1$ are the same lines.Therefore,$\\frac{a}{m_1}=-2bm_1-bm^3_1$ $bm^4+2bm^2+a=0$ And I am stuck.I cannot get the desired condition.Please help me.",
"Installing Office 2010 on Ubuntu 15.04 using Wine I had installed Office 2010 32bit on Ubuntu 12.04 before using guides such as . However, due to package changes, I was not able to replicate the same on Ubuntu 15.04. How does one install Office 10 using Wine?",
"How to make a good glow effect around a sun?",
"Flex-box: Align last row to grid",
"How to define a Bijection between $(A^B)^C$ and $A^{B \\times C}$",
"A question that may sound very trivial, apologies beforehand. I am wondering why $( \\mathbb{Q}_{>0} , \\times )$ is not isomorphic to $( \\mathbb{Q} , + )$. I can see for the case when $( \\mathbb{Q} , \\times )$, not required to be positive, one can argue the group contains elements with order 2 (namely all negatives). In the case of the requirement for all rationals to be positive this argument does not fly. What trivial fact am I missing here?",
"What are all of the connected subsets of $\\mathbb{Q}$? The answer are the singletons of $\\mathbb{Q}$. I can show that the open intervals of $\\mathbb{Q}$ are disconnected by choosing some irrational in the open set and using it to form a separation. But strangely enough, I am having a hard time seeing why the subset $\\{p,q \\}$ of $\\mathbb{Q}$ is disconnected. If say $p < q$ and we choose some irrational $p < x <q$, the separation of $\\{p,q \\}$ would, I think, be given by $ \\{p\\}$ and $\\{q\\}$. But these aren't open in $\\mathbb{Q}$ ...?",
"I'm trying to include a link to some code on OneDrive; the link includes an underscore, which is causing a lot of trouble. I tried adding the entry like this: @misc{code, title = {Code}, url = {https://1drv.ms/link_link} } I use \\usepackage{url} and \\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}. Everything compiles fine and the bibliography shows the correct entry. However, if you click the link, it opens a page at https://1drv.ms/link - so ignoring the underscore and everything after it, which leads to a wrong page. Even copy and paste from the PDF doesn't work since the underscore is copied as space, which again is a broken link. How can I add the link such that it can be clicked and copied properly? I tried \\_, \\usepackage{underscore}, {{link}}, different bibtex entries but nothing worked. Also all the related questions/answers don't answer mine.",
"\\foreach not behaving in axis environment Am hesitant to ask yet one more embarrassing question, but I can't seem to see the problem with the \\foreach in the MWE. It should produce several horizontal lines but only produces the one with the yValue as specified in the \\newcommand{\\yValue}{0.3}: Code: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\newcommand{\\yValue}{0.3} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis} [ ymin=0, ymax=1, xmin=0, xmax=1, ] \\foreach \\yValue in {0.00,0.1,...,1.00} { \\draw [red] (axis cs:0,\\yValue) -- (axis cs:1,\\yValue); } \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"I need to evaluate the limit without using l'Hopital's rule. $$\\lim_{x \\to 0}{\\frac{\\sqrt{1+x\\sin{x}}-\\sqrt{\\cos{2x}}}{\\tan^{2}{\\frac{x}{2}}}}$$",
"unable to reset root password of mysql",
"I am trying to find a story where a children's nursery turns into a jungle I read this short story(I believe it was under novella length, but I could be mistaken) a while back, and I am trying to identify the title for a friend. Plot: Parents(male and female) get a computer aided/holographic nursery for their children. The mother becomes increasingly agitated as the children withdraw more. The children are barely even featured in the story, and the ending concludes with lions possibly eating the parents. Publishing date: Years ago. Tech level: Seemingly functional AI, not much more.",
"When you suggest an edit to a post and view the post while it's pending, . But as noted in the , this linking hasn't been implemented for tag wikis/excerpts yet, partly because there are potentially two links to include and the wording is not entirely obvious, and partly because they're orders of magnitude less common. Here's my suggested wording for the three cases. Tag wiki excerpt only Thanks for your edit! This edit will be visible only to you until it is . Tag wiki only Thanks for your edit! This edit will be visible only to you until it is . Both Thanks for your edit! These edits will be visible only to you until they are peer reviewed (, ). I can't directly address the prioritization of tag wiki edits, but I'd appreciate the corresponding or mark, at least.",
"Regression for an outcome (ratio or fraction) between 0 and 1 I am thinking of building a model predicting a ratio $a/b$, where $a \\le b$ and $a > 0$ and $b > 0$. So, the ratio would be between $0$ and $1$. I could use linear regression, although it doesn't naturally limit to 0..1. I have no reason to believe the relationship is linear, but of course it is often used anyway, as a simple first model. I could use a logistic regression, although it is normally used to predict the probability of a two-state outcome, not to predict a continuous value from the range 0..1. Knowing nothing more, would you use linear regression, logistic regression, or hidden option c?",
"Expected Value Of Number of Removals From Urn Here's the question: \"An urn contains b blue balls and r red balls. You repeatedly and independently remove balls from urn (without returning them) until the first blue ball is drawn. All balls currently in the urn have an equal probability of being selected each time a ball is removed. Define the random variable X as the number of balls that are drawn (number of red balls that are removed plus the first blue ball that is removed). Find E[X], the expected value of random variable X.\" I'm having trouble finding a closed form expression for the expected value. Here's the work I've done:",
"Last names that are English words with an extra 'e' I noticed that there are a lot of last names that have an 'e' at the end. The pronunciation usually isn't changed from that of the base word. Poole Steele Browne Clarke Why do English words not have the e? Maybe the answer to this question depends on which came first, pool or poole.",
"How do I determine the size of my array in C? How do I determine the size of my array in C? That is, the number of elements the array can hold?",
"I've noticed this on occasion with a variety of applications. I've often thought it was because the output was cancelled early (ctrl+c, for example) or something similar, and zsh is filling in a new line character. But now curiosity has gotten the best of me, since it doesn't seem to do this in bash. zsh bash The Sequence program is something I pulled from a book while reading on Java certifications and just wanted to see if it would compile and run. I did notice that it does not use the println() method from the System.out package/class. Instead it uses plain old print(). Is the lack of a new line character the reason I get this symbol?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How do I score points on Stack Overflow? | Six simple tips to get Stack Overflow reputation fast | [
"Which fuels burn the longest in Minecraft?",
"How many named characters died in Avengers: Infinity War? How many named characters have died and/or disintegrated by the end of Avengers: Infinity War. It is difficult to speculate who died on Xandar and the Asgardian ship. So restrict it to on-screen deaths only.",
"TP-LINK TL-WN823N Unable to connect to network I have purchased a TP-LINK TL-WN823N (EU) V2.0 device, which is a USB device that should work as a Network Interface Card, allowing me to connect my computer to wireless networks. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any wireless networks using this device using either wicd or network-manager (no networks appear in the list of networks supplied by either application). A CD came with the device claiming \"Linux support\". The CD contained a URL to a corrupted archive file for downloading installation resources. I try to mask my immense frustration. Here is the additional dmesg output I receive when I connect the device to my computer (similar content is present when I boot the computer with the device connected): [17096.009912] usb 2-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci [17096.103501] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=2357, idProduct=0109 [17096.103513] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [17096.103527] usb 2-1.2: Product: 802.11n NIC [17096.103529] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Realtek [17096.103530] usb 2-1.2: SerialNumber: 00e04c000001 This is my lsusb, where the offending device corresponds to Bus 002 Device 004: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0a5c:5800 Broadcom Corp. BCM5880 Secure Applications Processor Bus 002 Device 004: ID 2357:0109 Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:6433 Microdia Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub As lsusb -v: It seems the device is working to me, but no new interface is found in 'ifconfig': docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:6e:bf:92:16 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) enp0s31f6 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 30:5a:3a:e1:96:b1 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:16 Memory:df200000-df220000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 RX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) TX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) Running 'lshw -class network' as root contains only information about the 'enp0s31f6' interface. Additionally for sanity, my 'uname -a': Linux home-z170a-ubuntu 4.4.0-22-generic #39=Ubuntu SMP Thu May 5 16:53:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am using Ubuntu 16.04. My questions are: Why are no networks present in the list for wicd or network-manager? Why is there no additional network interface created when I plug in the USB device? Is it possible to create this network interface? Thanks for reading.",
"How do I install an R package from source?",
"Apache on MacOS Sierra: AH00557: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for Macbook-Pro.local AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine… I updated MacOS Sierra's Apache and PHP, and now whenever I $ sudo apachectl restart I get this: AH00557: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for My-MacBook-Pro.local AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message Things I've tried so far that didn't work: Setting ServerName localhost in /etc/httpd.conf Setting ServerName localhost:80 in /etc/httpd.conf Setting ServerName in /etc/httpd.conf Setting ServerName in /etc/httpd.conf Ensuring localhost is set in /etc/hosts Repeatedly restarting Apache",
"I have 4GB RAM. When I open Firefox, IntelliJ IDEA or VS Code and some other application my memory is about used up thus my machine hangs and I can't do anything. I can't even close any applications. Date and time are shown in the top bar so that I can view it any time without any thing typing. If I would view memory status in this way without typing anything then I can make a decision whether to open an application or whether this application may put my machine in hanging state or not. Is it possible in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS?",
"Some forms may contain confidential information - even something basic like where a person lives. What measures do Cognito Forms take to ensure that data stored within its site is secure?",
"I would like to know where to find the source code of Ubuntu. I'd like to see how far it is \"open source\".",
"Splicing a list of arguments into a function with Sequence",
"How to type latin small letter c with cedilla I run Ubuntu on a DELL XPS 13 notebook that has an US keyboard configured as US international. After upgrading to version 13.10 I can no loger get a cedilla by typing '+C. Instead, I get a \"ć\". What should I do to get a \"ç\"? I am using Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 64 bit.",
"I'm having issues with my macbook pro OS X 10.7.5. It used to connect to the wifi router (D-Link N300, DIR=615) no problems. But for the past several weeks, I haven't been able to at all. What pops up when I select my wifi network from the list: \"Failed to join \"network\" A connection timeout occured\". What happens when I try to enter my password manually: \"Connection timeout\" What I've tried to do as solutions: Google Restart router by pressing reset & refresh button Delete System & User (Login) Keychain access Network > Gear symbol by the + and - bottom left of the screen > Set Service Order > Drag Wifi to the top",
"Accept Multiple Answers or Split Bounty among Several Users Often more than one person contributes to the community coming up with the final accepted answer to a question. However, it is only possible to accept a single answer. Restricting to one final answer does make sense for the sake of referencing that answer later, but in many cases that answer is the product of the input from several individuals. I would like to be able to decide how much of a bounty goes to different users, or some other mechanism to recognize the contribution of multiple users. Of course I could always upvote their previous answers, but this is really incorrect if their previous answers aren't the complete, final answer I've accepted. What think you metaSOrs?",
"I'm not sure if this is possible architecturally, but when judging whether to set a bounty and how much it should be, it would be nice to see the impact based on our previous questions. If you're not visiting the site throughout the day, there is no way to tell how effective that bounty might be--particularly for increasing traffic. There is a similar question with adding and removing tags that increase the visibility in the right places, and the effect on views that may have.",
"I came across a map and when I was playing I found some coloured and bolded item names. I thought it isn't possible as at most you can only use the custom name tag to rename things! Is there a way to colour and bold item names in vanilla Minecraft? External programs are OK. Oh, and the wiki page of formatting codes doesn't really do much.",
"How to keep an SSD in shape on Yosemite? As of OS X 10.10, Apple uses kext signing. Ever since it has become to manually activate TRIM for third-party SSDs on OS X. That means users with non-Apple SSDs will sooner or later see degrading write speeds. So I am wondering what are my options to avoid this situation. Some approaches I could think of imply additional problems: Are you aware of any alternative approach, that does not require disabling kext signing? Are there tools or tricks to manually clean up a SSD (i.e. issue a TRIM command)? If I decided to temporarily use a tool like TRIM Enabler how long would it need to be activated, in order to clean the disk? To summarize: No TRIM on Yosemite. What can I do?",
"How do I make the player name show up on a /tellraw command? So I am currently making a minecraft custom map (for 1.9). I want to make the player \"say\" something using /tellraw commands. I did figure out how to make the player name come up using /say commands, but still have no idea how to do it using the /tellraw command. How do I do that?",
"Galois Group of $\\sqrt{2+\\sqrt{2}}$ over $\\mathbb{Q}$",
"Prediction based on bayesian model I have created a bayesian model that estimates 6 parameters using rjags from R. Now i want to do some predictions based on new data in R. Can anyone help me with an example. model { B.m[1] <- Kb # mean B[1] B[1] ~ dnorm( B.m[1], tau_B) for(t in 2 : 10) { # Process model B.m[t]<- max( B[t-1] + rB[t-1](1 -B[t-1]/K) - C[t-1] , 0.0) B[t] ~ dnorm(B.m[t], tau_B) } # Observation mode for (t in 1: 10) { LogC_mean[t] <- log( max(qsegB[t]Eff[t], 0.000001)) C[t] ~ dlnorm(LogC_mean[t], tau_c) } # Prior b~dbeta(1, 1) cv <- 1 K.mean <- 500000 K.v <- pow(cvK.mean, 2) K.tau <- 1/K.v K ~ dnorm(K.mean, K.tau) r ~ dlnorm(0.0, 1.4) qseg ~ dlnorm(-15.4, 1.44) tau_c ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001) tau_B ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01) } }",
"How to install aircrack on Ubuntu 12.04",
"There are 100 ropes in a bag. In each step, two rope ends are picked at random, tied together and put back into a bag. The process is repeated until there are no free ends. What is the expected number of loops at the end of the process?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why does the NameError occur despite globally declaring the variables | Short description of the scoping rules? | [
"Is there a closed form expression for $1 + x + x^{4} + x^{9}+x^{16}+x^{25} +..+x^{k^2}$? We all know what the sum of a geometric series is $1 + x + x^2 + x^3 + ... + x^k = \\frac{x^{k+1} - 1}{x - 1}$ . I was wondering if similar formulas exist in case the exponents form some other sequence, for example are squares or cubes of positive integers?",
"Falsely accused witch befriends transforming dragon she was to be sacrificed to Story is in a medievalish setting and starts with a woman who has been falsely accused of being a witch being taken by 2 men to be sacrificed to a dragon. She ends up befriending the (male) dragon, who is able to transform into various forms, including human, and can speak only the language of whatever form he is in. e.g. can speak English in human form, but can't in dragon form. He needs to return to his dragon form every day at sunrise or he dies. Contact with iron or steel causes him pain and prevents him from transforming. Near the end of the book, he's been put in handcuffs by one of the two men from the start and the woman has to get the assistance of the other one (village blacksmith?) to remove them before sunrise, which they manage to do just in time. I think I read it maybe 10 years ago. I also remember it was a very short book, probably only about 100 pages.",
"htl5 voice recording with isualization",
"Mean Value Theorem: $\\frac{2}{\\pi}<\\frac{\\sin x}{x}<1$ I need to show that $\\dfrac{2}{\\pi}<\\dfrac{\\sin(x)}{x}<1$ for $0<x<\\dfrac{\\pi}{2}$. I know I need to use the mean value theorem, would I just say that since $f$ is continuous in the interval (call it I). We know $\\exists c\\in I$ such that $f'(c) = \\dfrac{f\\left(\\dfrac{\\pi}{2}\\right)-f(0)}{\\dfrac{\\pi}{2}}$. I don't know where this is going though. Also, would I need to show $\\lim_{x \\to 0}\\dfrac{\\sin(x)}{x} = 1$? Is there a way to do this without L'H Rule?",
"Is it coherent to extend $\\mathbb{R}$ with a reciprocal of $0$? I'm sure this is an obvious question, but I'm having trouble finding the right words to type into Google. I know that the definition of a ring allows that the additive identity not have a multiplicative inverse, but is this a requirement? Specifically, is something like $\\mathbb{R}\\!\\left[\\frac{1}{0}\\right]$ such that $\\frac{1}{0} \\cdot 0 = 1$ a ring, or does some contradiction arise from allowing the additive identity to have a multiplicative inverse?",
"Help identifying an error type \"tried to help me learning\" I have a friend from Russia who is trying to learn English and recently used the sentence \"He tried to help me learning...\" (implied: the English language) It is obviously wrong and I corrected it telling her that she was supposed to say: \"He tried to help me learn.\", but I have a hard time explaining to her why it is incorrect since I'm not an expert on grammar either. Is it a case of confusing the present simple and present continuous or does it have something to do with gerunds and infinitives? Any help would be highly appreciated!",
"How can I create an instance of the Java console inside of a GUI panel?",
"$(x^3+xy^2-y)dx+(y^3+x^2y+x)dy=0$ I tried to find on Wolfram Alpha but it showed only the solution not in step-by-step, I know that the factor is $\\frac{1}{x^2+y^2}$ but how to find it?",
"Topologist's Sine Curve: A rigorous proof of why $\\overline{S} = S \\cup V$ Let $S$ and $V$ be the following subsets of $\\mathbb{R}^2$. $$ S = \\left\\{ \\ x \\times \\sin \\frac{1}{x} \\ \\colon \\ 0 < x \\leq 1 \\ \\right\\}, \\qquad V = \\left\\{ \\ 0 \\times y \\ \\colon \\ -1 \\leq y \\leq 1 \\ \\right\\} = \\{ 0 \\} \\times [-1, 1]. $$ Then how to show rigorously that the closure $\\overline{S}$ of $S$ is given by $$ \\overline{S} = S \\cup V? $$ By rigorously, I mean using the smme kind of argument as is used in real analysis or topology, such as in (most of) the proofs in Rudin or Munkres. Intuitively, it is clear that as $x \\to 0+0$, then $\\sin \\frac{1}{x}$ will fluctuate its full range of $[-1, 1]$, and for any point $0 \\times y$, where $y \\in [-1, 1]$, there will be points of $S$ arbitrarily close to it. But I'm unable to rigorously show this.",
"My mortgage came up for renewal right at the time in 2009 when UK interest rates hit rock bottom. This was unprecidented, and most financial advice was to take out a fixed-rate mortgage. So I perhaps went overboard and got one for ten years. Five years on, interest rates haven't moved and I'm losing money on it to the tune of £100 a month. Obviously, this is ongoing: so that decision has cost me about £5000 in real terms so far. It'll come to a lot more by the end of the mortgage, unless interest rates rise. Being fixed rate, it's been designed so you can't get out early. If I decide to end the mortage, it'll cost me £1,000 per year of the mortgage remaining - which is roughly what I'm losing anyway, so that seems a bad idea. I can overpay by up to £500 per month. However, doing this doesn't help pay down the mortgage at all: the total is just added up and will cause the mortgage to end early, by a period dependent on the overpayment total. This seems to me to be a very bad idea because hoping interest rates rise over the next five years is the only hope I have of making good on some of the losses that I've made. Is this sensible thinking? If so, is there anything at all I can do to try and ameliorate the financial pain this product is causing me?",
"I recently dismissed Dogmeat in favor of Codsworth, and I'm fairly sure I sent him to Sanctuary Hills. However, I've had a fairly detailed look around the place and I haven't found him yet. Does anyone know where he is?",
"The problem is stated as follows: \"Let $R$ be a Noetherian ring and $\\theta$ be a ring homomorphism from $R$ to $R$. Show that if $\\theta$ is surjective then it is also injective.\" Regardless of the right solution, I don't understand why is the following wrong: We have $\\theta: R\\to R$. By the isomorphism theorem $R/\\ker\\theta\\cong\\operatorname{Im}\\theta$. Since $\\operatorname{Im}\\theta = R$, it follows $\\ker\\theta =0$, so it's injective. Harsh criticism will be appreciated. Thanks.",
"If we're implementing , why don't we also require that users have at least 1.5 times the amount of reputation needed to ask their current question in order to answer their current question? I believe this would really reduce the amount of non-answers that should have been edits to the original question, or perhaps a comment under another answer. Edit Inspired by marcog's excellent suggestion , perhaps it would make more sense to set a minimum amount of time that must pass before you can answer your own question. New users would need to wait in the neighborhood of six hours, while users with more reputation could answer their own question within minutes if they discovered the solution on their own. This would get in the way of the behavior that we don't want, which is people posting answers that should have been edits while not annoying most.",
"How to run batch file without admin privillege?",
"Why are the shebang parts of the following elementary scripts not working: $ cat hello.sh #! /bin/sh echo Hello $ ./hello.sh bash: ./hello.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory $ cat hello.py #! /usr/bin/env python3 print(\"Hello\") $ ./hello.py : No such file or directory whereas calling the interpreter manually is working: $ sh hello.sh Hello $ python3 hello.py Hello",
"Let $f$ be an analytic isomorphism on the unit disc $D$, find the area of $f(D)$ Let $f$ have power series $f(z) = \\sum_{n=1}^\\infty a_n z^n$ in $D$, then prove that $\\mathrm{area}\\, f(D) = \\sum_{n=1}^\\infty n \\,|a_n|^2$. Note: We define $\\mathrm{area}\\, S = \\iint_S \\mathrm{d}x\\,\\mathrm{d}y$. I presume the way to do this is to take the integral $$\\iint_{f(D)} \\mathrm{d}x\\,\\mathrm{d}y = \\iint_D \\mathbf{J}_f (x+iy) \\,\\mathrm{d}x\\,\\mathrm{d}y = \\int_0^1 \\int_0^{2\\pi} r \\mathbf{J}_f (r e^{i \\theta}) \\mathrm{d}\\theta\\,\\mathrm{d}r,$$ and letting $\\gamma_r : [0,2\\pi]\\to\\Bbb{C}, \\,\\gamma_r (\\theta) = r e^{i\\theta},\\, \\gamma_r '(\\theta) = i\\gamma_r (\\theta),$ then we get $$\\mathrm{area}\\,f(D) = \\int_0^1 \\int_{\\gamma_r}\\frac{\\lvert f'(z)\\rvert^2 \\bar{z}}{ir}\\mathrm{d}z\\,\\mathrm{d}r.$$ Unfortunately, this approach seems to be a dead end. I think I'm meant to use Cauchy's Formula somewhere, but I can't see where that might be useful in this kind of question.",
"What are the entire functions $f$ such that $|f'(z)| \\leq |f(z)| \\ ? $ Could someone advise me on how to determine all entire functions $f$ such that $|f'(z)| \\leq |f(z)|, \\forall z\\ ?$ Hints will suffice, thank you.",
"\"export PS1=\" for customizing shell prompt",
"N circles in the plane",
"Variable name as a string in Javascript"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Find all such mappings where $A=\{1,2,3,4\}$, $B=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ and $f:A \to B$ is an injective mapping such that $f(i) \neq i ~\forall i=1,2,3,4$. | How many injective functions $f:[1,...,m]\to{[1,...,n]}$ has no fixed point? $(m\le n)$ | [
"How do I create a file and mount it as a filesystem? How do I create a file of size 10M, format it with ext3 filesystem and then mount it in /media/fuse? I tried with mkfs -t ext3 file then to mount it mount -t ext3 file /media/fuse It didn't work because it said that file wasn't a block device. Can anybody help me?",
"How to add readable text to a light and dark image? I'm trying to add text to a photo of a city but the colors in the background make it difficult to read light and dark text. I've tried several light and dark colors but they all looked overpowered by the colors in the image. What colors could I use or what can I do to the text to make it show but also make it so you can still see the background? Here is the image I'm trying to use:",
"When should you use generator expressions and when should you use list comprehensions in Python? # Generator expression (x*2 for x in range(256)) # List comprehension [x*2 for x in range(256)]",
"Train passport control from London to Paris I'm a non-EU citizen, I will be travelling from London to Paris next month, so I was wondering since most countries track entry and leave dates, if I use the train to switch these countries and they don't control it, my UK visa will seem like entry YES but no leaving. Same for the Schengen, I wouldn't have an entry date but I'll be leaving, Will it be trouble later? Are they controlling this on trains? If not is there anything I should do before?",
"I have a simple question regarding \"conditional probability\" and \"Likelihood\". (I have already surveyed this question but to no avail.) It starts from the Wikipedia . They say this: The likelihood of a set of parameter values, $\\theta$, given outcomes $x$, is equal to the probability of those observed outcomes given those parameter values, that is $$\\mathcal{L}(\\theta \\mid x) = P(x \\mid \\theta)$$ Great! So in English, I read this as: \"The likelihood of parameters equaling theta, given data X = x, (the left-hand-side), is equal to the probability of the data X being equal to x, given that the parameters are equal to theta\". (Bold is mine for emphasis). However, no less than 3 lines later on the same page, the Wikipedia entry then goes on to say: Let $X$ be a random variable with a discrete probability distribution $p$ depending on a parameter $\\theta$. Then the function $$\\mathcal{L}(\\theta \\mid x) = p_\\theta (x) = P_\\theta (X=x), \\, $$ considered as a function of $\\theta$, is called the likelihood function (of $\\theta$, given the outcome $x$ of the random variable $X$). Sometimes the probability of the value $x$ of $X$ for the parameter value $\\theta$ is written as $P(X=x\\mid\\theta)$; often written as $P(X=x;\\theta)$ to emphasize that this differs from $\\mathcal{L}(\\theta \\mid x) $ which is not a conditional probability, because $\\theta$ is a parameter and not a random variable. (Bold is mine for emphasis). So, in the first quote, we are literally told about a conditional probability of $P(x\\mid\\theta)$, but immediately afterwards, we are told that this is actually NOT a conditional probability, and should be in fact written as $P(X = x; \\theta)$? So, which one is is? Does the likelihood actually connote a conditional probability ala the first quote? Or does it connote a simple probability ala the second quote? EDIT: Based on all the helpful and insightful answers I have received thus far, I have summarized my question - and my understanding thus far as so: In English, we say that: \"The likelihood is a function of parameters, GIVEN the observed data.\" In math, we write it as: $L(\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta \\mid \\mathbf{X}=x)$. The likelihood is not a probability. The likelihood is not a probability distribution. The likelihood is not a probability mass. The likelihood is however, in English: \"A product of probability distributions, (continuous case), or a product of probability masses, (discrete case), at where $\\mathbf{X} = x$, and parameterized by $\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta$.\" In math, we then write it as such: $L(\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta \\mid \\mathbf{X}=x) = f(\\mathbf{X}=x ; \\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta) $ (continuous case, where $f$ is a PDF), and as $L(\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta \\mid \\mathbf{X}=x) = P(\\mathbf{X}=x ; \\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta) $ (discrete case, where $P$ is a probability mass). The takeaway here is that at no point here whatsoever is a conditional probability coming into play at all. In Bayes theorem, we have: $P(\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta \\mid \\mathbf{X}=x) = \\frac{P(\\mathbf{X}=x \\mid \\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta) \\ P(\\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta)}{P(\\mathbf{X}=x)}$. Colloquially, we are told that \"$P(\\mathbf{X}=x \\mid \\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta)$ is a likelihood\", however, this is not true, since $\\mathbf{\\Theta}$ might be an actual random variable. Therefore, what we can correctly say however, is that this term $P(\\mathbf{X}=x \\mid \\mathbf{\\Theta}= \\theta)$ is simply \"similar\" to a likelihood. (?) [On this I am not sure.] EDIT II: Based on @amoebas answer, I have drawn his last comment. I think it's quite elucidating, and I think it clears up the main contention I was having. (Comments on the image). EDIT III: I extended @amoebas comments to the Bayesian case just now as well:",
"What are the differences between \"to talk\" and \"to speak\"?",
"Hazard Function - Survival Analysis I just started taking survival analysis class and I'm stumped on this question. Let $T_1,...,T_n$ random independent continuous variables, with hazard function of $h_1(t),...,h_n(t)$. $T=min(T_1,...,T_n)$. And we need to show that the hazard function of T is $\\sum_j{h_j(t)} $ Any help or direction are welcome :)",
"My friend and his wife visited UK during the year 2015. And they came back on time we want to know one information as they same couple want to visit UK again For how many years or months can multiple entry visa can be given for a couple who have already visited UK?",
"Is my US visa still valid after change in name? I'm a Malawian national and I got US Visa years back. Recently, due to some reasons, I had to get my first name partially changed on my passport. I have got an affidavit certificate stating the reason and proof. Since the visa on my old passport has still not expired, but there is a difference in first name, will I face any problem?",
"What UML (Unified Modelling Language) tools are available?",
"How can I attach a file to a post? I want to attach some files to a post on one of Stack Exchange sites. What is the best way to do this?",
"Is the integral $\\int_0^\\infty \\frac{\\mathrm{d} x}{(1+x^2)(1+x^a)}$ equal for all $a \\neq 0$? Let $a$ be a non-zero real number. Is it true that the value of $$\\int\\limits_0^\\infty \\frac{\\mathrm{d} x}{(1+x^2)(1+x^a)}$$ is independent on $a$?",
"A generic question across most board games: once a player has taken their turn (taken their finger off the piece they are playing), should they be allowed to change their mind? Similarly, if a player forgets to take a privilege, such as an occupied building in Puerto Rico giving an extra worker, or plantation, if they remember a few moves later, should they be allowed to take the privilege? Very few rules explicitly express how these events should be dealt with, so they are generally left up to the group. However, my group's rules will change depending on the personality of the players playing (not all members are available each time we play). I would like to make this consistent, and would appreciate feedback on how others deal with this scenario.",
"Textbook approach to modeling non-proportional hazards in the Cox model In Cox models with time varying coefficients, the effect of covariates on the hazard is allowed to change through time. In cases where a coefficient has a linear relationship with time, I am aware of at least two text books ( and an Appendix to ) that advocate for the following model, first in R code: coxph(Surv(time, death) ~ disease + disease:time) And now in mathematical notation: $$ h(t|X) = h_0(t) \\exp(\\beta_1X + \\beta_2X_T) $$ Where $h(t|X)$ is the instantaneous hazard rate at time $t$ given covariates $X$; $h_0(t)$ is the baseline hazard rate; and $T$ is the censoring or event times. $\\beta_1$ represents the log hazard ratio for individuals with $T=0$ (which is sort of nonsensical since you can't have $T=0$ in the data), while $\\beta_2$ is harder to interpret... $\\beta_2$ shows how the log hazard ratio depends on censoring/event times, but that is circular because event times are also the response variable (this point is made in Terry Therneau’s vignette “”). According to Therneau's vignette, to correctly specify a time varying coefficient, you need to use the following model, first in R code: coxph(Surv(time, death) ~ disease + tt(disease), tt=function(x,t,...){x*t}) And now in mathematical notation: $$ h(t|X) = h_0(t) \\exp(\\beta_1X + \\beta_2X_T) $$ The difference is that the time interaction is with $t$ in the model rather than with the event times $T$ in the data. The resulting parameters are easy to interpret: they are the intercept and slope of the linear relationship between the log hazard ratio of $X$ and time. This approach seems like the proper way to model a time varying effect. Can anyone justify or advocate for the first approach to modeling non-proportional hazards in the Cox model? If it is really incorrect (as I suspect it is), what are the practical consequences of using this approach?",
"Fontconfig warning: \"/etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-unfonts-core.conf\" I am getting the following error frequently. (Example: when running zenity,firefox etc. commands / applications.) Fontconfig warning: \"/etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-unfonts-core.conf\", line 11: Having multiple values in <test> isn't supported and may not work as expected Here is contents of file /etc/fonts/conf.d/90-fonts-unfonts-core.conf: <?xml version=\"1.0\"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM \"fonts.dtd\"> <fontconfig> <match target=\"font\"> <test name=\"family\" qual=\"any\"> <string>은 바탕</string><string>UnBatang</string> <string>은 돋움</string><string>UnDotum</string> <string>은 궁서</string><string>UnGungseo</string> <string>은 필기</string><string>UnPilgi</string> <string>은 그래픽</string><string>UnGraphic</string> </test> <edit name=\"antialias\" mode=\"assign\" binding=\"strong\"><bool>true</bool></edit> <edit name=\"hinting\" mode=\"assign\" binding=\"strong\"><bool>false</bool></edit> <edit name=\"autohint\" mode=\"assign\" binding=\"strong\"><bool>true</bool></edit> <edit name=\"hintstyle\" mode=\"assign\" binding=\"strong\"><const>hintslight</const></edit> </match> </fontconfig> How to solve it?",
"Is there a problem with the ClearBits data dump?",
"I have a problem. I have several large equations within the text. And when LaTeX does not manage to put the equation on the same page and moves it to the next one, he spreads the paragraphs of the text in the first page. How could I prevent this? I know about \\pagebreak and \\newpage, but I do not want to force the \\newpage, as the text may move (if I add something later or so on) and the pagebreaks may not be valid. I would like to make LaTeX not to spread the paragraphs over a page automatically. Is it possible? I tried to make an example: \\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twoside]{book} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\begin{document} LaLaLa\\\\\\ LaLaLa\\\\\\ LaLaLa\\\\\\ LaLaLa\\\\\\ \\begin{eqnarray} 123&+&123 \\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ \\end{eqnarray} LaLaLa\\\\\\ LaLaLa\\\\\\ \\begin{eqnarray} 123&+&123 \\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ 123&+&123 \\nonumber\\\\\\ \\end{eqnarray} \\end{document}",
"Why doesn't my flash fire from the hot shoe trigger? I have a Yongnuo YN-560 III and a pair of RF-603II (C3) triggers. I have a Canon Rebel T5i. I put one trigger on the hot shoe. When this trigger is in TX mode I get a blue comm light and I can fire a test flash using the large test button on the trigger. But when I press the shutter button to take a picture, there's no flash. The trigger and flash are on Channel 1. The trigger on the hot shoe is set to TRX. TX is fine, TRX gives me no flash. The flash and camera are in M mode. I don't have a trigger on the flash because the Mark III has a built-in trigger The problem seems to be the camera. The trigger can talk to the flash but the camera is not sending a flash command through the trigger in the hot shoe to the flash. Grateful for anything you could suggest.",
"Let the ring of fractions be denoted as $S^{-1}R$. Proposition (from Robert Ash's textbook \"Basic Abstract Algebra\") Define $f: R \\rightarrow S^{-1}R$ by $f(a) = a/1$. Then f is a ring homomorphism. If S has no zero divisors then f is a monomorphism, and we say that R can be embedded in $S^{-1}R$. In particular: (i) A commutative ring R cna be embedded in its complete (or *full) ring of fractions ($S^{-1}R$, where S consists of all non-divisors of zero in R). (ii) An integral domain can be embedded in its quotient field. Why does the proposition say \"If S has no zero divisors...\"? If S really had zero divisors, then this wouldn't even be properly defined, right? Because we would have a/0 for some a in R.",
"How do I assign the output of a command into an array?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Using Varnish (only) for DDoS mitigation | I am under DDoS. What can I do? | [
"How to input integer value to an array, based preceeding row + column values?",
"Square bracket notation for dimensions and units: usage and conventions",
"A guide to moderating comments",
"Change border color of \\fbox Possible Duplicate: I'm using an \\fbox to have a border around a minipage. \\fbox{ \\begin{minipage}{0.25\\textwidth} my content \\end{minipage} } Is there any way to set the border color of the \\fbox?",
"Great Theorem - Help name the Sci-fi book read long ago I'm trying to find a book I read long back. This book may have won a Hugo/Nebula (Trust me I've googled to death this one!). Don't remember much of the story (that's why I want to re-read it). What I remember is that some of the powers in the book are called \"Gods\". And they have brains the size of the planets (or planets being their brains). The protagonist in the climax, solves a theorem (The Great Theorem, perhaps) by remembering one of the obscure theorems (Jacuzi (?)) and incorporating it. This [Great] theorem helps spaceships helps find the shortest route from point A to B. He surprises the antagonist by reaching the vantage point quickly with the help of his new knowledge, and blasts his enemy's spaceship. The ending of the book - as I remember it is - that the protagonist wants to become a God himself. Please let me know the title & author of this book if you've read it. PS #1: BTW, It's not Asimov's The Gods Themselves :) PS #2: It's published at the least before 1998",
"Is there always an equivalent metric which is not complete?",
"How do I beat Uprising on Legendary difficulty? The achievement \"Distinguished Service\" requires that you beat Uprising on the regular gamemode on Legendary difficulty. This means we can't pick our usual huge DPS heroes like Bastion and Orisa, and are stuck with Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Mercy, and Tracer. The phases are as follows: Hack all 3 terminals Defend the Payload until it's ready Escort the Payload until the gate Destroy all 4 Orisas. So I ask this after having failed Uprising on Legendary dozens of times. How do I beat Uprising on all 4 phases? Specifically asking for the latter 3 phases. Defending the payload is hard when it gets to the Bastions that drop in because Reinhardt's shield gets melted very quickly and Torbjorn has little to no DPS. Tracer must be relied on but it seems there is no way to stop the perfect aim of Bastion as strafing around does nothing. If and when we actually do manage to defend it, we're stuck on escorting, which is even harder thanks to the tank mode Bastions. And finally, even if we do make it to the final fight, which has only happened once, the fight is so tough that even if we slowly inch ourselves closer to the end we run out of time. The previous question I asked was different because Uprising (All Heroes) allows you to pick any 4 heroes to form your squad, but the original gamemode will not let you pick. Also, the achievement requires you to play the original mode -- Uprising (All Heroes) on Legendary does not reward players with the achievement.",
"I am going to Santa Monica for 4 weeks to polish my English in July and would like to volunteer at the Planetary Society located in Pasadena. I am a Swiss citizen and have a biometric passport. However, I don't have any special visa, as there is no visa needed for the school I am attending and using the Visa Waiver Program, I am allowed to stay up to 90 days in the US. Am I allowed to do volunteer work during my stay?",
"I'm in the following situation: In 3 months, I'll finish my PhD in theoretical physics, and I'm certain that I want to pursue an academic career. However, I'm just as certain that my PhD research is a dead end. (My advisor doesn't think so, but I disagree with him.) Thus, I seek to change the direction of my research, but I need a few months to obtain the necessary skills. Anyway, I missed the main application period for post-doc positions (in the US). Given the following options (feel free to expand this list), which do you think provides the best perspective of leading me to a interesting post-doc position? Finish my PhD. Get any post-doc position. Do the work I'm required to do there. Work hard in my spare time to teach myself the stuff I want to. After 1-2 years, find a post-doc position I'm really interested in. Finish my PhD. Get a well-paying job in the software industry. Do the work I'm required to do there. Work hard in my spare time to teach myself the stuff I want to. Work harder to keep publishing papers. After one year, find a post-doc position I'm really interested in. Abort my current work. Find a new subject and a new PhD advisor. Live on unemployment money as long as possible. Work hard in my spare time to teach myself the stuff I want to. Work harder to keep publishing papers. After one year, find a post-doc position I'm really interested in. Pros: Get the PhD title sooner. Stay in the scientific community. Get the PhD title sooner. Earn lots of money (6 figure). In a 9-to-5 job, have more spare time for private research than on a post-doc position, where work is never finished. Go to a foreign country. It's what I should've done 2 years ago. I'll have the education I want when I finish my PhD, not later (but be older anyway). No immediate advantages over the other options. Cons: If a logical continuation of my PhD work, I'll suffer from demotivation. My next advisor will not want me to work on other topics that I'm not paid for. Might have to stay for 2 years. I'll move out of the scientific community for some time. I know it's hard to get back in. I'll be even older when I finally get my PhD. Not sure if I would find another advisor. Open fight with my current advisor. I don't want to live on unemployment money for long. A particular question concerning the options above: Does being out of academia for a year kill your prospects of obtaining a postdoc position later? I do have some collaborators who will help me to keep publishing, provided that I put enough work into my research. Also, I'm willing to familiarize myself with other topics on my own (a prerequisite for an academic career anyway). The next application period will be from October to December 2013, which isn't far away. I'm sure I'll have most of the skills I want by then (and a paper published proving that), but still would have to work until summer 2014 wherever I am applying now. Please give me honest answers, even if they hurt. I'll provide more information as soon as possible, if anyone has questions.",
"Space between 2 paths in Illustrator",
"I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop. My charger has stopped working. I have access to a Lenovo charger. Can I use this charger on my laptop?",
"If apostrophe + s is the acceptable way of denoting a genitive in English, is it possible that possessive pronouns, such as hers, ours and yours, started life as possessive adjectives with apostrophe + s? E.g. her's, our's, your's, their's? Perhaps, even his' ? Its and my obviously stick out from this tempting pattern. Is there any evidence that this might be the case, or is the 's completely unrelated?",
"Looking for sci-fi short story anthology with a particular story of an Earth/Mars war children inheriting the surface I read this in the early to mid 80's. It was a textbook sized hardcover anthology with color illustrations throughout. Each story had a few images, some were full page illustrations. The particular story I remember the most involved Earth survivors living underground. Robots controlled the war from the surface. A teenage girl and boy decided to sneak away to the surface as no one had been up there in a long time. The kids discover greenery and a healthy environment, with rusted robot guardians. The robots had been keeping the humans fooled that the war was still going on, and had kept them under the surface. Mars had been wiped out from nearly the first volleys of missiles. The robots judge the teenagers as worthy and let them remain on the surface. The kids had silver jumpsuits that dissolved when they got wet. The robot illustrations were blocky, almost weathered stone-like statues. They had nearly spherical feet and square simple heads. The faces had eyes and simple mouths. -edit- The robots were similar in shape to the one in this picture, but smoother, and no arms. The illustrations with them had the robots being several stories tall. I kind of remember that the kids emerged from the belly of one or something like that.",
"Give an example about limits: $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to0}f(x^{2})$ exists but $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to0}f(x)$ does not.",
"I have found that the question I want to ask someone had asked, here is the website: Here is my question: Why $\\dim(\\hom(V,W))=\\dim V * \\dim W $? Thanks for explanation~!",
"Can helium disappear from Earth?",
"In my Java application, I want to run a batch file that calls \"scons -Q implicit-deps-changed build\\file_load_type export\\file_load_type\" It seems that I can't even get my batch file to execute. I'm out of ideas. This is what I have in Java: Runtime. getRuntime(). exec(\"build.bat\", null, new File(\".\")); Previously, I had a Python Sconscript file that I wanted to run but since that didn't work I decided I would call the script via a batch file but that method has not been successful as of yet.",
"I know how to define a package or a class, but how do I make it available (to myself) at all times? Say I have the package file commonstuff.sty (or myprettyclass.cls), that I want to be able to include in any .tex file I create on my computer. Where do I put it? Do I need to run some installer on it, or is it enough to keep it in a certain folder? Note: I know I can just place it in the same folder as the .tex file, but that's not what I'm after here. I'm looking for a way to \"install\" the package centrally on my computer.",
"As we know, any proposition can translate to Godel numbers, such as $$( \\exists x)\\space (x=sy)$$Its Godel numbers is $2^8 × 3 ^4 × 5^ {13} × 7^ 9 × 11^8 × 13^{13} × 17^ 5 × 19^ 7 × 23^ {17} × 29^ 9=a \\space big \\space number $ We also could get the character sequence \"$( \\exists x)\\space (x=sy)$\" through prime factorization of this big number. Such as$$243,000,000=2^6×3^5×5^6 $$ $$6\\space\\space\\space\\space\\space 5\\space\\space\\space\\space\\space 6 $$ $$\\downarrow\\space\\space\\downarrow\\space\\space\\downarrow$$ $$0\\space\\space\\space=\\space\\space\\space 0 $$ So $243000000$ is the Godel numbers of \"$0=0$\" There are four axioms in Godel's PM system, here are two of them: $$(p\\lor p)\\subset p$$ $$p\\subset (p\\lor q)$$ through these two axioms, we can prove \"$(p\\lor p)\\subset(p\\lor q)$\" is a true theorem. And these two axioms and a theorem all have a corresponding Godel numbers, can we prove this theorem is true through Godel numbers? If it works, how?",
"Text not very readable on different image backgrounds"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Clear all messages from current Terminal session | Completely clear all output from a Terminal window | [
"The $ l^{\\infty} $-norm is equal to the limit of the $ l^{p} $-norms.",
"where do I use Database. Methods?",
"How do I turn off the Minecraft 1.7.2 Super Secret Settings? How do I turn off the Minecraft 1.7.2 super secret settings? I tried F3 and F4, hitting Esc repeatedly, all things mentioned on blogs – nothing is working.",
"Python idiom to return first item or None I'm sure there's a simpler way of doing this that's just not occurring to me. I'm calling a bunch of methods that return a list. The list may be empty. If the list is non-empty, I want to return the first item; otherwise, I want to return None. This code works: my_list = get_list() if len(my_list) > 0: return my_list[0] return None It seems to me that there should be a simple one-line idiom for doing this, but for the life of me I can't think of it. Is there? Edit: The reason that I'm looking for a one-line expression here is not that I like incredibly terse code, but because I'm having to write a lot of code like this: x = get_first_list() if x: # do something with x[0] # inevitably forget the [0] part, and have a bug to fix y = get_second_list() if y: # do something with y[0] # inevitably forget the [0] part AGAIN, and have another bug to fix What I'd like to be doing can certainly be accomplished with a function (and probably will be): def first_item(list_or_none): if list_or_none: return list_or_none[0] x = first_item(get_first_list()) if x: # do something with x y = first_item(get_second_list()) if y: # do something with y I posted the question because I'm frequently surprised by what simple expressions in Python can do, and I thought that writing a function was a silly thing to do if there was a simple expression could do the trick. But seeing these answers, it seems like a function is the simple solution.",
"Capturing emoticons using regular expression in python",
"I'm currently reading a little deeper into the Axiom of Choice, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find it makes the arithmetic of infinite cardinals seem easy. With AC follows the Absorption Law of Cardinal Arithmetic, which states that for $\\kappa$ and $\\lambda$ cardinal numbers, the larger infinite and the smaller nonzero, then $\\kappa+\\lambda=\\kappa\\cdot\\lambda=\\max(\\kappa,\\lambda)$. I was playing around with the equation $k+\\aleph_0=\\mathfrak{c}$ for some cardinal $k$. From the above, it follows that $\\mathfrak{c}=k+\\aleph_0=\\max(k,\\aleph_0)$, which implies $k=\\mathfrak{c}$. I'm curious, can we still show $k=\\mathfrak{c}$ without the Axiom of Choice? Is it maybe possible to bound $\\mathfrak{c}-\\aleph_0$ above and below by $\\mathfrak{c}$? But then I'm not quite sure such algebraic manipulations even mean anything, or work like that here. Certainly normal arithmetic does not! Thanks.",
"Deciphering the RSA encrypted message from three different public keys I have three different 1024-bit public keys with common exponent $e$ but different moduli. A message $m$ is encrypted (without padding) using the three keys, which results in three different encrypted messages. Given the three pairs of public keys $(N_i,e)$ and the encrypted messages $c_i=m^e\\bmod N_i$ , how do I decipher the original message $m$ ?",
"Who would get the longest road? Imagine the following setup. There are 3 (or more) players with an equally long road. What would happen if the longest road was broken? How is it decided who obtains the longest road from there on?",
"Will I still receive OTA updates after rooting my Nexus 5? I just wanna ask that after rooting Nexus 5 will I be receiving OTA updates by Google ? Or I'll have to install a custom ROM ?",
"I have a large set of data points of the form (mean, stdev). I wish to reduce this to a single (better) mean, and a (hopefully) smaller standard deviation. Clearly I could simply compute $\\frac{\\sum data_{mean}}{N}$, however this does not take in to account the fact that some of the data points are significantly more accurate than others. To put it simply, I wish to preform a weighted average of these data points, but do not know what the weighting function should be in terms of the standard deviation.",
"top output: cpu usage > 100%",
"Can you enter the Schengen area with a UK visa?",
"I have interesting bug that I have experienced before but has gone away on its own. This one is not going away though. I have a giant stripe or chunks missing from my desert biome, I would say probably 7 chunks long. I'm guessing the chunks are corrupted or something, what was hoping to figure is whether it can repaired or reverted. Here is a picture of the problem.",
"Text in Ubuntu Software Center is unreadable When I do a search in the software center this is what the results look like. I can only see the text if I select one of them. I tried changing themes but that didn't fix it.",
"Let $l \\in\\mathbb{R} $ and $ f:(0,\\infty) \\to \\Bbb R $ be a function such that $ \\lim_{x\\to \\infty} xf(x)=l $ . Prove that $ \\lim_{x\\to \\infty} f(x)=0 $. Any help would be appreciated - I found this difficult to prove",
"How prove this $\\prod_{1\\le i<j\\le n}\\frac{a_{j}-a_{i}}{j-i}$ is integer",
"I have a VIP skybag (I believe this does not matter). It has a 3-number TSA lock built into the suitcase. I know the combination to unlock, let's say it's 345. Recently it was locked and while there was a different number on the combination lock the reset/set lock button was pressed. Since then the reset/set lock button is pressed (stuck) and the lock button also does not unlock. Any pointers on how to unlock it? I am thinking of unscrewing the lock from inside of the suitcase but it seems quite a hassle, as I may have to assemble it back. Let me know if there is any other option to unlock it from the outside.",
"\"Stack Overflow\" showing up on hamburger menu for all sites to link to /questions Why does it say \"Stack Overflow\" instead of the site name?",
"Prerequisites for classical mechanics by Susskind So I am an undergraduate in Electrical Engineering. We had a course on Physics in our freshman year which is equivalent to Classical Mechanics I as taught in MIT. I am interested in studying advanced classical mechanics (which includes Lagrangian formulation and other stuff) as equivalent to Classical Mechanics lecture by Susskind. I wanted to know are they any prerequisites which I should know about before taking this course. In general what are the prereqs for this course?",
"RX 590 IN Blender and Cycles Render I don't know why, but I cant render anything in CUDA and OptiX but OpenCL work fine. I cant use Cycles render because it's very laggy. I have newest version of Blender and an RX 590 Red Dragon 8gb. Why does that happen? How can I turn on my gpu?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
$\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{G} \subset \mathcal{F}$ is countably generated iff there is a random variable $X$ such that $\mathcal{G} = \sigma(X)$. | Every countably generated sigma algebra is generated by a random variable | [
"Background: I have the opportunity to pursue a Computer Science graduate degree at a well respected program (around top 20). I spoke with the professors at the university and I feel like I am a good fit with their research program. My ultimate pursuits are to complete a PhD in CS. I've done research as an undergraduate and it has only confirmed my notion that I want to pursue a research track career. More background: I applied to jobs (in case I was rejected to all the programs I applied for) prior to hearing back from my respective graduate programs. I accepted a position for an industry job (this was to secure I wouldn't be both unemployed & not in school). Dilemma: Turns out my top graduate school is very interested in me, and I'm very interested in them. I would rather go to graduate school than work in industry forever. The industry job pays very well. I am split between A) working for a maximum of 1 year(It would only be 1 year, seriously I do not care about the money enough to work past a year) and B) going straight to graduate school. My concerns are as follows, if I choose A): Could I potentially defer my admissions? If I am not allowed to defer my admissions, would I have a good chance of re-applying and being accepted a year later? Would my potential advisers look down on me for deciding to work a year? I already made my mind up it would be a 1 year gig if I decide A). I know some people say once you make money, you may not be able to readjust to the graduate salary pay. But I don't think that will apply to because I'm going to live very frugally with or without industry pay.",
"The example bellow comes from the (p610). It does not work my computer. Note that it works when I comment the option [prefix=figures/]. Any idea of what could go wrong here? \\documentclass{article} % main document, called main.tex \\usepackage{tikz} \\usetikzlibrary{external} \\tikzexternalize[prefix=figures/] % activate \\begin{document} \\tikzsetnextfilename{trees} \\begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to ’figures/trees.pdf’ \\node {root} child {node {left}} child {node {right} child {node {child}} child {node {child}} }; \\end{tikzpicture} \\tikzsetnextfilename{simple} A simple image is \\tikz \\fill (0,0) circle(5pt);. % will be written to ’figures/simple.pdf’ \\begin{tikzpicture} % will be written to ’figures/main-figure0.pdf’ \\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,5); \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"Review overview shows two suggested edits for a long time, but the review queue is empty When I went to the review overview on Meta on 08.01.2015, 19:16, it listed two open items in the suggested-edits queue, however when I clicked on the queue, I was told that the queue had been cleared. When I went back to the review overview, however, the edits were there again. Since the icons for recent reviews had not moved, I suppose that these were still the same two items waiting for review, and since phenomenon lasted for half an hour now, I would rule out or to be the reason for this. After a while, the phenomenon ceased, with one new reviewer popping up in the icon list of recent reviewers. I had not performed or skipped any suggested-edit review from the queue at that point. A similar phenomenon occurred for several hours up to 11.04.2015, 11:05: The review overview showed two suggested edits and when I went to the suggested-edits queue, it was cleared. Sometimes, edits that I could review appeared, but two phantom edits remained.",
"I have a homework question that asks Find necessary and sufficient conditions on $1 \\leq i < j \\leq n$ so that $(i \\, j)$ and $(1 \\, 2 \\, \\dotsc \\, n)$ generate $S_n$. Here is what I have done so far. Call $c = (1 \\, 2 \\, \\dotsc \\, n)$. I made the observation that $$ \\overbrace{c c \\dotsb c}^{n - j + 1} (i \\, j) \\overbrace{c^{-1} c^{-1} \\dotsb c^{-1}}^{n - j + 1} = (1 + i - j + n \\, 1). $$ Thus, $\\langle (i \\, j), c \\rangle = \\langle (1 \\, i - j + n + 1), c \\rangle$, so it suffices to look at $\\langle (1 \\, k), c \\rangle$ for positive integers $2 \\leq k \\leq n$. I've checked that, for the value $k=2$, $\\langle (1 \\, 2), c \\rangle = S_n$. This immediately implies $\\langle (1 \\, n), c \\rangle = S_n$. I suspect that no other values of $k$ will work, but am not sure how to prove it.",
"I am looking for a book that goes through the mathematical aspects of neural networks, from simple forward passage of multilayer perceptron in matrix form or differentiation of activation functions, to back propagation in CNN or RNN (to mention some of the topics). Do you know any book that goes in depth into this theory? I've had a look at a couple (such as Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Bishop or Deep Learning by Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville) but still have not found a rigorous one (with exercises would be a plus). Do you have any suggestions?",
"How to access folder named \"x y\" (x space y) using Ubuntu Bash script in Windows?",
"How do I send HTML email using linux 'mail' command?",
"latex table border dont appear / to big / to small still working on that table. Here's my new question reguarding the table borders: It appears, that i do something wrong setting boarders. Here is my code, and a screenshot: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{multirow} % Used for the vertical cells \\usepackage{rotating} % Used for the vertical cells \\usepackage{xcolor} % Used for cell-colors \\usepackage{colortbl} % Used for cell-colors \\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry}% Used to set the pdf margins manually \\newgeometry{left=2cm,bottom=0.1cm} \\definecolor{grey}{HTML}{F2F2F2} % Define grey for the cells \\definecolor{red}{HTML}{FF0000} % Define red for testing \\begin{document} \\scriptsize % Use a small font size \\begin{tabular}{|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0.6cm}|p{0,6cm}|} \\cline{10-17} \\multicolumn{9}{|c|}{} & \\multicolumn{2}{p{\\dimexpr (0.6cm)*2+2\\arrayrulewidth+2\\tabcolsep\\relax}|}{\\cellcolor{grey}Work to retired ratio} & \\multicolumn{4}{p{\\dimexpr (0.6cm)*4+1\\arrayrulewidth+2\\tabcolsep\\relax}|}{Health care sizing (per thousand)} & \\multicolumn{2}{p{\\dimexpr (0.6cm)*2+1\\arrayrulewidth+2\\tabcolsep\\relax}|}{\\cellcolor{grey}Inverse dependency ratio}\\\\\\cline{3-9} \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{} & \\multicolumn{4}{c|}{\\cellcolor{grey}Population (mio.)} & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{Workforce (1000)} & \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\\cellcolor{grey}} & \\multicolumn{2}{l|}{Physicians by} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{Nurses by} & \\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{\\cellcolor{grey}Old agers by}\\\\\\hline \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{} & \\begin{sideways}\\cellcolor{grey}\\parbox{4cm}{Overall}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\cellcolor{grey}\\parbox{4cm}{Young age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\cellcolor{grey}\\parbox{4cm}{Working age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\cellcolor{grey}\\parbox{4cm}{Old age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Overall}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Physicians (Proj: 2025)}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Nurses (Proj: 2030)}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{\\cellcolor{grey}Working age by Old age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{\\cellcolor{grey}Work force by Old age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Workforce}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Working age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Workforce}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{Working age}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{\\cellcolor{grey}1 physicians}\\end{sideways} & \\begin{sideways}\\parbox{4cm}{\\cellcolor{grey}1 nurse}\\end{sideways}\\\\\\hline \\multicolumn{2}{|l}{USA} & \\multicolumn{4}{l}{\\cellcolor{grey}} & \\multicolumn{3}{l}{} & \\multicolumn{2}{l}{\\cellcolor{grey}} & \\multicolumn{4}{l}{} & \\multicolumn{2}{l|}{\\cellcolor{grey}}\\\\\\hline 1990/1 & & 248,6 & 71,3 & 146,1 & 31,2 & 127.500 & 615,4 & 1491,6 & 4,68 & 4,09 & 4,83 & 4,21 & 11,70 & 10,21 & 50,7 & 20,9\\\\\\hline 1 & 2 & 3 \\\\\\hline \\end{tabular} \\end{document} On 1 the Top border of Population is not visible although i did used \\\\\\cline{3-9}\\cline{12-17} on that line. In 2 both borders are pushed a bit to the right for no reason i can see. And in 3 again the top borders are not visible despite using \\cline{10-17} on that line. What did i do wrong? Thanks!",
"Can I levitate an object without using an electromagnet?",
"If $\\mathfrak p \\subset R$ is a prime ideal, prove that for every nilpotent $r \\in R$ it follows that $r \\in \\mathfrak p$. The only hint that my tutor gave me was to use induction. Can someone explain what he means by this? Thanks for the help!",
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xpath/XPathAPI",
"How do I do simple user input in python?",
"How many distinct functions can be defined from set A to B?",
"The kernel and range of the powers of a self-adjoint operator Suppose $L: V \\rightarrow V$ self-adjoint (on a finite-dimensional space $V$); $b$ is a real number. Show The minimal polynomial has distinct roots; $\\ker(L) = \\ker(L^k)$ for $k\\geq1$; $\\operatorname{im}(L) = \\operatorname{im}(L^k)$ for $k\\ge 1$; $\\ker(L-bI) = \\ker((L-bI)^k)$ for $k\\geq1$; My thoughts: 1) I think I'm supposed to assume root is repeated and reach a contradiction but I'm not sure how to proceed mathematically with that. 2-4) pretty sure there's some huge theorem that I'm missing.",
"Pipe to multiple files in the shell I have an application which will produce a large amount of data which I do not wish to store onto the disk. The application mostly outputs data which I do not wish to use, but a set of useful information that must be split into separate files. For example, given the following output: JUNK JUNK JUNK JUNK A 1 JUNK B 5 C 1 JUNK I could run the application three times like so: ./app | grep A > A.out ./app | grep B > B.out ./app | grep C > C.out This would get me what I want, but it would take too long. I also don't want to dump all the outputs to a single file and parse through that. Is there any way to combine the three operations shown above in such a way that I only need to run the application once and still get three separate output files?",
"Improper integral $\\sin(x)/x $ converges absolutely, conditionaly or diverges? We have that $$\\int_1^{\\infty}\\frac{\\sin x}{x}dx$$ $$u=\\frac{1}{x}$$ $$du=-\\frac{1}{x^2}dx$$ $$dv=\\sin xdx$$ $$v=-\\cos x$$ $$\\int_1^{\\infty}\\frac{\\sin x}{x}dx=-\\cos(1)-\\int_1^{\\infty}\\frac{\\cos x}{x^2}dx$$ $$\\int_1^{\\infty}\\frac{\\cos x}{x^2}dx<\\int_1^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{x^2}dx$$ So it converges. Now I need to find out if $\\int_1^{\\infty}|\\frac{\\sin x}{x}|dx$ converges or diverges.",
"Can sum of a rational number and its reciprocal be an integer? My brother asked me this question and I was unable to answer it. The only trivial solutions which I could think of are $1$ and $-1$. As to what I tried, I am afraid not much. I have never tried to solve such a question, and if someone could point me in the right direction, maybe I could complete it on my own. Please don't misunderstand my question. I am looking for a rational number $r$ where $r + \\frac{1}{r}$ is an integer.",
"\"All our X\" vs. \"all of our X\" Is the word \"of\" optional in this instance? Is either of these considered preferable to the other? Taste all our delicious treats. Taste all of our delicious treats.",
"First, if you have a better suggestion for title I'm really opened to suggestions, but it is the best I came up with. If I touch an electric line and the earth, I will get electrocuted. However, if I touch the positive of a car battery, people told me the same thing won't happen...why is it? It seems I need to touch the battery positive and the battery ground.",
"I have just bought a new bike and had it about a month now. I don't really know much about bikes but I do know how to repair an inner tube. I have had one puncture and just bought a new inner tube. It worked for a few days and then went down again so this time I got a puncture repair kit. I took the inner tube out to check for any punctures and found nothing. I put it in water and pumped it up and there were no bubbles. I went around the entire tube pushing it next to my ear and heard nothing. I checked the tire to see if anything was wrong - there was nothing that I could see. So I put it all back together and took it for a ride and got about half a mile and the tire was flat. I pumped it up and got about another half a mile and it was flat again. Do you have any suggestions for me?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Questions on the integration $\int_0^\infty e^{-(x^2+a^2/x^2)}dx$ | How to evaluate $\int_{0}^{+\infty}\exp(-ax^2-\frac b{x^2})\,dx$ for $a,b>0$ | [
"Why is $\\langle \\textbf R \\rangle =Tr \\rho R$ here $\\rho$ is the state density matrix",
"Installing Cygwin packages from the command-line",
"Harry is a half-blood and Ginny is a pure-blood, so what does that make his children? I've been told it means they are pure-bloods but I can't be sure. What do you think?",
"How long would a 150 Farad Capacitor light up an LED I have a bright white LED from a flashlight. Aproximatley How long will it light up with a 150 farad 2.5 volt capacitor. Do I need a resistor? And if so how many Ω? The capacitor is a maxwell 150 farad 2.7 volt boostcap .",
"The company I work for has asked me to attend a training class on the other side of the country. However my situation is my drivers license expired a few days ago. I do however have a separate printed email stating that the license has been renewed. This drivers license is my only ID that shows both my name & photo. Is it possible to be able to board a flight with the expired drivers license and the printed email showing that it was renewed?",
"why do academics write peer reviews?",
"Why doesn't this perpetual motion machine using the buoyant force work?",
"How to search for all questions with bounties across the network? I wanted to search for questions on all SE sites that had a bounty. I am not sure if it is possible, and if it is how can I? I have seen other questions that show how to find questions on each individual site, but how can I find all of them in one search from the homepage stackexchange.com? If this has been asked already, please let me know. It has been suggested that the question was already asked (click for the question), but that question only showed how to find those questions on each separate site or some complex way to search. I am hoping to find a way to search for bountied questions easily or for someone to create a way to do this.",
"Is there a difference between DataTable.Clear and DataTable.Rows.Clear?",
"How to derive the least square estimator for multiple linear regression?",
"I was using this command to use a custom crafting table: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ dropper 1 {Items:[{id:minecraft:blaze_rod,Slot:1b,Count:1b,Damage:0s},{id:minecraft:blaze_rod,Slot:4b,Count:1b},{id:minecraft:stick,Slot:7b,Count:1b}]} /scoreboard players set @p LSC 1 But I get this error message when I stand on a dropper with these items: Failed to execute '{Items:[{id:minecraft:blaze_rod,Slot:1b,Count:1b,Damage:0s},{id:minecraft:blaze_rod,Slot:4b,Count:1b},{id:minecraft:stick,Slot:7b,Count:1b}]} /scoreboard players set @p LSC 1' as TrevMCC38 By the way, Im in 16w06a",
"Prove norm doesn't come from inner product. Please help me prove this. I'm not sure how to apply the parallelogram law to the norm.",
"Is there a way to render an object with a subdivision surface modifier with a wireframe which is the original geometry as well as the wires that make the subdivision surface? Example: This wireframe here is curved. What if there was displayed the straight wireframe. The wires that make are made by the subdivision surface. Thats what I want to achieve. How to do it? What I mean is - How to render the curved wireframe (which is the original geometry with the straight wireframe (which is the wireframe the is made by the subdivision surface)?",
"Proving that these two sets are denumerable. (a) $S_k=\\{A\\subset\\mathbb{N}: |A|=k\\}$ for $k\\in\\mathbb{N}$ (b) $S = \\bigcup_{k=1}^\\infty S_k$ Work: For (a), I am not too sure about what approach I should use. I think finding a bijective function between the $S_k$ and $\\mathbb{N}$ is hard to do . I also thought about using the Schroeder-Bernstein theorem and find injective functions $f:\\mathbb{N}\\rightarrow S_k$and $g:S_k\\rightarrow\\mathbb{N}$ in order to prove that $S_k$ and $\\mathbb{N}$ are numerically equivalent. However, I have a hard time finding and proving these injective functions. I haven't really looked at (b) as I have yet to complete (a).",
"As well as many of the other features talked about during macOS Mojave's release like dark mode and the addition of new apps like Home, another key feature of macOS Mojave seems to be it's heightened focus on both privacy and security. As quoted under the \"Camera and Microphone Now Require Your Permission\" section of article: Apple also announced that other categories of data, such as your Messages history and Mail database, will be protected in a similar manner to macOS Mojave's new camera and microphone permissions. I understand that after the update, when an app requests to use your camera or microphone, you will receive an alert like the one below: However, I am more intrigued by the following: ...other categories of data, such as your Messages history and Mail database, will be protected in a similar manner... I have been unable to find much information about this online and I do not currently have the pre-release version of macOS Mojave installed and am therefore unable to test this new feature but I am curious to know what exactly this feature will mean. Has Apple publicly documented how this will work?",
"Is this correct? \"One of the things that makes him great is...\" One of the things that makes him great is he brings it every night. I'm pretty sure it should be that make him in the plural, because one of the things is referring to a lot of things and a lot of things should take a plural verb. But I always hear native speakers in America say it in the singular, so with an s. Another example: This is one of the responsibilities that comes with greatness and he understands that. Native speakers always use the verb in the singular (here, comes) even though [I believe] it is grammatically incorrect to use the singular form of the verb there.",
"I am asked to prove this theorem: If $f:U \\rightarrow C$ is holomorphic in $U$ and invertible, $P\\in U$ and if $D(P,r)$ is a sufficently small disc about P, then $$f^{-1}(w) = \\frac{1}{2\\pi i} \\oint_{\\partial D(P,r)}{\\frac{sf'(s)}{f(s)-w}}ds$$ The book says to \"imitate the proof of the argument principle\" but I am not seeing the connection.",
"Inspired by this .... I am the sole person using my system with 12.04. Every time I issue a sudo command; the system asks for the user password (which is good in its own way). However I was thinking; without activating the root account; how can I execute the sudo commands which will not ask for user password to authenticate. NOTE: I want to execute sudo command without authenticating via password; only when they are executed via terminal. I don't want to remove this extra layer of security from other functions such a while using 'Ubuntu software center' or executing a bash script by drag-drop something.sh file to the terminal.",
"Should one ask generic or specific question? Let's assume that one has some problems with coding or designing specific project. Should one ask general question about techniques, algorithms, generic problem (anonymising the project references), or should one ask about specific problem in specific problem? Or perhaps something in between? Example: generic: Cross-browser implementation of “HTTP Streaming” (push) AJAX pattern specific: How to implement AJAX-y 'incremental blame' view in gitweb (git web interface in Perl)? If one should ask generic questions, how to anonymise problem? If one should ask specific question, how avoid 'homework' syndrome?",
"What program can be used to package software into one executable? I need to package an application into a single executable file (so that I don't have to install it, so that it will be portable). Does anybody know what I can use to make a program portable?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
If a thrown weapon has only normal range, does it have unlimited range? | What does "no long range" mean on the soulknife rogue subclass mean? | [
"How to copy files that have too long of a filepath in Windows?",
"Java in Eclipse: Where do I put files on the filesystem that I want to load using getResource? (e.g. images for an ImageIcon) I know the file needs to be where the getClass().getResource(filename) can find it, but I don't know where that is. I'm interested both in where to put the files on the filesystem itself, and how to go about using Eclipse's functionality to set up the resources.",
"Safari can load internet but none of the other apps cannot! This is by far the weirdest problem I've come across, My mac can perfectly access internet through safari web browser, but when I tried to do ping www.google.com through the terminal, it's requests is being timed out. None of the other apps are able to reach internet either. Dropbox, Skype, Spotify all showing offline, except the browser itself I'm guessing something bad with the DNS, but spend 2 hours trying to fix this with no luck",
"Transferring through US airport. Do I need traveling visa?",
"Is it possible to perform a complete reinstall on an Android smartphone? I occasionally perform such a reinstall on my Windows PC. I repartition my hard drive, format the partitions, and then install Windows on a blank partition. Can this be done on an Android smartphone? (I have an unlocked Sony Xperia S.)",
"Etiquette, rules, or advice on which site to pose a question? (Or, why are there so many StackExchange sites?)",
"Is it safe to put a clothes washer outdoors?",
"Better yet, are there any Spacewalk-like software packages that work for both RedHat-based and Debian-based systems?",
"Short story with aliens who hear their own thoughts as god-like voices I would have read this about 20-25 years ago. I believe the subject was an alien individual, but it could have been a non-standard human instead. The hook of the story was that the subject lacked an organ like the that allows the halves of the brain to communicate efficiently, allowing the illusion of a single consciousness. The subject is conscious, and has thoughts, but is subject to hearing commands like \"Wash your hands!\" \"Fetch water!\" within its head. I recall the subject (and others like the subject) believing that the voices are their gods talking to them. To the reader it becomes clear that this is a separate part of the subject's own mind that is responsible for long-term planning and simply can't communicate with the rest of the mind in the way a \"normal\" human is accustomed to.",
"Switching a DIV background image with jQuery",
"Generalizing polygon file while maintaining topology in QGIS? I have a polygon Shapefile, which I need to generalize. How can I generalize the poligons and ensure that there are no topological errors like \"slivers\". I already tried: Vector -> Geometry Tools -> polygones to lines Vector -> Geometry Tools -> simplfy geometries ... here I can already see on the screen, that I am producing overlaps and gaps nevertheless now I try Vector -> Geometry Tools -> lines to polgones and here the program show an error and crashes",
"Why is my profile messed up on a single site and how can I revert it? I was just asking a question on Gardening SE and suddenly my user name there is a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75aand my picture is replaced by a Gravatar. My location is also left blank. Here's a Curiously, my profiles on all other sites are fine. I don't have a separate login for SE, I log in using my Google account. Nobody other than me has access to my Google account. I use two step authentication and I can see on \"recent devices\" in Google that no one but me has accessed my Google account. I only access SE from home, and nobody other than me has used my devices. I tried to edit my Gardening SE profile back to the way I want it to be and I got the following message: Oops! There was a problem updating your profile: Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again on Jun 20 at 10:49 I'm assuming this is because I changed the \"about me\" on all SE sites two days ago. I never edit my profiles individually. I always apply changes to all sites, using the same profile on all sites. I have certainly not made such strange (or any) edits to my profile on Gardening SE. Why did this happen, and how can I get my proper user name and picture back on Gardening SE? Do I really have to wait for a whole month? I want to use the site, and I want them to recognize me as the user they know. I don't want to wait a whole month. Update: The Gardening SE moderator Niall C. helped me out, and he offered the following potentially relevant information: I changed your display name on Gardening & Landscaping back to \"Fiksdal\". Your profile history shows that your profile image (from your headshot on imgur.com to a gravatar), email, about me also changed at the same time as your display name on May 21. It also shows that I changed your profile image to a different gravatar when I changed your display name just now... weird! – Niall C. 1 hour ago",
"How did Amix Group get this helicarrier? In Deadpool, A big fight scene takes place in a battered helicarrier at an Amix Group scrap yard. What is the history of this particular helicarrier? And why in particular was it sent to the Amix Group scrap yard?",
"Buffering GeoJSON file using Python? I'm trying to perform a simple buffer on GeoJSON file using Python script. I am able to do it on a shapefile using Python script and on GeoJSON using QGIS fix distance buffer tool but I can't figure out how to do it on GeoJSON using Python script. I read many posts on it but none of them include working solely on GeoJSON. I also know that it is possible to convert GeoJSON to .shp but I need to work only with GeoJSON files. My code that works for .shp file: from osgeo import ogr ds = ogr.Open(r'C:\\vector files\\tryyy.shp', 1) in_lyr = ds.GetLayer() out_lyr = ds.CreateLayer('new_buff44',in_lyr.GetSpatialRef(),ogr.wkbPolygon) out_lyr.CreateFields(in_lyr.schema) out_defn = out_lyr.GetLayerDefn() out_feat = ogr.Feature(out_defn) bufferDist = -0.00015075 for in_feat in in_lyr: geom = in_feat.geometry() out_feat.SetGeometry(geom) for in_feat in in_lyr: geom = in_feat.geometry().Buffer(bufferDist) out_feat.SetGeometry(geom) for i in range(in_feat.GetFieldCount()): value = in_feat.GetField(i) out_feat.SetField(i, value) out_lyr.CreateFeature(out_feat) del ds print \"finish\" When I change the file from shp to geojson in the org.Open line I get: NoneType' object has no attribute 'CreateFields' I thought that if I read vector file as OGR datasource object then it doesn't matter which format is the original vector file. Can someone help me understand what I should change so that the code will work on GeoJSON files?",
"Assume that given three predicates are presented below: $H(x)$: $x$ is a horse $A(x)$: $x$ is an animal $T(x,y)$: $x$ is a tail of $y$ Then, translate the following inference into an inference using predicate logic expressions and prove whether inference is valid or not (for instance, using natural deduction): Horses are animals. Horses' tails are tails of animals. My thoughts: I am quite good at translating predicate logic expressions, but here I struggled to come up with formula for Horses' tails. My initial idea was to consider similar sentence such as "w is a tail of a horse" to form required inference, but it was not successful. Would be welcomed to hear your ideas about this task.",
"Alignment of numbers on the individual bars",
"There was a post this morning asking about how many people disable JavaScript. Then I began to wonder what techniques might be used to determine if the user has it disabled. Does anyone know of some short/simple ways to detect if JavaScript is disabled? My intention is to give a warning that the site is not able to function properly without the browser having JS enabled. Eventually I would want to redirect them to content that is able to work in the absence of JS, but I need this detection as a placeholder to start.",
"I need to amend my return but I already received check from IRS with my refund. Should I cash it out now or wait until I amend my return? I need to amend my return, but I have already received a check from IRS (they approved my return that I need to amend). Should I cash out this check and then amend my return, or should I dispose this check and wait for a check from an amended return?",
"Can I mix MySQL APIs in PHP?",
"Truth Tables for Digital Circuits"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can't install Ubuntu 15.10 from USB - Windows Dualboot | My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it? | [
"Good textbooks on homological algebra",
"Breitbart today: What is the source for the term nothing-burger?",
"What is a good word to describe 'exceptional positive' research work?",
"Book where girl can grow nails and might be a thief I'll apologize for this being a vague description up front. I read a book about 8 years ago about a girl who could grow her nails into essentially razorblades or long enough that they could be used as razors. She travels to a city and either becomes an assassin or a thief (pretty sure it was a thief). I vaguely remember the book opening with her being chased by a mob. At some point during her thief training she realizes that the layout of the city is the key to some important plot device. I think she was given some scroll or cryptic image and then during her training she realizes that the layout of the city correlates to it. Although I did read this 8 years ago I'm pretty sure the book was at least 5-10 years older than that, maybe even more because it was my mom who gave it to me and she said had read it when she was younger. The dust cover was missing when I read it so I have no description for the cover. I do remember that the author was male. It was a fantasy setting and there may have been vampires involved at some point but that part of my recollection of the book is even fuzzier than what I've already described. I've tried googling for this book but obviously my description is fairly vague. I will gladly answer any follow up questions that I can to try and help figure this out because it has been bothering me for years.",
"Cannot find my keyboard layout I'm in Belgium (french part) and I cannot find the proper keyboard layout in Settings > Region and Languages > Input Sources. the closest I found is the french (AZERTY) one but for the symbols such as ! and _ it's not the same keys... what can I do to solve it ? Thank you.",
"What is the command line way of sending files to the recycle bin? Is there a command line program that can send files to the recycle bin? This is on XP and Vista.",
"Simple prime number generator in Python Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with this code? It is just printing 'count' anyway. I just want a very simple prime generator (nothing fancy). import math def main(): count = 3 one = 1 while one == 1: for x in range(2, int(math.sqrt(count) + 1)): if count % x == 0: continue if count % x != 0: print count count += 1",
"how to get output of a script/program into a file?",
"Show that if the Riesz map is surjective on $H$, then $H$ is a Hilbert space Let $H$ be a vector space equipped with an inner product $(\\cdot, \\cdot)$ and $f:H\\to H',\\ f(x)=(\\cdot,x)$ surjective. Now, why $H$ is a Hilbert space? The other direction is clear by Riesz' representation theorem but what about this?",
"The rules on state: Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum [...] Does this only apply if you aren't already at 0 HP? Or rather, what happens if you are currently at 0 HP and take massive damage?",
"Find the asymptotic tight bound in $$ T(n) = 4T\\left(\\frac{n}{2}\\right) + n^{2}\\log n. $$ where $ \\log n= \\log _{2}n $ and $T(1) = 1$. I should solve this using all three common methods: iteration, master theorem and substitution. It is highly likely that this kind of recurrence equation will be in my test in two days. Thank you very much in advance!",
"I posted a question recently regarding my Windows 10 upgrade which ended up with a black screen and cursor. I reverted back to Windows 8.1 using the \"Revert to previous build\" option in recovery, and all seems fine, except that Virtualisation is disabled. I tried to open BIOS settings but it just boots into Windows. I've tried the usual F2 key and Shift F2, all the other F keys, tried pressing B and Shift+B but no luck. I tried pressing the Lenovo key on the laptop when it is powered down, which shows a menu to either boot into BIOS, recovery, or show boot menu. I choose BIOS and it just boots into Windows. I tried going into advanced startup options from Windows (Shift+Restart) and choosing \"UEFI FIRMWARE SETTINGS\" but it just reboots back into Windows. Before the Windows 10 upgrade it was working perfectly. Lenovo G580 laptop - Core i3 with Intel 4000 graphics. 8GB of RAM and a Crucial MX100 512GB SSD (replaced the original hard drive with this SSD).",
"New breaker and panel: What's the brown goo where they connect?",
"Sync +- 70 000 records from CSV into drupal I have a CSV file with approx. 70.000 records that I want to import into Drupal 7. Once this is done the client will provide a new CSV file on a daily base that has to sync the updated rows to Drupal. I wrote a import with and the module, but in both cases it takes like forever to import the 70.000 rows. Is there any other solution to import the data faster in Drupal 7?",
"How do I set a user environment variable? (permanently, not session) This is irritating me. I seen several suggestions (all using different files and syntax) and none of them worked. How do I set an environment variable for a specific user? I am on debian squeeze. What is the exact syntax I should put in the file to make ABC = \"123\"?",
"How long are the life phases of a dragon?",
"What do the nomodeset, quiet and splash kernel parameters mean? What do Kernel command line parameters (also also known as boot options) mean? When you go to Ubuntu (or better, GRUB) options, you have things like nomodeset, quiet and splash. What do these options mean? I am also interested in other parameters and would be interested to see descriptions of any kernel parameter (like acpi), but these are not essential.",
"How do I tunnel and browse the server webpage on my laptop? I run a web app in one of my lab servers, and I have already setup X11 Forwarding on those machines. Other lab members can tunnel through SSH, and browse that web app on their local browser at home. I can't. Last time I checked with them, there is almost nothing I need to do. When I type I get nothing. Any tips? THanks. I ended up using the second method :) ssh -L 8080:<server-ip-address>:80 <username>@<remote-addr> -N",
"It is a common practice to apply PCA (principal component analysis) before a clustering algorithm (such as k-means). It is believed that it improves the clustering results in practice (noise reduction). However I am interested in a comparative and in-depth study of the relationship between PCA and k-means. For example, Chris Ding and Xiaofeng He, 2004, showed that \"principal components are the continuous solutions to the discrete cluster membership indicators for K-means clustering\". However, I have hard time understanding this paper, and Wikipedia actually . Also, the results of the two methods are somewhat different in the sense that PCA helps to reduce the number of \"features\" while preserving the variance, whereas clustering reduces the number of \"data-points\" by summarizing several points by their expectations/means (in the case of k-means). So if the dataset consists in $N$ points with $T$ features each, PCA aims at compressing the $T$ features whereas clustering aims at compressing the $N$ data-points. I am looking for a layman explanation of the relations between these two techniques + some more technical papers relating the two techniques.",
"I have written a C++ program and complied it to produce a.out file. However, whenever I try to run it, I get Permission Denied. I read that we can use sudo, but I can't quite get it to work. I use something like, sudo \"./a.out\" but that too doesn't work. Edit: Here is the message I get when I try \"./a.out\". bash: ./a.out: Permission denied"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to print an object array correctly? | What's the simplest way to print a Java array? | [
"How to do research in two very different fields?",
"How to change the color of symbols (mobile, email, homepage, etc) in moderncv?",
"Compactness of Multiplication Operator on $L^2$",
"Image uploads not working on Chrome When I try to upload an image, I'm presented with the following dialog box, The dialog box does not allow uploading either from my computer or by posting a link. This happens only on Chrome browser (running on Windows). Clearing cache and cookies, and restarting computer do not resolve. Is this just my computer? Or is this a site-wide bug? Additional info: Clicking on 'click' to upload does nothing. Dragging an image onto dialog redirects me to the file location on my computer. Clicking 'Add picture' redirects me to http://[SE-domain].com/upload/image?https=true. UPDATE: A Norton extension for Chrome was the source of the problem.",
"is there a way to add hyperlinks in a Illustrator document? I am creating a CV in Illustrator and exporting it to a PDF. I just read an article which stated that it is a good idea that we use hyperlinks in the CV so that the employer can just click and not have to copy the address. I like this idea, but I don't know how to add a hyperlink to text in Illustrator. Is it possible?",
"I`m using Firefox Sync on a bunch of computers. I would like to manage my account, by removing some computers. I can't find the place to do this, it should be on the Firefox Sync page, but the official page only has the privacy and download information.",
"about how to open a URL in your default browser using the Terminal. Basically, you use the command xdg-open http://google.com My default browser is Firefox. But lets say that I wanted to open a specific website in Chrome, instead of Firefox. Is there a command to open it in Chrome instead of Firefox?",
"How would I solve the following problem involving elementary matrices? Let $A=\\begin{pmatrix}0&5\\\\ 7&4\\end{pmatrix}$. 1) Write $A$ as a product of $4$ elementary matrices. 2) Write $A^{-1}$ as a product of $4$ elementary matrices. My work. I have managed to find $A^{-1}$, which came out to be this: \\begin{pmatrix}-\\frac{4}{35}&\\frac{1}{7}\\\\ \\frac{1}{5}&0\\end{pmatrix} However, I am struggling to figure out how I would split each of these matrices into $4$ elementary matrices. Any help?",
"What is the best program for image optimizing for the web? What programs besides Photoshop are good for saving and optimizing images for web?",
"There are no compact minimal surfaces This is one of the exercises of 'Do Carmo' (Section 3.5, 12) How do you prove that there are no compact (i.e., bounded and closed in $\\mathbb{R}^3$) minimal surfaces? Thanks!",
"No Drupal Site Found when clearing cache I installed drush using composer following the instructions here: When trying to run drush cc all I get this error: No Drupal site found, only 'drush' cache was cleared.[warning] 'all' cache was cleared. [success] I added this line: export PATH=\"/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.2/bin:$PATH\" to my .bash_profile and restarted bash and MAMP. Still no luck. Any ideas? This is my drush status: Drupal version : 7.36 Site URI : http://default Database driver : mysql Database hostname : localhost Database port : Database username : root Database name : srod PHP executable : /usr/bin/php PHP configuration : PHP OS : Darwin Drush script : /Users/srod/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php Drush version : 7.0-dev Drush temp directory : /tmp Drush configuration : Drush alias files : Drupal root : /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/srodsite Site path : sites/default I'm running it from Drupal project folder.",
"\"died from\" versus \"died of\" Why can't I say “She died from drinking 18 cans of Coca-Cola”? Instead, the correct sentence would be “She died of drinking 18 cans of Coca-Cola”. Why does that happen?",
"How can I check if share certificates I found have value? I have been clearing my parents flat and found share certificates from P and O European Ferries Can I find out if they are still valid? If not, is there a market for them as collectibles or the like?",
"Just wondering, I'm about to buy it and it sounds awesome, but how many characters can I have in Skyrim on the PS3? Am I limited to just 1, or can I make more than one character at once?",
"Monitoring contents of files/directories?",
"How to list the tables in a SQLite database file that was opened with ATTACH? What SQL can be used to list the tables, and the rows within those tables in an SQLite database file - once I have attached it with the ATTACH command on the SQLite 3 command line tool?",
"Recently my paper is reviewed (by a professor from independent third party) and accepted by a journal. But, my employer allows me to publish this paper only without its name there. Publishing house is expecting affiliation for each author, i.e. I can not leave affiliation as blank. What should I write as the affiliation?",
"I built a simple bridge rectifier. – Schematic created using I connected the output of the function generator with CH1 of my oscilloscope and with the input of the rectifier (using a T-Piece). The output goes into CH2. The original wave looks like this: After connecting CH2 the picture looks like this: While CH2 looks good, CH1 now shows the wave I would expect without capacitator but not the expected original wave. Could somebody explain why? I'm using a Gwinstek GDS-1072A-U Oscilloscope and a Gwinstek SFG-1003 function generator.",
"I want to check if points layer that I have intersect with polygons layer that I have, as Boolean column in the points dataframe. I have two GeoPandas dataframes, the first one is many points and looks like this: >>>ID geometry 0 12 POINT (5.0279 7.4547) 1 45 POINT (6.6539 12.139) ... and the second dataframe is one layer of many different polygons that looks something like this: >>>name code geometry 0 Desert 12 POLYGON ((5.52013 13.8902, 5.5265 13.892,...) 1 Water 24 POLYGON ((5.53756 13.88472, 5.5291 13.8791,...) ... I'm trying to check if there is any intersection between the points layer and the regions layer. For that I have determined the crs and then used intersects : regions=regions.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) points=points.set_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) inter=points.geometry.intersects(regions.geometry) A The script runs with the following warnings: FutureWarning: '+init=:' syntax is deprecated. ':' is the preferred initialization method. When making the change, be mindful of axis order changes: https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable/gotchas.html#axis-order-changes-in-proj-6 return _prepare_from_string(" ".join(pjargs)) /opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/geopandas/base.py:39: UserWarning: The indices of the two GeoSeries are different. warn("The indices of the two GeoSeries are different.") Then when I check the results the only value is False, like all th epoints do not intersect: inter.unique().tolist() >>>[False] *I saw on QGIS that the there are points that intersect and there are points that do not so there is no way this result is true *I have checked the dtypes - each one of my geodataframes has one column that is geometry and called geometry. My end goal: to add new column in the points geodataframe that will tell if it intersects the regions or not.",
"How to describe arbitrary accelerations in special relativity"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Could you avoid to die due to the death note if you have no heart in your body? | What happens if a person can't die of a heart attack? | [
"I'm trying to write a blog post which includes a code segment inside a <pre> tag. The code segment includes a generic type and uses <> to define that type. This is what the segment looks like: <pre> PrimeCalc calc = new PrimeCalc(); Func<int, int> del = calc.GetNextPrime; </pre> The resulting HTML removes the <> and ends up like this: PrimeCalc calc = new PrimeCalc(); Func del = calc.GetNextPrime; How do I escape the <> so they show up in the HTML?",
"How can I make a script run automatically after gdm login and logout? I have a setup where my users log on using ldap and it works just fine. I want to run a script after my users login (its a script that will detect which groups they are in and map network shares accordingly), and after they logout (umounting their shares). Both scripts are done and they work. I want that when the user logs in the box a script runs downloading the mounting script from my server (wget i guess?) and runs it, same thing for logout. Can it be done? I've been searching the net and had no luck so far. I've managed to make that work on shell login/logout, but my users dont even know what shell is and have no use for it :)",
"Why does a 'sudo -i' login shell break a here-doc command string argument? In the sequence of five commands below, all depend on single-quotes to hand off possible variable substitution to the called bash shell rather than the calling shell. The calling user is xx, but the called shell will be run as user yy. The first command substitutes $HOME with the calling shell's value because the called shell is not a login shell. The second command substitutes the value of $HOME loaded by a login shell, so it is the value belonging to user yy. The third command does not rely on a $HOME value and creates a file in the guessed home directory of user yy. Why does the fourth command fail? The intention is that it writes the same file, but relying on the $HOME variable belonging to user yy to ensure it actually does end up in her home directory. I don't understand why a login shell breaks the behaviour of a here-doc command passed in as a static single-quoted string. The failure of the fifth command verifies that this problem is not about variable substitution. xx@host ~ $ sudo -u yy bash -c 'echo HOME=$HOME' HOME=/home/xx xx@host ~ $ sudo -iu yy bash -c 'echo HOME=$HOME' HOME=/home/yy xx@host ~ $ sudo -u yy bash -c 'cat > /home/yy/test.sh << \"EOF\" > script-content > EOF > ' xx@host ~ $ sudo -iu yy bash -c 'cat > $HOME/test.sh << \"EOF\" > script-content > EOF > ' bash: warning: here-document at line 0 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOFscript-contentEOF') xx@host ~ $ sudo -iu yy bash -c 'cat > /home/yy/test.sh << \"EOF\" > script-content > EOF > ' bash: warning: here-document at line 0 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `EOFscript-contentEOF') These commands were issued on a Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon 64-bit system, which is based on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus). Update: The here-doc aspect is just clouding the issue. Here's a simplification of the problem: $ sudo bash -c 'echo 1 > echo 2' 1 2 $ sudo -i bash -c 'echo 1 > echo 2' 1echo 2 Why does the first of those two commands preserve the linebreak and the second does not? sudo is common to both commands, yet seems to be escaping/filtering/interpolating differently depending on nothing but the \"-i\" option.",
"Is there any scrappable junk I should hold on to that could otherwise be used for other purposes?",
"Does it have or has?",
"What should be in the sources.list for Kali Rolling Linux? This is exact content from my sources.list: # # deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2016.1 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160830-11:29]/ kali-rolling contrib main non-free #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2016.1 _Kali-rolling_ - Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160830-11:29]/ kali-rolling contrib main non-free I couldn't install the Synaptic package manager and was told to modify sources.list. I googled a lot and added some repos into it and ran update and upgrade command only to see Kali crash... I had to recover it. Please mention the exact content that should be there to ensure that Kali Linux works.",
"How to Give Credit for An Answer in the Comments I asked a question on SO and someone gave me the answer as a comment to the question. Subsequently, someone else gave the same answer as an answer. I would like to give credit to the poster who made the comment. Is there any way to do that? Being new to the site, my only thought would be to contact the commenter and tell him to post an answer if he/she wants credit.",
"Down Arrow Key is not working",
"Should I use \"who\" or \"that\" when referring to an organisation? I generally use the rule of thumb of using who when referring to a person and that when referring to an object. Example: Jim is someone who makes me smile. I was nearly knocked out by the ball that hit me. But what about when we're talking about an organisation? I am forever indebted to the charities who helped me. I am forever indebted to the charities that helped me. The former seems somewhat warmer, if that makes sense, although the latter feels more correct. What should I use? And how about this: I'm really happy with the insurance company who helped me with my claim. I can't stand them, they're the insurance company that ripped me off. To me the former evokes a team of helpful people while the latter evokes a cold heartless corporate entity. Is this just a matter of style and so should go with my instincts, or should I aim for what is 'correct?'",
"A groupoid is defined to be a category where every morphism is an isomorphism. So sometimes a group is said to just be a groupoid with one object. When I try to make sense of this, I denote the single object as $G$. I view the morphisms as the analogue of \"elements.\" The identity $1_G$ is the analogue of the usual identity $e$, we can compose any two morphisms since they are all arrows on $G$, and for any arrow $f$, we have some $f^{-1}$ such that $f\\circ f^{-1}=f^{-1}\\circ f=1_G$, so the idea of inverses is still there. So I informally associate the elements of the group in the usual definition to be the arrows in the groupoid. But what does the sole object $G$ in the groupoid \"correspond to\" if I were to try to informally make sense of a group in the usual sense? Does it even correspond to anything?",
"Since i upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04, if i click on the shutdown button it only logs out and i have to click again on the shutdown button (from the ubuntu login screen) to power off the pc. How can i fix this?",
"Let's assume you have a table groups and a table item. Each item belongs to exactly one group. It is an inherent part of that group. An item cannot exist outside of a group and it cannot be moved to another group. When trying to decide on a primary key for the item table, what should I use? Should I make up an artificial global serial key like this: CREATE TABLE items ( item serial PRIMARY KEY, group integer NOT NULL REFERENCES groups(group), ); ... or should I rather use a composite key and per-group item serial like this: CREATE TABLE items ( group integer NOT NULL REFERENCES groups(group), item integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(group, item) ); The reason why I'm leaning more towards the second solution is that the post URL will always show the group and item, so it makes sense to have both of them as the composite primary key. In case of the first solution, the URL contains superfluous information because the group ID can already be deduced from the item ID alone. The URL structure is given, however, and cannot be changed. The disadvantage of the second solution is that you have to manage a per-group serial (i.e. each item integer should start from 0 for each group). What's better in terms of best practices, normalization and performance? Or is it simply a matter of taste?",
"What is meant by immutable? This could be the dumbest question ever asked but I think it is quite confusing for a Java newbie. Can somebody clarify what is meant by immutable? Why is a String immutable? What are the advantages/disadvantages of the immutable objects? Why should a mutable object such as StringBuilder be preferred over String and vice-verse? A nice example (in Java) will be really appreciated.",
"Citing papers, that are cited within a paper? I am reading a paper which discussing the change in a specific idea in a field of science over time. I would like to basically summarize the points in the paper but in a smaller fashion by taking some quotes and explaining how they relate to my situation. For instance, in the paper I am reading the author said \"in 2002, Stanley and Miikkulainen [SM02b] argued that the topology of a neural network also affects their functionality\" where the tag [SM02b] is a reference to a entry in the author's bibliography. Is it sufficient to only cite the author of the paper, or do I need to cite both the author of the paper and the author of the paper the author cited in the paper?",
"What is the definition of \"creature\" and is it used consistently?",
"Using round function in QGIS expression? I created a grid of rectangular polygons with the Create Grid function, from the Vector Creation group of the Processing Toolbox in QGIS 3.4.2. The rectangles measure half a degree of longitude by half a degree of latitude. When I want to label the polygons, I write an expression that rounds the values of latitude and longitude attributes to 2 decimal places, since the attributes created in the grid brings many decimal places. But the round function rounds the values badly. I know that I can create new attributes that express the coordinates with fewer decimal places and label the entities based on those attributes, but I was struck by the behavior of the function. I expected it to round to the nearest value. Does anyone know what the problem is that the round function wrongly rounds off the decimal number? Attached screenshots of Source Fields and the Attribute Table.",
"What lens focal length most closely resembles the perspective of the human eye?",
"I've been to South Korea a few times already and always enjoy it but I've always had an onward ticket before. Now I need to fly home from a trip that's lasted over a year, but I still want to take my time and keep my options open. There's a good choice of cheap flights from Istanbul to Seoul and from Seoul I can't decide yet whether to fly straight home or take a ferry to China, hitchhike to Guangzhou, and get a cheap flight home from there. I can't really just buy the China-Australia flight now because I'm not sure yet whether I'll be able to get the Chinese visa easily enough or how long my remaining money will last. I know Korea, like most countries, has rules saying you need an onward ticket, but in my experience many countries never try to verify that you have this ticket unless you fit some profile. So in this instance I would find first-hand knowlegde much more informative that pointers to a government website. In practice does South Korea admit tourists with one-way tickets?",
"How to align floating point variables in Latex3 I would like to have the variables (defined in Latex3) aligned in a table with the decimal point. Of course, without using the "trial and error" extra space ",". Is there any possibility? Thank you very much. \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{xparse} \\usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} \\usepackage{siunitx,booktabs} % \\ExplSyntaxOn \\NewDocumentCommand{\\calcnumd}{o m} {\\IfValueTF{#1} {\\num[round-mode = figures, round-precision = #1, round-integer-to-decimal]{\\fp_to_decimal:n{#2}}} {\\num{\\fp_to_decimal:n{#2}}} } % data \\fp_set:Nn \\dhfbiox {33.18} \\fp_set:Nn \\dhftetrox {9.16} \\fp_set:Nn \\dgfbiox {51.31} \\fp_set:Nn \\dgftetrox {97.89} \\fp_set:Nn \\cpbiox {37.20} \\fp_set:Nn \\cptetrox {77.28} % calculations % \\ExplSyntaxOff % \\begin{document} \\begin{center} \\begin{tabular}{l|ccc} & $\\Delta_f H^{\\ominus}$ & $\\Delta_f G^{\\ominus}$ & $C_P$ \\\\ & \\si{\\kilo\\joule\\per\\mole} & \\si{\\kilo\\joule\\per\\mole} & \\si{\\joule\\per\\kelvin\\per\\mole} \\\\ \\midrule \\ce{NO2} & \\calcnumd{\\dhfbiox} & \\calcnumd{\\dgfbiox} & \\calcnumd[4]{\\cpbiox} \\\\ \\ce{N2O4} & \\,\\,\\,\\calcnumd{\\dhftetrox} & \\calcnumd{\\dgftetrox} & \\calcnumd{\\cptetrox} \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabular} \\end{center} \\end{document}",
"How is the zero flag set in terms of hardware?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Permission denied while updating | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | [
"Setting items to status-completed before they're deployed In several scenarios, including two today ( and ), we have had bugs set to simply because the fix has been checked in. Just because the code portion has been completed does not mean the work is done, and this can be confusing for users who come across the same problem. Until then it really is or maybe a tag that doesn't yet exist (status-checked-in?). Particularly in times like this week, where the stability of the system is a priority, I don't think this status should be set merely because the code has been checked in - it should happen when the code is actually deployed and verified. Currently the devs are being very good about telling us that the code is done but they're not sure when it will be deployed, but I think that is because of the stability issue.",
"How do I iterate over cin line by line in C++?",
"Vueling is currently experiencing , with many flights delayed by several hours. Assuming I'm at the airport and my flight is certainly delayed by more than 3 hours, can I simply book another flight and claim compensation later? According to EU's : In addition, if you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or arrives more than 3 hours late on arrival at the final destination stated on your ticket, you may be entitled to compensation of EUR 250 - 600, depending on the distance of the flight. But it's not clear if I actually have to board the flight or if simply having a purchased ticket is sufficient. I presume it would be possible to negotiate with Vueling representatives at the airport, but I'd rather not wait in the inevitable 100-person line to their counter if I'm covered by EU law.",
"The problem is this: Suppose $I \\subseteq R$ is a nilpotent ideal and there is $r \\in R$ with $r \\equiv r^2 \\pmod I$. Show $r \\equiv e \\pmod I$ for some $e \\in R$ idempotent. I have spent a few hours rolling around in abstracta with no destination. I believe that if I could write down a concrete example of this, the example could guide me through the abstract definitions and show me where to look for an idempotent in $R$. I have looked at 2x2 matrices and could not find any such examples. Might anybody have one?",
"Isomorphism between two models of Hilbert's Axioms with different notions of congruence",
"How do electrons jump orbitals? My question isn't how they receive the energy to jump, but why. When someone views an element's emission spectrum, we see a line spectrum which proves that they don't exist outside of their orbitals (else we would see a continuous spectrum). Electrons can be released in the form of beta decay, thus proving that they are capable of traveling outside of orbitals contrary to the statement my teacher said that they stay within orbitals. Then, to add to the confusion, the older model of rings floating around a nucleus has, from what I can tell, been outdated, which would support this model. My teacher's explanation was that the electrons made a quantum jump of some kind. How do electrons move between orbitals or do we know how they jump, excluding the reason that energy causes them to jump, and why are positrons formed sometimes instead of electrons in Beta decay? When I'm asking \"how do electrons jump\" I would like to know how an electron can jump between each orbital such as how it moves and how it knows where to jump since it appears to be a jump where the electron doesn't slow into a orbital position. Specifically how they jump what is this Atomic electron transition, I understand that they jump and that they do this through absorbing and releasing energy but what is this Atomic electron transition other than what is already on the wikipedia article .",
"Series Summation,Convergence I am stuck on the 4 th one.I have done the rest.I have found out the value of a_n.But not getting how to proceed for the 4 th one.",
"Can I rent a camper in the US/Canada with a European B license? We are considering a holiday in North America with a camper. I have a European driver's license (B) which allows me to drive personal cars up to 3500 kg, although I can imagine that an average camper easily weighs more. Does my license qualify me to drive a camper? If not, can I take an American/Canadian driver's test which would allow me to drive a camper?",
"Say I had a Core i7 Laptop with 16GB of RAM and a 750gb drive. Is there a mechanism where I can partition the HD into a Linux, Windows, OS X, Shared Data, Hypervisor setup where I boot a small hypervisor. I can start/stop a linux, Windows and OS X virtual machine and interact with them all from the hypervisor? Code, Test, etc? is this a type 1 Hypervisor? I suppose I could run a small linux install and VmWare but could VmWare read the virtual machines from a physical hard disk partition versus a file based setup (.vmdk files)?",
"I have an iPhone and run Ubuntu on all of my personal computers. Since I did not want to keep a separate partition with Windows on it for the sole purpose of running iTunes, I attempted to install It using Wine. I installed Wine 1.4 from the Software Center and installed iTunes 10.6.3. When I tried to run it I got a slew of error messages. I hopped over to google where it was suggested that I install it through PlayOnLinux. I did so with the same result. Further googling revealed that iTunes 10.6.x is confirmed to work with Wine 1.5.1 and up. I installed Wine 1.5.1 following the instructions I found and was unable to get it to open. I did the same with 1.5.9 with the same results. I opened the Package Manager and installed the Wine 1.5.9 packages through it, and it appears to have installed properly. When trying to install iTunes I got he error \"This iTunes installer requires Windows Vista 64 bit or later\". Realizing that Wine uses XP as a default I ran winecfg and changed it to Windows 7. This changed nothing and I tried changing it through winetricks to no avail. I even changed it to Vista with the same results. Does anyone know what is going wrong here and how to fix it? Thanks",
"What is the use for non-inverting input resistance in a negative feedback opamp? Here in the Figure R5=50K. This resistor value is not in the equations to obtain output voltage, and in many tutorials non-inverting input is directly grounded without a resistor. What might be the reason to use it here?",
"What issues should be considered when overriding equals and hashCode in Java?",
"Is there a term for the moment when a lot of users visit/log onto your website at the same time? Is there a term for the moment when a lot of users visit/log onto your website at the same time?",
"Inequality involving the sup of a function and its first and second derivatives Let $f:\\mathbb{R} \\to \\mathbb{R}$ be a twice differentiable function. And let $$\\eqalign{ & M_0 = \\sup \\left|f(x)\\right| \\cr & M_1 = \\sup \\left|\\frac{d}{dx} f(x) \\right| \\cr & M_2 = \\sup \\left|\\frac{d^2}{dx^2} f(x) \\right| \\cr }$$ Prove that $$M_1 ^2 \\leqslant 4M_0 M_2$$ I can not think how I can relate these values in some inequality )=",
"Jquery, changing background image with timer",
"How to stop a sponge cake (chiffon cake) from deflating/sinking?",
"If there is a unique left identity, then it is also a right identity Let $(R,+,\\cdot)$ be a ring, and $e \\in R$ be an element such that $ea=a$ for all $a\\in R$. I'm trying to prove that if $e$ is unique with this property, then $ae=a$ for all $a\\in R $. So far I have $e^2 = e$ (using uniqueness), but I am stuck. I saw a proof of this fact for groups which used the existence of inverses, which we don't have here. I wonder if the result is really true here. Can someone help? Thanks.",
"PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?",
"Why do PBX systems use -48 V?",
"In a Silverlight application I'm trying to find out when a property on a usercontrol has changed. I'm interested in one particular DependencyProperty, but unfortunately the control itself doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Is there any other way of determining if the value has changed?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Pick up someone vs Pick someone up? | "Pick up something" or "pick something up"? | [
"Let $M,N$ be $n \\times n$ square matrices over an algebraically closed field with the properties that the trace of both matrices coincides along with all powers of the matrix. More specifically, suppose that $\\mathrm{Tr}(M^k) = \\mathrm{Tr}(N^k)$ for all $1\\leq k \\leq n$. The following questions about eigenvalues is then natural and I was thinking it would be an application of Cayley-Hamilton but I am having trouble writing out a proof. How do we show that $M$ and $N$ have the same eigenvalues? Added (because this question is now target of many duplicates, it should state its hypotheses properly). Assume that all the mentioned values of $k$ are nonzero in the field considered; in other words either the field is of characteristic $0$, or else its prime characteristic $p$ satisfies $p>n$.",
"How do I parse an ISO 8601-formatted date? I need to parse strings like \"2008-09-03T20:56:35.450686Z\" into Python's datetime type. I have found in the Python standard library, but it is not very convenient. What is the best way to do this?",
"How to recover/reset forgotten Gnome Keyring Password?",
"Castellation metal loop connector Here's a module with castellated pads attached to an eval board: (source: ) Looking closely at the wires interfacing with the castellated pads, they're clearly soldered to the eval board. However, they don't look like they're soldered to the module, but rather they're being pressed against the pads with the tension in the wire. It also looks like the free end of the loops are protruding down into a channel cut in the PCB. Do these kind of connectors/metal loops have a name?",
"How can I capture KeyDown event on a WPF Page or UserControl object? I have a Page with a UserControl on it. If the user presses Esc while anywhere on Page I want to handle. I thought this would be as easy as hooking up the PreviewKeyDown event, testing for the Esc key, and then handling it. However, when I placed I breakpoint in the event handler I found it was never getting called. I thought perhaps the UserControl might be getting hit, so I tried PreviewKeyDown there... same result. Does anyone know the proper place to test for a KeyDown or PreviewKeyDown on a Page object?",
"Why does an atom remain uncharged after emission of an alpha particle? When an alpha particle is emitted, two protons and two neutrons leave the nucleus but the electrons remain the same in number. Why does the atom remain uncharged although it appears it should have a net charge of $-2e$?",
"Generating a separate pdf file of tables and figures from a latex file? Is it possible to generate a PDF of figures and tables of a paper from LaTeX itself? I saw Journals and Conferences asking for a separate file of tables and figures. In question, questioner proposed a method that uses \\usepackage{endfloat} to push all the figures and tables to the last pages and then use a PDF editor to cut the last pages of PDF. This is a solution but not a good one. LaTeX should be able to do this by its own. What I have in mind is to compile the LaTeX file and it generates a complete PDF output and beside that a separate file that contains all the figures and tables of former PDF.",
"whether it be vs whether it is I brought the sentences from the speech about conversation tips. They don’t just want to know about news and the weather. They want to know about you. So what are three things that you have going on right now, that you can talk about. Whether it be school, whether it be a personal relationship, whether it be a hobby that you’re involved with. My questions: What is the difference in nuance between 'whether it is' and 'whether it be'? Before posting this question, I googled, and some websites say 'whether it be' is subjunctive. I don't get why it is called 'subjunctive'. Because from what I know about subjunctive, it's supposed to be past of be verb. If I say 'whether it should be' or whether it would be', is the meaning same?",
"I washed and dried my passport by mistake, do I need a new one? Around two years ago I washed and dried my passport by mistake at the laundry room. My ID, my old US student visa and my stamps from european countries are still readable but the pages are not \"flat\" anymore and the front cover is kind of erasing (some parts of the Brazil symbol is gone). In April I'll travel to US for a conference, I'll need to get a new US visa (B1/tourism visa) but I'm worried if my passport is not \"good to go\" anymore because it was \"washed and dried\". Apparently there is an electronic chip in it and I don't know if it is still working. Should I get a new passport or can I save some money and time and use this one? It expires only in 2019.",
"Prove that $x^{2} \\equiv -1 \\pmod p$ has no solutions if prime $p \\equiv 3 \\pmod 4$.",
"Story about protagonist finding a world that has died with a museum",
"Number of normal subgroups of a non abelian group of order $21$... CSIR December $2013$ Question is to : Find the number of Normal subgroups of a nonabelian group $G$ of order $21$ other than $\\{e\\}$ and $G$. What I have done so far is : As $|G|=21=3\\cdot7$ we have : No. of sylow $3$ subgroups $1+3k$ dividing $7$ leaving out possibilities $1$ or $7$ No. of sylow $7$ subgroups $1+7k$ dividing $3$ leaving out only possibilities $1$. So, we have a unique sylow $7$ subgroup and so it is normal. I remember somehow that any normal group should come from a normal sylow subgroup or something like that. S0, I prefer to conclude there is only one Normal subgroup for a non abelian group of order $21$. Please let me know if this is true and please help me to fill that gap : I remember somehow that any normal group should come from a normal sylow subgroup or something like that. Thank you.",
"Showing $\\sum_{i = 1}^n\\frac1{i(i+1)} = 1-\\frac1{n+1}$ without induction? I oversaw a high-school mathematics test the other day, and one of the problems was the following Show, using induction or other means, that $$\\sum_{i = 1}^n\\frac1{i(i+1)} = 1-\\frac1{n+1}$$ The induction proof is very standard, where the induction step relies on the fact that $\\frac{1}{n+1} + \\frac{1}{n(n+1)} = \\frac{1}{n}$, and I'm sure it's been answered on this site before. However, I got intrigued by the \"or other means\" part of the question. I don't know whether the teacher who wrote the test even considered any alternative solutions (he may just have written it so that if anyone has a crazy idea that works out, then they should get a full score for it), but I tried to find one. For instance, we may do the following telescope-ish argument: $$ \\frac{1}{1(1+1)} + \\frac{1}{2(2+1)} + \\cdots + \\frac{1}{(n-1)n} + \\frac{1}{n(n+1)} + \\frac{1}{n+1}\\\\ = \\frac{1}{1(1+1)} + \\frac{1}{2(2+1)} + \\cdots + \\frac{1}{(n-1)n} + \\frac1n\\\\ \\vdots\\\\ = \\frac{1}{1(1+1)} + \\frac12\\\\ = 1 $$ However, I feel that this is just an induction proof in disguise (hidden in the vertical dots). If one uses the mechanics of the induction proof to check whether the formula is true for a specific $n$, then one certainly does the exact same calculations as I have done here. Is there a proof of this fact that clearly does not use induction (or at least hides it better)? The more elementary the better, and the ultimate goal would be to do it within the syllabus of the students taking the test (or at least not far from it). For reference, they should be familiar with the summation formula of arithmetic and geometric series and their derivations (so techniques resembling those would be well within specifications). If there is a solution using calculus, then the students should be able to integrate elementary trigonometric functions, as well as exponential functions, logarithms and rational functions. They are familiar with integration by parts, substitution and partial fractions. I welcome more advanced solutions as well, of course.",
"Always return data from last week's Monday thru Sunday",
"Function whose inverse is also its derivative? What are some good examples of a function $f : \\mathbb{R} \\to \\mathbb{R}$ where its derivative is equal to its inverse? I attempted to find a monomial that satisfied it by starting with $f(x) = ax^b$ and showing that $f^{-1}(x) = f'(x) \\implies b-1=\\frac{1}{b} \\implies b=\\phi$ and got $$f(x) = \\frac{x^\\phi}{\\sqrt[\\phi]{\\phi}}$$ Which seems to work according to WolframAlpha, but I'm having trouble double-checking it. Any other ideas?",
"I've seen references to curried functions in several articles and blogs but I can't find a good explanation (or at least one that makes sense!)",
"I changed the /etc/environment to add more directories to the PATH variable. But looks like $PATH in double quotes were not expanded and I could find any command from the shell and /usr/bin/command-not-found is run. $ cat /etc/environment PATH=\"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games\" PATH=\"$PATH:/home/user/technical/java/maven/bin\" JAVA_HOME=\"/home/user/technical/java/jdk7\" so from the tty, $ echo $PATH $PATH:/home/user/technical/java/maven/bin why did not the expansion happen?",
"Automatically show connected mass storage devices on Windows desktop",
"Locking a vertex group from modification In a mesh there is a group of vertices which should not move after being positioned once. I would like to find a way to lock them in place for the whole duration of the project. Currently I 'lock' them by hiding them and then sculpting. I imagine it is possible also to create shape keys for the vertices. Or I could write a script which would save position of the vertices. Is there a better way to do it?",
"Why aren't people voting for questions?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
is it possible to achieve sitelinks and featured snippets other than waiting for google to list you down? | What are the most important things I need to do to encourage Google Sitelinks? | [
"How would one go about proving that the rationals are not the countable intersection of open sets? I'm trying to prove that the rationals are not the countable intersection of open sets, but I still can't understand why $$\\bigcap_{n \\in \\mathbf{N}} \\left\\{\\left(q - \\frac 1n, q + \\frac 1n\\right) : q \\in \\mathbf{Q}\\right\\}$$ isn't a counter-example. Any ideas? Thanks!",
"Exports look fine but when printing on plotter, text disappears, using ArcMap I exported a map and everything looks fine when viewing the PDF. But when printing it on my plotter, all the text disappears. The scale bar would bring but the text associated to the scale bar wouldn't. The title block also disappears. I've tried messing around with the settings. I've checked/unchecked "Embed All Document Fonts" and "Convert Marker Symbols to Polygons". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. What's weird is I exported this map a few weeks ago and it printed just fine. Today, I needed to make a change to the map and exported it out, and now I am experiencing this issue. I must have changed one of the export settings in the past few weeks but I'm not sure what it is. Has anyone experienced this?",
"Suppress black box at end of line Under TeX, when I write a line too long, it prints a fat black box at the end of the line. That is probably a feature, but I dislike it. How to turn that OFF? Is there a command-line option or something else? I usually use LaTeX, but I have a complicated file which happens to be plain TeX.",
"Jordan Canonical Form determined by characteristic and minimal polynomials in dimension $3$, but not beyond Why and how is the of a matrix in $M_3(\\mathbb C)$ fully determined by its characteristic and minimal polynomials? And why does it fail for $n >3$? Thanks.",
"How does a wizard or bard learn new spells?",
"Index with exercise numbers",
"Setting a document in MS Word-12pt (12bp) Warning If you're looking for advice how to make your document look like it's been written in Word, this is most likely not the question you're looking for. This question is mostly of theoretical nature, as it results in tiny differences, which will most likely not be noticed by someone who doesn't allow the use of LaTeX. Questions that might be more helpful for this matter are: Question I learned that MS Word uses a slightly different version of the unit \"point\" (pt) than TeX does: The 12 point of Word will be PostScript point, which in TeX would be called 12bp. A TeX pt is slightly smaller: it's 1/72.27 inch, while a bp/PostScript point is 1/72 inch. See also ( in ) I'm writing a paper that would usually be expected to be \"typeset\" in MS Word, thus I want to use the same font size as Word would. How do I set a document e.g. in the \"12pt\" font size that MS Word would use? In case it matters, I'm using the article document class, Latin Modern (lmodern) as a font with the T1 font encoding and compile with pdfLaTeX, but input on different set-ups is more than welcome.",
"Find when three numbers have the same remainder when divided by the same number If three numbers 112, 232, and 400 are each divided by the number D, each of their quotients will have the same remainder R. Find R where R>1 How should I approach this?",
"Where is the BIOS stored? From : BIOS software is stored on a non-volatile ROM chip on the motherboard. ... In modern computer systems, the BIOS contents are stored on a flash memory chip so that the contents can be rewritten without removing the chip from the motherboard. This allows BIOS software to be easily upgraded to add new features or fix bugs, but can make the computer vulnerable to BIOS rootkits. Since ROM means Read-Only Memory, why can the BIOS contents be rewritten? Does the \"flash memory chip\" mean the same as the \"non-volatile ROM\", both meaning where BIOS is stored?",
"How do you count the lines of code in a Visual Studio solution?",
"Implementing switch cases I'd like to have command built around a switch-case environment in LaTeX, much like the example below: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{xstring} \\newcommand{\\dothis}[1]{% \\IfStrEqCase{#1}{{a}{so you typed a} {b}{now this is b} {c}{you want me to do c?}} [nada] } \\begin{document} \\dothis{a} \\dothis{b} \\dothis{c} \\dothis{e} \\end{document} My problem with it is that it requires the xstring package. Is there any other way to do this? Preferably without loading additional packages and avoiding disgraceful thickets of \\if-\\else-\\fi statements?",
"\"method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found\" update error sudo apt-get update E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found. michael@Ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get clean michael@Ubuntu:~$ cd /var/lib/apt michael@Ubuntu:/var/lib/apt$ sudo mv lists lists.old michael@Ubuntu:/var/lib/apt$ sudo mkdir -p lists/partial michael@Ubuntu:/var/lib/apt$ sudo apt-get clean michael@Ubuntu:/var/lib/apt$ sudo apt-get update E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found. E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? michael@Ubuntu:/var/lib/apt$ sudo apt-get update E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found. Why am I getting these errors when doing an apt-get update?",
"Is there a technical reason Android update story is so bad? Is there a technical reason why Android phones general lag a lot behind the stable released version of Android? This applies to both new phones, for example a recent trip to the phone shop everything was 4.0 to 4.2.1, KitKat could not be seen. And also old phones, my girlfriend's iPhone 4 had an OTA update to the latest OS, this is a July 2010 phone, whilst a July 2010 Android is basically a paperweight. Presumably Android itself doesn't concern itself with the actual hardware, and thus talks to the OS via abstractions? I guess then the handset maker just provides the drivers for the specific hardware, thus I can't see the issue with pushing OTA updates if the ABI remains stable (my phone doesn't grow new hardware features).",
"How can I recover my external hard drive's free space? I had these partitions on an external hard drive: /dev/disk2 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *2.0 TB disk2 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk2s1 2: Apple_HFS Android 63.9 GB disk2s2 3: Apple_HFS RiptideHUP 968.0 GB disk2s3 4: Microsoft Basic Data RiptideF 967.8 GB disk2s4 My aim was to delete disk2s2 and then resize disk2s3 to occupy the leftover space by deleting disk2s2. I deleted disk2s2 using this command: diskutil erasevolume \"Free Space\" \"\" /dev/disk2s2 Now, to resize the volume, I used: diskutil resizevolume /dev/disk2s3 R However, I got this error: Started partitioning on disk2s3 RiptideHUP Error: -69743: The new size must be different than the existing size I did a bit of research and realised the free space was created before disk2s3 RiptideHUP so it cannot resize itself. Is there still a way I can reclaim the Free Space? NOTE: Using diskutil list now shows: /dev/disk2 (external, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *2.0 TB disk2 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk2s1 2: Apple_HFS RiptideHUP 968.0 GB disk2s3 3: Microsoft Basic Data RiptideF 967.8 GB disk2s4",
"Story about a future with races",
"I would like to know how to understand/analyse the circuit below. And sorry but my level in electronics is not that high and I could only tell that the opposing transistors on the left are meant to cancel any current from the input , yet I don't really understand the B stage which I think the C stage is well related to , and if I wanted to analyse the nodes around the circuit apart from (A,B,C) How can I do it ? Is it by measuring the current on resistors/nodes? and note that the output voltage of the circuit in node C is zero this is what it meant to be.I would appreciate any help. Regards",
"Let $X$ be a metric space. Prove that if every continuous function $f: X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is bounded, then $X$ is compact. This has been asked before, but all the answers I have seen prove the contrapositive. Realistically, this may be the way to go, but is there way to exhibit an unbounded continuous function (under the assumption $X$ is not compact) without appealing to results beyond introductory real analysis (e.g., the solution I've seen involves the Tietze Extension theorem)? Because we're working with metric spaces, it's clear that the assumption that $X$ is noncompact (towards proving contrapositive) will lead us to extract a sequence of points in the space with no convergent subsequences. But how can we infer the existence of an unbounded continuous on the space knowing only about some sequence of points in this space (without using anything too advanced)?",
"How does the PPA fit into the scenario of publishing an application to the Ubuntu Software Center? I've been going through docs for the past couple of hours but I haven't understood what the PPA is? I have a cross-platform Java application that I'd like to publish to the Ubuntu Software Center. My application is open-source and I'm using Github. Apparently, publishing applications to the store isn't as simple as uploading a deb package - am I right? I need to create an account on Launchpad and put all my code there. I don't intend to move from Git to Bzr merely for the sake of publishing to the app store but luckily, one is able to set up source-code mirroring from Github to Launchpad. Since my application is still very premature, it'll have updates fairly often. When I build my application on my machine, do I simply go my Ubuntu App Developer page and upload the new DEB package or do they build my application from source? What exactly is the PPA for? I don't think I'll need too many of the Launchpad features so I'd like to stick to Github if possible.",
"How to install Python 3.6?",
"1.13 Detect if no mobs with a specific tag exist and execute commands My 1.12 solution can be found . When trying to update command blocks to 1.13, I have the following: scoreboard objectives add invert dummy (run at start) then: scoreboard players set FakePlayer invert 1 (impulse unconditional repeat) chained into: execute at @e[tag=summoned] run scoreboard players reset FakePlayer invert (chain unconditional repeat) chained into: execute if score FakePlayer invert = 1 invert run say \"All summoned animals are dead!\" This should reset FakePlayers score continuously until all entities with tag \"summoned\" are dead, then it should run the final condition. This does not happen, and I can't see why."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers issue with android google maps api v2 | Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue | [
"What steps does a manuscript typically go through from submission to publication (or rejection) in a typical journal? How are these steps referred to, in particular by editorial systems, and how long do they each typically take? Note that this question is about the typical situation and hence not about: Journals with an atypical workflow, e.g. those that allow for an instantaneous reviewer–author interaction. Exceptional steps or rare occurrences such as withdrawal or . This is a canonical question on this topic as per . Due to its nature, it is rather broad and not exemplary for a regular question on this site. Please feel free to improve this question.",
"Intuitive explanation of the inverse square power $\\frac{1}{r^2}$ in Newton's law of gravity",
"the method getApplicationContext() is undefined",
"Does Class need to implement IEnumerable to use Foreach This is in C#, I have a class that I am using from some else's DLL. It does not implement IEnumerable but has 2 methods that pass back a IEnumerator. Is there a way I can use a foreach loop on these. The class I am using is sealed.",
"A problem of missing energy when charging a second capacitor A capacitor is charged. It is then connected to an identical uncharged capacitor using superconducting wires. Each capacitor has 1/2 the charge as the original, so 1/4 the energy - so we only have 1/2 the energy we started with. What happened? my first thoughts were that the difference in energy is due to heat produced in the wire. It may be heat, or it may be that this is needed to keep equilibrium.",
"Objects not showing in final render When I switch to render mode, they show up, and they show when pressing F12, but when clicking the 'Animation' button, nothing shows. If anyone knows how to help, please do. Edit: I have enabled rendering using the cameras, still nothing. Edit #2: What the, some how transferring all of the objects from layer 1-2 does the trick. I guess my camera was set up for the second layer even though it was physically in the 1st. Anyone like to explain? For anyone who's really curious, : Also, it may seem like having the animation length of 1 frame seem bad, but I've done that for other files and they work fine.",
"@online bibliography biblatex",
"The ending I got is : the genocide When I reset my file, my past choices still take effect. I want to start a clean run. I don't want to buy the game again, what do I do?",
"In general, what is meant by saying that the fraction $x$ of the variance in an analysis like PCA is explained by the first principal component? Can someone explain this intuitively but also give a precise mathematical definition of what \"variance explained\" means in terms of principal component analysis (PCA)? For simple linear regression, the r-squared of best fit line is always described as the proportion of the variance explained, but I am not sure what to make of that either. Is proportion of variance here just the extend of deviation of points from the best fit line?",
"How to list files that were changed in a certain range of time? How can I list recursively all files that were changed between 22.12.2011 and 24.12.2011?",
"This isn't a particularly major issue, but I've had this thing nagging me for a while. When looking at QGIS 3.4's global variables, user_full_name is assigned my given and surname, which includes a diaeresis (¨) somewhere in there. I can't seem to find any way to get QGIS to switch/adapt encoding and display the name correctly. The accented character gets switched to that ubiquitous black rhombus. I looked for info on this behavior and found moderately similar issues like and but it's not exactly the same problem as it's not a geodata encoding issue but rather how QGIS deals with values pulled from the OS. I have tried unchecking the Override system locale tickbox in Options|General as I prefer to use American English even though my OS is set to Canadian French. No effect to observe. There's somewhat of a workaround right now which is to fix the name in the Project variable project_author as it is editable (it's filled with the offending global variable by default). I'm curious to know, though, if someone has encountered this before and if there's a solution in QGIS.",
"Let the search find questions by ID",
"An insurance company supposes that the number of accidents that each of its policyholders will have this year is Poisson distributed, with a mean depending on the policyholder: the Poisson mean Λ of a randomly chosen person has a Gamma distribution with the Γ(2, 1)-density function fΛ(λ) = λe−λ (λ > 0). Find the expected value of Λ for a policyholder having x accidents this year (x = 0, 1, 2, . . .). I am not sure how to incorporate the gamma parameters. So far I have found P(X = n|Λ = λ) = Poisson(λ) and fΛ(λ)= Exp(λ) so by integrating P(X = n|Λ = λ)fΛ(λ) then letting the integral of Gamma (n + 2, 2) equate to 1, I have worked out P(X = n) = (n + 1)/2^(n+2). How do you find the expected value of Λ from that? I have seen that a Gamma-Poison mix has E(X) = αβ which would give 2 but I have tried integrating fΛ(λ) and can't seem to get 2.",
"What's the best way to take a picture of an LCD or CRT screen? I have seen many bad pictures of LCD and CRT screens. How do I get a good picture of an LCD or CRT screen?",
"Can we implement temporary automatic comment ban on 'x' number of validated rude comment flags? There's been problems with abusive comments since the site started. We still haven't managed to conquer the issue. Users can be issued chat bans and post bans. The API automatically bans IP addresses with validated spam flags. (Would it be difficult to implement comment bans? Would mods have the power to impose comment restrictions?). Although comments have been classically referred to as second class citizens, rude comments on the site are the one place that is driving people away. Can we implement temporary automatic comment ban on 'x' number of validated rude comment flags? It would probably be better if the exact heuristics were not disclosed publicly, much like the serial voting scripts This question was asked 7 years ago. Can we revisit it? This question is related, but is asking for a more complex approach:",
"How to find architecture of my PC and Ubuntu?",
"I've installed Process Lasso and in All processes tab, set all affinities to 1-7, meaning that all the processes can be start on all my CPUs except the first one. Yet, there is a huge load on my first CPU. I personally have no clue what's happening here and really appreciate any help. My system is: Intel core i7 - 4720 HQ 2.6 GHz upto 3.6 Windows 10 (64 bit) NVidia GTX 950 M This screenshot, shows the software's interface. Those 8 green bars on upper right show my CPU usage. Also the column called Rules, indicates the affinities on the processes. PS: These are screenshots that show the more familiar Task Manager and Resource Monitor. I've sorted all with respect to their CPU usage. Note that the overall CPU usage is just fine (less than 30% most of the time), but in Resource Monitor, same as the Process Lasso, it's obvious that that most of the load is on CPU0 and the others are almost free. Also I found out that my total CPU usage, is actually more than all my processes altogether! The orange line in Resource Monitor picture, shows the amount of CPU usage of all my processes. (I did the same in safe mode. Orange line, exactly coincides the total usage in safe mode. So I'm suspecting that something is happening in my normal boot.)",
"I work at an embedded software company. This morning I found a USB stick in the parking lot in front of the building. With all the stories of \"dropped USB stick attacks\" in mind, I'm obviously not going to just plug it into my laptop. OTOH, I'm curious to know whether this was actually an attempt to compromise our systems, or it's really just an innocent case of somebody accidentally losing a USB stick. How do I safely inspect the USB stick without risking exposure? I'm worried not just about malware and crafted file system images; there's also stuff like power surge attacks:. EDIT: Many of the answers seem to assume I want to keep the drive and use it afterwards. I have no interest in that at all, I know USB sticks are cheap, and that it wouldn't be mine to keep anyway. I only want to know whether this was indeed a semi-targeted attack, partly out of curiosity whether this actually happens in real life and not just in security papers, but also so that I could warn my coworkers. I want to know how I would figure out whether the stick contains malware. And that's not just a matter of looking at the drive contents and seeing a suspicious autorun.inf or a carefully crafted corrupt file system - I very much also want a way to inspect the firmware. I sort-of expected that there were tools for extracting that and comparing to known-good or known-bad binaries.",
"Should I use tag for icons instead of ?",
"While browsing Stack Overflow, I noticed that I lost a lot of reputation: Is this serial downvoting? Will it be corrected by a rep-recalculation? How often are those done? Here's a second instance:"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Jquery Validation for dynamically added rows that has multiple element with same name | Why jquery validation is not working on appended elements? | [
"iPhone with broken home button is stuck on black screen after jailbreaking",
"Random point uniform on a sphere If $X=(x,y,z)$ is a random point uniform on the unit sphere in $\\mathbb{R}^3$, Are the coordinates $x$, $y$, $z$ uniform in interval $(-1,1)$?",
"How can I force my browser to search Google in English? I'm too bored of seeing sites like Google and such show up in my native language, I would rather like them to be in English. Yet, I have to explicitly change the URL to .com and en and that kind of parameters in order for them to show up in English. Can I somehow force this? So, how is Google configured? However, it is set to English on the site itself so it has to be my browser: Then, how does my browser land up on non-english pages, like Google? It usually shows up in non-English when I'm performing a search, which uses: {google:baseURL}search?{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:instantFieldTrialGroupParameter}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}&q=%s When performing a search, it fills these variables in with non-english values. How can I tell my browser to fill these in with the English values? My Google Chrome options give preference to English:",
"Finitely generated group which is not finitely presented Is there any easy group theoretical way of showing that the wreath product $G$ of two infinite cyclic groups is not finitely presented? I was looking for a finitely presented group with a central subgroup isomorphic to the free group of countable rank and whose factor group is isomorphic to $G$; in this way assuming that $G$ is finitely presented we get a contradiction. Any ideas?",
"How do JavaScript closures work?",
"\"Reality\" of EM waves vs. wavefunction of individual photons - why not treat the wave function as equally \"Real\"? In thinking how to ask this question (somewhat) succinctly, I keep coming back to a Microwave Oven. A Microwave Oven has a grid of holes over the window specifically designed to be smaller in diameter than the wavelength of the microwaves it produces, yet larger than the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum - this is so you can watch your food being heated without getting an eye full of microwaves. The \"realness\" of electromagnetic waves seems indisputable - both from the microwave example above, and also because if I want to broadcast a radio wave with a certain wavelength, then I need to make sure I have an antenna of corresponding length to produce the wave I'm looking for. Furthermore, we discuss and treat these waves as real, measurable \"objects\" that exist and can be manipulated. Now, if I want to describe the behavior of my Microwave Oven in the framework of QM (let's pretend my oven is going to only produce 1 photon of energy corresponding to a wavelength of the microwave spectrum for simplicity) then I'll describe the behavior of that photon as a wavefunction that evolves over time and gives a probability distribution within my microwave that similarly does not allow the photon to pass through the safety grid and exit the oven cavity giving me a retinal burn. The difference is, the wavefunction is never treated as something \"real\" in this description. When the safety grid is described as working to protect you because it has holes smaller than the wavelength of the classical waves it's blocking, this is a useful description that seems to describe \"real\" objects/be-ables. While it is possible to describe why an individual photon has low probability of passing through the same grid but extended physical properties such as wavelength (in space) are treated as non-real because we're dealing with a point particle and with behavior described by something we also treat as non-real (the wavefunction); it seems unclear to me why we insist this wave function which predicts behavior of physical measurements so well is somehow \"non-real.\" Put another way, if we have no problem treating EM waves as \"Real,\" then why do we insist on treating the wavefunction that describes the same behavior as \"unreal?\" I understand there is recent research (Eric Cavalcanti and his group for one) trying to argue this point, but as every respectable physics professor, I've ever encountered, has treated the wavefunction as an indisputably non-real mathematical tool, I needed to ask this community for an answer.",
"In 5e's version of the flesh to stone spell, if the spell is maintained for the full minute duration, the effect (petrification) lasts until \"removed\". How can this petrification be removed?",
"How to design a command inquiring internally required packages?",
"How do I set up shared folders in a Windows Virtualbox guest? I have installed VirtualBox OSE on Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows XP pro as the virtual machine. Now I want to have a shared folder which can be accessed on both, my host Ubuntu machine, and my WinXP guest virtual machine. How can I do that?",
"Catenatives followed by infinitives and gerunds",
"Where can I find historical data on flights, specifically Delta international flights? I need to find out about cancellations, diversions and any other flight data pertaining on particular route at a given time. This source has to be official and stand up to legal scrutiny.",
"What are the assumptions for applying a quantile regression model? The question has been asked (one time) on CV before, but the answer is really imprecise and does not really answer the question in my opinion. So: What are the assumptions for estimating a linear regression model via quantile regression? To my understanding (and as several CV users have mentioned), quantile regression does not assume any specific distribution of the error terms - does that mean that, in a time series model, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity do not have to be accounted for? What about the other Gauss-Markov assumptions? I would assume that the assumption of no perfect multicollinearity has to be met when applying quantile regression, but do the parameters have to be linear? The linearity assumption only has to hold for the specific quantile I would assume. Anyways - I do not find any backup for any of my thoughts in the scientific literature and I would appreciate a comprehensive answer. Thank you!",
"How can I make a hexagonal grill? How would I be able to create a grill of sorts found on the front of some computer cases such as this one",
"Did spacetime start with the Big bang?",
"Prove that $\\operatorname{rank}(A) + \\operatorname{rank}(B) \\ge \\operatorname{rank}(A + B)$ Let $A,B$ be matrices $m\\times n$ $(A, B \\in M_{m\\times n}(R))$. How can we prove that $$\\operatorname{rank}(A+ B) \\le \\operatorname{rank}(A) + \\operatorname{rank}(B)\\ ?$$",
"Charge controller for Li-ion or Li-Polymer battery I am trying to work out the good charger for Mobile phones, which can serve as good performer for various smart phones out there in market these days & mostly using Li-ion battery. Charging has 4 stages -- \"the initial trickle-charging, then constant current charging, then constant voltage charging & finaly Top-up charge\" -- all this is controlled & monitored by a control circuit/IC of charger. So, my concern is if such circuit/module/IC is already there in Mobile phones & taking care of all protections to battery/phone including overheating during charge OR The charger designer have to incorporate these circuits in Charger itself? If former case, that means we just need to make a charging source giving ample current & 4.75V-5.25V voltage, like a high-powered USB output port would gives. My feeling is such stages-wise charging & control/monitor circuitry is already within the phone set, i just want to reconfirm.",
"How does the British-Irish Visa Scheme (BIVS) work?",
"Why isn't there a centre of charge? When determining the gravitational attraction between 2 solid bodies, we can simplify computations by taking their masses to be concentrated at their respective centres of mass. However, had they been electrically charged bodies and we needed to compute electrostatic attraction, there is no \"centre of charge\" notion available to us. ( We would evaluate a 2-dimensional integral, or equivalently, apply Gauss's law. ) Is there any simple reason for the absence of such a centre of charge? Frequently, I've got the answer: \"charge just doesn't work that way\".",
"Equation for a smooth staircase function I am looking for a smooth staircase equation $f(h,w,x)$ that is a function of the step height $h$, step width $w$ in the range $x$. I cannot use the unit step or other similar functions since they are just one step. I have been experimenting with various sigmoid curves and while I can get a single smooth step I cannot get to realize the staircase shape. The closest staircase function I have found is given in in equation (18) and depicted in Fig. 4 and it is a close example of what I want (i.e generate a staircase in the range $x$ for arbitrary step heights and widths) but it is not smooth at all. Regarding smooth steps, a likely starting point I found is but it gives a smooth function of just a single step. I have been unable to modify the equation to make it into a staircase. I would like to specify arbitrary step heights and widths and generate a smooth staircase in the range $x$ specified. Edit (Extra info): The smooth function I mention above has the problem that the upper, horizontal line is not equal in length to the lower, horizontal line which is why I have been unable to adapt it into a staircase function Edit 2 Including some pictures Edit 2 Plot of $s$ with a steep slope showing a different width on the first horizontal line",
"How to encrypt folders (not in Home)? Is there a way to encrypt a folder, which is not in Home (/home/user/) but even in a different partition, so only my user can access/read contained files? Alternatively, I would like to understand if it is possible to turn a complete ext4 partition into an encrypted volume, which would be mounted at user login. If possible, I would like to make the change without reinstalling Ubuntu. My PC has (mount output): /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) /dev/sda3 on /home type ext4 (rw) /dev/sda4 on /home/igor/Personale type ext4 (rw) sda4 is the partition containing folders I would like to protect."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Pass PHP array into Javascript array | How do I pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript? | [
"Releasing bound ports on process exit How do I make sure that a socket bound to a port is properly released on process exit such that the port can be reused without bind() failing with EADDRINUSE? I've written a tiny program which just creates a socket, binds it to a fixed port, waits for a connection and then immediately terminates. When I rerun the program, the bind() call fails with EADDRINUSE, but if I wait a few minutes, it succeeds. Is there a way I can explicitly \"unbind\" the socket, thereby freeing the port number?",
"How do I remove an account from Google multi-login? I have three accounts among the multiple accounts I have for Google's products. One of them belongs to a friend who accidentally made his account one of mine when he was using my PC. How do I remove his account from my Google multiple accounts? Logging out from his account doesn't work. His account still displays under the user dropdown even though I can't log in to it.",
"Why should I install hardware drivers if my computer is working fine? I've just installed Windows 7 on my PC. I went online to look for drivers. For , Foxconn offers LAN drivers, on-board audio drivers, and chipset drivers. And for , Nvidia offers a graphics card driver, obviously. But then I stopped and wondered... what benefit would I gain from installing them? The LAN cable is plugged in and I'm online; no problems there. The on-board audio is working fine. A quick Google tells me that a chipset is responsible for moving data around my motherboard – which seems to be happening OK! And my graphics look perfect. So why should I install the drivers? What would they give me, other than badly designed \"management\" interfaces, and pointless \"notifications\" whenever I plug in an audio jack? If there are different considerations for each of the components – chipset, audio, LAN, and graphics (and any others you think I should be aware of) – please break it down in your answer. Update: I've had a couple of answers already, saying that I'll get better stability, bugfixes, etc. Can I slightly expand my question... Can I get all these same benefits if I install the drivers via Windows Update? And if I do this, would I avoid having to install the vendor-specific UIs, which I find so annoying?",
"Keeping track of programs When I install a simple program it often uses make && make install and doesn't often even have an uninstall target. If I wish to upgrade a program, is it standard protocol to assume it just rewrites seamlessly over the old program? How do I keep track of these programs; do most people just 'fire and forget' and if no uninstall target is given do I have to manually delete everything?",
"I've noticed this issue on a handful of other communities, but making the browser window narrow (mine is 1080x960) makes the .post-layout and #sidebar elements overlap. Maybe something to do with the grid CSS? The #mainbar element seems to be the correct width and changing the .post-layout's overflow-x to auto seems to \"fix\" it From retrocomputing: From this post, because we are meta after all: Specs: Google Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108 (Official Build) (64-bit) Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS",
"So I had an exam today and one of the questions were: Give an example of a function $f$ which is nowhere continuous but $|f|$ should be continuous at all points. At first I had no idea how to do it then I came up with this, even though I know it's wrong: $$f(x)= \\begin {cases} \\ \\sqrt{x}&\\text{if }x <0\\\\ \\sqrt{-x}\\ &\\text{if }x > 0\\\\ \\end {cases}$$ Like I said I know it's wrong..but can someone give me an example of this? Thanks.",
"I understand the purpose of up/downvoting answers -- some answers are better than others, some answers may be wrong, .etc. With regard to questions, though, there are other mechanisms to deal with \"bad\" questions: comments, close, flag. A poorly written question should be improved. A bad question should be closed/deleted. Often, though I see poorly written questions downvoted. I'm not sure what this accomplishes. I get loss of rep for offensive or spam questions, but for an off-topic question? or one that is just poorly written? Why? It seems to me that rep ought to be based more on answers on a site of this type. Fundamentally, it seems that rep ought to be based on what you add to the site, not what you ask of it. A particularly good question does add to the site, but a poor question doesn't really detract from it in the same way that a bad (wrong) answer does. Sure, go ahead and give people more rep for asking a particularly good question, but why punish people for asking bad questions when there are other ways of handling that. Why not handle questions more like comments and allow upvotes, but not downvotes? It seems to me that many, if not most, of the downvoted questions are first timers. It's more likely that your first introduction to the site will be in asking a question, rather than answering. There is a significant risk to alienating new users when their questions are downvoted -- there's a visceral response to seeing that negative number next to your question. Why not let the close/flag system weed out questions that don't belong and the comment system work to improve poorly worded questions.",
"AmpScript to select Right or Left characters from a string Is there an AmpScript function that can be used in an equivalent manner to sql left, right and mid functions? Thanks, Mark",
"Wrapfigure in an enumerate environment. I want to use wrapfigure in the enumerate environment. For example, \\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{float} \\usepackage{wrapfig} \\begin{document} \\normalsize {\\bf Multiple Choice: } \\begin{enumerate} \\item \\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{4.5cm} \\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{Exam1_Fig1.jpg} \\end{wrapfigure} As shown in the figure. This rock is phaneritic and contains quartz, K-feldspar, and plagioclase in nearly equal amounts. What is it? \\\\ (A) rhyolite \\\\ (B) basalt \\\\ (C) diorite \\\\ (D) ash-flow tuff \\\\ (E) granite \\\\ \\end{enumerate} \\end{document} However, the figure inserted is not wrapped by the text, but put in a strange position. How to fix the problem? Thank you!",
"I'm new to Ubuntu. I tried installing it with Windows 8.1, but failed I lost all my files. I have successfully formatted my PC and installed Ubuntu, but how do I install codecs to play audio and videos files ?",
"So basically , we all know the direction outside the magnet its from NORTH to SOUTH. but what i don't understand is that what is the direction inside is it the same ??",
"How do I turn on SharePoint App store in SharePoint 2013",
"Capitalization of explanation of abbreviations",
"What is a \"closed\" or \"duplicate\" question? Questions can be closed or marked as duplicates. What does it mean for a question to be "closed"? What does it mean for a question to be marked as a "duplicate"? Who can close a question? What are the reasons for closing a question ? Is closure the end of the road for a question? When are closed questions eligible for deletion? Related For more information, see "" in the .",
"I know that Wubi is slower in disk IO, but I can't find anything about it online other than vague statements such as \"slightly slower disk seeks\". Has anyone done any benchmarks to quantify the speed difference?",
"Let be $V$ a vector space over the complex numbers with inner product. Let be $T$ and $S$ linear operators in $V$ with adjoint operators $T^*$, and $S^*$ respectively. I know that it satisfies this: $\\left< T(x),y \\right>=\\left< x,T^{*}(y) \\right>$ $\\left< S(x),y \\right>=\\left< x,S^{*}(y) \\right>$ $\\forall x,y \\in V$ But, How can I prove that the adjoint operator of $ST$ is $(ST)^{*}$? And how can I prove that $(ST)^{*}=T^{*}S^{*}$?",
"What is the difference between N and N-1 in calculating population variance? I did not get the why there are N and N-1 while calculating population variance. When we use N and when we use N-1? It says that when population is very big there is no difference between N and N-1 but it does not tell why is there N-1 at the beginning. Edit: Please don't confuse with n and n-1 which are used in estimating. Edit2: I'm not talking about population estimation.",
"Dear Academic SE advisers, I am a college sophomore in US with double majors in mathematics and microbiology. My algorithmic biology research got me passionate about the number theory and analysis, and I have been pursuing a mathematics major starting on this Spring semester. I have been independently self-studying the number theory textbooks written by Niven/Zuckerman/Montgomery, Apostol, and Ireland/Rosen on this semester. As this semester progressed, I discovered that I am more interested in the pure mathematics than applied aspects (computational biology, cryptography, etc.). I want to pursue a career as analytic number theorist and prove the Collatz conjecture and Erdos-Straus conjecture. I have been thinking about doing the number-theory research on my university (research university; huge mathematics department). I have been self-studying the NT by myself and also regularly attending the professional and graduate seminars on number theory but I did not do any pure mathematics research as an undergraduate. Should I visit NT professors in my university and ask them about if I can do undergraduate research under them? If research is not possible (perhaps due to my lacking maturity), should I request of doing independent reading under them and later proceed with the research? How should I ask them? What should I address? If even independent reading is not desirable to them, what should I ask to them or do in my own? As for my mathematical background, I have been taking Calculus II (computational) and discrete mathematics. I will be taking calculus III (vector calc.) on Summer, followed by Analysis I, Probability, Theoretical Linear Algebra on Fall 2015. As for my self-studying on this semester, I have been studying NT textbooks (mentioned above), proof methodologies, and basic linear algebra. Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to your advice! Sincerely, PK",
"Do I need to reboot my HTC Desire periodically?",
"Solvability of $a \\equiv x^2 \\mod b$"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
C code binding with a Qt gui | Does Qt have a C interface? | [
"Editing the \"Self-Learner\" Badge Description Stemming from the text for \"Self-Learner\" badge is pretty easy to get confused by. Current Text Answered your own question with score of 3 or more Issue The person in the above question was confused as they thought they needed to answer their own question, and that the question had to have a score of 3 or more. What it actually means is that they have to answer their own question, and the answer needs to have a score of three or more. The way it is phrased is ambiguous, so why not make it clear? Suggestion Edit the text as follows: Provide an answer with a score of 3 or more to your own question No more confusion.",
"What are the units of entropy of a normal distribution? I have a random process that follows a normal distribution. It's parameters are mean = 35 units, std.dev. = 8 units. I've seen from the for the normal distribution that there is a formula to calculate the entropy. So plugging in the figures as:- $$ .5\\log\\left(2\\pi e^1 8\\cdot 8\\right) $$ I get a value of 1.52, which I take to be per sample. My question is what are these units? What thing do I have 1.52 of? is (typically) measured in units of bits, after Claude Shannon's definition. So can I take it that each sample generates 1.52 bits of entropy? Clearly recording those samples generates information and therefore occupies a real and discrete amount of storage space. Ergo entropy cannot be unit less.",
"How can I effectively use the Coppersmith? I've been playing Dominion with the base + Intrigue sets for a while now, and one of the cards that I have trouble wrapping my mind around is the Coppersmith. In theory, it seems like a great card - it allows you to make all of your Coppers into Silvers, and in some cases - even Gold. However, I have yet to build a deck during a game that manages to use it effectively. Usually, in order to pull one or two of those with a nice amount of coppers, I need to create a deck that relies heavily on +cards/+actions chains, and the Coppersmith only begins to affect the game too late for it to be of any use. So... how can this card be effectively used?",
"Question: Suppose that $R$ is a commutative ring without zero-divisors. Show that the characteristic of $R$ is either $0$ or prime. I have established that every element in a commutative ring $R$ without zero divisors have the same additive order $n$. Now, if no such additive order n exists, then the characteristic of $R$ is $0$. Obviously, if a finite additive order exists, Char of $R$ is finite. How do I show that Char of $R$ is prime? It probably involves lagrange's theorem and the order of the element in $R$. Hint is appreciated. Thanks in advance.",
"This is exercise 1.6.1 of Suppose that 501 distinct integers are selected from 1 . . . 1000. Show that there are distinct selected integers $a$ and $b$ such that $a | b$. Show that this is not always true if 500 integers are selected. This seems like it should be simple but it's has been stumping me for a few days. Here's my idea for a proof: Let $S$ be a set of 500 distinct integers between 1 and 1000 that don't divide each other. Let $S_{1-500}$ and $S_{501-1000}$ partition $S$ into sets containing the elements ≤ and > than 500, respectively. Then consider $2 S_{1-500}$ and $\\frac{1}{2}S_{501-1000}$, the result of multiplying the elements of these sets by 2 and 1/2, respectively. Because elements of S are coprime, $S_{1-500}$, $S_{501-1000}$, $2 S_{1-500}$, and $\\frac{1}{2}S_{501-1000}$, are disjoint. Also note that each of these sets is a subset of the integers from 1 to 1000. One can deduce that the cardinality of the union of these sets is 1000, and therefore they form a partition of the integers from 1 to 1000. Now, I know this demonstrates that you can't add another number to $S$ that is coprime with all the elements in $S$, which means that a coprime subset of the integers from 1 to 1000 can have at most 500 elements. Can someone articulate why this is true for me? Also, this was in a section on the Pigeonhole principle, can someone rework the proof to utilize that, and possibly make it simpler? Thanks.",
"QM without complex numbers",
"When I try to move, rename, or delete a file named ␀in Finder, I get this error message: The operation can't be completed, because an unexpected error occured (error code -50). With mv, rm or find -delete in Terminal rm: /Library/␀: Invalid argument mv: rename /Library/␀ to /tmp/␀: Invalid argument find: -delete: unlink(/Library/␀): Invalid argument Can I move or delete this file in Mac OS X or do I have to use another operating system? I even tried creating a file with this name in /tmp and it has not gone away since 8 reboots.",
"What is the meaning of \"this\" in Java?",
"The extension of smooth function If $U$ is a bounded domain in $\\mathbb R^n$ whose boundary is smooth, and $f$ is a smooth function on $U$ whose partial derivatives of all orders have a continuous extensions to $\\bar U$. For an arbitrary domain $V \\supseteq \\bar U$, is there a smooth function $\\tilde f$ on $V$ extending $f$?",
"Converse to Hilbert basis theorem Prove the converse to Hilbert basis theoren: If the polynomial ring $R[x]$ is Noetherian, then $R$ is noetherian.",
"How did Rita know she lost the power? In Edge of Tomorrow, Emily Blunt's character, Rita Vrataski, had the time-resetting power previously. She details the backstory of how she gained it, and how she lost it. However, how did she know when she lost the power? It's only triggered when the wielder dies. Obviously she didn't die after losing the power, so how did she know the power was gone?",
"Combining all the address fields into one?",
"Alternatives to \"and/or\"?",
"How do I change the default file manager back to Nautilus?",
"I am learning Linux and I was trying the gzip command. I tried it on a folder which has a hierarchy like Personal/Folder1/file1.amr Personal/Folder2/file2.amr Personal/Folder3/file3.amr Personal/Folder4/file4.amr I ran \"gzip -r Personal\" and now its like Personal/Folder1/file1.amr.gz Personal/Folder2/file2.amr.gz Personal/Folder3/file3.amr.gz Personal/Folder4/file4.amr.gz How do I go back?",
"Is an idle temperature of 66°C for the A10-6800K CPU normal? I have an A10-6800K CPU and Piriform Speccy says that my CPU temp is 66 celcius in idle, the same goes for HWMonitor. Is this normal/ideal? I have a with a .",
"Prove $\\operatorname{rank}A^TA=\\operatorname{rank}A$ for any $A\\in M_{m \\times n}$ How can I prove $\\operatorname{rank}A^TA=\\operatorname{rank}A$ for any $A\\in M_{m \\times n}$? This is an exercise in my textbook associated with orthogonal projections and Gram-Schmidt process, but I am unsure how they are relevant.",
"Complex zeros of the polynomials $\\sum_{k=0}^{n} z^k/k!$, inside balls",
"Java Generics: List, List, List",
"How can I provide anonymous user to access my REST GET API without providing any auth information? The Drupal 8 REST UI configuration page asks me to select Authentication providers for GET method; otherwise, it doesn't allow me to export the REST request. How can I provide anonymous user to access my REST GET API without providing any auth information?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to property write characters in database | UTF-8 all the way through | [
"Can't install/uninstall packages in Debian I'm trying to install/uninstall packages in Debian but getting errors. I can't remove or add any package, always getting the error. I tried: apt-get --remove purge package apg-get remove package dpkg -r package",
"A list of inconveniences between quantum mechanics and (general) relativity? It is well known that quantum mechanics and (general) relativity do not fit well. I am wondering whether it is possible to make a list of contradictions or problems between them? E.g. relativity theory uses a space-time continuum, while quantum theory uses discrete states. I am not merely looking for a solution or rebuttal of such opposites, more for a survey of the field out of interest.",
"Is there a package to secure rendered pdf with a password?",
"Sphere inside a conical vessel touches the lid",
"\"Coming soon\" pages & SEO",
"Given a file like this: 1,768,12,46576457,7898 1,123,435,134,146 2,345,6756856,12312,1311 5,234,567465,12341,1341 1,3245,4356345,2442,13 9,423,2342,121,463 9,989,342,121,1212 I would like to list all rows (in bash terminal) such that the value in column 1 appears at least twice (in column 1). The result should be 1,768,12,46576457,7898 1,123,435,134,146 1,3245,4356345,2442,13 9,423,2342,121,463 9,989,342,121,1212",
"Russian babel and chemformula",
"How can I reconnect to a ssh session after a broken pipe?",
"Prove that $\\lambda = 0$ is an eigenvalue if and only if A is singular. I'm trying to prove that statement: Prove that $\\lambda = 0$ is an eigenvalue if and only if $A$ is singular. I'm not sure if my proof is totally correct: Suppose that $\\lambda = 0$ if det(A) = $\\lambda_1 \\cdot \\lambda_2 . . .\\lambda_n = 0$ then A is singular. If anyone could show me a better proof that would help.",
"Kind of converse of Kolmogorov maximal inequality Let $S_n=\\zeta_1+...+\\zeta_n$ where $\\zeta_i$ are independent with $E\\zeta_i=0, E\\zeta_i^2=\\sigma_i^2<\\infty, |\\zeta_i|<K$. Then, $P(\\max_{1 \\leq m \\leq n}|S_m| \\leq x) \\leq (x+K)^2/\\operatorname{var}(S_n)$. How do we show this? The hint says that I should use the fact that $S_n^2-\\sum_{m \\leq n}\\sigma_m^2$ is a martingale. But I am totally clueless.... Any hint would be appreciated! Thanks and regards.",
"View referrals from one part of my site to another in Google Analytics I have an online shop with a blog structured this way: Shop: example.com Blog: example.com/blog Both index have the same Google Analytic Code (UA). In the blog I write articles about some products with a link to the product page. Now the problem is, I want to see stat on visits whose referral links have this pattern example.com/blog/*.",
"Why the electric bulb turns on almost instantly when the switch is closed?",
"Why didn't Harry Potter tell Aunt Petunia he was rich to improve how he was treated by Dursleys? This is a follow-up question to One reason Aunt Petunia mistreated Harry was that she did not know he was rich. If she knew, she would naturally have treated this golden goose nicely. Her retirement would be secured if Harry financially supported her in old age. Why didn't Harry tell Aunt Petunia he was rich? Surely every boy wants to be treated nicely by his family.",
"Looking for help with a proof that n-th derivative of $e^\\frac{-1}{x^2} = 0$ for $x=0$. Given the function $$ f(x) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{cc} e^{- \\frac{1}{x^2}} & x \\neq 0 \\\\ 0 & x = 0 \\end{array}\\right. $$ show that $\\forall_{n\\in \\Bbb N} f^{(n)}(0) = 0$. So I have to show that nth derivative is always equal to zero $0$. Now I guess that it is about finding some dependencies between the previous and next differential but I have yet to notice one. Could you be so kind to help me with that? Thanks in advance!",
"OK, I will try and stick to the facts to explain this whole situation. I would really appreciate everyone's comments: Me (Irish passport) my wife (Filipino passport) and 2 year old twins (Irish passports) all live in the UK. My wife has residence here. We are flying from Manchester to Doha. We're Planning to stay 3 weeks. As my wife had a UK residence stamp & EEA Family permit visa, we called the UK home office to just verify if she could travel to Qatar without a Visa. They informed us (recorded conversation) that my wife had the same entitlement to me as long as she was traveling with me. I understand now, that our calls should have been straight to the Qatar embassy in London to Verify. We just took it from the UK Home Office as being correct. We arrive at Manchester Airport. We asked the Qatar Airways check in staff to verify my wife's passport to confirm she is entitled to entry in the state of Qatar. Check-in staff confirmed everyone is OK with my wife's passport as we board our 8 hour flight to Doha with our 2 year old twins. We get to Doha and my wife is refused entry at immigration as they say she requires a visa. Calls are made by Qatar airways to Manchester Airport - Qatar airways admit full responsibility for allowing us to travel when we should not have been allowed to travel. We have to re-book flights at Doha - Qatar Airways just changed our return flight to get us back on the next available flight. We had to pay to enter a lounge in Doha airport with our own money, just so we can give our children some rest and food. We return to Manchester 8 hours later. The twins' double buggy is missing (still missing to date). I understand my wife didn't have the correct Visa, as we were given false information by the UK home office. But, they should not have allowed us to board a plane with those checks being done. If I had known at Manchester airport, I could have made the journey myself with 1 of my children, and I could have processed the Visa for my wife at our hotel in Doha. But, because were not noticed and all allowed to board, I was never given this option. Are Qatar Airways at fault? Should all our flights be re-instated? Are we entitled to compensation? Should they reimburse our expenses? This is currently being reviewed by the airline. It would be good to get comments and peoples thoughts.",
"warning message at command line `sudo`",
"Why does flag marking as helpful/declined not always correlate with moderator action?",
"Are there systems in classical mechanics that are provably non-deterministic?",
"How do I remove an incomplete or broken snap installation of nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi?",
"I am using a mirror modifier for modelling. When viewing the mesh in edit mode, the vertices in the center are firmly stuck together and cannot be separated. When in pose mode, I manipulate a wrist bone on my model and the mesh splits in two along the mirror axis center. I have tried removing the subsurface modifier to see if this was the problem leaving only the armature at the top of the modifier list,i.e. as first modifier (which I am told is the bottom of the stack) and the mirror as the second. It doesn't separate in edit mode and I've also tried increasing the merge limit to 0.1 and there's no change. Manipulating bones separates the mesh."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Cannot get lock when running `sudo apt-get update` | Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it? | [
"Watts P.M.P.O. and audio equipment power I am a beginner in electrical engineering, and to begin learning I decided to look into audio amplifiers. I have seen that the power of audio amplifiers is often described in the units of watts, watts RMS, and watts PMPO. So far, the only one of those units that I think I understand is watts. For instance, I just recently made . If I think: "What is the power of my amplifier supposed to be?", then my thought process goes like this: The transistors I used are the TIP120, which have a maximum rated power of 65W. Then, I decide that 60W is a safer maximum which would be reached if my amplifier runs 19V through one of my 6Ω speakers. Therefore, the power of my amplifier is 2x60W. Then, I look at the datasheets of audio amplifier ICs, like the TPA3116 that says: "50W into a 4Ω load at 21V", which makes me conclude that in that setting it'll output 14V maximum into the speaker, which I think makes sense. But then, I look at the datasheet of the TDA7294, and they talk about "RMS Power" and "RMS Music Power", units which I couldn't find clear information about. Then, I look at home audio systems, like a Panasonic Stereo System I have which has "9500 Watts P.M.P.O." written on the front. 9500W? That sounds stupidly high to me, but then I look again and it has 300W written on the back of it. If I'm correct, maybe a 1kW home stereo system could make sense, but a 2kW or greater one would not exist. So... Are my conclusions about and the TPA3116 correct? Are my conclusions about audio equipment power correct? Are WattsPMPO, WattsRMS and RMSmusicpower, real useful units?",
"Is there a word for one side in a pair? Is there a word for one side in a pair? In a conversation it would the the interlocutor, but I'm looking for a generic term.",
"How would you evaluate $\\liminf\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\ n \\,|\\mathopen{}\\sin n|$ How would you evaluate the limit inferior of the sequence $n\\,|\\mathopen{}\\sin n|$? That is, $$\\liminf\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\ n \\,|\\mathopen{}\\sin n|$$ Edit. Let $\\mu$ be the irrationality measure of $\\pi$. Since $\\mu$ is not known, I will split the question: Assuming $\\mu > 2$, what is $\\liminf\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\ n\\,|\\mathopen{}\\sin n|$? Assuming $\\mu = 2$, what is $\\liminf\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\ n\\,|\\mathopen{}\\sin n|$? I kind of like its graph...",
"How to copy a file to multiple directories using the gnu cp command",
"What defines the maximum size for a command single argument?",
"Double Range for Storm Sphere with Spell Sniper Spell Sniper says: When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell’s range is doubled. Can I apply that to the part of Storm Sphere that says: Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to cause a bolt of lightning to leap from the center of the sphere toward one creature you choose within 60 feet of the center. Make a ranged spell attack. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is in the sphere. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 lightning damage. The spell itself does not require the caster to make an attack roll. But there is the option to make a spell attack. I'm not sure if the Spell Sniper feat could be applied here. Would the lightning attacks of the Storm Sphere benefit from the Spell Sniper feat?",
"Whoa! What is this \"Linked\" thing? As per the title, what is this new feature?",
"Is cancer caused by vitamin B17 deficiency?",
"How do you deal with missing players?",
"Will fruit/seed of a bonsai yield another bonsai plant/tree? With practice one can create a bonsai; no complicated modification of the DNA in a high-end lab required. The bonsai will even beget bonsai fruit. What I am curious about is - if such bonsai fruit is planted again, will it give rise to a normal, or a bonsai tree?",
"Organize desktop icons on Windows into categories or sections",
"Going through the spells, I see the phrase \"Willing creature\" used to determine who you can cast some spells on. I don't ever see a proper definition of what a willing creature is, but I would assume that it would go something like if you asked them \"Can I perform this spell on you\" they would answer yes. Is there a more formal definition of what makes a target willing in 5e? What are the ways I could make an otherwise unwilling creature willing? Suggestion spells, for instance, should probably work but what other options do I have?",
"Prove that $\\cos\\theta$ is root of equation $8x^3-4x^2-4x+1=0$, given $\\theta=\\frac{\\pi}{7}$. I put $\\cos\\theta$ in equation, but couldn't show the left-hand side to be zero.",
"can't find using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace",
"Canonical map $R/(I\\cap J)\\rightarrow R/I\\times _{R/(I+J)} R/J$ is an isomorphism",
"The following happened playing Minesweeper: How do I figure out which square to click?",
"What was Dumbledore's original wand made of?",
"Backup whole OS",
"Having changed the scene units and unit scale, how can I change the default size of new objects? I am using blender most of the time to model things for my 3d printer. So a default unit in \"meters\" is not really helpful! Within the scene settings it is simply possible to set the units to millimeter and the unit scael to 0.001 so everything seems to work as I want it to work... But if I add a new primitive it uses its old default sizes in meters... so a new cube get's 2000 x 2000 millimeters instead of 2x2 or whatever will be useful.. Same for all other new objects... How can I change the default sizes of new objects permanently? And how can I change the settings in the application templates? Right now using ctrl+u changes the \"general\" template - perhaps because I loaded it before... Thanks a lot and best regards Stefan",
"Any way to sync directory structure when the files are already on both sides? I have two drives with the same files, but the directory structure is totally different. Is there any way to 'move' all the files on the destination side so that they match the structure of the source side? With a script perhaps? For example, drive A has: /foo/bar/123.txt /foo/bar/234.txt /foo/bar/dir/567.txt Whereas drive B has: /some/other/path/123.txt /bar/doo2/wow/234.txt /bar/doo/567.txt The files in question are huge (800GB), so I don't want to re-copy them; I just want to sync the structure by creating the necessary directories and moving the files. I was thinking of a recursive script that would find each source file on the destination, then move it to a matching directory, creating it if necessary. But -- that's beyond my abilities! Another elegant solution was given here:"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can I legally use mechanics from a game that is removed from the store? | How closely can a game legally resemble another? | [
"What should happen if a logo I made is similar to another?",
"Windows 10 doesn't shut down properly",
"Proof by Induction: For any integer $n > 0$, $3|(5^{2n} − 1)$.",
"How do I read an entire file into a std::string in C++? How do I read a file into a std::string, i.e., read the whole file at once? Text or binary mode should be specified by the caller. The solution should be standard-compliant, portable and efficient. It should not needlessly copy the string's data, and it should avoid reallocations of memory while reading the string. One way to do this would be to stat the filesize, resize the std::string and fread() into the std::string's const_cast<char*>()'ed data(). This requires the std::string's data to be contiguous which is not required by the standard, but it appears to be the case for all known implementations. What is worse, if the file is read in text mode, the std::string's size may not equal the file's size. A fully correct, standard-compliant and portable solutions could be constructed using std::ifstream's rdbuf() into a std::ostringstream and from there into a std::string. However, this could copy the string data and/or needlessly reallocate memory. Are all relevant standard library implementations smart enough to avoid all unnecessary overhead? Is there another way to do it? Did I miss some hidden Boost function that already provides the desired functionality? void slurp(std::string& data, bool is_binary)",
"How do I force TeX to completely use the 1st column? How do I force TeX to completely use the 1st column before writing to the second column? Right now I dont have enough content to fill one whole page. So the left and right columns are equally filled, leaving 25% symmetrical empty page at bottom. How do I fill the left column first, and then the right? \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{multicol} \\usepackage[scale=0.9]{geometry} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\renewcommand{\\labelitemi}{\\tiny$\\blacksquare$} \\begin{document} \\begin{multicols}{2} %lots of text goes here \\end{multicols} \\end{document}",
"Manually change filetype icons in Windows 7 I'm trying to find the dialog tab in Windows 7 that allows a user to change the icon used for a particular file type. In Windows XP it would be under the Folder Options properties dialog. Where is it on Windows 7? I only want to change the icon of a specific filetype, to anything I want but this tab is no longer present in Folder Options of Windows 7.",
"What type of lens will auto-focus on Nikon bodies without a focus motor? I know my D40 doesn't have a motor in it to auto-focus lenses. What type of lens has the motor in it? How can I know which lenses will and will not work?",
"How much of 32-bit support is dropped in macOS Catalina? macOS Catalina is said to have dropped support for 32-bit apps. It’s not clear how much support is dropped. Is there any supported way for a 64-bit app to request the kernel to create a 32-bit code segment?",
"Show \"Insufficient Privileges\" directly when clicking 'Edit' (override), not on 'Save' If a user clicks 'Edit' on an opportunity which he isn't allowed to edit, the \"Insufficient Privileges\" page directly appears. This is good. If a user clicks 'Edit' on a custom object (which has an edit override that points to a visualforce page), he first sees the form without problems, and the \"Insufficient Privileges\" page only appears when he tries to save it. This behaviour is misleading for the users, because they think they can manipulate the data and put effort into it, and only afterwards they realize that this wasn't possible after all. An idea was to check at page load if the user has edit permissions and otherwise redirect him to the \"Insufficient Privileges\" page. Might there be another way? Thanks!",
"Is every complex (smooth) manifold a scheme? The question in the title doesn't quite make sense. I was always wondering if the scheme is the generalization of manifold. The precise statement should be like following: If $X$ is a complex (smooth)manifold, is there a scheme $Y$ over $\\mathbb{C}$ such that the corresponding analytic space $Y^{an}$ isomorphic to $X$? I guess if $X$ is projective, then this is Chow's theorem. And I doubt the question has an affirmative answer if $X$ is non-compact (I guess that $X: y-e^x=0$ in $\\mathbb{C}^2$ might be an example, but I do not know how to show this). Edit 1: There are also example (as @hunter pointed out) of a complex torus but not an abelian variety shows that a compact manifold might not be a variety, however, is it possible to be a scheme ?(according to Hartshorne, the category of varieties is a subcategory of quasi-projective, integral, separated scheme. But could there be some non-quasiprojective scheme($Y$ has to be integral, separated in our case according to GAGA, I guess) )? Edit 2: Another question I think of is: is (Artin) Stack a generalization of manifold? I really want to know if manifold could be think of some subcategory of some category of with \"algebraic objects\".",
"Setup SunFire 440 Raid Configuration",
"Why are there only two tangents to a hyperbola from a point, instead of four?",
"Is $\\operatorname{lcm}(a,\\gcd(b,c))=\\gcd(\\operatorname{lcm}(a,b),\\operatorname{lcm}(a,c))$",
"What are all the member-functions created by compiler for a class? Does that happen all the time?",
"Possible Duplicate: I was thinking about making a pacman clone, I know there is a similar question here , but I know i can't use the original art from the game because it belongs to Namco, so if I design a character that has the shape of the slice circle it will look exactly like pacman, maybe if I use green instead of yellow? Also if the game plays like the original pacman, it is wrong? I just want to make the game as a personal project and and publish it in my site without getting in trouble",
"Convert particle system to animated meshes",
"I use Gedit a lot and thus tend to have a lot of tabs open at any one time. In Gedit 2.* I could switch between tabs using my mouse wheel but since Oneiric I can't. I assume this is because of various GTK \"upgrades\". Does anybody know of a plugin (or workable fix -- that doesn't require me to recompile everything and its brother) that will see me back to mousewheeling my day away?",
"Escaped line break tag in tooltip on election page",
"Can $\\pi$ or $e$ be a root of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients? Since $\\pi$ and $e$ are transcendental, neither can be the root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. However, it is easy to construct a polynomial transcendental coefficients (with $\\pi$ or $e$ as one of it's roots), namely $(x-\\pi)$ and $(x-e)$. However, is it possible to construct a finite polynomial (one of whose roots is $\\pi$ or $e$) with only algebraic coefficients? (i.e. something such as $y=x^5-(\\sqrt 2 -1)x^2+x$ .) A polynomial with only radical coefficients would be the best. P.S. The polynomial doesn't necessarily need to have BOTH $\\pi$ and $e$ as it's roots, just one is interesting enough.",
"What are the odd of a single coin toss after many consecutive ones? I have little knowledge of probability and have recently been thinking of a math problem I am sure you guys could answer If for example I tossed a coin ten times and got all heads, would the odds of the next coin toss beeing heads be 50 50 or s very low as the odds of getting 11 in a row is tiny? Thanks"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Error on Swipe Refresh | What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? | [
"$ac\\equiv bc \\pmod{\\!m}\\!\\!\\iff\\!\\! a\\equiv b \\pmod{\\!\\!\\frac{m}{(c,m)}}$ [Euclid's Lemma, congruence form] I came across this theorem: For all integers a,b,c and m>0, if d = GCD(c,m) then a*c ≡ b*c (mod m) iff a ≡ b (mod m/d). The =>proof states this: a*c ≡ b*c (mod m) => m|(a-b)*c => m/d | (a-b)*c/d => m/d | (a-b) => a ≡ b (mod m/d) I don't understand how to go from step 2 to step 3. The proof states that this is possible because m/d and c/d are coprime. To me this means GCD(m/d, c/d) = 1 but how does this cancel out the whole term?",
"\"State-of-the-art\" and \"technology\"",
"When using the serial console of my system I always end up with $COLUMNS=80 and $LINES=24. While I can change these variables manually it is somewhat annoying to do this any time when the client side terminal window has been resized. Usually I'm connecting to the console using screen /dev/mytty baudrate. Changing the $TERM environment variable to \"screen\" or \"xterm\" does not help. Will I need to call getty with some of those instead of vt100? Needless to say that all of this works fine, when I connect to the same machine using ssh.",
"The Chinese government has a really specific list of requirements for visa photos: I had an old unused photo from last time I applied for a visa or passport, and compared it to the requirements (decided not to use it because it was damaged). It seemed to match most of the requirements, except that it seems that they want a photo which isn't square: The required width is less than the required height. Assuming most drugstores are still providing square passport photos, the question becomes: Should I cut the photo to match the specified width? What adds to the confusion is if you look at the the box for the photo is nearly square, not the oblong shape in the requirements. And I have seen other advice that you need to make sure it fully fits the box. Any advice about what to do here?",
"Why is there a peeking duck in my profile pic?",
"Evaluating a PDF to find an unkown constant Evaluate the PDF to find K $1 = \\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{k}{(1+x)^4}$ using u substitution I got: $u=1+x$ and $du= dx$ $\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{k}{u^4} \\to \\frac{k}{\\frac{-1}{3} u^3}$ Since $u^4 du = \\frac{u^{-4+1}}{-4+1}=$ $\\frac{u^{-3}}{-3}$ which evaluating gives: $1=\\frac{k}{\\frac{-1}{3(1+x)^3}} \\vert_0^{\\infty} \\to \\frac{-3k}{(1+x)^3} \\vert_0^{\\infty} = 0 -3k$ and $k= \\frac{-1}{3}$ somehow though they came up with $\\frac{-k}{3} \\frac{1}{(1+x)^3}$ after integrating $\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{k}{(1+x)^3}$ Was my approach correct to use substitution? Where does my work go wrong?",
"How do we know the universe is expanding, and not that its contents are shrinking? Is there a physical reason why not to think that instead of space expanding, all physical constants and parameters are shrinking (including of course the instruments we use to measure the constants) and space is static, or is it a case of Occam's razor?",
"Adding user to a group - Why had to reboot? I was not able to access the VirtualBox shared folder, so I made the user part of the vboxsf group. But, still not able to access it. Rebooting the guest resolved the problem. Is it a bug? A reboot is not required to add a user to a group. sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf praveensripati There was similar query . I am using 11.10 and don't remember seeing similar behavior in 11.04.",
"I need to remove every line that has a value of 2 or less in the 8th field (column). My data looks like this: 12-31 Airport 189 379 41 49.70946503 -124.91377258 2 2880 30.8 01-01 AlberniElementary 165 331 16 49.26100922 -124.80662537 4 5760 26.1 01-09 BamfieldMarine 161 323 23 48.83490372 -125.13572693 2 2875 27.4 01-10 BamfieldMarine 161 323 23 48.83490372 -125.13572693 3 3068 38.6 I understand that using awk I can strip off the values desired and print them to another file, and I understand that sed would edit the current file. In either case, I need to retain the original file. Note: Please provide thorough explanations with your solutions. It is not suffice to just write the command, please annotate suggestions. Further note: The data has a header line, so most likely solution will need to awk 'FNR >1' I suppose?",
"Why the name 'Rogue One'? So far, is there any suggestion, or speculation as to the reason for the name 'Rogue One' for the next Star Wars film? To me, the name seems very close to the Rogue Squadron, most known from Hoth (their leader Luke Skywalker), especially the number following Rogue like a callsign. However as far as I know, they were formed after the first Death Star destruction. So why Rogue One?",
"Energy-momentum tensor transformation",
"Which statistical test to analyse? I am trying to find out how inflammatory markers change in response to a mechanical device change. I have daily readings for the 5 days before the event and for the 5 days after the event. I am expecting a rise in inflammatory markers in the pre readings followed by a fall after the device change. I also need to find out how the change differs in two subgroups (sample sizes of the subgroups are n=21 and n=88). The aim is to find out if the change is significant, to consider these markers as predictors of the device failing and hence needing to be changed. I would like to know what test would be appropriate to analyse this. I need to keep things simple as I and the people reading the results are non-statisticians.",
"Can apostrophe 's' be used with 'etc.'?",
"What would be the associated wavelength of the particle if its velocity is zero?",
"I have tried to map this simple object, but the uv mapping does not correspond to what i see in the textured object. It cuts the image a bit on top and a bit on the bottom of the faces. It does not fill the faces with the texture, even though i have mapped them correctly. Does anyone know what could be happening? Thanks in advance.",
"Where did the age go on the network profile? Ever since the profile redo, the age was shown in the network profile, but not in the per-site profiles. So if someone wanted to see the age, they had to go to the network profile. However.. It's vanished! The field is still there in the profile editing, however. It doesn't appear as if this was implemented: So... Where is it?",
"How do I change JPanel inside a JFrame on the fly? To put it simple, there's a simple java swing app that consists of JFrame with some components in it. One of the components is a JPanel that is meant to be replaced by another JPanel on user action. So, what's the correct way of doing such a thing? I've tried panel = new CustomJPanelWithComponentsOnIt(); parentFrameJPanelBelongsTo.pack(); but this won't work. What would you suggest?",
"Customise date-time format in Windows Is it possible to customize data (or date-time) format in Windows (I am using Windows XP)? The current format which is followed by the OS [to show date-modified, etc.] is MM/DD/YYYY or M/D/YYYY, whereas I have been comfortable with DD/MM/YYYY or D/M/YYYY format. I am finding it hard to refer Date-modified [which I use often] of files and folders.",
"How is the authenticity of Debian packages guaranteed?",
"I would like to use pgfplots to create a figure where I plot curves that have a recursive formula. I tried a very simple case that uses the declare function command to see whether this is possible, and I can't compile (TeX capacity exceeded). Is it even possible to do this? \\documentclass{standalone} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture}[ declare function={test(\\p)=ifthenelse(\\p>1, test(\\p-1), 0.5);}, ] \\begin{axis}[] % use TeX as calculator: \\addplot [mark=none] {x}; \\addplot [mark=none] {test(0)}; \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to set file object into input file in the form in HTML? | Dynamically set value of a file input | [
"Find the general solution of $y'= a^{x + y}$ where y is the function",
"Cannot create PostGIS extension with Ubuntu 18.04",
"What does $$ mean in the shell?",
"I normally use the following idiom to check if a String can be converted to an integer. public boolean isInteger( String input ) { try { Integer.parseInt( input ); return true; } catch( Exception e ) { return false; } } Is it just me, or does this seem a bit hackish? What's a better way? See my answer (with benchmarks, based on the by ) to see why I've reversed my position and accepted to this problem. I think this original code will be used by most people because it's quicker to implement, and more maintainable, but it's orders of magnitude slower when non-integer data is provided.",
"How do I check where devices are mounted? What is the command that lets me see what and where devices are mounted? I'm having trouble changing songs on my old iPod, and I have a feeling it's because of the mount point.",
"Does $G\\oplus G \\cong H\\oplus H$ imply $G\\cong H$ in general?",
"If $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} a_n$ is absolutely convergent, then $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} (a_n)^2$ is convergent Let $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} a_n$ be a series in R. Prove that if $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} a_n$ is absolutely convergent, then $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} (a_n)^2$ is convergent.",
"error with inner class object",
"Running two MySQL servers that use the same data directory",
"I have secured a visa for the US, be it an ESTA or another visa requiring me to go for an interview. My understanding is that obtaining a visa for the US does not guarantee me entry into the country. Rather, : Entering the United States A visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (generally an airport) and request permission to enter the United States. A visa does not guarantee entry into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials at the port-of-entry have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States. If you are allowed to enter the United States, the CBP official will provide an admission stamp or a paper Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record. What happens once I arrive in one such port-of-entry? Will I have to go through customs checks? Will I have to talk to an immigration officer explaining my reasons for visiting the US? What documentation, if any, should I bring? Is the documentation I brought for the interview enough? What if I did not attend an interview since it was not required (for example if I obtained an ESTA online)?",
"\"A quarter past five\" or simply \"Quarter past five\"? I usually say “It’s a quarter past” (for instance) “five”. But I think I’ve heard (or read) “It’s quarter past ...”, too, with no indefinite article: is that correct? Which is more common (if both constructions are in use)? Is the omission of the article more colloquial (informal, popular, whatever)? Is there a difference between British and American English? Thank you very much.",
"I'm having the same problem as it was questioned I can't get throught the step where I need to show that $\\nabla_{E_i}E_j (p)=0$. It only leads to $$ \\nabla_{E_i}E_j(p)=\\sum_{lk}^n a_{il}(0)\\dfrac{\\partial b_jk}{\\partial x_l}(0)\\partial x_k(p) $$ which I can't show that equals zero. On the linked question, there is also the indication that $\\nabla_{E_i}E_j (E_k)=\\Gamma^k_{ij}$. This could lead that $\\nabla_{E_i}E_j (E_k)(p)=\\Gamma^k_{ij}(p)=0$, but $\\nabla_{E_i}E_j (E_k)(p)$ is not equal to $\\nabla_{E_i}E_j (p)$ which is the one I need. Can someone help me?",
"Can a dichotomous variable (yes/no) be merged with a Likert measure (1,2,3,4) using z scores?",
"Entire function bounded by polynomial of degree 3/2 must be linear. The problem is as follows: Suppose $f$ entire satisfying $$ |f(z)| \\leq A + B |z|^{3/2} $$ for some fixed $A,B > 0$. Prove that $f$ is a linear polynomial. I know I want to reduce it to a function where I can use a Cauchy bound, but I'm not sure how.",
"To mean \"He is a friend of mine who I love\" or \"He is a friend of mine that I love\", can I say \"He is a friend of mine I love\"? When I omit \"who\" or \"that\" in that sentence, it sounds wrong to me. I think I am not used to that structure. What do you think? Note: I know (that) relative pronouns can be dropped like in \"He is someone (that/who) I love\", but in the sentence I gave, I think it is wrong to omit it because \"a friend\" was already modified by \"of mine\". Context: I am talking about a friend, and I am saying I love him.",
"Why are my wrists the first part of my body to start aching during a long ride? Most riders seem to say it's their groin, neck or lower back that starts hurting first after a decent distance has been ridden. For me it is my wrists. I have no history of wrist pain (strains, breaks etc) so it can't be explained by that and I try to adjust my hand positions across my handlebars as often as I can. My question has 2 parts: 1. Is there anything I can do to minimise pain in terms of riding position, gloves, exercises etc which will reduce soreness? 2. Why might this pain be occurring? *I do all of my riding on paved roads on a road (Specialized Allez) bike.",
"Did English ever have a formal version of \"you\"?",
"I would really like to see all of my questions and answers on the profile page, even if some of them were deleted, and I don't have enough rep to see them on the site. (Note that some questions are after 30 days or 1 year, and the author might be oblivious about what happened.) , the "deleted recent [questions/answers]" links in one's own user profile now list all respective posts that were deleted in the past 60 days, rather than just those that were originally posted in the last 60 days. , users with the "access to moderator tools" privilege (10k+ on designed sites, 2k+ on beta and non-designed sites) can use the search operator deleted:1 to see all their own deleted posts. , deleted questions and answers that were posted in the past 60 days, can be seen using the "deleted recent questions" and "deleted recent answers" links on the questions and answers tabs (at the bottom of the tab) in your user profile. For older posts: as of 2013-04-23 you can if you already have a link to them, but they still aren't linked from the user profiles (not even just for you). Nor do you see inbox notifications for comments on them if you come back a few hours later. You have to have thought to bookmark your question, or you have to go digging for it in your browser history.",
"As far as we know the gaze of the basilisk will instantly kill someone or eventually petrify him/her in case the gaze is somehow softened or reflected. But why would it melt the film in Colin's camera? The film is just plastics with some specific chemicals. A bit broader question would be - is the some information that the basilisk's gaze is somehow destructive to non-alive objects too and under what circumstances could it happen?",
"Why does this identity hold for Fejér Kernels?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Dealing with downvote trolling | A better serial voting trap | [
"Batch convert 4 PDF pages to one PDF page",
"Evaluating $\\int_0^{\\tfrac{\\pi}{4}}\\ln(\\cos x-\\sin x)\\ln(\\cos x) dx - \\int_0^{\\tfrac{\\pi}{4}}\\ln(\\cos x+\\sin x)\\ln(\\sin x)dx=\\frac{G\\ln 2}{2}$ In order to compute, in an elementary way, $\\displaystyle \\int_0^1 \\frac{x \\arctan x \\log \\left( 1-x^2\\right)}{1+x^2}dx$ (see ) i need to show, in a simple way, that: $\\displaystyle \\int_0^{\\tfrac{\\pi}{4}}\\ln(\\cos x-\\sin x)\\ln(\\cos x) dx - \\int_0^{\\tfrac{\\pi}{4}}\\ln(\\cos x+\\sin x)\\ln(\\sin x)dx=\\dfrac{G\\ln 2}{2}$ $G$ being the Catalan constant. The reason of my interest for this question is, if i am right, that this formula permits to find out a relation between integrals: $\\displaystyle \\int_0^1 \\dfrac{\\ln(1+x)\\ln(1+x^2)}{1+x^2}dx$ $\\displaystyle \\int_0^1 \\dfrac{\\ln(1+x)^2}{1+x^2}dx$ $\\displaystyle \\int_0^{\\tfrac{\\pi}{4}}\\big(\\ln(\\cos x)\\big)^2 \\dfrac{}{}dx$ and some constants.",
"Install suspension forks on non-suspension bike",
"I added a comment to but something strange is happening. The end code reads \"); but SO decided to change that to \";);. I did not add a ; in front of the ). To further explain what's happening here, the following: \"http://example.com/.\" http://example.com/. \"http://example.com.\" http://example.com. \"http://example.com\" http://example.com renders as:",
"$x^3-9=y^2$ find integral solutions Find all integral solutions $x^3-9=y^2$ I tried many times but still no idea how to solve it. I will be grateful for any help.",
"Is it possible to use the Lagrangian formalism involving physical terms to answer the question of why all planets are approximately spherical? Let's assume that a planet is 'born' when lots of particles of uniform density are piled together, and constrained only by the Newtonian gravity of the $N$ particles with no external gravity. My question is: Is it possible to use the variational calculus starting from this situation to prove that planets should be spherical?",
"Is it permissible to use somebody else's words (without quotations) to describe a concept once their work is cited? Quite often one comes across a really succinct and precise explanation of a concept. I'm wondering if it is permissible to use this explanation verbatim, if the source work is cited in your paper (next to the explanation)? What's in question here is at most 3 sentences.",
"Here is the proof I tried to weave while trying to prove this theorem: Theorem. Every infinite subset of a countable set is countable. Proof. Let $A$ be a countable set and $E\\subset A$ be infinite. Then $A\\thicksim\\mathbb{N}$. This implies that there is a sequence $\\left\\{x_{n}\\right\\}_{n\\in\\mathbb{N}}$ where $x_{n}\\in A$. Construct a sequence $\\left\\{n_{k}\\right\\}_{k\\in\\mathbb{N}}$ where $x_{n_{k}}\\in A$, $n_{1}$ is the smallest positive integer such that $x_{n_{1}}\\in A$, and $n_{k+1}>n_{k}$. Then $$ E=\\bigcup_{k=1}^{\\infty}x_{n_{k}}, $$ and $E$ is countable, because $E\\thicksim\\mathbb{N}$. $\\blacksquare$ Is it convincing?",
"How to enable sleep/standby on Windows Server 2012 Hyper V",
"Proof for alternative definition of the derivative I read somewhere recently that you can define the derivative as follows: $$f'(x) = \\lim_{h, k \\to 0^+} \\frac{f(x +h) - f(x - k)}{h + k}$$ I have been trying to prove this for about 2 hours, and can't seem to get it done. How should I proceed? Edit: Assume $f$ is differentiable for all $x \\in (x - \\delta, x + \\delta)$ for some $\\delta > 0$.",
"The following question is from Artin's Algebra. If $A$ and $B$ are two square matrices with real entries, show that $AB-BA=I$ has no solutions. I have no idea on how to tackle this question. I tried block multiplication, but it didn't appear to work.",
"Virtualbox Server/Client topology",
"What's the frequency of filesystem check on boot? What is the maximum number of times the root filesystem on this computer can be mounted before it is automatically checked?",
"What is the string concatenation operator in Oracle? What is the string concatenation operator in Oracle SQL? Are there any \"interesting\" features I should be careful of? (This seems obvious, but I couldn't find a previous question asking it).",
"Return a value when using jQuery.each()?",
"The other day I was looking at Stack Overflow on my Android phone. All is made very nice and all, but I could not find the Review button/link. Is it being implemented, did I miss it, or it is not available?",
"How can I determine which process owns a hotkey in Windows? Given a hotkey, how can I find which program owns it?",
"Unity Performance: How many Materials per Object?",
"I'm reading Linear Algebra by Hoffman, Kunze where the authors explained that a $n\\times n$ matrix $A$ being invertible is equivalent to the fact that $A$ is row-equivalent to $n\\times n$ matrix $R$ which is an identity matrix. In the proof of the theorem, they wrote: $$R= E_k\\ldots E_2E_1 A$$ where $E_1,\\ldots,E_k$ are elementary matrices. Each $E_j$ is invertible, and so $$A = E_1^{-1}\\ldots E_k^{-1}~R\\,. $$ ... Since, $R$ is a (square) row-reduced echelon matrix, $R$ is invertible if and only if $R=I\\,.$ [...] I couldn't get the conclusion, since any row of $R$ can't be zero, it has to be identity matrix $I\\,.$ Why is it so? Isn't there any other row-reduced echelon matrix other than the identity matrix having no zero row and invertible? Why is it so?",
"While I applaud the excellent work of , the question has come up: How long will be the elected moderator’s “mandate”? Is it for life, or are we going to have “moderator elections” regularly? Of course, any community moderator who wishes to recuse him or herself can certainly do that at any time. Should we have term limits that require community moderators be cycled out periodically, so others get a chance to moderate? Should we hold regular (say, yearly) moderator elections? Is it better to have a larger pool of community moderators, and let the normal ebb and flow of turnover get us \"natural\" variability in moderation? What are your thoughts on this?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is this undefined behavior in C/C++ (Part 2) | Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior? | [
"Which package to use for presentations? Beamer, Prosper, or Other",
"Bibliography with BibLaTeX: Do not abbreviate first given (first) name and abbreviate all further given names The first given name of an author or editor in my bibliography should be written out, but all further first names should be abbreviated (initials with a period -- and space if there are multiple first names/initials, see below). I am using style=authoryear with BibLaTeX (v. 2.7) and Biber (v. 1.7). My bibliography looks like this: Doe, John Arthur Kyle (2013). The secret life of John Doe. It should look like this: Doe, John A. K. (2013). The secret life of John Doe. Minimal example: example.tex \\documentclass{scrartcl} \\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \\usepackage[babel,german=quotes]{csquotes} \\usepackage[backend=biber,style=authoryear]{biblatex} \\bibliography{bibliography} \\begin{document} \\cite[123]{Doe} \\printbibliography \\end{document} bibliography.bib @book{Doe, title = {The secret life of John Doe}, author = {Doe, John Arthur Kyle}, year = {2013} } (Worked with said versions of BibLaTeX and Biber, Texmaker (v. 4.0.3) and MiKTeX (v. 2.9.4813).) I could not find a solution in biblatex.def and firstinits=true abbreviates all first names, including the first one.",
"When functions commute under composition",
"Could we send a man safely to the Moon in a rocket without knowledge of general relativity?",
"Is it possible to raise stats? I found a lot of dialogue choices requiring high Perception and I started the game with just 10 plus 1 for being an elf. With a magical helm and tower rest bonus I can temporarily boost it to 13, but is it possible to raise it permanently?",
"Cycles Normal Bake does'nt bake indents that are not tapered I can bake high poly normal maps with a lot of success, however if I try to bake a very simple indentation on a cube with no tapering I get a flat baked normal map, please see the below image to clarify what I mean. I dont know I am doing wrong because if I scale down the indented face slightly it will bake the normal map correctly, as seen in the image below.",
"How is the passage of time handled in Pokemon?",
"How to add a dot after the section number? I wonder is there any way to change the format of section numbering from 1.1 to 1.1. ? I know this is trivial, but I really need to add one more dot after the section number. Does anybody know how to do that? Thanks a lot",
"Given that $a$~$\\mathcal{N}(\\mu, \\Sigma)$ and $\\mu$~$\\mathcal{N}(0, \\sigma^2 I)$, Is $p(a|\\Sigma, \\sigma)=\\int p(a|\\mu, \\Sigma)p(\\mu|\\sigma)d\\mu$ again a Normal distribution? And how to estimate the mean and variance respectively? Thanks a lot!",
"\"File Open\" dialog is missing sidebar items I'm having the strangest issue since updating to OS X El Capitan. My \"Open File\" dialogs show the sidebar but all my main (and useful) locations are missing. Take a look at this screenshot. This screenshot shows Keychain Access but this happens in Safari when I'm trying to attach a file to Gmail for example, or uploading an image to Facebook. What I would like is for the sidebar to show my home directories, such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc. Help?",
"Could anyone tell me what is up with so many archives, and how are they differ? There's at least five that I can think of, .tar.tz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.lz, .tar.z Which is best for what applications? It just seems silly to make so many variations of the same file but I'm sure there's a reason.",
"How to Fix Broken Packages?",
"Disable Narrator shortcut key in Windows I've install Windows 8 on a BootCamp macbook air The problem is that the command key located differently from the winkey in a normal keyboard, therefor, I keep clicking Winkey+Enter which starts the narrator (which is really annoying!) Is there a way to disable this shortcut?",
"Why are the rooting apps not working anymore? A couple years ago, it was easy to root any device: Install KingRoot, KingoRoot, or a similar app, hit the large ROOT button, and let it do the rest. After 5 minutes or so, a green \"Root Succeeded!\" prompt will pop up, and we can choose to keep the root app, or uninstall it and install a clean root manager app like SuperSU/Superuser. How do they work? Why aren't they working anymore? And if they work, should I use them or not?",
"Sending & Receiving SMS via WiFi Is there a way to send and receive SMS when a cellular signal is not available, but WiFi is? I'm often on-site at locations where the building has a strong WiFi (Internet) connection, but a simple cell signal is spotty at best.",
"Evaluate $$ 1 + \\frac{1}{3}\\frac{1}{4}+\\frac{1}{5}\\frac{1}{4^2}+\\frac{1}{7}\\frac{1}{4^3}+\\dots$$ All i could do was to see that $$\\frac{1}{3}=\\frac{1}{2.1+1},\\frac{1}{5}=\\frac{1}{2.2+1},\\frac{1}{7}=\\frac{1}{2.3+1},\\dots$$ SO, we should be able to write $$ 1 + \\frac{1}{3}\\frac{1}{4}+\\frac{1}{5}\\frac{1}{4^2}+\\frac{1}{7}\\frac{1}{4^3}+\\dots=1+\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{2n+1}.\\frac{1}{4^n}$$ This is what i could simplify the given question to... But, this is doing me no good.. I could not go any further.. I would be thankful if some one can help me to clear this. I would request users who are trying to help me to just give necessary hints but not post it as answer. Thank You.",
"I read a book that answers one of my questions, and I would like to quote it as an answer. Is that illegal? Thanks.",
"I'm wondering what the preferred method is for dealing with AJAX calls. Should one use the same plugin php file to process the POST or a separate one? Which is cleaner or safer?",
"Email from IOS with attachments larger than 7.5Mb gets stuck in outbox and constantly tries to resend. Costs us hundreds in data fees",
"Is it advisable to use lead-free PCB and solder paste on a first SMD assembly job?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Residuals in a linear model are independent but sum to zero; isn't it a contradiction? | Errors and Residuals | [
"Let $f(x)\\in C^2:[0,1]\\rightarrow\\mathbb{R}$ satisfy $f(0)=0,f(1)=1,f'(0)=f'(1)=0$, prove that: $$\\max_{x\\in[0,1]}|f''(x)|\\ge4$$ By using Taylor series I can prove that $\\max_{x\\in[0,1]}|f''(x)|\\ge2$, but I cannot go further.",
"Edit Mail rules manually",
"I'm trying to draw a rounded rectangle with round \"holes\" using but I need the rectangle borders to be thick and \"holes\" borders to be thin. Is there a better way to do so than: \\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm, y=1mm] % Background \\fill[fill=black!10] (1.5, 1.5) rectangle (15, -15); % Fill \\fill[fill=black!2, even odd rule, rounded corners=0.5mm] (0, 0) rectangle (10, -10) (2, -2) circle[radius=1.25mm] (2, -5) circle[radius=1.25mm]; % Rectangle border \\draw[thick, rounded corners=0.5mm] (0, 0) rectangle (10, -10); % Holes borders \\draw[thin] (2, -2) circle (1.25mm); \\draw[thin] (2, -5) circle (1.25mm); \\end{tikzpicture} The result image should look like this:",
"Solve the recurrent relation",
"Real analysis derivate problem. How can I prove this? Let $f$ be differentiable in $[a,b]$ and $f(a)=0$. If $\\exists M \\in R$ such that $\\vert f'(x) \\vert \\leq M \\vert f(x)\\vert \\ $, $\\forall x \\in [a,b]$, then $f(x)=0, \\ \\forall x \\in [a,b]$. $\\\\$ I have an idea, but I can´t see it clear. I have arrived to the inequality $\\vert f(x)\\vert \\leq K\\vert f(y)\\vert $ for $y \\in (a,x)$, supposing $k>0$ and repeating the process $\\vert f(x)\\vert \\leq K^n\\vert f(z)\\vert$ for $a<z<y<x$. If $K<1$, then if $n \\rightarrow \\infty \\ $, $f(x)=0$. That´s a sort of intuitive idea.",
"How do rays of light getting focused at a point create an image? How are the information of object's shape and dimensions expressed as an image when light rays converge? Is it understandable by solving wave equation for light?",
"How do I install wine? Can someone please explain how I can install in the following ways? By using the package manager? By downloading and installing a pre-built package?",
"Reconciling different definitions of left-exact functor",
"What's the difference between the server version and the desktop version? What's the difference between the server version of Ubuntu and the desktop version?",
"Page 105 of D. Burton's A First Course in Rings and Ideals reads It is not difficult to show that if (I'll call them $n$ and $m$ instead of $n_1$ and $n_2$) $n$, $m$ are square free integers, then $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n}) \\cong \\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ if and only if $n=m$. Well, it is getting difficult for me, any help or would be appreciated. My progress so far: Suppose $\\phi :\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})\\to\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ is an isomorphism. Then $\\phi(u)=u$ for every $u \\in \\mathbb{Q}$, so that $\\phi(\\sqrt{n})^2=\\phi(n)=n$. If $\\phi(\\sqrt{n})=a+b\\sqrt{m}$ for some $a,b\\in\\mathbb{Q}$, then $(a+b\\sqrt{m})^2=a^2+b^2m + 2ab\\sqrt{m}=n$ implies $$a^2+b^2m = n$$ and $$2ab=0.$$ Then $b=0$ cannot happen since that would imply that $\\sqrt{n}\\in\\mathbb{Q}$, where $n$ is a square-free integer. Also $a=b=0$ cannot happen. Hence $a=0$ and we have $$b^2m=n.$$ If $\\psi:\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})\\to\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ were an isomorphism then there would exist some $s\\in\\mathbb{Q}$ such that $$s^2m=n,$$ then $s=b$ or $s=-b$. Therefore the only isomorphisms from $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})$ to $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})$ are $\\phi(u+v\\sqrt{n})=u+vs\\sqrt{m}$ and $\\psi(u+v\\sqrt{n})=u-vs\\sqrt{m}$. I don't know if there's an easier way and I don't know if I'm in the correct way here. Thanks beforehand :)",
"A secant inequality for convex functions",
"Can the most important information of reputation audit appear first? I regularly find myself having to scroll to the bottom of the reputation audit to find all the good stuff that appears last. On my computer this is a single key press, but on my mobile it takes 30 seconds of scrolling. Lord alone knows how long it would be for Jon Skeet! Since the principles of good user experience suggest putting the most important information first, why not do the same here? I never look at my first 5 days of rep gathering. But I often look at the current day, the true rep, days with 200 rep (hunting legendary badge!), trigger recalc etc. Pretty please, can we have it up top?",
"How do you sort du output by size? How do you sort du -sh /dir/* by size? I read one site that said use | sort -n but that's obviously not right. Here's an example that is wrong. [~]# du -sh /var/* | sort -n 0 /var/mail 1.2M /var/www 1.8M /var/tmp 1.9G /var/named 2.9M /var/run 4.1G /var/log 8.0K /var/account 8.0K /var/crash 8.0K /var/cvs 8.0K /var/games 8.0K /var/local 8.0K /var/nis 8.0K /var/opt 8.0K /var/preserve 8.0K /var/racoon 12K /var/aquota.user 12K /var/portsentry 16K /var/ftp 16K /var/quota.user 20K /var/yp 24K /var/db 28K /var/empty 32K /var/lock 84K /var/profiles 224M /var/netenberg 235M /var/cpanel 245M /var/cache 620M /var/lib 748K /var/spool",
"Does the series $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}|x|^\\sqrt n$ converge pointwise? If it then what would be the sum?",
"Youtube video lag on 18.04 I just upgrade from Ubuntu 17.10 to Ubuntu 18.04, there is an issue when playing youtube video.The video stops play but audio playing, then I move the cursor & video is playing...... What should I do??",
"What is the best way to put a backdoor in an encryption system? How can you put a backdoor into an encryption algorithm? Are there any techniques that can be used to reduce the time it takes to break a key? I am looking for practical examples encryption schemes that have backdoors, because they were designed to or new techniques exposed them. It is my understanding that you can use a lack of entropy and diffusion in block ciphers which will reduce the necessary time that it takes to break a key. This is especially true with s-boxes, which can be designed to not increase the strength of the key. As for one-way algorithms, using none-primes can make it easier to reverse keys. What are other decisions that can be made to make a broken encryption algorithm? The goal is find examples that can be used for encryption pedagogy, by collecting a sample of weak ciphers to practice on.",
"Reinstalling Windows 10 - how many digital licenses I have linked to my account I need to reinstall Win 10 (after virus). After reading online, it looks like I would be able to do it easily since my system is activated with digital license. However, I have a question. I have at least 3 PCs in my house with the same Microsoft account on them. Presumably, all of them have digital license linked to this same Microsoft account. I wonder if there is a centralized place to check all my digital licensed connected to my Microsoft account?",
"Is this a valid proof for the reverse triangle inequality: Given $x,\\,y\\in\\mathbb{R}^n$, $\\|x-y\\|\\ge |\\|x\\| - \\|y\\||$. $\\def\\a{{\\bf a}} \\def\\b{{\\bf b}}$ $\\def\\x{{\\bf x}}$ $\\def\\y{{\\bf y}}$ I've seen various methods of proving the reverse triangle inequality but I was wondering if this one is fine as well. Prove the reverse triangle inequality: Given $\\x,\\,\\y\\in\\mathbb{R}^n$, $\\|\\x-\\y\\|\\ge |\\|\\x\\| - \\|\\y\\||$. $\\textbf{Solution}$ Let $\\x,\\y \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$. Now, $\\x=\\x-\\y+\\y$ and so $||\\x|| = ||\\x-\\y+\\y|| \\le ||\\x-\\y|| + ||\\y||$ by triangle inequality. Thus, $||\\x|| - ||\\y|| \\le ||\\x-\\y||$ [*]. Now for $\\y$. Again, $\\y = \\y-\\x+\\x$ so $||\\y|| = ||\\y-\\x+\\x||$ implies $||\\y|| \\le ||\\y-\\x|| + ||\\x||$ by triangle inequality. So, $||\\y|| - ||\\x||\\le ||\\x-\\y||$. Hence, $-||\\x-\\y|| \\le ||\\x|| - ||\\y||$ [**]. By [*] and [**], $-||\\x-\\y|| \\le ||\\x|| - ||\\y|| < ||\\x-\\y||$ implying $\\bigl ||\\x|| - ||\\y|| \\bigr\\rvert \\le ||\\x-\\y||$ for all $\\x,\\y \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$.",
"External program from our Java program How can I write a program in Java that will execute another program? Also, the input of that program should be given from our program and the output of that program should be written into a file. This is my small set of code to get its output: Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(\"C:\\\\j2sdk1.4.0\\bin\\\\helloworld.java\"); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(line); input.close(); This was my set of code but this throws an IOException.",
"How run a .jar file with a double-click?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Could a Schengen visa refusal be because of cancelled accommodation? | Schengen Visa Refusal: Justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable | [
"Mounting Flashdrive - mounted to home directory I wanted to mount my flashdrive, and made the mistake of setting the mount path as /home/my_name. Now all of my documents, downloads, pictures, etc. are unavailable since my flashdrive has replaced my previous home folder. When I go to terminal and type sudo umount /home/my_name I get the error message: umount: /home/my_name: device is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) Is there a way to fix this, where I can restore my old /home/my_name folder and then mount the flashdrive to a proper location?",
"GUI/Unity crashing in 16.04 LTS after updates 2018-01-04, compiz segfaults The latest updates (4/1/2018) make my laptop constantly crash the GUI/Unity: (Intel Pentium su4100 processor) syslog: Jan 5 11:38:53 1810 kernel: [ 1850.327738] compiz[11911]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f6c7baf0c16 sp 00007ffd5ec71c60 error 4 in i965_dri.so[7f6c7b513000+82d000] After login I end up with an empty desktop, just a wallpaper, GUI/Unity are in a crash loop: No panel. No dash. Can't start a program. Launcher disappears. Sidebar disappears. System crash. Windows key not working. The key combination Alt+Tab not working. Simply, the computer is not usable. Same for guest login. The only thing working: open up a terminal CTRL+ALT+T to examine log files. I somehow forced to let me log in and file the bug, but still lots of problems: Dash not working Alt+Tab not working Sometimes windows all disappear for a few seconds Any ideas for a solution or workaround? UPDATE If you have the same/ very similar problems, follow the link to my report and mark there that you're affected too. Or file your own. Please leave a comment if you wish, or upvote - this is a nasty problem - but an answer should offer a fix or a workaround so users can use their computer again. Without , Ubuntu can't fix issues.",
"I am trying to use mathematical induction to prove $$(2n)!\\ge2^n(n!)^2\\quad\\text{for }n\\in\\mathbb{N}$$ I am stuck at the $n=k+1$ point.",
"In general, in most places, it is said that using TeX defaults is the best. However, TeX does provide things like \\, and \\quad etc. When one should use them? Both in general and in math mode in particular.",
"How do I clear Bash's cache of paths to executables?",
"I'm not sure how to prove these basic theorems in propositional calculus. Instead of using the standard axioms, we're supposed to use: Deduction Theorem (if $\\Phi, \\alpha \\vdash \\beta$ then $\\Phi \\vdash \\alpha \\to \\beta$), Reductio (if $\\Phi, \\alpha \\vdash \\, $, then $\\Phi \\vdash \\lnot \\alpha$), Cut Rule (if $\\Phi \\vdash \\alpha$ and $\\Psi, \\alpha \\vdash \\beta$ then $\\Phi \\cup \\Psi \\vdash \\beta$), Inconsistency Effect (if $\\Phi \\vdash \\, $, then $\\Phi \\vdash \\beta$ for every formula $\\beta$), and the Principle of Indirect Proof (if $\\Phi, \\lnot \\alpha \\vdash \\, $, then $\\Phi \\vdash \\alpha$), as all the axioms can be deduced using these theorems. I don't really know how to start the proofs without using the axioms: i) prove that $\\lnot(\\alpha \\to \\beta) ⊢ \\alpha$ ii) prove that $\\lnot\\alpha \\vdash \\alpha \\to \\beta$ Any suggestions on how to start these proofs or any insight at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!",
"Can anyone come up with an explicit example of two functions $f$ and $g$ such that: $f\\circ g$ is bijective, but neither $f$ nor $g$ is bijective? I tried the following: $$f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R^{+}} $$ $$f(x)=x^{2}$$ and $$g:\\mathbb{R^{+}}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$$ $$g(x)=\\sqrt{x}$$ $f$ is not injective, and $g$ is not surjective, but $f\\circ g$ is bijective Any other examples?",
"Is there anything in the physics that enforces the wave function to be $C^2$? Are weak solutions to the Schroedinger equation physical? I am reading the beginning chapters of Griffiths and he doesn't mention anything.",
"Showing that $\\frac{z^n}{1+z^{2n}}$ is real for $|z|=1$.",
"Why is find not accepting '-exec cp {} dir +'? I have a directory, dir1 which contains many files whose names end in either .jpg or .png. I want to copy all the .png files to dir2 which is empty. This command works: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 \\; but this command doesn't: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 + find: missing argument to `-exec' I also tried: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} -t dir2 + find: missing argument to `-exec' and: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 \\+ find: missing argument to `-exec' After looking at , I even tried: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 {} + find: Only one instance of {} is supported with -exec ... + says that: -exec {} + was added in [version] 4.2.12 in 2005 My version of find is 4.4.2. What am I doing wrong?",
"Creating files in C++",
"Answer draft is lost if you click to sign up When writing an answer on a site where you don't have an account or are not logged in, below the answer entry textbox are options to create an account or continue as guest by providing a nickname and email. I had written an answer of several paragraphs on a network site, clicked "Sign up with Google" (resulting in association to my existing network-wide profile) but after doing so instead of showing my answer to be posted, only the first five or six words were retained. I know that I had no account on this site previously because I just received the association bonus... I cannot tell whether the bug also affects totally new users or those with accounts but who are not logged in. This is a very unwelcoming user experience. Please fix it. If the intended workflow is to click "Post Answer" first and associate the account afterwards, then the sign up options should not be shown until the answer is posted, and certainly not above the Post Answer button. This problem also occurs if you already have an account on the site, and click 'sign up with google' (which allows you to successfully log in).",
"Why is the subject omitted in sentences like \"Thought you'd never ask\"? \"Thought you'd never ask\" is \"I thought you'd never ask\" with \"I\" omitted. \"Hope this helps\" is \"I hope this helps\" with \"I\" omitted. In English grammar, normally every sentence should have a subject, right? My first thought is that these two examples are so often used that they are like set phrases. But these are not really set phrases. You can alter the words after \"thought\" and \"hope\". Another possible explanation is the tendency to drop the subject if it is the first person pronoun. It seems that in many languages, such as Spanish, Italian and Japanese, the first person subject is usually omitted. Maybe English is going the same way? (Not exactly the same, since in Italian, verb forms change according to the person, so the subject is not necessary to understand who one's referring to.) And, apparently, such omission is more common in spoken English than in written English. Are there more examples of such first person subject omission? How frequent is it?",
"Need help disabling imessage? I recently changed from iphone to android and i have been having trouble recieving messages from my iphone friends since my iphones screen is broken i cant do anything on it. Any way to fix this problem through icloud or something?",
"Outline around text on CMYK black background in Photoshop I'm trying to make a document with one color black (c:0,m:0,y:0,k:100) background with red text on it. However in CMYK the text has this weird grey white-ish edge. In RGB it doesn't show but in CMYK it shows. I'm wondering will this show when printing or do I need to use different methods? ie. using rich black etc. Here's the RGB and CMYK comparison",
"How many integer solutions does $xy+9(x+y)=2006$ have? Here $x$ and $y$ are both integers. My trying: I have tried to solve this problem. But I have no idea to solve this. Please help",
"I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. I realise that this maybe a borderline philosophical question at this point in time, therefore feel free to close this question if you think that this is a duplicate or inappropriate for this forum. Anyway, I'm an electrical engineer and I have some basic knowledge of quantum mechanics. I know that Schrödinger's equation is deterministic. However, quantum mechanics is much deeper than that and I would like to learn more. If this question is not clearly answerable at this point than can anyone point out some recognized sources that try to answer this question. I would appreciate it if the source is scientific and more specifically, is related to quantum theory.",
"Centering figure captions in IEEEtran I am working on a paper using the IEEEtran template in LyX. I have run into a problem: While the contents (in this case, a table) of the figure float are centered, the caption is aligned to the left (see screenshot below). How can I center the caption as well? This is generated by the following LyX document: What I've tried: Center the table (the table is centered) Center all the contents in the float (only the table is centered) Select the caption and center it (no effect) Technical details: LyX Mac OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) All centering was performed by Right Click>Paragraph Settings>Align: Center",
"Heartbleed: What is it and what are options to mitigate it?",
"Why we use $L_2$ Space In QM? I asked this question for many people/professors without getting a sufficient answer, why in QM Lebesgue spaces of second degree are assumed to be the one that corresponds to the Hilbert vector space of state functions, from where this arises? and why 2-order space that assumes the following inner product: $\\langle\\phi|\\psi\\rangle =\\int\\phi^{*}\\psi\\,dx$ While there is many ways to define the inner product. In Physics books, this always assumed as given, never explains it, also I tried to read some abstract math books on this things, and found some concepts like \"Metric weight\" that will be minimized in such spaces, even so I don't really understand what is behind that, so why $L_2$? what special about them? Who and how physicists understood that those are the one we need to use?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Passing cin values from a function to the main function | Returning multiple values from a C++ function | [
"Functions vs. patterns",
"In this MWE, I want to obtain bold letter for the letter \"H\" (compare the two \"H\") : \\documentclass[10 pt]{beamer} \\usetheme{default} \\usepackage{lmodern} % load a font with all the characters \\usepackage{fontspec} \\usepackage{cmbright} \\SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{normal}{OMX}{iwona}{m}{n} \\usepackage{amsmath}%loads amsmath that should go before unicode-math \\usefonttheme{professionalfonts} \\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} % This seems to be important for mapping glyphs properly \\begin{document} \\begin{frame} \\[ \\mbox{First bold H : }\\|x\\|_{\\mathbf{H}},\\; \\mbox{Second bold H : }\\mathbf{H} \\] \\end{frame} \\end{document} but I don't know how doing it. THe \"H\" produced by this MWE is tiny but no bold effect. If I use \\SetSymbolFont{largesymbols}{normal}{OMX}{iwona}{m}{n} I obtain bold tiny \"H\" but the font used still not the same.",
"How to calculate the costs of a weapon enchantment?",
"Bibliography contents (Journal names) not abbreviated even with IEEEabrv I am using the following syntax, with no errors or warnings. However, the journal names are still not abbreviated. I compiled the file numerous times, as well as the bibliography. Everything compiles with no errors. The syntax: \\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \\bibliography{IEEEabrv,references} Additional info: I am using BibDesk and TeXStudio on a macbook. Do you have any idea what might be the issue? and how to solve it? Thank you. Edit: Example entry from the IEEEabrv file: @STRING{IEEE\\_M\\_COM = \"{IEEE} Commun. Mag.\"} Example entry from my references file: @article{dai:2015, Author = {Test, T.}, Journal = {IEEE\\_M\\_COM }, Month = {September} }",
"How to check if a number is a power of 2 Today I needed a simple algorithm for checking if a number is a power of 2. The algorithm needs to be: Simple Correct for any ulong value. I came up with this simple algorithm: private bool IsPowerOfTwo(ulong number) { if (number == 0) return false; for (ulong power = 1; power > 0; power = power << 1) { // This for loop used shifting for powers of 2, meaning // that the value will become 0 after the last shift // (from binary 1000...0000 to 0000...0000) then, the 'for' // loop will break out. if (power == number) return true; if (power > number) return false; } return false; } But then I thought, how about checking if log2 x is an exactly round number? But when I checked for 2^63+1, Math.Log returned exactly 63 because of rounding. So I checked if 2 to the power 63 is equal to the original number - and it is, because the calculation is done in doubles and not in exact numbers: private bool IsPowerOfTwo_2(ulong number) { double log = Math.Log(number, 2); double pow = Math.Pow(2, Math.Round(log)); return pow == number; } This returned true for the given wrong value: 9223372036854775809. Is there a better algorithm?",
"Partial Sums of Geometric Series",
"How can I render bokeh circles? Nothing I do seems to work. I tried using an empty as the focus point for a cube, with some point lamps in the background with about 2000 strength, but it doesn't work. It just makes everything blurry. I also raised the blades to 4/5/6/12, and it doesn't make a difference. I'm using Blender 2.74.",
"In my , I provided the following, problematic, wording (especially bold italic), and I need help to better understand this issue so I can fix my answer:1 The thing is the books. (Reduced form of Sentence 2.a) Fundamentally, Sentence 2.a (the so-called \"correct\" answer), is grammatically defective. Recall there is another grammatical rule: the subject and subject's complement should match in number. A clarification is needed here. I am not suggesting here, in this EL&U question, that there is any such singular grammatical rule as indicated in the quote above. The quote continues as follows: The reduced sentence makes the disagreement between the subject's and complement's plurality obvious. What is one to do? Language is linear and we know \"The thing is X\" is better than \"The thing are X\", so we go with the former, which is the subject-verb agreement rule. But what is \"the books\" then? It must be thought of as a collective noun, even if it doesn't look or feel like one. Forcing something to be a collective noun is related to the idea of notional agreement. Others noted that grammatically defective is too strongly worded. There is no such \"grammatical rule\" for subject/complement agreement. Please help me understand/improve upon my line of thought here. I'm stating that Sentence 2.1 presents a fundamental \"conflict\" or \"error\" (however one might define error) at some level (morphological, syntax, grammatical, semantic): The thing is the books. (Or, \"The thing is the objects.\") Based on the \"obvious\" morphosyntactic plurality conflict, the above sentence feels so wrong that I think many native speakers would think it \"simply\" grammatically incorrect. However, @F.E. gives counter examples: And here are some more grammatical examples, where the number of subject and predicative complement don't agree: \"They were a problem to us all\", \"That so-called work of art is simply four pieces of driftwood glued together\" (CGEL, page 254-5). As CGEL says: \"What is required is semantic compatibility, not syntactic agreement . . .\". There are more examples on page 512: \"The only thing we need now is some new curtains\", \"The major asset of the team is its world-class opening bowlers\", \"Our neighbors are a nuisance\", \"This gadget is five different tools in one\". I think all the examples given above can be explained as notional agreement. Question 1: If we explain this phenomena in terms of notional vs syntactic agreement, where does \"grammatically correct/incorrect\" fit in? Question 2: Can a simple sentence such as \"The thing is the objects.\" be grammatically incorrect while more complex sentences such as \"The thing is four pieces of driftwood glued together.\" be grammatically correct? (The answer, in my mind, must be no; this is my conundrum.) Question 3: Would it be better to say that Sentence 2.a has a low level of (linguistic) ? Question 4: How about a low level of and that it's semantically difficult to be (linguistically) ? Question 5: Do we simply draw a hard line and say \"The thing is the objects.\" is 100% grammatically correct? I didn't particularly like this option based on intuitive notions of \"grammatically correct\". 1. Please help me and be kind; I'm trying to improve my understanding. I'm looking for cool, objective advice on how to look at this. I numbered my questions so they can be easily referenced, if desired. My preference is the final answer would sufficiently answer all the questions, but of course that can be done explicitly or implicitly.",
"When two phrases are pronounced alike but have different spelling and meaning, can we call them homophones? e.g. \"ice-cream\" and \"I scream\", \"nitrate\" and \"night rate\", \"that's tough\" and \"that stuff\". Or is there another term for them? What linguistic phenomenon distiguishes these near homophones? I've checked the putative duplicate at but it isn't exactly what I'm asking here.",
"Zooming in to a selection of vertices with the period key does not work as expected I am following through the exercises in BlenderBasics_4thEdition2011.pdf and have gotten to the section on texturing. The book goes through the creation of a Lighthouse and now I am texturing it. I want to have a closeup view of the roof of the lighthouse after partitioning it as the lesson describes on page 54. In order to get a close up view I selected the roof and want to center the screen on the vertices of it so I pressed the Numpad . key. When I do that the view zooms so that the roof is off the screen. What am I am doing wrong? I tried Ray's answer and was able to move the origin but pressing the Numpad . key still did not work. The centering was still on the bottom of the lighthouse, as if the origin was still there.",
"How do you iterate backwards through an STL list?",
"The usual Schrodinger Lagrangian is $$ \\tag 1 i(\\psi^{*}\\partial_{t}\\psi ) + \\frac{1}{2m} \\psi^{*}(\\nabla^2)\\psi, $$ which gives the correct equations of motion, with conjugate momentum for $\\psi^{*}$ vanishing. This Lagrangian density is not real but differs from a real Lagrangian density $$ \\tag 2 \\frac{i}{2}(\\psi^{*}\\partial_{t}\\psi -\\psi \\partial_{t}\\psi^{*} ) + \\frac{1}{2m} \\psi^{*}(\\nabla^2)\\psi $$ by a total derivative. My trouble is that these two lagrangian densities lead to different conjugate momenta and hence when setting equal time commutation relations, I am getting different results (a factor of 2 is causing the problem). I can rescale the fields but then my Hamiltonian also changes. Then applying Heisenberg equation of motion, I don't get the operator Schrodinger equation. Is it possible to work with the real Lagrangian density and somehow get the correct commutation relations? I would have expected two Lagrangians differing by total derivative terms to give identical commutation relations (since canonical transformations preserve them). But perhaps I am making some very simple error. Unless all conjugate momenta are equivalent for two Lagrangians differing by total derivatives, how does one choose the correct one? I guess the same thing happens for other first order systems like Dirac Lagrangian also.",
"How can I contribute to Ubuntu? I would like to know what kinds of contributions someone can make to Ubuntu. Such as Programmer, User, Proofreader, etc.",
"What is the name of the genre of games similar to Jetpack Joyride?",
"Can I make a script always execute as root?",
"Is it OK for OSB3 boards to get wet during construction?",
"Changing permissions on serial port I'm using the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu, and am having issues with the serial port. It has worked in the past, but for reasons that may be unnecesary, I felt the need to change the ownership of some of the files from root ownership to my users ownership. This made the IDE work correctly, but I lost the ability to use the correct serial port. In the dev folder, the port I need is listed as permission 166. Someone (who is no longer in the area to help me) swapped the permissions to 666, which made it all work gloriously. However, it reverted back as soon as I restarted my computer, and if I now try to use the command: sudo chmod 666 ttyACM0 nothing happens. No error messages, but no permission change either. How can I change it, and how can I get it to change permanently. I apologize if this question is overly simplistic or unclear, I'm an ubuntu noob, and I wouldn't begrudge feedback!",
"Canonical has recently announced , which is Ubuntu with a specific interface for mobile devices. Where can I get phones with this version of Ubuntu pre-installed? If no devices are available yet, where can I pre-order one?",
"On my fully updated Ubuntu 18.04.3 system, audio doesn't work unless I switch between outputs. When I boot my PC, the right output (stereo speakers) is already selected by default, but there is no audio from Chromium, Firefox, VLC or any other program. However, the GNOME speakers test works. I can hear \"front left\" and \"front right\" from there, but no audio from other programs. In order to fix that, I can simply switch to another audio output (e.g. HDMI out) and then switch back to the stereo speakers, and the audio will magically work. Any idea why? It's not a big deal because it takes a couple of seconds to switch between outputs, but it's kind of annoying to do that after every reboot.",
"Extra }, or forgotten \\right My MWE: \\documentclass{report} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\begin{document} \\begin{align} y &= a \\\\ =& -2c_1\\bar{z}_1^2 + 2\\bar{z}_1\\bar{z}_2 + 2\\bar{z}_2 \\left ( -\\bar{z}_1 -c_2z_2 - \\frac{3\\epsilon}{2}\\bar{z}_2 -\\sigma_{2,1}\\cos(x_1)\\Delta x_1 \\notag \\right. \\\\ \\left. &- \\sigma_{2,2}\\Delta x_2 -\\sigma_{2,3} \\Delta u +c_2 \\chi_2 \\vphantom{\\frac{1}{1}} \\right ) - 2\\gamma \\sigma_{2,1}^2\\cos^2(x_1) \\Delta x_1^2 - \\gamma \\sigma_{2,2}^2 \\Delta x_2^2 - 2\\gamma \\sigma_{2,3}^2 \\Delta u^2 \\end{align} \\end{document} The error I get: Extra }, or forgotten \\right. The expected result:"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |