from datetime import date from random import randrange import factory import factory.fuzzy from hth.core.tests.utils import from_today class VenueFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = 'shows.Venue' name = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'Venue %d' % n) city = factory.Sequence(lambda n: 'City %d' % n) website = factory.Sequence(lambda n: '' % n) class GigFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory): class Meta: model = 'shows.Gig' date = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date(2000, 1, 1)) venue = factory.SubFactory(VenueFactory) description = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=100) details = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=100) class PublishedGigFactory(GigFactory): publish = True class UpcomingGigFactory(PublishedGigFactory): # Pick a random date from today through next year date = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda obj: from_today(days=randrange(365))) @classmethod def create_batch(cls, size, **kwargs): batch = super().create_batch(size, **kwargs) return sorted(batch, key=lambda x: class PastGigFactory(PublishedGigFactory): # Pick a random date from 10 years ago through yesterday date = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda obj: from_today(randrange(-3650, 0))) @classmethod def create_batch(cls, size, **kwargs): batch = super().create_batch(size, **kwargs) return sorted(batch, key=lambda x:, reverse=True)
<filename><gh_stars>0 import pandas as pd from group import Group class Frames: def __init__(self, frame=None): self.cleanups = Cleanup() self.groups = Group() class Cleanup: def __init__(self, frame=None): self.frame = frame def __call__(self, frame): self.frame = frame return self def dropcol(self): column = ['貨品號列', '重量(公噸)', '英文貨名', '數量(限11碼貨品)', '數量單位'] frame = self.frame.drop(column, axis=1, inplace=False) return frame def droprow(self): rowitem = ['普洱茶,每包不超過3公斤', '普洱茶,每包超過3公斤', '茶或馬黛茶之萃取物、精、濃縮物及以茶、馬黛茶之萃取物、精、濃縮物或以茶、馬黛茶為主要成分之調製品'] frame = self.frame[self.frame['中文貨名'].isin(rowitem) == False] return frame def modifydate(self): rc_to_vi = {'92年':'2003', '93年':'2004', '94年':'2005', '95年':'2006', '96年':'2007', '97年':'2008', '98年':'2009', '99年':'2010', '100年':'2011', '101年':'2012', '102年':'2013', '103年':'2014', '104年':'2015', '105年':'2016', '106年':'2017', '107年':'2018', '108年':'2019'} frame = self.frame.replace(rc_to_vi, inplace = False) return frame def dtypeint(self): dtypes = ['重量(公斤)', '美元(千元)'] for i in dtypes: self.frame[i] = pd.to_numeric(self.frame[i]) frame = self.frame return frame def modifyitem(self): item = {'其他綠茶(未發酵),每包超過3公斤': '綠茶(未發酵),每包超過3公斤', '薰芬綠茶,每包超過3公斤' : '綠茶(未發酵),每包超過3公斤'} frame = self.frame.replace(item, inplace = False) return frame
import boto3 import argparse import os,sys def main(argv=None): argv = (argv or sys.argv)[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dump all aws log streams into files') parser.add_argument("--profile", dest="aws_profile", type=str, default=os.environ.get('AWS_PROFILE', None), help="aws profile") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, dest='output', default=".", help="output folder") parser.add_argument('group_name',help='aws loggroup name') options,args = parser.parse_known_args(argv) options.aws_profile options.output options.group_name """ main logic """ client = boto3.client('logs') aws_profile = options.aws_profile group_name = options.group_name output_folder = options.output stream_list=[] stream_response = client.describe_log_streams( logGroupName=group_name, orderBy='LastEventTime', limit=50, ) while True: stream_name_arr = stream_response['logStreams'] for stream_elm in stream_name_arr: stream_name = stream_elm['logStreamName'] stream_list.append(stream_name) if "nextToken" in stream_response: next_token = stream_response['nextToken'] stream_response = client.describe_log_streams( logGroupName=group_name, orderBy='LastEventTime', nextToken=next_token, limit=50, ) else: break print("loggroup {} has total {} streams".format(group_name,len(stream_list))) for s_name in stream_list: file_name=s_name.replace("[$LATEST]", "").replace("/","-") stream_content= client.get_log_events( logGroupName=group_name, logStreamName=s_name, ) print("{} ==> {}".format(s_name,file_name)) completeName = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name) with open(completeName, "w") as text_file: text_file.write("{}".format(stream_content)) print("Done.")
<filename>data_utils/dataset/<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2020 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== import os from glob import glob from PIL import Image from import Dataset from ..transforms import get_transforms from .build import DATASET_REGISTRY @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() class KodakDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_folder, mode, cfg, **kwargs): """ """ super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.paths = sorted(glob(f"{data_folder}/*")) print(f"There are {len(self)} image in {mode} dataset") self.transforms = get_transforms(cfg, mode) def __len__(self): return len(self.paths) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ """ path = self.paths[idx] image_id = os.path.split(path)[-1].replace(".png", "") img = self._load_img(idx) img = self.transforms(img) return image_id, img def _load_img(self, idx): """ args: image path return: pillow image """ image =[idx]).convert('RGB') return image
<filename>pytorch/torch/<gh_stars>10-100 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import os # this arbitrary-looking assortment of functionality is provided here # to have a central place for overrideable behavior. The motivating # use is the FB build environment, where this source file is replaced # by an equivalent. if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__)) == 'shared': torch_parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) else: torch_parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def get_file_path(*path_components): return os.path.join(torch_parent, *path_components) def get_file_path_2(*path_components): return os.path.join(*path_components) def get_writable_path(path): return path def prepare_multiprocessing_environment(path): pass def resolve_library_path(path): return os.path.realpath(path) TEST_MASTER_ADDR = '' TEST_MASTER_PORT = 29500
<filename>src/houdini_package_runner/items/ """This module contains a base runnable item.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= # Future from __future__ import annotations # Standard Library from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List # Imports for type checking. if TYPE_CHECKING: import pathlib import houdini_package_runner.runners.base # ============================================================================= # CLASSES # ============================================================================= class BaseItem(ABC): """Base class for a runnable item. :param write_back: Whether the item should write itself back to disk. """ def __init__(self, write_back: bool = False) -> None: self._contents_changed = False self._ignored_builtins: List[str] = [] self._is_single_line = False self._is_test_item = False self._write_back = write_back def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def contents_changed(self) -> bool: """Whether the contents of the item have changed.""" return self._contents_changed @contents_changed.setter def contents_changed(self, contents_changed: bool): self._contents_changed = contents_changed # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def ignored_builtins(self) -> List[str]: """A list of known builtins to ignore for checks which look for imports.""" return self._ignored_builtins # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def is_single_line(self) -> bool: """Whether the item code on a single line.""" return self._is_single_line # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def is_test_item(self) -> bool: """Whether the item is a test related item.""" return self._is_test_item @is_test_item.setter def is_test_item(self, is_test_item: bool): self._is_test_item = is_test_item # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def write_back(self) -> bool: """Whether the item should write changes back.""" return self._write_back @write_back.setter def write_back(self, write_back): self._write_back = write_back # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @abstractmethod def process( self, runner: houdini_package_runner.runners.base.HoudiniPackageRunner ) -> int: """Process an item. :param runner: The package runner processing the item. :return: The process return code. """ class BaseFileItem(BaseItem): """Base class for a runnable item. :param path: The path for the item. :param write_back: Whether the item should write itself back to disk. """ def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path, write_back: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(write_back=write_back) self._path = path def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.path}>" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """The path on disk.""" return self._path # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @abstractmethod def process( self, runner: houdini_package_runner.runners.base.HoudiniPackageRunner ) -> int: """Process an item. :param runner: The package runner processing the item. :return: The process return code. """
<reponame>nwoodward/twarc #!/usr/bin/env python3 from datetime import datetime import json import os import re import argparse import csv import copy import sys import gzip strptime = datetime.strptime class attriObject: """Class object for attribute parser.""" def __init__(self, string): self.value = re.split(":", string) self.title = self.value[-1] def getElement(self, json_object): found = [json_object] for entry in self.value: for index in range(len(found)): try: found[index] = found[index][entry] except (TypeError, KeyError): print("'{0}' is not a valid json entry.".format(":".join(self.value))) sys.exit() #If single search object is a list, search entire list. Error if nested lists. if isinstance(found[index], list): if len(found) > 1: raise Exception("Extractor currently does not handle nested lists.") found = found[index] return found def tweets_files(string, path): """Iterates over json files in path.""" for filename in os.listdir(path): if re.match(string, filename) and ".jsonl" in filename: f = if ".gz" in filename else open yield path + filename, f Ellipsis def parse(args): with open(args.output, 'w+', encoding="utf-8") as output: csv_writer = csv.writer(output, dialect=args.dialect) csv_writer.writerow([a.title for a in args.attributes]) count = 0 tweets = set() for filename, f in tweets_files(args.string, args.path): print("parsing", filename) with f(filename, 'rb') as data_file: for line in data_file: try: json_object = json.loads(line.decode("utf-8")) except ValueError: print("Error in", filename, "entry incomplete.") continue #Check for duplicates identity = json_object['id'] if identity in tweets: continue tweets.add(identity) #Check for time restrictions. if args.start or args.end: tweet_time = strptime(json_object['created_at'],'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y') if args.start and args.start > tweet_time: continue if args.end and args.end < tweet_time: continue #Check for hashtag. if args.hashtag: for entity in json_object['entities']["hashtags"]: if entity['text'].lower() == args.hashtag: break else: continue count += extract(json_object, args, csv_writer) print("Searched", len(tweets), "tweets and recorded", count, "items.") print("largest id:", max(tweets)) def extract(json_object, args, csv_writer): """Extract and write found attributes.""" found = [[]] for attribute in args.attributes: item = attribute.getElement(json_object) if len(item) == 0: for row in found: row.append("NA") else: found1 = [] for value in item: if value is None: value = "NA" new = copy.deepcopy(found) for row in new: row.append(value) found1.extend(new) found = found1 for row in found: csv_writer.writerow(row) return len(found) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extracts attributes from tweets.') parser.add_argument("attributes", nargs='*', help="Attributes to search for. Attributes inside nested inside other attributes should be seperated by a colon. Example: user:screen_name, entities:hashtags:text.") parser.add_argument("-dialect", default="excel", help="Sets dialect for csv output. Defaults to excel. See python module csv.list_dialects()") parser.add_argument("-string", default="", help="Regular expression for files to parse. Defaults to empty string.") parser.add_argument("-path", default="./", help="Optional path to folder containing tweets. Defaults to current folder.") parser.add_argument("-output", default="output.csv", help="Optional file to output results. Defaults to output.csv.") parser.add_argument("-start", default="", help="Define start date for tweets. Format (mm:dd:yyyy)") parser.add_argument("-end", default="", help="Define end date for tweets. Format (mm:dd:yyyy)") parser.add_argument("-hashtag", default="", help="Define a hashtag that must be in parsed tweets.") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.path.endswith("/"): args.path += "/" args.start = strptime(args.start, '%m:%d:%Y') if args.start else False args.end = strptime(args.end, '%m:%d:%Y') if args.end else False args.attributes = [attriObject(i) for i in args.attributes] args.string = re.compile(args.string) args.hashtag = args.hashtag.lower() parse(args)
<reponame>jlwysf/onduty # # Module to allow connection and socket objects to be transferred # between processes # # multiprocessing/ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, <NAME> # Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. # from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import socket import threading from pickle import Pickler from .. import current_process from .._ext import _billiard, win32 from ..util import register_after_fork, debug, sub_debug is_win32 = sys.platform == 'win32' is_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') is_py3k = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if not(is_win32 or is_pypy or is_py3k or hasattr(_billiard, 'recvfd')): raise ImportError('pickling of connections not supported') close = win32.CloseHandle if sys.platform == 'win32' else os.close __all__ = [] # globals set later _listener = None _lock = None _cache = set() # # ForkingPickler # class ForkingPickler(Pickler): # noqa dispatch = Pickler.dispatch.copy() @classmethod def register(cls, type, reduce): def dispatcher(self, obj): rv = reduce(obj) self.save_reduce(obj=obj, *rv) cls.dispatch[type] = dispatcher def _reduce_method(m): # noqa if m.__self__ is None: return getattr, (m.__self__.__class__, m.__func__.__name__) else: return getattr, (m.__self__, m.__func__.__name__) ForkingPickler.register(type(, _reduce_method) def _reduce_method_descriptor(m): return getattr, (m.__objclass__, m.__name__) ForkingPickler.register(type(list.append), _reduce_method_descriptor) ForkingPickler.register(type(int.__add__), _reduce_method_descriptor) try: from functools import partial except ImportError: pass else: def _reduce_partial(p): return _rebuild_partial, (p.func, p.args, p.keywords or {}) def _rebuild_partial(func, args, keywords): return partial(func, *args, **keywords) ForkingPickler.register(partial, _reduce_partial) def dump(obj, file, protocol=None): ForkingPickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) # # Platform specific definitions # if sys.platform == 'win32': # XXX Should this subprocess import be here? import _subprocess # noqa def send_handle(conn, handle, destination_pid): from ..forking import duplicate process_handle = win32.OpenProcess( win32.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, destination_pid ) try: new_handle = duplicate(handle, process_handle) conn.send(new_handle) finally: close(process_handle) def recv_handle(conn): return conn.recv() else: def send_handle(conn, handle, destination_pid): # noqa _billiard.sendfd(conn.fileno(), handle) def recv_handle(conn): # noqa return _billiard.recvfd(conn.fileno()) # # Support for a per-process server thread which caches pickled handles # def _reset(obj): global _lock, _listener, _cache for h in _cache: close(h) _cache.clear() _lock = threading.Lock() _listener = None _reset(None) register_after_fork(_reset, _reset) def _get_listener(): global _listener if _listener is None: _lock.acquire() try: if _listener is None: from ..connection import Listener debug('starting listener and thread for sending handles') _listener = Listener(authkey=current_process().authkey) t = threading.Thread(target=_serve) t.daemon = True t.start() finally: _lock.release() return _listener def _serve(): from ..util import is_exiting, sub_warning while 1: try: conn = _listener.accept() handle_wanted, destination_pid = conn.recv() _cache.remove(handle_wanted) send_handle(conn, handle_wanted, destination_pid) close(handle_wanted) conn.close() except: if not is_exiting(): sub_warning('thread for sharing handles raised exception', exc_info=True) # # Functions to be used for pickling/unpickling objects with handles # def reduce_handle(handle): from ..forking import Popen, duplicate if Popen.thread_is_spawning(): return (None, Popen.duplicate_for_child(handle), True) dup_handle = duplicate(handle) _cache.add(dup_handle) sub_debug('reducing handle %d', handle) return (_get_listener().address, dup_handle, False) def rebuild_handle(pickled_data): from ..connection import Client address, handle, inherited = pickled_data if inherited: return handle sub_debug('rebuilding handle %d', handle) conn = Client(address, authkey=current_process().authkey) conn.send((handle, os.getpid())) new_handle = recv_handle(conn) conn.close() return new_handle # # Register `_billiard.Connection` with `ForkingPickler` # def reduce_connection(conn): rh = reduce_handle(conn.fileno()) return rebuild_connection, (rh, conn.readable, conn.writable) def rebuild_connection(reduced_handle, readable, writable): handle = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle) return _billiard.Connection( handle, readable=readable, writable=writable ) # Register `socket.socket` with `ForkingPickler` # def fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto=0): s = socket.fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto) if s.__class__ is not socket.socket: s = socket.socket(_sock=s) return s def reduce_socket(s): reduced_handle = reduce_handle(s.fileno()) return rebuild_socket, (reduced_handle,, s.type, s.proto) def rebuild_socket(reduced_handle, family, type_, proto): fd = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle) _sock = fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto) close(fd) return _sock ForkingPickler.register(socket.socket, reduce_socket) # # Register `_billiard.PipeConnection` with `ForkingPickler` # if sys.platform == 'win32': def reduce_pipe_connection(conn): rh = reduce_handle(conn.fileno()) return rebuild_pipe_connection, (rh, conn.readable, conn.writable) def rebuild_pipe_connection(reduced_handle, readable, writable): handle = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle) return _billiard.PipeConnection( handle, readable=readable, writable=writable )
from exceptions import BarryFileException, BarryConversionException, BarryExportException, BarryDFException import pandas as pd import requests from StringIO import StringIO def detect_file_extension(filename): """Extract and return the extension of a file given a filename. Args: filename (str): name of the file Returns: str: extension of the file Raises: BarryFileException: if extension not present in filename """ if filename is None: raise BarryFileException("Input file name cannot be None") split_filename = filename.split(".") if len(split_filename) > 1: return str(split_filename[-1]).lower() else: raise BarryFileException("Could not determine input file type from file extension") def xls_to_df(filename, skip_rows, skip_header, columns): """Converts a XLS file to Pandas dataframe. Args: filename (str): name of the file skip_rows (int): number of rows to skip from top skip_header (bool): whether to skip header columns (list or None): list of column names Returns: dataframe: a pandas dataframe Raises: BarryConversionException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: # Check if columns names has been passed if columns is not None and len(columns) > 0: skip_header = 0 # Check if header needs to be skipped if skip_header is True: skip_header = None else: skip_header = 0 return pd.read_excel(filename, skiprows=skip_rows, header=skip_header, names=columns) except Exception as e: raise BarryConversionException("Could not convert file %s to dataframe" % (filename)) def xlsx_to_df(filename, skip_rows, skip_header, columns): """Converts a XLSX file to Pandas dataframe. Args: filename (str): name of the file skip_rows (int): number of rows to skip from top skip_header (bool): whether to skip header columns (list or None): list of column names Returns: dataframe: a pandas dataframe Raises: BarryConversionException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: # Check if columns names has been passed if columns is not None and len(columns) > 0: skip_header = 0 # Check if header needs to be skipped if skip_header is True: skip_header = None else: skip_header = 0 return pd.read_excel(filename, skiprows=skip_rows, header=skip_header, names=columns) except Exception as e: raise BarryConversionException("Could not convert file %s to dataframe" % (filename)) def csv_to_df(filename, skip_rows, skip_header, columns): """Converts a CSV file to Pandas dataframe. Args: filename (str): name of the file skip_rows (int): number of rows to skip from top skip_header (bool): whether to skip header columns (list or None): list of column names Returns: dataframe: a pandas dataframe Raises: BarryConversionException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: # Check if columns names has been passed if columns is not None and len(columns) > 0: skip_header = 0 # Check if header needs to be skipped if skip_header is True: skip_header = None else: skip_header = 0 return pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=skip_rows, header=skip_header, names=columns) except Exception as e: raise BarryConversionException("Could not convert file %s to dataframe" % (filename)) def url_to_df(url, skip_rows, skip_header, columns): """Converts a CSV from HTTP URL to Pandas dataframe. Args: url (str): http url of the csv skip_rows (int): number of rows to skip from top skip_header (bool): whether to skip header columns (list or None): list of column names Returns: dataframe: a pandas dataframe Raises: BarryConversionException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: # Check if columns names has been passed if columns is not None and len(columns) > 0: skip_header = 0 # Check if header needs to be skipped if skip_header is True: skip_header = None else: skip_header = 0 url_content = requests.get(url).content return pd.read_csv(StringIO(url_content), skiprows=skip_rows, header=skip_header, names=columns) except Exception as e: raise BarryConversionException("Could not convert file %s to dataframe" % (filename)) def df_to_xls(df, out_filename): """Writes a Pandas dataframe to a XLS file. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe to be written to file filename (str): name of the file Raises: BarryExportException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: df.to_excel(out_filename) except Exception as e: raise BarryExportException("Could not write dataframe to file %s" % (out_filename)) def df_to_xlsx(df, out_filename): """Writes a Pandas dataframe to a XLS file. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe to be written to file filename (str): name of the file Raises: BarryExportException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: df.to_excel(out_filename) except Exception as e: raise BarryExportException("Could not write dataframe to file %s" % (out_filename)) def df_to_json(df, out_filename): """Writes a Pandas dataframe to a JSON file. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe to be written to file filename (str): name of the file Raises: BarryExportException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: df.to_json(out_filename) except Exception as e: raise BarryExportException("Could not write dataframe to file %s" % (out_filename)) def df_to_csv(df, out_filename): """Writes a Pandas dataframe to a CSV file. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe to be written to file filename (str): name of the file Raises: BarryExportException: if file cannot be converted to dataframe """ try: df.to_csv(out_filename) except Exception as e: raise BarryExportException("Could not write dataframe to file %s" % (out_filename)) def sort_df(df, sort_column, ascending): """Sort a DataFrame with the column name passed in ascending/descending order. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe that needs to be sorted sort_column (str): column to be sorted on ascending (bool): sort order, ascending if True, descending if False Returns: dataframe: a pandas dataframe Raises: BarryDFException: if there is any error while sorting the dataframe """ try: return df.sort(columns=sort_column, ascending=ascending) except Exception as e: raise BarryDFException("Could not sort dataframe on columns %s" % (sort_column))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Pipeline for VarGenPath""" from typing import Optional from .constants import LINKSET_PATH, FILE_TYPES from .utils import ( get_cytoscape_connection, get_associated_genes, var_genes_network, extend_vargen_network, save_session, save_image, save_network ) def get_vargenpath_network( *, variant_list: list, network_name: Optional[str] = 'VarGenPath network', linkset_path: Optional[str] = LINKSET_PATH, session_path: Optional[str] = None, image_path: Optional[str] = None, extend_network: bool = True, image_type: Optional[str] = 'svg', network_path: Optional[str] = None, network_file_path: Optional[str] = 'cyjs', ) -> dict: """ Pipeline for creating vargenpath network. :param network_file_path: the type of network file to be saved. :param network_path: if input path, the cytoscape network will be saved to this path. :param variant_list: list of variants. :param network_name: the name of the network. :param linkset_path: the path to the linkset to extend network. :param session_path: if input path, the cytoscape session will be saved to this path. :param image_path: if input path, the image of the network will be saved to this path. :param extend_network: if true, the network will be extended. :param image_type: the type of the image to be saved. :return: cytoscape network """ try: cy = get_cytoscape_connection() except Exception: raise Exception('Uh-oh! Make sure that cytoscape is open then try again.') vargen_df = get_associated_genes(variant_list) network = var_genes_network(variants_genes_df=vargen_df, client=cy, network_name=network_name) if extend_network: network = extend_vargen_network(linkset_path, client=cy) if session_path is not None: save_session(session_file=session_path, client=cy) if image_path is not None: save_image(network_image=image_path, image_type=FILE_TYPES[image_type]) if network_path is not None: save_network(network_path=network_path, file_type=FILE_TYPES[network_file_path]) return network
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import argparse import sqlite3 from glob import glob import pandas as pd parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--gtex-models-dir', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--variants-file-with-gtex-id', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('--output-file', type=str, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() all_models = glob(os.path.join(args.gtex_models_dir, '*.db')) assert len(all_models) == 49, len(all_models) all_variants_ids = set() for m in all_models: print(f'Processing {m}') with sqlite3.connect(m) as conn: df = pd.read_sql('select varID from weights', conn)['varID'] all_variants_ids.update(set(df.values)) print(f'Read {len(all_variants_ids)} unique variants in GTEx models') print(f'Reading {args.variants_file_with_gtex_id}') variants_gtexid = pd.read_csv(args.variants_file_with_gtex_id, sep='\t', usecols=['panel_variant_id'], squeeze=True).dropna() variants_gtexid = set(variants_gtexid.values) print(f' Read {len(variants_gtexid)} variants') print('Merging GTEx and other variants') merged_variants = variants_gtexid.intersection(all_variants_ids) print(f'Final number of merged variants: {len(merged_variants)}') print(f'Coverage of GTEx variants: {(len(merged_variants) / len(all_variants_ids)) * 100:.2f}%') print(f'Writing to {args.output_file}') pd.DataFrame({'rsid': list(merged_variants)}).to_csv(args.output_file, index=False)
<reponame>BavarianToolbox/point_to_box # AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: nbs/02_model.ipynb (unless otherwise specified). __all__ = ['EfficientLoc', 'CIoU'] # Cell #export from efficientnet_pytorch import EfficientNet import copy import time import math import torch import torch.optim as opt from import DataLoader from torchvision import transforms # Cell class EfficientLoc(): def __init__(self, version = 'efficientnet-b0', in_channels = 4, out_features = 4, export = False): """ EfficientLoc model class for loading, training, and exporting models """ self.version = version # self.inter_channels = versoin_dict([version]) # TODO # check version is compliant self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_features = out_features self.export = export self.device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.data_parallel = False self.model = self.get_model(version = self.version, in_channels = self.in_channels, out_features = self.out_features) def get_model(self, version, in_channels, out_features): """ Adjusts efficient net model architecture for point-to-box data """ version_chnls = { 'efficientnet-b0': 1280, 'efficientnet-b1': 1280, 'efficientnet-b2': 1408, 'efficientnet-b3': 1536, 'efficientnet-b4': 1792 # 'efficientnet-b5': 456 # 'efficientnet-b6': 528 # 'efficientnet-b7': 600 # 'efficientnet-b8': 672 # 'efficientnet-l2': 800 } inter_channel = version_chnls[version] model = EfficientNet.from_pretrained(version, include_top = False) # adjust in channels in conv stem model._change_in_channels(in_channels) # if self.export: model.set_swish(memory_efficient= (not self.export)) model = torch.nn.Sequential( model, # torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(), torch.nn.Dropout(0.2), torch.nn.Flatten(), torch.nn.Linear(inter_channel, out_features), # torch.nn.Linear(100, out_features), torch.nn.Sigmoid() ) for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: print(f'Using {torch.cuda.device_count()} GPUs') model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) self.data_parallel = True return model def train(self, dataloaders, criterion, optimizer, num_epochs, ds_sizes, print_every = 100, scheduler=None): """ Training function for model **Params** loaders : dict of val/train DataLoaders criterion : loss function optimizer : training optimizer num_epochs : number of training epochs ds_sizes : dict of number of samples in print_every : batch_interval for intermediate loss printing scheduler : Optional learning rate scheduler """ train_start = time.time() best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) best_loss = 10000000.0 for epoch in range(num_epochs): print(f'Epoch {epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}') print('-' * 10) # Each epoch has a training and validation phase for phase in ['train', 'val']: phase_start = time.time() if phase == 'train': self.model.train() else: self.model.eval() inter_loss = 0. running_loss = 0. batches_past = 0 # Iterate over data. for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloaders[phase]): inputs = labels = # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward, only track history in train phase with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): outputs = self.model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) # backward + optimize only if in training phase if phase == 'train': loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() inter_loss += loss.item() if (i+1) % print_every == 0: inter_loss = inter_loss / ((i+1-batches_past) * inputs.shape[0]) print(f'Intermediate loss: {inter_loss:.6f}') inter_loss = 0. batches_past = i+1 if phase == 'train' and scheduler is not None: scheduler.step() epoch_loss = running_loss / ds_sizes[phase] phase_duration = time.time() - phase_start phase_duration = f'{(phase_duration // 60):.0f}m {(phase_duration % 60):.0f}s' print('-' * 5) print(f'{phase} Phase Duration: {phase_duration} Average Loss: {epoch_loss:.6f} in ') print('-' * 5) # deep copy the model if phase == 'val' and epoch_loss < best_loss: best_loss = epoch_loss best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) time_elapsed = time.time() - train_start print(f'Training complete in {(time_elapsed // 60):.0f}m {(time_elapsed % 60):.0f}s') print(f'Best val Loss: {best_loss:.4f}') # load best model weights self.model.load_state_dict(best_model_wts) def save(self, dst, info = None): """Save model and optimizer state dict **Params** dst : destination file path including .pth file name info : Optional dictionary with model info """ if info:, dst) else: model_dict = self.model.state_dict() if self.data_parallel: model_dict = self.model.module.state_dict(){ 'base_arch' : self.version, 'model_state_dict' : model_dict, }, dst) def load(self, model_state_dict): """Load model weights from state-dict""" self.model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict) def _export(self, dst, dummy, verbose = True): """Export model as onnx graph **Params** dst : destination including .onnx file name dummy : dummy variable for export structure, shape (B,C,W,H) """ self.model.eval() torch.onnx.export(self.model, dummy, dst, verbose = verbose) # Cell class CIoU(torch.nn.Module): """Complete IoU loss class""" def __init__(self) -> None: super(CIoU, self).__init__() def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return self.ciou(input, target) # return F.l1_loss(input, target, reduction=self.reduction) def ciou(self, bboxes1, bboxes2): bboxes1 = torch.sigmoid(bboxes1) bboxes2 = torch.sigmoid(bboxes2) rows = bboxes1.shape[0] cols = bboxes2.shape[0] cious = torch.zeros((rows, cols)) if rows * cols == 0: return cious exchange = False if bboxes1.shape[0] > bboxes2.shape[0]: bboxes1, bboxes2 = bboxes2, bboxes1 cious = torch.zeros((cols, rows)) exchange = True w1 = torch.exp(bboxes1[:, 2]) h1 = torch.exp(bboxes1[:, 3]) w2 = torch.exp(bboxes2[:, 2]) h2 = torch.exp(bboxes2[:, 3]) area1 = w1 * h1 area2 = w2 * h2 center_x1 = bboxes1[:, 0] center_y1 = bboxes1[:, 1] center_x2 = bboxes2[:, 0] center_y2 = bboxes2[:, 1] inter_l = torch.max(center_x1 - w1 / 2,center_x2 - w2 / 2) inter_r = torch.min(center_x1 + w1 / 2,center_x2 + w2 / 2) inter_t = torch.max(center_y1 - h1 / 2,center_y2 - h2 / 2) inter_b = torch.min(center_y1 + h1 / 2,center_y2 + h2 / 2) inter_area = torch.clamp((inter_r - inter_l),min=0) * torch.clamp((inter_b - inter_t),min=0) c_l = torch.min(center_x1 - w1 / 2,center_x2 - w2 / 2) c_r = torch.max(center_x1 + w1 / 2,center_x2 + w2 / 2) c_t = torch.min(center_y1 - h1 / 2,center_y2 - h2 / 2) c_b = torch.max(center_y1 + h1 / 2,center_y2 + h2 / 2) inter_diag = (center_x2 - center_x1)**2 + (center_y2 - center_y1)**2 c_diag = torch.clamp((c_r - c_l),min=0)**2 + torch.clamp((c_b - c_t),min=0)**2 union = area1+area2-inter_area u = (inter_diag) / c_diag iou = inter_area / union v = (4 / (math.pi ** 2)) * torch.pow((torch.atan(w2 / h2) - torch.atan(w1 / h1)), 2) with torch.no_grad(): S = (iou>0.5).float() alpha= S*v/(1-iou+v) cious = iou - u - alpha * v cious = torch.clamp(cious,min=-1.0,max = 1.0) if exchange: cious = cious.T return torch.sum(1-cious)
#!/Usr/bin/env python """ Akash and Vishal are quite fond of travelling. They mostly travel by railways. They were travelling in a train one day and they got interested in the seating arrangement of their compartment. The compartment looked something like So they got interested to know the seat number facing them and the seat type facing them. The seats are denoted as follows : Window Seat : WS Middle Seat : MS Aisle Seat : AS You will be given a seat number, find out the seat number facing you and the seat type, i.e. WS, MS or AS. INPUT: First line of input will consist of a single integer T denoting number of test-cases. Each test-case consists of a single integer N denoting the seat-number. OUTPUT: For each test case, print the facing seat-number and the seat-type, separated by a single space in a new line. CONSTRAINTS: 1 ≤ T ≤ 10^5 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^8 """ __author__ = "<NAME>" __date__ = "March 17, 2019" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" T = int(input()) while T > 0: N = int(input()) position = N % 12 section = N//12 if position == 1: word = str((position + 11) + 12*section) print(word + ' WS') elif position == 2: word = str((position + 9) + 12*section) print(word + ' MS') elif position == 3: word = str((position + 7) + 12*section) print(word + ' AS') elif position == 4: word = str((position + 5) + 12*section) print(word + ' AS') elif position == 5: word = str((position + 3) + 12*section) print(word + ' MS') elif position == 6: word = str((position + 1) + 12*section) print(word + ' WS') elif position == 7: word = str((position - 1) + 12*section) print(word + ' WS') elif position == 8: word = str((position - 3) + 12*section) print(word + ' MS') elif position == 9: word = str((position - 5) + 12*section) print(word + ' AS') elif position == 10: word = str((position - 7) + 12*section) print(word + ' AS') elif position == 11: word = str((position - 9) + 12*section) print(word + ' MS') else: word = str((position - 11) + 12*section) print(word + ' WS') T -= 1
<gh_stars>0 '''for c in range(1, 10): print(c) print('FIM')''' '''c = 1 while c < 10: print(c) c += 1 print('FIM')''' '''n = 1 while n != 0: #flag ou condição de parada n = int(input('Digite um valor: ')) print('FIM')''' '''r = 'S' while r == 'S': n = int(input('Digite um valor: ')) r = str(input('Quer continuar? [S/N]')).upper() print('FIM')''' n = 1 totPar = totaImpar = 0 while n != 0: n = int(input('Digite um valor: ')) if n != 0: # nao vai contabilizar o 0 no final da contagem if n % 2 ==0: totPar += 1 else: totaImpar += 1 print('Você digitou {} numeros pares e {} numeros impares.'.format(totPar, totaImpar)) # OBS.: nesse caso não vai considerar o 0 como numero!!!!
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddlex.ppdet.core.workspace import register import pycocotools.mask as mask_util from ..initializer import linear_init_, constant_ from ..transformers.utils import inverse_sigmoid __all__ = ['DETRHead', 'DeformableDETRHead'] class MLP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers): super().__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) self.layers = nn.LayerList( nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim])) self._reset_parameters() def _reset_parameters(self): for l in self.layers: linear_init_(l) def forward(self, x): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x class MultiHeadAttentionMap(nn.Layer): """This is a 2D attention module, which only returns the attention softmax (no multiplication by value)""" def __init__(self, query_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.XavierUniform()) bias_attr = paddle.framework.ParamAttr( initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Constant()) if bias else False self.q_proj = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, weight_attr, bias_attr) self.k_proj = nn.Conv2D( query_dim, hidden_dim, 1, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.normalize_fact = float(hidden_dim / self.num_heads)**-0.5 def forward(self, q, k, mask=None): q = self.q_proj(q) k = self.k_proj(k) bs, num_queries, n, c, h, w = q.shape[0], q.shape[1], self.num_heads,\ self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads, k.shape[-2], k.shape[-1] qh = q.reshape([bs, num_queries, n, c]) kh = k.reshape([bs, n, c, h, w]) # weights = paddle.einsum("bqnc,bnchw->bqnhw", qh * self.normalize_fact, kh) qh = qh.transpose([0, 2, 1, 3]).reshape([-1, num_queries, c]) kh = kh.reshape([-1, c, h * w]) weights = paddle.bmm(qh * self.normalize_fact, kh).reshape( [bs, n, num_queries, h, w]).transpose([0, 2, 1, 3, 4]) if mask is not None: weights += mask # fix a potenial bug: weights = F.softmax(weights.flatten(3), axis=-1).reshape(weights.shape) weights = self.dropout(weights) return weights class MaskHeadFPNConv(nn.Layer): """ Simple convolutional head, using group norm. Upsampling is done using a FPN approach """ def __init__(self, input_dim, fpn_dims, context_dim, num_groups=8): super().__init__() inter_dims = [input_dim, ] + [context_dim // (2**i) for i in range(1, 5)] weight_attr = paddle.ParamAttr( initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.KaimingUniform()) bias_attr = paddle.framework.ParamAttr( initializer=paddle.nn.initializer.Constant()) self.conv0 = self._make_layers(input_dim, input_dim, 3, num_groups, weight_attr, bias_attr) self.conv_inter = nn.LayerList() for in_dims, out_dims in zip(inter_dims[:-1], inter_dims[1:]): self.conv_inter.append( self._make_layers(in_dims, out_dims, 3, num_groups, weight_attr, bias_attr)) self.conv_out = nn.Conv2D( inter_dims[-1], 1, 3, padding=1, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr) self.adapter = nn.LayerList() for i in range(len(fpn_dims)): self.adapter.append( nn.Conv2D( fpn_dims[i], inter_dims[i + 1], 1, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr)) def _make_layers(self, in_dims, out_dims, kernel_size, num_groups, weight_attr=None, bias_attr=None): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2D( in_dims, out_dims, kernel_size, padding=kernel_size // 2, weight_attr=weight_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr), nn.GroupNorm(num_groups, out_dims), nn.ReLU()) def forward(self, x, bbox_attention_map, fpns): x = paddle.concat([ x.tile([bbox_attention_map.shape[1], 1, 1, 1]), bbox_attention_map.flatten(0, 1) ], 1) x = self.conv0(x) for inter_layer, adapter_layer, feat in zip(self.conv_inter[:-1], self.adapter, fpns): feat = adapter_layer(feat).tile( [bbox_attention_map.shape[1], 1, 1, 1]) x = inter_layer(x) x = feat + F.interpolate(x, size=feat.shape[-2:]) x = self.conv_inter[-1](x) x = self.conv_out(x) return x @register class DETRHead(nn.Layer): __shared__ = ['num_classes', 'hidden_dim', 'use_focal_loss'] __inject__ = ['loss'] def __init__(self, num_classes=80, hidden_dim=256, nhead=8, num_mlp_layers=3, loss='DETRLoss', fpn_dims=[1024, 512, 256], with_mask_head=False, use_focal_loss=False): super(DETRHead, self).__init__() # add background class self.num_classes = num_classes if use_focal_loss else num_classes + 1 self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.loss = loss self.with_mask_head = with_mask_head self.use_focal_loss = use_focal_loss self.score_head = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, self.num_classes) self.bbox_head = MLP(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim=4, num_layers=num_mlp_layers) if self.with_mask_head: self.bbox_attention = MultiHeadAttentionMap(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, nhead) self.mask_head = MaskHeadFPNConv(hidden_dim + nhead, fpn_dims, hidden_dim) self._reset_parameters() def _reset_parameters(self): linear_init_(self.score_head) @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg, hidden_dim, nhead, input_shape): return { 'hidden_dim': hidden_dim, 'nhead': nhead, 'fpn_dims': [i.channels for i in input_shape[::-1]][1:] } @staticmethod def get_gt_mask_from_polygons(gt_poly, pad_mask): out_gt_mask = [] for polygons, padding in zip(gt_poly, pad_mask): height, width = int(padding[:, 0].sum()), int(padding[0, :].sum()) masks = [] for obj_poly in polygons: rles = mask_util.frPyObjects(obj_poly, height, width) rle = mask_util.merge(rles) masks.append( paddle.to_tensor(mask_util.decode(rle)).astype('float32')) masks = paddle.stack(masks) masks_pad = paddle.zeros( [masks.shape[0], pad_mask.shape[1], pad_mask.shape[2]]) masks_pad[:, :height, :width] = masks out_gt_mask.append(masks_pad) return out_gt_mask def forward(self, out_transformer, body_feats, inputs=None): r""" Args: out_transformer (Tuple): (feats: [num_levels, batch_size, num_queries, hidden_dim], memory: [batch_size, hidden_dim, h, w], src_proj: [batch_size, h*w, hidden_dim], src_mask: [batch_size, 1, 1, h, w]) body_feats (List(Tensor)): list[[B, C, H, W]] inputs (dict): dict(inputs) """ feats, memory, src_proj, src_mask = out_transformer outputs_logit = self.score_head(feats) outputs_bbox = F.sigmoid(self.bbox_head(feats)) outputs_seg = None if self.with_mask_head: bbox_attention_map = self.bbox_attention(feats[-1], memory, src_mask) fpn_feats = [a for a in body_feats[::-1]][1:] outputs_seg = self.mask_head(src_proj, bbox_attention_map, fpn_feats) outputs_seg = outputs_seg.reshape([ feats.shape[1], feats.shape[2], outputs_seg.shape[-2], outputs_seg.shape[-1] ]) if assert inputs is not None assert 'gt_bbox' in inputs and 'gt_class' in inputs gt_mask = self.get_gt_mask_from_polygons( inputs['gt_poly'], inputs['pad_mask']) if 'gt_poly' in inputs else None return self.loss( outputs_bbox, outputs_logit, inputs['gt_bbox'], inputs['gt_class'], masks=outputs_seg, gt_mask=gt_mask) else: return (outputs_bbox[-1], outputs_logit[-1], outputs_seg) @register class DeformableDETRHead(nn.Layer): __shared__ = ['num_classes', 'hidden_dim'] __inject__ = ['loss'] def __init__(self, num_classes=80, hidden_dim=512, nhead=8, num_mlp_layers=3, loss='DETRLoss'): super(DeformableDETRHead, self).__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.nhead = nhead self.loss = loss self.score_head = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, self.num_classes) self.bbox_head = MLP(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim=4, num_layers=num_mlp_layers) self._reset_parameters() def _reset_parameters(self): linear_init_(self.score_head) constant_(self.score_head.bias, -4.595) constant_(self.bbox_head.layers[-1].weight) bias = paddle.zeros_like(self.bbox_head.layers[-1].bias) bias[2:] = -2.0 self.bbox_head.layers[-1].bias.set_value(bias) @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg, hidden_dim, nhead, input_shape): return {'hidden_dim': hidden_dim, 'nhead': nhead} def forward(self, out_transformer, body_feats, inputs=None): r""" Args: out_transformer (Tuple): (feats: [num_levels, batch_size, num_queries, hidden_dim], memory: [batch_size, \sum_{l=0}^{L-1} H_l \cdot W_l, hidden_dim], reference_points: [batch_size, num_queries, 2]) body_feats (List(Tensor)): list[[B, C, H, W]] inputs (dict): dict(inputs) """ feats, memory, reference_points = out_transformer reference_points = inverse_sigmoid(reference_points.unsqueeze(0)) outputs_bbox = self.bbox_head(feats) # It's equivalent to "outputs_bbox[:, :, :, :2] += reference_points", # but the gradient is wrong in paddle. outputs_bbox = paddle.concat( [ outputs_bbox[:, :, :, :2] + reference_points, outputs_bbox[:, :, :, 2:] ], axis=-1) outputs_bbox = F.sigmoid(outputs_bbox) outputs_logit = self.score_head(feats) if assert inputs is not None assert 'gt_bbox' in inputs and 'gt_class' in inputs return self.loss(outputs_bbox, outputs_logit, inputs['gt_bbox'], inputs['gt_class']) else: return (outputs_bbox[-1], outputs_logit[-1], None)
<filename>foo/pictureR/<gh_stars>100-1000 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from numpy import asarray from cv2 import cvtColor, COLOR_RGB2BGR, imshow, waitKey from os import getcwd def getFontSize_name(resolution): x = resolution[0] if x <= 1024: return (16, (1024,576)) elif x <= 1280: return (21, (1280,720)) elif x <= 1440: return (23, (1440,810)) elif x <= 1600: return (26, (1600,900)) else: return (31, (1920,1080)) def getTemplatePic_CH(words, fontsize): #字号典型值 基建干员名称23 进驻总览房屋名称28(1440*810) 基建干员名称30 进驻总览房屋名称38(1920*1080) ttf = ImageFont.truetype(getcwd() + "/res/fonts/SourceHanSansCN-Regular.otf", fontsize) #字体选用思源黑体 wordsPic ='RGB', ttf.getsize(words)) wordsDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(wordsPic) wordsDraw.text((0, 0), words, font=ttf, fill=(255,255,255)) #创建对应的模板 #temp = cvtColor(asarray(wordsPic), COLOR_RGB2BGR) #imshow('test', temp) #waitKey(0) return cvtColor(asarray(wordsPic), COLOR_RGB2BGR) def getTemplatePic_NUM(num, fontsize): #字号典型值 进驻总览干员心情28 num = str(num) ttf = ImageFont.truetype(getcwd() + "/res/fonts/Bender.otf", fontsize) #字体选用bender wordsPic ='RGB', ttf.getsize(num), color = (255, 255, 255)) wordsDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(wordsPic) wordsDraw.text((0, 0), num, font=ttf, fill=(0,0,0)) #创建对应的模板 return cvtColor(asarray(wordsPic), COLOR_RGB2BGR)
from typing import List # O(n^2) def insertion_sort(arr: List[int], desc: bool = False) -> None: for i, item in enumerate(arr): if i == 0: continue j: int = i - 1 while j >= 0 and (arr[j] > item) ^ desc: arr[j + 1] = arr[j] j -= 1 arr[j + 1] = item
Day 7/Day
import re class Rule: def __init__(self, line): line = line.strip().split(" contain ") line[1] = line[1].strip(".").split(", ") self.contents = {} for item in line[1]: # Grab that number out in front regex = re.compile(r"[0-9]+") # If we didn't find one that means it's no bags inside if match := regex.match(item): quantity = int(item[match.span()[0]:match.span()[1]]) # The +1 deals with the space bag_type = item[match.span()[1] + 1:] if quantity > 1: # This gets rid of the s if it's plural bag_type = bag_type[:-1] self.contents[bag_type] = quantity # The s makes things irritating so I want it gone self.bag_type = line[0][:-1] def contains_directly(self, bag_type: str): return bag_type in self.contents # Warning: recursive def contains(self, bag_type: str, rule_dict: dict): if self.contains_directly(bag_type): return True else: for bag in self.contents: if bag in rule_dict: if rule_dict[bag].contains(bag_type, rule_dict): return True else: print("An unexpected bag was discovered!") return False def count_internal_bags(self, rule_dict: dict): internal_bags = 0 for bag in self.contents: # count these bags... internal_bags += self.contents[bag] # recall that this value represents the quantity # ...and count the bags inside of it internal_bags += rule_dict[bag].count_internal_bags(rule_dict) * self.contents[bag] return internal_bags def parse_input(filename: str): with open(filename, "r") as file: rules = {} for line in file: rule = Rule(line) print(f"{rule.bag_type} contains {rule.contents}") rules[rule.bag_type] = rule return rules def main(): rule_dict = parse_input("input.txt") shiny_gold = 0 for rule_entry in rule_dict.keys(): rule = rule_dict[rule_entry] if rule.contains("shiny gold bag", rule_dict): print(f"Found {rule.contents} in {rule.bag_type}") shiny_gold += 1 print("\n") print(f"Found {shiny_gold} bags containing at least one shiny gold bag.") print(f"A shiny gold bag contains {rule_dict['shiny gold bag'].count_internal_bags(rule_dict)} bags.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import os import asposewordscloud import asposewordscloud.models.requests from import ApiException from shutil import copyfile words_api = WordsApi(client_id = '####-####-####-####-####', client_secret = '##################') file_name = 'test_doc.docx' # Upload original document to cloud storage. my_var1 = open(file_name, 'rb') my_var2 = file_name upload_file_request = asposewordscloud.models.requests.UploadFileRequest(file_content=my_var1, path=my_var2) words_api.upload_file(upload_file_request) # Calls AcceptAllRevisions method for document in cloud. my_var3 = file_name request = asposewordscloud.models.requests.AcceptAllRevisionsRequest(name=my_var3) words_api.accept_all_revisions(request)
<gh_stars>0 from flask_settings import GEOTIFF_FULL_PATH import sys import traceback sys.path.append('../') import numpy as np import json from datetime import timedelta from functools import update_wrapper from pextant.EnvironmentalModel import GDALMesh from pextant.explorers import Astronaut from pextant.analysis.loadWaypoints import JSONloader from pextant.lib.geoshapely import GeoPolygon, LAT_LONG from pextant.solvers.astarMesh import astarSolver from flask import Flask from flask import make_response, request, current_app app = Flask(__name__) def crossdomain(origin=None, methods=None, headers=None, max_age=21600, attach_to_all=True, automatic_options=True): if methods is not None: methods = ', '.join(sorted(x.upper() for x in methods)) if headers is not None and not isinstance(headers, basestring): headers = ', '.join(x.upper() for x in headers) if not isinstance(origin, basestring): origin = ', '.join(origin) if isinstance(max_age, timedelta): max_age = max_age.total_seconds() def get_methods(): if methods is not None: return methods options_resp = current_app.make_default_options_response() return options_resp.headers['allow'] def decorator(f): def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): if automatic_options and request.method == 'OPTIONS': resp = current_app.make_default_options_response() else: resp = make_response(f(*args, **kwargs)) if not attach_to_all and request.method != 'OPTIONS': return resp h = resp.headers h['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = origin h['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = get_methods() h['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = str(max_age) if headers is not None: h['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = headers return resp f.provide_automatic_options = False return update_wrapper(wrapped_function, f) return decorator def main(argv): print 'STARTING SEXTANT' geotiff_full_path = "" try: geotiff_full_path = argv[0] except IndexError: # print 'Syntax is "sextant <inputfile>"' pass if not geotiff_full_path or geotiff_full_path == 'sextant:app': geotiff_full_path = GEOTIFF_FULL_PATH print geotiff_full_path gdal_mesh = GDALMesh(geotiff_full_path) explorer = Astronaut(80) solver, waypoints, environmental_model = None, None, None @app.route('/test', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @crossdomain(origin='*') def test(): print str(request) return json.dumps({'test':'test'}) @app.route('/setwaypoints', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @crossdomain(origin='*') def set_waypoints(): try: global solver, waypoints, environmental_model print('in set waypoints') request_data = request.get_json(force=True) xp_json = request_data['xp_json'] json_loader = JSONloader(xp_json['sequence']) print 'loaded xp json' waypoints = json_loader.get_waypoints() print 'gdal mesh is built from %s' % str(geotiff_full_path) environmental_model = gdal_mesh.loadSubSection(waypoints.geoEnvelope(), cached=True) solver = astarSolver(environmental_model, explorer, optimize_on='Energy') print('loaded fine') return json.dumps({'loaded': True}) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() response = {'error': str(e), 'status_code': 400} return response @app.route('/solve', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @crossdomain(origin='*') def solve(): global solver, waypoints, environmental_model print 'in solve' request_data = request.get_json(force=True) return_type = request_data['return'] if 'xp_json' in request_data: xp_json = request_data['xp_json'] json_loader = JSONloader(xp_json['sequence']) waypoints = json_loader.get_waypoints() print( environmental_model = gdal_mesh.loadSubSection(waypoints.geoEnvelope(), cached=True) solver = astarSolver(environmental_model, explorer, optimize_on='Energy') search_results, rawpoints, _ = solver.solvemultipoint(waypoints) return_json = { 'latlong':[] } if return_type == 'segmented': for search_result in search_results.list: lat, lon = GeoPolygon(environmental_model.ROW_COL, *np.array(search_result.raw).transpose()).to(LAT_LONG) return_json['latlong'].append({'latitudes': list(lat), 'longitudes': list(lon)}) else: lat, lon = GeoPolygon(environmental_model.ROW_COL, *np.array(rawpoints).transpose()).to(LAT_LONG) return_json['latlong'].append({'latitudes': list(lat), 'longitudes': list(lon)}) return json.dumps(return_json) # OLD Stuff: delete @app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @crossdomain(origin='*') def get_waypoints(): print('got request') data = request.get_json(force=True) data_np = np.array(data['waypoints']).transpose() #json_waypoints = JSONloader(xpjson) waypoints = GeoPolygon(LAT_LONG, *data_np) print environmental_model = gdal_mesh.loadSubSection(waypoints.geoEnvelope(), cached=True) explorer = Astronaut(80) solver = astarSolver(environmental_model, explorer, optimize_on='Energy', cached=True) _, rawpoints, _ = solver.solvemultipoint(waypoints) lat, lon = GeoPolygon(environmental_model.ROW_COL, *np.array(rawpoints).transpose()).to(LAT_LONG) print((lat, lon)) return json.dumps({'latitudes': list(lat), 'longitudes': list(lon)}) if argv[0] != 'sextant:app':'localhost', port=5000) # if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:]) #main(['../data/maps/dem/HI_air_imagery.tif'])
<gh_stars>10-100 """ MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau class GradualWarmupScheduler(_LRScheduler): """ Gradually warm-up(increasing) learning rate in optimizer. Proposed in 'Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour'. Args: optimizer (Optimizer): Wrapped optimizer. multiplier: target learning rate = base lr * multiplier if multiplier > 1.0. if multiplier = 1.0, lr starts from 0 and ends up with the base_lr. total_epoch: target learning rate is reached at total_epoch, gradually after_scheduler: after target_epoch, use this scheduler(eg. ReduceLROnPlateau) """ def __init__(self, optimizer, multiplier, total_epoch, after_scheduler=None): self.multiplier = multiplier if self.multiplier < 1.: raise ValueError('multiplier should be greater thant or equal to 1.') self.total_epoch = total_epoch self.after_scheduler = after_scheduler self.finished = False super(GradualWarmupScheduler, self).__init__(optimizer) def get_lr(self): if self.last_epoch > self.total_epoch: if self.after_scheduler: if not self.finished: self.after_scheduler.base_lrs = [base_lr * self.multiplier for base_lr in self.base_lrs] self.finished = True return self.after_scheduler.get_last_lr() return [base_lr * self.multiplier for base_lr in self.base_lrs] if self.multiplier == 1.0: return [base_lr * (float(self.last_epoch) / self.total_epoch) for base_lr in self.base_lrs] else: return [base_lr * ((self.multiplier - 1.) * self.last_epoch / self.total_epoch + 1.) for base_lr in self.base_lrs] def step_ReduceLROnPlateau(self, metrics, epoch=None): if epoch is None: epoch = self.last_epoch + 1 self.last_epoch = epoch if epoch != 0 else 1 # ReduceLROnPlateau is called at the end of epoch, whereas others are called at beginning if self.last_epoch <= self.total_epoch: warmup_lr = [base_lr * ((self.multiplier - 1.) * self.last_epoch / self.total_epoch + 1.) for base_lr in self.base_lrs] for param_group, lr in zip(self.optimizer.param_groups, warmup_lr): param_group['lr'] = lr else: if epoch is None: self.after_scheduler.step(metrics, None) else: self.after_scheduler.step(metrics, epoch - self.total_epoch) def step(self, epoch=None, metrics=None): if type(self.after_scheduler) != ReduceLROnPlateau: if self.finished and self.after_scheduler: if epoch is None: self.after_scheduler.step(None) else: self.after_scheduler.step(epoch - self.total_epoch) self._last_lr = self.after_scheduler.get_last_lr() else: return super(GradualWarmupScheduler, self).step(epoch) else: self.step_ReduceLROnPlateau(metrics, epoch)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'gui.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.6 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! import os from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QDialog, QProgressBar, QPushButton, QMessageBox) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style import T2H, PLOT import flopy from matplotlib.backends.qt_compat import QtCore, QtWidgets, is_pyqt5 if is_pyqt5(): from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import ( FigureCanvas, NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar) else: from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import ( FigureCanvas, NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar) from matplotlib.figure import Figure #%% class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("T2H Graphical User Interface") MainWindow.resize(1280, 800) self.centralWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralWidget.setObjectName("centralWidget") #%% QFrames self.frame_1 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.centralWidget) self.frame_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 70, 461, 201)) self.frame_1.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame_1.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Raised) self.frame_1.setObjectName("frame_2") self.frame_2 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.centralWidget) self.frame_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 280, 461, 101)) self.frame_2.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame_2.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Raised) self.frame_2.setObjectName("frame_2") self.frame_3 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.centralWidget) self.frame_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 390, 461, 31)) self.frame_3.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.frame_3.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Raised) self.frame_3.setObjectName("frame_3") #%% QLabels self.sedK = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.sedK.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 10, 141, 16)) self.sedK.setObjectName("sedK") self.aqK = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.aqK.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 40, 141, 16)) self.aqK.setObjectName("aqK") self.faultK = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.frame_2) self.faultK.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(30, 70, 141, 16)) self.faultK.setObjectName("faultK") self.sedKN = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.sedKN.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(910, 500, 141, 16)) self.sedKN.setObjectName("sedKN") self.sedKNlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.sedKNlabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1100, 500, 61, 16)) self.sedKNlabel.setObjectName("sedKNlabel") self.aquiferKNlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.aquiferKNlabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1100, 520, 61, 16)) self.aquiferKNlabel.setObjectName("aquiferKNlabel") self.aqKN = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.aqKN.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(910, 520, 81, 16)) self.aqKN.setObjectName("aqKN") self.faultKN = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.faultKN.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(910, 540, 81, 16)) self.faultKN.setObjectName("faultKN") self.faultKNlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.faultKNlabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1100, 540, 61, 16)) self.faultKNlabel.setObjectName("faultKNlabel") self.label_21 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.frame_3) self.label_21.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 7, 141, 16)) self.label_21.setObjectName("label_21") self.visoptionsLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.visoptionsLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(20, 540, 141, 16)) self.visoptionsLabel.setObjectName("visoptionsLabel") self.fileLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.fileLabel.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(810, 4, 60, 16)) self.fileLabel.setObjectName("fileLabel") self.fileLabel_path = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.fileLabel_path.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(880, 4, 320, 16)) self.fileLabel_path.setObjectName("fileLabel_path") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(814, 51, 241, 16)) self.label.setObjectName("label") = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget), 104, 141, 16))"nz") self.targetperiod = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.targetperiod.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 80, 151, 16)) self.targetperiod.setObjectName("targetperiod") self.nzfixed = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.nzfixed.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 128, 141, 16)) self.nzfixed.setObjectName("nzfixed") self.constrecharge = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.constrecharge.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 176, 151, 16)) self.constrecharge.setObjectName("constrecharge") # self.hiniratio = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.hiniratio.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 242, 151, 16)) self.hiniratio.setObjectName("hiniratio") self.datvar = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.datvar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 152, 161, 16)) self.datvar.setObjectName("datvar") # Recharge input self.constrecharge_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.constrecharge_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(840, 200, 151, 16)) self.constrecharge_2.setObjectName("constrecharge_2") # Image pane self.image = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralWidget) self.image.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 780, 520)) self.image.setObjectName("image") self.pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap("logo.png") self.image.setPixmap(self.pixmap) #%% QLineEdits self.sedKlineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.frame_2) self.sedKlineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(260, 10, 113, 21)) self.sedKlineEdit.setObjectName("sedKlineEdit") self.sedKlineEdit.setText("547.5") # self.aqKlineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.frame_2) self.aqKlineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(260, 40, 113, 21)) self.aqKlineEdit.setObjectName("aqKlineEdit") self.aqKlineEdit.setText("36.5") # self.faultKlineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.frame_2) self.faultKlineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(260, 70, 113, 21)) self.faultKlineEdit.setObjectName("faultKlineEdit") self.faultKlineEdit.setText("0.0365") # self.nzfline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.nzfline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 128, 113, 21)) self.nzfline.setObjectName("nzfline") self.nzfline.setText("10") # self.nzline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.nzline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 104, 113, 21)) self.nzline.setObjectName("nzline") self.nzline.setText("40") # self.datline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.datline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 152, 113, 21)) self.datline.setObjectName("datline") self.datline.setText("-10000") # self.hiniratioLineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.hiniratioLineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 242, 113, 21)) self.hiniratioLineEdit.setObjectName("hiniratioLineEdit") self.hiniratioLineEdit.setText("0.9") # self.datvarline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.datvarline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 176, 113, 21)) self.datvarline.setObjectName("datvarline") self.datvarline.setText("-3000") self.rchline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.rchline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 200, 113, 21)) self.rchline.setObjectName("rchline") self.rchline.setText("0.05") # Ma input lineedit self.maline = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.centralWidget) self.maline.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1070, 80, 113, 21)) self.maline.setObjectName("maline") self.maline.setText("12.5") #%% QPushButtons self.load = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.load.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1100, -1, 71, 32)) self.load.setObjectName("loadButton") self.load.clicked.connect(self.fileloader) self.load1 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.load1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1170, -1, 101, 32)) self.load1.setObjectName("loadButton1") self.load1.clicked.connect(self.fileloader) self.applyButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.frame_1) self.applyButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(380, 60, 81, 81)) self.applyButton.setObjectName("applyButton") self.applyButton.clicked.connect(self.applyclicked) self.fileDialog_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.frame_2) self.fileDialog_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(380, 20, 81, 71)) self.fileDialog_3.setObjectName("fileDialog_3") self.fileDialog_3.clicked.connect(self.applyCalClicked) # Model run button self.ModelRunButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.ModelRunButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(640, 620, 113, 32)) self.ModelRunButton.setObjectName("ModelRunButton") self.ModelRunButton.clicked.connect( self.QuitButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.QuitButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(760, 620, 113, 32)) self.QuitButton.setObjectName("QuitButton") self.QuitButton.clicked.connect(QCoreApplication.instance().quit) self.VtkOutputButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.VtkOutputButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(880, 620, 113, 32)) self.VtkOutputButton.setObjectName("VtkOutputButton") # self.VtkOutputButton.clicked.connect(self.vtk) self.PlotButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralWidget) self.PlotButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(460, 560, 113, 32)) self.PlotButton.setObjectName("PlotButton") self.PlotButton.clicked.connect(self.plot) #%% QGraphicsViews self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12)) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) #%% QComboBoxes # File combo box self.fileBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.centralWidget) self.fileBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(808, 25, 461, 26)) self.fileBox.setObjectName("fileBox") # Solver selection combo box self.solverBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.frame_3) self.solverBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(63, 2, 281, 26)) self.solverBox.setObjectName("solverBox") self.solverBox.addItem("xMD") self.solverBox.addItem("GMRES") # self.visComboBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.centralWidget) self.visComboBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 560, 441, 26)) self.visComboBox.setObjectName("visComboBox") self.visComboBox.addItem("Cross Section") self.visComboBox.addItem("Fault Plane") self.visComboBox.addItem("Vertical Flow Barriers (VFB)") self.visComboBox.addItem("Horizontal Flow Barriers (HFB)") #%% QCheckBoxes # self.elevdependentChecker = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(self.centralWidget) self.elevdependentChecker.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(860, 220, 231, 20)) self.elevdependentChecker.setObjectName("elevdependentChecker") #%% QProgressBars self.progress = QProgressBar(self.centralWidget) self.progress.setGeometry(10, 620, 600, 25) self.progress.setMaximum(100) #%% Mainwindows MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) self.menuBar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menuBar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 1024, 22)) self.menuBar.setObjectName("menuBar") self.menuT2H_Main = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.menuBar) self.menuT2H_Main.setObjectName("menuT2H_Main") self.menuT2H_Checker = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.menuBar) self.menuT2H_Checker.setObjectName("menuT2H_Checker") self.menuT2H_Plot = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.menuBar) self.menuT2H_Plot.setObjectName("menuT2H_Plot") MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menuBar) self.mainToolBar = QtWidgets.QToolBar(MainWindow) self.mainToolBar.setObjectName("mainToolBar") MainWindow.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.mainToolBar) self.statusBar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusBar.setObjectName("statusBar") MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusBar) self.menuBar.addAction(self.menuT2H_Main.menuAction()) self.menuBar.addAction(self.menuT2H_Checker.menuAction()) self.menuBar.addAction(self.menuT2H_Plot.menuAction()) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) #%% Functions def applyclicked(self): self.Ma = float(self.maline.text()) self.Ma = format(self.Ma, '.1f') = int(self.nzline.text()) self.nz_fixed = int(self.nzfline.text()) self.dx = 1000 self.dy = 1000 self.inz = - self.nz_fixed self.dat = int(self.datline.text()) self.dat_var = int(self.datvarline.text()) self.idat = self.dat - self.dat_var self.rech = float(self.rchline.text()) self.perm_sed = float(self.sedKlineEdit.text()) self.hratio = float(self.hiniratioLineEdit.text()) self.Kconst = float(self.aqKlineEdit.text()) self.hydchr = self.Kconst/1000 self.target_row = 101 self.iskip = 4 self.ivtk = 1 self.h_tol = 1e-4 self.fileLabel_path.setText("/tisc_output/topo_" + self.Ma +"0Ma.txt") self.ans = QMessageBox.question(self.centralWidget, "Confirmation",\ "Are these correct?\n" + "Period: " + self.Ma\ + "Ma\n" + "Nz: " + str( +"\n" + "Datum: "\ + str(self.dat) + " m\n", QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if self.ans == QMessageBox.Yes: self.rchline.setEnabled(False) self.maline.setEnabled(False) self.nzline.setEnabled(False) self.nzfline.setEnabled(False) self.datline.setEnabled(False) self.datvarline.setEnabled(False) self.hiniratioLineEdit.setEnabled(False) QMessageBox.about(self.centralWidget, "Confirmed", "Properties confirmed") else: QMessageBox.about(self.centralWidget, "Check values", "Check values again!") def applyCalClicked(self): self.perm_sed = self.sedKlineEdit.text() self.Kconst = self.aqKlineEdit.text() self.hydchr = self.faultKlineEdit.text() self.sedKNlabel.setText(str(float(self.perm_sed)/float(self.rchline.text()))) self.aquiferKNlabel.setText(str(float(self.Kconst)/float(self.rchline.text()))) self.faultKNlabel.setText(str(float(self.hydchr)/float(self.rchline.text()))) self.ans = QMessageBox.question(self.centralWidget, "Confirmation",\ "Are these correct?\n" + "Period: " + self.Ma\ + "Ma\n" + "Nz: " + str( +"\n" + "Datum: "\ + str(self.dat) + " m\n", QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if self.ans == QMessageBox.Yes: self.sedKlineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.aqKlineEdit.setEnabled(False) self.faultKlineEdit.setEnabled(False) QMessageBox.about(self.centralWidget, "Confirmed", "Properties confirmed") else: QMessageBox.about(self.centralWidget, "Check values", "Check values again!") #%% def run(self): self.Ma = float(self.maline.text()) self.Ma = format(self.Ma, '.1f') = int(self.nzline.text()) self.nz_fixed = int(self.nzfline.text()) self.dx = 1000 self.dy = 1000 self.inz = - self.nz_fixed self.dat = int(self.datline.text()) self.dat_var = int(self.datvarline.text()) self.idat = self.dat - self.dat_var self.rech = float(self.rchline.text()) self.perm_sed = float(self.sedKlineEdit.text()) self.hratio = float(self.hiniratioLineEdit.text()) self.Kconst = float(self.aqKlineEdit.text()) self.hydchr = self.Kconst/1000 self.target_row = 101 self.iskip = 4 self.ivtk = 1 self.h_tol = 1e-4 self.model = T2H.main(self.Ma,, self.nz_fixed, self.inz, self.dx,\ self.dy, self.dat, self.dat_var, self.idat\ , self.rech, self.perm_sed, self.target_row,\ self.Kconst, self.hratio, self.hydchr,\ self.iskip, self.ivtk, self.h_tol) = return def plot(self): try: except AttributeError: QMessageBox.about(self.centralWidget, "Warning", "Please run a model first") else: self.vcb = self.visComboBox.itemData print(self.vcb) if self.vcb == "Cross Section": figheadxsect, axheadxsect = plt.subplots(figsize=(40,5)) self.mfxsect = PLOT.fmfxsect(, self.model.mfdis, self.target_row, axheadxsect).mfxsect self.a = PLOT.head(, self.model.fdirmodel).a self.headc = PLOT.headc(self.mfxsect, self.a) self.headcontour = self.headc.headcontour self.gdplot = self.mfxsect.plot_grid(color='r', linewidths=0.2) self.BCplot = self.mfxsect.plot_ibound(self.model.ibound, color_noflow = 'black',\ color_ch = 'blue', head = self.a) self.canvas.draw() print("plot") def fileloader(self): self.path = os.getcwd() + "/tisc_output/" self.l = os.listdir(self.path) self.bdtopo = [0]*len(self.l) self.topo = [0]*len(self.l) self.fault = [0]*len(self.l) self.sedthick = [0]*len(self.l) for file in range(len(self.l)): if self.l[file].startswith("bdtopo"): if os.stat(self.path+self.l[file]).st_size > 5: # greater than 5 bytes self.bdtopo[file] = float(self.l[file][7:]\ .split("Ma.txt")[0]) elif self.l[file].startswith("topo"): if os.stat(self.path+self.l[file]).st_size > 5: # greater than 5 bytes self.topo[file] = float(self.l[file][5:]\ .split("Ma.txt")[0]) elif self.l[file].startswith("fault"): if os.stat(self.path+self.l[file]).st_size > 5: # greater than 5 bytes self.fault[file] = float(self.l[file][6:]\ .split("Ma.txt")[0]) elif self.l[file].startswith("sedthick"): if os.stat(self.path+self.l[file]).st_size > 5: # greater than 5 bytes self.sedthick[file] = float(self.l[file][9:]\ .split("Ma.txt")[0]) self.a = list(filter((0).__ne__, self.topo)) self.a.sort() self.b = list(filter((0).__ne__, self.bdtopo)) self.b.sort() self.c = list(filter((0).__ne__, self.fault)) self.c.sort() self.d = list(filter((0).__ne__, self.sedthick)) self.d.sort() self.df = [] for nfile in range(len(self.a)): if self.b.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: if self.c.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: if self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "y", "y", "y"] self.df.append(data) elif self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "y", "y", "n"] self.df.append(data) elif self.c.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: if self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "y", "n", "y"] self.df.append(data) elif self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "y", "n", "n"] self.df.append(data) elif self.b.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: if self.c.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: if self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "n", "y", "y"] self.df.append(data) elif self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "n", "y", "n"] self.df.append(data) elif self.c.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: if self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 1: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "n", "n", "y"] self.df.append(data) elif self.d.count(self.a[nfile]) == 0: data = [self.a[nfile], "y", "n", "n", "n"] self.df.append(data) for age in range(len(self.a)): if self.df[age][2] == "y" and self.df[age][3] == "y" and self.df[age][4] == "y": self.fileBox.addItem("Snapshot:" + str(self.df[age][0]) + "Ma | Faults | Sediments") elif self.df[age][2] == "y" and self.df[age][3] == "y" and self.df[age][4] == "n": self.fileBox.addItem("Snapshot:" + str(self.df[age][0]) + "Ma | Faults | No Sediments") elif self.df[age][2] == "y" and self.df[age][3] == "n" and self.df[age][4] == "y": self.fileBox.addItem("Snapshot:" + str(self.df[age][0]) + "Ma | No Faults | Sediments") elif self.df[age][2] == "y" and self.df[age][3] == "n" and self.df[age][4] == "n": self.fileBox.addItem("Snapshot:" + str(self.df[age][0]) + "Ma | No Faults | No Sediments") #%% def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "T2H Graphical User Interface")) self.applyButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Apply")) self.sedK.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Sediment K (m/yr)")) self.aqK.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Aquifer K (m/yr)")) self.faultK.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Fault zone K (m/yr)")) self.fileDialog_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Apply")) self.sedKN.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Sediment K / N:")) self.sedKNlabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "N/A")) self.aquiferKNlabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "N/A")) self.aqKN.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Aquifer K / N:")) self.faultKN.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Fault K / N:")) self.faultKNlabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "N/A")) self.label_21.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Solver")) self.ModelRunButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Execute")) self.load.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Load")) self.load1.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Set selected")) self.QuitButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Abort")) self.VtkOutputButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "VTK output")) self.PlotButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Plot")) self.visoptionsLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Visualization options")) self.fileLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "File: ")) self.fileLabel_path.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "path")) self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "*dx = dy = 1,000 m fixed in this version"))"MainWindow", "Number of layers (nz)")) self.targetperiod.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Target period (Ma)")) self.nzfixed.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Fixed layers (nz_fixed)")) self.constrecharge.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Datum of variable dz (m)")) self.hiniratio.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Initial head ratio to topo.")) self.elevdependentChecker.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Elevation-dependent recharge")) self.datvar.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Model datum (m)")) self.constrecharge_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Const. Recharge (m/yr)")) self.menuT2H_Main.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "T2H Main")) self.menuT2H_Checker.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "T2H Checker")) self.menuT2H_Plot.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "T2H Plot")) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) sys.exit(app.exec_())
import os import shutil import logging class BColors(object): HEADER = "\033[95m" OK_BLUE = "\033[94m" OK_CYAN = "\033[96m" OK_GREEN = "\033[92m" WARNING = "\033[93m" FAIL = "\033[91m" END_C = "\033[0m" BOLD = "\033[1m" UNDERLINE = "\033[4m" def touch(fname: str, times=None, create_dirs: bool = False): if create_dirs: base_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) if not os.path.exists(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) with open(fname, "a"): os.utime(fname, times) def touch_dir(base_dir: str) -> None: if not os.path.exists(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) def accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)): """Computes the precision@k for the specified values of k""" maxk = max(topk) batch_size = target.size(0) _, pred = output.topk(maxk, 1, True, True) pred = pred.t() correct = pred.eq(target.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred)) res = [] for k in topk: correct_k = correct[:k].view(-1).float().sum(0) res.append(correct_k.mul_(100.0 / batch_size)) return res def top1_accuracy(output, target): return accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,))[0].item() def log(*args, **kwargs): pass def log_dict(*args, **kwargs): pass def initialize_logger(log_root): if not os.path.exists(log_root): os.makedirs(log_root) else: shutil.rmtree(log_root) os.makedirs(log_root) print(f"Logging files to {log_root}") # Only to file; One dict per line; Easy to process json_logger = logging.getLogger("stats") json_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_root, "stats")) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s")) json_logger.addHandler(fh) debug_logger = logging.getLogger("debug") debug_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s")) debug_logger.addHandler(ch) fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(log_root, "debug")) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) debug_logger.addHandler(fh)
<gh_stars>0 from flask.ext.login import UserMixin from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash from app import db class User(UserMixin, db.Model): """ User who can use this application. """ __tablename__ = 'users' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.String(64), unique=True, index=True) password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128)) def __init__(self, username, password): self.username = username self.password = password @property def password(self): raise AttributeError('password is not readable') @password.setter def password(self, password): self.password_hash = generate_password_hash(password) def verify_password(self, password): return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password) def __repr__(self): return '<User %r>' % self.username class Tool(db.Model): """ Tools details. """ __tablename__ = 'tools' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String()) def __repr__(self): return '<Tool {}>'.format(
<filename>courspider/ import re from courspider.faculty_calendar_resources.department import Department from courspider.faculty_calendar_resources.url import URL from courspider.course import Course class DepartmentCalendar: def __init__(self, session, url): """ Initialize a new Department Calendar for the given url :param session: The session of the calendar :type session: Session :param url: The url to the specified year's calendar :type url: URL """ self.session = session self.url = url self.department = DepartmentCalendar.find_department_name(url) = [] # regex used for the _find_department method _department_name = re.compile(r"<h1>(.*)<\/h1>") @staticmethod def find_department_name(url): """ Return the Department found at the given url :param url: The url of the department. :type url: URL :return: The Department :rtype: Department """ matches = DepartmentCalendar._department_name.\ findall(url.raw_html) # only a single h1 tag in the html, and it is the department name return Department(matches[0]) # please don't touch this regular expression without fully understanding it # it has been adjusted after many iterations after finding strange # formatting in the raw html, so any changes is not advised # regular expression used to filter out the course data regex = r'<a name="([A-Z]{3}\d\d\d[A-Z]\d)"><\/a><span class="strong">\1\s*(.*?)<\/span>(\s*<div>)?\s*(<\/p>)?\s*<\/?(p|div)(.*?)?>(.*?)<\/?(p|div)>(\s*<\/div>)?\s*(<p>)?(\s*<(p|div)>(.*?)<\/(p|div)>)?(\s*<(p|div)>(.*?)<\/(p|div)>)?\s*(<p>)?\s*(Exclusion:\s*(.*?)|Prerequisite:\s*(.*?)|Corequisite:\s*(.*?)|Recommended Preparation:\s*(.*?))?(\s*<br>\s*)?(Exclusion:\s*(.*?)|Prerequisite:\s*(.*?)|Corequisite:\s*(.*?)|Recommended Preparation:\s*(.*?))?(\s*<br>\s*)?(Exclusion:\s*(.*?)|Prerequisite:\s*(.*?)|Corequisite:\s*(.*?)|Recommended Preparation:\s*(.*?))?(\s*<br>\s*)?(Exclusion:\s*(.*?)|Prerequisite:\s*(.*?)|Corequisite:\s*(.*?)|Recommended Preparation:\s*(.*?))?(\s*<br>\s*)?\s*(Distribution Requirement Status:\s*(.*?)\s*)?(<br>)?\s*(Breadth Requirement:\s*(.*?)\s*)?(<br>|<\/?p>)' _course = re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL) def get_courses(self): """ Returns a list of all the courses in this Department Calendar. :return: list of all courses in this DepartmentCalendar :rtype: list[Course] """ # if the list has been generated if return # generate list if necessary courses_data = DepartmentCalendar._course.findall(self.url.raw_html) for course_data in courses_data: return def _create_course(self, data): """ Create a course object from the data extracted using the above regex :param data: The data extracted using the above regex :type data: tuple(str, ...) :return: A course object :rtype: Course """ # these numbers come from the group numbers from the regex above # '_course' count them if you wanna course_code = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html(data[0]) course_name = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html(data[1]) course_description = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( data[6] + data[11] + data[15]) exclusion = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( DepartmentCalendar._select_data(data, 20)) prerequisite = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( DepartmentCalendar._select_data(data, 21)) corequisite = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( DepartmentCalendar._select_data(data, 22)) recommended = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( DepartmentCalendar._select_data(data, 23)) distribution_requirement = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html( data[44]) breath_requirement = DepartmentCalendar._erase_html(data[47]) print("found course: {}".format(course_code)) return Course(course_code, course_name, course_description, exclusion, prerequisite, corequisite, recommended, distribution_requirement, breath_requirement, self.department) def _select_data(data, start): result = "" for i in range(4): result += data[start + i * 6] return result _tags = re.compile('<.*?>', re.DOTALL) @staticmethod def _erase_html(data): """ Erases any remaining html tags in the text. :param data: The raw data :type data: str :return: The data after removing remaining html tags :rtype: str """ return DepartmentCalendar._tags.sub('', data)
from tkinter_gui_builder.panel_templates.widget_panel.widget_panel import AbstractWidgetPanel from tkinter_gui_builder.widgets import basic_widgets class CanvasDemoButtonPanel(AbstractWidgetPanel): fname_select = basic_widgets.Button zoom_in = basic_widgets.Button zoom_out = basic_widgets.Button rect_select = basic_widgets.Button update_rect_image = basic_widgets.Button pan = basic_widgets.Button draw_line_w_drag = basic_widgets.Button draw_line_w_click = basic_widgets.Button draw_arrow_w_drag = basic_widgets.Button draw_arrow_w_click = basic_widgets.Button draw_rect_w_drag = basic_widgets.Button draw_rect_w_click = basic_widgets.Button draw_polygon_w_click = basic_widgets.Button draw_point_w_click = basic_widgets.Button modify_existing_shape = basic_widgets.Button color_selector = basic_widgets.Button save_kml = basic_widgets.Button select_existing_shape = basic_widgets.Combobox # type: basic_widgets.Combobox remap_dropdown = basic_widgets.Combobox # type: basic_widgets.Combobox def __init__(self, parent): AbstractWidgetPanel.__init__(self, parent) controls = ["fname_select", "zoom_in", "zoom_out", "pan", "draw_line_w_drag", "draw_line_w_click", "draw_arrow_w_drag", "draw_arrow_w_click", "draw_rect_w_drag", "draw_rect_w_click", "draw_polygon_w_click", "draw_point_w_click", "select_existing_shape", "modify_existing_shape", "save_kml", "color_selector", "rect_select", "update_rect_image", "remap_dropdown"] self.init_w_box_layout(controls, 4, column_widths=20) self.remap_dropdown.update_combobox_values(["density", "brighter", "darker", "high contrast", "linear", "log", "pedf", "nrl"]) self.set_label_text("taser buttons") if __name__ == '__main__': print(dir(AbstractWidgetPanel))
<reponame>pnawalramka/cowin import json from unittest import mock, TestCase import check_availability json_data = \ """ { "centers": [ { "center_id": 1234, "name": "District General Hostpital", "name_l": "", "address": "45 M G Road", "address_l": "", "state_name": "Maharashtra", "state_name_l": "", "district_name": "Satara", "district_name_l": "", "block_name": "Jaoli", "block_name_l": "", "pincode": "413608", "lat": 28.7, "long": 77.1, "from": "09:00:00", "to": "18:00:00", "fee_type": "Free", "vaccine_fees": [ { "vaccine": "COVISHIELD", "fee": "250" } ], "sessions": [ { "session_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "date": "31-05-2021", "available_capacity": 50, "available_capacity_dose1": 25, "available_capacity_dose2": 25, "min_age_limit": 18, "vaccine": "COVISHIELD", "slots": [ "FORENOON", "AFTERNOON" ] } ] } ] } """ def mock_get(*args, **kwargs): mock_res = mock.Mock() mock_res.json.return_value = json.loads(json_data) return mock_res class TestCheck(TestCase): @mock.patch('requests.get', side_effect=mock_get) def test_check(self, mock_get): got = check_availability.check('123', 18) self.assertEqual(1, len(got)) self.assertEqual(1234, got[0]['center_id'])
from django.db import models """ ShipmentModels have a one to many relationship with boxes and aliquot Aliquot and Box foreign keys to a ShipmentModel determine manifest contents for shipping purposes (resolved in schema return for manifest view) """ class ShipmentModel(models.Model): carrier = models.ForeignKey('CarrierModel', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True) shipment_number = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) # TODO What should we do if a destination is removed? destination = models.ForeignKey('DestinationModel', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True) sent_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) received_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) notes = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) class DestinationModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __str__(self): return class CarrierModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) def __str__(self): return
<filename>test/ # coding: utf-8 """ NetBox API API to access NetBox # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: 2.8 Generated by: """ from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest import netbox_client from netbox_client.models.vlan_group import VLANGroup # noqa: E501 from import ApiException class TestVLANGroup(unittest.TestCase): """VLANGroup unit test stubs""" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def testVLANGroup(self): """Test VLANGroup""" # FIXME: construct object with mandatory attributes with example values # model = netbox_client.models.vlan_group.VLANGroup() # noqa: E501 pass if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import math from functools import lru_cache class Polygon: def __init__(self, n, R): if n < 3: raise ValueError('Polygon must have at least 3 vertices.') self._n = n self._R = R def __repr__(self): return f'Polygon(n={self._n}, R={self._R})' @property def count_vertices(self): return self._n @property def count_edges(self): return self._n @property def circumradius(self): return self._R @property def interior_angle(self): return (self._n - 2) * 180 / self._n @property def side_length(self): return 2 * self._R * math.sin(math.pi / self._n) @property def apothem(self): return self._R * math.cos(math.pi / self._n) @property def area(self): return self._n / 2 * self.side_length * self.apothem @property def perimeter(self): return self._n * self.side_length def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return (self.count_edges == other.count_edges and self.circumradius == other.circumradius) else: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.count_vertices > other.count_vertices else: return NotImplemented class Polygons: def __init__(self, m, R): if m < 3: raise ValueError('m must be greater than 3') self._m = m self._R = R self._polygons = [Polygon(i, R) for i in range(3, m+1)] def __len__(self): return self._m - 2 def __repr__(self): return f'Polygons(m={self._m}, R={self._R})' def __getitem__(self, s): return self._polygons[s] def __iter__(self): return self.PolygonIterator(self) @property def max_efficiency_polygon(self): sorted_polygons = sorted(self._polygons, key=lambda p: p.area/p.perimeter, reverse=True) return sorted_polygons[0] class PolyIterator: def __init__(self, poly_obj): self._poly_obj = poly_obj self._index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._index >= len(self._poly_obj): raise StopIteration else: item = self._poly_obj._polygons[self._index] self._index += 1 return item
import sys verbose = False def set_v(v): global verbose verbose = v def print_v(s): if verbose: print(s) def write_v(s): if verbose: sys.stdout.write(s)
#!/usr/bin/env python import json from support import parse_states import sys import xapian def index(datapath, dbpath): # Create or open the database we're going to be writing to. db = xapian.WritableDatabase(dbpath, xapian.DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN) # Set up a TermGenerator that we'll use in indexing. termgenerator = xapian.TermGenerator() termgenerator.set_stemmer(xapian.Stem("en")) for fields in parse_states(datapath): # 'fields' is a dictionary mapping from field name to value. # Pick out the fields we're going to index. name = fields.get('name', u'') description = fields.get('description', u'') motto = fields.get('motto', u'') admitted = fields.get('admitted', None) population = fields.get('population', None) order = fields.get('order', u'') # We make a document and tell the term generator to use this. doc = xapian.Document() termgenerator.set_document(doc) # index each field with a suitable prefix termgenerator.index_text(name, 1, 'S') termgenerator.index_text(description, 1, 'XD') termgenerator.index_text(motto, 1, 'XM') # Index fields without prefixes for general search. termgenerator.index_text(name) termgenerator.increase_termpos() termgenerator.index_text(description) termgenerator.increase_termpos() termgenerator.index_text(motto) # Add document values. if admitted is not None: doc.add_value(1, xapian.sortable_serialise(int(admitted[:4]))) doc.add_value(2, admitted) # YYYYMMDD if population is not None: doc.add_value(3, xapian.sortable_serialise(int(population))) ### Start of example code. midlat = fields['midlat'] midlon = fields['midlon'] if midlat and midlon: doc.add_value(4, "%f,%f" % (float(midlat), float(midlon))) ### End of example code. # Store all the fields for display purposes. doc.set_data(json.dumps(fields)) # We use the order to ensure each object ends up in the # database only once no matter how many times we run the # indexer. idterm = u"Q" + order doc.add_boolean_term(idterm) db.replace_document(idterm, doc) if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: %s DATAPATH DBPATH" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) index(datapath = sys.argv[1], dbpath = sys.argv[2])
<filename>sa/profiles/Alcatel/AOS/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alcatel.AOS.get_inventory # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2007-2014 The NOC Project # See LICENSE for details # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Python modules import re # NOC modules from noc.core.script.base import BaseScript from import IGetInventory class Script(BaseScript): name = "Alcatel.AOS.get_inventory" interface = IGetInventory rx_ni = re.compile( r"^\s+GBIC\s+(?P<int_number>\d+)\n" r"\s+Manufacturer Name:\s+(?P<vendor>\S+)(|\s+),\n" r"^\s+Part Number:\s+(?P<part_number>\S+)(|\s+),\n" r"^\s+Hardware Revision:\s+(|(?P<hw_rev>\S+))(|\s+),\n" r"^\s+Serial Number:\s+(?P<serial>\S+)(|\s+)(|\s+),\n", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL, ) def execute(self): objects = [] # Chassis info p = self.scripts.get_version() objects += [ { "type": "CHASSIS", "number": None, "vendor": "ALU", "serial": p["attributes"].get("Serial Number"), "description": "%s %s" % (p["vendor"], p["platform"]), "part_no": p["platform"], "revision": p["attributes"].get("HW version"), "builtin": False, } ] # Transiver Detected iface = self.cli("show ni") for match in self.rx_ni.finditer(iface): number ="int_number") # type ="int") # vendor ="vendor") serial ="serial") hw_rev ="hw_rev") if not hw_rev: hw_rev = "None" part_no ="part_number") if "XFP-10G-LR" in part_no: part = "NoName | Transceiver | 10G | XFP LR" elif "SFP-LX" in part_no: part = "NoName | Transceiver | 1G | SFP LX" elif "SFP-LH" in part_no: part = "NoName | Transceiver | 1G | SFP LH" elif "GLC-BX" in part_no: part = "Cisco | Transceiver | 1G | GLC-BX-D" else: part = "NoName | Transceiver | 1G | SFP SX" objects += [ { "type": "XCVR", "number": number, "vendor": "NONAME", "serial": serial, "description": "SFP Transceiver " + part_no, "part_no": [part], "revision": hw_rev, "builtin": False, } ] return objects
<filename>Leetcode/ class Solution: ''' 格雷编码是一个二进制数字系统,在该系统中,两个连续的数值仅有一个位数的差异。 给定一个代表编码总位数的非负整数 n,打印其格雷编码序列。格雷编码序列必须以 0 开头。 输入: 2 输出: [0,1,3,2] 解释: 00 - 0, 01 - 1, 11 - 3, 10 - 2 ''' def grayCode(self, n: int): # 观察连续数值对应的格雷编码序列对应的关系 # 追加二进制位到首位, 0: 数值仍为前一个数组的值, 1: 前一个数组的每个元素 + 2的(n-1)次幂 ans, cnt = [0], 0 while cnt < n: ad = 2**cnt tmp = list(map(lambda x: x ^ ad, ans)) tmp.reverse() ans += tmp cnt += 1 return ans def grayCodeF(self, n: int): '''' 关键是搞清楚格雷编码的生成过程, G(i) = i ^ (i/2); 如 n = 3: G(0) = 000 G(1) = 1 ^ 0 = 001 ^ 000 = 001 G(2) = 2 ^ 1 = 010 ^ 001 = 011 G(3) = 3 ^ 1 = 011 ^ 001 = 010 G(4) = 4 ^ 2 = 100 ^ 010 = 110 G(5) = 5 ^ 2 = 101 ^ 010 = 111 G(6) = 6 ^ 3 = 110 ^ 011 = 101 G(7) = 7 ^ 3 = 111 ^ 011 = 100 ''' return [i ^ i >> 1 for i in range(2**n)] s = Solution() print(s.grayCode(3))
ADDON_NAME = "pmx_bone_importer" LOG_FILE_NAME = "pmx_bone_importer.log"
<gh_stars>100-1000 from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals from sumy.parsers.html import HtmlParser from sumy.parsers.plaintext import PlaintextParser from sumy.nlp.tokenizers import Tokenizer #from sumy.summarizers.lsa import LsaSummarizer as Summarizer from sumy.summarizers.lex_rank import LexRankSummarizer as Summarizer from sumy.nlp.stemmers import Stemmer from sumy.utils import get_stop_words class TextSummarizer: def __init__(self, count=10): self.LANGUAGE = "czech" self.SENTENCES_COUNT = count def summarize_from_url(self,url): parser = HtmlParser.from_url(url, Tokenizer(self.LANGUAGE)) stemmer = Stemmer(self.LANGUAGE) summarizer = Summarizer(stemmer) file_1 = open("summarizer_output.txt","w+") file_2 = open("summarizer_output2.txt","w+") for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, self.SENTENCES_COUNT): file_2.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write("\n") file_1.close() file_2.close() def summarize_from_text(self,text): parser = PlaintextParser.from_string(text, Tokenizer(self.LANGUAGE)) stemmer = Stemmer(self.LANGUAGE) summarizer = Summarizer(stemmer) file_1 = open("summarizer_output.txt","w+") file_2 = open("summarizer_output2.txt","w+") for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, self.SENTENCES_COUNT): file_2.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write("\n") file_1.close() file_2.close() def summarize_from_file(self,file_name): parser = PlaintextParser.from_file(file_name, Tokenizer(self.LANGUAGE)) stemmer = Stemmer(self.LANGUAGE) summarizer = Summarizer(stemmer) file_1 = open("summarizer_output.txt","w+") file_2 = open("summarizer_output2.txt","w+") for sentence in summarizer(parser.document, self.SENTENCES_COUNT): file_2.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write(str(sentence)) file_1.write("\n") file_1.close() file_2.close() # t = TextSummarizer() # t.summarize_from_file("obama_short.txt") # pdf = pdfgeneration() # pdf.generate_pdf_summarizer("summarizer_output2.txt")
from threading import Thread from flask import current_app,render_template from flask_mail import Message from . import mail def send_async_email(app,msg): with app.app_context(): mail.send(msg) def send_email(to,subject,template,**kwargs): app=current_app._get_current_object() msg=Message(app.config['FLASKY_MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX']+' '+subject, sender=app.config['FLASKY_MAIL_SENDER'],recipients=[to]) msg.body=render_template(template+'.txt',**kwargs) msg.html=render_template(template+'.html',**kwargs) thr=Thread(target=send_async_email,args=[app,msg]) thr.start() return thr
from abc import ABC as Contract, abstractmethod class AuthContract(Contract): @abstractmethod def user(self): pass @abstractmethod def save(self): pass @abstractmethod def delete(self): pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from builtins import * import os import sys import shutil import inspect from ferenda import TextReader, util from ferenda.testutil import RepoTester, file_parametrize from ferenda.compat import unittest # SUT from import myndfskr class Parse(RepoTester): repoclass = myndfskr.MyndFskrBase # in some cases we might need to get a # specific one like SOSFS, see below aliases = {} # setUpClass fills this in @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(Parse, cls).setUpClass() # enumerate all classes defined in the module where # MyndFskrBase is defined, check their static property 'alias' # and use it to add to cls.aliases for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(myndfskr): if inspect.isclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, 'alias'): cls.aliases[obj.alias] = obj def parse_filename(self, filename): # a few of the subclasses have specialized rules. make sure we # instantiate the correct class alias = os.path.basename(filename).split("-")[0] basefile = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(filename))[0].replace("-", "/", 1).replace("-", ":") repoclass = self.aliases[alias] repo = repoclass(datadir=self.datadir, storelocation=self.datadir + "/ferenda.sqlite", indexlocation=self.datadir + "/whoosh",) return repo, basefile def parametric_test(self, filename): # these options adjusts the constructed URIs. by default, the # official rpubl URIs are minted. # # self.repo.config.localizeuri = True # self.repo.config.url = "" # self.repo.config.urlpath = '' # a few of the subclasses have specialized rules. make sure we # instantiate the correct class repo, basefile = self.parse_filename(filename) doc = repo.make_document(basefile) text = repo.sanitize_text(util.readfile(filename), basefile) reader = TextReader(string=text, encoding='utf-8') props = repo.extract_metadata(reader, basefile) props = repo.sanitize_metadata(props, basefile) resource = repo.polish_metadata(props, basefile) repo.infer_metadata(resource, basefile) wantfile = filename.replace(".txt", ".n3") if os.path.exists(wantfile): self.assertEqualGraphs(wantfile, resource.graph, exact=False) else:"Expected a %s with the following content:\n\n%s" % (wantfile, doc.meta.serialize(format="n3").decode("utf-8"))) file_parametrize(Parse, "test/files/myndfskr", ".txt")
<reponame>no-name-xiaosheng/PaddleViT<gh_stars>100-1000 # Copyright (c) 2021 PPViT Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import paddle import paddle.nn as nn from paddle.nn.initializer import Normal, Constant from retinanet_loss import RetinaNetLoss from post_process import RetinaNetPostProcess from det_utils.generator_utils import AnchorGenerator class RetinaNetHead(nn.Layer): ''' The head used in RetinaNet for object classification and box regression. It has two subnets for the two tasks, with a common structure but separate parameters. ''' def __init__(self, config): ''' Args: input_shape (List[ShapeSpec]): input shape. num_classes (int): number of classes. Used to label background proposals. num_anchors (int): number of generated anchors. conv_dims (List[int]): dimensions for each convolution layer. norm (str or callable): Normalization for conv layers except for the two output layers. See :func:`detectron2.layers.get_norm` for supported types. loss_func (class): the class is used to compute loss. prior_prob (float): Prior weight for computing bias. ''' super(RetinaNetHead, self).__init__() num_convs = config.RETINANET.NUM_CONVS input_channels = config.RETINANET.INPUT_CHANNELS norm = config.RETINANET.NORM prior_prob = config.RETINANET.PRIOR_PROB self.num_classes = config.RETINANET.NUM_CLASSES self.get_loss = RetinaNetLoss( focal_loss_alpha=config.RETINANET.FOCAL_LOSS_ALPHA, focal_loss_gamma=config.RETINANET.FOCAL_LOSS_GAMMA, smoothl1_loss_delta=config.RETINANET.SMOOTHL1_LOSS_DELTA, positive_thresh=config.RETINANET.POSITIVE_THRESH, negative_thresh=config.RETINANET.NEGATIVE_THRESH, allow_low_quality=config.RETINANET.ALLOW_LOW_QUALITY, num_classes=config.RETINANET.NUM_CLASSES, weights=config.RETINANET.WEIGHTS ) self.postprocess = RetinaNetPostProcess( score_threshold=config.RETINANET.SCORE_THRESH, keep_top_k=config.RETINANET.KEEP_TOPK, nms_top_k=config.RETINANET.NMS_TOPK, nms_threshold=config.RETINANET.NMS_THRESH, bbox_reg_weights=config.RETINANET.WEIGHTS ) self.anchor_generator = AnchorGenerator(anchor_sizes=config.RETINANET.ANCHOR_SIZE, aspect_ratios=config.RETINANET.ASPECT_RATIOS, strides=config.RETINANET.STRIDES, offset=config.RETINANET.OFFSET) num_anchors = self.anchor_generator.num_anchors conv_dims = [input_channels] * num_convs cls_net = [] reg_net = [] for in_channels, out_channels in zip( [input_channels] + list(conv_dims), conv_dims ): cls_net.append( nn.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=Normal(mean=0., std=0.01))) ) if norm == "bn": cls_net.append(nn.BatchNorm2D(out_channels)) cls_net.append(nn.ReLU()) reg_net.append( nn.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=Normal(mean=0., std=0.01))) ) if norm == "bn": reg_net.append(nn.BatchNorm2D(out_channels)) reg_net.append(nn.ReLU()) self.cls_net = nn.Sequential(*cls_net) self.reg_net = nn.Sequential(*reg_net) bias_value = -math.log((1 - prior_prob) / prior_prob) self.cls_score = nn.Conv2D( conv_dims[-1], num_anchors * self.num_classes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=Normal(mean=0., std=0.01)), bias_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=Constant(bias_value)) ) self.bbox_pred = nn.Conv2D( conv_dims[-1], num_anchors * 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=Normal(mean=0., std=0.01)) ) def forward(self, feats, inputs): ''' Returns: loss_dict (dict) | pred_result(tensor), bbox_num(tensor): loss_dict: contains cls_losses and reg_losses. pred_result: the shape is [M, 6], M is the number of final preds, Each row has 6 values: [label, score, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] bbox_num: the shape is [N], N is the num of batch_size, bbox_num[i] means the i'th img have bbox_num[i] boxes. ''' anchors = self.anchor_generator(feats) pred_scores = [] pred_boxes = [] for feat in feats: pred_scores.append(self.cls_score(self.cls_net(feat))) pred_boxes.append(self.bbox_pred(self.reg_net(feat))) pred_scores_list = [ transpose_to_bs_hwa_k(s, self.num_classes) for s in pred_scores ] pred_boxes_list = [ transpose_to_bs_hwa_k(s, 4) for s in pred_boxes ] if anchors = paddle.concat(anchors) loss_dict = self.get_loss(anchors, [pred_scores_list, pred_boxes_list], inputs) return loss_dict else: img_whwh = paddle.concat([inputs["imgs_shape"][:, 1:2], inputs["imgs_shape"][:, 0:1]], axis=-1) pred_result, bbox_num = self.postprocess( pred_scores_list, pred_boxes_list, anchors, inputs["scale_factor_wh"], img_whwh ) return pred_result, bbox_num def transpose_to_bs_hwa_k(tensor, k): assert tensor.dim() == 4 bs, _, h, w = tensor.shape tensor = tensor.reshape([bs, -1, k, h, w]) tensor = tensor.transpose([0, 3, 4, 1, 2]) return tensor.reshape([bs, -1, k])
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import yaml import json import sys import os sys.path.append('../venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages') from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch sys.path.append('../telemanom') class Config: '''Loads parameters from config.yaml into global object''' def __init__(self, path_to_config): if os.path.isfile(path_to_config): pass else: path_to_config = '../%s' %path_to_config setattr(self, "path_to_config", path_to_config) dictionary = None with open(path_to_config, "r") as f: dictionary = yaml.load( try: for k,v in dictionary.items(): setattr(self, k, v) except: for k,v in dictionary.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) def build_group_lookup(self, path_to_groupings): channel_group_lookup = {} with open(path_to_groupings, "r") as f: groupings = json.loads( for subsystem in groupings.keys(): for subgroup in groupings[subsystem].keys(): for chan in groupings[subsystem][subgroup]: channel_group_lookup[chan["key"]] = {} channel_group_lookup[chan["key"]]["subsystem"] = subsystem channel_group_lookup[chan["key"]]["subgroup"] = subgroup return channel_group_lookup
from setuptools import setup tests_require = [ 'cov-core', 'mock', 'nose2', ] setup(name='steinlib', version='0.1', description='Python bindings for Steinlib format.', url='', author='<NAME>', author_email='<EMAIL>', license='MIT', packages=['steinlib'], tests_require=tests_require, test_suite='nose2.collector.collector', zip_safe=False)
from functools import partial class counter: """ A counter decorator to track how many times a function is called. """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.count = 0 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.count += 1 return self.func(*args, **kwargs) def register_as_decorator(func): """ Register extensions, transforms, or addons function as decorator. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # If argument length < 2, user just provides function name without its # resolver. So return partial function. Otherwise, return original # function. if len(args) < 2: return partial(func, *args, **kwargs) return partial(func, *args, **kwargs)() return wrapper
<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np import torch from spconv.pytorch.utils import PointToVoxel from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation from pcdet.datasets import DatasetTemplate class BaseDataset(DatasetTemplate): """ OpenPCDet dataset to load and preprocess the point cloud """ def __init__(self, data_config, class_names, occam_config): """ Parameters ---------- data_config : EasyDict dataset cfg including data preprocessing properties (OpenPCDet) class_names : list of class names (OpenPCDet) occam_config: EasyDict sampling properties for attribution map generation, see cfg file """ super().__init__(dataset_cfg=data_config, class_names=class_names, training=False) self.occam_config = occam_config def load_and_preprocess_pcl(self, source_file_path): """ load given point cloud file and preprocess data according OpenPCDet cfg Parameters ---------- source_file_path : str path to point cloud to analyze (bin or npy) Returns ------- pcl : ndarray (N, 4) preprocessed point cloud (x, y, z, intensity) """ if source_file_path.split('.')[-1] == 'bin': points = np.fromfile(source_file_path, dtype=np.float32) points = points.reshape(-1, 4) elif source_file_path.split('.')[-1] == 'npy': points = np.load(source_file_path) else: raise NotImplementedError # FOV crop is usually done using the image if self.occam_config.FOV_CROP: angles = np.abs(np.degrees(np.arctan2(points[:, 1], points[:, 0]))) mask = angles <= self.occam_config.FOV_ANGLE points = points[mask, :] input_dict = { 'points': points } data_dict = self.prepare_data(data_dict=input_dict) pcl = data_dict['points'] return pcl class OccamInferenceDataset(DatasetTemplate): """ OpenPCDet dataset for occam inference; in each iteration a sub-sampled point cloud according occam config is generated """ def __init__(self, data_config, class_names, occam_config, pcl, nr_it, logger): """ Parameters ---------- data_config : EasyDict dataset cfg including data preprocessing properties (OpenPCDet) class_names : list of class names (OpenPCDet) occam_config: EasyDict sampling properties for attribution map generation, see cfg file pcl : ndarray (N, 4) preprocessed full point cloud nr_it : int number of sub-sampling iterations logger : Logger """ super().__init__( dataset_cfg=data_config, class_names=class_names, training=False, root_path=None, logger=logger ) self.occam_config = occam_config self.pcl = pcl self.logger = logger self.nr_it = nr_it self.sampling_rand_rot = self.occam_config.SAMPLING.RANDOM_ROT self.sampling_vx_size = np.array(self.occam_config.SAMPLING.VOXEL_SIZE) self.lbda = self.occam_config.SAMPLING.LAMBDA # see paper self.sampling_density_coeff = np.array( self.occam_config.SAMPLING.DENSITY_DISTR_COEFF) self.sampling_range = self.get_sampling_range( rand_rot=self.sampling_rand_rot, pcl=self.pcl, vx_size=self.sampling_vx_size ) self.voxel_generator = PointToVoxel( vsize_xyz=list(self.sampling_vx_size), coors_range_xyz=list(self.sampling_range), num_point_features=3, max_num_points_per_voxel=self.occam_config.SAMPLING.MAX_PTS_PER_VOXEL, max_num_voxels=self.occam_config.SAMPLING.MAX_VOXELS ) def get_sampling_range(self, rand_rot, pcl, vx_size): """ compute min/max sampling range for given random rotation Parameters ---------- rand_rot : float max random rotation before sampling (+/-) in degrees pcl : ndarray (N, 4) full point cloud vx_size : ndarray (3) voxel size for sampling in x, y, z Returns ------- sampling_range : ndarray (6) min/max sampling range for given rotation """ rotmat_pos = Rotation.from_rotvec([0, 0, rand_rot], degrees=True) rotmat_neg = Rotation.from_rotvec([0, 0, -rand_rot], degrees=True) rot_pts = np.concatenate( (np.matmul(rotmat_pos.as_matrix(), pcl[:, :3].T), np.matmul(rotmat_neg.as_matrix(), pcl[:, :3].T)), axis=1) min_grid = np.floor(np.min(rot_pts, axis=1) / vx_size) * vx_size - vx_size max_grid = np.ceil(np.max(rot_pts, axis=1) / vx_size) * vx_size + vx_size sampling_range = np.concatenate((min_grid, max_grid)) return sampling_range def __len__(self): return self.nr_it def __getitem__(self, index): if index == self.nr_it: raise IndexError # randomly rotate and translate full pcl rand_transl = np.random.rand(1, 3) * (self.sampling_vx_size[None, :]) rand_transl -= self.sampling_vx_size[None, :] / 2 rand_rot_ = np.random.rand(1) * self.sampling_rand_rot * 2 \ - self.sampling_rand_rot rand_rot_mat = Rotation.from_rotvec([0, 0, rand_rot_[0]], degrees=True) rand_rot_mat = rand_rot_mat.as_matrix() rand_rot_pcl = np.matmul(rand_rot_mat, self.pcl[:, :3].T).T rand_rot_transl_pcl = rand_rot_pcl + rand_transl rand_rot_transl_pcl = np.ascontiguousarray(rand_rot_transl_pcl) # voxelixe full pcl _, vx_coord, _, pt_vx_id = self.voxel_generator.generate_voxel_with_id( torch.from_numpy(rand_rot_transl_pcl)) vx_coord, pt_vx_id = vx_coord.numpy(), pt_vx_id.numpy() vx_coord = vx_coord[:, [2, 1, 0]] # compute voxel center in original pcl vx_orig_coord = vx_coord * self.sampling_vx_size[None, :] vx_orig_coord += self.sampling_range[:3][None, :] vx_orig_coord += self.sampling_vx_size[None, :] / 2 vx_orig_coord -= rand_transl vx_orig_coord = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(rand_rot_mat), vx_orig_coord.T).T vx_dist = np.linalg.norm(vx_orig_coord, axis=1) vx_keep_prob = self.lbda * ( np.power(vx_dist, 2) * self.sampling_density_coeff[0] + vx_dist * self.sampling_density_coeff[1] + self.sampling_density_coeff[2]) vx_keep_ids = np.where(np.random.rand(vx_keep_prob.shape[0]) < vx_keep_prob)[0] pt_keep_mask = np.in1d(pt_vx_id, vx_keep_ids) input_dict = { 'points': self.pcl[pt_keep_mask, :], 'mask': pt_keep_mask } data_dict = self.prepare_data(data_dict=input_dict) return data_dict
from flask import Flask # import pyodbc app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello(): # Some other example server values are # server = 'localhost\sqlexpress' # for a named instance # server = 'myserver,port' # to specify an alternate port # server = '' # database = 'test' # username = 'ndb' # password = '<PASSWORD>###' # cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password) # cursor = cnxn.cursor() # cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dbo.Users') # s = ' ' # for row in cursor: # s += ''.join(row) # print(row) s = '!! Azure' return "hello"+s
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/tools/python/python3.8.3/bin/python import os import shutil import subprocess import numpy as np batch_list=[i*1024 for i in range(2,7)] seq_list=[10] hidden_list=[i*1024 for i in range(2,7)] vocab_list=[2048] #[int(i) for i in (2**np.linspace(10,13,20)//2*2)] layer_list=[1] bpe_list=[10] epoch_list=[3] def run_command(cmd, var, result): try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).decode("utf-8") output = output.strip().replace(',','') result[var] = float(output) if output != "" else output except: print("command for {} did not work".format(var)) output_dir="/mnt/home/newsha/baidu/developement/MechaFlow/validation/benchmarks/rnnlm/profile_gemm" result_file="{}/result.csv".format(output_dir) if os.path.exists(output_dir): shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(output_dir) print("Created {}".format(output_dir)) with open(result_file, "w") as f: f.write("Batch Seq Hidden Vocab Layers Epoch BPE core_util dram_util l2_util dram_read dram_write l2_access fp16_inst fma_inst\n\n") print("Batch Seq Hidden Vocab Layers Epoch BPE core_util dram_util l2_util dram_read dram_write l2_access fp16_inst fma_inst\n\n") for b in batch_list: for s in seq_list: for d in hidden_list: for v in vocab_list: for l in layer_list: for bpe in bpe_list: for e in epoch_list: bpe = min(bpe, 25000//b) fname = "B{}-S{}-D{}-V{}-L{}-E{}-P{}".format(b,s,d,v,l,e,bpe) output_file = "{}/{}.out".format(output_dir, fname) command1="/tools/cuda/cuda-11.0.1/bin/ncu --metrics \"regex:.*\" -k volta_fp16_s884gemm_fp16_... -s 0 -c 1 '/tools/venvs/tensorflow/tensorflow-2.2.0/bin/python' -m train -train data/test-index.txt -test data/test-index.txt -valid data/test-index.txt -b{} -s{} -d{} -v{} -l{} -p{} -e{} > {} 2>&1".format(b, s, d, v, l, bpe, e, output_file) #command1 = "/tools/cuda/cuda-11.0.1/bin/nsys profile -t cuda,osrt,cudnn,cublas,nvtx,mpi -o profile/{} --stats=true -f true python -b{} -s{} -d{} -v{} -l{} -p{} -e{} -m train -train data/test-index.txt -test data/test-index.txt -valid data/test-index.txt > {} 2>&1".format(fname, b, s, d, v, l, bpe, e, output_file) command2 = "cat {} | grep \"sm__pipe_tensor_op_hmma_cycles_active.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_active\"| awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command3 = "cat {} | grep \"dram__throughput.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_active\"| awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command4 = "cat {} | grep lts__t_sectors.avg.pct_of_peak_sustained_active | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command5 = "cat {} | grep dram_read_bytes | grep sum | head -n 1 | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command6 = "cat {} | grep dram_write_bytes | grep sum | head -n 1 | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command7 = "cat {} | grep lts__t_bytes.sum | head -n 1 | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command8 = "cat {} | grep sm__sass_thread_inst_executed_op_fp16_pred_on.sum | head -n 1 | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit command9 = "cat {} | grep sm__sass_thread_inst_executed_ops_fadd_fmul_ffma_pred_on.sum | head -n 1 | awk {{'print $3'}}".format(output_file) #unit result = {'ncu':-1, 'core_util':-1, 'dram_util':-1, 'l2_util':-1, 'dram_read':-1, 'dram_write':-1, 'l2_access':-1, 'fp16_inst':-1, 'fma_inst':-1} run_command(command1, 'ncu', result) run_command(command2, 'core_util', result) run_command(command3, 'dram_util', result) run_command(command4, 'l2_util', result) run_command(command5, 'dram_read', result) run_command(command6, 'dram_write', result) run_command(command7, 'l2_access', result) run_command(command8, 'fp16_inst', result) run_command(command9, 'fma_inst', result) with open(result_file, "a+") as f: f.write("{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:d} {4:d} {5:d} {6:d} {7:.2f} {8:.2f} {9:.2f} {10:,} {11:,} {12:,} {13:,} {14:,}\n".format(b, s, d, v, l, e, bpe, result['core_util'], result['dram_util'], result['l2_util'], result['dram_read'], result['dram_write'], result['l2_access'], int(result['fp16_inst']), int(result['fma_inst']))) print("{0:d} {1:d} {2:d} {3:d} {4:d} {5:d} {6:d} {7:.2f} {8:.2f} {9:.2f} {10:,} {11:,} {12:,} {13:,} {14:,}\n".format(b, s, d, v, l, e, bpe, result['core_util'], result['dram_util'], result['l2_util'], result['dram_read'], result['dram_write'], result['l2_access'], int(result['fp16_inst']), int(result['fma_inst'])))
from .callbacks import Callback class LinearAnnealing(Callback): def __init__(self, obj, param, init, final, n_episodes): self.doing = 'inc' if init < final else 'dec' self.obj = obj self.param = param self.init = init = final self.n_episodes = n_episodes self.change_rate = (final - init) / n_episodes def on_episode_end(self, episode, qf): if ((self.doing == 'inc' and getattr(self.obj, self.param) < or (self.doing == 'dec' and getattr(self.obj, self.param) > prev = getattr(self.obj, self.param) setattr(self.obj, self.param, prev + self.change_rate)
<filename> #cluster data into a small amount of clusters to later pull out structures import pyemma.coordinates as coor import numpy as np sys = 'back' tica_data = coor.load('tica_data_05/back_tica_data.h5') n_clusters = 50 cl = coor.cluster_kmeans(tica_data, k=n_clusters, max_iter=50)'{sys}_{n_clusters}_mini_cluster_object.h5', overwrite=True) cl.write_to_hdf5(f'{sys}_{n_clusters}_cluster_dtrajs.h5')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Resource object code # # Created by: The Resource Compiler for PyQt5 (Qt v5.15.2) # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt5 import QtCore qt_resource_data = b"\ \x00\x00\x02\x05\ \x89\ \x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x0d\x49\x48\x44\x52\x00\ \x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x20\x08\x06\x00\x00\x00\x73\x7a\x7a\xf4\ \x00\x00\x00\x01\x73\x52\x47\x42\x00\xae\xce\x1c\xe9\x00\x00\x00\ \x04\x67\x41\x4d\x41\x00\x00\xb1\x8f\x0b\xfc\x61\x05\x00\x00\x00\ \x09\x70\x48\x59\x73\x00\x00\x12\x74\x00\x00\x12\x74\x01\xde\x66\ \x1f\x78\x00\x00\x01\x9a\x49\x44\x41\x54\x58\x47\xc5\x94\x3b\x4e\ \x03\x41\x10\x44\x7d\x01\x22\x12\x02\x9c\x20\x0e\x40\xc2\x2d\xe0\ \x42\xdc\x84\x63\x10\x70\x25\x32\x62\x42\xa3\xb2\x54\xab\x47\x6f\ \xf5\x78\x96\x9f\x83\x27\xe1\xe9\xea\xee\xb7\xe3\xc5\xbb\xd7\xb7\ \xfd\xe1\x9c\x4c\x0b\xdc\x3f\xdd\xc5\x73\x32\x93\xa9\x4c\x09\x68\ \xb0\x49\x75\x31\x93\x49\xfc\x89\xc0\xe3\xf3\x65\xcc\x24\x4e\x0a\ \x6c\x19\xcc\xec\xcd\xcb\xc3\x42\xca\x9a\x4d\x02\xa9\x4e\x98\x95\ \xec\xc5\xc7\xd5\x91\x91\xc4\xbf\x08\x8c\x24\x86\x02\x75\x60\xca\ \x54\xd8\xf3\xab\x02\xa9\x9e\x60\xcf\xd9\x05\xfc\x35\x74\xcb\xdf\ \xaf\x6f\xd7\x02\x0a\x8b\x3a\xa8\xe6\x46\xb0\x77\xb4\x7c\x25\xa0\ \xb0\xaf\x8c\x43\x98\x99\xe1\x54\xaf\x97\xeb\xef\x45\x80\xcb\xab\ \x40\xf7\x14\x1d\xec\x4d\x75\x2f\x17\x51\x80\x03\x74\xfd\x3f\x11\ \x10\xac\xf1\xe9\xc5\x49\x01\x7d\xde\x2a\x20\x38\x43\xfd\xa2\x2e\ \x17\xab\x77\x80\x8d\x6e\x66\x66\x16\xce\xf0\x62\x51\xe7\x7d\x11\ \x10\x6c\xdc\xfa\xf6\x13\xce\x11\x5a\xee\x1b\xa6\xc4\x50\xa0\xd6\ \xcc\x4c\x46\x30\xe7\x1b\x18\x0a\xb0\x41\xb0\xd6\x65\xba\x9c\x60\ \x46\x8b\x2d\xc1\x4c\x2b\x90\xae\x9f\xf5\x4a\xcd\xa6\xbc\x9e\xbc\ \x4a\xb4\x02\x3c\xaf\xb5\x0e\xe6\xb5\x44\x0f\x91\xea\x94\x58\x04\ \x18\x64\x38\xd5\x7c\x3b\x75\x81\xe1\x02\x9e\x73\xa6\x33\x51\x80\ \xd7\xcf\x73\xe1\x73\xd3\x49\xb8\x9e\xce\x4c\x2b\x90\xce\x78\x5e\ \x19\x49\xd4\x5a\xed\x3d\x0a\x30\xe0\xa7\xe7\x99\x60\x93\xd0\x0b\ \x45\xd4\xd7\x89\x90\x3a\x67\x25\x50\x3f\xfb\x8c\x68\xa1\x7f\x54\ \xcc\xac\x44\x9d\xb5\x12\xa8\xd4\x86\xb4\xdc\xa8\xa6\xcc\x16\x89\ \x5d\x0a\x18\x06\xcd\x8c\x80\x18\xdd\x06\xe7\xb5\x02\x0c\x91\x59\ \x01\xd1\x49\x30\x13\xbf\x02\x06\x12\x49\xa2\x2e\x37\x49\x82\xf5\ \xe5\xdf\x70\x2b\x5a\x48\x52\x66\x86\x6f\x0b\xfc\x0e\xfb\xc3\x27\ \x2f\x90\x9e\xc6\xb7\x8c\xf7\x21\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x45\x4e\x44\ \xae\x42\x60\x82\ " qt_resource_name = b"\ \x00\x07\ \x07\x3b\xe0\xb3\ \x00\x70\ \x00\x6c\x00\x75\x00\x67\x00\x69\x00\x6e\x00\x73\ \x00\x13\ \x0e\xb7\x46\xa2\ \x00\x69\ \x00\x6e\x00\x76\x00\x65\x00\x6e\x00\x74\x00\x6f\x00\x72\x00\x79\x00\x5f\x00\x76\x00\x61\x00\x6c\x00\x69\x00\x64\x00\x61\x00\x74\ \x00\x6f\x00\x72\ \x00\x08\ \x0a\x61\x5a\xa7\ \x00\x69\ \x00\x63\x00\x6f\x00\x6e\x00\x2e\x00\x70\x00\x6e\x00\x67\ " qt_resource_struct_v1 = b"\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\ \x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\ \x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\ " qt_resource_struct_v2 = b"\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\ \x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x03\ \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\ \x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\ \x00\x00\x01\x7e\xb7\x66\x8e\xd2\ " qt_version = [int(v) for v in QtCore.qVersion().split('.')] if qt_version < [5, 8, 0]: rcc_version = 1 qt_resource_struct = qt_resource_struct_v1 else: rcc_version = 2 qt_resource_struct = qt_resource_struct_v2 def qInitResources(): QtCore.qRegisterResourceData(rcc_version, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data) def qCleanupResources(): QtCore.qUnregisterResourceData(rcc_version, qt_resource_struct, qt_resource_name, qt_resource_data) qInitResources()
<gh_stars>1-10 from bflib import units from core import contexts from core.components import Component, listing from core.messaging import StringBuilder, Actor, Target, Verb @listing.register class Equipment(Component): NAME = "equipment" __slots__ = ["armor_restrictions", "weapon_restrictions", "weapon_size_restrictions", "wear_locations", "wield_locations", "empty_wield_locations" "worn_items", "wielded_items"] """ This component attaches itself to anything with a bodies. It represents equipment worn or wielded """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.armor_restrictions = None self.weapon_restrictions = None self.weapon_size_restrictions = None def on_register(self, host): super().on_register(host) host_restrictions = if host_restrictions: self.armor_restrictions = host_restrictions.armor self.weapon_restrictions = host_restrictions.weapons self.weapon_size_restrictions = host_restrictions.weapon_size def copy(self): return Equipment() def remove(self, item): found_slots = False for item_slot in self.get_worn_item_slots(): if item_slot.item == item: found_slots = True item_slot.item = None if found_slots: return True for item_slot in self.get_wielded_grasp_slots(): if item_slot.item == item: item_slot.item = None found_slots = True if found_slots: return True return False def wear(self, item): if self.armor_restrictions and not self.armor_restrictions.can_wear(item.base): return False if not item.wearable: return False empty_item_slots = self.get_empty_item_slots() for wear_location_set in item.wearable.wear_locations: if hasattr(wear_location_set, '__iter__'): # Multiple Location Slot for slot in wear_location_set: proper_slot = next((item_slot for item_slot in empty_item_slots if item_slot.keyword == slot), None) if proper_slot is not None: proper_slot.item = item else: return False context = contexts.Action(, item) message = StringBuilder(Actor, Verb("wear", Actor), Target, "."), message, context) return True else: # Single Location Slot proper_slot = next((item_slot for item_slot in empty_item_slots if item_slot.keyword == wear_location_set), None) if proper_slot is not None: proper_slot.item = item context = contexts.Action(, item) message = StringBuilder(Actor, Verb("wear", Actor), Target, "."), message, context) return True return False def wield(self, item): if self.weapon_restrictions and not self.weapon_restrictions.can_wield(item.base): return False hands = 1 if self.weapon_size_restrictions: keyword = self.weapon_size_restrictions.can_wield(item.base) if not keyword: return False else: if keyword == self.weapon_size_restrictions.keywords.NeedsTwoHands: hands = 2 empty_grasp_slots = self.get_empty_grasp_slots() if len(empty_grasp_slots) >= hands: while hands > 0: item_slot = empty_grasp_slots.pop(0) item_slot.item = item hands -= 1 context = contexts.Action(, item) message = StringBuilder(Actor, Verb("wield", Actor), Target, "."), message, context) return True return False def get_melee_total_armor_class(self): all_items = self.get_all_items() armor_ac = sum([item.armor.armor_class for item in all_items if item.armor]) shield_ac = sum([item.shield.armor_class_melee for item in all_items if item.shield]) return armor_ac + shield_ac def get_ranged_total_armor_class(self): all_items = self.get_all_items() armor_ac = sum([item.armor.armor_class for item in all_items if item.armor]) shield_ac = sum([item.shield.armor_class_missile for item in all_items if item.shield]) return armor_ac + shield_ac def get_all_items(self): items = self.get_worn_items() items.extend(self.get_wielded_items()) return items def get_empty_item_slots(self): body_parts = return [item_slot for body_part in body_parts for item_slot in body_part.item_slots if not item_slot.item] def get_empty_grasp_slots(self): body_parts = return [item_slot for body_part in body_parts for item_slot in body_part.grasp_slots if not item_slot.item] def get_worn_items(self): return [item_slot.item for item_slot in self.get_worn_item_slots()] def get_worn_item_slots(self): body_parts = return [item_slot for body_part in body_parts for item_slot in body_part.item_slots if item_slot.item] def get_wielded_items(self): return [item_slot.item for item_slot in self.get_wielded_grasp_slots()] def get_wielded_grasp_slots(self): body_parts = return [grasp_slot for body_part in body_parts for grasp_slot in body_part.grasp_slots if grasp_slot.item] def get_load_of_worn_items(self): worn_items = self.get_worn_items() total_weight = units.Pound(0) for item in worn_items: total_weight += item.weight.score return total_weight
import torch import hcat.lib.functional from hcat.lib.functional import IntensityCellReject from hcat.backends.backend import Backend from hcat.models.r_unet import embed_model as RUnet from hcat.train.transforms import median_filter, erosion import hcat.lib.utils from hcat.lib.utils import graceful_exit import os.path import wget from typing import Dict, Optional class SpatialEmbedding(Backend): def __init__(self, sigma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = torch.tensor([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]), device: Optional[str] = 'cuda', model_loc: Optional[str] = None, postprocessing: Optional[bool] = True, scale: Optional[int] = 25, figure: Optional[str] = None, archetecture: Optional[RUnet] = RUnet): """ Initialize Spatial embedding Algorithm. :param sigma: torch.Tensor[sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z] values for gaussian probability estimation. :param device: String value for torch device by which to run segmentation backbone on. :param model_loc: Path to trained model files. :param postprocessing: Disable segmentation postprocessing, namely :param scale: scale factor based on max diameter of object :param figure: filename and path of diagnostic figure which may be rendered """ super(SpatialEmbedding, self).__init__() self.url = '' # self.url = None self.scale = torch.tensor(scale) self.device = device self.sigma = self.postprocessing = postprocessing self.figure = figure if self.url: self.model = self._model_loader_url(self.url, archetecture, device) else: self.model = self._model_loader_path(model_loc, archetecture, device) self.vector_to_embedding = torch.jit.script( hcat.lib.functional.VectorToEmbedding(scale=self.scale).requires_grad_(False).eval()) self.embedding_to_probability = torch.jit.script( hcat.lib.functional.EmbeddingToProbability(scale=self.scale).requires_grad_(False).eval()) self.estimate_centroids = hcat.lib.functional.EstimateCentroids(scale=self.scale).requires_grad_(False) self.filter = median_filter(kernel_targets=3, rate=1, device=device) self.binary_erosion = erosion(device=device) self.intensity_rejection = IntensityCellReject() self.nms = hcat.lib.functional.nms().requires_grad_(False) self.centroids = None self.vec = None self.embed = None self.prob = None @graceful_exit('\x1b[1;31;40m' + 'ERROR: Spatial Embedding Failed. Aborting...' + '\x1b[0m') def forward(self, image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Inputs an image and outputs a probability mask of everything seen in the image. .. note:: Call the module as a function to execute this method (similar to torch.nn.module). .. warning: Will not raise an error upon failure, instead returns None and prints to standard out Example: >>> from hcat.backends.spatial_embedding import SpatialEmbedding >>> import torch >>> backend = SpatialEmbedding() >>> image = torch.load('path/to/my/image.trch') >>> assert image.ndim == 5 # Shape should be [B, C, X, Y, Z] >>> masks = backend(image) :param image: [B, C=4, X, Y, Z] input image :return: [B, 1, X, Y, Z] output segmentation mask where each pixel value is a cell id (0 is background) """ assert image.ndim == 5 assert image.shape[1] == 1 assert image.min() >= -1 assert image.max() <= 1 # image = self.filter( image = b, c, x, y, z = image.shape if self.image_reject and self._is_image_bad(image): return torch.zeros((b, 0, x, y, z), device=self.device) # Evaluate Neural Network Model out: torch.Tensor = self.model(image) # Assign Outputs probability_map = out[:, [-1], ...] out = out[:, 0:3:1, ...] self.prob = probability_map.cpu() self.vec = out.cpu() out: torch.Tensor = self.vector_to_embedding(out) self.embed = out.cpu() centroids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = self.estimate_centroids(out, probability_map) self.centroids = centroids out: torch.Tensor = self.embedding_to_probability(out, centroids, self.sigma) # Reject cell masks that overlap or meet min Myo7a criteria if self.postprocessing: out: torch.Tensor = self.intensity_rejection(out, image) # print(centroids.shape, out.shape) if out.numel() == 0: return torch.zeros((b, 0, x, y, z), device=self.device) ind = self.nms(out, 0.5) out = out[:, ind, ...] # Take probabilities and generate masks! probability_map = for i in range(out.shape[1]): out[:, i, ...][probability_map] = 0 self.zero_grad() return out def load(self, model_loc: str) -> None: """ Initializes model weights from a url or filepath. Example: >>> from hcat.backends.spatial_embedding import SpatialEmbedding >>> backend = SpatialEmbedding() >>> >>> url = '' >>> backend.load(url) # Works with url >>> >>> model_path = 'path/to/my/model.trch' >>> backend.load(model_path) # Also works with path :param model_loc: url or filepath :return: None """ if self._is_url(model_loc): return self._model_loader_url(model_loc, RUnet(in_channels=1).requires_grad_(False), self.device) else: return self._model_loader_path(model_loc, RUnet(in_channels=1).requires_grad_(False), self.device)
<gh_stars>0 """Build rules to create C++ code from an Antlr4 grammar.""" def antlr4_cc_lexer(name, src, namespaces = None, imports = None, deps = None, lib_import = None): """Generates the C++ source corresponding to an antlr4 lexer definition. Args: name: The name of the package to use for the cc_library. src: The antlr4 g4 file containing the lexer rules. namespaces: The namespace used by the generated files. Uses an array to support nested namespaces. Defaults to [name]. imports: A list of antlr4 source imports to use when building the lexer. deps: Dependencies for the generated code. lib_import: Optional target for importing grammar and token files. """ namespaces = namespaces or [name] imports = imports or [] deps = deps or [] if not src.endswith(".g4"): fail("Grammar must end with .g4", "src") if (any([not imp.endswith(".g4") for imp in imports])): fail("Imported files must be Antlr4 grammar ending with .g4", "imports") file_prefix = src[:-3] base_file_prefix = _strip_end(file_prefix, "Lexer") out_files = [ "%sLexer.h" % base_file_prefix, "%sLexer.cpp" % base_file_prefix, ] native.java_binary( name = "antlr_tool", jvm_flags = ["-Xmx256m"], main_class = "org.antlr.v4.Tool", runtime_deps = ["@maven//:org_antlr_antlr4_4_7_1"], ) command = ";\n".join([ # Use the first namespace, we'll add the others afterwards. _make_tool_invocation_command(namespaces[0], lib_import), _make_namespace_adjustment_command(namespaces, out_files), ]) native.genrule( name = name + "_source", srcs = [src] + imports, outs = out_files, cmd = command, heuristic_label_expansion = 0, tools = ["antlr_tool"], ) native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = [f for f in out_files if f.endswith(".cpp")], hdrs = [f for f in out_files if f.endswith(".h")], deps = ["@antlr_cc_runtime//:antlr4_runtime"] + deps, copts = [ "-fexceptions", ], features = ["-use_header_modules"], # Incompatible with -fexceptions. ) def antlr4_cc_parser( name, src, namespaces = None, token_vocab = None, imports = None, listener = True, visitor = False, deps = None, lib_import = None): """Generates the C++ source corresponding to an antlr4 parser definition. Args: name: The name of the package to use for the cc_library. src: The antlr4 g4 file containing the parser rules. namespaces: The namespace used by the generated files. Uses an array to support nested namespaces. Defaults to [name]. token_vocab: The antlr g4 file containing the lexer tokens. imports: A list of antlr4 source imports to use when building the parser. listener: Whether or not to include listener generated files. visitor: Whether or not to include visitor generated files. deps: Dependencies for the generated code. lib_import: Optional target for importing grammar and token files. """ suffixes = () if listener: suffixes += ( "%sBaseListener.cpp", "%sListener.cpp", "%sBaseListener.h", "%sListener.h", ) if visitor: suffixes += ( "%sBaseVisitor.cpp", "%sVisitor.cpp", "%sBaseVisitor.h", "%sVisitor.h", ) namespaces = namespaces or [name] imports = imports or [] deps = deps or [] if not src.endswith(".g4"): fail("Grammar must end with .g4", "src") if token_vocab != None and not token_vocab.endswith(".g4"): fail("Token Vocabulary must end with .g4", "token_vocab") if (any([not imp.endswith(".g4") for imp in imports])): fail("Imported files must be Antlr4 grammar ending with .g4", "imports") file_prefix = src[:-3] base_file_prefix = _strip_end(file_prefix, "Parser") out_files = [ "%sParser.h" % base_file_prefix, "%sParser.cpp" % base_file_prefix, ] + _make_outs(file_prefix, suffixes) if token_vocab: imports.append(token_vocab) command = ";\n".join([ # Use the first namespace, we'll add the others afterwardsm thi . _make_tool_invocation_command(namespaces[0], lib_import, listener, visitor), _make_namespace_adjustment_command(namespaces, out_files), ]) native.genrule( name = name + "_source", srcs = [src] + imports, outs = out_files, cmd = command, heuristic_label_expansion = 0, tools = [ ":antlr_tool", ], ) native.cc_library( name = name, srcs = [f for f in out_files if f.endswith(".cpp")], hdrs = [f for f in out_files if f.endswith(".h")], deps = ["@antlr_cc_runtime//:antlr4_runtime"] + deps, copts = [ "-fexceptions", # FIXME: antlr generates broken C++ code that attempts to construct # a std::string from nullptr. It's not clear whether the relevant # constructs are reachable. "-Wno-nonnull", ], features = ["-use_header_modules"], # Incompatible with -fexceptions. ) def _make_outs(file_prefix, suffixes): return [file_suffix % file_prefix for file_suffix in suffixes] def _strip_end(text, suffix): if not text.endswith(suffix): return text return text[:len(text) - len(suffix)] def _to_c_macro_name(filename): # Convert the filenames to a format suitable for C preprocessor definitions. char_list = [filename[i].upper() for i in range(len(filename))] return "ANTLR4_GEN_" + "".join( [a if (("A" <= a) and (a <= "Z")) else "_" for a in char_list], ) def _make_tool_invocation_command(package, lib_import, listener = False, visitor = False): return "$(location :antlr_tool) " + \ "$(SRCS)" + \ (" -visitor" if visitor else " -no-visitor") + \ (" -listener" if listener else " -no-listener") + \ (" -lib $$(dirname $(location " + lib_import + "))" if lib_import else "") + \ " -Dlanguage=Cpp" + \ " -package " + package + \ " -o $(@D)" + \ " -Xexact-output-dir" def _make_namespace_adjustment_command(namespaces, out_files): if len(namespaces) == 1: return "true" commands = [] extra_header_namespaces = "\\\n".join(["namespace %s {" % namespace for namespace in namespaces[1:]]) for filepath in out_files: if filepath.endswith(".h"): commands.append("sed -i '/namespace %s {/ a%s' $(@D)/%s" % (namespaces[0], extra_header_namespaces, filepath)) for namespace in namespaces[1:]: commands.append("sed -i '/} \/\/ namespace %s/i} \/\/ namespace %s' $(@D)/%s" % (namespaces[0], namespace, filepath)) else: commands.append("sed -i 's/using namespace %s;/using namespace %s;/' $(@D)/%s" % (namespaces[0], "::".join(namespaces), filepath)) return ";\n".join(commands)
<reponame>ceshine/pytorch-helper-bot """ Finetuning BERT using DeepSpeed's ZeRO-Offload """ import json import dataclasses from pathlib import Path from functools import partial import nlp import torch import typer import deepspeed import numpy as np from transformers import BertTokenizerFast from transformers import BertForSequenceClassification from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from pytorch_helper_bot import ( DeepSpeedBot, MovingAverageStatsTrackerCallback, CheckpointCallback, LearningRateSchedulerCallback, MultiStageScheduler, Top1Accuracy, LinearLR, CosineAnnealingScheduler ) CACHE_DIR = Path("cache/") CACHE_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) APP = typer.Typer() class SST2Dataset( def __init__(self, entries_dict): super().__init__() self.entries_dict = entries_dict def __len__(self): return len(self.entries_dict["label"]) def __getitem__(self, idx): return ( self.entries_dict["input_ids"][idx], self.entries_dict["attention_mask"][idx], self.entries_dict["token_type_ids"][idx], self.entries_dict["label"][idx] ) @dataclasses.dataclass class SST2Bot(DeepSpeedBot): log_dir = CACHE_DIR / "logs" def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() self.loss_format = "%.6f" @staticmethod def extract_prediction(output): return output[0] class Object(object): pass def convert_to_features(tokenizer, example_batch): # Tokenize contexts and questions (as pairs of inputs) encodings = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( example_batch['sentence'], padding='max_length', max_length=64, truncation=True) return encodings @APP.command( context_settings={"allow_extra_args": True, "ignore_unknown_options": True} ) def main(arch="bert-base-uncased", config="gpu.json"): # Reference: # # * with open(config) as fin: config_params = json.load(fin) dataset = nlp.load_dataset('glue', "sst2") print(set([x['label'] for x in dataset["train"]])) tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(arch) # Format our dataset to outputs torch.Tensor to train a pytorch model columns = ['input_ids', 'token_type_ids', 'attention_mask', "label"] for subset in ("train", "validation"): dataset[subset] = dataset[subset].map( partial(convert_to_features, tokenizer), batched=True) dataset[subset].set_format(type='torch', columns=columns) print(tokenizer.decode(dataset['train'][6]["input_ids"].numpy())) print(dataset['train'][0]["attention_mask"]) valid_idx, test_idx = train_test_split( list(range(len(dataset["validation"]))), test_size=0.5, random_state=42) train_dict = { "input_ids": dataset['train']["input_ids"], "attention_mask": dataset['train']["attention_mask"], "token_type_ids": dataset['train']["token_type_ids"], "label": dataset['train']["label"] } valid_dict = { "input_ids": dataset['validation']["input_ids"][valid_idx], "attention_mask": dataset['validation']["attention_mask"][valid_idx], "token_type_ids": dataset['validation']["token_type_ids"][valid_idx], "label": dataset['validation']["label"][valid_idx] } test_dict = { "input_ids": dataset['validation']["input_ids"][test_idx], "attention_mask": dataset['validation']["attention_mask"][test_idx], "token_type_ids": dataset['validation']["token_type_ids"][test_idx], "label": dataset['validation']["label"][test_idx] } # Instantiate a PyTorch Dataloader around our dataset train_loader = SST2Dataset(train_dict), batch_size=config_params["train_batch_size"], shuffle=True) valid_loader = SST2Dataset(valid_dict), batch_size=config_params["train_batch_size"], drop_last=False) test_loader = SST2Dataset(test_dict), batch_size=config_params["train_batch_size"], drop_last=False) model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(arch) # torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(model.classifier.weight) # torch.nn.init.constant_(model.classifier.bias, 0) # torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(model.bert.pooler.dense.weight) # torch.nn.init.constant_(model.bert.pooler.dense.bias, 0); args = Object() setattr(args, "local_rank", 0) setattr(args, "deepspeed_config", config) if config[:3] == "cpu": if "optimizer" in config_params: model, optimizer, _, _ = deepspeed.initialize( args=args, model=model, model_parameters=model.parameters() ) else: from deepspeed.ops.adam import DeepSpeedCPUAdam optimizer = DeepSpeedCPUAdam(model.parameters(), lr=2e-5) model, optimizer, _, _ = deepspeed.initialize( args=args, model=model, model_parameters=model.parameters(), optimizer=optimizer ) else: model, optimizer, _, _ = deepspeed.initialize( args=args, model=model, model_parameters=model.parameters() # optimizer=optimizer ) total_steps = len(train_loader) * 3 # checkpoints = CheckpointCallback( # keep_n_checkpoints=1, # checkpoint_dir=CACHE_DIR / "model_cache/", # monitor_metric="accuracy" # ) lr_durations = [ int(total_steps*0.2), int(np.ceil(total_steps*0.8)) ] break_points = [0] + list(np.cumsum(lr_durations))[:-1] callbacks = [ MovingAverageStatsTrackerCallback( avg_window=len(train_loader) // 8, log_interval=len(train_loader) // 10 ), LearningRateSchedulerCallback( MultiStageScheduler( [ LinearLR(optimizer, 0.01, lr_durations[0]), CosineAnnealingScheduler(optimizer, lr_durations[1]) ], start_at_epochs=break_points ) ), # checkpoints ] bot = SST2Bot( model=model, train_loader=train_loader, valid_loader=valid_loader, clip_grad=10., optimizer=optimizer, echo=True, criterion=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), callbacks=callbacks, pbar=False, use_tensorboard=False, # use_amp=APEX_AVAILABLE, metrics=(Top1Accuracy(),) ) print(total_steps) bot.train( total_steps=total_steps, checkpoint_interval=len(train_loader) // 2 ) # bot.load_model(checkpoints.best_performers[0][1]) # checkpoints.remove_checkpoints(keep=0) # TARGET_DIR = CACHE_DIR / "sst2_bert_uncased" # TARGET_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # bot.model.save_pretrained(TARGET_DIR) bot.eval(valid_loader) bot.eval(test_loader) if __name__ == "__main__": APP()
<filename>scripts/WIPS2015/ #!/usr/bin/python ############################################## ###Python template ###Author: <NAME> ###Date: 10/11/14 ###Function: Any diagnosis per 100,000 population vs. week number for flu weeks (wks 40-20). Population size is from the calendar year of the week of calculation. ###Import data: SQL_export/anydiag_outpatient_allweeks.csv ### branch from v2/ ###Command Line: python ############################################## ### notes ### # Incidence per 100,000 is normalized by total population by second calendar year of the flu season ### packages/modules ### import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ## local modules ## import functions_v5 as fxn ### data structures ### ### functions ### ### data files ### anydiagin = open('/home/elee/Dropbox/Elizabeth_Bansal_Lab/SDI_Data/explore/SQL_export/anydiag_allweeks_outpatient.csv','r') anydiagin.readline() # rm header anydiag = csv.reader(anydiagin, delimiter=',') ### called/local plotting parameters ### ps = fxn.pseasons fw = fxn.gp_fluweeks sl = fxn.gp_seasonlabels colvec = fxn.gp_colors wklab = fxn.gp_weeklabels fs = 24 fssml = 16 ### program ### # dict_wk[week] = seasonnum, dict_any[week] = visits per 100,000 in US population in calendar year of week,d_any53ls[seasonnum] = [anydiag wk 40 per 100000, anydiag wk 41 per 100000,...] d_wk, d_any, d_any53ls = fxn.week_anydiag_processing(anydiag) # plot values for s in ps: plt.plot(xrange(53), d_any53ls[s], marker = fxn.gp_marker, color = colvec[s-2], label = sl[s-2], linewidth = fxn.gp_linewidth) plt.fill([7, 8, 8, 7], [0, 0, 4000, 4000], facecolor='grey', alpha=0.4) plt.fill([12, 14, 14, 12], [0, 0, 4000, 4000], facecolor='grey', alpha=0.4) plt.xlim([0, fw-1]) plt.xticks(range(53)[::5], wklab[::5]) plt.ylim([0, 4000]) plt.xlabel('Week Number', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel('Outpatient Visit per 100,000', fontsize=fs) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig('/home/elee/Dropbox/Department/Presentations/2015_WIPS/Figures/anydiag_time.png', transparent=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) plt.close() #
# !/usr/bin/env python # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ from django.conf.urls import url from . import views urlpatterns = [ # 1. 结算订单 orders/settlement/ url(r'^orders/settlement/$', views.OrdersSettlementView.as_view(), name='settlement'), # 2. orders/commit/ 提交订单 url(r'^orders/commit/$', views.OrdersCommitView.as_view(), name='commit'), # 3. 订单成功 -- orders/success/ url(r'^orders/success/$', views.OrdersSuccessView.as_view(), name='sucess'), ]
import re class Node: def __init__(self, id, ip, hostname, type): = id self.ip = ip self.hostname = hostname self.type = type self.validate() def validate(self): self.illegal = False if re.match("^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$", self.ip): self.illegal = reduce(lambda x, y : x and y, map(lambda x : True if int(x) <= 255 else False, self.ip.split(".")), True) if self.illegal == False: raise Exception("IP Format Error, " + self.ip + " is illegal.") def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return "<IP: %s, id: %s, hostname: %s, type: %s>" % (self.ip,, self.hostname, self.type) # if __name__ == "__main__": # a = Node(1, "", 1, 1) # a.validate()
<reponame>leipzig/gatk-sv import sys [_, varfile] = sys.argv plotdir = "plots" igvfile = "igv.txt" igvsh = "" with open(varfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: dat = line.split('\t') chr = dat[0] start = dat[1] end = dat[2] data = dat[3].split(',')
<gh_stars>0 import json class PowerStateMonitor(object): def __init__(self, simulation): self.simulation = simulation self.env = simulation.env self.event_file = simulation.event_file + "_power" = [] def __cal_machine_power(self): machines = self.simulation.cluster.machines sum = 0 for machine in machines: power = 100 * machine.state['cpu_usage_percent'] + 2 * machine.state['memory_usage_percent'] sum += power return sum def __cal_cooling_equipment_power(self): cooling_equipment = self.simulation.cluster.cooling_equipment if ((cooling_equipment.state['inlet_temp'] - cooling_equipment.state['setting_temp']) < 0): power = 0 else: power = 100 * (cooling_equipment.state['inlet_temp'] - cooling_equipment.state['setting_temp']) return power def run(self): machine_power_sum = 0 cooling_power_sum = 0 while not self.simulation.finished: machine_power = round(self.__cal_machine_power(), 2) cooling_power = round(self.__cal_cooling_equipment_power(), 2) machine_power_sum += machine_power cooling_power_sum += cooling_power state = { 'timestamp':, 'machine_power': machine_power, 'cooling_power': cooling_power } yield self.env.timeout(1) state = { 'timestamp':, 'machine_power_sum': machine_power_sum, 'cooling_power_sum': cooling_power_sum } self.__write_to_file() def __write_to_file(self): with open(self.event_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(, f, indent=4)
<filename>lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible_collections/community/postgresql/plugins/modules/ #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2020, <NAME> (@Andersson007) <<EMAIL>> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_user_obj_stat_info short_description: Gather statistics about PostgreSQL user objects description: - Gathers statistics about PostgreSQL user objects. version_added: '0.2.0' options: filter: description: - Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list. - Allowable values are C(functions), C(indexes), C(tables). - By default, collects all subsets. - Unsupported values are ignored. type: list elements: str schema: description: - Restrict the output by certain schema. type: str db: description: - Name of database to connect. type: str aliases: - login_db session_role: description: - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. type: str trust_input: description: - If C(no), check the value of I(session_role) is potentially dangerous. - It makes sense to use C(no) only when SQL injections via I(session_role) are possible. type: bool default: yes version_added: '0.2.0' notes: - C(size) and C(total_size) returned values are presented in bytes. - For tracking function statistics the PostgreSQL C(track_functions) parameter must be enabled. See U( for more information. seealso: - module: community.postgresql.postgresql_info - module: community.postgresql.postgresql_ping - name: PostgreSQL statistics collector reference description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL statistics collector documentation. link: author: - <NAME> (@Andersson007) - <NAME> (@andytom) extends_documentation_fragment: - community.postgresql.postgres ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Collect information about all supported user objects of the acme database community.postgresql.postgresql_user_obj_stat_info: db: acme - name: Collect information about all supported user objects in the custom schema of the acme database community.postgresql.postgresql_user_obj_stat_info: db: acme schema: custom - name: Collect information about user tables and indexes in the acme database community.postgresql.postgresql_user_obj_stat_info: db: acme filter: tables, indexes ''' RETURN = r''' indexes: description: User index statistics returned: always type: dict sample: {"public": {"test_id_idx": {"idx_scan": 0, "idx_tup_fetch": 0, "idx_tup_read": 0, "relname": "test", "size": 8192, ...}}} tables: description: User table statistics. returned: always type: dict sample: {"public": {"test": {"analyze_count": 3, "n_dead_tup": 0, "n_live_tup": 0, "seq_scan": 2, "size": 0, "total_size": 8192, ...}}} functions: description: User function statistics. returned: always type: dict sample: {"public": {"inc": {"calls": 1, "funcid": 26722, "self_time": 0.23, "total_time": 0.23}}} ''' try: from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor except ImportError: # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db() # from ansible.module_utils.postgres pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from import ( check_input, ) from import ( connect_to_db, exec_sql, get_conn_params, postgres_common_argument_spec, ) from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems # =========================================== # PostgreSQL module specific support methods. # class PgUserObjStatInfo(): """Class to collect information about PostgreSQL user objects. Args: module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class. cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL. Attributes: module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class. cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL. executed_queries (list): List of executed queries. info (dict): Statistics dictionary. obj_func_mapping (dict): Mapping of object types to corresponding functions. schema (str): Name of a schema to restrict stat collecting. """ def __init__(self, module, cursor): self.module = module self.cursor = cursor = { 'functions': {}, 'indexes': {}, 'tables': {}, } self.obj_func_mapping = { 'functions': self.get_func_stat, 'indexes': self.get_idx_stat, 'tables': self.get_tbl_stat, } self.schema = None def collect(self, filter_=None, schema=None): """Collect statistics information of user objects. Kwargs: filter_ (list): List of subsets which need to be collected. schema (str): Restrict stat collecting by certain schema. Returns: ````. """ if schema: self.set_schema(schema) if filter_: for obj_type in filter_: obj_type = obj_type.strip() obj_func = self.obj_func_mapping.get(obj_type) if obj_func is not None: obj_func() else: self.module.warn("Unknown filter option '%s'" % obj_type) else: for obj_func in self.obj_func_mapping.values(): obj_func() return def get_func_stat(self): """Get function statistics and fill out dictionary.""" query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_functions" if self.schema: query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE schemaname = %s" result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,), add_to_executed=False) if not result: return self.__fill_out_info(result, info_key='functions', schema_key='schemaname', name_key='funcname') def get_idx_stat(self): """Get index statistics and fill out dictionary.""" query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes" if self.schema: query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes WHERE schemaname = %s" result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,), add_to_executed=False) if not result: return self.__fill_out_info(result, info_key='indexes', schema_key='schemaname', name_key='indexrelname') def get_tbl_stat(self): """Get table statistics and fill out dictionary.""" query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables" if self.schema: query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE schemaname = %s" result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,), add_to_executed=False) if not result: return self.__fill_out_info(result, info_key='tables', schema_key='schemaname', name_key='relname') def __fill_out_info(self, result, info_key=None, schema_key=None, name_key=None): # Convert result to list of dicts to handle it easier: result = [dict(row) for row in result] for elem in result: # Add schema name as a key if not presented: if not[info_key].get(elem[schema_key]):[info_key][elem[schema_key]] = {} # Add object name key as a subkey # (they must be uniq over a schema, so no need additional checks):[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]] = {} # Add other other attributes to a certain index: for key, val in iteritems(elem): if key not in (schema_key, name_key):[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]][key] = val if info_key in ('tables', 'indexes'): schemaname = elem[schema_key] if self.schema: schemaname = self.schema relname = '%s.%s' % (schemaname, elem[name_key]) result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_relation_size (%s)", query_params=(relname,), add_to_executed=False)[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]]['size'] = result[0][0] if info_key == 'tables': result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_total_relation_size (%s)", query_params=(relname,), add_to_executed=False)[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]]['total_size'] = result[0][0] def set_schema(self, schema): """If schema exists, sets self.schema, otherwise fails.""" query = ("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata " "WHERE schema_name = %s") result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(schema,), add_to_executed=False) if result and result[0][0]: self.schema = schema else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Schema '%s' does not exist" % (schema)) # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']), filter=dict(type='list', elements='str'), session_role=dict(type='str'), schema=dict(type='str'), trust_input=dict(type="bool", default=True), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) filter_ = module.params["filter"] schema = module.params["schema"] if not module.params["trust_input"]: check_input(module, module.params['session_role']) # Connect to DB and make cursor object: pg_conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params) # We don't need to commit anything, so, set it to False: db_connection = connect_to_db(module, pg_conn_params, autocommit=False) cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) ############################ # Create object and do work: pg_obj_info = PgUserObjStatInfo(module, cursor) info_dict = pg_obj_info.collect(filter_, schema) # Clean up: cursor.close() db_connection.close() # Return information: module.exit_json(**info_dict) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Aug 13 18:23:08 2019 This scrip is for training the experiement end2end @author: li """ import tensorflow as tf import models.AE as AE import optimization.loss_tf as loss_tf from data import read_frame_temporal as rft import numpy as np import os import math import cv2 import shutil import const def train_end2end(args, data_set, model_type, motion_method, version=0, bg_ind=None, augment_opt="none"): model_mom_for_load_data = args.datadir path_mom = args.expdir if data_set == "ucsd1": stat = [8,6,2,5] train_ucsd1(stat, model_type, motion_method, version) elif data_set == "ucsd2": stat = [8,6,2,4] train_ucsd2(stat, model_type, motion_method, version) elif data_set == "avenue": stat = [6,6,2,4] train_avenue(stat, model_type, augment_opt, version) elif data_set == "shanghaitech_allinone": stat = [6,6,2,4] train_shanghaitech_allinone(stat, model_type, version) elif data_set == "shanghaitech_multiple": stat = [6,6,2,4] train_shanghaitech_multiple(stat, model_type, motion_method, version, bg_ind) # elif data_set is "moving_mnist": # # 6, 6, 1, 4 # train_moving_mnist(model_mom_for_load_data, path_mom, stat, model_type, version) def train_fps(model_mom_for_load_data, path_mom): # 31,32,33,34 version = 0 interval_group = np.arange(11)[1:] * 2 learn_opt = "learn_fore" data_set = "ucsd2" motion_method = "conv3d" model_type = "2d_2d_pure_unet" time_step = 6 args.z_mse_ratio = 0.001 for single_interval in interval_group: delta = single_interval train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, single_interval, version, None, 4, learn_opt) def train_ucsd1_group(): stat = [8, 6, 2, 5] model_type = "2d_2d_pure_unet" motion_method = "convlstm" version = [0, 1, 2, 3] for single_version in version: train_ucsd1(stat, model_type, motion_method, single_version) def train_ucsd1(stat, model_type, motion_method, version): data_set = "ucsd1" time_step, delta, interval, num_enc_layer = stat train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_fore") def train_ucsd2_group(): stat = [8, 6, 2, 4] model_type = "2d_2d_pure_unet" motion_method = "convlstm" for single_version in [2, 3]: train_ucsd2(stat, model_type, motion_method, single_version) def train_ucsd2(stat, model_type, motion_method, version): data_set = "ucsd2" time_step, delta, interval, num_enc_layer = stat train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_fore") def train_avenue_group(): data_dir = args.datadir model_dir = args.expdir stat = [6, 6, 2, 4] motion_method = "conv3d" augment_opt = "none" for single_version in [2, 3]: train_avenue(data_dir, model_dir, stat, "2d_2d_pure_unet", motion_method, augment_opt, single_version) def train_avenue(stat, model_type, motion_method, augment_opt, version): data_set = "avenue" args.augment_option = augment_opt if augment_opt == "add_dark_auto": learn_opt = "learn_full" else: learn_opt = "learn_fore" time_step, delta, interval, num_enc_layer = stat train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, learn_opt) def train_shanghaitech_allinone(stat, model_type, version): motion_method = "conv3d" time_step, delta, interval, num_enc_layer = stat data_set = "shanghaitech" train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_fore") def train_shanghaitech_multiple(stat, model_type, motion_method, version, bg_ind=None): if bg_ind[0] == 0: bg_ind = [2, 3, 7, 9, 11] for single_bg_ind in bg_ind: train_shanghaitech_for_per_bg(args.datadir, args.expdir, stat, model_type, motion_method, single_bg_ind, version) def train_shanghaitech_for_per_bg(model_mom_for_load_data, path_mom, stat, model_type, motion_method, bg_ind, version): time_step, delta, interval, num_enc_layer = stat data_set = "shanghaitech" train_model(model_mom_for_load_data, path_mom, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_fore", bg_index_pool=[bg_ind]) def train_moving_mnist(): motion_method = "conv3d" data_set = "moving_mnist" version = 2 model_type = "2d_2d_unet_no_shortcut" z_mse_ratio = 0.001 args.z_mse_ratio = z_mse_ratio num_layer = [5] stat_group = [[6, 2, 1]] for single_layer in num_layer: for single_stat in stat_group: time_step, delta, interval = single_stat num_enc_layer = single_layer train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_full") def train_moving_mnist_single_digit(model_group): """This function train a pure autoencoder for moving mnist single digit dataset The goal of this type of experiments is to hope the latent can show some pattern between anomalies and normal""" motion_method = "conv3d" data_set = "moving_mnist_single_digit" version = 1 # version 1 means the activation layer in the last convolutional block is changed from # learky-relu to tanh args.z_mse_ratio = 0.001 num_layer = [5, 4] stat = [6, 2, 1] for model_type in model_group: for single_layer in num_layer: time_step, delta, interval = stat num_enc_layer = single_layer train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, interval, version, None, num_enc_layer, "learn_full") def train_seq2seq(version): data_set = "ucsd2" motion_method = "conv3d" model_type = "many_to_one" for time_step in [4, 6, 8]: stat = [time_step, 2, 2, 4] train_model(args.datadir, args.expdir, data_set, stat[0], stat[1], model_type, motion_method, stat[2], version, None, stat[-1], "learn_fore", None) def train_model(model_mom_for_load_data, path_mom, data_set, time_step, delta, model_type, motion_method, single_interval, version, ckpt_dir, num_enc_layer, learn_opt, bg_index_pool=None): print("-------------------Start to train the model------------------------------") args.data_set = data_set interval_input = np.array([single_interval]) bg_index = None args.num_encoder_layer = num_enc_layer args.num_decoder_layer = num_enc_layer args.time_step = time_step args.single_interval = single_interval = delta args.learn_opt = learn_opt args.bg_index_pool = bg_index_pool model_dir = path_mom + "ano_%s_motion_end2end/" % args.data_set if not bg_index_pool: model_dir = model_dir + "time_%d_delta_%d_gap_%d_%s_%s_%s_enc_%d_version_%d" % (time_step, delta, single_interval, model_type, motion_method, learn_opt, num_enc_layer, version) else: model_dir = model_dir + "time_%d_delta_%d_gap_%d_%s_%s_%s_enc_%d_bg_%d_version_%d" % ( time_step, delta, single_interval, model_type, motion_method, learn_opt, num_enc_layer, bg_index_pool[0], version) tmf = TrainMainFunc(args, model_mom_for_load_data, model_dir, ckpt_dir, time_step, interval_input, delta, train_index=bg_index, bg_index_pool=bg_index_pool) tmf.build_running() def read_data(model_mom, data_set, concat_option, time_step, interval_input, delta, bg_index_pool=None): if data_set != "shanghaitech": train_im, test_im, imshape, targ_shape = rft.get_video_data(model_mom, data_set).forward() train_im_interval, in_shape, out_shape = rft.read_frame_interval_by_dataset(data_set, train_im, time_step, concat_option, interval_input, delta) else: train_im_group = [] if not bg_index_pool: bg_index_pool = np.arange(13)[1:] for single_bg_index in bg_index_pool: if single_bg_index < 10: bg_index = "bg_index_0%d" % single_bg_index else: bg_index = "bg_index_%d" % single_bg_index print("--------loading data from bg %s---------------" % bg_index) test_im, test_la, imshape, targ_shape = rft.get_video_data(model_mom, args.data_set).forward(bg_index) test_im_interval, in_shape, out_shape = rft.read_frame_interval_by_dataset(data_set, test_im, time_step, concat_option, interval=interval_input, delta=delta) train_im_group.append(test_im_interval) train_im_interval = np.array([v for j in train_im_group for v in j]) return train_im_interval, imshape, targ_shape, in_shape, out_shape class TrainMainFunc(object): def __init__(self, args, model_mom, model_dir, ckpt_dir, time_step, interval_input=np.array([1]), delta=None, train_index=None, bg_index_pool=None): if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) concat_option = "conc_tr" train_im_interval, imshape, targ_shape, in_shape, out_shape = read_data(model_mom, args.data_set, concat_option, time_step, interval_input, delta, bg_index_pool=bg_index_pool) args.output_dim = targ_shape[-1] if concat_option == "conc_tr": args.num_prediction = 1 else: args.num_prediction = out_shape[0] self.args = args self.model_mom = model_mom self.model_dir = model_dir self.ckpt_dir = ckpt_dir self.data_set = args.data_set self.train_index = train_index self.temp_shape = [in_shape, out_shape] self.targ_shape = targ_shape self.imshape = imshape self.output_dim = args.output_dim self.concat = "conc_tr" self.time_step = time_step = delta self.interval = interval_input[0] self.test_im = train_im_interval self.input_option = args.input_option self.augment_option = args.augment_option self.darker_value = args.darker_value self.learn_opt = args.learn_opt self.model_type = args.model_type self.z_mse_ratio = args.z_mse_ratio [lrate_g_step, lrate_g], [lrate_z_step, lrate_z], [epoch, batch_size] = const.give_learning_rate_for_init_exp(self.args) self.lrate_g_decay_step = lrate_g_step self.lrate_g_init = lrate_g self.lrate_z_decay_step = lrate_z_step self.lrate_z_init = lrate_z self.batch_size = batch_size self.max_epoch = epoch print(args) def read_tensor(self): imh, imw, ch = self.targ_shape placeholder_shape = [None, 2, self.temp_shape[0][0]] shuffle_option = True if "/project/" in self.model_dir: repeat = 20 else: repeat = 1 images_in = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=placeholder_shape, name='tr_im_path') image_queue = rft.dataset_input(self.model_mom, self.data_set, images_in, self.learn_opt, self.temp_shape, self.imshape, self.targ_shape[:2], self.batch_size, augment_option=self.augment_option, darker_value=self.darker_value, conc_option=self.concat, shuffle=shuffle_option, train_index=None, epoch_size=repeat) image_init = image_queue.make_initializable_iterator() image_batch = image_init.get_next() x_input = image_batch[0] # [batch_size, num_input_channel, imh, imw, ch] x_output = image_batch[1] # [batch_size, self.output_dim, imh, imw, ch] im_background = image_batch[-1] print("=========================================") print("The input of the model", x_input) print("The output of the model", x_output) print("The background of the data", im_background) print("=========================================") x_input = tf.concat([x_input, x_output], axis=1) # th==already subtract the background. if self.learn_opt == "learn_fore": x_real_input = x_input + im_background else: x_real_input = x_input self.x_real_input = tf.transpose(x_real_input, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) x_input = tf.transpose(x_input, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) # num_frame, batch_size, imh, imw, ch # the last input of x_input is for prediction im_background = tf.transpose(im_background, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) # num_frame, batch_size, imh, imw, ch if "crop" in self.input_option: x_input = tf.reshape(x_input, shape=[(self.time_step + 1) * self.batch_size, imh, imw, ch]) crop_size = self.input_option.strip().split("crop_")[1] crop_h, crop_w = crop_size.strip().split("_") crop_h, crop_w = int(crop_h), int(crop_w) x_input_crop, stride_size, crop_box_h_w = rft.get_crop_image(x_input, crop_h, crop_w) x_input_crop = tf.concat([x_input_crop], axis=0) # [num_regions, (num_time+1)*batch_size, crop_height, crop_weight,ch] num_box = x_input_crop.get_shape().as_list()[0] x_input_crop = tf.reshape(x_input_crop, shape=[num_box, self.time_step + 1, self.batch_size, crop_h, crop_w, ch]) x_input_crop = tf.transpose(x_input_crop, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5)) x_input_crop = tf.reshape(x_input_crop, shape=[self.time_step + 1, num_box * self.batch_size, crop_h, crop_w, ch]) x_input = x_input_crop # [time, num_box*batch, croph, cropw, ch] x_input = tf.transpose(x_input, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) # [batch, time, c_h, c_w, ch] x_input = tf.random.shuffle(x_input) if crop_h >= 128: x_input = x_input[:4] # this is for batch size print("The actual number of box", num_box) x_input = tf.transpose(x_input, perm=(1, 0, 2, 3, 4)) # [time, batch, c_h, c_w, ch] self.x_real_input = x_input return images_in, x_input, image_init, im_background def build_graph(self): num_recons_output = self.time_step image_placeholder, x_input, image_init, im_background = self.read_tensor() # --build encoder-------------# model_use = AE.DAML(self.args) p_x_recons, p_x_pred, latent_space_gt, latent_space_pred = model_use.forward(x_input) if "crop" not in self.input_option: if self.learn_opt == "learn_full": print("====the reconstruction is full frame=============") elif self.learn_opt == "learn_fore": print("====the reconstruction is frame - background=====") if self.model_type != "many_to_one": p_x_recons = p_x_recons + im_background p_x_pred = p_x_pred + im_background if self.model_type == "2d_2d_pure_unet": x_recons_gt = self.x_real_input[1:self.time_step] # [num_recons, batch_size, imh, imw, ch] elif self.model_type == "2d_2d_unet_no_shortcut": x_recons_gt = self.x_real_input[:self.time_step] else: x_recons_gt = [] x_pred_gt = self.x_real_input[-1:] print("=============================================================") print("----the input for the model-----------------", x_input) print("----the groundtruth for reconstruction------", x_recons_gt) print("----the reconstructed frames----------------", p_x_recons) print("----the groundtruth for prediction----------", x_pred_gt) print("----the predicted frame---------------------", p_x_pred) print("----the gt latent space---------------------", latent_space_gt) print("----the predicted latent space--------------", latent_space_pred) print("=============================================================") if self.model_type== "2d_2d_pure_unet" or self.model_type== "2d_2d_unet_no_shortcut": if "moving_mnist" not in self.data_set: mse_pixel = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(x_recons_gt, p_x_recons), (-1, -2, -3))) else: mse_pixel = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(y_true=x_recons_gt, y_pred=p_x_recons, from_logits=False) mse_pixel = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(mse_pixel, (-1, -2, -3))) mse_latent = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(latent_space_gt, latent_space_pred), (-1, -2, -3))) elif self.model_type== "many_to_one": mse_pixel = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(x_pred_gt-im_background, p_x_pred-im_background), (-1, -2, -3))) mse_latent = tf.constant(0.0) z_mse_ratio_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="ratio_for_z_mse") if self.model_type != "many_to_one": loss_tot = mse_pixel + mse_latent * z_mse_ratio_placeholder else: loss_tot = mse_pixel var_tot = tf.trainable_variables() [print(v) for v in var_tot if 'kernel' in] # print("==========================================") # print("encoder decoder trainable variables") # [print(v) for v in var_tot if 'motion_latent' not in] # print("==========================================") # print("motion trainable variables") # [print(v) for v in var_tot if 'motion_latent' in] var_0 = var_tot loss_tot = tf.add_n([loss_tot, tf.add_n( [tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in var_0 if 'kernel' in or 'weight' in]) * args.regu_par]) g_lrate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='g_lrate') train_op_0 = loss_tf.train_op(loss_tot, g_lrate, var_opt=var_0, name='train_op_tot') z_lrate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='z_lrate') if self.model_type != "many_to_one": var_motion = [v for v in var_tot if 'motion_latent' in] loss_motion = mse_latent loss_motion = tf.add_n([loss_motion, tf.add_n( [tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in var_motion if 'kernel' in or 'weight' in]) * args.regu_par]) train_op_z = loss_tf.train_op(loss_motion, z_lrate, var_opt=var_motion, name='train_latent_z') train_z_group = [z_lrate, train_op_z] else: train_z_group = [z_lrate, []] saver_set_all = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=1) input_group = [image_init, image_placeholder, z_mse_ratio_placeholder] loss_group = [mse_pixel, mse_latent, loss_tot] train_group = [g_lrate, train_op_0, saver_set_all] if self.model_type== "2d_2d_pure_unet" or self.model_type== "2d_2d_unet_no_shortcut": im_stat = [p_x_recons, x_recons_gt, p_x_pred, x_pred_gt] else: im_stat = [p_x_pred, x_pred_gt] return input_group, loss_group, train_group, train_z_group, im_stat def build_train_op(self, sess, image_init, placeholder_group, x_train, single_epoch, num_epoch_for_full, loss_group, train_op_group): train_op_0, train_op_z = train_op_group image_placeholder, z_mse_placeholder, g_lrate_placeholder, z_lrate_placeholder = placeholder_group, feed_dict={image_placeholder: x_train}) num_tr_iter_per_epoch = np.shape(x_train)[0] // self.batch_size lrate_g_npy = self.lrate_g_init * math.pow(0.1, math.floor(float(single_epoch) / float(self.lrate_g_decay_step))) lrate_z_npy = self.lrate_z_init * math.pow(0.1, math.floor(float(single_epoch - num_epoch_for_full) / float(self.lrate_z_decay_step))) loss_per_epoch = [] if single_epoch <= num_epoch_for_full: fetches_tr = [train_op_0] else: fetches_tr = [train_op_z] fetches_tr.append(loss_group) for single_iter in range(num_tr_iter_per_epoch): _, _loss_group =, feed_dict={z_mse_placeholder: self.z_mse_ratio, g_lrate_placeholder: lrate_g_npy, z_lrate_placeholder: lrate_z_npy}) loss_per_epoch.append(_loss_group) return np.mean(loss_per_epoch, axis=0) def build_val_op(self, sess, image_init, image_placeholder, x_val, loss_group, image_stat, image_path, single_epoch):, feed_dict={image_placeholder: x_val}) num_val_iter_per_epoch = np.shape(x_val)[0] // self.batch_size # image_stat: [p_x_recons, p_x_pred, x_recons_gt, x_pred_gt] # or # image_stat: [p_x_pred, x_pred_gt] loss_val_per_epoch = [] for single_val_iter in range(num_val_iter_per_epoch): if single_val_iter != num_val_iter_per_epoch - 1: _loss_val = else: _loss_val, _stat_use =[loss_group, image_stat]) for single_input, single_path in zip(_stat_use, image_path): for j in range(np.shape(single_input)[0]): im_use = single_input[j, :] shape_use = np.array(np.shape(im_use)[1:]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(single_path, "epoch_%d_frame_%d.jpg" % (single_epoch, j)), (plot_canvas(im_use, shape_use)).astype('uint8')[:, :, ::-1]) loss_val_per_epoch.append(_loss_val) return np.mean(loss_val_per_epoch, axis=0) def build_running(self): im_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'recons_gt') recons_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'p_x_recons') im_pred_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'pred_gt') pred_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'p_x_pred') if self.model_type== "2d_2d_pure_unet" or self.model_type== "2d_2d_unet_no_shortcut": path_group = [recons_path, im_path, pred_path, im_pred_path] else: path_group = [pred_path, im_pred_path] for i in path_group: if not os.path.exists(i): os.makedirs(i) with tf.Graph().as_default(): input_group, loss_group, train_group, train_z_group, im_stat = self.build_graph() image_init, image_placeholder, z_mse_ratio_placeholder = input_group mse_pixel_loss, mse_latent_loss, mse_tot = loss_group g_lrate, train_op, saver = train_group #z_lrate, train_z_op = train_z_group saver_restore = None tot_num_frame = np.shape(self.test_im)[0] test_im_shuffle = self.test_im[np.random.choice(np.arange(tot_num_frame), tot_num_frame, replace=False)] placeholder_group = [image_placeholder, z_mse_ratio_placeholder, g_lrate, train_z_group[0]] loss_group = [mse_pixel_loss, mse_latent_loss] train_group = [train_op, train_z_group[-1]] if "ucsd" in self.data_set: x_train = test_im_shuffle[:-self.batch_size * 4] x_val = test_im_shuffle[-self.batch_size * 4:] elif "avenue" in self.data_set or "shanghaitech" in self.data_set: x_train = test_im_shuffle[:-self.batch_size * 20] x_val = test_im_shuffle[-self.batch_size * 20:] else: x_train = test_im_shuffle[:-self.batch_size * 2] x_val = test_im_shuffle[-self.batch_size * 2:] if self.data_set== "ucsd1" and self.model_type != "many_to_one": num_epoch_for_full = 25 else: num_epoch_for_full = self.lrate_g_decay_step checkpoint_path = self.model_dir + '/model.ckpt' print("====================================================================================") print("There are %d frames in total" % np.shape(self.test_im)[0]) print("The shape of training and validation images", np.shape(x_train), np.shape(x_val)) print( "%d input frames are loaded with %d stride for predicting furture frame at time t+%d" % (self.time_step, self.interval, print("The lr for whole process start from %.4f and decay 0.1 every %d epoch" % ( self.lrate_g_init, self.lrate_g_decay_step)) print("The lr for motion process start from %.4f and decay 0.1 every %d epoch" % ( self.lrate_z_init, self.lrate_z_decay_step)) print("The ratio for the latent space mse loss== ", self.z_mse_ratio) print("The used background index is:", self.train_index) print("I am only focusing on the reconstruction for the first %d epochs" % num_epoch_for_full) print("====================================================================================") with tf.Session() as sess: if self.ckpt_dir== None: else: saver_restore.restore(sess, self.ckpt_dir) print("restore parameter from ", self.ckpt_dir) loss_tr_tot = np.zeros([self.max_epoch, 2]) loss_val_tot = [] try: for single_epoch in range(self.max_epoch): loss_per_epoch = self.build_train_op(sess, image_init, placeholder_group, x_train, single_epoch, num_epoch_for_full, loss_group, train_group) loss_tr_tot[single_epoch, :] = loss_per_epoch print("Epoch %d with training pixel mse loss %.3f z mse %.3f" % (single_epoch, loss_tr_tot[single_epoch, 0], loss_tr_tot[single_epoch, 1])) if single_epoch % 5 == 0 or single_epoch == self.max_epoch - 1: # sess, image_init, image_placeholder, x_val, loss_group, image_stat, image_path, single_epoch) loss_val_per_epoch = self.build_val_op(sess, image_init, image_placeholder, x_val, loss_group, im_stat, path_group, single_epoch) loss_val_tot.append(loss_val_per_epoch) print("Epoch %d with validation pixel mse loss %.3f z mse %.3f" % (single_epoch, loss_val_tot[-1][0], loss_val_tot[-1][1])) if np.isnan(loss_tr_tot[single_epoch, 0]): + '/tr_loss', loss_tr_tot) + '/val_loss', np.array(loss_val_tot)) if single_epoch % 5 == 0 and single_epoch != 0: + '/tr_loss', loss_tr_tot) + '/val_loss', np.array(loss_val_tot)), checkpoint_path, global_step=single_epoch) if single_epoch == self.max_epoch - 1:, checkpoint_path, global_step=single_epoch) + '/tr_loss', loss_tr_tot) + '/val_loss', np.array(loss_val_tot)) except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print("---oh my god, my model again could't read the data----") print("I am at step", single_iter, single_iter // num_tr_iter_per_epoch), 'tr_loss'), loss_tr_tot), 'val_loss'), np.array(loss_val_tot)), checkpoint_path, global_step=single_epoch) pass def plot_canvas(image, imshape, ny=8): if np.shape(image)[0] < ny: ny = np.shape(image)[0] nx = np.shape(image)[0] // ny x_values = np.linspace(-3, 3, nx) y_values = np.linspace(-3, 3, ny) targ_height, targ_width = imshape[0], imshape[1] if np.shape(image)[-1] == 1: image = np.repeat(image, 3, -1) imshape[-1] = 3 canvas = np.empty((targ_height * nx, targ_width * ny, 3)) for i, yi in enumerate(x_values): for j, xi in enumerate(y_values): canvas[(nx - i - 1) * targ_height:(nx - i) * targ_height, j * targ_width:(j + 1) * targ_width, :] = np.reshape(image[i * ny + j], imshape) return (canvas * 255.0).astype('uint8') if __name__ == '__main__': args = const.args print("-------------------------------------------------------------------") print("------------------argument for current experiment------------------") print("-------------------------------------------------------------------") for arg in vars(args): print(arg, getattr(args, arg)) print("-------------------------------------------------------------------") print(type(args.version), args.version) if args.version == 0: print("only running experiment once") train_end2end(args, args.data_set, args.model_type, args.motion_method, version=args.version, bg_ind=None, augment_opt="none") else: for s_version in range(args.version): print("running experiment for version %d" % s_version) train_end2end(args, args.data_set, args.model_type, args.motion_method, version=s_version, bg_ind=None, augment_opt="none")
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from shutil import copyfile def create_gdbinit_file(): """ Create and insert into a .gdbinit file the python code to set-up cbmc pretty-printers. """ print("Attempting to enable cbmc-specific pretty-printers.") home_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") if not home_folder: print(home_folder + " is an invalid home folder, can't auto-configure .gdbinit.") return # This is the code that should be copied if you're applying the changes by hand. gdb_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) code_block_start = "cbmc_printers_folder = " code_block = \ [ "{0}'{1}'".format(code_block_start, gdb_directory), "if os.path.exists(cbmc_printers_folder):", " sys.path.insert(1, cbmc_printers_folder)", " from pretty_printers import load_cbmc_printers", " load_cbmc_printers()", ] gdbinit_file = os.path.join(home_folder, ".gdbinit") lines = [] imports = { "os", "sys" } if os.path.exists(gdbinit_file): with open(gdbinit_file, 'r') as file: lines = [ line.rstrip() for line in file ] line_no = 0 while line_no < len(lines): if lines[line_no].startswith('import '): imports.add(lines[line_no][len("import "):].strip()) lines.pop(line_no) else: if lines[line_no].startswith(code_block_start): print(".gdbinit already contains our pretty printers, not changing it") return line_no += 1 while len(lines) != 0 and (lines[0] == "" or lines[0] == "python"): lines.pop(0) backup_file = os.path.join(home_folder, "backup.gdbinit") if os.path.exists(backup_file): print("backup.gdbinit file already exists. Type 'y' if you would like to overwrite it or any other key to exit.") choice = input().lower() if choice != 'y': return print("Backing up {0}".format(gdbinit_file)) copyfile(gdbinit_file, backup_file) lines = [ "python" ] + list(map("import {}".format, sorted(imports))) + [ "", "" ] + code_block + [ "", "" ] + lines + [ "" ] print("Adding pretty-print commands to {0}.".format(gdbinit_file)) try: with open(gdbinit_file, 'w+') as file: file.write('\n'.join(lines)) print("Commands added.") except: print("Exception occured writing to file. Please apply changes manually.") if __name__ == "__main__": create_gdbinit_file()
import tensorflow as tf import prettytensor as pt import numpy as np import gym import math import random from collections import deque from agents import mixed_network, spaces, replay_buffer tensorType = tf.float32 """ Implements a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient agent. Adjustable parameters: - Actor / Critic learning rates - Temporal Difference discount factor - Experience Replay buffer / batch sizes """ class DDPGAgent: """ Creates a new DDPG agent. Args: - actorGen and criticGen should be functions that create new neural networks with supplied Placeholder input Tensors. - state_shape will be the shape of the state input Placeholder. - action_shape should be the shape of the tensors output by the actor neural network. - buf_sz is the size of the agent's internal experience replay buffer. - batch_sz will be the size of each training batch (drawn from the replay buffer) """ def __init__(self, actorGen, criticGen, state_shape, action_shape, buf_sz=100000, batch_sz=64, critic_learning_rate=0.001, actor_learning_rate=0.0001, discount_factor=0.99, actor_mix_factor=0.001, critic_mix_factor=0.001, actor_gradient_clipping=None, critic_gradient_clipping=None): self.graph = tf.Graph() self.session = tf.Session(graph=self.graph) self.discount_factor = discount_factor self.replay_buf = deque(maxlen=buf_sz) self.batch_size = batch_sz self.state_shape = state_shape self.action_shape = action_shape self.__single_state_shape = self.state_shape[:] self.__single_state_shape[0] = 1 with self.graph.as_default(): self.state_in = tf.placeholder(tensorType, state_shape, name='state-in') self.action_in = tf.placeholder(tensorType, action_shape, name='action-in') with tf.variable_scope('critic'): self.critic = mixed_network.MixedNetwork(self.graph, self.session, tf.concat_v2([self.state_in, self.action_in], axis=1), criticGen, target_mix_factor=critic_mix_factor, prefix='critic/') self.critic_prediction = tf.placeholder(tensorType, [None]) self.critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.square( self.critic_prediction - tf.squeeze(self.critic.main_out) ) ) critic_optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(critic_learning_rate) if isinstance(critic_gradient_clipping, tuple): critic_gradients = critic_optimizer.compute_gradients(self.critic_loss, self.critic.main_parameters) clipped_grads = [ \ ( tf.clip_by_value(gv[0], critic_gradient_clipping[0], critic_gradient_clipping[1]), gv[1]) \ for gv in critic_gradients ] self.critic_optimize = critic_optimizer.apply_gradients(clipped_grads) else: self.critic_optimize = critic_optimizer.minimize(self.critic_loss, var_list=self.critic.main_parameters) # gradient of the critic network w.r.t. the actions, averaged over all (s,a) pairs in batch self.action_gradient = tf.div(tf.gradients(self.critic.main_out, self.action_in), tf.constant(self.batch_size, tensorType)) with tf.variable_scope('actor'): = mixed_network.MixedNetwork(self.graph, self.session, self.state_in, actorGen, prefix='actor/', target_mix_factor=actor_mix_factor) #self.aGrad_pl = tf.placeholder(tensorType, action_shape, name='action-gradient-placeholder') self.actor_gradients = tf.gradients(,, self.action_gradient) #self.actor_optimize = [p.assign(p + actor_learning_rate*g) \ #for p, g in zip(, self.actor_gradients)] #self.actor_optimize = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(actor_learning_rate).apply_gradients( # zip(self.actor_gradients, #) if isinstance(actor_gradient_clipping, tuple): self.actor_gradients = [tf.clip_by_value(g, actor_gradient_clipping[0], actor_gradient_clipping[1]) for g in self.actor_gradients] self.actor_gradients = [tf.negative(g) for g in self.actor_gradients] self.actor_optimize = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(actor_learning_rate).apply_gradients( zip(self.actor_gradients, ) def act(self, observation): return{ self.state_in: np.reshape(observation, self.__single_state_shape)}) def add_experience(self, state, action, reward, done, next_state): self.replay_buf.append( (state, action, reward, done, next_state) ) def train(self): sm = random.sample(self.replay_buf, min(len(self.replay_buf), self.batch_size)) state_shape = self.state_shape[:] action_shape = self.action_shape[:] state_shape[0] = action_shape[0] = len(sm) states = np.reshape([ ts[0] for ts in sm ], state_shape) actions = np.reshape([ ts[1] for ts in sm ], action_shape) rewards = np.reshape([ ts[2] for ts in sm ], [len(sm)]) term_state = np.reshape([ ts[3] for ts in sm ], [len(sm)]) next_states = np.reshape([ ts[4] for ts in sm ], state_shape) # Use target actor and critic networks to estimate TD targets target_a = np.reshape({self.state_in:next_states}), action_shape) target_q = np.reshape(self.critic.get_target({ self.state_in:next_states, self.action_in:target_a }), [len(sm)]) td_targets = [] for i, t in enumerate(target_q): if term_state[i]: td_targets.append(rewards[i]) else: td_targets.append(rewards[i] + (self.discount_factor * t)) _, crit_loss, predicted_q =[self.critic_optimize, self.critic_loss, self.critic.main_out], { self.state_in: states, self.action_in: actions, self.critic_prediction: np.squeeze(td_targets) }) net_actions = np.reshape({self.state_in: states}), action_shape), {self.state_in:states, self.action_in:net_actions}), {self.state_in:states, self.action_in:actions}) #actor_grad =, {self.state_in:states, self.action_in:net_actions})[0] #assert not np.isnan(np.sum(actor_grad)) return np.squeeze(predicted_q), crit_loss def update_targets(self): self.critic.update_target()
from contextlib import contextmanager from .file import H5File @contextmanager def open_h5file(filename, mode='r+', **kwargs): """Context manager for reading an HDF5 file as an H5File object. Parameters ---------- filename : str HDF5 file name. mode : str Mode to open the file: 'r' : Read-only 'w' : Write; create new file (an existing file would be deleted). 'a' : Read and write to file; create if not existing 'r+': Read and write to file; must already exist See `H5File` for additional keyword arguments. """ h5 = H5File(filename, mode=mode, **kwargs) try: yield h5 finally: h5.close()
from django.shortcuts import render from .forms import RegistrationForm, UserUpdateForm, ProfileUpdateForm from django.shortcuts import redirect from .models import Profile from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required def registration(request): if request.method == 'POST': form = RegistrationForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') return redirect('login') else: form = RegistrationForm() return render(request, 'users/register.html', {'form': form}) @login_required() def profile(request): if request.method == 'POST': u_form = UserUpdateForm(request.POST, instance=request.user) p_form = ProfileUpdateForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=request.user.profile) if u_form.is_valid() and p_form.is_valid(): return redirect('profile') else: u_form = UserUpdateForm(instance=request.user) p_form = ProfileUpdateForm(instance=request.user.profile) context = {'u_form':u_form, 'p_form':p_form} return render(request, 'users/profile.html', context)
from ..utils import AnalysisException from .expressions import Expression class Literal(Expression): def __init__(self, value): super().__init__() self.value = value def eval(self, row, schema): return self.value def __str__(self): if self.value is True: return "true" if self.value is False: return "false" if self.value is None: return "NULL" return str(self.value) def get_literal_value(self): if hasattr(self.value, "expr") or isinstance(self.value, Expression): raise AnalysisException("Value should not be a Column or an Expression," f" but got {type(self)}: {self}") return self.value def args(self): return (self.value, ) __all__ = ["Literal"]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.10 on 2016-09-10 16:15 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django_extensions.db.fields import items.models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Item', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('created', django_extensions.db.fields.CreationDateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='created')), ('modified', django_extensions.db.fields.ModificationDateTimeField(auto_now=True, verbose_name='modified')), ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='title')), ('description', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='description')), ('image', models.ImageField(upload_to=items.models.image_upload_to, verbose_name='original image')), ], options={ 'abstract': False, }, ), ]
import os TRANSFORMERS = '/home/noone/documents/github/transformers' TOKENIZERS = '/home/noone/documents/github/tokenizers' DATASETS = '/home/noone/documents/github/datasets' MODELS = os.path.join(TRANSFORMERS, 'src/transformers/models') DEBERTA_V2 = os.path.join(MODELS, 'deberta_v2') DEBERTA_V3 = os.path.join(MODELS, 'deberta-v3-base') ENCODER_DECODER = os.path.join(MODELS, 'encoder_decoder') HUGGINGFACE_HUB = '/home/noone/documents/github/huggingface_hub' """ Huggingface Repos Cloned: - transformers - tokenizers = optimum - datasets - huggingface_hub - accelerate - notebooks - blog - huggingface sagemaker snowflake example - education toolkit - evaluate - knockknock - neuralcoref - mongoku - data-measurements-tool - neural compressor - allennlp - pytorch-openai-transformer-lm - pytorch pretrained bigGAN - awesome NLP discussion papers - torchMoji - naacl_transfer_learning_tutorial - """
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """Tests for utility classes.""" import datetime import sys import unittest from absl import app from absl.testing import absltest from grr_response_core.lib import rdfvalue from grr.test_lib import test_lib long_string = ( "迎欢迎\n" "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi luctus " "ex sed dictum volutpat. Integer maximus, mauris at tincidunt iaculis, " "felis magna scelerisque ex, in scelerisque est odio non nunc. " "Suspendisse et lobortis augue. Donec faucibus tempor massa, sed dapibus" " erat iaculis ut. Vestibulum eu elementum nulla. Nullam scelerisque " "hendrerit lorem. Integer vitae semper metus. Suspendisse accumsan " "dictum felis. Etiam viverra, felis sed ullamcorper vehicula, libero " "nisl tempus dui, a porta lacus erat et erat. Morbi mattis elementum " "efficitur. Pellentesque aliquam placerat mauris non accumsan.") class RDFValueTest(absltest.TestCase): """RDFValue tests.""" def testStr(self): """Test RDFValue.__str__.""" self.assertEqual(str(rdfvalue.RDFInteger(1)), "1") self.assertEqual(str(rdfvalue.RDFString(long_string)), long_string) # TODO(hanuszczak): Current implementation of `repr` for RDF values is broken # and not in line with Python guidelines. For example, `repr` should be # unambiguous whereas current implementation will trim long representations # with `...`. Moreover, the representation for most types is questionable at # best. # # The implementation should be fixed and proper tests should be written. class RDFBytesTest(absltest.TestCase): def testFromHumanReadable(self): string = u"zażółć gęślą jaźń" result = rdfvalue.RDFBytes.FromHumanReadable(string) expected = rdfvalue.RDFBytes.FromSerializedBytes(string.encode("utf-8")) self.assertEqual(result, expected) class RDFStringTest(absltest.TestCase): def testFromHumanReadable(self): string = u"pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig" result = rdfvalue.RDFString.FromHumanReadable(string) self.assertEqual(str(result), string) def testEqualWithBytes(self): self.assertEqual(rdfvalue.RDFString(u"foo"), b"foo") self.assertNotEqual(rdfvalue.RDFString(u"foo"), b"\x80\x81\x82") def testLessThanWithBytes(self): self.assertLess(rdfvalue.RDFString(u"abc"), b"def") self.assertGreater(rdfvalue.RDFString(u"xyz"), b"ghi") self.assertLess(rdfvalue.RDFString(u"012"), b"\x80\x81\x81") # TODO: Python on Windows ships with UCS-2 by default, which does # not properly support unicode. @unittest.skipIf( sys.maxunicode <= 65535, "Your Python installation does not properly support Unicode (likely: " "Python with no UCS4 support on Windows.") def testLenOfEmoji(self): self.assertLen(rdfvalue.RDFString("🚀🚀"), 2) class RDFIntegerTest(absltest.TestCase): def testFromHumanReadable(self): result = rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"42") self.assertEqual(result, rdfvalue.RDFInteger(42)) def testFromHumanReadablePositive(self): result = rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"+108") self.assertEqual(result, rdfvalue.RDFInteger(108)) def testFromHumanReadableNegative(self): result = rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"-1337") self.assertEqual(result, rdfvalue.RDFInteger(-1337)) def testFromHumanReadableZero(self): result = rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"0") self.assertEqual(result, rdfvalue.RDFInteger(0)) def testFromHumanReadableRaisesOnNonInteger(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"12.3") def testFromHumanReadableRaisesOnNonDecimal(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): rdfvalue.RDFInteger.FromHumanReadable(u"12A") class RDFDateTimeTest(absltest.TestCase): def testLerpMiddle(self): start_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2010-01-01") end_time = start_time + rdfvalue.Duration.From(10, rdfvalue.DAYS) lerped_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp( 0.5, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) self.assertEqual(lerped_time, start_time + rdfvalue.Duration.From(5, rdfvalue.DAYS)) def testLerpZero(self): start_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2000-01-01") end_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2020-01-01") lerped_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp( 0.0, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) self.assertEqual(lerped_time, start_time) def testLerpOne(self): start_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2000-01-01") end_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2020-01-01") lerped_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp( 1.0, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) self.assertEqual(lerped_time, end_time) def testLerpQuarter(self): start_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2000-01-01") end_time = start_time + rdfvalue.Duration.From(4, rdfvalue.DAYS) lerped_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp( 0.25, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) self.assertEqual(lerped_time, start_time + rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.DAYS)) def testLerpRaisesTypeErrorIfTimesAreNotRDFDatetime(self): now = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Now() with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "non-datetime"): rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp(0.0, start_time=10, end_time=now) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "non-datetime"): rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp( 0.0, start_time=now, end_time=rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.DAYS)) def testLerpRaisesValueErrorIfProgressIsNotNormalized(self): start_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2010-01-01") end_time = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-01-01") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp(1.5, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.Lerp(-0.5, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time) def testFloorToMinutes(self): dt = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:34:56") expected = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:34") self.assertEqual( dt.Floor(rdfvalue.Duration.From(60, rdfvalue.SECONDS)), expected) def testFloorToHours(self): dt = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:34") expected = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:00") self.assertEqual( dt.Floor(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.HOURS)), expected) def testFloorToDays(self): dt = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:34") expected = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11") self.assertEqual( dt.Floor(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.DAYS)), expected) def testFloorExact(self): dt = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromHumanReadable("2011-11-11 12:34:56") self.assertEqual(dt.Floor(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.SECONDS)), dt) class RDFDatetimeSecondsTest(absltest.TestCase): def testFromDatetime_withMicroSeconds(self): dt_with_micros = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, microsecond=5000) dt = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.RDFDatetimeSeconds.FromDatetime(dt_with_micros), rdfvalue.RDFDatetimeSeconds.FromDatetime(dt)) def testBug122716179(self): d = rdfvalue.RDFDatetimeSeconds.FromSecondsSinceEpoch(1) self.assertEqual(d.AsMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(), 1000000) diff = rdfvalue.RDFDatetimeSeconds(10) - rdfvalue.Duration("3s") self.assertEqual(diff.AsMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(), 7000000) class DurationSecondsTest(absltest.TestCase): def testPublicAttributes(self): duration = rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromHumanReadable("1h") self.assertEqual(duration.ToInt(rdfvalue.SECONDS), 3600) self.assertEqual(duration.ToInt(rdfvalue.MILLISECONDS), 3600 * 1000) self.assertEqual(duration.microseconds, 3600 * 1000 * 1000) def testFromDays(self): self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(2, rdfvalue.DAYS), rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromHumanReadable("2d")) self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(31, rdfvalue.DAYS), rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromHumanReadable("31d")) def testFromHours(self): self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(48, rdfvalue.HOURS), rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromHumanReadable("48h")) self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(24, rdfvalue.HOURS), rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromHumanReadable("24h")) def testFromSeconds(self): self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(1337, rdfvalue.SECONDS).ToInt(rdfvalue.SECONDS), 1337) def testFromMicroseconds(self): duration = rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(3000000, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS) self.assertEqual(duration.microseconds, 3000000) self.assertEqual(duration.ToInt(rdfvalue.SECONDS), 3) def testFloatConstructorRaises(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): rdfvalue.DurationSeconds(3.14) def testSerializeToBytes(self): self.assertEqual( b"0", rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(0, rdfvalue.WEEKS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"1", rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(1, rdfvalue.SECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"2", rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(2, rdfvalue.SECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"999", rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(999, rdfvalue.SECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"1000", rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.From(1000, rdfvalue.SECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) def testFromWireFormat(self): for i in [0, 7, 1337]: val = rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromWireFormat(i) self.assertEqual(i, val.ToInt(rdfvalue.SECONDS)) val2 = rdfvalue.DurationSeconds.FromWireFormat( val.SerializeToWireFormat()) self.assertEqual(val, val2) MAX_UINT64 = 18446744073709551615 class DurationTest(absltest.TestCase): def testInitializationFromMicroseconds(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS) self.assertEqual(i, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} us".format(i))) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration(i)) def testInitializationFromMilliseconds(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 1000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MILLISECONDS) self.assertEqual(i * 1000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} ms".format(i))) def testInitializationFromSeconds(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 1000000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.SECONDS) self.assertEqual(i * 1000000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} s".format(i))) def testInitializationFromMinutes(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 60000000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MINUTES) self.assertEqual(i * 60000000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} m".format(i))) def testInitializationFromHours(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 3600000000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.HOURS) self.assertEqual(i * 3600000000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} h".format(i))) def testInitializationFromDays(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 86400000000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.DAYS) self.assertEqual(i * 86400000000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} d".format(i))) def testInitializationFromWeeks(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 604800000000]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.WEEKS) self.assertEqual(i * 604800000000, val.microseconds) self.assertEqual(val, rdfvalue.Duration.FromHumanReadable("{} w".format(i))) def testConversionToInt(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, 12345, 123456, 1234567, MAX_UINT64]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS) self.assertEqual(val.ToInt(rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS), i) self.assertEqual(val.ToInt(rdfvalue.MILLISECONDS), i // 1000) self.assertEqual(val.ToInt(rdfvalue.SECONDS), i // (1000 * 1000)) self.assertEqual(val.ToInt(rdfvalue.MINUTES), i // (60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertEqual(val.ToInt(rdfvalue.HOURS), i // (60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertEqual( val.ToInt(rdfvalue.DAYS), i // (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertEqual( val.ToInt(rdfvalue.WEEKS), i // (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) def testConversionToFractional(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, 12345, 123456, 1234567, MAX_UINT64]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS) self.assertAlmostEqual(val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS), i) self.assertAlmostEqual(val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.MILLISECONDS), i / 1000) self.assertAlmostEqual( val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.SECONDS), i / (1000 * 1000)) self.assertAlmostEqual( val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.MINUTES), i / (60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertAlmostEqual( val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.HOURS), i / (60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertAlmostEqual( val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.DAYS), i / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) self.assertAlmostEqual( val.ToFractional(rdfvalue.WEEKS), i / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000)) def testStringDeserialization(self): for i in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, 12345, 123456, 1234567, MAX_UINT64]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.From(i, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS) self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.Duration.FromSerializedBytes(val.SerializeToBytes()), val) def testHumanReadableStringSerialization(self): self.assertEqual("0 us", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(0, rdfvalue.WEEKS))) self.assertEqual("1 us", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS))) self.assertEqual("2 us", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(2, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS))) self.assertEqual("999 us", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(999, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS))) self.assertEqual("1 ms", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1000, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS))) self.assertEqual("1 ms", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.MILLISECONDS))) self.assertEqual( "{} us".format(MAX_UINT64), str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(MAX_UINT64, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS))) self.assertEqual("3 s", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(3, rdfvalue.SECONDS))) self.assertEqual("3 m", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(3, rdfvalue.MINUTES))) self.assertEqual("3 h", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(3, rdfvalue.HOURS))) self.assertEqual("3 d", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(3, rdfvalue.DAYS))) self.assertEqual("3 w", str(rdfvalue.Duration.From(21, rdfvalue.DAYS))) def testSerializeToBytes(self): self.assertEqual( b"0", rdfvalue.Duration.From(0, rdfvalue.WEEKS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"1", rdfvalue.Duration.From(1, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"2", rdfvalue.Duration.From(2, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"999", rdfvalue.Duration.From(999, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"1000", rdfvalue.Duration.From(1000, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( str(MAX_UINT64).encode("utf-8"), rdfvalue.Duration.From(MAX_UINT64, rdfvalue.MICROSECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) self.assertEqual( b"3000000", rdfvalue.Duration.From(3, rdfvalue.SECONDS).SerializeToBytes()) def testAdditionOfDurationsIsEqualToIntegerAddition(self): for a in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 2]: for b in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 // 2]: self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.Duration(a) + rdfvalue.Duration(b), rdfvalue.Duration(a + b)) def testSubtractionOfDurationsIsEqualToIntegerSubtraction(self): for a in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64]: for b in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64]: self.assertEqual( rdfvalue.Duration(a) - rdfvalue.Duration(min(a, b)), rdfvalue.Duration(a - min(a, b))) def testFromWireFormat(self): for i in [0, 7, 1337, MAX_UINT64]: val = rdfvalue.Duration.FromWireFormat(i) self.assertEqual(i, val.microseconds) def testSubtractionFromDateTimeIsEqualToIntegerSubtraction(self): for a in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337]: for b in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337]: lhs = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(a) rhs = rdfvalue.Duration(min(a, b)) result = lhs - rhs self.assertEqual(result.AsMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(), a - min(a, b)) def testAdditionToDateTimeIsEqualToIntegerAddition(self): for a in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337]: for b in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337]: lhs = rdfvalue.RDFDatetime.FromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(a) rhs = rdfvalue.Duration(b) result = lhs + rhs self.assertEqual(result.AsMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(), a + b) def testComparisonIsEqualToIntegerComparison(self): for a in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 - 1, MAX_UINT64]: for b in [0, 1, 7, 60, 1337, MAX_UINT64 - 1, MAX_UINT64]: dur_a = rdfvalue.Duration(a) dur_b = rdfvalue.Duration(b) if a > b: self.assertGreater(dur_a, dur_b) if a >= b: self.assertGreaterEqual(dur_a, dur_b) if a == b: self.assertEqual(dur_a, dur_b) if a <= b: self.assertLessEqual(dur_a, dur_b) if a < b: self.assertLess(dur_a, dur_b) if a != b: self.assertNotEqual(dur_a, dur_b) class DocTest(test_lib.DocTest): module = rdfvalue def main(argv): test_lib.main(argv) if __name__ == "__main__":
<filename>users/<gh_stars>0 import uuid from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser from django.db import models """ The user model that represents a user participating in the game. Implemented using the built-in Django user model: AbstractUser. """ class User(AbstractUser): """ The User class that represents a user that has created an account. Implemented using the built-in Django user model 'AbstractUser'. The User class consists of an id that uniquely identifies a user. It uses a uuid in order to be more secure. It also contains a profile picture that is uploaded by the user. """ id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid4, primary_key=True) # id uniquely identifies a user is_gamekeeper = models.BooleanField(default=False) # is the user a gamekeeper? class GameParticipation(models.Model): """ Game Participation class represents information about a user currently participating in a game. This is useful because it provides an easy way to store data about users currently playing a game. The class consists of a User that is currently playing the game. A Game that the user is currently participating in. The current Zone that the user is in. A boolean value of whether the user is alive. A boolean value of whether the user is eliminated """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) # User that is currently participating in a game game = models.ForeignKey("games.Game", on_delete=models.CASCADE) # What game is the user currently participating in current_zone = models.ForeignKey("games.Zone", on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING) # What zone is the user currently in score = models.IntegerField(default=0) # User score is_alive = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Is the player alive is_eliminated = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Is the player eliminated
# Copyright 2018 <NAME> and <NAME> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin class NormalizedKMeans(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin): def __init__(self, iterations=20, center_num=5): self.center_num = center_num self.iterations = iterations def fit(self, X, k_center): self.k_center, self.ya = self.k_means(X, self.iterations, self.center_num, k_center, X.shape[0]) return self def k_means(self, data, iterations, center_num, k_center, rows): all_one = np.matrix([1] * rows).T all_one_k = np.matrix([1] * center_num) all_one_c = np.matrix([1] * k_center.shape[0]).T if sp.issparse(data): t2 = (data.power(2)).sum(axis=1).dot(all_one_k) else: t2 = (np.power(data, 2)).sum(axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) * all_one_k t22 = data * 2 ya = None for _ in range(iterations): dist = t2 - t22 * k_center + all_one * np.power(k_center, 2).sum(axis=0) ya = (dist == (np.amin(dist) * all_one_k)) k_center = (data.T * ya) / (all_one_c * ya.sum(axis=0)) return k_center, ya
from connectors.tableau.tableau import TableauConnector from posixpath import join from typing import List, Dict, Tuple import argparse import connectors.tableau import os import utils import logging import sys import yaml logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) MAIN_PATH = '/Users/tomevers/projects/airglow' CONNECTIONS_CONF_FILE = 'airglow_connections.yml' DS_FILENAME = 'data sources.yml' DS_TEMPLATE = 'templates/' class ConnectionValidationError(Exception): pass def get_connections_config(yaml_format=True) -> dict: yaml_file = os.path.join(MAIN_PATH, CONNECTIONS_CONF_FILE) try: return utils.get_file(yaml_file, yaml_format) except FileNotFoundError: logging.exception(FileNotFoundError('Airglow connections file can not be found.')) sys.exit(1) def store_ds(events_md: str, event: dict, docs_dir: str): file_dir = os.path.join(docs_dir, 'data sources', event['category']) file_name = event['name'] + '.md' if not os.path.isdir(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) with open(os.path.join(file_dir, file_name), 'w') as file: file.write(events_md) def generate_datasources_yaml(): conn_config = get_connections_config() if 'connections' not in conn_config.keys(): logging.exception('connections info not found in airglow_connections config file.') sys.exit(1) tableau_config = conn_config['connections']['tableau'] tableau_connector = TableauConnector(server=tableau_config['server'], sitename=tableau_config['sitename'], password=tableau_config['password'], username=tableau_config['username']) ds = tableau_connector.fetch_datasources() ds = [tableau_connector.generate_datasource_dag(datasource) for datasource in ds]"storing data source") with open(r'/Users/tomevers/projects/airglow/definitions/data sources.yml', 'w') as file: documents = yaml.dump(ds, file, sort_keys=False) return ds def generate_markdown(datasource): template_path = os.path.join(MAIN_PATH, DS_TEMPLATE) with open(template_path, 'r') as file: ds_md = ds_md = ds_md.replace('{<yaml_header>}', yaml.dump(datasource)) return ds_md def get_datasource_definitions(yaml_format=True) -> dict: """ returns the data source definition yaml file as a dict. Returns: a dict with all data sources defined in the yaml file. """ yaml_file = os.path.join(MAIN_PATH, 'definitions', DS_FILENAME) try: return utils.get_file(yaml_file, yaml_format) except FileNotFoundError: logging.exception(FileNotFoundError('Datasource definition file can not be found.')) sys.exit(1) def main(args):'Starting datasource generation script..')'****************************************')'** Step 1: Get all information')'****************************************') if args.use_local_definitions.lower() in ('true', '1', 't'):'** Retrieving data source definitions from local yaml file') datasource_defs = get_datasource_definitions() else:'** Retrieving data source definitions from Tableau') datasource_defs = generate_datasources_yaml()'****************************************')'** Step 2: Generate and store event files.')'****************************************') for datasource in datasource_defs:'generating datasource md file for {}'.format(datasource['data_source_name'])) ds_md = generate_markdown(datasource) utils.store_md(ds_md, 'data sources', datasource['data_source_project'], datasource['data_source_name'], args.docs_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Script to convert event definitions file into markdown format.') parser.add_argument('--docs_dir', type=str, help='path to the folder where the generated docs should be stored. The script will need write access to this folder. Defaults to "./docs/"') parser.add_argument('--use_local_definitions', type=str, help='path to the folder where the generated docs should be stored. The script will need write access to this folder. Defaults to "./docs/"') args = parser.parse_args() main(args)
import os import cv2 import torch from torch.nn import functional as F from torchvision import transforms import torchvision.utils def save_image(img, path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) torchvision.utils.save_image(torch.clip(img, -1, 1), path, normalize=True) def cv2pt(img): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = img / 255. img = img * 2 - 1 img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float() return img def aspect_ratio_resize(img, max_dim=256): h, w, c = img.shape if max(h, w) / max_dim > 1: img = cv2.blur(img, ksize=(5, 5)) if w > h: h = int(h/w*max_dim) w = max_dim else: w = int(w/h*max_dim) h = max_dim return cv2.resize(img, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) def downscale(img, pyr_factor): assert 0 < pyr_factor < 1 new_w = int(pyr_factor * img.shape[-1]) new_h = int(pyr_factor * img.shape[-2]) return transforms.Resize((new_h, new_w), antialias=True)(img) def blur(img, pyr_factor): """Blur image by downscaling and then upscaling it back to original size""" if pyr_factor < 1: d_img = downscale(img, pyr_factor) img = transforms.Resize(img.shape[-2:], antialias=True)(d_img) return img def get_pyramid(img, min_height, pyr_factor): res = [img] while True: img = downscale(img, pyr_factor) if img.shape[-2] < min_height: break res = [img] + res # ensure smallest size is of min_height if res[0].shape[-2] != min_height: new_width = int(min_height * res[0].shape[-1] / float(res[0].shape[-2])) res[0] = transforms.Resize((min_height, new_width), antialias=True)(res[0]) res = [x.unsqueeze(0) for x in res] return res def match_image_sizes(input, target): """resize and crop input image so that it has the same aspect ratio as target""" assert(len(input.shape) == len(target.shape) and len(target.shape) == 4) input_h, input_w = input.shape[-2:] target_h, target_w = target.shape[-2:] input_scale_factor = input_h / input_w target_scale_factor = target_h / target_w if target_scale_factor > input_scale_factor: input = transforms.Resize((target_h, int(input_w/input_h*target_h)), antialias=True)(input) pixels_to_cut = input.shape[-1] - target_w if pixels_to_cut > 0: input = input[:, :, :, int(pixels_to_cut / 2):-int(pixels_to_cut / 2)] else: input = transforms.Resize((int(input_h/input_w*target_w), target_w), antialias=True)(input) pixels_to_cut = input.shape[-2] - target_h if pixels_to_cut > 1: input = input[:, :, int(pixels_to_cut / 2):-int(pixels_to_cut / 2)] input = transforms.Resize(target.shape[-2:], antialias=True)(input) return input def extract_patches(src_img, patch_size, stride): """ Splits the image to overlapping patches and returns a pytorch tensor of size (N_patches, 3*patch_size**2) """ channels = 3 patches = F.unfold(src_img, kernel_size=patch_size, dilation=(1, 1), stride=stride, padding=(0, 0)) # shape (b, 3*p*p, N_patches) patches = patches.squeeze(dim=0).permute((1, 0)).reshape(-1, channels * patch_size**2) return patches def combine_patches(patches, patch_size, stride, img_shape): """ Combines patches into an image by averaging overlapping pixels :param patches: patches to be combined. pytorch tensor of shape (N_patches, 3*patch_size**2) :param img_shape: an image of a shape that if split into patches with the given stride and patch_size will give the same number of patches N_patches returns an image of shape img_shape """ patches = patches.permute(1,0).unsqueeze(0) combined = F.fold(patches, output_size=img_shape[-2:], kernel_size=patch_size, stride=stride) # normal fold matrix input_ones = torch.ones(img_shape, dtype=patches.dtype, device=patches.device) divisor = F.unfold(input_ones, kernel_size=patch_size, dilation=(1, 1), stride=stride, padding=(0, 0)) divisor = F.fold(divisor, output_size=img_shape[-2:], kernel_size=patch_size, stride=stride) divisor[divisor == 0] = 1.0 return (combined / divisor).squeeze(dim=0).unsqueeze(0)
""" 继承调用关系 """ class A: def a_say(self): print('执行A:', self) class B(A): def b_say(self): A.a_say(self) # 效果与下面的语句相同 super().a_say() # super()方法调用父类的定义, # 默认传入当前对象的引用self A().a_say() # 类对象的直接使用,先创建一个类对象A print('执行B:', self) a = A() b = B() a.a_say() b.a_say() print("*" * 50) b.b_say() # 仍然引用子类实例化的对象 print("*" * 50) B().b_say()
<reponame>tdimiduk/clifun<gh_stars>1-10 import datetime as dt import importlib.util import inspect import itertools import json import os import pathlib import sys import types import typing from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) S = TypeVar("S") T = TypeVar("T") O = TypeVar("O", Any, None) StringInterpreters = Dict[Type[T], Callable[[str], T]] def call( c: Callable[..., T], args: Optional[List[str]] = None, string_interpreters: Optional[StringInterpreters] = None, ) -> T: """ Call a function from the command line Assembles the inputs to a function from command line arguments, environment variables, and config files and call it. """ argv = sys.argv if args is None else args interpreters = ( string_interpreters if string_interpreters is not None else default_string_interpreters() ) annotated = annotate_callable(c, interpreters, []) provided_inputs = assemble_input_sources(argv) if print_usage(annotated, header=True) sys.exit(0) needed_inputs = all_needed_inputs(annotated) unknown = invalid_args(provided_inputs.args.keyword.keys(), needed_inputs) if unknown: print(f"Unknown arguments: {unknown}") print_usage(annotated) sys.exit(1) resolved_inputs, missing_inputs = resolve_inputs(needed_inputs, provided_inputs) if missing_inputs: print(f"Missing arguments: {missing_inputs}") print_usage(annotated) sys.exit(1) return annotated(resolved_inputs) ################################################################################ # Interpreting strings into python types ################################################################################ def default_string_interpreters() -> StringInterpreters: return { int: int, float: float, str: str, bool: interpret_bool, dt.datetime: interpret_datetime, interpret_date, } class InterpretationError(ValueError): def __init__(self, s: str, t: T): self.s = s self.t = t def __str__(self): return f"Could not interpret '{self.s}' as {self.t}" def interpret_bool(s: str) -> bool: """ Slightly more intuitive bool iterpretation Raw python's `bool("false")==True` since it is a non-empty string """ if s.lower() in {"t", "true", "yes", "y"}: return True elif s.lower() in {"f", "false", "no", "n"}: return False else: raise InterpretationError(s, bool) def interpret_datetime(s: str) -> dt.datetime: """ Date and time in isoformat """ if hasattr(dt.datetime, "fromisoformat"): return dt.datetime.fromisoformat(s) else: # for python 3.6 where `fromisoformat` doesn't exist import isodate # type: ignore return isodate.parse_datetime(s) def interpret_date(s: str) -> """ Dates in YYYY-MM-DD format """ return*[int(i) for i in s.split("-")]) def interpret_string_as_type( s: str, t: Type[T], type_converters: StringInterpreters ) -> T: try: return ( type_converters[unwrap_optional(t)](s) if is_optional(t) else type_converters[t](s) ) except KeyError: raise InterpretationError(s, t) ################################################################################ # Data classes # # these should really be dataclasses, and will be converted when clifun drops compatability # with python 3.6 ################################################################################ class Arguments: def __init__( self, positional: List[str], keyword: Dict[str, str], help: bool = False ): self.positional = positional self.keyword = keyword = help class ConfigFiles: def __init__(self, configs: List[Dict[str, str]]): self.configs = configs def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: for config in self.configs: if key in config: return config[key] return default Annotated = Union["AnnotatedParameter", "AnnotatedCallable"] class AnnotatedCallable(Generic[T]): def __init__( self, callable: Callable[[...], T], name: str, needed_inputs: List[Annotated] ): self.callable = callable = name self.needed_inputs = needed_inputs def __call__(self, inputs: Dict[str, str]): def collect(needed: Annotated): if isinstance(needed, AnnotatedParameter): value = inputs[needed.prefixed_name] if value is None: if is_optional(needed.t): return None raise ValueError( f"Somehow got None for non optional parameter {needed}" ) return needed(value) return needed(inputs) collected_inputs = { collect(needed) for needed in self.needed_inputs } return self.callable(**collected_inputs) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<callable: {} {[str(i) for i in self.needed_inputs]}>" class AnnotatedParameter(Generic[T]): def __init__( self, parameter: inspect.Parameter, from_string: Callable[[str], T], prefix ): self.parameter = parameter self.from_string = from_string self.prefix = prefix @property def name(self): return @property def prefixed_name(self): return ".".join(self.prefix + []) @property def t(self): return self.parameter.annotation @property def default(self): return self.parameter.default def __call__(self, input: Optional[str]) -> T: return self.from_string(input) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<parameter: {}: {self.t}>" class InputSources: def __init__(self, args: Arguments, config_files: ConfigFiles): self.args = args self.config_files = config_files def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[T] = None) -> Union[str, T, None]: env_value = os.environ.get(key.upper(), default) return self.args.keyword.get(key, self.config_files.get(key, env_value)) def get_value(self, value: AnnotatedParameter) -> Union[str, T, None]: return self.get(value.prefixed_name, value.default) ################################################################################ # Assemble inputs from the "outside world" ################################################################################ def assemble_input_sources(args: List[str]) -> InputSources: args_object = interpret_arguments(args) return InputSources(args_object, load_config_files(args_object.positional)) def interpret_arguments(args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Arguments: if args is None: args = sys.argv i = 1 keyword = {} positional = [] while i < len(args): arg = args[i] key = arg[2:] if arg in {"-h", "--help"}: return Arguments([], {}, True) if arg[:2] == "--": if len(args) < i + 2: raise ValueError(f"Missing value for argument: {key}") keyword[key] = args[i + 1] i += 2 else: positional.append(arg) i += 1 return Arguments(positional, keyword, not (keyword or positional)) def load_config_files(filenames: List[str]) -> ConfigFiles: # reverse the order so that later config files override earlier ones def load(name): if not pathlib.Path(name).exists(): raise ValueError(f"Could not find config file {name}") return json.load(open(name)) return ConfigFiles([load(name) for name in filenames[::-1]]) NOT_SPECIFIED = inspect._empty def resolve_inputs( needed_inputs: List[AnnotatedParameter], provided_inputs: InputSources ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Optional[str]], Set[str]]: missing = set() def resolve(v): s = provided_inputs.get_value(v) if s is None: if is_optional(v.t): return None else: missing.add(v.prefixed_name) if s == NOT_SPECIFIED: missing.add(v.prefixed_name) return s collected = {value.prefixed_name: resolve(value) for value in needed_inputs} return collected, missing ################################################################################ # Input validation and help ################################################################################ def check_usage(provided_inputs, needed_inputs) -> None: check_help(provided_inputs, needed_inputs) check_invalid_args(provided_inputs, needed_inputs) def valid_args(values: List[AnnotatedParameter]) -> Set[str]: return {v.prefixed_name for v in values} def invalid_args(args, allowed_args): return set(args) - valid_args(allowed_args) def print_usage(annotated: AnnotatedCallable, header: bool = False) -> None: needed_inputs = all_needed_inputs(annotated) if header: print(f"{}\n") doc = inspect.getdoc(annotated.callable) if doc: print(f"{doc}\n") print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [config_file] [--key: value]") print("\n".join(describe_needed(needed_inputs))) def describe_needed(needed_inputs: List[AnnotatedParameter]) -> List[str]: def desc(v): base = f" --{v.prefixed_name}: {type_to_string(v.t)}" if v.default != NOT_SPECIFIED: default = f'"{v.default}"' if isinstance(v.default, str) else v.default return f"{base} (default: {default})" return base return [desc(v) for v in needed_inputs] ################################################################################ # Determine what inputs a function needs ################################################################################ def all_needed_inputs(c: AnnotatedCallable) -> List[AnnotatedParameter]: def inner(): for needed in c.needed_inputs: if isinstance(needed, AnnotatedParameter): yield needed else: yield from all_needed_inputs(needed) return list(inner()) def inspect_parameters(t: Type[T]) -> Iterable[inspect.Parameter]: return inspect.signature(t).parameters.values() def is_optional(t: Type[T]) -> bool: return Union[t, None] == t def unwrap_optional(t: Optional[Type[T]]) -> Type[T]: if hasattr(typing, "get_args"): args = typing.get_args(t) if len(args) == 0: return t else: return args[0] # fallback for python < 3.8. May be brittle since it depends on an `_`'d interface # this should use typing.get_args, but that is not available until python 3.8 if type(t) != typing._GenericAlias: return t for s in t.__args__: # type: ignore if s != type(None): return s def type_to_string(t: Type[O]) -> str: if is_optional(t): return f"Optional[{unwrap_optional(t).__name__}]" return t.__name__ def annotate_parameter( parameter: inspect.Parameter, interpreter: StringInterpreters, prefix: List[str] ) -> Union[AnnotatedParameter, AnnotatedCallable]: if parameter.annotation == NOT_SPECIFIED: raise Exception(f"Missing type annotation for {parameter}") t = unwrap_optional(parameter.annotation) if t in interpreter: # We have found a "basic" value we know how to interpret return AnnotatedParameter(parameter, from_string=interpreter[t], prefix=prefix) # This is some kind of composite prefix = prefix + [] return annotate_callable(parameter.annotation, interpreter, prefix, def annotate_callable( callable: Callable[[...], T], interpreter: StringInterpreters, prefix: List[str], name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> AnnotatedCallable[T]: needed = [ annotate_parameter(p, interpreter, prefix) for p in inspect_parameters(callable) ] return AnnotatedCallable( callable, name if name is not None else callable.__name__, needed ) ################################################################################ # Make usable as a script to call functions in any module ################################################################################ def import_module_by_path(path: pathlib.Path) -> types.ModuleType: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(, str(target)) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module if __name__ == "__main__": print(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: path_to_module function_name ...") sys.exit(1) target = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve() function_name = sys.argv[2] arguments = sys.argv[2:] module = import_module_by_path(target) function = getattr(module, function_name) print(call(function, arguments))
## ## Evaluation Script ## import numpy as np import time from sample_model import Model from data_loader import data_loader from generator import Generator def evaluate(label_indices = {'brick': 0, 'ball': 1, 'cylinder': 2}, channel_means = np.array([147.12697, 160.21092, 167.70029]), data_path = '../data', minibatch_size = 32, num_batches_to_test = 10, checkpoint_dir = 'tf_data/sample_model'): print("1. Loading data") data = data_loader(label_indices = label_indices, channel_means = channel_means, train_test_split = 0.5, data_path = data_path) print("2. Instantiating the model") M = Model(mode = 'test') #Evaluate on test images: GT = Generator(data.test.X, data.test.y, minibatch_size = minibatch_size) num_correct = 0 num_total = 0 print("3. Evaluating on test images") for i in range(num_batches_to_test): GT.generate() yhat = M.predict(X = GT.X, checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir) correct_predictions = (np.argmax(yhat, axis = 1) == np.argmax(GT.y, axis = 1)) num_correct += np.sum(correct_predictions) num_total += len(correct_predictions) accuracy = round(num_correct/num_total,4) return accuracy def calculate_score(accuracy): score = 0 if accuracy >= 0.92: score = 10 elif accuracy >= 0.9: score = 9 elif accuracy >= 0.85: score = 8 elif accuracy >= 0.8: score = 7 elif accuracy >= 0.75: score = 6 elif accuracy >= 0.70: score = 5 else: score = 4 return score if __name__ == '__main__': program_start = time.time() accuracy = evaluate() score = calculate_score(accuracy) program_end = time.time() total_time = round(program_end - program_start,2) print() print("Execution time (seconds) = ", total_time) print('Accuracy = ' + str(accuracy)) print("Score = ", score) print()
<reponame>nattangwiwat/Mayan-EDMS-recitation<filename>mayan/apps/web_links/migrations/ from django.db import migrations def operation_make_labels_unique(apps, schema_editor): WebLink = apps.get_model(app_label='web_links', model_name='WebLink') for web_link in WebLink.objects.using(schema_editor.connection.alias).all(): # Look for instances with the same label duplicate_queryset = WebLink.objects.using( schema_editor.connection.alias ).filter(label=web_link.label).exclude( if duplicate_queryset: # If a duplicate is found, append the id to the original instance # label web_link.label = '{}__{}'.format(web_link.label, def operation_make_labels_unique_reverse(apps, schema_editor): WebLink = apps.get_model(app_label='web_links', model_name='WebLink') for web_link in WebLink.objects.using(schema_editor.connection.alias).all(): if web_link.label.endswith('__{}'.format( web_link.label = web_link.label.replace( '__{}'.format(, '' ) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('web_links', '0003_auto_20191211_0233'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython( code=operation_make_labels_unique, reverse_code=operation_make_labels_unique_reverse ), ]
import asyncio import os from youwol_utils import WhereClause, QueryBody, Query, Path, flatten from .configurations import Configuration from .utils import format_download_form, post_storage_by_chunk, md5_from_folder from .utils_indexing import format_doc_db_record, post_indexes, get_version_number_str async def init_resources(config: Configuration): print("### Ensure database resources ###") headers = await config.admin_headers if config.admin_headers else {} doc_db = config.doc_db storage = table_ok, bucket_ok = await asyncio.gather( doc_db.ensure_table(headers=headers), storage.ensure_bucket(headers=headers) ) if bucket_ok and not table_ok: print("Need to re-index stuffs of bucket") raise Exception("The table index is not up-to-date w/ bucket content, manual index-synchronisation needed") clauses = [[WhereClause(column="library_name", relation="eq", term=lib.split("#")[0]), WhereClause(column="version_number", relation="eq", term=get_version_number_str(lib.split("#")[1])) ] for lib in Configuration.required_libs] bodies = [QueryBody(query=Query(where_clause=c)) for c in clauses] responses = await asyncio.gather(*[doc_db.query(query_body=b, owner=Configuration.owner, headers=headers) for b in bodies]) if all([len(r['documents']) == 1 for r in responses]): print("Found required resources") return print("post initial resources") await synchronize(Path(__file__).parent / "initial_resources", "", config, headers=headers) print("### resources initialization done ###") async def synchronize(dir_path: Path, zip_dir_name: str, configuration: any, headers: any): paths = flatten([[Path(root) / f for f in files] for root, _, files in os.walk(str(dir_path))]) paths = list(paths) forms = await asyncio.gather(*[format_download_form(path, Path(), dir_path / zip_dir_name, False) for path in paths]) await post_storage_by_chunk(, list(forms), 1, headers) paths_index = flatten([[Path(root) / f for f in files if f == "package.json"] for root, _, files in os.walk(str(dir_path))]) check_dum = md5_from_folder(dir_path) indexes = [format_doc_db_record(package_path=path, fingerprint=check_dum) for path in paths_index] namespaces = {d["namespace"] for d in indexes} await post_indexes(configuration.doc_db, indexes, 25, headers) return len(forms), len(indexes), namespaces
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy as rp import numpy as np import math as math from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped from styx_msgs.msg import Lane, Waypoint from scipy.spatial import KDTree from std_msgs.msg import Int32 ''' This node will publish waypoints from the car's current position to some `x` distance ahead. As mentioned in the doc, you should ideally first implement a version which does not care about traffic lights or obstacles. Once you have created dbw_node, you will update this node to use the status of traffic lights too. Please note that our simulator also provides the exact location of traffic lights and their current status in `/vehicle/traffic_lights` message. You can use this message to build this node as well as to verify your TL classifier. TODO (for Yousuf and Aaron): Stopline location for each traffic light. ''' # Number of waypoints we will publish. LOOKAHEAD_WPS = 150 MAX_DECEL = 0.5 class MotionState( ): Go, Stop = range( 2 ) class WaypointUpdater( object ): def __init__( self ): rp.init_node( 'waypoint_updater' ) # TODO: Add a subscriber for /traffic_waypoint and /obstacle_waypoint below rp.Subscriber( '/current_pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb ) rp.Subscriber( '/base_waypoints', Lane, self.waypoints_cb ) rp.Subscriber( '/traffic_waypoint', Int32, self.traffic_cb ) rp.Subscriber( '/current_velocity', TwistStamped, self.velocity_cb ) self.final_waypoints_pub = rp.Publisher( 'final_waypoints', Lane, queue_size=1 ) # TODO: Add other member variables you need below self.base_lane = None self.pose = None self.waypoints_2d = None self.waypoint_tree = None self.nearest_light = None self.vehicle_velocity = None # in m/s self.motion_state = MotionState.Go self.deceleration_rate = None self.acceleration_rate = 0.75 # m/s self.previous_velocity = None self.loop( ) def loop( self ): rate = rp.Rate( 10 ) while not rp.is_shutdown( ): if self.pose and self.base_lane and self.waypoint_tree: # get closest waypoint #closest_waypoint_index = self.get_closest_waypoint_id( ) self.publish_waypoints( ) self.previous_velocity = self.vehicle_velocity rate.sleep( ) def publish_waypoints( self ): self.final_waypoints_pub.publish( self.generate_lane( ) ) def generate_lane( self ): lane = Lane( ) closest_idx = self.get_closest_waypoint_id( ) farthest_idx = closest_idx + LOOKAHEAD_WPS base_waypoints = self.base_lane[ closest_idx:farthest_idx ] if self.nearest_light != None and \ self.nearest_light <= farthest_idx and \ self.nearest_light >= closest_idx: self.motion_state = MotionState.Stop base_waypoints = self.decelerate( base_waypoints, closest_idx ) elif self.motion_state == MotionState.Stop: self.motion_state = MotionState.Go self.deceleration_rate = None if self.motion_state == MotionState.Go: if abs( self.vehicle_velocity - self.get_waypoint_velocity( \ base_waypoints[ 0 ] ) ) > 1.0: if self.previous_velocity == None: start_vel = self.vehicle_velocity else: start_vel = max( self.previous_velocity + 0.2, self.vehicle_velocity ) base_waypoints = self.accelerate( base_waypoints, start_vel ) else: self.acceleration_start_velocity = None lane.waypoints = base_waypoints return lane def accelerate( self, waypoints, start_velocity ): new_waypoints = [ ] for i, wp in enumerate( waypoints ): p = Waypoint( ) p.pose = wp.pose distance = self.distance( waypoints, 0, i ) target_vel = start_velocity + distance * self.acceleration_rate if target_vel < 0.5: target_vel = 0.5 p.twist.twist.linear.x = min( target_vel, self.get_waypoint_velocity( wp ) ) new_waypoints.append( p ) return new_waypoints def decelerate( self, waypoints, start_idx ): new_waypoints = [ ] speed = self.vehicle_velocity # two waypoints back from line so front of car stops earlier stop_idx = self.nearest_light - start_idx - 2 for i, wp in enumerate( waypoints ): p = Waypoint( ) p.pose = wp.pose dist = self.distance( waypoints, i, stop_idx ) if i >= stop_idx: target_vel = 0 elif dist < 15: if self.deceleration_rate == None: self.deceleration_rate = self.vehicle_velocity / dist target_vel = self.deceleration_rate * dist if target_vel <= 1.0: target_vel = 0.0 target_vel = min( target_vel, self.get_waypoint_velocity( wp ) ) else: target_vel = self.get_waypoint_velocity( wp ) p.twist.twist.linear.x = target_vel new_waypoints.append( p ) return new_waypoints def get_closest_waypoint_id( self ): x = self.pose.pose.position.x y = self.pose.pose.position.y closest_idx = self.waypoint_tree.query( [x, y], 1 )[1] # Check if closest waypoint is ahead or behind the vehicle closest_wp = np.array( self.waypoints_2d[ closest_idx ] ) previous_wp = np.array( self.waypoints_2d[ closest_idx - 1 ] ) # Equation for hyperplane through closest_coords waypoint_vector = closest_wp - previous_wp position_vector = np.array( [x, y] ) - closest_wp val = waypoint_vector, position_vector ) if val > 0: closest_idx = ( closest_idx + 1 ) % len( self.waypoints_2d ) return closest_idx def pose_cb(self, msg): # TODO: Implement self.pose = msg def waypoints_cb( self, waypoints ): # TODO: Implement self.base_lane = waypoints.waypoints if not self.waypoints_2d: self.waypoints_2d = [ [ waypoint.pose.pose.position.x, waypoint.pose.pose.position.y ] for waypoint in waypoints.waypoints ] self.waypoint_tree = KDTree( self.waypoints_2d ) def traffic_cb( self, msg ): # TODO: Callback for /traffic_waypoint message. Implement if( == -1 ): self.nearest_light = None else: self.nearest_light = def velocity_cb( self, velocity ): self.vehicle_velocity = velocity.twist.linear.x def obstacle_cb(self, msg): # TODO: Callback for /obstacle_waypoint message. We will implement it later pass def get_waypoint_velocity( self, waypoint ): return waypoint.twist.twist.linear.x def set_waypoint_velocity( self, waypoints, waypoint, velocity ): waypoints[ waypoint ].twist.twist.linear.x = velocity def distance(self, waypoints, wp1, wp2): dist = 0 dl = lambda a, b: math.sqrt((a.x-b.x)**2 + (a.y-b.y)**2 + (a.z-b.z)**2) for i in range(wp1, wp2+1): dist += dl(waypoints[wp1].pose.pose.position, waypoints[i].pose.pose.position) wp1 = i return dist if __name__ == '__main__': try: WaypointUpdater() except rp.ROSInterruptException: rp.logerr('Could not start waypoint updater node.')
<filename>fewshot/clis/ import json from typing import TextIO from functools import partial import click import numpy as np from scipy.stats import sem import pandas as pd from fewshot.bootstrap import bootstrap from fewshot.bootstrap import ci from fewshot.challenges.utils import get_gold_dataset from . import score_utils as su def statistics(a, estimator=np.mean, conf_interval=95, n_boot=1000, seed=0): """With 95% CI""" [ci_lower, ci_upper] = ci( bootstrap( a, func=estimator, n_boot=n_boot, seed=seed, ), conf_interval ) stat = estimator(a) return { 'stat': stat, 'stat_ci_lower': stat - ci_lower, 'stat_ci_upper': ci_upper - stat, 'stat_ci_sem': sem(a, ddof=1) * 1.96, 'std': np.std(a), 'n': len(a), } @click.command() @click.option('--challenge_name', type=click.STRING, required=True) @click.option( '--predictions', type=click.File('r'), help='Path to the file containing system predictions', required=True, ) @click.option( '--output', '-o', type=click.File('w'), help='Output results to this file.', ) @click.option('--by_way_shot', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--by_few', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--for_leaderboard', is_flag=True, default=False) def score( challenge_name: str, predictions: TextIO, output: TextIO, by_way_shot: bool, by_few: bool, for_leaderboard: bool, ): """Score a predictions.json file.""" gold_data = pd.DataFrame(get_gold_dataset(challenge_name)) joined_data = su.join_predictions_and_gold( predictions=predictions, gold_data=gold_data, ) df, metrics = su.score_joined_data(data=joined_data) if by_way_shot: df['shot'] = df.apply(lambda row: str(int(row['n_train'] / row['way'])) if row['balanced_train'] else '', axis=1) grouped = df.groupby(by=['dataset', 'way', 'shot'])['accuracy'].apply(partial(statistics, estimator=np.mean)) grouped.index = grouped.index.set_names('stat', level=3) res = grouped elif by_few or for_leaderboard: df['few'] = df['n_train'].map(lambda v: v > 0) grouped = df.groupby(by=['dataset', 'few'])['accuracy'].apply(partial(statistics, estimator=np.mean)) grouped.index = grouped.index.set_names('stat', level=2) ways = df.groupby(by=['dataset', 'few'])['way'].apply(lambda x: '/'.join(str(i) for i in sorted(x.unique()))) res = pd.merge( grouped.reset_index(), ways.reset_index(), on=['dataset', 'few'] ).set_index(['dataset', 'way', 'few', 'stat']) else: grouped = df.groupby(by=['dataset'])['accuracy'].apply(partial(statistics, estimator=np.mean)) means = grouped.xs('stat', level=1) stds = grouped.xs('std', level=1) cis_upper = grouped.xs('stat_ci_upper', level=1) cis_lower = grouped.xs('stat_ci_lower', level=1) cis_lower.index = cis_lower.index + '_acc_ci_lower' cis_upper.index = cis_upper.index + '_acc_ci_upper' means.index = means.index + '_acc' stds.index = stds.index + '_acc_std' res = pd.concat([means, cis_upper, cis_lower, stds], axis=0) res.loc['overall_acc'] = means.mean() res.loc['overall_acc_std'] = stds.mean() if for_leaderboard: res = res.reset_index() res['few_string'] = res['few'].map(lambda v: 'few' if v else '0') res['name'] = res['dataset'] + '-' + res['few_string'] accuracies = res[res.stat == 'stat'] overall_0_acc = accuracies[~accuracies.few]['accuracy'].mean() overall_few_acc = accuracies[accuracies.few]['accuracy'].mean() accuracies = accuracies.append([ {'name': 'overall-0', 'accuracy': overall_0_acc}, {'name': 'overall-few', 'accuracy': overall_few_acc}, {'name': 'overall', 'accuracy': 0.5 * (overall_0_acc + overall_few_acc)}, ]) uppers = res[res.stat == 'stat_ci_upper'] uppers = uppers.assign(name=lambda x: x['name'] + '_ci_upper') lowers = res[res.stat == 'stat_ci_lower'] lowers = lowers.assign(name=lambda x: x['name'] + '_ci_lower') stds = res[res.stat == 'std'] stds = stds.assign(name=lambda x: x['name'] + '_std') res = pd.concat([accuracies, uppers, lowers, stds], axis=0) res = res[['name', 'accuracy']].set_index('name') res = res['accuracy'] print(type(res)) if output: if for_leaderboard: # Add episode-level accuracy values under 'episode_accuracies' key res = json.loads(res.to_json()) grouped = ( df.groupby(by=['few', 'dataset'])[['task_id', 'accuracy']] .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values('task_id')['accuracy'].tolist()) .reset_index(name='accuracies') ) grouped['few_string'] = grouped['few'].map(lambda v: 'few' if v else '0') grouped['name'] = grouped['dataset'] + '-' + grouped['few_string'] res['episode_accuracies'] = grouped.set_index('name')[['accuracies']].to_dict()['accuracies'] json.dump(res, output) elif'.json'): res.to_json(output) else: res.to_csv(output) else: pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None) print(res.sort_index())
from oauthlib.oauth2 import InvalidClientError, MissingTokenError import pytest from test import configure_mendeley, cassette def test_should_get_authenticated_session(): mendeley = configure_mendeley() auth = mendeley.start_client_credentials_flow() with cassette('fixtures/auth/client_credentials/get_authenticated_session.yaml'): session = auth.authenticate() assert session.token['access_token'] assert == '' def test_should_throw_exception_on_incorrect_credentials(): mendeley = configure_mendeley() mendeley.client_secret += '-invalid' auth = mendeley.start_client_credentials_flow() # We should never get an access token back # and the OAuth library should be unhappy about that with cassette('fixtures/auth/client_credentials/incorrect_credentials.yaml'), pytest.raises(MissingTokenError): auth.authenticate()
<filename>advisor/api/<gh_stars>0 from django.urls import path from advisor.api.views import ( # api_advisor_view, api_advisor_view_post, ) app_name = 'advisor' urlpatterns = [ path('admin/advisor/', api_advisor_view_post, name="post"), # path('user/<int:id>/advisor/', api_advisor_view, name="detail"), ]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe, unittest from erpnext.accounts.doctype.fiscal_year.fiscal_year import FiscalYearIncorrectDate test_records = frappe.get_test_records('Fiscal Year') test_ignore = ["Company"] class TestFiscalYear(unittest.TestCase): def test_extra_year(self): if frappe.db.exists("Fiscal Year", "_Test Fiscal Year 2000"): frappe.delete_doc("Fiscal Year", "_Test Fiscal Year 2000") fy = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Fiscal Year", "year": "_Test Fiscal Year 2000", "year_end_date": "2002-12-31", "year_start_date": "2000-04-01" }) self.assertRaises(FiscalYearIncorrectDate, fy.insert)
import torch from shape_utils import Shape, load_shape_pair, scatter_shape_pair from torch_geometric.nn import knn from param import * from arap_potential import arap_vert def load_multiscale_shapes(folder_path, file_name, scales, offset=0.5*torch.ones([3], device=device, dtype=torch.float32)): """Like 'load_shape_pair' but for shapes with different resolutions""" vert_x_array = [] triv_x_array = [] vert_y_array = [] triv_y_array = [] for i_scale in range(len(scales)): file_load = folder_path + "sub_" + str(scales[i_scale]) + "/" + file_name shape_x, shape_y = load_shape_pair(file_load, offset) vert_x_array.append(shape_x.vert) vert_y_array.append(shape_y.vert) triv_x_array.append(shape_x.triv) triv_y_array.append(shape_y.triv) shape_x = MultiscaleShape(vert_x_array, triv_x_array) shape_y = MultiscaleShape(vert_y_array, triv_y_array) return shape_x, shape_y class MultiscaleShape(Shape): """Class for shapes with multiple resolutions. Attributes beyond the base class 'Shape' are: vert_array: List of vertices with different resolutions triv_array: List of triangles with different resolutions scale_idx: The index describing the current resolution -- The current vertices are vert_array[scale_idx] ass_[array/vecs/weights]: attributes needed to apply an interpolation on scale 'scale_idx' to the next resolution '(scale_idx+1)' """ def __init__(self, vert_array, triv_array): super().__init__(vert_array[0], triv_array[0]) self.vert_array = vert_array self.triv_array = triv_array self.scale_idx = 0 self.scale_idx_len = len(vert_array) self.ass_array = None self.ass_vecs = None self.ass_weights = None self.init_upscale() def set_scale_idx(self, scale_idx): assert scale_idx >= 0 and scale_idx < self.scale_idx_len, "new index out of bounds" self.vert_array[self.scale_idx] = self.vert self.scale_idx = scale_idx self.vert = self.vert_array[scale_idx] self.triv = self.triv_array[scale_idx] self.samples = list(range(self.vert.shape[0])) self.neigh = None def increase_scale_idx(self): self.set_scale_idx(self.scale_idx+1) def next_resolution(self): return self.vert_array[self.scale_idx+1].shape def init_upscale(self, num_knn=3): self.ass_array = [] self.ass_vecs = [] self.ass_weights = [] for idx in range(self.scale_idx_len-1): vert_i = self.vert_array[idx].to(device_cpu) vert_ip1 = self.vert_array[idx+1].to(device_cpu) ass_curr = knn(vert_i, vert_ip1, num_knn) ass_curr = ass_curr[1, :].view(-1, num_knn) self.ass_array.append( #[n_vert_tp1, num_knn] vec_curr = vert_ip1.unsqueeze(1) - vert_i[ass_curr, :] self.ass_vecs.append( #[n_vert_tp1, num_knn, 3] weights_curr = 1/(torch.norm(vec_curr, dim=2, keepdim=True)+1e-5) weights_curr = weights_curr / torch.sum(weights_curr, dim=1, keepdim=True) self.ass_weights.append( #[n_vert_tp1, num_knn, 1] def apply_upsampling(self, vert_t): R = arap_vert(vert_t, self.vert, self.get_neigh()) #[n_vert_tp1, 3, 3] ass_curr = self.ass_array[self.scale_idx] vec_curr = self.ass_vecs[self.scale_idx] weights_curr = self.ass_weights[self.scale_idx] vert_tp1 = vert_t[ass_curr, :] + torch.matmul(R[ass_curr], vec_curr.unsqueeze(3)).squeeze() #[n_vert_tp1, num_knn, 3] vert_tp1 = torch.sum(weights_curr * vert_tp1, dim=1) return vert_tp1 def rotate(self, R): for i in range(self.scale_idx_len): self.vert_array[i] =[i], R.transpose(0, 1)) self.vert = self.vert_array[self.scale_idx] self.init_upscale() def to_box(self, shape_y): scale_idx = self.scale_idx for i in range(self.scale_idx_len): self.set_scale_idx(i) shape_y.set_scale_idx(i) super().to_box(shape_y) self.set_scale_idx(scale_idx) shape_y.set_scale_idx(scale_idx) self.init_upscale() def scale(self, factor, shift=True): scale_idx = self.scale_idx for i in range(self.scale_idx_len): self.set_scale_idx(i) super().scale(factor, shift) self.set_scale_idx(scale_idx) self.init_upscale() if __name__ == "__main__": print("main of")
import unittest import redis from jobQueue import JobQueue from tangoObjects import TangoIntValue, TangoJob from config import Config class TestJobQueue(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if Config.USE_REDIS: __db = redis.StrictRedis( Config.REDIS_HOSTNAME, Config.REDIS_PORT, db=0) __db.flushall() self.job1 = TangoJob( name="sample_job_1", vm="ilter.img", outputFile="sample_job_1_output", input=[], timeout=30, notifyURL="notifyMeUrl", maxOutputFileSize=4096) self.job2 = TangoJob( name="sample_job_2", vm="ilter.img", outputFile="sample_job_2_output", input=[], timeout=30, notifyURL="notifyMeUrl", maxOutputFileSize=4096) self.jobQueue = JobQueue(None) self.jobQueue.reset() self.jobId1 = self.jobQueue.add(self.job1) self.jobId2 = self.jobQueue.add(self.job2) def test_sharedInt(self): if Config.USE_REDIS: num1 = TangoIntValue("nextID", 1000) num2 = TangoIntValue("nextID", 3000) self.assertEqual(num1.get(), 1000) self.assertEqual(num1.get(), num2.get()) else: return def test_job(self): self.job1.makeUnassigned() self.assertTrue(self.job1.isNotAssigned()) job = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId1) self.assertTrue(job.isNotAssigned()) self.job1.makeAssigned() print "Checkout:" self.assertFalse(self.job1.isNotAssigned()) self.assertFalse(job.isNotAssigned()) def test_add(self): info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size'], 2) def test_addDead(self): return self.assertEqual(1, 1) def test_remove(self): self.jobQueue.remove(self.jobId1) info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size'], 1) self.jobQueue.remove(self.jobId2) info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size'], 0) def test_delJob(self): self.jobQueue.delJob(self.jobId1, 0) info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size'], 1) self.assertEqual(info['size_deadjobs'], 1) self.jobQueue.delJob(self.jobId1, 1) info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size_deadjobs'], 0) return False def test_get(self): ret_job_1 = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId1) self.assertEqual(str(, self.jobId1) ret_job_2 = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId2) self.assertEqual(str(, self.jobId2) def test_getNextPendingJob(self): self.jobQueue.assignJob(self.jobId2) self.jobQueue.unassignJob(self.jobId1) exp_id = self.jobQueue.getNextPendingJob() self.assertMultiLineEqual(exp_id, self.jobId1) def test_getNextPendingJobReuse(self): return False def test_assignJob(self): self.jobQueue.assignJob(self.jobId1) job = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId1) self.assertFalse(job.isNotAssigned()) def test_unassignJob(self): self.jobQueue.assignJob(self.jobId1) job = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId1) self.assertTrue(job.assigned) self.jobQueue.unassignJob(self.jobId1) job = self.jobQueue.get(self.jobId1) return self.assertEqual(job.assigned, False) def test_makeDead(self): info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size_deadjobs'], 0) self.jobQueue.makeDead(self.jobId1, "test") info = self.jobQueue.getInfo() self.assertEqual(info['size_deadjobs'], 1) def test__getNextID(self): init_id = self.jobQueue.nextID for i in xrange(1, Config.MAX_JOBID + 100): id = self.jobQueue._getNextID() self.assertNotEqual(str(id), self.jobId1) self.jobQueue.nextID = init_id if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<reponame>GabrielTavernini/TelegramMap import pandas as pd import sys from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() src = pd.read_csv(sys.argv[1]) dst = pd.read_csv(os.getenv('FILE_PATH')) fdf = pd.concat([dst, src]) fdf = fdf[~((fdf['user'].duplicated(keep='first')) & (fdf['user']!='Point'))] fdf = fdf[~fdf.duplicated(keep='first')] fdf.to_csv(os.getenv('FILE_PATH'), index=False)
<gh_stars>1-10 # JSON engine 21 9 16 # database # eng.json # engine # import os import json path = os.getcwd() + '\\json_engine_database\\' path_string = '' def set_path(string): global path path = os.getcwd() + string def dictionary_kv(dictionary, key, value): dictionary[key] = value return dictionary def set_path_string(args,create_flag): global path_string if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string)==False: if create_flag == True: os.makedirs(path + path_string) else: return False return path_string def create(dictionary, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,True) with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(dictionary, outfile, indent=4) def retrieve(*args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: return(json.load(f)) def retrieve_k(key, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: if key in json.load(f): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: return(json.load(f)[key]) else: return False def update(dictionary, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(dictionary, outfile, indent=4) return True def update_kv(key, value, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump({key: value}, outfile, indent=4) return True def patch(dictionary, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: data=(json.load(f)) data.update(dictionary) with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) return True def patch_kv(key, value, *args): path_string = set_path_string(args,False) if path_string == False: return False with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: data=(json.load(f)) data.update({key: value}) with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) return True def delete(*args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): os.remove(path + path_string + 'eng.json') os.rmdir(path + path_string) return True else: return False def delete_k(key, *args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: if key in json.load(f): data = json.load(f) data.pop(key) with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) return True else: return False else: return False def display(*args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: print(json.load(f)) return True else: print('The selected file does not exist') return False def display_key(key, *args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: if key in json.load(f): print(key + ' ' + str(json.load(f)[key])) return True else: print('The selected file does not exist') return False def display_nkv(key, *args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: if key in json.load(f): data = json.load(f) data.pop(key,'key not found') print(data) return True else: print('The selected file does not exist') return False def display_ind(*args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: print(json.dumps(json.load(f), indent=4)) else: print('The selected file does not exist') def display_ind_nkv(key, *args): if (args): path_string = str(args[0]) + '\\' if os.path.exists(path + path_string + 'eng.json'): with open(path + path_string + 'eng.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) data.pop(key,'key not found') print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) else: print('The selected file does not exist')
<filename>00-basic/ # Lists # Basics foods = ['rice', 'Meat', 'vegetables', 'Eggs'] print(foods) # Same as foods[len(foods):] = ['butter'] foods.append('butter') print(foods) # Same as foods[len(foods):] = ['tomatoes', 'chili sauce'] foods.extend(['tomatoes', 'Chili sauce']) print(foods) # Reverse order of elements in the list foods.reverse() print(foods) # Copy the list copy_of_foods = foods.copy() print(copy_of_foods) # Sort in ascending order foods.sort() print(foods) # Sort in descending order without considering lower or upper case copy_of_foods.sort(key=str.lower, reverse=True) print(copy_of_foods) # Using Lists as Stacks stack_normal = ['+', 4, '*', 7, '-', 3, 6] stack_error = ['+', 4, '?', 7, '-', 3, 6] def evaluate(stack): expression = '' round = 0 while len(stack) >= 3: first_operand = stack.pop() second_operand = stack.pop() operator = stack.pop() subexpression = str(first_operand) + ' ' + operator + \ ' ' + str(second_operand) if round == 0: expression = '(' + subexpression + ')' else: expression = '(' + expression + ' ' + operator + \ ' ' + str(second_operand) + ')' round += 1 if operator == '+': stack.append(first_operand + second_operand) elif operator == '-': stack.append(first_operand - second_operand) elif operator == '*': stack.append(first_operand * second_operand) elif operator == '/': stack.append(first_operand / second_operand) else: stack.append('Error [Invalid Operator]: ' + subexpression) break result = str(stack.pop()) if 'Error' in result: return result else: return expression + ' = ' + result print(evaluate(stack_normal)) print(evaluate(stack_error)) # Using List as Queues from collections import deque queue = deque(["(", "c", "+", "d", ")"]) print(queue) queue.append('/') queue.append('d') print(queue) queue.appendleft('*') queue.appendleft('a') print(queue) # List Comprehensions drinks = [' Beer ', ' Tea', 'Coca Cola ', ' Pepsi', 'Water'] trimmed_drinks = [drink.strip() for drink in drinks] # trim all trailing spaces print(drinks) print(trimmed_drinks) # filter drinks whose name length is longer that or equal to 5 print([drink for drink in trimmed_drinks if len(drink) >= 5]) foods = ['rice', 'Meat', 'vegetables', 'Eggs'] menus = [(food.upper(), drink.lower()) for food in foods for drink in trimmed_drinks] print(menus) vector = [ [1, 2, 3], ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday'], ['Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Night'] ] # [1, 2, 3, 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Morning', 'Afternoon', 'Night'] flatten_vector = [el for row in vector for el in row] print(flatten_vector) # [ # [1, 'Monday', 'Morning'], # [2, 'Tuesday', 'Afternoon'], # [3, 'Wednesday', 'Night'] # ] transposed_vector = [[row[i] for row in vector] for i in range(3)] print(transposed_vector)
#!/usr/bin/env python # _*_ encoding: utf-8 _*_ """ Simplex algorithm with rational coefficients""" import numpy as np import fractions as frac __author__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" class RestrictedSimplex(object): def __init__(self, leaving_index=None, entering_index=None): if not leaving_index: def func(l): m = 0 while not l[m] and m < len(l): m += 1 if m == len(l): return 0 for i in range(len(l)): if l[i] and l[m] > l[i]: m = i return m leaving_index = func if not entering_index: def func(l): return l.index(min(l)) entering_index = func self.leaving_index = leaving_index self.entering_index = entering_index def __call__(self, lin_p, recursion_limit=100): """ Runs a restricted version of the simplex algorithm Runs simplex algorithm on linear programs having feasible basic solution. It takes in an integer to limit the number of recursions. :return: a linear program whose basic solution has maximal objective value. """ a = lin_p.table if not lin_p.has_feasible_basic: raise TypeError("Linear program doesn't have feasible base solution") n = 0 while any(a[0, :-1] < 0) and n < recursion_limit: entering_choices = [i for i in map(lambda x: 0 if x > 0 else x, a[0, :-1])] e = self.entering_index(entering_choices) leaving_choices = [None]*lin_p.shape[0] for i in range(lin_p.shape[0]): if a[i+1, e] > 0: leaving_choices[i] = (a[i+1, -1]/a[i+1, e]) if not [i for i in leaving_choices if i]: raise OverflowError("Linear program unbounded | check model and state.") else: l = 1 + self.leaving_index(leaving_choices) lin_p.pivot(e, l) n += 1 form = "Basic solution = " + \ "(" + "{}, " * (lin_p.shape[1] - 1) + "{})" + \ " with objective value = {}." print(form.format(*lin_p.basic_solution(), lin_p.table[0, -1]), end="\n\n") return lin_p.basic_solution(), lin_p.table[0, -1] class Simplex(RestrictedSimplex): def is_feasible(self, lin_p): """ Checks if linear program is feasible.. Has side effect: transforms linear program if not basic feasible into an equivalent linear program having basic feasible solution. :return: boolean. """ print(" ### Checking feasibility of linear program", lin_p, sep="\n\n") if lin_p.has_feasible_basic(): print(" ### Input linear program has feasible basic solution", end="\n\n") return True print(" ### Basic solution is not feasible: using auxiliary linear program in next step", end="\n\n") gain_fun = np.copy(lin_p.table[0]) lin_p.shape = (lin_p.shape[0], lin_p.shape[1] + 1) lin_p.table = np.insert(lin_p.table, 0, frac.Fraction(-1, 1), axis=1) lin_p.table[0] = np.hstack((np.ones(1, dtype=frac.Fraction), np.zeros(lin_p.shape[1], dtype=frac.Fraction))) lin_p.basic = [i+1 for i in lin_p.basic] l = 1 + np.argmin(lin_p.table[1:, -1]) lin_p.pivot(0, l) # Now program has feasible basic solution if RestrictedSimplex.__call__(self, lin_p)[1] == 0: print(" ### Input linear program is thus feasible", end="\n\n") if 0 in lin_p.basic: l = lin_p.basic.index(0) e = 0 while e < lin_p.shape and lin_p.table[l, e] == 0: # There is a at least an e with this property # Unbounded otherwise e += 1 lin_p.pivot(e, l) # 0 not basic anymore lin_p.basic = [i-1 for i in lin_p.basic] lin_p.table = lin_p.table[:, 1:] lin_p.shape = (lin_p.shape[0], lin_p.shape[1] - 1) lin_p.table[0] = gain_fun for i in lin_p.basic: lin_p.table[0, :] = lin_p.table[0, :] - \ lin_p.table[0, i] * \ lin_p.table[1 + lin_p.basic.index(i), :] lin_p.table[0, -1] = -lin_p.table[0, -1] return True else: return False def __call__(self, lin_p, recursion_limit=100): """ Simplex algorithm. :return: a linear program whose basic solution has maximal objective value. """ if self.is_feasible(lin_p): simplex = RestrictedSimplex(self.leaving_index, self.entering_index) print(" ### Getting back to linear program equivalent to input with feasible basic solution", end="\n\n") return simplex(lin_p, recursion_limit=recursion_limit) else: raise Exception("Linear program is not feasible.")
import unittest import os from subprocess import call import z5py import vigra from test_class import McLuigiTestCase class TestDataTasks(McLuigiTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestDataTasks, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestDataTasks, cls).tearDownClass() def check_features(self, feature_path): rag_path = './cache/StackedRegionAdjacencyGraph_sampleA_watershed.h5' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(rag_path)) n_edges = vigra.readHDF5(rag_path, 'numberOfEdges') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(feature_path)) features = z5py.File(feature_path, use_zarr_format=False)['data'][:] self.assertEqual(n_edges, len(features)) for feat_id in range(features.shape[1]): self.assertFalse((features[:, feat_id] == 0).all()) def test_region_features(self): call(['python', './executables/', 'region']) feat_path = '' self.check_features(feat_path) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#coding:utf-8 import re import math from docclass import Classifier def test_infc_func(): c = Classifier(getfeatures=None) c.infc("python", "good") c.infc("python", "good") c.infc("the", "bad") c.infc("the", "good") print c.fc if __name__ == "__main__": test_infc_func()
# import json import uuid from django.apps import apps from django.core import serializers from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.shortcuts import render from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.conf import settings from .api_helpers import * Episode = apps.get_model('episodes', 'Episode') SubscriptionRequest = apps.get_model('subscribers', 'SubscriptionRequest') Subscriber = apps.get_model('subscribers', 'Subscriber') def get_episodes(request): episodes = Episode.objects.all() res = serializers.serialize("json", episodes) return HttpResponse(res, content_type='application/json') @csrf_exempt def create_new_subscription_request(request): if not valid_method('POST', request): return error_response('Error: Method must be POST', 405) email = request.POST.get('email', False) if not email: return error_response('Error: No email provided in request', 422) subscription_request, created_new = SubscriptionRequest.objects.get_or_create( email=email) if not created_new: subscription_request.token = uuid.uuid4() if send_confirmation_email(subscription_request): return response('Email sent to ' + email) else: return error_response('Unable to send email to ' + email, 500) def create_subscriber(request): email = request.GET.get('email', False) token = request.GET.get('token', False) if (not email or not token): return error_response("Error: Unable to process request. Missing information", 422) subscription_request = SubscriptionRequest.objects.get(email=email, token=token) if not subscription_request: return error_response("Error: Subscription request not found", 404) subscriber, created_new = Subscriber.objects.get_or_create(email=email) if created_new: exists = 'False' else: exists = 'True' return redirect('/thanks/?email=' + email + '&exists=' + exists) def thanks(request): root = settings.HOST_URL email = request.GET.get('email', False) exists = request.GET.get('exists', False) return render(request, 'api/thanks.html', { 'email': email, 'root': root, 'exists': exists })
<filename> """ MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from os import getenv from sys import version from dotenv import load_dotenv from dreambot import DreamBot import logging import discord def main() -> None: """ Driver method. """ print(f'Current Python Version: {version}') print(f'Current Discord Version: {discord.__version__}') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%I:%M %p on %A, %B %d, %Y') load_dotenv() # required token = getenv('DISCORD_TOKEN') owner = int(getenv('OWNER_ID')) prefix = getenv('PREFIX', '>') database = getenv('DATABASE') environment = getenv('ENVIRONMENT', 'DEV') # optional options = { 'status_type': discord.ActivityType(int(getenv('STATUS_TYPE', 1))), 'status_text': getenv('STATUS_TEXT') } # explicitly disabled cogs try: options['disabled_cogs'] = getenv('DISABLED_COGS').split(',') except AttributeError: pass # git optionals git_options = { 'git_user': getenv('GITHUB_USER'), 'git_repo': getenv('GITHUB_REPO'), 'git_token': getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') } if all(git_options.values()): options['git'] = git_options # specify intents (members requires explicit opt-in via dev portal) intents = discord.Intents(guilds=True, members=True, bans=True, emojis=True, voice_states=True, messages=True, reactions=True) dream_bot = DreamBot(intents, database, prefix, owner, environment, options=options) # Run the bot if __name__ == '__main__': main()
__author__ = 'ashvinder' import re import os import gc import logger import time from TestInput import TestInputSingleton from backup.backup_base import BackupBaseTest from remote.remote_util import RemoteMachineShellConnection from couchbase_helper.documentgenerator import BlobGenerator from couchbase_helper.documentgenerator import DocumentGenerator from memcached.helper.kvstore import KVStore from membase.api.rest_client import RestConnection, Bucket from couchbase_helper.data_analysis_helper import * from memcached.helper.data_helper import VBucketAwareMemcached from view.spatialquerytests import SimpleDataSet from view.spatialquerytests import SpatialQueryTests from membase.helper.spatial_helper import SpatialHelper from couchbase_helper.cluster import Cluster from membase.helper.bucket_helper import BucketOperationHelper from couchbase_helper.document import DesignDocument, View import copy class IBRTests(BackupBaseTest): def setUp(self): super(IBRTests, self).setUp() self.num_mutate_items = self.input.param("mutate_items", 1000) gen_load = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_load, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a full backup if not self.command_options: self.command_options = [] options = self.command_options + [' -m full'] self.total_backups = 1, self.backup_location, options) def tearDown(self): super(IBRTests, self).tearDown() def restoreAndVerify(self, bucket_names, kvs_before, expected_error=None): for bucket in self.buckets: bucket.kvs[1] = kvs_before[] del kvs_before gc.collect() errors, outputs =, self.backup_location, bucket_names) errors.extend(outputs) error_found = False if expected_error: for line in errors: if line.find(expected_error) != -1: error_found = True break self.assertTrue(error_found, "Expected error not found: %s" % expected_error) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) if expected_error: for bucket in self.buckets: bucket.kvs[1] = KVStore() self.verify_results(self.master) self._verify_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) def verify_dir_structure(self, total_backups, buckets, nodes): cmd = 'find ' + self.backup_location + ' -type f' if == 'windows': cmd = 'cmd.exe /C "dir /s /b C:\\tmp\\backup"' output, error ="output = {0} error = {1}".format(output,error)) if error: raise Exception('Got error {0}',format(error)) expected_design_json = total_backups * buckets expected_data_cbb = total_backups * buckets * nodes expected_meta_json = total_backups * buckets * nodes expected_failover_json = total_backups * buckets * nodes timestamp = '\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}T\d+Z' pattern_mode = '(full|accu|diff)' timestamp_backup = timestamp + '\-' + pattern_mode pattern_bucket = 'bucket-\w+' pattern_node = 'node\-\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.+' pattern_design_json = timestamp + '/|\\\\' + timestamp_backup + \ '/|\\\\' + pattern_bucket pattern_backup_files = pattern_design_json + '/|\\\\' + pattern_node data_cbb = 0 failover = 0 meta_json = 0 design_json = 0 for line in output: if 'data-0000.cbb' in line: if, line): data_cbb += 1 if 'failover.json' in line: if, line): failover += 1 if self.cb_version[:5] != "4.5.1" and 'meta.json' in line: if, line): meta_json += 1 if 'design.json' in line: if, line): design_json += 1"expected_data_cbb {0} data_cbb {1}" .format(expected_data_cbb, data_cbb))"expected_failover_json {0} failover {1}" .format(expected_failover_json, failover)) if self.cb_version[:5] != "4.5.1":"expected_meta_json {0} meta_json {1}" .format(expected_meta_json, meta_json)) """ add json support later in this test"expected_design_json {0} design_json {1}" .format(expected_design_json, design_json)) """ if self.cb_version[:5] != "4.5.1": if data_cbb == expected_data_cbb and failover == expected_failover_json and \ meta_json == expected_meta_json: # add support later in and design_json == expected_design_json: return True else: if data_cbb == expected_data_cbb and failover == expected_failover_json: return True return False def testFullBackupDirStructure(self): if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Full Backup') def testMultipleFullBackupDirStructure(self): for count in range(10): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m full'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(120) if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Full Backup') def testIncrBackupDirStructure(self): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Incremental Backup') def testMultipleIncrBackupDirStructure(self): for count in range(10): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1"sleeping for 30 secs") self.sleep(30) if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Incremental Backup') def testMultipleDiffBackupDirStructure(self): for count in range(10): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Differential Backup') def testMultipleIncrDiffBackupDirStructure(self): for count in range(10): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a diff backup options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Combo Incr and Diff Backup') def testMultipleFullIncrDiffBackupDirStructure(self): for count in range(10): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a diff backup options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a full backup options = self.command_options + [' -m full'], self.backup_location, options, delete_backup=False) self.total_backups += 1 self.sleep(60) if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Combo Full,Incr and Diff Backups') def testDiffBackupDirStructure(self): # Update data gen_update = BlobGenerator('testdata', 'testdata-', self.value_size, end=5) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a diff backup options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'], self.backup_location, options) self.total_backups += 1 if not self.verify_dir_structure(self.total_backups, len(self.buckets), len(self.servers)): raise Exception('Backup Directory Verification Failed for Differential Backup') def testIncrementalBackup(self): gen_extra = BlobGenerator('zoom', 'zoom-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items)"Starting Incremental backup") extra_items_deleted_flag = 0 if(self.doc_ops is not None): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("update" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("delete" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "delete", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) extra_items_deleted_flag = 1 if("expire" in self.doc_ops): if extra_items_deleted_flag == 1: self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", self.expire_time, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before) def testDifferentialBackup(self): gen_extra = BlobGenerator('zoom', 'zoom-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items)"Starting Differential backup") extra_items_deleted_flag = 0 if(self.doc_ops is not None): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("update" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("delete" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "delete", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) extra_items_deleted_flag = 1 if("expire" in self.doc_ops): if extra_items_deleted_flag == 1: self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", self.expire_time, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a diff backup options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'], self.backup_location, options) # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before) def testFullBackup(self): # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before) def testIncrementalBackupConflict(self): gen_extra = BlobGenerator('zoom', 'zoom-', self.value_size, end=self.num_items)"Starting Incremental backup") extra_items_deleted_flag = 0 if(self.doc_ops is not None): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("update" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) if("delete" in self.doc_ops): self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "delete", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) extra_items_deleted_flag = 1 if("expire" in self.doc_ops): if extra_items_deleted_flag == 1: self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "create", 0, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_extra, "update", self.expire_time, 1, self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000, pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) #Take a incremental backup options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'], self.backup_location, options) # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self.lww = self.num_mutate_items = self.input.param("lww_new", False) self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) expected_error = self.input.param("expected_error", None) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before, expected_error) class IBRJsonTests(BackupBaseTest): def setUp(self): super(IBRJsonTests, self).setUp() self.num_mutate_items = self.input.param("mutate_items", 1000) template = '{{ "mutated" : 0, "age": {0}, "first_name": "{1}" }}' gen_load = DocumentGenerator('load_by_id_test', template, range(5),\ ['james', 'john'], start=0, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_load, "create", 0, 1,\ self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000,\ pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) if self.test_with_view: view_list = [] bucket = "default" if self.dev_view: prefix_ddoc="dev_ddoc" else: prefix_ddoc="ddoc" ddoc_view_map = self.bucket_ddoc_map.pop(bucket, {}) for ddoc_count in xrange(self.num_ddocs): design_doc_name = prefix_ddoc + str(ddoc_count) view_list = self.make_default_views("views", self.num_views_per_ddoc) self.create_views(self.master, design_doc_name, view_list,\ bucket, self.wait_timeout * 2) ddoc_view_map[design_doc_name] = view_list self.bucket_ddoc_map[bucket] = ddoc_view_map #Take a full backup if not self.command_options: self.command_options = [] options = self.command_options + [' -m full'] self.total_backups = 1,\ self.backup_location, options) self.sleep(2) def testFullBackup(self): # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before) def restoreAndVerify(self,bucket_names,kvs_before): for bucket in self.buckets: bucket.kvs[1] = kvs_before[] del kvs_before gc.collect(),\ self.backup_location, bucket_names) self.sleep(10) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) self.verify_results(self.master) self._verify_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) """ add design doc and view """ if self.test_with_view: result = False query = {"stale" : "false", "full_set" : "true", \ "connection_timeout" : 60000} for bucket, ddoc_view_map in self.bucket_ddoc_map.items(): for ddoc_name, view_list in ddoc_view_map.items(): for view in view_list: try: result = self.cluster.query_view(self.master,\ ddoc_name,, query,\ self.num_items, timeout=10) except Exception: pass if not result:"There is no: View: {0} in Design Doc:"\ " {1} in bucket: {2}"\ .format(, ddoc_name, bucket))"DDoc Data Validation Successful") def tearDown(self): super(IBRJsonTests, self).tearDown() def testMultipleBackups(self): if not self.command_options: self.command_options = [] options = self.command_options if self.backup_type is not None: if "accu" in self.backup_type: options = self.command_options + [' -m accu'] if "diff" in self.backup_type: options = self.command_options + [' -m diff'] diff_backup = [" -m diff"] accu_backup = [" -m accu"] current_backup = [" -m diff"] for count in range(self.number_of_backups): if "mix" in self.backup_type: if current_backup == diff_backup: current_backup = accu_backup options = self.command_options + accu_backup elif current_backup == accu_backup: current_backup = diff_backup options = self.command_options + diff_backup # Update data template = '{{ "mutated" : {0}, "age": {0}, "first_name": "{1}" }}' gen_update = DocumentGenerator('load_by_id_test', template, range(5),\ ['james', 'john'], start=0, end=self.num_items) self._load_all_buckets(self.master, gen_update, "update", 0, 1,\ self.item_flag, True, batch_size=20000,\ pause_secs=5, timeout_secs=180) self._wait_for_stats_all_buckets(self.servers[:self.num_servers]) #Take a backup,\ self.backup_location, options) # Save copy of data kvs_before = {} for bucket in self.buckets: kvs_before[] = bucket.kvs[1] bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] # Delete all buckets self._all_buckets_delete(self.master) gc.collect() self._bucket_creation() self.sleep(20) self.restoreAndVerify(bucket_names, kvs_before) class IBRSpatialTests(SpatialQueryTests): def setUp(self): self.input = TestInputSingleton.input self.servers = self.input.servers self.master = self.servers[0] self.log = logger.Logger.get_logger() self.helper = SpatialHelper(self, "default") self.helper.setup_cluster() self.cluster = Cluster() self.default_bucket = self.input.param("default_bucket", True) self.sasl_buckets = self.input.param("sasl_buckets", 0) self.standard_buckets = self.input.param("standard_buckets", 0) self.memcached_buckets = self.input.param("memcached_buckets", 0) self.servers = self.helper.servers = RemoteMachineShellConnection(self.master) info = self.os = info.type.lower() self.couchbase_login_info = "%s:%s" % (self.input.membase_settings.rest_username, self.input.membase_settings.rest_password) self.backup_location = self.input.param("backup_location", "/tmp/backup") self.command_options = self.input.param("command_options", '') def tearDown(self): self.helper.cleanup_cluster() def test_backup_with_spatial_data(self): num_docs = self.helper.input.param("num-docs", 5000)"description : Make limit queries on a simple " "dataset with {0} docs".format(num_docs)) data_set = SimpleDataSet(self.helper, num_docs) data_set.add_limit_queries() self._query_test_init(data_set) if not self.command_options: self.command_options = [] options = self.command_options + [' -m full'] self.total_backups = 1, self.backup_location, options) time.sleep(2) self.buckets = RestConnection(self.master).get_buckets() bucket_names = [ for bucket in self.buckets] BucketOperationHelper.delete_all_buckets_or_assert(self.servers, self) gc.collect() self.helper._create_default_bucket(), self.backup_location, bucket_names) SimpleDataSet(self.helper, num_docs)._create_views() self._query_test_init(data_set)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (c) 2012 University of Oxford Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, --INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from webob import Request import zope.interface from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier from repoze.who.interfaces import IRequestClassifier import ConfigParser from pylons import config def custom_request_classifier(environ): """ Returns one of the classifiers 'app', 'browser' or any standard classifiers returned by repoze.who.classifiers:default_request_classifier """ classifier = default_request_classifier(environ) if classifier == 'browser': login_form_url = '/login' login_handler = '/login_handler' logout_handler = '/logout_handler' logout_url = '/logout' # Decide if the client is a (user-driven) browser or an application if config.has_key("who.config_file"): config_file = config["who.config_file"] config_who = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config_who.readfp(open(config_file)) login_form_url = config_who.get("plugin:friendlyform", "login_form_url") login_handler = config_who.get("plugin:friendlyform", "login_handler_path") logout_handler = config_who.get("plugin:friendlyform", "logout_handler_path") logout_url = config_who.get("plugin:friendlyform", "post_logout_url") path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] #request = Request(environ) #if not request.accept.best_match(['application/xhtml+xml', 'text/html']): # # In our view, any client who doesn't support HTML/XHTML is an "app", # # not a (user-driven) "browser". # classifier = 'app' if not path_info in [login_form_url, login_handler, logout_handler, logout_url]: # In our view, any client who hasn't come in from the login url is an app classifier = 'app' return classifier zope.interface.directlyProvides(custom_request_classifier, IRequestClassifier)
from app import app from flask_restful import Api from app.resources.auth import TokenResource api = Api(app) # Token resource api.add_resource(TokenResource, '/authservice/token', endpoint='auth_token')
<reponame>pandabuilder/django-autocomplete-light<gh_stars>0 """Select2 support for DAL.""" # default_app_config = 'dal_select2.apps.DefaultApp'
import pandas as pd from tabulate import tabulate from cadCAD.configuration import append_configs from cadCAD.configuration.utils import config_sim from cadCAD.engine import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext, Executor from cadCAD import configs # Policies per Mechanism def p1m1(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy1': 1} def p2m1(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy2': 2} def p1m2(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy1': 2, 'policy2': 2} def p2m2(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy1': 2, 'policy2': 2} def p1m3(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy1': 1, 'policy2': 2, 'policy3': 3} def p2m3(_g, step, sH, s): return {'policy1': 1, 'policy2': 2, 'policy3': 3} # Internal States per Mechanism def add(y, x): return lambda _g, step, sH, s, _input: (y, s[y] + x) def policies(_g, step, sH, s, _input): y = 'policies' x = _input return (y, x) # Genesis States genesis_states = { 'policies': {}, 's1': 0 } variables = { 's1': add('s1', 1), "policies": policies } psubs = { "m1": { "policies": { "p1": p1m1, "p2": p2m1 }, "variables": variables }, "m2": { "policies": { "p1": p1m2, "p2": p2m2 }, "variables": variables }, "m3": { "policies": { "p1": p1m3, "p2": p2m3 }, "variables": variables } } sim_config = config_sim( { "N": 1, "T": range(3), } ) append_configs( sim_configs=sim_config, initial_state=genesis_states, partial_state_update_blocks=psubs, policy_ops=[lambda a, b: a + b, lambda y: y * 2] # Default: lambda a, b: a + b ) exec_mode = ExecutionMode() local_proc_ctx = ExecutionContext(context=exec_mode.local_mode) run = Executor(exec_context=local_proc_ctx, configs=configs) raw_result, tensor_field, sessions = run.execute() result = pd.DataFrame(raw_result) print() print("Tensor Field:") print(tabulate(tensor_field, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) print("Output:") print(tabulate(result, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql')) print()
<filename>2_CS_Medium/Leetcode/Interview_Easy/ 1. Number of 1 Bits (HammingWeight): # Easy way def hammingWeight(self, n: int) -> int: return bin(n).count('1') # Harder way - def hammingWeight(self, n): c = 0 while n: n &= n - 1 c += 1 return c 2. Hamming Distance: # Easy Way bin(x ^ y).count('1') #Right way (Bitwise Operators): # Approach 1: Just check every bit in both numbers and increment when they are different def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int: hamming_distance = 0 while x != 0 or y != 0: if x % 2 != y % 2: hamming_distance += 1 x = x >> 1 y = y >> 1 return hamming_distance # Approach 2: Just make XOR of x and y and after that count the number of '1' bits. # because XOR of two different bits is always 1 def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int: hamming_distance = 0 new = x ^ y while new > 0: if new % 2 == 1: hamming_distance += 1 new = new >> 1 return hamming_distance # Approach 3: Again make XOR of x and y but when we count the number of '1' bits # we make the trick n&(n-1) which removes last '1' bit def hammingDistance(self, x: int, y: int) -> int: hamming_distance = 0 new = x ^ y while new > 0: new = new & (new-1) hamming_distance += 1 return hamming_distance # Good explanation of XOR solution: 3. Reverse Bits (Reverse Bits of a 32 bits unsigned integer): # def reverseBits(self, n): bit_str = '{0:032b}'.format(n) # Format n into bit string (length of 32) reverse_str = bit_str[::-1] # Reverse bit_string with slice fxnality return int(reverse_str, 2) # Return string as int w/ 2 4. Pascals Triangle: def generate(self, numRows): lists = [] for i in range(numRows): lists.append([1]*(i+1)) if i>1 : for j in range(1,i): lists[i][j]=lists[i-1][j-1]+lists[i-1][j] return lists 5. Valid Parenthesis: def isValid(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: bool """ # The stack to keep track of opening brackets. stack = [] # Hash map for keeping track of mappings. This keeps the code very clean. # Also makes adding more types of parenthesis easier mapping = {")": "(", "}": "{", "]": "["} # For every bracket in the expression. for char in s: # If the character is an closing bracket if char in mapping: # Pop the topmost element from the stack, if it is non empty # Otherwise assign a dummy value of '#' to the top_element variable top_element = stack.pop() if stack else '#' # The mapping for the opening bracket in our hash and the top # element of the stack don't match, return False if mapping[char] != top_element: return False else: # We have an opening bracket, simply push it onto the stack. stack.append(char) # In the end, if the stack is empty, then we have a valid expression. # The stack won't be empty for cases like ((() return not stack def isValid(self, s): stack = [] mapping = {")": "(", "}": "{", "]": "["} for char in s: if char in mapping: top_element = stack.pop() if stack else '#' if mapping[char] != top_element: return False else: stack.append(char) return not stack 6. Missing Number: (Missing number in an array) # One line def missingNumber(self, nums): return sum(range(len(nums)+1)) - sum(nums) # Two lines def missingNumber(self, nums): n = len(nums) return n * (n+1) / 2 - sum(nums)
<filename>label_studio/ml/examples/<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2020/7/12 14:19 # @Author : zoumaotai # @Email : <EMAIL> # @File : # @Software: PyCharm import random import urllib from gluoncv import model_zoo, data from import LabelStudioMLBase import mxnet as mx class ObjectDetectionModel(LabelStudioMLBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ObjectDetectionModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) from_name, schema = list(self.parsed_label_config.items())[0] self.from_name = from_name self.to_name = schema['to_name'][0] self.labels = schema['labels'] = model_zoo.get_model('faster_rcnn_resnet50_v1b_voc', pretrained=True) def predict(self, tasks, **kwargs): results = [] for task in tasks: image_url = task.get('data').get('image') image_url = f'http://localhost:8080{image_url}' if not image_url.startswith('http') else image_url urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, "test.jpg") src = mx.img.imread('test.jpg') org_h, org_w, _ = src.shape x, orig_img = data.transforms.presets.rcnn.load_test("test.jpg") h, w, _ = orig_img.shape ratio_h = org_h/h ratio_w = org_w/w print('h缩放比例', ratio_h) print('w缩放比例', ratio_w) box_ids, scores, bboxes = result_list = [] for bbox, box_id, score in zip(bboxes[0].asnumpy().tolist(), box_ids[0].asnumpy().tolist(), scores[0].asnumpy().tolist()): if bbox[0] == -1: break label =[int(box_id[0])] score = score[0] x = bbox[0] * ratio_w * 100 / org_w y = bbox[1] * ratio_h * 100 / org_h height = (bbox[3] - bbox[1]) * ratio_h * 100 / org_h width = (bbox[2] - bbox[0]) * ratio_w * 100 / org_w if score > 0.8: result_list.append( { "from_name": "label", "id": "t5sp3TyXPo", "source": "$image", "to_name": "image", "type": "rectanglelabels", "value": { "height": height, # 高度占比 "rectanglelabels": [ label ], "rotation": 0, "width": width, # 宽度占比 "x": x, "y": y } }) results.append({ "result": result_list, 'score': 0.9 }) print(results) return results def fit(self, completions, workdir=None, **kwargs): return {'random': random.randint(1, 10)}
<reponame>sisekelohub/sisekelo # Generated by Django 4.0 on 2022-01-02 21:51 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('courses', '0008_alter_learnership_duration'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='skills_program', name='duration', field=models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='specialized_course', name='duration', field=models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True), ), ]