Segment Tree Query
<filename>Segment Tree Query """ For an array, we can build a SegmentTree for it, each node stores an extra attribute count to denote the number of elements in the the array which value is between interval start and end. (The array may not fully filled by elements) Design a query method with three parameters root, start and end, find the number of elements in the in array's interval [start, end] by the given root of value SegmentTree. Have you met this question in a real interview? Yes Example For array [0, empty, 2, 3], the corresponding value Segment Tree is: [0, 3, count=3] / \ [0,1,count=1] [2,3,count=2] / \ / \ [0,0,count=1] [1,1,count=0] [2,2,count=1], [3,3,count=1] query(1, 1), return 0 query(1, 2), return 1 query(2, 3), return 2 query(0, 2), return 2 """ __author__ = 'Daniel' DEFAULT = 0 f = lambda x, y: x+y class Solution: def query(self, root, s, e): """ Segment: [s, e] :param root: The root of segment tree :param start: start of segment/interval :param end: end of segment/interval :return: The count number in the interval [start, end] """ if not root: return DEFAULT if s <= root.start and e >= root.end: return root.count if s > root.end or e < root.start: return DEFAULT l = self.query(root.left, s, e) r = self.query(root.right, s, e) return f(l, r)
"""empty message Revision ID: <PASSWORD> Revises: None Create Date: 2016-04-27 16:54:34.185442 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '<PASSWORD>' down_revision = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('role', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True), sa.Column('description', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name=op.f('pk_role')), sa.UniqueConstraint('name', name=op.f('uq_role_name')) ) op.create_table('user', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('email', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True), sa.Column('password', sa.String(), nullable=True), sa.Column('full_name', sa.String(), nullable=True), sa.Column('inbox_email', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True), sa.Column('active', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), sa.Column('confirmed_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name=op.f('pk_user')), sa.UniqueConstraint('email', name=op.f('uq_user_email')), sa.UniqueConstraint('inbox_email', name=op.f('uq_user_inbox_email')) ) op.create_table('note', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('content', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('created', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('updated', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('is_email', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], [''], name=op.f('fk_note_user_id_user')), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name=op.f('pk_note')) ) op.create_table('user_roles', sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('role_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['role_id'], [''], name=op.f('fk_user_roles_role_id_role')), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], [''], name=op.f('fk_user_roles_user_id_user')) ) op.create_table('note_history', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('note_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('version', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('content', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('created', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['note_id'], [''], name=op.f('fk_note_history_note_id_note')), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id', name=op.f('pk_note_history')) ) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_table('note_history') op.drop_table('user_roles') op.drop_table('note') op.drop_table('user') op.drop_table('role') ### end Alembic commands ###
# Generated by Django 3.1.2 on 2021-01-27 18:43 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): def add_file_data_providers(apps, schema_editor): DataProviderType = apps.get_model("jobs", "DataProviderType") ExportFormat = apps.get_model("jobs", "ExportFormat") # Create the DataProvider objects if they don't exist. DataProviderType.objects.get_or_create(type_name="vector-file") DataProviderType.objects.get_or_create(type_name="raster-file") # Currently available Provider Types. vector_data_provider_types = ["vector-file"] raster_data_provider_types = ["raster-file"] # Currently available Export Formats. nitf = ExportFormat.objects.get(slug="nitf") gtiff = ExportFormat.objects.get(slug="gtiff") kml = ExportFormat.objects.get(slug="kml") shp = ExportFormat.objects.get(slug="shp") gpkg = ExportFormat.objects.get(slug="gpkg") # Set the known supported export formats per provider type. for provider_type in DataProviderType.objects.all(): if provider_type.type_name in vector_data_provider_types: provider_type.supported_formats.add(gpkg, shp, kml) if provider_type.type_name in raster_data_provider_types: provider_type.supported_formats.add(gpkg, gtiff, nitf) dependencies = [ ("jobs", "0010_dataprovider_data_type"), ] operations = [migrations.RunPython(add_file_data_providers)]
<filename>tests/ from __future__ import print_function import unittest import six from pychemy.inchi import InChI class InchiTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_unicode_inchi(self): inchi_str = six.u('InChI=1S/C14H18O8/c1-20-9-4-7(5-15)2-3-8(9)21-14-13(19)12(18)11(17)10(6-16)22-14/h2-5,10-14,16-19H,6H2,1H3/t10-,11-,12+,13-,14-/m1/s1') inchi = InChI(inchi_str) formula = inchi.formula self.assertEqual(formula.formula, 'C14H18O8')
from ...syntax import BuiltinFunctionSymbol, CompoundTerm from . import errors as err class DifferentialConstraint: """ A (possibly lifted) reaction """ def __init__(self, language, name, parameters, condition, variate, ode): = name self.language = language self.parameters = parameters self.condition = condition self.variate = variate self.ode = ode self._check_well_formed() def _check_well_formed(self): if not isinstance(self.variate, CompoundTerm): raise err.InvalidDifferentialConstraintDefinition(self.variate, "Needs to be a compound term") if isinstance(self.variate, BuiltinFunctionSymbol): raise err.InvalidDifferentialConstraintDefinition(self.variate, "Cannot be a built-in function") # .... def ident(self): params = ', '.join([str(o) for o in self.parameters]) return '{}({})'.format(, params) def dump(self): return dict(, params=[par.dump() for par in self.parameters], condition=self.condition.dump(), variate=self.variate.dump(), ode=self.ode.dump()) def __str__(self): tokens = ['reaction {}:'.format(, 'cond: ({})'.format(self.condition), 'variate: {}'.format(self.variate), 'ode: {}'.format(self.ode)] return '\n'.join(tokens)
""" StackedMail management command tests """ from django.test import TestCase from django.test import Client from django.conf import settings from django.core import mail from import call_command from django.utils.six import StringIO from app.logic.mailing.models.StackedMailModel import StackedMailEntry from app.logic.httpcommon import res import os import shutil class ManagementStackedMailTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.client = Client() self.tmp_folder = os.path.join(settings.TMP_ROOT) if not os.path.exists(self.tmp_folder): os.makedirs(self.tmp_folder) def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(self.tmp_folder): shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_folder) def create_stacked_email(self, sender, receiver, title, msg, sent): StackedMailEntry.objects.create( receiver=receiver, sender=sender, title=title, content=msg, is_sent=sent ) def test_command_output(self): self.create_stacked_email('<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', 'Title1', 'Body1', True) self.create_stacked_email('<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', 'Title2', 'Body2', False) self.create_stacked_email('<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', 'Title3', 'Body3', False) self.create_stacked_email('<EMAIL>', '<EMAIL>', 'Title4', 'Body4', False) out = StringIO() call_command('sendmail', stdout=out) self.assertIn('', out.getvalue()) mail.outbox.sort(key=lambda x:[0]) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[0].to[0]) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[0].from_email) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[1].to[0]) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[1].from_email) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[2].to[0]) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>', mail.outbox[2].from_email) emails = StackedMailEntry.objects.all() for email in emails: self.assertEqual(True, email.is_sent)
# Generated by Django 3.0.1 on 2020-01-08 08:47 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('blog_entries', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.RemoveField( model_name='article', name='for_adult', ), ]
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # test encoding: à-é-è-ô-ï-€ # Copyright 2020 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Onera M6 wing # <NAME> def inputs(): '''Inputs definition ''' p = {} p['File'] = 'surface_flow' # file containing the flow solution p['Format'] = 'dat' # file format (dat = Tecplot ASCII, vtk = VTK ASCII, vtu = VTK) p['Cuts'] = [0.01, 0.24, 0.53, 0.78, 0.96, 1.08, 1.14, 1.18] # y-coordinates of the slices p['Tag'] = [None, None] # tag number and name if the solution is provided not only on the wing surface p['Variable'] = 'Pressure_Coefficient' # name of variable to extract p['AoA'] = 3.06 # angle of attack (degrees) return p def cLoads(p): '''Extract several slices along the wing span and compute the sectional aerodynamic load coefficients ''' import as vu import as lu # Define reader reader = vu.Reader()['File'], p['Format']) # Create slices cutter = vu.Cutter(reader.grid) loads = lu.Loads() for i in range(0, len(p['Cuts'])): cutter.cut([0., p['Cuts'][i], 0.], [0., 1., 0.], p['Tag'][0], p['Tag'][1]) pts, elems, vals = cutter.extract(2, [p['Variable']]) loads.add(p['Cuts'][i], pts, vals[p['Variable']]) # Compute loads loads.compute(p['AoA']) loads.display() loads.plot() loads.write() def mkchdirexec(dirname, p): '''Create a directory if it does not exist, change to it and execute ''' import os dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dir): os.makedirs(dir) os.chdir(dir) p['File'] = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], p['File']) # to get relative path to this file cLoads(p) os.chdir('..') def main(): # Get inputs p = inputs() # Compute loads for several file formats... # Tecplot ASCII, computed using SU2 ( print('--- SU2 - surface -Tecplot ASCII ---') p['Format'] = 'dat' mkchdirexec('Tecplot_ASCII', p) # VTK ASCII, computed using SU2 print('--- SU2 - surface - VTK ASCII ---') p['Format'] = 'vtk' mkchdirexec('VTK_ASCII', p) # VTK binary, computed using SU2 print('--- SU2 - surface - VTK binary ---') p['Format'] = 'vtu' mkchdirexec('VTK_bin', p) # VTK binary, computed using Flow v1.9.2 ( print('--- Flow - field - VTK binary ---') p['File'] = 'flow' p['Tag'] = [5, 'tag'] p['Variable'] = 'Cp' mkchdirexec('VTK_bin2', p) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from .exif_sc import EXIF_SC from .networks import EXIF_Net
<gh_stars>10-100 import os import glob import warnings import logging from collections import deque from six import string_types as basestring from lxml import etree try: log = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__)) except Exception: log = None from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from weakref import WeakValueDictionary try: WindowsError except NameError: raise ImportError("Platform Not Supported") try: import comtypes from comtypes.client import GetModule, CreateObject except (ImportError, NameError) as e: raise ImportError("Could not import comtypes") import numpy as np from ms_deisotope.data_source.common import ( ScanDataSource, RandomAccessScanSource, Scan, ScanBunch, PrecursorInformation, ActivationInformation, IsolationWindow, InstrumentInformation, ComponentGroup, component, FileInformation, SourceFile, ScanAcquisitionInformation, ScanEventInformation, ScanWindow) try: # Load previously built COM wrapper from comtypes.gen import ( MassSpecDataReader, BaseCommon, BaseDataAccess) DLL_IS_LOADED = True except (ImportError, TypeError): DLL_IS_LOADED = False _default_paths = [] def _register_dll_dir(search_paths=None): from ms_deisotope.config import get_config if search_paths is None: search_paths = [] global DLL_IS_LOADED if DLL_IS_LOADED: return True search_paths = list(search_paths) search_paths.extend(_default_paths) search_paths.extend(get_config().get('vendor_readers', {}).get('agilent-com', [])) for dll_dir in search_paths: try: GetModule(os.path.join(dll_dir, 'MassSpecDataReader.tlb')) GetModule(os.path.join(dll_dir, 'BaseCommon.tlb')) GetModule(os.path.join(dll_dir, 'BaseDataAccess.tlb')) DLL_IS_LOADED = True return True except Exception: continue else: return False def register_dll_dir(search_paths=None): if search_paths is None: search_paths = [] if isinstance(search_paths, basestring): search_paths = [search_paths] loaded = _register_dll_dir(search_paths) if not loaded: log.debug("Could not resolve Agilent-related DLL") search_paths.extend(_default_paths) msg = ''' 1) The MassSpecDataReader, BaseCommon, BaseDataAccess DLLs/TLBs may not be installed and therefore not registered to the COM server. 2) The MassSpecDataReader, BaseCommon, BaseDataAccess DLLs/TLBs may not be on these paths: %s ''' % ('\n'.join(search_paths)) raise ImportError(msg) class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict): def __init__(self, template=None): if isinstance(template, dict): template = {k.lower(): v for k, v in template.items()} dict.__init__(self, template) def __getitem__(self, key): key = key.lower() return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def __delitem__(self, key): return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__delitem__(key.lower()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): key = key.lower() return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __contains__(self, key): return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__contains__(key.lower()) device_to_component_group_map = CaseInsensitiveDict({ "QTOF": [ ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 2), ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 3), ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("time-of-flight")], 4) ], "Quadrupole": [ ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 2), ], "TandemQuadrupole": [ ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 2), ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 3), ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("quadrupole")], 4) ], "IonTrap": [ ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("iontrap")], 2) ], "TOF": [ ComponentGroup("analyzer", [component("time-of-flight")], 2) ] }) polarity_map = { 1: -1, 0: 1, 3: 0, 2: None } ion_mode_map = { 0: 'Unspecified', 1: 'Mixed', 2: 'EI', 4: 'CI', 8: 'Maldi', 16: 'Appi', 32: 'Apci', 64: 'ESI', 128: 'NanoEsi', 512: 'MsChip', 1024: 'ICP', 2048: 'Jetstream' } ionization_map = CaseInsensitiveDict({ "EI": component("electron ionization"), "CI": component("chemical ionization"), "ESI": component("electrospray ionization"), "NanoEsi": component("nanoelectrospray"), "Appi": component('atmospheric pressure photoionization'), "Apci": component("atmospheric pressure chemical ionization"), "Maldi": component("matrix assisted laser desorption ionization"), "MsChip": component("nanoelectrospray"), "ICP": component("plasma desorption ionization"), "Jetstream": component("nanoelectrospray") }) inlet_map = CaseInsensitiveDict({ "EI": component("direct inlet"), "CI": component("direct inlet"), "Maldi": component("particle beam"), "Appi": component("direct inlet"), "Apci": component("direct inlet"), "Esi": component("electrospray inlet"), "NanoEsi": component("nanospray inlet"), "MsChip": component("nanospray inlet"), "ICP": component("component(inductively coupled plasma"), "JetStream": component("nanospray inlet"), }) peak_mode_map = { 'profile': 0, 'centroid': 1, 'profilepreferred': 2, 'centroidpreferred': 3 } device_type_map = { 0: 'Unknown', 1: 'Mixed', 2: 'Quadrupole', 3: 'IsocraticPump', 4: 'TOF', 5: 'TandemQuadrupole', 6: 'QTOF', 10: 'FlourescenceDetector', 11: 'ThermalConductivityDetector', 12: 'RefractiveIndexDetector', 13: 'MultiWavelengthDetector', 14: 'ElectronCaptureDetector', 15: 'VariableWavelengthDetector', 16: 'AnalogDigitalConverter', 17: 'EvaporativeLightScatteringDetector', 18: 'GCDetector', 19: 'FlameIonizationDetector', 20: 'ALS', 21: 'WellPlateSampler', 22: 'MicroWellPlateSampler', 23: 'DiodeArrayDetector', 31: 'CANValves', 32: 'QuaternaryPump', 33: 'ChipCube', 34: 'Nanopump', 40: 'ThermostattedColumnCompartment', 41: 'CTC', 42: 'CapillaryPump', 50: 'IonTrap' } scan_type_map = CaseInsensitiveDict({ "Unspecified": 0, "All": 7951, "AllMS": 15, "AllMSN": 7936, "Scan": 1, "SelectedIon": 2, "HighResolutionScan": 4, "TotalIon": 8, "MultipleReaction": 256, "ProductIon": 512, "PrecursorIon": 1024, "NeutralLoss": 2048, "NeutralGain": 4096 }) PEAK_MODE = 0 def make_scan_id_string(scan_id): return "scanId=%s" % (scan_id,) class AgilentDScanPtr(object): def __init__(self, index): self.index = index def __repr__(self): return "AgilentDScanPtr(%d)" % (self.index,) class AgilentDDataInterface(ScanDataSource): def _get_spectrum_obj(self, scan, peak_mode=PEAK_MODE): index = scan.index spectrum = self.source.GetSpectrum_8(rowNumber=index, storageType=peak_mode) return spectrum def _get_scan_record(self, scan): index = scan.index record = self.source.GetScanRecord(index) return record def _scan_index(self, scan): return scan.index def _scan_id(self, scan): record = self._get_scan_record(scan) return make_scan_id_string(record.ScanId) def _scan_title(self, scan): return self._scan_id(scan) def _scan_arrays(self, scan): spectrum = self._get_spectrum_obj(scan) return (np.array(spectrum.XArray, dtype=float), np.array(spectrum.YArray, dtype=float)) def _polarity(self, scan): record = self._get_scan_record(scan) polarity_enum = record.IonPolarity polarity = polarity_map.get(polarity_enum) if polarity in (0, None): warnings.warn("Unknown Scan Polarity: %r" % (polarity,)) return polarity def _scan_time(self, scan): record = self._get_scan_record(scan) return record.retentionTime def _is_profile(self, scan): spectrum_obj = self._get_spectrum_obj(scan) mode = spectrum_obj.MSStorageMode return mode in (0, 2, 3) def _ms_level(self, scan): record = self._get_scan_record(scan) return record.MSLevel def _precursor_information(self, scan): if self._ms_level(scan) < 2: return None spectrum_obj = self._get_spectrum_obj(scan) precursor_scan_id = make_scan_id_string(spectrum_obj.ParentScanId) n, ions = spectrum_obj.GetPrecursorIon() if n < 1: return None mz = ions[0] charge, _ = spectrum_obj.GetPrecursorCharge() intensity, _ = spectrum_obj.GetPrecursorIntensity() return PrecursorInformation(mz, intensity, charge, precursor_scan_id, self) def _acquisition_information(self, scan): spectrum_obj = self._get_spectrum_obj(scan) try: low = spectrum_obj.MeasuredMassRange.Start high = spectrum_obj.MeasuredMassRange.End except Exception: arrays = self._scan_arrays(scan) mz_array = arrays[0] if len(mz_array) != 0: low = mz_array.min() high = mz_array.max() else: low = high = 0 window = ScanWindow(low, high) event = ScanEventInformation( self._scan_time(scan), window_list=[window]) return ScanAcquisitionInformation("no combination", [event]) def _activation(self, scan): record = self._get_scan_record(scan) return ActivationInformation('cid', record.CollisionEnergy) def _isolation_window(self, scan): if self._ms_level(scan) < 2: return None spectrum_obj = self._get_spectrum_obj(scan) n, ions = spectrum_obj.GetPrecursorIon() if n < 1: return None return IsolationWindow(0, ions[0], 0) def _instrument_configuration(self, scan): return self._instrument_config[1] class _AgilentDDirectory(object): @staticmethod def create_com_object(): if not DLL_IS_LOADED: raise WindowsError("Could not locate Agilent DLLs") reader = CreateObject('Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.MassSpecDataReader') return reader @staticmethod def create_com_object_filter(): if not DLL_IS_LOADED: raise WindowsError("Could not locate Agilent DLLs") no_filter = CreateObject('Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.MsdrPeakFilter') return no_filter @staticmethod def is_valid(path): if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "AcqData", "Contents.xml")) return False class _AgilentMethod(object): def __init__(self, method_parameters): self.parameters = list(method_parameters) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.parameters[i] def __len__(self): return len(self.parameters) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.parameters) def __repr__(self): return "_AgilentMethod(%d)" % (len(self),) def search_by_name(self, name): for param in self: try: if param['Name'].lower() == name.lower(): return param except (AttributeError, KeyError): continue class _AgilentDMetadataLoader(object): def _has_ms1_scans(self): return bool(self._scan_types_flags & scan_type_map['Scan']) def _has_msn_scans(self): return bool(self._scan_types_flags & scan_type_map['ProductIon']) def has_msn_scans(self): return self._has_msn_scans() def has_ms1_scans(self): return self._has_ms1_scans() def file_description(self): fi = FileInformation(contents={}, source_files=[]) if self._has_ms1_scans(): fi.add_content("MS1 spectrum") if self._has_msn_scans(): fi.add_content("MSn spectrum") basename = os.path.basename dirname = os.path.dirname file_queue = deque() file_queue.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.dirpath, "AcqData", "*"))) # for source_file in file_queue: while file_queue: source_file = file_queue.popleft() if os.path.isdir(source_file): file_queue.extendleft(glob.glob(os.path.join(source_file, "*"))) else: sf = SourceFile( basename(source_file), dirname(source_file), None, *("Agilent MassHunter nativeID format", "Agilent MassHunter format")) sf.add_checksum("sha1") fi.add_file(sf, check=False) return fi def _get_instrument_info(self): ion_modes_flags = self.source.MSScanFileInformation.IonModes ionization = [] for bit, label in ion_mode_map.items(): if ion_modes_flags & bit: ionization.append(label) configs = [] i = 1 for ionizer in ionization: groups = [ComponentGroup("source", [ionization_map[ionizer], inlet_map[ionizer]], 1)] groups.extend(device_to_component_group_map[self.device]) config = InstrumentInformation(i, groups) i += 1 configs.append(config) self._instrument_config = { c for c in configs } return configs def instrument_configuration(self): return sorted(self._instrument_config.values(), key=lambda x: def data_processing(self): return [] def _acquisition_method_xml_path(self): return os.path.join(self.dirpath, "AcqData", "AcqMethod.xml") def _parse_method_xml(self): try: path = self._acquisition_method_xml_path() tree = etree.parse(path) nsmap = {"ns": ""} elt = tree.find(".//ns:SCICDevicesXml", namespaces=nsmap) method_xml = etree.fromstring(elt.text) except (IOError, OSError, ValueError, TypeError) as e: print(e) self._method = [] return self._method method = list() for section in method_xml.iterfind(".//SectionInfo"): section_dict = {} for child in section: name = child.tag value = child.text section_dict[name] = value method.append(section_dict) method = _AgilentMethod(method) self._method = method return method _ADM = _AgilentDMetadataLoader _ADD = _AgilentDDirectory class AgilentDLoader(AgilentDDataInterface, _ADD, RandomAccessScanSource, _ADM): def __init__(self, dirpath, **kwargs): self.dirpath = dirpath self.dirpath = os.path.abspath(self.dirpath) self.dirpath = os.path.normpath(self.dirpath) self.source = self.create_com_object() self.filter = self.create_com_object_filter() try: self.source.OpenDataFile(self.dirpath) except comtypes.COMError as err: raise IOError(str(err)) self._TIC = self.source.GetTIC() self.device = self._TIC.DeviceName self._n_spectra = self._TIC.TotalDataPoints self._scan_types_flags = self.source.MSScanFileInformation.ScanTypes self._producer = self._scan_group_iterator() self.initialize_scan_cache() self._index = self._pack_index() self._get_instrument_info() def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (self.dirpath,) @property def index(self): return self._index def __len__(self): return len(self.index) def __repr__(self): return "AgilentDLoader(%r)" % (self.dirpath) def reset(self): self.make_iterator(None) self.initialize_scan_cache() def close(self): # seems to make attempting to re-open the same datafile cause a segfault # self.source.CloseDataFile() self._dispose() def _pack_index(self): index = OrderedDict() for sn in range(self._n_spectra): rec = self._get_scan_record(AgilentDScanPtr(sn)) index[make_scan_id_string(rec.ScanId)] = sn return index def _make_pointer_iterator(self, start_index=None, start_time=None): iterator = self._make_scan_index_producer(start_index, start_time) for i in iterator: yield AgilentDScanPtr(i) def _make_default_iterator(self): return self._make_pointer_iterator() def _make_scan_index_producer(self, start_index=None, start_time=None): if start_index is not None: return range(start_index, self._n_spectra) elif start_time is not None: start_index = self._source.ScanNumFromRT(start_time) while start_index != 0: scan = self.get_scan_by_index(start_index) if scan.ms_level > 1: start_index -= 1 else: break return range(start_index, self._n_spectra) else: return range(0, self._n_spectra) def get_scan_by_id(self, scan_id): """Retrieve the scan object for the specified scan id. If the scan object is still bound and in memory somewhere, a reference to that same object will be returned. Otherwise, a new object will be created. Parameters ---------- scan_id : str The unique scan id value to be retrieved Returns ------- Scan """ index = self._index[scan_id] return self.get_scan_by_index(index) def get_scan_by_index(self, index): """Retrieve the scan object for the specified scan index. This internally calls :meth:`get_scan_by_id` which will use its cache. Parameters ---------- index: int The index to get the scan for Returns ------- Scan """ scan_number = int(index) try: return self._scan_cache[scan_number] except KeyError: package = AgilentDScanPtr(scan_number) scan = Scan(package, self) self._cache_scan(scan) return scan def get_scan_by_time(self, time): time_array = self._TIC.XArray lo = 0 hi = self._n_spectra if time == float('inf'): return self.get_scan_by_index(len(self) - 1) best_match = None best_error = float('inf') while hi != lo: mid = (hi + lo) // 2 scan_time = time_array[mid] err = abs(scan_time - time) if err < best_error: best_error = err best_match = mid if scan_time == time: return self.get_scan_by_index(mid) elif (hi - lo) == 1: return self.get_scan_by_index(best_match) elif scan_time > time: hi = mid else: lo = mid def start_from_scan(self, scan_id=None, rt=None, index=None, require_ms1=True, grouped=True): '''Reconstruct an iterator which will start from the scan matching one of ``scan_id``, ``rt``, or ``index``. Only one may be provided. After invoking this method, the iterator this object wraps will be changed to begin yielding scan bunchs (or single scans if ``grouped`` is ``False``). Arguments --------- scan_id: str, optional Start from the scan with the specified id. rt: float, optional Start from the scan nearest to specified time (in minutes) in the run. If no exact match is found, the nearest scan time will be found, rounded up. index: int, optional Start from the scan with the specified index. require_ms1: bool, optional Whether the iterator must start from an MS1 scan. True by default. grouped: bool, optional whether the iterator should yield scan bunches or single scans. True by default. ''' if scan_id is not None: scan_number = self.get_scan_by_id(scan_id).index elif index is not None: scan_number = int(index) elif rt is not None: scan_number = self.get_scan_by_time(rt).index if require_ms1: start_index = scan_number while start_index != 0: scan = self.get_scan_by_index(start_index) if scan.ms_level > 1: start_index -= 1 else: break scan_number = start_index iterator = self._make_scan_index_producer(start_index=scan_number) if grouped: self._producer = self._scan_group_iterator(iterator) else: self._producer = self._single_scan_iterator(iterator) return self def _make_cache_key(self, scan): return scan._data.index def _single_scan_iterator(self, iterator=None, mode=None): if iterator is None: iterator = self._make_scan_index_producer() for ix in iterator: packed = self.get_scan_by_index(ix) self._cache_scan(packed) yield packed def _scan_group_iterator(self, iterator=None, mode=None): if iterator is None: iterator = self._make_scan_index_producer() precursor_scan = None product_scans = [] current_level = 1 for ix in iterator: packed = self.get_scan_by_index(ix) self._cache_scan(packed) if packed.ms_level > 1: # inceasing ms level if current_level < packed.ms_level: current_level = packed.ms_level # decreasing ms level elif current_level > packed.ms_level: current_level = packed.ms_level product_scans.append(packed) elif packed.ms_level == 1: if current_level > 1 and precursor_scan is not None: precursor_scan.product_scans = list(product_scans) yield ScanBunch(precursor_scan, product_scans) else: if precursor_scan is not None: precursor_scan.product_scans = list(product_scans) yield ScanBunch(precursor_scan, product_scans) precursor_scan = packed product_scans = [] else: raise Exception("This object is not able to handle MS levels higher than 2") if precursor_scan is not None: yield ScanBunch(precursor_scan, product_scans) def next(self): return next(self._producer)
<gh_stars>0 from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from app import settings @contextmanager def override_settings(overrides): """ A utility function used by some fixtures to override settings """ old_settings = deepcopy(settings._settings) settings._settings.update(overrides) try: yield finally: settings._settings = old_settings
import re from .Node import Node class XGBoostNode(Node): FLOAT_REGEX = '[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?' BRANCH_REGEX = re.compile(f'(?P<branch>\d+):\[(?P<feature>\w+)(?P<comp><)(?P<value>{FLOAT_REGEX})\]') LEAF_REGEX = re.compile(f'(?P<leaf>\d+):leaf=(?P<value>{FLOAT_REGEX})') FEATURE_REGEX = re.compile('\w(?P<id>\d+)') def __init__(self, parent=None, line='', feature_index_dict=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) # propagate any feature index dict self.feature_index_dict = None if feature_index_dict or parent: self.feature_index_dict = feature_index_dict or parent.feature_index_dict match_leaf = if match_leaf: self.weight = float(match_leaf.groupdict().get('value')) = True else: self.weight = 0 = False match_branch = if match_branch: self.cut_value = float(match_branch.groupdict().get('value')) self.feature = match_branch.groupdict().get('feature') if self.feature_index_dict: self.feature_index = self.feature_index_dict[self.feature] else: feature_match = if not feature_match: raise ValueError(f'Feature {self.feature} needs to be ' 'matched with its correct position in the feature ' 'value vector. Please give a list of feature names' ' in the correct order with `--feature-names`.') self.feature_index = feature_match.groupdict().get('id') else: self.cut_value = None self.feature = None self.feature_index = None def get_feature_names(lines): features = set() for l in lines: match_branch = if match_branch: features.add(match_branch.groupdict().get('feature')) return features def parse_model(filename, feature_names): trees = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # build the feature name dict if neccessary if feature_names: # check that the feature names are in line with the names found in # the tree if not set(feature_names) >= get_feature_names(lines): raise ValueError('The given feature names do not properly describe' 'the features found in the model. Please check that your ' 'argument for `--feature-names` is a proper superset of the ' 'feature names used in the model.\nThese features have been ' f'found in the model:\n{" ".join(get_feature_names(lines))}') feature_index_dict = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(feature_names)} else: feature_index_dict = None node = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): # save finished tree if line.startswith('booster'): if node: trees.append(node.root) node = None continue # start a new tree if node is None: node = XGBoostNode(line=line, feature_index_dict=feature_index_dict) continue # move upwards if a leaf is reached while or (node.parent and node.left and node.right): node = node.parent # fill left and right leaf if not node.left: node.left = XGBoostNode(parent=node, line=line) node = node.left continue if not node.right: node.right = XGBoostNode(parent=node, line=line) node = node.right continue trees.append(node.root) return trees
<filename> from itertools import combinations from math import gcd, sqrt a = int(input()) while a: s = set() total = 0 coprime = 0 for _ in range(a): s.add(int(input())) for (x, y) in combinations(list(s), 2): total += 1 if gcd(x, y) == 1: coprime += 1 try: print('{:.6f}'.format(sqrt(6 * total / coprime))) except ZeroDivisionError: print('No estimate for this data set.') a = int(input())
import os, sys, re, string import xml.dom.minidom import xml.dom.ext QL_ROOT = "C:/Projects/QuantLibSVN/trunk/" VC8 = "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/" BOOST = "C:/Boost/boost_1_33_1/" QL = QL_ROOT +"QuantLib/" QL_ADDIN = QL_ROOT + "QuantLibAddin/" OBJECT_HANDLER = QL_ROOT + "ObjectHandler/" QL_XL = QL_ROOT + "QuantLibXL/" STD = VC8 + "VC/include/" SDK = VC8 + "VC/PlatformSDK/Include" INCLUDE_PATH = [QL, QL_ADDIN, OBJECT_HANDLER, QL_XL, BOOST, STD, SDK] PREFIX_PATH = ["ql", "qlo", "oh", "boost", "qlxl", "ohxl", "xlsdk"] class MyError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def searchAndParseHeaderFile(fileName): for includePath in INCLUDE_PATH: filePath = includePath + fileName[0].lower() + fileName[1:] if os.path.isfile(filePath): return parseHeaderFile(filePath) filePath = includePath + fileName[0].upper() + fileName[1:] if os.path.isfile(filePath): return parseHeaderFile(filePath) raise MyError("searchAndParseHeaderFile: " + fileName + " not found") def getFilePrefix(include): for prefix in PREFIX_PATH: if re.match(prefix + '/.*',include): return prefix return "std" def parseHeaderFile(filePath): includes = [] nbLines = 0 f=open(filePath) for line in f: nbLines +=1 if not re.match("//", line): includesLines = re.findall('^#include.*<.*>', line) if includesLines: includeName = re.findall('<.*>', includesLines[0])[0][1:-1] includes.append(includeName) f.close() return includes, nbLines def walkThroughIncludesFiles(fileName, files, filesCounters, node, document): new = document.createElement('header') node.appendChild(new) parsingResults = searchAndParseHeaderFile(fileName) includes = parsingResults[0] attribute = "%i" % parsingResults[1] new.setAttribute('nbLines', attribute) nbLines = parsingResults[1] for include in includes: #if the son is not recorded yet we explore it include = "%s" % include if not files.count(include) > 0: files.append(include) try: prefix = getFilePrefix(include) filesCounters[prefix][0] +=1 result = walkThroughIncludesFiles(include, files, filesCounters, new, document) nbLines += result[0] filesCounters[prefix][1] += result[1] except MyError, e: print e.value, " in : " + fileName attribute = "%i" % nbLines new.setAttribute('total', attribute) new.setAttribute('name', fileName) return int(nbLines), parsingResults[1] def trackDependencies(fileName): document = xml.dom.minidom.Document() filesCounters = {} filesCounters["boost"] = [0,0] filesCounters["ql"] = [0,0] filesCounters["qlo"] = [0,0] filesCounters["qlxl"] = [0,0] filesCounters["oh"] = [0,0] filesCounters["ohxl"] = [0,0] filesCounters["xlsdk"] = [0,0] filesCounters["std"] = [0,0] files = [] files.append(fileName) nbLines = walkThroughIncludesFiles(fileName, files, filesCounters, document, document) return filesCounters, document, nbLines, files if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'Give the relative path of the file you want to scan (wrt to the included folders)' sys.exit() args = sys.argv[1:] fileName = args[0] result = trackDependencies(fileName) nbLinesParsed = result[2][0] print "number of files parsed ", len(result[3]) print "number of lines parsed ", nbLinesParsed namespaces = result[0] for namespace in namespaces: print namespace, ":\tnb Files ", namespaces[namespace][0] print "\tnb lines ", namespaces[namespace][1] print "\t%(nbLines)02d" % {'nbLines': float(namespaces[namespace][1])/nbLinesParsed * 100}, "%" outputName = fileName.replace("/", "-") + ".xml" output = "./" + outputName f=open(output, 'w') xml.dom.ext.PrettyPrint(result[1], f) f.close() print "result saved in ", outputName
## temp utility from __future__ import print_function import frappe from erpnext.utilities.activation import get_level from frappe.utils import cstr def update_doctypes(): for d in frappe.db.sql("""select df.parent, df.fieldname from tabDocField df, tabDocType dt where df.fieldname like "%description%" and df.parent = and dt.istable = 1""", as_dict=1): dt = frappe.get_doc("DocType", d.parent) for f in dt.fields: if f.fieldname == d.fieldname and f.fieldtype in ("Text", "Small Text"): print(f.parent, f.fieldname) f.fieldtype = "Text Editor" break def get_site_info(site_info): # called via hook company = frappe.db.get_single_value('Global Defaults', 'default_company') domain = None if not company: company = frappe.db.sql('select name from `tabCompany` order by creation asc') company = company[0][0] if company else None if company: domain = frappe.db.get_value('Company', cstr(company), 'domain') return { 'company': company, 'domain': domain, 'activation': get_level() }
from timemachines.skaters.orbt.orbitinclusion import using_orbit if using_orbit: from timemachines.skaters.orbt.orbitwrappers import orbit_lgt_iskater from timemachines.skatertools.utilities.conventions import Y_TYPE, A_TYPE, R_TYPE, E_TYPE, T_TYPE from timemachines.skatertools.batch.batchskater import batch_skater_factory def orbit_lgt_skater_factory(y: Y_TYPE, s, k: int, a: A_TYPE = None, t: T_TYPE = None, e: E_TYPE = None, r: R_TYPE = None, emp_mass=0.0, seasonality=None): return batch_skater_factory(y=y, s=s, k=k, a=a, t=t, e=e, r=r, emp_mass=emp_mass, iskater=orbit_lgt_iskater, iskater_kwargs={'seasonality': seasonality}, min_e=0, n_warm=20) def orbit_lgt_12(y,s,k,a=None, t=None,e=None): return orbit_lgt_skater_factory(y=y, s=s, k=k, a=a,t=t,e=e, seasonality=12) def orbit_lgt_24(y,s,k,a=None, t=None,e=None): return orbit_lgt_skater_factory(y, s, k, a=a,t=t,e=e, seasonality=24)
from struct import pack, unpack import binascii import socket HOST = '' PORT = 1337 BUFF_SIZE = 1024 START_TOKEN = "init" DONE_TOKEN = "<PASSWORD>" FAIL_TOKEN = "<PASSWORD>" def create_test_application(load_addr=0x08002000, size=64*1024): ''' Creates a test application that simply returns to the bootloader. Creates and ISR Table that point to a infinte loop, except reset vector that points to two instructions ' mov sp, r3' ' bx lr' ''' SP_ADDR = 0x20050000 # Address of stack for loaded application fw_list = [] fw_list.append(pack("<I",SP_ADDR)) fw_list.append(pack("<I",load_addr+1025)) # build rest of ISR for isr in xrange(2,256): fw_list.append(pack("<I",load_addr+1029)) # 4 bytes after end of ISR # Add Code fw_list.append('\x9d\x46\x70\x47') # mov sp,r3; bx lr fw_list.append('\xfe\xbf\xff\xf7') # b.w # Fill rest with garbage i = 0 #TODO when bootloader does check sum update to be random data while (len(fw_list)< size / 4): fw_list.append(pack("<I",i)) i += 1 return ''.join(fw_list) def tx(filename): with open(filename,'rb') as fw_file: fw_data = tx_data(fw_data) def tx_data(fw_data): client = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client.settimeout(50) client.connect(( HOST, PORT )) client.settimeout(None) print "Sending Start Token:", START_TOKEN client.send(START_TOKEN) data = client.recv(len(START_TOKEN)) if data and data == START_TOKEN: print "Got Start Token:", data client.send(pack("<I", len(fw_data))) print "Sent Length: ", len(fw_data) print "Sending FW: ", len(fw_data) for i in xrange(0,len(fw_data), 128): client.send(fw_data[i:i+128]) data = client.recv(len(DONE_TOKEN)) if data and data == DONE_TOKEN: print "Sent Successfully, Token: ", data else: print "Transmission Failed, Token: ", data def rx(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(('', PORT)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print 'Connection address:', addr data = conn.recv(5) print data if (data and data == START_TOKEN): conn.send(START_TOKEN) data = conn.recv(4) size = unpack('<I', data)[0] print "Size: ",size received_count = 0 with open("outfile.bin",'wb') as outfile: while (received_count < size): request = size - received_count if request > BUFF_SIZE: request = BUFF_SIZE data = conn.recv(request) if (data): received_count += len(data) print "Received %i: %s..."% (len(data), binascii.hexlify(data[0:10])) outfile.write(data) else: print ("Failed") conn.send(FAIL_TOKEN) conn.close() return conn.send(DONE_TOKEN) # echo print "Done" else: conn.send(FAIL_TOKEN) conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser arg_parser = ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('-f','--filename',metavar="FILE", help='Firmware file to transmit (use ' + \ 'arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary <file.elf> <outfile>)') arg_parser.add_argument('--start_addr', default=0x08020000, type=int, help='Start Address for generated test firmware') arg_parser.add_argument('--size', default=16*1024, type=int, help='Size of generated firmware to transmit') args = arg_parser.parse_args() # if args.filename: tx(args.filename) else: fw_data = create_test_application(args.start_addr, args.size) with open('gen_fw.bin', 'wb') as outfile: outfile.write(fw_data) tx_data(fw_data)
# @Title: 旋转数组 (Rotate Array) # @Author: KivenC # @Date: 2019-03-14 16:57:56 # @Runtime: 124 ms # @Memory: 13.4 MB class Solution: def rotate(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> None: """ Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead. """ ''' k = k % len(nums) while k > 0: num = nums.pop() nums.insert(0, num) k -= 1 ''' k = k % len(nums) if k > 0: nums.reverse() nums[:k] = reversed(nums[:k]) nums[k:] = reversed(nums[k:])
<reponame>demetoir/MLtools<gh_stars>0 from sklearn import model_selection from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel from tqdm import tqdm from script.sklearn_like_toolkit.warpper.base.MixIn import ClfWrapperMixIn, MetaBaseWrapperClfWithABC import multiprocessing CPU_COUNT = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # TODO using packtools.grid_search GridSearchCVProgressBar make warning ... # but copied code just work fine, wtf?? # from pactools.grid_search import GridSearchCVProgressBar as _GridSearchCVProgressBar class GridSearchCVProgressBar(model_selection.GridSearchCV): """Monkey patch Parallel to have a progress bar during grid search""" def _get_param_iterator(self): """Return ParameterGrid instance for the given param_grid""" iterator = super(GridSearchCVProgressBar, self)._get_param_iterator() iterator = list(iterator) n_candidates = len(iterator) cv = model_selection._split.check_cv(, None) n_splits = getattr(cv, 'n_splits', 3) max_value = n_candidates * n_splits class ParallelProgressBar(Parallel): def __call__(self, iterable): bar = tqdm(max_value=max_value, title='GridSearchCV') bar.iterable = iterable # iterable = bar(iterable) return super(ParallelProgressBar, self).__call__(iterable) # Monkey patch model_selection._search.Parallel = ParallelProgressBar return iterator class wrapperGridSearchCV(GridSearchCVProgressBar, ClfWrapperMixIn, metaclass=MetaBaseWrapperClfWithABC): def __init__(self, estimator, param_grid, scoring=None, fit_params=None, n_jobs=CPU_COUNT, iid=True, refit=True, cv=None, verbose=0, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs', error_score='raise', return_train_score="warn"): GridSearchCVProgressBar.__init__( self, estimator, param_grid, scoring, fit_params, n_jobs, iid, refit, cv, verbose, pre_dispatch, error_score, return_train_score) ClfWrapperMixIn.__init__(self)
from .EncoderRNN import EncoderRNN from .DecoderRNN import DecoderRNN from .TopKDecoder import TopKDecoder from .seq2seq import Seq2seq
<reponame>yannisHD/StreamRecorder #!/usr/bin/python """A concise tool for archiving video as it is recorded. """ import os, time, argparse import subprocess32 as subprocess from socket import gethostname import dvrutils def read_archive_config(fName): with open(fName, 'r') as f: flines = f.readlines() streams = [] # [{'StreamName': <name>, 'VideoPath': <path>, 'ArchivePath': <path>},...] for line in flines: if line[0] != '#': # ignore comment lines sName = line.split('#')[0].strip() if '#' in line else line.strip() if len(sName) > 0: streams.append({'StreamName': sName, 'VideoPath': '', 'ArchivePath': ''}) return streams class StreamArchiver: def __init__(self, logger, dvrName, streamListFile='videoarchiver.cfg', storagePath='/mnt/video', archivePath='/mnt/archive'): self.logger = logger self.dvrName = dvrName self.streamListFile = os.path.join(archivePath,streamListFile) self.storagePath = storagePath self.archivePath = archivePath if os.path.exists(self.streamListFile): self.streams = read_archive_config(self.streamListFile) self.check_directories() else: self.logger.error("The specified configuration file {} cannot be found!".format(self.streamListFile)) def check_directories(self): # check which streams this computer has and make sure the directories are set up right goodStreams = [] for s in self.streams: s['VideoPath'] = os.path.join(self.storagePath,s['StreamName']) if os.path.isdir(s['VideoPath']): # if we have this stream #s['ArchivePath'] = os.path.join(self.archivePath,s['StreamName']) s['ArchivePath'] = self.archivePath if not os.path.isdir(s['ArchivePath']): # if the stream has no directory in the archive, then make it if os.path.exists(s['ArchivePath']): s['ArchivePath'] = dvrutils.get_unique_filename(s['ArchivePath'],nZeros=0) # if there is a file with the same name for whatever reason, change the directory name os.makedirs(s['ArchivePath']) if self.logger is not None:'Created directory {} for stream {}!'.format(s['ArchivePath'],s['StreamName'])) goodStreams.append(s) else: # if we don't, give a debug message for the user if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug("Ignoring stream {} as it does not exist on this system.".format(s['StreamName'])) self.streams = goodStreams def sync_streams(self): # sync the streams one at a time to minimize fragmentation (NOTE: Eventually this will be pull-based, so there will be no fragmentation) for s in self.streams: # use rsync to perform the copy syncCmd = ['rsync', '-rlptg', s['VideoPath'], s['ArchivePath']] # r = recurse; l = symlinks as symlinks; preserve: p = permissions, t = modification times, g = group if self.logger is not None:"Syncing video for stream {} in {} to archive at {}...".format(s['StreamName'], s['VideoPath'], s['ArchivePath'])) self.logger.debug("Syncing with the command: {}".format(syncCmd)) startTime = time.time() elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime if self.logger is not None:"Sync for stream {} took {} seconds.".format(s['StreamName'], elapsedTime)) def start_sync_daemon(self, timeOfDay='1:00'): # repeatedly sync streams on a schedule as determined by the timeOfDay parameter # timeOfDay is a time string in HH:MM format # by default it will sync at 1:00 AM every day try: syncHour, syncMin = [int(t) for t in timeOfDay.split(':')] except: syncHour, syncMin = 1, 0 # use default if the user input an incorrect time string self.logger.warning("Invalid time string: '{}'! Reverting to default! This is probably not what you wanted!".format(timeOfDay))"Going to sync daily at {}:{}".format(syncHour, syncMin)) self.syncHistory = {int(time.strftime('%Y%m%d')): False} # save a log to know if we have synced today or not while True: dayKey = int(time.strftime('%Y%m%d')) if dayKey not in self.syncHistory: # if this is a new day, put an entry in the log so we know that it's a new day and we need to watch for the sync time self.syncHistory.update({dayKey: False}) if not self.syncHistory[dayKey]: # if we haven't synced yet today, check the time to see if we should currTime = time.localtime() syncNow = False if currTime.tm_hour > syncHour: syncNow = True elif currTime.tm_hour == syncHour and currTime.tm_min >= syncMin: syncNow = True if syncNow: # if we should, sync files and log the event self.sync_streams() self.syncHistory[dayKey] = True # if we already synced today, we don't need to do anything time.sleep(5) if __name__ == "__main__": # parse any arguments passed in parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', usage='%(prog)s [configFilename]', description='Archives/backs up video from predefined camera streams to a defined location.') parser.add_argument('streamListFile', help = '(Optional) Name of the configuration file to defining streams to backup (defaults to archivePath/dvrName).') parser.add_argument('-t', '--time-of-day', dest = 'timeOfDay', default = '1:00', help = '(Optional) Time of day to perform the backup (HH:MM, 24-hour format) (default: %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-file', dest = 'logFilename', default = 'videoarchiver.cfg', help = '(Optional) Name of the file for logging (default: %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-v', '--loglevel', dest = 'loglevel', default = 'INFO', help = '(Optional) streamrecorder log level (does not affect FFMPEG log level). Specify numeric values (10, 20, 30, etc.) or strings like DEBUG or WARNING') parser.add_argument('-s', '--storage-path', dest = 'storagePath', default = '/mnt/video', help = '(Optional) Location of the archive directory (default: %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-a', '--archive-path', dest = 'archivePath', default = '/mnt/archive', help = '(Optional) Location of the archive directory (default: %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dvr-name', dest = 'dvrName', default = gethostname(), help = '(Optional) Name of the computer recording the stream (defaults to hostname: %(default)s).') args = parser.parse_args() # setup logging logFilePath = os.path.join(args.archivePath, "{}.log".format(args.dvrName)) if args.logFilename is None else args.logFilename # by default, log to file: archivePath/dvrName.log logger = dvrutils.setup_logging(logFilePath, args.loglevel, args.dvrName, logToFile=True, logToStdout=True) # this function will output the loglevel for verification try: # create the archiver object, which makes sure things are set up correctly streamArchiver = StreamArchiver(logger, args.dvrName, args.streamListFile, args.storagePath, args.archivePath) # start the daemon streamArchiver.start_sync_daemon(args.timeOfDay) except: # if there was a crash, log it # TODO: send an email alert (once it works) logger.error("The program crashed unexpectedly!")
#------testing the trained model and ensemble weights on the test data to get the final accuracy #importing required libraries and modules import os import sys import cv2 import numpy as np from preprocess import Preprocess from data_split import Load from conv_net import CNN from ensemble import Ensemble def load_numpy_data(arg, folder): #loading the numpy data (.npy files) from the required directory X_test = list(np.load('bin/'+folder+'/'+arg+'/X_test.npy')) Y_test = list(np.load('bin/'+folder+'/'+arg+'/Y_test.npy')) X_test = list(np.array(X_test).reshape(-1, 128, 431)) Y_test = list(np.array(Y_test).reshape(-1, 15)) return X_test, Y_test def predict_test(arg, X_train, X_val, X_test, Y_train, Y_val, Y_test): #loading the model and training its corresponding SVR classifier data_size = 'full' neural_net = CNN() model = neural_net.create_1ConvModel() model.load('DNN/'+data_size+'/'+arg+'.model') #defining an ensemble class and training the SVR for the particular classifier en = Ensemble() en.regressor(arg, model, X_val[0], Y_val[0]) neural_net.predict_test_data(arg, model, X_test[0], Y_test[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': feature = ['mono', 'left', 'right', 'mid', 'side', 'harmonic', 'percussive', 'mfcc'] #all the features used in the architecture X_test = [0 for i in range(len(feature))] Y_test = [0 for i in range(len(feature))] for i in range(8): X_test[i], Y_test[i] = load_numpy_data(feature[i], 'full') en = Ensemble() #uncomment whichever method you want to use in your ensemble(SVR or majority voting) acc = en.result_SVR(X_test, Y_test) #acc = en.result_majority_voting(X_test, Y_test) print("Ensemble Test Accuracy =", acc, '%')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ __title__ = '' __author__ = 'shen.bas' __time__ = '2018-01-26' """ import pymysql class SQLManager: def __init__(self, dbCnfig): self.DB_CONFIG = dbCnfig self.conn = None self.cursor = None self.msg = '' self.affect_rows = 0 if not self.connect(): exit() #连接失败,退出 def connect(self): try: if len(self.DB_CONFIG) == 0: self.msg = '数据库连接串为空,检查server、conn标签参数。\n' return False else: self.conn = pymysql.connect(host=self.DB_CONFIG['host'], port=int(self.DB_CONFIG['port']), user=self.DB_CONFIG['user'], passwd=self.DB_CONFIG['passwd'], db=self.DB_CONFIG['db'], charset=self.DB_CONFIG['charset']) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) return True except Exception as e: print('\nmysql connect failed:\n',str(e)) return False # 查询多条数据 def get_list(self, sql, args=None): self.cursor.execute(sql, args) result = self.cursor.fetchall() return result # 查询单条数据 def get_one(self, sql, args=None): try: self.cursor.execute(sql, args) result = self.cursor.fetchone() return result except Exception as e: self.msg = str(e) return False # 执行单条SQL语句 def modify(self, sql, args=None): self.cursor.execute(sql, args) self.rows_affected = self.cursor.rowcount self.conn.commit() # 创建单条记录的语句 def create(self, sql, args=None): self.cursor.execute(sql, args) self.conn.commit() last_id = self.cursor.lastrowid return last_id # 关闭数据库cursor和连接 def close(self): self.cursor.close() self.conn.close() # 进入with语句自动执行 def __enter__(self): return self # 退出with语句块自动执行 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
<gh_stars>10-100 # (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2018. All Rights Reserved. import pkg_resources try: __version__ = pkg_resources.get_distribution(__name__).version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: __version__ = None from .actions_component import ResilientComponent from .action_message import ActionMessageBase, ActionMessage, \ FunctionMessage, FunctionResult, FunctionError, \ StatusMessage, BaseFunctionError from .decorators import function, inbound_app, app_function, handler, required_field, required_action_field, defer, debounce from .actions_test_component import SubmitTestAction, SubmitTestFunction, SubmitTestInboundApp from .app_function_component import AppFunctionComponent
<gh_stars>0 from pygame import sprite, surface, Color from game.Bloques import CeldasTablero from game.Snake import Snake class AreaTablero(sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, size, pos, bgcolor, estructura = None): sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = surface.Surface(size) self.image.fill(Color(bgcolor)) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.move_ip(pos) self.tableroCnt = TableroCnt() tablero = Tablero([42, 48], size, estructura) self.tableroCnt.add(tablero) # self.tableroCnt.add(Snake(tablero, 0, pos=(3,0))) self.tableroCnt.draw(self.image) # print(sprite.groupcollide(tablero.celdas.filas[2], tablero.celdas.columnas[3], False, False)) self.actualizar = False def update(self, *args): self.tableroCnt.update(*args) class TableroCnt(sprite.GroupSingle): pass class Tablero(sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, rangoCelda, maxSize, estructura = dict()): sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.rangeSize = (rangoCelda[0], rangoCelda[1]) self.sizeCelda = self.rangeSize[0] self.dimension = (int(maxSize[0]/self.sizeCelda), int(maxSize[1]/self.sizeCelda)) color = estructura["color"] if "color" in estructura else dict() bgcolor = color.pop("0") if len(color) and "0" in color else "gray" self.celdas = CeldasTablero(self.sizeCelda, self.dimension, colors=color, estructura=estructura["celdas"] if "celdas" in estructura else None) del color sizeSurf = tuple(map(lambda val: val*self.sizeCelda, self.dimension)) self.image = surface.Surface(sizeSurf) self.image.fill(Color(bgcolor)) del sizeSurf, bgcolor self.celdas.draw(self.image) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = (int(maxSize[0]/2), int(maxSize[1]/2)) # Draw Serpiente self.snake = Snake(self, 0, pos=(5,5), velocidad=estructura["vel"] if "vel" in estructura else None) self.snake.draw(self.image) def update(self, *args): self.snake.update(*args)
<reponame>ninemoreminutes/django-trails<filename>test_project/test_app/<gh_stars>1-10 # Django from django.urls import re_path # Test App from .views import index urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^$', index, name='index'), ]
<reponame>GilHoggarth/ukwa-manage<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python """ Generic methods used for verifying/indexing SIPs. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import re import logging import tarfile import hdfs from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO # import the Celery app context #from crawl.celery import app #from crawl.celery import cfg HDFS_URL='http://hdfs:14000' HDFS_USER='hdfs' SIP_ROOT="/heritrix/sips/2015-domain-crawl" NS={"mets": "", "premis": "info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2"} XLINK="{}" handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(filename)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) # attach to root logger logging.root.addHandler(handler) logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel( logging.INFO )"INFO LOGGING ENABLED") logger.debug("DEBUG LOGGING ENABLED") def get_warc_identifiers(sip): for item in get_all_identifiers(sip): if item['mimetype'] == "application/warc": yield item def get_all_identifiers(sip): """Parses the SIP in HDFS and retrieves FILE/ARK tuples.""" # client = hdfs.InsecureClient(cfg.get('hdfs', 'url'), user=cfg.get('hdfs', 'user')) client = hdfs.InsecureClient(HDFS_URL, HDFS_USER) tar = "%s/%s.tar.gz" % (SIP_ROOT, sip) status = client.status(tar,strict=False) if status: # Catch empty packages: if status['length'] == 0: logger.warning("Empty (zero byte) SIP package: %s" % tar) yield None else: with as reader: t = # Open the package: tar ="r:gz", fileobj=StringIO(t)) foundMets = False for i in tar.getmembers(): logger.debug("Examining %s" % if".xml"): foundMets = True xml = tar.extractfile(i).read() try: tree = etree.fromstring(xml) files = {} n_files = 0 for mfile in tree.xpath("//mets:file", namespaces=NS): #logger.debug("Found mets:file = %s " % etree.tostring(mfile)) admid = mfile.attrib["ADMID"]"Found mets:file admid = %s " % admid) path = mfile.xpath("mets:FLocat", namespaces=NS)[0].attrib["%shref" % XLINK] files[admid] = { "path": path, "mimetype": mfile.attrib["MIMETYPE"], "size": mfile.attrib["SIZE"], "checksum_type": mfile.attrib["CHECKSUMTYPE"], "checksum": mfile.attrib["CHECKSUM"] } n_files = n_files + 1 if len(files.keys()) != n_files: logger.error("ERROR, more files than IDs") n_amdsecs = 0 for amdsec in tree.xpath("//mets:amdSec", namespaces=NS): #logger.debug("Found mets:amdSec = %s " % etree.tostring(amdsec)) admid = amdsec.attrib["ID"]"Found mets:amdSec id = %s " % admid) oiv = amdsec.xpath("mets:digiprovMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/premis:object/premis:objectIdentifier/premis:objectIdentifierValue", namespaces=NS) if oiv and len(oiv) == 1: files[admid]['ark'] = oiv[0].text n_amdsecs = n_amdsecs + 1 logger.debug("Yielding %s" % files[admid] ) yield files[admid] else:"Skipping amdSec ID=%s" % admid) if n_files != n_amdsecs: logger.error("ERROR finding all amdSec elements") except IndexError as i: logger.error("Problem parsing METS for SIP: %s" % sip) logger.exception(i) if not foundMets: logger.error("No METS XML file found!") else: logger.warning("Could not find SIP: hdfs://%s" % tar) def find_identifiers(output_file): with open(output_file, 'w') as f: # client = hdfs.InsecureClient(cfg.get('hdfs', 'url'), user=cfg.get('hdfs', 'user')) client = hdfs.InsecureClient(HDFS_URL, HDFS_USER) for (path, dirs, files) in client.walk(SIP_ROOT):"Looking at path "+path) for file in files:"Looking at file " + file) if file.endswith('.tar.gz'): sip = "%s/%s" % (path, file) sip = sip[len(SIP_ROOT) + 1:] sip = sip[:-7]"Scanning %s..." % sip) for waid in get_all_identifiers(sip): f.write("%s %s\n" % (sip, waid) ) def main(): find_identifiers('identifiers.txt') # Test #for waid in get_all_identifiers("weekly-wed2300/20141210230151"): # print(waid) #sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<reponame>aimir-lab/hebbian-learning-cnn import torch.nn as nn import params as P import hebbmodel.hebb as H class Net(nn.Module): # Layer names FC = 'fc' CLASS_SCORES = FC # Symbolic name of the layer providing the class scores as output def __init__(self, input_shape=P.INPUT_SHAPE): super(Net, self).__init__() # Shape of the tensors that we expect to receive as input self.input_shape = input_shape if len(input_shape) != 3: self.input_shape = (input_shape[0], 1, 1) # Here we define the layers of our network # FC Layers self.fc = H.HebbianMap2d( in_channels=self.input_shape[0], out_size=P.NUM_CLASSES, kernel_size=(self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]), competitive=False, eta=0.1, ) # conv kernels with the same height, width depth as input (equivalent to a FC layer), 10 kernels (one per class) # Here we define the flow of information through the network def forward(self, x): out = {} # Linear FC layer, outputs are the class scores fc_out = self.fc(x.view(-1, *self.input_shape)).view(-1, P.NUM_CLASSES) # Build dictionary containing outputs from convolutional and FC layers out[self.FC] = fc_out return out # Function for setting teacher signal for supervised hebbian learning def set_teacher_signal(self, y): self.fc.set_teacher_signal(y)
<reponame>dogwood008/python-kabusapi import kabusapi url = "localhost" port = "18081" # 検証用, 本番用は18080 password = "<PASSWORD>" # 初期設定・トークン取得 api = kabusapi.Context(url, port, password) # 取得トークンの表示 print(api.token) # トークンを指定した初期設定 パスワードが不要 api = kabusapi.Context(url, port, token='<PASSWORD>') # 注文発注 (現物買い) data = { "Password": "<PASSWORD>", "Symbol": 8306, # MUFG "Exchange": 1, "SecurityType": 1, "Side": 2, "CashMargin": 1, "MarginTradeType": None, "DelivType": 1, "FundType": "02", "AccountType": 4, "Qty": 100, "ClosePositionOrder": None, "Price": 0, "ExpireDay": 0, "FrontOrderType": 10, } response = api.sendorder(**data) # 注文取消 data = { "OrderId": "hoge", "Password": "<PASSWORD>", } response = api.cancelorder(**data) # 取引余力(現物) response = # 取引余力(現物)(銘柄指定) data = { "symbol": 8306, "exchange": 1, } response =**data) # 取引余力(信用) response = api.wallet.margin() # 取引余力(信用)(銘柄指定) data = { "symbol": 8306, "exchange": 1, } response = api.wallet.margin(**data) # 時価情報・板情報 data = { "symbol": 8306, "exchange": 1, } response = api.board(**data) # 銘柄情報 data = { "symbol": 8306, "exchange": 1, } response = api.symbol(**data) # 注文約定照会 response = api.orders() # 残高照会 response = api.positions() # 銘柄登録 data = { "Symbols": [ {"Symbol": 8306, "Exchange": 1, }, {"Symbol": 9433, "Exchange": 1, }, ] } response = api.register(**data) # 銘柄登録解除 data = { "Symbols": [ {"Symbol": 8306, "Exchange": 1, }, {"Symbol": 9433, "Exchange": 1, }, ] } response = api.unregister(**data) # 銘柄登録全解除 response = api.unregister.all()
import pandas as pd import sys from os import system sys.path.append('../final_project/') sys.path.append('../') def readNames(inputFile='new_poi_names.txt'): ''' A function to read names data from a file create by a data cache Returns: Returns a data frame that contains data from 'poi_names.txt' ''' #bash_command = 'bash' #system(bash_command) data = pd.read_csv(inputFile, skiprows=2, delimiter=';', header=None, names=['Ans', 'Name']) return(data)
<reponame>jct197/PeakInvestigator-Python-SDK ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2016, Veritomyx, Inc. # # This file is part of the Python SDK for PeakInvestigator # ( and is distributed under the terms # of the BSD 3-Clause license. from .base import BaseAction class RunAction(BaseAction): """This class is used to make a RUN call to the PeakInvestigator API. See It is constructed with a Fluent API because of the number of required arguments. """ def __init__(self, version, username, password, jobID, response_time_objective): """Constructor """ super(RunAction,self).__init__(version, username, password) self._jobID = jobID self._response_time_objective = response_time_objective def with_files(self, *args, **kwds): """Specify the production and calibration data files using either function arguments or keywords. First try keywords. If those are missing, use args[0] for production and args[1] for calibration, if it exists. """ if "production" in kwds: self._production = kwds["production"] else: self._production = args[0] if "calibration" in kwds: self._calibration = kwds["calibration"] elif len(args) == 2: self._calibration = args[1] return self def build_query(self): query = super(RunAction,self).build_query() query["Action"] = "RUN" query["Job"] = self._jobID query["RTO"] = self._response_time_objective query["InputFile"] = self._production if hasattr(self, "_calibration"): query["CalibrationFile"] = self._calibration return query @property def job(self): super(RunAction,self).precheck() return self._data["Job"]
__author__ = 'sheraz' __all__ = ['parse','normalize'] from ingredient_parser.en import parse
<reponame>leelige/mindspore # Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """postprocess.""" import argparse import os import numpy as np from mindspore import Tensor from src.config import ModelConfig from src.metrics import AUCMetric parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CTR Prediction') parser.add_argument('--result_path', type=str, default="./result_Files", help='Dataset path') parser.add_argument('--label_path', type=str, default="./CriteoBinary/batch_labels", help='Checkpoint path') args = parser.parse_args() def get_acc(): ''' get accuracy ''' config = ModelConfig() batch_size = config.batch_size auc_metric = AUCMetric() files = os.listdir(args.label_path) for f in files: rst_file = os.path.join(args.result_path, f.split('.')[0] + '_0.bin') label_file = os.path.join(args.label_path, f) logit = Tensor(np.fromfile(rst_file, np.float32).reshape(batch_size, 1)) label = Tensor(np.fromfile(label_file, np.float32).reshape(batch_size, 1)) res = [] res.append(logit) res.append(logit) res.append(label) auc_metric.update(*res) auc = auc_metric.eval() print("auc : {}".format(auc)) if __name__ == '__main__': get_acc()
<filename>src/relevancy_measures/<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import argparse import math parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Post-processing after labeling, please put your rating in a file with ' 'the same order as in docs.txt, one rating per line.') parser.add_argument('--doc', required=True, help='path for doc_id_union.txt') parser.add_argument('--rating', required=True, help='path for your rating file') parser.add_argument('--result', required=True, help='list of doc_id.txt, separated by colon') parser.add_argument('--dict', default='phase1/gen_index/vdrelation.txt', help='path for vdrelation.txt') parser.add_argument('-n', type=int, default=10, help='number of results') args = parser.parse_args() v_id_path = args.doc rating_path = args.rating result_paths = args.result.split(',') v_ids = [] ratings = [] data = [] try: print('Reading vid-did mapping ...') # read vid-did map from vdrelation.txt vd_map = {} with open(args.dict, 'r') as f: for line in f: v_id, doc_id = line.split() vd_map[v_id] = doc_id # read document ids with open(v_id_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: v_id = line.split()[0] v_ids.append(v_id) # read ratings with open(rating_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: rating = int(line.split()[0]) ratings.append(rating) rating_map = dict(zip(v_ids, ratings)) # read data from each result file for path in result_paths: with open(path, 'r') as f: local_v_ids = [] for line in f: v_id = line.split()[0] local_v_ids.append((v_id, rating_map[v_id])) data.append((path, local_v_ids)) # generate ideal rating order unique_ratings = {} for v_id, rating in rating_map.items(): if vd_map[v_id] in unique_ratings: current_rating = unique_ratings[vd_map[v_id]] if rating > current_rating: unique_ratings[vd_map[v_id]] = rating else: unique_ratings[vd_map[v_id]] = rating rating_order = list(unique_ratings.values()) rating_order.sort(reverse=True) ideal_rating_order = rating_order[:args.n] + [0] * (args.n - len(rating_order[:args.n])) # fix: fill the empty entries with 0s # calculate and generate result for path, rating_list in data: title = ' @ '.join(path.split('/')[-3:-1]) print('\nResult for', title, '\n') print('{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}'.format('Rank','VID','Rating','Relevance','DCG','Ideal Rating','Ideal Relevance','IDCG','NDCG')) # print('Rank\tRating\tRelevance\tDCG\tIdeal Rating\tIdeal Relevance\tIDCG\tNDCG') rank = 1 dcg = 0 idcg = 0 filled_rating_list = rating_list + [('Empty', 0)] * (args.n - len(rating_list)) for v_id, rating in filled_rating_list: relevance = (2 ** rating - 1) / math.log2(1 + rank) dcg += relevance ideal_rating = ideal_rating_order[rank - 1] ideal_relevance = (2 ** ideal_rating - 1) / math.log2(1 + rank) idcg += ideal_relevance ndcg = dcg / idcg print('{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8}\t{:<8.4f}\t{:<8.4f}\t{:<8}\t{:<8.4f}\t{:<8.4f}\t{:<8.4f}'.format(rank, v_id, rating, relevance, dcg, ideal_rating, ideal_relevance, idcg, ndcg)) rank += 1 except IOError as e: print('Cannot open necessary files', file=sys.stderr)
<reponame>jskrist/channelLogger import asyncio, discord, json from discord.ext.commands import Bot from discord.ext import commands from tinydb import TinyDB, Query from tinydb.operations import delete, increment ''' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SETUP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' # Create a bot bot = Bot(description="Channel Logger Bot by jskrist#3569", command_prefix="!", pm_help = True) # Start or connect to a database to log the messages db = TinyDB('data.json') # This is a Query object to use when searching through the database msg = Query() usr = Query() ''' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HELPER FUNCTIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' # this function returns a list of all the users that have posted to the server def getPostingUsers(): postingUsers = set(); for item in db: postingUsers.add(item['authorName']) return postingUsers async def addMsgToDB(message): # Confirm that the message did not come from this Bot to make sure we don't get # into an infinite loop if this bot send out any messages in this function also # check that the first character of the message is not a "!" or "]", which would # indicate a command if ( != & \ (message.content[0] != '!') & (message.content[0] != ']'): # if the mesage content is not in the database yet if not == message.content.lower()): # Insert the content into the database, along with the name of the user that posted it. # You could add any other data to the database at this point. db.insert({'content': message.content.lower(), 'authorName':}) ''' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOT EVENTS AND COMMANDS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' # This function prints a message to the terminal/command window to let you know the bot started correctly @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Bot is up and running.') # when a message comes into the server, this function is executed @bot.listen() async def on_message(message): await addMsgToDB(message) # when a message on the server is edited, this function is executed @bot.listen() async def on_message_edit(msgBefore, msgAfter): ''' update the database to reflect only the edited message. This could create a state where a duplicate message is on the server, but not represented in the database, e.g. User1 sends "Hello" User2 sends "Hello" Database no has {'content':"hello", "authorName":"User1"} User1 edits post to say "Hello World" Database now has {'content':"hello world", "authorName":"User1"} Should it also contain a copy of the message "hello"? since User2 also sent it? ''' # db.update({'content': msgAfter.content.lower()}, msg.content == msgBefore.content.lower()) ''' Alternatively, you could just add the updated message to the database: ''' await addMsgToDB(msgAfter) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def printDB(context): # this command prints out the contents of the database. It should not be used with a large database. # the database will be save into a file called data.json (see line 12 of this file). for item in db: await bot.send_message(, item) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def stats(context): # this command returns the stats for each user, at the moment that is just the number of messages # each user has posted, but could be expanded however you'd like postingUsers = getPostingUsers() for user in postingUsers: userMsgs = == user) await bot.send_message(, '{0} has {1} messages'.format(user, len(userMsgs))) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def clearDB_all(context): # this command removes all of messages from the Database db.purge() @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def clearDB_usr(context, User=""): # this command removes all of messages in the Database from the given user db.remove(usr.authorName == User) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def clearDB_msg(context, Msg=""): # this command removes the given messages from the Database if it exists db.remove(msg.content == Msg.lower()) ''' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STARTING THE BOT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' # this opens up a file named botToken.txt which should contain a single line of text; the bot's token with open('botToken.txt', 'r') as myfile: botToken ='\n', '') # start the bot
<filename>src/dump1090exporter/ from .exporter import Dump1090Exporter __version__ = "21.10.0"
<gh_stars>0 from django.views import View from django.http import JsonResponse from tracker.models import Match from tracker.forms import MatchForm import json class MatchView(View): def put(self, request): try: body = request.body.decode('utf-8') body = json.loads(body) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as ex: return JsonResponse({ 'error': str(ex) }, status=400) form = MatchForm(body) if not form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse(dict(form.errors.items()), status=422) Match.objects.create(**{ 'matcher': form.cleaned_data['matcher'], 'matchee': form.cleaned_data['matchee'] }) return JsonResponse({})
<filename>firmware/uvc_controller/mbed-os/features/storage/filesystem/littlefs/TESTS/util/ #!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys import subprocess import os def main(*args): with open('main.cpp') as file: tests = cases = [] with open('template_all_names.txt') as file: while True: name = file.readline().strip('\n') desc = file.readline().strip('\n') if name == 'test_results': break cases.append((name, desc)) with open('template_wrapper.fmt') as file: template = with open('main.cpp', 'w') as file: file.write(template.format( tests=tests, test_cases='\n'.join( 4*' '+'Case("{desc}", {name}),'.format( name=name, desc=desc) for name, desc in cases))) if __name__ == "__main__": main(*sys.argv[1:])
<gh_stars>0 def test_valid(cldf_dataset, cldf_logger): assert cldf_dataset.validate(log=cldf_logger) def test_parameters(cldf_dataset): assert len(list(cldf_dataset["ParameterTable"])) == 100 def test_languages(cldf_dataset): assert len(list(cldf_dataset["LanguageTable"])) > 4000
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2015, Vispy Development Team. # Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info. import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_allclose from vispy.testing import run_tests_if_main from vispy.geometry import (create_box, create_cube, create_cylinder, create_sphere, create_plane) def test_box(): """Test box function""" vertices, filled, outline = create_box() assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(filled)) assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(outline)) def test_cube(): """Test cube function""" vertices, filled, outline = create_cube() assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(filled)) assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(outline)) def test_sphere(): """Test sphere function""" md = create_sphere(rows=10, cols=20, radius=10, method='latitude') radii = np.sqrt((md.get_vertices() ** 2).sum(axis=1)) assert_allclose(radii, np.ones_like(radii) * 10) md = create_sphere(subdivisions=5, radius=10, method='ico') radii = np.sqrt((md.get_vertices() ** 2).sum(axis=1)) assert_allclose(radii, np.ones_like(radii) * 10) md = create_sphere(rows=20, cols=20, depth=20, radius=10, method='cube') radii = np.sqrt((md.get_vertices() ** 2).sum(axis=1)) assert_allclose(radii, np.ones_like(radii) * 10) def test_cylinder(): """Test cylinder function""" md = create_cylinder(10, 20, radius=[10, 10]) radii = np.sqrt((md.get_vertices()[:, :2] ** 2).sum(axis=1)) assert_allclose(radii, np.ones_like(radii) * 10) def test_plane(): """Test plane function""" vertices, filled, outline = create_plane() assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(filled)) assert_array_equal(np.arange(len(vertices)), np.unique(outline)) run_tests_if_main()
<filename> #!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding: utf-8 import logging from collections import OrderedDict from geventwebsocket import Resource from geventwebsocket import WebSocketApplication from geventwebsocket import WebSocketServer import k3utfjson from k3cgrouparch import account global_value = {} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CgroupArchWebSocketApplication(WebSocketApplication): def on_open(self):'on open') def on_message(self, message_str): if message_str is None: return try: self.process_message(message_str) except Exception as e: logger.exception('failed to process message: ' + repr(e)) self.send_json({'error': repr(e)}) def on_close(self, reason):'on close') def process_message(self, message_str): message = k3utfjson.load(message_str) cmd = message['cmd'] args = message.get('args') if args is None: args = {} result = self.do_cmd(cmd, args) self.send_json(result) def do_cmd(self, cmd, args): if cmd == 'show_account': return self.show_account(args) elif cmd == 'get_conf': return global_value['context']['arch_conf'] else: return {'error': 'invalid cmd: %s' % cmd} def show_account(self, args): return['context'], args) def send_json(self, value): value_str = k3utfjson.dump(value) def run(context, ip='', port=22348): global_value['context'] = context WebSocketServer( (ip, port), Resource(OrderedDict({'/': CgroupArchWebSocketApplication})), ).serve_forever()
<gh_stars>0 # # Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (1.0.0-dev) # # DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # # options string: py:new_style1 # #from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TFrozenDict, TException, TApplicationException from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException, TApplicationException import sys from thrift.transport import TTransport from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol, TProtocol try: from thrift.protocol import fastbinary except: fastbinary = None class CallError(object): NO_ERROR = 0 EXTERNAL_TRANSLATOR_REJECT = 1 BODY_LESS_INVITE = 2 ACCOUNT_EXPIRED = 3 CONNECTION_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED = 4 MALFORMED_SDP = 5 UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE = 6 UNACCEPTABLE_CODEC = 7 INVALID_AUTH_CLD_TRANS_RULE = 8 INVALID_AUTH_CLI_TRANS_RULE = 9 INVALID_ACNT_CLD_TRANS_RULE = 10 INVALID_ACNT_CLI_TRANS_RULE = 11 CANNOT_BIND_SESSION = 12 INVALID_DID_CLI_TRANS_RULE = 13 NO_RATE_FOUND = 14 CALL_LOOP_DETECTED = 15 TOO_MANY_SESSIONS = 16 ACCOUNT_IN_USE = 17 HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_ACCOUNT = 18 HIGH_CALL_RATE = 19 INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE = 20 FORBIDDEN_DESTINATION = 21 NO_CUSTOMER_RATES = 22 LOSS_PROTECTION = 23 ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE = 24 NO_ROUTES = 25 HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_CONNECTION = 26 INVALID_ASSRT_ID_CLI_TRANS_RULE = 27 DNCL_BLOCKED = 28 _VALUES_TO_NAMES = { 0: "NO_ERROR", 1: "EXTERNAL_TRANSLATOR_REJECT", 2: "BODY_LESS_INVITE", 3: "ACCOUNT_EXPIRED", 4: "CONNECTION_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED", 5: "MALFORMED_SDP", 6: "UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE", 7: "UNACCEPTABLE_CODEC", 8: "INVALID_AUTH_CLD_TRANS_RULE", 9: "INVALID_AUTH_CLI_TRANS_RULE", 10: "INVALID_ACNT_CLD_TRANS_RULE", 11: "INVALID_ACNT_CLI_TRANS_RULE", 12: "CANNOT_BIND_SESSION", 13: "INVALID_DID_CLI_TRANS_RULE", 14: "NO_RATE_FOUND", 15: "CALL_LOOP_DETECTED", 16: "TOO_MANY_SESSIONS", 17: "ACCOUNT_IN_USE", 18: "HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_ACCOUNT", 19: "HIGH_CALL_RATE", 20: "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE", 21: "FORBIDDEN_DESTINATION", 22: "NO_CUSTOMER_RATES", 23: "LOSS_PROTECTION", 24: "ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE", 25: "NO_ROUTES", 26: "HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_CONNECTION", 27: "INVALID_ASSRT_ID_CLI_TRANS_RULE", 28: "DNCL_BLOCKED", } _NAMES_TO_VALUES = { "NO_ERROR": 0, "EXTERNAL_TRANSLATOR_REJECT": 1, "BODY_LESS_INVITE": 2, "ACCOUNT_EXPIRED": 3, "CONNECTION_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED": 4, "MALFORMED_SDP": 5, "UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE": 6, "UNACCEPTABLE_CODEC": 7, "INVALID_AUTH_CLD_TRANS_RULE": 8, "INVALID_AUTH_CLI_TRANS_RULE": 9, "INVALID_ACNT_CLD_TRANS_RULE": 10, "INVALID_ACNT_CLI_TRANS_RULE": 11, "CANNOT_BIND_SESSION": 12, "INVALID_DID_CLI_TRANS_RULE": 13, "NO_RATE_FOUND": 14, "CALL_LOOP_DETECTED": 15, "TOO_MANY_SESSIONS": 16, "ACCOUNT_IN_USE": 17, "HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_ACCOUNT": 18, "HIGH_CALL_RATE": 19, "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE": 20, "FORBIDDEN_DESTINATION": 21, "NO_CUSTOMER_RATES": 22, "LOSS_PROTECTION": 23, "ADDRESS_INCOMPLETE": 24, "NO_ROUTES": 25, "HIGH_CALL_RATE_PER_CONNECTION": 26, "INVALID_ASSRT_ID_CLI_TRANS_RULE": 27, "DNCL_BLOCKED": 28, } class TransactionRecordType(object): CALLS = 1 CDRS = 2 CDRS_CONNECTIONS = 3 CDRS_CUSTOMERS = 4 CDRS_DIDS = 5 CDRS_CONNECTIONS_DIDS = 6 SURCHARGES = 7 COMMISSIONS = 8 UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE = 9 UPDATE_CUSTOMER_BALANCE = 10 UPDATE_VENDOR_BALANCE = 11 UPDATE_PLAN_MINUTES = 12 QUALITY_STATS = 13 CALLS_SDP = 14 CDRS_CUSTOMERS_DIDS = 15 _VALUES_TO_NAMES = { 1: "CALLS", 2: "CDRS", 3: "CDRS_CONNECTIONS", 4: "CDRS_CUSTOMERS", 5: "CDRS_DIDS", 6: "CDRS_CONNECTIONS_DIDS", 7: "SURCHARGES", 8: "COMMISSIONS", 9: "UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE", 10: "UPDATE_CUSTOMER_BALANCE", 11: "UPDATE_VENDOR_BALANCE", 12: "UPDATE_PLAN_MINUTES", 13: "QUALITY_STATS", 14: "CALLS_SDP", 15: "CDRS_CUSTOMERS_DIDS", } _NAMES_TO_VALUES = { "CALLS": 1, "CDRS": 2, "CDRS_CONNECTIONS": 3, "CDRS_CUSTOMERS": 4, "CDRS_DIDS": 5, "CDRS_CONNECTIONS_DIDS": 6, "SURCHARGES": 7, "COMMISSIONS": 8, "UPDATE_ACCOUNT_BALANCE": 9, "UPDATE_CUSTOMER_BALANCE": 10, "UPDATE_VENDOR_BALANCE": 11, "UPDATE_PLAN_MINUTES": 12, "QUALITY_STATS": 13, "CALLS_SDP": 14, "CDRS_CUSTOMERS_DIDS": 15, } class NullInt64(object): """ Attributes: - v """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'v', None, None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, v=None,): self.v = v def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.v = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('NullInt64') if self.v is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('v', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.v) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class NullString(object): """ Attributes: - s """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRING, 's', 'UTF8', None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, s=None,): self.s = s def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.s = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('NullString') if self.s is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('s', TType.STRING, 1) oprot.writeString(self.s.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.s) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class UnixTime(object): """ Attributes: - seconds - nanoseconds """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'seconds', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'nanoseconds', None, None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, seconds=None, nanoseconds=None,): self.seconds = seconds self.nanoseconds = nanoseconds def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.seconds = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.nanoseconds = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('UnixTime') if self.seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('seconds', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.nanoseconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('nanoseconds', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.nanoseconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class MonoTime(object): """ Attributes: - monot - realt """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'monot', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'realt', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, monot=None, realt=None,): self.monot = monot self.realt = realt def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.monot = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.realt = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('MonoTime') if self.monot is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('monot', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.monot.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.realt is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('realt', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.realt.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class TransactionRecord(object): """ Attributes: - type - data """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I32, 'type', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRING, 'data', 'UTF8', None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, type=None, data=None,): self.type = type = data def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I32: self.type = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRING: = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('TransactionRecord') if self.type is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('type', TType.I32, 1) oprot.writeI32(self.type) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('data', TType.STRING, 2) oprot.writeString('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Transaction(object): """ Attributes: - records """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.LIST, 'records', (TType.STRUCT, (TransactionRecord, TransactionRecord.thrift_spec), False), None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, records=None,): self.records = records def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.LIST: self.records = [] (_etype3, _size0) = iprot.readListBegin() for _i4 in range(_size0): _elem5 = TransactionRecord() self.records.append(_elem5) iprot.readListEnd() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Transaction') if self.records is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('records', TType.LIST, 1) oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.records)) for iter6 in self.records: iter6.write(oprot) oprot.writeListEnd() oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Calls(object): """ Attributes: - i_call - call_id - cld - cli - setup_time - parent_i_call - i_call_type """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRING, 'call_id', 'UTF8', None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRING, 'cld', 'UTF8', None, ), # 3 (4, TType.STRING, 'cli', 'UTF8', None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.STRUCT, 'parent_i_call', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 6 (7, TType.STRUCT, 'i_call_type', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 7 ) def __init__(self, i_call=None, call_id=None, cld=None, cli=None, setup_time=None, parent_i_call=None, i_call_type=None,): self.i_call = i_call self.call_id = call_id self.cld = cld self.cli = cli self.setup_time = setup_time self.parent_i_call = parent_i_call self.i_call_type = i_call_type def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.call_id = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cld = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cli = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.parent_i_call = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_call_type = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Calls') if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.call_id is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('call_id', TType.STRING, 2) oprot.writeString(self.call_id.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.call_id) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cld is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cld', TType.STRING, 3) oprot.writeString(self.cld.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cld) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cli is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cli', TType.STRING, 4) oprot.writeString(self.cli.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cli) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 5) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.parent_i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('parent_i_call', TType.STRUCT, 6) self.parent_i_call.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call_type is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call_type', TType.STRUCT, 7) self.i_call_type.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Cdrs(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdr - i_call - i_account - result - cost - delay - duration - billed_duration - connect_time - disconnect_time - cld_in - cli_in - prefix - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - remote_ip - grace_period - user_agent - pdd1xx - i_protocol - release_source - plan_duration - accessibility_cost - lrn_cld - lrn_cld_in - area_name - p_asserted_id - remote_party_id """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdr', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_account', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'result', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.DOUBLE, 'delay', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.I64, 'connect_time', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I64, 'disconnect_time', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.STRING, 'cld_in', 'UTF8', None, ), # 11 (12, TType.STRING, 'cli_in', 'UTF8', None, ), # 12 (13, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 13 (14, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 19 (20, TType.I64, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 20 (21, TType.STRING, 'remote_ip', 'UTF8', None, ), # 21 (22, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 22 (23, TType.STRING, 'user_agent', 'UTF8', None, ), # 23 (24, TType.DOUBLE, 'pdd1xx', None, None, ), # 24 (25, TType.I16, 'i_protocol', None, None, ), # 25 (26, TType.STRING, 'release_source', 'UTF8', None, ), # 26 (27, TType.DOUBLE, 'plan_duration', None, None, ), # 27 (28, TType.DOUBLE, 'accessibility_cost', None, None, ), # 28 (29, TType.STRUCT, 'lrn_cld', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 29 (30, TType.STRUCT, 'lrn_cld_in', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 30 (31, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 31 (32, TType.STRUCT, 'p_asserted_id', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 32 (33, TType.STRUCT, 'remote_party_id', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 33 ) def __init__(self, i_cdr=None, i_call=None, i_account=None, result=None, cost=None, delay=None, duration=None, billed_duration=None, connect_time=None, disconnect_time=None, cld_in=None, cli_in=None, prefix=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, remote_ip=None, grace_period=None, user_agent=None, pdd1xx=None, i_protocol=None, release_source=None, plan_duration=None, accessibility_cost=None, lrn_cld=None, lrn_cld_in=None, area_name=None, p_asserted_id=None, remote_party_id=None,): self.i_cdr = i_cdr self.i_call = i_call self.i_account = i_account self.result = result self.cost = cost self.delay = delay self.duration = duration self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.connect_time = connect_time self.disconnect_time = disconnect_time self.cld_in = cld_in self.cli_in = cli_in self.prefix = prefix self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.remote_ip = remote_ip self.grace_period = grace_period self.user_agent = user_agent self.pdd1xx = pdd1xx self.i_protocol = i_protocol self.release_source = release_source self.plan_duration = plan_duration self.accessibility_cost = accessibility_cost self.lrn_cld = lrn_cld self.lrn_cld_in = lrn_cld_in self.area_name = area_name self.p_asserted_id = p_asserted_id self.remote_party_id = remote_party_id def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdr = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_account = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.result = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.delay = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.I64: self.connect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I64: self.disconnect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cld_in = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cli_in = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 20: if ftype == TType.I64: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 21: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.remote_ip = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 22: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 23: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.user_agent = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 24: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.pdd1xx = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 25: if ftype == TType.I16: self.i_protocol = iprot.readI16() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 26: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.release_source = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 27: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.plan_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 28: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.accessibility_cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 29: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.lrn_cld = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 30: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.lrn_cld_in = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 31: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 32: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.p_asserted_id = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 33: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.remote_party_id = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Cdrs') if self.i_cdr is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdr', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdr) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_account is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_account', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_account) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.result is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.result) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 5) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.delay is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delay', TType.DOUBLE, 6) oprot.writeDouble(self.delay) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_time', TType.I64, 9) oprot.writeI64(self.connect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.disconnect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('disconnect_time', TType.I64, 10) oprot.writeI64(self.disconnect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cld_in is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cld_in', TType.STRING, 11) oprot.writeString(self.cld_in.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cld_in) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cli_in is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cli_in', TType.STRING, 12) oprot.writeString(self.cli_in.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cli_in) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 13) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 14) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 15) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 16) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 17) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 18) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 19) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I64, 20) oprot.writeI64(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.remote_ip is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('remote_ip', TType.STRING, 21) oprot.writeString(self.remote_ip.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.remote_ip) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 22) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.user_agent is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('user_agent', TType.STRING, 23) oprot.writeString(self.user_agent.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.user_agent) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.pdd1xx is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('pdd1xx', TType.DOUBLE, 24) oprot.writeDouble(self.pdd1xx) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_protocol is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_protocol', TType.I16, 25) oprot.writeI16(self.i_protocol) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.release_source is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('release_source', TType.STRING, 26) oprot.writeString(self.release_source.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.release_source) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.plan_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('plan_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 27) oprot.writeDouble(self.plan_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.accessibility_cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('accessibility_cost', TType.DOUBLE, 28) oprot.writeDouble(self.accessibility_cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.lrn_cld is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('lrn_cld', TType.STRUCT, 29) self.lrn_cld.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.lrn_cld_in is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('lrn_cld_in', TType.STRUCT, 30) self.lrn_cld_in.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 31) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.p_asserted_id is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('p_asserted_id', TType.STRUCT, 32) self.p_asserted_id.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.remote_party_id is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('remote_party_id', TType.STRUCT, 33) self.remote_party_id.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CdrsConnections(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdrs_connection - i_call - i_connection - result - cost - delay - duration - billed_duration - setup_time - connect_time - disconnect_time - cld_out - cli_out - prefix - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - grace_period - user_agent - pdd100 - pdd1xx - i_account_debug - i_protocol - release_source - call_setup_time - lrn_cld - area_name - i_media_relay - remote_ip - vendor_name """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_connection', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_connection', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I32, 'result', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.DOUBLE, 'delay', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I64, 'connect_time', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.I64, 'disconnect_time', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.STRING, 'cld_out', 'UTF8', None, ), # 12 (13, TType.STRING, 'cli_out', 'UTF8', None, ), # 13 (14, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 14 (15, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 19 (20, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 20 (21, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 21 (22, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 22 (23, TType.STRING, 'user_agent', 'UTF8', None, ), # 23 (24, TType.DOUBLE, 'pdd100', None, None, ), # 24 (25, TType.DOUBLE, 'pdd1xx', None, None, ), # 25 (26, TType.I64, 'i_account_debug', None, None, ), # 26 (27, TType.I32, 'i_protocol', None, None, ), # 27 (28, TType.STRING, 'release_source', 'UTF8', None, ), # 28 (29, TType.I64, 'call_setup_time', None, None, ), # 29 (30, TType.STRUCT, 'lrn_cld', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 30 (31, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 31 (32, TType.STRUCT, 'i_media_relay', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 32 (33, TType.STRUCT, 'remote_ip', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 33 (34, TType.STRUCT, 'vendor_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 34 ) def __init__(self, i_cdrs_connection=None, i_call=None, i_connection=None, result=None, cost=None, delay=None, duration=None, billed_duration=None, setup_time=None, connect_time=None, disconnect_time=None, cld_out=None, cli_out=None, prefix=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, grace_period=None, user_agent=None, pdd100=None, pdd1xx=None, i_account_debug=None, i_protocol=None, release_source=None, call_setup_time=None, lrn_cld=None, area_name=None, i_media_relay=None, remote_ip=None, vendor_name=None,): self.i_cdrs_connection = i_cdrs_connection self.i_call = i_call self.i_connection = i_connection self.result = result self.cost = cost self.delay = delay self.duration = duration self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.setup_time = setup_time self.connect_time = connect_time self.disconnect_time = disconnect_time self.cld_out = cld_out self.cli_out = cli_out self.prefix = prefix self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.grace_period = grace_period self.user_agent = user_agent self.pdd100 = pdd100 self.pdd1xx = pdd1xx self.i_account_debug = i_account_debug self.i_protocol = i_protocol self.release_source = release_source self.call_setup_time = call_setup_time self.lrn_cld = lrn_cld self.area_name = area_name self.i_media_relay = i_media_relay self.remote_ip = remote_ip self.vendor_name = vendor_name def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I32: self.result = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.delay = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I64: self.connect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.I64: self.disconnect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cld_out = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.cli_out = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 20: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 21: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 22: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 23: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.user_agent = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 24: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.pdd100 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 25: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.pdd1xx = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 26: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_account_debug = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 27: if ftype == TType.I32: self.i_protocol = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 28: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.release_source = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 29: if ftype == TType.I64: self.call_setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 30: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.lrn_cld = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 31: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 32: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_media_relay = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 33: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.remote_ip = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 34: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.vendor_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CdrsConnections') if self.i_cdrs_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_connection', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.result is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.I32, 4) oprot.writeI32(self.result) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 5) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.delay is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delay', TType.DOUBLE, 6) oprot.writeDouble(self.delay) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 9) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_time', TType.I64, 10) oprot.writeI64(self.connect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.disconnect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('disconnect_time', TType.I64, 11) oprot.writeI64(self.disconnect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cld_out is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cld_out', TType.STRING, 12) oprot.writeString(self.cld_out.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cld_out) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cli_out is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cli_out', TType.STRING, 13) oprot.writeString(self.cli_out.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.cli_out) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 14) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 15) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 16) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 17) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 18) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 19) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 20) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 21) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 22) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.user_agent is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('user_agent', TType.STRING, 23) oprot.writeString(self.user_agent.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.user_agent) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.pdd100 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('pdd100', TType.DOUBLE, 24) oprot.writeDouble(self.pdd100) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.pdd1xx is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('pdd1xx', TType.DOUBLE, 25) oprot.writeDouble(self.pdd1xx) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_account_debug is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_account_debug', TType.I64, 26) oprot.writeI64(self.i_account_debug) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_protocol is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_protocol', TType.I32, 27) oprot.writeI32(self.i_protocol) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.release_source is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('release_source', TType.STRING, 28) oprot.writeString(self.release_source.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.release_source) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.call_setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('call_setup_time', TType.I64, 29) oprot.writeI64(self.call_setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.lrn_cld is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('lrn_cld', TType.STRUCT, 30) self.lrn_cld.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 31) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_media_relay is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_media_relay', TType.STRUCT, 32) self.i_media_relay.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.remote_ip is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('remote_ip', TType.STRUCT, 33) self.remote_ip.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.vendor_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('vendor_name', TType.STRUCT, 34) self.vendor_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CdrsCustomers(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdrs_customer - i_cdr - i_customer - cost - billed_duration - prefix - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - grace_period - i_call - i_wholesaler - setup_time - duration - area_name """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_customer', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_cdr', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_customer', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 13 (14, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.I64, 'i_wholesaler', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 19 ) def __init__(self, i_cdrs_customer=None, i_cdr=None, i_customer=None, cost=None, billed_duration=None, prefix=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, grace_period=None, i_call=None, i_wholesaler=None, setup_time=None, duration=None, area_name=None,): self.i_cdrs_customer = i_cdrs_customer self.i_cdr = i_cdr self.i_customer = i_customer self.cost = cost self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.prefix = prefix self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.grace_period = grace_period self.i_call = i_call self.i_wholesaler = i_wholesaler self.setup_time = setup_time self.duration = duration self.area_name = area_name def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdr = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_wholesaler = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CdrsCustomers') if self.i_cdrs_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_customer', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_cdr is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdr', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdr) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 5) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 6) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 9) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 10) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 11) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 12) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 13) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 14) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 15) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_wholesaler is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_wholesaler', TType.I64, 16) oprot.writeI64(self.i_wholesaler) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 17) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 18) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 19) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CdrsDids(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdrs_did - i_call - i_did - did - result - cost - duration - billed_duration - setup_time - connect_time - disconnect_time - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - grace_period """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_did', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_did', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I32, 'result', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I64, 'connect_time', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.I64, 'disconnect_time', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 13 (14, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 19 ) def __init__(self, i_cdrs_did=None, i_call=None, i_did=None, did=None, result=None, cost=None, duration=None, billed_duration=None, setup_time=None, connect_time=None, disconnect_time=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, grace_period=None,): self.i_cdrs_did = i_cdrs_did self.i_call = i_call self.i_did = i_did self.did = did self.result = result self.cost = cost self.duration = duration self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.setup_time = setup_time self.connect_time = connect_time self.disconnect_time = disconnect_time self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.grace_period = grace_period def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I32: self.result = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I64: self.connect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.I64: self.disconnect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CdrsDids') if self.i_cdrs_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_did', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 4) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.result is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.I32, 5) oprot.writeI32(self.result) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 6) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 9) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_time', TType.I64, 10) oprot.writeI64(self.connect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.disconnect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('disconnect_time', TType.I64, 11) oprot.writeI64(self.disconnect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 12) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 13) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 14) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 15) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 16) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 17) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 18) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 19) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CdrsConnectionsDids(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdrs_connections_did - i_call - i_did_authorization - did - incoming_did - i_connection - result - cost - duration - billed_duration - setup_time - connect_time - disconnect_time - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - grace_period """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_connections_did', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_did_authorization', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 4 (5, TType.STRING, 'incoming_did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I64, 'i_connection', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.I32, 'result', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.I64, 'connect_time', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.I64, 'disconnect_time', None, None, ), # 13 (14, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 19 (20, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 20 (21, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 21 ) def __init__(self, i_cdrs_connections_did=None, i_call=None, i_did_authorization=None, did=None, incoming_did=None, i_connection=None, result=None, cost=None, duration=None, billed_duration=None, setup_time=None, connect_time=None, disconnect_time=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, grace_period=None,): self.i_cdrs_connections_did = i_cdrs_connections_did self.i_call = i_call self.i_did_authorization = i_did_authorization self.did = did self.incoming_did = incoming_did self.i_connection = i_connection self.result = result self.cost = cost self.duration = duration self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.setup_time = setup_time self.connect_time = connect_time self.disconnect_time = disconnect_time self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.grace_period = grace_period def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_connections_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did_authorization = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.incoming_did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.I32: self.result = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.I64: self.connect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.I64: self.disconnect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 20: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 21: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CdrsConnectionsDids') if self.i_cdrs_connections_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_connections_did', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_connections_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did_authorization is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did_authorization', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did_authorization) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 4) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.incoming_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('incoming_did', TType.STRING, 5) oprot.writeString(self.incoming_did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.incoming_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection', TType.I64, 6) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.result is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.I32, 7) oprot.writeI32(self.result) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 9) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 10) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 11) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_time', TType.I64, 12) oprot.writeI64(self.connect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.disconnect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('disconnect_time', TType.I64, 13) oprot.writeI64(self.disconnect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 14) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 15) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 16) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 17) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 18) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 19) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 20) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 21) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Surcharges(object): """ Attributes: - i_surcharge - i_call - cost - i_surcharge_type """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_surcharge', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_surcharge_type', None, None, ), # 4 ) def __init__(self, i_surcharge=None, i_call=None, cost=None, i_surcharge_type=None,): self.i_surcharge = i_surcharge self.i_call = i_call self.cost = cost self.i_surcharge_type = i_surcharge_type def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_surcharge = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_surcharge_type = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Surcharges') if self.i_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_surcharge', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 3) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_surcharge_type is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_surcharge_type', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_surcharge_type) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Commissions(object): """ Attributes: - i_commission - i_account - i_customer - i_cdrs_customer - commission_size - setup_time - i_call """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_commission', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'i_account', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'i_customer', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_customer', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.DOUBLE, 'commission_size', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 7 ) def __init__(self, i_commission=None, i_account=None, i_customer=None, i_cdrs_customer=None, commission_size=None, setup_time=None, i_call=None,): self.i_commission = i_commission self.i_account = i_account self.i_customer = i_customer self.i_cdrs_customer = i_cdrs_customer self.commission_size = commission_size self.setup_time = setup_time self.i_call = i_call def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_commission = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_account = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_customer = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.commission_size = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Commissions') if self.i_commission is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_commission', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_commission) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_account is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_account', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.i_account.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.STRUCT, 3) self.i_customer.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_cdrs_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_customer', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.commission_size is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('commission_size', TType.DOUBLE, 5) oprot.writeDouble(self.commission_size) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 6) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 7) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CallsSdp(object): """ Attributes: - i_calls_sdp - i_call - i_cdrs_connection - time_stamp - sdp - sip_msg_type """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_calls_sdp', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'i_cdrs_connection', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 (4, TType.STRUCT, 'time_stamp', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 4 (5, TType.STRING, 'sdp', 'UTF8', None, ), # 5 (6, TType.STRING, 'sip_msg_type', 'UTF8', None, ), # 6 ) def __init__(self, i_calls_sdp=None, i_call=None, i_cdrs_connection=None, time_stamp=None, sdp=None, sip_msg_type=None,): self.i_calls_sdp = i_calls_sdp self.i_call = i_call self.i_cdrs_connection = i_cdrs_connection self.time_stamp = time_stamp self.sdp = sdp self.sip_msg_type = sip_msg_type def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_calls_sdp = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_cdrs_connection = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.time_stamp = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.sdp = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.sip_msg_type = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CallsSdp') if self.i_calls_sdp is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_calls_sdp', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_calls_sdp) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_cdrs_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_connection', TType.STRUCT, 3) self.i_cdrs_connection.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.time_stamp is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('time_stamp', TType.STRUCT, 4) self.time_stamp.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.sdp is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('sdp', TType.STRING, 5) oprot.writeString(self.sdp.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.sdp) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.sip_msg_type is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('sip_msg_type', TType.STRING, 6) oprot.writeString(self.sip_msg_type.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.sip_msg_type) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CdrsCustomersDids(object): """ Attributes: - i_cdrs_customers_did - i_call - i_customer - i_did - did - result - cost - duration - billed_duration - setup_time - connect_time - disconnect_time - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - free_seconds - grace_period """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_cdrs_customers_did', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_customer', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_did', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I32, 'result', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'cost', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.DOUBLE, 'duration', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.DOUBLE, 'billed_duration', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I64, 'setup_time', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.I64, 'connect_time', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.I64, 'disconnect_time', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 13 (14, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 15 (16, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 16 (17, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 19 (20, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 20 ) def __init__(self, i_cdrs_customers_did=None, i_call=None, i_customer=None, i_did=None, did=None, result=None, cost=None, duration=None, billed_duration=None, setup_time=None, connect_time=None, disconnect_time=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, free_seconds=None, grace_period=None,): self.i_cdrs_customers_did = i_cdrs_customers_did self.i_call = i_call self.i_customer = i_customer self.i_did = i_did self.did = did self.result = result self.cost = cost self.duration = duration self.billed_duration = billed_duration self.setup_time = setup_time self.connect_time = connect_time self.disconnect_time = disconnect_time self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.grace_period = grace_period def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_cdrs_customers_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I32: self.result = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.cost = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.billed_duration = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I64: self.setup_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.I64: self.connect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.I64: self.disconnect_time = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 20: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CdrsCustomersDids') if self.i_cdrs_customers_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_cdrs_customers_did', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_cdrs_customers_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 5) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.result is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('result', TType.I32, 6) oprot.writeI32(self.result) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.cost) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('duration', TType.DOUBLE, 8) oprot.writeDouble(self.duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.billed_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('billed_duration', TType.DOUBLE, 9) oprot.writeDouble(self.billed_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.setup_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('setup_time', TType.I64, 10) oprot.writeI64(self.setup_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_time', TType.I64, 11) oprot.writeI64(self.connect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.disconnect_time is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('disconnect_time', TType.I64, 12) oprot.writeI64(self.disconnect_time) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 13) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 14) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 15) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 16) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 17) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 18) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 19) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 20) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class UpdateAccountBalanceMessage(object): """ Attributes: - i_account - delta """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_account', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'delta', None, None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, i_account=None, delta=None,): self.i_account = i_account = delta def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_account = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('UpdateAccountBalanceMessage') if self.i_account is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_account', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_account) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delta', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble( oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class UpdateCustomerBalanceMessage(object): """ Attributes: - i_customer - delta """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_customer', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'delta', None, None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, i_customer=None, delta=None,): self.i_customer = i_customer = delta def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('UpdateCustomerBalanceMessage') if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delta', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble( oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class UpdateVendorBalanceMessage(object): """ Attributes: - i_vendor - delta - i_connection """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_vendor', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'delta', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_connection', None, None, ), # 3 ) def __init__(self, i_vendor=None, delta=None, i_connection=None,): self.i_vendor = i_vendor = delta self.i_connection = i_connection def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_vendor = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('UpdateVendorBalanceMessage') if self.i_vendor is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_vendor', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_vendor) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delta', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble( oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class UpdatePlanMinutesMessage(object): """ Attributes: - i_account - i_service_plan - delta - chargeable_seconds """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_account', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_service_plan', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.DOUBLE, 'delta', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'chargeable_seconds', None, None, ), # 4 ) def __init__(self, i_account=None, i_service_plan=None, delta=None, chargeable_seconds=None,): self.i_account = i_account self.i_service_plan = i_service_plan = delta self.chargeable_seconds = chargeable_seconds def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_account = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_service_plan = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.chargeable_seconds = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('UpdatePlanMinutesMessage') if self.i_account is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_account', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_account) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_service_plan is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_service_plan', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_service_plan) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('delta', TType.DOUBLE, 3) oprot.writeDouble( oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.chargeable_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('chargeable_seconds', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.chargeable_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class ConnectionQualityStats(object): """ Attributes: - i_connection_quality_stats - i_connection - tstamp - asr - acd - action """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_connection_quality_stats', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_connection', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'tstamp', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'asr', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I32, 'acd', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.STRING, 'action', 'UTF8', None, ), # 6 ) def __init__(self, i_connection_quality_stats=None, i_connection=None, tstamp=None, asr=None, acd=None, action=None,): self.i_connection_quality_stats = i_connection_quality_stats self.i_connection = i_connection self.tstamp = tstamp self.asr = asr self.acd = acd self.action = action def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection_quality_stats = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.tstamp = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.asr = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I32: self.acd = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.action = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('ConnectionQualityStats') if self.i_connection_quality_stats is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection_quality_stats', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection_quality_stats) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.tstamp is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('tstamp', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.tstamp) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.asr is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('asr', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.asr) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.acd is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('acd', TType.I32, 5) oprot.writeI32(self.acd) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.action is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('action', TType.STRING, 6) oprot.writeString(self.action.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.action) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class RegisterError(TException): """ Attributes: - cause - i_call """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I32, 'cause', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_call', None, None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, cause=None, i_call=None,): self.cause = cause self.i_call = i_call def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I32: self.cause = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_call = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('RegisterError') if self.cause is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cause', TType.I32, 1) oprot.writeI32(self.cause) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_call is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_call', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_call) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class TryBackupError(TException): thrift_spec = ( ) def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('TryBackupError') oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class EagainError(TException): thrift_spec = ( ) def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('EagainError') oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Billables(object): """ Attributes: - free_seconds - connect_fee - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - grace_period - prefix - decimal_precision - cost_round_up """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I32, 'decimal_precision', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.BOOL, 'cost_round_up', None, None, ), # 11 ) def __init__(self, free_seconds=None, connect_fee=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, grace_period=None, prefix=None, decimal_precision=None, cost_round_up=None,): self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.grace_period = grace_period self.prefix = prefix self.decimal_precision = decimal_precision self.cost_round_up = cost_round_up def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I32: self.decimal_precision = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.cost_round_up = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Billables') if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 3) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 5) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 6) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 8) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 9) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.decimal_precision is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('decimal_precision', TType.I32, 10) oprot.writeI32(self.decimal_precision) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost_round_up is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost_round_up', TType.BOOL, 11) oprot.writeBool(self.cost_round_up) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class AccountBillables(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - area_name - i_commission_agent - commission_size - i_wholesaler - fresh_balance - plan_only """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'bparams', (Billables, Billables.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'i_commission_agent', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'commission_size', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I64, 'i_wholesaler', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.DOUBLE, 'fresh_balance', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.BOOL, 'plan_only', None, None, ), # 7 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, area_name=None, i_commission_agent=None, commission_size=None, i_wholesaler=None, fresh_balance=None, plan_only=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.area_name = area_name self.i_commission_agent = i_commission_agent self.commission_size = commission_size self.i_wholesaler = i_wholesaler self.fresh_balance = fresh_balance self.plan_only = plan_only def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.bparams = Billables() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_commission_agent = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.commission_size = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_wholesaler = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.fresh_balance = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.plan_only = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('AccountBillables') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.bparams.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_commission_agent is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_commission_agent', TType.STRUCT, 3) self.i_commission_agent.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.commission_size is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('commission_size', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.commission_size) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_wholesaler is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_wholesaler', TType.I64, 5) oprot.writeI64(self.i_wholesaler) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.fresh_balance is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('fresh_balance', TType.DOUBLE, 6) oprot.writeDouble(self.fresh_balance) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.plan_only is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('plan_only', TType.BOOL, 7) oprot.writeBool(self.plan_only) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CustomerBillables(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - area_name - i_commission_agent - commission_size - i_customer - i_wholesaler """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'bparams', (Billables, Billables.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'i_commission_agent', (NullInt64, NullInt64.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'commission_size', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I64, 'i_customer', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I64, 'i_wholesaler', None, None, ), # 6 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, area_name=None, i_commission_agent=None, commission_size=None, i_customer=None, i_wholesaler=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.area_name = area_name self.i_commission_agent = i_commission_agent self.commission_size = commission_size self.i_customer = i_customer self.i_wholesaler = i_wholesaler def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.bparams = Billables() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.i_commission_agent = NullInt64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.commission_size = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_wholesaler = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CustomerBillables') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.bparams.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_commission_agent is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_commission_agent', TType.STRUCT, 3) self.i_commission_agent.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.commission_size is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('commission_size', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.commission_size) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.I64, 5) oprot.writeI64(self.i_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_wholesaler is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_wholesaler', TType.I64, 6) oprot.writeI64(self.i_wholesaler) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class DidBillables(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - i_did - did """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'bparams', (Billables, Billables.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I64, 'i_did', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 3 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, i_did=None, did=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.i_did = i_did self.did = did def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.bparams = Billables() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('DidBillables') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.bparams.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did', TType.I64, 2) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 3) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class BuyingDidBillables(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - did - i_connection - i_did_authorization """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'bparams', (Billables, Billables.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_connection', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_did_authorization', None, None, ), # 4 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, did=None, i_connection=None, i_did_authorization=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.did = did self.i_connection = i_connection self.i_did_authorization = i_did_authorization def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.bparams = Billables() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_connection = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did_authorization = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('BuyingDidBillables') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.bparams.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 2) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_connection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_connection', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_connection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did_authorization is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did_authorization', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did_authorization) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CustomerDidBillables(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - did - i_customer - i_did """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'bparams', (Billables, Billables.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRING, 'did', 'UTF8', None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_customer', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_did', None, None, ), # 4 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, did=None, i_customer=None, i_did=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.did = did self.i_customer = i_customer self.i_did = i_did def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.bparams = Billables() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.did = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_customer = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_did = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CustomerDidBillables') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.bparams.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('did', TType.STRING, 2) oprot.writeString(self.did.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_customer is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_customer', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_customer) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_did is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_did', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_did) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class CreditTimes(object): """ Attributes: - crtime_acct - crtime_ext - rtime """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'crtime_acct', (MonoTime, MonoTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'crtime_ext', (MonoTime, MonoTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'rtime', (MonoTime, MonoTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 ) def __init__(self, crtime_acct=None, crtime_ext=None, rtime=None,): self.crtime_acct = crtime_acct self.crtime_ext = crtime_ext self.rtime = rtime def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.crtime_acct = MonoTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.crtime_ext = MonoTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.rtime = MonoTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('CreditTimes') if self.crtime_acct is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('crtime_acct', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.crtime_acct.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.crtime_ext is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('crtime_ext', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.crtime_ext.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.rtime is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('rtime', TType.STRUCT, 3) self.rtime.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Duration(object): """ Attributes: - nanoseconds """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'nanoseconds', None, None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, nanoseconds=None,): self.nanoseconds = nanoseconds def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.nanoseconds = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Duration') if self.nanoseconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('nanoseconds', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.nanoseconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class Tariff(object): """ Attributes: - post_call_surcharge - connect_fee - name - i_tariff - free_seconds - i_owner - iso_4217 - grace_period - max_loss - average_duration - loss_protection - local_calling - local_calling_cli_validation_rule - last_change_count - local_id - remote_id - is_remote - is_exportable - decimal_precision - cost_round_up """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.STRUCT, 'name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 3 (4, TType.I64, 'i_tariff', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I64, 'i_owner', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.STRING, 'iso_4217', 'UTF8', None, ), # 7 (8, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.DOUBLE, 'max_loss', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I32, 'average_duration', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.BOOL, 'loss_protection', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.BOOL, 'local_calling', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.STRING, 'local_calling_cli_validation_rule', 'UTF8', None, ), # 13 (14, TType.I64, 'last_change_count', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.STRUCT, 'local_id', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 15 (16, TType.STRUCT, 'remote_id', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 16 (17, TType.BOOL, 'is_remote', None, None, ), # 17 (18, TType.BOOL, 'is_exportable', None, None, ), # 18 (19, TType.I32, 'decimal_precision', None, None, ), # 19 (20, TType.BOOL, 'cost_round_up', None, None, ), # 20 ) def __init__(self, post_call_surcharge=None, connect_fee=None, name=None, i_tariff=None, free_seconds=None, i_owner=None, iso_4217=None, grace_period=None, max_loss=None, average_duration=None, loss_protection=None, local_calling=None, local_calling_cli_validation_rule=None, last_change_count=None, local_id=None, remote_id=None, is_remote=None, is_exportable=None, decimal_precision=None, cost_round_up=None,): self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.connect_fee = connect_fee = name self.i_tariff = i_tariff self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.i_owner = i_owner self.iso_4217 = iso_4217 self.grace_period = grace_period self.max_loss = max_loss self.average_duration = average_duration self.loss_protection = loss_protection self.local_calling = local_calling self.local_calling_cli_validation_rule = local_calling_cli_validation_rule self.last_change_count = last_change_count self.local_id = local_id self.remote_id = remote_id self.is_remote = is_remote self.is_exportable = is_exportable self.decimal_precision = decimal_precision self.cost_round_up = cost_round_up def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_tariff = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_owner = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.iso_4217 = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.max_loss = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I32: self.average_duration = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.loss_protection = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.local_calling = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.local_calling_cli_validation_rule = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.I64: self.last_change_count = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.local_id = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.remote_id = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 17: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.is_remote = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 18: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.is_exportable = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 19: if ftype == TType.I32: self.decimal_precision = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 20: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.cost_round_up = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('Tariff') if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 1) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('name', TType.STRUCT, 3) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_tariff is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_tariff', TType.I64, 4) oprot.writeI64(self.i_tariff) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 5) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_owner is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_owner', TType.I64, 6) oprot.writeI64(self.i_owner) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.iso_4217 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('iso_4217', TType.STRING, 7) oprot.writeString(self.iso_4217.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.iso_4217) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 8) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.max_loss is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('max_loss', TType.DOUBLE, 9) oprot.writeDouble(self.max_loss) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.average_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('average_duration', TType.I32, 10) oprot.writeI32(self.average_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.loss_protection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('loss_protection', TType.BOOL, 11) oprot.writeBool(self.loss_protection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_calling is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_calling', TType.BOOL, 12) oprot.writeBool(self.local_calling) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_calling_cli_validation_rule is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_calling_cli_validation_rule', TType.STRING, 13) oprot.writeString(self.local_calling_cli_validation_rule.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.local_calling_cli_validation_rule) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.last_change_count is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('last_change_count', TType.I64, 14) oprot.writeI64(self.last_change_count) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_id is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_id', TType.STRUCT, 15) self.local_id.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.remote_id is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('remote_id', TType.STRUCT, 16) self.remote_id.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.is_remote is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('is_remote', TType.BOOL, 17) oprot.writeBool(self.is_remote) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.is_exportable is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('is_exportable', TType.BOOL, 18) oprot.writeBool(self.is_exportable) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.decimal_precision is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('decimal_precision', TType.I32, 19) oprot.writeI32(self.decimal_precision) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost_round_up is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost_round_up', TType.BOOL, 20) oprot.writeBool(self.cost_round_up) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class TariffRate(object): """ Attributes: - i_rate - prefix - i_tariff - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - forbidden - grace_period_enable - local_price_1 - local_price_n - local_interval_1 - local_interval_n - area_name - activation_date - expiration_date """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I64, 'i_rate', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 2 (3, TType.I64, 'i_tariff', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.BOOL, 'forbidden', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.BOOL, 'grace_period_enable', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.DOUBLE, 'local_price_1', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.DOUBLE, 'local_price_n', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.I32, 'local_interval_1', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.I32, 'local_interval_n', None, None, ), # 13 (14, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 14 (15, TType.STRUCT, 'activation_date', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 15 (16, TType.STRUCT, 'expiration_date', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 16 ) def __init__(self, i_rate=None, prefix=None, i_tariff=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, forbidden=None, grace_period_enable=None, local_price_1=None, local_price_n=None, local_interval_1=None, local_interval_n=None, area_name=None, activation_date=None, expiration_date=None,): self.i_rate = i_rate self.prefix = prefix self.i_tariff = i_tariff self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.forbidden = forbidden self.grace_period_enable = grace_period_enable self.local_price_1 = local_price_1 self.local_price_n = local_price_n self.local_interval_1 = local_interval_1 self.local_interval_n = local_interval_n self.area_name = area_name self.activation_date = activation_date self.expiration_date = expiration_date def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_rate = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.I64: self.i_tariff = iprot.readI64() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.forbidden = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.grace_period_enable = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.local_price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.local_price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.I32: self.local_interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.I32: self.local_interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.activation_date = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 16: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.expiration_date = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('TariffRate') if self.i_rate is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_rate', TType.I64, 1) oprot.writeI64(self.i_rate) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 2) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.i_tariff is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('i_tariff', TType.I64, 3) oprot.writeI64(self.i_tariff) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 5) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 6) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 7) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.forbidden is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('forbidden', TType.BOOL, 8) oprot.writeBool(self.forbidden) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period_enable is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period_enable', TType.BOOL, 9) oprot.writeBool(self.grace_period_enable) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 10) oprot.writeDouble(self.local_price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 11) oprot.writeDouble(self.local_price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_interval_1', TType.I32, 12) oprot.writeI32(self.local_interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.local_interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('local_interval_n', TType.I32, 13) oprot.writeI32(self.local_interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 14) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.activation_date is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('activation_date', TType.STRUCT, 15) self.activation_date.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.expiration_date is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('expiration_date', TType.STRUCT, 16) self.expiration_date.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class TariffRateList(object): """ Attributes: - arr """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.LIST, 'arr', (TType.STRUCT, (TariffRate, TariffRate.thrift_spec), False), None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, arr=None,): self.arr = arr def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.LIST: self.arr = [] (_etype10, _size7) = iprot.readListBegin() for _i11 in range(_size7): _elem12 = TariffRate() self.arr.append(_elem12) iprot.readListEnd() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('TariffRateList') if self.arr is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('arr', TType.LIST, 1) oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.arr)) for iter13 in self.arr: iter13.write(oprot) oprot.writeListEnd() oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class LocalTariffRate(object): """ Attributes: - activation_date - expiration_date """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.STRUCT, 'activation_date', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.STRUCT, 'expiration_date', (UnixTime, UnixTime.thrift_spec), None, ), # 2 ) def __init__(self, activation_date=None, expiration_date=None,): self.activation_date = activation_date self.expiration_date = expiration_date def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.activation_date = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.expiration_date = UnixTime() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('LocalTariffRate') if self.activation_date is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('activation_date', TType.STRUCT, 1) self.activation_date.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.expiration_date is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('expiration_date', TType.STRUCT, 2) self.expiration_date.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class LocalTariffRateList(object): """ Attributes: - arr """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.LIST, 'arr', (TType.STRUCT, (LocalTariffRate, LocalTariffRate.thrift_spec), False), None, ), # 1 ) def __init__(self, arr=None,): self.arr = arr def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.LIST: self.arr = [] (_etype17, _size14) = iprot.readListBegin() for _i18 in range(_size14): _elem19 = LocalTariffRate() self.arr.append(_elem19) iprot.readListEnd() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('LocalTariffRateList') if self.arr is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('arr', TType.LIST, 1) oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.arr)) for iter20 in self.arr: iter20.write(oprot) oprot.writeListEnd() oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class LookupbparamResultEntry(object): """ Attributes: - free_seconds - connect_fee - price_1 - price_n - interval_1 - interval_n - post_call_surcharge - grace_period - forbidden - average_duration - loss_protection - max_loss - prefix - plan_only - area_name """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.I32, 'free_seconds', None, None, ), # 1 (2, TType.DOUBLE, 'connect_fee', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_1', None, None, ), # 3 (4, TType.DOUBLE, 'price_n', None, None, ), # 4 (5, TType.I32, 'interval_1', None, None, ), # 5 (6, TType.I32, 'interval_n', None, None, ), # 6 (7, TType.DOUBLE, 'post_call_surcharge', None, None, ), # 7 (8, TType.I32, 'grace_period', None, None, ), # 8 (9, TType.BOOL, 'forbidden', None, None, ), # 9 (10, TType.I32, 'average_duration', None, None, ), # 10 (11, TType.BOOL, 'loss_protection', None, None, ), # 11 (12, TType.DOUBLE, 'max_loss', None, None, ), # 12 (13, TType.STRING, 'prefix', 'UTF8', None, ), # 13 (14, TType.BOOL, 'plan_only', None, None, ), # 14 (15, TType.STRUCT, 'area_name', (NullString, NullString.thrift_spec), None, ), # 15 ) def __init__(self, free_seconds=None, connect_fee=None, price_1=None, price_n=None, interval_1=None, interval_n=None, post_call_surcharge=None, grace_period=None, forbidden=None, average_duration=None, loss_protection=None, max_loss=None, prefix=None, plan_only=None, area_name=None,): self.free_seconds = free_seconds self.connect_fee = connect_fee self.price_1 = price_1 self.price_n = price_n self.interval_1 = interval_1 self.interval_n = interval_n self.post_call_surcharge = post_call_surcharge self.grace_period = grace_period self.forbidden = forbidden self.average_duration = average_duration self.loss_protection = loss_protection self.max_loss = max_loss self.prefix = prefix self.plan_only = plan_only self.area_name = area_name def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.I32: self.free_seconds = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.connect_fee = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_1 = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 4: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.price_n = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 5: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_1 = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 6: if ftype == TType.I32: self.interval_n = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 7: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.post_call_surcharge = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 8: if ftype == TType.I32: self.grace_period = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 9: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.forbidden = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 10: if ftype == TType.I32: self.average_duration = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 11: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.loss_protection = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 12: if ftype == TType.DOUBLE: self.max_loss = iprot.readDouble() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 13: if ftype == TType.STRING: self.prefix = iprot.readString().decode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else iprot.readString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 14: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.plan_only = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 15: if ftype == TType.STRUCT: self.area_name = NullString() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('LookupbparamResultEntry') if self.free_seconds is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('free_seconds', TType.I32, 1) oprot.writeI32(self.free_seconds) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.connect_fee is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('connect_fee', TType.DOUBLE, 2) oprot.writeDouble(self.connect_fee) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_1', TType.DOUBLE, 3) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.price_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('price_n', TType.DOUBLE, 4) oprot.writeDouble(self.price_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_1 is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_1', TType.I32, 5) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_1) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.interval_n is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('interval_n', TType.I32, 6) oprot.writeI32(self.interval_n) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.post_call_surcharge is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('post_call_surcharge', TType.DOUBLE, 7) oprot.writeDouble(self.post_call_surcharge) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.grace_period is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('grace_period', TType.I32, 8) oprot.writeI32(self.grace_period) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.forbidden is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('forbidden', TType.BOOL, 9) oprot.writeBool(self.forbidden) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.average_duration is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('average_duration', TType.I32, 10) oprot.writeI32(self.average_duration) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.loss_protection is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('loss_protection', TType.BOOL, 11) oprot.writeBool(self.loss_protection) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.max_loss is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('max_loss', TType.DOUBLE, 12) oprot.writeDouble(self.max_loss) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.prefix is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('prefix', TType.STRING, 13) oprot.writeString(self.prefix.encode('utf-8') if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else self.prefix) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.plan_only is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('plan_only', TType.BOOL, 14) oprot.writeBool(self.plan_only) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.area_name is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('area_name', TType.STRUCT, 15) self.area_name.write(oprot) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) class LookupbparamResult(object): """ Attributes: - bparams - decimal_precision - cost_round_up """ thrift_spec = ( None, # 0 (1, TType.LIST, 'bparams', (TType.STRUCT, (LookupbparamResultEntry, LookupbparamResultEntry.thrift_spec), False), None, ), # 1 (2, TType.I32, 'decimal_precision', None, None, ), # 2 (3, TType.BOOL, 'cost_round_up', None, None, ), # 3 ) def __init__(self, bparams=None, decimal_precision=None, cost_round_up=None,): self.bparams = bparams self.decimal_precision = decimal_precision self.cost_round_up = cost_round_up def read(self, iprot): if iprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and isinstance(iprot.trans, TTransport.CReadableTransport) and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: fastbinary.decode_binary(self, iprot.trans, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec), iprot.string_length_limit, iprot.container_length_limit) return iprot.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = iprot.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break if fid == 1: if ftype == TType.LIST: self.bparams = [] (_etype24, _size21) = iprot.readListBegin() for _i25 in range(_size21): _elem26 = LookupbparamResultEntry() self.bparams.append(_elem26) iprot.readListEnd() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 2: if ftype == TType.I32: self.decimal_precision = iprot.readI32() else: iprot.skip(ftype) elif fid == 3: if ftype == TType.BOOL: self.cost_round_up = iprot.readBool() else: iprot.skip(ftype) else: iprot.skip(ftype) iprot.readFieldEnd() iprot.readStructEnd() def write(self, oprot): if oprot.__class__ == TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAccelerated and self.thrift_spec is not None and fastbinary is not None: oprot.trans.write(fastbinary.encode_binary(self, (self.__class__, self.thrift_spec))) return oprot.writeStructBegin('LookupbparamResult') if self.bparams is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('bparams', TType.LIST, 1) oprot.writeListBegin(TType.STRUCT, len(self.bparams)) for iter27 in self.bparams: iter27.write(oprot) oprot.writeListEnd() oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.decimal_precision is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('decimal_precision', TType.I32, 2) oprot.writeI32(self.decimal_precision) oprot.writeFieldEnd() if self.cost_round_up is not None: oprot.writeFieldBegin('cost_round_up', TType.BOOL, 3) oprot.writeBool(self.cost_round_up) oprot.writeFieldEnd() oprot.writeFieldStop() oprot.writeStructEnd() def validate(self): return def __repr__(self): L = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()] return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(L)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
<filename> import MySQLdb from urllib import parse class PySQL: """ For making Mariadb / Mysql db queries """ FILTER_COMMANDS = { "$eq":" = %s ", "$in":" IN (%s) ", "$nin":" NOT IN (%s) ", "$neq":" != %s ", "$lt":" < %s ", "$lte":" <= %s ", "$gt":" > %s ", "$gte":" >= %s ", "$contains":" LIKE %s ",#like %var% "$ncontains":" NOT LIKE %s ",# "$null":" IS NULL ", #if 1 else "IS NOT NULL" if 0 "$sw":" LIKE %s ",#starts with . like %var "$ew":" LIKE %s "# endswith like var% } def __init__(self,user,password,db,host,port): self._mysqldb_connection = MySQLdb.connect(user=user,passwd=password,db=db,host=host,port=port) def commit(self): return self._mysqldb_connection.commit() def rollback(self): return self._mysqldb_connection.rollback() def close(self): return self._mysqldb_connection.close() def execute(self,sql,params=None,many=None,dict_cursor=True): #runs the db query . can also be used to run raw queries directly """ by default returns cursor object """ if dict_cursor: self.cursor = self._mysqldb_connection.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) else: self.cursor = self._mysqldb_connection.cursor() if many: self.cursor.executemany(sql,params) else: self.cursor.execute(sql,params) return self.cursor #PySQL specific method begin from here def __getattr__(self,item): self.table_name = item self.columns = ['*'] #columns selected for display of records self.query_params = [] #for db filtering . parameters entered. self.sql = '' self.where_sql = '' self.join_sql = '' self.order_by_sql = '' self.group_by_sql = '' self.limit_sql = '' self.cursor = None return self def __make_table_column(self,column,table_name=None): """Example Input: => Output: => name => """ if '.' in column: return column return "{}.{}".format(table_name,column) if table_name else "{}.{}".format(self.table_name,column) def get_columns(self): return ','.join([self.__make_table_column(c) for c in self.columns]) def fields(self,columns): #sets columns to select """ Example: ['id','name'] """ self.columns = columns return self def fetch(self,limit=None): if not self.cursor: self.__make_select_sql(limit=limit) print (self.sql) print (self.query_params) self.cursor = self.execute(self.sql,self.query_params) results = self.cursor.fetchall() self.cursor.close() return results def fetch_one(self): if not self.cursor: self.__make_select_sql(limit=None) self.cursor = self.execute(self.sql,self.query_params) result = self.cursor.fetchone() self.cursor.close() return result def __set_where(self,where_sql): if self.where_sql: #check if where starts with AND or OR where_sql = where_sql.strip() if where_sql.startswith('OR') or where_sql.startswith("AND"): self.where_sql = self.where_sql + " " + where_sql else: self.where_sql = self.where_sql + " AND " + where_sql else: self.where_sql = " WHERE {} ".format(where_sql) def __make_sql(self,sql): if sql: self.sql = self.sql + sql def __make_select_sql(self,limit): self.sql = "SELECT {} FROM {} ".format(self.get_columns(),self.table_name) self.__make_sql(self.join_sql) self.__make_sql(self.where_sql) self.__make_sql(self.group_by_sql) self.__make_sql(self.order_by_sql) self.__limit(limit) def __make_filter(self,k,v): #check if val is dict col = k filter_v = None #the filter value e.g name like '%mosoti%' param = v print ("Param: ",param, "column:",col) if isinstance(param,dict): filter_v , param = [(k,v) for k,v in param.items()][0] else: filter_v = "$eq" if filter_v == "$null": if v.get(filter_v) is False: filter_v = " IS NOT NULL " else: filter_v = " IS NULL " param = None elif filter_v == "$in": filter_v = " IN ({}) ".format(','.join(['%s' for i in param])) elif filter_v == "$nin": filter_v = " NOT IN ({}) ".format(','.join(['%s' for i in param])) else: if filter_v == '$contains' or filter_v == "$ncontains": param = '%{}%'.format(str(param)) elif filter_v == "$sw": param = '{}%'.format(str(param)) elif filter_v == "$ew": param = '%{}'.format(str(param)) filter_v = self.FILTER_COMMANDS.get(filter_v) return (param,filter_v,) def __make_or_query_filter(self,data_list): qs_l =[] for d in data_list: for ok,ov in d.items(): param,filter_v = self.__make_filter(ok,ov) self.__build_query_params(param) q = self.__make_table_column(ok) + filter_v qs_l.append(q) query = ' OR '.join(qs_l) return query def __build_query_params(self,param): #appends params to existinig if param: if isinstance(param,list): for p in param: self.query_params.append(p) else: self.query_params.append(param) def __filter_query(self,filter_data): #make filters filter_q_l = [] for k,v in filter_data.items(): if k == '$or': #make for or qs_l =self.__make_or_query_filter(filter_data.get('$or')) query = " OR " + qs_l filter_q_l.append(query) elif k == '$xor': #make for or qs_l = self.__make_or_query_filter(filter_data.get('$xor')) query = " AND ( " + qs_l + " )" filter_q_l.append(query) else: param,filter_v = self.__make_filter(k,v) self.__build_query_params(param) q = self.__make_table_column(k) + filter_v if len(filter_q_l) == 0: q = q else: q = " AND " + q filter_q_l.append(q) return filter_q_l def filter(self,filter_data): """ Filters Requests #example full including or { "name":{"$contains":"mosoti"}, "age":{"$lte":30}, "msisdn":"2541234567", "$or":[{ "name":{"$contains":"mogaka"}}, {"age":31} ], #this evaluates to => .. OR name like '%mogaka%' OR age=31 "$xor":[{ "name":{"$contains":"mogaka"}}, {"age":31} ] # this evalautes to =>... AND ( name like '%mogaka%' OR age=31 ) } """ #reset vals /parameters so that we begin here if filter_data: filter_q_l = self.__filter_query(filter_data) filters_qls = ''.join(filter_q_l).strip() if filters_qls.startswith("AND"): filters_qls = filters_qls[3:] elif filters_qls.startswith("OR"): filters_qls = filters_qls[2:] self.__set_where(filters_qls) return self def fetch_paginated(self,paginator_obj): #receives paginator object order_by = paginator_obj.get_order_by() filter_data = paginator_obj.get_filter_data() page_size = paginator_obj.page_size self.filter(filter_data) self.order_by(order_by) results = self.fetch(limit = page_size) pagination_data = paginator_obj.get_pagination_data(results) return {"results":results,"pagination":pagination_data} def __limit(self,limit): if limit: self.__build_query_params(limit) self.__make_sql(' LIMIT %s ') def __get_order_by_text(self,val): """ Receives string e.g -id or name """ if val.startswith('-'): return "{} DESC".format(self.__make_table_column(val[1:])) else: return "{} ASC".format(self.__make_table_column(val)) def order_by(self,order_by_fields): """Expects list of fields e.g ['-id','name'] where - is DESC""" order_by_sql = ','.join([self.__get_order_by_text(v) for v in order_by_fields]) if self.order_by_sql: self.order_by_sql = self.order_by_sql + ' , ' + order_by_sql else: self.order_by_sql = " ORDER BY " + order_by_sql return self def group_by(self,group_by_fields): """ Expects fields in list ['id','name'] ... """ group_by_sql = ','.join([self.__make_table_column(v) for v in group_by_fields]) if self.group_by_sql: self.group_by_sql = self.group_by_sql + group_by_sql else: self.group_by_sql = " GROUP BY " + group_by_sql return self def __make_join(self,join_type,table_name,condition_data,related_fields): """ makes join sql based on type of join and tables """ on_sql = [] for k,v in condition_data.items(): on_sql.append("{} = {} ".format(self.__make_table_column(k),self.__make_table_column(v,table_name))) on_sql_str = ' ON {} ' .format(' AND '.join(on_sql)) join_type_sql = '{} {} '.format(join_type,table_name) self.join_sql = self.join_sql + join_type_sql + on_sql_str #append the columns to select based on related fields if related_fields: self.columns.extend([self.__make_table_column(c,table_name) for c in related_fields]) def inner_join(self,table_name,condition,related_fields=None): """ e.g Orders,{"id":"customer_id"}, ['quantity'] This will result to : .... Orders.quantity, .... INNER JOIN Orders ON = Orders.customer_id """ self.__make_join('INNER JOIN',table_name,condition,related_fields) return self def right_join(self,table_name,condition,related_fields=None): """ e.g Orders,{"id":"customer_id"}, ['quantity'] This will result to : .... Orders.quantity, .... RIGHT JOIN Orders ON = Orders.customer_id """ self.__make_join('RIGHT JOIN',table_name,condition,related_fields) return self def left_join(self,table_name,condition,related_fields=None): """ e.g Orders,{"id":"customer_id"}, ['quantity'] This will result to : .... Orders.quantity, .... LEFT JOIN Orders ON = Orders.customer_id """ self.__make_join('LEFT JOIN',table_name,condition,related_fields) return self def update(self,new_data,limit=None): """ set this new data as new details Returns cursor object """ col_set = ','.join([" {} = %s ".format(k) for k,v in new_data.items()]) filter_params = self.query_params self.query_params = [] update_params = [v for k,v in new_data.items()] update_params.extend(filter_params) #we start with update thn filter self.__build_query_params(update_params) self.sql = "UPDATE {} SET {} ".format(self.table_name,col_set) self.__make_sql(self.where_sql) self.__limit(limit) print(self.query_params) print (self.sql) return self.execute(self.sql,self.query_params) def delete(self,limit=None): """ Delete with given limit """ self.sql = "DELETE FROM {} ".format(self.table_name) self.__make_sql(self.where_sql) self.__limit(limit) print (self.sql) return self.execute(self.sql,self.query_params) def insert(self,data): """ Creates records to db table . Expects a dict of key abd values pair """ columns = [] params = [] for k,v in data.items(): columns.append(k) params.append(v) column_placeholders = ','.join(["%s" for v in columns]) columns = ','.join([v for v in columns]) self.query_params = params self.sql = "INSERT INTO {}({}) VALUES({})".format(self.table_name,columns,column_placeholders) print (self.sql) print (self.query_params) return self.execute(self.sql,self.query_params).lastrowid class Paginator: def __init__(self,max_page_size=None,url=None,page_number=None,page_size=None,last_seen=None,last_seen_field_name=None,direction=None): self.page_number = int(page_number) if page_number else 1 self.max_page_size = max_page_size if max_page_size else 1000 if page_size: if int(page_size) > self.max_page_size: self.page_size = self.max_page_size else: self.page_size = int(page_size) else: self.page_size = 25 self.last_seen_field_name = last_seen_field_name if last_seen_field_name else 'id' self.direction = direction self.last_seen = last_seen self.url = url self._where_clause = '' self._params = [] def get_order_by(self): order_by = [] if self.page_number == 1 or self.direction == 'next': order_by = ["-{}".format(self.last_seen_field_name)] #order descending elif self.direction == 'prev': order_by = ["{}".format(self.last_seen_field_name)] #order ascending return order_by def get_filter_data(self): filter_data = None if self.page_number == 1: filter_data = {} elif self.direction == 'prev': filter_data = { "{}".format(self.last_seen_field_name):{"$gt":"%s"%(self.last_seen)} } elif self.direction == 'next': filter_data = { "{}".format(self.last_seen_field_name):{"$lt":"%s"%(self.last_seen)} } return filter_data def get_next_link(self,results_list): page = self.page_number + 1 url = self.url if len(results_list) < self.page_size: return None if self.direction == 'prev' and page != 2: last_seen_dict = results_list[:-1][0] else: last_seen_dict = results_list[-1:][0] url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'page', page) url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'dir', 'next') url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'last_seen', last_seen_dict.get(self.last_seen_field_name)) return url def get_previous_link(self,results_list): page=self.page_number - 1 url=self.url if page == 0: return None elif len(results_list) == 0: #return home link url=self.remove_query_param(url, 'page') url=self.remove_query_param(url, 'dir') url=self.remove_query_param(url, 'last_seen') return url if self.direction == 'next' : last_seen_dict = results_list[:-1][0] else: last_seen_dict = results_list[-1:][0] #last_seen_dict = results_list[-1:][0] url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'page', page) url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'dir', 'prev') url=self.replace_query_param(url, 'last_seen', last_seen_dict.get(self.last_seen_field_name)) return url def replace_query_param(self,url, key, val): """ Given a URL and a key/val pair, set or replace an item in the query parameters of the URL, and return the new URL. """ (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = parse.urlsplit(url) query_dict = parse.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=True) query_dict[str(key)] = [val] query = parse.urlencode(sorted(list(query_dict.items())), doseq=True) return parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) def remove_query_param(self,url, key): """ Given a URL and a key/val pair, remove an item in the query parameters of the URL, and return the new URL. """ (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment) = parse.urlsplit(url) query_dict = parse.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=True) query_dict.pop(key, None) query = parse.urlencode(sorted(list(query_dict.items())), doseq=True) return parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)) def get_pagination_data(self,results_list): return {'page_size':self.page_size, 'next_url': self.get_next_link(results_list), 'previous_url': self.get_previous_link(results_list) }
import scipy.stats as stat import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objs as go from import DistributionBuild class GenPareto(DistributionBuild): def __init__(self, title, shape, location, scale): super().__init__(title, shape, location, scale) def cumulative(self): datas = self._data('cumulative') data = [go.Scatter(x=datas['peaks'], y=datas['Cumulative'], name=self.title, line=dict(color='rgb(128, 128, 128)', width=2))] bandxaxis = go.layout.XAxis(title="Vazão(m³/s)") bandyaxis = go.layout.YAxis(title="Probabilidade") layout = dict(title="GP - Acumulada: %s" % self.title, showlegend=True, width=945, height=827, xaxis=bandxaxis, yaxis=bandyaxis, font=dict(family='Time New Roman', size=28, color='rgb(0,0,0)') ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) return fig, data def density(self): datas = self._data('density') data = [go.Scatter(x=datas['peaks'], y=datas['Density'], name=self.title, line=dict(color='rgb(128, 128, 128)', width=2))] bandxaxis = go.layout.XAxis(title="Vazão(m³/s)") bandyaxis = go.layout.YAxis(title="") layout = dict(title="GP - Densidade: %s" % self.title, showlegend=True, width=945, height=827, xaxis=bandxaxis, yaxis=bandyaxis, font=dict(family='Time New Roman', size=28, color='rgb(0,0,0)') ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) return fig, data def _data_density(self): cumulative = self._data_cumulative() density = stat.genpareto.pdf(cumulative['peaks'].values, self.shape, loc=self.location, scale=self.scale) dic = {'peaks': cumulative['peaks'].values, 'Density': density} return pd.DataFrame(dic) def _data_cumulative(self): probability = list() for i in range(1, 1000): probability.append(i/1000) quantiles = stat.genpareto.ppf(probability, self.shape, loc=self.location, scale=self.scale) dic = {'peaks': quantiles, 'Cumulative': probability} return pd.DataFrame(dic)
<reponame>ymoch/preacher from yaml import Node from yamlen import Tag, TagContext from preacher.compilation.argument import Argument class ArgumentTag(Tag): def construct(self, node: Node, context: TagContext) -> object: key = context.constructor.construct_scalar(node) # type: ignore return Argument(key)
<reponame>terryjbates/restbucks import os from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser as datetime_parser from import tzutc from flask import Flask, url_for, jsonify, request from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from utils import split_url basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) db_path = os.path.join(basedir, '../data.sqlite') app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + db_path db = SQLAlchemy(app) class ValidationError(ValueError): pass @app.errorhandler(ValidationError) def bad_request(e): response = jsonify({'status': 400, 'error': 'bad request', 'message': e.args[0]}) response.status_code = 400 return response @app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(e): response = jsonify({'status': 404, 'error': 'not found', 'message': 'invalid resource URI'}) response.status_code = 404 return response @app.errorhandler(405) def method_not_supported(e): response = jsonify({'status': 405, 'error': 'method not supported', 'message': 'the method is not supported'}) response.status_code = 405 return response @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(e): response = jsonify({'status': 500, 'error': 'internal server error', 'message': e.args[0]}) response.status_code = 500 return response class Customer(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'customers' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True) orders = db.relationship('Order', backref='customer', lazy='dynamic') def get_url(self): return url_for('get_customer',, _external=True) def export_data(self): return { 'self_url': self.get_url(), 'name':, 'orders_url': url_for('get_customer_orders',, _external=True) } def import_data(self, data): try: = data['name'] except KeyError as e: raise ValidationError('Invalid customer: missing ' + e.args[0]) return self class Product(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'products' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True) items = db.relationship('Item', backref='product', lazy='dynamic') def get_url(self): return url_for('get_product',, _external=True) def export_data(self): return { 'self_url': self.get_url(), 'name': } def import_data(self, data): try: = data['name'] except KeyError as e: raise ValidationError('Invalid product: missing ' + e.args[0]) return self class Order(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'orders' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) customer_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) date = db.Column(db.DateTime, items = db.relationship('Item', backref='order', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all, delete-orphan') def get_url(self): return url_for('get_order',, _external=True) def export_data(self): return { 'self_url': self.get_url(), 'customer_url': self.customer.get_url(), 'date': + 'Z', 'items_url': url_for('get_order_items',, _external=True) } def import_data(self, data): try: = datetime_parser.parse(data['date']).astimezone( tzutc()).replace(tzinfo=None) except KeyError as e: raise ValidationError('Invalid order: missing ' + e.args[0]) return self class Item(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'items' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) order_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) product_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) quantity = db.Column(db.Integer) def get_url(self): return url_for('get_item',, _external=True) def export_data(self): return { 'self_url': self.get_url(), 'order_url': self.order.get_url(), 'product_url': self.product.get_url(), 'quantity': self.quantity } def import_data(self, data): try: endpoint, args = split_url(data['product_url']) self.quantity = int(data['quantity']) except KeyError as e: raise ValidationError('Invalid order: missing ' + e.args[0]) if endpoint != 'get_product' or not 'id' in args: raise ValidationError('Invalid product URL: ' + data['product_url']) self.product = Product.query.get(args['id']) if self.product is None: raise ValidationError('Invalid product URL: ' + data['product_url']) return self @app.route('/customers/', methods=['GET']) def get_customers(): return jsonify({'customers': [customer.get_url() for customer in Customer.query.all()]}) @app.route('/customers/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def get_customer(id): return jsonify(Customer.query.get_or_404(id).export_data()) @app.route('/customers/', methods=['POST']) def new_customer(): customer = Customer() customer.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(customer) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}), 201, {'Location': customer.get_url()} @app.route('/customers/<int:id>', methods=['PUT']) def edit_customer(id): customer = Customer.query.get_or_404(id) customer.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(customer) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) @app.route('/products/', methods=['GET']) def get_products(): return jsonify({'products': [product.get_url() for product in Product.query.all()]}) @app.route('/products/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def get_product(id): return jsonify(Product.query.get_or_404(id).export_data()) @app.route('/products/', methods=['POST']) def new_product(): product = Product() product.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(product) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}), 201, {'Location': product.get_url()} @app.route('/products/<int:id>', methods=['PUT']) def edit_product(id): product = Product.query.get_or_404(id) product.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(product) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) @app.route('/orders/', methods=['GET']) def get_orders(): return jsonify({'orders': [order.get_url() for order in Order.query.all()]}) @app.route('/customers/<int:id>/orders/', methods=['GET']) def get_customer_orders(id): customer = Customer.query.get_or_404(id) return jsonify({'orders': [order.get_url() for order in customer.orders.all()]}) @app.route('/orders/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def get_order(id): return jsonify(Order.query.get_or_404(id).export_data()) @app.route('/customers/<int:id>/orders/', methods=['POST']) def new_customer_order(id): customer = Customer.query.get_or_404(id) order = Order(customer=customer) order.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(order) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}), 201, {'Location': order.get_url()} @app.route('/orders/<int:id>', methods=['PUT']) def edit_order(id): order = Order.query.get_or_404(id) order.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(order) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) @app.route('/orders/<int:id>', methods=['DELETE']) def delete_order(id): order = Order.query.get_or_404(id) db.session.delete(order) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) @app.route('/orders/<int:id>/items/', methods=['GET']) def get_order_items(id): order = Order.query.get_or_404(id) return jsonify({'items': [item.get_url() for item in order.items.all()]}) @app.route('/items/<int:id>', methods=['GET']) def get_item(id): return jsonify(Item.query.get_or_404(id).export_data()) @app.route('/orders/<int:id>/items/', methods=['POST']) def new_order_item(id): order = Order.query.get_or_404(id) item = Item(order=order) item.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(item) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}), 201, {'Location': item.get_url()} @app.route('/items/<int:id>', methods=['PUT']) def edit_item(id): item = Item.query.get_or_404(id) item.import_data(request.json) db.session.add(item) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) @app.route('/items/<int:id>', methods=['DELETE']) def delete_item(id): item = Item.query.get_or_404(id) db.session.delete(item) db.session.commit() return jsonify({}) if __name__ == '__main__': db.create_all()
<reponame>wallisyan/alibabacloud-python-sdk-v2<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2018 Alibaba Cloud Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from alibabacloud.endpoint import EndpointResolver from alibabacloud.endpoint.chained_endpoint_resolver import ChainedEndpointResolver from alibabacloud.endpoint.local_config_global_endpoint_resolver \ import LocalConfigGlobalEndpointResolver from alibabacloud.endpoint.local_config_regional_endpoint_resolver \ import LocalConfigRegionalEndpointResolver from alibabacloud.endpoint.location_service_endpoint_resolver \ import LocationServiceEndpointResolver from alibabacloud.endpoint.user_customized_endpoint_resolver import UserCustomizedEndpointResolver class DefaultEndpointResolver(EndpointResolver): """ `Alibaba Cloud Python` endpoint 解析链 .. note:: Deprecated use for add_endpoint and modify_endpoint Not recommended """ predefined_endpoint_resolver = UserCustomizedEndpointResolver() def __init__(self, config, credentials_provider, user_config=None): self._user_customized_endpoint_resolver = UserCustomizedEndpointResolver() endpoint_resolvers = [ self.predefined_endpoint_resolver, self._user_customized_endpoint_resolver, LocalConfigRegionalEndpointResolver(user_config), LocalConfigGlobalEndpointResolver(user_config), LocationServiceEndpointResolver(config, credentials_provider), ] self._resolver = ChainedEndpointResolver(endpoint_resolvers) def resolve(self, request): return self._resolver.resolve(request) def put_endpoint_entry(self, region_id, product_code, endpoint): self._user_customized_endpoint_resolver.put_endpoint_entry(region_id, product_code, endpoint)
<filename>vpc_hyp2/ansible/roles/vm_create/files/ dom_list = ['an_h1']
<filename>scripts/<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Hyphenation file checker Copyright (C) 2016 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import argparse import sys import re parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Tiny script to check hyphenation patterns (against duplicated, invalid, etc.).',formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('path', help='Path to a pattern file', action='store', type = argparse.FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() seenPatterns = {} line = 0 nbErrors = 0 for pat in args.path: line += 1 pat = pat.strip('\n') if'\s', pat): print(' line %d: pattern \'%s\' contains space' % (line, pat), file=sys.stderr) nbErrors += 1 reducedPat = re.sub(r'\d', '', pat) if reducedPat in seenPatterns: print(' line %d: pattern \'%s\' duplicate with pattern \'%s\' line %d' % (line, pat, seenPatterns[reducedPat][1], seenPatterns[reducedPat][0]), file=sys.stderr) nbErrors += 1 else: seenPatterns[reducedPat] = (line, pat) if nbErrors == 0: print('No error found') sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1)
<filename> from Graphics import * CELL_SIZE = 20 ROWS, COLUMNS = 40, 40 class Cell: def __init__(self, pos): self.pos = pos self.alive = False self.flipNextGen = False def switch(self): self.alive = not self.alive def draw(self, win): r = Rectangle(Point(self.pos[0], self.pos[1]), Point(self.pos[0] + CELL_SIZE, self.pos[1] + CELL_SIZE)) if self.alive: r.setFill("black") else: r.setFill("white") r.draw(win) def showEmptyGrid(): win = GraphWin("Game of Life", 500, 500) cellGrid = [] for y in range(0, COLUMNS * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE): for x in range(0, ROWS * CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE): c = Cell([x, y]) cellGrid.append(c) c.draw(win) return win, cellGrid def clickToGrid(pos): def myRound(x, base): return int(base * round(float(x) / base)) return myRound(pos.getX(), CELL_SIZE), myRound(pos.getY(), CELL_SIZE) def inputToGrid(win, cGrid): placing = True while placing: mPos = win.getMouse() xPos, yPos = clickToGrid(mPos) for c in cGrid: if c.pos == [xPos,yPos]: c.switch() c.draw(win) placing = win.checkKey() != "space" return cGrid def getNeighbs(c, cGrid): neighbs = 0 cPlace = cGrid.index(c) x = c.pos[0]/CELL_SIZE y = c.pos[1]/CELL_SIZE squarePerRow = COLUMNS #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ugly, try-catch?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# if x > 0: # Left if cGrid[cPlace - 1].alive: neighbs += 1 if y > 0: # Top Left if cGrid[cPlace - (squarePerRow + 1)].alive: neighbs += 1 if y < ROWS - 1: # Bottom Left if cGrid[cPlace + (squarePerRow - 1)].alive: neighbs += 1 if cGrid[cPlace - squarePerRow].alive: # Top neighbs += 1 if x < COLUMNS - 1: # Right if cGrid[cPlace + 1].alive: neighbs += 1 if y > 0: # Top Right if cGrid[cPlace - (squarePerRow - 1)].alive: neighbs += 1 if y < ROWS - 1: # Bottom Right if cGrid[cPlace + (squarePerRow + 1)].alive: neighbs += 1 if cGrid[cPlace + squarePerRow].alive: # Bottom neighbs += 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# return neighbs def runSimulation(win, cGrid): while win.checkMouse() == None: for c in cGrid: #Once through determines changes nCount = getNeighbs(c, cGrid) if c.alive: if nCount < 2 or nCount > 3: c.flipNextGen = True # Death conditions # Else lives on elif nCount == 3: # Birth condition c.flipNextGen = True time.sleep(0.05) for c in cGrid: #Second time activates changes if c.flipNextGen: c.switch() c.flipNextGen = False c.draw(win) def main(): # Space to stop clicking inputs # Click anywhere to end simulation win, grid = showEmptyGrid() grid = inputToGrid(win, grid) runSimulation(win, grid) main()
<reponame>mrbartrns/programmers-algorithm<filename>lv1/ def solution(participant, completion): answer = '' # sort하면 시간절약이 가능 participant.sort() # [a, a, b] completion.sort() # [a, b] print(participant) print(completion) for i in range(len(completion)): if participant[i] != completion[i]: answer = participant[i] break else: answer = participant[len(participant) - 1] return answer part = ['marina', 'josipa', 'nikola', 'vinko', 'filipa'] comp = ['josipa', 'filipa', 'marina', 'nikola'] print(solution(part, comp))
# Copyright 2020 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 import json import os import struct from .ModelNodeConvert import ModelNodeVertexStream, ModelNodeGeometryData, addModelType from .SceneResourcesConvert import modelVertexAttribEnum class Object: pass gltfVertexAttribEnum = { 'POSITION': modelVertexAttribEnum['Position'], 'NORMAL': modelVertexAttribEnum['Normal'], 'TANGENT': modelVertexAttribEnum['Tangent'], 'TEXCOORD_0': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord0'], 'TEXCOORD`1': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord1'], 'TEXCOORD`2': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord2'], 'TEXCOORD`3': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord3'], 'TEXCOORD`4': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord4'], 'TEXCOORD`5': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord5'], 'TEXCOORD`6': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord6'], 'TEXCOORD`7': modelVertexAttribEnum['TexCoord7'], 'COLOR_0': modelVertexAttribEnum['Color0'], 'COLOR_1': modelVertexAttribEnum['Color1'], 'JOINTS_0': modelVertexAttribEnum['BlendIndices'], 'WEIGHTS_0': modelVertexAttribEnum['BlendWeights'], } gltfTypeMap = { ('SCALAR', 5120): ('X8', 'Int'), ('SCALAR', 5121): ('X8', 'UInt'), ('SCALAR', 5122): ('X16', 'Int'), ('SCALAR', 5123): ('X16', 'UInt'), ('SCALAR', 5125): ('X32', 'UInt'), ('SCALAR', 5126): ('X32', 'Float'), ('VEC2', 5120): ('X8Y8', 'Int'), ('VEC2', 5121): ('X8Y8', 'UInt'), ('VEC2', 5122): ('X16Y16', 'Int'), ('VEC2', 5123): ('X16Y16', 'UInt'), ('VEC2', 5126): ('X32Y32', 'Float'), ('VEC3', 5120): ('X8Y8Z8', 'Int'), ('VEC3', 5121): ('X8Y8Z8', 'UInt'), ('VEC3', 5122): ('X16Y16Z16', 'Int'), ('VEC3', 5123): ('X16Y16Z16', 'UInt'), ('VEC3', 5126): ('X32Y32Z32', 'Float'), ('VEC4', 5120): ('X8Y8Z8W8', 'Int'), ('VEC4', 5121): ('X8Y8Z8W8', 'UInt'), ('VEC4', 5122): ('X16Y16Z16W16', 'Int'), ('VEC4', 5123): ('X16Y16Z16W16', 'UInt'), ('VEC4', 5126): ('X32Y32Z32W32', 'Float') } gltfPrimitiveTypeMap = ['PointList', 'LineList', 'LineStrip', 'LineStrip', 'TriangleList', 'TriangleStrip', 'TriangleFan'] def convertGLTFModel(convertContext, path): """ Converts an GLTF model for use with ModelNodeConvert. If the "name" element is provided for a mesh, it will be used for the name of the model geometry. Otherwise, the name will be "mesh#", where # is the index of the mesh. If multiple sets of primitives are used, the index will be appended to the name, separated with '.'. Limitations: - Only meshes and dependent data (accessors, buffer views, and buffers) are extracted. All other parts of the scene are ignored, including transforms. - Morph targets aren't supported. - Materials aren't read, and are instead provided in the DeepSea scene configuration. - Buffer data may either be embedded or a file path relative to the main model file. General URIs are not supported. """ with open(path) as f: try: data = json.load(f) except: raise Exception('Invalid GLTF file "' + path + '".') parentDir = os.path.dirname(path) try: # Read the buffers. buffers = [] bufferInfos = data['buffers'] dataPrefix = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' try: for bufferInfo in bufferInfos: uri = bufferInfo['uri'] if uri.startswith(dataPrefix): try: buffers.append(base64.b64decode(uri[len(dataPrefix):])) except: raise Exception('Invalid buffer data for GLTF file "' + path + '".') else: with open(os.path.join(parentDir, uri), 'rb') as f: buffers.append( except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception('Buffers must be an array of objects for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('Buffer doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') # Read the buffer views. bufferViews = [] bufferViewInfos = data['bufferViews'] try: for bufferViewInfo in bufferViewInfos: bufferView = Object() try: bufferData = buffers[bufferViewInfo['buffer']] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('Invalid buffer index for GLTF file "' + path + '".') offset = bufferViewInfo['byteOffset'] length = bufferViewInfo['byteLength'] try: bufferView.buffer = bufferData[offset:offset + length] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('Invalid buffer view range for GLTF file "' + path + '".') bufferViews.append(bufferView) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception( 'Buffer views must be an array of objects for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('Buffer view doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') # Read the accessors. accessors = [] accessorInfos = data['accessors'] try: for accessorInfo in accessorInfos: accessor = Object() try: accessor.bufferView = bufferViews[accessorInfo['bufferView']] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('Invalid buffer view index for GLTF file "' + path + '".') gltfType = accessorInfo['type'] componentType = accessorInfo['componentType'] try: accessorType, decorator = gltfTypeMap[(gltfType, componentType)] except (KeyError, TypeError): raise Exception('Invalid accessor type (' + str(gltfType) + ', ' + str(componentType) + ') for GLTF file "' + path + '".') accessor.type = accessorType accessor.decorator = decorator accessor.count = accessorInfo['count'] accessors.append(accessor) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception('Accessors must be an array of objects for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('Accessor doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') # Read the meshes. meshes = [] meshInfos = data['meshes'] try: meshIndex = 0 for meshInfo in meshInfos: meshName = meshInfo.get('name', 'mesh' + str(meshIndex)) primitiveInfos = meshInfo['primitives'] try: primitiveIndex = 0 for primitiveInfo in primitiveInfos: mesh = Object() mesh.attributes = [] = meshName if len(primitiveInfos) > 1: += '.' + str(primitiveIndex) primitiveIndex += 1 try: for attrib, index in primitiveInfo['attributes'].items(): if attrib not in gltfVertexAttribEnum: raise Exception('Unsupported attribute "' + str(attrib) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') try: mesh.attributes.append((gltfVertexAttribEnum[attrib], accessors[index])) except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('Invalid accessor index for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception( 'Mesh primitives attributes must be an object containing attribute ' 'mappings for GLTF file "' + path + '".') if 'indices' in primitiveInfo: try: mesh.indices = accessors[primitiveInfo['indices']] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception( 'Invalid accessor index for GLTF file "' + path + '".') else: mesh.indices = None mode = primitiveInfo.get('mode', 4) try: mesh.primitiveType = gltfPrimitiveTypeMap[mode] except (IndexError, TypeError): raise Exception('Unsupported primitive mode for GLTF file "' + path + '".') meshes.append(mesh) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception( 'Mesh primitives must be an array of objects for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('Mesh primitives doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') meshIndex += 1 except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception('Meshes must be an array of objects for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('Mesh doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception('Root value in GLTF file "' + path + '" must be an object.') except KeyError as e: raise Exception('GLTF file "' + path + '" doesn\'t contain element "' + str(e) + '".') # Convert meshes to geometry list. GLTF uses separate vertex streams rather than interleved # vertices, so the index buffer will need to be separate for each. This will have some # data duplication during processing, but isn't expected to be a large amount in practice. geometry = [] for mesh in meshes: if mesh.indices: indexData = mesh.indices.bufferView.buffer if mesh.indices.type == 'X16': indexSize = 2 elif mesh.indices.type == 'X32': indexSize = 4 else: raise Exception('Unsupported index type "' + mesh.indices.type + '" for GLTF file "' + path + '".') else: indexData = None indexSize = 0 vertexStreams = [] for attrib, accessor in mesh.attributes: vertexFormat = [(attrib, accessor.type, accessor.decorator)] vertexStreams.append(ModelNodeVertexStream(vertexFormat, accessor.bufferView.buffer, indexSize, indexData)) geometry.append(ModelNodeGeometryData(, vertexStreams, mesh.primitiveType)) return geometry def registerGLTFModelType(convertContext): """ Registers the GLTF model type under the name "gltf". """ addModelType(convertContext, 'gltf', convertGLTFModel)
book/code/imdb - project4+5 scrape popular film list and
<gh_stars>0 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from selenium import webdriver import requests import time class Film(object): """docstring for film""" def __init__(self): self.title = "" self.rank = "" self.year_of_production = "" = "" def create_phantom_driver(): driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path = r'C:\phantomjs-2.1.1-windows\bin\phantomjs.exe') return driver def get_popular_film_list(url): driver = create_phantom_driver() # url = '' # download html driver.get(url) # print driver.page_source # create soup soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source,'lxml') # soup = BeautifulSoup(open('imdb.html'),'lxml') # search table = soup.find('table',class_='chart') film_list =[] for td in table.find_all('td',class_='titleColumn'): a = td.find('a') # print a['href'] new_film = Film() full_des = td.text.strip().replace('\n','') # print full_des title = full_des.split('(')[0] # print title year = full_des.split('(')[1][:4] # print year start_rank = full_des.find(')') end_rank = full_des.find('(',start_rank,len(full_des)) rank = full_des[start_rank+1:end_rank] # print rank new_film.rank = rank new_film.title = title new_film.year_of_production = year = a['href'].strip() film_list.append(new_film) driver.quit() for film in film_list: print film.title print film.rank print film.year_of_production print print "\n" return film_list # when ever we have the film list def poster_scrap(film_list): driver = create_phantom_driver() for film in film_list: url = '' + print film.title driver.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml') div = soup.find('div', class_='poster') # find the link lead to poster image a = div.find('a') # link to download poster image poster_url = '' + a['href'] print poster_url driver.get(poster_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml') # print soup.prettify() divs = soup.find_all('div',class_='pswp__zoom-wrap') try: imgs = divs[1].find_all('img') download_link = imgs[1]['src'] print download_link except Exception, e: imgs = divs[0].find_all('img') download_link = imgs[1]['src'] print download_link f = open('{0}.jpg'.format(film.title.encode('utf8').replace(':','')),'wb') f.write(requests.get(download_link).content) # time.sleep(2) f.close() driver.quit() # url for current popular and hot film url = '' # get_popular_film_list(url) poster_scrap(get_popular_film_list(url))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gs import numpy as np import pandas as pd import csv from matplotlib.lines import Line2D epsilon = pd.read_pickle('epsilon.pkl') def plots_with_sizes(result_folder, query, attribute): if attribute == 'age': d = 1 if attribute == 'hrs': d = 2 if attribute == 'absences': d = 3 if attribute == 'grade': d = 4 ################# Std of scaled error ###################### diffprivlib_std = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\diffprivlib\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\std_scaled_error\\DP_std_scaled_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) smartnoise_std = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\smartnoise\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\std_scaled_error\\DP_std_scaled_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) pydp_std = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\pydp\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\std_scaled_error\\DP_std_scaled_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) diffpriv_std = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\diffpriv_simple\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\std_scaled_error\\std_scaled_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) #chorus_std = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\chorus_real_dataset_results\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\std_scaled_error\\DP_std_scaled_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) ################# Mean relative error ###################### diffprivlib_relative = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\diffprivlib\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\mean_relative_error\\DP_mean_relative_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) smartnoise_relative = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\smartnoise\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\mean_relative_error\\DP_mean_relative_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) pydp_relative = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\pydp\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\mean_relative_error\\DP_mean_relative_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) diffpriv_relative = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\diffpriv_simple\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\mean_relative_error\\mean_relative_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) #chorus_relative = pd.read_csv(result_folder + "\\chorus_real_dataset_results\\{q}\\results_dataset_{d}\\mean_relative_error\\DP_mean_relative_error.csv".format(q=query,d=d), header=None) ################ labels ###################### x1 = [0.01,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.1 ,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100] x2 = [0.01,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0.1 ,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100] ################ Plotting ###################### gs1 = gs.GridSpec(nrows=1, ncols=2) gs1.update(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.05) # set the spacing between axes. figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure figure.clf() ###### Size plot ####### ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1[0,0]) ax1.plot(x1, diffprivlib_std, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax1.plot(epsilon, diffprivlib_std, color = 'xkcd:orangish red') ax1.plot(x1, smartnoise_std[1:], "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax1.plot(epsilon, smartnoise_std[1:], color = 'xkcd:moss green') ax1.plot(x1, pydp_std, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax1.plot(epsilon, pydp_std, color = 'xkcd:soft blue') ax1.plot(x1, diffpriv_std, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax1.plot(epsilon, diffpriv_std, color = 'xkcd:aquamarine') #ax1.plot(x1, chorus_std, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') #ax1.plot(epsilon, chorus_std, color = 'xkcd:purple') ax1.set_xlabel('ε', fontsize = 12) ax1.set_ylabel('Sample Std of the \n Absolute Scaled Error', fontsize = 16) ################# MEAN RELATIVE ERROR ############################ ax2 = plt.subplot(gs1[0,1]) ax2.plot(x2, abs(diffprivlib_relative)*100, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax2.plot(epsilon, abs(diffprivlib_relative)*100, color = 'xkcd:orangish red', label="diffprivlib, IBM (Python)") ax2.plot(x2, abs(smartnoise_relative[1:])*100, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax2.plot(epsilon, abs(smartnoise_relative[1:])*100, color = 'xkcd:moss green', label="SmartNoise, Microsoft (Python wrapper over Rust)") ax2.plot(x2, abs(pydp_relative)*100, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax2.plot(epsilon, abs(pydp_relative)*100, color = 'xkcd:soft blue', label="PyDP (Python wrapper over Google DP C++)") ax2.plot(x2, abs(diffpriv_relative)*100, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') ax2.plot(epsilon, abs(diffpriv_relative)*100, color = 'xkcd:aquamarine', label="diffpriv, <NAME>, et al. (R)") #ax2.plot(x2, abs(chorus_relative)*100, "o", markeredgecolor='k', mfc='none') #ax2.plot(epsilon, abs(chorus_relative)*100, color = 'xkcd:purple', label="<NAME>ear et al (Scala)") ax2.set_xlabel('ε', fontsize = 12) ax2.set_ylabel('Sample Mean of the \n Relative Error [%]', fontsize = 16) #ax1.legend(prop={'size': 19}, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(1.00, -0.02), frameon=False, ncol=4, handletextpad=0.2, handlelength=1, columnspacing=0.5) #ax2.legend(prop={'size': 18}, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(-0.13, -0.30), frameon=False, ncol=2, handletextpad=0.2, handlelength=1, columnspacing=0.5) figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.30) #legend_elements_1 = [Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:orangish red', label='diffprivlib, IBM (Python)'), Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:soft blue', label='PyDP (Python wrapper over Google DP C++)'), Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:moss green', label='SmartNoise, Microsoft (Python wrapper over Rust)')] #figure.legend(prop={'size': 18.5},handles=legend_elements_1, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.33, -0.02), frameon=False, ncol=1, handletextpad=0.2, handlelength=1) #legend_elements_2 = [ Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:aquamarine', label='diffpriv, <NAME>, et al. (R)'), Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:purple', label='<NAME>ear et al (Scala)')] #legend_elements_2 = [ Line2D([1], [1], color='xkcd:aquamarine', label='diffpriv, <NAME>, et al. (R)')] #figure.legend(prop={'size': 18.5},handles=legend_elements_2, loc="lower center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.77, 0.1), frameon=False, ncol=1, handletextpad=0.2, handlelength=1) if query == 'count': ax1.set_ylim(10**-8, 10**3) figure.suptitle('Count Query', fontsize=19) if query == 'sum': ax1.set_ylim(10**-8, 10**8) figure.suptitle('Sum Query', fontsize=19) if query == 'mean': ax1.set_ylim(10**-12, 10**2) figure.suptitle('Mean Query', fontsize=19) if query == 'var': ax1.set_ylim(10**-8, 10**4) figure.suptitle('Variance Query', fontsize=19) ax1.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) ax1.loglog() ax2.set_xscale('log') plots_with_sizes(result_folder="E:\\MS_Thesis\\publication_stuff\\results_Jan_2021\\real_dataset_micro\\22April2021", query="var", attribute='grade')
# Import modules import os from xml.dom import minidom from base64 import b64decode # Fetch servers from FileZilla FileZilla = os.getenv('AppData') + '\\FileZilla\\' def StealFileZilla(): if not os.path.exists(FileZilla): return [] RecentServersPath = FileZilla + 'recentservers.xml' SiteManagerPath = FileZilla + 'sitemanager.xml' # Read recent servers if os.path.exists(RecentServersPath): xmlDoc = minidom.parse(RecentServersPath) Servers = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Server') for Node in Servers: Server = { 'Hostname': 'ftp://' + Node.getElementsByTagName('Host')[0] + ':' + Node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0] + '/', 'Username': Node.getElementsByTagName('User')[0], 'Password': <PASSWORD>(Node.getElementsByTagName('Pass')[0] } # Read sitemanager if os.path.exists(SiteManagerPath): xmlDoc = minidom.parse(SiteManagerPath) Servers = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Server') for Node in Servers: Server = { 'Hostname': 'ftp://' + Node.getElementsByTagName('Host')[0] + ':' + Node.getElementsByTagName('Port')[0] + '/', 'Username': Node.getElementsByTagName('User')[0], 'Password': <PASSWORD>(Node.getElementsByTagName('Pass')[0] } return Server
<reponame>gunnarsundberg/covid-tracker<filename>covid_data/daily_updates/ import os import io import math import requests from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta import pandas as pd from covid_data.models import State, County, Outbreak, OutbreakCumulative from covid_data.utilities import get_datetime_from_str, api_request_from_str # Some functions only work for specific region types (state, county etc) because the data sources used differ """ # Gets all state outbreak data and returns it as json object def get_outbreak_data_by_state(outbreak_state): outbreak_str = "" + outbreak_state.code print(outbreak_str) return api_request_from_str(outbreak_str) # Gets all outbreak data for a specific state on a specified date and returns it as a json object def get_outbreak_data_by_state_and_date(outbreak_state, outbreak_date): outbreak_str = "" + outbreak_state.code + "&date=" + str(outbreak_date).replace("-","") return api_request_from_str(outbreak_str) """ def update_state_outbreak(): state_outbreak_csv_url = "" state_outbreak_csv = requests.get(state_outbreak_csv_url).content outbreak_data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(state_outbreak_csv.decode('utf-8'))) for index, row in outbreak_data.iterrows(): # If state is not a region we track, move to next iteration try: record_state = State.objects.get(code=row['state']) except: continue record_date = get_datetime_from_str(str(row['date'])) # If cases are greater than 99, update or create outbreak record if row['positive'] > 99: daily_cases = row['positiveIncrease'] daily_total_tested = row['totalTestResultsIncrease'] daily_deaths = row['deathIncrease'] if not math.isnan(row['negativeIncrease']): daily_negative_tests = row['negativeIncrease'] else: daily_negative_tests = None if not math.isnan(row['hospitalizedIncrease']): daily_admitted_to_hospital = row['hospitalizedIncrease'] else: daily_admitted_to_hospital = None if not math.isnan(row['hospitalizedCurrently']): daily_hospitalized = row['hospitalizedCurrently'] else: daily_hospitalized = None if not math.isnan(row['inIcuCurrently']): daily_in_icu = row['inIcuCurrently'] else: daily_in_icu = None new_values = {'region': record_state, 'date': record_date, 'cases': daily_cases, 'negative_tests': daily_negative_tests, 'total_tested': daily_total_tested, 'deaths': daily_deaths, 'admitted_to_hospital': daily_admitted_to_hospital, 'hospitalized': daily_hospitalized, 'in_icu': daily_in_icu} state_outbreak, created = Outbreak.objects.update_or_create(region=record_state, date=record_date, defaults=new_values) cumulative_cases = row['positive'] cumulative_total_tested = row['totalTestResults'] if not math.isnan(row['negative']): cumulative_negative_tests = row['negative'] else: cumulative_negative_tests = None if not math.isnan(row['death']): cumulative_deaths = row['death'] else: cumulative_deaths = None if not math.isnan(row['hospitalizedCumulative']): cumulative_hospitalized = row['hospitalizedCumulative'] else: cumulative_hospitalized = None if not math.isnan(row['inIcuCumulative']): cumulative_in_icu = row['inIcuCumulative'] else: cumulative_in_icu = None state_outbreak_cumulative, created = OutbreakCumulative.objects.update_or_create( region=record_state, date=record_date, defaults={ 'cases': cumulative_cases, 'negative_tests': cumulative_negative_tests, 'total_tested': cumulative_total_tested, 'deaths': cumulative_deaths, 'hospitalized': cumulative_hospitalized, 'in_icu': cumulative_in_icu } ) def update_all_state_outbreaks(date_to_update): states = State.objects.all() for state in states: outbreak_json = get_outbreak_data_by_state_and_date(state, date_to_update) update_state_outbreak(outbreak_json) def update_county_outbreak(): url = "" county_data = requests.get(url).content county_data_dataframe = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(county_data.decode('utf-8')), dtype={'fips': 'object'}) for index, row in county_data_dataframe.iterrows(): cases = row['cases'] if cases > 24: record_date = datetime.strptime(row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() county_fips = str(row['fips']) deaths = row['deaths'] try: county = County.objects.get(fips_code=county_fips) outbreak_cumulative_record, created = OutbreakCumulative.objects.update_or_create( region=county, date=record_date, defaults={ 'cases': cases, 'deaths': deaths } ) except: continue try: county = County.objects.get(fips_code=county_fips) day_before = record_date - timedelta(days=1) day_before_df = county_data_dataframe[(county_data_dataframe.fips == county_fips) & ( == str(day_before))] index = day_before_df.index[0] cases = cases - day_before_df['cases'][index] if cases < 0: cases = 0 deaths = deaths - day_before_df['deaths'][index] outbreak_record, created = Outbreak.objects.update_or_create( region=county, date=record_date, defaults={ 'cases': cases, 'deaths': deaths } ) except: continue
<reponame>Kayuii/trezor-crypto # Automatically generated by pb2py # fmt: off import protobuf as p from .TransactionType import TransactionType class TxAck(p.MessageType): MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE = 22 def __init__( self, tx: TransactionType = None, ) -> None: self.tx = tx @classmethod def get_fields(cls): return { 1: ('tx', TransactionType, 0), }
<reponame>MichaelRW/Python-for-Geeks<filename>Chapter11/grades_ms/grades/grades_svc/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Grade
<reponame>Volkova-Natalia/django_rest_auth_embedded from .models import * from .urls import * from .views import * from .integration import *
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: hankcs # Date: 2019-08-24 22:12 from . import rules def ls_resource_in_module(root) -> dict: res = dict() for k, v in root.__dict__.items(): if k.startswith('_') or v == root: continue if isinstance(v, str): if v.startswith('http') and not v.endswith('/') and not v.endswith('#') and not v.startswith('_'): res[k] = v elif type(v).__name__ == 'module': res.update(ls_resource_in_module(v)) if 'ALL' in root.__dict__ and isinstance(root.__dict__['ALL'], dict): root.__dict__['ALL'].update(res) return res
import os import argparse import numpy as np import scipy import imageio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import graphkke.generate_graphs.graph_generation as graph_generation import graphkke.generate_graphs.generate_SDE as generate_SDE parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--input_dir', type=str, default='/home/katerynam/work/data/artificial/test/') parser.add_argument('--n_graphs', type=int, default=500) parser.add_argument('--n_nodes', type=int, default=300) parser.add_argument('--radius', type=float, default=0.6) parser.add_argument('--n_wells', type=int, default=3) parser.add_argument('--out_state', type=int, default=0.1) parser.add_argument('--if_plot', type=bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=7) args = parser.parse_args() def randb(n, b): return b[0] + (b[1] - b[0]) * scipy.rand(1, n) def rand(n, bounds, boxes): d = boxes.size x = np.zeros([d, n]) for i in range(d): x[i, :] = randb(n, bounds[i, :]) return x if __name__ == '__main__': lm = generate_SDE.LemonSlice2D([0.9, 0.9], args.n_graphs, 2, args.n_wells) x = rand(1, np.asarray([[-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]]), np.asarray([10, 10])) sde_traj = np.asarray(lm.sim_determ_system(x[:, 0])) k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=args.n_wells).fit(sde_traj) graph_states = k_means.labels_ # sde_traj = np.load(args.input_dir + 'traj.npy') # graph_states = np.load(args.input_dir + 'graph_states.npy') plt.scatter(sde_traj[:, 0], sde_traj[:, 1], c=graph_states) sim_graph = graph_generation.LemonGraph(args.radius, args.n_graphs, args.n_nodes, graph_states) graphs, images, node_points = sim_graph.create_adj_matrix(sde_traj, args.out_state, args.if_plot) for i, image in enumerate(images): imageio.imwrite(args.input_dir + f'/traj_{i}.png', image) imageio.mimsave(args.input_dir + '/anim.gif', images, fps=2) + 'traj.npy'), sde_traj) + 'graphs.npy'), graphs) + 'graph_states.npy'), graph_states) + 'node_points.npy'), node_points)
<reponame>sebastiantrianac/SoftTLON #!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # A module for create a multi-agent system over Ad-hoc networks # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see []. __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2015, TLON group" __license__ = "LGPL" __version__ = "1.2" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __status__ = "Development" import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager import sys import stomp import dill as pickle import time import MultiPManager.managerImp as managerImp import MultiPManager.brokermq as brokermq import MultiPManager.multiProc as multiProc import socket if sys.version_info[0]<3: import Queue else: import queue IP = '' MANAGER_PORTNUM = 9999 BROKER_PORTNUM = 61613 AUTHKEY = '' global numresults numresults=0 tlon_resources = {} def updateResourceOnSuscribers(resource, conn): msg = pickle.dumps(resource,0) conn.send(destination='/topic/TLONResources', body=msg) def updateOrderOnSuscribers(name, ip, portnum, authkey,conn): tmp = {"resourceName": name, "ip": ip, "portnum": portnum, "authkey": authkey} msg = pickle.dumps(tmp,0) conn.send(destination='/topic/TLONOrders', body=msg) def tlon_sharedJobs(f, set, chunkSize): manager = managerImp.make_server_manager(MANAGER_PORTNUM, AUTHKEY) shared_job_q = manager.get_job_q() shared_result_q = manager.get_result_q() for i in range(0, len(set), chunkSize): print('Putting chunk {}:{} in queue'.format(i, i + chunkSize)) shared_job_q.put(set[i:i + chunkSize]) return manager, shared_job_q, shared_result_q def tlon_parallelize(ipbroker, f, set): try: resultdict = {} N = 102 chunkSize = 10 conn = brokermq.BrokerConnect(ipbroker, BROKER_PORTNUM) updateResourceOnSuscribers(f, conn) manager, shared_job_q, shared_result_q = tlon_sharedJobs(f, set, chunkSize) time.sleep(2) hostname = socket.gethostname() ipsocket = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) updateOrderOnSuscribers(f.__name__, ipsocket, MANAGER_PORTNUM, AUTHKEY, conn) global numresults numresults = 0 #if 1: # multiProc.tlon_multiprocessing(shared_job_q, shared_result_q, f) while numresults < len(set): outdict = shared_result_q.get() #resultdict.update(outdict) numresults += len(outdict) #updateResourceOnSuscribers(f, conn) #for num, result in outdict.iteritems(): #print("{}({}) = {}".format(f.__name__, num, result)) print ('End of Task') except IOError as e: print ("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) except ValueError: print ("Could not convert data to an integer.") finally: time.sleep(2) manager.shutdown() def runclient(ipbroker, threads): # Setting number of threads that are going to attend the request of processing of the network multiProc.setThreads(threads) # Connecting to TLONResource Topic to receive shared resources connResources = brokermq.BrokerConnect(ipbroker, BROKER_PORTNUM) connResources.set_listener('ResourceTopic', brokermq.__resourceTopicListener__()) connResources.subscribe(destination='/topic/TLONResources', id=1, ack='auto') # Connecting to TLONOrders Topic to start executed OoW connOrders = brokermq.BrokerConnect(ipbroker, BROKER_PORTNUM) connOrders.set_listener('OrdersTopic', brokermq.__ordersTopicListener__()) connOrders.subscribe(destination='/topic/TLONOrders', id=2, ack='auto') if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'producer': tlon_parallelize() else: runclient('', 2)
<filename><gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 28 19:51:12 2018 @author: ozkan """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np #from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, LabelEncoder from scipy import stats import gc import GatherTables def one_hot_encoder(df): original_columns = list(df.columns) categorical_columns = [col for col in df.columns if df[col].dtype == 'object'] df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns= categorical_columns, dummy_na= True) new_columns = [c for c in df.columns if c not in original_columns] return df, new_columns def checkTrainTestConsistency(train, test): return (train,test) def AllData_v2(reduce_mem=True): app_data, len_train = GatherTables.getAppData() app_data = GatherTables.generateAppFeatures(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePrev(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handleCreditCard(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuro(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuroBalance(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePosCash(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleInstallments(merged_df) categorical_feats = [f for f in merged_df.columns if merged_df[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: merged_df[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(merged_df[f_]) merged_df.drop('SK_ID_CURR', axis=1, inplace=True) data = merged_df[:len_train] test = merged_df[len_train:] y = data.pop('TARGET') test.drop(['TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) return(data, test, y) def AllData_v3(reduce_mem=True): app_data, len_train = GatherTables.getAppData() app_data = GatherTables.generateAppFeatures(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePrev_v2(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handleCreditCard_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuro_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuroBalance_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePosCash_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleInstallments_v2(merged_df) categorical_feats = [f for f in merged_df.columns if merged_df[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: merged_df[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(merged_df[f_]) merged_df.drop('SK_ID_CURR', axis=1, inplace=True) data = merged_df[:len_train] test = merged_df[len_train:] y = data.pop('TARGET') test.drop(['TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) return(data, test, y) def AllData_v4(reduce_mem=True): app_data, len_train = GatherTables.getAppData() app_data = GatherTables.generateAppFeatures_v4(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePrev_v4(app_data) merged_df = GatherTables.handleCreditCard_v4(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuro_v4(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleBuroBalance_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handlePosCash_v2(merged_df) merged_df = GatherTables.handleInstallments_v2(merged_df) merged_df,cat_cols = one_hot_encoder(merged_df) merged_df.drop('SK_ID_CURR', axis=1, inplace=True) data = merged_df[:len_train] test = merged_df[len_train:] y = data.pop('TARGET') test.drop(['TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) return(data, test, y) def ApplicationBuroBalance(reduce_mem=True): data = pd.read_csv('../input/application_train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('../input/application_test.csv') buro = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau.csv') buro_balance = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau_balance.csv') # Handle Buro Balance buro_balance.loc[buro_balance['STATUS']=='C', 'STATUS'] = '0' buro_balance.loc[buro_balance['STATUS']=='X', 'STATUS'] = '0' buro_balance['STATUS'] = buro_balance['STATUS'].astype('int64') buro_balance_group = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU').agg({'STATUS':['max','mean'], 'MONTHS_BALANCE':'max'}) buro_balance_group.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in buro_balance_group.columns.values] idx = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU')['MONTHS_BALANCE'].transform(max) == buro_balance['MONTHS_BALANCE'] Buro_Balance_Last = buro_balance[idx][['SK_ID_BUREAU','STATUS']] Buro_Balance_Last.rename(columns={'STATUS': 'Buro_Balance_Last_Value'}, inplace=True) Buro_Balance_Last['Buro_Balance_Max'] = Buro_Balance_Last['SK_ID_BUREAU'].map(buro_balance_group['STATUS max']) Buro_Balance_Last['Buro_Balance_Mean'] = Buro_Balance_Last['SK_ID_BUREAU'].map(buro_balance_group['STATUS mean']) Buro_Balance_Last['Buro_Balance_Last_Month'] = Buro_Balance_Last['SK_ID_BUREAU'].map(buro_balance_group['MONTHS_BALANCE max']) # Handle Buro Data def nonUnique(x): return x.nunique() def modeValue(x): return stats.mode(x)[0][0] def totalBadCredit(x): badCredit = 0 for value in x: if(value==2 or value==3): badCredit+=1 return badCredit def creditOverdue(x): overdue=0 for value in x: if(value>0): overdue+=1 return overdue categorical_feats = [f for f in buro.columns if buro[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: buro[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(buro[f_]) categorical_feats = [f for f in data.columns if data[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: data[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(data[f_]) test[f_] = indexer.get_indexer(test[f_]) # Aggregate Values on All Credits buro_group = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').agg({'SK_ID_BUREAU':'count', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM':'sum', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT':'sum', 'CREDIT_CURRENCY': [nonUnique, modeValue], 'CREDIT_TYPE': [nonUnique, modeValue], 'CNT_CREDIT_PROLONG': 'sum', 'CREDIT_ACTIVE': totalBadCredit, 'CREDIT_DAY_OVERDUE': creditOverdue }) buro_group.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in buro_group.columns.values] # Aggregate Values on Active Credits buro_active = buro.loc[buro['CREDIT_ACTIVE']==1] buro_group_active = buro_active.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').agg({'AMT_CREDIT_SUM': ['sum', 'count'], 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT': 'sum', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_LIMIT': 'sum' }) buro_group_active.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in buro_group_active.columns.values] # Getting last credit for each user idx = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR')['SK_ID_BUREAU'].transform(max) == buro['SK_ID_BUREAU'] Buro_Last = buro[idx][['SK_ID_CURR','CREDIT_TYPE','DAYS_CREDIT_UPDATE','DAYS_CREDIT', 'DAYS_CREDIT_ENDDATE','DAYS_ENDDATE_FACT', 'SK_ID_BUREAU']] Buro_Last['Credit_Count'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['SK_ID_BUREAU count']) Buro_Last['Total_Credit_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['AMT_CREDIT_SUM sum']) Buro_Last['Total_Debt_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT sum']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditCurrency'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_CURRENCY nonUnique']) Buro_Last['MostCommonCreditCurrency'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_CURRENCY modeValue']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditType'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_TYPE nonUnique']) Buro_Last['MostCommonCreditType'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_TYPE modeValue']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditProlong'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CNT_CREDIT_PROLONG sum']) Buro_Last['NumberOfBadCredit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_ACTIVE totalBadCredit']) Buro_Last['NumberOfDelayedCredit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_DAY_OVERDUE creditOverdue']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM sum']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Count'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM count']) Buro_Last['Active_Debt_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT sum']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Card_Limit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_LIMIT sum']) Buro_Last['BalanceOnCreditBuro'] = Buro_Last['Active_Debt_Amount'] / Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Amount'] # Merge buro with Buro Balance buro_merged = pd.merge(buro, Buro_Balance_Last, how='left', on='SK_ID_BUREAU') buro_merged = buro_merged[['SK_ID_CURR','SK_ID_BUREAU','Buro_Balance_Last_Value','Buro_Balance_Max', 'Buro_Balance_Mean','Buro_Balance_Last_Month']] buro_merged_group = buro_merged.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').agg(np.mean) buro_merged_group.reset_index(inplace=True) buro_merged_group.drop('SK_ID_BUREAU', axis=1, inplace=True) # Add Tables to main Data data = data.merge(right=Buro_Last.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=Buro_Last.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=buro_merged_group.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=buro_merged_group.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') y = data['TARGET'] data.drop(['SK_ID_CURR','TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) test.drop(['SK_ID_CURR'], axis=1, inplace=True) if(reduce_mem==True): data = reduce_mem_usage(data) test = reduce_mem_usage(test) return(data, test, y) def ApplicationBuro(reduce_mem=True): data = pd.read_csv('../input/application_train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('../input/application_test.csv') buro = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau.csv') def nonUnique(x): return x.nunique() def modeValue(x): return stats.mode(x)[0][0] def totalBadCredit(x): badCredit = 0 for value in x: if(value==2 or value==3): badCredit+=1 return badCredit def creditOverdue(x): overdue=0 for value in x: if(value>0): overdue+=1 return overdue categorical_feats = [f for f in buro.columns if buro[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: buro[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(buro[f_]) categorical_feats = [f for f in data.columns if data[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: data[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(data[f_]) test[f_] = indexer.get_indexer(test[f_]) # Aggregate Values on All Credits buro_group = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').agg({'SK_ID_BUREAU':'count', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM':'sum', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT':'sum', 'CREDIT_CURRENCY': [nonUnique, modeValue], 'CREDIT_TYPE': [nonUnique, modeValue], 'CNT_CREDIT_PROLONG': 'sum', 'CREDIT_ACTIVE': totalBadCredit, 'CREDIT_DAY_OVERDUE': creditOverdue }) buro_group.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in buro_group.columns.values] # Aggregate Values on Active Credits buro_active = buro.loc[buro['CREDIT_ACTIVE']==1] buro_group_active = buro_active.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').agg({'AMT_CREDIT_SUM': ['sum', 'count'], 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT': 'sum', 'AMT_CREDIT_SUM_LIMIT': 'sum' }) buro_group_active.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in buro_group_active.columns.values] # Getting last credit for each user idx = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR')['SK_ID_BUREAU'].transform(max) == buro['SK_ID_BUREAU'] Buro_Last = buro[idx][['SK_ID_CURR','CREDIT_TYPE','DAYS_CREDIT_UPDATE','DAYS_CREDIT', 'DAYS_CREDIT_ENDDATE','DAYS_ENDDATE_FACT']] Buro_Last['Credit_Count'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['SK_ID_BUREAU count']) Buro_Last['Total_Credit_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['AMT_CREDIT_SUM sum']) Buro_Last['Total_Debt_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT sum']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditCurrency'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_CURRENCY nonUnique']) Buro_Last['MostCommonCreditCurrency'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_CURRENCY modeValue']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditType'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_TYPE nonUnique']) Buro_Last['MostCommonCreditType'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_TYPE modeValue']) Buro_Last['NumberOfCreditProlong'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CNT_CREDIT_PROLONG sum']) Buro_Last['NumberOfBadCredit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_ACTIVE totalBadCredit']) Buro_Last['NumberOfDelayedCredit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group['CREDIT_DAY_OVERDUE creditOverdue']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM sum']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Count'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM count']) Buro_Last['Active_Debt_Amount'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_DEBT sum']) Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Card_Limit'] = Buro_Last['SK_ID_CURR'].map(buro_group_active['AMT_CREDIT_SUM_LIMIT sum']) Buro_Last['BalanceOnCreditBuro'] = Buro_Last['Active_Debt_Amount'] / Buro_Last['Active_Credit_Amount'] data = data.merge(right=Buro_Last.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=Buro_Last.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') y = data['TARGET'] data.drop(['SK_ID_CURR','TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) test.drop(['SK_ID_CURR'], axis=1, inplace=True) if(reduce_mem==True): data = reduce_mem_usage(data) test = reduce_mem_usage(test) return(data, test, y) def ApplicationOnly(reduce_mem=True): data = pd.read_csv('../input/application_train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('../input/application_test.csv') categorical_feats = [f for f in data.columns if data[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: data[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(data[f_]) test[f_] = indexer.get_indexer(test[f_]) y = data['TARGET'] data.drop(['SK_ID_CURR','TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) test.drop(['SK_ID_CURR'], axis=1, inplace=True) if(reduce_mem==True): data = reduce_mem_usage(data) test = reduce_mem_usage(test) return(data, test, y) def ApplicationBuroAndPrev(reduce_mem=True): data = pd.read_csv('../input/application_train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('../input/application_test.csv') prev = pd.read_csv('../input/previous_application.csv') buro = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau.csv') categorical_feats = [f for f in data.columns if data[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: data[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(data[f_]) test[f_] = indexer.get_indexer(test[f_]) prev_cat_features = [f_ for f_ in prev.columns if prev[f_].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in prev_cat_features: prev = pd.concat([prev, pd.get_dummies(prev[f_], prefix=f_)], axis=1) cnt_prev = prev[['SK_ID_CURR', 'SK_ID_PREV']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').count() prev['SK_ID_PREV'] = prev['SK_ID_CURR'].map(cnt_prev['SK_ID_PREV']) avg_prev = prev.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean() avg_prev.columns = ['prev_app_' + f_ for f_ in avg_prev.columns] buro_cat_features = [f_ for f_ in buro.columns if buro[f_].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in buro_cat_features: buro = pd.concat([buro, pd.get_dummies(buro[f_], prefix=f_)], axis=1) avg_buro = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean() avg_buro['buro_count'] = buro[['SK_ID_BUREAU','SK_ID_CURR']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').count()['SK_ID_BUREAU'] avg_buro.columns = ['bureau_' + f_ for f_ in avg_buro.columns] data = data.merge(right=avg_prev.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=avg_buro.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_prev.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_buro.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') y = data['TARGET'] data.drop(['SK_ID_CURR','TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) test.drop(['SK_ID_CURR'], axis=1, inplace=True) if(reduce_mem==True): data = reduce_mem_usage(data) test = reduce_mem_usage(test) return(data, test, y) def AllData(reduce_mem=True): data = pd.read_csv('../input/application_train.csv') test = pd.read_csv('../input/application_test.csv') prev = pd.read_csv('../input/previous_application.csv') buro = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau.csv') buro_balance = pd.read_csv('../input/bureau_balance.csv') credit_card = pd.read_csv('../input/credit_card_balance.csv') POS_CASH = pd.read_csv('../input/POS_CASH_balance.csv') payments = pd.read_csv('../input/installments_payments.csv') categorical_feats = [f for f in data.columns if data[f].dtype == 'object'] for f_ in categorical_feats: data[f_], indexer = pd.factorize(data[f_]) test[f_] = indexer.get_indexer(test[f_]) y = data['TARGET'] del data['TARGET'] #Pre-processing buro_balance print('Pre-processing buro_balance...') buro_grouped_size = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU')['MONTHS_BALANCE'].size() buro_grouped_max = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU')['MONTHS_BALANCE'].max() buro_grouped_min = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU')['MONTHS_BALANCE'].min() buro_counts = buro_balance.groupby('SK_ID_BUREAU')['STATUS'].value_counts(normalize = False) buro_counts_unstacked = buro_counts.unstack('STATUS') buro_counts_unstacked.columns = ['STATUS_0', 'STATUS_1','STATUS_2','STATUS_3','STATUS_4','STATUS_5','STATUS_C','STATUS_X',] buro_counts_unstacked['MONTHS_COUNT'] = buro_grouped_size buro_counts_unstacked['MONTHS_MIN'] = buro_grouped_min buro_counts_unstacked['MONTHS_MAX'] = buro_grouped_max buro = buro.join(buro_counts_unstacked, how='left', on='SK_ID_BUREAU') #Pre-processing previous_application print('Pre-processing previous_application...') #One-hot encoding of categorical features in previous application data set prev_cat_features = [pcol for pcol in prev.columns if prev[pcol].dtype == 'object'] prev = pd.get_dummies(prev, columns=prev_cat_features) avg_prev = prev.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean() cnt_prev = prev[['SK_ID_CURR', 'SK_ID_PREV']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').count() avg_prev['nb_app'] = cnt_prev['SK_ID_PREV'] del avg_prev['SK_ID_PREV'] #Pre-processing buro print('Pre-processing buro...') #One-hot encoding of categorical features in buro data set buro_cat_features = [bcol for bcol in buro.columns if buro[bcol].dtype == 'object'] buro = pd.get_dummies(buro, columns=buro_cat_features) avg_buro = buro.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean() avg_buro['buro_count'] = buro[['SK_ID_BUREAU', 'SK_ID_CURR']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').count()['SK_ID_BUREAU'] del avg_buro['SK_ID_BUREAU'] #Pre-processing POS_CASH print('Pre-processing POS_CASH...') le = LabelEncoder() POS_CASH['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] = le.fit_transform(POS_CASH['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'].astype(str)) nunique_status = POS_CASH[['SK_ID_CURR', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').nunique() nunique_status2 = POS_CASH[['SK_ID_CURR', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').max() POS_CASH['NUNIQUE_STATUS'] = nunique_status['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] POS_CASH['NUNIQUE_STATUS2'] = nunique_status2['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] POS_CASH.drop(['SK_ID_PREV', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'], axis=1, inplace=True) #Pre-processing credit_card print('Pre-processing credit_card...') credit_card['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] = le.fit_transform(credit_card['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'].astype(str)) nunique_status = credit_card[['SK_ID_CURR', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').nunique() nunique_status2 = credit_card[['SK_ID_CURR', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS']].groupby('SK_ID_CURR').max() credit_card['NUNIQUE_STATUS'] = nunique_status['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] credit_card['NUNIQUE_STATUS2'] = nunique_status2['NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'] credit_card.drop(['SK_ID_PREV', 'NAME_CONTRACT_STATUS'], axis=1, inplace=True) #Pre-processing payments print('Pre-processing payments...') avg_payments = payments.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean() avg_payments2 = payments.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').max() avg_payments3 = payments.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').min() del avg_payments['SK_ID_PREV'] #Join data bases print('Joining databases...') data = data.merge(right=avg_prev.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_prev.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=avg_buro.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_buro.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(POS_CASH.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean().reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(POS_CASH.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean().reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(credit_card.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean().reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(credit_card.groupby('SK_ID_CURR').mean().reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=avg_payments.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_payments.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=avg_payments2.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_payments2.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') data = data.merge(right=avg_payments3.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') test = test.merge(right=avg_payments3.reset_index(), how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') if(reduce_mem==True): data = reduce_mem_usage(data) test = reduce_mem_usage(test) return(data, test, y) def reduce_mem_usage(df): start_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024**2 print('Memory usage of dataframe is {:.2f} MB'.format(start_mem)) for col in df.columns: col_type = df[col].dtype if col_type != object: c_min = df[col].min() c_max = df[col].max() if str(col_type)[:3] == 'int': if c_min > np.iinfo(np.int8).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int8).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int8) elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int16).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int16).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int16) elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int32).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int32).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int32) elif c_min > np.iinfo(np.int64).min and c_max < np.iinfo(np.int64).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.int64) else: if c_min > np.finfo(np.float16).min and c_max < np.finfo(np.float16).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float16) elif c_min > np.finfo(np.float32).min and c_max < np.finfo(np.float32).max: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float32) else: df[col] = df[col].astype(np.float64) else: df[col] = df[col].astype('category') end_mem = df.memory_usage().sum() / 1024**2 print('Memory usage after optimization is: {:.2f} MB'.format(end_mem)) print('Decreased by {:.1f}%'.format(100 * (start_mem - end_mem) / start_mem)) return df def AllData_v5(reduce_mem=True): df = GatherTables.application_train_test() with GatherTables.timer("Process bureau and bureau_balance"): bureau = GatherTables.bureau_and_balance() print("Bureau df shape:", bureau.shape) df = df.join(bureau, how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') print("Current data shape:", df.shape) del bureau gc.collect() with GatherTables.timer("Process previous_applications"): prev = GatherTables.previous_applications() print("Previous applications df shape:", prev.shape) df = df.join(prev, how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') print("Current data shape:", df.shape) del prev gc.collect() with GatherTables.timer("Process POS-CASH balance"): pos = GatherTables.pos_cash() print("Pos-cash balance df shape:", pos.shape) df = df.join(pos, how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') print("Current data shape:", df.shape) del pos gc.collect() with GatherTables.timer("Process installments payments"): ins = GatherTables.installments_payments() print("Installments payments df shape:", ins.shape) df = df.join(ins, how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') print("Current data shape:", df.shape) del ins gc.collect() with GatherTables.timer("Process credit card balance"): cc = GatherTables.credit_card_balance() print("Credit card balance df shape:", cc.shape) df = df.join(cc, how='left', on='SK_ID_CURR') print("Current data shape:", df.shape) del cc gc.collect() df, new_columns = one_hot_encoder(df) df.drop('SK_ID_CURR', axis=1, inplace=True) data = df[df['TARGET'].notnull()] test = df[df['TARGET'].isnull()] y = data.pop('TARGET') test.drop(['TARGET'], axis=1, inplace=True) return(data, test, y)
<filename>examples/python/ #!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Mon 2 Dec 2013 Script viser import av funksjoner fra numpy og bruk av noen. @author <NAME> """ from numpy import * print 'e^1 =', exp( 1 ) # Eksponentialfunksjonen print 'cos(pi) =', cos( pi ) # Cosinus print 'sqrt(4) =', sqrt( 4 ) # Kvadratrot print 'range(5) =', range(5) # Rekke opp til 4 print 'zeros(5) =', zeros(5) # Tom array med 5 elementer print 'linspace(0,5,5) =', linspace(0,5,5) # Rekke som ikke oeker med 1 """ bruker @ unix $ python e^1 = 2.71828182846 cos(pi) = -1.0 sqrt(4) = 2.0 range(5) = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] zeros(5) = [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.] linspace(0,5,5) = [ 0. 1.25 2.5 3.75 5. ] """
from direct.gui.DirectGui import OnscreenText, DirectButton from panda3d.core import * from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals class DMenuDisclaimer(DirectObject): notify = directNotify.newCategory('DisclaimerScreen') def __init__(self): DirectObject.__init__(self) base.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0) disclaimerText = "Project Altis is a not-for-profit fanmade parody made under Fair Use. Project Altis is not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company and/or the Disney Interactive Media Group (collectively referred to as \"Disney\") by clicking I agree you hereby agree that you acknowledge this fact." self.disclaimer = OnscreenText(text = disclaimerText, font = ToontownGlobals.getMinnieFont(), style = 3, wordwrap = 30, scale = .08, pos = (0, .3, 0)) gui = loader.loadModel('phase_3/models/gui/tt_m_gui_mat_mainGui.bam') yesUp = gui.find('**/tt_t_gui_mat_okUp') yesDown = gui.find('**/tt_t_gui_mat_okDown') noUp = gui.find('**/tt_t_gui_mat_closeUp') noDown = gui.find('**/tt_t_gui_mat_closeDown') self.accept = DirectButton(parent = aspect2d, relief = None, image = (yesUp, yesDown, yesUp), image_scale = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), image1_scale = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), image2_scale = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), text = ('', 'I Agree', 'I Agree'), text_pos=(0, -0.175), text_style = 3, text_scale=0.08, pos = (.4, 0, -.5), command = self.accept) self.deny = DirectButton(parent = aspect2d, relief = None, image = (noUp, noDown, noUp), image_scale = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6), image1_scale = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), image2_scale = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7), text = ('', 'I Disagree', 'I Disagree'), text_pos=(0, -0.175), text_style = 3, text_scale=0.08, pos = (-.4, 0, -.5), command = self.deny) def accept(self): self.disclaimer['text'] = 'Loading...' self.accept.destroy() self.deny.destroy() base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame() messenger.send("AgreeToGame") = True self.disclaimer.removeNode() def deny(self): base.exitFunc()
<gh_stars>10-100 import random from pandac.PandaModules import Point3 from direct.gui.DirectGui import DirectFrame, DirectLabel from direct.fsm import FSM from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from import SoundGlobals from import loadSfx import RepairGlobals MIN_SCALE = 1.5 MAX_SCALE_ADD = 1.0 MAX_SCRUB_AMT = 20.0 class RepairBarnacle(DirectFrame, FSM.FSM): barnacleFallSounds = None def __init__(self, name, barnacleGeom): self.config = RepairGlobals.Careening DirectFrame.__init__(self, parent=None, relief=None) self.barnacleGeom = barnacleGeom FSM.FSM.__init__(self, 'Barnacle_%sFSM' % name) self._initAudio() self._initVars() self._initGUI() return def _initVars(self): self.heat = 0.0 self.hp = 100 self.maxHP = 100 self.currentShake = None self.fallingAnim = None return def _initAudio(self): if not self.barnacleFallSounds: RepairBarnacle.barnacleFallSounds = ( loadSfx(SoundGlobals.SFX_MINIGAME_REPAIR_CAREEN_COMPLETE1), loadSfx(SoundGlobals.SFX_MINIGAME_REPAIR_CAREEN_COMPLETE2), loadSfx(SoundGlobals.SFX_MINIGAME_REPAIR_CAREEN_COMPLETE3), loadSfx(SoundGlobals.SFX_MINIGAME_REPAIR_CAREEN_COMPLETE4), loadSfx(SoundGlobals.SFX_MINIGAME_REPAIR_CAREEN_COMPLETE5)) def _initGUI(self): self.barnacleGeom.reparentTo(self) self.barnacleGeom.setScale(0.6) self.barnacleGeom.setR(random.random() * 360) if self.config.showBarnacleHP: self.hpLabel = DirectLabel(text='', scale=(0.025, 0.025, 0.025), pos=(0.0, 0.0, -0.01), textMayChange=1, parent=self) def destroy(self): if self.currentShake is not None: self.currentShake.clearToInitial() self.currentShake = None del self.currentShake if self.fallingAnim is not None: self.fallingAnim.clearToInitial() self.fallingAnim = None del self.fallingAnim self.cleanup() if self.config.showBarnacleHP: self.hpLabel.destroy() del self.hpLabel DirectFrame.destroy(self) self.barnacleGeom.removeNode() del self.barnacleGeom return def setMaxHP(self, newMaxHP, globalMaxHP): self.maxHP = newMaxHP self.globalMaxHP = globalMaxHP def setHP(self, newHP): self.hp = newHP if self.config.showBarnacleHP: self.hpLabel['text'] = '%i' % self.hp self.hpLabel.setText() if self.hp <= 0.0: self.hp = 0.0 self.request('Falling') self.setScale(self.hp * MAX_SCALE_ADD / self.globalMaxHP + MIN_SCALE) def reduceHP(self, pushDir, powerScale): amount = pushDir.length() pushDir.normalize() self.heat = min(1.0, self.heat + amount) amount *= 50 if amount > MAX_SCRUB_AMT: amount = MAX_SCRUB_AMT amount *= powerScale newHP = self.hp - amount self.setHP(newHP) if self.currentShake is None: self.currentShake = Sequence(LerpPosInterval(self, duration=0.03, pos=(self.getX() - pushDir[0] * (0.01 + amount / 1000.0), self.getY(), self.getZ() - pushDir[1] * (0.01 + amount / 1000.0)), blendType='easeIn'), LerpPosInterval(self, duration=0.06, pos=(self.getX(), self.getY(), self.getZ()), blendType='easeOut'), LerpPosInterval(self, duration=0.04, pos=(self.getX() + pushDir[0] * (0.0075 + amount / 2000.0), self.getY(), self.getZ() + pushDir[1] * (0.005 + amount / 2000.0)), blendType='easeIn'), LerpPosInterval(self, duration=0.08, pos=(self.getX(), self.getY(), self.getZ()), blendType='easeOut'), Func(self.clearCurrentShake)) self.currentShake.start() return def checkCollision(self, mousePosition): sld = Point3(mousePosition.getX(), 0.0, mousePosition.getY()) - self.getPos(render2d) return self.getCurrentOrNextState() == 'Idle' and sld.length() < self.config.barnacleRadius * self.getScale().getX() def clearCurrentShake(self): self.currentShake = None return def enterIdle(self): visibleIndex = random.uniform(0, self.barnacleGeom.getNumChildren() - 1) for i in range(self.barnacleGeom.getNumChildren() - 1): self.barnacleGeom.getChild(i).unstash() newHP = self.maxHP self.heat = 0.0 self.setHP(newHP) self.unstash() def exitIdle(self): pass def enterFalling(self): if self.currentShake is not None: self.currentShake.finish() sound = random.choice(self.barnacleFallSounds) self.fallingAnim = Sequence(LerpPosInterval(self, duration=2.0, pos=(self.getX(), self.getY(), self.getZ() - 2.0), blendType='easeIn'), Func(self.request, 'Clean')) self.fallingAnim.start() return def exitFalling(self): self.stash() def enterClean(self): pass def exitClean(self): pass
<reponame>Lakitna/Onaeri<gh_stars>0 import time import math from . import settings class TimeKeeper: """ Handles timekeeping in timecodes """ def __init__(self, minpertimecode=None, runtime=0, update=True, latestcode=None): self._minPerTimeCode = minpertimecode or settings.Global.minPerTimeCode self.latestCode = latestcode or self.code() self.update = update self.runtime = runtime def tick(self): """ Progress the timekeeper and set update flag on timeCode change. """ if self.latestCode == self.code(): self.update = False else: self.update = True self.runtime += 1 def code(self, h=None, m=None, s=None, dry=False): """ Calculate a new timecode """ if h is None and m is None and s is None: h = time.localtime().tm_hour m = time.localtime().tm_min s = time.localtime().tm_sec if h is None: h = 0 if m is None: m = 0 if s is None: s = 0 if isinstance(h, tuple): if len(h) > 2: s = h[2] if len(h) > 1: m = h[1] h = h[0] ret = math.floor(((h * 60) + m + (s / 60)) / self._minPerTimeCode) if not dry: self.latestCode = ret return ret def timestamp(self, code=None): """ Return the timestring of a timecode """ if code is None: code = self.latestCode minutes = code * self._minPerTimeCode h = math.floor(minutes / 60) m = math.floor(minutes % 60) s = math.floor((minutes % 1) * 60) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Body Weight test cases # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # imports import unittest import tempfile import os import shutil import logging from src.Util.config import Config from src.Util.constants import Constants class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase): """ Class for testing the body weight procedure. """ def setUp(self): """ Initializes unit test variables. """ self.logs_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.file_path = os.path.join(self.logs_dir, 'test_config.ini') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.config = Config(logger=self.logger, output_path=self.logs_dir) self.section = 'OPTIONS' self.option = 'water' def tearDown(self): """ Performs any clean up needed. """ self.connection = None if os.path.exists(self.logs_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.logs_dir) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # read_config_option tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_read_config_option_nominal(self): """ Checks that the default config file is created properly. """ value = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option) self.assertEqual(value, "oz") def test_read_config_option_bad_option(self): """ Attempts to get a bad value in the config file. """ with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as error: self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option="bad") self.assertTrue('bad' in error.exception) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # update_config_option tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_update_config_option_nominal(self): """ Updates a config value to be used in the future. """ value = 'mL' status = self.config.update_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option, value=value) self.assertTrue(status) water_type = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option) self.assertEqual(value, water_type) def test_update_config_retain_unique_values(self): """ Updating an option should keep unaffected values the same when rewriting. """ value = 'mL' status = self.config.update_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option, value=value) self.assertTrue(status) value = '5' status = self.config.update_config_option(section=self.section, option='backup_rate', value=value) self.assertTrue(status) water_type = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option) backup_rate = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option='backup_rate') self.assertEqual(water_type, 'mL') self.assertEqual(backup_rate, '5') def test_update_config_option_bad_section(self): """ Attempts to change a config option with a section that does not exist. """ status = self.config.update_config_option(section='bad', option=self.option, value='mL') self.assertFalse(status) def test_update_config_option_bad_option(self): """ Attempts to change a config option that does not exist. """ status = self.config.update_config_option(section=self.section, option='bad', value='mL') self.assertFalse(status) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check_config_file_values tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_check_config_file_values_nominal(self): """ A new default has been added to a section. Add the default value to an already existing config file. The old config values will remain. """ Constants.config_defaults[self.section]['test'] = 'new' value = 'mL' status = self.config.update_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option, value=value) self.assertTrue(status) self.config.check_config_file_values() added_default = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option='test') self.assertEqual(added_default, 'new') old_value = self.config.read_config_option(section=self.section, option=self.option) self.assertEqual(old_value, 'mL') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # create_backup_database tests # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def test_create_backup_database_nominal(self): """ Creates a backup database when no other backups are present """ pass def test_create_backup_database_already_exists(self): """ Checks for a backup database file, and sees that one has been created within the backup rate. """ pass def test_create_backup_database_needed(self): """ Checks for a backup database file, one does exist, but a new one is needed. """ pass def test_create_backup_database_no_backup_db_folder(self): """ Creates the backup_db folder within the cwd if it does not already exist. """ pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys import cv2 from keras.models import load_model from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import time model = load_model("models/model.h5") def find_faces(image): face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('data/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') face_rects = face_cascade.detectMultiScale( image, scaleFactor = 1.1, minNeighbors = 22 ) return face_rects def load_image(filepath): image = cv2.imread(filepath) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) return image, gray_image def predict(gray_image): face_rects = find_faces(gray_image) for face_rect in face_rects: x, y, w, h = face_rect face = gray_image[y:y+h, x:x+w] face = cv2.resize(face, (48, 48)).reshape((1, 48, 48, 1)) predicted_emotions = model.predict(face)[0] best_emotion = 'happiness' if predicted_emotions[1] > predicted_emotions[0] else 'neutral' # Create a json serializable result yield dict( border = dict( x = float(x), y = float(y), width = float(w), height = float(h), ), prediction = {'happiness': float(predicted_emotions[0]), 'neutral': float(predicted_emotions[1])}, emotion = best_emotion ) def put_text(image, rect, text): x, y, w, h = rect font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX font_scale = h / 30.0 font_thickness = int(round(font_scale * 1.5)) text_size, _ = cv2.getTextSize(text, font, font_scale, font_thickness) center_text_x = x + (w // 2) center_text_y = y + (h // 2) text_w, text_h = text_size lower_left_text_x = center_text_x - (text_w // 2) lower_left_text_y = center_text_y + (text_h // 2) cv2.putText( image, text, (lower_left_text_x, lower_left_text_y), font, font_scale, (0, 255, 0), font_thickness ) def draw_face_info(image, face_info): x = int(face_info['border']['x']) y = int(face_info['border']['y']) w = int(face_info['border']['width']) h = int(face_info['border']['height']) emotion = face_info['emotion'] cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) put_text(image, (x, y, w, h // 5), emotion) def show_image(image, title='Result'): plt.subplot(111), plt.imshow(image), plt.title(title) if __name__ == '__main__': # start time start_time = time.time() image, gray_image = load_image(sys.argv[1]) for face_info in predict(gray_image): print(face_info) draw_face_info(image, face_info) # end time end_time = time.time() show_image(image) response_time = end_time - start_time print(response_time)
<gh_stars>0 import pytest from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from emenu.users.tests.factories import UserFactory @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def media_storage(settings, tmpdir): settings.MEDIA_ROOT = tmpdir.strpath @pytest.fixture def user() -> get_user_model(): # type: ignore return UserFactory()
from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytz from import get_open_case_docs_in_domain from import CaseBlock from import V2 import uuid from xml.etree import ElementTree from corehq.apps.app_manager.const import USERCASE_TYPE from corehq.apps.domain.models import Domain from import DomainES from import filters from corehq.apps.hqcase.utils import submit_case_blocks, get_case_by_domain_hq_user_id from corehq.feature_previews import CALLCENTER from corehq.util.quickcache import quickcache from corehq.util.timezones.conversions import UserTime, ServerTime from dimagi.utils.couch import CriticalSection class DomainLite(namedtuple('DomainLite', 'name default_timezone cc_case_type use_fixtures')): def midnights(self, utcnow=None): """Returns a list containing two datetimes in UTC that corresponds to midnight in the domains timezone on either side of the current UTC datetime. i.e. [<previous midnight in TZ>, <next midnight in TZ>] >>> d = DomainLite('', 'Asia/Kolkata', '', True) >>> d.midnights(datetime(2015, 8, 27, 18, 30, 0 )) [datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 26, 18, 30), datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 27, 18, 30)] >>> d.midnights(datetime(2015, 8, 27, 18, 31, 0 )) [datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 27, 18, 30), datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 28, 18, 30)] """ utcnow = utcnow or datetime.utcnow() tz = pytz.timezone(self.default_timezone) current_time_tz = ServerTime(utcnow).user_time(tz).done() midnight_tz1 = current_time_tz.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) midnight_tz_utc1 = UserTime(midnight_tz1).server_time().done() midnight_tz_utc2 = midnight_tz_utc1 + timedelta(days=(1 if midnight_tz_utc1 < utcnow else -1)) return sorted([midnight_tz_utc1, midnight_tz_utc2]) CallCenterCase = namedtuple('CallCenterCase', 'case_id hq_user_id') def sync_user_case(commcare_user, case_type, owner_id): """ Each time a CommCareUser is saved this method gets called and creates or updates a case associated with the user with the user's details. This is also called to create user cases when the usercase is used for the first time. """ with CriticalSection(['user_case_%s_for_%s' % (case_type, commcare_user._id)]): domain = commcare_user.project def valid_element_name(name): try: ElementTree.fromstring('<{}/>'.format(name)) return True except ElementTree.ParseError: return False # remove any keys that aren't valid XML element names fields = {k: v for k, v in commcare_user.user_data.items() if valid_element_name(k)} # language or phone_number can be null and will break # case submission fields.update({ 'name': or commcare_user.raw_username, 'username': commcare_user.raw_username, 'email':, 'language': commcare_user.language or '', 'phone_number': commcare_user.phone_number or '' }) case = get_case_by_domain_hq_user_id(, commcare_user._id, case_type) close = commcare_user.to_be_deleted() or not commcare_user.is_active caseblock = None if case: props = dict(case.dynamic_case_properties()) changed = close != case.closed changed = changed or case.type != case_type changed = changed or != fields['name'] changed = changed or case.owner_id != owner_id if not changed: for field, value in fields.items(): if field != 'name' and props.get(field) != value: changed = True break if changed: caseblock = CaseBlock( create=False, case_id=case._id, owner_id=owner_id, case_type=case_type, close=close, update=fields ) else: fields['hq_user_id'] = commcare_user._id caseblock = CaseBlock( create=True, case_id=uuid.uuid4().hex, owner_id=owner_id, user_id=owner_id, case_type=case_type, update=fields ) if caseblock: casexml = ElementTree.tostring(caseblock.as_xml()) submit_case_blocks(casexml, def sync_call_center_user_case(user): domain = user.project if domain and domain.call_center_config.enabled: owner_id = domain.call_center_config.case_owner_id if domain.call_center_config.use_user_location_as_owner: owner_id = user.location_id sync_user_case( user, domain.call_center_config.case_type, owner_id ) def sync_usercase(user): domain = user.project if domain and domain.usercase_enabled: sync_user_case( user, USERCASE_TYPE, user.get_id ) def is_midnight_for_domain(midnight_form_domain, error_margin=15, current_time=None): current_time = current_time or datetime.utcnow() diff = current_time - midnight_form_domain return diff.days >= 0 and diff < timedelta(minutes=error_margin) def get_call_center_domains(): result = ( DomainES() .is_active() .is_snapshot(False) .filter(filters.term('call_center_config.enabled', True)) .fields(['name', 'default_timezone', 'call_center_config.case_type', 'call_center_config.use_fixtures']) .run() ) def to_domain_lite(hit): return DomainLite( name=hit['name'], default_timezone=hit['default_timezone'], cc_case_type=hit.get('call_center_config.case_type', ''), use_fixtures=hit.get('call_center_config.use_fixtures', True) ) return [to_domain_lite(hit) for hit in result.hits] def get_call_center_cases(domain_name, case_type, user=None): all_cases = [] if user: docs = (doc for owner_id in user.get_owner_ids() for doc in get_open_case_docs_in_domain(domain_name, case_type, owner_id=owner_id)) else: docs = get_open_case_docs_in_domain(domain_name, case_type) for case_doc in docs: hq_user_id = case_doc.get('hq_user_id', None) if hq_user_id: all_cases.append(CallCenterCase( case_id=case_doc['_id'], hq_user_id=hq_user_id )) return all_cases @quickcache(['domain']) def get_call_center_case_type_if_enabled(domain): if CALLCENTER.enabled(domain): return Domain.get_by_name(domain).call_center_config.case_type
SRM_TO_HEX = { "0": "#FFFFFF", "1": "#F3F993", "2": "#F5F75C", "3": "#F6F513", "4": "#EAE615", "5": "#E0D01B", "6": "#D5BC26", "7": "#CDAA37", "8": "#C1963C", "9": "#BE8C3A", "10": "#BE823A", "11": "#C17A37", "12": "#BF7138", "13": "#BC6733", "14": "#B26033", "15": "#A85839", "16": "#985336", "17": "#8D4C32", "18": "#7C452D", "19": "#6B3A1E", "20": "#5D341A", "21": "#4E2A0C", "22": "#4A2727", "23": "#361F1B", "24": "#261716", "25": "#231716", "26": "#19100F", "27": "#16100F", "28": "#120D0C", "29": "#100B0A", "30": "#050B0A" } WATER_L_PER_GRAIN_KG = 2.5 MAIN_STYLES = { "1": "LIGHT LAGER", "2": "PILSNER", "3": "EUROPEAN AMBER LAGER", "4": "DARK LAGER", "5": "BOCK", "6": "LIGHT HYBRID BEER", "7": "AMBER HYBRID BEER", "8": "ENGLISH PALE ALE", "9": "SCOTTISH AND IRISH ALE", "10": "AMERICAN ALE", "11": "ENGLISH BROWN ALE", "12": "PORTER", "13": "STOUT", "14": "INDIA PALE ALE (IPA)", "15": "GERMAN WHEAT AND RYE BEER", "16": "BELGIAN AND FRENCH ALE", "17": "SOUR ALE", "18": "BELGIAN STRONG ALE", "19": "STRONG ALE", "20": "FRUIT BEER", "21": "SPICE / HERB / VEGETABLE BEER", "22": "SMOKE-FLAVORED AND WOOD-AGED BEER", "23": "SPECIALTY BEER", "24": "TRADITIONAL MEAD", "25": "MELOMEL (FRUIT MEAD)", "26": "OTHER MEAD", "27": "STANDARD CIDER AND PERRY", "28": "SPECIALTY CIDER AND PERRY" }
from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify from api.models.user_model import User, UserPasswords, db from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt user_bp = Blueprint('user_bp', __name__) def validate_register_fields(req): data = req.get_json(silent=True) fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password'] for f in fields: if f not in data: return False return True @user_bp.route('/test', methods=['POST']) def test(): return f'{validate_register_fields(request)}' @user_bp.route('/register', methods=['POST']) def register(): if validate_register_fields(request): data = request.get_json(silent=True) first_name = data['first_name'] last_name = data['last_name'] email = data['email'] digest = data['password'] user = User( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, ) try: db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() except Exception as e: return(str(e)) try: user_pw = UserPasswords(, digest=digest ) db.session.add(user_pw) db.session.commit() return jsonify(user.serialize()), 201 except Exception as e: return str(e) else: return jsonify(error='missing required fields with a hot reload!'), 400
<filename>webtool/server/models/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models from .mixins import SeasonsMixin from .time_base import TimeMixin from . import fields class EquipmentManager(models.Manager): def get_by_natural_key(self, code): return self.get(code=code) class Equipment(SeasonsMixin, TimeMixin, models.Model): objects = EquipmentManager() code = models.CharField( 'Kurzzeichen', unique=True, max_length=10, help_text="Kurzzeichen für die Ausrüstung", ) name = fields.NameField( 'Bezeichnung', help_text="Bezeichnung der Ausrüstung", ) description = fields.DescriptionField( 'Beschreibung', help_text="Beschreibung der Ausrüstung", ) default = models.BooleanField( 'Die initiale Ausrüstung', blank=True, default=False ) def natural_key(self): return self.code, natural_key.dependencies = ['server.season'] def __str__(self): return "{} ({})".format(, self.code) class Meta: get_latest_by = "updated" verbose_name = "Ausrüstung" verbose_name_plural = "Ausrüstungen" unique_together = ('code', 'name') ordering = ('code', )
<filename>frameworks/Python/spyne/ #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import json from spyne import AnyUri, Unicode, ComplexModel, M, UnsignedInteger16, Array from spyne.protocol.json import JsonDocument from spyne.util.dictdoc import get_object_as_dict class BenchmarkConfigElement(ComplexModel): # exclude this from the output document key = Unicode(pa={JsonDocument: dict(exc=True)}) display_name = M(Unicode) notes = Unicode versus = Unicode db_url = AnyUri json_url = AnyUri query_url = AnyUri fortune_url = AnyUri update_url = AnyUri plaintext_url = AnyUri port = M(UnsignedInteger16(default=8080)) approach = M(Unicode(values=['Realistic', 'Stripped'], default='Realistic')) classification = M(Unicode(values=['Micro', 'Fullstack', 'Platform'], default='Micro')) database = M(Unicode(values=['none', 'mongodb', 'postgres', 'mysql'], default='none')) orm = M(Unicode(values=['Full', 'Micro', 'None', 'Raw'])) framework = M(Unicode) language = M(Unicode) flavor = M(Unicode) platform = M(Unicode) webserver = M(Unicode) os = M(Unicode(default='Linux')) database_os = M(Unicode(default='Linux')) class BenchmarkConfig(ComplexModel): framework = M(Unicode) tests = Array(BenchmarkConfigElement, wrapped=False) gen_raw_test = lambda: BenchmarkConfigElement( display_name="Spyne RAW", db_url="/dbsraw", query_url="/dbraw?queries=", fortune_url="/fortunesraw", update_url="/raw-updates?queries=", orm='Raw', ) gen_normal_test = lambda: BenchmarkConfigElement( display_name="Spyne ORM", db_url="/dbs", query_url="/db?queries=", fortune_url="/fortunes", update_url="/updatesraw?queries=", orm='Full', ) def add_common(bc): bc.port = 8080 bc.approach = "Realistic" bc.classification = "Micro" bc.database = "postgres" bc.framework = "spyne" bc.language = "Python" bc.platform = "Spyne" bc.webserver = "None" bc.os = "Linux" bc.database_os = "Linux" bc.versus = "wsgi" bc.plaintext_url = "/plaintext" return bc config = BenchmarkConfig(framework='spyne', tests=[]) keys = iter(['default', 'raw', 'py3orm', 'py3raw']) for flav in ['CPython', 'Python3']: bc = add_common(gen_normal_test()) bc.flavor = flav bc.key = next(keys) config.tests.append(bc) bc = add_common(gen_raw_test()) bc.flavor = flav bc.key = next(keys) config.tests.append(bc) data = get_object_as_dict(config, complex_as=dict) data['tests'] = [{d['key']: d} for d in data['tests']] data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) open('benchmark_config.json', 'wb').write(data) print(data)
<reponame>Forcide/ApacheParser from modules import menu, hosts, logMail, status, webpagina, zoekInLog def main(): """" Dit is de start file/functie van het programma, hierin worden alle modules geladen en zo nodig uitgevoerd. Het menu wordt gestart en de keuze wordt verwezen naar een van de modules. Geimporteerde modules: - menu - hosts - logMail - status - webpagina - zoekInLog """ keuze = if keuze == 1: logMail.logMail() elif keuze == 2: webpagina.bezochteWebpagina() elif keuze == 3: hosts.uniekeHosts() elif keuze == 4: status.aantalStatus() elif keuze == 5: zoekInLog.zoekInLog() elif keuze == 6: exit() hoofdmenu = menu.menuAfsluiten() if hoofdmenu == 'J': main() elif hoofdmenu == 'N': exit() main()
#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from past.builtins import basestring import sys import numpy as np import moby2 trace = moby2.util.log.logger.trace # transitional... _fp_formats = { 'det_uid': '%4d', 'ok': '%1d', 'x0': '%9.6f', 'x0_err': '%9.6f', 'y0': '%9.6f', 'y0_err': '%9.6f', 'tau': '%8.5f', 'tau_err': '%8.5f', 'h': '%.4e', 'w': '%9.6f', 'sn': '%9.1f', 'base': '%.5e', 'n_obs': '%3d', } _fp_fields = ['ok', 'x0', 'x0_err', 'y0', 'y0_err', 'tau', 'tau_err', 'h', 'w', 'sn', 'base', 'n_obs'] _fp_columns_format_str = ' '.join(['{%s:%s}'%(k, _fp_formats[k][1:]) for k in _fp_fields]) + '\n' class FPFitFile(moby2.detectors._SimpleDetData): fields = _fp_fields dtypes = {'ok': bool, 'n_obs': int} columns_format_str = _fp_columns_format_str xcfs = '{det_uid:4d} {ok:1d} '\ '{x0:9.6f} {x0_err:9.6f} {y0:9.6f} {y0_err:9.6f} '\ '{tau:8.5f} {tau_err:8.5f} '\ '{h:.4e} {w:9.6f} {sn:9.1f} {n_obs:3d}\n' header = '# det_uid ok x0 x0_err y0 y0_err '\ 'tau tau_err h w sn n_obs' def __init__(self, det_uid=None): if det_uid is not None: self.det_uid = np.array(det_uid, dtype='int64') n = len(det_uid) for f in self.fields: setattr(self, f, np.zeros(n, self.dtypes.get(f, 'float64'))) def __repr__(self): name = repr(self.__class__) return '%s with %i det_uid for fields ' % (name, len(self.det_uid)) + \ ','.join(self.fields) def update_row(self, row, data): for k in self.fields: if k in data: getattr(self, k)[row] = data[k] @classmethod def from_columns_file(cls, filename): data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=1) det_uid = data[0].astype('int') self = cls(det_uid) self.ok = data[1].astype('int').astype('bool') if len(data[2:]) == 11: self.x0, self.x0_err, self.y0, self.y0_err, self.tau, self.tau_err, self.h, self.w,, self.base, self.n_obs = data[2:] elif len(data[2:-1]) == 9: self.x0, self.x0_err, self.y0, self.y0_err, self.tau, self.tau_err, self.h, self.w, = data[2:-1] self.base = 0 * self.w elif len(data[2:-1]) == 8: self.x0, self.x0_err, self.y0, self.y0_err, self.tau, self.tau_err, self.h, = data[2:-1] self.w = 0 * self.x0 self.base = 0 * self.x0 elif len(data[2:-1]) == 4: self.x0, self.x0_err, self.y0, self.y0_err = data[2:-1] self.base = 0 else: raise ValueError("Strange number of columns in %s" % filename) self.n_obs = data[-1].astype('int') return self @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): if filename.endswith('fits') or filename.endswith('fits.gz'): return cls.from_fits_table(filename) return cls.from_columns_file(filename) # This supercedes _SimpleDetData.write def write(self, filename, format=None): if format is None: if filename.endswith('fits') or filename.endswith('fits.gz'): format = 'fits' else: format = 'txt' data = [('det_uid', self.det_uid)] for k in self.fields: v = getattr(self, k) if v.dtype == bool: v = v.astype('int8') data.append((k, v)) odb = moby2.util.StructDB.from_data(data,formats=_fp_formats) if format == 'fits': odb.to_fits_table(filename) elif format == 'txt': odb.to_column_file(filename) else: raise ValueError("Unknown format request, %s." % format) def write_reduced(self, filename, scale_amp=1.): format = 'txt' if filename.endswith('.fits') or filename.endswith('.fits.gz'): format = 'fits' s = self.ok.astype(bool) # det_uid peak_DAC SN tau data = [('det_uid', self.det_uid[s]), ('peak_dac', self.h[s] * scale_amp), ('time_const', self.tau[s]), ('sn',[s]), ] odb = moby2.util.StructDB.from_data( data, formats={'peak_dac': '%12.3f', 'time_const': '%12.5f', 'sn': '%12.3f'}) if format == 'txt': odb.to_column_file(filename) elif format == 'fits': odb.to_fits_table(filename) @classmethod def from_focal_plane(cls, fp): """ Initialize from a FocalPlane object. """ self = cls(fp.det_uid) self.x0 = fp.x.copy() self.y0 = fp.y.copy() self.ok = fp.mask.copy() zeros = np.zeros(self.ok.shape) self.tau, self.h, self.w = zeros.copy(), zeros.copy(), zeros.copy() self.base = zeros return self @classmethod def combine_fits(cls, fits, template=None, params={}): """ Combine fits by shifting each one to match a template, and averaging the good fits for each detector. If a template is not provided, match to the first one. """ trace(1, 'Fitting and averaging %i fits' % len(fits)) if template is None: template = fits[0] # Start by shifting each fit to match the template. orig_fits, fits = fits, [] fitter = FPTemplateFitter() fitter.set_template(template) fit_params = {'shift': True, 'rotation': False} fit_params.update(params) fit_results = [None for fi in range(len(orig_fits))] for fi,f0 in enumerate(orig_fits): if f0.ok.sum() < params.get('min_dets', 50): trace(2, 'Discarding fit with only %i good fits' % f0.ok.sum()) continue ok, result =, fit_params) if not ok: trace(2, 'Discarding fit due to failed template match') continue f1 = f0.copy() f1.x0 += result[0] f1.y0 += result[1] fits.append(f1) fit_results[fi] = result trace(1, 'Cut %i of %i fits (increase verbosity to see why).' % \ (len(orig_fits) - len(fits), len(orig_fits))) if len(fits) == 0: return None, None print([len(f.det_uid) for f in fits]) n_det_uid = max([f.det_uid.max() for f in fits]) + 1 output = cls(np.arange(n_det_uid)) output.ok[:] = False ARCMIN = np.pi/180/60 trace(1, 'Combining data for %i detectors' % n_det_uid) for uid in output.det_uid: ok = np.array([f.get_property('ok', det_uid=uid)[1] for f in fits]) x, y, tau = np.transpose([f.get_property(['x0','y0','tau'], det_uid=uid)[1] for f in fits]) for _x in [x, y, tau]: # Yes, this happens... ok *= ~np.isnan(_x) * ~np.isinf(_x) x, y, tau = [_x[ok] for _x in [x,y,tau]] if ok.sum() < params.get('min_obs', 1): trace(2, 'Discarding det_uid=%i due to only %i contributors' % (uid, ok.sum())) continue # Majority rules. x0, y0 = np.median(x), np.median(y) for iteration in [0,1,2]: d0 = ((x - x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)**.5 s0 = d0 < params.get('max_separation', 1)*ARCMIN if s0.sum() == 0: break x0, y0 = x[s0].mean(), y[s0].mean() if s0.sum() <= 0: trace(2, 'Discarding det_uid=%i due to only %i items in '\ ' combination' % (uid, s0.sum())) continue vals = { 'x0': x0, 'y0': y0, 'x0_err': x[s0].std(), 'y0_err': y[s0].std(), 'tau': tau[s0].mean(), 'tau_err': tau[s0].std(), 'n_obs': s0.sum(), 'ok': s0.sum() >= params.get('min_obs', 1) } output.update_row(uid, vals) trace(2, 'Result for det_uid=%i' % uid) for k in ['x0', 'y0', 'tau']: trace(2, ' %s = %10.5f +- %10.5f' % (k, vals[k], vals[k+'_err'])) return output, fit_results def plot_positions(self, filename, auto_zoom=True, params={}, title='', fig=None): import pylab as pl if fig is None: pl.figure() pl.gcf().set_size_inches(6., 6.) else: pl.figure(fig.number) s = self.ok if s.sum() == 0: pl.title(title + ' - no good fits') pl.savefig(filename) pl.clf() units = params.get('units', 'deg') scale = {'rad': 1., 'deg': 180/np.pi, 'arcmin': 60*180/np.pi}[units] x, y = self.x0[s]*scale, self.y0[s]*scale x0, y0 = np.median(x), np.median(y) r = ((x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2)**.5 window = np.median(r)*3 inside = r < params.get('zoom', scale*window) pl.scatter(x, y, alpha=0.5) if params.get('limits') is None: if np.any(inside): for vect,limiter in [(x,pl.xlim), (y,pl.ylim)]: lo, hi = limiter() lo = min(lo, vect[inside].min()) hi = max(hi, vect[inside].max()) limiter(lo, hi) else: xlims, ylims = params['limits'] pl.xlim(*xlims), pl.ylim(*ylims) pl.title(title + ' - %i dets outside window' % (~inside).sum()) pl.xlabel('X (%s)' % units) pl.ylabel('Y (%s)' % units) def smart_locate(ax, n_max, bases=[1,2,5]): x0, x1 = ax.get_view_interval() if x1 == x0: return delta = (x1-x0) / (n_max-1) # Find smallest base and p such delta < base*10^p log_spacing = min([ np.ceil(np.log10(delta) - np.log10(b)) + np.log10(b) for b in bases]) loc = pl.MultipleLocator(10**log_spacing) ax.set_major_locator(loc) smart_locate(pl.gca().xaxis, 6) smart_locate(pl.gca().yaxis, 9) pl.savefig(filename) pl.clf() pl.figure() def plot_rowcol_summaries(self, filename, array_data): import pylab as pl def x_eyes(bads=None): # Mark bad fits with an x. if bads is None: bads = ~s pl.scatter(cols[bads], rows[bads], marker='x', edgecolor='gray') def limit_args(data, kw={}): lo, hi = data.min(), data.max() if s.sum() > 1: lo, hi = data[s].min(), data[s].max() if hi == lo: hi = lo + 1 kw.update({'vmin': lo, 'vmax': hi}) return kw def bin(data, dtype='float'): out = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols), dtype) out[rows, cols] = data return out def imshow_reformat(): # Tighten boundaries, add labels... pl.xlabel('Column') pl.ylabel('Row') pl.xlim(-0.5, n_cols-0.5) pl.ylim(-0.5, n_rows-0.5) s = self.ok rows, cols = array_data.get_property(['row', 'col'], det_uid=self.det_uid) n_rows, n_cols = rows.max()+1, cols.max()+1 # Init plotting pl.figure() pl.gcf().set_size_inches(6., 6.) pl.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.95, top=.95, bottom=.1, hspace=.2, wspace=.3) title_fs = 12 # Time constants... # pl.subplot(2,2,1) z = self.tau * 1e3 pl.imshow(bin(z), interpolation='nearest', **limit_args(z)) pl.colorbar() x_eyes() pl.title('Time constants (ms)', fontsize=title_fs) imshow_reformat() pl.subplot(2,2,2) z = self.tau_err * 1e3 pl.imshow(bin(z), interpolation='nearest', **limit_args(z)) pl.colorbar() x_eyes() pl.title('Time constant errors (ms)', fontsize=title_fs) imshow_reformat() if self.ok.sum() > 10: pl.subplot(2,2,3) pl.hist(self.tau[self.ok]*1e3, bins=20) #min(20,self.ok.sum()//10) pl.xlabel('Time constant (ms)') pl.ylabel('N_dets') pl.subplot(2,2,4) pl.hist(self.tau_err[self.ok]*1e3, bins=self.ok.sum()//10) pl.xlabel('Time constant errors (ms)') pl.ylabel('N_dets') pl.savefig(filename+'time_const.png') pl.clf() # Positions and stuff # for i in [0,1]: pl.subplot(2,2,1+i) z = {0: self.x0_err, 1:self.y0_err}[i] z = z * 180*3600/np.pi # to arcseconds pl.imshow(bin(z), interpolation='nearest', **limit_args(z)) pl.colorbar() x_eyes() imshow_reformat() pl.title('%s position RMS' % {0: 'X', 1: 'Y'}[i], fontsize=title_fs) pl.subplot(2,2,3) z = self.n_obs pl.imshow(bin(z), interpolation='nearest') pl.colorbar() imshow_reformat() pl.title('N_obs', fontsize=title_fs) pl.savefig(filename+'positions.png') pl.clf() # Destroy our subplot adjustments pl.figure() class FPTemplateFitter: """ Class for shift/rotate/shearing a template FPFitFile to match a target FPFitFile. After initializing, set the template to use: fitter = FPTemplateFitter() fitter.set_template(my_template_fp) ok, params = Those params are stored internally, so you can get the model FP: model_for_target = fitter.get_modeled(my_target_fp) """ param_names = ['dx', 'dy', 'theta', 'scale', 'shear_theta', 'shear_scale'] formats = {'dx': '%9.6f', 'dy': '%9.6f', 'scale': '%11.4e', 'n_dets': '%4i', 'theta': '%9.6f', 'shear_scale': '%11.4e', 'shear_theta': '%9.6f', } @classmethod def from_params(cls, opts, tod_info=None): if '_execcfg' in opts: tod_id = moby2.scripting.products.get_tod_id(tod_info=tod_info) ic = moby2.scripting.execcfg.InputChooser() opts1 = ic.get_config(opts['_execcfg'], tod_id=tod_id) for k,v in list(opts1.items()): if not k in opts: opts[k] = v if 'depot' in opts: depot = moby2.scripting.get_depot(opts['depot']) if not 'structure' in opts: opts['structure'] = '{tag}' filename = depot.get_full_path(**opts) else: filename = opts['filename'] trace(2, 'Loading as template: %s' % filename) load_args = opts['column_def'] pos_data = moby2.util.StructDB.from_column_file(filename, load_args) r = opts.get('template_rescale', (1.,1.)) if 'ok' in pos_data.dtype.names: mask = (pos_data['ok'].astype(int) != 0) else: mask = np.ones(pos_data['x'].shape, bool) template_fits = FPFitFile(det_uid=pos_data['det_uid'][mask]) template_fits.x0[:] = pos_data['x'][mask] * r[0] template_fits.y0[:] = pos_data['y'][mask] * r[1] template_fits.ok[:] = True self = cls() self.set_template(template_fits) return self def set_template(self, template): self.template = template self.pivot = self.template.x0[self.template.ok].mean(), \ self.template.y0[self.template.ok].mean() @staticmethod def _rotate(theta, x, y): c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) return x*c - y*s, y*c + x*s def model(self, params, x=None, y=None): """ Shift, rotate, shear the current template according to params dict. Return the resulting offsets (x, y). """ dx, dy, theta, scale, sh_theta, sh_scale = params scale, sh_scale = np.exp(scale), np.exp(sh_scale) # Shift away array center and rescale if x is None: tp = self.template x, y = tp.x0, tp.y0 out_x, out_y = scale*(x - self.pivot[0]), scale*(y - self.pivot[1]) # Shear out_x, out_y = self._rotate(+sh_theta, out_x, out_y) out_x *= sh_scale out_x, out_y = self._rotate(-sh_theta, out_x, out_y) # Rotate out_x, out_y = self._rotate(theta, out_x, out_y) # Restore array center and apply additional shift. return out_x + self.pivot[0] - dx, out_y + self.pivot[1] - dy def model_inverse(self, params, out_x, out_y): """ Inverse of self.model. Keep it up to date! """ dx, dy, theta, scale, sh_theta, sh_scale = params scale, sh_scale = np.exp(scale), np.exp(sh_scale) # Remove additional shift. x, y = out_x - self.pivot[0] + dx, out_y - self.pivot[1] + dy # Unrotate x, y = self._rotate(-theta, x, y) # Unshear x, y = self._rotate(+sh_theta, x, y) x /= sh_scale x, y = self._rotate(-sh_theta, x, y) x, y = x/scale + self.pivot[0], y/scale + self.pivot[1] return x, y def fit(self, fp, params, trace_level=0): """ Fit positions to a template, which is also an FPFitFile but may represent different det_uid. 'params' should be a dict like this one: params = { 'shift': True, 'rotation': True, 'scale': True, 'shear': True, } Returns (ok, params). The fitted_template has the same det_uid as self. """ template = self.template # Get mask of items that are ok in both the template and fits fp_ok = fp.ok.astype('bool').copy() _, temp_ok = template.get_property('ok', fp.det_uid) fp_ok *= temp_ok # Get the template and fits positions for those ok items _, x0 = template.get_property('x0', fp.det_uid[fp_ok]) _, y0 = template.get_property('y0', fp.det_uid[fp_ok]) x1, y1 = fp.x0[fp_ok], fp.y0[fp_ok] self.A = x0,y0 self.B = x1,y1 # Identify parameters we want to vary free_params = [params.get('shift', True)]*2 free_params.append(params.get('rotation', True)) free_params.append(params.get('scale', False)) free_params.extend([params.get('shear', False)]*2) if fp.ok.sum() == 0: trace(trace_level+0, 'No items for template fit') self.result = False, [0. for f in free_params] return self.result trace(trace_level+0, 'Fitting template using %i items' % fp_ok.sum()) # Start fit with shift based on mean displacement params0 = [x1.mean()-self.pivot[0], y1.mean()-self.pivot[1], 0., 0., 0., 0.] trace(trace_level+1, 'Starting parameters: %s' % str(params0)) trace(trace_level+1, 'Free parameters: %s' % str(free_params)) def fit_chi2(params): x_model, y_model = self.model(params, x0, y0) var = (x1 - x_model)**2 + (y1 - y_model)**2 #return var.sum() # Attenuate contribution of outliers? Not clear this works... mvar = np.median(var) var_roll = var * (10*mvar / (10*mvar + var)) return var_roll.sum() # Minimize... start with position or all is lost. params1 = params0 for iters in [0,1]: for free_mask in [ # Fit position only... [True , True , False, False, False, False], # Fit rotation and scale [False, False, True , True , False, False], # Fit skew [False, False, False, False, True , True ], # Fit skew and position [True , True , False, False, True , True ], # Let everything float [True , True , True , True , True , True ]]: free = np.array(free_params) * free_mask if free.sum() > 0: params1 = moby2.util.fitting.multi_fmin( fit_chi2, params1, free=free, disp=0, xtol=1e-6, ftol=1e-6) trace(trace_level+2, 'params snapshot: %s' % str(params1)) trace(trace_level+1, 'Final parameters: %s' % str(params1)) self.result = True, params1 return self.result def check_result(self, opts): """ Check self.result against ranges passed in by user. User passes in a dict with keys like "<name>_range", where <name> is one of self.param_names. The values are the range (lo, hi) of acceptable values. If any range checks fail, the function returns false. """ ok, params = self.result if not ok: return False for k, v in zip(self.param_names, params): k = '%s_range' % k if not k in opts: continue if not ((opts[k][0] <= v) and (v < opts[k][1])): return False return True def get_modeled(self, det_uid=None): """ Return a FPFitFile with the modeled detector positions. Pass in the desired det_uid, or the template det_uid will be used. """ if det_uid is None: det_uid = self.det_uid matched = FPFitFile(det_uid=det_uid) _, ok = self.template.get_property('ok', matched.det_uid) _, x0 = self.template.get_property('x0', matched.det_uid) _, y0 = self.template.get_property('y0', matched.det_uid) matched.ok = ok params = self.result[1] matched.x0, matched.y0 = self.model(params, x0, y0) return matched def make_plots(self, fp, modeled, plot_prefix='./', title=None): """ Show fit quality in a few plots. """ import pylab as pl def sane_axes(): fig.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(pl.MaxNLocator(4)) fig.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(pl.MaxNLocator(5)) fig.gca().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') DEG = 180./np.pi fig = pl.figure() fig.set_size_inches(8., 4.) pl.subplots_adjust(left=.1, right=.98, top=.85, bottom=.1, hspace=.2, wspace=.3) pl.subplot(121) tp = self.template s, x, y = tp.ok, tp.x0, tp.y0 pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], marker='o', s=4, alpha=.5) pl.xlabel('X') pl.ylabel('Y') pl.title('Input template') sane_axes() # The model positions pl.subplot(122) s, x, y = modeled.ok, modeled.x0 * DEG, modeled.y0 * DEG pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], alpha=.2) # And the fit positions s, x, y = fp.ok, fp.x0 * DEG, fp.y0 * DEG pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], marker='x') # Now connect them with lines... u = fp.det_uid[s] ok1, (x1, y1) = modeled.get_property(['x0','y0'], det_uid=u) x, y = x[s], y[s] for i in ok1.nonzero()[0]: pl.plot([x1[i]*DEG, x[i]], [y1[i]*DEG, y[i]], color='k', alpha=.4) pl.xlabel('X (deg)') pl.ylabel('Y (deg)') pl.title('Fitted result') sane_axes() if title != None: pl.figtext(0.5, 0.93, title, va='bottom', ha='center') pl.savefig(plot_prefix + 'fit.png') pl.figure() # destroy our settings... def old_make_plots(self, fp, modeled, plot_prefix='./', title=None): """ Show fit quality in a few plots. """ import pylab as pl DEG = 180./np.pi pl.figure() pl.gcf().set_size_inches(6., 6.) pl.subplots_adjust(left=.15, right=.95, top=.90, bottom=.1, hspace=.2, wspace=.3) tp = self.template s, x, y = tp.ok, tp.x0, tp.y0 pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], marker='x') pl.savefig(plot_prefix + '0template.png') pl.clf() s, x, y = modeled.ok, modeled.x0 * DEG, modeled.y0 * DEG pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], alpha=.2) pl.xlabel('X (deg)') pl.ylabel('Y (deg)') pl.savefig(plot_prefix + '1model.png') pl.clf() # The model positions s, x, y = modeled.ok, modeled.x0 * DEG, modeled.y0 * DEG pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], alpha=.2) # And the fit positions s, x, y = fp.ok, fp.x0 * DEG, fp.y0 * DEG pl.scatter(x[s], y[s], marker='x') # Now connect them with lines... u = fp.det_uid[s] ok1, (x1, y1) = modeled.get_property(['x0','y0'], det_uid=u) x, y = x[s], y[s] for i in ok1.nonzero()[0]: pl.plot([x1[i]*DEG, x[i]], [y1[i]*DEG, y[i]], color='k', alpha=.4) pl.xlabel('X (deg)') pl.ylabel('Y (deg)') if title is not None: pl.title(title) pl.savefig(plot_prefix + '2fit.png') pl.figure() # destroy our settings... # Formatted output... def get_ascii(self, names=None, params=None): if names is None: names = self.param_names if params is None: params = self.result[1] idx = [self.param_names.index(f) for f in names] text = [ self.formats.get(n, '%11.4e') % params[i] for n,i in zip(names,idx) ] return ' '.join(text) @staticmethod def write_fit_list(filename, keys, fits, format=None): if format == 'fits': columns = list(zip(*[f.result[1] for f in fits])) col_defs = ([('id', keys), ('ok', [int(f.result[0]) for f in fits])] + list(zip(fits[0].param_names, columns))) db_out = moby2.util.StructDB.from_data( col_defs, formats=fits[0].formats) db_out.to_fits_table(filename) else: if isinstance(filename, basestring): filename = open(filename, 'w') names = fits[0].param_names filename.write('# %s\n' % ' '.join(names)) for key, fit in zip(keys, fits): text = fit.get_ascii(names=names) filename.write('%s %s\n' % (key, text))
<reponame>shania3322/joeynmt<gh_stars>0 # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # import os.path as op from pathlib import Path FILE_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent with open(op.join(FILE_ROOT, 'VERSION')) as f: __version__ = from vizseq.ipynb import * from vizseq.ipynb import fairseq_viz as fairseq
<reponame>wujingda/Human-in-the-loop-Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Hug-DRL- ''' This algorithm is a IA-RL implementation on off-policy TD3 algorithm, to check the original IA-RL algorithm you can refer to Since it is a baseline algorithm, the descriptions are mostly omitted, please visit the for more implementation details ''' import pickle import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from TD3_based_DRL.priority_replay import Memory from TD3_based_DRL.network_model import Actor,Critic from TD3_based_DRL.util import hard_update, soft_update seed = 2 torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False MEMORY_CAPACITY = 38400 BATCH_SIZE = 128 GAMMA = 0.95 LR_C = 0.0005 LR_A = 0.0002 LR_I = 0.01 TAU = 0.001 POLICY_NOSIE = 0.2 POLICY_FREQ = 1 NOISE_CLIP = 0.5 class DRL: def __init__(self, action_dim, state_dim, LR_C = LR_C, LR_A = LR_A): self.device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') self.state_dim = state_dim[0] * state_dim[1] self.state_dim_width = state_dim[0] self.state_dim_height = state_dim[1] self.action_dim = action_dim self.batch_size = BATCH_SIZE self.gamma = GAMMA self.tau = TAU self.policy_noise = POLICY_NOSIE self.noise_clip = NOISE_CLIP self.policy_freq = POLICY_FREQ self.itera = 0 self.pointer = 0 self.memory = Memory(MEMORY_CAPACITY) = Actor(self.state_dim,self.action_dim).to(self.device) self.actor_target = Actor(self.state_dim,self.action_dim).to(self.device) self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(,LR_A) self.critic = Critic(self.state_dim,self.action_dim).to(self.device) self.critic_target = Critic(self.state_dim,self.action_dim).to(self.device) self.critic_optimizers = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(),LR_C) hard_update(self.actor_target, hard_update(self.critic_target,self.critic) def learn(self, batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, epoch=0): ## batched state, batched action, batched action from expert, batched intervention signal, batched reward, batched next state bs, ba, ba_e, bi, br, bs_, tree_idx, ISweight = self.retrive(batch_size) bs = torch.tensor(bs, dtype=torch.float).reshape(batch_size, self.state_dim_height, self.state_dim_width).to(self.device) ba = torch.tensor(ba, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device).to(self.device) ba_e = torch.tensor(ba_e, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device).to(self.device) br = torch.tensor(br, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device).to(self.device) bs_ = torch.tensor(bs_, dtype=torch.float).reshape(batch_size, self.state_dim_height, self.state_dim_width).to(self.device) # initialize the loss variables loss_c, loss_a = 0, 0 ## calculate the predicted values of the critic with torch.no_grad(): noise1 = (torch.randn_like(ba) * self.policy_noise).clamp(0, 1) a_ = (self.actor_target(bs_).detach() + noise1).clamp(0, 1) target_q1, target_q2 = self.critic_target([bs_,a_]) target_q1 = target_q1.detach() target_q2 = target_q2.detach() target_q = torch.min(target_q1,target_q2) y_expected = br + self.gamma * target_q y_predicted1, y_predicted2 = self.critic.forward([bs,ba]) errors = y_expected - y_predicted1 ## update the critic critic_loss = nn.MSELoss() loss_critic = critic_loss(y_predicted1,y_expected)+critic_loss(y_predicted2,y_expected) self.critic_optimizers.zero_grad() loss_critic.backward() self.critic_optimizers.step() ## update the actor if self.itera % self.policy_freq == 0: index1,_ = np.where(bi==0) index2,_ = np.where(bi==1) bs1,_,_,_=bs[index1],ba[index1],br[index1],bs_[index1] bs2,ba2,_,_=bs[index2],ba[index2],br[index2],bs_[index2] if bs2.size(0) != 0: if bs1.size(0) != 0: bs1 = torch.reshape(bs1,(len(bs1), self.state_dim_height, self.state_dim_width)) bs2 = torch.reshape(bs2,(len(bs2), self.state_dim_height, self.state_dim_width)) pred_a1 = pred_a2 = loss_actor1 = (-self.critic.forward([bs1,pred_a1])[0]) ## fixed weight for human guidance actions loss_actor2 = 3 * ((pred_a2 - ba2)**2) loss_actor =,loss_actor2),0).mean() else: pred_a = loss_actor = 3*((pred_a - ba)**2) loss_actor = loss_actor.mean() else: pred_a = loss_actor = (-self.critic.forward([bs,pred_a])[0]).mean() self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() loss_actor.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() soft_update(self.actor_target,,self.tau) soft_update(self.critic_target,self.critic,self.tau) loss_a = loss_actor.mean().item() loss_c = loss_critic.mean().item() self.itera += 1 self.memory.batch_update(tree_idx, abs(errors.detach().cpu().numpy()) ) return loss_c, loss_a def choose_action(self,state): state = torch.tensor(state,dtype=torch.float).reshape(self.state_dim_height, self.state_dim_width).to(self.device) state = state.unsqueeze(0) action = action = action.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() action = np.clip(action,-1, 1) return action def store_transition(self, s, a, a_e, i, r, s_): transition = np.hstack((s, a, a_e, i, r, s_)) self.pointer += 1 def retrive(self, batch_size): tree_index, bt, ISWeight = self.memory.sample(batch_size) bs = bt[:, :self.state_dim] ba = bt[:, self.state_dim: self.state_dim + self.action_dim] ba_e = bt[:, self.state_dim + self.action_dim: self.state_dim + self.action_dim + self.action_dim] bi = bt[:, -self.state_dim - 2: -self.state_dim - 1] br = bt[:, -self.state_dim - 1: -self.state_dim] bs_ = bt[:, -self.state_dim:] return bs, ba, ba_e, bi, br, bs_, tree_index, ISWeight def memory_save(self): per = open("memory_IARL.pkl", 'wb') str = pickle.dumps(self.memory) per.write(str) per.close() def memory_load(self): with open("memory_IARL.pkl",'rb') as file: self.memory = pickle.loads( def load_model(self, output): if output is None: return'{}/actor.pkl'.format(output))) self.critic.load_state_dict(torch.load('{}/critic.pkl'.format(output))) def save_model(self, output):, '{}/actor.pkl'.format(output)), '{}/critic.pkl'.format(output)) def save(self, log_dir, epoch): state = {'actor', 'actor_target':self.actor_target.state_dict(), 'actor_optimizer':self.actor_optimizer.state_dict(), 'critic':self.critic.state_dict(), 'critic_target':self.critic_target.state_dict(), 'critic_optimizers':self.critic_optimizers.state_dict(), 'epoch':epoch}, log_dir) def load(self, log_dir): checkpoint = torch.load(log_dir)['actor']) self.actor_target.load_state_dict(checkpoint['actor_target']) self.actor_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['actor_optimizer']) self.critic.load_state_dict(checkpoint['critic']) self.critic_target.load_state_dict(checkpoint['critic_target']) self.critic_optimizers.load_state_dict(checkpoint['critic_optimizers'])
import os.path filepathlist=[] filenamelist=[] def processDirectory ( args, dirname, filenames ): for filename in filenames: file_path=os.path.join(dirname,filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path): filepathlist.append(file_path) filenamelist.append(filename) def getpatch(path): os.path.walk(r'%s'%path, processDirectory, None ) return filepathlist getpatch('H:\CodePath\NoteBook\uber_input') fw = open('data_list.txt','w') for item in filenamelist: fw.write(item+'\n')
<reponame>asadoughi/python-neutronclient # Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 import copy import httplib2 import json import uuid import mox import testtools from neutronclient import client from neutronclient.common import exceptions from neutronclient.common import utils USERNAME = 'testuser' TENANT_NAME = 'testtenant' TENANT_ID = 'testtenantid' PASSWORD = 'password' AUTH_URL = 'authurl' ENDPOINT_URL = 'localurl' ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE = 'otherurl' TOKEN = 'tokentoken' REGION = 'RegionTest' KS_TOKEN_RESULT = { 'access': { 'token': {'id': TOKEN, 'expires': '2012-08-11T07:49:01Z', 'tenant': {'id': str(uuid.uuid1())}}, 'user': {'id': str(uuid.uuid1())}, 'serviceCatalog': [ {'endpoints_links': [], 'endpoints': [{'adminURL': ENDPOINT_URL, 'internalURL': ENDPOINT_URL, 'publicURL': ENDPOINT_URL, 'region': REGION}], 'type': 'network', 'name': 'Neutron Service'} ] } } ENDPOINTS_RESULT = { 'endpoints': [{ 'type': 'network', 'name': 'Neutron Service', 'region': REGION, 'adminURL': ENDPOINT_URL, 'internalURL': ENDPOINT_URL, 'publicURL': ENDPOINT_URL }] } class CLITestAuthKeystone(testtools.TestCase): # Auth Body expected when using tenant name auth_type = 'tenantName' def setUp(self): """Prepare the test environment.""" super(CLITestAuthKeystone, self).setUp() self.mox = mox.Mox() self.client = client.HTTPClient(username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION) self.addCleanup(self.mox.VerifyAll) self.addCleanup(self.mox.UnsetStubs) def test_get_token(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 self.client.request( AUTH_URL + '/tokens', 'POST', body=mox.StrContains(self.auth_type), headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(KS_TOKEN_RESULT))) self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_URL + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, ENDPOINT_URL) self.assertEqual(self.client.auth_token, TOKEN) def test_refresh_token(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.client.auth_token = TOKEN self.client.endpoint_url = ENDPOINT_URL res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 res401 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res401.status = 401 # If a token is expired, neutron server retruns 401 self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_URL + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res401, '')) self.client.request( AUTH_URL + '/tokens', 'POST', body=mox.IsA(str), headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(KS_TOKEN_RESULT))) self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_URL + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') def test_get_endpoint_url(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.client.auth_token = TOKEN res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 self.client.request( mox.StrContains(AUTH_URL + '/tokens/%s/endpoints' % TOKEN), 'GET', headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(ENDPOINTS_RESULT))) self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_URL + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') def test_use_given_endpoint_url(self): self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_url=ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE) self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.client.auth_token = TOKEN res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE) def test_get_endpoint_url_other(self): self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_type='otherURL') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.client.auth_token = TOKEN res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 self.client.request( mox.StrContains(AUTH_URL + '/tokens/%s/endpoints' % TOKEN), 'GET', headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(ENDPOINTS_RESULT))) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.assertRaises(exceptions.EndpointTypeNotFound, self.client.do_request, '/resource', 'GET') def test_get_endpoint_url_failed(self): self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.client.auth_token = TOKEN res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 res401 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res401.status = 401 self.client.request( mox.StrContains(AUTH_URL + '/tokens/%s/endpoints' % TOKEN), 'GET', headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res401, '')) self.client.request( AUTH_URL + '/tokens', 'POST', body=mox.IsA(str), headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(KS_TOKEN_RESULT))) self.client.request( mox.StrContains(ENDPOINT_URL + '/resource'), 'GET', headers=mox.ContainsKeyValue('X-Auth-Token', TOKEN) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') def test_url_for(self): resources = copy.deepcopy(KS_TOKEN_RESULT) endpoints = resources['access']['serviceCatalog'][0]['endpoints'][0] endpoints['publicURL'] = 'public' endpoints['internalURL'] = 'internal' endpoints['adminURL'] = 'admin' catalog = client.ServiceCatalog(resources) # endpoint_type not specified url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION) self.assertEqual('public', url) # endpoint type specified (3 cases) url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='adminURL') self.assertEqual('admin', url) url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='publicURL') self.assertEqual('public', url) url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='internalURL') self.assertEqual('internal', url) # endpoint_type requested does not exist. self.assertRaises(exceptions.EndpointTypeNotFound, catalog.url_for, attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='privateURL') # Test scenario with url_for when the service catalog only has publicURL. def test_url_for_only_public_url(self): resources = copy.deepcopy(KS_TOKEN_RESULT) catalog = client.ServiceCatalog(resources) # Remove endpoints from the catalog. endpoints = resources['access']['serviceCatalog'][0]['endpoints'][0] del endpoints['internalURL'] del endpoints['adminURL'] endpoints['publicURL'] = 'public' # Use publicURL when specified explicitly. url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='publicURL') self.assertEqual('public', url) # Use publicURL when specified explicitly. url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION) self.assertEqual('public', url) # Test scenario with url_for when the service catalog only has adminURL. def test_url_for_only_admin_url(self): resources = copy.deepcopy(KS_TOKEN_RESULT) catalog = client.ServiceCatalog(resources) endpoints = resources['access']['serviceCatalog'][0]['endpoints'][0] del endpoints['internalURL'] del endpoints['publicURL'] endpoints['adminURL'] = 'admin' # Use publicURL when specified explicitly. url = catalog.url_for(attr='region', filter_value=REGION, endpoint_type='adminURL') self.assertEqual('admin', url) # But not when nothing is specified. self.assertRaises(exceptions.EndpointTypeNotFound, catalog.url_for, attr='region', filter_value=REGION) def test_endpoint_type(self): resources = copy.deepcopy(KS_TOKEN_RESULT) endpoints = resources['access']['serviceCatalog'][0]['endpoints'][0] endpoints['internalURL'] = 'internal' endpoints['adminURL'] = 'admin' endpoints['publicURL'] = 'public' # Test default behavior is to choose public. self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION) self.client._extract_service_catalog(resources) self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, 'public') # Test admin url self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_type='adminURL') self.client._extract_service_catalog(resources) self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, 'admin') # Test public url self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_type='publicURL') self.client._extract_service_catalog(resources) self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, 'public') # Test internal url self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_type='internalURL') self.client._extract_service_catalog(resources) self.assertEqual(self.client.endpoint_url, 'internal') # Test url that isn't found in the service catalog self.client = client.HTTPClient( username=USERNAME, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION, endpoint_type='privateURL') self.assertRaises(exceptions.EndpointTypeNotFound, self.client._extract_service_catalog, resources) def test_strip_credentials_from_log(self): def verify_no_credentials(kwargs): return ('REDACTED' in kwargs['body']) and ( self.client.password not in kwargs['body']) def verify_credentials(body): return 'REDACTED' not in body and self.client.password in body self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.client, "request") self.mox.StubOutWithMock(utils, "http_log_req") res200 = self.mox.CreateMock(httplib2.Response) res200.status = 200 utils.http_log_req(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.Func( verify_no_credentials)) self.client.request( mox.IsA(str), mox.IsA(str), body=mox.Func(verify_credentials), headers=mox.IgnoreArg() ).AndReturn((res200, json.dumps(KS_TOKEN_RESULT))) utils.http_log_req(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg()) self.client.request( mox.IsA(str), mox.IsA(str), headers=mox.IsA(dict) ).AndReturn((res200, '')) self.mox.ReplayAll() self.client.do_request('/resource', 'GET') class CLITestAuthKeystoneWithId(CLITestAuthKeystone): # Auth Body expected when using tenant Id auth_type = 'tenantId' def setUp(self): """Prepare the test environment.""" super(CLITestAuthKeystoneWithId, self).setUp() self.client = client.HTTPClient(username=USERNAME, tenant_id=TENANT_ID, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION) class CLITestAuthKeystoneWithIdandName(CLITestAuthKeystone): # Auth Body expected when using tenant Id auth_type = 'tenantId' def setUp(self): """Prepare the test environment.""" super(CLITestAuthKeystoneWithIdandName, self).setUp() self.client = client.HTTPClient(username=USERNAME, tenant_id=TENANT_ID, tenant_name=TENANT_NAME, password=PASSWORD, auth_url=AUTH_URL, region_name=REGION)
import subprocess import pytest import os import json def test_call_generate_promoter_terminator(): print('') process_result =['python', '', './test/1.gff.json', '500', '200'], \ capture_output=True) assert process_result.returncode == 0 result_line = process_result.stdout.decode().splitlines()[-1] result_obj = json.loads(result_line) assert result_obj['type'] == 'result' file_url = result_obj['data']['files'][0]['url'] assert file_url with open(os.path.join('test', '1.gff.json')) as fp: src_gff = json.load(fp) with open(os.path.join('results', file_url)) as fp: dst_gff = json.load(fp) assert len(dst_gff['records']) > len(src_gff['records']) #all sequence must have hash for record in dst_gff['records']: assert 'sequenceHash' in record assert record['sequenceHash'] == tools.get_sequence_hash(dst_gff, record['chrName'], record['start'], record['end'], record['strand']) os.remove(os.path.join('results', file_url))
import qrcode # data example data = "" # file name file_name = "qrcode.png" # generate qr code img = qrcode.make(data=data) # save generated qr code as img
<gh_stars>100-1000 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dimagi.utils import parsing as dateparse from casexml.apps.stock.consumption import ( ConsumptionConfiguration, compute_daily_consumption_from_transactions, ) to_ts = dateparse.json_format_datetime now = datetime.utcnow() def ago(days): return now - timedelta(days=days) # note that you must add inferred consumption transactions manually to txdata def mock_consumption(txdata, window, params=None): default_params = {'min_window': 0, 'min_periods': 0} params = params or {} default_params.update(params) config = ConsumptionConfiguration(**default_params) return compute_daily_consumption_from_transactions( txdata, ago(window), config, )
VS State and Virtual IP Info/
<filename>VS State and Virtual IP Info/ #!/usr/bin/env python # # Created on Nov 14, 2017 # @author: <EMAIL>, <EMAIL> # # AVISDK based Script to get the status and configuration information of the Virtual Services # # Requires AVISDK ("pip install avisdk") and PrettyTable ("pip install PrettyTable") # Usage:- python -c <Controller-IP> -u <user-name> -p <password> # Note:- This script works for Avi Controler version 17.1.1 onwards import json import argparse from avi.sdk.avi_api import ApiSession from requests.packages import urllib3 from prettytable import PrettyTable from prettytable import ALL as ALL urllib3.disable_warnings() def get_vs_list(api, api_version): vs_list = [] rsp = api.get('virtualservice', api_version=api_version) for vs in rsp.json()['results']: vs_list.append(vs['uuid']) return vs_list def get_vs_oper_info(api, api_version, vs_list): oper_dict = {} for vs in vs_list: rsp = api.get('virtualservice-inventory/%s' % vs, api_version=api_version) vs_data = rsp.json() req_vs_data = { "state": vs_data['runtime']['oper_status']['state'], "name": vs_data['config']['name'], "uuid": vs_data['config']['uuid'] } i = 1 for vips in vs_data['config']['vip']: req_vs_data["vip_"+str(i)] = vips i = i+1 j = 1 for dns in vs_data['config']['dns_info']: req_vs_data["dns_"+str(j)] = dns j = j+1 if vs_data['runtime']['oper_status']['state'] in oper_dict.keys(): oper_dict[vs_data['runtime']['oper_status']['state']].append(req_vs_data) else: oper_dict[vs_data['runtime']['oper_status']['state']] = [] oper_dict[vs_data['runtime']['oper_status']['state']].append(req_vs_data) return oper_dict def main(): #Getting Required Args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="AVISDK based Script to get the status and configuration"+ " information of the Virtual Services") parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", required=True, help="Login username") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", required=True, help="Login password") parser.add_argument("-c", "--controller", required=True, help="Controller IP address") parser.add_argument("-t", "--tenant", required=False, help="Tenant Name") parser.add_argument("-a", "--api_version", required=False, help="Tenant Name") args = parser.parse_args() user = args.username host = args.controller password = <PASSWORD> if args.tenant: tenant=args.tenant else: tenant="*" if args.api_version: api_version=args.api_version else: api_version="17.1.1" #Getting API session for the intended Controller. api = ApiSession.get_session(host, user, password, tenant=tenant, api_version=api_version) #Getting the list of VirtualService(s). vs_list = get_vs_list(api, api_version) #Getting VS information oper_dict = get_vs_oper_info(api, api_version, vs_list) #print "Final Oper Dict:" + str(oper_dict) for state, vs in oper_dict.iteritems(): print("VS in State:%s [%s]" % (state, len(vs))) table = PrettyTable(hrules=ALL) table.field_names = ["VS Name","VIP_ID", "VIP_Address", "DNS_INFO"] for vss in vs: vips = list() dns_info = list() vip_count = 0 dns_count = 0 if 'vip_1' in vss.keys(): vips = [value for key, value in vss.iteritems() if 'vip' in key.lower()] vip_count = len(vips) if 'dns_1' in vss.keys(): dns_info = [value for key, value in vss.iteritems() if 'dns' in key.lower()] dns_count = len(dns_info) vs_name = vss['name'] vip_ids = '' vips_list = '' dns_list = '' for vip in vips: vip_ids += vip['vip_id'] + "\n" vips_list += vip['ip_address']['addr'] if vip.get('floating_ip', None): vips_list += '- ' + vip['floating_ip']['addr'] vips_list+='\n' for dns in dns_info: dns_list += dns['fqdn'] + "\n" table.add_row([vs_name, vip_ids[:-1], vips_list[:-1], dns_list[:-1]]) print table print "\n" if __name__ == "__main__": main()
5 kyu/Memoized
def fibonacci(n, res=[0,1]): if len(res)<=n: res.append(fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2)) return res[n]
<filename>plantcv/plantcv/ # Histogram equalization import cv2 import numpy as np import os from plantcv.plantcv import print_image from plantcv.plantcv import plot_image from plantcv.plantcv import fatal_error from plantcv.plantcv import params def hist_equalization(gray_img): """Histogram equalization is a method to normalize the distribution of intensity values. If the image has low contrast it will make it easier to threshold. Inputs: gray_img = Grayscale image data Returns: img_eh = normalized image :param gray_img: numpy.ndarray :return img_eh: numpy.ndarray """ if len(np.shape(gray_img)) == 3: fatal_error("Input image must be gray") img_eh = cv2.equalizeHist(gray_img) params.device += 1 if params.debug == 'print': print_image(img_eh, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_hist_equal_img.png')) elif params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(img_eh, cmap='gray') return img_eh
import datetime class Timerange: def __init__(self, start, length): self.start = start self.length = length def range(self): end = self.start + self.length return (self.start, end) def __contains__(self, day): delta = day - self.start return datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0) <= delta and delta < self.length def overlaps(self, other): if other.start < self.start: return other.overlaps(self) assert(self.start <= other.start) return other.start < self.start + self.length def __repr__(self): return 'Timerange(%s, %s)' % (repr(self.start), repr(self.length)) def __str__(self): start, end = (i.strftime('%H:%M') for i in self.range()) return '%s - %s' % (start, end) def __eq__(self, other): return self.start == other.start and self.length == other.length def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def between(start, end): assert(len(start) == 2 and len(end) == 2) start_hour, start_minute = start end_hour, end_minute = end start_obj = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, start_hour, start_minute) end_obj = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, end_hour, end_minute) assert(end_obj - start_obj > datetime.timedelta(seconds = 0)) return Timerange(start_obj, end_obj - start_obj)
<gh_stars>1-10 """ Fallback data types, implemented in Python, for platforms that cannot build the C extension. """ from .symbol import Symbol from .typedefs import StateID class Arc: """ An arc (transition) in the FST. """ __slots__ = ("_state", "_upper", "_lower", "_destination") def __init__( self, state: StateID, upper: Symbol, lower: Symbol, destination: StateID ) -> None: self._state = state self._upper = upper self._lower = lower self._destination = destination @property def state(self) -> int: return self._state @property def upper(self) -> Symbol: return self._upper @property def lower(self) -> Symbol: return self._lower @property def destination(self) -> int: return self._destination def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Arc): return False return ( self._state == other._state and self._upper == other._upper and self._lower == other._lower and self._destination == other._destination ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._state + (hash(self._upper) ^ hash(self._lower)) def __str__(self) -> str: if self._upper == self._lower: label = str(self._upper) else: label = str(self._upper) + ":" + str(self._lower) return "{:d} -{:s}-> {:d}".format(self._state, label, self._destination)
from flask_mail import Mail from import _app mail = Mail(_app)
<gh_stars>1-10 from pymongo import MongoClient import os import sys from pathlib import Path from environs import Env sys.path.append("..") sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve())) class MongoHelpers: _client = None _db = None _collection = None def __init__(self, connection_uri=None, db_name=None): env = Env() env.read_env() if db_name is None: db_name = os.getenv("MONGO_DB") if connection_uri is None: host = os.getenv("MONGO_HOST") port = os.getenv("MONGO_PORT") username = os.getenv("MONGO_USERNAME") password = <PASSWORD>("<PASSWORD>") args = "ssl=true&retrywrites=false&ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_NONE" connection_uri = ( f"mongodb://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db_name}?{args}" ) self.client = MongoClient(connection_uri) self.db = self._client[db_name] # def create_experiment(self, name, artifact_location=None, tags=[]): # # all_experiments = self.get_all_experiments() # # Get all existing experiments and find the one with largest numerical ID. # # len(list_all(..)) would not work when experiments are deleted. # # experiments_ids = [ # # int(e.experiment_id) # # for e in self.list_experiments(ViewType.ALL) # # if e.experiment_id.isdigit() # # ] # experiment_id = self._get_highest_experiment_id() + 1 # return self._create_experiment_with_id( # name, str(experiment_id), artifact_location, tags # ) # def _create_experiment_with_id( # self, # experiment_name, # experiment_id, # artifact_location, # lifecycle_stage: LifecycleStage = LifecycleStage.ACTIVE, # tags=[], # ) -> int: # e = Experiment( # experiment_id, # experiment_name, # experiment_id, # artifact_location, # lifecycle_stage, # tags, # ) # def _get_highest_experiment_id(self): # if len(list(self._client.experiments.find())) is not 0: # last_experiment = list( # self.db.experiments.find({}).sort("experiment_id", -1).limit(1) # ) # return last_experiment[0]["experiment_id"] # else: # return 0 # def list_experiments(self, view_type=ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY): # rsl = [] # if view_type == ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY or view_type == ViewType.ALL: # rsl += self._get_active_experiments(full_path=False) # if view_type == ViewType.DELETED_ONLY or view_type == ViewType.ALL: # # rsl += self._get_deleted_experiments(full_path=False) # pass # experiments = [] # for exp_id in rsl: # try: # # trap and warn known issues, will raise unexpected exceptions to caller # experiment = self._get_experiment(exp_id, view_type) # if experiment: # experiments.append(experiment) # except MissingConfigException as rnfe: # # Trap malformed experiments and log warnings. # logging.warning( # "Malformed experiment '%s'. Detailed error %s", # str(exp_id), # str(rnfe), # exc_info=True, # ) # return experiments # def _get_active_experiments(self, full_path=False): # active_experiments_query = { # "type": "experiment", # "experiment_state": LifecycleStage.ACTIVE, # } # all_experiments = self.db.experiments.find(active_experiments_query) # # exp_list = list_subdirs(self.root_directory, full_path) # # return [exp for exp in exp_list if not exp.endswith(FileStore.TRASH_FOLDER_NAME)] # def _get_deleted_experiments(self, full_path=False): # # return list_subdirs(self.trash_folder, full_path) # raise NotImplementedError("get_deleted_experiments")
<reponame>arifmudi/Machine-Learning-Engineering-with-Python from datetime import timedelta from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago default_args = { 'owner': '<NAME>', 'depends_on_past': False, 'start_date': days_ago(2), 'email': ['<EMAIL>'], 'email_on_failure': False, 'email_on_retry': False, 'retries': 1, 'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=2), # 'queue': 'bash_queue', # 'pool': 'backfill', # 'priority_weight': 10, # 'end_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1), # 'wait_for_downstream': False, # 'dag': dag, # 'sla': timedelta(hours=2), # 'execution_timeout': timedelta(seconds=300), # 'on_failure_callback': some_function, # 'on_success_callback': some_other_function, # 'on_retry_callback': another_function, # 'sla_miss_callback': yet_another_function, # 'trigger_rule': 'all_success' } #instantiate DAG dag = DAG( 'classification_pipeline', default_args=default_args, description=’Basic pipeline for classifying the Wine Dataset', schedule_interval=timedelta(days=1), # run daily? check ) get_data = BashOperator( task_id='get_data', bash_command='python3 /usr/local/airflow/scripts/', dag=dag, ) train_model= BashOperator( task_id='train_model', depends_on_past=False, bash_command='python3 /usr/local/airflow/scripts/', retries=3, dag=dag, ) # Persist to MLFlow persist_model = BashOperator( task_id='persist_model', depends_on_past=False, bash_command=’python ……./, retries=3, dag=dag, ) get_data >> train_model >> persist_model
<gh_stars>0 # Generated by Django 3.0.6 on 2020-06-05 20:15 from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('oro_plugins', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='galleryitem', name='gallery', field=models.ForeignKey(default=1, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='oro_plugins.Gallery', verbose_name=''), preserve_default=False, ), ]
import os from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 class GarageDb: def __init__(self, instance_path, resource_path): self.db_file = os.path.join(instance_path, 'history.db') self.init_file = os.path.join(resource_path, 'schema.sql') # Run init script to ensure database structure conn = self.get_connection() with open(self.init_file, mode='r') as f: conn.cursor().executescript( conn.commit() conn.close() def get_connection(self): rv = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) rv.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return rv def record_event(self, user_agent: str, login: str, event: str, description: str): conn = self.get_connection() conn.execute('insert into entries (UserAgent, Login, Event, Description) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [user_agent, login, event, description]) conn.commit() conn.close() def read_history(self): conn = self.get_connection() cur = conn.execute('select datetime(timestamp, \'localtime\') as timestamp, event, description from entries order by timestamp desc') records = cur.fetchmany(500) conn.close() return records def read_full_history(self): conn = self.get_connection() cur = conn.execute('select datetime(timestamp, \'localtime\') as timestamp, event, description from entries order by timestamp desc') records = cur.fetchall() conn.close() return records
<filename>bot/migrators/ import sys from bot.config import ConfigManager, config_data_type def to_v1(config_data: config_data_type) -> config_data_type: return update_version(config_data, 1) migrate_functs = {1: to_v1} def migrate( config_manager: ConfigManager, config_data: config_data_type, ) -> config_data_type: if "config_version" not in config_data: update_version(config_data, 0) elif ( not isinstance(config_data["config_version"], int) or config_data["config_version"] > config_manager.version ): sys.exit("Error: invalid config_version value") elif config_data["config_version"] == config_manager.version: return config_data else: for ver in migrate_functs: if ver > config_data["config_version"]: config_data = migrate_functs[ver](config_data) config_manager._dump(config_data) return config_data def update_version(config_data: config_data_type, version: int) -> config_data_type: _config_data = {"config_version": version} _config_data.update(config_data) return _config_data
<filename>Fundamentos/ x = 5 y = 3 z = x + y print(x) print(y) print(x + y) print(z) w = z print(w)
<reponame>Qi-max/amlearn import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt __author__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" def column_hist(data, bins=None, density=True, fraction=True, save_figure_to_dir=None, save_data_to_dir=None, fmt=None, ylim=None, yscale=None): bins = 20 if bins is None else bins fmt = '%.10e' if fmt is None else fmt hist, edge = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, density=density) if density is False: if fraction: hist = hist/hist.sum() if save_figure_to_dir: plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) # alpha gives transparency plt.plot(edge[1:], hist, 'r--o', alpha=0.5, linewidth=1.0) if ylim: plt.ylim(*ylim) if yscale: plt.yscale(yscale) plt.savefig(save_figure_to_dir, dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if save_data_to_dir: np.savetxt(save_data_to_dir, list(zip(edge[1:], hist)), fmt=fmt) if __name__ == "__main__": system = ["Cu65Zr35", "qr_5plus10^10"] prediction_file = "xx" output_path = "xxx" output_file_header = r'{}_{}_QS'.format(*system) qs_col = "QS_predict" bin = 0.02 df = pd.read_csv(prediction_file, index_col=0) column_hist(df[qs_col], bins=np.arange(0, 1.0, bin), density=True, save_figure_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_density_bin_{}.png".format(output_file_header, bin)), save_data_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_density_bin_{}.csv".format(output_file_header, bin)), fmt=["%.2f", '%.10e']) column_hist(df[qs_col], bins=np.arange(0, 1.0, bin), density=False, save_figure_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_fraction_bin_{}.png".format(output_file_header, bin)), save_data_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_fraction_bin_{}.csv".format(output_file_header, bin)), ylim=(0, 0.05), fmt=["%.2f", '%.10e']) column_hist(df[qs_col], bins=np.arange(0, 1.0, bin), density=False, save_figure_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_fraction_bin_{}_log.png".format(output_file_header, bin)), save_data_to_dir=os.path.join(output_path, "{}_fraction_bin_{}_log.csv".format(output_file_header, bin)), ylim=(0.0001, 0.05), yscale="log", fmt=["%.2f", '%.10e'])
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, call import json from datetime import datetime from copy import deepcopy import pytest from PIL import Image from sm.engine import DB, ESExporter, QueuePublisher from sm.engine.dataset_manager import SMapiDatasetManager, SMDaemonDatasetManager from sm.engine.dataset_manager import Dataset, DatasetActionPriority, DatasetAction, DatasetStatus from sm.engine.errors import DSIDExists from sm.engine.queue import SM_ANNOTATE, SM_DS_STATUS from sm.engine.tests.util import pysparkling_context, sm_config, ds_config, test_db from sm.engine.png_generator import ImageStoreServiceWrapper @pytest.fixture() def fill_db(test_db, sm_config, ds_config): upload_dt = '2000-01-01 00:00:00' ds_id = '2000-01-01' meta = {"meta": "data"} db = DB(sm_config['db']) db.insert('INSERT INTO dataset (id, name, input_path, upload_dt, metadata, config, ' 'status, is_public, mol_dbs, adducts) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', rows=[(ds_id, 'ds_name', 'input_path', upload_dt, json.dumps(meta), json.dumps(ds_config), DatasetStatus.FINISHED, True, ['HMDB-v4'], ['+H'])]) db.insert("INSERT INTO job (id, db_id, ds_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", rows=[(0, 0, ds_id)]) db.insert("INSERT INTO sum_formula (id, db_id, sf) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", rows=[(1, 0, 'H2O')]) db.insert(("INSERT INTO iso_image_metrics (job_id, db_id, sf, adduct, iso_image_ids) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"), rows=[(0, 0, 'H2O', '+H', ['iso_image_1_id', 'iso_image_2_id'])]) db.close() def create_ds_man(sm_config, db=None, es=None, img_store=None, action_queue=None, status_queue=None, sm_api=False): db = db or DB(sm_config['db']) es_mock = es or MagicMock(spec=ESExporter) action_queue_mock = action_queue or MagicMock(QueuePublisher) status_queue_mock = status_queue or MagicMock(QueuePublisher) img_store_mock = img_store or MagicMock(spec=ImageStoreServiceWrapper) if sm_api: return SMapiDatasetManager(db=db, es=es_mock, mode='queue', image_store=img_store_mock, action_queue=action_queue_mock, status_queue=status_queue_mock) else: return SMDaemonDatasetManager(db=db, es=es_mock, img_store=img_store_mock, mode=None, status_queue=status_queue_mock) def create_ds(ds_id='2000-01-01', ds_name='ds_name', input_path='input_path', upload_dt=None, metadata=None, ds_config=None, status=DatasetStatus.NEW, mol_dbs=None, adducts=None): upload_dt = upload_dt or if not mol_dbs: mol_dbs = ['HMDB-v4'] if not adducts: adducts = ['+H', '+Na', '+K'] return Dataset(ds_id, ds_name, input_path, upload_dt, metadata or {}, ds_config or {}, status=status, mol_dbs=mol_dbs, adducts=adducts, img_storage_type='fs') class TestSMapiDatasetManager: def test_add_new_ds(self, test_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds_man.add(ds, priority=DatasetActionPriority.HIGH) msg = {'ds_id': ds_id, 'ds_name': 'ds_name', 'input_path': 'input_path', 'action': DatasetAction.ADD, 'del_first': False} action_queue_mock.publish.assert_has_calls([call(msg, DatasetActionPriority.HIGH)]) def test_delete_ds(self, test_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds_man.delete(ds) msg = {'ds_id': ds_id, 'ds_name': 'ds_name', 'input_path': 'input_path', 'action': DatasetAction.DELETE} action_queue_mock.publish.assert_has_calls([call(msg, DatasetActionPriority.HIGH)]) def test_update_ds__configs_equal_metadata_diff(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds.metadata = {'new': 'metadata'} ds_man.update(ds) msg = {'ds_id': ds_id, 'ds_name': 'ds_name', 'input_path': 'input_path', 'action': DatasetAction.UPDATE} action_queue_mock.publish.assert_has_calls([call(msg, DatasetActionPriority.HIGH)]) def test_update_ds__configs_metadata_equal__do_nothing(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds_man.update(ds) action_queue_mock.assert_not_called() def test_add_ds__new_mol_db(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds.config['databases'] = [{'name': 'HMDB'}, {'name': 'ChEBI'}] ds_man.add(ds) msg = {'ds_id': ds_id, 'ds_name': 'ds_name', 'input_path': 'input_path', 'action': DatasetAction.ADD, 'del_first': False} action_queue_mock.publish.assert_has_calls([call(msg, DatasetActionPriority.DEFAULT)]) def test_add_optical_image(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): db = DB(sm_config['db']) action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) es_mock = MagicMock(spec=ESExporter) img_store_mock = MagicMock(ImageStoreServiceWrapper) img_store_mock.post_image.side_effect = ['opt_img_id1', 'opt_img_id2', 'opt_img_id3', 'thumbnail_id'] img_store_mock.get_image_by_id.return_value ='RGB', (100, 100)) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config=sm_config, db=db, es=es_mock, img_store=img_store_mock, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=True) ds_man._annotation_image_shape = MagicMock(return_value=(100, 100)) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) zoom_levels = [1, 2, 3] raw_img_id = 'raw_opt_img_id' ds_man.add_optical_image(ds, raw_img_id, [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], zoom_levels=zoom_levels) assert'SELECT * FROM optical_image') == [ ('opt_img_id{}'.format(i + 1),, zoom) for i, zoom in enumerate(zoom_levels)] assert'SELECT optical_image FROM dataset where id = %s', params=(ds_id,)) == [(raw_img_id,)] assert'SELECT thumbnail FROM dataset where id = %s', params=(ds_id,)) == [('thumbnail_id',)] class TestSMDaemonDatasetManager: class SearchJob: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def run(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def test_add_ds(self, test_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) es_mock = MagicMock(spec=ESExporter) db = DB(sm_config['db']) try: ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, db=db, es=es_mock, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=False) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds_name = 'ds_name' input_path = 'input_path' upload_dt = metadata = {} ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_name=ds_name, input_path=input_path, upload_dt=upload_dt, metadata=metadata, ds_config=ds_config) ds_man.add(ds, search_job_factory=self.SearchJob) DS_SEL = 'select name, input_path, upload_dt, metadata, config from dataset where id=%s' assert db.select_one(DS_SEL, params=(ds_id,)) == (ds_name, input_path, upload_dt, metadata, ds_config) finally: db.close() def test_update_ds(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) es_mock = MagicMock(spec=ESExporter) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, es=es_mock, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=False) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) with patch('sm.engine.dataset_manager.MolecularDB') as MolecularDB: mol_db_mock = MolecularDB.return_value = 'HMDB' with patch('sm.engine.dataset_manager.MolDBServiceWrapper') as MolDBServiceWrapper: moldb_service_wrapper_mock = MolDBServiceWrapper.return_value moldb_service_wrapper_mock.find_db_by_id.return_value = {'name': 'HMDB-v4'} ds_man.update(ds) es_mock.delete_ds.assert_called_with(ds_id) call_args = es_mock.index_ds.call_args[1].values() assert ds_id in call_args and mol_db_mock in call_args def test_delete_ds(self, fill_db, sm_config, ds_config): db = DB(sm_config['db']) action_queue_mock = MagicMock(spec=QueuePublisher) es_mock = MagicMock(spec=ESExporter) img_store_service_mock = MagicMock(spec=ImageStoreServiceWrapper) ds_man = create_ds_man(sm_config, db=db, es=es_mock, img_store=img_store_service_mock, action_queue=action_queue_mock, sm_api=False) ds_id = '2000-01-01' ds = create_ds(ds_id=ds_id, ds_config=ds_config) ds_man.delete(ds) ids = ['iso_image_{}_id'.format(id) for id in range(1, 3)] img_store_service_mock.delete_image_by_id.assert_has_calls( [call('fs', 'iso_image', ids[0]), call('fs', 'iso_image', ids[1])]) es_mock.delete_ds.assert_called_with(ds_id) assert db.select_one('SELECT * FROM dataset WHERE id = %s', params=(ds_id,)) == []
""" Abstract analyser """ from functools import wraps from inspect import getmembers, ismethod from typing import Callable from ..type_hints import AnalyserResults, AnalyserHelper from ..utils import SyntaxTree, BaseViolation, ViolationResult def register_check(error_format: str): """ Registers a new checker to an analyser Args: error_format: error format of violation """ def decorator(check_method: Callable): @wraps(check_method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): analyser = args[0] checker_name = check_method.__name__ analyser.register_checker(checker_name, check_method.__doc__, error_format) result: list[ViolationResult] = check_method(*args, **kwargs) analyser.add_violations(checker_name, result) return wrapper return decorator class Analyser: """Abstract base analyser""" def __init__(self, sources: dict[str, AnalyserHelper]): """ Constructor Args: tree: syntax tree source: list of lines from source code """ self._check_results: AnalyserResults = {} self._sources = sources def register_checker(self, name: str, description: str, error_format: str): """ Registers a new checker to this analyser Args: name: name of the checker, typically the method name description: description of this checker error_format: format string used to display violations """ self._check_results[name] = BaseViolation(description, error_format, []) def get_results(self) -> AnalyserResults: """ Returns results of all checkers of this analyser """ return self._check_results def add_violations(self, checker_name: str, results: list[ViolationResult]) -> None: """ Adds violation results to a checker Args: checker_name: name of the checker results: list of violation results """ self._check_results[checker_name].values.extend(results) def get_line(self, file_name: str, line_number: int) -> str: """Returns line given line number""" return self._sources[file_name].source[line_number - 1].strip() def run(self): """ Runs all checkers """ for method_name, method in getmembers(self, predicate=ismethod): if not method_name.startswith("check_"): continue method()