<filename> from Jumpscale import j import traceback import sys def schema(): def bcdb(): assert len( == 1 # j.servers.zdb.test(build=True) # j.clients.zdb.test() def servers(): if j.core.platformtype.myplatform.isUbuntu: # def ssh(): # j.clients.sshagent.test() #should not do, because in container there will be no ssh-key loaded any more to continue the tests j.clients.sshkey.test() # schema() bcdb() # ssh() # servers()
<filename>demos/ import sys import pypelid.utils.filetools as ft for filename in sys.argv[1:]: check, hashes = ft.check_hdf5_hash(filename) if check: print "%s: %s checksum passed :D"%(filename, hashes[0]) else: print "%s: checksum failed :( (read:%s computed:%s)"%(filename, hashes[0], hashes[1])
<reponame>andreroche/Test-Scripts<gh_stars>0 for i in range (1,11): print ('{:2d} {:2d} {:4d} {:5d}'.format(i, i**2, i**3, i**4))
<reponame>m2p-consulting/pandas import functools import itertools import operator from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast import warnings import numpy as np from pandas._config import get_option from pandas._libs import NaT, Timedelta, iNaT, lib from pandas._typing import ArrayLike, Dtype, DtypeObj, F, Scalar from pandas.compat._optional import import_optional_dependency from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import maybe_upcast_putmask from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( get_dtype, is_any_int_dtype, is_bool_dtype, is_complex, is_datetime64_any_dtype, is_float, is_float_dtype, is_integer, is_integer_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, is_object_dtype, is_scalar, is_timedelta64_dtype, needs_i8_conversion, pandas_dtype, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import PeriodDtype from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna, na_value_for_dtype, notna from import extract_array bn = import_optional_dependency("bottleneck", raise_on_missing=False, on_version="warn") _BOTTLENECK_INSTALLED = bn is not None _USE_BOTTLENECK = False def set_use_bottleneck(v: bool = True) -> None: # set/unset to use bottleneck global _USE_BOTTLENECK if _BOTTLENECK_INSTALLED: _USE_BOTTLENECK = v set_use_bottleneck(get_option("compute.use_bottleneck")) class disallow: def __init__(self, *dtypes): super().__init__() self.dtypes = tuple(pandas_dtype(dtype).type for dtype in dtypes) def check(self, obj) -> bool: return hasattr(obj, "dtype") and issubclass(obj.dtype.type, self.dtypes) def __call__(self, f: F) -> F: @functools.wraps(f) def _f(*args, **kwargs): obj_iter = itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()) if any(self.check(obj) for obj in obj_iter): f_name = f.__name__.replace("nan", "") raise TypeError( f"reduction operation '{f_name}' not allowed for this dtype" ) try: with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): return f(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError as e: # we want to transform an object array # ValueError message to the more typical TypeError # e.g. this is normally a disallowed function on # object arrays that contain strings if is_object_dtype(args[0]): raise TypeError(e) from e raise return cast(F, _f) class bottleneck_switch: def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs): = name self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, alt: F) -> F: bn_name = or alt.__name__ try: bn_func = getattr(bn, bn_name) except (AttributeError, NameError): # pragma: no cover bn_func = None @functools.wraps(alt) def f( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, **kwds, ): if len(self.kwargs) > 0: for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if k not in kwds: kwds[k] = v if values.size == 0 and kwds.get("min_count") is None: # We are empty, returning NA for our type # Only applies for the default `min_count` of None # since that affects how empty arrays are handled. # TODO(GH-18976) update all the nanops methods to # correctly handle empty inputs and remove this check. # It *may* just be `var` return _na_for_min_count(values, axis) if _USE_BOTTLENECK and skipna and _bn_ok_dtype(values.dtype, bn_name): if kwds.get("mask", None) is None: # `mask` is not recognised by bottleneck, would raise # TypeError if called kwds.pop("mask", None) result = bn_func(values, axis=axis, **kwds) # prefer to treat inf/-inf as NA, but must compute the func # twice :( if _has_infs(result): result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds) else: result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds) else: result = alt(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, **kwds) return result return cast(F, f) def _bn_ok_dtype(dtype: DtypeObj, name: str) -> bool: # Bottleneck chokes on datetime64, PeriodDtype (or and EA) if not is_object_dtype(dtype) and not needs_i8_conversion(dtype): # GH 15507 # bottleneck does not properly upcast during the sum # so can overflow # GH 9422 # further we also want to preserve NaN when all elements # are NaN, unlike bottleneck/numpy which consider this # to be 0 if name in ["nansum", "nanprod"]: return False return True return False def _has_infs(result) -> bool: if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if result.dtype == "f8": return lib.has_infs_f8(result.ravel("K")) elif result.dtype == "f4": return lib.has_infs_f4(result.ravel("K")) try: return np.isinf(result).any() except (TypeError, NotImplementedError): # if it doesn't support infs, then it can't have infs return False def _get_fill_value( dtype: DtypeObj, fill_value: Optional[Scalar] = None, fill_value_typ=None ): """ return the correct fill value for the dtype of the values """ if fill_value is not None: return fill_value if _na_ok_dtype(dtype): if fill_value_typ is None: return np.nan else: if fill_value_typ == "+inf": return np.inf else: return -np.inf else: if fill_value_typ is None: return iNaT else: if fill_value_typ == "+inf": # need the max int here return np.iinfo(np.int64).max else: return iNaT def _maybe_get_mask( values: np.ndarray, skipna: bool, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Compute a mask if and only if necessary. This function will compute a mask iff it is necessary. Otherwise, return the provided mask (potentially None) when a mask does not need to be computed. A mask is never necessary if the values array is of boolean or integer dtypes, as these are incapable of storing NaNs. If passing a NaN-capable dtype that is interpretable as either boolean or integer data (eg, timedelta64), a mask must be provided. If the skipna parameter is False, a new mask will not be computed. The mask is computed using isna() by default. Setting invert=True selects notna() as the masking function. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray input array to potentially compute mask for skipna : bool boolean for whether NaNs should be skipped mask : Optional[ndarray] nan-mask if known Returns ------- Optional[np.ndarray] """ if mask is None: if is_bool_dtype(values.dtype) or is_integer_dtype(values.dtype): # Boolean data cannot contain nulls, so signal via mask being None return None if skipna or needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype): mask = isna(values) return mask def _get_values( values: np.ndarray, skipna: bool, fill_value: Any = None, fill_value_typ: Optional[str] = None, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], np.dtype, np.dtype, Any]: """ Utility to get the values view, mask, dtype, dtype_max, and fill_value. If both mask and fill_value/fill_value_typ are not None and skipna is True, the values array will be copied. For input arrays of boolean or integer dtypes, copies will only occur if a precomputed mask, a fill_value/fill_value_typ, and skipna=True are provided. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray input array to potentially compute mask for skipna : bool boolean for whether NaNs should be skipped fill_value : Any value to fill NaNs with fill_value_typ : str Set to '+inf' or '-inf' to handle dtype-specific infinities mask : Optional[np.ndarray] nan-mask if known Returns ------- values : ndarray Potential copy of input value array mask : Optional[ndarray[bool]] Mask for values, if deemed necessary to compute dtype : np.dtype dtype for values dtype_max : np.dtype platform independent dtype fill_value : Any fill value used """ # In _get_values is only called from within nanops, and in all cases # with scalar fill_value. This guarantee is important for the # maybe_upcast_putmask call below assert is_scalar(fill_value) values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True) mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) dtype = values.dtype if needs_i8_conversion(values.dtype): # changing timedelta64/datetime64 to int64 needs to happen after # finding `mask` above values = np.asarray(values.view("i8")) dtype_ok = _na_ok_dtype(dtype) # get our fill value (in case we need to provide an alternative # dtype for it) fill_value = _get_fill_value( dtype, fill_value=fill_value, fill_value_typ=fill_value_typ ) if skipna and (mask is not None) and (fill_value is not None): values = values.copy() if dtype_ok and mask.any(): np.putmask(values, mask, fill_value) # promote if needed else: values, _ = maybe_upcast_putmask(values, mask, fill_value) # return a platform independent precision dtype dtype_max = dtype if is_integer_dtype(dtype) or is_bool_dtype(dtype): dtype_max = np.dtype(np.int64) elif is_float_dtype(dtype): dtype_max = np.dtype(np.float64) return values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, fill_value def _na_ok_dtype(dtype: DtypeObj) -> bool: if needs_i8_conversion(dtype): return False return not issubclass(dtype.type, np.integer) def _wrap_results(result, dtype: np.dtype, fill_value=None): """ wrap our results if needed """ if result is NaT: pass elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(dtype): if fill_value is None: # GH#24293 fill_value = iNaT if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): assert not isna(fill_value), "Expected non-null fill_value" if result == fill_value: result = np.nan if isna(result): result = np.datetime64("NaT", "ns") else: result = np.int64(result).view("datetime64[ns]") else: # If we have float dtype, taking a view will give the wrong result result = result.astype(dtype) elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype): if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if result == fill_value: result = np.nan # raise if we have a timedelta64[ns] which is too large if np.fabs(result) > np.iinfo(np.int64).max: raise ValueError("overflow in timedelta operation") result = Timedelta(result, unit="ns") else: result = result.astype("m8[ns]").view(dtype) return result def _datetimelike_compat(func): """ If we have datetime64 or timedelta64 values, ensure we have a correct mask before calling the wrapped function, then cast back afterwards. """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(values, *, axis=None, skipna=True, mask=None, **kwargs): orig_values = values datetimelike = values.dtype.kind in ["m", "M"] if datetimelike and mask is None: mask = isna(values) result = func(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, mask=mask, **kwargs) if datetimelike: result = _wrap_results(result, orig_values.dtype, fill_value=iNaT) if not skipna: result = _mask_datetimelike_result(result, axis, mask, orig_values) return result return new_func def _na_for_min_count( values: np.ndarray, axis: Optional[int] ) -> Union[Scalar, np.ndarray]: """ Return the missing value for `values`. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis : int or None axis for the reduction, required if values.ndim > 1. Returns ------- result : scalar or ndarray For 1-D values, returns a scalar of the correct missing type. For 2-D values, returns a 1-D array where each element is missing. """ # we either return np.nan or pd.NaT if is_numeric_dtype(values): values = values.astype("float64") fill_value = na_value_for_dtype(values.dtype) if fill_value is NaT: fill_value = values.dtype.type("NaT", "ns") if values.ndim == 1: return fill_value elif axis is None: return fill_value else: result_shape = values.shape[:axis] + values.shape[axis + 1 :] result = np.full(result_shape, fill_value, dtype=values.dtype) return result def nanany( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> bool: """ Check if any elements along an axis evaluate to True. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis : int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : bool Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2]) >>> nanops.nanany(s) True >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([np.nan]) >>> nanops.nanany(s) False """ values, _, _, _, _ = _get_values(values, skipna, fill_value=False, mask=mask) return values.any(axis) def nanall( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> bool: """ Check if all elements along an axis evaluate to True. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : bool Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan]) >>> nanops.nanall(s) True >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 0]) >>> nanops.nanall(s) False """ values, _, _, _, _ = _get_values(values, skipna, fill_value=True, mask=mask) return values.all(axis) @disallow("M8") @_datetimelike_compat def nansum( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, min_count: int = 0, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Sum the elements along an axis ignoring NaNs Parameters ---------- values : ndarray[dtype] axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True min_count: int, default 0 mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : dtype Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan]) >>> nanops.nansum(s) 3.0 """ values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, _ = _get_values( values, skipna, fill_value=0, mask=mask ) dtype_sum = dtype_max if is_float_dtype(dtype): dtype_sum = dtype elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype): dtype_sum = np.float64 the_sum = values.sum(axis, dtype=dtype_sum) the_sum = _maybe_null_out(the_sum, axis, mask, values.shape, min_count=min_count) return the_sum def _mask_datetimelike_result( result: Union[np.ndarray, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64], axis: Optional[int], mask: np.ndarray, orig_values: np.ndarray, ): if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): # we need to apply the mask result = result.astype("i8").view(orig_values.dtype) axis_mask = mask.any(axis=axis) result[axis_mask] = iNaT else: if mask.any(): result = NaT return result @disallow(PeriodDtype) @bottleneck_switch() @_datetimelike_compat def nanmean( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Compute the mean of the element along an axis ignoring NaNs Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- float Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, np.nan]) >>> nanops.nanmean(s) 1.5 """ values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, _ = _get_values( values, skipna, fill_value=0, mask=mask ) dtype_sum = dtype_max dtype_count = np.float64 # not using needs_i8_conversion because that includes period if dtype.kind in ["m", "M"]: dtype_sum = np.float64 elif is_integer_dtype(dtype): dtype_sum = np.float64 elif is_float_dtype(dtype): dtype_sum = dtype dtype_count = dtype count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis, dtype=dtype_count) the_sum = _ensure_numeric(values.sum(axis, dtype=dtype_sum)) if axis is not None and getattr(the_sum, "ndim", False): count = cast(np.ndarray, count) with np.errstate(all="ignore"): # suppress division by zero warnings the_mean = the_sum / count ct_mask = count == 0 if ct_mask.any(): the_mean[ct_mask] = np.nan else: the_mean = the_sum / count if count > 0 else np.nan return the_mean @bottleneck_switch() def nanmedian(values, *, axis=None, skipna=True, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, 2]) >>> nanops.nanmedian(s) 2.0 """ def get_median(x): mask = notna(x) if not skipna and not mask.all(): return np.nan with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Suppress RuntimeWarning about All-NaN slice warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "All-NaN slice encountered") res = np.nanmedian(x[mask]) return res values, mask, dtype, _, _ = _get_values(values, skipna, mask=mask) if not is_float_dtype(values.dtype): try: values = values.astype("f8") except ValueError as err: # e.g. "could not convert string to float: 'a'" raise TypeError from err if mask is not None: values[mask] = np.nan if axis is None: values = values.ravel("K") notempty = values.size # an array from a frame if values.ndim > 1: # there's a non-empty array to apply over otherwise numpy raises if notempty: if not skipna: res = np.apply_along_axis(get_median, axis, values) else: # fastpath for the skipna case with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Suppress RuntimeWarning about All-NaN slice warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "All-NaN slice encountered") res = np.nanmedian(values, axis) else: # must return the correct shape, but median is not defined for the # empty set so return nans of shape "everything but the passed axis" # since "axis" is where the reduction would occur if we had a nonempty # array res = get_empty_reduction_result(values.shape, axis, np.float_, np.nan) else: # otherwise return a scalar value res = get_median(values) if notempty else np.nan return _wrap_results(res, dtype) def get_empty_reduction_result( shape: Tuple[int, ...], axis: int, dtype: np.dtype, fill_value: Any ) -> np.ndarray: """ The result from a reduction on an empty ndarray. Parameters ---------- shape : Tuple[int] axis : int dtype : np.dtype fill_value : Any Returns ------- np.ndarray """ shp = np.array(shape) dims = np.arange(len(shape)) ret = np.empty(shp[dims != axis], dtype=dtype) ret.fill(fill_value) return ret def _get_counts_nanvar( value_counts: Tuple[int], mask: Optional[np.ndarray], axis: Optional[int], ddof: int, dtype: Dtype = float, ) -> Tuple[Union[int, np.ndarray], Union[int, np.ndarray]]: """ Get the count of non-null values along an axis, accounting for degrees of freedom. Parameters ---------- values_shape : Tuple[int] shape tuple from values ndarray, used if mask is None mask : Optional[ndarray[bool]] locations in values that should be considered missing axis : Optional[int] axis to count along ddof : int degrees of freedom dtype : type, optional type to use for count Returns ------- count : scalar or array d : scalar or array """ dtype = get_dtype(dtype) count = _get_counts(value_counts, mask, axis, dtype=dtype) d = count - dtype.type(ddof) # always return NaN, never inf if is_scalar(count): if count <= ddof: count = np.nan d = np.nan else: mask2: np.ndarray = count <= ddof if mask2.any(): np.putmask(d, mask2, np.nan) np.putmask(count, mask2, np.nan) return count, d @bottleneck_switch(ddof=1) def nanstd(values, *, axis=None, skipna=True, ddof=1, mask=None): """ Compute the standard deviation along given axis while ignoring NaNs Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True ddof : int, default 1 Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, 3]) >>> nanops.nanstd(s) 1.0 """ if values.dtype == "M8[ns]": values = values.view("m8[ns]") orig_dtype = values.dtype values, mask, _, _, _ = _get_values(values, skipna, mask=mask) result = np.sqrt(nanvar(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof, mask=mask)) return _wrap_results(result, orig_dtype) @disallow("M8", "m8") @bottleneck_switch(ddof=1) def nanvar(values, *, axis=None, skipna=True, ddof=1, mask=None): """ Compute the variance along given axis while ignoring NaNs Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True ddof : int, default 1 Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, 3]) >>> nanops.nanvar(s) 1.0 """ values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True) dtype = values.dtype mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) if is_any_int_dtype(dtype): values = values.astype("f8") if mask is not None: values[mask] = np.nan if is_float_dtype(values.dtype): count, d = _get_counts_nanvar(values.shape, mask, axis, ddof, values.dtype) else: count, d = _get_counts_nanvar(values.shape, mask, axis, ddof) if skipna and mask is not None: values = values.copy() np.putmask(values, mask, 0) # xref GH10242 # Compute variance via two-pass algorithm, which is stable against # cancellation errors and relatively accurate for small numbers of # observations. # # See avg = _ensure_numeric(values.sum(axis=axis, dtype=np.float64)) / count if axis is not None: avg = np.expand_dims(avg, axis) sqr = _ensure_numeric((avg - values) ** 2) if mask is not None: np.putmask(sqr, mask, 0) result = sqr.sum(axis=axis, dtype=np.float64) / d # Return variance as np.float64 (the datatype used in the accumulator), # unless we were dealing with a float array, in which case use the same # precision as the original values array. if is_float_dtype(dtype): result = result.astype(dtype) return result @disallow("M8", "m8") def nansem( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, ddof: int = 1, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Compute the standard error in the mean along given axis while ignoring NaNs Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True ddof : int, default 1 Delta Degrees of Freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float64 Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 2, 3]) >>> nanops.nansem(s) 0.5773502691896258 """ # This checks if non-numeric-like data is passed with numeric_only=False # and raises a TypeError otherwise nanvar(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof, mask=mask) mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) if not is_float_dtype(values.dtype): values = values.astype("f8") count, _ = _get_counts_nanvar(values.shape, mask, axis, ddof, values.dtype) var = nanvar(values, axis=axis, skipna=skipna, ddof=ddof) return np.sqrt(var) / np.sqrt(count) def _nanminmax(meth, fill_value_typ): @bottleneck_switch(name="nan" + meth) @_datetimelike_compat def reduction( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dtype: values, mask, dtype, dtype_max, fill_value = _get_values( values, skipna, fill_value_typ=fill_value_typ, mask=mask ) if (axis is not None and values.shape[axis] == 0) or values.size == 0: try: result = getattr(values, meth)(axis, dtype=dtype_max) result.fill(np.nan) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): result = np.nan else: result = getattr(values, meth)(axis) result = _maybe_null_out(result, axis, mask, values.shape) return result return reduction nanmin = _nanminmax("min", fill_value_typ="+inf") nanmax = _nanminmax("max", fill_value_typ="-inf") @disallow("O") def nanargmax( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """ Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : int or ndarray[int] The index/indices of max value in specified axis or -1 in the NA case Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.nan, 4]) >>> nanops.nanargmax(arr) 4 >>> arr = np.array(range(12), dtype=np.float64).reshape(4, 3) >>> arr[2:, 2] = np.nan >>> arr array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 3., 4., 5.], [ 6., 7., nan], [ 9., 10., nan]]) >>> nanops.nanargmax(arr, axis=1) array([2, 2, 1, 1], dtype=int64) """ values, mask, _, _, _ = _get_values(values, True, fill_value_typ="-inf", mask=mask) result = values.argmax(axis) result = _maybe_arg_null_out(result, axis, mask, skipna) return result @disallow("O") def nanargmin( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Union[int, np.ndarray]: """ Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : int or ndarray[int] The index/indices of min value in specified axis or -1 in the NA case Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, np.nan, 4]) >>> nanops.nanargmin(arr) 0 >>> arr = np.array(range(12), dtype=np.float64).reshape(4, 3) >>> arr[2:, 0] = np.nan >>> arr array([[ 0., 1., 2.], [ 3., 4., 5.], [nan, 7., 8.], [nan, 10., 11.]]) >>> nanops.nanargmin(arr, axis=1) array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=int64) """ values, mask, _, _, _ = _get_values(values, True, fill_value_typ="+inf", mask=mask) result = values.argmin(axis) result = _maybe_arg_null_out(result, axis, mask, skipna) return result @disallow("M8", "m8") def nanskew( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Compute the sample skewness. The statistic computed here is the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G1. The algorithm computes this coefficient directly from the second and third central moment. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float64 Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 1, 2]) >>> nanops.nanskew(s) 1.7320508075688787 """ values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True) mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) if not is_float_dtype(values.dtype): values = values.astype("f8") count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis) else: count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis, dtype=values.dtype) if skipna and mask is not None: values = values.copy() np.putmask(values, mask, 0) mean = values.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) / count if axis is not None: mean = np.expand_dims(mean, axis) adjusted = values - mean if skipna and mask is not None: np.putmask(adjusted, mask, 0) adjusted2 = adjusted ** 2 adjusted3 = adjusted2 * adjusted m2 = adjusted2.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) m3 = adjusted3.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) # floating point error # # #18044 in _libs/windows.pyx calc_skew follow this behavior # to fix the fperr to treat m2 <1e-14 as zero m2 = _zero_out_fperr(m2) m3 = _zero_out_fperr(m3) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): result = (count * (count - 1) ** 0.5 / (count - 2)) * (m3 / m2 ** 1.5) dtype = values.dtype if is_float_dtype(dtype): result = result.astype(dtype) if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result = np.where(m2 == 0, 0, result) result[count < 3] = np.nan return result else: result = 0 if m2 == 0 else result if count < 3: return np.nan return result @disallow("M8", "m8") def nankurt( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Compute the sample excess kurtosis The statistic computed here is the adjusted Fisher-Pearson standardized moment coefficient G2, computed directly from the second and fourth central moment. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- result : float64 Unless input is a float array, in which case use the same precision as the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 1, 3, 2]) >>> nanops.nankurt(s) -1.2892561983471076 """ values = extract_array(values, extract_numpy=True) mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) if not is_float_dtype(values.dtype): values = values.astype("f8") count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis) else: count = _get_counts(values.shape, mask, axis, dtype=values.dtype) if skipna and mask is not None: values = values.copy() np.putmask(values, mask, 0) mean = values.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) / count if axis is not None: mean = np.expand_dims(mean, axis) adjusted = values - mean if skipna and mask is not None: np.putmask(adjusted, mask, 0) adjusted2 = adjusted ** 2 adjusted4 = adjusted2 ** 2 m2 = adjusted2.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) m4 = adjusted4.sum(axis, dtype=np.float64) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): adj = 3 * (count - 1) ** 2 / ((count - 2) * (count - 3)) numer = count * (count + 1) * (count - 1) * m4 denom = (count - 2) * (count - 3) * m2 ** 2 # floating point error # # #18044 in _libs/windows.pyx calc_kurt follow this behavior # to fix the fperr to treat denom <1e-14 as zero numer = _zero_out_fperr(numer) denom = _zero_out_fperr(denom) if not isinstance(denom, np.ndarray): # if ``denom`` is a scalar, check these corner cases first before # doing division if count < 4: return np.nan if denom == 0: return 0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore", divide="ignore"): result = numer / denom - adj dtype = values.dtype if is_float_dtype(dtype): result = result.astype(dtype) if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result = np.where(denom == 0, 0, result) result[count < 4] = np.nan return result @disallow("M8", "m8") def nanprod( values: np.ndarray, *, axis: Optional[int] = None, skipna: bool = True, min_count: int = 0, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> float: """ Parameters ---------- values : ndarray[dtype] axis: int, optional skipna : bool, default True min_count: int, default 0 mask : ndarray[bool], optional nan-mask if known Returns ------- Dtype The product of all elements on a given axis. ( NaNs are treated as 1) Examples -------- >>> import pandas.core.nanops as nanops >>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, np.nan]) >>> nanops.nanprod(s) 6.0 """ mask = _maybe_get_mask(values, skipna, mask) if skipna and mask is not None: values = values.copy() values[mask] = 1 result = return _maybe_null_out(result, axis, mask, values.shape, min_count=min_count) def _maybe_arg_null_out( result: np.ndarray, axis: Optional[int], mask: Optional[np.ndarray], skipna: bool ) -> Union[np.ndarray, int]: # helper function for nanargmin/nanargmax if mask is None: return result if axis is None or not getattr(result, "ndim", False): if skipna: if mask.all(): result = -1 else: if mask.any(): result = -1 else: if skipna: na_mask = mask.all(axis) else: na_mask = mask.any(axis) if na_mask.any(): result[na_mask] = -1 return result def _get_counts( values_shape: Tuple[int, ...], mask: Optional[np.ndarray], axis: Optional[int], dtype: Dtype = float, ) -> Union[int, float, np.ndarray]: """ Get the count of non-null values along an axis Parameters ---------- values_shape : tuple of int shape tuple from values ndarray, used if mask is None mask : Optional[ndarray[bool]] locations in values that should be considered missing axis : Optional[int] axis to count along dtype : type, optional type to use for count Returns ------- count : scalar or array """ dtype = get_dtype(dtype) if axis is None: if mask is not None: n = mask.size - mask.sum() else: n = return dtype.type(n) if mask is not None: count = mask.shape[axis] - mask.sum(axis) else: count = values_shape[axis] if is_scalar(count): return dtype.type(count) try: return count.astype(dtype) except AttributeError: return np.array(count, dtype=dtype) def _maybe_null_out( result: np.ndarray, axis: Optional[int], mask: Optional[np.ndarray], shape: Tuple[int, ...], min_count: int = 1, ) -> float: """ Returns ------- Dtype The product of all elements on a given axis. ( NaNs are treated as 1) """ if mask is not None and axis is not None and getattr(result, "ndim", False): null_mask = (mask.shape[axis] - mask.sum(axis) - min_count) < 0 if np.any(null_mask): if is_numeric_dtype(result): if np.iscomplexobj(result): result = result.astype("c16") else: result = result.astype("f8") result[null_mask] = np.nan else: # GH12941, use None to auto cast null result[null_mask] = None elif result is not NaT: if check_below_min_count(shape, mask, min_count): result = np.nan return result def check_below_min_count( shape: Tuple[int, ...], mask: Optional[np.ndarray], min_count: int ) -> bool: """ Check for the `min_count` keyword. Returns True if below `min_count` (when missing value should be returned from the reduction). Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the values (`values.shape`). mask : ndarray or None Boolean numpy array (typically of same shape as `shape`) or None. min_count : int Keyword passed through from sum/prod call. Returns ------- bool """ if min_count > 0: if mask is None: # no missing values, only check size non_nulls = else: non_nulls = mask.size - mask.sum() if non_nulls < min_count: return True return False def _zero_out_fperr(arg): # #18044 reference this behavior to fix rolling skew/kurt issue if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray): with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): return np.where(np.abs(arg) < 1e-14, 0, arg) else: return arg.dtype.type(0) if np.abs(arg) < 1e-14 else arg @disallow("M8", "m8") def nancorr( a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, *, method="pearson", min_periods: Optional[int] = None ): """ a, b: ndarrays """ if len(a) != len(b): raise AssertionError("Operands to nancorr must have same size") if min_periods is None: min_periods = 1 valid = notna(a) & notna(b) if not valid.all(): a = a[valid] b = b[valid] if len(a) < min_periods: return np.nan f = get_corr_func(method) return f(a, b) def get_corr_func(method): if method == "kendall": from scipy.stats import kendalltau def func(a, b): return kendalltau(a, b)[0] return func elif method == "spearman": from scipy.stats import spearmanr def func(a, b): return spearmanr(a, b)[0] return func elif method == "pearson": def func(a, b): return np.corrcoef(a, b)[0, 1] return func elif callable(method): return method raise ValueError( f"Unknown method '{method}', expected one of " "'kendall', 'spearman', 'pearson', or callable" ) @disallow("M8", "m8") def nancov( a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, *, min_periods: Optional[int] = None, ddof: Optional[int] = 1, ): if len(a) != len(b): raise AssertionError("Operands to nancov must have same size") if min_periods is None: min_periods = 1 valid = notna(a) & notna(b) if not valid.all(): a = a[valid] b = b[valid] if len(a) < min_periods: return np.nan return np.cov(a, b, ddof=ddof)[0, 1] def _ensure_numeric(x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if is_integer_dtype(x) or is_bool_dtype(x): x = x.astype(np.float64) elif is_object_dtype(x): try: x = x.astype(np.complex128) except (TypeError, ValueError): try: x = x.astype(np.float64) except ValueError as err: # GH#29941 we get here with object arrays containing strs raise TypeError(f"Could not convert {x} to numeric") from err else: if not np.any(np.imag(x)): x = x.real elif not (is_float(x) or is_integer(x) or is_complex(x)): try: x = float(x) except ValueError: # e.g. "1+1j" or "foo" try: x = complex(x) except ValueError as err: # e.g. "foo" raise TypeError(f"Could not convert {x} to numeric") from err return x # NA-friendly array comparisons def make_nancomp(op): def f(x, y): xmask = isna(x) ymask = isna(y) mask = xmask | ymask with np.errstate(all="ignore"): result = op(x, y) if mask.any(): if is_bool_dtype(result): result = result.astype("O") np.putmask(result, mask, np.nan) return result return f nangt = make_nancomp( nange = make_nancomp( nanlt = make_nancomp( nanle = make_nancomp(operator.le) naneq = make_nancomp(operator.eq) nanne = make_nancomp( def _nanpercentile_1d( values: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, q, na_value: Scalar, interpolation ) -> Union[Scalar, np.ndarray]: """ Wrapper for np.percentile that skips missing values, specialized to 1-dimensional case. Parameters ---------- values : array over which to find quantiles mask : ndarray[bool] locations in values that should be considered missing q : scalar or array of quantile indices to find na_value : scalar value to return for empty or all-null values interpolation : str Returns ------- quantiles : scalar or array """ # mask is Union[ExtensionArray, ndarray] values = values[~mask] if len(values) == 0: if lib.is_scalar(q): return na_value else: return np.array([na_value] * len(q), dtype=values.dtype) return np.percentile(values, q, interpolation=interpolation) def nanpercentile( values: np.ndarray, q, *, axis: int, na_value, mask: np.ndarray, ndim: int, interpolation, ): """ Wrapper for np.percentile that skips missing values. Parameters ---------- values : array over which to find quantiles q : scalar or array of quantile indices to find axis : {0, 1} na_value : scalar value to return for empty or all-null values mask : ndarray[bool] locations in values that should be considered missing ndim : {1, 2} interpolation : str Returns ------- quantiles : scalar or array """ if values.dtype.kind in ["m", "M"]: # need to cast to integer to avoid rounding errors in numpy result = nanpercentile( values.view("i8"), q=q, axis=axis, na_value=na_value.view("i8"), mask=mask, ndim=ndim, interpolation=interpolation, ) # Note: we have to do do `astype` and not view because in general we # have float result at this point, not i8 return result.astype(values.dtype) if not lib.is_scalar(mask) and mask.any(): if ndim == 1: return _nanpercentile_1d( values, mask, q, na_value, interpolation=interpolation ) else: # for nonconsolidatable blocks mask is 1D, but values 2D if mask.ndim < values.ndim: mask = mask.reshape(values.shape) if axis == 0: values = values.T mask = mask.T result = [ _nanpercentile_1d(val, m, q, na_value, interpolation=interpolation) for (val, m) in zip(list(values), list(mask)) ] result = np.array(result, dtype=values.dtype, copy=False).T return result else: return np.percentile(values, q, axis=axis, interpolation=interpolation) def na_accum_func(values: ArrayLike, accum_func, *, skipna: bool) -> ArrayLike: """ Cumulative function with skipna support. Parameters ---------- values : np.ndarray or ExtensionArray accum_func : {np.cumprod, np.maximum.accumulate, np.cumsum, np.minimum.accumulate} skipna : bool Returns ------- np.ndarray or ExtensionArray """ mask_a, mask_b = { np.cumprod: (1.0, np.nan), np.maximum.accumulate: (-np.inf, np.nan), np.cumsum: (0.0, np.nan), np.minimum.accumulate: (np.inf, np.nan), }[accum_func] # We will be applying this function to block values if values.dtype.kind in ["m", "M"]: # GH#30460, GH#29058 # numpy 1.18 started sorting NaTs at the end instead of beginning, # so we need to work around to maintain backwards-consistency. orig_dtype = values.dtype # We need to define mask before masking NaTs mask = isna(values) if accum_func == np.minimum.accumulate: # Note: the accum_func comparison fails as an "is" comparison y = values.view("i8") y[mask] = np.iinfo(np.int64).max changed = True else: y = values changed = False result = accum_func(y.view("i8"), axis=0) if skipna: result[mask] = iNaT elif accum_func == np.minimum.accumulate: # Restore NaTs that we masked previously nz = (~np.asarray(mask)).nonzero()[0] if len(nz): # everything up to the first non-na entry stays NaT result[: nz[0]] = iNaT if changed: # restore NaT elements y[mask] = iNaT # TODO: could try/finally for this? if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): result = result.view(orig_dtype) else: # DatetimeArray result = type(values)._simple_new( # type: ignore[attr-defined] result, dtype=orig_dtype ) elif skipna and not issubclass(values.dtype.type, (np.integer, np.bool_)): vals = values.copy() mask = isna(vals) vals[mask] = mask_a result = accum_func(vals, axis=0) result[mask] = mask_b else: result = accum_func(values, axis=0) return result
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import unittest from airflow import models from airflow.api.common.experimental.mark_tasks import ( set_state, _create_dagruns, set_dag_run_state) from airflow.settings import Session from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago from airflow.utils.state import State from datetime import datetime, timedelta DEV_NULL = "/dev/null" class TestMarkTasks(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dagbag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True) self.dag1 = self.dagbag.dags['test_example_bash_operator'] self.dag2 = self.dagbag.dags['example_subdag_operator'] self.execution_dates = [days_ago(2), days_ago(1)] drs = _create_dagruns(self.dag1, self.execution_dates, state=State.RUNNING, run_id_template="scheduled__{}") for dr in drs: dr.dag = self.dag1 dr.verify_integrity() drs = _create_dagruns(self.dag2, [self.dag2.default_args['start_date']], state=State.RUNNING, run_id_template="scheduled__{}") for dr in drs: dr.dag = self.dag2 dr.verify_integrity() self.session = Session() def snapshot_state(self, dag, execution_dates): TI = models.TaskInstance tis = self.session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id==dag.dag_id, TI.execution_date.in_(execution_dates) ).all() self.session.expunge_all() return tis def verify_state(self, dag, task_ids, execution_dates, state, old_tis): TI = models.TaskInstance tis = self.session.query(TI).filter( TI.dag_id==dag.dag_id, TI.execution_date.in_(execution_dates) ).all() self.assertTrue(len(tis) > 0) for ti in tis: if ti.task_id in task_ids and ti.execution_date in execution_dates: self.assertEqual(ti.state, state) else: for old_ti in old_tis: if (old_ti.task_id == ti.task_id and old_ti.execution_date == ti.execution_date): self.assertEqual(ti.state, old_ti.state) def test_mark_tasks_now(self): # set one task to success but do not commit snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("runme_1") altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=False) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 1) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], [self.execution_dates[0]], None, snapshot) # set one and only one task to success altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 1) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, snapshot) # set no tasks altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 0) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, snapshot) # set task to other than success altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.FAILED, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 1) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], [self.execution_dates[0]], State.FAILED, snapshot) # dont alter other tasks snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("runme_0") altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 1) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, snapshot) def test_mark_downstream(self): # test downstream snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("runme_1") relatives = task.get_flat_relatives(upstream=False) task_ids = [t.task_id for t in relatives] task_ids.append(task.task_id) altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=True, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 3) self.verify_state(self.dag1, task_ids, [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, snapshot) def test_mark_upstream(self): # test upstream snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("run_after_loop") relatives = task.get_flat_relatives(upstream=True) task_ids = [t.task_id for t in relatives] task_ids.append(task.task_id) altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=True, downstream=False, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 4) self.verify_state(self.dag1, task_ids, [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, snapshot) def test_mark_tasks_future(self): # set one task to success towards end of scheduled dag runs snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("runme_1") altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=True, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 2) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], self.execution_dates, State.SUCCESS, snapshot) def test_mark_tasks_past(self): # set one task to success towards end of scheduled dag runs snapshot = self.snapshot_state(self.dag1, self.execution_dates) task = self.dag1.get_task("runme_1") altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[1], upstream=False, downstream=False, future=False, past=True, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 2) self.verify_state(self.dag1, [task.task_id], self.execution_dates, State.SUCCESS, snapshot) def test_mark_tasks_subdag(self): # set one task to success towards end of scheduled dag runs task = self.dag2.get_task("section-1") relatives = task.get_flat_relatives(upstream=False) task_ids = [t.task_id for t in relatives] task_ids.append(task.task_id) altered = set_state(task=task, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], upstream=False, downstream=True, future=False, past=False, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 14) # cannot use snapshot here as that will require drilling down the # the sub dag tree essentially recreating the same code as in the # tested logic. self.verify_state(self.dag2, task_ids, [self.execution_dates[0]], State.SUCCESS, []) def tearDown(self): self.dag1.clear() self.dag2.clear() # just to make sure we are fully cleaned up self.session.query(models.DagRun).delete() self.session.query(models.TaskInstance).delete() self.session.commit() self.session.close() class TestMarkDAGRun(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dagbag = models.DagBag(include_examples=True) self.dag1 = self.dagbag.dags['test_example_bash_operator'] self.dag2 = self.dagbag.dags['example_subdag_operator'] self.execution_dates = [days_ago(3), days_ago(2), days_ago(1)] self.session = Session() def verify_dag_run_states(self, dag, date, state=State.SUCCESS): drs = models.DagRun.find(dag_id=dag.dag_id, execution_date=date) dr = drs[0] self.assertEqual(dr.get_state(), state) tis = dr.get_task_instances(session=self.session) for ti in tis: self.assertEqual(ti.state, state) def test_set_running_dag_run_state(self): date = self.execution_dates[0] dr = self.dag1.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.RUNNING, execution_date=date, session=self.session ) for ti in dr.get_task_instances(session=self.session): ti.set_state(State.RUNNING, self.session) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, date, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) # All of the task should be altered self.assertEqual(len(altered), len(self.dag1.tasks)) self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag1, date) def test_set_success_dag_run_state(self): date = self.execution_dates[0] dr = self.dag1.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.SUCCESS, execution_date=date, session=self.session ) for ti in dr.get_task_instances(session=self.session): ti.set_state(State.SUCCESS, self.session) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, date, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) # None of the task should be altered self.assertEqual(len(altered), 0) self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag1, date) def test_set_failed_dag_run_state(self): date = self.execution_dates[0] dr = self.dag1.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.FAILED, execution_date=date, session=self.session ) dr.get_task_instance('runme_0').set_state(State.FAILED, self.session) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, date, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) # All of the task should be altered self.assertEqual(len(altered), len(self.dag1.tasks)) self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag1, date) def test_set_mixed_dag_run_state(self): """ This test checks function set_dag_run_state with mixed task instance state. """ date = self.execution_dates[0] dr = self.dag1.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.FAILED, execution_date=date, session=self.session ) # success task dr.get_task_instance('runme_0').set_state(State.SUCCESS, self.session) # skipped task dr.get_task_instance('runme_1').set_state(State.SKIPPED, self.session) # retry task dr.get_task_instance('runme_2').set_state(State.UP_FOR_RETRY, self.session) # queued task dr.get_task_instance('also_run_this').set_state(State.QUEUED, self.session) # running task dr.get_task_instance('run_after_loop').set_state(State.RUNNING, self.session) # failed task dr.get_task_instance('run_this_last').set_state(State.FAILED, self.session) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, date, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) self.assertEqual(len(altered), len(self.dag1.tasks) - 1) # only 1 task succeeded self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag1, date) def test_set_state_without_commit(self): date = self.execution_dates[0] # Running dag run and task instances dr = self.dag1.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.RUNNING, execution_date=date, session=self.session ) for ti in dr.get_task_instances(session=self.session): ti.set_state(State.RUNNING, self.session) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, date, state=State.SUCCESS, commit=False) # All of the task should be altered self.assertEqual(len(altered), len(self.dag1.tasks)) # Both dag run and task instances' states should remain the same self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag1, date, State.RUNNING) def test_set_state_with_multiple_dagruns(self): dr1 = self.dag2.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.FAILED, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0], session=self.session ) dr2 = self.dag2.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.FAILED, execution_date=self.execution_dates[1], session=self.session ) dr3 = self.dag2.create_dagrun( run_id='manual__' +, state=State.RUNNING, execution_date=self.execution_dates[2], session=self.session ) altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag2, self.execution_dates[1], state=State.SUCCESS, commit=True) # Recursively count number of tasks in the dag def count_dag_tasks(dag): count = len(dag.tasks) subdag_counts = [count_dag_tasks(subdag) for subdag in dag.subdags] count += sum(subdag_counts) return count self.assertEqual(len(altered), count_dag_tasks(self.dag2)) self.verify_dag_run_states(self.dag2, self.execution_dates[1]) # Make sure other dag status are not changed dr1 = models.DagRun.find(dag_id=self.dag2.dag_id, execution_date=self.execution_dates[0]) dr1 = dr1[0] self.assertEqual(dr1.get_state(), State.FAILED) dr3 = models.DagRun.find(dag_id=self.dag2.dag_id, execution_date=self.execution_dates[2]) dr3 = dr3[0] self.assertEqual(dr3.get_state(), State.RUNNING) def test_set_dag_run_state_edge_cases(self): # Dag does not exist altered = set_dag_run_state(None, self.execution_dates[0]) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 0) # Invalid execution date altered = set_dag_run_state(self.dag1, None) self.assertEqual(len(altered), 0) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, set_dag_run_state, self.dag1, timedelta(microseconds=-1)) # DagRun does not exist # This will throw AssertionError since dag.latest_execution_date does not exist self.assertRaises(AssertionError, set_dag_run_state, self.dag1, self.execution_dates[0]) def tearDown(self): self.dag1.clear() self.dag2.clear() self.session.query(models.DagRun).delete() self.session.query(models.TaskInstance).delete() self.session.query(models.DagStat).delete() self.session.commit() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import os from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split def create_info_csv(mvtec_dir: Path) -> DataFrame: df = pd.DataFrame({}) for data_type in ["train", "test"]: for p in mvtec_dir.glob(f"*/{data_type}/*/*.png"): raw_stem = p.stem defect = p.parents[0].name data_type = p.parents[1].name category = p.parents[2].name df = df.append( { "raw_img_path": str(p), "raw_stem": raw_stem, "defect": defect, "data_type": data_type, "category": category, }, ignore_index=True, ) for category in df["category"].unique(): category_df = df.query("data_type=='train' & category==@category") _, val_index = train_test_split( category_df.index.tolist(), train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2, random_state=5, shuffle=True, ) df.loc[val_index, "data_type"] = "val" df["stem"] = df.apply( lambda x: f"{x.category}_{x.data_type}_{x.defect}_{x.raw_stem}", axis=1, ) df["raw_mask_path"] = df.apply( lambda x: f"{mvtec_dir}/{x.category}/ground_truth/{x.defect}/{x.raw_stem}_mask.png", axis=1, ) return df def move_images_and_masks(df: DataFrame) -> None: os.makedirs("/data/images", exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("/data/masks", exist_ok=True) for i in df.index: raw_img_path, raw_mask_path, stem = df.loc[i, ["raw_img_path", "raw_mask_path", "stem"]] if os.path.exists(raw_mask_path): os.rename(raw_mask_path, f"/data/masks/{stem}.png") else: # create masks for train images img = cv2.imread(raw_img_path) mask = np.zeros(img.shape) cv2.imwrite(f"/data/masks/{stem}.png", mask) os.rename(raw_img_path, f"/data/images/{stem}.png") df.drop(columns=["raw_stem", "raw_img_path", "raw_mask_path"]) df.to_csv("/data/info.csv", index=False) if __name__ == "__main__": mvtec_dir = Path("/data/MVTec") df = create_info_csv(mvtec_dir) move_images_and_masks(df)
import csv from flask_wtf import FlaskForm as Form from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileRequired, FileAllowed from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired from wtforms import ValidationError # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic class HostForm(Form): fqdn = StringField('FQDN or IP', validators=[DataRequired()]) port = StringField('TCP Port') friendly_name = StringField('Friendly Name') submit = SubmitField('Submit') def validate_port(self, field): if len( > 0: try: int( except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Port provided is not valid') class ImportForm(Form): file = FileField('Hosts', validators=[FileRequired(), FileAllowed(['csv'], 'Only CSV is supported!')]) submit = SubmitField('Submit')
""" A simple webhook event handler for Sendgrid """ import os import json import flask from flask import request, jsonify import flask_sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config['BASE_URL'] = os.environ['BASE_URL'] app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = os.environ['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = True # username/pass to POST post_user, post_pass = os.environ['POST_USERNAME'], os.environ['POST_PASSWORD'] db = flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy() db.init_app(app) # Based on # # These are other rarer(?) possibilities: # asm_group_id, unique_args, marketing_campaign_id, marketing_campaign_name, pool class Event(db.Model): email = db.Column(db.Text) timestamp = db.Column(db.Integer) # DateTime) event = db.Column(db.Text) smtp_id = db.Column(db.Text) # sg key is 'smtp-id' useragent = db.Column(db.Text) ip = db.Column(db.Text) sg_event_id = db.Column(db.String(100), primary_key=True) sg_message_id = db.Column(db.Text) reason = db.Column(db.Text) status = db.Column(db.Text) response = db.Column(db.Text) tls = db.Column(db.Text) url = db.Column(db.Text) urloffset = db.Column(db.Text) attempt = db.Column(db.Text) category = db.Column(db.Text) type_ = db.Column(db.Text) _other = db.Column('other', db.Text, default='[]') @hybrid_property def other(self): return json.loads(self._other) @other.setter def other(self, lst): self._other = json.dumps(lst) event_keys = [k.strip('_') for k in flask_sqlalchemy.inspect(Event).columns.keys() if not k.startswith('_')] @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def home(): if request.authorization["username"] != post_user or \ request.authorization["password"] != post_pass: return jsonify({"message": "Unauthorized"}), 401 # No data, just return if not request.json: return "" for item in request.json: # fix name mangling if 'smtp-id' in item.keys(): item['smtp_id'] = item.pop('smtp-id') # collect keys not in model other = {} for k in list(item.keys()): if k not in event_keys: other[k] = str(item.pop(k)) obj = Event(**item) obj.other = other db.session.merge(obj) db.session.commit() return "" @app.cli.command("initdb") def init_db(): db.create_all() db.session.commit() return if __name__ == "__main__":, threaded=True, use_reloader=True)
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import tempfile import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import psycopg2 import psycopg2.extras from astropy import units as u from astropy.table import Table from astropy.time import Time from targetdb import targetdb def connect_subaru_gaiadb(conf=None): conn = psycopg2.connect(**dict(conf["gaiadb"])) return conn def connect_targetdb(conf=None): db = targetdb.TargetDB(**dict(conf["targetdb"])) db.connect() return db # def generate_query_simple_boxsearch( # ra1, # ra2, # dec1, # dec2, # tablename, # # good_fluxstd=False, # extra_where=None, # # mag_min=None, # # mag_max=None, # # mag_filter=None, # # min_prob_f_star=None, # ): # # FIXME: I know this is too simple and stupid, # # but should be enough for the commissioning. # # In the future, more sophisticated method should be used (e.g., q3c). # query_target = f"""SELECT * FROM {tablename} # WHERE ra >= {ra1} AND ra < {ra2} # AND dec >= {dec1} AND dec < {dec2} # """ # if extra_where is not None: # query_target += extra_where # query_target += ";" # return query_target def generate_query_list( ra, dec, dw_ra, dw, tablename, good_fluxstd=False, flags_dist=False, flags_ebv=False, extra_where=None, mag_min=None, mag_max=None, mag_filter=None, min_prob_f_star=None, ): dec1, dec2 = dec - dw, dec + dw qlist = [] if ra - dw_ra < 0.0: ra1 = [0.0, ra - dw_ra + 360.0] ra2 = [ra + dw_ra, 360.0] elif ra + dw_ra >= 360.0: ra1 = [0.0, ra - dw_ra] ra2 = [ra + dw_ra - 360.0, 360.0] else: ra1, ra2 = [ra - dw_ra], [ra + dw_ra] if tablename == "target": for i in range(len(ra1)): query_target = f"""SELECT * FROM {tablename} WHERE ra >= {ra1[i]} AND ra < {ra2[i]} AND dec >= {dec1} AND dec < {dec2} """ if extra_where is not None: query_target += extra_where query_target += ";" qlist.append(query_target) return qlist if tablename == "fluxstd": for i in range(len(ra1)): query_target = f"""SELECT * FROM {tablename} WHERE ra >= {ra1[i]} AND ra < {ra2[i]} AND dec >= {dec1} AND dec < {dec2} """ if extra_where is None: extra_where = "" if good_fluxstd: extra_where += f""" AND flags_dist IS FALSE AND flags_ebv IS FALSE AND prob_f_star > 0.5 AND psf_mag_{mag_filter} BETWEEN {mag_min} AND {mag_max} """ if not good_fluxstd: extra_where = f""" AND psf_mag_{mag_filter} BETWEEN {mag_min} AND {mag_max} AND prob_f_star > {min_prob_f_star} """ if flags_dist: extra_where += f""" AND flags_dist IS FALSE """ if flags_ebv: extra_where += f""" AND flags_ebv IS FALSE """ query_target += extra_where query_target += ";" qlist.append(query_target) return qlist def generate_targets_from_targetdb( ra, dec, conf=None, arms="br", tablename="target", fp_radius_degree=260.0 * 10.2 / 3600, # "Radius" of PFS FoV in degree (?) fp_fudge_factor=1.5, # fudge factor for search widths width=None, height=None, extra_where=None, mag_min=None, mag_max=None, mag_filter=None, force_priority=None, ): db = connect_targetdb(conf) dw = fp_radius_degree * fp_fudge_factor # consider the cosine term cos_term = 1.0 / np.cos(dec * u.deg) if width is None: dw_ra = dw * cos_term else: dw_ra = width * cos_term / 2.0 if height is not None: dw = height / 2.0 if "m" in arms: extra_where = "AND is_medium_resolution IS TRUE" else: extra_where = "AND is_medium_resolution IS FALSE" qlist = generate_query_list( ra, dec, dw_ra, dw, tablename, extra_where=extra_where, mag_min=mag_min, mag_max=mag_max, mag_filter=mag_filter, ) df = pd.DataFrame() for q in qlist: print(q) t_begin = time.time() df_tmp = db.fetch_query(q) t_end = time.time() print("Time spent for querying: {:f}".format(t_end - t_begin)) df = pd.concat([df, df_tmp], ignore_index=True) df.loc[df["pmra"].isna(), "pmra"] = 0.0 df.loc[df["pmdec"].isna(), "pmdec"] = 0.0 df.loc[df["parallax"].isna(), "parallax"] = 1.0e-7 print(df) if force_priority is not None: df["priority"] = force_priority db.close() return df def generate_fluxstds_from_targetdb( ra, dec, conf=None, tablename="fluxstd", fp_radius_degree=260.0 * 10.2 / 3600, # "Radius" of PFS FoV in degree (?) fp_fudge_factor=1.5, # fudge factor for search widths width=None, height=None, good_fluxstd=False, flags_dist=False, flags_ebv=False, mag_min=None, mag_max=None, mag_filter=None, min_prob_f_star=None, extra_where=None, ): db = connect_targetdb(conf) dw = fp_radius_degree * fp_fudge_factor # consider the cosine term cos_term = 1.0 / np.cos(dec * u.deg) if width is None: dw_ra = dw * cos_term else: dw_ra = width * cos_term / 2.0 if height is not None: dw = height / 2.0 qlist = generate_query_list( ra, dec, dw_ra, dw, tablename, good_fluxstd=good_fluxstd, flags_dist=flags_dist, flags_ebv=flags_ebv, extra_where=extra_where, mag_min=mag_min, mag_max=mag_max, mag_filter=mag_filter, min_prob_f_star=min_prob_f_star, ) df = pd.DataFrame() for q in qlist: print(q) t_begin = time.time() df_tmp = db.fetch_query(q) t_end = time.time() print("Time spent for querying: {:f}".format(t_end - t_begin)) df = pd.concat([df, df_tmp], ignore_index=True) df.loc[df["pmra"].isna(), "pmra"] = 0.0 df.loc[df["pmdec"].isna(), "pmdec"] = 0.0 df.loc[df["parallax"].isna(), "parallax"] = 1.0e-7 print(df) db.close() return df # def generate_targets_from_gaiadb(args.ra, args.dec, conf=conf) def generate_targets_from_gaiadb( ra, dec, conf=None, fp_radius_degree=260.0 * 10.2 / 3600, # "Radius" of PFS FoV in degree (?) fp_fudge_factor=1.5, # fudge factor for search widths search_radius=None, band_select="phot_g_mean_mag", mag_min=0.0, mag_max=99.0, good_astrometry=False, ): conn = connect_subaru_gaiadb(conf) cur = conn.cursor() if search_radius is None: search_radius = fp_radius_degree * fp_fudge_factor # Query for raster scan stars: # astrometric_excess_noise_sig (D) < 2 # 12 <= phot_g_mean_mag <=20 query_string = f"""SELECT source_id,ref_epoch,ra,dec,pmra,pmdec,parallax, phot_g_mean_mag,phot_bp_mean_mag,phot_rp_mean_mag FROM gaia WHERE q3c_radial_query(ra, dec, {ra}, {dec}, {search_radius}) AND {band_select} BETWEEN {mag_min} AND {mag_max} """ if good_astrometry: query_string += "AND astrometric_excess_noise_sig < 2.0" query_string += ";" print(query_string) cur.execute(query_string) df_res = pd.DataFrame( cur.fetchall(), columns=[ "source_id", "ref_epoch", "ra", "dec", "pmra", "pmdec", "parallax", "phot_g_mean_mag", "phot_bp_mean_mag", "phot_rp_mean_mag", ], ) cur.close() conn.close() print(df_res) return df_res def fixcols_gaiadb_to_targetdb( df, proposal_id=None, target_type_id=None, input_catalog_id=None, exptime=900.0, priority=1, ): df.rename(columns={"source_id": "obj_id", "ref_epoch": "epoch"}, inplace=True) df["epoch"] = df["epoch"].apply(lambda x: f"J{x:.1f}") df["proposal_id"] = proposal_id df["target_type_id"] = target_type_id df["input_catalog_id"] = input_catalog_id df["effective_exptime"] = exptime df["priority"] = priority tb = Table([]) # ZPs are taken from Weiler (2018, A&A, 617, A138) tb["g_mag_ab"] = (df["phot_g_mean_mag"].to_numpy() + (25.7455 - 25.6409)) * u.ABmag tb["bp_mag_ab"] = ( df["phot_bp_mean_mag"].to_numpy() + (25.3603 - 25.3423) ) * u.ABmag tb["rp_mag_ab"] = ( df["phot_rp_mean_mag"].to_numpy() + (25.1185 - 24.7600) ) * u.ABmag df["g_flux_njy"] = tb["g_mag_ab"].to("nJy").value df["bp_flux_njy"] = tb["bp_mag_ab"].to("nJy").value df["rp_flux_njy"] = tb["rp_mag_ab"].to("nJy").value return df
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import unicode_literals AUTHOR = u'Test' SITEURL = u'http://localhost:8000' SITENAME = u"Test Blog" SITETITLE = AUTHOR SITESUBTITLE = u'Test' SITEDESCRIPTION = u'%s\'s Thoughts and Writings' % AUTHOR SITELOGO = u'' FAVICON = SITEURL + '/images/favicon.ico' ROBOTS = u'index, follow' THEME = u'../' PATH = u'content' TIMEZONE = u'America/Sao_Paulo' DEFAULT_LANG = u'en' OG_LOCALE = u'en_US' FEED_ALL_ATOM = 'feeds/all.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY = True MAIN_MENU = True LINKS = (('Portfolio', '//'),) SOCIAL = (('linkedin', ''), ('github', ''), ('google', ''), ('rss', '//')) MENUITEMS = (('Archives', '/archives.html'), ('Categories', '/categories.html'), ('Tags', '/tags.html'),) CC_LICENSE = { 'name': 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike', 'version': '4.0', 'slug': 'by-sa' } COPYRIGHT_YEAR = 2016 DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 STATUSCAKE = { 'trackid': 'test-test', 'days': 7 } RELATIVE_URLS = False FEED_ALL_ATOM = 'feeds/all.atom.xml' CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = 'feeds/%s.atom.xml' DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = False DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 5 SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH = 150 DISQUS_SITENAME = "test-test" GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = "UA-XXXXXX-X" ADD_THIS_ID = 'ra-XX3242XX' USE_LESS = True
import os import requests import time import pandas as pd import config from flask import request import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import dash_html_components as html import dash_table from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State external_stylesheets = [ "", '', '' ] external_script = "" app = dash.Dash( __name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets, meta_tags=[ {"name": "viewport", "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"} ], suppress_callback_exceptions=True ) app.scripts.append_script({ "external_url": external_script }) app.title = 'Reviews powered by AI' companies = pd.read_csv('./csv/companies_forbes.csv') app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False), html.Div(id='page-content') ]) home_layout = html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.A( html.Img( id='company_logo', style={ 'height': '100px', 'padding': '5px' } ), id="company_link", target="_blank" ) ], style={ 'height': '100px', 'backgroundColor': 'white', 'borderStyle': 'solid', 'borderRadius': '100px', 'borderWidth': 'thin' } ), html.H1( [ "What do you think of ", html.Span( id='company_name' ), " ?" ], className="h3 mb-3 font-weight-normal", style={ 'marginTop': '5px' } ), html.Div( [ dcc.Textarea( className="form-control z-depth-1", id="review", rows="8", placeholder="Write something here..." ) ], className="form-group shadow-textarea" ), html.H5( 'Sentiment analysis 🤖' ), dbc.Progress( children=html.Span( id='proba', style={ 'color': 'black', 'fontWeight': 'bold' } ), id="progress", striped=False, animated=False, style={ 'marginBottom': '10px' } ), html.H5( 'Propose a rating 😁📢' ), html.Div( [ dcc.Slider( id='rating', max=5, min=1, step=1, marks={i: f'{i}' for i in range(1, 6)} ), ], style={'marginBottom': '30px'} ), html.Button( [ html.Span( "Submit", style={ "marginRight": "10px" } ), html.I( className="fa fa-paper-plane m-l-7" ) ], className="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block", role="submit", id="submit_button", n_clicks_timestamp=0 ), html.Button( [ html.Span( "Review another brand", style={ "marginRight": "10px" } ), html.I( className="fas fa-sync-alt" ) ], className="btn btn-lg btn-secondary btn-block", id='switch_button', n_clicks_timestamp=0 ), html.P( dcc.Link("Go to Admin 🔑", id="admin-link", href="/admin"), className="mt-2" ), html.P( [ html.A("<NAME>", href="", target="_blank"), " - 2021" ], className="mt-3 mb-2 text-muted" ), ], className="form-review", ) admin_layout = html.Div( [ html.H1("Admin Page 🔑"), html.Div(id="admin-page-content"), html.P( dcc.Link("Go to Home 🏡", href="/"), style={"marginTop": "20px"} ) ] ) @app.callback( [ Output('company_logo', 'src'), Output('company_name', 'children'), Output('review', 'value'), Output('company_link', 'href') ], [ Input('submit_button', 'n_clicks_timestamp'), Input('switch_button', 'n_clicks_timestamp') ], [ State('review', 'value'), State('progress', 'value'), State('rating', 'value'), State('company_name', 'children') ] ) def change_brand(submit_click_ts, another_brand_click_ts, review_text, score, rating, brand_name): if submit_click_ts > another_brand_click_ts: sentiment_score = float(score) / 100 ip_address = request.remote_addr user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') response = f"{config.API_URL}/review", data={ 'review': review_text, 'rating': rating, 'suggested_rating': min(int(sentiment_score * 5 + 1), 5), 'sentiment_score': sentiment_score, 'brand': brand_name, 'user_agent': user_agent, 'ip_address': ip_address } ) if response.ok: print("Review Saved") else: print("Error Saving Review") random_company = companies.sample(1).to_dict(orient="records")[0] company_logo_url = random_company['company_logo'] if not company_logo_url.startswith('http'): company_logo_url = 'https://' + company_logo_url company_name = random_company['company_name'] company_website = random_company['company_website'] return company_logo_url, company_name, '', company_website @app.callback( [ Output('proba', 'children'), Output('progress', 'value'), Output('progress', 'color'), Output('rating', 'value'), Output('submit_button', 'disabled') ], [Input('review', 'value')] ) def update_proba(review): if review is not None and review.strip() != '': response = f"{config.API_URL}/predict", data={'review': review}) proba = response.json() proba = round(proba * 100, 2) suggested_rating = min(int((proba / 100) * 5 + 1), 5) text_proba = f"{proba}%" if proba >= 67: return text_proba, proba, 'success', suggested_rating, False elif 33 < proba < 67: return text_proba, proba, 'warning', suggested_rating, False elif proba <= 33: return text_proba, proba, 'danger', suggested_rating, False else: return None, 0, None, 0, True # Load review table @app.callback( Output('admin-page-content', 'children'), [Input('url', 'pathname')] ) def load_review_table(pathname): if pathname != "/admin": return None response = requests.get(f"{config.API_URL}/reviews") reviews = pd.DataFrame(response.json()) table = dbc.Table.from_dataframe(reviews, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True, responsive=True, header=["id", "brand", "created_date", "review", "rating", "suggested_rating", "sentiment_score"], columns=["id", "brand", "created_date", "review", "rating", "suggested_rating", "sentiment_score"] ) return table # Update page layout @app.callback( Output('page-content', 'children'), [Input('url', 'pathname')] ) def display_page(pathname): if pathname == '/': return home_layout if pathname == "/admin": return admin_layout else: return [ html.Div( [ html.Img( src="./assets/404.png", style={ "width": "50%" } ), ], className="form-review" ), dcc.Link("Go to Home", href="/"), ] if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(debug=config.DEBUG, host=config.HOST)
from pathlib import Path from import ShapefileLoader from easy_sdm.featuarizer.build_features import OccurrancesDatasetBuilder from easy_sdm.utils.utils import PathUtils def extract_occurances(species_shapefile_path: Path): processed_rasters_dirpath = PathUtils.dir_path(Path.cwd() / "data/processed_rasters/standarized_rasters") species_shapefile_path = PathUtils.file_path(species_shapefile_path) raster_paths_list = PathUtils.get_rasters_filepaths_in_dir( processed_rasters_dirpath ) occ_dst_builder = OccurrancesDatasetBuilder(raster_paths_list) df = ShapefileLoader().read_geodataframe(species_shapefile_path) ) assert(df.shape[0]>0) assert(df.index.names == ['lat', 'lon'])
<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from kfp import components from kfp import dsl from kfp import compiler from kfp.dsl import component @component def flip_coin_op() -> str: """Flip a coin and output heads or tails randomly.""" import random result = 'heads' if random.randint(0, 1) == 0 else 'tails' return result @component def print_op(msg: str): """Print a message.""" print(msg) @dsl.pipeline(name='single-condition-pipeline', pipeline_root='dummy_root') def my_pipeline(text: str = 'condition test'): flip1 = flip_coin_op().set_caching_options(False) print_op(msg=flip1.output) with dsl.Condition(flip1.output == 'heads'): flip2 = flip_coin_op().set_caching_options(False) print_op(msg=flip2.output) print_op(msg=text) if __name__ == '__main__': compiler.Compiler().compile( pipeline_func=my_pipeline, package_path=__file__.replace('.py', '.json'))
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function print 'hello world'
<reponame>johnsom/octavia<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2018 Rackspace, US Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock from octavia_lib.api.drivers import data_models as driver_dm from octavia_lib.api.drivers import exceptions from oslo_utils import uuidutils from octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.v1 import driver from octavia.common import constants as consts from import base as network_base from octavia.tests.common import sample_data_models from octavia.tests.unit import base class TestAmphoraDriver(base.TestRpc): def setUp(self): super(TestAmphoraDriver, self).setUp() self.amp_driver = driver.AmphoraProviderDriver() self.sample_data = sample_data_models.SampleDriverDataModels() @mock.patch('octavia.common.utils.get_network_driver') def test_create_vip_port(self, mock_get_net_driver): mock_net_driver = mock.MagicMock() mock_get_net_driver.return_value = mock_net_driver mock_net_driver.allocate_vip.return_value = self.sample_data.db_vip provider_vip_dict = self.amp_driver.create_vip_port( self.sample_data.lb_id, self.sample_data.project_id, self.sample_data.provider_vip_dict) self.assertEqual(self.sample_data.provider_vip_dict, provider_vip_dict) @mock.patch('octavia.common.utils.get_network_driver') def test_create_vip_port_failed(self, mock_get_net_driver): mock_net_driver = mock.MagicMock() mock_get_net_driver.return_value = mock_net_driver mock_net_driver.allocate_vip.side_effect = ( network_base.AllocateVIPException()) self.assertRaises(exceptions.DriverError, self.amp_driver.create_vip_port, self.sample_data.lb_id, self.sample_data.project_id, self.sample_data.provider_vip_dict) # Load Balancer @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_create(self, mock_cast): provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id) self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_create(provider_lb) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id, consts.FLAVOR: None, consts.AVAILABILITY_ZONE: None} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_load_balancer', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id) self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_delete(provider_lb) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id, 'cascade': False} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_load_balancer', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_failover(self, mock_cast): self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_failover(self.sample_data.lb_id) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'failover_load_balancer', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id) provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id, admin_state_up=True) lb_dict = {'enabled': True} self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_update(old_provider_lb, provider_lb) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id, consts.LOAD_BALANCER_UPDATES: lb_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_load_balancer', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id) provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id, name='Great LB') lb_dict = {'name': 'Great LB'} self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_update(old_provider_lb, provider_lb) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id, consts.LOAD_BALANCER_UPDATES: lb_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_load_balancer', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_loadbalancer_update_qos(self, mock_cast): qos_policy_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid() old_provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id) provider_lb = driver_dm.LoadBalancer( loadbalancer_id=self.sample_data.lb_id, vip_qos_policy_id=qos_policy_id) lb_dict = {'vip': {'qos_policy_id': qos_policy_id}} self.amp_driver.loadbalancer_update(old_provider_lb, provider_lb) payload = {consts.LOAD_BALANCER_ID: self.sample_data.lb_id, consts.LOAD_BALANCER_UPDATES: lb_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_load_balancer', **payload) # Listener @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_listener_create(self, mock_cast): provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id) self.amp_driver.listener_create(provider_listener) payload = {consts.LISTENER_ID: self.sample_data.listener1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_listener', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_listener_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id) self.amp_driver.listener_delete(provider_listener) payload = {consts.LISTENER_ID: self.sample_data.listener1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_listener', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_listener_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id) provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id, admin_state_up=False) listener_dict = {'enabled': False} self.amp_driver.listener_update(old_provider_listener, provider_listener) payload = {consts.LISTENER_ID: self.sample_data.listener1_id, consts.LISTENER_UPDATES: listener_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_listener', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_listener_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id) provider_listener = driver_dm.Listener( listener_id=self.sample_data.listener1_id, name='Great Listener') listener_dict = {'name': 'Great Listener'} self.amp_driver.listener_update(old_provider_listener, provider_listener) payload = {consts.LISTENER_ID: self.sample_data.listener1_id, consts.LISTENER_UPDATES: listener_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_listener', **payload) # Pool @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_create(self, mock_cast): provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, lb_algorithm=consts.LB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN) self.amp_driver.pool_create(provider_pool) payload = {consts.POOL_ID: self.sample_data.pool1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_pool', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_create_unsupported_algorithm(self, mock_cast): provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) provider_pool.lb_algorithm = 'foo' self.assertRaises( exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.pool_create, provider_pool) mock_cast.assert_not_called() @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) self.amp_driver.pool_delete(provider_pool) payload = {consts.POOL_ID: self.sample_data.pool1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_pool', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, admin_state_up=True) pool_dict = {'enabled': True} self.amp_driver.pool_update(old_provider_pool, provider_pool) payload = {consts.POOL_ID: self.sample_data.pool1_id, consts.POOL_UPDATES: pool_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_pool', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, name='Great pool', admin_state_up=True, tls_enabled=True) pool_dict = {'name': 'Great pool', 'enabled': True, 'tls_enabled': True} self.amp_driver.pool_update(old_provider_pool, provider_pool) payload = {consts.POOL_ID: self.sample_data.pool1_id, consts.POOL_UPDATES: pool_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_pool', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_pool_update_unsupported_algorithm(self, mock_cast): old_provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) provider_pool = driver_dm.Pool( pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id) provider_pool.lb_algorithm = 'foo' self.assertRaises( exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.pool_update, old_provider_pool, provider_pool) mock_cast.assert_not_called() # Member @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_create(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id) self.amp_driver.member_create(provider_member) payload = {consts.MEMBER_ID: self.sample_data.member1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_member', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_create_udp_ipv4(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_lb = mock.MagicMock() = mock.MagicMock() = "" mock_listener = mock.MagicMock() mock_listener.load_balancer = mock_lb mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.protocol = consts.PROTOCOL_UDP mock_pool.listeners = [mock_listener] mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id, address="") self.amp_driver.member_create(provider_member) payload = {consts.MEMBER_ID: self.sample_data.member1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_member', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_create_udp_ipv4_ipv6(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_lb = mock.MagicMock() = mock.MagicMock() = "fe80::1" mock_listener = mock.MagicMock() mock_listener.load_balancer = mock_lb mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.protocol = consts.PROTOCOL_UDP mock_pool.listeners = [mock_listener] mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id, address="") self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.member_create, provider_member) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id) self.amp_driver.member_delete(provider_member) payload = {consts.MEMBER_ID: self.sample_data.member1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_member', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id) provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id, admin_state_up=True) member_dict = {'enabled': True} self.amp_driver.member_update(old_provider_member, provider_member) payload = {consts.MEMBER_ID: self.sample_data.member1_id, consts.MEMBER_UPDATES: member_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_member', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id) provider_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member1_id, name='Great member') member_dict = {'name': 'Great member'} self.amp_driver.member_update(old_provider_member, provider_member) payload = {consts.MEMBER_ID: self.sample_data.member1_id, consts.MEMBER_UPDATES: member_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_member', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_batch_update(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.members = self.sample_data.db_pool1_members mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool prov_mem_update = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member2_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, admin_state_up=False, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='updated-member2') prov_new_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member3_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='member3') prov_members = [prov_mem_update, prov_new_member] update_mem_dict = {'ip_address': '', 'name': 'updated-member2', 'monitor_address': '', 'id': self.sample_data.member2_id, 'enabled': False, 'protocol_port': 80, 'pool_id': self.sample_data.pool1_id} self.amp_driver.member_batch_update( self.sample_data.pool1_id, prov_members) payload = {'old_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member1_id], 'new_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member3_id], 'updated_members': [update_mem_dict]} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'batch_update_members', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_batch_update_no_admin_addr(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.members = self.sample_data.db_pool1_members mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool prov_mem_update = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member2_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='updated-member2') prov_new_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member3_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='member3') prov_members = [prov_mem_update, prov_new_member] update_mem_dict = {'name': 'updated-member2', 'monitor_address': '', 'id': self.sample_data.member2_id, 'protocol_port': 80, 'pool_id': self.sample_data.pool1_id} self.amp_driver.member_batch_update( self.sample_data.pool1_id, prov_members) payload = {'old_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member1_id], 'new_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member3_id], 'updated_members': [update_mem_dict]} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'batch_update_members', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_batch_update_clear_already_empty( self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool self.amp_driver.member_batch_update( self.sample_data.pool1_id, []) mock_cast.assert_not_called() # Health Monitor @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_health_monitor_create(self, mock_cast): provider_HM = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id) self.amp_driver.health_monitor_create(provider_HM) payload = {consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_ID: self.sample_data.hm1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_health_monitor', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_health_monitor_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_HM = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id) self.amp_driver.health_monitor_delete(provider_HM) payload = {consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_ID: self.sample_data.hm1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_health_monitor', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_batch_update_udp_ipv4(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_lb = mock.MagicMock() = mock.MagicMock() = "" mock_listener = mock.MagicMock() mock_listener.load_balancer = mock_lb mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.protocol = consts.PROTOCOL_UDP mock_pool.listeners = [mock_listener] mock_pool.members = self.sample_data.db_pool1_members mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool prov_mem_update = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member2_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, admin_state_up=False, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='updated-member2') prov_new_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member3_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='member3') prov_members = [prov_mem_update, prov_new_member] update_mem_dict = {'ip_address': '', 'name': 'updated-member2', 'monitor_address': '', 'id': self.sample_data.member2_id, 'enabled': False, 'protocol_port': 80, 'pool_id': self.sample_data.pool1_id} self.amp_driver.member_batch_update( self.sample_data.pool1_id, prov_members) payload = {'old_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member1_id], 'new_member_ids': [self.sample_data.member3_id], 'updated_members': [update_mem_dict]} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'batch_update_members', **payload) @mock.patch('octavia.db.api.get_session') @mock.patch('octavia.db.repositories.PoolRepository.get') @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_member_batch_update_udp_ipv4_ipv6(self, mock_cast, mock_pool_get, mock_session): mock_lb = mock.MagicMock() = mock.MagicMock() = "" mock_listener = mock.MagicMock() mock_listener.load_balancer = mock_lb mock_pool = mock.MagicMock() mock_pool.protocol = consts.PROTOCOL_UDP mock_pool.listeners = [mock_listener] mock_pool.members = self.sample_data.db_pool1_members mock_pool_get.return_value = mock_pool prov_mem_update = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member2_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, admin_state_up=False, address='fe80::1', monitor_address='fe80::2', protocol_port=80, name='updated-member2') prov_new_member = driver_dm.Member( member_id=self.sample_data.member3_id, pool_id=self.sample_data.pool1_id, address='', monitor_address='', protocol_port=80, name='member3') prov_members = [prov_mem_update, prov_new_member] self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.member_batch_update, self.sample_data.pool1_id, prov_members) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_health_monitor_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_hm = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id) provider_hm = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id, admin_state_up=True, max_retries=1, max_retries_down=2) hm_dict = {'enabled': True, 'rise_threshold': 1, 'fall_threshold': 2} self.amp_driver.health_monitor_update(old_provider_hm, provider_hm) payload = {consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_ID: self.sample_data.hm1_id, consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_UPDATES: hm_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_health_monitor', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_health_monitor_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_hm = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id) provider_hm = driver_dm.HealthMonitor( healthmonitor_id=self.sample_data.hm1_id, name='Great HM') hm_dict = {'name': 'Great HM'} self.amp_driver.health_monitor_update(old_provider_hm, provider_hm) payload = {consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_ID: self.sample_data.hm1_id, consts.HEALTH_MONITOR_UPDATES: hm_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_health_monitor', **payload) # L7 Policy @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7policy_create(self, mock_cast): provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id) self.amp_driver.l7policy_create(provider_l7policy) payload = {consts.L7POLICY_ID: self.sample_data.l7policy1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_l7policy', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7policy_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id) self.amp_driver.l7policy_delete(provider_l7policy) payload = {consts.L7POLICY_ID: self.sample_data.l7policy1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_l7policy', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7policy_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id) provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id, admin_state_up=True) l7policy_dict = {'enabled': True} self.amp_driver.l7policy_update(old_provider_l7policy, provider_l7policy) payload = {consts.L7POLICY_ID: self.sample_data.l7policy1_id, consts.L7POLICY_UPDATES: l7policy_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_l7policy', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7policy_update_name(self, mock_cast): old_provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id) provider_l7policy = driver_dm.L7Policy( l7policy_id=self.sample_data.l7policy1_id, name='Great L7Policy') l7policy_dict = {'name': 'Great L7Policy'} self.amp_driver.l7policy_update(old_provider_l7policy, provider_l7policy) payload = {consts.L7POLICY_ID: self.sample_data.l7policy1_id, consts.L7POLICY_UPDATES: l7policy_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_l7policy', **payload) # L7 Rules @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7rule_create(self, mock_cast): provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id) self.amp_driver.l7rule_create(provider_l7rule) payload = {consts.L7RULE_ID: self.sample_data.l7rule1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'create_l7rule', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7rule_delete(self, mock_cast): provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id) self.amp_driver.l7rule_delete(provider_l7rule) payload = {consts.L7RULE_ID: self.sample_data.l7rule1_id} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'delete_l7rule', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7rule_update(self, mock_cast): old_provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id) provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id, admin_state_up=True) l7rule_dict = {'enabled': True} self.amp_driver.l7rule_update(old_provider_l7rule, provider_l7rule) payload = {consts.L7RULE_ID: self.sample_data.l7rule1_id, consts.L7RULE_UPDATES: l7rule_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_l7rule', **payload) @mock.patch('oslo_messaging.RPCClient.cast') def test_l7rule_update_invert(self, mock_cast): old_provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id) provider_l7rule = driver_dm.L7Rule( l7rule_id=self.sample_data.l7rule1_id, invert=True) l7rule_dict = {'invert': True} self.amp_driver.l7rule_update(old_provider_l7rule, provider_l7rule) payload = {consts.L7RULE_ID: self.sample_data.l7rule1_id, consts.L7RULE_UPDATES: l7rule_dict} mock_cast.assert_called_with({}, 'update_l7rule', **payload) # Flavor def test_get_supported_flavor_metadata(self): test_schema = { "properties": { "test_name": {"description": "Test description"}, "test_name2": {"description": "Another description"}}} ref_dict = {"test_name": "Test description", "test_name2": "Another description"} # mock out the supported_flavor_metadata with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.flavor_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_FLAVOR_SCHEMA', test_schema): result = self.amp_driver.get_supported_flavor_metadata() self.assertEqual(ref_dict, result) # Test for bad schema with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.flavor_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_FLAVOR_SCHEMA', 'bogus'): self.assertRaises(exceptions.DriverError, self.amp_driver.get_supported_flavor_metadata) def test_validate_flavor(self): ref_dict = {consts.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: consts.TOPOLOGY_SINGLE} self.amp_driver.validate_flavor(ref_dict) # Test bad flavor metadata value is bad ref_dict = {consts.LOADBALANCER_TOPOLOGY: 'bogus'} self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.validate_flavor, ref_dict) # Test bad flavor metadata key ref_dict = {'bogus': 'bogus'} self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.validate_flavor, ref_dict) # Test for bad schema with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.flavor_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_FLAVOR_SCHEMA', 'bogus'): self.assertRaises(exceptions.DriverError, self.amp_driver.validate_flavor, 'bogus') # Availability Zone def test_get_supported_availability_zone_metadata(self): test_schema = { "properties": { "test_name": {"description": "Test description"}, "test_name2": {"description": "Another description"}}} ref_dict = {"test_name": "Test description", "test_name2": "Another description"} # mock out the supported_availability_zone_metadata with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.' 'availability_zone_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_SCHEMA', test_schema): result = self.amp_driver.get_supported_availability_zone_metadata() self.assertEqual(ref_dict, result) # Test for bad schema with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.' 'availability_zone_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_SCHEMA', 'bogus'): self.assertRaises( exceptions.DriverError, self.amp_driver.get_supported_availability_zone_metadata) def test_validate_availability_zone(self): ref_dict = {consts.COMPUTE_ZONE: 'my_compute_zone'} self.amp_driver.validate_availability_zone(ref_dict) # Test bad availability zone metadata key ref_dict = {'bogus': 'bogus'} self.assertRaises(exceptions.UnsupportedOptionError, self.amp_driver.validate_availability_zone, ref_dict) # Test for bad schema with mock.patch('octavia.api.drivers.amphora_driver.' 'availability_zone_schema.' 'SUPPORTED_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_SCHEMA', 'bogus'): self.assertRaises(exceptions.DriverError, self.amp_driver.validate_availability_zone, 'bogus')
<filename>artssat/atmosphere/absorption/ """ Absorption ========== """ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from artssat.atmosphere.atmospheric_quantity \ import AtmosphericQuantity, extend_dimensions from artssat.arts_object import ArtsObject, arts_property from artssat.jacobian import JacobianBase from artssat.retrieval import RetrievalBase, RetrievalQuantity import numpy as np from pyarts.workspace import arts_agenda from typhon.physics.atmosphere import vmr2relative_humidity, \ relative_humidity2vmr ################################################################################ # Retrieval units ################################################################################ class Unit(metaclass = ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for classes representing units used for the calculation of Jacobians and retrievals of absorption species. """ def __init__(): pass @abstractmethod def to_arts(self, ws, x): pass @abstractmethod def from_arts(self, ws, x): pass @abstractproperty def arts_name(self): pass class VMR(Unit): """ VMR is the default unit used for absorption species in ARTS. If this unit is used value from the state vector are plugged in as they are into the ARTS vmr field. """ def __init__(self): pass def to_arts(self, ws, x): """ Does nothing. """ return x def from_arts(self, ws, x): """ Does nothing. """ return x @property def arts_name(self): return "vmr" class Relative(Unit): """ In relative units, the amount of a quantity is specified relative to a reference profile or field. If this unit is used in a Jacobian calculation, then the Jacobian is calculated w.r.t. a relative perturbation. If this unit is used in the retrieval, values in the state vector are interpreted as multiplicative perturbations of the reference profile or field. """ def __init__(self, x_ref): self.x_ref = x_ref def to_arts(self, ws, x): return self.x_ref * x def from_arts(self, ws, y): return y / self.x_ref @property def arts_name(self): return "rel" class RelativeHumidity(Unit): """ Relative humidity is available only for the retrieval of H2O. """ def __init__(self): pass def to_arts(self, ws, rh): """ Converts value given in relative humidity units to ARTS vmr units. Arguments: ws(:code:`pyarts.workspace.Workspace`): Workspace object which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the converstion. rh(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Relative humidity values to convert. Returns: :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the converted RH values. """ p = ws.p_grid.value.reshape(-1, 1, 1) t = ws.t_field.value vmr = relative_humidity2vmr(rh, p, t) return vmr def from_arts(self, ws, vmr): """ Converts a value given in ARTS vmr units back to relative humidity. Arguments: ws(:code:`pyarts.workspace.Workspace`): Workspace object which contains pressure grid and temperature field required for the conversion. vmr(:code:`numpy.ndarray`): Values in ARTS vmr units to convert to relative humidity. Returns: :code:`numpy.ndarray` containing the converted RH values. """ p = ws.p_grid.value.reshape(-1, 1, 1) t = ws.t_field.value rh = vmr2relative_humidity(vmr, p, t) return rh @property def arts_name(self): return "rh" ################################################################################ # The Jacobian class ################################################################################ class Jacobian(JacobianBase, ArtsObject): @arts_property("Numeric") def perturbation(self): return 0.01 def __init__(self, quantity, index): JacobianBase.__init__(self, quantity, index) ArtsObject.__init__(self) self.unit = VMR() self.for_species_tag = 1 def _make_setup_kwargs(self, ws): kwargs = self.get_grids(ws) kwargs.update({"species" : self.quantity.get_tag_string(), "unit" : self.unit.arts_name, "for_species_tag" : self.for_species_tag}) return kwargs def setup(self, ws): kwargs = self._make_setup_kwargs(ws) ws.jacobianAddAbsSpecies(**kwargs) class Retrieval(RetrievalBase, Jacobian): def __init__(self, quantity, index): super().__init__(quantity, index) def add(self, ws): ws.retrievalAddAbsSpecies(**self._make_setup_kwargs(ws)) class AbsorptionSpecies(AtmosphericQuantity, RetrievalQuantity): def __init__(self, name, from_catalog = False, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = None, on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False, lineshape = "no_shape", normalization = "no_norm", cutoff = -1, cutoff_type = "ByBand"): AtmosphericQuantity.__init__(self, name, (0, 0, 0)) RetrievalQuantity.__init__(self) self._dimensions = (0, 0, 0) self._from_catalog = from_catalog self._cia = cia self._frequency_range = frequency_range self._isotopologues = isotopologues self._jacobian = None self._model = model self._on_the_fly = on_the_fly self._retrieval = None self._zeeman = zeeman self._lineshape = lineshape self._normalization = normalization self._cutoff = cutoff self._cutoff_type = cutoff_type # # Abstract properties # def dimensions(self): return self._dimensions # # Properties # @property def from_catalog(self): return self._from_catalog @property def cia(self): return self._cia @property def isotopologues(self): return self._isotopologues @property def model(self): return self._model @property def frequency_range(self): return self._frequency_range @property def on_the_fly(self): return self._on_the_fly @property def zeeman(self): return self._zeeman @property def lineshape(self): return self._lineshape @property def cutoff(self): return self._cutoff @property def cutoff_type(self): return self._cutoff_type @property def normalization(self): return self._normalization def _get_tag_string(self, zeeman = False, isotopologue = None, model = None, frequency_range = None): ts = self._name ts += "-" if zeeman: ts += "Z" ts += "-" if not isotopologue is None: ts += isotopologues ts += "-" if not model is None: ts += model ts += "-" if not frequency_range is None: ts += frequency_range[0] ts += "-" ts += frequency_range[1] return ts def get_tag_string(self): tss = [] if self.from_catalog: tss += [self._name] z = self._zeeman if type(self._isotopologues) is list: isotopologues = self._isotopologues else: isotopologues = [self._isotopologues] if type(self._model) is list: models = self._model else: models = [self._model] if type(self._frequency_range) is list: frequency_ranges = self._frequency_range else: frequency_ranges = [self._frequency_range] for i in isotopologues: for m in models: for fr in frequency_ranges: tss += [self._get_tag_string(z, i, m, fr)] return ",".join(tss) # # Jacobian & retrieval # @property def jacobian_class(self): return Jacobian @property def retrieval_class(self): return Retrieval def set_from_x(self, ws, x): grids = [ws.p_grid.value, ws.lat_grid.value, ws.lon_grid.value] grids = [g for g in grids if g.size > 0] x = self.transformation.invert(x) x = self.retrieval.interpolate_to_grids(x, grids) x = x.reshape(ws.vmr_field.value.shape[1:]) unit = self.retrieval.unit x = unit.to_arts(ws, x) if self._wsv_index is None: raise Exception("Absorber's wsv_index is unknown. This is likely " "its setup(...) routine has not been called.") ws.vmr_field.value[self._wsv_index, :, :, :] = x # # Retrieval # @property def retrieved(self): return not self._retrieval is None # # Abstract methods # def setup(self, ws, i): self._wsv_index = i def get_data(self, ws, provider, *args, **kwargs): if not self.retrieved: dimensions = ws.t_field.shape f = provider.__getattribute__("get_" + x = f(*args, **kwargs) x = extend_dimensions(x) if not x.shape == dimensions: raise Exception("Shape of {0} field is inconsistent with " "the dimensions of the atmosphere." .format( ws.vmr_field.value[self._wsv_index, :, :, :] = x class H2O(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, from_catalog = False, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "PWR98", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False, lineshape = "VP", normalization = "VVW", cutoff = -1, cutoff_type = "ByBand"): super().__init__("H2O", from_catalog = from_catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman, lineshape = lineshape, normalization = normalization, cutoff = cutoff, cutoff_type = cutoff_type) class N2(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, from_catalog = False, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "SelfContStandardType", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False, lineshape = "VP", normalization = "VVH", cutoff = -1, cutoff_type = "ByBand"): super().__init__("N2", from_catalog = from_catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman, lineshape = lineshape, normalization = normalization, cutoff = cutoff, cutoff_type = cutoff_type) class O2(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, from_catalog = False, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "PWR93", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False, lineshape = "VP", normalization = "VVW", cutoff = -1, cutoff_type = "ByBand"): super().__init__("O2", from_catalog = from_catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman, lineshape = lineshape, normalization = normalization, cutoff = cutoff, cutoff_type = cutoff_type) class CloudWater(AbsorptionSpecies): def __init__(self, from_catalog = False, cia = None, frequency_range = None, isotopologues = None, model = "MPM93", on_the_fly = True, zeeman = False, lineshape = "VP", normalization = "RQ", cutoff = -1, cutoff_type = "ByBand"): super().__init__("cloud_water", from_catalog = from_catalog, cia = cia, frequency_range = frequency_range, isotopologues = isotopologues, model = model, on_the_fly = on_the_fly, zeeman = zeeman, lineshape = lineshape, normalization = normalization, cutoff = cutoff, cutoff_type = cutoff_type) def get_tag_string(self): ts = "liquidcloud" ts += "-" if self._model: ts += self._model ts += "-" return ts
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy from simmate.toolkit import Structure from pymatgen.analysis.diffusion.neb.pathfinder import ( DistinctPathFinder, MigrationHop as PymatgenMigrationHop, IDPPSolver, ) from typing import List class MigrationImages(list): """ This class is just a list of structures for a diffusion pathway. It has utility methods to help create these structures but otherwise behaves exactly like a python list. Note, this class is primarily used to generate inputs for calculations. If you'd like more advanced features, you should represent your diffusion pathway as a MigrationHop instead.As a rule of thumb: Only use this class if you are manually creating your pathway from endpoint supercells or from a set of supercell images. All MigrationHop's can be converted to MigrationImages (using the `from_migration_hop` method); but not all MigrationImages can be converted to MigrationHops. """ def __init__(self, structures: List[Structure]): # This init function does nothing except apply typing -- specifically, # it says that it expects a list of structures. super().__init__(structures) def get_sum_structure(self, tolerance: float = 1e-3): """ Takes all structures and combines them into one. Atoms that are within the given tolerance are joined into a single site. This is primarily used to view a diffusing pathway within a single structure -- as well as how the host lattice changes during diffusion. If you are able to convert your pathway to a MigrationHop, the MigrationHop.write_path() method is much faster and cleaner than this method, so it should be preffered. Also, because there are many atoms that are overlapping here, the output structure may cause programs like VESTA to crash. #### Parameters - `tolerance`: the angle and distance tolerance to consider fractional coordinates as matching. Matching sites will be merged as 1 site in the final sum structure. """ # OPTIMIZE: this is very inefficient. It's much faster to visualize # structures with MigrationHop class because you know which atom is # moving. Here, we need to treat all atoms as moving. We can also # speed this up by only looking at diffusing species too. final_coords = [] final_species = [] for structure in self: # recall self is a list of structures for site in structure: is_new = True for coords in final_coords: if all( numpy.isclose( site.frac_coords, coords, rtol=tolerance, atol=tolerance, ) ): is_new = False break if is_new: final_coords.append(site.frac_coords) final_species.append(site.specie) structure = Structure( lattice=structure.lattice, species=final_species, coords=final_coords, ) return structure @staticmethod def get_nimages( pathway_length: float, min_image_step: float = 0.7, require_midpoint: bool = True, ): """ Gives the desirable number of images (not including start/end structures). This method helps generate a MigrationImages object, and typically is not called directly. The other classmethods of MigrationImages call this for you. #### Parameters - `pathway_length`: The length of the pathway. - `min_image_step`: The minimum step distance for the diffusing atom between images. The default is 0.7 Angstroms. For example, a path 2.8A long would require at least 4 images for this default. - `require_midpoint`: Whether there should be an image at the midpoint. In other words, whether the number of images should be odd. This is often important if you expect the transition state to be at the midpoint and you are not running CI-NEB. The default is True. Returns ------- - `nimages`: The number of images to use for this pathway. """ # At a minimum, we want to have images be 0.7 angstroms apart, and # with one additional image. nimages = pathway_length // min_image_step + 1 # We also want an odd number of images. This ensures we have an image # at exactly the midpoint, which is often necessary if we aren't # running CI-NEB. if require_midpoint and nimages % 2 == 0: nimages += 1 # This is a float but it makes more sense to have an integer return int(nimages) @classmethod def from_migration_hop( cls, migration_hop: PymatgenMigrationHop, vacancy_mode: bool = True, min_nsites: int = 80, max_nsites: int = 240, min_length: int = 10, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a MigrationImages object from a MigrationHop object #### Parameters - `migration_hop`: The MigrationHop object that should be converted. - `vacancy_mode`: Whether to use single-vacancy diffusion (True) or interstitial diffusion (False). The default is True. - `min_nsites`: The minimum number of sites to have in the supercell structure. The default is 80. - `max_nsites`: The maximum number of sites to have in the supercell structure. The default is 240. - `min_length`: The minimum length for each vector in the supercell structure. The default is 10 Angstroms. - `**kwargs`: Any arguments that are normally accepted by IDPPSolver """ # The third thing returned is the bulk_supercell which we don't need. start_supercell, end_supercell, _ = migration_hop.get_sc_structures( vac_mode=vacancy_mode, min_atoms=min_nsites, max_atoms=max_nsites, min_length=min_length, ) # calculate the number of images required nimages = cls.get_nimages(migration_hop.length) return cls.from_endpoints( start_supercell, end_supercell, nimages=nimages, **kwargs, ) @classmethod def from_endpoints( cls, structure_start: Structure, structure_end: Structure, nimages: int, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a MigrationImages object from start and end supercell structures. You do not need to specify the diffusing atom(s) as all sites are linearly interpolated and then relaxed by IDPP. #### Parameters - `structure_start`: The starting supercell of the diffusion pathway. - `structure_end`: The ending supercell of the diffusion pathway. - `nimages`: The number of desired images for the pathway. Note, if you know the pathway length of your path, you can use the `get_nimages` static method to get a logical number of images. - `**kwargs`: Any arguments that are normally accepted by IDPPSolver """ # Run IDPP relaxation on the images before returning them idpp_solver = IDPPSolver.from_endpoints( [structure_start, structure_end], nimages=nimages, **kwargs, ) images = return cls(images) @classmethod def from_startend_sites( cls, structure: Structure, site_start: int, site_end: int, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a MigrationImages object from a bulk structure and start/end periodic sites of the diffusing atom. For example, this would allow a diffusion pathway that goes from a site at (0,0,0) to (1,1,1). Thus, symmetry and periodic boundry conditions are considered. Note, this method just creates a MigrationHop and then uses the `from_migration_hop` method to make a MigrationImages object. #### Parameters - `structure`: The bulk crystal structure (NOT the supercell). - `site_start`: The starting periodic site for this pathway. - `site_end`: The end periodic site for this pathway. - `**kwargs`: Any arguments that are normally accepted by `from_migration_hop`. """ # This information is all we need for a MigrationHop object pathway = PymatgenMigrationHop(site_start, site_end, structure) return cls.from_migration_hop(pathway, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_structure( cls, structure: Structure, migrating_specie: str, pathfinder_kwargs: dict = {}, **kwargs, ): """ Given a bulk crystal structure, this will find all symmetrically unique pathways and return them as list of MigrationImages objects. #### Parameters - `structure`: The bulk crystal structure (NOT the supercell). - `migrating_specie`: The identity of the diffusing ion (e.g. "Li" or "Li1+"). Note, only provide oxidation state if you are using an oxidation-state decorated structure. - `pathfinder_kwargs`: Any arguments that are normally accepted by DistinctPathFinder, but given as a dictionary. The default is {}. - `**kwargs`: Any arguments that are normally accepted by `from_migration_hop`. """ # convert to the LLL reduced primitive cell to make it as cubic as possible structure_lll = structure.get_sanitized_structure() # Use pymatgen to find all the symmetrically unique pathways. # NOTE: This only finds pathways up until the structure is percolating. # If you are interested in longer pathways, then this script needs to # be adjusted by passing additional kwargs pathfinder = DistinctPathFinder( structure_lll, migrating_specie=migrating_specie, **pathfinder_kwargs, ) pathways = pathfinder.get_paths() # Now go through each path and convert to a MigrationPath. We return # these as a list of paths. migration_paths = [] for pathway in pathways: migration_path = cls.from_migration_hop( migration_hop=pathway, **kwargs, ) migration_paths.append(migration_path) return migration_paths @classmethod def from_dynamic(cls, migration_images): """ This is an experimental feature. The code here is a repurposing of Structre.from_dynamic so consider making a general class for from_dynamic methods. """ is_from_past_calc = False # assume any list is in the MigrationHop format if there are more than # two structures (i.e. there is at least one midpoint image) if isinstance(migration_images, list) and len(migration_images) > 2: migration_images_cleaned = migration_images else: raise Exception("Unknown format provided for migration_images input.") migration_images_cleaned.is_from_past_calc = is_from_past_calc return migration_images_cleaned def as_dict(self): return [s.as_dict() for s in self]
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import pytest import torch from pyro.ops.linalg import rinverse from tests.common import assert_equal @pytest.mark.parametrize("A", [ torch.tensor([[17.]]), torch.tensor([[1., 2.], [2., -3.]]), torch.tensor([[1., 2, 0], [2, -2, 4], [0, 4, 5]]), torch.tensor([[1., 2, 0, 7], [2, -2, 4, -1], [0, 4, 5, 8], [7, -1, 8, 1]]), torch.tensor([[1., 2, 0, 7, 0], [2, -2, 4, -1, 2], [0, 4, 5, 8, -4], [7, -1, 8, 1, -3], [0, 2, -4, -3, -1]]), torch.eye(40) ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_sym", [True, False]) def test_sym_rinverse(A, use_sym): d = A.shape[-1] assert_equal(rinverse(A, sym=use_sym), torch.inverse(A), prec=1e-8) assert_equal(, rinverse(A, sym=use_sym)), torch.eye(d), prec=1e-8) batched_A = A.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(5, 4, d, d) expected_A = torch.inverse(A).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand(5, 4, d, d) assert_equal(rinverse(batched_A, sym=use_sym), expected_A, prec=1e-8)
<filename>tensorflow_v1/07_-_Recurrent_neural_networks/ import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') import tensorflow as tf tf.compat.v1.logging.set_verbosity(tf.compat.v1.logging.ERROR) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt token_sents = [ 'i like it'.split(' '), #positive 'i hate it'.split(' '), #negative 'i don\'t hate it'.split(' '), #positive 'i don\'t like it'.split(' '), #negative ] sent_lens = [ 3, 3, 4, 4, ] #Alternatively, you can replace this list with [ len(sent) for sent in tokens ] sentiments = [ [ 1 ], [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 0 ] ] vocab = sorted({ token for sent in token_sents for token in sent }) max_len = max(sent_lens) token2index = { token: index for (index, token) in enumerate(vocab) } index_sents = [ [ token2index[token] for token in sent ] + [ 0 for _ in range(max_len - len(sent)) ] for sent in token_sents ] #Add zeros to the end of each sentence so that all sentences are equal to the maximum length (can be some other index instead of zero). token_prefixes = sorted({ tuple(sent[:i]) for sent in token_sents for i in range(len(token_sents)) }) prefix_lens = [ len(prefix) for prefix in token_prefixes ] max_prefix_len = max(prefix_lens) index_prefixes = [ [ token2index[token] for token in prefix ] + [ 0 for _ in range(max_prefix_len - len(prefix)) ] for prefix in token_prefixes ] ################################### class Cell(tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell): def __init__(self, embed_size, state_size, init_stddev): super().__init__() self.W = None self.b = None self._embed_size = embed_size self._state_size = state_size self._init_stddev = init_stddev @property def state_size(self): return self._state_size @property def output_size(self): return self._state_size def build(self, inputs_shape): self.W = self.add_variable('W', [self._state_size+self._embed_size, self._state_size], tf.float32, tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=self._init_stddev)) self.b = self.add_variable('b', [self._state_size], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer()) self.built = True def call(self, x, curr_state): layer_input = tf.concat([ curr_state, x ], axis=1) new_state = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(layer_input, self.W) + self.b) return (new_state, new_state) #Return the state as both output and state. ################################### class Model(object): def __init__(self, vocab_size): init_stddev = 1e-1 embed_size = 2 state_size = 2 self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): self.sents = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], 'sents') self.sent_lens = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], 'sent_lens') self.targets = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1], 'targets') self.params = [] batch_size = tf.shape(self.sents)[0] with tf.variable_scope('embeddings'): self.embedding_matrix = tf.get_variable('embedding_matrix', [ vocab_size, embed_size ], tf.float32, tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=init_stddev)) self.params.extend([ self.embedding_matrix ]) embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding_matrix, self.sents) with tf.variable_scope('hidden'): init_state = tf.get_variable('init_state', [state_size], tf.float32, tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=init_stddev)) batch_init = tf.tile(tf.reshape(init_state, [1, state_size]), [batch_size, 1]) self.params.extend([ init_state ]) cell = Cell(embed_size, state_size, init_stddev) (_, self.states) = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, embedded, sequence_length=self.sent_lens, initial_state=batch_init) #Pass sentence lengths here. self.params.extend([ cell.W, cell.b ]) with tf.variable_scope('output'): W = tf.get_variable('W', [state_size, 1], tf.float32, tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=init_stddev)) b = tf.get_variable('b', [1], tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer()) self.params.extend([ W, b ]) logits = tf.matmul(self.states, W) + b self.probs = tf.sigmoid(logits) self.error = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.targets, logits=logits)) self.optimiser_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.error) self.init = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.graph.finalize() self.sess = tf.Session() def initialise(self): return[ self.init ], { }) def close(self): self.sess.close() def optimisation_step(self, sents, sent_lens, targets): return[ self.optimiser_step ], { self.sents: sents, self.sent_lens: sent_lens, self.targets: targets }) def get_params(self): return, { }) def get_error(self, sents, sent_lens, targets): return[ self.error ], { self.sents: sents, self.sent_lens: sent_lens, self.targets: targets })[0] def predict(self, sents, sent_lens): return[ self.probs ], { self.sents: sents, self.sent_lens: sent_lens })[0] def get_state(self, sents, sent_lens): return[ self.states ], { self.sents: sents, self.sent_lens: sent_lens })[0] ################################### max_epochs = 2000 (fig, axs) = plt.subplots(1, 3) prefix_plots = list() prefix_texts = list() for token_prefix in token_prefixes: [ prefix_plot ] = axs[0].plot([ 0 ], [ 0 ], linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10) prefix_plots.append(prefix_plot) prefix_text = axs[0].text(0, 0, ' '.join(token_prefix), fontdict={ 'fontsize': 8 }) prefix_texts.append(prefix_text) axs[0].set_xlim(-1.0, 1.0) axs[0].set_xlabel('d0') axs[0].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0) axs[0].set_ylabel('d1') axs[0].grid(True) axs[0].set_title('Prefixes') sent_plots = list() sent_texts = list() for token_sent in token_sents: [ sent_plot ] = axs[1].plot([ 0 ], [ 0 ], linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=10) sent_plots.append(sent_plot) sent_text = axs[1].text(0, 0, ' '.join(token_sent), fontdict={ 'fontsize': 8 }) sent_texts.append(sent_text) axs[1].set_xlim(-1.0, 1.0) axs[1].set_xlabel('d0') axs[1].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0) axs[1].set_ylabel('d1') axs[1].grid(True) axs[1].set_title('Sents') [ train_error_plot ] = axs[2].plot([], [], color='red', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, label='train') axs[2].set_xlim(0, max_epochs) axs[2].set_xlabel('epoch') axs[2].set_ylim(0.0, 2.0) axs[2].set_ylabel('XE') axs[2].grid(True) axs[2].set_title('Error progress') axs[2].legend() fig.tight_layout() ################################### model = Model(len(vocab)) model.initialise() train_errors = list() print('epoch', 'train error', sep='\t') for epoch in range(1, max_epochs+1): train_error = model.get_error(index_sents, sent_lens, sentiments) train_errors.append(train_error) if epoch%100 == 0: print(epoch, train_error, sep='\t') states = model.get_state(index_prefixes, prefix_lens) for (prefix_plot, prefix_text, state) in zip(prefix_plots, prefix_texts, states): prefix_plot.set_data([ state[0] ], [ state[1] ]) prefix_text.set_position( (state[0], state[1]) ) states = model.get_state(index_sents, sent_lens) for (sent_plot, sent_text, state) in zip(sent_plots, sent_texts, states.tolist()): sent_plot.set_data([ state[0] ], [ state[1] ]) sent_text.set_position( (state[0], state[1]) ) train_error_plot.set_data(np.arange(len(train_errors)), train_errors) plt.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() model.optimisation_step(index_sents, sent_lens, sentiments) print() print('prefix', 'vector', sep='\t') states = model.get_state(index_prefixes, prefix_lens) for (token_prefix, state) in zip(token_prefixes, states.tolist()): print(' '.join(token_prefix), np.round(state, 3), sep='\t') print() print('sent', 'vector', sep='\t') states = model.get_state(index_sents, sent_lens) for (token_sent, state) in zip(token_sents, states.tolist()): print(' '.join(token_sent), np.round(state, 3), sep='\t') print() probs = model.predict(index_sents, sent_lens) print('sent', 'sentiment', sep='\t') for (token_sent, prob) in zip(token_sents, probs.tolist()): print(' '.join(token_sent), np.round(prob[0], 3), sep='\t') model.close()
<gh_stars>0 import numpy as np from mayavi import mlab from tvtk.api import tvtk from BDSpaceVis import generators def euler_color(euler_angles): r = (euler_angles.euler_angles[0] + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi) g = euler_angles.euler_angles[1] / np.pi b = (euler_angles.euler_angles[2] + np.pi) / (2 * np.pi) if np.allclose(r, 0): r = 0 if np.allclose(g, 0): g = 0 if np.allclose(b, 0): b = 0 return r, g, b def coordinate_system_arrows(coordinate_system, offset=0.0, scale=1.0): points = [] lengths = [] for i in range(3): points.append(coordinate_system.origin + scale * np.asarray(coordinate_system.basis[i]) * offset) lengths.append(np.asarray(coordinate_system.basis[:, i]) * scale) points = np.array(points) lengths = np.array(lengths) return points, lengths def draw_coordinate_system_axes(fig, coordinate_system, offset=0.0, scale=1.0, draw_labels=True): points, lengths = coordinate_system_arrows(coordinate_system, offset=offset, scale=scale) mlab.figure(fig, bgcolor=fig.scene.background) arrows = mlab.quiver3d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], lengths[0, :], lengths[1, :], lengths[2, :], scalars=np.array([3, 2, 1]), mode='arrow') arrows.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' arrows.glyph.glyph.scale_factor = scale data = arrows.parent.parent = glyph_scale = arrows.glyph.glyph.scale_factor * 1.1 label_col = [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] labels = [] if draw_labels: for i in range(3): labels.append(mlab.text3d(points[i, 0] + glyph_scale * coordinate_system.basis[i, 0], points[i, 1] + glyph_scale * coordinate_system.basis[i, 1], points[i, 2] + glyph_scale * coordinate_system.basis[i, 2], coordinate_system.labels[i], color=label_col[i], scale=0.1 * glyph_scale)) return arrows, labels def draw_coordinate_system_box(fig, coordinate_system, offset=0.5, scale=1.0, draw_axes=True, draw_labels=True): mlab.figure(fig, bgcolor=fig.scene.background) cube_points, dims = generators.generate_cuboid(scale, scale, scale, origin=np.array([scale/2, scale/2, scale/2])) cube = tvtk.StructuredGrid(dimensions=dims) cube.points = np.asarray(coordinate_system.to_parent(cube_points)) color = euler_color(coordinate_system.euler_angles) cube_surface = mlab.pipeline.surface(cube, color=color) = 'Euler colored box: ' + = 1 = color arrows, labels = None, None if draw_axes: arrows, labels = draw_coordinate_system_axes(fig, coordinate_system, offset=offset, scale=scale, draw_labels=draw_labels) return cube_surface, arrows, labels def update_coordinate_system_axes(coordinate_system, arrows, labels, offset=0.0, scale=1.0): points, lengths = coordinate_system_arrows(coordinate_system, offset=offset, scale=scale) data = arrows.parent.parent data.mlab_source.points = points data.mlab_source.u = lengths[0, :] data.mlab_source.v = lengths[1, :] data.mlab_source.w = lengths[2, :] glyph_scale = arrows.glyph.glyph.scale_factor * 1.1 for i in range(len(labels)): labels[i].position = points[i, :] + glyph_scale * np.asarray(coordinate_system.basis[i, :]) labels[i].scale = np.ones(3) * 0.1 * glyph_scale return arrows, labels def update_coordinate_system_box(coordinate_system, cube_surface, arrows, labels, offset=0.5, scale=1.0): cube_points, dims = generators.generate_cuboid(scale, scale, scale, origin=np.array([scale/2, scale/2, scale/2])) color = euler_color(coordinate_system.euler_angles) = 1 = color = color if arrows is None: return cube_surface, arrows, labels else: arrows, labels = update_coordinate_system_axes(coordinate_system, arrows, labels, offset=offset, scale=scale) return cube_surface, arrows, labels
<reponame>PatelKeviin/Locations-API-using-Django-REST-Framework # Generated by Django 3.0.6 on 2020-06-01 11:56 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('locations', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='location', name='id', field=models.AutoField(primary_key=True, serialize=False), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/python import os from hapclient.client import HapClient import json import logging as log import sys def read_json_file(file): with open(file) as fd: try: content = json.load(fd) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: content = {} return content def write_pairing_data(pairing_data, pairing_data_file): with open(pairing_data_file, 'w') as fd: json.dump(pairing_data, fd) def wipe_pairing_data(pairing_data_file): with open(pairing_data_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write("") def load_config(config_file, options): config = read_json_file(config_file) if options.device_id: config['device_id'] = options.device_id if options.address: config['address'] = options.address if options.port: config['port'] = options.port if config['pin'] = if options.autodiscover: config['autodiscover'] = True else: config['autodiscover'] = False if options.autodiscover: if not 'pin' in config: log.error('pin is needed for autodiscovery') #sys.exit(1) else: if not all(x in config for x in ['device_id', 'address', 'port', 'pin']): log.error("Config file or flags do not have all required fields: [device_id, address, port, pin]") #sys.exit(1) return config def pair_homekit(config, pairing_data, pairing_data_file): if pairing_data: client = HapClient(device_id=config['device_id'], pairing_data=pairing_data)"Successfully paired with the device") else: if config['autodiscover']: devices = if len(devices) > 1: log.warn(f"Found more than one devices, choosing the first one: {devices[0]['id']}")"Found Server: {devices[0]['id']}") client = HapClient(devices[0]['id'], address=devices[0]['address'], port=devices[0]['port']) else: client = HapClient(config['device_id'], address=config['address'], port=config['port']) pair_result = client.pair(config['pin']) if pair_result:"Successfully paired with the device") write_pairing_data(client.pairing_data, pairing_data_file)"Saved pairing data") else: log.error("Failed to pair with the device") return client def unpair_homekit(client): client.unpair() return True
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Waits for a command started by to complete. Blocks until a command wrapped by "" completes, then mimics the wrapped command, copying the wrapped command's stdout/stderr to this process' stdout/stderr, and exiting with the wrapped command's status. *Runs on the guest VM. Supports Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.x.* """ import fcntl import optparse import os import shutil import sys import threading def main(): p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('-o', '--stdout', dest='stdout', help="""Read stdout from FILE.""", metavar='FILE') p.add_option('-e', '--stderr', dest='stderr', help="""Read stderr from FILE.""", metavar='FILE') p.add_option('-s', '--status', dest='status', metavar='FILE', help='Get process exit status from FILE. ' 'Will block until a shared lock is acquired on FILE.') p.add_option('-d', '--delete', dest='delete', action='store_true', help='Delete stdout, stderr, and status files when finished.') options, args = p.parse_args() if args: sys.stderr.write('Unexpected arguments: {0}\n'.format(args)) return 1 missing = [] for option in ('stdout', 'stderr', 'status'): if getattr(options, option) is None: missing.append(option) if missing: p.print_usage() msg = 'Missing required flag(s): {0}\n'.format( ', '.join('--' + i for i in missing)) sys.stderr.write(msg) return 1 with open(options.stdout, 'r') as stdout: with open(options.stderr, 'r') as stderr: with open(options.status, 'r') as status: fcntl.lockf(status, fcntl.LOCK_SH) return_code = int( status.close() stderr_copier = threading.Thread(target=shutil.copyfileobj, args=[stderr, sys.stderr], name='stderr-copier') stderr_copier.daemon = True stderr_copier.start() try: shutil.copyfileobj(stdout, sys.stdout) finally: stderr_copier.join() if options.delete: for f in [options.stdout, options.stderr, options.status]: os.unlink(f) return return_code if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())
<filename>pyNastran/converters/ """Multi-input/output format converter""" from __future__ import annotations import os import sys import glob from typing import Dict, Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from cpylog import SimpleLogger # stl_to_plot3d ??? def process_nastran(bdf_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, debug: bool=True, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts Nastran to STL/Cart3d/Tecplot/UGRID3d """ assert fmt2 in ['stl', 'cart3d', 'tecplot', 'ugrid', 'nastran', 'abaqus'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 if data is None: data = {'--scale': 1.0,} from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF xref = True if fmt2 == 'ugrid': xref = False model = BDF(log=log, debug=debug) model.read_bdf(bdf_filename, validate=False, xref=xref) if data['--scale'] != 1.0: scale = data['--scale'] data['--scale'] = 1.0 for node in model.nodes.values(): = node.get_position() * scale node.cp = 0 del node.cp_ref if fmt2 == 'stl': from pyNastran.converters.nastran.nastran_to_stl import nastran_to_stl nastran_to_stl(model, fname2, is_binary=data['--binary']) elif fmt2 == 'cart3d': from pyNastran.converters.nastran.nastran_to_cart3d import nastran_to_cart3d cart3d = nastran_to_cart3d(model) cart3d.write_cart3d(fname2) elif fmt2 == 'tecplot': from pyNastran.converters.nastran.nastran_to_tecplot import nastran_to_tecplot tecplot = nastran_to_tecplot(model) tecplot_filename = fname2 tecplot.write_tecplot(tecplot_filename, adjust_nids=False) elif fmt2 == 'ugrid': from pyNastran.converters.nastran.nastran_to_ugrid import nastran_to_ugrid nastran_to_ugrid(model, fname2) elif fmt2 == 'abaqus': from pyNastran.converters.nastran.nastran_to_abaqus import nastran_to_abaqus nastran_to_abaqus(model, fname2) elif fmt2 == 'nastran': model.write_bdf(fname2, size=16) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_nastran' % fmt2) def process_cart3d(cart3d_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: SimpleLogger, data: Dict[str, Any], quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts Cart3d to STL/Nastran/Tecplot/Cart3d """ assert fmt2 in ['stl', 'nastran', 'tecplot', 'cart3d'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 if data is None: data = {'--scale': 1.0,} from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d import read_cart3d model = read_cart3d(cart3d_filename, log=log) if data['--scale'] != 1.0: model.points *= data['--scale'] data['--scale'] = 1.0 if fmt2 == 'stl': from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d_to_stl import cart3d_to_stl_filename cart3d_to_stl_filename(model, fname2, log=log, is_binary=data['--binary']) elif fmt2 == 'nastran': from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d_to_nastran import cart3d_to_nastran_filename cart3d_to_nastran_filename(model, fname2, log=log) elif fmt2 == 'tecplot': from pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d_to_tecplot import cart3d_to_tecplot cart3d_to_tecplot(model, fname2, log=log) elif fmt2 == 'cart3d': model.write_cart3d(fname2, is_binary=data['--binary']) # elif fmt2 == 'ugrid': # cart3d_to_ugrid(model, fname2) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_cart3d' % fmt2) def process_stl(stl_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: SimpleLogger, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts STL to Nastran/Cart3d """ assert fmt2 in ['stl', 'nastran', 'cart3d'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 if data is None: data = {'--scale': 1.0,} if '*' in stl_filename: stl_filenames = glob.glob(stl_filename) else: stl_filenames = [stl_filename] assert len(stl_filenames) > 0, stl_filenames from pyNastran.converters.stl.utils import merge_stl_files model = merge_stl_files(stl_filenames, stl_out_filename=None, log=log) scale = data['--scale'] if scale is not None: assert isinstance(scale, float), 'scale=%r type=%r' % (scale, type(scale)) model.nodes *= scale # model = STL() # model.read_stl(stl_filename) if fmt2 == 'nastran': from pyNastran.converters.stl.stl_to_nastran import stl_to_nastran stl_to_nastran(model, fname2, log=log) elif fmt2 == 'cart3d': from pyNastran.converters.stl.stl_to_cart3d import stl_to_cart3d stl_to_cart3d(model, fname2, log=log) elif fmt2 == 'stl': is_binary = data['--binary'] model.write_stl(fname2, is_binary=is_binary, float_fmt='%6.12f', stop_on_failure=False) # elif fmt2 == 'tecplot': # stl_to_tecplot(model, fname2) # elif fmt2 == 'ugrid': # stl_to_ugrid(model, fname2) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_stl' % fmt2) def element_slice(tecplot, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """removes solid elements from a tecplot model""" xslice = data['--xx'] yslice = data['--yy'] zslice = data['--zz'] # if xslice is not None: # xslice = data['--xx'] # tecplot.slice_x(xslice) # if yslice is not None: # yslice = data['--yy'] # tecplot.slice_y(yslice) # if zslice is not None: # zslice = data['--zz'] # tecplot.slice_z(zslice) #print(tecplot) tecplot.slice_xyz(xslice, yslice, zslice) def process_tecplot(tecplot_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: SimpleLogger, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts Tecplot to Tecplot Globs all input tecplot files (e.g. tecplot*.plt) """ assert fmt2 in ['stl', 'nastran', 'cart3d', 'tecplot'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 if '*' in tecplot_filename: tecplot_filenames = glob.glob(tecplot_filename) else: tecplot_filenames = [tecplot_filename] assert len(tecplot_filenames) > 0, tecplot_filename from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.utils import merge_tecplot_files from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot_to_nastran import tecplot_to_nastran_filename from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot_to_cart3d import tecplot_to_cart3d_filename model = merge_tecplot_files(tecplot_filenames, tecplot_filename_out=None, log=log) #if fmt2 == 'cart3d': #tecplot_to_cart3d(model, fname2) #elif fmt2 == 'stl': #tecplot_to_stl(model, fname2) # elif fmt2 == 'ugrid': # tecplot_to_ugrid(model, fname2) res_types = data['RESTYPE'] unused_is_points = not data['--block'] if fmt2 == 'tecplot': if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) element_slice(model, data) # this is a good way to merge files model.write_tecplot(fname2, res_types=res_types) # is_points=is_points elif fmt2 == 'nastran': tecplot_to_nastran_filename(model, fname2) elif fmt2 == 'stl': cart3d_filename = fname2 + '.tri' tecplot_to_cart3d_filename(model, cart3d_filename, log=log) process_cart3d(cart3d_filename, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) os.remove(cart3d_filename) #tecplot_to_nastran_filename(model, fname2 + '.bdf') #process_nastran(fname2 + '.bdf', fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt2 == 'cart3d': # supports tris/quads, not loads #tecplot_to_nastran_filename(model, fname2 + '.bdf') #process_nastran(fname2 + '.bdf', fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) # supports quads/loads, not tris tecplot_to_cart3d_filename(model, fname2, log=log) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_tecplot' % fmt2) def process_ugrid(ugrid_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: SimpleLogger, data: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts UGRID to Nastran/Cart3d/STL/Tecplot """ assert fmt2 in ['stl', 'nastran', 'cart3d', 'tecplot'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 read_shells = True read_solids = True if fmt2 in ['stl', 'cart3d']: read_shells = True read_solids = False from pyNastran.converters.aflr.ugrid.ugrid_reader import UGRID model = UGRID(read_shells=read_shells, read_solids=read_solids, log=log) model.read_ugrid(ugrid_filename) if fmt2 == 'nastran': # ugrid_to_nastran(model, fname2 include_shells = True include_solids = True bdf_filename = fname2 model.write_bdf(bdf_filename, include_shells=include_shells, include_solids=include_solids) elif fmt2 == 'cart3d': include_shells = True include_solids = False bdf_filename = fname2 + '.bdf' model.write_bdf(bdf_filename, include_shells=include_shells, include_solids=include_solids) # ugrid_to_cart3d(model, fname2) process_nastran(bdf_filename, 'cart3d', fname2, data=None) elif fmt2 == 'stl': include_shells = True include_solids = False bdf_filename = fname2 + '.bdf' model.write_bdf(bdf_filename, include_shells=include_shells, include_solids=include_solids) process_nastran(bdf_filename, 'cart3d', fname2, data=None) # ugrid_to_stl(model, fname2) elif fmt2 == 'tecplot': from pyNastran.converters.aflr.ugrid.ugrid3d_to_tecplot import ugrid_to_tecplot # ugrid_to_tecplot(model, fname2) tecplot, unused_zone = ugrid_to_tecplot(model) element_slice(tecplot, data) tecplot_filename = fname2 tecplot.write_tecplot(tecplot_filename) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_ugrid' % fmt2) def run_format_converter(fmt1: str, fname1: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, data: Dict[str, Any], log: SimpleLogger, quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Runs the format converter """ if fmt1 == 'nastran': process_nastran(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt1 == 'cart3d': process_cart3d(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt1 == 'stl': process_stl(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt1 == 'tecplot': process_tecplot(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt1 == 'ugrid': process_ugrid(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) elif fmt1 == 'vrml': process_vrml(fname1, fmt2, fname2, log, data=data, quiet=quiet) else: format1s = ['nastran', 'cart3d', 'stl', 'tecplot', 'ugrid', 'vrml'] #format2s = ['nastran', 'cart3d', 'stl', 'ugrid', 'tecplot'] raise NotImplementedError(f'fmt1={fmt1} is not supported by run; ' f'use {", ".join(format1s)}') def cmd_line_format_converter(argv=None, quiet: str=False) -> None: """Interface for format_converter""" if argv is None: argv = sys.argv msg = ( "Usage:\n" #format1s = ['nastran', 'cart3d', 'stl', 'ugrid', 'tecplot', 'vrml'] #format2s = ['nastran', 'cart3d', 'stl', 'ugrid', 'tecplot'] " format_converter nastran <INPUT> <format2> <OUTPUT> [-o <OP2>] --no_xref\n" " format_converter <format1> <INPUT> tecplot <OUTPUT> [-r RESTYPE...] [-b] [--block] [-x <X>] [-y <Y>] [-z <Z>] [--scale SCALE]\n" " format_converter <format1> <INPUT> stl <OUTPUT> [-b] [--scale SCALE]\n" " format_converter cart3d <INPUT> <format2> <OUTPUT> [-b] [--scale SCALE]\n" " format_converter <format1> <INPUT> <format2> <OUTPUT> [--scale SCALE]\n" #" format_converter nastran <INPUT> <format2> <OUTPUT>\n" #" format_converter cart3d <INPUT> <format2> <OUTPUT>\n" ' format_converter -h | --help\n' ' format_converter -v | --version\n' "\n" "Required Arguments:\n" " format1 format type (nastran, cart3d, stl, ugrid, tecplot, vrml)\n" " format2 format type (nastran, cart3d, stl, ugrid, tecplot, abaqus)\n" " INPUT path to input file\n" " OUTPUT path to output file\n" "\n" "Nastran Options:\n" " -o OP2, --op2 OP2 path to results file (nastran-specific)\n" " only used for Tecplot (not supported)\n" " --no_xref Don't cross-reference (nastran-specific)\n" "\n" "Tecplot Options:\n" " -x X, --xx X Creates a constant x slice; keeps points < X\n" " -y Y, --yy Y Creates a constant y slice; keeps points < Y\n" " -z Z, --zz Z Creates a constant z slice; keeps points < Z\n" " --block Writes the data in BLOCK (vs. POINT) format\n" " -r, --results Specifies the results to write to limit output\n" "\n" "Tecplot/Cart3d/STL Options:\n" " --scale SCALE Apply a scale factor to the XYZ locations (default=1.0)\n" " -b, --binary writes the STL in binary (not supported for Tecplot)\n" "\n" "Info:\n" " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n" " -v, --version show program's version number and exit\n" '\n' 'Notes:\n' " Nastran->Tecplot assumes sequential nodes and consistent types (shell/solid)\n" " STL/Tecplot supports globbing as the input filename\n" " Tecplot slicing doesn't support multiple slice values and will give bad results (not crash)\n" " UGRID outfiles must be of the form model.b8.ugrid, where\n" " b8, b4, lb8, lb4 are valid choices and periods are important\n" " Scale has only been tested on STL -> STL\n" ) from docopt import docopt import pyNastran ver = str(pyNastran.__version__) data = docopt(msg, version=ver, argv=argv[1:]) # because we have special blocks for tecplot/stl/cart3d is_nastran = data['nastran'] format1 = data['<format1>'] if is_nastran: format1 = 'nastran' data['<format1>'] = format1 format2 = data['<format2>'] is_stl = data['stl'] if is_stl: format2 = 'stl' data['<format2>'] = format2 is_tecplot = data['tecplot'] if is_tecplot: format2 = 'tecplot' data['<format2>'] = format2 is_cart3d = data['cart3d'] if is_cart3d: format1 = 'cart3d' data['<format1>'] = format1 # common options if data['--scale']: data['--scale'] = eval(data['--scale']) else: data['--scale'] = 1.0 if not quiet: # pragma: no cover print(data) input_filename = data['<INPUT>'] output_filename = data['<OUTPUT>'] level = 'warning' if quiet else 'debug' from cpylog import SimpleLogger log = SimpleLogger(level=level) run_format_converter(format1, input_filename, format2, output_filename, data, log=log, quiet=quiet) def process_vrml(vrml_filename: str, fmt2: str, fname2: str, log: SimpleLogger, data: Dict[str, Any], quiet: bool=False) -> None: """ Converts VRML to Nastran """ assert fmt2 in ['nastran', 'stl'], 'format2=%s' % fmt2 #if data['--scale'] != 1.0: #model.points *= data['--scale'] #data['--scale'] = 1.0 from import vrml_to_nastran, vrml_to_stl if fmt2 == 'nastran': vrml_to_nastran(vrml_filename, fname2, log=log) if fmt2 == 'stl': vrml_to_stl(vrml_filename, fname2, log=log) else: raise NotImplementedError('fmt2=%s is not supported by process_vrml' % fmt2) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover cmd_line_format_converter()
# Copyright (c) 2018 NVIDIA Corporation from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import abc import copy import six import tensorflow as tf from open_seq2seq.optimizers.mp_wrapper import mp_regularizer_wrapper from open_seq2seq.utils.utils import check_params, cast_types @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Encoder: """Abstract class from which all encoders must inherit. """ @staticmethod def get_required_params(): """Static method with description of required parameters. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all the parameters that **have to** be included into the ``params`` parameter of the class :meth:`__init__` method. """ return {} @staticmethod def get_optional_params(): """Static method with description of optional parameters. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all the parameters that **can** be included into the ``params`` parameter of the class :meth:`__init__` method. """ return { 'regularizer': None, # any valid TensorFlow regularizer 'regularizer_params': dict, 'initializer': None, # any valid TensorFlow initializer 'initializer_params': dict, 'dtype': [tf.float32, tf.float16, 'mixed'], } def __init__(self, params, model, name="encoder", mode='train'): """Encoder constructor. Note that encoder constructors should not modify TensorFlow graph, all graph construction should happen in the :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` method. Args: params (dict): parameters describing the encoder. All supported parameters are listed in :meth:`get_required_params`, :meth:`get_optional_params` functions. model (instance of a class derived from :class:`Model<models.model.Model>`): parent model that created this encoder. Could be None if no model access is required for the use case. name (str): name for encoder variable scope. mode (str): mode encoder is going to be run in. Could be "train", "eval" or "infer". Config parameters: * **initializer** --- any valid TensorFlow initializer. If no initializer is provided, model initializer will be used. * **initializer_params** (dict) --- dictionary that will be passed to initializer ``__init__`` method. * **regularizer** --- and valid TensorFlow regularizer. If no regularizer is provided, model regularizer will be used. * **regularizer_params** (dict) --- dictionary that will be passed to regularizer ``__init__`` method. * **dtype** --- model dtype. Could be either ``tf.float16``, ``tf.float32`` or "mixed". For details see :ref:`mixed precision training <mixed_precision>` section in docs. If no dtype is provided, model dtype will be used. """ check_params(params, self.get_required_params(), self.get_optional_params()) self._params = copy.deepcopy(params) self._model = model if 'dtype' not in self._params: if self._model: self._params['dtype'] = self._model.params['dtype'] else: self._params['dtype'] = tf.float32 self._name = name self._mode = mode self._compiled = False def encode(self, input_dict): """Wrapper around :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` method. Here name, initializer and dtype are set in the variable scope and then :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` method is called. Args: input_dict (dict): see :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` docs. Returns: see :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` docs. """ if not self._compiled: if 'regularizer' not in self._params: if self._model and 'regularizer' in self._model.params: self._params['regularizer'] = copy.deepcopy( self._model.params['regularizer'] ) self._params['regularizer_params'] = copy.deepcopy( self._model.params['regularizer_params'] ) if 'regularizer' in self._params: init_dict = self._params.get('regularizer_params', {}) if self._params['regularizer'] is not None: self._params['regularizer'] = self._params['regularizer'](**init_dict) if self._params['dtype'] == 'mixed': self._params['regularizer'] = mp_regularizer_wrapper( self._params['regularizer'], ) if self._params['dtype'] == 'mixed': self._params['dtype'] = tf.float16 if 'initializer' in self.params: init_dict = self.params.get('initializer_params', {}) initializer = self.params['initializer'](**init_dict) else: initializer = None self._compiled = True with tf.variable_scope(self._name, initializer=initializer, dtype=self.params['dtype']): return self._encode(self._cast_types(input_dict)) def _cast_types(self, input_dict): """This function performs automatic cast of all inputs to encoder dtype. Args: input_dict (dict): dictionary passed to :meth:`self._encode() <_encode>` method. Returns: dict: same as input_dict, but with all Tensors cast to encoder dtype. """ return cast_types(input_dict, self.params['dtype']) @abc.abstractmethod def _encode(self, input_dict): """This is the main function which should construct encoder graph. Typically, encoder will take raw input sequence as an input and produce some hidden representation as an output. Args: input_dict (dict): dictionary containing encoder inputs. If the encoder is used with :class:`models.encoder_decoder` class, ``input_dict`` will have the following content:: { "source_tensors": data_layer.input_tensors['source_tensors'] } Returns: dict: dictionary of encoder outputs. Return all necessary outputs. Typically this will be just:: { "outputs": outputs, "state": state, } """ pass @property def params(self): """Parameters used to construct the encoder (dictionary).""" return self._params @property def mode(self): """Mode encoder is run in.""" return self._mode @property def name(self): """Encoder name.""" return self._name
from ..models import * from .availability_calendar_api import * from .calendar_api import * import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta def get_best(event_id): """ :param event_id: the id of the event we want to get best times of :return: A list of sorted pairs: [ (time, [users]), (time, [users]).... ] where time is the starting time and users is list of users who can make it. """ event_set = Event.objects.filter(event_id=event_id) event = event_set[0] # make the queryset of users into a list of users users = list(event.members.all()) # make all these in minutes duration = int(event.duration) st = event.potential_start_date # round up the potential starting minutes if st.minute > 30: new_st = st.replace(minute=0) new_st = new_st + timedelta(hours=1) elif st.minute > 0: new_st = st.replace(minute=30) elif st.minute == 0 or st.minute == 30: new_st = st start = convert_to_minutes(new_st, new_st) et = event.potential_end_date # round down potential ending minutes if et.minute > 30: new_et = et.replace(minute=30) elif et.minute > 0: new_et = et.replace(minute=0) elif et.minute == 0 or et.minute == 30: new_et = et end = convert_to_minutes(new_et, new_st) min_hour = event.no_earlier_than.hour min_minute = event.no_earlier_than.minute max_hour = event.no_later_than.hour max_minute = event.no_later_than.minute # Dictionary: starting times as keys and values is list of people who can make it, # keys incremented by duration optimal_times = {} # from start to end time, add keys of 30 minute increments with querysets of every user attending for i in range(start,end+1, 30): if i + duration > end: break # only add times later than min time and earlier than max time time = convert_to_datetime(new_st, i) if min_hour < time.hour < max_hour: optimal_times[i] = users.copy() elif time.hour == min_hour: if time.minute >= min_minute: optimal_times[i] = users.copy() elif time.hour == max_hour: if time.minute <= max_minute: optimal_times[i] = users.copy() # have a list of all users times for u in users: # user_sched = free_busy_month(u) # schedule = json.dumps(user_sched, default=json_datetime_handler) # Schedule.objects.create(user=u, availability=schedule) # get user's schedules in datetime format for times in get_users_saved_schedule(u): start_time = list(times.values())[0] # round DOWN the starting minutes if start_time.minute > 30: starting = start_time.replace(minute=30) elif start_time.minute > 0: starting = start_time.replace(minute=0) elif start_time.minute == 0 or start_time.minute == 30: starting = start_time the_start = convert_to_minutes(starting, new_st) end_time = list(times.values())[1] # round UP the ending minutes if et.minute > 30: ending = et.replace(minute=0) ending = ending + timedelta(hours=1) elif et.minute > 0: ending = et.replace(minute=30) elif et.minute == 0 or et.minute == 30: ending = end_time the_end = convert_to_minutes(ending, new_st) # try to find the keys in 30 minute increments and remove the user # from the corresponding list for i in range(the_start, the_end+1, 30): if i in optimal_times: dict_value = optimal_times.get(i) if u in dict_value: dict_value.remove(u) new_dict = {i: dict_value} optimal_times.update(new_dict) # go through the optimal times and find which list contains # most users then append to new list curr_max = 0 if len(optimal_times) > 0: curr_max = len(list(optimal_times.values())[0]) append_list = [] for times in optimal_times: if len(optimal_times[times]) >= curr_max: # append a list of pairs, first = datetime of start second = list of attending # with the ending of the list having more people available append_list.append((convert_to_datetime(new_st, times), optimal_times.get(times))) curr_max = len(optimal_times[times]) # return the reversed list return append_list[::-1] # convert a datetime to minutes elapsed def convert_to_minutes(time, starting): elapsed = time - starting minutes = int(elapsed.total_seconds()/60) return minutes # convert minutes to a datetime by getting starting datetime and timedelta by minutes def convert_to_datetime(starting, mins): time = starting + timedelta(minutes=mins) return time
from meta_policy_search.samplers.base import SampleProcessor from meta_policy_search.samplers.dice_sample_processor import DiceSampleProcessor from meta_policy_search.utils.rl2 import utils import numpy as np class MetaSampleProcessor(SampleProcessor): def process_samples(self, paths_meta_batch, log=False, log_prefix=''): """ Processes sampled paths. This involves: - computing discounted rewards (returns) - fitting baseline estimator using the path returns and predicting the return baselines - estimating the advantages using GAE (+ advantage normalization id desired) - stacking the path data - logging statistics of the paths Args: paths_meta_batch (dict): A list of dict of lists, size: [meta_batch_size] x (batch_size) x [5] x (max_path_length) log (boolean): indicates whether to log log_prefix (str): prefix for the logging keys Returns: (list of dicts) : Processed sample data among the meta-batch; size: [meta_batch_size] x [7] x (batch_size x max_path_length) """ assert isinstance(paths_meta_batch, dict), 'paths must be a dict' assert self.baseline, 'baseline must be specified' samples_data_meta_batch = [] all_paths = [] for meta_task, paths in paths_meta_batch.items(): # fits baseline, compute advantages and stack path data samples_data, paths = self._compute_samples_data(paths) samples_data_meta_batch.append(samples_data) all_paths.extend(paths) # 7) compute normalized trajectory-batch rewards (for E-MAML) overall_avg_reward = np.mean(np.concatenate([samples_data['rewards'] for samples_data in samples_data_meta_batch])) overall_avg_reward_std = np.std(np.concatenate([samples_data['rewards'] for samples_data in samples_data_meta_batch])) for samples_data in samples_data_meta_batch: samples_data['adj_avg_rewards'] = (samples_data['rewards'] - overall_avg_reward) / (overall_avg_reward_std + 1e-8) # 8) log statistics if desired self._log_path_stats(all_paths, log=log, log_prefix=log_prefix) return samples_data_meta_batch class DiceMetaSampleProcessor(DiceSampleProcessor): process_samples = MetaSampleProcessor.process_samples
<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/env python """ Forms bridges between pairs of atoms that share an interaction with a residue matched by a user-specified regex. The output is a new list contact file where interactions to atoms matching the regex have been replaced with bridges. For example, running this app with the regex "A:CA:.*" and the contact list: 0 vdw A:ASP:52:C A:CA:201:CA 0 vdw A:CA:201:CA A:GLN:53:N 0 vdw A:ASP:52:N A:PHE:48:O will output the contact list 0 br A:ASP:52:C A:GLN:53:N 0 vdw A:ASP:52:N A:PHE:48:O """ from collections import defaultdict import re from itertools import combinations from contact_calc.transformations import parse_contacts def main(argv=None): # Parse command line arguments import argparse as ap parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=ap.RawTextHelpFormatter) optional = parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') parser._action_groups.append(optional) # added this line required.add_argument('--input', required=True, type=ap.FileType('r'), metavar='FILE', help='A contact-file generated by or') required.add_argument('--bridge', required=True, type=str, metavar='REGEX', help='Regular expression matching any atom to be included as a bridge') required.add_argument('--bridges_only', required=False, type=bool, metavar='BOOL', default=False, help='Indicates whether to output non-bridged interactions as well as the bridges') required.add_argument('--output', required=False, metavar='FILE', type=ap.FileType('w'), help='The name of the output contact-file') args = parser.parse_args(argv) contacts, total_frames = parse_contacts(args.input) bridges_only = args.bridges_only # Build the bridge_neighbor datastructure which for each frame has a dictionary mapping bridging-residues to # non-bridging neighbors. Also collects contacts in `bridged_contacts` that are not part of any bridges unless # `bridges_only` has been enabled bridge_neighbors = [defaultdict(list) for _ in range(total_frames)] bridge_pattern = re.compile(args.bridge) bridged_contacts = [] for contact in contacts: frame = contact[0] a1_match = bridge_pattern.match(contact[2]) a2_match = bridge_pattern.match(contact[3]) if a1_match and not a2_match: a1_res = ":".join(contact[2].split(":")[0:3]) bridge_neighbors[frame][a1_res].append(contact[3]) elif a2_match: a2_res = ":".join(contact[3].split(":")[0:3]) bridge_neighbors[frame][a2_res].append(contact[2]) elif not bridges_only: bridged_contacts.append(contact) # Based on the neighbor-lists in `bridge_neighbors`, add atom pairs to `bridged_contacts` for frame, bridge_map in enumerate(bridge_neighbors): for bridge_res in bridge_map: for a1, a2 in combinations(bridge_map[bridge_res], 2): bridged_contacts.append([frame, 'br', a1, a2, bridge_res]) # Sort the contacts and convert them to strings from operator import itemgetter bridged_contacts.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) for contact in bridged_contacts: contact[0] = str(contact[0]) bridged_contacts = ["\t".join(contact) for contact in bridged_contacts] # Write to output if args.output: args.output.write("# total_frames:%d\n" % total_frames) args.output.write("\n".join(bridged_contacts)) args.output.close() print("Wrote residue contact file to " + else: print("\n".join(bridged_contacts)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() __license__ = "Apache License 2.0" __maintainer__ = "<NAME>" __email__ = "<EMAIL>"
<filename>tests/api/ from hashlib import sha1 import httplib from uuid import uuid4 from flask import url_for import pytest @pytest.fixture def random_file_content(): return 'Hello File Content! %s\n' % uuid4().hex # TODO is there merit in actually sending a file with complex binary data instead? # @pytest.yield_fixture # def temporary_file(): # _temporary_file = TemporaryFile() # _temporary_file.write('Hello File! %s\n' % uuid4().hex) # _temporary_file.flush() # # # yield _temporary_file # # _temporary_file.close() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('live_server') class TestFileUploadPermission(object): def test_upload_forbidden(self, random_file_content, requests): response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 403 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('live_server', 'customer_with_media_permissions') class TestFileUploadContentType(object): def test_content_type_not_whitelisted(self, random_file_content, requests): response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'bad/content')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_content_type_does_not_match_detected(self, random_file_content, requests): # prepend .pdf magic bytes to content to mess with the detection # modified_content = '\25\50\44\46' + random_file_content response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', modified_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 400 def test_content_type_ok(self, random_file_content, requests): response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 201 created = response.json() assert 'mime' in created assert created['mime'] == 'text/plain' @pytest.mark.usefixtures('live_server', 'customer_with_media_permissions') class TestFileUpload(object): def test_upload_matches_hash(self, random_file_content, requests): expected_hash = sha1(random_file_content).hexdigest() response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 201 created = response.json() assert 'sha1' in created assert created['sha1'] == expected_hash def test_upload_can_download(self, random_file_content, requests): response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 201 assert 'location' in response.headers created = response.json() assert 'path' in created remote_path = created['path'].lstrip('/') response = requests.get( url_for('download_file', filename=remote_path, _external=True), allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.content == random_file_content def test_upload_gets_charged(self, customer, random_file_content, app, requests): assert 'cycles' not in customer response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, 'text/plain')}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == httplib.CREATED customer.refresh() assert len(customer.cycles.to_dict()) == 1 assert customer.cycles['_upload_text'] == app.config['CYCLES_FILE_UPLOAD'] def test_upload_charges_only_on_success(self, customer, random_file_content, requests): assert 'cycles' not in customer wrong_mimetype = 'image/jpeg' response = url_for('upload_file', _external=True), files={'file': ('random.txt', random_file_content, wrong_mimetype)}, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status_code == httplib.BAD_REQUEST customer.refresh() assert 'cycles' not in customer
<gh_stars>0 # the Node class - contains value and address to next node class Node(object): def __init__(self, val): self.val = val = None def get_data(self): return self.val def set_data(self, val): self.val = val def get_next(self): return def set_next(self, next): = next # the LinkedList class class LinkedList(object): def __init__(self, head=None): self.head = head self.count = 0 def get_count(self): return self.count def insert(self, data): new_node = Node(data) new_node.set_next(self.head) self.head = new_node self.count += 1 def find(self, val): item = self.head while (item != None): if item.get_data() == val: return item else: item = item.get_next() return None def deleteAt(self, idx): if idx > self.count: return if self.head == None: return else: tempIdx = 0 node = self.head while tempIdx < idx-1: node = node.get_next() tempIdx += 1 node.set_next(node.get_next().get_next()) self.count -= 1 def printList(self): tempnode = self.head while (tempnode != None): print("Node: ", tempnode.get_data()) tempnode = tempnode.get_next() def sumList(self): tempnode = self.head self.sum = 0 while (tempnode != None): self.sum += tempnode.get_data() tempnode = tempnode.get_next() print('Sum of list:', self.sum) if __name__ == "__main__": # create a linked list and insert some items itemlist = LinkedList() itemlist.insert(3) itemlist.insert(10) itemlist.insert(1) itemlist.insert(5) itemlist.insert(6) #Print the List itemlist.printList() #GEt sum itemlist.sumList()
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.keras import activations from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras import constraints from tensorflow.python.keras import initializers from tensorflow.python.keras import regularizers from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer import Layer from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.input_spec import InputSpec # imports for backwards namespace compatibility # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import AveragePooling1D from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import AveragePooling2D from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import AveragePooling3D from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling1D from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling3D # pylint: enable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import conv_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import tf_utils from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export from upfirdn_2d import * from layers.other import Dense, normalize_2nd_moment NOISE_STRENGTH = 0.001 # ToRGB block. def torgb(x, y, latents, res_name, is_grouped, style_strength_map=None): # res = 2..resolution_log2 if not is_grouped: t = ModConv2d(rank=2, sampling=None, filters=3, kernel_size=1, demodulate=False, noise=True, act=None, name=res_name+'/ToRGB')([x, latents[0:1, -1]]) else: t = ModConv2d_grouped(rank=2, sampling=None, filters=3, kernel_size=1, demodulate=False, noise=True, act=None, name=res_name+'/ToRGB')([x, latents]) t = tf.reduce_sum(t * style_strength_map, axis=1) if y is not None: t += tf.cast(y, t.dtype) return t class ModConv2d(Layer): """Abstract N-D convolution layer (private, used as implementation base). This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved (actually cross-correlated) with the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs. If `use_bias` is True (and a `bias_initializer` is provided), a bias vector is created and added to the outputs. Finally, if `activation` is not `None`, it is applied to the outputs as well. Arguments: rank: An integer, the rank of the convolution, e.g. "2" for 2D convolution. filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of filters in the convolution). kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the length of the convolution window. strides: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the stride length of the convolution. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any `dilation_rate` value != 1. padding: One of `"valid"`, `"same"`, or `"causal"` (case-insensitive). data_format: A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, ..., channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, ...)`. dilation_rate: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any `dilation_rate` value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any `strides` value != 1. activation: Activation function. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias. kernel_initializer: An initializer for the convolution kernel. bias_initializer: An initializer for the bias vector. If None, the default initializer will be used. kernel_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the convolution kernel. bias_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the bias vector. activity_regularizer: Optional regularizer function for the output. kernel_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the kernel after being updated by an `Optimizer` (e.g. used to implement norm constraints or value constraints for layer weights). The function must take as input the unprojected variable and must return the projected variable (which must have the same shape). Constraints are not safe to use when doing asynchronous distributed training. bias_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the bias after being updated by an `Optimizer`. trainable: Boolean, if `True` the weights of this layer will be marked as trainable (and listed in `layer.trainable_weights`). name: A string, the name of the layer. """ def __init__(self, rank, filters, kernel_size, sampling, # [None, 'up', 'down'] strides=1, act='lrelu', noise=True, demodulate=True, padding='valid', data_format='channels_last', dilation_rate=1, activation=None, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None, trainable=True, name=None, **kwargs): super(ModConv2d, self).__init__( trainable=trainable, name=name, activity_regularizer=regularizers.get(activity_regularizer), **kwargs) self.rank = rank self.filters = filters self.noise = noise self.demodulate = demodulate self.act = act self.kernel_size = conv_utils.normalize_tuple( kernel_size, rank, 'kernel_size') self.strides = conv_utils.normalize_tuple(strides, rank, 'strides') self.padding = conv_utils.normalize_padding(padding) self.data_format = conv_utils.normalize_data_format(data_format) self.dilation_rate = conv_utils.normalize_tuple( dilation_rate, rank, 'dilation_rate') self.activation = activations.get(activation) self.use_bias = use_bias self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint) self.input_spec = [InputSpec(ndim=self.rank + 2), InputSpec(ndim=self.rank)] self.sampling = sampling def build(self, input_shape): input_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape[0]) input_channel = self._get_input_channel(input_shape) kernel_shape = self.kernel_size + (input_channel, self.filters) self.modulate_style = Dense(units=input_shape[-1], constant_b=0.0, act=None, name='mod_weight') self.noise_strength = self.add_weight( name='noise_strength', shape=1, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros(), regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=False, dtype=self.dtype) self.kernel = self.add_weight( name='kernel', shape=kernel_shape, initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=True, dtype=self.dtype) if self.use_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( name='bias', shape=(self.filters,), initializer=self.bias_initializer, regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, trainable=True, dtype=self.dtype) else: self.bias = None self.built = True def call(self, inputs): conv_inputs = inputs[0] print('styled: ', conv_inputs) style = inputs[1] weights = self.kernel he_std = 1.0 / tf.math.sqrt(tf.dtypes.cast(tf.math.reduce_prod(weights.shape[:-1]), tf.float32)) runtime_coef = he_std * 1.0 # runtime_coef = 1.0 weights = weights*runtime_coef style = self.modulate_style(style) + 1.0 if self.demodulate: style *= 1 / tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(style)) # Pre-normalize to avoid float16 overflow. weights = weights*style[0, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] # Demodulate if self.demodulate: ##########?????? d = tf.math.rsqrt(tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(weights), axis=[0, 1, 2]) + 1e-8) # [BO] Scaling factor. weights *= d[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] # [BkkIO] Scale output feature maps. # conv_inputs = conv_inputs*style[0, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] # ################## # Convolve padding = 0 kernel = self.kernel_size[0] resample_kernel = [1,3,3,1] data_format = 'NHWC' #'NCHW' if self.sampling == 'up': x = upsample_conv_2d(conv_inputs, weights, data_format=data_format, k=resample_kernel, padding=padding) elif self.sampling == 'down': x = conv_downsample_2d(conv_inputs, weights, data_format=data_format, k=resample_kernel, padding=padding) else: padding_mode = {0: 'SAME', -(kernel // 2): 'VALID'}[padding] x = tf.nn.conv2d(conv_inputs, weights, data_format=data_format, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding=padding_mode) ############################## if self.noise: noise = tf.random.normal([tf.shape(x)[0], tf.shape(x)[1], tf.shape(x)[2], 1], dtype=x.dtype) x += noise*self.noise_strength*NOISE_STRENGTH x = nn.bias_add(x, self.bias, data_format=data_format) if self.act == 'lrelu': x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.2)*tf.math.sqrt(2.0) elif self.act == 'linear' or self.act is None: pass else: raise ValueError('Activation is unsupported.') return x def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): input_shape = input_shape[0] input_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape).as_list() if self.data_format == 'channels_last': space = input_shape[1:-1] new_space = [] for i in range(len(space)): new_dim = conv_utils.conv_output_length( space[i], self.kernel_size[i], padding=self.padding, stride=self.strides[i], dilation=self.dilation_rate[i]) new_space.append(new_dim) return tensor_shape.TensorShape([input_shape[0]] + new_space + [self.filters]) else: space = input_shape[2:] new_space = [] for i in range(len(space)): new_dim = conv_utils.conv_output_length( space[i], self.kernel_size[i], padding=self.padding, stride=self.strides[i], dilation=self.dilation_rate[i]) new_space.append(new_dim) return tensor_shape.TensorShape([input_shape[0], self.filters] + new_space) def get_config(self): config = { 'filters': self.filters, 'kernel_size': self.kernel_size, 'strides': self.strides, 'padding': self.padding, 'data_format': self.data_format, 'dilation_rate': self.dilation_rate, 'activation': activations.serialize(self.activation), 'use_bias': self.use_bias, 'kernel_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer), 'bias_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.bias_initializer), 'kernel_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer), 'bias_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer), 'activity_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.activity_regularizer), 'kernel_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint), 'bias_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint) } base_config = super(ModConv2d, self).get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items())) def _compute_causal_padding(self): """Calculates padding for 'causal' option for 1-d conv layers.""" left_pad = self.dilation_rate[0] * (self.kernel_size[0] - 1) if self.data_format == 'channels_last': causal_padding = [[0, 0], [left_pad, 0], [0, 0]] else: causal_padding = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [left_pad, 0]] return causal_padding def _get_channel_axis(self): if self.data_format == 'channels_first': return 1 else: return -1 def _get_input_channel(self, input_shape): channel_axis = self._get_channel_axis() if input_shape.dims[channel_axis].value is None: raise ValueError('The channel dimension of the inputs ' 'should be defined. Found `None`.') return int(input_shape[channel_axis]) def _get_padding_op(self): if self.padding == 'causal': op_padding = 'valid' else: op_padding = self.padding if not isinstance(op_padding, (list, tuple)): op_padding = op_padding.upper() return op_padding class ModConv2d_grouped(Layer): """Abstract N-D convolution layer (private, used as implementation base). This layer creates a convolution kernel that is convolved (actually cross-correlated) with the layer input to produce a tensor of outputs. If `use_bias` is True (and a `bias_initializer` is provided), a bias vector is created and added to the outputs. Finally, if `activation` is not `None`, it is applied to the outputs as well. Arguments: rank: An integer, the rank of the convolution, e.g. "2" for 2D convolution. filters: Integer, the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of filters in the convolution). kernel_size: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the length of the convolution window. strides: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the stride length of the convolution. Specifying any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any `dilation_rate` value != 1. padding: One of `"valid"`, `"same"`, or `"causal"` (case-insensitive). data_format: A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs. `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, ..., channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, ...)`. dilation_rate: An integer or tuple/list of n integers, specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Currently, specifying any `dilation_rate` value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any `strides` value != 1. activation: Activation function. Set it to None to maintain a linear activation. use_bias: Boolean, whether the layer uses a bias. kernel_initializer: An initializer for the convolution kernel. bias_initializer: An initializer for the bias vector. If None, the default initializer will be used. kernel_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the convolution kernel. bias_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the bias vector. activity_regularizer: Optional regularizer function for the output. kernel_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the kernel after being updated by an `Optimizer` (e.g. used to implement norm constraints or value constraints for layer weights). The function must take as input the unprojected variable and must return the projected variable (which must have the same shape). Constraints are not safe to use when doing asynchronous distributed training. bias_constraint: Optional projection function to be applied to the bias after being updated by an `Optimizer`. trainable: Boolean, if `True` the weights of this layer will be marked as trainable (and listed in `layer.trainable_weights`). name: A string, the name of the layer. """ def __init__(self, rank, filters, kernel_size, sampling, # [None, 'up', 'down'] strides=1, act='lrelu', noise=True, demodulate=True, padding='valid', data_format='channels_last', dilation_rate=1, activation=None, use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, activity_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None, trainable=True, name=None, **kwargs): super(ModConv2d_grouped, self).__init__( trainable=trainable, name=name, activity_regularizer=regularizers.get(activity_regularizer), **kwargs) self.rank = rank self.filters = filters self.noise = noise self.demodulate = demodulate self.act = act self.kernel_size = conv_utils.normalize_tuple( kernel_size, rank, 'kernel_size') self.strides = conv_utils.normalize_tuple(strides, rank, 'strides') self.padding = conv_utils.normalize_padding(padding) self.data_format = conv_utils.normalize_data_format(data_format) self.dilation_rate = conv_utils.normalize_tuple( dilation_rate, rank, 'dilation_rate') self.activation = activations.get(activation) self.use_bias = use_bias self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint) self.input_spec = [InputSpec(ndim=self.rank + 2), InputSpec(ndim=self.rank + 1)] self.sampling = sampling def build(self, input_shape): input_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape[0]) input_channel = self._get_input_channel(input_shape) kernel_shape = self.kernel_size + (input_channel, self.filters) self.modulate_style = Dense(units=input_shape[-1], constant_b=0.0, act=None, name='mod_weight') self.noise_strength = self.add_weight( name='noise_strength', shape=1, initializer=tf.initializers.zeros(), regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=False, dtype=self.dtype) self.kernel = self.add_weight( name='kernel', shape=kernel_shape, initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, trainable=True, dtype=self.dtype) if self.use_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( name='bias', shape=(self.filters,), initializer=self.bias_initializer, regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, trainable=True, dtype=self.dtype) else: self.bias = None self.built = True def call(self, inputs): conv_inputs = inputs[0] style = inputs[1][0] weights = self.kernel[np.newaxis] # print(f"conv_inputs: {conv_inputs}, style: {style}, weights: {weights}") he_std = 1.0 / tf.math.sqrt(tf.dtypes.cast(tf.math.reduce_prod(weights.shape[:-1]), tf.float32)) runtime_coef = he_std * 1.0 weights = weights*runtime_coef # Modulate. style = self.modulate_style(style) + 1.0 if self.demodulate: ################################# style *= 1 / tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(style), axis=1, keepdims=True) # Pre-normalize to avoid float16 overflow. weights = weights*style[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] # print('demod') # Demodulate if self.demodulate:############ d = tf.math.rsqrt(tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.square(weights), axis=[1, 2, 3], keepdims=True) + 1e-8) # [BO] Scaling factor. weights *= d # [BkkIO] Scale output feature maps. # print("conv_inputs before reshaping", conv_inputs) # conv_inputs = tf.reshape(conv_inputs, [1, -1, conv_inputs.shape[2], conv_inputs.shape[3]]) # Fused => reshape minibatch to convolution groups. # print("conv_inputs after reshaping", conv_inputs) # print('weights before reshaping: ', weights) weights = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(weights, [1, 2, 3, 0, 4]), [weights.shape[1], weights.shape[2], weights.shape[3], -1]) # print('weights after reshaping: ', weights) # Convolve padding = 0 kernel = self.kernel_size[0] resample_kernel = [1,3,3,1] data_format = 'NHWC' #'NCHW' if self.sampling == 'up': # print('up') x = upsample_conv_2d_grouped(conv_inputs, weights, data_format=data_format, k=resample_kernel, padding=padding) else: padding_mode = {0: 'SAME', -(kernel // 2): 'VALID'}[padding] x = tf.nn.conv2d(conv_inputs, weights, data_format=data_format, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding=padding_mode) out_shape = [-1, inputs[0].shape[1] * 2 if self.sampling == 'up' else inputs[0].shape[1], inputs[0].shape[2] * 2 if self.sampling == 'up' else inputs[0].shape[2], style.shape[0], self.filters, ] # print(x) x = tf.reshape(x, out_shape) # Fused => reshape convolution groups back to minibatch. # print(x) x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2, 4]) # x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 4, 1]) # print(x) # print(x) # print(x) ############################## if self.noise: noise = tf.random.normal([tf.shape(x)[0], tf.shape(x)[1], tf.shape(x)[2], 1, 1], dtype=x.dtype) x += noise*self.noise_strength*NOISE_STRENGTH # print(x) x = nn.bias_add(x, self.bias, data_format=data_format) # print(x) # 1 / 0 if self.act == 'lrelu': x = tf.nn.leaky_relu(x, alpha=0.2)*tf.math.sqrt(2.0) elif self.act == 'linear' or self.act is None: pass else: raise ValueError('Activation is unsupported.') return x def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): input_shape = input_shape[0] input_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(input_shape).as_list() if self.data_format == 'channels_last': space = input_shape[1:-1] new_space = [] for i in range(len(space)): new_dim = conv_utils.conv_output_length( space[i], self.kernel_size[i], padding=self.padding, stride=self.strides[i], dilation=self.dilation_rate[i]) new_space.append(new_dim) return tensor_shape.TensorShape([input_shape[0]] + new_space + [self.filters]) else: space = input_shape[2:] new_space = [] for i in range(len(space)): new_dim = conv_utils.conv_output_length( space[i], self.kernel_size[i], padding=self.padding, stride=self.strides[i], dilation=self.dilation_rate[i]) new_space.append(new_dim) return tensor_shape.TensorShape([input_shape[0], self.filters] + new_space) def get_config(self): config = { 'filters': self.filters, 'kernel_size': self.kernel_size, 'strides': self.strides, 'padding': self.padding, 'data_format': self.data_format, 'dilation_rate': self.dilation_rate, 'activation': activations.serialize(self.activation), 'use_bias': self.use_bias, 'kernel_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer), 'bias_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.bias_initializer), 'kernel_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer), 'bias_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer), 'activity_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.activity_regularizer), 'kernel_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint), 'bias_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint) } base_config = super(ModConv2d_grouped, self).get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items())) def _compute_causal_padding(self): """Calculates padding for 'causal' option for 1-d conv layers.""" left_pad = self.dilation_rate[0] * (self.kernel_size[0] - 1) if self.data_format == 'channels_last': causal_padding = [[0, 0], [left_pad, 0], [0, 0]] else: causal_padding = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [left_pad, 0]] return causal_padding def _get_channel_axis(self): if self.data_format == 'channels_first': return 1 else: return -1 def _get_input_channel(self, input_shape): channel_axis = self._get_channel_axis() if input_shape.dims[channel_axis].value is None: raise ValueError('The channel dimension of the inputs ' 'should be defined. Found `None`.') return int(input_shape[channel_axis]) def _get_padding_op(self): if self.padding == 'causal': op_padding = 'valid' else: op_padding = self.padding if not isinstance(op_padding, (list, tuple)): op_padding = op_padding.upper() return op_padding
<filename>tests/examples/<gh_stars>1-10 from examples.ga_onemax import * stdout1 = """0 0.03125 0.040781302009688776 0.005561455106895243 1 0.029411764705882353 0.038091861610110966 0.00450622600604616 2 0.027777777777777776 0.03547228263920674 0.00378636872370032 3 0.027777777777777776 0.03383622027764222 0.003792657676482543 4 0.027777777777777776 0.03153144879877114 0.0024635362886572016 5 0.023809523809523808 0.030139024953537853 0.00243139455636538 6 0.023809523809523808 0.02894388940095638 0.0026576983008068868 7 0.023809523809523808 0.02740366108153792 0.001826310539891214 8 0.023255813953488372 0.026444187681938076 0.0015349653277309185 9 0.022727272727272728 0.026012870101612462 0.001608538168134231 10 0.022222222222222223 0.025314390354864127 0.0013064223948593403 11 0.022222222222222223 0.02475279874881244 0.0014170379402423956 12 0.02127659574468085 0.024026041106628093 0.0013427418981510168 13 0.02127659574468085 0.0233757082989196 0.0012006885907910165 14 0.020833333333333332 0.02285467855630095 0.0010185863389449473 15 0.02 0.022430398717967374 0.0008704333997032909 16 0.02 0.021960350829972216 0.0008949697776471712 17 0.02 0.021653716984652648 0.0007101590492949621 18 0.02 0.021357860050448662 0.000618545520306597 19 0.02 0.02111156184156859 0.0006393216238278883 fitness: 0.02 genotype: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] """ stdout2 = """0 0.03125 0.040781302009688776 0.005561455106895243 1 0.029411764705882353 0.03805953402390407 0.004543443870432798 2 0.027777777777777776 0.03540714856298931 0.004003729039375085 3 0.027777777777777776 0.03338954942095523 0.0032194506876552006 4 0.025 0.031759630111261566 0.0024138303577230054 5 0.024390243902439025 0.030465830885796095 0.0024506760085341995 6 0.024390243902439025 0.029748169948644855 0.002240931141267259 7 0.023255813953488372 0.02878293987059667 0.0021429324656018814 8 0.023255813953488372 0.027502249635484855 0.0019123397613806427 9 0.023255813953488372 0.02645550691596207 0.0018288473202157202 10 0.022222222222222223 0.025367100470720813 0.0015199281190212102 11 0.022222222222222223 0.02461907262781222 0.0013499923545325775 12 0.021739130434782608 0.024065322825332153 0.0011729776361822577 13 0.02127659574468085 0.023461332182942187 0.0010670316985843752 14 0.02127659574468085 0.02289507628617888 0.0009396105298584204 15 0.020833333333333332 0.022522016567904247 0.0008268338171416158 16 0.02040816326530612 0.022136339976635826 0.0007804385336199252 17 0.02 0.021817609951539876 0.0008327779489794365 18 0.02 0.02147309566758398 0.0007178798030896314 19 0.02 0.021207604712420763 0.0006741417655733425 fitness: 0.02 genotype: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] """ stdout3 = """0 0.03125 0.040781302009688776 0.005561455106895243 1 0.03125 0.04076591739430416 0.0055657214195924745 2 0.03125 0.040622042750429514 0.005507164564763866 3 0.03125 0.04062719572949554 0.005525504386535372 4 0.03125 0.040572560348773205 0.0054984646902999194 5 0.03125 0.04034090492142615 0.005390384072367683 6 0.03125 0.0402046536026411 0.005419778941160164 7 0.03125 0.04013739327676008 0.0054623937675048004 8 0.03125 0.04007443031379712 0.005338017400020037 9 0.03125 0.04008458848257598 0.005319762685780308 10 0.03125 0.04010683542362159 0.005291563125455103 11 0.03125 0.0400226603394465 0.005272742309413064 12 0.03125 0.04005228996907613 0.0052641997698029625 13 0.03125 0.03998787773075085 0.005261292143217217 14 0.03125 0.03984664065698004 0.005316203083084664 15 0.03125 0.03988885010781018 0.005299466931565621 16 0.03125 0.03976902252160328 0.005410194445432538 17 0.03125 0.03968429308554145 0.005435280260514713 18 0.03125 0.03951577456702293 0.005206081471009931 19 0.03125 0.03935236039498807 0.005161212358951413 20 0.03125 0.03943844448969286 0.005138235191023557 21 0.03125 0.03921225401350238 0.005069181577556729 22 0.03125 0.039104984632319956 0.0050662190117403486 23 0.03125 0.03912662965396498 0.005097826009881623 24 0.03125 0.039124976214811535 0.00504608772719245 25 0.03125 0.03907867991851524 0.005043793314564134 26 0.03125 0.03904662863646396 0.005037425492953105 27 0.03125 0.03907867991851524 0.005043793314564134 28 0.03125 0.03896815036186499 0.004962528399866003 29 0.03125 0.03900793816027348 0.004942315673450242 30 0.03125 0.03895114567739404 0.00488617726647651 31 0.03125 0.03895768754534895 0.00495978158921641 32 0.03125 0.0388843550359764 0.005016909124594712 33 0.03125 0.03876251595551663 0.0050627579498394104 34 0.029411764705882353 0.03871180601636856 0.00513031663950765 35 0.029411764705882353 0.03877376323220508 0.005091848287170193 36 0.029411764705882353 0.03876419872264057 0.005108817760699437 37 0.029411764705882353 0.0385806766181466 0.0051765377035178336 38 0.029411764705882353 0.03857604469093403 0.00516256817573713 39 0.029411764705882353 0.03840009933028102 0.004911792561082685 40 0.029411764705882353 0.038435941798657225 0.004981197894576194 41 0.029411764705882353 0.03853501357514836 0.004917322984771472 42 0.029411764705882353 0.038551071591206375 0.004878023381996317 43 0.029411764705882353 0.03850821444834923 0.004883928233132197 44 0.029411764705882353 0.03848615317628796 0.0049545125688823305 45 0.029411764705882353 0.0383247775149123 0.004630315762456711 46 0.029411764705882353 0.03835051678203087 0.004617491935241724 47 0.029411764705882353 0.03835225004238483 0.004622889754411538 48 0.029411764705882353 0.03829598890156486 0.00461175402246592 49 0.029411764705882353 0.038335183040759 0.004595201177906614 50 0.029411764705882353 0.03834498738176467 0.004631145416784666 51 0.029411764705882353 0.03824933877749539 0.0046539394757127055 52 0.029411764705882353 0.03820648163463824 0.004657352542172028 53 0.029411764705882353 0.03811561436985793 0.004638459235855089 54 0.029411764705882353 0.038042281860485375 0.004686336005487959 55 0.029411764705882353 0.03805401594480011 0.004728978747106032 56 0.029411764705882353 0.037953681496639566 0.004665623840500757 57 0.029411764705882353 0.03790496354792162 0.004563527561674136 58 0.029411764705882353 0.037946760831098214 0.0045125666497372 59 0.029411764705882353 0.03786342749776488 0.0045200413120227495 60 0.029411764705882353 0.03787299200732939 0.004502766305273224 61 0.029411764705882353 0.03772479343171146 0.004577197733181666 62 0.029411764705882353 0.03756110295552098 0.004590515018741406 63 0.029411764705882353 0.0375312087756268 0.004581945112910876 64 0.02857142857142857 0.037414501408919436 0.004649577397769239 65 0.02857142857142857 0.03745978020419824 0.004664641840042881 66 0.02857142857142857 0.03744054943496747 0.004699542302834623 67 0.029411764705882353 0.037476425323784535 0.00468220417022404 68 0.029411764705882353 0.03743274716286499 0.00467600604283492 69 0.029411764705882353 0.037407749460447934 0.004685628116342981 70 0.029411764705882353 0.037317251722891374 0.0047513339193878245 71 0.029411764705882353 0.0371447649504046 0.004644532507889975 72 0.029411764705882353 0.03723060921366822 0.004606305036740161 73 0.029411764705882353 0.03719333234519001 0.004568490742026526 74 0.029411764705882353 0.037072499011856684 0.004570371800346553 75 0.029411764705882353 0.03725888669824436 0.00463564051398577 76 0.029411764705882353 0.037377996564413055 0.004572851829122976 77 0.029411764705882353 0.037349533566310586 0.004613310651506204 78 0.029411764705882353 0.037411568305764684 0.004586057330254607 79 0.029411764705882353 0.03731581914751553 0.0045754960654208286 80 0.029411764705882353 0.03728618951788589 0.004567604980281492 81 0.029411764705882353 0.03715757738927377 0.004466345151557656 82 0.029411764705882353 0.03718413767445474 0.0044624741750795074 83 0.029411764705882353 0.037248896144892726 0.004402375850256563 84 0.029411764705882353 0.037142274455737305 0.0043518420263156665 85 0.029411764705882353 0.03697717037183455 0.004176873824141705 86 0.029411764705882353 0.03691124526986941 0.004183622694639944 87 0.029411764705882353 0.03684504480366894 0.004240558604486811 88 0.029411764705882353 0.03679626460782992 0.004306445175176725 89 0.029411764705882353 0.03680857987876588 0.004301569721001867 90 0.029411764705882353 0.03678527172037708 0.004314663123220094 91 0.029411764705882353 0.03669090939471609 0.004363215285960536 92 0.029411764705882353 0.0367041369079436 0.004362239421426741 93 0.029411764705882353 0.03664874409743641 0.004292859713942862 94 0.029411764705882353 0.036647250668523625 0.004343984692202518 95 0.029411764705882353 0.03642403638280934 0.004202931967059495 96 0.029411764705882353 0.036346617027970624 0.004207650344462092 97 0.029411764705882353 0.03613744536746657 0.004189380043502483 98 0.029411764705882353 0.036101821938141807 0.00420205885430731 99 0.029411764705882353 0.03602970655352642 0.004222773629600652 100 0.029411764705882353 0.03592388644770632 0.004060497274442531 101 0.029411764705882353 0.03595217999324124 0.004071462517889265 102 0.029411764705882353 0.03592819979184169 0.004078346489282658 103 0.029411764705882353 0.035853086669669736 0.004133926322621262 104 0.029411764705882353 0.03584505137280204 0.004094286794650818 105 0.029411764705882353 0.035880376696565505 0.004032672462065162 106 0.029411764705882353 0.03591315319426135 0.004063742414963224 107 0.029411764705882353 0.0357711077397159 0.00397503381350392 108 0.029411764705882353 0.035768356978344455 0.003962536919820571 109 0.029411764705882353 0.03567339676614286 0.003933717881361394 110 0.029411764705882353 0.035622114714860806 0.003930461569449365 111 0.029411764705882353 0.03558141467416077 0.003917447924549628 112 0.029411764705882353 0.03561374226036766 0.0038948442958828483 113 0.029411764705882353 0.03554190317990789 0.003848514458455151 114 0.029411764705882353 0.03561523568928045 0.0038381428516082675 115 0.029411764705882353 0.03556268571793181 0.0038805391979271028 116 0.029411764705882353 0.035620556088302176 0.003858883261254072 117 0.029411764705882353 0.03558076828989369 0.0038498871382687747 118 0.029411764705882353 0.03547102134884809 0.003860076863019065 119 0.029411764705882353 0.035436682268388316 0.0038172229775300655 120 0.029411764705882353 0.03537120607791212 0.003856482710039714 121 0.029411764705882353 0.03528586318006923 0.0038617281680746883 122 0.029411764705882353 0.035275782534907936 0.0038709235452645437 123 0.029411764705882353 0.035280937374621596 0.0038435826251394536 124 0.02857142857142857 0.03525930650004955 0.0038534921506053663 125 0.027777777777777776 0.03522458427782733 0.003904764199816617 126 0.027777777777777776 0.035022273816896175 0.003832353761110754 127 0.027777777777777776 0.034827144152127044 0.003559835915024719 128 0.027777777777777776 0.03472864448776989 0.0036016624391633514 129 0.027777777777777776 0.03472156387774811 0.0035043721635600886 130 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0.027777777777777776 0.03390271400166143 0.003218074845557746 146 0.027777777777777776 0.033818057917005345 0.0032457395603201866 147 0.027777777777777776 0.03377779382286194 0.003268686844476118 148 0.027777777777777776 0.03374749079255891 0.003286663928290463 149 0.027777777777777776 0.033735324496674594 0.0032830776385959176 150 0.027777777777777776 0.033504161797481204 0.0031506200813113897 151 0.027777777777777776 0.03348332846414787 0.003158558769349625 152 0.027777777777777776 0.033526568748767464 0.0030999246087808903 153 0.027777777777777776 0.03346154349624222 0.00316030081196644 154 0.027777777777777776 0.03342091420225543 0.003178836757681714 155 0.027777777777777776 0.03336680164814288 0.003185387171859075 156 0.027777777777777776 0.03339245120415296 0.003201781315556209 157 0.02702702702702703 0.03342415938291997 0.003190911336279097 158 0.02702702702702703 0.033372281454582084 0.0032092216966512163 159 0.02702702702702703 0.033300852883153514 0.0032356813659525745 160 0.02702702702702703 0.03321699433973615 0.003255403901293605 161 0.027777777777777776 0.03326856314992565 0.0031931312795011164 162 0.027777777777777776 0.033162297655222016 0.0032588719730904867 163 0.027777777777777776 0.03317671334705706 0.0033321389733581017 164 0.027777777777777776 0.03309570037760596 0.0033620846391585702 165 0.027777777777777776 0.033067631672117896 0.003381712170645736 166 0.027777777777777776 0.03307771231727919 0.0033777791115661075 167 0.027777777777777776 0.03297205222169974 0.0033353899583604013 168 0.027777777777777776 0.03290062365027117 0.0033523395671306525 169 0.027777777777777776 0.03280394255359007 0.0033958866711734062 170 0.027777777777777776 0.032762145270413476 0.003400685321747771 171 0.027777777777777776 0.03276030523821292 0.0033929570661628797 172 0.027777777777777776 0.032687632812599315 0.0033452163657807653 173 0.027777777777777776 0.0325664847726526 0.0033138297659914503 174 0.02702702702702703 0.032502680144888024 0.0033544687941013283 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0.02702702702702703 0.0319227099482408 0.0033463680631940817 191 0.02702702702702703 0.031987178159767836 0.0033174240280473624 192 0.02702702702702703 0.03201641485444571 0.003311614185069456 193 0.02702702702702703 0.03196085929889016 0.0033355688856440712 194 0.02702702702702703 0.03186499720463684 0.0031114635289667385 195 0.02702702702702703 0.03179047774167924 0.0030888021593992667 196 0.02702702702702703 0.03181795026915177 0.003135444443992817 197 0.02702702702702703 0.03177739591609741 0.0030785962722787432 198 0.02702702702702703 0.03175840261496465 0.0030841676144967778 199 0.02702702702702703 0.03170284705940909 0.003105262167325866 fitness: 0.02702702702702703 genotype: [1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1] """ stdout4 = """0 0.03125 0.040781302009688776 0.005561455106895243 1 0.03125 0.04073358980809726 0.005611323894099167 2 0.03125 0.04053184479385226 0.005618896584066156 3 0.03125 0.04052943212031889 0.005707430033203208 4 0.03125 0.04031885132049323 0.005557155703438686 5 0.03125 0.04017681326595518 0.005550182390644313 6 0.03125 0.04007237029513291 0.005659834969094889 7 0.03125 0.03974061704954726 0.005675526261668921 8 0.03125 0.039619906293755856 0.005681785878437178 9 0.03125 0.03949760425033312 0.005732395162757329 10 0.03125 0.03957740110404302 0.005739659294499826 11 0.02857142857142857 0.03941847253261445 0.0058883086220128 12 0.02857142857142857 0.03946380220294412 0.005875490246256851 13 0.02857142857142857 0.03929806721329609 0.0059559672395683464 14 0.02857142857142857 0.0391270507297796 0.006101526459694825 15 0.02857142857142857 0.03888532756708457 0.006241677313710797 16 0.02857142857142857 0.038668706673044326 0.0063205121898296185 17 0.02857142857142857 0.03856764847198612 0.006393733325621937 18 0.02857142857142857 0.038311677123303065 0.006540601588919424 19 0.02857142857142857 0.038227021038646974 0.006610959070916546 20 0.02857142857142857 0.03792378604899895 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0.0330933317271733 0.00725059006156153 53 0.025 0.03295272671814723 0.007308861341128651 54 0.025 0.03287930504178438 0.007366395988270292 55 0.025 0.03278447745557748 0.007406073280120626 56 0.025 0.032792687082208165 0.007401201055329391 57 0.025 0.03268001985812789 0.0073843136398220365 58 0.025 0.03230008721972339 0.007245850271969602 59 0.024390243902439025 0.03214398965874778 0.007246430111445265 60 0.024390243902439025 0.032015866004383844 0.0072681425037237355 61 0.024390243902439025 0.031883485452205894 0.00733690135935937 62 0.024390243902439025 0.031816880996164566 0.007376902910834809 63 0.024390243902439025 0.03146209328162075 0.007177437385924868 64 0.024390243902439025 0.030962607235877355 0.0068235487821863006 65 0.024390243902439025 0.030309716409687423 0.006138468195036998 66 0.024390243902439025 0.029989853666525578 0.0056202135596107525 67 0.024390243902439025 0.029909236021992244 0.0056570168868638054 68 0.024390243902439025 0.029714197729741806 0.005507420236007412 69 0.024390243902439025 0.029641209851875877 0.005540760460082632 70 0.024390243902439025 0.029590994643841448 0.005565312649992668 71 0.024390243902439025 0.029540284704693373 0.00554356934473582 72 0.023809523809523808 0.0294674131318218 0.005574058368394143 73 0.023809523809523808 0.029395570937021352 0.005560822242024083 74 0.023809523809523808 0.029263551712821353 0.005507388169792296 75 0.023809523809523808 0.029057202506472146 0.0054044000172213495 76 0.023809523809523808 0.02892271087198051 0.005390781173143104 77 0.023809523809523808 0.028937998073724706 0.005386883261199939 78 0.023809523809523808 0.02888072253192904 0.005408732109380401 79 0.023809523809523808 0.02888038515001271 0.00540813338837751 80 0.023809523809523808 0.028692779962407523 0.005274723961496633 81 0.023809523809523808 0.02846658948621705 0.005154135225991897 82 0.023809523809523808 0.028378157592907106 0.005173921018975657 83 0.023809523809523808 0.028293672185841053 0.005178852024892103 84 0.023809523809523808 0.028122237340493163 0.004972342571789223 85 0.023809523809523808 0.02806820803646386 0.004994113363054957 86 0.023809523809523808 0.02806820803646386 0.004994113363054957 87 0.023809523809523808 0.02794674041499624 0.004918427003520906 88 0.023809523809523808 0.027886667587220818 0.004900505036397889 89 0.023809523809523808 0.0279223818729351 0.004892344487055345 90 0.023809523809523808 0.027903729472703757 0.004903536886326738 91 0.023809523809523808 0.027929532101447562 0.004909059012466715 92 0.023809523809523808 0.027844709312465177 0.004905805768405714 93 0.023809523809523808 0.027857217129851043 0.0048985714954845805 94 0.023809523809523808 0.027794784464477206 0.004915719554580067 95 0.023809523809523808 0.027662182081874816 0.004809379264527122 96 0.023809523809523808 0.027541684523877265 0.0048284192202885335 97 0.023809523809523808 0.027499010963501106 0.004810399870685516 98 0.023809523809523808 0.02735829801791011 0.004692016732470327 99 0.023809523809523808 0.027302208274320366 0.004678665596025819 100 0.023809523809523808 0.027162435766126806 0.004552932274250579 101 0.023809523809523808 0.027151233123345216 0.004561946442992086 102 0.023255813953488372 0.026918788873964664 0.004289242904213266 103 0.023255813953488372 0.026900743958018447 0.004299114587977271 104 0.023255813953488372 0.026793565879179342 0.004118194101992821 105 0.023255813953488372 0.026737543470215758 0.004120300907841031 106 0.023255813953488372 0.02677100203810976 0.004163631467732847 107 0.023255813953488372 0.026721347292490583 0.004163033936033469 108 0.023255813953488372 0.02671581019393023 0.004167269243327534 109 0.023255813953488372 0.02657680780408536 0.00417039084574992 110 0.023255813953488372 0.026560934788212344 0.004165409033319495 111 0.023255813953488372 0.02656301848582848 0.004170603683923384 112 0.023255813953488372 0.026610493881282317 0.00421484207235389 113 0.023255813953488372 0.026628808899597334 0.004206602264090147 114 0.023255813953488372 0.026584159261924437 0.0041969238651043605 115 0.023255813953488372 0.02658536980169067 0.00419997458125932 116 0.023255813953488372 0.026472222992579425 0.004215769526466076 117 0.023255813953488372 0.02645352799928223 0.004222125778576367 118 0.023255813953488372 0.026320351341118257 0.004090358032511461 119 0.023255813953488372 0.026302639378284347 0.00409903815479723 120 0.023255813953488372 0.026229175108855644 0.004103421645792556 121 0.023255813953488372 0.026271679625962364 0.004087112723481286 122 0.023255813953488372 0.02626493198763578 0.004087591304364971 123 0.023255813953488372 0.0262463266092743 0.004093708892816499 124 0.023255813953488372 0.02623594508257042 0.0041031299227546085 125 0.023255813953488372 0.026190075366976547 0.0041089287510517845 126 0.023255813953488372 0.026135623494899216 0.004129086542967953 127 0.023255813953488372 0.026205905789783716 0.004115175203514505 128 0.023255813953488372 0.026193308357462128 0.0041182653342320494 129 0.023255813953488372 0.025839045910176425 0.003477341432928507 130 0.023255813953488372 0.025808446154974466 0.0034864631254768698 131 0.023255813953488372 0.02573132158692534 0.0034937543640718286 132 0.023255813953488372 0.02578365360070166 0.0034924993721620577 133 0.023255813953488372 0.025728410740580746 0.0034834736685537 134 0.023255813953488372 0.025675772463750756 0.0035059864473457867 135 0.023255813953488372 0.02554115707913537 0.003262457391280839 136 0.023255813953488372 0.02549593744089248 0.0032624816665789286 137 0.023255813953488372 0.02547668198518003 0.003263268278986877 138 0.023255813953488372 0.025450604513980603 0.003262279428949987 139 0.023255813953488372 0.025469859969693056 0.003261646532635847 140 0.023255813953488372 0.025464052768763904 0.0032640796303695994 141 0.023255813953488372 0.025452708469274398 0.0032697583507197816 142 0.022727272727272728 0.02534261432019256 0.0032621280248064798 143 0.022727272727272728 0.025310961076684527 0.0032628251123270014 144 0.022727272727272728 0.025268708245875997 0.0032715108250115127 145 0.022727272727272728 0.025197252444862813 0.00319915986612111 146 0.022727272727272728 0.025157022302533968 0.003213736996065187 147 0.022727272727272728 0.02514619979171146 0.003220072617385478 148 0.022727272727272728 0.025114389734503608 0.003217563197988547 149 0.022727272727272728 0.025078504567039497 0.0032239688042125085 150 0.022727272727272728 0.02506685149143293 0.003227200421439853 151 0.022727272727272728 0.024913102015102807 0.0031401751832950456 152 0.022727272727272728 0.024918639113663165 0.0031377352236427146 153 0.022727272727272728 0.024871186566210617 0.003145316514677488 154 0.022727272727272728 0.0247821452525671 0.0031303927692320336 155 0.022727272727272728 0.024751797183663337 0.003131023043946763 156 0.022727272727272728 0.024734355323198228 0.0031344480686555398 157 0.022727272727272728 0.024764955078400184 0.0031348009257341713 158 0.022727272727272728 0.024731695654896857 0.0031473966182713883 159 0.022727272727272728 0.02466243158563279 0.0031346008819375867 160 0.022222222222222223 0.024615958814557814 0.003141382574566584 161 0.022222222222222223 0.024519277717876715 0.003105415519295516 162 0.022222222222222223 0.0245028829133367 0.0031112353636597737 163 0.022222222222222223 0.024462887678219518 0.0031180004659155784 164 0.022222222222222223 0.02443615695636684 0.0031291288953815715 165 0.022222222222222223 0.02443135813761454 0.0031331297745607885 166 0.022222222222222223 0.024439337238616896 0.003140412149256389 167 0.022222222222222223 0.02440873748341493 0.0031368851853292674 168 0.022222222222222223 0.024364213531914237 0.003147253659261851 169 0.022222222222222223 0.02435811597093863 0.00314660657645012 170 0.022222222222222223 0.024308657976358682 0.0031600312059756512 171 0.022222222222222223 0.02425625852605793 0.00313504764815793 172 0.022222222222222223 0.024229292896993604 0.0031436219889505058 173 0.022222222222222223 0.024208134468858434 0.003151748218016044 174 0.022222222222222223 0.024202849056596275 0.0031537833257092194 175 0.022222222222222223 0.024149029002776223 0.0031473309832006865 176 0.022222222222222223 0.024154566101336577 0.0031462415617485957 177 0.022222222222222223 0.0241283571681509 0.0031565107346521915 178 0.022222222222222223 0.02413892799267521 0.0031526836436063556 179 0.022222222222222223 0.024123541570312046 0.0031598933565761657 180 0.022222222222222223 0.024094404041174515 0.0031592000755098874 181 0.022222222222222223 0.0239782424250129 0.0031276457946775855 182 0.022222222222222223 0.023934105037852257 0.003133833954361933 183 0.022222222222222223 0.02383551408632013 0.003095805615909798 184 0.022222222222222223 0.02374288449369054 0.0030588974624381 185 0.022222222222222223 0.02375974911265385 0.0030586455350572798 186 0.022222222222222223 0.023684625405951197 0.003048970855806743 187 0.021739130434782608 0.023674509075814646 0.003052852873040262 188 0.021739130434782608 0.023637175430315575 0.0030593530822678734 189 0.021739130434782608 0.023637395017491684 0.003060049731537424 190 0.021739130434782608 0.023611640578693763 0.003067690138196303 191 0.021739130434782608 0.023567571121580824 0.0030682476009510212 192 0.021739130434782608 0.023530994171960397 0.003076225972762006 193 0.021739130434782608 0.023530994171960397 0.003076225972762006 194 0.021739130434782608 0.02352065825464774 0.003078868461455716 195 0.021739130434782608 0.02348593376225734 0.0030709428788565215 196 0.021739130434782608 0.02346522982850993 0.00307566702127991 197 0.021739130434782608 0.023272081629294998 0.002723000011150271 198 0.021739130434782608 0.02323116035531002 0.002732254763077608 199 0.021739130434782608 0.02323621086036053 0.0027308515244538496 fitness: 0.021739130434782608 genotype: [1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] """ def test_generational_no_elitism(capfd): generational_no_elitism() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == stdout1 def test_generational_with_elitism(capfd): generational_with_elitism() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == stdout2 def test_steady_state_no_elitism(capfd): steady_state_no_elitism() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == stdout3 def test_steady_state_with_elitism(capfd): steady_state_with_elitism() out, err = capfd.readouterr() assert out == stdout4
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import numpy import sys import subprocess import platform import shutil import distutils.spawn from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext # some paranoia to start with # if platform.architecture()[0] != '64bit': # raise Exception('DuckDB only supports 64 bit at this point') # make sure we are in the right directory os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) ARCHIVE_EXT = 'a' LIB_PREFIX = 'lib' if == 'nt': ARCHIVE_EXT = 'lib' LIB_PREFIX = 'Release/' DIR_PREFIX = 'src/duckdb' if not os.path.exists(DIR_PREFIX): # this is a build from within the tools/pythonpkg directory DIR_PREFIX = '../../' def get_library_name(lib): return LIB_PREFIX + lib + '.' + ARCHIVE_EXT DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR = os.path.join(DIR_PREFIX, 'build', 'release_notest') BUILD_DIR = DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR if 'DUCKDB_PYTHON_TARGET' in os.environ: BUILD_DIR = os.environ['DUCKDB_PYTHON_TARGET'] INCLUDE_DIR = os.path.join(DIR_PREFIX, 'src', 'include') DUCKDB_LIB = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'src', get_library_name('duckdb_static')) PG_LIB = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', 'libpg_query', get_library_name('pg_query')) RE2_LIB = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', 're2', get_library_name('re2')) MINIZ_LIB = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'third_party', 'miniz', get_library_name('miniz')) # wrapper that builds the main DuckDB library first class CustomBuiltExtCommand(build_ext): def build_duckdb(self): cmake_bin = distutils.spawn.find_executable('cmake') if (cmake_bin is None): raise Exception('DuckDB needs cmake to build from source') wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(DIR_PREFIX) if not os.path.exists('build/release_notest'): os.makedirs('build/release_notest') os.chdir('build/release_notest') configcmd = 'cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLEAN=1 ../..' buildcmd = 'cmake --build . --target duckdb_static' if == 'nt': if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': configcmd += ' -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64' buildcmd += ' --config Release' subprocess.Popen(configcmd.split(' ')).wait() subprocess.Popen(buildcmd.split(' ')).wait() os.chdir(wd) def run(self): if BUILD_DIR == DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR: self.build_duckdb() for library in [DUCKDB_LIB, PG_LIB, RE2_LIB, MINIZ_LIB]: if not os.path.isfile(library): raise Exception('Build failed: could not find required library file "%s"' % library) print(INCLUDE_DIR) # create a distributable directory structure class CustomSdistCommand(sdist): def run(self): if os.path.exists('src/duckdb'): shutil.rmtree('src/duckdb') if not os.path.exists('src/duckdb/third_party'): os.makedirs('src/duckdb/third_party') shutil.copyfile('../../CMakeLists.txt', 'src/duckdb/CMakeLists.txt') shutil.copyfile('../../third_party/CMakeLists.txt', 'src/duckdb/third_party/CMakeLists.txt') shutil.copytree('../../src', 'src/duckdb/src') shutil.copytree('../../third_party/libpg_query', 'src/duckdb/third_party/libpg_query') shutil.copytree('../../third_party/hyperloglog', 'src/duckdb/third_party/hyperloglog') shutil.copytree('../../third_party/re2', 'src/duckdb/third_party/re2') shutil.copytree('../../third_party/miniz', 'src/duckdb/third_party/miniz') includes = [numpy.get_include(), INCLUDE_DIR, '.'] sources = ['connection.cpp', 'cursor.cpp', 'module.cpp'] toolchain_args = ['-std=c++11', '-Wall'] if platform.system() == 'Darwin': toolchain_args.extend(['-stdlib=libc++', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7']) libduckdb = Extension('duckdb', include_dirs=includes, sources=sources, extra_compile_args=toolchain_args, extra_link_args=toolchain_args, language='c++', extra_objects=[DUCKDB_LIB, PG_LIB, RE2_LIB, MINIZ_LIB]) # Only include pytest-runner in setup_requires if we're invoking tests if {'pytest', 'test', 'ptr'}.intersection(sys.argv): setup_requires = ['pytest-runner'] else: setup_requires = [] setup( name = "duckdb", version = '0.1.0', description = 'DuckDB embedded database', keywords = 'DuckDB Database SQL OLAP', url="", long_description = '', install_requires=[ 'numpy>=1.16', 'pandas>=0.24' ], packages=['duckdb_query_graph'], include_package_data=True, setup_requires=setup_requires, tests_require=['pytest'], classifiers = [ 'Topic :: Database :: Database Engines/Servers', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha' ], cmdclass={ 'build_ext': CustomBuiltExtCommand, 'sdist': CustomSdistCommand }, ext_modules = [libduckdb], maintainer = "<NAME>", maintainer_email = "<EMAIL>" )
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np from time import time import pyfftw from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fftshift, ifftshift, fft2, ifft2 from scipy.special import jv as besselj import finufftpy def translations_brute_force(Shathat, Mhat, cmul_trans): # Shathat: (q, te, k) # Mhat: (im, k × γ) # cmul_trans: (tr, k × γ) n_trans = cmul_trans.shape[-2] n_images = Mhat.shape[-2] Shathat = Shathat.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Shathat: (q, te, k) n_templates = Shathat.shape[-2] ngridr = Shathat.shape[-1] n_gamma = Shathat.shape[-3] Mhat = Mhat.reshape((n_images, ngridr, n_gamma)) cmul_trans = cmul_trans.reshape((n_trans, ngridr, n_gamma)) # Mhat: (im, k, γ) # cmul_trans: (tr, k, γ) Mhat = Mhat[:, np.newaxis, :, :] cmul_trans = cmul_trans[np.newaxis, :, :, :] # Mhat: (im, 1, k, γ) # cmul_trans: (1, tr, k, γ) Mhat = Mhat.transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)).copy() cmul_trans = cmul_trans.transpose((3, 2, 0, 1)).copy() # Mhat: (γ, k, im, 1) # cmul_trans: (γ, k, 1, tr) Mhat_trans = pyfftw.empty_aligned((n_gamma, ngridr, n_images, n_trans), dtype='complex128') # Mhat_trans: (γ, k, im × tr) plan = pyfftw.FFTW(Mhat_trans, Mhat_trans, axes=(0,), direction='FFTW_FORWARD', flags=('FFTW_ESTIMATE',), threads=12) tmr_start = time() np.multiply(Mhat, cmul_trans, out=Mhat_trans) plan() Mhathat_trans = Mhat_trans.reshape((n_gamma, ngridr, n_images * n_trans)) # Mhathat_trans: (q, k, im × tr) ptm = time() - tmr_start tmr_start = time() c_n2 = np.zeros((n_gamma, n_templates, n_images*n_trans), dtype=np.complex128) # c_n2: (q, te, im × tr) for k1 in range(n_gamma): k1p = (k1 + n_gamma // 2) % n_gamma c_n2[k1, :, :] = np.matmul(np.conj(Shathat[k1p, :, :]), Mhathat_trans[k1, :, :]) c_n2 = 2 * np.pi * c_n2 c_n2 = ifft(c_n2, axis=0) # c_n2: (γ, te, im × tr) c_n2 = c_n2.reshape((n_gamma, n_templates, n_images, n_trans)) c_n2 = np.real(c_n2) # c_n2: (γ, te, im, tr) tm = time() - tmr_start return c_n2, ptm, tm def translations_brute_force_batch(Shathat, Mhat, pf_grid, tr_grid, n_psi, n_batch_im=None, n_batch_trans=500): n_templates = Shathat.shape[0] n_images = Mhat.shape[0] trans = tr_grid['trans'] n_trans = tr_grid['n_trans'] if n_batch_im is None: n_batch_im = n_images n_batch_trans = min(n_batch_trans, n_trans) zprods1 = np.zeros((n_psi, n_templates, n_images, n_trans)) # zprods1: (γ, te, im, tr) tm1 = 0 precomp1 = 0 for cn in range(0, n_images, n_batch_im): idx_im = range(cn, min(cn + n_batch_im, n_images)) for ttt in range(0, n_trans, n_batch_trans): idx_trans = range(ttt, min(ttt + n_batch_trans, n_trans)) cmul_trans = pft_phase_shift(-trans[idx_trans, :], pf_grid) # cmul_trans: (tr, k × γ) tmp, ptm, tm = translations_brute_force( Shathat, Mhat[idx_im, :], cmul_trans) zprods1[np.ix_(range(n_psi), range(n_templates), idx_im, idx_trans)] = tmp precomp1 += ptm tm1 += tm zprods1 = zprods1.transpose((2, 1, 0, 3)) return zprods1, precomp1, tm1 def svd_decomposition_alignment(SSS, Mhat, n_bessel, all_rnks, BigMul_left): ngridr = SSS.shape[-1] n_templates = SSS.shape[-2] n_gamma = SSS.shape[-3] n_images = Mhat.shape[-2] n_trans = BigMul_left.shape[-1] tmr_start = time() Mhathat = Mhat.reshape((n_images, ngridr, n_gamma)) Mhathat = fftshift(fft(Mhathat, axis=-1), axes=-1) / n_gamma MMM = np.zeros((n_images, 2 * n_bessel + 1, ngridr, n_gamma), dtype=np.complex128) for im in range(n_images): for qp in range(-n_bessel, n_bessel + 1): tmp = Mhathat[im, :, :] MMM[im, qp + n_bessel, :, :] = np.roll(tmp, -qp, axis=-1) MMM = MMM.transpose((1, 3, 2, 0)).copy() precomp2 = time() - tmr_start tmr_start = time() BigMul_right = np.zeros((sum(all_rnks), n_gamma, n_templates, n_images), dtype=np.complex128) for qp in range(-n_bessel, n_bessel + 1): rnk = all_rnks[qp + n_bessel] ofst = sum(all_rnks[:qp + n_bessel]) for ll in range(rnk): for q in range(n_gamma): tmp = np.matmul(SSS[ofst + ll, q, :, :], MMM[qp + n_bessel, q, :, :]) BigMul_right[ofst + ll, q, :, :] = tmp BigMul_right = BigMul_right.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0)).copy() c_n = np.zeros((n_images, n_templates, n_gamma, n_trans), dtype=np.complex128) for im in range(n_images): for tt in range(n_templates): c_n[im, tt, :, :] = np.matmul(BigMul_right[im, tt, :, :], BigMul_left) c_n = 2 * np.pi * c_n zprods = ifft(ifftshift(c_n, axes=-2), axis=-2) * n_gamma tm2 = time() - tmr_start return zprods, precomp2, tm2 def cartesian_to_pft(templates, T, pf_grid): xnodesr = pf_grid['xnodesr'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] ngridr = xnodesr.shape[0] n_templates = templates.shape[0] N = templates.shape[1] dx = T / N dy = T / N wx = pf_grid['wx'] wy = pf_grid['wy'] Shat = np.zeros((n_templates, ngridr * n_psi), dtype=np.complex128) upsampfac = 1.25 fcc = np.empty(len(wx), dtype=np.complex128) for k in range(n_templates): template = templates[k, :, :] # Need to force Fortran ordering because that's what the FINUFFT # interface expects. gg = np.asfortranarray(template.transpose((1, 0))) isign = -1 eps = 1e-6 # Note: Crashes if gg is a 1D vector (raveled). Why? finufftpy.nufft2d2(wx * dx, wy * dy, fcc, isign, eps, gg, upsampfac=upsampfac) Shat[k, :] = fcc return Shat def pft_to_cartesian(Shat, T, N, pf_grid): xnodesr = pf_grid['xnodesr'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] quad_wts = pf_grid['quad_wts'] ngridr = xnodesr.shape[0] n_templates = Shat.shape[0] dx = T / N dy = T / N wx = pf_grid['wx'] wy = pf_grid['wy'] templates1 = np.zeros((n_templates, N, N)) # Again, Fortran ordering is necessary for FINUFFT. gxx = np.empty((N, N), dtype=np.complex128, order='F') upsampfac = 1.25 for k in range(n_templates): fcc1 = Shat[k, :] * quad_wts isign = 1 eps = 1e-6 finufftpy.nufft2d1(wx * dx, wy * dy, fcc1, isign, eps, N, N, gxx, upsampfac=upsampfac) gxx = gxx*dx*dy/(4*np.pi**2) templates1[k, :, :] = np.real(gxx.transpose((1, 0))) return templates1 def rotate_pft(fcc, rgamma, pf_grid): xnodesr = pf_grid['xnodesr'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] ngridr = xnodesr.shape[0] ngridc = n_psi * np.ones(ngridr, dtype=np.int32) fcc_rot = np.zeros(fcc.shape, dtype=np.complex128) cnt = 0 for rr in range(ngridr): tmp = fcc[:, cnt:cnt + ngridc[rr]] ffcc = fft(tmp) n_theta = ngridc[rr] wth = ifftshift(np.arange(-n_theta/2, n_theta/2)) mul = np.exp(-1j * wth * rgamma[:, np.newaxis]) ffcc_rot = ffcc * mul tmp = ifft(ffcc_rot) fcc_rot[:, cnt:cnt + ngridc[rr]] = tmp cnt += ngridc[rr] return fcc_rot def pft_phase_shift(sh, pf_grid): all_psi = pf_grid['all_psi'] quad_xnodesr = pf_grid['all_r'] phase = (np.cos(all_psi) * sh[:, np.newaxis, 0] + np.sin(all_psi) * sh[:, np.newaxis, 1]) cmul = np.exp(-1j * quad_xnodesr * phase) return cmul def translate_pft(fcc, sh, pf_grid): cmul = pft_phase_shift(sh, pf_grid) return fcc * cmul def pft_norm(Mhat, pf_grid): quad_wts = pf_grid['quad_wts'] return np.sqrt(np.sum((np.abs(Mhat) ** 2) * quad_wts, axis=-1)) def pft_to_fb(Shat, pf_grid): ngridr = pf_grid['ngridr'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] quad_wts = pf_grid['quad_wts'] n_templates = Shat.shape[0] quad_wts_sq = quad_wts.reshape((ngridr, n_psi)) Shathat = Shat.reshape((n_templates, ngridr, n_psi)) # Shathat: (te, k, γ) Shathat = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(Shathat, axis=-1), axes=-1) Shathat = Shathat * quad_wts_sq[np.newaxis, :, :] # Shathat: (te, k, q) # There was a 2π factor missing before. Let's remove it. Shathat = Shathat / (2 * np.pi) return Shathat def make_tensor_grid(rmax, ngridr, n_psi): dr = rmax/ngridr xnodesr = dr*np.arange(1, ngridr+1) weights = dr*np.ones(ngridr) psi = 2 * np.pi / n_psi * np.arange(n_psi) all_psi = np.repeat(psi[np.newaxis, :], ngridr, axis=0) all_psi = np.ravel(all_psi) all_r = np.repeat(xnodesr[:, np.newaxis], n_psi, axis=1) all_r = np.ravel(all_r) wts_theta = 2 * np.pi / n_psi quad_wts = wts_theta * xnodesr * weights quad_wts = np.repeat(quad_wts[:, np.newaxis], n_psi, axis=-1) quad_wts = np.ravel(quad_wts) wx = np.zeros(n_psi * ngridr) wy = np.zeros(n_psi * ngridr) cnt = 0 for rr in range(ngridr): dd = xnodesr[rr] theta = 2 * np.pi / n_psi * np.arange(n_psi) wx[cnt:cnt + n_psi] = dd * np.cos(theta) wy[cnt:cnt + n_psi] = dd * np.sin(theta) cnt = cnt + n_psi grid = dict() grid['rmax'] = rmax grid['ngridr'] = ngridr grid['n_psi'] = n_psi grid['xnodesr'] = xnodesr grid['all_psi'] = all_psi grid['all_r'] = all_r grid['quad_wts'] = quad_wts grid['wx'] = wx grid['wy'] = wy return grid def make_adaptive_grid(delta_range, dx, oversampling): all_delta = dx / oversampling * np.arange(oversampling * delta_range + 1e-10) n_delta = all_delta.shape[0] n_omega = oversampling * np.int32(np.ceil(2 * np.pi / dx * all_delta)) n_trans = np.sum(n_omega) trans = np.zeros((n_trans, 2)) cnt = 0 for kk in range(n_delta): n_om = n_omega[kk] all_om = 2 * np.pi * np.arange(n_om) / n_om trans[cnt:cnt + n_om, 0] = all_delta[kk] * np.cos(all_om) trans[cnt:cnt + n_om, 1] = all_delta[kk] * np.sin(all_om) cnt += n_om grid = dict() grid['all_delta'] = all_delta grid['n_delta'] = n_delta grid['n_omega'] = n_omega grid['n_trans'] = n_trans grid['trans'] = trans return grid def make_cartesian_grid(delta_range, dx, oversampling): Nkeep = 2 * oversampling * delta_range xfine = dx * np.arange(-Nkeep // 2, Nkeep // 2) trans = xfine trans = np.meshgrid(trans, trans, indexing='ij') trans = np.stack(trans[::-1], -1) trans = trans.reshape((Nkeep ** 2, 2)) grid = {'n_trans': Nkeep ** 2, 'trans': trans} return grid def extract_alignments(inner_prods3, tr_grid): n_images = inner_prods3.shape[0] n_templates = inner_prods3.shape[1] n_psi = inner_prods3.shape[2] n_trans = inner_prods3.shape[3] trans = tr_grid['trans'] inner_prods3 = inner_prods3.reshape((n_images, n_templates*n_psi*n_trans)) est_template_ind = np.zeros(n_images, dtype=np.int32) est_trans = np.zeros((n_images, 2)) est_gamma = np.zeros(n_images) idx = inner_prods3.argmax(axis=-1) for cn in range(n_images): I3, I2, I1 = np.unravel_index(idx[cn], (n_templates, n_psi, n_trans)) shiftx = trans[I1, 0] shifty = trans[I1, 1] rgamma = I2 * 2 * np.pi / n_psi est_template_ind[cn] = I3 est_trans[cn, 0] = shiftx est_trans[cn, 1] = shifty est_gamma[cn] = rgamma return est_template_ind, est_trans, est_gamma def rotations_brute_force(fimages, Shat, n_gamma, pf_grid, Nfine): eval_results = False if Shat.ndim == 2: Shat = Shat[np.newaxis, :, :] n_images, N, _ = fimages.shape n_templates, ngridr, ngridp = Shat.shape quad_wts_sq = pf_grid['quad_wts'].reshape((ngridr, ngridp)) wx = pf_grid['wx'] wy = pf_grid['wy'] all_gamma = 2 * np.pi / n_gamma * np.arange(n_gamma) tmr_start = time() Shathat = fft(Shat) / ngridp # Shat: (te, k, γ) # Shathat: (te, k, q) Shathat = Shathat.reshape((n_templates, 1, ngridr, ngridp)) # Shathat: (te, 1, k, q) wth = ifftshift(np.arange(-ngridp / 2, ngridp / 2)) mul = np.exp(-1j * wth[np.newaxis, :] * all_gamma[:,np.newaxis]) # mul: (γ, q) Shathat_rot = Shathat * mul[:, np.newaxis, :] # Shathat_rot: (te, γ, k, q) # NOTE: This can be sped up by using PyFFTW. However, for the execution to # be efficent, the plan must be created using FFTW_MEASURE, which takes a # long time. The solution will be to separate this our to the BFR # “planning” stage for some fixed number of images–template pairs, then # loop over these, computing the IFFT batchwise at execution (since the # exact number of pairs is not known as planning time). Shat_rot = ifft(Shathat_rot) fx1 = quad_wts_sq * Shat_rot T = 2 dx = dy = T / N templates_rot = np.empty((N, N, n_gamma, n_templates), dtype=np.complex128, order='F') upsampfac = 1.25 isign = 1 eps = 1e-2 finufftpy.nufft2d1many(wx * dx, wy * dy, fx1, isign, eps, N, N, templates_rot, upsampfac=upsampfac) templates_rot = templates_rot / (4 * np.pi ** 2) # templates_rot: (trx, try, γ, te) templates_rot = templates_rot.transpose((3, 2, 1, 0)).copy() # templates_rot: (te, γ, try, trx) ftemplates_rot = fft2(ifftshift(templates_rot, axes=(-2, -1))) # ftemplates_rot: (te, γ, trky, trkx) precomp = time() - tmr_start tmr_start = time() ftemplates_rot = ftemplates_rot[:, np.newaxis, :, :, :] # ftemplates_rot: (te, im, γ, trky, trkx) fxx = fimages[:, np.newaxis, :, :] * np.conj(ftemplates_rot) # ftemplates_rot: (te, im, γ, trky, trkx) inner_prods = pyfftw.zeros_aligned((n_templates, n_images, n_gamma, Nfine, Nfine), dtype='complex128') inner_prods[:, :, :, :N // 2, :N // 2] = fxx[:, :, :, :N // 2, :N // 2] inner_prods[:, :, :, :N // 2, -N // 2:] = fxx[:, :, :, :N // 2, -N // 2:] inner_prods[:, :, :, -N // 2:, :N // 2] = fxx[:, :, :, -N // 2:, :N // 2] inner_prods[:, :, :, -N // 2:, -N // 2:] = fxx[:, :, :, -N // 2:, -N // 2:] plan = pyfftw.FFTW(inner_prods, inner_prods, axes=(-2, -1), direction='FFTW_BACKWARD', flags=('FFTW_MEASURE',), threads=12) plan() inner_prods = np.real(inner_prods) inner_prods *= (Nfine / N) ** 2 # inner_prods: (te, im, γ, try, trx) comp = time() - tmr_start return inner_prods, precomp, comp def calc_ftk_svd(n_bessel, eps, pf_grid, tr_grid): all_UU = [None] * (2 * n_bessel + 1) all_SSVV = [None] * (2 * n_bessel + 1) all_rnks = np.zeros(2 * n_bessel + 1, dtype=np.int32) xnodesr = pf_grid['xnodesr'] all_delta = tr_grid['all_delta'] n_delta = tr_grid['n_delta'] n_omega = tr_grid['n_omega'] n_trans = tr_grid['n_trans'] for qp in range(-n_bessel, n_bessel + 1): J_n = besselj(qp, -all_delta[:, np.newaxis] * xnodesr[np.newaxis, :]) U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(J_n) ind = S > eps rnk = sum(ind) all_rnks[qp + n_bessel] = rnk all_UU[qp + n_bessel] = U[:, :rnk] all_SSVV[qp + n_bessel] = S[:rnk, np.newaxis] * Vh[:rnk, :] SSVV_big = np.concatenate(all_SSVV, axis=0) UUU = np.concatenate(all_UU, axis=1) all_omega = np.concatenate([2 * np.pi / n_om * np.arange(n_om) for n_om in n_omega if n_om > 0]) all_qp = np.concatenate([(k - n_bessel) * np.ones(n) for k, n in enumerate(all_rnks)]) vec_omega = np.exp(1j * all_qp[np.newaxis, :] * (all_omega[:, np.newaxis] - np.pi / 2)) BigMul_left = np.zeros((sum(all_rnks), n_trans), dtype=np.complex128) cnt = 0 for kk in range(n_delta): n_om = n_omega[kk] BigMul_left[:, cnt:cnt + n_om] = (UUU[kk, :][np.newaxis, :].T * vec_omega[cnt:cnt + n_om, :].T) cnt += n_om return all_rnks, BigMul_left, SSVV_big def premult_right_fb(Shathat, SSVV_big, all_rnks): n_psi = Shathat.shape[2] ngridr = Shathat.shape[1] n_templates = Shathat.shape[0] Shathat = Shathat.transpose((2, 0, 1)) Shathat = Shathat.reshape((1, n_psi * n_templates, ngridr)) SSS = SSVV_big[:, np.newaxis, :] * Shathat.conj() SSS = SSS.reshape((sum(all_rnks), n_psi, n_templates, ngridr)) return SSS def bft_plan(tr_grid, pf_grid): plan = {'tr_grid': tr_grid, 'pf_grid': pf_grid} return plan def bft_execute(plan, Mhat, Shat): pf_grid = plan['pf_grid'] tr_grid = plan['tr_grid'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] Mnorm = pft_norm(Mhat, pf_grid) Snorm = pft_norm(Shat, pf_grid) MSnorm = Mnorm[:, np.newaxis] * Snorm[np.newaxis, :] tmr_start = time() Shathat = pft_to_fb(Shat, pf_grid) precomp1 = time() - tmr_start zprods1, ptm, tm = translations_brute_force_batch(Shathat, Mhat, pf_grid, tr_grid, n_psi) precomp1 += ptm inner_prods3 = zprods1 / MSnorm[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return inner_prods3, (precomp1, tm) def ftk_plan(tr_grid, pf_grid, n_bessel, eps): all_rnks, BigMul_left, SSVV_big = calc_ftk_svd(n_bessel, eps, pf_grid, tr_grid) plan = {'tr_grid': tr_grid, 'pf_grid': pf_grid, 'n_bessel': n_bessel, 'eps': eps, 'all_rnks': all_rnks, 'BigMul_left': BigMul_left, 'SSVV_big': SSVV_big} return plan def ftk_execute(plan, Mhat, Shat): pf_grid = plan['pf_grid'] SSVV_big = plan['SSVV_big'] all_rnks = plan['all_rnks'] n_bessel = plan['n_bessel'] BigMul_left = plan['BigMul_left'] Mnorm = pft_norm(Mhat, pf_grid) Snorm = pft_norm(Shat, pf_grid) MSnorm = Mnorm[:, np.newaxis] * Snorm[np.newaxis, :] tmr_start = time() Shathat = pft_to_fb(Shat, pf_grid) SSS = premult_right_fb(Shathat, SSVV_big, all_rnks) precomp2 = time() - tmr_start zprods4, ptm, tm = svd_decomposition_alignment(SSS, Mhat, n_bessel, all_rnks, BigMul_left) precomp2 += ptm inner_prods4 = np.real(zprods4) / MSnorm[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return inner_prods4, (precomp2, tm) def bfr_plan(Nfine, Nkeep, n_gamma, pf_grid, T, N): plan = {'Nfine': Nfine, 'Nkeep': Nkeep, 'n_gamma': n_gamma, 'pf_grid': pf_grid, 'T': T, 'N': N} # TODO: FFTW plans, etc. return plan def bfr_execute(plan, Mhat, Shat): pf_grid = plan['pf_grid'] T = plan['T'] N = plan['N'] Nfine = plan['Nfine'] Nkeep = plan['Nkeep'] n_gamma = plan['n_gamma'] ngridr = pf_grid['ngridr'] n_psi = pf_grid['n_psi'] n_templates = Shat.shape[0] n_images = Mhat.shape[0] dx = dy = T / N images = pft_to_cartesian(Mhat, T, N, pf_grid) / (dx * dy) Mnorm = pft_norm(Mhat, pf_grid) Snorm = pft_norm(Shat, pf_grid) fimages = fft2(ifftshift(images, axes=(-2, -1))) SShat = Shat.reshape((n_templates, ngridr, n_psi)) fimages = fimages / Mnorm[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] SShat = SShat / Snorm[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] precomp3 = 0 comp3 = 0 inner_prods = np.zeros((n_images, n_templates, n_gamma, Nkeep, Nkeep), dtype=np.complex128) for tt in range(n_templates): inn, precomp, comp = rotations_brute_force(fimages, SShat[tt], n_gamma, pf_grid, Nfine) # NOTE: The following truncates *and* inverts the FFT shift. inner_prods[:, tt, :, -Nkeep // 2:, -Nkeep // 2:] = inn[:, :, :, :Nkeep // 2, :Nkeep // 2] inner_prods[:, tt, :, -Nkeep // 2:, :Nkeep // 2] = inn[:, :, :, :Nkeep // 2, -Nkeep // 2:] inner_prods[:, tt, :, :Nkeep // 2, -Nkeep // 2:] = inn[:, :, :, -Nkeep // 2:, :Nkeep // 2] inner_prods[:, tt, :, :Nkeep // 2, :Nkeep // 2] = inn[:, :, :, -Nkeep // 2:, -Nkeep // 2:] precomp3 += precomp comp3 += comp inner_prods = inner_prods.reshape((n_images, n_templates, n_gamma, Nkeep ** 2)) return inner_prods, (precomp3, comp3)
<filename>deep_homography/ # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 The Google Research Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tensorflow code for training and evaluating deep homography models.""" from absl import app from absl import flags import tensorflow as tf from deep_homography import hmg_util from deep_homography import models slim = tf.contrib.slim flags.DEFINE_string('master', 'local', 'Master of the training') flags.DEFINE_integer('ps_tasks', 0, 'Number of paramater servers') flags.DEFINE_enum('mode', 'train', ['train', 'eval'], 'Mode of this run') flags.DEFINE_integer('task', 0, 'Task id') flags.DEFINE_string('train_dir', '/tmp/train', 'Where to write the checkpoints for training') flags.DEFINE_string('eval_dir', '', 'Where to write the checkpoints for eval') flags.DEFINE_string('model_path', '', 'Where to find the checkpoints for eval') flags.DEFINE_string('vgg_model_path', '', 'Where to find the vgg network checkpoint') flags.DEFINE_string('data_pattern', '', 'Glob pattern of input data') flags.DEFINE_enum('data_type', 'ava', ['coco', 'ava', 'ava_seq'], 'training data type') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_frames_per_sample', 9, 'Number of frames in one sample') flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 3, 'Batch size') flags.DEFINE_integer('queue_size', 100, 'Batch queue size') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_threads', 3, 'The number of threads in the queue') flags.DEFINE_integer('train_height', 128, 'Height of training images') flags.DEFINE_integer('train_width', 128, 'Width of training images') flags.DEFINE_float('max_shift', 16, 'Maximum random shift when creating training samples') flags.DEFINE_boolean('mix', False, 'Whether to randomly scale random shift sizes') flags.DEFINE_boolean('screen', False, 'Whether to remove highly distorted homography') flags.DEFINE_integer('frame_gap', 0, 'Temporal gap between two selected frames') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_frame_gap', 5, 'Maximal frame gap') flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.001, 'Learning rate') flags.DEFINE_integer('lr_decay_steps', 100000, 'Decay steps for learning rate') flags.DEFINE_float('lr_decay_rate', 0.8, 'Decay rate for learning rate') flags.DEFINE_float('weight_decay', 0.00004, 'weight decay coefficient') flags.DEFINE_float('dropout_keep', 0.8, 'probability that an element is kept') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_eval_steps', 10, 'Number of eval steps per cycle') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_step', 100000, 'the maximal number of global steps') flags.DEFINE_enum('loss', 'l2', ['l2', 'hier_l2', 'hier_ld'], 'loss function') flags.DEFINE_boolean('random_flip', False, 'Whether randomly flip training examples left or right') flags.DEFINE_boolean('random_reverse', False, 'Whether randomly reverse the video sequence') flags.DEFINE_float('pixel_noise', 2, 'Amount of random noise added to a pixel') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_level', 2, 'Number of hierarchical levels') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_layer', 6, 'Number of layers in the motion feature network') flags.DEFINE_integer('level_wise', 1, 'Whether to train networks level by level') flags.DEFINE_enum('mask_method', 'f4', ['f4', 'f5', 'f6'], 'Masking method') flags.DEFINE_enum('network_id', 'hier', ['hier', 'fmask_sem'], 'Type of network') flags.DEFINE_boolean('block_prop', False, 'Whether block back propagation between different levels') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def predict_homography(inputs, network_id='cvgghmg', reuse=None, is_training=True, scope='hier_hmg'): """Estimates homography using a selected deep neural network. Args: inputs: batch of input image pairs of data type float32 and of shape [batch_size, height, width, None] network_id: deep neural network method reuse: whether to reuse this network weights is_training: whether used for training or testing scope: the scope of variables in this function Raises: ValueError: The nework_id was not good. Returns: a list of homographies at each level and a list of images warped by the list of corresponding homographies """ with slim.arg_scope(models.homography_arg_scope( weight_decay=FLAGS.weight_decay)): if network_id == 'hier': return models.hier_homography_estimator( inputs, num_param=8, num_layer=FLAGS.num_layer, num_level=FLAGS.num_level, dropout_keep_prob=FLAGS.dropout_keep, is_training=is_training, reuse=reuse, scope=scope) elif network_id == 'fmask_sem': return models.hier_homography_fmask_estimator( inputs, num_param=8, num_layer=FLAGS.num_layer, num_level=FLAGS.num_level, dropout_keep_prob=FLAGS.dropout_keep, is_training=is_training, reuse=reuse, scope=scope) else: raise ValueError('Unknown network_id: %s' % network_id) def get_samples(to_gray, mode): """Get training or testing samples. Args: to_gray: whether prepare color or gray scale training images mode: 'train' or 'eval', specifying whether preparing images for training or testing Raises: ValueError: The data_type was not good. Returns: a batch of training images and the corresponding ground-truth homographies """ if FLAGS.data_type == 'coco': batch_frames, batch_labels = hmg_util.get_batchpairs_coco( FLAGS.data_pattern, FLAGS.max_shift, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, queue_size=FLAGS.queue_size, num_threads=FLAGS.num_threads, train_height=FLAGS.train_height, train_width=FLAGS.train_width, pixel_noise=FLAGS.pixel_noise, mix=FLAGS.mix, screen=FLAGS.screen, to_gray=to_gray, mode=mode) elif FLAGS.data_type == 'ava': batch_frames, batch_labels = hmg_util.get_batchpairs_ava( FLAGS.data_pattern, FLAGS.max_shift, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, queue_size=FLAGS.queue_size, num_threads=FLAGS.num_threads, train_height=FLAGS.train_height, train_width=FLAGS.train_width, pixel_noise=FLAGS.pixel_noise, mix=FLAGS.mix, screen=FLAGS.screen, to_gray=to_gray, mode=mode) elif FLAGS.data_type == 'ava_seq': batch_frames, batch_labels = hmg_util.get_batchseqs_ava( FLAGS.data_pattern, FLAGS.num_frames_per_sample, FLAGS.max_shift, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size, queue_size=FLAGS.queue_size, num_threads=FLAGS.num_threads, train_height=FLAGS.train_height, train_width=FLAGS.train_width, pixel_noise=FLAGS.pixel_noise, mix=FLAGS.mix, screen=FLAGS.screen, to_gray=to_gray, mode=mode) else: raise ValueError('Unknown data_type: %s' % FLAGS.data_type) return batch_frames, batch_labels def run_train(scope): """Trains a network. Args: scope: the scope of variables in this function """ with tf.Graph().as_default(): with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter(FLAGS.ps_tasks)): to_gray = True if 'sem' in FLAGS.network_id: to_gray = False batch_frames, batch_labels = get_samples(to_gray, 'train') batch_hmg_prediction, _ = predict_homography( batch_frames, network_id=FLAGS.network_id, is_training=True, scope=scope) if FLAGS.loss == 'hier_l2': for level in xrange(FLAGS.num_level): delta_level = FLAGS.num_level - level -1 scale = 2 ** delta_level l2 = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(batch_labels / scale, batch_hmg_prediction[level]) slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(l2, 'l2%d' % delta_level, 'losses') elif FLAGS.loss == 'hier_ld': for level in xrange(FLAGS.num_level): delta_level = FLAGS.num_level - level -1 scale = 2 ** delta_level diff = tf.reshape(batch_labels / scale - batch_hmg_prediction[level], [FLAGS.batch_size, 4, 2]) l2d = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(diff), 2))) tf.losses.add_loss(l2d) slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(l2d, 'l2%d' % delta_level, 'losses') else: l2 = tf.losses.mean_squared_error( batch_labels, batch_hmg_prediction[FLAGS.num_level - 1]) slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(slim.losses.get_total_loss(), 'loss', 'losses') global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate_decay = tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate, global_step=global_step, decay_steps=FLAGS.lr_decay_steps, decay_rate=FLAGS.lr_decay_rate, staircase=True) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate_decay) is_chief = (FLAGS.task == 0) train_op = slim.learning.create_train_op(slim.losses.get_total_loss(), optimizer=optimizer) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=20) if FLAGS.level_wise == 0: variables_to_restore = [] for i in range(0, FLAGS.num_level - 1): variables = slim.get_variables(scope='%s/level%d' % (scope, i)) variables_to_restore = variables_to_restore + variables init_fn = slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(FLAGS.model_path, variables_to_restore) elif 'sem' in FLAGS.network_id: variables_to_restore = slim.get_variables(scope='vgg_16') init_fn = slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(FLAGS.vgg_model_path, variables_to_restore) else: init_fn = None slim.learning.train( train_op=train_op, logdir=FLAGS.train_dir, save_summaries_secs=60, save_interval_secs=600, saver=saver, number_of_steps=FLAGS.max_step, master=FLAGS.master, is_chief=is_chief, init_fn=init_fn) def run_eval(scope): """Evaluates a network. Args: scope: the scope of variables in this function """ to_gray = True if 'sem' in FLAGS.network_id: to_gray = False batch_frames, batch_labels = get_samples(to_gray, 'eval') batch_hmg_prediction, _ = predict_homography( batch_frames, network_id=FLAGS.network_id, is_training=False, scope=scope) loss_dict = {} if 'hier' in FLAGS.network_id or 'mask' in FLAGS.network_id: for level in xrange(0, FLAGS.num_level): delta_level = FLAGS.num_level - level -1 scale = 2 ** delta_level if FLAGS.loss == 'hier_ld': diff = tf.reshape(batch_labels / scale - batch_hmg_prediction[level], [FLAGS.batch_size, 4, 2]) sqrt_diff = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(diff), 2)) loss_dict['l2%d' % delta_level] = tf.metrics.mean(sqrt_diff) else: loss_dict['l2%d' % delta_level] = slim.metrics.mean_squared_error( batch_labels / scale, batch_hmg_prediction[level]) else: loss_dict['loss'] = slim.metrics.mean_squared_error( batch_labels, batch_hmg_prediction[FLAGS.num_level - 1]) names_to_values, names_to_updates = slim.metrics.aggregate_metric_map( loss_dict) for name, value in names_to_values.iteritems(): slim.summaries.add_scalar_summary(value, name, 'losses', print_summary=True) slim.evaluation.evaluation_loop( master=FLAGS.master, eval_interval_secs=60, checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.train_dir, logdir=FLAGS.eval_dir, eval_op=names_to_updates.values(), num_evals=FLAGS.num_eval_steps, ) def main(_): if FLAGS.mode == 'train': run_train('hier_hmg') elif FLAGS.mode == 'eval': run_eval('hier_hmg') else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode: %s' % FLAGS.mode) if __name__ == '__main__': flags.mark_flag_as_required('train_dir')
<filename>core/ai/behaviors/ from import Behavior from import MeleeAttack from import Move from import Wait
from typing import List, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from allrank.click_models.base import ClickModel from import PADDED_Y_VALUE def click_on_slates(slates: Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]], click_model: ClickModel, include_empty: bool) -> Tuple[List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], List[List[int]]]: """ This metod runs a click model on a list of slates and returns new slates with `y` taken from clicks :param slates: a Tuple of X, y: X being a list of slates represented by document vectors y being a list of slates represented by document relevancies :param click_model: a click model to be applied to every slate :param include_empty: if True - will return even slates that didn't get any click :return: Tuple of X, clicks, X representing the same document vectors as input 'X', clicks representing click mask for every slate """ X, y = slates clicks = [MaskedRemainMasked(click_model).click(slate) for slate in zip(X, y)] X_with_clicks = [[X, slate_clicks] for X, slate_clicks in list(zip(X, clicks)) if (np.sum(slate_clicks > 0) > 0 or include_empty)] return_X, clicks = map(list, zip(*X_with_clicks)) return return_X, clicks # type: ignore class MaskedRemainMasked(ClickModel): """ This click model wraps another click model and: 1. ensures inner click model do not get documents that were padded 2. ensures padded documents get '-1' in 'clicked' vector """ def __init__(self, inner_click_model: ClickModel): """ :param inner_click_model: a click model that is run on the list of non-padded documents """ self.inner_click_model = inner_click_model def click(self, documents: Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]) -> np.ndarray: X, y = documents padded_values_mask = y == PADDED_Y_VALUE real_X = X[~padded_values_mask] real_y = y[~padded_values_mask] clicks =, real_y)) final_clicks = np.zeros_like(y) final_clicks[padded_values_mask] = PADDED_Y_VALUE final_clicks[~padded_values_mask] = clicks return final_clicks
<reponame>jlanga/smsk_exfi_paper<filename>src/snakefiles/ def get_reads(wildcards): sample = wildcards.sample library = wildcards.library forward, reverse = ( samples [(samples["sample"] == sample and samples["library"] == library)] [["forward", "reverse"]] .values .tolist()[0] ) return forward, reverse rule raw_link_pe_sample: input: get_reads output: forward = RAW + "{sample}_{library}_1.fq.gz", reverse = RAW + "{sample}_{library}_2.fq.gz" log: RAW + "link_dna_pe_{sample}_{library}.log" benchmark: RAW + "link_dna_pe_{sample}_{library}.json" shell: "ln " "--symbolic " "$(readlink --canonicalize {input[0]}) " "{output.forward} 2> {log}; " "ln " "--symbolic " "$(readlink --canonicalize {input[1]}) " "{output.reverse} 2>> {log}" def get_transcriptome(wildcards): return features[wildcards.sample]["transcriptome"] def get_genome(wildcards): return features[wildcards.sample]["genome"] def get_annotation(wildcards): return features[wildcards.sample]["annotation"] rule raw_link_transcriptome: input: get_transcriptome output: RAW + "{sample}.rna.fa" shell: "ln --symbolic $(readlink --canonicalize {input}) {output}" rule raw_link_genome: input: get_genome output: RAW + "{sample}.dna.fa" shell: "ln --symbolic $(readlink --canonicalize {input}) {output}" rule raw_link_annotation: input: get_annotation output: RAW + "{sample}.gff3" shell: "ln --symbolic $(readlink --canonicalize {input}) {output}" rule raw_reference: input: expand( RAW + "{sample}.{ending}", sample=SPECIES, ending=["dna.fa", "rna.fa", "gff3"] )
# coding:utf-8 """[resolve group_genesis.ini] Raises: MCError -- [description] MCError -- [description] MCError -- [description] MCError -- [description] Returns: [bool] -- [true or false] """ import configparser import codecs from pys.tool import utils from pys.log import LOGGER from pys.error.exp import MCError class MgroupConf(object): """group_genesis.ini configuration """ name = 'FISCO group' group_id = 0 p2p_listen_port = [] p2p_ip = [] # fisco_path = '' def __init__(self): = 'FISCO BCOS group' def __repr__(self): return 'MchainConf => %s' % ( def get_group_id(self): """[get group_id] Returns: [string] -- [group_id] """ return self.group_id def get_p2p_ip(self): """[get p2p_ip] Returns: [string] -- [p2p_ip] """ return self.p2p_ip def get_listen_port(self): """[get listen port] Returns: [string] -- [p2p_listen_port] """ return self.p2p_listen_port def parser(mgroup): """resolve group_genesis.ini Arguments: mgroup {string} -- path of group_genesis.ini Raises: MCError -- exception description """'group_genesis.ini is %s', mgroup) # resolve configuration if not utils.valid_string(mgroup): LOGGER.error(' group_genesis.ini not invalid path, group_genesis.ini is %s', mgroup) raise MCError( ' group_genesis.ini not invalid path, group_genesis.ini is %s' % mgroup) # read and parser config file config_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() try: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_mchain: config_parser.readfp(file_mchain) except Exception as ini_exp: LOGGER.error( ' open group_genesis.ini file failed, exception is %s', ini_exp) raise MCError( ' open group_genesis.ini file failed, exception is %s' % ini_exp) if config_parser.has_section('group'): MgroupConf.group_id = config_parser.get('group', 'group_id') else: LOGGER.error( ' invalid group_genesis.ini format, group id is %s', MgroupConf.group_id) raise MCError( ' invalid group_genesis.ini format, group id is %s' % MgroupConf.group_id) if not config_parser.has_section('nodes'): LOGGER.error( ' invalid group_genesis.ini format, nodes not existed!') raise MCError( ' invalid group_genesis.ini format, nodes not existed!') group_nodes = config_parser.options('nodes') for node in group_nodes: p2p_section = config_parser.get('nodes', node) utils.valid_package(p2p_section) MgroupConf.p2p_ip.append(p2p_section.split(':')[0]) MgroupConf.p2p_listen_port.append(p2p_section.split(':')[1])'group_id is %s', MgroupConf.group_id)'p2p_ip is %s', MgroupConf.p2p_ip)'p2p_listen_port is %s', MgroupConf.p2p_listen_port)'group_genesis.ini end, result is %s', MgroupConf())
<gh_stars>1-10 import math with open("error_collection") as f: data = eval( def find_erdst(x1, y1, x2, y2): return math.sqrt( (x1-x2)**2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2) error_distance = 0 for i in data: error_distance += find_erdst(*i) print float(error_distance) / len(data)
<filename>vendor/ #!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from ct.crypto import error from ct.crypto.asn1 import oid from ct.crypto.asn1 import type_test_base class ObjectIdentifierTest(type_test_base.TypeTestBase): asn1_type = oid.ObjectIdentifier hashable = True initializers = ( ((0, 0), "0.0"), ((1, 2), "1.2"), ((2, 5), "2.5"), ((1, 2, 3, 4), ""), ((1, 2, 840, 113549), "1.2.840.113549"), ((1, 2, 840, 113549, 1), "1.2.840.113549.1"), ) bad_initializers = ( # Too short. ("0", ValueError), ((0,), ValueError), (("1"), ValueError), ((1,), ValueError), # Negative components. ("-1", ValueError), ((-1,), ValueError), ("1.2.3.-4", ValueError), ((1, 2, 3, -4), ValueError), # Invalid components. ("", ValueError), ((3, 2, 3, 4), ValueError), ("", ValueError), ((0, 40, 3, 4), ValueError), ) encode_test_vectors = ( # Example from ASN.1 spec. ("2.100.3", "0603813403"), # More examples. ("0.0", "060100"), ("1.2", "06012a"), ("2.5", "060155"), ("", "06032a0304"), ("1.2.840", "06032a8648"), ("1.2.840.113549", "06062a864886f70d"), ("1.2.840.113549.1", "06072a864886f70d01") ) bad_encodings = ( # Empty OID. ("0600"), # Last byte has high bit set. ("06020080"), ("06032a86c8"), # Leading '80'-octets in component. ("06042a8086c8"), # Indefinite length. ("06808134030000") ) bad_strict_encodings = () def test_dictionary(self): rsa = oid.ObjectIdentifier(value=oid.RSA_ENCRYPTION) self.assertEqual("rsaEncryption", rsa.long_name) self.assertEqual("RSA", rsa.short_name) def test_unknown_oids(self): unknown = oid.ObjectIdentifier(value="") self.assertEqual("", unknown.long_name) self.assertEqual("", unknown.short_name) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
<filename>firstclass/middleware/alternative/ from django.core.mail.message import EmailMultiAlternatives class MultiAlternativesMiddleware(object): def process_message(self, message): return EmailMultiAlternatives( subject=message.subject, body=message.body, from_email=message.from_email,, bcc=message.bcc, connection=message.connection, attachments=message.attachments, headers=message.extra_headers, )
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from alipay.aop.api.response.AlipayResponse import AlipayResponse class AlipayPcreditLoanCollateralCarQueryResponse(AlipayResponse): def __init__(self): super(AlipayPcreditLoanCollateralCarQueryResponse, self).__init__() self._address = None self._apply_no = None self._car_brand_id = None self._car_color = None self._car_engine_no = None self._car_mileage = None self._car_model_id = None self._car_reg_date = None self._car_series_id = None self._car_vin = None self._cert_no = None self._cert_type = None self._created_time = None self._lic_plate_address = None self._lic_plate_no = None self._name = None @property def address(self): return self._address @address.setter def address(self, value): self._address = value @property def apply_no(self): return self._apply_no @apply_no.setter def apply_no(self, value): self._apply_no = value @property def car_brand_id(self): return self._car_brand_id @car_brand_id.setter def car_brand_id(self, value): self._car_brand_id = value @property def car_color(self): return self._car_color @car_color.setter def car_color(self, value): self._car_color = value @property def car_engine_no(self): return self._car_engine_no @car_engine_no.setter def car_engine_no(self, value): self._car_engine_no = value @property def car_mileage(self): return self._car_mileage @car_mileage.setter def car_mileage(self, value): self._car_mileage = value @property def car_model_id(self): return self._car_model_id @car_model_id.setter def car_model_id(self, value): self._car_model_id = value @property def car_reg_date(self): return self._car_reg_date @car_reg_date.setter def car_reg_date(self, value): self._car_reg_date = value @property def car_series_id(self): return self._car_series_id @car_series_id.setter def car_series_id(self, value): self._car_series_id = value @property def car_vin(self): return self._car_vin @car_vin.setter def car_vin(self, value): self._car_vin = value @property def cert_no(self): return self._cert_no @cert_no.setter def cert_no(self, value): self._cert_no = value @property def cert_type(self): return self._cert_type @cert_type.setter def cert_type(self, value): self._cert_type = value @property def created_time(self): return self._created_time @created_time.setter def created_time(self, value): self._created_time = value @property def lic_plate_address(self): return self._lic_plate_address @lic_plate_address.setter def lic_plate_address(self, value): self._lic_plate_address = value @property def lic_plate_no(self): return self._lic_plate_no @lic_plate_no.setter def lic_plate_no(self, value): self._lic_plate_no = value @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value def parse_response_content(self, response_content): response = super(AlipayPcreditLoanCollateralCarQueryResponse, self).parse_response_content(response_content) if 'address' in response: self.address = response['address'] if 'apply_no' in response: self.apply_no = response['apply_no'] if 'car_brand_id' in response: self.car_brand_id = response['car_brand_id'] if 'car_color' in response: self.car_color = response['car_color'] if 'car_engine_no' in response: self.car_engine_no = response['car_engine_no'] if 'car_mileage' in response: self.car_mileage = response['car_mileage'] if 'car_model_id' in response: self.car_model_id = response['car_model_id'] if 'car_reg_date' in response: self.car_reg_date = response['car_reg_date'] if 'car_series_id' in response: self.car_series_id = response['car_series_id'] if 'car_vin' in response: self.car_vin = response['car_vin'] if 'cert_no' in response: self.cert_no = response['cert_no'] if 'cert_type' in response: self.cert_type = response['cert_type'] if 'created_time' in response: self.created_time = response['created_time'] if 'lic_plate_address' in response: self.lic_plate_address = response['lic_plate_address'] if 'lic_plate_no' in response: self.lic_plate_no = response['lic_plate_no'] if 'name' in response: = response['name']
<reponame>joerg-schneider/airflow-bootstrap from datetime import datetime from airflow.models import DAG from airtunnel import PySparkDataAsset from airtunnel.operators.archival import DataAssetArchiveOperator, IngestArchiveOperator from airtunnel.operators.ingestion import IngestOperator from airtunnel.operators.loading import StagingToReadyOperator from airtunnel.operators.transformation import PySparkTransformationOperator from airtunnel.sensors.ingestion import SourceFileIsReadySensor student = PySparkDataAsset("student_pyspark") programme = PySparkDataAsset("programme_pyspark") enrollment = PySparkDataAsset("enrollment_pyspark") enrollment_summary = PySparkDataAsset("enrollment_summary_pyspark") with DAG( dag_id="university_pyspark", schedule_interval=None, start_date=datetime(year=2019, month=9, day=1), ) as dag: ingested_ready_tasks = set() # a common stream of tasks for all ingested assets: for ingested_asset in (student, programme, enrollment): source_is_ready = SourceFileIsReadySensor( # we reduce the poke interval to only 3 seconds so that our test runs complete faster # do not do in production!! :) asset=ingested_asset, poke_interval=3, no_of_required_static_pokes=2, ) ingest = IngestOperator(asset=ingested_asset) transform = PySparkTransformationOperator(asset=ingested_asset) archive = DataAssetArchiveOperator(asset=ingested_asset) staging_to_ready = StagingToReadyOperator(asset=ingested_asset) ingest_archival = IngestArchiveOperator(asset=ingested_asset) dag >> source_is_ready >> ingest >> transform >> archive >> staging_to_ready >> ingest_archival ingested_ready_tasks.add(staging_to_ready) # upon having loaded the three ingested assets, connect the aggregation downstream to them: build_enrollment_summary = PySparkTransformationOperator(asset=enrollment_summary) build_enrollment_summary.set_upstream(ingested_ready_tasks) staging_to_ready = StagingToReadyOperator(asset=enrollment_summary) dag >> build_enrollment_summary >> staging_to_ready
from Sudoku import solveSudoku from WebHandler import WebHandler, Difficulty from random import randint, random from WebSudokuSolver import WebSudokuSolver if __name__ == '__main__': solver = WebSudokuSolver() solver.handler.signIn() for i in range(253): try: solver.solve(Difficulty.Easy, 8 * 60 + 30 + randint(20, 80)) except: continue # for difficulty in range(Difficulty.Hard): # for i in range(50): # try: # solver.solve(Difficulty.Hard - difficulty, 5 * 60 + randint(20, 80)) # except: # continue
<reponame>branty/hhp #!/usr/bin/env python2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: <NAME> Email: <EMAIL> Date: 2018-11-16 """ class BaseException(Exception): "base exception" def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class UnsupportedError(BaseException): """Not support""" def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class RequestMethodNotImplemented(UnsupportedError): """Request method not implemented""" def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class ParameterNotFound(BaseException): """Parameter not Found""" def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class ExcelFormError(BaseException): """Excel form is invalid""" def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg
<gh_stars>1-10 """ Tests for Orm on qsa. """ import unittest from pineboolib.loader.main import init_testing, finish_testing from pineboolib.qsa import qsa class TestOrm(unittest.TestCase): """Test Orm.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """Ensure pineboo is initialized for testing.""" init_testing() def test_load(self) -> None: """Load model.""" qsa.thread_session_new() class1_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") obj_ = qsa.orm_("flareas")() self.assertEqual(class1_, obj_.__class__) qsa.thread_session_free() # =============================================================================== # def test_sessions_isolation(self) -> None: # # session1_ = qsa.session() # session2_ = qsa.session("dbAux") # session3_ = qsa.session("aux") # # self.assertNotEqual(session1_, session2_) # self.assertNotEqual(session1_, session3_) # self.assertNotEqual(session2_, session3_) # =============================================================================== def test_create_object(self) -> None: """Create object.""" class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") self.assertTrue(class_) obj_ = class_() setattr(obj_, "bloqueo", True) setattr(obj_, "idarea", "A") setattr(obj_, "descripcion", "Area A") self.assertEqual(obj_.idarea, "A") self.assertEqual(obj_.bloqueo, True) self.assertEqual(getattr(obj_, "descripcion", ""), "Area A") def test_insert_to_database(self) -> None: """Insert object to database.""" session_ = qsa.session() class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") obj_ = class_() setattr(obj_, "bloqueo", True) setattr(obj_, "idarea", "A") setattr(obj_, "descripcion", "Area A") session_.begin() session_.add( obj_ ) # Introduce el nuevo registro en la BD. A partir de ahora los cambios posteriores se guardarán en la BD. # res_1 = session_.execute("SELECT idarea FROM flareas WHERE idarea = 'A'") # self.assertFalse(res_1.returns_rows) session_.flush() # Aplica el cambio en la BD. res_2 = session_.execute("SELECT idarea FROM flareas WHERE idarea = 'A'") self.assertTrue(res_2.returns_rows) obj2_ = session_.query(class_).get("A") # Recupera el registro de la BD self.assertEqual(obj_, obj2_) session_.rollback() def test_delete_from_database(self) -> None: """Insert object to database.""" session_ = qsa.session() class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") obj_ = class_() setattr(obj_, "bloqueo", True) setattr(obj_, "idarea", "A") setattr(obj_, "descripcion", "Area A") session_.begin() session_.add(obj_) session_.commit() # Se cierra la sesión (Transacción) session_2 = qsa.session() obj2_ = session_2.query(class_).get("A") # Recupera el registro de la BD self.assertTrue(obj2_) session_2.begin() session_2.delete(obj2_) session_2.commit() session_3 = qsa.session() obj3_ = session_3.query(class_).get("A") # Recupera el registro de la BD self.assertFalse(obj3_) def test_modify_data(self) -> None: """Insert object to database.""" session_ = qsa.thread_session_new() class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") obj_ = class_() setattr(obj_, "bloqueo", True) setattr(obj_, "idarea", "B") setattr(obj_, "descripcion", "Area B") session_.begin() self.assertTrue( # session_.add(obj_) # Introduce el nuevo registro en la BD session_.commit() session_2 = qsa.session() session_2.begin() obj2_ = session_2.query(class_).get("B") # Recupera el registro de la BD self.assertEqual(obj2_.descripcion, "Area B") obj2_.descripcion = "Area B modificada" session_2.commit() # Guarda el cambio permanentemente. session_3 = qsa.session() obj3_ = session_3.query(class_).get("B") self.assertEqual(obj3_.descripcion, "Area B modificada") qsa.thread_session_free() def test_legacy_metadata(self) -> None: """Compares metadata with rom metadata.""" aq_app = qsa.aqApp class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") metadata = aq_app.db().manager().metadata("flareas") self.assertTrue(metadata) if metadata is not None: self.assertEqual(, class_.legacy_metadata["name"]) self.assertEqual(metadata.alias(), class_.legacy_metadata["alias"]) result = None for field in class_.legacy_metadata["fields"]: if field["name"] == "bloqueo": result = field["default"] break self.assertEqual( metadata.field("bloqueo").defaultValue(), result # type: ignore [union-attr] ) def test_save_points(self) -> None: """Save points.""" session_ = ( qsa.thread_session_new() ) # implica nueva Transaccion si en la llama anterior se hizo rollback o commit. # Si no continua en la transaccion que se abrio la última vez class_ = qsa.from_project("flareas_orm") obj_ = class_() obj_.idarea = "C" obj_.descripcion = "Descripción C" obj_.bloqueo = True session_.begin() session_.add(obj_) session_.begin_nested() # Save point obj_.descripcion = "Descripción Nueva" obj2_ = session_.query(class_).get("C") self.assertEqual(obj_.descripcion, "Descripción Nueva") self.assertEqual(obj2_.descripcion, "Descripción Nueva") session_.rollback() # rollback save_point self.assertEqual(obj_.descripcion, "Descripción C") session_.rollback() # rollback transaccion qsa.thread_session_free() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: """Ensure test clear all data.""" finish_testing()
"""Unit test package for aprsd_twitter_plugin."""
<reponame>dolio/toee-mod from toee import * import tpdp from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier from spell_utils import * def Descr(spell_id): packet = tpdp.SpellPacket(spell_id) return game.get_spell_mesline(packet.spell_enum) def Penalty(attachee, args, evt_obj): spell_id = args.get_arg(0) evt_obj.bonus_list.add(-2, 0, Descr(spell_id)) return 0 def reflex_roll_delta(target, dc): dice = dice_new('1d20') reflex_mod = target.stat_level_get(stat_save_reflexes) bonus = tpdp.BonusList() bonus.add(reflex_mod, 0, "~Reflex~[TAG_SAVE_REFLEX] Saves") roll = dice.roll() hist = tpdp.create_history_dc_roll( target, dc, dice, roll, "Reflexive Balance", bonus) game.create_history_from_id(hist) print roll return roll + reflex_mod - dc def Balance(target, args, evt_obj): # swap the commenting on the `result` lines if balance is # valid in the module you are playing and you want to use it. # result = target.skill_roll_delta(skill_balance, 10, 1) result = reflex_roll_delta(target, 10) if result >= 0: return 0 elif result < -4: target.fall_down() target.condition_add_with_args('Unsteady', 0, 0) return 0 def Remove(attachee, args, evt_obj): args.condition_remove() return 0 vertigo = PythonModifier('sp-Vertigo', 4) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnGetTooltip, EK_NONE, spellTooltip, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnGetEffectTooltip, EK_NONE, spellEffectTooltip, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonus2, EK_NONE, Penalty, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_NONE, Penalty, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_BeginTurn, Balance, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_Killed, Remove, ()) vertigo.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_Dismiss_Spells, checkRemoveSpell, ()) vertigo.AddSpellDispelCheckStandard() vertigo.AddSpellTeleportPrepareStandard() vertigo.AddSpellTeleportReconnectStandard() vertigo.AddSpellCountdownStandardHook() def Unsteady(attachee, args, evt_obj): # flags, newCap, capType, mesline evt_obj.bonus_list.set_overall_cap(1, 0, 0, 1004) evt_obj.bonus_list.set_overall_cap(2, 0, 0, 1004) return 0 def UTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj): evt_obj.append('Unsteady') return 0 def UETooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj): key = tpdp.hash('UNSTEADY') evt_obj.append(key, -2, '') return 0 unsteady = PythonModifier('Unsteady', 2) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnGetTooltip, EK_NONE, UTooltip, ()) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnGetEffectTooltip, EK_NONE, UETooltip, ()) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnGetMoveSpeed, EK_NONE, Unsteady, ()) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_EndTurn, Remove, ()) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_Combat_End, Remove, ()) unsteady.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_Killed, Remove, ())
<gh_stars>0 from os import listdir, system, remove from os.path import isfile, join import re import multiprocessing from urllib.parse import unquote import json from lxml import etree import pandas as pd import tqdm import time import httplib2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer import wget from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import os import uuid from queue import Queue from typing import Optional import csv from threading import Thread import pickle from config import * __author__ = "<NAME>" class EuropePubMedCentralDataset: def __init__(self, start_path, writing_multiple_csv, skip_download, download_workers, unzip_threads, process_article_threads, max_file_to_download): self.pubmed_file_path = start_path self.skip_download = skip_download self.download_workers = download_workers self.unzip_threads = unzip_threads self.process_article_threads = process_article_threads self.max_file_to_download = max_file_to_download self.pubmed_dump_file_path = join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'dump') self.articles_path = join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'articles') self.csv_file_path = join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'csv') self.folder_articles = folder_articles # We can both exploit a queue in order to write into a single dataset.csv # or to save multiple csv and then concatenate them into the final dataset self.writing_multiple_csv = writing_multiple_csv if not self.writing_multiple_csv: self.queue = Queue() os.makedirs(self.articles_path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.csv_file_path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.pubmed_dump_file_path, exist_ok=True) def start(self): if not self.skip_download: # for each file from the pubmed dump f = self._get_files_in_dir(self.pubmed_dump_file_path) # load local index of already downloaded dump and add to the list of already downloaded file if os.path.isfile(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'downloaded-dump.txt')): with open(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'downloaded-dump.txt'), 'r') as index_file: f.append(index_file.readline().replace("\n","")) # get the difference between files to download and files that we have links = self.get_links_from_pubmed() if len(links) > 0: todownload = list(set(links).difference(set(f))) if self.max_file_to_download != None: todownload = todownload[:int(self.max_file_to_download)] if len(todownload): print("\nDownloading {} OA dumps from EuropePubMedCentral".format(len(todownload))) with multiprocessing.Pool(self.download_workers) as pool:, ((d, self.pubmed_dump_file_path) for d in todownload)) else: print("No link to download!") # Update the file list f = self._get_files_in_dir(self.pubmed_dump_file_path) # Unzip all the files if len(f) > 0: print("\nUnzipping all the articles") s = time.time() with ThreadPool(self.unzip_threads) as pool: list(tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap(self.worker_unzip_files, f), total=len(f))) e = time.time() print("\nTime: {}".format((e - s))) # process each article f = self._get_articles_in_dir(self.articles_path) if len(f) > 0: self.load_PMC_ids() s = time.time() print("\nProcessing the articles") self.process_articles(f) e = time.time() print("\nTime: {}".format((e - s))) self._concatenate_datasets(self.csv_file_path) def load_PMC_ids(self): # Download articles' IDs -- if not os.path.isfile(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'PMC-ids.csv.gz')): print("\nDownloading PMC's IDs dataset")'', self.pubmed_file_path) # Pickle a dictionary of the dataframe containing only the keys that we care about if not os.path.isfile(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'PMC-ids.pkl')): # Read the dataset and create a single big dict having all the needed keys for entity resolution articleids = pd.read_csv(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'PMC-ids.csv.gz'), usecols=['PMCID', 'PMID', 'DOI'], low_memory=True) articleids = articleids.drop_duplicates() view = articleids[articleids['PMID'].notna()] view['PMID'] = view['PMID'].astype(int) view_clean = view.drop_duplicates(subset='PMID', keep="last") dataset = view_clean.set_index('PMID').to_dict('index') del view view = articleids[articleids['PMCID'].notna()] view['PMID'] = view['PMID'].astype('Int64') del articleids view_clean = view.drop_duplicates(subset='PMCID', keep="last") self.articleids = {**dataset, **view_clean.set_index('PMCID').to_dict('index')} del view pickle.dump(obj=self.articleids, file=open(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'PMC-ids.pkl'), 'wb')) else: print("Loading PMC IDs from pickled dict") self.articleids = pickle.load(open(join(self.pubmed_file_path, 'PMC-ids.pkl'), 'rb')) def write_to_csv(self): keys = ['cur_doi', 'cur_pmid', 'cur_pmcid', 'cur_name', 'references'] while True: if not self.queue.empty(): row = self.queue.get() if row == "STOP": return else: row = [v for k, v in row.items()] if not os.path.isfile(join(self.csv_file_path, "dataset.csv")): with open(join(self.csv_file_path, "dataset.csv"), 'w', newline='') as output_file: dict_writer = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter='\t') dict_writer.writerow(keys) dict_writer.writerow(row) else: with open(join(self.csv_file_path, "dataset.csv"), 'a', newline='') as output_file: dict_writer = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter='\t') dict_writer.writerow(row) def worker_article(self, f: str) -> None: # Use the extracted file with open(f, 'r') as fi: filename = f.split(os.sep)[-1] try: cur_xml = etree.parse(fi) except Exception as e: print(e) os.makedirs(join(self.articles_path, 'exceptions'), exist_ok=True) with open(join(self.articles_path, 'exceptions', filename), 'w') as fout: for line in fi: fout.write(line) os.remove(f) return cur_pmid = self.get_id_from_xml_source(cur_xml, 'pmid') cur_pmcid = self.get_id_from_xml_source(cur_xml, 'pmcid') if cur_pmcid is not None and not cur_pmcid.startswith("PMC"): cur_pmcid = "PMC{}".format(cur_pmcid) cur_doi = self.normalise_doi(self.get_id_from_xml_source(cur_xml, 'doi')) # If we have no identifier, stop the processing of the article if cur_pmid is None and cur_pmcid is None and cur_doi is None: os.makedirs(join(self.articles_path, 'without-id'), exist_ok=True) with open(join(self.articles_path, 'without-id', filename), 'w') as fout: with open(f, 'r') as fi: for line in fi: fout.write(line) os.remove(f) return try: # Extract missing metadata from the ID dataset if cur_pmid is None or cur_pmcid is None or cur_doi is None: row = None if cur_pmid is not None and self.articleids.__contains__(int(cur_pmid)): row = self.articleids[int(cur_pmid)] elif cur_pmcid is not None and self.articleids.__contains__(cur_pmcid): row = self.articleids[cur_pmcid] if row is not None and len(row): if cur_pmid is None and row['PMID'] is not None and not pd.isna(row['PMID']): cur_pmid = row['PMID'] if cur_pmcid is None and row['PMCID'] is not None: cur_pmcid = row['PMCID'] if cur_doi is None and row['DOI'] is not None: cur_doi = self.normalise_doi(str(row['DOI'])) references = cur_xml.xpath(".//ref-list/ref") references_list = [] if len(references): for reference in references: entry_text = self.create_entry_xml(reference) ref_pmid = None ref_doi = None ref_pmcid = None ref_url = None ref_xmlid_attr = reference.get('id') if len(ref_xmlid_attr): ref_xmlid = ref_xmlid_attr if ref_xmlid == "": ref_xmlid = None ref_pmid_el = reference.xpath(".//pub-id[@pub-id-type='pmid']") if len(ref_pmid_el): ref_pmid = etree.tostring( ref_pmid_el[0], method="text", encoding='unicode').strip() ref_doi_el = reference.xpath(".//pub-id[@pub-id-type='doi']") if len(ref_doi_el): ref_doi = self.normalise_doi(etree.tostring( ref_doi_el[0], method="text", encoding='unicode').lower().strip()) if ref_doi == "": ref_doi = None ref_pmcid_el = reference.xpath(".//pub-id[@pub-id-type='pmcid']") if len(ref_pmcid_el): ref_pmcid = etree.tostring( ref_pmcid_el[0], method="text", encoding='unicode').strip() if ref_pmcid == "": ref_pmcid = None elif not ref_pmcid.startswith("PMC"): ref_pmcid = "PMC{}".format(ref_pmcid) ref_url_el = reference.xpath(".//ext-link") if len(ref_url_el): ref_url = etree.tostring( ref_url_el[0], method="text", encoding='unicode').strip() if not ref_url.startswith("http"): ref_url = None # Extract missing metadata from the ID dataset if ref_pmid is None or ref_pmcid is None or ref_doi is None: row = None if ref_pmid is not None and self.articleids.__contains__(int(ref_pmid)): row = self.articleids[int(ref_pmid)] elif ref_pmcid is not None and self.articleids.__contains__(ref_pmcid): row = self.articleids[ref_pmcid] if row is not None and len(row): if ref_pmid is None and row['PMID'] is not None: ref_pmid = row['PMID'] if ref_pmcid is None and row['PMCID'] is not None: ref_pmcid = row['PMCID'] if not ref_pmcid.startswith("PMC"): ref_pmcid = "PMC{}".format(ref_pmcid) if ref_doi is None and row['DOI'] is not None: ref_doi = self.normalise_doi(str(row['DOI'])) # Create an object to store the reference obj = {} if entry_text is not None: obj['entry_text'] = entry_text if ref_pmid is not None: obj['ref_pmid'] = str(ref_pmid) if ref_pmcid is not None: obj['ref_pmcid'] = ref_pmcid if ref_doi is not None: obj['ref_doi'] = ref_doi if ref_url is not None: obj['ref_url'] = ref_url if ref_xmlid is not None: obj['ref_xmlid'] = ref_xmlid references_list.append(obj) if self.writing_multiple_csv: df = pd.DataFrame({ 'cur_doi': [cur_doi], 'cur_pmid': [cur_pmid], 'cur_pmcid': [cur_pmcid], 'cur_name': [f.split("articles"+os.sep)[-1]], 'references': [json.dumps(references_list)] }) df.to_csv(join(self.csv_file_path, "{}.csv".format(filename)), sep="\t", index=False) else: self.queue.put({ 'cur_doi': cur_doi, 'cur_pmid': cur_pmid, 'cur_pmcid': cur_pmcid, 'cur_name': f, 'references': json.dumps(references_list) }) except Exception as e: os.makedirs(join(self.articles_path, 'exceptions'), exist_ok=True) with open(join(self.articles_path, 'exceptions', filename), 'w') as fout: with open(f, 'r') as fi: for line in fi: fout.write(line) os.remove(f) print("Exception {} with file: {}".format(e, f)) return def process_articles(self, f): articles_to_process = [] for dump_articles_folder in f: for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.articles_path, dump_articles_folder)): for name in files: articles_to_process.append(os.path.join(path, name)) if not self.writing_multiple_csv: consumer = Thread(target=self.write_to_csv) consumer.setDaemon(True) consumer.start() with ThreadPool(self.process_article_threads) as pool: list(tqdm.tqdm(pool.imap(self.worker_article, (fi for fi in articles_to_process)), total=len(articles_to_process))) if not self.writing_multiple_csv: self.queue.put("STOP") consumer.join() @staticmethod def normalise_doi(doi_string) -> Optional[ str]: # taken from if doi_string is not None: try: doi_string = re.sub("\0+", "", re.sub("\s+", "", unquote(doi_string[doi_string.index("10."):]))) return doi_string.lower().strip() except ValueError: return None else: return None def worker_unzip_files(self, f: str) -> None: try: # Unzip system("gunzip -k {}".format(join(self.pubmed_dump_file_path, f))) # This is the new filename gzip_name = f f = f.replace(".gz", "") # Create one file for each article, having its named tree = etree.parse(join(self.pubmed_dump_file_path, f), etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)) # Extract all the article nodes articles = tree.findall('article') dump_articles_dir = os.path.join(self.articles_path, f.replace(".xml", "")) os.makedirs(dump_articles_dir, exist_ok=True) for i in range(self.folder_articles+1): os.makedirs(os.path.join(dump_articles_dir, str(i)), exist_ok=True) for i, cur_xml in enumerate(articles): dir_of_article = os.path.join(dump_articles_dir, str(i % self.folder_articles)) with open(join(dir_of_article, "{}.xml".format(str(uuid.uuid4()))), 'w') as writefile: writefile.write(etree.tostring(cur_xml, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode')) # Remove the downloaded dump remove(join(self.pubmed_dump_file_path, f)) remove(join(self.pubmed_dump_file_path, gzip_name)) except Exception as e: print("Exception during the extraction: {}".format(e)) system("rm {}{}*.xml".format(self.pubmed_dump_file_path,os.sep)) @staticmethod def create_entry_xml(xml_ref): # Taken from CCC entry_string = "" el_citation = xml_ref.xpath("./element-citation | ./mixed-citation | ./citation") if len(el_citation): cur_el = el_citation[0] is_element_citation = cur_el.tag == "element-citation" or cur_el.tag == "citation" has_list_of_people = False first_text_passed = False for el in cur_el.xpath(".//node()"): type_name = type(el).__name__ if type_name == "_Element": cur_text = el.text if cur_text is not None and " ".join(cur_text.split()) != "": if first_text_passed: is_in_person_group = len(el.xpath("ancestor::person-group")) > 0 if is_in_person_group: entry_string += ", " has_list_of_people = True elif not is_in_person_group and has_list_of_people: entry_string += ". " has_list_of_people = False else: if is_element_citation: entry_string += ", " else: entry_string += " " else: first_text_passed = True if el.tag == "pub-id": if el.xpath("./@pub-id-type = 'doi'"): entry_string += "DOI: " elif el.xpath("./@pub-id-type = 'pmid'"): entry_string += "PMID: " elif el.xpath("./@pub-id-type = 'pmcid'"): entry_string += "PMC: " elif type_name == "_ElementStringResult" or type_name == "_ElementUnicodeResult": entry_string += el del cur_el del el entry_string = " ".join(entry_string.split()) entry_string = re.sub(" ([,\.!\?;:])", "\\1", entry_string) entry_string = re.sub("([\-–––]) ", "\\1", entry_string) entry_string = re.sub("[\-–––,\.!\?;:] ?([\-–––,\.!\?;:])", "\\1", entry_string) entry_string = re.sub("(\(\. ?)+", "(", entry_string) entry_string = re.sub("(\( +)", "(", entry_string) del el_citation if entry_string is not None and entry_string != "": return entry_string else: return None @staticmethod def get_id_from_xml_source(cur_xml, id_type): """This method extract an id_type from the XML""" if id_type not in ["doi", "pmid", "pmcid"]: print("Wrong id used: {}".format(id_type)) return None id_string = cur_xml.xpath(".//front/article-meta/article-id[@pub-id-type='{}']".format(id_type)) if len(id_string): id_string = u"" + etree.tostring(id_string[0], method="text", encoding='unicode').strip() if id_string != "": del cur_xml toret = str(id_string) del id_string return toret # Get list of file inside the dir def _get_files_in_dir(self, path: str) -> list: list_of_files = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))] return list_of_files def _get_articles_in_dir(self, path: str) -> list: list_of_files = [f for f in listdir(path)] return list_of_files def _concatenate_datasets(self, path: str) -> str: if self.writing_multiple_csv: present_files = list(self._get_files_in_dir(path)) header_saved = False if len(present_files) > 0: print("\nConcatenating dataset") start = time.time() with open(join(path, 'dataset.csv'), 'w') as fout: for f in tqdm.tqdm(present_files): if f != "dataset.csv": with open(join(path, f)) as fin: header = next(fin) if not header_saved: fout.write(header) header_saved = True for line in fin: fout.write(line) os.remove(join(path, f)) df = pd.read_csv(join(path, 'dataset.csv'), sep='\t') df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) df.to_csv(join(path, 'dataset.csv'), sep='\t', index=False) end = time.time() print("Time: {}".format((end - start))) return join(path, 'dataset.csv') def get_links_from_pubmed(self) -> list: links = [] http = httplib2.Http(timeout=20) try: status, response = http.request('') if status['status'] != '200': raise Exception("response code {}".format(status['status'])) for link in BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser', parse_only=SoupStrainer('a')): if link.has_attr('href'): if "xml.gz" in link['href']: links.append(link['href']) return links except Exception as e: print("Cannot get OA links: {}".format(e)) return [] def worker_download_links(args): """ If something goes wrong, then wait 3 sec and retry until the max number of possible tries is reached """ todownload, pubmed_dump_file_path = args downloaded = False retry = 0 while not downloaded and retry < max_retry: try:'{}'.format(todownload), pubmed_dump_file_path) downloaded = True with open(os.path.join(pubmed_dump_file_path, '..', 'downloaded-dump.txt'), 'a') as index_file: index_file.write(todownload + "\n") except Exception as e: print("\n(retry #{}) Problem with {}: {}".format(retry, todownload, e)) retry += 1 time.sleep(sec_between_retry) if __name__ == '__main__': e = EuropePubMedCentralDataset(start_path=start_path, writing_multiple_csv=writing_multiple_csv, skip_download=skip_download, download_workers=download_workers, unzip_threads=unzip_threads, process_article_threads=process_article_threads, max_file_to_download=max_file_to_download) e.start()
<gh_stars>10-100 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The :mod:`parsimony.functions.losses` module contains multiblock loss functions. Copyright (c) 2013-2017, CEA/DSV/I2BM/Neurospin. All rights reserved. Created on Tue Feb 4 08:51:43 2014 @author: <NAME> @email: <EMAIL> @license: BSD 3-clause. """ import numbers import numpy as np import parsimony.utils as utils import parsimony.utils.maths as maths import as properties import parsimony.utils.consts as consts from . import properties as mb_properties __all__ = ["CombinedMultiblockFunction", "MultiblockFunctionWrapper", "MultiblockNesterovFunctionWrapper", "LatentVariableCovariance"] class CombinedMultiblockFunction(mb_properties.MultiblockFunction, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient, mb_properties.MultiblockProximalOperator, mb_properties.MultiblockProjectionOperator, # mb_properties.MultiblockContinuation, mb_properties.MultiblockStepSize): """Combines one or more loss functions, any number of penalties, any number of smoothed functions, any number of penalties with known proximal operators and any number of constraints. This function thus represents f(x) = f_1(x) [ + f_2(x) ... ] [ + d_1(x) ... ] [ + N_1(x) ...] [ + p_1(x) ...], subject to [ C_1(x) <= c_1, C_2(x) <= c_2, ... ], where f_i are differentiable loss Functions, d_j are differentiable penalties, N_k are smoothed NesterovFunctions and p_l are ProximalOperators. The C_m are ProjectionOperators and function as constraints. All functions and penalties must thus be Gradient, unless they are ProximalOperators or ProjectionOperators. Parameters ---------- X : list of numpy arrays The blocks of data in the multiblock model. functions : list of lists of lists A function matrix, with element i,j connecting block i to block j. penalties : a list of lists of penalties Element i of the outer list is also a list and contains the penalties for block i. smoothed : a list if lists of smoothed penalties Element i of the outer list is also a list and contains the smoothed penalties for block i. prox : a list of lists of proximal operators Element i of the outer list is also a list and contains the penalties that can be expressed as proximal operators for block i. constraints : a list of lists of projection operators Element i of the outer list is also a list and contains the constraints for block i. """ def __init__(self, X, functions=[], penalties=[], smoothed=[], prox=[], constraints=[]): self._param_map = dict() self._method_map = dict() self.K = len(X) self.X = X if len(functions) != self.K: self._f = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._f[i] = [0] * self.K for j in range(self.K): self._f[i][j] = list() else: self._f = functions if len(penalties) != self.K: self._d = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._d[i] = list() else: self._d = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._d[i] = list() for di in penalties[i]: self._d[i].append(di) if len(smoothed) != self.K: self._N = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._N[i] = list() else: self._N = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._N[i] = list() for di in penalties[i]: self._N[i].append(di) if len(prox) != self.K: self._p = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._p[i] = list() else: self._p = prox if len(constraints) != self.K: self._c = [0] * self.K for i in range(self.K): self._c[i] = list() else: self._c = constraints self.reset() def reset(self): for fi in self._f: for fij in fi: for fijk in fij: fijk.reset() for di in self._d: for dik in di: dik.reset() for Ni in self._N: for Nik in Ni: Nik.reset() for pi in self._p: for pik in pi: pik.reset() for ci in self._c: for cik in ci: cik.reset() def set_params(self, **kwargs): """Set the given input parameters in the corresponding function. """ for k in kwargs: if k in self._param_map: param_map = self._param_map[k] param = dict() param[param_map[1]] = kwargs[k] param_map[0].set_params(param) else: self.__setattr__(k, kwargs[k]) def _accept_params(self, function, accepts_params): if accepts_params is not None: if isinstance(accepts_params, tuple): accepts_params = [accepts_params] for param in accepts_params: self._param_map[param[0]] = (function, param[1]) def _accept_methods(self, function, accepts_methods): if accepts_methods is not None: if isinstance(accepts_methods, tuple): accepts_methods = [accepts_methods] for method in accepts_methods: if not hasattr(function, method[1]): raise AttributeError("Target function does not have an %s " "attribute!" % (method[1],)) else: if method[0] in self._method_map: self._method_map[method[0]].append((function, method[1])) else: self._method_map[method[0]] = [(function, method[1])] # def __getattribute__(self, name): # mmap = super(CombinedMultiblockFunction, # self).__getattribute__("_method_map") # if name in mmap: # mm = mmap[name] # fun = getattr(mm[0], mm[1]) # return fun # else: # return super(CombinedMultiblockFunction, # self).__getattribute__(name) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "_method_map": if name not in self.__dict__: self.__dict__["_method_map"] = dict() else: return self.__dict__["_method_map"] # Never run ... mmap = self._method_map if name in mmap: mms = mmap[name] # A list of function-name pairs funs = [] for mm in mms: fun = getattr(mm[0], mm[1]) funs.append(fun) if len(funs) > 1: def function(*args, **kwargs): results = [] for fun in funs: result = fun(*args, **kwargs) results.append(result) return results return function else: return funs[0] else: return super(CombinedMultiblockFunction, self).__getattribute__(name) def add_loss(self, function, i, j, accepts_params=None, accepts_methods=None): """Add a loss function that connects blocks i and j. Parameters ---------- function : Function or MultiblockFunction A loss function that connects block i and block j. i : int Non-negative integer. Index of the first block. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. j : int Non-negative integer. Index of the second block. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. accepts_params : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept parameters with the name of the first element of any tuple, and map them to this function with the name of the second element of the tuple. accepts_methods : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept methods with the name of the first element of any of the tuples, and map them to this function with the method name of the second element of the tuple. """ if not isinstance(function, properties.Gradient): if not isinstance(function, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): raise ValueError("Loss functions must have gradients.") self._f[i][j].append(function) self._accept_params(function, accepts_params) self._accept_methods(function, accepts_methods) @utils.deprecated("add_loss") def add_function(self, function, i, j, accepts_params=None): return self.add_loss(function, i, j, accepts_params=accepts_params) def add_penalty(self, penalty, i, accepts_params=None): """Add a penalty, i.e. a constraint on the Lagrange form, for block i. Parameters ---------- penalty : Penalty A function that penalises the objective function. i : int Non-negative integer. Index of the block to penalise. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. accepts_params : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept parameters with the name of the first element of any tuple, and map them to this function with the name of the second element of the tuple. """ if not isinstance(penalty, properties.Penalty): raise ValueError("Not a penalty.") elif isinstance(penalty, properties.Gradient): self._d[i].append(penalty) elif isinstance(penalty, properties.ProximalOperator): self._p[i].append(penalty) elif isinstance(penalty, properties.NesterovFunction): self._N[i].append(penalty) else: raise ValueError("The penalty is not smooth, nor smoothed, and it " "does not have a proximal operator.") self._accept_params(penalty, accepts_params) def add_smoothed(self, penalty, accepts_params=None): """Add a smoothed penalty, i.e. a smoothed constraint on the Lagrange form, for block i. Parameters ---------- penalty : Penalty A function that penalises the objective function. i : int Non-negative integer. Index of the block to penalise. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. accepts_params : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept parameters with the name of the first element of any tuple, and map them to this function with the name of the second element of the tuple. """ if isinstance(penalty, properties.NesterovFunction): self._N.append(penalty) else: raise ValueError("Not a smoothed function.") self._accept_params(penalty, accepts_params) def add_prox(self, penalty, i, accepts_params=None): """Add a penalty for block i that has a known or computable proximal operator. Parameters ---------- penalty : ProximalOperator A function that penalises the objective function. i : int Non-negative integer. Index of the block to penalise. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. accepts_params : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept parameters with the name of the first element of any tuple, and map them to this function with the name of the second element of the tuple. """ if isinstance(penalty, properties.ProximalOperator): self._p[i].append(penalty) else: raise ValueError("Not a proximal operator.") self._accept_params(penalty, accepts_params) def add_constraint(self, constraint, i, accepts_params=None): """Add a constraint for block i. Parameters ---------- constraint : Constraint A function that constrains the possible solutions of the objective function. i : int Non-negative integer. Index of the block to penalise. Zero based, so 0 is the first block. accepts_params : 2-tuple or list of 2-tuples The outer function will accept parameters with the name of the first element of any tuple, and map them to this function with the name of the second element of the tuple. """ if not isinstance(constraint, properties.Constraint): raise ValueError("Not a constraint.") elif not isinstance(constraint, properties.ProjectionOperator): raise ValueError("Constraints must have projection operators.") else: self._c[i].append(constraint) self._accept_params(constraint, accepts_params) def has_nesterov_function(self, index): return len(self._N[index]) > 0 def _only_f(self, w): val = 0.0 for i in range(len(self._f)): fi = self._f[i] for j in range(len(fi)): fij = self._f[i][j] for k in range(len(fij)): if isinstance(fij[k], mb_properties.MultiblockFunction): val += fij[k].f([w[i], w[j]]) else: val += fij[k].f(w[i]) return val def _non_f(self, w): val = 0.0 for i in range(len(self._d)): di = self._d[i] for k in range(len(di)): val += di[k].f(w[i]) for i in range(len(self._N)): Ni = self._N[i] for k in range(len(Ni)): val += Ni[k].f(w[i]) for i in range(len(self._p)): pi = self._p[i] for k in range(len(pi)): val += pi[k].f(w[i]) return val def f(self, w): """Function value. Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The parameter vectors at which to evaluate the function. """ val = self._only_f(w) + self._non_f(w) return val def fmu(self, w): """Function value of smoothed function. Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The parameter vectors at which to evaluate the function. """ val = self._only_f(w) for i in range(len(self._d)): di = self._d[i] for k in range(len(di)): val += di[k].f(w[i]) for i in range(len(self._N)): Ni = self._N[i] for k in range(len(Ni)): val += Ni[k].fmu(w[i]) for i in range(len(self._p)): pi = self._p[i] for k in range(len(pi)): val += pi[k].f(w[i]) return val def _grad_only_f(self, w, index): grad = np.zeros(w[index].shape) # Add gradients from the loss functions (row): fi = self._f[index] for j in range(len(fi)): fij = fi[j] for k in range(len(fij)): fijk = fij[k] if isinstance(fijk, properties.Gradient): grad += fijk.grad(w[index]) elif isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): grad += fijk.grad([w[index], w[j]], 0) # Add gradients from the loss functions (column): for i in range(len(self._f)): fij = self._f[i][index] if i != index: # Do not count these twice. for k in range(len(fij)): fijk = fij[k] if isinstance(fijk, properties.Gradient): # We shouldn't do anything here, right? This means e.g. # that this (block i) is the y of a logistic regression # model. pass # grad += fij.grad(w[i]) elif isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): grad += fijk.grad([w[i], w[index]], 1) return grad def _grad_non_f(self, w, index): grad = np.zeros(w[index].shape) # Add gradients from the penalties: di = self._d[index] for k in range(len(di)): grad += di[k].grad(w[index]) # Add gradients from the smoothed penalties: Ni = self._N[index] for k in range(len(Ni)): grad += Ni[k].grad(w[index]) return grad def grad(self, w, index): """Gradient of the differentiable part of the function. From the interface "MultiblockGradient". Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The weight vectors, w[index] is the point at which to evaluate the gradient. index : int Non-negative integer. Which parameter vector (block) the gradient is computed with respect to. """ grad = self._grad_only_f(w, index) + self._grad_non_f(w, index) return grad def prox(self, w, index, factor=1.0, eps=consts.TOLERANCE, max_iter=100): """The proximal operator of the non-differentiable part of the function with the given index. From the interface "MultiblockProximalOperator". Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The parameter vectors at which to compute the proximal operator. index : int Non-negative integer. The variable for which to compute the proximal operator. factor : float Positive float. A factor by which the Lagrange multiplier is scaled. This is usually the step size. """ prox = self._p[index] proj = self._c[index] # We have no penalties with proximal operators and no constraints: if len(prox) == 0 and len(proj) == 0: prox_w = w[index] # Do nothing! # There is one proximal operator and no constraints: elif len(prox) == 1 and len(proj) == 0: prox_w = prox[0].prox(w[index], factor=factor, eps=consts.TOLERANCE, max_iter=100) # There are two proximal operators, and no constraints: elif len(prox) == 2 and len(proj) == 0: from parsimony.algorithms.proximal import DykstrasProximalAlgorithm prox_combo = DykstrasProximalAlgorithm(eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter) prox_w =, w[index], factor=factor) # There are no proximal operators, but one or two constraints: elif len(prox) == 0 and (len(proj) == 1 or len(proj) == 2): prox_w = self.proj(w, index, eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter) # There are at least one proximal operator and at least one constraint: else: from parsimony.algorithms.proximal \ import ParallelDykstrasProximalAlgorithm combo = ParallelDykstrasProximalAlgorithm(eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter, min_iter=1) prox_w =[index], prox=prox, proj=proj, factor=factor) return prox_w def proj(self, w, index, eps=consts.TOLERANCE, max_iter=100): """The projection operator of a constraint that corresponds to the function with the given index. From the interface "MultiblockProjectionOperator". Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The weight vectors. index : int Non-negative integer. Which variable the projection is for. """ prox = self._p[index] proj = self._c[index] # We have no penalties with projection operators: if len(prox) == 0 and len(proj) == 0: proj_w = w[index] # Do nothing! # There is one projection operator and no proximal operators: elif len(proj) == 1 and len(prox) == 0: proj_w = proj[0].proj(w[index], eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter) # There are two projection operators and no proximal operators: elif len(proj) == 2 and len(prox) == 0: from parsimony.algorithms.proximal \ import DykstrasProjectionAlgorithm combo = DykstrasProjectionAlgorithm(eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter, min_iter=1) proj_w =, w[index]) # There are no constraints, but one or two proximal operators, or any # number of constraints and any number of proximal oeprators: else: proj_w = self.prox(w, index, eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter) return proj_w def step(self, w, index): """The step size to use in descent methods. From the interface "StepSize". Parameters ---------- w : list of numpy arrays The point at which to determine the step size. index : int Non-negative integer. The variable which the step is for. """ all_lipschitz = True L = 0.0 # Add Lipschitz constants from the loss functions. fi = self._f[index] for j in range(len(fi)): fij = fi[j] for k in range(len(fij)): fijk = fij[k] if isinstance(fijk, properties.Gradient): if not isinstance(fijk, properties.LipschitzContinuousGradient): all_lipschitz = False break else: L += fijk.L(w[index]) elif isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): if not isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): all_lipschitz = False break else: L += fijk.L([w[index], w[j]], 0) if not all_lipschitz: break for i in range(len(self._f)): fij = self._f[i][index] if i != index: # Do not visit these twice. for k in range(len(fij)): fijk = fij[k] if isinstance(fijk, properties.Gradient): # We shouldn't do anything here, right? This means that # this (block i) is e.g. the y in a logistic # regression. pass elif isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): if not isinstance(fijk, mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): all_lipschitz = False break else: L += fijk.L([w[i], w[index]], 1) # Add Lipschitz constants from the penalties. di = self._d[index] for k in range(len(di)): if not isinstance(di[k], properties.LipschitzContinuousGradient): all_lipschitz = False break else: L += di[k].L() # w[index]) Ni = self._N[index] for k in range(len(Ni)): if not isinstance(Ni[k], properties.LipschitzContinuousGradient): all_lipschitz = False break else: L += Ni[k].L() # w[index]) step = 0.0 if all_lipschitz and L >= consts.TOLERANCE: step = 1.0 / L else: # If all functions did not have Lipschitz continuous gradients, # try to find the step size through backtracking line search. class F(properties.Function, properties.Gradient): def __init__(self, func, w, index): self.func = func self.w = w self.index = index def f(self, x): # Temporarily replace the index:th variable with x. w_old = self.w[self.index] self.w[self.index] = x f = self.func.f(w) self.w[self.index] = w_old return f def grad(self, x): # Temporarily replace the index:th variable with x. w_old = self.w[self.index] self.w[self.index] = x g = self.func.grad(w, index) self.w[self.index] = w_old return g func = F(self, w, index) p = -self.grad(w, index) from parsimony.algorithms.utils import BacktrackingLineSearch import parsimony.functions.penalties as penalties line_search = BacktrackingLineSearch( condition=penalties.SufficientDescentCondition, max_iter=30) a = np.sqrt(1.0 / self.X[index].shape[1]) # Arbitrarily "small". step =, w[index], p, rho=0.5, a=a, condition_params={"c": 1e-4}) return step class MultiblockFunctionWrapper(properties.CompositeFunction, properties.Gradient, properties.StepSize, properties.ProximalOperator): def __init__(self, function, w, index): self.function = function self.w = w self.index = index def f(self, w): """Function value. From the interface "Function". Parameters ---------- w : Numpy array (p-by-1). The point at which to evaluate the function. """ return self.function.f(self.w[:self.index] + [w] + self.w[self.index + 1:]) def grad(self, w): """Gradient of the function. Parameters ---------- w : Numpy array (p-by-1). The point at which to evaluate the gradient. """ return self.function.grad(self.w[:self.index] + [w] + self.w[self.index + 1:], index=self.index) def prox(self, w, factor=1.0, eps=consts.TOLERANCE, max_iter=100): """The proximal operator corresponding to the function. Parameters ---------- w : Numpy array (p-by-1). The point at which to apply the proximal operator. factor : Positive float. A factor by which the Lagrange multiplier is scaled. This is usually the step size. """ return self.function.prox(self.w[:self.index] + [w] + self.w[self.index + 1:], self.index, factor=factor, eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter) def step(self, w, index=0, **kwargs): """The step size to use in descent methods. Parameters ---------- w : Numpy array. The point at which to determine the step size. """ return self.function.step(self.w[:self.index] + [w] + self.w[self.index + 1:], index=self.index, **kwargs) class MultiblockNesterovFunctionWrapper(MultiblockFunctionWrapper, properties.NesterovFunction, properties.Continuation): def __init__(self, function, w, index): super(MultiblockNesterovFunctionWrapper, self).__init__(function, w, index) def get_params(self, *args): Ni = self.function._N[self.index] ret = dict() for k in args: params = [] for N in Ni: value = getattr(N, k) params.append(value) ret[k] = params return ret def fmu(self, beta, mu=None): """Returns the smoothed function value. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- beta : Numpy array. A weight vector. mu : Non-negative float. The regularisation constant for the smoothing. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] f = 0.0 for N in Ni: f += N.fmu(beta, mu=mu) return f def phi(self, alpha, beta): """ Function value with known alpha. From the interface "NesterovFunction". """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method "phi" must be ' 'specialised!') def get_mu(self): """Returns the regularisation constant for the smoothing. From the interface "NesterovFunction". """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] if len(Ni) == 0: raise ValueError("No penalties are Nesterov functions.") return Ni[0].get_mu() def set_mu(self, mu): """Sets the regularisation constant for the smoothing. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- mu : Non-negative float. The regularisation constant for the smoothing to use from now on. Returns ------- old_mu : Non-negative float. The old regularisation constant for the smoothing that was overwritten and no longer is used. """ old_mu = self.get_mu() Ni = self.function._N[self.index] for N in Ni: N.set_mu(mu) return old_mu def alpha(self, beta): """ Dual variable of the Nesterov function. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- beta : Numpy array (p-by-1). The variable for which to compute the dual variable alpha. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] alpha = [] for N in Ni: alpha += N.alpha(beta) return alpha def A(self): """ Linear operator of the Nesterov function. From the interface "NesterovFunction". """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] A = [] for N in Ni: A += N.A() def Aa(self, alpha): """ Compute A'*alpha. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- alpha : Numpy array (x-by-1). The dual variable alpha. """ A = self.A() Aa = A[0][0]) for i in range(1, len(A)): Aa += A[i][i]) return Aa def project(self, alpha): """ Projection onto the compact space of the Nesterov function. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- alpha : Numpy array (x-by-1). The not-yet-projected dual variable alpha. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] a = [] i = 0 for N in Ni: A = N.A() a += N.project(alpha[i:len(A)]) i += len(A) return a def M(self): """ The maximum value of the regularisation of the dual variable. We have M = max_{alpha in K} 0.5*|alpha|²_2. From the interface "NesterovFunction". """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] M = 0.0 for N in Ni: M += N.M() return M def estimate_mu(self, beta): """ Compute a "good" value of mu with respect to the given beta. From the interface "NesterovFunction". Parameters ---------- beta : Numpy array (p-by-1). The primal variable at which to compute a feasible value of mu. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] mu = consts.TOLERANCE for N in Ni: mu = max(mu, N.estimate_mu(beta)) return mu def mu_opt(self, eps): """The optimal value of mu given epsilon. Parameters ---------- eps : Positive float. The desired precision. Returns ------- mu : Positive float. The optimal regularisation parameter. From the interface "Continuation". """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method "mu_opt" must be ' 'specialised!') def eps_opt(self, mu): """The optimal value of epsilon given mu. Parameters ---------- mu : Positive float. The regularisation constant of the smoothing. Returns ------- eps : Positive float. The optimal precision. From the interface "Continuation". """ raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method "eps_opt" must be ' 'specialised!') def eps_max(self, mu): """The maximum value of epsilon. From the interface "Continuation". Parameters ---------- mu : Positive float. The regularisation constant of the smoothing. Returns ------- eps : Positive float. The upper limit, the maximum, precision. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] gM = 0.0 for N in Ni: gM += N.l * N.M() return float(mu) * gM def mu_max(self, eps): """The maximum value of mu. From the interface "Continuation". Parameters ---------- eps : Positive float. The maximum precision of the smoothing. Returns ------- mu : Positive float. The upper limit, the maximum, of the regularisation constant of the smoothing. """ Ni = self.function._N[self.index] gM = 0.0 for N in Ni: gM += N.l * N.M() return float(eps) / gM class LatentVariableCovariance(mb_properties.MultiblockFunction, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient, mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): """Represents Cov(X.w, Y.c) = (K / (n - 1)) * w'.X'.Y.c, where X.w and Y.c are latent variables. Parameters ---------- X : List with two numpy arrays. The two blocks. unbiased : bool Whether or not to use biased or unbiased sample covariance. Default is True, the unbiased sample covariance is used. scalar_multiple : float Must be non-negative. Default is 1.0. A scalar multiple of the function. Useful when the covariance is used as a "penalty". """ def __init__(self, X, unbiased=True, scalar_multiple=1.0): self.X = X if unbiased: self.n = float(X[0].shape[0] - 1.0) else: self.n = float(X[0].shape[0]) self.K = max(0.0, float(scalar_multiple)) self.reset() def reset(self): self._lambda_max = None def f(self, w): """Function value. From the interface "Function". """ wX =[0], w[0]).T Yc =[1], w[1]) wXYc =, Yc) return -wXYc[0, 0] * (self.K / self.n) def grad(self, w, index): """Gradient of the function. From the interface "MultiblockGradient". Parameters ---------- w : List of numpy arrays. The weight vectors, w[index] is the point at which to evaluate the gradient. index : Non-negative integer. Which variable the gradient is for. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from parsimony.functions.multiblock.losses import LatentVariableCovariance >>> >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> X = np.random.rand(100, 150) >>> Y = np.random.rand(100, 50) >>> w = np.random.rand(150, 1) >>> c = np.random.rand(50, 1) >>> cov = LatentVariableCovariance([X, Y]) >>> grad = cov.grad([w, c], 0) >>> approx_grad = cov.approx_grad([w, c], 0) >>> np.allclose(grad, approx_grad) True """ index = int(index) grad =[index].T,[1 - index], w[1 - index])) return grad * (self.K / self.n) def L(self, w, index): """Lipschitz constant of the gradient with given index. From the interface "MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient". """ # Any positive real number suffices, but a small one will give a larger # step in e.g. proximal gradient descent. return np.sqrt(consts.TOLERANCE) class LatentVariableCovarianceSquared(mb_properties.MultiblockFunction, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient, mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): """Represents Cov(X.w, Y.c)² = ((1 / (n - 1)) * w'.X'.Y.c)², where X.w and Y.c are latent variables. Parameters ---------- X : List with two numpy arrays. The two blocks. unbiased : Boolean. Whether or not to use biased or unbiased sample covariance. Default is True, the unbiased sample covariance is used. """ def __init__(self, X, unbiased=True): self.X = X if unbiased: self.n = float(X[0].shape[0] - 1.0) else: self.n = float(X[0].shape[0]) self.reset() def reset(self): pass def f(self, w): """Function value. From the interface "Function". Parameters ---------- w : Numpy array (p-by-1). The point at which to evaluate the function. """ wX =[0], w[0]).T Yc =[1], w[1]) wXYc =, Yc)[0, 0] return -((wXYc / self.n) ** 2) def grad(self, w, index): """Gradient of the function. From the interface "MultiblockGradient". Parameters ---------- w : List of numpy arrays. The weight vectors, w[index] is the point at which to evaluate the gradient. index : Non-negative integer. Which variable the gradient is for. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from parsimony.functions.multiblock.losses import LatentVariableCovarianceSquared >>> >>> np.random.seed(42) >>> X = np.random.rand(100, 150) >>> Y = np.random.rand(100, 50) >>> w = np.random.rand(150, 1) >>> c = np.random.rand(50, 1) >>> cov = LatentVariableCovarianceSquared([X, Y]) >>> grad = cov.grad([w, c], 0) >>> approx_grad = cov.approx_grad([w, c], 0) >>> np.allclose(grad, approx_grad) True """ wX =[0], w[0]).T Yc =[1], w[1]) wXYc =, Yc)[0, 0] index = int(index) grad =[index].T,[1 - index], w[1 - index])) \ * ((2.0 * wXYc) / (self.n * self.n)) return -grad def L(self, w, index): """Lipschitz constant of the gradient with given index. From the interface "MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient". """ index = int(index) grad =[index].T,[1 - index], w[1 - index])) \ * (1.0 / self.n) return 2.0 * maths.norm(grad) ** 2 class GeneralisedMultiblock(mb_properties.MultiblockFunction, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient, # mb_properties.MultiblockProximalOperator, mb_properties.MultiblockProjectionOperator, properties.StepSize, # LipschitzContinuousGradient, # NesterovFunction, Continuation, DualFunction ): def __init__(self, X, functions): self.X = X self.functions = functions self.reset() def reset(self): for i in range(len(self.functions)): for j in range(len(self.functions[i])): if i == j: for k in range(len(self.functions[i][j])): self.functions[i][j][k].reset() else: if not self.functions[i][j] is None: self.functions[i][j].reset() def f(self, w): """Function value. """ val = 0.0 for i in range(len(self.functions)): fi = self.functions[i] for j in range(len(fi)): fij = fi[j] if i == j and isinstance(fij, (list, tuple)): for k in range(len(fij)): # print "Diag: ", i val += fij[k].f(w[i]) else: # print "f(w[%d], w[%d])" % (i, j) if fij is not None: val += fij.f([w[i], w[j]]) # TODO: Check instead if it is a numpy array. if not isinstance(val, numbers.Number): return val[0, 0] else: return val def grad(self, w, index): """Gradient of the differentiable part of the function. From the interface "MultiblockGradient". """ grad = 0.0 fi = self.functions[index] for j in range(len(fi)): fij = fi[j] if index != j: if isinstance(fij, properties.Gradient): grad += fij.grad(w[index]) elif isinstance(fij, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): grad += fij.grad([w[index], w[j]], 0) for i in range(len(self.functions)): fij = self.functions[i][index] if i != index: if isinstance(fij, properties.Gradient): # We shouldn't do anything here, right? This means e.g. # that this (block i) is the y of a logistic regression. pass # grad += fij.grad(w) elif isinstance(fij, mb_properties.MultiblockGradient): grad += fij.grad([w[i], w[index]], 1) fii = self.functions[index][index] for k in range(len(fii)): if isinstance(fii[k], properties.Gradient): grad += fii[k].grad(w[index]) return grad # def prox(self, w, index, factor=1.0): # """The proximal operator corresponding to the function with the index. # # From the interface "MultiblockProximalOperator". # """ ## # Find a proximal operator. ## fii = self.functions[index][index] ## for k in xrange(len(fii)): ## if isinstance(fii[k], ProximalOperator): ## w[index] = fii[k].prox(w[index], factor) ## break ## # If no proximal operator was found, we will just return the same ## # vectors again. The proximal operator of the zero function returns ## # the vector itself. # # return w def proj(self, w, index): """The projection operator corresponding to the function with the index. From the interface "MultiblockProjectionOperator". """ # Find a projection operators. # fii = self.functions[index][index] f = self.get_constraints(index) for k in range(len(f)): if isinstance(f[k], properties.ProjectionOperator): w[index] = f[k].proj(w[index]) break # If no projection operator was found, we will just return the same # vectors again. return w def step(self, w, index): # return 0.0001 all_lipschitz = True # Add the Lipschitz constants. L = 0.0 fi = self.functions[index] for j in range(len(fi)): if j != index and fi[j] is not None: fij = fi[j] if isinstance(fij, properties.LipschitzContinuousGradient): L += fij.L() elif isinstance(fij, mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): L += fij.L(w, index) else: all_lipschitz = False break if all_lipschitz: fii = self.functions[index][index] for k in range(len(fii)): if fi[j] is None: continue if isinstance(fii[k], properties.LipschitzContinuousGradient): L += fii[k].L() elif isinstance(fii[k], mb_properties.MultiblockLipschitzContinuousGradient): L += fii[k].L(w, index) else: all_lipschitz = False break if all_lipschitz and L > 0.0: t = 1.0 / L else: # If all functions did not have Lipschitz continuous gradients, # try to find the step size through backtracking line search. class F(properties.Function, properties.Gradient): def __init__(self, func, w, index): self.func = func self.w = w self.index = index def f(self, x): # Temporarily replace the index:th variable with x. w_old = self.w[self.index] self.w[self.index] = x f = self.func.f(w) self.w[self.index] = w_old return f def grad(self, x): # Temporarily replace the index:th variable with x. w_old = self.w[self.index] self.w[self.index] = x g = self.func.grad(w, index) self.w[self.index] = w_old return g func = F(self, w, index) p = -self.grad(w, index) from algorithms import BacktrackingLineSearch import parsimony.functions.penalties as penalties line_search = BacktrackingLineSearch( condition=penalties.SufficientDescentCondition, max_iter=30) a = np.sqrt(1.0 / self.X[index].shape[1]) # Arbitrarily "small". t = line_search(func, w[index], p, rho=0.5, a=a, c=1e-4) return t
"""Message types.""" from functools import lru_cache from typing import Union, Optional, Type from typing_extensions import get_args from . import message_definitions as defs from ..constants import MessageId MessageDefinition = Union[ defs.HeartbeatRequest, defs.HeartbeatResponse, defs.DeviceInfoRequest, defs.DeviceInfoResponse, defs.StopRequest, defs.GetStatusRequest, defs.GetStatusResponse, defs.EnableMotorRequest, defs.DisableMotorRequest, defs.MoveRequest, defs.SetupRequest, defs.WriteToEEPromRequest, defs.ReadFromEEPromRequest, defs.ReadFromEEPromResponse, defs.AddLinearMoveRequest, defs.GetMoveGroupRequest, defs.GetMoveGroupResponse, defs.ExecuteMoveGroupRequest, defs.ClearAllMoveGroupsRequest, defs.MoveCompleted, defs.SetMotionConstraints, defs.GetMotionConstraintsRequest, defs.GetMotionConstraintsResponse, defs.WriteMotorDriverRegister, defs.ReadMotorDriverRequest, defs.ReadMotorDriverResponse, defs.ReadPresenceSensingVoltageRequest, defs.ReadPresenceSensingVoltageResponse, ] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_definition(message_id: MessageId) -> Optional[Type[MessageDefinition]]: """Get the message type for a message id. Args: message_id: A message id Returns: The message definition for a type """ # Dumb linear search, but the result is memoized. for i in get_args(MessageDefinition): if i.message_id == message_id: # get args returns Tuple[Any...] return i # type: ignore[no-any-return] return None
<reponame>jsdelivrbot/canister<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/hello/world # ab -n 2 -c 2 import sys sys.path.insert(0, '..') import canister import time import bottle from canister import session app = bottle.Bottle() app.install(canister.Canister()) @app.get('/') def index(): return ''' <pre> Session sid: %s Session user: %s </pre> <form target="/login"> <a href="/login?username">My private area</a> (username: alice, password: <PASSWORD>)</a> ''' % (session.sid, session.user) @app.get('/login') def login(username, password): session.user = username return 'Welcome %s! <a href="/">Go back</a> <a href="/logout">Log out</a>' % session.user @app.get('/logout') def logout(): session.user = None return 'Bye! <a href="/">Go back</a>''')
<reponame>NunoXu/UnbabelChallenge2016<filename>Feature/ from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class Feature(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def evaluate(self, sentence): pass
from math import sin, cos, tanh, pi, sqrt def u(x): return cos(x[1])*sin(x[0]) def v(x): return -cos(x[0])*sin(x[1]) def h(x): return sin(x[0])*sin(x[1]) def forcing_u(x): return cos(x[0])*cos(x[1])**2*sin(x[0]) + cos(x[0])*sin(x[0])*sin(x[1])**2 + 1.20*cos(x[1])*sin(x[0]) + 9.80*cos(x[0])*sin(x[1]) + 0.00250*sqrt(cos(x[1])**2*sin(x[0])**2 + cos(x[0])**2*sin(x[1])**2)*cos(x[1])*sin(x[0])/(sin(x[0])*sin(x[1]) + 20.0) def forcing_v(x): return cos(x[0])**2*cos(x[1])*sin(x[1]) + cos(x[1])*sin(x[0])**2*sin(x[1]) + 9.80*cos(x[1])*sin(x[0]) - 1.20*cos(x[0])*sin(x[1]) - 0.00250*sqrt(cos(x[1])**2*sin(x[0])**2 + cos(x[0])**2*sin(x[1])**2)*cos(x[0])*sin(x[1])/(sin(x[0])*sin(x[1]) + 20.0) def velocity(x): return [u(x), v(x)] def forcing_velocity(x): return [forcing_u(x), forcing_v(x)]
<reponame>jcgwt/foobar import unittest import importlib colourings = importlib.import_module('non-equivalent-colourings') class TestCases(unittest.TestCase): def test_solution(self): self.assertEqual(colourings.solution(1,1,1), 1) self.assertEqual(colourings.solution(10,10,1), 1) self.assertEqual(colourings.solution(1,1,1000), 1000) self.assertEqual(colourings.solution(7,3,1000), 33068783763227519014651588965450182424626554362604265581000) self.assertEqual(colourings.solution(10,10,1000), 75940584281266233059295963476813407690465303634028067643120115987638768360299350432189628371332144284588102338919580926586742819469270026586348030871938085197343689280790904580324483625413736702601041419903161751121037817588203800360996035121655697677217564930154927270848934180754000000) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" Provide implementation of transaction. """ import os from eosiopy.eosioparams import EosioParams from eosiopy.nodenetwork import NodeNetwork from eosiopy.rawinputparams import RawinputParams from eosiopy import eosio_config MASTER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY = os.environ.get('MASTER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY') NODEOS_HOST = os.environ.get('NODEOS_HOST') NODEOS_PORT = os.environ.get('NODEOS_PORT') eosio_config.url = f'https://{NODEOS_HOST}' eosio_config.port = int(NODEOS_PORT) class Transaction: """ Transaction implementation. """ def send(self, account_from_name, account_to_name, amount, symbol) -> str: """ Send transaction. """ raw_input_params = RawinputParams('transfer', { 'from': account_from_name, 'memo': 'Remme Protocol transaction.', 'quantity': f'{amount}.0000 {symbol}', 'to': account_to_name, }, 'eosio.token', f'{account_from_name}@active') eosio_params = EosioParams(raw_input_params.params_actions_list, MASTER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY) transaction = NodeNetwork.push_transaction(eosio_params.trx_json) return transaction.get('transaction_id')
<reponame>kbouk/seiscomp3 #!/usr/bin/env seiscomp-python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) by gempa GmbH # # Author: <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # # # You can redistribute and/or modify this program under the # # terms of the SeisComP Public License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # SeisComP Public License for more details. # ############################################################################ import seiscomp3.bindings2cfg import sys sys.exit(seiscomp3.bindings2cfg.main())
# # --------------------------------------------------- # Runtime Complexity: O(n) # Space Complexity: O(1) class Solution: def climbStairs(self, n: int) -> int: if n <= 2: return n prev_prev = 1 prev = 2 cur = 0 for i in range(3, n + 1): cur = prev_prev + prev prev_prev, prev = prev, cur return cur # --------------------------------------------------- # Test Cases # --------------------------------------------------- solution = Solution() # 0 print(solution.climbStairs(0)) # 1 print(solution.climbStairs(1)) # 2 print(solution.climbStairs(2)) # 3 print(solution.climbStairs(3)) # 5 print(solution.climbStairs(4)) # 8 print(solution.climbStairs(5)) # 13 print(solution.climbStairs(6))
import unittest import rotate_word class TestRotateWord(unittest.TestCase): def test_rotateWord(self): self.assertEqual(rotate_word.rotate('abc', 1), 'bcd') self.assertEqual(rotate_word.rotate('abcz', 2), 'cdeb') self.assertEqual(rotate_word.rotate('abc', 27), 'bcd') self.assertEqual(rotate_word.rotate('abc', -1), 'zab') self.assertEqual(rotate_word.rotate('ABC', 1), 'bcd')
<reponame>seykuyinu/privatise-spotify-playlists import sys import spotipy import spotipy.util as util def filter_public(playlist_items): ''' Returns all public playlsits present in the given playlist array ''' public_playlists = list(filter(lambda playlist: playlist['public'] == True, playlist_items)) return public_playlists def pretty_print_playlists(playlists): list(map(lambda playlist: print(playlist['name']), playlists)) def make_playlists_private(sp: spotipy.Spotify, username, playlists): list(map(lambda playlist: sp.user_playlist_change_details(username, playlist['id'], public=False), playlists)) def main(): scope = 'user-library-read playlist-modify-public' if len(sys.argv) > 1: username = sys.argv[1] else: print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} username") sys.exit() token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope) if token: sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) offset = 0 limit = 50 count = 0 while True: playlists = sp.current_user_playlists(offset=offset, limit=limit) public_playlists = filter_public(playlists['items']) if len(public_playlists) > 0: print("Privatising the following public playlists.. \n") pretty_print_playlists(public_playlists) make_playlists_private(sp, username, public_playlists) count += len(public_playlists) next_page = playlists['next'] if next_page: offset += limit else: if count == 0: print("No public playlists were found.") else: print(f"{count} public playlists have been made private.") break else: print ("Can't get token for", username) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import csv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from math import ceil from constants import ENV_NAMES import seaborn # sets some style parameters automatically COLORS = [(57, 106, 177), (218, 124, 48)] def switch_to_outer_plot(fig): ax0 = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.set_yticks([]) return ax0 def ema(data_in, smoothing=0): data_out = np.zeros_like(data_in) curr = np.nan for i in range(len(data_in)): x = data_in[i] if np.isnan(curr): curr = x else: curr = (1 - smoothing) * x + smoothing * curr data_out[i] = curr return data_out def plot_data_mean_std(ax, data_y, color_idx=0, data_x=None, x_scale=1, smoothing=0, first_valid=0, label=None): color = COLORS[color_idx] hexcolor = '#%02x%02x%02x' % color data_y = data_y[:,first_valid:] nx, num_datapoint = np.shape(data_y) if smoothing > 0: for i in range(nx): data_y[i,...] = ema(data_y[i,...], smoothing) if data_x is None: data_x = (np.array(range(num_datapoint)) + first_valid) * x_scale data_mean = np.mean(data_y, axis=0) data_std = np.std(data_y, axis=0, ddof=1) ax.plot(data_x, data_mean, color=hexcolor, label=label, linestyle='solid', alpha=1, rasterized=True) ax.fill_between(data_x, data_mean - data_std, data_mean + data_std, color=hexcolor, alpha=.25, linewidth=0.0, rasterized=True) def read_csv(filename, key_name): with open(filename) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',') key_index = -1 values = [] for line_num, row in enumerate(csv_reader): row = [x.lower() for x in row] if line_num == 0: idxs = [i for i, val in enumerate(row) if val == key_name] key_index = idxs[0] else: values.append(row[key_index]) return np.array(values, dtype=np.float32) def plot_values(ax, all_values, title=None, max_x=0, label=None, **kwargs): if max_x > 0: all_values = all_values[...,:max_x] if ax is not None: plot_data_mean_std(ax, all_values, label=label, **kwargs) ax.set_title(title) return all_values def plot_experiment(run_directory_prefix, titles=None, suffixes=[''], normalization_ranges=None, key_name='eprewmean', **kwargs): run_folders = [f'{run_directory_prefix}{x}' for x in range(3)] num_envs = len(ENV_NAMES) will_normalize_and_reduce = normalization_ranges is not None if will_normalize_and_reduce: num_visible_plots = 1 f, axarr = plt.subplots() else: num_visible_plots = num_envs dimx = dimy = ceil(np.sqrt(num_visible_plots)) f, axarr = plt.subplots(dimx, dimy, sharex=True) for suffix_idx, suffix in enumerate(suffixes): all_values = [] game_weights = [1] * num_envs for env_idx in range(num_envs): env_name = ENV_NAMES[env_idx] label = suffix if env_idx == 0 else None # only label the first graph to avoid legend duplicates print(f'loading results from {env_name}...') if num_visible_plots == 1: ax = axarr else: dimy = len(axarr[0]) ax = axarr[env_idx // dimy][env_idx % dimy] csv_files = [f"results/{resid}/progress-{env_name}{'-' if len(suffix) > 0 else ''}{suffix}.csv" for resid in run_folders] curr_ax = None if will_normalize_and_reduce else ax raw_data = np.array([read_csv(file, key_name) for file in csv_files]) values = plot_values(curr_ax, raw_data, title=env_name, color_idx=suffix_idx, label=label, **kwargs) if will_normalize_and_reduce: game_range = normalization_ranges[env_name] game_min = game_range[0] game_max = game_range[1] game_delta = game_max - game_min sub_values = game_weights[env_idx] * (np.array(values) - game_min) / (game_delta) all_values.append(sub_values) if will_normalize_and_reduce: normalized_data = np.sum(all_values, axis=0) normalized_data = normalized_data / np.sum(game_weights) title = 'Mean Normalized Score' plot_values(ax, normalized_data, title=None, color_idx=suffix_idx, label=suffix, **kwargs) if len(suffixes) > 1: if num_visible_plots == 1: ax.legend(loc='lower right') else: f.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(.5, 0, .5, 1)) return f, axarr
# 比较两个版本号 version1 和 version2。 # 如果 version1 > version2 返回 1,如果 version1 < version2 返回 -1, 除此之外返回 0。 # 你可以假设版本字符串非空,并且只包含数字和 . 字符。 #  . 字符不代表小数点,而是用于分隔数字序列。 # 例如,2.5 不是“两个半”,也不是“差一半到三”,而是第二版中的第五个小版本。 # 你可以假设版本号的每一级的默认修订版号为 0。 # 例如,版本号 3.4 的第一级(大版本)和第二级(小版本)修订号分别为 3 和 4。其第三级和第四级修订号均为 0。 #   # 示例 1: # 输入: version1 = "0.1", version2 = "1.1" # 输出: -1 # 示例 2: # 输入: version1 = "1.0.1", version2 = "1" # 输出: 1 # 示例 3: # 输入: version1 = "", version2 = "7.5.3" # 输出: -1 # 示例 4: # 输入:version1 = "1.01", version2 = "1.001" # 输出:0 # 解释:忽略前导零,“01” 和 “001” 表示相同的数字 “1”。 # 示例 5: # 输入:version1 = "1.0", version2 = "1.0.0" # 输出:0 # 解释:version1 没有第三级修订号,这意味着它的第三级修订号默认为 “0”。 class Solution: def compareVersion(self, version1: str, version2: str) -> int: version1 = version1.split(".") version2 = version2.split(".") l1 = len(version1) l2 = len(version2) # 补充 0 使两列表长度相等 if l1 > l2: version2.extend(['0' for _ in range(l1 - l2)]) elif l2 > l1: version1.extend(['0' for _ in range(l2 - l1)]) # 按规则比较 for i1, i2 in zip(version1, version2): if int(i1) > int(i2): return 1 elif int(i1) < int(i2): return -1 return 0
import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import re import glob from colors import prGreen,prCyan,prRed TRACES_DIR = './.fpchecker/traces' TRACES_FILES = TRACES_DIR+'/'+'trace' STRACE = 'strace' SUPPORTED_COMPILERS = set([ 'nvcc', 'c++', 'cc', 'gcc', 'g++', 'xlc', 'xlC', 'xlc++', 'xlc_r', 'xlc++_r', 'mpic', 'mpic++', 'mpicxx', 'mpicc', 'mpixlc', 'mpixlC', 'mpixlf', 'mpif77', 'mpif90', 'clang', 'clang++', 'gfortran', 'xlf', 'xlf-gpu', 'xlf2003', 'xlf2003-gpu', 'xlf2003_r', 'xlf2003_r-gpu', 'xlf2008', 'xlf2008-gpu', 'xlf2008_r', 'xlf2008_r-gpu', 'xlf90', 'xlf90-gpu', 'xlf90_r', 'xlf90_r-gpu', 'xlf95', 'xlf95-gpu', 'xlf95_r', 'xlf95_r-gpu', 'xlf_r', 'xlf_r-gpu' ]) SUPPORTED_TOOLS = set([ 'ar', 'ranlib', 'bin2c' ]) # Examples of top commands # [pid 83362] execve("/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/bin/nvcc", # [pid 63885] execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cd /usr/workspace/wsa/laguna/fpchecker/FPChecker/tests/tracing_tool/dynamic/test_cmake_simple/build/src/util && /usr/tcetmp/bin/c++ -o CMakeFiles/util.dir/util.cpp.o -c /usr/workspace/wsa/laguna/fpchecker/FPChecker/tests/tracing_tool/dynamic/test_cmake_simple/src/util/util.cpp"] # Saves Compilation commands class CommandsTracing: #open("/usr/tcetmp/packages/spack/opt/spack/linux-redhat7-ppc64le/gcc-4.8.5/gcc-4.9.3-3clrxj5wz2i54h #[pid 8690] execve("/usr/tcetmp/bin/c++", ["/usr/tcetmp/bin/c++", "CMakeFiles/main.dir/src/main.cpp.o", "-o", "main"] pidPattern = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] ") # clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x200000044f60) = 55734 # vfork() = 55729 childSpawn_clone = re.compile("^clone\(.+=\s+[0-9]+") childSpawn_fork = re.compile("^vfork\(\).+=\s+[0-9]+") # Chdir call # chdir("/usr/workspace/wsa/laguna/fpchecker/clang_tool/wrapper/apps/RAJA_perf/RAJAPerf/build_ilaguna_build/tpl/RAJA") = 0 chdirPattern = re.compile("^chdir\(.+\s+=\s+[0-9]+") # Fork from root: # vfork(strace: Process 22625 attached # Other forks: # [pid 95927] stat("/usr/gapps/resmpi/llvm/ppc64le/llvm-openmp-trunk-install/lib/tls/power9/altivec", strace: Process 95932 attached # [pid 22631] vfork(strace: Process 22634 attached # [pid 78391] clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x200000044f60) = 78392 # [pid 86430] clone(strace: Process 86431 attached #attachPattern1 = re.compile("vfork\(strace\:\s+Process\s+[0-9]+\s+attached") #attachPattern_clone = re.compile("clone\(.+=\s+[0-9]+") #attachPattern_attach = re.compile("Process\s+[0-9]+\s+attached") # Process creation patterns: # We trace vfork() and clone() #[pid 69813] clone(child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x200000044f60) = 69814 # [pid 129570] <... clone resumed>child_stack=NULL, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x200000044f60) = 129601 #[pid 69807] <... vfork resumed>) = 69808 childCreationPattern_clone_1 = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] clone\(.+=\s+[0-9]+") childCreationPattern_clone_2 = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] \<\.\.\. clone resumed\>.+=\s+[0-9]+") childCreationPattern_fork = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] .+vfork.+=\s+[0-9]+") readPattern = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] read\(") writePattern = re.compile("^\[pid\s+[0-9]+\] write\(") def __init__(self, make_command): self.traced_commands = [] self.make_command = make_command self.childTree = {} self.parentTree = {} self.tracedPIDs = set([]) def getTracesDir(self): return TRACES_DIR def isChildSpawn(self, line): child_fork = child_clone = pid = None if child_fork != None or child_clone != None: pid = line.split()[-1:][0] return pid def isMakeCommand(self, line): ret = False if "execve(\"" in line: # execve("/usr/tcetmp/bin/make", ["make", "-j"], 0x7fffffffb780 /* 128 vars */) = 0 cmd = line.split(', [')[1].split('], ')[0] cmd = cmd.replace('"','') cmd = cmd.replace(',','') cmd = cmd.split() #print(cmd, self.make_command) if cmd == self.make_command: return True return ret def getRootFile(self): # Find root file files = glob.glob(TRACES_DIR+'/trace.*') root_file = '' for f in files: #print('Checking', f) with open(f) as fd: first_line = fd.readline() if self.isMakeCommand(first_line): root_file = f break #print('Root file', root_file) if root_file == '': prRed('Error: root file not found') exit(-1) return root_file # Check if it is a chdir() system call # chdir("/usr/workspace/wsa/laguna/fpchecker/clang_tool/wrapper/apps/RAJA_perf/RAJAPerf/build_ilaguna_build/tpl/RAJA") = 0 def isChangeDir(self, line): chdir_found = newDir = None if chdir_found != None: if line.split()[2] == '0': # check it ends with 0 newDir = line return newDir # Old implementation of recursive search # It has a bug on the cwd (it's kept for any recent process) # We want to unset the cwd once the process examination exits # # def recursiveTreeTraversal(self, fileName): # with open(fileName) as fd: # for line in fd: # # Save current dir # cwd = self.isChangeDir(line) # if cwd != None: # print('Found chdir: ', cwd, 'file:', fileName) # self.currentWorkingDir = cwd # # # Check if it's a top command, and it if so # topCmd = self.isTopCommand(line) # if topCmd != None: # # Add CWD and command # print('Adding:') # print('self.currentWorkingDir: ', self.currentWorkingDir) # print('line:', line) # self.traced_commands.append((self.currentWorkingDir, line)) # return # # # Check if child is created # childPID = self.isChildSpawn(line) # if childPID != None: # childFileName = TRACES_DIR + '/trace.' + childPID # self.recursiveTreeTraversal(childFileName) def recursiveTreeTraversal(self, fileName, chdirCmd): lastSeenCHDIR = chdirCmd with open(fileName) as fd: for line in fd: # Save current dir cwd = self.isChangeDir(line) if cwd != None: lastSeenCHDIR = cwd # Check if it's a top command, and it if so topCmd = self.isTopCommand(line) if topCmd != None: # Add CWD and command self.traced_commands.append((lastSeenCHDIR, line)) return # Check if child is created childPID = self.isChildSpawn(line) if childPID != None: childFileName = TRACES_DIR + '/trace.' + childPID self.recursiveTreeTraversal(childFileName, lastSeenCHDIR) def analyzeTraces(self): #prveTreeTraversal(root_file) prGreen('Searching root PID...') root_file = self.getRootFile() print('root:', root_file) prGreen('Analyzing traces...') self.recursiveTreeTraversal(root_file, '') def getProcessID(self, line): p = self.pidPattern.match(line) #print('match', p) if p != None: pid = line.split()[1].split(']')[0] else: pid = 'root' return pid def buildChildTree(self, line): pid = self.getProcessID(line) child = None child_clone_1 = child_clone_2 = child_fork = read_pattern = write_pattern = if child_clone_1 != None and read_pattern == None and write_pattern == None: child = line.split()[-1:][0] elif child_clone_2 != None and read_pattern == None and write_pattern == None: child = line.split()[-1:][0] elif child_fork != None and read_pattern == None and write_pattern == None: child = line.split()[-1:][0] if child != None: # found child creation if pid not in self.childTree: self.childTree[pid] = [child] else: self.childTree[pid].append(child) self.parentTree[child] = pid if pid in self.tracedPIDs: self.tracedPIDs.add(child) def isASupportedCompiler(self, line): for compiler in SUPPORTED_COMPILERS: if line.endswith('/'+compiler): #or line == compiler: return True for tool in SUPPORTED_TOOLS: if line.endswith('/'+tool): return True return False # If it's a top command we do not trace their child commands def isTopCommand(self, line): baseExecutable = None if "execve(\"" in line: strCmd = line.split('execve(')[1].split(',')[0] # Shell command if strCmd.endswith('/sh"'): cmd = line.split('["')[1].split(']')[0] cmd = cmd.replace(', ','') cmd = cmd.replace('"', '') tokens = cmd.split() for t in tokens: if self.isASupportedCompiler(t): baseExecutable = ' '.join(tokens) strCmd = strCmd.replace('"', '') if self.isASupportedCompiler(strCmd): baseExecutable = strCmd return baseExecutable # [pid 78395] write(1, "[ 33%] Linking CXX static library libutil.a\n", 44[ 33%] Linking CXX static library libutil.a def printStdOut(self, line): if 'write(1' in line: if 'Building' in line or 'Linking' in line: l = line.split(', ')[1].replace('"','') prGreen(l) def saveCompilingCommands(self, l): #l = line.decode('utf-8') pid = self.getProcessID(l) cmd = self.isTopCommand(l) if cmd != None: if pid not in self.tracedPIDs: self.tracedPIDs.add(pid) self.traced_commands.append(l) #print('-->', cmd) self.buildChildTree(l) self.printStdOut(l) # Check if the command invokes chaning directories # If not, we change to the CWD def commandIvokesChangeDir(self, line): tokens = line.split() if 'cd' in tokens: idx = tokens.index('cd') path = tokens[idx+1] if os.path.exists(path): return True return False def formatCommandForExecution(self, cwd, line): if line.startswith('execve('): line = line.split(', [')[1:] line = ' '.join(line).split(']')[0] line = line.replace(', ',' ') line = line.replace('"', '') line = line.replace('\\', '') # Split commands if needed allCommands = re.split('\&\&|\;', line) newCommand = [] for cmd in allCommands: if '/sh -c' in cmd: cmd = ' '.join(cmd.split()[2:]) # remove /bin/sh -c if '-E ' in cmd: # Remove commands that only run the preprocessor with -E continue if not self.commandIvokesChangeDir(line): cmd = 'cd ' + cwd + ' && ' + cmd newCommand.append(cmd) line = ' && '.join(newCommand) return line def writeToFile(self): fileNameRaw = TRACES_DIR + '/raw_traces.txt' prGreen('Saving raw traces in '+fileNameRaw) fd = open(fileNameRaw, 'w') for line in self.traced_commands: fd.write(str(line)+'\n') fd.close() fileNameExec = TRACES_DIR + '/executable_traces.txt' prGreen('Saving executable traces in '+fileNameExec) fd = open(fileNameExec, 'w') for l in self.traced_commands: #line = l[1] cwd, line = l #if l[0] != '': # cwd = l[0].split('"')[1] #else: # cwd = '.' if cwd != '': cwd = cwd.split('"')[1] else: cwd = '.' line = self.formatCommandForExecution(cwd, line) fd.write(line+'\n') fd.close() def replayTraces(self, fileName): fd = open(fileName, 'r') for line in fd: self.saveCompilingCommands(line) fd.close() def createTracesDir(self): if os.path.exists(TRACES_DIR): shutil.rmtree(TRACES_DIR) os.makedirs(TRACES_DIR) def startTracing(self): self.createTracesDir() trace_command = [STRACE, '-o', TRACES_FILES, '-ff', '-s', '9999'] + self.make_command process = subprocess.Popen(trace_command, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Poll process for new output until finished c = 0 while True: nextline = process.stdout.readline() #nextline = process.stderr.readline() if process.poll() is not None or nextline.decode('utf-8') == '': break l = nextline.decode('utf-8')[:-1] print(l) #self.saveCompilingCommands(l) #fd.write(l) (stdout_data, stderr_data) = process.communicate() exitCode = process.returncode if (exitCode == 0): return (stdout_data, stderr_data) else: sys.exit('Error in input: ' + str(self.make_command)) if __name__ == '__main__': #l = 'execve("/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/bin/nvcc", ["/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/bin/nvcc", "-ccbin=clang++", "-restrict", "-gencode=arch=compute_70,code=sm_70", "-O3", "--expt-extended-lambda", "-Xcompiler=-fPIC", "-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets", "-shared", "-dlink", "CMakeFiles/kripke.exe.dir/src/kripke.cpp.o", "-o", "CMakeFiles/kripke.exe.dir/cmake_device_link.o", "-L/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/nvidia/targets/ppc64le-linux/lib/stubs", "-L/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/nvidia/targets/ppc64le-linux/lib", "lib/libchai.a", "lib/libRAJA.a", "/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-9.2.148/lib64/libcudart_static.a", "-lpthread", "-ldl", "lib/libkripke.a", "lib/libumpire.a", "-lcudadevrt", "-lcudart_static", "-lrt"], 0x7fffffffb8b8 /* 129 vars */) = 0\n' #strace = CommandsTracing(['make', '-j']) #ret = strace.isTopCommand(l) #print(l) #print('ret:', ret) #exit() #strace.analyzeTraces() #strace.traced_commands.append(('', l)) #strace.writeToFile() #exit() cmd = sys.argv[1:] strace = CommandsTracing(cmd) #strace.startTracing() strace.analyzeTraces() strace.writeToFile()
<gh_stars>1-10 from skoolkit.image import (ImageWriter, TRANSPARENT, BLACK, BLUE, RED, GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW, WHITE, PNG_ENABLE_ANIMATION) PURPLE = 'PURPLE' ORANGE = 'ORANGE' BROWN = 'BROWN' LIGHT_RED = 'LIGHT_RED' DARK_GREY = 'DARK_GREY' GREY = 'GREY' LIGHT_GREEN = 'LIGHT_GREEN' LIGHT_BLUE = 'LIGHT_BLUE' LIGHT_GREY = 'LIGHT_GREY' class C64ImageWriter(ImageWriter): def __init__(self, config=None, palette=None): config[PNG_ENABLE_ANIMATION] = 0 super().__init__(config, palette) def get_default_colours(self): return ( (TRANSPARENT, (0, 255, 0)), (BLACK, (0, 0, 0)), (WHITE, (255, 255, 255)), (RED, (136, 0, 0)), (CYAN, (170, 255, 238)), (PURPLE, (204, 68, 204)), (GREEN, (0, 204, 85)), (BLUE, (0, 0, 170)), (YELLOW, (238, 238, 119)), (ORANGE, (221, 136, 85)), (BROWN, (102, 68, 0)), (LIGHT_RED, (255, 119, 119)), (DARK_GREY, (51, 51, 51)), (GREY, (119, 119, 119)), (LIGHT_GREEN, (170, 255, 102)), (LIGHT_BLUE, (0, 136, 255)), (LIGHT_GREY, (187, 187, 187)) ) def get_attr_map(self): return {c: (1 + (c & 0x0f), 1 + c // 16) for c in range(256)}
# generated by datamodel-codegen: # filename: enum_models.yaml # timestamp: 2019-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 from __future__ import annotations from enum import Enum from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union from pydantic import BaseModel class Kind(Enum): dog = 'dog' cat = 'cat' class Pet(BaseModel): id: int name: str tag: Optional[str] = None kind: Optional[Kind] = None type: Optional[Literal['animal']] = None class Pets(BaseModel): __root__: List[Pet] class Kind1(Enum): snake = 'snake' rabbit = 'rabbit' class Animal(BaseModel): kind: Optional[Kind1] = None class Error(BaseModel): code: int message: str class Type(Enum): a = 'a' b = 'b' class EnumObject(BaseModel): type: Optional[Type] = None class EnumRoot(Enum): a = 'a' b = 'b' class IntEnum(Enum): number_1 = 1 number_2 = 2 class AliasEnum(Enum): a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 class MultipleTypeEnum(Enum): red = 'red' amber = 'amber' green = 'green' NoneType_None = None int_42 = 42 class SingleEnum(Enum): pet = 'pet' class ArrayEnum(BaseModel): __root__: List[Union[Literal['cat'], Literal['dog']]]
import discord from discord.ext import commands from mysqldb import the_database class ModerationFirewallTable(commands.Cog): """ Category for the Firewall system and its commands and methods. """ def __init__(self, client) -> None: self.client = client @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def create_table_firewall(self, ctx) -> None: """ (ADM) Creates the Firewall table. """ if await self.check_table_firewall_exists(): return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ already exists!**") await ctx.message.delete() mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE Firewall ( state TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)""") await mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO Firewall VALUES(0)") await db.commit() await mycursor.close() return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ created!**", delete_after=3) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def drop_table_firewall(self, ctx) -> None: """ (ADM) Creates the Firewall table """ if not await self.check_table_firewall_exists(): return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ doesn't exist!**") await ctx.message.delete() mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("DROP TABLE Firewall") await db.commit() await mycursor.close() return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ dropped!**", delete_after=3) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def reset_table_firewall(self, ctx): """ (ADM) Resets the Firewall table. """ if not await self.check_table_firewall_exists(): return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ doesn't exist yet**") await ctx.message.delete() mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("DELETE FROM Firewall") await mycursor.execute("INSERT INTO Firewall VALUES(0)") await db.commit() await mycursor.close() return await ctx.send("**Table __Firewall__ reset!**", delete_after=3) async def check_table_firewall_exists(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the MutedMember table exists """ mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'Firewall'") table_info = await mycursor.fetchall() await mycursor.close() if len(table_info) == 0: return False else: return True async def set_firewall_state(self, state: int) -> None: """ Sets the firewall state to either true or false. :param state: The state of the firewall to set. """ mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("UPDATE Firewall SET state = %s", (state,)) await db.commit() await mycursor.close() async def get_firewall_state(self) -> int: """ Gets the firewall's current state. """ mycursor, db = await the_database() await mycursor.execute("SELECT state FROM Firewall") fw_state = await mycursor.fetchone() await mycursor.close() return fw_state[0]
<reponame>route4me/route4me-python-sdk # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from .api_endpoints import ADDRESSBOOK from .base import Base from .exceptions import ParamValueException class AddressBook(Base): """ Address Book Management """ REQUIRED_FIELDS = ('address_1', 'cached_lat', 'cached_lng',) def __init__(self, api, addresses=[]): """ AddressBook Instance :param api: :return: """ self.json_data = {} Base.__init__(self, api) def create_contact(self, **kwargs): """ Create a contact in AddressBook using POST request :return: API response :raise: ParamValueException if required params are not present. """ self.json_data = kwargs if self.check_required_params(self.json_data, self.REQUIRED_FIELDS): self.response = self.api._request_post(ADDRESSBOOK, self.params, json=self.json_data) return self.response.json() else: raise ParamValueException('params', 'Params are not complete') def get_addressbook_contacts(self, **kwargs): """ Get contacts from AddressBook using GET request :return: API response :raise: ParamValueException if required params are not present. """ kwargs.update({'api_key': self.params['api_key'], }) if self.check_required_params(kwargs, ['api_key', ]): self.response = self.api._request_get(ADDRESSBOOK, kwargs) return self.response.json() else: raise ParamValueException('params', 'Params are not complete') def get_addressbook_contact(self, **kwargs): """ Get a contact from AddressBook using GET request :return: API response :raise: ParamValueException if required params are not present. """ kwargs.update({'api_key': self.params['api_key'], }) if self.check_required_params(kwargs, ['address_id', ]): self.response = self.api._request_get(ADDRESSBOOK, kwargs) return self.response.json() else: raise ParamValueException('params', 'Params are not complete') def update_contact(self, **kwargs): """ Update a contact from AddressBook using PUT request :return: API response :raise: ParamValueException if required params are not present. """ if self.check_required_params(kwargs, ['address_id', ]): self.response = self.api._request_put(ADDRESSBOOK, self.params, json=kwargs) return self.response.json() else: raise ParamValueException('params', 'Params are not complete') def delete_addressbook_contact(self, **kwargs): """ Delete a contact from AddressBook using DELETE request :return: API response :raise: ParamValueException if required params are not present. """ if self.check_required_params(kwargs, ['address_ids', ]): self.response = self.api._request_delete(ADDRESSBOOK, self.params, data=json.dumps(kwargs)) return self.response.json() else: raise ParamValueException('params', 'Params are not complete')
# Copyright (c) 2017, The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for complete terms. from mixbox import entities, fields, idgen from cybox import Unicode import cybox.bindings.cybox_core as core_binding from cybox.common import MeasureSource, ObjectProperties, StructuredText from cybox.core import Object, Event def validate_operator(instance, value): allowed = ObservableComposition.OPERATORS if value in allowed: return error = "Operator must be one of {allowed}. Received '{value}'." raise ValueError(error.format(**locals())) def validate_object(instance, value): if not value: return elif not isinstance(value, Object): raise TypeError('value must be an Object') elif instance.event: raise ValueError("Observable already has an Event.") elif instance.observable_composition: raise ValueError("Observable already has an ObservableComposition.") def validate_event(instance, value): if not value: return elif not isinstance(value, Event): raise TypeError("value must be an Event") elif instance.object_: raise ValueError("Observable already has an Object.") elif instance.observable_composition: raise ValueError("Observable already has an ObservableComposition.") def validate_observable_composition(instance, value): if not value: return elif not isinstance(value, ObservableComposition): raise TypeError('value must be an ObservableComposition') elif instance.object_: raise ValueError("Observable already has an Object.") elif instance.event: raise ValueError("Observable already has an Event.") class Keywords(entities.EntityList): _binding = core_binding _binding_class = core_binding.KeywordsType _namespace = '' keyword = fields.TypedField("Keyword", Unicode, multiple=True) class Observable(entities.Entity): """A single Observable. """ _binding = core_binding _binding_class = _binding.ObservableType _namespace = '' id_ = fields.IdField("id") idref = fields.IdrefField("idref") title = fields.TypedField("Title") description = fields.TypedField("Description", StructuredText) object_ = fields.TypedField("Object", Object, preset_hook=validate_object) # TODO: Add preset hook event = fields.TypedField("Event", Event, preset_hook=validate_event) observable_composition = fields.TypedField("Observable_Composition", type_="cybox.core.ObservableComposition", preset_hook=validate_observable_composition) sighting_count = fields.TypedField("sighting_count") observable_source = fields.TypedField("Observable_Source", MeasureSource, multiple=True) keywords = fields.TypedField("Keywords", Keywords) pattern_fidelity = fields.TypedField("Pattern_Fidelity", type_="cybox.core.PatternFidelity") def __init__(self, item=None, id_=None, idref=None, title=None, description=None): """Create an Observable out of 'item'. `item` can be any of: - an Object - an Event - an ObservableComposition - any subclass of ObjectProperties. In the first three cases, the appropriate property of the Observable will be set. In the last cases, an Object will be built automatically to ensure the correct hierarchy is created. """ super(Observable, self).__init__() self.id_ = id_ or idgen.create_id(prefix="Observable") self.idref = idref self.title = title self.description = description self.keywords = Keywords() if item is None: return elif isinstance(item, Object): self.object_ = item elif isinstance(item, ObservableComposition): self.observable_composition = item elif isinstance(item, Event): self.event = item elif isinstance(item, ObjectProperties): if item.parent: self.object_ = item.parent else: self.object_ = Object(item) else: msg = ("item must be an Object, Event, ObservableComposition, or " "subclass of ObjectProperties. Received an %s" % type(item)) raise TypeError(msg) def add_keyword(self, value): self.keywords.append(value) class Observables(entities.EntityList): """The root CybOX Observables object. """ _binding = core_binding _binding_class = _binding.ObservablesType _namespace = '' observable_package_source = fields.TypedField("Observable_Package_Source", MeasureSource) observables = fields.TypedField("Observable", Observable, multiple=True, key_name="observables") pools = fields.TypedField("Pools", type_="cybox.core.pool.Pools") def __init__(self, observables=None): super(Observables, self).__init__(observables) # Assume major_verion and minor_version are immutable for now self._major_version = 2 self._minor_version = 1 self._update_version = 0 def add(self, object_): from cybox.core.pool import Pools if not object_: return elif isinstance(object_, MeasureSource): self.observable_package_source = object_ return elif isinstance(object_, Pools): self.pools = object_ return elif not isinstance(object_, Observable): object_ = Observable(object_) self.observables.append(object_) def to_obj(self, ns_info=None): observables_obj = super(Observables, self).to_obj(ns_info=ns_info) observables_obj.cybox_major_version = self._major_version observables_obj.cybox_minor_version = self._minor_version observables_obj.cybox_update_version = self._update_version return observables_obj def to_dict(self): observables_dict = super(Observables, self).to_dict() observables_dict['major_version'] = self._major_version observables_dict['minor_version'] = self._minor_version observables_dict['update_version'] = self._update_version return observables_dict class ObservableComposition(entities.EntityList): """The ObservableCompositionType entity defines a logical compositions of CybOX Observables. The combinatorial behavior is derived from the operator property.""" _binding = core_binding _binding_class = _binding.ObservableCompositionType _namespace = '' OPERATOR_AND = 'AND' OPERATOR_OR = 'OR' OPERATORS = (OPERATOR_AND, OPERATOR_OR) operator = fields.TypedField("operator", preset_hook=validate_operator) observables = fields.TypedField("Observable", Observable, multiple=True, key_name="observables") def __init__(self, operator='AND', observables=None): super(ObservableComposition, self).__init__(observables) self.operator = operator def add(self, observable): if not observable: raise ValueError("'observable' must not be None") self.append(observable)
from flask import url_for from app.api.serializer import get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3 from app.config import PAGE_LIMIT from app.extensions import db from app.models import User, ApiKey, Alias, Contact, EmailLog, Mailbox def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(flask_client): user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) # user has 1 alias that's automatically created when the account is created alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user) assert len(alias_infos) == 1 alias_info = alias_infos[0] alias = Alias.query.first() assert alias_info.alias == alias assert alias_info.mailbox == user.default_mailbox assert alias_info.mailboxes == [user.default_mailbox] assert alias_info.nb_forward == 0 assert alias_info.nb_blocked == 0 assert alias_info.nb_reply == 0 assert alias_info.latest_email_log is None assert alias_info.latest_contact is None def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_query_alias_email(flask_client): """test the query on the alias email""" user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, assert len(alias_infos) == 1 alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, query="no match") assert len(alias_infos) == 0 def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_query_alias_mailbox(flask_client): """test the query on the alias mailbox email""" user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, assert len(alias_infos) == 1 def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_query_alias_mailboxes(flask_client): """test the query on the alias additional mailboxes""" user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() mb = Mailbox.create(, email="<EMAIL>") alias._mailboxes.append(mb) db.session.commit() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, assert len(alias_infos) == 1 alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, assert len(alias_infos) == 1 def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_query_alias_note(flask_client): """test the query on the alias note""" user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() alias.note = "test note" db.session.commit() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, query="test note") assert len(alias_infos) == 1 def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_query_alias_name(flask_client): """test the query on the alias name""" user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() = "Test Name" db.session.commit() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user, query="test name") assert len(alias_infos) == 1 def test_get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3_no_duplicate(flask_client): """When an alias belongs to multiple mailboxes, make sure get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3 returns no duplicates """ user = User.create( email="[email protected]", password="password", name="Test User", activated=True, commit=True, ) alias = Alias.query.first() mb = Mailbox.create(, email="<EMAIL>") alias._mailboxes.append(mb) db.session.commit() alias_infos = get_alias_infos_with_pagination_v3(user) assert len(alias_infos) == 1
<gh_stars>10-100 """ Various utility functions. """ from enum import Enum from typing import List, Tuple, TypeVar, Optional, Sequence, Any def reorder_indices(lst: Sequence[str], target: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Determine how to bring a list with unique entries to a different order. Supports only lists of strings. :param lst: input list :param target: list in the desired order :return: the indices that will reorder the input to obtain the target. :raises: ``ValueError`` for invalid inputs. """ if set([type(i) for i in lst]) != {str}: raise ValueError('Only lists of strings are supported') if len(set(lst)) < len(lst): raise ValueError('Input list elements are not unique.') if set(lst) != set(target) or len(lst) != len(target): raise ValueError('Contents of input and target do not match.') idxs = [] for elt in target: idxs.append(lst.index(elt)) return tuple(idxs) def reorder_indices_from_new_positions(lst: List[str], **pos: int) \ -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ Determine how to bring a list with unique entries to a different order. :param lst: input list (of strings) :param pos: new positions in the format ``element = new_position``. non-specified elements will be adjusted automatically. :return: the indices that will reorder the input to obtain the target. :raises: ``ValueError`` for invalid inputs. """ if set([type(i) for i in lst]) != {str}: raise ValueError('Only lists of strings are supported') if len(set(lst)) < len(lst): raise ValueError('Input list elements are not unique.') target = lst.copy() for item, newidx in pos.items(): oldidx = target.index(item) del target[oldidx] target.insert(newidx, item) return reorder_indices(lst, target) T = TypeVar('T') def unwrap_optional(val: Optional[T]) -> T: """Covert a variable of type Optional[T] to T If the variable has value None a ValueError will be raised """ if val is None: raise ValueError("Expected a not None value but got a None value.") return val class AutoEnum(Enum): """Enum that with automatically incremented integer values. Allows to pass additional arguments in the class variables to the __init__ method of the instances. See: """ def __new__(cls, *args: Any) -> "AutoEnum": """creating a new instance. :param args: will be passed to __init__. """ value = len(cls) + 1 obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value return obj class LabeledOptions(AutoEnum): """Enum with a label for each element. We can find the name from the label using :meth:`.fromLabel`. Example:: >>> class Color(LabeledOptions): ... red = 'Red' ... blue = 'Blue' Here, ```` has value ``2`` and ``Color.fromLabel('Blue')`` returns ````. """ def __init__(self, label: str) -> None: self.label = label @classmethod def fromLabel(cls, label: str) -> Optional["LabeledOptions"]: """Find enum element from label.""" for k in cls: if k.label.lower() == label.lower(): return k return None
<filename>fm/models/<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # OIDAlias model # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2007-2019 The NOC Project # See LICENSE for details # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third-party modules import six from mongoengine.document import Document from mongoengine.fields import StringField, UUIDField # NOC modules from noc.core.prettyjson import to_json @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class OIDAlias(Document): meta = { "collection": "noc.oidaliases", "strict": False, "auto_create_index": False, "json_collection": "fm.oidaliases", "json_unique_fields": ["rewrite_oid"], } rewrite_oid = StringField(unique=True) to_oid = StringField() description = StringField(required=False) uuid = UUIDField(binary=True) # Lookup cache cache = None def __str__(self): return "%s -> %s" % (self.rewrite_oid, self.to_oid) @classmethod def rewrite(cls, oid): """ Rewrite OID with alias if any """ if cls.cache is None: # Initialize cache cls.cache = dict((a.rewrite_oid, a.to_oid.split(".")) for a in cls.objects.all()) # Lookup l_oid = oid.split(".") rest = [] while l_oid: c_oid = ".".join(l_oid) try: a_oid = cls.cache[c_oid] # Found return ".".join(a_oid + rest) except KeyError: rest = [l_oid.pop()] + rest # Not found return oid def get_json_path(self): return "%s.json" % self.rewrite_oid def to_json(self): r = { "rewrite_oid": self.rewrite_oid, "to_oid": self.to_oid, "uuid": self.uuid, "$collection": self._meta["json_collection"], } if self.description: r["description"] = self.description return to_json(r, order=["$collection", "rewrite_oid", "to_oid", "uuid"])
import unittest from lib import Monitor from cloudasr.test_doubles import PollerSpy from cloudasr.messages.helpers import * class TestMonitor(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.poller = PollerSpy() self.scale_workers = ScaleWorkersSpy() self.create_poller = lambda: self.poller self.monitor = Monitor(self.create_poller, self.emit, self.scale_workers, self.poller.has_next_message) self.emmited_messages = [] def test_monitor_forwards_messages_to_socketio(self): messages = [ createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "STARTED", 1).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 2).SerializeToString(), ] self.run_monitor(messages) expected_messages = [ {"address": "tcp://", "model": "en-GB", "status": "STARTED", "time": 1}, {"address": "tcp://", "model": "en-GB", "status": "WORKING", "time": 2}, ] self.assertThatMonitorForwardedMessages(expected_messages) def test_monitor_saves_worker_statuses(self): messages = [ createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "STARTED", 1).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 2).SerializeToString(), ] self.run_monitor(messages) expected_messages = [ {"address": "tcp://", "model": "en-GB", "status": "STARTED", "time": 1}, {"address": "tcp://", "model": "en-GB", "status": "WORKING", "time": 2}, ] self.assertEqual(expected_messages, self.monitor.get_statuses()) def test_monitor_will_add_new_workers_when_all_workers_are_working(self): messages = [ createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 1).SerializeToString() ] self.run_monitor(messages) expected_messages = [ {"en-GB": +1} ] self.assertEqual(expected_messages, self.scale_workers.scaling_history) def test_monitor_will_not_add_new_workers_when_it_is_currently_adding_new_workers(self): messages = [ createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 1).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 2).SerializeToString() ] self.run_monitor(messages) expected_messages = [{"en-GB": +1}, {}] self.assertEqual(expected_messages, self.scale_workers.scaling_history) def test_monitor_will_add_new_workers_when_it_finished_scaling_and_it_needs_new_workers(self): messages = [ createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 1).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 2).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "STARTED", 3).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 4).SerializeToString(), createWorkerStatusMessage("tcp://", "en-GB", "WORKING", 5).SerializeToString() ] self.run_monitor(messages) expected_messages = [{"en-GB": +1}, {}, {}, {}, {"en-GB": +1}] self.assertEqual(expected_messages, self.scale_workers.scaling_history) def run_monitor(self, messages): self.poller.add_messages([{"master": message} for message in messages]) def assertThatMonitorForwardedMessages(self, messages): forwarded_messages = self.emmited_messages self.assertEqual(messages, forwarded_messages) def emit(self, message): self.emmited_messages.append(message) class ScaleWorkersSpy: def __init__(self): self.scaling_history = [] def __call__(self, commands): self.scaling_history.append(commands)
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # pyre-unsafe from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type from libcst._exceptions import PartialParserSyntaxError from libcst._maybe_sentinel import MaybeSentinel from libcst._nodes.expression import ( Annotation, Arg, Asynchronous, Attribute, Call, From, LeftParen, Name, Param, Parameters, RightParen, ) from libcst._nodes.op import ( AddAssign, AssignEqual, BaseAugOp, BitAndAssign, BitOrAssign, BitXorAssign, Comma, DivideAssign, Dot, FloorDivideAssign, ImportStar, LeftShiftAssign, MatrixMultiplyAssign, ModuloAssign, MultiplyAssign, PowerAssign, RightShiftAssign, Semicolon, SubtractAssign, ) from libcst._nodes.statement import ( AnnAssign, AsName, Assert, Assign, AssignTarget, AugAssign, Break, ClassDef, Continue, Decorator, Del, Else, ExceptHandler, Expr, Finally, For, FunctionDef, Global, If, Import, ImportAlias, ImportFrom, IndentedBlock, NameItem, Nonlocal, Pass, Raise, Return, SimpleStatementLine, SimpleStatementSuite, Try, While, With, WithItem, ) from libcst._nodes.whitespace import EmptyLine, SimpleWhitespace from libcst._parser.custom_itertools import grouper from libcst._parser.production_decorator import with_production from libcst._parser.types.config import ParserConfig from libcst._parser.types.partials import ( AnnAssignPartial, AssignPartial, AugAssignPartial, DecoratorPartial, ExceptClausePartial, FuncdefPartial, ImportPartial, ImportRelativePartial, SimpleStatementPartial, WithLeadingWhitespace, ) from libcst._parser.types.token import Token from libcst._parser.whitespace_parser import ( parse_empty_lines, parse_parenthesizable_whitespace, parse_simple_whitespace, ) AUGOP_TOKEN_LUT: Dict[str, Type[BaseAugOp]] = { "+=": AddAssign, "-=": SubtractAssign, "*=": MultiplyAssign, "@=": MatrixMultiplyAssign, "/=": DivideAssign, "%=": ModuloAssign, "&=": BitAndAssign, "|=": BitOrAssign, "^=": BitXorAssign, "<<=": LeftShiftAssign, ">>=": RightShiftAssign, "**=": PowerAssign, "//=": FloorDivideAssign, } @with_production("stmt_input", "stmt ENDMARKER") def convert_stmt_input(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (child, endmarker) = children return child @with_production("stmt", "simple_stmt_line | compound_stmt") def convert_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (child,) = children return child @with_production("simple_stmt_partial", "small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE") def convert_simple_stmt_partial(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: *statements, trailing_whitespace = children last_stmt = len(statements) / 2 body = [] for i, (stmt_body, semi) in enumerate(grouper(statements, 2)): if semi is not None: if i == (last_stmt - 1): # Trailing semicolons only own the whitespace before. semi = Semicolon( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace( config, semi.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=SimpleWhitespace(""), ) else: # Middle semicolons own the whitespace before and after. semi = Semicolon( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace( config, semi.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace( config, semi.whitespace_after ), ) else: semi = MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT body.append(stmt_body.value.with_changes(semicolon=semi)) return SimpleStatementPartial( body, whitespace_before=statements[0].whitespace_before, trailing_whitespace=trailing_whitespace, ) @with_production("simple_stmt_line", "simple_stmt_partial") def convert_simple_stmt_line(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: """ This function is similar to convert_simple_stmt_suite, but yields a different type """ (partial,) = children return SimpleStatementLine( partial.body, leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, partial.whitespace_before), trailing_whitespace=partial.trailing_whitespace, ) @with_production("simple_stmt_suite", "simple_stmt_partial") def convert_simple_stmt_suite(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: """ This function is similar to convert_simple_stmt_line, but yields a different type """ (partial,) = children return SimpleStatementSuite( partial.body, leading_whitespace=parse_simple_whitespace(config, partial.whitespace_before), trailing_whitespace=partial.trailing_whitespace, ) @with_production( "small_stmt", ( "expr_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt" + "| raise_stmt | yield_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | nonlocal_stmt" + "| assert_stmt" ), ) def convert_small_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: # Doesn't construct SmallStatement, because we don't know about semicolons yet. # convert_simple_stmt will construct the SmallStatement nodes. (small_stmt_body,) = children return small_stmt_body @with_production( "expr_stmt", "testlist_star_expr (annassign | augassign | assign* )", version=">=3.6", ) @with_production( "expr_stmt", "testlist_star_expr (augassign | assign* )", version="<=3.5" ) @with_production("yield_stmt", "yield_expr") def convert_expr_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: # This is an unassigned expr statement (like a function call) (test_node,) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Expr(value=test_node.value), test_node.whitespace_before ) elif len(children) == 2: lhs, rhs = children if isinstance(rhs, AnnAssignPartial): return WithLeadingWhitespace( AnnAssign( target=lhs.value, annotation=rhs.annotation, equal=MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT if rhs.equal is None else rhs.equal, value=rhs.value, ), lhs.whitespace_before, ) elif isinstance(rhs, AugAssignPartial): return WithLeadingWhitespace( AugAssign(target=lhs.value, operator=rhs.operator, value=rhs.value), lhs.whitespace_before, ) # The only thing it could be at this point is an assign with one or more targets. # So, walk the children moving the equals ownership back one and constructing a # list of AssignTargets. targets = [] for i in range(len(children) - 1): target = children[i].value equal = children[i + 1].equal targets.append( AssignTarget( target=target, whitespace_before_equal=equal.whitespace_before, whitespace_after_equal=equal.whitespace_after, ) ) return WithLeadingWhitespace( Assign(targets=tuple(targets), value=children[-1].value), children[0].whitespace_before, ) @with_production("annassign", "':' test ['=' test]", version=">=3.6,<3.8") @with_production( "annassign", "':' test ['=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr)]", version=">=3.8" ) def convert_annassign(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 2: # Variable annotation only colon, annotation = children annotation = annotation.value equal = None value = None elif len(children) == 4: # Variable annotation and assignment colon, annotation, equal, value = children annotation = annotation.value value = value.value equal = AssignEqual( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace(config, equal.whitespace_before), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace(config, equal.whitespace_after), ) else: raise Exception("Invalid parser state!") return AnnAssignPartial( annotation=Annotation( whitespace_before_indicator=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_indicator=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon.whitespace_after ), annotation=annotation, ), equal=equal, value=value, ) @with_production( "augassign", ( "('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '@=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | " + "'>>=' | '**=' | '//=') (yield_expr | testlist)" ), version=">=3.5", ) @with_production( "augassign", ( "('+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '<<=' | " + "'>>=' | '**=' | '//=') (yield_expr | testlist)" ), version="<3.5", ) def convert_augassign(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: op, expr = children if op.string not in AUGOP_TOKEN_LUT: raise Exception(f"Unexpected token '{op.string}'!") return AugAssignPartial( # pyre-ignore Pyre seems to think that the value of this LUT is CSTNode operator=AUGOP_TOKEN_LUT[op.string]( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace(config, op.whitespace_before), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace(config, op.whitespace_after), ), value=expr.value, ) @with_production("assign", "'=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr)") def convert_assign(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: equal, expr = children return AssignPartial( equal=AssignEqual( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace(config, equal.whitespace_before), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace(config, equal.whitespace_after), ), value=expr.value, ) @with_production("pass_stmt", "'pass'") def convert_pass_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (name,) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace(Pass(), name.whitespace_before) @with_production("del_stmt", "'del' exprlist") def convert_del_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (del_name, exprlist) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Del( target=exprlist.value, whitespace_after_del=parse_simple_whitespace( config, del_name.whitespace_after ), ), del_name.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("continue_stmt", "'continue'") def convert_continue_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (name,) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace(Continue(), name.whitespace_before) @with_production("break_stmt", "'break'") def convert_break_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (name,) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace(Break(), name.whitespace_before) @with_production("return_stmt", "'return' [testlist]", version="<=3.7") @with_production("return_stmt", "'return' [testlist_star_expr]", version=">=3.8") def convert_return_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: (keyword,) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Return(whitespace_after_return=SimpleWhitespace("")), keyword.whitespace_before, ) else: (keyword, testlist) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Return( value=testlist.value, whitespace_after_return=parse_simple_whitespace( config, keyword.whitespace_after ), ), keyword.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("import_stmt", "import_name | import_from") def convert_import_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (child,) = children return child @with_production("import_name", "'import' dotted_as_names") def convert_import_name(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: importtoken, names = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Import( names=names.names, whitespace_after_import=parse_simple_whitespace( config, importtoken.whitespace_after ), ), importtoken.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("import_relative", "('.' | '...')* dotted_name | ('.' | '...')+") def convert_import_relative(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: dots = [] dotted_name = None for child in children: if isinstance(child, Token): # Special case for "...", which is part of the grammar if child.string == "...": dots.extend( [ Dot(), Dot(), Dot( whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace( config, child.whitespace_after ) ), ] ) else: dots.append( Dot( whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace( config, child.whitespace_after ) ) ) else: # This should be the dotted name, and we can't get more than # one, but lets be sure anyway if dotted_name is not None: raise Exception("Logic error!") dotted_name = child return ImportRelativePartial(relative=tuple(dots), module=dotted_name) @with_production( "import_from", "'from' import_relative 'import' ('*' | '(' import_as_names ')' | import_as_names)", ) def convert_import_from(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: fromtoken, import_relative, importtoken, *importlist = children if len(importlist) == 1: (possible_star,) = importlist if isinstance(possible_star, Token): # Its a "*" import, so we must construct this node. names = ImportStar() else: # Its an import as names partial, grab the names from that. names = possible_star.names lpar = None rpar = None else: # Its an import as names partial with parens lpartoken, namespartial, rpartoken = importlist lpar = LeftParen( whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, lpartoken.whitespace_after ) ) names = namespartial.names rpar = RightParen( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, rpartoken.whitespace_before ) ) # If we have a relative-only import, then we need to relocate the space # after the final dot to be owned by the import token. if len(import_relative.relative) > 0 and import_relative.module is None: whitespace_before_import = import_relative.relative[-1].whitespace_after relative = ( *import_relative.relative[:-1], import_relative.relative[-1].with_changes( whitespace_after=SimpleWhitespace("") ), ) else: whitespace_before_import = parse_simple_whitespace( config, importtoken.whitespace_before ) relative = import_relative.relative return WithLeadingWhitespace( ImportFrom( whitespace_after_from=parse_simple_whitespace( config, fromtoken.whitespace_after ), relative=relative, module=import_relative.module, whitespace_before_import=whitespace_before_import, whitespace_after_import=parse_simple_whitespace( config, importtoken.whitespace_after ), lpar=lpar, names=names, rpar=rpar, ), fromtoken.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("import_as_name", "NAME ['as' NAME]") def convert_import_as_name(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: (dotted_name,) = children return ImportAlias(name=Name(dotted_name.string), asname=None) else: dotted_name, astoken, name = children return ImportAlias( name=Name(dotted_name.string), asname=AsName( whitespace_before_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, astoken.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, astoken.whitespace_after ), name=Name(name.string), ), ) @with_production("dotted_as_name", "dotted_name ['as' NAME]") def convert_dotted_as_name(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: (dotted_name,) = children return ImportAlias(name=dotted_name, asname=None) else: dotted_name, astoken, name = children return ImportAlias( name=dotted_name, asname=AsName( whitespace_before_as=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, astoken.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_as=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, astoken.whitespace_after ), name=Name(name.string), ), ) @with_production("import_as_names", "import_as_name (',' import_as_name)* [',']") def convert_import_as_names(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: return _gather_import_names(config, children) @with_production("dotted_as_names", "dotted_as_name (',' dotted_as_name)*") def convert_dotted_as_names(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: return _gather_import_names(config, children) def _gather_import_names( config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any] ) -> ImportPartial: names = [] for name, comma in grouper(children, 2): if comma is None: names.append(name) else: names.append( name.with_changes( comma=Comma( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, comma.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, comma.whitespace_after ), ) ) ) return ImportPartial(names=names) @with_production("dotted_name", "NAME ('.' NAME)*") def convert_dotted_name(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: left, *rest = children node = Name(left.string) for dot, right in grouper(rest, 2): node = Attribute( value=node, dot=Dot( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, dot.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, dot.whitespace_after ), ), attr=Name(right.string), ) return node @with_production("raise_stmt", "'raise' [test ['from' test]]") def convert_raise_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: (raise_token,) = children whitespace_after_raise = MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT exc = None cause = None elif len(children) == 2: (raise_token, test) = children whitespace_after_raise = parse_simple_whitespace(config, test.whitespace_before) exc = test.value cause = None elif len(children) == 4: (raise_token, test, from_token, source) = children whitespace_after_raise = parse_simple_whitespace(config, test.whitespace_before) exc = test.value cause = From( whitespace_before_from=parse_simple_whitespace( config, from_token.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_from=parse_simple_whitespace( config, source.whitespace_before ), item=source.value, ) else: raise Exception("Logic error!") return WithLeadingWhitespace( Raise(whitespace_after_raise=whitespace_after_raise, exc=exc, cause=cause), raise_token.whitespace_before, ) def _construct_nameitems(config: ParserConfig, names: Sequence[Any]) -> List[NameItem]: nameitems: List[NameItem] = [] for name, maybe_comma in grouper(names, 2): if maybe_comma is None: nameitems.append(NameItem(Name(name.string))) else: nameitems.append( NameItem( Name(name.string), comma=Comma( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace( config, maybe_comma.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace( config, maybe_comma.whitespace_after ), ), ) ) return nameitems @with_production("global_stmt", "'global' NAME (',' NAME)*") def convert_global_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (global_token, *names) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Global( names=tuple(_construct_nameitems(config, names)), whitespace_after_global=parse_simple_whitespace( config, names[0].whitespace_before ), ), global_token.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("nonlocal_stmt", "'nonlocal' NAME (',' NAME)*") def convert_nonlocal_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (nonlocal_token, *names) = children return WithLeadingWhitespace( Nonlocal( names=tuple(_construct_nameitems(config, names)), whitespace_after_nonlocal=parse_simple_whitespace( config, names[0].whitespace_before ), ), nonlocal_token.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("assert_stmt", "'assert' test [',' test]") def convert_assert_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 2: (assert_token, test) = children assert_node = Assert( whitespace_after_assert=parse_simple_whitespace( config, test.whitespace_before ), test=test.value, msg=None, ) else: (assert_token, test, comma_token, msg) = children assert_node = Assert( whitespace_after_assert=parse_simple_whitespace( config, test.whitespace_before ), test=test.value, comma=Comma( whitespace_before=parse_simple_whitespace( config, comma_token.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace(config, msg.whitespace_before), ), msg=msg.value, ) return WithLeadingWhitespace(assert_node, assert_token.whitespace_before) @with_production( "compound_stmt", ("if_stmt | while_stmt | asyncable_stmt | try_stmt | classdef | decorated"), ) def convert_compound_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (stmt,) = children return stmt @with_production( "if_stmt", "'if' test ':' suite [if_stmt_elif|if_stmt_else]", version="<=3.7" ) @with_production( "if_stmt", "'if' namedexpr_test ':' suite [if_stmt_elif|if_stmt_else]", version=">=3.8", ) def convert_if_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if_tok, test, colon_tok, suite, *tail = children if len(tail) > 0: (orelse,) = tail else: orelse = None return If( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, if_tok.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_test=parse_simple_whitespace(config, if_tok.whitespace_after), test=test.value, whitespace_after_test=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_tok.whitespace_before ), body=suite, orelse=orelse, ) @with_production( "if_stmt_elif", "'elif' test ':' suite [if_stmt_elif|if_stmt_else]", version="<=3.7" ) @with_production( "if_stmt_elif", "'elif' namedexpr_test ':' suite [if_stmt_elif|if_stmt_else]", version=">=3.8", ) def convert_if_stmt_elif(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: # this behaves exactly the same as `convert_if_stmt`, except that the leading token # has a different string value. return convert_if_stmt(config, children) @with_production("if_stmt_else", "'else' ':' suite") def convert_if_stmt_else(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: else_tok, colon_tok, suite = children return Else( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, else_tok.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_tok.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ) @with_production( "while_stmt", "'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]", version="<=3.7" ) @with_production( "while_stmt", "'while' namedexpr_test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]", version=">=3.8" ) def convert_while_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: while_token, test, while_colon_token, while_suite, *else_block = children if len(else_block) > 0: (else_token, else_colon_token, else_suite) = else_block orelse = Else( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, else_token.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, else_colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=else_suite, ) else: orelse = None return While( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, while_token.whitespace_before), whitespace_after_while=parse_simple_whitespace( config, while_token.whitespace_after ), test=test.value, whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, while_colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=while_suite, orelse=orelse, ) @with_production( "for_stmt", "'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]" ) def convert_for_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: ( for_token, expr, in_token, test, for_colon_token, for_suite, *else_block, ) = children if len(else_block) > 0: (else_token, else_colon_token, else_suite) = else_block orelse = Else( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, else_token.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, else_colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=else_suite, ) else: orelse = None return WithLeadingWhitespace( For( whitespace_after_for=parse_simple_whitespace( config, for_token.whitespace_after ), target=expr.value, whitespace_before_in=parse_simple_whitespace( config, in_token.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_in=parse_simple_whitespace( config, in_token.whitespace_after ), iter=test.value, whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, for_colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=for_suite, orelse=orelse, ), for_token.whitespace_before, ) @with_production( "try_stmt", "('try' ':' suite ((except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite] ['finally' ':' suite] | 'finally' ':' suite))", ) def convert_try_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: trytoken, try_colon_token, try_suite, *rest = children handlers: List[ExceptHandler] = [] orelse: Optional[Else] = None finalbody: Optional[Finally] = None for clause, colon_token, suite in grouper(rest, 3): if isinstance(clause, Token): if clause.string == "else": if orelse is not None: raise Exception("Logic error!") orelse = Else( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, clause.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ) elif clause.string == "finally": if finalbody is not None: raise Exception("Logic error!") finalbody = Finally( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, clause.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ) else: raise Exception("Logic error!") elif isinstance(clause, ExceptClausePartial): handlers.append( ExceptHandler( body=suite, type=clause.type,, leading_lines=clause.leading_lines, whitespace_after_except=clause.whitespace_after_except, whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_token.whitespace_before ), ) ) else: raise Exception("Logic error!") return Try( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, trytoken.whitespace_before), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, try_colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=try_suite, handlers=tuple(handlers), orelse=orelse, finalbody=finalbody, ) @with_production("except_clause", "'except' [test ['as' NAME]]") def convert_except_clause(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 1: (except_token,) = children whitespace_after_except = SimpleWhitespace("") test = None name = None elif len(children) == 2: (except_token, test_node) = children whitespace_after_except = parse_simple_whitespace( config, except_token.whitespace_after ) test = test_node.value name = None else: (except_token, test_node, as_token, name_token) = children whitespace_after_except = parse_simple_whitespace( config, except_token.whitespace_after ) test = test_node.value name = AsName( whitespace_before_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, as_token.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, as_token.whitespace_after ), name=Name(name_token.string), ) return ExceptClausePartial( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, except_token.whitespace_before), whitespace_after_except=whitespace_after_except, type=test, name=name, ) @with_production( "with_stmt", "'with' with_item (',' with_item)* ':' suite", version=">=3.1" ) @with_production("with_stmt", "'with' with_item ':' suite", version="<3.1") def convert_with_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (with_token, *items, colon_token, suite) = children item_nodes: List[WithItem] = [] for with_item, maybe_comma in grouper(items, 2): if maybe_comma is not None: item_nodes.append( with_item.with_changes( comma=Comma( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, maybe_comma.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, maybe_comma.whitespace_after ), ) ) ) else: item_nodes.append(with_item) return WithLeadingWhitespace( With( whitespace_after_with=parse_simple_whitespace( config, with_token.whitespace_after ), items=tuple(item_nodes), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon_token.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ), with_token.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("with_item", "test ['as' expr]") def convert_with_item(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: if len(children) == 3: (test, as_token, expr_node) = children test_node = test.value asname = AsName( whitespace_before_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, as_token.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_as=parse_simple_whitespace( config, as_token.whitespace_after ), name=expr_node.value, ) else: (test,) = children test_node = test.value asname = None return WithItem(item=test_node, asname=asname) def _extract_async( config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any] ) -> Tuple[List[EmptyLine], Optional[Asynchronous], Any]: if len(children) == 1: (stmt,) = children whitespace_before = stmt.whitespace_before asyncnode = None else: asynctoken, stmt = children whitespace_before = asynctoken.whitespace_before asyncnode = Asynchronous( whitespace_after=parse_simple_whitespace( config, asynctoken.whitespace_after ) ) return (parse_empty_lines(config, whitespace_before), asyncnode, stmt.value) @with_production("asyncable_funcdef", "[ASYNC] funcdef", version=">=3.5") @with_production("asyncable_funcdef", "funcdef", version="<3.5") def convert_asyncable_funcdef(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: leading_lines, asyncnode, funcdef = _extract_async(config, children) return funcdef.with_changes( asynchronous=asyncnode, leading_lines=leading_lines, lines_after_decorators=() ) @with_production("funcdef", "'def' NAME parameters [funcdef_annotation] ':' suite") def convert_funcdef(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: defnode, namenode, param_partial, *annotation, colon, suite = children # If the trailing paremeter doesn't have a comma, then it owns the trailing # whitespace before the rpar. Otherwise, the comma owns it (and will have # already parsed it). We don't check/update ParamStar because if it exists # then we are guaranteed have at least one kwonly_param. parameters = param_partial.params if parameters.star_kwarg is not None: if parameters.star_kwarg.comma == MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT: parameters = parameters.with_changes( star_kwarg=parameters.star_kwarg.with_changes( whitespace_after_param=param_partial.rpar.whitespace_before ) ) elif parameters.kwonly_params: if parameters.kwonly_params[-1].comma == MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT: parameters = parameters.with_changes( kwonly_params=( *parameters.kwonly_params[:-1], parameters.kwonly_params[-1].with_changes( whitespace_after_param=param_partial.rpar.whitespace_before ), ) ) elif isinstance(parameters.star_arg, Param): if parameters.star_arg.comma == MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT: parameters = parameters.with_changes( star_arg=parameters.star_arg.with_changes( whitespace_after_param=param_partial.rpar.whitespace_before ) ) elif parameters.params: if parameters.params[-1].comma == MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT: parameters = parameters.with_changes( params=( *parameters.params[:-1], parameters.params[-1].with_changes( whitespace_after_param=param_partial.rpar.whitespace_before ), ) ) return WithLeadingWhitespace( FunctionDef( whitespace_after_def=parse_simple_whitespace( config, defnode.whitespace_after ), name=Name(namenode.string), whitespace_after_name=parse_simple_whitespace( config, namenode.whitespace_after ), whitespace_before_params=param_partial.lpar.whitespace_after, params=parameters, returns=None if not annotation else annotation[0], whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ), defnode.whitespace_before, ) @with_production("parameters", "'(' [typedargslist] ')'") def convert_parameters(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: lpar, *paramlist, rpar = children return FuncdefPartial( lpar=LeftParen( whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, lpar.whitespace_after ) ), params=Parameters() if not paramlist else paramlist[0], rpar=RightParen( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, rpar.whitespace_before ) ), ) @with_production("funcdef_annotation", "'->' test") def convert_funcdef_annotation(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: arrow, typehint = children return Annotation( whitespace_before_indicator=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, arrow.whitespace_before ), whitespace_after_indicator=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, arrow.whitespace_after ), annotation=typehint.value, ) @with_production("classdef", "'class' NAME ['(' [arglist] ')'] ':' suite") def convert_classdef(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: classdef, name, *arglist, colon, suite = children # First, parse out the comments and empty lines before the statement. leading_lines = parse_empty_lines(config, classdef.whitespace_before) # Compute common whitespace and nodes whitespace_after_class = parse_simple_whitespace(config, classdef.whitespace_after) namenode = Name(name.string) whitespace_after_name = parse_simple_whitespace(config, name.whitespace_after) # Now, construct the classdef node itself if not arglist: # No arglist, so no arguments to this class return ClassDef( leading_lines=leading_lines, lines_after_decorators=(), whitespace_after_class=whitespace_after_class, name=namenode, whitespace_after_name=whitespace_after_name, body=suite, ) else: # Unwrap arglist partial, because its valid to not have any lpar, *args, rpar = arglist args = args[0].args if args else [] bases: List[Arg] = [] keywords: List[Arg] = [] current_arg = bases for arg in args: if == "**" or arg.keyword is not None: current_arg = keywords # Some quick validation if current_arg is keywords and ( == "*" or ( == "" and arg.keyword is None) ): raise PartialParserSyntaxError( "Positional argument follows keyword argument." ) current_arg.append(arg) return ClassDef( leading_lines=leading_lines, lines_after_decorators=(), whitespace_after_class=whitespace_after_class, name=namenode, whitespace_after_name=whitespace_after_name, lpar=LeftParen( whitespace_after=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, lpar.whitespace_after ) ), bases=bases, keywords=keywords, rpar=RightParen( whitespace_before=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, rpar.whitespace_before ) ), whitespace_before_colon=parse_simple_whitespace( config, colon.whitespace_before ), body=suite, ) @with_production("decorator", "'@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] NEWLINE") def convert_decorator(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: atsign, name, *arglist, newline = children if not arglist: # This is either a name or an attribute node, so just extract it. decoratornode = name else: # This needs to be converted into a call node, and we have the # arglist partial. lpar, *args, rpar = arglist args = args[0].args if args else [] # If the trailing argument doesn't have a comma, then it owns the # trailing whitespace before the rpar. Otherwise, the comma owns # it. if len(args) > 0 and args[-1].comma == MaybeSentinel.DEFAULT: args[-1] = args[-1].with_changes( whitespace_after_arg=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, rpar.whitespace_before ) ) decoratornode = Call( func=name, whitespace_after_func=parse_simple_whitespace( config, lpar.whitespace_before ), whitespace_before_args=parse_parenthesizable_whitespace( config, lpar.whitespace_after ), args=tuple(args), ) return Decorator( leading_lines=parse_empty_lines(config, atsign.whitespace_before), whitespace_after_at=parse_simple_whitespace(config, atsign.whitespace_after), decorator=decoratornode, trailing_whitespace=newline, ) @with_production("decorators", "decorator+") def convert_decorators(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: return DecoratorPartial(decorators=children) @with_production("decorated", "decorators (classdef | asyncable_funcdef)") def convert_decorated(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: partial, class_or_func = children # First, split up the spacing on the first decorator leading_lines = partial.decorators[0].leading_lines # Now, redistribute ownership of the whitespace decorators = ( partial.decorators[0].with_changes(leading_lines=()), *partial.decorators[1:], ) # Now, modify the original function or class to add the decorators. return class_or_func.with_changes( leading_lines=leading_lines, # pyre-fixme[60]: Concatenation not yet support for multiple variadic # tuples: `*class_or_func.leading_lines, # *class_or_func.lines_after_decorators`. # pyre-fixme[60]: Expected to unpack an iterable, but got `unknown`. lines_after_decorators=( *class_or_func.leading_lines, *class_or_func.lines_after_decorators, ), decorators=decorators, ) @with_production( "asyncable_stmt", "[ASYNC] (funcdef | with_stmt | for_stmt)", version=">=3.5" ) @with_production("asyncable_stmt", "funcdef | with_stmt | for_stmt", version="<3.5") def convert_asyncable_stmt(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: leading_lines, asyncnode, stmtnode = _extract_async(config, children) if isinstance(stmtnode, FunctionDef): return stmtnode.with_changes( asynchronous=asyncnode, leading_lines=leading_lines, lines_after_decorators=(), ) elif isinstance(stmtnode, With): return stmtnode.with_changes( asynchronous=asyncnode, leading_lines=leading_lines ) elif isinstance(stmtnode, For): return stmtnode.with_changes( asynchronous=asyncnode, leading_lines=leading_lines ) else: raise Exception("Logic error!") @with_production("suite", "simple_stmt_suite | indented_suite") def convert_suite(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: (suite,) = children return suite @with_production("indented_suite", "NEWLINE INDENT stmt+ DEDENT") def convert_indented_suite(config: ParserConfig, children: Sequence[Any]) -> Any: newline, indent, *stmts, dedent = children return IndentedBlock( header=newline, indent=( None if indent.relative_indent == config.default_indent else indent.relative_indent ), body=stmts, # We want to be able to only keep comments in the footer that are actually for # this IndentedBlock. We do so by assuming that lines which are indented to the # same level as the block itself are comments that go at the footer of the # block. Comments that are indented to less than this indent are assumed to # belong to the next line of code. We override the indent here because the # dedent node's absolute indent is the resulting indentation after the dedent # is performed. Its this way because the whitespace state for both the dedent's # whitespace_after and the next BaseCompoundStatement's whitespace_before is # shared. This allows us to partially parse here and parse the rest of the # whitespace and comments on the next line, effectively making sure that # comments are attached to the correct node. footer=parse_empty_lines( config, dedent.whitespace_after, override_absolute_indent=indent.whitespace_before.absolute_indent, ), )
""" # NOQA :mod:`aioopenssl` --- A transport for asyncio using :mod:`OpenSSL` ################################################################## This package provides a socket-based :class:`asyncio.Transport` which uses :mod:`OpenSSL` to create a TLS connection. Optionally, the TLS handshake can be deferred and performed later using :meth:`STARTTLSTransport.starttls`. .. note:: Use this module at your own risk. It has lower test coverage than I’d like it to have; it has been exported from aioxmpp on request, where it undergoes implicit testing. If you find bugs, please report them. If possible, add regression tests while you’re at it. If you find security-critical bugs, please follow the procedure announced in the `aioxmpp readme <>`_. The following function can be used to create a connection using the :class:`STARTTLSTransport`, which itself is documented below: .. autofunction:: create_starttls_connection The transport implementation is documented below: .. autoclass:: STARTTLSTransport(loop, rawsock, protocol, ssl_context_factory, [waiter=None], [use_starttls=False], [post_handshake_callback=None], [peer_hostname=None], [server_hostname=None]) :members: """ import asyncio import logging import socket import typing from enum import Enum from .version import __version__, version_info, version # noqa:F401 from .utils import SendWrap import OpenSSL.SSL logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _State(Enum): RAW_OPEN = 0x0000 # noqa:E221 RAW_EOF_RECEIVED = 0x0001 # noqa:E221 TLS_HANDSHAKING = 0x0300 # noqa:E221 TLS_OPEN = 0x0100 # noqa:E221 TLS_EOF_RECEIVED = 0x0101 # noqa:E221 TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN = 0x0102 # noqa:E221 TLS_SHUT_DOWN = 0x0103 # noqa:E221 CLOSED = 0x0003 # noqa:E221 @property def eof_received(self) -> bool: return bool(self.value & 0x0001) @property def tls_started(self) -> bool: return bool(self.value & 0x0100) @property def tls_handshaking(self) -> bool: return bool(self.value & 0x0200) @property def is_writable(self) -> bool: return not bool(self.value & 0x0002) @property def is_open(self) -> bool: return (self.value & 0x3) == 0 SSLContextFactory = typing.Callable[[asyncio.Transport], OpenSSL.SSL.Context] PostHandshakeCallback = typing.Callable[ ["STARTTLSTransport"], typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, None], ] class STARTTLSTransport(asyncio.Transport): """ Create a new :class:`asyncio.Transport` which supports TLS and the deferred starting of TLS using the :meth:`starttls` method. `loop` must be a :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` with support for :meth:`BaseEventLoop.add_reader` as well as removal and the writer complements. `rawsock` must be a :class:`socket.socket` which will be used as the socket for the transport. `protocol` must be a :class:`asyncio.Protocol` which will be fed the data the transport receives. `ssl_context_factory` must be a callable accepting a single positional argument which returns a :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context`. The transport will be passed as the argument to the factory. The returned context will be used to create the :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Connection` when TLS is enabled on the transport. If the callable is :data:`None`, a `ssl_context` must be supplied to :meth:`starttls` and `use_starttls` must be true. `use_starttls` must be a boolean value. If it is true, TLS is not enabled immediately. Instead, the user must call :meth:`starttls` to enable TLS on the transport. Until that point, the transport is unencrypted. If it is false, the TLS handshake is started immediately. This is roughly equivalent to calling :meth:`starttls` immediately. `peer_hostname` must be either a :class:`str` or :data:`None`. It may be used by certificate validators and must be the host name this transport actually connected to. That might be (e.g. in the case of XMPP) different from the actual domain name the transport communicates with (and for which the service must have a valid certificate). This host name may be used by certificate validators implementing e.g. DANE. `server_hostname` must be either a :class:`str` or :data:`None`. It may be used by certificate validators anrd must be the host name for which the peer must have a valid certificate (if host name based certificate validation is performed). `server_hostname` is also passed via the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extension if it is given. If host names are to be converted to :class:`bytes` by the transport, they are encoded using the ``utf-8`` codec. If `waiter` is not :data:`None`, it must be a :class:`asyncio.Future`. After the stream has been established, the futures result is set to a value of :data:`None`. If any errors occur, the exception is set on the future. If `use_starttls` is true, the future is fulfilled immediately after construction, as there is no blocking process which needs to take place. If `use_starttls` is false and thus TLS negotiation starts right away, the future is fulfilled when TLS negotiation is complete. `post_handshake_callback` may be a coroutine or :data:`None`. If it is not :data:`None`, it is called asynchronously after the TLS handshake and blocks the completion of the TLS handshake until it returns. It can be used to perform blocking post-handshake certificate verification, e.g. using DANE. The coroutine must not return a value. If it encounters an error, an appropriate exception should be raised, which will propagate out of :meth:`starttls` and/or passed to the `waiter` future. """ MAX_SIZE = 256 * 1024 def __init__( self, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, rawsock: socket.socket, protocol: asyncio.Protocol, ssl_context_factory: typing.Optional[SSLContextFactory] = None, waiter: typing.Optional[asyncio.Future] = None, use_starttls: bool = False, post_handshake_callback: typing.Optional[ PostHandshakeCallback ] = None, peer_hostname: typing.Optional[str] = None, server_hostname: typing.Optional[str] = None): if not use_starttls and not ssl_context_factory: raise ValueError("Cannot have STARTTLS disabled (i.e. immediate " "TLS connection) and without SSL context.") super().__init__() self._rawsock = rawsock self._raw_fd = rawsock.fileno() self._trace_logger = logger.getChild( "trace.fd={}".format(self._raw_fd) ) self._sock = rawsock # type: typing.Union[socket.socket, OpenSSL.SSL.Connection] # noqa self._send_wrap = SendWrap(self._sock) self._protocol = protocol self._loop = loop self._extra = { "socket": rawsock, } # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] self._waiter = waiter self._conn_lost = 0 self._buffer = bytearray() self._ssl_context_factory = ssl_context_factory self._extra.update( sslcontext=None, ssl_object=None, peername=self._rawsock.getpeername(), peer_hostname=peer_hostname, server_hostname=server_hostname ) # this is a list set of tasks which will also be cancelled if the # _waiter is cancelled self._chained_pending = set() # type: typing.Set[asyncio.Future] self._paused = False self._closing = False self._tls_conn = None # type: typing.Optional[OpenSSL.SSL.Connection] self._tls_read_wants_write = False self._tls_write_wants_read = False self._tls_post_handshake_callback = post_handshake_callback self._state = None # type: typing.Optional[_State] if not use_starttls: assert ssl_context_factory is not None self._ssl_context = ssl_context_factory(self) self._extra.update( sslcontext=self._ssl_context, ) self._initiate_tls() else: self._initiate_raw() def _waiter_done(self, fut: asyncio.Future) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("_waiter future done (%r)", fut) for chained in self._chained_pending: self._trace_logger.debug("cancelling chained %r", chained) chained.cancel() self._chained_pending.clear() def _invalid_transition( self, via: typing.Optional[str] = None, to: typing.Optional[_State] = None) -> None: via_text = (" via {}".format(via)) if via is not None else "" to_text = (" to {}".format(to)) if to is not None else "" msg = "Invalid state transition (from {}{}{})".format( self._state, via_text, to_text ) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) def _invalid_state( self, what: str, exc: typing.Type[Exception] = RuntimeError, ) -> Exception: msg = "{what} (invalid in state {state}, closing={closing})".format( what=what, state=self._state, closing=self._closing) logger.error(msg) # raising is optional :) return exc(msg) def _fatal_error( self, exc: BaseException, msg: str) -> None: if not isinstance(exc, (BrokenPipeError, ConnectionResetError)): self._loop.call_exception_handler({ "message": msg, "exception": exc, "transport": self, "protocol": self._protocol }) self._force_close(exc) def _force_close( self, exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], ) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("_force_close called") self._remove_rw() if self._state == _State.CLOSED: raise self._invalid_state("_force_close called") self._state = _State.CLOSED if self._buffer: self._buffer.clear() if self._waiter is not None and not self._waiter.done(): self._waiter.set_exception( exc or ConnectionError("_force_close() called"), ) self._loop.remove_reader(self._raw_fd) self._loop.remove_writer(self._raw_fd) self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost_and_clean_up, exc) def _remove_rw(self) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("clearing readers/writers") self._loop.remove_reader(self._raw_fd) self._loop.remove_writer(self._raw_fd) def _call_connection_lost_and_clean_up( self, exc: Exception, ) -> None: """ Clean up all resources and call the protocols connection lost method. """ self._state = _State.CLOSED try: self._protocol.connection_lost(exc) finally: self._rawsock.close() if self._tls_conn is not None: self._tls_conn.set_app_data(None) self._tls_conn = None self._rawsock = None # type:ignore self._protocol = None # type:ignore def _initiate_raw(self) -> None: if self._state is not None: self._invalid_transition(via="_initiate_raw", to=_State.RAW_OPEN) self._state = _State.RAW_OPEN self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._read_ready) self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.connection_made, self) if self._waiter is not None: self._loop.call_soon(self._waiter.set_result, None) self._waiter = None def _initiate_tls(self) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("_initiate_tls called") if self._state is not None and self._state != _State.RAW_OPEN: self._invalid_transition(via="_initiate_tls", to=_State.TLS_HANDSHAKING) self._tls_was_starttls = (self._state == _State.RAW_OPEN) self._state = _State.TLS_HANDSHAKING self._tls_conn = OpenSSL.SSL.Connection( self._ssl_context, self._sock) self._tls_conn.set_connect_state() self._tls_conn.set_app_data(self) try: self._tls_conn.set_tlsext_host_name( self._extra["server_hostname"].encode("IDNA")) except KeyError: pass self._sock = self._tls_conn self._send_wrap = SendWrap(self._sock) self._extra.update( ssl_object=self._tls_conn ) self._tls_do_handshake() def _tls_do_handshake(self) -> None: assert self._tls_conn is not None self._trace_logger.debug("_tls_do_handshake called") if self._state != _State.TLS_HANDSHAKING: raise self._invalid_state("_tls_do_handshake called") try: self._tls_conn.do_handshake() except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: self._trace_logger.debug( "registering reader for _tls_do_handshake") self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._tls_do_handshake) return except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: self._trace_logger.debug( "registering writer for _tls_do_handshake") self._loop.add_writer(self._raw_fd, self._tls_do_handshake) return except Exception as exc: self._remove_rw() self._fatal_error(exc, "Fatal error on tls handshake") if self._waiter is not None: self._waiter.set_exception(exc) return except BaseException as exc: self._remove_rw() if self._waiter is not None: self._waiter.set_exception(exc) raise self._remove_rw() # handshake complete self._trace_logger.debug("handshake complete") self._extra.update( peercert=self._tls_conn.get_peer_certificate() ) if self._tls_post_handshake_callback: self._trace_logger.debug("post handshake scheduled via callback") task = asyncio.ensure_future( self._tls_post_handshake_callback(self) ) task.add_done_callback(self._tls_post_handshake_done) self._chained_pending.add(task) self._tls_post_handshake_callback = None else: self._tls_post_handshake(None) def _tls_post_handshake_done( self, task: asyncio.Future, ) -> None: self._chained_pending.discard(task) try: task.result() except asyncio.CancelledError: # canceled due to closure or something similar pass except BaseException as err: self._tls_post_handshake(err) else: self._tls_post_handshake(None) def _tls_post_handshake( self, exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], ) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("_tls_post_handshake called") if exc is not None: if self._waiter is not None and not self._waiter.done(): self._waiter.set_exception(exc) self._fatal_error(exc, "Fatal error on post-handshake callback") return self._tls_read_wants_write = False self._tls_write_wants_read = False self._state = _State.TLS_OPEN self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._read_ready) if not self._tls_was_starttls: self._loop.call_soon(self._protocol.connection_made, self) if self._waiter is not None: self._loop.call_soon(self._waiter.set_result, None) def _tls_do_shutdown(self) -> None: self._trace_logger.debug("_tls_do_shutdown called") if self._state != _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN: raise self._invalid_state("_tls_do_shutdown called") assert isinstance(self._sock, OpenSSL.SSL.Connection) try: self._sock.shutdown() except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: self._trace_logger.debug("registering reader for _tls_shutdown") self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._tls_shutdown) return except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: self._trace_logger.debug("registering writer for _tls_shutdown") self._loop.add_writer(self._raw_fd, self._tls_shutdown) return except Exception as exc: # force_close will take care of removing rw handlers self._fatal_error(exc, "Fatal error on tls shutdown") return except BaseException: self._remove_rw() raise self._remove_rw() self._state = _State.TLS_SHUT_DOWN # continue to raw shut down self._raw_shutdown() def _tls_shutdown(self) -> None: self._state = _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN self._tls_do_shutdown() def _raw_shutdown(self) -> None: self._remove_rw() try: self._rawsock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except OSError: # we cannot do anything anyway if this fails pass self._force_close(None) def _read_ready(self) -> None: assert self._state is not None if self._state.tls_started and self._tls_write_wants_read: self._tls_write_wants_read = False self._write_ready() if self._buffer: self._trace_logger.debug("_read_ready: add writer for more" " data") self._loop.add_writer(self._raw_fd, self._write_ready) if self._state.eof_received: # no further reading return try: data = self._sock.recv(self.MAX_SIZE) except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError, OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError): pass except OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError: assert self._state.tls_started self._tls_read_wants_write = True self._trace_logger.debug("_read_ready: swap reader for writer") self._loop.remove_reader(self._raw_fd) self._loop.add_writer(self._raw_fd, self._write_ready) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as exc: if self._state in (_State.TLS_SHUT_DOWN, _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN, _State.CLOSED): self._trace_logger.debug( "_read_ready: ignoring syscall exception during shutdown: " "%s", exc, ) else: self._fatal_error(exc, "Fatal read error on STARTTLS transport") except Exception as err: self._fatal_error(err, "Fatal read error on STARTTLS transport") return else: if data: self._protocol.data_received(data) else: keep_open = False try: keep_open = bool(self._protocol.eof_received()) finally: self._eof_received(keep_open) def _write_ready(self) -> None: assert self._state is not None if self._tls_read_wants_write: self._tls_read_wants_write = False self._read_ready() if not self._paused and not self._state.eof_received: self._trace_logger.debug("_write_ready: add reader for more" " data") self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._read_ready) # do not send data during handshake! if self._buffer and self._state != _State.TLS_HANDSHAKING: try: nsent = self._send_wrap.send(self._buffer) except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError, OpenSSL.SSL.WantWriteError): nsent = 0 except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: nsent = 0 assert self._state.tls_started self._tls_write_wants_read = True self._trace_logger.debug( "_write_ready: swap writer for reader") self._loop.remove_writer(self._raw_fd) self._loop.add_reader(self._raw_fd, self._read_ready) except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as exc: if self._state in (_State.TLS_SHUT_DOWN, _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN, _State.CLOSED): self._trace_logger.debug( "_write_ready: ignoring syscall exception during " "shutdown: %s", exc, ) else: self._fatal_error(exc, "Fatal write error on STARTTLS " "transport") except Exception as err: self._fatal_error(err, "Fatal write error on STARTTLS " "transport") return if nsent: del self._buffer[:nsent] if not self._buffer: if not self._tls_read_wants_write: self._trace_logger.debug("_write_ready: nothing more to write," " removing writer") self._loop.remove_writer(self._raw_fd) if self._closing: if self._state.tls_started: self._tls_shutdown() else: self._raw_shutdown() def _eof_received(self, keep_open: bool) -> None: assert self._state is not None self._trace_logger.debug("_eof_received: removing reader") self._loop.remove_reader(self._raw_fd) if self._state.tls_started: assert self._tls_conn is not None if self._tls_conn.get_shutdown() & OpenSSL.SSL.RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN: # proper TLS shutdown going on if keep_open: self._state = _State.TLS_EOF_RECEIVED else: self._tls_shutdown() else: if keep_open: self._trace_logger.warning( "result of eof_received() ignored as shut down is" " improper", ) self._fatal_error( ConnectionError("Underlying transport closed"), "unexpected eof_received" ) else: if keep_open: self._state = _State.RAW_EOF_RECEIVED else: self._raw_shutdown() # public API def abort(self) -> None: """ Immediately close the stream, without sending remaining buffers or performing a proper shutdown. """ if self._state == _State.CLOSED: self._invalid_state("abort() called") return self._force_close(None) def can_write_eof(self) -> bool: """ Return :data:`False`. .. note:: Writing of EOF (i.e. closing the sending direction of the stream) is theoretically possible. However, it was deemed by the author that the case is rare enough to neglect it for the sake of implementation simplicity. """ return False def close(self) -> None: """ Close the stream. This performs a proper stream shutdown, except if the stream is currently performing a TLS handshake. In that case, calling :meth:`close` is equivalent to calling :meth:`abort`. Otherwise, the transport waits until all buffers are transmitted. """ if self._state == _State.CLOSED: self._invalid_state("close() called") return if self._state == _State.TLS_HANDSHAKING: # hard-close self._force_close(None) elif self._state == _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN: # shut down in progress, nothing to do pass elif self._buffer: # there is data to be send left, first wait for it to transmit ... self._closing = True elif self._state is not None and self._state.tls_started: # normal TLS state, nothing left to transmit, shut down self._tls_shutdown() else: # normal non-TLS state, nothing left to transmit, close self._raw_shutdown() def get_extra_info( self, name: str, default: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None, ) -> typing.Any: """ The following extra information is available: * ``socket``: the underlying :mod:`socket` object * ``sslcontext``: the :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` object to use (this may be :data:`None` until :meth:`starttls` has been called) * ``ssl_object``: :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Connection` object (:data:`None` if TLS is not enabled (yet)) * ``peername``: return value of :meth:`socket.Socket.getpeername` * ``peer_hostname``: The `peer_hostname` value passed to the constructor. * ``server_hostname``: The `server_hostname` value passed to the constructor. """ return self._extra.get(name, default) async def starttls( self, ssl_context: typing.Optional[OpenSSL.SSL.Context] = None, post_handshake_callback: typing.Optional[ PostHandshakeCallback ] = None, ) -> None: """ Start a TLS stream on top of the socket. This is an invalid operation if the stream is not in RAW_OPEN state. If `ssl_context` is set, it overrides the `ssl_context` passed to the constructor. If `post_handshake_callback` is set, it overrides the `post_handshake_callback` passed to the constructor. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 This method is now a barrier with respect to reads and writes: before the handshake is completed (including the post handshake callback, if any), no data is received or sent. """ if self._state != _State.RAW_OPEN or self._closing: raise self._invalid_state("starttls() called") if ssl_context is not None: self._ssl_context = ssl_context self._extra.update( sslcontext=ssl_context ) else: assert self._ssl_context_factory is not None self._ssl_context = self._ssl_context_factory(self) if post_handshake_callback is not None: self._tls_post_handshake_callback = post_handshake_callback self._waiter = asyncio.Future() self._waiter.add_done_callback(self._waiter_done) self._initiate_tls() try: await self._waiter finally: self._waiter = None def write(self, data: typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]) -> None: """ Write data to the transport. This is an invalid operation if the stream is not writable, that is, if it is closed. During TLS negotiation, the data is buffered. """ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): raise TypeError('data argument must be byte-ish (%r)', type(data)) if (self._state is None or not self._state.is_writable or self._closing): raise self._invalid_state("write() called") if not data: return if not self._buffer: self._loop.add_writer(self._raw_fd, self._write_ready) self._buffer.extend(data) def write_eof(self) -> None: """ Writing the EOF has not been implemented, for the sake of simplicity. """ raise NotImplementedError("Cannot write_eof() on STARTTLS transport") def can_starttls(self) -> bool: """ Return :data:`True`. """ return True def is_closing(self) -> bool: return (self._state == _State.TLS_SHUTTING_DOWN or self._state == _State.CLOSED) async def create_starttls_connection( loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, protocol_factory: typing.Callable[[], asyncio.Protocol], host: typing.Optional[str] = None, port: typing.Optional[int] = None, *, sock: typing.Optional[socket.socket] = None, ssl_context_factory: typing.Optional[SSLContextFactory] = None, use_starttls: bool = False, local_addr: typing.Any = None, **kwargs # type: typing.Any ) -> typing.Tuple[asyncio.Transport, asyncio.Protocol]: """ Create a connection which can later be upgraded to use TLS. .. versionchanged:: 0.4 The `local_addr` argument was added. :param loop: The event loop to use. :type loop: :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop` :param protocol_factory: Factory for the protocol for the connection :param host: The host name or address to connect to :type host: :class:`str` or :data:`None` :param port: The port to connect to :type port: :class:`int` or :data:`None` :param sock: A socket to wrap (conflicts with `host` and `port`) :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` :param ssl_context_factory: Function which returns a :class:`OpenSSL.SSL.Context` to use for TLS operations :param use_starttls: Flag to control whether TLS is negotiated right away or deferredly. :type use_starttls: :class:`bool` :param local_addr: Address to bind to This is roughly a copy of the asyncio implementation of :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.create_connection`. It returns a pair ``(transport, protocol)``, where `transport` is a newly created :class:`STARTTLSTransport` instance. Further keyword arguments are forwarded to the constructor of :class:`STARTTLSTransport`. `loop` must be a :class:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop`, with support for :meth:`asyncio.BaseEventLoop.add_reader` and the corresponding writer and removal functions for sockets. This is typically a selector type event loop. `protocol_factory` must be a callable which (without any arguments) returns a :class:`asyncio.Protocol` which will be connected to the STARTTLS transport. `host` and `port` must be a hostname and a port number, or both :data:`None`. Both must be :data:`None`, if and only if `sock` is not :data:`None`. In that case, `sock` is used instead of a newly created socket. `sock` is put into non-blocking mode and must be a stream socket. If `use_starttls` is :data:`True`, no TLS handshake will be performed initially. Instead, the connection is established without any transport-layer security. It is expected that the :meth:`STARTTLSTransport.starttls` method is used when the application protocol requires TLS. If `use_starttls` is :data:`False`, the TLS handshake is initiated right away. `local_addr` may be an address to bind this side of the socket to. If omitted or :data:`None`, the local address is assigned by the operating system. This coroutine returns when the stream is established. If `use_starttls` is :data:`False`, this means that the full TLS handshake has to be finished for this coroutine to return. Otherwise, no TLS handshake takes place. It must be invoked using the :meth:`STARTTLSTransport.starttls` coroutine. """ if host is not None and port is not None: host_addrs = await loop.getaddrinfo( host, port, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, ) exceptions = [] for family, type, proto, cname, address in host_addrs: sock = None try: sock = socket.socket(family=family, type=type, proto=proto) sock.setblocking(False) if local_addr is not None: sock.bind(local_addr) await loop.sock_connect(sock, address) except OSError as exc: if sock is not None: sock.close() exceptions.append(exc) else: break else: if len(exceptions) == 1: raise exceptions[0] model = str(exceptions[0]) if all(str(exc) == model for exc in exceptions): raise exceptions[0] try: from aioxmpp.errors import MultiOSError # type:ignore except ImportError: MultiOSError = OSError raise MultiOSError( "could not connect to [{}]:{}".format(host, port), exceptions, ) elif sock is None: raise ValueError("sock must not be None if host and/or port are None") else: sock.setblocking(False) protocol = protocol_factory() waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=loop) # type: asyncio.Future[None] transport = STARTTLSTransport(loop, sock, protocol, ssl_context_factory=ssl_context_factory, waiter=waiter, use_starttls=use_starttls, **kwargs) await waiter return transport, protocol
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Top-level package for pyqmc.""" __author__ = """<NAME>""" __email__ = '<EMAIL>' __version__ = '0.1.0'
''' 超参数: learning rate weight decay Dense: 全相联 BatchNormailization: (x-均值)/sqrt{标准差^2 + epsilon} * a + b ''' import tensorflow as tf import constants as c from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation, BatchNormalization, Conv2D, MaxPool2D, Flatten, Dense, Dropout class AlexNet_BN(tf.keras.models.Model): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AlexNet_BN, self).__init__(**kwargs) # 2013年冠军是参数优化后的AlexNet(ZFnet),第一层是7*7,步长2*2,其余层不变 self.conv1 = Conv2D(filters=96, kernel_size=(11,11), strides=(4,4), activation='relu', padding="same") self.bn_1 = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-5) self.pool1 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2,2), padding="same") self.conv2 = Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(5,5), strides=(2,2), activation='relu', padding="same") self.bn_2 = BatchNormalization(momentum=0.9, epsilon=1e-5) self.pool2 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2,2), padding="same") self.conv3 = Conv2D(filters=384, kernel_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1), activation='relu', padding="same") self.conv4 = Conv2D(filters=384, kernel_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1), activation='relu', padding="same") self.conv5 = Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1), activation='relu', padding="same") self.pool3 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(3,3), strides=(2,2), padding="same") self.fc_1 = Dense(4096, activation='relu') self.fc_2 = Dense(4096, activation='relu') self.fc_3 = Dense(c.num_class, activation='softmax') def call(self, inputs, training): res = self.conv1(inputs) res = self.bn_1(res, training=training) res = self.pool1(res) res = self.conv2(res) res = self.bn_2(res, training=training) res = self.pool2(res) res = self.conv3(res) res = self.conv4(res) res = self.conv5(res) res = self.pool3(res) res = Flatten()(res) res = self.fc_1(res) if training: res = Dropout(rate=0.5)(res) res = self.fc_2(res) if training: res = Dropout(rate=0.5)(res) outputs = self.fc_3(res) return outputs if __name__ == '__main__': # img_input = keras.layers.Input(shape=(img_rows,img_cols,img_channels)) # output = alexNetInference(img_input,num_classes) # alexnet = keras.models.Model(img_input, output) #'alexNet_cifar10.h5') model = AlexNet(), ) + c.input_shape) cnt1 = cnt2 = 0 for v in model.trainable_variables: print( cnt1 += 1 if 'kernel' in cnt2 += 1 print(cnt1, cnt2) print(model.summary())
import sys import getopt import boto import boto.ec2.elb import aws_library __author__ = 'sascha.moellering' def main(argv): image = '' tag = '' elb_name = '' stage = '' mode = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:t:e:s:g:m:", ["image=", "tag=", "elb=", "stage=", "region=", "mode="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -i <image> -t <tag> -e <elb> -s <stage> -g <region> -m <mode>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -i <image> -t <tag> -e <elb> -s <stage> -g <region>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--image"): image = arg elif opt in ("-e", "--elb"): elb_name = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--stage"): stage = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--tag"): tag = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--region"): region = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--mode"): mode = arg print 'Using image {0}'.format(image) print 'Using tag {0}'.format(tag) print 'Using elb {0}'.format(elb_name) print 'Using stage {0}'.format(stage) print 'Using region {0}'.format(region) print 'Using mode {0}'.format(mode) deregister_from_elb(region=region, image=image, tag=tag, elb=elb_name, mode=mode) sys.exit(0) def deregister_from_elb(region, image, tag, elb, mode): conn_elb = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region_name=region) lb_list = conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers([elb]) if len(lb_list) == 0: print "No ELB {0} found".format(elb) sys.exit(1) lb = lb_list[0] aws_library.delete_instances_from_lb(image, tag, lb, region, mode) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
<filename>lib/third_party/mcu_vendor/espressif/esp-idf/tools/tiny-test-fw/<gh_stars>10-100 # Copyright 2015-2017 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Command line tool to assign example tests to CI test jobs. """ # TODO: Need to handle running examples on different chips import os import sys import re import argparse import yaml test_fw_path = os.getenv("TEST_FW_PATH") if test_fw_path: sys.path.insert(0, test_fw_path) from Utility import CaseConfig, SearchCases, GitlabCIJob class Group(object): MAX_EXECUTION_TIME = 30 MAX_CASE = 15 SORT_KEYS = ["env_tag"] def __init__(self, case): self.execution_time = 0 self.case_list = [case] self.filters = dict(zip(self.SORT_KEYS, [case.case_info[x] for x in self.SORT_KEYS])) def accept_new_case(self): """ check if allowed to add any case to this group :return: True or False """ max_time = (sum([x.case_info["execution_time"] for x in self.case_list]) < self.MAX_EXECUTION_TIME) max_case = (len(self.case_list) < self.MAX_CASE) return max_time and max_case def add_case(self, case): """ add case to current group :param case: test case :return: True if add succeed, else False """ added = False if self.accept_new_case(): for key in self.filters: if case.case_info[key] != self.filters[key]: break else: self.case_list.append(case) added = True return added def output(self): """ output data for job configs :return: {"Filter": case filter, "CaseConfig": list of case configs for cases in this group} """ output_data = { "Filter": self.filters, "CaseConfig": [{"name": x.case_info["name"]} for x in self.case_list], } return output_data class AssignTest(object): """ Auto assign tests to CI jobs. :param test_case: path of test case file(s) :param ci_config_file: path of ``.gitlab-ci.yml`` """ CI_TEST_JOB_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^example_test_.+") def __init__(self, test_case, ci_config_file): self.test_cases = self._search_cases(test_case) = self._parse_gitlab_ci_config(ci_config_file) def _parse_gitlab_ci_config(self, ci_config_file): with open(ci_config_file, "r") as f: ci_config = yaml.load(f) job_list = list() for job_name in ci_config: if is not None: job_list.append(GitlabCIJob.Job(ci_config[job_name], job_name)) return job_list @staticmethod def _search_cases(test_case, case_filter=None): """ :param test_case: path contains test case folder :param case_filter: filter for test cases :return: filtered test case list """ test_methods = SearchCases.Search.search_test_cases(test_case) return CaseConfig.filter_test_cases(test_methods, case_filter if case_filter else dict()) def _group_cases(self): """ separate all cases into groups according group rules. each group will be executed by one CI job. :return: test case groups. """ groups = [] for case in self.test_cases: for group in groups: # add to current group if group.add_case(case): break else: # create new group groups.append(Group(case)) return groups def assign_cases(self): """ separate test cases to groups and assign test cases to CI jobs. :raise AssertError: if failed to assign any case to CI job. :return: None """ failed_to_assign = [] test_groups = self._group_cases() for group in test_groups: for job in if job.match_group(group): job.assign_group(group) break else: failed_to_assign.append(group) assert not failed_to_assign def output_configs(self, output_path): """ :param output_path: path to output config files for each CI job :return: None """ if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) for job in job.output_config(output_path) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("test_case", help="test case folder or file") parser.add_argument("ci_config_file", help="gitlab ci config file") parser.add_argument("output_path", help="output path of config files") args = parser.parse_args() assign_test = AssignTest(args.test_case, args.ci_config_file) assign_test.assign_cases() assign_test.output_configs(args.output_path)
"""HF-SEF dataset.""" from .hf_sef import data_path
<reponame>markpp/object_detectors import torch import torchvision from torchvision.models.detection.faster_rcnn import FastRCNNPredictor from torchvision.models.detection.mask_rcnn import MaskRCNNPredictor import numpy as np import cv2 def create_model(num_classes,pretrained=True): # load an instance segmentation model pre-trained on COCO model = torchvision.models.detection.maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn(pretrained=pretrained) # get the number of input features for the classifier in_features = model.roi_heads.box_predictor.cls_score.in_features # replace the pre-trained head with a new one model.roi_heads.box_predictor = FastRCNNPredictor(in_features, num_classes) # now get the number of input features for the mask classifier in_features_mask = model.roi_heads.mask_predictor.conv5_mask.in_channels hidden_layer = 256 # and replace the mask predictor with a new one model.roi_heads.mask_predictor = MaskRCNNPredictor(in_features_mask, hidden_layer, num_classes) return model def _evaluate_iou(target, pred): """ Evaluate intersection over union (IOU) for target from dataset and output prediction from model """ if pred["boxes"].shape[0] == 0: # no box detected return torch.tensor(0.0, device=pred["boxes"].device) return torchvision.ops.box_iou(target["boxes"], pred["boxes"]).diag().mean() def _plot_boxes(imgs, targets, preds): """ Plot the target and prediction boxes """ dets = [] for img, tar, pred in zip(imgs, targets, preds): out = img.cpu() out[0] = out[0] * 0.229 + 0.485 out[1] = out[1] * 0.224 + 0.456 out[2] = out[2] * 0.225 + 0.406 out = out.mul(255).permute(1, 2, 0).byte().numpy() for b,l in zip(tar["boxes"],tar["labels"]): x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(x) for x in b.tolist()] cv2.rectangle(out,(x1, y1),(x2, y2),(255,0,0),3) for b,l,s in zip(pred["boxes"],pred["labels"],pred["scores"]): score = s.item() if score > 0.25: x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(x) for x in b.tolist()] cv2.rectangle(out,(x1, y1),(x2, y2),(0,0,255),2) cv2.putText(out,"{:.2f}".format(score), (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0,0,255), 2) if len(dets): dets = np.concatenate((dets, out), axis=1) else: dets = out return dets
import os import calendar from flask import request, session from flask_session import Session from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker from datetime import datetime from helpers import convertSQLToDict # Create engine object to manage connections to DB, and scoped session to separate user interactions with DB engine = create_engine(os.getenv("DATABASE_URL")) db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine)) # Add expense(s) to the users expense records # There are two entry points for this: 1) 'addexpenses' route and 2) 'index' route. #1 allows many expenses whereas #2 only allows 1 expense per POST. def addExpenses(formData, userID): expenses = [] expense = {"description": None, "category": None, "date": None, "amount": None, "payer": None} # Check if the user is submitting via 'addexpenses' or 'index' route - this determines if a user is adding 1 or potentially many expenses in a single POST if "." not in formData[0][0]: for key, value in formData: # Add to dictionary expense[key] = value.strip() # Convert the amount from string to float for the DB expense["amount"] = float(expense["amount"]) # Add dictionary to list (to comply with design/standard of expensed.html) expenses.append(expense) # User is submitting via 'addexpenses' route else: counter = 0 for key, value in formData: # Keys are numbered by default in HTML form. Remove those numbers so we can use the HTML element names as keys for the dictionary. cleanKey = key.split(".") # Add to dictionary expense[cleanKey[0]] = value.strip() # Every 5 loops add the expense to the list of expenses (because there are 5 fields for an expense record) counter += 1 if counter % 5 == 0: # Store the amount as a float expense["amount"] = float(expense["amount"]) # Add dictionary to list expenses.append(expense.copy()) # Insert expenses into DB for expense in expenses: now ="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") db.execute("INSERT INTO expenses (description, category, expenseDate, amount, payer, submitTime, user_id) VALUES (:description, :category, :expenseDate, :amount, :payer, :submitTime, :usersID)", {"description": expense["description"], "category": expense["category"], "expenseDate": expense["date"], "amount": expense["amount"], "payer": expense["payer"], "submitTime": now, "usersID": userID}) db.commit() return expenses # Get and return the users lifetime expense history def getHistory(userID): results = db.execute("SELECT description, category, expenseDate AS date, payer, amount, submitTime FROM expenses WHERE user_id = :usersID ORDER BY submitTime ASC", {"usersID": userID}).fetchall() history = convertSQLToDict(results) return history # Get and return an existing expense record with ID from the DB def getExpense(formData, userID): expense = {"description": None, "category": None, "date": None, "amount": None, "payer": None, "submitTime": None, "id": None} expense["description"] = formData.get("oldDescription").strip() expense["category"] = formData.get("oldCategory").strip() expense["date"] = formData.get("oldDate").strip() expense["amount"] = formData.get("oldAmount").strip() expense["payer"] = formData.get("oldPayer").strip() expense["submitTime"] = formData.get("submitTime").strip() # Remove dollar sign and comma from the old expense so we can convert to float for the DB expense["amount"] = float( expense["amount"].replace("$", "").replace(",", "")) # Query the DB for the expense unique identifier expenseID = db.execute("SELECT id FROM expenses WHERE user_id = :usersID AND description = :oldDescription AND category = :oldCategory AND expenseDate = :oldDate AND amount = :oldAmount AND payer = :oldPayer AND submitTime = :oldSubmitTime", {"usersID": userID, "oldDescription": expense["description"], "oldCategory": expense["category"], "oldDate": expense["date"], "oldAmount": expense["amount"], "oldPayer": expense["payer"], "oldSubmitTime": expense["submitTime"]}).fetchone() # Make sure a record was found for the expense otherwise set as None if expenseID: expense["id"] = expenseID[0] else: expense["id"] = None return expense # Delete an existing expense record for the user def deleteExpense(expense, userID): result = db.execute("DELETE FROM expenses WHERE user_id = :usersID AND id = :oldExpenseID", {"usersID": userID, "oldExpenseID": expense["id"]}) db.commit() return result # Update an existing expense record for the user def updateExpense(oldExpense, formData, userID): expense = {"description": None, "category": None, "date": None, "amount": None, "payer": None} expense["description"] = formData.get("description").strip() expense["category"] = formData.get("category").strip() expense["date"] = formData.get("date").strip() expense["amount"] = formData.get("amount").strip() expense["payer"] = formData.get("payer").strip() # Convert the amount from string to float for the DB expense["amount"] = float(expense["amount"]) # Make sure the user actually is submitting changes and not saving the existing expense again hasChanges = False for key, value in oldExpense.items(): # Exit the loop when reaching submitTime since that is not something the user provides in the form for a new expense if key == "submitTime": break else: if oldExpense[key] != expense[key]: hasChanges = True break if hasChanges is False: return None # Update the existing record now ="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") result = db.execute("UPDATE expenses SET description = :newDescription, category = :newCategory, expenseDate = :newDate, amount = :newAmount, payer = :newPayer, submitTime = :newSubmitTime WHERE id = :existingExpenseID AND user_id = :usersID", {"newDescription": expense["description"], "newCategory": expense["category"], "newDate": expense["date"], "newAmount": expense["amount"], "newPayer": expense["payer"], "newSubmitTime": now, "existingExpenseID": oldExpense["id"], "usersID": userID}).rowcount db.commit() # Make sure result is not empty (indicating it could not update the expense) if result: # Add dictionary to list (to comply with design/standard of expensed.html) expenses = [] expenses.append(expense) return expenses else: return None
<filename>epg/ #!/usr/bin/python # EPG CPMG simulation code, based off of Matlab scripts from <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # 2015 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> import numpy as np from warnings import warn def rf(FpFmZ, alpha): "Same as rf2, but only returns FpFmZ""" return rf2(FpFmZ, alpha)[0] def rf2(FpFmZ, alpha): """ Propagate EPG states through an RF rotation of alpha (radians). Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. magnetization lies on the real x axis. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians OUTPUT: FpFmZ = Updated FpFmZ state. RR = RF rotation matrix (3x3). """ # -- From Weigel at al, JMRI 41(2015)266-295, Eq. 21. if abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi: warn('rf2: Flip angle should be in radians! alpha=%f' % alpha) cosa2 = np.cos(alpha/2.)**2 sina2 = np.sin(alpha/2.)**2 cosa = np.cos(alpha) sina = np.sin(alpha) RR = np.array([ [cosa2, sina2, sina], [sina2, cosa2, -sina], [-0.5 * sina, 0.5 * sina, cosa] ]) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ, RR def rf_ex(FpFmZ, alpha): "Same as rf2_ex, but only returns FpFmZ""" return rf2_ex(FpFmZ, alpha)[0] def rf2_ex(FpFmZ, alpha): """ Propagate EPG states through an RF excitation of alpha (radians) along the y direction, i.e. phase of pi/2. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians OUTPUT: FpFmZ = Updated FpFmZ state. RR = RF rotation matrix (3x3). """ try: alpha = alpha[0] except: pass if abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi: warn('rf2_ex: Flip angle should be in radians! alpha=%f' % alpha) cosa2 = np.cos(alpha/2.)**2 sina2 = np.sin(alpha/2.)**2 cosa = np.cos(alpha) sina = np.sin(alpha) RR = np.array([ [cosa2, -sina2, sina], [-sina2, cosa2, sina], [-0.5 * sina, -0.5 * sina, cosa] ]) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ, RR def rf_prime(FpFmZ, alpha): """Same as rf_prime2, but only returns FpFmZ""" return rf_prime2(FpFmZ, alpha)[0] def rf_prime2(FpFmZ, alpha): """ Compute the gradient of the RF rotation operator, where alpha (radians) is the RF rotation. Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. magnetization lies on the real x axis. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians OUTPUT: FpFmZ = Derivative of FpFmZ state w.r.t. alpha RR = Derivative of RF rotation matrix (3x3) w.r.t. alpha """ if abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi: warn('rf_prime2: Flip angle should be in radians! alpha=%f' % alpha) RR = np.array([ [-np.cos(alpha/2.) * np.sin(alpha/2.), np.cos(alpha/2.) * np.sin(alpha/2.), np.cos(alpha)], [np.cos(alpha/2.) * np.sin(alpha/2.), -np.cos(alpha/2.) * np.sin(alpha/2.), -np.cos(alpha)], [-0.5 * np.cos(alpha), 0.5 * np.cos(alpha), -np.sin(alpha)] ]) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ, RR def rf_B1_prime(FpFmZ, alpha, B1): """Same as rf_B1_prime2, but only returns FpFmZ""" return rf_B1_prime2(FpFmZ, alpha, B1)[0] def rf_B1_prime2(FpFmZ, alpha, B1): """ Compute the gradient of B1 inhomogeneity w.r.t. RF refocusing operator, where alpha (radians) is the RF rotation and B1 is the B1 homogeneity (0, 2). Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. magnetization lies on the real x axis. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians B1 = B1 Homogeneity, where 1. is homogeneous OUTPUT: FpFmZ = Derivative of FpFmZ state w.r.t. alpha RR = Derivative of RF rotation matrix (3x3) w.r.t. B1 """ if abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi: warn('rf_B1_prime2: Flip angle should be in radians! alpha=%f' % alpha) if B1 < 0 or B1 > 2: warn('rf_B1_prime2: B1 Homogeneity should be a percentage between (0, 2)') RR = np.array([ [-alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha)], [alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), -alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), -alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha)], [-0.5*alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha), 0.5*alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha), -alpha*np.sin(B1*alpha)] ]) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ, RR def rf_ex_B1_prime(FpFmZ, alpha, B1): """Gradient of B1 inhomogeneity w.r.t. RF excitation operator, where alpha (radians) is the RF rotation and B1 is the B1 honogeneity (0, 2). Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. RF excitation in the y direction. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians B1 = B1 Homogeneity, where 1. is homogeneous OUTPUT: FpFmZ = Derivative of FpFmZ state w.r.t. alpha """ if abs(alpha) > 2 * np.pi: warn('rf_ex_B1_prime2: Flip angle should be in radians! alpha=%f' % alpha) if B1 < 0 or B1 > 2: warn('rf_ex_B1_prime: B1 Homogeneity should be a percentage between (0, 2)') RR = np.array([ [-alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha)], [alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), -alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha/2.) * np.sin(B1*alpha/2.), alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha)], [-0.5*alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha), -0.5*alpha*np.cos(B1*alpha), -alpha*np.sin(B1*alpha)] ]) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def relax_mat(T, T1, T2): E2 = np.exp(-T/T2) E1 = np.exp(-T/T1) EE = np.diag([E2, E2, E1]) # Decay of states due to relaxation alone. return EE def relax_mat_prime_T1(T, T1, T2): E1_prime_T1 = T * np.exp(-T/T1) / T1**2 return np.diag([0, 0, E1_prime_T1]) def relax_mat_prime_T2(T, T1, T2): E2_prime_T2 = T * np.exp(-T/T2) / T2**2 return np.diag([E2_prime_T2, E2_prime_T2, 0]) def relax_prime_T1(FpFmZ, T, T1, T2): """returns E'(T1) FpFmZ + E0'(T1)""" EE_prime_T1 = relax_mat_prime_T1(T, T1, T2) RR = -EE_prime_T1[2,2] FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) FpFmZ[2,0] = FpFmZ[2,0] + RR return FpFmZ def relax_prime_T2(FpFmZ, T, T1, T2): """returns E'(T2) FpFmZ""" EE_prime_T2 = relax_mat_prime_T2(T, T1, T2) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def relax(FpFmZ, T, T1, T2): """Same as relax2, but only returns FpFmZ""" return relax2(FpFmZ, T, T1, T2)[0] def relax2(FpFmZ, T, T1, T2): """ Propagate EPG states through a period of relaxation over an interval T. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. T1, T2 = Relaxation times (same as T) T = Time interval (same as T1,T2) OUTPUT: FpFmZ = updated F+, F- and Z states. EE = decay matrix, 3x3 = diag([E2 E2 E1]); """ E2 = np.exp(-T/T2) E1 = np.exp(-T/T1) EE = np.diag([E2, E2, E1]) # Decay of states due to relaxation alone. RR = 1 - E1 # Mz Recovery, affects only Z0 state, as # recovered magnetization is not dephased. FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) # Apply Relaxation FpFmZ[2,0] = FpFmZ[2,0] + RR # Recovery return FpFmZ, EE def grad(FpFmZ, noadd=False): """Propagate EPG states through a "unit" gradient. Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. all states are real-valued. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. noadd = True to NOT add any higher-order states - assume that they just go to zero. Be careful - this speeds up simulations, but may compromise accuracy! OUTPUT: Updated FpFmZ state. """ # Gradient does not affect the Z states. if noadd == False: FpFmZ = np.hstack((FpFmZ, [[0],[0],[0]])) # add higher dephased state FpFmZ[0,:] = np.roll(FpFmZ[0,:], 1) # shift Fp states FpFmZ[1,:] = np.roll(FpFmZ[1,:], -1) # shift Fm states FpFmZ[1,-1] = 0 # Zero highest Fm state FpFmZ[0,0] = FpFmZ[1,0] # Fill in lowest Fp state return FpFmZ def FSE_TE(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False, recovery=True): """ Propagate EPG states through a full TE, i.e. relax -> grad -> rf -> grad -> relax. Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. all states are real-valued. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians T1, T2 = Relaxation times (same as TE) TE = Echo Time interval (same as T1, T2) noadd = True to NOT add any higher-order states - assume that they just go to zero. Be careful - this speeds up simulations, but may compromise accuracy! OUTPUT: FpFmZ = updated F+, F- and Z states. """ EE = relax_mat(TE/2., T1, T2) if recovery: FpFmZ = relax(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) else: FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) if recovery: FpFmZ = relax(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) else: FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime_alpha(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False, recovery=True): """ Gradient of EPG over a full TE, w.r.t. flip angle alpha, i.e. relax -> grad -> rf_prime -> grad -> relax_hat, where rf_prime is the derivative of the RF pulse matrix w.r.t. alpha, and relax_hat is the relaxation without longitudinal recovery Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. all states are real-valued. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians T1, T2 = Relaxation times (same as TE) TE = Echo Time interval (same as T1, T2) noadd = True to NOT add any higher-order states - assume that they just go to zero. Be careful - this speeds up simulations, but may compromise accuracy! recovery = True to include T1 recovery in the Z0 state. OUTPUT: FpFmZ = updated F+, F- and Z states. """ FpFmZ, EE = relax2(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf_prime(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime1_T2(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False): """ Returns E(T2) G R G E'(T2) FpFmZ""" EE = relax_mat(TE/2., T1, T2) EE_prime = relax_mat_prime_T2(TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime2_T2(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False): """ Returns E'(T2) G R G (E(T2) FpFmZ + E0)""" EE_prime = relax_mat_prime_T2(TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ = relax(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime1_T1(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False): """ Returns E(T1) G R G (E'(T1) FpFmZ + E0'(T1))""" EE = relax_mat(TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ = relax_prime_T1(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) # E'(T1) FpFmZ + E0'(T1) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime2_T1(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=False): """ Returns E'(T1) G R G E(T1) FpFmZ + E0'(T1)""" EE = relax_mat(TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf(FpFmZ, alpha) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = relax_prime_T1(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) # E'(T1) FpFmZ + E0'(T1) return FpFmZ def FSE_TE_prime_B1(FpFmZ, alpha, TE, T1, T2, B1, noadd=False): """ Gradient of EPG over a full TE, w.r.t. B1 homogeneity fraciton B1, i.e. relax -> grad -> rf_B1_prime -> grad -> relax_hat, where rf_B1_prime is the derivative of the RF pulse matrix w.r.t. B1, and relax_hat is the relaxation without longitudinal recovery Assumes CPMG condition, i.e. all states are real-valued. INPUT: FpFmZ = 3xN vector of F+, F- and Z states. alpha = RF pulse flip angle in radians T1, T2 = Relaxation times (same as TE) TE = Echo Time interval (same as T1, T2) B1 = fraction of B1 homogeneity (1 is fully homogeneous) noadd = True to NOT add any higher-order states - assume that they just go to zero. Be careful - this speeds up simulations, but may compromise accuracy! recovery = True to include T1 recovery in the Z0 state. OUTPUT: FpFmZ = updated F+, F- and Z states. """ FpFmZ, EE = relax2(FpFmZ, TE/2., T1, T2) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ = rf_B1_prime(FpFmZ, alpha, B1) FpFmZ = grad(FpFmZ, noadd) FpFmZ =, FpFmZ) return FpFmZ ### Gradients of full FSE EPG function across T time points def FSE_signal_prime_alpha_idx(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, idx): """Gradient of EPG function at each time point w.r.t. RF pulse alpha_i""" T = len(angles_rad) zi = np.hstack((np.array([[1],[1],[0]]), np.zeros((3, T)))) z_prime = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(T): alpha = angles_rad[i] if i < idx: zi = FSE_TE(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) z_prime[i] = 0 elif i == idx: wi = FSE_TE_prime_alpha(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) z_prime[i] = wi[0,0] else: wi = FSE_TE(wi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True, recovery=False) z_prime[i] = wi[0,0] return z_prime def FSE_signal_prime_T1(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2): return FSE_signal_ex_prime_T1(np.pi/2, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2) def FSE_signal_ex_prime_T1(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1=1.): """Gradient of EPG function at each time point w.r.t. T1""" T = len(angles_rad) try: B1 = B1[0] except: pass # since the grad doesn't depend on B1 inhomog, can just pre-scale flip angles angle_ex_rad = B1 * np.copy(angle_ex_rad) angles_rad = B1 * np.copy(angles_rad) zi = np.hstack((rf_ex(np.array([[0],[0],[1]]), angle_ex_rad), np.zeros((3, T)))) z_prime = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(T): alpha = angles_rad[i] if i == 0: wi = np.zeros((3, T+1)) else: wi = FSE_TE(wi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True, recovery=False) wi += FSE_TE_prime1_T1(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) wi += FSE_TE_prime2_T1(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) zi = FSE_TE(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) z_prime[i] = wi[0,0] return z_prime def FSE_signal_prime_T2(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2): return FSE_signal_ex_prime_T2(np.pi/2, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2) def FSE_signal_ex_prime_T2(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1=1.): """Gradient of EPG function at each time point w.r.t. T2""" T = len(angles_rad) try: B1 = B1[0] except: pass # since the grad doesn't depend on B1 inhomog, can just pre-scale flip angles angle_ex_rad = B1 * np.copy(angle_ex_rad) angles_rad = B1 * np.copy(angles_rad) zi = np.hstack((rf_ex(np.array([[0],[0],[1]]), angle_ex_rad), np.zeros((3, T)))) z_prime = np.zeros((T, 1)) for i in range(T): alpha = angles_rad[i] if i == 0: wi = np.zeros((3, T+1)) else: wi = FSE_TE(wi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True, recovery=False) wi += FSE_TE_prime1_T2(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) wi += FSE_TE_prime2_T2(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) zi = FSE_TE(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) z_prime[i] = wi[0,0] return z_prime def FSE_signal_ex_prime_B1(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1): """Gradient of EPG function at each time point w.r.t. B1 Homogeneity. Includes the excitation flip angle""" T = len(angles_rad) zi = np.hstack((np.array([[0],[0],[1]]), np.zeros((3, T+1)))) z_prime = np.zeros((T, 1)) wi = rf_ex_B1_prime(zi, angle_ex_rad, B1) zi = rf_ex(zi, angle_ex_rad * B1) for i in range(T): alpha = angles_rad[i] if i == 0: xi = FSE_TE(wi, alpha * B1, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True, recovery=False) else: xi = FSE_TE(wi, alpha * B1, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) wi = FSE_TE_prime_B1(zi, alpha, TE, T1, T2, B1, noadd=True) + xi zi = FSE_TE(zi, alpha * B1, TE, T1, T2, noadd=True) z_prime[i] = wi[0,0] return z_prime ### Full FSE EPG function across T time points def FSE_signal_ex(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1=1.): """Same as FSE_signal2_ex, but only returns Mxy""" return FSE_signal2_ex(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1)[0] def FSE_signal(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2): """Same as FSE_signal2, but only returns Mxy""" return FSE_signal2(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2)[0] def FSE_signal2(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2): """Same as FSE_signal2_ex, but assumes excitation pulse is 90 degrees""" return FSE_signal2_ex(np.pi/2., angles_rad, TE, T1, T2) def FSE_signal2_ex(angle_ex_rad, angles_rad, TE, T1, T2, B1=1.): """Simulate Fast Spin-Echo CPMG sequence with specific flip angle train. Prior to the flip angle train, an excitation pulse of angle_ex_rad degrees is applied in the Y direction. The flip angle train is then applied in the X direction. INPUT: angles_rad = array of flip angles in radians equal to echo train length TE = echo time/spacing T1 = T1 value in seconds T2 = T2 value in seconds OUTPUT: Mxy = Transverse magnetization at each echo time Mz = Longitudinal magnetization at each echo time """ T = len(angles_rad) Mxy = np.zeros((T,1)) Mz = np.zeros((T,1)) P = np.array([[0],[0],[1]]) # initially on Mz try: B1 = B1[0] except: pass # pre-scale by B1 homogeneity angle_ex_rad = B1 * np.copy(angle_ex_rad) angles_rad = B1 * np.copy(angles_rad) P = rf_ex(P, angle_ex_rad) # initial tip for i in range(T): alpha = angles_rad[i] P = FSE_TE(P, alpha, TE, T1, T2) Mxy[i] = P[0,0] Mz[i] = P[2,0] return Mxy, Mz if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt T1 = 1000e-3 T2 = 200e-3 TE = 5e-3 N = 100 angles = 120 * np.ones((N,)) angles_rad = angles * np.pi / 180. S = FSE_signal(angles_rad, TE, T1, T2) S2 = abs(S) plt.plot(TE*1000*np.arange(1, N+1), S2) plt.xlabel('time (ms)') plt.ylabel('signal') plt.title('T1 = %.2f ms, T2 = %.2f ms' % (T1 * 1000, T2 * 1000))
#!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). import os import re import sys filename = sys.argv[1] def extract_artifact(line): splitline = line.split('%') org = re.sub(r'^revision\.[a-z_]+\.', '', splitline[0]) name = re.sub(r'=.*', '', splitline[1].rstrip()) return (org, name) with open(filename) as f: base_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) content = f.readlines() for line in content: # For each line get the org and name, make a directory with these # and open the publish file. artifact = extract_artifact(line) (org, name) = artifact publish_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, org, name) if not os.path.exists(publish_dir): os.makedirs(publish_dir) with open(os.path.join(publish_dir, ''), 'a') as output: output.write(line)
<gh_stars>1-10 import queue import threading from ray.rllib.evaluation.metrics import get_learner_stats from ray.rllib.policy.policy import LEARNER_STATS_KEY from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf from ray.rllib.utils.timer import TimerStat from ray.rllib.utils.window_stat import WindowStat LEARNER_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 16 tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf() class LearnerThread(threading.Thread): """Background thread that updates the local model from replay data. The learner thread communicates with the main thread through Queues. This is needed since Ray operations can only be run on the main thread. In addition, moving heavyweight gradient ops session runs off the main thread improves overall throughput. """ def __init__(self, local_worker): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.learner_queue_size = WindowStat("size", 50) self.local_worker = local_worker self.inqueue = queue.Queue(maxsize=LEARNER_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE) self.outqueue = queue.Queue() self.queue_timer = TimerStat() self.grad_timer = TimerStat() self.overall_timer = TimerStat() self.daemon = True self.weights_updated = False self.stopped = False self.stats = {} def run(self): # Switch on eager mode if configured. if self.local_worker.policy_config.get("framework") in ["tf2", "tfe"]: tf1.enable_eager_execution() while not self.stopped: self.step() def step(self): with self.overall_timer: with self.queue_timer: ra, replay = self.inqueue.get() if replay is not None: prio_dict = {} with self.grad_timer: grad_out = self.local_worker.learn_on_batch(replay) for pid, info in grad_out.items(): td_error = info.get( "td_error", info[LEARNER_STATS_KEY].get("td_error")) prio_dict[pid] = (replay.policy_batches[pid].data.get( "batch_indexes"), td_error) self.stats[pid] = get_learner_stats(info) self.grad_timer.push_units_processed(replay.count) self.outqueue.put((ra, prio_dict, replay.count)) self.learner_queue_size.push(self.inqueue.qsize()) self.weights_updated = True self.overall_timer.push_units_processed(replay and replay.count or 0)
import time, math, cmath import numpy as np from functools import reduce from qiskit import * from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector from circuit_builder import CircuitBuilder from agent import Agent class QRPS_Agent(Agent): def __init__(self, backend): self.backend = backend self.memory = {} self.gamma = 0.0 self.n = 0.05 # def act2(self, env): # transitions = np.array([ # [0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], # [0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4], # [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2], # [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2] # ]) # flags = [1, 2] # self.rank_two(transitions, flags) def act(self, env): env_state = env.state() env_actions = env.actions() # If only one action is available, there's nothing to learn here if len(env_actions) == 1: env.step(env_actions[0]) return # Add to memory if env_state not in self.memory: self.memory[env_state] = np.array([1] * len(env_actions)), np.array(range(len(env_actions))), 0.0 weights, flags, glow = self.memory[env_state] sum_weights = np.sum(weights) prob = np.array([h / sum_weights for h in weights]) print('Pr:', prob) print('Flags:', flags) # Quantum deliberation max_tries = 3 action_index = None for _ in range(max_tries): action_index = self.rank_one(prob, flags, debug=False) if action_index in flags: break reward = env.step(env_actions[action_index]) print("Action:", env_actions[action_index], reward) self.update_values(env_state, env_actions, action_index, reward) def update_values(self, state, actions, action_index, reward): "Updates the weights, flags and glow values according to the received reward" weights, flags, glows = self.memory[state] glows = np.array([1.0 if action_index == i else (1 - self.n) * g for i, g in enumerate(glows)]) weights[action_index] = weights[action_index] - self.gamma * (weights[action_index] - 1) + glows[action_index] * reward flags = np.delete(flags, action_index) if reward < 0.0 else flags if len(flags) == 0: flags = np.array([i for i in range(len(actions)) if i is not action_index]) self.memory[state] = weights, flags, glows def prob_to_angles(self, prob, previous=1): "Calculates the angles to encode the given probabilities" def calc_angle(x): return 2 * math.acos(math.sqrt(x)) if len(prob) == 2: return [calc_angle(prob[0] / previous)] if previous != 0 else [0] lhs, rhs = np.split(prob, 2) angles = np.array([calc_angle(np.sum(lhs) / previous)]) angles = np.append(angles, self.prob_to_angles(lhs, previous=np.sum(lhs))) angles = np.append(angles, self.prob_to_angles(rhs, previous=np.sum(rhs))) return angles def rank_one(self, prob, flags, debug=False): "Rank-one implementation of Reflective Projective Simulation" num_qubits = math.ceil(math.log(len(prob), 2)) # Ensure lenght of probabilities is 2**num_qubits if len(prob) != 2**num_qubits: prob = np.append(prob, [0] * (2**num_qubits - len(prob))) # Epsilon (probability of flagged actions) epsilon = reduce(lambda e, i: e + prob[i], flags, 0.0) # State preparation U = CircuitBuilder().get_U(num_qubits, self.prob_to_angles(prob)).to_instruction() # Quantum circuit qreg = QuantumRegister(num_qubits, name='q') circ = QuantumCircuit(qreg) # Encode stationary distribution circ.append(U, qreg) k = math.floor(math.pi / (4 * math.sqrt(epsilon))) for _ in range(k): # Reflection around the flagged actions circ.diagonal([-1 if i in flags else 1 for i in range(2**num_qubits)], qreg) # Reflection around the stationary distribution circ.append(U.inverse(), qreg) circ.x(qreg) if num_qubits == 1: circ.z(qreg) else: circ.h(qreg[-1]) circ.mcx(qreg[:-1], qreg[-1]) circ.h(qreg[-1]) circ.x(qreg) circ.append(U, qreg) if debug: print(circ.draw(fold=140)) circ.snapshot('sv') # Sample from stationary distribution circ.measure_all() result = execute(circ, backend=self.backend, shots=1).result() if debug: resulting_sv =['snapshots']['statevector']['sv'][0] print(Statevector(resulting_sv).probabilities_dict()) counts = result.get_counts(circ) action_index = max(counts, key=counts.get) return int(action_index, 2) def rank_two(self, transitions, flags, debug=False): eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(transitions) eigvals.sort() num_qubits = int(math.log2(len(transitions))) num_ancilla = math.ceil(math.log2(1 / math.sqrt(1 - abs(eigvals[-2])))) + 1 # Stationary distribution S, U = np.linalg.eig(transitions) stat_distr = np.array(U[:, np.where(np.abs(S - 1.) < 1e-8)[0][0]].flat) stat_distr = stat_distr / np.sum(stat_distr) print(stat_distr) # Epsilon (probability of flagged actions) epsilon = reduce(lambda e, i: e + stat_distr[i], flags, 0.0) # Reverse transition matrix rev_transitions = transitions * np.array(stat_distr) rev_transitions = rev_transitions.transpose() / np.array(stat_distr) # Angles stat_angles = self.prob_to_angles(stat_distr) angles = np.concatenate([self.prob_to_angles(transitions[:,i]) for i in range(2**num_qubits)]) rev_angles = np.concatenate([self.prob_to_angles(rev_transitions[:,i]) for i in range(2**num_qubits)]) # Quantum circuit anc = AncillaRegister(num_ancilla, 'anc') qreg1 = QuantumRegister(num_qubits, 'reg1') qreg2 = QuantumRegister(num_qubits, 'reg2') creg = ClassicalRegister(num_qubits, 'creg') circ = QuantumCircuit(anc, qreg1, qreg2, creg) # Encode stationary distribution U = CircuitBuilder().get_U(num_qubits, stat_angles) circ.append(U.to_instruction(), qreg1) Up = CircuitBuilder().get_Up(num_qubits, angles) circ.append(Up.to_instruction(), qreg1[:] + qreg2[:]) ARO = CircuitBuilder().get_ARO(num_qubits, num_ancilla) k = math.floor(math.pi / (4 * math.sqrt(epsilon))) for _ in range(k): circ.diagonal([-1 if i in flags else 1 for i in range(2**num_qubits)], qreg1) circ.append(ARO, anc[:] + qreg1[:] + qreg2[:]) print(circ.draw(fold=240)) # circ.snapshot('sv') circ.measure(qreg1, creg) # Bind transition angles parameters = CircuitBuilder().get_parameters(num_qubits) binds = dict(zip(parameters, np.concatenate([angles, rev_angles]))) start = time.time() result = execute(circ, backend=self.backend, shots=2048, parameter_binds=[binds]).result() end = time.time() if debug: resulting_sv =['snapshots']['statevector']['sv'][0] print(Statevector(resulting_sv).probabilities_dict()) print("RUN took:", end - start) print(result.get_counts(circ))
<gh_stars>1-10 class GroupDirectoryError(Exception): pass class NoSuchRoleIdError(GroupDirectoryError): def __init__(self, *args, role_id, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.role_id = role_id class NoSuchRoleNameError(GroupDirectoryError): def __init__(self, *args, role_name, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.role_name = role_name class GroupDirectoryGroupError(GroupDirectoryError): def __init__(self, *args, group, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = group class NoSuchGroupError(GroupDirectoryGroupError): pass class GroupAlreadyExistsError(GroupDirectoryGroupError): pass
<reponame>gaocegege/treadmill<gh_stars>1-10 """Linux runtime interface. """ import time import logging import os from treadmill import appcfg from treadmill import context from treadmill import exc from treadmill import presence from treadmill import subproc from treadmill import supervisor from treadmill import tickets from treadmill.appcfg import abort as app_abort from treadmill.runtime import runtime_base from . import _run as app_run from . import _finish as app_finish _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _start_service_sup(container_dir): """Safely start services supervisor.""" sys_dir = os.path.join(container_dir, 'sys') svc_sup_dir = os.path.join(sys_dir, 'start_container') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(svc_sup_dir, '')): supervisor.start_service(sys_dir, 'start_container', once=True) else:'services supervisor already started.') def _get_tickets(appname, app, container_dir): """Get tickets.""" tkts_spool_dir = os.path.join( container_dir, 'root', 'var', 'spool', 'tickets') reply = tickets.request_tickets(context.GLOBAL.zk.conn, appname) if reply: tickets.store_tickets(reply, tkts_spool_dir) # Check that all requested tickets are valid. for princ in app.get('tickets', []): krbcc_file = os.path.join(tkts_spool_dir, princ) if not tickets.krbcc_ok(krbcc_file): _LOGGER.error('Missing or expired tickets: %s, %s', princ, krbcc_file) raise exc.ContainerSetupError('tickets.%s' % princ) else:'Ticket ok: %s, %s', princ, krbcc_file) class LinuxRuntime(runtime_base.RuntimeBase): """Linux Treadmill runtime.""" def __init__(self, tm_env, container_dir): super(LinuxRuntime, self).__init__(tm_env, container_dir) def _can_run(self, manifest): try: return appcfg.AppType(manifest['type']) in ( appcfg.AppType.NATIVE, appcfg.AppType.TAR # TODO: Add support for DOCKER ) except ValueError: return False def run_timeout(self, manifest): if appcfg.AppType(manifest['type']) is appcfg.AppType.NATIVE: return '60s' # Inflated to allow time to download and extract the image. return '5m' def _run(self, manifest, watchdog, terminated):, self.container_dir, manifest, watchdog, terminated) def _finish(self, watchdog, terminated): app_finish.finish(self.tm_env, context.GLOBAL.zk.conn, self.container_dir, watchdog) def _register(self, manifest, refresh_interval=None): app_presence = presence.EndpointPresence( context.GLOBAL.zk.conn, manifest ) try: app_presence.register() if manifest.get('tickets', None): _get_tickets(manifest['name'], manifest, self.container_dir) _start_service_sup(self.container_dir) except exc.ContainerSetupError: app_abort.abort( self.tm_env, manifest['name'], reason='container_setup_error', ) # If tickets are not ok, app will be aborted. Waiting for tickets # in the loop is harmless way to wait for that. # # If tickets acquired successfully, services will start, and # tickets will be refreshed after each interval. tkts_spool_dir = os.path.join( self.container_dir, 'root', 'var', 'spool', 'tickets') while True: time.sleep(refresh_interval) reply = tickets.request_tickets(context.GLOBAL.zk.conn, manifest['name']) if reply: tickets.store_tickets(reply, tkts_spool_dir) else: _LOGGER.error('Error requesting tickets.') def _monitor(self, manifest): svc_presence = presence.ServicePresence( manifest, self.container_dir, self.tm_env.app_events_dir ) sys_dir = os.path.join(self.container_dir, 'sys') svc_sup_dir = os.path.join(sys_dir, 'start_container') failed_svc = None killed = False # Check that start_container was not terminated. This fixed race # condition if the presence exits and while restarted, # start_container is terminated. svc_sup_ran_once = os.path.exists(os.path.join(svc_sup_dir, ''))'services supervisor ran once: %s', svc_sup_ran_once) svc_sup_down = presence.is_down(svc_sup_dir)'services supervisor down: %s', svc_sup_down) if svc_sup_down and svc_sup_ran_once:'services supervisor was terminated, exiting.') else: svc_presence.ensure_supervisors_running() # Try to start the service, taking into account number of # restarts. # If the number of restarts is more than specified, delete app # from the model, which will trigger container shutdown. # # In case of container shutdown (application evicted from the # server), exit_app will not be called. while True: success, failed_svc = svc_presence.start_all() if not success: break svc_presence.wait_for_exit(svc_sup_dir) if presence.is_down(svc_sup_dir):'Container services supervisor is down.') failed_svc = None killed = True break svc_presence.exit_app(failed_svc, killed=killed)'Shutting down sys supervisor.')['s6_svscanctl', '-pi', sys_dir])
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python3 import cherrypy import json static_dir = '/templates/' # Needs to have trailing and leading slash '/' class wellcome(object): '''Base Index constructor and expose function''' @cherrypy.expose def index(self): result = '''{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "isAlive": true, "age": 27, "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021-3100" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "office", "number": "646 555-4567" }, { "type": "mobile", "number": "123 456-7890" } ], "children": [], "spouse": null }''' return json.dumps(json.loads(result)) @cherrypy.expose def other(self): result = '<h1>Other</h1>' return result
<filename> import discord import requests import json import time import youtube_dl import os import random from discord import client from discord.ext import commands from discord import Intents from discord import FFmpegPCMAudio dababyImages = ["dababy1.jpg", "dababy2.jpg", "dababy3.jpg", "dababy4.jpg"] #Array met een aantal images waaruit geselecteerd kan worden. keys = ["REDACTED"] #Dit is de sleutel waarmee de bot gemanipuleerd word, deze is identical. prefix = "?" intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = prefix ,help_command=None, intents=intents) #Functions def jokeApi(): #Deze functie krijgt een random joke van een api, bij deze api is geen key nodig. jokeUrl = "" response = requests.request("GET", jokeUrl) jokeApiResponse = str((json.loads(response.text)['setup']) + " " + (json.loads(response.text)['punchline'])) return jokeApiResponse #Commands @client.event #Dit is een commando dat een reactie geeft wanneer de bot klaar is voor gebruik async def on_ready(): await client.change_presence() print('Status: Online') @client.command(pass_context=True) #Met dit commando word er een bericht gestuurd waarbij alle bruikbare commando's weergeven worden async def help(ctx): embed = discord.Embed( title = 'Helping you!', description = 'Available commands:', colour = ) embed.set_footer(text=('Requested by: ' + embed.set_thumbnail(url='') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'introduce'), value='Displays a short introduction of the bot.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'ping'), value='Displays response time of the bot.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'clear'), value='Removes certain amount of messages from a channel.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'joke'), value='Displays a random joke each time.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'join'), value='Joins the channel you are in.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'leave'), value='Leaves the channel the bot is in.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'play + [Youtube URL]'), value='Plays the Youtube url you requested.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'pause'), value='Pauses the audio currently playing.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'resume'), value='Resumes the audio currently playing.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'stop'), value='Stops playing audio.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'finn'), value='Random easter egg.') embed.add_field(name=(prefix + 'dababy'), value='Random easter egg.') await ctx.send(embed=embed) @client.command(aliases=['Introduce']) #Dit commando zorgt ervoor dat de bot zichzelf voorsteld async def introduce(ctx): await ctx.send("Hello, I am RedAlp! I am here to help.") @client.command(aliases=['Ping']) #Met dit command krijg je de response tijd van de bot, hoe lang het duurt voor de bot om te reageren async def ping(ctx): await ctx.send("Pong! " + str(round(client.latency * 1000))+ "ms") @client.command(aliases=['Clear']) #Verwijderd een geselecteerd aantal berichten uit het kanaal, als er geen getal is opgegeven word het default 10 gedaan. async def clear(ctx, amount=10): await = amount) @client.command(aliases=['Joke']) #Geeft een random joke, met gebruik van de voorgenoemde API async def joke(ctx): jokeApiResponse = jokeApi() await ctx.send(jokeApiResponse) @client.command(aliases=['Join']) #Met die commando zal de bot checken of jij in een voice channel zit en zo ja, hetzelfde channel joinen. async def join(ctx): if ( channel = await channel.connect() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') else: await ctx.send("You are not in a voice channel, you must be in one for me to join!") @client.command(pass_context = True, aliases=['dc', 'Leave']) #Met die commando zal de bot checken of hijzelf in een voice channel zit, zo ja zal hij dit channel leaven. async def leave(ctx): if (ctx.voice_client): await ctx.guild.voice_client.disconnect() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') else: await ctx.send("I am not in a voice channel.") #Play audio @client.command(pass_content = True, aliases=['p', 'P', 'Play']) #Met dit command zal de bot eerst de link afgaan met het Youtube_DL package en zodra die een file vind met .mp3 zal hij deze downloaden en daarna door middel van FFmpeg afspelen. async def play(ctx, url:str): if not ( channel = await ctx.send("To request a song, you must be in a voice channel.") song_there = os.path.isfile("song.mp3") try: if song_there: os.remove("song.mp3") except PermissionError: await ctx.send("Wait for the current playing music to end or use the 'stop' command") return Channel = if not (ctx.voice_client): await Channel.connect() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[url]) for file in os.listdir("./"): if file.endswith(".mp3"): nowPlaying = str(file)[0:-16] nowPlaying2 = nowPlaying os.rename(file, "song.mp3")"song.mp3")) songEmbed = discord.Embed( #Embed voor het aangeven welk liedje aan het spelen is. title = 'Music Time!', description = 'Now playing: ' + nowPlaying, colour = ) songEmbed.set_footer(text='Author: ' + songEmbed.set_thumbnail(url='') songEmbed.add_field(name='Url: ', value=url, inline=True) await ctx.send(embed=songEmbed) @client.command(pass_context = True) #Pauseerd de media die op het moment aan het spelen is async def pause(ctx): voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients,guild=ctx.guild) if voice.is_playing(): #Kijkt of er muziek aan het spelen is voice.pause() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') else: await ctx.send("There is no audio playing right now.") @client.command(pass_context = True) #Vervolgd de media die op het moment aan het spelen is async def resume(ctx): voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients,guild=ctx.guild) if voice.is_paused(): #Kijkt of er muziek gepauseerd is. voice.resume() await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') else: await ctx.send("There is no audio paused right now.") @client.command(pass_context = True) #Stopt compleet met het spelen van media. async def stop(ctx): voice = discord.utils.get(client.voice_clients,guild=ctx.guild) voice.stop() #Stopt met spelen van audio await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅') #Easter eggs, Geen uitleg bij. @client.command(pass_content = True, aliases=['Finn']) async def finn(ctx): if (ctx.voice_client): await ctx.send("Nee, niet nu ik er al ben.") elif ( channel = voice = await channel.connect() finnsource = FFmpegPCMAudio('wetfart.wav') player = while voice.is_playing(): if not (voice.is_playing()): break await ctx.guild.voice_client.disconnect() else: await ctx.send("Deze zemmel is gewoon niet in een voice channel.") @client.command(pass_content = True) async def dababy(ctx): await ctx.send("Lezzz go, I'm dababy", file=discord.File(random.choice(dababyImages))) #Geeft een random image uit een lijst van png images #Events @client.event #Wanneer iemand de guild/server joined zal de bot dat zien en een welkombericht sturen async def on_member_join(member): for channel in member.guild.channels: #kijkt bij elke channel of de channel met de string te vinden is. if str(channel) == "welcome": await channel.send("`Welcome `*" + str(member)[0:-5] + "*") @client.event #Wanneer iemand de guild/server verlaat zal de bot dat zien en een vaarwelbericht sturen async def on_member_remove(member): for channel in member.guild.channels: #kijkt bij elke channel of de channel met de string te vinden is. if str(channel) == "welcome": await channel.send("`Goodbye `*" + str(member)[0:-5] + "*")[0]) #Hier is de key van de bot nodig, bovenin genoemd
<reponame>cambridge-cares/TheWorldAvatar """ Demo script to show the usage of the script. This demo reads in a CSV with sample locations, determines their elevations, then writes out a local CSV with the results. Requires: - A remote GeoServer with a valid WMS endpoint Authors: - mdhillman<@><EMAIL> """ import csv import elevations def outputLine(outputFile, name, lat, lon, refHeight, height, absDev, relDev): """ Output line in CSV file. """ outputFile.write(name) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(lat)) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(lon)) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(refHeight)) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(height)) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(absDev)) outputFile.write(",") outputFile.write(str(relDev)) outputFile.write("\n") # WMS Endpoint WMS = "url-goes-here" # Input CSV CSV = "./inputs.csv" # Open file handles resultsFile = open("results.csv", "w") resultsFile.write("Name,Latitude,Longitude,Ref height [m],Height [m],Absolute deviation [m],Relative deviation [%]\n") # Read the CSV with open(CSV, mode="r") as csvFile: csvReader = csv.DictReader(csvFile) # Read each row for row in csvReader: name = row["Name"] refHeight = float(row["Height [m]"]) lat = float(row["Latitude"]) lon = float(row["Longitude"]) # Determine the elevations height = elevations.getHeight(WMS, lat, lon) # Calculate deviations absDev = abs(refHeight - height) relDev = 100.0 * abs(refHeight - height) / refHeight # Add rows in output files outputLine(resultsFile, name, lat, lon, refHeight, height, absDev, relDev) # Close file and finish csvFile.close() resultsFile.close() print("Elevation demo finished, please see 'results.csv' file for heights.")
<reponame>dstallenberg/In-Phase<filename>examples/<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np from src.quantum_phase_estimation.util_functions import error_estimate, find_qubits_from_unitary from src.quantum_phase_estimation.generator.generator import generate_qasm_code from src.qasm_optimizer.optimizer import optimize from src.qasm_error_introducer.error_introducer import introduce_error from src.qasm_topology_mapper.mapping import map_to_topology from src.quantum_phase_estimation.processing.classical_postprocessing import print_result, remove_degeneracy_projectq from src.quantum_phase_estimation.plot_results import plot_results_projectq from src.qasm_to_projectq.converter import qasm_to_projectq if __name__ == "__main__": # variables unitary = np.array([[0.7071, -0.7071j], [-0.7071j, 0.7071]]) desired_bit_accuracy = 5 minimum_chance_of_success = 0.5 mu = 0 sigma = 0.01 error_toggle = False topology = [['0', '1'], ['0', '3'], ['1', '2'], ['1', '4'], ['2', '5'], ['3', '4'], ['3', '6'], ['4', '5'], ['4', '7'], ['5', '8'], ['6', '7'], ['7', '8']] shots = 100 # process nancillas, p_succes = error_estimate(desired_bit_accuracy, minimum_chance_of_success) qubits, extra_empty_bits = find_qubits_from_unitary(unitary, nancillas, topology=topology) final_qasm = generate_qasm_code(nancillas, qubits, unitary, extra_empty_bits=extra_empty_bits) final_qasm = optimize(final_qasm, nancillas, qubits, extra_empty_bits) if topology is not None: final_qasm = map_to_topology(topology, final_qasm) final_qasm = optimize(final_qasm, nancillas, qubits, extra_empty_bits) if error_toggle: final_qasm = introduce_error(final_qasm, mu, sigma) final_qasm = optimize(final_qasm, nancillas, qubits, extra_empty_bits) projecq_code = qasm_to_projectq(final_qasm) file = open('generated/code/', 'w') file.write(projecq_code) file.close() from generated.code.generated import calc_probs result = calc_probs() print(result) plot_results_projectq(result, nancillas, qubits, p_succes) # Classical postprocessing fraction, error = print_result(remove_degeneracy_projectq(result, nancillas), desired_bit_accuracy, nancillas) print('Fraction: ', fraction) print('Error: ', error) print('Correct chance: ', 1 - (1 - p_succes) ** shots)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # python3 : test speed/compression for folder 'corpus' # python3 indir : test speed/compression for folder 'indir' import os import sys import stat import time import shutil import ntpath import subprocess import pandas as pd def _cmp( exe, fnm, lvl, opts=' -f -k -', ): """ compress file 'fnm' using executable 'exe' Parameters ---------- exe : str name of compression executable fnm : str name of file to be compressed lvl : int compression level opts : str command line options for executable (default, ' -f -k -') """ env = os.environ cmd = exe + opts + str(lvl) + ' "' + fnm + '"', shell=True) def test_cmp( exe='gzip', indir='', repeats=1, ext='.gz', opts=' -q -f -k -', max_level=9, ): """ compress all files in folder 'indir' using executable 'exe' Parameters ---------- exe : str name of compression executable indir : str name of folder with files to compress repeats : int how many times is each file compressed. More is slower but better timing accuracy ext : str extension for files created by exe (default, '.gz') opts : str command line options for executable (default, ' -f -k -') max_level : int maximum compression level to test (default 9) """ if not os.path.exists(exe) and not shutil.which(exe): print('Skipping test: Unable to find "' + exe + '"') return () if len(indir) < 1: indir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'corpus') if not os.path.isdir(indir): print('Run first: Unable to find "' + indir +'"') sys.exit() meth = ntpath.basename(exe) print('Method\tLevel\tms\tmb/s\t%') for lvl in range(1, max_level + 1): t0 = time.time() size = 0 nsize = 0 for rep in range(repeats): for f in os.listdir(indir): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(indir, f)): continue if f.startswith('.'): continue if not f.endswith('.zst') and not f.endswith('.gz') \ and not f.endswith('.bz2'): fnm = os.path.join(indir, f) _cmp(exe, fnm, lvl, opts) if rep > 0: continue size = size + os.stat(fnm).st_size nsize = nsize + os.stat(fnm + ext).st_size size = size * repeats nsize = nsize * repeats seconds = time.time() - t0 # bytes_per_mb = 1024**2 bytes_per_mb = 1000000 speed = size / bytes_per_mb / seconds print('{}\t{}\t{:.0f}\t{:.0f}\t{:.2f}'.format(meth, lvl, seconds * 1000, speed, nsize / size * 100)) row_df = pd.DataFrame([[meth, nsize / size * 100, speed, lvl]]) row_df.columns = ['exe', 'size %', 'speed mb/s', 'level'] try: df = pd.read_pickle('speed_size.pkl') df = pd.concat([row_df, df], ignore_index=True) except (OSError, IOError) as e: df = row_df df.to_pickle('speed_size.pkl') # clean up for f in os.listdir(indir): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(indir, f)): continue if f.endswith('.zst') or f.endswith('.gz') or f.endswith('.bz2' ): fnm = os.path.join(indir, f) os.remove(fnm) def plot(resultsFile): """line-plot showing how compression level impacts file size and conpression speed Parameters ---------- resultsFile : str name of pickle format file to plot """ if == 'posix' and 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ: print('Plot the results on a machine with a graphical display') exit() import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = pd.read_pickle(resultsFile) sns.set() ax = sns.lineplot(x='speed mb/s', y='size %', hue='exe', data=df, marker='o') if __name__ == '__main__': """Compare speed and size for different compression tools Parameters ---------- indir : str folder with files to compress (default './corpus') repeats : int how many times is each file compressed. More (default 1) """ indir = '' if len(sys.argv) > 1: indir = sys.argv[1] repeats = 1 if len(sys.argv) > 2: repeats = int(sys.argv[2]) resultsFile = 'speed_size.pkl' if os.path.exists(resultsFile): os.remove(resultsFile) test_cmp('pbzip2', indir, repeats, '.bz2') test_cmp( 'zstd', indir, repeats, '.zst', ' -T0 -q -f -k -', 19, ) test_cmp('gzip', indir, repeats) # test pigz variants executable = stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH exeDir = './exe' for exe in os.listdir(exeDir): exe = os.path.join(exeDir, exe) if os.path.isfile(exe): st = os.stat(exe) mode = st.st_mode if mode & executable: exe = os.path.abspath(exe) test_cmp(exe, indir, repeats) plot(resultsFile)
from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from ssd.modeling import registry from ssd.modeling.anchors.prior_box import PriorBox from ssd.modeling.box_head.box_predictor import make_box_predictor from ssd.utils import box_utils from .inference import PostProcessor from .loss import MultiBoxLoss, FocalLoss @registry.BOX_HEADS.register('SSDBoxHead') class SSDBoxHead(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.predictor = make_box_predictor(cfg) # if self.cfg.MODEL.BOX_HEAD.LOSS == 'FocalLoss': self.loss_evaluator = FocalLoss(0.25, 2) else: # By default, we use MultiBoxLoss self.loss_evaluator = MultiBoxLoss(neg_pos_ratio=cfg.MODEL.NEG_POS_RATIO) self.post_processor = PostProcessor(cfg) self.priors = None def forward(self, features, targets=None): cls_logits, bbox_pred = self.predictor(features) if return self._forward_train(cls_logits, bbox_pred, targets) else: return self._forward_test(cls_logits, bbox_pred) def _forward_train(self, cls_logits, bbox_pred, targets): gt_boxes, gt_labels = targets['boxes'], targets['labels'] reg_loss, cls_loss = self.loss_evaluator(cls_logits, bbox_pred, gt_labels, gt_boxes) loss_dict = dict( reg_loss=reg_loss, cls_loss=cls_loss, ) detections = (cls_logits, bbox_pred) return detections, loss_dict def _forward_test(self, cls_logits, bbox_pred): if self.priors is None: self.priors = PriorBox(self.cfg)().to(bbox_pred.device) # if self.cfg.MODEL.BOX_HEAD.LOSS == 'FocalLoss': scores = cls_logits.sigmoid() else: scores = F.softmax(cls_logits, dim=2) boxes = box_utils.convert_locations_to_boxes( bbox_pred, self.priors, self.cfg.MODEL.CENTER_VARIANCE, self.cfg.MODEL.SIZE_VARIANCE ) boxes = box_utils.center_form_to_corner_form(boxes) detections = (scores, boxes) detections = self.post_processor(detections) return detections, {}
## @file # Trim files preprocessed by compiler # # Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## # Import Modules # import os import sys import time import logging import struct import datetime import argparse import platform from collections import OrderedDict try: from configparser import ConfigParser except: from ConfigParser import ConfigParser # Config message _BIOS_Signature = "$IBIOSI$" _ConfigItem = { "BOARD_ID": {'Value': '', 'Length': 7}, "BOARD_REV": {'Value': '', 'Length': 1}, "BOARD_EXT": {'Value': '', 'Length': 3}, "BUILD_TYPE": {'Value': '', 'Length': 1}, "VERSION_MAJOR": {'Value': '0000', 'Length': 4}, "VERSION_MINOR": {'Value': '00', 'Length': 2}, } # Version message __prog__ = 'GenBiosld' __description__ = 'Trim files preprocessed by compiler' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> ' __version__ = '%s Version %s' % (__prog__, '0.1 ') # ExtraData message _Usage = "Usage: GenBiosId -i Configfile -o OutputFile [-ot OutputTextFile]" _ConfigSectionNotDefine = "Not support the config file format, need config section" _ErrorMessageTemplate = '\n\n%(tool)s...\n : error: %(msg)s\n\t%(extra)s' _ErrorLogger = logging.getLogger("tool_error") _ErrorFormatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") _ConfigLenInvalid = "Config item %s length is invalid" _ConfigItemInvalid = "Item %s is invalid" # Error message INFO = 20 ERRORCODE = 50 OPTION_MISSING = 'Missing option' FORMAT_INVALID = 'Invalid syntax/format' FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'File/directory not found in workspace' FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 'Unknown error in syntax/format' FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Not supported syntax/format' def SetEdkLogger(): _ErrorLogger.setLevel(INFO) _ErrorCh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) _ErrorCh.setFormatter(_ErrorFormatter) _ErrorLogger.addHandler(_ErrorCh) return _ErrorLogger # Output the error message and exit the tool def EdkLogger(ToolName, Message, ExtraData): _ErrorLogger = SetEdkLogger() TemplateDict = {"tool": ToolName, "msg": Message, "extra": ExtraData} LogText = _ErrorMessageTemplate % TemplateDict _ErrorLogger.log(ERRORCODE, LogText) sys.exit(1) # Open the file in the correct way def FileOpen(FileName, Mode, Buffer=-1): def LongFilePath(FileName): FileName = os.path.normpath(FileName) if platform.system() == 'Windows': if FileName.startswith('\\\\?\\'): return FileName if FileName.startswith('\\\\'): return '\\\\?\\UNC\\' + FileName[2:] if os.path.isabs(FileName): return '\\\\?\\' + FileName return FileName return open(LongFilePath(FileName), Mode, Buffer) # Parse command line options def MyOptionParser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__prog__, description=__description__ + __copyright__ + _Usage, conflict_handler='resolve') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=__version__, help="show program's version number and exit") parser.add_argument('-i', '--int', metavar='FILENAME', dest='InputFile', help="Input Config file") parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', metavar='FILENAME', dest='OutputFile', help="Output file") parser.add_argument('-ot', '--text', metavar='FILENAME', dest='OutputTextFile', help="Output Text file") Options = parser.parse_args() return Options # Check the Tool for missing variables def CheckOptions(Options): if len(sys.argv) != 5 and not (len(sys.argv) == 7 and Options.OutputTextFile): EdkLogger("GenBiosId", OPTION_MISSING, ExtraData=_Usage) elif not Options.InputFile or not Options.OutputFile: EdkLogger("GenBiosId", OPTION_MISSING, ExtraData=_Usage) InputFile = Options.InputFile OutputFile = Options.OutputFile OutputTextFile = Options.OutputTextFile if not os.path.exists(InputFile): EdkLogger("GenBiosId", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="Input file not found") return InputFile, OutputFile, OutputTextFile # Read input file and get config def ReadInputFile(InputFile): InputDict = OrderedDict() with open(InputFile) as File: FileLines = File.readlines() for Line in FileLines: if Line.strip().startswith('#'): continue if '=' in Line: Key, Value = Line.split('=') InputDict[Key.strip()] = Value.strip() return InputDict # Parse the input file and extract the information def ParserInputFile(InputDict): for Item in InputDict: if Item not in _ConfigItem: EdkLogger("GenBiosId", FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=_ConfigItemInvalid % Item) _ConfigItem[Item]['Value'] = InputDict[Item] if len(_ConfigItem[Item]['Value']) != _ConfigItem[Item]['Length']: EdkLogger("GenBiosId", FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=_ConfigLenInvalid % Item) for Item in _ConfigItem: if not _ConfigItem[Item]['Value']: EdkLogger("GenBiosId", FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ExtraData="Item %s is missing" % Item) utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() TimeStamp = time.strftime("%y%m%d%H%M", utcnow.timetuple()) Id_Str = _ConfigItem['BOARD_ID']['Value'] + _ConfigItem['BOARD_REV']['Value'] + '.' + _ConfigItem['BOARD_EXT'][ 'Value'] + '.' + _ConfigItem['VERSION_MAJOR']['Value'] + \ '.' + _ConfigItem["BUILD_TYPE"]['Value'] + _ConfigItem['VERSION_MINOR']['Value'] + '.' + TimeStamp return Id_Str # Output information to a file def PrintOutputFile(OutputFile, OutputTextFile, Id_Str): with FileOpen(OutputFile, 'wb') as FdOut: for i in _BIOS_Signature: FdOut.write(struct.pack('B', ord(i))) for i in Id_Str: FdOut.write(struct.pack('H', ord(i))) FdOut.write(struct.pack('H', 0x00)) if OutputTextFile: with FileOpen(OutputTextFile, 'w') as FdOut: FdOut.write(Id_Str) # Tool entrance method def Main(): Options = MyOptionParser() InputFile, OutputFile, OutputTextFile = CheckOptions(Options) InputDict = ReadInputFile(InputFile) Id_Str = ParserInputFile(InputDict) PrintOutputFile(OutputFile, OutputTextFile, Id_Str) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': r = Main() ## 0-127 is a safe return range, and 1 is a standard default error if r < 0 or r > 127: r = 1 sys.exit(r)
''' Convert a table with one or more columns of taxids to NC ids ''' import sys import os import re try: resultsF = sys.argv[1] except: sys.exit( sys.argv[0] + " <results file (tab separated)>") hostT = '/home3/redwards/phage/host_analysis/all_host_taxid.txt' if not os.path.exists(hostT): sys.exit(hostT + " does not exist. This is just a two column table of NC id and taxid\n") taxa={} with open(hostT, 'r') as hin: for line in hin: line = line.strip() p = line.split("\t") taxa[p[1]] = p[0] with open(resultsF, 'r') as rin: for line in rin: line = line.strip() pieces=line.split("\t") for i in range(len(pieces)): pieces[i] = pieces[i].strip() for i in range(len(pieces)): p=pieces[i] if p not in taxa: sys.stderr.write("Found a taxonomy with no NC" + p + "\n") continue if i == 0: sys.stdout.write(taxa[match[0]]) else: sys.stdout.write("\t" + taxa[match[0]]) print
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Spyder Editor This is a temporary script file. """ import gym import torch import time import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn from datetime import datetime, timedelta from torch.nn import functional as F from collections import namedtuple hidden_size =128 batch_size = 100 percentile = 70 lr = 0.01 class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, obs_size, hidden, num_actions): super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(obs_size, hidden), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(hidden, num_actions) ) def forward(self,x): return Episode = namedtuple('Episode',('reward','steps')) Steps = namedtuple('Steps',('observation','action')) @torch.no_grad() def play(env): state = env.reset() r = 0 while True: env.render() time.sleep(0.01) action = net(torch.FloatTensor(state)).argmax(dim=-1).item() last_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) r += reward if done: print(r) break state = last_state env.close() def iter_batch(env, net, batch_size): batch = [] obs_action = [] rewards = 0 obs = env.reset() while True: obs_t = torch.FloatTensor([obs]) action_p_t = F.softmax(net(obs_t),dim=-1) action_p = action_p_t.detach().numpy()[0] action = np.random.choice(len(action_p),p=action_p) step = Steps(obs, action) obs_action.append(step) next_obs,r,done,_= env.step(action) rewards += r if done: e = Episode(rewards,obs_action) batch.append(e) obs_action = [] rewards = 0 next_obs = env.reset() if len(batch) == batch_size: yield batch batch = [] obs = next_obs def filter_batch(batch, percentile): rewards = list(map(lambda s:s.reward, batch)) reward_boundry = np.percentile(rewards, percentile) rewards_mean = float(np.mean(rewards)) obs_v = [] act_v = [] for reward, step in batch: if reward < reward_boundry: continue obs_v.extend(list(map(lambda s:s.observation, step))) act_v.extend(list(map(lambda s:s.action, step))) obs_v = torch.FloatTensor(obs_v) act_v = torch.LongTensor(act_v) return (obs_v, act_v, reward_boundry, rewards_mean) if __name__=="__main__": start_time = env = gym.make('CartPole-v1') obs_size = env.observation_space.shape[0] num_actions = env.action_space.n net = Net(obs_size, hidden_size, num_actions) loss_fun = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr= lr) for i, batch in enumerate(iter_batch(env, net, batch_size)): obs_v, act_v, reward_boundry, rewards_mean = \ filter_batch(batch, percentile) optimizer.zero_grad() output = net(obs_v) loss = loss_fun(output, act_v) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(f'epoch:{i} loss:{loss.item():.3f} mean:{rewards_mean:.0f}') if rewards_mean > 475: duration = timedelta(seconds = ( print(f'Solved! in {duration}') break
# Script to accept as input two .xlsx files and # calculate the inter-rater kappa agreement values # # The input files should have only 1 sheet # The code column should be named 'Code' # The instance number column should be labeled 'Segment' # # author: <NAME> # affliation: MIT Media Lab & Nock Lab, Harvard # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import csv import os.path from re import findall, split from csv import reader from subprocess import call from os.path import basename from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from argparse import ArgumentParser # Function to define parent level codes def getParentCodes(): return ['BACKGROUND INFORMATION', 'MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT', 'RISK FACTORS', 'PSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS', 'SELF-HARM THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIORS', 'SOCIAL COMMUNICATION / POST INFORMATION', 'SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIFIC'] #Function to parse an Excel file exported via MAXQDA annotation def parseCSV(path): print path try: call( ["xlsx2csv", path, "tmp.csv"] ) codes = {} with open("tmp.csv", "rU") as fp: rdr = reader(fp) rows = [ row for row in rdr ] codeIndex = rows[0].index('Code') postIndex = rows[0].index('Segment') sets = [] errors = [] rows = rows[1:] for i, row in enumerate(rows): if findall(r'\d+', row[postIndex]): sets.append([ findall(r'\d+', row[postIndex])[0], row[codeIndex] ]) else: errors.append(row) if errors: for i in errors: for row in rows: if ( i[postIndex] in row[postIndex] ) and ( findall(r'\d+', row[postIndex]) ): sets.append( [ findall(r'\d+', row[postIndex])[0], i[codeIndex] ] ) break for item in sets: codes[item[0]] = [] for item in sets: codes[item[0]].append(item[1]) call ( ["rm", "tmp.csv"] ) return codes except Exception, e: print "Oops: " + str(e) #Function to get metrics for annotation agreement def getClassificationReport(gold, coder): y_gold = [] y_coder = [] for code in gold: y_gold.append(gold[code]) y_coder.append(coder[code]) with open('tmp.csv','wb') as fp: print >> fp, classification_report(y_gold, y_coder) with open('tmp.csv','rb') as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp) scores = [ split(" *", ' '.join(row).replace(",","")) for row in reader if row ] parentCodes = getParentCodes() report = {} for parentCode in parentCodes: report[parentCode] = {'count': 0, 'score': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] } for parentCode in parentCodes: for score in scores[1:-1]: if parentCode in score[0]: report[parentCode]['score'] = [float(x) + float(y) for x, y in zip(report[parentCode]['score'], score[1:])] report[parentCode]['count'] += 1 if report[parentCode]['count'] > 0: report[parentCode]['score'] = [ i / report[parentCode]['count'] for i in report[parentCode]['score'] ] report[scores[-1][0]] = {'count': 1, 'score': scores[-1][1:]} return report #Function to save metrics into a csv file def putScoreCard(report, coderName): scoreCard = [['Code','Precision','Recall','F1','Support']] for code in sorted(report): scoreCard.append( [code] + report[code]['score'] ) with open(coderName + '.csv', 'wb') as fp: wr = csv.writer(fp) wr.writerows(scoreCard) #Function to check if the args supplied are valid files def is_valid_file(parser, arg): if not os.path.exists(arg): parser.error("The file %s does not exist!" % arg) else: return arg def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description="Calculate F1 Agreement Values Between Gold & Coder Sets") parser.add_argument("-gold", dest="gold", required=True, help="Input a gold excel file", metavar="FILE", type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x)) parser.add_argument("-coder", dest="coder", required=True, help="Input a coder excel file", metavar="FILE", type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x)) args = parser.parse_args() gold = parseCSV( coder = parseCSV(args.coder) report = getClassificationReport(gold, coder) putScoreCard(report, os.path.basename(args.coder).split('.')[0]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'network'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: nxos_ip_interface version_added: "2.1" short_description: Manages L3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. description: - Manages Layer 3 attributes for IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces. extends_documentation_fragment: nxos author: - <NAME> (@jedelman8) - <NAME> (@GGabriele) notes: - Tested against NXOSv 7.3.(0)D1(1) on VIRL - Interface must already be a L3 port when using this module. - Logical interfaces (po, loop, svi) must be created first. - C(mask) must be inserted in decimal format (i.e. 24) for both IPv6 and IPv4. - A single interface can have multiple IPv6 configured. - C(tag) is not idempotent for IPv6 addresses and I2 system image. options: interface: description: - Full name of interface, i.e. Ethernet1/1, vlan10. required: true addr: description: - IPv4 or IPv6 Address. required: false default: null mask: description: - Subnet mask for IPv4 or IPv6 Address in decimal format. required: false default: null tag: description: - Route tag for IPv4 or IPv6 Address in integer format. required: false default: 0 version_added: "2.4" allow_secondary: description: - Allow to configure IPv4 secondary addresses on interface. required: false default: false version_added: "2.4" state: description: - Specify desired state of the resource. required: false default: present choices: ['present','absent'] requirements: - "ipaddress" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Ensure ipv4 address is configured on Ethernet1/32 nxos_ip_interface: interface: Ethernet1/32 transport: nxapi version: v4 state: present addr: mask: 24 - name: Ensure ipv6 address is configured on Ethernet1/31 nxos_ip_interface: interface: Ethernet1/31 transport: cli version: v6 state: present addr: '2001::db8:800:200c:cccb' mask: 64 - name: Ensure ipv4 address is configured with tag nxos_ip_interface: interface: Ethernet1/32 transport: nxapi version: v4 state: present tag: 100 addr: mask: 24 - name: Configure ipv4 address as secondary if needed nxos_ip_interface: interface: Ethernet1/32 transport: nxapi version: v4 state: present allow_secondary: true addr: mask: 24 ''' RETURN = ''' proposed: description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module returned: always type: dict sample: {"addr": "", "allow_secondary": true, "interface": "Ethernet1/32", "mask": "24", "tag": 100} existing: description: k/v pairs of existing IP attributes on the interface returned: always type: dict sample: {"addresses": [{"addr": "", "mask": 17, "tag": 101, "secondary": false}], "interface": "ethernet1/32", "prefixes": [""], "type": "ethernet", "vrf": "default"} end_state: description: k/v pairs of IP attributes after module execution returned: always type: dict sample: {"addresses": [{"addr": "", "mask": 17, "tag": 101, "secondary": false}, {"addr": "", "mask": 24, "tag": 100, "secondary": true}], "interface": "ethernet1/32", "prefixes": ["", ""], "type": "ethernet", "vrf": "default"} commands: description: commands sent to the device returned: always type: list sample: ["interface ethernet1/32", "ip address secondary tag 100"] changed: description: check to see if a change was made on the device returned: always type: boolean sample: true ''' import re try: import ipaddress HAS_IPADDRESS = True except ImportError: HAS_IPADDRESS = False from ansible.module_utils.nxos import load_config, run_commands from ansible.module_utils.nxos import nxos_argument_spec, check_args from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def find_same_addr(existing, addr, mask, full=False, **kwargs): for address in existing['addresses']: if address['addr'] == addr and address['mask'] == mask: if full: if kwargs['version'] == 'v4' and int(address['tag']) == kwargs['tag']: return address elif kwargs['version'] == 'v6' and kwargs['tag'] == 0: # Currently we don't get info about IPv6 address tag # But let's not break idempotence for the default case return address else: return address return False def execute_show_command(command, module): cmd = {} cmd['answer'] = None cmd['command'] = command cmd['output'] = 'text' cmd['prompt'] = None body = run_commands(module, [cmd]) return body def get_interface_type(interface): if interface.upper().startswith('ET'): return 'ethernet' elif interface.upper().startswith('VL'): return 'svi' elif interface.upper().startswith('LO'): return 'loopback' elif interface.upper().startswith('MG'): return 'management' elif interface.upper().startswith('MA'): return 'management' elif interface.upper().startswith('PO'): return 'portchannel' else: return 'unknown' def is_default(interface, module): command = 'show run interface {0}'.format(interface) try: body = execute_show_command(command, module)[0] if 'invalid' in body.lower(): return 'DNE' else: raw_list = body.split('\n') if raw_list[-1].startswith('interface'): return True else: return False except KeyError: return 'DNE' def get_interface_mode(interface, intf_type, module): command = 'show interface {0} switchport'.format(interface) mode = 'unknown' if intf_type in ['ethernet', 'portchannel']: body = execute_show_command(command, module)[0] if len(body) > 0: if 'Switchport: Disabled' in body: mode = 'layer3' elif 'Switchport: Enabled' in body: mode = "layer2" elif intf_type == 'svi': mode = 'layer3' return mode def send_show_command(interface_name, version, module): if version == 'v4': command = 'show ip interface {0}'.format(interface_name) elif version == 'v6': command = 'show ipv6 interface {0}'.format(interface_name) body = execute_show_command(command, module) return body def parse_unstructured_data(body, interface_name, version, module): interface = {} interface['addresses'] = [] interface['prefixes'] = [] vrf = None body = body[0] splitted_body = body.split('\n') if version == "v6": if "ipv6 is disabled" not in body.lower(): address_list = [] # We can have multiple IPv6 on the same interface. # We need to parse them manually from raw output. for index in range(0, len(splitted_body) - 1): if "IPv6 address:" in splitted_body[index]: first_reference_point = index + 1 elif "IPv6 subnet:" in splitted_body[index]: last_reference_point = index break interface_list_table = splitted_body[first_reference_point:last_reference_point] for each_line in interface_list_table: address = each_line.strip().split(' ')[0] if address not in address_list: address_list.append(address) interface['prefixes'].append(str(ipaddress.ip_interface(u"%s" % address).network)) if address_list: for ipv6 in address_list: address = {} splitted_address = ipv6.split('/') address['addr'] = splitted_address[0] address['mask'] = splitted_address[1] interface['addresses'].append(address) else: for index in range(0, len(splitted_body) - 1): if "IP address" in splitted_body[index]: regex = '.*IP\saddress:\s(?P<addr>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}),\sIP\ssubnet:' + \ '\s\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}\/(?P<mask>\d+)(?:\s(?P<secondary>secondary)\s)?' + \ '(.+?tag:\s(?P<tag>\d+).*)?' match = re.match(regex, splitted_body[index]) if match: match_dict = match.groupdict() if match_dict['secondary'] is None: match_dict['secondary'] = False else: match_dict['secondary'] = True if match_dict['tag'] is None: match_dict['tag'] = 0 else: match_dict['tag'] = int(match_dict['tag']) interface['addresses'].append(match_dict) prefix = str(ipaddress.ip_interface(u"%(addr)s/%(mask)s" % match_dict).network) interface['prefixes'].append(prefix) try: vrf_regex = '.+?VRF\s+(?P<vrf>\S+?)\s' match_vrf = re.match(vrf_regex, body, re.DOTALL) vrf = match_vrf.groupdict()['vrf'] except AttributeError: vrf = None interface['interface'] = interface_name interface['type'] = get_interface_type(interface_name) interface['vrf'] = vrf return interface def get_ip_interface(interface_name, version, module): body = send_show_command(interface_name, version, module) interface = parse_unstructured_data(body, interface_name, version, module) return interface def get_remove_ip_config_commands(interface, addr, mask, existing, version): commands = ['interface {0}'.format(interface)] if version == 'v4': # We can't just remove primary address if secondary address exists for address in existing['addresses']: if address['addr'] == addr: if address['secondary']: commands.append('no ip address {0}/{1} secondary'.format(addr, mask)) elif len(existing['addresses']) > 1: new_primary = False for address in existing['addresses']: if address['addr'] != addr: commands.append('no ip address {0}/{1} secondary'.format(address['addr'], address['mask'])) if not new_primary: command = 'ip address {0}/{1}'.format(address['addr'], address['mask']) new_primary = True else: command = 'ip address {0}/{1} secondary'.format(address['addr'], address['mask']) if 'tag' in address and address['tag'] != 0: command += " tag " + str(address['tag']) commands.append(command) else: commands.append('no ip address {0}/{1}'.format(addr, mask)) break else: for address in existing['addresses']: if address['addr'] == addr: commands.append('no ipv6 address {0}/{1}'.format(addr, mask)) return commands def get_config_ip_commands(delta, interface, existing, version): commands = [] delta = dict(delta) if version == 'v4': command = 'ip address {addr}/{mask}'.format(**delta) if len(existing['addresses']) > 0: if delta['allow_secondary']: for address in existing['addresses']: if delta['addr'] == address['addr'] and address['secondary'] is False and delta['tag'] != 0: break else: command += ' secondary' else: # Remove all existed addresses if 'allow_secondary' isn't specified for address in existing['addresses']: if address['secondary']: commands.insert(0, 'no ip address {addr}/{mask} secondary'.format(**address)) else: commands.append('no ip address {addr}/{mask}'.format(**address)) else: if not delta['allow_secondary']: # Remove all existed addresses if 'allow_secondary' isn't specified for address in existing['addresses']: commands.insert(0, 'no ipv6 address {addr}/{mask}'.format(**address)) command = 'ipv6 address {addr}/{mask}'.format(**delta) if int(delta['tag']) > 0: command += ' tag {tag}'.format(**delta) elif int(delta['tag']) == 0: # Case when we need to remove tag from an address. Just enter command like # 'ip address ...' (without 'tag') not enough commands += get_remove_ip_config_commands(interface, delta['addr'], delta['mask'], existing, version) commands.append(command) if commands[0] != 'interface {0}'.format(interface): commands.insert(0, 'interface {0}'.format(interface)) return commands def flatten_list(command_lists): flat_command_list = [] for command in command_lists: if isinstance(command, list): flat_command_list.extend(command) else: flat_command_list.append(command) return flat_command_list def validate_params(addr, interface, mask, tag, allow_secondary, version, state, intf_type, module): if state == "present": if addr is None or mask is None: module.fail_json(msg="An IP address AND a mask must be provided " "when state=present.") elif state == "absent" and version == "v6": if addr is None or mask is None: module.fail_json(msg="IPv6 address and mask must be provided when " "state=absent.") if intf_type != "ethernet" and module.params["transport"] == "cli": if is_default(interface, module) == "DNE": module.fail_json(msg="That interface does not exist yet. Create " "it first.", interface=interface) if mask is not None: try: if (int(mask) < 1 or int(mask) > 32) and version == "v4": raise ValueError elif int(mask) < 1 or int(mask) > 128: raise ValueError except ValueError: module.fail_json(msg="Warning! 'mask' must be an integer between" " 1 and 32 when version v4 and up to 128 " "when version v6.", version=version, mask=mask) if addr is not None and mask is not None: try: ipaddress.ip_interface(u'%s/%s' % (addr, mask)) except ValueError: module.fail_json(msg="Warning! Invalid ip address or mask set.", addr=addr, mask=mask) if tag is not None: try: if 0 > tag > 4294967295: raise ValueError except ValueError: module.fail_json(msg="Warning! 'tag' must be an integer between" " 0 (default) and 4294967295." "To use tag you must set 'addr' and 'mask' params.", tag=tag) if allow_secondary is not None: try: if addr is None or mask is None: raise ValueError except ValueError: module.fail_json(msg="Warning! 'secondary' can be used only when 'addr' and 'mask' set.", allow_secondary=allow_secondary) def main(): argument_spec = dict( interface=dict(required=True), addr=dict(required=False), version=dict(required=False, choices=['v4', 'v6'], default='v4'), mask=dict(type='str', required=False), tag=dict(required=False, default=0, type='int'), state=dict(required=False, default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), allow_secondary=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), include_defaults=dict(default=True), config=dict(), save=dict(type='bool', default=False) ) argument_spec.update(nxos_argument_spec) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True) if not HAS_IPADDRESS: module.fail_json(msg="ipaddress is required for this module. Run 'pip install ipaddress' for install.") warnings = list() check_args(module, warnings) addr = module.params['addr'] version = module.params['version'] mask = module.params['mask'] tag = module.params['tag'] allow_secondary = module.params['allow_secondary'] interface = module.params['interface'].lower() state = module.params['state'] intf_type = get_interface_type(interface) validate_params(addr, interface, mask, tag, allow_secondary, version, state, intf_type, module) mode = get_interface_mode(interface, intf_type, module) if mode == 'layer2': module.fail_json(msg='That interface is a layer2 port.\nMake it ' 'a layer 3 port first.', interface=interface) existing = get_ip_interface(interface, version, module) args = dict(addr=addr, mask=mask, tag=tag, interface=interface, allow_secondary=allow_secondary) proposed = dict((k, v) for k, v in args.items() if v is not None) commands = [] changed = False end_state = existing if state == 'absent' and existing['addresses']: if find_same_addr(existing, addr, mask): command = get_remove_ip_config_commands(interface, addr, mask, existing, version) commands.append(command) elif state == 'present': if not find_same_addr(existing, addr, mask, full=True, tag=tag, version=version): command = get_config_ip_commands(proposed, interface, existing, version) commands.append(command) cmds = flatten_list(commands) if cmds: if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True, commands=cmds) else: load_config(module, cmds) changed = True end_state = get_ip_interface(interface, version, module) if 'configure' in cmds: cmds.pop(0) results = {} results['proposed'] = proposed results['existing'] = existing results['end_state'] = end_state results['commands'] = cmds results['changed'] = changed results['warnings'] = warnings module.exit_json(**results) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>weather/services/ import datetime import time from typing import Dict import aiohttp def _utc_to_local(date: str) -> datetime.datetime: """Converts utl to local datetime.""" now_timestamp = time.time() return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%I:%M:%S %p") + ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now_timestamp) - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now_timestamp) ) async def today(latitude: float, longitude: float) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns sunrise/sunset for today.""" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( f"{latitude}&lng={longitude}" ) as response: response.raise_for_status() data = await response.json() sun_data = data.get("results", {}) for key, value in tuple(sun_data.items()): # type: str, str if "AM" not in value and "PM" not in value: continue sun_data[key] = datetime.datetime.strftime( _utc_to_local(value), "%I:%M:%S %p" ) return sun_data