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"Colon Person (colo_prsn) Data Dictionary"
"Document Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 3"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary .................................................................................................................... 4"
"Section 1: Identif iers ........................................................................................................................................... 4"
"Section 2: Study ................................................................................................................................................... 5"
"Section 3: BQ Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................... 6"
"Section 4: DHQ Eligibility ................................................................................................................................... 7"
"Section 5: DQ X Eligibility ................................................................................................................................... 8"
"Section 6: SQX Eligibility ................................................................................................................................... 9"
"Section 7: MUQ Eligibility ................................................................................................................................ 10"
"Section 8: Exit ..................................................................................................................................................... 11"
"Section 9: Demographics at Tr ial Entry ........................................................................................................ 13"
"Section 10: Re -consent..................................................................................................................................... 14"
"Section 11: Screening ....................................................................................................................................... 15"
"Section 12: Diagnost ic Workup ....................................................................................................................... 16"
"Section 13: Polyps ............................................................................................................................................. 17"
"Section 14: Cancer Diagnosis ......................................................................................................................... 24"
"Section 15: Cancer Characterist ics ............................................................................................................... 25"
"Section 16: Treatments ..................................................................................................................................... 30"
"Section 17: Incident Adenoma ........................................................................................................................ 31"
"Section 18: Pathology Images ........................................................................................................................ 33"
"Section 19: Mortality Status ............................................................................................................................ 34"
"Section 20: Death Certificate Cause of Death ............................................................................................ 35"
"Section 21: Final Cause of Death .................................................................................................................. 39"
"Section 22: BQ Com pliance ............................................................................................................................. 44"
"Section 23: BQ Dem ographics ........................................................................................................................ 45"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 2"
"Section 24: BQ Smoking ................................................................................................................................... 46"
"Section 25: BQ Family History ........................................................................................................................ 48"
"Section 26: BQ Body Type ............................................................................................................................... 49"
"Section 27: BQ NSAIDS .................................................................................................................................... 51"
"Section 28: BQ Diseases .................................................................................................................................. 52"
"Section 29: BQ Female Specif ic ..................................................................................................................... 54"
"Section 30: BQ Male Specific .......................................................................................................................... 59"
"Section 31: BQ Prost ate Surgery ................................................................................................................... 61"
"Section 32: BQ Screening History ................................................................................................................. 63"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 3"
"Document Summary"
"Property Value"
"Document Title Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
"Date Created 04/20/2022"
"Sections 32"
"Entries 284"
"Document Filename dictionary_colo_prsn-mar22-032222.rtf"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 4"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
"Section 1: Identifiers"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"build Build Masterfile build. Distributed to all datasets Char, 30"
"and used to identify the version of the"
"plco_id PLCO ID PLCO ID Char, 8"
"build_cancers Build Cancer Cohort The source of the cancer incidence data. 1=""Trial Only"""
"build_death_cutoff Build Death Cutoff 4=""Deaths through 2018"""
"build_incidence_cutoff Build Incidence Cutoff The censoring cutoff for cancer incidence 1=""Cancer Incidence Data"
"data associated with the dataset. Through 2009"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 5"
"Section 2: Study"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"ph_colo_trial Trial Personal History of Did the participant have a personal 0=""No"""
"Colorectal Cancer history of colorectal cancer prior to trial 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_trial Trial Personal History of Did the participant have a personal 0=""No"""
"Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to trial entry? 1=""Yes"""
"in_tgwas_population In Total GWAS Population Final denominator of Total GWAS 0=""No"""
"population 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 6"
"Section 3: BQ Eligibility"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_eligible_bq BQ Colorectal Analysis: Flagged participants must have 0=""No"""
"Eligible? completed a valid questionnaire, had no 1=""Yes"""
"history of colorectal cancer prior to the"
"trial or the questionnaire, and had time at"
"risk for their first cancer following the"
"entryage_bq BQ Analysis Entry Age Age at BQ analysis entry. Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"entrydays_bq BQ Analysis Entry Days Days from the date of randomization until Numeric"
"the participant has been randomized and .F=""No Form"""
"completed the BQ."
"ph_colo_bq BQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Colorectal history of colorectal cancer prior to BQ 0=""No"""
"Cancer analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_bq BQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to BQ analysis 0=""No"""
"entry? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 7"
"Section 4: DHQ Eligibility"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_eligible_dhq DHQ Colorectal Analysis: Flagged participants must have 0=""No"""
"Eligible? completed a valid questionnaire, had no 1=""Yes"""
"history of cancer prior to the trial or the"
"questionnaire, and had time at risk for"
"their first cancer following the"
"entryage_dhq DHQ Analysis Entry Age Age at DHQ analysis entry. Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"entrydays_dhq DHQ Analysis Entry Days Days from the date of randomization until Numeric"
"participant has been randomized and .F=""No Form"""
"completed the BQ and DHQ. .M=""Missing"""
"ph_colo_dhq DHQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Colorectal history of colorectal cancer prior to DHQ 0=""No"""
"Cancer analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_dhq DHQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to DHQ 0=""No"""
"analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 8"
"Section 5: DQX Eligibility"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_eligible_dqx DQX Colorectal Analysis: Flagged participants must have 0=""No"""
"Eligible? completed a valid questionnaire, had no 1=""Yes"""
"history of cancer prior to the trial or the"
"questionnaire, and had time at risk for"
"their first cancer following the"
"entryage_dqx DQX Analysis Entry Age Age at DQX analysis entry. Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"entrydays_dqx DQX Analysis Entry Days Days from the date of randomization until Numeric"
"participant has been randomized and .F=""No Form"""
"completed the BQ and DQX. .M=""Missing"""
"ph_colo_dqx DQX Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Colorectal history of colorectal cancer prior to DQX 0=""No"""
"Cancer analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_dqx DQX Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to DQX 0=""No"""
"analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 9"
"Section 6: SQX Eligibility"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_eligible_sqx SQX Colorectal Analysis: Flagged participants must have 0=""No"""
"Eligible? completed a valid questionnaire, had no 1=""Yes"""
"history of colorectal cancer prior to the"
"trial or the questionnaire, and had time at"
"risk for their first cancer following the"
"entryage_sqx SQX Analysis Entry Age Age at SQX analysis entry. Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"entrydays_sqx SQX Analysis Entry Days Days from the date of randomization until Numeric"
"the participant has been randomized and .F=""No Form"""
"completed the BQ and SQX."
"ph_colo_sqx SQX Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Colorectal history of colorectal cancer prior to SQX 0=""No"""
"Cancer analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_sqx SQX Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to SQX 0=""No"""
"analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 10"
"Section 7: MUQ Eligibility"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"entryage_muq MUQ Analysis Entry Age Age at MUQ analysis entry. Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"entrydays_muq MUQ Analysis Entry Days Days from the date of randomization until Numeric"
"the participant has been randomized and .F=""No Form"""
"completed the BQ and MUQ."
"ph_colo_muq MUQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Colorectal history of colorectal cancer prior to MUQ 0=""No"""
"Cancer analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"ph_any_muq MUQ Analysis Personal Did the participant have a personal .F=""No Form"""
"History of Any Cancer history of any cancer prior to MUQ 0=""No"""
"analysis entry? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 11"
"Section 8: Exit"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_exitstat Colorectal Incidence Exit Status of the participant at exit for 0=""No Time at Risk"""
"Status colorectal cancer incidence. 1=""Confirmed Cancer"""
"2=""Confirmed In"
"3=""Last Participant Contact Prior"
"to Unconfirmed Report"""
"4=""Last Participant Contact"""
"6=""Date Lost, Prior to Death"""
"8=""Cancer Free at Cutoff"""
"9=""Post-2009 Death, Exit At"
"fstcan_exitstat First Cancer Incidence Status of the participant at exit for first 0=""No Time at Risk"""
"Exit Status cancer incidence. 1=""Confirmed Cancer"""
"3=""Last Participant Contact Prior"
"Only cancers occuring during the trial are to Unconfirmed Report"""
"used to determine exit. 4=""Last Participant Contact"""
"6=""Date Lost, Prior to Death"""
"8=""Cancer Free at Cutoff"""
"9=""Post-2009 Death, Exit At"
"colo_exitdays Days Until Colorectal Days from trial entry (randomization) to Numeric"
"Incidence Exit cancer diagnosis for participants with"
"colorectal cancer, or to trial exit"
"fstcan_exitdays Days Until First Cancer Days from trial entry (randomization) to Numeric"
"Incidence Exit first cancer diagnosis for participants with"
"cancer, or to trial exit otherwise."
"Only cancers occuring during the trial are"
"used to determine exit."
"colo_exitage Colorectal Incidence Exit Age of participant at exit for colorectal Numeric"
"Age incidence. This is age at diagnosis for"
"participants with colorectal cancer and"
"age at trial exit otherwise."
"fstcan_exitage First Cancer Incidence Age of participant at exit for first cancer Numeric"
"Exit Age incidence. This is age at diagnosis for"
"participants with cancer and age at trial"
"exit otherwise."
"Only cancers occuring during the trial are"
"used to determine exit."
"mortality_exitstat Exit Status for Mortality Status of the participant at mortality exit. 1=""Death"""
"2=""Last NDI/Cutoff"""
"For participants not confirmed dead, this 3=""Refusal"""
"is the most recent contact or NDI search 4=""Other"""
"indicating the participant is alive."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 12"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"mortality_exitdays Days Until Mortality Exit Days from randomization until mortality Numeric"
"exit date."
"This is the day of death or the day last"
"known alive. Participants are known alive"
"through either trial contact or by queries"
"to NDI."
"mortality_exitage Exit Age for Mortality Age of the participant at death, or when Numeric"
"last known to be alive."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 13"
"Section 9: Demographics at Trial Entry"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"age Age At Randomization Age at trial entry, computed from date of Numeric"
"birth and randomization date."
"agelevel Age At Randomization Categorical version of age, created from 0=""<= 59"""
"the derived age variable. 1=""60-64"""
"3="">= 70"""
"arm Randomization Arm Randomization group or arm. 1=""Intervention"""
"The intervention (screening) group or the 2=""Control"""
"control (usual-care) group."
"center Study Center The study center at which the participant 1=""University of Colorado"""
"was randomized. 2=""Georgetown University"""
"3=""Pacific Health Research and"
"Education Institute (Honolulu)"""
"4=""Henry Ford Health System"""
"5=""University of Minnesota"""
"6=""Washington University in St"
"8=""University of Pittsburgh"""
"9=""University of Utah"""
"10=""Marshfield Clinic Research"
"11=""University of Alabama at"
"rndyear Year Of Randomization Calendar year of trial entry, at which point Numeric"
"the participant was randomized into an"
"sex Sex Sex of the participant. 1=""Male"""
"dual Screening Dual Consent Was the participant presented with single 0=""No, single consent"""
"consent or dual consent? Three study 1=""Yes, dual consent"""
"centers (Henry Ford Health System,"
"Washington University in St Louis and"
"Pacific Health Research Institute in"
"Honolulu) chose the dual consent"
"approach initially. All three centers"
"switched to single consent from 1995 to"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 14"
"Section 10: Re-consent"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"reconsent_outcome Outcome of the The immediate result of the attempt to 1=""Active by Request"""
"Re-Consent Process transfer the participant to centralized 2=""Active by Default/Follow-up"""
"follow-up. 3=""Passive by Request"""
"4=""Passive by Default/Follow-up"""
"Participants alive at trial close-out were 5=""Refused by Request"""
"informed of the transfer to centralized 6=""Refused by Default/Follow-up"""
"follow-up, and could request/refuse 11=""Refused Prior to Re-Consent"""
"continued follow-up. In the absence of 12=""Confirmed Dead Prior to"
"participant contact, the re-consent Re-Consent"""
"outcome was determined by default. 13=""Presumed Dead Prior to"
"The default outcome varied by study Re-Consent"""
"center. 14=""Passive, Lost Prior to"
"Active: Transferred to centralized Re-Consent"""
"follow-up, including continued contact,"
"state registry query and NDI search."
"Passive: No active contact, but allows for"
"state registry query and NDI search."
"Lost: Lost to follow-up and not known"
"dead before re-consent. Considered"
"passive at the time of reconsent."
"Refused: Declined further follow-up."
"Confirmed/Presumed Dead: Death prior"
"to opportunity to re-consent."
"reconsent_outcome_day Days Until Re-Consent Days from randomization until the Numeric"
"s Outcome is Determined participant's re-consent outcome is"
"For participants who re-consented by"
"request or refused by request, this is the"
"time of request. For participants whose"
"transfer status was determined by default,"
"this is an estimated time of request had"
"there been contact. If the participant had"
"refused or died prior to re-consent, this is"
"the time of those events."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 15"
"Section 11: Screening"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"fsg_result0/3/5/35 Result of T[X] FSG Flexible sigmoidoscopy (FSG) screening .C=""Control"""
"result for each year. 1=""Negative"""
"2=""Abnormal, Suspicious"""
"3=""Abnormal, Non-Suspicious"""
"4=""Inadequate Screen"""
"8=""Not Done, Expected"""
"9=""Not Done, Not Expected"""
"fsg_days0/3/5/35 Days Until T[X] FSG Days from randomization until flexible Numeric"
"sigmoidoscopy (FSG) exam for each .C=""Control"""
"screen year. .F=""No Form"""
"protocolc FSG Screening Protocol What study year is the 2nd flexible .C=""Control"""
"sigmoidoscopy (FSG) screen expected? 3=""Expect T3"""
"T3 or T5. 5=""Expect T5"""
"lessize0/3/5/35 Largest Lesion Size on The size of the largest lesion found on the Numeric"
"T[X] FSG flexible sigmoidoscopy (FSG) protocol or .C=""Control"""
"QA exam in each screen year. .F=""No Form"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"fsg_in0/3/5/35 T[X] Inadequate FSG or If the participant has an inadequate .C=""Control"""
"FSQ Result flexible sigmoidoscopy (FSG) exam .F=""No Form"""
"result, but has a positive/negative QA 0=""No"""
"result, or vice versa, then the variable is 1=""Yes, Also Has a Later Screen"""
"set to 3. 2=""Yes, But Does Not Have a"
"Later Screen"""
"3=""Inadequate Screen and"
"Positive/Negative QA, or Vice"
"lessize_cat0/3/5/35 Largest Lesion Size on Size of the largest lesion on T[X] flexible .C=""Control"""
"T[X] FSG sigmoidoscopy (FSG). .F=""No Form"""
"This variable categorizes the lesion size .N=""Not Applicable"""
"based on its measurement. For lesions 1=""Diminutive"""
"where a comment regarding the size was 2=""Small"""
"provided instead of a numerical value, 3=""Large"""
"this variable provides the lesion size from"
"the comment."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 16"
"Section 12: Diagnostic Workup"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"hadcolsc0/3/5/35 Had Endoscopy Following This variable records what endoscopic .F=""No Form"""
"Positive T[X] Screen follow-up, if any, occurred after a positive 0=""No"""
"screen. If the participant had more than 1=""Colonoscopy"""
"one type of endoscopy, this variable will 2=""Endoscopy, NOS"""
"indicate colonoscopy over other types of 3=""Sigmoidoscopy"""
"endoscopies, and will indicate endoscopy,"
"NOS over sigmoidoscopy."
"hadcolsc12mon0/3/5/35 Had Endoscopy Within 12 This variable records what endoscopic .C=""Control"""
"Months Following Positive follow-up, if any, occurred within 12 .N=""Not Applicable"""
"T[X] Screen months of a positive screen? If the 0=""No Screen or No"
"participant had more than one type of Endoscopies"""
"endoscopy, this variable will indicate 1=""Colonoscopy"""
"colonoscopy over other types of 2=""Endoscopy, NOS"""
"endoscopies, and will indicate endoscopy, 3=""Sigmoidoscopy"""
"NOS over sigmoidoscopy."
"hadcolsc_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Follow-up Days from randomization until the earliest Numeric"
"Endoscopy in T[X] endoscopy of the type specified by .F=""No Form"""
"hadcolsc0/3/5/35. .M=""Missing"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"colo_mra_stat0/3/5/35 T[X] Colorectal Medical Captures whether the participant had 0=""No Positive Screen"""
"Record Abstracting Status follow-up in response to a positive screen. 1=""Complete Information with"
"In particular, it is used to distinguish Procedures"""
"between when the trial knows a 2=""Complete Information with No"
"participant did not have follow-up, and Procedures"""
"when the trial does not have enough 3=""Incomplete Information,"
"information to know. Unknown If Procedures"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 17"
"Section 13: Polyps"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colsw_eith0/3/5/35 Worst Finding Following What was the worst finding on either side .F=""No Form"""
"Positive T[X] Screen of the colon in each screening year? 1=""Cancer"""
"Lower numbers in the format correspond 2=""Advanced Adenoma"""
"to worse findings than higher numbers 3=""Adenoma"""
"(i.e. cancer is the worst finding, advanced 4=""Hyperplastic Polyp"""
"adenoma is second worst, etc.). 5=""Benign Polyp, NOS"""
"6=""Had Colonoscopy"""
"7=""Had Endoscopy, NOS"""
"8=""Had Sigmoidoscopy"""
"9=""No Endoscopy"""
"colsw_eith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Worst Finding Days from randomization until the worst Numeric"
"Following Positive T[X] finding on either side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Screen screening year. .M=""Missing"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"colsw_left0/3/5/35 Worst Finding on Left What was the worst finding on the left .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive side of the colon in each screening year? 1=""Cancer"""
"T[X] Screen Lower numbers in the format correspond 2=""Advanced Adenoma"""
"to worse findings than higher numbers 3=""Adenoma"""
"(i.e. cancer is the worst finding, advanced 4=""Hyperplastic Polyp"""
"adenoma is second worst, etc.). 5=""Benign Polyp, NOS"""
"6=""Had Colonoscopy"""
"7=""Had Endoscopy, NOS"""
"8=""Had Sigmoidoscopy"""
"9=""No Endoscopy"""
"colsw_left_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Worst Finding Days from randomization until the worst Numeric"
"on Left Side Following finding on the left side of the colon in .F=""No Form"""
"Positive T[X] Screen each screening year. .M=""Missing"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"colsw_rght0/3/5/35 Worst Finding on Right What was the worst finding on the right .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive side of the colon in each screening year? 1=""Cancer"""
"T[X] Screen Lower numbers in the format correspond 2=""Advanced Adenoma"""
"to worse findings than higher numbers 3=""Adenoma"""
"(i.e. cancer is the worst finding, advanced 4=""Hyperplastic Polyp"""
"adenoma is second worst, etc.). 5=""Benign Polyp, NOS"""
"6=""Had Colonoscopy"""
"7=""Had Endoscopy, NOS"""
"9=""No Endoscopy or Only"
"colsw_rght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Worst Finding Days from randomization until the worst Numeric"
"on Right Side Following finding on the right side of the colon in .F=""No Form"""
"Positive T[X] Screen each screening year. .M=""Missing"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"aden_count_eith0/3/5/35 Count of Adenomas Number of adenomas found on either Numeric"
"Found Following Positive side of the colon in each screening year. .F=""No Form"""
"T[X] Screen"
"aden_count_left0/3/5/35 Count of Adenomas Number of adenomas found on the left Numeric"
"Found on Left Side side of the colon in each screening year. .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X]"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 18"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"aden_count_rght0/3/5/35 Count of Adenomas Number of adenomas found on the right Numeric"
"Found on Right Side side of the colon in each screening year. .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X]"
"adeneith0/3/5/35 Adenoma Found Was an adenoma found on either side of .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] the colon in each screening year? 0=""No"""
"Screen 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"adeneith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Adenoma Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Found Following Positive adenoma was first found on either side of .F=""No Form"""
"T[X] Screen the colon in each screening year. If it is .M=""Missing"""
"uncertain whether there was an .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"adenoma was found."
"adenleft0/3/5/35 Adenoma Found on Left Was an adenoma found on the left side of .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive the colon in each screening year? 0=""No"""
"T[X] Screen 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"adenleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Adenoma Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Found on Left Side adenoma was first found on the left side .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] of the colon in each screening year. If it .M=""Missing"""
"Screen is uncertain whether there was an .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"adenoma was found."
"adenrght0/3/5/35 Adenoma Found on Right Was an adenoma found on the right side .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive of the colon in each screening year? 0=""No"""
"T[X] Screen 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"adenrght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Adenoma Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Found on Right Side adenoma was first found on the right side .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] of the colon in each screening year. If it .M=""Missing"""
"Screen is uncertain whether there was an .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"adenoma was found."
"adveith0/3/5/35 Advanced Adenoma Was an advanced adenoma found on .F=""No Form"""
"Found Following Positive either side of the colon in each screening 0=""No"""
"T[X] Screen year? Advanced adenomas include in 1=""Yes"""
"situ carcinomas, villous adenomas, large 9=""Unknown"""
"adenomas, and adenomas with dysplasia. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"adveith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Advanced Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Adenoma Found advanced adenoma was first found on .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] either side of the colon in each screening .M=""Missing"""
"Screen year. If it is uncertain whether there was .N=""Not Applicable"""
"an advanced adenoma, this is the days"
"until a possible advanced adenoma was"
"advleft0/3/5/35 Advanced Adenoma Was an advanced adenoma found on the .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Left Side left side of the colon in each screening 0=""No"""
"Following Positive T[X] year? Advanced adenomas include in situ 1=""Yes"""
"Screen carcinomas, villous adenomas, large (>= 9=""Unknown"""
"1 cm) adenomas, and adenomas with 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 19"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"advleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Advanced Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Left advanced adenoma was first found on the .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive left side of the colon in each screening .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen year. If it is uncertain whether there was .N=""Not Applicable"""
"an advanced adenoma, this is the days"
"until a possible advanced adenoma was"
"advrght0/3/5/35 Advanced Adenoma Was an advanced adenoma found on the .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Right Side right side of the colon in each screening 0=""No"""
"Following Positive T[X] year? Advanced adenomas include in 1=""Yes"""
"Screen situ carcinomas, villous adenomas, large 9=""Unknown"""
"(>= 1 cm) adenomas, and adenomas with 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"advrght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Advanced Days from randomization until an Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Right advanced adenoma was first found on the .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive right side of the colon in each screening .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen year. If it is uncertain whether there was .N=""Not Applicable"""
"an advanced adenoma, this is the days"
"until a possible advanced adenoma was"
"villeith0/3/5/35 Villous Adenoma Found Was a villous adenoma found on either .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No"""
"Screen Both completely villous and tubulovillous 1=""Yes"""
"adenomas are considered villous for this 9=""Unknown"""
"variable. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"villeith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Villous Days until a villous adenoma was found Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on either side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] screening year. If it is uncertain .M=""Missing"""
"Screen whether there was a villous adenoma, this .N=""Not Applicable"""
"is the days until a possible villous"
"adenoma was found."
"villleft0/3/5/35 Villous Adenoma Found Was a villous adenoma found on the left .F=""No Form"""
"on Left Side Following side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen Both completely villous and tubulovillous 1=""Yes"""
"adenomas are considered villous for this 9=""Unknown"""
"variable. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"villleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Villous Days until a villous adenoma was found Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Left on the left side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive screening year. If it is uncertain .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen whether there was a villous adenoma, this .N=""Not Applicable"""
"is the days until a possible villous"
"adenoma was found."
"villrght0/3/5/35 Villous Adenoma Found Was a villous adenoma found on the right .F=""No Form"""
"on Right Side Following side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen Both completely villous and tubulovillous 1=""Yes"""
"adenomas are considered villous for this 9=""Unknown"""
"variable. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"villrght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Villous Days until a villous adenoma was found Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Right on the right side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive screening year. If it is uncertain .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen whether there was a villous adenoma, this .N=""Not Applicable"""
"is the days until a possible villous"
"adenoma was found."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 20"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"dyspeith0/3/5/35 Polyp with Dysplasia Was a polyp with severe dysplasia found .F=""No Form"""
"Found Following Positive on either side of the colon in each 0=""No"""
"T[X] Screen screening year. This variable only 1=""Yes"""
"reflects whether there was a polyp with 9=""Unknown"""
"severe dysplasia, not mild or moderate 10=""No known Endoscopy"""
"dyspeith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Polyp with Days until a polyp with severe dysplasia Numeric"
"Dysplasia Found was found on either side of the colon in .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] each screening year. If it is uncertain .M=""Missing"""
"Screen whether a polyp had severe dysplasia, .N=""Not Applicable"""
"this is the days until a polyp where"
"dysplasia information is uncertain."
"dyspleft0/3/5/35 Polyp with Dysplasia Was a polyp with severe dysplasia found .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Left Side on the left side of the colon in each 0=""No"""
"Following Positive T[X] screening year. This variable only 1=""Yes"""
"Screen reflects whether there was a polyp with 9=""Unknown"""
"severe dysplasia, not mild or moderate 10=""No known Endoscopy"""
"dyspleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Polyp with Days until a polyp with severe dysplasia Numeric"
"Dysplasia Found on Left was found on the left side of the colon in .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive each screening year. If it is uncertain .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen whether a polyp had severe dysplasia, .N=""Not Applicable"""
"this is the days until a polyp where"
"dysplasia information is uncertain."
"dysprght0/3/5/35 Polyp with Dysplasia Was a polyp with severe dysplasia found .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Right Side on the right side of the colon in each 0=""No"""
"Following Positive T[X] screening year. This variable only 1=""Yes"""
"Screen reflects whether there was a polyp with 9=""Unknown"""
"severe dysplasia, not mild or moderate 10=""No known Endoscopy"""
"dysprght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Polyp with Days until a polyp with severe dysplasia Numeric"
"Dysplasia Found on Right was found on the right side of the colon in .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive each screening year. If it is uncertain .N=""Not Applicable"""
"T[X] Screen whether a polyp had severe dysplasia,"
"this is the days until a polyp where"
"dysplasia information is uncertain."
"dyspw_eith0/3/5/35 Worst Level of Dysplasia The worst dysplasia found on either side .F=""No Form"""
"Found Following Positive of the colon in each screening year. If 0=""No Dysplasia"""
"T[X] Screen dysplasia information was not available, 1=""Severe Dysplasia"""
"the level for no dysplasia is used. The 2=""Moderate Dysplasia"""
"levels 1, ""mild,"" and 3, ""severe,"" are 3=""Mild Dysplasia"""
"reversed from the order of the levels on 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"the Diagnostic Evaluation form."
"dyspw_left0/3/5/35 Worst Level of Dysplasia The worst dysplasia found on the left side .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Left Side of the colon in each screening year. If 0=""No Dysplasia"""
"Following Positive T[X] dysplasia information was not available, 1=""Severe Dysplasia"""
"Screen the level for no dysplasia is used. The 2=""Moderate Dysplasia"""
"levels 1, ""mild,"" and 3, ""severe,"" are 3=""Mild Dysplasia"""
"reversed from the order of the levels on 9=""Unknown"""
"the Diagnostic Evaluation form. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"dyspw_rght0/3/5/35 Worst Level of Dysplasia The worst dysplasia found on the right .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Right Side side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No Dysplasia"""
"Following Positive T[X] If dysplasia information was not available, 1=""Severe Dysplasia"""
"Screen the level for no dysplasia is used. The 2=""Moderate Dysplasia"""
"levels 1, ""mild,"" and 3, ""severe,"" are 3=""Mild Dysplasia"""
"reversed from the order of the levels on 9=""Unknown"""
"the Diagnostic Evaluation form. 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 21"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"insieith0/3/5/35 In Situ Carcinoma Found Did the participant have an in situ .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] carcinoma on either side of the colon in 0=""No"""
"Screen each screening year? 1=""Yes"""
"insileft0/3/5/35 In Situ Carcinoma Found Did the participant have an in situ .F=""No Form"""
"on Left Side Following carcinoma on either side of the colon in 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen each screening year? 1=""Yes"""
"insirght0/3/5/35 In Situ Carcinoma Found Did the participant have an in situ .F=""No Form"""
"on Right Side Following carcinoma on either side of the colon in 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen each screening year? 1=""Yes"""
"largeith0/3/5/35 Large Adenoma Found Was a large (>= 1 cm) adenoma found on .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] either side of the colon in each screening 0=""No"""
"Screen year? The level for ""probably large"" is 1=""Yes"""
"used when a polyp record indicated 2=""Probable Large"""
"multiple polyps were recorded together in 9=""Unknown"""
"a single record, with at least one of those 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"polyps being an adenoma and at least"
"one of those polyps being large."
"largeith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Large Days from randomization until a large (>= Numeric"
"Adenoma Found 1cm) adenoma was found on either side .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] of the colon in each screening year. If it .M=""Missing"""
"Screen is uncertain whether there was a large .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"large adenoma was found."
"largleft0/3/5/35 Large Adenoma Found on Was a large (>= 1 cm) adenoma found on .F=""No Form"""
"Left Side Following the left side of the colon in each 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen screening year? The level for ""probably 1=""Yes"""
"large"" is used when a polyp record 2=""Probable Large"""
"indicated multiple polyps were recorded 9=""Unknown"""
"together in a single record, with at least 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"one of those polyps being an adenoma"
"and at least one of those polyps being"
"largleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Large Days from randomization until a large (>= Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Left 1 cm) adenoma was found on the left side .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive of the colon in each screening year. If it .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen is uncertain whether there was a large .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"large adenoma was found."
"largrght0/3/5/35 Large Adenoma Found on Was a large (>= 1 cm) adenoma found on .F=""No Form"""
"Right Side Following the right side of the colon in each 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen screening year? The level for ""probably 1=""Yes"""
"large"" is used when a polyp record 2=""Probable Large"""
"indicated multiple polyps were recorded 9=""Unknown"""
"together in a single record, with at least 10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"one of those polyps being an adenoma"
"and at least one of those polyps being"
"largrght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Large Days from randomization until a large (> = Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Right 1cm) adenoma was found on the right .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive side of the colon in each screening year. .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen If it is uncertain whether there was a large .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma, this is the days until a possible"
"large adenoma was found."
"rsizeith0/3/5/35 Size (mm) of Largest Size in millimeters of the largest adenoma Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on either side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] screening year. .M=""Missing"""
"Screen .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 22"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"rsizleft0/3/5/35 Size (mm) of Largest Size in millimeters of the largest adenoma Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Left on the left side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive screening year. .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen .N=""Not Applicable"""
"rsizrght0/3/5/35 Size (mm) of Largest Size in millimeters of the largest adenoma Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Right on the right side of the colon in each .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive screening year. .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen .N=""Not Applicable"""
"sizeeith0/3/5/35 Size of Largest Adenoma Size of the largest adenoma on either .F=""No Form"""
"Found Following Positive side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No Known Adenoma"""
"T[X] Screen 1=""Diminutive"""
"9=""No Known Size"""
"sizeeith_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Largest Days from randomization until the largest Numeric"
"Adenoma Found adenoma on either side of the colon was .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] found in each screening year. If the .M=""Missing"""
"Screen largest adenoma is unclear, this is the .N=""Not Applicable"""
"days until the first adenoma that could be"
"the largest."
"sizeleft0/3/5/35 Size of Largest Adenoma Size of the largest adenoma on the left .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Left Side side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No Known Adenoma"""
"Following Positive T[X] 1=""Diminutive"""
"Screen 2=""Small"""
"9=""No Known Size"""
"sizeleft_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Largest Days from randomization until the largest Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Left adenoma on the left side of the colon was .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive found in each screening year. If the .N=""Not Applicable"""
"T[X] Screen largest adenoma is unclear, this is the"
"days until the first adenoma that could be"
"the largest."
"sizerght0/3/5/35 Size of Largest Adenoma Size of the largest adenoma on the right .F=""No Form"""
"Found on Right Side side of the colon in each screening year. 0=""No Known Adenoma"""
"Following Positive T[X] 1=""Diminutive"""
"Screen 2=""Small"""
"9=""No Known Size"""
"sizerght_days0/3/5/35 Days Until Largest Days from randomization until the largest Numeric"
"Adenoma Found on Right adenoma on the right side of the colon .F=""No Form"""
"Side Following Positive was found in each screening year. If the .M=""Missing"""
"T[X] Screen largest adenoma is unclear, this is the .N=""Not Applicable"""
"days until the first adenoma that could be"
"the largest."
"multeith0/3/5/35 Multiple Adenomas Found Were multiple adenomas found on either .F=""No Form"""
"Following Positive T[X] side of the colon in each screening year? 0=""No"""
"Screen 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No known endoscopy"""
"multleft0/3/5/35 Multiple Adenomas Found Were multiple adenomas found on the left .F=""No Form"""
"on Left Side Following side of the colon in each screening year? 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 23"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"multrght0/3/5/35 Multiple Adenomas Found Were multiple adenomas found on the .F=""No Form"""
"on Right Side Following right side of the colon in each screening 0=""No"""
"Positive T[X] Screen year? 1=""Yes"""
"10=""No Known Endoscopy"""
"numadv0/3/5/35 Number of Advanced Numeric"
"Adenomas in Study Years .F=""No Form"""
"[X] .M=""Missing data"""
"numnoadv0/3/5/35 Number of Non-Advanced Numeric"
"Adenomas in Study Years .F=""No Form"""
"[X] .M=""Missing data"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 24"
"Section 14: Cancer Diagnosis"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_cancer Confirmed Colorectal Does the participant have confirmed 0=""No Confirmed Cancer"""
"Cancer primary invasive colorectal cancer 1=""Confirmed Cancer"""
"diagnosed during the trial?"
"colo_cancer_diagdays Colorectal Confirmed Numeric"
"Cancer Diagnosis Days .N=""Not Applicable"""
"colo_cancer_first Was Colorectal Cancer Among all of a participant's cancers .N=""Not Applicable"""
"the First Diagnosed diagnosed during the trial, was colorectal 0=""No"""
"Cancer? cancer the earliest? 1=""Yes"""
"intstatc_cat Colorectal Cancer Screen Classifies colorectal cancers based on 0=""No Cancer"""
"Detected vs. Interval their screen detected or interval status. 1=""Control With Cancer"""
"Status 2=""Never Screened"""
"5=""Screen Dx"""
"reasfollc Reason For Initial Clinical DEC2-5 .F=""No Form"""
"Assessment: Followup Of DEC3-2 .V=""Not Asked - Version 1 Form"""
"Positive Screen (Cancer Was follow-up to a positive screen listed 0=""No"""
"Year)? as a reason for the initial visit for clinical 1=""Yes"""
"assessment in the cancer year? This"
"question was not asked on version 1"
"reasothc Reason For Initial Clinical DEC2-5 .F=""No Form"""
"Assessment: Other DEC3-2 .V=""Not Asked - Version 1 Form"""
"(Specify) (Cancer Year)? Was an other reason listed as a reason 0=""No"""
"for the initial visit for clinical assessment 1=""Yes"""
"in the cancer year? This question was"
"not asked on version 1 forms."
"reassurvc Reason For Initial Clinical DEC2-5 .F=""No Form"""
"Assessment: Surveillance Was surveillance listed as a reason for .V=""Not Asked - Version 1 or 3"
"(Cancer Year)? the initial visit for clinical assessment in Form"""
"the cancer year? This question was not 0=""No"""
"asked on version 1 forms, and this 1=""Yes"""
"answer was not a choice on version 3"
"reassympc Reason For Initial Clinical DEC2-5 .F=""No Form"""
"Assessment: DEC3-2 .V=""Not Asked - Version 1 Form"""
"Symptomatic (Cancer Was being symptomatic listed as a 0=""No"""
"Year)? reason for the initial visit for clinical 1=""Yes"""
"assessment in the cancer year? This"
"question was not asked on version 1"
"colo_annyr Colorectal Cancer Full years elapsed before colorectal Numeric"
"Anniversary Year cancer diagnosis (from randomization/trial .N=""Not Applicable"""
"num_cancc Number of Confirmed, Numeric"
"DE-only Reported, or In"
"Situ Cancers"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 25"
"Section 15: Cancer Characteristics"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_stage Colorectal Stage (AJCC .M=""Missing data"""
"5th Edition) .N=""Not Applicable"""
"100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"300=""Stage III"""
"400=""Stage IV"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_stage_m Colorectal Stage M Pathologic M is preferred over clinical M, .M=""Missing data"""
"Component unless there is neoadjuvant treatment. .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_stage_n Colorectal Stage N Pathologic N is preferred over clinical N, .M=""Missing data"""
"Component unless there is neoadjuvant treatment. .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_stage_t Colorectal Stage T Pathologic T is preferred over clinical T, .M=""Missing data"""
"Component unless there is neoadjuvant treatment. .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_clinstage Colorectal Clinical Stage .M=""Missing data"""
"(AJCC 5th Edition) .N=""Not Applicable"""
"100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"300=""Stage III"""
"400=""Stage IV"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_clinstage_m Colorectal Clinical Stage .M=""Missing data"""
"M Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 26"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_clinstage_n Colorectal Clinical Stage .M=""Missing data"""
"N Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_clinstage_t Colorectal Clinical Stage .M=""Missing data"""
"T Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_pathstage Colorectal Pathologic .M=""Missing data"""
"Stage (AJCC 5th Edition) .N=""Not Applicable"""
"100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"300=""Stage III"""
"400=""Stage IV"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_pathstage_m Colorectal Pathologic .M=""Missing data"""
"Stage M Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_pathstage_n Colorectal Pathologic .M=""Missing data"""
"Stage N Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_pathstage_t Colorectal Pathologic .M=""Missing data"""
"Stage T Component .N=""Not Applicable"""
"994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 27"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_stage_7e Colorectal Stage (AJCC Stage for colorectal cancer calculated .M=""Missing data"""
"7th Edition) using the AJCC 7th edition staging .N=""Not Applicable"""
"manual. 100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"The trial collected stage using the AJCC 210=""Stage IIA"""
"5th edition staging manual. The 7th 300=""Stage III"""
"edition stage has been calculated by 310=""Stage IIIA"""
"using the TNM components recorded for 320=""Stage IIIB"""
"the 5th edition stage, but applying the 330=""Stage IIIC"""
"staging algorithm from the 7th edition 400=""Stage IV"""
"staging manual. 994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_clinstage_7e Colorectal Clinical Stage Clinical stage for colorectal cancer .M=""Missing data"""
"(AJCC 7th Edition) calculated using the AJCC 7th edition .N=""Not Applicable"""
"staging manual. 100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"The trial collected stage using the AJCC 210=""Stage IIA"""
"5th edition staging manual. The 7th 300=""Stage III"""
"edition stage has been calculated by 310=""Stage IIIA"""
"using the TNM components recorded for 320=""Stage IIIB"""
"the 5th edition stage, but applying the 330=""Stage IIIC"""
"staging algorithm from the 7th edition 400=""Stage IV"""
"staging manual. 994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_pathstage_7e Colorectal Pathologic Pathologic stage for colorectal cancer .M=""Missing data"""
"Stage (AJCC 7th Edition) calculated using the AJCC 7th edition .N=""Not Applicable"""
"staging manual. 100=""Stage I"""
"200=""Stage II"""
"The trial collected stage using the AJCC 210=""Stage IIA"""
"5th edition staging manual. The 7th 300=""Stage III"""
"edition stage has been calculated by 310=""Stage IIIA"""
"using the TNM components recorded for 320=""Stage IIIB"""
"the 5th edition stage, but applying the 330=""Stage IIIC"""
"staging algorithm from the 7th edition 400=""Stage IV"""
"staging manual. 994=""Carcinoid, cannot be"
"colo_appendix_cancer Is This a Cancer of the Is this a cancer of the appendix? 0=""No"""
"Appendix? 1=""Yes"""
"colo_cancer_type Colorectal Cancer Type .N=""Not Applicable"""
"1=""Colorectal Cancer"""
"2=""Colorectal Carcinoid"""
"colo_icdo2_tmrloc Colorectal Tumor Tumor location based on ICD topography. 0=""Not Applicable"""
"Location (from ICD-O-2 1=""Rectum, NOS or Cloacogenic"
"topography) Zone or Overlapping Lesion of"
"Rectum, Anus and Anal Cavity"""
"2=""Rectosigmoid Junction"""
"3=""Sigmoid Colon"""
"4=""Descending Colon"""
"5=""Splenic Flexure of Colon"""
"6=""Transverse Colon"""
"7=""Hepatic Flexure of Colon"""
"8=""Ascending Colon"""
"11=""Overlapping Lesion of Colon"""
"12=""Colon, NOS"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 28"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_location Colorectal Cancer Where was the colon tumor located using .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Location both the ICD topography and the bubbled 1=""Rectum, NOS or Cloacogenic"
"carcinoma records. Zone or Overlapping Lesion of"
"Rectum, Anus and Anal Cavity"""
"2=""Rectosigmoid Junction"""
"3=""Sigmoid Colon"""
"4=""Descending Colon"""
"5=""Splenic Flexure of Colon"""
"6=""Transverse Colon"""
"7=""Hepatic Flexure of Colon"""
"8=""Ascending Colon"""
"12=""Colon, NOS"""
"colo_location_rectum Colorectal Cancer Colorectal tumor location classified into .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Location - Rectum or rectum, colon, or unclear. 1=""Rectum"""
"Colon 2=""Colon"""
"colo_location_side Colorectal Cancer Colorectal tumor location classified into .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Side/Location distal/proximal or unclear. 1=""Distal"""
"colo_location_summary Colorectal Cancer Colorectal tumor location classification, .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Location Summary breaking out splenic flexure. 1=""Rectosigmoid"""
"2=""Splenic Flexure or"
"3=""Proximal (Except for Splenic"
"colo_behavior Colon Cancer Behavior DEC1-C.15 .N=""Not Applicable"""
"(ICD-O-2) DEC2-C.17 3=""Malignant"""
"ICD-O-2 behavior code."
"colo_grade Colon Cancer Grade DEC1-C.15 .N=""Not Applicable"""
"(ICD-O-2) DEC2-C.17 1=""Well Differentiated (Grade I)"""
"DEC3-C.12 2=""Moderately Differentiated"
"(Grade II)"""
"ICD-O-2 grade. 3=""Poorly Differentiated (Grade"
"4=""Undifferentiated (Grade IV)"""
"colo_morphology Colon Cancer Morphology DEC1-C.15 Reference ICD-O-2"
"(ICD-O-2) DEC2-C.17 Documentation"
"DEC3-C.12 .N=""Not Applicable"""
"ICD-O-2 morphology. Valid range is"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 29"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colo_seer SEER Site Recode SEER Program cancer classification for .N=""Not Applicable"""
"ICD-O-2. This is only available for 21041=""Colon: Cecum"""
"confirmed cancers. 21043=""Colon: Ascending Colon"""
"21044=""Colon: Hepatic Flexure"""
"21045=""Colon: Transverse Colon"""
"21046=""Colon: Splenic Flexure"""
"21047=""Colon: Descending"
"21048=""Colon: Sigmoid Colon"""
"21049=""Colon: Large Intestine,"
"21051=""Rectosigmoid Junction"""
"21060=""Anus, Anal Canal, and"
"colo_topography Colon Cancer DEC1-C.15 ""C180""=""Cecum"""
"Topography (ICD-O-2) DEC2-C.17 ""C182""=""Ascending colon"""
"DEC3-C.12 ""C183""=""Hepatic flexure of colon"""
"""C184""=""Transverse colon"""
"ICD-O-2 topography. Valid range is ""C185""=""Splenic flexure of colon"""
"C000 - C809. ""C186""=""Descending colon"""
"""C187""=""Sigmoid colon"""
"""C188""=""Overlapping lesion of"
"""C189""=""Colon, NOS"""
"""C199""=""Rectosigmoid junction"""
"""C209""=""Rectum, NOS"""
"""C212""=""Cloacogenic zone"""
"""C218""=""Overlapping lesion of"
"rectum, anus and anal canal"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 30"
"Section 16: Treatments"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"primary_trtc Known Primary Treatment What is the initial primary treatment 0=""No Cancer"""
"for Colorectal Cancer intended to cure the participant of 1=""Resection Without"
"colorectal cancer. Chemotherapy"""
"2=""Resection With"
"3=""Chemotherapy Without"
"4=""Has Treatment Form, No"
"Known Treatment With Curative"
"10=""Treatment Data Could Not Be"
"primary_trtc_days Days Until Primary Days from randomization until the first Numeric"
"Treatment for Colorectal known primary treatment for colorectal .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Cancer cancer."
"curative_chemoc Had Chemotherapy for Did the participant have chemotherapy as .F=""No Treatment Form"""
"Colorectal Cancer part of the initial treatment for colorectal .N=""Not Applicable"""
"cancer? 0=""No"""
"curative_radc Had Radiation Treatment Did the participant have radiation .F=""No Treatment Form"""
"for Colorectal Cancer treatment as part of the initial treatment .N=""Not Applicable"""
"for colorectal cancer? 0=""No"""
"curative_resectc Had Resection for Did the participant have a resection with .F=""No Treatment Form"""
"Colorectal Cancer curative intent as part of the initial .N=""Not Applicable"""
"treatment for colorectal cancer? 0=""No"""
"neoadjuvantc Had Neoadjuvant Indicates whether the participant received .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Treatment for Colorectal neoadjuvant treatment before receiving a 0=""No"""
"Cancer? resection with curative intent. 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 31"
"Section 17: Incident Adenoma"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"iaden_cohort In incident adenoma Indicates if a participant is in the incident .C=""Control Arm"""
"cohort adenoma cohort. 0=""Not in Incident Adenoma"
"A participant is in the incident adenoma 1=""In Incident Adenoma Cohort"""
"cohort if they had a negative screen at"
"baseline and had either a negative screen"
"at T3/T5 or a positive screen at T3/T5"
"with a left-sided adenoma found on"
"follow-up to the screen."
"iaden_aden Has an incident adenoma Indicates if participants in the incident .C=""Control Arm"""
"adenoma cohort had an incident .N=""Not in Incident Adenoma"
"adenoma. Cohort"""
"0=""No Adenoma"""
"A participant is considered to have an 1=""Has Adenoma"""
"incident adenoma if they are in the"
"incident adenoma cohort and had an"
"adenoma found on the left side following"
"a positive T3/T5 screen. Only the first"
"T3/T5 endoscopy and any other"
"endoscopies within 6 months of that one"
"are considered when determining if the"
"participant had an incident adenoma."
"iaden_aden_days Days until first incident Days from randomization until the first Numeric"
"adenoma was found incident adenoma was found. .C=""Control arm"""
".N=""Not in Incident Adenoma"
"Cohort, or Not an Incident"
"Adenoma Case"""
"iaden_adv Has an advanced incident Did the participant have an advanced .C=""Control Arm"""
"adenoma incident adenoma? .N=""Not in Incident Adenoma"
"Advanced adenomas include in situ 0=""No Adenoma"""
"carcinomas, villous adenomas, large (>= 1=""Yes, Has an Advanced"
"1 cm) adenomas, and adenomas with Incident Adenoma"""
"dysplasia. 2=""Has an Adenoma But It Is Not"
"an Advanced Incident Adenoma"""
"9=""Has an Adenoma, But It Is"
"Unknown If It Is an Advanced"
"Incident Adenoma"""
"iaden_protocol Study year of second The study year in which the participant .C=""Control Arm"""
"FSG screen (T3 or T5) received their second flexible .N=""Not in Incident Adenoma"
"sigmoidoscopy screen. Cohort"""
"iaden_dyspw Worst level of dysplasia .C=""Control Arm"""
"among all incident .N="" Not in Incident Adenoma"
"adenomas Cohort, or Not an Incident"
"Adenoma Case"""
"0=""No Dysplasia"""
"1=""Severe Dysplasia"""
"2=""Moderate Dysplasia"""
"3=""Mild Dysplasia"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 32"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"iaden_exclusion Reason for exclusion from The reason why a participant was 0=""Not Excluded"""
"the incident adenoma excluded from the incident adenoma 1=""Control Arm"""
"cohort cohort. 2=""No T0 Screen"""
"3=""Positive T0 Screen"""
"A participant is in the incident adenoma 4=""Inadequate T0 Screen"""
"cohort if they had a negative screen at 5=""No T3/T5 Screen"""
"baseline and had either a negative screen 6=""Inadequate T3/T5 Screen"""
"at T3/T5 or a positive screen at T3/T5 7=""Positive T3/T5 Screen with No"
"with a left-sided adenoma found on Follow-up"""
"follow-up to the screen. 8=""Positive T3/T5 Screen with No"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 33"
"Section 18: Pathology Images"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"adenoma_has_deliv_hesl Has a Deliverable Has a deliverable Adenoma H&E Slide .N=""Not Applicable"""
"ide_img Adenoma H&E Slide image? Not all were deliverable due to 1=""Yes"""
"Image duplicates or no consent."
"colo_has_deliv_heslide_i Has a Deliverable Has a deliverable Colorectal H&E Slide .N=""Not Applicable"""
"mg Colorectal H&E Slide image? Not all were deliverable due to 1=""Yes"""
"Image duplicates or no consent."
"adenoma_num_heslide_i Number of Adenoma H&E Number of deliverable adenoma H&E Numeric"
"mgs Slide Images Slide images participant has. .N=""Not Applicable"""
"colo_num_heslide_imgs Number of Colorectal Number of deliverable Colorectal H&E Numeric"
"H&E Slide Images Slide images participant has. .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 34"
"Section 19: Mortality Status"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"is_dead Dead? Is the participant confirmed dead? 0=""Not Confirmed Dead"""
"is_dead_with_cod Dead With Known Is the participant confirmed dead with 0=""Not Confirmed Dead"""
"Cause? known cause of death? 1=""Dead"""
"dth_days Days Until Death Days from randomization until date of Numeric"
"death. .N=""Not applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 35"
"Section 20: Death Certificate Cause of Death"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"d_seer_death Underlying Cause of Underlying cause of death. .F=""No Form"""
"Death .N=""Not Applicable"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes for 1=""Prostate"""
"underlying causes of death from the 2=""Lung"""
"death certificate. This grouping is based 3=""Colon"""
"on the SEER cause of death recode 4=""Ovarian"""
"format, with some modifications. 5=""Peritoneal"""
"6=""Fallopian Tube"""
"12=""Melanoma of the Skin"""
"20=""Head and Neck"""
"25=""Male Breast"""
"21030=""Small Intestine"""
"21042=""Colon: Appendix"""
"21049=""Colon: Large Intestine,"
"21060=""Anus, Anal Canal, and"
"21120=""Peritoneum, Omentum"
"and Mesentary"""
"21130=""Other Digestive Organs"""
"22030=""Lung and Bronchus"""
"22060=""Trachea, Mediastinum"
"and Other Resp Organs"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 36"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"d_seer_death 23000=""Bones and Joints"""
"24000=""Soft Tissue including"
"25020=""Other Non-Epithelial"
"27010=""Cervix Uteri"""
"27070=""Other Female Genital"
"28040=""Other Male Genital"
"29040=""Other Urinary Organs"""
"30000=""Eye and Orbit"""
"32020=""Other Endocrine including"
"38000=""In situ, benign or"
"unknown behavior neoplasm"""
"50040=""Other Infectious and"
"Parasitic Diseases"""
"50050=""Diabetes Mellitus"""
"50060=""Diseases of Heart"""
"50070=""Hypertension without"
"Heart Disease"""
"50100=""Aortic Aneurysm and"
"50110=""Other Diseases of"
"Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 37"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"d_seer_death 50120=""Pneumonia and"
"50130=""Chronic Obstructive"
"Pulmonary Disease and Allied"
"50140=""Stomach and Duodenal"
"50150=""Chronic Liver Disease"
"and Cirrhosis"""
"50160=""Nephritis, Nephrotic"
"Syndrome and Nephrosis"""
"50180=""Congenital Anomalies"""
"50200=""Symptoms, Signs and"
"Ill-Defined Conditions"""
"50300=""Other death"""
"60000=""Unnatural Death"""
"60001=""All other endocrine and"
"metabolic diseases and immunity"
"60002=""All other diseases of"
"blood and blood-forming organs"""
"60003=""Senile and presenile"
"organic psychotic conditions"""
"60004=""All other psychoses"""
"60005=""Parkinsons disease"""
"60006=""Other hereditary and"
"degenerative diseases of the"
"central nervous system"""
"60007=""Other diseases of the"
"nervous system"""
"60008=""Pneumoconioses and"
"other lung diseases due to"
"external agents"""
"60009=""All other diseases of"
"respiratory system"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 38"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"d_seer_death 60010=""All other noninfective"
"gastroenteritis and colitis"""
"60011=""All other diseases of"
"digestive system"""
"60012=""All other diseases of"
"urinary system"""
"d_cancersite Death Certificate Cause Underlying cause of death from cancer. .F=""No Form"""
"of Death (From Cancer) .N=""Not Dead"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes from 1=""Prostate"""
"the death certificate underlying cause of 2=""Lung"""
"death. This grouping is based on the 3=""Colorectal"""
"PLCO trial cancers of interest. 4=""Ovarian, Peritoneal, and"
"Fallopian Tube"""
"12=""Melanoma of the Skin"""
"20=""Head and Neck"""
"25=""Male Breast"""
"99=""Other Cancer"""
"999=""Not Cancer"""
"d_codeath_cat Cause of Death from Categorized underlying cause of death. .F=""No Form"""
"Death Certificate .N=""Not applicable"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes from 1=""Prostate"""
"the death certificate underlying cause of 2=""Lung"""
"death. This grouping is based on official 3=""Colorectal"""
"trial definitions for PLCO cancers and 4=""Ovarian"""
"standard ICD-9 groupings for other 5=""Peritoneal"""
"causes of death. The PLCO trial 6=""Fallopian Tube"""
"assesses the ICD-9 code of 185XX as 100=""Non-PLCO Neoplasms"""
"prostate cancer, 162XX as lung cancer, 200=""Ischemic Heart Disease"""
"153XX-154XX (except 1535X) as 300=""Cerebrovascular Accident"""
"colorectal cancer, and 183XX as ovarian 400=""Other Circulatory Disease"""
"cancer. 500=""Respiratory Illness"""
"600=""Digestive Disease"""
"700=""Infectious Disease"""
"800=""Endocrine, Nutritional and"
"Metabolic Diseases, and Immunity"
"900=""Diseases of the Nervous"
"d_dthc Is Colorectal Cancer The Is colorectal cancer the underlying cause 0=""No"""
"Underlying Cause Of of death? This conclusion is based on the 1=""Yes"""
"Death? information from the death certificate."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 39"
"Section 21: Final Cause of Death"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"f_seer_death Final Underlying Cause of Underlying cause of death. .F=""No Form"""
"Death .M=""Missing"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes for .N=""Not Applicable"""
"underlying causes of death from the 1=""Prostate"""
"death certificate and death review. This 2=""Lung"""
"grouping is based on the SEER cause of 3=""Colon"""
"death recode format, with some 4=""Ovarian"""
"modifications. 5=""Peritoneal"""
"6=""Fallopian Tube"""
"12=""Melanoma of the Skin"""
"20=""Head and Neck"""
"25=""Male Breast"""
"21030=""Small Intestine"""
"21042=""Colon: Appendix"""
"21049=""Colon: Large Intestine,"
"21060=""Anus, Anal Canal, and"
"21120=""Peritoneum, Omentum"
"and Mesentary"""
"21130=""Other Digestive Organs"""
"22030=""Lung and Bronchus"""
"22060=""Trachea, Mediastinum"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 40"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"and Other Resp Organs"""
"f_seer_death 23000=""Bones and Joints"""
"24000=""Soft Tissue including"
"25020=""Other Non-Epithelial"
"27010=""Cervix Uteri"""
"27070=""Other Female Genital"
"28040=""Other Male Genital"
"29040=""Other Urinary Organs"""
"30000=""Eye and Orbit"""
"32020=""Other Endocrine including"
"38000=""In situ, benign or"
"unknown behavior neoplasm"""
"50040=""Other Infectious and"
"Parasitic Diseases"""
"50050=""Diabetes Mellitus"""
"50060=""Diseases of Heart"""
"50070=""Hypertension without"
"Heart Disease"""
"50100=""Aortic Aneurysm and"
"50110=""Other Diseases of"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 41"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"Arteries, Arterioles, Capillaries"""
"f_seer_death 50120=""Pneumonia and"
"50130=""Chronic Obstructive"
"Pulmonary Disease and Allied"
"50140=""Stomach and Duodenal"
"50150=""Chronic Liver Disease"
"and Cirrhosis"""
"50160=""Nephritis, Nephrotic"
"Syndrome and Nephrosis"""
"50180=""Congenital Anomalies"""
"50200=""Symptoms, Signs and"
"Ill-Defined Conditions"""
"50300=""Other death"""
"60000=""Unnatural Death"""
"60001=""All other endocrine and"
"metabolic diseases and immunity"
"60002=""All other diseases of"
"blood and blood-forming organs"""
"60003=""Senile and presenile"
"organic psychotic conditions"""
"60004=""All other psychoses"""
"60005=""Parkinsons disease"""
"60006=""Other hereditary and"
"degenerative diseases of the"
"central nervous system"""
"60007=""Other diseases of the"
"nervous system"""
"60008=""Pneumoconioses and"
"other lung diseases due to"
"external agents"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 42"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"[...continued] [...continued]"
"f_seer_death 60009=""All other diseases of"
"respiratory system"""
"60010=""All other noninfective"
"gastroenteritis and colitis"""
"60011=""All other diseases of"
"digestive system"""
"60012=""All other diseases of"
"urinary system"""
"f_cancersite Cause of Death (From Underlying cause of death from cancer. .F=""No Form"""
"Cancer) .M=""Missing"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes for .N=""Not Dead"""
"underlying causes of death from the 1=""Prostate"""
"death certificate and death review. This 2=""Lung"""
"grouping is based on the PLCO trial 3=""Colorectal"""
"cancers of interest. 4=""Ovarian, Peritoneal, and"
"Fallopian Tube"""
"12=""Melanoma of the Skin"""
"20=""Head and Neck"""
"25=""Male Breast"""
"99=""Other Cancer"""
"999=""Not Cancer"""
"f_codeath_cat Cause of Death Categorized underlying cause of death. .F=""No Form"""
"This is a grouping of ICD-9 codes for .N=""Not applicable"""
"underlying causes of death from the 1=""Prostate"""
"death certificate and death review. This 2=""Lung"""
"grouping is based on official trial 3=""Colorectal"""
"definitions for PLCO cancers and 4=""Ovarian"""
"standard ICD-9 groupings for other 5=""Peritoneal"""
"causes of death. The PLCO trial 6=""Fallopian Tube"""
"assesses the ICD-9 code of 185XX as 100=""Non-PLCO Neoplasms"""
"prostate cancer, 162XX as lung cancer, 200=""Ischemic Heart Disease"""
"153XX-154XX (except 1535X) as 300=""Cerebrovascular Accident"""
"colorectal cancer, and 183XX as ovarian 400=""Other Circulatory Disease"""
"cancer. 500=""Respiratory Illness"""
"600=""Digestive Disease"""
"700=""Infectious Disease"""
"800=""Endocrine, Nutritional and"
"Metabolic Diseases, and Immunity"
"900=""Diseases of the Nervous"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 43"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"f_dthc Is Colorectal Cancer The Is colorectal cancer the underlying cause 0=""No"""
"Underlying Cause Of of death? This conclusion is based on the 1=""Yes"""
"Death? information from the death certificate and"
"death review."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 44"
"Section 22: BQ Compliance"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"bq_returned Did the Participant Return 0=""No"""
"the BQ? 1=""Yes"""
"bq_age Age at BQ Calculated from date of baseline Numeric"
"questionnaire completion and date of .F=""No Form"""
"bq_compdays Days Until BQ Completion Question M48, F63 - ""What is the date Numeric"
"you completed this questionnaire?"" .F=""No Form"""
"The number of days between BQ"
"completion and randomization."
"bq_adminm Method of Questionnaire Part of the section, For Office Use Only, .F=""No Form"""
"Administration headed ""Method of Administration"". .M=""Not Answered"""
"2=""Self With Assistance"""
"3=""In-Person Interview By SC"
"4=""In-Person Interview By Other"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 45"
"Section 23: BQ Demographics"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"race7 Race BQ Form Versions 1 and 2: Question 2 - 1=""White, Non-Hispanic"""
"""Which of these best describes your race 2=""Black, Non-Hispanic"""
"or ethnic background?"" 3=""Hispanic"""
"BQ Form Version 3: Question 2 - ""Which 5=""Pacific Islander"""
"of these groups best describes you?"" 6=""American Indian"""
"Question 2a - ""Are you of Hispanic 7=""Missing"""
"Participants can only be considered white"
"or black when they are not Hispanic. If the"
"participant is white or black and Hispanic,"
"then they are considered Hispanic. If the"
"participant is Asian, Pacific Islander, or"
"American Indian then they are considered"
"that race."
"hispanic_f Are You Of Hispanic BQ Form Versions 1 and 2: Question 2. .F=""No Form"""
"Origin? BQ Form Version 3: Question 2a. .M=""Not Answered"""
"0=""Not Hispanic"""
"What is your race or ethnicity? 1=""Hispanic"""
"educat Education Question 3 - ""What is the highest grade or .F=""No Form"""
"level of schooling you completed?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"1=""Less Than 8 Years"""
"2=""8-11 Years"""
"3=""12 Years Or Completed High"
"4=""Post High School Training"
"Other Than College"""
"5=""Some College"""
"6=""College Graduate"""
"marital Marital Status Question 4 - ""What is your current marital .F=""No Form"""
"status?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"1=""Married Or Living As Married"""
"5=""Never Married"""
"occupat Occupation Question 5 - ""Which of these categories .F=""No Form"""
"best describes your current working .M=""Not Answered"""
"situation?"" 1=""Homemaker"""
"5=""Extended Sick Leave"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 46"
"Section 24: BQ Smoking"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"cig_stat Cigarette Smoking Status Participant's current cigarette smoking .A=""Ambiguous"""
"status. .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"0=""Never Smoked Cigarettes"""
"1=""Current Cigarette Smoker"""
"2=""Former Cigarette Smoker"""
"cig_stop # of Years Since Stopped The number of years passed since the Numeric"
"Smoking Cigarettes participant has stopped smoking. .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"0.5=""Six Months"""
"cig_years Duration Smoked The total number of years the participant Numeric"
"Cigarettes smoked. .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"0.5=""Six Months"""
"cigpd_f # of Cigarettes Smoked Question 14 - ""During periods when you .F=""No Form"""
"Per Day smoked, how many cigarettes did or do .M=""Not Answered"""
"you usually smoke per day?"" 0=""0"""
"pack_years Pack Years Number of packs smoked per day * years Numeric"
"smoked. .F=""No Form"""
"cigar Ever Smoked Cigars? Question 17 - ""Do you now or did you .F=""No Form"""
"ever smoke cigars regularly for a year or .M=""Not Answered"""
"longer?"" 0=""Never"""
"1=""Current Cigar Smoker"""
"2=""Former Cigar Smoker"""
"filtered_f Usually Filtered or Question 15 - ""During periods when you .F=""No Form"""
"Non-Filtered? smoked, did or do you more often smoke .M=""Not Answered"""
"filter or non-filter cigarettes?"" .N=""Not Applicable"""
"3=""About Equal"""
"pipe Ever Smoked a Pipe? Question 16 - ""Do you now or did you .F=""No Form"""
"ever smoke a pipe regularly for a year or .M=""Not Answered"""
"longer?"" 0=""Never"""
"1=""Current Pipe Smoker"""
"2=""Former Pipe Smoker"""
"rsmoker_f Smoke Regularly Now? Question 12 - ""Do you smoke cigarettes .F=""No Form"""
"regularly now?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 47"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"smokea_f Age Started Smoking Question 11 - ""At what age did you start Numeric"
"smoking cigarettes regularly?"" .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered Or"
"Inconsistent Data"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
".R=""Age not in reasonable range."""
"smoked_f Ever Smoke Regularly >= Question 10 - ""Have you ever smoked .F=""No Form"""
"6 Months? cigarettes regularly for six months or .M=""Not Answered"""
"longer?"" 0=""No"""
"ssmokea_f Age Stopped Smoking Question 13 - ""At what age did you last Numeric"
"stop smoking cigarettes regularly?"" .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered Or"
"Inconsistent Data"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
".R=""Age not in reasonable range."""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 48"
"Section 25: BQ Family History"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"fh_cancer Has Family History of Any Any first-degree relative with cancer. .F=""No Form"""
"Cancer? Basal cell skin cancers are not included. .M=""Not Answered"""
"First-degree relatives include parents, 0=""No"""
"full-siblings, and children. Half-siblings 1=""Yes"""
"are not included."
"colo_fh Family History of Colorectal cancer family history in .F=""No Form"""
"Colorectal Cancer first-degree relatives. Includes parents, .M=""Missing"""
"full-siblings, and children. 0=""No"""
"1=""Yes, Immediate Family"
"9=""Possibly - Relative Or Cancer"
"Type Not Clear"""
"colo_fh_age Age of Youngest Relative Diagnosis age of the youngest Numeric"
"with Colorectal Cancer first-degree relative diagnosed with .A=""Ambiguous"""
"colorectal cancer. .F=""No Form"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"colo_fh_cnt # of Relatives with The number of first-degree relatives with Numeric"
"Colorectal Cancer colorectal cancer. .F=""No Form"""
"brothers # of Brothers Question 19 - ""How many full and .F=""No Form"""
"half-brothers do you have, both living and .M=""Not Answered"""
"deceased?"" 0=""None"""
"Participants who have more than seven 2=""Two"""
"brothers are collapsed into ""7 or more."" 3=""Three"""
"7=""Seven Or More"""
"sisters # of Sisters Question 18 - ""How many full and .F=""No Form"""
"half-sisters do you have, both living and .M=""Not Answered"""
"deceased?"" 0=""None"""
"Participants with more than seven sisters 2=""Two"""
"are collapsed into ""7 or more"". 3=""Three"""
"7=""Seven Or More"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 49"
"Section 26: BQ Body Type"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"bmi_curc BMI at Baseline This is the World Health Organization .F=""No Form"""
"(WHO) standard categorization of BMI. .M=""Not Answered"""
"BMI is considered out of range if any of .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"the following occur: Reasonable Range"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds 1=""0-18.5"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches 2=""18.5-25"""
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for 3=""25-30"""
"females 4=""30+"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"bmi_curr BMI at Baseline BMI is considered out of range if any of Numeric"
"the following occur: .F=""No Form"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds .M=""Not Answered"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for Reasonable Range"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"height_f Height (inches) Question 23 - ""How tall are you?"" Numeric"
".F=""No Form"""
"Height is considered out of range if any of .M=""Missing"""
"the following occur: .R=""Height Out Of Range"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches"
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for"
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"weight_f Weight (lbs) at Baseline Question 22 - ""What is or was your weight Numeric"
"at these ages?"" .F=""No Form"""
"Weights less than 60 pounds are out of .R=""Weight Out Of Range"""
"bmi_20 BMI at Age 20 BMI is considered out of range if any of Numeric"
"the following occur: .F=""No Form"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds .M=""Not Answered"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for Reasonable Range"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 50"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"bmi_20c BMI at Age 20 This is the World Health Organization .F=""No Form"""
"(WHO) standard categorization of BMI. .M=""Not Answered"""
"BMI is considered out of range if any of .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"the following occur: Reasonable Range"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds 1=""0-18.5"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches 2=""18.5-25"""
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for 3=""25-30"""
"females 4=""30+"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"weight20_f Weight at Age 20 (lbs) Question 22 - ""What is or was your weight Numeric"
"at these ages?"" .F=""No Form"""
"Weights less than 60 pounds are out of .R=""Weight Out Of Range"""
"bmi_50 BMI at Age 50 BMI is considered out of range if any of Numeric"
"the following occur: .F=""No Form"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds .M=""Not Answered"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for Reasonable Range"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"bmi_50c BMI at Age 50 This is the World Health Organization .F=""No Form"""
"(WHO) standard categorization of BMI. .M=""Not Answered"""
"BMI is considered out of range if any of .R=""Height Or Weight Not In"
"the following occur: Reasonable Range"""
"- Weight is less than 60 pounds 1=""0-18.5"""
"- Height is less than 48 inches 2=""18.5-25"""
"- Height is greater than 78 inches for 3=""25-30"""
"females 4=""30+"""
"- Height is greater than 84 inches for"
"- After BMI is calculated, BMI is less than"
"weight50_f Weight at Age 50 (lbs) Question 22 - ""What is or was your weight Numeric"
"at these ages?"" .F=""No Form"""
"Weights less than 60 pounds are out of .R=""Weight Out Of Range"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 51"
"Section 27: BQ NSAIDS"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"asp Use Aspirin Regularly? Question 24 - ""During the last 12 months, .F=""No Form"""
"have you regularly used aspirin or .M=""Not Answered"""
"aspirin-containing products, such as 0=""No"""
"Bayer, Bufferin or Anacin? (Please do not 1=""Yes"""
"include aspirin-free products such as"
"Tylenol and Panadol.)"""
"asppd # of Aspirin Question 25 - ""During the last 12 months, .F=""No Form"""
"how many pills of aspirin or aspirin .M=""Not Answered"""
"containing products did you usually take 0=""None"""
"per day, per week or per month?"" 1=""1/Day"""
"ibup Use Ibuprofen Regularly? Question 26 - ""During the last 12 months, .F=""No Form"""
"have you regularly used .M=""Not Answered"""
"ibuprofen-containing products, such as 0=""No"""
"Advil, Nuprin, or Motrin?"" 1=""Yes"""
"ibuppd # of Ibuprofen Question 27 - ""During the last 12 months, .F=""No Form"""
"how many pills of ibuprofen-containing .M=""Not Answered"""
"products did you usually take per day, per 0=""None"""
"week, or per month?"" 1=""1/Day"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 52"
"Section 28: BQ Diseases"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"arthrit_f Arthritis Did the participant ever have arthritis? .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"bronchit_f Bronchitis Did the participant ever have chronic .F=""No Form"""
"bronchitis? .M=""Not Answered"""
"colon_comorbidity Colon Comorbidities Did the participant ever have a colon .F=""No Form"""
"related co-morbidity (ulcerative colitis, .M=""Missing"""
"Crohn's disease, Gardner's syndrome, or 0=""No"""
"familial polyposis)? 1=""Yes"""
"diabetes_f Diabetes Did the participant ever have diabetes? .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"divertic_f Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis Did the participant ever have diverticulitis .F=""No Form"""
"or diverticulosis? .M=""Not Answered"""
"emphys_f Emphysema Did the participant ever have .F=""No Form"""
"emphysema? .M=""Not Answered"""
"gallblad_f Gallbladder Stones or Did the participant ever have gall bladder .F=""No Form"""
"Inflammation stones or inflammation? .M=""Not Answered"""
"hearta_f Heart Attack Did the participant ever have coronary .F=""No Form"""
"heart disease or a heart attack? .M=""Not Answered"""
"hyperten_f Hypertension Did the participant ever have high blood .F=""No Form"""
"pressure? .M=""Not Answered"""
"liver_comorbidity Liver Comorbidities Did the participant ever have a liver .F=""No Form"""
"related co-morbidity (hepatitis or .M=""Missing"""
"cirrhosis)? 0=""No"""
"osteopor_f Osteoporosis Did the participant ever have .F=""No Form"""
"osteoporosis? .M=""Not Answered"""
"polyps_f Colorectal Polyps Did the participant ever have colorectal .F=""No Form"""
"polyps? .M=""Not Answered"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 53"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"stroke_f Stroke Did the participant have a stroke? .F=""No Form"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 54"
"Section 29: BQ Female Specific"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"hyster_f Ever Have a Question F47 - ""Have you had a .F=""No Form"""
"Hysterectomy? hysterectomy, that is, have you had your .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"uterus or womb removed?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Participants modified to ""yes"" if an age of 1=""Yes"""
"hysterectomy is given in question F48 2=""Don't Know"""
"hystera Age at Hysterectomy Question F48 - ""What was your age when .F=""No Form"""
"you had your uterus or womb removed?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"ovariesr_f Removed Ovaries Question F49 - ""Have you ever had one .F=""No Form"""
"or both of your ovaries removed?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Question F50 - ""What exactly was 0=""Ovaries Not Removed"""
"removed?"" 1=""One Ovary - Partial"""
"2=""One Ovary - Total"""
"3=""Both Ovaries - Partial"""
"4=""Both Ovaries - Total"""
"5=""Don't Know"""
"tuballig Ever Tubes Tied? Question F46 - ""Have you had a tubal .F=""No Form"""
"ligation, that is have you had your tubes .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"tied?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"2=""Don't Know"""
"bcontr_f Ever Take Birth Control Question F43 - ""Did you ever take birth .F=""No Form"""
"Pills? control pills for birth control or to regulate .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"menstrual periods?"". .M=""Not Answered"""
"Participant's answer modified to ""yes"" if 1=""Yes"""
"they specified both an age they started"
"taking birth control pills and a total"
"number of years they took them."
"bcontra Age Started Birth Control Question F44 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Pills? you first started taking birth control pills?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Participants who were ""50-59"" or ""60+"" .N=""Not Applicable"""
"when they started birth control pills were 1=""<30"""
"collapsed into a ""50+"" category. 2=""30-39"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 55"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"bcontrt Total Years Took Birth Question F45 - ""For how many total years .F=""No Form"""
"Control Pills? did you take birth control pills?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"0=""Not Applicable"""
"1=""10+ Years"""
"2=""6-9 Years"""
"3=""4-5 Years"""
"4=""2-3 Years"""
"5=""1 Year or Less"""
"curhorm Currently Using Female Question F52 - ""Are you currently using .F=""No Form"""
"Hormones? female hormones?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"horm_f Ever Take Female Question F51 - ""Sometimes women take .F=""No Form"""
"Hormones? female hormones such as estrogen or .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"progesterone around the time of .M=""Not Answered"""
"menopause. Have you ever used female 0=""No"""
"hormones (tablets, pills, or creams) for 1=""Yes"""
"menopause?"" 2=""Don't Know"""
"Participant's answers modified to ""yes"" if"
"they had said ""no"" but gave an answer for"
"whether they are currently using female"
"hormones and said they used them for"
"greater than 1 year."
"horm_stat Female Hormone Status Female hormone status uses ever taken .F=""No Form"""
"female hormones and currently on .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"hormones to determine the participant's .M=""Missing"""
"hormone status. 0=""Never"""
"3=""Unknown Whether Current Or"
"4=""Doesn't Know If She Ever"
"Took HRT"""
"thorm # of Years Taking Female Question F53 - ""For how many total years .F=""No Form"""
"Hormones did you take female hormones?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"0=""Not Applicable"""
"1=""10+ Years"""
"2=""6-9 Years"""
"3=""4-5 Years"""
"4=""2-3 Years"""
"5=""<= 1 Year"""
"fchilda Age at Birth of First Child? Question F42 - ""What was your age at the .F=""No Form"""
"birth of your first child?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 56"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"livec # of Live Births Question F41 - ""How many of your .F=""No Form"""
"pregnancies resulted in a live birth?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Allowed values are 0-29. Participants with 0=""Zero"""
"more than five pregnancies are collapsed 1=""One"""
"to ""five or more"". 2=""Two"""
"5=""Five Or More"""
"miscar # of Question F39 - ""How many of your .F=""No Form"""
"Miscarriages/Abortions pregnancies resulted in miscarriage or an .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"abortion?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"preg_f Ever Been Pregnant? Question F35 - ""Have you ever been .F=""No Form"""
"pregnant?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Participant's answer is modified to be 0=""No"""
"""yes"" if the participant answers on age of 1=""Yes"""
"first pregnancy, number of pregnancies, 2=""Don't Know"""
"number of still birth pregnancies, number"
"of miscarriages, number of tubal"
"pregnancies, age at birth of first child, or"
"the number of live births implied"
"prega Age When First Became Question F36 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Pregnant? you first became pregnant?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"Participants who were ""40-44"" or ""45+"" .N=""Not Applicable"""
"when they first became pregnant were 1=""<15"""
"collapsed into ""40+"". 2=""15-19"""
"pregc # of Pregnancies Question F37 - ""How many times have .F=""No Form"""
"you been pregnant? Please include .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions, tubal .M=""Not Answered"""
"or ectopic pregnancies, and live births."" 0=""None"""
"stillb # of Still Birth Question F38 - ""How many of your .F=""No Form"""
"Pregnancies pregnancies resulted in a stillbirth?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"trypreg Ever Tried to Become Question F34 - ""Have you ever tried to .F=""No Form"""
"Pregnant for a Year or become pregnant for a year or more .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"More Without Success? without success?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 57"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"tubal # of Tubal/Ectopic Question F40 - ""How many of your .F=""No Form"""
"Pregnancies? pregnancies resulted in a pregnancy in .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"one of your tubes, that is, a tubal or .M=""Not Answered"""
"ectopic pregnancy?"" 0=""0"""
"fmenstr Age When Had First Question F31 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Menstrual Period? you had your first menstrual period?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"lmenstr Age at Menopause Question F32 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"you had your last period?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
"menstrs Type of Menopause Question F33 - ""Did your periods stop .F=""No Form"""
"because of natural menopause, surgery, .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"radiation, or drug therapy?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"1=""Natural Menopause"""
"4=""Drug Therapy"""
"menstrs_stat_type Reason menstrual periods Reason the participant's menstrual .F=""No Form"""
"stopped. periods stopped. Because minimal .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"information was gathered about 1=""Natural postmenopausal"""
"menopause, the menopause information 2=""Bilateral oophorectomy"""
"is supplemented with hysterectomy and 3=""Hysterectomy, no bilateral"
"oophorectomy information. oophorectomy"""
"4=""Surgical, details unclear"""
"5=""Drug therapy"""
"7=""Postmenopausal, reason"
"8=""Menopausal status unknown"""
"post_menopausal Post-Menopausal Status Was the participant post-menopausal at .F=""No form"""
"trial entry. This question was not asked .G=""Wrong gender"""
"directly on the BQ, therefore information 1=""Definitely post-menopausal"""
"on menopause has been supplemented 2=""Possibly post-menopausal"""
"with hysterectomy and oophorectomy"
"bbd Ever Have Benign or Question F54 - ""Have you ever been told .F=""No Form"""
"Fibrocystic Breast by a doctor that you had any of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"Disease? following conditions?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"benign_ovcyst Ever Have Benign Question F54 - ""Have you ever been told .F=""No Form"""
"Ovarian Tumor/Cyst? by a doctor that you had any of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"following conditions?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 58"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"endometriosis Ever Have Question F54 - ""Have you ever been told .F=""No Form"""
"Endometriosis? by a doctor that you had any of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"following conditions?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"uterine_fib Ever Have Uterine Fibroid Question F54 - ""Have you ever been told .F=""No Form"""
"Tumors? by a doctor that you had any of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"following conditions?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 59"
"Section 30: BQ Male Specific"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"enlpros_f Ever Have Enlarged Question M34 - ""Has a doctor ever told .F=""No Form"""
"Prostate or BPH? you that you had an enlarged prostate or .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"enlprosa How Old When Told Had Question M35 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Enlarged Prostate or a doctor first told you that you had this .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"BPH? problem?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"infpros_f Ever Have Inflamed Question M36 - ""Has a doctor ever told .F=""No Form"""
"Prostate? you that you had an inflamed prostate or .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostatitis?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"infprosa How Old When Told Had Question M37 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Inflamed Prostate? a doctor first told you that you had this .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"problem?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"prosprob_f Have Problem with Did the participant ever have a problem .F=""No Form"""
"Prostate? with their prostate? .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"urinate_f During The Past Year, Participants who indicate they ""never"" .F=""No Form"""
"How Many Times Did You wake up more than once or failed to .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"Wake Up At Night To answer the question and provided an age .M=""Not Answered"""
"Urinate? when urinating more than once a night 0=""Never"""
"started regularly are placed into ""not 1=""Once"""
"never."" 2=""Twice"""
"3=""Three Times"""
"4=""More Than 3 Times"""
"5=""Not Never"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 60"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"urinatea Age At Which Began Question M32 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Waking Up To Urinate you first began waking up to urinate more .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"More Than Once At Night than once a night on a regular basis?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 61"
"Section 31: BQ Prostate Surgery"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"surg_age Age at First Prostate Question M39 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"Surgery you had a surgical procedure of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostate the first time?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"Participants who were ""<30"" or ""30-39"" 1=""<40"""
"when they had their first prostate surgery 2=""40-49"""
"were collapsed into a ""<40"" category. 3=""50-59"""
"surg_any Ever Have Any Prostate Question M38 - ""Have you ever had any .F=""No Form"""
"Surgeries? of the following surgical procedures of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostate?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Has the participant had at least one of the 1=""Yes"""
"following prostate surgeries: 2=""Don't Know"""
"1. Prostatectomy for benign disease."
"2. Transurethral resection of the prostate"
"or TURP."
"3. Biopsy of the prostate."
"4. Prostate surgery, but the type is"
"5. The participant provided the age of the"
"first prostate surgery and did not answer"
"they don't know if they had any surgery."
"surg_biopsy Ever Have Biopsy of Question M38 - ""Have you ever had any .F=""No Form"""
"Prostate? of the following surgical procedures of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostate?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"surg_prostatectomy Ever Had Prostatectomy Question M38 - ""Have you ever had any .F=""No Form"""
"for Benign Disease? of the following surgical procedures of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostate?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"surg_resection Ever Had Transurethral Question M38 - ""Have you ever had any .F=""No Form"""
"Resection of Prostate? of the following surgical procedures of the .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"prostate?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"vasect_f Had a Vasectomy? Question M40 - ""Have you had a .F=""No Form"""
"vasectomy, that is, a sterilization .G=""Wrong Gender"""
"procedure for men?"" .M=""Not Answered"""
"Participants who didn't answer or said 1=""Yes"""
"""no"" are modified to ""yes"" when they list"
"an age when they had a vasectomy."
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 62"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"vasecta Age at Vasectomy Question M41 - ""How old were you when .F=""No Form"""
"you had a vasectomy?"" .G=""Wrong Gender"""
".M=""Not Answered"""
".N=""Not Applicable"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" 63"
"Section 32: BQ Screening History"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"colorect_history Had Procedure to Question M47, F62 - ""During the past .F=""No Form"""
"Examine Colon/Rectum in three years, have you had a colonoscopy, .M=""Not Answered"""
"Past 3 Years? sigmoidoscopy, or barium enema to 0=""No"""
"examine the colon and rectum?"" 1=""Yes, Once"""
"2=""Yes, More Than Once"""
"3=""Don't Know"""
"colscrn_history Had Colonoscopy or Test This is a summary of any colon screening .F=""No Form"""
"for Blood in Stool In Past contamination. Participants who had at .M=""Not Answered"""
"3 Years? least one test for blood in their stool or a 0=""No"""
"colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or barium 1=""Yes"""
"enema examining the colon and rectum in"
"the past three years are considered to"
"have had a colon screen."
"stool_history Had a Test for Blood in Question M46, F61 - ""During the past .F=""No Form"""
"Stool in Past 3 Years? three years, have you had a test for blood .M=""Not Answered"""
"in the stool?"" 0=""No"""
"1=""Yes, Once"""
"2=""Yes, More Than Once"""
"3=""Don't Know"""
"Colon Person (colo_prsn): Data Dictionary"
" "