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"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp) Data Dictionary"
"Document Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 2"
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary .................................................................................................................... 3"
"Section 1: Identif iers ........................................................................................................................................... 3"
"Section 2: Polyp Hist ology ................................................................................................................................. 4"
"Section 3: Polyp Size .......................................................................................................................................... 5"
"Section 4: Polyp Location .................................................................................................................................. 6"
"Section 5: Pr ocedures and Timing ................................................................................................................... 8"
"Section 6: Form Info ............................................................................................................................................ 9"
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 2"
"Document Summary"
"Property Value"
"Document Title Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
"Date Created 04/20/2022"
"Sections 6"
"Entries 34"
"Document Filename dictionary_colo_polyp-mar22-032222.rtf"
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 3"
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
"Section 1: Identifiers"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"build Build Masterfile build. Distributed to all datasets Char, 30"
"and used to identify the version of the"
"build_cancers Build Cancer Cohort The source of the build data. 1=""Trial Only"""
"build_incidence_cutoff Build Incidence Cutoff The censoring date for any cancer data 1=""Cancers Through 2009"""
"associated with the dataset."
"plco_id PLCO ID PLCO ID Char, 8"
"polypnumber Polyp Number Polyp record number. Starts at 1 for Numeric"
"each participant, for each study year, and"
"counts up for each additional polyp found"
"that year."
"study_yr Study Year Study year of the DEC/DEC2/DEC3 form Numeric"
"that the polyp was recorded on. For"
"screen-prompted forms, this is the study"
"year of the screen that prompted the"
"form. For other forms, this is the study"
"year of the cancer report that prompted"
"the form."
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 4"
"Section 2: Polyp Histology"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"adnos Adenoma, NOS Is the polyp an adenoma with unspecified .N=""Not Applicable"""
"histology? The value 0 includes 0=""Not an adenoma, NOS"""
"adenomas with known histology and 1=""Adenoma, NOS"""
"non-adenomatous polyps. 9=""Unknown"""
"advanced Advanced Adenoma Is the polyp an advanced adenoma? A 0=""No"""
"polyp is considered an advanced 1=""Yes"""
"adenoma if it is villous, has dysplasia, or 9=""Unknown"""
"is a large (>= 1cm) adenoma. In situ"
"carcinomas are also considered"
"advanced adenomas."
"cpvl Completely Villous Is the polyp a completely villous .N=""Not Applicable"""
"adenoma? The value 0 is used both for 0=""Not a completely villous"
"non-adenomas and for adenomas that adenoma"""
"are not completely villous. 1=""Completely villous adenoma"""
"dysp Polyp Dysplasia Severe, moderate or mild dysplasia. If 0=""No Dysplasia"""
"dysplasia is listed as not available, the 1=""Severe Dysplasia"""
"polyp is considered to have no dysplasia. 2=""Moderate Dysplasia"""
"Only polyps for which the question was 3=""Mild Dysplasia"""
"not answered are set to unknown 9=""Unknown"""
"hist Polyp Histology Polyp histology. Version 3 forms could 1=""Adenoma"""
"only record adenomas. 2=""Hyperplastic"""
"3=""Benign Polyp, NOS"""
"4=""Colonic Mucosa or Other"
"8=""Other Specify"""
"9=""Not Available"""
"in_situ Polyp Recorded as In Situ 0=""No"""
"Carcinoma 1=""Yes"""
"tbad Tubular Adenoma Is the polyp a tubular adenoma? The .N=""Not Applicable"""
"value 0 includes non-tubular adenomas, 0=""Not a tubular adenoma"""
"tubulovillous adenomas, and 1=""Tubular adenoma"""
"non-adenomatous polyps. 9=""Not available"""
"vill Villous Adenoma Is the polyp a villous adenoma? Both .N=""Not Applicable"""
"completely villous and tubulovillous 0=""Not Villous"""
"adenomas are considered villous for this 1=""Villous"""
"variable. The value 0 includes 9=""Not Available"""
"non-villous adenomas and"
"non-adenomatous polyps."
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 5"
"Section 3: Polyp Size"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"size Polyp Size Categorical size for polyp: diminutive .N=""Not applicable"""
"(0.0-0.4 cm), small (0.5-0.9 cm) or large 1=""Diminutive"""
"(1.0 or greater cm). 2=""Small"""
"psize Polyp Size in Millimeters Largest dimension for polyp in Numeric"
"millimeters. .M=""Missing"""
".N=""Not applicable"""
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 6"
"Section 4: Polyp Location"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"location Polyp Location Polyp location, including information .M=""Missing"""
"bubbled on the form, information from 1=""Cecum"""
"verbatim text, and polyp distance if there 2=""Ascending Colon"""
"is not a location specified. For polyps 3=""Hepatic Flexure"""
"with a distance specified but no location, 4=""Transverse Colon"""
"polyps at 0 to less than 15 cm are 5=""Splenic Flexure"""
"considered in the rectum, polyps at 15 to 6=""Decending Colon"""
"less than 35 cm are considered in the 7=""Sigmoid Colon"""
"sigmoid colon, polyps at 35 to less than 8=""Rectum"""
"50 cm are considered in the descending 9=""Appendix"""
"colon, and polyps at 50 to less than 65 10=""Rectosigmoid"""
"cm are considered in the splenic flexure. 11=""Split Left"""
"Polyps at 65 cm or beyond do not have a 12=""Split Right"""
"location assigned based on the distance. 13=""Split Both"""
"14=""Split w/ Left Unknown"""
"15=""Split w/ Right Unknown"""
"99=""Not Available"""
"mult Multiple Polyps or Split Did the form indicate that multiple polyps .N=""Not Applicable"""
"Location were present in the specimen jar? If .V=""Not asked on this form"
"multiple polyps were indicated, the version"""
"information in different variables in this 0=""No"""
"record could reflect different polyps. This 1=""Multiple Polyps"""
"variable also indicates if there were split 2=""Split"""
"locations (i.e. two non-consecutive"
"segments of the colon) recorded without"
"the form indicating multiple polyps"
"present. If there was a split location, it"
"seems likely that the information in the"
"record pertains to two polyps even if the"
"form did not indicate multiple polyps were"
"in the specimen jar."
"side Polyp Side Side of colon in which polyp was found: 1=""Left"""
"left (rectum to descending colon) or right 2=""Right"""
"(splenic flexure to cecum). 3=""Both"""
"pdist Polyp Distance Distance of polyp from anal verge in Numeric"
"centimeters. .M=""Missing"""
".V=""Not asked on this form"
"99=""Not Available"""
"ploc01 Polyp in Cecum Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the cecum? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc02 Polyp in Ascending Colon Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the ascending colon? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc03 Polyp in Hepatic Flexure Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the hepatic flexure? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc04 Polyp in Transverse Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"Colon the transverse colon? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc05 Polyp in Splenic Flexure Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the splenic flexure? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 7"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"ploc06 Polyp in Descending Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"Colon the descending colon? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc07 Polyp in Sigmoid Colon Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the sigmoid colon? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc08 Polyp in Rectum Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the rectum? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc09 Polyp in Appendix Did the polyp record indicate a polyp in 0=""No"""
"the appendix? 1=""Yes"""
"ploc99 Polyp Location Not Did the polyp record indicate a polyp with 0=""No"""
"Available location not available? 1=""Yes"""
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 8"
"Section 5: Procedures and Timing"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"endo_type Type of Endoscopy that Type of endoscopy that found the polyp. .M=""Missing"""
"Found Polyp If the polyp could be matched to an 1=""Sigmoidoscopy"""
"endoscopy, that endoscopy's type is 2=""Colonoscopy"""
"used. Otherwise, the type of endoscopy 3=""Endoscopy, NOS"""
"specified by the polyp record is used."
"endoindex Index Number of Index in the endoscopy file for the Numeric"
"Endoscopy that Found endoscopy that found the polyp. The .M=""Missing"""
"Polyp index is unique within a study year for a"
"given participant."
"polypdays Days Until Polyp Found Days from randomization to the date that Numeric"
"the polyp was found. .M=""Missing"""
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" 9"
"Section 6: Form Info"
"Variable Label Description Format Text"
"dec_version DEC Form Version The form version of the form the polyp 1=""DEC"""
"was recorded on. 2=""DEC2"""
"Colon Polyp (colo_polyp): Data Dictionary"
" "