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It has been a long time since I felt any emotional connection with the state of Israel , which relentlessly and brutally and inhumanly keeps these vicious , murderous wars . It a vandal state . There is a Russian writer who once described vandal states as Genghis Khan with a telegraph . Israel Genghis Khan with a computer . I feel no emotion of affinity with that state . I have some good friends and their families there , and of course I would not want any of them to be hurt . That said , sometimes I feel that Israel has come out of the boils ( sic ) of the hell , a satanic state . | 500 | 2 |
Finkelstein an advocate of a two @-@ state solution to the Israeli @-@ Palestinian conflict . | 501 | 1 |
I was of course happy to meet the Hizbullah people , because it a point of view that is rarely heard in the United States . I have no problem saying that I do want to express solidarity with them , and I am not going to be a coward of ( sic ) a hypocrite about it . I don 't care about Hizbullah as a political organization . I don 't know much about their politics , and anyhow , it 's irrelevant . I don 't live in Lebanon . It 's a choice that the Lebanese have to make : Who they want to be their leaders , who they want to represent them . But there is a fundamental principle . People have the right to defend their country from foreign occupiers , and people have the right to defend their country from invaders who are destroying their country . That to me a very basic , elementary and uncomplicated question . | 502 | 2 |
Finkelstein had made many criticisms of the Boycott , Divestment and Sanctions Movement . Finkelstein stated that " I think the solidarity movement has the right tactics . I support the BDS . But I said it will never reach a broad public until and unless they explicit on their goal . And their goal has to include recognition of Israel , otherwise it 's a nonstarter . " Elsewhere , he has stated that he supports a " lowercase " BDS , making the same point about tactics and goals . | 503 | 1 |
The problem as I see it with the BDS movement is not the tactic . Who could not support Boycott , Divestment and Sanctions ? Of course you should . And most of the human rights organizations , church organizations have moved in that direction . The problem the goal . . . The official BDS movement , they claim to be agnostic , neutral — whatever term you want to use — on the question of Israel . You can ’ t reach a broad public if you agnostic on the question of Israel . The broad public wants to know , where do you stand ? And if you claim not to have a stand , you lose them . The BDS movement , it always says , and I ’ m using their language , " We a rights @-@ based organization . We are based in international law . " I agree with that . That ’ s where you have to go : rights @-@ based international law . But the international law clear . You read the last sentence of the 2004 International Court of Justice opinion on the wall that Israel has been building in the West Bank , and the last sentence says , " We look forward to two states : a Palestinian state alongside Israel and at peace with its neighbors . " That 's the law . | 504 | 4 |
Mutinus elegans , commonly known as the elegant stinkhorn , the dog stinkhorn , the headless stinkhorn , or the devil 's dipstick , a species of fungus in the Phallaceae family . A saprobic species , it is typically found growing on the ground singly or in small groups on woody debris or leaf litter , during summer and autumn in Japan , Europe , and eastern North America . The fruit body begins its development in an " egg " form , resembling somewhat a puffball partially submerged in the ground . As the fungus matures , a slender orange to pink colored stalk emerges that tapers evenly to a pointed tip . The stalk is covered with a foul @-@ smelling slimy green spore mass on the upper third of its length . Flies and other insects feed upon the slime which contains the spores , assisting in their dispersal . Due to their repellent odor , mature specimens are not generally considered edible , although there are reports of the immature " eggs " being consumed . In the laboratory , Mutinus elegans has been shown to inhibit the growth of several microorganisms that can be pathogenic to humans . | 505 | 1 |
The young fruiting bodies initially white and spherical or egg @-@ shaped , partially submerged in the ground , with dimensions of 2 to 3 cm ( 0 @.@ 8 to 1 @.@ 2 in ) by 1 to 2 cm ( 0 @.@ 4 to 0 @.@ 8 in ) . As the fruit body matures , the egg ruptures and the spongy spore @-@ bearing stalk emerges ; fully grown , it may be from 1 to 15 cm ( 0 @.@ 4 to 5 @.@ 9 in ) long and 1 @.@ 5 to 2 cm ( 0 @.@ 6 to 0 @.@ 8 in ) thick . The stalk is hollow and strongly wrinkled overall ; its shape is cylindrical below , but it gradually tapers to a narrow apex with a small opening at the tip . The upper half of the stalk bright red to reddish orange , and the color gradually loses intensity transforming into pinkish white below . The stalk may be straight , or slightly curved . A gelatinous greenish @-@ brown gleba covers the upper third of the stalk in newly emerged specimens . The remains of the " egg " forms a volva around the base of the stalk . The odor of the gleba is foul ; one author describes it as " sickly sweet or metallic " . The spores a greenish @-@ brown color . Fruit bodies are attached to the substrate by whitish rhizomorphs that resemble plant roots . American mycologist Smith noted that the eggs are often slow to open , sometimes taking up to two weeks before the stalk expands . | 506 | 3 |
The spores 4 – 7 by 2 – 3 µm , oblong @-@ elliptical , smooth , and embedded in the gleba . A 1982 study revealed that spores of species in the Phallaceae family , including Mutinus elegans , have a hilar scar ( 0 @.@ 2 – 0 @.@ 3 µm diameter ) that observable with scanning electron microscopy . The hilar scar a circular indentation at one end of the spore , and it most likely results during the separation of the attachment of the spore to the sterigma of the basidium . | 507 | 3 |
The immature egg @-@ forms of Mutinus elegans edible , but " not recommended " . One field guides notes that the eggs of the stinkhorn fungi " taste like the seasonings that are added to them . " The fetid odor of mature specimens would probably be repellent to most , although they are not considered poisonous . | 508 | 1 |
The " dog stinkhorn " ( Mutinus caninus ) is smaller , has a distinct oval or spindle @-@ shaped tip on a slender stem and lacks the bright coloring of M. elegans ; it has less of the stalk covered by gleba . The portion of the stalk below the spore mass is pitted in M. caninus , compared to " pebbly " in M. elegans . M. caninus also less common than M. elegans . Mutinus bambusinus is similar in size and shape , except it does not have a distinct color demarcation between the upper and lower parts of the stalk ; instead , the entire stem shows red pigments . The stalk of M. ravenelii less tapered than M. elegans , and it has a clearly differentiated swollen head . | 509 | 2 |
Mutinus elegans saprobic — deriving nutrients by breaking down dead or dying organic matter . It is commonly found in gardens and farm areas enriched with manure , near well @-@ decayed stumps and logs , and in wood chips . A Japanese publication mentioned its occurrence in Takatsuki and Osaka @-@ fu , where it fruited in November and December on the ground along paths or in open spaces , under or near bamboo ( Phyllostachys bambusoides ) and hardwoods such as the Sawtooth Oak , the Japanese Zelkova , and the Camphor tree . | 510 | 1 |
The 57th Boat Race took place on 31 March 1900 . Held annually , the Boat Race a side @-@ by @-@ side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge along the River Thames . Cambridge won by twenty lengths in a record @-@ equalling time of 18 minutes 45 seconds , taking the overall record in the event to 32 – 24 in Oxford 's favour . | 511 | 1 |
The Boat Race a side @-@ by @-@ side rowing competition between the University of Oxford ( sometimes referred to as the " Dark Blues " ) and the University of Cambridge ( sometimes referred to as the " Light Blues " ) . The race was first held in 1829 , and since 1845 has taken place on the 4 @.@ 2 @-@ mile ( 6 @.@ 8 km ) Championship Course on the River Thames in southwest London . The rivalry a major point of honour between the two universities and followed throughout the United Kingdom and worldwide . Cambridge went into the race as reigning champions , having won the 1899 race by three @-@ and @-@ a @-@ quarter lengths , while Oxford led overall with 32 victories to Cambridge 's 23 ( excluding the " dead heat " of 1877 ) . Leading up to the race , Oxford suffered a variety of misfortune : M. C. McThornhill was ordered by his doctor not to row , H. J. Hale was injured and president Felix Warre contracted scarlet fever . | 512 | 2 |
The Ten Commandments a series of religious and moral imperatives that are recognized as a moral foundation in several of the Abrahamic religions , including Catholicism . As described in the Old Testament books Exodus and Deuteronomy , the Commandments form part of a covenant offered by God to the Israelites to free them from the spiritual slavery of sin . According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church — the official exposition of the Catholic Church 's Christian beliefs — the Commandments are considered essential for spiritual good health and growth , and serve as the basis for Catholic social justice . A review of the Commandments one of the most common types of examination of conscience used by Catholics before receiving the sacrament of Penance . | 513 | 2 |
The coming of Jesus is seen by the Catholic Church as the fulfillment of the destiny of the Jews , who were chosen , according to Peter Kreeft , to " show the true God to the world " . Jesus acknowledged the Commandments and instructed his followers to go further , requiring , in Kreeft 's words , " more , not less : a ' righteousness ( which ) exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees ' " . Explaining Church teaching , Kreeft states , " The Commandments are to the moral order what the creation story in Genesis 1 is to the natural order . They God 's order conquering chaos . They are not man 's ideas about God , but God 's ideas about man . " The Church teaches that Jesus freed people from keeping " the burdensome Jewish law ( Torah or Mosaic Law ) with its 613 distinct regulations [ but ] not from the obligation to keep the Ten Commandments " , because the Ten " were written ' with the finger of God ' , unlike [ those ] written by Moses " . This teaching was reaffirmed at the Council of Trent ( 1545 – 1563 ) and at the Second Vatican Council ( 1962 – 1965 ) . | 514 | 1 |
Although it uncertain what role the Ten Commandments played in early Christian worship , evidence suggests they were recited during some services and used in Christian education . For example , the Commandments are included in one of the earliest Christian writings , known as the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles or the Didache . Scholars contend that the Commandments were highly regarded by the early Church as a summary of God 's law . The Protestant scholar Klaus Bockmuehl believes that the Church replaced the Commandments with lists of virtues and vices , such as the seven deadly sins , from 400 – 1200 . Other scholars contend that throughout Church history the Commandments have been used as an examination of conscience and that many theologians have written about them . While evidence exists that the Commandments were part of catechesis in monasteries and other venues , there was no official Church position to promote specific methods of religious instruction during the Middle Ages . The Fourth Lateran Council ( 1215 ) was the first attempt to remedy this problem . Surviving evidence reveals that some bishops ' efforts to implement the Council 's resolutions included special emphasis on teaching the Commandments in their respective dioceses . Centuries later , the lack of instruction in them by some dioceses formed the basis of one of the criticisms launched against the Church by Protestant reformers . | 515 | 1 |
The first commandment , according to Church teaching , " means that [ followers ] must worship and adore God alone because God alone . " The Catechism explains that this prohibits idolatry , providing examples of forbidden practices such as the worship of any creature , and of " ' demons ... power , pleasure , race , ancestors , the state [ and ] money ' " . Augustine interpreted this commandment as " Love God and then do what you will " . Explaining this sentiment , Kreeft states that all sin " serves some other god , obeys another commander : the world or the flesh or the devil " , if God truly be loved then one will do what God wills . | 516 | 1 |
While Catholics are sometimes accused of worshiping images , in violation of the first commandment , the Church says this is a misunderstanding . In the Church 's opinion , " the honor paid to sacred images a ' respectful veneration ' , not the adoration due to God alone " . In the 8th century , heated arguments arose over whether religious icons ( in this context paintings ) were prohibited by the first commandment . The dispute was almost entirely restricted to the Eastern church ; the iconoclasts wished to prohibit icons , while the iconodules supported their veneration , a position consistently backed by the Western Church . At the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 , the ecumenical council determined that the veneration of icons and statues was not in violation of the commandment and stated " whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it . " At around the time of the controversy over Iconoclasm , the Western church began to use monumental sculpture , which by the Romanesque period became a major feature of Western Christian art , that has remained part of the Catholic tradition , in contrast to Eastern Christianity , which avoids large religious sculpture . The Catechism , using very traditional arguments , posits that God gave permission for images that symbolize Christian salvation by leaving symbols such as the bronze serpent , and the cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant . It states that " by becoming incarnate , the Son of God introduced a new economy of images " . | 517 | 1 |
The second commandment prohibits the use of God 's name in vain . Many ancient cultures believed that names were sacred ; some had prohibitions on when a person 's name could be spoken . The Gospel of John relates an incident where a group of Jews attempted to stone Jesus after he used a sacred name of God to refer to himself . They interpreted his statement as a claim of divinity . Since they did not believe that he was God , they considered this blasphemy , which under Mosaic law carries a death penalty . Kreeft writes that all of the names by which God is known are holy , and thus all of those names are protected by the second commandment . The Catechism states , " Respect for his name an expression of the respect owed to the mystery of God himself and to the whole sacred reality it evokes . " The Catechism also requires respect for the names of people out of respect for the dignity of that person . | 518 | 1 |
Obedience to parents for as long as the child lives at home " when it for his good or the good of the family " , except when obedience would require the child to do something morally wrong . | 519 | 1 |
The Gospel of Matthew relates that when told his mother and brothers were waiting to see him , Jesus replied , " Who is my mother and who my brothers ? " Stretching his hand over his disciples he said , " Here are my mother and my brothers ! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven my brother , and my sister , and mother . " Pope Benedict XVI stated that this dictum of Jesus brought the fourth commandment to a new and higher level . By doing God 's will , any person can become part of the universal family of Jesus . Thus , the fourth commandment 's responsibilities extend to the greater society and requires respect for " legitimate social authorities " . The Catechism specifies " duties of citizens and nations " , which Kreeft summarizes as : | 520 | 2 |
A duty to disobey civil authorities and directives that contrary to the moral order . | 521 | 1 |
This commandment demands respect for human life and is more accurately translated as " thou shalt not murder . " Indeed , killing may , under limited circumstances , be justified within Catholicism . Jesus expanded it to prohibit unjust anger , hatred and vengeance , and to require Christians to love their enemies . The basis of all Catholic teaching about the fifth commandment the sanctity of life ethic , which Kreeft argues is philosophically opposed to the quality of life ethic , a philosophy which he characterizes as introduced by a book entitled Die Freigabe der Vernichtung des Lebensunwerten Lebens ( The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life ) ( see Life unworthy of life ) and which he asserts was the " first to win public acceptance ... by German doctors before World War II — the basis and beginning of Nazi medical practices . " This interpretation is supported by modern medical journals that discuss the dilemma posed by these opposing philosophies to physicians who must make life or death decisions . Some bioethicists characterize the use of the " Nazi analogy " as inappropriate when applied to quality of life decisions ; Arthur Caplan called this rhetoric " odiously wrong " . The Church is actively involved in the public debates over abortion , capital punishment and euthanasia , and encourages believers to support legislation and politicians it describes as pro @-@ life . | 522 | 1 |
The Catechism states : " Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator , who its sole end . ... no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being . " Direct and intentional killing of an innocent human is considered a mortal sin . Considered by the Church to be of an even greater gravity the murder of family members , including " infanticide , fratricide , parricide , the murder of a spouse and procured abortion . " | 523 | 2 |
The Catechism states that the embryo " must be treated from conception as a person " . The Latin original of as tamquam , meaning " like " or " just as " . " Although the Church has not determined officially when human life actually begins , it has taken the course of maintaining that human life is present from the moment of conception or fertilization " ; respect for life at all stages , even potential life , is generally the context of church documents . | 524 | 1 |
The United States Catechism for Adults devotes a section to in vitro fertilization , stem @-@ cell research and cloning in its explanation of the fifth commandment , because these often involve the destruction of human embryos , considered to be a gravely sinful form of murder . Embryonic stem cell research is called " an immoral means to a good end " and " morally unacceptable . " Citing the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 's Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation , the US Bishops quote : " No objective , even though noble in itself , such as a foreseeable advantage to science , to other human beings , or to society , can in any way justify experimentation on living human embryos or fetuses , whether viable or not , either inside or outside the mother 's body . " The Bishops note that adult stem cell research , using cells obtained with informed consent , is a promising field of research that morally acceptable . | 525 | 1 |
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the death penalty is permissible in cases of extreme gravity . It is allowed if the " guilty party 's identity and responsibility have been fully determined " and if the death penalty the only way to defend others against the guilty party . However , if there are other means available to defend people from the " unjust aggressor " , these preferred because they are considered to be more respectful of the dignity of the person and in keeping with the common good . Because modern societies have effective means for preventing crime without execution , the Catechism declares , " the cases in which execution of the offender an absolute necessity ' are very rare , if practically nonexistent . ' " Pope John Paul II discussed and affirmed this in Evangelium Vitae , published in 1995 . | 526 | 3 |
Church belief in the resurrection of the body led to a prohibition against cremation that was pastorally modified at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s under limited circumstances , but those conditions have been largely ignored even by the clergy . According to the Catechism , burial of the dead a corporal work of mercy that must treat the body with respect and love ( e.g. scattering of cremated remains , burial in an unmarked grave , etc. are forbidden in the Catholic Church ) . Organ donation after death and organ transplants under certain terms , also autopsies for legal and scientific reasons are permitted . | 527 | 1 |
In the Sermon on the Mount , Jesus recalls the commandment , " You shall not kill " and then adds to it the proscriptions against anger , hatred and vengeance . Going further , Christ asks his disciples to love their enemies . The Catechism asserts that " it is legitimate to insist on respect for one 's own right to life . " Kreeft says , " self @-@ defense is legitimate for the same reason suicide is not : because one 's own life a gift from God , a treasure we responsible for preserving and defending . " The Catechism teaches that " someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow . " Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who responsible for the lives of others . The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm . For this reason , those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility . | 528 | 3 |
The reasons for going to war defensive . | 529 | 1 |
The ultimate aim peace and there is a serious chance of success . | 530 | 1 |
The Catechism classifies scandal under the fifth commandment and defines it as " an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil " . In the Gospel of Matthew , Jesus stated , " Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin , it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea . " The Church considers it a serious crime to cause another 's faith , hope and love to be weakened , especially if it is done to young people and the perpetrator a person of authority such as a parent , teacher or priest . | 531 | 1 |
According to the Church , humans sexual beings whose sexual identity should be accepted in the unity of body and soul . The sexes are meant by divine design to be different and complementary , each having equal dignity and made in the image of God . Sexual acts sacred within the context of the marital relationship that reflects a " complete and lifelong mutual gift of a man and a woman . " Sexual sins thus violate not just the body but the person 's whole being . In his 1995 book Crossing the Threshold of Hope , John Paul II reflected on this concept : | 532 | 2 |
After all , young people are always searching for the beauty in love . They want their love to be beautiful . If they give in to weakness , following the models of behavior that can rightly be considered a ' scandal in the contemporary world ' ( and these are , unfortunately , widely diffused models ) , in the depths of their hearts they still desire a beautiful and pure love . This is as true of boys as it is of girls . Ultimately , they know that only God can give them this love . As a result , they willing to follow Christ , without caring about the sacrifices this may entail . | 533 | 1 |
Lust : the Church teaches that sexual pleasure is good and created by God , who meant for spouses to " experience pleasure and enjoyment of body and spirit " . Kreeft says , " Lust does not mean sexual pleasure as such , nor the delight in it , nor the desire for it in its right context . " Lust the desire for sexual pleasure alone , outside its intended purpose of procreation and the uniting of man and woman , body and soul , in mutual self @-@ donation . | 534 | 1 |
Fornication the sexual union of an unmarried man and an unmarried woman . This is considered contrary to " the dignity of persons and of human sexuality " because it is not ordered to the " good of spouses " or the " generation and education of children . " | 535 | 1 |
Prostitution is considered sinful for both the prostitute and the customer ; it reduces a person to an instrument of sexual pleasure , violating human dignity and harming society . The gravity of the sinfulness less for prostitutes who are forced into the act by destitution , blackmail or social pressure . | 536 | 1 |
Rape an intrinsically evil act that can cause grave damage to the victim for life . | 537 | 1 |
Homosexuals are , according to the Church , " called to chastity " . They are instructed to practice the virtues of " self @-@ mastery " that teaches " inner freedom " using the support of friends , prayer and grace found in the sacraments of the Church . These tools are meant to help homosexuals " gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection " , which a state to which all Christians are called . | 538 | 1 |
According to Church teaching , spousal love is intended to form an unbroken , two @-@ fold end : the union of husband and wife and the transmission of life . The unitive aspect includes the transference of each partner 's being " so that they no longer two but one flesh . " The sacrament of matrimony is viewed as God 's sealing the consent which binds the partners together . Church teaching on the marital state requires spousal acceptance of each other 's failures and faults , and the recognition that the " call to holiness in marriage " one that requires a process of spiritual growth and conversion that can last throughout life . | 539 | 2 |
The Church position on sexual activity can be summarized as : " sexual activity belongs only in marriage as an expression of total self @-@ giving and union , and always open to the possibility of new life . " Sexual acts in marriage are considered " noble and honorable " and are meant to be enjoyed with " joy and gratitude . " Sexuality is to be reserved to marriage : " by its very nature conjugal love requires the inviolable fidelity of the spouses . This the consequence of the gift of themselves which they make to each other . Love seeks to be definitive ; it cannot be an arrangement ' until further notice . ' " The " intimate union of marriage , as a mutual giving of two persons , and the good of the children , demand total fidelity from the spouses and require an unbreakable union between them . " ( Gaudium et spes ) " . | 540 | 1 |
Artificial birth control predates Christianity ; the Catholic Church has condemned these methods throughout its history . In response to the Church of England accepting the practice of artificial contraception in 1930 , the Catholic Church issued the papal encyclical Casti connubii on 31 December 1930 . The 1968 papal encyclical Humanae vitae a reaffirmation of the Catholic Church 's traditional view of marriage and marital relations , and a continued condemnation of artificial birth control . | 541 | 1 |
The Church seeing large families as a sign of God 's blessing . " By its very nature the institution of marriage and married love is ordered to the procreation and education of the offspring and it is in them that it finds its crowning glory . " ( Gaudium et spes ) Children the supreme gift of marriage and contribute greatly to the good of the parents themselves . ( ... ) true married love and the whole structure of family life which results from it , without diminishment of the other ends of marriage , are directed to disposing the spouses to cooperate valiantly with the love of the Creator and Savior , who through them will increase and enrich his family from day to day . ( Gaudium et spes ) . " It recognizes that responsible parenthood sometimes calls for reasonable spacing or limiting of births and considers natural family planning as morally acceptable , but rejects all methods of artificial contraception . The Church rejects all forms of artificial insemination and fertilization because the techniques divorce the sexual act from the creation of a child . The Catechism states , " A child is not something owed to one , but a gift ... ' the supreme gift of marriage . ' " | 542 | 2 |
Adultery the sexual union of a man and woman where at least one married to someone else . It is for this reason that the Church considers it a greater sin than fornication . Kreeft states , " The adulterer sins against his spouse , his society , and his children as well as his own body and soul . " | 543 | 2 |
Divorce : According to the Catholic New American Bible translation , Jesus taught , " whoever divorces his wife ( unless the marriage unlawful ) causes her to commit adultery , and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery . " Explaining Church interpretation of this teaching , Kreeft says Jesus considered divorce to be an accommodation that had slipped into Jewish law . The Church teaches that marriage was created by God and was meant to be indissoluble : like the creation of a child that cannot be " un @-@ created " , neither can the " one flesh " of the marriage bond . The Catechism states , " Divorce a grave offense against the natural law . It claims to break the contract , to which the spouses freely consented , to live with each other till death . " By marrying another , the divorced person adds to the gravity of the offense as the remarried spouse is considered to be in a state of " public and permanent adultery " . | 544 | 2 |
... signs that might indicate reasons to investigate for an annulment : marriage that excluded at the time of the wedding the right to children , or to a permanent marriage , or to an exclusive commitment . In addition , there are youthful marriages ; marriages of very short duration ; marriages marked by serious emotional , physical , or substance abuse ; deviant sexual practices ; profound and consistent irresponsibility and lack of commitment ; conditional consent to a marriage ; fraud or deceit to elicit spousal consent ; serious mental illness ; or a previous bond of marriage . The determination of the ground should be made after extensive consultation with the parish priest or deacons , and based upon the proofs that available . | 545 | 2 |
According to the Catechism , theft or stealing means " usurping another 's property against the reasonable will of the owner " though exclusion exists for someone in great need to survive . " Unjustly taking and keeping the property of others " considered as theft , even if the act outside the scope of civil law . Cardinal Christoph Schönborn gave example from the story of Saint Augustine , written in his Confessions , who took pears from neighbor 's garden when he was young . Schönborn says that Augustine still has " pangs of conscience over a childish theft " even when he became grown person , indicating that human conscience is very aware of theft though the act perhaps not an offense against civil law . | 546 | 1 |
Included in the Church teachings of this commandment the requirement for Christians to bear witness to their faith " without equivocation " in situations that require it . The use of modern media in spreading untruths , by individuals , businesses or governments , is condemned . | 547 | 1 |
The ninth and tenth commandments deal with coveting , which an interior disposition not a physical act . The Catechism distinguishes between covetousness of the flesh ( improper sexual desire ) and covetousness for another 's worldly goods . The ninth commandment deals with the former and the tenth the latter . | 548 | 1 |
Purity of vision , " external and internal " , disciplining the thoughts and imagination to reject those that impure . | 549 | 1 |
Modesty , of the feelings as well as the body discreet in choice of words and clothing . | 550 | 1 |
Jesus stated , " Blessed are the clean of heart , for they shall see God . " This purity of heart , which the ninth commandment introduces , the " precondition of the vision of God " and allows the person to see situations and people as God sees . The Catechism teaches that " there is a connection between purity of heart , of body and of faith . " | 551 | 1 |
Detachment from riches is the goal of the tenth commandment and the first Beatitude ( " blessed are the poor in spirit " ) because , according to the Catechism , this precept necessary for entrance into the Kingdom of heaven . Covetousness is prohibited by the tenth commandment because it is considered to be the first step toward commission of theft , robbery and fraud ; these lead to violence and injustice . The Church defines covetousness as a " disordered desire " that can take different forms : | 552 | 1 |
Greed the desire for too much of what one does not need . | 553 | 1 |
Envy the desire for what belongs to another . The US Bishops define it as " an attitude that fills us with sadness at the sight of another 's prosperity . " | 554 | 1 |
The Yamaha NS @-@ 10 a loudspeaker that became a standard nearfield studio monitor in the music industry among rock and pop recording engineers . Launched in 1978 , the NS @-@ 10 started life as a bookshelf speaker destined for the domestic environment . It was poorly received but eventually became a valuable tool with which to mix rock recordings . The speaker has a characteristic white @-@ coloured mid – bass drive unit . | 555 | 1 |
The NS @-@ 10 an 8 @-@ ohm two @-@ way loudspeaker with a 10 @.@ 4 @-@ litre Sealed cabinet measuring 382 × 215 × 199 millimetres ( 15 @.@ 0 × 8 @.@ 5 × 7 @.@ 8 in ) and weighing 6 kilograms ( 13 @.@ 2 lb ) . Its 2 @.@ 5 cm ( 0 @.@ 98 in ) particle @-@ board cabinet has a wood veneer skin with seven black finishing layers . The domestic version of the speaker was vertically orientated , and came factory fitted with a grille . | 556 | 1 |
Its two drivers a 180 mm paper woofer and a 35 mm soft @-@ domed tweeter . The woofer 's diaphragm , weighing 3 @.@ 7 g , is manufactured from a flat sheet of pressed pulp paper . Unconventionally , it is formed into conical shape not through moulding or pressure , but by curling and then gluing the two ends together . Against the black finish of the cabinet , the white bass / mid driver cone a distinctive and iconic feature of the product . | 557 | 2 |
The network second @-@ order passive , crossing over at 2 kHz . The frequency range is quoted from 60 Hz to 20 kHz , and rated power handling 25 – 50 W. The early version of the speaker has press @-@ down type output terminals ; later models had screw terminals . | 558 | 2 |
The NS @-@ 10 does not have a perfectly flat frequency response . The sound of the NS @-@ 10 slightly heavy in the midrange , and like other sealed @-@ box speakers of similar size its bass extension limited . It has a + 5 dB boost in the midrange at around 2 kHz , and the bottom end starts rolling off at 200 Hz . The midrange response so open that it exposes the frequencies that the most problematic and worst @-@ sounding to the human ear . | 559 | 4 |
On a practical level for the music professional , the speaker analytic and clinical @-@ sounding . Gizmodo likened the NS @-@ 10 to music editors who reveal the weaknesses of recordings , so that engineers would be forced to either make necessary compensation in the mix or otherwise rework them . | 560 | 1 |
Also in the product line @-@ up were NS @-@ 10T , NS @-@ 10M X , NS @-@ 10MC , NS @-@ 10MT . The NS @-@ 10M X a " Studio " with magnetic shielding and a different tweeter . In the 1990s Yamaha introduced the NS @-@ 10MT , a bass @-@ reflex version of the 10M X with a different tweeter and grille . Designed for home cinema , it has bass response down to 43 Hz , nominal impedance of 6 ohm and maximum power handling rated at 180 W. A miniature version named Natural Sound Surround Speaker NS10MM was launched in 1997 or 1998 . | 561 | 1 |
The NS @-@ 10 , and the Auratone before it , two of the most influential nearfield monitors used in the professional mixing of sound recordings . In 2008 , the NS @-@ 10 was inducted into the Mix magazine TECnology Hall of Fame . Also reflecting its influence , the speaker won a Technical Grammy for Yamaha in 2007 . In 2008 , the speaker was found " in almost every studio " . | 562 | 1 |
State Route 61 ( SR @-@ 61 ) a nearly 7 @.@ 3 @-@ mile @-@ long ( 11 @.@ 7 km ) state highway in the U.S. state of Utah , connecting SR @-@ 23 in Cornish , Cache County to U.S. Route 91 ( US @-@ 91 ) near Richmond via Lewiston , in the extreme northern part of the state . The highway has existed since at least 1914 , as SR @-@ 61 since at least 1937 , and between 735 and 2 @,@ 180 vehicles travel along the highway on an average day in 2012 . | 563 | 1 |
At the intersection of SR @-@ 23 ( 4800 West ) and 13400 North in the center of Cornish , SR @-@ 61 departs east on 13400 North due east , crossing over a single track belonging to the Union Pacific Railroad ( UP ) . Exiting Cornish , the highway crosses the Bear River and continues east through rural Cache County . Just shy of the western city limits of Lewiston , the highway intersects SR @-@ 200 ( 800 West ) , a connector road to Preston , Idaho . From the western terminus to SR @-@ 200 , the shoulder up to four feet ( 1 @.@ 2 m ) wide , suitable for bicycling , however the remainder of the route has much narrower shoulders , between less than or equal to one and nine @-@ tenths feet ( 0 @.@ 58 m ) wide . | 564 | 1 |
Under his leadership , General Atomics developed TRIGA , a small reactor for universities and laboratories . TRIGA used uranium zirconium hydride ( UZrH ) fuel , which has a large , prompt negative fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity . As the temperature of the core increases , the reactivity rapidly decreases . It thus highly unlikely , though not completely impossible , for a nuclear meltdown to occur . Due to its safety and reliability , which allows it to be installed in densely populated areas , and its ability to still generate high energy for brief periods , which particularly useful for research , it became the world 's most popular research reactor , and General Atomics sold 66 TRIGAs in 24 countries . The high @-@ temperature gas @-@ cooled reactor ( HTGR ) was less successful , and only two HTGR power reactors were built , both in the United States . A 40 MW demonstration unit at the Peach Bottom Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania operated successfully , but a larger 300 MW unit at the Fort St. Vrain Generating Station in Colorado encountered technical problems . General Atomics also conducted research into thermonuclear energy , including means of magnetically confining plasma . Between 1962 and 1974 Creutz published six papers on the subject . | 565 | 2 |
Leanne Del Toso ( born 12 August 1980 ) a 3 @.@ 5 point wheelchair basketball player who represented Australia at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London , where she won a silver medal . Diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy at the age of nineteen , Del Toso started playing wheelchair basketball in 2006 . Playing in the local Victorian competition , she was named the league 's most valuable player in 2007 . That year started playing for the Knox Ford Raiders in the Women 's National Wheelchair Basketball League ( WNWBL ) . The following year , she was named the team 's Players ' Player and Most Valuable Player ( MVP ) . | 566 | 1 |
Vitamin D the sixth episode of the American television series Glee . The episode premiered on the Fox network on October 7 , 2009 . It was written by series creator Ryan Murphy and directed by Elodie Keene . In the episode , glee club director Will Schuester ( Matthew Morrison ) pits the male and female club members against each other for a mash @-@ up competition . Will 's wife Terri ( Jessalyn Gilsig ) takes a job as the school nurse to stop him becoming closer to guidance counsellor Emma Pillsbury ( Jayma Mays ) , but is fired after giving the students performance @-@ enhancing pseudoephedrine tablets . | 567 | 1 |
Recurring characters who appear in " Vitamin D " glee club members Santana Lopez ( Naya Rivera ) , Brittany Pierce ( Heather Morris ) , Mike Chang ( Harry Shum , Jr . ) and Matt Rutherford ( Dijon Talton ) , former glee club director Sandy Ryerson ( Stephen Tobolowsky ) , Principal Figgins ( Theba ) , football coach Ken Tanaka ( Gallagher ) , Terri 's co @-@ worker Howard Bamboo ( Kent Avenido ) , and local news anchors Rod Remington ( Bill A. Jones ) and Andrea Carmichael ( Earlene Davis ) . Joe Hursley guest stars as Joe . | 568 | 1 |
The Oregon writer Stewart Holbrook interviewed her in the early 1950s , a few years after her retirement , observing that she " still weighs 104 pounds . Her eyes clear and blue behind her glasses . There is not a gray hair on her head . She lives as quietly as she has always lived , except for those dreadful few days so long ago [ concerning Copperfield ] . " Holbrook noted during his interview that " the subject of Copperfield bores her " and concluded his account of her as follows : | 569 | 1 |
Of Human Feelings a studio album by American jazz saxophonist and composer Ornette Coleman . It was recorded on April 25 , 1979 , at CBS Studios in New York City with his band Prime Time , which featured guitarists Charlie Ellerbee and Bern Nix , bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma , and drummers Calvin Weston and Coleman 's son Denardo . It followed Coleman 's failed attempt to record a direct @-@ to @-@ disc session earlier in March 1979 . | 570 | 1 |
By the end of the 1960s , Ornette Coleman had become one of the most influential musicians in jazz after pioneering its most controversial subgenre , free jazz , which jazz critics and musicians initially derided for its deviation from conventional structures of harmony and tonality . In the mid @-@ 1970s , he stopped recording free jazz , recruited electric instrumentalists , and pursued a new creative theory he called harmolodics . According to Coleman 's theory , all the musicians able to play individual melodies in any key , and still sound coherent as a group . He taught his young sidemen this new improvisational and ensemble approach , based on their individual tendencies , and prevented them from being influenced by conventional styles . Coleman likened this group ethic to a spirit of " collective consciousness " that stresses " human feelings " and " biological rhythms " , and said that he wanted the music , rather than himself , to be successful . He also started to incorporate elements from other styles into his music , including rock influences such as the electric guitar and non @-@ Western rhythms played by Moroccan and Nigerian musicians . | 571 | 1 |
In a 1986 article for The New York Times on Coleman 's work with Prime Time , Robert Palmer said Of Human Feelings was still innovative and radical by the standards of other music in 1982 , three years after it was recorded . Because writers and musicians had heard its test pressing in 1979 , the album 's mix of jazz improvisation and gritty , punk and funk @-@ derived energy sounded " prophetic " when it was released , Palmer explained . " The album clearly the progenitor of much that has sounded radically new in the ongoing fusion of punk rock , black dance rhythms , and free jazz . " AllMusic critic Scott Yanow believed that although Coleman 's compositions never achieved popularity , they succeeded within the context of an album that showcased his distinctive saxophone style , which was high @-@ brow yet catchy . Joshua Klein from The A.V. Club recommended Of Human Feelings as the best album for new listeners of Coleman 's harmolodics @-@ based music , while Chicago Tribune rock critic Greg Kot included it in his guide for novice jazz listeners ; he named it one of the few albums that helped him both become a better listener of rock music and learn how to enjoy jazz . In 2008 , New York magazine 's Martin Johnson included it in his list of canonical albums from what he felt had been New York 's sceneless yet vital jazz scene in the previous 40 years ; Of Human Feelings exuded what he described as a spirit of sophistication with elements of funk , Latin , and African music , all of which were encapsulated by music that retained a jazz identity . | 572 | 1 |
What the Name of That Song ? – 3 : 58 | 573 | 1 |
Dave Simpson of The Guardian described the opening of the show during his review : " Some while after Beyoncé due on stage , a voice announces that the support act won 't be appearing and that Beyoncé will be with us ' in a moment ' . Like everything else – hits , boots , hair and sponsorship deals – moments very big in Beyoncé world . An age later , cheers erupt for the raising of a curtain which revealed , er , a roadie fiddling with a drum kit . An hour later , the piped music is getting gradually louder to drown boos and the cries of small children whose parents are moaning it 's getting past their bedtime . " The show opens with " Baby Boy " which Beyoncé sang while being lowered onto the stage upside down . A highlight for many fans was her performance of " Dangerously in Love 2 " . During the tour , a special 8 @-@ minutes rendition of the song was performed . | 574 | 2 |
Simpson of The Guardian reviewed the opening show of the tour negatively , grading it with two out of five stars . He was negative about Beyoncé ' clothing during the show , saying : " The delays may well be down to Beyoncé 's wardrobe , which could trouble Imelda Marcos . There are skimpy skirts , tails ( for a note perfect if pointless version of Peggy Lee 's Fever ) and a general theme of low material , high glitz . But often , the main sparkle on Beyoncé 's outfit . " He also added that " The dancers ' ' naked suits ' make the former church girl a raunchy rival to Kylie [ Minogue ] . But there 's an interminable section where they pretend to be homies , and when Beyoncé disappears for long periods it feels like an expensive night with Legs and Co . " He concluded his review by saying , | 575 | 1 |
The last sentence of the passage similar to one from the Republican era Biography of Song Yue , Prince of E. But instead of teaching them his own technique , it states Yue taught what he had learned from Zhou to his soldiers who were victorious in battle . | 576 | 1 |
Zhou Tong 's fictional life story can be pieced together from two sources : The Story of Yue Fei and Iron Arm , Golden Sabre . The Story of Yue Fei a fictionalized retelling of Yue Fei 's young life , military exploits , and execution . It was written by a native of Renhuo named Qian Cai ( 钱彩 ) , who lived sometime between the reigns of the Kangxi and Qianlong emperors in the Qing dynasty . The preface dates the book 's publication to 1684 . It was deemed a threat by the Qing emperors and banned during the Qianlong era . In the novel , Zhou is portrayed as an elderly widower and Yue 's only military arts tutor . The General 's historical spear master Chen Guang is never mentioned . Zhou teaches Yue Fei and his sworn brothers military and literary arts from chapters two through five , before his death . | 577 | 1 |
Iron Arm , Golden Sabre was written by Wang Yun Heng and Xiao Yun Long and published in 1986 . This novel , which serves as Zhou 's own fictional biography , a prequel to The Story of Yue Fei because it details his adventures decades prior to taking Yue Fei as his student . It follows his life as a young martial arts instructor in the Song army 's Imperial guard , his struggles against the Xixia and Liao Tartar barbarian tribes and his tutelage of Water Margin outlaws . The last few chapters incorporate the storyline from the four chapters that he appears in The Story of Yue Fei . This was later adapted into a ten volume Lianhuanhua @-@ style comic book called The Legend of Zhou Tong in 1987 . | 578 | 1 |
As he grows older , Zhou becomes dissatisfied with politics because the Imperial court chooses to appease the northern barbarian tribes instead of standing against them . He then devotes himself wholeheartedly to his martial arts practice and creates several official and authoritative techniques including the " five step , thirteen lance piercing kick " , which a development of Shaolin Fanzi boxing , and the " Zhou Tong cudgel . " He makes a concerted effort to transmit his martial efforts while teaching at the Imperial Martial Arts School and formally accepts two disciples : " Jade Unicorn " Lu Junyi and " Panther head " Lin Chong . Lu Junyi a millionaire with vast land holdings and does not hold office , but Lin Chong inherits Zhou 's position after his retirement , and continues to serve as the lead instructor for the 800 @,@ 000 members of the Song army 's Imperial Guard . | 579 | 2 |
The quoted death date is not only unreliable because the book fiction , but also because the Xuan He reign era of Emperor Huizong lasted only seven years ( 1119 – 1125 ) and not seventeen . Although The Story of Yue Fei states Zhou died shortly before Yue took a wife , he historically died after Yue married . It likely that the original author invented this fictional date . | 580 | 2 |
I see that he [ Yue Fei ] is clever and handsome and I , an old man , wish to have him as my adopted son ... He need change neither his name nor his surname . I only want him to call me father temporarily so that I can faithfully transmit all the skills I have learned in my life to a single person . Later , when I die , all he has to do to bury my old bones in the earth and not allow them to be exposed , and that all . | 581 | 2 |
Heroes and religious masters with above normal height a recurring theme in Chinese folklore . For instance , his student Wu Song is said to be over nine feet tall in the same folktale . In The Story of Yue Fei , the General simultaneously duels with two other warriors vying for first place in a military exam ; one is nine feet tall and the other eight feet tall . A Hagiography of the Taoist saint Zhang Daoling states he was over seven feet tall . | 582 | 2 |
When Zhou is vocalized in " Yangzhou storytelling " , he speaks in " Square mouth public talk " , which a manner of speaking reserved for martial heroes , highly respected characters , or , sometimes , lesser characters that pretend to be an important hero . Square mouth public talk actually a mixture of two forms of dialogue : Fangkou and Guanbai . Fangkou ( square mouth ) a manner of steady , yet forceful over pronunciation of dialogue that was possibly influenced by Northern Chinese opera . Guanbai ( public talk ) monologue and dialogue that is sometimes used for " imposing heroes " . This mixture of styles means Zhou Tong is treated as a highly regarded hero . | 583 | 4 |
The Water Margin ( c . 1400 ) a Ming Dynasty military romance about one hundred and eight demons @-@ born @-@ men and women who band together to rebel against the lavish Song Dynasty government . Lin Chong and Lu Junyi , two of these outlaws , are briefly mentioned as being Zhou 's previous students in The Story of Yue Fei . They are not characters within the main plot , though , as both are killed by " villainous officials " prior to Zhou becoming precept of the Wang household . Most importantly , the two were not among his historical students since they fictional characters . | 584 | 2 |
Zhou 's portrayal as their teacher is connected to a recurring element in Chinese fiction where Tang and Song Dynasty heroes train under a " celestial master " , usually a Taoist immortal , prior to their military exploits . C.T. Hsia suggests the mold from which all other similar teachers are cast is Guiguzi , master of the feuding strategists Sun Bin and Pang Juan , from the Yuan Dynasty tale Latter Volume of the Spring and Autumn Annals of the Seven Kingdoms ( 七國春秋後集 ) . Hsia goes on to say that Qian Cai , Yue 's fictional biographer , associated Zhou with the outlaws because " most such teachers [ in the military romance genre ] celestials " with at least two students . But in adopting this format , Qian reversed the traditional pattern of " celestial tutelage " since Zhou is written as a human , while his students reincarnations of demons ( Lin and Lu ) and the celestial bird Garuda ( Yue Fei ) . | 585 | 2 |
Wang 's tale portrays Zhou as an aging itinerant swordmaster with " a fame reverberating like thunder " throughout the underworld society of Jianghu . He is made the sworn brother of the outlaw " Flowery Monk " Lu Zhishen , a military officer @-@ turned @-@ fighting monk , who , according to Hsia , first among the most popular protagonists of the Water Margin . He is also given the nickname " Iron Arm " ( 铁臂膀 ) , which carried over into the title of his fictional biography Iron Arm , Golden Sabre . While the tale fails to explain the reason for the moniker , it does mention Zhou 's ability to direct his qi to any part of his body to make it hard enough to overpower the " Iron shirt " technique of another martial artist . Furthermore , Zhou shares the same nickname with Cai Fu , an executioner @-@ turned @-@ outlaw known for his ease in wielding a heavy sword . | 586 | 1 |
Because of his association with these outlaws , Zhou is often confused with the similarly named outlaw " Little Conqueror " Zhou Tong . In the Water Margin , this Zhou Tong a bandit chief of Mount Peach Blossom whom Lu Zhishen beats for trying to forcibly marry the daughter of the Liu family . He dies later under the sword of Li Tianrun , an officer in the rebel army of Fang La . So , the connection between both Zhou 's is based solely on the romanized transcription of their name . | 587 | 1 |
Books written by modern @-@ day martial artists make many claims that are not congruent with historical documents or current scholarly thought . For instance , internalist Yang Jwing @-@ Ming says Zhou was a scholar who studied martial arts in the Shaolin Monastery and later took Yue as his student after the young man worked as a tenant farmer for the official @-@ general Han Qi ( 韓琦 , 1008 – 1075 ) . During this time , he learned all types of military weapons , horseback riding , and hand @-@ to @-@ hand combat . The General later created Xingyi and Eagle Claw boxing from his internal and external training under Zhou . However , history Prof. Meir Shahar notes that unarmed boxing styles did not develop at Shaolin until the late Ming Dynasty . He also states that Ji family memoirs and Qing Dynasty records suggest Xingyi was created hundreds of years after the death of Yue by a spearplayer named Ji Jike ( fl . 1651 ) . In addition , the appearance of Han Qi in the story a chronological anachronism since he died nearly 30 years before Yue 's birth . Yue historically worked as a tenant farmer and bodyguard for descendants of Han Qi in 1124 after leaving the military upon the death of his father in late 1122 , but he learned from Zhou well before this time . | 588 | 1 |
Stories including Zhou have also been used to educate . The Secondary School system of Hong Kong teaches children the value of mentorship by making them read about the close teacher @-@ pupil relationship between Zhou and Yue . A morale tale called " Yue Fei Studies Archery " in Children 's Pictorial , a Chinese magazine tailored for children ages two through seven , demonstrates how great achievements are only made possible via diligent practice . The story states how young Yue stumbles upon Zhou 's training hall in a neighboring town while gathering fire wood . Yue applies to become a student , but Zhou tells him he must first practice the art of the " far @-@ sighted person " by staring into the morning sun to improve his eyesight . After years of unrelenting practice , Yue able to spot a lone goose flying off in the distance and two cicadas on a tree far into the forest . Zhou then officially takes him as his disciple and adopted son . Under his tutelage , Yue able to master the eighteen weapons of war and to shoot a falling leaf from one @-@ hundred paces away . | 589 | 2 |
Screen actors who have portrayed Zhou in film 's from the 1940s and 1960s include Wong Sau Nin , Li Ming , and Jing Ci Bo . Jing starred alongside a ten @-@ year @-@ old Sammo Hung , who played young Yue Fei . Veteran martial arts actor Yu Chenghui , who played the sword @-@ wielding antagonist in Jet Li 's Shaolin Temple , stated in a 2005 newspaper interview that he never shaved his trademark beard , even at the request of movie producers , because he wanted to portray Zhou in a future film . He went on to say " He is an outstandingly able person from the northern and southern Song Dynasties and many Water Margin heroes are his disciples . This person very important in the martial arts and many people want to portray him in films " . | 590 | 1 |
The Romanian Land Forces ( Romanian : Forțele Terestre Române ) the army of Romania , and the main component of the Romanian Armed Forces . In recent years , full professionalisation and a major equipment overhaul have transformed the nature of the force . | 591 | 1 |
The Romanian military is undergoing a three @-@ stage restructuring . As of 2007 , the first short @-@ term stage was completed ( reorganisation of the command system , implementation of the voluntary military service ) . The year 2015 marks the end of the second stage ( operational integration in NATO and EU ) , while 2025 the date when the long @-@ term stage to be completed ( full technical integration in NATO and EU ) . The stages aim at modernising the structure of the armed forces , reducing the personnel as well as acquiring newer and improved technology that compatible with NATO standards . | 592 | 3 |
In peacetime , the commander of the land forces the minister of defense , while in wartime , the President of Romania becomes the supreme commander of the armed forces . The main combat formations of Romania the 2nd Infantry Division Getica , and the 4th Infantry Division Gemina . Until 2015 the Romanian land forces fielded a third division , namely the 1st Division Dacia . Before June 2008 , the 1st and 4th divisions were known as the 1st Territorial Army Corps and the 4th Territorial Army Corps and in turn they used to be called the 1st Army and 4th Army prior to 2000 . However due to their personnel having been reduced considerably in order to reach compatibility with NATO standards they were renamed and reorganized as divisions . In 2010 , the Joint HQ command was renamed as 2nd Infantry Division Getica and received units from the 1st and the 4th Infantry divisions . | 593 | 2 |
The current chief of the Romanian Land Forces Staff Major General Nicolae Ciucă , who succeeded Major General Mircea Savu on 7 January 2014 . The Land Forces official day is celebrated each year , on 23 April . | 594 | 1 |
The Romanian Land Forces have completely overhauled their equipment in the past few years , replacing it with a more modern one . The TR @-@ 85M1 " Bizon " main battle tank and the MLI @-@ 84M " Jder " infantry fighting vehicle the most modern native made equipment of the Romanian Land Forces . Also , 43 ex @-@ German Gepard anti @-@ aircraft systems were commissioned in late @-@ 2004 . | 595 | 1 |
The most famous and well trained unit the 1st Special Operations Battalion " Vulturii " , which was legally created in late 2005 , after several batches of graduates had already been selected . Members of the special forces battalion have benefitted from courses abroad , such as the US Army Special Forces ( Green Berets ) course , the United States Marine Corps Force Recon course , as well as other courses . The Special Forces battalion became fully operational during 2007 , after a company had already been commissioned in early @-@ 2006 . | 596 | 1 |
DIR , Rapid Intervention Squad of the Romanian Ministry of Defense an elite special operations unit currently belonging to the Romanian Military Police . It a special unit inside the military , formed of highly skilled individuals , a very large percentage of its members being champions in martial arts , kickboxing , athletic disciplines and so on . DIR was , until December 2003 , top secret . | 597 | 2 |
In the past few years , lots of training exercises took place in Romania with other Balkan or Allied countries . Most of these exercises took place at Babadag , which one of the largest and most modern training firing ranges and military facilities in Europe , with a total surface area of 270 square kilometres . It was announced on December 6 , 2006 that 1 @,@ 500 U.S. troops stationed at Mihail Kogălniceanu , which in time will form Joint Task Force East , will be using Babadag as a training base . | 598 | 1 |
Not Quite Hollywood : The Wild , Untold Story of Ozploitation ! a 2008 Australian documentary film about the Australian New Wave of 1970s and ' 80s low @-@ budget cinema . The film was written and directed by Mark Hartley , who interviewed over eighty Australian , American and British actors , directors , screenwriters and producers , including Quentin Tarantino , Brian Trenchard @-@ Smith , Jamie Lee Curtis , Dennis Hopper , George Lazenby , George Miller , Barry Humphries , Stacy Keach and John Seale . | 599 | 1 |