--- language: - en tags: - comfyui - template - workflow --- Drag and Drop Template.JSON / Template.PNG into ComfyUI browser interface to load the template! # Notes: For SDXL_tidy-workflow-template.json (THE SIMPLE ONE, modified from ComfyUI official repo), you could use it as is, it only need Base and Refiner models of SDXL. For SDXL_tidy-SAIstyle-LoRA-VAE-workflow-template_rev3.json, it requires custom node and file requirements: 1. "SDXL Prompt Sytler" dropdown menu (install sdxl prompt styler first, by open command prompt from this folder \ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ then use this command "git clone https://github.com/twri/sdxl_prompt_styler.git") 2. LoRA selector, (needs a SDXL LoRA file, for example, download SDXL LoRA example from [StabilityAI](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0/resolve/main/sd_xl_offset_example-lora_1.0.safetensors), put into ComfyUI\models\lora\) 3. VAE selector, (needs a VAE file, download default VAE from [StabilityAI](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sdxl-vae/resolve/main/sdxl_vae.safetensors), put into \ComfyUI\models\vae\), just in case in the future there's better VAE or mandatory VAE for some models, use this selector 4. Restart ComfyUI For SDXL_tidy-SAIstyle-LoRA-VAE-workflow-template_rev3.json, prompt is now minimalistic (both positive and negative), because art style and other enhancement is selected via SDXL Prompt Styler dropdown menu. So you could create so many style easily, without need to remembering custom prompt for specific art style. There's 3 style you could combine. I usualy put the top one for "sai-enhance" as a replacement for "masterpiece, highest quality, etc", second one is the main style, third one is another, or leaving it as blank one "sai-base". # SDXL_tidy-workflow-template.json ![SDXL_tidy-workflow-preview.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64c65341e77ea9f28151a4e6/2kGzbsFajZtrAsrOB53l5.png) # SDXL_tidy-SAIstyle-LoRA-VAE-workflow-template_rev3.json ![SDXL_tidy-SAIstyle-LoRA-VAE-workflow-preview_rev3.png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64c65341e77ea9f28151a4e6/-yAcsAxrG-Ef21b_E2Z_C.png)