150 values
45 values
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 7 8 e54,5,,,,d575,5, O0 7 8 e53,e57,,,,d537,d5a7, I1 9 7 5,,,b54c57,5,, O1 9 7 7,,,b53c53,5,, I2 9 12 5,,,,,b54d5,5,,,,,g57 O2 9 12 7,,5g7,a5f7,b5e7,b53d7,c5d7,d5c7,e5b7,f5a7,g57,g53 I3 6 7 5,d54,5,,,b57a5,5 O3 6 7 5,d53,d57,,c5a7,b53a7,b5b7 I4T 12 5 5,,57g545,5, O4T None I5T 8 11 5,,f57,5,,,,,e545,5, O5T None
8 11 7,,f73,f75,,,,,e735,e7a5,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 9 5 9,,,,a92b96a9 O0 9 5 4,,,,a42b42a4 I1 7 12 9,,,b92b9,9,,,d969,9,,, O1 7 12 a3d4,,b3c4,b32b4,c3b4,,d3a4,d324,e34,,3, I2 10 9 9,,,e96b9,9,,,,a92f9 O2 10 9 h43,g4a3,f4b3,e42b3,e4c3,d4d3,c4e3,b4f3,a42f3 I3T 10 5 b92e9,9,,,c96d9 O3T None I4T 5 6 9,,92b9,9,,a96a9 O4T None
5 6 3c4,,32b4,a3b4,,a32a4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 8 3,,,,d32d3,3,, O0 11 8 7,,,,d04d0,0,, I1 5 5 3,,c32,3, O1 5 5 7,,c04,0, I2 6 5 3,a32b3,3,, O2 6 5 7,a04b0,0,, I3T 12 9 3,,,2j3,3,,,, O3T None I4T 7 5 3,,,b32b3,3 O4T None
7 5 7,,,b04b0,0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 6 0,,,,07e0,0 O0 8 6 2f9,,,,24e9,2f9 I1 7 11 0,,c07a0,0,,,,,,, O1 7 11 c2b9,,c24a9,c2b9,,,,,,, I2 7 8 0,,,,b07b0,0,, O2 7 8 b2c9,,,,b24b9,b2c9,, I3 10 11 e07b0,0,,,,,,,,, O3 10 11 e24b9,e2c9,,,,,,,,, I4T 6 11 0,a07b0,0,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 7 0,,07e0,0,,, O5T None
6 11 a2c9,a24b9,a2c9,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 12 10 8,,9j8,8,,,,,, O0 12 10 1,,3j2,2,,,,,, I1 12 12 8,,,,,89i8,8,,,,, O1 12 12 1,,,,,23i2,2,,,,, I2 6 6 8,,,,b89a8,8 O2 6 6 1,,,,b23a2,2 I3T 8 10 8,,,,,,,,,e898 O3T None
8 10 1,,,,,,,,,e232
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 5 11 4,,,,b494,4,,,,, O0 5 11 1,9c1,a9b1,b9a1,b931,9,,,,, I1 5 11 4,,,,,,,c49,4,, O1 5 11 1,,,9c1,a9b1,b9a1,c91,c93,9,, I2 7 9 a49c4,4,,,,,,, O2 7 9 a93c1,c9b1,d9a1,e91,9,,,, I3T 6 5 4,,,,9d4 O3T None
6 5 1,,,,3d1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 12 5,,,,,,,,,,,59b58 O0 6 12 0,,,,,,,,,,,82b82 I1 7 8 5,,,,d595,5,,b58b5 O1 7 8 8,,,e80,d820,d8a0,c8b0,b82b0 I2 11 6 g59a5,5,,i58,5, O2 11 6 g82a0,h8a0,i80,i82,8, I3T 7 12 59b585,5,,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 6 6 8d5,5,d59,5,, O4T None
6 6 2d8,b0b8,d02,0,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 12 1,,,,,,,15e1,1,,,d10a1 O0 8 12 9,,,,,,2f9,28e9,b2d9,c2c9,d2b9,d28a9 I1 8 7 1,,,,15e1,1,0f1 O1 8 7 c2c9,b2d9,,a2e9,28e9,2f9,8f9 I2 10 8 1,,,,g151,g101,1, O2 10 8 h29,,,,g289,,h29, I3 6 5 1,b10a1,1,,15c1 O3 6 5 c9a2,b98a2,b9b2,a9c2,98c2 I4T 7 9 1,,,,,a10c1,1,15d1,1 O4T None I5T 8 11 1,,,,b15c1,1,,,,10e1,1 O5T None
7 9 d9a2,c9b2,,b9c2,,a98c2,a9d2,98d2,9e2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 7 5 c08a0,0,,, O0 7 5 c51a5,5,,, I1 8 5 0,,08e0,0, O1 8 5 6,,51e5,5, I2 5 9 0,a08a0,0,,,,,, O2 5 9 6,a51a5,5,,,,,, I3T 11 12 0,,,,,,,d08d0,0,,, O3T None I4T 11 8 0,,,,,,,c08e0 O4T None
11 12 6,,,,,,,d51d5,5,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 5 10 2,5c2,2,c21,2,,,,, O0 5 10 7,5c7,a9b7,c95,9,,,,, I1 5 5 2,,a2521,2, O1 5 5 7,,a7575,9, I2 5 10 21b2,c25,2,,,,,,, O2 5 10 75b9,c75,7,,,,,,, I3T 8 8 2,1f2,2,,,5f2,2, O3T None I4T 11 9 2,,,,1a25f2,2,,, O4T None
11 9 9,,,,5a75f7,7,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 10 c80c8,8,,,,,,,,f828 O0 9 10 c05c9,d0c9,,e0b9,,,f0a9,,,f059 I1 5 12 8,,,,,,,,82b8,8,,80b8 O1 5 12 9c0,,,,,,,,95b0,9c0,,95b0 I2 11 5 8,,d80d8,8,d82d8 O2 11 5 e0d9,,d05d9,e0d9,d05d9 I3 7 10 c82a8,8,,,,,b80b8,8,, O3 7 10 c95a0,c9b0,,,,,b95b0,b9c0,, I4T 9 5 8,,,e82a8,b80d8 O4T None I5T 9 6 8,,,0g8,d82b8,8 O5T None
9 5 9,,,e95a0,b95d0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 11 9,,97e9,9,,,,,,, O0 8 11 7,0f7,06e7,b0d7,c0c7,d0b7,e0a7,f07,0,, I1 10 8 9,,,,,f97a9,9, O1 10 8 b0f7,c0e7,d0d7,e0c7,f0b7,f06a7,h07,0 I2 10 5 9,,,7h9,9 O2 10 5 7,,,6h7,a0g7 I3T 6 7 9,,d97,9,,, O3T None I4T 12 8 9,,,,,a97h9,9, O4T None
6 7 c0a7,d07,d06,0,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 12 11 2,,,,,d28e2,27i2,2,,, O0 12 11 5,,,,h5b7,d59e7,59i7,7,,, I1 10 12 2,,8g27,2,,,,,,,, O1 10 12 7,,9g79,5,,,,,,,, I2 12 11 2,,,j28,2,,,,,h27a2,2 O2 12 11 5,,,j59,j57,,i5a7,,,h59a7,h5b7 I3 12 10 2,,7j2,2,,,,,i282,2 O3 12 10 5,,9j5,a7i5,c7g5,e7e5,f7d5,h7b5,i795,7 I4T 12 7 2,,,,c27e28,2, O4T None I5T 8 8 2,,,,,b27c2,2,d28a2 O5T None
8 8 5,,7f5,a7e5,b7d5,b79c5,d7b5,d79a5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 7 8,,84d8,8,a86c8,8, O0 7 7 8e3,,84d3,a8d3,a84c3,b8c3,c8b3 I1 8 5 8,c86b8,d84a8,8, O1 8 5 b3d8,c34b8,d34a8,e3a8,f38 I2 9 11 8,e84a8,8,c86c8,8,,,,,, O2 9 11 g83,e84a3,e8b3,c84c3,c8d3,b8e3,a8f3,8g3,3,, I3 7 8 e84,8,e86,8,,,, O3 7 8 e84,8,e84,8,,,, I4T 5 12 a84a8,8,,,,,6c8,8,,,, O4T None
5 12 a84a3,a8b3,,,8c3,,4c3,3,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 9 7,,,,,76e7,7,, O0 8 9 e1a9,d1b9,c1c9,b1d9,a1e9,18e9,9,, I1 6 7 7,,,,,d76,7 O1 6 7 1,,,,,d18,c1a9 I2 6 8 7,,,,,,,a76b7 O2 6 8 1,,,,d19,c1a9,b1b9,a18b9 I3 5 5 7,,c76,7, O3 5 5 1,,c18,b1a9,a1b9 I4T 9 11 7,,,,,,,,,,c76c7 O4T None I5T 7 8 7,,,,,,e76,7 O5T None
9 11 1,,,,,,g19,f1a9,e1b9,d1c9,c18c9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 12 9 2,,,,,d26e2,2,, O0 12 9 i9a6,h9b6,g9c6,f9d6,e9e6,d97e6,c9g6,b9h6,a9i6 I1 8 8 b26c2,2,,,,,, O1 8 8 b97c6,a9e6,9f6,6,,,, I2 11 11 2,,,,,,,b26f2,2,, O2 11 11 i96,h9a6,g9b6,f9c6,e9d6,d9e6,c9f6,b97f6,a9h6,9i6,6 I3T 8 12 2,,,,,,,,d26a2,2,, O3T None I4T 5 8 2,,,,6c2,2,, O4T None
8 12 9,,,,,,f96,e9a6,d97a6,c9c6,b9d6,a9e6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 7 9,,,,d95,9, O0 6 7 8,,,,d04,0, I1 6 5 9,,,c959,9 O1 6 5 8,,,c040,0 I2 9 6 9,,,,e95a9,9 O2 9 6 8,,,,e04a0,0 I3 11 10 9,,,,,d95d9,9,,, O3 11 10 8,,,,,d04d0,0,,, I4T 7 11 9,,,,,,,a95c9,9,, O4T None I5T 9 12 9,,,,,,e95a9,9,,,, O5T None
7 11 8,,,,,,,a04c0,0,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, O3T, predict image
I0 11 10 1,,,,,,,d14d1,1,f17b1 O0 11 10 2,,,9i2,a9h2,b9g2,c9f2,d91d2,e9d2,f91b2 I1 11 8 f14b1,1,i17,1,,,, O1 11 8 f91b2,h9a2,i91,9,,,, I2 9 11 1,,,,,,e17a1,g14,1,, O2 9 11 9,,,2g9,b2e9,d2c9,e21a9,g21,2,, I3T 8 11 1,,,c14b1,1,,,,,,7f1 O3T None I4T 9 11 1,,,,,,,a1417c1,1,, O4T None
8 11 e9a2,,d9b2,c91b2,c9c2,b9d2,,a9e2,,9f2,1f2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 6 9 1,,,17c1,1,,,, O0 6 9 6,,3d6,38c6,b3b6,c3a6,d36,3, I1 11 10 b17f1,1,,,,,,,, O1 11 10 b38f6,d3e6,e3d6,f3c6,g3b6,h3a6,i36,3,, I2 9 11 1,,,c17c1,1,,,,,, O2 9 11 a3f6,b3e6,c3d6,c38c6,e3b6,f3a6,g36,3,,, I3T 12 11 1,,,,,,,,,7j1,1 O3T None I4T 7 5 1,,,7e1,1 O4T None
12 11 6,,,,,,,,,8j6,a3i6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O5T
I0 8 11 0,,,,8f0,0,,,,, O0 8 11 8,,,,7f0,0,,,,, I1 8 12 0,,,,,,,,,,b08c0,0 O1 8 12 8,,,,,,,,,,b07c0,0 I2 11 5 0,,,b08f0,0 O2 11 5 8,,,b07f0,0 I3 12 8 0,,d08e0,0,,,, O3 12 8 8,,d07e0,0,,,, I4T 9 8 0,,,,c08c0,0,, O4T None I5T 6 9 0,,,,,,,,08c0 O5T None
6 9 8,,,,,,,,07c0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 5 b57a5,5,0d5,5, O0 6 5 b05a1,a0c1,5d1,1, I1 6 9 5,,,d57,5,,,,50c5 O1 6 9 0,,,d05,d01,c0a1,b0b1,a0c1,05c1 I2 12 11 5,,,f57c5,5,d50e5,5,,,, O2 12 11 j01,i0a1,h0b1,f05c1,f0d1,d05e1,d0f1,c0g1,b0h1,a0i1,0j1 I3 5 7 5,,,,,c57,0c5 O3 5 7 0,,,,,c05,5c1 I4T 9 8 5,g50,5,,,,e57a5,5 O4T None
9 8 1,g15,g10,,f1a0,,e15a0,e1b0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 12 7 3,,,,,j39,i313 O0 12 7 0,,,,,j08,i081 I1 11 11 3,,,,,,g31a3,3,,,b39f3 O1 11 11 1,,,,,i10,g18a0,f1c0,e1d0,d1e0,b18f0 I2 12 10 3,j39,3,,,,,,,g31b3 O2 12 10 0,j08,j01,,i0a1,,,h0b1,,g08b1 I3 9 8 3,,,,a39e3,a31e3,3, O3 9 8 a0f1,,,,a08e1,,a0f1, I4T 6 7 3,d39,3,,,d31,3 O4T None I5T 12 8 3,39i3,3,,,31i3,3, O5T None
12 8 0j1,08i1,0j1,,,08i1,0j1,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O5T
I0 6 5 4,,,c464,4 O0 6 5 1,,d14,c174,b1b4 I1 11 6 4,,b46f4,4,, O1 11 6 d1e4,c1f4,b17f4,a1h4,1i4,4 I2 10 11 b46e4,4,,,,,,,,, O2 10 11 b17e4,a1g4,1h4,4,,,,,,, I3 6 8 4,,,,,,,c464 O3 6 8 1,,,,,,d14,c174 I4T 6 10 4,,,,,,,,6d4,4 O4T None I5T 8 6 4,46e4,4,,, O5T None
8 6 a1e4,17e4,4,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, O4T, predict image
I0 11 5 6,67h6,6,, O0 11 5 5i6,54h6,5i6,, I1 9 10 6,,,,,,,g67,6, O1 9 10 g56,,,,,,,g54,g56, I2 9 12 6,,,,,,,c67c6,6,,, O2 9 12 c5d6,,,,,,,c54c6,c5d6,,, I3T 8 8 6,,,,,f67,6, O3T None I4T 7 7 6,,,d676,6,, O4T None
7 7 d5a6,,,d546,d5a6,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 11 1,,,,,,,,,19h1,1 O0 11 11 2,,,,,,,,6i2,61h2,b6g2 I1 12 8 1,,,,j19,1,, O1 12 8 g6c2,h6b2,i6a2,j62,j61,6,, I2 7 7 1,,,a19c1,1,, O2 7 7 2,6e2,a6d2,a61c2,c6b2,d6a2,e62 I3 7 11 e19,1,,,,,,,,, O3 7 11 e61,6,,,,,,,,, I4T 10 6 1,e19b1,1,,, O4T None I5T 5 6 1,9c1,1,,, O5T None
10 6 e6c2,e61b2,g6a2,h62,6,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 10 6 0,,c05d0,0,g010,0 O0 10 6 7,a4g7,c42d7,e4c7,g427,4 I1 9 6 b01d0,g05,0,,, O1 9 6 b72d4,g72,7,,, I2 11 12 0,,,c05e0,0,,,,f01b0,0,, O2 11 12 b4g7,,c4f7,c42e7,d4e7,e4d7,,f4c7,f42b7,g4b7,h4a7, I3T 10 6 0,h05,f01a0,0,, O3T None
10 6 4,h42,f42a7,d4d7,b4f7,4h7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 5 1,,16e1,1,17e1 O0 8 5 a9e4,,96e4,a9e4,96e4 I1 12 8 1,,,,c16f1,1,,17i1 O1 12 8 h9b4,g9c4,f9d4,e9e4,c96f4,c9g4,b9h4,96i4 I2 10 12 1,b16e1,1,,,,b17e1,1,,,, O2 10 12 c9e4,b96e4,c9e4,,,,b96e4,c9e4,,,, I3T 11 5 1,,g1716,1, O3T None
11 5 9,,g9696,4,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 12 8 2,,,,,,,f28c2 O0 12 8 f9d3,,,,,,,f96c3 I1 12 5 2,,,,j28 O1 12 5 j93,,,,j96 I2 10 6 2,,,,,f28a2 O2 10 6 f9b3,,,,,f96a3 I3 8 8 2,,d28a2,2,,,, O3 8 8 d9b3,,d96a3,d9b3,,,, I4T 11 9 2,,28h2,2,,,,, O4T None I5T 6 6 2,b28a2,2,,, O5T None
6 6 b9b3,b96a3,b9b3,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 12 6 d36e3,3,,,4j3,3 O0 12 6 d79e5,c7g5,b7h5,a7i5,9j5,5 I1 11 6 3,,c34c363,3,, O1 11 6 7,,c59c595,5,, I2 7 11 3,,,,e34,3,,,36d3,3, O2 7 11 5,,,,e59,d5a7,c5b7,b5c7,59d7,7, I3T 8 5 3,,,6f3,b34c3 O3T None
8 5 5,,,9f5,b79c5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 9 b25b2,2,,,,d212,2,, O0 7 9 b07b5,c0b5,,d0a5,,d075,e05,,0 I1 5 12 2,,,,,,,c25,2,c21,2, O1 5 12 0,,,,,,,c07,0,c07,0, I2 6 8 1d2,2,,c252,2,,, O2 6 8 7d0,a5c0,b5b0,c570,5,,, I3 10 5 b21e2,2,,,d25c2 O3 10 5 b57e0,c5e0,,d5d0,d57c0 I4T 5 12 2,,,,21b2,2,,,c25,2,, O4T None
5 12 0,,,5c0,57b0,a5b0,b5a0,c50,c57,5,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 11 12 6,,,,,,,,c62e6,6,c68e6,6 O0 11 12 c3f1,,,,,,,,c39e1,c3f1,c39e1,c3f1 I1 12 12 6,,,,,,b68g6,6,2j6,6,, O1 12 12 1,j13,i1a3,g1c3,f1d3,d1f3,b19g3,a1i3,9j3,3,, I2 6 11 6,,d62,6,8d6,6,,,,, O2 6 11 3,,d39,b3b1,9d1,1,,,,, I3 10 6 6,,g686,e62b6,6, O3 10 6 1,,g193,e19b3,d1d3,b1f3 I4T 11 5 6,e68c6,6,,62h6 O4T None
11 5 g1b3,e19c3,d1e3,b1g3,19h3
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 10 10 4,c45d4,4,,,,,,, O0 10 10 c6e2,c69d2,c6e2,,,,,,, I1 5 12 4,,,,,,,,c45,4,, O1 5 12 c62,,,,,,,,c69,c62,, I2 12 12 4,,,,,,,,,,d45e4,4 O2 12 12 d6f2,,,,,,,,,,d69e2,d6f2 I3T 8 7 4,,c45b4,4,,, O3T None
8 7 c6c2,,c69b2,c6c2,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 12 6 b72e767,7,,,, O0 12 6 b56e565,2,,,, I1 10 12 7,,,f76a7,7,g727,7,,,,, O1 10 12 e5c2,f5b2,,f56a2,g5a2,g562,h52,5,,,, I2 10 5 g767,e72b7,7,, O2 10 5 g562,e56b2,d5d2,b5f2,5h2 I3 10 12 7,,b72e7,7,,,,,,,,e76b7 O3 10 12 b2f5,,b26e5,c2e5,,,d2d5,,,e2c5,,e26b5 I4T 5 8 7,,b767,7,,,b727,7 O4T None I5T 5 12 7,,,c76,7,,,,,72b7,7, O5T None
5 12 5,,,c56,c52,,b5a2,,a5b2,56b2,5c2,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 7 9,,0c9,9,,,b929 O0 5 7 4,,3c4,0c4,a0b4,b0a4,b034 I1 10 7 9,,2h9,9,,c90d9,9 O1 10 7 0,,3h0,a4g0,b4f0,c43d0,e4c0 I2 12 7 9,,90i9,9,,d92e9,9 O2 12 7 4,,03i4,b0h4,c0g4,d03e4,f0d4 I3T 10 10 g909,9,,,,,,,,2h9 O3T None I4T 10 12 9,,0h9,9,,a92f9,9,,,,, O4T None
10 12 4,,3h4,0h4,a0g4,a03f4,b0f4,c0e4,d0d4,,e0c4,f0b4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 10 5 a45b43b4,4,,, O0 10 5 a10b10b1,5,,, I1 9 8 5g4,4,,,,c43c4,4, O1 9 8 0g1,5g1,a5f1,b5e1,c5d1,c50c1,d5c1,e5b1 I2 10 6 4,b45e4,4,,a43f4,4 O2 10 6 c5e1,b50e1,b5f1,,a50f1,a5g1 I3 10 5 4,e43b4,c45d4,4, O3 10 5 h15,e10b5,c10d5,b1f5,1h5 I4T 8 8 4,,,,,b45c4,b43c4,4 O4T None I5T 9 7 4,,,e45a4,4,,43f4 O5T None
9 7 5,,g51,e50a1,d5c1,b5e1,50f1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O5T, predict image
I0 10 12 9,,,,,,,,h92,9,,g969 O0 10 12 4,,,,,,,,h48,h45,,g485 I1 7 7 6e9,9,,,,,2e9 O1 7 7 8e4,5e4,,,,,8e4 I2 5 10 96b9,9,b929,9,,,,,, O2 5 10 58b4,b5a4,b584,5,,,,,, I3 5 9 9,,,c96,9,92b9,9,, O3 5 9 5,,,c58,b5a4,58b4,4,, I4T 6 11 9,,,,,,92c9,9,,,c969 O4T None I5T 8 8 f96,9,,,c92b9,9,, O5T None
8 8 f58,f54,e5a4,d5b4,c58b4,c5c4,b5d4,a5e4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 7 5 a57c5,c51a5,5,, O0 7 5 a03c2,c03a2,0,, I1 12 9 5,,,f51c5,5,,f57c5,5, O1 12 9 f2d0,,,f23c0,f2d0,,f23c0,f2d0, I2 5 11 5,,7c5,5,,,,,,,a51a5 O2 5 11 2,,3c2,0c2,,,a0b2,,,,a03a2 I3 12 9 5,57i5,d51e5,5,,,,, O3 12 9 2,03i2,d03e2,i0a2,0,,,, I4T 6 5 5,,,57c5,b51a5 O4T None I5T 7 11 5,,,,,,,57d5,5,e51,5 O5T None
7 11 2,,,,,,,03d2,c0b2,e03,0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 11 12 6,,,,f63b6,6,,,,,, O0 11 12 c0f2,d0e2,e0d2,f0c2,f09b2,h0a2,i02,0,,,, I1 8 12 c63b6,6,,,,,,,,,, O1 8 12 c09b2,e0a2,f02,0,,,,,,,, I2 7 11 6,,,,,,,,,e63,6 O2 7 11 2,,,0e2,a0d2,b0c2,c0b2,d0a2,e02,e09,0 I3T 6 12 6,,,,c636,6,,,,,, O3T None
6 12 0d2,a0c2,b0b2,c0a2,c092,0,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 10 9 8,,,b83e8,8,,,, O0 10 9 0h7,a0g7,b0f7,b05e7,d0d7,e0c7,f0b7,g0a7,h07 I1 5 9 8,,,,,,a83a8,8, O1 5 9 7,,,,0c7,a0b7,a05a7,c07,0 I2 5 5 8,,3c8,8, O2 5 5 7,,5c7,a0b7,b0a7 I3 5 5 8,,a83a8,8, O3 5 5 0c7,a0b7,a05a7,c07,0 I4T 12 12 8,,,,,,g83b8,8,,,, O4T None I5T 8 8 8,,,c83b8,8,,, O5T None
12 12 b0h7,c0g7,d0f7,e0e7,f0d7,g0c7,g05b7,i0a7,j07,0,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 12 6 9,93e95b9,9,,, O0 12 6 8,53e53b5,5,,, I1 6 11 9,b95a9,9,,,,93c9,9,,, O1 6 11 c8a5,b83a5,b8b5,,a8c5,,83c5,8d5,,5, I2 10 12 9,,,,,f9593,9,,,,, O2 10 12 5,,,,,f5353,8,,,,, I3T 7 10 9,,b93b9,b95b9,9,,,,, O3T None
7 10 c5b8,,b53b8,,c5b8,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 5 5 9,,,,c98 O0 5 5 c20,,,,c24 I1 6 9 9,,c989,9,,,,, O1 6 9 c2a0,,c240,c2a0,,,,, I2 5 5 98b9,9,,, O2 5 5 24b0,2c0,,, I3 11 7 9,,,,,,a98g9 O3 11 7 a2h0,,,,,,a24g0 I4T 7 9 9,,,,,,,,a98c9 O4T None I5T 9 8 a98e9,9,,,,,, O5T None
9 8 a24e0,a2f0,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 5 12 1,,,,,,13b1,1,,,, O0 5 12 6,,,c65,b6a5,a6b5,60b5,5,,,, I1 11 6 1,,,,h131,1 O1 11 6 6,,,i65,h605,g6b5 I2 11 9 c13e1,1,,,,,,, O2 11 9 c60e5,b6g5,a6h5,6i5,5,,,, I3T 12 5 1,,,,d13e1 O3T None
12 5 h6b5,g6c5,f6d5,e6e5,d60e5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 6 4,b47b4,c49a4,4,, O0 7 6 a8d2,b87b2,c87a2,d8a2,e82,8 I1 10 11 4,,,,d47c4,4,,,,,d49c4 O1 10 11 d8d2,,,,d87c2,d8d2,,,,,d87c2 I2 12 12 4,,,,,,i474,e49d4,4,,, O2 12 12 8,,,,,,i872,e87d2,a8i2,2,, I3 9 11 4,,,,,,c49a474,4,,, O3 9 11 8,,,,,,c27a272,2,,, I4T 6 12 4,a49b4,4,,,,,,,,,7d4 O4T None
6 12 b2b8,a27b8,a2c8,,,,,2d8,,,,7d8
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 7 5 07d0,0,,, O0 7 5 72d0,b7c0,c7b0,d7a0,e70 I1 9 12 0,,,,,,,,,c07c0,0, O1 9 12 0,,,,,7g0,a7f0,b7e0,c7d0,c72c0,e7b0,f7a0 I2 5 6 0,,,c07,0, O2 5 6 a7b0,b7a0,c70,c72,7, I3 9 9 f070,0,,,,,,, O3 9 9 f720,7,,,,,,, I4T 9 10 0,,,,,g07,0,,, O4T None I5T 5 7 0,,,,,,07b0 O5T None
5 7 0,,,,,7c0,72b0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 11 12 5,,,,,,,,,,,c58e5 O0 11 12 9,,,,,,,,,,,c68e6 I1 5 10 5,,c58,5,,,,,, O1 5 10 9,,c68,6,,,,,, I2 10 9 5,,,,,,,a58f5,5 O2 10 9 9,,,,,,,a68f6,6 I3T 5 12 5,,,,,,,,,,58b5,5 O3T None I4T 11 5 5,,,a58g5,5 O4T None
11 5 9,,,a68g6,6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 10 9 1,,,,,c19d1,1,, O0 10 9 7,,,,,c19d1,1,, I1 5 10 1,,,19b1,1,,,,, O1 5 10 7,,,19b1,1,,,,, I2 10 11 1,,,,,,,h19,1,, O2 10 11 7,,,,,,,h19,1,, I3 11 5 1,,,,9i1 O3 11 5 7,,,,9i1 I4T 8 12 1,,,,,,,,,,,c19b1 O4T None I5T 9 9 1,,,a19e1,1,,,, O5T None
9 9 7,,,a19e1,1,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 6 10 7,,,,,,,d79,7, O0 6 10 d30,,,,,,,d38,d30, I1 11 5 7,,,f79b7,7 O1 11 5 f3c0,,,f38b0,f3c0 I2 10 11 7,,,,,,,,,f79a7,7 O2 10 11 f3b0,,,,,,,,,f38a0,f3b0 I3T 12 5 7,,a79h7,7, O3T None I4T 8 11 7,,,,,,,,,a79d7,7 O4T None
12 5 a3i0,,a38h0,a3i0,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 5 6 69b6,6,,,, O0 5 6 38b3,3,,,, I1 11 6 6,,,b69f6,6, O1 11 6 4,,,b38f3,3, I2 5 10 6,,,9c6,6,,,,, O2 5 10 4,,,8c3,3,,,,, I3 6 9 6,,69c6,6,,,,, O3 6 9 4,,38c3,3,,,,, I4T 9 11 6,,,,,,f696,6,,, O4T None I5T 7 7 6,,a69c6,6,,, O5T None
7 7 4,,a38c3,3,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 7 8 3,,,a31c3,3,,, O0 7 8 1,9e1,a9d1,a93c1,c9b1,d9a1,e91,9 I1 10 7 3,,,,a31f3,3, O1 10 7 1,,9h1,a9g1,a93f1,c9e1,d9d1 I2 11 7 3,,,,,f31b3,3 O2 11 7 b9g1,c9f1,d9e1,e9d1,f9c1,f93b1,h9a1 I3 8 9 3,,,,,1f3,3,, O3 8 9 1,,,,,3f1,a9e1,b9d1,c9c1 I4T 8 12 3,,,,,,,,,,e313,3 O4T None I5T 11 7 3,,,,,,f31b3 O5T None
11 7 a9h1,b9g1,c9f1,d9e1,e9d1,f9c1,f93b1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 9 5 6,d69b6,g62,6, O0 9 5 b5e2,d51b2,g51,5, I1 8 9 6,,,,,,,a62c69,6 O1 8 9 5,,,,,,,a51c51,2 I2 8 9 6,,,,d62a6,6,a69d6,6, O2 8 9 2,,,f25,d21a5,c2c5,a21d5,2f5,5 I3T 6 10 6,,,9d6,6,d62,6,,, O3T None
6 10 2,,,1d2,b5b2,d51,5,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 10 8 2,c26d2,2,,,,, O0 10 8 d0d1,c09d1,b0f1,a0g1,0h1,1,, I1 6 5 2,,d26,2, O1 6 5 0,,d09,c0a1,b0b1 I2 12 11 2,,,,,,,,a26h2,2, O2 12 11 i0a1,h0b1,g0c1,f0d1,e0e1,d0f1,c0g1,b0h1,a09h1,0j1,1 I3 8 9 2,,,,,d26a2,2,, O3 8 9 0,,,f01,e0a1,d09a1,c0c1,b0d1,a0e1 I4T 7 5 2,,,,26d2 O4T None I5T 12 12 h26a2,2,,,,,,,,,, O5T None
12 12 h09a1,g0c1,f0d1,e0e1,d0f1,c0g1,b0h1,a0i1,0j1,1,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 8 9,,g91a9,9,,,,f97b9 O0 11 8 h7a0,,g76a0,g7b0,,,,f76b0 I1 10 12 9,,,,,,,f97a9,9,,,1h9 O1 10 12 0,,,,,,h07,f06a7,e0c7,c0e7,a0g7,6h7 I2 9 8 9,,,,,,f919,e97a9 O2 9 8 7,,,,,,f760,e76a0 I3T 9 6 a97e9,9,,b91d9,9, O3T None I4T 6 5 9,,,7c91,9 O4T None
9 6 a06e7,b0e7,,b06d7,c0d7,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 12 3,,,4i3,3,,,,,,b31f3,3 O0 11 12 2,,,0i2,6i2,,a6h2,,b6g2,,b60f2,c6f2 I1 10 8 3,,,d31c3,3,,d34c3,3 O1 10 8 e2c6,,,d20c6,e2c6,,d20c6,e2c6 I2 11 6 f34b3,3,,i31,3, O2 11 6 f60b2,g6b2,h6a2,i60,6, I3T 6 6 31c3,3,b34a3,3,, O3T None I4T 10 6 d34c3,1h3,3,,, O4T None
6 6 20c6,b2b6,b20a6,d26,2,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 5 7 2,,,,,,b282 O0 5 7 8,,,,,,b313 I1 9 12 2,,,,,,f282,2,,,, O1 9 12 8,,,,,,f313,3,,,, I2 5 9 2,b282,2,,,,,, O2 5 9 8,b313,3,,,,,, I3 11 12 2,,,,,,g28a2,2,,,, O3 11 12 8,,,,,,g31a3,3,,,, I4T 9 9 2,,,,,e28a2,2,, O4T None I5T 5 10 2,,,,,,,a28a2,2, O5T None
9 9 8,,,,,e31a3,3,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 5 8 24b2,2,,,,,, O0 5 8 94b9,9,,,,,, I1 12 7 2,,,,,,h24a2 O1 12 7 3,,,,,,h94a9 I2 9 10 2,,,,,f242,2,,, O2 9 10 3,,,,,f949,9,,, I3T 7 9 24d2,2,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 11 9 2,,,,d24d2,2,,, O4T None
7 9 94d9,9,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 5 8 7,,,2c7,7,,, O0 5 8 b1a0,a1b0,1c0,4c0,0,,, I1 8 5 7,c72b7,7,, O1 8 5 d1b0,c14b0,b1d0,a1e0,1f0 I2 8 12 7,,72e7,7,,,,,,,, O2 8 12 b1d0,a1e0,14e0,0,,,,,,,, I3T 10 10 7,,,c72d7,7,,,,, O3T None
10 10 f1b0,e1c0,d1d0,c14d0,b1f0,a1g0,1h0,0,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 8 11 1,b15c1,1,,,,,d19a1,1,, O0 8 11 b7d6,b71c6,c7c6,,,d7b6,,d71a6,e7a6,, I1 7 5 1,b19b1,a15c1,1, O1 7 5 d6a7,b61b7,a61c7,a6d7,6e7 I2 10 6 1,,19g1,1,,15g1 O2 10 6 a6g7,,61g7,a6g7,,61g7 I3 11 10 15h1,1,,,,,,a19g1,1, O3 11 10 71h6,a7h6,,,,,,a71g6,b7g6, I4T 10 9 1,,,,,g151,1,,9h1 O4T None I5T 10 8 1,,e15b1,1,,b19e1,1, O5T None
10 9 7,,,,,g716,e7c6,b7f6,1h6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 7 4,,3e4,4,,,0e4 O0 7 7 9e3,,5e3,9e3,,,5e3 I1 7 9 4,,d434,4,,,a40c4,4, O1 7 9 9,e93,d953,d9a3,c9b3,b9c3,a95c3,a9d3,9e3 I2 7 6 4,,3e4,4,,e40 O2 7 6 3,,5e3,b9c3,d9a3,e95 I3T 6 6 a40a43,4,,,, O3T None I4T 9 7 4,f404,4,,3g4,4, O4T None
6 6 a95a95,3,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 11 7 4,,i49,e40c4,4,, O0 11 7 8,,i87,e87c5,b8g5,5, I1 12 12 4,,,,,9j4,4,,,d40e4,4, O1 12 12 5,,,,,7j5,a8i5,b8h5,c8g5,d87e5,f8d5,g8c5 I2 10 10 g494,4,,,a40f4,4,,,, O2 10 10 g875,f8b5,e8c5,c8e5,a87f5,8h5,5,,, I3 6 5 b40a4,4,,,b49a4 O3 6 5 b57a8,b5b8,,,b57a8 I4T 8 8 4,49e4,4,,,,,e404 O4T None I5T 6 12 4,,,,,,0d4,4,,9d4,4, O5T None
6 12 8,,,,,,7d8,8,,7d8,8,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 11 12 9,,i91,9,,,,,3i9,9,, O0 11 12 5,,i59,h5a8,f5c8,e5d8,c5f8,a5h8,9i8,8,, I1 5 10 9,,,a93a9,91b9,9,,,, O1 5 10 8,c85,b8a5,a89a5,89b5,5,,,, I2 7 9 9,,,,,,,,1b93a9 O2 7 9 8,,,,,,,,9b59a5 I3T 10 10 9,,,,,a91f9,9,93g9,9, O3T None I4T 9 9 9,,f939,9,,,,,1g9 O4T None
10 10 d5d8,,c5e8,,b5f8,a59f8,a5g8,59g8,5h8,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 10 12 0,,h07,0,,,b05e0,0,,,, O0 10 12 6,,h60,g6a4,e6c4,d6d4,b60e4,a6g4,4,,, I1 7 6 0,,,b07a05,0, O1 7 6 4,,,b40a40,6, I2 7 11 0,,,b07b0,05d0,0,,,,, O2 7 11 6,,d6a4,b60b4,60d4,4,,,,, I3 11 6 0,h050,0,a07g0,0, O3 11 6 4,h406,e4d6,a40g6,6, I4T 7 11 0,,,,,,,b05b0,0,d070,0 O4T None I5T 7 11 0,,,b05b0,0,07d0,0,,,, O5T None
7 11 4,e46,d4a6,b40b6,b4c6,40d6,4e6,6,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 9 12 0,,,,b02d0,0,,,,,, O0 9 12 2,,,,b87d8,8,,,,,, I1 5 11 0,,,,,,c02,0,,, O1 5 11 2,,,,,,c87,8,,, I2 9 8 0,,b02d0,0,,,, O2 9 8 2,,b87d8,8,,,, I3 10 8 0,d02c0,0,,,,, O3 10 8 2,d87c8,8,,,,, I4T 11 6 0,,,d02d0,0, O4T None
11 6 2,,,d87d8,8,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 7 2,,,,,,f26 O0 8 7 6,,,,,,f93 I1 12 12 2,,,,,,,,b26g2,2,, O1 12 12 6,,,,,,,,b93g9,9,, I2 11 5 2,b26f2,2,, O2 11 5 6,b93f9,9,, I3 6 10 2,,,,,,,26c2,2, O3 6 10 6,,,,,,,93c9,9, I4T 12 11 2,,,,,d26e2,2,,,, O4T None I5T 11 9 2,,,,,6i2,2,, O5T None
12 11 6,,,,,d93e9,9,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 11 5,,f52,5,a54d5,5,,,,, O0 8 11 3,,f30,d3b8,a30d8,8,,,,, I1 10 5 5,a54c52a5,5,, O1 10 5 3,a30c30a3,8,, I2 6 10 5,a52b5,5,,,,,,,4d5 O2 6 10 b3b8,a30b8,a3c8,,,,3d8,,,0d8 I3T 10 10 5,,4h5,5,,,,,2h5,5 O3T None I4T 6 8 5,,c545,5,,,,c525 O4T None
6 8 c8a3,,c803,c8a3,,,,c803
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 10 6 4,,f41a4,4,, O0 10 6 e8c4,f8b4,f87a4,h84,8, I1 12 10 4,,,i414,4,,,,, O1 12 10 g8c4,h8b4,i8a4,i874,8,,,,, I2 6 6 c414,4,,,, O2 6 6 c874,8,,,, I3 12 11 4,,,,,,h41a4,4,,, O3 12 11 c8g4,d8f4,e8e4,f8d4,g8c4,h8b4,h87a4,j84,8,, I4T 10 6 g414,4,,,, O4T None I5T 11 9 4,,e41c4,4,,,,, O5T None
10 6 g874,8,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O3T
I0 8 6 1,,d15a1,1,, O0 8 6 f91,e9a1,d90a1,c9c1,b9d1,a9e1 I1 5 6 1,,,,b151,1 O1 5 6 9,,,c91,b901,a9b1 I2 11 8 1,,e15c1,1,,,, O2 11 8 g9b1,f9c1,e90c1,d9e1,c9f1,b9g1,a9h1,9i1 I3T 9 11 1,,a15e1,1,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 8 8 1,,,15e1,1,,, O4T None
9 11 c9d1,b9e1,a90e1,9g1,1,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 12 7,,e73c7,7,,,,,,,, O0 11 12 e3d0,,e38c0,e3d0,,,,,,,, I1 6 11 7,,,,,,,,,a73b7,7 O1 6 11 a3c0,,,,,,,,,a38b0,a3c0 I2 9 9 7,,,,,,3g7,7, O2 9 9 0,,,,,,8g0,0, I3T 10 6 7,,,,d73c7,7 O3T None
10 6 d3d0,,,,d38c0,d3d0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 7 9,,91d9,d929,9,, O0 7 7 5,,16d5,d165,1,, I1 5 10 9,,,,,,,,1c9,a92a9 O1 5 10 5,,,,,,,,6c5,a16a5 I2 12 5 192h9,9,,, O2 12 5 616h1,1,,, I3 7 12 9,,,d919,9,,,,,,,b92b9 O3 7 12 e15,,,d165,d1a5,,,,c1b5,,,b16b5 I4T 12 11 9,,,,,c91f9,9,,,2j9,9 O4T None I5T 9 12 9,,,,1g9,9,,,g92,9,, O5T None
12 11 i1a5,h1b5,g1c5,f1d5,e1e5,c16f5,c1g5,b1h5,a1i5,6j5,5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 6 d45b4,4,,,, O0 9 6 d94b0,c9d0,b9e0,a9f0,9g0,0 I1 6 7 4,,c454,4,,, O1 6 7 9,d90,c940,b9b0,a9c0,9d0,0 I2 9 5 4,,,,f454 O2 9 5 9,,,g90,f940 I3T 11 12 4,,,,,,,,b45f4,4,, O3T None I4T 12 11 4,,,,,,h45a4,4,,, O4T None
12 11 9,,,,j90,i9a0,h94a0,g9c0,f9d0,e9e0,d9f0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 6 8 0,,,,d03,b06a0,0, O0 6 8 3,,,,d34,b34a2,3d2,2 I1 6 5 0,,b06a0,d03,0 O1 6 5 3,a2c3,b24a3,d24,2 I2 11 7 0,,b06f0,0,e03c0,0, O2 11 7 2i3,a2h3,b24f3,d2e3,e24c3,g2b3,i23 I3T 6 8 0,,,,,,b03a0,6d0 O3T None
6 8 3,,,,,,b34a2,4d2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 5 8,89c8,c818,8, O0 6 5 6,08c6,c086,0, I1 12 8 8,a81h8,8,,,,,c89f8 O1 12 8 a6i0,a68h0,b6h0,,,c6g0,,c68f0 I2 7 7 8,,1e8,8,b89b8,8, O2 7 7 0,,8e0,a6d0,b68b0,d6a0,e60 I3T 11 11 8,,d89d8,8,e81c8,8,,,,, O3T None I4T 8 9 8,,,,c89b8,e818,8,, O4T None
8 9 6,,0f6,b0d6,c08b6,e086,0,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 8 7,72d7,7,,,,, O0 7 8 a9d0,94d0,0,,,,, I1 7 12 7,,,,,e72,7,,,,, O1 7 12 9,,,,,e94,d9a0,c9b0,b9c0,a9d0,9e0,0 I2 9 8 7,,,d72b7,7,,, O2 9 8 g90,f9a0,e9b0,d94b0,c9d0,b9e0,a9f0,9g0 I3T 8 11 7,,,,d72a7,7,,,,, O3T None I4T 7 7 7,,,,,,2e7 O4T None
7 7 e90,d9a0,c9b0,b9c0,a9d0,9e0,4e0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O3T
I0 12 11 b76g7,7,,71i7,7,,,,,, O0 12 11 b14g8,b1h8,a1i8,14i8,1j8,8,,,,, I1 12 11 7,,,,,h71a7,7,,,,6j7 O1 12 11 8,,,,j81,h84a1,g8c1,e8e1,c8g1,a8i1,4j1 I2 9 6 1g7,7,d76b7,7,, O2 9 6 4g1,b8e1,d84b1,g81,8, I3T 8 8 7,,,,c71b7,a76d7,7, O3T None I4T 6 8 7,,,,,,76c7,d71 O4T None
8 8 8,,,e8a1,c84b1,a84d1,1,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict image
I0 10 6 g818,8,,,, O0 10 6 g312,f3b2,e3c2,d3d2,c3e2,b3f2 I1 7 6 8,,c81a8,8,, O1 7 6 e32,d3a2,c31a2,b3c2,a3d2,3e2 I2 8 5 8,,,e818,8 O2 8 5 3,,f32,e312,d3b2 I3T 6 11 8,,,,1d8,8,,,,, O3T None
6 11 c3a2,b3b2,a3c2,3d2,1d2,2,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 8 5,,,,,,,c58b5 O0 8 8 1,,,,f14,e1a4,d1b4,c18b4 I1 11 7 5,,,h585,5,, O1 11 7 1,,i14,h184,g1b4,f1c4,e1d4 I2 9 11 5,,,,e58a5,5,,,,, O2 9 11 1,,g14,f1a4,e18a4,d1c4,c1d4,b1e4,a1f4,1g4,4 I3 9 5 5,,,,8g5 O3 9 5 c1d4,b1e4,a1f4,1g4,8g4 I4T 9 12 5,,,,,,,,e58a5,5,, O4T None I5T 5 8 5,8c5,5,,,,, O5T None
9 12 1,,,,,,g14,f1a4,e18a4,d1c4,c1d4,b1e4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 12 9 2,,,,,e20d2,2,,b27g2 O0 12 9 2,j26,i2a6,h2b6,g2c6,e25d6,e2e6,d2f6,b25g6 I1 9 12 2,27f2,2,,,,c20c2,2,,,, O1 9 12 6g2,65f2,a6f2,b6e2,,c6d2,c65c2,d6c2,e6b2,,f6a2, I2 5 8 7c2,2,,,,,,c20 O2 5 8 5c2,6c2,a6b2,,b6a2,,c62,c65 I3 9 8 e27a2,2,,,,,20f2,2 O3 9 8 e65a2,e6b2,d6c2,c6d2,b6e2,a6f2,65f2,6g2 I4T 9 12 e27a2,2,,,,,a20e2,2,,,, O4T None I5T 8 7 2,a27d2,0f2,2,,, O5T None
9 12 e65a2,e6b2,d6c2,c6d2,,b6e2,a65e2,a6f2,6g2,2,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 5 11 8,,,,,,,,,c83,8 O0 5 11 8,,,,,0c8,a0b8,b0a8,c08,c02,0 I1 7 7 8,,,,a83c8,8, O1 7 7 8,,0e8,a0d8,a02c8,c0b8,d0a8 I2 9 7 8,,,83f8,8,, O2 9 7 8,,0g8,02f8,b0e8,c0d8,d0c8 I3T 5 5 8,,83b8,8, O3T None
5 5 8,0c8,02b8,b0a8,c08
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 10 7,c72b7,7,,,,,,,a70d7 O0 8 10 d0b5,c04b5,c0c5,,,,b0d5,,,a04d5 I1 8 10 7,,,,b72b70,7,,,, O1 8 10 5,,,,b04b04,0,,,, I2 8 6 7,,b70c7,7,e727,7 O2 8 6 0,a5e0,b54c0,d5b0,e540,5 I3T 5 12 7,,,,,,,b707,7,,,c72 O3T None I4T 11 12 7,,,g72a7,7,,f70b7,7,,,, O4T None
11 12 i05,h0a5,,g04a5,g0b5,,f04b5,f0c5,,,e0d5,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 9 12 0g4,4,f494,4,,,,,,,, O0 9 12 2g5,c3d5,f325,3,,,,,,,, I1 9 10 4,,,,,e49a4,4,,d40b4,4 O1 9 10 g53,,f5a3,,,e52a3,e5b3,,d52b3,d5c3 I2 12 11 4,,,,,,a40h4,4,,c49f4,4 O2 12 11 5,,,3j5,,a3i5,a32h5,b3h5,c3g5,c32f5,d3f5 I3T 9 7 4,,,a40e4,4,a49e4,4 O3T None I4T 10 11 4,,,,e40b4,4,g494,4,,, O4T None
9 7 b3e5,,,a32e5,b3e5,a32e5,b3e5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 9 7,,,,72e7,a78d7,7,, O0 8 9 2,,,4f2,40e2,a40d2,c4c2,d4b2,e4a2 I1 7 12 7,b72b7,7,8e7,7,,,,,,, O1 7 12 d4a2,b40b2,a4d2,0e2,2,,,,,,, I2 10 12 7,72g7,7,,,,,,b78e7,7,, O2 10 12 4h2,40g2,a4g2,,,b4f2,,,b40e2,c4e2,, I3T 6 8 7,,,,d72,7,8d7,7 O3T None
6 8 4,,,,d40,b4b2,0d2,2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 9 11 5,,c58c5,5,,g51,5,,,, O0 9 11 a9f6,b9e6,c93c6,e9b6,f9a6,g93,9,,,, I1 8 7 5,,,51e5,a58d5,5, O1 8 7 9,,,63e9,a63d9,b6d9,c6c9 I2 8 9 5,,,,d58a5,c51b5,5,, O2 8 9 9,,,f96,d93a6,c93b6,c9c6,b9d6,a9e6 I3 6 7 5,,1d5,5,a58b5,5, O3 6 7 9,,3d9,6d9,a63b9,b6b9,c6a9 I4T 12 10 i515,5,g58b5,5,,,,,, O4T None
12 10 i639,h6b9,g63b9,f6d9,e6e9,d6f9,c6g9,b6h9,a6i9,6j9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 6 7 6,,,b63a6,6,c616,6 O0 6 7 a8c7,b8b7,,b89a7,c8a7,c897,d87 I1 10 11 6,,,f61a6,6,,,a63f6,6,, O1 10 11 7,,h78,f79a8,e7c8,d7d8,c7e8,a79f8,7h8,8, I2 8 10 6,,,,e616,6,,,,63e6 O2 8 10 7,,,f78,e798,d7b8,c7c8,b7d8,a7e8,79e8 I3 8 9 6,,,,,,e616,6,b63c6 O3 8 9 7,,,,,,e798,d7b8,b79c8 I4T 11 6 6,,,,a613f6,6 O4T None
11 6 8,,,,a8a9f8,7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 5 d36d3,3,a37g3,3, O0 11 5 d13d4,c1f4,a13g4,1i4,4 I1 5 12 b363,7c3,3,,,,,,,,, O1 5 12 b134,3c4,4,,,,,,,,, I2 12 7 3,d37e3,f36c3,3,,, O2 12 7 c4g1,d43e1,f43c1,i4a1,4,, I3 7 7 3,,e37,3,36d3,3, O3 7 7 4,,e43,c4b1,43d1,1, I4T 11 12 3,,,,,b37f3,3,g36a3,3,,, O4T None
11 12 1,,,,4i1,b43f1,e4d1,g43a1,4,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 12 5 4,,a41h4,4, O0 12 5 c5g4,b5h4,a53h4,5j4,4 I1 5 11 a41a4,4,,,,,,,,, O1 5 11 a53a4,5c4,4,,,,,,,, I2 5 5 4,b414,4,, O2 5 5 c54,b534,a5b4,5c4,4 I3T 5 10 4,1c4,4,,,,,,, O3T None
5 10 5c4,3c4,4,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 6 10 1,,,,,,,,d13,19c1 O0 6 10 1,,,,,,,,d16,16c4 I1 7 9 1,,,,a139b1,1,,, O1 7 9 4,,,,a1a6b1,1,,, I2 12 6 1,c19f1,d13e1,1,, O2 12 6 b4h1,c46f1,d46e1,e4e1,f4d1,g4c1 I3 10 12 1,,e19b1,1,,,,,,,3h1,1 O3 10 12 g4a1,f4b1,e46b1,e4c1,d4d1,c4e1,b4f1,,a4g1,4h1,6h1,1 I4T 12 12 1,,,,,,,,,13i1,i191,1 O4T None I5T 10 9 1,d13c1,1,,,,,9h1,1 O5T None
12 12 4,,,,,,,,,16i4,i164,1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 6 0,,06h0,0,,c01e0 O0 11 6 0,2i0,26h0,b2g0,c2f0,c26e0 I1 6 9 d06,01c0,0,,,,,, O1 6 9 d26,26c0,0,,,,,, I2 5 8 0,,,,c01,0,6c0,0 O2 5 8 0,,,,c06,a0b2,6c2,2 I3T 6 9 c060,b01a0,0,,,,,, O3T None
6 9 c260,b26a0,b2b0,a2c0,2d0,0,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 12 11 7,,,,,,,,,,g74b7 O0 12 11 9,,5j9,a5i9,b5h9,c5g9,d5f9,e5e9,f5d9,g5c9,g50b9 I1 5 10 a74a7,7,,,,,,,, O1 5 10 a50a9,c59,5,,,,,,, I2 5 5 7,4c7,7,, O2 5 5 9,0c9,a5b9,b5a9,c59 I3T 5 12 7,c74,7,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 5 12 7,,,,c74,7,,,,,, O4T None
5 12 5c9,a5b9,b5a9,c59,c50,5,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 8 9,e909,9,,,,, O0 8 8 e0a6,e036,0,,,,, I1 6 10 9,,,,,,,,,a90b9 O1 6 10 6,,,,,,,0d6,a0c6,a03b6 I2 8 5 9,,f90,9, O2 8 5 e0a6,f06,f03,0, I3T 11 8 9,,,,90h9,9,, O3T None I4T 9 5 9,,,e90a9,9 O4T None
9 5 c0d6,d0c6,e0b6,e03a6,g06
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 11 5 4,,,e48c4,4 O0 11 5 h8a3,g8b3,f8c3,e89c3,d8e3 I1 6 10 4,,,,,,a48b4,4,, O1 6 10 8,,,d83,c8a3,b8b3,a89b3,8d3,3, I2 12 6 4,,j48,4,, O2 12 6 8,,j89,i8a3,h8b3,g8c3 I3T 6 12 4,,,,,,,,,,48c4,4 O3T None I4T 10 5 4,,,,e48b4 O4T None
6 12 8,,,,,,d83,c8a3,b8b3,a8c3,89c3,3
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 7 10 0,,,,,5e0,0,,, O0 7 10 9,,,,,0e9,9,,, I1 5 6 0,c05,0,,, O1 5 6 c69,c60,c69,,, I2 11 10 0,,,,,,,,05h0,0 O2 11 10 6i9,,,,,,,,60h9,6i9 I3 6 7 0,,,,,,5d0 O3 6 7 9,,,,,,0d9 I4T 10 11 0,,,,,e05b0,0,,,, O4T None I5T 7 10 0,b05b0,0,,,,,,, O5T None
7 10 b6c9,b60b9,b6c9,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 10 1,,,e121,1,a16d1,1,,, O0 8 10 8,,,e841,d8b1,a84d1,8f1,1,, I1 7 10 1,,,,b16b1,1,,,d121,1 O1 7 10 1e8,a1d8,,b1c8,b14b8,c1b8,,d1a8,d148,e18 I2 12 8 1,,d16e1,1,a12h1,1,, O2 12 8 g1c8,f1d8,d14e8,c1g8,a14h8,1j8,8, I3 8 7 1,a12d1,1,,f16,1, O3 8 7 8f1,a84d1,c8c1,e8a1,f84,8, I4T 8 6 1,e121,1,b16c1,1, O4T None I5T 5 12 2c1,1,,,,,,,,,,c16 O5T None
8 6 8,e841,d8b1,b84c1,a8e1,8f1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 9 10 8,,,,,f848,8,f838,8, O0 9 10 f4a9,,,,,f409,f4a9,f409,f4a9, I1 10 8 8,f83a8,8,,f84a8,8,, O1 10 8 g9a4,f90a4,g9a4,,f90a4,g9a4,, I2 9 5 8,,,,4e838 O2 9 5 9,,,,0e909 I3T 5 12 8,a83a8,8,,b848,8,,,,,, O3T None
5 12 a9b4,a90a4,b9a4,,b904,c94,,9,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 9 8,,,,,,89a85b8,8, O0 8 9 2,,,,,,25a25b2,7, I1 5 8 b858,8,,89b8,8,,, O1 5 8 b257,b2a7,a2b7,25b7,2c7,7,, I2 8 10 8,c85b8,8,,,c89b8,8,,, O2 8 10 d2b7,c25b7,d2b7,,,c25b7,d2b7,,, I3T 7 5 8,,,,a85a898 O3T None
7 5 7,,,,a25a252
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 9 1,,,,,,9g1,1, O0 9 9 e0b7,d0c7,c0d7,b0e7,a0f7,0g7,5g7,7, I1 9 10 1,,,,,,,d19b1,1, O1 9 10 0,,,,g07,f0a7,e0b7,d05b7,c0d7,b0e7 I2 9 12 e19a1,1,,,,,,,,,, O2 9 12 e05a7,d0c7,c0d7,b0e7,a0f7,0g7,7,,,,, I3 6 8 1,a19b1,1,,,,, O3 6 8 b0b7,a05b7,0d7,7,,,, I4T 12 12 1,,,,b19g1,1,,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 5 1,,,f19,1 O5T None
12 12 f0d7,e0e7,d0f7,c0g7,b05g7,a0i7,0j7,7,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 11 8,,,,,c89828,8,,,, O0 8 11 6,,,,,c67676,2,,,, I1 10 7 8,,,,89a82d8,8, O1 10 7 6,,,,67a67d6,2, I2 9 7 8,,,2g8,9g8,8, O2 9 7 6g2,,,7g2,,6g2, I3T 8 12 8,e898,8,,,,,,,,,f82 O3T None I4T 11 6 8,2i8,8,,89h8,8 O4T None
11 6 2,7i2,6i2,,67h2,a6h2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O5T, predict image
I0 10 7 8,6h8,1h8,8,,, O0 10 7 6h1,8h1,,6h1,,, I1 10 5 d86c8,8,,81g8,8 O1 10 5 d68c1,c6e1,b6f1,68g1,1 I2 11 8 i86,81h8,8,,,,, O2 11 8 i68,68h1,1,,,,, I3 5 7 8,,,,c81,86b8,8 O3 5 7 1,,,,c18,18b6,6 I4T 8 11 8,,,,,d81a8,e868,8,,, O4T None I5T 7 12 8,,,,a86c8,8,,,,,e81,8 O5T None
7 12 1,6e1,,a6d1,a68c1,b6c1,c6b1,d6a1,,e61,e68,6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O3T
I0 12 9 9,,,d97e9,9,,h91a9,9, O0 12 9 7j6,b7h6,c7g6,d75e6,f7d6,g7c6,h75a6,j76,7 I1 7 9 b91b9,97d9,9,,,,,, O1 7 9 b65b7,65d7,7,,,,,, I2 11 10 9,,a91g9,9,i97,9,,,, O2 11 10 7,,a65g7,f6c7,i65,6,,,, I3T 7 7 9,,,,,7e9,1e9 O3T None
7 7 6,,,,,5e6,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 5 9 0,,,,6c0,0,,, O0 5 9 c26,b2a6,a2b6,2c6,7c6,6,,, I1 9 6 0,,f060,0,, O1 9 6 2,g26,f276,e2b6,d2c6,c2d6 I2 9 11 6g0,0,,,,,,,,, O2 9 11 7g6,6,,,,,,,,, I3T 9 8 0,,,06f0,0,,, O3T None
9 8 c2d6,b2e6,a2f6,27f6,6,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 5 2,,g29a2,2, O0 11 5 0,,g73a7,7, I1 5 12 2,a29a2,2,,,,,,,,, O1 5 12 0,a73a7,7,,,,,,,,, I2 12 5 2,,f29c2,2, O2 12 5 0,,f73c7,7, I3 7 7 2,,,29d2,2,, O3 7 7 0,,,73d7,7,, I4T 11 7 a29g2,2,,,,, O4T None
11 7 a73g7,7,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 11 5,,,58a50b5,5,,,,,, O0 8 11 0,,,46a46b4,4,,,,,, I1 12 6 f580b5,5,,,, O1 12 6 f4a6b4,4,,,, I2 11 9 5,,e50c5,5,,e58c5,5,, O2 11 9 e0d4,,e06c4,e0d4,,e06c4,e0d4,, I3 6 5 b50a5,5,,58c5,5 O3 6 5 b06a4,b0b4,a0c4,06c4,0d4 I4T 12 11 5,,,,,,e50d5,5,,j58,5 O4T None I5T 7 9 5,,a5850a5,5,,,,, O5T None
12 11 4,,,0j4,b0h4,d0f4,e06d4,g0c4,i0a4,j06,0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b