dialogue,summary person1 hi mr smith im doctor hawkin today person2 found would good idea get checkup person1 ye well havent one 5 year one everi year person2 know figur long noth wrong go see doctor person1 well best way avoid seriou ill find earli tri come least year good person2 ok person1 let see eye ear look fine take deep breath pleas smoke mr smith person2 ye person1 smoke lead caus lung cancer heart diseas know realli quit person2 ive tri hundr time cant seem kick habit person1 well class medic might help ill give inform leav person2 ok thank doctor,"Mr. Smith's getting a check-up, and Doctor Hawkins advises him to have one every year. Hawkins'll give some information about their classes and medications to help Mr. Smith quit smoking." person1 hello mr parker person2 hello dr peter fine thank ricki vaccin person1 well let see accord vaccin record ricki receiv polio tetanu hepat b shot 14 month old due hepat chickenpox measl shot person2 rubella mump person1 well give coupl week administ rest person2 ok great doctor think also may need tetanu booster last time got mayb fifteen year ago person1 check record ill nurs administ booster well pleas hold ricki arm tight may sting littl,Mrs Parker takes Ricky for his vaccines. Dr. Peters checks the record and then gives Ricky a vaccine. person1 excus see set key person2 kind key person1 five key small foot ornament person2 shame didnt see person1 well help look that first time person2 sure pleasur id like help look miss key person1 kind person2 big dealhey found person1 oh thank god dont know thank guy person2 your welcom,#Person1#'s looking for a set of keys and asks for #Person2#'s help to find them. person1 didnt tell girlfriend person2 sorri thought knew person1 tell love person2 didnt person1 know didnt person2 well tell person1 ye might told person2 didnt think would interest person1 cant seriou dare tell go marri person2 sorri didnt think matter person1 oh men,#Person1#'s angry because #Person2# didn't tell #Person1# that #Person2# had a girlfriend and would marry her. person1 watsup ladi yll lookingfin tonight may danc person2 he cute look like tiger wood cant danc person1 good ill show right move name malik person2 nice meet im wen nikki person1 feel vista mind take friendround danc floor person2 doesnt mind dont mind get feet step person1 right cool let go,Malik invites Nikki to dance. Nikki agrees if Malik doesn't mind getting his feet stepped on. person1 happi birthday aim person2 thank lisa person1 present hope like person2 oh great love know ive expect long time person1 im glad hear person2 come let introduc friend,Lisa gives Aims a birthday present and Aims loves it. person1 come person2 thank what fare person1 10 person2 person1 well rate two dollar first two kilomet twenti cent addit two hundr meter person2 see thank drive,#Person1# tells #Person2# the fare of taking a taxi. person1 help person2 ye sent resum end last week im appli account assist posit person1 may name pleas person2 name judi liao that spell l person1 alright specif question applic person2 realli neighborhood want stop see receiv resum person1 oh that problem give moment check judi liao let see ye judi liao receiv resum person2 thank person1 anyth els help person2 ye mayb ad newspap said want resum cover letter two letter recommend includ thing envelop anyth els send person1 need thing includ suffici person2 know start set interview job person1 im realli sure know still receiv resum mayb week two start call applic person2 see well thank much help help person1 question call time person2 thank person1 thank goodby,"Judy Liao's applying for the accounts assistant position. She asks #Person1# whether they have received her resume, and #Person1# helps her check. #Person1# tells Judy there's nothing else she should send, and after a week or two they may start calling applicants." person1 good basic comput packag got good cpu 256 megabyt ram dvd player person2 come modem person1 ye builtin modem plug phone line back comput person2 monitor person1 15 inch monitor includ deal want switch 17 inch monitor littl money person2 that okay 15 inch good enough right ill take,#Person1# shows a basic computer package to #Person2#. #Person2# thinks it's good and will take it. person1 excus know visa offic person2 ye ill walk person1 thank person2 appli studi work abroad person1 want studi abroad person2 want studi person1 hope studi english literatur person2 got visa yet person1 yet interview visa offici today person2 see first interview person1 ive alreadi 3 interview,#Person1# has an interview with a visa official. #Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the visa office. person1 could favor person2 sure person1 could run store need thing person2 right want get person1 well could pick sugar person2 okay much person1 small bag guess also need orang person2 mani person1 oh let see six person2 anyth els person1 ye milk person2 okay much want get gallon person1 think half gallon enough person2 person1 think got person2 ye that small bag sugar four orang half gallon milk person1 enough money person2 think person1 thank much appreci,"#Person1# asks #Person2# to do a favor. #Person2# agrees and helps buy a small bag of sugar, six oranges, and a half-gallon of milk." person1 look pictur mom cap gown person2 isnt love that got master degre miami univers person1 ye proud person2 oh that nice one togeth neg may copi person1 sure ill one made want print person2 id like slide new projector person1 id like see person2 wallet size print made person1 certainli,#Person2# thinks the picture is lovely and asks #Person1# to give a slide and a wallet-size print. person1 bean send dirti joke look person2 creep phoni good luck email one thing sexual harass cross line person1 wonder ask address firsth want harass person2 could tri use spam filter reject stuff that obvious pornograph anyth els dont want,#Person2# suggests #Person1# use a spam filter to reject Bean's pornographic stuff. person1 old keith person2 he 21 old jame person1 he year older keith look younger person2 how father person1 he fine retir last week turn go life relax enjoy retir person2 spend time grandchildren person1 oh dont think want want travel sever differ countri around world person2 want activ retir good idea person1 want spend old age person2 way probabl,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about their families' ages. #Person2#'s father wants to travel around the world after retirement. person1 kind music like listen person2 like music fast beat live like danc music know go disco almost everi week sometim loud though prefer classic music dont person1 ye find relax often listen mozart bach even hard day work person2 must admit like sever piec classic music certainli sophist modern danc music person1 classic music suppos good brain research suggest make brain activ student listen classic music studi perform better person2 realli perhap listen classic music often heard listen classic music help reduc stress person1 ye that listen even usual play background music im cook housework person2 ive got classic music cd follow lead increas brian power person1 find plenti record internet listen sampl buy cheapli like person2 that good idea music might find someth like classic music might make clever danc might make liveli happier person1 that true there clear evid peopl listen live music live peopl music influenc person feel charact,"#Person2# likes dance music while #Person1# prefers classical music. #Person1# suggests #Person2# listen to more classical music because it can make the brain more active and reduce stress. #Person2# tells #Person1# classical music makes #Person2# clever, but dance makes #Person1# livelier and happier." person1 confus said person2 say person1 dont know want want help scold person2 think littl think mean well bottom heart,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s confused by the man's words. person1 tell someth valentin day person2 ok day boy usual give rose sweet heart girl give chocol return person1 romant young peopl must lot fun person2 yeah holiday isnt,#Person2# tells #Person1# their Valentine's Day. #Person1# feels it's romantic. person1 triplet theyr beauti ive seen babi noth skin bone age know theyr absolut ident john plan person2 bite tongu im alreadi end rope night dont sleep john manag sleep like log even babi scream top lung person1 well tell labor deliveri person2 wouldnt say time life least everyth went without hitch person1 well hang twenti year youll fell well worth,#Person1# asks #Person2# whether she plans on having more babies. #Person2# refuses because #Person2# even has no time to sleep when they're screaming. person1 whoa look ice cream choic person2 ye lot choic favorit person1 love anyth chocol best person2 like chocol person1 kind ice cream dont like person2 realli dont like ice cream nut person1 havent ever care person2 ever garlic ice cream person1 sound absolut disgust person2 let stick regular choic today though,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about different choices of ice cream. They decide to choose regular ones. person1 come work us person2 use green pad write admir note person1 well negoti possibl person2 miss dont person1 dont push luck dave person2 ok im start person1 soon get well wait,"#Person1# invites Dave to work together, and Dave agrees." person1 put seat back know lever somewher person2 person1 im get dress look like person2 look like get dress forget car road person1 im good nobodi see anyth person2 kid your go caus accid peopl gawk person1 right pull servic station ill dress ladiesroom person2 pleasur,"#Person1#'s getting dressed in the car, and #Person2# warns her not. #Person1#'ll get dressed at the service station." person1 suppos check air china counter 30 minut takeoff joe person2 ye know board time ticket say 1705 1615 guess plenti time person1 need show id card check person2 ye essenti person1 luggag person2 check hand carri small bag open inspect person1 go frisk passeng person2 think certainli dont want hijack happen plane today,#Person1# asks #Person2# what they need to do when they check in at the Air China's counter. person1 ive heard provid good servic need mover call guy first person2 thank lot call us could tell need us person1 oh see 8th floor move 6th floor anoth build 15 kilomet get person2 ok cost depend floor move distanc two place amount furnitur move person1 much cost case person2 oh let see fit second standard rate look contract pleas person1 charg divid two part payment advanc rest thought pay move person2 firstli sign contract pay 50 cost rest finish move person1 damag compens item confus could give explan person2 ok articl damag move may make claim compens depart,#Person1# calls #Person2# because #Person1# needs a mover. #Person1# tells #Person2# what needs them to do and asks for the cost. #Person2# shows the contract and explains the cost and compensation. person1 hi mike havent seen how cathi person2 see person1 happen break person2 yeah got sick tire nag time person1 oh sorri mayb emot moment think guy get back togeth person2 dont know there plenti fish sea person1 oh dog,"Mike broke up with Cathy. #Person1# feels sorry, but Mike doesn't want to get back." person1 everi movi youv seen one favorit person2 im go say superbad best movi ever person1 think come person2 well superbad super funni person1 your lie found movi absolut hilari person2 didnt know saw superbad person1 made sure line see first day came person2 couldnt keep laugh throughout whole movi person1 laugh hyster whole time stomach muscl hurt afterward person2 that exactli felt person1 got movi came dvd want come person2 would love,Both #Person1# and #Person2# think Superbad is funny. They can't stop laughing when they watch it. #Person1# invites #Person2# to see it together. person1 what secur check jimmi mean bar may danger place person2 cours case noth worri dont also china person1 dont know mayb actual first time bar person2 oh honor see youv curiou bar stuff like place person1 sure love place especi decor tast person2 yeah real featur excel drink ticket person1 alreadi person2 well ticket get free drink would like orang juic person1 ye orang juic fine get drink crowd around counter bare move person2 ill show bar tender know whose turn also snap finger catch attent person1 cool thank,It is the first time for #Person1# to come to the bar. #Person1# loves the tasteful decoration. Jimmy asks #Person1# to give him the ticket so that he can get a free drink for #Person1#. person1 excus go central park person2 ye right bu person1 could pleas tell get central park person2 dont worri ill call stop person1 minut later get next stop person2 dont worri ill get get person1 long ride person2 long two stop youll get sir person1 ok know thank person2,#Person1# takes a bus to Central Park. #Person2# tells #Person1# when to get off. person1 mr white would like give notic leav compani effect begin next month person2 jessica sorri hear leav person1 ive offer anoth job higher salari also give opportun promot person2 oh talk first would given rais person1 realli good employ mr white lucki good boss like new job field interest train someth alway want person2 ok good luck jessica way ever need letter recommend would happi write one,Jessica tells Mr. White she'll be leaving because she's been offered another job. Mr. White feels sorry but is willing to write a recommendation letter for her. person1 experi sale work person2 ye fact work foreign trade compani nearli two year establish busi tie sever firm person1 exactli compani person2 visit custom dispatch consign thing like person1 like work person2 ye person1 leav compani person2 left two month ago didnt think could learn much mani opportun selfdevelop person1 see choos compani person2 ive inform mani opportun develop compani besid grew citi northeast lot acquaint region might help push sale,"#Person1# is interviewing #Person2# and asks #Person2# several questions, including experience with sales work, the work at the previous company, and why #Person2# left there." person1 sunday today person2 ye know person1 think hous clean today what opinion person2 oh last week person1 come want wash cloth clean hous person2 id rather wash cloth person1 okay laundri person2 oh god much person1 dont worri ill help later,"#Person1# suggests having a house cleaning, and #Person2# chooses to wash clothes." person1 may take order person2 havent decid yet could give us littl longer person1 ye take time pleas person2 get someth drink want two bottl beer person1 fine person2 could tell us special today person1 special today steak person2 well take steak dinner person1 would like go steak person2 pea carrot person1 see would like dessert person2 icecream pleas,"#Person1# serves #Person2# to order two bottles of beer, a steak dinner, and ice cream." person1 help person2 want leather jacket person1 size pleas person2 size 40 person1 color would prefer person2 let see think brown one person1 well brown one beauti inde think black one suit better person2 realli pleas get person1 anyth els person2 dress made pure silk person1 ye brilliant person2 washabl person1 ye care person2 much pleas person1 350 yuan person2 right wrap person1 ok,#Person2# buys a leather jacket and a dress made of pure silk with #Person1#'s recommendation. person1 place ive heard much lo angel climat pretti good yearround flower yearround swim like person2 well beach beauti peopl terribl annoy dirti air mean combin fog smoke automobil exhaust enough wind blow away,#Person2# tells #Person1# people are annoyed by the dirty air in Los Angeles. person1 sir youv use onlin catalogu quit anyth help person2 well ive got write paper hollywood 30 40 im realli struggl hundr book dont know begin person1 topic sound pretti big dont narrow someth like uh histori studio time person2 know think 30 book came type movi studio person1 could cut even list specif year want tri ad 1930 1940 mayb golden age person2 golden age good idea let type hey look 6 book time that lot better person1 oh anoth thing might consid tri look magazin newspap articl person2 ive search book person1 well look magazin articl reader guid period literatur person2 okay think ill get start book ill go magazin person1 need help ill refer desk person2 great thank lot,#Person2# is struggling to choose the books about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s. #Person1# suggests he narrow the topic down by listing the specific years he wants. #Person1# tells #Person2# he can look up magazine articles. person1 vacat went pari didnt person2 yeah parent got back saturday wonder person1 sight visit person2 well saw famou place eiffel tower notr dame cathedr interest person1 take tour person2 one boat tour sein river person1 wow sound fantast person2 yeah great way see citi person1 go famou art museum person2 yeah parent love art spent hour museum pretti bore im interest paint person1 els person2 well guess favorit thing sit cafe watch peopl realli relax french coffe terrif person1 sound like great vacat work hand hope ill one day,#Person1# asks #Person2# what #Person2# did during the vocation to Paris. #Person2# saw all the most famous places and enjoyed sitting in cafes most. #Person1#'s looking forward to a vacation. person1 im tire watch televis let go cinema night person2 right want go downtown good movi neighborhood person1 id rather spend lot money pa per say neighborhood theater person2 here list page column 6 where rialto there perfect movi person1 that far away hard find place park person2 well grand theater gone wind person1 saw year ago couldnt wait see moreov long wouldnt get home midnight person2 center horror film wouldnt want see person1 inde wouldnt abl sleep tonight person2 that ell unless chang decis go downtown person1 cant pay must someth els havent seen person2 look cant find anyth els person1 look person2 person1 televis timet there basebal game televis tonight person2 wasnt look tv program look movi ad person1 know happen notic new york play boston person2 must good wouldnt mind watch person1 ok let stay home go cinema friday,"#Person1#'s tired of watching television, so #Person1# and #Person2# search on the paper to choose a movie to watch. But they don't decide a suitable one. #Person1# finds there will be a baseball game tonight, so they decide to stay at home." person1 say lisa watch person2 japanes film im go spend next year japan id better get know cultur person1 mean accept program person2 sure person1 that wonder must excit person2 excit nervou know must work basic convers skill person1 much japanes understand person2 littl ill attend special languag class next month person1 wish clever foreign languag id love studi abroad person2 dont school lot program dont requir masteri foreign languag kind person get use new environ fast person1 thought program requir one know foreign languag thank let know,Lisa's accepted into the program and will go to Japan next year. She encourages #Person1# to have a program that doesn't require the mastery of a foreign language. person1 morn sue enjoy holiday countri person2 ye thank great time friend went us person1 stay hotel person2 camp mountain near snowdon cook meal open fire person1 sound wonder weather good person2 sun shone nearli everi day didnt rain person1 like peopl person2 ye great met farmer tea hous person1 get back last night person2 morn youll think mad got 430 left 5 arriv 9 im tire good weekend person1 ye didnt much stay home weather terribl,"Sue had a great holiday in the country, and the weather was good. #Person1# just stayed at home at the weekend because of the terrible weather." person1 didnt tell girlfriend person2 sorri thought knew person1 told love person2 didnt person1 know didnt person2 well im tell person1 ye might told person2 didnt think youd interest person1 cant seriou dare tell go marri person2 sorri didnt think matter person1 oh men your,#Person1# is angry because #Person2# didn't tell #Person1# that #Person2# had a girlfriend and would marry her. person1 pleas make home let take coat dinner almost readi hope brought appetit person2 hous love armand interest decor gothic person3 think amaz good tast armand im think redecor hous mayb could give pointer person1 would pleasur pleas seat offer glass wine person3 would love person1 special merlot brought directli home countri uniqu ingredi give pleasant aroma superior flavor person3 mmm delici person2 bit bitter tast almost tast like like person3 ellen ellen okay person1 pass person3 yeah person1 hope didnt poison drink much youll ruin meal,"Ellen and #Person3# visit Armand's house, and they have dinner together. The glass of wine provided by Armand is a bit bitter for Ellen, and she passes out." person1 bought new dress think person2 look realli great go job interview parti person1 invit give talk school person2 much pay person1 pay 70 save 30 person2 that realli bargain person1 your right well shop person2 watch tv read wasnt interest book read page took shower person1 thought said go see mike person2 ill go visit home tomorrow hell return home tomorrow morn person1 im glad final return home accid,"While #Person1# made a bargain to buy a new dress, #Person2# watched TV, read a boring book, and took a shower at home." person1 hi olivia pleas person2 im sorri she lunch want leav messag person1 ye harri could tell olivia ill wait box offic cinema 710 person2 sure harri youll wait box offic 10 person1 710 person2 oh sorri 710 ill tell olyvia person1 thank,"Harris calls Olivia, but Olivia's out. #Person2# asks him to leave a message." person1 hello doctor smith offic person2 ye may help person1 ye id like speak doctor smith pleas person2 doctor smith went home afternoon may ask call person1 jim white person2 oh ye mister white doctor smith ask give home phone number person1 moment pleas ye what number person2 number 77231059 person1 thank much person2 that right,"Jim calls Doctor Smith, but he isn't available. #Person2# asks Jim for his number." person1 excit edward anyth happi person2 cours happi also meaning took subway school morn iin subway station saw one novel lie seat anoth near elev person1 realli must put someon share person2 ye curiou red one good way kill time way plan put book share person1 great pleas place proper place dont bother traffic person2 ok,Edward is excited because he thinks it's a good way to put books on the subway for people to kill time. person1 next week birthday parti excit want birthday person2 well car like would fantast person1 hmmmayb car yet your turn 9 know doll person2 mom im boy boy dont play stupid doll machin gun would ok person1 well time mayb could get nice dress littl purs son mayb person2 mayb chang name mari sinc seem want daughter badli,"#Person2# wants a cool birthday present, but his mom wants to give him a sissy present." person1 still watch soap opera nanci person2 yeah cant take eye person1 appeal person2 well cast opera isnt strong stori isnt impress main actor act realli outstand handsom person1 shall think need break right footbal match channel eight person2 oh stop talk stupid match realli dont understand certain peopl run one ball person1 choos program id rather watch documentari kind soap opera realli bore person2 everyon tast ever heard say one man meat anoth poison person1 front tv almost 5 hour even dinner time say selfish person ever seen person2 well well watch channel,"Nancy's watching a soap opera, but #Person1# wants to watch a football match. Nancy refuses to have a break, so #Person1# says she is selfish." person1 mister ewe said show confer center 4 oclock right person2 ye special ask us late peopl east york branch offic come want make good impress get person1 think take car think im go take underground construct highway person2 ill take underground well dont go togeth ive confer center im sure find way around,"To get to the conference centre early, #Person1# and #Person2# decide to take the underground, and #Person2# proposes to go there together." person1 what accommod like london ahm person2 well bit difficult thousand oversea student know person1 would better stay hotel share flat stay famili person2 would probabl better stay famili begin carla person1 wouldnt recommend share flat person2 wouldnt move flat wont get much studi done flat youll spend half time cook clean person1 find famili take student person2 there list student union build campu peopl student union abl help find famili stay,#Person2# recommends Carla to stay with a family because living in a flat will take much time to cook and clean. person1 excus airport person2 um pretti far away show map smart phone person1 oh sorri meant get person2 well depend want get quickli cheapli person1 probabl latter would better person2 right go one block take left youll see number 12 subway station take number 12 way grove street transfer airport express train person1 know chang train person2 announc train im sure also lot peopl big suitcas follow,#Person1# asks #Person2# a cheap way to get to the airport. #Person2# guides #Person1# to take the subway and then transfer to the airport express's train. person1 leader colleg person2 ye propaganda depart minist univers person1 get honor award univers person2 piti person1 involv club activ univers person2 ye member basketbal societi like play basketbal person1 extracurricular activ usual take part colleg person2 sometim play basketbal sometim play footbal,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# was Propaganda department minister and played basketball in college. person1 right remain silent anyth say use court law right attorney present question afford attorney one appoint understand person2 ye person1 what name person2 name jame person1 what nation person2 american person1 what relationship victim person2 dont know person1 attack victim person2 beat first tri stop grab bag run away person1 mani time stab victim person2 stab belli three time person1 know action might caus serou injuri death person2 knew couldnt control person1 intent kill victim person2 didnt kill purpos madam caus incid need see attorney person1 ok give number well contact,#Person1# stabbed the victim because he beat #Person1# first and tried to grab #Person1#'s bag. #Person1# says he didn't kill him on purpose. person1 kind job intend person2 want manag job sinc threeyear work histori person1 plan hire person2 would appli specialti experi job gradual move manag level compani,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s ideal job and the job plan if hired. person1 hello luci jing call lincoln bank may speak mr pleas person2 speak person1 ah hello mr im call new credit card arriv us either come collect send person2 send wont necessari im actual come meet person banker afternoon person1 perfect time person2 inde anyth need collect person1 realli recommend read term condit sign card case someth arent happi person2 im sure itll fine pin number person1 sent within 2 work day start use new card person2 great ill later today thank call bye,"Lucie Jing phones for Mr. Was to talk about his new credit card. Mr. Was wants to collect it himself, and Lucie recommends him to read through the documents again before signing the card." person1 thank lend book person2 sure difficult one need dictionari elbow person1 im use look everi new word im read novel look necessari one,#Person1# borrows a book from #Person2# and will only look up the most necessary words. person1 let start discuss question payment term person2 suppos know well requir irrevoc letter credit payabl present ship document person1 fulli understand posit irrevoc letter credit ensur seller get paid time hand would add buy cost weve trade partner 3 year know us well cant give us p person2 im afraid practic far insist payment l c person1 part govern reluct approv l c payment import licens problem person2 understand still im posit help mayb could someth later larger deal togeth,"#Person1# requests #Person2# to give them D / A or D / P but #Person2# insists on payment by L / C, so the business isn't done." person1 hello person2 um hello would like open account person1 ok kind account want open person2 want open current account person1 open right person2 what minimum deposit open current account person1 10 yuan much money want deposit person2 well here 3 000 yuan person1 pleas write name address amount deposit pleas choos passcod six number confirm person2 ok person1 thank pleas confirm inform sign name blank person2 done els person1 that here bank card here certif deposit bring bank card everi time come deposit withdraw money person2 ok thank goodby person1 bye,"#Person1# helps #Person2# open a current account, deposit 3,000 yuan, set the passcode and confirm all the information." person1 think act two main actor film person2 consid hero act inferior heroin dont agre person1 well im afraid think hero much believ,#Person2# considers the hero's acting inferior to that of the heroine's while #Person1# thinks the opposite. person1 want spend summer day mountain villag person2 think mountain villag splendid person1 dont agre small live person2 fresh air nicer big town person1 disagre big town live person2 like small mountain villag big town noisi charm walk along hill person1 well alright agre still prefer big town,"#Person2# thinks spending summer days in a mountain village is splendid while #Person1# prefers a big town." person1 go cant get car ditch im stuck person2 im worri tom havent seen car almost hour person1 know terribl snow doesnt stop fall person2 told stay town today weather report said 100 percent chanc snow want come person1 want show cabin anoth halfhour go person2 well stuck person1 dont know person2 ive heard happen import save energi person1 mean person2 strand tom may long time need conserv ga car car energi keep us warm person1 plenti ga person2 ye ga batteri stay work cant let car run run die soon well freez person1 person2 turn light run car heater fifteen minut everi hour conserv heat long possibl person1 alright that good idea person2 wish hadnt come well probabl day person1 day person2 ye happen happen big snowstorm peopl get strand day person1 oh god good food person2 probabl well surviv turn car fortyf minut well turn person1 okay ill follow advic,"Tom and #Person2#'s car is stranded in the ditch in a big snowstorm. They are anxious at first, then #Person2# suggests turning the lights off and running the car and the heater once in a while to save energy. Tom will follow #Person2#'s advice." person1 philip realli glad hear award congratul person2 thank denis actual realli surpris mean lot qualifi peopl person1 sure work realli except definit deserv person2 thank lot expect see name nomin pretti soon youv great work,Denise congratulates Philip on his winning the award and admires his work. Philip thanks Denise and wishes him nominated soon. person1 jenni good time person2 ye cours realli wonder parti interest peopl great food person1 im glad enjoy person2 thank invit person1 pleasur get anoth glass champagn person2 ye id love anoth glass your wonder host thank everyth person1 pleasur,Jenny had a good time at #Person1#'s party and she thanks #Person1#. person1 oh linda must excit go studi america person2 oh ye alway want go state love meet new peopl make new friend person1 well sure person2 well one thing person1 matter person2 littl worri host famili know agreement cook person1 ye person2 well afraid wont like chines way cook person1 oh listen youll soon learn sure explain like get prepar person2 oh let hope,Linda is excited about studying in America but she's also worried about cooking for her host family. #Person1# convinces her that she'll learn quickly. person1 would talk take one dr miller class person2 ye ever one class person1 im think take class next semest person2 easi teacher think take class person1 im sure realli need learn someth also worri grade person2 grade import dont think gain knowledg import person1 realli need learn stuff person2 made everyth interest time flew know mean person1 ye sound right person2 know came last year 10 year militari person1 yeah alreadi knew could good thing person2 think know make best decis enjoy year,#Person1# is considering taking Dr. Miller's class but worries about grades. #Person2# tells #Person1# Dr. Miller was an easy and interesting teacher and gaining knowledge is as important as grades. person1 welcom back movi lover anoth premier movi review name richard clark join today erudit david watson person2 thank dick today go talk movi lion king tell dave impress film person1 well think film simpli fabl depict man etern greed power opinion fine film even despit accus plagiar tradit folk tale countri music score amaz anim well done stori simpli enchant person2 think otherwis even though anim technic strong say score song perform elton john great film lack certain origin lack heart would dare say predict person1 predict come dick grate movi kid thriller person2 well that dramat intens scene exampl mufas die dark grim portray scar even film linear mufas die simba run away think fault fall love return retak right clich person1 clich fabl tell timehonour stori movi make point hunger power lead corrupt teach children valu respect life love person2 alway soft dave person1 open heart dick dont shut us person2 anyway that today folk join us next time talk quot lose guy 10 day quot im sure youll love one dave,"Richard Clarke and David Watson discuss Lion King on Premier Movie Review. Richard thinks it's a fine movie as it has strong animation, great score and songs, and an enchanting story, while David thinks the movie lacks a certain originality and was too predictable." person1 go danc even jane find night life citi interest person2 good idea good nightclub nearbi isnt person1 ye danc hall nice variou style music person2 club look peopl danc floor crazi person1 that rock roll fast tempo person2 like slow danc good rumba waltz person1 take easi time slow danc middl part parti person2 let find quiet seat sit beverag person1 ok follow person2 listen waltz like eleg step old style person1 may person2 sure person1 danc danc grace,"#Person1# invites Jane to go dancing this evening. Jane likes slow dance so they wait until it is the waltz, and they enjoy themselves in the nightclub." person1 let move apart small person2 agre ill look paper person1 hous would great could plant garden could use garag workshop person2 here interest ad person1 much rent person2 ad say 325 plu deposit person1 place avail person2 avail got good locat wont far work,"#Person1# and #Person2# plan to move, and they find a satisfying house in the paper." person1 good morn mainten depart person2 hello im problem air condition person1 air condition person2 one bedroom person1 seem problem person2 there cold air come person1 may room number pleas person2 512 person1 ok well send someon check person2 im go right that right come ive gone person1 fine housekeep open door stay room repairmen,#Person2# phones Maintenance Department because the air conditioner went wrong. #Person1# answers the phone and will send the repairmen. person1 look jim man fell person2 better see he k person1 sir sir right sir person2 he answer youd better check puls breath person1 oh he breath there puls call 911 person2 hello ye someon pass connecticut ave 1st st isnt breath puls ye friend perform cpr ok thank theyr send ambul let help,#Person1# and Jim find a man who fell and is unconscious. #Person1# performs CPR and Jim calls 911. person1 excus time next train london leav person2 1030 person1 direct train london person2 ye person1 ok two ticket london pleas person2 singl return person1 singl pleas much total person2 10 pound person1 platform go wait train person2 platform 5 person1 ok thank person2 welcom,#Person1# buys two train tickets to London with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 hi custom servic help person2 hi bought one vacuum spendwart broken person1 warranti person2 think bought four month ago person1 ye still cover warranti tell mode number vacuum pleas person2 okay model number 6594 c person1 what address name phone number person2 906 ottawa street name david yang phone number 7137860234 person1 okay two custom servic offic area nearest one chadwick hack applianc person2 could tell offic locat person1 sure 878 fennel south person2 oh know place two minut drive person1 call offic first person2 right thank much help person1 pleasur,"#Person2# phones the Customer Service because #Person2#'s vacuum's broken. #Person1# answers the phone, asks for more details, and tells #Person1# the location of the nearest Customer Service Office." person1 mr phoeb let talk deliveri arrang good person2 sure what date deliveri person1 inform compani told first five thousand end month person2 balanc order also arriv compani quickli person1 deliv balanc price alreadi quot 10 day person2 deliv earlier person1 afraid would will sign annual contract basi discuss person2 possibl subject qualiti deliveri guarante person1 cours well case could offer 5 discount confirm monthli order next 12 month person2 look forward someth bit substanti know longtim cooper person1 im afraid that far could go wed alreadi stretch limit person2 well let shake draw detail contract,#Person1# and Mrs. Phoebe talk about the delivery arrangement for the goods. #Person1# offers a 5% discount for a confirmed monthly order and they finally reach an agreement since they have long-time cooperation. person1 hello reserv desk help person2 ye id like book duplex suit person1 day would like reserv suit sir person2 next friday person1 im sorri sir cant accept reserv next friday due book may suggest anoth hotel sir person2 oh thank much person1 pleas hold line ill see duplex suit avail day minut later sir holiday inn avail need person2 contact person1 ill give phone number 601 789 5634,#Person2# phones to book a duplex suite but #Person1#'s hotel isn't available. #Person1# finds Holiday Inn has available rooms and offers its phone number. person1 think need xxxxxxxxxx finish time person2 sorri tom say last bit pleas didnt get person1 oh ok said xxxxxxxxxx time person2 sorri tom problem hear bit hissi hear us person1 xxxxxxxxxx person2 hello person1 xxxxxxxxxx dont think hear us xxxxxxxxxx hello xxxxxxxxxx person2 tom hear think weve lost there problem line let tri well call person1 xxxxxxxxxx ok xxxxxxxxxx,Tom tells #Person2# to finish something on time. #Person2# can't hear clearly because there's a problem with the line. person1 hello person2 hello luci john could favor ive tri phone wife six time cant get line busi time could possibl go next door give messag person1 sure want tell mari person2 could say ive met old friend im stay im offic ill give ring later person1 sure ill go right person2 thank lot luci,#Person2# requests Lucy to give a message to his wife because the line's always busy. person1 hello im jack person2 hello well see fulli furnish youv got tvcabl tv broadband internet includ rent kitchenett thereal fulli fittednic new fridg cooker kettl toaster microwaveal modcon bathroom therebox shower unitsinkal new bq there nice view park window person1 hmmit smaller thought much rent person2 250 week plu cours your respons fee includ ga water electr person1 said 200 ad person2 yeah small room upstair that alreadi gone person1 well 250 bit much person2 well london placegood locat near tube person1 looki stretch 200 weeki cant afford 250 plu bill person2 right one month rent advanc plu month deposit thatll 400 cash contractread initi page sign bottom person1 ok,"#Person2# persuades Jack to rent the house in a good location but Jack thinks 250 a week isn't affordable. Finally, #Person2# compromise to 200 and Jack will sign the contract." person1 mother feel day person2 much better thank shell back home day person1 that wonder back job person2 think need week take care clean come home person1 dont hire someon case job also free time person2 ye know im realli worri mother 72 year old person1 your kind thought man admir much person2 im normal son,#Person2# thinks his mother is much better and refuses to hire someone to take care of her. #Person1# admires his kindness and thoughtfulness. person1 oh im suppos meet seven sharp time person2 six thirti person1 id better get readi person2 go person1 havent made mind yet mayb restaur perhap movi first person2 dont go see citizen kane classic film festiv suppos great person1 oh mayb psycho also play ive heard realli good person2 like horror film lot blood person dont well realli go want go swim tomorrow person1 id glad might go studio work let know first thing morn person2 sure thatll fine person1 oh there phone must traci person2 well id better go good time tonight person1 thank ill talk tomorrow,#Person1#'s going on a date but hasn't decided where to go. #Person2# suggests watching Citizen Kane. #Person1# and #Person2# decide to go swimming tomorrow. person1 new babi must keep hour night person2 she pretti good sinc mother move she sleep longer time night thought mother keep awak night,"#Person2# says since her mother moved in, her baby's been pretty good." person1 exactli look person2 look collect 19th centuri european paint person1 book left one yellow cover person2 let see yeah want thank lot,#Person1# helps #Person2# find a collection of the 19th century European paintings. person1 bob im sure know secondhand smoke person2 cours person1 heard thirdhand smoke person2 thirdhand smoke im afraid person1 well today paper parent may think protect children secondhand smoke smoke outsid home children research warn call thirdhand smoke smoke danger matter cigarett get hair cloth babi weakest come babi pass babi increas chanc diseas babi person2 case say never get close babi person1 that right actual smoke parent better give complet,#Person1# tells Bob about the danger of third-hand smoke and concludes smoking parents should never get close to a baby or better give up smoking. person1 hey man what person2 ah first put buck vend machin seventyf cent candi bar thing got stuck machin press chang button ah man noth happen wow noth came dumb thing still owe quarter person1 well talk man snack bar see could refund money person2 yeah tri said didnt machin id call phone number machin person1 bummer person2 hey idea dont rock machin back forth candi bar fall person1 noth dont want respons break thing besid someon might call cop person2 ah dont worri ive done oh well hey hey tough luck hey take candi bar mean yeah machin hit earlier today,"#Person2# tells #Person1# he put a buck in the vending machine but the thing got stuck. After hitting the machine, #Person2# gets the candy bar." person1 im paul adam branch manag person2 kati thoma pleas meet person1 take your look temporari offic work person2 that right person1 old kati person2 im eighteen person1 that rather young experi person2 well ive left school actual im look job go colleg person1 doesnt sound though help kati see client demand especi come new offic technolog person2 oh that problem took extra class offic skill school person1 oh perhap youd like outlin youv person2 start learn keyboard skill went learn word process person1 good seem qualifi technic point view,Paul Adams interviews Katie Thomas who's looking for temporary office work and he thinks she's qualified for she has learnt keyboard skills and word processing. person1 teacher criticis myra front whole class person2 myra cheat exam spoke back rude person1 dont think myra spoken rude teacher know angri that still excus rude,Myra was criticised by the teacher for cheating on exams and talked back rudely. person1 may order person2 wed regular dinner cours pleas person1 cours regular dinner fish salad appet steak main cours chocol cake dessert person2 right well person1 today mutton chop good would like main cours person2 that good idea dessert well appl pie wed like coffe afterward person1 good herer appet dinner readi five minut,"#Person2# orders mutton chop, apple pie, and coffee for #Person2#'s meal instead of regular dinner under #Person1#'s recommendation." person1 what special today person2 allyoucaneat dinner special person1 dont like person2 care seafood person1 ye im fond seafood person2 seafood prefer person1 id like red cook sea cucumb person2 anyth els would like person1 bring assort cold dish pleas person2 would care beverag person1 thank im fine person2 would like drink person1 bottl champagn,"#Person1# orders seafood, cold dishes, and champagne with #Person2#'s assistance." person1 hi taxi could take financi street pleas person2 pardon sir person1 want go financi stree person2 right hop pleas person1 excus long take get person2 usual take half hour person1 oh realli long way go person2 ye moreov sinc street heavi traffic time day im sure make way press time person1 im drive slowli care person2 ok person1 skill driver person2 thank person1 way fair distanc person2 vari accord distanc read meter person1 oh see,"#Person1# takes a taxi to the financial street. #Person2# reminds him of the long time due to the distance and the heavy traffic, and the fair varies according to the distance." person1 tomorrow read page 12 20 exercis one ten page 21 person2 type homework person1 write report person2 anyth els person1 dont calcul get one person2 allow use calcul class person1 ye way review today note even may small quiz tomorrow,#Person1# gives #Person2# home assignments and asks students to get a calculator and review today's notes. person1 tell good deal produc person2 mango sale today person1 exactli mango person2 yellowish red skin fruit one big seed person1 seed edibl person2 mayb parrot wouldnt recommend person1 much mango cost person2 normal theyr 2 today theyr 1 person1 mayb wont like tast person2 hard describ theyr sweet also sort citrusi person1 tell differ ripe one unrip one person2 theyr similar avocado outsid feel soft theyr ripe person1 come person2 mexico,#Person2# tells #Person1# the mangoes are on sale today and then #Person2# introduces mangoes to #Person1# in detail. person1 seem someth pray heavi what matter person2 got father goat last night person1 get goat person2 ask treat like sister jump throat took tell thought,#Person2# is unhappy because #Person2# got #Person2#'s father's goat. person1 mr smith lili im call thank wonder dinner yesterday enjoy much person2 your welcom id like join us dinner sometim person1 thank mr smith im return china today person2 today person1 ye appreci help particular time youv spent account stay person2 dont mention pleas help person1 there anyth help futur pleas let know person2 ill thank safe trip home,Lili phones Mr. Smith to tell him she's returning to China today and expresses her gratitude for the dinner and his help. person1 daniel ever heard wildlif sanctuari person2 differ kind zoo person1 ye cours person2 tell person1 lot wild anim place also special rule visit person2 special rule person1 two way visit person2 detail person1 bu car wont allow get bu reach special region person2 person1 danger get car bu imagin fierc wild anim person2 make sens sound interest one beij person1 ye person2 prefer go next time person1 yeah sure wont disappoint,#Person1# tells Daniel about the wildlife sanctuary and the two sole ways to visit wild animals. Daniel gets interested and wants to visit the one in Beijing. person1 hello bob nanci speak im glad ive got hold last person2 tri get touch im home usual reach club person1 that good know listen bob ive got news person2 person1 sister ami come back state person2 that great come back person1 next weekend person2 next weekend ok let get togeth tonight plan parti person1 right,Nancy phones Bob to tell him her sister Amy is coming back from the states next weekend. Bob suggests giving a party for Amy. person1 sunshin hotel good morn barbara speak person2 hello id like make book pleas im busi trip need singl room person1 ok name pleas person2 john griffin that johngriffin person1 ok ive got wait minut alreadi name youv havent must someon name person2 ive stay twice person1 ok let see card confirm pleas tell im wrong john griffin sydney passport number 87637489 right person2 that right person1 ok time expect tonight mr griffin person2 plane land 915 pm one pick place 1000 restaur still open time person1 im afraid organ snack left room person2 ye would great chees sandwich person1 problem sir ill see,"John Griffin phones Sunshine Hotel to book a single room. #Person1# answers the phone, confirms his passport number and takes the reservation." person1 hello barbara welcom back look great person2 rod love see person1 trip person2 fine tire milan interest bigger expect noisier dirtier person1 florenc think florenc person2 well didnt go person1 ive never itali id realli like go rome well car car park suitcas person2 ye suitcas heavi person1 barbara what book stone person2 20 pair shoe,"Barbara tells Rod her trip to Milan is fine but tiring, and her suitcase is very heavy due to 20 pairs of shoes inside." person1 excus watch stop run sure what wrong person2 well let look seem need new batteri person1 oh realli got water last week afraid might ruin watch much new batteri person2 5 chang batteri also guarante year watch clean guarante addit 3 month person1 sound like good deal ill get batteri readi person2 usual right away im repair lot watch leav watch 500 pm person1 ok see,#Person1#'s watch stopped running. #Person2# checks it and tells #Person1# it needs a new battery. #Person2# introduces their service and #Person1#'ll get the battery here. person1 let plan dinner end year person2 ive talk kid class quit want go pizza restaur person1 um think ive enough pizza eat least twice week good someth differ person2 well there chines restaur bamboo hous person1 close next week month theyr go build new kitchen someth rememb go someplac singer guitarist great person2 least 20 us noisi wont hear music person1 your right hey havent thought cost peopl want go cheap place other afford somewher expens person2 dont fix amount first ask restaur provid meal price person1 that good idea make list place think best get rest class choos one,"#Person1# and #Person2# are planning the class dinner for the end of the year. They discuss the place and the cost, and decide to fix the amount first and ask a restaurant to provide a meal for that price." person1 hello martin long time see heard went franc studi person2 year took year travel around europ person1 go person2 went switzerland first germani austria plan end trip itali didnt work person1 oh well good back person2 cours im return franc finish degre fouryear program person1 oh your back beij visit famili person2 yeah im anoth 2 month person1 plan person2 juli mother turn 70 well someth special next month go drive coast back franc septemb first person1 good think could fit busi schedul person2 ha alway make time friend tonight person1 deal,Martin tells #Person1# about his experience in Europe. Martin is back in Beijing to visit his family and will return to France to finish his degree. #Person1# and Martin decide to meet tonight. person1 excus minut work star bookstor survey peopl read habit want ask coupl question person2 ye alright would like know person1 well kind book prefer read person2 hmm absolut love adventur stori best also interest histor novel recent ive read sever biographi person1 ok buy book store internet person2 23 book bought onlin bookstor sometim go bookstor see someth interest window also borrow book friend librari person1 great thank time nice day person2 problem good day,#Person1# surveys #Person2# about #Person2#'s reading habits. #Person2# loves adventure stories and about 2/3 of #Person2#'s books are bought from online bookstores. person1 kind place shall rent person2 close univers neither us good get morn closer later get person1 absolut that import thing take consider im worri size flat person2 neither small place ok well get bigger one expens mind noisi area person1 dont mind im light sleeper quieter better studi home person2 good point ok let go estat agent see offer us person1 ye lucki well find someth next day think good idea start flat hunt earli person2 much think rent person1 ask peopl alreadi live place near univers said would cost one hundr pound month,#Person1# and #Person2# want a place near the university and it's better to be quiet. They decide to go to the estate agent to see the houses. person1 hello help person2 today wife birthday want buy bouquet person1 kind flower want person2 idea person1 rose suitabl one lover person2 rose common person1 well violet mean etern beauti person2 look good pack bouquet violet pleas,#Person2# buys a bouquet of violet for #Person2#'s wife's birthday according to #Person1#'s suggestion. person1 problem cabl person2 person1 cabl past week person2 cabl right sorri person1 work person2 back next coupl day person1 still pay cabl person2 go give credit cabl person1 dont pay person2 cabl come back person1 okay thank everyth person2 your welcom apolog inconveni,#Person1# has a problem with the cable. #Person2# promises it should work again and #Person1# doesn't have to pay while it's down. person1 help person2 im look mp 3 player brand highest qualiti person1 recommend pioneer person2 model bestsel person1 model popular ladi person2 may look person1 sure multifunct besid play music also use store document make record person2 model white person1 yellow person2 ill take yellow one person1 pleas wait second ill get person2 okay,#Person2# is looking for an MP-3 player. #Person1# recommends Pioneer and #Person2# takes the yellow one. person1 susan didnt tell take silk compani account person2 thought knew todd decid last week guess werent meet person1 know wasnt meet meet mr wei account ive month half person2 im sorri todd mr emori felt go slowli need fresh start told,Todd didn't know Susan was taking over the Silk Company account which Todd has been on. Susan feels sorry. person1 what buddi look upset person2 broke girl didnt understand love person1 im sorri hear what conflict person2 dont know alway said didnt love person1 think talk mayb wait call person2 ask talk refus said want quiet person1 come guy mayb isnt right person,#Person2# is upset because #Person2# broke up with a girl. #Person1# tries to comfort #Person2#. person1 merri christma lili person2 joey person1 first christma us gift person2 thought wow beauti could tell american peopl celebr christma person1 ok peopl decor hous place christma tree room mayb sing christma carol togeth,Lily and Joey wish each other a merry Christmas. Joey tells Lily how American people celebrate Christmas. person1 danc like person2 love danc fast music person1 must interest disco person2 ye favorit person1 oh disco let danc person2 your good dancer person1 thank play rumba would tri person2 sorri feel like sit next danc person1 ok let get someth drink person2 good idea,"#Person2# likes disco, so #Person1# and #Person2# dance the disco. They decide not to dance the rumba." person1 hate land sand trap im probabl go wast stroke get person2 least havent land water yet ive done last two hole person1 could hand wedg ill tri person2 go ill wait get green putt person1 go ahead putt iil go person2 way mari im go let go first dont want pressur put first,Mary's golf ball landed in the sand trap and she hates that. #Person2# will wait for her to get on the green. person1 heard new iphon person2 ye heard suppos come june think get one person1 id like cell phone camera pad mp3 player one person2 enough money id buy one dont even enough buy one shuffl spod person1 big shuffl ipod person2 first gener ipod shuffl size park gum second gener ipod shuffl half size first person1 mani gig music hold person2 think either one two gig cant rememb person1 much cost person2 much think 100 dollar person1 your right that bad person2 ipod person1 got one birthday first came batteri die never brought anoth one person2 didnt buy anoth batteri could use person1 that one problem ipod though ipod might averag batteri life batteri dead ipod,#Person1# would like to get a new iPhone. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the shuffle iPod. #Person1# has an iPod but its battery has died out. person1 plan weekend tom person2 yeah im go hike southern rocki mountain person1 oh go hike often person2 go much love hike realli get touch natur person1 would nice get citi want compani person2 sure long hike 30 mile three day hike person1 yeah go lot saw bear mountain lion last hike person2 wow must pretti far away citi person1 yeah friend hike wild part nation forest person2 well bring along well great time weekend person1 thank ill ask,Tom is going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains during the weekend. #Person1# and #Person1#'s friend will join him. person1 excus anyon sit person2 nobodi person1 dont mind smoke person2 well frank ye person1 oh im sorri isnt nosmok mean would mind smoke person2 actual perhap havent notic sign person1 sign what sign person2 window person1 oh sorri didnt notic sorri person2 that right,"#Person1# sits beside #Person2# and asks if #Person2# minds #Person1# smoking. #Person2# does, besides the place is a no-smoker." person1 critic son front friend person2 someth wrong person1 know time blame rub salt wound person2 want help person1 right time,#Person1# tells #Person2# not to criticize #Person2#'s son in front of his friends. person1 realli want take nap feel sleepi today person2 what matter didnt get enough sleep last night person1 fell asleep late almost two oclock morn final fell asleep person2 worri someth couldnt sleep person1 know your strang countri everyth new get tire nervou sometim worri famili condit back home cours money everyth tri fall asleep much mind person2 well take easi thing look better tomorrow mayb tri exercis hot bath help relax person1 anyth worth tri right realli want find quiet place take nap,#Person1# fell asleep very late because #Person1# had too much on the mind. #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions but #Person1# only wants to take a nap right now. person1 favorit coffe person2 irish coffe favorit im particular person1 right would make coffe home person2 often make coffe bit troublesom time buy takeout starbuck also quit like instant coffe person1 think instant coffe becom popular though tast perfect realli cheap conveni person2 exactli nescaf world favorit coffe peopl love world person1 agre heard western countri almost everyon like coffe true person2 ye doubt us coffe live style rather simpl drink heard chines peopl dont drink much coffe person1 dont especi elder peopl young peopl fall coffe nowaday person2 suppos that probabl mani wonder coffe hous china,#Person2# likes Irish coffee and buys takeout at Starbucks. #Person1# and #Person2# talk about the advantages of instant coffee and Western and Chinese people's attitudes towards coffee. person1 hi mr wu person2 ye person1 call queri inform person2 weve got bad line repeat pleas person1 said want ask inform person2 sorri connect terribl ill call back cant hear anyth,#Person1# calls Mr. Wu to query about his information but the connection is terrible. person1 hello person2 oh hi person1 pleas allow introduc name tom person2 pleas meet name alic move next door person1 ye live long person2 guess ive live six year live america long person1 realli left vietnam came america live cousin dalla two year work alic person2 teach mathemat colleg person1 account compani person2 well tom good meet go teach class even need get colleg person1 nice meet alic person2 see around person1 goodby alic,"Tom just moved in and he introduces himself to his neighbor Alice, who teaches mathematics at college and has lived here for about six years." person1 would like dessert person2 person1 appl pie ice cream chocol cake fruit cocktail person2 appl pie ice cream person1 cours made appl pie morn love fresh person2 love homemad appl pie delici anoth glass lemonad well person1 sure get refriger person2 ok would like drink person1 ye ill ice tea see next lemonad person2 dessert person1 ill appl pie without ice cream watch weight,#Person2# wants to have apple pie with ice cream and another glass of lemonade. #Person1# will have ice tea and apple pie without ice cream because #Person2# has to watch #Person2#'s weight. person1 may help person2 id like cash check pleas person1 account us person2 yeah here identif card person1 want larg small bill person2 actual want buy travel check person1 denomin person2 twenti would fine person1 want whole amount travel check person2 ye pleas,#Person1# helps #Person2# cash the check to buy traveler's checks. person1 good morn madam room servic may help person2 good morn id like reserv room tourist parti person1 right kind room would like person2 see tourist whose request differ pleas tell person1 pleasur singl room doubl room suit luxuri suit ect well introduct hotel person2 that great id like book four singl room five doubl room three suit person1 right madam date want book room person2 tomorrow till januari 8th that five day person1 see pleas fill form person2 everyth ok person1 minut madam pay deposit 500 yuan beforehand person2 ok person1 thank pleas keep receipt person2 thank way preferenti rate parti person1 ye 15 percent discount person2 that wonder thank person1 your welcom hope good time,"#Person1# helps #Person2# book four single rooms, five double rooms, and three suites for a tourist party from tomorrow till January 8th with a deposit of 500 yuan and gives #Person2# a 15% discount." person1 reserv hotel room person2 assur that problem full name pleas person1 name john sandal person2 pleasur assist pleas tell youll need room sir person1 plan dont chang ill need room april 14 till april 17 person2 sir room price slightli higher may thought okay person1 tell much tell okay person2 308 per night tax cours person1 308 night that fair price person2 room sir prefer smoke nonsmok person1 nonsmok pleas person2 nonsmok sir singl queensiz bed meet approv person1 absolut problem person2 queen nonsmok okay sir room reserv youll give phone number person1 problem number 6265551739 person2 thank make reserv us look forward see april,#Person2# helps John Sandals to reserve a nonsmoking room with a queen-size bed from April 14 till April 17. person1 direct flight toronto person2 sorri dont think fli northwest airlin berlin connect flight canada airlin toronto econom flight 1 900 dollar person1 flight depart person2 8 way also make refuel stop person1 long layov person2 less one hour person1 long stay berlin connect flight person2 long one hour person1 time total journey person2 13 hour person1 let count ok work schedul thank lot person2 welcom,#Person1# wants to fly to Toronto. #Person2# suggests #Person1# fly on Northwest Airlines to Berlin and then have a connecting flight on Canada Airline to Toronto. person1 im sorri ive lost tag receipt person2 see baggag rememb tag number color person1 suitcas colour blue person2 could give descript case person1 like squar leather cover person2 ill check ive found person1 ye right one person2 show key card pleas person1 person2 right take case away,#Person1# lost #Person1#'s tags and receipt. #Person2# checks and helps #Person1# find #Person1#'s case. person1 mr phillip request purchas need approv person2 let take look 486 comput modem who go person1 believ go ms wilson offic person2 get phone pleas need clarifi,#Person1# needs Mr. Phillips's approval. Mr. Phillips wants to clarify the request. person1 sole person2 right guest person1 rest us today special pleas person2 ok person1 sorri order sole other chang person2 im afraid sole person1 ill pork cutlet instead person2 certainli moment sir,"#Person1# orders sole but is served with the same as the others. #Person2# has no more sole, so #Person1# changes to the pork cutlet." person1 experi work comput person2 ye data entri oper three year person1 kind softwar use person2 work knowledg window do actual im quit familiar java c program languag person1 comput qualif person2 acr certif grade 2 person1 know use pc process manag inform person2 im sorri say im familiar process manag inform im sure could learn quit quickli cant difficult ive got quick mind handl problem give,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# who has been a data entry operator for three years. #Person2# knows how to use the software, has computer qualifications, and can learn quite quickly." person1 hello welcom credit servic help person2 im interest appli credit card person1 exist custom person2 ye ive current account debit card year im look upgrad credit card person1 may ask didnt think appli credit card us sooner young peopl jump chanc person2 open account student graduat coupl year ago steadi salari figur would best time go ahead person1 that sensibl mani fresh graduat appli credit card get go spend spree unabl meet repay person2 see statement current account never overdrawn im alway care,"#Person2# is interested in applying for a credit card with #Person1#. #Person1# suggests #Person2# applies for a credit card sooner, but #Person2# thinks he is qualified." person1 good morn citi taxi person2 good morn id like book taxi airport saturday morn pleas person1 person2 im garden hotel union street three us share much person1 60 dollar person2 60 dollar us person1 oh that togeth time want leav person2 seven morn person1 right well pick hotel seven person2 thank much goodby,#Person1# helps #Person2# to book a taxi to the airport on Saturday morning for 60 dollars. person1 hi name carl nice meet person2 nice meet name francisco person1 person2 francisco friend famili back peru call pancho person1 okay pancho tell famili person2 well seven brother six sister person1 wow big famili oldest pancho person2 im second oldest famili person1 parent person2 father taxi driver lima peru hard job work hard support famili person1 mother person2 help run small famili store older brother sister person1 kind store person2 mainli sell food like bread egg soft drink rice sugar cooki thing peopl buy everi day,Francisco and Carl meet each other for the first time. Francisco tells Carl he's the second oldest. His father is a driver and his mother runs a store. person1 hi jane id like discuss someth minut person2 sure ive got eleven oclock class dont anoth class afternoon person1 good listen ive receiv email comput centr look student help work school websit summer need two assist ask knew anyon might interest thought might like consid job person2 sound interest type dont lot experi person1 well dont think special experi knowledg necessari interest comput internet think would good job also theyr pay good money think person2 sound like great chanc get experi thank think,#Person1# tells Jane the computer center is looking for students to help with the work of the school website and doesn't need special experience or knowledge. Jane is interested. person1 oh starv person2 shall eat new french restaur street person1 oh forget went friend last week menu french couldnt read person2 that pay person1 mayb say everyth expens noth satisfact person2 italian restaur next block person1 well ate almost everi day last week let eat today person2 mood cook person1 cook fact sick tire restaur want homecook meal,"#Person2# suggests they eat out. But #Person1# wants a home-cook meal, because #Person2# ate out almost every day last week, and promises to cook." person1 complaint make sir wait ten minut tabl waiter show final got serv found order person2 terribl sorri madam bit unusu busi tonight compens meal free,#Person1# makes a complaint. #Person2# compensates for her meal. person1 excit think itll first trip hawaii may troubl find way around im person2 dont worri give call arriv ill glad show around,#Person1# is worried to have trouble finding the way in Hawaii. #Person2# offers to help. person1 youv danger life havent joe person2 ye that right person1 worst accid person2 last year british grand prix knock wall car complet destroy left leg broken luckili nobodi kill person1 time youv er close death person2 frighten experi quit recent frighten death thought go kill moment person1 realli person2 way studio drive london lunch hour,Joe has had a very dangerous life and tells #Person1# about his worst accident and a very frightening experience recently. person1 hello mr turnbul person2 fine thank how boy jack person1 he bit tire know goe school eight oclock everi morn doesnt get home till four homework tea often take coupl hour finish person2 poor boy work hard school nowaday dont like person1 school mean ye like teacher alway make adiffer person2 ye go school bu person1 walk like walk meet friend corner andthey go togeth person2 rain person1 husband take car pass school way offic,"#Person1# tells Mrs. Turnbull about #Person1#'s boy, Jack, who is a bit tired because of school but likes it. Jack usually walks to school but takes the car when it rains." person1 hi craig person2 good terribl cold person1 realli that bad home bed realli import get lot rest person2 yeah your right person1 taken anyth person2 havent person1 well help chop garlic cook chicken stock drink cup everi half hour realli work person2 ugh,Craig has a terrible cold. #Person1# suggests he get rest and take some garlic in chicken stock. person1 hi lilli nice see person2 hum winter holiday especi long done person1 noth special gettogeth schoolmat high school visit internet read coupl book long person2 know like travel made good use long vacat enjoy,#Person1# and Lilly talk about how they spend their winter holidays. person1 keep touch aunt america person2 oh make phone call month person1 expens right person2 yeah person1 send email internet person2 conveni cheap person1 sure send email everi day internet addit make phone call internet person2 realli im glad hear dont konw get access internet could show person1 problem ill tell person2 ill appreci much,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# can keep in touch with #Person2#'s aunt in America through the internet and willing to show #Person2# how. person1 true person2 guess anna got four kid anoth way person1 wow look good mani kid she pregnant wear prada person2 that anna keep imag stylish italian woman come person1 she glow must pregnanc person2 yeah expens italian facial treatment,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Anna who is pregnant but still fashionable. person1 hey pool open person2 today memori day mark end school year begin summer person1 time kid get outdoor person2 us get tan new bikini person1 taiwanes girl dont like get suntan person2 that smart day news skin cancer hey there everybodi made,#Person2# wants to get tans at the beginning of the summer but #Person1# doesn't. person1 hi nanci person2 hi tom want cup coffe person1 right ive got get anoth car old one blown person2 oh hey look classifi ad person1 mean use car person2 ah singl seller person1 well yeah id get somebodi els problem person2 uh huh use car theyv got good one person1 kind deal though know never know your go get person2 oh hey new car theyv got easi loan youd feel good drive new car person1 let look got paper,Tom has to get another car. Nancy suggests single sellers and used cars but Tom prefers a new car. person1 guy talk bar look like hit person2 yeah struck convers eventu ask gave number im sure ill actual go person1 oh come person2 he nice dont feel like much chemistri dont want lead person1 well dont quick judg last boyfriend didnt hit right away start fall went time got know better togeth 3 year person2 whyd split dont mind ask person1 start drift apart differ interest differ plan futur breakup mutual person2 ah that great last relationship nightmar hook guy new year parti togeth six month constantli fight make dont know put long person1 howd end person2 cheat caught make ex beg anoth chanc know tri jerk around said person1 ugh good person2 thank go anyon moment person1 oh ive gone date noth seriou honest im realli interest settl yet im enjoy singl life much,"#Person2# doesn't feel like she has chemistry with a guy. #Person1# advises her not to be too quick to judge because #Person1#'s last boyfriend and #Person1# didn't hit it off at first but then they fell in love. Then #Person2# says her last relationship is a nightmare, her last boyfriend cheated on her." person1 um better typist person2 well mari type faster jone think jone type care person1 differ short hand person2 jone certainli take letter quickli mari short hand best class person1 languag person2 speak excel french think mari speak german fluentli jone person1 um doesnt realli matter french visitor german,"#Person1# asks #Person2# to compare Mary and Jones in terms of typing, shorthand, and language mastery." person1 terribl day isnt person2 ye flight delay 2 hour parent worri wait london airport person1 come person2 beij 2 week confer space technolog person1 interest tour see usual tour twice 3 time year person2 realli place visit china person1 apart beij went nanj shanghai xian hangzhou guangzhou person2 enjoy person1 much one excit tour ive ever made first trip china person2 oh go almost everi year unfortun alway space relat busi havent time visit tour site person1 oh piti,#Person1# and #Person2#'s flight was delayed. #Person2# was in Beijing for a conference on space technology. #Person1# has been to many places in China for a tour. person1 mister snow rememb attack person2 well work late yesterday even person1 time leav offic person2 944 person1 sure person2 oh ye look watch person1 person2 well lock door walk car somebodi hit head person1 see attack person2 wear stock head person1 tell mister snow break leg person2 well doctor pud car drop,#Person1# asks Mr. Snow about the attack. Mr. Snow left his office at about 9:44 and got hit when walking to his car but didn't see the attacker. person1 excus could tell get cross bakeri build person2 cross bakeri build sure your actual walk opposit direct person1 oh your kid thought head east person2 east direct get bakeri need turn around go 3 block broadway get broadway need take left go straight street 2 block youll see build left post offic supermarket person1 ok let see ive got first turn around 3 block broadway left turn 2 block build right person2 yeah youv got,#Person2# tells #Person1# how to get to the cross bakery building. person1 wish hire profession person film instead ask friend lenni person2 video isnt bad qualiti isnt best pretti good job person1 bad like unclear video chang scene light terribl best look like rough video complet edit person2 littl rough admit person1 problem audio section sound audio cut audio volum isnt person2 that true guess hell better next time,#Person1# wishes they had hired a professional person to film it and feels disappointed with Lenny's work. #Person2# tries to defend Lenny. person1 im pretti busi day given new research project professor ask find research inform countri asia person2 isnt interest person1 ye there much inform get told finish 3 day person2 kind inform get person1 mainli cultur custom holiday someth like person2 im pretti good kind thing person1 realli tell mani languag spoken india person2 uhi think english mayb lot person1 great wall china built person2 sorri idea oh guess help look internet,"#Person1# is busy working on a new research project. #Person2# thinks #Person2# is good at it but can't answer #Person1#'s questions, so #Person2# turns to help #Person1# look it up on the Internet." person1 hello want send comput sister shanghai logist transport person2 ok box may see person1 ye comput keyboard monitor person2 anyth els person1 mous camera person2 person1 ye much send thing shanghai regular deliveri person2 depend weight thing gener speak charg ten yuan one kilogram person1 see weigh pleas person2 pleas go weigh person1 ok see later,#Person1# sends some computer equipments to Shanghai with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 what wrong person2 sore throat headach person1 feel tire person2 ye whole bodi feel weak realli feel terribl person1 im sorri hear ill examin person2 ok go ahead person1 open mouth show tongu say ah bad cold must stay bed week,#Person2# feels uncomfortable. #Person1# examines #Person2# and gives suggestions. person1 dave there someth want talk person2 zina whisper person1 ive talk webtrack im think jump ship person2 seriou youd defect archriv person1 keep voic well talk later right need see vinc person2 definit talk zina watch back elvin still mad nose person1 ok dont tell anyon said,Zina tells Dave her idea of job-hopping to the rival company and Dave is stunned. person1 take seat insid see think take porsch sir person2 ye want buy insur think necessari person1 your smart buy 45 dollar three day good deal person2 return car san francisco person1 san francisco sir offic return person2 realli heard america return rental car differ citi person1 sir that big compani im sorri car must return lot person2 well guess drive back hmm didnt think person1 still want car sir person2 ye fun drive back coast girlfriend like person1 beauti drive person2 key person1 moment sir finish fill form,#Person2# wants to rent a Porsche with the insurance. #Person2# requests to return the car in San Francisco but gets refused. #Person2# still rents the car with #Person1#'s assistance person1 wow beauti scenic spot open breath fresh air almost tast fresh person2 bird view guil citi top mountain person1 wonder ill often come mountain climb person2 mani guilin especi old young climb mountain morn person1 wonder peopl say person2 quick pass binocular look bird ive never seen one indigen guil endang speci lucki person1 didnt know like birdwatch person2 dont realli like wildlif dont get see much citi place full,#Person1# and #Person2# are enjoying a bird view of the Guiling City from the top of the mountains and are watching birds. person1 well enjoy seasid trip person2 funni person1 tell person2 well drove valley way morn magnific sight person1 stop big waterfal pictur person2 sure wouldnt miss anyth took short cut park littl traffic got less hour person1 lucki person2 went swim sea best part day look nice tan person1 must busi enjoy day yesterday person2 ye your right tire fell asleep way back arm still stiff swim yesterday,#Person2# shares the details of the seaside trip with #Person1#. person1 john ive ask smoke dont want see smoke offic person2 im sorri ms fairbank wont let happen person1 that said last time want smoke youll use break time go outsid person2 understand ms fairbank,Ms. Fairbanks criticizes John for smoking in the office during working time. person1 waitress bill pleas person2 ye sir would like pay bill sir person1 accept credit card person2 ye sir accept american express master card visa kind person1 master card go person2 wait moment pleas,#Person1# wants to pay the bill and is served by #Person2#. person1 okay let go everyth one time realli want get job person2 know amaz growth opportun theyr true industri leader would interest part organ undisput leader busi process platform develop person1 let see research compani right person2 well visit websit read theyr servic compani offer comprehens busi solut larg corpor provid servic arm develop also offer customdesign applic person1 would role compani person2 well posit account manag basic mean would link develop team person1 sound good want work person2 well said theyr industri leader realli great growth strategi amaz develop opportun employe seem like strong corpor govern theyr help compani grow unleash potenti guess core valu mission realli reson oh offer six weeksvac stock option bonus im total go cash person1 idiot dont say want job,#Person1# helps #Person2# prepare for the job interview. #Person1# acts as the interviewer and asks #Person2# some questions. person1 want check find project know youv miss fairli signific deadlin last week neg impact team abil move forward next stage project person2 know im realli sorri miss deadlin realli wasnt fault see unexpect technic problem last minut couldnt get databas extract kind inform need data analysi know tech guy would done job kept arm stabl wouldnt miss deadlin person1 oh come excus like tantamount lie your essenti blame tech team time manag issu rather accept respons fact procrastin past two week person2 im tri pass buck know ultim respons get done thing could finish time system hadnt gone know everyth ive got go cant afford wast time deal technic problem ive got lot plate twentyfour hour day person1 im go accept excus your use small technic glitch crutch tri ration fact youv miss deadlin look standard expect live standard phoney case your head tell miss deadlin want data desk nine,#Person1# blames #Person1# for procrastination for the past two weeks. #Person2# takes technical problems as an excuse for missing the deadline. person1 hi lab said would get test result today person2 like come discuss test would like run person1 think bad sign person2 would like run test look problem mention person1 wouldnt tell phone person2 question test result alway recheck person1 need come right away person2 would happi see afternoon feel upset pleas bring friend rel along person1 scare person2 come afternoon talk fine,"#Person2# merely wants to discuss some further tests with #Person2#, but #Person1# treats it as bad news." person1 ouch water hot person2 get slowli sweeti youll get use im gon na go make chicken soup person1 im hungri mom person2 know dont appetit need eat someth youll get weak dont eat person1 oh im sweat alreadi hot feel boil get yet person2 that good sign soak littl longer ok,"#Person1#'s not feeling well, so her mother makes her take a hot bath and will make chicken soup to replenish her." person1 mr schmidt know he go becom father person2 way get ahold there phone he person1 well surpris wait get back doesnt person2 older sister judi soon help alreadi boy girl person1 saw red van pull driveway,#Person2#'s husband isn't there when #Person2#'s going to give birth. #Person2# tells #Person1# she's asked her older sister to help. person1 excus person2 ye miss person1 order dish half hour ago hasnt arriv yet person2 im sorri im go check chef right miss check kitchen said order come right next oh come person1 thank person2 miss im sorri delay pleas enjoy free glass wine inconveni im terribl sorri make wait long person1 doesnt matter,"#Person1#'s dish hasn't arrived, so #Person2# checks the order and offers a free glass of wine for the inconvenience." person1 come glad expect person2 late parti look everyon alreadi hope didnt miss someth interest person1 time havent realli start yet person2 great flower hope like sure color suit new apart person1 thank theyr beauti hang coat tri new couch comfort love want someth drink tea coffe juic cola person2 dont bother help person1 make home person2 nice place person1 well dont mean boast design done colleagu alreadi tri copi new apart look make photo design kitchen,#Person2# comes to #Person1#'s housewarming party and is warmly received by #Person1#. person1 say around averag height person2 ye that right around five nine five ten person1 weight person2 im sure medium suppos mayb littl heavi side person1 mark face person2 dont think person1 glass person2 person1 hair person2 black dark brown person1 long short straight curli person2 straight think averag length person1 boy sure doesnt help us much could anybodi cloth wear,#Person1# is describing the appearance of a certain man to #Person2#. person1 hey frank janet check person2 wow great burd person1 sure know strut stuff person2 she real turnon right person1 look she dress person2 yeah notic must realli load person1 way old man rich buy anyth want person2 lucki anyway think beauti person1 think youv lost person2 well that opinion person1 admit much prettier kate person2 oh comparison talk ugli person1 least agre let go get drink,#Person1# and Frank are talking about the fortune and beauty of Janet. person1 place quiet peac realli differ pad citi person2 sure think could live know back natur person1 dont know dont mind come get old pretti soon person2 that think mean imagin friday night instead go friend youd stay tree hous talk bird squirrel person1 think id go lone like person2 would get cup cappuccino person1 would hard live without citi folk pretti spoil person2 mayb rather spoil turn crazi guy long period talk bird,#Person1# and #Person2# admit the tranquility of living in nature but they both prefer living in the city. person1 old su person2 seven person1 see seven candl cake person2 ye seven big girl person1 parti right person2 ye come fun,Su tells #Person1# she turns seven and will have a birthday party. person1 excus miss person2 ye may help person1 im graduat student mathemat ive come china ive never use western librari ill five year id like learn use librari effici possibl wonder someon might time show around person2 id glad show around im busi right could come back 3 thirti person1 sure 3 thirti afternoon person2 good see later person1 thank goodby,#Person1# requests #Person2# to show #Person1# around the library because #Person1# is new here. #Person2# is not available now and they'll meet in the afternoon. person1 ten sheet rice paper 25 brush two box oil color two box water color come 35 50 sir person2 ok 50 oh make invoic person1 sure minut artist sir person2 teacher teach art person1 must interest job person2 must new shop regularli week person1 nice meet invoic chang person2 thank nice meet,#Person2# buys some drawing tools and asks for an invoice with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 how build work go person2 well im afraid weve slight delay person1 what problem realli cant delay stage work realli tight schedul alreadi budget person2 cement arriv late dont worri im confid still meet deadlin crew standbi soon concret set get start person1 ok keep inform jt must readi time,#Person2# tells #Person1# the building work has been delayed because the cement arrived late. person1 good afternoon madam person2 hi want check room 1005 person1 ok pleas hold minut check monday stay 3 night singl room 1005 right person2 ye look bill person1 ok question could signatur blank person2 ok would like receipt report pleas person1 pleas serv look forward see wish good day,#Person2# checks out in the hotel with the assistance of #Person1#. person1 hello mr green lin tong person2 hi mr lin leav tomorrow pack person1 oh sorri interrupt call say goodby aw sorri tell afraid could see airport tomorrow attend import meet person2 doesnt matter mr lin understand know alway busi work must come first person1 thank lot almost three week time fli person2 ye would like convey thank help stay nanj person1 pleasur great pleasur work person2 look forward cooper person1 realli great well what flight number leav tomorrow person2 flight 104 northey airlin leav ten odock tomorrow even person1 ok send someon see person2 thought person1 pleasur take care nice trip person2 thank lot wife welcom look forward visit person1 let call deal hope see soon keep touch byeby person2 goodby thank,Mr. Lin calls to tell Mr.Green he won't be to see off Mr.Green himself tomorrow at the airport. They express their gratitude and appreciation and say goodbye to each other on the phone. person1 albert could cosign approv sheet account get realli picki person2 know theyv alreadi sent back two approv sent sign person1 right new fax machin get person2 oh right rememb hope dont mani problem,#Person1# requests Albert to help co-sign an approval sheet. person1 find inform subject person2 im sure let look catalogu person1 give advic experi person2 advis step taken power suppli first person1 what suggest work person2 suggest work start person1 way see theyd join us person2 think,#Person1# and #Person2# discuss an experiment. #Person1# asks #Person2# for suggestions. person1 linda todd call person2 todd happi call person1 linda want tell much enjoy time togeth last friday night person2 boy todd one great movi pick thank ask go person1 great time think mayb might want join hike waterfal saturday person2 hike would great let pack us nice picnic lunch ok person1 linda would perfect addit person2 ill take care lunch take care plan time would like pick person1 hope leav 9 oclock hot hike person2 nine great time get start ill see saturday,Todd calls Linda to express the joy being with her last time and wants to invite her on a hiking trip on Saturday. person1 polici return person2 bring back receipt within seven day youll get full refund also need alter pant bring well free person1 sound good person2 thatll 70 pleas pay cash charg person1 charg here card person2 okay sir thank much person1 thank,#Person1# inquires #Person2# about the policy on returns and then purchases the pants. person1 what dinner tonight person2 whatev your plan cook person1 your go cook person2 alway cook person1 yeah love cook person2 dont give your hungri cook dinner person1 your seriou person2 look im realli tire tonight dont feel like cook dinner person1 okay ill make dinner tonight person2 thank im go bed person1 want wake dinner readi person2 ye pleas,#Person2# is exhausted and doesn't feel like cooking. #Person1# will make dinner instead. person1 plan tomorrow night person2 realli think mayb go movi want go person1 sure movi think go person2 heard hot fuzz person1 ye isnt director movi guy direct shaun dead person2 that one actioncomedi think person1 honest didnt realli like shaun dead besid like movi happi end best person2 mind person1 think see dupre typic hollywood blockbust person2 isnt chick flick kate hudson owen wilson person1 yeah suppos wouldnt want see huh person2 realli like biograph drama film person1 depend film movi mind person2 ann hathaway new movi call becom jane base true stori jane austen person1 sound fantast time play person2 8 00 pm phoenix theatr membership book ticket ahead time person1 great shall meet around 745 tomorrow night person2 sound good ill see,#Person1# and #Person2# plan to watch a movie tomorrow. #Person2# wants to watch Hot Fuzz while #Person1# prefers a film with a happy ending. They finally decide on Becoming Jane. person1 hello 1382369 person2 hello anna person1 im sorri anna person2 oh well could pleas leav anna messag person1 sure person2 know anna come tea home would ask see french dictionari tell bring person1 right call person2 136 rose street im anna friend jenni,Jenny phones for Anna. #Person1# answers the phone and tells Jenny Anna isn't available. person1 chang think take place next 50 year person2 imagin greatest chang differ human machin person1 mean person2 mean harder tell differ human machin person1 describ clearli person2 scienc develop possibl part one bodi replac comput work like human brain comput recogn one feel act feel way person1 mean manmad human be produc come that question person2 dont get excit pleas that person imagin person1 go pleas wont take serious person2 abl creat machin copi well appear aliv long dead person1 ridicul idea person2 possibl way found put spirit new bodi choos live long want person1 case world would hopeless mess,#Person2# imagines the greatest change in the future will be the difference between humans and machines. #Person1# thinks #Person2#'s ideas are ridiculous. person1 hello yang mei hear your go unit state person2 ye im go grandma go see parent new jersey person1 leav person2 friday even plane leav seven fifteen person1 long person2 six month person1 six month go see grandpar new york person2 cours want see mani place travel person1 peopl travel car road good person2 dont car cant drive way travel person1 travel bu cheap person2 cant travel train person1 ye train expens state fast person2 thank much well must see get back person1 good luck good trip,Yang Mei is going to the United States to see her parents and #Person1#'s grandparents. #Person1# offers suggestions about ways to travel. person1 help sir person2 ye pleas id like pair shoe person1 size would like pleas person2 size eleven person1 ok pair person2 sorri dont like white got color person1 oh ye also got blue brown black person2 look black one black favourit colour person1 sure person2 look nice what price person1 fifti dollar person2 may tri person1 ye pleas person2 ok ill take pair here money person1 thank,#Person2# buys a pair of black shoes with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 tom wake almost seven oclock person2 oh morn mom alarm clock ring person1 ye person2 didnt hear person1 time set last night person2 six oclock person1 hurri youll late school feel ill person2 im sleepi stay awak whole night person1 breakfast readi get dress get bed dont forget wash face brush teeth eat breakfast person2 ok im come,"Mom wakes Tom up and hurries him to breakfast, or he will be late for school." person1 hello luci mac person2 fine thank bit busi though know im tri put everyth order mynew apart person1 oh see well wonder youd like go concert tomorrow even think itll begood rememb correctli say like pop music person2 ye that right nice ask mac dont think margaret alreadi ask see friend well go toth cinema togeth fact she get ticket even person1 oh well never mind next weekend concert still think your free next saturday person2 oh id like much time exactli person1 well start 700 pm think person2 oh good thatll fine basketbal match 530 im sure person1 good ill call get ticket person2 sure bye,Mac calls Lucy to ask her out for the concert tomorrow but Lucy has an appointment already. So Mac changes the time till next week and Lucy gladly agrees. person1 excus id like find flight new york person2 well let see one left five minut ago there anoth one ten person1 time pleas person2 five eight person1 plane leav two hour person2 that right bought ticket person1 havent buy one person2 im afraid cant youd better go hook offic,#Person2# tells #Person1# the information about the flights to New York and suggests buying the ticket at the hooking office. person1 hi susan ive wonder id run busi person2 nice meet tim im buy christma gift work realli headach person1 mayb could give advic firstli youd better divid differ groupswho peopl friend well workmat peopl know well see pretti much daili person2 ok person1 friend want get person gift like chocol person2 alway give know mari diet person1 like fruit coffe anyway think gift know friend like person2 well think fruit help keep fit rest person1 leav card mailbox desk person2 christma card person1 ye afford importantli true your think person2 thank suggest tim realli save money well,Susan gives Tim some useful advice on the Christmas gifts for his colleagues. person1 hi jack write person2 im write parent tell ill stay summer person1 your go home thought go trip japan famili person2 well intend go thought chang mind person1 tell im interest know keep join belov famili stay certainli studi person2 certainli michael arrang work uncl institut person1 much paid person2 judi dont money experi besid voluntari work person1 work without payment that realli someth person2 leav home person1 tomorrow well fli hawaii two day realli pack person2 go nice vacat person1 ill send postcard,Jack tells #Person1# he is staying here during the vacation to gain some working experience while #Person1# is leaving for home. person1 think discrimin women work forc still preval even today person2 experi career woman would say thing get better use still widespread problem societi chang still glass ceil women mani career track person1 ddo think glass ceil phenomena tradit social custom issu come play person2 think complic issu part difficulti women advanc work forc due opportun mani male manag dont underestim good ole boy system men power easier stay power person1 affirm action hasnt legisl chang lot make hierarchi person2 affirm action given us manag quota ban sexual discrimin still man world,#Person2# shares with #Person1# her opinion about the glass ceiling phenomena for women and the affirmative action person1 want sign korea languag class person2 oh see mean next year compani expand busi south korea market person1 right locat busi partner seoul first contact prove success gener manag south korean compani schedul pay visit us next month think quit possibl set joint ventur compani soon person2 well sound promis think compani provid us languag train cours necessari need bother sign languag person1 slow sparrow make earli start know quick learn languag,"As the company will expand the business to the South Korea market, #Person1# wants to sign for a Korean language course while #Person2# prefers taking the language training courses provided by the company." person1 id appreci could help pick gift daughter person2 would interest laptop person1 that exactli think person2 mac would excel gift person1 like mac much mac person2 take 15inch pro home right 2 100 person1 mac ill take one home person2 shell happi plan pay person1 ill use visa that okay person2 youll sign mac person1 need anyth besid what box person2 everyth need right box person1 appreci help mayb ill back comput stuff person2 daughter get straight goodby,#Person1# wants to buy a gift for #Person1#'s daughter and #Person2# recommends a laptop. #Person1# buys one with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 think wont rememb white day person2 silli make sure person1 uhhuh person2 he buy handbag dinner gorgeou restaur person1 got big return small gift,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about White Day and their boyfriends. person1 kind job find summer person2 im work market compani im telephon market person1 oh one peopl drive crazi call tri persuad buy someth need like person2 believ lot student work lot fun make call realli easi sinc read text person1 full time person2 yeah work 200 afternoon 1100 night sleep late want morn,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# enjoys his job of telephone marketing because he gets along well with colleagues and has enough sleeping hours. person1 hello sunshin flower shop shareen speak person2 tom hank id like order flower mother sent apart person1 fine mr hank kind flower want person2 id like send dozen red carnat person1 dozen red carnat long stem red carnat sell 12 pound dozen weekend realli quit nice person2 alright ill take person1 need complet address mr hank person2 address number 84 mw street card write someth simpl dear mom love tom person1 cours ok arriv person2 5 oclock afternoon june seventeenth mom telephon number 8456086363 pleas call first deliv person1 problem one question mr hank intend pay person2 put visa card number kh 3272645 person1 got bye person2 bye thank,Tom Hanks phones to order a dozen red carnations for his mother and then pays for them with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 well think articl cant aw person2 like unconfid paper person1 know miss deadlin hand paper im uncertain content paper person2 take easi actual read articl last night found appli gener knowledg specif problem articl person1 think mean done well person2 yeah work bad howev suggest keep point cross unimport inform care may caus mistak person1 ok thank,#Person1# feels awful about #Person1#'s paper. #Person2# encourages #Person1# and offers some refining advice. person1 ive read report peopl use foreign languag mainli english person2 realli what person1 mainli differ attitud peopl toward foreign languag learn 27 peopl think foreign languag must daili life person2 cant agre therer peopl learn foreign languag person1 that ture 35 peopl learn will learn foreign languag person2 far im concern mani peopl especi student forc exam person1 ye account twenti one percent also 15 peopl take foreign languag useless take interest,#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing different people's attitudes on the foreign language learning. person1 umbrella suppos rain today person2 suppos hot ill use umbrella protect sun soon cloud go away person1 ive never heard use umbrella protect sun person2 know chines invent umbrella first use protect sun rain person1 idea must get sunburn easili huh person2 oh absolut alway get super red havent put sun cream,#Person1# thinks it weird for #Person2# to use an umbrella on a hot day. #Person2# tells #Person1# the first use of umbrellas was for protection against the sun. person1 hello hotel servic center person2 ye help sir person1 daughter stuck elev person2 heaven dont worri sir ill call fire depart mechan help get asap person1 wait person2 ye sir pleas touch button elev except phone person1 right make quick ok im fine though littl girl complet freak suffer lot im sure long hold,#Person1# calls the hotel service center because he is stuck in the elevator with his daughter. #Person2# answers the phone and will send help. person1 good morn maam help person2 im im look winter coat person1 certainli help one made high qualiti wool person2 nice actual need someth warmer would work stay lo angel light chicago winter person1 ah need heavi coat pleas follow look one warmest coat also fashion comfort person2 would possibl get discount person1 mayb give 5 discount person2 ok ill take person1 interest glove 10 person2 thank use live connecticut alreadi,#Person2# wants to buy a winter coat and purchases one at discount with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 decid go vacat person2 join john mountain trip person1 woo cool mountain go conquer person2 havent made mind come us person1 cours,#Person1# and #Person2# will join in John's mountaineering trip. person1 hot read person2 wed better go walk person1 season like best person2 spring person1 summer person2 dislik person1 person2 hottest season summer year person1 sometim summer charm season,"#Person2# and #Person1# will go for a walk, #Person2# hates summer while #Person1# disagrees." person1 broadway mall big sale weekend wan na go person2 dont feel like im broke person1 well still window shop cant person2 look around ah that bore person1 ill go,#Person1# will go to the mall alone since #Person2# dislikes window shopping. person1 hey john havent seen age what new person2 pete nice see well top norm know wife kid work ive actual gotten trade person1 trade big guy trade person2 currenc person1 currenc euro dollar pound rupe person2 call forex foreign exchang great thing dont invest huge amount put margin deposit buy sell 100 time much person1 dont understand your buy sell money person2 got last night made usd 150 person1 last night person2 yeah 24 hour market bought rmb earlier low ask price last night appreci drastic made split second decis sold rmb amaz bid person1 your kid im sign,"John tells Pete he is doing some trading called Forex. John earns a lot by buying and selling currencies with a little money, so Pete also wants to try it." person1 want know person2 academ record colleg person1 averag grade cours 85 person2 subject get highest mark person1 mathemat got 98 person2 receiv scholarship person1 ye three time total person2 class leader person1 class commissari charg studi two year person2 join club activ person1 aerob team member colleg person2 sport good person1 good sprint tabl tenni person2 excel,"#Person2# asks #Person1# several questions, like academic records, the highest marks, scholarships, club activities, and skilled sports." person1 love day isnt person2 ye nice bright person1 hope stay like person2 hope person1 weather usual like person2 usual bit hotter today person1 what weather like winter person2 pretti cold often snow person1 wonder go like tomorrow person2 let hear weather report later what weather like hometown person1 neither cold hot person2 that quit love weather person1 ye especi spring person2 ever seen hurrican person1 child person2 often happen countri person1 person2 oh time weather report let turn tv,#Person1# and #Person2# talks about local weather and weather in #Person2#'s hometown. They will hear the weather report. person1 cant believ cost apart new york citi person2 oh didnt know apart consid valuabl even small crowd person1 cours heard know expens rent place person2 dont mind pay high rent live new york person1 pay much tini space live person2 yeah im proud live world excit citi salari highest nation,"#Person1# is surprised at the expensive rent in New York, but #Person2# thinks the city is exciting and the salary is high." person1 mr roger person2 mr ye person1 im feel well person2 mr would like go nurs person1 ye would person2 mr here hall pass need someon walk person1 manag thank person2 mr ill drop later check,#Person1# isn't feeling well. Mr. Rogers gives #Person1# a hall pass. Mr. Rogers will check on #Person1#. person1 like nba much person2 watch nba game came u person1 didnt person2 piti person1 like nba person2 ye cours person1 like best nba player person2 kobe person1 person2 let go watch nba game tonight shall person1 that fine,#Person1# and #Person2# like NBA and Kobe. They plan to watch an NBA game. person1 hi kate person2 hi surpris person1 yeah saw someon walk like wasnt sure havent seen long almost three month look quit differ person2 notic chang person1 oh look quit slender vivaci take diet person2 ye im diet ive taken anyth eat less exercis realli work past three month ive lost twelv pound person1 wow that great sincer want achiev weight loss goal difficult keep exercis also know old habit hard break person2 kind exercis think go danc everyday work im take amateur danc class danc two hour everyday person1 danc go danc that hard person2 sure join class next week,Kate becomes slender and more vivacious and she tells Don that she eats less and takes dancing classes. Don will join Kate's dance class next week. person1 mom know andrea sometim worri person2 realli would worri im fine person1 your almost 70 year old mom dont think would better move us person2 way like apart like independ person1 ever get lone live alon person2 see famili twice week enjoy see friend im busi feel lone,"#Person1# and Andrea worry about #Person1#'s mom living alone, so #Person1# asks #Person1#'s mom to move in. #Person1#'s mom refuses." person1 hey wen welcom c glad came visit person2 thank invit actual ive never anywher mani black peopl differ person1 howard eighti percent black white even asian thank also co person2 great person1 sorri nope alpha phi alpha throw parti tonight person2 that black fratern right see danc,Wen thinks D.C. is different with so many black people. #Person1# invites Wen to a black fraternity party. person1 hi name ted what person2 person1 said im ted person2 huh oh name laura person1 somewher often laura person2 huh cant hear music loud person1 let go outsid talk laura come often person2 hold ear still ring music ask person1 ask come often person2 sometim usual everi week person1 first time person2 usual come group friend danc littl drink good time person1 yeah that im friend drag think spend much time studi person2 that good good hit book need get person1 guess music loud dont mind get meet peopl next time ill park,"Ted and Laura are talking at a party. Laura sometimes goes to the place with her friends and has drinks. It is Ted's first time and he thinks the music is too loud, he would rather socialize in a park." person1 good morn miss person2 morn help person1 ye id like know use librari know im new student person2 need student identif card check book person1 ye here identif person2 that need person1 thank much way mani book allow check person2 check two book time cant check newspap magazin period read within librari person1 long keep book person2 two week must renew book wish keep longer person1 want book physic could show find person2 ye left,#Person1# asks #Person2# how to use the library. #Person2# tells #Person1# regulations. #Person1# will find book on physics. person1 albert need lot thing furnish hous dont know best place shop give advic person2 sure carolyn im happi help kind thing need right person1 well furnitur alreadi mostli need kitchen utensil bathroom accessori clean laundri accessoriesth like albert want set littl person2 well albert go offic suppli store there good one call offic depot everyth need price good convey person1 write person2 sure spell offic e p yellow page person1 thank person2 kitchen thing want high qualiti person1 mean person2 mean want best qualiti want good price person1 probabl good price know america year person2 suggest go kmart walmart person1 store person2 larg discount depart store mean price good find everyth need kitchen bathroom person1 even silverwar person2 ye everyth dont expens brand qualiti usual decent main thing good price conveni person1 friend said someth place call price club know person2 never shop think price club kind membership store person1 mean person2 mean pay membership fee shop heard good price electron person1 electron person2 ye like stereo televis person1 much membership fee person2 im sure go stay year dont think price club good join great deal occasion good peopl like buy new thing person1 see thank tip realli need buy lot littl thing person2 know move troublesom,Carolyn asks #Person1# some places to shop to furnish the house. #Person1# suggests Office Depot for office supply. #Person1# also suggests K-mart and Wal-mart because the kitchen utensils and bathroom accessories have good prices there. #Person1# thinks Price Club is not suitable for Carolyn since they stay in America for short-term. person1 good morn welcom help person2 could tell someth safeti deposit box rental pleas need somewher safe keep insur document simpli dont feel comfort keep home offic person1 3 differ type box usual rent 1 year fee depend size locat box person2 think ill go smallest document key holder id perhap feel littl nervou knew someon els could access time person1 1 key youd like must signatur card box person2 that great give extra key wife feel perfectli comfort key thank help person1 id will pay year advanc today need wait person2 ok ill take small 1 year branch pleas,#Person2# asks #Person1# about a safety deposit box. #Person2# chooses the smallest safe box for the documents and feels comfortable giving the extra key to his wife. person1 go supermarket today coupon past due three day person2 sure use today supermarket person1 let check ye person2 realli dont know buy,#Person1# and #Person2# will use a coupon for a supermarket. person1 help help person2 what troubl maam person1 take walk young man came nowher snatch bag hand ran away person2 young man look like person1 well he young tall thin person2 direct run person1 let see right arm oh east,#Person2# was robbed and she describes the robber's appearance and the running direction to #Person1#. person1 els floor done furnitur person2 need redo curtain paint wall ceil person1 im painter charg go curtain shop choos curtain probabl pretti expens good curtain made isnt cheap person2 mean cant buy curtain alreadi made person1 absolut window must measur curtain need made profession take mayb month person2 curtain made start peopl look kitchen cant stand old kitchen wont abl cook dont want use electr stove person1 need find interior decor compani redecor kitchen believ portland shop special kitchen renov look yellow page id like kitchen mostli ivori light green person2 agre color must soft pleasant feel comfort cook dinner person1 cook dinner hah cook dear cook person2 dont think ill busi tea new tea room person1 well suppos well hire cook wont abl afford cloth next year person2 youll sell motorcycl camera right person1 mayb ill cook twice week person2 four time might enough twice,#Person1# and #Person2# are going to redo the curtains and to paint the walls and ceilings. They also want to find an interior decorating company to redecorate the kitchen in ivory and light green. But they have a quarrel because neither of them wants to cook. person1 good idea lose weight person2 first pay attent eat dont eat much food high calori chocol ice cream like person1 person2 stay away fri food fri food fri oil fat person1 got person2 couch potato exercis person1 well seem jog tomorrow,#Person2# suggests #Person1# have less food with high calories and fried foods and to exercise more to lose weight. person1 hello want order easyown packag would recommend person2 function use make call send short messag person1 im look job answer phone often person2 recommend packag receiv call free pay 10 yuan month person1 that good order person2 send messagektctwyto 10086 person1 thank ill tri person2 your welcom,#Person2# recommends an Easy-own package for #Person1# based on that #Person1# has to answer the phone often. person1 could tell someth previou job person2 ye work small machineri factori work simpl much work person1 didnt like person2 thought dull im capabl respons decid chang job person1 choos compani person2 yesterday saw compani advertis compani import intern compani work believ improv abil person1 know compani person2 oh compani fourth largest machin produc world found unit state 1980 know compani made good use advanc technolog,#Person1# asks #Person2# to talk about the previous job and why #Person2# disliked it. #Person2# explains the reasons for choosing the company. person1 studi colleg person2 quit well colleg complet mba degre intern trade firstclass honor person1 select colleg person2 select colleg excel academ reput person1 like spare time person2 favorit recreat cook learn cook chines dish western style dish well keep busi make happi,"#Person1# asks #Person2# some questions, like #Person2#'study, why choosing the college and recreations in his spare time. #Person2# answered." person1 kind job interest person2 want job use english would also like abl respons work person1 realli appreci would expect secretari abl work independ take ordinari respons answer routin correspond take phone call sometim assist person affair person2 ye see previou job type file everyday person1 experi guid person2 well exactli shown foreign friend around beij person1 visitor abroad would like abl ask secretari take shop sightse person2 think would like,#Person2# prefers a job where #Person2# can use English and have some responsibility. #Person1# expresses some expected requirements for a secretary. #Person2# thinks #Person2# can do the job. person1 weekend person2 brotherinlaw small gettogeth hous invit person1 famili thing friend person2 bit cousin aunt uncl also friend neighborhood person1 great uncl rick go realli funni person2 yeah go stepson exwif person1 mean sister person2 rick actual great uncl grandmoth brother person1 lost person2 ill explain later let go,#Person2#'s brother-in-law invites #Person2# to attend a small get-together with #Person2#'s relatives and friends. #Person1# is confused about #Person2#'s family relationship. person1 good morn im mickey huang appoint mr wilson person2 sale assist posit person1 that right appoint 11 oclock person2 mr wilson line right pleas seat hell right person1 thank person2 get someth coffe tea person1 im fine thank,#Person1# will have an appointment with Mr. Wilson about the sales assistant position. person1 youv work nearli month feel job person2 bad thank help alway busi job feel bit tire person1 feel first came work period time feel better sure youll get use busi job person2 also feel work effici high strong work abil profession skill seem know that realli wonder person1 know phrase surviv fittest choic person2 that right work hard,#Person2# thinks the job is busy and tiring. #Person1# comforts #Person2# and #Person2# admires #Person1#'s professional skills and strong working abilities. person1 may help person2 need check book person1 librari card person2 person1 appear late fee person2 realli person1 ye realli person2 much owe person1 owe 24 50 late fee person2 dont much today person1 im sorri pay wont abl check book person2 ill pay soon possibl,"#Person1# helps #Person2# check books out, but #Person2# needs to pay late fees first. #Person2# will pay them later." person1 particular hobbi tom person2 oh ye love play badminton tabl tenni comput game play game becom favorit person1 hear mani teenag spend hour hour sit comput dont care health person2 im better say mindless sit front machin time think stimul person1 wont play onlin game full violenc person2 person1 good think spend sever hour day play comput game wast time might well someth healthi meaning person2 hope practic selfcontrol,Tom likes playing computer games most. #Person1# thinks sitting in front of a computer for hours is meaningless. Tom agrees and wants to practice self-control. person1 today person2 need fight ticket got person1 arrest offic person2 ye honor person1 plead case person2 told offic ran red light inform isnt true person1 would offic lie person2 im sure signal camera person1 camera take pictur licens plate person2 pictur wasnt taken person1 pictur taken ill let go person2 thank much honor,#Person2# fights for a ticket. #Person1# lets #Person2# go because the camera didn't take the picture of #Person2#'s license plate. person1 right want bring everybodi project start work person2 well could probabl get start strategi meet tomorrow morn 8 00 person1 tell 8 00 good dont guy get start ill come around 8 45 person2 that fine much time go work,#Person2# tells #Person2# they will start working on the project tomorrow morning. #Person1# will arrive late. person1 excus get bank bank america mean dont know way person2 well go straight ahead till see supermarket bank side street person1 far person2 let see er 4 block away far near person1 take bu someth person2 may take bu 104 street car b201 4 stop bu 3 stop street car person1 take street car person2 oh stop bookstor see person1 mani thank person2 your welcom,#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to Bank of America. #Person2# tells #Person1# the direction and the options. #Person1# will take the streetcar. person1 excus ah bedroom clean morn person2 ye madam room clean morn madam person1 well bit problem person2 room satisfactori madam person1 cant find necklac person2 im sorri madam tell littl bit person1 well morn left necklac tabl bed nowher found person2 report manag right away madam,#Person1# lost her necklace after her room was cleaned. #Person2# will report it to the manager. person1 element competit isnt british railway nation industri there one railway system countri dont like particular kind big bean go buy anoth dont like particular railway cant go use anoth person2 peopl write say say didnt monopoli wouldnt abl thing well dont think anyth deliber upset custom particular problem sinc 1946 transport act came nation person1 think that good thing good thing railway think nation person2 oh think ye gener mode transport around let face fact car arriv car stay question person1 say railway happen nation would simpli disappear person2 oh think would theyr disappear fast america er french railway lose 1 billion pound year german railway 2 billion pound year see govern prepar pour money transport system keep go person1 sens cope two extrem one hand your tri lose much money hand youv got provid best servic person2 ye right,#Person2# thinks it is good for the railways to be nationalized because more and more cars appear and the railways gain less and less. #Person1# thinks what #Person2# copes is two extremes: trying not to lose too much money and providing the best services. person1 compar yellow one look beauti white skirt person2 thank like white one better much charg person1 cost 100 id like take 30 that,#Person1# and #Person2# think the white skirt is better. #Person1# gives the price. person1 ok make decis best one interview job person2 um let see first saw frank he polit relax wasnt well dress wasnt even wear tie person1 that true dress well import well let think other susan nice voic nice dress person2 well look neat nice dress shi wouldnt good talk peopl front desk person1 ok next ary david think person2 eh seem like bright guy dress nice realli nice appear person1 polit also friendli relax type person peopl feel comfort right away person2 answer dona question well think hell good guest front desk person1 that right ok good guess receptionist dont,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the best one interviewed. They discuss Frank, Susan and David, and they think David's appearance and personality are the best candidate for receptionist." person1 good afternoon call plumber person2 ye ye pleas come im glad came old hous fall apart come person1 see let look seem toilet clog that wont flush let get person2 oh must fouryearold daughter alway flush thing toilet know person1 yeah littl one anyway water pipe realli rusti also chang person2 would great expens person1 let see would say eight hundr dollar,"#Person2# called for a plumber, so #Person1# comes to #Person2#'s house and finds the toilet is clogged. #Person1# suggests changing the water pipes and gives the price." person1 hear happen scott case sensit materi leak press everi newspap person2 oh bet firm fume know spill bean person1 im sure suspicion senior level lawer privi case detail person2 kind repercuss peopl held respons person1 im sure therel can also might legal consequ person2 would person told problem law person1 whoever let cat bag break client confidenti person2 didnt think that pretti seriou investig work find person1 im sure manag top,#Person2# and #Person1# talks about information leak of Scott's case. They discuss about the suspects and legal consequences. person1 may help sir person2 ye pleas id like buy gift younger brother he go take trip south america person1 air sea person2 air gift quit light suggest person1 wallet made fine leather person2 sister alreadi gave one like someth unusu person1 gift best man everyth person2 oh nice handkerchief that great idea ill take,#Person2# wants to buy a gift for #Person2#'s younger brother and #Person1# finally recommends a handkerchief. person1 tri decid school appli person2 think public school privat one person1 sure what differ person2 public school usual state fund wherea privat school usual get fund elsewher person1 better person2 one isnt necessarili better depend lot school administr teacher person1 hear wear uniform privat school person2 ye sometim,#Person2# tells #Person1# the differences between a public school and a private school to help #Person1# choosing a school. person1 ridicul cant believ youv sleep someon els could know im person2 wait doctor possibl havent cheat boyfriend person3 someth confess im sorri veronica lie person2 wait mean person3 lie arent even pregnant there bun oven overwhelm jealousi couldnt help veronica love person2 talk person3 daniel dont rememb high school sat behind everi day class use go everi footbal game watch cheerlead squad person2 insan never even spoke lie like boyfriend person3 veronica fair love sinc first day met everyth go fine jerk came pictur ruin everyth went med school becam doctor alway said want marri doctor mine one way anoth person1 heard everyth lie bastard get hand,The doctor tells a lie to #Person1# and #Person2# that #Person2# is pregnant because the doctor is jealous of #Person2#'s boyfriend. The doctor sat behind #Person2# every day and watch her in the cheerleading squad from high school because he loves #Person2#. person1 kim ever anyth stolen person2 stolen person1 uncl motorcycl stolen night ago think clever crimin day person2 crimin clever theyr success peopl careless person1 dont know one stole uncl motorcycl pretti good person2 uncl alarm system wouldnt happen person1 one best one avail didnt stop disabl crowd street person2 didnt anyon stop person1 would think peopl would smart enough stop someth like one knew motorcycl stolen thiev came truck convinc everybodi uncl park illeg tow away person2 wow good guess crimin arent dumb person1 that end good convinc bystand help lift motorcycl put truck,#Person1# tells Kim that the motorcycle of #Person1#'s uncle was stolen. The thieves were so clever because they convinced everyone that the motorcycle was parked illegally and even convinced a bystander to help them. person1 receiv tofel test result yet person2 ye pass person1 congratul knew could person2 well certainli couldnt done without help best tutor ive ever person1 thank hard work person2 deserv credit ive learn much,#Person2# passed the TOFEL test with the help of #Person1#. person1 good afternoon sir person2 good afternoon reserv name hilton person1 could spell pleas person2 sure hilton person1 one moment pleas ah ye mr hilton book singl room three night correct person2 ye that right person1 see comput frequent guest loyalti card person2 ye here credit card person1 thank right room number 105 here key receipt thank choos hotel sir person2 thank goodby person1 goodby,Hilton makes a reservation and #Person1# helps him check in and gives him the key and the receipt. person1 one look great love seashor person2 sun sand ocean person1 listen think sail swim windsurf fish person2 oh tom sound fantast realli like thing person1 yeah person2 well except fish honest hate fish love other person1 hey look stay big hotel stay littl cabin beach person2 know realli dont big hotel person1 neither let stay cabin itll much nicer right besid ocean,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the seashore. #Person2# likes everything but fishing. Both of them prefer to live in a cabin near the sea. person1 tom go weekend person2 idea usual stay home watch tv sometim play comput game good idea person1 let go cinema havent seen movi long time heard ice age 4 realli popular let go see person2 oh im realli interest cartoon play tenni gym person1 ok like sport shall meet person2 let meet gym 900 oclock saturday morn person1 ok see person2 see,Tom and #Person2# are planning for this weekend. They would rather play tennis than watch movies. They will meet at gym. person1 hello may help person2 hello seem problem comput person1 alright let see tomorrow morn 1000 person2 oh wont im afraid ive got import report comput must finish hand 900 tomorrow 1000 late im afraid cant come person1 well im job moment wife kid expect home 800 pm dinner person2 know sunday even least suggest someon els work ive call number phone book your one answer person1 moment dont worri person2 im offic work morn side area person1 well your luck pass area way home finish 730 around 745 ok person2 that great thank,"#Person2# is calling #Person1# to repair the computer. They can't agree on a time tomorrow, so #Person1# agrees to go there in a few minutes because #Person2# is in a hurry to write a report." person1 welcom tonight legendari live im shirley morgan tonight quit honor invit david hopkin well known chef 30 year cook experi last year new book secret kitchen got new york time best seller list 6 month welcom program david person2 hello shirley pleasur person1 david cant wait see uncov formula dish explor how whi cook may ask question what differ chef cook person2 think cook gener work entri level job work differ place kitchen follow recip contrast chef special train understand better food goe well togeth invent new recip person1 see chef cook complet profession cours cook basic person cook food way becom chef person2 train 95 profession train 5 talent person1 would mind describ us day chef curiou person2 noth special gener go work 2 hour servic start night ive written list thing need prepar next day work differ role depend need person1 challeng long work everyday person2 10 12 hour day person1 almost full time job tip averag cook like person2 cook involv passion creativ kitchen never place chop veget quick breakfast good make food peopl realli enjoy person1 cant agre miracl happen kitchen thank join us david person2 pleasur,"#Person1# welcomes David to attend the program as a well-known chef and asks some questions to him. She asks David what is the difference between a cook and a chef, what is a day for a chef and is there any tips for average cooks. David thinks that cooking should involve passion and creativity." person1 help find book need class im write report us histori person2 cours know use comput entir book collect websit look book need ill walk locat main build person1 thank im sure book look comput topic gener search book topic instead one specif book person2 ill show type topic search box screen list book come pick book want look bookshelv person1 thank person2 rememb check three book time,"#Person2# tells #Person1# how to find the books related to the #Person1#'s topic with computer, #Person2# says #Person1# can only check out up to three books at a time." person1 mom im littl worri colleg dont know studi dont know major person2 difficult decis john person1 decid person2 well id start interest help studi someth interest like read learn person1 guess like danc help peopl interest guess person2 mean help peopl person1 peopl problem like help solv peopl hurt like tri thing make feel better person2 sound like might interest medicin person1 uh dont know person2 anoth thing think consid possibl job might get much money want make person1 figur person2 research differ job librari report data well differ job pay person1 want well paid job money travel person2 well go incom go influenc choic natur one thing consid person1 what person2 know scholarship money given colleg might want pick major allow get special scholarship know youll make right decis person1 thank mom,"John asks his mom how to choose a major. Mom tells John to consider based on his interest, expecting income and scholarship offers. Mom thinks John will make rihgt decision." person1 im glad could find time meet mr johnson cant think nicer environ meet today ambianc love person2 problem possibl alway combin busi pleasur let hear chocol your offer person1 well know recent becom sole distributor granger gourmet bonbon unit state theyr new manufactur look break luxuri market natur restaur sprang mind immedi think brand exemplifi mani trait granger serv chocol would realli add reput provid eleg luxuri first class dine person2 mmmm sound interest gourmet chocol produc belgium person1 actual factori locat scotland person2 realli didnt think known luxuri chocol product person1 that make fantast opportun govern one hundr percent support creat new export market guarante low tariff wholesal order one thousand unit theyv also reduc red tape involv custom well brought especi tri one person2 oh thank mmm hmm creami textur smooth person1 uniqu arent bet youv never tast anyth like qualiti assur person visit factori make sure one cut corner ingredi creme make inspect person2 ye interest flavor slightli spici uniqu that sure exactli ingredi person1 highest author tradit secret recip hand granger famili gener im sure keep secret buttermilk cacao bean sugar haggi person2 haggi what haggi person1 tradit scottish delicaci take sheep liver heart lung stuff insid sheep stomach,"Mr. Johnson meets #Person2# offering gourmet chocolates that have low tariff and unique taste, made in Scotland where the government is supportive of creating new export markets, and the ingredients of chocolates are buttermilk, cacao beans, sugar, and Haggis." person1 excus wear want go interview person2 wear tie go suit person1 afraid would tens interview person2 doesnt matter best sell,#Person2# advises #Person1# to wear a tie with a suit and do the best in an interview. person1 mr black id like take time ive feel exhaust day person2 that problem let see still ten day annual leav left right person1 ye wonder could take anoth two week person2 that long leav how project come along person1 project im charg done end week id like take leav next monday person2 well right make sure tie loos end leav person1 thank mr black immedi project come moment mr smith charg absenc take part sever project assist know maintain relationship client person2 great hope good relax come back refresh person1 mani thank mr black,"#Person1# asks Mr. Black's permission to take some time off. Mr. Black reminds #Person2# makes sure to tie up loose ends of the project, and says Mr. Smith will be in charge during the absence." person1 would like make offer hous dont know much process person2 realtor take care process much plan offer person1 realli like hous pay full ask price three hundr fifti thousand dollar person2 want leav bargain room let offer three hundr twenti thousand dollar person1 sound good dont want hous get away person2 market fairli right offer realist one person1 know accept offer person2 owner usual respond offer within day person1 contact bank meantim person2 alreadi prequalifi loan good shape,#Person1# follows #Person1#'s realtor's advice and offers a price lower than the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars on a house that #Person1# really likes. person1 tornado warn mother told heard radio person2 tornado warn person1 mean tornado seen somewher area person2 realli new berlin person1 necessarili town southern wisconsin somewher tornado spot two stage call tornado watch mean weather condit perfect tornado person2 understand think tornado might come person1 ye peopl look mayb tornado come call watch person2 second stage call tornado warn person1 ye tornado spot announc tornado warn there tornado warn mean tornado somewher person2 scari person1 well tornado danger true hear someth like loud train come go basement person2 mean loud train person1 tornado sound like sound like train theyr loud person2 hear come isnt alreadi late person1 mayb depend tornado move across ground 200 mile hour fast other arent fast person2 seen lot person1 ive seen one life look window around two mile away interest watch head toward friend hous quickli call phone person2 hit hous person1 didnt glad call person2 call person1 sit live room watch tv idea tornado come toward hous hit could kill person2 that terribl mani peopl die tornado person1 mani realli lot hous destroy sometim,"#Person1# explains to #Person2# the details about tornados in terms of two stages which are a tornado warning and a tornado watch. #Person1# further explains the sound of tornados and the causes of such sound, as wells as the danger of tornado. Then #Person1# continues expressing the danger of tornado by giving a personal experience of #Person1# encountering a tornado." person1 anyth fun weekend person2 didnt want go last weekend decid stay home watch movi person1 didnt want go person2 tire work week sometim weekend dont enough energi go movi theater person1 download movi rent store person2 download didnt rememb return,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# didn't go out last weekend and stayed at home watching a downloaded movie. person1 heard go move person2 ye found better hous near offic im satisfi im worri person1 worri person2 im worri move household stuff know lot stuff person1 call mover person2 much dose cost person1 around 200 rmb truck person2 think littl expens person1 think need pack stuff leav everyth mover much troubl save person2 that right person1 know mover good reput servic ill leav phone number person2 wonder person1 8357688 8 person2 okay thank lot great favor person1 your welcom,"#Person2# is going to move but worried about how to move the household stuff. Then #Person1# suggests #Person2# leave everything for the movers, and leaves #Person2# a phone number of a reputable mover." person1 admiss card book person2 ok moment pleas person1 way renew borrow person2 one person1 sens sensibl english version person2 ye cours person1 person2 sorri go counter person1 ok thank person2 sorri biographi deadlin pay extra person1 think buy bookstor father got librari anyway much pay person2 3 yuan pleas person1 thank person2 welcom see next time,#Person2# helps #Person1# return books. #Person1# renews the borrowing of one book as well as pays 3 Yuan because of overdue. person1 tom arent littl old trickortr person2 talk halloween spirit didnt ever dress costum go around neighborhood trickortr friend person1 cours ten trick ortreat kid plu im sure peopl think your kidnapp someth run around kid ncp night person2 whatev im go next door heard mr robinson give big bag ms,#Person1# thinks Tom is too old to be trick-or-treating but Tom insists on doing it. person1 he interest harass expect us much time wast person2 almost want send viru shut stupid comput person1 obnoxi bean still tri finish case person2 truewel forward send person1 yeah rememb one put light bulb mouth,#Person1# and #Person2# are complaining Bean is obnoxious. person1 would mind make suggest person2 cours go ahead person1 mayb tri quit smoke know bad health person2 well sure actual cut amount sinc two month ago use smoke pack cigarett singl day limit 6 cigarett day person1 made big progress quit smoke easi job reward long run person2 thank suggest person1 your welcom,"#Person1# suggests #Person2# try to quit smoking, while #Person2# has been cutting down smoking amount since two months ago." person1 life bore person2 well time guess person1 think make happi person2 think money make happi person1 heard peopl say money doesnt guarante happi person2 thing want person1 youll get bore eventu person2 find someth new dont worri money dont work person1 that true guess didnt work think would happi person2 see money doesnt equal happi take away lot respons,#Person1# would be happy if #Person1# didn't have to work. #Person2# thinks money doesn't equal happiness but it can take away many responsibilities. person1 excus studi chines univers person2 ye charact bad person1 take long time learn chines write person2 chines person1 ye taiwan came studi polit scienc person2 like person1 like far english still need work person2 want studi mandarin intern relat person1 chines depart teach regular charact simplifi charact person2 teach regular charact person1 see im taiwan know regular charact better simplifi person2 said english need work ye person1 ye that true especi write think paper arent good enough make mani grammat mistak person2 well seriou learn chines hard part pronunci four tone chines hard mayb time mayb could languag exchang person1 mean person2 ye mean come cafe often mayb could meet practic chines english person1 sound like good idea often would like person2 let see schedul right quit busi think could spend 90 minut week languag exchang person1 would manag though would spend 90 minut person2 first could spend 45 minut work english write want could help edit paper could english convers whatev want next 45 minut would help chines person1 would help write person2 right import thing spoken chines need practic could tutor speak could use textbook could ask question could correct mistak person1 think sound like good system conveni meet person2 well today monday actual monday time would best free 11 person1 fact im free 1 person2 want meet 10 person1 sound good bring paper im work person2 bring textbook tape record would like record thing practic person1 let give phone number person2 sure ill give mine call cancel reason,"#Person2# studies Chinese but #Person2#'s characters are very bad, #Person2# thinks the hard part now is pronunciation. #Person1# needs to improve English writing since #Person1# makes too many grammatical mistakes. #Person2# suggests they do a language exchange, where they will spend 90 minutes a week on every Monday at 10. They will spend 45 minutes working on #Person1#'s English writing, or they do English conversation. #Person1# would help #Person2# with #Person2#'s Chinese speaking." person1 help today alic person2 well came talk want appli scholarship person1 oh good your excel student id will help person2 thank realli appreci fact need letter recommend scholarship person1 kind scholarship person2 undergradu scholarship offer american minor student scholarship associ im elig im asian american person1 fine know scholarship student junior year grade point averag 3 7 higher person2 im junior gpa 3 92 person1 excel youll good chanc get person2 well hope competit probabl pretti heavi want write sampl person1 essay want send person2 want special essay must write essay particular question pose person1 question person2 give applic topic topic place ethnic minor democrat societi essay must three page type doublespac person1 that pretti short essay person2 ye need write next week person1 good luck im sure good job person2 came today talk well need ask two favor person1 sure person2 first need letter recommend person1 id happi write one person2 second well im sure normal person1 want read essay person2 ye could mean could read make sure mistak mayb youd suggest person1 cours could read that problem need get soon person2 want write first draft tonight could bring tomorrow morn person1 alright bring tomorrow morn talk class friday ill feedback weekend person2 would realli help lot im grate person1 dont mention im alway will help good student,"Alice wants to apply for a scholarship offered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association since she is eligible for it that she is Asian American, a student in junior year and has GPA 3. 92. To get the scholarship, Alice must write an essay on the topic--The Place of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Society. #Person1# is helping her write a letter of recommendation, read her essay, and give some suggestions." person1 major person2 major busi administr especi interest market person1 univers attend person2 attend suzhou univers person1 receiv degre person2 ye receiv bachelor degre busi administr person1 cours like best person2 project manag interest cours student think use present work person1 feel receiv good gener train person2 ye studi english train program comput train program sinc graduat univers current studi financ train school person1 english comput skill compar import post especi start period wharf abil two field person2 pass colleg english test band 4 good skill listen speak read write havent got certif comput skill dont think certif necessari what need mere oper comput think know use comput import im quit familiar microsoft offic,"*#Person1# interviews #Person2# who has a bachelor's degree in Business Administration has received good training in English, computer and finance, is good at English, and is familiar with Microsoft Office, but hasn't got any certificate of computer skills." person1 jane go board meet next friday pleas arrang person2 certainli mr robert plan person1 sure actual routin board meet thing discuss written person2 good may keep need draw notic meet agenda person1 go ahead refer make special agenda dont forget enough room side note person2 mean need detail agenda person1 exactli suppos chair meet dont want get control person2 see ok think meet person1 confer room second floor ok person2 ye see room readi friday check enough chair light aircondit right person1 good pleas get water glass ash tray readi well person2 sure minut think respons person1 definit minut taken accur person2 familiar member board person1 oh that easi write list name make seat plan name give one number person2 that good idea right ill withdraw get dont mind,"Jane is helping Mr. Robert arranging a board meeting in the conference room, saying she will check the room in advance, make him a special agenda and take the minutes accurately, as well as make a seating plan according to a list of names of board members Mr. Robert will write." person1 stock jim person2 oh right lost bunch money last two year year pretti good person1 yeah lost money invest internet person2 goe show buy compani idea person1 chang strategi around invest good compani person2 yeah hear ted person1 happen person2 lost kidscolleg money trade person1 oh boy wife cant happi,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about their stocks and investment options, and about Ted losing his kids' college money." person1 may help sir person2 fill regular pleas person1 take look batteri person2 thank im hurri person1 car readi person2 good much person1 250 yuan pleas person2 expens person1 know oil crisi,#Person1# helps #Person2# fill up the car for 250 yuan. person1 ask question person2 sure go ahead person1 get along american student class person2 dont much contact person1 realli dont go talk person2 dont im afraid make mistak english dont want laugh person1 wont get anywher way your one need practic english make first move besid american student realli friendli outgo glad talk person2 thank advic guess your right hard overcom shyness realli tri promis,#Person1# is advising #Person2# makes a talk with the American students to practice English since #Person2# is afraid of being laughed at making mistakes in English. person1 what date today mr brown dont calendar person2 today tuesday 25th septemb 2001 person1 25th sep oh appoint tonight person2 time appoint person1 8 oclock person2 time correct time person1 dont know time must 6 oclock go dont want late person2 wont late still earli,#Person1# asks Mr. Brown about the date. #Person1# remembers an appointment tonight and leave. person1 help miss person2 anyth prevent wrinkl freckl person1 skin type person2 skin kind oili person1 nutrit cream antiwrinkl whiten newcom brand person2 much person1 60 price reason larg quantiti what gift attach person2 sound good gift attach person1 take one tonic hand cream person2 choos tonic person1 problem tri kind gel prevent freckl effect better use powder foundat appli person2 that thing want,"#Person1# is helping #Person2# to get a nutrition cream to prevent wrinkles, and a gel to prevent freckles." person1 dont begin tell someth person2 want know person1 usual know someth background experi anyth person feel pertin person2 well born shanghai went school right colleg father lawyer mother teacher person1 sound come profession famili person2 right one sister doctor one teach univers person1 made decid get comput person2 oh noth particular guess alway like mathemat tinker machin person1 experi long work comput person2 five year engin degre began special comput technolog even compani person1 certainli sound impress dont credenti sent ill show board well probabl get back week person2 thank much,"#Person2# comes from a professional family and has been working with computers for more than five years. #Person2# specializes in computer technology and had a company for a while. #Person1# asks for #Person2#'s credentials, they will get back to #Person2#." person1 cindi husband person2 cindi husband ron person1 mani children cindi ron person2 two childrenon son one daughtera well one daughterinlaw one soninlaw person1 grandchildren person2 ye three grandchildrenon girl two boy person1 daughter get along well inlaw person2 ye get along quit well person1 larg famili person2 famili similar cindi ron famili,#Person1# asks #Person2# for information about Cindy and Ron's family which have two children and three grandchildren. person1 longterm goal career person2 longterm goal becom expert field person1 would achiev person2 order achiev object would work step step make studi,#Person1# asks #Person2#'s long-term goal and plans. person1 bill im expect big increas turnov come midautumn festiv wholesal unwil suppli order unless pay advanc 50 full price busi fairli new hope make advanc loan person2 stock titl deed hous pledg secur person1 grate could see way make advanc person reput may inspect account account see ive promptli met oblig person2 allow request loan person secur common regul may consid provid reliabl guarantor person1 ye know mr macreadi famou car dealer new york agre act guarantor loan sum us l0 000 end year person2 good man high stand think grant loan need discuss suggest borrow overdraft instead loan,"#Person1# requests a loan against personal security, but it doesn't work. #Person2# suggests providing a reliable guarantor and thinks they can grant the loan if Mr. Macready is #Person1#'s guarantor. #Person2# suggests #Person1# borrow on overdraft instead of on loan." person1 say heard jenni person2 happen person1 she babi person2 oh that wonder person1 coupl week ago person2 boy girl person1 girl person2 oh that great that want isnt person1 yeah alway like girl person2 go call person1 christin think,"#Person1# tells #Person2# Jennie's had a baby girl, and Jennie like girls." person1 suppos compani offer pay rais 50 would determin leav look job well person2 ye ive set mind id like find job full scope show abil,#Person1# refuses a pay raise and determines to leave the company. person1 dont look happi seem problem person2 ive got write long composit english class cant come idea due tomorrow person1 shouldnt difficult rememb pictur show last week person2 sure person1 dont write someth camel ride took person2 sound like good idea also write visit north africa person1 well your feel better think ill way ive got finish composit person2 thank help im much relax get organ wont difficult,#Person2# can't come up with any ideas of the composition. #Person1# advises #Person2# to write a composition about the camel ride. #Person2# is very grateful. person1 recept help person2 ye pleas im mr brown call room 203 person1 ye madam person2 im clear checkout time mean soon leav room person1 normal 12 noon day youll leav person2 oh dear person1 problem madam person2 well see plane take 5 oclock tomorrow afternoon keep room bit longer person1 see room madam person2 room 203 name brown person1 ah ye mr brown may keep room till 2 pm wish person2 oh kind thank much person1 pleasur,"#Person1# answers Mrs. Browning's question about checkout time, and extends it to 2 p.m." person1 hi ruth steve speak footbal game yesterday person2 great miss steve person1 parent didnt let go fever im still bed person2 bad werent went togeth jenni jimmi georg person1 must freez sit outsid wasnt person2 wrap blanket wool hat heavi coat person1 hear start snow middl game person2 lightli first harder didnt stop game excit moment funni watch player slip snow,"Steve had a fever. He calls Ruth to ask about the football game yesterday. Although it was cold outside, Ruth thinks that was great." person1 hello emerg 911 oper person2 help help pleas help person1 ye sir pleas calm explain exactli happen person2 calm car stall freeway ladi passeng she go labor person1 relax sir explain exactli person2 im im southbound lane lincoln expressway 15 mile washington tunnel ladi isnt go wait person1 okay what name sir passeng person2 bob idea woman she condit tell person1 okay what nearest landmark locat pay care attent person2 umm see golden arch mcdonald person1 okay anyon els person2 ive tri get someon els stop sound bottl break person1 hey ahhhh person2 ah someon threw bottl soon someon get person1 ive dispatch ambul locat second person2 hey anyth wait ambul person1 ye uh keep calm warm person2 okay pleas hurri oh theyr late boy,"#Person2# calls 911 for help, saying #Person2#'s car is stalled on the freeway and a lady passenger is going into labor, stating the nearest landmark to the location is McDonalds'. After #Person1# just sent an ambulance, the lady has had a boy." person1 sorri im late hear train person2 ye heard run late person1 well realiz might late tri find bu way bump jerri offer lift motorbik unfortun exhaust flameout end walk,#Person1# explains that #Person1# had to walk due to the late of the train and the flameout of Jerry's motorbike. person1 hi queeni enjoy univers person2 hi jack lot work good time plan attend colleg next year person1 yeah tell facil disabl student wheelchair doesnt alway allow get build person2 inquir student servic discuss medic histori confidenti make allow friend shannon rosi use comput exam case im sure would problem person1 wheelchair access person2 newer build elev wide door older build upgrad accommod handicap peopl far know faculti plan go person1 think engin person2 hmm engin old adam build dont know elev person1 buse go campu facil bring wheelchair board person2 ye know sure buse equip electron lift seat fold back person1 sidewalk person2 think sidewalk level corner could probabl use wheelchair sure fact would like dont come ill take bu could show around got person1 that realli nice raphel id realli like person2 okay come hous 830 morn take commut train town catch bu univers person1 great look forward,"Jack asks Queenie the facilities for disabled students at university. Queenie suggests Jack inquiry the Student Services. Queenie says that the newer buildings have wheelchair access, but the older buildings have not been upgraded, and all the buses have facilities to bring wheelchairs on board, so he could probably use the wheelchair on the sidewalks. They will go to university together." person1 susan ive got question let see type person2 noi cant type person1 shorthand person2 dont know ive never tri person1 cant take shorthand cant type may ask person2 well play piano violin person1 play piano violin person2 ye sing danc person1 susan person2 want job want work person1 cant take shorthand cant even type person2 cours cant im actress person1 want secretari person2 grand theater person1 cours grand hotel grand theater opposit street,"Susan, an actress who can play musical instruments but can't type, is wrongly interviewed for a secretary by #Person1#." person1 first time join sport meet junior high school person2 ye great event sport meet person1 longdist race dash hurdl race relay race stand long jump high jump shotput person2 neighbor bruce take part relay race let go look person1 ok let go person2 competit begin 5 minut tens person1 wonder bruce take lead person2 competitor almost caught neck neck person1 come bruce come bruce person2 wow bruce cross line first,It is the sports meeting of Junior High School. #Person1# and #Person2# cheer for their neighbor Bruce in the relay race. person1 may help person2 daughter miss dont know person1 dose look like person2 blond hair blue eye person1 wear person2 yellow dress red sneaker person1 last see person2 saw street dont know person1 long person2 oh uh fifteen minut,#Person2#'s daughter is missing for fifteen minutes. #Person2# tells her appearance characters to #Person1#. person1 cant wait retir person2 person1 im move florida play golf day everi day person2 sound bore person1 plan retir person2 ye think someth new ive alway want teacher person1 admir energi ruth young heart,#Person1# wants to play golf after retirement while Ruth wants to be a teacher. person1 say promot gener manag person2 yeah person1 sure person2 ye bet bottom dollar get promot person1 get well everybodi person2 partli he also hard work man,#Person1# and #Person2# bet whether a man will get promoted. person1 isnt great alway want farm live countri grow food person2 beauti though confess dont know first thing farm person1 that fine dont worri person2 person1 relax goat person2 person1 cow graze milk later person2 person1 honey serious sheep relax relax hors donkey stabl person2 know dont think hack countrysid im go back citi,#Person1# wants to own a farm and knows some livestock. #Person2# thinks the farm is beautiful but #Person2# can't stand the countryside after seeing the livestock. person1 let got tomorrow night go bar tri find girlfriend person2 think good idea good approach someon start convers person1 mayb need pickup line know break ice person2 pickup line work person1 come walk girl sayif booger pick first person2 come that lame girl would fall person1 fine say look woman dream person2 good one think pretti funni person1 yeah make laugh make fool littl bit buy drink person2 ok sound enchant beauti ran wall go need name number insur purpos person1 nice let go,#Person1# teaches #Person2# how to start up a conversation with girls at the bar. It is about a few pick-up lines to break the ice. #Person2# thinks pick-up lines don't work but finally gets it. person1 god didnt realiz didnt didnt know person2 didnt know person1 excus person2 sorri godfath movi produc realiz tom higgin emissari vito corleon hors head end bed bloodi sheet know wake aaah never mind person1 spi werent probabl rent children person2 would spi person1 competit know perfectli well would put sign around corner person2 entranc store around corner there way say name store phrase around corner person1 your take caviar caviar garnish person2 look reason came store spend day annabel matt buy present im type guy like buy way heart children rel there one place find children book neighborhood alway case charm littl bookstor probabl sell 350 000 worth book year,#Person1# thinks #Person2# was spying on #Person1# because #Person1# is #Person2#'s competitor. But #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# came into the store is because #Person1#'s store is the only place selling a children's book. person1 often exercis play sport person2 sport school that 3 hour everi week that dont sport outsid school person1 even cycl walk person2 rare mom take school car person1 know job around hous like clean garden help lose weight person2 realli hate clean garden free time like read book person1 usual eat breakfast lunch person2 im usual hurri morn eat biscuit lunchtim buy larg bag potato chip person1 eat home even person2 usual fish veget sometim spaghetti person1 often eat snack meal person2 sometim alway eat chocol bar break often yogurt ice cream arriv home school,"#Person2# does sports at school but doesn't do it outside of school, and doesn't do cycling or walking since #Person2#'s mother drives #Person2# to school. #Person2# eats biscuits for breakfast, potato chips for lunch, fish with vegetables or spaghetti for dinner, and snacks between meals." person1 give ride airport tomorrow person2 depend time need airport person1 well flight leav 1030 morn person2 check onlin alreadi person1 ye check dont bag check person2 leav 900 930 person1 intern flight person2 oh need 2 hour flight person1 get airport 830 person2 that take kid school im sorri person1 go get airport person2 guess youll pay cab,#Person1#'s flight leaves at 10:30. #Person1# asks #Person2# to give a ride to the airport. #Person1# will take a cab since #Person2# doesn't have time. person1 your watch tv peter person2 wash bowl plate person1 havent water flower fed bird person2 im sorri forgot person1 dad person2 oh realli nice well mom turn tv want know result game manchest unit manchest citi person1 didnt search onlin person2 comput isnt work person1 didnt turn finish homework person2 oh that right forgot wonder,Peter is watching TV and forgot to do some housework. Peter turns off the TV and uses his computer instead. person1 four ticket sir anyth els person2 ye wonder could get regular inform what person1 certainli add name mail list would ok person2 would good ye pleas oh someth els sorri one group hard hear heard suppli special headphon person1 that right long tell us advanc alway ill book collect tomorrow show person2 thank much help person1 problem,"#Person1# helps #Person2# get regular information by adding #Person2#'s name to the mailing list, and will book special headphones for someone who is hard of hearing." person1 hi jack write person2 im write parent tell ill stay summer person1 your go home thought go trip japan famili person2 well intend thought chang mind person1 tell im interest know keep join belov famili stay person2 michael arrang work uncl institut person1 much paid person2 judi dont money experi besid voluntari work person1 work without payment that realli someth kind work person2 ill teacher one uncl orphanag leav home person1 tomorrow well fli hawaii 2 day person2 nice vacat person1 ill send postcard,"Judy and Jack are discussing summer vacation. Jack will stay because Michael arranged a voluntary work at Michael uncle's institution, while Judy will fly to Hawaii." person1 telephon ring person2 didnt hear anyth person1 thought heard ring 2 3 time person2 sometim window open hear neighbor phone person1 well im expect import phone call dont want miss,#Person1# heard the telephone ringing while #Person1# didn't. person1 excus find green wool scarf 5 minut ago person2 look person1 thank person2 gray scarf sorri store sir person1 well first shoe section look sweater jacket person2 minut hi sue regist upstair find green wool scarf ok your luck scarf shoe section person1 oh relief thank help person2 pleasur person1 oh 430 subway station near person2 ye there one toronto good public traffic system buse street car train differ part citi area outsid citi,"Sue asks #Person1#'s location, helps #Person1# find #Person1#'s green wool scarf in the shoe section and tells #Person1# where the subway station is." person1 yike nois person2 blow nose person1 blow right next phone person2 hear person1 cours heard thought plane crash hous person2 wasnt loud person1 blow nose sometim youll see person2 okay ill take word person1 thought eleph hous person2 your funni person1 say think ive gone deaf person2 im go bathroom blow nose ill right back,#Person1# complains that the noise of #Person2#'s blowing nose was very loud. #Person2#'ll go into the bathroom to blow the nose. person1 excus pleas empti pocket metal thing put tray person2 includ key person1 ye pleas step person2 right shall person1 open bag check pick right behind xray machin person2 ive got film bag person1 that right machin damag film person2 that fine person1 board pass need stamp person2 sure person1 thank person2 person1 ye board pass person2 thank goodby,#Person2#'s going through the security. #Person1# checks #Person2#'s bags and stamps #Person2#'s boarding pass. person1 need find new furnitur set live room person2 go find one person1 idea person2 want know bought mine person1 where get person2 got ikea person1 much cost person2 cost coupl thousand whole set person1 furnitur sturdi person2 furnitur built extrem well person1 dont mind pay lot long qualiti good person2 well trust qualiti fantast,#Person1# wants a new furniture set. #Person2# got #Person2#'s at IKEA which is expensive but of high quality. person1 take order madam person2 ye would recommend person1 im happi recommend fish test delici today special chef coast love seafood today special actual favorit dish im sure dish would love fan seafood person2 sound wonder mayb ill tri person1 anyth els mayb interest one fine appet escargot person2 today thank id like know vegetarian dish person1 ye here menu would think order person2 oh sorri mayb dont want fish think greenbean dish instead person1 kind soup would like person2 id like egg drop soup person1 ok person2 ye person1 would like anyth drink wait person2 ice water thank,"#Person1# recommends the fish. #Person2# looks at the menu and orders the green bean dish, egg drop soup, and iced water instead." person1 game like person2 like board game like chines chess draught person1 never play chines chess seen old men play street look complic person2 complic chess basic rule move simpl enough mani strategi player need learn person1 like play card pretti good poker play card person2 terribl card never play game involv gambl like poker lose money person1 play bridg person2 ye hard find four player though play often know anyon play could set game person1 play quit well friend like play good shall invit play person2 sure friend play fairli well find friend free arrang game person1 call friend call,#Person2# likes board games such as Chinese chess and draughts while #Person1# likes cards. They both play bridge and they decide to call their friends and arrange a game. person1 good even whatll person2 id like beer kind beer person1 draft beer can beer prefer person2 draft beer pleas person1 ok person2 could fruit person1 cours wait moment pleas,#Person2# orders a draft beer and some fruit. person1 would like show new clean unit clever design person2 ye id like see clean exactli person1 wash solvent metal part blade tray etc send back system person2 unit consist person1 well basic two tank one dirti solvent one clean solvent pump wash unit oh there cool system filter control plc system stand process logic control,#Person1# introduces a new cleaning unit to #Person2# and explains it. person1 sold newspap today person2 ye good job done person1 mani extra gift left person2 mani custom didnt want person1 give old man person2 good idea person1 way think good idea give free gift attract custom person2 im sure still attract larg crowd today person1 think use hand flier also cheaper person2 peopl throw trash turn around person1 that true person2 anyway let finish job get back home person1 okay tire job,#Person1# and #Person2# have sold out all the newspapers for today. They're talking about strategies to attract more customers. person1 hi janic first weekend employ come show plan person2 mom phone morn ask go back home housework chore person1 assign person2 god know speak chore would rather wash cook person1 think iron shirt trouser actual weekend tend hectic day whole week person2 realli hope could sleep like log two night one said weekend bit like rainbow look good distanc disappear get close person1 couldnt agre,Janice'll go back home and do chores this weekend. #Person1#'ll iron #Person1#'s shirt and trousers. They think weekends are less attractive than expected. person1 tom miss parti last night ok person2 dont know didnt realli feel like go guess im feel littl homesick person1 come weve alreadi look know adjust hard first got agre gon na tri deal person2 holiday come wont abl home cant afford airfar im long comfort home like mom cook around famili person1 yeah get pretti lone holiday first got id get depress nostalg anyth remind home almost let get start go keep busi knew use person2 see mean im still bum person1 ok sound let get suit hit danc club tonight hear awesom dj play lot pretti singl girl person2 know could realli go dont mind wingman tonight person1 fun like boysnight well kinda person2 great must warn though whatev happen dont let go drink bing trust pretti pictur,Tom tells #Person1# he felt homesick so he didn't go to the party yesterday. #Person1# invites him to get suited up and hit a dance club tonight. Tom cheers up. person1 look youv done person2 im sorri sir ill bring cloth immedi person1 ye hurri person2 id like apolog careless may clean person1 ill person2 card sir could send clean bill refund cost person1 think person2 im sorri caus troubl person1 ye pleas care futur person2 sir im realli sorri person1 that ok,#Person2# stained #Person1#'s clothes by accident. #Person1#'s angry. #Person2# apologizes and promises to pay for the cleaning bill. person1 hello person2 mark luci person1 what person2 friend best friend want learn english would pay 100 yuan per hour interest person1 dont know person2 take interest person1 luci dont get wrong mean school open sept 2nd tight schedul person2 dont worri friend say alway arrang schedul around schedul person1 fine see person2 let way ill take place saturday two make schedul person1 make sure come noon pick friend airport afternoon person2 go get person1 bu cours person2 sure friend give ride person1 great way friend person2 lawyer person1 ok see person2 see,Lucy's lawyer wants to learn English from Mark. Mark hesitates because he'll be busy. Lucy tells him her friend can always arrange the schedule around Mark's so Mike agrees. They'll meet to make a schedule. person1 know who got marri old mc donald person2 never he 80 isnt person1 he nearli 90 person2 good graciou sure person1 whatsmor wife 84 person2 realli person1 ye guess sixth husband person2 realli quit woman isnt,#Person1# tells #Person2# old Mc Donald has just married an 84-year-old woman. person1 hello mari havent seen age still see paul person2 broke last month im take break date person1 break amic sometim coupl row lot split person2 decid stop see amic still go mike person1 ye think get engag weve date year person2 good seen kelli recent still date nick person1 havnt seen stop see nick cheat see girl form offic one day saw hold hand end relationship immedi person2 right heard neil tina get marri soon person1 realli theyv togeth long time get marri person2 think 26th septemb ill check make sure tina rememb invit hen night person1 thank hey look guy think fanci person2 certainli look interest doesnt shall invit tabl,#Person1#'s getting engaged with Mike while Mary broke up with Paul amicably. #Person1# then tells Mary their friends' gossips. And they find a guy and decide to invite him over. person1 hello may speak properti manag pleas person2 hello properti manag may help person1 horribl rainstorm last night roof began leak person2 room leak person1 bedroom person2 top floor anoth apart person1 top floor person2 send someon soon get hold roofer home morn person1 ye person2 fine end go somewher use pass key,#Person1# reports the leak of #Person1#'s bedroom roof to the property manager. The manager'll send a roofer out as soon as possible. person1 how go person2 im fine thank person1 need help someth person2 could would like view apart sometim today person1 wont possibl today person2 person1 view apart appoint person2 would like make one right person1 avail friday person2 6 oclock person1 appoint friday 6 pm confirm person2 right ill see friday,#Person1# tells #Person2# people can't view apartments without appointments. #Person1# helps #Person2# make an appointment for Friday at 6 pm. person1 could meet discuss project person2 good idea could meet monday tuesday day would prefer person1 tuesday would good person2 ok think meet morn afternoon person1 think afternoon would best person2 work email exact time tomorrow need bring plan person1 ye bring plan meet person2 invit whole committe subcommitte person1 feel whole committe need person2 ye agre well make sure get notifi find meet place person1 ye know get person2 great send detail later look forward meet,#Person1# and #Person2# would meet with the whole committee to discuss the project plans on Tuesday afternoon. person1 hi lost purs shop street guess somebodi stole person2 sorri hear could tell purs person1 mobil phone passport cash person2 come america person1 coupl day ago person2 could recal lost person1 idea person2 ok written emerg contact person america person1 friend tim live nearbi person2 ok contact soon clue,#Person1# reports to #Person2# that #Person1# lost a purse. #Person2# asks for #Person1#'s emergency contact person to contact her if any clues are found. person1 show use phone person2 ye help pick receiv hit one button hear tone person1 dont hear anyth person2 next dial 9 keypad hear tone chang hear chang person1 im sure person2 ok well get line chang outsid line tri call person1 tri call client person2 call number outsid dial number insid call punch extens number someon given extens list person1 dont know anyon extens person2 extens list wall chart ever need help,#Person2# shows #Person1# how to use the phone to make outside and inside calls. person1 could ask question regard social benefit person2 go ahead pleas person1 long paid vacat everi year person2 youll 10 day paid vacat everi year person1 insur hous polici person2 provid life insur health insur accid insur hous benefit heat allow transport allow person1 often bonu person2 youll paid bonu end everi year person1 train opportun person2 provid employe train opportun home abroad person1 well dont question far would like think coupl day give final answer person2 sure ask luci call two day person1 ok thank time patienc person2 your welcom,"#Person1# asks #Person2# about the social benefits of #Person1#'s offer. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the paid vacation, insurance and housing policies, the frequency of the bonus, and training opportunities. #Person2#'ll give #Person1# the final answer soon." person1 excus tell go fish person2 like fish usual fish near lake person1 want go fish today left rod fish line home person2 shame,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# usually fishes near a lake. #Person1# wants to go fishing but has left the equipment at home. person1 would show brooch person2 ye would person1 made person2 sapphir one brooch type tri person1 ye much person2 700 yuan person1 expens person2 one 500 yuan kind materi one person1 genuin isnt person2 oh ye kind good depend shop wellknown throughout citi,#Person2# likes a sapphire brooch but it's too expensive. #Person1# recommends another one which is cheaper but also genuine. person1 possibl busi trip abroad work american person2 ye foreigninvest compani mani chanc go abroad person1 train program employe make studi person2 sure attach great import allround develop staff develop individu motiv work dilig effici,#Person2# tells #Person1# about chances of going abroad and the training program for their employees. person1 im tri decid school appli person2 think public school privat one person1 im sure what differ person2 public school usual state fund wherea privat school usual get fund elsewher person1 better person2 one isnt necessarili better depend lot school administr teacher person1 hear wear uniform privat school person2 yeah sometim,#Person1#'s deciding what school to apply for. #Person2# offers information about public schools and private ones. person1 anyth mr king person2 im leav shanghai tomorrow morn settl bill person1 right pay bill even person2 shall go pay money person1 cashier counter hotel right lobbi downstair person2 would pleas get bill readi supper person1 right companion leav shanghai person2 stay two day pleas keep room person1 shall make singl bill two separ bill person2 two separ bill pleas person1 ok ill sure bill readi even person2 give bill around six oclock person1 problem way comment make hotel person2 good stay servic wonder im satisfi person1 thank compliment your welcom hotel person2 ok,Mr. King's leaving for Shanghai and he wants to pay the hotel bill this evening. #Person1#'ll have the bill ready around six o'clock. Mr. King's satisfied with the service of the hotel. person1 what matter alic person2 sorri mr harrison miss train person1 miss train person2 left home littl late person1 get late someth person2 aunt call last minut person1 tell call morn person2 mr harrison im realli sorri late person1 late cant let pass class person2 oh pleas,Alice's late for the class because she missed the train. Mr. Harrison says she will not pass the class if being late again. person1 like spare time person2 like peopl last weekend went japanes friend place person1 like spend time room read write think person2 oh rememb someth import said like write right could write articl saw heard london write whatev like person1 realli want read articl person2 editor magazin want read person1 editor person2 father recent discov got back studi english england would like hear view british cultur person1 thank father tri best know english poor person2 dont worri father help correct,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about their hobbies, which reminds #Person2# of#Person1# likes writing. #Person2#'s father is a magazine editor and he wants to read articles about #Person1#'s views on British culture." person1 hi ms rowl old start write first book person2 wrote first book six small tiger ive write ever sinc person1 choos author person2 well want achiev happi step one would find love step two would find someon pay consid lucki abl support write person1 plan write book adult person2 suppos might write one never realli imagin target audienc im write idea come first realli depend idea grasp next person1 idea harri potter book come person2 ive idea idea came hope ill never find would spoil excit,Ms. Rowling tells #Person1# about her experience of being a writer and ideas for the Harry Potter books. person1 let see that two pair trouser one ladi dress one man overcoat person2 sport shirt clean iron readi person1 sunday morn soon enough person2 well ye need coat earlier person1 special quick servic extra charg 15 person2 readi person1 tomorrow afternoon time four oclock person2 late open person1 9 oclock even sir person2 fine leav plenti time pick work person1 ok come coat time 4 clock person2 good thank,#Person2# sends some clothes to #Person1#'s store to have them cleaned and ironed. #Person2# needs the coat earlier so he has a special quick service. person1 excus airlin fli new york afternoon person2 sorri sir cant sell ticket comput person1 comput write ticket person2 sorri cant comput one allow person1 hmm peopl person2 give comput inform trip tell us whether fli us person1 goe go person2 truli sorri sir noth person1 long comput person2 sorri ive got idea sometim 10 minut sometim two hour there way find without ask comput sinc wont answer us person1 well let forget comput airlin fli new york within next hour person2 wouldnt know comput know cant tell,"#Person1# wants an airline ticket to New York this afternoon, but the computer is down and #Person2# can do nothing without it. #Person1#'s being unreasonable." person1 hi gari handsom blue coat person2 thank im glad hear person1 like new coat much get person2 well got depart store mani cloth shirt skirt jacket coat person1 oh know store cloth expens much cost person2 much saleswoman ask want 90 person1 much pay end person2 tri make bring half price person1 wow smart fact attract cool hat store long time help bring price person2 im sure tri person1 thank much,Gary tells #Person1# he managed to bring down the price of his new blue coat to half. #Person1# requests Gary to help #Person1# bargain for a cool hat. person1 kind punish life studi person2 ye person1 reason person2 play truant colleg intend organ donat activ disasterhit area sichuan,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# once was punished because #Person2# played truant in college. person1 shop person2 go look person1 im tri buy new bedroom set person2 store go person1 im sure person2 dont know person1 idea find one person2 would like tell got mine person1 would appreci person2 went get mine ikea person1 furnitur ikea cheap person2 theyr cheap neither furnitur,#Person1# wants a new bedroom set. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# got #Person2#'s from IKEA. person1 hey lili person2 wait someon person1 mean boy met msn person2 your right funni think im love person1 must joke cant fall love someon youv never met person2 know keep think everi day get realli depress he onlin person1 think crush cant seriou person2 well might silli cant get mind cant help miss person1 tell person2 ye said im dream girl person1 shouldnt take serious might lie person2 know cant tell whether he seriou need advic person1 think enlarg circl real life friend right person come along,Lily tells #Person1# she's in love with a boy she met on MSN. #Person1# suggests she shouldn't take it too seriously and should enlarge her circle of real friends. person1 gordon your ever late person2 ye sorri miss bu person1 there bu everi ten minut hour late person2 well miss sever buse person1 earth miss sever buse person2 ah got late person1 oh come gordon afternoon late realli person2 well lost wallet person1 got person2 ye found person1 person2 morn mean person1 convinc explan,"Gordon's over an hour late and tries to make excuses, but #Person1# doesn't believe him at all." person1 make homemi hous alway open person2 ive look forward see person1 would care drink person2 cup soda mepleas person1 go next month person2 im think go europ person1 ohreal go person2 ohi think ill travel around person1 lucki,#Person2# is being a guest at #Person1#'s home. #Person2# tells #Person1# next month #Person2#'s traveling to Europe. person1 want teacher person2 job dream mani year difficult convinc noth nobl reward profess person1 know school person2 ye littl know school one best known town 200 children school,#Person2# wants to be a teacher because it's #Person2#'s dream job. person1 hard time job person2 what wrong julia person1 colleagu quickli get promot alway get sidelin dont know anymor person2 dont give soon person1 dont know els will work hard sometim make mistak boss happi person2 mistak lesson learn person1 tell boss person2 know abraham lincoln person1 ye person2 grew poor kentucki bare year school went becom presid unit state person1 also assassin view person2 known american greatest presid know fought slaveri secess time histori other afraid anyth succeed ambit gener spirit person1 well becom presid least get promot person2 that spirit never give dream,Julia's having a hard time at her job. #Person2# takes Lincoln as an example to inspire her to never give up. person1 studi languag person2 ye im studi foreign languag depart person1 major person2 im major english person1 difficult learn person2 ye languag hard learn interest person1 know anyth britain america person2 im read lot book two countri like cultur person1 right import learn cultur nation want learn languag well person2 your right,#Person2# majors in English. #Person1# thinks learning the culture of a nation is important if people want to learn its language. person1 doctor appoint person2 fine say im pretti healthi overal told troubl sleep sometim offer sleep pill person1 take person2 im afraid theyr harm health person1 go person2 think schedul appoint psychologist mayb cant sleep much anxieti talk someon may help person1 know use troubl sleep found thing help exercis outdoor morn relax day also dont use phone comput 800 pm easili fall asleep 10 person2 good suggest mayb tri thing pay see psychologist person1 yeah might well tri,#Person2# has trouble sleeping sometimes and is going to see the psychologist. #Person1# offers some good suggestions that #Person2# may try. person1 need make plane reserv person2 book trip right destin person1 need fli new york citi person2 date would like book plane ticket person1 need flight juli fourth person2 fli lo angel intern burbank airport prefer person1 fli whatev airport cheapest price person2 choic would rather fli morn later day person1 would like book afternoon flight person2 book flight afternoon ticket arriv mail within 3 day,#Person1# books an afternoon plane ticket to New York City on July fourth with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 hi work person2 cloth factori im tri find anoth job person1 realli person2 know ive work 6 year cant even buy hous person1 like job peopl person2 ye cours job nice peopl nice person1 well like job suggest appli loan person2 appli loan complic isnt person1 absolut must consid 3 thing person2 person1 interest rate bank reput loan term choos bank best servic lowest interest person2 oh good idea thank lot,#Person2# wants to find another job because #Person2# cannot afford a house though #Person2# likes the job. #Person1# suggests #Person2# apply for a loan instead. person1 wrote song last night ive feel creativ late person2 interest ive never heard song bee person1 think last night buzz around flower pick guitar start compos person2 bet lot song person1 oh yeah wrote one ocean day other sock mom pick appl ton thing think im go put album person2 good idea person1 mayb get realli famou go tour want band person2 well style realli differ song happi light person1 sad song would make realli good team think come place later let see sound togeth,#Person1# shares #Person1#'s original songs with #Person2# and invites #Person2# to join #Person1#'s band. person1 help anyth person2 ye im look engag ring girlfriend person1 congratul excit know kind ring your look person2 realli im good kind stuff person1 know like person2 realli like color stone know prefer red yellow like diamond think would also like rubi someth els that realli bright person1 gorgeou rubi ring like silver gold person2 gold person1 one realli nice gold band thinner side person2 like one anyth smaller stone person1 one small stone nice design band person2 think may one im go send photo mom,#Person2# wants an engagement ring for his girlfriend. #Person1# recommends some gorgeous ruby rings. #Person2# chooses a gold one with a smaller stone and will ask his mom for advice. person1 dad take shop weekend need find dress person2 big danc weekend wow sure person1 end month person2 wow believ almost done high school still rememb first day kindergarten person1 yeah im littl anymor im head colleg end summer person2 dont remind im realli go miss person1 ah thank dad,#Person1# wants her dad to take her shopping to buy a dress for the high school big dance. Her dad is nostalgic about her growth. person1 hi mike could pleas tell someth studi experi person2 ok studi australia 5 year america year japan 3 year person1 also studi home countri canada person2 ye cours went primari school canada person1 youv quit lot experi around world person2 ye interest person1 friend like fun america person2 well teenag like parti american student like parti hous everi weekend differ student would invit place would great time,"Mike tells #Person1# his study experiences around the world, then introduces fun activities when he was in America." person1 schedul tomorrow person2 let see meet bill line 1000 morn paperwork readi trip nation lab 300 afternoon 700 even well dinner mr cooper manag lg compani person1 anoth busi day pleas dont plan anyth saturday im go basketbal match famili,#Person2# tells #Person1# the schedule for tomorrow. #Person1# asks #Person2# not to plan anything for Saturday. person1 hello want ask draw money person2 quit long line front bank window pleas use machin person1 use person2 pleas plug bank card oper step person1 card doesnt come plug person2 doesnt happen gener person1 one hundr yuan come withdraw 500 yuan person2 sir pleas take easi person1 withdraw 500 yuan 5000 yuan come haha nice person2 sir pleas dont lose daydream mani peopl wait,"#Person2# tells #Person1# how to draw money from the machine, then #Person1# keeps imaging situations where the machine is broken." person1 jean person2 fit well like style find littl bit long person1 roll littl person2 guess could would look differ person1 see make shorter want person2 yeah would great person1 sure thing though take 2 hour pay first come back afternoon even pick person2 that fine pick tomorrow person1 problem,#Person2# likes new jeans but they are too long. #Person1# offers to make them shorter. #Person2#'ll pick them up tomorrow. person1 hello want know much cost manicur pedicur person2 usual 60 dollar manicur 80 dollar pedicur special discount total one hundr 20 dollar get paint person1 that nice id like give tri think like passion red pleas person2 alrightdo want cuticl cut person1 person2 would like shape squar round person1 squar round edg pleas person2 right done pleas follow dri section person1 long take get dri person2 ten five minut youll set person1 see thank,#Person2# tells #Person2# doing a manicure and pedicure together is one hundred and 20 dollars. #Person2# finishes the operation and takes #Person1# to the drying section. person1 hi welcom lincoln corpor servic help person2 hi wonder kind fix asset loan fix asset loan person1 ye youll go accept applic first review evalu examin final get approv dont read brochur outlin import aspect loan term condit etc person2 that good idea familiaris ill back decid go ahead,#Person1# introduces how to apply for fixed asset loans and gives #Person2# a brochure to know more. person1 doctor save babi pleas person2 symptom person1 fever one day home febril convuls teeth fist clench eye turn loss call ambul brought babi person2 long convuls last person1 3 minut person2 complaint person1 three day ago began cough sneez run nose yesterday began fever person2 taken temperatur person1 38 c morn 39 c person2 let examin see rash rash person1 seriou mening person2 mening high fever convuls result viru upper respiratori tract inflect person1 admit hospit person2 need admiss ill give babi analgia nose drop bring temperatur first give prescript pink tablet use fever temperatur 38 c give one tablet tablet sed convuls white liquid cold give babi plenti water drink person1 thank much doctor,"#Person1#'s baby has a fever and febrile convulsions. The doctor asks about the symptoms and duration. Then the doctor examines the baby and says there is no need for hospital admissions since it's not serious, and tells #Person1# what #Person1# needs to do." person1 luci like fix light corridor keep flash drive crazi would like help ladder person2 monica wait moment think better call repair man person1 think handl person2 like look safeti manual compani person1 see got hurt fix light even offic hour get compens compani sinc repair respons person2 compani rule also need attent person1 like one never wear loos cloth hair oper shredder yeah thank tell person2 mention,"Monica wants to fix the light by herself, and Lucy stops her by advising her to look at the safety manual." person1 hi becki what person2 much except motherinlaw drive wall person1 what problem person2 love nitpick critic everyth never anyth right around person1 exampl person2 well last week invit dinner husband problem food listen would seem like fed old meat rotten veget there noth pleas person1 cant see happen know your good cook noth like would ever happen person2 also critic rais kid person1 motherinlaw use thing us wasnt disciplin enough disciplin much also complain food fed school sent everyth els sun,Becky complains that her mother-in-law likes to criticize everything she does for example the food Becky made and how they raise the kids. #Person1#'s mother-in-law did the same thing on children rasing. person1 take bu work person2 yeah everyday one choic buse go direct person1 hmm problem leav work alway rush hour buse alway crowd person2 oh yeah terribl tell funniest thing seen china mani peopl tri get onto one citi bu last guy squeez tight door tightli press butt person1 sound terribl way describ know long ago realli suffer bu person2 happen hard time get bu person1 imagin wait first bu full wait second still crowd decid wait next one got second bu full stand one foot kid person2 hmm good exercis uh person1 yeah absolut person2 much fun one day bodi tightli pack girl behind press front afraid put hand fear accident grope person1 happi person2 think good boy,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about crowded buses. #Person1# says #Person1# once stood on one foot on a full bus as he decided not to wait for another one, and #Person2# says he tried desperately to not accidentally put hands on a girl since the bus was too full." person1 tomorrow ill take place im sure interest person2 els havent yet person1 mani one folk antiqu handicraft collect exhibit hall person2 sound great mani kind folk collect person1 well therer actual 200 kind folk collect citi that half collect antiqu object china there one exhibit hall multipl collect sever individu display room privat collect person2 privat collector oh must excel collect ill go see kind collect see come david dont keep suspens person1 hurri ill tell collect includ ancient case casket tea set abacus preciou sea shell conch jar water abacus studi use drama costum agat ancient coin butterfli fan mini music instrument rootcarv rare stone rock model ship model car person2 enough david cant wait anymor let go right person1 okey okey well start folk collect exhibit hous multifolk collect exhibit hall best local antiqu object constant display hall use site local club late king dynasti well preserv piec antiqu architectur academ research seminar exchang domest intern expert often organ person2 interest that realli place must go see person1 interest butterfli must go butterfli exhibit mr chen owner privat museum larg collect specimen 1 000 speci butterfli 20 countri public display quit lot statelevel treasur person2 mr chen becom author area master butterfli sampl make say,David tells #Person2# tomorrow he will take #Person2# to the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls. David introduces the number of collections displayed in different rooms and kinds of collections. #Person2# can't wait to visit. They will start from the Folk Collection Exhibition House and #Person1# recommends the Butterfly Exhibition owned by Mr. Chen. person1 excus tell way railway station person2 go straight along street turn left first cross walk straight ahead 100 meter cant miss person1 long take get person2 20 minuteswalk think person1 see bu take person2 ye take 5 bu get next stop person1 thank much help person2 pleasur,#Person2# tells #Person1# the way to the railway station and the bus #Person1# can take to get there. person1 hello mr fang good see today person2 hello miao ping id like open foreign currenc account today person1 shouldnt problem mr fang got certif use foreign exchang account foreign exchang account open notic wide use currenc us dollar japanes yen hong kong dollar person2 need open us dollar account trade america go year person1 transact soon materi given check verifi person2 good thank look forward hear,Miao Ping helps Mr. Fang open a US dollar account and tells him they will transact immediately after checking and verifying his materials. person1 hello jason go screen final destin 3 campu cinema tomorrow plan go see person2 horror movi person1 yeah love horror movi would like go tomorrow person2 way scare wit person1 that funni didnt know big fellow like could soft timid insid person2 hey would like tast fist person1 alright joke asid kind move like person2 um let see romanc comedi documentari action scienc fiction anim person1 say like genr except horror movi person2 yeah seem like dont speak languag far movi concern person1 quit also greatli enjoy romanc comedi person2 notebook type movi person1 realli havent heard person2 well could nice opportun enjoy togeth bet youd love person1 ok cant wait see let go,#Person1# invites Jason to watch a horror movie with #Person1#. Jason refuses because he doesn't want to be scared. They discuss the genres they like and decide to watch a romantic comedy called The Notebook. person1 everyon fill entri permit person2 ye videograph alreadi start film parent tri speak english flight attend person1 speak flight attend keep smile wonder person2 itll year 2000 flight attend come theyr carri bottl champagn person1 that time person2 time person1 time make wed wish come true person2 mean get marri plane person1 ive got ring readi person2 dont know say jack person1 hope youll say ye,Jack and #Person1# are on a plane talking about the flight attendants. Then Jack proposes to #Person1# suddenly which surprises #Person2#. person1 hurri person2 finish soon possibl person1 dont worri step step person2 learn person1 dont worri step step person2 feel realli stupid,#Person1# encourages #Person2# who feels self-abased in learning. person1 hear festiv call duanwu china person2 ye also call dragon boat festiv person1 celebr festiv person2 celebr commemor great patriot poet china qu yuan person1 day person2 well rice dumpl what also dragon boat match place southern china person1 see,#Person2# introduces #Person1# to the origin and customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. person1 respons accid toni fault person2 dont suppos he blame man car made big mistak person1 mean toni victim dont think he equal respons tri overtak person2 yeah think everyon go easi drive,#Person1# and #Person2# agrees that everyone is responsible for the accident. person1 great parti thank stay behind help clear person2 certainli great parti piti glass plate got broken someon spill drink person1 expect someth might get broken doesnt bother spill drink wont leav stain person2 doubt ill deal right away luckili wasnt glass red wine ill get bowl water cloth person1 im go put rubbish big plastic bag person2 afterward wash togeth everyth finish within hour friend keith realli funni like magic trick person1 ye he good isnt told funni stori person2 amanda told funni joke begin parti seriou person1 think litter much punch person2 put punch tast great quit strong person1 that littl secret like snack prepar person2 much birthday cake delici wasnt emili told karen made person1 cake tast good disappear within minut think everyon like lot how stain person2 clean readi start wash,#Person1# helps #Person2# clear up the things after a party. #Person2# thinks it was great except that someone spilled a drink. Then they discuss how to clean the spilled drink and talk about the people and food at the party. The stain is cleaned up as they talk. person1 take forev hair person2 give minut person1 shouldv done alreadi person2 go person1 dont think your done person2 what wrong person1 hair look hideou person2 what bad person1 doesnt look good person2 sorri person1 realli hope didnt expect pay person2 well let talk manag okay,#Person1# is unsatisfied with the haircut made by #Person2# and refuses to pay for it. person1 dont sad realli think feel opinion get divorc mayb best way solv problem person2 know clearli bottom heart cant set mind rest child she littl understand us accept truth person1 yeah child matter dont tell jenni truth tell white lie grow find suitabl opportun tell person2 see ok,#Person1# encourages #Person2# to divorce but #Person2# is worried about her daughter. #Person1# suggests her telling the white lie. person1 know ammo hung person2 cours 50 year old start studi alemb sing danc martial art age nine tar 140 kung fu film also becom independ produc director person1 know one aspect know would kitchen person2 idea tell person1 kitchen wife side still put quit dinner time show person2 person1 imagin chef chop veget fast forward pictur man make stirfri toss mixtur air catch everi last bit work culinari motto isenjoy moment want know hey theycook visit www studioclassroom com tw recip,"#Person2# tells about the things #Person2# knows about Ammo Hung including his achievement and career, and #Person1# says Ammo Hung also puts on a cooking show and introduces it." person1 mari today man intermediari gave call person2 say person1 said saw jobseek inform internet could offer appropri job person2 kind intermediari person1 recruit agenc special introduc talent peopl compani busi person2 job recommend person1 telemarket person2 ask pay fee person1 said employ pay person2 think person1 feel ok want give tri person2 sure must verifi first dont easili make promis person1 cours person2 good luck,#Person1# tells Mary a man from an intermediary recommends a job on telemarketing to #Person1# for free. Mary asks #Person1# to verify the offer carefully. person1 peter listen lyric song person2 what special song person1 music popular new york right like person2 much sound emot person1 that popular record barbara tutin ive heard sang song stage open night creat quit sensat person2 im afraid associ broadway music rather limit person1 well need introduct school drama club put music product go togeth person2 better idea let go jazz concert ill give educ jazz,"#Person1# wants to interest Peter in musicals by inviting him to the school drama club, but Peter prefers giving #Person1# an education in jazz." person1 turn sir sorri wait saturday busi day us person2 suppos hair cut pleas person1 want hair cut particular way person2 id like trim dont cut short person1 ye sir sideburn person2 think need littl trim person1 use clipper person2 dont use pleas person1 right sir person2 would trim bit ear person1 dont think need littl taken talk person2 oh ye would better person1 like person2 much ye thatfin person1 shave also sir person2 ye person1 want mustach trim,#Person2# wants to get a haircut and tells #Person1# his requirements on trimming off certain parts. After the haircut #Person2# asks #Person1# to shave as well. person1 would go bookstor person2 sound good idea let go person1 know jefferi publish second detect novel person2 ye heard know want buy im interest detect novel person1 interest person2 magazin fashion cosmo polian person1 know magazin popular person2 ye lend person1 thank im interest,"#Person1# is interested in Jeffery's detective novels, while #Person2# is interested in Magazines about fashions." person1 hello name bill martin reserv parti tonight person2 ye person1 need cancel last minut chang plan person2 see would like reschedul anoth night person1 ok let know earli possibl way abl get refund cancel person2 certainli person1 thank much person2 that right hope help time goodby person1 goodby,Bill Martin wants to cancel the reservation for the party tonight and asks for a refund on the cancellation. person1 busi today person2 help person1 im sure perhap could shop person2 ill glad help person1 mayb make bed person2 ask help person1 thank that terrif person2 im readi will help,#Person1# is busy and #Person2# is very willing to help. person1 good morn anyth person2 enlarg pictur person1 ye size want person2 want enlarg 5 inch person1 problem come get pictur friday,#Person2# requests #Person1# to enlarge the picture. person1 simpli couldnt help give fishey knew person2 ben bad man know z person1 howev disappoint us much time person2 understand,#Person2# supports Ben while #Person1# complains about him. person1 good morn sir person2 good morn id like haircut person1 well pleas sit want cut hair close person2 pleas cut side shorter much back person1 hot season isnt may suggest thin top person2 that good idea leav front person1 sever minut later done satisfactori person2 good thank person1 anyth els sir person2 thank,#Person1# cuts #Person2#'s hair by thinning out the top without cutting the front based on #Person1#'s suggestions and #Person2#'s requirements. person1 hi need talk properti manag right away person2 properti manag seem problem person1 morn woke water pour ceil person2 could tell room leak person1 sever room worst leak bathroom person2 could pleas remind floor person1 second floor one middl floor person2 send assist manag check may look morn person1 actual go school right person2 arent use master key get check thing,"#Person1# calls the property manager to fix the leaks in their rooms, and the manager decides to send the assistant manager to check things out." person1 help person2 wife want go beij tour arrang person1 ye arrang person2 id like know kind tour travel agenc person1 travel agenc provid kind tour rang individu tour group packag tour person2 excel person1 expect come person2 septemb 28th person1 specif place wish visit person2 would like visit great wall ming tomb imperi palac person1 ok,"#Person2# helps #Person1#, who wants to visit specific places, arrange a tour to Beijing on September 28th." person1 hello help person2 hello laundri readi room number 210 person1 im afraid still wash person2 take stain person1 ye need wait moment person2 that right get back afternoon realli need tonight person1 ye readi person2 ok way pleas get press person1 problem,#Person2# requests #Person1# to get the laundry ready and pressed by the afternoon. person1 miss liu pleas come person2 sir person1 copi report person2 ok size use person1 use a4 paper right person2 see bound person1 unnecessari person2 right,#Person1# asks Miss Liu to copy a report for him. person1 ive never restaur like person2 realli differ isnt person1 that good word describ person2 hope your hungri pizza huge well die person1 hungri think could eat lot person2 well let order one starter person1 im mood californian pizza person2 happen favorit waiter think readi order,#Person2# takes #Person1# to an unusual restaurant and they decide to order a Californian pizza. person1 hotel india got rank number one hotel world person2 silli websit special top ten list sell ad person1 travel leisur magazin person2 oh realli realli know stuff hey look like palac person1 design ancient palac northern india person2 look like lot room balconi person1 yeah suit direct access privat pool room wifi flat screen tv kingsiz bed daili newspap person2 ok stop talk weve got make reserv person1 well hang second dont realli like indian food person2 thought offer choic besid indian food person1 mayb also part india pretti quiet there shop club peopl go relax person2 that ok go shop anywher person1 room start 350 per night suit 750 per night person2 whoa thought india suppos inexpens,"#Person1# shows #Person2# the hotel in India which got ranked the number one hotel worldwide. #Person2# wants to make their reservations at that hotel and they discuss the details, and #Person2# is surprised at the price." person1 good morn help person2 ye id like know someth weather new york week person1 well fairli hot there much rain even person2 see thank much help,#Person1# tells #Person2# the weather in New York. person1 happen ive wait almost hour person2 vm sorri car troubl person1 oh that bad couldnt telephon person2 go didnt chang pay phone person1 couldv gotten chang store person2 edg town wasnt place get chang person1 well least your need wait longer let get start,#Person2# is late because #Person2# had car trouble and couldn't get change to phone anyone. person1 homestay famili chosen person2 special requir famili must meet invit intern student requir famili lie live within reason distanc school enough live space student live clean safe comfort area also work famili enjoy intern student tri match student famili best person1 stay homestay famili expect person2 famili treat guest expect obey hous rule famili provid singl share room choic meal case student expect share bathroom experi shown us live famili interest effect way learn languag rememb homestay famili differ custom habit perhap use meal prepar famili homestay famili within 30 minut travel time school smaller citi less time take reach school,#Person1# asks #Person2# how home-stay families are chosen. #Person2# also says that the family will treat the student as a guest and the student should obey house rules. #Person2# also talks about the experience of living with the family. person1 excus sir come appli posit account person2 oh pleas sit univers graduat person1 graduat tianjin colleg commerc person2 major colleg person1 major account person2 name cours complet relat account person1 sure took cours account principl commerci account cost account industr account electron data process account account involv foreign capit enterpris person2 kind work person1 im engag account person2 respons present work person1 work involv variou routin bookkeep basic account task includ journal entri verifi data reconcil discrep prepar detail report raw data check account document complet mathemat accuraci consist person2 familiar prc financi tax regul person1 think person2 tell someth balanc sheet person1 cours balanc sheet contain three major section asset liabil owner equiti see total current liabil compani 3 372 000 owner equiti 5 400 000 mean total asset equal sum creditor owner equiti 8 772 000 person2 what creditor equiti person1 creditor equiti liabil,#Person1# wants to apply for the position of accountant. #Person2# interviews #Person1# and asks about #Person1#'s educational background. #Person1# is engaged in accounting currently and #Person1#'s work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic accounting tasks. #Person1# also explains the balance sheet and the definition of creditor's equity. person1 hey that nice hairdo your wear person2 oh your exagger im never realli good make hairdo person1 wow good person2 thank say husband think otherwis person1 he got idea good,"#Person1# compliments #Person2#'s hairdo, which #Person2#'s husband doesn't like." person1 guess paul susan engag person2 realli happen person1 week ago met last summer sink marri soon person2 set date wed person1 yet susan say theyd like get marri novemb decemb theyll go hawaii honeymoon,"#Person1# tells #Person2# Paul and Susan, who met last summer, are engaged." person1 hello abc compani person2 ye may help person1 arriv tokyo weve look reserv car compani find person2 reserv number person1 reserv number j221 person2 let see oh ye reserv number person1 mean havent arrang car person2 im sorri say person1 ill take taxi instead refund us,"#Person1# calls #Person2# to ask the location of their reserved car, but #Person2# hasn't arranged it." person1 thank come shop person2 im honor thought ask person1 ive never given speech front thousand peopl person2 your go great your go look great person1 thank let decid one suit look best occas person2 still like oliv one best there tailor take sleev person1 question done friday person2 guy profession think done tomorrow let ask,#Person2# helps #Person1# to pick a suit for #Person1#'s speech which needs to be tailored before Friday. person1 steven would like go danc us tonight person2 john mood person1 look upset what go person2 lost tabl tenni game yesterday person1 oh piti person2 dont want play tabl tenni person1 bad noth game person2 oppon bowl first ball wonder appropri play tabl tenni person1 oh come failur mother success dont lose heart im sure youll succeed person2 perhap right still need time recov failur person1 understand,Steven lost the table tennis game and feels upset. John encourages him but Steven thinks he needs time to recover. person1 go year abroad tim person2 studi studi studi want learn lot person1 your go take cours person2 ye im go take univers cours person1 sound hard person2 ye think probabl best person1 wont get lone person2 hey im pretti cool guy ill make friend ill lot extracurricular activ know like fenc theater someth,"Tim tells #Person1# he plans to study, make friends, and enjoy activities during the year abroad." person1 think start busi know want take restaur busi cant stand work food industri person2 ok realli want person1 want sell skateboard cloth shoe person2 want run cloth shop person1 actual skateboard shop person2 would make shop differ other person1 thought could make tshirt mayb dad could lend money first person2 sound ok youll talk dad,#Person1# wants to start a skateboarding shop and make their own T-shirts by lending money from #Person2# and #Person1#'s dad. person1 hey peter im sorri person2 hi diana what wrong person1 go hong kong weekend im afraid cant go person2 come person1 realli big geographi test studi person2 go next weekend instead person1 dont want ruin weekend go ahead pleas take book bought friend salli tell studi weekend cant afford fail test person2 ok ill go piti cant come,Diana cannot go to Hong Kong because she has a test and she asks Peter to go without her. person1 good morn person2 look flat 2 peopl near univers person1 well sever place avail rent rang 80 150 month requir person2 think flat 100 month good prefer live quiet street need least 2 bedroom person1 well got 2 flat meet requir one cost 85 month 2 mile away univers person2 well that littl far walk one person1 second one 32 mile away univers smaller expens 100 month person2 go look second one want examin room make final decis person1 problem pleas wait 5 minut need finish type piec materi person2 ok,#Person2# wants a flat for 2 people near the university which is under $100 a month. #Person1# recommends two flats and #Person2# decides to see the nearer one. person1 like pictur put wall yesterday person2 oh thank photograph took vacat last year person1 took didnt know photograph person2 oh ye ive take pictur year person1 sound interest anymor pictur may see person2 ye certainli face face peopl see im walk around person1 let know your take pictur person2 tri dont like pictur peopl set camera like peopl go busi without know camera person1 suppos need lot equip mani camera well dozen use two other,#Person1# compliments #Person2#'s photograph and #Person2# has been taking pictures for years. #Person1# asks #Person2# about the backgrounds when #Person2# took the pictures and the equipment #Person2# use. person1 darl im go stop bergner first got qualiti stuff know dress might sale person2 bergner person1 fairli well known store like penni need get someth lisa birthday she name brand suggest person2 gucci handbag calvin klein tshirt might nice oh 15 discount card penni let go ahead use person1 wonder save money home oh suppos give helen call hour ago alreadi 445 left phone must still wait call person2 use phone darl person1 ok telephon number 61199621 person2 oh god still dont rememb 61299621 last number differ mine mine 2 person1 dont blame chang 3 day person2 ok write notebook,#Person1# tells #Person2# they need to buy Lisa a gift and #Person2# recommends some brands. Then #Person1# suddenly remembers #Person1# hasn't called Helen who is with #Person1#'s phone and asks #Person2# #Person1#'s telephone number. person1 oh eric could pleas turn tv im tri studi person2 oh come ive got home work need relax person1 that point dont relax sound loud person2 well mind close bedroom door wont turn tv person1 sorri cant door broken rememb person2 ok ill turn tv want watch favorit program hour person1 sure problem,#Person1# asks Eric to turn the TV off and Eric finally agrees to watch later. person1 mom hate eat veget person2 eat mind person1 thank mom dessert love chocol cake person2 dessert unless eat veget person1 like fair person2 fruit dessert eat appl banana might let small piec chocol cake person1 ok actual mind eat pea carrot buy hate broccoli cauliflow person2 rememb next time get extra pea carrot buy broccoli cauliflow ok person1 thank mom,#Person1# hates eating vegetables but #Person2# says #Person1# cannot eat dessert unless #Person1# finishes the vegetables. #Person1# agrees to eat peas and carrots. person1 rockbottom price mr lee person2 that case there much point discuss might well call whole deal person1 mean well never abl come price gap great person2 think unwis either us inflex meet halfway person1 what propos person2 unit price 100 dollar higher want well suggest meet halfway person1 mean reduct 50 dollar price that imposs person2 would suggest person1 best anoth 30 dollar that definit lowest go person2 still leav gap 20 dollar let meet halfaway split differ think price satisfi person1 ok meet halfway,"#Person1# and Mr. Lee are discussing the price, and they finally agree to meet each half-way again and split the difference." person1 good morn ms chan get today person2 good morn mr church id like lamb chop children lunch person1 shoulder chop ms chan person2 ye ill take four shoulder chop id like small chicken person1 would like choos chicken person2 one cheaper person1 one cheapest person2 much dont much cash give check person1 ye cours ms chan,#Person1# helps Ms. Chan get some lamb chops for the children's lunch and a small chicken. person1 hi boss want see person2 zina look know hire told id pay salari cant person1 excus hope didnt hear think heard person2 know awkward your go thank later im go make rich person1 your go make rich pay,Zina is suprised when #Person2# tells Zina that he'll not pay her a salary. person1 hello jack person2 speak person1 jack rose person2 hi rose how everyth person1 fine thank im sever friend dinner saturday wonder time join us person2 sound good time want come person1 six oclock okay,Rose calls Jack and invites him for dinner this Saturday. person1 like waltz person2 nice like much person1 well may invit first danc person2 pleasur im afraid im much dancer suppos danc often person1 oh fact took danc quit recent person2 oh realli your waltz wonder well person1 im glad say danc beauti lucki got partner person2 thank compliment good leader like foxtrot tango person1 ye danc best person2 disco favorit like better danc releas one pentup feel healthi exercis dont rock roll break danc person1 oh well music stop thank danc person2 pleasur let go drink person1 fine,"#Person1# invites #Person2# for the first dance. #Person1# compliments #Person2#'s beautiful dance, and #Person2# says #Person1# is a good leader. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# likes disco best. Then they go for a drink." person1 here drink sir person2 that right didnt order coffe order cola person1 oh im terribl sorri sir ill go get cola right away person2 waiter person1 ye sir ill bring drink right away person2 there anim soup person1 sir im sorri ill chang straight away person2 ive never dirti restaur never seen slow servic person1 im realli sorri,"#Person2# ordered a cola, but #Person1# gives him a coffee, and #Person2# finds an animal in the soup." person1 good morn mari person2 good morn john person1 want friend dinner parti celebr birthday would abl come next weekend saturday person2 id delight john saturday say person1 ye that right person2 im pretti sure ill right fact id delight come celebr birthday time plan start person1 oh good could come around six thirti seven oclock would give us time chat whit glass wine dinner person2 sound fine ill around seven,"John invites Mary to his dinner party to celebrate his birthday the next weekend on Saturday, and Mary agrees." person1 think movi person2 didnt like bit couldnt stand music besid stori bore put sleep person1 notic excit expect music great im alway found jazz movi lot jazz person2 know howev jazz alway annoy realli dont enjoy music movi person1 im sorri hear kind movi like person2 anyth lot action like thriller chiller person1 oh see person2 well enjoy popcorn your import movi person1 thank sweet word person2 time,"#Person1# and #Person2# both think the movie isn't exciting. #Person1# likes Jazz, while #Person2# thinks Jazz annoys him. #Person2# prefers movies with a lot of action." person1 lodg must come around sometim check mew stereo person2 sure good time person1 make tuesday person2 time want person1 anytim six fine person2 right date,#Person1# asks Lodge to come to check out #Person1#'s stereo. person1 hi im jake im new choir what name person2 hello name tonia person1 sing alto person2 actual soprano alto director ask sing alto next perfor person1 look like float back forth im bariton person2 bass section realli good your go love sing person1 heard warm earlier your right person2 good group alway use good bariton,"Jake is new to the choir, and Tonia welcomes him. Tonia can do soprano and alto, and Jake's baritone." person1 hey surpris person2 person1 open card read person2 trip china summer vacat wow wonder surpris thank best surpris ive ever,#Person1# prepares a surprise for #Person2#. person1 hi sir come look kind sweater person2 im look sweater wife tomorrow birthday know need woolen sweater person1 like grey one pure wool one hundr percent xinjiang wool person2 feel good cowlneck pullov color wife prefer turtleneck vshape collar person1 ye size want person2 size one way bring home sweater wife doesnt like person1 well alway bring back us full refund person2 right could giftwrap pleas person1 ye moment pleas,"#Person2# wants a sweater for his wife as a birthday present, and #Person2#'s wife prefers a turtleneck. #Person1# recommends one, and #Person2#'ll take it." person1 hello help maam person2 ye could tell send money someon account bank germani person1 well pay mail telegraph swift transfer banker draft mail beneficiari person2 best way person1 depend amount fast want person receiv money swift transfer fastest method banker draft usual cheapest much wan na send person2 800 person1 dont send mail payment order person2 long take person1 week person2 dont know send quickli person1 sure telegraph swift transfer person2 long take person1 telegraph transfer swift transfer normal credit paye account within three four work day depend whether beneficiari bank among correspond bank rout transfer third bank person2 see pay telegraph transfer person1 fill form maam,#Person1# tells #Person2# how to send money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany and recommends a Telegraphic and a SWIFT transfer to send it quickly. person1 get assign go time around person2 ask go pari check new offic establish person1 hong kong would like go somewher differ chang person2 teach cantones ill pull string get trade next time around person1 realli want learn remind get back busi trip person2 your person1 leav person2 im schedul fli tenth,"#Person1# and #Person2# shares where they got assigned to go. #Person2# asks #Person1# to teach #Person2# Cantonese, and #Person1# agrees." person1 good afternoon look littl stuck help person2 thing ive got inform leaflet cant make head tail person1 see exactli interest person2 im sure would better buy insur put money save deposit person1 well depend much want invest person2 think around 10 000 rib person1 that nice round figur deal ok buy insur polici yearli fix incom would 94 35 rib person2 save deposit person1 save deposit could actual get see time deposit interest rate 1 58 20 interest tax technic could get third person2 wow third good,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# cannot decide which one to invest. #Person1# calculates the benefits of buying insurance and the Savings Deposit, and finds can get more from the latter." person1 hello sir may help person2 yeah accident drop phone toilet person1 see well come right place one hundr model twenti lead mobil phone manufactur person2 sound good dont want expens mayb someth midrang person1 new etc smart phone come android os download applic also builtin camera mp3 player touch screen work 3g network fast access internet wherev person2 wifi person1 cours access internet hotspot well home person2 one last thing waterproof,#Person2# accidentally dropped his phone in the toilet and wants to buy a new one. #Person1# recommends one to him. person1 well particular interest collect stamp especi rare one person2 im afraid that cup tea find skindiv attract person1 ever stamp display town,"#Person1# likes collecting stamps, and #Person2# likes skin-driving." person1 offic today person2 realli busi day work littl overtim morn import client call place larg order check thing colleagu confirm order person1 kind thing need check person2 import thing check good stock good stock deliv immedi also check price custom import get special price person1 see anyth els happen person2 receiv lot email potenti client answer time check file see agre earlier meet client differ condit requir person1 must difficult rememb detail individu client person2 ye that everyth comput file dont use much paper offic lunch deal complaint client person1 hate deal complaint legitim complaint person2 ye manag sort problem tie matter hour person1 certainli busi day person2 that also finish write sale report boss end finish everyth wonder wait tomorrow morn,"#Person2# was busy today. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# checked the goods in stock, received emails from clients, and dealt with the complaints. #Person2# also needs to finish writing a sales report for #Person2#'s boss." person1 good morn welcom time time watch person2 id like buy watch person1 well youv come right place kind watch look person2 well im sure let see much one person1 hmm rolex 1 000 person2 oh dont think afford one person1 one 500 person2 wow that much dont anyth cheaper,"#Person2# would like to buy a watch, and #Person1# recommends some. #Person2# thinks they're expensive." person1 bob see supervisor need sign paper person2 offic youd better choos word care talk person1 what person2 noth bad mood today person1 thank warn person2 that right,Bob reminds #Person1# to choose words carefully while talking to the supervisor. person1 enjoy restaur person2 didnt realli like much person1 think problem person2 well pretti new didnt feel readi open yet person1 feel food person2 food wasnt excit person1 dont think servic good either person2 ye servic certainli didnt add experi person1 would like return restaur person2 mayb could tri month thing settl,#Person2# didn't enjoy the restaurant and tells #Person1# where the problems lie in. person1 your make blood boil person2 calm madam person1 im explod youv made mess matter person2 sorri hear youv mani problem person1 sorri isnt good enough help person2 understand your angri mr wilson believ everyth power work person1 well obvious your good enough person2 could give us day abl get straighten,Mrs. Wilson is angry because #Person2# has made a mess of the matter. person1 late person2 actual havent sleep well kind person1 reason cant get enough sleep person2 go bed cant get comfort enough stay asleep person1 turn night person2 usual tri go bed around 11 person1 lot mind tri go sleep person2 mother ill cancer think lot person1 ever medit read bedtim person2 usual watch lot televis go bed mayb tri someth els help quiet,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# cannot sleep well and thinks about mom's cancer when trying to sleep. #Person2#'ll try something to help quiet down. person1 amen bill say owe 10 movi never order one person2 let see say charg monday 900 p movietitan person1 that absolut wrong explor citi monday night person2 okay let see person1 thank didnt think would simpl person2 take 10 bill need charg 2 servic person1 seriou pay 2 movi never watch person2 unfortun sir comput program person1 outrag im never come back hotel person2 im sorri sir perhap youd like write letter headquart,"#Person1#'s amenities bill says #Person1# owes $10 for a movie, but #Person1# never ordered one. #Person2# explains and tells #Person1# what #Person2# can do, but #Person1# isn't satisfied." person1 jack dont know write resum could tell person2 first write name contact inform person1 contact inform includ person2 land line phone number mobil phone number email box person1 anyth els person2 write object seek posit foreign trade person1 see posit desir person2 ye emphas skill educ background relat experi person1 see skill specialti educ background easi well relat experi littl work experi person2 dont worri take time accumul experi need confid person1 see way write educ background start elementari school person2 gener colleg person1 thank much write right,#Person1# doesn't know how to write #Person1#'s resume and asks Jack for help. Jack instructs #Person1# and encourages #Person1# to stay confident. person1 dont think poppa right posit person2 agre he got experi comput oper littl train program anderson person1 like seem enthusiast know lot program person2 that true think depend enough though he alreadi two differ job year might work coupl month decid leav person1 suppos last supervisor wrote threepag letter recommend say anderson excel programm person2 probabl dont want leav weve spent lot time train actual think logan best candid person1 hasnt work sinc got marri hasnt person2 she take care famili realli devot person1 oh ye letter princip say wonder job think shell good programm person2 bet excel letter recommend teacher institut attend person1 that true person2 logan seem profession welldress seem posit attitud work us,"#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing who is more suitable for the position. They both agree that Logan is more suitable than Anderson and Poppas, for Logan is really devoted and seems more professional." person1 good morn plaza hotel help person2 hello im check room rate much singl room pleas person1 well sir singl 180 240 dollar person2 doubl person1 doubl room 270 330 dollar person2 includ tax suppos person1 price includ breakfast servic charg extra person2 thank much think got that singl 180 240 dollar doubl 270 dollar person1 price doubl 270 330 dollar person2 oh see get extra bed need one person1 ye cours extra bed 45 dollar person2 okay that fine thank much person1 your welcom,#Person2# is checking the room rates and #Person1# tells #Person2# the prices. The price doesn't include tax and service charge but includes breakfast. person1 good afternoon abc import may help person2 ye may speak mr jame johnson pleas person1 im afraid mr johnson isnt avail right would like leav messag person2 richard alexand star electron import return call afternoon person1 offic number mobil phone number person2 think let give person1 okay person2 offic number 7145552000 cell phone number 9095552308 reach offic number 6 pm anytim today mobil person1 well ill give messag soon return offic,"Richard wants to speak to Mr. James Johnson, but #Person1# tells him Mr. James isn't available and asks Richard to leave a message." person1 hi tom read person2 oh hi tanya newspap commun news carri good news person1 oh yeah think ive seen person2 yeah isnt great idea im fed bad news read time time someon offer creativ choic mainstream newspap person1 dont know problem good news know your get whole stori sugarco truth doesnt sound like object journal side stori fact report,"Tom tells Tanya he's reading a newspaper. Tom says it only carries good news, and Tanya thinks it doesn't like objective journalism." person1 what go person2 mean what happen well constabl im tri get window freud help person1 climb window leav front door person2 well see cant find key im hurri come freud wast time person1 minut two dont think your tell truth isnt hous person2 brother im stay person1 home person2 im afraid he jail housebreak moment,"#Person2# explains to #Person1# why he is climbing through the window, but #Person1# doesn't believe his excuses." person1 catherin look great photo person2 oh thank got wed dress great difficulti small person1 didnt get one size person2 oh grandmoth mother wore wed day realli want wear mine suffer six month could wear person1 person2 know diet mani actor dont think healthi long time realli work person1 think meat allow diet person2 actual eat thing like um roast chicken steak bacon cant eat bread butter person1 diet love avoid person2 that right diet bore hope wont need wear wed dress anyway,"#Person1# thinks Catherine looks great in the photo, and Catherine tells #Person1# how she suffered to lose weight in six months to wear the wedding dress." person1 mr baker happi see miss green everi morn good secretari one monday miss green didnt come work ill terribl cold bad headach phone mr baker telephon ring good morn mr baker person2 good morn miss green what wrong person1 home im ill im afraid ive got terribl cold bad headach person2 im sorri hear well youd better stay home person1 thank mr baker see tomorrow person2 see tomorrow goodby person1 goodby mr baker,Miss Green phones Mr. Baker to tell him she cannot come to work because of illness. person1 read bill person2 week new scientist person1 wonder look interest ive never actual read real scientist ordinari peopl like understand person2 oh anyon realli usual articl stori current affair scienc well paper new develop research im read new telephon allow see person speak well hear person1 oh ive heard market yet buy one person2 one compani made model tri busi one special color imag move person1 oh that interest person2 see first videophonesthat calledwer made japan show still blackandwhit imag videophon much better mind im sure id want one would person1 well dont think would bet cost lot money say much cost person2 ye earli blackandwhit one cost sever hundr pound one cost sever thousand pound person1 hum anybodi want one think person2 busi organ need frequent contact oversea organ would want like facetofac convers mayb lot oversea travel avoid person1 ye suppos,"Bill tells #Person1# he's reading this week's New Scientist, and ordinary people can read and understand it. Bill introduces the new telephone he's reading about, which allows people to see the person they'are speaking to. Bill and #Person2# both think they wouldn't buy it." person1 tell us like even person2 well like music listen lot pop music like watch tv much better read book,#Person2# tells #Person1# what #Person2# likes doing in the evening. person1 he bye dad person2 wait wait wait go person1 dad ive alreadi told mom im go tonight person2 mean your go date person1 yeah mom met dirk yesterday dirk he sooo cool go doubled cindi evan person2 dirk person1 go person2 wait wait want meet guy person1 he wait person2 well go tonight go librari person1 dad go eat go catch movi person2 movi rate person1 scienc fiction thriller call well dont know call rate pg person2 where movi show person1 campu plaza movi theater person2 hey think see movi tonight person1 ah dad person2 hey let meet guy father look live room window hey guy moustach person1 dad that dirk that older brother he take us go person2 well person1 mom said could mom know parent person2 well person1 dad person2 okay home 800 person1 eight movi doesnt start 730 come dad person2 okay back 1100 person1 love dad person2 love person1 bye person2 bye,"#Person1# is going out with Dirk tonight and tells her Dad they will go out to eat and catch a movie. #Person1#'s dad asks #Person1# to be back by 11:00, and #Person1# agrees." person1 gori detail disastr first quarter ed give us good news thing look us termsof sale month person2 uh well would like bad news first realli bad news person1 ed dont tell bad news person2 well sir sale drop plung fifti percent past month alon current overstock overstaf profit arefal fast market recess way move inventori get rid staff consid redund would cost us fortun new regul govern compens packag real mess person1 cri loud fast lose money person2 um put let say pace file chapter eleven less three month person1 geez could happen what bad news person2 oh that realli bad news supplier suffer qc problem well half product faulti go recal itemssold last quarter worst part go shoulder cost person1 joke get supplier line assum cost mess person2 tri sir factori gone owner appar fled countri person1 doom person2 realli good news though person1 realli person2 got offer new job,Ed tells #Person1# two bad news. The first is that their sales have dropped. The market is in recession and they have no way of moving their inventory or getting rid of their staff. The second news is that their supplier suffered QC problems and half of their production is faulty. person1 watch tv last night rose person2 yeah saw scienc program quit interest person1 person2 mar scientist say might water person1 may live someday person2 hope know us success sent two robot explor mar last month person1 sure heard tv januari 3rd 2004 explor spirit land near socal gusev crater three week later spirit twin explor opportun land meridiani planum name scientist person2 ye sent back pictur planet latter better job,Rose saw an interesting science program last night and tells #Person1# the program content. person1 smart book ticket hand person2 oh realli think person1 cours otherwis youll wait hour person2 got call sister cancel movi tonight,#Person1# thinks it's wise of #Person2# to book the ticket beforehand. person1 heard jame fire got keep back 20 thousand dollar vender person2 that open secret person1 mine could lie job person2 know person1 littl bird whisper keep,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the secret of James's being fired. person1 realli admir diana person2 jerri word came blue person1 realli happi abl achiev high score school person2 work hard that know practic make perfect person1 isnt anyth els person2 idea person1 must high iq score person2 well jerri let tell secret person1 go ahead person2 iq score slightli averag person1 serious geniu person2 mayb ive got higher eq im sure person1 well perhap your right sometim eq matter iq person2 say jerri im sure your high littl time crack book also get high mark person1 oh thank im go librari come person2 let go,Jerry admires Diana because she's happy and can achieve high scores at school. Diana encourages Jerry he can get high marks if spending more time cracking the books. person1 know dont quit understand chines criterion beauti mean ask chines guy seen girlfriend ask isnt beauti look eye wide open like even wonder world could ever fallen love person2 understand ive heard quit peopl say chines women foreign chosen pretti know im one describ im sure beauti person3 oh come although marri foreign your bad person1 mean think girlfriend pretti cute red cheek silk hair evenli cut pretti charm person3 chines dont notic sort thing ami say person2 beauti eye behold person3 yeah that right magic love,"#Person1#, #Person2#, and #Person3# are discussing the Chinese criterion of beauty. #Person1# cannot understand that and #Person2# thinks beauty is in the eyes of the beholders. #Person3# agrees it's magic love." person1 good afternoon help person2 ye reserv three night mona white call last week person1 one moment pleas ms white ye two singl room wasnt ive reserv room 402 403 person2 quiet room person1 well face street there love view person2 wed like quiet room thank person1 cours,"Mona White has a reservation for three nights, and #Person1# helps check the rooms." person1 good morn im new york book review could ask question latest book person2 sure take seat would like know person1 first ive heard latest book base true stori person2 that correct murder mysteri base actual murder book place florida sever year ago main characterth polic invesigatori base man investig case person1 research book person2 alway visit place use set stori reader like thing factual correct possibleeven fiction usual base charact peopl met charact mixtur charact two peopl person1 realli like book ive finish one read cover cover singl day congratul make bestsel list yet person2 thank let met sign go person1 oh thank much heard current write collect short stori stori person2 there real mix stori book havent finish yet though mani short detect stori also horror stori scifi one give busi card ill make sure get advanc copi review person1 thank much im sure sell well cant wait read here card thank time,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# and asks #Person2# some questions about #Person2#'s latest book. #Person2# tells #Person1# how #Person2# researched the books and the story background. #Person2#'s writing a collection of short stories, and many of them are short detective stories. #Person1# can't wait to read it." person1 robert play guitar dont person2 use havent play quit time dont realli time day studi ask person1 im tri organ group play parti weekend still need guitar player person2 well dont know idea sound fun person1 oh im less charg thing want give tri your easi besid great chanc get meet peopl person2 told havent practic long time dont know rememb song use play person1 dont worri thought id ask tri join us sometim practic well practic month give perform person2 ok ill tri person1 im sure fun,"#Person1#'s trying to organize a group to play at some parties on weekends. #Person1# invites Robert to play the guitar, and Robert says he'll have a try." person1 could word sir person2 speak person1 tell cant today tomorrow person2 sorri hear what wrong person1 feel sick cough lot night person2 seriou ought see doctor person1 ye morn doctor want rest 2 day person2 that good suppos back compani day tomorrow person1 hope definit tell person2 well take care hope better soon possibl,"#Person1# explains to #Person2# why he cannot come to work today. #Person1# is ill, and #Person2# hopes he will get better soon." person1 notic lot peopl around healthi hard work thought american ate hamburg pizza sat front tv day long person2 huh well cultur societi becom lot health consciou 10 year ago person1 heard lot peopl talk organ food even grow veget person2 ye thing differ think peopl awar whether world much inform peopl less ignor person1 attent drawn toward protect environ person2 agre also mani problem still need overcom let get person1 focu posit right play part healthi societi person2 tri avoid drive car much possibl person1 good wish peopl attitud,"#Person2# tells #Person1# American culture and society has become more health conscious than it was before, and more attention has been drawn toward protecting the environment." person1 help person2 ye pleas im look smartphon uhm dont know much person1 right well smart phone use softwar know appoint address book kind thing take note write document person2 see im interest one person1 one got featur youd expect nice screen wireless internet person2 check email person1 yeah read send email surf internet long your area internet cover person2 got camera hasnt person1 yeah realli good take photo video download video game got mp3 player favorit song even watch tv person2 wow realli like function theyr wonder,"#Person2#'s looking for a smartphone and asks #Person2# for some information of smartphone. #Person2# likes one smartphone, and #Person1# introduces its functions to #Person2#. #Person2#'s satisfied with it." person1 seem matter person2 cant sleep well doctor person1 see long problem person2 oh 2 week person1 2 week headach person2 sometim person1 fever person2 person1 famili problem person2 realli get along pretti well person1 work person2 well ive work lot late 11 hour day person1 mayb take vacat rest day person2 well cant right middl import busi person1 ye understand realli need slow your go kill go like,#Person2# can't sleep well. #Person1# asks #Person2# some questions and suggests #Person2# should take a break. person1 hi adam person2 ive got home tenni lesson dinner yet person1 yet person2 im hungri want help cook person1 ive alreadi done prepar fish morn cook earlier even person2 great let eat ill put knive fork tabl person1 ive done minut ago havent put glass tabl yet pleas person2 ok,"Adam has just got home from a tennis lesson, and #Person1# has prepared the dinner well." person1 hello help person2 im lexington softwar im collect export l c person1 right person2 great take need fill form someth person1 take away need sign person2 person1 one thing go could pleas prepar document accord l c within valid period person2 problem ill get right away thank bye,#Person2# collects an export L / C from #Person1#. #Person2# is asked to prepare the according documents while valid. person1 good afternoon may help person2 hi id like order flower person1 person2 theyr wife name samantha person1 kind flower would like person2 dont know dont know much flower recommend someth person1 ok what reason send flower person2 today birthday told want buy flower person1 know kind flower like person2 im sure know know cant rememb right person1 well theyr wife think give rose person2 rose fine person1 color person2 think red would nice person1 want pick deliv person2 deliv pleas person1 what address person2 241 main street,"#Person1# suggests buying roses for Samantha who is on her birthday. #Person2# takes the advice and chooses the red ones, and asks for the delivery service." person1 know abort still illeg mani state usa person2 thought american suppos open person1 well mani religi peopl believ peopl abort babi murder person2 think peopl america believ abort wrong person1 think mostli older gener abort person2 wonder mani teenag pregnanc america person1 religi peopl blame premarit sex abort illeg person2 think abort person1 person would never want one think sinc pregnanc affect woman entir life right decid person2 think father kind say matter person1 know go sound sexist dont think men give approv mother children person2 children person1 may true woman get pregnant chang life complet men still carri live birth exactli beforehand person2 might true think men kind say matter,"#Person1# doesn't think a man should give his approval for an abortion since his life is not affected by pregnancy at all unlike the mother's, while #Person2# thinks men should have some kind of say because it's their children too." person1 excus seat taken person2 afraid seat taken person1 oh thank anyway person2 welcom ask conductor come person1 thank,#Person1# asks #Person2# about the available seats. person1 mari date john person2 ok seem lot common person1 oh realli great news look like person2 tall slim fairhair person1 sound like pretti cute think person2 nice guy consider impress smart great sens humor person1 oh love first sight see person2 didnt say said would call person1 mayb busi work wait tri think much person2 oh steve stop bit nervou doesnt call person1 come mari your total catch bet call dont worri person2 thank steve your alway encourag person1 that friend,Mary tells Steve about her nice date John and feels nervous about whether he will call. Steve encourages Mary to believe in herself and that John will call for sure. person1 would give fruit much orang person2 seventi cent piec person1 one person2 sixti cent piec person1 well ill take five seventi cent one grapefruit sweet person2 sure fresh first sell bargain make wise purchas buy today eighti cent piec person1 follow ill take three trial person2 thank much anyth els person1 that thank,#Person1# buys five of the seventy cents oranges. #Person2# sells three grapefruits to #Person1# which are at a bargain. person1 sun time camper rise time get paddl person2 oh paddl arm sore person1 worri today easier person2 beth date today person1 today saturday person2 date today person1 today juli 4th person2 oh almost forgot today mom birthday person1 call cell phone wish happi birthday tell explor great american wilder tell said lucki born independ day person2 thank birthday person1 decemb 25th person2 wow lucki girl birthday christma day person1 ye lucki born christ birthday mayb usual go church sunday birthday person2 april 2nd miss target lot joke one day guess lucki person1 true granola breakfast person2 thank person1 eat take tent pack everyth cano shove 6 person2 guess person1 go swim around 10 person2 work great miracl worker got awak motiv person1 happi independ day,Beth asks #Person2# to call #Person2#'s mother to wish her a Happy Birthday. Beth says her birthday is on Christmas whereas #Person2#'s is the day after April fool's day. Beth talks about the plans for today which motivates #Person2#. person1 how cours go like person2 like professor class lot work person1 special person2 right im research languag differ african tribe person1 sound realli interest speak swahili person2 ye learn speak littl person1 realli person2 well grew africa learn quit differ languag person1 that amaz well class person2 dont know havent receiv test result yet person1 take exam person2 two week ago person1 think person2 left feel pretti confid score heard professor strict grader im bit nervou person1 im sure youll well studi hard person2 know im alway studi person1 dont worri dont well one person2 thank vote confid justin,"Justin asks about #Person2#'s current specialty, #Person2# answers and talks about the African language skills acquired in childhood. #Person2# is nervous about the test results because the professors are strict. Justin gives #Person2# confidence." person1 say anna tonight would like go person2 oh sorri cant im go work late tonight finish report person1 well tomorrow night anyth person2 im plan person1 im go see music would like come person2 sure id love let pay ticket time turn person1 right thank,Anna decides to go out seeing a musical with #Person1# tomorrow since she is busy tonight. person1 hey jacki person2 noth much im relax today what go person1 think head mall want go person2 sale person1 yeah bon nordstrom annual sale great time buy cloth youv hold person2 sound great meet person1 ill meet front nordstrom 30 minut person2 sound good see person1 think shoe person2 theyr cute think youll wear much person1 realli person2 sweater pretti love low neck design person1 bet expens person2 sale 80 think tri person1 80 buck look great go tri,#Person1# invites Jackie to buy some clothes at Nordstrom's where is having the annual sale. A sweater catches Jackie's fancy so #Person1# asks Jackie to try it on. person1 wonder could borrow compani van fundrais weekend person2 sure think would possibl fundrais person1 park downtown person2 would need saturday sunday person1 need saturday person2 think would ok drive person1 mari drive van person2 could drop sunday night person1 ye borrow chair lunchroom also person2 ye would fine make sure everyth return sunday night,#Person1# asks to borrow the company van and chairs for a fundraiser on weekend. #Person2# agrees to lend them until Sunday night. person1 oh god heavi gain 10 kilo person2 go gym want come person1 think go realli need lose weight person2 ill wait car park 20 minut person1 0k see person2 member card person1 nope membership yet person2 well guest ticket use person1 nice like servic train equip think join club,#Person1# decides to go to the gym with #Person2# to lose weight. #Person2# gives #Person1# a guest ticket to enter. person1 anna would like danc person2 id love im terribl dancer im afraid may step toe person1 dont worri ill show piec cake person2 thank ill tri best,#Person1# invites and will teach Anna to dance. person1 bring bill pleas person2 ye certainli ill back minut person1 thank let see think there mistak bill would mind check pleas person2 cours let check oh seem correct person1 tax servic charg person2 ten percent tax includ bill person1 one hundr u dollar cover everyth doesnt person2 sure,#Person1# finds the bill mistaken. The bill is one hundred U. S. dollars in total. person1 parent make stay home person2 want go made look babi brother person1 didnt mind person2 didnt brother good quit lot homework person1 didnt even want go cinema person2 realli watch televis hour person1 televis last night person2 box excel person1 oh enjoy watch box televis piti miss last night person2 last night person1 went box match sport stadium,"#Person1# looked after the baby alone and watched boxing on TV last night, and #Person2# went to a boxing match." person1 im sure boy becom nobodi grow person2 care say youll eat humbl pie person1 eat humbl pie imposs ive never wrong judg boy like,#Person2# asks #Person1# to be careful of judging. person1 go breakfast person2 cereal morn person1 your suppos alway hearti breakfast person2 dont alway time make breakfast person1 easi make quick breakfast person2 breakfast person1 need make quick breakfast make oatmeal toast oj person2 that good idea person1 time consum person2 doesnt take much time make person1 would like make someth person2 dont make oatmeal toast,#Person2# doesn't have time to make breakfast. #Person1# suggests some easy examples and is asked by #Person2# to make some. person1 hi steven take seat thing work person2 come along well littl delay person1 finish time person2 im press time afraid need someon help person1 ok send beker help need get brochur done sent client friday without delay person2 ok promis well,#Person2# sends Beker to help Steven in order to finish the work by Friday. person1 good afternoon chloe im doctor evan seem problem person2 hi dr evan thank see short notic woke morn realli sore throat realli bad cough think come flu person1 ah see ye sound rather croaki well let look shall could pleas open mouth say ah person2 ahhhhhhhh person1 good ye tonsil littl swollen red ear block person2 littl actual sinus littl block welli realli feel terribl person1 ok chloe pleas breath slowli listen chest realli bung dont sound good ok im go set bunch antibiot need take orang pill twice day blue pill everi even also take cough medicin three time day meal final give inhal use everi time feel breathless clear lung person2 whoa mani drug hate swallow pill abl go work person1 absolut highli contagi dont want infect rest cowork recommend stay bed least three day drink plenti fluid dont get weak dehydr catch latest tv show movi person2 ok would mind write doctor note work otherwis may think fake person1 haha sure problem go away bed question give call feel better soon take care person2 thank doc bye,"Chloe goes to see a doctor because she thinks she has flu. Doctor Evans examines Chloe and set up many medicines and an inhaler. Chole asks if she can go to work, Doctor Evans denies to avoid contagion and recommends Chole to stay in bed for at least three days, so Chole asks for a note to prove the authenticity and gets it." person1 mom look first piggi bank still money person2 blast past person1 rememb use beg break could go buy ice cream person2 ye sure come long way valu hard earn dollar person1 thank give childhood tantrum mom person2 go pig person1 think im go keep monument ive learn money person2 know mayb one day sit desk top ceo major corpor,"#Person1# finds a childhood piggy bank and #Person1#'s mother thinks #Person1# has learned valuing earnings, so #Person1# decides to souvenir it." person1 ill show around explain oper go along person2 thatll help person1 offic block administr depart research develop section person2 much spend develop everi year person1 34 gross sale person2 what build opposit us person1 that warehous keep stock faster move item urgent order met quickli stock person2 place order long would got deliveri person1 would larg depend size order item want,#Person1# shows #Person2# around and explains the operation. #Person1# introduces to #Person2# about the spending on development and delivery of orders. person1 bu suppos take us person2 take us back altadena person1 well dont know sure person2 im realli sure person1 sure got right bu person2 ive never taken bu think right one person1 place doesnt look like altadena person2 that true bu person1 read one street sign someth person2 yike templ citi person1 that last time im trust transport person2 bad least know right bu take us back,#Person1# doubts if they are on the right bus to Altadena. Then #Person2# finds out that they took the wrong one. person1 johnni want thank person2 mean mom break best china person1 oh johnni stuff dollar store junk want thank keep grandma busi person2 well like kept busi person1 know normal she tri tell clean hous thank person2 back good book person1 im go buy video game,Jonny's mother thanks Johnny for breaking china so that Grandma keeps Jonny busy cleaning instead of herself. person1 hi michael person2 hi ami what person1 im look airport tell get person2 sorri dont know person1 think take subway airport know subway person2 sure person1 dont see person2 across street person1 oh see thank person2 problem person1 know there restroom around person2 ye there one store person1 thank person2 bye,Michael shows Amy where to take the subway to the airport and where the restroom is. person1 help madam person2 ye im look cap size 16 person1 would like tri one person2 ye bit tight got bigger one person1 right one person2 ye that fine ill take pay check person1 cours madam,#Person2# purchases a suitable cap by check with #Person2#'s help. person1 expect daughter dinner next saturday person2 next saturday im sorri ive promis go chines opera daughter person1 sunday person2 ye sunday sound fine time person1 6 30 suit person2 suit us fine well see person1 thank goodby,#Person2# will attend #Person1#'s dinner on Sunday with #Person2#'s daughter. person1 hi said might need help prepar dinner would like person2 thank come help realli appreci first could peel veget ive put skin there peeler person1 ok ill peel veget chop im terribl chop veget alway seem chop piec either big small wow chop veget realli quickli like profession chef tv person2 youv chop veget could fri meat littl oil use small amount oil fri meat cook well add spice flavor person1 spice go add meat person2 one one left spici must care much add person1 ye dont want everyon burn mouth drink gallon water ok im realli meat cook low flame person2 cook high flame readi quickli keep stir meat around fri pan dont let meat stick bottom pan person1 right person2 im mix sauc specialti make accord secret recip,"#Person1# helps #Person2# prepare dinner. #Person2# gives instructions on what #Person1# is expected to do, including peeling the vegetables, and then frying the meat. While #Person1# is stirring the meat, #Person2# mixes the sauce according to #Person2#'s secret recipe." person1 hello madam today person2 hello id like send 600 rmb cash daughter long take receiv money person1 quick easi take 24 hour guarante need fill slip proceed person2 extra charg like commiss person1 servic commiss must pay 1 fund remit pay extra 6 rib,"#Person2# wants to send cash to her daughter, so she is required by #Person1# to pay a service commission." person1 see im get much fatter im alway worri ive idea lose weight person2 exercis everi day best way keep healthi strong person1 know dont want move person2 youd better watch much tv recent danc machin popular china suggest buy one person1 danc machin person2 oh may see one shop centr easi learn use ought danc machin loud disco music step forward backward left right accord direct tv realli danc person1 sound interest use help keep fit person2 sure finish danc youll breath person1 find one person2 may go friendship store person1 expens person2 dont think cost 800 yuan person1 right id like buy one,#Person1# doesn't know how to lose weight. #Person2# recommends dancing machines which people can move on them as if they are really dancing. #Person1# thinks it's interesting and would like to buy one. person1 think youll five year time carri person2 definit wont work car park attend want becom opera singer hope ill live milan frank person1 unless pass exam ill probabl serv rude custom restaur person2 come dont sad cheer frank,"Frank feels sad about his possible future career, so Carrie encourages Frank." person1 excus would pleas tell next flight lo angel person2 sure next direct flight lo angel two hour mind transfer san francisco board,#Person1# enquires about the flight to Los Angeles. person1 freez cold let make coffe warm us want piec pie well person2 coffe sound great im go dinner friend id better skip pie,#Person2# decides to have #Person1#'s coffee without pie. person1 right mark anyth wrong person2 im homesick could die studi pressur cant stand person1 take time get use person2 ye know lost sleep last night person1 seem like youv realli got blue heard home recent person2 almost month sinc got letter mum im go write explain situat way envelop borrow person1 sorri dont hardli ever send letter person2 bookstor close today anoth place get stamp person1 go post offic north street buy stamp,"Mark is homesick and decides to write a letter to Mark's mom. #Person1# doesn't have any envelopes to borrow, but he tells Mark where to buy stamps." person1 somewher stay london peter person2 dont fact ask could arrang place stay person1 ye that problem though charg ill ask someon arrang kind place consid person2 well dont care share peopl im good housework mayb home stay would ok dont like young children theyr noisi difficult studi hope live ladi retir person1 ok that problem must warn live famili london expens much expens small citi person2 that big problem money save besid alway get parttim job im work supermarket cashier dont think troubl money person1 sound good ill call get inform person2 ok that great thank much person1 welcom,"#Person1# will ask someone to help #Person2#, who prefers a homestay without young children, arrange a place to stay. #Person1# warns #Person2# about the high prices of homestays, but #Person2# thinks it's not a big problem." person1 stay kid dont get lost person2 dad never get lost supermarket person3 kid anymor mom person1 anyway stay want check daili necess person3 mom want go video product section new album westlif come person2 want buy sport suppli person1 ok kid go well meet lunch time person3 dad outsid stuff person2 call person1 right kid rememb 12 oclock 2nd cash counter person3 person1 dad got free deposit box person3 final releas person1 call tell us book section,"#Person1# asks #Person2# and #Person3# to stay with her while shopping. However they want to go to different sections, so they separate and then meet at lunch." person1 decid go take next semest person2 well im english major know came make sure im take right thing person1 good think good idea depart requir meet like person2 want finish degre four year dont want forget take class need friend stay colleg anoth year didnt know recent class need take graduat didnt know person1 ye happen person2 brought transcript first year list cours plan take fall person1 alright good see youv alreadi taken six credit breadth requir one botani class one chemistri class polit scienc that nine credit take english composit 201 person2 dont need took advanc placement english high school im requir take composit person1 excel see 18th centuri poetri class next semest modern novel class havent taken shakespear class yet person2 thought would take later person1 actual recommend take shakespear sooner rather later person2 well suppos could cross 18th centuri poetri class see shakespear class meet person1 let look timet shakespear meet monday wednesday friday 11 person2 take time slot free person1 good recommend shakespear cours enorm import want student take class soon professor friedman excel teacher person2 ill take person1 tell lisa made decid english major person2 want english professor futur love studi literatur want teach person1 realli that great know person2 that reason want finish b four year know school long time want start ph program soon possibl,"#Person2# wants to finish the degree in four years, so #Person2# has to take necessary classes. After seeing #Person2#'s course selection, #Person1# recommends #Person2# to take Shakespeare's poetry class sooner because of its importance. #Person2# has the time slot free so she decides to replace the 18th century poetry class with it. #Person2# also says that #Person2# becomes an English major because she wants to be an English professor in the future." person1 hello anna speak person2 hey anna jason person1 jason hide late know long time sinc last call good person2 ye anna person1 fine person2 work ive realli busi day got promot person1 that great congratul person2 thank feel pretti good know bigger offic rais even assist person1 that good guess ill make appoint see person2 kid person1 long work person2 bit two year fastmov compani senior isnt factor decid promot person1 like new boss person2 nice openmind person1 much better last one huh person2 yeah real slave driver probabl would love robot person1 forget come hous tonight let get drunk person2 good tonight 8 oclock person1 8 see person2 bye,"Jason calls Anna to tell her that he got a promotion recently with good conditions and a nice new boss. While Jason is complaining about his last boss, Anna invites him to drink tonight and Jason accepts." person1 hear what go downtown today worker factori stage demonstr street one two thousand employe show work today gather outsid citi hall demand better work condit factori employe person2 wow sound chaotic two thousand peopl street carri picket sign shout slogan gave motiv final organ call manag substandard work condit person1 think gain courag mayor speech last week equal opportun town citizen anyway sentiment brew quit time mean know work condit factori quit horrend person2 kind demand ask specif person1 want rais medic insur think want clean factori safeti hazard that probabl import issu,#Person1# tells #Person2# that today all the two thousand workers gather outside the city hall demanding better working conditions. #Person1# thinks they probably most want to clean up the safety hazards. person1 come back havent paid yet person2 may let go person1 took newspap away without pay person2 know person1 make confus person2 live nearbi would glanc newspap headlin read polit section return later person1 privileg person2 use hero war time everyon respect person1 see live person2 ye children wife pass away battl person1 must lone person2 bet alway busi tell children stori person1 respect,#Person2# tells May that the man who took the newspaper without paying would return it and that he was a war hero. person1 made mind get tattoo person2 realli sure person1 yeah trendi look great want get dragon arm mayb tiger back person2 yeah someth forev use indel ink remov laser treatment top heard hurt lot person1 realli person2 cours use machin needl poke skin insert ink person1 oh didnt know thought paint skin someth person2 think reconsid research tattoo also find nearest tattoo parlor make sure use steril needl place hygien person1 mayb get tongu pierc,"#Person1# wants a tattoo because it's trendy. #Person2# tells #Person1# that either getting a tattoo or removing it hurts a lot, which changes #Person1# 's mind." person1 loui knee today seen doctor person2 feel much better today went doctor told seriou ok saturday basketbal game person1 great dont good rest today practic throw ball shouldnt run person2 ok news michigan person1 ye video last three game theyr offic shall watch togeth person2 would great let go,Louis decides to watch videos with #Person1# to rest Louis's injured knee for Saturday's basketball game. person1 ill lunch meet next hour half pleas tell anyon call call back later afternoon anyon come offic wait come back person2 ye mr robert wait long time offer anyth person1 show new video made compani person2 ok mr robert ill take care everyth your,Mr. Roberts asks #Person2# to take care of everything during his lunch meeting. #Person2# promises to do so. person1 want get anoth drink call night person2 ill anoth beer let buy round person1 ok thank date night person2 great jim took cinema see film think he realli nice he got cool job he televis produc know went nation film televis school he work channel 4 year person1 sound impress think might get seriou person2 yeah good connect think he marriag materi well see goe im alreadi think could long term futur ahead us person1 isnt bit earli talk stuff like youv twice far person2 weve 3 time im see tomorrow easi find someon your attract good chemistri dont see what wrong think futur person1 well id care get know better talk marriag,"#Person2# had a nice date with Jim who is very attractive, which even makes #Person2# consider about marriage. #Person1# thinks it's too early but #Person2# insists it's nothing wrong with thinking about the future. #Person1# advises #Person2# to be careful." person1 id like check pleas person2 reserv sir person1 ye name robert robert brown person2 let check comput pleas ye robert brown mani night stay person1 stay monday friday person2 that four day smoke nonsmok person1 smoke room pleas person2 ok dont mind face street person1 that problem want room good view ocean person2 room better view littl expens ok person1 problem much charg person2 140 night person1 thank much,"#Person2# helps Robert check into a smoking room with a good view of the ocean, according to Robert's preference, which costs $140 a night." person1 realiz novemb alreadi know thanksgiv person2 shh your right time decid go year well feel like invit sister famili otherwis id like invit brother famili person1 id love invit sister famili invit us last year person2 good settl dont give sister call see come person1 sure say randi help shop need get turkey person2 right let get nice big one well plenti leftov make sandwich,#Person1# decides to invite #Person1#'s sister's family since they invited #Person1# and Randy last year. Randy agrees to help #Person1# with the shopping. person1 dad come sit person2 oh good watch race togeth person1 ye look there william person2 person1 he run race he boy red short person2 oh ye run fast he go win think who boy dark hair he come second race person1 oh that harri he good run person2 look silver cup tabl person1 ye readi team win person2 who older boy sit next tabl person1 that michael lot cup run he go give cup children win see friend kathi person2 person1 near drink she enter swim competit person2 who boy look he hurt leg person1 oh that richard fell jump competit hope hell ok,"#Person1# and #Person1#'s dad are watching sports races together. The father asks about the children in different competitions and #Person1# introduces them, including William, Harry, Michael, Kathy and Richard." person1 glad your back confer go chri person2 uh good topic interest speaker realli good organ lot better year well think smaller number peopl made big differ know make decis lot quickli person1 hotel person2 ah probabl thing peopl realli complain food restaur wasnt good servic slow go back hotel well find anoth restaur person1 your right anyway want get cup coffe want come person2 im done coffe think ill go cup tea,Chris compliments the conference on the topics and speakers as well as the better organizations and smaller size but complains about the hotel restaurant to #Person1#. person1 good even person2 good even would like buy bottl perfum person1 ok mani kind perfum choos freeli person2 brand would recommend dont want buy one qualiti problem person1 dont worri problem one sell well person2 umm smell good much person1 400 yuan per bottl buy 2 bottl time get 10 discount special offer well buy lipstick face cream get free gift person2 thank need perfum want buy lipstick come,#Person2# wants to buy perfume. #Person1# recommends one which has special offers when buying lipstick or face cream. #Person2# needs only the perfume so #Person2# leaves. person1 cant stand heat cant get attent studi midterm exam guess ill go librari afternoon person2 dont blame dormitori doesnt air condit cant studi either roommat think move dorm apart air condit person1 oh thought move want live apart pay lot money electr know air condition cheaper today 10 year ago hand electr lot expens today person2 didnt know much pay electr person1 5 year ago possibl run air condition 24 hour day mere 20 month today air condition hous cost 40 month person2 oh that realli expens well guess ill tell roommat see dorm doesnt workout sweat summer,"#Person1# and #Person2# feel too hot to study in their dorms. #Person2#'s thinking about moving out to an apartment. But #Person1# says electricity is very expensive in an apartment, so #Person2# will see about the other dorm." person1 good morn ladi gentlemen happi come train workshop today great lineup speaker talk first program wellrenown expert field intern econom develop harvard dr jame smith dr smith involv econom research twenti year taught harvard sinc 1995 without adieu wed like welcom mr jame smith person2 thank mr jackson ladi gentlemen colleagu friend subject talk intern relat morgen world plan say word current situat middl east affect world economi id like give overview way economi seemingli unrel countri intertwin ive divid talk three part first overview intern relat second discuss current polit situat lastli trend futur present take two hour twentyminut break middl well stop lunch 12,"Mr. Jackson introduces Mr. James Smith, who is an expert in international economic development. Mr. James will give a talk on international relations in the modern world and introduces the outline and schedule." person1 tell best way look apart person2 local newspap ad hous person1 way find roommat share apart person2 sometim post advertis say need roommat person1 landlord charg rent person2 would like apart need two peopl person1 two us need onebedroom apart person2 abl easili find twelv hundr dollar month person1 realli would appreci could come look apart person2 sure go look apart anytim want,#Person2# suggests #Person1# post an advertisement in the local newspaper and promises to look at apartments with #Person1#. person1 im fifth floor come hotel fourth floor person2 four unlucki number peter four sound like death chines hotel often fourth floor person1 see oh know want ask much tip guy person2 peopl dont usual tip fifti dollar enough,#Person2# tells Peter hotels often have no fourth floor because four sounds like death in Chinese. person1 fed marriag person2 say everyon admir good wife person1 oh poor often tri best make end meet hard time person2 rich person1 squabbl bore thing person2 ordinari marriag life,#Person1# is fed up with marriage. #Person2# thinks it is an ordinary marriage life. person1 hi resum write workshop person2 ye resum write workshop welcom person1 realli dont know much put togeth resum person2 easi dont worri person1 what import part person2 well import thing need make sure name contact inform across top person1 come next person2 either list job experi next educationwhichev impress first person1 list interest next person2 sure would good place,#Person2# at the Resume Writing Workshop is teaching #Person1# how to put together a resume. person1 professor where canada person2 canada north person1 show map person2 sure look canada north unit state person1 oh see where mexico person2 mexico south unit state person1 connecticut where person2 connecticut east new york person1 state west pennsylvania person2 ohio person1 ok where lo angel person2 lo angel california southeast san francisco person1 where boston person2 boston northeast part countri person1 la vega person2 la vega southwest,"The professor shows #Person1# Canada, Mexico, Connecticut, Ohio, Los Angeles, Boston, and Las Vegas on the map." person1 everyth readi christma parti person2 almost ive put decor weve decor christma tree plenti tinsel baubl person1 like big star top tree ill put present tree later how food person2 ive prepar alreadi weve got plenti snack foodsyou know crisp biscuit thing go make punch person1 ye ive bought thing go wont take long make mani peopl come parti person2 think everyon come dave dont come go parent home live scotland person1 christma pud person2 ye hope enough everyon send christma card time person1 ye send week ago ive brought parti give peopl person person2 spent hour yesterday even wrap present hope didnt forget buy anyon someth person1 hope didnt forget mine,"#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the Christmas party. They have decorated the Christmas tree, prepared the food and pudding, and sent all Christmas cards. #Person1# will put the presents under the tree and make the punch." person1 oh mari come pleas im happi see person2 happi birthday georg mani happi return day here present person1 oh thank mari your nice person2 hope like oh guy arriv person1 theyr wait let join im go cut cake soon person2 let go,Mary gives George a birthday present. They will cut the cake soon. person1 jason turn person2 hope get easi question like person1 roll four let see land foreign film person2 oh great that luck hate arti movi person1 well bad foreign film oscar 1993 person2 oh pleas idea person1 answer bell opaqu spanish movi titl mean age beauti english,Jason thinks he's lucky to land on Foreign Films but he can't answer the question. person1 great struck person2 think im good plan manag time perfectli alway get thing done time person1 think good fit job person2 im compet area person1 work pressur person2 ye work well pressur find dimli howev believ plan probabl manag time reduc tight deadlin person1 follow leader person2 dont tri go ahead peopl lead id rather cooper everybodi els get job done work togeth,"#Person1# is interviewing #Person2#. #Person2# is good at planning, works well under pressure, and is a cooperator." person1 help madam person2 ye id like exchang us dollar rib person1 much would like exchang person2 what exchang rate rib person1 us 100 rmb 802 today person2 id like exchang 3 000 person1 fill exchang memo pleas person2 ye person1 wait second pleas 24 060 rmb receipt pleas check person2 right thank much goodby person1 goodby,#Person1# tells #Person2# the exchange rate and helps her to exchange some money. person1 wed like rent flat near univers person2 look somewher two peopl person1 ye obvious wed like someth cheap possibl weve heard place 80 100 pound month person2 ye sever place avail price rang near univers requir person1 net realli wed prefer like live quiet street person2 mani room need flat person1 well need two bedroom kitchen dine room separ combin person2 ok ive got list place fit requir let go first list cost 80 pound month noisi street littl far person1 far away campu person2 two mile away might littl far walk here one that half mile campu cost 100 pound month small street person1 sound ideal go look wed like see make final decis person2 cours im busi moment wait 15 20 minut take person1 thank would great,#Person1# wants to rent a cheap flat near the university for two people in a quiet street. #Person2# has a flat that fits #Person1#'s requirements. #Person1# wants to see it so #Person2# will take #Person1# there. person1 get dessert person2 ye id like tri blueberri pie person1 excel choic bring pie finish waiter come back would like anyth els person2 im stuf im readi check person1 thank nice even person2 thank,#Person1# is ready for the check after #Person2# brings her the blueberry pie. person1 interview final come end interviewe probabl breath sigh relief person2 still let guard detail paid attent person1 moment thank interview opportun interview person2 also ask interview perform today person1 dont forget ask receiv repli person2 best ask second interview necessari person1 state polit wait result patient person2 ask question posit appli person1 case rememb give thank repli get person2 cours person1 say goodby interview leav person2 besid rememb make acknowledg email call,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about how to end an interview. person1 think flat person2 realli good bedroom littl small us person1 small enough need think person2 there hot water 10 night sometim like hot shower bed especi winter feel good person1 that true love live room huge fill sunshin person2 true like kitchen new well equip person1 great balconi incred view park person2 right view spectacular bedroom small wed never abl fit stuff person1 may could get new furnitur better stuff person2 havent thought,#Person2# doesn't think the flat is really all that good. #Person1# thinks it should be enough for their needs with some new furniture. person1 hello mr rodriguez person2 ye paula person1 ye sir ive drop slide winthrop offic need anyth els im person2 that right paula dont get someth eat ill see afternoon,Mr. Rodriguez tells Paula he doesn't need anything else besides slides. person1 hot today shall go dip beach person2 that good idea let bring trunk towel person1 would like swim swim pool beach person2 id prefer pool person1 ok let pay entranc fee chang cloth dress room person2 style use person1 well use breast stroke long distanc crawl free style short distanc back stroke fun,#Person1# suggests going for a dip at the beach. #Person2# prefers swimming in the pool. person1 hello anyth person2 ye would like check person1 made reserv person2 ye belen person1 room number 201 member hotel person2 what differ person1 well offer 10 charg member,#Person1# helps Belen check in. person1 gate need go catch connect flight 01 madrid person2 go gate 18 plane board hurri person1 show fastest way get person2 instead walk take shuttl get faster person1 think plane leav without person2 ill call attend gate tell way person1 thank much realli appreci,#Person2# advises #Person1# to take the shuttle to catch the flight and will call the attendants at the gate. person1 wrong look pale person2 im sure feel hot cold person1 troubl start person2 sick night person1 sound like your come flu let take temperatur person2 got high fever person1 ye thirtyeight point seven headach chestach throat pain person2 ye person1 let look id like listen chest breath deep breath that cough want exam throat open wide say person2 ah person1 ye look bit sore let take extra way chest give test person2 right thank person1 test show noth wrong slight infect person2 shall today person1 im give antibiot aspirin take aspirin youv got fever take one antibiot four hour go home lie bed two day take water feel better,#Person2# feels hot and cold. #Person1# takes #Person2#'s temperature and checks #Person2#'s body. #Person1# will give #Person2# some antibiotic and Asprin and asks #Person2# to go home and lie in bed. person1 good morn sir may help person2 id like open account person1 certainli sir would like open time deposit save account check account person2 actual id like open one that possibl person1 problem sir sort time deposit account would like open person2 choic person1 minimum time period three month longer period higher interest rate withdraw money time penalti,#Person1# helps #Person2# to open accounts and explains different sorts of time deposit accounts. person1 much tea go order person2 want order 3 000 case hope deliv good two equal lot person1 want deliv good person2 wed like execut first deliveri june 30 second deliveri august 15 person1 im sorri june 30 quit soon cant guarante 1 500 case id prefer first shipment 1 000 case next 2 000 case person2 agre person1 let affirm first shipment 1 000 case deliv 27 day june 30 second shipment 2 000 case august 15 right person2 right person1 well there noth els think weve settl everyth person2 let hope begin long prosper relationship,"#Person1# and #Person2# reach an agreement that the first shipment will be delivered in 27 days by June 30, and the second shipment by August 15." person1 good morn laura want talk person2 good morn professor smith want talk chang major see ive decid work art museum graduat three year think chang major art histori person1 know laura think give decis thought youv well year busi major sign organ need good manag person2 that true wasnt still know lot art person1 attend lectur art histori tri work hour week volunt local art museum see realli like work,Laura wants to change her major from business to art history. Professor Smith advises her to make the decision after some more thoughts. person1 jane would vacat oversea lost money credit card person2 well guess id probabl sell watch camera might get job waitress somewher till made enough money buy plane ticket return home,Jane tells #Person1# what she would do if she lost all money and cards abroad. person1 im sorri kept wait long time didnt think meet would long person2 that right dr green ive got data requir refer book think may use represent confer,Dr. Green apologizes for keeping #Person2# waiting. person1 morn mr robert new shop high street person2 good morn mr white ye thought pop brows around see anyth like must say im impress good literatur section littl care go read book peac person1 got nice love stori that realli like bit romanc excit,Mr. Roberts finds the new shop has a good literature section. Mrs. White wonders if they have nice love stories. person1 jane hear leav school want made mind yet person2 yet think im go take sing person1 special reason person2 ye good sing song classmat say besid sing quit interest meet lot peopl person1 pleas person2 well job dont person1 parent think person2 dont quit agre idea troubl person1 got plan person2 ye umtheyr tri send art colleg want actress person1 person2 eri havent decid yet usual get way end,"Jane tells #Person1# she wants to take up singing because she is good at singing songs and singing is interesting, but her parents want her to be an actress. She hasn't decided yet." person1 put new red tie person2 right cupboard tie person1 there green one coupl brown one red one person2 drawer must put brought home person1 suppos wed better hurri go late smith said come 700 person2 oh 624 sue isnt take care children yet person1 shall 640 still give us time get person2 els come tonight person1 brown frank mr johnson sister person2 well think wed better go sue pretti soon,#Person1# and #Person2# are in a hurry. #Person1# can't find the red tie. #Person2# finds it in the drawer. They are waiting for Sue who will take care of the children. person1 way know time person2 well quarter two person1 oh ive got go person2 see linda librari person1 actual im go meet professor smith ten past two may continu project discuss michael person2 right,#Person1# has to leave and asks #Person2# to continue the project discussion with Michael. person1 jim plan buy nice blue ford car look last week person2 im afraid that imposs havent abl come cash someon els alreadi made payment,Jim is not going to buy the Ford car. person1 hear jaki go work anoth depart need realli good parti send realli well shall person2 dont surpris parti maggi person1 that good idea could go holiday inn hotel person2 that expens mayb ask carri make cake person1 yeah let perhap could give parti offic put balloon person2 that great think also buy realli big card huge card get everybodi sign person1 shall music person2 think exactli,Maggie and #Person2# are planning a surprise party for Jakie. They agree to give the party in the office with some balloons and a huge card with everyone's signature. person1 hi mari havent seen age heard daniel get marri august 8th open day 2008 olymp game true person2 ye weve date 7 year decid get marri special day think august 8th 2008 redlett day person1 good sound like youv done lot plan short time person2 ye lot taken care ofwed photo wed dress cater transport hotel etc person1 everyth readi person2 almost thing isnt readi hotel lot peopl chosen day get marri hard find hotel isnt expens person1 tri peninsula palac beij wed recept held excel job person2 ye call book choic regent beij havent made mind yet person1 excel hotel friend mine wed recept sasid perfect though expens person2 that want look hotel dont want spend much extravag wed recept person1 guess your right help ask hotel sure probabl avail person2 thank person1 pleasur,Mary and Daniel are getting married on August 8th. The only thing that isn't ready is the hotel because they don't want to spend too much on an extravagant wedding reception. #Person1# promises to help to ask other hotels. person1 help set voicemail messag got servic realli sure suppos say person2 sure basic got ta let caller know call ask contact inform call back person1 ok say abbi voicemail call later leav name number person2 that less idea tri someth sound friendli person1 ok abbi realli happi call promis give ring soon pleas leav name number talk soon person2 littl friendli abbi say hi reach abbi unabl answer call right leav name phone number get back soon possibl thank person1 that perfect say record,#Person2# tells Abby how to set up her voicemail message. Abby asks #Person2# to record it for her after several tries. person1 lunch meet investor make reserv restaur show person2 usual lunch dont reserv tabl allow walkin safe side ill order tabl halfpast twelv suit schedul person1 ive arrang meet restaur twelv make reserv littl earlier start earlier give us time longer lunch person2 plan treat investor fullcours meal person1 ye well start appet follow soup salad cours main dish prime rmb cordon bleu chicken finish delici rich dessert sort person2 thatll pretti heavi midday meal dont think person1 along stay away anyth alcohol okay person2 prime rmb chicken choic youd better hope nobodi vegetarian person1 make special arrang need compani foot bill,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the lunch meeting with the investors. #Person1# asks #Person2# to make a reservation at twelve and plans to treat the investors to a full-course meal. #Person2# reminds #Person1# to pay attention to the vegetarians. person1 compani go union heard mani compani industri union get harder harder compet level play field person2 ye hop bandwagon sign union mostli peopl pretti happi guess depend manag labor forc person1 manag isnt look labor union favor id guess dont blame labor union realli put squeez execut person2 sure probabl better worker union whole purpos look littl guy way littl guy take big boss unit labor union get voic underdog,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about labor unions. They agree that management isn't looking on them too favorably but it's probably better for workers. person1 countri strong appear dont think person2 ye fact quit larg number peopl food eat place live person1 say govern must open eye fact,#Person1# and #Person2# agree that this country is strong only in appearance. person1 guess saw yesterday person2 person1 cousin monik seen late person2 coupl year happen person1 noth exactli she grown attract young ladi person2 oh person1 know long love blond hair beauti blue eye realli make stand other person2 surpris bet she tall slim person1 yean around five feet five inch tall,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about #Person1#'s cousin Monik, who has grown into a very attractive young lady." person1 help madam person2 ye id like buy sweater husband style latest person1 latest fashion like white turtleneck one person2 like style color feel color doesnt suit complexion person1 also grey person2 great take could suggest pair trouser match sweater person1 pleasur think pair jean suit sweater well person2 let see ye perfectli match,#Person2# buys a grey sweater and a pair of jeans for her husband according to #Person1#'s suggestions. person1 like dress madam person2 like colour much love dress small person1 one love dress smart short skirt fashion would like tri person2 right im afraid green dress small well smaller blue one dont like colour either doesnt suit think blue dress prettier co person1 im afraid havent got larger dress largest dress shop,#Person1# recommends several dresses for #Person2# but they are too small. #Person1# hasn't got larger dresses. person1 look delici order person2 sorri sir 4 person think larg person1 would pleas make singl person person2 sorri sir never done,#Person2# can't make a 4-person meal for a single person. person1 help sir person2 ye ive sit minut im wait someon put ga car person1 im sorri sir selfservic pump person2 selfservic person1 ye must fill car person2 seriou person1 ye travel person2 ye im taiwan never heard ga station fill car person1 america ga station like person2 realli dont know person1 well sinc first time next time want fullservic ga station look sign person2 sign person1 sign ga station smaller sign say selfserv fullservic ga station pump selfserv fullserv look sign person2 see,#Person2# doesn't know how to fill up the car with a self-service pump. #Person1# will do it for him and asks him to look at the signs next time. person1 hi jack sever month sinc last saw person2 hi sue ive busi book person1 havent finish yet person2 day person1 go advertis person2 hmmsome friend suggest im still 2 mind person1 would person2 thank advic think ill market,Sue advises Jack to advertise his book himself. Jack thinks he'll market it. person1 plan summer person2 well want get summer job id like save money vacat person1 realli would like go person2 id love travel latin america person1 melissa person2 well im go get job right away first want go spain portug person1 sound great go pay person2 know cant ask parent money anymor ill borrow money brother good excus plan take cours spanish portugues person1 oh im tire studi person2 also hope take peopl tourist latin america dont come first tour person1 count,#Person2# wants to get a summer job to save money for a vacation to Latin America. Melissa wants to borrow money from her brother to Spain and Portugal. person1 hello brian speak person2 hi brian mari hope havent troubl time person1 watch tv person2 oh good good weekend person1 yeah good went cinema friend yesterday person2 bad hey actual im call birthday saturday wonder would come person1 sound good time person2 700 oclock ok david wont finish work 630 person1 oh sorri im afraid cant make 730 alright person2 sure 730 person1 want bring someth like cake drink person2 oh ill get food everyth come help celebr person1 well case ill invit piano concert next friday person2 would great thank person1 ok ill book ticket,Mary and Brian both had a good weekend. Mary calls Brian to invites him to celebrate her birthday. Brian will invite her to a piano concert next Friday. person1 excus person2 yeah person1 didnt see someon pick blue sport bag person2 sorri person1 yeah big blue nylon sport bag big white adida logo side person2 said person1 put moment went restroom came person2 cant help person1 dont believ brand new racket 10 new ball er person2 well public court madam anyon walk care,#Person1# wants to know if #Person2# saw someone pick up her sports bag. #Person2# can't help her. person1 hi peter what look upset person2 plan trip western state want take dog us troubl find hotel allow dog well probabl leav dog neighbor hous person1 saw program tv said pet friendli hotel hotel advertis pet friendli mean bring dog person2 dont think father know find inform person1 peter everyth found internet person2 oh yeah ill right away,Peter can't find a hotel that allows dogs. #Person1# advises him to find more information on the Internet. person1 would like order sir person2 ye pleas like steak mushroom person1 would like steak rare medium well done person2 id like medium pleas person1 kind potato would like go mash boil bake person2 think ill bake potato ill ice tea lemon side pleas person1 good would care soup salad start person2 id like cream onion soup pleas person1 dessert today sir person2 want skip dessert that thank person1 ok ill moment,"#Person1# helps #Person2# to order the steak, mushrooms, baked potatoes, iced tea, and cream and onion soup." person1 excus auto consum loan center person2 ye anyth person1 could tell someth term interest rate person automobil consum loan person2 deadlin normal 5 year interest adopt accord correspond lend rate announc pbc person1 plan take loan 3 year person2 well yearli interest rate 549 3 year im sure qualifi appli loan person1 loan repay person2 may choos repay pattern consult bank exampl payment equal amount princip princip interest monthli instal person1 mean deposit suffici money account prior monthli payment date directli deduct repay princip interest person2 exactli permit effect earli payment part full consent bank person1 that thought thank much person2 your welcom,"#Person1# asks #Person2# the terms and interest rates for a personal automobile loan. #Person1# plans to take the loan for 3 years, and #Person2# explains the repayment pattern to #Person1#." person1 may help person2 need file complaint person1 complaint person2 got rob person1 happen person2 happen morn person1 taken person2 wallet cell phone person1 get good look person rob person2 sure person1 would abl pick lineup person2 shouldnt problem,#Person2# comes to #Person1# to file a complaint that #Person2# got robbed. person1 well peter better next time person2 realli got exam dad person1 cours must tri harder time person2 must go back school person1 better get parttim job somewher go even class person2 dad work fulltim age nearli 17 person1 ought work harder fail exam take job studi person2 els got join armi person1 know might come later,Dad asks Peter to find a part-time job and go to the evening classes to study harder to pass the exams. person1 got experi advertis person2 ye work public relat section compani past two year plan advertis campaign cooper work artist typograph sometim work specialist someth urgent person1 practic experi secretari person2 ye sir act secretari insur compani person1 would tell essenti qualiti secretari maintain person2 well begin would say need dilig second point lot thing initi final make note shorthand type skill report write summari write keep minut meet import seem better memori averag person1 experi comput person2 ye studi comput train program process data comput person1 that fine oper fax duplic person2 handl without troubl person1 learn job held person2 learn good compani good follow instruct strictli alway keep boss inform person1 good,#Person1# asks #Person2#'s work experience. #Person2# got experience in advertising and a secretary in an insurance company. #Person2# also has experience with computer and can operate the fax and duplicator. #Person2# tells #Person1# what #Person2# learned from jobs #Person2# held. person1 scene robberi person2 ye offic person1 abl see lot person2 happen person1 happen person2 robber came gun person1 could see face person2 mask face person1 someon els person2 alon person1 would will come station question person2 would happi,"#Person1# was at the scene during the robbery, and Officer asks #Person1# for further questioning." person1 church attend person2 mormon go church jesu christ latter day saint person1 what differ church person2 mormon believ death christ death apostl 10 church christ found becam corrupt author christ earth lost men 1830 prophet name joseph smith brought god restor church person1 mean church corrupt person2 mean part origin gospel person1 believ mormon person2 ye person1 realli go church person2 gather togeth encourag common belief come togeth call church,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# is Morman and explains the difference between the church #Person2# goes and other Churches. #Person2# goes to church because of the common beliefs. person1 susan good even dress person2 way new year banquet look makeup ok person1 look great makeup perfect person2 think wear differ dress person1 one look fabul especi hair like person2 thank say idea necklac wear person1 dress id say white diamond necklac would look perfect person2 thank help im readi tonight person1 much hous parti friend person2 sound fun anyon know person1 yeah peopl offic person2 sound like im miss good time oh well alway next year person1 im sure youll fun matter go rememb take bag,Susan dresses up to attend a New Year's banquet and asks #Person1# for advice on her dressing and necklace. #Person1#'ll have a house party tonight. person1 excus miss im bob person2 im ami person1 im glad meet may danc person2 certainli suppos danc often person1 dont often danc isnt wonder parti person2 ye im glad come person1 like foxtrot person2 like much person1 danc beauti person2 thank lucki got good partner person1 thank,Bob invites Amy for a dance at the party and praises her beautiful dance. person1 read person2 articl languag talk idea singl global languag person1 seem english alreadi main global languag articl suggest artifici languag like esperanto world languag person2 actual suggest english main argument english alreadi studi second languag countrieschina india mexico nigeria pakistan japan begin person1 articl say anyth languag surviv englishspeak world person2 articl point mani languag lost lost other continu use gener even english continu domin languag,#Person2# tells #Person1# the article #Person2#'s reading. It talks about the idea of having a single global language and suggests English. person1 place great im surpris mani thing person2 ye take find thing organ care regular store person1 what differ outlet regular store person2 usual cloth compani send overstock outlet price low may find faulti product person1 faulti product person2 ye sometim fault small needl thread fix good deal buy person1 oh that easi think realli good deal person2 ye save lot money way person1 that great look children cloth id like buy winter cloth son daughter person2 buy sweater cost 30 yuan person1 ye ill take jean xiaohui jean alway dirti also need four pair slipper person2 mani want buy person1 ought make im dont think person2 your right,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the goods price in outlet store is low, but #Person2# may find some faulty products. #Person1# thinks it's a good deal and would like to buy some clothes for #Person1#'s families." person1 steven depress person2 im feel sad read newspap person1 what news person2 accord newspap town raze earthquak 10 thousand peopl die earthquak person1 horribl person2 yeah someth help peopl stricken area person1 ye donat money person2 good idea donat money person1 find answer internet person2 ye let,"Steven feels depressed when knowing 10,000 people died in the earthquake. He and #Person1# decide to donate money." person1 help person2 ye need buy comput semest told cheaper buy comput person1 well heard right get excel deal new comput great discount student person2 dont know much comput know want desktop comput lot memori need printer person1 well first let consid comput exampl system highli recommendth power macintosh g3 come 64 megabyt total memori person2 lot sixtyfour person1 ye enough student need might depart person2 histori person1 well mostli use word process write paper recommend corel word perfect program word process talk softwar later let talk person2 thirti percent person1 ye person2 wow that realli good think realli good system graduat student person1 ye excel system person2 hmm hey wait appl appl comput person1 ye macintosh appl macintosh appl thing person2 dont want macintosh want pc person1 im sorri univers comput center sell macintosh equip person2 seriou person1 ye person2 nobodi use macintosh person1 that true student professor univers use macintosh find better write wordprocess student mostli person2 ye im taiwan person1 well know asian countri appl popular america especi univers publish compani appl commonli use person2 need comput handl write chines person1 sever chines write program use macintosh chines problem appl person2 hmm think ask friend advic make decis im sorri person1 dont sorri reason ask friend believ student universityasian student includedmost use appl person2 well thank advic probabl come back later person1 your welcom card need help,"#Person1# wants to buy a desktop computer with a lot of memory and turns to #Person2# for help. #Person2# recommends the Power Macintosh G3 system. When #Person1# notices the Apple logo, #Person2# tells #Person1# that's Macintosh, and it's popular among students. #Person2# needs a computer that can handle writing in Chinese, and #Person1# says Chinese is no problem for Apple. #Person2#'ll ask friends' ideas and decides later." person1 excus tell bob rice offic person2 sure third offic hall look bob person1 ye told come morn person2 im sorri he offic appoint person1 appoint person2 ye time expect person1 said come morn didnt give time said could come time noon person2 see he usual tuesday morn person1 today tuesday person2 know he usual today went site east side person1 that bad need discuss plan person2 dont make appoint later week person1 alright person2 he tuesday wednesday friday day want see person1 friday good person2 morn afternoon person1 morn person2 put ten oclock alright person1 ye name laura will person2 alright ten friday person1 thank person2 welcom,Laura Wills comes to Bob Rice's office but is told that Bob is not here today. Then she makes an appointment for ten this Friday morning with the help of #Person2#. person1 youv sale manag three year like job person2 like much person1 may ask happi salari person2 dont mind receiv 3 000 rmb month tax person1 bonu system incent plan place person2 im afraid isnt boss pay lip servic person1 salari expect posit person2 expect 3800 4500 rmb rang that takehom pay,#Person2#'s been a sales manager for three years with a monthly salary of 3000 RMB but #Person2#'s expectation is 3800-4500. person1 hello excus person2 hello anyth help person1 ye wan na know get bu go downtown person2 go straight turn right see big bu station person1 ok see thank person2 welcom,#Person2# tells #Person1# how to get to the bus station. person1 rock bottom price mr li cant make concess person2 that case there much point discuss might well call whole deal person1 mean well never abl come price gap great person2 think unwis either us insist price meet half way busi conclud person1 propos person2 unit price 100 dollar higher accept suggest meet half way meant liter person1 mean suggest make reduct 50 dollar price that imposs person2 would suggest person1 best reduct anoth 30 dollar thatll definit rock bottom person2 still leav gap 20 dollar cover let meet half way gap close busi complet person1 certainli way talk right let meet half way person2 im glad weve come agreement price well go term condit next meet person1 ye there one point wish clear person2 person1 friend busi circl seem opinion u import export corpor becom flexibl busi recent person2 ye theyr right fact either restor adopt intern practic foreign trade person1 im glad hear view expand enhanc bilater relat two parti particular exchang time view specif problem execut enforc contract possibl us repres could stay perman wash ton c person2 basic speak ye welcom establish repri tent offic foreign compani washington c cours detail attend settl word person1 ye cours ill call home offic tonight let know meet person2 tomorrow morn 9 person1 good ill come back tomorrow discuss specif,"Mr. Li suggests meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded, and he finally reaches an agreement on price with #Person1# after serval times half-price. #Person1# asks Mr. Li's permission of having a representative that could stay permanently in Washington D.C., and Mr. Li approves. They will meet again at 9 tomorrow morning to discuss it specifically." person1 kelli guy think run senior class presid person2 person1 talk older brother sister last night got scoop job person2 think fit qualif person1 ye know senior class presid work class life job doesnt stop graduat person2 realli graduat person1 everi class reunion organ presid council anyth class school later year head presid person2 im honor think would qualifi would realli think first,#Person1# thinks Kelly should run for senior class president and tells her about the responsibility of the president. Kelly will think about it. person1 realli appreci fill yesterday lectur person2 problem thought might want go togeth anyway help review hope your feel better person1 thank said talk squid sound littl strang person2 well actual evolut sea lifea continu last week octopu squid descend earlier creatur shell surviv shed shellssomewher 200 500 million year ago person1 that pretti long span time person2 know that said though precis exactli emerg uncertain still unexplain person1 squid realli huge imagin someth big still shell person2 actual lost shell could evolv bigger size person1 make sens realli huge ive read fishermen caught squid weigh ton talk happen person2 realli mention unusu case 1933 new zealand caught squid let see twentytwo yard long eye eighteen inch across imagin person1 remind stori sea monster person2 dr simpson think probabl even larger one havent found squid intellig fastso easili get away human mayb monster stori true,"#Person1# thanks #Person2# for filling #Person1# in on yesterday's lecture. The lecture is about the evolution of sea life, which is a continuation from last week. #Person1# thinks some squid are large, and #Person2# says it's because they lost their shells and mentions some unusual cases." person1 solomon depart store may help person2 ye could tell store close today person1 close 700 person2 see open person1 ten oclock weekend person2 fine thank much,#Person2# asks #Person1# the store's closing and opening time. person1 want see get privat room soon possibl also pleas put visitor sign door person2 ill take care thing first put mouth take temperatur,#Person1# asks #Person2# to get a private room. person1 believ weve final found hous person2 good tell hous person1 doesnt look good outsid love insid person2 nice mani bedroom person1 well three bedroom two bathroom one big sit room modern kitchen person2 two boy dont need share room happi person1 yeah room interest small garden hous know love garden much,"#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# finds a house, and it's lovely inside. There's a small garden before the house." person1 ive notic spend lot time tend garden would like join garden club meet everi wednesday person2 oh thank invit relax id rather make someth formal structur,#Person2# refuses #Person1#'s invitation to a gardening club. person1 hi werent two english even yesterday person2 ye like person1 thought great im jeff name person2 im allison melissa person1 nice meet,Jeff meets Allison and Melissa after the English Evening. person1 excus uh want get girlfriend sweater birthday cant find right one person2 well um person1 uh one okay like style thing blue blue color person2 um well hmm dont dont see blue one green one person1 uh thing dark green size one anyway person2 larg person1 oh girlfriend wear small wont work person2 well red one person1 ummm okay much dont see price tag person2 well let see usual sell 34 sale 16 person1 hmm okay ill take thank,#Person1# wants to choose a sweater as #Person1#'s girlfriend birthday gift and #Person2# helps #Person1# find a red one of suitable size. person1 great parti isnt person2 sure jane ted alway great parti person1 first jane teach school person2 oh your teacher person1 yeah histori person2 work gener motor person1 person2 im manag assist person1 oh see way namess bob evan person2 glad meet im jane taylor,Bob Evans and Jane Taylor greet each other at the party. person1 im worri monday exam person2 take easi im sure well take easi remain calm person1 right use dictionari person2 allow use think person1 think could discuss question other exam person2 im afraid that imposs teacher would allow happen person1 may bring paper write draft person2 ye that right suppos person1 thank much inform,#Person1# is worried about Monday's exam and asks #Person2# about the related information. person1 feel right mari look littl tire person2 brother birthday sister last night didnt much sleep person1 parti person2 uncl hous person1 go back home late person2 realli home start type literatur paper due first thing morn person1 couldnt today person2 professor said wouldnt accept late paper person1 manag person2 well turn paper im go home bed see,Mary had a birthday party for her sister last night and stayed up late typing a literature paper. person1 us malcolm bricklin ceo visionari vehicl person2 hello everyon person1 hear coupl thing news ford motor compani slash 30000 job shut 14 plant nationwid big deal longer manufactur car malcolm person2 think huge deal mean compani massiv employ directli indirectli look ford restructur theyv actual got 87000 employe twice mani microsoft worldwid moreov look job highpay job peopl afford buy product person1 er seem indic big hit economi job go byeby person2 yeah realli sad day america person1 car stop made right person2 correct still larg number car made american manufactur half american car sold america american happen time market share fallen foreign car compani come taken plant set new plant taken capac like fewer car produc america 30 year ago person1 let ask chines come would mean american job happen person2 chines car seen far arent great dont brand necessari make huge impact world stage,"Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of Visionary Vehicles, is invited to answered some questions about American car manufacturing. Malcolm thinks it's a big hit for American economy if no longer manufacturing cars. Malcolm predicts it's unlike there're fewer cars being produced in America than there were 30 years ago." person1 hi johanna interest go art exhibit sunday friend mine show paint open night free drink food person2 well actual dont anyth plan sound kind fun,Johanna agrees to go to the art exhibition with #Person1#. person1 ive think join health club doctor encourag get exercis club belong person2 call goodlif health club ive go sinc jan ive alreadi notic big improv feel like new person person1 realli person2 gym exercis equip indoor pool usual start work half hour take swim exercis water feel great person1 sound good arent afraid overwork person2 everyth care control supervis your interest see im go tuesday dont come along guest youll enjoy person1 that good idea thank might,"#Person1#'s been thinking about joining a health club, and #Person2# feels the improvements in the Good-life health club. #Person2# invites #Person1# to come along." person1 hot read person2 wed better go walk person1 season like best person2 spring person1 summer person2 dislik person1 person2 hottest season summer year person1 sometim summer charm season,#Person2# dislikes summer while #Person1# thinks summer is more charming. person1 excus im look alani morrissett album suppos former infatu junki person2 let see look cd hmm look like weve sold one get copi soon want order person1 that okay ill check back later new sting album person2 ye right person1 great one last question jazz section person2 back wall person1 oh see thank help person2 problem,"#Person1# looks for a particular CD, but it's sold out. #Person2# could order it for #Person1#. #Person1# then asks for the new Sing album and the jazz section." person1 readi go concert person2 ye shoud go bu arent late person1 actual dont go bike could get stuck traffic travel bu ruch hour person2 that true cycl good environ let get helmet person1 helmet comfort person2 realli like design got person1 mayb shoud think get round helmet theyr better person2 ill think person1 new bicycl person2 ye father gave birthday like person1 newest 10 speed cycl mountain bike realli expens person2 noth best dad like everyth except brake bit sticki person1 fix anyth els wrong person2 well saddl low know chang height person1 that easi import saddl high enough leg extend fulli bicycl person2 knee felt sore everi time ive ridden bike person1 possibl give minut fix go,"#Person1# suggests cycling to the concert to avoid traffic. #Person2# agrees and gets #Person2#'s helmet. #Person1# thinks a round helmet is better. #Person2#'s new bike has some problems, and #Person1# helps to fix it." person1 mom finish paper proofread hand person2 sure let take look sweeti terrif idea origin person1 thank person2 tell work hard person1 realli start think want say three week ago person2 well definit worth time person1 let hope teacher agre,Mom helps #Person2# proofread the paper and thinks it is terrific. person1 john dont mind id like ask person question person2 dont mind person1 right marri person2 tell truth im marri im still singl person1 plan get marri person2 dont know still air,"#Person1# asks about John's marital status, and John is still single." person1 hey jenni would like go dinner person2 dont know know say offic romanc person1 dont say offic romanc person2 say shouldnt mix love work person1 that silli time one els busi besid pretti hard meet peopl outsid offic spend long hour person2 youv got point date one supervisor cowork accus favorit relationship went bad fire person1 peopl fall love peopl work that fact person2 may true dont want interoffic relationship affect product person1 make product support person2 sound like alreadi marri person1 good grief ask sorri person2 well dont feel right person1 talk dinner tonight lifetim person2 start dinner get hand besid havent ask everi woman entir offic person1 like compani person2 compani heard linda said octopu person1 say passion guy person2 well hope find someth els passion person1 want go know person2 dream dont mind ive got work person1 ok get messag hey sister,"Jenny doesn't want to have office romances to affect her working productivity, so she refuses #Person1#'s invitation to have dinner. #Person1# thinks love and work shouldn't be mixed. Actually, #Person1# tries to ask out every woman in the entire office." person1 hey look paint wall arent beauti linda bought good paint person2 yeah impress oh one marvel person3 sure theyr color person4 thank gener compliment person1 know first thing chines student would ask much paint cost person2 right ive notic alway ask question say anyth els person3 that true chines dont know habit ive notic foreign often make compliment soon see product someon bought even dont realli mean person1 yeah differ cant figur mani chines peopl dont give big hug parent grow person3 dont least peopl know person2 far know common chines say love anyon includ soul mate person4 cindi pleas dont misunderstand say one way better anoth theyr differ that,"Linda bought good paintings. #Person1#, Cindy and #Person3# make compliments of them. They begin to talk about Chinese students' attitudes towards compliments. Linda explains that they'are not saying that one way is better than another." person1 hi im look jacket fall suggest person2 sure need someth wear rain look someth lighter person1 well rain lot differ 2 person2 look black jacket see made heavier materi pocket green one much lighter person1 want someth protect wind rain person2 youll want winter coat like red one person1 right put other back shelf person2 great youv made wise decis sir,"#Person2# wants to buy clothes to protect him from wind and rain. #Person1# recommends a winter coat, and #Person2# will take it." person1 mark rememb last week told want learn foreign languag ad may interest jackson colleg languag school german russian spanish languag want learn person2 ye last one want go spain settl offer cours person1 class given differ place could go branch school call new centuri 3 block away person2 that realli close get bike person1 ye way would like go histori museum thursday person2 id like practic piano morn art class afternoon,"#Person1# tells Mark the language class information, and Mark might take Spanish class. Mark refuses #Person1#'s invitation to the History Museum because of piano practice." person1 garden look beauti summer flower realli color person2 thank rose tulip daffodil like rockeri small flower person1 ye violet person2 ye afternoon im go water flower person1 lower branch tree hang low would like cut person2 thank would kind saw garden shed person1 lower branch remov youll abl sit tree person2 tomorrow ill cut grass garden look perfect person1 make sure children dont play flower bed destroy flower,#Person1# thinks the flowers in #Person2#'s garden are colorful. Then #Person1# helps cut the lower tree branches off for #Person2#. person1 surf jack person2 parent site parentdish come made survey littl funni person1 relationship parent children person2 find top gift mother day person1 result person2 choos time famili 63 chocol flower person1 smile way help save money,Jack surfs the Internet browsing the top gift on Mother's Day. person1 excus madam person2 person1 im newcom tell way renaiss hotel person2 sure first go along main street come crossroad see shop mall turn right crossroad continu see citibank keep go past bank see coffe shop renaiss hotel around person1 long take get must get 1100 oclock 30 minut person2 dont worri sir 20 minut walk person1 thank lot,"#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the Renaissance Hotel. #Person2# tells her the way, and it takes 20minutes walk." person1 what scream person2 pour ice water ami hot shower seen face person1 shouldnt teas sister much person2 aaah joke mom person1 take far sometim matt brother like grow would gone crazi rememb time replac toothpast hot pepper put salt cake tenth birthday person2 sorri mom littl much ami like joke alway laugh afterward person1 good sens humor lucki love much brother werent close 5 year older teas alway felt hurt good ami one year apart age person2 she best friend like make scare ill never hurt,"Matt's mom is not satisfied with Matt's jokes about Amy and tells Matt not to take it too far, or it will hurt Amy." person1 hello uh im firsttim caller problem father went away busi trip borrow new car accid hurt car broken person2 mother person1 away visit friend person2 alright go person1 well told father car loss someon stolen person2 oh shouldv told father truth would understand car accid would glad werent hurt person1 im sure person2 give tri young man truth alway better lie person1 ok think your right,#Person1# has a car accident but tells his father the car is stolen. #Person1# encourages #Person2# to tell the truth. person1 ru ru hey get dog stop bark peopl tri sleep around person2 wait minut princ bark cat scream place person1 know time 100 ive got get 600 go work dont get sleep soon theyll 1 less dog world person2 frighten dog person1 im mere tell truth bark night one lead caus death dog person2 your mad person1 that possibl get dog close mouth person2 ought shut mouth person1 berenic get poison person2 come princ nice boy im go take insid,#Person2#'s dog barks at midnight and #Person1# asks #Person2# to get #Person2#'s dog to stop barking. Then they begin to quarrel. person1 littl sarah person2 look pictur dad paint class person1 show pictur dear oh what sarah person2 hous person1 person2 room room kitchen that bedroom person1 green line person2 line dad tree tree blue sky person1 plane person2 plane dad sky,"Sarah shows her Dad her painting which includes a house, trees, and her dad in the sky." person1 wonder sunflow went busi got great review dine magazin everi time ate big crowd person2 close forev fire kitchen last month plan reopen soon damag repair person1 im glad hear one best spot town clean worker friendli food great,#Person2# tells #Person1# that the Sunflower restaurant will reopen after repairing the damage. person1 hey luci question id like ask person2 ye go ahead person1 well dont laugh met realli nice woman onlin music group need advic see claudia person2 ok claudia person1 yeah yeah invit spend 2 week germani plan introduc parent greet someon first time germani person2 well depend upon relationship person speak girlfriend claudia person1 hey didnt say girlfriend person2 oh ok ok your meet someon first time like claudia parent make sure arriv time person1 ok arriv time uh common greet person2 well german often shake hand use person famili name unless theyr realli close friend person1 ok claudia person2 uh call claudia shake hand dont take flower,Claudia's planning on introducing #Person1# to her parents. #Person1# asks Lucy for advice on how to greet someone for the first time in Germany. Lucy tells #Person2# to arrive on time and the common greetings. person1 good afternoon may help sir person2 could pleas chang note person1 dont want buy anyth shop person2 sorri need chang got phone someon person1 ok let see help person2 that kind person1 im sorri im rather short chang bank across road get person2 well thank,#Person2# wants to change a note into some changes in #Person2#'s shop. #Person1# tells him there's a bank nearby. person1 help person2 im look someon work lost busi card name long sang someth like person1 chang person2 yeah sound right person1 twenti peopl name chang work depart person2 let think account financ someth like person1 eric chang account person2 that person1 ill call tell your person2 appreci help person1 would like seat itll minut name person2 here card person1 ok ill come get,#Person2# remembers Eric Chang's name under the help of #Person1#. #Person1# will call and tell Eric #Person2# is here. person1 excus need get cambridg today person2 would like go train bu person1 sure one better person2 bu cheaper also slower take twoandahalf hour person1 long train take person2 take fast train take 50 minut person1 catch train person2 train cambridg leav king cross station run approxim everi half hour train cambridg go platform 9 person1 get king cross person2 best way take underground tube train directli king cross underground station round corner person1 show map person2 easi turn right leav turn right first crossroad entranc underground station 50 meter person1 thank much person2 your welcom,#Person1# wants to go to Cambridge by train. #Person2# gives #Person1# information and shows #Person1# the way. person1 graduat person2 ye graduat past june person1 univers graduat person2 guangzhou univers person1 degre receiv person2 receiv bachelor degre econom person1 cours take colleg person2 major cours microeconom macroeconom intern trade intern financ world economi psycholog busi english person1 choos studi econom person2 quit interest econom person1 speak languag except english person2 also speak littl japanes person1 satisfi answer person2 thank much,#Person2# graduated from Guangzhou University with a bachelor's degree in Economics this June. #Person2# tells #Person1# the courses #Person2# takes and the languages #Person2# speaks. person1 interest mountain person2 ye sens say like mountain climb know im profession person1 im amateur mountain climber went climb rocki mountain friend last summer vacat spent two day mountain person2 spend night person1 pitch tent night wait sunris wow beauti person2 similar experi top tasha mountain countri person1 tasha mountain famou china isnt person2 ye one five mountain person1 want climb tasha mountain summer vacat would guid person2 id love,#Person1# and #Person2# are both amateur mountain climbers. #Person1# describes the experience in the Rocky Mountains to #Person2# and invites #Person2# to be the guide while climbing Tasha Mountain. person1 hello bought china dress shop morn person2 ye person1 bought one size mistak person2 oh person1 wonder chang one size person2 ye cours come receipt person1 ill come place later even late shop open person2 8 oclock maam look forward see,#Person1# bought a China dress with one size up by mistake at #Person2#'s shop. #Person1# wants to change it. person1 seem troubl mr brown person2 pretti bad shape doctor ford person1 oh way person2 appetit alway unag sleep well person1 lose weight person2 ye lost quit pound sinc last month person1 last time track person2 two month ago person1 let take blood pressur look anil well mr brown happi say noth seriou littl run overwork person2 suppos person1 think need vacat tri get door sure get rest person2 thank doctor say,Mr. Brown feels not well and comes to Doctor Ford's. Doctor Ford takes blood pressure and tells Mr. Brown he is too tired and needs a vacation. person1 hello today person2 well ive got terribl stomachach keep need toilet person1 see well symptom mayb youv got food poison eaten recent person2 well went seafood restaur last night ate lot oyster person1 hmm may especi raw well ill give tablet feel fine tomorrow person2 ok thank much,"#Person2# has a terrible stomach-ache and frequently goes to the toilet. #Person1# thinks #Person2# has got food poisoning and gives #Person2# some tablets." person1 go helen birthday parti friday even person2 wouldnt miss world sure fun she invit lot peopl think everyon abl get hous person1 everyon turn would squeez peopl said couldnt go think ok person2 take anyth person1 ive got birthday present ill take bottl fo wine person2 that good idea told bought plenti food snack think go noisi parti hope neighbor dont mind much person1 helen get well neighbor wouldnt surpris went parti person2 im realli look forward parti go blast person1 well dont late ill see friday helen,#Person1# and #Person2# are going to Helen's birthday party this Friday evening. They talk about things they will take and the food at the party. They are looking forward to it. person1 would like drink person2 feel like cup black tea person1 wouldnt like someth eat person2 ye id like portion strawberri tart person1 right ill see catch waitresss eye,#Person1# asks #Person2# what to eat and what to drink. person1 go give endoftheunit test friday pleas prepar person2 would pleas tell us review lesson person1 review lesson unit see understand main idea lesson person2 requir person1 phrase sentenc pattern also import know use person2 rememb new word express person1 certainli person2 sorri dont quit understand difficult point unit wonder could help us solv problem person1 well review lesson mark place dont understand give coach person2 shall coach period person1 tomorrow person2 ok,#Person1# will give an end-of-unit test this Friday. #Person2# asks #Person1# how to prepare for the test. Students will have a coaching period tomorrow. person1 oh dear miss soak wow realli rain heavili outsid person2 ye sure run work need rush im lunch break person1 well pleas dont go ahead line im hurri person2 oh that nice thank much person1 pleasur miss actual could recommend eat ive never person2 sure well avocado sandwich delici healthiest thing menu person think beef salad tastiest choic usual get also milkshak best milkshak town person1 well thank suggest person2 oh dont mention,#Person2# is soaked because of heavy rain. #Person1# asks her to stand ahead of #Person1# in the queue. #Person1# asks for food recommendations. person1 mani idiom english person2 hundr hundr english particularli rich idiomat express person1 give us exampl person2 ill look rate look doesnt mean look high sky look roof mean search find inform person1 express goodby idiom person2 natur grammat english express direct translat languag person1 interest ms parker,Ms. Parker introduces English idioms to #Person1#. #Person1# thinks it's interesting. person1 plan tonight person2 realli person1 well wonder took hangout drink someth know came back realli tough interview quit nervou interview realli want job right still littl edg sure could convinc interview person2 take easi go anyway person1 dont know think well paper exam prepar answer lot question didnt ask expect surpris manag tri talk chines poesi person2 that strang probabl new interview techniqu call get know person answer person1 best,#Person1# suggests go out for a drink after a tough interview. #Person2# then asks #Person1# for more information about the interview. person1 new school person2 ye im new person1 first year colleg person2 transfer anoth school person1 transfer person2 pcc person1 transfer person2 go go first grade werent good enough person1 like pcc person2 pcc incred school person1 well wish luck person2 im sure ill like,#Person2# transferred from PCC to #Person1#'s school because #Person2#'s grades weren't good enough first. person1 seen news seriou flood south person2 ye ive got cancel travel plan person1 piti know youv long month person2 thing wait anoth chanc,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# cancels the traveling plan because of the flood in the South. person1 make school today person2 alway go school today person1 didnt person2 seen movi late person1 odd chang subject person2 mayb answer question person1 recent person2 want go see movi weekend person1 what stop person2 dont want go alon person1 school tomorrow person2 want go movi instead,#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# will go to the movies with #Person1# instead of going to school tomorrow. person1 could speak apart manag person2 apart manag help person1 want know apart main street still rent person2 havent rent yet would like see person1 ye want see person2 today 6 p person1 time okay person2 good well meet 6 need direct person1 thank go way work person2 your interest fill applic form person1 that good idea need bring anyth person2 thing need see driver licens,"#Person1# calls the apartment manager to see the apartment on Main Street. They will meet at 6 pm today, #Person1# has to bring the driver's license." person1 how new job go person2 realli well thank person1 find new boss person2 she bad she bit bossi im sure ill get use person1 would rather old boss back person2 she far better old boss didnt know express opinion without put least one person person1 new cowork person2 pretti easygo friendli place work person1 miss old cowork person2 cours spent much time old workplac got know well like famili person1 peopl differ depart get along person2 sure sinc work togeth team get along person1 like work team peopl differ depart person2 ye help everyon understand differ perspect person1 like work team person2 prefer work independ think peopl,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about #Person2#'s new boss. #Person1# asks #Person2# several questions about #Person2#'s workplace and colleagues. #Person2# misses the old co-workers and prefers to work independently. person1 impf bank li lan speak may help person2 hello ms li mr peng person1 hello mr peng nice hear today person2 well come tomorrow make rather larg cash withdraw payrol person1 see much exactli person2 500 000 rib need give account number person1 that ok ive got inform screen front money readi wait tomorrow person2 thank much help li lan see tomorrow,"Mr. Peng calls Li Lan at IMPF Bank to withdraw 500, 000 RIB. Mr. Peng can get the money tomorrow." person1 suppos meet half past one person2 ye see need see person1 there problem schedul person2 what problem person1 two class occur time person2 well see that problem person1 possibl fix error person2 ye would still like class person1 want keep that possibl person2 well let find one class differ day person1 thank lot,#Person1# will meet #Person2# at 1.30 because two of #Person1#'s classes occur at the same time. #Person2# will find #Person1# one of the two classes on a different day. person1 good morn star airlin person2 id like confirm reserv pleas name wang lin flight kf98 person1 see leav berlin juli 23rd mr smith right person2 afraid made mistak leav juli 21st alon person1 isnt famili name lin person2 wang person1 sonri loav duti 21st seat busi section person2 that right thank,"Wang Lin calls Star Airlines to confirm a reservation. Wang is leaving on July 21st alone, by KF98." person1 today peopl advoc lifelong learn peopl differ view lifelong learn understand lifelong learn person2 think lifelong learn concept never soon late learn person1 mean studi time person2 dont think think attitud toward learn one open new idea decis skill behavior person1 axiom cant teach old dog new tricksdoesnt work longer person2 your right lifelong learn find learn opportun age numer context person1 ye agre retir particip program keep moment activ person2 keep chang world one must involv lifelong learn readi accept new thing person1 know ive recent teach french person2 realli that great know compani lot client franc person1 ye want learn french develop career,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about how they understand lifelong learning. They both advocate lifelong learning. #Person1# is learning French to develop #Person1#'s career. person1 may order pleas person2 ye id like share steak person1 ok like steak like rare medium well done person2 like welldon pleas person1 anyth els person2 one whiski person1 readi right away,#Person1# serves #Person2# to order a well-done steak and one whiskey. person1 need taxi person2 could easili provid privat vehicl youd prefer person1 taxi person2 perhap youd like take beauti limousin person1 thank taxi get along fine person2 privat vehicl limo got go person1 im see show rockefel center person2 time taxi pick person1 im readi go right person2 ill taxi momentarili sir person1 great soon brush teeth ill downstair person2 youll enjoy new clean taxi sir,#Person1# is seeing a show at Rockefeller Center. #Person1# calls #Person2# to order a taxi instead of a private vehicle or limo. person1 go basketbal game friday person2 couldnt make person1 miss realli good game person2 oh realli person1 school play realli well person2 bad busi realli want go person1 yeah realli excit person2 score person1 score 10198 person2 man realli close game person1 that made great person2 ill make sure make next one,#Person1# tells #Person2# about the basketball game on Friday. #Person2# feels sorry that #Person2# didn't go. person1 hous hunt go person2 well havent found anyth within price rang yet person1 much look spend person2 afford 300 pound month person1 look like your go get bedroom share flat person2 realli that lot money pay one room person1 well want live london pay price person2 know anyon need roommat person1 ask around work prefer maker nonsmok person2 id prefer nonsmok roommat guess ill take get person1 long want sign contract person2 sign contract year dont know ill person1 need furnish unfurnish apart person2 dont furnitur itd great furnish person1 know youll pay util top rent right person2 thought would includ rent person1 usual includ youll factor 100 pound month util person2 dont think afford person1 dont worri sometim peopl give discount promis clear take care children person2 that good idea ill look find someth like,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# can only afford about 300 pounds a month on rent in London. #Person1# will help #Person2# to find a roommate. They talk about the details of renting, including time, furnish, utilities, and discounts." person1 what temperatur today person2 5 degre centigrad person1 what weather forecast tomorrow person2 weatherman say go snow tomorrow person1 use climat person2 think ill soon get use person1 averag temperatur beij person2 lt 180c winter temperatur may fall 1015 degre zero long winter person1 season like best person2 prefer spring littl littl everyth becom green weather almost alway nice,"#Person1# asks #Person2# the temperature today and tomorrow, Beijing's climate, and #Person2#'s favorite season." person1 kind account prefer check account save account person2 would like open check account person1 ok pleas fill form show us id card person2,#Person1# serves #Person2# to open a checking account. person1 wife think take parent us vacat suggest go person2 choic destin import energet old peopl make excurs go climb mountain theyll interest go histor place interest fun person1 sometim young peopl like differ old mayb go visit first shop person2 that good idea allow parent enjoy person1 bring besid chang cloth money snack person2 medicin doctor recommend leav home find difficult face old peopl suffer seizur person1 oh ye didnt think thank remind mani day spend vacat person2 youd better light schedul rest day parent find tire person1 seem good plan famili vacat import make sure everyon happi person2 ye that right enjoy time togeth goal,#Person1# and his wife will take their parents on a vacation. They will go visit first and do some shopping. #Person2# gives some advice on things to bring and schedule. person1 hear elect person2 cant believ obama person1 couldnt happier know he new presid person2 know made histori person1 vote right person2 person1 vote person2 happi new presid person1 person2 hope bring chang america person1 faith person2 faith new presid,#Person1# and #Person2# both voted Obama. They are glad that Obama becomes President. They have faith in him. person1 oh dear person2 im sorri hope havent hurt person1 oh littl startl that right quit right person2 isnt right made drop shop bag let pick bag person1 must great hurri never mind person2 go catch bu im afraid wasnt look go hope noth destroy person1 oh thank much person2 apolog person1 dont worri need apolog look come bu youll catch run person2 oh shall,#Person2# is going to catch the bus and goes into #Person1#. #Person1# drops shopping bags. #Person2# feels sorry. person1 well well certainli stay next time pass person2 good let us know advanc well tri get room person1 would love may quit soon fact person2 oh person1 well drive south spain next coupl day may come back way person2 give us ring decid hope youll pleasant trip,#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# will stay at the same place again next time passing through. #Person2# promises to get #Person1# the same room. person1 well think reason peopl badli reach goal person2 lose focu everybodi life busi much happen everybodi life happen might goal someth get way mayb goal want go holiday everi year put leav form boss boss may ask wait anoth month anoth month differ thing get way peopl dont stand goal dont struggl let forc push around littl bit also lot peopl dont set goal think either dream loos goal make decis necessari action life goal far back mind dont act best interest also peopl sit say oh goal forget revisit everi week good way stay top mind take action base,#Person1# asks #Person2# why most people cannot reach goals. #Person2# says it is because people lose focus or do not set goals. person1 hi betti thing go person2 bad need summer job person1 read want ad here someth want waitress new restaur person2 thank ill tri,#Person1# tells Betty there is a waitress wanted for a new restaurant. person1 anyth special tonight person2 noth tonight anyth person1 go movi good get mind work person2 sound like good idea play person1 ive look entertain section newspap new film town person2 anyth interest person1 also new beij opera put first time wonder interest person2 cours person1 think time go back hotel want watch opera let get someth nearbi restaur person2 ok,#Person1# invites #Person2# to go to the Beijing Opera. They will go to the nearby restaurant first. person1 hello person2 hi steve mike person1 oh hi watch tv person2 there noth watch right person1 know watch rerun noth bore person2 let get togeth someth person1 id like meet parent hour dinner tomorrow person2 yeah let plan someth tomorrow person1 hear weather forecast tomorrow person2 think go today clear sunni person1 that great someth outdoor person2 special event go tomorrow person1 yeah think there live outdoor concert river tomorrow person2 oh yeah heard let go check person1 know time start person2 start one pm person1 let meet lunch eleven thirti afterward head person2 perfect ill see front apart eleven thirti,Steve and Mike are bored. They will meet for lunch at 11.30 tomorrow and go to a live outdoor concert. person1 hi could help find place could buy lunch person2 sure kind food would like person1 think pizza someth els italian mayb person2 know perfect place person1 good person2 right past last build left want go person1 would great person2 glad ask join fun,#Person1# asks #Person2# to help buy pizza or something Italian. #Person2# will go with #Person1#. person1 meet new girl sale depart take place maggi matern leav person2 final fill post come havent seen must induct yet person1 guess havent offici introduc whole staff yet bare start yesterday person2 work temporarili go maggi come back leav person1 new girl compet mayb promot time come,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the new girl who takes place of Maggie in the sales department. person1 hear someth person2 oh cell phone ring set vibrat mode person1 good habit set cell phone vibrat annoy hear loud sudden ring tone quiet offic person2 right ring tone terribl loud hear even next door realli kind distract person1 mayb write report boss see done person2 good idea,#Person2#'s phone rings. Then #Person1# and #Person2# talk about ring tones in offices. They will write a report to the boss. person1 hi kerri follow news everi day person2 sometim person1 follow news person2 well japan mostli radio internet person1 oh realli ok radio station person2 npr militari station person1 ok internet websit listen person2 well usual ap news bbc news whatev person1 ok much news think true person2 dont know that tough question there mani journalist stori made paper tend accur unfortun peopl leak inform untru influenc public opinion consid news stori made public person1 yeah peopl state get news person2 think peopl state get news tv main broadcast station even news sort thing person1 ok thank kerri,#Person1# asks Kerry how and what news he follow. They also talked about the accuracy of the news and how the public gets the news. person1 ok neil student journalist senior grade know came new school month ago interview school newspap person2 ok im readi person1 neil usual get school morn person2 usual go school friend live close school dont take bu friday mother drive school person1 good answer favorit subject person2 realli enjoy physic educ class love go outsid play game fun like english word hard read grammar hard scienc difficult person1 that ok your well one last question feel go school america person2 like first scare like friend teacher hope one day speak english fluentli person1 well believ keep good work neil,"#Person1# is a student journalist and interviews Neil for the school newspaper. Neil is a new student and he tells #Person1# how he gets to school, his favorite subjects, and he feels about school." person1 wonder pie homemad person2 didnt make jack person1 didnt know husband cook person2 everi week make someth wonder make great fresh bread sometim give neighbor person1 els amaz husband person2 make dinner everi night person1 realli dont even know fri egg person2 jack even wash spend longer hour travel home offic spend fewer hour home doesnt mind person1 ye compani littl far home clean person2 way take small part saturday,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that her husband makes something delicious every week, and makes dinner every night. #Person2# and her husband both do the cleaning." person1 seen new show everyon talk person2 call stranger thing watch weekend cool person1 havent seen yet yeah everyon talk what person2 well sort scienc fiction tale boy get caught upsid opposit world monster spider action even comedi coolest part actor kid age check,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the new show called stranger things. #Person2# recommends it to #Person1#. person1 happen ive wait 2 hour person2 sorri land time couldnt exit airplan everyon els person1 person2 secur stop land littl girl drop backpack seat went brush teeth guess flight attend couldnt figur whose call secur person1 land 700 youv polic whole time person2 well let go hour half get luggag oh food flight either person1 must starv take restaur person2 thank,#Person1# asks #Person2# why #Person2# has been late for 2 hours. #Person2# tells #Person1# that the security stopped #Person2# because of luggage. Then they go to a restaurant. person1 hello get taxi outsid citi limit person2 problem maam exactli go extra charg anyth 20 kilomet person1 roxi club downtown 6 us though bigger car dont need take two taxi person2 ye weekend howev 3 bigger car sent away person1 fine well 20 kilomet destin person2 ye see would like us send person1 ye pleas,#Person2# is going to the Roxy Club with five people. #Person2# asks #Person1# for a taxi. #Person1# asks for $3 more and will send the taxi now. person1 ive receiv letter applic see current job sale assist ray stone book shop appli posit person2 well ive realli enjoy work ray stone ive alway interest book usual custom realli nice like tri find book person1 want leav person2 quit small independ book shop ei book much bigger compani read websit 50 branch your still grow see also websit peopl order book person1 well true weve grown quickli recent year nice see found compani would describ ambiti person2 um dont think id like success person1 main strength person2 ah work hard enjoy work peopl uh solv problem alway put trust person1 that good,#Person2# used to work as a sales assistant at Ray Stones book shop but now applies for a job at EI books. #Person1# interviews #Person2# and asks #Person2#'s personality and main strengths. person1 nowaday fewer fewer peopl go movi theater see film afraid film studio realli get hard time surviv person2 said true film produc flexibl way get audienc exampl make movi ccd peopl spend money buy person1 true cinema lose attract use past person2 ye take exampl seldom go cinema doesnt mean longer see film instead see film homewatch ccd,"#Person1# thinks the film studios are hard to survive, but #Person2# thinks they can make more movie Ccds to get more audience." person1 believ god person2 agnost person1 sure believ god person2 think everyth scientif explan rather theolog one person1 basic believ scienc theolog mean believ evolut exampl howev mani thing scienc explain yet person2 sure scienc explain everyth eventu think strangest thing religion mani religion peopl act way religion claim wrong person1 exampl person2 religion preach toler mani war caus intoler religi fanat person1 ye peopl appear act accord religi belief,"#Person2# is agnostic, while #Person1# basically believes in science over theology. They think many religions people don't appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs." person1 good come sir person2 good come would like open new account want deposit 500 dollar person1 good sir kind would like person2 could tell mani kind bank person1 besid check account there monthli save account daili interest account person2 oh think id like take monthli save account person1 would fill form person2 ok person1 right here deposit book person2 thank goodby person1 goodby,#Person1# introduces to #Person2# the account types in the bank and helps #Person2# open the monthly savings account. person1 ok guy here plan get ball goal keep away rich taylor person2 good person1 play ball school go yijun go pass person2 im readi whoa hard throw cant get person1 catch yijun run ball uhoh slow your go hit person2 ummmph,#Person1# tells Yi-jun the plan but Yi-jun gets hurt when conducting the plan. person1 good morn famili well board meet afternoon write agenda notic board person2 discuss meet person1 well talk financi report first half year person2 anyth els person1 well also discuss personnel plan second half year person2 that person1 ye pleas write notic board want everybodi see person2 ok,#Person1# asks Emily to write the agenda of the board meeting on the notice board. person1 read say number one new year resolut make spend time friend famili person2 would funni person1 well think societi alway go want person2 person1 work hard spend less time home tri provid famili good servic usual unnecessari person2 dont agre anyway think start think new year resolut person1 what point alway make new year resolut februari forgotten pointless person2 well mayb resolv stick goal object person1 gym bag gather dust still brand new run shoe yet jog person2 well would go kept promis go gym everyday person1 yeah yeah whatev,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the new year resolution. #Person1# thinks the resolution is worthless but #Person2# thinks #Person1# should resolve to stick to the goals and objectives. #Person1# thinks #Person2# doesn't make it either. person1 terribl week person2 shame person1 fell hurt arm person2 that bad person1 son drove tree person2 im sorri hear person1 dog bit deliveri boy person2 piti person1 storm blew roof away person2 ho,#Person1# tells #Person2# about #Person1#'s terrible week. person1 hey rose feel person2 much better today person1 oh look babi beauti boy girl person2 girl person1 hold moment person2 sure peac child person1 oh ador she got eye person2 say person1 return home person2 well doctor said remain least two day im rather weak childbirth person1 use time youv work hard anyway,Rose's just given birth to a baby and feels weak. #Person1# visits her and thinks the girl is beautiful. person1 final examin held end month made good prepar person2 sure ive review lesson learn academ year person1 sure well year person2 100 certain person1 accord last time doubt person2 sure get 95 time,#Person2# has prepared well for the final examination but #Person1# doubts. person1 cant decid whether go univers get job person2 well id go studi person1 dont even know studi person2 chanc id major english your good languag person1 that parent want person2 take advic know what best friend job lot fun spend time read write person1 go univers youll still time fun person2 hm say make sens know still ask parent pocket money hate age person1 tri find parttim job youll money person2 your right thank advic,#Person1# can't decide whether to go to university or to get a job. #Person2# suggests #Person1# go to university to major in English and find a part-time job. person1 help set voicemail messag got servic realli sure suppos say person2 sure basic got ta let caller know call ask contact inform call back person1 ok say abbi voicemail call later leav name number person2 that less idea tri someth sound friendli person1 ok abbi realli happi call promis give ring soon pleas leav name number talk soon person2 littl friendli abbi say hi reach abbi unabl answer call right leav name phone number get back soon possibl thank person1 that perfect say record,#Person2# helps Abby set up the voicemail message and tells Abby what she should say is letting the caller know who they called and asking them for their contact information. person1 tell someth work experi person2 well comput engin field 6 year familiar hardwar softwar handson experi system develop includ system analysi design person1 system work person2 work everi system right person1 feel comfort new system microcosm person2 familiar older system fast learner master short time person1 consid strength person2 knowledg levelhead,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# and asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s work experience, the systems #Person2# has worked on and #Person2#'s strengths." person1 good afternoon san felic hotel may help person2 ye id like book room pleas person1 certainli madam person2 march 23rd person1 long stay person2 three night person1 kind room would like madam person2 er doubl bath id appreci could give room view lake person1 certainli madam ill check avail ye room 4th floor realli splendid view person2 fine much charg per night person1 would like breakfast person2 thank person1 eighti four euro per night exclud vat person2 that fine person1 who book pleas madam person2 mr mr ryefield that ryefield person1 okay let make sure got person2 ye thank person1 let give confirm number 7576385 ill repeat 7576385 thank choos san felic hotel nice day goodby person2 goodby,Mrs Ryefield wants to book a room for three nights and #Person1# from the San Felice Hotel helps her. person1 would like book tabl sir person2 ye would arrang day tomorrow person1 sure person2 six oclock afternoon person1 mani guest pleas person2 six person1 much would like spend person2 dont care money wed like good dish local specialti person1 ok person2 mani cours altogeth pleas person1 eight person2 could tell entre dinner person1 sure main cours roast beij duck fri eel slice person2 good,#Person1# helps #Person2# book a table for the day after tomorrow and introduces to #Person2# the dinner courses. person1 think may rent apart found person2 oh realli where find person1 look ad today found person2 ad seriou person1 yeah afford person2 id like hear apart person1 first absolut gorgeou person2 rent month person1 725 month person2 that amaz rent cheap person1 know person2 good thing read ad today,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# may rent out this apartment that #Person1# found in the ads. #Person2# thinks the rent is amazing. person1 here roast chicken maam person2 thank person1 excus waiter could bring barbecu sauc person2 certainli bring sauc get anyth els person1 im fine thank,#Person1# offers #Person2# roast chicken and barbecue sauce. person1 good morn sir person2 morn person1 catch bu zoo person2 ye take 846 get nanchengmen stop chang 106 person1 that littl troublesom person2 actual go bu stop next block take 105 let right front zoo gate person1 mayb that ill thank lot person2 your welcom,#Person2# shows #Person1# where to catch the bus for the zoo. person1 vote person2 ye person1 alreadi person2 person1 mail absente ballot person2 person1 cant vote tuesday person2 what reason person1 go work person2 go work vote person1 need take care busi morn person2 get,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# mailed in an absentee ballot as #Person1# can't vote on Tuesday. person1 good even sir welcom comfort inn person2 hello reserv name lee leo lee person1 mmmm im sure spell last name person2 lee person1 oh right your system look li weve got busi suit three day could credit card ill process checkin person2 mean pay person1 oh make impress card use credit card machin lieu deposit everyth ok check give back pretti sta person2 see guess tell dont travel much person1 later here card sir your check let tell servic free breakfast loung 700 900 call receptionist arrang,#Person1# has got Lee down for a Business Suite for three days and helps Lee check in. person1 hello person2 hello im sorri tell ive lost credit card morn want report loss replac card person1 dont worri help soon pleas fill form first write name account number amount card pleas person2 done person1 ok may see id card b pass id card pleas wait moment let go check account minut later lock card come renew account get new card week later money lost person2 thank good person1 pleas pay 10 yuan handl charg person2 ok thank much see week later person1 see,#Person2# lost the credit card. #Person1# helps #Person2# lock the card and asks #Person2# to renew the account and get a new card a week later. person1 feel wear name logo slogan cloth person2 ive never realli thought guess doesnt bother person1 think advertis influenc choic make your shop person2 guess usual buy namebrand cloth shoe electron good person1 actual tri avoid namebrand item cant stand big compani advertis product place,#Person2# usually buys name-brand things while #Person1# tries to avoid name-brand items. person1 must point trial new medicin expens never guarante success person2 good chanc case hope go ahead view potenti benefit mankind,#Person1# and #Person2# have different ideas on trials of new medicine. person1 hello andrea person2 hello andrea alex good news miranda satisfi said she much look forward work isnt wonder congratul dear feel miranda new assist imagin youll delight news let see start monday right person1 umm well dont think start monday visit father baltimor dont live new york ill need coupl day find flat buy furnitur move thing avon person2 oh well case suppos wednesday would good ok see,Alex calls Andrea to congratulate her on that she will become Miranda's new assistant. Andrea will come to work on Wednesday. person1 that plan may ask opinion mr grey person2 well view plan good get compani move person1 er might sonic strong point may easili carri,Mr. Grey thinks #Person1#'s plan isn't very good but can keep the company moving. person1 excus could ask question person2 cours person1 work advertis agenc im research new magazin peopl like person2 peopl like mean person1 peopl 25 35 year old person2 ok person1 right urn weekend person2 well friday wife alway goe exercis class visit friend person1 dont go person2 friday never go friday stay home watch televis person1 saturday person2 saturday wife alway go sail togeth person1 realli person2 mm love never miss even go person1 person2 differ place sometim go see friend sometim go cinema restaur alway go saturday even person1 see sunday happen sunday person2 noth special often go walk alway cook big sunday lunch person1 oh often cook person2 urn twice week three time week person1 thank much need person detail name job what surnam person2 robinson,#Person1# is doing some research and interviews Robinson. Robinson tells #Person1# his wife exercises and visits friends on Friday. Robinson and his wife go sailing together on Saturday and they go for a walk on Sunday. person1 dr brook dont know what wrong alway feel tire weak wife final persuad visit find troubl person2 written see bad cold three year ago also small oper last year bad effect person1 well dont rememb person2 exampl long stay home time ill person1 coupl day six month ago home two week cold someth person2 see doctor time stay home person1 didnt see doctor began feel better return work person2 start feel tire person1 must ten day ago came home work one night didnt seem reason go back next day person2 well sound problem may kind work test made dont show anyth realli wrong would like make test hospit person1 that fine person2 right check tonight ill make test tomorrow morn,#Person1# always feels tired and weak and comes to visit Dr. Brook. #Person1# says he usually stays at home for several days when he's ill and once he stayed for two weeks without seeing a doctor. Brook will make some further tests. person1 hello martha person2 hello person1 nice holiday person2 cours person1 go person2 went fiji person1 fiji nice person2 nice person1 long stay person2 two week person1 good time eh person2 person1 martha person2 went swim sail play sand person1 great fiji look like person2 beauti beach palm tree person1 peopl peopl like person2 realli friendli person1 that great your sunburnt person2 ye know ive spent much time sun person1 sunbath person2 yeah person1 aha,Martha tells #Person1# Matha went swimming and sailing in Fuji which is a beautiful place with friendly people. person1 keep go strong dont give person2 didnt know exercis class go hard need water person1 hey didnt say could take break lose weight right arent go get healthi drink water person2 thirsti cant exercis without water hate class id prefer exercis alon person1 need tri harder keep go dont slow person2 think im done class difficult im,#Person1# encourages #Person2# to keep exercising but #Person2# thinks the class is too difficult to insist on. person1 tell reach bankpleas person2 bank two alli irish bank bank ireland person1 aib pass card want get money bank person2 need go alli irish bank near local shop center dunn store person1 get knowledg area person2 cross road turn left side walk long footpath reach traffic light see shop center right hand side walk across road turn right shop center keep go straight 100 metr bank left person1 sound littl bit difficult far person2 difficult five minut walk draw map wish person1 oh would realli appreci,#Person2# shows #Person1# the ways to the Allied Irish Bank. #Person1# feels it's difficult and #Person2# draws a map for #Person1#. person1 hi nice meet nanci yesterday person2 didnt come sick person1 still look littl sick ought go back bed person2 go home person1 drive today person2 oh dont car person1 take home would like ride person2 ye thank lot could stop chemist way need buy medicin,Nancy tells #Person1# she didn't come yesterday because of sickness. #Person1# takes Nancy home. person1 thank thank welcom everyon favorit game show unbeliev trivia today contest juli jone enter bonu round tri win grand prize 30000 cash allexpens paid sixday vacat china okay juli order win grand prize must answer four bonu question correctli question true fals fals must make statement true give correct inform go home consol prize fine set encyclopedia home repair oh rememb buzzer goe must give answer readi person2 im readi person3 first question cat 32 muscl ear person2 uh true person3 correct question number two tuna fish blink eye person2 true mean mean mean fals shark fish blink eye person3 correct two question number three eleph largest eye world person2 know one fals giant squid largest eye person3 super last question juli nation anthem greec 134 vers person2 fals nation anthem greec 158 vers person3 right person2 win person3 ye juli pack bag well pack wallet alright your china well that today show see next time person2 thank thank,"Julie Jones participates in the game show, Unbelievable Trivia. #Person1# introduces the rules of the game and asks Julie four questions. Julie answers correctly and gives the correct information, so she'll enjoy the all-expense paid to China." person1 hello happi time cater servic vitoria speak help person2 hello victoria joe smith countri holiday wonder could cater us next week small recept launch summer holiday advertis campaign free person1 exactli mr smith person2 april 21st that thursday oh sorri friday person1 oh ye hold person2 thought wed head offic use confer room enough room everyon person1 ok sort thing would like person2 light lunch think peopl eat move around talk thing similar us last year wed happi menu person1 right ill look diari see last time oh nearli forgot ask mani cater person2 well think peopl abl come perhap around 30 let say 35 sure person1 right thank get touch mr smith ill send confirm arrang end week person2 ok,Joe Smith calls Happy Time Catering Service and wants some catering for next week. Victoria asks his requirements and will send him confirmation of the arrangements by the end of this week. person1 long live london person2 er coupl year long work person1 month move job work came person2 come person1 came small villag call arnsid near lancast year ago noth move london person2 enjoy work restaur person1 much,#Person2#'s lived in London for several years while #Person1# just moved there from Arnside for the job a few months ago. person1 still feel ill person2 ye medicin hasnt help good start vacat im afraid person1 idea caus person2 well thought might last night dinner person1 fine could heat enough make anyon ill person2 know weve week anyway ive care sun ive drink bottl water person1 wed better stay hotel today,#Person1# and #Person2# are having a vacation but #Person2# feels ill. person1 help miss person2 thank im look much necklac person1 2999 dollar person2 expens sister birthday tomorrow im think buy person1 youll find price good quit reason person2 well that certainli nice know ill take person1 good choic im sure shell love cash card miss person2 hope card pleas person1 come 3199 dollar tax pleas sign,#Person1# helps #Person2# choose a necklace for her sister as a birthday present. person1 pay room ms white person2 credit card person1 room card person2 ye person1 card number pleas person2 4434 1234 5678 9902 person1 doubl one zero two person2 doubl nine zero two person1 4434 1234 5678 9902 person2 that right person1 expiri date person2 eleven person1 could repeat pleas person2 novemb year person1 thank ive book two room ms white mr webber wednesday 25th saturday 28th septemb person2 thank person1 your welcom well see 25th ms white person2 thank lot goodby person1 goodby,#Person1# helps Ms. White book the room and Ms. White pays by credit card. person1 ye sir whatll person2 two hamburg french fri person1 anyth els person2 give two coke also pleas person1 go eat person2 well eat person1 that eight fifti person2 ketchup pleas person1 servic counter,"#Person1# helps #Person2# order hamburgers, French fries and cokes." person1 good morn intern student offic may help person2 id like talk director plan go home next week person1 one student england person2 im unit state came last may person1 see director see next monday prefer morn afternoon person2 morn better person1 would 900 oclock alright person2 suit fine person1 good well expect 900 oclock monday morn person2 thank much,#Person2# wants to talk to the director about the plan to go home next week. #Person1# helps #Person2# book the time. person1 what still studi person2 yeah ill night person1 when big test person2 3 day mani thing rememb person1 your take spanish class serious dont think lighten bit person2 cant need get good grade also actual learn stuff next year im appli nurs program give special financi help student speak 2 languag person1 come youll fine alway fine person2 studi hard person1 ok cant take littl break hey come get fish know fish actual good brain,#Person2# studies hard to get a good grade and wants to apply for a nursing program. #Person1# suggests #Person2# take a break. person1 sir person2 im tom room 508 want wakeup call tomorrow morn person1 time person2 615 pleas person1 problem comput wakeup servic pleas dial 2 first time say dial 2 0615 person2 see dial number 20615 turn thank way want chang wake time shall person1 dial new wake time comput record new wake time delet previou number automat person2 dial 20700 wake 700 right person1 ye quit right person2 thank goodnight,Tom wants a wake-up call tomorrow morning. #Person1# asks Tom to dial 2 first and then the time. #Person1# also tells Tom how to change the wake-up time. person1 mr sharp thank give interview first question happi life person2 happi may know first person ask question directli other dare afraid might say ye want say could make stori person1 kind stori person2 brian sharp author 100 histor novel live lone hous 30 mile away sydney happi person1 refus mani interview person2 im tire told must unhappi im rich success im unhappi person1 understood im wonder follow similar pattern write person2 know mean write similar stori say person1 creat hero person2 hero live think stori drawn life life friend live includ friend mani book person1 sound good,#Person1# interviews Mr. Sharp. Mr. Sharp tells #Person1# he's happy and he doesn't write similar stories. His stories are drawn from life. person1 hi miya person2 im well thank im crazi busi day person1 fine thank busi person2 chines test next week person1 come believ pass spoken chines good enough person2 uh speak one thing exam anoth thing im afraid person1 anyway want coffe person2 ok dont much time go librari person1 wont take long let go cafe person2 ok,Miya's crazy busy because of a Chinese test. #Person1# believes Miya can pass it and invites her to have a coffee. person1 hello tom mean go away person2 oh ye ive book ticket time go back home person1 well long china person2 ive 2 year person1 enjoy stay person2 ye inde say ive wonder time past 2 year xiao fang given lot help peopl friendli thank much person1 leav person2 im next sunday ive come say goodby today person1 id like invit dinner go friday person2 im free friday id like come would pleas ask xiao fang person1 cours,Tom will go back home next Sunday and comes to say goodbye. #Person1# invites him for dinner before he leaves. person1 need seriou talk person2 person1 attend rather lack person2 ok ive miss class person1 class ive told youv miss 6 8 time 2 differ class that realli set fail your big troubl person2 what big deal miss class person1 big deal your student visa person2 person1 dont attend class regularli wont full time student visa requir person2 go turn polic person1 oh cours ill report continu miss class im afraid youll pack thing,#Person1# has a serious talk with #Person2# and tells #Person2# #Person2#'s missed too many classes and #Person2# might need to return to #Person2#'s country. person1 hi jenni im call ask want go park us tomorrow person2 id like im leav new york tomorrow person1 go see friend person2 im go work person1 go train plane person2 neither david drive new york tomorrow hell give lift person1 long trip person2 ye lisa go us talk listen music way person1 long stay person2 5 day oh pack ill call come back person1 ok bye,#Person1# invites Jenny to go to the park tomorrow but Jenny is leaving for New York for work. person1 hi would like purchas one way ticket brussel pleas person2 certainli sir train schedul express train depart everi morn overnight train depart nine pm person1 long take get person2 twelv hour current ticket avail first class express train like choos sleeper overnight train bit less expens person1 yeah think best option serv food train twelv hour long time person2 ye cours dine car toward front train serv meal time provid complimentari water coffe passeng person1 great take person2 sir train leav platform number nine nine dot rememb least thirti minut schedul departur time els might miss train person1 understand thank much person2 great trip,#Person1# would like to purchase a one-way ticket to Brussels. #Person2# recommends a sleeper on the overnight train which takes twelve hours and serves food. #Person1# takes it. person1 isnt past bedtim alreadi person2 sleepi person1 get late wake earli tomorrow person2 way fall asleep right person1 tri listen soft music person2 wont work im nowher close tire person1 realli dont care go sleep person2 stay someth get tire person1 youll night let person2 im go get sleep eventu person1 need go sleep go sleep person2 good night,"#Person1# insists that #Person2# should go to sleep, even if #Person2# is not tired. #Person2# eventually agrees." person1 doctor worst toothach person2 long pain person1 week gotten realli bad last coupl day person2 anyth might aggrav tooth person1 know eat jawbreak movi day accident bit realli hard one person2 kind toothbrush use person1 use regular hard bristl toothbrush person2 bother eat someth realli cold person1 ye definit bother,"#Person1# has had a toothache for a week. #Person2#, the doctor, asks #Person1# about the details." person1 good morn may good girl read english book person2 good morn reason miss beauti morn new bird person1 oh ye daughter bought yesterday call lulu person2 look cute parrot person1 ye look color feather els person2 see interest also parrot english book mane polli person1 realli foreign parrot person2 speak english person1 mayb teach lulu english word person2 lulu lulu say hello hello oh smart good bird,#Person1#'s daughter bought a new parrot. May thinks it's cute and teaches it some English words. person1 product sell point advanc technoledg person2 unfortun expens major consum afford person1 price high person2 price high overhead updat entir comput system compat costli person1 model comput arent compat person2 current comput system simpli cant handl model truli extraordinari capabl person1 mayb next gener technolog come price model becom afford person2 technolog outdat person1 true focu never afford anyway coastwis may competit qualitywis definit edg person2 that right one els product market compar person1 model advanc technoledg superior compon compact topqual product person2 guess get pay,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about a product with advanced technology. #Person2# says it is expensive because the overhead to update an entire computer system to be compatible is costly. person1 go cinema tonight person2 that great what tonight person1 sure name film know romant one person2 romant afraid like thriller better person1 dont think bloodi person2 contrari excit,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to a romantic film, but #Person2# prefers thrillers." person1 hi jack person2 well person1 look like your feel happen person2 noth person1 come man who feel therer usual two reason either career go downhil broken heart sinc your success must latter person2 well your right broke jane person1 oh im sorri thought two made ocher person2 well never know im readi commit want settl say want pursu career she still young person1 well blame alway difficult choos career famili person2 mayb your right person1 jack dont know say comfort cheer plenti fish sea youll find soul mate perfect match person2 yeah hard forget moment know togeth almost five year realli hard,"Jack is down because he broke up with Jane. #Person1# tells him to cheer up, but Jack thinks it's hard to forget her at moment." person1 mp3 look cool get person2 bought onlin person1 realli often shop onlin person2 ye buy daili necess onlin person1 ive never tri eshop better shop actual store person2 ye much better log websit brows mani item categori comfort home order good pay credit debit card good deliv home person1 wound good dont queue cashier person2 still gowindow shoppingjust like real shop mall person1 well advantag person2 ye shop close 2200 even earlier internet oper 24 hour day seven day week access anywher person1 mani choic onlin shop person2 sure buy almost anyth think person1 perhap tri,#Person2# bought #Person2#'s mp3 online. #Person1# has never tried E-shopping and #Person2# tells #Person1# it's much better than shopping at an actual store. #Person1# might have a try. person1 anyth help person2 ye thank realli far behind project could help extra type xerox person1 either one person2 good would help start page person1 problem person2 thank much long work person1 work 5 year person2 well special project come would interest work person1 ye would love work special project person2 well ill keep loop thank help today,#Person2# asks #Person1# to help with the project. #Person1# is happy to do so. #Person1# is interested in working on special projects. #Person2# will notify #Person1# in the future. person1 help person2 ye would like look product think use fit well person1 full rang product cosmet skin cleanser person2 foundat person1 foundat super qualiti use finest ingredi moistur skin protect skin uva uvb person2 color foundat person1 let show six color person2 color use natur beig much sell person1 250 yuan person2 that expens person1 your pay madam ingredi provid soft perfect finish coverag weightless feel person2 understand need lipstick lipstick red person1 cours suggest buy lipgloss shine effect person2 right much person1 45 yuan buy two get small bottl nail polish free person2 well ill take,"#Person2# wants to buy some new cosmetics. #Person1# shows her the foundation and a lipgloss, and #Person2# decides to take them." person1 hello sunshin travel agenc person2 hello packag tour beij person1 well let see nice one still sever unfil place person2 tour chinesespeak guid person1 ye sir person2 cost tour person1 five hundr dollar altogeth person2 bit expens tell schedul person1 ye introduc itinerari detail,#Person2# wants to know more about the package tour to Beijing. #Person1# will introduce #Person2# the itinerary in detail. person1 weve thousand time data irrefut look weve done extens research built studi read literatur conclus evid support theori person2 horowitz beg differ even recent studi investig approach flaw know well collect data systemat larg margin error draw definit conclus base data would mislead person1 preposter person2 tri singlehandedli solv one world greatest mysteri yet oblivi fact wrong person1 wrong chicken came first person2 egg came first,Horowitz says there is conclusive evidence to support his theory but #Person2# disagrees. Horowitz believes the chicken came first but #Person2# believes the egg came first. person1 said like classic music much favorit opera star person2 three three tenor person1 oh mean pavarotti domingo carrera live show person2 yeah realli uniqu experi solo concert pavarotti put perform forbidden citi beij person1 ive heard one also swan song person2 besid speak classic music never forget new year concert person1 cours peopl world watch tv listen radio person2 sure undoubtedli one biggest classic music event ever live show person1 ye went new year concert 2005 person2 wow lucki saw one tv must differ concert hall person1 that sure know realli amaz best concert hall listen perform best orchestra greatest time ever person2 conductor event person1 lorin maazel amaz job moreov celebr 75th birthday person2 cool wish go live new year concert someday futur person1 right opportun would come along soon know music transnat person2 believ well perform begin let quiet,#Person2# likes classical music very much and has been to a solo concert by Pavarotti. #Person1# went to the New Year's Concert in 2005. #Person2# also wants to go someday in the future. person1 like stay person2 person1 peopl kind way your lucki person2 ye alway gather welcom new comer person1 never person2 realli person1 yeah peopl way hardli speak,#Person1# likes to stay here because people are kind down #Person2#'s way. person1 cold person2 ye littl person1 wonder chang temperatur person2 tri button air condit person1 must button turn person2 think central control control main desk person1 well cold want warmer wont abl sleep person2 im go downstair drink water ask person1 say air condit person2 said central control room cant chang person1 that stupid sleep person2 wear cloth,#Person1# and #Person2# are cold and want to change the temperature. The main desk tells #Person2# it's centrally controlled. #Person2# advises #Person1# to wear more clothes. person1 hello kate person2 fine thank person1 fine term paper person2 oh lord havent realli start person1 could due two week later person2 know busi parttim job last day person1 kate know think get parttim job next year realli need money dont want ask parent im busi go work studi good tip budget time person2 honest jason dont think im good job balanc schoolwork job im alway two step behind ive got get back dorm continu write paper say dont talk advisor let know person1 advisor,Kate tells Jason she hasn't started her term papers because she was busy with her part-time job. Jason wants to know how to balance work and study. Kate advises him to talk to his advisor. person1 could order dinner person2 cours would like person1 want bottl champagn lobster tail filet mignon medium rare person2 im sorri ran filet mignon may suggest porterhous instead person1 that bad porterhous okay person2 may bold suggest chocolatecov strawberri champagn person1 tonight thank person2 strawberri well charg amen account that okay person1 charg whatev account like person2 meal deliv soon readi enjoy,#Person1# is ordering dinner. #Person2# says they ran out of filet mignon and suggests the porterhouse. #Person1# accepts it but refuses chocolate-covered strawberries. person1 even volum sale cost exec user wont go much person2 propos person1 could take cut price 25 would reduc much profit margin suggest compromis 10 person2 that big chang 25 10 beyond negoti limit idea person1 dont think chang right dont talk tomorrow person2 sure talk offic anyway hope find common ground person1 robert instruct reject number propos tri come someth els person2 hope dana instruct negoti hard deal im tri hard reach middl ground person1 understand propos structur deal first six month get discount 20 next six month get 15 person2 dana cant bring number back offic theyll turn flat person1 youll think someth better robert,"Dana and Robert are discussing a deal. Dana suggests a reduction of 10%, but Robert says it's beyond the negotiating limit. They decide to talk again tomorrow. Dana proposes a structured deal but Robert still finds it hard to accept." person1 help person2 ye jame mason anderson associ limit would like see mr smith person1 appoint person2 ye know im come meet set 2 oclock person1 wonder mr smith forgot meet afraid left offic morn expect back 4 p let find made arrang someon els meet place pleas seat person2 sure person1 ye mr mason check offic manag ms terri said mr smith brief project finish meet shortli would like show around wait person2 would nice thank person1 right way mr mason start front offic ms terri readi may take elev front 6th floor confer room alreadi prepar,James Mason wants to see Mr. Smith. #Person1# says Ms. Terry will meet him on behalf of Mr. Smith. person1 want eat today person2 feel like dumpl let go eat person1 need know make dumpl let scratch give hand kitchen dont think finish everyth person2 cours want person1 trim veget cook cut meat person2 would like make dumpl later person1 yeah good helper steven person2 absolut,Steven feels like having some dumplings. #Person1# knows how to make it. #Person1# asks him to trim vegetables and #Person1# will cut up the meat. person1 stay here key room person2 thank here receipt sir person1 mani thank person2 hope stay satisfactori sir person1 could great hotel get rid insect citi great person2 im glad littl problem didnt ruin visit pleas pleasant trip home,#Person1#'s stay is over. He tells #Person2# this could be a great hotel once they get rid of the insects. person1 hello person2 hi vicki person1 yet person2 ye person1 got subway im almost sorri im late person2 that problem want tell im insid person1 person2 second floor person1 come second floor want come first floor person2 come upstair person1 person2 oh hear ok said come second floor person1 oh ok person2 look book learn english person1 want get someth eat later person2 im still full dinner person1 want person2 dont know sure get well talk person1 ok see soon person2 bye,Vicky tells #Person2# she got off the subway and almost arrives. #Person2# is on the second floor looking at some books. They will discuss what to do later when they meet. person1 good even sir what pleasur person2 give shot whiski soda person1 without ice sir person2 certainli without ice ice spoil tast person1 would like say pleas sir pour soda person2 whoa person1 enjoy drink sir,#Person2# wants a shot of whisky and soda without ice. #Person1# asks him to say 'when'. person1 im sorri julia cant get home earli even person2 today birthday person1 know darl lot work hope understand person2 steven dont ask leav steven dont speak still person1 hello julia cant hear clearli im afraid line order okay b listen hang call back later person2 okay bye,Steven tells Julia he can't get home early for her birthday. She suggests him asking for a leave. He will call her back later. person1 look part time full time employ person2 start would like someth part time hope develop someth full time person1 interest compani long term person2 ye that right like citi much would like make home person1 applic pleas fill best abil bring resum refer person2 ye person1 keep readi give applic turn person2 thank much take minut,#Person2# would like to start with something part-time that can develop into full time. #Person1# asks #Person2# to fill out an application and turn it in with a resume and references. person1 hello id like get busi comput need broadband person2 there ethernet cabl room plug back laptop person1 uhoh cant use ethernet comput wireless person2 that okay tell altern person1 altern work great person2 well there comput lab first floor person1 sound good what charg person2 lab comput charg pay whatev print person1 sound good altern person2 cours lobbi set wireless bring comput person1 use laptop lobbi that great need print someth person2 plan instal printer youll use lab,"#Person1# needs some broadband. #Person2# gives some alternatives, such as use the computer lab or the computer in the lobby which is set up for wireless." person1 seen news today person2 yet happen person1 know blackout last night person2 ye heard light night person1 well peopl decid loot last night person2 dont understand person1 took advantag blackout person2 realli start loot person1 ye appar four store broken person2 looter get caught person1 evid person2 hope wont blackout,#Person1# tells #Person2# some people looted during the blackout last night. #Person2# hopes there won't be more blackouts. person1 weather terribl person2 ye sunni warm yesterday wind realli blow hard person1 im wear heavi jacket person2 im go put cloth person1 snow today person2 dont know like snow person1 ye snow everi white beauti person2 read newspap mayb tell whether snow person1 good idea,#Person1# and #Person2# think the weather is terrible and decide to wear more clothes. #Person2# suggests #Person1# reading the newspaper to know whether it will snow or not. person1 hey sarah im troubl find apart help look list onlin person2 sure kind apart look person1 well cheap dont want realli expens apart person2 ok would like live studio person1 sure studio would fine,#Person1# asks Sarah to help #Person1# find a cheap apartment. She suggests #Person1# living in a studio. person1 hi sue how go person2 oh hi frank fine class person1 pretti good im glad last term though person2 thought enjoy school person1 im get tire im readi real world person2 plan graduat person1 first want get job comput programm five year id like start busi person2 sound good still three term go im done person1 youll make sure well see later person2 bye,Frank is glad this is his last term. He wants to get a job and start his own business. Sue still has three terms to go. person1 hi jane come person2 uh yeah stop see still look roommat share hous person1 yeah sure let show place uh here live room person2 oh look like could use new carpet stain person1 well ive problem former roommat know need clean dont money right person2 oh kitchen person1 right way look complet furnish latest applianc except person2 person1 well refriger door broken littl bit wont shut way need fix dont worri ive push box keep shut person2 hmm great person1 ah isnt bad person2 well bathroom person1 well person2 hey think ive seen enough cant believ youv surviv condit person1 think realli cant beat place like 450 month problem fix person2 uh thank think ive seen enough,Jane comes to see if #Person1# is still looking for a roommate to share #Person1#'s house. #Person1# shows her around the house and she is not satisfied with the bad conditions. person1 breakfast room person2 certainli madam breakfast serv room 7 oclock 9 here menu person1 id like chines food person2 ye madam time would like person1 eight oclock think person2 good madam kind fruit juic would like person1 id like orang pleas person2 orang juic would prefer tea milk person1 tea pleas person2 thank much good night,"#Person1# tells #Person2# she would like to have Chinese food, orange juice, and tea in her room at eight o'clock." person1 hello jack think give lift station must go pick sister person2 im terribl sorri cant work 830 call taxi though,Jack can't give #Person1# a lift to the station. He can call #Person1# a taxi. person1 hello seen advertis havent rent yet person2 havent come look person1 thank person2 simpl room son use live grown long gone husband die last year thought mayb id take roomer person1 nice quiet hous that im look person2 way sir person1 oh pleasant room much rent person2 fifti dollar week wont charg anyth electr ga heat oh ye use kitchen refriger person1 well like place much know govern doesnt give much money know mean person2 oh ye seem like nice young man 40 person1 that good mr person2 price susan price person1 name wang li ive come china studi univers person2 oh isnt love person1 may move tomorrow morn mr price person2 fine ill expect around ten dont mind id like first two week rent advanc person1 ok ill give tomorrow morn see tomorrow,Wang Li wants to rent the room. Susan Price and she finally agree that the rent is $40 per week. He will move in tomorrow morning. person1 make offer would like run campaign four extra week person2 well summar problem point view first campaign late miss two import trade affair ad also appear key magazin result campaign fail accept summari happen person1 well delay wasnt entir fault fact make late chang specif advertis person2 uh actual late initi propos littl time fact ask small chang person1 well whatev repeat offer run campaign 4 extra week person2 that realli point campaign miss two key trade affair ask either repeat campaign next year free pay 50 fee year person1 could suggest 20 reduct fee togeth four week sustent campaign person2 happi lost busi person1 think made mistak respons side person2 ok let suggest new solut 40 cut fee free repeat campaign person1 well let take break get far perhap think,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about a fail campaign. #Person2# asks either to repeat the campaign next year for free or 50% reduction of the fee. #Person1# suggests a 20% reduction together with the four-week sustention. They will take a break and find a new solution. person1 excus would pleas make suit materi person2 sure may take measur person1 pleas dont make tight autumn wear make sure allow cardigan underneath person2 see sir come back fit 10th that week time person1 10th im sorri see im go attend intern confer 11th could suit readi 8th latest 9th person2 well busi suit usual take ten day time case well tri readi sooner come fit 8th suit readi 10th person1 that fine thank,#Person1# asks #Person2# to make a suit. #Person1# needs it ready at the latest by the 9th. #Person2# suggests #Person1# coming for a fitting on the 8th and the suit will be ready on the 10th. person1 happen didnt win person2 didnt hear disqualifi person1 happen he talent thought great chanc win gold medal person2 didnt drug problem would person1 kind drug use person2 take steroid make stronger faster person1 thought athlet suppos regularli test drug person2 reason didnt disqualifi race result text came back afterward person1 that disappoint dont know top athlet would feel need take drug person2 dont think right understand might imagin much pressur would win countri person1 regardless much pressur your there never good reason take drug person2 agre hope new regul fewer athlet tri cheat drug person1 let hope,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the athlete was disqualified for taking drugs. #Person1# thinks it's disappointing. They hope with the new regulations, fewer athletes will try to cheat with drugs." person1 hi cindi thought id miss person2 oh sorri han thank wait must long time alreadi person1 right person2 caught heavi rain would come earlier sorri kept wait person1 comfort place realli problem happi see rain hold long person2 ye came subway rain cat dog forgot umbrella wait rain let person1 total understand,Cindy was caught in the heavy rain so she kept Hans waiting for a long time. Hans understands her. person1 dont look well mayb take day work person2 couldnt import meet go today person1 feel ok person2 realli 12hour flight ive got jetlag top think ive also got flu person1 dont call secretari tell reschedul meet realli get rest youll end feel even wors person2 could feel forehead check see fever person1 your realli hot let get tylenol bring fever person2 ok ill stay home morn rest feel better afternoon im go meet person1 zach what arm person2 dont know look bit red im sure noth person1 look like red rash allerg anyth person2 cat dont think near cat last coupl week person1 complet forgot cat allergi took care cat friend day ago oh wed better go doctor get medicin let go person2 shouldnt make appoint first person1 sould let go see there open get wors person2 whatev say want get meet,"Zach has a fever, but he insists on going to an important meeting. #Person1# finds he has a red rash all over him and remembers he has a cat allergy. #Person1# suggests they go to the doctor and get some medicine, but Zach still wants to go to the meeting." person1 pleas show menu miss person2 cours take order person1 ye id like italian soup start fri noodl person2 right serv anyth els person1 ye id like anoth cup coffe afterward make hot pleas person2 youv got sir,"#Person1# orders an Italian soup, some fried noodles, and coffee with #Person2#'s help." person1 hey let show place eh here live room person2 oh look like could use new carpet person1 well ive problem former roommat know need clean dont money right person2 oh kitchen person1 well refriger door broken littl bit wont shut way isnt bad person2 bathroom person1 eh window need fix person2 hey think ive seen enough cant believ youv surviv condit,#Person1# shows #Person2# around the house and #Person2# is not satisfied with the bad conditions. person1 hi maggi saw paint end year school art exhibit parent went great person2 well art teacher seem realli pleas im sure parent thought person1 oh dont worri heard say good thing person2 hmmhe probabl didnt notic hadnt use right color person1 dont think anyon notic person2 late anyth well next time ill someth better hope,"#Person1# saw Maggie's painting and thinks it was great, but Maggie worries that she didn't use the right colors and hopes she'll do something better next time." person1 hi name mari jackson friend susan whose son bobbi take gymnast lesson suggest call person2 ok lesson child person1 son 3 id like start take lesson next year person2 well like sport anoth reason take lesson person1 like sport person2 would like learn person1 id like learn gymnast also want help son studi gymnast person2 good well fix date person1 thank weekend spare time person2 ok ill check calendar well call later know certain bye,Mary Jackson calls #Person2# to take gymnastic lessons for herself. #Person2# will call her later to fix a date. person1 good news person2 what person1 ioc presid thoma bach announc winner person2 winner person1 salli bookworm beij got right host twenti fourth winter olymp game 2022 person2 that realli good news tell someth pleas person1 beij cold bitter zhangjiak 144 nod marti 40 vote becom first citi host summer winter olymp person2 wonder ill someth winter olymp game,#Person1# tells #Person2# Beijing's got the right to host the twenty-fourth Winter Olympic Games in 2022. #Person2# thinks it's good news. person1 luci heard got parttim job true person2 ye jack work guid citi museum explain basic detail pictur item like visitor person1 sound like hard job must learn lot histori person2 that ok like read past histori help us know present situat love job person1 learn lot job person2 importantli get good work experi,Lucy tells Jack she is working as a guide in their cities museum and she loves the job. person1 look cute hey guy name person2 ye that hopper call like jump around eat lot carrot person1 seem get along anim person2 anim see rescu case separ mother theyr like brother sister person1 dog cat home think would stress person2 long anim well train shouldnt problem get cage though person1 healthi need taken anim doctor first person2 he 100 healthi person1 ill take come hopper,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Hopper who is a rescued animal. #Person2# tells #Person1# he is 100% healthy and #Person1# will take him. person1 good afternoon would like speak manag pleas person2 what problem person1 well pick tv store yesterday afternoon take car sort accident fell look ok pictur pretti unclear think someon look get chang person2 ok talk manag right pleas wait moment person1 ok thank person2 well someon repair caus im afraid pay half repair cost pay half person1 fine thank,#Person2# can have someone repair #Person1#'s TV but #Person1# has to pay for half of the repair cost because it was caused by #Person1#. #Person1# agrees. person1 anna wed day weekend readi person2 yeah think except one thing im suppos wear special thing wed good luck person1 ive thought plan wear wed dress person2 cours say happi marriag wear someth old someth new someth borrow someth blue person1 ive never heard go wear person2 well someth old im wear grandmoth diamond ring wed dress someth new im wear blue flower hair person1 ok that someth old new blue still need someth borrow person2 yeah dont know though person1 hey bout lucki coin alway wear insid shoe need good luck borrow put shoe wed person2 oh thank im readi wed day,Anna tells #Person1# she needs to wear something special for her wedding. She's prepared everthing except something borrowed. And #Person1# lends her #Person1#'s lucky coin. person1 royal hotel help person2 ye urgent need room tomorrow night vacanc person1 ye kind room would like person2 id like suit ocean view pleas person1 problem sir,#Person1# helps #Person2# book a suite for tomorrow night. person1 franci done outstand work past six month view achiev trust indispens part compani deserv offic director titl person2 happi know could make contribut compani person1 titl give rais paycheck also increas respons congratul hope best person2 thank best,#Person2# praises Francis's performances and gives the title of officer director to him. person1 john like meet charl brown new manag airport person2 ye certainli recogn person1 short wellbuilt got light blond hair person2 anyth els person1 mustach rememb correctli light complexion person2 old person1 late thirti person2 well troubl recogn time flight arriv person1 2 thirti,#Person1# asks John to meet Charles Brown at the airport and tells him how to recognize Brown. person1 tell excit person2 excit person1 vote today person2 first time person1 turn 18 month ago person2 lucki person1 mean person2 turn 18 elect year person1 even think person2 person1 realli still excit person2 part histori,#Person1# is excited about voting and #Person2# thinks #Person1# is lucky to turn 18 in an election year. person1 hello tell procedur appli job person2 ye cours mani step appli job internet send resum email address compani wail feedback compani person1 qualif need posit person2 must 2 yearsexperi first,#Person2# tells #Person1# the procedures of applying for a job and the qualification needed. person1 still catch t107 xiamen person2 sorri sir train alreadi left person1 that bad take anoth train person2 ye ticket valid three day person1 that great take next train person2 ticket check person1 shall pay extra charg person2 extra charg berth invalid,#Person1# missed a train but #Person2# tells him he can take another train without extra charge. person1 look hous outsid dont realli think want go insid person2 look like could use littl work let see interior look like person1 impress interior hous person2 sometim place need littl bit clean fresh paint person1 window even see problem person2 think check kitchen list roomi spaciou person1 suppos store thing without cabinet space person2 pictur list show love master suit think go look sinc person1 dead anim somewher person2 well think pretti safe say hous,#Person2# advises to see the interior look of the house but #Person1# doesn't like the setting and decoration. #Person2# thinks that it's not the house for #Person1#. person1 ive heard go call tender kind good would like buy person2 ye readi start invit tender your well inform wed like build new factori person1 open tender person2 intend open tender first next month beij person1 close date person2 time period set june 29th person1 could pleas tell someth condit tender person2 right area factori build around 8 000 squar meter read detail invit sent tomorrow person1 thank inform person2 your welcom person1 im sorri taken much time person2 doesnt matter well touch person1 okay bye person2 bye,"#Person2# calls for a tender to build a new factory. #Person1# asks #Person2# when and where to open the tender, and the conditions for the tender." person1 hello call apart advertis person2 ye kind apart interest person1 interest onebedroom avail person2 ye one need person1 sometim around next week tell apart person2 well onebedroom apart monthli rent 650 dollar 300 dollar secur deposit pay electr ga water includ heat stove ga let see els oh youll assign shelter park space extra charg that probabl person1 sound good may come tomorrow take look person2 sure time would like come person1 10 person2 good may name pleas person1 name blanca person2 thank call blanca ill see tomorrow,#Person2# recommends a one-bedroom apartment and introduces some information about the apartment to Blanca. Blanca is satisfied and makes an appointment to take a look. person1 nice see feel late person2 feel great dr smith person1 happi decid come annual physic person2 ye go crosscountri bike ride vacat want make sure dont problem person1 go look heart lung blood test see eye ear nose work person2 ive troubl congest chest give test person1 chest xray check congest person2 would great blood test person1 blood test cholesterol white blood cell count blood sugar person2 feel great dont imagin test turn badli,#Person1# comes to do annual physical and Dr. Smith introduces the checklist. #Person1# asks him to give some tests for congestion. Dr. Smith agrees and explains what's the blood test for. person1 seem latest style ive feel lot trade line wish establish relat person2 desir coincid person1 concern financi posit credit stand trade reput may refer bank hong kong local chamber commerc inquiri agenc person2 thank inform know corpor stateoper one alway trade foreign countri basi equal mu dual benefit establish busi relat us mutual benefit doubt bring closer tie us person1 sound interest ill send fax home soon receiv definit answer ill make specif inquiri person2 well make offer soon possibl hope lot busi conduct us person1,"#Person1# wants to establish business relations with #Person2#'s cooperation. #Person2# thinks that will be to their mutual benefits, and #Person1# will send a fax home to wait for a definite answer." person1 how work person2 good person1 go resign new staff alreadi left obvious lot similar job pay much better salari person2 compani huge cant afford pay staff decent wage person1 polici pay accord senior compani new employe get quit low salari matter excel done person2 that shortsight time worker experienc contribut like go person1 that go leav person2 alreadi work five year person1 worri futur cant believ compani big compani continu grow take care staff person2 well manag doesnt seem think way anyway think twice act person1 thank,#Person1# talks about the plan to resign because of the low salary and #Person1#'s worry about the future. #Person2# suggests #Person1# should think twice before the act. person1 youd better prepar examin person2 dont think exam hard person1 chang attitud pass cours person2 mayb your right lazi late,#Person1# suggests #Person2# should prepare for the examination. person1 chuck grow person2 well born ohio grew texa person1 come lo angel person2 1978 went colleg person1 oh major person2 drama actor five year colleg person1 that interest becom hairdress person2 need money good look think,#Person1# asks Chuck his growing-up place and major. Now Chuck is a hairdresser. person1 john id like meet charl brown new manag airport person2 ye certainli recogn person1 short wellbuilt he got light blond hair person2 anyth els person1 mustach rememb correctli light complexion person2 old person1 late thirti person2 well shouldnt troubl recogn time flight arriv person1 two thirti,#Person2# asks John to meet Charles Brown at the airport and tells him how to recognize Brown. person1 hey fred five minut earlier today usual dont person2 hurri time steal someth person1 what mean person2 steal veget happi farm person1 thief person2 mean steal veget internet popular mani white collar join game lot fun steal othersveget person1 mean still virtual game friend steal veget time time take well right person2 got meant perhap steal veget loneli person1 dont addict game good job,"Fred is stealing vegetables at the Happy Farm, and #Person2# advises him not to be addicted to the virtual game." person1 herman excit person2 met beauti girl person1 fallen love person2 ye first sight person1 describ situat time person2 time back ramrod straight sail tone best neither overpassion cold person1 what outlook person2 pretti hair color rich dark chocol wave gentli shoulder complexion clear golden,Herman has fallen in love with a girl at first sight and he described her outlook to #Person2#. person1 david think team get champion tonight person2 hard guess team chose excel player time guess game end tie equal match person1 nervou terrif game person2 side person1 hard say team idol person2 wow ac win close shave know person1 never forget match angl terribl correct person2 good goal,"David and #Person1# are watching a game. It's hard for them to guess the champion. Finally, AC wins." person1 mom happi mother day necklac person2 surpris best present ive ever receiv person1 thank love care year love much person2 love person1 dinner tonight treat person2 actual prefer eat home well time chat person1 right let prepar supper,#Person1# sends a necklace to Mom on Mother's Day and they'll have dinner at home. person1 seem like much dont person2 cant deni beauti fell love first sight wish knew person1 heard threeyearold girl person2 beliv must cook someon,"#Person2# admits loving her, but #Person1# says she has a three-year-old girl." person1 luci your back first day school person2 great realli good time person1 class person2 well english 9 oclock 11 oclock art 12 oclock 2 oclock math 2 oclock 4 oclock person1 think teacher person2 honest like except math teacher though must quit young seem like old person he bore person1 that bad english teacher person2 great today class gave us lectur good student told us arm exam pay attent commun memor person1 person2 said she small town middl america person1 abl understand everyth said person2 everyth nearli speak clearli doesnt use complex word easi us understand person1 sound like good teacher think youll pass class person2 ye fli color person1 mean person2 new phrase taught us today mean pass class extrem well person1 like class much alreadi im sure person2 hope person1 give homework person2 today said want us relax tonight instead homework person1 wonder like class much,"Lucy tells #Person2# her first day of school. She has English, art, and math classes. She doesn't like her math teacher, but she likes English teacher. Lucy believes she can pass the English class with flying colors, which is a new phrase that she learned today." person1 go yesterday person2 went play tenni public park person1 often play tenni person2 twice week person1 seldom play tenni prefer footbal basketbal person2 difficult gather team player togeth person1 usual play schoolmat person2 like watch footbal match person1 ye went sport center footbal match last sunday person2 oh watch televis excit match,#Person2# plays tennis twice a week. #Person1# prefers football and basketball and usually plays with schoolmates. person1 hi im look good deal produc person2 might want tri mango person1 describ mango person2 fruit littl smaller grapefruit big seed person1 eat seed person2 mayb anim eat seed human dont youd soak 10 year person1 what price mango person2 today get 50 percent discount theyr 1 person1 tell tast like person2 flesh soft juici citru tast sweet person1 need buy ripe ripen home person2 press gentli thumb feel soft readi eat person1 mango come person2 guatemala go start get mango india,"#Person2# describes the shape, price, taste of mangoes to #Person1#. #Person2# tells #Person1# if the ones feel soft when pressed, they are ready to eat." person1 name steven smith im call cancel plane ticket person2 reserv person1 7 p today person2 would mind tell reason person1 need continu deal busi havent finish yet person2 oh see would like reschedul anoth time person1 thank person2 pay fee refund person1 ok pay bank card,#Person2# helps Steven cancel the plane ticket and Steven has to pay the fee for the refund. person1 pal nervou recent dont need like person2 worri arden display drawback perform review embarrass person1 use head definit make big mistak would inform person2 nightmar last night dreamt arden told perform fell short expect terrifi wake hear person1 mere dream rememb alway room us improv think good job whole period person2 know talk perform evalu process start day hire surpris actual review,#Person2# is nervous about the performance evaluation from Arden. #Person1# comforts #Person2# and thinks they did a good job in the whole period. person1 excus sir ive made tough decis resign person2 sorri hear want quit person1 im sorri bring resign moment ive decid studi abroad person2 right welcom back anytim person1 thank sir id like say ive realli enjoy work howev think time leav person2 glad work good luck person1 thank,#Person1# brings up the resignation to #Person2# because #Person1# has decided to study abroad. person1 call ad saw paper person2 construct site manag person1 that one person2 happen person1 right headhunt wouldnt tell anyth without contract person2 well surpris person1 find one posit differ client least one would probabl work person2 great go sign contract person1 im go tomorrow person2 great good luck,#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# is going to sign a contract after calling a construction site manager. person1 congratul vivian grand prize person2 isnt great knew id win person1 wear red underwear year person2 person1 tell tell what secret person2 ok ok ill whisper promis tell anyon person1,Vivian will tell #Person1# her secret to win the grand prize. person1 what plot new movi person2 stori policemen investig seri strang murder play part detect catch killer there littl evid psycholog th person1 enjoy make movi heard stori disagr actor director person2 disagr everi director ive work weve alway disagre friendli way alway resolv differ made movi dont person1 critic happi movi youv made recent bother person2 feedback audienc great care think critic think person1 stunt movi person2 want insur compani wouldnt let stunt done stuntman know use stunt ill leav expert futur person1 thank much interview person2 pleasur seen movi yet person1 ye like much like impress rachel perform movi she go star,#Person2# interviews #Person1# about the new movie. #Person1# tells the plot of the movie and how #Person1# resolves differences with others. #Person1# cares what the audience thinks than critics. #Person1#'s stunts are all done by a stuntman. person1 look magazin guidelin healthi diet person2 finish id like see ive think eat recent want get idea nutrit good health person1 ive notic arent eat much junk food avoid food much fat know diet healthi person2 think isnt diet tasti satisfi person1 dont think tasti know import healthi food keep fit person2 follow principl good nutrit help us healthi enjoy better life person1 sometim id like enjoy piec rich cheesecak person2 one serv cheesecak problem cant much often,#Person2# eats a healthy diet and follows the principles of good nutrition. #Person1# thinks the healthy diet isn't tasty but needs them to keep fit. person1 hi mason person1 oh hi phoeb person2 hey class today heard big famili person1 that right ive got five brother six sister person2 wow that pretti big eldest youngest person1 neither im third eldest,Mason tells Phoebe that he has a big family. person1 hello 6632278 person2 hi jack ann wasnt school today got homework tomorrow person1 let see well weve got math problem page 40 textbook person2 right ive got person1 go read english histori teacher want us read chapter histori london tomorrow write import date event chapter person2 anyth els ahah music person1 havent music homework scienc teacher give us test friday studi person2 oh im bad scienc hate thank jack person1 dont mention see tomorrow,"Ann asks Jack today's homework because she wasn't at school. Jack tells her the math, English, history homework, and the upcoming science test." person1 welcom wanda intern cinema help person2 umm want know oper red sea show today person1 6 show today one morn anoth noon 3 pm 6 pm 9 p midnight show person2 ok want 5 ticket 9 pm show tonight still 5 ticket avail seat togeth person1 im sorri 3 ticket left 6 pm show still 7 ticket left show person2 date dinner 5 pm wont make begin movi person1 would like see anoth movi detect china town 2 popular person2 want see one way could buy ticket friday screen person1 order ticket right next three day wednesday today that ok time would like person2 9 pm show think might peopl want see movi friday mani ticket buy one time person1 limit advanc ticket 10 person2 ok ill 8 ticket show oper red sea ticket avail person1 ye your lucki person2 way pick ticket person1 right pay person2 great thank,"#Person2# wants to buy five 'Operation Red Sea' movie tickets for 9 pm tonight, but there aren't enough. #Person1# recommends to change the time to 6 pm or see another movie, but #Person2# refuses. Finally, #Person2# buys eight tickets for Friday with #Person1#'s help." person1 hi david mr harper ask youd finish project yet suppos hand yesterday person2 know im finish person1 want know wed done togeth said what took age mine person2 well realli lucki found book popul new zealand citi person1 good person2 ye great book photocopi three chapter brilliant chart person1 go person2 well im go copi page chart ill finish project person1 your suppos copi book person2 oh think mr harper wont know person1 know ask us write list book wed use rememb that point anyway person2 point person1 well point your suppos write projecty cant copi someon els write person2 er er well your right thank remind,"#Person1# asks David if he has finished the project. David plans to copy the pages and charts to finish his project, and #Person2# reminds him of writing his own project." person1 today mind matter im talk dr ann winter expert human memori ann welcom program suppos first question everyon would ask exactli human memori person2 well like mani easi question answer isnt simpl basic human memori compart peopl brain store imag rather like hard disc drive comput like hard disc drive memori becom infect even wipe accid comparison break consid train memori expand work better comput cant manag yet person1 talk memori infect mean diseas person2 ye instanc peopl suffer physiolog diseas like alzheim forget thing happen past also forget perform simpl task like tie shoelac good news brain exercis help keep brain young research shown peopl better educ mental activ job lower risk develop diseas person1 someon exercis brain think lot person2 way ye also practic use memori exercis brain also improv abil rememb thing unfortun lot devic modern life design make sure dont forget thing make brain idl weaken memori person1 give us exampl exercis memori person2 sure simpl techniqu although work better peopl other want rememb someth think physic thing remind want rememb date histori let say 1066 date battl hast might think battl remind bottl think bottl number 1066 written label pictur bottl,"#Person1# have an interview with Dr. Ann Winters, an expert on human memory. Ann first explains that human memory is a compartment in people's brains to store images. She says memory can be infected by diseases or accidents and doing brain exercise can keep the brain young. Then she gives some examples of how to exercise memories." person1 realli lucki got last avail tabl twoand didnt even reserv see long line behind us person2 yeah im glad didnt wait long im starv person1 let take look menu order want choos appet us share person2 would rather samosa poppadom person1 heard one special samosa person2 well let get plate person1 sound good go main cours person2 think might dahl person1 what dahl person2 got chickpea veget spici curri sauc rice person1 sound nice want share kebab well person2 ok lamb kebab person1 that favourit want wine beer person2 think ill beer person1 ok shall flag waitress person2 wouldnt recommend think wait come round person1 your right might seem bit rude good thing ive got person2 would without,"#Person1# and #Person2# are lucky to get the last table without a reservation. They choose a plate of samosa, some lamb kebab, and drinks to share. #Person2# recommends waiting for the waiter to come." person1 ive heard hitchhik would next week want see person2 horror movi person1 yeah love horror movi would like go next weekend person2 way scare wit person1 well kind movi like person2 er let see romanc comedi documentari action scienc fiction cartoon person1 word like movi except horror movi person2 yeah seem like dont talk languag far movi concern person1 quit also like romanc comedi movi much person2 termin movi type person1 relax person2 yeah could hardli wait see,#Person1# invites #Person2# to see a horror movie but #Person2# doesn't like. They finally decide to watch a romance and comedy one. person1 mona jim need new hous person2 big new fanci hous person1 jim make lot money person2 ye scienc fiction writer person1 jim need make money person2 afraid better person1 need money person2 well spend pretti quick new cloth new comput new car everi year theyv got cook housekeep mona use actress like spend lot money person1 children person2 want children luck yet person1 jim like person2 jim like travel around world that expens tri make lot money person1 mona like person2 oh enjoy spend money fanci parti mona love wear sexi dress quit bit jewelri person1 wow sound like high mainten wife person2 guess also interest polit know everyon citi govern person1 polit expens hobbi person2 pretti seriou uncl mayor want follow footstep person1 polit hard game play person2 might well everyon seem like,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Jim and Mona. Jim is a science-fiction writer and makes lots of money. He likes traveling around the world. His wife Mona is an actress who likes spending money on fancy dresses and jewelry. She also likes politics and wants to follow in his uncle's, a mayor, footsteps." person1 realli like record lent day person2 im glad like person1 thank much let keep long person2 person1 im grate everyon class enjoy person2 im glad person1 would mind keep anoth week,#Person1# likes the record borrowed from #Person2# and asks for another week's lending. person1 havent spent much time sophia late speak moment person2 weve drift apart person1 two use everyth togeth thought realli enjoy other compani person2 sinc start new job hang new friend work person1 cant hang person2 could ever talk work alway end feel left person1 mayb invit dinner two person2 tri week ago end bring pal work she busi day imposs hang person1 cant bad alway realli good friend person2 your right would never talk behind back hold grudg doesnt seem interest friendship anymor person1 she probabl excit new job give time would shame lose good friend person2 ive given enough time im person1 still think two tri patch thing person2 think accept fact time us go separ way,"#Person1# asks about #Person2# with Sophia's friendship. #Person2# says they have been drifting apart for a while because Sophia always hangs out with her new friends from work. #Person1# advises to give Sophia some time, but #Person2# thinks it's time to go their separate ways." person1 wife birthday today need flower person2 lot fresh red rose person1 much rose cost person2 20 dozen person1 sound good last year paid 30 person2 ye came right day theyr sale today person1 give dozen person2 good would like anyth els person1 ill give rose card person2 pleas rose,#Person1# buys a dozen of roses which are on sale for his wife's birthday. person1 im run busi card need new one person2 print mani like tell mani person1 two thousand get year person2 here form get start person1 old card perfect want copi exactli person2 think youll pleas well duplic old card person1 go person2 thank come back next wednesday pick order pleas person1 im sorri give threeday turnaround person2 dont mind pay littl extra absolut problem person3 person1 im run busi card need new one person2 print mani like tell mani person1 two thousand get year person2 here form get start person1 old card perfect want copi exactli person2 think youll pleas well duplic old card person1 go person2 thank come back next wednesday pick order pleas person1 im sorri give threeday turnaround person2 dont mind pay littl extra absolut problem,#Person2# wants to print 2000 business cards as the old ones. The turnaround could be quicker if extra money is paid. person1 excus sir could spare minut person2 uh ye person1 go work train everi day person2 ye commut five day week train person1 would mind tell us think rail servic person2 realli good person1 say person2 well train frequent come time person1 train catch even person2 usual take 5 thirti home person1 get seat person2 usual stand person1 would agre servic fast person2 ye reason fast certainli isnt cheap fare gone up25,"#Person1# asks #Person2#'s attitude towards the rail service. #Person2# thinks the service is good but isn't cheap, and usually has to stand." person1 would like tea coffe person2 thank late wont abl sleep well drink tea coffe person1 water person2 ye pleas person1 dont work late sinc good health care health person2 know finish report tonight manag use meet tomorrow morn person1 help someth person2 im afraid cant turn tv set littl wont noisi person1 hope finish report soon get sleep person2 dont worri wont take long,#Person2# has to finish the reports and #Person1# wants to help. But #Person2# only wants the TV sounds to be lower. person1 ever hard rock cafe person2 person1 rock roll theme restaur locat also hotel chain citi world one san francisco think check would like join person2 sure sound fun person1 origin cafe found london 1971 sinc 2007 headquart florida didnt start expand worldwid 1982 one san francisco open 1984 person2 interest actual come think think pass one travel stumbl turkey wow guess realli world person1 ye intern chain read appar 191 locat world 59 differ countri person2 wow that amaz person1 mayb go weekend person2 im work weekend get schedul follow week tomorrow probabl day free next week person1 ok sound good ill call see make reserv give call know schedul,"#Person1# introduces a chain rock and roll themed restaurant named Hard Rock Cafe to #Person2#. #Person2# thinks it's amazing, and they make a schedule to go there next week." person1 merri christma person2 thank person1 plan person2 invit friend parti want go uncl person1 roommat parti ill go person2 great watch tv sleep home realli bore person1 ye know would school sport meet next week person2 realli idea like watch track field event theyr realli excit person1 theyr think anyway nice holiday person2 thank enjoy parti,"It's Christmas Day. #Person2# wants to go to uncle's party, and #Person1# plans to go to the roommate's party." person1 travel 1960 differ earli 1900 dad person2 well 1960 peopl rode car wide road flew plane europ america hour person1 1900 person2 earli 1900 plane new see one unusu peopl town stop watch fli overhead person1 today quit differ isnt person2 ye today abl travel mani place hour develop plane turn electr light someon invent way make use electr part histori person1 life also chang histori person2 that right histori made peopl born chang life person1 see thank dad,#Person2# answers the differences between how people traveled around in the 1960s and the early 1900s and tells #Person1# their life is changed by history. person1 hi vanessa good weekend person2 oh ye great went see special jame bond exhibit scienc museum person1 sound interest though arent museum bit expens paid 8 last time went person2 650 buy guidebook well extra 295 person1 get person2 take underground went bu stop outsid got tire walk around museum though person1 see person2 jame bond plane favorit tini camera car thing like person1 sound great earli go 900 person2 10 didnt get 1130 wasnt enough time see everyth person1 eat person2 ye even take picnic sandwich cafe get hot meal restaur person1 id realli like go free next saturday that twentythirdth april person2 exhibit twentyseventh saturday may busi person1 well ill go twentyfourth,"Vanessa went to see a special James Bond exhibition. #Person1# asks her about transportation, opening time, and food there. #Person1# thinks these are great and plans to go there on the twenty-fourth." person1 give us money person2 im sorri local govern doesnt anymor money zoo person1 dont find solut soon well close zoo part citi tourist attract person2 ye that point simpli isnt attract enough tourist your go find money somewher els person1 also import place anim conserv anim endang didnt zoo wouldnt surviv person2 understand need find differ solut advertis zoo newspap radio exampl person1 dont money cant advertis person2 well dont tri way know ask compani support zoo person1 actual isnt bad idea might right person2 name compani boss could tri get touch,"#Person1# wants #Person2# to give more money to support the zoo. #Person2# suggests finding a different solution, such as asking for a company's help, and #Person2# has some company bosses' names." person1 put helmet pleas person2 need put jacket person1 better protect cloth pleas watch step person2 thank product line fulli autom person1 well fulli autom person2 see control qualiti person1 product go five check whole manufactur process person2 monthli output person1 one thousand unit per month make 1 200 unit begin octob person2 usual percentag reject person1 2 normal oper person2 wonder finish product come person1 ye shall take break,"#Person1# shows #Person2# production line and answers #Person2#'s questions about automation, product checks, monthly output, and the percentage of rejects." person1 im conduct annual censu foreign live beij servic id card person2 ok want know person1 need verifi inform record person2 ok person1 pleas show passport resid permit person2 person1 long live person2 two year person1 may know occup person2 im professor univers person1 right univers dont mind ask person2 teach beij normal univers english composit convers class person1 everyth appear order thank time,#Person1# comes to conduct the annual census of foreigners living in Beijing and needs to verify #Person2#'s information against the records. person1 anyth person2 dont person1 shall drop somewher coupl drink person2 sound like good idea person1 know interest place person2 oh good,#Person1# invites #Person2# to have some drinks. person1 hey eve person2 im fine celia person1 im ok im busi person2 lot homework person1 ye dont person2 cours person1 class work right person2 im studi chemistri exam tomorrow person1 mr green class person2 ye person1 ye must exam tomorrow person2 want studi togeth person1 sure librari quiet though person2 want go empti classroom person1 sound good person2 ok let go,"Eve and Celia find they have the same exam tomorrow, so they decide to study together." person1 wonder opera today id like see person2 like play complic plot what today person1 sound music music known everybodi suitabl age happi famili without sex violenc bad languag person2 know seen film titl andrew give perform rememb lifetim maria cheer gover person1 ye right like song movi edelweiss rememb person2 cours nice song make audienc calm pleasant person1 young actor play role perfectli person2 hope opera stupend movi bought ticket person1 ask whether go see person2 let go wed better buy ticket earlier dinner restaur,"#Person1# tells #Person2# an opera called 'The sound of music' is on today. They talk about it and both like it, so they decide to watch it together." person1 beauti day isnt person2 ye isnt person1 know temperatur today person2 beauti 75 degre person1 nice hope weather stay like whole week im go cano trip weekend person2 good plan tv weather forecast say hurrican come weekend temperatur also drop 66 degre person1 nuisanc everi time plan go cano camp storm come along sky get dark wind start howl temperatur drop well id better stay home person2 never make definit weekend plan friday morn listen weather temperatur make plan person1 that smart im go start thing,"#Person1#'s going on the canoe trip this weekend, however, #Person2# tells #Person1# the hurricane is coming. #Person1#'ll follow #Person2#'s idea to make plans after listening to the weather temperature." person1 hello mike long time see how everyth go person2 bad thank look great today husband person1 caught cold yesterday feel much better person2 well im glad hear pleas give regard person1 sure thank,#Person1#'s husband caught a cold. Mike expresses regards to him. person1 what opinion childless coupl choos kid person2 honest wouldnt person1 make choic person2 realli puzzl long time person1 what puzzl person2 husband prefer kid motherinlaw tradit want grandkid person1 oh see think older gener tend think differ way person2 ye seem never accept childless marriag fight last night person1 oh realli mayb eager see grandchildren person2 absolut busi child person1 definit person2 know often overhear neighbor young coupl fight rais kid realli dont want kid spoil happi person1 dont worri think case children glue keep famili togeth person2 guess your right still prefer child person1 sure fulli enjoy time togeth,#Person2# tells #Person1# that she doesn't want a child while her mother-in-law wants grandkids. #Person2# doesn't want kids to spoil her happiness. #Person1# thinks kids are the glue that keeps a family together. person1 go weekend person2 im go hainan person1 oh realli itll nice warm person2 ye actual second visit last octob person1 see what like person2 well life style much relax citi seafood tastier person1 well great time,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# will have a second visit to Hainan this weekend. person1 person2 supervisor open door person1 wait sec person2 person1 watch footbal match what matter person2 neighbor complain noisi cant sleep person1 im sorri person2 pleas turn tv anoth shout ill report school administr person1 rest assur wont disturb other anymor,"The supervisor warns #Person1# not to make noise, which disturbs their neighbors' sleep." person1 ever take histori 231 person2 yeah last semest person1 professor person2 professor johnson person1 semest think person2 he terribl instructor demand lot fortun he easi grader person1 end get person2 got sound good none test score high dont know got decent grade person1 that probabl grade curv person2 enjoy class far person1 hate withdraw hear experi think tough person2 ye definit stay class get better grade test score deliber make student studi lot person1 thank let know feel reliev,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the professor of History 231 is demanding during the semester but gives better grades than test scores. #Person1#, who at first wants to quit the course, feels relieved." person1 waiter bring menu person2 moment im come ten minut later would like person1 id like see menu would get one pleas person2 ye certainli person1 thank ah french would mind give english menu person2 written english smaller print person1 thank ill need choos could come back minut person2 right five minut later person1 im sorri havent decid yet mind give coupl minut person2 right would kind make mind soon busi see sir,#Person2# brings #Person1# a menu as #Person1# requests. #Person1# needs more time to order. The waiter reminds #Person1# to decide soon because they are busy. person1 idea want weekend person2 im go movi theater friend go person1 im quit sure yet person2 see movi friend person1 movi friend plan watch person2 sure movi catch eye person1 good movi come mind person2 decid whether would like go person1 thank mayb anoth time person2 sure anoth day,"#Person2# will see a movie with friends this weekend. #Person2# asks #Person1# to come together, but #Person1# refuses." person1 believ even hundr pound go want go diet person2 tell small wouldnt think go diet person1 go 4 differ diet cant seem lose weight person2 that dont exercis activ wouldnt diet problem person1 know weight person2 im diet though person1 know dont someon diet help motiv think lose weight person2 like ice cream much though person1 cmon youll feel better look better reward eat littl bit ice cream person2 sound appeal person1 great idea cant believ didnt think earlier go diet friend back great way succeed person2 okay im let person1 great ill get plan start right away person2 start tomorrow though,"#Person1# and #Person2# are overweight and don't know how to lose weight. #Person1# puts up the idea of going on a diet with a friend to back up. #Person1# agrees, and they decide to have a try." person1 passport embark card pleas person2 sir person1 person2 china person1 anyth declar person2 noth person1 would open suitcas pleas person2 sure person1 let take look bag open person2 yup person1 camera gift someon person2 camera person use person1 pay tax camera person2 pleas dont person use person1 lot gift pay camera person2 almost friend state,"#Person1# checks #Person2#'s suitcase and lets #Person2# pay tax for the camera, though it is for personal use." person1 happen make deal thirti sixti day deliveri price goe didnt get best possibl price handl person2 well thing happen know stay straight person1 right make happi person2 well suggest keep post way burden decid buy person1 excus person2 yeah realli simpl everi time there chang item busi let know that need person1 kind chang price person2 chang want keep inform need know much hear someth might happen tell tell rumor base opinion like person1 mean product avail reliabl price person2 everth thing sure also labor problem raw materi new subcontractor merger short anyth everyth make fulli inform decis person1 like want eye ear industri provid compani im work isnt hurt person2 think well get along fine,"#Person1# wants to know what should do if the price goes down after making the deal. #Person2# asks #Person1# to report to #Person2# if there's any change in the items they do business on, so #Person2# can make a fully informed decision." person1 hello may speak mr robert human resourc manag person2 wait minut get sorri busi someth dont give ring later person1 ok that fine thank person2 welcom,#Person1#'ll ring Mr. Robert later for he's busy. person1 good morn help person2 ye id like check person1 ye cours sir what name room number pl person2 jack remington room 1408 person1 ok bill mr remington person2 bill person1 oh sorri sir forgot explain one allow slip made mistak bill overcharg 120 dollar write allow slip deduct 120 dollar bill person2 see bill total person1 800 dollar wish settl account sir cash credit card person2 cash person1 us dollar person2 ye person1 moment pl ill write receipt,#Person1# serves Jack Remington to check out and gives him the bill. #Person1# explains to Jack that they made a mistake in his bill and have corrected it. person1 help someth person2 need cancel one account person1 problem person2 dont need anymor person1 would like money account person2 transfer remain account person1 person2 would great person1 want take money person2 today person1 go take moment cancel account person2 that fine take time,#Person2# asks #Person1# to cancel one of #Person2#'s account and transfer the money to #Person2#'s remaining account. person1 hello steven anni said julia quarrel havent person2 that true argument yesterday blame prepar supper day turn cook dinner person1 that reason fought person2 ye person1 two alway quarrel littl thing person2 wasnt fault saidyour disgraceto im explod person1 still mad person2 honest im regret littl done person1 apolog person2 way apolog,Steven tells #Person1# he argued with Julia yesterday. Steven regrets a little now but he won't apologize. person1 apprais boss person2 oh realli good know he nicest boss ive person1 ye think he relax person manag person2 what said hardest work person offic person1 that good mayb youll get promot person2 hope ill happiest person offic,"#Person1# and #Person2# think the boss is nice, and #Person2#'s happy with the boss's praise." person1 help person2 thank im look around much skirt cost person1 new style two hundr twentyeight person2 may tri person1 cours pleas person2 give better deal person1 two hundr ten yuan lowest price person2 well ill give one hundr eighti yuan person1 well two hundr yuan person2 final offer person1 ok ill wrap,#Person2# buys a skirt for 180 yuan after bargaining for it with #Person1#. person1 dan want see person2 oh ye sue pleas sit need help person1 person2 look schedul four confer april arent enough repres cover person1 execut staff person2 know studi manag merchandis open manageri peopl good opportun person1 sound wonder want person2 there confer seattl 18th april want repres us person1 that big respons person2 youll well im pretti sure person1 lot learn person2 thing arent difficult person1 isnt much time left start person2 report previou confer file studi person1 give guidelin etiquett countri person2 sever overal guidelin appli intern confer person1 find countryspecif inform person2 usual call countri embassi consul print materi busi visitor also travel book avail public librari dont enough time also ask salli attend confer last time person1 great compani arrang transport person2 ye tell travel depart think youll need make arrang person1 thank give best shot,Dan wants Sue to represent them to attend a conference in Seattle. He tells her the things needed to learn and the overall guidelines that apply to international conferences. Sue can find the country-specific information by calling that country's embassy or consulate. person1 thing go steve person2 well honest carla feel great saturday start feel sick sunday afternoon thought id get better feel wors im realli worri im schedul give present work friday better person1 well seem problem person2 well thought flu doctor said bad cold gave cold medicin take care stuffi nose fever im suppos take medicin three time day eat doesnt seem help also told stay feet day im busi day person1 listen forget medicin thing get rid bad cold see mom realli herbal medicin person2 oh thank person1 ah come give tri take mom herbal tea drink four time day believ youll danc around time person2 danc around time right well guess noth els seem job person1 great ill come place 730 see,"Steve tells Carla he feels sick since Sunday and he has to recover before his presentation on Friday. He got some medicine from the doctor but it doesn't help. Carla recommends him to try her mom's herbal tea, which is more effective." person1 camera broken im think buy new one person2 tri ma205 wont regret person1 know model good qualiti design expens person2 buy cheaper one internet person1 internet person2 use search engin search cheap ma205 person1 search engin em what person2 realli live stone age right tell budget ill see whether get one,#Person2# recommends #Person1# to buy a cheaper MA-205 on the Internet by using a search engine. person1 hello mr taylor help im homework cant understand word person2 one oh cant help right awayim watch someth tv person1 oh watch person2 im watch cowboy film person1 mr taylor help person2 cant paul he read person1 read person2 he read magazin person1 kate person2 oh cant help either she make phone call person1 oh who call person2 she call boyfriend person1 jack ask help person2 hasnt home yetwhi your ask lot question tonight paul person1 iwel im practic english,"Paul asks many questions hoping someone can help him. Mrs. Taylor wonders why Paul's aksing questions tonight, and Paul says he's practicing his English." person1 must enjoy use new camera trip person2 would buy new camera especi trip left car friend drove airport,#Person2# left the new camera in a friend's car. person1 deep forest dr green tell us littl wonder place person2 ye cours see forest full tree bird insect person1 ye strang beauti plant everywher mani differ kind plant person2 well one squar kilomet forest find 1500 differ kind plant 750 differ kind tree mani dont grow place world person1 realli im sure peopl listen program hear unbeliev nois bird what make nois person2 well cours forest full live thing find 400 differ kind bird one squar kilomet person1 realli interest,#Person1# and Dr. Green are doing a program. Dr. Green introduces that there're many different kinds of plants and birds in the forest. person1 hello person2 hello mike jane person1 oh hello jane person2 listen mike ive got real problem person1 person2 car broken person1 oh person2 yeah check oil check almost everyth start person1 get rid know person2 know know look thing ive got pick tom airport person1 use car ye cours person2 thatll great kind person1 come like dont need till tonight person2 ok ill around hour thank lot person1 right see person2 see,Jane tells Mike her car is broken but she has to pick Tom. Mike lends his car to her. person1 think could borrow car go groceri shop supermarket outsid citi much cheaper id also happi pick anyth need person2 well dont like let anyon els drive car tell dont go togeth,#Person1# wants to borrow #Person2#'s car. #Person2# suggests going together. person1 dont sit sever question must ask dont mind person2 go ahead person1 purpos visit state person2 im go attend confer air pollut person1 confer held person2 held first two week februari univers stanford california person1 pay expens person2 univers stanford offici letter invit person1 see fine want go person2 id like leav midjanuari passport readi person1 shouldnt difficult dont phone januari 10th abl give answer person2 thank,#Person1# asks #Person2# some questions about #Person2#'s visit to the States and will give #Person2# an answer about January 10th. person1 excus im sorri bother would time answer question person2 what person1 market research new televis channel start two year time person2 ok person1 love well work form could start person background inform person2 sure person1 right could age person2 35 person1 right great job person2 system analyst form dont know whether would count profession busi person1 think person2 ok like busi person1 fine would mind ask salari leav blank person2 dont mind 40000 year person1 thank right current watch habit would say main reason watch tv person2 well work tend read inform id say tv probabl help relax unwind person1 fine mani hour day averag watch tv person2 lot realli say hour person1 two main time day watch tv person2 well littl around breakfast time tend realli late eleven even midnight ive finish work person1 sort programm go person2 news bulletin also realli like put feet old comedi show person1 fine turn new channel type programm would like see person2 well certainli dont think need factual programm like news documentari think need thing like local inform know provid servic commun vein perhap younger viewer know good qualiti stuff person1 ah ha give new director specif advic set channel advic would give person2 think id advis pay lot attent qualiti actual broadcast know sound system peopl fussi day gener think ought lot kind interview know talk potenti custom person1 oh im glad think valuabl person2 certainli yeah person1 good ok commerci channel cours often think toler advert person2 well list id say everi quarter hour dont think complain long dont last tot ten minut time person1 quit would will attend special promot new channel person2 ye id happi long theyr held area person1 ok ill make note final may put mail list person2 well id prefer except inform promot mention person1 name address person2 cours here card person1 oh love thank much time look forward see person2 ye inde urn thank,"#Person1#'s doing market research for a new television channel, and #Person1# interviews #Person2# about some questions. First, #Person1# learns about #Person2#'s basic personal information, including age, job, and salary. Then #Person1# asks #Person2# the reason for watching TV, frequency of watching TV, and the types of programs #Person2# watches. Finally, #Person2# gives the specific advice of paying attention to the quality of the actual broadcast to the new directors when they set up the channels. #Person2# is willing to attend #Person1#'s special promotion for the new channel." person1 today studio alberto cortez wellknown brazilian advoc antiglob movement he talk recent report state 2050 brazil one ot word wealthiest success countri alberto say report person2 know isnt first time peopl say brazil great econom power thing said hundr year ago didnt happen person1 ye must admit world differ place person2 cours fact believ there mayb truth predict time around first though must rememb problem face brazil moment person1 person2 there enorm gap rich poor countri sal paulo see shop mall full design good right next door slam area without proper water electr suppli lot work need done help peopl area improv live person1 need done person2 educ exampl brazil success need offer educ brazilian success countri like south korea singapor excel educ system brazil need learn countri person1 hope futur person2 said earlier im hope isnt easi job need make sure import opportun brazil arent wast past,"#Person1# invites Alberto Cortez, a well-known Brazilian advocate of the anti-global movement, to talk about a report stating Brazil will be one of the world's wealthiest and most successful countries by 2050. Alberto talks about some problems facing Brazil and they need excellent education systems. Alberto is hopeful for the future." person1 hey jame job search go person2 hi sharon idea itll take much time sure make difficult prepar final exam person1 lucki seem shortag highschool teacher appli three school one offer posit person2 that great one like person1 havent decid yet cours easiest stay new york go back home boston may go california person2 big move person1 tell plan person2 well appli six newspap last week interview new york time person1 go person2 well think look peopl experi person1 interview person2 yet seem everyon want writer day arent mani job person1 that bad person2 ye hope job line graduat doesnt seem like person1 cant find job person2 case ill begin work master degre fall person1 good luck,"Sharon tells James Sharon's job search goes ahead smoothly. However, James applied for a lot of jobs but didn't get an ideal one. James says he may go to work on the master's degree if he can't find a job." person1 im free afternoon shall go movi person2 ok hate love stori film war today person1 im afraid theatr person2 well play badli written though theyr cheap person1 let go concert like music much dont person2 ye light music hear noisi music american song song cant understand singl word person1 go person2 go librari borrow book like read much dont person1 ok let,"After denying #Person1#'s many suggestions, #Person2# ultimately decides to go to the library to borrow some books with #Person1#." person1 excus id like make complaint person2 realli seem problem person1 well dont think play music loudli person2 oh im sorri didnt realiz loud person1 ye prepar exam next week music bother great deal cant hear think person2 sorri ill turn,#Person1# complains to #Person2# that #Person2# plays the music too loudly. #Person2# feels sorry. person1 get earli six oclock jam everi crossroad still late work life ive enough person2 cool man everyon fed rushhour traffic life isnt realli take initi make chang first person1 person2 recommend ride bike instead commut bu may offer mani beneit first good health im afraid necessari elabor lot peopl spend time like hour morn exercis bike ride work build also make full use time might well sleep longer hour person1 know cycl alway favor choic bu sport think pleasant experi take dirti pollu air road person2 well thing unavoid great metropoli like beij think still desir benefit psycholog bicycl home work help releas stress life offic miser sit daze gaze monitor deal file document dont give full play energi work enjoy speed road think falsh past pole energi great,"#Person1# has had enough of getting up early but still is late for work. #Person2# recommends #Person1# to ride a bike to work instead of commuting by bus, which is good for health and helps release stress." person1 wouldnt advis buy thing bulk store though mean major shop special store much cheaper conveni long run person2 great advic person3 sort like mom person1 hey watch person3 kiddin person2 life sound great town oh forget guy rent movi love watch movi spare time person1 let see two video store close apart lucki one blockbust other that rentertain believ special weekday right person3 yup new releas usual buck older movi person1 guy readi go mall person2 sure person1 masa dont forget take shop list person2 thank remind person1 your welcom wait let go,"#Person1# suggests they buy things at specialized stores. Masa plans to rent movies, and Masa will go to the mall with #Person1# and #Person3#." person1 read person2 oh latest novel ray blune sicfi thriller person1 thought usual wrote horror book person2 he good genr captiv read person1 go bookshop would like join us person2 ye would need buy textbook cours know love brows latest paperback person1 need someth read flight new york never sleep plane sarah want pick children book daughter person2 want look nelson mandela autobiographi person1 sure worthwhil read,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the book #Person2# is reading. Then #Person1# invites #Person2# to go to the bookshop together, and #Person2# agrees." person1 oh your engag beauti engag ring person2 cours mike els fell love first sight person1 when wed go person2 havent decid yet lot thing sort know person1 big wed person2 ye ive alway dream big wed person1 say person2 dont realli enjoy big occas think ill come round idea end happen lifetim person1 perhap ill agre mike couldnt stand big wed mani rel friend parent wife id never met,#Person1# sees #Person2#'s engagement ring and asks about her wedding. #Person2# will agree with Mike that not have a big wedding. person1 wan na regist mathemat cours person2 im sorri registr close person1 close clerk told could come back regist time first week class person2 well that possibl comput offici student account alreadi sent state that budget base told anyway person1 woman tri regist three week ago said pay late fee person2 must parttim worker didnt much train didnt regist person1 said couldnt birth certif person2 huh reason demand birth certif need establish resid know phone bill name address would fine person1 seriou proof address person2 ye afraid gave wrong inform person1 unfair person2 well sympath problem honest dont think thing anyon trap system want talk director help person1 great person2 dont get hope,"#Person1# wants to register for the mathematics course, but #Person2# says registration has closed. It turns out that the clerk who told #Person1# to register any time during the first week gave false information. Though it's unfair, #Person2# can't offer any help." person1 look person2 want buy new camcord trip summer person1 know camcord option avail person2 realli thought id look today person1 whould like look new digit camcord come person2 sure id like see smallest camcord first person1 ok soni model newest popular camcord dont see like way feel person2 light would good batteri life person1 got aboveaverag batteri life last tp 12 hour charg 30 minut person2 also take still photo person1 ye option person2 night vision use dark person1 ye show exampl footag taken camera dark person2 that bad how microphon pick much sound person1 record sound that within 8 feet camera person2 compar model person1 model pick sound one theyr much bigger heavier one person2 guess cant everyth,"#Person2# wants to buy a camcorder, and would like to see the smallest Sony model. #Person1# introduces the battery life, how to take still photos and the night vision of the camcorder to #Person2#." person1 dalian beauti citi agre person2 suppos person1 climat pleasant person2 usual said person1 citi realli comfort live person2 sure person1 citi match heaven person2 well live long enough love much person1 mayb person2 that sure,#Person1# and #Person2# think Dalian is a beautiful city and comfortable to live in. person1 time steven person2 uh 730 arent go finish breakfast person1 dont much time ive got lot downtown today person2 your come citi may lunch togeth person1 ok let say 1 oclock ill go gym aerob class 1145 oh would place quick person2 come person1 hair appoint 230 person2 oh ok els today person1 im meet rebecca shop 530 pm person2 tough day person1 well day know person2 ok ok enjoy morn ill see later person1 better get go your even dress yet person2 dont worri ill get work time,Steven invites #Person1# to have lunch together if #Person1#'s coming into the city. #Person1# tells Steven #Person1#'s busy day and asks Steven to hurry up. person1 well good morn tom havent seen long time seem troubl person2 feel tire ive got bad headach cant sleep well almost everi night person1 eat properli eat right kind food import health know person2 well havent eat well guess lot work usual enough time sandwich cup coffe lunch person1 dinner person2 sometim im tire eat anyth person1 bad must well balanc diet think import thing right good rest person2 ye agre,Tom feels sick because he doesn't eat properly and has too much work. #Person1# suggests Tom have a balanced diet and have a good rest. person1 ive troubl breath late made doctor appoint monday morn person2 thought went doctor problem person1 went last tuesday cough time couldnt feel leg turn stood long person2 happen uncl hope turn ok let know need bring anyth tomorrow appoint person1 thank your good friend,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# made a doctor's appointment because #Person1# has trouble breathing lately. #Person2# shows concerns. person1 read report peopl use foreign languag mainli english person2 realli what person1 mainli differ attitud peopl toward foreign languag learn 27 peopl think foreign languag must daili life person2 cant agre peopl learn foreign languag person1 that true 35 peopl learn will learn foreign languag person2 far im concern mani peopl especi student forc exam person1 ye account twenti one percent also 15 peopl take foreign languag useless take interest,#Person1# tells #Person2# a report #Person1# reads that mainly on people's different attitudes for learning a foreign language. person1 peopl use reusabl groceri bag person2 theyr much stronger plastic bag fit person1 groceri store like make money sell person2 what use one purpos heard 3 plastic bag imagin wast person1 local groceri store regular plastic bag arent free anymor addit take 010 bill everi reusabl bag bring person2 great see take step creat healthier environ,More people use reusable grocery bags now. #Person1# and #Person2# think it's a step to create a healthier environment. person1 freez polic put hand head person2 crime commit person1 suspect hide illeg drug take custodi found heroin hous follow right interview right remain silent dont make statement right defens counsel right request investig evid favor case understand right person2 innoc,"The police found drugs in #Person2#'s house and are taking #Person2# into custody, but #Person2# claims to be innocent." person1 im go buy new live room set person2 go buy one person1 im realli sure person2 like live room set dont person1 buy person2 found mine ikea person1 expens person2 everyth got ikea cost coupl thousand person1 furnitur craft well person2 furnitur isnt built cheap person1 ill pay money long im get pay person2 feel comfort pay money,#Person1# wants a new living room set. #Person2# recommends IKEA but says things there are expensive. #Person1# thinks it's fine as long as the products deserve the money. person1 need snack cafeteria person2 think get person1 want chip person2 think may get someth person1 plan buy person2 sweet tooth want candi person1 kind candi want person2 realli want chocol person1 kind chocol want person2 either want snicker kit kat person1 cafeteria doesnt sell kit kat person2 guess ill get snicker,#Person1# will buy some chips and #Person2# will get a Snickers from the Cafeteria. person1 make good impress interview person2 tri put best foot forward care person appear least get dress appear isnt everyth first thing interview notic person1 anyth els person2 dont boast dont modest person1 mean cant two thing time person2 appear confid show interview your compet dont exagger thing youll give impress your talk big person1 see person2 tri natur alert interest person1 youv given valuabl advic confid thank much person2 pleasur good luck,#Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions about making a good impression in interviews. #Person1# feels more confident and grateful. person1 hello madam today person2 hello ye im redeem treasuri note matur date yet emerg person1 ok see note id pleas person2 see matur isnt yet person1 realis must pay 0 2 charg prematur cancel right person2 oh realli wasnt awar person1 unfortun ye see threeyear note issu year ago two year pay im sorri,#Person2# wants to redeem a Treasury Note before maturity. #Person1# reminds her she'll have to pay a charge which she wasn't aware of. person1 go cafeteria downstair person2 ye person1 could pleas get takeaway urgent work finish dont enough time go lunch person2 problem bring person1 picki food bring day menu,#Person1# requests #Person2# to get #Person1# a takeaway from the cafeteria. person1 mumm burger smell great perfect day barbecu person2 sure im glad didnt rain name mike gate way person1 oh hi im barbara johnson nice meet person2 im sorri what name person1 barbara pleas call barb person2 barb person1 im studi medicin person2 realli person1 harvard person2 im engin ibm person1 oh sound interest person2 yeah like hey look like food readi person1 good im starv,Barbara Johnson and Mike Gates meet for the first time at a barbecue. They introduce themselves to each other. person1 tomorrow first day work think wear person2 well want look profession seriou conserv blue dress white shirt nottoohigh shoe would best choic sometim formal cloth keep distanc colleagu depend compani dress code person1 inde found employe dress casual went interview manag suit tie came back ceremoni seem dress code formal probabl put car key simpl shirt person2 whatev choos make sure neat clean,#Person2# gives #Person1# suggestions about what to wear on #Person1#'s first day at work. person1 hi bill go commenc person2 ye want go person1 ok sever minut later let go school auditorium person2 take seat see pile red diploma desk stage person1 ye find heart rise fall like wave sort feel well heart person2 that true four yearstrail hardship joy sorrow life gush mind togeth hardli tell whether joy gloomi moment leav campu start new stage life person1 time fli look presid colleg come onto stage person2 he go make open speech,#Person1# goes to the commencement with Bill. They express their feelings about graduating. person1 need elect club offici summer start person2 guess start nomine first person1 let make first item busi next meet person2 probabl let everyon know ahead time prepar person1 take care send bulletin email club member person2 ye afternoon person1 let schedul actual elect time week nomin doesnt seem logic person2 ye let put calendar,#Person1# and #Person2# plan the election of club officials. They will hold the election the week after the nominations in their next meeting. person1 would right went home next weekend person2 person1 well want surpris brother show birthday person2 well sound like would ok care,#Person2# confirms to #Person1# that it's OK to go home next weekend as a birthday surprise for #Person1#'s brother. person1 know ive think move career new direct hope abl provid refer help jumpstart futur person2 realiz im posit offer kind promot deserv ill gladli help person1 thank ive realli enjoy time ive grown person profession compani person2 well pleasur work youv instrument help us complet mani key project person1 hard say goodby offic becom like second home person2 feel mix issu help im lose valuabl trust employe howev think take step right direct,"#Person1# is leaving #Person1#'s company to move #Person1#'s career in a new direction. #Person2#'s glad to offer any help with that. They express their mixed feeling." person1 obtain certif technic qualif licens person2 ye receiv engin qualif certif driver licens person1 mani year driver licens person2 two year drive experi person1 that good special skill tell person2 experi comput oper profici microsoft window microsoft word microsoft excel person1 comput languag learn person2 visual c c delphi person1 gotten special train program person2 databas program experi network knowledg,"#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s certificate of technical qualifications, license, special skills, and experience in programming." person1 nice invit person2 im glad could come mr liu take seat head tabl inform dinner pleas dont stand ceremoni mr liu would like chicken person1 thank first time come chines restaur could tell differ featur chines food person2 gener speak cantones food bit light shanghai food rather oili hunan dish spici strong hot tast person1 chines dish exquisit prepar delici palat good colour flavour tast person2 mr liu would care anoth help person1 thank im quit full person2 enjoy meal person1 delici dinner ive long time rich dinner person2 im glad like person1 thank much hospit,#Person2# invites Mr. Liu to a Chinese restaurant and introduces different features of Chinese food. Mr. Liu expresses his gratitude for #Person2#'s hospitality. person1 im hungri buy burrito person2 dont money buy burrito person1 pleas havent eaten anyth day person2 look money buy burrito person1 im hungri could eat whole cow person2 your hungri dont ask someon els money person1 get paid friday ill pay back person2 well guess friday eat person1 that pretti mess person2 dont go home eat person1 dont want go way home eat person2 well guess your luck,#Person1# asks #Person2# to buy #Person1# a burrito because #Person1# has no money. #Person2# refuses. person1 want check ticket person2 dont luggag check person1 sir person2 seat prefer person1 id like aisl seat feel terribl near window person2 board pass nice day,#Person1# checks in and gets an aisle seat with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 good morn welcom bank today person2 need advic fix deposit person1 seem problem person2 problem one due im sure deal person1 see well two choic renew redeem would prefer person2 mmmm well happi servic far id like renew pleas person1 problem may inform introduc new servic call account renew upon matur person2 ye person1 see mean anyth renew automat dont physic come sort need sign well set person2 that perfect live pretti far centr chore get,#Person2# decides to renew #Person2#'s fixed deposits with #Person1#'s advice. #Person1# introduces their new service for renewal and #Person2# is happy with that. person1 like apart far person2 see problem person1 what problem person2 notic faucet kitchen leak person1 that big deal person2 go problem water bill come person1 want person2 would like fix problem person1 wont abl right person2 well wont abl rent apart problem fix person1 fine ill fix person2 im happi weve come agreement,#Person2# won't rent the apartment unless the leaking faucet is fixed. #Person1# is reluctant to fix it at first but agrees finally. person1 biggest ture point life person2 use would say would move parent hous first time person1 realli person2 till move parent home becam lot independ person1 would say lowest point life person2 would definit get divorc person1 went wrong person2 werent right person1 long marri person2 marriag last year person1 remarri sinc person2 ye got marri man met shortli divorc first husband person1 think youll ever get divorc person2 oh hope first marriag mistak one isnt person1 long marri person2 15 year person1 think youll still love old gray person2 think hope well long happi life togeth person1 im sure,"#Person2# tells #Person1# her biggest turning point was moving out of her parents' house for the first time and her lowest point in life was getting a divorce, but #Person2# is positive about her current marriage." person1 hi call extermin person2 ye thank good your bug drive us crazi person1 sort pest deal person2 bought hous infect everyth termit wood cockroach place last night saw huge rat backyard person1 well there noth cant handl ill spray floorboard wall get rid cockroach termit harder get rid cover entir hous fumig unfortun mean find place stay next three day person2 problem get rid bug,#Person2# calls an exterminator to get rid of bugs. #Person1# will handle the bugs and asks #Person2# to leave #Person2#'s house for the next three days. person1 hello elizabeth person2 fine thank person1 sure your right look bit worri today anyth wrong person2 well ye someth wrong actual perhap give advic person1 cours person2 well last night return theatr found id lost wallet person1 oh dear that terribl wallet person2 well money cours visa ident card photo person1 well id go polic station straight away report person2 ye ive alreadi done said theyd look leav soon need visa ident card badli person1 oh dear piti sure lost wallet theatr person2 ye quit sure person1 think put advertis china daili say lost person2 take long person1 wait minut uncl live beij live close theatr ill telephon ask go inquir youd better breakfast ill meet later,"Elizabeth tells #Person1# that she lost her wallet in the theatre and she has reported it to the police, but she needs the things in the wallet badly. #Person1# will ask #Person1#'s uncle who lives close to the theatre for help." person1 report channel 5 news person2 what person1 could ask question person2 sure person1 vote today person2 sure person1 candid vote person2 cant disclos inform person1 person2 vote privat busi person1 understand person2 vote next presid,The reporter #Person1# interviews #Person2# about #Person2#'s vote. #Person2# refuses to disclose it. person1 hi nicol good weekend person2 ye feel tire today person1 realli person2 well saturday clean hous play tenni sunday hike countri person1 bet studi person2 yeah studi sunday even person1 well didnt clean hous didnt studi stay bed watch tv person2 sound like fun exercis person1 sort play golf comput,Nicole and #Person1# talk about how they spent their last weekends. person1 good afternoon maam name mike sell subscript sort period person2 thank interest person1 pleas maam could spare five minut time sure could find someth interest person2 wish could walk dog finish cook would excus person1 great varieti magazin cook one exampl bimonthli public recip world person2 wow would kind use cook magazin person1 sure one quarterli public issu 200 color page recip also mani home decor idea person2 wow nice ok sign public person1 mention dog pet owner sign weekli newslett inform dog care pet shop even pet sitter person2 exactli need els person1 well also,"#Person2# at first is not interested in subscribing periodicals, but she changes her mind after hearing Mike's introduction." person1 hey taxi person2 head sir person1 capit airport person2 what flight time person1 750 person2 guess get later 700 person1 long ride person2 well sinc rush hour id say ride would take thirti minut less okay person1 ye thatll fine much go cost,#Person1# takes #Person2#'s taxi to Capital Airport. They talk about how long it will take and how much it will cost. person1 would like copi ex file pass copi figur want check person2 copi need anyth els person1 ye also need letter receiv person2 mean sale letter person1 ye that right person2 ill get could file report person1 ye need report copi transpar paper person2 problem,#Person2# helps #Person1# with some paperwork. person1 jenni look strong quit differ use envi person2 think youv heard say sound mind dwell sound bodi alway tri best keep fit studi work person1 right give tip keep fit person2 mind best way keep fit go sport person1 kind sport particip person2 go swim week even cold winter person1 use swim high school dont time anymor person2 that bad exercis realli import health person1 know im get littl fat short breath go upstair person2 that bad sign think need exercis well im go swim tonight want go person1 ok realli need get shape,#Person1# admires Jenny's strong figure. Jenny gives #Person1# advice about keeping fit. They'll go swimming tonight. person1 good even help person2 ye pleas id like egg person1 egg ok mani person2 dozen pleas person1 anyth els person2 ye green tea person1 ye much want person2 could half pound person1 certainli person2 much altogeth person1 let see one pound fifti pleas person2 thank,#Person2# buys eggs and some green tea with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 good morn mr carson pleas person2 im afraid mr carson import meet moment disturb may know who call person1 ye mr princ would like talk mr carson today possibl person2 well im afraid meet wont finish one oclock lunch appoint time ask ring leav person1 ok id grate would person2 mr princ could take telephon number ill ask mr carson ring soon he free person1 ye hong kong68261427 extens 4036 person2 hong kong68261427 extens 4036 right perhap time ring morn ask ring soon return lunch person1 thank,Mr. Prince phones for Mr. Carson. #Person2# tells him Mr. Carson isn't available and will ask Mr. Carson to ring him before Mr.Carson leaves. person1 good morn may speak mr wang person2 ye speak person1 mr wang liu li hua mei compani fashion show 1st may id like invit photograph team come person2 marvel id love arriv person1 send invit card need know size team person2 total 10 person1 ok ill send card see person2 thank bye,Liu Li of Hua Mei Company invites Mr. Wang and his team to a fashion show and asks the size of the team to send invitation cards. person1 hello person2 hello bob nanci got invit yesterday person1 oh come person2 ye think toni cant he got go parent help work hous weekend person1 oh that bad person2 uh bob wont transport night think somebodi could give ride person1 oh sure there group peopl come live near im sure one would glad doesnt work ill drive person2 great thank bob uh peopl wear person1 oh neednt dress fairli casual parti well yard know person2 good wear new pant sweater uh bring person1 well side dish would good therel plenti drink person2 ok see person1 bye,Nancy tells Bob that she needs transportation for the party. Bob will find transportation for her and tells her what to wear and what to bring. person1 thought great movi visual excit person2 hate admit jump seat time person1 shark look real time person2 guess recent advanc camera technolog help lot,#Person2# and #Person1# discuss how exciting the movie was. person1 hey luci time talk next week trip person2 sure dave person1 ok leav monday hartsfield intern airport return friday take airport mayb need book taxi go bu person2 dont compani car pick us take us person1 oh that good person2 flight leav 1100 pick us 800 900 besid compani pay trip includ hotel food person1 much person2 well new york pretti expens citi us get 200 day person1 oh ok thank tell person2 your welcom,Lucy gives Dave the details of their trip next week. The company will take them to the airport and pay for the trip. person1 hello jane peter speak person2 hi person1 fine ive got great news person2 realli what person1 rememb interest watch golf game houston open run may 26 may 30 im sure glad watch game person2 oh that great moment let check ah piti cant make busi china may 25 june 2 person1 well im sorri away busi let see anoth game us open run juli 15 juli 18 person2 that great holiday would wonder could watch game togeth,"Peter invites Jane to watch the Houston Open but Jane will be on business. Peter then invites her to the US open, and Jane gladly agrees." person1 custom servic anthoni grant speak may help person2 cant believ happen call order 32inch bag last friday today found sent 24inch one im plan use bag vacat mexico doesnt seem possibl well take saturday 2 day away suppos person1 im realli sorri madam ill check right away would pleas tell order number person2 ce2938 person1 minut apolog madam seem mistak ill correct size bag sent overnight mail right away arriv time saturday trip apolog inconveni caus mistak promis wont happen person2 ok well thank person1 thank madam choos lynch mail hope wonder vacat,#Person2# calls customer service because she received a bag in the wrong size which is for a trip only two days away. Anthony apologizes and will send the correct one overnight. person1 think ill get one new tshirt know school logo front back person2 youll regret expens ive heard print fade easili wash,#Person1#'s considering getting a new T-shirt with #Person1#'s school's logo. #Person2# thinks #Person1# will regret it. person1 hi lili how new flat person2 great realli like person1 big person2 one big room bathroom small kitchen person1 far offic person2 10 minut person1 10 minut bu car person2 foot walk work morn 10 minut earli person1 lucki 10 minut late person2 happen person1 buse came late person2 susan say person1 late person2 happen person1 took train late person2 well your realli lucki go tomorrow person1 ill start 15 minut earlier,"Lily tells #Person1# about her new flat which is 10 minutes' walk from her office. #Person1# says #Person1# was late for work, but luckily, Susan was late, too." person1 put pile magazin offic person2 alic said go take back librari person1 oh that right ask take magazin back complet forgot,#Person2# reminds #Person1# that Alice asked #Person1# to take magazines back to the library. person1 movi box offic sale almost 10 percent summer happen person2 mani thing choic spend leisur time dvd busi certainli effect moviego obvious need better qualiti film entertain one person1 movi theater person2 theater today made comfort cleaner hate see theater stuff garbag also think better food avail peopl feel good enjoy person1 ive heard peopl complain hollywood releas late film year what opinion person2 probabl coin crowd day summer christma time generallyther film know well person think movi busi today still healthi great busi ever sinc everybodi feel pretti good person1 want relax watch movi home would choic person2 pick one choos see god father god father part n think two great film time,"#Person2# explains to #Person1# why movie box office sales are down, but #Person2# still thinks movies business is healthy and great." person1 hello sir mani parti person2 rate person1 ok singl fare 50 per right person2 fine show passport person1 necessari fill form person2 sure,#Person2# pays for a single fare with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 look cute hey guy name person2 ye that hopper call like jump around eat lot carrot person1 seem get along anim person2 anim see rescu case separ motherstheyr like brother sister person1 dog cat home think would stress person2 long anim well train shouldnt problem get cage though person1 healthi need taken anim doctor first person2 he 100 healthi person1 ill take come hopper,#Person2# tells #Person1# about an animal named Hopper and promises Hopper is healthy. #Person1# decides to take Hopper home. person1 hi luci anyth special today school person2 hi dad today maria ask could copi math homework person1 tell person2 said cheat person1 good im glad said need work person2 smart think lazi,Lucy tells her dad that she refused to let Maria copy her math homework. Her dad praises her. person1 thank call hillsid galleri help person2 hello photographi exhibit weekend person1 ye person2 much ticket person1 ticket galleri 10 pound half price children includ paint exhibit want see photographi exhibit 7 pound per person half price children person2 galleri flower street isnt person1 move differ build last year present address 25 gardenia road opposit town squar person2 oh see number 25 bu go person1 ye suggest take bu drive stuck traffic jam weekend street underground easi fast person2 ok thank help,#Person2# phones Hillside Gallery for information about a photography exhibition this weekend. #Person1# tells #Person2# about the ticket price and their address and recommends #Person2# to take the underground. person1 oh wish bu would come feet freez suppos ive 10 minut person2 that long enough winter person1 morn sun shine person2 start snow one hour ago theyr still predict 2 3 inch person1 well wont go offic tomorrow ill work home person2 person1 im lawyer offic around corner person2 oh work build travel agenc next lobbi ive seen walk sever time stop cup coffe sometim person1 ok thank,#Person1# and #Person2# are waiting for their bus and they talk about the weather and their work. person1 kind wine sir person2 red wine one bottl hous wine person1 moment ill check waitress right sir correct mistak person2 like pay check accept town check person1 ye identif person2 driver licens two credit card alright person1 ye that fine ah see your halifax like montreal person2 think marvel citi person1 long go person2 3 day tuesday arriv 2 day ago person1 hope enjoy visit person2 thank,#Person1# corrects a mistake in #Person2#'s bill. #Person2# shows his identification and pays by check. They talk about #Person2#'s stay in Montreal. person1 know sammo hung mister rice kind person2 cours 56 year old start studi aerob sing danc kung fu age 9 star 140 kung fu film also becom independ produc director person1 know aspect know could kitchen person2 idea tell person1 kitchen wife side still put quit dinner time show person2 person1 imagin big cook cut veget fast forward pictur man make fri throw mixtur air catch everi last bit fri pan cook motto enjoy moment want know cook visit www studioclassroom com tw recip,#Person1# advertises a website to #Person2# by quoting the example of Sammo Hung. person1 excus seat taken person2 dont think person1 thank wait train 900 oclock shanghai go person2 coincid train person1 realli seat number person2 no5 second row person1 third row no10 person2 could pleas keep eye luggag want go washroom person1 problem person2 thank much,#Person2# and #Person1# find out they will be on the same train. #Person2# wants to go to the bathroom and requests #Person1# to keep an eye on #Person2#'s luggage. person1 come dad shop close dont hurri person2 dont worri shop open midnight christma eve person1 ye take us long time find car park midnight choos present mother plu dont know buy mayb hat person2 alreadi mani hat person1 well mayb box chocol person2 never eat anyth els ok know satisfi buy,#Person1# and #Person1#'s dad are on the way to the shops to get a Chrismas gift for #Person1#'s mother and they discuss what to buy. person1 eat lot healthi food person2 compar healthi food unhealthi food tast much better anyway believ live low stress life activ get away eat whatev like mind person1 point think cancer caus worri thing consum good thing tri cranberri juic wild rice yoghurt person2 what special thing person1 cranberri juic good destroy harm bacteria gut acid wild rice high fibr good gut high protein mineralsi think also tastier normal rice yoghurt good also rich protein vitamin also acid peopl make yoghurt thousand year everi day gut much settl person2 thank im go follow advic pop supermarket right,"#Person1# and #Person2# both think cancer is caused by more worry than food. #Person1#suggests eating cranberry juice, wild rice and yoghurt because they have rich proteins. #Person2# will try them." person1 submiss tender includ inform volum project cost person2 ok well see person1 kind guarante go provid us person2 provid standbi letter credit establish bank china person1 pay earnest money person2 ye suppos pay time dont furnish tender bond time tender consid besid also provid derail engin good person1 submit tender person2 offic third floor person1 oh see way tenderopen done publicli person2 ye bidder invit join us supervis tenderopen person1 price state us dollar person2 ye far know field compani lot experi hope consid tender serious person1 ok bye person2 bye,#Person1# shows #Person2# the Submission of Tender. #Person2# tells #Person1# they can provide #Person1# with a standby letter and #Person1# should pay earnest money and submit the tender to their office with the tender-opening done publicly. person1 think new dress person2 think great realli like color goe realli well eye actual eye dress maxin sure could afford ninetyf dollar dress moment person1 um ninetyf dollar person2 ye price advertis hope might go sale soon much pay person1 bought one hundr fortyf dollar helen boutiqu know could get cheaper somewher els person2 cours everyth helen overpr sell thing find almost everi cloth store shop around person1 know saw dress thought pretti look much want guess impuls,"#Person2# compliments #Person1#'s dress, but #Person2# finds #Person1# bought the dress overpriced at Helen's Boutique and should have shopped around. #Person1# thinks #Person1# is too impulsive to buy the dress." person1 good afternoon peac restaur may help person2 id like reserv tabl two wife person1 ye sir time would like sir person2 im sure perhap around 8 pm person1 fine reserv tabl two 8 pm sir may name pleas person2 juliet juliet berman person1 thank mrberman prefer smoke nonsmok person2 nonsmok fine pleas import get tabl window anniversari id like special person1 ill tri best toward tonight mrberman person2 thank goodby person1 goodby nice day,"Juliet Berman reserves a non-smoking table for two at 8 PM, and #Person1# will try to get a table by the window." person1 hello parker everyth person2 complain person1 busi boom understand want meet next week schedul look person2 let see come see first thing wednesday person1 great,#Person1# and Parker will meet each other next Wednesday. person1 look realli healthi late differ person2 thank notic ive make lifestyl chang past year person1 tell im interest person2 well start brother challeng quit smoke person1 ha that right use smoke forgot person2 kick habit found much energi start exercis person1 gym person2 like outsid took hike mountain bike,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s been making lifestyle changes including quitting smoking and starting exercising, so #Person2# looks healthy." person1 find apart person2 check bulletin board school local hous person1 need roommat person2 websit hook roommat person1 much apart cost around person2 depend want want one twobedroom apart person1 need onebedroom apart person2 probabl cost around twelv hundr dollar month person1 would come look apart person2 would happi look apart,#Person2# tells #Person1# to check the bulletin board and websites for housing information. Then #Person1# invites #Person2# to look at the apartments. person1 hey jeff where stereo person2 need money hock last week person1 must realli hurt cash done person2 enough money make end meet payday last wednesday receiv phone bill tune 195 00 hit ceil saw person1 sound like werent expect person2 id forgotten brother use phone earlier month call girlfriend forgot mention happen new york time 3000 mile away person1 well need money tide payday loan person2 thank tomorrow payday make thank anyway,Jeff can barely make ends meet because his brother used his phone and the phone bill is high. #Person1#'s willing to loan him some money but Jeff refuses. person1 children sport person2 im pleas perform timmi cover 100 meter 12 second that fast kid age person1 he good long jump though person2 he bad jump distanc four meter think prefer run jump jimmi good high jump jump two meter that fine someon hi person1 two meter mean high jump bar head good longdist run person2 longest race run 1500 meter boy one girl less five minut person1 swim person2 theyr ok ask swim 500 meter day that 20 length swim pool theyr fast that ok want build strength keep shape person1 kate good dive height 10 meter person2 id afraid jump height person1 think kind havent learnt afraid yet start dive lower height soon want go higher person2 seem realli enjoy go faster higher,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the kids' sports performances are satisfying. Timmy can run fast; Jimmy is good at the high jump; Kate is good at diving. #Person1# and #Person2# think the kids enjoy to go faster, higher and further." person1 hello person2 hi randi go weekend person1 ive idea noth realli person2 go hunt person1 wonder person2 okay ill pick around 6 person1 ill readi,#Person2# invites Randy to go hunting and Randy agrees. person1 believ headlin person2 read person1 im read michael milliken bond king person2 didnt sell worthless stock peopl someth got arrest didnt person1 got arrest right person2 rememb got light sentenc someth like three year minimumsecur prison person1 yup that made million dollar sell bond peopl end pile cash becam useless person2 think govern fine small amount kept rest foreign bank account he still millionair person1 that kind thing america get mad guy pull stock scheme make million spend bare minimum sentenc jail person2 know poor guy rob liquor store make 500 end jail five ten year person1 yup got crimin america lot better theyr whitecollar thiev person2 what michael milliken day person1 he give lectur busi colleg,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Michael Milliken who sold worthless stock to people but got away with a light sentence and is still a millionaire. They're angry that white-collar thieves end up a lot better than some poor robbers. person1 realli want switch thing person2 think person1 think want tri new style person2 would like person1 want cut hair shorter person2 short person1 want hair inch long person2 realli want short person1 ye ive want short person2 realli want ill person1 im absolut sure want person2 let,#Person1# asks #Person2# to cut #Person1#'s hair a lot shorter to try a new style. person1 may ask name girl person2 one person1 tallest one person2 miao li she come see brother person1 oh look love could give els inform person2 ok she costum design work garment mill person1 think person2 look beauti nice girl person1 im wonder boyfriend person2 hasnt person1 great thank much,"#Person1# asks #Person2# some information about a lovely girl. #Person2# tells #Person1# her name, work and she hasn't a boyfriend." person1 mr lee wonder wife plan next friday night person2 ye think might free mind person1 ive mail formal written invit home invit dinner parti home person2 sound great casual person1 actual thought would fun formal sitdown dinner holiday person2 sound good give wife chanc dress person1 ye weve invit four coupl good mix peopl person2 sound wonder anyon know person1 oh ye everyon invit compani person2 great ill look forward well make sure check mail invit,"#Person1# invites Mr. Lee and his wife to #Person1#'s formal sit-down dinner, and everyone else invited is also from their company. Mr. Lee looks forward to it." person1 realli like debat class person2 think youll interest studi law later person1 ive entertain idea im lean toward polit person2 want politician yuck person1 that like gener person2 sorri your right think youll good politician person1 think lot good countri person2 your right need peopl like polit,"#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# wants to be a politician, and #Person2# thinks it's great." person1 hi ticket show tonight person2 sorri sold person1 well tomorrow person2 ticket matine start 3p person1 ok ill take person2 would like sit person1 anyth middl section want good view sit close hurt eye person2 certainli,#Person2# helps #Person1# buy a ticket in the middle section for the matinee tomorrow. person1 ive read report im sure agre think get attend improv requir salari employe take sick day person2 that right know must sound crazi believ fewer absenc way person1 give 10 15 sick day per year sure requir peopl take couldnt possibl help sound like counter product polici chang person2 right incent encourag employe come work often possibl employe cold flu come work infect colleagu person1 see current polici encourag sick peopl come work result sick employe person2 that right sick day mandatori sick peopl would stay home wouldnt companywid epidem person1 let give shot,#Person2# thinks attendance can be improved by requiring sick employees stay home so that they won't infect others. #Person1# doesn't understand at first but then #Person1# decides to try it. person1 bobbi come look got person2 person1 chess board daddi go teach play person2 cool person1 ok player get 16 piec white one ill play black piec front set pawn least valuabl piec move one space forward captur anoth piec move one space diagon person2 piec person1 see one look like tower call rook one tall hat call bishop see littl horsey call knight import piec best let oppon captur person2 two husband wife person1 that right that queen that king player captur king say check mate game doesnt sound fun person2 nah bore im gon na go play killer zombi playstat,#Person1# gives Bobby a chess board and introduces all the pieces in chess to teach him how to play. #Person1# tells Bobby the game rules but he doesn't feel interested. person1 may help person2 ye would like place order toner cartridg stand agreement compani need amount last time person1 let key inform comput pull record order number name order list person2 lesli smith number 184796 person1 ye mr smith order three case cartridg would like refil person2 ye person1 correct bill address person2 pl post bill 124 hildrod lane milton counti 98830 person1 send invoic next day order deliv end day monday person2 thank,"Mr. Smith has a standing agreement with #Person1#'s company, so #Person1# helps Mr. Smith place an order for toner cartridges the same amount as last time." person1 still mani peopl overweight despit current fit craze person2 well certain factor effect peopl size weight person1 person2 one studi said lowincom group higher percentag overweight peopl higher incom famili person1 person2 survey said low incom group eat junk food daili basi person1 make sens probabl less time make dinner junk food cheaper person2 junk food contain lot fat oil one final reason mani peopl fat person1 what person2 nobodi exercis anymorenot even kid averag american home tv 6 hour day person1 wow wonder peopl fat say carl look like could bit exercis person2 yeah guess person1 consid eat healthier food get exercis person2 hey start diet lost 10 pound person1 happen person2 well quit gain back plu 5 pound person1 kept tri,"Carl tells #Person1# low-income people are more likely to get fat because they eat more junk food. #Person1# suggests Carl should eat healthier food and exercise more, and Carl says he started a diet but quitted." person1 separ product competit person2 product featur inventori track softwar continu updat track inventori realtim basi person1 softwar userfriendli person2 ye easi use system instal come 3 day employe train seminar person1 train part packag cost extra person2 quot price includ softwar system instal 3 day train seminar ongo troubleshoot hidden cost,#Person2# tells #Person1# their product features inventory tracking software and has a training seminar without any hidden costs. person1 good even maam tabl one person2 ye pleas person1 tabl right person2 actual id like booth window that possibl person1 certainli one person2 fine thank person1 hand menu waiter minut take order person2 thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# find a table by the window for dinner. person1 dont feel littl strang take place old boss demot person2 ye first felt awkward bill demot resign kind like somebodi die mean atmospher offic like funer parlor someth afraid peopl would look traitor fill spot manag ask person1 mutini person2 thank guess everyon understand opportun step leadership role great career im realli move ladder im consid supervisor coupl week like noth happen person1 realli good chanc get exposur work supervisor get take credit hard work peopl person2 yeah also take blame that happen old boss,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# felt awkward when taking the place of the old boss after he was demoted. But now everything is fine and people consider #Person2# as a supervisor. person1 im free sunday id like take look beij citi could tell go person2 sure problem ill ring citi tour sunday morn go great wall go summer palac afternoon even typic dinner restaur beij quanjud restaur serv roast duck howev dont like trip go famou place outsid beij person1 place fine make decis person2 time shall start person1 pick hotel eight morn person2 ok see sunday morn,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to take a look in Beijing City together. #Person2# suggests going to the Great Wall, the summer palace, and Quanjude." person1 may see board pass person2 go person1 48c left hand side person2 thank person1 pleas fasten seat belt miss person2 oop forgot person1 also pleas place carryon luggag either seat overhead compart person2 think ill put bag overhead compart person1 allow give hand,#Person1# helps #Person2# get aboard and put the bag in the compartment. person1 would love rent apart person2 that great person1 much rent person2 rent month 1050 person1 that lot money person2 better price mind person1 800 person2 that way low person1 cant pay much person2 900 month person1 would fine person2 great pleasur busi,#Person1# and #Person2# bargain on the rent. They finally agree #Person1# pays #Person2# $900 a month. person1 like shop person2 yeah go shop week person1 dont shop home person2 mean cant understand person1 mean buy thing internet ecommerc person2 realli that unbeliev,"#Person1# advises #Person2# to buy things online, and #Person2# thinks it's unbelievable." person1 go vase penni person2 im go put tabl sam person1 dont give person2 go person1 im go put front window person2 care dont drop dont put sam put shelf person1 love vase person2 flower love,"Penny and Sam are discussing where to put the vase, and they finally put it on the shelf." person1 hello want purchas old music box person2 good varieti decad would like person1 hope could find someth made the20 person2 six tabl person1 hope least one danc figur person2 mani peopl like danc figur two box figur person1 hard choos think ill take one person2 one bring mani hour pleasur person1 warranti come music box person2 im sorri break your person1 thought would ask person2 buy model cant expect warranti,"#Person1# chooses an old music box with dancing figures from #Person2#, and #Person2# tells #Person1# there is no warranty." person1 hi heard your look differ apart person2 yeah place im realli terribl person1 ok person2 boiler keep break lose heat sever day time person1 doesnt owner replac person2 well said cheaper keep fix nice enough person sort stingi case im sick cold person1 get deposit back move person2 give onemonth notic get whole thing back person1 kind place look person2 think ill tri get one highris near univers noth realli special least new function person1 heard build pretti noisi wall thin hear everyth go apart person2 oh never need place quiet finish thesi guess ill look ad mayb new isnt necessarili better person1 dont tri apart windsor theyr suppos nice person2 oh arent aw expens person1 realli youll surpris reason problem bu doesnt run way person2 definit wont problem afford car right guess id better check place citi make decis,#Person2# complains to #Person1# that the apartment is terrible and #Person2# want s to move into a highrise near the university. But #Person1# tells #Person2# it's pretty noisy and advises #Person2# to try the apartment at Windsor. #Person2# will check a few places before making the decision. person1 uh hi need help weight move person2 uh put back person1 let help uh oh hmpf person2 oh okay person1 oh back person2 okay okay okay person1 need lie uh come often person2 yeah usual come five time week person1 oh oh man way name justin person2 im rachel person1 uh person2 im origin california sure your okay person1 said agoni yeah um im okay person2 um spent life small town utah call spanish fork actual person1 oh um need lie person2 um justin im go call manag person1 need rest oh yeah im uh spanish fork person2 wait sure your think right person1 spanish ah im salt lake citi live anyway bodi builder someth person2 im teacher person1 oh teach person2 teach math scienc doesnt take scienc teacher tell need doctor person1 im okay im okay ill stand minut uh could phone number know case person2 dont think think 911 number need point person1 cri pain ohhhh,Justin helps Rachel move the weights but hurt his back. He lies down to have a rest and they introduce themselves to each other. Rachel is from Utah and is a teacher. Justin is from Salt Lake City. Rachel thinks Justin should dial 911 for help. person1 hello mike part london person2 well fact im look flat round person1 flat want move person2 ye actual believ mandi get marri person1 great congratul decid person2 last week stay famili scotland tri find suitabl flat person1 great neighbour hope manag buy one soon person2 oh arent look one buy dont enough money yet want find somewher rent person1 ye cours that first fact end brother lent us money that manag buy person2 realli perhap ill talk famili coffe there good place round corner person1 good idea,"Mike plans to rent a suitable flat because he's getting married to Mandy. #Person1# says #Person1#'s brother lent some money so they could buy a flat, and Mike'll talk to his family about it." person1 honey long live person2 10 year what wrong person1 think redecor hous person2 would cost lot money need chang hous person1 right repaint live room yellow person2 good idea like countrysid style person1 great mind think also ask someon draw pictur wall person2 sound great curtain chang person1 ok mayb make blue program first,#Person1# suggests redecorating the house but #Person2# says it costs much money. Then they decide to do some changes to the house. person1 mum person2 im plant cabbag person1 what hand person2 cabbag seed see put soil box sow seed care like cover soil ill keep box shade sun doesnt burn littl plant person1 person2 later week time ill put littl plant earth ill water stop soil get dri sever week plant row field person1 feed plant like feed chicken grow person2 fact grow better feed plant ground ill put powder soil powder made fish blood bone itll make cabbag plant grow big strong person1 like,"Mum's planting cabbage and teaches #Person1# how to do it. She puts soil, sows seeds, and covers them. Then she'll water them and put the powder in the soil." person1 want buy meat person2 kind would like person1 want one pound ground beef person2 that go 2 48 person1 fine person2 els get person1 let also three pound chicken breast person2 that go 4 05 pound person1 tell total cost chicken breast person2 12 15 person1 that im go get today person2 that fine let get meat,#Person1# buys one pound of ground beef and three pounds of chicken breasts from #Person2#. person1 good afternoon mr brown ive come see mr brown person2 good afternoon mr green person1 person2 im sorri he he gone busi person1 oh drop chat person2 pleas come cup coffe person1 thank pleas tell phone come back,"Mr. Green comes to see Mr. Brown, but he's gone out. Mr. Green asks Mrs. Brown to tell him to phone." person1 morn bob fanci meet person2 morn jenni havent seen age person1 well thought id come see person2 give surpris person1 fine fine person2 well ive come flu person1 im sorri hear take care person2 realli great see drink tonight person1 sound wonder shall make person2 seven person1 ok person2 ill pick person1 thank,Jenny comes to see Bob. She's fine but Bob has the flu. They decide to have a drink tonight. person1 heard tom caught steal someth supermarket person2 realli deserv teach good lesson person1 word brother would go bail last time father went bail person2 realli lucki,#Person1# tells #Person2# Tom was caught stealing but his relatives went bail for him. person1 feel better today bill person2 well hard say cough lot even person1 youd better give smoke bad health person2 your right know hard give old habit person1 make mind first person2 know often work til late night need someth keep awak person1 dont go bed get earli youll time work person2 thank advic ill tri,"#Person1# advises Bill to quit smoking, but Bill says he needs something to keep awake. #Person1# suggests sleeping early and getting up early, and #Person2# will try it." person1 would dessert person2 well person1 cake fruit ice cream person2 give ice cream cake person3 cake fruit person1 ok thank would liket drink coffe tea person2 prefer tea person3 want coffe person2 thank person1 thank pleas wait minut person2 well waiter give bill pleas person1 32 dollar sir person2 here 35 keep chang person1 thank much sir pleas come agian person3 nice restaur thank dinner person2 welcom,"#Person1# helps #Person2# and #Person3# order dessert and drinks. Then #Person2# pays the bill, and #Person3# thanks #Person2# for the dinner." person1 hello jim look forward see bad journey realli person2 get place person1 dont worri get waterloo take underground regent park ill meet gate obviou get cant miss way leav person2 readi ill get 1138 southern train think that nonstop waterloo get underground person1 that go straight underground want bakerloo line regent park 4 stop make sure get northern underground though want northern bakerloo ok person2 ok ill soon person1 oh way ill tom go play badminton later colleg badminton club hey would like join club gym modern quit bright great special servic member oh want catch train youd better go must nearli 1130 alreadi person2 wow your right half past didnt realiz late less 10 minut better take bag right run see around 1230 bye person1 bye,#Person1# will meet #Person2# at the gate in Waterloo and tells #Person2# to make sure to get a northern underground. #Person1# will play badminton with Tom and invites #Person2# to join the club. #Person2# finds it's so late that #Person2# has to hurry up. person1 hello person2 hello im local student im read flat post websit still avail person1 ye person2 rent want rent weekli monthli person1 rent 50 week pay weekli monday person2 ok near public transport person1 oh ye 5 minut walk underground station person2 great may come see tomorrow afternoon 300 pm person1 sure see tomorrow person2 see,"#Person2# wants to rent the flat, and #Person1# tells #Person2# some information. #Person2# will look at the flat tomorrow." person1 hello emma mcdonald ab electron id like book room twentyfifth pleas person2 certainli would like singl doubl room person1 room 3 pleas person2 room 3 150 per night includ breakfast person1 oh see compani use hotel regularli normal get discount person2 oh sorri 100 per night 120 breakfast person1 oh dont want breakfast,#Person2# helps #Person1# book a room for 3 and gives #Person1# a discount. person1 hey roy ive think long time person2 oh yeah cindi person1 futur want person2 em im sure lot thing like doctor professor hostess person1 em mayb id like job often travel person2 well air hostess could travel lot person1 ive thought air hostess work realli hard tire plane arent safe nowaday make crash bad weather even use weapon fall wrong hand person2 interpret realli good languag could travel intern meet person1 dont think interpret didnt sound interest person2 well interest person1 well mayb ill becom intern busi woman challeng person2 dont like think money person1 well could chang person2 em dont know cindi dont see busi person,"Roy advises Cindy to be an air hostess or an interpreter, but Cindy wants to be an international business woman. Roy doesn't think she's a business person though Cindy says she can change." person1 long play piano your great person2 thank ive play sinc 9 im 17 practic 2 hour everi day love person1 that good sinc much wouldnt abl sit still long like person2 well experi write music feel creativ enjoy make peopl happi listen person1 that cool feel way play soccer play feel good use skill peopl like watch know mean person2 exactli,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s been playing the piano since the age 9 and #Person2# feels good when playing. #Person1# says #Person1# feels the same way when playing soccer. person1 good morn mister thompson name mari brown person2 good morn miss brown take seat pleas person1 thank person2 well miss brown could pleas tell person1 ye cours im 18 year old graduat peterson secretari school read ad newspap know your look secretari person2 could pleas tell person1 whatev secretari expect type receiv phone call send fax write report person2 well seem qualif job excel could tell kind salari your expect person1 saw ad posit offer salari around 800 month person2 that right person1 would fine person2 anyth would like know job person1 far person2 good thank come miss brown ive enjoy meet talk well let know result earli possibl person1 appreci time given,Mary Brown tells Mister Thompson she can do all the secretary work and Mister Thompson thinks she's qualified for the job. Miss Brown is satisfied with the salary and Mister Thompson will tell her the results soon. person1 hello im call apart advertis person2 ye kind apart interest person1 im interest one bedroom avail person2 ye one need person1 sometim around next week much rent person2 well rent 650 300 secur deposit ga water includ pay electr person1 sound good may come tomorrow take look person2 sure time would like come person1 1000 person2 good may name pleas person1 name blanca person2 blanca ill see tomorrow,Blanca is interested in a one-bedroom apartment and is satisfied with its rent. #Person2# will take Blanca to look at it tomorrow. person1 hey linda get letter new option food servic next year person2 yet lot chang person1 sure instead pay one feet cover meal whole school year abl choos mani meal week want contract amount still pay whole year begin choos buy 7 10 14 21 meal per week give card number meal get week mark person2 that big chang tom complic system person1 yeah much better peopl dont eat 3 meal day 7 day week cafeteria dont pay meal dont eat person2 what deal eat school time person1 better meal contract cheaper one person2 see still sound rather complic person1 true took sever hour figur decid go 10 meal plan person2 person1 well never eat breakfast often go away weekend 10 meal plan give lunch dinner everi weekday fairli low price wont pay meal dont usual eat,Tom tells Linda the school has new options for food service. They can choose how many meals they want and it's better for everyone. Linda thinks the system is complicated and Tom agrees. Tom will go with the 10 meal plan because he doesn't eat at school all the time. person1 good morn mrssmith person2 good morn help pleas im look book mother person1 well kind book like person2 she fond detect stori person1 see read detect stori person2 oh ye person1 know she read one person2 im sure probabl wont rememb she forget person1 ah bad memori old person2 she eightyseven person1 suggest take bookit excit person2 thank youthat good ideash like excit book suggest anoth one,Mrs. Smith wants to buy some books for her mom. #Person1# recommends Mrs. Smith a detective book and she wants more. person1 hey jimmi youv sit front tv day anyth interest tv person2 realli quit bore right actual mostli infomerci public servic announc person1 dont turn tv get outsid need get fresh air person2 know knowbut favorit show coupl minut seri final wouldnt miss world person1 realli what seri person2 well immigr girl achiev dream america sitcom realli quit smart realli funni think youd like person1 sound interest big fan tv show theyr time consum dont much depth person2 believ show quit inform interest take show exampl examin american xenophobia might conflict american dream hilari result person1 realli that interest person2 yeahoh come dont watch togeth go court debat episod good person1 ok ill give go,#Person1# invites Jimmy to go out but Jimmy refuses because Jimmy's favorite show is coming. Jimmy introduces it to #Person1# and they decide to see the show together. person1 hello speak person2 hello john want speak linda person1 person2 hi linda im call invit dinner parti tomorrow even person1 realli time person2 730 pm londonchines restaur place seven pick need ride person1 ye pleas ill need ride ill wait person2 see tomorrow seven make sure dress littl formal heard restaur kind upscal person1 thank see person2 see,John invites Linda to a dinner party at the London-Chinese restaurant and asks her to dress formally. John will pick her up tomorrow. person1 honey hous mess need help tidi bit boss husband come dinner hous need spotless person2 middl someth right second person1 wait need help person2 alright alright come person1 ok list chore need get done ill dish get groceri tonight sweep mop floor oh furnitur need dust person2 know pick someth mall clean floor ill go supermarket get groceri person1 sure fine list thing need get dont forget anyth pick bottl wine way home person2 hey honey back wow hous look realli good person1 great set tabl person2 sec gon na vacuum rug real fast person1 wait turn,#Person1#'s boss and her husband will come for dinner. #Person1# asks #Person2# to help and they are getting prepared for their coming by cleaning the room and buying groceries. person1 go move soon person2 still time leas person1 way stay person2 go right person1 understand person2 go keep deposit person1 back person2 leav leas person1 give back person2 go get person1 abl live anymor person2 help,#Person1# is moving out but #Person2# refuses to return the deposits because the lease is not over. person1 may help person2 give big mac small order french fri medium coke person1 youll need wait minut fri still fryer person2 that fine person1 total come 7 person2 here twenti could give napkin person1 sure cash back 13 well bring fri two minut person2 thank,"#Person1# helps #Person2# order a Big Mac, some French Fries, and a coke." person1 youv work nearli month feel job person2 bad thank help alway busi job feel bit tire person1 feel first came work period time feel better sure youll get use busi job person2 also feel work effici high strong work abil profession skill seem know that realli wonder person1 know phrase surviv fittest choic person2 that right work,"#Person1# asks #Person2#'s feeling of working here. #Person2# feels busy and admires #Person1#'s efficiency, and #Person1# says #Person2# will get used to it soon." person1 hello barney garag person2 hello mr higgin pleas person1 step take messag person2 oh ye penni pet boutiqu pleas remind appoint dog shampoo cut saturday morn 11 person1 ill make sure receiv messag person2 that fine person1 thank call,#Person1# leaves the message of Higgins' reservation at Penny's Pet Boutique to Barneys Garage. person1 id like help pitch dinner person2 realli your joke person1 id like someth special birthday person2 id like alright put apron first person1 ok help hon person2 hmm let see boil water person1 easi could eye close done person2 bad okay take meat potato fridg person1 mani potato need person2 three bring four bell pepper person1 gotcha ok person2 wash dice potato bell pepper person1 where peeler,"#Person1# wants to help on #Person2#'s birthday and #Person2# is surprised and instructs #Person1# to boil water, take out food, and dice vegetables." person1 excus professor problem need leav class earli person2 leav earli person1 feel well person2 could make attend section week person1 ye taken care person2 leav right away stay minut person1 stay minut person2 ok pleas make sure get makeup work complet person1 thank professor ive got cover person2 go make sure doesnt happen,#Person1# wants to leave early and Professor asks the reason and #Person1#'s make-up plan. person1 move new apart person2 ye im afraid still mess havent put anyth away yet person1 dont worri itll probabl take three week get everyth organ person2 dont say look like dump cant stand person1 taken walk around neighborhood yet person2 unfortun ye person1 mean person2 took long walk neighborhood morn way train station took 20 minut person1 ye pay 800 dollar month emm hard decid better shorter commut time lower rent person2 thought pay lower rent would better im sure person1 supermarket nearbi person2 ye consid 711 supermarket person1 sound like better buy bicycl person2 that right im go spend lot time walk,#Person1# asks the new condition of #Person2# and #Person2# hasn't organized everything yet. #Person2# also has some complaints about the new place. person1 hear your move new york person2 ye found good job person1 well well certainli miss boston person2 im go miss folk person1 let keep touch person2 ok ill drop line soon get,#Person2# is moving and saying goodbye to #Person1#. person1 alic never knew love voic realli sing cant person2 thank mark use member school choir person1 wonder control voic well profession singer person2 well flatter wouldnt say profession receiv train school music teacher use profession singer person1 well good teacher make good student person2 quit right,Mark compliments Alice's lovely voice and singing. Alice tells him that she learns from a professional teacher. person1 go return washington person2 im go stay citi person1 day person2 im go work father store even ill read book weekend ill go beach famili person1 ever work person2 learn go summer person1 im go camp ive gone camp four summer person2 ive never gone camp person1 mani thing morn go swim boat afternoon play basketbal tenni sit around camp fire night sing tell stori person2 sound wonder person1 wonder what john go summer person2 think he go mountain parent person1 well long mari fun person2 peter give regard john ill see septemb,"Peter and Mary discuss their summer plans. Mary will work at a family store and Peter will go camping, and their friend John will go to the mountains." person1 daili passeng ship dalian person2 ye person1 mani day take dalian person2 one day arriv dalian 1000 tomorrow person1 mani port call passag qingdao person2 four port person1 ship go fast person2 perhap make 25 knot hour person1 sea calm peac sea trip alway enjoy fine weather like person2 ye hope remain fine way,#Person1# asks #Person2# about the ship to Dalian and the port information. They both hope that the weather stays fine. person1 georg chicken ok person2 tast great realli dri fish right person1 fish dri person2 wonder left sit around long serv person1 that exactli think happen person2 veget ok person1 veget kind mushi person2 mine think left cook long person1 food usual good think tell waiter problem person2 think right mayb give us free dessert someth,#Person1# and George discuss and found the condition of their food is unsatisfying. They want to tell the waiter the problem person1 make reserv person2 ye sir time person1 7 oclock tonight 5 person person2 ok sir five person 700 person1 vip room person2 sorri sir tabl main din room left,#Person1# asks #Person2# to help reserve a VIP room but there is none left. person1 kind sport like watch person2 basketbal footbal tabl tenni watch tv person1 must like nba game person2 yeah favorit mani chines peopl includ women children would like concern game think want see perform come yijianlian chines player nba person1 kind sport like particip person2 good tenni ski person1 prefer indoor sport bowl badminton squash person2 moder exercis realli import health life lie movement person1 play tenni person2 good idea take racket,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes watching basketball, football, table tennis, and participating in tennis, and skiing. #Person1# prefers indoor sports. #Person1# invites #Person2# for tennis." person1 kind person think person2 well alway energet enthusiast that strongest person person1 strength weak person2 em said im dilig industri hand sometim im hardwork put much pressur make thing perfect person1 qualiti would expect person work team person2 work team opinion two characterist necessari person person must cooper aggress person1 spend leisur time person2 like play game sport favourit hobbi person1 kind sport like person2 oh hard narrow one mean like kind sport basketbal swim bike ride mayb reason energet vigor,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# on personality, teamwork, and hobbies. #Person2# is energetic, enthusiastic but sometimes too exacting. #Person2# thinks cooperative and aggressive are necessary for teamwork. #Person2# likes playing sports in leisure time." person1 human resourc depart person2 hire fire train insur benefit retir plan salari vacat person1 take care lot thing person2 time provid assist person1 mean person2 say engin depart want hire person request hr find candid person1 ye person2 engin manag team interview candid hr also involv interview basic arrang schedul explain benefit person1 ok person2 engin manag choos candid person1 see,#Person2# answers #Person1# the functions of the Human Resource Department and #Person2# tells #Person1# examples. person1 car readi yet person2 dont know sir what number car person1 lf 312 g person2 bring us person1 bought three day ago person2 ah ye rememb person1 mechan finish yet person2 theyr still work let go garag look isnt car person1 well car person2 didnt crash person1 that right drove lamp post mechan repair person2 well theyr tri repair sir tell truth need new car,#Person1# comes to check if his car has been repaired and #Person2# shows him it is still under repairing. #Person2# suggests he buy a new one. person1 hey michael rememb im becki use work leman togeth person2 oh sure long time see thing leman person1 ive think make chang mind ask thing job univers person2 go ahead person1 well wonder salari like mean much lower corpor world person2 well cant speak univers salari definit lower leman dont think salari compar leav major corpor person1 yeah that thought ive heard perk better wonder realli true person2 id say ye dont get big endoftheyear bonu like leman get take class free want ive alway want get graduat degre im take class person1 oh that great sound like your realli happi move person2 yeah guess work univers realli suit,Becky and Michael meet after a long time. Becky wants to change the job and asks Michael some questions on salaries. Micheal loves his job. person1 facil great dont think person2 ye better last year done good job time person1 im glad booth first floor peopl see display person2 someon want find us look floor plan show compani booth person1 let see didnt get one came person2 realli didnt give one ticket person1 person2 that strang person1 go lunch around person2 hungri person1 bad soon person2 went across street good chines restaur next hotel person1 cant see cortex floor plan dont booth person2 must let look cortex second floor next roll booth person1 oh uncomfort person2 cortex person1 ye cortex stole darren mcdowel rolli probabl darren spend whole show stand next old cortex cowork person2 ive never met darren your right would probabl uncomfort person1 reserv booth check neighbor dont think person2 ye mayb your darren mcdowel probabl check person1 ye well think ill go get lunch join person2 ill stay booth ate earlier go chines restaur person1 mayb look around,"#Person1# and #Person2# thinks the facility is good but they think the booth location for Cortex and Rolly is awkward for Darren McDowell. #Person1# plans to go for lunch, but #Person2# ate earlier and will not go." person1 would like help new project person2 would love help would prefer help write part program thing person1 would enjoy help write portion person2 perfect youll work alon portion like work alon person1 ok sometim person2 first meet next monday could meet us time person1 cant person2 pleas send background inform meet look person1 send inform person2 ok look forward work enjoy week,"#Person2# will help #Person1# with the writing part alone but #Person1# cannot join the meeting tomorrow, so #Person2# asks #Person1# to send background information before the meeting." person1 well interest documentari person2 sure didnt realli understand technic jargon use film talk social secur us person1 like person2 well mention peopl put away money someth call 401k person1 yeah know sound weird 401k type retir plan allow employe save invest retir author employ deduct certain amount money paycheck invest plan everyon tri contribut much possibl retir rest peac nest egg person2 that interest logic guess countri also contribut governmentrun retir fund peopl dont realli trust invest properti thing like person1 seem bit unstabl dont think person2 yeah corrupt govern past creat distrust among bank financi institut peopl prefer money hidden jar piggi bank person1 ive think late dont want banker run money,#Person1# and #Person2# watch a documentary they liked but #Person1# doesn't understand some jargon about 401k in the US and #Person2# explains it. Then they talk about retirement plans respectively in their countries. person1 sorri damag car sir person2 dont worri leav insur compani person1 car park commun crowd isnt person2 yeah car peopl tri take public transport person1 arent enough buse citi person2 yeah sometim realli feel like write letter mayor person1 that much hassl want littl bigger park space person2 taken properti manag yet person1 im gon na know sever month ago back red honda park person2 road person1 right park lot park right space left rearview mirror smash person2 car owner ladi deafen voic person1 ye know person2 that wife,#Person1# damaged #Person2#'s car and they complain about parking and transportation. #Person1# shares the experience of another car accident and #Person2# finds out that was #Person2#'s wife's car. person1 consid strong point person2 think im tough physic mental person1 say person2 play footbal sinc high school present im member commun footbal club person1 realli still play person2 ye practic everi weekend teammat person1 see must tough person2 never get tire think come practic footbal person1 consid weak point person2 frankli speak im typic chines workahol dont mind work late night due tend leav offic late person1 kind peopl reluct work person2 far havent met particular kind howev may rule prefer chat work person1 prefer work alon part team person2 depend type work usual prefer work alon im selfmotiv work either way necessari dont hesit join team,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# about strength, weakness, and teamwork. #Person2# is a tough football player but is a workaholic. #Person2# prefers to work alone but also do teamwork." person1 excus 8 bu go wang fu jing depart store person2 doesnt youll chang 3 bu sha tan dont mind walk take bu get worker club build walk across wang fu jing person1 think id rather take bu say chang person2 sha tan get bu walk back corner turn left youll see bu stop ahead lefthand side street rememb take 3 bu other dont go wang fu jing person1 chang 3 bu sha tan thank lot person2,#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to Wang Fu Jing and #Person2# tells #Person1# the detailed routine through bus. person1 mani peopl hous person2 parti host wife hostess person1 guest person2 ye friend person1 man person2 professor zhang chines teacher wife teacher daughter colleg student person1 young man person2 boyfriend young doctor name karl black,#Person1# asks #Person2# what they are doing and then asks about some people in the house party. person1 think brown coffe tabl person2 nice doesnt match color room person1 person2 oh type coffe tabl get dirti easili difficult clean person1 realli difficult pleas right let look other person2 look one match room inexpens dont think person1 moreov easi clean right realli lazi person2 want save troubl look person1 sound ridicul,#Person1# and #Person2# decides between which coffee table to buy and choose an inexpensive one. They argue about if #Person1# is lazy. person1 offic belford report breakin person2 ye person1 ill need littl inform person2 fact person1 time happen person2 must sometim 1200 130 home almost 1200 got back 130 person1 get person2 well know jewelleri televis person1 ok good your make list way belong mark person2 ye husband put name tv person1 way husband person2 he trip canada havent told robberi person1 see put jewelleri person2 put refriger good jewelleri safe box bank person1 ok ill touch soon found anyth,#Person2# reported a break-in and Officer Belford asks the details. #Person2# was robbed of jewellry and a TV with her husband's name. person1 dr carter offic person2 ye id like make appoint see dr carter pleas person1 first visit person2 ye person1 okay could name pleas person2 ye name ronald schuller person1 may ask refer offic person2 uh drove past offic yesterday person1 okay day tomorrow wednesday 400 oclock person2 uh happen open morn usual pick kid school around time person1 okay um tuesday 800 thursday 815 person2 uh anyth earlier like 730 person1 im sorri person2 well case thursday would fine person1 okay could phone number pleas person2 6430547 person1 alright what natur visit person2 uh person1 ye sir person2 well tell truth fell ladder two day ago paint hous sprain ankl foot land paint suffer scratch hand knee im concern swell ankl hasnt gone yet person1 well put ice immedi happen person2 well yeah fill paint ice person1 remov paint sir sir mr schuller still person2 well that part problem uh paint still foot person1 look mr schuller pleas come today dont think case wait,Ronald wants to make an appointment with Dr. Carter to check a swelled ankle. Dr. Carter asks for some information and they arrange it on Thursday. But after knowing he is stuck in a paint can Dr. Carter asks him to come in today. person1 oh still havent decid get person2 know hard need person1 well darl day said need car person2 yeah right well think that littl beyond us person1 yeah itd fun littl expens person2 there usual kind thing like wallet tie person1 oh pleas sixtieth think get someth expens dont mean want get someth good someth person2 someth unusu person1 yeah person2 well comput could get comput way could keep touch email person1 know say he old learn use comput isnt cours dont think hed ever use,"#Person1# and #Person2# want to get something special but affordable for an old man's sixtieth. They deny a car, a tie, and a computer and make no-decision." person1 hey taxi ah great thank pull person2 person1 well im go nation museum art person2 sure hop problem hang person1 uh excus long take get person2 well depend traffic shouldnt take twenti minut averag driver oh im averag drive art abl cruis traffic get less fifteen minut person1 okay uh sorri ask yeah idea much fare person2 oh shouldnt 18 dollar includ uhhum tip cours person1 oh way know time museum close person2 well would guess around 600 oclock person1 uh time person2 yeah half past four thank uh first time citi right person1 yeah know person2 well tell tourist mile away citi walk street look straight skyscrap person1 obviou person2 well person1 oh forget recommend good restaur downtown offer meal reason price person2 umm well mexican restaur la fajita fantast oh inexpens place know decor authent okay portion larger place ive person1 sound great get museum person2 well catch subway right outsid museum buse run way would transfer coupl time taxi dont run museum often person1 okay thank,#Person1# who is a tourist wants to go to the National Museum of Art and asks #Person2# the duration and the fee of getting there and the opening time of the museum. Then #Person1# asks #Person2# for restaurant recommendation and directions. person1 miguel havent finish scienc homework week person2 im sorri ms perri hous burn last weekend famili sleep grandma week im stress cant homework grandma hous loud lost textbook person1 oh let talk lunch come offic person2 ye might littl late grandma kitchen small make food need buy lunch,Miguel's house was burnt down and he is stressed. Ms. Perry asks him to go to her office at lunchtime for this. person1 happi birthday jimmi readi next present person2 mean there besid watch person1 come us car youv talk month person2 oh new comput want im happi thank much mum dad,#Person1# sends Jimmy a computer for his birthday and Jimmy is happy. person1 hello luci go beij person2 even person1 get air train person2 train leav 500 arriv beij 710 tomorrow morn person1 oh 14 hour anybodi see even person2 ye parent go station see person1 that good long stay beij holiday person2 four day well must see get back person1 ok good luck good trip person2 thank goodby,#Person1# asks Lucy's plan for leaving for Beijing and Lucy tells #Person1# the details and her parents will see her off. person1 hello welcom wine world let know help person2 um ye pleas could realli use help im go bosshous dinner tonight dont know kind wine bring person1 ok know kind food serv person2 well wife japanes said make realli good sushi person1 hmm that bit challeng sushi notori difficult pair wine well let see white wine cours person2 wouldnt red wine go well sushi person1 dont think sushi delic flavor food red wine would jar contrast need white wine subtl flavor complement fish person2 see get bottl chardonnay that white wine right person1 ye chardonnay white wine im sure itd best bet chardonnay one fullbodi white tend bit oaki id suggest go someth brighter like sauvignon blanc new zealand person2 sauvignon blanc what person1 that anoth variet type grape like chardonnay person2 let see label say got attract citru grassi aroma give way crisp miner flavor bonedri finish serv chill oh long take chill wine im way dinner person1 ok dont worri well choos wine cooler dont quit extens select rhone valley white would love person2 right variet person1 well french wine dont alway specifi variet label french believ soil grape grown one import factor final flavor wine wine probabl blend differ type grape mostli viognier id guess person2 think good wine person1 ye one bestsel quit dri sauvignon blanc look earlier mean approach light crisp bit vanilla aroma person2 perfect ill take,"#Person2# is going over to the home of #Person2#'s boss whose wife is Japanese, so #Person2# wants to buy a bottle of wine. #Person2# wants Chardonnay but it is denied by #Person1#. #Person1# recommends Sauvignon Blanc but it is denied by #Person2#. At last #Person2# decides on Rhone Valley white." person1 where bill ambassador alreadi meet set start 9 person2 he late traffic probabl hold know commut suburb easi commut everi day cut slack person1 even though trafic bumpertobump dont think heavi traffic make bill late take train rememb person2 oh that right well train shouldnt late mean one explan bill must overslept person1 well fare sinc he come way lancast he got get much earlier rest us must get start commut six thirti tell time actual get person2 that right he got get train station hous take blue line citi switch train red line trip got take 2 hour person1 doesnt drive work person2 difficult park car citi also traffic come suburb nightmar,Bill is late and an ambassador is waiting. #Person1# and #Person2# assumes Bill overslept because he lives far away and commutes every day by train. person1 hi mike give person2 hi bill new car person1 hey great set wheel person2 like huh person1 wouldnt wow that world person2 special isnt person1 yeah cool much sold person2 lot look like ill moonlight next two year person1 imagin person2 hey let go spin tri person1 id love person2 ok let go,Mike gets a new car with great wheels and he will go for a spin with Bill. person1 salli im tire western food realli miss mother sichuan cook person2 im sure miss type cook cant tri get use western food person1 tri american like butter bread sugar cream much person2 suppos your right lee mayb that mani western overweight person1 interest american work hard job take nap day yet heavi person2 see often busi work eat much fast food food fatten,Lee misses Sichuan food and Sally persuades Lee to get used to Western food. Lee cannot because the food was fattening and Sally agreed. person1 dutton hotel may help today person2 want check rate avail san francisco locat person1 certainli help downtown waterfront locat person2 waterfront locat person1 date plan check person2 id like check octob 12th check 15th person1 okay let see mani person2 one possibl im look nonsmok room person1 sure nonsmok queen ocean view 189 standard room courtyard view 139 night person2 id like book standard room person1 okay last name person2 rama person1 first name person2 jeff person1 okay book standard nonsmok queen check octob 12th depart 15th major credit card would like use guarante reserv person2 visa person1 number expir person2 7388242435351818 expir 0508 person1 confirm number pd672 anyth els help person2 that thank person1 nice day thank call dutton hotel,#Person1# at Dutton Hotels helps Rama reserve a standard non-smoking room with a courtyard view from October 12th to 15th. #Person1# takes credit card information to make a reservation and then gives Jeff Rama the confirmation number. person1 lili long person2 came china june 7 month person1 wow that long time havent spent spring festiv china yet right person2 that right go stay china year see chines peopl spend import festiv fact im busi research spring festiv compani person1 realli mayb come spend famili person2 person1 parent would happi love though live downtown alway spend spring festiv hometown person2 mean countrysid person1 ye believ learn lot chines cultur winter holiday big famili meal eat thing like fish dumpl give children lucki money red envelop person2 sound interest cant wait,#Person1# asks Lily about her duration in China. Lily wants to do a research on Spring Festival. And #Person1# invites Lily to spend the festival with #Person1#'s family this year. person1 work moment person2 um work bbc world servic ive bbc 5 year work interpret eu person1 know job base geneva ever live abroad person2 oh ye fact born argentina live 11 person1 that interest travel much person2 oh ye ive europ mani part south america person1 go place person2 well mostli pleasur 3 year ago went back argentina cover variou polit stori bueno air bbc,#Person1# is interested in #Person2#'s job. #Person2# works for BBC now and travels a lot for pleasure. person1 color paint room honey person2 red person1 red dine room way person2 think red great color wall person1 red make fat person2 talk person1 read magazin articl said warm color make want eat blue would better person2 like eat let paint room red person1 chanc,#Person1# and #Person2# decides on painting the house and #Person1# denies red because red makes people fat. person1 liberti park good morn help person2 would like know art festiv next week festiv person1 oh lot thing listen music look paint local intern painter join picnic park watch play person2 wow paint see festiv person1 best local painter show paint two tradit like paint landscap third local painter modern artist paint show world differ way way see also see new old paint franc japan brazil norway person2 art exhibit person1 oh 2 actual local painter show paint 1100 saturday intern exhibit start 300 pm sunday would like know person2 ye pleas person1 local exhibit build 4 intern exhibit build 8,"#Person2# asks information about the art festival and #Person1# at Liberty Park tells #Person2# what #Person2# can do by introducing the painters, paintings, and the place." person1 boss told never go work person2 cant believ person1 dont know told confus person2 usual go work late person1 well often person2 work think thing person1 sometim person2 could use comput person1 use typewrit person2 well think know didnt use time well didnt learn new thing,#Person2# analyzed that #Person1# is fired because #Person1# did not use time well nor learned new things. person1 coffe pot empti matter mani sign post someon keep drink last cup without make fresh pot what point rule nobodi follow person2 know im coffe drinker im upset microwav look like bomb went person1 yeah nobodi ever clean person2 nobodi ever cover food person1 paper towel next microwav peopl might better cover food paper towel nearbi person2 might work better useless sign break room would easier peopl clean theyv heat food person1 ill tell one place sign work park lot person2 that sign warn peopl pay fine park wrong place,#Person1# and #Person2# complain about how people treat the coffee pot and the microwave. They think of ways to change the situation but they are not optimistic about them. person1 question person2 ye work whole year take vacat person1 ye year qualifi threeday vacat person2 three day person1 that compani polici person2 happen use sick day end year sick extra day two pay deduct person1 ye that compani polici person2 last place work hope differ,#Person1# tells #Person2# the company policies of vacation and sick leave which are the same as the last place #Person2# worked at. person1 hello john smith speak mr white pleas person2 mr white speak person1 hi understand hous sale person2 ye person1 like know person2 come offic afternoon 3 clock person1 ok person2 thank call goodby person1 bye,John Smith will come to Mr. White's office to talk about the house for sale. person1 jeff look list say cozi studio apart rent 700 per month think person2 well think afford apart pet allow person1 hmm let look ye say petfriendli build person2 that great mean bring cat mr twinkl apart locat person1 say locat suburb,Mr. Twinkles tells Jeff a $700-per-month apartment allowing pets is for rent. Jeff thinks it's great. person1 good morn miss person2 good morn sir person1 could tell pleas find current exchang person2 right help today sir person1 id like exchang 5000 singapor dollar us dollar pleas person2 account bank sir person1 ye account number person2 may pleas see id person1 sure passport way rate today person2 today rate 2 57 singapor dollar 1 us dollar money sir pleas count sign name person1 ye credit demand cash travellerschequ person2 cash much want cash person1 900 dollar person2 would like person1 need 8 hundr rest 10 pleas person2 ok person1 thank nice day person2 thank good day,"After #Person1# shows his account number and passport, #Person2# helps #Person1# exchange 5000 Singapore dollars into US dollars." person1 connect mari smith hotel room person2 mr smith check yet person1 leav messag call offic person2 ye ill see get messag check,"#Person1# calls Mary, but #Person2# says she's not checked in, so #Person1# leaves a message." person1 im starv would truli appreci bought burrito person2 im littl short dont enough person1 im starv didnt eat yet today person2 realli dont enough money person1 stomach feel empti person2 well dont ask bob money im hungri person1 ill get money friday ill get back person2 okay friday buy someth eat person1 that nice person2 alway go home make someth eat person1 cant go home yet thing person2 sorri that fault,#Person1# keeps asking #Person2# to buy food for #Person1#. #Person2# refuses because #Person2# doesn't have enough money and it's not #Person2#'s fault. person1 excus need refil prescript person2 say bottl two refil person1 ye need refil today person2 alright im sorri miss accord file prescript alreadi refil twice person1 worri couldnt rememb refil twice yet person2 well look like need see doctor get new prescript person1 listen emerg tri call doctor town cant see time need medicin skin condit ive run refil person2 im sorri miss cant must follow prescript prescript run person1 need pleas refil go doctor around ten day ill anoth prescript person2 miss understand problem law us sell certain medicin without prescript law cant anyth never sell medicin unless proper prescript never person1 prescript need person2 prescript must valid expir prescript im sorri miss law find anoth doctor prescrib person1 oh expens special medic plan see one doctor cost lot money see anoth doctor person2 miss cant help im pharmacist doctor custom need help know frustrat happen noth im sorri person1 ridicul taiwan much easier get medicin need person2 mayb that true dont know im sure taiwan prescript,"#Person1# wants to refill the prescription but #Person2# says it's already been refilled twice, so #Person1# needs to get a new prescription. #Person1# says it's emergent and #Person1#'s doctor is out of town. #Person2# suggests seeing another doctor but #Person1# thinks it's expensive. #Person1# thinks the whole thing is ridiculous but #Person2# insists on a new prescription." person1 hey where cindi person2 told she got tenni practic today person1 your mari right person2 know person1 cindi told gym class person2 see live neighborhood person1 hous next door person2 oh cindi mention your alexand newman person1 call alex alex alexand thing,Alex met Mary and they find out Cindy mentioned them to each other. person1 hi bob how busi person2 okay person1 okay enough small talk let get busi person2 good idea person1 sinc good friend dont pay person2 cant accept busi busi,#Person1# thinks Bob doesn't need to pay since they're friends. Bob doesn't accept it. person1 world chang famili chang person2 mean person1 peopl like small famili compos two parent one child person2 call nuclear famili person1 dont like famili person2 kind famili like person1 like famili compos mani peopl includ grandpar parent aunt uncl children person2 tradit famili may larg live well person1 live well think,"#Person1# tells #Person2# people now have nuclear families composed of parents and one child, but #Person1# likes traditional families." person1 john father got marri person2 marri person1 tell must complet taken aback person2 come tell happen person1 marri girl eighteen person2 true anyhow none busi isnt,#Person1# tells #Person2# John's father married an 18-year-old girl. #Person2# thinks it's none of their business. person1 henri want ask someth person2 say want say person1 see wage paid yet wonder could possibl lend money person2 sorri money lend,#Person1# wants to borrow some money from Henry but Henry doesn't have any. person1 hi im luca move next door person2 oh hi luca come im barbara nice meet person1 nice meet person2 would like someth drink ive got tea grape juic person1 thank tea would nice chines tea great realli like tea set get person2 oh supermarket far also tea hous around corner get tea tea set well person1 oh yeah saw tea hous day think might go look sometim nice neighborhood person2 right quiet conveni get bu subway station within ten minuteswalk there groceri store book store gym mani restaur person1 there gym nearbi that excit realli want start go gym soon possibl ive lazi summer holiday put weight person2 well want go togeth sometim actual think go afternoon like join show neighborhood along way person1 would wonder thank,Lucas moved in Barbara's next door and Barbara invites him to have a drink. She tells him she got the tea set from a supermarket nearby and the neighborhood is quiet and convenient. Barbara invites Lucas to go to the gym together. person1 read person2 oh latest novel ray blue sicfi thriller person1 thought usual wrote horror book person2 he good genr captiv read person1 go bookshop would like join us person2 ye would need buy textbook cours know love brows latest paperback person1 need someth read flight new york never sleep plane sarah want pick children book daughter person2 want look nelson mandela autobiographi person1 sure worthwhil read,#Person2#'s reading a sci-fi thriller. #Person1# invites #Person2# to the bookshop. #Person2# agrees because both of them want to buy books. person1 doctor feel much better alb go home time week person2 that good hear youv ideal recoveri oper go send home tomorrow person1 think get back work soon person2 dont hurri im confid youll complet recov 4 6 week person1 anyth person2 youd better good rest week sure regular meal stay away alcohol give smoke least littl person1 take medicin person2 ye im go give take one tablet medicin three time day meal one two tablet rememb come outpati depart consult two week pleas person1 kind person2 your welcom wish speedi recoveri goodby,"#Person2# says #Person1# can go home tomorrow but can't work very soon. #Person2# advises #Person1# to rest well, have regular meals, stop smoking, take medicine and have a consultation." person1 thoma could favor person2 what person1 could pick mr david ford compani capit airport person2 dont go person1 im suppos gener manag call last night said couldnt come back beij schedul ask attend meet person2 see ill person1 thank lot kind,#Person1# asks #Person2# to pick up Mrs. David because #Person1# has to attend the meeting. #Person2# agrees. person1 feel like wear hair way person2 oh realli popular day person1 think suitabl person2 honestli speak think one next suit better person1 even though realli like modern person2 that true look ladi chose one sure older person1 okay also want hair color person2 color like person1 claretr person2 nice choic person1 long take hope wont long person2 hope take least three hour person1 son turn wait,#Person1# picks a hair but #Person2# recommends a more modern one. #Person2#'ll color #Person1#'s hair claret-red and it will take at least three hours. person1 say person2 said love day dont go walk person1 well feel littl tire person2 come rest bread rust person1 wait minut want finish write letter person2 hope wont long would shame take advantag love weather person1 wont long ten minut dont go ahead ill meet park person2 ok see later,#Person2# invites #Person1# to a walk. #Person1#'ll finish the paper first and then meet #Person2# in the park. person1 iba bank busi bank depart ling ming speak may help person2 ms ling mr gwent montgomeri comput person1 hello mr gwent today person2 money sent head offic berlin could check whether receiv remitt yet person1 cours know bank sent amount currenc person2 deutsch bank 25 000 us dollar person1 ye that receiv clear avail withdraw,Mr. Gwent calls Ms. Ling to check whether the remittance is received. Ling says that's ready for withdrawal. person1 may help person2 ye would like return slack person1 alright receipt person2 ye bought last week person1 return person2 bought go blous mine dont realli match person1 see oh wait maam im sorri slack sale person2 ye thirti percent person1 im sorri dont allow return sale item person2 know mani store polici return sale item person1 im sorri usual dont polici person2 bought slack week ago regular custom make except time person1 well let talk manag moment maam manag say time person2 good im regular custom glad make except person1 pleas show receipt person2 person1 give store credit maam find someth els like store use credit person2 store credit okay im sure find someth like shop lot person1 appreci busi maam,"#Person2# wants to return the slacks because they don't match her blouse but #Person1# says the slacks were on sale so #Person2# can't return it. Since #Person2# is a regular customer, the manager agrees to make an exception so #Person1# gives her store credits." person1 form fill collect unemploy person2 need fill special form appli unemploy benefit person1 get applic form unemploy benefit person2 call employ develop offic request form person1 inform need provid appli unemploy person2 prepar provid employ name address date work person1 els employ develop offic need person2 need prepar show unemploy fault termin notic would great person1 happen next person2 employ develop offic call interview,"#Person2# tells #Person1# to call the Employment Development Office to request a form, and provide the employer's information and prove the unemployment is not #Person1#'s fault." person1 hello jack person2 hello ami person1 bring person2 saw corolla sale person1 ye realli good deal 1 000 discount ive never seen sale good one person2 tell corolla person1 sure 1 8 liter engin one come power option air condit cd player full size spare tire automat transmiss abc window price 17 000 give 16 000 person2 sound good 15 000 person1 must kid get price anywher person2 seriou 15 000 person1 put 2 000 deposit ill talk manag see person2 talk manag let know person1 okay ill right back congratul manag approv final price 15 000 person2 price fine give free secur system free carpet mat person1 realli tough got deal person2 thank,Amy saw Corollas are on sale and Jack says the Corolla has all power options and it costs $16000. Amy wants it $15000 and the manager agrees. person1 tell make think give rais person2 ive got sever good reason ive sever year work proven good ive notic peopl compar job get paid person1 salari confidenti know much money peopl make person2 well ive notic new car around one thing person1 compani car provid sale staff busi trip also employe receiv sale commiss good salesmen natur earn person2 that understand well rather compar salari someon els perhap could talk job perform sure youv notic extra hour ive put recent person1 see point howev might hard get rais approv profit last quarter whole compani tighten belt anyth affect annual budget person2 would good mr white,#Person2# wants a raise because #Person2# has worked long and well. #Person2# thinks other people earn more because there're new cars around but #Person1# says those are company cars and it's hard to get a raise. person1 ann dont see children make much nois dont keep occupi mother hair person2 ok take outsid fli kite person1 good idea well joan someth import tell,#Person1# thinks the children are noisy. Ann suggests taking them outside. person1 stop product person2 weve problem one bolt work loos blade snap person1 ok make sure power switch tighten bolt unit replac broken blade oil floor person2 think valv faulti couldnt regul pressur seal burst tri open emerg valv jam person1 clean mess first fit new seal check valv,#Person2# tells #Person1# the reason why the production stopped and there's oil over the floor. #Person1# asks #Person2# how to deal with it. person1 help person2 ye want make plane reserv shanghai china person1 may name pleas person2 feynman black want leav octob 15th person1 ok let see air china flight octob 15th 1000 morn person2 well need economi ticket person1 singl return person2 singl much person1 economi fare singl ticket new york beij 400 dollar person2 ok ticket confirm person1 ye pleas arriv airport one hour departur person2 ok thank,"#Person1# helps Black reserve a single economy plane ticket to Shanghai, leaving on October 15th at 10." person1 hi dave zina person2 zina zina snake person1 got email coupl month back person2 yeah one person1 one said your creep wont hear anoth peep hope wreck jeep person2 right one work,Zina describes the details of the email Dave sent to her. person1 home last tonight lot homework though person2 say dont time watch favorit show tonight jane know realli dont like teacher much give far much homework critic front everyon time person1 tell truth dont realli like either he kind bore activ alway look unhappi person2 ye also person1 think talk like behind back person2 probabl teacher tri find someth nice say cant say someth nice shouldnt say anyth person1 absolut agre get dark finish homework person2 right want take shower first im exhaust,"Both Jane and #Person2# don't like their teacher, but they soon realize it's not right to talk about their teacher like this behind his back." person1 anoth sandstorm tomorrow person2 fourth one year isnt horribl person1 ye plant tree grass stop sand spread person2 may take mani year tree grow hope peopl stop cut tree person1 need wood person2 cant destroy forest get wood,"In terms of the sandstorm, #Person1# prefers to plant more trees and grass, but #Person2# thinks stopping cutting down trees is quicker." person1 prepar dinner eight peopl mari call said husband could make person2 that right go tell invit tom girlfriend,#Person2# invites two people that fill the absence of #Person1#'s dinner. person1 hey clair youv realli quiet last day someth wrong person2 ive realli stress end year ive got much stuff feel like im drown work person1 well stress real thing imaginari condit person2 serious affect life cant sleep dont much appetit husband say ive kind short temper peopl seem handl stress okay weak person1 your weak your stress stress part human condit million year back still live tree watch predat might imagin pretti stress person2 yeah dont see tiger leopard roam around offic stress silli paperwork person1 your actual reaction treedwel ancestor call flight fight respons time feel like someth threaten bodi decid whether run away fight caus sort chemic reaction bodi person2 deadlin caus reaction person1 could modern human actual flight fight respons ancestor coupl close call everi day today dozen even hundr person2 life cave woman less stress life,"Claire is pretty stressed and the stress seriously affects her life. #Person1# comforts her that stress is a part of the human condition and Claire's stress about the paper is similar to their ancestors' stress about the environment, which is called flight or fight responses." person1 hoo im get tire jeanin long day person2 im quit yet know favourit slogan dont person1 yeah know shop till drop person2 right person1 im get littl short cash let window shop littl person2 ok person1 hey jeanin get load beauti person2 hahaha thought tire person1 know weak long dress person2 sure look special look expens person1 sure hey spong littl cash person2 dont worri marian ive got cover person1 thank jeanin real pal let go,"Marian and Jeanine are shopping, but Marian is tired and short on cash. Marian then finds a beautiful dress and Jeanine got Marian covered." person1 like anim realli like dog person2 dont like cat person1 think cat ok person2 cant bear near cat dont seem like either person1 like wild anim dont like spider snake think spider snake disgust person2 im fond snake think theyr great agre spider though think spider horribl think mani leg person1 think bear wonder panda fantast low peopl kill fur person2 agre im carzi mice think theyr cute person1 realli dont see attract im afraid mice,"#Person1# and #Person2# are sharing their different attitudes towards different animals. They have opposite preferences of some animals, like snacks and mice." person1 tom grown six inch within year person2 reach puberti mind bodi chang lot person1 yeah see adam appl becom bigger person2 time fli still rememb everyth child,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Tom's change over time. person1 what weather like citi person2 summer get hot tempertur often 37 40 centigrad hot often get rain winter drier person1 summer tempretur usus often reach 20 or25 citi rain fall mostli winter often get snow person2 temperatur winter citi 15 20 degre person1 winter tempertur often fall zero night tempertur street often ice morn high tempertur must get thunderstorn person2 yeah middl summer found storm everi day usus afternoon heard citi lot fog true person1 fog day winter would say lot fog sky usual clearli citi person2 ye like said thunderstorm one usual last hour ski clear person1 ever snow citi person2 grandmoth said snow child parent never see outsid citi person1 river citi sometim freez peopl go icesk summer peopl go boat river peopl go swim clean person2 know citi coast water also clean peopl still go swim year around perfer sand bath beach weather hot sun,"In #Person2#'s city, the summer is hot and rainy, while the winter is drier; the sky is clear but it rarely snows. #Person2# likes to have a sand bath on the beach. In #Person1#'s city, it usually rains and snows; it has a few fogs; people go skating on the frozen river in winter and go boating in summer." person1 good morn help person2 want american breakfast fri egg sunni side person1 kind juic prefer sir person2 breakfast juic pleas make coffe strong person1 ye sir american breakfast fri egg sunni side breakfast juic black coffe correct sir person2 ye that right person1 anyth els sir person2 that person1 good morn sir ive got breakfast order person2 put tabl pleas person1 need anyth els sir person2 thank oh ye could juic mini bar person1 kind juic like sir person2 tomato orang juic pleas person1 ye sir ill get right away would pleas sign bill first thank sir,#Person1# helps #Person2# order American breakfast with fried eggs and breakfast juice with strong coffee. #Person2# also orders tomato or orange juice. #Person1# asks #Person2# to sign the bill first. person1 bet farm regret decis find better one person2 sure havent togeth person1 im sure good girl sixth sens tell person2 tri,#Person1# thinks #Person2#'ll regret not choosing the girl but #Person2# doesn't think so. person1 excus madam wonder could help person2 ye person1 happen know anyth flower show person2 well forest park person1 tell someth interest person2 im afraid im realli sure time see daughter day yesterday said realli beauti sort flower rose tulip name see show one tourist attract citi go take look young man person1 way know open person2 well let see open afternoon daughter told person1 thank,#Person1# asks #Person2# to tell him about the Flower Show. #Person2# tells him the show is beautiful and opens in the afternoon as her daughter said. person1 lost found help person2 im ring lost bag yesterday person1 see well receiv 8 bag yesterday color person2 black person1 em ive got 3 bag give inform person2 quit larg wear shoulder got zip front there pocket side mobil phone person1 anyth person2 ye there address book key oh hissi snake person1 there snake bag person2 dont worri made plasticit belong littl son person1 right well think bag,"#Person2#'s bag was lost yesterday. Based on the information given by #Person2#, #Person1# found the bag." person1 final last year highschool excit cant wait graduat person2 neither dont think year go easi person1 mean person2 well order get good colleg take challeng class year person1 cours well still time fun person2 dont know im take advanc math english 2 differ scienc class person1 oh dont worri youv taken difficult class person2 ye im also volunt hospit 3 time week think help get medic school person1 im volunt expect busi year still plan enjoy person2 volunt person1 zoo come visit ill everi saturday sunday,#Person1# and #Person2# are in the last year of high school. #Person2# takes challenging classes and volunteers at the hospital. But #Person1# still plans to enjoy #Person1#'s self. person1 look upset what problem person2 write long articl cant come idea hand tomorrow person1 shouldnt difficult rememb pictur show last week person2 sure ive got person1 dont write impress pyramid egypt person2 sound like good idea also tell visit north africa histor place visit person1 well feel better think ill way finish articl person2 thank organ wont difficult,#Person2#'s stuck on an article. #Person1# suggests writing about the impressions of the pyramids. #Person2# thinks it's a good idea. person1 want book bu tour middl june person2 well red blue rout main attract red rout white hous lincoln memori smithsonian museum person1 book ticket person2 well could phone one oper book websit cours could show buy ticket day want take tour person1 alright ill book onlin know travel date person2 ok well rememb get busi three month june august probabl best book least week come still 6 week plenti time think person1 ok thank youv great help,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# can book tickets for red or blue routes by phone or on the website. #Person2# also reminds #Person1# to book at least one week before #Person1# comes. person1 look rather pale feel well person2 sick night didnt sleep well person1 seem matter flu person2 think someth ate ate new restaur last night must eaten someth didnt agre person1 new restaur fourth street person2 matter fact ask person1 jerri ate last week kind problem sick next day person2 mayb health author investig place person1 that think 2 peopl similar problem short time cant coincid,#Person2#'s sick because of the food at the new restaurant. #Person1# and #Person2# think the restaurant should be investigated because Jerry has the same situation. person1 hello carol isnt person2 oh mike oh good havent seen age person1 nice see year person2 well tri mani thing left school im work larg oil compani charg sale mainli travel lot person1 oh that great must realli enjoy person2 oh excit quit tire though mike person1 work law firm im practic busi law know person2 oh that interest person1 yeah im happi person2 good person1 anyway great see must get togeth sometim person2 ye look give address phone number ill call fix someth person1 right well address phone number,Carol and Mike haven't seen each other for ages. They share their occupations with each other. Carol then asks Mike for his address and phone number. person1 new school year come learn children go school drop person2 learn home parent teacher person1 ah get teach materi person2 educ compani citi librari internet person1 work person2 home school could avoid problem tradit school also increas famili time rememb 16yearold boy homeschool mother show solut nineteenth centuri math problem person1 oh think homeschool expert say children need attend school learn thing like social skill,#Person2# tells #Person1# some children learn at home with their parents as teachers. #Person2# thinks homeschooling works but #Person1# doubts that. person1 hi person2 id like send packag franc deliv next 5 day person1 ye offer overnight servic itll cost 70 person2 ah that bit expens 3 day servic person1 get packag franc one week 40 person2 well sound good ill take servic guarante person1 ye also offer servic track packag cost 10 extra person2 oh wont need track servic,#Person1#'ll send #Person2#'s package to France in one week for $40 without tracing service. person1 ticket person2 ye honor person1 argument person2 honor polic offic pull speed person1 mustv speed person2 honor person1 tell mani mile per hour go person2 go 35 40 mph zone person1 that fine ill let go warn person2 dont pay ticket person1 wont pay fine person2 thank much honor,#Person2# argues #Person2# wasn't speeding and #Person1# lets #Person2# go with just a warning. person1 hello abc corpor may help person2 ye enquir advertis sale manag today newspap posit still open person1 ye experi sale manag person2 ye lot previou experi sale work sale depart two compani sinc finish univers person1 sound fine pleas give name phone number set appoint interview like coupl day right person2 ye name brian phone number 5294870 person1 thank,Brian wants to apply for a sales manager at ABC Corporation. Brian says he's very experienced. #Person1#'ll set up an interview for him. person1 tell ms smith train program initi year person2 ran call center train servic languag program ensur custom servic repres well train person1 result person2 directli attribut increas custom servic feedback 50 increas languag skill train employe receiv person1 seem impress good work person2 thank take credit employe work hard increas product level,Ms. Smith tells #Person1# about the training program which has greatly increased their customer service feedback. person1 good afternoon madam help person2 well bit shape im think get exercis keep fit person1 oh that good news us person2 provid person1 first well design custommad workout plan accord habit person2 get done person1 well give custom person trainer qualifi give fit assess come workout plan need person2 els person1 sinc everyon differ person trainer find suitabl type exercis equip teach techniqu help achiev fit level goal person2 sound pretti good charg person1 depend offer membership one month half year one year person2 mayb one month tri first tough begin person1 wise decis youll find total worth,"#Person2# wants to exercise and consults #Person1#. #Person1# tells her about the custom-made work-out plan, personal trainers, and the charge. #Person2# decides to try for one month." person1 dont know rememb honest everi day last year tide knot person2 cours rememb actual surpris rememb thought sure would forget person1 could ever forget even bought rose love person2 beauti love love person1 beauti rose person2 dont know love day got ta marri person1 ye match made heaven person2 know past year face share troubl surviv person1 ye problem share lot happi counter problem lot happi person2 ye person1 love happi anniversari person2 love happi anniversari,#Person1# and #Person2# recall the past happiness and difficulties they have encountered and wish each other a happy anniversary. person1 good come welcom j p interior design person2 hi saw sign outsid say kind interior design person1 ye specif need person2 well think redesign kitchen person1 prefer specif style person2 ye prefer contemporari design person1 kind color tone like person2 blue green earth tone color like color bright person1 see kind feel want creat kitchen person2 id like look simpl neat relax person1 fine take actual look kitchen start work person2 problem 10o clock sunday morn person1 okay would pleas leav address phone number person2 cours card see,#Person2# asks J P Interior Design to redesign #Person2#'s kitchen in a more contemporary way. #Person1#'ll look at the kitchen first this Sunday. person1 often stockhold meet held person2 stockhold meet held biannual usual meet schedul spring fall meet stockhold receiv biannual report financi statement made year person1 percentag stockhold actual attend meet im guess larg percentag person2 your right low percentag also order attend meet hold certain amount share quit larg number stocker exclud proceed person1 much say stockhold realli person2 unless theyr unit littl,#Person2# tells #Person1# stockholders meetings are held biannually. Only a low percentage of the stockholders who hold a certain amount of shares can attend. person1 cheer person2 cheer person1 time tomorrow person2 half past seven morn person1 meet person2 market person1 ok bottom person2 bottom person1 person2 thank place nice,#Person1# drinks with #Person2#. They arrange tomorrow's meeting. person1 everyth ok late person2 havent abl get good night sleep late im exhaust person1 busi get enough sleep person2 tri go sleep cant stay asleep person1 late tri go sleep person2 go bed finish work person1 anyth daytoday life bother late person2 worri go pay tuition person1 might consid listen relax music go sleep clear head person2 someth relax go sleep sound like plan,#Person2# hasn't been able to sleep well lately because #Person2#'s worried about paying #Person2#'s tuition. #Person1# suggests listening to relaxing music. person1 daughter plan quit present job want find anoth say want get better job higher pay person2 seem quit normal pretti much want person1 settl start famili doesnt anyon want get marri person2 differ world becom color friend dont feel pressur marri want wait right moment person1 time right moment person2 let univers find us instead forc love prefer natur love import thing happi love find us later say,#Person1#'s daughter wants to strive to work instead of settling down and starting a family. #Person2# tells #Person1# that nowadays people prefer natural love to forcing love. person1 problem person2 what problem person1 mattress suppos deliv today person2 problem person1 deliveri peopl show four hour late person2 apolog tardi person1 late work person2 apolog inconveni person1 want money back deliveri person2 see late wont problem person1 shouldnt problem person2 im go refund money right,#Person2# agrees to refund #Person1#'s delivery fee since the delivery of the mattress was late. person1 dinner realli good knock sock person2 that kind say let tri afterdinn wine person1 great sweet wine favorit alway make great finish decis meal person2 prefer brandi port person1 port pleas person2 excel choic love smooth flavor person1 port quit exquisit must spent year age barrel right person2 ye alway good nose wine person1 next time dinner tri canadian ice wine person2 oh what person1 made natur frozen grape person2 sound great person1 ok here health person2 thank cheer person1 cheer,#Person2# suggests trying some after-dinner wines and #Person1# chooses port. #Person1# loves its taste and suggests trying some Canadian ice wine next time. person1 mari decid ring curtain love affair person2 love six year havent person1 dont make fuss mani peopl divorc live togeth mani year person2 piti,#Person1# tells #Person2# Mary and #Person1# decided to break up. person1 season like citi person2 summer hot usual last long time winter short cold wet windi love summer citi hate wintertim person1 ever rain summer person2 usual get big thunderstorm everi two week apart summer dri thunderstorm make air fresh peopl dont mind person1 spring autumn like person2 like spring flower bloom tree grow leav spring weather changeablesometim cold sometim warm usual windi rain autumn usual sunni dri gradual get colder winter arriv season like citi person1 well live southern hemispher summertim wintertim vice versa get rain everi season winter winter sometim get cold winter usual quit mild summer warm hot spring autumn shortsometim week weather changeabl thenjust like spring citi person2 usual go summer holiday person1 dont go winter holiday instead go somewher warm person2 usual go holiday spring autumn tri go somewher weather reliabl citi,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the weather of different seasons in their cities. In #Person2#'s city, summers are long, hot, and dry while winters are short, cold, and wet. #Person1#'s city's summertime is #Person2#'s city's wintertime and vice versa. The weather there is generally wetter and milder." person1 may help person2 ye im go europ busi need purchas travel chequ person1 that problem currenc would like buy person2 think euro best ill mainland europ person1 cours passport much would like purchas person2 5 000 euro suffici thank person1 pleas fill form would like 100 euro chequ person2 would perfect thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# purchase traveler's cheques worth 5000 Euros. person1 need find new place live person2 yeah dont like live person1 oh want place person2 well check newspap person1 jeez didnt realiz singl bedroom apart went much day person2 yeah price realli gone past coupl year person1 oh here one look like neighborhood 600 month that bad person2 pretti good give landlord call person1 hello im call one bedroom lincoln park could take look ye tonight six fine thank,#Person1# wants to find a new place to live. #Person2# suggests checking the newspaper. #Person1# finds a satisfying apartment and will go to see it tonight. person1 dont sit relax darl person2 dont want person1 well come talk person2 certainli person1 may turn tv person2 turn tv person1 sit togeth listen music person2 listen music cook dinner person1 let go disco dinner person2 disco oh know hate,#Person1# asks #Person2# to get some rest and relax but #Person2# refuses. #Person2# is in a mood. person1 hi need wakeup call tomorrow person2 time would like wakeup call person1 need two call one 7 anoth 7 fifteen person2 problem cours youll get call 7 ocolock anoth 7 fifteen person1 think 7 fifteen earli chang 7 fifteen 7 thirti pleas person2 thatll call 7 anoth 7 thirti request person1 think someth later ill give ring person2 okay sir sleep well,#Person1# asks #Person2# to give #Person1# two wake-up calls tomorrow morning at 7:00 and 7:30. person1 mom im readi school person2 let feel forehead im glad wasnt strep throat person1 dont fever im readi test person2 im sure your strong enough yet here seafood rice soup made delici person1 im fine mom feel much better want go school im miss fun person2 last two day weekend person1 let go school pleas im sick medicin sick soup sick sick,#Person1# recovers from illness and wants to go to school. #Person1#'s mom isn't sure #Person1#'s strong enough but #Person1# insists on going to school. person1 ok sir room done anyth els person2 would pleas help send cloth laundri person1 ok sir person2 readi person1 laundri readi 5 person2 that fine thank,#Person2# requests #Person1# to send some clothes to the laundry. person1 idea buy mari birthday person2 neither would like go buy gift togeth person1 ye would good person2 need think might like interest person1 rememb right like music ski read person2 know mayb could get concert ticket would know favorit group person1 roommat malia might know favorit group person2 yeah malia would abl help us choos concert person1 let give malia call ask help right person2 good mayb malia would like go us gift,"#Person1# and #Person2# decide to buy Mary's birthday gifts together. They'll call Mary's roommate, Malia, for suggestions." person1 ive wait confer room ten minut alreadi time meet start everyon anyway person2 didnt hear meet propon friday person1 meet propon one told anyth person2 didnt get memo person1 memo havent memo whole week check unbox everi day havent seen anyth person2 memo went three day ago made inbox mayb got lost clutter desk person1 know thing get pile desk busi know sometim misplac thing alway read memo go around go directli inbox sure sent whole offic person2 gone around everybodi also post copi memo breakroom dont ever look messag post bulletin board person1 im usual busi take bunch coffe break gossip water cooler anyway sure memo never got inbox ill talk secretari person2 that right never know your miss dont read memo,#Person1# finds #Person1# wasn't informed that a meeting was postponed. #Person2# tells #Person1# the memo was sent to the whole office and was also posted in the break-room. #Person1#'ll talk to the secretary. person1 hous old need redecor person2 ye realli need redecor person1 shall help person2 dont suppos could person1 much time suppos done person2 ill glad would,#Person1# offers to help #Person2# redecorate #Person2#'s old house. person1 impress book movi person2 latter one would favorit great mani movi impress first time watch titan memori first watch titan pupil second grade though didnt know much love men women terribl shock horribl catastroph sink scream scare say word murmur prayer bibl beg god merci first time view peopl psycholog statu confront great disast learnt men includ alway show respect natur properli reduc confid say men conquer world,#Person2# tells #Person1# that movies impress #Person2# more than books and describes #Person2#'s feelings towards the movie Titanic. person1 lisa heard work guid natur histori museum weekend person2 ye told visitor butterfli live habit fun good weekend person1 yeah im kind tire stay late watch soccer game,Lisa worked as a guide at a museum while #Person1# stayed up watching soccer games at the weekend. person1 go plant tree front door person2 would silli itll grow big im go put back garag person1 thought would better right end garden person2 oh,#Person1# and #Person2# have different ideas about where to plant a tree. person1 hey brandon person2 yeah person1 um um person2 person1 well need talk im realli sure kind difficult kind need talk someth person2 alright go ahead person1 okay know stephani yeah your date sister right stephani yeah yeah um think she back drug person2 mean know problem past told person1 well that say know know sister pretti well think know better anyon els know guy talk get marri soon yeah im pretti sure she use drug realli need need know realli need face fact your go deal person2 know person1 she stuff know um like well like listen know um youv notic she skip work late person2 well said she health problem figur person1 she sure yeah like month ago ask lend thousand buck fix car person2 wow man um mean didnt tell anyth like mean car run fine think person1 yeah know run fine oh great exactli she lie lot she know she tri hide she good hide person2 let borrow car coupl day ago fifti buck car came back gone she dont know els could disappear man cant beliv im pretti sure stole person1 know um she hide thing hide thing us okay exampl like last week saw two cell phone check text one phone person2 wait wait two phone mean person1 yeah umm person2 one person1 she got least two phone check one phone saw text talk um um drug need meet someon buy person2 ah man person1 im sorri brandon um need need confront need confront person2 dont know mean yeah dont know person1 know youv got cant know youv got want tri hope there go anyth relationship much better talk openli caus promis problem escal person2 might blow person1 might hey wait listen dont guy come dinner talk togeth know um person2 dont know person1 know your right might blow dont anyth promis problem go get bigger she probabl go end lose job she probabl go get arrest might even die person2 man your probabl right think approach alright let let thing ill call okay alright thank person1 alright bye brandon,"#Person1# tells Brandon that his girlfriend Stephanie, who is also #Person1#'s sister, is back on drugs. Brandon doesn't know it and can't believe it. #Person1# tells Brandon that Stephanie has been skipping work lately and borrowed a thousand bucks from #Person1#. She also stole the fifty bucks in Brandon's car. Moreover, #Person1# saw the texts on one of Stephanie's phones about buying drugs from someone. #Person1# suggests Brandon talk with her." person1 often come school late well yesterday exampl person2 ye im sorri see alarm clock didnt work person1 alarm clock told yesterday bu broken person2 oh forgot say clock didnt work either person1 good stori tell want tomorrow person2 weller see grandmoth ill hospit go oper want visit person1 oh see grandfath ill well person2 well dont understand person1 neither began convers said grandmoth ill didnt say go oper said alreadi one way also said old peopl home hospit,"#Person2# concocts excuses for being late for school today and yesterday. #Person2# then asks for a leave tomorrow, saying #Person2#'s grandmother's in hospital, but #Person1# points out that what #Person1# says is inconsistent with #Person2#'s previous statements." person1 use go cinema lot make nice night person2 dont either arent good adventur stori like movi made young,#Person1# and #Person2# don't go to the cinema a lot now. #Person2# thinks the stories aren't adventurous anymore. person1 may take book need work paper dr smith histori class person2 im afraid book put reserv dr smith unless written permiss wont lend,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# cannot take the book out because it's been reserved by Dr. Smith. person1 dont enjoy date anymor cant seem find anyon anyth common person2 dont feel discourag patient distinguish definit find person right person1 tell truth tire alon hope find mr right person2 believ internet matchmak servic person1 that realli new walk life exactli person2 help match singl world help find man woman dream person1 oh must tast certain group peopl person2 advertis said dream date match thousand singl world person1 unbeliev must exagger figur person2 look way manag busi collect applic photo give applic questionnair fill type charact person1 dont believ sever question decid type person your peopl charact complic keep chang time person2 anyway seem thing work well way inform specif enter larg comput databas person1 comput decid best date that realli ridicul person2 look promis dream date provid expert date servic place singl meet well introduc person uniqu qualifi partner person1 sheer slogan reliabl person2 say enrol free trial membership person1 wont even pay person2 well dont believ mayb tell john see whether hed like tri,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# doesn't enjoy dating anymore and is tired of being alone. #Person2# suggests trying Internet matchmaking service and tells him how this works. #Person1# thinks it unreliable. person1 long live person2 six month person1 choos beirut person2 mikemi husbandand alway love arab cultur languag mike english teacher got job languag school person1 want take year person2 basic want break teach love teach children need chang also ive draw paint sinc littl ive never realli chanc studi draw seem like perfect opportun chang learn draw properli person1 well found fantast art teacher call omayma ive class sinc octob she great speak english lucki dont know much arab yet im learn languag quickli person2 arab difficult languag learn person1 incred difficult especi pronunci learn make lot new sound,#Person2# tells #Person1# she and her husband moved to Beirut because they loved Arab culture and she took a year off to have a break from teaching and learn drawing. #Person1# then recommends a fantastic art teacher. person1 congratul break record recent olymp miss green person2 thank mr rarker person1 oh look trophi becam swim star age fifteen didnt person2 yeah your right person1 could tell someth plan futur person2 tell truth im go give swim person1 beg pardon person2 mean id rather swim im old person1 excus im wrong youv twenti old twenti person2 ye old swimmer swim intern competit ill hardli abl win person1 buterdont enjoy swim person2 certainli enjoy visit countri olymp excit howev miss import thing work hard swim train school school weekend girl grow swim swim life isnt mere swim,"#Person1# congratulates Miss Green on breaking the records at the recent Olympics, but Miss Green says she'll give up swimming because she's too old to be a swimmer and she wants to enjoy more important things in life." person1 children sport person2 im pleas perform timmi cover 100 meter 12 second that fast kid age person1 he good long jump though person2 he bad jump distanc four meter think prefer run jump jimmi good high jump jump two meter that fine someon hi person1 two meter mean high jump bar head good longdist run person2 longest race run 1500 meter boy one girl less five minut person1 swim person2 theyr ok ask swim 500 meter day that 20 length swim pool theyr fast that ok want build strength keep shape person1 kate good dive height 10 meter person2 id afraid jump height person1 think kind havent learnt afraid yet start dive lower height soon want go higher person2 seem realli enjoy go faster higher,"#Person2# tells #Person1# about the kids' satisfying performance at sports. Timmy can run very fast, Jimmy's good at the high jump, a few of the boys and one girl can run 1500 meters very fast, and Kate's good at diving." person1 im hungri shall go eat rick person2 sure want go mood anyth particular person1 dumpl cant get enough person2 dumpl oh ami let tri someth new person1 well mind person2 mongolian hot pot person1 oh spici dont rememb last time tast lamb spici eye tear person2 mayb tri yuanyang pot time choos nonspici soup base person1 sound great serv noodl mood tasti noodl well person2 ye slice noodl offer among authent shanxi cuisin person1 great let go person2 wait minut let throw sweater,Amy and Rick talk about what to eat. They finally decide on Yuangyang pot and the sliced noodles. person1 hi nalli hungri person2 im starv let go grab bite person1 person2 karli person1 kid place ritzi lunch person2 true ok let go gerumos person1 thing meal coarsen arm leg person2 guess littl prici person1 let stop multicolor quick lunch person2 ok come cant wait chow person1 great lunch food good servic lousi person2 stif waiter person1 got right let go back school,#Person1# and Nally talk about where to have lunch. They finally go to Multicolor for a quick lunch. #Person1# thinks the food was good but the service was lousy person1 vinc next week need guarante 5 percent person2 said 4 percent person1 next word mouth isnt ye go 6 percent person2 ye ok ye stop ruthless person1 that love one thing leav note morn green postit person3 dont think mine yellow person2 never mind im look somebodi use green,#Person1# forces Vince to guarantee #Person1# 5 percent. #Person1#'s looking for someone using green notes. person1 may help sir person2 ye pleas im look cotton polo shirt person1 particular colour person2 realli person1 one person2 like design dont particularli care colour colour person1 well come white pale yellow aqua red green white one person2 ye prefer white may see pale yellow one person1 cours let see white pale yellow sir,#Person2#'s looking for a cotton polo shirt and #Person1# offers recommendations. person1 think store heard posh store that got branch big citi person2 love store problem extrem expens person1 dont worri ive decid birthday im go take shop new dress person2 realli thought hate shop person1 that appreci gift person2 sure that realli nice let go tri thing person1 red dress think would realli suit person2 that gorgeou size 8 person1 go day would cost fortun special offer today person2 think color isnt quit right dress white person1 let look let see theyv got one blue green pink black white person2 perfect think person1 think look fantast happi birthday person2 im lucki get chanc like blue moon thank honey,#Person1# and #Person2# are shopping. #Person1# buys #Person2# a fantastic white dress as her birthday gift at a posh store. person1 hear your sent madrid annual confer right person2 ye would first trip oversea actual go first time leav countri person1 seriou havent even anywher vacat person2 never vacat anywher exort even dont get chanc travel person time least travel compani time person1 well abl go confer sound like great opportun appli embassi visa yet person2 ye wasnt hard get fill paperwork pay applic fee person1 leav next tuesday right time flight person2 flight depart 7 everyth except luggag readi person1 flight leav earli take airport see ill still abl make offic 9 person2 would great thank lot,"#Person2# will go to Madrid for the annual conference, which would be #Person2#'s first trip overseas. #Person2# has everything except for #Person2#'s luggage ready. #Person1# offers to take #Person2# to the airport." person1 think resign current job person2 thought serious person1 ye think quit final make mind leav given resign letter boss last friday person2 ok find new compani person1 ye move xyz compani person2 good leav great loss us nice work person1 thank learn much colleagu,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# is resigning from the current job and will move on to XYZ company. person1 weve got new manag depart person2 oh hope get job didnt person1 ye person2 im sorri that bad got job mean person1 someon call drexler carl drexler he compani onlytwo year ive longer know job person2 hmm think gave person1 im wrong sex cours person2 mean didnt get job your woman person1 ye probabl isnt fair person2 sort cloth wear person1 dark suit white shirt tie person2 perhap someth person1 mean think didnt get job come work jeansand sweater person2 possibl isnt person1 realli think wear differ cloth person2 well perhap think person1 wear skirt dress person2 im say im say think that person1 im good job that import thing person2 hmm perhap import thing isnt compani,#Person1# thinks it's because she's a woman that she didn't get promoted while #Person2# thinks it's because #Person1# doesn't pay attention to her dressing. #Person1# disagrees and believes being good at her job is enough while #Person2# thinks it isn't the only important thing in this company. person1 cant believ wear jean offic tri lose job person2 cours im observ casual day friday compani doesnt requir us wear formal busi attir person1 wow nobodi told wont relax dress code damag compani imag person2 dont think casual day becom common believ employe maintain profession imag without wear uncomfort cloth person1 guess let peopl express individu tast wont peopl abus person2 realli besid separ dress code casual day peopl cant wear whatev want person1 seem relax atmospher could hinder product person2 believ opposit effect employe actual product casual day,#Person2# tells #Person1# they don't need to wear business attire on casual days. #Person2# believes employees can maintain a professional image without wearing uncomfortable clothes and are more productive on casual days. person1 choos cours abroad person2 that good question choos proper cours effect plan colleg schedul import progress toward educ goal order wise effect consult program advis academ counselor person1 wait minut new term hardli follow person2 ok go detail program advis academ counselor usual experienc professor respons necessari academ counsel graduat discuss program select chang ad program requir graduat problem relat studi choos cours discuss advis whether choic meet requir graduat person1 everyth new think ill experi difficult period get person2 sure difficult person1 grate advic person2 pleasur talk,#Person2# tells #Person1# students should consult with a Program Advisor or Academic Counselor when choosing courses abroad and explains what a Program Advisor or an Academic Counselor is. person1 still didnt want wallpap everi time tri open program see crossdress bush person2 heard horribl viru automat email attach everyon address book person1 well alreadi got comput get rid person3 vote next elect person1 hey knock offthi seriou person3 depart run viru disinfect program hope problem gone 2005,#Person1#'s computer has got a horrible virus and #Person2# suggests having the IT department run a virus disinfection program. person1 welcom person2 hi john hey youv done good job decor place realli nice person1 thank im glad like get drink person2 thank let go prepar dinner get hungri person1 kitchen chop onion could take meat fridg yellow plastic contain person2 wow smell good person1 could slice potato pleas person2 person1 special dumpl sweet sour pork pineappl beef onion green pepper eggplant soy sauc side dish like tomato sugar person2 sound wonder person1 ill start prepar meat stuf person2 wish recip could tell what person1 tell dinner,#Person2# comes to John's house and admires the decoration. They will have John's special dumplings for dinner and #Person2# helps John prepare it. person1 excus mr brook almost forgot phone messag professor johnson call ask call back person2 know person1 he stay blackwood hotel room 509 person2 thank happen number blackwood hotel person1 im sorri dont get inform dial 114 person2 oh could troubl chang dollar person1 alright chang way public phone right person2 see thank,#Person1# tells Mr. Brooke Professor Johnson called and asked him to call back. #Person1# suggests dialing 114 to get Johnson's hotel's number and changes a dollar for him to use the public phone. person1 cant sleep person2 what wrong dear person1 dont know cant sleep person2 anyth bother person1 mayb test friday im worri wont get good grade person2 well day left studi anyth help person1 yeah help understand idea cant get person2 sure start get home school though close eye think nicer thing youll readi learn tomorrow person1 thank daddi your alway need,#Person1# can't sleep because #Person1#'s worried about a test. Dad will help #Person1# understand some ideas #Person1# can't get. person1 hi told see go sightse person2 pleasur help direct visitor popular place visit eat shop person1 ok shall begin trip person2 would suggest histori museum person1 ive alreadi seen person2 let see like spare time person1 realli like natur flower tree person2 central park fantast place relax also mani plant go shop mall around person1 good,#Person1# consults #Person2# about going sightseeing. #Person2# suggests going to Central Park and the shopping mall around. person1 would like come play bridg person2 well let see dont go danc chang havent done long time person1 well tell truth dont realli feel like tonight pretti hard day im sort tire person2 hmm well case could go movi person1 oh alway go movi cant someth differ person2 well suggest person1 let see feel play bridg person2 ok dont beer thing person1 well shall call janet ask tom come ill go store buy stuff person2 ok person1 hello janet oh fine fine say janet wonder tom anyth tonight well would like come place play hand bridg,"#Person2# suggests dancing or going to the movies, but #Person1# prefers to play bridge although because #Person1#'s tired. #Person1# calls Janet and Tom to come over and play bridge." person1 mp3 player broken want chang mp4 player offer advic brand model buy person2 mp4 player dont buy new cell phone find mp4 player insid latest cell phone person1 oh that good idea perhap tri person2 look cell phone listen music watch movi take pictur play game surf web download document like pad person1 that cool use comput internet pretti well im littl bit slow latest trend digit product person2 that ok know digit devic becom smaller easier carri wont cost much person1 yeah buy cell phone like dont take music player everywher go save cost buy extra mp4 person2 that right what flash memori old mp3 person1 256mb person2 cell phone meet need gener memori 512mb,#Person1# wants to buy an mp4 player. #Person2# suggests buying a new cell phone because it has more functions and a larger flash memory and it's easy to carry. #Person1# thinks it's a good idea. person1 your realli fit paul exercis much person2 well almost alway get earli lift weight hour person1 your kid person2 often go rollerblad person1 wow often exercis like person2 five time week person1 oh hardli ever exercis usual watch tv free time guess im real couch potato,Paul is fit because he exercises very often while #Person1# hardly ever exercises. person1 hello sir today person2 hello need new suit import interview next week realli need look sharp person1 problem broad select suit tailor made fit perfectli person2 great want three piec suit prefer made italian cashmer wool person1 well sir would like shirt made also person2 sure also take silver cuff link pair silk tie person1 good accompani take measur choos pattern suit shirt,#Person1#'s helping #Person2# tailor-make a new suit because #Person2# needs to look sharp for an important interview next week. person1 good morn may help person2 ye id like check name adam room 312 here key person1 one moment pleas sir here bill would like check see amount correct person2 what 14 pound person1 that phone call made room person2 pay travel chequ person1 certainli may passport pleas person2 person1 could sign chequ person2 sure person1 receipt chang sir thank person2 thank goodby,Adams checks out with #Person1#'s assistance. Adams checks the bill and pays with traveller's cheques. person1 hello im duti manag today want speak person2 ye hope help im interest obtain work capit loan wonder offer variou type person1 ye sir provid loan local foreign currenc temporari work capit loan shortterm work capit loan midterm work capit loan person2 see person1 one interest sir person2 honest im exactli sure requir,"#Person2# consults #Person1# about obtaining a Working Capital Loan, but #Person2#'s not sure what #Person2# requires." person1 show smaller pair trouser sir fat see person2 youv come right place weve got variou style size recent much measur around waist person1 idea measur pleas person2 ok 2 chi round tri one mayb size person1 tri im afraid still fight around stomach person2 let check stock one person1 tri mm perfect fit much person2 150 yuan person1 littl expens ill buy anyway hard get perfect one 200 yuan person2 here chang 50 yuan welcom back,#Person2# measures #Person1#'s waist and assists #Person1# in trying on trousers. #Person1# finally finds a perfectly-fit one and he will buy it. person1 okay rebecca youv given good idea work academ background person would describ key strength person2 well mr parson mention im someon need new challeng im realli focus hardwork think academ result prove person1 ye true person qualiti person2 well believ im good teamplay also work well independ im enthusiast well hope colleagu would agre im fun work person1 would say posit qualiti person2 hmm that tough question would say passion im realli passion journal passion career,"Rebecca tells Mr. Parsons about her key strengths, personal qualities, and her most positive quality." person1 help person2 right subway wall street person1 ye person2 could tell shall take express local train person1 sure local train stop everi station person2 local train pleas person1 take train downtown platform go three stop person2 much fare person1 one dollar twenti cent give money ill exchang token person2 token person1 put slot turnstil push turnstil get platform,#Person1# tells #Person2# how to take the local train to get to Wall Street. person1 wish nicer day today person2 true hope doesnt rain person1 wouldnt rain middl summer person2 wouldnt seem right start rain right person1 would weird start rain nineti degre weather person2 rain right would pointless person1 that right realli would person2 want cool person1 know mean cant wait winter person2 winter great wish didnt get cold sometim though person1 would rather deal winter summer person2 feel way person1 wish nicer day today person2 true hope doesnt rain person1 wouldnt rain middl summer person2 wouldnt seem right start rain right person1 would weird start rain nineti degre weather person2 rain right would pointless person1 that right realli would person2 want cool person1 know mean cant wait winter person2 winter great wish didnt get cold sometim though person1 would rather deal winter summer person2 feel way,#Person1# and #Person2# hope it doesn't rain today and want it to cool down some. They both prefer winter to summer person1 hate carri much cash person2 dont credit card person1 one use countri person2 dont chang cash travel check much conveni safer abroad cash person1 well that great,#Person2# advises #Person1# to change the cash to traveller's checks. person1 read resum last job person2 ive work product depart two year person1 could introduc biggest accomplish last job person2 work colleagu abl increas product effici 5 person1 great could tell educ background person2 ye got bachelor degre english beij univers person1 will work compani person2 get promot compani person1 ok that well inform two day person2 thank,"#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s last job, #Person2#'s educational background, and the reason to work for #Person1#'s company." person1 heard film novel godfath person2 wrote person1 mario puku person2 whore produc director star heroin hero person1 im alway interest seldom pay much attent,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the film The Godfather. person1 would like breakfast bread egg sandwich person2 bread person1 milk orang juic person2 orang juic person1 would like lunch pork mutton beef person2 think mutton best person1 kind drink like red wine beer champagn person2 like champagn person1 among appl orang banana favorit person2 banana cours person1 alway meal outsid hous person2 alway meal outsid im good cook,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# about what #Person2# would like for breakfast and lunch, #Person2#'s favorite fruit, and where #Person2# always has meals." person1 excus sir could spare minut person2 uh ye person1 go work train everi day person2 ye commut five day week train person1 would mind tell us think rail servic person2 realli good person1 say person2 well train frequent come time person1 train catch even person2 usual take five thirti home person1 get seat person2 usual stand person1 would agre servic fast person2 ye reason fast certainli isnt cheap fare gone 25 present,#Person1# interviews #Person2# about #Person2#'s commuting ways and #Person2#'s opinions about the rail service. person1 dont know peopl mad david peckham realli anyth fascin person2 appeal fan thank two thing person1 mean play well yeah often score free kick crucial game footbal match mean mere show take free kick person2 certainli realli count play team pass ball amongst dodg defend free kick result teammatescollect effort howev free k person1 case mayb facial charm lead card major fan girl person2 ye face look manli straight nose infinit eye man medium height west keep power eleg figur look neither lanki stout person1 english make model gentleman put black suit speak typic british accent,#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing why David Peckham is so popular. #Person2# thinks he appeals to the fans due to his playing skills and his facial charm. person1 what special today person2 person1 didnt notic rose person2 juli 7th chines valentin day person1 oh god forget person2 thought troubl clive person1 bigger troubl what boyfriend forget valentin day person2 poor guy fair forgot person1 oh clive person2 wow good time person1 excus clive ask movi want join us person2 come two compani person1 person2 valentin day come go,#Person2# reminds #Person1# of Valentine's Day. #Person1# thinks her boyfriend Clive forgot it but then Clive asks #Person1# out to a movie. person1 ever made plan futur person2 cours id like marri handsom man two children possibl person1 id like bachelor forev person2 dont believ make meet mr right,#Person2# wants to get married while #Person1# wants to be a bachelor forever. person1 good afternoon swiss airlin miss grown speak help person2 ye id like make reserv lo angel sep 19th person1 moment pleas let check moment later thank wait sorri flight fulli book day next avail flight leav 400 pm 20th shall reserv seat person2 ye pleas thank,#Person2# makes a flight reservation to Los Angeles with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 tell cloth much tast market custom quit satisfi excel qualiti person2 glad hear sure bigger market product countri person1 well extens sale organ thorough knowledg asian market product would sell well prepar busi also interest hand sole agent person2 realli appreci effort go core matter give us idea would will oper agent person1 problem,"#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2#'s products are popular among Asian customers, so #Person1# would like to hand a sole agent for #Person2#." person1 like shop flea market person2 l love alway someth fascin discov person1 antiqu market pari famou call le march aux puce de saintouen person2 that easi say person1 also known le puce mean flea person2 find mani bargain person1 well realli depend tourist might harder get realli good price,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the famous flea market in Paris -- Les Puces. person1 sir hair done anyth els person2 id like shave person1 right sir would lie back shave person2 sure beard rough person1 dont worri sir ive never cut custom shall trim moustach person2 ye pleas person1 ive finish like person2 wonder much cost altogeth person1 20 dollar person2 thank byeby person1 byeby welcom come next time,#Person2# gets his hair done and has his beard shaved with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 case polic person2 want take court arrest person1 dont understand person2 reason arrest person1 let go didnt person2 releas next morn person1 detain station person2 that exactli person1 arrest person2 said match descript robber person1 get person2 im definit take court,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# wants to take the police to court because they mistakenly arrested #Person2#. person1 id like take opportun thank everyth person2 pleasur enjoy work person1 wouldnt abl make without help person2 keep good work,#Person1# thanks #Person2# for #Person2#'s help. person1 look onlin catalog hour still havent finish get kitchen applianc need person2 get person1 well first thing list new blender decid also get juicer new coffe maker person2 dont forget also get new mixer lent old one brother broke person1 yeah know also decid throw away old toaster get new one also get rice cooker steamer make nice steam fish veggi person2 im actual think complet refurnish kitchen get new stove oven dishwash trash compact person1 that good idea kitchen look amaz,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the kitchen appliances they need--a blender, a juicer, a coffee maker, a mixer, a toaster, a rice cooker and steamer. #Person2# suggests completely refurnishing the kitchen." person1 hello sir help person2 ye need prescript pleas person1 let see okay 50 mg prozac would prefer capsul tablet person2 capsul fine person1 okay take 1 capsul 3 time day sure take empti stomach also dont ever mix alcohol person2 ye know first time im take dont worri wont overdos person1 okay anyth els get person2 oh ye almost forgot also get eye drop um condom person1 sure darn condom arent regist system person2 oh well that okay ill get later thank realli problem person1 hang sec get price check fun time rib condom pleas,#Person1# gives #Person2# #Person2#'s prescription. #Person2# also wants some eye drops and some condoms but is told that darn condoms are registered in their system. person1 shop trip martin person2 actual interest day ive far person1 oh realli find bargain person2 found love teapot best one saw shop person1 get around town person2 took taxi seem easiest thing person1 right didnt get lost person2 actual think met friendliest peopl china soon show way,Matin tells #Person1# about his interesting shopping trip. person1 long plan stay person2 speak frankli doesnt depend person1 person2 realli want obtain perman job wont leav long opportun appli knowledg get well superior colleagu person1 futur plan kind expect compani person2 know gener possibl move posit manag posit two year experi compani,#Person2# wants to obtain a permanent job and move to a management position in the company. person1 hello hi stephani person2 hi tom thing go person1 great ive sign agreement abc compani thing offic everyth ok person2 ye back person1 im way back soon person2 umm pick paper printer run paper person1 hello hello say person2 hear mean need paper person1 say pick ink printer sorri signal isnt good repeat pleas person2 well ill send text messag tell exactli need person1,"Stephanie asks Tom to pick up some paper for the printer but Tom can't hear him clearly due to bad reception, so Stephanie will send a text message instead." person1 never bu want one person2 good question arent enough buse rout person1 sometim feel like write letter paper person2 good idea say need subway line person1 yeah public transport gener person2 fewer car there much traffic person1 say bu come person2 ye look full person1 oh let go get cup coffe talk letter im go write,#Person1# and #Person2# complain about the lack of buses on the route. #Person1# wants to write a letter to the paper to complain about the traffic problem and #Person2# thinks it's a good idea. person1 see busi right sue soon finish id like talk minut person2 that ok come person1 oh dont want interrupt wait ill come back later person2 im afraid go long wait im work histori paper person1 histori paper thought youd finish didnt turn friday person2 uh huh professor return told add ten page person1 ten page that quit lot go person2 that tri figur,#Person1# wants to talk to Sue who is working on her history paper returned by her professor. Sue will deal with #Person1# first. person1 know much comput person2 great deal person1 ive read articl comput strang use almost everyth person2 ye learn use one person1 im take cours comput next term person2 that good know comput comput knowledg must whatev learn quickli left behind person1 that true first want learn basic librari comput piti could make use person2 well teach abc like person1 that kind,"#Person1# doesn't know how to use a computer, but #Person1#'ll take a course on computers next term. #Person1# wants to learn the basics first, so #Person2# offers to teach #Person1# the ABCs." person1 well london stay newspap offic teach classroom full chalk dust person2 well tom youd abl go sunshin sometim journalist one stay classroom rememb,Tom says he and #Person2# will be working in London staying indoors. #Person2# points out that Tom'd be able to go out because he's a journalist while #Person2# is the one who has to teach in the classroom. person1 may go groceri shop later person2 need get food person1 dont think food person2 go buy person1 food person2 go look kitchen person1 could look person2 get basic person1 would person2 get egg milk bread person1 would pleas make list person2 okay ill write,#Person1# may go grocery shopping later and requests #Person2# to make a shopping list person1 hi ben nice meet person2 hi terri nice meet person1 fit consult person2 subscrib magazin wife person1 see thought switch hobbi stamp collect fit person2 love collect stamp hey person1 want buy newli issu stamp person2 spent money magazin otherwis buy person1 hey time sunday want come hous person2 sure tell person1 want swap stamp person2 problem come,Terry comes to buy the newly issued stamps and meets Ben who is subscribing to a magazine for his wife. Terry invites Ben to his house to swap some stamps. person1 would like order sir person2 id like tri chines food person1 serv differ style chines food im sure one prefer person2 idea could recommend person1 well cantones food rather light beij food heavi sichuan food usual hot spici person2 oh see id like hot food person1 suggest tast sichuan food sichuan dish spici hot differ tast person2 realli specialti person1 ye roast crispi chicken spici beef specialti person2 right ill,"#Person1# introduces different styles of Chinese food and recommends Sichuan dishes since #Person2# would have hot food. #Person2# finally orders Roasted Crispy Chicken and Spicy Beef, the specialties of #Person1#'s restaurant." person1 feel better today bill person2 well hard say cough lot even person1 youd better give smoke bad health person2 your right know hard give old habit person1 make mind first person2 know often work till late night need someth keep awak person1 dont go bed get earli youll time work person2 thank advic ill tri,#Person1# advises Bill to go to bed and get up early to work rather than smoke to keep himself awake. person1 nice day outsid let take walk town windowshop person2 know hate shop anyth els world person1 know could get exercis could get errand run windowshop wont cost anyth person2 kind errand need run person1 well could go newsag pick sunday paper go butcher pick chicken roast dinner chemist pick prescript doctor person2 ill go stop officelicens pick someth drink tonight person1 fine well way home dont carri whole time person2 sound good promis go store mall though know like tri thing fit room especi store special offer person1 promis go walk get exercis get thing done havent time person2 ok let go person1 money person2 person1 errand mayb littl extra someth vendor street person2 said go window shop person1 agre go mall still look thing market person2 known,"#Person1# suggests #Person2# walk into town and do some window-shopping together to get some exercise in and get some errands run. At first, #Person2# is unwilling to go, but later #Person2# agrees since #Person1# promises not to go into any of the stores in the mall." person1 good even martin person2 hello good see troubl find place person1 instruct clear mr martin person2 kitchen kate mr gao person3 mr gao glad could come husband told much person1 person3 oh love flower kind thank much go put water right away person1 bottl chines maotai person2 thought heard pack quit punch person3 mr gao would like start,Mrs Gao pays a visit to the Martins with lovely flowers and a bottle of Mao-tai. person1 andrew person2 well ive feel pretti lone late person1 mani friend could lone person2 know saya friend friend none dont feel like realli know friend fact probabl call acquaint friend person1 im friend person2 know girlfriend wish guy friend hang sometim person1 know mean find difficult make new friend easi young person2 person1 ive made lot new friend sinc start learn english mayb could join club take class make new friend person2 that good idea person1 kind qualiti look friend person2 im sure guess id like meet peopl posit attitud want good time person1 peopl play ultim frisbe posit attitud mayb join ultim frisbe club person2 that possibl thank,Andrew confides to his girlfriend that he feels lonely. He thinks his friends are acquaintances but not friends. Andrew wants a guy friend to hang out. His girlfriend advises him to join an ultimate Frisbee club. person1 hello jenni what matter person2 john im hard moment could lend five hundr yuan ill return earli next month person1 problem jenni sure five hundr enough person2 ye thank much,Jenny requests John to lend her five hundred yuan. person1 well tell someth person2 would like know mr green person1 work experi got person2 2004 got job sale depart trade compani near guangzhou start sale rpresent year later promot posit sale manag job ever sinc year person1 oh good iren tell plan quit sale manag work assist dont like present job person2 frankli part enjoy much prefer someth profession happen friend work compani told export depart recruit assist felt excit news that im,Irene tells Mr. Green about her working experience in the sales department and the reason why she wants to work as his assistant. person1 ok carri drive person2 ye person1 driver licens person2 cours person1 long driver licens person2 think got 17 actual went colleg person1 ok get driver licens countri person2 well think chang sinc teenag time get learner permit first could start drive parent also go driver school pass drive test think written test well person1 ok get perfect score drive test person2 cant rememb exact score rememb pretti good person1 member famili drive person2 yeah 4 us share 2 differ vehicl im buy next week though,Carrie got the driver's license before college and she got a good score on the driving test. Carrie tells #Person1# how to get a driver's license in her country. person1 hello madam person2 feet hurt think need new shoe person1 size wear person2 last time bought new shoe year ago time 7 person1 well get 20 feet stop grow your probabl still 7 let measur case person2 ok say person1 well look like urin wonder feet hurt wear shoe one size small,#Person2#'s feet hurt so she needs new shoes. #Person1# measures her feet and finds out her shoes are one size small. person1 ever school reunion person2 uh yeah ask go one person1 im organ one summer make reserv parti room hotel know good place person2 dont tri omni hotel often cater banquet birthday parti import brother work person1 could ask check parti room person2 sure mayb offer discount person1 thank think school reunion fun person2 didnt realli enjoy mine im good make small talk nice see old friend,"#Person1# will organize a school reunion. #Person2# recommends a hotel where #Person2#'s brother works, so #Person1# requests #Person2# to check with #Person2#'s brother about party rooms." person1 seem troubl miss lee person2 terribl pain stomach person1 see long pain occur person2 sinc late last night person1 see let look shall eat yesterday person2 went american seafood restaur went eat chines food lot italian thing person1 throw run person2 person1 well could upset stomach eat allerg drug person2 person1 alright take medicin everi 6 hour stay bed today person2 thank doctor,Miss Lee has a stomachache. #Person1# asks about her symptoms and thinks she has an upset stomach from overeating. person1 hello mr jame im call talk next month get close coupl thing need check person2 ok person1 need know youd prefer give talk hall confer room lectur theater person2 prefer later that possibl person1 that problem speaker prefer equip anyth special youll need person2 well apart usual thing like white board microphon ill need cd player person1 im afraid havent got one would cassett player instead person2 ye thatll ok person1 right ill make note oh one thing confirm fee 200 pound person2 that right person1 ok that fine ill pass inform account depart look forward see nineteenth,"#Person1# phones Mr. James to discuss his talk next month. Mr. James tells #Person1# where he prefers to talk and the equipment he needs, then he confirms his fees." person1 sit pleas what wrong person2 feel cold im shiver terribl headach sore throat person1 long like person2 day person1 let look throat first pleas open mouth say ah person2 ah person1 show tongu thank thatll slight tonsil throat inflam appetit person2 good person1 let take temperatur pleas put thermomet armpit let feel puls person2 puls weak person1 temperatur doctor person2 ye high fever id like give blood test,#Person2# feels cold and has a headache and a sore throat. #Person1# finds #Person2# has a fever and will give #Person2# a blood test. person1 good afternoon miss would interest buy life insur know never get enough person2 think husband person1 sure purchas enough insur someth terribl happen husband suffici insur compani polici could cover husband someth happen either person2 true someth happen husband might lose everyth us work keep home car children educ afford person1 could sit look polici mention see someth suitabl husband person2 certainli,"#Person1# recommends #Person2# to buy more life insurance. Even though #Person2#'s husband has some, those insurances can't cover both of them. #Person1#'ll show #Person2# the policy." person1 earli bird tom morn person2 exercis morn hour preciou period within singl day pass easili seiz time someth use person1 choos spend bodybuild exercis person2 usual run black bamboo park warmup admiss free start activ person1 exercis everi day person2 ive deliber kept balanc variou exercis parallel bar pushup situp bunnyhop fivekilomet run altern weekday sometim find bad state simpli idl park person1 dont stay bed feel unfit exercis person2 easi keep good habit know fear fail get earli one day may find still difficult rise earli next besid mere walk earli morn much fun park meet whole gang senior citizen might sing opera old song play erhu chess chat gossip interest join person1 oh ye sing also good way keep fit least mental,"Tom tells #Person1# he gets up early to exercise. He keeps a balance between various exercises. If not feeling good, he'll just idle around instead of staying in bed because it's important to keep the routine and it's interesting to join the senior gangs." person1 listen karen need help dont know anyon yet person2 im glad help what wrong person1 motherinlaw went hospit l hank fli tonight person2 im sorri hear what wrong person1 doctor arent sure yet real problem suzi bad cold dont want take us dont know stay person2 need babysitt person1 ye id ask jill girl ive need someon overnight mayb even two night person2 could suzi stay place person1 dont want karen person2 person1 kid would get suzi cold think would better good babysitt dont know ask need someon matur jill might even two three day person2 know ask girl know sara ralston 17 usual take kind job know church trust complet person1 id like talk short notic know hank leav tonight person2 ill get number hope respons person1 im glad know someon knew would best person ask dont want insult jill mother think jill mayb could id rather someon littl older person2 ill go home get sara number ill call first person1 great call let know she free,#Person1# and Hank will fly to LA to see her sick mother-in-law but they'll leave Suzy at home so they need a babysitter. #Person1# considers Jill but Jill's too young. Karen could have Suzy in her place but #Person1#'s afraid her kids will get Suzy's cold. Karen recommends Sara who babysits a lot and #Person1#'ll contact her. person1 form music band person2 alreadi know play instrument person1 uh yeah told thousand time learn play drum know play well would like form rock band person2 asid member band person1 guy play guitar anoth play bass although still found anyon singer told music talent right person2 ye singer person1 perfect audit weekend hous person2 great wait enough room amplifi microphon even drum way keep practic,#Person1#'s forming a band. #Person1# can play drums and has got a guitar man and a bass man. #Person1# invites #Person2# to audition as a singer. person1 hey rachael what day person2 bad big meet today rememb person1 oh yea forgot go person2 pretti well think boss like idea person1 great happen person2 well write propos im pretti excit,Rachael tells #Person1# the boss liked her ideas. person1 like cook person2 love realli enjoy creat meal variou ingredi watch friend enjoy give real sens satisfact enjoy cook person1 dont like take much time realli hate clean meal cant stand wash dri put dish cutleri away person2 ask guest help guest usual insist wash remind everyth goe person1 kind dish usual make know like italian food person2 italian indian chines ive recent start cook chines meal need practic person1 find hard get ingredi chines food person2 find supermarket ingredi usual western food way food prepar big differ ingredi person1 long take cook meal five six peopl person2 obvious depend im cook id say gener take one half hour,#Person2# loves cooking because it makes #Person2# satisfied. #Person1# doesn't like it because it's troublesome. #Person2# starts cooking Chinese meals and says the ingredients are similar to those in Western meals but the preparation is different. person1 need apart look one person2 school link websit apart person1 share apart someon person2 ad paper peopl look roommat person1 apart expens citi person2 need singl apart two peopl person1 want twobedroom apart person2 get type apart around fifteen hundr dollar month person1 would time go look apart person2 love apart hunt ill happi go,"#Person2# tells #Person1# to check the school website for apartment information, and agrees to look at apartments with #Person1#." person1 id appreci could help pick gift daughter person2 would interest laptop person1 that exactli think person2 mac would excel gift person1 like mac much mac person2 take 15 inch pro home right 2 100 person1 mac ill take one home person2 shell happi plan pay person1 ill use visa that okay person2 youll sign mac person1 need anyth besid what box person2 everyth need right box person1 appreci help mayb ill back comput stuff person2 daughter get straight goodby,#Person1# wants to pick a gift for #Person1#'s daughter. #Person2# recommends a 15-inch Mac Pro for $2100 and #Person1# buys it. person1 right come mr sutcliff person2 well im pretti busi right come person1 mind sit person2 take seat person1 want leav depart think could put transfer person2 ye want person1 mind speak frankli person2 go ahead person1 well see dont like offic dont like staff im afraid dont get may put transfer person2 ye id delight,"#Person1# tells Mr. Cliffe #Person1# wants to leave the department because #Person1# hates the office, the staff and is afraid of Mr. Cliffe." person1 need help someth person2 need cancel account person1 problem account person2 dont need two differ account anymor person1 go money account person2 transfer remain account person1 ill person2 that love person1 would like withdraw money person2 that fine person1 itll take moment cancel account person2 thank much,#Person1# helps #Person2# cancel an account and transfer the money inside the remaining account. person1 want meat today mr bird person2 ye pleas person1 want beef lamb person2 beef pleas person1 lamb good person2 like lamb husband doesnt person1 steak nice piec person2 give piec pleas pond meet person1 want chicken mr bird theyr nice person2 thank husband like steak doesnt like chicken person1 tell truth mr bird dont like chicken either,Mrs. Bird buys beef and steak from #Person1# because her husband likes steak. person1 jessi im afraid cant come back home dinner tonight person2 back home dinner that third time week person1 im sorri compani open alway mani thing handl know person2 dont explain suit person1 apolog word ill spend time weekend promis person2 well see person1 thank understand promis ill make,#Person1# tells Jessie #Person1# can't go home for dinner because #Person1#'s busy. Jessie's angry and #Person1# promises to spend the weekend with her. person1 seem good term person2 actual met danc parti fell person1 must first time saw person2 said put girl shade person1 mean head heel love person2 well inde like person1 think cant hold candl dont think ever pop question person2 sort man like hide candl bushel,#Person2# says a guy fell for her but #Person1# thinks he can't hold a candle to #Person2#. person1 last meet stockhold vote unanim block merger compani blycor execut committe favor merger dont understand stockhold could much power throw wrench plan person2 unit certain issu stockhold final say youd think might ceo worker fact stockhold control money power person1 realli simpl doesnt seem effici run thing way person2 might effici think make pretti good sens stockhold investor capit compani say done compani person1 guess id buy,#Person1# says the stockholders voted to block the merger but the executive committee supported the merger. #Person2# explains that stockholders control the money so they have the final say. person1 spare time person2 weekend often take famili short trip person1 sound interest person2 ye help relax person1 hobbi person2 like paint person1 kind thing paint person2 mainli seascap person1 kind sport like person2 like almost sport enjoy play watch especi like tenni mountain climb climb club school,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# takes the family out in spare time. #Person2# likes painting seascapes and likes almost all sports. person1 jenni wonder um busi friday person2 ye friday class right work person1 oh saturday free person2 saturday parent come town what person1 tonight plan tonight person2 want go someth person1 ye ye want take dinner person2 oh sound great six oclock,Jenny's unavailable on Friday and Saturday so #Person1# invites her to dinner tonight. person1 chanc look contract person2 ye ive read care person1 question person2 contract stipul teach 22 hour week thatmani class right away person1 probabl first two week may teach 10 15 hour person2 salari 1100 dollar month pay much first month mean wont work mani hour person1 understand that didnt write date contract first two week pay accord hour teach 22 hour class contract take effect alright person2 oh dont sign contract today right person1 dont want misunderstand miss brigg seriou hire want teach us usual contract way conveni person2 accept person1 good benefit begin immedi person2 even health insur person1 ye appli health insur tomorrow free membership club start today like person2 question free membership person1 would like know person2 membership pay club member mean get discount club hotel person1 absolut differ restaur bar voucher person2 bar voucher person1 pay club member get around 300 dollar year restaur voucher voucher use restaur loung dont offer voucher employe person2 accord contract employe get discount restaur person1 that right way cheaper member get benefit person2 want keep copi contract wont sign yet right person1 ye ive prepar contract understand everyth understand term person2 understand accord term contract happi accept job look forward person1 im pleas look forward miss brigg,#Person1# explains the contract to Miss Briggs. #Person1#'ll pay her according to the teaching hours in the first two weeks and then the contract will take effect. Her benefits will begin immediately but she doesn't have the restaurant vouchers as playing club members does. #Person2#'s happy to accept the job. person1 mari seem famili friend call recent right person2 ye concern find job person1 say person2 want recommend job person1 realli job person2 father want work traine compani person1 great person2 aunt say compani need assist want give tri person1 good opportun person2 one friend tell compani hire larg scale want go interview person1 give tri may succeed person2 know let think person1 good job keep eye person2,Mary's family and friends want to recommend some jobs to her. #Person1# asks Mary to keep an eye on good jobs for #Person1#. person1 readi go bank person2 sure need person1 there problem bank statement there mistak also need withdraw money form atm person2 exchang money person1 that right your go away next week person2 also want see salari paid bank account problem last week person1 pay credit bill dont pay soon credit card compani charg interest person2 interest rate usual quit high good idea pay credit card debt attract interest,"#Person1#'ll check the bank statement, withdraw some money and pay the credit bill at the bank. #Person2#'ll exchange some money and check the salary." person1 well take rout 10 person2 fine mani peopl parti person1 two much trip cost person2 200 doubl person1 chanc lower price person2 afraid right tour season,#Person2# helps #Person1# book a trip for 2 without discounts. person1 mark need file took yesterday person2 im sorri janet left home ill bring back morn person1 mark told yesterday afternoon would use file today person2 know janet walk forgot complet ill go home get noon right,Janet's angry that Mark forgot the file. He'll go home and get it. person1 what box person2 sandi think made mistak person1 mean person2 cute littl teddi bear person1 sweet mayb shi guy crush person2 look hey left busi card person1 wow call tonight guy realli interest love stori tell everyon,#Person1# thinks the guy has a crush on #Person2# and advises #Person2# to call him tonight. person1 wonderland travel may help person2 ye im interest packag tour pari could tell person1 certainli packag includ air travel pari accommod meal transport around citi person2 long tour person1 would week,#Person1# tells #Person2# some information of the package tour to Paris. person1 look c v see graduat oklahoma state univers tell train would specif relat cabl televis industri person2 well ive attend confer field relev train ive comput design believ could integr knowledg colleg degre design person1 see anyth specif mind person2 well notic current provid onscreen tv guid moment scroll name program repeat loop mani channel wait long person1 that impress would make pay person2 tie payperview servic perhap could moneymak person1 see sever good idea question c v notic fiveyear gap last job person2 ye took break work time babi born handicap decid suspend career continu keep industri con person1 your start back mayb youd better tell littl experi,#Person2# did computer design and recommends the pay-per-view services. #Person1# thinks #Person2# has mang good ideas but there's a five-year gap in the C.V. #Person2# explains #Person2# took care of #Person2#'s handicapped baby during that time. person1 heard elect didnt person2 yeah excit obama person1 im happi person2 man made histori person1 vote person2 sure person1 cours person2 still shock know elect person1 person2 pray actual make thing better countri person1 im sure person2 know,#Person1# and #Person2# both voted for Obama and are happy he won. person1 excus may bu map pleas person2 mean one citi person1 ye within new york person2 im afraid dont id tri one newspap stand person1 thank,#Person2# suggests #Person1# buy a bus map from the newspaper stand. person1 tell someth financi aid person2 exactli person1 appli person2 first letter appli admiss also tell need financi aid person1 person2 aid avail give two applic form one admiss other aid person1 person2 tell aid imposs,"#Person2# tells #Person1# when #Person1# applies for admission, #Person1# should also tell them #Person1# needs financial aids." person1 good afternoon ladi may help person2 two join doubl room sir person1 made reserv ladi person2 im afraid person1 one moment pleas check room avail im sorri ladi two doubl room avail differ floor would mind person2 prefer floor problem check late night person1 may suggest famili sweet consol person2 what like person1 big room king size doubl bed two singl bed youv get also rollerwheel person2 that great much person1 2000 hongkong dollar per night plu ten percent servic charg five percent govern tax person2 that fine person1 ladi room yet readi delay half hour perhap fill registr form first rest lobbi well let know room readi person2 alright thank person1 ladi hotel polici requir one nine room charg deposit person2 take travel check person1 ye madam thank madam here welcom brochur inform facil name john need help let know im servic,#Person2# wants a joining double room but #Person1# says it's unavailable and recommends a family suite. #Person2# agrees. #Person2#'ll wait for half an hour to check in and deposit one nine of room charge. person1 job sound great im littl worri much time might take person2 pretti reason never took five hour week grade anoth thirti forti minut record grade comput person1 sound manag guess work fit schedul cant person2 oh yah grade room librari need get set back next class mean alway least two day sometim four person1 sound great person2 good luck interview,#Person2# spends a manageable amount of time on grading and has at least two days off a week. #Person1# thinks the job is great. person1 dont look happi what person2 comput assign john team project togeth far weve done half person1 well youd better hurri person2 know actual john anyth dont know say he problem parent quit upset day person1 suppos work much suggest talk let know share work person2 ye think ill share work,#Person2# teamed up with John but John doesn't do anything because he's upset. #Person1# suggests talking to him and sharing the work. person1 excus help person2 ye person1 ticket seattl get person2 cant help go ticket counter follow passag end turn left go three hundr yard youll see sign say check look airlin want person1 repeat pleas person2 sure go hall till come end go left till see big sign head say check therel lot counter differ airlin go one ticket person1 go hall end go left person2 that right ill draw map sometim confus person1 thank person2 pleasur,#Person2# tells #Person1# to go down the hall and go left to the ticket counter. #Person1#'s confused so #Person2#'ll draw a map. person1 jim thank good youv arriv class report start half hour ago begin worri person2 im sorri im late ellen morn real mess didnt think go make person1 late whole report depend draw your hold person2 ye know ill tell later first let see time two group still ahead us arent port right consum analysi stock market mean ive got 20 minut warm person1 look cold happen person2 ive stand outsid cold temperatur hour wait bu person1 hour thought apart tenminut bu ride campu person2 normal condit bu delay weather step drugstor call home ride bu went luck would one home wait anoth 45 minut next bu person1 that murphi law isnt said anyth go wrong well weve still got 20 minut gather wit togeth person2 wed better stop talk peopl turn around look us,#Person1# and Jim are going to make a class report but Jim's late because he missed the bus and waited for over an hour. They'll gather their wits for the report. person1 excus stm carri survey traffic citi mind ask question person2 go ahead person1 good thank sir person2 teacher teach children french person1 great live far school mean usual go work person2 well mostli car prefer ride bike know live quit far school 20 mile spend hour ride school take less quarter hour drive car unless traffic bad person1 see happen often mean bad traffic person2 ye sure often get stuck way problem get wors wors person1 that question thank much person2 welcom,#Person2#'s a teacher and usually drives to work but #Person2# prefers to ride a bike. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# often gets stuck on the way. person1 hello roger ann person2 hi ann how new apart work person1 well that im call see ive decid look new place person2 oh what problem place thought like apart person1 littl far campu think could help person2 right kind place look person1 well id like share apart one two roommat within walk distanc school person2 okay much want spend rent person1 oh somewher 200 month person2 hmm anyth els person1 yeah need park space person2 well know there apart nearbi ill drop way class today person1 hey thank lot person2 problem,Ann's living place is far from campus so she wants to find a new one near the campus under $200 a month. Roger knows an apartment and will drop by there. person1 hi mark person2 actual realli fed linda jane person1 jane who jane person2 oh nobodi realli stunningli attract girl year school person1 oh what problem person2 well thing dont know make notic person1 wait minut ive got brilliant idea dont tri talk person2 wouldnt know say person1 look chemistri class isnt good chemistri could offer help chemistri homework person2 bad one problem person1 person2 better chemistri person1 ok well parti john friday night could invit person2 anoth small problem john boyfriend,Mark doesn't know how to make Jane notice him. Linda suggests him help her with chemistry and invites her to the party but Mark says she's better at chemistry and the party owner is Jane's boyfriend. person1 almost fool telephon call yesterday person2 what person1 week vacat two realiz cheat told ring special telephon number claim price person2 wellthos call charg unbeliev high rate,#Person1# tells #Person2# about a telephone scam. person1 go see doctor cough person2 doctor said keep smoke increas chanc heart attack lung diseas think quit smoke problem seem quit seriou,#Person2#'s thinking about quitting smoking because of its harm to health. person1 hello tom havent seen time person2 oh bad busi write articl person1 realli finish person2 ye finish yesterday person1 congratul someth even person2 noth import person1 well feel like go concert two ticket person2 oh good idea want someth relax like music much person1 great ill meet hous seven ok person2 ok see seven person1 right see,Tom has finished an article and #Person1# invites him to a concert. Tom agrees. person1 your left school havent emili person2 ye finish last friday person1 sound reliev person2 well ye dont mind admit enjoy school object go everi day weve done exam person1 well go made plan person2 ye intend go univers thatll septemb depend level result person1 mean get univers actual depend pass level subject person2 oh ye,Emily's relieved to leave school and plans to go to university but it depends on her A level results. person1 need go bank person2 close today person1 close kid kind holiday today person2 alreadi forgotten what date todoay person1 oh first april april fool day person2 forgot didnt person1 remind least one thing need rememb person2 what person1 tomorrow wife birthday person2 better forget kill dont get someth,#Person1# needs to go the bank but #Person2# says the bank is closed. It turns out to be the April Fool's Day. person1 person2 system crash surf internet person1 go illeg websit person2 matter person1 ye comput easili infect viru person2 see id better never tri person1 that wise person2 know what wrong pc person1 one minut oh ye infect viru antiviru softwar person2 antiviru softwar necessari pc person1 cours youd better learn someth person2 im afraid ye data store comput person1 dont worri protect automat take antiviru softwar want instal person2 ye pleas ill realli appreci,#Person2#'s computer system crashed and #Person1# finds it was infected by the virus. #Person1#'ll install anti-virus software for #Person2#. person1 hey sandi what new interest movi tonight person2 wish could im busi im go work soup kitchen tonight person1 soup kitchen new restaur someth person2 nah place homelesspeopl go eat person1 get involv someth like person2 well minist church told us seem interest thought id tri didnt like id stop person1 person2 simpl prepar food usual sandwich fruit give soup kitchen person1 yeah sound easi long take person2 two hour coupl day month dont give tri person1 dont know mean like help commun dont know time person2 come easi itll make feel good dont come tonight,#Person1# invites Sandy to a movie but Sandy needs to prepare and deliver food for homeless people at a soup kitchen. Sandy invites #Person1# to come together but #Person1# hesitates. person1 hello reach furnitur warehous help person2 hello ye need schedul deliveri sofa next week order onlin yesterday wont home weekend receiv person1 that problem sir day next week would best person2 wednesday person1 ok wednesday wednesday juli twenti fifth right person2 ye believ person1 great team deliv sofa sometim 900 300 pm person2 wow specif im go home day morn person1 oh see well make sure arriv noon person2 ok thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# schedule a delivery of a sofa next Wednesday before noon. person1 hi linda john tonight person2 hi john noth much friday im bore dont plan yet mind person1 go movi person2 good movi see person1 let surf internet want see comedi drama person2 noth sad depress hard work week want see someth funni person1 agre work stress arent new comedi right see drama horror movi person2 hey let go comedi club favorit comedian perform tonight local theater start 700 pm let dinner person1 ok ill meet hous 500 pm,John invites Linda to a movie and Linda wants to see something funny but there isn't any. They finally decide to go to a comedian club. person1 hi jeanni come school hour earli person2 want get front row seat review one time test fail cours last term earli jack person1 get car time everyday seem nervou lesson finish review person2 ive studi night day last week dont get class wont get support countri seem calm person1 class realli review ive learn 2 year person2 that lucki person1 jeanni guess test like difficult person2 hope im still worri person1 well cheer hope good luck person2 thank wish luck im go need,Jeannie comes to school early because she wants to review for the test and is worried she wouldn't get the support of her country if she failed. #Person1# feels relaxed because #Person1# has learned for two years. person1 troubl job person2 problem person1 ask work five peopl project one work togeth person2 group problem teamwork person1 ye dont know person2 project due person1 finish next week person2 anyon charg team person1 everyon separ work person2 group leader step leader person1 person2 call everyon togeth meet theyr one place person1 altogeth person2 let know project import work team get done person1 ask done far person2 good idea,#Person1#'s team members don't work together and #Person2# advises #Person1# to be the leader and call everyone together to stress the importance of teamwork. #Person1#'ll try. person1 saturday tomorrow what plan person2 im exhaust week ill stay home relax person1 mean youll get sleep watch sever nba game huh person2 ye especi game cavali person1 love nba game much person2 nba game excit outcom chang second fascin skill weekend go skate usual person1 im worn ill stay dormitori see video skateboard person2 long skateboard 3 year 4 year dont rememb exactli person1 4 year 4 year watch video skateboard practic skill may feel bore pain take delight everi advanc skill bring great sens fulfil everi time jump sky feel im fli person2 wow amaz,#Person2#'s exhausted so #Person2#'ll stay at home and watch NBA games because they're exciting. #Person1#'ll see some videos about skateboarding because skateboarding gives #Person1# fulfilment. person1 special requir project shall talk around detail person2 ye therer sampl offic take studi besid see recent year weve visit divers factori build world hope build perfect match advanc technolog attract person1 that good idea improv technolog meet special need person2 pleas let white color domin person1 ok ive note other person2 oh ive almost forgot locat transfer counti east citi person1 ill tell person2 well import thing compani demand qualiti exactli sampl youll take offic third floor person1 pleas feel assur well abid promis well everyth ensur deliveri person2 thank lot believ ill good time work person1 think bye person2 bye,#Person2# tells #Person1# about some special requirements of a project. #Person2# wants their building to be white color dominated and be the perfect match of advanced technology and attractiveness. #Person2# requires the quality be exactly the same as their sample. person1 go cant get car ditch im stuck person2 im worri tom havent seen car almost hour person1 know terribl snow doesnt stop fall person2 told stay town todayth weather report said 100 percent chanc snowwhi want come person1 want show cabin anoth halfhour go person2 well stuck person1 dont know person2 ive heard happen import save energi person1 mean person2 strand tom may long timew need conserv ga car car energi keep us warm person1 plenti ga person2 ye ga batteri stay workingw cant let car run runif die soon well freez person1 person2 turn light offthen run car heater fifteen minut everi hourthat conserv heat long possibl person1 alright that good idea person2 wish hadnt come well probabl day person1 day person2 ye happensthat happen big snowstorm peopl get strand day person1 oh god good food person2 probabl well survivebut turn car fortyf minut well turn,"Tom wanted to show #Person2# a cabin, but their car got stuck in a ditch and they are stranded in the snowstorm. #Person2# suggests saving the car's energy to conserve the heat as long as possible so that they can survive." person1 would describ ideal job person2 think job make use profession experi obtain offer opportun advanc person1 think might like work compani person2 feel background experi good fit posit interestedwhat compani outstand field person1 make think would success posit person2 graduat school train combin experi intern qualifi particular job sure success person1 know compani person2 compani reput citi heard much prais compani,#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s ideal job and explains why #Person2# might like to work for #Person1#'s company and how #Person2# knows the company. #Person2# thinks #Person2# qualifies for the position and will be successful. person1 good morn craftsman compani help person2 ye good morn mr suzuki video tv may speak mr johnson person1 im sorri mr johnson moment take messag person2 uh ye okay tell john suzuki call that suzuki person1 ye person2 video tv person1 ye video tv person2 tell telephon id like see videotap call afternoon person1 ye cours what telephon number person2 area code 413 4479626 person1 4134479662 person2 that 4479626 person1 oh im sorri 4479626 person2 ye that right extens 162 person1 extens 162 okay mr suzuki ill give messag person2 thank goodby person1 goodby,Mr. Suzuki calls to see Mr. Johnson about some videotapes but Mr. Johnson is out. #Person1# will tell Mr. Johnson about the call. person1 help sir person2 ye id like book law person1 would tell name book author person2 uh origin law written professor felix harvard person1 im sorri stock could come next week person2 next week late need urgent person1 well conveni leav phone number inform soon restock person2 thank way person1 your welcom,The book #Person2# urgently needs is out of stock. #Person1# will inform #Person2# as soon as it is restocked. person1 steven what expens move hous person2 3 000 dollar person1 cost lot money hospit bill alreadi made deep inroad save think rest salari enough cover daili expens person2 afraid darl expens mount person1 cut back shop person2 dont worri mayb find parttim job increas incom person1 hope,#Person1# and Steven talk about their mounting expenses. Steve probably will find a part-time job to increase income. person1 think look figur calcul bit person2 apolog way person1 apolog accept tri better next time person2 cours care im sorri,#Person2# apologizes to #Person1# for some miscalculations. person1 arent interest watch olymp excel perform athlet world person2 dont find interest person1 think wonder see peopl world take part great event person2 think lot peopl way tri show countri better countri person1 think olymp help promot world peac person2 im sure still mani war world think idea behind olymp good one realiti olymp countri compet there real spirit cooper peopl usual friendli person1 pessimist olymp great opportun athlet demonstr speed skill agil strength peopl hope see someon countri win think happi see good perform athlet person2 well think amaz perform athlet particip paralymp person1 agreement,"#Person1# thinks the Olympics help to promote world peace while #Person2# thinks there's no cooperation but competition behind the Olympics. However, they both agree that the Paralympics is amazing." person1 spare time person2 mani hobbi like almost kind sport also like listen classic music person1 kind sport like person2 like play basketbal basketbal excit game keep alert also enjoy team spirit basketbal person1 favorit author person2 like novel dicken much ive read almost chines translat person1 music lover person2 ye like listen beethoven work person1 kind film enjoy person2 like kind long excit,"#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s hobbies, including #Person2#'s favorite sports, favorite author, favorite music, and favorite films." person1 what news websit effect think market standpoint person2 weve abl survey track inform websit user cooki technolog surpris see result person1 kind hit get compani websit person2 number seem nearli half visitor stumbl onto page pick link network browser search engin circular insert mean consum purpos activ seek inform product servic web format base find complet convinc internet market power futur person1 realli think mani peopl turn internet find product inform old standbi word mouth print media person2 well medium still import arent thing past think might less import past technolog age arriv,#Person2# tells #Person1# their consumers are purposefully and actively seeking information about their products and services online. #Person2# is convinced that the internet is the marketing power of the future. person1 hey bobbi what go person2 take smoke break person1 forgot cigarett today anoth one person2 sure go person1 thank person2 didnt know smoke person1 realli ive smoke year person2 oh your new smoke still ive smoke 7 year person1 ever tri quit person2 mani time im realli addict harder stop think person1 yeah tri quit last month thought go easi turn im still smoke person2 highli recommend quit soon longer smoke harder becom quit person1 think your right aright got ta go class thank cigarett ill talk later person2 problem ill talk later,"Bobby, a 7-year smoker, gives #Person1#, a new smoker, a cigarette, and advises #Person1# to quit smoking as soon as possible." person1 would like drink coffe person2 thank troubl heart doctor recommend drink less person1 would like tri watermelon juic tast good person2 right,"#Person2#'s doctor told #Person2# to drink less coffee, so #Person1# recommends watermelon juice." person1 hi celia trip unit state person2 terrif realli enjoy person1 great long away person2 three week person1 that long time weather ok person2 ye time snow lot chicago person1 best thing trip person2 oh that difficult say guess like nashvil best,Celia thinks her trip to the US was terrific. #Person1# asks about the details. person1 hand water person2 ye els person1 noth teacher said thing left get back dispos cup later person2 see like game person1 terrif one girl said best game ive ever watch person2 think better person1 clive realli outstand put big show also inspir whole team person2 exactli unbeliev person1 hand think team everyon respect leader said could crumpl begin carri never lost cool person2 realli tough person1 thing like play heavi heart even though time odd seem person2 cant agre okay time let last thing,#Person1# thinks the game was terrific and speaks highly of Clive and the other team. #Person2# agrees. They have handed out all the water and will get back the disposable cups. person1 mild wine strong liquor kind prefer person2 ive idea id like listen suggest person1 pleasur actual realli hard say individu tast differ id like recommend gin tonic person2 well ill tri gin tonic,#Person1# recommends gin and tonic to #Person2#. #Person2#'ll try them. person1 hi betti person2 hi andi find new job person1 pretti good colleagu seem alright far everyth great person2 that nice person1 well work market depart corpor cultur total differ last employ assign task total work person2 that realli good import feel like part team work person1 inde team work highli valu new compani like boss easi get along treat everybodi respect appreci he highli respect employe person2 that great that good posit work environ help motiv employe wish boss like person1 true take former supervisor exampl extrem control overbear alway micromanag everyth person2 well dont worri new place sound realli good person1 yeah,Betty asks Andy about his new job in the market department. Andy thinks it's pretty good because he feels he is a part of the team at work and he likes his new boss. person1 welcom shop seem interest dress person2 ye afraid thick wear summer person1 that problem made linen wont feel hot assur superior qualiti popular young women person2 much person1 88 yuan person2 ok reason take,#Person2# spends 88 yuan buying a linen dress in #Person1#'s shop. person1 hi sir person2 hello id like know clean collect compani us go send chequ wage im sure cash person1 right chequ come us local currenc account take 7 work day clear person2 way speed person1 actual get compani appli chequ bank shanghai thatll speed thing end,"#Person1# tells #Person2# it will take 7 working days to cash a cheque from the US, and it can be accelerated by applying for a check from a bank in Shanghai." person1 sinc china open outsid world trade form becom much flexibl one commonli use form coproduct would pleas bit explan mr walker person2 well arrang two parti cooper manufactur product categori product exampl machin tool export parti produc suppli part compon part one parti chines enterpris oversea firm probabl foreign counterpart contribut technolog equip sometim part compon chines enterpris factori build labor resourc cooper product join hand fulfil order togeth agreement contract person1 suppos assembl compon part particularli market finish product take place china person2 necessarili depend contract stipul may market foreign countri parti locat even third countri person1 think principl coproduct expand export trade reciproc busi isnt person2 ye right either parti wellequip produc final product singlehandedli enter agreement case side contribut differ resourc make manufactur certain product categori product possibl,"#Person1# asks Mr. Walker to explain co-production, a commonly used trade form. Mr. Walker explains how it works and where it happens. #Person1# understands it as a reciprocal business." person1 besid salari kind allow expect person2 kind float bonu yearli basi person1 elabor concret person2 ye float bonu kind bonu indetermin amount quarterli bonu bonu end year,#Person1# asks #Person2# to elaborate on the floating bonus. person1 professor excus need leav earli person2 seem problem person1 feel well person2 bother person1 think begin asthma attack person2 would like someon walk student health center person1 think go home medicin person2 need ride home person1 live dorm across street ill ok person2 ok hope feel better soon check email miss assign,#Person1# wants to leave early because #Person1# has an asthma attack. #Person2# agrees and reminds #Person1# of checking the email for missed assignments. person1 go watch indi five hundr tv weekend person2 im realli race car drive person1 high school basebal person2 yeah well time chang look your father three kid cant say havent chang person1 true still watch basebal season full swing person2 mean know spring train im person1 hello real taylor,#Person1# is surprised at Taylor whose hobbies have changed a lot since high school. person1 would like buy one round trip plane ticket hong kong pleas person2 day madam person1 leav septemb 5th return new york citi octob 9th person2 prefer aisl window seat person1 prefer sit next window person2 would like pay person1 master card person2 book one window seat american airlin flight 409 good trip,#Person2# books a round trip plane ticket to Hong Kong for #Person1#. person1 may help miss person2 ye id like look lipstick eye shadow person1 color set prefer person2 well brown person1 beauti select eye shadow fall look color arent beauti person2 theyr purpl prefer brown set person1 insist show brown set ill warn theyr ordinari though person2 well im sure makeup brown person1 dont wear purpl eye shadow chang also lipstick go person2 tri person1 sure wear makeup person2 person1 seat pleas mirror like person2 bad actual make look younger like person1 tri lipstick well see fresh charm look person2 your right ill take,#Person2# prefers a brown set of eye shadows but #Person1# recommends a purple one. #Person2# buys the purple set and lipstick after trying them. person1 mr bardot isnt person2 ye im afraid havent met person1 im greg wu head consult see youd like credit check done compani right person2 hello greg ye that correct see acquir new partner transact huge sign next month would realli like clearer inform person1 see compani prospect partner person2 that right feel alway better go eye open know mean person1 couldnt agre compani detail get right away anyth els need us today person2 ladi desk shelli think told offer mani consult servic person1 inde make trade invest financi consult cours servic request person2 that good know thank help today ill leav detail get start,"Mrs. Bardot needs to get a credit check for the prospective partner. Greg Wu, from a consultancy company, asks for the company details. Mrs. Bardot is also interested in other consultancy services." person1 good even sir mr jim stewart state person2 ah ye that right person1 glad meet mr stewart im guid pacif tour agenc name zhang hua person2 hello look guid person1 im alway servic sir way pleasant trip person2 bad ive made mani flight day could hardli rememb mani takeoff land ive three day think feel bit tire person1 well shall go hotel right ive alreadi made reserv person2 wonder im eager take sauna soon possibl person1 must get hotel soon possibl hope see refresh revit tomorrow morn go visit great wall person2 sure actual look forward see great wonder person1 come way pleas coach wait outsid person2 fine let go,Zhang Hua will get Jim Stewart to the hotel to have a rest after too many flights. They are going to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. person1 portion man size usual end take half meal home us person2 everyth look good anyth particular recommend person1 hey si know dont like everyth menu dont go back restaur person2 your say cant go wrong anyth order case person1 wait love salmon dont best salmon pasta person2 sound realli good come soup person1 soup bread salad bar im tell peopl know keep come back person2 see mean,"#Person1# likes everything on the menu of a restaurant and recommends salmon pasta with soup, bread, and salad bar to #Person2#." person1 didnt write paper albert kahn last semest person2 ye histori architectur class person1 oh take research industri architectur need read kahn factori would like see wrote person2 dont think paper help focu classic design like clement librari offic build interest modern build famou person1 ye best known factori especi auto plant detroit made breakthrough industri design know time factori cmp3ped ineffici factori provid enough light air open space car could assembl one huge plant person2 rememb read previous factori wooden frame heavi machineri made build vibrat fire hazard kahn start design auto plant around turn centuri reinforc concret invent talk breakthrough build sturdi fireproof cheap put person1 seem know lot industri career person2 actual even though wrote work lot background read let see dig paper book articl includ bibliographi might want look librari,#Person1# wants to see #Person2#'s paper about Albert Kahn. #Person2# doesn't think #Person2#'s paper will help because it has a different focus from #Person1#'s paper but then changes #Person2#'s mind because the bibliography may be useful to #Person1#. person1 good morn sir help person2 wonder could tell inform activ holiday person1 activ holiday sir tell exactli mean pleas person2 well see go holiday like get plenti exercis dont like stay around noth gut enough offic mean say im sort man enjoy swim water ski sort thing like anyth water dont mind rough ive alway use look armi use get five everi morn see sunris person1 ye sir interest um activ holiday let see oh ye skin dive sir offer fortnight coast cornwal allinclud one week skin dive one week sharkfish local fishermen good bargain person2 sharkfish dont think fanci sharkfish chanc get bit sail part cornwal person1 dont sail holiday sir mostli organ sail school row cano ye fond row sir person2 well lot row univers im bit practic day dont think ive handl pair oar sinc went boat thame ten year ago dont think id like spend holiday row person1 tri look brochur sir see there anyth attract,#Person2# wants to have an active holiday and explains that he wants to get plenty of exercises. #Person1# recommends some activities but #Person2# isn't interested. #Person1# gives #Person2# some brochures to see if there's anything attractive. person1 oper connect cashier pleas miss want check pleas bill readi ill come minut person2 ok sir ill bill right away person1 oper sorri bother pleas send porter carri luggag downstair,#Person1# will check out and needs a porter to carry luggage. person1 hey what facebook say get marri person2 yeah didnt know person1 didnt tell say your get marri next week person2 yeah im bring mom hous tomorrow youll love jasmin person1 jasmin person2 yeah here pictur facebook person1 oh wow person2 mean person1 dad go impress person2 person1 she got like lot tattoo nose ring uh im sorri famili go realli surpris person2 ah she well sensit care person1 um well person2 person1 taken marriag prep class person2 ah need anyway know women person1 yeah right like like ten girlfriend last six month person2 well that differ person1 uh listen obvious need improv commun skill best thing point your realli set marri jami person2 jasmin person1 okay im sorri jasmin anyway um realli take marriag prep class person2 talk know love romanc person1 uh right person2 mean person1 look okay know say person financ person2 well know person1 mean go manag money togeth go joint bank account whose salari go pay bill person2 ah problem problem figur paycheck go automat transfer oversea bank account person1 oh person2 person1 uh exactli account what name bank person2 ah dont know jasmin go take care person1 oh boy right um well children guy go kid person2 well want larg famili eight kid would right person1 wow jasmin say person2 ah well doesnt want kid ill chang mind get marri person1 right person2 problem person1 okay housework go handl person2 well jasmin wont mind person1 said person2 well exactli weve busi plan honeymoon havent work know small detail person1 great know time learn last name think thing go two person2 want see,"#Person2# is going to marry Jasmine but #Person1# hasn't heard about that. #Person1# suggests #Person2# take marriage prep classes and finds that #Person2# hasn't really figured out how to manage the money, how many children to have, and how to handle the housework with Jasmine and thinks their marriage will not succeed, but #Person2# is confident about himself and the marriage." person1 hi nice see person2 hi havent seen quit long time day person1 im take countri music cours person2 oh realli interest learn cours person1 lot thing know histori countri music sing play guitar person2 that great well talk countri music remind famou singer john denver ever heard person1 sure song countri read take home popular usa china person2 ye that true hear news person1 person2 accid fli plane alon kill person1 that big loss countri music,#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# is taking a country music course. They then talk about a famous singer and his flying accident. person1 well madam first import thing tell realli noth serious wrong physic analyst report show basic fit person2 im alway nervou tens readi jump anybodymi husband children colleagu person1 think condit lot habit person2 habit person1 ye tell madam smoke dont person2 ye im afraid doctor person1 heavili imagin person2 ye quit heavili person1 eat normal person2 im good eater ye id say im good eater usual dont eat breakfast person1 that bad health think get earli breakfast anoth question get earli person2 usual get 900 get late go bed late stay late watch tv till midnight person1 sport usual person2 dont like sport sometim play card friend may sport person1 think madam health youd better chang way life,"#Person1# tells #Person2# that she is physically fit and her conditions have a lot to do with her habits, like smoking heavily, eating no breakfast, staying up late, etc. #Person1# suggests that she should change her way of life." person1 come offic billi look messi hair third time late class within week everi time went disturb teacher class person2 sorri miss didnt mean alarm clock didnt wake person1 proper excus could set ahead exact time could got earlier late person2 seem useless found batteri run woke morn rush school luckili neighbour mr green gave hand took school car person1 could made still late class person2 thing got found left bag car late get back realiz went straight nearest shop gave call wait five minut mr green drove back person1 final gave bag came classroom alreadi 15 minut late class time person2 miss seem know entir stori may go back class otherwis late follow class,"Billy explains why he was late for class to #Person1#. His alarm clock didn't work this morning. His neighbor gave him a ride but he left his bag in the car, so he went to the nearest shop to call his neighbor and waited for the bag." person1 sometim think televis bias none complet object person2 that unavoid think wuuld keep date without televis person1 newspap radio guess wish tv object person2 look still learn lot watch televis need smart your watch filter inform decid believ hear person1 internet lot wors person2 realli person1 there one moder anyon around world put inform onto net anyon els see inform internet mostli unsubstanti never know written lot peopl get con onlin person2 need think care dont trust other onlin noth,#Person1# thinks television is too biased and the internet is even worse. #Person2# thinks #Person1# needs to filter the information. person1 heard big news person2 big news person1 olivia nichola engag propos last night fanci restaur person2 didnt even know date person1 nichola exgirlfriend cheat realiz great friendship mayb meant person2 realli perfect cant think bettermatch coupl person1 heard plan extravag wed ceremoni church recept expens restaur lake person2 ask anyon wed parti yet person1 think nichola ask jack best man olivia ask kaitlyn maid honour big famili sibl bridesmaid groomsmen person2 sound like theyv done lot plan short time decid go go honeymoon person1 havent heard go yet bet go beach somewher know love surf person2 know peopl find difficult find soul mate theyv made seem extrem easi,#Person1# tells #Person2# Olivia and Nicholas are engaged. #Person2# thinks they are a perfect match. They talk about the couple's plans for the wedding ceremony and the honeymoon. person1 dont sad realli think feel opinion get divorc mayb best way solv problem person2 know clearli bottom heart cant set mind rest child she littl understand us accept truth person1 yeah child matter dont tell jenni truth tell white lie grow find suitabl opportun tell person2 see ok,#Person1# suggests #Person2# get divorced if #Person2# has no feeling with a man and tell their daughter the white lie. person1 take coat receiv check person2 ye cours person1 pleas give receipt person2 sorri sir pay checkout counter person1 ok pleas wrap first,#Person2# tells #Person1# to pay for a coat by check at the check-out counter. person1 dalian beauti citi agre person2 suppos person1 climat pleasant person2 said person1 citi realli comfort live person2 sure person1 citi match heaven person2 well live citi long enough love much person1 mayb person2 that sure,#Person2# thinks #Person1# loves Dalian because #Person1# has lived there long enough. person1 excus meid like buy guitarcould recommend one person2 suredo want acoust one electr one person1 acoust one person2 look get steelstr classic person1 what differ person2 wella classic guitar nylon string neck bigger steelstr guitarsit best suit finger pick steelstr best play chord person1 im mainli interest learn play rhythm guitar person2 caseid suggest steelstr guitarth best one ovat person1 one littl expens meid prefer someth cheaper nowwhen ive learn play might get better one person2 casehow oneit inexpens still well made easi play person1 hmmall rightil take itand book play guitar well person2 also get coupl guitar pick person1 ohrightthank help person2 dont mention,"#Person1# wants to buy an inexpensive acoustic guitar to play rhythm guitar. #Person2# recommends a steel-string guitar. #Person1# will take it, together with a book and guitar picks." person1 hello bill nice see heard went hospit day hope everyth ok person2 ye fine realli nervou oper strang enough oper woke person1 must realli hurt afterward person2 well nurs gave plenti pain killer feel uncomfort wasnt permit eat anyth 48 hour worst thing person1 bet readi nice big steak got hospit person2 certainli howev doctor gave list food couldnt eat anoth 72 hour steak list person1 take good care hospit person2 oh ye nurs kind though strict could drink end drank water noth els wish drink beer,#Person1# asks about Bill's operation. Bill did feel uncomfortable after it. He got many restrictions on eating and drinking but the nurses took good care of him. person1 hi mari boston rememb admit washington univers meet someon airport person2 glad meet bob meet parent pay visit grandpar person1 right graduat univers person2 graduat next year sister carol get marri weekend come attend wed person1 time fli havent seen year,"Bob meets Mary in Boston. Bob comes to visit his grandparents, while Mary comes to attend Carol's wedding." person1 what problem seem think someth person2 think test tomorrow im afraid cant pass time person1 cheer youv work pretti hard day there doubt youll pass person2 actual im worri pressur alway feel nervou soon enter person1 tri relax help deep breath remov pressur gradual take time start work youll feel much better way person2 thank kind advic seem fulli prepar test dont person1 dont wait test come work hard regularli alway readi test person2 nice talk good day person1 good luck tomorrow,"#Person2# is worried about the test tomorrow and the pressure, while #Person1# seems to be ready for the test and gives #Person2# suggestions on relieving pressure." person1 2 month go go graduat colleg person2 uncl compani hell give job want gain work experi person1 long plan work person2 one year ill look anoth job person1 wont work uncl person2 want go london work know competit fierc work experi find job easili what plan person1 ill find job citi work one year ill go back colleg get degre busi person2 interest work uncl person1 thank ive appli 3 job person2 got repli person1 ye 2 offer posit,#Person2# will work for #Person2#'s uncle for one year to gain work experience and look for another job in London. #Person1# will work for one year and go back to college. person1 dad love dont person2 cours ask what mind person1 well saw great offer free cellphon newspap person2 free noth ever free person1 well phone free 50 mail rebat person2 ah that catch need cellphon anyway person1 friend one use call case car break person2 oh dont know alway mani fee person1 monthli charg servic 2999 one thousand free weekday minut nationwid unlimit weekend minut plu unlimit anytim minut anyon use servic person2 dont know person1 run extra minut next month instead lose think person2 ye term servic agreement person1 6 month person2 cancel earli person1 umm there cancel fee 200 person2 200 buck person1 yeah wont worri im drive new car person2 new car new car person1 new car youll need buy use cellphon mean what gon na look like im use cellphon old lemon person2 teenag think next,#Person1# asks #Person2# for a cellphone and explains the charges and the service agreement. #Person1# also wants a new car to go with the cellphone. #Person2# can't imagine what #Person1# as a teenager will think of next. person1 hi mr matthew susan miller speak chicago wed like place order person2 oh glad hear send purchas order person1 send soon possibl hope hurri order person2 problem ill check anoth purchas order finish friday im shanghai busi anyway ill let know come back sign contract person1 thank person2 well im afraid cant send product christma holiday begin holiday new york next tuesday compani close 2 week person1 that alright well tri meet detail order send thursday hope tell market manag person2 ok get purchas order begin prepar book person1 thank need product one month person2 fine,Susan Millers wants to place an order with Mr. Matthew and needs the products in one month. Mr. Matthew will sign the contract after he comes back from a business trip. Susan will send the details to Mr. Matthew this Thursday. person1 id like shop told london expens place live person2 that complet true shop right place live cheapli market list buy kind thing market low price person1 that great person2 let see east street market sell cheap food cloth open 800 500 pm person1 ye get person2 underground get castl station look leather lane market that good central london market food cloth open lunch time monday friday near chanceri lane station person1 brixton market person2 wide varieti veget world open 900 600 pm everyday person1 oh close brookston station near place great conveni like person2 that good karman height market good place buy present open sunday,#Person1# wants to do some shopping but thinks London is an expensive place to live. #Person2# gives #Person1# a list of markets where things are cheap and tells #Person1# how to get to the markets. person1 lock door person2 except back door left open tim took dog walk person1 well im go bed im beat person2 okay im go stay ive got go household budget littl oversp month person1 pleas tell tim close door basement dont want dog tonight person2 okay good night see breakfast,#Person1# asked #Person2# to lock doors before bed. #Person2# left one open for Tim. person1 put baggag conveyor belt walk detector age one time pleas person2 excus mama could walk back doorway pleas person1 person2 airport secur could empti pocket pleas person1 realli im hurri right person2 ah set key person1 im embarrass forgot complet im terribl sorri person2 that right enjoy flight person1 thank,#Person2# tells #Person1# to do airport security again because #Person1# forgets to empty #Person1#'s pockets. person1 mani eat utensil tabl one use first person2 use outsid person1 see set appet anoth main cours person2 right thing home dont rememb person1 oh yeah big napkin goe lap person2 let look menu person1 cindi help order im still familiar american cook person2 well order appet first entre,Cindy tells #Person1# about the manners of eating and ordering American food. person1 that gener inform compani think alreadi good knowledg compani person2 ye overal understand person1 final result call person2 get repli latest person1 pass interview personnel depart inform within two week person2 dont pass call person1 im sorri wont wait two week dont get telephon call mean werent success person2 chanc get job person1 im sorri cant make final decis discuss interview person2 know matter result learn lot convers person1 mental good that great person2 thank give opportun interview person1 pleasur,"#Person1# tells #Person2# the company will inform the interview result in two weeks by phone, or #Person2# fails. Though #Person1# cannot make the final decision alone, #Person1# appreciates #Person2#'s mentality." person1 get news compani tri find new tactic test us person2 know someth compani often organ kind lectur improv profession skill person1 take weekend listen bore lectur bear anymor said think test check manag skill person2 true person1 definit person2 inform exact guess compani will promot someon,#Person1# is bored with the company's lectures. #Person2# thinks that the lectures indicate the company's willingness to promote someone. person1 didnt call last night person2 went person1 didnt phone callboy person2 didnt chang person1 tell didnt come see tonight person2 dont like question that,"#Person1# asks why #Person2# didn't call #Person1#, which annoys #Person2#." person1 like open save account pleas person2 k offer differ kind person1 want one highest interest rate person2 would saver plu account person1 4 5 that good much money keep get rate person2 maintain balanc 10 000 account rate drop 3 person1 right ill open one person2 fill form ill one second person1 thank,#Person2# helps #Person1# to open a Saver's Plus account with the interest rate of 4.5% and the requirement of 10000 deposits. person1 hate bearer bad news time year got perform evalu finish yet person2 oh evalu tell that favorit job havent even start yet deadlin turn thecomplet form person1 well still three week rememb employe must sign fill noth meetingwith employe take much time person2 never know rate employeeswork cours attend product easi look sale figur person1 subject criteria like team build colleagu support find hard person2 exactli attitud rate attitud person1 suggest let employe fill evalu item base self assess add comment great start point discuss person2 great idea that whole point evalu almost cant wait give tri,#Person1# tells #Person2# to finish employee performance evaluations in three weeks. #Person2# feels the subjective criteria hard and #Person2# advises #Person1# to start with employees' self-assessments. person1 like cook person2 ye like cook much got hobbi 12 year sold person1 like person2 idea like cook like tast delici food person1 that wonder person2 love tri new recip usual test friend come person1 realli hope chanc tast dont forget tell person2 certainli,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes cooking and trying new recipes. #Person2# invites #Person1# for tasting. person1 im read interest report mar person2 oh say say water could still exist surfac mar person1 absolut say water mar buri beneath surfac matter deep person2 could soil mar somehow fertil enough grow simpl plant person1 soil would need quit bit fertil grow anyth would need protect uv radiat person2 actual project school involv land ship stay mar extend period time nasa type portabl habitat could use stay planet person1 im sure nasa built portabl habitat extend stay mar look variou design person2 one excit thing mar could bean life person opinion life mar theori person1 well im realli expert area understand anyth possibl hard determin went 4 5 billion year ago person2 mayb chanc gradual improv surfac atmospher mar may inhabit human person1 im skeptic mar made rock contain silicon iron variou miner also atmospher carbon dioxid differ earth know person2 id still like hope day could set human coloni person1 still big problem need solv prolong weightless food storag seri physiolog effect,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the existence of water, the quality of soils, the presence of life, and the possibility of humans living on Mars." person1 look better today test go person2 much better yesterday person1 pass person2 pass test ace im happi person1 work realli hard last night prepar person2 thank help hadnt encourag best wouldnt ever abl pass person1 dont thank part job counsellor person2 alway well school person1 fact terribl take exam person2 realli person1 sure teacher alway encourag best could help lot final exam person2 ill get final two month person1 plan studi exam person2 student cram night forehead person1 think that good idea person2 think studi littl bit time start week exam person1 sound like good idea go question your studi person2 ill go talk professor learn support assist person1 sound like youv learn someth use year,#Person1# helps #Person2# pass and ace #Person1#'s test. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# will prepare the final in advance and look for help when having questions. person1 season like citi person2 summer hot usual last long time winter short cold wet windi love summer citi hate wintertim person1 ever rain summer person2 usual get big thunderstorm everi two week apart summer dri thunderstorm make air fresh peopl dont mind person1 spring autumn like person2 like spring flower bloom tree grow leav spring weather changeablesometim cold sometim warm usual windi rain autumn usual sunni person1 well live southern hemispher summertim wintertim vice versa get rain everi season winter winter sometim get cold wine person2 usual go summer holiday person1 dont go winter holiday instead go somewher warm person2 usual go holiday spring autumn tri go somewher weather reliabl citi,#Person2# describes the summers with thunderstorms and the changeable springs with bloomings in #Person2#'s city. #Person1# lives in the southern hemisphere and goes somewhere warm on a winter holiday. #Person2# goes somewhere with reliable weather during the spring or the autumn. person1 hi nanci person2 hi tom want cup coffe person1 right ive got get anoth car old one blown person2 oh hey look classifi ad person1 mean use car person2 ah singl seller person1 well yeah id get somebodi els problem person2 uh huh use car theyv got good one person1 kind deal though know never know your go get person2 oh hey new car theyv got easi loan youd feel good drive new car person1 let look got paper,Tom tells Nancy about Tom's broken car. Tom decides to buy a new car instead of a single seller or used car. person1 lot dear abbi sob stori person2 hey learn lot psychologist give advic column person1 wonder your wacko person2 whatev smell perfum sampl person1 nice hey like layout page person2 mean like pictur beauti model hello,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the contents of the columns. person1 hello eye comput person2 yea sewen je speak help person1 actual im call complain servic comput bought last week faulti person2 oh im sorri hear sir exactli problem person1 well easili doesnt work doesnt even start probabl person2 oh dear ill whatev,#Person1# calls Sewen Jes about the faulty computer #Person1# bought last week. person1 kind show around person2 would like see first person1 realli dont know person2 let walk around lake first shall person1 ye would love person2 person1 first time ive person2 take li river walk around person1 that wonder heard scene li river beauti person2 ye youll differ world,#Person2# decides to show #Person1# the lakes and the Li River. person1 hello today six month checkup person2 im fine dr beecham ye clean checkup today person1 oh fine let take look person2 probe teeth check gum person2 well look like caviti crown loos need fill caviti get wors crown need refit make appoint next week ill take care person2 okay ill crown put last year dental insur cover work person1 sinc done well take care wont charg insur cover work caviti im go hygienist clean ill see soon work person2 thank doctor,Dr. Beecham checks #Person1#'s teeth and will fill the cavity and refit the crown. #Person1#'s insurance will cover the work on the cavity. Dr. Beecham won't charge for the crown. person1 hello peter dixon nez news radio may speak mr wilson pleas person2 ye speak person1 good morn mr wilson im call confirm date next interview program person2 hold minut pleas ill assist check part,Peter Dixon calls Mr. Wilson to confirm the interview. person1 look realli wipe person2 meet back back morn printer broke middl put togeth six soap present phone rang hook minut walk offic person1 good day hate tell mr emori want see design polish past ad tomorrow morn person2 cant believ guess ill ten tonight,#Person2# is busy but #Person1# tells #Person2# about one more task asked by Mr. Emory. person1 happi new year bill person2 happi new year steven person1 plan new year holiday person2 whole famili go hainan visit person1 happi stay home prepar final exam,Bill and Steven talk about their new year plan. person1 welcom morn person2 im holiday dont local debit card possibl withdraw money visa credit card person1 well welcom countri trust pleasant stay person2 oh ye amaz dont think ever want go home person1 that opinion peopl passport ill need see youll need fill withdraw form person2 fine go person1 much would like withdraw person2 ok withdraw usd person1 that fine person2 ok 200 usd pleas person1 here money card passport pleas doubl check amount person2 perfect thank,#Person1# helps #Person2# withdraw 200 USD from #Person2#'s visa credit card. person1 good morn madam person2 id like withdraw 35 000 rmb corpor account person1 appoint person2 ye name ms jane reev reev person1 ah ye ms reev inform cash chequ person2 go person1 im sorri ms reev say 45 000 rmb person2 oh silli correct person1 im sorri make correct youll bring anoth one correct amount im afraid,#Person1# tells Jane Reeve to bring the cash cheque with the correct information to withdraw from the corporate account. person1 excus could help person2 certainli person1 im look leather belt husband person2 know size wear person1 size 36 think person2 color would like person1 dark brown person2 okay let see size 36 dark brown leather belt oh ye e think husband like one person1 ye im sure ill take person2 cash charg person1 take master card person2 im afraid accept store credit card person1 oh case ill pay cash,#Person2# helps #Person1# buys a dark brown leather belt with a size of 36 for #Person1#'s husband by cash. person1 could give someth pain couldnt get sleep 3 oclock morn person2 aspirin strongest medicin give person1 isnt strong enough dont meet doctor next week person2 doctor person1 dr hilari person2 doesnt offic corner person1 ye person2 regular patient person1 ye person2 oh call like dr hilari give pain treatment phone person1 id appreci much think hell still offic person2 sure 430 five,#Person2# decides to call Dr.Hilary to find a stronger pain treatment over the phone for #Person1#. person1 well hello everyon welcom today show join today daughter ashley endur cook experi year readi ashley readi eat let wait minut well get know faith listen start cook bake almost 30 year ago grandmoth taught humbl kitchen fact taught almost everyth know ive never attend cook class wait wait wait know daughter go mention faith listen recent help kid prepar kitchen chicken meal forgot take chicken oven burn bird crisp end order pizza dinner person2 use fire extinguish person1 that anoth stori anyway today id like share favorit least favorit chocol chip cooki recip switch tv channel know think anoth fatten cooki recip wait make recip great offer wonder lowfat lowcalori lowcholesterol dessert entir famili person2 still like fat though person1 well know let see ingredi start mix ingredi sugar flour egg white lowfat butter vanilla bake soda pinch salt larg mix bowl add mini chocol chip kid would like add big one start minichocol chip dont forget preheat oven 350 degre fahrenheit final cooki done take oven remov cooki sheet let cool finger get forget anyth person2 yeah collegeag kid sure make extra batch take back school roommat dont forget kid still home person1 oh well yeah cant cant forget unfortun time kid get cooki cook left singl cooki instant diet plan dirti kitchen that today next week show show feed hungri teenag budget without sell famili car,"#Person1# and #Person1#'s daughter, Ashley, introduce #Person1#'s childhood experience with #Person1#'s grandmother, the experience of a failed chicken meal, and a healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe." person1 oh im exhaust person2 tire today person1 mani thing person2 thing person1 oh ye check new product hold meet depart manag listen report give comment that job know person2 well sound like realli thing shouldnt work hard know moment person1 person2 take time person1 go holiday person2 relax trip weekend person1 picnic person2 ye person1 great,#Person2# advises #Person1# to have a picnic on the weekend to be free from exhausting work. person1 im afraid must go person2 must still earli person1 im afraid realli must meet midnight plane person2 case cant keep person1 well thank much pleasant even person2 thank come must come person1 thank goodby person2 goodby wish good journey home,#Person1# says farewell to #Person2# to meet a midnight plane. person1 im realli exhaust mari dont want miss hollywood movi come 11 person2 id skip get earli tomorrow anyway ive heard excit advertis,Mary advises #Person1# to skip the movie tonight. person1 7286712 person2 hello susan speak may speak judi pleas person1 im afraid moment brother shall take massag person2 ye see judi plan play tabl tenni tomorrow cousin broken bat think judi extra one pleas ask bring person1 susan call tabl tenni bat broke hope judi bring extra one person2 ye thank er one thing lent book coupl week ago think probabl forgotten togeth could possibl ask bring along book well person1 ok bring along susan book person2 thank much person1 bye,Judy's brother takes a message for Susan. Susan wants Judy to bring an extra table tennis bat and Susan's book. person1 veronica veronica veronica ok person2 steven what go guy didnt know gun what go person1 come clean soon get safeti ok trust pleas would never anyth hurt person2 steven person1 havent complet honest veronica im sorri im fireman im even unit state im spi indian govern person2 didnt tell person1 young boy use play cricket father back hometown hyderabad peac town father renown chemist one day approach member cia claim father made discoveri millennium small lab back univers taught biochemistri never saw vow discov whereabout father consequ join indian intellig bureau person2 men shoot us importantli lie person1 im sorri wasnt suppos meet wasnt suppos fall love believ tell feel real person2 cant believ thing happen cant take anymor let car person1 veronica wait,"During a gunfight, Steven tells Veronica the truth that Steven is a spy of the Indian government, aiming to discover his father's whereabouts but falling in love with Veronica. Veronica can't take this and wants to leave him." person1 told friend joe speak ill that real letdown person2 dont think joe done thing dont believ thing hast person1 mayb go ask whether true,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about a friend, Joe." person1 help figur use vend machin person2 ye would happi help want buy person1 want buy candi person2 ok machin make chang need dollar readi person1 yeah far good person2 next feed dollar machin slot make sure smooth person1 yeah alreadi knew person2 im sure know dollar get stuck might refe person1 ok let move person2 make select pray noth come tri call number side machin person1 hope work person2 well good luck,#Person2# teaches #Person1# how to use a vending machine to buy candy. person1 like honda accord show think practic need person2 alright sir make good choic honda made lot design improv new accord person1 come standard person2 new car standard includeair condit antilock brake air bag amfm stereo cd player accord anoth standard item well accord com person1 cruis control dont like person2 sir person1 think danger cant turn person2 well sir know custom concern cruis control honda never singl cruis control malfunct led accid person1 wish didnt cruis control wife doesnt like either person2 know sir dont use turn dont want use never turn person1 suppos sunroof standard person2 sunroof option sir person1 see anoth import question time get car need new car rather soon person2 well say new model august order one august person1 that good enough think color new accord come person2 new model red white black silver standard color cours could special order variou color person1 brother last year accord car kind soft purpl color mix silver realli like color wonder get color accord person2 know color mean sir person1 ye think that get accord person2 ye color popular honda buyer weve kept avail person1 well think want order new accord look like excel car person2 made good choic sir drive accord solidli built machin reliabl person1 ye know think honda reliabl car road would never chang anyth els honda almost never servic problem run smooth silk person2 alright sir get paperwork readi moment,"#Person2# introduces the Honda Accord car with standards including air conditioning, anti-lock brakes, airbags, AM/FM stereo, and cruise control to #Person1#. #Person2# persuades #Person1# to accept cruise control. #Person1# decides to buy the new model with a soft purple mixed with silver color." person1 met girl elev morn work compani upstair said envi casual way dress work complain dress rule compani requir everyon wear formal cloth monday friday person2 well wonder peopl profession attir come know answer person1 know sens suit tie compulsori male employe even juli jewelri allow femal employe even reason male leaf return rule isnt strict person2 extent anyway whether like give peopl good impress person1 unjust judg book cover theyr happi comfort cloth less product,#Person1# complains about the strict dressing code that the company upstairs has because the comfortable clothes lead to less productivity. #Person2# thinks professional attire makes a good impression. person1 like cook person2 ye lot dont like dish like cook clean afterward person1 honest dont realli like either one cant cook hate clean person2 suppos one two prefer person1 would rather dish cook person2 prefer absent way see dish bore person1 let make deal person2 person1 im go buy veget cook person2 dish meal person1 fair enough,#Person1# and #Person2# make a deal that #Person1# will do the dishes and #Person2# will cook. person1 would like drink coffe person2 thank troubl heart doctor recommend drink less person1 would like tri watermelon juic tast good person2 right,#Person1# help #Person2# order drinks. person1 morn mari havent seen long time what person2 oh took new hobbi person1 dont travel lot person2 frank im much interestcd collect stamp person1 certainli popular hobbi know lot peopl love stamp person2 certainli much fun person1 believ collect stamp someth similar travel right person2 absolut kind stamp abl learn world person1 well everi stamp stori tell person2 your right also meet mani new friend collect stamp person1 good person2 sometim even spend hour discuss collcction person1 there lot share common interest person2 ye realli amaz got go im meet collector person1 ok good luck see person2 see frank,Mary tells Frank that she likes collecting stamps instead of traveling. Mary learns about the world by collecting stamps. person1 bruce think time go meet pam airport person2 oh need hurri there plenti time 830 wont much traffic time night person1 never know think watch must slow make 840 youll stop ga id rather get earli late person2 itll take get luggag person1 oh come bruce time leav alway coffe airport anyway like watch peopl airport person2 id rather see end footbal match never mind better go,#Person1# persuades Bruce to leave early to meet Pam at the airport. person1 season like person2 like summer time hate like summer warm dont mind heat like longer day activ like swim bicycl mani outdoor activ usual take short vacat summer alway look forward howev part summer hate raini season get hot along rain wind get terribl,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# likes summer for the outdoor activities, but hates it for the rain and wind." person1 think purs stolen sir person2 reason believ purs stolen person1 oh ye left tabl 20 minut ago went restroom came back 15 minut ago gone person2 sure left purs tabl person1 cours sir plan pay bill went restroom person2 purs found restroom person1 oh ye must left total forgot sorri,#Person1# thinks #Person1# loses #Person1#'s purse but #Person2# finds the purse in the restroom. person1 boss told never go work person2 person1 dont know told sad surpris person2 often go work late person1 ye often person2 work hard person1 well hard say depend person2 good comput person1 dont know use person2 know reason didnt use time well dont learn new thing,#Person2# thinks #Person1# loses the job because #Person1# doesn't utilize the time and learn new things. person1 hello mike carri ive read paper find job advertis perfect person2 oh what job person1 want market manag isnt kind thing your look person2 ye say job involv person1 main thing seem youll charg sale plan person2 well sort peopl look suppos want mba person1 there noth say theyr look someon speak foreign languag well that ok youv live abroad speak german dont person2 ye spanish applic complet person1 third juli close date exactli month complet want email advert see person2 ye thatll great person1 ok ill,Carrie tells Mike about a job opportunity for a marketing manager position which requires someone speaking foreign languages. The application is due in a month. person1 believ ive almost whole term your friend ive made person2 person1 dont know know better anyon els school thought mayb could give advic person2 sure um belong club organ that best way meet peopl person1 dont lot time go meet person2 neither play school sport group meet regularli play basketbal cours lot team could join footbal team basebal volleybal go sport center sign person1 id like dont want take time away studi person2 well dont join studi group way wont feel like your wast time besid peopl meet seriou student mayb would better friend anyway person1 sound good,"#Person2# advises #Person1# to join some clubs, organizations, sports teams, or study groups to make new friends. #Person2# decides to join a study group to focus on studies." person1 excus sir im stranger lost way person2 want go person1 want return hotel new york hotel person2 go straight along road go bridg turn right book shop youll find hotel person1 thank way direct central park person2 oh far take subway person1 long take walk person2 might take 34 hour person1 well subway station person2 turn left walk 3 block youll find person1 get person2 get forti fifth street,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the directions to the New York Hotel, Central Park, and the subway station." person1 eat sushi mister nakamura person2 usual use chopstick peopl prefer use hand person1 eat hand restaur person2 yeah total accept tradit sushi restaur person1 hmm interest eat straight person2 well like eat straight enjoy natur flavor fish alway go wasabi person1 wasabi what wasabi person2 wasabi sauc give sushi spici flavor person1 oh mean green stuff alway make tear come person2 correct restaur actual give wasabi along sushi dish control hot person1 that consider youv realli taught much japanes cultur thank mister nakamura person2 dont mention help sinc work compani,Mr. Nakamura helps #Person1# learn about the way to eat sushi and the use of wasabi because they work in the same company. person1 cambridg theatr box offic person2 got ticket left romeo juliet saturday person1 perform 500 pm 830 pm person2 830 pm pleas person1 ticket 5 pound 6 pound 8 pound person2 id like reserv 2 seat 6 pound pleas person1 alright that two ticket 6 pound saturday 830 pm perform what name person2 bishop henri bishop person1 thank youll abl collect ticket 300 oclock pm saturday right person2 ye cours thank bye,Henry Bishop calls the Cambridge Theatre box office to book two 6-pounds tickets for Romeo and Juliet on this Saturday. person1 good afternoon may help person2 ye see joanna steven appoint four person1 certainli may take name let know arriv person2 sure josh neil person1 ms steven momentarili offer someth drink person2 ye coffe would nice thank person1 ms steven readi show offic right way,Josh O'Neil comes to see Joanna Stevens. #Person2# serves him with coffee and leads him to Joanna's office. person1 think time meet admir make face music person2 go contact person1 im leav messag tape comput screen person2 say think hell see person1 hell see say like sweet meet two thirti park lot person2 spi guy window person1 ill fill later right find vinc,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# is going to meet an admirer after leaving a message on the computer screen. person1 excus could help pick lotion person2 sure problem person1 got poison oak hike need someth help itch person2 suggest product call techn come lotion cream person1 prefer person2 hiker tell cream best stay longer person1 anyth els help itch person2 take antihistamin person1 thank much inform person2 welcom pleas feel free ask question time need help,#Person1# got poison oak and wants a lotion. #Person2# recommends Techne and advises #Person1# to take an antihistamine to help with the itching. person1 hello schedul appoint dr smith make day person2 day appoint person1 appoint monday person2 time chosen person1 10 person2 look appoint right day would prefer person1 would prefer next thursday person2 time would best person1 want come 2 person2 write time look forward see,#Person1# asks #Person2# to reschedule #Person1#'s appointment with Dr. Smith. person1 joe person2 great mari person1 great thank ask joe person2 wonder want go see movi tonight person1 need stay home tonight finish term paper person2 ok go movi friday night person1 plan see person2 think see one rapist serial killer person1 secret life bee person2 that chick flick,Joe invites Mary to see a movie on Friday night but they haven't reached an agreement on what to see. person1 silli jump window person2 first thing came mind heard shout earthquak person1 use staircas terror violent time person2 would late person1 mayb situat urgent person2 ye think jump case,#Person2# tells #Person1# the situation was too urgent that #Person2# has to jump out of the window. person1 what problem nada look dump person2 dont know life big mess everyth complic person1 come noth bad person2 promis youll keep secret person1 ok promis what troubl much person2 ive fallen love boss person1 realli marri person2 cours still singl person1 what problem person2 tri keep lot gossip us person1 oh see offic romanc tend subject gossip person2 wors still tri avoid day person1 offic romanc tricki person2 give lot pressur feel depress person1 cheer nada youll fine,Nada tells #Person1# she's upset because she has fallen in love with her boss which causes gossips and she finds her boss is trying to avoid her. #Person1# comforts Nada. person1 oh sure even want look hous person2 bit fixerupp let take look insid person1 doesnt look much better insid place person2 know littl elbow greas paint could spruce bit person1 hardli window make realli gloomi person2 let go check kitchen printout say quit larg person1 look broken tile countertop peel wallpap person2 mayb master suit redeem qualiti follow pleas person1 what smell person2 perhap move next list,"#Person2# leads #Person1# to see a house, but the house is gloomy and shabby, so they decide to see another house." person1 your home late today david school person2 bad there new english teacher person1 oh what like person2 beauti person1 old young person2 quit young hair blond person1 strict person2 realli eye blue person1 speak chines person2 much tall slim person1 david stop dream time homework,David tells #Person1# about his new English teacher and pays special attention to her beautiful appearance. person1 cant wait longer person2 im terribl sorri late articl person1 youll knock way youv work dont slow person2 cant afford person1 right everybodi shall get start miss lin readi person2 ye thank start id like thank professor smith help give unlimit access research materi person1 excus miss lin would mind speak pleas cant hear well person2 sorri ill tri speak louder,Miss Lin is late because she had an article. Then Miss Lin starts her speaking and #Person1# asks her to speak up. person1 kind note take look like doodl person2 pictur associ concept professor taught today person1 actual work person2 dont realli know sure yet ill tell test friday person1 like use shorthand note take person2 told time spend write less pay attent miss stuff person1 hmm never thought way person2 one time tri listen note pictur think realli learn day,#Person1# thinks #Person2#'s note looks like a doodle and #Person1# likes to use shorthand note-taking. #Person2# believes it's better to spend less time writing. person1 david want graduat person2 suppos choos one thebest career list public offic think person1 sound like hot job right opinion ought choos one career socal list need take interest valu skill account person2 beat never thought mayb thought find career simpl thing person1 youd better ask suggest career counselor make decis,David supposes he will be a public officer. #Person1# advises him to ask for suggestions from a career counselor. person1 phone person2 ye new busi phone like person1 impress use internet phone person2 ye got wireless internet access person1 that realli conveni bluetooth person2 ye dont realli use often ever use person1 think itd realli great peopl like alway go person2 ye guess tri use person1 camera person2 cours doesnt everi new phone includ camera day person1 guess would mind check email quickli im suppos get import email even client person2 sure go person1 check voicemail recent person2 person1 think icon mean voicemail messag person2 oh yeah probabl dont realli know use phone yet person1 want listen messag first person2 ok check email first ill check unbox later person1 im surpris dont use featur phone person2 im surpris know much where phone person1 quit work last week havent chanc buy new one yet person2 live without cell phone week hasnt drive carri without phone person1 bad kind feel like im vacat answer phone time person2 let go shop cant depend public phone day age,#Person2# has a new business phone with multiple features. #Person1# borrows it to check #Person1#'s email and finds #Person2# has a voicemail message. #Person2# is surprised that #Person1# knows so much about the phone. #Person1#'s phone quit working and #Person2# suggests going to buy a new one. person1 hous person2 redecor live room person1 go person2 first go chang curtain go paint wall person1 colour go paint person2 pale yellow person1 els go person2 go put new furnitur,#Person2# tells #Person1# how they will redecorate the living room. person1 excus one highest qualiti person2 one best qualiti excel tailor well may tri person1 nice dont quit like collar person2 collar collar popular young peopl shanghai person1 dont care other wear much person2 250 yuan person1 realli expens dont think afford person2 realli worthwhil person1 ok anyway let person2 person1 thank,#Person1# doesn't like the collar of a product and thinks it's too expensive but sill buys it according to #Person2#'s suggestions. person1 hi someon report fault one copier person2 that right im glad your hasnt work properli last day person1 servic person2 coupl week ago usual reliabl person1 what actual wrong person2 well make strang nois tri chang paper tray person1 im sure noth seriou probabl minor fault ill look,#Person2# tells #Person1# a copier hasn't been working properly for days. #Person1# will have a look at it. person1 im quit upset want new room refund tonight person2 forgiv sir havent told problem person1 im swept away million cockroach person2 apolog sir well transfer new room give full refund person1 thank didnt want take court person2 sir never want guest stay mad unhappi,#Person1# complains about the cockroaches. #Person2# will give him a new room and a full refund. person1 even bother go school today person2 yeah went go person1 didnt feel like person2 that nice movi late person1 random chang subject person2 may random person1 havent late person2 would love catch movi weekend person1 dont go person2 dont want see movi person1 okay go school tomorrow person2 think might go movi,#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# might go to see the movies rather than going to school tomorrow. person1 dog trick person2 sure shake hand roll even play dead person1 wish dog cat cant trick person2 yeah sometim bingo want play dont time person1 take care person2 littl brother like play even give bath everi week person1 cant cat hate water person2 know your right mayb get dog,#Person1# says #Person1#'s cat can't do tricks and #Person1# can't give her a bath every week because she hates water. #Person2# thinks #Person1# should get a dog. person1 readi meet person2 ye come how new job go person1 challeng im enjoy quit bit person2 that great knew youd good job manag person1 thank lot person2 how assist manag get person1 well that part problem probat period tomorrow dont think he readi pass person2 seem problem person1 well suppos abl learn job 30 day doesnt seem know he person2 gave anoth 30 day think could figur person1 honest author he hardwork one listen person2 see everyon cut work manag person1 know itd great could transfer depart doesnt work peopl person2 there open creativ design depart involv work comput person1 that perfect ill let know tomorrow thank,#Person1# thinks #Person1#'s new job as a manager is challenging but #Person1# is enjoying it. The problem is that the assistant manager doesn't seem to be able to work in management. #Person2# may transfer him to the design department. person1 mon got anoth fight bori person2 oh iri time person1 food simpli want fri chicken said person2 believ right must know fri food contain lot fat person1 oh keep say never allow person2 think youd better take advic sinc health greatest wealth person1 bori babi person2 well that true person1 mother person2 also believ healthi diet requir us regular meal person1 poor seem boat person2 oh grate mother point idea healthi eat help lot keep fit person1 realli dont fri food person2 realli may occasion chanc dont indulg much person1 manag person2 pretti simpl iri keep mind your eat,Iris's mother and Boris's mother both believe in a healthy diet. Iris fights with her mother about that but Boris is grateful for his mother and suggests Iris take her mother's advice. person1 great parti thank say behind help clear person2 certainli great parti piti glass plate got broken someon spill drink person1 expect someth might get broken doesnt bother spill drink wont leav stain person2 doubt deal right away luckili wasnt glass red wine ill get bowl water cloth person1 im go put rubbish big plastic bag person2 afterward wash togeth everyth finish within hour friend keith realli funni like magic trick person1 ye he good isnt told funni stori person2 amanda told funni joke begin parti ver seriou person1 think litter much punch person2 put punch tast great quit strong person1 that littl secret like snack prepar person2 much birthday cake delici wasnt emili told karen made person1 cake tast good disappear within minut think everyon like lot how stain person2 clean readi start wash,#Person2# stays behind to help #Person1# clear up after the party. #Person2# thinks it was a great party and likes the people and food at the party. #Person2# cleaned up the spilled drink and they will start on the washing up. person1 im sorri sir im go ask leav person2 friendli convers ladi person1 well appar doesnt think friendli let go person2 think there misunderstand person1 youd better cooper sir person2 ok give,#Person1# asks #Person2# to leave but #Person2# thinks there's been a misunderstanding. person1 think need get new branch offic run well person2 first id make sure good local corpor lawyer know local law regul person1 that import friend recommend good law firm well need someon hire staff person2 think send one hr peopl dont think use agenc wont familiar type peopl employ decid locat branch offic person1 ye chose locat northeast citi far airport edg cbd person2 didnt choos offic cbd person1 offic expens negoti contract yet person2 ye weve sign two contract compani alreadi work countri hope sign anoth three month person1 branch offic open person2 hope next month everyth littl rush abl set branch offic expand busi quickli person1 advertis campaign prepar person2 ye go target busi commun busi magazin person1 made plenti busi contract last visit embassi abl get plenti custom,#Person1# and #Person2# will need a lawyer and send one of their HR people to hire staff for their new branch office. #Person1# chose the location in the northeast of the city. #Person2# has signed two contracts and hopes the branch office will open next month with the advertising campaign prepared. person1 hi got exact number peopl go take part activ person2 ye 62 total 2 still cant sure person1 alway push time mani fifti person2 6 give special attent dont good health person1 ok see far think mani buse get person2 2 enough one least 30 seat seat spare person1 ill call bu charter later announc itinerari journey person2 ye think good peopl differ opinion consid arrang challeng activ person1 that possibl time choos activ like person2 that good ill tell later kind medicin prepar person1 let think pill carsick tradit medicin cold painkil someth like person2 ok get readi afternoon person1 one thing got peopl phone number person2 oh god ive almost forgotten ill get done right away,"#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for an activity. They have got 62 people, including 6 over fifty. They plan to get two buses and let people choose the activities they like. They will get the medicine ready this afternoon. #Person2# will get all people's phone numbers." person1 govern go organ folkcustom activ end month commun suppos put perform person2 kind perform lion danc person1 stuff like think lion danc bit difficult danger person2 sure youll danc lion expect rang danc person1 good idea shall get everyon commun person2 mayb think focu retir peopl person1 know alreadi rang danc team need rehears person2 costum person1 rais money commun know famili 10 yuan mayb person2 tri someth new find support agenc person1 great idea travel agenc nearbi would love sponsor perfect chanc promot ethnic tourism,#Person1# and #Person2# decide to do Range Dance for the folk-custom activity. They will focus on the retired people and ask a travel agency to be their sponsor. person1 plan buy hous citi person2 absolut need hous make upset price citi person1 monthli salari buy one squar meter hous person2 depress hear price goe higher higher person1 peopl need buy hous market meet need caus bubbl real estat industri person2 rich still want buy even though least one hous live person1 watch tv seri humbl abod person2 ye display social problem interpret valu whitecollar person1 realli realli want hous even though small like snail hous,#Person1# and #Person2# are upset because the house price in this city goes higher and higher and they cannot afford it. They also discuss the reasons behind it. person1 boss say person2 ask beef work person1 yeah look unhappi recent what matter person2 noth thank mood day,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s not in the mood for working. person1 take coat receiv check person2 ye cours person1 pleas give receipt person2 sorri sir pay checkout counter person1 ok pleas wrap first,#Person2# asks #Person1# to pay in the check-out counter. person1 would like order person2 look good think know want person1 pleas let point chef special blacken catfish person2 diet could chef prepar food extra sauc person1 alway happi adjust cook meet need person2 could tell entre vegetarian person1 cashew broccoli noodl chees veggi enchilada would excel choic person2 go go grill shrimp garlic sauc would like garlic sauc side person1 would like salad brought entre would like serv person2 serv salad dinner,#Person2# is dieting and wants vegetarian entrees. #Person1# gives some recommendations and will serve #Person2#'s salad with #Person2#'s dinner. person1 came see home inspect went person2 first need share purpos home inspect understand person1 home inspect didnt realli understand person2 help spot potenti problem home purchas person1 owner said roof leak got fix last month person2 seller arent realli object may gotten use leaki faucet still broken person1 seller respons fix problem hous person2 owner may wish pay problem fix mayb price hous reduc person1 find lot thing wrong home inspect person2 hous outdat electr system mani switch outlet work unsaf,#Person2# helps #Person1# to spot potential problems with the home before #Person1# purchases it and finds the house has a very outdated electrical system and unsafe outlets. person1 hello ms patterson bill workmat call im wonder chanc look estim sent gala dinner project next month said email help product accord need abl give insit manag support servic limit basi person2 oh ye review estim seem like project blueprint sent estim quit mind get copi spec project person1 ye sever copi theyr differ version latest version 12 current person2 later decid opt prior outlin version 7 person1 hold let pull version 7 requir oh ye wonder estim littl differ mind see version 7 also includ 6 addit hostess cocktail selfserv bar wasnt version 12 definit add cost project,Ms. Patterson finds Bill's estimate for the gala dinner project is not quite what they had in mind. Bill finds that Ms. Patterson decided to opt for version 7 but Bill used version 12. Bill will fix it. person1 ok readi learn bake cake person2 almost let put apron person1 ok first thing go preheat oven way desir temperatur finish prepar everyth set three hundr seventi five degre fahrenheit person2 got person1 gon na make batter take butter sugar mix lightli nice consist add vanilla extract egg continu mix person2 use whisk use electr mixer person1 go ahead use mixer put medium speed im gon na sift flour bake powder separ mix milk rest ingredi person2 ok need bake pan right person1 yeah greas flour first cake wont stick bake person2 done long bake person1 leav twenti five minut let cool ten minut remov cake pan person2 wow lot easier thought,"#Person1# teaches #Person2# how to bake a cake. The steps include pre-heating the oven, making the batter, mixing the ingredients, preparing the baking pan, and baking. #Person2# finds it was a lot easier than #Person2# thought." person1 hello room reserv servic may help person2 ye mr davinson id like reserv tworoom suit tonight person1 let see yeah two room left may name pleas person2 mr davinson mari davison mari mari davinson davison person1 ok ive got person2 thank goodby person1 goodby,#Person1# helps Mrs. Davinson to reserve a two-room suite for tonight. person1 frank weve got problem dont enough money pay rent month think id better ask mon dad loan ask boss rais person2 well dont know mayb id better take anoth english cours semest,#Person1# and Frank talk about how to pay the rent. person1 like work young star person2 great group alway got mad peopl said didnt get along girl never fight great time,#Person2# tells #Person1# working with the young stars was great. person1 im fed sit pack case joe dont think buy least two chair person2 know much new chair cost one cheap comfort armchair eighti pound person1 ye know terribl idea dont look chair street market ive alway want see one person2 right one shall go person1 portobello road think lot secondhand thing well go tomorrow open saturday person2 time want go earli hope person1 guidebook say market open nine six popular market wed better open person2 right ill set alarm,#Person1# wants to sit on chairs instead of packing cases but Joe thinks new chairs are expensive. They decide to have a look at the street market tomorrow. person1 advis holiday lake what opinion person2 suggest go seashor love person1 far away go mountain person2 that good idea,#Person1# and #Person2# decide to go to the mountains for holiday. person1 hello everyon welcom program today fortun special guest us may heard he artist work receiv mani prize shown one hundr exhibit across countri lo angel new york philadelphia name name chri cucksi chri tell us bit person2 well born springfield missouri grew kansa didnt come famili wealth posit manag get master degre fine art person1 first start make art turn point life made artist person2 alway like draw earli rememb right knew go artist person1 alway inspir creat person2 natur biggest inspir im alway inspir thing beauti harmoni,"#Person1# interviews Chris Cucksy, an artist, in #Person1#'s program. Chris introduces himself and tells #Person1# he started drawing very early and he was inspired by nature." person1 oh mr smith take test oh person2 excus mean test end 10 minut ago werent take sorri person1 oh mr smith come come that fair person2 mean fair everyon els werent class person1 uh bu didnt come morn time that person2 um sure friend toni made class said still bed hour ago person1 uhh yeah well might true realli need take test person2 wait dont realiz lie person1 uh well listen mr smith listen alarm didnt go morn fault came late person2 your blame alarm clock still respons wasnt excus last two time miss class person1 mr smith mr smith person2 listen know polici program miss test unexcus reason lie definit unexcus get zero test except person1 mr smith dont want help never help mean realli need pass class person2 listen your play call victim made bad choic accept consequ rememb point finger someon els like case three finger point back person1 mr smith lose scholarship poorli class parent realli disappoint person2 im realli sorri that problem oh mr smith cant help dont tri shift blame mr smith paint corner need account action instead tri weasel respons arent well class though must say almost give grade tri dodg outcom bad choic person1 mr smith mr smith person2 listen learn one thing person1 person2 name person1 agh,"#Person1# wants to take a test but the test has ended. #Person1# explains the bus didn't come on time, but Mrs. Smith realizes it's a lie. Then #Person1# blames the alarm clock. Mrs. Smith asks #Person1# to accept the consequences because #Person1# made some bad choices. Mrs. Smith thinks #Person1# should not shift the blame here and weasel out of responsibility." person1 walk station person2 roadi think person1 look there policeman ask way person2 right ill go ask person1 paus 6 second sowhat say person2 well walk road take first turn left walk come river person1 river person2 ye there bridg across bridg abl see road sign tell us way person1 far long take walk person2 fifteen minut walk quickli person1 fifteen minut may late train heavi bag think ought take taxi person2 hour look traffic move slowli get quickli foot person1 well cant possibl carri bag farther person2 right let take person1 dont silli cant carri two bag time person2 ye bag arent heavyhmm person1 see theyr heavier thought person2 perhap bad idea person1 isnt bad idea mean person2 taxi taxi,#Person1# and #Person2# are going to the station. #Person1# suggests taking a taxi after #Person2# asks a policeman the way. #Person2# thinks they can get there quickly on foot but changes #Person2#'s mind when #Person2# realizes how heavy their bags are. person1 well must nation librari person2 guess oh dont think open today look say close tuesday person1 well well come back tomorrow person2 suppos go tour tomorrow person1 oh that right forgot day tomorrow person2 ok,#Person1# and #Person2# will come back to the library the day after tomorrow. person1 cathi know visitor india come person2 offer 3 choic end march middl april begin may chose earliest one good actual exam come may person1 right mani come say 12 person2 ye said 12 first chang 10 morn person1 good 8 week prepar suggest first day welcom parti visit school district second third day person2 weve got rememb group want look comput use classroom person1 exactli want ask mr goodman give talk afternoon third day person2 thatll fit nice person1 last day want sightse could take tour london mani may alreadi schottland far away person2 take walk along coast interest person1 good idea cathi im sure theyll like,"Cathy tells #Person1# 10 visitors from India are coming at the end of March. They are planning a welcome party, a talk on how computers are being used in the classroom, and some sightseeing along the coast." person1 mike im go washington tomorrow anyth taken professor yang person2 ye helen finish articl take save trip person1 im glad person2 pleas ask read articl point mistak tri correct take back person1 print person2 yet someon els use machin person1 print 450 person2 sure take offic,Helen will help to take Mike's paper to Professor Yang in Washington and ask Yang to point out the mistakes. person1 report 1 6 billion adult overweight least 400 million fat person2 fat bring troubl peopl person1 what wors men overweight age 18 nearli 50 less chanc marri 30 40 person2 mean women list man appear first person1 sure 500000 swedish men born 1951 1961 survey person2 must watch weight person1 yeah opinion,#Person1# tells #Person2# about how fatness may bring trouble to people. #Person2# will watch #Person2#'s weight. person1 look fit nathan often gym person2 well tri work specif back lower back muscl barbel dont like gym much know person1 person2 find mani gym realli gym social place sit machin talk other like 45 minut person1 uhh see,Nathan tells #Person1# he doesn't like gyms because they are just socializing places. person1 hello welcom program work abroad guest even london live work itali name susan hill susan welcom program live florenc long live person2 sinc nineteen eighti two went nineteen eighti two plan stay 6 month person1 chang mind person2 well soon arriv florenc got job one itali top compani ferragamo decid stay person1 oh lucki still work ferragamo person2 left nineteen eighti eight ive free design sinc ive design italian compani well american compani last 5 year ive also design british compani burberri person1 design person2 mostli handbag sometim shoe leather jacket person1 how industri chang sinc nineteen eighti two person2 becom lot competit qualiti product countri improv lot italian qualiti design still world famou person1 well thank talk us susan,"#Person1# interviews Susan Hill, a Londoner who lives and works in Italy, on #Person1#'s program, Working Abroad. Susan went to Italy in 1982 and got a job there. She now works as a designer. She thinks her industry has become more competitive since 1982." person1 tina shirt tight isnt friend laugh today person2 ye littl tight let buy new one oh look dear shirt cost 24 internet ive seen 40 shop person1 dont think look rather unfashion person2 think suit well im go buy one person1 internet person2 ye dont go say deliv 48 hour person1 dont think safe share credit card inform stranger person2 that problem third parti safeti control person1 cant tri buy person2 dont worri differ size color order size favorit color brown right person1 im satisfi qualiti person2 satisfi return tshirt return money person1 ok let tri shop internet,Tina wants to buy #Person1# a new shirt online and persuades #Person1# that there's a third party safety control and they can return the T-shirt if #Person1#'s not satisfied. #Person1# agrees to try. person1 hello id like mail book cloth australia much cost person2 depend much weigh let see 5 pound 30 person1 let take stuff make cheaper much person2 4 pound 25 person1 ok ill take item alright person2 come 15 2 half pound person1 ok work get ship number know arriv person2 ye cours also offer insur 5 person1 thank person2 would like express ship extra 10 person1 regular ship fine,#Person1# wants to mail some books and clothes to Australia. #Person1# keeps taking out some stuff until it only costs $15 and refuses #Person2#'s offer on insurance and express shipping. person1 arent get next stop person2 your right that usual get offic earli thought id stay far high street coupl thing person1 shop person2 ye ive given book back ive finish last chapter day late pay fine worth person1 shop go said need new jacket person2 ive alreadi bought im go buy adel new cd,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# will get off at the High Street to do some shopping after paying the fine for a late book return. person1 come pleas person2 good morn anna lu ive come interview arrang person1 oh see jack white personnel manag take seat pleas person2 glad meet mr white person1 miss lu got experi restaur servic person2 ye sinc enter colleg work fast food restaur parttim waitress person1 long person2 3 year person1 restaur receiv lot foreign custom serv english person2 that appli job studi hotel english colleg quit familiar western courtesi restaur etiquett sure public relat skill leav strong impress custom person1 must know work hour long overtim work frequent person2 dont mind person1 think give 3 month trial salari period 800 yuan month bonu period feel satisfi formal contract would sign person2 suppos start work person1 next monday bring resum diploma person2 ye thank mr white goodby person1 goodby,Anna Lu comes to Mr. White to apply for a job in a restaurant and shares her previous working experience as a part-time waitress. Mr. White'll give her a 3 months' trial. person1 readi order madam person2 im diet avoid food contain much fat vegetarian dish person1 ye choic ladi like green salad person2 tast good person1 sure popular dish among young ladi person2 think ill tri person1 three kind dress salad italian french thousand island one would like person2 french pleas person1 ok want order someth els person2 milan style macaroni dont put sugar salt pleas,#Person2#'s on a diet and orders a green salad with French dressing and Milan Style Macaroni under #Person1#'s recommendation. person1 id like order restock minibar person2 finish everyth sir person1 absolut everyth person2 would like order person1 three bottl perrier jim beam person2 uhhuh els want person1 appl great could bring coupl person2 problem anyth els get person1 grape juic would also nice person2 ill get right away someon shortli,#Person1# orders a restock including drinks and fruit for #Person1#'s minibar with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 howdi nice car seem problem person2 dont know stupid old car start spew white smoke die luckili manag start drive think person1 sure yet pop hood take look mmmm doesnt look good person2 mean daddi gave car birthday last month brand new person1 well missi white smoke saw steam radiat overh engin piston bust transmiss call us could tow car die person2 ugh long go take hour person1 im afraid bit need order spare part take apart electr system fuel pump engin put back togeth go leav least two week person2 suppos get school go shop happen,#Person2#'s car started spewing white smoke and just died. #Person1# helps check the car and thinks that #Person2#'s car needs a two-week repair. person1 well troubl person2 im feel well doctor sore throat person1 ach pain person2 ye back ach person1 ill take temperatur long feel ill person2 began night last person1 temperatur noth seriou probabl flu ill give prescript take chemist take one tablet everi four hour stay bed tom person2 lot peopl ill moment person1 cold weather,#Person1# doesn't feel well. The doctor thinks it's probably the flu and gives #Person1# a prescription. person1 would like go theater tomorrow person2 ye cours got ticket person1 that coincid someon return two ticket pick person2 matine even person1 even person2 circl stall person1 stall person2 wonder ill go,#Person1# got theatre tickets and invites #Person2# to go together. person1 anyon home jen person2 im kitchen let person1 wow your realli work storm person2 know ive even work sweat person1 look like cook show hostonli messier,#Person1# visits Jen and Jen's working up a storm in the kitchen. person1 famili tradit christma time person2 ay favorit happen christma eve person1 person2 well brother sister get togeth fill christma stock litt 1e kid person1 that that tradit person2 well fact fun us togeth night one thing person1 guess spirit realli make tradit fun person2 christma eve,#Person1# asks #Person2# about family traditions at Christmas time. #Person2# tells #Person1# bothers and sisters like filling Christmas stockings for little kids on Christmas Eve. #Person1# thinks it incredible. person1 thank letter person2 waist better person1 ye im feel well day person2 im glad get better person1 glad receiv letter person2 back person1 back next wednesday person2 hope see time bye person1 bye,#Person1# thanks for #Person2#'s letter and #Person2# inquires about #Person1#'s waist problem. #Person1#'ll be back again next Wednesday. person1 let go see panda news said two panda arriv zoo last week person2 great would like see cute panda person1 get person2 take met get zoo station person1 ok let go person2 zoo wow zoo realli huge person1 ye find hundr variou anim biggest zoo taiwan person2 look map differ area marin live mammal polar anim insect person1 find panda think see panda person2 go mammal area gate right need go straight turn left go along end make anotherleft turn person1 take least 20 minut get shuttl buse run place place around whole zoo,"#Person1# and #Person2# go to the zoo to see the newly-arrived pandas, but it's difficult to find the pandas because it's the biggest zoo in Taiwan. They have to go to the mammal area which is far away." person1 think high time lunch person2 cours eat hors person1 sorri attract beauti sceneri person2 shall go chines restaur local one person1 suppos local one,#Person1# suggests having lunch and #Person2#'s hungry. They decide to go to a local restaurant. person1 go movi join us person2 im sorri cant person1 person2 im afraid busi attend person1 would like lunch us person2 id love help john math problem right person1 would like give lift person2 thank home far walk person1 come troubl person2 ok thank,#Person1# invites #Person2# to watch movies and have lunch but #Person2# isn't available. person1 hope finish univers person2 id like go manag ive appli sever job alreadi im hope ill get job offer person1 graduat studi pass exam becom lawyer think ive got good chanc pass there possibl get job law firm london provid person2 overcom sever obstacl achiev ambit person1 life easi wed achiev ambit quickli get bore person2 unfortun inevit peopl go work hard yet succeed person1 that ambit need realist cant achiev someth that total unrealist person2 long plan care thing possibl alway good backup plan case thing go wrong person1 think import success field truli interest someth peopl forc interest person2 father want becom doctor knew would imposs success field person1 hope parent dont tri interfer choic career,#Person1# and #Person2# discuss their ambitions after graduation. They think they should plan carefully and have realistic ambitions. They also think it important to do something they're truly interested in. person1 servic offer bank use person2 use sever servic cours deposit withdraw money quit often often use atm card take money current account use bank exchang money currenc anoth often travel abroad see person1 ever ask bank travel chequ much safer carri lot cash around person2 sometim use travel chequ sometim travel countri hard exchang cash person1 use bank pay util bill use direct debit person2 ye save lot time also stand order subscript magazin person1 that good idea dont need worri miss issu magazin suppos mortgag person2 ye bank offer good term condit mortgag there lot competit bank nowaday one tri offer better condit servic other person1 deposit account bank restrict withdraw money interest rate much higher person2 dont one prefer buy share bank also provid share trade servic cheap easi use person1 that great prefer put money somewher return certain,"#Person1# and #Person2# discuss services offered by the bank that they use most, including cheque service, mortgage, and interest rate." person1 holiday relax beach nice cool drink person2 isnt wonder kid enjoy swim pool hope safe person1 dont worri theyr respons besid mani peopl there lifeguard employ hotel waiter could anoth drink plea thank shall even person2 kid said want go parti hotel there special one kid person1 could tri restaur recommend guidebook could go club havent one age person2 that great idea realli enjoy without worri kid person1 go swim sea shouldnt sunbath day,#Person1# and #Person2# are sunbathing and decide to try a recommended restaurant in the guidebook in the evening when kids go to a hotel party. person1 peter finish english composit person2 im work person1 class start twenti minut turn begin class today person2 know know person1 think finish time person2 dont worri ill get done soon im almost finish person1 youd better hurri person2 well would lot easier finish stop talk person1 sorri,Peter's busy working on the English composition which should be turned in in twenty minutes while #Person1# keeps hurrying him. person1 rememb said like china cheap beer person2 ye unbeliev cheap carlsborg less 1 person1 drink mean drink get person2 fashion person1 come dont even know blind follow sign immatur person2 mari blind follow matter enjoy drink like get work your tire need get relax cant turn tv keep watch program fall asleep need make work time fun person1 drink person2 drink part mean bunch friend come fun drink talk drink talk make relax person1 begin drink person2 long time ago first went bar pick girl saw beauti girl sit sip coke went saidcan buy drink person1 person2 talk got number know dont know say drink person1 get drunk everi day,#Person1# tells Mary #Person1# likes drinking because drinking is fashionable and relaxing. #Person1# also shares with Mary #Person1#'s first experience of drinking. person1 old man alway harp person2 father im alreadi use person1 cant bear john person2 dare say good person1 yeah realli put blame,#Person1# complains to John about #Person1#'s dad's blame. person1 heard reorgan person2 realli person1 ye flexibl aggress creativ peopl urgent need market depart person2 person1 jame go pack person2 good leav alon time,#Person1# shares with #Person2# the news of reorganization. person1 hey mike youv surf net quit earth search person2 someth rel hacker often hear peopl talk dont know much person1 well roughli speak hacker comput buff person2 mean guy use enthusiast knowledg comput person1 say person2 peopl alway neg attitud toward person1 must mix hacker cracker person2 cracker person1 anoth group peopl loudli call hacker arent break comput break phone system real hacker call peopl cracker want noth person2 two total differ concept person1 well real hacker mostli think cracker lazi irrespons bright feel abl break secur make hacker abl start car without key make automot engin unfortun mani journalist writer fool use word hacker describ cracker irrit real hacker end person2 see basic differ hacker build thing cracker break person1 got person2 thank lot person1 welcom,#Person1# tells Mike about the definition of hacker and cracker and explains the differences as the word hacker is often misused to describe crackers. person1 kate like tonight often go movi person2 cours often go movi person1 there good movi call summer beij person2 heard good movi person1 let find time start person2 let look newspap person1 start 8 oclock person2 wonder im excit,#Person1# invites Kate to go to the movie tonight and Kate agrees. person1 ryan go celebr person2 etv palac im glad brought platinum card person1 wont need stanley best man go treat everybodi person2 stanley idea bachelor parti etv wasnt person1 stanley wed wed etv love sing person2 bet he realli good person1 well uh ill let decid hell littl later here room,#Person1# tells Ryan that Stanley will treat everybody in the ETV palace. person1 excus offic textil corpor person2 ye person1 im ctc trade compani card person2 welcom corpor im charg export busi person1 im glad meet your ms person2 im hui sit wont person1 thank ms im discuss possibl establish busi relat corpor person2 wed glad seen exhibit display hall person1 ye look around yesterday wish could give price list specif person2 ye cours make inquiri make firm offer person1 thank much,#Person1# comes to Ms. In to discuss the possibility of establishing business relations with her corporation. Ms. In gives #Person1# a price list with specifications as requested. person1 linda john go get marri next week person2 that wonder congratul person1 thank linda would love come wed person2 id love date person1 may 1st person2 day person1 saturday could make time person2 ye sure time wed begin person1 nine sharp person2 good im look forward pleas give best regard john wish best luck person1 thank,#Person1# invites Linda to attend #Person1# and John's wedding on May 1st. person1 may help person2 im problem person1 person2 appar owe fee never got bank statement person1 apolog person2 fee went didnt even know fee pay person1 see problem person2 go person1 cancel fee owe person2 dont pay fee person1 youll pay initi fee person2 that fine appreci help,#Person2# owes some fees but doesn't get a bank statement. #Person1# will cancel the extra fees. person1 good morn help person2 want american breakfast fri egg sunni side person1 kind juic prefer sir person2 grapefruit juic pleas make coffe strong person1 ye sir american breakfast fri egg sunni side grapefruit juic black coffe correct sir person2 ye that right person1 thing els sir person2 that person1 good morn sir ive brought breakfast order person2 put tabl pleas person1 need anyth els sir person2 thank ah ye juic minibar person1 kind juic would like sir person2 tomato orang appl juic pleas person1 ye sir ill get right away would pleas sign bill first thank sir,"#Person2# orders an American breakfast with fried eggs, grapefruit juice, and coffee with #Person1#'s assistance, then he orders tomato, orange, and apple juice for the minibar after the breakfast is brought." person1 let get last week note person2 yeah sure didnt come class day person1 couldnt come person2 person1 wasnt feel well person2 person1 thank lot note person2 oh rest person1 thank much person2 problem,#Person1# asks #Person2# for the notes as #Person1# didn't come to class last week. person1 restaur want waiter bring bill attract attent person2 make eye contact nod head tell come tabl ask person1 went girlfriend nice restaur last night notic mani peopl shout bill person2 seem littl impolit restaur person1 that thought thought id ask see thought anyway yesterday even person2 well warm even stretch leg walk along canal coupl mile actual sever peopl idea saw bill person1 day person2 seem ok didnt stop chat opposit bank canal wave person1 need move furnitur could help lift person2 cours want move first person1 let move sofa get grip bottom end ill lift end want move sideway direct,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about ways of attracting the waiter's attention to have him bring the bill. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# had a walk last night. #Person1# requests #Person2# to lift some furniture. person1 ive stand sinc half past seven earth person2 im terribl sorri im late couldnt help person1 realli easi say your sorri person2 look give chanc explain,#Person1#'s angry that #Person2#'s late. person1 mani peopl famili person2 know china singlechild polici therefor there husband daughter famili person1 one daughter one son there husband parent live famili person2 anymor live brother person1 parent live get older theyll probabl go retir home one brother person2 two older brother one younger sister person1 also grew big famili one older brother three younger sister person2 long marri person1 seven year person2 marri five year think divorc person1 becom common howev dont ever want get divorc person2 husband cheat treat badli would get divorc person1 happen mayb could marri brother could becom inlaw person2 haha interest ill keep mind dont tell husband person1 cours,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the number of their own family members and discuss marriage affairs. person1 order offic suppli need person2 fill form whatev need need person1 need mani thing person2 get right away might order person1 wait day item person2 make sure money alloc suppli much offic suppli person1 dont think much money suppli littl person2 would like deliv come get person1 sure yet person2 finish complet request form order let know suppli great day person1 goodby,#Person2# asks #Person1# to fill out the request form to order office supplies and suggest that #Person1# make sure that there is money allocated for these supplies. person1 didnt show morn meet what person2 well came work overtim yesterday statist import document seem inaccur stay doubl check boss awar late work last night left offic told could come one hour later morn person1 still look littl bit tire time leav person2 around 1 thirti morn guess didnt fall asleep till 3 number involv mind couldnt stop think person1 that normal tens work even work overtim alway pleasant experi either work overtim everyday whole week includ weekend realli broke rhythm got littl sick later person2 work weekend someth hate person1 compani ask els,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# didn't show up in the meeting because #Person2# worked overtime last night to doublecheck the accuracy of some statistics. So #Person2# is allowed to come an hour later. Then, #Person1# and #Person2# talk about overtime working." person1 good morn wilson associ person2 brown speak id like speak mr toma person1 im sorri mr toma left minut ago person2 ive tri call last ten minut line busi back soon person1 im afraid away rest day person2 way reach person1 im afraid gone town busi may take messag person2 busi appoint ten oclock tomorrow morn im afraid cant make person1 would like make anoth appoint person2 unfortun im leav unexpectedli may away sever day person1 see ill tell mr toma youv call person2 thank,Brown phones for Mr.Tomas but #Person1# tells Brown he isn't available. Brown requests #Person1# to tell Mr.Tomas that Brown has to cancel the appointment with him. person1 good morn help person2 wed like check would pleas give bill person1 certainli room number name pleas person2 room 204 210 im jenni tour guid group room number 205 person1 moment pleas jenni ill final bill readi minut person2 ok bit rush wed like go downtown shop person1 sorri keep wait itll moment total 3107 dollar,The tour guide Jenny checks serval rooms out at the hotel and asks for the bill with #Person1#'s assistance. person1 excus sir mr robertson australia person2 ye person1 mr robertson welcom beij person2 person1 im lili person2 oh great meet miss lili person1 im also glad meet pleas come way that car baggag go boot person2 good person1 first visit beij person2 first visit china longcherish desir pay visit beauti countri person1 go stay beij person2 five day fli xian wife wait hong kong way hong kong visit guilin first person1 that wonder idea well mr robertson born australia person2 born london person1 wonder understand well person2 ye speak british english bit australian accent person1 find hard understand australian friend speak australian english person2 think australian speak quickli,Lily's giving Mr. Robertson a reception who comes to Beijing for the first time. Mr. Robertson tells Lily his travel plan and they talk about the Australian accent. person1 take winter holiday person2 usual take second third week januari person1 like ski person2 ye love go ski person1 go person2 go hotel mountain person1 far person2 hundr mile away person1 get cold person2 oh ye get cold snow lot person1 go alon person2 coupl friend usual go want come along weekend person1 dont like cold weather person2 realli like love snow,#Person2# loves skiing in the mountains with friends during the winter holiday. #Person2# invites #Person1# to come along this weekend but #Person1# doesn't like cold weather. person1 hello mr jackson person2 hello mr jone come sit what matter person1 pain tooth person2 often pain person1 dont ive never bad one like person2 start person1 three hour ago person2 mean start one person1 ye soon finish lunch person2 well porridg milk soup meal two day youll feel better person1 give medicin pain person2 ye ill give pill take one three one three time day come three day ill pull necessari,Mrs. Jones has pain in her tooth. Mr. Jackson offers some food suggestions and gives her pills. person1 im lose sleep feel tire sleepi time ive got someth person2 im sorri go person1 want move dorm rent small flat person2 that good idea much conveni person1 need help person2 find one person person1 ye person2 ill sleep tonight tell decis tomorrow ok,#Person1# is losing sleep. #Person1# wants to move out of the dorm and requests #Person2# to live together. person1 id like buy fridg qualiti higher product person2 strongli recommend intern enterpris produc high qualiti household applianc person1 warranti person2 ye product warranti person1 long person2 fridg cover oneyear warranti person1 model best seller year person2 one like person1 big could recommend someth els person2 sure way pleas,#Person1# wants to buy a fridge and asks about Higher products. #Person2# strongly recommends it and offers a detailed introduction. person1 what matter look miser person2 us person1 mean us person2 well use talk marri rememb person1 mean talk arent person2 oh ye use much togeth person1 ye rememb never use argu use think wonder go person2 back live parent that someth els use marri rememb,#Person2# and #Person1# have marital problems and #Person2# decides to live with parents. person1 hi jane look great person2 lost weight person1 ye took 4 kilo glad notic person2 crazi diet fat hope person1 chang eat habit eat balanc meal eat less person2 good keep,#Person1#'s glad that Jane notices that #Person1# lost some weight. #Person1# tells her #Person1# took off 4 kilos by changing eating habits. person1 want go get pizza sophi person2 black im wait packag deliv person1 hate shop onlin would faster get want store sit day isnt mom home person2 mom went work person1 download app keep track packag come back get deliveri notic person2 thank mr bossi even leav packag short time someon could steal person1 good dont want seen littl brother person2 realli plan stay home wait packag dont pizza deliv person1 great wait,Black suggests going to get some pizza but Sophie's waiting for a package. They finally decide to have the pizza delivered. person1 look cheer what matter person2 oh noth special im think lot person1 job person2 everyth catch train everi morn sit offic day watch televis program person1 need holiday person2 wasnt alway like know person1 mean person2 well great great grandfath fun didnt mean haunt food grow veget dip thing sort job year year there varieti live person1 need holiday that matter,#Person1# suggests #Person2# take a holiday to rest as #Person2# thinks too much about everything around #Person2#. person1 excus sir could smoke im pregnant person2 cours im sorri maam actual hate cant quit person1 know easi mani friend succeed quit person2 realli person1 quit famili decid give smoke got marri person2 marri person1 im 22 year old person2 must start smoke earli age person1 ye start 5 year ago copi father know mistak late person2 late must believ tri person1 thank person2 father still smoke person1 sinc got throat cancer realli scare told news person2 smoke realli harm earlier stop smoke better person1 right anyway ill keep tri,#Person1# is pregnant and tells #Person2# not to smoke. #Person1# gives #Person2# some suggestions on how to give up smoking. person1 im problem get school email system keep tell password wrong person2 hum last time check email person1 beat sometim last week mayb monday person2 well keep problem go school center show teacher student card give new password get new one person1 center person2 oh round build behind frost wu see person1 ye thank much person2 your welcom way center isnt open close everi tuesday afternoon youd better go tomorrow,#Person1# cannot log into the school email system and #Person2# suggests going to the IT centre for help. person1 realli hard understand speaker person2 your right accent like speaker anoth countri speak softli think would rude ask turn microphon littl bit person1 dont think he wear one either he turn person2 that crazi must 400 peopl person1 part confer turn wast time mayb leav tri find anoth lectur person2 cant come specif hear guy speech think ill go end speech tri ask question person1 good idea would mind follow might way get anyth hour person2 problem,#Person1# and #Person2# cannot understand the speaker because he's speaking too softly. #Person1# wants to leave but chooses to stay with #Person2# who wants to ask the speaker some questions at the end. person1 hi jeff weekend person2 great mari person1 mother birthday saturday great time dinner home watch old movi told almost 70 year old thought go bore one best movi ive ever seen couldnt take eye screen laugh cri got angri person2 wow want see person1 im die watch hey dont get togeth parti see movi togeth person2 that great idea bring friend that ok person1 sure ill ask mom watch us tell us star let say 600 oclock saturday,Mary describes the old movie she watched at the weekend and invites Jeff to have a party to see the movie. person1 hi help person2 ye saw ad today newspap say need hire assist tell inform job person1 ok well manag busi agenc assist help answer phone type document problem youll concentr noisi environ handl person2 ye work busi organ person1 fast type person2 type 60 word per minut person1 great feel free come pick applic hire posit temporari first three month person2 make sens well look forward meet,#Person2# consults about the job #Person2# saw in the ad as an assistant in #Person1#'s agency. #Person1# introduces the specific work and asks about #Person2#'s working ability. person1 oversea oper may help person2 ye would like place collect call person1 tell name number person want person2 terri number 4562325 8 person1 pleas wait moment take second get,The overseas operator serves #Person2# to place a collect call. person1 right want bring everybodi project start work person2 well could probabl get start strategi meet tomorrow morn 8 person1 tell 800 good guy get start come around 8 person2 fine much time go work,"#Person1# wants to have everybody start working on a project, so #Person2# suggests having a strategy meeting tomorrow at 8. As the time doesn't fit #Person1# well, #Person1#'ll come by at around 8." person1 help today person2 wash machin isnt work person1 what problem person2 water drain person1 anyth els wrong person2 that person1 come fix youd like person2 abl fix person1 afternoon 2 thirti sound person2 would perfect person1 alright ill see person2 see,#Person2#'s washing machine isn't working. #Person1#'ll come to fix it in the afternoon. person1 good morn madam person2 need money transfer uk compani kind emerg person1 shouldnt problem madam im sure sort quickli person2 would wonder problem dont account problem isnt person1 well honest slow thing littl big problem person2 earth sorri ive never heard person1 meanstelegraph transfer use way fast secur done anywher anywher world,"#Person2# needs to transfer money from the UK. Since #Person2# doesn't have an account with #Person1#, #Person1# suggests #Person2# use T/T which is quick and secure." person1 excus order much may take food home person2 ye sure person1 pay extra charg person2 dont free charg person1 well put doggi bag person2 ye certainli would wait minut person1 thank would anoth favor person2 ye person1 chines tea us pleas person2 sure ill back minut,#Person1# ordered too much and takes the food home for free with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 welcom lincoln bank new custom person2 ye open account month ago today im see loan kind person1 see dont long histori us check credit rate previou bank promis loan person2 ye that fine credit good bank former bank mani year person1 may ask decid switch account us person2 haha actual felt array servic much better old bank offer plu ive got plenti friend bank extrem happi person1 alway welcom new busi give detail former bank includ account number begin person2 everyth right ill let go come back id like good read materi make sure make right choic,"#Person2# inquires #Person1# about loans. Since #Person2# doesn't have a long history with Lincoln Bank, #Person1# asks about #Person2#'s credit rating, then #Person2# offers the details of #Person2#'s former bank." person1 wow your go tibet person2 ye broth go finish make itinerari person1 that realli cool ive alway dream go somewher like tibet see someth uniqu person2 great mind think alik brother think go tibet quit long time anyth schedul person1 noth particular person2 dont join us leav next week youll still week prepar person1 oh tibet sound great im afraid itll cost much last time travel india cost fortun person2 come travel wont cost much person1 ok count stay person2 youth hotel comfort cheap person1 make sure book room person2 ill take care person1 check whether accept credit card person2 problem,"#Person2# and #Person2#'s brother are going to Tibet and #Person1# thinks it's cool, then #Person2# invites #Person1# to join them and tells #Person1# it won't cost too much since they're traveling on their own, so #Person1# agrees." person1 im tire larri break person2 your tire start twenti minut ago person1 know im realli tire stomach feel funni person2 what matter didnt sleep well last night person1 excit sleep last night didnt go sleep quit late person2 go sleep person1 2 oclock morn person2 person1 2 oclock person2 oh susi didnt tell wouldnt abl climb mountain unless got enough sleep person1 cant help person2 oneday trip well keep go tri reach top noon give right go home one choos person1 one choos dont want give realli feel tire person2 make mind quickli whether keep go give person1 let think think give,"Larry and Susie are climbing the mountain, but Susie gets tired soon due to lack of sleep. Larry asks her whether she wants to keep going or give up. Susie finally decides to keep going." person1 betti would pleas read letter applic ive written id like opinion person2 id glad tell think person1 good im interest advic person2 would chang begin write educ first like judg man abil person1 good idea betti would think second part person2 think short youd better say someth work experi person1 your right ill chang last part person2 good talk famili person1 agre appreci help,Betty's giving her opinion about #Person1#'s letter of application as requested. person1 thank come shop person2 im honor thought ask person1 ive never given speech front thousand peopl person2 your go great your go look great person1 thank let decid one suit look best occas person2 still like oliv one best there tailor take sleev person1 question done friday person2 guy profession think done tomorrow let ask,#Person2#'s shopping with #Person1# to help #Person1# choose a suit for the speech. person1 nice uniform person2 thank like person1 realli sarcast come job person2 ye everyon sale floor wear one theyr suppos make us look profession person1 theyr actual bad could wors think person2 dont mind actual dont worri im go wear everi day person1 enjoy new job person2 much better old one new boss great person1 like work sale person2 like fact get work peopl make day go much faster person1 that good met jane yet she intern intern travel depart person2 yeah ive met she geniu saleswoman person1 know could sell fridg eskimo person2 know person1 she cousin person2 didnt tell person1 dont know didnt think interest person2 well know mayb go dinner sometim person1 that good idea let discuss work,"#Person2#'s working in sales now. #Person2# doesn't mind the uniforms though they're not good-looking and #Person2# enjoys the job as #Person2# can get to work with people. Then, they talk about Jane, a genius saleswoman who turns out to be #Person1#'s cousin." person1 miss wang im allan jame director human recours depart compani person2 mr jame thank ask come person1 pleas sit begin person2 thank person1 know miss wang look execut secretari busi background good english skill look resum thought might good candid person2 thank person1 today interview us get know littl interview last littl bit longer your comfort want ask question,"Allan James tells Miss Wang she's a good candidate for an executive secretary, then they're about to start the interview." person1 good morn doctor person2 good morn miss mandi today person1 feel well ive got bad cold person2 got sore throat person1 ive got headach person2 ye see go home bed take one pill everi three hour person1 thank much,Miss Mandy's got a cold and a headache. The doctor asks her to rest and take some pills. person1 good day servic today person2 hello id like open foreign currenc account person1 see well bank offer mani differ account natur 7 choos person2 oh dear want aud possibl person1 well could chang australian dollar say british pound open account sound person2 mayb ill go us dollar account,"#Person2# wants to open a Foreign Currency Account in AUD but it's not available, so #Person2#'ll open a US dollar account." person1 hi wonder test result person2 didnt see anyth ordinari want log onto websit printout detail person1 basic ok person2 major problem would alway notifi phone come person1 learn see result websit person2 descript test given site person1 number tell person2 websit give normal rang tell result person1 test result site person2 entir test histori site compar result year,#Person2# asks #Person1# to log onto the website for a printout of #Person1#'s test results and tells #Person1# how to read the online test results. person1 hi doctor appoint schedul dr smith need chang person2 day schedul person1 appoint tuesday person2 time schedul person1 two oclock afternoon person2 see appoint day would like switch person1 would like switch next friday person2 time would like person1 would like come 10 person2 fine pencil right see,#Person2# serves #Person1# to reschedule the appointment with Dr. Smith to next Friday at 10. person1 wed like welcom everyon michelson tool factori site thank everyon today name paul shafer ill show around today pleas feel free ask question point tour ill happi answer question person2 realli necessari wear protect gear person1 that excel question ill bet wonder ask wear hard hat safeti googl you plant reason simpl care safeti want ensur injuri today see maintain high level safeti also requir staff wear similar protect gear person2 long tour take person1 take twenti minut go main plant mayb anoth ten take look laboratori togeth tour last half hour person2 okay person1 well dont question shall get start youll follow first ill take site semiconductor system,Paul Shafer'll show #Person2# around the Michelson Tools factory site. Paul explains the importance of wearing protective gear and tells #Person2# the tour should last about half an hour. person1 excus catch bu museum person2 ye your right stop person1 thank person2 new person1 ye person2 got small chang requir exact fare person1 ye ive got coin much fare person2 one yuan get front bu drop money box person1 see often bu run time day person2 run everi ten minut oh come bu,#Person1# and #Person2# are waiting for a bus. They have a casual talk and #Person2# requests #Person1# for small change. person1 enough today last question thank take time come interview person2 your welcom moment question got good pictur job compani question answer thank time person1 intern discuss contact inform decis whether continu person2 ok nice talk look forward decis earliest conveni bye person1 goodby,"At the end of the job interview, #Person1# tells #Person2# they'll have an internal discussion and will inform #Person2# of the decision." person1 id like order dinner person2 would like person1 id like order bottl champagn lobster tail filet mignon medium rare person2 im sorri current filet mignon may suggest porterhous instead person1 id prefer filet porterhous person2 may suggest chocolatecov strawberri champagn person1 normal would take suggest champagn tonight person2 okay strawberri room servic charg amen account right person1 that fine person2 shortli enjoy food sir,"Since the filet mignon #Person1# orders isn't available, #Person2# suggests the porterhouse and chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne. #Person1#'ll go for the porterhouse and prefers just the champagne." person1 expect dinner come tonight person2 tonight promis go concert sister person1 well friday person2 sound fine person1 good shall say seven oclock person2 ill your still fabul cook arent person1 thatll decid ive got new dish want tri person2 im readi ill look forward friday,#Person2#'ll come to #Person1#'s house for dinner on Friday and #Person1# will prepare a new dish. person1 excus could tell whether restaur near person2 ye one sanyuan bridg famou restaur citi person1 im afraid must lot peopl person2 think think youd better make phone call see whether tabl avail person1 dont know telephon number person2 tourist guidebook look book person1 kind thank much person2 pleasur,#Person2# recommends a restaurant to #Person1# and offers a tourist guidebook for #Person1# to call to check the availability. person1 know pull person2 idea person1 left brake light person2 awar person1 im go write ticket person2 cant give break person1 im job person2 much ticket person1 get inform court person2 go court person1 that right person2 fine give ticket,"#Person2#'s left brake light is out, so #Person1# pulled #Person2# over and writes #Person2# a ticket." person1 let go wangfuj bu person2 better take subway faster conveni person1 ok new experi person2 rather comprehens subway system get almost anywher rather quickli subway especi time day traffic heavi person1 pay fare person2 give man stand 3 yuan hell give token slip slot turnstil push turnstil get person1 let pay get subway map person2 ask worker sell token give one free fo charg actual map show subway rout post station person1 pay addit fare chang train person2 dont come train,"#Person2# suggests taking the subway to Wangfujing because it's faster and more convenient, then #Person2# tells #Person1# how to pay the fare and where to get a subway map" person1 billi dont look well mayb take day school person2 mom today play footbal love footbal person1 youv god fever play footbal isnt good idea boy fever what arm person2 dont know woke morn person1 rash id better take see doctor get bruis leg person2 bash chair room person1 hurt person2 littl much person1 put wet towel face keep temperatur ill take doctor breakfast person2 im better afternoon go school person1 better doubt,Billy's got a fever and there's a rash on his arm and bruise on his leg. His mother'll take him to the doctor though Billy wants to play football at school. person1 look dad mani peopl morn exercis person2 ye use come grandpa child person1 realli happi person2 arent happi hadnt seen piano child person1 daddi dont mention person2 park beauti good thing taken camera person1 dad id like take pictur statu person2 right give big smile readi chees person1 daddi cant photo whole famili take one person2 excus sir could take photo us press button,"#Person2#'s sightseeing in the park with his family. #Person2# takes a photo for his daughter, then he requests a passer-by to take a photo of the whole family." person1 interest present ms wang colleagu impress propos person2 oh sure idea interest well person1 show appreci hard work wed like invit dinner us person2 oh would love thank person1 excel french food person2 oh ye marvel,#Person1# invites Ms. Wang to have French food to show their appreciation for her presentation. person1 welcom help person2 hello would like room pleas person1 right quit select choos doubl room twin bed suit youd like presidenti suit top floor person2 doubl room sound great person1 right sir mani night stay person2 night im quit sure schedul yet person1 ok ill need see credit card passport person2 person1 rate doubl room one night person2 sinc low season run special rate right 150 yuan per night person1 featur room person2 room includ televis set aircondit bathroom person1 tv cabl person2 ye sir,#Person2# orders a double room for a few nights under #Person1#'s recommendation. person1 youll love chick drink person2 what suppos mean weak person1 well mean kind sweet see guess what person2 mmm beer tequila lime person1 bad realli know booz guess know what salsa person2 fresh tomato green white onion person1 dont tell your salsa expert,#Person1# asks #Person2# to taste a chick drink and the salsa and #Person2# tells the ingredients correctly. person1 may see passport person2 person1 long go stay person2 one week person1 purpos visit person2 sightse person1 go stay person2 hilton hotel person1 anyth declar person2 noth,#Person1#'s questioning #Person2# at the customs. person1 ive read new snack food made fish heard anyth person2 havent dont like fish much anyway person1 worri although made primarili fish actual doesnt fishi tast fact flavor tomato chees chocol instanc person2 tast fishi know snack food made person1 first fish minc cook ferment water starch ad make dough person2 sound aw person1 actual dough bland al point flavor ad give tast person2 well still sound littl strang suppos product least low calori high protein like health food person1 ye could call long shelf life wont spoil quickli also easi digest ha made type fish usual arent eaten high grade fish byproduct person2 mm got sampl might will tri cheeseflavor varieti person1 none seem avail yet understand fish snack food probabl wont store anoth coupl year youll get use whole idea person2 coupl year ah may take long thank tell,#Person1# tells #Person2# about a new snack food with different flavors made from fish and introduces the process of making it. #Person1# also tells #Person2# the food has a long shelf time and is easy to digest. #Person2# wants to try the food but it won't be in the stores for years. person1 hello thank call comput technic support person2 uh ye problem person1 call import us answer call order receiv number 47 queue approxim wait time 47 minut person3 jason speak help person2 oh im save thought go wait day person3 okay what problem person2 yeah well bought one laptop comput three week ago isnt run right person3 okay well sorri say comput longer warranti ran yesterday person2 threeweek warranti yeah great isnt ah person3 okay okay seem problem person2 well first thing alway freez yeah crash zillion time alway person3 uh sir person2 think comput infect spywar big banana trojan viru that normal that biggest that normal that biggest concern person3 oh oh uh sir person2 plu ton preinstal thirdparti program clutter comput im wit end tri get thing work person3 sir put hold person2 person3 go take us minut diagnos problem huh im go transfer one technician person2 one one person1 thank wait call import us number 84 queue approxim wait time 2 hour 17 minut whenev get around answer call end call continu comput advertis person4 experi sound familiar comput hold hostag cant get servic deserv call turbo command creator safest reliabl comput oper system planet listen competit spend time tri imit comput perform featur compani innov comput industri buy comput hiccup everi time turn owner sleekest friendliest machin ever call us today visit websit inform let us introduc ultim comput experi,"#Person2# calls computer technical support because the computer #Person2# bought three weeks ago isn't running right but Jason tells #Person2# the computer is no longer under warranty. #Person2#'s astonished at the length of the warranty and tells Jason about the problems. Jason transfers #Person2# to a technician, but it turns out to be the answering machine and then the continuation of a computer advertisement." person1 pleas pleas help seem lost handbag person2 calm madam well ill fill report color madam person1 well white one person2 big person1 mm guess one foot long seven inch tall person2 one foot long seven inch tall what bag madam person1 wallet two key letter person2 leav person1 sure left coffe shop 5th floor person2 dont worri madam sure find could give name address telephon number,#Person1# requests #Person2# to find her handbag she left in the coffee shop. She describes its features and tells #Person2# its content. person1 start new job week person2 ye start day yesterday person1 like new job boss person2 well demand interest boss seem consider said kind friendli employe person1 your satisfi job arent person2 ye think happi new job,#Person2# started the new job the day before yesterday and is satisfied with it. person1 want go picinc tomorrow person2 id like ask jenni go us person1 oh busi danc class know big perform week person2 ye your right realli good learn danc leg hasnt complet recov accid person1 doesnt think crazi danc take camera tomorrow person2 want lent tom yesterday one person1 know mari got one let go ask shed like join us person2 ok,"#Person1# invites #Person2# to a picnic. #Person2# wants to invite Jenny but #Person1# says she's busy with her dancing class. #Person2#'s camera isn't available, so they'll ask Mary who's got one to join them." person1 dont look well person2 im feel well ive caught cold person1 bad weather realli miser past tew day person2 hasnt cold windi recent like weather person1 realli ive got use person2 oh im go trip new york autumn what weather like new york person1 quit good windi dri got continent climat dri year round usual autumn best season year new york person2 cold autumn take warm cloth person1 isnt cold time youll need light wool cloth somejacket shirt,"#Person2# has caught a cold because of the bad weather. #Person2#'s going on a trip to New York, so #Person1# tells about the weather there and suggests bringing some light wool clothing." person1 boss come joe like ton brick person2 spoke evil behind back person1 know bad mouth person2 someon told joe person1 difficult situat person2 sure hell get bag think,#Person2# tells #Person1# the boss was furious because Joe spoke evil behind the boss's back. person1 good morningmiss wang beauti look today person2 thank im wear makeup person1 taught put makeup person2 studi makeup beauti shop person1 teach makeup person2 cours first use eye shadow heighten eye person1 eye shadow think fit person2 think pink eye shadow popular among chines girl person1 protect chap lip person2 suggest use lipstick also accentu lip person1 grow long nail person2 pay attent trim time time,"Miss Wang tells #Person1# she studied make-up at a beauty shop and teaches #Person1# how to do make-up including eye shadow, lipsticks, and long nails." person1 im famish let get grub person2 im mood chip salsa person1 chip light crispi person2 tangi freshlymad salsa mouth water alreadi person1 ill go get chip want drink person2 surpris,Both #Person1# and #Person2# feel like eating something. #Person1#'ll go get the chips. person1 what terribl nois person2 engin crew warm take gold vancouv person1 ear hurt suppos that atmospher pressur mani thing happen us airplan person2 noth seriou go happen sit back relax person1 minut later person2 excus want headphon movi person1 sure way direct flight isnt person2 stopov chicago person1 feel much better suppos someth happen pilot person2 copilot take big plane alway carri two pilot person1 feel reliev person2 arriv new york hour safeti pleas fasten seatbelt wish enjoy flight person1 isnt terribl,"#Person1# feels uncomfortable when the plane's taking off. #Person2# answers #Person1#'s questions about the flight and assures #Person1# of the safety, then #Person1# feels relieved." person1 go person2 im go gym lift weight want come person1 thank im go prepar chemistri midterm usual lift weight person2 lift get stronger swim help heart lung jump rope improv balanc person1 wow wish much train person2 start slowli littl day person1 thank well fun,#Person2#'s going to the gym and suggests #Person1# start slowly and a little more each day if #Person1# wants to take up training. person1 need go bank person2 theyr close today person1 close kid kind holiday today person2 alreadi forgotten what date today person1 oh first april april fool day person2 forgot didnt person1 sort remind least one thing need rememb person2 what person1 tomorrow wife birthday person2 better forget pretti strang wife birthday chang everi year person1 wife chines celebr birthday accord lunar calendar person2 ah got person1 differ cultur guess make life interest differ cultur come togeth,"#Person2# play a trick on #Person1# as it's April Fools' Day, which reminds #Person1# of his wife's birthday. #Person1# tells #Person2# his wife is Chinese so she celebrates her birthday according to the lunar calendar." person1 guess ill summer person2 person1 im go work riversid hotel person2 exactli person1 let see ill small repair insid outsid hotel ill cut grass take care flower person2 sound interest what pay person1 well 15 00 hour 5 hour day sunday free person2 that good money go person1 ill pay textbook next term,#Person1#'ll work at the Riverside Hotel and will use the pay to pay for the textbooks next term. person1 hello helen look bad everyth ok person2 ye im fine thank im bit tire morn that person1 stay last night person2 dream woke didnt get much sleep dreamt walk forest night couldnt see anyth person1 sound frighten person2 dream saw white light behind tree strang light seem get bigger smaller aliv first stood light seem move toward could see someth like face old man tri run away feet felt heavi couldnt run fast enough that woke shake,"Helen's tired because she dreamed a bad dream so she didn't get enough sleep, then Helen describes the details of the dream to #Person1#." person1 happi show us today like film movi iceland person2 cold never iceland didnt realli know expect arent lot peopl countri film small fish villag wasnt uncommon go day without see anyon villag mainli kept person1 think everyon audienc die know hung johnni depp person2 ye cours stay hous person1 well like person2 he nice also told realli great joke spent lot time wrap blanket set snow quit bit first day,#Person2# shares with #Person1# the experience of filming a movie in Iceland and tells #Person1# about Johnny Deep whom #Person1# worked with during that time. person1 would like cup coffe person2 ye would good person1 cream sugar person2 neither milk person1 ok oh person2 what matter person1 machin order person2 lose money person1 sure person2 complain machin alway order person1 well still want cup coffe dont person2 yeah let go restaur student center person1 last time crowd wait line almost half hour person2 realli let go somewher els cant take long test 300 person1 ok let go librari there anoth machin downstair telephon,"#Person1# and #Person2# are buying coffee on a machine, but the machine is out of order, so they'll go to another machine." person1 welcom back everyon im talk nick parker singer band crispi hello nick welcom show person2 hello person1 nick one question sister mel band isnt person2 yeah weve play sing togeth sinc young dad took us hear great band play live mel put show school mom didnt want us get seriou music thought concentr studi howev still enthusiast music person1 band form person2 2 musician music school saw us play concert ask wed like form band agre tri person1 band first year person2 surpris audienc enjoy perform local concert record 2 song sent music compani ask us join parent said finish colleg first person1 disappoint person2 everyth weve record done well 3 singl gone number one first album sold 1000000 copi weve got thousand fan howev ive ill recent weve start record second album late piti,"Nick Parker, the singer with the band, Crispy, is on a show. He talks about his sister Mel who's also in the band, tells #Person1# how his band formed, and recalls the band in the first year and some disappointments." person1 taylor tell appli job internet person2 fill applic person1 send email person2 expect know email address unit person1 still dont know unit need staff person2 send applic jobwant websit person1 unit see inform person2 twoway choic applic read person1 websit offer servic person2 sina 21st centuri talent net other person1 thank,Taylor tells #Person1# how to apply for a job on the Internet. person1 hello john distribut help person2 ye need ice water deliv person1 complet person2 enough long weekend person1 okay send someon deliv tomorrow person2 thank person1 problem,#Person2# needs some ice water. #Person1# will deliver it tomorrow. person1 wash cloth often person2 come past year person1 wash person2 actual lot cheaper wash cloth person1 ive wash cloth coupl time person2 dont wash cloth home person1 would wash machin wasnt broken person2 dont get fix person1 cant afford person2 plan wash cloth person1 that option right person2 dont worri besid lot cheaper wash cloth way,#Person2# comes to this laundry because it's cheap. #Person1# comes here because #Person1#'s washing machine is broken. person1 what wrong offic person2 realiz ran red light dont person1 person2 didnt see red light person1 im sorri run realli didnt know person2 didnt learn red mean stop person1 know person2 tell sped yellow light person1 im sure person2 im give ticket person1 im sorri misunderstand person2 mayb youll think decid run anoth light,#Person1# ran a red light but #Person1# doesn't realize that. #Person2# gives #Person1# a ticket to warn #Person1#. person1 call find receiv unemploy check week person2 send continu claim form last period person1 think forgot send person2 need care send form everi two week want get paid person1 send person2 look claim form see fourteen day sinc due still accept person1 mail earli next time late person2 actual mail earli need reflect inform due date person1 paycheck come right away person2 check arriv littl late,#Person1# calls #Person2# to ask why #Person1# didn't receive an unemployment check this week. #Person2# says it's because #Person1# forgot to send the continued claim form. person1 move apart plumb work person2 describ plumb problem person1 bathtub bare drain person2 okay bathroom plumb need look kitchen plumb person1 neither kitchen bathroom plumb work well person2 problem go long time person1 start happen last night person2 come look afternoon person1 home person2 alway use key get would prefer,#Person1# turns to #Person2# for help as the plumbing in #Person1#'s apartment doesn't work. #Person2# will look at it this afternoon. person1 rude wife person2 didnt like but didnt want she chatter box person1 mean help troubl person2 know cant stand but tri emphas point,#Person2# tells #Person1# why #Person2# is rude to #Person2#'s wife. person1 centralis manag also increas effici fund testimoni variou compani happi servic person2 ye im sure sound like excel servic person1 see nowaday lot compani concern group account manag long compani meet requir group account deposit servic would fulli recommend person2 seem perfect person1 leaflet detail everyth weve discuss person2 could also let view testimoni id realli interest see group compani thought servic,#Person1# introduces and recommends the group account management service to #Person2# and #Person2# wants to see the testimonials. person1 ever earthquak person2 ye experienc one tokyo tremor last second though person1 know measur richter scale person2 dont rememb wasnt seriou ever earthquak person1 quit tornado younger person2 person1 im plain midwest prime locat tornado person2 hous ever get damag wind person1 time lucki tree front yard rip root end live room person2 wow must realli scari person1 actual fon best memori childhood spend time famili basement wait tornado pass person2 ever experi flood person1 father car destroy flood actual happen day bought car person2 sure didnt last long,#Person2# experienced an earthquake in Tokyo. #Person1# hasn't been in an earthquake but was in quite a few tornados when #Person1# was younger and #Person1#'s father's car was destroyed in a flood. person1 what weather forecast today person2 cloudi morn overcast afternoon person1 rain person2 wouldnt surpris rain tomorrow person1 wouldnt either look like rain sever day,#Person2# tells #Person1# the weather forecast for today. person1 hi jane let know best way get hous even person2 certainli come person1 need citi centr afternoon come straight person2 ok take underground circl line high street kensington make sure take high street kensington exit person1 got person2 ok leav underground cross road see horntown street street crossroad see fast food place right person1 hold look map ok see horntown road go straight intersect person2 need turn left philimor take next right person1 ok see road person2 that fine miss next kensington centra librari person1 good see librari map person2 ok live third build left see around 7 pm person1 that great see seven,#Person1# will visit Jane tonight and Jane tells #Person1# the best way to her house. #Person1# will see Jane at seven. person1 like megaintens isnt person2 ha unstopp im learn much person1 what like work person2 she demand like mean know timelin tight person1 tell person2 guy work around clock know guy dave next zina never leav person1 vinc want us everyth debug readi go end month,#Person2# shares with #Person1# the feelings of working with one of their colleagues. person1 great parti isnt person2 yeah realli like much person1 way name liu wei nice meet person2 hi im susan marshal call susan nice meet person1 look young susan person2 well im colleg student oxford univers person1 work bank china intern section,Liu Wei and Susan introduce themselves to each other at a party. person1 hi toni havent seen long time person2 ok ive look job day havent found one yet hard find work day luck person1 ye ive got job waiter job restaur person2 well paid person1 well 10 per hour keep tip come roughli 80 everi even person2 bad person1 actual there still anoth open interest youll sure get person2 that great ill go right speak boss person1 there rush see tomorrow ive told promis give job person2 nice susan thank lot person1 think noth toni im sure youd person2 could tell bit work mean do dont green hand know person1 first must punctual 6 p half hour prepar chang cloth thing like rememb smile smile custom time never pull long face even feel aw day anyth els oh ye never argu boss learn sayy sir person2 yesman mean person1 may put way like dont worri youll problem person2 hope,Tony is looking for a job. Susan tells Tony about her current job as a waiter in a restaurant and Tony has a great interest in it. Susan has told her boss about Tony and her boss promised to give Tony the job. Susan also tells Tony about the dos and don'ts. person1 person2 look look old look thirti person1 come stop vain look great beauti person2 ye think time plastic surgeri im tire wrinkl sag skin see person1 dont see wrinkl sag skin stop be ridicul besid think peopl get boto facelift tummi tuck look weird doesnt look natur person2 whatev think im gon na get liposuct nose job breast implant well person1 think need get brain surgeri honestli dont think need cosmet surgeri look amaz person2 thought friend would support want feel better feel attract person1 dont need plastic surgeri fine way guy drool plu plastic surgeri hurt person2 realli person1 yeah got nose job black blue week,#Person2# is not satisfied with #Person2#'s appearance and wants to have plastic surgery. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# looks good and plastic surgery hurts. person1 john troubl life person2 hear father die person1 yeah he easi time sinc boy doesnt know face music person2 luck,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about John's misfortune. person1 go bank withdraw money person2 today hot besid much housework friend came visit stay two hour didnt forget time person1 didnt right person2 ye im sorri person1 didnt answer question directli would chines answer question way simpli ask simpl question chines often give reason would give direct answer person2 ye im sorri know bother much dont know chines sometim would person1 know today ask student brought dictionari rule made class everyon bring bilingu dictionari sometim dont understand funniest thing student gave lot reason direct answer person2 know brought right person1 yeah explan like heavi hurri whatev,#Person1# asks #Person2# a question but #Person2# didn't answer directly. #Person1# complains about that. #Person2# is sorry about that but doesn't know why Chinese people sometimes would do this either. person1 mountain would great place compani retreat person2 that wonder choic person1 chosen januari month retreat person2 januari littl close christma holiday person1 ye mayb anoth choic might better person2 think april would work spring love time mountain person1 thank think person2 mayb ask around could see peopl would prefer person1 good idea person2 ill take care take survey get back answer,#Person1# and #Person2# discuss the proper time for the company retreat. #Person2# will take a survey and give #Person1# the answers. person1 tell someth past person2 born grew hebe provinc move beij start take cours mba complet degre offer opportun work financi servic compani ive work eight year person1 signific project youv work person2 assign project design 360 degre perform system challeng person financ background met technic peopl discuss possibl obstacl base inform select team creat spreadsheet manag project got project done schedul reward outstand result abl share honor team person1 financ experi make qualifi posit person2 past eight year work bank industri solid understand account concept analyt mind strong attent detail ive lot custom servic train experi told excel area person1 would cowork evalu person2 theyd say handwork real team player person1 salari expect person2 realli need inform job start discuss salari id like postpon decis later,"#Person1# has a job interview with #Person2# and #Person2# shares #Person2#'s past experiences, the most significant project #Person2# has worked on, how #Person2#'s coworkers evaluate #Person2#, the reasons why #Person2# is qualified for the position, and #Person2#'s salary expectations." person1 want send chines person2 person1 chines food im hungri there takeout restaur near deliv watch news tv eat person2 id rather go chines food rather differ home mayb tri food today allyoucaneat place pass day one shop center person1 okay could go call al steakhous also great fri fish love salad bar go back refil 1 plate often like person2 place serv larg portion meat person1 ye steak enorm sometim cant finish ive order person2 happen hate let food go wast person1 dont worri well get doggi bag,"#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing what to eat and they decide to have something in Al's Steakhouse, an all-you-can-eat place that serves such large portions of meat." person1 tell price bu pass person2 cost 65 buy monthli pass person1 cheaper bu pass person2 student pass person1 much person2 doesnt cost anyth pass person1 absolut free person2 monthli sticker cost person1 much person2 month itll cost 24 new sticker person1 let get student bu pass person2 let go get,#Person1# asks #Person2# the information of the bus pass and wants to get the student bus pass. person1 style white person2 sorri miss im afraid dont hand today person1 piti like get person2 ye mayb come friday,#Person1# wants the same style in white. #Person2# asks #Person1# to come on Friday. person1 room readi meet miss chen person2 ye mr li person1 microphon speaker person2 also done person1 good prepar paper pencil particip person2 ye laid name card meet tabl attend,Miss Chen has prepared everything well for Mr. Li's meeting. person1 hey mei hong get xian next week person2 im sure yet may take train might take bu person1 yeah bu take long time could fli expens day person2 realli mayb ill person1 ok well let know schedul ill book ticket person2 ok thank,#Person1# recommends Mei Hong to go to Xi'an by air and will book a ticket for Mei Hong. person1 would pleas take seat interest magazin coffeet person2 thank long take get son hair cut person1 shouldnt long thirti minut top hurri person2 im think mayb get hair shampoo person1 good idea want wash massag massag especi good tire person2 come person1 help speed circul person2 wont say person1 like person2 feel total refresh person1 discount coupon 100 yuan ten time would like one person2 time includ person1 cours person2 ye,#Person2# is thinking about getting hair shampooed when #Person2#'s son is getting hair cut. #Person1# recommends a massage. #Person2# feels refreshed and buys the coupon. person1 want make dinner tonight person2 think make person1 dont idea cook person2 make teriyaki bowl person1 tell make person2 consist teriyaki beef white rice person1 okay prepar person2 cook white rice person1 person2 cut beef marin teriyaki sauc person1 els person2 that left cook,#Person1# wants to make dinner but has no idea what to cook. #Person2# teaches #Person1# how to cook a teriyaki bowl. person1 one teddi two terri cloth robe three pair satin slipper two pair pajama person2 come 10 000 nt person1 let see ye 15 880 nt total discount total come 12 704 nt here free teddi bear free panti card applic person2 sign person1 right write address youll get card mail within week person2 ok person1 know friend like gift set especi teddi bear person2 well teddi bear person1 rememb keep receipt case friend need make exchang refund sale item,#Person2# is buying presents for a friend and #Person1# tells #Person1# to keep the receipt in case of any exchange. person1 madam made close studi draft contract yesterday even think someth need modifi person2 term person1 first term payment draft contract say payment made practic prefer payment made l c negoti bank america person2 good add contract person1 second thing would like point packag stipul contract comput part pack cardboard box think wooden case much safer person2 well right anyth els person1 far contract stipul concern noth thank much person2 well agre major point,#Person1# wants to modify the terms of payment and packaging in the draft contract. #Person2# has agreed on all the major points. person1 enjoy meal person2 ye realli enjoy person1 may interest dessert person2 ye sound great person1 well chocol mouss cake homemad fresh strawberri shortcak spici rum appl crisp special person2 appl crisp sound great person1 sinc four would like split second dessert person2 good suggest could pleas bring us chocol mouss cake four dessert fork pleas person1 would like coffe tea dessert person2 let four coffe pleas person1 ok right back dessert drink person2 thank realli enjoy meal,"#Person2# quite enjoys the meal and #Person1# will serve #Person2# an apple crisp, a chocolate mousse cake, and four coffees." person1 hi id like singl room person2 reserv person1 im afraid person2 let check vacanc your luck one singl room avail person1 much person2 60 night charg local call phone tv unless decid watch payperview channel person1 okay ill take person2 here key check time 12 noon want stay 6 p anoth half day pay anoth night person1 okay restaur open person2 open 630 10 p everi day person1 okay thank way room person2 way second floor person1 thank,"#Person1# wants a single room and #Person2#, the hotel receptionist, tells #Person1# the charge of the room and when is the restaurant open." person1 may help person2 ye pleas son want go oversea england master degre wonder offer kind loan could assist person1 certainli give detail loan call person loan studi abroad offer anyon studi outsid countri person2 see entail im sure elig person1 loan special provid peopl studi oversea pay tuition fee sundri item person2 could use pay son live expens tuition person1 that right sundri could includ accommod text book guidelin strict see person2 good know think weve worri week short visit mind eas thank,#Person2# wants to apply for a loan supporting #Person2#'s son's study abroad and #Person1# tells #Person2# details of the loan. #Person2# is happy that the loan can cover living expenses and tuition. person1 excus ive wait hour appoint schedul 1100 meet 130 pm took lunch earli came straight annual health examin person2 what name sir person1 peter jen person2 let seeyour next mr jen dr watson finish anoth patient anoth coupl minut person1 took two month get appoint im worri ill late get back offic im late meet boss upset person2 medic appoint im sure hell understand person1 actual problem ill give present meet im late whole thing person2 oh look who person1 thank good dr watson,"Peter tells #Person2# he has been waiting for his annual health examination for over an hour and is worried about being late for a meeting. Fortunately, Dr. Watson comes." person1 think take grand hotel 30 minut person2 depend traffic isnt heavi anyhow ill tri best youv got enough time person1 much pay person2 1275 pleas person1 thank lot here 15 give 100 back pleas,#Person2# tries the best to take #Person1# to the Grand Hotel. person1 manag email say meet would put till next sunday everyth readi anna what wrong hear person2 sorri think brother havent heard two week person1 often call person2 usual least week he volunt teacher mountain villag write person1 mail realli slow sometim im sure youll hear soon person2 hope,Anna was worried about her brother when #Person1# talks about the meeting. #Person1# comforts Anna. person1 hello person2 hello glad meet person1 tell someth pleas person2 name wan mei live guangzhou born 1987 student jinan univers major public administr like travel much enjoy sport tenni club univers person1 applic form say school half year high school reason ill person2 oh father job took america six month decid take whole famili along person1 time went high school unit state person2 ye month attend johnson high school chicago person1 tell interest work compani person2 think work compani would give best opportun use ive learn colleg studi public administr four year think compani great futur long time ive think id like work compani person1 ever work univers day person2 ye work teacher teach english middl school student person1 there good chanc come work compani thank come good bye person2 good bye,#Person1# is interviewing Wan Mei. Wan Mei tells #Person1# the previous experiences at school and at work and reason for applying for this company. #Person1# tells Wan MEi there's a good chance for Wan Mei to come to work for this company. person1 excus could tell plane berlin leav person2 40 minut eleven oclock plane berlin leav everi two hour person1 much second class ticket pleas person2 first class ticket left 350 one way person1 ok id like one next flight person2 im sorri dont sell ticket get one machin person1 right way what gate number person2 four hall left person1 thank lot,#Person1# wants to buy a ticket for the next flight to Berlin. #Person2# tells #Person1# to get it from the machine. person1 hi mike person2 much start exercis person1 tri get shape person2 yeah need start improv health person1 besid exercis person2 that person1 think eat better also help lot person2 sleep import heard peopl sleep averag eight hour day less health problem person1 look like lot thing stay healthi person2 true think worth get older want healthi activ person1 absolut,"Mike and #Person2# agree that it's significant to exercise more, eat better and have a good sleep in order to stay healthy." person1 hello bob havent seen long time get along prepar entranc exam person2 well realli cant tell anyhow im best work night day person1 sometim feel tire physic mental person2 feel often suffer headach gener weak enough time sleep dont know becom goe like long person1 time sport even music mention film tv program see exercis exam paper sort thing person2 seem go colleg futur person1 certainli even cant go colleg take mani job bit societi well person2 quit right well get knowledg studi sever year colleg mean work better countri peopl graduat addit parent lay great hope us shouldnt make feel disappoint,Both #Person1# and Bob feel tired when preparing the entrance exam. #Person1# doesn't think going to college is the only future they have. Bob agrees but still thinks it's a better choice. person1 excus what postag letter new york pleas person2 would like send person1 regist airmail person2 eighti cent pleas pleas write postal code mail address anyth els person1 ye id like 6 postcard 10 fiftyc stamp pleas person2 right person1 packag london weigh person2 ye cours packag 10 gram overweight youll pay 50 cent extra overweight,#Person2# tells #Person1# the postage and the weight of the letter and asks #Person1# to write down the postal code. person1 good even get drink person2 sure would like coke person1 would like order anyth appet menu person2 let see get fri zucchini pleas person1 would like order anyth els person2 that thank person1 problem call your readi place rest order person2 would like order food person1 want order person2 get cheeseburg fri person1 get anyth els person2 that thank,#Person1# serves #Person2# and #Person2# orders a drink and appetizer first and then orders food for the dinner. person1 tell park person2 drive motorcycl automobil person1 drive automobil person2 fine either park student lot street know handicap space person1 ye seen spot person2 well see blue spot handicap logo park unless special permit go park daytim even person1 park even person2 also need awar time limit street sign seen sign person1 ye seen sign person2 sign alway tell long park day know read curb color person1 ye know curb color mean person2 well long realiz red mean park white mean load unload think know need know,#Person2# tells #Person1# when and where to park the automobile in the evenings and reminds #Person1# to be aware of the time limits on the street signs and the curb colors. person1 peopl funni person2 sure person1 hear pilot person2 one stole small plane person1 ye stole plane canada flew u person2 catch person1 ye two u fighter jet follow hour land highway person2 crash person1 land plane walk restaur person2 cop find flew u person1 life suck hope fighter jet would shoot person2 poor guy,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the pilot stealing a small plane and hoping a fighter jet would shoot him down. person1 hi excus seat taken person2 oh person1 thank much name ashlyn nice meet person2 carson nice mee person1 weather warm decemb dont think person2 unusu warm balm global warm person1 global warm wreak havoc everywher person2 sure around person1 im new move month ago person2 person1 im china person2 texa china long time ago person1 enjoy person2 especi like food think food person1 differ chines food get use person2 da vinci code youv got person1 ye read person2 saw movi think person1 well honest ive gotten though 10 page far though interest person2 well stop nice talk person1 likewis bye,"Ashlyn and Carson meet each other for the first time and they have a pleasant talk about the weather, the place they come from, and The Da Vinci Code before Carson gets off." person1 excus could tell line im suppos stand buy bubbl wrap post packag person2 buy bubbl wrap youll stand line post paskag person1 that realli long line long think itll take get peopl person2 take 3 minut per person itll probabl hour wait person1 buy stamp person2 sure mani would like person1 need 30 chrisma card person2 send abroad person1 twenti go abroad china america person2 go anywher eu less expens person1 person2 ok go 18 pound seventi two penc person1 bubbl wrap person2 that anoth quid person1 thank lot youv help,#Person1# is sending a package and #Person2# instructs #Person1# how to buy bubble wrap and post a package. #Person1# also buys some stamps for Christmas cards. person1 joann let make divorc acrimoni alreadi okay let get busi start divid stuff fairli go separ way alright person2 fine want get import make clean break sign prenup person1 person2 noth anyway your right there reason nasti lawyer tell youv accept alimoni propos divis properti well custodi agreement keep cat get dog that done final person1 let go joann ok let start record collect ill take album contribut cheesi disco album back person2 fine im keep antiqu gramophon grandfath gave person1 believ wed present us joann hardli ever use person2 he grandfath never realli like anyway person1 whatev alright ill conced silli gramophon youll agre get silver tea set person2 typic ever go use silver tea set fine dont want drag longer necessari what next old photograph person1 one let look wow look bring back memori person2 trip itali rememb day go visit trevi fountain got caught rain person1 look ador hair wet take pictur stand littl alley smile laugh rain person2 oh realli fun back didnt person1 oh joann make big mistak know relationship rock sometim sure cant reconcil tri still love person2 oh jeff love im glad didnt decid keep motorcycl person1 motorcycl that mine,Joanne and Jeff are making divorce and dividing their stuff. They decide Joanne will have the antique gramophone and Jeff will have the silver tea set. They then find some old photographs which bring back memories and find they still love each other. person1 good afternoon san felic hotel may help person2 ye id like book room pleas person1 certainli madam person2 march 23rd person1 long stay person2 three night person1 kind room would like madam person2 er doubl bath id appreci could give room view lake person1 certainli madam ill check avail ye room 4th floor realli splendid view person2 fine much charg per night person1 would like breakfast person2 thank person1 eighti four euro per night exclud vat person2 that fine person1 who book pleas madam person2 mr mr ryefield that ryefield person1 okay let make sure got person2 ye thank person1 let give confirm number 7576385 ill repeat 7576385 thank choos san felic hotel nice day goodby person2 goodby,#Person2# calls the San Felice Hotel to book a room for three nights with a view over the lake. #Person1# books a room for her and gives her a confirmation number. person1 well mom thank simon stay coupl day person2 that ok phillip got person1 well saturday busi morn he got piano class person2 right afternoon he go birthday parti isnt person1 that even he go footbal match afternoon rememb person2 oh ye rememb time parti start person1 730 mr carter bring home person2 fine sunday morn go swim pool bike person1 well he got cold swim isnt good idea hed like bicycl ride person2 ok father want take simon park afternoon person1 fine quiet even watch tv person2 trip cinema person1 think hell tire person2 ok,Phillip sends Simon to his parents' home and tells #Person2# where Simon needs to go in the following days. person1 peopl photo person2 oh that homestay famili im go australia year exchang program peopl im live parent mr mr smith daughter name jenni cindi son name georg person1 georg person2 that jenni husband charli marri georg one front person1 good look man he marri person2 cindi marri either jenni charli move hous next week wont crowd look im leav sydney month person1 well great time,#Person2# tells #Person1# about the people in the photo who are #Person2#'s homestay family in Australia. person1 dad go person2 first go citi center stop someth drink visit univers museum person1 go drink person2 coffe shop round corner see big build end road person1 yeah see person2 bank coffe shop opposit bank person1 good hot chocol person2 samantha stop wait light turn green cross road must alway pay attent what around person1 sorri far museum person2 3 stop away walk find us tabl ill get drink,#Person2# tells Samantha they will stop for something to drink and where is the coffee shop. #Person2# then asks Samantha to find a table and he'll get the drinks. person1 no106 pleas person2 im no106 person1 welcom genova deli drop number basket get today person2 need 3 sandwich first two roast beef chees one everyth tomato person1 kind bread roast beef sandwich person2 wide world pleas person1 alright third one person2 that turkey sandwich slice wheat bread chees bacon onion person1 noth els turkey person2 3 thing person1 got anyth els person2 yeah 3 coke larg bag chip pleas person1 chip drink left take whatev want ill meet cash regist,"#Person1# helps #Person2# order 3 sandwiches with different requirements, 3 cokes and a large bag of chips." person1 good morn miss person2 good morn could tell find cloth depart person1 left elev 3rd floor person2 like buy woolen vest grandpa person1 sure find favorit person2 thank much person1 honor,"#Person1# tells #Person2#, who wants to buy a vest for her grandpa, the location of the Clothing Department." person1 im interest chines antiqu person2 great varieti chines antiqu besid landscap paint figur paint flowerandbird paint person1 id like flowerandbird paint person2 pictur crane pine tree paint famou chines painter king dynasti person1 oh look like live crane person2 tradit chines think crane pine tree symbol longev,#Person1# is interested in Chinese antiques. #Person2# recommends a picture of cranes with pine trees. person1 hi catch flight 513 new york person2 may see ticket pleas person1 need see passport person2 form pictur person1 mmmm photo new jersey driver licens ok person2 interest pictur old person1 actual wad taken last year shave head beard still recogn person2 bare check luggag today person1 ye one suitcas also carryon bag person2 ok mr lee set flight leav gate 10 board begin 1030,Mr. Lee is catching flight 513 to New York. #Person2# helps with his check-in process and thinks his photo is interesting when checking his photo I.D. person1 what main rang person2 gener speak provid bike gentlemen ladi size 19 21 23 25 27 inch vari color accord buyer requir catalogu pattern book give rough idea product person1 interest fli pigeon bicycl think item find readi market canada custom appreci reliabl product person2 reliabl strong point product matter fact alway practic suppli high qualiti good reason price fli pigeon best kind price person1 id like know avail product term sale mode payment deliveri discount etc,"#Person1# is interested in #Person2#'s flying pigeon bicycles, which #Person2# has confidence in, and wants to know the availability of the products and the terms of sales." person1 youll never guess work today ticket tonight final nba game person2 two hope hope tell plan take person1 cours here best part court side seat person2 world came seat like compani person1 guy account depart brother team person2 cant beat thank account guy person1 game start seven wed better hustl alreadi five person2 wait let go,"#Person1# won two tickets for tonight's final NBA game and will take #Person2#, who is excited about that, together." person1 what matter john seem restless today person2 see ive offer new job cant decid whether take person1 oh that easi better one go that advic person2 isnt easi hate quit present job peopl around nice work challeng person1 salari would get person2 ye say would get big sum person1 discuss wife person2 ye leav person1 say work well worth tri get higher salari person2 think,"John has to think about whether to take the new job or not, although #Person1# advises him to take it." person1 lili let take vacat person2 georg vacat cost money month much money left pay rent person1 well lili visit differ place state van 10 go take plane stay hotel time trust cost much person2 sleep person1 van person2 expens person1 let see ga food recreat spend much come hesit need get hous work hard person2 mayb right plan go person1 sooner better wait person2 oh know go yet person1 long go decid go trust judgment know miss chines food eat chines restaur time person2 let go chicago lunch chinatown go ball game wrigley field person1 good idea,George tries to persuade Lili to take a vacation because they have been working hard. Lili worries about the money at first but then agrees and suggests going to Chicago to have Chinese food and go to a ball game. person1 hi name abbi what name person2 im colin nice meet person1 im freelanc english teacher person2 im job moment person1 kind job look person2 id like find job flexibl hour field person1 ever thought becom freelanc consult person2 difficult find job person1 good network like meet new peopl person2 ye im pretti outgo friendli person1 experi field person2 work depart languag school four year spain person1 speak spanish person2 ye fluentli person1 that ok sent cv anyon yet person2 ive sent cv dozen compani nobodi got back person1 write clear object resum person2 didnt know want person1 think need updat cv bring offic tomorrow ill help person2 thank ill see tomorrow,"Abby, a freelance English teacher, advises Colin, who wants to find a job with flexible hours in the IT field, to be a freelance IT consultant and volunteers to help Colin with his CV tomorrow." person1 get barney tour pamphlet person2 took travel agenc look nice pictur lash forest palm fring white sand beach crystal blue ocean theyr breathtak like paradis earth person1 that becom popular holiday destin year someon told servic good plan spend holiday person2 ye im think sign tour travel agenc next tour start time holiday next month person1 mani day tour person2 10 day get back still two day go work isnt great person1 that perfect plan enjoy,#Person2# took some barney tour pamphlets from a travel agency and is planning to sign up for a tour. #Person1# thinks it's a perfect plan. person1 hello person2 petti person1 im sorri im afraid youv dial wrong number petti person2 wrong number sure call yesterday person1 im sure wrong number one number 20 year person2 that imposs rememb number clearli isnt 7634565 person1 isnt 7364565 seem youv misdial person2 realli im sorri bother ill tri person1 that right sort thing happen time everyon person2 yeah guess sorri bother person1 worri,#Person2# calls to talk to Petti. #Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person2# has misdialed. #Person2# feels sorry. person1 hello alic would like go templ fair person2 templ fair person1 ye ancient custom hold templ fair offer sacrific god earth develop festiv fill food perform game person2 sound interest person1 absolut love templ fair beij sever templ fair recent differ extent also lot common person2 cant wait see one choos today person1 tianqiao templ fair varieti opera perform acrobat show food dazzl person2 great know get person1 cours person2 couldnt better,#Person1# explains the temple fair to Alice and invites her to go to the Tianqiao Temple Fair together. Alice agrees. person1 tomorrow ill take place im sure interest person2 els havent yet person1 folk antiqu handicraft collect exhibit hall person2 sound great mani kind folk collect person1 well therer actual 200 kind folk collect citi that half collect antiqu object china there one exhibit half multipl collect sever individu display room privat collector person2 privat collector must excel collect iii go see kind collect see come dont keep suspens person1 hurri iii tell collect includ ancient case casket tea set abacus preciou sea shell conch drama costum agat ancient coin fan minimus instrument rootcarv rare stone rock model ship model car person2 enough cant wait anymor,"#Person1# will take #Person2# to the Folk Antique Handicrafts and Collectibles Exhibition Halls, which has over 200 kinds of folk collections, tomorrow. #Person2# can't wait anymore." person1 beauti isnt person2 person1 julia robert person2 yeah charm like person1 said new movi go come person2 what movi person1 im sure person2 isnt silli see movi know noth person1 alreadi told julia robert like great actor also gener give lot mani kind chariti person2 yeah great also admir concern societi,#Person1# and #Person2# both like Julia Roberts and admire her for her concern about society. person1 send form tell grant unemploy person2 notic unemploy insur award letter sent person1 inform letter person2 award letter inform much receiv person1 form need turn person2 everi two week receiv continu claim form must turn person1 ask form person2 must show avail look work person1 els ask person2 one question ask well enough work,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# will be informed #Person1# has been granted unemployment by letter. Also, #Person1# needs to turn in a Continued Claim Form every two weeks." person1 medic help problem person2 sever type medic tri high blood pressur person1 type medic would best person2 water retent go start hydrochlorothiazid diuret person1 side effect take drug person2 need stay hydrat drug peopl experi littl side effect person1 one medic take care problem person2 want take second drug lisinopril ace inhibitor person1 go experi complic drug person2 experi dri cough probabl wont experi anyth neg,#Person2# will give #Person1# two kinds of drugs to help with #Person1#'s high blood pressure and tells #Person1# there won't be many complications. person1 good morn rooki offic person2 good morn welcom offic person1 nice meet name peter smith person2 nice meet georg william person1 first day work person2 well hope enjoy first day person1 new work appreci guidanc person2 tri best assist need help person1 thank kind person2 welcom,"Peter Smith, a rookie in the office, and George Williams greet each other. George promises to help Peter if needed." person1 person2 everyth fine person1 today person2 possibl view apart today person1 unfortun abl view today person2 cant view today person1 youll need make appoint view apart person2 understand may make appoint person1 friday sound person2 friday 6 pm would perfect person1 fine person2 thank help,#Person2# wants to view the apartment. #Person1# helps #Person2# to make an appointment on Friday at 6 pm. person1 im glad opportun visit corpor hope conclud substanti busi person2 great pleasur meet mr brown believ seen exhibit showroom may know particular item your interest person1 im interest hardwar ive seen exhibit studi catalogu think item find readi market canada list requir id like lowest quotat c f vancouv person2 thank inquiri would tell us quantiti requir work offer person1 ill meanwhil could give indic price person2 f b price list price list subject confirm person1 commiss european supplier usual get 3 5 percent commiss import gener practic person2 rule dont allow commiss order substanti one well consid person1 see busi commiss basi commiss price would make easier promot sale even two three percent would help person2 that someth discuss later,Mr. Brown is interested in #Person2#'s hardware and asks #Person2# to give him an indication of price. Mr. Brown also asks for a commission. #Person2# will consider it if the order is a substantial one. person1 ladi gentlemen head toward first spot tripth louvr person2 wonder that place famou art person1 ye mani famou paint show sure unforgett trip person2 sure way get person1 half hour later,#Person1# will bring #Person2# to the Louvre. #Person2# agrees that the trip will be unforgettable. person1 pleas show menu miss person2 cours take order person1 ye id like italian soup start fri noodl person2 right serv anyth els person1 ye id like anoth cup coffe afterward make hot pleas person2 youv got sir,"#Person2# takes #Person1#'s order, including soup, fried noodles, and coffee." person1 judi think new gener manag person2 extens experi although guy realli deep sometim scare person1 heard he clear like dislik he type let thing go dont provok person2 know that im alway respect keep distanc safer way person1 dont know everi time see guy break cold sweat person2 eye theyr type seem look soul make one realli uneasi person1 whatev said must care person2 ye agre,#Person1# and Judy agree that the new general manager makes people uneasy and they should be more careful. person1 look allen mike person2 thought like listen person1 heard stanley sing guess couldnt stand anymor decid give tri allen realli good voic sound like enriqu iglesia person2 move danc like ricki martin,#Person1# and #Person2# admires Allen's voice and dance. person1 dont aircondit apart swelter person2 well aircondit see window air condition problem window unit isnt power enough person1 guess huh person2 well im go move anyway new apart central aircondit person1 move long long ago person2 well wait leas expir person1 stand heat person2 well open window ive got electr fan ere help littl,"#Person2#'s air conditioner is not powerful enough. #Person1# thinks #Person2# should have moved out long ago, but #Person2# had to wait until the lease expired." person1 one day visit big citi give us advic person2 ye take limo tour bu walk person1 dont think visit citi one day walk much limo cost person2 50 day,#Person1# decides to visit the city by limo after hearing #Person2#'s advice. person1 k think save money person2 well could eat 300 entertain mostli go restaur person1 yeah that good idea like cook book person2 need book person1 come save money retir earlier youll actual time read book buy person2 well 50 spent shirt couldv gotten someth less person1 k let compromis agre spend 75 book ill agre spend 40 next shirt person2 right sound fair,#Person1# and #Person2# agree to save money by eating in more and spending less money on books and shirts. person1 mani hour work week person2 fortyhour week im flexitim usual start work 8 finish 4 person1 mani week holiday get year person2 four plu public holiday usual take two week summer rest new year person1 overtim person2 ye busi im paid doubletim work weekend,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# does a forty-hour week, has four-week long holidays a year, and does overtime if needed." person1 hello mr green person2 speak may ask talk person1 li silk compani met last sunday exhibit person2 oh ye rememb compani person1 thank visit product rememb interest silk product could meet week show moreinform product person2 id like im afraid schedul full week person1 next week conveni person2 10 next friday person1 time say ok person2 right expect,Li with Silk Company wants to show Mr. Green more information about their products. They schedule a meeting next Friday. person1 im satisfi person2 what wrong person1 sometim goe fast sometim goe slow alarm doesntwork either person2 would like anoth one person1 money back person2 hmm got receipt person1 receipt person2 ye must see receipt cant money back without receipt person1 oh im certain think ive lost,"#Person1# isn't satisfied with a product and requests a refund. #Person2# asks for the receipt, but #Person1# thinks it's lost." person1 move new hous person2 current owner move tuesday technic could pick key move wednesday person1 util turn person2 need contact util compani make arrang transfer util name person1 realli want paint wall right away get carpet clean person2 would take day take care thing move person1 think new applianc deliv move person2 would perfect way someon right away person1 help movein day person2 think someth els realli import day cant rememb,#Person1# is going to move into #Person1#'s new house. #Person1# and #Person2# talk about the move-in date and the pre-arrangements. #Person1# asks for #Person2#'s help on the move-in day but #Person2# thinks #Person2# can't make it. person1 oh tell get hayfield road pleas person2 three stop tell get stop person1 thank kind person2 dont mention see traffic light ahead well turn left get hayfield road next stop want get person1 want go new technic colleg person2 oh wont find easili go alon show person1 thank much dont want put troubl person2 oh troubl go past anyway almost hurri miss stop let get person1 right,#Person2# tells #Person1# when they get Hayfield Road and volunteers to show #Person1# how to get to the new Technical College. #Person1# is grateful. person1 good morn miss zhao pleas sit person2 thank nice meet mr zhang person1 applic univers student person2 ye im busi major person1 interest work compani person2 ye need part time job money experi person1 well open offic clerk summer person2 would wonder person1 comput train person2 ye handl window power point excel certif person1 ah that good youll need train method though everi offic differ know person2 thank help futur start exactli person1 well let know soon possibl goodby person2 goodby,Mr. Zhang interviews Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is a university student who is computer trained and needs a part-time job for money and experience. person1 good afternoon id like inform train pleas person2 ye madam train go person1 bournemouth see sister person2 question when next train bournemouth right person1 ye that right person2 half past four that minut person1 thank oh platform leav person2 platform 13 person1 platform 13 ohdear never travel train leav platform 13 13 unlucki number when next train 430,#Person2# tells #Person1# the next train to Bournemouth leaves from Platform 13. #Person1# thinks it's unlucky. person1 debat advertis thursday even take part person2 that interest like hear peopl think advertis person1 what say must advertis mustnt person2 person1 well wouldnt know buy didnt advertis person2 ye that true point advertis provid inform need someon produc new articl natur seller want tell us person1 ye advertis tell us product best person2 dont think everi manufactur say product best least tri give impress one best other mislead arent person1 well way suppos dont believ person2 say advertis arent effect dont think intellig businessmen spend million dollar advertis nobodi believ advertis person1 perhap money spend person2 think cost advertis ad price articl peopl buy articl pay advertis person1 well suppos get someth money inform person2 ye dont forget often mislead inform sometim harm person1 harm person2 advertis desir persuad young peopl smoke cigarett wouldnt say harm person1 youv given lot think im quit look forward debat,#Person1# is going to have a debate on advertising. #Person1# thinks advertisements provide information and tell people which product is the best. #Person2# thinks advertisements can be misleading and sometimes harmful. #Person1# thinks #Person2# provides a lot to think about. person1 prevail attitud premarit contract spoil whole concept marriag love trust counter person2 first us hear premarit contract someon rich famou get divorc battl go know husband decid want premarit contract son said guy dont trust surpris peopl initi reaction neg one fact premarit contract way learn make feel comfort issu concern certainli clarifi money concern way talk decid togeth want marriag work necessari necessari put premarit contract legal document person1 year one divorc everi two marriag substanti portion divorc remarri notion premarit contract simpli enter second marriag also someth peopl get marri first time person3 premarit contract commun process think us whatev age whatev financi statu thing talk avoid wait problem almost late think matter age whether weve marri whether stepchildren whether asset import commun consid legal document,#Person1# asks about premarital contracting. #Person2# is not surprised that people's initial reaction towards premarital contracting is negative but still thinks it's a way to learn more about each other. #Person3# thinks that premarital contracting is a communication process and it's important to communicate and consider a legal document. person1 excus tell way nearest shoe shop person2 there one queen road person1 thank get person2 far walk along road three block youll see post offic right shop behind person1 long think take get person2 20 minut anyway take no102 bu person1 id better go bu way bu stop pleas person2 across road person1 thank lot,#Person2# tells #Person1# the way to the nearest shoe shop and how to get there by bus. person1 hi bob heard accid didnt think would bad person2 well thank make feel better person1 hardli recogn tell happen person2 got back africa terribl accid motorcycl race broke leg motor fail hit anoth motorcycl laid hospit three week person1 three week that long time hospit person2 well believ read motorcycl race love race even hurt person1 im afraid dont make look funni your lucki aliv person2 that sure lucki aliv person1 soon get well doctor tell person2 say still need stay bed two week person1 think youll get bit fatter way anyth person2 thank thank beauti flower kind come see person1 ill go bye person2 bye,#Person1# visits Bob in the hospital. Bob still needs to stay in bed. He had a terrible accident in a motorcycle race but still loves racing even if it hurts. #Person1# thinks he's lucky to be alive. person1 mark best candid chairman student union isnt person2 well guy wont abl win elect unless get major vote women student im sure,"#Person1# thinks Mark is the best candidate for chairman of the student union, but #Person2# isn't sure he'll win." person1 snif phew french coffe person2 pardon person1 french coffe drink person2 yesthat right what matter person1 dont understand drink french coffe make strong smell person2 like much prefer english coffe person1 got lot person2 ye person1 well ercould get person2 get butyou dont like french coffe person1 dont wife cant understand,"#Person1# doesn't like French coffee but asks #Person2#, who likes it very much, for some for his wife." person1 emili day person2 dont think realli want hear person1 cant bad go tell person2 honest horribl manag pain neck person1 happen person2 well made quit mistak monthli report supervisor found manag blame person1 that fair person2 wasnt realli anyth could there alway lot bad blood manag said anyth would fire sure person1 treat everyon depart like person2 treat everyon pretti badli way treat realli take cake person1 idea treat wors other person2 realli idea know thought realli curl hair person1 anyon els talk compani person2 realli im hope live get promot person1 that sensibl sound like good head shoulder person2 tri sensibl easi sometim grin bear person1 that true tast success cant let dishonest peopl like manag get way,Emily tells #Person1# she had a horrible day. Her manager made some mistakes and blamed them on her. Emily has no idea why her manager treats her worse than others but she can do nothing until she gets a promotion. #Person1# thinks that's sensible. person1 put room threeeleven threetwelv theyr rear hotel person2 mona person3 that much better thank person2 mona person3 ye dad person2 id like view person3 oh view person1 realli person3 well want room togeth person2 mona person3 ye dad person2 dont mind room arent togeth id like love view person1 ill see put floor room 305 view room 311 rear father opposit ms white ok person3 oh ye that fine person2 thank person1 pleasur could fill form pleas,"Mona's dad wants a lovely view, while Mona wants their rooms together. Thus #Person1# puts them in two opposite rooms on the same floor, one of which has a view." person1 well luck see buster anywher person2 couldnt find either drove around neighborhood circl block 3 time hope hell show luck im sorri ben person1 fault shouldnt left door open hope well find huge part famili walk lili school everi morn person2 im sure well find ben rememb lost dog spot look 10 hour final gave long got home spot show front door know get home ben alway person1 hope your right luci mayb hell show get dark hope he ok person2 ben alway loyal famili he probabl explor person1 say let walk forest avenu see mayb he hide mr johnson yard alway like bark chase cat around person2 that good idea see well find know noth worri,Ben and Lucy are looking for Buster. Ben regrets letting the door open. Lucy comforts Ben. They will walk up Forest Avenue to look for Buster. person1 hello andrea person2 hello andrea alex good news miranda satisfi said she much look forward work isnt wonder congratul dear feel miranda new assist imagin your delight news let see start monday right person1 emm well dont think start monday visit father baltimor dont live new york ill need coupl day find flat buy furnitur move thing current apart person2 oh well case suppos wednesday would good ok see,"Alex tells Andrea the good news that Andrea will be Miranda's new assistant. Andrea can't start on Monday, so Alex changes it to Wednesday." person1 lili like eat person2 well favorit restaur knife talk near citi center lunch full offic worker like go middl morn go order big breakfast take one newspap relax hour pancak delici dont tv love jazz music quiet noth loud what favorit restaur person1 well simpl restaur 6 tabl coupl waitress wear ugli pink uniform food great tasti cheap import cours truck driver sit counter drink coffe eat sausag everi morn alway pancak morn fish pie lunch restaur open mani year say actor jame dean eat sometim dont think that true,Lily's favourite restaurant is the Knife and Talk. She likes to go there before lunch and relax for an hour. #Person1#'s favourite restaurant is a very simple one. The food there is tasty and cheap. person1 id like rent bike day much cost person2 20 day day 9 oclock morn 7 oclock even person1 brought bike back 730 would pay extra day person2 ye there deposit pay well 50 bring bike back well give back 50 didnt bring bike back 700 pm wed keep money cours person1 well dont need worri ill sure bring bike back 5 oclock helmet way person2 cours free rent helmet let go choos bike helmet,#Person1# wants to rent a bike with a helmet. #Person2# tells #Person1# there's a deposit. #Person1# promises to bring the bike back on time. person1 shirli im work class diari next week would pleas give inform person2 sure first deadlin class activ applic deadlin next monday june fourteenth person1 monday june fourteenth person2 ye wednesday that sixteenth classmat hand three student photo person1 three student photo person2 ok next basketbal club meet seventeenth person1 basketbal club meet seventeenth meet person2 stadium person1 time person2 1245 130 pm person1 right person2 last thing fill form uptod person data class need go comput room morn break eighteenth person1 ok morn break eighteenth person2 ah wait minut made mistak lunch break person1 got person2 thank,"Shirley helps #Person1# to work on the class diary for next week. They need to apply for after class activity, hand in student photos, attend the basketball club meeting, and fill in a form next week." person1 read person2 book written guy born without arm leg person1 get around person2 actual walk pretti well cant move fast also assist help actual quit success person1 must work pretti hard person2 yeah travel around world give speech young peopl he chang mani peopl live even noth seem possibl stay posit put even effort,#Person2# is reading a book written by a guy who was born without arms or legs. #Person1# thinks he must have worked pretty hard. person1 away home colleg stress besid pressur studi there pressur pocket today let go univers find excus ask question person2 well ok person1 find cost live citi person2 everyth expens includ cloth hous travel person1 spend person2 transport think food cook expens cloth bring cloth home countri nice cheap everi week spend 100 pound train person1 what social life like person2 im social person love hang friend meet new peopl thank dont drink smoke expens mayb ticket cinema club,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# on #Person2#'s cost of living in the city. #Person2# thinks everything is expensive, especially transport." person1 get theatr person2 let take bu person1 hate bu system london bu driver rude buse never time peopl around help person2 bad probabl bad experi person1 wasnt everi singl time take bu someth bad happen someon els bu person2 could take subway wed go three stop along one line chang train twice person1 train fare twice expens bu fare person2 dont hurri well miss show take bu person1 alreadi late think better take taxi person2 dont think well abl find taxi easili hush hour let take bu person1 fine look timet find next one arriv person2 look like minut dont worri noth bad happen ill even buy ticket person1 thank nice person2 see someth good happen bu trip,#Person2# suggests taking the bus to the theatre. #Person1# doesn't want to take the bus because of the bad experiences. They give up the taxi because they are already late. and #Person2# persuades #Person1# to take the bus at last. person1 hellohot water overflow bathtubwil help person2 would turn tap person1 person2 put towel bathroom door person1 ok person2 ill housekeep come right away person1 im sorri tire fall asleep person2 woke water come tub person1 rightcan compens damag travel accid insur,#Person1# fell asleep and water overflowed from the bathtub. #Person2# gives #Person1# some instructions. person1 doctor feel much better alb go home time week person2 that good hear youv ideal recoveri oper go send home tomorrow person1 think get back work soon person2 dont hurri im confid youll complet recov 4 6 week person1 anyth person2 youd better good rest week sure regular meal stay away alcoholg smoke least littl person1 take medicin person2 ye im go give sometak one tablet medicin three time day meal one two tablet rememb come patient depart consult two week pleas person1 kind person2 your welcom wish speedi recoverygoodby,#Person1# feels much better now and tells the doctor that #Person1# wants to go home. #Person2# gives #Person1# some advice and will send #Person1# home tomorrow. person1 declar incom prepar pay tax person2 yet dont know fill form taxfre allow support depend person1 dont realli know ask account lawyer law firm tell subject subject taxat even help avoid pay tax legal person2 dont pay tax would tax offici discov person1 certainli one evad tax escap detect check incom comput youd better make declar tax author soon possibl fail meet deadlin fine,#Person1# doesn't know about tax-free allowance. #Person2# advises #Person1# to seek an accountant and make the declaration soon. person1 good day welcom lincoln bank may assist person2 hello need find receipt proce arriv im felix wasserman associ person1 thank got l c number person2 nx567822100007 person1 hang tick ill check im sorri record arriv person2 ok thank check could give ring arriv pleas person1 problem ill touch soon come,#Person2# checks the document status from #Person1#. #Person1# will update #Person2# when the document arrives. person1 need make copi document soon possibl person2 problem sir there copi machin comput lab person1 good much copi cost person2 copi cost dime sir person1 dime rememb copi use cost nickel person2 arent mani thing get nickel sir,#Person1# wants to make a copy of a document. #Person2# tells him the price. person1 hello sir today person2 need find new way get insur person1 weve start new busi bank bankinsur link person2 could give detail person1 certainli could realli benefit someon like besid insur also get less dividend insur compani person2 sound great dividend want purchas person1 two differ type offer moment dividend deposit dividend particip deposit person2 ill go materi given return shortli thank,#Person1# wants to purchase a insurance. #Person2# introduces the new insurance with dividends. #Person1# will go through the materials and decide later. person1 may help person2 couldnt find book look person1 check databas person2 check person1 shelf person2 wasnt person1 mayb someon took person2 get anoth copi anytim soon person1 im sure person2 would abl reserv person1 sure person2 thank much,#Person2# couldn't find a book. #Person1# will reserve another copy for #Person2#. person1 see bought latest copi beauti fashion interest articl person2 there interest interview top fashion design latest fashion enjoy read thought section interest month test facial cleaner person1 like take test print magazin person2 test mean person1 know test like jealou fashion victim person2 oh see like test dont take serious person1 cours sometim result make think accord jealousi test im quit jealou type person perhap need control jealousi person2 your right sometim hard tell page advertis one articl,#Person2# asks about the magazine #Person1# bought. Both #Person1# and #Person2# likes to take the tests in the magazine but #Person2# doesn't take the tests seriously. person1 what matter look miser person2 us person1 mean us person2 well alway say your busi person1 that right person2 often go back live parent leav son room person1 miss parent also miss person2 oh rememb cut terribl call didnt say anyth person1 mean groan word person2 total perhap marriag,#Person2# complains about #Person1# and their marriage. #Person1# tries to explain. person1 feel like trip florida gloomi day new york enjoy sunshin lie beach florida person2 that great idea best season tourist florida also get good suntan person1 sunshin strong might damag eye skin person2 put shade rememb dont make skin look like tomato els skin begin flake may even wind skin cancer person1 see overdo harm good person2 said,#Person1# wants to visit Florida for the sunshine. #Person2# agrees and advises #Person1# not to get overtanned. person1 ive think get hair cut person2 thought go let grow long person1 said didnt dont know person2 your one inbetween stage arent person1 ye short enough washandgo long enough anyth fanci person2 thought wear hat person1 everywher go person2 well one way get inbetween realli want grow,#Person1#'s hair is in the in-between stage. #Person2# advises #Person1# to wear a hat. person1 know your sleepi hate bother think your late work person2 oh forgot turn alarm clock person1 dont worri give lift person2 thank save,"#Person1# will give #Person2#, who oversleeps, a lift." person1 issu person2 what go person1 leak pipe wall person2 water damag person1 mildew person2 ill go apart tomorrow fix pipe person1 cant call someon fix today person2 ill person1 need done today person2 your right person1 okay call plumber person2 that fine,#Person1# wants to call a plumber to fix the pipe today. #Person2# agrees. person1 enough time look menu person2 ye almost readi order person1 let remind special day post board person2 oh sound good get sauc side person1 ye would happi prepar food meet special need person2 wonder vegetarian choic person1 ye roast veget salad good portabella mushroom burger also good choic person2 think would like order broccoli noodl pleas person1 excel choic could bring salad bring dinner person2 pleas bring salad us hungri,#Person1# introduces several dishes but #Person2# orders the broccoli noodles. And #Person2# asks #Person1# to bring the salad now. person1 rememb correctli time deliveri anoth point differ person2 that right let go detail person1 ok hope good deliv end septemb wed like readi time christma sale person2 christma doesnt come end year person1 unit state christma season begin month decemb 25 person2 well im afraid littl bit difficult us advanc time shipment manufactur fulli commit moment person1 hope tri get step product person2 alreadi work three shift day step product new order keep pour person1 that case there noth done person2 im sorri person1 what last word deliveri date person2 middl octob best person1 right ill take word person2 good let call deal well best advanc shipment letter credit open earli septemb person1 promis,#Person1# wants the goods to be delivered by the end of September. #Person2# tells #Person1# it's difficult to advance the shipping time because the manufacturers are busy. They finally reach an agreement to ship by the middle of October. person1 excus guyon travel agenc person2 ye sir person1 want travel ancient town south china would pleas tell someth person2 sure there network canal white wall black tile small bridg flow river flagston road blue sky white cloud place preserv past like place walk ancient road make us back sens person1 wonder that expect first place go person2 zhouzhuang person1 long tour take person2 two day person1 what cost person2 300 yuan person1 know thank much person2 that right may good trip person1 thank person2 pleasur,"#Person1# wants to travel to the ancient town in the south of China. #Person2# from a travel agency describes the scenery, cost, and length of the trip to #Person1#." person1 hi good see assist today go away busi person2 ye im begin next week need get travel chequ person1 alway recommend peopl take travel chequ travel oversea world danger place nowaday never know person2 sure least get rob heaven forbid get money back use travel chequ insur travel franc pickpocket replac travel chequ free also extrem quickli easili,#Person2# wants some Traveller's Cheques for a business trip from #Person1#. #Person2# and #Person1# discuss the advantages of Traveller's Cheques. person1 hello person2 hello im talk someon fix asset loan person1 certainli shouldnt problem tell basic account us person2 ye also loan certif person1 oh that good come final decis base credit rate payment capabl person2 well problem credit rate assur,#Person2# wants to apply for a loan. #Person1# checks #Person2#'s credit rating and payment capability. person1 carolin menzi speak person2 could speak diana curzon person1 im afraid she meet moment who speak person2 john la danton person1 take messag mr la person2 ye pleas im actual return call perhap could tell call person1 certainli number person2 must let give anyway 01705 455623 person1 01705 person2 455623 person1 455623 person2 that right person1 ok ill make sure get messag person2 thank,"John Laing returns Diana Curzon's call, but Diana Curzon is busy. Caroline Menzies will convey the message." person1 would tell send parcel shanghai china contain book person2 might send print matter person1 wonder could ensur person2 cours much would want ensur book person1 let see think ensur five hundr dollar person2 five hundr dollar youll pay ten dollar insur that two percent total valu articl person1 check hen dollar,#Person1# sends a parcel with books and pays #Person2# ten dollars to insure the parcel. person1 may speak marri person2 marri right went shop mum person1 late call around ten even person2 that right dont go bed earli,#Person2# allows #Person1# to call Marry again around ten. person1 hello would like make appoint look hous person2 sure would prefer look morn afternoon person1 would prefer morn person2 go week go weekend person1 go look hous week best person2 would like pick person1 meet real estat offic person2 think look three hous take two hour person1 sound good person2 contact owner confirm time email schedul,#Person1# makes an appointment with #Person2# for house viewing. #Person2# confirms the time and place with #Person1#. person1 good morn sir help person2 ye wonder time show around exhibit person1 id glad sir may ask line busi person2 im electr applianc person1 see would interest see audiovisu product made compani person2 thank rather attract think noth better see thing actual oper person1 ye cours would like make inspect tour factori person2 ye much wouldnt add inconveni first hand inform alway valuabl read pamphlet person1 ill make arrang let know time tomorrow person2 would great,#Person2# asks #Person1# to show him around the exhibition. #Person1# confirms the interests of #Person2# and will make the arrangement. person1 happi new year rose person2 happi new year thoma mani joy nice drink us person1 thank today person2 first go get readi parad great costum later today go church want give costum parad fun person1 sure sound like fun go church person2 father like go told go person1 person2 lot peopl especi senior like go church attend even servic,Rose invites Thomas to have some drinks and go to the parade together to celebrate New Year. Thomas accepts. person1 good cook person2 im pretti good eat person1 prefer chines food western food person2 well honest chines food realli differ western food person1 use food person2 im realli use yet person1 what favorit chines dish person2 like foreign realli like sweet sour pork kung pao chicken eat almost everi day person1 tri tradit chines dumpl yet person2 tri quit difficult eat chopstick person1 know foreign expect use chopstick profici youll give chines friend quit impress person2 that good know id like tri chines food sinc cant read menu restaur near home difficult tri new food person1 want introduc typic chines dish person2 would great realli want tast real chines food food foreign like eat person1 havent tri beij duck yet id like treat meal famou duck restaur near qianmen would piti left without tast,#Person1# asks #Person2#'s opinions about Chinese food. #Person2# likes Sweet and Sour Pork and Kung Pao chicken and wants to try typical Chinese dishes. #Person1# invites #Person2# to have Beijing duck. person1 hello pratt interview yesterday person2 hello finn wonder job employ person1 sorri tell lost opportun person2 excel think suitabl person job person1 ye know excel pay attent etiquett youv told person2 person1 enter room forgot close door later couldnt help smoke know heavysmok what forgot polish shoe dirt person2 careless know basic rule follow attend interview rememb smoke otherwis cant find job person1 ye know next time must make good prepar person2 good luck next time person1 thank,Pratt was employed but Finn was not because he didn't pay attention to the etiquette. Pratt asks Finn to remember the etiquette next time. person1 may help person2 would like check book person1 may see librari card pleas person2 ye go person1 appar unpaid late fee person2 person1 owe money person2 exactli much owe person1 owe 24 50 person2 wont abl pay right person1 pay cant check book person2 pay dont worri,#Person2# can't check out the books until the late fees are paid. person1 apart rent person2 ye right studio person1 person2 downtown near squar person1 furnish person2 ye rent includ util person1 that good go see hous person2 next saturday person1 fine,#Person1# wants to rent a furnished studio from #Person2#. person1 seen movi catwoman person2 yet good person1 ye quit amus actual good plot sharon stone person2 oh she good favorit must get bit person1 yeah look amaz person2 what movi person1 well woman got murder discov compani secret cosmet compani work got reincarn cat person2 huh person1 know stay decid get reveng reveal compani secret kill boss first though discov true cat natur end big fight sharon stone real danger compani actual murder boss husband tri frame catwoman murder everyon thought catwoman evil person2 see catwoman marri boss person1 sharon stone marri boss treat badli kill ok time fell love cop investig murder boss final ditch cop follow felin natur person2 wait minut im lost cop kill boss person1 sharon stone person2 sharon stone catwoman person1 havent listen word ive say,#Person1# thinks Catwoman is a good movie. #Person2# asks about the plot. #Person1# describes the plot to #Person2# but #Person2# is not able to follow. person1 readi order may suggest veal person2 ill fish pleas person1 chicken also nice person2 want fish person1 special tonight lobster person2 thank prefer fish person1 perhap youd enjoy lamb person2 like fish person1 ever say,#Person1# recommends different dishes to #Person2# but #Person2# insists on ordering fish. person1 hello jenni person2 hello mark daughter sarah school holiday shop sure person1 well there show children afternoon librari work person2 oh time person1 start two finish three thirti quarter past one think sarah would like person2 much ticket person1 well one pound fifti adult seventyf penc children programm twentyf penc person2 librari run read cours holiday person1 ye children ten like sarah read four book six week give someth take home person2 like book person1 well year pen sometim book school bag meet show ill give detail person2 thank see later,Mark recommends the show in the library to Jenny and her daughter. Jenny asks about the reading course. Mark will give her more details after the show. person1 go yesterday even person2 ye went tianjin sport center watch women volleybal game tianjin us us team led lang ping former coach chines nation team person1 game person2 excit enjoy much miss first 30 minut person1 person2 took wrong bu late game got 730 person1 that bad,#Person1# asks about yesterday evening. #Person2# watched a volleyball game but missed the first 30 minutes. person1 hello matt white speak person2 hello dr white name pan johnson roommat janet holm want call person1 janet holm oh that right she shakespearean english class anyth happen person2 noth submit job applic yesterday compani ask interview today she afraid wont abl attend class afternoon im call see whether would ok gave essay person1 certainli would fine uh either drop class bring offic person2 would right come offic around 400 im afraid cant come earlier three class afternoon person1 uh wont come im suppos meet 300 600 leav secretari usual stay 500 person2 fine pleas tell ill 400 dr white one thing could tell offic janet told class didnt give direct offic person1 well im room 302 gregori build ill tell secretari put paper mail box ill get return person2 sure appreci goodby dr white person1 goodby ms johnson,Pan calls Dr. White to confirm if Pan can submit the essay for her roommate but Dr.White and Pan have conflicts in the schedule. Dr. White tells Pan to give the essay to his secretary and gives Pan the location of his office. person1 time usual get morn person2 sleep everi morn sometim 11 12 person1 seriou get 5 everi morn go gym get work around 7 person2 well work home set hour usual work midnight 1 morn like sleep person1 like bed around 9 10 night get enough sleep schedul differ your lucki get set schedul could never sleep late im definit morn person person2 im definit night person wake earli terribl person1 mayb switch schedul week person2 way would never want schedul person1 funni today person2 well saturday think take hike would like come person1 sure go see movi afterward person2 dont realli like movi actual someth els person1 sure work tomorrow even though sunday need home around 9,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their daily schedules. #Person1# is a morning person but #Person2# is a night person. They decide to take a hike but not to see a movie today. person1 oh wow cant believ today last day school teach three month straight go summer vacat person2 coupl month ago one student gave magazin greatli interest get mailbox everi month person1 dont read onlin person2 well love photo sometim cut put wall person1 huh person2 plan vacat ever sinc got first magazin pick interest photo cut put wall look decid want go person1 peopl facebook know person2 well prefer way person1 mani photo wall person2 dozen person1 decid go person2 oh ye even plane ticket person1 cant wait hear two month plan studi photosokay sowher go person2 morocco ill month person1 sound great,"#Person1# asks #Person2# about the vacation plan. #Person2# received a magazine from a student, cut photos from the magazine, put them on the wall, decided to travel to Morocco for vacation." person1 usual spend day paul person2 usual get seven take shower dress breakfast seven thirti leav hous eight work nine five dinner six thirti watch televis go bed person1 usual spend weekend person2 summer usual sit park time year like odd job around hous paint paint hobbi person1 exercis person2 play basketbal everi weekend,"#Person1# asks how Paul spends day and weekends, and what Paul does for exercise." person1 pleas take seat person2 thank person1 your appli job secretari us id like ask question first mani foreign languag speak person2 well speak english quit well also know littl japanes person1 english bit japanes um type person2 oh ye type person1 uhhuh use comput person2 oh ye good comput person1 appl pc person2 ye word process thing well person1 right um take shorthand person2 ye fast person1 ok fine drive car person2 im afraid cant person1 well that import,"#Person1# interviews #Person2# as a secretary. #Person2# can speak foreign languages, use a computer, take shorthand but can't drive." person1 hello kate new sport center yet person2 yet person1 mill road near stone street behind santa station person2 person1 wonder lot sport play tabl tenni last saturday watch basketbal match person2 swim pool person1 good would like go next week person2 good idea everi day ok except monday person1 well go saturday stay long time person2 ok see,#Person1# describes the new sports center to Kate and invites her to go there together. person1 arent go give us train workshop next week thing go prepar present person2 im troubl narrow topic train want speak improv sale techniqu much say hard get organ person3 train group wont larg time focu area cover lot ground hour half everyon particip pay attent person2 want focu suggest make sale score hope throw role play peopl get practis implement thing im go talk think peopl go role play person1 think peopl may littl shi role play front class enthusiast topic help everyon feel eas will give tri,#Person2# updates #Person1# and #Person3# about the preparation for the presentation at a training workshop. #Person3# introduces the training group. #Person2# gives some suggestions. person1 think andi parti fun person2 yeah think oh way need ask someth person1 what person2 could get back sweater borrow person1 sure oh remind could borrow black leather boot person2 boot er sure ok,#Person1# agrees to return the sweater to #Person1# but asks to borrow the boots. person1 boyfriend person2 ye person1 well came know girl 3 week ago much common person2 person1 think may fall love person2 attract sound great know crush real love person1 what differ crush fall love person2 that big question well love mayb youll take everi opportun talk telephon reason person1 that person2 think time person1 ye person2 mayb suddenli new interest mean suddenli begin thing use avoid ie use sleep everi morn jog everi morn begin like jog person1 that like dog much begin love dog person2 oh congratul sound like youv found soul mate person1 thank know fall love one thing stay love anoth person2 yeah that right find person import total trust stay love person1 yeah fall love good person2 stay love even better,#Person2# met a girl but can't tell if it's a crush or real love. #Person1# analyzes for #Person2# and thinks #Person2# has found the soul mate. person1 wed ceremoni like abigail person2 husband got marri registri offic two friend wit three parti celebr person1 three parti that quit lot must expens person2 well sinc husband two differ countri live third countri decid one countri wasnt actual expens person1 parent upset werent see get marri person2 would like couldnt afford fli see us couldnt afford fli see understood person1 husband famili get meet famili person2 husband parent flew meet famili got marri hometown great peopl spend ridicul amount money extravag wed recept agre person1 make sens go honeymoon person2 wait oneyear anniversari go honeymoon africa person1 realli didnt tradit wed person2 dont tradit marriag either suit us perfectli,#Person1# asks Abigail about her wedding. Abigail and her husband from two different countries got married in a third country so they had three parties. She didn't go on a honeymoon. She feels her untraditional wedding perfect because of her untraditional marriage. person1 lot headach late person2 headach long time person1 headach whole life get wors late person2 lot stress late person1 ive stress usual person2 get enough sleep late person1 sleep hour night person2 head injuri late person1 ye actual fell ski last week hit head person2 go send ct scan see see result,#Person1# has a headache. #Person2# asks about the details and will send #Person1# for a CT scan. person1 bought anoth handset person2 origin one person1 silver graywhil rememb handset black person2 chang case person1 handset case chang person2 cours that bought type chang case frequent novel use person1 mani case access person2 two one orang pink bought person1 realli go fresh time,"#Person1# thinks #Person2# bought the other handset, but #Person2# changed the case because #Person2# bought all cases." person1 mom want puppi person2 let think person1 think person2 puppi cost money person1 dont puppi free person2 ye puppi need shot person1 shot person2 wont get sick like get shot person1 hate shot person2 puppi eat food cost money person1 problem ill give food plate person2 oh wont puppi dont eat veget,#Person1# wants a puppy. #Person2# needs to think about it because the puppies cost money. person1 wow delici meal must come back restaur everyon famili told good id never tri im glad listen person2 ive lot friend time best last time ate pasta ok steak tonight excel person1 chicken amaz soft juici easi cook chicken long dri perfect person2 tell chef im sure would appreci,#Person1# and #Person2# both think highly of the restaurant. #Person2# suggests telling the chef. person1 hungri let go grab bite eat person2 yeah oh stop shop realli fast lost makeup bag airport want pick thing person1 take long person2 five minut promis person1 come almost hour thought said go get thing long take pick lipstick nail polish person2 crazi idea talk eye get eyelin eyelash curler eye shadow eyebrow pencil mascara need get foundat liquid foundat person1 whoa whoa whoa nut much go cost look price one littl thing outrag basic crayon person2 spend much money razor shave cologn gel mention much spend cloth person1 fine get stupid thirti dollar crayon,"#Person2# has lost her makeup bag and wants to pick up some cosmetics in the shop. #Person1# blames #Person2# for spending a lot of money on makeup and then #Person2# accuses #Person1# of spending too much on his razors, shave, etc." person1 kind give tour place gave good idea product rang person2 pleasur show factori custom gener impress may ask person1 impress inde especi speed nw model person2 latest develop product high perform put market two month ago person1 machin give edg competitor guess person2 certainli one match us far speed concern person1 could give brochur machin price possibl person2 right sale catalog literatur person1 thank think may abl work togeth futur,#Person2# gave #Person1# a tour of the factory. #Person1# is impressed especially by the speed of #Person2#'s NW Model and expresses #Person1#'s cooperation intention. person1 casey thing go photo press kit person2 yeah mean talk might need ask extens deadlin person1 month get final thing delay person2 well thing ran lot problem person1 look excus want get finish time person2 know apolog delay thing beyond control troubl book photograph michael sick three week includ photo design team lost file redo pictur person1 go put longer casey want photo asap,#Person1# asks Casey about the process of the photos. Casey apologises and makes excuses for the delay but #Person1# is still very angry and wants the photos ASAP. person1 hi name ted what person2 person1 said im ted person2 huh oh name laura person1 come often laura person2 huh cant hear music loud person1 let go outsid talk laura come often person2 hold ear still ring music ask person1 ask come often person2 sometim usual everi week person1 first time person2 usual come group friend danc littl drink good time person1 yeah that im friend drag think spend much time studi person2 that good good hit book need get person1 guess music loud dont mind get meet peopl next time ill park,Ted and Laura meet for the first time. They tell each other how often they come to this place and they think the music here is too loud. person1 today saturday isnt person2 ye what wrong person1 what date today person2 today septemb 28th 2007 person1 meet afternoon person2 begin person1 begin three ocock what time person2 half past one person1 go dont want late person2 dont worri time enough,#Person2# tells #Person1# the date today. #Person1# remembers #Person1# has a meeting this afternoon. person1 ladi gentlemen dear mr simpson follow increas commun uniti compani pineappl comput compani establish steadi cooper today feel proud honor mr simpson us mr simpson wellknown success career first let behalf present extend warm welcom cordial greet distinguish guest let invit mr simpson give us speech person2 want show gratitud hospit believ trip meaning cooper go deeper stabler near futur commun know thank much consider person1 well also hope cooper neverend thank,#Person1# invites Mr. Simpson to give a speech. Mr. Simpson expresses his expectation for a long-standing cooperation between #Person1# and him. person1 im phone factori visit next friday arriv person2 park visitorscar park front factori go gatehous directli opposit entranc car park secur peopl sign give visitor badg assist come meet person1 ok thank look forward see friday,#Person1# phones #Person2# to ask about what to do on #Person1#'s arrival for the factory visit. person1 yuck carrot tast aw salti hi si like person2 like much delici person1 well carrot person2 daniel hold minut tri pull person1 noth dont care carrot hi si saw buy chocol cake done main cours time dessert person2 oh want chocol cake speak person1 im think dessert enough carrot person2 daniel carrot contain much vitamin c good person1 know chocol cake even better person2 oh stop know need veget end fat dont watch diet person1 well actual dont mind eat carrot chocol cake much better know born sweet tooth,Daniel thinks the carrots don't taste good and wants #Person2#'s chocolate cake. #Person2# tells him eating carrots does good to health but Daniel still wants the cake. person1 david would like someth eat person2 im full person1 want someth drink person2 ye id like coffe person1 sorri dont coffe person2 that ok ill glass water person1 small glass big one person2 small pleas person1 person2 thank person1 your welcom,#Person1# asks David if he wants something to eat or drink. David'll have a small glass of water. person1 id like reserv tabl three 630 even person2 let check hold pleas ye that fine smoke nonsmok area person1 nonsmok pleas person2 right may name person1 surnam gao person2 spell sir,#Person2# helps Mr. Gao reserve a table for dinner. person1 saw interest program tv last night elderli peopl person2 program say person1 said peopl posit attitud tend live longer happier person2 think mani physician agre idea person1 tv program also said physic exercis help peopl deal stress person2 activ older peopl seem enjoy kind physic exercis father 60 year old lift weight everi day,#Person1# tells #Person2# about an interesting TV program about elderly people. person1 hello come dont stand come take seat person2 um okay well want trim noth fanci person1 oh gosh hair amaz silki shini go work magic hair hear go look like million buck person2 okay um make sure sideburn even take littl top person1 dont worri ill take care everyth oh god love curli hair fluffi cute total let grow afro would look great person2 um person1 okay go masterpiec,#Person2# wants a trim. #Person1# serves #Person2# and admires #Person2#'s hair enthusiastically but #Person1# reacts indifferently. person1 how food person2 pretti good person1 well dont think dont like person2 im afraid your particular food person1 eat dog food parent person2 boat ive eaten fast food whole week hate person1 poor us junk food lack nutrit person2 let dine tonight chang person1 good idea,#Person1# and #Person2# get tired of eating fast food when their parents are out. They will dine out tonight for a change. person1 found great school junior person2 dont think littl earli look school havent even babi yet person1 cant cautiou thing person2 go ador father tell school person1 huge slide playground lot tree even littl brook person2 insid school person1 librari right insid front door person2 think child go love,"#Person1# found a great school for Junior and describes it to #Person2#, although they haven't had their baby." person1 farmington would take look catalogu ad roger dont think use person2 hmm see mean spoken roger usual better work person1 know mr farmington im sure bring think would better spoke person2 right leav ad ill speak morn,#Person1# and Farmington feel dissatisfied with the ads that Roger did. Farmington will speak to Roger. person1 tomorrow halloween know im readi bought two pumpkin big bag candi want help jackolantern person2 id love heard halloween beij kind children day small kid get dress walk around paper bag basket knock neighbor person1 suppos say trick treat neighbor suppos hand candi person2 that kind cool what trick mean person1 usual older kid go around play halloween like punch pumpkin left outsid peopl door someon tree usual late night littl kid go person2 sound kind fun mayb get tighter friend night person1 usual adult dont kid big parti get dress person2 sound lot fun,#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for Halloween. They talk about the customs especially the trick-or-treat. #Person2# thinks that sounds a lot of fun. person1 dear fellow know mr ross leav us soon short meaning visit compani person2 realli want stay littl longer still meet attend impress hospit warm welcom thank troubl taken person1 said welcom speech mr rosss visit compani meaning two compani thank much visit miss time person2 trip learn lot get know choic choos compani partner definit right feel sens potenti compani last wish cooper sound success person1 that pleasur mr ross visit leav gorgeou memori hope mr halmiton presid compani also chanc visit compani soon rememb pleas person2 cours,Mr. Ross has visited #Person1#'s company and is leaving very soon. He thanks #Person1#'s hospitality and they both wish their further cooperation will be sound and successful. person1 room servic help person2 room 1019 would like order breakfast person1 would like sir person2 one orang juic scrambl egg bacon toast coffe person1 take 20 minut sir right person2 ye oh way could also bring today paper person1 cours sir,#Person2# calls Room Service to ask for breakfast and today's paper. person1 good morn mr croft person2 good morn nurs want see dentist pleas person1 appoint person2 dont person1 urgent person2 ye urgent feel aw terribl toothach person1 come 10 monday april 24th person2 must see dentist nurs person1 dentist busi moment come 2 pm person2 that late dentist see person1 im afraid cant mr croft cant wait till afternoon person2 wait toothach cant,"Mr Croft has a terrible toothache and wants to see the dentist right now, but the nurse tells him that the dentist is not available and he has to wait." person1 hello like jewelri made item person2 realli talent learn person1 mother taught trick trade ive alway love jewelri person2 could never make bracelet like person1 ive make design ten year bracelet ten dollar person2 ill take one right seven dollar person1 deal,#Person1# recommends a bracelet designed by #Person1# to #Person2#. #Person2# takes one after bargaining. person1 ive visit showroom sure get lot fanci bedsheet like much person2 im glad like made silk display popular favorit product item particularli interest person1 20 color feel nice id like start pure silk person2 ye latest product highli recommend fine design qualiti certainli eye good thing person1 thank say what unit price person2 catalogu price list take look person1 price seem accept suppli bedsheet order person2 problem person1 that fine let sign contract,#Person1# likes the bedsheets in the showroom displayed by #Person2#. They reach an agreement on the price and will sign a contract. person1 hey cant bit faster make whole group wait person2 blame im troubl oper kind machin design right hander person1 alway complain machin one use left hand person2 realli dont know other person1 tell truth im also lefthand person2 person1 yeah spend time get suit advanc quickli person2 done person1 ye fact pay use hand person2 ok tri,#Person2#'s left-handed and works slowly. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s also left-handed and asks #Person2# to get suited to the work in advance instead of complaining about the machines. person1 im sure soup carl tast person2 dont think maria tast fine weve place dont feel soup tast differ person1 well still think need someth salt person2 certainli pepper anyth think could use littl person1 your talk that exactli need onion person2 dont know seem start like food strong tast recent person1 oh realli,Maria thinks the soup lacks certain tastes. Carl thinks Maria starts to have a strong taste recently. person1 ann havent seen age person2 bob long time hasnt must least year person1 talk johnson christma parti last decemb dont rememb person2 that right well still work germen compani person1 chang job 4 month ago im world bank person2 im still work univers transfer german depart spanish depart person1 dont tell speak spanish person2 sure grew spain know german studi colleg person1 ever manag learn littl italian person2 oh excus someon knock door ill talk later bob person1 nice talk ann,Bob and Ann haven't seen each other for a long time. They tell each other how they have been doing recently. person1 good morn miss id like speak manag person2 manag sir help person1 oh realli radio doesnt work person2 mm buy person1 mean cours bought look switch noth happen person2 could see receipt person1 receipt havent got one person2 oh got receipt bought person1 perhap must thrown away person2 ah well got proof purchas guarante exampl person1 must box threw away person2 oh dear realli ought kept need know exact date purchas person1 bought yesterday young man serv oh paid chequ ive got chequ stub person2 that right check radio left shop person1 check box hope would work wasnt cheap radio good make person2 check person1 come tell done someth either give money back give anoth raido person2 there need get aggress sir let look mm see littl switch back person1 ye person2 main batteri realli read instruct person1 oh,"#Person1# comes for a radio he bought yesterday that doesn't work. He can't find the receipt but manages to offer the cheque stub. The manager checks the radio and finds that it's because #Person1# didn't read the instructions, he didn't move the switch onto the right position." person1 what favourit game person2 like play tabl tenni person1 like swim skate person2 isnt hard learn skate person1 need balanc person2 could teach person1 sure anytim free person2 buy pair skate person1 dont think necessari rent,#Person2# likes table tennis. #Person1# likes swimming and skating. #Person2# requests #Person1# to teach #Person2# to skate. person1 ive lunch cafeteria univers person2 think food today person1 ask terribl usual id say person2 know think time group us speak univers offici qualiti food person1 good idea person2 view better get rid manag person1 think first think problem univers doesnt want chang anoth manag person2 mean youv person1 ye freshman wrote letter student servic offici present petit sign 200 student person2 reaction person1 ask student didnt sign well told time sampl sure almost student would person2 cool toward isnt seriou question person1 manag good friend univers know famili connect,Neither #Person1# nor #Person2# feels satisfied with the food in the university cafeteria. They think the manager should be changed. #Person1# had tried to propose but the Student Services Official was cool because the manager has good friends in the University. person1 oh cant go person2 neither give die person1 ive never seen hot weather life person2 cant agre like whole world boil person1 look temperatur hit 98 person2 cant believ use nice weather year round person1 ye miss good old day cool warm day person2 person1 guess cant anyth sun set person2 right im sweat person1 let go back home take shower person2 ye might cool way,#Person1# and #Person2# cannot stand the heat and miss the old days with nice weather. They will go back home and take a shower. person1 werent german class last night tom given person2 well noi came back late yesterday found john sleep chair hed write report day long tire go gave lesson miss person1 youv miss quit lot lesson late havent lose interest person2 ye im afraid neither john gift languag peopl laugh us attempt speak german jane pick quickli easili youv hardli germani month person1 neither quick easi wed studi languag came need revis person2 anyway friend speak english well dont realli need learn german,Tom explains why he missed the German class yesterday and admits that he has lost interest in German. He thinks it's unnecessary to learn German because all his friends here speak English very well. person1 hey mari realli gone long time person2 hi well talk teacher left work would miss besid aunt denver made studi lot person1 thought rich aunt person2 didnt children rais money even though teacher person1 holiday person2 cold least three day went saw mani peopl mountain washington birthday person1 beach full washington birthday realli warm lot peopl went swim person2 well stay home day mani peopl took train mountain least didnt drive good thing didther mani car buse place park anywher person1 like beach,Mary tells #Person1# about her holiday during which she studied a lot. They talk about Washington's Birthday when everywhere was crowded with people. person1 realli cant stand way david control convers time he go christma parti wont come person2 im sorri feel way mother insist come,"#Person1# complains to #Person2# about David, who controls the conversation all the time." person1 go helen birthday parti friday even person2 wouldnt miss world sure fun she invit lot friend think everyon abl get hous person1 everyon turn would crowd said couldnt go think ok person2 take anyth person1 ive got birthday present ill take bottl wine person2 that good idea bought plenti food drink go noisi parti hope neighbour dont mind much person1 helen get well neighbour wouldnt surpris went parti,#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing whether Helen's birthday party will be crowded and what to take as a gift. person1 welcom mcdonald take order person2 pleas give extra valu meal red bean pie one order veget salad person1 would like someth drink person2 cup hot orang juic person1 person2 ye that,#Person2# orders an extra value meal and hot orange juice with #Person1#'s assistance at McDonald's. person1 waiter would like order person2 sure want today person1 cream soup steak pleas person2 like steak person1 excus mean person2 well sever kind steak exampl steak mediumrar mediumwel welldon person1 thank explan would like welldon,#Person1# orders cream soup and well-done steak with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 well quit style want suit fashion person2 one latest made cashmer person1 tri person2 sure person1 much better much,#Person2# recommends a suit to #Person1#. person1 steven good see brother trip person2 fine ive better great home ive miss how mom person1 she great ever talk youher littl boy went unit state your pride joy know person2 cant wait see what new person1 well nisha expect youll anoth nephew niec soon person2 that great wow congrat two great togeth ya know beauti famili hope one day person1 cours man come mean everyth set marri shalini know she still pine dont think shell ever get person2 talk hardli knew could love couldnt go even though great woman left heart unit state hope veronica happi person1 get your home everyon think highli therel girl throw marri anyon want person2 dont want marri anyon want marri dont understand person1 incorrig person3 steven babi ive miss much person2 hey mom great see person3 look thin didnt american feed come come let chai way girl wait person4 hi steven person2 veronica get know live wait airport never show person4 also littl secret havent told discuss later realiz scare scare much love commit marriag requir im someth wan na ask steven marri person5 declar husband wife may kiss bride,"Steven just came back from America. #Person1# tells Steven Nisha and #Person1# are expecting their new-born baby and asks Steven to get married soon, but Steven only wants to marry Veronica who's in America. When Steven gets home, he is astonished to find Veronica waiting for him. Veronica expresses her love for Steven and proposes. At last, they get married." person1 heard rumor morn seem trusten tool go busi anoth competitor go bankrupt could good news us person2 think must heard wrong truth go taken trusten bought compani merg largest competitor good news person1 merg trusten never thought would happen get new owner affect job person2 probabl new owner come start align meet nextweek one big question call new conglomer compani person1 wow big chang wont name person2 name compani chang expect acquisit therel ton thing air,#Person1# shares the rumour that Trusten Tools is going bankrupt. #Person2# tells #Person1# it's fake news and it's their company that will be taken over by Trusten. #Person1#'s astonished and worried about its effect. person1 heard janet got new job she work unit invest group hear pay well person2 heard must make pocket well good person1 shell abl save holiday unit state person2 ye moment exchang rate favor tri go soon possibl cheaper person1 your right way hear tom inherit money recent person2 realli thought parent die sever year ago person1 inherit money form uncl hope doesnt lose lot tax govern person2 die expens nowaday what go person1 said would probabl invest he got wellpaid job doesnt need money cover dayto day expens want extra money avail retir person2 good financi news yesterday person1 realli fortun lotteri person2 got pay rise 5 hour hard work ive put recent think nice boss show appreci way person1 certainli go windfal,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Janet's new job working for the united investment group and Tom's inheritance from his uncle. Then, #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# got a pay rise yesterday." person1 realli date frank person2 yeah heart heart find he much like person1 keep away person2 problem one turn right person1 that stupid,#Person1# thinks it stupid for #Person2# to date Frank. person1 tomorrow first day work think wear person2 well want look profession seriou conserv blue dress white shirt nottoohigh shoe would best choic sometim formal cloth keep distanc colleagu depend compani dress code person1 inde found employe dress casual went interview manag suit tie came back ceremoni seem dress code formal probabl put car key simpl shirt person2 whatev choos make sure neat clean,#Person2# offers #Person1# some suggestions on what to wear on #Person1#'s first day at work. person1 mani laguag speak person2 speak french german person1 well speak person2 speak german quit well cant speak french well person1 help translat sentenc german person2 ill abl tomorrow,#Person2# introduces #Person2#'s language abilities. #Person1# requests #Person2# to translate some sentences into German. person1 may look what cage person2 dont know panda person1 cours know cant see well person2 ok put glass know panda eat person1 cours bamboo person2 that right person1 also know given countri gift friendship person2 sound quit knowledg person1 realli panda favorit anim person2 actual like milk person1 way word panda friend person2 know famou anim world person1 yeah let think kangaroo koala bear australia famou person2 that right ok let move,May tells #Person1# that it's a panda in a cage. #Person1# likes pandas best and knows a lot about them. person1 hi lab said would get test result today person2 like come discuss test would like run person1 think bad sign person2 would like run test look problem mention person1 wouldnt tell phone person2 question test result alway recheck person1 need come right away person2 would happi see afternoon feel upset pleas bring friend rel along person1 scare person2 come afternoon talk fine,#Person2# asks #Person1# to come in and discuss some tests that #Person2# would like to run. #Person1# is worried about the test results. person1 still learn chines person2 ye dont enough time mani thing everi day person1 read chines still find difficult speak chines dont alway understand peopl speak chines person2 dont hear chines enough think listen radio china person1 ye listen news china almost everyday help understand chines speak person2 wed better go china holiday person1 right thatll best way,Both #Person1# and #Person2# find it difficult to speak Chinese. #Person2# thinks it's because they don't hear Chinese enough and suggests going to China for a holiday. person1 tell book dream red mansion person2 im sorri lent one newli publish novel written young writer fast pace plot languag easi read person1 ok ill take way long keep person2 3 week come back borrow longer cant finish time person1 long keep novel second time person2 3 week borrow twice within year person1 alright thank much,"#Person1# wants to borrow A Dream of Red Mansion but it's been lent out, so #Person1# borrows another novel." person1 thank agre interview miss lerner ok question first know want write children book person2 well studi creativ write colleg graduat work advertis wasnt children got interest children book person1 write one kid person2 ye best friend drew pictur person1 like person2 love friend husband saw copi home show publish knew publish year next year wrote 3 book sinc begin total 8 publish person1 that wonder thank much time interview appear school newspap 3 week send copi youd like,#Person1# interviews Miss Lerner for #Person1#'s school newspaper. Miss Lerner shares her experience of writing children's books. person1 may come person2 ye pleas person1 madam name wu come compani interview request person2 fine thank come mr wu pleas take seat ann smith assist manag person1 nice see mr smith person2 nice meet,During Wu comes to the company for an interview and the assistant manager Anne Smith introduces herself. person1 hi mark long time see person2 hi alex person1 person2 got back london person1 flight person2 ok lot turbul though person1 bad long flight person2 10 hour person1 layov person2 ye pari franc person1 buy anyth dutyfre store person2 ye bought two box chocol one one person1 oh person2 noth,"Alex tells Mark about his flight, the layover, and the things he bought in the duty-free stores." person1 get bu pass person2 im go buy one person1 your person2 think wast money person1 actual cost less bu pass person2 person1 use howev mani time need person2 right person1 yup keep money pocket person2 sound nice person1 go get person2 yeah think,#Person1# persuades #Person2# to buy a bus pass to save money and #Person2# is convinced. person1 hello rubi speak g intern travel agenc person2 like make reserv trip detroit beij april 13 tran pacif airlin person1 want singl ticket round trip ticket person2 like round trip ticket oneyear open return person1 economi busi class person2 economi pleas much person1 850 person2 good could get electron ticket alway afraid lose ticket person1 problem wish pay person2 bank american card number 6786 9182 12300 8657 person1 thank would like aisl seat window seat person2 aisl seat pleas tall need get walk pretti often person1 problem ticket tran pacif flight 87 detroit beij 3 forti p april 13 arriv beij intern airport six 35 p april 14 electron person2 time arriv detroit airport person1 pleas airport two hour departur check also need reconfirm reserv airlin least 7 day prior departur person2 happen leav april 13 cancel ticket chang reserv anoth date person1 ye pay penalti 75 chang cancel person2 ok weight restrict check baggag person1 tran pacif intern flight ticket passeng permit maximum two check bag maximum weight per check bag 70 pound person2 great two bag check 70 pound think set realli effici thank much help person1 thank compliment call g travel agenc nice trip,"#Person2# wants to make a reservation for a round trip ticket with a one-year open return. Ruby in G. O. T. International Travel Agency helps #Person2# get an electronic ticket. #Person2# chooses the economy class, an aisle seat, and asks for the check-in time, the amount of penalty to change the flight and the weight restrictions for checked baggage." person1 happen didnt win person2 didnt hear disqualifi person1 happen he talent thought great chanc win gold medal person2 didnt drug problem would person1 kind drug use person2 take steroid make stronger faster person1 thought athlet suppos regularli test drug person2 reason didnt disqualifi race result text came back afterward person1 that disappoint dont know top athlet would feel need take drug person2 dont think right understand might imagin much pressur would win countri person1 regardless much pressur your there never good reason take drug person2 agre hope new regul fewer athlet tri cheat drug person1 let hope,#Person2# tells #Person1# the athlete didn't win because he had drug problems and was disqualified. #Person1# thinks that there's never a good reason to take drugs and #Person2# agrees. person1 frank get marri believ person2 realli person1 ye love girl much person2 mar person1 girl met holiday spain think person2 set date wed person1 yet,#Person1# tells #Person2# that Frank is getting married to the girl he met in Spain. person1 dear five flight person2 that right well get use besid quiet littl away street traffic nois there one live us person1 place wellfurnish person2 ye pretti bright big enough children play person1 kitchen person2 stove refriger good work order dont see loos electr wire could caus fire person1 plumb right person2 plumb seem ok toilet flush shower hot cold water sink dont seem leak person1 place ok let go look,#Person1# and #Person2# are evaluating a house which is far from the street. They check the equipment of the house and think it is ok. person1 good even person2 good even could let us doubl room person1 long stay person2 week ten day wed like quiet room possiblenot near street person1 let see ye room 313 back person2 what price per day meal includ extra person1 20 pound per day includ breakfast person2 right well take person1 good sir regist pleas person2 ok person1 thank porter show room,#Person2# registers a quiet double room for a week or ten days and asks for the price and breakfast. person1 hello may speak alic pleas person2 how go person1 ive tri call day person2 sorri clean person1 okay person2 call person1 oh want see want hang tomorrow person2 sure want person1 mayb go see movi someth person2 sound like fun let person1 ill see tomorrow person2 see goodby,#Person1# speaks to Alice and invites her to hang out tomorrow. Alice explains why she didn't answer the phone. person1 well ive look resum mr peeper person2 pleas call ted person1 well ted impress resum howev sever applic finish interview make final decis well call friday that right person2 that problem person1 question person2 well kind salari provid person1 salari base experi well time spent compani person2 see person1 salari negoti offici offer job person2 sound fine,#Person1# thinks Ted's resume is impressive and they will call him by Friday. Ted asks about the salary. person1 weekend person2 im plane go boll tonight tomorrow hope see movi person1 want go camp know get way weekend im sure ill abl though person2 person1 well lot work ill see goe,"#Person1# has plans for the weekend, while #Person2# does not decide." person1 cours go take next year person2 well certainli go take chemistri physic havent decid subject yet id like take english person1 go take english chemistri physic person2 want studi english literatur think chemistri better get job person1 cours depend go leav colleg besid go graduat person2 go well hope research chemist,#Person2# wants to take English with chemistry and physics because #Person2# likes English literature but chemistry is better for getting a job. person1 daniel ever heard wildlif sanctuari person2 differ kind zoo person1 ye cours person2 tell person1 lot wild anim place also special rule visit person2 special rule person1 two way visit person2 detail person1 bu car wont allow get bu reach special region person2 person1 danger get car bu imagin fierc wild anim person2 make sens sound interest one beij person1 ye person2 prefer go next time person1 yeah sure wont disappoint,#Person1# tells Daniel about the wildlife sanctuary and introduces two ways for visiting. #Person2# tells that people won't be allowed to get off the bus or car when visiting. person1 havent spent much time sophia late speak moment person2 weve drift apart person1 two use everyth togeth thought realli enjoy other compani person2 sinc start new job hang new friend work person1 cant hang person2 could ever talk work alway end feel left person1 mayb invit dinner two person2 tri week ago end bring pal work she busi day imposs hang person1 cant bad alway realli good friend person2 your right would never talk behind back hold grudg doesnt seem interest friendship anymor person1 she probabl excit new job give time would shame lose good friend person2 ive given enough time im person1 still think two tri patch thing person2 think accept fact time us go separ way,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# and Sophia have been drifting apart since Sophia started her new job. #Person1# advises #Person2# to invite Sophia over for dinner and give her some time to patch things up, but #Person2# thinks that it's time for them to go their separate ways." person1 said go abroad pursu graduat studi person2 ye ive think visit hope get advic person1 countri want go person2 field electron engin countri think go person1 posit id go america person2 univers appli person1 mani univers choos famou univers harvard yale univers michigan massachusett institut technolog realli wonder place studi competit expens smaller univers institut also nice much cheaper person2 oh see thank much,#Person2# asks #Person1# for some advice about #Person2#'s graduate studies. #Person1# suggests #Person2# go to America and recommends some universities. person1 would like meet famili come dinner next week parentsplac person2 yeuk know anyth person1 actual ive told lot excit meet person2 im littl nervou person1 think youll like famili pretti laid back person2 ay peopl dinner person1 let see there mom dad two brother one sister person2 that good im usual comfort bigger famili,#Person1# invites #Person2# to meet #Person1#'s family. #Person1# asks about who will be there at dinner. person1 hi john bring town person2 hi mari lili want buy thing parti person1 think traffic today person2 pretti bad person1 yeah say noisi person2 glad drive car,John comes to town and thinks the traffic is bad today. person1 meet bill person2 met comput bulletin board person1 oh realli bulletin board person2 one use local coffe hous call san francisco net around sinc around 1991 person1 ive heard ive never tri person2 ought one dollar buy 15 minut comput time chat session link cappuccino sipper cafe also home comput network person1 desir talk network bunch stranger person2 that whole point inhibit disappear cant see person network allow talk peopl normal wouldnt talk person1 want privat convers one person person2 privat session let two peopl talk alon technochat program let talk anyth everybodi without prejudic cant see person1 well mayb ill tag along watch talk person2 that fine well get earli 8 pm alway long line person1 popular person2 sure,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# met Bill through a computer bulletin board. Then they share their opinions about talking on a network with a stranger. #Person1# will tag along and watch how #Person2# talks on the internet. person1 ever thought ideal home person2 actual ive alway want build dream home person1 would like person2 well would spaciou locat next park nice view import person1 mani room would person2 id want three bedroom second floor balconi one main bedroom main floor attach en suit id also want larg live room kitchen connect person1 mani bedroom would dream home person2 id one guest bathroom basement one attach main bedroom one upstair total three person1 would decor hous person2 dont like lot clutter wouldnt lot thing would vase mantel piec pictur famili wall thing would b person1 mani tv would dream home person2 think tv great wast time would one small tv kitchen watch news morn,"#Person2# describes #Person2#'s ideal home to #Person1#, which is spacious and located next to a park. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the number of rooms, how #Person2# would decorate the dream house, and the number of TVs." person1 julia julia julia dare julia what wrong person2 steven talk person1 ye call three time make daze person2 think accid saw morn petrifi two car collid wit traffic accid person1 someon get hurt person2 driver die instantli one badli hurt poor boy call peter kill accid person1 terribl accid respons traffic accid person2 think drove fast what wors one drunk person1 guy like drive fast drunk person2 dont understand mayb feel okay drive fast seem cool,Steven called Julia but Julia didn't reply because she was thinking about the traffic accident she witnessed. Steven asks about the casualties and who should take the responsibility. person1 hello need disconnect phone pleas person2 right live sir person1 345 lincoln avenu oklahoma citi person2 well want disconnect phone sir person1 im move new home person2 k may name pleas person1 john smith person2 thank mr smith what telephon number person1 5557658 person2 thank send final phone bill person1 623 west side drive new york new york person2 thank mr smith phone disconnect phone call nice day person1 thank,Mr. Smith wants to disconnect his phone because he is moving to a new home. #Person2# helps and asks for some information. person1 come let show hous isnt someth spaciou bright clean wall newli paint ever seen nice hous person2 realli person1 kitchen everi thing new person2 great,#Person1# shows #Person2# the house. #Person1# thinks that the kitchen is great. person1 good morn welcom live tech honor make present let begin explain digit camerassel point see immedi stylish cant see cuttingedg technolog insid camera light compact easi use person2 take look one person1 guest live tech digit camera combin pointandshoot simplic abil easili turn pictur greatlook print furthermor allow user transfer pictur comput camera recharg person2 take pictur see believ person1 sure push button like person2 think figur let see work advertis saychees person1 think find best digit camera market today person2 think qualiti photo speak,#Person1# is making a presentation about digital cameras' selling points and explains the advantages and functions to #Person2#. #Person2# takes a picture and thinks the quality of the photos will speak for themselves. person1 good morn sir seat pleas person2 would like know state residenti properti market right apart sell person1 sure busi card im jame wilson let explain thing recent month demand residenti properti becom extrem high price residenti properli risen almost twenti percent person2 realli sinc go back england within next month would like sell apart soon possibl person1 dont worri sir think seller market right let get inform apart first properti address person2 flat c 15 f tong hous tai koo shing person1 squar footag properti mani bedroom live room person2 gross area approxim nine hundr squar feet there one live room one dine room one master bedroom two bedroom person1 orient view person2 face south hillsid view person1 market price tong hous around five thousand hong kong dollar per squar foot also depend intern layout condit hous person2 would like ask four point five million hong kong dollar person1 may name contact number sir person2 johnson contact number 2876543 2 offic number 2123456 7 person1 thank mr johnson may ask one question properti becom avail person2 one month person1 also mr johnson would like remind compani charg commiss equival one percent transact price event success sell properti introduct person2 problem person1 thank much introduc properti client want see properti give call person2 thank,"Mr.Johnson wants to know the state of the residential property market because he has an apartment to sell. James explains the current demand is high. Mr.Johnson tells him the address and describes the square footage of his property, the orientation, and the view. They agree on a 1% commission of the transaction price and James will help him sell the house." person1 could see automat camera person2 cours camera easi oper person1 made person2 made china person1 expens person2 expens person1 ill take one person2 ok want film person1 ye give two roll kodak color film person2,#Person2# introduces the automatic camera to #Person1# and #Person1# will buy the camera and some films. person1 excus need storybook easi english anyth like person2 well lot storybook upstair children section written young children other teen mayb suit need person1 ill go take look thank help person2 your welcom,#Person2# tells #Person1# about the location of the storybooks. person1 hey devi thought would like go dinner friday birthday person2 sure dont know mani restaur around person1 know could look onlin local internet site person2 good let take look person1 kind food would like person2 enjoy thai japanes best person1 one shogun look good person2 oh ye ive heard one everyon ive spoken say great person1 would like go person2 think would realli good choic let call make reserv,#Person1# and Devi to look online at the local Internet sites and decide a restaurant for Devi's birthday. person1 realli like record lent day person2 im glad like person1 thank much let keep long person2 person1 im grate everyon class enjoy person2 im glad person1 would mind keep anoth week,#Person1# thanks #Person2# for the record that #Person2# lent and wants to keep it for more time. person1 good day assist person2 need get letter credit right window person1 certainli contract import licens person2 ye right brief case moment pleas person1 thank need deposit 100 guarante fund contract account us person2 that done enough cover contract amount account person1 that great charg 250 rmb servic though could pleas fill thank,#Person2# wants a Letter of Credit. #Person1# asks for #Person2#'s contract and Import License and charges #Person2# 250 RIB. person1 good morn came answer advertis salesperson person2 see walk way pleas experi person1 im afraid havent experi sort work im studi busi administr colleg want get job would tie studi person2 got sell experi person1 work depart store small town last summer vacat person2 tell educ background person1 graduat beij univers major busi administr person2 cours complet person1 cours complet market busi law busi english statist market principl sale manag distribut theori economi psycholog person2 subject like univers person1 like sale strategi person2 would like work us person1 interest job compani one best known although work experi salesperson job descript sent interest job ive dream univers person2 futur plan kind expect compani person1 interest market would consid graduat studi busi futur think goal becom clear gain experi sale market person2 good know anyth compani person1 ye littl mention american capit compani far know compani world famou one produc cosmet skincar product person2 got anyth ask person1 travel requir posit person2 ye person1 often person2 three time year feel person1 that fine,"#Person1# comes in answer to #Person2#'s advertisement for a salesperson. #Person2# asks #Person1# about #Person1#'s working experience, education background, the course #Person1# completed, #Person1#'s favourite course, the reasons for why #Person1# wants to work in their company, #Person1#'s plans and expectations, and what #Person1# knows about the company. #Person1# asks about the frequency of traveling." person1 understand organiz structur compani person2 organiz structur compani framework commun author person1 true like human skeleton defin shape compani structur defin person2 ye right,#Person2# explains the organizational structure of a company to #Person1#. person1 anna come pleas person2 ye mr green would like person1 need bu ticket seattl person2 time want leav mr green person1 well tomorrow morn earli appoint noon person2 there bu everi thirti minut start 530 person1 eas id like leav wait wife go drop way work could book 630 ticket instead person2 sure one way roundtrip person1 oh probabl buy roundtrip ticket sinc ill come back tomorrow even oh bu around 6 person2 ye there one 545 youd get back 8 oclock person1 ok ill take one told wife wed see movi 930,Mr. Green wants Anna to help him book a bus ticket to Seattle at 6:30 tomorrow morning and a round-trip ticket back at 5:45 pm. person1 good afternoon help sir person2 made reserv last week name benjamin weve arriv person1 minut pleas benjamin oh ye one doubl room whole week registr card would pleas fill form sir person2 love minut later done person1 thank everyth order room number 8715 person2 87th floor person1 sir china eight lucki number actual 7th floor person2 thank way dress tabl room person1 ye tradit wooden one,#Person1# gives #Person2# the registration card and tells the room number. Room 8715 is on the 7th floor because 8 is a lucky number in China. person1 ok happen got airport person2 well wait queue age final turn come desk ask present visa person1 ye need visa travel agent told person2 think six year ago,#Person2# waited for too long at the airport without a visa prepared person1 read bill person2 week new scientist person1 wonder look interest ive never actual read real scientist ordinari peopl like understand person2 alway anyon realli usual articl stori current affair scienc well paper new develop research im read new telephon allow see person speak well see person1 oh heard market yet buy one person2 one compani made model tri busi one special color imag move person1 oh that interest person2 see first video phone that call made japan show still black white imag video phone much better mind im sure want one would person1 well dont think word bet cost lot money say much cost person2 ye yearli black white one cost sever hundr pound one stori cost sever thousand pound person1 hmm anybodi want one think person2 busi organ need frequent contact oversea want like facetofac convers mayb lot oversea travel avoid person1 ye suppos,Bill is reading New Scientist and introduces it to #Person1# that everyone can understand it. Bill tells that this one is special because its color and image are moving so #Person1# cannot buy it on market. Then they discuss the first video phones about the price and who wants it. person1 hey know your jame right jame robert person2 amanda brown wow long time person1 yeah oh go class reunion two week person2 uh heard im sure person1 reunion go held mountain countri club across citi park person2 time start person1 think start 600 person2 much cost person1 twenti dollar ticket includ dinner entertain person2 kind entertain go person1 theyr go live jazz band danc person2 organ event person1 rememb chad phillip person2 uh wasnt quarterback footbal team person1 right well marri sarah roger charg event think go person2 dont know never realli fit high school kind loner also rememb ask sarah date turn said sick turn went someon night could littl awkward person1 hey dont go togeth person2 sure person1 yeah person2 well sure honest alway thought nice never gut ask person1 well here chanc person2 sound great what number call person1 4359236017 person2 6017 okay live person1 live two block south old high school person2 okay rememb live let call day confirm thing person1 sound good fun,"Amanda Brown meets James Roberts and tells James about the class reunion in two weeks. James asks about the starting time, the cost, types of entertainment and the organizer. Then James told Amanda that he was turned down by the organizer's wife. Amanda gives James her number to let him ask her out and James thinks Amanda is nice." person1 ive got new boss person2 oh what like person1 well he got dark hair brown eye person2 ye person1 white sport car person2 um that good person1 ye he got wife 3 children well,"#Person1# tells #Person2# the appearance, and family of #Person1#'s new boss." person1 want buy wallet person2 wallet variou design one quit fashion person1 may pick person2 cours person1 one better qualiti person2 one much better also much expens person1 problem price much person2 two hundr thirtyf yuan person1 ok ill take,#Person2# recommends wallets to #Person1# and #Person1# buys the one with better quality and higher price. person1 hi lisa person2 hi kate person1 im look registr know registr person2 ye right room 133 right person1 excus registr person3 ye need inform registr card person1 ok person3 what full name person1 lisa smith person3 what school address person1 820 univers box 4348 chicago illinoi person3 telephon number person1 4318937323 person3 thank,Kate tells Lisa the room number for registration. #Person3# asks Lisa some information for registration. person1 excus im look casual shortsleev shirt tell person2 right sir size wear person1 medium person2 medium person1 thank think ill take one pant well theyr present friend person2 shall giftwrap sir person1 ye pleas,#Person2# shows #Person1# where shirts are and asks #Person1#'s size. #Person1# buys a shirt and pants as gifts for a friend. person1 son start school yet tom person2 next week go quit shock person1 hell get use alway still rememb daughter start go first day person2 bet wouldnt miss,Tom tells #Person1# he will go with his son on the first day of school. person1 plan tonight person2 realli person1 well wonder took hangout drink someth know came back realli tough interview quit nervou interview realli want job right still littl edg sure could convinc interview person2 take easi go anyway person1 dont know think well paper exam prepar answer lot question didnt ask expect surpris manag tri talk chines poesi person2 that strang probabl new interview techniqu call get know person answer person1 best,#Person1# invites #Person2# to have a drink because #Person1# had a tough interview. #Person1# tells that he did well in the paper exam but the questions he was asked were strange. person1 know salli person2 salli bachelor girl excel design mani compani advertis child train person1 still singl must face would stop clock person2 oh quit way round knockout devot much time career,#Person2# tells #Person1# Sally is an excellent designer but she is still single because she devotes herself to her career. person1 look book small busi startup think perfect im go start compani back offic person2 sound interest youd like check person1 ye day least person2 problem ill need see librari card person1 im afraid ive lost person2 that alright could tell librari account number person1 im sorri dont rememb person2 look give usernam librari websit ill find account number person1 oh dear dont usual use websit,#Person1# wants to borrow some books and tells #Person2# that #Person1# lost the library card and forget the card number and library website username. person1 hi glad meet person2 hi met person1 arent woman gave comput lectur citi librari last winter person2 ye look familiar class person1 ye sure im glad took lectur ive benefit quit lot person2 thank also reward someth meaning spare time person1 oh thought engin someth like expert profess person2 exactli know bit comput person1 thought would imposs learn use comput age im exchang email grandchildren say learn fast well happiest thing retir person2 that great give lectur work good experi chang pace daytim job sale repres person1 that right,"#Person1# tells #Person2# that #Person1# has benefited a lot from #Person2#'s computer lecture. After retirement, #Person1# feels happy while learning computer and exchanging emails with #Person1#'s grandchildren. #Person2# thinks that giving lecture is a change of space after work." person1 see robot smart cant believ mani differ kind technolog show could mani thing even activ thought could done human hand person2 realli amaz person1 understand say china futur robot chang societi person2 that exactli im afraid predict consequ person1 well hard say person2 im worri averag person experi commun robot daili basi alreadi surround technolog day night modern societi peopl complet lose abil form relationship peopl question ill research term paper person1 understand concern think countri need becom competit countri also develop technolog person2 ask professor smith talk bit next class,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about robots at the technology show. #Person2# is afraid that robots will make people unwilling to socialize, while #Person1# believes that robot technology needs to be developed to become more competitive." person1 phil said your teacher studi educ colleg person2 studi construct actual work design younger realli great job kind came teach tri someth differ person1 like electron product person2 yeah favorit laptop think everyon laptop use watch movi download music internet import write report student laptop amaz today person1 product especi like mp4 player ipad person2 suppos would say digit camera im absolut useless take photograph alway miss main part pictur howev digit camera keep take photo know ive got one actual want digit camera perfect choos photo want person1 yeah agre use camera lot websit couldnt make without,"Phil tells #Person1# he was a designer before becoming a teacher. Phil likes his laptop because he can watch movies, download music, and write reports on it. He also likes to use his digital camera to take photos." person1 alic what favorit movi year twenti seventeen person2 must say wonder woman movi releas june last year parent eager take see person1 parent want take watch much person2 consid quit differ movi know realli rare see femal action hero big budget movi also direct woman guess parent want show women could power person1 think movi big success person2 bet made 400 million dollar ticket sale unit state fact two bigger money maker among year movi person1 watch movi direct women twenti seventeen person2 certainli women charg 60 film year includ fall ladi bird battl sex among three prefer last,Alice tells #Person1# her favorite movie is Wonder Woman which her parents took her to watch because it involves in a female hero and is directed by female. Alice also watched other movies directed by women. person1 clair your drama person2 ye master degre drama theater moment im hope get phd program person1 excit drama person2 well find commun way studi peopl learn read peopl drama usual understand peopl say even though might lie person1 would use person2 yeah use well im english lectur use lot drama class role play ask student creat mini drama realli respond well moment im hope get phd cours id like concentr asian drama tri bring asian theater world attent dont know success would here hope person1 oh im sure youll success,Claire wants to get on to a PhD program in drama because she thinks that it is a communicative way to study people and wants to bring Asian theater to the world's attention. person1 long take order deliv person2 let see import fifti contain textil china abl place order end next week take 2 day ship port citi ningpo freight take 3 week open ocean arriv lo angel approxim month today domest ship respons make arrang pier lo angel person1 fine handl domest ship custom pay tariff import hope dont run problem border control person2 chines compani work paperwork receiv shipment good go,#Person2# says that #Person1#'s order of fifty containers of textiles will arrive in Los Angeles approximately a month from today with no tariff. person1 could tell someth famili person2 ok five peopl famili father mother elder brother younger sister person1 brother sister still school person2 brother found job sister still colleg person1 father person2 father middl school teacher person1 mother person2 mother housewif person1 marri person2 marri yet live alon person1 need support famili person2 father brother person1 finish school person2 ye alreadi graduat,"#Person2# is introducing #Person2#'s family to #Person1#. There are five members, father, mother, elder brother, younger sister, and #Person2#." person1 peopl talk world recess start year ago give us person assess situat global economi person2 know special time hard time mani countri econom develop develop think current econom situat could describ synchron slowdown major economi person1 direct impact terrorist attack upon countri economi person2 us economi troubl due terrorist attack impact could quickli felt rest world person1 challeng countri economi face moment person2 face lot challeng still much uncertainti world economi import us strike proper balanc invest fix asset household consumpt,#Person2# thinks there is a synchronized slowdown of major economies and the US economy is in trouble due to the terrorist attack. They face many challenges because there is still much uncertainty. person1 may know go person2 ye want go beij hotel person1 im sorri go wrong direct person2 oh shall person1 dont worri get next stop go across street overpass bu stop right person2 thank much person1 pleasur,#Person1# shows the correct direction to the Beijing Hotel for #Person2#. person1 wei first time didnt bargain person2 bargain id feel way guilti person1 could save money person2 sweet worth plu id happili pay thing bought person1 f flea market nearbi mayb your done person2 ha im warm pleas take,Wei bought something without bargaining and asks #Person1# to take her to a flea market. person1 promis get bread person2 well rememb walk pass baker shop person1 forgot get bread person2 im afraid dont rememb tell person1 well certainli person2 would let person1 free go person2 realli kind person1 ill cake person2 that enough ive got cereal,#Person2# forgot to get the bread for #Person1# and offers some cereal to #Person1#. person1 pick thing store person2 cours need person1 need thing ill give list person2 someth els need think person1 everyth need list person2 want make stop im person1 sinc ask would pick medicin pharmaci person2 readi pick person1 believ person2 problem ill person1 realli appreci person2 problem,#Person1# appreciates #Person2# picking up things from the store and medicine from the pharmacy for #Person1#. person1 would like pick time look hous person2 would morn afternoon best person1 easier take work afternoon person2 best go week work person1 work go look hous weekend person2 would like meet real estat offic pick home person1 could pick home would great person2 could spend day look hous see see person1 might littl much well see goe person2 fax schedul soon contact owner confirm time,#Person1# and #Person2# will look at houses at the weekend. #Person2# will fax #Person1# a schedule as soon as #Person2# contacts the owners to confirm the times. person1 tornado warn mother told heard radio person2 tornado warn person1 mean tornado seen somewher area person2 realli new berlin person1 necessarili town southern wisconsin somewher tornado spot two stage call tornado watch mean weather condit perfect tornado person2 understand think tornado might come person1 ye peopl look mayb tornado come call watch person2 second stage call tornado warn person1 ye tornado spot announc tornado warn there tornado warn mean tornado somewher person2 scari person1 well tornado danger true hear someth like loud train come go basement person2 mean loud train person1 tornado sound like sound like train theyr loud person2 hear come isnt alreadi late person1 mayb depend tornado move across ground 200 mile hour fast other arent fast person2 seen lot person1 ive seen one life look window around two mile away interest watch head toward friend hous quickli call phone person2 hit hous person1 didnt glad call person2 call person1 sit live room watch tv idea tornado come toward hous hit could kill person2 that terribl mani peopl die tornado person1 mani realli lot hous destroy sometim,"#Person1# says that there is a tornado warning on, which means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in southern Wisconsin. #Person1# explains to #Person2# the two stages of a tornado. The first is a 'tornado watch' and the second is a 'tornado warning'. #Person1# also indicates that not so many people die in tornadoes, but a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes." person1 band pretti good like music person2 nice havent heard live music fun person1 well may invit next danc person2 cours im afraid im much dancer person1 dont worri im much dancer person2 your danc well person1 danc beauti person2 learn danc person1 colleg dont danc often what favourit danc person2 hard say depend love waltz,#Person1# invites #Person2# for the next dance. They both think that the other side dances well. #Person2# loves the waltz. person1 oh hi pam get back canada person2 day yesterday visit montreal ottawa great time person1 citi like better person2 that hard say think ottawa prettier better sightse lot museum galleri person1 what montreal like think person2 montreal excit better shop store cheaper interest person1 one better nightlif person2 oh montreal sure restaur club say montreal excit citi canada person1 well ive alway want see vancouv ive heard beauti view,Pam came back from Canada the day before yesterday. He thinks that Ottawa is prettier and Montreal is more exciting with better nightlife. person1 well finish last final today person2 end hard work master nice feel get degre person1 want attend convoc person2 certainli year hard work wouldnt miss way find cap gown person1 want made want rent person2 oh think theyr provid school special day person1 provid person2 student person1 well need cap gown particular convoc servic educ major made faculti member theyll need student commenc year person2 might well made person1 mari dont move stand right good shot background pretti person2 hold second want fix hairpin person1 doesnt matter saychees person2 here lisa may take pictur person1 certainli ok got,Mary feels very nice to get her degree and will attend the convocation and have the cap and gown made. #Person1# takes some photos for her. person1 seen three lord ring movi person2 ye didnt realli like third one person1 that return king right person2 yeah even though custom brilliant didnt think good first two think person1 thought special effect amaz got bit confus plot complic person2 read book watch movi person1 person2 ye ive read mani time think much easier follow peopl alreadi familiar charact person1 ye tri keep track charact quit confus person2 also think much better theatr home person1 movi anoth problem film dub german english subtitl person2 happen lot nonenglish speak countri person1 heard return king nomin 11 oscar person2 actual 11 nomin 11 oscar,#Person2# thinks that the third one of The Lord of the Rings movies was not as good as the first two. #Person1# didn't read the books before watching the movies so #Person1# got a bit confused. person1 happi marri man person2 ye wife understand person1 lucki man mr smith person2 dont know say mr smith wear pant hous person1 mean boss husband around person2 that right pretti want control everyth life,#Person2# is a happy married man but Mrs. Smith bosses Mr. Smith's around. person1 id love im glad quit time chang person2 mean your go take advic person1 ye im look posit chef person2 might abl help person1 im sure great connect person2 wed like open anoth restaur head chef manag person1 realli much faith giovanni agre know person2 ye know he worri your italian person1 he prejud isnt person2 he afraid one cook good mother person1 ah know way convinc american make good italian food person2 how person1 youll see next week ill come one day lunchtim,"#Person2# would like to open another restaurant with #Person1# as the head chef and manager, but Giovanni is afraid that no one will cook as well as his mother did. #Person1# will convince him that Americans can make good Italian food." person1 hello today person2 ive money sent germani euro person1 ok could give detail ill see clear need bank detail id passport someth like person2 passport right account detail name number person1 mr jurgen ye remitt success person2 quick didnt expect come quickli ye good news full amount 20 000 euro right id like withdraw 5 000 euro worth local currenc that possibl person1 problem sir pleas fill exchang form show passport,"Mr. Jurgen wants to withdraw 5,000 Euros worth of local currency from the remittance of 20,000 Euros in his bank account." person1 excus could ask favour person2 sure go ahead person1 could tell canteen person2 sure take actual person1 oh dont want troubl person2 fine head anyway,#Person2# will take #Person1# to the canteen. person1 what name person2 name wang lin english name linda person1 nice name isnt person2 yeah like much name becom part person1 live person2 live haitian district person1 oh realli far may ask old person2 ye im 38 year old person1 look young person2 thank person1 birthplac person2 birthplac yentai,"#Person1# is asking Wang Lin about her address, age, and birthplace." person1 good afternoon sir anyth person2 ye cant find sweater laundri sent yesterday wash done find swatter miss person1 well fault sorri would pleas fill form pay person2 that fine mayb care,#Person2# finds his sweater missing after washing. #Person1# will pay for him. person1 mr smith would like get right point first need talk much compani pay person2 well want largest share compani much larger busi longer person1 let look anoth way major point valu add busi longer bigger person2 think person1 want place inferior posit good small companythat interest person2 would make feel comfort person1 take 75 posit ventur would take back seat,"Mr. Smith wants to have the largest share, while #Person1# doesn't want to be placed in an inferior position. If Mr. Smith takes a 75 % position, #Person1# would take a back seat." person1 hey ken need talk person2 sure what person1 step confer room privat convers person2 sure person1 ok im go lay tabl think vincent manag style person2 well vincent ceo coupl year well um person1 dont want put spot here im get dont think vincent man job person2 realli led conclus person1 see lack proper vision style surviv he take compani anywher he tread water instead swim person2 well confess ive doubt abil seem mainli got job famou aunt pull string person1 ive firm 26 year id hate see go drain due poor leadership skill person2 isnt realiti tv show cant vote person1 ye cant ask show hand think fire introduc vote confid next board meet person2 interest idea might someth,#Person1# asks Ken about his opinion of Vincent's management style because #Person1# doesn't think Vincent is the man for the job of CEO. Ken confesses that he has had doubts about his abilities before. #Person1# thinks they could introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting. person1 hey mark person2 watch tv person1 anyth interest person2 realli watch sport highlight espn person1 take your pretti bore person2 kill time find someth go person1 saturday sit home noth what wrong us person2 wan na shoot hoop person1 alreadi tri call guy busi person2 where girlfriend thought go today person1 she shop friend person2 let go starbuck think someth person1 aright cigarett person2 coupl left dont pick way person1 ok see 30 minut person2 aright see,Both #Person1# and Mark are bored on Saturday. So they decide to go to Starbucks and think of something to do together. person1 kenvir hi alic im sorri big favor ask person2 big alic last time said end work overtim 4 night person1 well ive got huge load type mr brown insist get done tomorrow afternoon could help type half person2 right alic last time also lot work person1 thank kenvir your kind,Alice asks Kenvir to help her finish half of the typing. Kenvir tells her that it is the last time. person1 im bit worri go shop afternoon person2 oh dont worri ill fine person1 need know price someth person2 need know price ill look label person1 ok want check size cloth person2 ill tri person1 dont enough cash person2 ill use credit card,#Person1# is a bit worried about #Person2# going shopping alone. #Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# will be fine. person1 susan go need data tomorrow person2 know im wait confirm one get tomorrow morn person1 yeah right thank susan person2 that right,Susan can get the data to #Person1# by tomorrow morning. person1 id like buy shoe person2 k let see 104 99 person1 price tag say 99 99 person2 ye miss five percent sale tax maryland person1 oh cours silli forget person2 problem would like pay person1 think cash let check ye person2 110 00 chang 5 01 thank much person1 thank,#Person1# will buy the shoes by cash including a 5% sales tax in Maryland. person1 thank applic mr sweeney mr jacob would like set interview earli next week time person2 ye maam could come day next week except friday morn person1 fine let take look schedul he free tuesday afternoon 130 could come person2 ye would fine,#Person1# sets up an interview with Mr. Sweeney for Mr. Jacobs on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. person1 want taxi person2 ye person1 person2 know dawanglu person1 ye know person2 take person1 ye cours step pleas person2 that good person1 buckl belt pleas person2 let go,#Person2# wants to take #Person1#'s taxi to Dawanglu. person1 may speak apart build manag pleas person2 im manag help person1 hope apart main street still avail person2 ye would like get look insid apart person1 ye would nice see apart person2 today 6 oclock person1 ye 6 person2 sound good ill see 6 want direct person1 im okay thank alreadi check address mapquest person2 like place fill applic form ill bring one person1 anyth need bring person2 wont need see anyth except driver licens,The apartment building manager will take #Person1# to see the apartment on Main Street at 6. The manager needs to see #Person1#'s driver's license. person1 hello sir help anyth person2 ye would like use atm make payment need pay 3 parti person1 problem servic pay 10 parti one time parti current beneficiari list person2 ye person1 selectpay multipl beneficiari selectpay accountin drop menu ok good need enter beneficiari statement refer person2 ye ive got person1 statement refer payment amount click next thenpay beneficiari that done,#Person1# guides #Person2# to use the ATM to make a payment to 3 parties at once. person1 good even sir madam tabl two person2 thank small problem help us person1 sure person2 look hotel hotel near person1 ye hotel street nearest one next bank quit modern person2 think therer inexpens one nearbi leav tomorrow morn person1 ye drive west two minut find grey build right side tradit famili style hotel comfort price quit reason person2 sound nice thank much help person1 that right,#Person2# asks #Person1# if there're any inexpensive hotels nearby. #Person1# tells #Person2# that there's a traditional family-style hotel two-minute drive away. person1 packag express may help person2 ye hi sent packag last thursday id like track order person1 problem check shipment comput monday order let see ah last thursday order number person2 sure 601428 person1 ok last name order person2 conley that conley person1 send packag person2 san francisco person1 mmhmm postal code 95126 ye look like pack arriv safe tuesday morn friend get packag counter number 4236 person2 that great thank much help person1 your welcom,#Person2# wants to track the package #Person2# sent last Thursday. #Person1# tells #Person2# that it arrived safely on Tuesday morning. person1 graham alway phone jane person2 partner scienc lab jealou person1 night came home lipstick right cheek explain person2 aunt mari flew cleveland laid one right right cheek person1 sure person2 cours love ami person1 okay im sorri believ person2 alway accus like person1 handsom boy univers love much guess go crazi sometim that person2 oh ami luckiest guy world person1 person2 love beauti girl world person1 oh graham love much realli believ love,"Amy is jealous because Graham is always on the phone with Jane, and there was lipstick on his cheek the other night. Gramham tells the reasons to her and then Amy believes in their love." person1 live kim person2 live apart downtown person1 oh that conveni much crime person2 much lot traffic cant stand nois sometim live person1 hous suburb person2 oh bet realli quiet much person1 much fact noth ever realli happen that troubl person2 hey let trade place one weekend person1 ok great idea,Kim lives in an apartment downtown while #Person1# has a house in the suburbs. They decide to trade places one weekend. person1 chines marri foreign person2 that true low opinion women go foreign person1 oh person2 think chines women marri foreign money other want live abroad true love person1 wouldnt say that total true ive met mani happi intercultur coupl person2 well arent mani eastwest coupl man chines woman western person1 guess chines women attract western men person2 less attract chines men person1 mean person2 know usual woman thirti left girl person1 left girl what person2 theyr call theyr left behind shelf theyr also known three hshigh diploma high salari high degre theyr also known three ss singl person1 point believ mix marriag base true love person2 sure,#Person2# has a low opinion of the women who go out with foreigners because #Person2# thinks some Chinese women marry foreigners for money while others just want to live abroad. #Person1# doesn't agree with #Person2# and believes some mixed marriages are based on true love. person1 betti would pleas read letter applic ive written id like opinion person2 id glad tell think person1 good im interest advic person2 would chang begin write educ first like judg man abil person1 good idea betti would think second part person2 think short youd better say someth work experi person1 your right ill chang last part person2 good talk famili person1 agre appreci help,"Betty advises #Person1# to write about #Person1#'s education first, say something about #Person1#'s work experience in the second part, and talk about #Person1#'s family in the last part." person1 readi order sir person2 ye let roast beef special person1 choic veget green pea lima bean spinach person2 green pea make sure beef well done person1 ye sir would want drink coffe tea milk person2 cup coffe pleas cream sugar person1 cream sugar tabl sir person2 oh ye person1 would like order dessert person2 come special person1 ice cream fresh fruit chocol cake person2 think dish vanilla ice cream person1 ye sir person2 waiter may check pleas person1 sir pay cashier door,"#Person1# helps #Person2# to order a roast beef special, a cup of coffee, and a dish of Vanilla ice cream." person1 where mr johnson person2 call lisa mari she cook dinner person1 see sit person2 cours make home person1 thank mr johnson person2 pleas call tom person1 okay tom person2 where cindi person1 she upstair room person2 tell come downstair dinner,Mary is talking with Tom. They are about to have dinner. person1 damn im run money realli need balanc budget handl money better person2 spend much expens kind unnecessari person1 make person2 dont spend everi penni make could save everi month like lot peopl person1 work hard deserv enjoy cost money person2 save case emerg need selfcontrol thing spend money person1 problem idea didnt pay attent person2 let bygon bygon start save right,#Person1# is running out of money again because #Person1# thinks #Person1# works hard so #Person1# deserves to enjoy. #Person2# suggests #Person1# start saving right now. person1 read stori paper robin person2 stori grandma person1 due lack money repaint build furnitur need plan commun center put person2 seriou problem grandma person1 especi friend nat doesnt famili live alon depend place like commun center peopl age person2 there old commun center person1 small problem set mainli kid play noisi older peopl like nat person2 see mean way grandma may get friend work get friend go around neighborhood collect furnitur,The plans for the new community center have been put off while the old one is too noisy. It is a serious problem for Grandma's friend Nat. Robin suggests Grandma get her friends to work. person1 receiv letter beck person2 realli say person1 beck say wheat readi harvest he think buy field next year person2 oh must work well person1 ye think he proud largest farm oregon person2 guess your look forward see person1 right fact im think visit next week want help harvest farm person2 realli need much outdoor exercis young quit good farm person1 farm childhood like water flower ride hors feed chicken person2 ye like farm work last time brother tri hand milk cow interest,Beck says that the wheat is ready for harvest. #Person1# is thinking of visiting Beck next week to help with the harvest. #Person1# and #Person2# both like farm work. person1 servic realli slow ive tri get waiter attent 10 minut person2 hope serv us soon im starv class 2 oclock person1 recogn hold english book must student english languag center person2 yeah im fourth cours studi person1 ye im fifth cours took fourth cours last month person2 came 2 week ago like institut person1 pretti good think ive learn lot english far person2 yeah wish class littl smaller dont get enough chanc talk like teacher lot,#Person1# and #Person2# are students at an English language center. #Person1# thinks the institute is good while #Person2# wishes the classes can be smaller. person1 surf internet john smile see film person2 know christma day come choos love card friend person1 mean wont buy card shop person2 mom new way express friendship love person1 seem want save money person2 yeah save lot paper person1 sound reason mainli send instant messag use cell phone write letter person2 card internet match love pictur music person1 wonder let choos one grandma first,John is choosing some lovely Christmas cards for his friends on the internet. His mother plans to choose one for John's grandmother. person1 good morn nativ tongu translat help person2 ye wonder much would cost translat document english arab person1 well depend kind document long need return dont translat textbook person2 cookbook 20000 word long urgent set schedul person1 well maam arab one difficult languag world arent mani translat compar say spanish word charg arab translat higher languag person2 understand could give estim person1 project would charg 5 10 cent per word person2 ok thank time think keep look,"#Person2# wants to know how much it would cost to translate a cookbook from English into Arabic. #Person1# tells her that Arabic is difficult, so they would charge between 5 and 10 cents per word." person1 im margaret seabrook ceo creativ toy today show go discuss hottest new toy two thousand seventeen super spinner margaret welcom person2 thank brian great person1 ok tell us new toy person2 well similar relax ball function use anyon problem focus person1 work person2 size cooki 3 small round part move direct basic hold thumb middl finger spin that person1 that person2 yeah popular children adult well person1 professor mit name jill mean lee publicli state scientif medic evid claim benefit mani school also ban toy say lead lack focu classroom person2 well professor allow opinion person1 fair enough invent person2 catherin hetting chemic engin first believ creator found profession name scott mccoskri actual inventor person1 time commerci break margaret seabrook moment,"Margaret Seabrook is telling the audience about the new toy, the Super Spinner. It is similar to a relaxation ball in its function, but it's useful for anyone who has problems focusing. It's popular with children as well as adults." person1 ive come hear offer person2 offer readi let check 10 box 50 brooch per box 20 000 yuan 20 box 50 waistband per box 30 000 yuan 15 box ornament per box 7 500 yuan shipment june offer valid five day person1 tell right price littl higher expect person2 know price ornament rise recent year price offer time compar favor quotat get els person1 afraid cant agre must point price higher quotat weve receiv compani person2 must take design qualiti consider know superior other design qualiti variou style compani catch person1 agre top person2 well sinc order larg enough give rough idea person1 busi conclud say reduct least 10 would help person2 imposs 5 person1 right reduct 5 accept,#Person2# gives #Person1# an offer of ornaments. #Person1# thinks the price is higher than other companies. #Person2# asks #Person1# to consider design and quality. They agree on a 5% reduction. person1 kind punish life studi person2 ye person1 reason person2 play truant colleg intend organ donat activ disasterhit area sichuan,#Person2# talks about being punished because of playing truant for a charity activity. person1 person2 id like buy keepsak girlfriend could make recommend person1 id like like hat person2 special seen everywher person1 umbrella made wood paper beauti person2 interest let see person1 like person2 ye much person1 fifti yuan person2 ok ill take,#Person2# buys a 50 yuan wooden umbrella as a keepsake for his girlfriend from #Person2#. person1 hi help person2 thank im look person1 right need help let know name greg person2 sure ill let know need anyth hm mattress firm jack probabl like person1 find someth like person2 ye mattress good pretti firm mattress im sleep saggi person1 right good brand doesnt sag easili offer lifetim warranti dont worri qualiti person2 come frame person1 unfortun doesnt howev give 10 discount frame also offer good financ plan payment interest next june person2 that attract plan ill think,#Person2#'s mattress is saggy. Greg recommends one with a lifetime warranty and offers a 10% frame discount and a financing plan. person1 think anyway cant believ way boss order everyon around late mean like ceo anyth person2 um actual guess didnt get memo boss select fill vacanc ceo slot actual ceo soon offici press releas hoopla done person1 yike joke right cant believ wonder stress bossi late thought ostentati give order peopl differ depart big shoe fill person2 kid last ceo left worri futur compani person1 ceo anyway know ceo make money compani actual person2 respons board director everyth happen compani must give leadership compani offic ceo also respons provid guidanc philosophi compani act offici repres face compani person1 must one smart guy,#Person1# complains about the style of CEO. #Person2# says that the boss is already a CEO candidate. #Person2# answers #Person1#'s question about the CEO's function in a company. person1 would love famou thousand ador fan person2 realli im sure would like attent numer case paparazzi interf star privat live recent year person1 love photograph famou id interview top magazin like cosmo ell person2 wouldnt mind photo taken time interview twice would get tediou imagin thing gossip columnist would write person1 noon realli believ gossip columnist person2 think youll find mani peopl believ read gossip column youd also care everi word said appear chat show said someth silli would report newspap magazin person1 think your right id need good manag spokesperson could lot chariti work would help lot peopl person2 that great idea chariti would support person1 love children know probabl children chariti person2 youd rememb anyth said might reflect chariti youd realli need care anyway id first buy poster id attend first booksing wrote autobiographi person1 thank actual hope could ask write biographi,"#Person1# wants to be famous, to be photographed and interviewed, and do some charity, while #Person2# doesn't like attracting attention or gossip and reminds #Person1# to speak with caution. #Person1# needs a spokesperson. #Person2# supports #Person1#." person1 would like stretch leg person2 person1 let get soft drink person2 enough time person1 ye person2 perform excel person1 new concert hall acoust great person2 couldnt agre person1 first time come symphoni concert person2 ye person1 concert hall citi person2 ye much smaller person1 well wed better get back seat start person2 ok,#Person1# and #Person2# take a break for drinks during the symphony concert. person1 film shall see person2 noth good moment let someth differ would like go concert person1 ye id love good one mozart beethoven festiv hall person2 fine want anyth eat person1 im hungri person2 well let go someth drink instead know good place littl expens fun,#Person1# and #Person2# go to a concert and have a drink first. person1 lousi weather isnt person2 stop snow even colder person1 look ice hang eav person2 street cover snow person1 know temperatur today person2 miss today weather forecast tv person1 feel like ten degre zero least dont mind cold weather hate get slipperi person2 ice soon thick enough skate fond winter sport person1 that great let go skate togeth tomorrow,#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing snowing weather and will skate together tomorrow. person1 ok ann spent quit bit time australia recent dont talk person2 realli like live australia intern student studi educ univers sydney live sydney fantasticbecuas could go beach anytim want great nightlif sydney lot great club peopl friendli easygo met lot intern peopl live sydney person1 mmhm long person2 almost year person1 oh ok person2 travel littl bit australia went east coast frasier island world heritag site saw dingo run along beach shark water climb cliff went rain forest went camp went north north go australia hotter get abl go swim ocean went dive first time littl bit riski caus didnt dive licens went introductori dive saw giant clam realli purpl spongi insid abl touch clam close realli quickli person1 lose finger person2 almost person1 almost ah your lucki um funni go water worri shark clam person2 exactli person1 go back australia soon person2 id like go live least anoth year probabl ill go back sydney mayb ill go melbourn realli interest cultur citi lot museum park,Ann tells #Person1# about her life in Australia. Ann is an international student who likes to go to the beach and clubs. Ann talks about a trip to Frasier Island and a dangerous diving experience. Ann wants to go back and live one more year in Australia. person1 like spare time person2 like play chess person1 hobbi besid play chess person2 im afraid person1 hobbi like play tenni thing like person2 oh ye like play basketbal person1 tell like person2 like feel cooper other,#Person1# asks #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes playing chess and basketball. person1 let tell happen homework person2 ok go aheadwhat excus time person1 actual got lost person2 could gotten done anoth time person1 ye could person2 never miss assign beforewhen make one person1 ill make earli next week person2 would work dont let happen person1 ill tri person2 solv let work hard let happen,"Because #Person1# lost #Person1#'s homework, #Person2# asks #Person1# to make it up and reminds #Person1# not to do it again." person1 favorit nba star person2 kobe bryant cours person1 kobe know key guy laker heck nba player fire break enemi defens person2 compet drive lane shoot jumper realli make formid abil switch dribbl left hand person1 mayb good ay rebound person2 inde man perfect soso crash board usual play shoot guard rebound might strong suit person1 kobe came beij summer olymp go match china usa person2 wouldnt friend lee went far get autograph person1 well spoil person2 well noth jumbl photograph,"#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Kobe's basketball skills. In a match Kobe played in Beijing, #Person2#'s friend Lee got an autograph from Kobe while #Person2# got photographs." person1 good day person2 ye realli wonder grass greener air fresher citi person1 right let go enjoy beauti natur sceneri person2 great let go person1 wow beauti lake green hill clear water realli provid magnific sceneri person2 en beauti dont want move eye person1 feel im live differ world honey person2 thing make happi mountain water grass bird sunshin person1 think go frequent natur sceneri us good person2 that point walk natur enjoy beauti whenev time person1 right citi life made us tire energi natur world bring us quit new feel,#Person1# and #Person2# go out and see beautiful natural sceneries. They feel happy and think they should walk into nature more frequently. person1 believ person2 sure person1 pleas count love person2 person1 ill endless time person2 see ill alway devot person1 thank know ive noth offer ill never give reason cri person2 ill never hurt ill never lie person1 love grow like river flow person2 cant dri cant die person1 dont know whether dream person2 aha aha,#Person1# and #Person2# pour out their love to each other. person1 dont think weve met person2 dont think person1 name dick brown person2 mr brown susan heywood person1 mr smith often talk person2 realli glad meet person1 im honor know,Dick and Susan meet for the first time and greet each other. person1 bye mom person2 wait jimmi cold outsid put hat person1 ok bye person2 wait cold without mitten person1 alright see ya person2 hold wind your go catch cold wear scarf person1 ok see school person2 oh ear muff put go person1 mom person2 ye honey person1 cant breath,"It's cold outside. Jimmy's mother keeps putting more clothes on Jimmy, but Jimmy can't breathe." person1 tell nice restaur go person2 cours much would like spend meal person1 date quit sophist would expect noth less best person2 well hotel restaur conveni locat threestar rate person1 that good idea except want go stay someth els mayb person2 well gramerci tavern popular tourist spot great food music person1 sound good could call see get reserv person2 cours sir youv made good choic,#Person1# wants to go out to a restaurant with #Person1#'s sophisticated date. #Person2# recommends Gramercy Tavern. #Person1# takes it. person1 weve got lot work take time project dont want make mistak person2 ok finish friday afternoon check account weekend need finish monday right person1 that right well finish time maci project wait time need spend sever day project isnt due finish end month plenti time get done person2 next week less rush person1 im go give everyon team extra day everyon deserv person2 dont say yet new project could suddenli appear person1 that true right im go back meet go hour there indic itll end soon person2 carol said would spend time check everyon uptod work person1 good go right realli hope meet doesnt last long person2 usual go age person1 ill stop time later make sure everyon know must stick deadlin person2 enjoy meet,"#Person1# and #Person2# will finish one project on time by Monday. Then, they will have enough time for the Macy project. #Person1# goes back to the meeting which has lasted for long and asks #Person2# to ensure that everyone sticks to the deadlines." person1 come life end person2 oh thank god felt frighten bad new person1 ye fortun ambul pass nick time got away hospit person2 right unless know happen person1 wish healthi soon,#Person1# tells #Person2# that someone comes to life. #Person2# feels relieved. person1 hello sir havent seen quit today person2 need deposit certif handl stuff land person1 see ye im sure know may told pay extra 20 rmb handl fee servic person2 ye recal charg thought extortion haha person1 take account dont need give cash person2 ok itll come account well make much easier person1 anyth els youll need today sir person2 nope that everyth thank,#Person2# needs a Deposit Certificate. #Person1# takes 20 RMB from #Person2#'s account for the service. person1 excus person2 may help person1 ye id like send book franc person2 let weight first thatll 14 dollar person1 go envelop person2 cours 4 dollar person1 need stamp person2 dont use comput person1 arriv person2 month,#Person2# assists #Person1# to mail a book in an envelop to France. person1 may help person2 ye would like go new york christma vacat person1 long person2 1 week would recommend scenic spot see person1 new york full place interest time squar broadway wall street ground zero statu liberti person2 that fantast,#Person1# recommends scenic spots in New York for #Person2#. person1 excus doc feel well help person2 ye got regist yet person1 havent go person2 registr offic bring record person1 ye person2 anybodi parent sibl person1 im person2 brave kid go ahead registr offic first doctor person1 dont know registr offic person2 hall first floor person1 come back get regist person2 kid gynecolog depart person1 gynecolog person2 yeah girl,"Because #Person1# goes to the wrong department in the hospital, #Person2# tells #Person1# about how to register and see a doctor." person1 open mail found evict notic dont know person2 actual 30 day notic vacat premis person1 day late person2 isnt first time consider late rent need start procedur evict person1 take apart away person2 notic inform sheriff evict 30 day pay rent person1 keep apart pay rent full person2 keep apart stay caught rent otherwis need find someon make payment person1 go write check right person2 thank need cashier check cash pleas,"#Person1# receives an eviction notice. #Person2# asks #Person1# to pay up the rent. Otherwise, #Person1# will be evicted. So #Person1# has to write a check to keep the apartment." person1 like ski pat person2 love life want learn ski final took lesson last year person1 suppos ski easi person2 quit opposit thought id never stop fall sudden start ski much better person1 see ski often person2 everi chanc get weekend ski day long sometim even ski night person1 sound great person2 oh ye ski slope well lit realli nice ski night dont learn ski person1 life know id break leg person2 dont frighten skill,"Pat loves skiing so much that Pat took skiing lessons last year and even skis at night. However, #Person1# is afraid of injury." person1 hear bought new hous northern suburb person2 that right bought day came market person1 kind hous person2 wonder spanish style person1 oh love roof tile spanish style hous person2 bargain hous like river side cost doubl price person1 great two bedroom hous person2 three bedroom three bed live room twelvefoot ceil there twocar garag person1 that nice area itll good invest person2 yea buy hous person1 until end year know wed person2 right congratul person1 thank,"#Person2# bought a Spanish style house with three bedrooms, a twelve-foot ceiling and a two-car garage. #Person1# will buy a house before the wedding." person1 hello get onlin laptop person2 plug ethernet cabl comput youll onlin heartbeat person1 well see cabl comput run wireless person2 problem ill tell altern person1 ye id love hear altern person2 stateoftheart comput lab first floor person1 great free person2 sir comput free guest pay nomin print fee person1 said altern person2 use comput lobbi set wireless person1 okay sound like winner need print someth lobbi person2 might printer next month youll go lab,#Person1#'s computer runs on wireless only. #Person2# suggests #Person1# use computers in the lab with a nominal printing fee or use #Person1#'s computer in the lobby with wireless. person1 good morn seem problem person2 good morn doctor feel terribl ive god cold rash neck im sleep well either think problem could person1 id say youv work hard stress reason take anyth cold person2 ye bought medicin chemist ive take three day person1 good im go prescrib someth stronger make feel drowsi certainli rest person2 ok afford take day work person1 work hard recent person2 ye get project finish done relax littl person1 good let take look rash look wors im go prescrib ointment rash doesnt clear day come back see symptom person2 bad headach person1 dont worri probabl stress youv take aspirin combin stronger cough medicin make feel tire shouldnt work use equip requir concentr id sleep read book watch tv prescript person2 thank doctor ill get immedi goodby,"#Person2# has a cold, a rash, a bad sleep and a headache, then #Person2# takes some medicine. #Person1# thinks that #Person2# works too hard or is under stress, and gives #Person2# medicine for each condition. #Person1# suggests #Person2# don't work and have a good rest." person1 time graduat time find job susan need find job person2 need work need money live need money food cloth pay hous need money mani differ thing work earn money work also help us feel use person1 know hard new graduat find god job right person2 ye realli hard must believ find suitabl job final work accumul lot experi besid need learn lot thing work person1 ive fed studi person2 whether like there trend lifelong studi make sure keep high develop societi need accept concept posit person1 oh still mani thing learn graduat person2 choic youd better adjust thought readi learn anyth time,#Person1# feels hard to find a good job after graduation and feels bad about learning at the job while Susan accepts work and life-long study positively. Susan suggests #Person1# adjust thoughts and be ready to learn. person1 tell unit price carpet person2 cours catalogu price list look also mani kind carpet person1 price seem accept want check whether suppli carpet order person2 cours provid quantiti ask person1 that good shall sign contract person2 problem let check term contract,"#Person1# accepts the carpet's price. #Person2# has the supply from stock, so They sign a contract." person1 hello may help person2 ye pleas ive nearli two month still havent found job think find one person1 dont worri well tri help pleas fill form person2 what form person1 registr given us person detail well match new job come well contact job suit person2 that great long wait person1 mayb sever week mayb sever month hard tell person2 oh dear wait long time person1 actual mani job fill peopl select vacanc display board person2 think person1 advic keep look job check job board job center regularli check newspap daili friend rel ask help person2 see thank much advic bye person1 keep touch,"#Person2# wants a job, so #Person1# asks #Person2# to register and someone will contact #Person2# in several weeks or months. #Person2# thinks it's too long, so #Person1# provides extra advice." person1 offer person2 came ask inform person1 ok pleas go ahead person2 bought pair trouser last year like best year dont fit well theyr tight waist baggi knee make alter person1 oh skill trust us shop histori 20 year person2 seem find right place person1 ye absolut good reput neighborhood person2 trouser bring tomorrow person1 like wait readi one hour half person2 right see tomorrow,#Person2#'s favorite trousers are unfit this year. So #Person2# wants #Person1# to make some alterations. #Person1# lets #Person2# trust their quality. #Person2# will bring the trousers tomorrow. person1 dont win bid person2 wasnt meant peopl put hard fight item bid sole bidder bag got dirtcheap person1 seem email seller ask question person2 sure ive even email peopl bought person sold bag person1 peopl honest person2 said honest profession businessman that excit part kind like gambl,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about a bid. #Person2# talks about the experience of getting a bag dirt-cheap and some tricks in bids. person1 sure know bu goe person2 go altadena person1 mean person2 im complet sure realli person1 dude right bu person2 im almost posit right one person1 doesnt look like way altadena person2 ride bu long time person1 sign say person2 think say templ citi person1 yup im never trust bu schedul person2 im sorri least know bu catch get back start person1 yeah least,#Person1# and #Person2# should go to Altadena but take the wrong bus to Temple City. person1 that ive tv need get new one signal bad ridicul friend nice tv high time join person2 dont want get one 3d tv person1 well im sure know want someth big screenand import thing clear pictur person2 oh mean like one neighbor bought day person1 yeah fantast sound person2 sound littl expens im sure money even didnt go vacat person1 hey look ad paper theyr special sale tv one 300 even biggest one 500 person2 well think afford let go check sale,"#Person1# complains about the TV and wants a new one with clear pictures. #Person2# worries about money. However, #Person1# finds a TV ad and they are going to have a look at the sales." person1 hello robert speak person2 hi emma im glad your appoint wednesday morn im afraid cant make person1 oh that shame person2 im sorri chang busi partner plan wednesday day abl see person1 that okay need find anoth date person2 could manag sometim thursday person1 sorri got import meet day friday person2 ill go exhibit morn could come offic person1 great look forward see bye,"Emma can't make the appointment with Robert on Wednesday. Ultimately, they decide to meet on Friday." person1 hello mr tompkin newspap go print articl new product could tell new home compani built understand promis model hous futur person2 certainli idea hous full differ thing complet home system make peopl live easier person1 ok tell hous make life easier person2 arriv front door wont need key door open touch finger youll abl call refriger your groceri store find much need buy isnt wonder person1 call wash machin well person2 sure wont need hous come robot program clean hous wash person1 cost person2 million dollar person1 million dollar 22nd centuri afford buy one,#Person1# interviews Tompkins about the new home his company builds. It's a complete home system with a convenient living function and a cleaning robot. It costs a million dollars. person1 english languag center may help person2 ye im call find inform program exampl kind cours offer person1 well first purpos program provid languag learn opportun area commun uhhum whether student goal master basic function languag skill let say job studi intens enter us colleg univers person2 okay im call friend interest attend us univers person1 that kind uh instruct provid basic commun cours contentbas class comput literaci intercultur commun busi english person2 great applic deadlin next semest person1 well ask applic appli later two month semest begin uhhum give us time process applic issu student i20 person2 i20 person1 oh i20 form indic give permiss student studi program student take form us embassi countri appli f1 student visa person2 alright tuition fulltim student person1 two thousand thirti dollar person2 one appli person1 well send applic mail back us fill applic that onlin web site person2 materi would need send addit applic form person1 uh ye would need send 35 nonrefund applic fee uhhuh sponsorship form indic respons financi student studi program bank statement show sponsor suffici fund cover tuition expens live cost entir year studi person2 send materi person1 either send applic packet regular mail fax person2 applic fee person1 accept money order travel check credit card person2 alright think that person1 okay great person2 oh name person1 ok name toni nelson call ask person2 great thank help person1 problem pleas dont hesit call question person2 okay goodby,"Tony Nelson from the Language Center answers #Person2#'s questions about the English learning program for attending a US university. The center provides communication courses to content-based classes, applicants should apply two months before semesters and get I-20. The $2300 full-time tuition fee should be paid by money orders, travelers' checks, or credit cards. Materials including an application, a sponsorship form, and a bank statement can be sent by mail or fax." person1 ive got ta hand realli good job person2 glad think person1 think deserv promot person2 oh realli thank lot well still lot learn guess,#Person1# praises #Person2# for #Person2#'s work. person1 look place big person2 soccer number one sport throughout europ state big three basebal footbal basketbal big one europ soccer person1 play soccer john person2 never think high school team went basebal join sport team school lili person1 high school went track 400 meter 800 meter run person2 wow race person1 yeah that probabl didnt well good basebal player person2 anyway let exercis littl,"John says soccer is important in Europe. Then, John and Lily talk about the sports they play in school. However, they didn't do well." person1 kind punish colleg person2 ye mani year ago person1 person2 naughti boy play hooki school gave punish clear classroom week,#Person2# is punished for playing hooky. person1 hear jame engag last person2 ye person1 get marri person2 spring person1 oh love where wed go person2 well sure yet probabl st alban person1 oh ye parent live dont person2 ye that right person1 go live your marri person2 go buy flat small hous somewher south london person1 go give job person2 ye probabl may look anoth one settl,#Person2# is going to get married to James in spring and to live in South London. #Person2# also might change the job. person1 realli horribl headach late person2 long headach go person1 get headach occasion realli bad late person2 unusu amount stress life go right person1 get readi take gre person2 abl sleep regular hour person1 hard sleep bad headach person2 anyth hit head late person1 hit head cupboard door week ago person2 let come back day see feel,"#Person1# tells the doctor that #Person1#'s occasional headaches get worse lately with GRE, a collision and bad sleep. #Person2# lets #Person1# come back to check in a few days." person1 may take order person2 ye pleas what special today special recommend person1 certainli would recommend songshuguiyu person2 name sound fascin exactli person1 well sweet sour fri mandarin fish person2 sorri im interest vinegar person1 one person2 ok ill person1 good could serv anyth els person2 thank that enough person1 pleasur littl order readi soon pleas enjoy lunch person2 thank,#Person1# recommends #Person2# to order 'Songshuguiyu'. #Person2# doesn't like vinegar and orders something else. person1 get injuri play footbal jim person2 ye one boy kick foot instead ball person1 best thing rest leg 48 hour person2 go back school person1 go back 4 day youll need avoid sport month,Jim got injured when playing football. #Person1# suggests Jim have a rest. person1 nanci what wrong look person2 ye credit card bill arriv im debt person1 well much overdrawn last month person2 3000 yuan person1 3000 yuan spent much person2 choic 2 friend mine held birthday parti last month spent lot birthday present person1 rest person2 well spent gettogeth parti friend make cloth food person1 better chang consumpt habit otherwis get financi troubl soon person2 think,"Nancy has 3000 yuan overdraft on birthday presents, parties and daily necessities. #Person1# suggests Nancy change the consumption habit." person1 excus sir still apart left person2 ye still one bedroomapart left want rent person1 ye rent room week want rent apart 2 week im stay long person2 ye need pay 6000 week rent 200 month person1 that fine move today person2 sure apart 5 minut walk away ill show person1 thank,#Person1# wants to rent an apartment for two weeks. #Person2# says it would be more expensive to rent by weeks. But #Person1# won't stay long and #Person2# shows the apartment. person1 look littl uncomfort what matter person2 oh dont eat thai food much person1 would like order someth els would rather go new italian restaur person2 came eat let eat mayb ill add salt person1 realli problem dont want feel forc eat someth dont like person2 fine realli need tri new thing,#Person2# looks uncomfortable because #Person2# doesn't like Thai food. #Person1# suggests they order some other food or change the restaurant. #Person2# refuses. person1 hey tina how spanish cours go person2 tough teacher use lot authent materi know stuff radio tv even tape convers friend use class person1 thing make difficult person2 well speed start person1 mean person2 know talk fast cant understand everi word person1 mayb shouldnt tri person2 mean person1 well mayb listen keyword know import word person2 know person1 well usual word stress,Tina thinks Spanish is hard because of the fast speaking speed. #Person2# suggests Tina listen to the keywords. person1 must wili nice meet person2 b nice meet mr wilson person1 tim pleas pleas seat person2 b thank person1 wili ibm two year readi chang person2 b well think im readi new challeng,Wily tells Tim Wily is ready for challenges in a new job position. person1 today person2 question person1 need know person2 need take driver cours mani hour need person1 depend your tri complet cours person2 need get licens person1 your go need complet six hour person2 mani hour day person1 two hour day three day person2 that need finish person1 ye that need person2 thank ill get back,#Person2# asks #Person1# how many hours of the driver's course #Person2# needs to take to get a driver's license. person1 need taxi pleas person2 variou transport servic would prefer privat vehicl person1 thank taxi fine person2 may suggest limo nice pamper person1 dont want anyth except taxi thank person2 understand go person1 rockefel center person2 time would like pick person1 sooner better person2 taxi shortli sir person1 great rememb taxi limo person2 taxi sir,#Person1# needs a taxi as soon as possible. #Person2# offers help and recommends some other services but gets refused. person1 what wrong look pale person2 im sure feel hot cold person1 troubl start person2 sick night person1 sound like come flu let take temperatur person2 got high fever person1 ye thirtyeight point seven headach chest throat pain person2 ye person1 let look id like listen chest breath deep breath that cough want examin throat open wide say ah person2 aaaaahh aaaaahh person1 ye look bit sore let take xray chest give test person2 right thank person1 test show noth wrong slight viral infect person2 shall today person1 im give antibiot aspirin take aspirin youv got fever take one antibiot capsul everi four hour go home rest bed two day drink plenti water youll feel better here prescript,"#Person1# examines #Person2#'s temperature, chest, and throat, gives #Person2# a few tests, and finds #Person2# gets a slight viral infection. #Person1# gives #Person2# some advice and the prescription." person1 hello person2 good morn ruth wake person1 get what carl person2 listen call confirm said yesterday suppos meet chinatown termin avenu b bu bu person1 b boy get last stop chinatown person2 oh mean canal street person1 that wrong direct canal street side chinatown person2 oh get decid meet person1 10 45 ann come along person2 get hold yet person1 see around carl person2 see later,Carl is calling to Ruth to confirm the location and the time of their meeting. Ruth asks if Ann is coming along. Carl is not sure. person1 dori im glad your home im terrifi dont know person2 happen person1 think someon stalk person2 cant realli person1 dont know saw first time tuesday cafe notic look lot usual look stare kept stare didnt stop person2 person1 didnt anyth final left saw today outsid shoe store near cafe went cd store pretend look cd came person2 leav left person1 ye notic sidewalk behind follow person2,#Person1# tells Doris that someone is stalking #Person1# and #Person1# has seen the stalker twice. #Person1# is terrified. person1 good morn mr smith person2 good morn help pleas im look book mother person1 well kind book like person2 she fond detect stori person1 see read detect stori person2 oh ye person1 know she read one person2 im sure probabl wont rememb she forget person1 ah bad memori old person2 she eightyseven person1 suggest take book excit person2 thank that good idea like excit book suggest anoth one,#Person2# asks #Person1# to recommend some detective stories for #Person1#'s mother. person1 person2 problem check person1 what wrong person2 wrote check 100 bounc person1 enough money check account person2 believ person1 give moment ill check person2 right thank person1 57 left check account person2 that imposs person1 im sorri that record show person2 okay thank nice day,"#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2#'s check bounced because the money left in #Person2#'s account is not enough, despite #Person2# believing otherwise." person1 good morn monica mr white manag financ depart newcom also work financ depart person2 ye nice meet monica welcom board person1 thank happi offic ive never one nice person2 well nicer thing compani find soon person1 realli could person2 well bet love need help ask time next door also reach extens 508 person1 kind thank much,Monica is a newcomer. Her manager Mr. White welcomes her and is willing to offer help at any time. person1 must pretti excit trip europ leav person2 three week excit still thing need go person1 like person2 like renew passport go travel agenc buy plane ticket figur apart im gone person1 go give person2 way ill never find anoth apart around dont like idea pay three monthsrent empti apart either person1 dont blame perhap could sublet person2 ye person1 mmm let think oh know person old colleagu mine jim thoma come research summer june august person2 that exactli ill away sound ideal long landlord agre person1 tell ill call jim late week anyway ill mention person2 well thank bill let know happen extra money realli come handi,"#Person2# is going to travel to Europe for about three months, but #Person2# hasn't figured out how to deal with #Person2#'s apartment. #Person1# suggests #Person2# sublet it and recommends a colleague for #Person2#. #Person2# is thankful." person1 ah michel hi hope see how famili person2 oh hello mr campbel im fine jack well person1 im fine thank got report morn thank join confer today person2 ye im leav four pm person1 good well discuss think figur look good quarter person2 ye person1 im plan discuss advertis budget confer dont think continu tv advertis,Mr. Campbell and Michelle are going to join a conference to discuss Michelle's report and the advertising budget. person1 say told news person2 calm final ask chew cud import decis could heart disappoint blunt refus person1 put foot insist forget person2 could heart need warmth help,#Person2# doesn't agree with #Person1#'s blunt refusal to a girl who needs warmth and help. person1 look like cloud nine person2 person1 made happi person2 think im love person1 who lucki girl person2 name jenni person1 meet person2 math class teacher sat us next person1 like best person2 she funni make laugh time person1 guess fate work bring togeth person2 whatev brought us togeth im happi,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# is so happy because #Person2# thinks #Person2#'s in love with Jenny who sat next to #Person2# in math class. person1 good news person2 what person1 jenni get marri person2 great who bridegroom person1 tom lucki guy person2 guy alway hand girl line propos person1 last week said fell love jenni mr whit parti last monday soon saw person2 gosh romant when big day person1 juli 4 nation holiday person2 church wed civil ceremoni person1 jenni plan hold church person2 best man person1 guess person2 nobodi ok person1 know tom best friend ask best man person2 promis person1 ye,#Person1# tells #Person2# that Jenny and Tom are getting married and #Person1# will be the best man. person1 rumor jean fool around anoth woman husband person2 gossip what basi opinion person1 someon declar saw person2 dont believ jean kind ladi could person1 know cant judg book cover person2 mayb,#Person1# tells #Person2# a gossip and #Person2# doesn't believe it. person1 singl email alreadi twelv oclock cant believ person2 cant bear right ive ill feel comfort one call send text messag like someth miss person1 yeah that right one send test messag ill go crazi person2 actual kind addict call infomania inform overload person1 addict check email text messag often call addict way person2 ye consid frequent check incom email integr part work day person1 absolut person2 cell phone wherev go check text messag phone call time time person1 yeah must otherwis may miss import phone call text messag person2 open im tool whenev your use comput person1 ye msn qq skype googl talk ali wangwang everyth ill touch friend rel person2 tell your definit addict overflow inform,#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person1# may get an addiction called 'information overload' because #Person1# frequently checks messages and emails and has #Person1#'s phone all the time. person1 excus ive wait 15 min know often 3 run person2 oh run everi 20 min must miss came minut person1 seem got good time bu schedul person2 ye go transport depart get bu schedul bu rout map person1 see thank,#Person2# finds #Person1# missed a bus but says the bus should arrive soon. #Person2# suggests #Person1# get a bus schedule from the Transport Department. person1 hello sir anyth help find person2 um uh im look thank person1 need gift girlfriend wife person2 im brows thank anyway person1 well need anyth ask person2 um well where men shoe depart person1 third floor turn left get escal,#Person1# tells #Person2# how to get to the men's shoe department. person1 im hungri shall go eat rick person2 sure want go mood anyth particular person1 dumpl cant get enough person2 dumpl oh ami let tri someth new person1 well mind person2 mongolian hot pot person1 oh spici dont rememb last time tast lamb spici eye tear person2 mayb tryyuanyang potthi time choos nonspici soup base person1 sound great serv noodl mood tasti noodl well person2 ye slice noodl offer among authent shanti cuisin person1 great let go person2 wait minut let throw sweater,"Amy and Rick are discussing what to eat. Finally, they agree to have the Yuanyang pot." person1 thing still go badli houseguest person2 get wors he eat hous home ive tri talk goe one ear make home fine realli get yesterday walk live room raw compani last straw person1 leo realli think your beat around bush guy know use best friend colleg realli think time lay law person2 your right everyth probabl go come head tonight ill keep inform,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2#'s houseguest is getting worse, so #Person1# suggests #Person2# lay down the law." person1 schedul today miss liu person2 ye suppos meet presid ten fifteen morn lunch appoint mr clark afternoon three schedul speak group seminar particip person1 meet report readi person2 certainli,Miss Liu tells #Person1# the schedule for today. person1 excus would like guid person2 cours person1 first time would pleas arrang schedul us person2 pleasur think go palac first person1 palac built,#Person2# would like to be #Person1#'s guide and arranges a schedule. person1 anyth person2 im tri choos gift person1 anyth particular mind person2 id like get someth typic region person1 well handmad product let show person2 theyr quit nice im afraid theyr quit bit expens person1 much plan spend person2 one hundr yuan person1 oh case one ok person2 oh perfect think ill take would wrap pleas person1 ok wait moment pleas,#Person1# helps #Person2# choose a gift under one hundred yuan. person1 cant find glass cant see anyth help find thing person2 problem look person1 laptop see person2 ye laptop chair person1 where book person2 one person1 dictionari person2 tabl person1 where pencil person2 there pencil front lamp person1 that pencil that pen person2 oh sorri pencil behind cup person1 backpack know person2 wall bed person1 shoe person2 theyr left side tv person1 dont see person2 sorri made mistak theyr right side tv person1 thank person2 oh glass next cell phone,#Person2# helps #Person1# find several things because #Person1# cannot find #Person1#'s glasses and #Person1# cannot see anything. #Person2# finds #Person1#'s glasses at last. person1 need help pick lotion person2 would pleasur help need help person1 pick poison oak hike cant stop itch person2 techn avail lotion cream person1 find one work better person2 heard cream longer last person1 anyth take help itch person2 take antihistamin would help lot person1 thank help figur poison oak person2 pleasur come back anytim,#Person2# helps #Person1# pick out Techne in cream and recommends a medicine to help with the itching. person1 put two quarter coke noth came machin person2 realli let check person1 im sure broken person2 maam im afraid put one quarter one dime,#Person2# says #Person1# didn't put enough money in the machine despite #Person1# believing otherwise. person1 would new duti person2 main respons troubleshoot top manag gener employe person1 chanc take busi trip abroad person2 ye definit,#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person1#'s new duties and admits #Person1#'s chance to take business trips abroad. person1 colleg search go person2 huge headach idea want person1 dont want studi music shouldnt easi person2 mani option grade good enough lot choic person1 know decid want attend school citi countri big school small school public privat school person2 yup understand parent tri pressur go cathol colleg attend one think combin good educ good disciplin tuition 3 usual pretti low person1 see well dont forget talk colleg counselor school usual give good advic help point right direct gave inform next week im go take look colleg recommend person2 thank inform good luck colleg search,#Person2# has difficulty in choosing a college to go because there are too many options. #Person1# suggests #Person2# talk to the school counselor. person1 hello peac hotel person2 hello im call beij id like reserv doubl room bath tonight five day pleas person1 moment pleas ill check room avail day ye that right what name pleas person2 john smith john smith,John Smith calls a hotel to reserve a room. person1 good morn may help person2 good morn want remit 1 000 yuan sister shanghai person1 pleas fill form person2 ok need put sister name receiv person1 ye must put name address person2 ok see ok person1 let check ye 1 000 remitt pleas person2 rate person1 rate one percent 10 yuan person2 ok remitt arriv person1 gener arriv within three day person2 that good,#Person1# helps #Person2# remit 1000 yuan to #Person2#'s sister. person1 excus tell central park street person2 turn right third light go straight two block person1 far person2 tenminut walk person1 see thank lot person2 your welcom,#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to central Park Street person1 well im sure sound movi rather violent us person2 ye famou director kind award peter saw month ago accord violent done matteroffact way noth eh know person1 ok suppos make chang comedi,"#Person2# tells #Person1# although the film is rather violent, it is famous. #Person1# is convinced." person1 french lesson go person2 well im longer take french lesson person1 kid told made mind studi french well summer didnt sign fourweek cours person2 teacher told come back one week return money remain three week person1 come ive never heard case like quarrel teacher person2 cours first everyth went well satisfi got angri broke class rule sever time person1 fault think youd gone far person2 perhap dont understand told stop come kind know person1 forget,#Person2# is no longer taking French lessons because #Person2# has been kicked out for broking the class rules several times. #Person1# comforts #Person2#. person1 must kelli thank come hard find good babysitt friday night person2 like watch kid need extra money id like talk new rate increas,#Person1# thanks Kelly for coming as a babysitter. Kelly wants a raise. person1 hello would like speak mr lee person2 lee speak person1 linda old friend person2 oh linda im glad call person1 mr smith wrote come citi may see hotel right away person2 pleas hold moment check schedul ye that ail fight person1 great ill haft hour person2 right ill expect person1 oh almost forgot what room number person2 311 second floor pleas call cant find person1 ill see later,Linda calls to Mr. Lee because she wants to visit Lee. Mr. Lee gladly agrees. person1 hi tim lastminut shop weekend person2 well actual im look suppli put togeth 72hour kit member famili person1 72hour kit what person2 basic 72hour kit contain emerg suppli would need sustain three day case emerg like earthquak person1 earthquak havent earthquak year person2 well never know prepar hey earthquak dont get could flood hurrican snowstorm power outag fire alien attack alien attack well never know think situat might find without basic necess life includ shelter food water period time person1 hum keep 42hour um mean 72kit person2 well enough food water last three day might want pack basic water filter water purif tablet case water sourc turn murki pool buginfest water ugh hey sometim dont choic food keep simpl food requir prepar doesnt spoil can good often heavi bulki okay make sens unless open pulltab lid youll use rock someth open ah instant mash green been yeah oh energi bar beef jerki mix nut raisin chocol possibl person1 huh food might nasti guess could surviv bare person2 well food doesnt tast bad select thing easi prepar might want includ basic comfort food like coupl candi bar decid type shelter might need person1 hotel sound nice person2 yeah that realli option realiti might evacu shelter possibl hundr thousand peopl person1 doesnt sound fun everyon pack togeth like sardin unsanitari condit diseas person2 ah your sound paranoid shelter isnt avail might complet alway pack emerg sleep bag small lightweight tent event surviv street park person1 wow person2 among thing pack flashlight portabl radio extra batteri small firstaid kit person item like toothbrush toothpast chang cloth also import person1 money credit card person2 right like that go help power youd better prepar coin cash small bill must person1 commun famili member case get separ person2 oh case alway pack twoway radio commun group never depend cell phone okay plu decid meet point case famili get separ person1 well sound like detail plan definit person2 oh that never know weather condit might encount pack rain poncho jacket someth start fire could use person1 like match person2 match drop puddl water your toast need pack least three form fire starter magnifi glass highqual lighter waterproof match person1 wow never thought either small kid theyd probabl go stircrazi condit person2 your exactli right littl extra prepar need evacu shelter wait disast kid soon bore mind pack small card game paper someth like pencil crayon draw person1 know prepar 72hour kit make perfect sens person2 yeah peopl think late,"Tim tells #Person1# that he is putting together 72-hour kits for his family in case of emergencies. They discuss what to prepare for a 72-hour kit, like food, water, shelter, fire starters, things for little kids, etc. #Person1# thinks a 72-hour kit makes perfect sense but #Person1# seems to believe it unnecessary, but Tim insists on its importance." person1 someth wrong comput person2 realli what wrong person1 comput doesnt work push power botton person2 oh use comput often person1 ye dont know doesnt work time person2 dont worri got receipt person1 yeah person2 well go hous repair tuesday ok person1 ok ill expect around 2 oclock person2 see,#Person1# asks #Person2# to repair #Person1#'s computer. #Person2# will do it on Tuesday. person1 seat avail person2 ye way pleas person1 what special today person2 recommend new english pizza person1 give larg one egg drop soup person2 okay wait minut pleas,#Person2# helps #Person1# to order #Person1#'s meal. person1 good afternoon sir may help person2 ye id like cheeseburg larg order french fri person1 would like anyth drink person2 ye medium coke person1 person2 ye person1 go person2 go pleas attend hand custom order person1 thatll 4 25 custom give 5 dollar bill five chang sir nice day,"#Person1# helps #Person2# order a cheeseburger, French fries, and a Coke." person1 ok ann spent quit bit time australia recent dont talk person2 realli like live australia intern student studi educ univers sydney live sydney fantasticbecuas could go beach anytim want great nightlif sydney lot great club peopl friendli easygo met lot intern peopl live sydney person1 mmhm long person2 almost year person1 oh ok person2 travel littl bit australia went east coast frasier island world heritag site saw dingo run along beach shark water climb cliff went rain forest went camp went north north go australia hotter get abl go swim ocean went dive first time littl bit riski caus didnt dive licens went introductori dive saw giant clam realli purpl spongi insid abl touch clam close realli quickli person1 lose finger person2 almost person1 almost ah your lucki um funni go water worri shark clam person2 exactli person1 go back australia soon person2 id like go live least anoth year probabl ill go back sydney mayb ill go melbourn realli interest cultur citi lot museum park,"Ann tells #Person1# that she stayed in Sydney for a year and she traveled to many places in Australia and experienced a lot, like climbing cliffs, going camping, going diving, and so on. Ann may go down to Melbourne for another year." person1 rememb said like china cheap beer person2 ye unbeliev cheap carlsberg less 1 person1 drink mean drink get person2 fashion person1 come dont even know blind follow sign immatur person2 mari blind follow matter enjoy drink like get work your tire need get relax cant turn tv keep watch program fall asleep need make work time fun person1 drink person2 drink part mean bunch friend come fun drink talk drink talk make relax person1 begin drink person2 long time ago first went bar pick girl saw beauti girl sit sip coke went said buy drink person1 person2 talk got number know dont know say drink person1 get drunk everi day,"#Person2# tells Mary #Person2# likes drinking because #Person2# thinks it's fashionable, but Mary thinks it's blind following. #Person2# explains #Person2# enjoys drinking and tells a story of picking up a girl at a bar." person1 hi rosi new york visit person2 fantast love weather new york summer mostli cool hot new delhi person1 probabl rain tomorrow person2 hope uncl live london beauti climat person1 ye london wonder citi person2 way go shop today person1 sunni outsid wont abl go go even weather nice,#Person1# and Rosie are talking about the weather in different cities. They may go shopping in the evening if the weather is nice. person1 anyth interest paper today dear person2 well yeah might interest us here one 400 one bedroom sound nice near lake street person1 yeah let see cheapest twobedroom apart oh here one market street real bargain 350 doesnt furnitur person2 well cost lot buy furnitur person1 oh here anoth one 400 sound interest south street that nice area person2 ye quiet say 2 bedroom person1 ye 415 dollar person2 dont go look person1 ok ill give call,#Person1# and #Person2# are looking through the housing information in the paper. They find a satisfying apartment and decide to have a look. person1 wrote complet wrong person2 mean person1 look accid wasnt thursday tuesday accid happen lunch time realli rememb fact girl boy lie road hadnt trip anyth slip road wet rain person2 ok everyth truck car right person1 dont believ think truck person2 well articl say person1 dont believ everyth read mini bu mini bu driver fine person flew passeng front minibu person2 bad news passeng minibu guess inform car correct person1 think person inform shouldnt print newspap cancel entir paragraph person2 ok,#Person1# asks #Person2# to amend the news about an accident because the information in it is inappropriate and wrong. person1 think give good gift think uncl person2 know gave snow globe yesterday doesnt seem like strang gift person1 well ill honest gift time make laugh person2 im glad famili alway give practic gift person1 oh like person2 give gift card favorit store even money person1 emm guess use dont seem like fun gift receiv person2 that ridicul gift card cash alway fun receiv person1 gift card cash practic theyr imagin person2 use buy anyth want like person1 give gift like take easi way your take time select gift know person enjoy person2 ok giver wrong dont like gift person1 case ill ask receipt return regift person2 ah awkward person1 well peopl understand im alway grate gift person2 realli someon buy someth random probabl wont realli think person1 that true good gift thought person2 make snow globe uncl special person1 winter favorit season love snow person2 nice see point birthday pleas dont tri guess might like simpl gift card fine person1 ok dear,"#Person1# prefers funny gifts that are imaginative and #Person1# is always grateful for any gift, while #Person2# prefers a simple gift card or cash because it is practical so that #Person2# can buy anything." person1 hello get taxi outsid citi limit person2 problem maam exactli go extra charg anyth 20 kilomet person1 roxi club downtown 6 us though bigger car dont need take two taxi person2 ye weekend howev 3 bigger car sent way person1 fine well 20 kilomet destin person2 ye see would like us send person1 ye pleas,#Person2# helps to send a taxi that is capable of 6 people for #Person1#. person1 hi maria how go person2 good finish cours today relax person1 great mayb youll time travel person2 mayb think ill stay home weekend person1 oh well dont come hous famili come barbequ back garden person2 thank famili probabl dont want peopl person1 realli dont worri im invit peopl class well id realli like come person2 would great special famili gather person1 well oldest sister new babi girl bit celebr person2 oh say daisi babi marri 2 year ago didnt person1 ye,Maria plans to stay at home this weekend. #Person1# invites her to have a barbeque to celebrate the birth of #Person1#'s sister's baby. Maria agrees. person1 hamilton high school help person2 ye question ask son hope studi school person1 welcom glad help person2 thank knew school yesterday miss applic deadlin person1 still appli late applic given number take student number order person2 child get transport person1 live 3 mile 3 mile includ away school son qualifi transport person2 reach son teacher person1 leav messag offic 3102801501 also send email email list websit person2 teacher doesnt get back person1 respons pleas call director 3102801452 person2 child music continu develop interest person1 sure,"#Person2# asks #Person1# some information about Hamilton High School, including the application, transportation, and the ways to reach teachers, because #Person2#'s son hopes to study in it." person1 hi michael sylvi brussel get readi confer next month go san francisco fli direct dublin person2 umwel probabl chang either london amsterdam person1 well still need book flight amsterdam shall catch flight person2 yeah make sens need book flight amsterdam thenshal look flight san francisco well person1 humyeah that ok person2 yeah problem ill look internet lunch book hotel person1 well shall contact san francisco offic see know good place get touch rita person2 yeah good idea person1 ill give call afternoon person2 excel,"Sylvie asks Michael how he is going to San Francisco to attend a conference. After knowing Michael may have to change in Amsterdam, she suggests they catch the same flight from Amsterdam to San Francisco." person1 told might vacant room person2 ye spare room person1 much ask person2 1000 dollar night person1 could see room pleas person2 surecom,#Person2#'ll show #Person1# the vacant room. person1 hello servic person2 hello im sure need speak got 50 yuan note today seem littl odd person1 first thing check feel paper oe feel thick thin check watermark opinion counterfeit ill run scanner doubl check person2 happen person1 well polici confisc counterfeit note unfortun youll lose 50 rib well give receipt show note confisc,#Person2# asks for #Person1#'s help to check the 50 yuan note. #Person1# thinks it's counterfeit and will confiscate it. person1 sort shop nearbi mr taylor person2 call john great area citi shop groceri store around corner person1 thing food person2 well riversid mall 200 store includ four major depart store person1 small shop near well person2 ye 4th street near movi theater mani specialti shop includ cloth boutiqu person1 well sound wonder person2 ye realli nice neighborhood,#Person2# tells #Person1# a grocery store is around the corner and there're also many stores and specialty shops. person1 thank purchas new mattress us person2 thank person1 would like us deliv mattress sir person2 would great person1 want deliv person2 need deliv tomorrow possibl person1 time exactli person2 need deliv 12 oclock person1 time person2 that problem person1 deliv mattress tomorrow 12 oclock person2 that great thank much,#Person2# buys a mattress from #Person1#. #Person1#'ll deliver it for #Person2# tomorrow at 12. person1 seen new cosmo magazin read morn person2 think may seen kitchen tabl person1 your right thank there interest interview top director latest film want finish person2 who director person1 martin scorses like film depart didnt person2 ye fantast read articl your finish person1 sure know onlin edit go onlin read want read person2 that ok ill wait your finish curios subscript magad person1 dont buy regularli enough worthwhil person2 much magad cost person1 almost three pound think theyr go put price four pound soon person2 that quit expens target audienc person1 cosmo mainli middleclass readership think circul fall dramat price goe anymor person2 bet youll still buy though wouldnt abl live without fashion magazin,#Person1# tells #Person2# there's an interview of Martin Scorsese on the new Cosmo magazine and #Person2# wants to read it after #Person1# finishes. #Person1# says Cosmo has a middle-class readership but the circulation will fall if the price goes up. person1 anoth tradit holidayth dragon boat festiv person2 person1 fall fifth day fifth lunar month person2 could tell origin two festiv person1 ok dragon boat festiv way commemor great ancient poet name quyuan day peopl hold boat race symbol attempt save threw river person2 peopl eat rice cake day person1 order prevent fish eat poet bodi person2 sound move,"#Person1# introduces the Dragon Boat Festival to #Person2#. #Person1# tells #Person2# its time, origin, and why people eat rice cakes." person1 smell someth smell great person2 must come bakeri corner bake cooki cooki popular town person1 come never knew new baker someth person2 think bakeri invit famou baker usa good make cooki person1 let go get cooki hungri person2 look swiss roll look delici think buy one person1 tast buy food tast counter person2 start love bakeri person1 one favorit bakeri person2 told earlier cooki lover,#Person2# tells #Person1# the bakery invited a famous baker and suggests #Person2# taste the swiss roll before buying it. #Person2#'s starting loving the bakery now. person1 great bed exactli look person2 good tast made red wood person1 oh like red wood much charg person2 300 dollar person1 that sheer robberi person2 believ worth price person1 afford make offer person2 much will pay person1 shall make 250 dollar person2 price would hardli cover cost person1 260 dollar person2 275 dollar lowest price offer person1 deal,#Person1# likes the bed but thinks it's expensive. #Person1# bargains with #Person2# and finally takes it with 275 dollars. person1 fill pl person2 premium regular madam person1 premium pl could check tyre think need air person2 problem madam check air spare tyre well person1 dont think brandnew person2 clean windshield person1 ye pl also need check oil radiat person2 right madam ok hardli water radiat danger madam could break heat know person1 pl fill water person2 anyth say madam person1 take credit card person2 dont sorri 30 dollar 10 cent total person1 30 dollar 10 cent go person2 thank madam nice drive,"#Person1# asks #Person2# to help fill the tank with premium gas and check the tyres, oil, and radiator. #Person2# fills the radiator with water, and #Person1# pays in cash." person1 interest place larg order wool carpet person2 much would like person1 10 000 sq give us discount larg quantiti person2 higher discount given big order will give 5 discount time person1 iranian give us 10 discount high order place doubt know incent discount encourag buyer help expand seller busi person2 cours know high rate frankli speak maximum discount make 6,"#Person1# wants to place 10, 000 sq. m. wool carpet. #Person2#'ll give a 5% discount. #Person1# wants more, but #Person2# says the maximum is 6%." person1 rome roman say person2 roman person1 live rome cours go work car bu sometim take long way traffic jam walk person2 word roman everyon els person1 ye differ everyth differ person2 mean person1 well climat differ start doesnt rain much england sun shine often person2 envi sun person1 know hate rain dont person2 certainli person1 roman realli iov life eye know enjoy person2 alway eat spaghetti drink wine dont person1 alway like good meal lot tourist go rome food know person2 realli much cost fli rome person1 dont know exactli cost lot money,#Person1# tells #Person2# what Romans do and says they do what everyone else does. But #Person2# thinks they do it differently as the climate's different and a Roman loves life. person1 question mari person2 that rais hand need go ladiesroom person1 let give hall pass person2 what hall pass person1 hall pass go ladiesroom wherev need go class time person2 see person1 teacher stop hallway show pass person2 els ill get troubl person1 that right,"Mary wants to go to the ladies' room, so #Person1# gives her a hall pass to avoid trouble." person1 good morn miss wang person2 good morn mr li person1 beauti morn isnt person2 oh nice day inde person1 hope wont hot cant stand heat person2 realli,Miss Wang and Mr. Li think the weather's nice. person1 go theatr person2 let take bu person1 hate bu system london bu driver rude buse never time peopl around help person2 bad probabl bad experi person1 wasnt everi singl time take bu someth bad happen someon els bu person2 could take subway wed go three stop along one line chang train twice person1 train fare twice expens bu fare person2 dont hurri well miss show take bu person1 alreadi late think better take taxi person2 dont think well abl find taxi easili hush hour let take bu person1 fine look timet find next one arriv person2 look like minut person1 dont worri noth bad happen ill even buy ticket person2 thank nice person1 see someth good happen bu trip,"#Person2# suggests taking the bus to the theatre, but #Person1# hates the bus system in London. #Person1# thinks trains are expensive, and #Person2# says it's hard to find a taxi during rush hours. They finally decide to take the bus." person1 look realli wipe person2 meet back back morn phone rang hook minut walk offic person1 good day hate tell mr thoma want see profit statement new project tomorrow morn person2 cant believ guess ill 10 tonight,#Person2# thinks #Person2# has to work overtime when #Person1# tells the bad news. person1 hi luci popular peopl around trick person2 thank say dont know probabl like share experi knowledg think kind commun help improv work effici also help get along colleagu person1 share knowledg settl second stanc peopl may think tell work take person feel angri even becom reluct support work person2 true peopl misunderstand intent let long threaten way exampl sensibl argu other correct someon front peopl show friendli willing share much import show person1 quit right thank share experi learn lot person2 your welcom,"Lucy thinks she's popular because she likes sharing her experience and knowledge. #Person1# thinks sharing knowledge might make people angry, and Lucy tells #Person1# showing friendliness and willingness to share is important." person1 mike flower gorgeou person2 im glad like happi birthday person1 cant thank enough im realli touch dont know say person2 forget pleasur mean lot person1 your best,#Person1# thanks Mike for the gorgeous flowers. person1 hello dana okro person2 hello dana kevin abraham eureka corp dont know youll rememb met last week chamber commerc luncheon person1 oh ye hi person2 great minut right tell littl bit data manag tool compani offer wont take long person1 actual im realli swamp right ill go meet minut literatur send person2 oh sure understand id happi send promot packet program think might best suit compani size would okay call see question person1 let sinc im sure ill get chanc read materi dont give call question im realli sorri get go meet person2 problem wont keep longer ill put packag mail well go person1 sound good person2 thank time person1 problem bye bye,"Kevin calls Dana to tell her his company's data management tools, but Dana's too swamped to listen to him. Kevin will send Dana a program packet, and Dana will call him if she has questions." person1 think person person2 quit aliv energet curiou person like learn new thing person1 think introvert extrovert person2 quit outgo think person1 get along peopl whose charact differ person2 tri adapt,#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s personality and how to get along with others. person1 luci id like fix light corridor keep flash drive crazi would like help ladder person2 monica wait moment think wed better call repair man person1 think handl person2 id like look safeti manual compani person1 see got hurt fix light even offic hour wouldnt get compens compani sinc repair respons person2 compani rule also need attent person1 like one person2 never wear loos cloth hair oper shredder person1 yeah thank tell person2 dont mention,"Lucy wants to call the repairman to fix the light, but Monica wants to repair it herself. Lucy reminds her of the company rules." person1 good morn sir anyth person2 ye would like suit made measur person1 sure like suit person2 want singl breast suit cloth,#Person1# helps #Person2# have a suit made to measure. person1 hi glad see person2 kid say person1 know im graduat look job soon possibl havent faintest idea go find job person2 ok let see start person1 guess first prepar resum right person2 sure includ name address phone number resum person1 els put resum person2 job object cours word kind job search person1 got mention educ background work experi person2 ye dont forget list date besid begin recent move backward person1 see person2 also necessari list relat interest way connect job want take person1 oh good point mean show special skill talent impress boss person2 said last youd better attach list refer resum person1 that easi person2 one thing smile wide,#Person1#'s going to find a job and should prepare a resume first. #Person2# tells #Person1# what should #Person1# put into #Person1#'s resume. #Person2# also suggests putting connected interests and attaching a list of references to the resume. person1 good afternoon sir help person2 good afternoon want pick new shaver sinc old one retir person1 brand interest person2 im still sure type top qualiti guess well one recommend person1 prefer import one domest one person2 doesnt matter much high qualiti reason price ok person1 flymo sell well person2 warranti person1 cours warranti period one year person2 there someth wrong week come back chang person1 sure must show us receipt someth come well chang person2 ok ill take one,#Person2# wants a new shaver with high quality and reasonable price. #Person1# recommends Flymo and offers a warranty. #Person2#'ll take one. person1 collect unemploy benefit person2 still work person1 employ cut back hour person2 got laid work lot fewer hour may qualifi person1 definit get collect unemploy person2 job pay unemploy insur employe collect benefit person1 check statu collect unemploy person2 notic unemploy insur deduct paycheck check pay stub person1 much unemploy check person2 money made earn unemploy formula,#Person2# tells #Person1# the qualification to collect unemployment and advises #Person1# to check the pay stubs. person1 anyth person2 ye look pair glove person1 one latest person2 excus want pair mitten person1 sorri stock right,#Person2# wants mittens. #Person1# says it's out of stock. person1 help sir person2 want haircut person1 pleas take seat need shampoo person2 much regular haircut without shampoo person1 10 person2 much haircut shampoo person1 total charg 15 person2 sinc need haircut shampoo person1 well shampoo prefer person2 seek pleas person1 5 minut later sort hairstyl like person2 hairstyl feel look best person1 think crew cut suitabl person2 idea,#Person1# says the total charge of a haircut with shampoo is $15 and advises a crew cut for #Person2#. person1 taxi person2 person1 beij intern airport would pleas help baggag person2 certainli let put suitcas boot person1 thank ive got 50 minut go manag person2 take easi abl make unless get caught traffic jam person1 cant afford miss 940 flight person2 dont worri traffic smooth time flight,#Person2# assures #Person1# they'll reach the airport on time for the traffic is smooth. person1 pardon could pleas pass tissu person2 sure person1 thank didnt expect dish spici ok person2 yeah think food alright spici though littl salti chines known better person1 well everi chines handl spici food way peopl sichuan cuizhou provinc back come peopl dont eat lot paper chili person2 oh see food realli hard sympath stay sichuan year food difficult begin everi dish spici got u person1 yeah increas toler spici food far havent need opportun everi time tri spici food total disast nose eye person2 complet understand didnt intend like spici food first either choicest youv got adapt person1 yeah guess that typic exampl rome roman person2 exactli,"#Person1# thinks the food is too spicy, but #Person2# thinks it's ok. #Person2#'s staying in Sichuan for a year increases #Person2#'s tolerance for spicy food, but #Person1# can't handle spicy food. #Person2# couldn't either at first but then adapted." person1 professor wang nontariff barrier person2 nontariff barrier anoth mean restrict import person1 give exampl person2 exampl countri restrict import quantit restrict person1 person2 use protect local industri achiev certain polit object person1 oh mean person2 technic barrier set import good person1 design exclud domest market isnt person2 ye countri may use unnecessari health rule exclud foreign food,Professor Wang tells #Person1# non-tariff barrier is another mean to restrict imports and used to protect local industries. person1 look new car person2 that car toy your still take bu school person1 well model car im go buy get first job help want work harder,#Person1# shows #Person2# #Person1#'s new car model. person1 hey si interest buy use book school realli save money way person2 well person1 well let see scienc book call today world im sell thirti dollar person2 thirti that littl expens beatup book like person1 mayb bought sixti plu wrote lot note book help class could read write person2 els sell person1 okay english write textbook fourteen dollar math book twentythre novel seven buck person2 uh hmmm person1 know thing go fast mean listen advic older brother person2 psh ill take english book novel need sure think ill hold buy book okay teacher alway chang mind textbook alright book person1 one ah ah noth never mind person2 wait wait wait find perfect someon your sell forti dollar what what price person1 well marit relat class know find partner know mom alway know matter anyway person2 forti dollar that littl expens person1 well guarante result ah never mind would never understand person2 one introduct gourmet cook take class hate cook person1 well um friend who cook she mean friend take class mean ugh realli matter person2 marriag class close femal friend cook textbook think get pictur mom go excit person1 ah got wrong want buy textbook,"#Person1# shows #Person2# the books #Person1# is selling and advises #Person2# to buy some, which can save some money. #Person2# buys the English book and the novel. #Person2# finds #Person1# also has books about marital relations and cooking. #Person2# thinks if #Person2# get the picture, #Person2#'s Mom will be excited about that." person1 hello id like copi brochur pleas much person2 free there one map insid person1 oh thank much look im three day best place see person2 well lot could interest visit outli island lantau person1 outli island person2 ye lot interest thing see old villag templ sceneri nice brochur tell could think person1 well thank much inde person2 your welcom,#Person1# buys the brochure from #Person2# and asks #Person2# what are the best places to see. #Person2# recommends some outlying islands. person1 found job yet person2 lead thing look person1 isnt alway say person2 well uh time differ person1 look time person2 actual want work web host compani person1 would person2 well nut shell web host compani provid space peopl store run websit sound like know im talk person1 oh yeah sort person2 well sort well allow peopl run web site without buy maintain server id like work technic support know help custom resolv computerrel problem site know im good commun person1 how pay kind job person2 well peopl know start reason salari earn pay increas depend perform person1 benefit person2 oh benefit pretti good provid health insur two week paid vacat year opportun advanc end id like work manag posit know sit back enjoy view twentiethstori window offic build someth like person1 well longterm job secur job like person2 uhh that hard tell mean internet boom kind compani sprout everywher good thing like dotcom era never know long thing last person1 well ever thought go back school improv job skill person2 wait wait suggest person1 well know train might help land better job person2 wh wh tri say someth current job mean someth go mean say person1 know drop colleg person2 know know dont know im see current job mcdonald step mcdonald yeah know dont resourc go back school moment howev job look pay class compani six month person1 well look like thing plan time person2 last long,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# wants to work in a Web hosting company that allows people to run their websites without buying their own servers. The pay is reasonable and the benefits are good, but it's hard to tell whether the job can last long. #Person1# suggests #Person2# go back to school to improve #Person2#'s job skills because more training can help, but #Person2# doesn't have the resources to go back to school." person1 stress person2 probabl parent person1 person2 well school want good grade got job want get better job final want get marri person1 deal lot pressur parent person2 parent like person1 ever sinc brought home bad grade elementari school never expect much person2 your lucki person1 deal stress person2 much alway sometim go friend drink that temporari solut stress alway return morn person1 suck wan na go grab beer person2 sure sound great let go,"#Person2#'s parents stress #Person2# out by pushing #Person2# to achieve more, but #Person1#'s parents never do that. #Person2# sometimes drinks with friends to relieve stress." person1 suggest exercis help get fit stretch muscl littlt person2 sure want stretch leg good exercis lift knee front bodi like simpl exercis effect person1 need excis arm person2 one good way pushup anoth way use weight make sure grip weight firmli dont want drop feet person1 pushup bend elbow nose touch ground person2 dont need bend elbow much bend arm 90 degre angl import think rememb keep bodi straight mani peopl bend bodi waist reduc effect exercis person1 what good exercis chest muscl person2 one recommend lie back weight hand stretch arm either side bodi person1 need plenti space exercis person2 ye lift weight keep arm straight time person1 great thank advic,"#Person1# asks #Person2#'s to give some suggestions to help #Person1# get fit. #Person2# suggests #Person1# lifting knees to stretch legs, doing push-ups and using weights to exercise arms, and lying on the back to strengthen chest muscles." person1 havent told happen yet person2 havent heard anyth person1 boss offer promot took person2 seriou person1 ye realli excit person2 that great congratul person1 appreci person2 idea happi person1 real person2 believ best choic promot realli,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s promotion. #Person2# believes #Person1#'s the best choice for it. person1 well seem enjoy speak english person2 cant help learn your use day youll see week studi school similar effect person1 hope see moment find difficult get use teacher speed accent im aw worri cant repli quickli seem expect person2 oh like keep us toe get us use english throughout class doesnt mind make mistak though person1 know speak class good chanc put english practic use,#Person1#'s worried that #Person1# can't get used to the teachers' speed and accent. #Person2# tells #Person1# it's ok to make mistakes. person1 good morn sir help person2 ye good morn id like buy copi today morn post person1 ye person2 thank much person1 morn post one dollar person2 one dollar ok im also look new yorker person1 ye certaninli sir latest issu person2 much person1 that 25 dollar person2 25 dollar ok ill take person1 one newspap one magazin 35 dollar thank much sir,#Person1# helps #Person2# buy a copy of Morning Post and the New Yorker's in $3.5. person1 hello intern student offic leah may help person2 nathaniel brown english depart id like speak miss collin accommod situat person1 well im sorri lunch moment take messag person2 sure call back cell phone number person1 ok what number person2 07787367688 person1 let repeat that 077873676688 right person2 there doubl 6 07787367688 person1 got call back person2 anytim 600 pm tonight person1 ok nathaniel ill miss collin call back sometim tonight 600 pm,"Nathaniel Brown calls to speak with Miss Collins, but she's out. Thus, #Person1# notes down his number and will have Collins call him back." person1 doctor say need outsid interest get mind work suggest hobbi person2 well electron might fun dont want hobbi requir lot expens equip person1 dont want buy expens equip want someth relax enjoy think collect umbrella would interest person2 collect umbrella ive heard lot unusu hobbi ive never heard one dont play music instrument person1 ye play violin want someth differ what hobbi person2 hobbi stamp collect ive collect stamp sinc childhood lot fun ever stamp collect person1 ive never stamp collect difficult take long time build good stamp collect doesnt person2 ye build good collect take long time rare set stamp valuabl see your interest stamp collect sport person1 ye interest sport want someth weekend think golf would take mind job person2 ye think would,"#Person1# asks #Person2# to suggest some hobbies. #Person1# wants to do something relaxing, such as collecting umbrellas, but #Person2# thinks it's odd. #Person2# likes collecting stamps, but #Person1# thinks it's time-consuming and difficult. #Person1# decides to play golf." person1 luci your back class person2 well english 900 1030 art 1330 1500 math 1545 1715 person1 think teacher person2 honest like except math teacher though must quit young seem like old person he bore person1 that bad english teacher person2 great today class gave us lectur good student told us push hard exam pay attent commun memor person1 give homework person2 today want us relax tonight instead homework person1 wonder like class much,Lucy tells #Person1# she doesn't like the math teacher because he's boring. Lucy likes the English teacher because she's encouraging and didn't give homework. person1 hey taxi ah great thank stop person2 person1 well im go nation museum art long take get person2 well depend traffic shouldnt take 30 minut person1 oh way know time museum close person2 well would guess around 6 oclock first time citi person1 yeah know good restaur downtown offer meal reason price person2 uhmwel mexican restaur la fajita inexpens place know servic better,#Person2# takes #Person1# to the museum and tells #Person1# the museum's closing time. #Person2# recommends a Mexican restaurant to #Person1#. person1 hello globe hotel help person2 ye reserv eighteenth twentyfirst juli doubl room bath balconi would like chang eighteenth twentythird juli person1 name pleas person2 bouvier person1 ill check im sorri room avail twentythird twentysecond avail ok person2 that ok ill check noon twentythird,"Bouvier asks #Person1# to change the reservation. #Person1# says the room isn't available, so Bouvier'll check out." person1 luggag hasnt arriv person2 sunni time tour person1 ye mr mr cameron person2 flat mr cameron person1 fast jet flight manchest berlin think fj2498 person2 seem bag gone anoth airport person1 know airport bag gone person2 im afraid luggag gone rome person1 rome well happen person2 im sure miss bag come next flight hotel stay bag go directli person1 summer cloth suitcas,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1#'s luggage might have gone to Rome, but they'll send the bags to #Person1#'s hotel." person1 hello michel feel today person2 hi doctor frank feel well made appoint person1 sorri hear seem troubl person2 head hurt lot late never use feel like person1 hurt person2 usual feel fine hurt class head start hurt tri copi note board tri sit near back room doesnt help fact get wors person1 well sound like might need glass get eye check take long person2 thank doctor appreci help,Michelle tells Doctor Frank he has a headache when copying notes from the blackboard. Doctor Frank thinks he might need glasses. person1 hello hilton hotel may help person2 hi would like make reserv friday person1 ok kind room want singl room twin room doubl room suit avail friday person2 want singl room ocean view one person1 let check ye person2 ok take person1 check long plan stay special requir person2 guess go arriv 900 morn would like leav 200 afternoon sunday pleas give room away elev hate nois sleep person1 ok problem,"#Person1# helps #Person2# book a single room for three days on this Friday, with ocean view and away from the elevator." person1 price sheet f b basi price given without engag person2 good excus go sheet right person1 take time person2 tell glanc price much high person1 surpris hear say know cost pro duction skyrocket recent year person2 ask price compar other reason person1 well get busi done consid make concess price first give idea quantiti wish order us may adjust price accordingli person2 size order depend greatli price let settl matter first person1 well said order larg enough readi reduc price 2 percent person2 say price much high mean higher mere 2 3 percent person1 much mean give rough idea person2 busi conclud say reduct least 10 percent would help person1 imposs expect us make reduct extent person2 think well inform market chemic fertil unnecessari point sup pli exce demand present situat apt continu long time yet may suggest call home offic see say person1 well,"#Person2# thinks the prices provided by #Person1# are much too high, and #Person1# considers making some concessions in their price. #Person1# offers to reduce the prices by 2 percent, but #Person2# wants a reduction of at least 10 percent. #Person1# isn't willing to compromise, so #Person2# suggests #Person1# call their home office. #Person1# agrees." person1 margaret id like follow arrang compani retreat take place next month need book venu make arrang speaker door prize set activ accommod also import need determin staff elig avail go weve got get head count order make reserv person2 what criteria staff attend includ manag team affair extend invit lower level employe attend person1 lower level employe need attend purpos retreat train especi manag team want develop welloil machin execut level order get everyon jell togeth weve got includ fun that reason retreat,"#Person1# and Margaret talk about the arrangements for their company retreat. Margaret wonders the criteria for staff to attend, and #Person1# says the invitations are for the management team." person1 excus bu go new bookstor person2 youll get bank take 50 person1 thank much fare stop person2 one dollar person1 mani stop person2 two stop one person1 could pleas tell get person2 sure person1 way need transfer 50 person2 50 take right person1 thank,#Person2# tells #Person1# to get off this bus and take a No.50 to the bookstore. person1 hey look great how everyth person2 yeah know ive go club regularli train realli pay good shape know keep fit person1 realli tell havent gone club long time busi work person2 import proper exercis person1 your right much littl wont good person2 trainer tell besid regular sport activ also healthi balanc diet person1 sound reason person2 eat veget instead junk food stay energet person1 fruit person2 sure get enough sleep also crucial fit person1 ive heard trainer tell anyth keep fit person2 yeah advis stay good mood also help one keep sound physic health person1 think follow trainer advic youll right track person2 bet,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the methods to keep fit from #Person2#'s trainer include proper exercises, a healthy and balanced diet, enough sleep, and staying in a good mood." person1 think your littl naiv person2 want protect pay escrow account hold money receiv item person1 prove point protect youll get burn person2 ebay also offer free insur get refund 200 your satisfi purchas person1 200 get hold credit card number your go lot 200 friend,"#Person2# regrets not protecting #Person2# by paying through an escrow account, but eBay offers free insurance." person1 sam youv got forgiv person2 forgiv person1 use comput im afraid ive eras person file accident person2 kid person1 im afraid apolog person2 cant believ import person document store comput laugh matter person1 told im sorri make person2 well sorri dont ever use comput cant anyth late,#Person1# apologizes to Sam for accidentally erasing his personal files. Sam is astonished and angry. person1 done excel job year pleas result person2 glad happi perform person1 result perform happi offer posit manag person2 titl come increas salari person1 ye person2 give specif person1 monthli gross salari increas 500 person2 sound fair,#Person1# offers #Person2# the position of manager with the salary's increase for #Person2#'s excellent performance. person1 buy newspap everi day person2 ye find inform alway plenti articl correspond world busi section use person1 sunday edit newspap person2 ye sever section quit read usual take hour read sunday morn person1 section person2 let see there news section entertain section sport busi world affair person1 what section person2 world affair look import stori detail find fascin buy daili paper person1 buy nation newspap sometim buy nearli alway buy local even newspap find local news interest nation intern news,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# buys that newspaper and it's informative. #Person1# always buys a local evening newspaper and thinks it's more interesting. person1 steven person2 read book money manag person1 oh god want millionair see crazi money person2 everyon want earn lot money dont think what interest money manag person1 wrong money cant buy happi health wont sacrific health order get money word dont want millionair want free time enjoy life person2 oh see proverb say money make mare go think better money person1 mayb right pleas take care make money anyway health import thing person2 thank care person1 thank,"Steven tells #Person1# he's interested in money management and wants to make more money. #Person1# says money can't buy happiness and health, and health is the most important." person1 relax take walk countri air fresh clean person2 would like live countri im sure id like person1 see lot advantag disadvantag problem advantag disadvantag person2 mean person1 well hate nois citi love around lost peopl problem cant lot peopl peac quiet two dont go togeth person2 see mean love far away citi hate far away depart store sport facil person1 peopl cant way live countri often less conveni live citi noisi there person2 would love surround hill stream theyr much better look concret row park car tall build person1 would love hear bird sing feel fresh breez face wind blow citi get dust mouth eye person2 view hill beauti relax there sign pollut villag look peac person1 rememb villag there noth there even pub restaur there one small shop poor select good person2 your right would travel citi least week go shop see friend would hate live countri,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. Both of them love the tranquility of the country and hate the noise of the city. #Person2# finally thinks #Person2# would hate living in the country because of the inconvenience to shopping and seeing friends. person1 believ ufo person2 sure ufo space vehicl anoth planet think space shuttl ufo person1 ive never thought like person2 ive seen photo ufo america theyv look doctor person1 think there life planet person2 think must person1 person2 dontt think would make sens be whole world world far big person1 think there intellig life tri contact us person2 tri contact person1 suppos your right person2 think countri work hard find planet live futur global warm destroy planet humankind becom extinct person1 realli think global warm wil destroy earth day person2 there lot evid suggest dont think go happen time soon,"#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about UFOs. #Person2# believes there's life on other planets, and countries are working hard to find a planet that we can live on in the future." person1 think novel finish read person2 like lot funni begin think attract attent moment begin read person1 like best person2 like plot full twist turn also like main charact humor smart person1 think end person2 end bit weak abrupt like detect stori,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# likes the novel and likes the plot and the main character best. person1 wonder parti joan food drink atmospher everyon enjoy person2 thank help friendship person1 bottom way kind entertain gon na person2 danc boy campu band promis play music us person1 oh wonder everi girl campu crush handsom guy person2 ill sure make introduct,"#Person1# and Joan are having fun at a party, and they're going to dance." person1 bone pick person2 okay let clear air get person1 alway chip shoulder person2 im sorri dont meant get goat,#Person1# picks with #Person2# to clear the air. person1 read say person2 ye could hair wasnt hang face person1 dont di hair like like person2 like get handicap person1 hey that enough hair person2 know great hairdress far cute person1 dont go hairdress theyr cute person2 mention she good cut hair,#Person2# makes fun of #Person1#'s long hair and recommends #Person1# a great hairdresser. person1 use antiviru program protect comput person2 ye also use antispywar program firewal mani nasti internet mani peopl tri use internet hurt user care keep comput clean person1 often run antiviru program person2 usual run everi day find viru half time person1 antiviru program would recommend person2 tri one good download free internet also download updat free person1 sound good websit visit download person2 minut go one ill send email line take minut download go set procedur complic person1 use comput person2 use sever thingssurf net word process creat present dont play mani game comput lot work photograph use c comput program edit resiz photograph also make brighter darker cut piec differ photograph creat new one person1 comput great arent download program learn use,"#Person2# tells #Person1# how #Person2# uses an anti-virus program to protect the computer and recommends an anti-virus program to #Person1#. #Person2# uses #Person2#'s computer to do a lot of work with photographs, and #Person1# thinks #Person1# should download some program and learn to use them." person1 class prepar interview person2 right place pleas join us person1 interview tomorrow hope learn everyth quickli person2 go great interview thing need rememb interview person1 think make sure look best person2 right friendli attitud person1 ye friendli good attitud also help relax person2 know pay much attent ask say interview person1 didnt els keep mind person2 relax listen care question honest respons,"#Person2# asks #Person1# to join them to prepare for interviews, and they begin to talk about what they need to remember in an interview." person1 could see manag pleas complaint make person2 ye im manag madam person1 room check move person2 room person1 1808 toilet doesnt work properli water doesnt run shower person2 im aw sorri hear check ill turn right away apolog well chang room 2002 person1 that bad thank help person2 pleasur madam,#Person1# complains to #Person2# the toilet in her room doesn't work properly. #Person2# apologizes and changes her room. person1 want buy meat person2 kind would like person1 want one pound ground beef person2 that go 2 48 person1 fine person2 els get person1 let also three pound chicken breast person2 that go 4 05 pound person1 tell total cost chicken breast person2 12 15 person1 that im go get today person2 that fine let get meat,#Person1# buys one ground of beef and three pounds of chicken breasts from #Person2#. person1 financ magazin person2 dont know exactli hear financ famou film star person1 larg circul person2 ye realli doesnt matter offer money paper profit,#Person2# tells #Person1# a film star finances the magazine. person1 would like one person2 dont think one back person1 one person2 one ye person1 one especi built hard continu play everi detail workmanship materi care check make depend one tournament use person2 look beauti well think ill take racket cover person1 cover come racket person2 much come person1 mark say six hundr yuan plu tax six hundr eighti yuan person2 accept credit card person1 sure youll wait ill right minut,#Person2# spends six hundred and eighty yuan buying a racket with a cover that #Person1# recommends by credit. person1 send someon fix internet person2 problem person1 internet problem connect person2 tell long internet mess person1 ive problem last day person2 internet even pop person1 itll pop wont connect webpag person2 sinc internet isnt broken connect must mess person1 think send somebodi fix person2 youd like send someon fix right person1 long till get person2 longer hour,#Person1#'s computer has problems with connecting. #Person2# asks about the endurance of the problem and will send someone to fix it right now. person1 excus may know name corpor person2 china nation textil import export corpor person1 found sampl attract interest buy garment price reason person2 product good qualiti sinc price textil gone world market weve increas item ten percent place larg order possibl us cut price five percent person1 reduct seven percent person2 depend much order person1 use fa term person2 id rather use cif term your welcom come talk detail gener manag sign contract,#Person1# tells #Person2# they're interested in buying #Person2#'s garments at reasonable prices. #Person2# says the price depends on the order and suggests talking to the general manager. person1 sir ive finish shave wow take year shave person2 realli youv done good job person1 thank may suggest trim eyebrow person2 never heard men would trim eyebrow kid person1 sir seriou havent heard today men becom increasingli interest eyebrow profession groom person2 mean trend men trim eyebrow person1 absolut sever men tri shop want tri person2 yeah let tri,"#Person1#'s finished #Person2#'s shaving and suggests trimming #Person2#'s eyebrows. #Person2# thought it's weird for men to trim eyebrows, but then he agrees." person1 hey robert that nice shirt wear get person2 thank like bought nearbi depart store person1 that nice know get one wholesal market near zoo much lower price person2 yeah know place price ask ridicul high dont bargain hard get rippedoff person1 true learn haggl price one thing peopl pick come china first time person2 yeah person hate bargain bargain might come lower price never know true price buy alway feel overcharg th person1 yeah feel also anoth thing bother qualiti thing depart store usual qualityguarante wholesal market never know whether w person2 that like depart store shop wholesal market like local one thing unabl grow accustom person1 understand alway good follow local custom guess except,Robert thinks the prices in the wholesale market are usually high and he hates bargaining. #Person1# agrees with him and says the department store is more quality-guaranteed than the wholesale market. person1 excus bag stolen help person2 happen person1 half hour ago person2 tell happen person1 ye walk park saw children newspap person2 happen often day well pleas fill report theft person1 want get touch chines embassi passport stolen bag,#Person1#'s bag was stolen when walking in the park. #Person2# comes to #Person2# for help. person1 tom jenni cri person2 take away person1 im come person2 kept bother person1 she sister ask duck soup cant good person2 brother servant,"Jenny's crying, and Tom asks #Person1# to take her away ." person1 want work compani person2 well 2 reason first im itch work foreign enterpris secondli branch new establish beij think ill assign workload respons person1 tell someth balanc sheet person2 ye cours balanc sheet contain 3 major section asset liabil owner equiti,#Person2# tells #Person1# the two reasons that #Person2# wants to work in #Person1#'s company. person1 like apart person2 like apart see someth wrong person1 what wrong person2 there leak faucet sink person1 isnt problem person2 leak go rais water bill person1 person2 need fix person1 cant right person2 wont rent faucet isnt fix person1 fix person2 im glad final agre,#Person2# likes the apartment but there's a leaking faucet in the sink and asks #Person1# to fix it. person1 jane person2 plan parti person1 parti parti birthday parti person2 cours birthday decemb dont rememb compani parti gener manag want invit famou scientist banker professor univers parti sinc peopl import develop compani person1 finish plan person2 finish must joke start still need get lot inform ill write mani invit letter person1 help person2 would would nice let tell first,Jane tells #Person1# she's just started planning the company's party. #Person1# offers to help with the writing of invitation letters. person1 hear footbal competit senior school next month person2 that true person1 would pleas go detail person2 well competit held school begin august 11 competit last whole week person1 anyth els person2 ye girl boy competit held time girl competit held morn boy competit held afternoon person1 ye sound excit person2 member school footbal team readi person1 cours long time sinc last footbal competit last time im realli look forward anoth competit person2,#Person2# tells #Person1# the details of a football competition between all senior schools next month. They both look forward to it. person1 hello dr smith offic person2 ye may help person1 ye id like speak dr smith pleas person2 dr smith went home afternoon may ask call person1 jim white person2 oh ye mr white dr smith ask give home phone number person1 moment pleas ye what number person2 number 77231059 person1 thank much person2 that right,"Jim White phones for Dr. Smith, but #Person2# says he isn't available and leaves his number." person1 hi welcom joe hamburg restaur hi home onepound super delux hot spici cheeseburg go person2 uh go person1 okay would like today would like tri onepound super hot spici cheeseburg person2 uh dont think id probabl heartburn week down monster person1 well hous special week come fri larg specialti drink call everythingbutthekitchensink person2 everythingbutthekitchensink world person1 well littl mix everyth larg cup pepsi sprite fanta orang lemonad crush ice scoop ice cream person2 ah sound disgust person1 hey itll grow person2 nay think ill order hamburg mustard lettuc glass water person1 bore hey would care anyth els like side order amaz cheesi onion ring person2 thank onion ring usual dont agre person1 hmm okay total come ten nineti 1090 person2 ten nineti hamburg youv got kid person1 well onepound super delux hamburg nine dollar person2 hey didnt order onepound burger want simpl burger that person1 well sir joe hamburg restaur serv onepound burger man onepound super hot spici onepound barbecu burger onepound bacon chees burger onepound person2 huge person1 well sir realli want someth smaller yeah order kid menu halfpound super hot spici burger halfpound barbecu burger halfpound bacon chees burger halfpound person2 still giant burger person1 well part hearti eater person2 okay said total ten nineti burger come ten buck nineti cent person1 well sir serv natur spring water yonder hill person2 okay okay ill take giant burger bottl spring water sandwich feed week,"#Person1# wants to buy a hamburger with some mustard and lettuce and a glass of water, but the total comes to ten ninety dollars. #Person2# explains it's because the burger is a huge one and the water is natural spring water from yonder hills. Finally, #Person1# reluctantly pays the bill." person1 hello havent seen person2 im new arriv school person1 realli let take class class person2 dont know person1 never mind show teacher offic come person2 thank oh way dont know put bike person1 oh got bike havent put person2 kind thank person1 way pleas,"#Person2#'s new in this school, and #Person1# takes him to the class. #Person2#'s grateful." person1 chrisi would like know kind food eat belgium person2 fish meat wine fruit person1 mean popular belgian food person2 well bit differ belgium think new york realli enjoy tabl dont go dinner often go stay tabl three four hour start appet may soup main dish still icecream someth person1 take much time dinner countri person2 yeah realli enjoy eat goe slow last winter friend portug went belgium christma dinner met 530 start drink think ate 6 oclock afternoon till 12 oclock night person1 wow must fat eat much person2 fact dont dont often cours next day next day see peopl dont eat much,"#Person1# asks Chris what is popular about Belgian food, and Chris says it's different from that in New York. Belgian enjoy the table and take much time to have dinner." person1 quit clear form visit full size comprehens univers still call colleg person2 colleg william mari second oldest institut higher learn countri nurtur great mind like thoma jefferson proud name,#Person2# introduces the College of William and Mary to #Person1#. person1 clinic 1 help person2 good afternoon frank stone want make appoint doctor milton pleas person1 ok mr stone record manag afternoon person2 im afraid 1 manag tomorrow person1 im afraid mr milton duti tomorrow hell day tomorrow that thursday march 27th person2 fine person1 520 right person2 well ye time clinic close person1 start 900 close 700 p weekday dont work weekend person2 id prefer later time come along work person1 615 person2 well that fine,Frank Stone phones to make an appointment with Doctor Milton. #Person2# answers the phone and helps arrange the time. person1 dont want go beach tomorrow person2 go rain cloud sky go clear person1 that right dont want get burnt,#Person1# doesn't want to go to the beach to get burnt. person1 pub person2 pub england friendli warm place drink usual simpl meal person1 kind drink peopl get person2 get wine beer pub mani also serv coffe go counter order pay drink person1 peopl go pub person2 pub open day decid open open 3 4 hour lunchtim 600 pm 1100 pm busi area pub may stay open 1100 1100 pm pub china person1 ye custom young peopl like hang friend work fun person2 law england go pub age l4 mani pub provid special room children,"#Person2# tells #Person1# pubs in England are warm places where people get wine and beer. #Person1# says most customers in Chinese pubs are young, and #Person2# mentions the law for children to go into a pub in England." person1 want weekend person2 oh dont know mayb go beach nice weather person1 last weekend let someth differ person2 hum hey know dont climb mt fuji person1 great idea ive alway want person2 paul mari talk bicycl ride yesterday havent made final decis mayb could persuad join us person1 wonder give call right,#Person1# and #Person2# decide to climb Mt. Fuji and persuade Paul and Mary to join them. person1 hi ann still work person2 oh hi jack ye im still work parttim compani much troubl im busi class dont enough time work person1 lot person2 well much moment person1 go go work compani person2 hope realli like work next term time person1 sound good hope ill see around often person2 ok hope see yon bye,"Ann tells Jack she doesn't have enough time for her work, but she'll go on working because she likes the work." person1 know call sever time last week nobodi answer phone person2 well sydney time person1 go busi person2 visit aunt famili,#Person2# was in Syndey when #Person1# called #Person2#. person1 excus sir put bag enter market person2 oh sorri busi look whiski tell exactli place find person1 ye third floor,#Person1# asks #Person2# to put his bags there. person1 good afternoon steven come class today miss lab yesterday person2 uhsorri miss smith mid term exam literatur cours last minut revis ye certainli class today though sorri miss experi yesterday person1 hmmi dont realli think review english literatur exam good excus person2 your right isnt good excus similar experi chemistri 101 last time felt probabl wouldnt miss much,"Steven apologizes for missing the experiment because of the mid-term exam, but Miss Smith thinks it isn't a good excuse." person1 ground transport serviceshow help person2 7 guest come visit holiday want know get airport hous person1 ok familiar door door shuttl servic person2 ye ive use thing 50 person mean 350 7 peopl littl expens person1 hire minibu person2 much person1 cost 150 drive straight airport hous person2 oh sound great make reserv person1 sure ill need flight inform guest person2 sorri dont inform ill call back person1 ok goodby,"#Person2# phones to find a way to transport 7 guests from the airport to #Person2#'s house. #Person1# introduces several services, and #Person2# will hire the minibus." person1 want go sightse today person2 want visit templ ive read guidebook person1 ok buy entranc ticket person2 oh didnt realiz pay get person1 china small fee enter museum park templ person2 that differ back home well first visit china ive heard templ amaz built person1 pretti recent 150 year ago person2 well seem old person1 consid china 5000 year old histori rel new person2 templ person1 parent think find taxi go,#Person2# wants to visit a temple and is surprised about the charge of entering museums in China. #Person1# introduces the temple to #Person2#. person1 leav saturday sunday person2 leav saturday plane leav midnight fli night person1 oh realli im sure sleep plane make nervou person2 fine easier sleep might think person1 ok well time get airport person2 think 1000 pm give us enough time well arriv thailand 1100 pm time jenni pick us take us hotel person1 aunt blanca cousin matti person2 aunt bianca cousin matti fli next day arriv well take train bangkok chiangmai grandma sammi meet us well take boat pick person1 im realli excit trip go much fun person2 im excit hope tire famili,"#Person2# tells #Person1# they're leaving on Saturday at midnight and will arrive in Thailand at 11 p.m., and some schedules after the arrival. #Person1# is excited about this trip." person1 good afternoon michel li speak call behalf iba mr meng avail person2 mr meng speak michel person1 oh hello sorri im call say weve receiv new corpor credit card hq person2 quick wasnt expect later week person1 ye applic procedur speed sinc start use new fasttrack system person2 shall come collect person1 send would like use atm youll need wait pin number person2 mmmm come collect afternoon way could use today petti cash get low need draw money person1 long bring id etc serv counter wont abl use atm new pin number arriv person2 see ye that fine ill around 230 pm see later thank,Michelle Li phones for Mr.Meng to inform him that his new Corporate Credit Card has been received. Mr.Meng will collect it this afternoon to draw some money as his cash is running low. person1 good morn may help person2 ye im look apart id like two bedroom person1 right seat pleas let ask question first may name pleas person2 name donald eakin person1 spell last name mreakin person2 eakin person1 eakinsfirst name donald what present address mreakin person2 1446 pine street person1 1446 pine that san francisco isnt person2 ye,Donald Eakins is looking for an apartment. #Person1# asks about his personal information and his present address. person1 mike mechan help person2 ye get shop chilin person1 go straight zhongshan road see sign right pass museum person2 thank much,#Person1# tells #Person2# the way to their shop. person1 oh mani kind winter hat person2 favorit color miss person1 red person2 attract person1 may tri person2 go ahead person1 mirror around person2 right person1 suit person2 ye look nice person1 much person2 clearanc sale 4 plu tax person1 that quit reason,#Person1# chooses a red winter hat in a store with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 heard paul person2 person1 he got promot person2 your kid person1 made vicepresid charg sell person2 dont believ compani two year person1 well true board man last thirdli choic paul person2 well good,#Person1# tells #Person2# that Paul got a promotion. #Person2# thinks it unbelievable. person1 hard optimist thing way economi head trade deficit get larger consumpt realli think head recess person2 economi stagnant weve recess state sever month alreadi worri trade deficit think govern encourag export person1 increas export would weaken currenc think main point econom growth need job factori outsourc move mani job foreign countri result increas unemploy countri lower consumpt lower product overal feebl economi peopl work give economi boost person2 true someth unemploy inflat unemploy fall there pressur increas pay would result inflat would result much less dynam economi,"With the stagnant economy, #Person2# thinks the government should do more to encourage exports to deal with the trade deficit, while #Person1# thinks unemployment should be solved first." person1 peter dont go outsid play basketbal friend person2 mum id rather stay insid person1 cant understand want stay home wonder day today person2 prefer stay home watch tv person1 didnt finish watch basketbal game tv person2 ye footbal game next person1 oh peter realli go play ball rather watch game person2 enjoy watch game person1 realli shouldnt watch much televis,"Peter's mom persuades Peter to play outside, but Peter only wants to stay at home and watch sports games." person1 action 5 news report sarah oconnel report live washington c protest broken thousand angri citizen protest propos bailout auto manufactur industri sir sir sarah oconnel action 5 news tell us whathappen person2 yeah yeah feel injustic financi irrespons big busi stop show govern dont like way theyr spend tax dollar person1 sir exactli make everyon angri person2 absolut outrag sarah us govern want give 25 billion dollar taxpayersmoney auto industri compani mismanag nearli bankrupt person1 see mani support bailout argu could help save job million hardwork american person2 mayb true one dont want see anyon lose job ce ask bailout theyr make million dollar nerv fli washington privat jet cost hundr thousand dollar theyr ask money right person1 good point sarah oconnel report live washington c back tom,"Sarah O'Connell from Action 5 News is reporting live about a protest against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry from Washington, D. C.. Sarah also interviews a protester about the situation and the reason why they are doing it." person1 excus im look good novel recommend anyth person2 certainli kind novel mind person1 im realli sure dont like romanc novel genr okay long book good person2 well let see stephen king novel real thriller person1 sorri forgot mention dont like horror much either person2 that okay well let think mysteri novel person1 hmm sometim like mysteri dont think im mood one right person2 number scienc fiction fantasi novel recommend person1 love scienc fiction fantasi ive read lot late id prefer get someth els person2 good histor novel one set mediev franc excel stori excit character well done person1 sound interest okay ill get one thank help person2 dont mention,"#Person1#'s looking for a novel. Since #Person1# doesn't want horror and mysteries and has been reading science fiction and fantasy novels recently, #Person2# recommends a historical novel and #Person1# will get this one." person1 hotel pool person2 im sorri sir dont one howev gym swim station person1 im sure understand person2 think deep bathtub swim current person1 cool think next much person2 sir guest pay noth use station person1 excel hour person2 gym open 247 station open 7 10 p person1 im go chang trunk right person2 think youll like experi sir great workout,#Person2# tells #Person1# about the swim stations in their hotel gym. #Person1#'s interested and will go at once. person1 would like go natur histori museum person2 ever person1 ye lot time quit impress wide varieti exhibit person2 let go sound interest,#Person1# invites #Person2# to the natural history museum. #Person2# agrees. person1 what time person2 sorri dont know there someth wrong watch person1 youv simpli forgotten wind usual wind person2 come go work person1 got late today think turn tv set watch person2 ok ill turn person1 right four oclock person2 well im set watch four thank person1 welcom,#Person2# forgot to wind up #Person2#'s watch. Then #Person1# asks #Person2# to turn on the TV and set the watch by it. person1 jane wonder plan saturday afternoon person2 friend plane go what person1 special exhibit french sculptur museum hope youd like come person2 afraid cant go day person1 sunday person2 wish could mum birthday person1 mayb next week person2 much id like afraid wont free next week lot work person1 sorri hear realli look forward spend time realli enjoy last chat person2 realli sorri mayb give call sometim,"#Person1# invites Jane to a museum on the weekend, but Jane is busy this weekend and won't be free next week." person1 languag speak person2 well studi french school ive forgotten learnt russian studi studi spanish even class speak japanes home parent person1 ye im learn chines internet person2 find studi languag internet person1 easi particularli listen speak sometim connect isnt good person2 bet find charact difficult write person1 actual mani charact similar chines japanes theyr easi person2 read write much better speak understand speaker right person1 ye spanish class go person2 way similar experi learn chines spanish word similar english one need practis listen nativ speaker say word,"#Person1# is learning Chinese on the internet and finds listening and speaking difficult, but thinks writing is easy. #Person2# thinks #Person2#'s experience of learning Spanish is similar to #Person1#'s." person1 hi mike parti tonight wan na come join us bring girlfriend person2 well break cathi person1 happen fight person2 realli nice girl person1 yeah pretti care get easygo great cook gem person2 well right sometim care well she possess kind want break know room person1 oh talk person2 ive tri didnt work person1 go tell person2 mayb tonight dont know dont know tell person1 know she head heel love badli hurt person2 know,"#Person1# invites Mike and his girlfriend to a party. Mike tells #Person1# he wants to break up with Cathy as she's too possessive, but he doesn't know how to tell her." person1 heard janet got new job she work unit invest group hear pay well person2 heard must make pocket well good person1 shell abl save holiday unit state person2 ye moment exchang rate favor tri go soon possibl cheaper person1 your right way hear tom inherit money recent person2 realli thought parent die sever year ago person1 inherit money uncl hope doesnt lose lot tax govern person2 die expens nowaday what go person1 said would probabl invest he got wellpaid job doesnt need money cover dayto day expens want extra money avail retir person2 good financi news yesterday person1 realli fortun lotteri person2 got pay rise 5 hour hard work ive put recent think nice boss show appreci way person1 certainli go windfal,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Janet's new job. #Person1# then shares with #Person2# the news that Tom inherited some money from an uncle and #Person2# is surprised. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# got a salary raise. person1 think studi abroad person2 think great idea studi abroad offer plenti new opportun plan go abroad person1 ye hope studi belt right person2 countri want go person1 id like studi uk realli expens person2 appli school person1 ye receiv condit offer oxford univers day ago person2 congratul that excel news get uncondit offer person1 get belt score 7 5 overal think person2 studi hard dont see wouldnt receiv offer person1 also accept yale univers sydney univers person2 your worri money cost live lowest america howev go oxford univers youll probabl abl get job want futur person1 cant decid go easi decis make person2 id appli scholarship grant decid whatev know youll succeed,"#Person1# asks #Person2# for suggestions about studying abroad. #Person1#'s got offers from Oxford University, Yale University, and Sydney University, but #Person1# worries about money. #Person2# advises #Person1# to apply for some scholarships and grants before #Person1# decides." person1 good morn id like check right person2 may room number sir person1 room 103 person2 minut sir mr wang china person1 ye wang bin person2 mr wang sign bill last two hour hotel person1 person2 use hotel servic morn person1 person2 bill total 3250 dollar person1 right pay credit card person2 kind card person1 american express person2 ye bill receipt,Wang Bin from China in Room 103 checks out and pays with American Express with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 look form person2 problem person1 dont understand thing person2 let help person1 mi mean person2 mi stand middl initi person1 mm dd yy mean person2 mean month day year use number person1 dont understand person2 exampl birth date januari 12 1987 write 0112 8 7 person1 oh that simpl enough person2 alway print clearli fill bubbl complet,#Person2# explains the meaning of MI and MM / DD / YY in the form to #Person1#. person1 wonder resum write workshop held person2 right place pleas come person1 long time sinc ive look work put resum togeth person2 go come togeth fine trust person1 begin person2 start top name contact inform make sure inform current person1 person2 put job experi first impress educ person1 list interest affili next person2 ye would make good end resum,#Person2# helps #Person1# to rewrite the resume. They start with name and contact information and end at listing interests and affiliations. person1 oh great stupid comput froze that third time today hey samuel come take look pc act must viru someth person2 give second ill right ran viru scan comput turn lot infect file person1 im quit care im brows internet idea could pick viru person2 well make sure antiviru softwar updat regularli wasnt date that probabl caus problem person1 ok anyth els person2 yeah tri kick hit comput person1 um yeah sorri,#Person1#'s computer froze again. Samuel ran a virus scan and finds many infected files. Samuel tells #Person1# to update the anti-virus software regularly. person1 ran car person2 fault im sorri person1 mess car person2 dont see damag person1 rear bumper mess person2 dont see anyth wrong person1 smash person2 that fault person1 thing wrong bumper person2 ill take care everyth need phone number insur person1 need inform person2 go,#Person2# ran into #Person1#'s car. #Person2# promises to take responsibility and they exchange their information. person1 good morn inland hotel may help person2 good morn id like book room friday night saturday night person1 certainli kind room would like person2 singl room pleas hope your fulli book person1 singl room that fine whose name shall make book person2 jone accord websit nightli rate 50 includ breakfast person1 offer 20 discount guest stay friday saturday total cost 80 includ breakfast person2 thank much look forward see friday person1 could take credit card number pleas mention cancel charg 20 person2 that fine credit card number,Jones phones to book a single room for Friday night and Saturday night. #Person1# helps make the reservation and charges Jones $ 80. person1 excus know find nearest iccc person2 ye quit way person1 need take bu person2 bu doesnt take directli youd chang buse twice suggest walk itll take less 20 minut person1 get foot person2 go straight ahead intersect person1 wait let write alright im readi person2 keep walk till pass squar turn right walk past two light turn left third person1 squar turn right traffic light person2 keep walk look tall build person1 tall build side build person2 right side iccc first floor person1 thank much person2 your welcom,"#Person2# tells #Person1# the bus doesn't take #Person1# directly to the nearest ICCC, so #Person2# tells #Person1# the way to go there on foot." person1 wish take sir person2 pleas take us harvard univers way far person1 take half hour get person2 ok person1 sir person2 much owe person1 35 dollar meter person2 here 50 dollar keep chang person1 thank nice day,#Person1# drives #Person2# to Harvard University. #Person2# pays the bill. person1 pc amaz trade internet person2 thank compliment bought pc firstmonth salari get know onlin trade person1 im wonder often trade other internet person2 ye often busi internet person1 oh realli good way person2 ye gorgeou sometim deal busi without step hous person1 advantag person2 firstli conveni secondli low cost know need pay fee internet servic person1 agre cost much go abroad join exhibit person2 import conveni know brows websit send email custom time even econtract regular custom person1 cool busi way cost lot time person2 sure everi coin two side busi internet safe busi tradit way person1 give suggest person2 cours alabama famou websit person1 thank mayb busi internet futur,"#Person2# tells #Person1# about trading through the Internet, which is convenient, low-cost, and time-saving, but it's not as safe as doing business in traditional ways. #Person2# advises #Person1# to use Alabama, which is a famous website." person1 would like see new shirt person2 sorri im realli interest thing person1 well nice know person2 realli person1 expens either person2 oh dont care person1 everybodi buy person2 person1 ye fashion see person2 afraid interest fashion person1 see person2 thank much person1 sorri couldnt help,#Person1# tries to sell the new shirts to #Person2# who isn't interested at all. person1 call ad saw paper person2 bank manag person1 that one person2 happen person1 right headhunt wouldnt tell anyth without sign contract person2 well surpris person1 find one posit differ client least one would probabl work person2 great go sign contract person1 im go tomorrow person2 great good luck person1 think ill look employ agenc im downtown see person2 good idea peopl ask better chanc,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s going to sign a contract with a headhunter and will see other employment agencies when #Person1#'s downtown. person1 look jimmi report came today person2 let look grade person1 he third grade sam see subject taught school receiv mark one three one mean achiev work excel scienc exampl got two mean satisfactori person2 physic educ person1 got three mean unsatisfactori work person2 confus day got b well fail exam would get f,#Person1# and #Person2# are looking at Jimmy's report and talking about his grades. #Person2# is confused about the number that stands for grades. person1 great struck person2 think im good plan manag time perfectli alway get thing done time person1 think good fit job person2 im compet area person1 work pressur person2 ye work well pressur find dimli howev believ plan probabl manag time reduc tight deadlin person1 follow leader person2 dont tri go ahead peopl lead id rather cooper everybodi els get job done work togeth,"#Person2# thinks #Person2# is competent. #Person2# is good at planning, works well under pressure, and prefers doing the job by working together." person1 hi boss id like tell weve discuss day person2 okay go well person1 think go well actual long meet sever lengthi discuss decid accept offer person2 realli that great realli good job anyth els tell person1 meet financ director today director tomorrow sort final detail person2 ok want make chang minor altern accept let know happen person1 ok never forget,#Person1# tells #Person1#'s boss their company's offer was accepted and some final details will be sorted out tomorrow. person1 understand term correctli length contract would one year oneyear option correct person2 mean contract equip rental one train person1 impress contract term person2 ye let see clarifi term except contract train claus allow cancel first six month person1 could elabor person2 sure mean either side could cancel train contract six month long write person1 let see right contract six month train isnt cancel continu anoth six month right person2 ye that right person1 okay that clear enough let move term,#Person2# clarifies the terms in the contract for equipment rental and for training to #Person1#. #Person1# understands the clause that allows for the cancellation only exists in the one for training. person1 hello mr lawson pleasur see seem time moment today person2 ive prepar l c document accord condit shouldnt problem ive done million thing recent person1 your right problem becom quit expert mr lawson problem turn im sure wont ill give call person2 thank much im sure ill back see soon bye,Mr. Lawson has prepared some L / C documents. #Person1# promises to give him a call if there're problems. person1 realli like shirt afraid size person2 tri first wrong size tri anoth one person1 oh chang room person2 mirror person1 take two shirt tri person2 ye take three shirt time tri person1 want tri two like person2 ok ill wait help finish,#Person1#'s taking three shirts at a time and trying them on with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 heleni heard want gym teacher didnt person2 ye think go expens person1 mean train person2 ye need pay use equip know person1 went nurs colleg person2 regret person1 realli enjoy person2 oh much person1 didnt feel sad couldnt becom teacher person2 well way time went realli began like job,Helen used to think about becoming a gym teacher. But she went to the nursing college instead and she has no regrets. person1 hello mike pleas person2 oh mike ami good ive got hold last person1 nice hear year person2 well ive tri mani thing sinc school im work food process compani charg sale travel lot person1 oh that great must realli enjoy person2 oh yeah interest quit tire mike person1 work law firm practic busi law person2 oh that challeng person1 yeah like job,Amy and Mike are talking on the phone. They haven't met for years and they talk about their current jobs. person1 aaaagh person2 havent touch yet shout person1 go touch person2 well cours give inject without touch soon youv inject gum freez wont feel thing person1 know asleep might rob person2 let silli wont go sleep dont nowaday freez area around tooth feel pain pull tooth wont go sleep watch everyth mirror come along,"#Person2#'s giving #Person1# an injection, but #Person1#'s afraid of falling asleep. #Person2# tells #Person1# the injection will only make the area around the tooth freeze." person1 seldom rain summer person2 yeah place short water person1 pollut thing environ becom wors wors person2 see time travel west look window rain land could see dri bone person1 seriou,#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the serious drought this summer. person1 find live room set person2 plan look one person1 dont know person2 tell got mine person1 go find person2 ikea beauti furnitur person1 furnitur ikea cost lot person2 furnitur cost coupl thousand dollar person1 good qualiti furnitur person2 sturdi get pay person1 dont mind pay qualiti workmanship person2 assur your pay qualiti,#Person2# got #Person2#'s living room set from IKEA which costs a lot but has good quality. #Person1# also pays for quality workmanship. person1 want find old music box person2 great select decad look person1 anyth made 1920 person2 six person1 danc figur person2 actual two danc figur person1 that fantast think like one person2 good choic prefer one person1 warranti person2 oh im afraid thing old guarante anyth person1 understand person2 even break theyr still work art,#Person1# is looking for an old music box made in the 1920s with dancing figures with #Person2#'s assistance. person1 im look fresh produc that sale person2 well got mango person1 mango person2 well fruit big nut person1 eat nut person2 peel skin throw nut person1 much person2 well sale price 1 person1 mango tast like person2 theyr like citru fruit person1 know ripe person2 buy hard wait day develop soft feel person1 come person2 store mexico,#Person1# wants some fresh produce that's on sale. #Person2# recommends mangoes and tells #Person1# about it such as its taste. person1 would like watch oscar tv tonight person2 ye id love interest see consid best field film thought particularli good person1 like watch fashion like see ladi wear cours men nearli alway wear tradit tuxedo person2 sometim men wear flamboy colour film think win award year person1 im realli sure usual one two film look set sweep award ceremoni year sever contend person2 your right year much excit usual what favourit award categori person1 might think strang like categori best foreign languag film person2 nice see foreign languag film make littl impact hollywood like best actor actress,#Person1# and #Person2# will watch the Oscars on TV tonight. #Person2#'s interested in the actors and actresses while #Person1# watches it for the fashion. They talk about their favorite award category. person1 tiffani look long line front depart storei think annual anniversari sale person2 realli miss great opportun buy cheap facial treatment person1 sure realli crowd insid hardli breath everi time go annual anniversari sale person2 everyth realli special sale person1 right better look catalog make shop list first want wast time person2 good idea person1 let walk stair basement take escal ground floor person2 take elev faster person1 sure accord experi usual long line front elev time get elev special offer product may sold person2 wow sound realli profession person1 wellpractic make perfect person2 that true,#Person1# and #Person2# want to go to the annual anniversary sale of the department store. #Person1# suggests looking at the catalog and making shopping lists first. person1 excus write essay ancient greec book topic recommend person2 gees want write ancient gees ive never heard thing anyway would book anim that row j want tri scienc that row g person1 anim greec countri anim person2 oh greec well know today must lucki day receiv new collect book topic writer row c person1 see that lot book suggest person2 well one robin smith excel long one statu cover also one milton pike paint soldier front see thick shouldnt take much time read probabl best book one pictur ancient olymp stadium sever histori work reward person1 well hard decid im afraid dont enough time lot read think ill get book milton pike person2 ok could librari card pleas person1 sure,"#Person1# asks #Person2# to recommend some books on ancient Greece. #Person2# suggests the one by Robin Smith which is very long, the one by Milton Pike which is not very thick, and the one winning several history works rewards. Since #Person1# doesn't have enough time, #Person1#'ll get the book by Milton Pike." person1 everyon seem diet notic person2 yeah least everyon talk neighbor mine banana diet eat one banana breakfast one lunch two dinner person1 would bad teeth health lost weight person2 doesnt look thinner sister eat egg lose weight egg breakfast lunch even dinner person1 that bad heart someth egg good lose weight mani egg bad heart person2 ive read fish diet one cousin eat noth fish even breakfast person1 that expens best way lose weight eat less exercis that im way tenni court,"#Person2# tells #Person1# different dieting ways #Person1#'s neighbor, #Person1#'s sister, and #Person1#'s cousin use to lost weight. #Person1# thinks the best way is to eat less and exercise more." person1 hi angela what person2 plan visit zhang jiakou februari dont join us person1 certainli dont anyth els schedul person2 spring festiv ok person1 cours place go visit person2 want visit ski resort place interest know zhang jiakou one whole citi two thousand twenti two winter olymp game person1 case check inform onlin make us thorough plan trip,Angela invites #Person1# to visit Zhang Jiakou this February. #Person1# suggests checking information online and making a thorough plan. person1 westminst abbey one oldest build london architectur recogn differ style person2 wow realli splendid person1 left see small street call down street no10 last 10 hous alway live place british prime minist person2 oh tower bridg person1 yeah look bridg part middl two halv move upward big ship pass underneath,"#Person1# shows #Person2# around Westminster Abbey, Downing Street No.10, and Tower Bridge." person1 would like take trip beach weekend person2 trip beach would fun weather go person1 forecast say warm weekend person2 think itll perfect weather beach person1 sound like person2 realli hope doesnt get cold person1 would ruin thing want go badli person2 weather california unpredict never know person1 true weather constantli chang person2 would nice weather would never chang person1 would great could plan thing sooner person2 true predict weather would make life easier,#Person1# plans to take a trip to the beach this weekend. #Person1# and #Person2# hope the weather will stay warm and would never change. person1 went tutor servic centr campu today got job person2 congratul person1 got parttim tutor job teach australian businessman chines person2 that wonder want get parttim job tell person1 simpl actual go servic centr name job interest resist give call job come person2 good ill,#Person1# got a part-time tutoring job at the tutoring service centre and teaches #Person2# how to find one. person1 hi helen go person2 im busi day seem never finish work person1 well take easi dont let get top person2 ill tri im lot pressur right person1 dont take day person2 cant realli behind work,Helen gets much pressure from work. #Person2# comforts her. person1 bartend gave last call let order anoth round okay person2 sure let get pitcher time abl close person1 sound good order beer go bathroom place person2 way back see yellow door person1 yeah think find person2 your back alreadi sure quick person1 that took one step insid turn right around bathroom gross person2 well bartend wouldnt give pitcher beer anyway said close close time person1 let leav could take fresh air anyway person2 okay let go,#Person1# wants #Person2# to order some more beer. But the bartender refuses because it is too close to closing time. Then they leave. person1 afraid spoke wrong front tabl big mistak person2 never mind person1 terribl sorri forgiv person2 total okay dont blame,#Person1# apologizes for saying something wrong in public. But #Person2# doesn't blame #Person1# at all. person1 go need lot new stuff holiday let make list person2 fine mr richardson mind person1 well begin go get new desk id like replac old typewrit person2 ye agre could realli use anoth one ill get right away els would like order,Mr. Richardson asks #Person2# to order a new desk and a new typewriter. person1 know bu take altadena downtown la person2 believ take 486 person1 bu realli take la person2 sure person1 long ride person2 fortyf minut hour ride person1 realli person2 doesnt take long person1 lot peopl ride bu person2 peopl start get around la person1 wow thank lot person2 dont mention,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# can take the 486 bus from Altadena to downtown LA and it takes around an hour. person1 shoot pool person2 16 ball tabl 7 solid color 7 stripe color black 8 ball white ball person1 person2 hit white ball cue white ball hit color ball want get color ball pocket person1 know whether hit solid stripe one person2 begin matter someon get one ball set person1 get black ball person2 black ball final ball pocket person1 let go tri,#Person2# introduces the rules of shooting pool to #Person1#. And they are going to try now. person1 parti held person2 next wednesday person1 sent invit hous warm parti peopl list paper person2 ye person1 send person2 ten day ago person1 okay that good could dr cole like attend parti person2 ye person1 that fine,#Person1# checks the time and other details of the party with #Person2#. person1 hey steven larg chunk money still live old flat instead buy new villa person2 like live enjoy neighborscompani dont think wast money much person1 found alway hate part money look car drive must droven least twenti year junker person2 oh car old still good condit think thrifti whether rich person1 person2 rememb thrift great virtu also great revenu person1 sorri mayb right,"Although being rich, Steven is very thrifty. He tells #Person2# thrift is a good virtue and #Person2# feels sorry for telling Steven what he should do." person1 look word fish person2 know auspici fish quit popular nowaday person1 god sake bloodi peopl cruel person2 think tattoo cool chic person1 cant prick fish pleas sick tast bloodi peopl person2 honey seriou anim person1 anim life want tattoo get one choic want anyon ask fish want one person2 ok understand els could,#Person1# thinks pricking fish is too bloody while #Person2# thinks it's not so serious. #Person1# argues that the fish has a life too and #Person2# finally understands. person1 hi new person2 ye move last week person1 im steven neighbour person2 im charli nice meet person1 nice meet person2 sinc live neighbourhood mayb help person1 guess live next door one hope youll drop person2 thank,Steven greets Charlie who is a new neighbor. person1 wrong peter sure look unhappi person2 girlfriend dump tear heart person1 foolish girl invit often make pass boy person2 love blind know,#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Peter who is unhappy. person1 sometim think televis bias none complet object person2 that unavoid think would keep date without televis person1 newspap radio guess wish tv object person2 look still learn lot watch televis need smart your watch filter inform decid believ hear person1 internet lot wors person2 realli person1 there one moder anyon around world put inform onto net anyon els see inform internet mostli unsubstanti never know written lot peopl get con onlin person2 need think care dont trust other onlin noth,#Person1# thinks television is too biased and the internet is worse because TV isn't objective and no one moderates it. #Person2# suggests thinking carefully to filter the information. person1 didnt say plan trip china heard northwest north china experienc sever sandstorm person2 plan go beij first go northwest china look like im troubl person1 definit heard beij experienc seven degre strong wind nearli record high person2 way dont think ive ever encount wind strong storm affect land air transport person1 absolut dont think plane go anywher sand blown around cut visibl beij less 100 meter inseem gansu provinc hit hardest person2 that exactli plan go person1 well storm origin plateau northwest china moment area calmer,#Person2# was planning to visit Beijing and Gansu Province. But #Person1# says these areas are experiencing severe sandstorms and storms are affecting land and air transportation. person1 seen new hannib lecter movi person2 oh ye person1 ye think person2 thought better other realli like think person1 like scari disgust alway enjoy watch anthoni hopkin he brilliant person2 mmm that thought alway enjoy watch anthoni hopkin person1 oh ye brilliant what name young actor person2 hum edward norton someth like person1 ye excel work well togeth,Both #Person2# and #Person1# like the new Hannibal Lecter movie and enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins. person1 yeah dont need rub person2 made deal micropow vinc want sell fifteen million person1 fifteen zina push seventyf person2 that right vinc still stop offic everi day thank person1 anyway im still happi left im work freelanc person2 realli stay us dave,#Person2# tells Dave Vince helps Zina make the deal at a much higher price. person1 date today person2 person1 look girl street bunch flower valentin day person2 oh ye complet forgot person1 fight jack person2 hell troubl what boyfriend forget valentin day person1 come dear forgot person2 know ok girl forget big day guy unforgiv person1 phone person2 oh jack excus person1 wow good time person2 ask dinner tonight join us person1 come three crowd person2 person1 go valentin day,#Person2# tells #Person1# that Jack'll be in trouble because #Person2# thinks he forgets Valentine's Day. But then Jack calls #Person2# and invites her to dinner. person1 need help prepar present friday person2 could help person1 sure time person2 promis time didnt wouldnt offer help person1 would best time help person2 tomorrow night would work person1 meet person2 ok ill bring inform help present person1 ill see person2 see tomorrow night,#Person1# needs help preparing for #Person1#'s presentation. #Person2# promises to have the time to help #Person1#. They'll meet tomorrow night. person1 went roth interview know edith roth author book moth person2 thought mathematician person1 im thirsti person2 thought someth drink home person1 edith didnt give anyth drink person2 ill buy drink person1 oh thank,#Person1# went to interview Roth and is thirsty. #Person2#'ll buy #Person1# a drink. person1 excus camera allow person2 sorri sir order protect paint take photo strictli forbidden person1 see piti appreci care person2 realli sorri,#Person2# tells #Person1# cameras are not allowed here. person1 pleas tell someth past work achiev person2 right madam sale manag beij friendship store succeed rais yearli sale volum 25 percent profit margin 50 percent 80 percent person1 quit achiev consid reward work experi person2 dont think ill creat achiev futur person1 receiv honor person2 ye got titl advanc worker 2006 person1 public person2 ye wrote thesi entitl interperson relat socialist market economi publish china daili,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s past work achievements and #Person2# received the title of Advance Worker and published a thesis in China Daily. person1 good afternoon help person2 possibl buy rmb counter person1 cours that problem person2 that relief littl worri left england bit hurri person1 much would like chang person2 well im 3 day think 500 gap plenti person1 pleas fill exchang form ill need see passport sign that money passport back cours dont spend come back wed happi buy local currenc back,#Person2# wants to buy some RIB. #Person1# asks #Person2# to fill in the exchange form and present #Person2#'s passport. person1 seem problem person2 secretari seem think harass person1 youv got kid person2 wish deadli seriou said invit dinner last week person1 cours recognit job well done month invit product employe dinner person2 well problem seem think angri refus motiv person profession person1 think she misinterpret intent happen person2 harass polici requir meet hr manag miss brown quit seriou could reprimand even fire find evid pressur person1 understand hope get bottom fo show miss brown misunderstood reaction person2 that purpos meet sometim mediat convers straighten thing littl discuss apolog calm water,"#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1#'s secretary, Miss Brown, thinks she is being harassed by #Person1#. #Person1# thinks Miss Brown misinterpreted #Person1#'s intentions. #Person2# says a meeting will be held to see whether #Person1# needs to be reprimanded or not." person1 tell good deal produc person2 mango sale today person1 exactli mango person2 yellowish red skin fruit one big seed person1 seed edibl person2 mayb parrot wouldnt recommend person1 much mango cost person2 normal theyr 2 today theyr 1 person1 mayb wont like tast person2 hard describ theyr sweet also sort citrusi person1 tell differ ripe one unrip one person2 theyr similar avocado outsid feel soft theyr ripe person1 come person2 mexico,"#Person2# tells #Person1# that the mangoes are on sale and introduces their appearance, price, taste and place of production." person1 im call ask apart advertis person2 ye weve got great apart charm environ nice sceneri newli renov person1 sound fantast look someth closer downtown spend time offic person2 problem nice apart locat near orient squar perfect peopl busi offic work fulli furnish servic staff take care trivial detail person1 im sure wonder need unfurnish apart rel lower cost person2 ah get point need jinyuan apart sever floor plan one bedroom apart econom layout make great use small amount space think find right apart person1 great ill arrang view work tomorrow afternoon could tell detail address person2 cours 19 lingual road phone cannt find right place person1 ok thank,#Person1# is looking for an unfurnished apartment with a lower cost near downtown. #Person2# recommends Jinyuan apartments. #Person1# asks for its address and will see it tomorrow afternoon. person1 happi birthday mari person2 thank person1 gift hope like person2 love dog know love person1 way find secret look beauti today new shirt goe well skirt person2 mayb dont believ made grandmoth person1 realli look nice person2 thank pleas cup tea person1 right person2 fish person1 thank ive enough mari blow birthday candl make wish may cut cake person2 ok let make wish want big piec cake person1 small one next let singhappi birthdayto mari person2 kind im move,#Person2# gives Mary a lovely dog as her birthday gift and Mary loves it. #Person2# also praises Mary's skirt. Then Mary makes a wish and cuts the cake. person1 would like come play bridg person2 well let see dont go danc chang havent done long time person1 well tell truth dont realli feel like tonight pretti hard day im sort tire person2 hmm well case could go movi person1 oh alway go movi cant someth differ person2 well suggest person1 let see feel play bridg person2 ok dont beer thing person1 well shall call janet ask tom come ill go store buy stuff person2 ok,#Person1# wants to play bridge but #Person2# wants to go dancing. #Person1# disagrees because #Person1# is tired. They finally agree on playing bridge and invite Janet and Tom. person1 let get busi person2 ok seen sampl person1 ye im interest underwear price accept would like order soon person2 im glad hear tri give favour one person1 what price person2 150 yuan piec person1 that bit prepar pay person2 130 yuan person1 offer 110 yuan person2 that littl well ill come 120 yuan person1 right go 115 yuan penni accept person2 order 10 000 piec accept 115 yuan one person1 well ill accept price place order 10 000 piec person2 good pleasur busi mr phoeb,"Mrs. Phoebe wants to order #Person1#'s underwear. They negotiate for the price and #Person2# accepts that Mrs. Phoebe orders more than 10, 000 pieces in 115 yuan for each one." person1 alreadi wash cloth today person2 ive wash white cloth person1 could wash dark cloth person2 special care take cloth person1 thing wash gentl cycl person2 lot cloth person1 arent lot cloth lot wash person2 medium load person1 dont mind person2 big deal ill person1 okay thank lot person2 your welcom,#Person1# wants #Person2# to wash some of #Person1#'s dark clothes with #Person2#'s and asks #Person2# to wash in the gentle circle. person1 berri your back rio de janeiro person2 yeah person1 like person2 well first day rio quit shock us lot fat middleag european american exercis along beach sunbath walk walkman big contrast thousand peopl sleep street night person1 weather like person2 climat differ place peru bolivia sea level felt good one us need breath extra air time time temperatur 25 degre air humid person1 that realli nice person2 first day nice weather abl realli relax beach two day bad weather rain cloudi littl bit disappoint due weather explor old part rio person1 food person2 ate local restaur tiff restaur fix fee us 10 eat much want vast delic buffet consist seafood meat dessert drink includ person1 realli nice trip person2 well rio experi hope feel citi overpublic anyway cool,Berry is back from Rio de Janeiro and he thinks the first day was a shock because many people exercised along the beach. Then Berry says they experienced both nice weather and bad weather and they ate at a local restaurant. person1 hello need room two day june 3 4 spare room person2 sorri sir fulli book day room june 5 6 person1 ok book singl room two day,#Person2# helps #Person1# book a single room for two days. person1 hi ann hear youv start even discuss popular music go person2 pretti well must say ive learn lot would nicer someon know subject could possibl join us person1 certainli usual meet person2 meet twice weektuesday saturday time conveni person1 tuesday ok dont think come saturday person2 friday even hope see present person1 ok im free friday even,Ann invites #Person1# to join in the discussions and #Person1# agrees. They discuss the time to meet together. person1 dont get anoth job chang person2 like job person1 look dig garden job univers graduat person2 money bad there plenti fresh air person1 id take kind direct like teach law person2 teach anyth bore person1 come realli must think futur person2 ill tell id like doctor person1 well think serious mean lot studi work sort hour person2 ye mayb idea sound interest person1 well ought get inform soon possibl,#Person1# suggests #Person2# change a job because digging gardens is not a job for a university graduate and get more information if #Person2# wants to be a doctor. person1 good morn sir way pleas person2 thank nice person1 im glad like would like serv tea milk coffe cake cold drink pleas look menu morn drink person2 ill tri cup tea without sugar emma person3 id like coffe lemon custard pud person1 anyth els weve sirloin steak today suggest tri person2 right let tri,#Person1# helps #Person2# and Emma order a drink and cake. #Person1# also recommends the sirloin steak to them. person1 would pleas teach use comput person2 sure let take look menu first person1 turn comput person2 ye look comput comput menu time help us undstand better person1 learn first person2 right ill teach open file save file copi file readi person1 readi go get let start,"#Person2# shows #Person1# how to use the computer and how to open, save and copy files." person1 nice see feel late person2 feel great dr smith person1 happi decid come annual physic person2 ye go crosscountri bike ride vacat want make sure dont problem person1 go look heart lung blood test see eye ear nose work person2 ive troubl congest chest give test person1 chest xray check congest person2 would great blood test person1 blood test cholesterol white blood cell count blood sugar person2 feel great dont imagin test turn badli,"#Person2# comes for his annual physical to ensure he is healthy. #Person1# will check his heart and lungs, do blood tests, and do a chest X-ray." person1 professor govern offici person2 person1 america europ person2 beij person1 attend intern confer person2 hotel stay person1 stay hilton hotel,#Person2# asks #Person1# about the professors and government officials. person1 plan sunday morn person2 noth special person1 go english corner person2 oh id rather person1 person2 know poor english especi spoken english person1 that go dont dare speak english owe fact afraid make mistak simpli never learn english,#Person1# invites #Person2# to the English corner. #Person2# refuses. #Person1# thinks #Person2# ought to go. person1 hear plan travel abroad person2 ye im go unit state think go person1 opinion sever place mustnt miss like washington dc la vega new york lo angel person2 someon suggest go hawaii person1 ye consid hawaii definit worth visit beauti beach person2 would definit enjoy beauti sunshin person1 that right ive twice parent agre realli wonder place person2 ok ill talk wife believ shell love idea visit hawaii person1 hope enjoy trip,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s going to travel to the United States and asks #Person1# where to go. person1 ill get togeth friend tomorrow could tell wear luci person2 red tshirt mark make look activ person1 oh red make tens id rather wear yellow tshirt person2 yellow one person1 make feel relax look confid person2 ok perhap wear black hat blue jean person1 mean yellow tshirt black hat blue jean that good choic person2 yeah must star parti,#Person1# will have a get-together with #Person1#'s friends and asks Lucy to tell #Person1# what to wear. person1 kathi seem your lot fun play tenni person2 would like learn person1 ye play person2 tenni play singl doubl look outsid line doubl insid line singl person1 decid start serv person2 well use coin decid whoever win choos either serv side court person1 count score person2 begin score would love person1 love mean 0 person2 got count 15 30 40 get 40 win win game person1 side start serv person2 right see know play,Kathy teaches #Person1# that tennis can be played singles or doubles and they use coins to decide who starts serving. She also introduces the scoring rules. person1 id like speak mister johnson pleas person2 speak person1 oh hello erica stone live room window broken afternoon repair person2 sure come tomorrow afternoon ok person1 could come person2 ok ill come take look littl person1 charg 100 dont person2 usual small window see didnt repair window week ago person1 ye person2 oh littl one broken window play ball hous person1 well told anymor time broke practic volleybal person2 oh,Erica calls Johnson and wants him to repair the window now. Last time the window was broken by kids but this time it was broken by Erica. person1 hi professor smith person2 hi justin person1 ok im badli class wonder better person2 think come prepar class may someth improv grade person1 prepar class person2 check web page lectur note web page download note read ahead time person1 realli wow would help person2 anoth good idea read chapter book class person1 usual dont read chapter ahead time thought hear lectur first better read first person2 read first actual better also write idea note your read way come class question,Professor Smith advises Justine to download the notes from his web page and read them beforehand or read each chapter in the book before class. person1 cindi date comput meet set next tuesday could favor call hotel book room person2 sure take care right away go appoint plan mr nolan want call cancel person1 oh complet forgot know cant miss appoint import second thought think id better send salli new york attend meet she work speech long time abl give speech place person2 your right,"#Person1# tells Cindy #Person1# needs to go to the computer meeting, but #Person1# cannot miss the appointment with Mr. Nolan so #Person1# sends Sally to the meeting instead." person1 jenni thank help paper person2 pleasur done someth help person1 realli grate refer book offer materi would written paper quickli person2 nice say interest paper happen book topic person1 book import besid given good suggest realli thank much person2 welcom,#Person1# thanks Jenny for giving some reference books and suggestions that help #Person1# with #Person1#'s paper. person1 hello viola see take book day book person2 wrinkl time person1 birthday parti last weekend book birthday gift friend classmat person2 birthday gift uncl sent new york person1 must fantast book right person2 yeah book togeth brother charl friend calvin meg start journey find miss father scientist person1 sound interest lend person2 ye cours havent finish yet today tuesday think finish day tomorrow person1 great cant wait read,Viola tells #Person1# that the book is her birthday gift from her uncle. Viola will lend the book to #Person1# when she finishes reading. person1 trip dan id love go round world person2 great first went london day rain time us got realli wet person1 went pari next didnt person2 well pari wasnt sunni better london bit cloudi person1 go eiffel tower person2 ye great time person1 go pari person2 sydney didnt get famou bondi beach lot thunderstorm shop person1 bet expens person2 wasnt expens tokyo hot sunni rain whole 5 day person1 went usa didnt person2 ye san francisco famou fog thick didnt go see golden gate bridg warmer place,Dan went to London first and then to Paris. Then he went shopping in Sydney and finally went to San Francisco. He also tells #Person1# about the weather in these cities. person1 see workmen site build work due start person2 well itll take three week demolish old build clear away debri readi start construct work week 23 person1 long sub contractor site person2 ten week total everyth goe accord plan person1 im sure abl start move machineri week 34 ill confirm date supplier,#Person2# tells #Person1# about the schedule of the building work. #Person1#'ll confirm the date of moving the machinery with suppliers. person1 im songshan airport get readi departur realiz might left watch person2 ye maam may name room number person1 name terri stay last night hotel room 132 person2 kind watch person1 brandnew seiko wrist watch person2 ye person1 oh im glad hear would kindli send hilton hotel,Terry calls to report that she might've left her watch in #Person2#'s hotel. #Person2# finds it. Terry requests #Person2# to send the watch. person1 toni could tell special rule job person2 work hour 8 30 500 p sure late absent report manag fill monthli report everi month person1 anyth els salari person2 compani strict reason salari standard 20th day everi month get salari time benefit depend upon length servic employe past attend record person1 wow thank tell mind tell someth els like attend record holiday ask leav person2 new member like ask question haha understand everi month three day besid weekend import holiday youv year qualifi oneweek vacat leav less halfday predict hour halfday predict three day person1 okay that good get,"Tony tells #Person2# the special rules about the job and the salary. Tony then introduces attendance records, holidays, and how to ask for leave." person1 like apart person2 absolut love apart person1 everyth okay person2 one problem apart person1 problem person2 like stain carpet person1 carpet clean move apart person2 know person1 assur problem feel free tell person2 thing saw wrong apart person1 glad know think apart nice person2 absolut incred take,#Person2# loves the apartment but doesn't like all those stains in the carpet. #Person1# promises to clean the stains so #Person2# will take it. person1 good morn name mr brown australia card person2 thank pleas meet mr brown name kathi pewless repres green textil import export corpor person1 pleas meet ms pewless travel lot everi year busi first visit countri must say much impress friendli peopl person2 thank say seen exhibit hall display product silk woolen knitwear cotton piec good garment person1 oh ye look yesterday found exhibit fine qualiti beauti design exhibit success display corpor handl gone catalogu pamphlet enclos last letter ive got idea export interest silk blous person2 silk known good qualiti one trade trional export silk blous brightli color beau fulli design met great favor oversea alway great demand,Ms. Pewless meets with Mr. Brown and introduces her corporation's exhibition and products to him. Mr. Brown gets interested in their silk blouses person1 excus mr green england person2 ye person1 im pleas meet mr green name myra work beij institut technolog came meet person2 person1 person2 kind meet airport person1 welcom beij first time china person2 visit china sever time first visit beij think great honor invit beauti citi person1 pleasur hope pleasant stay person2 thank im sure wonder time,Myra meets Mrs. Green at the airport. They greet each other and Myra hopes Mrs. Green can have a good time in Beijing. person1 helen hear parti next saturday place person2 may someth day thank invit person1 well drop person2 want bring anyth person1 bring hope see,#Person1# invites Helen to #Person1#'s party next Saturday. Helen tells #Person1# she may have something on that day but she'll drop by if she can. person1 take student ive told might vacant room person2 ye dont mind share room someon els there one avail person1 much ask person2 800 yuan month person1 could look pleas person2 sorri im way could come back hour,#Person1#'s looking for a vacant room. #Person2# has one available for 800 yuan a month and asks #Person1# to come back later. person1 readi first drive lesson person2 ye one brake person1 pedal left brake one right ga person2 im glad car automat dont like chang gear person1 automat simpl drive first thing put seat belt person2 also put never know happen driver seat person1 funni next check side mirror rear view mirror see person2 cant see anyth side mirror side car could move forward bit pleas person1 how person2 that better person1 check petrol situat person2 tank almost empti guess ill drive petrol station fill person1 that good idea put key ignit start put car reserv wait road clear back driveway person2 got dont worri ill get one piec person1 rememb honk time horn emerg person2 cop car behind red light,#Person1# is giving #Person2#'s first driving lesson. #Person2# learns about preparation before driving and will drive to the petrol station to fill the petrol up. person1 small town mani seriou problem person2 what caus person1 mayor high offici practic cronyism larg number guy good noth occupi mani import posit person2 see lag behind town,#Person1# tells #Person2# this small town has many serious problems because of cronyism. person1 hello come dont stand come take seat person2 um okay well want trim noth fanci person1 oh gosh hair amaz silki shini go work magic hair hear go look like million buck person2 okay um make sure sideburn even take littl top person1 dont worri ill take care everyth start cut oh god love curli hair fluffi cute total let grow afro would look great person2 um person1 okay go masterpiec,#Person2# wants a trim. #Person1# serves #Person2# and admires #Person2#'s hair enthusiastically but #Person1# reacts indifferently. person1 apart great could upgrad thing person2 unhappi person1 want differ color carpet person2 agre pay money could upgrad carpet person1 would cost lot person2 could littl 2 dollar much 10 dollar per squar yard person1 also wonder would possibl pick differ paint color person2 bring paint sampl look consid person1 finish new carpet paint person2 new apart recarpet repaint next tuesday,#Person1# thinks the apartment's great but wants #Person2# to upgrade the carpet and change the color of the painting. #Person2# agrees but asks for more money. person1 would say told go quit school person2 id say think twice well go quit school person1 dont know fail exam person2 get person1 b plu person2 that bad person1 ace mean finish paper quickli think piec cake knew result like cant true person2 listen john understand excel student know must lot stress realli want give person1 dont dont know handl first time know person2 know dont worri know person1 person2 need blow steam world shoulder person1 person2 forget school exam come hous fun realli good dvd person1 thank realli dont feel like watch movi tonight get earli start morn person2 go bed good sleep person1 guess that need thank your realli good friend person2 cours well pleasant dream person1 thank bye,John got an unsatisfied grade in his exam and considers quitting school. #Person2# comforts him and lets him forget those things. John feels thankful to have such a helpful friend. person1 go day person2 fine thank person1 look depress person2 problem work person1 seriou person2 solv thank person1 famili person2 everyth okay soon see son home worri vanish blue,#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s depressed due to some problems with the work but #Person2# can solve it. person1 would like come play bridg person2 well let see dont go danc chang havent done long time person1 well tell truth dont realli feel like tonight pretti hard day im sort tire person2 hmm well case could go movi person1 oh alway go movi cant someth differ person2 well suggest person1 let see feel play bridg person2 ok dont beer thing person1 well shall call janet ask tom come ill go store buy stuff person2 ok person1 hello janet oh fine fine say janet wonder tom anyth tonight well would like come place play hand bridg,#Person1# invites #Person2# to come by and play bridge. #Person2# at first wants to do something else but ultimately agrees. Then #Person1# calls Janet and Tom to come. person1 beauti sweater person2 think look good person1 ye goe beauti pant person2 wont believ realli cheap person1 wish could find one like,#Person1# admires #Person2#'s sweater and #Person2# tells #Person1# it was cheap. person1 havent danc long time person2 neither person1 must go danc soon well forget danc person2 ye must sinc last saw person1 ive studi hard examin person2 ive learn japanes everi even person1 learn japanes english person2 hope visit japan next year person1 well well start learn new danc person2 ye let go dancehal ask take dancinglesson person1 good idea teach eleph danc nowaday perhap there hope us,#Person1# and #Person2# haven't danced for a long time. They talk about what they have been doing recently and they decide to take dancing lessons together. person1 ok hello person2 hello person1 hi what name person2 yeah name nandu person1 nandu nandu spell name person2 yeah name like nanju person1 oh ok that nice name nandu person2 im madra,Nandu and #Person1# meet for the first time. Nandu tells #Person1# how to spell his name and he's from Madras. person1 went bunge jump yesterday excit person2 realli enjoy danger sport person1 ye great fun challeng day ill want tri deepsea dive rockclimb person2 real fan extrem sport person1 ye love face danger overcom becom part life,#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# went bungee jumping yesterday and #Person1# loves extreme sports. person1 professor could make appoint person2 free tomorrow afternoon two four particular time mind person1 two oclock would best time person2 fine know offic person1 im sure person2 rememb e build third floor person1 see person2 dont worri work fine get ill see person1 ill see person2 look forward meet,#Person1# wants to make an appointment with #Person2#. They confirm when and where they will meet. person1 excus mr smith america person2 that maria smith must zhang lin tianjin sport facil co ltd person1 ye nice meet mr smith person2 nice meet mr zhang,Mrs. Smith and Zhang Lin meet for the first time and greet each other. person1 weve got problem look like well need spotlight exhibit booth client think dark want add halogen light weve alreadi got 3 set track light guy think could help us throw halogen person2 oh um dont think know halogen light much expens track light system plu im go call guy instal that go come cheap person1 would ad exist structur talk anyth new person2 doesnt matter still call electrician union labor itll cost pretti penni person1 much think would cost person2 mumm estim itll run neighborhood 500 per light person1 500per light that ridicul cant possibl expans person2 ill tell well call electrician he go charg overtim alreadi 5pm probabl take hour light plu halogen light take electr electr cost go higher well person1 cant give break weve alreadi spent much money light hate blow much halogen person2 that cost that go cost us cant go hole give best price take leav,#Person1# wants to add halogen lighting. #Person2# offers a price but #Person1# thinks it's too expensive. #Person2# explains why it is so expensive. #Person1# still wants to bargain but #Person2# won't budge. person1 interview person2 havent gone interview yet tomorrow nervou person1 dont worri fine experi person2 hope person1 rememb want someon work well peopl youv got show easygo person person2 thank ill keep mind,#Person2# feels nervous for tomorrow's interview. #Person1# suggests qualities #Person2# should show during the interview. person1 need help order offic suppli person2 print copi order suppli form compani web site turn need person1 need ink cartridg stapl postit person2 need right away wait person1 wait thing need right away person2 buy suppli budget know budget person1 plenti money offic suppli person2 pick suppli deliv build would prefer person1 want pick person2 well finish request contact suppli come good day person1,#Person1# asks #Person2# for help in ordering office supplies. #Person1# tells #Person2# what they need and their budget. #Person2# asks #Person1# to finish the request and will contact #Person1# when the supplies come in. person1 good afternoon mr yang im jill mr smith secretari would like look around factori first person2 ye would person1 offic block administr depart sale account personnel market research person2 what build opposit us person1 that warehous larger item medic instrument store keep stock fastmov item urgent order met quickli stock workshop one three workshop deliveri bay person2 oh see person1 steel sheet bar come see differ size unload onto deliveri bay buy steel work wale new conveyor belt instal last year doubl output depart result person2 oh realli person1 ill take assembl shop,"Jill shows Mr. Yang around their factory and introduces the office block, the warehouse, the workshop, etc." person1 gosh anoth stop seem car ahead us stop everi two minut quicker bu person2 that true rush hour taxi quick buse person1 silli taken taxi person2 least free crowd way come china person1 new zealand sir visit new zealand saw lot oversea peopl person2 wow like america receiv great number visitor everi year person1 world becom open peopl becom intern,#Person1# complains about the slow speed of taxis in the traffic jam. Then #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s from New Zealand. person1 cant stand stupid guy longer unbeliev person2 oh dear ladi take easi forgiv green hand like person1 everyth mindlessli go drive crazi person2 suggest talk teach deal problem person1 ive told sever time he never listen person2 mayb commun like friend boss person1 oh alway difficulti get along staff person2 take good friend talk make sure wont lose temper person1 oh bad im afraid ill chang imag person2 unnecessari respect staff opinion person1 sometim offer useless propos aw useless person2 oh one perfect person1 that right speak polit way person2 equal partnership team person1 thank much your eloqu person2 thank say,#Person1# complains to #Person2# about a new employee. #Person2# comforts #Person1# and suggests that #Person1# take them for good friends and have a talk with them. person1 hey ted saw ad paper take look person2 person1 job look perfect person2 let see want person1 come got lose person2 resum person1 ill help type one person2 thank mari your real pal ill call set interview,Mary recommends a new job to Ted and will help him type a resume. person1 think im go go get food person2 want person1 cant decid get person2 kind food want get person1 think might like chines food person2 know your go get person1 honestli dont know person2 go panda express chines food person1 like food person2 realli like food person1 think ill go get food person2 think youll enjoy food,#Person1# wants to eat Chinese food. #Person2# recommends Panda Express. person1 tell park regul campu got fine yesterday person2 get park permit first person1 get permit person2 servic build go right form need ok surnam well know hank name andrew what student number person1 oh ye 9301321 person2 address know 16 bull creek postal code person1 6150 person2 what licens plate number car person1 er bgf739 person2 bgf739 ok write date sign person1 oh ok manag think,Andrew asks #Person2# about the parking regulations on campus. #Person2# helps him to get a parking permit. person1 jim thank good youv arriv class present start half hour ago begin panic person2 im sorri late alic morn real mess didnt think go make person1 late present depend graph hold person2 ye know ill tell later first let see time two group still ahead us arent present right consum analysi stock market mean ive got twenti minut sort person1 look cold happen person2 ive stand outsid arctic temperatur hour wait bu person1 hour thought apart ten minut bu ride campu person2 normal condit bu delay weather stop drug store call home ride bu went luck would one home wait anoth fortyf minut next bu person1 that murphi law isnt said anyth go wrong well weve still got twenti minut get wit togeth,"Jim is late for the class presentation and Alice is worried. Hopefully, there are still two groups ahead of their presentation when Jim arrives. Jim explains to Alice that he waits for the bus for too long." person1 excus shirt blue person2 ye small larg extralarg person1 oh dam hope medium size would realli go well bag person2 well may get next week would like check comput person1 oh ye pleas person2 ok yesit look like manag order medium next thursday person1 great ill ask assist come back pick one,#Person1# wants to buy a shirt but there're no medium-sized ones left. #Person2# checks the computer and tells #Person1# there would be available ones by next Thursday. person1 ive worri richard frozen person2 sound problem person1 well troubl concentr get along children wonder might someth mind problem home,#Person1# tells #Person2# Richard has trouble concentrating when getting along with other children. person1 hello mr smith im afraid dr brown wont abl see today he still wait flight new york said would meet tomorrow afternoon ok person2 sound good thank call,#Person1# calls Mr. Smith to tell him Dr. Brown won't be able to see him today and changes the appointment to tomorrow afternoon.