#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Import datasets to Elasticsearch or logstash instance from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path import tarfile import json import progressbar import sys from termcolor import colored progressbar.streams.wrap_stdout() argparser = ArgumentParser(description="Import datasets into Elasticsearch or Logstash") argparser.add_argument("--output", "-o", default="elasticsearch", help="Choose Elasticsearch or Logstash as output") argparser.add_argument("--recursive", "-r", action="store_true", help="Recurse into directories") argparser.add_argument("--url", "-u", default="http://localhost:9200", help="URL of Elasticsearch instance (%(default)s) or Logstash") argparser.add_argument("--cacerts", "-c", default=None, help="Path to CA certificates for TLS verification") argparser.add_argument("--insecure", "-I", default=True, action="store_false", dest="verify_certs", help="Don't verify TLS cerificates.") argparser.add_argument("--index", "-i", default="winlogbeat-mordor", help="Target index for data import (%(default)s)") argparser.add_argument("--no-index-creation", "-n", action="store_false", dest="create_index", help="Don't create index.") argparser.add_argument("inputs", nargs="+", type=Path, help="Path to dataset") args = argparser.parse_args() if args.output == "elasticsearch": #Only import ES module when required from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk print("Initializing Elasticsearch connection and index...") index = args.index es = Elasticsearch( [args.url], ca_certs=args.cacerts, verify_certs=args.verify_certs, ) if args.create_index: es.indices.create( index, body={ "settings": { "index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 2000 } } ) elif args.output == "logstash": #Only import requests when logstash is used import requests print("Initializing Logstash connection...") logstash_url = args.url if args.verify_certs and args.cacerts: verify_certs = args.cacerts elif not args.verify_certs: from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) verify_certs = False else: verify_certs = True else: print("Output type was not recognized. Exiting...") sys.exit() if args.recursive: paths = [ p for path in args.inputs for p in path.glob("**/*.tar.gz") if p.is_file() ] else: paths = [ path for path in args.inputs if path.is_file() ] print("Calulating total file size...") total_size = sum([ member.size for path in progressbar.progressbar(paths) for member in tarfile.open(path).getmembers() if member.isfile() ]) total_success = 0 total_failed = 0 with progressbar.DataTransferBar(max_value=total_size) as progress: for path in paths: print(f"Importing dataset {path}") tf = tarfile.open(path) for m in tf.getmembers(): if m.isfile(): print(f"- Importing member file {m.name}...") logfile = f"{path}/{m.name}" mf = tf.extractfile(m) def generate_actions(f, progress): for line in f: source = json.loads(line) source["log"] = { "file": { "name": logfile }} source.setdefault("winlog", dict()) # Plain data created by nxlog is completely moved to winlog.event_data except blacklisted if "EventID" in source: # Move event id to appropriate location source["winlog"]["event_id"] = source["EventID"] del source["EventID"] # Discard unneeded fields try: del source["type"] except KeyError: pass try: del source["host"] except KeyError: pass # Move fields from top level to winlog.event_data source["winlog"]["event_data"] = { k: v for k, v in source.items() if k not in ("winlog", "log", "Channel", "Hostname", "@timestamp", "@version") } for k in source["winlog"]["event_data"].keys(): del source[k] # Special handling for host name try: source["winlog"]["computer_name"] = source["Hostname"] del source["Hostname"] except KeyError: pass # Special handling for channel try: source["winlog"]["channel"] = source["Channel"] del source["Channel"] except KeyError: pass # Data created with Winlogbeat <7 contains event fields in event_data instead of winlog.event_data - move it if "event_data" in source: source["winlog"]["event_data"] = source["event_data"] del source["event_data"] # Old Winlogbeats also put the channel name in the log_name field move this to new field names if "log_name" in source: source["winlog"]["channel"] = source["log_name"] del source["log_name"] # Some log records contain the channel name "security" in small letters, fix this try: if source["winlog"]["channel"] == "security": source["winlog"]["channel"] = "Security" except KeyError: pass # Old Winlogbeats also put the event id in a different location, move it to the new one if "event_id" in source: source["winlog"]["event_id"] = source["event_id"] del source["event_id"] # Also set event.code to event id source.setdefault("event", dict())["code"] = source["winlog"]["event_id"] progress.update(progress.value + len(line)) if args.output == "elasticsearch": yield { "_index": index, "_source": source } elif args.output == "logstash": yield source if args.output == "elasticsearch": success_count, fail_count = bulk(es, generate_actions(mf, progress), True, raise_on_error=False) total_success += success_count total_failed += fail_count if fail_count > 0: color = "red" else: color = "green" elif args.output == "logstash": fail_count = 0 success_count = 0 for event in generate_actions(mf, progress): r = requests.post(logstash_url, json=event, verify=verify_certs) if r.status_code == 200: success_count += 1 total_success += 1 color = "green" else: fail_count += 1 total_failed += 1 color = "red" print(colored(f"- Imported {success_count} events, {fail_count} failed", color)) tf.close() print(f"Imported {total_success} log records, {total_failed} failed.")