--- license: cc-by-4.0 task_categories: - text-to-video language: - en --- # FETV **FETV** is a benchmark for **F**ine-grained **E**valuation of open-domain **T**ext-to-**V**ideo generation ## Overview FETV consist of a diverse set of text prompts, categorized based on three orthogonal aspects: major content, attribute control, and prompt complexity. ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances All FETV data are all available in the file `fetv_data.json`. Each line is a data instance, which is formatted as: ``` { "video_id": 1006807024, "prompt": "A mountain stream", "major content": { "spatial": ["scenery & natural objects"], "temporal": ["fluid motions"] }, "attribute control": { "spatial": null, "temporal": null }, "prompt complexity": ["simple"], "source": "WebVid", "video_url": "https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1006807024/preview/stock-footage-a-mountain-stream.mp4" } ``` ### Data Fields * "video_id": The video identifier in the original dataset where the prompt comes from. * "prompt": The text prompt for text-to-video generation. * "major content": The major content described in the prompt. * "attribute control": The attribute that the prompt aims to control. * "prompt complexity": The complexity of the prompt. * "source": The original dataset where the prompt comes from, which can be "WebVid", "MSRVTT" or "ours". * "video_url": The url link of the reference video. ### Dataset Statistics FETV contains 619 text prompts. The data distributions over different categories are as follows (the numbers over categories do not sum up to 619 because a data instance can belong to multiple categories)